Vittobittet &mitt WZDINE9I4Y, D!,C/13E4 -11, 1864. ItOII3IIISON. DieLEAN 41c 004 810 a BOY AND SELL ON COMMISSION ONLY. Estiroail •ad ell Meeks. mr „.2:l,:eftlimat . ekikunttee'clt /Jlkinda on hind MARLS Alit oi;a_ll,ißClAl4 assirovetis , : ANO..asinimuio , 'oo# s7 li ll * l F sfellx7e74.secraunaLeCail' i- ,'' ' ' : _Tvootoor,Disisiciss. We Molt the usual list et bids and offerings at Cie Brokers 13oard• There *Abe. littledone. Five Teen% Bosch geld daring the morning at t 010,4. - i(sl4 l Sletelffelit ISew?Fer l 5 4 MT. wets Itraly lead it 1106110 , 14; trintld foe Cade% easteste for . gold. V. S. (currency) Certla. • este* elallig it 8M81 1 34 and scorned lettered. : 9514.1thr0n toerresot demand. Werchants Stiendai,tares bld, 18 stied; Iron - Cityiabh* 0=_‘;1130012y - t'iaOluti ten, held_ r iv dull and without sale. )lo , eiaioi then a Ivry contageocul is made for ten shine er Ins, by st,reettuesonehOlder of a large lot, who hogilifilfireslethf.AotA fwg r 41% bid .003!,P.11111 at. Bridge, field at TraniaeU6llis' oll stares Malted. The Malden anisette' MI tag nag INA Trt lYta P* s 44 ', .r, a c t,la akelse-doubtful if it dam except tithe lutppy frar • that represent. prodinhissulLt. Bedroll sold dun thelfliir atls bid (ex-dbeidend). ' Saleter Pittabiegh Philadelphla at 1,231 Boss eirerTrtf Eilgidiralboy 01 Itleltkout PIIN. „The _ SAUK. at thor.youlog Boards end at Taellwalue , o Will better tat eni temper 'of 04 Itlmialfeaolloa at the People!' a ltscluolge Wig pretty large this eltrtur, standing. there were Suite A 001014 of tlookatillhr : ed, bit night, however, there is no - material change to „ Note in prices, Federal wu offend at 130,116 bid Horseneelt t at*Sll)ldtiftanhanto at AO, 63 bid; Ohio Valley; ils„ 115 bid; Oil Creek A Otierry nun, 3110, bid; Pittsburgh &: Philadelphia, 150, 195 bld motaissr.,4lobLWAlleghely h Fittiburgi, 01111 Si idAtif;Ditiell,lsl3,Chanyllun &PM fide" Cher , ry Hun t Plttsburgh;l; ltiOith American; 70 Steel Well, ,103 were ALLAN. but met with no rest petal* on the part:of buyer.. The following Wes 555 Shams Ritchie 600 • Van., Story ik Cherry Hun 1,11 QllGreek Ir. (Mary Eno- 3 , 33 Sale of steaks on Tuesday evenlig, Dec. 13th, at ' - Cominerolal Sales Bonus, 511 'Fifth - street, th•' - , Mum` 88 50 , 87 60 Teen City do 85 00 . - . 44llminifir:Aßairk.,. , 15 0 .03 • Western do • do 55 133 Allegheny Valley. liallrosd t 3 50 Cherry Bun Central Oil Co 1 95 Stay sad Cherry Run On Co: .. .. • :I.= Many Run and•Fllt /Ohs do ...... 00. Olt Co: . -. • - . 8 8714' Fleming and -BlOOd.eni - f • .3 60E • , Fl e xile Co • • w l Ohio Valley-011U° • 1 71 Union Lobito • d 0.... 03 ... . .. . 'We thought (nays the Commercial Balletic) we we,. doing big ; thing'. here la Boston:In the Laney stoat Dusitme. when we had a lively lilt of 215 alto. • lng oompardesof all' kinds; mem ging from Steno) • to SMOG* capital oath; butthe shine is taken cont. .pletsly out of oux pigmy speculations by Um oil operators of rbilsdelplilli, who here . alremly got., two hundred and thirty-four different oil stocks on thole varlet and arenew ones at th e rate of eighteen perWe= l etiv ng especity represent. • ealn agues of from 5a0,000 to a million and. hall *LW ,-ellipsr 'sod 'thou wile mall barrel concern of three hundred their/and capital In put up, bur : thou are the exCeptlona. The proverb 'of •theres =Wag. Us• leather will have to•give way to • - etbees'a nothing like sod if 'kasha. all make light of it they will but increase the demand. TTEPELP REVIEW,,_OI I : THE NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Reported for the,PllisburgliCtazette, , .` • mirit'intx; Dee:4o, 188 I: - . • The maiket for Petroleum during the week past,, has been inuitlieliat 'lrregular—hut on the arholi there his been a - narkedimprovement. - ' Cnute Oil boAP4OI I 7 intie/ted SO cento'Pet Itolion.: ( tO; Vic apoi,Ut so reduced has the stock become, and so urgent Is the demand from the Relloers that they . , balm Been compelled toi. buy at at e cents. Thoilgb Refined Oil him likewise appreciated, . the rtigniblte;7loadtals per - gallon dlifirienisrbkill*Ol • to tun Petroleum through the stills, kn., Las not beenneaehed. in feet; there te Attie Mote theist° cents difilatence between Crude and Refined in bond—sigh Merging to (his; bed that some of the • Refiners have stopped—others sold out and others *gala threaten to close up ultimo the price of Crude . declines materially , or Refined &drawn Material -11..,,Th0W9/eaPhine .Refinery.., St • C0i0Td0.. 2 4 .00 bairgiagrude,,Whick cads is cents, and iti4 tom- I .iatty say they will buy no more—but wilrataxThe .01eopplato takes thefirstreab among those:putters • 4 4 / 4 some of them will buy no other . .: Bet If' is ftdXequalled, I think, by the ,Pittaborgh"ogitn brand—width, however,. Ii emnpiestiecty unknown, end consequently uoappreelsted save by , an exceptiotud few. It is a pity theta-he best Betio. - ors ahead leant° be ninon the Sat twerp bust stese-onnteount of a scarcity of Crude Olt. • The exports for the year thus far, are file,4% bar- mis—and-the„reeelpts for the same time, are IRMO - Asentells . :"The stoat!. reduced tangly about MOW " 156 Ago boucle—tuella-ling ail kinds against I lo,tiat (fifty= bane. same time last year. Theneineenhdanhare controlled th/b.:Market for • {',sometime—and hire got prices so high, that the! exportat are very backward about taking hold--; for Tbere. - fro I blidifeciMer Minsid„tamp erab• le speentative purchases fer ♦ deltretyabead, during the past two or three days,; ..saircnome eases the .exporters bent bought lots' sale,The for the week, comprise about. ihbOO, linotele Crick, at from Xbittlti cents , Cos the spot,. sod AinHaM foreall this mouth and next. , TbeanerT • !bettO.Uy was - quiet but tirm,with sales at 641113, • Allents; fortble and next month. . • ' 3 ; Of Refined in bond, the sales see MOOD birrela, tgl fromilicilqtoln Mita co the spot,aed from ro5601! Obits faced tails mouth and. neat, eellers , option i i `al" about. tide s gallons, at, idliftto "ccot-s- - xo Ilbeents for resseux. - ' ' The market today was valet. tiukfloni • Si Jima:ilea are 1304 k) barrels at froMillOS. meat PS eents on the sped; and 50 4.) vents f r l next month .. Thee market today L i quiet, but II at Gips ends. Nnpthe in firm, with rides of l,r NaWatta " Porsaii. cents LOS 111:442 clt)t Fere; nide i 1,64 100 barrels Bel ointause, fold hi Olteiion- hoops. ..^-s * -- Ileattal Dry P 6 941 - Maril r et " • 4 1 1 „ ~.. „ , . n , , The Skipping List of the itrth inst. says bk .00. 1 fiaiiiel..# 2 .' PAM** w4tr nultrke.4.PT.4l. ll .4.l t ! t i of trade. The reception of the menage, there. 4 - 401VAirctieSeetteirri' of tlte Trasitory, fdreshadoW• g ar ~. . Ing rmhted proseonliori of the - war. and lin - le lesne , of-greenbaoks, led to a speculative. _in gold, ,dOrnestic groods,iad maschautho its r, Dry goods' ere by no Means plenty, the dna Rowell AS theimourtation havangfira t ..., Corianfrakof houtteti;jubt.ereend r t t es are pilleldtlerkOTSertilnhoyka. In the tAlli 311 Well sell. the Interior of the country , j 1 -....- There bar been dultr"aniottleodatitand . fdralind , and Brown Sheeting., with soles at old 2 „4..e11t /debt Sheeting. kern been odd herd! at fon ft , silo [,unlit/. Iht.ithtii nerilli_pi bad tShlttli bine •lo ,Itttiff ltdocet. . Brows Dlltht. a` scared 1162tt tba g0,34c, with s 0 altore demon irdr i c i t t;sre te.trig tikWerreV.ll)Mtan,- Its • , Flannels are firm and robing In vo at 1 ~. len,'.tts ,wanted, at toll. prices. Tel demand - ft ~ ''''Tkfhte is large, compared with the produntiotrf st "torte are taken about smite as received frobVth mills, Prins range from alto 4M. OrochecolPrlss are all spld,eukrofflenTinerenee Ccfmpany' a the ir s , or:k i d re. styles, lase received, on hand. b ag/ , UM, tales hero bonsai. Ifilettid, -with a , as te demand. Vlore Is not quite so much deo !Menke ktreettaktinetn , Pelee* of Paeldu'rentsinl the _same as last week; nod are seithig Mr fell as etr. epivid;.t Ds tleaneWer Detainee, and alt.' wools I.Moff la po obasigerwitted•MOtlerate producdtba and _ Yoe WooleaCtooda there has tteen It fur d tnft for the seaspn. irren,, Shawls. Flannel - and e epettantrt Inez w 14.14 .up, and , some styles hie FV.IV. The season for heavy IVoulros having ...-- pretsed,sfradi In -these gemds 'ts mere.' quiet, °zooid , _what Patin belino la-"higher pekes for the fu , - t , r7 - flet.t. Soave pallier are. In conacaptestee, lodklng '.. ',bent the market, and picking no lots at pl . /girl - cm fur the early clothing trade. • . . . 3 . r orig. risidqg AcsulAuts Dee. U' 1 - - - . with fair receipts of hop, the hostilely of 'pork .11pailkizer iteactlyelypogressingilied price/ ate, r al ' ' ant * Si t r. Tit-day, heavy hogs were brought et ' ilii ,40,eand od- esemores et - 11110, 1 5filat par _ _ p .- ~. tyrostirizese prime were,psfd, not- W . ' ....• lidthstaruling that moot of the packers were out of 4x,,,,tgurgotigtfilettau4t, of. I he.extreme told tut op thwimegthe• , • . • lore freezing. The following figures approximate- , t eta thelotimireiof hop killed for packing ta 4hls ...Irate Whittalcer ik-Sorn over, .. to 000'. , 7-- : .-• es andllsktoook:togethert 5h0ut....:...., _COO .e.r. - Itoe Or 0at..., .... ........... ..... : . —.4 ...kspoo • :• 4 1talha . v....... . ,r. . .:.,....,...•.... .. . . .4. ... .... POoo , .... , . . . -. In addition to the AboVe In the curly part of the, . Mg season, hloqUeen killed And pae1e0415.0031, ~ • ' And we think he has pstked some morn tato • , - .1,-.: , . o Also haterStAnit ;but Additional hogs have 'been killed by Ames, besides those killed at AA-. • • -" ~, hrook , a elaughterlug house ;, no that eke hate 00. f.:..,`.llquititlinit t. full number packed ~ in this city up 44VE,..0rP-o.o.ul6P°4P,Arit,- hea d aiirii,-,.i - . ••'''''"'?"“isaitriikpai ,Mqket—Dec: itl. •.- • ti , :' Th• m ukrt int ,oodtwx-ii r m . Arm with a good . - • . ..-- demand, and ell grades are gelliogat firm: • Sales of Grand -Batik tindy; , . en,dorge,ool small, $044.1 per QV, 0 aro . itOntassuld ne4lllsA.ti . . titicR011.944 944 3 4 1 ,50 ! . her qtl. Mackerel ere rm • she . advance rioted . in pplutt: 7 1:11114 at flikopato.ofOr:ath and 1110 • . - ern for Shore Tfo.ll S,,G 1500 for pal and - ', • *Y.IIIt#IIWPO for. largoand.P2,l lll 4 o 4 4- fro r p edhlm - . g . • ".. asewases aft...quiet at a 0 an Per. bir.rrer,. - ' Plated:UP-ling Scarce at . fl MOP per barrel. - '..t.t,,StO2altt 11 0 040 PO Z , n; 0- -!: O a YlFnta buy , . 11111Wanteerteprita4-,pee.,Ao.-;4' Ft...„.o*lra-Dun and noising"; 'NO sale'. tur-antrialiPt.ll-4047Z:t1,44Ahi11t of',l6_llo.__lsl at 003 in store. • . , PO i i % 1 91 t• 341 A 011.4Tinni ships of 381'144 averszing at 111181_1,60; 194 hfta at 1114. • , fianik,Wirin. and Os When sates of 110 Mat linnOthig $15,01111 St 11 1 8 up. . . /MILT REVIEW. OE PITI74I3UaGLII • ittAnkers. . - Tritarkar, Lim 13, 1811. 'lThege Oss tMai no cow chemicals/riots the gene ral market. today worthy ofspedal swarm There le a centtoned Lair heal demand for most, of the iradtngetlele of prodwo, the price.; althotiatr- firm and ruiwswaataed, have undergone no mate dal change., CIIZAIN-Theiaceipti On/teat out nuie toe ileum UM; eise we eoatlntie to quote the f ormer et WU to • 03,10 and the lauer at a5t,1301,83. Ott* ILtamad islichtart Small Balm from store at 01,00. th In Is at 111,3643 t ea toe nom the , last sale *LOX was at A. ' 1.1.0U5-1-Quiet, bat firm; with a fatrjobbimi de- • Mold at 01.1(611,21 for Swing amt. Winter Wheat Extra family. Stoat light sod receipts 111.031134-4 herecantinued leaboor and. ahlPhlog demand and _the marl:M gnu and leers are well suitalned.•. We note- sake Of sect- rat tote at .the Allegheny pods . to our packers at Preis 410 .-ftlad from Mb:4ll4lo* *wt.- !LitITTER , Wirm with a good docal,deneend but sr* without change. ,Sale of hbids strictly 'Pr&D i k- ll gnutoi fa ir sad came! IsteedZni 00c: :HAY-Firm and higher;" eel. - of It hone. from .tales at agate 060 Ip.toat _hod 'll tehaAtio/14, w t l gkrlttliP-• htore Mahn bed- eladwhigher. I 'Wormer quote ePeach Blows" honisterne ' Is . Arm, but without change; we Doi. ' sato, of prime city at moldy APPIXS-StewilWith regular. odes lconahtwiw at IMO to . 60 ip Itecelpta light and stock, WI'S-Very •dull, ma the +apply. is *net to caress of the demand. Several:los bought.for shipment, hart been thrown upon the ORAWIiI3I/MES; 4 / 1 111 . but orinettri9i bbl.: . , CIIEESE-Is steady with a fair demand at 3V ite for Western Reserve and liambrug, sad St for Goshen. • - ViTSlMlGuirvriunaggli )Itingt . , . • Tomnar, Dee. 11, 'lB6l. The &mud for Abode was less aetive today, 'end wine the Mather was atait end, _apparently,. meneeted, priers are firm and fully images& we Mote sales of 160 barrels, to two iota of 60 earls, at Ad cents, end 4300 harithr-onhlondey irening,nt IttiA. There has been no' arrirala Morflei, nor wilt then be any until the Haig. iehiettti;li Ua . to IL 14 W daps or : ,, Att teX A row , yeeette... ior Nene*** hood, there la not much i'utt holden ate Miry firm and refuse to sellosattas they tan uni=te egtreme quotatione iley eau: There is a - gooa weetro: • . demand for Free Oil, and p ri ces ate grin and ad. sewing. Sale of 100 bbls, in two lois age each, at 14 toga, and 100 barrels "LuOnsco" at 90 teat. rceo63iiii ertikirt*i side .3 . 195 %Ames, Free, (6? purl) at 46ceita-4 little above the market, el Iritaa and 10 free, helm; considered the ruling rates. Bealduum ls still quoted firm at 01.0007,12 NEW YOUK PETROLEUM MARKET. SpectalDtapatcki to tho Pittsburgh CMzette. • SIN Reiff Yong, Pea. ts, 1884 There is a cuottnued active demand for Crude and Paces; have stilt further advanced; sales on the spoj at Ptc. Por Relined, In bond holders are ask ing an advance, but buyers operate with caution; sales al:Ilk - on the'ayot, and '78.1‘„ seller's option 10_6 January &WO:Ay:. Wee 011 ia very tirm and hold- -, era are asking higher ,' closing at 0, on tbe,spot, Goldcloemithikafternoon at sl. • 1.. PETI.A.EELPMIA.•STOCK MARKET. Special Dtpustek. to. the : Pittsburgh Gazette. - Paiiiastsau, Deri. 1308114. The 'market for OS Stocks continues dull anti limiter and int* :generally, a traction lower. The closing quotations were as follow - Ai Maple Shade, 39%; Densmore, 8%; Walnut Island, 2%; MeCllntoek, 6%;Egbett,•4%;ll.llsbard, 2?/,..; &neatly bildivell; 6; 'Eldorado, 2; Great' Dago, X; Dig Tank, 2%; 'Mizell, 2%; Philadelphia k 011 . Greek, ALLEC;IIENY CATTLE MAREET. Repotted Xxeluistrely for.the.Gazette AbLiOntare Car, Dec. 17, Carrti , :llth a material falling off is the re ceipts and a consequent short supply, the market for rattle was decidedly better this week than last, and.witk a good demand from the butchers. prim advanced fonN .r .rtrafo per teat. per cwt. (Good heavy tattler suiiiible for retailing, were In active demand, and halls' of thin grade of stock experi enced no - difficulty In realizing bin advance of tulip dity eat; and solepsmall lots of extra were sold es .7%efle. Conuillib and atelier stock.. as has Deep the ease foesome time, rules dull and neglect. ed, and 14$ efiket gales, owners are obliged n o t ccept very IoW figures, TUB grade of stock at all desirable at this sewn. of the year, and farmers ate *ending these uktalaw -so* to market, because they• will not pay for witing. There were but few intern layers in atterolanceiand we were un able to learn of any being taken on Ciovefument amount, and the consequence is, we hare but - ray few mind operations to zepollt. We believe, how ever,thst the pens were all pretty well cleared, am' with hut few let over, It is confidently ex,•eeted that the market next week, will be fully Up to this and perhaps better still, unless there should bean , user supply, which at preeeet, deer not' seem prob . -. Mee k.Co.,.retalled 64 bead of naiad stock at prices ranging foam 4 tea., • W. J • iddill7tv.tePorts Moline Pladucted el bead at salter c o mmon, and GV for Ciao Bhoomker, wholesaled, cedargool Ohio 'stock, ately,e. llhodeheifer, wholesaled., a head _of common stocky averaging about 1000,he, a u - • - LI - annals rotalled Uhedat froms to 714 e, the latter for strictly prime. cr. cireezorabl htio., report having retsliii*obeut hood or Mixed Bresteen stock, at 467 1 ,4 c. :.. C. A. Thayer retailed a Weed tot Waitern ease stock, at - from 414 to 'frau •Z, Slim retailed a-mixed lot of a head eLWash. lotion eti„Pentia:stock„ at. 41.40614 100. 01 bead of -W aallicsgton Co., reana.nlifkk, at • cAllister a Ce., report haling relelliefl•ln all 63 Sad, at ff)1454K4 •• • • There sieve quite amber of otheraidarlizt we . stem unable to get particulars. ' .)loos-Tbir market (or this asss of stock has improved materially since our last rend. osinf, .mainly to.the favorableradelitacr of tile weather for idlling,:ead with a good dratted. and only and. crate receipts; prices maybe quoted from serenty- Ore cattle oue dollar per awl. higher. Our palters botobt pretty freely at -these yants,,E. being much more convenient for them than East. Liberty, and they took peaty ell that-offered, with the eaae. lira eemonse6oo:whleXware retailed. As will be • can below some sales are reported at from fit „a to 1111;75,lintilloo operations, it simuld be borne in mad, were t o dating the early part of ast week, abed the-;.weether was yearns and wet nal unfaorable foe psekhig„. Today heavy nice smooth :IV else be•quoted Ana, at from 1112,23 $11.40, an at these figures the market was firm. The lot ' lowingina mart of all the leadieg males: 7C17.-LIZP . 'Buyer's. ' !tlt }IP Minns h. Co Exariek ns 4:41• 1 , .11,67 Emeriek Hstlieso .2611 . 11,76 • 4 Flotdatua kCo Seymour • 48 Earteliek &CO PAVII ffie 12,C0 , fauns hCo Mclntre 16 26g , MOO .Ifanna k • libyde y r 47 119 b 12.00 ' Hanes tr, - M.:Pherson , 240 licymourEddie 'ff sm• - "Idershall li - "A0 12,10 . Robinson" Rotlaid. • EO: ' rasa:beef - Anderson is 640:: 71,60, Robinson-4k Co Gray . 102. 217 Ma* Robinson kCo Ebel( 100: 2Uo 12070 Haa (fare}' LW :Yip ppo „ when Cutala,7hana Ihstidltiontlf the Obeli sales, Nelms. Etnerielf k Co report hating retail:llEoe . 1 . 0 9.h 0 44 etPrim/ treeing from 412 to $l4.- pis a.-.146/n4eg, Omni, and with !Litt ?as pnd .611.1 y, the market may . 1•4 quoted firm ;and mare, ye advanced, lieveral sole were retailed, end p eee hanged from 670 . rt IT, however, at . . • 1151 - P Ovrt'iiitit • Lor m inn Auwenres,lleeemherpl-19 4 Inlet hanj , , H 1. - Bolbann; oC4riddir flour, 21 balm ilitiCh . 14 plc . . pc513145, Black k+co; 12 Gbh, c 152, It it Collins; 613 hide, Driangek, etrestaut; 25.1,h1s bred JAmen ilotliell'JcSon; 10 'dodo, -B - A • I , ste rtr ck & co; 20 pkg. tend, A (Jordon; '23 Obis ell A. 3( (lairler4,ls mks cotton, Alide; 10 balm h 5 , T c Jenkins; 54 balei hemp. 12 do tow, 'Marsh:, , l'oltunk co; , 5 bble clay ~8.11 MII1er; 201., hides, 'Watt it tVltson.'loo Molmehiln. • iMPORTS`ST BAILROAI). At MUTEST STATION . Dirt. 13-15 hider, John 'Weddle; 18 do: broome, ' J Meyers; tubs theere, 0 Kanionioo bills Sour, Sheens tr. Konnedyil bbl ems, kladtzson &Co; O. bbls mobtesee, - Hahn It 111.138,' • ; bga faxzeedin El SuideniY4none sheeet,lYHert. hot fr. liohaol;2s alt . applce, John Ilerbert; 1 car 40, Diem' &Kennedy. , yiroltis . rist O. lc P R..R., 11, toni.plgiron, Nlmlck Ic - o,3Les wheat, .7 yet et 04100 briallour; Loeebyt* Vas wht, Oaekl__,ll - •',160 aka do, !Magog* , & 62606.1 et Orb 'tlder_, I. 13 Volght4l conk: are, 13 P atoppleford; do, D PaltersOntlWearer; S brle east Jrnldni;4 2 do J`lo.l3;drutitc;do,•lKeslner; , wart,. Duet: 'Nitz" I W I.kdwell; I • do, .7 • : PITTSEVTIOI3, Four V611'32 . 66. ,thileAne , it: Lew:Saber bbl. flour, D Wallace3 243 hay, .7 MtPhertoorlOs Iwo hama, 4 l,oBl ho oo ll, pldellert a co; WO. bble - Oaritnert 8 ears .oate, Lkvot 00l Uroser rib pigs lead,Oznarld; 60 tes twiny Knox& Parker, t ear costa, Kennedy a llrotherrt do do, Culp 0. Shepard; 1 do barley,] Rhodes; abhda tobacco, J madden bblo high wlnet,Lambort o..lihlpton;.3 tars rye, A• I,WO pet bacon sides, Sellers 41. en; 10 - doz • • tubs: E Ilearletoo ; 26 do do, Seghtoyer VolgrAtap; bozeamodies, W 74tOrmaley; to do soap, W.. 11 0 18 -- sou &to; CO sks oats, .1' • licnohlt; Ws butter and egg*, John illtlIor; bids butter, 1.11 Volgt a co; 4 ,do do, 4, Orstr k Dollar; 30 "mace mono god rezones, MeClulowolDwron a. co; 10 dodo, W nialth 0. co; 20do do, - IdoDooold' /a Arbuckle; 7o doz hells, Means k Cahn dodo, 8 Lindsey .te Jr. co; 0 bbls apples,J Minellart; s rolls 'tether, G -N licartotts t keg suyar.J 8 Dilworth &cot 'ew York Cattle Market. 1 . , ' New Tonic,Tree.t3.—The ouxrentrims for the wcck; All .the marlcctil Ate: Bee .415tt1e—T1244 scams. onapcgsts; Fair to (pod, spete;pouour ,, L ',low; Inferior. 554130,25.,. • .4.•ows 4.320.4422.5-274ility, 55502 .5r 4,544., 54455; th,mnion, ; loterlor, 5254124 V2.44,C54,4 - 42 , —fir6 t qusl 31 1 2, 131¢515;"Ortlinary," Swire-..orovy; ttai, - per 14,131.04; /Apt and Idelkunii2Mtlitarli; Stitt fed, ISKelltgo, he 24tastirlble elurage IA she westher 4,55 crested PM • Retire toqulry fez Beet Cattle, under w 2552 PT/ 553 , Mystic**. fully , 1 1 4 15, sales being quirk - At the lasproisacent, though we quatel9s as AU oulskto Mine were a great may wales of extra cat tle, at as high as 20* The hulk of the seise -were 'at regillkOr qultetew:. : ; Itoo*-4ellre awl prices were deoldedli higher. The tetel recelpta or all Sock at all the yeirds,lror thlsweek rust last week, are: Beeves, 5,245; 05125 ea; - Teal Calve., 1,2524 Sheep .154 Lambs ; ‘8,155; - 5t442., 24,267. ins( week: Beeves, 0,112; 93 : Test Oslveri, 11,176) grheel 501 Irreb... '1.9,,135• • IMiduit. 11mirtwOzr., Dem :klf2see4Y—follyst dl Rod, 101014;73; :Mi t e—dollg Yellow devalued 30,te. Nnutlerv-atesOyiat 011oegrX0—iluiet" [BEES Special Dlvatch to the Pittsburgh Gugette .-., OnicaOO:Dee. it. Vat. Yuma—Dull y laden—White Winter, 114,73 - 3.14 . 11; End Winter, 16,9601,413. ' dull sad tupluuttfali ailes—@el Winter; SI hleidtd; in 1 4 - $ 1 . 70 i Sprint' No. -is , 41,2561,76. Corm quiet and weak ; sale. ai New, at tee. Oats active and skrsaced let* t rd.. 01 szFo. I, 4 1 Gliffiets4eloilizi2 steady,;f 69 - ,, , , , ,Tt1ac. Aye actin and Milhunetibe; riles of No. 2,at 21,22, and by sample, 11.23 on track.. Garfey active, and ' tf4l34e better; sales_of No. 2 Otd M. 21,6284,60, awl. , No. 2 Nei . , al 41,60, , . .' • -.Acenach—Flns, ath2,1002,1119. ' • Ilioulttli - tics- . Idore aellvo, ,m& advanced tiqrs Wel of 22. 130 64/14. . ' Pna*clOsatilksa in& buommll sales .of Mess Polk sOwysoggs Prime gess sold 'at $33. - Sweet •T•Pielded Hama active, at 113gir4 4 .‘,0. Sad Mill . flzuhist 121.- Sulk Shoulders sold loose, et 15 4l • llte, , dellvered. Green Hamerisl, milts 'at, triffak -• i Thorairm liciat,active, r and advanced We; tale. , Lzrz Hoos—verf satire and arm; Prime to Es tr,Gra4esalltaneed,lo6ls2; salehoLl2 1 422 head, at 211,30614e1de11p at 111,60012. ' . . Bess Garrum-unchitagell; sales of 1,523 head, at i31194049)10bki8iat.,4605. -: . ,G. . , MUMM=I 1 New Yonie Beale—nor n—State and Western Without decided change and rather more doing at Bi reel= 2s dMi r marketWl% * elan= in the sales are 8,0 0 0 Slats State end West- Wirtstv—ilatber Muer },Westerni t a4ll l ,X l ll34 3 - Glimix—Wl7firiffil and steads ; 0,11 Chicago Spring, .at V.l, MU. Rye hearand nominal:, trrtingeudi'ettMestervivhefeletentleis opened steady and closed henvy, a 61,06 fee Western. Elaociatm--Conte, quiet.., Sumo heady; Dituitevado, at Ifir . Molaimesdnila ; Pferaelitnt—Firm,fat for Crude , 75017 ea {for Refined In Bond, and afar Itedeed Free. Pnovisions—Opened &mail With fair .demand ;but closed hairy, at 1637,00 for 11;106-4 Mean,. VW for 06114 d o cash and regular way, closing at .leg 34 for cash, for New Mesa, 1630136,23 foe e, ad for-Prime Mesa •, ideate) bbir !New 3.45 a ftl i llray and the lett half offebru ary, sellers and buyer* , option, et MeV B Lae bbli 180-4 do, for January, buyers , option, at 040,- 10e; and idgeo bbli Prime teal, same deliterynnd to ers'opt n;at 140,0 e. ;Beef. qelet •at • ' • neirT I sales off - xceo oms at irro c u r fAe ti vieatilirlees. Prime Mesa Beef less dr at 35,00. Beef llama in good demand„ateM,oo. Cut eats steady,nt le% (MeV for Shoulders, and 151121 e for HAMS. Bacon sides firm end in fair demand, at sDlic for Camber. lend Cut, SWASSeft far Long Out Hams, Long Ribbed and Long Clear, and very choice Long Clear, for January,February and Starch, at Stye. Lard steady, at sits:fp/iv, the latter price for very coice City. Butter eon and steady, at 1-18.030 for Wmtem and State. Cheese unchanged, at ten Ste. Se* York - Stock and Money Mariket. New Toni, Dec. 11,—Mosse--scareely so arm, with fair busbies doing at 681 11 et. , Srtmiso—gu let, at ioiohetoO)1 for gold, without material change, opening at at =3l/., declining to =I, advancing to 210,4, cawing- SY • . OVETLXXXXI STOORI-11CLIV6 and STOMP—lrregular; IL S. Slam 5.03 Coupons, i 00; Fives 1040 Donegan, lee , '; Seren-Thlrtles, One Year Certificates, 07. g BAILCOMI Smears —lfigheri Bock Island, 10141 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 105; Alton and Terre Haute, 65; Toledo, 10S%; North Western, 44; do . preferred SW; tlievel..l and Pittsburgh, 104 liewaing,i3Co; Michigan Central, tat; Michi gan Southern, 1.3 ;Linnets Central Scrip, leh Bud son,-.119; • Erle, Si; do. preferred, tosN; M. e. M. Certificates,ZN; 11,1101111r11. 1514; Mariposa, 33' Prairie du Chien, Si; Quincy, Minus° srocas—Quickenrer, Philadelphia Market. Prur-arraydoin.,Den..l3.-Prorn -- du nandlices unchanged; .4 uperline, 19,15 , 03 0 ; lir•lr.. VOA , C. NunaT-11rm ;, Red, oposo,fl-.20324 White, 75,1:0 V 36 . Co nn—firm; Old relieve, 1,98., New, dd. 11470.9 413. Prrnozarm—firm; Crude, Ce4Sc; Relined, In lend u , ic r ; do 'ree, = 11,93; Penn. 'Lot . Wsr—teady RIVER INTELLIGENCE: The weatteg moderated considerably yesterday, and last event*, It was cloudy and raw, with every Appearance of snow. The Allegheny river is still full of heavy iloallog ice, however, and but for the change above mentioned, It would doubtless have closed ere thin. Unless the weather shopld again turn suddenly cold, the Ohio elver wbU soon be clear of ice sod navigation resumed. T Leanly arrival from below Mace Sunday night 'I the Artemis, from St. Louts. Elbe met heavy floating lee all the way front Steubenville, up, •nd at times It was feared she would be Unable tO reach this point. The Anna, from Cincinnati, Is overdue, and It seem. probable that she hea been compelled to tie up somewhere aleag the river. The Darns anthem left for Zanesville bet ever. ng, end the Jones Powell, for Gallopolls, got oft Moe Ume during Monday night. The Uzilila sad Petrone got In tom Olt ettl on Monday night, and far the time bellow, navigation on the Allegany? deer may be rouspended. Ths Onward. In commend of Capt. James Mel lor,'Ls tilling for. Cincinnati sad Louisv il le, and will probably be ready to leave this •vecolng. O.IIPC. Porter, failed to arrive ml time and of tourge,was not here to leave yesterday, her regu. Isr day: We learnt f rom the Wheeirag latdifyvaccy, that she has Inlot up ni that pine, The .taunch and reliable Rostrata; Capt. Ethel den; is announced for St. Louie forthwith. Noverhaeour Sr.enthtn.— The weather has leen very cold; ice was floating beastly in the , river yesterday and will probably gorge today. Navi gation to and from thin point pray be oransidend rnspeeded. The term boats ocosraecting us with Illinois were but sluggishly engaged in that nisi rens. yesterlay_, setts making • snoring every hour or two. It is believed retrain that no steamers. will leave this port hp-dhy, even for the South.: Thereare no less ttranthirty , steamboats In port.— ; W. Loris foros.,' Dec. lath. The St. Louis Democrat of Dimas? glees the fol. lowing particulars regarding the Implosion of the 111 fated steamer Marta r flue of Dumont raviolis liver dinners of late days • ocruned yetterday morales at Caroodelet, a neigh- boring city, about ate miles distant Ina southern r'elreetton. iktersl benh were taken by the Gov-I comment and • leaded with horse* for Louisa Ille.l Ti started Saturday morotey, And Among them wag the 'Merle. The strong soled and henry Int compelled the boats to belt at Caroodalet for the I night The pilots and other ernotkoyen of the M 0..; 'rte said:to out Informants, that while the boat bra r, et the Wharf without gesso In her boilers an ea-4. photon took place en the larboard note of tan' torah: deck, near the boller,theespleelon goingutni w rd, malilin a hole in the holler deck thrOnghl which the clerk of the bon ned several other men, fell upon the trolleys. What exploded they do not e .sow. but know it could sot have been one of the, boiler.. They any It may have been • box of am.: munition. At oil events the boat instantly took; ere. While In this rondttlen, a gust of wind. 'truck the blurb and earned her to a bar upon which she grounded and was entirely consumed. fIATENIETT or The 801.1)teall. On board the Marin were about eighty soldier. ef the. Third. and Fourth lows ear miry, and the Tenth htlasourl cavalry. Their statement In that I rot the lime of tbe digester the fires were homing ! underthe boilers and they a:lit:este the explonina to a y collapse of the boilers, produced be 5'a, ; ;,.,.. b.,. I I iiihrgi io omPtd tte. o them Wt . ' '.... And. empty. (i.e. " lola them nays- he heard a singine active 111, whlt tont the betters, like the whistling of 'The 'Wind, alraith five minutes before theeiplosiorn Papt: Alexander Montgomery commander of the :testy lied gone &shoran kW' Mtaatel before the no 'elkiti, to see If lois consorts were *ern SO start. It weg between six and seven Welook, w hi te nearly all the soldier. were In bed, that the es Plot ChM mewed. They were sleeping to the cabin, or, hich was split Lu the center by the expiospra eta the soldiers were .preripltated to the lower l'eek. some felling on the banns, some among the boiler% and some elinglhg lo the aides of line risme Wing nobly:, A terrible scone of excitement pod t oefunion ensued. The ooldiere seeing, that the I eat was on .firefrouthed for rho shore, without! stopping to minireeoy.of their baggage or arms, .id meny of them even. left their ohne and lute lachind. Thom entre a lot of hay on rim. deck, son t this Immediately took , and burned with 'yen • rapidity. •SurnO_Of the °Myrna ordered the noon t throW thebaytigetlard,,h , hl they Com,m.Aei, 'a. ' , lt — 1 „ ; ,, „ a _ , b et,,,,,,, ; gealiontryjo;co, te bea t ) none Chheevent the.. flame from ,communl elating turhe-Littie Martra, - the :nett looped :ashore, end sal ed themnelves es best they could. PeiTy A. Newell, J. 0. lksone, , john Balthsah -and 0 II Pocket.gonthany 11. ad lowa, missing. • ; An th e boat H efted fted down, th o e 11.:x n eti spread with Cool t d,..irg i there ' sr li ere n th m rc h' n r wom f en inift e e n e ' aloin ' . l l. . Madigan, of the 341 New Jersey entrain . , moraine on hoard to try to tare the women. The after Cabin had not been Indwell by the exploaloo, sod those who reuralnedon the host sougtot refuge fro + the Ors in.the stern. o The Lillie Martin soon push , .eol out. and running nine astern of the Karl., ee l 'lewd. all who could be found. Doubtint ti few h bean.crlppled by the felling of o.o.oolhltio amid wt burnt to death:, ~-..-, i There were itS home- and muleatos tiro tiler , all of which were loot, except font, Weiss and. It. 1 horse. There washut little .Orlght Pik two., ern, .P., t there Wer e a few boxes of fixed hold. The soldiers lent all their arms, e L igi iiiihehee . hill 4 batten- • They wereCis - eouLe for Cairo, and. will have to wail hereto get a ne e outfit.. , The coolness of Col. Reptant is highly Mittortrand-' ed; alto the heroism of Limit- Madlgon in rranuing tbob womenlrom the. burning ; boot., . The collie r . in s in ancriblog that anident to, the • crude:coness of the engineer, but, they Amoy . be nets-- taken on thalpoint. , • . ....... '. .. • I . ; • - • Tut 'archon. Allp Hilt 019WtellS. j . Thln steamer had just made two trips, nod . Ins v7ed at 149,000, bring entirely new.; Sloe - sons no mended by captain Alexander Montgnmery, w D otenedthe.bont; with Henry Jones, Joneph Scott. laid itarkee,Thret hr. Cook, of Cincinnati. :tot. Catterlin and Dern Illsteltherd were lite yl • lots, sod 'Wen. Drava and Wm. Dray° were Iler clerks. Wro. Dravo we. clerk of the Cherokee, which wag burned hire some months ago. . i ' The clerk In said to be badly burned oa the hands and feet: The pilot. hove ,told no parson way • ocalded.and %het fact le, referred to an proof treat the explosion wits not that of . boilcr. There' one In the Mthe In the °Mao of the trast *3,0f0; which _Was. not secured, and is believed to to Int. ; • - ; -' L , • The steatite Milk , Martin followed the Marla, 'viten the' latter having loosened her /Inn, We. 'blown from the chore, ran . tolougettle and took off patilengets and creW. The clerk and many °Ultra awaked, to a barge",immetiliotely after the oxide- Theo Rob Roy left Clocinneti for thin city ea pL Itlondarand thitiotictown waa announced to fol.. low on Tuesday. The thaolnnsti Gazette of Tues.!, day says "The gentlemen who hare bean engagid in,pUrL tnatvg 'to for , tlnt of .he nalr‘hari' c langedheir m e . loLoperet u ona to t PitebU y ith" Oapt, Drano la loading the Roiretwat Ultintertati, for thetaphls. VIE 1111 PROVO ... ' ••• ,K ~-iatue- G tant N ewl Price, WILY $lB J. Unsurptesed for ftraluty,. xtebt.tatty .end pare - InAnosunnent) and for text ,WertkltAhatax• Hest. For ximpllcity, durnbititli " taxi execution 1L ti,Uneeltelled by any other chime tiMtrestgr: to t he mad obe p • ~ m tucker bind:" 0 emtlque,lryclur; *elven Every mach i ne area'roirstod:" - S. B. BARNES, Atcent, • No. ID TIMM St.,nypOsite st. Merles Hotel. I . Ocihtyd STE.I.IIkI t).dTS. _ . REGULAR WEEKLY PORTS -,.74 4 0 BEIOUTH AND PrLINBURG - 11 PACKETO—The fine passenger steamer MILD MIA, W. H. Hew, master; W. H. Bryan., clerk, leaves Pittsburghepery 12 &slick !in, and Portscapath eresy. HOHDAY, it 2 o'clock p. is. The Goideis7ka make Connections at Potts. rsooth with the splendid steamer Boston. No.; for Cincinnati, and will receipt freight and posses, pkis through to that city.- - - • n EG ULAR WHEELING AND A fi l t XL PITTSB,tIHW , T . ACKT.Tae new and fait milking passenger stuitier PORTED, Capt. T. L. Taylor:Clerk, L. P. Beeler.. Leaves Pittsburgh avers. TUESDAY, - THURS. DAY and SATURDAY_, .tas &cloak m.. Leaves !Merlins every MONDAY, DTEDITEADAY and PHIDAY, at 8 o'clock IL m. All way business • promptly attended to. Towing donee t moderato Poe fright or ps:Stage . slipfsen biletikeris.TAS: COLLINS is CO,Agenta, Pittab=h; or TH, BATTELLE k CO., Asents, Whedinr„ - - 800B OO dely ]P OR LOUISVILLE, CAIRO A: AND ST. L00114.-Thii 'ROANOKE, Capt. Limes Shedder, will tense as above on TRW. DAY, 14th inst., at 4 p. to. For pasaareboard or to I deDi JO I AN rAVat'L . 1 7,0 R emenTNATlek Lou ziatit A TILLE—The fine . new. ales ONWARD, __Crapt.".lamen Mellon, wilt leave u above on TH.113-14T, 14th fast:, at 4 'ft. s.I For freight or .7. - 11. C passage apply on bcoird or to OLLR,MWOOD, t Agent a. i dein , .paßr; FLACK... . LS • UNDID ii' 41 :101 , USE . OF Phenix Wareham* Company, 6a v(81=10 tr..4lollllliON Sts:. Iteookiya ISTOBAOZ 07 REEM PL I TROLEthi, T&Ol anasjelg P", 134 "! a 9 Newiork. oe34i ' MORK K. onitiv4 !WALLACE & CURTISS, • com..vLs!'nf Nstt-HAsrs, si:410:flup4: 1 1;i4s;134;):44:;t) 0 1:Isil BENZINS AlsID LIIBIIIOATING OILS No. 134 SOVVII WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Isar Storage capacity (under cover,) for 15,000 Carrels. Also excellent facilities for shipping to American and Foreigh ports, at our 'short on the Schuylkill Elver, near the platform of the P. it. It. - IA3 IEaWILKI?siS, Tram= Alit /M. 41.21212/ . ' CRUDE' AND BEFITTED OILS , Perry Meek, Duquesne Day, Pilltsblgh /10-Spectill attention given to the SALE AND SKIP. NT' OF PETROLEUM and its:products. Consignments respectfully solicited. Pittsburgh Agener_ TRANSPORTATION COMP for VENA NYANCIO. OIL AND .IPPPOST OFFICE BOX 142. mhu• r RICILARDSON, lIARLEy d CO., • Oonuession and Forwarding Merchants In CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, No. 19 IRWIN STREET. - PITTSBURGU: pi fi l ic ti tittr: r l cal sdr tern l iacr er t o .. n consignments for VII - rgnintan Messrs. S. S. Dilworth ts On., . Springer Her .baugh, _ Tlionarn Bell, Esq., Frost. Communist Dana. m NM. lIERRON & CO., °Mee, 2167 PENT !STREET. • • (One door below 11.1.1,) Commission Merchants, dud dealers la Pittsburgh Manufactures and RUDE AND =PIM mu, Sir Liberal advances made on FLOUR, OR AIN Ntaxes, and 0 KEEN AND MED FRUITS. RON CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY & CHORPETNING, • ISlanufsstarers sad Refiners of Carbon Oil, BCIZIAIIO and Lubricating Oils, AND IMALICSJI • Crude Petroleums. aa- Wt" SE A UPSBURG. Oates Es. to NA ai ND S OPTIL POSITEE" Pittsburgh, P. _ • EZ=ig;G COMMISSION TiERCIIANTS =CZZI Old*, *add° and Liberty Oil Works Liberal iamb advances mule on consignments of Re fled or Crude PelrLatees. Car. ➢CQUESNE W4V mut trAsvocr 3e(1.3y Mrs - mm(111. p, ROBERT ASHWORTH, PIG. I tit. CLAMS ST.. Pittsburg,. IttIICIADING AND COMMISSION MERCILINT, AND DEALKB. IN OILS ILLUMINATING, LUGIIICATING, CRUDE rE E runr,vm OILS, Ac., coma/tatty au ttno aaS InT sate Mt the lowed market prlcts. Coo.4;cc went. sad Mien , soltelte4. itit7An. _ t. WAI6IIO tuotAr "WARING & KING, .COMIISSION XE.IICUANTS, ATV QRORCiVI II ITTRQLEtiId AND PP.ODUCIS3; d."lrrs In Reacting 513tcrinls. onl-17 ,In. 3$ MARKET FT. Pitt.lAtrr,h AbIES I=l CU of . Vitriol and Aqua 'Ammonia: ti• Orders Joh John h offieli, corner of 3.1.112 K ET sal ViILST STS:, will recoil? I.Tolopt Attention no2l lAintvr OIL IVOIMS. DVNOAN, DVNLAP & CO., IforcrActrrynn 01 Pure While Refined Carbon Oils. Not •JIttEET. MINOO COAL WOLhb. • Capital Stock, $180,000: 12fiCA MIRES IT i 75 ETCH, ‘klirAtiilizrz-301111'. Siccut? IVT —Owl. JAM Y.:01011D TALl111: utn—J. BIeOUNE. 1)111E01:ms: .-. I i JOHN ()HAFT, J. It, NaHTNtb, - , W.ll/litaltEN, - E. rA.w °err, /-.. 4. J. W,JADAY, Capt. JAS. 00ILD Ar• Capt. J. Y. 133111 in, Capt. Jr. 1.. S llTH,Supertatcadent., This poreptiny owns the property ltneWn ho the i Mingo Coat Worke," together with ttuf "Keenan Varm",' odlolattig, and containing in oil about 710 -Farm',' I. slttiotesi on the west ts4k `fif 'the, .Motiongsliela river, about, env...stint...hell ,inites below Monongaholo cup, the"thlrd pool, en.which nre situated 4a minut i a dwelling houses store houses, shops, kg., together, with la railway rtlenieg to the river, with tipple, obutment, nod all sleets/dry Arrangements for loading coal. The mines are already opened, drained and toted, vend: o and in good running order, with entries • driven' , and roams turned, end .411 necessary faelli ' tin for working eighty to ono hundred men, sod the twilit well known to be of the very hest quali ty. The ..rd Ingo" is believed to be one of the most voluable coal properties in the Monongahela valley'. The Company now proposes to lours ase their (mantic. for mining by the construction of an addl. Donal , railway, awl hare set apart 00,00 D In cash for the purpose of making contenipraled Improve meats nod providing n working capitol for the new orgonizotion. W ith focilities which the Compony willposses., tbo Directors confidently believe thot tho' Mingo" will prose to be one of the most substantial end remunerative stocks in the country— se'Prs '7 - URNITURE, AND OM AND WOOD cataitgi Beillag at reduct 4 wupt.*t&LA °R BE T 4tl ti- , t L JAIL W. WOODWEtt, No& 97 and scrimp STREET, 906litteT":Edxamill"a'a C°.% and til rourrn erraErr, OIL.-1: ) bbl& Vac Luck 43 6 r saw eJAPE l, ()reek 08 In Bor n PALZEL.I. tr. 80 , NAV. %Water 1100.8., et . vra VRAXV.E. CHARTER 1829, VlMfirm FiRE TESTIRISCIE COMPANY 143:11,A.DELPIIIA. if • - Assets on January I. 18&4..04.457.8! 9 93. Capital • .9 800,001 Accrued Premiums. . 971,MX1 Diseased Premiums., ~.. 1 ,0 B'l Unsettled Claims . . RCS Li"e.= 1100;000 for 1868 Paid Cure IMM 8,000,000 Pe Muni and Temporary Parks on liberal to It :- ' nuraterons : • • ' . . . " aria N. Baneker , ** Inane Lee, • , . Tobias Wagner, Edward 0. DaPi, • 1 tkinnel•Grantk -George Pales, „ -Jacob .111 Pad , . Alf tit ' • . 1 Georg. W. Me ML "Praa. IT. Leiris; ni:T. .: v,, : CILARLES N. RORER, President... EDWARD C. DALE, Flee President.; t SAS. W. AD S T.T.TSTtai; Sec. pro. tem, ' ' r-:' • " --- - ' A. G. -COPPIN,Agent, ailai . ion:kir - Wood and Third streets. FIRE k. -- Insurance Co. of North America PELUI)ELPHIAL *met. Mallard - Fire fisurante totpany, _ j. ..._ ' 62,28a.cka0. I sarPrOleCtiOn Oftil Iftelflied the Abaco awned and zetlable ocquisaqlls,. --- NVEOSFT,Eif°t_,INchTANCE COMPANY R. SillsLEß, Jr., President, P. DI. CONDON, Secretary. Ogice r No. 92 Water street" Sim i :Lg.& Oo.'s Warty. house, uplitairs, Pittsburgh. Witt/ insure against all Nall of Fire and Atari. Rids. A dome - institution managed by Dtreetors who are well known in the community, and who are deter mined-by promptness. and liberality,. to maintain the Maim - ter which they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. R: Miller. Ir., Jlllll. - 5 McAuley, Tint ['hotel Ro Alex. Ninilek, George Dante Cerurbell R. Herron, G. W. Rtckelion, loy3q F. al paT. l 2.:F3' INSUHANCE Office, N. E. corner of Wood and Fifth FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. • • .. Wm. Phillips, James D. Verner John Watt, Capt. John L. Rhoads, Wm. B. Ham Same.: I', Sitrirer, , John E. Parke, George P. Jones, Charles S. Bissell, U. Manson Lore, Wm. Van Kirk, Charles Arbuckl • WM. PHILLIPS, Prerideni. JOHN WATT; riot President. WM. F. GARDNER, Scrrelary. Jultay CITIZEN'S INSCRANCE COMPANY N- r , OF PITTSBURG EL—Oince, corner Market end Water streets, second floor. W3L. lIACIALET,Trgrideig. fl A IHVEL 17F.A, Seerda ry. Insure. Steamboats end Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage In the naviga tion or the Southern end Western Rivers, Lskes end Bs) our, and the net igetion of the 5r.... Insures against loss and damage by lire. VIZI:TUTORS I Wm. Itagsiey, Jos. Park Jr., 7 S. M. Kier, John Shipton, W. it. Johnston, James 111. Cooper, N. F. Jones, S. lierbetigh, Reese Owens. J. Cankbell, Jr., lion. T. M. Howe, John S. Dilworth, . Enrelny Preston, Wm. A. "Rodgers. r dein:lyd Ororg __ JAs. =rumor, JIZ A 1.1.1:011P,NY INSURANCE COMPA ,• NY OF PlrrsHunom—Oklee, N 0.37 Fifth street, Dank Block. Insures against all kinds of Fire and !bidets ISAAC JONTN, ?snidest. JOHN AMOK), Vice D. M. 1100 K, Srmlarp. 01.1Geraft% Is.. Jac" C. Heaney, ey Capt. R. C. Orel, John Irwin, Jr, IL Vaburstock • DIME SAYINGS INSTITUTION, NO. ito SMITHFIELD STREET t (opposite the Custom llotue. ) Cherteml by the largislol,.... Wm /I Smith, Thm. 1. , ht.-alder. i'rnswhlliery, John F. „limning's, 4how. S. Malt, Una) . Lloyd. James Park, Jr. D. 31. Long. 10. Jas. Carothers Jos. Dilworth, Wm. Smith. .1. W. Wood. ell, R. V. Sehmerti. J. Nei, Crimuman. /1 31 Smyth, (1. Follenahre, Zog. Seri-Sail and Trrasarer—D. E 1111,1 A LEY Open a y eve dning, aily from d t , from a o a d . o' m clock_ tot. p. m. Alms, Satan. Al ffr posits remit ed dime awl upwanla. s. hirrots declared In I.ecoinier and/one of each )r. - bienda allowed to remain are planeto the enrillt of the dePositor as principal, and bear inter ret thou compooridinir it. Books eont aiming Charter, 1.1) , 14w5, fro., (Orals& ea et the odic*. SW Tills Institution offers, especially to those Kilos' whose earning* arc small, the opportunity :a accumulate. by molt deposit., CaLity s‘vml, sum which wtti br a rearniVe_stlien needed, their money not only bring safe, bat. beating interelt, Instead of remaining unproductive. an..13.3m: D _____ 01.1. Ah SAVINGS BSNK, NO. .54 lonirrn Svasci. . . 1.111/11tTERF.Ill IN ISM. Open dally from 9to 2 o'clock, alio on Wean:tr. .I,y rind Saturday evening, from May let to "To; %ember tat, from 1 to 9 o'clock, And from November 1.4..t0 bLay 14 trout 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposita tecetvell of all rums of not learthln Oaf Ilolfar,‘ and a dividend of the profit. dealared twice A yesr,l2 June and December, Interest hoe bees declarril senilAnnually, In 30110 and December, since the Bank was, organized, at the rate of all yes cent. a year. ' blielest, it not drawn out,•is placed to the entail, vi the depoaiipr, as principal, met beers ember infetelit Dem the Ott o,il f , Luse dud D....c cmpounding twice a ear relthouit troubling the aloeitor to roll, Or ev e n to present hitt 4,314 teutic Al thtszate money will double in less thou twelve 1' 11.7c:1.5. containing the Charter, Ily-L,rs. Hulett aIA Ref:al:dives, furnished gratis, un application el the office, . I'aritincte..4ll.:oool! ALItHEE. vtua ento.iitattro. Joiner McAuley, Jarara3o.o, ;Total It, Shoettlterger, Wm, Donelatt, . Jetties II culinary. , Isaac AI. PennOck, Peter A. Maticita. Jame, Shi,lle, leillisaa .T....Andersttit, ; - John It. Ate Fadt o nt' . A. 10.1tollect; lit, It. John (I. II teketen. Iltosre9a. , , , .. pelvis Adams, • • Ileary.l. Lynch, lin C. Bindle)) John Alanthall, • eB eorgle9k, ' • ' •' Walter P. Illstshall, 411111m-240n. John Orr, Alonzo A. Carrier, Robert Ilubb, Charles A. Colton, , Henry L. Itingvealt, - Jchn Evans; William E. Schmertz', Beni. L. Fnlineetock, Alexander Speer, Jolt!, .1. (111Iespie, , Alexander 'Male. \V illism S. Itneen, , - William Vonkirk, , Peter 11. Blinker, hone Whittler, - Richard nays, Win. P. Weyintn, , Jomet U. Kelly, . . Christian -Yeager. ' Yeeeilto tend 'Teresuree-01145..A. COLVD6.I nthltulaw t TVSSOUTTION . OF CO-PARTNER. sll,ll , ,—The," Partnership heretofore catalpa betweenthe undeolittied; 'under the 11th name 41 CIII,II.TON & CO., for the manufsettire 81Iva Pearl and abet Semis; Iteul tido +lay bern dismolved by mutual etmient. - 1011111•, 11f. %INN • fonrf oituntrii)N.l JOHN FOSTER. 1 ,•I'lttaburgh; Hrpt. Oth, toot. • . Ez:m wm euv rummy L. KIM &CO., accenors to •- MANUPACTVIaIIa Of Silver ?9ATlv)4s.l!Tritr,A!nii,Thglia, riril.crir dr2q,d. Fon TILE HOLIDAYS. We Mould call attention to our rine atcick of ROSEWOOD AND NIAHOGANY•WRITING DESKS, Plain, Brass and Saver:Mounted and Pearl Inlaid TOURIST'S CANES and PORTFOLIOS, in glint dvW WORD CO:, Hats, Caps and Straw Goo*, • Have now In store the largest and moat complete stock of I 1300b9 FOR FALL S#LFS, Ever offered In the west. Merchants are requested to.cvli And examine our stock, which will be sbld at very low rates. not • , • WOOD ISTEEF:r. B aU Q UETS, CUT FLOWERS, A te. BOUQUET'S, • OUT -FLowrus, EATIIS and nnsuirrs wrru ribirEus, From 11IURDOOIV8 Oakland Greenhouse.- Or4ers rift with J. B: 'et leY l, ll7 EVITelth ' t. r e fftt str a ce A t or- at -the Oreeahouse, promptis 4 entailed to. Boquets supplied daily at .the above flatbed places. Oakland cars run to the arelotrouse every Mem Winkle*, ..#5Ol PERPEr UAU 44601i,0011. R'. P. JONE 4 4, i Aoz. r, Bagalegta RaiWage, S man. et Andrew Ackley, Alexander :4peer, .I.lavid M. Long , Rees J. Thomaa, Benj. liakewell, JoWm U. AleOune GORDON, Seiretary„ John 11. McCool, Unit Adam Jacobs R. Sterling, ',apt Wnt. Dean , IL L. NlrClrew, Robert IL , Lorin. BeialKB. OFFICERS. Pr...lnd-OEO. 11. JONES. ru L Joshua Rhodes, Area. Headley, A., Joseph King. S. IL Ilartmsn. F. RAW. wins. S. S. Fowler, .1. IL Tiernan, D. F. Jones, C. H. Wolf!, It. I). Cochran, W. A. Reed. W. H. Phelps, 11. I. McKinley, C. IL Poulson Jeuegh Sltinkrath, Alfred, WAWA.- KAY & OM, 53 Wood streetl. Wholesale Dealers fu UM= STRICTLY ruirp-Aumg.F,.s.. Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT. JAMES McGMI, (Successor to TORIIENCE k. McGA.RR,), .41. IF' a IL" ME la a .11.-.171. "Sr •PID DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Medicines end Chem icalq Dyes, and Dyn•Stullt,:"Alcsbol, .ret, turnery, Panay Articles and Toilet - • Swipe, Wines cod Liquors, Tce- , • bacco /k. Cigars, Palnta.,ollo and tfitniialms. StiPP O K•' • en and Braces, rro. • • prietari Medi cines, Etc TBVSSER 1 TRIVsgES We manufacture all the late styles of improved Trusses, and keep constantlyn hand Mash'., }ltch's, Bitter's, Ohase , s, Hu ll',and all other manufacturers. i— • Is cues requiring any peculiar style of Truss, or when parties desire it, we will. manufacture to *tiler ABDOAIINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS. DR.IIIoGARR attends personally to the app cation of Trusses, to., and to the treatment Rupture.. Physician's Prescriptions OAFiEFULLY CUSIPOUNDED OM Prescription tepartment is always in charge of an experienced latarmmeeutint, and all articles used in compounding prescriptions, are selected with regard to purity, freshness nod strength. Prescriptlons,carefully compounded at all hours of the rdght.. Didelic and Culinary Articles. Pore Cream of Tartar. Engtlah Baking Sods. Grain and Powdered Cloves, pure Pepper, " Allmam, 0 Root " Ginger. Bark " Cloosmoa. Oswego Corn Starch. Cox , ' Gelatine, Price's Glycerine. neCker'• Farina, Pure Wines, for cooking purposes, Burnett's Cook Log Entracte,. Caraway Seed, Anise Seed, Coriander Seed, Blase and Nutmegs, Saleratua, Pearl Ludt, B.A. HOVSEIIOLD ARTIOLV3 Concentrated Lye, Pure Potash, Sal Soda, Alum, Silver Sand, Bath Bela., =ME SUNDRIES. Hemp Seed, O Seed, Rape Seed, ' X.llt - tislcburalta .A.giois4o37 For all reliable Proprietary Bled Woes, rll Dr. D. SAYNIB' Expestorant. Alteratire. Carminative. i " Bair Tonic and Hair Dye. o" Sanitise Pith. Dr. J.C. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Cathartic Pills. " Saraspartila. Ague Cure. IiLI..I!IDOLD'S celebrated Remedies. • Buctut, for diseases of Bladder • " Rose Wash. [the bicaid: ir Sarsaparilla :for Impurities of it r. 110BACK'S lls Scandinavian Blood Purifier. • •• Pi. ii Bitters. SCHENCK'S PUiroo2llo Wafers. Elea Weed Tonto. Mandrake Pills. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery. " Salt Rheum Ointment. • ' WRIGHT'S celebrated Indian Vegetable PHIL 1111ANDIVETIPS Pills. Dr. R. A. WILSON'S put.. HOSTETTER'S celebrated Stomach Bitten. - TRART7S Plantation Enters. ) CVITER'S Menthe Dtgllah Bitten% an antidote tor intemperance. And all the reliable Patent Medicines of the day. Paiute, Leads, Mora, Color., 0110, Varnishes, Bruahea, Put t 7. Tube Palate, Pold Leaf, kn. tee tare farilltlee for furnishing these articles at roanufacturereeprices. DIRUCS AND MEDICINES. Oar stock of Drugs and Medicines are selected feral-annually, with great care, by an experlenced pharmaceutist and physician, and we guarantee all &age and medicines w e sell pars sad anadultrratei CHEMICAL& • AU our Amnidati ( . 14mb:olio we buy from the crlebrotod boom PONVEILU WEIGUTM.A.N. Aft Inquiry of your fnmtly pbystobto wW ostler you to their purity. DYCA AND MU STUFFS, Our Orin Importation, wet iniatantee fresh Ana ril• Ilsble. Animals, Alum, Blue Vitrol, Brasil Wo Cars Wood Cochineal, Ooppenm, OrulbeAr, Vat :30,11Wood4stS ,o Xridlgri,' 44.Lrogerood, r, Vie od,Tted Tart isr; SleArTuosso, Tuts Blue Vttrol, Fcreig'n Wines, Brandies, Gins, Liguori, For 131cdielnal use only, Ka Otani, fleetly & Oegnito.. R 00 - heeler Brundy. - -•- Pure Jutoe of Grupo Port Wine. Pura oltt Sherry t Wine. Pure old Mule Ire Wine. Prdre Uolliutd Gin. Sitraloriand St. °KICK 'Rums.. ithronmii cacAus 7 I Orr stock embraces same or this Boost brands Of HAvaaa Cabanas, Olgara. als ; pm." os, ' ;. Imperial's,. Britaolaas, Louder% FIIOII, RCIPV I 4 2 * • ':B Cr.'. 1 DOStESTIC CIGARS, Etanutaettirml from Imported tobaeco, vla Espanola., Sobrams, Jockey clubs, Elegantes. Juid a varlets orbrandt, Our stock of Cigars:wits pdrehnsed la 1983,.nad we are offering them to consumers at a alight vencegoves our prices before the tax law, n chimed I usnantities of one hundred fold upw&rds. (THE DENTAL PROFESSION, We offtr a large and eareially selected stock of . . S. B. Inaba's P Teth. ' Ottllllll, AlllllltrOng ..tuatPa Teeth; &Co.'s Teeth. ' Neal, McCurdy x Wnllh Teeth. Toluiapa Teeth. 0 Dental Chaim Distal Letbes ! Pprrepu, Plugger', Te r i giß i reftai ll agta 3 lt, Th a n ot i n74l l ; Foils, und.oput"l Blutudels oterfq et"sereimeli. . , . . Kir Catalogu r es to era Dad oa appllcatlOL' ' F , DRUGS HOUSE, , burner of ~'anrth and MarketStteeis sontramit PITTSBURGH. Pa. GRocErrnvii." ibitOntrvc, B. F, 4 1:11.11;y c. 9„ COMM/ 890 1 No . 10) SOUTIL ,11(44)12, CUICAG 0, Came spedal altenticalopurehastag Flour, .Girnifs, eqvisions t h•c. Fur stern aLioul • M 1. F. QULIY .. Gti . T. ItiltliVN .1112-ly --------- WALLA(I.IS. Commission 111814 an t, too sourn waTEV. sr...dlirog, l 9, Prat:mt. attention yak] totilllig orders for • 13101IWIN ES, YU OVLSIOIIS, 9 1 : 2 ". Airs. x'nA~t Al 'BANE ANJ Elt, AY'S' Commission Merchants, ll= Flour,' Grain , ant . l Produce, 43 SECOND ST., between Wood. tc Smitbfteld, • 2147. itlTTSliL'lt(il l kIJOS.. POTTER.. JR O. A 111 KR..aTArli MY A. St_ IOTTEII., AIKEN:to'fiIIEPAIID, - Com minion Merchants and Dealeraltr Foreign atiA. Bomeatic BITS, MOVE. BUTTER,..CI ELSA, X..13C15, POTATOES and Producalgenerallk,„ N. ate Liberty atteet,,oppoclte Passenger 'Depot, lttc , . 3.5. Dlleiorth ta Co., 31.eana Coin, Oniii IShepard,_ Atwell, Lee & Cri., John Grazier, Pitts :burg. Sinclair tr.. Bro., dlcliovrell, Van Brunt bc Co.. Philadelphia. Tremlett a SW:MOM, St.. Louis. Sinclair. tr. Grant, Derr York. Stanford A Laved, ;Cinch:dila' FRANK .VAN ()ORDER, - Produce and Conunksiom Iderchard, No. 10 SMITHFIELD STREVF, corner First. Dealer In FLOUR;BIITTER. BROOMS, SEEDS . , LARD, CHEYSI., RORK, 1/RIED AND OREL.", FlallalS and produce puerility. Libernleash advances on consignment. fell 011.A.K.LES C. BALSLE Y, • Prods= and Commission 'Merchant, BIkIRCHA:NDLSE BROKER, And dealer la all klads of COUNTRY PRODUCT N 0.19 LIBERTY ST/I.KIIT, • toh44y P DrNeliN 3000NALD,....ellAS. JNO. Atittrinet.. (of the late firm of D. tr; D. lll'Donald t Pittsburgh b. Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) - Ai ' , DONALD S AItBUCKLES, Whole -1- sale Grocela, Produce and Commission Mer chants, Jobbers in COFFEE, N. O. SUGAR and MOLASt‘ES,RFT , IN.ED NUOAITS and SYRUT.-,,' FLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, TEA.S, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, tt.e., N05.1!..r... and .223 Liberty street,-Phislourgh. • - • , not-I-ty Chita . WIIOLMSI.E Grocers twll Commission. Merchants, Noe. 27 and Ssynyy;;;;LD ST.cor. Second, Jaady .i.rrssunort. CIMP 0:25 811KPA. MD: CULP A; SHEPARD, Commission hlcr cbente and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. 347 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of ;Flour- for Rakers and Family use constantly on band. Particular attention paid to Riling Orders for Merchandise generally. oct64l.ty - _ GEOIIOII.. UNA! , Cer.OllGM ILLTZOIII. E m t 12 1 0 & I l d li!TZ( t /As l llT c e n er i fi n alul ki C n g s al oi . Country Produce sedVittsburgh turn Na. Nu Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, Pittsburgh. sp3dy AI! ERB WILKINSON, Commlsoni Merchant_ Wholesale dealers in WESTERN RESERVE DRIED FRUITS, SLIT TER, EGGS, GRAINS, and ;traduce generally. Airo,, LEAT/lER, ILIDES, OILS, Er., No. 217 .Liberty 'street, Pittsburgh. • • 41.P -- Cnab advancements made. Consignments solicited. • - • jeta-oul E. v.-bres Taos. 3nTeiaL . P. Liberty u7a Wholesaleo9 comnofigon Aleretart,nndderier ICOUNT37? I'RODIVE, PROVISIONS, BISON, LARD,. BUTTER, - EGGS, CIII.ESE, FISH he, pRo- DUCE, FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, C}REEN AND DRIED FRUITS, Ste, SALT 'and LIME. jyt6 JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission and U Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS. 5E.1.13 AND LARD OILS; DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Nos. 141 and 146 Front street, Pittsburgh. _ THOS. ILITTLY, *IC JAMES THIMBLE. ITTLE TRIMBLE, Wholesale aro cees and Commission itlerctunits, dealers in FLOUR, BACON, ()REESE, FISH,: CARBON Arm LArm OIL, IRON', NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pittsburgh man ufactures generally, ls and 114 Seeond street, Pitts burgh. t•. SUCTIUM .7 P. D. P.ZSMEII. VEY 31ER & BROTHERS, (successors AA , to Reymer k Anderson Wholesale Denier. in FOREIGN FRUITS, RUTS and SPICk-S, CON FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, An., Nor PSI and PM Wood street, above Fifth, Pitt burgh. jr.1941 W. D. TATTE.V..OI , ADAICIAIIMOS: , T)ATTERSON & AMNON, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . • YLOCE AND 011AIN.ond general PRODUCE dealers, No. ll WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. uthl-ly. _—., REESE WAItEJIOUSE.-11ENRY H. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission 11 fen. chant and dealer to CHrt• S. BUTTF33,•LAKE. FISH, and Produce generally, O. Wbod street, &Lore Water, Pittsburgh. D 432 , JNO. /Lon , FLOrD. MIN FLOYD & CO:, Wholesale, Gro , tern and Commicalon Merchants, Non. 172 Wood and YS Liberty stnrcts, Pittriburich. jell; L..CALDWELL, (succeAsor to James llolmea b. C 0 .., PORK PACKER and gicaler in PROVISION'S, corner of Market. and }'toot streets, Pittsburgh. Jas nitrrot • L n. VOIOT. T R. VOIGT d: CO., successors to L. G. Graff, PRODUCE .VID COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, .111. Liberty at.reet, Pittsburgh. LOIMIXTDALZHIA. A.Y.DALERL. 1)0BERT DAIZELL A ,C(X, sale Grocers,. Commission and. Forwarding blerebnnts, and dealers hiProdUee and Pittsburgh nasuntsetutes, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. T 'WALLACE, Commission Merchant , • and Wholesale healer in FLOUR is GRAM No. 253 Liberty streeL opposite Pennsylvania R. IL raSSellter Delia; Fittsburch, Pa. 'Stomp \ Warehouse, corner Wayne and Peonstrleth TOCNIIT L.011011[1 . ...J0CN PHIPIO;r..A. C. WAT.I.A.C3 I A.MBERT, SIIIPTON & CO„, male Orocere and Produce Deniers, No. 6 Math street, PittsUurgh.. . jll6 1 . 1S AU II DICIriTM37, ocm c lU Sneers, Connnission Mereltants, and dealers In rtiODUCL, No. SO "Wales street and 63::Frant nt red, Piltasurgh.' \l 11. KIIIFTATnICI: JOn. Hanite.cruicx. .KITMEtt-TRICK. BROTHER, itic u • meson to Drown tr. Kirkpektrlck, WHOLE SALE GROCERS, Nos. 191 and 193 Liberty street, Inttsburgh:, r.• - ' RALtELL .&" SON, Maniac ,' Daces of ,LARD OIL, nod Commission mi. , ' cmats for the vsgrehase. and' shliseqeDDlTE AND ItErII6ED 'PETROL - EOM, Nos. 69 and 7o Watsr. street, Pittsburgh. Advances nude on consign , weuta, - J. P. LIGUSTT ' JOILN LISOin.T S. LIGGETT ,S; CO. CITY FLOUR !rmalmmus, ,corner idberq and Adam istiettAl'Pntiburgh, Pa. • • *--. 40,0,bnrcele per day. W. keIIOMAKEtt WY. P. LAXTV QCII.O3IAKER . LANO, -Gommission, lerehants and Wholesale dealers In GROOP, NIES, FLOUIt, GRAIN, PISODUUE, 49. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. •sellkitri onx Nrsrr JOHN W11,3N IvA c T eni T c tZlar c,,, Sr ertt : , l:f i lr ft le n s d al e o al. tr i o . =sad- Pittsburgh. goasiputurse, No . 16.5. itresi, Pittibursh. JOS — ,..I,IINMSEY, Jr., Wholegdo, p•tiind 'Retail ort maw. FLoun x41)1910 , DUCE DE&LER*IB7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. jalosm mufti- mvuoto vows. JOHN 7. HOIJSE & Wholesale CiR 0.0 ER* AND ,C03.12415510N (1011114;.C.34110