• I 1 1 4 , "• ', M .t.`u`_:' "t': ' ,'::`?..,.`»?'?.. -„ '_._a_._-^t-;xS.''_.~.c::=•m,. ~:-,;, c .-.5.-xm- ,- v . ,~,.d, n-m..,, <_.r .._a:c. , asw, r -~, ... -'- ight MintTelt Olax(t.e. WEDNESDA.T; DXIEII3EII2I, .1864. - - 111 1 1' MID 8111110111113. . . Eft:Wily 'Work In Cleixfield County !lino- tern Deserters Captured...ft Moldier Ma ! - . Murderer Killed. - LOW week t brto .companio of the' 16th regt: MCM•ef the - Veteran-Iteserre COrps,Winder Major arrived at PLlllipshnig,to look ayes the deseters that - nfield corinty. . em rlnfest . Clear . • - It.wlll be rembezed that. a:large Faille meet lag Was held in , Clearfield 'ln. August :last, at • w ep h iml ltixofienatoe Ifiglir and Senator Wallace in resistance to the draft. Its ethstwas. triake that country a rendezvous for deserters . • ~from all parts of the errantry. The worst pace • It It was Xnex township, where, it Is saki, they bads iegttlar.forx-prepared, and kept up a thor garb orgauMetion. On Tuesdaycvtnlngtint : - , Major.Ciabel received Information ll:endure we he a-ndeserters' ball. at the house or One Tom L r - t: • Adam/1.1.2!e - rhigleader or the outlaws, in Knox Immediately dltpatehed Captain. Mn do a :detachment or thirty' 10 4 00 . 1 . 41 47ietl Infantry; to arrest them. They .. ntrivertnear. am: house about eleven o'clock. _The captain ordered the cavalry to surround: the • iknse, an With thelnfehbry advanced-towards door. r -ha . reached the steps, he heeld ,itogree one =elem. "Zuni kdmed the soldkee 1?' eta Imniedlittely made a rnsh.wlth .his men, Ind •• : stictcoled In capturing all the inmate!) of the house, tieltein of whom proud to be !deserters, ~wnd thrtootbua were supposed to bet their alders sal abettOes„. Adams, the lulu,- rushed: up stairs; and fired outof one of the -upper windOws ,:larlAwftfelcistirionitding the-bout . /de shot three tt ,Thd. last instantly kiting'a young man Kkat'L rood.. He then jumped to the s..,...greeaemdeteleaeoreakt otettpe. but was 43".a.volleorgeom the soldlere. the pelionere number or Intaxisiing letters; shearing the crow! • "..-Pu l,Rf,TsrluW Itaults, mere laud; togeth, tr • w um revolvers and three guns; andtheneeetil `airy am6idbltlon The men were 'takes „under sittardt4 diarriabtag:' t EdgarL. Read, tbC'eollief who Was =Ude:att.- Wu a citizen of Claremont, N. IL . lie was -,:pvendsling young man, much be/Gratify his earn radeC,,with whom he bad bout but a short time, bating :tall recenur..beeti Aiwa:X.lmi 'to the * :TtferiVa.Reerve :-. Corpe; after two years" hard union intbe field • , Marti Credit Is dne to the officers and men;en 1n 3inthbt.aBair.ibr - the _ haulier In which It V.Jutroanaged. 'Cupful - it Ekipthwottb Is a'akillfal as irell lite a brave officer, and :Is,' the same time, a cultivated - gentleman.. Major Gabel -• determined to .make thOrough work of the re `,Mance to" he draft" - in Clearfield comity, and arrest everyman concerned In It, without - . fear, favor, or &adieu." ltd tben Replied. tripllcoMMl4ll made In tbe United St ates ;211140 Cotut,: before Judge McCandless, 'this :Mont% bry. Lietd. N. G. Cnablog; Post; Com -li:tatatitafel; Alteluirge of Sergeant Jam rooky.; wbo sod. Itiliok . Thotilas Farley, iss l hlCeMMd.i./is' an officer of the kaird. '` Wea 2 iliced bidistborgithe defendant ,4toin,the =handy of the 13bertt4 arida net of Cott. sikmet cif.,U4l3; and stirrenderldtor for trial by court ,iguatlat.r.Ttte application westward dell o'clock,- , and waestried et great length ti y United , : States :i- IdetYletAttemer,putialutn;lbr the applicant; by C- ','lDLEttli'l Attorney 'ffirkparlek fn bebelf of the I!.litatoof - Peunaylrania,nnd by Maj..fyld. Brown. on behalf of John H. Stbwatt,_ r.eq., sheriff'. ot _ke 4 tbe wady" M ; leboiMetettedy t h e : defendant ce- 'CCa a tq c idst lseAd ft a i b a b ppll all t M na n d ulg" o Tematid a.. •l e the primar a g: cusu t ty n ot n tlie flit MI, on first attachdt bY the 'a o men of a c. 'ratting' by the Beate antlunitles. •s =. :.- A Now Swindling Dodket, *Mtn Ter7 s rlthig fdrorelf as -an. agent tor , the airpreat .oompany, tittemped !to ,itWhidipctennibm.. of ln Alfa wheny,biaiiing at their residence:l with parka : lurportiiig to contain money', and .demaid . 3ng„, 'rhargia on the,Winie. Be kid obtained , . Vavelopot: rued by the compauy for ir, ..,jran)utitting money:MAni er9ritng , themwhh -paper, and ;witting thereon -the name of some prominent Clasen, called around ablhar re*” is denote todeliver them; generally deauciding two 1 ' ; t r b t i l eltli d tal l teti7 of the ry s= i ; _ifteq.,-Idi e W. Jacobi's, Da. , Capt. Birmingham, - 1 . , lin Wright, (oflt=goleder Co.) and others. W 2 a ZO . ,I427JRICa t. ailfia, however; An his wynationa... AtliaJaccdaaa' got 7 the amount. Vtllrtltle. )lA 4l 2 w 4 Doetlr eli,l, l" ;&,,;arttg absent with dark hair, black eyes, awl ftudikafab,l7 , Chutwelf.f Ha -15 - a • bold swami; Mid • tfia.pollee and the piddle should keep a sheep look out for him. Mooka.Bar:ehe 4• ' (. 404 , R05:, Al?diheXcw 'Var.:a:fa elose at bald • ..-ts aelsvery•Cone • Is, Touting - unsold for the mat '_ 'atlltsDle La a friend or :Ctuistrisiss, le.-lea - tended wlikloyfhlrclsoclatkas, andthcily. • i140'4 iceclviniornresais_ contributes. no • webs tO Itte• Mtn* of. the occesban: In this con ;. - 4 -section It mince be: amiss - for - as. to mention . : Bak and Periodical -Banc of' Sax )'. Piz Books constitute ap eicellent and moat . • - --OPROstiste style of 'holiday resent, sad Bs Ids- Iltab/10131ent the taste - of the most fastidious Can - boeccommlxisted, he baring a choice stock. - aclything. In' elic line -of his :business. _ ,•This cargctle bookseller and • !easiness' man itatr.in.sfew:yunns -balk. ups , veryleari trade,. and•notrenioye a••patronage second to no 0110 in Tile Itu 1n the•eitr. Mr. llsant's• siak. for the, ••:, , ..10 11 1 3 4 111 s se sy - fa. end -completc,.oxibracing • •:t i f tn artielo tonallikept In Atka& class house of i. _ d„ including In part bibles, *aver boolO •• and h ymn manner of ,bindinge."All • , isof endjo moo and port rtar tames, whiting desks„ work -ios. .& specla llof this house is Juvenile and Toy •• Books; of whkh there Is en extraordlnarysar} •ety,ii On Mr. llrmt's counters will be found cr, • --ery Altair numikr and variety of whieti-no ;.‘esclaatatilnk of naming. • Mr. IL has, also, is e - large' ad . beautifal 'assortment of 'PliclograPockeeph "- Albums;Oold I'enis. French Inands, • • ?•'llooks, end kst endless of articles eie •• • atlyrodied for Christmas gifts. Mtn 3fr. Runt a all between this and New Rear's. - Ms Okla • •of busbiesi Is at ti9.piftb strict, lisMitsonleitalL • . Information: ZYApjbd, lam; T , . 18, 1 0 77F,TP Sham. of litiiiiazioY ellY .deiniyikdi county,-Pa:,. Is Jury. Oestrous of Mi r' tabling hilblinellork of her , husband, John Retl . Moadrodyegbant, . who left home on the Ci et or October last, and , was seen in lutairiuk s i t =fewAsia 'afterwards. eta also heeld; a mite. "Ilk be Nil come to `Pittsburgh, - . int! being Inl ,artec,had. been locked up a room.' Ile left kerne -10 - 'attend to business, and , was° mach trailed to mind le regard to the result of bli joarriey.' nets a lawyer by profession, and about - ,twerity-Suir yearsof age lie Is low In stature; .' rather steetly built, has light beterp hair, grey eyes; zed beardlike blw chin. 'lie war last sir s tistAtioonaoua train bound, for the west: Any IntellVetkelterpeetlng ' blur wilt 'be 'gladly rek veiled by his.4l ...01`.1tra . acid relatives.' Thclate 'We hare elreadx reported ! ! ho dmlirabirot-Mr.J Alliader,lehde eroesingdie ricer in a 47.3 T, on "Idt. G0940-B. ffsh of, Btathm, informs us that' on ilitrtnisi - - forenoon he masted In catalog -a iikur, oppo site hie place of realdenee. The al itrwaa tomttA ,1 bottom opottut Inside was tan Ay Coat of Man itrrentMent cloth; also, a tin dinner budOt, with! Potid lied it: nose ,arilelet 'were thntid when the akiliwas righted. A wooledl mr-notorbrt and hat were peen floating near the boat, ta nie thickest of the tee; Tho boot, • - Mr. Ilafitemession Chiige of Riot. Ihn:Onten named Davld Janes, Wau. Glover and Wm. McZ'ormlek, entered the taverp,of Mr.! O'Rourke; Oraaf:siicet, on Mondiiy eVenitni and' acted. In . a _most disorderly . manner. 'O'Rourke ; be remembered; was attatked tand , serioaSkj - stabbed on Sattn.day night, and .11mm was not able to' prevent this' rowdyism.: 'llli, wife, Jane O'Rourke, appeared before Mayor 'Lowry, and preferred a charge of riot Against ; ,• :the *bete tanned defendants, who were All cont . mitred - to answer. at the next term' of. Court.. Glover wassubsequently released on 31,000 ball. . AcOmmzr TO Tun STEAI4IOI .PtiTZLOLIA.—On Friday evening last, as the steamer Petrone was 6hcheu Abe iharf at l'arker'A Landlngt'on the .allegteny rircr,.an oar projectlhg from an oil hoot, tan tiumugh the aide of the resod, deinot- Ishlog two Mate rooms and Injuring One or two Icuttiengirs .srho were.. steeptn4 In them al the time. A young Datum" George McCandleis, was an occupant of one of the berths, and had his band;cruahed Ina.terriWo ma/incr. narrowly. • . eerapeditenth, the oar - stela grazing hts eheetc. ' Another had the coat torn caThLs bad:. The ac• . cident isittltilitted to earelesiness. liniilliininua.=•A numerously Mg - nod - pod SanwW(ibe pretented to' the, La,tislaturonarly hlfalornatrr 3 44l , ig for a. atutner to a Tamil° 4owpan7 arluckpropose to hada mad frimi this icll~ro.loterseeMhi National plk - e anne plams bo tareenCentrealla and, Hillsbom. %They will ask • 'reclidsilonlo &asp ilia owed' to. dot aura of fwisilegn of Fain ?calm and - mmlortin g upon that par of tha ,tonth zAT.OO: =ler. 4rlStb 2E4 5114* - 6 11eld 4.121X6key; IwoptietaG. day and Wed. E,ez /11M111 /IC all "MOIR arced up at all kliars, BundaP enng4 - - . L rairfrAtrivitovirkracirresr Crrr...,.r.. Carat, We antics that the Captain or tote nsgut watch, James M'Vicher, F,a4b., is a candidate for the Mayoralty of Our slater city. The gallant ; Captain, early in the war, Lft a good tra4e„ a large family, and with three seas enlisted its a .torbrikte..lO-thlelvervice.- 'Meritorious eandtmt;and bravery in battle secured Lim promotion; .and after three yeam arduous service In the tented field he returned to the bosom of his family; Lis EOM re-enlisting, giving thoh youth aud vigor to their rotratry, white insisting on their father's qider and more experienced arm protecting their '...mother and tbe Mao ones at home. The posi tien.of Captaloof the night watch was tendered and- faithfully. fulfilled, giving ample evi dence not only of personal bravery; but of 'Mel ,. ligmee and capacity as a laikkor administrative *dicer. When these qualities are found in a Soldier, we damn none more worthy of our drat , ltude, and all good citizens pill vote for the sun - browned soldier of a score of battles. Tho`pri mary meeting taken . place; on Saturday, Seth instant, and being far more Important. than election day, every loyal voter will attend, end, 7re,trtist; Wit cast his ballot for the Captain. Mawr VOTIMS. ; _ SPECIAL LOCAL. NOTICES. THOMAS W. PARRY, practical Slab; Roofer, bud Dealer In American Slate, of...various ortfera. Oi;lee at Alexander Laughlin's, near the guitar Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 711 ike street- Orders promptly attended to. All work. warranted. water _proof. Repairing done at `the shortest notice. No charge for maga, provided the roof is not abruted after It is put on. • New GoonS just: rmerreit as ttte.-aferelmat Tallorhg•estabUshrnent of 101rabsta km. 78 s o iudeld:i4ml, We Would.most far pectfully.incite,the atteatlori . ofour:friends and 'hepatic. in general. to our new stocked' fall ant whiter goods. Thep:mania all the 'spry latest styles of English, French aid American clothe% cosh:nitres and ragas% on of the:thieet qttalkty, and Is selected with tha greatest eve. Omni:men destrlngllmbionable and well 'aide clothing, would do 'wen, •to give us a call befctie porchashig elsewhere. Ev•rf garment in' war. rattled to give hill aatlsfaction In both pries 41,1 .Gnanut IlleCmcoures, • Merchant - Tailors. Smithfield . • .iirketaLlVirrick.--The attentkm of our mar ers Is 'diected to , the brilliant asiortment a- Fall and Winter floods. Just received by on !Mend Mr. John-Weler, No. 126 Federal scrod, Allegheny. , Ills sada comprises a great variety Of Fancy Frencli,Engilsb.; Scotch and Amadeu& Caiolmeres mid Cloths, and fine Silk and Cato& mere Vestlitga, all of 'which , will be made ap to order in the latest styles and In the beat manner. 1 choice selection or Furnishing Goods also'on land and for sale, together lON 'fall stock of Ready Made Clothing, well and fashionably Itleaate STATC3.BI", Mesita, dso.—The • Vitt Brothers' sale of their elegant lmportatlons ; of Italian work Is now on exhibition on second flisir of Mellwalne'sluctionßconut,'Fifth Erect. This magnilleent collection Is lk wthy Of a tisk. Sale on .Wcdnesdarmorning at o'clock. Osamu and coinage cuis wM be take* at the omnibusoffloc, No. 410 ';Pens: street, day or might. All orders left at the above place will be promptly attended to. All calla must be paid i la Ti 'tisi• Brae Ati..--Tho call boots at Condert Bali Shoe Stor,e, 62 Fifth street; ~:Boorß.=Z{'e would call the attention of our TemJere to the elegant calf Wm*, .for gentlemen, at Concert:Hall Shoe Store... Canviritis tioirre, for ladics..aod gentlemin, *. 0 0 4 !=4. 44 .8 40 5t0.,%,6.21111b r A , 4:11.3A 1111.1111 M FITTfi.I3 lIRGIE THEATRE. FIFTH .ISTRHET.,,HEAR WOOD. Lewis .A.ND NA.NAOIE • WXL.BSSDINSON. 'Mere% notbing lIYe 10* ,Neer domestic drama, neve sonars, properties and autumn. - TILLS (wednallay.l EVlCTirta, The 'Ai* and dosneatic Drama, in tow acts, of intense interest, sensational character and at art =W..tdenta, acted lit London one handled nights Wall - the taincipikeitlec o f the, tinhan, entitled ..- - - • WASTING FOR - THE vxgqicor • • or;. 'TUE DARE , . DEED' El THE 'WOODS, Jonathan Hoseblette Willbut • Heaulersea; Xeirtha Reeeblade ' Annie Ebertte. '• • • 4Theeetthe coropeny will appear.) • . The :Tillage of Wtlverstfoke—Selzure of the Prieettee—The Trlal - by Night—M . :Wing_ for llte ASONIC M. HALL - son A Eznr Bars °ma CIIIIMIC14:11111118Dilt HMSO, Deember 224. THE NATIOWEINVII3INATION AND VARIETY SHOW, • The fas; best and Ordy complete organisation of the ki ndin existence. , CIItANDJILATTNEES.WysitASHordey -..rtftpagas-eack.netArkrit o clock, to Whim Chit - area will be admitted ALIO, cents each_. The following comprise, portion of ABS leading talent: • The SNOW BROTHERS ; (W:Ullmann& Benja min') end !Se ALEVANTIN IKROTHERS,} three In Duval l ! Ithe renowned Gyranseds t Acrobats and tgnvl b lZZlE somznEtr r the'gteat CriuMr*Ro Vocal ist,' and CARLTON the ; accomplished Songstress, will introducesirLietj of Duda, Bab lathy Comic and Seatimentsl Stings, DICK SANDS,, this renowned Clog Dancer, In his . wonderful Clog Dance; also his remarkably *musing veciallty, a:Wild Irish Jig. Miss - JES'SER ROBINSON, the exquisite Dons. Ouse; In her graceful and elegant poises and Mara _ . I ffml cts. . tEll ON; SLOAN, the great t Yankee Come. elan :Ltd Delineator of Comic Chlractcr. .111 i. HARRY BRYANT, the wonderful Ventrib ' oqUisk irJmitablelmitator and comierentomUnist. ,The FLORENTINE TROUPE, (eight In nun!. her,) as Mc Nrensfle .Maraboutk or the Wild NO- Mails of the Desert,* most exciting exhibitien of MI, strength and agility. The AUTOMATON LK ROPE VAULTER, the marvel of the 19th cordial-. A superb, troupe of performing DOGS 'AND MONKEYS, whose wonderful performances exceed In Interest and penny anything of the kth l i ever seen In America, Skii- A-Roaring Farce will bra given at each entef tainmentt also, a Comic. Trick Pantomime.. .10(- Tickets, no cents;. reserved seats, 69 cents. The ticket olltre will be open to the forenoon, Doti 103.6 to 13 o'clock. Doors Olsen at 7 7 40 e 0,0 . 41 11 rat 1 , 4 OMOCk. dr:l9:l6k , ntrrus AOM.IMIBY, Manager. BOOKS. .ILBUMS.-le. NEW BOOKS - DOWNIN TENNESSEE: • .71Is nets , vidurne - tri the author of "Amon the Pines, , ls Miley otlike wltd-lire, and can hardly be MA4/111111:40. ma t e ordenr your In fen it. It te crammed MI of material, most important to every one Interested In public elrairs, military or polltk cal, beddegbelng as thoroughly attractive and ab• sortie/1n ituddent auditoria. the-author's other books. ' Mao,cloth. II le. • ' • A new irktpeous. and final—ituo to make Idt. Onto, cloth, tinted paper, St . A new and promising nuttier le developed la tel# charming work of fiction. ?I:moo:loth, tinted pa THE. ART' OF 'OONVERSATION A solendta" book, thst:eieij , - One ought t• • tto; do= it '6O, THE, ALABAMA AND SUDTEN. Brelie Author of "Lay litiettoi""loxikediiiideao limo, cloth. St SO. -.. • • , • . JohnderstruleH Sin, ~Mloteoaet¢d passionate Love St t, letki Eyre style.. 12mo,eloth, tinted paper. - • kiiiirszazioin es• ce, ti . • MIS.IIOIIIIIOIt neii noreL Umo, cloth. II U. TALES PROM TIRE OPERAS, The plots of all the operas, An fleiluipe of . stoiles Ltlie, cloth. St 00. , • • - , • FOR SALE By HEM MEM . aiut 13*111tt street. AN. ELEGANT BOOK. ENACH AROFN, . , by Alfred Tennyson. Ticknor's new edition, tb noted with twenty beautiful drawing,. Price 111 00. DA li:V! i CLASBE & CO., • 97 VicoA!t.L3e, NEW AIULIILAY Elegant PresentaliotsThipolfs, . - And One edition. ni . :taruinnl Att I.si;rs fat. , , .RAY at. COnPANY'S, 55 Wiled *tree ~AI3ItIFICF::i i 717.4m:f:a11 . 7' J. L. IIli&D, =:i=sMn BABE IMITATION of my P.A:TMNI! A` COPYING PAPER to 110 W being orfcrod to the ipublio. . , , It is so rotten itutt when'dseiptened for eoPylog It' willtotrdly bold together by its own weight. tie: true to ask Stettonere,for i Xs.ktdoe. AM MANN, • Rogan ,-- , fillknith ttlt street, Phlladelphis. "JAYA COFFRE :Mg" - intmn - ,Jara 1 IF ' noinOust. receieNklao, old Ifhlte Legasyr i Oofftictor. WO,' the oir slag ....ed y. • J n. A. erelnaliA .11" delft ' ' Knee LlOgrty mid Egad suet .. . , . - . sipEc ra almccs pill-Thin...Wl SAW wolics .HUBBIRCIS EONG,, OPACTCAtft. PATENT Gr.OUNI) CiRCUI. tits, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, of qvery' do- scrll.l.loll. 81111, Blulny, Cress Cul, Gong, and 611 otticr vorirlies. , , 41tkit.dinstir.N1TES and SPRINDS, made from filicettlmat Steel; Extra Relined REAPER AND DICWING EN/ VES, tsc. AR — War, howl, and Works, corner WATER Sad SHORT STREF:Tr4, - Pittsburg.h. Particular attention giren to Retoothing,Utni ming sod Straightening Circular Sawa ; also,: re pairs of allkiati. Punotilni end Drilling done at reasoriailki, Wok, , ••P. I, Ap^342, scums VINEGAII, VA7IO7ACTIIIIED Br E. (ißOtlaCili, GERMANY, (Formerly MALLET ¢ CO., Cordeaus.) I Via only Vinegar avazdednwitho :Prize Malls', of atxty - ealittntont, at the International Et. Hon, London, and for Sale by F. in. BOLtItt&N, jeMeodtt %VEIT MAStegeeTei. WII. BAB:lb1111L.L. at CO.. 13 6ileilfttWorkeis, lore'. rr.op, Et, 94 and 26 PENN STREET. Raving ',Muted a Dirge.Yll4 and fun' wan the moat improredton_ clitnery, we are re ed to manufacture every dem. ription of BO in the beet manner,'..and Warranted enuat to made in the country. ORLMNEY LOC BRIM' FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIP .1, OMOTIVE BOILERS, 0 ONDEN SERA, SALT PANS, TARES, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS,_ SET,. TLING PANS, BOILER IRON , BRlGGifig, SUGAR PANWand sole ntanufacturen of BANN. RILL'S PATENT BOILFIN Repairing thins on the aborted notice. delalt U3 r 7 Lehr. SUPEJLIO - • . . • • Copper Will and Smelting Works. • PITTSBURGH. • PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Menufacteurers arairnavaraG, lIRA7.IER:O k BOLT COPPER, PRESSED LIOP.PER 1107. TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also Importers and dealers In ALS, TIN PLA I IE, r SHEET E Constantly on hand, DINERSMAC HI NES end TOOLS. Warehouse, No. lio FIEST and 123 SW OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders:Of Copper cut to any &lased pattern. rat M:lydaveT PLEA:eIk m e e t NOT' tilk THAT the tint meeting of the corpontion to he e filled the ENTERPRISE 01 L CO., will be held o TiillitSDAY, December 2Eith,l9lll, in Birming ham, al the Saw Min Office of Mr. John Redman. at tho south end of the 131rmlnelom Bridge, at o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organization, adep. lion of By-Laws, election of Officcm,. Ike , and tot the purposes authorized and moro particularly spe. olled In an Act of the Cleneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Perinsviranin. entitled An Act relating to Corporations for litlechanical,Hnnufac turing,Minlog and Quarrying purpoeta,^ltpproved tl t leth day of July, ISM. JenAiwdew A. C. s3tlylr, See'y, pro teen - THE AND WEPT:: .lIIENOII OF ANCONFENNIONN INVALID, published for the benefit All as a lemming and caution to young men wbl soffer from Nervous Debility, Pin. mature Dway,of Manhood, eta., eupplying, et the same tima,`tEc wean. of , 4f care by one who by cured himself after being put to great expense sad Injury through medlealbumbug and quackery. By enclosing a postzpald addressed envelope, sin gle copier Unpile - had or the author. ' NATIIANIEL MAYFAIR, . •-•.Esq., deSlmdewr BedfoucKlogx county, N. Y. TO, 111.12STOUS - SIVEYESIZIRS Or BOTH SEX.L.-A reverend gentleman hay log been restored to health - 1n is for demands on ng the rumal routine and Irregular saperolve d m e ole °,l of treatment without mama% einasidera It bit sacred duty to tom =Meat. hhsalllicted creatures the meansot mum Menet, on the receipt otan laktressed enve=e, he willcerld,frce. • cell le the prescription Direct to Dr, JOLLN Id. DAGS.&LL, 166 runes t!Nrettlis:Yr nadtaydanT .ROBINSON, REA a C 9.. (successor 2 ••=or : to ROISISISON, MINIS it. Mgr-Lest..,) . i - ~ Washington Works, i • FOUNDERS AND ZSACIiINISTS, Pn-rAorropx. Moordsof torn of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, LAST ENGINES, MII.I. CIIEVERY, GEARING, SITAPIING, CAST INGS of all deroriptky 011. TANKS& STILLS, BOILER. AND SII LIMN ;WORE -4- Agents for GI ARD'S PATENT =SECT OR, for (ream toilers. . - , DIODOIC D. wran.sa... 4.. P. 111OLLICA1 rirlA 1111EIJLE STEEL.IIIOIIIMH. RIE TER. & co., (BuocessoritO Itthes;lLeorx..i.3 1c C 0.,) • Marinincturers_„_of OAST STEEL; ch PLOW 'aild BLISTEZ, STEEL; SPRMIS, AA. LES, CROWBARS &e. Works, FIRsT • WARD, A.Reghenr. POK Other address, BiTTSMIROIL Jslaar t-sw , arP7INOIXILIIILBOI , ' -11111 M” bLargolate le=r; - toren otIROMVAULTS AND YAW Doonß, nicer SAILING ) WINDOW - SR TENS WINTIOW 013A1L14. tor., Noa. , lrt S LIND Lot Be TIMID STEEL between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of - aearyLatterat, famey and plate; suitable for all putpoers_ I -We- Particular attantloo pale to erialnaleg n, Lots. Jobbingdona id abort Donee. 501 I: , ..I)IISEASEJS • w e a r o M NEMVOLN, srainui.,lTh AND SYSTEMS—new And reliable treatment—ln So. ports of the Noland AailOciation. Sent by.mall ,ealed letter ettireAße, fres of charge. Address N. T. SSILLF.A HOUGHTONiNowati AncciotlpaMo.:ll - 59Uth Ninth Street, Phila. N.J/SOLDIES tDON6, Deniers ID FOR 2EIGN AND DOMESTIC DILLS OF FCC CHANGE„ CERTIFICATES OF DBPOSIT, BANK NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 67 bIATIKET orb LI.T, Pittsburgh, Pe. • ' eir . Collection. made on an the principal titian throughout the Untied States. ILENICC . FOSW-4.1111 /Z 7 ING AND COIIIIISSION SIERGRANI *and - 142a t ale denlei• .In MEESE, BUTTER, E SH. nal matinee genera*, No. ill WOOD . LET l'ittctuntb. . • • no' aZZEG.LfEXI".V4.I7O/1/aLTI! FOR DILY LH —. FOR OF ALLEGHENY.—. lE6 r7 JAMES kIeVICKETt will ben candidate for:Ille•offlee of hteyor. of Allegheny, subject to the derision of the ,ton totetn at the appeosehi log Tolmory eleetlon.' detall ►FOR MAYOR OF ALLEGMENY.—i I STEWART ROBERTSON, of tha Third Ward, will be a candidate for the &bore office rob: lent to the Paine soadoatlon. dakta Fox lILLIFOR .OE ALLEICIIENT.-4 JOHN 'MORRISON, of theTotieth Worth will be a candidate for . the above ofbee, subject to the Union nomination. delTdd ; PLI.roS. . 7 11USife. Arc. piA. ---- .NosPrmios W. B. BRADBURY'S •New York Mt! end StJHODLAOKER k CO.'S P hila delphial %'~ELEBRAT D PEA.NOSI • • • • Serea drst prise GOLD AND SILVER MED., ALS recelrnd "SAM a month at State Fairs and Pair of the American In./Aide, New York, in ISM, by WILId BRADBURy,, for the Mldbfirt in 191.23.0 WCSTYCIAII SCIMMACREB A 06.,:rbliegicipms,'nioetTedi - the CRYSTAL PALACE. PRICE - MEDAL It LoAdon, besides haring Revived at borne Mitnerotui . .hltdals,lDlplornae and Special ReportVt Stater. Palm and Institutes . Both - here nume letters, of recommendation from the highest mus talenti —. 4I OTTSCUALK,STRAROSCht, W/iL MASONq kW" and others.. Alic DENT aSSOrtment of SMITH O R GAN S fla TON PRIZE ABILIZICAN aaf MELODEONS, all whrranted for hight rears. WAUnnalnr,it BARRI • No. 12, Bisselre Bloat; St. blitz St. Atir TPNING AND REPAIRING done at tha shortest notice. SHEET NUSIC bound la any , not 'WHAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT COULD DE MORE ADOEPTADLE.TILUT ELEGANT PIANO, SWEET-TONED C4IIIIIIET ORGAN, ozautirial Moloclooa ..• for It wouldnontinue to be a source of pleasure family fore lifetime.. • The subscriber Is now receiving his Itoilday Ftock of Pianos, %elected personally at , ariOns factories In the }Ahern cities, etribraciag . ehleiter. leg's, Weber's,Siale's, Ernelllol2alliMiller., Guild's, make, in plain and carved cases. Prices Also a choir° selection of Milton & ILamlin's Ontr• loot ens and melodeon, which ire the LEST Iff nil: WORLD. Prices froth 015.t0 sBoo. Every inStntment warranted for live years, . . CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STREET HOFFMAN, 1114 E. FIFT/i STREETr Xiticar..lprnits ajr _Z'leoW,t¢lllANtiu:r `I. .4 1 1 -I J I T - ANIfMaDE TREES, EVEItORtEigI4; Of APPLE, we havoannie Roo pp, end of all the leading varieties most profitable for thin location. We have extra fine trees, as Earif i l i tervest, Malden Blush,lfollandripptrifflaldwle Water, Gates, King of Tomsk's* Od.Efthode Ist rftfOrten, Rome Beauty, Rambo Bmoke-honse, Tolman's Sweet, Smith , * Cider L ., with a veUv i ree stook of pp.Art,,..clear rPE.MAL, . 3 1,-.8P.E.1L. fffiXESi 1110.8&' SHU liffr'tin I'ENHOUSE PLANTS. ke ao As our Malik Mime, we oCZFLlntlueetn ' anti ts plasters and-whoWtale.p Orders left at t . 0 Gr e et•Hab*A lllll6 l,' Pftf2 Zoe, will hem/aptly attended to. a -fittpt; 414 Of. JOHN MIIRDOON, Ir. ' net4awir Pittsburgh italThiltlaml itaxiterlea . r GOODS. FON TEN DAYS GREAT CLEAIiAriCE MALE $150,000 WORTH 01' Fall and Winter DRY GOODS! J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, Ab. ts 9 .71forket Street 4 1 g:%i s ii8 1 1 1 1 } 1 1 V(4illAiMAti: IN THE PRICES OF SILKS, SHAWLS, 0L0.,9.K13. DRESS GOO DS. MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, As& every attlele adapted to the p reed Woos. Ctcouixtitry 3213 o isslizat so Will and Ma a tani opportunity FOR REPLENISHING THEIR STOCKS. HONE LEADVE GOOD MERINO VahrS AND DRAWEBN EIR sum, ism me atmote. ALL WOOLEN VESTS AND DRAWERS, FOR GENTS. NEGLIGEE Olt TUTELEIG 1111111T8. WOOLEN HOSIERY ♦ LABGE ASSCMTXMIT • OF ALL THE :DESIRABLE STILES, Shaker, K awds Rooks. BUCKSKIN GLOVES AND GAUNLETS, RIBBON NECK TUM - aad SUSPENDERS. LONGSDALI GUM MI GIBIELLIS. w00r.4:4 Eft uttlYMlNS,,ltall moss and • _:_gnaatitlea. BALMORAL-SEWS,. superior la Myles add th . atquetramrted. ORNAII=TS AND wsuus..=GS Cloaks and Drama Rich Rashind Bonet Eillthorut. RILE AND LEATHER BELTS, LATEST STYLES; NEW STYLES SIDE AND BACK COMBS, IVORY -BREAST PINS - AND EAR DROPS, pocricEr BOORS -AND TRAVELING RAGS; PHILADELPHIA MADE PEARL BUN TONS, AMERICAN CORSETS,WRITE AND COLORED. HAIR ROLLS - A ND CRENEILLS NETS, AMERICAN ZEPHIJA.- MADIS HOODS, TALM AS _____, EsawLsisAuginfAsOrfit • TAGS and 6AI TARS. • . The- alleles are of - AMP:MOAN MAN• UFACTU F., and-Rerc-Parlhased directly Doi* the Maker* Cr 'MEI Agents,. aid lelll compare fa. in . race, Va a rd i Miejth ongip, BRAIDS, h — aDINOS and may other SHIILAU WARES. % Jost recell4 kluantit, of Americas MERINO and White CON HOSE. .. Special &Doak.% AIR hereafter b. eine is GIN assortineat et HOME MADE ARTICLES. EATON, NAORIIN & 00., Nom. 17 atilt 11191 th Street. =EI For the licolidayt4,! CAN BE SECURED AT Id t IMDFA. No. 78 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, We Mme . 's* open and ere yet peel:living, daily exPrefOrrcl our XX COMsf 2lq/Akir A largo stini stsertment 'geoids, both Usefaisad otmarnemtst, °comprising • Breastpins, Ear-Drops, Ivory, eteil $0.1411, Tack and ;SW Ootabsi :Pout' Stoll, Jed • and Wit - Belt-Backlesi Belts aid 8et1... Ribbons; Cashmere and Silk so wen Bead. Dosses and Nets; Laos Yells; Lase and Embrol ' dered Collars and Balaikerehlolk; Worked Slippers .and Bunions; Work Boxes. • Ladies , Oorapantons; Portmon nales,„ Satchels., and a - dm wore meat of • Placatcrypres,ph .A.llbvizaal Besides ear mud heavy eta& of Raillery, Glee , Trkamlage, Notiona as Small Wave; AT LOWEBT UAW PRIC7IB. deft) CLOBIEd OUT SALE DRY GOODS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. kIGtIRICik . MOUS DiL/3. I!FMtEaS er.ors, romurs, ruin - 4 Frani= Anutur9Es, p 1614 a m id. magi , sdap. cosmos ArinnzaizrrAqi .a.PAccieroilsait SHAWLS V 01: iiiesqtrainps, fe , manila saurs mulacipmauss i amaawilii i ULM nazi- 00("L'.5'. 111 OLT DAY SAIJES. 4 REDUCTIONS IN C 11[14 ANc , Dress - Goods. ! iOUR WINTER STOCKI AT ' Reduced Prices! ••= otmaaraLttcp AprrAtEi. • ALEN. BATES, No. 81. In.ren. at: FLAIIIN ET. SIERINO, SHETLAND, WOOL AND ME UNDERGARMENTS White Shirts, Trimmings" Hosiery; he, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT EGOBINAD, 'DENNISON & et efeiiimr STREET. z.rsunaJrtcE. CHARTER 1829. FILLNEWI , FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets on Janunry 1, 1864,-63,4167,848 O. Capital 400,000 Accrued Premiums 471000 Invested Premiums 411841,,246- IltnetUed Claims • 8,416. Income for MU • - aOO,OOO Losses Paid stout Pt% , 8,000000 Perpetual lied Temporary Policies on liberal terms : • DIXECTOII Charles-N. Beck V.37,,,,i4T, Dale, Tobias * Wmtnerp acorge ae; ISamuel6"l Jacob R. Suit /4: - Alfred Et r tler, ithards, Fran. W. Lewin, M. D a"r" .. DUMAS E. ANOKER, President. EDWAIM 0; DALE, Vleb' Presideat. JAS. W. .M.Q.ALDLSTpa ci ? t , eir... ,o iv i i i 7 inent. WIMP corner Wood and Third streets. 1/mk. lad) 31AlilAt. Insurance Co. of North America PFIIWIELPHLS. Hartford Fire . Insurance ECompany . itirProteeVon eau be Kanmed In the above named and reliable MiMilk.. H: P. JONES, Aamyr, ItAgalny's Dulldkuts. 87 Water it ESTEHN I N$U RAN CE COMPANY V OF PITTSBURGH, R. ?HILLER; Jr. Prohtenl, P. M. GORDON, Secretary. (Mee, No. 92 Water .strett, Smug k Co.'9 Hare; Unite, Up stairs, Pittsburgh. WOU insure. against ait kinds of Fire and Marine - Risks. A Mate institsflog gianagod fig 11/rector. who ore' ireU kninen fA Olt comstutity, sod s.ao /wedeln, mined 'by promptest and tiblralay, to maintain tits character which they . hare anumed, is offering the beet proistflaslo aisist lAA &Airs to be meowed. / 7- ' oixEcrour :r'. R. Miller, jr.., Andrew -. Ackley, James.McAuiey, Alexander Speer, Nathaniel Holmes, David M. Long -, Alex: ?tholele, Rees I.. Thomas, Georg" DAWN:. - . :Benj. Bakerrell, Clamp - bell 11. Herron, John IL McCune. O. W. liaoketwa, myso T. M. GORDON, Saerefary --.— pEOYLEIV. INOURANVE COMPANY Office, N. E. coiner of Wood and Filth Sts FIRE AND MARINE MORTRANCE tneeeratim Wm. 'Phillip., John Watt, Wm. H. May,, John E. Parke, Charlet Wm. Van Kirk, ,Tames D. Verner Capt. John L. Rhoads Samuel P. ShrPeer, George P. Tones, J G. Hutton Love , Charles !chuck ' 2111.1...1P; President. WATT, Poe President. Wady• J WM. P. Q.LRDNOHNEH., p1T1 7 .E1V5, - -INSUItANCE, COMPANY %.." Or FTTIBBIJIIGH.—Once, corner Market and Water streets, second moor- - WU. BA-GALHY, Prasfikar. SAMCHL BHA; Fordaell. Insures Steamboats and cargoes. • Insures against loss and damage In the navign. Bon of Cul Southern andWoatern Rivers, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of trio Seas. Insures against kw sad damage by tire. ' DAMMOTOEM I ' Becalm • S. M. Kier, Jas. Panr., John Shipton, • • W. G. Jo hnston,li James M. Cooper, B. F. Jones, S , liarbaugh, • • • Reese Owens,— J. Campbell, Jr., -lion. T. Howe, John S. Dilworth, Barclay Preston, . . Wm. A. Rodgers. George Illogbam, .delO:lyd LLEGLIENY INSUIIANCE COMPA-' , •• , :n•• NY OF PITTSBURGIL-0111oe, No. 17 Fifth street, Bank Moak. . .• •-• • ' : Insure' against all kinds of Fire -and Marine Risks, ISAAC .Icters, , Ereiteent: . .101lIf D. DI'CORD, Eke Pretidtiot, D. At. 1209 K, Seerefarir; DIIIECTOIVI ' , Hann Ottialt, a, &, Grey, it!L: Yr~nnteck: John , D.11(cOortl, Capt:Adater.lacaba, It. IL Eiterll, Capt. Wm. Dena RtW.Drs.dbat a. JfIERCILSAMI TdILORS. B •BELL'S BLOC W. H. McG.EI3, 10 ST. ,pl,,un. STREET, . . . . 'Would call the attention of buyers tolls aback of goods. It has been selected with _great care, and contains all the NEWEST grimr.s.or.ooope to be found in first class houses. Gents wishing a suit of clothes Made to order; willitlease call and examine our goods and prises . Also, a full and complete stock of • Cf'odciir. . . w. n. nears, zaxactianlincift. No. 10 E4r;OLLIR WTREET. NRYG: lIALE,..t. Merchant • rrailora, N. W..az, Pena k. S!._,C,4ltilreeta, r-mninzoti: BEAkTIF- 88 P 5, • AND:uoitoria Roos a, No, *Firth maw. No" PNITX9I7II, FOR SaLE-.FOR ftEirr. r i Ors SAL--E-A very valuable FARM In !wry tomattO,p, Wcatutoreletod county, ra,.. tont:cluing about 18. 5 Acres, melt Improved, and Ins high state of cuttiv olion. , Also, a ilk ACRES, in rairtlnidiawro.. slop. Westmoreland county, Pa. lnipravemords irourl. The Ist,' to al the best, quality. Coal and unestonc do a:rrulsoce. • - . Alro, nunt OR /11. AGARS, In Derry town ehir, Weetirareland county, P 4., lianiedtately on the lino of the J'elantylvanis Railroad. 41.443, A.E.Ai117,1 of 161 it 1111114, to St. Clair tow*. ship, WestinnielAnd t count) Pa. A iso, D. STEAM ENLI., f..r Sam Mill or other purpn.,rs, with the,castingn, machinery, far.wheel, &a. 11, cylinder is nine Incurs In diameter and lour foot stroke. Two Boilers, 17 feet ,long and .41 lonlieti In diameter; all fo good Orddr, had will DO sold che'np. For futile, particulars Inquire or. • G. IL TOWLll,litetil Rstatit Agent, • No. 168 FOurth street. R,A.L.R---81.111URBAN BITES aria VI TX • GE LOTS, IMPAR Foar 'rho •urslersigned, - Executors of the estatoof John Herron,- dre'd„ollar for sales au her of Lots, from omblasif to two mires esoh, sltuaTed near Fort Her readuerl within three minutes walk of the terminus of the Pittsburgh & Alieenrrille Ptuseenger Rai - wqJ The above Lots are beautifully located for private residences. : • • • - • Also, a cumber of 'Mall Eota in the 'rill,* of Histersirille, fronting on the Plummier Railway— due:l feet deep. . Letyl4 sixty feet front and from one to two &un ror information Inquire of either Of the under elgool,-or W. A. HERRON, Clerk', JOHN °Me , e, ()mut A - HERO_ I). H H ERRO N N. R. 0, HERRON, F. .7: HERRON A OR SAVE PENN STREET PROPERTY. , • . • A 2,,W , STORY BRICK ROUSE on:Penn SL near Adnow, now occupied as a Drug Store and Dwelling, Ls offeeed. ~ . .• . , FOB SALE ON REASONABLE TERNS: aPliti to R BAIR. DWELLING IN SEWICKLEY Early poasessibti can be given or a very desinibla Dwelling Howie, with three to four acres et highly infproved ground, in a good neighborhood. • ()hutches and Schools convenient, Two hundred yards from Edgeworth Station, on the P. Y. W. Is 13. R. IL 69 Fourth street,(narkces Bulidla VOl4 SALE—A FARM OF 163 ACRitir, on Rig Sewlekly, three miles from the railroad station, welt improved. Price 8,50 per acre. A sa ACRE ' , ARAI on Elibuck I% miles (Aim Glendale Station, on which is a driat Mill, Store, Dwelling, Barn, and good improvements. : Prim, TWENTY LOTS, on Fremont and Tremont streets, Seeond word, Allegheny. FOUR LOTS on billhook at Glendale Station, containing six to ten acres. For sale by J. T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker, . 87 Federal street, Allegheny. VOR SALE—STEAM SAW .MILL ana UIL REFINERY:—The one-half or whole. of an 011 Refinery and Steam Saw Mill, with ten and. one-half acres of ground; an abundance of coal ae the lot—one mine _open and being worked, 'Situate 011 the Allegheny Slyerß., is altered . for sale. The Refinery Is new sort of modern build. The Saw Mill Is in splendid order, and is well situ ated, basing a creek running from It to the river. Goat locality for building boats. For particulars call on the undersigned. LYDA"( t CIIORPENIVENG, , ap9lf N0.5 9 Hand street., Pittsburgh, pa.. T:OR RENT. . , PERPETUAL TIIE WAREHOUSE, 255 Liberty St. Patterson , * Neer Block. Poseeasion can be gig January Ist ler& b.:lnquire all drl7.tjal 1 4 - OR SALE. I3usiness Stand That desirable -Business Stand, No. CO SMITR IN..D STREET, rum corner of Fourth street, 0 • which Is a substantial Brick Build Log. For terms, stqulre of BAILEY, FARRELL k. CO., . deri.tf No. IM Fourth street . IjOß_ BALE; A cOXFORTABLE 1101738 of four rooms, within one and s halls:mares of t•e street cars, to Manchester. Good water end everj , thing convenient_. /lemmata given immediately. For terms apply's Jansen P4M, Ti Federal street, or galloons Harper's Wagon Shop, Beaver street, . 3tanchester. notIM - SALE..--Scrieral huudred Improve& FARMS', to Oblo, Kentucky, Indians and Sill nolo; and several large Intel s of unimproved laud to Illinois, lowa and Instead. Oataloguss, with fultdescriptiorw and prices of. each, will be dui by moil, free of chnrge, upon application. SAMUEL A.. SAIIG&NT, N. W. lamer Rh and Walnut attests, detla64. Cincinnatt, TO LET.- .01,500,000 The Thyeertoried BRICK DWELLING,- • Nearly new, containing eleven rooms; with both' house end wash house situated No. ei Ohstbani street, Pittsburgh. Prnisession gives on the limit of April. Rent gSni. Enquire of • de of E. R. IRISH, No. too Fin street. 111:383,000 11 . 01RiE FOR SALE. AL-Tbree.:•teorted Brlrk Dwelling:Monte • No. 13 LIRERTY STREET, between. Hay and Marburg streets, containing thUteen rooms, with Gan and bath room. Enquire of del2:l la • IC A. LORENZ. At Witter street. TOR SALE—CHEAP BUILDLNH LOTS, rituated in the Seventh Ward of the City of PittsbUrgh, consisting of three . valuable Lois of Ground t having each a front of 21 feet on Mahon stree, and extendi back RC feet al alley,"with a side alley of ten ng feet. These lots to are offered et a sacrillct. Apply to dell H. It'LAIN &CO 102 Fourth street. FOR SALE.-160 Acres of Coal, also, 129 acres of front coal in pool No. 21 also One track of coal and railroad, and other Improvements in good working order In pool No. 1; one tract on the Youghiogheny Neer and Oonnelhmitle - Railroad; Enquire of WILLIAN.WARD auk r ent door from Fifth on Grant street. OFFICES FOR RENT, on Oecond story of .Noa. did and 214 Liberty street, near Woo di Enquire of AteIiONALU & ARBUOKLES, Wholesale Grocer, Nos. 24.1 and 244 Liberty at. HS GREAT PURIFIER. 1 - lEMAPANAKA. • • • Mace the intioduction of methane, the twirls of direase has perhaps been the subject of 'more se, Gous and scientiflo coasideration by the ,most learned of the profession them any other concocted with the laws of the Great Creator; not a - few bare contended that all dilemma have their origin in the stomach; other., the solids of the bodYl•otheth again, and by far the greatest number, contend and reason that the stool; Itself Is the very fountain of life—that if ft becomes impure, then Wadesimpure, in its; worst forms—Scrofula, Cancer, Ulcersec.i - eppear; and indeed, expedient* to treating this title of dia.l eases hyper/friar the Mood and thereoy effecting, their eradication and .curc, prove this to be the sendCorrect.theory Acting upon whiCh theory, the med.! lane now known - as ICILMAXAMAXA..Wae orimposorq brought nto !practice, proluciagthe most gray, trying resting, . • •.• Ito use soon exercises such a mastery over I:WIG/FULL, ULCERATIONS PiDIPIXS or TETTM SALT-11.11EGN, • - LITER COZIPT,___ _.LOSS • : APPETITE,DYSEcPSIA, , • , en, &a.. en. as th:give, from the time it is flat taken 'Gime. agement to the patient, by making both ion; end' felt, the good it is about to - accomplish. It was, thought best to put It up in bottles at 506. emitted ' each,—ns many persons are disposed to try an arth tie but, ilre often deterred at the expense :.yo the I trial here can be made at moderate cans. and alley, the' purchaser that the • is loud is ; claimed tn. it to be, vizi, the greeted ONAt7fl arena In= brought before- the peole. .Dellente E,'egiles Rill tind In It the , edicine they That the Piddle May fonn soma ndes of. lea. pace• liar curative meritcloresulijoili a list of the Drifted pal,nrUcles of.which It la composed, with* short description of the moo and adaptation of eaeh,ta ken from the highest 'authority known to medical science. ,EfONDI7I4S' S4RSAI4BILLA ! .frayed with a beneficial stied In CAWS of Rheims tisin; Scrofulous Athotions, Outaricotut Diseases isod other depraved conditions of health. - It .i tonic, diuretic, auti aperient.. It has a spades action upon the liver, exoltinglt.when landutd, to accretion. It has Lem much used In,fitartitanp In Macaws of the digestlye organa.- - - . ionms POT4SSI.OI. The Art kw diseases In which It hisnot proved benelkinl ;At !mused in &Wantons itttectlons with gnat benellti It has also :been nista with muStisoo , Intrentkent for Inflammation of the Eye. It lenerallytneteases the appetite and flesh . . . LA eE2C4L'R FLOWERS' Ate Imimeitte, Coale, -a pd l askl9 itilgoraiini la awl; of• Nervous Deb Pity. • . !TINTER., GREEN, ri especially 'saleable le cases of Screfuisi and CHAMOMILE nowns . . .... Are adsaitageously used lo span of Enfeeble-dill gallon, but am especially .appliasbler to Pages o - ,Ueneral Debility witbores& appetite. ...: .-. ;;•. , .FEZEILECIIV BARK It acts (*irritably as an alteiative ia ebtonle Ai feetions,_Chronfe Rhstonattain .and obstinate Dl genes or the Skim.: • - Tho bolsoce or the formula to withheld si a pro, *talon against • ; .--sratort tommorr-: - ryirAok your inkllicent filyalatkk!tdi °Pisa= ua Obrovo 5141,L .. , . Eceoators. 8. S. BETAISr, Broker sad Insurance Agent„ S. S. 131t1rLIP, D. WALLACE, Liberty street. DANDELIeIN ' For several yearn X- hake.,lmen of with Catarrh. I hare tried many. prescriptions for it without. receiving. any benefit therefrom. - I have taken your medicine about ten month, and it haa cured me. I would recourrnenrl to home afflicted with this disorder tobppiy to you. 'I am confident Al they will 'tritely follow your directions that a cure will he effected, however inretcrate the ease Iteopecirtilty pima, . . From Ree.:LP. Russoll,:Lyhri, r have been much trtsublert with- Ustarrha worst type for :some twenty year's. It. 'gradually Steve .wore, Winslow cougtvaud Imarseboda, stroslaK the_sonsont smell and breaking down my general - health to such a.detice as.to compel me to resign my Imatiirate and - suspend - Public to ;I I made neeof the nsual.rected. stab as sour (Italie:tot lands, nitrate of iißrertar Wir er and inhalations, buterlthout ens salularY finct- Leat summer beardefDr. UMW+ me. nereful mode pf treating' catatik rim It= put mystqf under hla treatteent,-,Lbrome I stely o lmproye,'and. this Imptsrumeat -bas go ts on to the mama One, Dry maid Wily, my cough Itislifitspylaited, has become natural, and I am owe =OM ableto preach the -blessed (levet Lai se advise all troubled aith catarrh dMenitleg to apply. to Dr Lynn, Ma a Pa., Ito E. P. SUSSELt. —' • MEDICAL DR. lAGIITIIII,I, CATAR.RII. DR. LICHTHILL, THE AluTuoa OF "441 lien on Catarrh,'• "A Papillae Teea• Use on Dealtiees," &e., 18 NOW A? TILE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, rirrenunan, n„ AND CAN BE DONSDLTED FRIDAY EVENING, Dee. Sad, 184 Deafness, Catarrl4 AND ALL THE FAMOUS IDIF3gABOB OF , THE EAR, THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES SYMPTOMS OP CATARRH The erstaensatlon In usually a feeling of dryness arab heat in the nose' and a frequent inclination •to sneering. There is an inability to breathe freely, as the nose becomes slopped up, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other. Sean a clear watery, acrid discharge makes its appearance, excoriating the nostrils, and .edges 'of the lipswhich become , red snit - somewhat swollen. Alter a'few days the discharge becomes thick, yet iewish, extremely frequent and continues to ha a marked feature of the disease, and a source of much danger,- and the greatest annoyance. After mare or less time, it, becomes purulent, blithly offensive, and assumes an extremely fetid odur. it is usually to profuse as to require, when confined to the nose, the frequent application of the handkerchief, or if it drops into the throat, which is more particularly the case, tI while the hotly is in a horizontal position, constant expeetoraon; and sometime, both. I Sleep Is frequently disturbed by a sensation of 'choking, canoed by the presence at the diseharge in • the • throat. Owing th Use heat in the head,- the watery portion of the secretion often evaporates, and !morning, a condition of solidity is deposited upon the membrane of-the nose 41 Upper part Of the throat, in theshapeof create orhardened Sumps.- • The accumulation of these.inertudatioas produces a feeling of discomfort, andiserrows the nasalsass. noiso ea to embarrass resell - ellen. --Thereforelris .quent efforts have to be made to remove theM, - either by forcibly blowing the nose or bypemistelst - hawking—a practice so Waagroeable to the one fected as it Is to those around him. ' After the re. moral, that aide of the incrustation which adhered to the mueuosuf membrane wlll sousettmeshe tossed bloody, a fact whirl/ explains the force required ff r . 1u diaiodgment.: puling sic* these Inenutatio a ' accumulate niore rapidly, and.thu feeling thereto is great uncomfortable Id the morning. dometime the ellbetatts clear the throatare futile until attar breakllset, or after something warm is swallowed. Some patients state that they are not succesaftd. until thee 'have swallowed smite whisky. or brendy.• Tpe discharge, which Is i Orat withbut smell, as. participates the progress of the complaint:, an sums; Ively etid odor, the breath partlctes In this, arid beef ea occasionally so revoltingly olikrishe as to reside* the patent an object of disgust to himself es Well is to others.. Meerellon the mucuous mew. -"tirane, of the nose takesphase frequently, sometimes even !attacking the 'bones when small particles Of substance will Occasionally be found Imlxed with the diachs.rge.. The accumulation of the discharge; together with the thickened condition of tea mucubue membrane, renders respiration through the nasal passages very did:1011;8nd oftentimes im pcsalkie, necessitating respiration principally tirough the mouth, a method Very deleterious to the geneial health, but more particularly to the tucanf:lpatsowdulll,...,:newn ring h s e=te i r , ..... , The wn a sa i ni= originates from the same cause. • The voice loses Ms musical quality; and assumes alsarah end nasal cheratter; the sense of smell' becomes much leis pt orly lost, and the same.etreet, though lees frequent,s produced on the sense of taste. Occasionally. While. blowing the nose, a crackling or bubbling "sound wilt be heard in the ear and hearing vrill be found tole thick and snapped up .Thi, • but return suddenly with aersapplng scam .phenomenon to usually repeated until, at one Cron* hearing does not return, and remains permanently injured. Nehses In the heasi of every conceivable description will make their appearance, andedd t 6 ~the distress of the suirerer, and, hearing be lost so gradually that s considerable degree of ;leanest' may exist before the person Is ready aware, of the fact. Their eyes are apt to become weak, irritable and disposed to water on exposure to wind and cold, or after the slights& exertion.. A pain mod or less acute, or a distressing feeling of pressure is 'experienced over the eyed, and sometimes on thd back Ihe head, and also pain in the lace, closely resemblingneuralgia., for Which it Is erten mls• taken.. T e distress in the head weaken*. the memoir end' produces Initabllity and moroseness of (Expo/alum • The stomach generally suffers more or less, is weak and irritated, the appetite hi capricious, and is neatly atnoys back in the morn: leg. In -severe cases the system becomes feeble and prostrated and there ia an aversion or inability to either physical or mental exertion. Not mares fluently catarrh proves fatal either by debilitating the system or weari n Tut the patient, or by try cling upwards and p using sore throat erection. % bronchitis, and dually AniOSP2IO2. 'gamy be safe, ly snorted, that hereditary predisposition, catarrh, is the most frequent and Important cause-of this fav tai complaint Catairb has been ionsidered an incurable disease" and on the strength of that. supposition has heed neglected by both the profession and the public, As It is the exciting cause in full t helth° eases of Dea area Llghthill have for ears pest, made' Its peele r tment, their speciel study, and have by t heir auefeas fully established the mixability of tale complaint. That this Is no mere assertion will' he readily comprehended by the annexed 'estrus& dais freed highly respectable parties who here been, under (hell awe: • Im - rtatortters Pisisnaiou, 1981.' This will certify that I hare been nada the care of Dr. Lightbt for the cure of (Tatar'', and that, as though be has attended me for little over one teeth, Ifeel that a permanent Mire Is:to;bbefteot ed.ctod em so much betterin all repents os to war. :sot me Irfglitni Imbllcity to these facts and re commerullng Dr.:L.100111i to ay. one affeotedarlta tlathrrh. .TSIOUB FORS:n.I4, ' • . Weir Yost,' Nor:S, This is to certify that .1 have been afflicted with Catarrh for Noise years, WOleb produced the usual disagreeable 'abets. '1 consulted ',Dr:. Lighthill about nine or ten moiths'stnee, and at once plated repself under his care :.1 ser entirelpfresfrom Cs. rarrA, my throat is perfectly healthy, and' ay health is very much improved: P. E. - PTlOLfilt: -Office Erie littilrosil foot of Dune street." k i4151 From the on. Ira Ptah. P atton.hratne. - r • . Da LIOUTIII :-.‘-Deur Str,—i.send you a state- Ment of ply ease width you . may MO us.you think proper, I have a uslntances In. different parts of the States; have se red three years as Senator of Pehobaeot county, a 1 three years as Represents tive—ltr all six years—ln hur State Legislature. My statemcntmay benefit some of those afflicted with my disease. • . , _ , - ooTs smors: OONPERT _HALT. SHOE STORE, ;rip; Ptfih Siva. Ask. 3 one unpreudleed chat will BATiBnIST 111Ra®t/0V theapeBt Mee Store, the *rid. NEST SIDE OF FTEII4 ABOT11,113? . 0 nr. -ROOTS, BR *ES, .0A1TE.111,%13M1110- ..., BA LS .40 GUN& • • • - The 124014 , 065 t selected, sad , lil!ePOOt:./tOelle Li the city, at, , . • - BOBLAND , S. 0 1 01 , Mai010 . 0141k. LignE AT THE PRIVESI.- • , , Yen's Brogans, 31 60'Nen's Boot/LO/ Ladies' 800t5.:...: 1 OteLsollet..Balleora/4 1 OD Bop' 800t5..: t 761Y0athal 80006 IIN Chikittlea 8ee1a... , 100 , • GUMSallatylea and alma A. aneamottaeat Oct:ANCT, chrts ßLlEßß, mna ll trios BOOTS,. „.. ..aultable foe - ZIT Mutter Merchants Iftl 'prated at New Taw Mtn Boards Patoar: Also, agent for BART/MLA' BLACKING, at Factory pricey...Us sum yoo can before_purohintag elsoutere, as you wllluure zoos ney. THemembet the right place, _SOBIAI9I)._ deli 98 Morkot St., 2d dooc from Fifa. AXES ROBD, . . . N 0.89 Norket Street , SELLS TEE BEST, THF.. DT:NATE-4J FITTING.. Adl THE MOST DOSABLI, 313C)C:)MiE0 Ek.N± . ) smcOsie, Of any house Lathe city': He hes Just received a magrtieeent Fan 2Coeies Try him. rE "BTA:R" WORK! JUST RECEIVED BY , GEORGE ALCREE, SON & C 0.,. No)aa WOOD STREET._. .. /Iva' end Vorg Heel Dalmoralg; . •• • n Oxl . ord Flag CLlC:lien's Goat end Kittl pitoee. The roods are medal* our AU, are _warranted unequalled custom work . . ' ; 11131 E SAYINGSINSTITITTIOILNO. A- , 11D SMITHFIELD 'STRZET' (o site the Custom House.) Chartered by the . OFFICE/3S. • • . Prerldent—GEO. 13. YONES: ••. ••• Wm. IT; Smith, ytae Joshua Rhode!. Thos: D. Messier,' ' - Alex. Bradley, Fraxela Sellereg• .A, lielneinan, • R..lentddgit Joseph King. Tnox. s: S. EL.l.Lartman, Henry Lloyd, F. Baum .Tamer Parini Jr.,, f.s: Fowler,- "IL M. Long, J. ALTliwasda, Dr...las. Carothers, 11.1"....T0ia :Jos. Dilworth, .. • 06ehnut, • Wtn. Smith, , Reed, 7:l.L,Fat i t e • .T..McD. Croaanian, - 0.11..-Pardson B. M. Smyth, Yaeot. Stuckrith,.: t 0. Follepabce, AB11:4 SIAd/r- • Secretary end TriNumer,- . D. B. 11P.HINLEF. Open daily, (Sofa fa, m. . to 2p. m. .114 so, day evening, from I to 8 o'clock.. Dep.its received of-arm dime and upwrifdS.- ' .Dividcmindeclami in December end.huoeof . soak Dividends alfawed to remain 'ism plapect to, ere= of the doporttoeos'ptinelpati'and boar In est thus eozoi..). • - Hooke robtidulog 4..1374.40,044,4,0211414. savrm. antrir,..mktuu r to` Chien persons whose esenhigs ere "owl, the'OPPhrinzitilf to =complete, by: emall.deposits,naelly Fated, which will be reknit= when needed • Apte money not only being sae; bet - Deering — lnieteet. Instead of remelnlng unproductive. : , I=lo.llm. —=•-• oLLAR. bh. v Lei GS BANIC,' , II9: 'IS ' D Open CHARTERED IN IBM.. -- pn dilly fro th 9to 2 o'clock, also ori Wednem ' day and Saturday evening', from May . let to N o- vember let , Dom ff. to 9 o'clock, and from November tat to May tat from 6to 8 o'clock. . :_ .- . I Deposita received of all sums of not l e a, One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared:twice . • - a year, in June and December. - LMereit has been declared wren-annually, In ...Dine and December - since the 'Bank way orgaolzed,..at She yate'of eltt per cent. a year.' I - ' ; • Interest, if not drawn out, la placed to the eie;3lt 'of the depositor - as principal, and bears the c le; interest from the lint days of-June and Dees • compounding twice a year Without troubling depositor to call, or even to present 'Mapes' hoe*. At this rate money will double In less thaktarelye . years. _ - Booknitontainhig the Charter, HP/eirlid e itufee P end Reenlations, furnished' gratis, on . app stles '-• at the othee, .. t ' -''. . .., Por.slo :. -- GEORGEALII/tFM: - ; 1,. • • - ,vice razerzeners. - ;. 1 M James ein!' , ; James B. D.,llfeedsi:i. , t -t-r John H.:Sheenrger. - - - - .101terger, :7 el 111 — ( 4 - 11 ! Issas AS. Peuntie Peter 3lndeilac Jaime% Shidle, Wllllns .J. Anderson ' John B. McFadden; • A. M; Pollock, . John G. Booki:#a; . TIOSTEYSt. Calvin ditAnui, Renry".Y. Lynch; Jobs C. Innntnr, - John Marshall; • Cleome Mack, Walter P. Marahall; John Orr, _ • AlonsA'A. Carrier; , Robert on, ; Charles A. ()piton; Henry- L. El' • ;_• - q, John Evans, : E. B n e7el Benj. L. Fahneatolk, • AlexandeeSpeer,' Tobn,J. 0 illesple, Ale:Ander TWie, WlHlnmi S. Haren4 •Williom Tarairii; Peter H. Hunker;. - Issas Richard Hays, Wm. P. Pr_glmills, James D. Kelly • ' Chrfathul TOW?. - SecreforU pad 'PreeinLorias-OHAS. _ • • InfolV/3.-• - WA N TED—Wr service iii the quarter .. =tater% Department, at Nasballle, ChJatit• nompi and Johnsonville„ Tennessee; Attenta,(l gia,-"Du ran , * "nut fatal /.title Hank, Arkszinigteld at othar points.. • • ••. r _MR/Teamsters; . 1 µSpar month anttratNiit Fare transportation to plate of esethiattow. Healthy, able-tanned men oaly will bb JOHN 1.. WOODS: ay., • Capt./dna nd Assistant flhartermaster, P. 11 ,1 ltbr further Informntion latrine Dr - S. A. T. SA hIPLI,, - ,alFedetal Aueshetyr Or over No. 40 Washinyton Avenue, batsmen 44. and ath streets St. Lords Mn. • (pattern' W C l LAitiC. Gen 'O, 0 4 e44,tit ' s ' Ag i TED--PitINCIkAL—Atc therOhib a l .i. r n e .Tni t, i: l , l, l%-. ° l l : 6 . e tt l eil i g i Vr n Ar ° f rit Musical Derartruent. must-lyre raffirydsdunai. Hoes as• I ocal and' Instrumental •Temhztut m =eat he pable to take the generaFe that department, whets thereat* one twenty meek scholars. The highest reference recommeodstkai requlnsl: Apply, by , letter otherwise, ba President ANDERSON, at the stittion, eul3Sw or to General S. F. OARY, Oiacinnatl.l d - ..NIVANTED-4120 A MONTII:=V ._everywhere; to 'lntroduce this uric . *Work &deem Dotter Feed/y Sewing Niedbge„.l2l* • ; w6Pr O l i"g " r h art i ei,; t 44lltr pt i r l tr wt M,#, 4 we , 4604 11 ' Leger Se CIO.. ind Baenelder. • $2.14i7 wade ' r bilge comodallona allowed: - Alf other ow told for less 'thais forty dallare mieh ees, tinsemer t ts, gad the Seller end uteelielare., Modes. ~ftd elrerdare weather . .. A 4 drag SHAVraiI7LA.I34 - Biddeford. Maine; i• . . .. eiedadaidterr 1 WrANTED.z-40 COOPER S S . WANTED nd -14tu'k° Fops Dr..Tl'ilV?nTBAjo"4l. • - - TEMAOUitT DEPARTMENT: ' • Urines or. Coin-rotottnn OF one COSIIII4VOY Washington: .. .. , ington,.December Bth • TVITEREAS ; BY BATISFACITOI Y M. idence presented to the undersigned.ikhne been made to. appear that'The.. alerehanti and Manufneturers National Bank of Plttsburgh,".l4 the county of Allegheny tad State 'of Pernisylira, nia; has been duly organized Under and: according to this reqftlrements of the Act of„,tiongress entitled An Act to provide a National Currency. *neared by the dge elationed States Bonds, sad td provldo forcirc end redemption thereof," ap• proved 3 Vile 141,1864; and his con:idled with ail tho provisions ot meld act required to be compliel with before commeneinz, the {Aridness of bank - Lag under this acct Now therfore, I, tivan Ma:l-Lora. OoMiltrii. Icrof the Currency,: d 6 hereby certify that !The Merchants and Manufacturers National. Bank of Plitabiqsh,." In the city of Pitlidourgh, in the coup tr, of A3o, oMr.n - nd State of Pennsylvania, IS au. tutted to commence the business of. Banking Um', der the act r.forreald.:„ ,s : ' - .- -' , - *t IRA FISIL . . 1 Currency Bureau,: - In teathapay whereal". Seal of Mr ~ -. arllaess eny tak al sad aaal cfnaßtroller oche , of oillee..Mls eight/rally t.arrreacy. . . of Deceraher,..l.BaL - `rletailie _ fl . " - ilit 114 iiTitiilf.tii — • • "--- ', .''' J. Little Minot. Newilitr glattittates Price ONLY Illa'to. j'Lloampaaerd for oettalatr 4 reliability aad graeo.ln"itioremeati and for - . . Worth ir has no drat - roe: altoplteitL:dttraNflt sod-execution It le norquallial le% any Otte,' , > machine heretofore ofikreat6 the palate; sea ... catty' to be aeell-td be appreciate d ,. ft velltA ~.. . quilt; tuck or bled. Call hold 'oftsaillejfor velvet: -Leery maohlie.warrantett ______• • H. a DARNeII. Agora,. No. ill TIMID St.,Oppoalta St. Charles IloteL . ~,-, fl .t 7 lIENIVikt.CIO4 *Kelt MEM= Cz7=;# MINE • That it to the .114MIM _ . ILTY.bll.lllctl LLOOII. v tlotragrollerpf tit* unsrOna.