ight t'ittoturgit 6agette. PiTLISHED BY GA2ErE POLLUING.• 18341CIATION WEDN'EBDAY. DECE.MIEII 21, NCI. THE litEitEi ifyiIUATIO!! "army which LEE bat; betore „wen , - • - mond is now the only array of any cone. quern . * in the South. _ Moon's army is practically annihilated. • :=He has lost nearly: all his artillery; over !' 4,960 or MS men lay stark land dead on the Oitattlinary battle lield;• more than 0,000 mesa are in oir.hsnds aivisbners- nearly hie Generals are killed, wounded or cap ",';tni; and what little is left .ot the grand • army with 'which he marched inte - Teitnes , • expecting to am nit" Sinuorair, is'scat'. ~..;,teted, in' all, directions, every man taking < pn bf Idniself as best he cant' • ". The rebel . fo rce with which Gen. Lit& narcissi( Into tentucky, expecting to con and, Vold it, while Mean took Nash . milk: is In a very ticklish imaction. McCook a Pltrudng :him: With hi adequate force, completely tutting off his retreat; and the faither he advances tke greater his difficult) , :_..;becomes.' We. consider that game as good' as bagged :Aturcaninroon's army is in alike danger 91iiire91411ii0D.. Mcnnuroon and BSONEKtkic 'in - stb*hirrt""with a alert, stick;" and as * AMY heti-Went off lds vireat by the Virginia talky, he bas nothing efi Sir it but to try • .- via - make - Ma ebeape amiss the lines held by i Tsoiniaa, Rovisr.so and 311Flov. can be • dolt t. The chances arena against him. HARDEE bas 15,000 . .men:hi Savannah, and this embraces, we jidge, all the arena . lila Men. that were in 'Charleston and Mo. Snznatin has them securely cooped sip, end ,their capture isi only is question of lime. . The taking of Savannah will thusbe followed RPROER necessdrily by the capture Charleston and Mobile; and LEE has not man -- tc! spare' 'to defend Wilmington against the attack of BIiTLEE. Ei.uny's army is completely held in check Iy . EUEIUDA.n. It dare not fall back to help TAM, not advance to strengthen any other lareiak point in the Confederiey. The defeat : , 4QpiI,,LTON 7 BRECiIIiMEIXFR, FORREST and' liattpcs.' thite leave the South -without any Military forte except that under .Laur, ..,Fdatv; and', neither LEE nor -Itantx dare'move an ine.h without =men- . `iieringTtichimand. 1 . '',Elnaipr 'cap thus; without- firing a gun; and by sirnPly. holding LEE and' Fan= in .I.:Clie,c_k v carry on a most triumphant cam , psfign.; The whole Sardlrls how, or soon will ....be,' open to us, and`':. the spring will . 1 . ;; .azitdonbtodly see'. all iti.chief cities in our 0 411,114 0 1 L-rTid - _lines can then be :drawn snore- tightly around *eh - Mond, and JEFE_ and:his government Will have an opPetrtinaty to look annihilation in the face, sphinissiOn annihilation—Mit/am -:7-7-iiiiiiilsTEN6E . OF !TUB REBELS. ' • t ` 111e*Jitrw. DAVIS and hisfello* traitors gayttont, not long ago, *their - watchword littditim,"independerMe or arunhiladon,"- Waltyegaided its, ond, 6r, those gait:Maier Which `the • thivalrj..hitie been ... . , • long Mated, and was laughed at as "sound , . • ',aid furj.:stgnifying, nothing.' . The rest of. inanilmt ,supposed that, as soon as 'they • sho&d dhiCever that their ;cause was iope !ca', that 110h...independence was tmattain stble,, that they were enable to cope with the North or arrest the conquering progress `of the ' snake of the Bnion; that, like. other - ilpeople,plapedln similar circumsteices, they would give np, and Make the best terms they:"could, pt at, leas', allow the 'people Of , the flotrtlfto do so. But no; they won't do it they cannot succeed in destroying the Balon; - they shein to determined to - lavothelr 'other alternative=annildlation. nwaewniy laseireek; after Sitenzaraw. had I,.conml,eted Us crushing campaign through, the heart,of (leor ,, ia and had Savannah'at llimeroy,nnd all this 'raithout seri** re ; shiter.ce-=that ajOlid resoltition was adopted rtothe Rebel' Con;, , rees, I'lo prosecute the war rntil . the • inderendenee of the 9lntir ;ITivi*.s4uied . Now what can be lion with men so mad ra: these rebels are -anti as: this resolutlOn • prover • them to be, they are in earnest? Independence they cant+ have. Thir Was ;SialeMfity,"tlecreed tin 'the, z4th of November, and thedenree'lms shiceiteen ratified, with stern Mid:terrible emplutilz by' the armies of SnimmaS: turd, TUO3LAS.i Therefore, fright ful as the alternative is to us, 'a nd atilt more to the people of the Smith,' the mad per- JeLs!..kiic.e.or the2rebel leaders wilt leave no othe,r. 'il ? Such otstlnacy in the prostitution_ of • a • ma cause Is without a paMliel in the history of the' wotid. It is no r. courage It Is'net , 4trainty, It has it no clement of patriot 'UM-. but 'ls doinri.ht. Madness; and none but wretches whocould systematicallystarve rltelplcss prisoners of war would be guilty of It. ••• : ; If the people of the South' will. suffer . a band of despeiadoes to rniii them and lead :UR te..destrtiCtitii, tin; fault lies with them, :•nd not with their lawful government against 'which they have revolted'. ':;.lf they wish to , SITO thenlite - ria - frOth - tiiC annihilation with 'which their leaders threaten them, let them ieiitYdidte their Diadem and return to - their allegiance to the Union and that moment ,thltAiesoln oL Itestriiiihrirtwhielt - itp;'nOW - sweeping away all that they have, will - mese its denstating openttione, • • ' But, at the worst, this "annihilation" of, wkittit we are. 'Teething is rather metaphori cal than' real. It will fall infinitely . short of `xternifi* , n: It will net. be the total Alitrectioii:orthe peopliciisthe•retiel,Eftinei, but of their armies -and of: their ability; to resist the lawful . ttethority":4, th e gov'elti meat. It will meceisairity invcilve the des-, truction of a 'rear *wont of -.lnroneitY and teeny ljvfts;. but. Da soon as that degfee of depletion is ranched which shall put' it beyond'the polies of the rebels' to resist, or to midnUilnAheir bogus government, the vondithxt giEFF D.V . TIS calls "anni hgettort.7- will:-have been., reached. Then the war cease, the Union.be restored, sad ',that Is left of the &nth will begin to recuperate ,under better auspices than it itiver'',before enjoyed. Perhaps this mad ,persistence essential to 'the complete re geticratton of that portion of our count*. Revolutionary Pensioners. .Of the 'twelve 4einaining Revolutionary Jim:wieners whine names were published In the beginning of the year, Seven have since ' died: The survivors ate: • Lemuel Cook, - enlisted at Ilartfonl, Mass., is now about nnul.y.eighereara of nge,and . resides in elarcrulon, Orleans county, N.Y. Samna Downing, enlkted in Carroll coun ty, New Is about ninety-eight seam of age, and rthidea in' Edinburg, taratoga , county, New York. William ' Hutchings, enlisted at N'ew Castle, Mo. (then Massachusetts); Is nciw one hundred years Old, and resides in Penobscot, Ilan cock county. Maine. Aleiander Maroncy, enlisted at bake George,' Now York, as drummer boy; la now about nipety-four '- • years ,of . His,,residence' is Yates, Orleahreounlyi:, N. Y. James Barham, substitute for a drafted man in Southamp ton colmty, , TC; Ilvlag in the State of Ms- - . Isouri„andintlmorte hundred and first year .of his me: - Mite -number of original appli: cations on behalf of widowriof Revolution-. arraoldlers, admitted during thtfitscalyFar; riatt terY-witli a yearly amount of pertmons etual to $932 21. ' . • ...... 6.- *I . , Slaves fore the Rebel . Army. - The Richmond Enreirer of Friday Dec. 15th, in a semi-official editorial in favor of arming the slaves, contains the following: "When we supplicate European nations for help, we must be prepared for to receive ii on their copditlona, which will be the ab olition of slavery. If we are prepared to abolish slavery, It will not be necessary to go to Ettropen nations- for protection; they will not only pave us recognition, but will follow recognition with such intervention as will secure nationality and liberty." It goes on to state that Gen. IL E. iitC, has written aletter to W. PortherMllesof Pouth Carolina, Chairman of the House Commit tee on Military Affairs, in favor of arming negroes. It argues that when "Sherman; gets to the coast, he will tarrythere only long enough to rest' anti recruit 'his men, and then take shipping, for. ity Pointito act in the spring aila movable column upon our lines of communication,. and this necessl tateSi like cold= on our part.''.' Continuing in an attempt to 'Show that theli present army is =ibis to stem the tor rent, tt says: - • "Shell we prolong the war ror the Belie of ''Quf•Pagraes? Shall we'sacrifice our' chit dren to pmeerre Our 'slitt , eal - Shell we et "hared om . country, destiny mg noble 'de fenders and endanger eyery. institution .intlier thin teat an experiment that , may give -us the- means of -recruiting our army, otassuming tie ofibnsire, and of conquer ing n speedy peace , - Neither rhetoric nor argement nor authority earl determine whether the megroes will muke for us faith-- ftil soldiers. The experiment must teat and decide this 'question. Gen Lee asks that.. this eiperiment ha made. For us this is sufScient. .Never will we .put our prejudi- . .ces against his.deliberate. judgmentand ad vice. Ile is ^ a rash man that does.. Re is - not a wise man that imposes responsibilities and yet withholds means for their accom "plisliment." The Enquirer concludes the subject its "Bet we hate, detest aud.tlespbte the eat' hiy, fir more than we- love and admire' slavery. if our tibertica cannot be gained but by the sacrifice of slavery, we art pre pared to make that sacrifice and to urge that- sacrifice upon our r•ountrymen. We Would not rearm into the Union if every slave could be returned to his master, and if every guarantee that human ingenuity could devise, were secured for the protec tion of the 'instit4on.' We prefer liberty with free society tokeunion upon the secur est bases of slaveryP .Such wo believe to be the sentiment of tha people of Vireinia; but we know that great moral doubts beset "this question-of arming the negroes, and yet the experiment engirt to be tested, and the fact ascertained, whether the negroesrwill make coldiers." Wain - of Myron Wtnslow,•a)•D., LL.D This distinguished Missionary and Orien tal scholar, as we learn by the last arrival .from Europe, died at the Cape of Good Hope, while on his way from India to Eng land. He was seventy-six years of age,- and be had been forty-five years in the ser vice of the American BoariL just con ceptionof ads valuable and eventful life can be given in this place, and we merely give a few facts of his carter. Dr. Winslow came from the old Winslow family of New England; inheriting all their vigor of - intellect and purity of character. Hut recently we recorded the death of his hrothere.. One of them was the Hey. Dr. W'mslow, - . pf the Etanitaq Commission, and the other" Boy. Ilibbard Winslow, D. D. the eminent divine and authoi who died last August. - . Dr. Winslow . graduated at college with tJie valeclictrizy, and after a course of study at Andover, Massachusetts, sailed in 1819 for Ceylon, where are laid the first scenes of his missiOnary.career. He was a pioneer in the. work-,of Christianizing India, and no man- has so impressed that land with the influence of truth and religions liberty as has Dr. Winslow. The chief labors of Dr. Winslow were at 'Madras. 'As General Secretary of that awl other missions, as President of the Madras College, Mid the head of the native schools, he had &bowlful% and incessant labors to per form. The college numbered several hun dred students. The care of a native church - else devolved upon him, Bid Dr. Winslow acam4dished other objects of importance. He published a history of Missions, "Hints on Mission.s," and translated the Bible Into A. abort time since, he was enabled to bring to a: successful close his great "Ta mil and English Lexicon," upon which he had labored over twenty years. The work has been, tby competent authority, pro . notinced- the greatest achievement of any • Anierieen Eicholsr and missionary. It is a 'contrto'of 1;000 pages, sin& G9 t ooo words, transmitted into Fthglish, of Which one-half * . kre.collected by the anther. The Diction la.a complete ono, containing the my thology of India, names of heroes, posts, warriors, .be., definitions and illustrations of the Brahmaie tongue. It is a work great ly needed in Christisniring and eivilivine, ;that people, and the native and English 'press have been loud in their expression of rianks to the author. Dr. Winslow has closed a long life of the most eminent usefulness and devotion. I w ti - cll helms fulfilled his mission, the work rind labors of warty half a century dechire in influences which never die. The friends • of 'missionary enterprise all over the world • wilhnot ECIOT forget thename and the works of Myron Pennsylvanians wttn Sherman and • Thomait. It will not be uninterelaing to nor readers to know - what Pennsylvania regiments are nt the present time with Genertds Sherman and Thomas, both of width gallant ,torn- wanders' have - recently' gained Important vietoties_, They are old organizationa, and FarclnovedUAr 'WM on many With Sherman are the 28th, 29th, 4ath, TAd, 199th, 111th and 147th, and Battery E, better known it Knapp's. The 79;thati Ira porta id prat of the 14th corps, it Is alio tin derstinod, is with Sherman, limier . ' Thomas are the 7th. 9th and lath cavalry, the-Wilt - infantry, - and Nat..; -- ryll,-Ilier latter 'orirtinization being con- - .e• eted with the;4th'etwpa. ,' The three eat y reglinents abo . ve named; for some time, evioua.to the recent- movement in Teri ssee, were stationedat the different points • uth of Nashville, and therefore may not -rve,beehengnged as.organliation In the tent greet battlesneer that city. . • . • . Illatty*! ! itiap Of Nashville and Vicinity., NM:kr' . lle , lies ,In bender curve of. the 11,trutherland river, the right bank tending': cowards the North. Ten turnpikes diverge .from the city, almost: exactly as the Angers:, poinie When, placing 'Ones hand side b_r• aide (with the palma _upward,), one extends them as, widely -as possible. The wrists! "represent Northville. The left thumbpf the leftleft.handlsthe Lebanon pike, running along the :-river nearly parallel with It; the fore.' finger lathe Alurfrecaboro piker the middle 'finger, the Nolanavillopike,lhetwern which the (tha'rtanefign Railroad 'ma%) the ring finger, the_Franklin pike; the Mlle linger is. Our Grann,y White pike' The little finger 6 f the,Aght band Is the Hillsborough pike; the 411 g: ringer; the Harding.-pike; the middle finger, the Charlotte, pike; • the forefinger, the Hyde Fem - pike; . the thumb, the Buena Viati rake. , - Zetween the Charlotte and flide, Ferry pikes runs the Nashville and .Northwestern :Railroad; and between the Nolansville and Franklin, the Tennessee and Alabama Railroad. , - ltlattmo INCOME RETURNS.- .Tiro . prominent merchants, doing business in Louisville, Kentucky, were recently brought to pief for making fraudulent re turns of their intomo for the year 1863.. Under the present law it is made the duty of the assessor to re-examine all returns of this kind, and if ho , has any. suspicion of fraud,, be, must summon the parties to ap pear before him with their b oks and their Papers; and must examine 'the parties: and their witnesses, under oath, touching their rations sources of income. The merchants above referred to were each tined live hun dred .I.lollatrand costa, making a total in each case of nearirseven hundred dollars-- in addition to. winch they had to pay an in some tax on three times the amount of their originalitturns. Plasm COLotrao - Scuoofs rt: Sala!meek. —A' free, school for colored females was opened on Monday hist in the lecture rOolit of the Bethel Church, Senates street, under the auspices of the American - .lissionary Association. As'n. mark of esteem for the President of the United States as tho anther Of the Proclamation of Emancipation; and the deep latatest he has manifested In the :welfare of..the- colored paimle, 'the parents and frktedofllitezchildren who attend this school. deC . 4b call it the "Lincoln ! • Sehool."-= more Americas, The Canadlau Quest#on Z . ndge Coarse' diseargod tt.e. rebd ratters be came, min, said, um Queen had never signed the extradition act, and there was therefore no 147r„..fakitillne them up. The Canada plpers.Low eVer, w.that the extradition act was formally consummated by the Queen 'ha council on the 11l h of October.lB6l—moretiorn three years ago. Nay, the order announcing the final passage of this act was made public at the time through the Provincial Official Ganda. It Is, moreover, boldly charged in one of tire French Canadian journals that Ilse (Minted ob- Pelham on Odell Me slissif, , e die:nista till, crue..rhve known to the . Cram officers fourteen elayi befssre the deeison rue given. If this Is the case, the ProvinelalGovernment are clearly parties to the escape of the prisoners. The Toronto Globe very pointedly Intimates that the case Is a very clear one of bribery. The money stolen at Albans. was, no doubt, tho lever by which this diagracefal perversion of justice was secured. And if the Provincial Gov ernment have any respect for themselves, they will see that Coursol's conuniselon Is at once re voked. The Montreal Wanesa expresses great satisfac tion In recording " the unanimity of public opin ion In that' city In condanialng the conduct of Jridge:Conrsol and Captain Lamothe in the mat ter of the,taiders, especially the giving back of the money." The Toronto GUe' soya of Course' that " he is oitl er a taare or a' fool; the most Incompe tent of maglitratea or the greatest scoundrel be-) tween the twoneeans;" Brit area papers which' are so thoroughly Identified with the rebel came im the Tonna° leader, admit that the Judge Ctontaltted 'a Tar serious blunder," and hoVe that "dlaPasalimate foreigners will plAce the blame upon the fallibility of the Judge, to which alone it is traceable." •Lond cells are made for the Inn :modiste dis missal of Catirsol. The Grohs demands that "he ought not to bo kept rn the importantposition which he holds," and tho ,Vontreat Witness in sists-that If the Government aconiesees In tho conduct of Gm stipenttary Magistrate by retain ing him, It will homily responsible for the whole • transaction from first to Inst." .111 the Canadian papers are aware of the er= citement which the decision of Counsol has pro ducal In the United Strtes. The account, of this excitement have tondo a deep Impression. The lemllngeliamplons of the rdbel cause are the Loudest In wurnlag the rebels egainsratteminlng any other raid and In calling noon the (}rues. neat to employ the necessaryforce to prevent them. If. attempted. EXTINCIIISITING PITIES BS CONTRACT.- Steps have been in progress in Philadelphia to have a change in the Eire I)eixtrtment by whiLlt the 'res shall be extinguished by con tract. r a ordinande is now being pre pared by the direction of the Committee of the Councils, which provides that the idayor shall enter into a contract with some responsible party or corporation' to extin• guish fires at a-coat not exceeding $75,000 per annum. THIMITO/LY Chlilll9 to hare one hundred thoumnd inhabitants, yet,:aivord ing to the official report of the Commission er of Internal Revenue for 1863, she paid into the United States Tremmry the paltry Rita 0f56,140, while -Nebraska, with only .75,008 inhabitants and no mineral resources, paid double that sum, her aggregate being 812,338. PPELLNTITROPITE iraahinfr,on, Dec. LA. Myrtllla -Miner, who founded me drat free color ed school In Washington, years ago, when her heroic benevolence subjected her to mob ykdonce and to social insult, died in thl4 city yesterday of consumption. PUBLIC .VOTICES. Ormuz licnnsito Conan UXION OIL Co., PP Penn street. 6PRPICRIBEIIS TO TAE CAPITIL STOCK of the ••,Dimkard Creek Union on Company , ' are requested to pay the amount of their subscription before the nth of January, 1966, or their stock will be for Pelted. _ WM. A. RESRON, Secretary awl Treasurer. say. NINTH -WARD rantsny ING.—The member. of the Vision prv, in the Ninth Ward, Pittehtirgh, are minuted o meet in the basement of the Public School Mil d. log In the Ninth Ward, on SATIIRDAY NEXT the 21th Met., between 'the hours of 6 and IP. 31.. for the purpose of nominating the mast Ward and City °Merv. Ry order of the Exeeutire Committee. delltat NOTICE.—The subscribers to the OIiER RY RUN is PIT HOLE PETROLEUM COMPAN' era hereby notified to pay the last installment of fifty cent* per share on their stock forthwith. . J. T. S OCR DA de2oast Treuurrr. FLBAT NATIONAL Rang or rirrane (Lett Pidebseyd Teed Comp 3) PyrretinnaN,Dee.. • AN _ELECTION IYOB NINE -.TOILS OF THIS BANK will be held on the epytechat d - uhOhDAY, lOth day of Jemmy neat. Duran heeds of 11a at. •nd Sp. la. deladd JOHN D. SCULLY. Caahlet. pp t:\IUY rus . AST idiElifllCASikt.:- .16=7 The 1:111•11 _Tetras of thep of Alledheay M tattled to retreat their res Ice places for holding elmtions, rtATtiltD. `f, the utth inst herwm.ix the boon of 3 ands o'clock p. m., sad rote by tad/aloe— One either, for 3layor. . One Citizen for Director of the Poor and shoo for entithletes for the roan-entire Word "Meleager, of the Drimary Eleoblura will meet al the Stayer's tidier, on TDESILVI`She 27th lost. It 10 o'clock a. an., and auto up the vote of the re :-pertlre precincts, the person having thelambect 'etc InAre deelmrd the nominee of the parry; sod lao appolot an Executive Committee for the en , ear... Oaken of E..kwtionv are instructed to (cruse All YoIANI °dieted bY (hour who voted against tae I:nion part y at the recent elections. Dy order of the Executive 4 7onalttco. Cankftts tn. J. C. PATTEllSON„geeretary. dell at • loon IJVIT naaa 3 P11341141/5(71. Arse. 21.1904. A XI: Ell NU or rot E PiTOVH• 132 BOLDED:S. of thla RAMC will he held st the Banaklng House, ou THURSDAY, the V.l day December next. at 11 o'clock a. m., to decide better this Bank shalt become an association for lie purpeae of Benkla_„e• under the laws of the l States, and whether It shall exercise the }arisen conferred by the Act of the General Asseto ly of the Commonwealth of Berms) call •led "An Act erothling the Banks of this 1)03111201t• wealth to become Associations for [be purpose of flanking, latter the laws of the United SLates," ape proved the ,eld day of August, 1951, and to take say further action that map be expedient. tc=34l . I. MAO DEEM, Cashier. Mrt/lANICE. Nano .111 , Pr15,41601Mr1, N0v.1.1, 1854. Tier HANK NK be held at the Ranking noose, on riIIDAV, the Tel tiny Of Devereher neat, at 10 o'eltrek n. in., to co.sidet end decide whether thin Bank shall become on Association for the business of Banking under the lews.of the United fiat tsa, and whether it .h.O cxerelw - the power conferred hrthe.Aet of the Le eislature of this P , lnte, entitled' . Au set enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth tel boceme alto- -elation/ for Booking ender the Lawe 01 the United Stales;' approved I% Aneuat, 1894; and to take soy further action that may be necessary. - By order of the Board of Dime...errs. no2klm • JOHN, AIARTIN. Cashier. 11 - rreawntia. November 'Kb, 18U. . PLEASE TABLE NOTICE THAT ti,c lira tweeting of the corporation to bt. emlled "Thetinlon Lublin Oil will lie hold on WYl4.4"kirAY, December list, teal, at the °fere of King h. Pennock, N0..Z1 Wool steseet,ln the city of. Pittsburgh, of a o'clock_ p. in.,.for the purpose of ergonlration, adoption of liplams,elfstion of OM mos, Sue:out4 Mr the InirPoses euthoriscd, ond more yout lenierly specified to en Alt of the General As• vembly of the Commonwealth of Pconsylvania,lrn. tilltal "An A:: relating to corporetionv for Mo. chonicati Jtanufsetining, finning nod QUarelind putimsre,* appeeved the lath of July, Mt. n07.014td nrumstml.Trena., pre IV. taut:Lean b. PITTSBUItaII ft. IL CO., 011traof Secretary and. Tress's, Cleveland, Deo. TIME ANNEAL MEETING or T.l E NTOCKHOLDERS at the Cleveland mad Pittsburgh Railroad Company. will be held nt the lace of the Company, in Cleveland, on the {re VAY OF JANUARY, INN, at lo o'clock a. for the election of 'Direetori; "also to vete upon *prop. oralon to lease-that portion of the railroad known as the Tilar..trawwrllmneh, fors terra of Years: also to vote upon proposition to purchase the half let terset In the late Cleveland, Zanesville & tlitutdo nett litsiirrtati, (formerly knowif...e the kkma Drench of the Uovelnud I, Pittsburgh Railroad.) Alto, whether to Inerwww. their Capital Stook un der-the Acts of April 11th, 101, and April 9th,.The Tr.trusfer Hooke wi l l be closed on And after the 11th umlaut. K ROCKWELL, deadd Secretary. • Oft ON adAIIEILA YAYIffATION .11l=1—: CO.—The Annual Meeting of the Stott holden of the hinoongshrlalinvigniloa Clomp/Lay will Who'd on TlttlitbDAl, the GM day of.Jan ery, *ea, et the Deere btaald etimPaofr No. 73 Grant Olivet, Pittsburgh: at tern fetlock 0, at., at which meetincollicere of tbe .Gotaptny will be elected for the ensuing year. - .The election will be held between the boon of two and four p. to. deridawdtd W. trarEwELL, bmr.t.,y• rat riqtAliTa AND' DiANVIACTOIterte • • . • NATillra BAN*. • (Late 3ferdonts .y..l,llbrueselarers Dank;) l'itirburgh. Bre. 110.1.1801.. AN EI,E(711102, - FOIL' DIIRECEOttaI Oh' THIS dIANK, to serve during the en moths; year. wtit be at the Ilankinx House on TULSDAY, the lOth Any of YanUary, 1063, hetWeen the hours of It 'o'clock m. And 2p. m. dolglA - JOHN riCOTC, Jr.. enshier. Orgies VP VIE, Tpttio riATIO.V.S.I. BANK ' ; tHe Sirrung non', PA. AN ELECTION run NINE DIRI.C. 7()Ilti Oh' Tllll3 BANK, to serve during the ensuing year, K111;1,43 held nt the Banking Ifottee,.corner of Wood start and Then alley, on TUESDAY, the loth day of January , 180, between the hours of 10 n. m. And s p. m. delo:lns 3NO.I3.LIVINOSTON, Cashier. OPTSCP OP PUP Ull/LENS /NPPLIAPPIC December 61h, 1804. ,EMEnAllf ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS of this Company, to nerve dialog the smelling year, will be held at ebbe Milne on MONDAY, theiSth Imt., between the hours of 11 a. rn. end 1 p. m. deehlOt • SAMUEL REA.. Secretary. farDINIIJERNE ROCK OIL CONPA N T. .—A meeting of the Stockholders of the puquesne Rock Olt Company will beheld at the Want-bonne of Georgetl Amlerson, N 0.189 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, on SATUR DAY, Ilecember2lth, 1644, at 10 o'clock it...M. .Punctonl attendant., la M. quested. •• . W. W. KELCIINEft, NATIONAL Malt 0/ ALLitn December 1241. Met, • AN ELECRION MU' NINE .TORS. OF TRIEVEArf IC, to serve for the ensulog year, wilt bo held et the Ilanking Home, on Abe eo TUESDAY Or JANUARY, iitas, tweed the hoots of 10 end a &clock. dstlld J. le t .plotifElt. Deshler. THTIFI:11:1 BIL-40 kegs. for. a~fo at t .1-1. No. 10&mlthEe)d street.' • der! - - YEARN' PAN OORDFIC. ,~....,.~~.:,. a -- - VERTISEXE.NTS. PRICE DWELLI - NG AND LOT REBEOCA STREET A ll ethelly, for MOO. ten S. OUTLIBERT . & SONS,et Market at. REAPER TITAN EVER ‘—• Spiced Mince Neat. , nt Oct only 20 cents per pound, at the Family. Cleo eery of K. RUM 449 Penn street. d'1514 GO TO 11. RABE'S for a mess of prime Lili 9VITT! Something ale. F RESEI Received every- day, Alte Family Grocery of de2l9t • R. HARE, 449 Penn atreet. WANTED-2,02 bTih. gloavxseeder ; eed; I . to Thoothyseed; For Which the highest market price will be pild r d4t L. R. VOIGT ate . • WANTED I ALMEDIATELY—A rat clue OIL REFINER, to go to JUIN ore. Wnes, $6 per day, end paaaage paid. • , For further Information apply to digtl:ll. MeRANE la .INTER. SPICED MINCE MEAT. By nil menlikgp_to IL RARE'S aroeery, and get some of hie EXTRA No. 1 MINOR MAT, et Se cent. per pound deittSt No. 4.6 PENN STREET. CHATHAM STREET:PROPERTY FOR SALE—Nos. 45 and 47; each house well finish cd end in good order, containing $ hall, ten rooms pantry, bath room, by gas and •Water Al:tures ' . Eacb lot 18 feet fmnd by 101 deep to a lowed alley with brick stable on rear end of lot. Will bo sold ti= l c y r separate, t ri f l uratip h s. sows, It Market street. - pRODUCE CONSIGNMENTS NOW IN - 6 . STORE -64 bbis. Champaign Older; V 5 o Sweet Cider OW-el/inert.; 4 lig o E rt i alt• 60 Nary Beans; 300 bomb. (lb,.thut, 6 bbls. Maple Sugar; sole by ;drill) L. H. VOIUT S 00. 17OR SALE—Tlirec now Steam Engines, built purposely for oil we115;7 , 4 inch riytioder, lit inch stroke; very strung. Ent too' shaft, arlink and connecting rod of wrought iron; toot of brsu used for boxes. • Dollen 14 to le feet lorkr;ag Moho* dlamoter, with Iwo 11-Inch hu..x;cldeuhey IH to. by 2:lfeet; hot and cold venter pampa. Everything complete nod rendy to ship on eighL HUGH. AL BOLE, Pittsburgh, V. Shop, corner Point alley endDuque... street bank of Allegheny river. fiefLr the Point. degt:tf NV .A N TED.—livtunied and disabled 021 T ceni And Soldiers, In want of profitable em ployment, peculiarly sdapted to their condition should address JON h 5, 111105 k UU., Pliitsdel phis., Ps. deena-rivr (11ESTNi2tS. MI Bushels, prime, eartre, (r imle Ar (41 , 20,3t1 A_KIRK SUITS AND OVEIWOATS, For Boys, Youths and Children FOR WINTER WEAR GRAY & LOGIN. No. 47 ST. GLAIR STREET. T.', STRAY.— Left the premises of the sub scriber, on Robt. Wixhimaa's Fenn, la clotilas township, a DARK RED COW, about five flows olii. with slit In one ear. A Mere] reward will be pishl fur Information that will lend to her recovery. ]OHS LOWER, township. FOR SALE. NEXOND-IiAND SPRING WAGON, Light, one bore with harnets, saddle and bridle. Wilt be sohd et a biugsla. Enquire of W. HURLEY. delleat 48 Federal street, Allegheny. A LL PARTIES INTERESTED In the R.E..3 O AVING OF I'ENN STREET, between street and Stereimon alley. will take not lee that the aserannent hes been made and may be seen at the otrice of the Recording R egulator until the 49th Inst., After *Mich time It win be left with the Treasurer for collection. R. 11. CRA.IO, (Medd Retooling Regulator. F OR SALE, A Lot of Ground on Penn Street, • Sloth Ward. shore Baldwin street, M by 100 feet, to an alley. on which la erected three new two atm Brick Dwelling. Fur further puticulars apply to' DROWN lc GRAHAM, "AT Liberty street; or to 'EQUNG 11110.. Duque... Foundry, Nhath Ward.. deiintw .• • A GENTLEMAN or RUSIN EnS QUAL; 111 CATIONS, who has bud "weerroi yenra perienee at Iron Works, wants Croatian a. boot. I.,velwr a{ general clerk at arum..., Mill or Iron .Yob of any kind. or es.book.keeper secretary for an ollcompanyihns a peteticel rosrt thige of book-kortnog, le • good penman. and quick Nn.l correct al enures. The best of references. tp iull ci ty, naparaility, h... 1, for une week 11,aftl. Ell, de 1. Itot. 2317. Phantlelph • P . O. • _ A LL PERSONS INTERESTED In the . 4 - 1 - 'Grading - end raring of ETNA. STREET, be. twee. Cane! and Crflare streets, will take toting that , the aweeenaent Is...sheen made, and ran be seen n t the ogee of the Recording Emulator. B. I 3 Reta , l4 IN:crenter 15th, UMW OAS 1111.1. S Jtingwell's Gas Siving Gortniart PoaltiMly urea from IS to 40 pet etat The only vertert and tellable (loycznor to %Lae NO quiet:silver mother ErtU 1/1.4,11ii Mir mmhirie. N, 11.—kith Ilmehlor l irsted by the meter. np b no rwe will It be left uom U irr omplithel ell We ptillthlwr. Applieri by BAILEY. r.t.nums. d CO.. U FOIIRTIt sruEnr. IS 4 T . SIEDLE, 168 SMITHFIELD:Cr., Pianos and Musical Instruments; Keep. coattail:3ly on Ural .a floe safortmrnt of rtlitNPBl,AbMk2,ll.sol,Bl.Nalnri'Z;V:j itrutitill - Tua'rTii; 1101.W/LY'S. ALL PEILSO:Vi wisxtxa .15..aaNts Cicrarooticuras. In Oa lamer vorlety ever offered, ihoukl ..0 on K. 11LAIR, Nos. 88 and 91 Federal St.; Palen" he comtantly keeps the limpet variety of , FRENCH AND AMP:RICAN 0001)8, Expmall for the retail lrnde, and oil good, emr.i rented pure and free from poison. Also nienimi tamed at all hours, sod poirtieulsr attention psi& to vieddlng and pnrty orders. I defy competition., Nos he k9l Y'IMERAL St., Allegheny. det6isri DR A D • - . PETItOLEITIT REFINERY. . . • :- 41. ARK & SUMNER. . • Work, 111311 Mee, COLLINR TOWNSItIr. 01Dec In l'lttsburgh. 21 WOOD STREET. These works being of the Israel caper:lV In the country, on' prepared to git inrge orders. The hrend stands the highest ill this country end to Flo. rope, for quality and are tent, nod the 01l is put to ;wet* nonsoned barrels, pmpered ospectelly for ex port. • deln:ty. OIL! OIL! OIL! Nentsfoot OH; Winter Stralard 1...1.1 0111 No. t entbon 011; linxsoed and Moiled 011; Sperm and Fish 011; - Flue 011se OIL Oar table use); Sure Cod Liver 011„ko.; Unn 41risys be procured et UENTEA!. LIMO STORE, (korner Ohio and Federal Streets, Allegheny, dela - In the Market Boum Siti.l4o N A Briclii.3o go,„ " d e .. l, , ,Au b l e ost, received x large nesortruent o FOR THE HOLIDAYS Including. ri.owEn stAribs vAsEs j It ANGIE() BASKETS BBA K RUSTIC WORK. FERNERII:S t • A. <7? ICr A. iXI. X A. , Large and small, of various pattern., and newest styles, with GOLD FISH E. - WATEIt rT,ANT's LOOK WOlt • FIOTIREA. ko Fur Aguaris furnising., - .. • IMPORTED BIRDS, Of fluent eong and moot bentitlful Pluntage..lnelud lng CANA R 1171, ft 01,I34 , 11 , 11)11 F.Y. 1.1 NETS, 'JAVA -11.11ItTltdcLIAlf • PUffoQtyrys, and • ' PAItIIOTN. OAOIO4 of nll kind., with furniture, IM MORTE.!. I.ldt, (Flower) Wit Id A Tit 8 • CD.OSSE,S,tec.. to . • J. KNOX. , No. FIFTH STREET. DOUBLE ANI) BINOL i ISARREL FlifYr 017Yiel—A, new irtnekj .streoefrint nod for kilo by JAMIbi 110,W N, qU WocrlntreeL .1 O • 'ER TISEME.VT.s I , COO SIJITAI2LE HOLIDAY PRESENTS.' 2k_LAI3UIVIS, 1n CENTS TO 830; Larg,.rst and Finest Assortment in the Ciry WE BUY LAROF ! LY, AND OAN SELL AT LESS THAN EASTERN PRICES OUR ALBUMS ARE MADE BY popro,;:l4:joakW.l.a.lV.l[.yvpzi:l;l:l • GOLD PENS, DE Ss.s, GOLD - PERO/LS, TOY BOOKS owr ,BooK ,4, LADIES' SA LADIES' COMP - 7, • 'l 4 LADIES' PURSES, '' LADIES' WORK-ROSES, CHILDREN% BOOKS, CHILDRIUT% GAMES, BIRLDIL. TORT FOLIOS, GAXES—Chess, Chequers, Dominoes: CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, Imam-Mance with the Joint resolution of Con- Cl'itira°,llduselfixri,loattao g r i t i m d e a ge l a s s yekr ended Bat December, 1363, and a list has been placed In my hands for collection, by the Awiessor of this Dldrict. Notice Is hereby given-to , all persons concerned ttrit wad income duce la now duo, awl payable. Ti not paid within ten days alter demand, TEN (10) PEBUEbaust WILL BE ADDED to the amount and the amount of said tax, with aueh ad dition, together with -Interest, and the cost a that may accrue, will become^ lien on MI the property, anct rights to property, belonglnif to the tax-pay er, which will to enforced by dtatralut If necessary. Payment may be made on or before the ern DAY OF JANCARY,IB6S, by all persons in that part of Allegheny county in this dirt-lot, at N 0.61 Water 'tree, A limberly. DA.VILS N. WHITE, delljati Collector. JOHN W, PITTOCK , S, I FOURTH NATIONAL BANK PLAIN AND COLORED see our stock, at FIFTH STREET, oipcndte the Past Office delaw fIIL WELL STEAM ENGIN 4S.—I im prepared to furnish STEAM ENGINES, • So touch npprored of for oft wells rind other pur poses, on the shortest notice. • Having different sized Ening* on hands, awl finishing others, the public can be accommedstcd with almost say size they want; the work fo show for itself. WILLIAM FISHER, Fifth Ward, between Methanic and Anderson streets j d eat% tit . Pittsburgh. F , • B11°L: E SHAWLS, I===2 Point Lave Collnrs and tietn, liner Trimmed Ilaudkerehlefq, Snot teceirod rod for ante by Nvttr.CL., ORR & CO.. detikit tri FIFTH SMEKT 96 FEDERAL ST., A.LLEGIIENT. HOLIDAY SALES, Of Boots and Shoes. 31cOL1NTOCK, at No. 96 Federal Street, Has just returned from the East, where he boo ee • lected with care a very large and desirable stook. of -Ladles', Gerd% Misses', BOW and Ultlidren'a • Boots, Riots, Gaiters and Balmorals, Suitable for the mison,an4l at prices which eoeebt fall to finnan who may favor him with a call : STrifernamber the place, No. fW TY.DES.II. ST., Allegheny City. dell IIOLIDA 1' PRESENTS. LADLES' GOLD PENS, BANK GOLD PENS, COLD PENS, in every - variety; CARD CASES, • LADIES' PURSES, PROPELLING PENCILS, PORTFOLIOS, PIIOTOORAPII ALBUMS, &e, nylat,S. !Wool - En co.. deo3 - .lt No. 26 FIFTR KTRF.ET. ROBBINS' HERM ETICAL BARRET.. 2 4 1tvr l eax, netobet Xi, 1631. A. A. TArroli, itat.crYi t6l brvudte.+g here tecelve.) at our 'lrani at I'c:dams City, New 3 erary, asLavoie* or Relined Petroleum Ins* re °Oa or the burets hovicig the brat* of the ..itermrtical Darrel Co." (Bobbin.' Patera-) A earefutexataltuttou of t bf. amik +bor. It to hp In rev feet order, (au rap+nttua w leak age,) ,„ nail the wood as dry watt before It wa oiled. The other barrels of the Invoke were In fair order, Out had leaked orvehayorated about two gallons purl, We rheettUlly treornmend the Hermetical Barrel to • Itellarn and .shlp(pere of Petroleum. • R EkIDLEY. PLLELPS k c!l,e.! .i V a t.buTtuu. rausout Eurtruas Aun ' Tuaorcu Tiettur (lyric xta Broadway, earner Dry sL-em {Oil Depot, Jersey CU) ) New Sotk, Nommtherzi, tool • A. A. Tarton, Actuary, Ito Broadway. We reeettefl at car them', Jenny Cite. on the .13th of October taut. au Intake of Petroleum from litual, DM, .Pa., otwhieh were four barrels having the Maud of the "Ilermetirel Card RsMins , Perrot A eareful examination of these Darnels show• (loin to ta , In perfect order, 130 et er,Tration or leahnue. The outside of the wood of the barrels Is as dry ai before the) were dill We utalerslar.d rho above shipment .Utha there weeks on the road. and rat transhipped there tlniev Sth c they bare been at our Depot, they have Iron Sub.le , t to ronalderable rough t re-an:neat and exposure to sun and rile. A few days ay° they weer roared and found to contain all Alm oil that was otutr.ally put In them. The hers of Petroleum Irmo leakaze rind ecapur. ntlon between here and Ott (,reek, amounts to front •t) tom per cont. We bet e no doubt the Dobbins , Derthetiefl Barrel would ease Oda entire los:, ris snail Mese. of Petroleum when on storage. , 11. 11. v..t.t.E.vriNT, Sept. We will be prepared in a abort time to foralah to .12ellurr., /farm' • At•nancturcr. mod dealer, tit Cm!. (.11, wimples of Itareeli prepared by ROBBINS' PROCESS, \mei, wIII draranatrato In all Interested that thla Darrel la all that Is claimed for It, A Hermetical 13arrel, Tfint it will bold Crude. Oil, 011, Napth! , , aplrtt• of Titrpeollne, ett., WITHOUT LEAKAGE OR ETIPORITION, j For moan., sr Wilma Injury In the , olightett tete e. The proms. f separin,; nirrels by Itolsbini , ,. method et' 1111110 e, ch.."fter than toot other, pr rte In tow, anti IS EFFECTUAL. For run her "fat letilArs see pamphlet, which otn, be hail at out other, Ito. Ittrt Vint street. STA pplie.t Coos for Merano for ueing the ebeeei pro,gra, I hroUgh 1.20•1tu & CO.; 1864. THE, lIOLIpAys. 1865 • •••• lE= Bibles, Prayer , Books, .11yain Beoks;: In 110VDteror,c, end Vehret Bindings. All the new, . And popular JUVENILE BOOKS ANDIOI DIMES. I An the 'new and portthr AItE.M. ny t liort. wood, Al onvco Aral BumiAn Ltrtt hor WRI TINU DESKS. hlntitignity, ROW nod nod Dloche V. RI BOXES. Furnished and neut. 11101r11 l'Orar(L/1)$. A LARGE STOOK OF rnoTOGßarli aLnums, 001.1; to Wank atulGold and Silver Casio'. FIIENCII INKSTANDS; Pocicur litx,x.s, all kIQd., and other artleteraultable tor j. All of whleh ore altrred at the very lowest prices, At Joan P. HUNT'S, No. 6o Flab street..Mosoolg Stall • AAT 11)ENING OF WEBSTER STREET. 1 T —The Report of the \lantern appotated by Oetinellx tO rtsores Jailing-en, be., In the. eilikinlnit of Welmter ntrcel, between Windilnnton and I.ltinthiim streets, has been approved by Connell3 and. left nt my Otter. Til , VilVeril appraised - the ilanrlv.4oT lir in. Cooper of 0275, 'end made the foltoirin,7 - 33- keasineinn to pay _that amount, to wit: , -- : • On iii - ollerty of Xra. E. Galllhur 4..02 CO .lames Brady WED W. It. lioierle ii .inn,' !Renee 5100 " • Y. liove ' 3010 • ii O. Magni. 9 1:13 ‘• Posey , al OO . " Win. IdeEnndles, i 0 23 CI WM. t %miner 10 8) • " - T. U. Ilninllton ' 29 23 , Win. Itletbinilleoi 10 78 Wlll Illnek . 430 David Reed • 4 35 - Win.llleTinuniilln • 430 41e1i1. }Lon • A 33 Iltlekle'n helt - 4 . , - II 0) Mrs. E. F. Benny - , . '6173 . . ' The persona atnwe named am hereby nittilled to rAll at my office nod pay their rnsperl o l4o innTicas. l a :dents within thirty lisp; from thin 4111 I, her said claims will he Hirai in Ihe .I'rothountnry hrt qn 10 . 11.rnii with mate and Attorney , . feet form! notion. , • .1. R. F. WHITE, City 141,1161 or,'.. 'aiel'iaw . : 100 Flflialstrert. . jk. J. ORSOOR' /kV Itrrr, GHIGGB d 2 SCOTT, " , /ROT CITY matort WORKS' • • • • wort.oslltulldtag etfroor of Oront'ititil Sotentlik etivets, Pit burgh. MEW rrisErmE.,rrs. 111:1LEDAY GIFT. A ETEI.IIW.A.Y.FOR A !'We consider the STEINIVAX PIANOS, in all ir Vette, by far the best. tnatruments made, In thhi f‘ountry or Europe use them solely and exclusive ly Li selves, or ' and I.;:e 6 mtisraristila to atuktriends and the public.reco mm "We hose at ditierpot,tonaa Came...A our °pass ion about the PIADOS Dilations maker., but (reels and unhesitatingly prone:ince Moldr4). stein...ay & sons. Planoa, both t3rand And Ply superior to them all. S. N. Stills, John N. PA tlean. Roles lieder,Geo W. 310,4-sn. Robert Goldbeck, I(Organist Grano t'11412 - Ch) William Maxon, Alfred H. Peale, ((soli of Dr. Maim:o Max Maretzek, P. L. littler, (Dizectorltallanflpera,) Hem 0. Timm, Cart Tilrgmann, Tbeo.l3afelit, Dr. N. T. 4.4.81ua1e,) (Dir. of Plillll.l3oneerta4 Theo.Thornas. An additional Bee PIANOS Juitt. received. took or' STE' N WAY'S H. KLEBER & trs Wood street: ckel 11,1/0 ty.116 O THE COLLEO 2 D ISTR ICT, Vatted IStatiaapaelal Income fax OF PITTSBURGH. S. Government Depository, PITTSBURG/I. DMIVIIIIIEB 19111. 1834. This Bank Man on Land, ready Ax Immediate livery, • 7-30 U. S. TREASURY NOTES, In news titian, 0100,000 and 61.004. The following extract. from °Mein' Circular Lett,: of the HOE, W. I•. FESSIINDEN, Secretary of the Treasury, will abet' , to the public the deeps • of theaorern meet for all to eubacribtr to this x=...!%. , r,rtxcerxe m "' x,csl&ay. ...TREASURY DEPARTMENT, p " Duccrancrt taro, Mgt. "Sim Desiring to avoid toy further issue of Bonds, the interest of which is payable In coin, or any further increase In Paper Circulation, I ask your special attention to the Seven and Three-tenth Notes now offered to thepubllc. It in bellevedthat these notesprnsent advantages which SHOULD RECOMMEND THEM TO ALL WHO HAVE MONEY TO INYYST. ,The interest offered is, at ptraent rates of other Government Securities, auth as to render them attractive, and their convertibili ty into Gold Dearing Ronde gives them an addl. Donal value. It la only necanutry that people should understand the advantages afforded by.this class of Securities to insure sales Insufficient daily amounts to meet the current demands upon the Treasury, an., he. • • • • (Signed,( " W. P. FESSENDEN, "Secretary of the Treasur7.. • "To. Jason °Tows.; Esq., President Fourth National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa.. ITLL GOTERNMENT COMMISSION ILLOICID JAREN O'CONNOR, PIIMILDHAT, M. D. H1F.11.11011,1'. CAatinrs, Fourth National Bank ofyittaburgh, dein-St 66 Moekot Wed, Pittsburgh, Pa. ikitlsKiriovm OIL SPRING PETROLEUM C ptll PA N Ir. Morgan County, Ohio. 482 Acres in Fee on OH Spring's Run, Thu* miles from 11cConnetLaval& Ise.potated andtr the laws of PenurylviaLs. CAPITAL STOCE i5OOlOOO. 190,00 a Shan; at $5 Per Shan, Full Paid Worigln; Capital reserve.] for development %,001 shares, the vul , vcriptlon price. for which is $.l pet share—nut Illable to [nether abseument. GEORGE W. CASS, Esq. President Of the P., FL W. lc 0. B. B. Co. •LCRITAI7 AJID TRZAiIIIII[II R. T. LECEICII.'Jr Rea. W. {'Jasa, , W. B.agalry, 11,roj. .1. It. a Isthrir, Bakewell, Jr., Jolt RJrlteirdAt, - B. V. laaltr,e, Tretk Rehm, R. T. Leech, Jr. A. 3.1111.cnn, 10,000 Shares of Ike abort Reserved Stock IY THIS ➢IARTstr. Books of Subscription Arc now open at the 'ofilice.of . S. S. BRYAN, 59:Fouith St... . • •• . .. 'Where Proepeetus and Sitep'of the Cordlianys prop erty can he eeee• .... . on.tl I . 3laitlC NEETING.—The underslgnod,i ,terling it ,their duty to aid the Government, hereby call n public meeting to tube proper men., titre to seetuounited acellon to the nubserlptlon • TO THE NEW E. 8. 7-S0 LOAN. Theee notes are {Baur& in Burnt of /30, $lOO, $503, 41,000, and $5,0X1. , They bear Internet et t a4Oths ,percent per year, payable send-annually, and on August telltales - 1; are transferable at par Into V. :S. Bond., principal end interest payable .111 gold, beating a per cent .5o more serum and profitable investment can be cantle, and every dollar goes to the payment of the breve soldiers and gallant stilton' now so !micas,- fully missed in restoring the Union, and In scout ing to the country perfect prosperity and success. Every loyal men anti women can thus ald the Gov ernment. he rucelingto, perfect measures to prove the ex.. tent of ourtubscriptions, will be held on TIllfItS• Opy,.Berember; 1%.1,,1tt the Board ot.Trade Room., Fourth .406 F L -between Wood and 'Market. streets, °talc& p.. -- Prominent speakers will tddress the meeting.. Books of tubsoription will be opened at the meeting, and proper ettbrta - made to hare the goal work thew - uglily attended to. .No time la to - be lost. "Our hrllliCh are rapidly tilling up, and the necessities of the Government are greet. :lames O'Connor, K. Moorhead, Bretton, Preston 14. Co., XL Beitshooter, Lloyd & Black, • '3nnee h Laughlins. Jas. Wood & tie., Newmyor, Grafi& Co., IttcClurkan,lierron &Cm It. Ilauchnum, It. Blotter Jr., Graff, Bennett &Co.. A. 11. Smith & tiros, .W m. J' Johatton, • James Park, Jr., !John Harper, Wm. - Lingaloy, ~ .totepli Dilworth, _Kier( a. Pennock, • ',.1 - oropir Plummer. ::(Ico. - T. Van Ifeten, John N% nit. !Win. S. Biliell, Whitmore, Wolff, Dull 6. , Spang, Chalfant k Co., Co. !Itutchinson tr. Co., B. A. ' Fallnesto'cli, Son &U. Painter & Sons, O. It: 'Zug Atrreil, Ler & Co., I W. Von Kirk. Wolfe. lloviard & Co., ;Laughlin & Co. de.9 " A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OTTOMAN COVERS, In , Tufted and Bend Work. SLIPPERS, Bruno style. Also, some very elegant' , IX° nxib. Herman Wadi, SQUARE MLR VELVET BUTToris, in all beside n very variety al other Dutton.. DILLS'S T MACROS, LACES, lIANDKER FS, 131. VE:3, ItOSIERY. Hermortst. SE.IIITS. STEEL ANI) MINX SETTS, and SLEEVE, BUTTONS, or every style and variety, ett.etn., will be Wad at • ALICE WORRY'S TRIHRHiti STORE, demo. ' ' - ,ZYI. 33. FOURTH STREET SAMUEL ILEA, Secretarryy Citizens' Insur '-' &nee Votepse y, comer sod WATER beets. ~ . .....~._.:s:coat:b~a.,::;::ax~;:.;~r~i.~~'~'0T~ .►•t Tr 4DFERT AN1;1:1E1V FEAR GIFTS, AT 11( JOS. HORNE & '27 8i 79 Market Street We hare now read, for solos stook of g Goa suitable for 1301iday P'r-esepLts Which mill be found CHOICE_ AD ATTRiCiIVe. Among the many articles offered we mention FOR OF LACE GOODS, " In POINTE AND lIONTTON, SETS, COLLARS, HANDIMBODIEFS, THREAD LACE i . VEILs, BARBS. LACE BERTHAS AND (JAPES, LAUB SLEEVES, the ftnesttroods In the city. zmr.ms mt. x ttr. lit es. INFANTS' ROBES, LAMPS' EMBROIDED. ED SKIRTS. To our stock of Handkerchiefs, We have added largely POINTE fIA2E. HON. 'TON, VALENCIA TILIJIMED, VOINIS and full lines of ESTBROIDERED, vocailm, new etiles of )10VIININGL UM& , STITINIED. and all grades of lower oast, Mani of which were purchased at auction, and are offered SPECIAL BARGAINS PAITOY GOODS. COMBS, SETS, PINS, MONEY BAGS. FINE PANS, ALBUMS, Aadmanyotber choice fancy ankles 'BROOME AN SILK SCARFS. NOBIAS,. SiHAWLS, and line of ZEPHYR ENTTIIOO DS; CILOVIiI3', every variety; BA LTIORA L SKIRT:At HOSIERY. of all kinds. EMBROIDERED PIN CUSHIONS &SLIPPER pArrEarts. HEOLIGE SHIMS. GENT'S NECK TUN, SCARFS CRAVATS.ft nd FINE SILK SUSPENDERS. OCR WHOLESALE ROOMS, up stairs, Will be found well stooked•with Notions, Staple and Fancy Goods JOSEPH HORNE & CO, ItOLIDAY PRESENTS SSATES, For Ladies, Gents & Boys. Ivory Handle Table Knives and . Finis: Do. carving do Pearl and Shell Handle Pocket Bnivec 6COY ICJEMIIS, for Children. PEABH AND ITOHY HANDLE Gold & Silver Plated Revolvers. FINE ENCILLSE DOUBLE EARRIT, SHDT.GUNS. FOR 43ALE BY JAMES ROWN. CLOSING OUT Dissolution ofParbaership J. IC BARKEItic CO., No. 59 Market Street. The retiring or one of the Partners January Is 1665, necessitating s change in the firm, 'wa close out at IMThcolossinac. etsLclL rtatia. 11, The magnificent at.mk contatara in our immense est/Mil:an:neat at. the !MUTEST REDUCTION IN PRIOR EVER SIDILE 111:1711.i.S'' CITY . . . . , Plain Silks, all Colors 'and Widtbsi'from a l , 0t,273 4 to s, oo per, ya_rd; SelAcolared 1 (gum! 0 .Silliaa Full stock of Bridal. tJaistage, Dinner, IS trcet sad Demi-Tolley, 6liks,l Mtn Black !Silks, double and single widths, Black Figured; !Ottoman, 'Pelham, Gros Grab, Oros De.ibblae; !Taffeta, Repp, and tolonledßilka AU of Diego . we will sell at greatly reduced pride,. . . , ; Savour', Circulate, - Boagne-a, Vorcsgues„ Cheetertields, Jricketa, Paletots, km, In Heaver ,, Cloth, Tricot, Broad. Cloth, -Whitney,- Chin. chills, Velvet Cloth, Frosted .Beaver Plush,' .Isc.i in - 41 colors; also in variety, Plaid Clotk -rirctilors. - A O&M Cloth Cloak at }l OOl a §, Heavy Beaver dews! 11111 00. -- A'reduction of 114 00 on each - garment. All other privet: garments, at the sane low; eaten,;. Cloaks - for Ladles and Stisees mode to order at theunto . . l- l. 'orates. - - - . , 'easlunere, Long and Square, up totted. ll rdehe, Worth and Square, up to WOO., - Gold Medal Long and Square. gliddledox, long runt Square. •• ' ,Wateryliet,,Long and Square. . • • 'Washington, Long artd Square. Waterloo, Long and Square. Real Scotch, Long And Square. - Long Shawls, all wooloss low u $ 00. Others low In proportion. Poplins, Plain, Plaid, Striped nod Figured. [Rent Irish I'oplins, Plain, Plaid, Stripe and Haured. Poplin Lustre,. Plahl,Plaid, Stripe and Figured. Poplin Ilet.p, i'lain, Plaid, Stripe and. Figured. Imperial Repp, Plaid, Stripe and 111, 0 d. Empress, Plain, Plaid, Stripe and Figured. lAipoeas. Viola - Plaid, Stripe and FlgoiriroL iLustrenes, Plain, Plaid, stripe and Figured. Valenelrts, Plain, Plaid, Stripe and Figured. 'French Merinos, English Merinos, Coburg& Paramatha, liorattea, and 100 other styles of desirable DRESS GOODS, all noticed to prices less that; they have been bought at any time 4iiring this ort! p.ilititenvlrril.:ol7th:fillyineVe Chinchilla broad irtoch, ven 'BritlttlnTrmericili u n d Ba !tn:res, t,atincla, Cassinels, Melons, Tweeila, aria, Ltiinlnca, at equally reduced prides. While Flannel., Fled- Flannels, • Army Flannels, Opera Flaw:wt. • Sack Flannels, •• (trey Flannels,. Plaid-Flannel, striped Flannels, 5gt144 .1 13 . lannels, Country Flannels, Blankets, , Table Linea, Shirting Linen, BaThietkall; ‘: H:1 ' 071';; positively tome oft Out ter= out above. . Aotteodtila q ml " ~_. .., ~.. ^M _.rte,- -..- -a Jib rEn. TISEMIELNT6.; ELEG&NT ITolicirry Il'lrß t ont ?ft AT 1.. nu: nrTnorox.ryAN GIFT Sooti t sto - R - 0. Wc).Ba F Lftls Shoo;, OPPoETTi VONCtRT 4 tiEL II • New Book' , larifillfYlbs of Albums sad Portfoilj, Prsper Books, Pocket Bibles, sad is superb soils, flow or Fgalty. Bfbles, rouging . to petal [rope K . 5 to $6O 00. ~, - '— ' - '' ' ' Ki l ' il.. 1 Juvenile - MIAs of All s. I • ... Two' bendl , and day. eases Juvenile Books setts embr ' , nada of , the standard Jurealle4 published, . LOOO „ 'The imine , nae - idOek.Otilloms now in liken* sent. many new end'elate* festnree La lb Mm eof new pet/erns- binding, /40., ssrylag h price from St he to 450 , and Atditlff 40 14 'SOW &tetra. - • .; ' • r AI'S • To those who aiiibhat =drill/ plain' ham for tki holidays, the • -- , .13001 K STCSit.g otters greater Inthweseenta than Any other store b the S ,tate. Especially people residlayst sitistauas try sendLolf for one of our large dtecriptire logos/ caoarttoomplete lilt D0018;'BIDiSS . AND PIIDTOGRAIT • ALMA • M.:their eietstGolamemt. Remember - to pp/attains .Ilooksoat METROPOLITAN. GIFT 11001 C STORA - you pay • the same as at othet sttrar. ;tat Lave: the advange -of Teostrlog wilt out took worth born of cents Soon° hundroddritlißs. ,Hur your 11N:4a at the • Metropolitan Gift Book Store; Send tot', catalque; which la mailed free tri aaoy address upon application. 1, rogrEn t c.o. ,367.43,A-Atixt HOMEOPATHIC, Hqmeopathic Remedies stead tori f e i! sailk: fit the head of remediaf mean for the use of the people. They are . alike removed; from Poiseninis r dangcrons, and repulsiiiidoses "of auaekery, orDld School practice, the theirave. niencoof water-ctere, or the intricate and poplin I an:utilize of maul Honaeopealii bakiaiti medicines. Corusisting of , simple specifics for the various diseiuses to width they are relateelr—put up _ to the form of elia - Ply . suger pellet—unt reign( Of hattiedrinfi neither dangerous nor illaermtlszy, they are the ready ald (if the parent or nurse:Mut the comfort of thecomplainizur and Invalid. • • They &same these proltive advantages. They are hartmese—nalmurresn arise from their rum They are simple—yaltraps know what to take, and bow to take it. They are convenient—pecan .shrothe sesputStspir Pisa at a moment's werldn& without hesitation nr delay. They are eMotem—. In thmuninds.ot eased disease la .arrested. at once, and Mks:stem - cured without prostration or delay. No.l-Dures Fever. Congestion and Inflamotatton. Drat; Pain and Roitlessuess, and the first stapes of .the acute 11.1Ul tallammutory disease. Prise OWL No. 2-Caine Farina Fever, Worm Colkaiii VON anions APPetite, 'Wetting the lied. ..Price - *cents. Ns. a-enzeit Collo, Teething, Crying and !rake. tutnesASlow Growt h Feel:deans at. Wants. Prlee No. 4-Ctirsie Thaithea, lfOtilldreri or Adults Choler* infantuat and Sunin.er Complainti. , Pr:se aacenta.ii -- Nos. 4 and 6 care the trofst colic of Olirnels • N0.6-.Cures Dysentery orDldody Ron. Coke. Gripping% Dillow Dolle,Tall Dysentery. Price gg N.. 7-Oures ensile, bolds. Dogmata: BrON 4:Wo2,lldt:tens& and bore .Throat. Prize levente. I This and No.l serer tall to cure the weed Cold ' • No. :114-Curet ToOttsdehip,l.ratai;aeles; fterrotte , sums and,TikDolorens: Price anent'. , 111. taXr-ELTEII3. No '-Cures Maaselts, Hoch of Blood to the Heed: Pliqe 46 Cents.- • la addition. with Re to, ft urns. Falls to memo t. _most lareterate Camel. . . RO. 15: -,Cures Driponain, aura prDer od 'tißosonete; tionstiOntion, User lleinplalnt, at Bilious Condition. Price 35 cents:: • ; Istretlanis for all cases of Weak 136 WOOD OTREET. Toweling, Towe Nitpking, Table Corers, Table Cloths, Sbeetings; Shirting ..- Pillow Lasing, Cotton Ticking, Linen Ticking,. Checks, =•iEPotr ckmsmrsii dIBMCS. HANDSOME• MEEUM. I linEY:s SPECIFIC , GI 1 Painfulor Deliytng,Dreen Blckrkeint rikoests, No. tr—Cates Let'worrh6o or "VilkDes, - , Down too Proluseßlenies. F. cents. No. ii-0374.- CrOOP"Uolule 010 0 Y 'oo4k . Ditllcutt:suad Oppressed Ursattantr. i 5 • • :No 14-Cur gn ftslt - Rheum, Crusty litrapttoss, Erysipelso, Scald liesdatart.ers', nay Pun** ao Tio. IS—Cures Ithemnatiam, Pete, Lemenese,Ao Soreness in the Chest, Back aide, or Litahlo ee," , Setatic 4 ., . i7.4.1tut0 Pflm Internal or Exteraol,lp4 or Flimflam Ruud or plotinate.. 011 ants._ „ • Ws, remedy bu. cared, tboaraula ottruirarifir posaible cue& • •.--- No. IS—Cures Opththatipla, Weak or lorlorsee Erne ot Erolirts, Follyog or Weak GO auto; • :it mop always be Yelled upon for lows. . No. 19—Ctuus Catarrh,- acute or eh:6:de, dt7 powing Cold La the Head influenza. In Omits. No: 9-Cure irhaidilog r do , :. h,itiottentaiial paltering it, or Spam:radio Cou y cents.. Loom:do, sad:dwell; leree and eurgeb..- No. glee...A.pdhain, Oppressed, Dtglault, La• . bored 147st:dog, Cough and - Expectoratioa. Prior t GO cent.. - . . • - iiundreds burro been cured brit. • - , No:la—Cures Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, get mulls Swellings mut Old Olcern ad cents. Una cured' the worst canes. . 7 • No. 24-Core. General Debility, Physic. al txNet.: roue W.eakeess. Meeents. . No. 2i—buies Droner, Fluid Amazonian Mr) Dwelling., with . Scanty:Secretion,. geoids dd. : .. _ • • • • • ' - Ro.--Cures Sea-Sickness, pactratlon, vamp, Nausea; Vomiting. .60 neat. No Z—Cures. Dri.nary Dimmes t genial, BMA Calculi; DlU:fruit or Painful' Urtnatloa.' MUMS: It mires did mini of /Ildney Diseases.- , No Seminal 'Emissions, - Imre and Prostration- and ty, 13ad o at esuits of ntETtemed D Habits. known,' Prigs E. Thc Mo effleie-•y and reAlotk PPona* s sure CUM. : .4-41UTO1 SOTO mouth"Or Stcrtimeh;Ganfeerid Mouth :of Adults or Children, and slur Narrolon, and Toralling or p F cgi ant Female*. 450 oents,'; 1T03'31-Ldnitv" Painful l , s _ iiramp or Sp .Prurittla, ta in M== ISO. tires Shafferfsts at Chasse of We, WM.; Flushes of Hest, Po4pltaticy ? „ " r e. Disease of the Heart. St 02. . • Sro.Sl=Ousesflpassis MIS CosiOlslonS; *Hopei or rallingi.Skkseoo.•.ooolas or Sl,Vlluse. Dawdle. Jerldnp, Twltettlop, fistarls- I , t 00. t - No. El-Cum Dfptberls and ITlsmkted-Or.11 . 1.oll& oast `JON ThrOat. Dents. 33 Niallamily33l3 -.- twos '3l3ll4mily.caile, , moro cco' • . . • 00 4 20.313!;3333; p1at. .: . 3 0111, la rtal ease Tlal rhyslclan'i Calla 13 00 poNIPI32ErrRACT'OP TrASt.A 4'4 ,For Dints, Sealdi,,Cutsßnitses,Soreoeso,,Lawar ners, Sprains, Rheumatism,' Bolls, .111 tors, 414 - Sorts sad Tootbeche. acts Mem [Mars. Prietr 60 cents. rim trads•iippLted at Now . York prkwil , '' Beitandl try Ki. ,„ Look over Our tho list, toske e u s • p • case of ll What 6.166 you chow, end, inclose the amount tw a eurrout. , : note or stump., by mall to my address, and the,: medicine will be duly returned by mall - or exprnssi • • 4. - N. FULTON; • • Flab lilreeltrindt • • Second door below tho Post, Cage, dos Whoieseilis ascot for Pittsburgh and yielrdtg• • • •--- O Asmil Ilqulrgnilsc:dtoot:DA;tribeilAlLED}.44'ti .liallidayaburg, the recipe by which. be rnincli c it.;. turc.l 111. famous medicine,: known no Dr. J. M. Improved - Blood -Searcher...: ;her.. Ohre that time I have been manufacturing It, hating D . LINDSEY himself part of the time ese. played in 'superintending its preparation, and shell -continue to manufacture it in suzeordance with the instructions and direttions of 1)r. Lindsey. 'Those, •then, desiring the genuine article,- should see that' the sterna of.l. Id. 'FULTON appears on every.bot. tie t and to 'dealers I give notice that every Wow non of this e mY-trule-nutris. hriproecoute4 cc 'the full extent of the law. • I. IL FULTON, 417 and o . FIFTH STREET; pittsbutilk. ;,• • Sia - larsi, prepared to aeIIBLOOLSE ANA/LER below:putted rates. -Call . before pure/taigas ANATCII' HORSES FOR , BALL—Otio AIL pair Hones, sate &Da 110 1 / 1 1d. will be. At Mt want at use. Eniplit of dtixiw M.o.VONALD AUBUUK. ,r;