The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 12, 1864, Image 4

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    %lilt Witttitiurgh -&Wit.
,ROB 1155011 :. MeLEtAN.
Stock and ;Exchange Brokers,
Anitirspee, Copper: €l4.ollallroad
4i, ll . oll,Btocks.
,q'-Oorerrunent securities of MI kinds on hand
iiriANCIAL AND (*Malan.
issoKstup ,NriwitAsicimur n(>xitrii4•_
• iitiwcFrol•koi , :sos; - 3ectlikltte, 60 1 .)k 1• '1
SairartaY, Dee. 10,1981. -
a 1 et , pled. Sales.
11.1. L Bontl{ =Ws 103 139 —•
tlasalea&t ..... •
Scripr•'s 63
• thrunellsalle ... . EWA 833.1
Cleselalgtkrilttit,. .
.• /1 1 :
VonnelissiDelbst) 12% -
Pittabwit/Iflie,Staibitnalle :
. 10
Alleght ._lsilltanch , II
IM - lii k r
All lair "7*"
. ........... -
. • t
: 64
Diana( 9,14
o. ,
• WII=. - ringo.t• ' ,1111 /00
• Ileintniri. 11 1 , 1 0 0 ak . 7'7
Ohio. : ..........
Federal, ......... ..,....,. 130
• • -DCA tr6V "..c.' ' tve 1 '
'Cherry. Run le . rittsbUrght• —• 1 •
Pittsburgh k 1, 115
Cherry Hon fr. Blood 139 -
KU et 1111142::-.4, - 'r • •- 313
• 011 etitql Cherry Dun.. .a -,-
Tt ilaantileli . ritinini Is Seri- {atrapUbly,in
treasingi artni y irwwerk t . r,t,srio trUt pher.! . ,t/t_t.lta,
we hare beta tradin g ln 011, Ant liSl5l,
'fitt.rati, beyfind am meant.
The largintanunis already. i.restod
• ter_l4l,lrrwitistbet anottua reit:Arra by tie
.„ and Ile new Ilanb under tety, etlllooon pro:l4oe, 11,
Stair 11,tekarbantia7, over to the Notional
gloserraoneynutbeh than we hat felt Irtl.his city
feU.w.y ,Itter,ll,s,yerilapt. year- We ha re Iven
entiYlr,rentliing 'oat with - bah bawls, on all stars.
trkn4,015,. , ta wnly,,
Ui➢ni slietitingi'Or:idat 7 Teeltr.lll. ll
for nd.lrac ling. will come, and nethaps too soon for
soar of us. Mier the. Good tide comes the ebb
:v.l4l'o In:dealing wlll pirrent stranding!
will be a great tt - fiartsion of prirel this
st - :er than Tar -hsve yet ac n. -encoding to iIII
kind. of el wk.," old a prdatinent and sueeessftil
businessnyan twLoS. 11e.showed the faiihkektni
futile 14,61,1,i:ry ten ininute; later; by habil riglo
ecU nllliiii Entire:id Stock,, nt n doellon from nm s
- Let got ttalunli...,4l:liitlkiti tetitul:„ hut. 0 Ikar in
deeds. . • •
.'i Clot crewed. declined .lightly to.dny.
• - (11.1 t. l'fellnhout tri,:i per cent. ma Atiot.ttional
^-its7l,.''' . '"' ''' .. . •
. ... s . . ,
1 he following in e repOst of the ,
otleringt‘ of, cad
'' t/hlc yar 011,StetklI at Attiler,on'e ktacloinge thin
nftertcen: • •
. 'L P '- ' ''''' '' • ' • :' Cieitnerl. AARE:*
IWO . Sheiten. Blood farmk lllhto .... •.:•44.18 -112,0 a
won ~ cherry Run ('antral' ' ' 1;70' 1.
500 " ~ 'hurl" Run iv-Blood. Perna.. I,IIC, I,lll'
lam " lt. Pitt4burgh ' ' ' 0,15 0,90
. 105 ~ , Puck :Crock,. ... ,_, .. ........25,1n1 .20,00
WO I , - P.lckirado - ..,,tt ' ' " , : , 4,th.) 2,r.0
000 " - 31e0don• r I,omo 1,05
coo• " TlcAbliy. Et Cherry Run ' 0,95 1,00
a. " Phillips • 5.83 600
I " ;I:teti, Well , : 'L ,' " " 300,00.921,00
.1100 u ;Tarr, Stilty L Cherry Run.. 1,15 las
There win a fall 2 . ttendeneent'the reorient 1:t
-change this evedni;ltita the isles, ttlivlll beneen
bbiovr, - *etv• palmate; re.thlr• Lthree•ttionwlel
three bundrelinid forty -tire chorea i . 'l. , ' I , - .r .. le
.-....ati -ague., • ...-• 2 i if i e t
• -- Cheryr 'Min Cleiltrta:::: .. -"I, --,
40) ..- .ilitertluade.7, - . . .tif...4 .7, .......) .. 60
-Lie . d Ritchie . . 1,42
• .00,, , : ,, ,:t . :Warr, Stoly..) , Mterry'l.un.... i 1:••••••,..
kte: . " 1 - 7 ftigEt Ttg.Lftte.• • ••)•.r• •.••••• t l / 2 ,:t E f l .
WOO " " • • i
- 0.1. to N're . llLNewleK.—We teem from a let- ,
ler received by D. Tit ; Plaill;'iltt:'ficerciary of the
• ' Welitmorelned Pcfreleom Company, of Province
oreeehi Afrititiitli l f:4"i*' llo6 - '''''. : 6 ; ' e i 4 . l ' , - 9
been struck In one of their ; wells on the illemente-'
cook rivereafigt.e . ,4o.4 pr 29. 4 ) feet, ~_ ~. ,
thla sell to located Inn gum linl, formed by the
pettyletonquipnglifijn the rock. In Rifts
illidAl tiiri',,to , tiiinFNAr.i..r t;uiiiilii ' ..-
The cernpney.lia re now got four well. boring-4335
feel', sClOSeilingt/feetivish/20d, fret venespfyilyi In
• 611 tie wells more or Its. oil tins been ohtntnest.
01.1. 11 Y 4 4%licafr •grA9itta t. 2 ". 1 4,1,44 1 ...., 1 ,'
rile as oeilgitecretity; trticit'avill'llt• taw ..4
tent, c without deity.,,, ( ,„ ,
NL% ev C it. I...t.tvn.v. , :Wil.Pallter, of Pc.mnayl
. sir .,. sold to c Newl'lngland Company, Viecesubei
't:!... X orrit 7 rfftrraW& .. l# l3 4 / 4_,___. z llfaierA
. ' • 1 0 .-kITFI."N''' tillii-A"`• '''i'"''.'ir..hoTiTz
:. ii...c:Ld 1 .- '47ore-alEFAe l _ r ae Tiry„,,
A A i t 4 4. l ' l l pN 'f j ' Ai4 .: ''
1 - ' 414 . 4 V
1 0 41114 744 4 1;
Vflt,q:rriellev'in'Prtl,l , billiii; 'AY . ilthr 4 ?tr . '
nto: r WI. rorth :i-v9to , ardPielmlientlehey tflt
ftre vet...4. ' 10 tone In the region. It is sit inttvil nt
' ilk r4iirtirCOtriii:d v 01,41.1,14, eg...-ck,u, i
lipleßvjh In Warren county. Penns:Awn
.... ..11
7 ' 7 I(4 ' . - .ef1 .,1 ~;'•1:1
al. !.
01. :::c. r-stuegted to time 'tont rt fittrvilm‘a.r.l.-
11l fm opt.. to the IttthUe - .vz..kin !.!‘l, Cl,ll-
Ing. .
I. et,
[antic In tte nrrangesuents or nf:Ao t to, 4.10.• In; the
Nu 1 Icior„lo epnp',l,:qenre,a,ntl
I irrm the cOLUMerelnl Lk!, Der. 1.1
,T 1. 0 .114 been ca. Weimar°. murerneat in-Pdtk,
Zlio • , T h !tire; holt Prl , ei leareAdrsoaref el,»
•r r rp , the antes sae r,»ales' for 'Lot al AllitE
pfllicsf,,Leels 00,140 Tali, yestefilarla trAtpirfiena
7, 97.4.... - 5 foe lfitli GI, rioss4 bele) st 411,
lil 7 .; -WS:E.:lap ter MC- dr dn., • f.11,131rr.0.13' Mr
W.:: aril r rts prime, AnfreliSoftrorlfre rtla - pr
sn ti ;afro, !or delivery in all t!ris iliiint4;ll - ..eib .4
f i t t iVire-I; l ' .
at er'..n.ror f. 3n our in - Fehr. try. 3;030 'tor, 19;1=rr,
Illkr rfelp,filf midis :An reit: t,ovo dn. , n til - '1.i' , 32 - t ., t 0,63.
The market Int eut tole,tr.l. a nhade ttroar.r; with a
fel: . eif alio» 'Aohit, f!t r ii'aiaei a . . i ayi.h. se ','
fsi ea is'4llvithler., Mgt.)! i for' old do,. and I'o'oll
nt ~,,," hn..i... 1, .. gWra bit ell at. ID tratta. rind
ravel 'ere at 1r0,4416 veal.. 11,,,, I. I u 1: 6 0 ,1,de.
tentart, rlorifilla espurt...n Ad the icrtvuos. t.orim.r;
..iloi ur:pw . hoar tnt 'srarn" rear , 'foe ki •illy!
She: e r ! i len; elearriniddi,rr, , in 411 Ar • ultir c Alt Lindrarid to' fiehta for - Westeerf ' itayafyiii , f4
i3eirtityy and Vehrn try 'dell Very; 2.:01 , .
-Wt: pill
at.ill.„, eaxln for Nl:eaters eistoberfalr•en4 AI
creritrfolteuift ,lih. • illevellat hoz. ifs _ d Ire r, aa
.ptietaliave . n4r!rtneed to . 4o.4ohrtV . emd.4 fPr Atyr
'ltti,tll7lent ntiltier'...l44fiCi.iiiirarlft.l hilly I
„tea ON pond; with 'riltilet irrare'rtolozalfte 8,070
igri C.l llt ii ih t r'oPell i n, t i ll c i f tf,'"iirfMr.!:AZT,
alritt - ,tm . ,_':rA . Nto. , ic,uxr,titsintdPit",'‘lr:
rive frmly, nau orf.tlaq swalorale a egiana, the mar
ket-To:us the pure" ?Ales teXrharreli, at kw
Cri -3 0 4 M1 1 ‘ 111 oteas,intol- itAislh' for extra
eel' ll a etimffad - vat..tni (of tierce !wet !Ur ca
lla!, etalpeicesnreateiaillt sale. of 50n i ce nt fisaa
:fi,ho feel aible ihtes, ritile I rfor Indian :et
.fshe.A we lows. Axles i,roh-lainels xi eVisaN. A
on* 100 rd gnoidelorten preralle. for hatter Prr ea
post tu Greif; iltftillA . And - I.Thltfaedla, as well ni
'forlorne free, and , thouakfLe pesielptsare_llhirs'.
litre to Soi. areumulathrff erahintHriir I he' Mei
prides brie. ttealfla:fit/Ch lathe gust:titles frog th ,
haft doriAß , 'hapset-lea l month., th it there IA
meta to tie but A email stock rem:lining. thle..lo I ,
'Also Lutieal demand ffir'expoif, , ifent`thif Ma rick 1.
[:snot 1..a . .c1ei infs, FArli ear) inay . hemot_e4l it
AltesietwAfachikAlenr. Nork..Grocery 111nr11.811.
(FrortratVllsolini;cint-Ltat4-lhic: f io 7 ?-
1 110PF147.-rIVIth the odc - nnea..11t4.1914 t Ler o,
corrispostang-thpftwedient (lathe peters of - Mace.
Irttrett=P,l r s're t tr " l;2l7l,7tt: -:l ll4 7 ste'
ney.2loo 1110, per: AlAtlg,o, cod, ,Rlos, 180 f
- • -- Antenators;nn prtrittetchns,• 000 'Mb, from oecond4
hands, erinslte II cents. geld; 200. Alnraesibo,'43,l4
5101L-Gsletuttrac4s.lf43llp4—the lower: Sate forgo 1i
as-,80 =0:1, 1, rubel and 100 St. 'Doialego, li
Cash- • •
' 21 1 :0,111—TLe marl:el:for nor l litanies 111:1 1 4
111154 a cep,t/Ingaw,aunctrx-
. thq-ndan
a re (101 l
chut moderate ufhwhigis and flrmacsi
• of bolnenu'..lleAntal4-8 resplenti atrt tre 1 3aat 1 1
oths, than Stuarts Wad cental_.%ll 11 Otte,
, - 11 - IP,4 l 3os,l6loatrYcllotr,ft. cish, `The- satis of
new AFC 27011.hbds, Cubs at In/at2l4 center:A
Porto Rico, 18 1 1411.2.0; IS Ilasbadoes, 104; hatthssl
r - llnvens, 18341rttn and Pri hhitn. Mchuto. tIZI3I, 4
inet u Auction, 80 hlutn. Refined White hew
e ' sold et=„alfiV cents,eash. 'Thestock per
r ws• et/out-13,003 hhds., 11.1,.780 ban, re,g3l
...1111 Sugar; and 16511515. Aletado:
. •
If:LASSEO—There steady Self pretty large
;A:ltin u gd•SOr. home ode, without XICTI feattfres to the
11 1 /, h - exrept that quoted
clan eentn higher, eloarng Vesely. The sate:este 300
tes, ancl3o bble.clayed Cubs at 0041114 eLg
• .'47111111,011: - tee. and 180 bbla. Cubs 31uscorado; yl
• p14 . ,fel hbds. Itarbadocs, 03e110,• 120 St Orolit;
'11:, tea and 93 Ws. Porto Itleo.ol cents 111,10;
• • Ina ndlug prime . o cholee'ut 01,01011,15_, ras h. Tho
attrk yestentey was &bent MOO hhda,_3lllscerada,
8:1,0 do. Clayed and •11.0 New. _Orleans. By
nue lon, 100 h. Is. te-Ivilat- New Othmns cold nt et
eat t , cite; 41' Wale- rlnha eel:drill:4,-11, 42E00; 150
• bus, PIM. Orleans, "eOll - 01:1; and • 103 do: (Indere
Ittia caiolMnenta; eaah, . - •
2IEA—The Market - Is tont with' good, demand
_ "' L Gent 'the Trade for Itamell'ate oat., and Ootonna
may be Outer nrenentallgher whine °moos hate
vit - tett bat little taTtqe B t duty ttld Green. rant.,
conalty; searce.-Imongttir sales we nutlet...part
.. from second handr, Sew hr. ellests -Oolong, 30 Iso u
apegii.47,m ynsßlsnx;d4apan, awl 2300 tl men,.
. . . _ .
moderstely firm with ,
fstrAe- •
Irma for theretati: thole 14 house and for the'inte-;
0,50(140 tittoniX re4, , SiO,Jouffit,Oo for XX'
WtrET--Tbe dentitut is Winona the Assicii are
luad enough to establish Trims- About ts:fsir
- • 1110111.9r1.:4•Ck• Errd
oo• .1r0V4 bii,92,oll43Spin
• do ?a,
• Como4McdtaMl 'Waive; zold shetled in stair'
- - 4 1. bad Salt/ Lehi tors atSl e,enta
gart..toulf,and 000dnil$400i,13 [mat sum. -
• •••• • '
.I.l.:47,,,vo—nisdindleis Saes 906._Orre
Itersebrs best, at 610,00„,,,... ,
11110.1160 itioN—Wheat—Prelpts,mortdogr
B,ooobutels. Mattel:
gestes - Abr
'1100"106 Melia orma ls trak -orttreS Cents: Coto
.I g=gr. ± -214401 solvsnoed 60 cents:
aft.s4=FiiiVl:Eunds, at 616.66 16 as*,
46, at •U„60.14,1011. I lid,
• ottiitto atrnseAtee. les. 600,,arersgtoir %Ito
tto pounds, at 410154111 1 , 0 !).. -
i , . • ..;---,)-1-,::..-r,:,---,,-,,:.,--.1.,.. ~...i..,-1..:,.- , :-.:',..'4,, ,, --.--- ;.:,•;•:L . ;-.--- , -» ,, - -,-- - • . .
- .
. -DszCAr.:I2C.WI.
S.vf reii In, inst. • a" , " • •
A• with ~.t „ca, there h N!, We'. Vorter Wheeling.
Blight improvement In buidnens, and the general • 3 gt "I,'"°F/1.4;s11.104 zoneselfle.
de LlnenmA.l.l, .1 1 Clamor% Minannotir
• markets were more retire mid tome articles hate Le' L-o t St. L,ulR,
adynnced. There...lVA of produce conttrniellght Eck°. tilt e p•
1:4.1 for 0 ratrvior nil kinds there libli' gbio'd demand '
usiu. .. 4
yuiii .,
quiet; b.
.Lean, , The tit rem'i't continue, to recede - steadily ntthls
ports', and Issi..rocoleg .the pler mark. indicating
shit, for Your , there Ism f air local demand and the
, i - en 'feet its. Inches In the channel. The wain,
rnarkrt Is Rini - Ai full totes: Hogs have - adynnerd '. .
erdbo tarn extremely rookd and stormy during the
,frin Ito to $1,03 lb cwt, and there's a, rated denslod or; ,b-'
~.. , , pent two .r.lys, frith nn aluiroltnce of snow. There
fur lid v meni *. ut-141- " 1 • 1 ' - '" °I. ' ea. ' Imr ‘ nt ' ce ' ~avas ronsiticrable - Dealing ice In theAllegbenYitron
hive-undergone. no Material' -cUrtrice. , liyreterday and If the present cold ro mp should hold
'tl RA IN—Therllit lt continued good demand for : • ,
out very long, we may - look for 0 mum carton of
Wheat and from first hand', prices are limn at OM
fro lied, and et,' 10 for White; sale of ta ro bushels nail'ittdrott. •' • •--
Kentucky Amber on private terms. Barley to , hector tim wan pretty notice at the levo de Setup.
.let.A . K.W._, tdutt...... .ValtOurd ,4 lm l °!bPridli ar4. 1 14t 1 7, ,, ' .-- unlar, the receipt. being fair, and there appeared
40 ..,,,unor / au. ' - vio he a decided improvement In the shipments. The
o is — Vale of „tt roes, to arrive . , „at al; t car do probnliiity of a susprodoe of navigation, has had
hrf o e, ll a s t - til .l aad o r t uail b s uth slr: i rr.. e m , s ore at . 541 . 1 , - ;' . 1 : the effect to hurry, up shippers, - who for varier*.
• .
.. ;. • 23 #- —sale of
'' - ' - 7 - '''''.' 9 '• . -',.. , ., ','._,' area
the dep r a ' rtur n es ho on d lrit h ur o lty were the G Übe.
I,l)Ult—The market is dechledl firmer and ' .Porter, for Wheeling: Jolla, for Zaneav Ilk; Gold
- Prod' 'laded! are disposed to m& higher rates; but s. IL la Era; for Portsmootha .1. IL Gilmore, fortitude -
':ar o ft throe is Ito Improvement to note le .the do-..-nati. end the Lent Leotl. for Nashville. The (111 .
etarek; 'We :cote regular role. of:Extra Family:. , .. more had nn excellent trip, as did alio the Lent
f r i ' den° at 43161143 for' t e d' r mg and, Winter .. , .7(ieol I. ..The dotter. boat was loaded entirely with ;
t heat. - . tioveroment fret ht.
..,' MILL 'FMA—Firm but unclineged, sale oft ear ,The arrivals niece Friday Include the Minerva
1 Utiorts at $1,60;1 care Seconds at 41A0•8 0 2,K4 and I -. !tom Wheeling Alines Powell, from Oallopoli.,
b r Middlings at 7a. ' I Eide, 41/1:41% , tdontenati.Produr,..from Fn. Louis,
BUCKWHEAT IiTATUR—Is 'Arta %Ilk a goad 10.• id tifelkho; from Lit City: The - Chrimploti, from
c I demand, hut-prices trove - undergone no change . 1 'neinentl.; and the Emma Graham, from Zones
• e.ernW1 0 ,.... S r .te er.,Bkerr Weirt torts:mad lots a 11r, ore both due - here thivradroleg. The Anda,
e 1 114 4.11 ree • Mall lots Hen' storm''.. • --i term ttirkinakti. end Armenia. from bit. Lout; arrt
EU -. Winn wEh a . good demand node 010: otrected team:lt-elms(' to..moriow orient day.,
411 trig fa tlferafeltde. Saks' or telt %AL - Aut.:Oar • 7,311,Q11V9 er.liadt•tirilard to loateCtrielanAtt for
ramrog from
.43 to :Be. • Li Is.citY oh briturilay,_and' the lioh • BalteAs no.
iVA flitt —Steady tart unchanged it Oa %l doter,. : it. rude eed to followon Monday. .
HOGS-Adrift. frcite - thenlitertestyerdstrepart art - , The ! riecronall Grorarretal et Sa turday says t
'4Xive market- and-Thera from brie to 111,b41i esti.: • Verriiiithq, Captain R. 'W, Terry, late of the Buttes
hifier;At In Ctntralyaidaliarre LIAO head changed, r@ No . 2, yr:roomed eitptain H. W. - Ebert's 'Co&
Hands on belay atitsrestt , .triLle rt pound groaa rgaLd:rg• intrre,t (at rate of riAeoo for the entire
mottll at from a 11,13 0 -0141,0... At thestalegneer, licat,)irr.the onr me.phia pseirettt ,t o i h n ertlls.
We, . teszra. Harhawrit U Po. 'honk: 2.14 head, The Burns, 'tir.Aertfie Pt tr.n.imintar ~ ,0 (p ,
ato mains. flora 'N6 to 24D bls at Iltiftra: , • • resin lathe Memphis trade. !Ur. J. A. itrnebaker,
1 ,,
rGllille. —Sale of KO huthels Clover So il, to go , tpre.,e,,,,,f the comiarre, succeeds C apthln't4t a n..
'A. Ar 414. Flax arid is quoted ' nominally at rti•dr Pckpattl - fur pint Years .d...!•shxlii Minx their
v i m ip 'N E r 49l. l ri for T l i t mothy . , l,.. 1
4 .
.., tic lilar feces . - nod - arart tral; e ts , r i t c d , h . r i culs ea li? ti t i h , r ,
it oto t taNift;lttittbel, t i t ' s - to - quillty e-1 . ' ' in
c" '
at I ' lh i Pt i :m s 7;t ' Zilog i ' nivel% on our nal... during
I la EsE—rorle of ro boxes A W
t Ado for esroth
rn I e trot thirty-four years. blay forto ne smile on
itt serve 'ad aab tor lia•fiburg. Gonnen tiquoted at ' tt, e o old tom)* -•- ..'• {.
tr. !ITC - Or:Auer 01114 'Tetley woo poreh , Oral by the
ft A Y. - -Is firm and In - falrdemand hut unh‘oge.l. i Oar el authorities at Cinicnnati, on Friday—prieb,
. ,
f!x;eat,istelling froth depot at It rota V tan._ • firtica.
T. A 111.—" Is n shrine firmer andrrlme city rendered ,3 he ate flair arol tellable Roanoke to colour and
i,n3 new be quoted at ttlffroll.l.. ' ' di trapla'o da Ines Shearlen. l. nabouurod tel leave
lOM IN T—Saire- at !Neil" hr. r St. L ie forthwith. The Ronnoke has attired
t RA NIIERIV KU—Daill but Urm at 4.0 - it Dbl. r, ant, nascrlatlons for passenger 3 turd plenty of
(.1.1 for freight:
The wry-knot n packet, Varian. Cdproro.l.llll.
1 Helton. I. ,nnonnrca to there - far Cincinnati,
+:rl, l ,lgin=l:7,7=llg,:. is the relutsr
r • /0, il. r tralloptdin todaY, Racing . zi rat
Tilvit=mv, ikN. vs, 1381.
11,ere w rota dectdt‘t In tlrc detn . and
t, t Crude today, and, 11 kilo a. compared with
thel *AIM* triatrrlaTibdugr.ln prtoe, the
la!rs were untlaunily la me. one party alone t king
,terir thtnr,u.d weenie, tor an ,-..torn refinery. it I.
iotnewhat.reznaTkable that the gre pro d drton ol
ter-c rude ,old during. the peat 'me d hal beA'
ri:en tat eastern .aecottnt, and-our runners as a
krt,tai tlyip, are h Meting oil and pure4ato,ll-4 t ory
rolrarred tn.
',lda at 4214; 100.1 a' id; ion at tt ut:
tte";l:yll,the &nice of which - we were ttna`tta to
. •
ui.Z.OU And 300 nt 37: 160 At 36; 110 ,t 72';:a111153
1 it. The market elose.l.llrm n light rt?,k.
ta.l et.,ltlerNt.h. inquiry. • lienne4 id 5004. ii In
dt•mond. !dat , l , Pyi l Ts and,ellerp, ere , up‘rt nod . the
n..we Imre nti3lra to:ie:pJrt. Tire nolnln
luotnlituik map 1.0 glow' Fat 63E06, nruljunae
n - ti /III: It roue 10 0060, We knew of an
telPgraphlollurbtfir dellyeenlac Son
iry lit In Philerlaiplaual,3l4. and ref•lse.l.
ii reap Ive quoted at . 3.54! , 55..7c0me hot.ine. a3icliz;
No me* itnint 'tto , l2oee In Nnpthe or lien!.
The meipts Allegtte4 river sindi, our
art report are as 1011..
.1.. T. Stockilnle....ll3 , l Fisher .t. Bro . 115
W. V. I.clt.mck 13l J. Wllltleut . 1,1
71.11. Collins 113 O.C. Iltown ty• ,
I'ool & 13.. 41 D. Bu knell .1.1
Sonim 01,:!tc . 1 . 1 , t0 the Pittsburgh Ciasette.
Tour, Übe: t0;114.t.
t tutu it t:y4sfithfair taptpuutl, but tit toes , tutie
gone no e aterTni -change; .ales at 's% , ,On s the
si p ot. ape (4, for January delivery, sellers option.
hind Is lira with consi,dernble inqui
ry:l,l,les at . :•2073e on the spot sm , l It for all this.
month. Free Oil is steady is Itli sears to n tile eh.
tent st,.92frpie . e4betepit. Napttin firm hot nioi
this dlterhoon
"WA: •
WEEKLf ItIIWIIOW- .111 F. 'Pll
11 tllllile4l:l:"`ketnalvely for the Gazette.,
Prti6avet.t4l46, Dry. 10,1891. •
itke:riiark.Bl for Oil Stocks has be - en ..11.41 and neg,-
4,ti41 tlirinizkout: the 1141.5 t Week, the4e„.448044 lesp LOU to opernle; and the eitlen Wee: etititp.tive.
light,: 4641411nt.littic 11tactnalbsa,.in pekes.
The nooprodocln; companies. however, xr:_re less
to favor, and the lief generally hnd n tendency to
cal‘ltifiAnft o ".YrcetjT7l l 4. r°1 1 7'1. 111 (1 681 -
1.311c0n of the to-ds y. n esmiLsrel . 11111 -
111, - .4e of 114411 6 ...tert1ny • .
, It,. 3. . D,. u. Wrir.ta I , tl
nn. at 3
:. , 4 Ni ,. 1.01 .1. • : f, ' l O 's :'
Noble h Pvin n.7.t.-r •
, 'ni ..
tlivell ..../ • 8
.1_ wan IV It
: • I/ tvrrry kitm,.......... 4: . 9'l. , . ! mi.:
' I*.N ensier ' ' ' l'f",• ' ' fly ,
..1`.11,11 - ''' 9,
•' Irtrt lie,. ........... i. ... ... 1 , 4 2+4
Eter.t....., - , 4'..i ' al ,
I . 1 1.121.111' , :iNitial • ... : ::: e ' l;' , ,
Nr,Lii... r
Corn Piro ot IL, " ...3
'AI o Or :•11•11..... . . .. ~ ....7,-...,20,,, , - - I o
Philn . .1, - 1113 IYPek" - • °VI.. , ' - 163
; Tent }t•d;l T 3
El,lorniln ../ t 11-16
IUK. Tank. ......,..... . 1..,., • ...,'
. Riot zir:. , :.,...... :re:/t.:::>.l. vi:3l,i Vit;ti-ta
mull,. -- .V.: 3
Irwin. 9 , .. 7 1:1
11.. n. re, 1;: , . .94:4
.trroy A.Vrtis'il% fn Ist.. .
"upiniin F.lllra,tl l'linpnr.n nerartled rocaLrl,t, on
Tjk11714 . 1.15 110.1 is rvlleay.,:
'S;".l,4,'l 4 helnuetir,.'- ,, ,ge , Nis:tele mkt.. nt""! , t.t1"));
I: iL.nt Tl...nip.or 1(.0.C:0 dn. :It
-hel. dell,ernt.le here In o.od :opt new be,.
pcelparkiitg at;!pdll.4. 2 l.lAkis.:
:c if ~acghtrrinx .e .:nn l'u'unii•riti , lT. ft Is
• ; st•• • ell nlionit t Lf•Utl herr rnßir u.. 10 beer. 1:111-
eil unelii .1 in Thur.. 31 . 0
red I In. Moine.. fur M.. rime In their inter,
hi • fair b. Le eiSAMOrliiirritr.'" •
S;-,,:apisvaUh Pit tbbuigh 0.17. 0 . ..
Clizreco, Dec. 10, :oil.
Fl.6t - a—Mazio4 aril", and I,loelotrigrd.
oinjet,,orOinF tlrmr - r, but -close]
; ti \i'inter det' Corn quiet„ a
`hit stl Vete!! tit 3.:::e; sale,* of New, nt r,d
CAI 1 fte,cl; o“in
ltyc dun exd neXioofed. Bo lOr
'ilftrter; c.f No. 2 00, nt
-,elan ntl' 1 1::.0 1 14 1 s•-• • • - • - ' -
.• )1 . .‘ , 11w1"xr , --.11111 and fr•loVer; union nt SLID, ettr i
1 . 1,4” a.thalle Welker, but no t f
:lop wit h t.rnern .1 0 , 4.n3 re,l, • . Pork.- 'dos..
.7, I , 4erikmttog.i-iG; rritne hers, castor but, !n..
pa Pirklillifsru.‘morti
oleo/ at Irpo
( 5 . - -act fri,.liontsty.. I, oil
Aitl - 114iA tititprritilslisebr foi.Strll2l. ,,
l'f;tdlfUcifetiterediB;lo 9 ;
• ...
Ataa,pt,linolkrp,osi mostly:Ste frilMff . ll,l3; The!,
"KdiliOl'igtillo ties Oetife fiatiefolv%eltedi owing tei
',era feel feel lru disposed C. pap present salmi, not
. lbipfen ham boughttinott.feredy, stentlyi
st y eaten]-,} ,stauotations. .
. .
Ortive sttlfirmei; soles of
trod; treelpts, 1.1 . 31 bend; priers'ran;ed frorti .
0,05' to 4,:t, , eliieffy at 1443,12%. 11.
, ikietv York Murcia.;
. Nrst• "ro:tx,,pcs. •10.—Vor - 4,•11tc
pt!rmzeuerally . quite firm, at abaut dtinfor
Vtorit—Fnti, find Wee r
tent Intiactlyo4adl wlth
out deckled change, at , 0tt0,25 tor Extra •
t Lto for common to good !shipping breads Alxtrir
11..11. Q., 311,45012,0 D for Trade Brauds--tke market
clop-log Mead): Included 41,ttio mid. are IMO NA!
Lit m State, for the tath of Januory,te 151.11Febrtli•
nry. 010,75_;.1.11C00, tot nil .February,st.lit,M4
Wnuxy-4)411 and drooping t , ..Westoro,• $OlO
. . . - .. . .. .
,flr,ux,-Whent quiet and le: betterl - Ohlew.p
.8prng..*240W , ....23; Winter . Hed Western, *21121 ... 4
11,tIOD Utah Chot amber Allchltftin, *t,560 1 2
Mee doll. -./htt/ey dull and hes yy.. ~ Corn dull i Id
Mired Western. k , 1,,73 lu aore ; New Yellow Jersey
• 4 / 1 ,7001,16. 'OM. rt abode firmer; 1,403 for Stead,
end 111.tWW11,08 for Western.
Perim I KL , -Crude end. for MI this. month. At
Ur; Ileflt..e4 JO Mond quoted:at Ile; Refined Free,
at 9:e. ,
tenon—Qatot.- • - • •
'PeoN i :t.v7 . l - inf—Cclrete dulti 'lttoretrrattrii We. Mo.
jaws steady . gisent Ado, One. Pork- quiet. add
Arithont iiceittett et on er, at•Attjt,ts for, Vial' Meal',
Int.V.lint,oo for 1&a-t itteletltt,eashandand're a - Oltlt
troy—e-lo•Ing of the latter frritc tA1636,15 Mal
Ken - Prime. red &Into for Primo MC63 t also, 2,00
bbl, Now Meat; nctortiotiy Intlent , .optlcuti At title
too ALle Ittrr - -,YlTret, Anme'tertni And de.
'li eu at Ate,7s, And tAno title Prime Mons, for Jab
'nary. antler.. option, ,at .fa. ''.Beef hoary. And
, -loaert lIIINAMCO' for • ;Crow Mtn Mesa and .$2lO
.111,00forliew , Extra Mean; Primp Mean Beef go la,
vat 028e0. zltrof.Hanot uttehangiaL Lard , Man: nett
net very arVxo, at .s con, t Allot% .I.tbta-foiJanu
nry, itt 2.1 , Ar. Butter „steady; At tettinna for 91110,,
: , and ACCGOtettate. , Ohreft ant h!ttliryt., •
SiDek. and: Money Market: .
. _
. . . - ,
worercimir peg. to. —Montr—Antive„ .flrai
at Iprr.eeel j•
, CtkrO z no n lac ilnW n2 loB tilici i for
.ksold-aca.!. to snetlya 'And enalwanlan
' •'• •
sin n 'kWawl closing at
totalenports Mapco - L.
2. LOCO' ran rIC01:13(,-404 Sama r
Wilkins; 18 pcs'inzniturr; ruettitigtinu;l7 41p ito;
Ilawlert 88 balsa henip, Tititon'ineo;.
Oft; - BA TabnesibalcalibtflosTiniaNliT
tsaniibbioll;.Tan - Daticsitki Bon; as • waft cotton.
I= 111 (billin ecoo s hmea,
asvio bbls ti Bradtityrl3 bits
Aran, Holtzman tcl3o; 2 DOXell.lell4l. Goolon;
- Ibis hisy, Clark as On.
doideet Em: POTte enWuth
rirrowirg lIY ItAIII.ItOAD.
I •
, • • 1..111, ST .N 711,, ILVCRIbPr whcal.
r V Kenr.. , o) 1. firm =1 la. Shtrlxstin .T.(01.
7 , t ljt r•hrl'ae. 11 , 11 n, 111,101ej3 140 s be./Os; I'
I Co:HMO r3. - .z brooms, I/ II Int•h;
11.1. , n; rri•kr briiiry, .1. 3111101, 10
laontur. 11(.1,1I/alzelk 11 kkg corn, e Brttetrj 10
• 7art, Wprpri 1 1 / 2 skr 111 , 0ydlue;.
1 •••T , . 4-c. .1 I, Butler: IST sks Carley„ sks
1. - Analermr.tal rar man. 10 la. c lil feed, .1
j t•rrir.
rT `.:A . , - 33, 3. t;12;:::..7•0 13—Bee
—t box ponitr, !.lonteulbj 1 car gar.,
1.; b.l II; 3 rot !in), Itec & Neil; 1 car
WOlll-.44.1 Ifo I.bls flout. (.7 B hercht 31 b.ll.
51 Itort.t3;tt 135 bbl, tinplee, 1' II 11 Sul
e I, 1 en, leteley..l Mclee; 13761.1. iron, Olit cr
llrcckell: 1 kb,: cheese. 1V.,, I'ol, r; 122 do do. Jno
et; net' Itiiiu dp, It ireblsoll b. em IS dor brutelle.
Itubell h Shlptnni 1 bbl 7 apple, 1 ;Inc brocne,
.13 Ii Fl-her; - Ft. busice VA.:order; bbl.
Tre e Tl' Jer.bitin; 5 bbl, copper, 1' ,I /I te,) ; 7
r. , re 7.11.:^1.. Tc[77o hen.
I:kart:LAND & Plresurnau. Ileeemb, 10.-20
Iron ore. ratr,lnett h co; hoses cheese.
Alden,4l Iloff,dott;2l holf
Ude ash, W IlitSloge; 54 idoll4, • copoto, C tl Itu.
iry; 57S oats, 10 1,1,19 seple“ C Jenkins; SS
1 ors Vg. Iron, Ftltnick kco; ni kids shier, Siamese
a Me say:6.2llllls oil, J L Morslodt; 55 aka o tts.
:111'11111:n tr. Wallocc; 113 kits popr, Slcooirly
'Myers; It sks potatoes, Miss 111 Cris al; 11 bkis
apples. W hook; 400 1,4113 11000, It Ilitteninson,
14e do do, Charles 11 1.0e1..; ICO do do, Wntt &
se•u;lfo do do, ShOtnaker 1..f0ir,; Mb do do, 11l rt
. •
rixt•tax.vrt rtm Gi.tor No. 3:221 'obis pork, $0
ttpl+ flout, 43 hltds meat, lads vehleLy, Clark & ro;
•1:A1. I. F SeLtors & to; 1016 ate who'd, N.,a
1",e3" &•Brot -4 jOboxes .'.dire, (' Ol Whitely. '
46 [Ms
wi.Nroal, .1 Adler h. re; .1.5 . 1 c.. lard, r4w,rd fir 1211.•
,t , n; , Olt bb1i...1 Ile,acr; 40 MU mc
-4 oily es. cp; IG bids oil , S 1' llonm & mit $0 do do,
0..11 Myers: Is .10 do, II A Fallaretock: tO do do, 6
Fuses I oLlteen, .0 liirkpatrlck tr. co. to tKplee
' 1 600 iOl, S Coupon &I .balcal s My, II trua &
.. j ri:11 rat Poor Dec 9-2
Inlts coal Su r ol,ets, Stollt Darnel k cot .11 hags mill
fir,1,12 trolls rope, Stevie& ,Sort; I Od le do,lake Hill,
• 100 • reruns paper, Pitts 31oupt & co: 43 rezp.
• eadrfee. Clark k cb; 230 b 4 barley, klberhArt:
.124 hadn't hay,T , T r 0; 29 Am( hides. cell
I hiies,:flectxe Andenon: A. bales bey, 11 llng,n;, ,
I.l4stat buttcr nod, etikkens,l I.lle torkeye, tsos
do, John. Herbert; 2 Loses bi4ter, Jordon 11 & .0;
i44l,klrl , linsa &W. rairley; empt y hull 1,144; Spoo
-1 err k 74E11,0 7 oks • .11Nol,.21c13nnok ro; Mat np
pie.,.,-Joslnla Wlrr ; .30 4o do.AChri.itici 4 do ckltr,
(1 1.1.11,1.11 rt. —131.10 bbla
pktil..roct3, TAXI intat 7.1 Cir 1
. 111Ort.a,
1! (1 , 11: h. II;o11.5 . . - 1 No bran, Knox k
Netcs!, 13 A Fatmealml, kOo.
vac: 1444 pock, Cittri
g!„co:100 1,, a bratry,_SZ J.:antra rt t1.1111.f thr. 14peo
• a,. Ill•Kr.i; hoar! 1111 a, .I'lU Kra: Ter; 23
• mjtli b. I".:ttcrl*ni . .ss EL, corn,
a. %mei. ICU 1 &lea hay, .1 tr. 1F raids - ; 41 aka bar
-1 liftelirock 3.l!crerry k rn; 2 b5l. alrtlnr, (kV
tice.tt3.4 roll; fen/hoe J11.1.a111 o
c SicrlagirtS9 ookp,-Ir kc.l vot,
,1 .51.14.t0111. • . •
"- • •
~TE.314 S )J +l.
• •.
1, EU' t 11 , KK).
'Nouns. AND l'lrr:. 4 lV, , Ntlii
t . 1%!/(l:l'.—The. awe pis..t.nrr thr , rue: (111(.1)EN
I W. it. Kerr; . taistcri W. Bryan.
rptEl . ' ,l l ll. l -
1 , 1 , 1• S.A.TtritlAY. at 12 We:O2Y
. N...11.1i =tartlettnt Ivry-NW:DA Vi at a o'rlonk
Altr ()Olden.** iliwt,c row - 1.4110nd nt Porta
l' . rrith the Wiiten , Hit R¢dmer ltatttnek
null rctll receipt :might and pealea
tr' , "!% l lttortalt to flint ettr. met
1 ?.GUL R
Alt cVIII.:IY.I.I.Nr. A Nt) N 1
:PITTSBUG VI CR. rt,--Te.n
ortl fwwrrianinapw,,eg,r hemmer 17.
I ro . t.:TLR, (Ix pt. T. L. Tny tor: e1,k".1.. F.
Yee PRDl,otglt her( 'MIND IY, I'IM:4.
Jelly nr...1 SATURDAY, wtl Wt.:n:4, Lrwrew
: crliaS creep IVIONDAY, • WI.I.IXE.D.IV ame
' ty
at ~ l ock tw. Alt' tray ,the..
"T. , r.fptly
attended to. Timing den: At 'moderato
l'or (might or ) ,,, rtlir :Wry on brioul. or to .IAS. i
1 , • LI.INS tc..4.1(r., A Arnt.. Pittsburgh; nr
rrr.tra: t. CO.. Arent., Witeelinz. drl:tf
1 OE LOUISVILLE, CA 1R0 . 1[4 , A
tANOIOI. Capt. James bbied.leii. rill have r
rt • .•,e /Wl*, Mb lost.. at I p. m.
freight or prtanage apply on Lunn! or to
3. ,I),.COLT ING WOU.D, )
•1, 10 JOIIN FLICK. . Age-
and. Erraing, Wedmeal, and Satorias.
The Pittaburd Gazette Pablizbing /mod:H.lli
ridglire.l A kotrn trir:AZ). im A%
,pOESS, a nett and beautiful het of "type, had se;
ruled thr serrieraof no of corps of 'elltordi
tar paper enter ts upon another year of its long eon/
tkruptt ar.d rigorous ilfeilralt, high hoprt niut . en4
. vlaging proapecta..• , ,
...'t ho 4:llAzarrc haanesertirenfkdolirti to utter
uncertain. sound; :nite. Its steadyy andilutiring ad.
i. me y of.correct guilt lealltrioriplea la to be attribi
vi..l. to a large' degree, Mr ',food Poaitioo Whir
Allegheny county hold among the loyal commun...
Ile,. of Melaka.' Stales. Its -"Ace to "Cho f.rturr
Le no leiradecidcal nod inaphatic. • ;
. .
.1% 'lid:odium imp:on-sum OH. 6.4i.arrs
.xs cow a subJeet of pride to the publisher*. 1 8;it'l
e • rorpe of energetic slot itatenten Speolei orei-.•
. r .ippridents at the need weentres of the day ;th y
'enabled to sine; day to day , ILMIA.BLE, an
..cor.icst.Fs - DIFIPATOfitN, and % place it on a , p
with the Most enterprising .fliermils of the 'Min
East or West. The same IP.seral ontlay.for early
tlEti reliable DCWIS by. WieMill will be pontlegedi
nottritlisteliding the war orut . incmashol expense
111 . ihtery fermi-0n:440 fpni the ,Afmy,
Dy our own roe.
ur.teer oontributora, shell rontilitield.heeptul
neuters] interesting feature. .
Sa earkinctextby IMO thoroughly qualified
reliable reports of daily transactions, froduitetual
sales.- The quotations of PRODUOE, cArria
FLOUR, GROOLIN.E.'i, OILS, b.e., may. be .relied
Upon an Um actual prices from day to day, thwl
fornieldng a moat interesting and valuable featuro
fcr all data of readers.' No expense is spared In quplutlotts -frpm abroad, in
addition totrome reports. -
ornlng FAltton, per -yeAr, mailed • 'le CD
per month, o
o per weekydeltrereth 83
Evrnitg rdltion,•per'yetti,. malted' ' 6 50
it per week, deliver.' 65
Single eopice, tier year malted... tle 03
_Five copies, per yeni., by mat, each S 76
Tenor more copies to ono addrets, and ono
free to club s nth t
.Ifr; lf nobleylirtltinninvitriablyArtadrnare, and
the patters tine slopped at the expiration of the
titne to which they were paid.
.4.4'llemittanore. by ean , regtsterttil
through - lite PostlSKec, at' publithere' rtek.
no3o Prrrartenan. .
••W ;'itCOLL'ItE A:70!):;.;
"_ , N6. OFU TON smOrr. rriw.7o u.,.
,For tI seleollrserrtblng In the i'rodureatuA
:Wigan ' o Ibr_conly-nod- prcnnt: return
.oared" Ltherel.kdrelnlTP. Rear. en eons.L.mnts.
dtl gcnkltifidlylintunni upokekrtril, ;.
blerk nu goods dlstlbetlVltntl 'finirlird I ttypire.,
rligt!re nunregultu• werkly.goott of 'ldeal Oir•
: - Jk6l,_ebolte, terde franinntimiseLk.'iti o r
.103otn,To—lton. 0. D. Mattrson, Utica; N, T.r
S. C ll,Soars. 6, Y.lmmt, • N:-1 - 4 Levi a pgltr,.
Prerldrat to Noiik 'River Bank, IC./ York:Ott:
je.:tywn 6.7: " I —ra 1
W P. JONES, Agent for North 'Amid
•en, es, et a of
WATER sTItEr Peransylranta, an t, d liartfordln•
ATER cit.:trip 7WILORII.
;milLStip. "uI i.. lt*j DS.
--_For Gent's X trostih)e Clothing,
~ ~ a~iGI ) ET(L~OSDBB,
B. 4. NoRRTS,
MERCLIAAT,. T 611.011,
No. 79 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny
l oolmnird
10 ST. 61_,AIR' STREET,
Would call the attention of buyers to his stock of
goods. It hot been selected with . vont care, soil
epntains nil the IVI:WEST eiTYLLS OF GOODS
th be found in fleet class ho sea. Gents wishing's
Jstrit of clothes made to ord r, will please call and
4.:arnine our goods and p air Also, a full and
complete stock of
a-VlZt.tektil.. l j
N 5 araala.M.
W. 11. MCGEE., ::it.:It.II.VNT
nol No. IQ P.T. C 1.1.111 STREET.
Cllatza. , ovea,y MPLaits,
I. 3 r.r. a ...T. CI. MI STREEC
EN RI '0 II ALE & (11.,
NA. ror. Penn St. Clair Streetc,
P1.4.1r05. MUSIC, Sc.
W. B. lIIIADDMIT'S Neu : York
and St_110:11,1ex Er. L. CO.'Sphilatllnhla
Srven first prig. GOLD AND SILVER TIED
:ALS recelial wLLhmn month nt Stole Fairs n
Fair of the Aturne.n Instltutd; New York, k 1313,
by WSL D. BIL&PBUlt Y, for the
Solt Planiamco M7c•ritias•
SCHONAOAER k 00.; Philadelphia, received
•Londoi, bealdra haytot received at Lome num,aus
-Medals, Dijdomaa and Special Reports from St .to
FrdMand institutes. • Both have onmeron. lettera
of recommendation form the higliegt music trti-nt
GRADE, and others.
Also, a las assortment or SMITH R •
'TON 1 , 111,5 T I.III7.F.:EItICIA !I ORR AN 43
NELS)DEOITS, tL warranted for sight ;airs.
No. 12. Bissell's Block, St. Clair St
id-TtINING ANT REPAIRING done at the
I al.ortest notice. SHEET 8 USW bound In any
Intyte. non
iai l em
Mools.c.r"es Ploax3.c:Dis.
FP- Bert Nara. In AMP.Ii[4. not.
SIEDLE; IS3 smrrifFLELD 3 r.,
Fiar.cs and Musical Instruments,
hori : s coast oot ‘ Ifi:0110:01 n Aneossorttorat of
ilea , ' PIANOS
kg 1101.1.N,5, qvitax.. •---
:ANKs.srlaL•a. • •
tto.k.o Le win 101 for low
• .
A rhofrr Irt noir nn bend, and for sale at lest rata
S , dry wit,. Alto, HAIN Ehe !MO.'S Pt INOS,
roe cat I'imllo. at the price In the country.,
role 4377TH STREET. Sole .I.4t,it
Euroka Gift Association,
Pt gich clew-ant yiltort, Itlclodcotts,
hd.ticiPL, K.6•1 - ncitN, tte.orcluesl ut
tllSTl:tnrrioN t. made In the foltor inz moo- !
Certificates, I.nond foot. article and Ito rid
ari[dared in SEALED ENVELOPIN, which am r,
l mixed. One of these envelopes will be
ered at our office, or tent by Tan to any Andrea/1
aril hoot wizent to choice, on receipt add cent.
Vor O,N F. -DOLLAR MO wilt trod 1t mall or en
r• -Mr thy , trt isle namedon the Certiffenre drown,
roil etthanye jot' cog other article on our list, of the:
Entire sit Istnet ion ohne:totes.] Jr all ruses.
A very stilt:aide article may l.e obtnined for they
rt control Woe of ONE 1/111.1.A1/. srfleh need not
be rola Until It L known sybot hos been drawn Stud,
r Value.
ALV-Fivelsenled envelope. far iI. Eleven (or 0.1
tarty far ISt?.
- Send turf Ircular. Agents wanted.
•Slwsn ctr. 9, f
. I lief and tit Broadway, New York.
AB tette should be addressed to Box Moe Poi':, N York. notattmdkwis
Corr; r Pena and NI. (Ink. Streets.
- - - .
The I.rtdest, cheapest and moat succeartal '
I •
ht udentel enter and review at any time. . l
1- t
/Yr Millar!, eontrditilut full Information, oxtail
4.4,t no adthera, on application to Ike l'Artai
a 1 i
. . JENKINS a- marrn,
cc •
uodarr Ilan T 11 ..PIPTAISrUCaIIt. Pa.
1 0 - 4",ki.ITERY., --r (;til.fif i'', - I;il72;ff,' - titi
nrrl 'Court 'of Allegheny L'Uunty, P 1., Noe
WO January Term, task In the matter of the em
poll null a I count of William M. Darlington, acting
Secuestra i rr of the ShaTprbum Ilrldge Uompany.
And now, to wit; December ad, feet , the fifth ad. count and report of Wm. N. Darlington, Segue*
trator, at Ibltedln .open (}cult and ordered to ba
Mott endl t hr Ditther ordered; that the Prothono
tary glee lee ityptibilentlois In the Pittsburgh
Daily Co ir and Legal Jaartse, by one. Insertion
each Week for the ewe of three .11etlellAdVe week.,
of the exhibition and AlLag of said account nod re
port,' and' that the sumo will be allowed on the KO
day of December, A. D.lBOl. unless cause be shows
to the contrary. From the Record. • ,
defhlawilaw JACOB it. WALTER, Pro. •
CUT ___ ... .._ _ .. ......_
From bIiIIIDOUICS. °Akio nd Greenhouse. Orders
left I, it's J. B. Holder, T. 7 Fourth et., R Either ts•
I.=Wood • street, -Dunsetith 00., be - Fifth
street, or at the Greculiouge, 'promptly attended
to. lioquele supplied daily at the above nomad
places. Oakland cars run to the Greenhouse every
fifteen minutes. duldirm •
1 .
OF ALLEGHENY CITY, give notice to
holders of certificates Issued by the Bounty Cons
missiontra of the said Ward, tint the sonic must
-be presented for convention Into Bounty Bonds,
on or before the !mill December, fan, eut after that
time no more Bonds will bo issued. Persona hold
certificates will ruraent them to HENa.
... I aiTT I&
ON,J'realdent DI the - Board, at Ida home on
Canal street, three doors beton , Gheatniit, or to S.
mama?, Nwiti Anderson street. . delint.ltaw .
v FOR atax—ua sore. elkhtern miles from
:Abe city; near BlurtnyerilleMacree in cultivn lion,
remainder - choke tun ..r 4 ' principally oak; well
. waterfall, Is on-the northern fork of Tuttle Creek.
TWO streaks Of water how through it. Swelling
house; I:Mi.:For price anatomic apply o,
it tS. OIIMBEFIT h.SUNS, 61 Market sf.;
How Salting: 'also, Hose ;Paaktag, Goa
Mind Loca to/10er, alwayaptt hand, and of WO btst
4W dtyr~lt Has DAL IldthberDepot of • • •
dZit 20 and M St. (Salt aMtteM.
An d 'ak!)
dein No. °Wood street.
tiIAcTER 182 9 . PEEP T
5 1 111 g _ . of
it ' .. .ti - I.I.I,AtiEL.P I-II A.
Kil . sttion iginnsi;y I. IS I; 92,437.919 96 ,
esp . itar
A crued Premiums
I. rested Premiums.— .....
. settled ......
. come for 1884
saes Pald shire
oerpetusl and 'retivors
t man
971,00 D
1,056.13 i
a r tis
303,00 e
. . ..,3,000,e01)
ri .. Colielf;ou liberal
• nee. N. Rs noises, kiss Lee,
tibias Wagner, IF:dsvarti C. Thee;
annuelartult., George Fnics, •
Idea, IL Smith, Alfred Fitter,
' or
rke W..ll2lehants, Frns. W. Letvis, M. I)
- ClIAL11.1".; W. ANCKER, President.
EDWARD C. !PALI:, Vice President.
JAS. W. P1c.,9.1..L15T111L Sol. pro. tem.
corner Wood and Third directs.
:unlace Co. of orth Awrioa.
A•rN• 11.500.000.
nariford Fire [use am tonvany.
4 • 1.1.2i:1,000.
air" - rrOtek 1011 am he w•rurrd in the .Nome nvard
11nn rollnhlr eitnittnn:44.
44-21sRy • 14.4:.11..y , 4 110/.11141.1, R 7 Watur
OF PITChI4I. 134 11.
li. 7411.1%1:11, .1r .
r. !tr.
otror. NO. !t Wnter Wnre
-1:0114.., up ethlr4. Pilt' ch. •
Will 1111 C, ati. Liady co' Fire !lariat
.4 'hoar !Wife/ion managed by Pirrre a ,,,,a
arc vrll A•ncara in IL. iennwin.fil. and are drlr,
minra •Iry la-aiaplatrz oad I:tiara/ay. .h/141.'cin'jire
thnyntien . trhirl Ara hoar vnar aff'atay bre!
In als.rion to flyer who erblir to be /nab .rd.
1......... t I ,
IL 31111er, Jr., ' A n , 1tn0V.1 , !.:1 , 1,
' Joint • IL- 36.11,y. i .11 , -..noiler t.,,,,,,
Nothnnlel lloin,,en,l llnvitl 3t. Long ,
M.,. liltnielt, 1 11e , .T. Tholonn,
1c0rg,..1/atsle. ' ,• tionj. 13114/,‘ , 13.
' Cnnsp4g.ll 11, tlrrron, ' John It. 31.4"une.
I'. NV. Incite' son, I
F. 31. 1311111100. : , ecre.l..ry.
1 : i.:(ll ; n7tT. i SSC 11 ANA ' I . : -- ti iNi l'A N Y
inflict% S. F. corncr of VI . mot :and Fifth ate
1 , 1/.• 'DMA :
Wm. rhillipl., .I:+tne,.. D. Verner
301111 Wati, 1 John In Ilbtreln
Win. 11. 11n) s. Sninurl I'. Shriver,
.10::11 E. P:trke. I inerge I`..lonen,
I lt,rlre S. Ills,!1. 41. 111111.1111 1,t1.; -
WM. Vlin Kirk, . r 'linrien Arl.riel. I
W3l. 1•1111.1.11'::: Nespenl.
• ' .TfaiN WATT, fare Pat4leul.
WM. F. 11.1.1iltNEIL Setrrtary.
11F PITTSIMIa;IL—ont,, corner Msrket
sod Wolor,lteLta, serond
WM. 1f..1.1 AL gY, Pertidral.'
SA 31 I:EL 'REA . !Os , nry. -
Lomas:, Sten:aim:lts nail Comoes.
lonures ftL,Lott los* Ana dmoasle In I hc. vigr.
I ion of the mot Western Itivero, 'lisLes
mot lii} ou:. ov it i ns igot Om of Ihe Ses..
r.g.aom in and cleaumte by
VII. 11,,,,.11, - , . N. IT. Tiler.
3,-. I 'ail, 3A.,1 J Mtn Stiii.t•.,
V. U. Joi:NEW, " .I 3 MO , I. 1 lover,
IL 1%J...a, S. II tirtt3tigh,
I:rr, INT., ' 1 J. Cmmihell,, Jr. ,
II on..T. I. lb. ~ ' ..I:tu S. Illitynylh,
• Ps,•ton. Ilt lu. A. ll.lgrev.
t i. orgy 11111.1.‘1.2, &WI yit
i I,LEGIiELNY IN61:13/(t cOMPA•
...• "; Y OF PITTSIII NU II —Myr, Nu. 37 Fifth
an rt, Hank Mork.
.11.•girra agaluet All lamb, 61 Fin , 3114 'Mafia<
• .11 /TIN 11, IPf
U. M. 1301. E, swrrrinrg.
John IL M.4lont.
Ca pt. A.lrus Jana
IL IL Sterllnx.
Capt. Wm.
Melrenr. •
Hobert 11. Mori,
Capt.l.. l
3: 1
. Falgni,l.,k
t P Ito SMITH STRIXT, ( , the.
.WI,. 1 1 °+u;.) (!hatfiTril ;.) IRs krgio.“•,.
Pre I FA ). IS. .1
V:ln II Smith. 10>41,% 11/.0,
" bruliaq,
. . .
A. ifillit,nsa,
r..leatiOvs .Icateph King.
t-tintr. SA-I. 11,r -won
11. Lloyd, F. I:3lHn.
: 4 . S.
I , I.cmg, • ,I. Tie/,
C4rotta-rs, H.
. . ...
,•. 1 1. Wolff,
.1..4. Isll., w 11, • 1: n (lii,hren.
15 ~1. ' , ill $t h. W. 1 1:4,.1.
I. lt.' . Woodu ell. IV IL l'h,ll.A.
11: I' !.....htp.,l7. .D. F. 31 , !ilolr1.
.r. 3t , I. 1.',. ,, ,,u.:., I' 11. 1 . .,11-. , 11.
1: M Smyth. 71n.g01l Shi.k -Nth
ll_ rotlva.l/v.., Alfred SI to k.
I . VA. C.
. rcnfr, y euel 1'1.1,...,0 I). K ]1 . 1:1\ I.PIV
liven ds11). C 9a. tn. 101 p. In Also, :tine- i
entoe. iron.nlnO o•oloel.
li`eitosits I0tPiV(11 of one dime and toorsnis.
IH idetdin vet to Deneml., And lone of noel.
) Til; Wends rillowed to renirAn ;ilderrl to the
er“itt of inn deiso.ltor nos ainelind, and bear Intor- ;
e.I 11. VOVV(1.11111Ing It. f .
&0., Canis&
.: nt the oflire.
ir e Tide tort:talon offen., especially to those
en. 0, loo.e - ir am low. , re onelli. the' ojsportunity , .
ncentAttlate. punnll ea , tly fintii4l, et
Pnnt ultith r:1;. fn• n re.oun.e ndiru nemled, their
ineoey no only Wi m n,: ante. 101 l 11031 . 111:4 interest,
od t.
re:mla; itnisroolletlV
• --
)01f:I c kil vINGS BANK, NO. 34
Ten An/ y from 9 to 2 u c ‘o no Wedoco.
Any end Saturday cvenlam, fromlllny tel to Nu-
VI TAW lot, front o'clutlk. oud frOuiNorctilber
hvironit received of nil rums c r tint !cut Win fine,
11,,11.,r, and a dividend of the profitx decianal twice,
ir. la Jlme and liecember. interest has been,
de innd semi-annually, in June and Ilecember,!
since the }lank was organized, &r pm:, rate of tax
per7cent. a year.
Inter-m.l, If not drawn out, In placed to the credit.,
of the depositor as principal, and beats the name .
Interest front like drat days of dune and Ileeember,i
counauluding twice 11 year tvitliout . troubling (Lei
it:l...tier to colt, or even to percent his pass book.l
At thin rate tioney will double In le.s than twelve
It nntninln" the (Ifinrter, 113--I.•tom Rule
ntntliirnlntionso, furnlAhrd gratl4, on 4kpplication,!
TICE' rilMiltryTß.
.I,n.t . t. Mr A airy', Imams 11. D. liteeds,
.1 , lin /I."Photabergar k • • 'Wm. 1/onglas,
.1r mes Ilerlhann, Isaac If.1 I rfinock, 1
I'. trr A. 'Madeira, Sarne• ,
W Illtara .1. Am:rt. - son, John II: Maraddrn.
A . l'ollnrk, N. 10., John O. Ilaekofen.
• n
Coll la A,lntns. > Henry .T. T.ynch,
Jt I.n D. Itlndlryk ; John Mar• 11111,
(force. lilark. • Waller I'. Marshall,
. UM OilrFovOk. John Orr,
_Alonzo A-Citrice, ltaett Rohl), • :
Chnrica A. Colton, Henry I,llln'gvnilt.
'John Evioss, 15'111Inm E. Schmertz, I
Erni. L. Vahne.totik., Alexonler S, r, -,
John 3. Collomple, Alexander Thuile,
'Willi= s4l•Mcn, WIIIIAM Vemlark,
PO, H. IlunlAer, blane Whittler,
Illrt.4.rd Moo • Wm. P. Weim3n,
Jsmrs 11. Et, ehrhithn Yeager.
rreretil-y a Trrarxrer.-011IA8. A. (HILTON.
mlill:dxw ,
1)1S.S01.11TION OF .• CO-PARTNER ,
bißtP.—The 'Partneri* heretofore existing
between the undersigned, under the firm' nsnteli
CRI.III.II`TON CO., for the manufacture of Sheet
Pendant' other Soaps, hen this day been allesolTei
Ur mutual consent. SAMUEL 111. 'KIER;
Pittsburgh, Sept. Bth, 18134. •
*Ms/ Ora to CRUMPTON- J. CO.
SiU ACTU Rail Ur
Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Soaps;
Fon TIM 1101.1bAii3
We would call ;Aterktlort to our due ntoek or
Bren.olail tillrer:llountoil niut 1\ rlln(nld
great variety.
•;.• ' '"' NAY kt , (l.;;t6 Wood lame.;
Wholessiz Dealerslo
Hats, Caps ant! _Straw Gooch',
• •
nnye now In store : the largest nrnt ongst c I
Mock tit'
IPA'Tip - ()Whitt In ihe-wolit."Nefolinfirkiti'retV.P.
to roll hod extiminnour Flock, which will be tirl
at tory low rates.
DERN.-Llio2 Carboy* le
at my store It
not "kca g t 7 4l 4 wa-v ,"; m . r,a, 4 "P , wil q mr :
old . or e# ,. , 7 4 6 . 31 : Th .
• . • - ,Tueoptot
9,,A1111EL ILEA, Secretary Citizens' Inair
ance Oonspar,y,oatuer tailltKET and %VAT =,
Pittsburgh Drug House,
(biaecesnor to TOI , CRENIIE & Mc(tA.Rll,)
A CP T XX 311 CS_AL,
Potedgn and Domestic Drug., Medicines and Chem
kali pyrs and Ilid•Stuffi, Alcohol. Yer
, &miry, Fancy Articles' and Toildt
soapii• - Mors and Liguori; Tl
- - b•lm, R cirm., Paints, 011 s '
Ynd Ydrniehei, Support
, dr. 1111‘i Brent,
priet Ary
d &e;
Titusscii tAtsir.m:
' •
W e runournet urn 1111 tit , Into etllm. of leriproved
rocann nod Lepo cons: not ly on Itneid •Mindi7s.
itell'eo ' }:lllers, Mann's, Itol.l'i 'nod nil. 'other
On curnctorers.
, lo rn,(ll requiring nny pn7dlint nt yle , of trost,•or
Nhro prat!. dello , . 11, are. %/Li} “ItGltinetAirt to
Order "
DI:. Aft 0A RR !Mend, permit:illy to the :rept].
4'30011 Of Trossem, arc., nod to Om treatrocur of
• _..••••--'-
One Preset ttnn Deptirtinent In strew. In ebnrge
of nit experleneed Plinrinneentik. al..' nil nrtlelen
twed iL cumpounrlL-tg inerrriptlon.. aro netxted
with regnol to purity. (rektor,na nail rengt
Portiorlinl on. ettretulty compounded at all hours
at the night.•
meld c and Culinary articles
.English Suds. -
0 rain end l'o'nolercil (11oCes, ire
0 Allspice, "
Root " Ginger,
Bark " CiWlntueri.
Oswego Corn Starch.
• Cos Gelatine, •
Priree Glycerine,
lieet;ee's Feirina. , *
Pure Wilms, for cooking parposes,.
Burnett's (looking kialruts,
°entirety Seed,
Anim Seed, •
Coriander Seed,
• Mace and Nutmegs,
Saleratus, • r
revl Ask,
!so., in.
Concentrated Lye, , Pure Potash,
sal Soda, Alum,
Sllvrr Sand, 113th Beek,
Tripoli. ' 2,., Ac.
Healy. ~ 41
Rnpe `-ced,
snarl Cratl
r'4'o, , Y . ktvvriaz 1i.154,2ze-g•
Pin xit rcllAti:e Proprietary , Meglicine 4 , sit
I.r. D. .1 A YNES' Expectorant. . ••
6. Atterallve. 7 . .
~, • , ftruilu3{lYe,
1 ‘
'l. 4. Hair Tonic ;.:-. 4 ,. 1 1 .41, ' Di ,:• . 1
Saultive Pills.., . •
l' r. .f. C. APED' I :berry l'ectura. •
Cathartic P.Dh6,
-6. 14 Sarraparilll. • .
AKue Cum.
II EI:ADM/D/7'S ealetruted Illernroller: - :
1... Barbi'. fur 611.smisea ot.Dladd,ir
:" • Itose Waill. • ..(the blood.
• )" - • liorsaunrilla. for Impuritlea of '
Dr. 11011ACK.S Seatiellizaciav Blood Purifier. •
t• 'Pills. •
SeIIENCK'S Pulmoute Wafers
Sea WeNl Tonic.
IlDuldralle Pill". 1 ,
KENNEDY'S hiediegl liliorrery. '
Snit Rheum (Hutment.
wnioirrs relelinted Indlau'Vegr•taide l'ilhl.
DitAN l/R ETD'S Pill!,
Dr.l2. A. IVII.S()S'S l'ills.
• liosTETTEivs celebrated strAnnct nit (ern. . •
bRAKE'S iTinlntlon !latent.
t't,TTER S rservine Ert,;llsh Hitters, se Antidote
A rat nil the trlietble Patent ?Medicines of 'the day.
Paints, i.Cadf -XIII., Veto.. Oils, Varnish.,
/*rushes, Putty, TUhr Points, Pohl bea r St.o • •
for furelahln; these Articles At
sturnet met., prices.
uur stnek of !into and Medicines are selected'
sessi-nnedinkt, with pcu
ent te, y experie
idmimiscentitt rn
physician, and sae ruante" au
drugs and medicines we sell pure and unalulferafeM
CITratICALS. . 6." Ant
All .or Araertenn Chernleats ree buiy from ttui
celebrated bout. et poly Elts tc W tat: I iTfItAN.:
/in Inquiry of your tAtuily phyatelan will zatlsly t
you as to their purity,
Our own Importation, we guarantee. fresh and re.
liable. Annotto, Alum, 111.0 Vitro', Marti Wood.
Cam Wood,Corhineal,Copirrakfludhcar,Extrae
I.ogwood, t'uatie, Lae liya , I.oxwond, !lad.
der, Me Wood, lied Tartar, Sicily minmac, 'ruinerld
Blue Vitro!. kr.
Fondin-Wint;s, Brandies; OW; lagusrs,
• = .For medicinal use oath - •
Mani, Deppu & C 0.4 Cognac.
'lne old Nochelle Brandi.
Pure Juke et Grape Tort Vine,
Pure old Sherry Wine.
Pure old Madeira IYine.
Pure liolland Qin.
Pandas Italic*. ()rola
IMPOWPICD Clc.tit!?,
Our 'Lock emOnicet some of c. 1!! Inuit - brands of
Havana elgati,rll: ; •.. !..1 •!, - !
Canna, Prenudos,
Imperlale., ' . liritartkuse. ,• !
Louares, VIVX.3B.
litervtins, • Belle Creole.. , ~ i
Domusric cimtns
Bionniacturcd frgw Imported tobacco, viz :
- Jockey Clubs, ,
And a Yariete orbranda, '
Our stock of Olgartwelsourchased• In faint: anU
:we aro oftertng.them to consumers at n alight
n 1-
V over our prices lwforb the tan law, when nut ,
chased In quuutttles of one hundred an Lywurdt.
• , • . .s
We arcs. a large nneearefutly selected:lond;
El; S. Whites Patent Tenth.; . •
Ortrum, Armstrong & Justl'aTes;& • t
W. A. Duff & Co.'s Teeth. '
Neal, McCurdy rs Well's Teeth.
Johnson tr, Lund's Teeth.
R Dental Malys, tenter Whelk P'ornens, rime
Wheels. Bun, Drilla Escalators, flanklbss,
eanltellese_inold and SilverPlete, Gold end Tin.
end Dantel Materiels of every deseriptloar . •
ra-Cat f lpguesto be had oa application. ,
, • -
seatrum Pirrsßtrabs, Pa.
ItoDit4,-13.11 - DiS AND ILCAVE..4
• • •
the great:lndies:l Diuretic,: 21. 301
citron' ell diseases of the.: Mill; DI 31 Mllf.
rut cnry'orgitnneuert inns. MO , MAL
coat iiii•riel• of the Urine; 317.1 lit et MX
I dilennest woof thelilnd.l MM M .M.M
d,. r, Inilet,,nition of tit. MM .71131
ladoeye;- tsione in the Btu ram DLM
ltlit,hler.Oiteletnet., dent , ;DIU MM'
01, Mori, Clonorriurn,and DIM MM M.ll
Is espeeisliy recommend- . •
ed In those mutes of Fluor
Albur, (or 'Whites in re
niftiest whore' ell the old
tintioeoet medicine have
- IL is inePue‘i In:slash
. iv roncentreted lorm,•the
CtIGIII./ dose only being from'one •
tit Lull) Itntwoteeepoortfule three
VC • till times pee
bi•diuretie enil,n;terit.
'VOL . tivelnitsectltou
141 and. r ciennsing the
•••', , blood, empllng. it to floNli
• ' `el/ ; (IQ ineli of ll•origliteltiarlty
4.43: • 1:1: And riguz; thto removing
Iran syst Om all warn k ,
. ut.l4:Xl clous causes. trltigit Lacs .
. -induced tUsetsre.
• Viiime•irit.i. INaarriOx
la Intended as an ally or . ,
a•pistantltri the tilliltr• • •
kr:cl/Etrair.• and should Egli11111F11:1•11.11;
be tokiii/nconjuotion with, I , ll.l6kilf:tifilla6ri.
that tnetlicirte in nil e go. s • -
lionoribum., , ti le e t
bh.or dtbhM on Whites. 11E11}11 , .
lta efitets- are, healing:, .1.11:1•11.1t:
e 111 - o.v ft g.i11. - scrilding •liE
ellOiCa.,• - - sad pzin • . t:NIik:EEKEI:E.:. • •
• •••
that it experienced •
alltb.3etteAP TV O,II
' lty the the of 0.. Cee..
Mentally d
_okeMentallylnd Unaro
kee lnjeet ton --Ttril two'
1111 ' 1111 : medielnes at the. same •
1411'.. /ill tin:P.". Improper di*.
1111 11.11". cliaryi•s nre_renowerl. and
lilt • lilt ' the weakened orpos ore
11111(1.11111111311. • re,/torial to call vit;or aad
• INP R!'u"' 1111 -
, For roil poetirulnis get
i lll till 'our pinireilet -Fallen any
.• lilt drug, attire In titeeotturry,
• lilt 1111 or write wt..antl rvn will
t ill tree to mir . Atitireria
fall treat it,
• I t'l in •
ulonilinplare for .sprrou
lortbea. Setninul Weal, •
Nocturnal ol•lints.
trink .rukt — Ml. - dioessen-o- I /1,111/1.11,111, _
• totql by tel Dtilll3lll/1)!Ii , -
so.h Lor.l , :Itetuortr. , • 1,11 •• WI
leirer7al La ssit Ud e,. flit itil
Pains in the 1i0a..111.m.• 1111. UU
of Vislon.Yrenutture 1111 •
int Aye, Weak. Nerves. UU 1,1)
lifilh•nity of lb chilling . . 1)11 1111
Trembling, Waker nincos. 1,111,111,001/
nut -tier. 1,11 the Fr , c, 1:1,1,1)6t,111)
rule I 'ountleunneeitrman- -
Cnnaumpth 11. null a ll
Ire -direful comula lots
Inl ny depastiug front
the pet h el nature. Tit is medicine a .t simple
tegetah le OXI rant. nllllOllO •
ott Wiach Cali rAy, a•• it
lu,sheen used lu oUt rue
ti,e.for many years, and
with thousands t muted it
I.:I:I.I'I.EY.IIEE leas net Lulled inn sIng:1;
I..IiLEIXELI•II.I instnzee. Its eurstlre
-- pourers !tare been aunt.
.elent to ;rain victory over
slur most stubborn rune.
To those who•lntre trifled
with their constitution
until they think
t hem
iii.F.I.A.CFIIF selves beyondthe reach Si
EF.1111t1111:11:1‘ki . medic/staid. we_wouldsny
- ,1 •49111Lr.n0t! the Cherokee
`l•nre Hilt restore you to
health and vigor, and of
:ter:Of qusekdoetoraltsve
fulled. - •
lin. Wumire, Amit
vV7S ATIM3 Era `lit: Or En - ,
LIVE! Prepared Till
• .•
7enta•PuneNegetable , • 1111
I met* coat !e'er. nothing 1111
lojetious to the mo.t till
leete.c.ThoßcJarosating 1111
Illtairhillierexultormod- • 1111
ern diseoreriestotheveg- • ' •1111
etablekiny,dom; being an ' /Ili
entirely new and abstract
method of'eurc, irrespec 111,1
tive of ell 'the old sad,
porn out systems. This medicine.haabeCci
Jested by the mod, cull ,
dent medical men of the
• ed:thr!l.cllntheCOTMenc'eunt
. • RAIllig111111.• eat reedlcaldiscoseries of
• -SttillitltßßltA the age. One bottle will
:10111 1111/1 care general debility. A
1111/1“ • 11.111. few doges 'cuteallisterks.
1111.11 11114 in Lbinateg•
R.IOIIIRjUID etiVes Palpitation of the
• 1111 R hleArt.: A few doses rex
•••• •• It tur form - the. Depots of genes;
111111 ' Etat anon. Frain Santo three
bottle, restore, the twin
tiers end full • - •Clgor' of •
/View doseare.torestbq , :
appetite. ilifee bottien - ! . 0.00000.. , -
roma the worst re do ' or ' . -000001.A.7 . , , !.
•Inipoteney. A few se. 'OO . 041 ,•- 1:
(tire the low , 'nplrited. • CU ''. 00 ' ,
(tor tattle restores men- 110
Lai peerer. A lon' doses CO ~ . ,
Inings Intektherese [ethic . •CO ''" • ..
''crk: 'this medicine res. t'' . tic
........ '
toils to nUlnir .11P,I e 4 Ll 3 ' CC
labust health the poor de, ..-
... Cl-r ,000, '.
bl.tltutcd, troredown and LA:COCC ' ' '
dreini!`tiri devntecok stn. ~
not p1ea5670...- . : n ig r d .,4 ;if ft. a iiiis ,ft.,4- 0 •
• i l .g t rijilttitt l e o i l li ll )*l l lPlT :
Shit linpoteney. • It
• • (ores incntill poiier awl'
• 0000. : tti appetite, and clones i
000000 . the rose to mount: to the,
ote. , 00 ,carat: of pdrJor c <MI the(
00 .. - ((Cl detillgrateei ntau ' or *man i
00 • 00 • to, leek vkgo to it's .niad .
00 00 strong, t hti„youngiiiiii am-'
00 00 Anions blood. to,eourse
(in (II). „through every „relit, ILO: .
, tut tit)_ .. — nerves to he,,aaaatrone,,
01 iOrn )0 sod the tires iif. new: Ilfe
(,Olt)) and ewer to rii:intrante
the entire laxly,. building.
• - up
• the ronafttutiondte-e
-tosingjoy and 1116 to 18 - 110 .
a aad 11/11i darkened iliti ,
side. .
._ .
t'oßkortm: Pot.t.s ! St - -
F K S A 1. it •
cIiCLATOIt., li r T
l'eterkts k.
roe the removal
01. Obstrectionsi Roll the
itautonce of lteptlartty
the Ileettrrenee of tlte
h tenthly l'etials. aley
elite or obviate those uu
nwrous diseases thud.
r+pring.froto irregulorlty.
telorkvire; the Irrego
tsJit y
They cte . 4 . :lsuppteB6ed
Excessive,- roid•.; Patella,
ritongtrudtton;:They euro
Circe° Slcknees. fenlore« .
als) They r eure•Nervons
1:K. . KR ' and Sp In aj allbetiona;
Kb: .KR prang to tlur ,liack4i.fual
KK Kh." . lower parts of the body,
KK. KN. • Rem toes!, Fatigue on
KKKK alight exertleut, - Patplts.
I: K KK Alen of the Heart, Low
li K KK nes. of Spirits, /Iystctin,
KK. KR Sick • Ilvolftehc, piddl:
KK KKnem, fre;, - &e In 'n word,
KI: - KE: by re.nfovlni the Irregit
-1,r1,1),, they. retrieve the
rilland with' it all the
ellectathnt nirfogfroodtC
I . 0.14.40E41 of simple ,eg- • ,
ett‘bic eXtukle, they con- t
t.L I i DIA II t 41eh!tcriepa .
. •
t 4, Cloy eim .Ittiuit, lieu , '
c, er delicate, their four- NNN NN'
two belnd to rubstitute NNNN ...NN .
nt:redlli for weaknews, NN NN NW:.
St h:I lh wilco • pro perl y NN NN NN
le.rd. they never, tat tI o co: rFN I
Ti 0 may be fidfdlrixsord ..::NN INN NN. 1
al .ay eye. and et ony pc- NN NN NN ~
rhal, i
t..scAr il (yan uunrco -NN NN NN
forrsaat.T 111, 4gSorrlfa, , ; ITN; ~17,INNITN:::
d orlug whir the unfelt. NM" , - NNN
to g ~,,tort of their action
w , :z i t= .
lib . ll•Trrirrir-r7
p :
KIX ' llinuiemki--t3herck:
EF.ECEI:3.:KF: keo Remedy-3r a bottle
1:13.1.:BEEEllik: or 3 hottlem fors3. Cher?:
okee leleeilon--$3 a bob:
tte, qr tqbrebstlektorga.
Et:En: Cherokee Cere-$3 botl
Ur, or three bottles for $;•
. -.•.--, • • lk. Wrlght's Ellslr-4.3 •
'bottle;br'threeDottles fue
EEKI:}3.:EE. $5. Cherokee Pi 1139,
feetslc•-41 a bax. r or alz
.Docx for
Iri Cie Cherokee Me t. •
. .
eines t, he Einforttunstesylit ; •
find rf Qat of ddlivetanee ,
from skinning and pain.
A day splendid and glorl
onS, When they omit po.
longer auger without eel- EF:tgmfEE:E:l-;
mtion or repose, either EEEEEEEE6E ••
through, mercenary El: •
quacks or the MeMaleney . CC • .
of nauseothipreparntlons, EFIME -.I
The Cherokee, AfedicineS' Yff. WOE'
accomplish their ransom Eh
—their emanclontion. An Et
emancipation so great so .
admirable, and ad h. fiEgh:ClE.f.f.E.h.
of universal good. : These..
medicines wilt 'prove.- 111 .
Any nod every CAAC, faith-
Alined never fallig, _
friends In tine of need: SVe %cattail the °hero.*
kee Medicines by expreis •
• - • ..: legtepC. the C her ok rte
Pills; these are rent _by
mail, free of mottos) an,
. V.F.I . :EF.E.I,IKEE • .• ..reeelpt ofprice, • arty
EKE - Et:EMI% • part ofthe civilized u'orlit
,•secgrely intekedAatteks EE- i
,• ma nn r• that , no, .oxks
••• •1111tYM. • through whosehaMMUnly
EEELE may.. pass 'Milli,.
• the cootoota
The CheroieC modietnts! :
Er:Etwaivh..: ..-- are sold by olleterprisia.g.•,
EECEEFATEE druggists in the eivilistat„,
- • .; .i.worlol.l, • come uopries
pled dealers, hovrever,try' , '
„,.. „ • ,• to sell wo r Ina a. Cape-'
- •, pormnis tri place of thaset--. ,
those which they C3ll' get !if:et - •
at eheapprice i rdmaloo SSSSS •••
money. - s •-• SS SS •
than theyenn on he Cher- SS SS I .
okee Medicines.ArTon SS SS
value yourbealtk; ay, the- SS
:heaßleof - yearPnltTlAg—a, i
donut be deceivedby tuck, • SS its
unpricielplal JP oggi Or, ;SS, S.S
Ask for these kledieloes, 6.4 SS . I
and tAko nu otizcni,.., • • OSSS j •
• •
. • • 1 . .AT,•,/,d,PlNV ll4 ".fi.. oo y
1 / 4 • •- • §olo.r.r? ierr .
Pfie.4 , ..f
00. a Lib
rim sate to Pittst raga by N. 11100LAIIIIA.N
CO corner of nd and blsrUot atreota,
ri 4 '5: -SILVAN -11449-41-
C =RAT. R. R.-.W.INTESt Ainteffinawrr.
U.L I.laallecAtoz9iay.Ciaeipet algt.l94ttlalis
041 11,14 atterlthr...6 _
wtll lease the Depot as (oklaws.
VAST ?SAIL, daily curl): Sur lay, at 101. ta„, ,
slapping only. at prtnelol itatiCON clad . M Ojai j
times eunneetlons at Iterrlahnrd for New York, i
Balt [more and Washter.cui, mad Phtidulelprib6
tor Neu - 'rorltelloston audintettiltallareywints. - :..
~11A11111...S.BUEG a.tkrex—
set , at 6.0 a.. rd....,etoppina , at ell rezuldt
etation6 : between;Pillthursh and kfarriehtteg.:
'madam eloao, trains on Inatasa. •
Illahriu West Pennsylvania B. 11... badeiAtrirg and
arillinlihlayabneg Iltaabh.•
P.Y.C6SlitllltlH.a. EMIL . EXPRESS, :Lally es d
end Sunday. at 12.30 m.,stop?lng at nearly
' the distill/ad between Pittaburch and Philadelphia, 4 1 ,
HMI making conzettlint with tralnd on the Enens.
burs and (. I re6sen It.l6,llollidayanurg . 6iranbh
It.; Tyrone attd , Cleartlehrerui Bald Bligle ywer:
Branches. , • .
- .
. Iblitr;lnt
et's - pt tAutday, at SiOtt p. stopping at' regular atas, •
levy-skitters Pittsburgh nn Johnstown, and con. ;;;"f ,
meting at Illairsrille Intersection with tratai oig- ! e
thelnuimul lir:inch and West - Pennsylvania 11, I(•.'1";
,stc•pping . at "Latrobe'
.t.lonemaugh, Oallitscs,
Altpeausi, Muntingdon, Lewistown, AtiAlln, New— ,
post,DJAryavllle,bearrisliting,Lancaster;andlto,imai .;
Ab•Harriaburg, direst cormecUstris See
made - tor ."Naltemore, Washington 'Alast New York
at 'Philadelphia; for NeW York, :lentos and Wars
zuesliestepoints SlorplatiVars run through ontiec't
train from rtttabarta. Nailimoterntls 4 4l44 - 4
and Arty York, by.thwAllentown route. • .
rnsT LINE, gaily;c'Scrpt. Sunday, at
stopping aid,- at tlonimaitglii elan 'Jaen, Altos .1,
Iturtindon, Lewistown, ..SthentleNewieseAr
Marysville, liarcisluttg,,Alkidlotows;
town, Alt. Ipy. Landessille, Lantssear, and Dew. .1
!salmi n. At Hartheburs,oonnectioas are mat to
New York, Baltimo re ,Washlngtasn, At PAM:
delghia; ten . New YO)k, ttuaton,'and intermediate
Einst Accommodailoi Train, to; Will's Stittets
leaves daily (extept :Sunday) at SAO
SeconsLAccommodaUon Trieln for Statists •
/ear en daily (except Sunday)) at 11,40 a. in. '
Third Accommodatiga •Tei,"ra. for Wail'. Steals*
leaves daily (carept,S,subia) at 3.:10P. 40 -
FourthAsec,„,moactea 'fstto forAiraws Scam.
(except elittnelay) at ed it: tn. ... •• '-• 'C
Tits) Church Train kisses Watt's statlalt.entty
Sumba' at ADS a. in.,teturalpf tray , ei ri!tib'
. .
Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh at Paßeparis."
Pittsburgh St. Lila Exprass . • ,itslor ts..ra,•
snithnort• Espress Ltalp, a. 4 ,
phti,;actthis lisvress 2-301,--as •
Past Mat • 1..% la la:
last Line • • . . • • t•PCiaiatiet.
Tohnst own AccoMmodation .. . 13.1154.1wi.-
'Thee. Wall'sststlon „tleccontmodstlon.:.
Second,Wsll's Station Aecommodst/On
Thied Woll's titatlon At coMmodattrin„.
Fourth Will's StatIVII ACCOLI1M014t1011 " 8.03 p,
Da Ittmore express wilt irrlre • wlttrPttll3delphtli.: • Z'
ErptfllP at 2.30 p. m. on 3londays. •
NOTICE.—In case .of -doss; the Compini:4oll,7:
hold themselves r,esponslbin for personal bsfrPW
erdy, end for an hmottnt not encredleg . lllo3. -
O - L
ninthnslnertmet been entrle3 l ./g e tr;
ennvey totssenecis ditto, :bsresee to' and' trent' 1:-
',TA, at n charge not to exceed 23 cents, for•eselti - .Y.
I.3ssertger and baggage. For - tickets apply to -
. -.. • :J.:STEWART; Agent,
At the Peansvleards Ventral Ballrodd
Ststion, on I.lbert y and Grant streets. n
WiII:WAN" AND. OLEIVEIL. AND It. ri t Trff.,,
. WiIk:TER AItRANGEMFWF.. -- : ' -- 1 -..
On and - niter 'October 'loth, 1801, trains will ralri.
na follown, rim ' '
_..• For .1 For; .; ~
Pittsburglt:Chicago. iClivelantlA 'Wheeling.'
Enpreen...,..... 2.10 n, ni.,'2.10,'M on". 2.10 . a. MI
Exprem........... 2.00,p. m.I 2.45 p. m.- 2.45, p: at..?
A 1.711. ... ...... . !G.30.n. m.. . f../.. 2 4..: 1 11.
For - New (Julie and Erie 5.50 mM. ' • F
4 ".
121,11/I.INIATI. , . . .
'Arrive tit Allegheny—P. F. 'W: & - O. Rail '
.t .
7.0 ev. in., 8.20 5..m.02.40 C. 131: and 4.45 p. tim'.:.:., 4 /
O. s. Y. 11.11..113.00 a. m.•-:..- ." ,': , I , : - ,
•Tkktt-Amt, •
otioUs V. MYElTSrue•merick Abet,
LEY Jr A/L17.0A11.
Mar 16th. ttna, ital.:dinning arrangement of ttat
will take etteck • r .
. ALUM d.TN.—Enarra 'Pittsburgh at,
arrirtag at Klttanning,nt.HY.oo .a. m. - Learea Nit: •
Liman' at 4.0 C, p. m -arches at ,netsbasiva7.
a. 01., arriving at Pittaburgh L. t .!, N. pl. • 1411114
rittabUrali at 4.Xrp. m., atrit•lNLat Flatatiallmtal
1:1V3 p.
Watke at 6.20 a. Ira, attirtnat Pittsburg& at tatt
m. Leaves..Pittatoutga at 3.008
Soda of at ft.oo__p.
.7. .
SZEIP-P.,ars. • • r
n'NELLL'S • "
• . raTSDIMOR, PXIINA; 1.,:a •
a 'so.
filaCE. ' • J 6091, -
Passage filen the maceentry.".
The Ltreipool, New Yorkandßdladelplga(lo
tonna SbesaishiwOompemy having.sppointaCtb. -
undera4ao tbelrAneat - heres.ekehir• rulliploa,
In now prepared to bring Out Veneta
- boyneFeesengens by the Steamere air star Lt,*
. T. 7 .IcuStrALY4.,OIIW 1141,.'t.- The -Stesieetied
"thie Lterite/lee leave LI yerpoolevely-WRDNI*
- PAY, f or New York, *Quaking af Queenstown,ud
ehloeff the rucee,e4 e it, end ',neat IDs t. •
The nada...Ward le Mee Alyea for the
and Londonderry Atte, kar
noel every 'TiIIaRSDAY, and calling at. tondoli.
oy lan ) rakrr.lll and Mena Tbe, , ldeare:
cram! We One aro tali Ig ike afron r eW. gab o ef
`andfundola choir. . eeelmmodetlens filpaw
lie le able agent for TAPSGOTDS 'DINE L'
Iratari Clipper Sailing Packets, lerieleg Livened,' ". f
for New York twice &week, and the u.N,e Linea.= 1
),,,prtecn Paekeinjenclag London. every,ien day,. 1 ,1
The ships of Tspreott,s Line here Wag been apt
Led for their quick passage/ and the•efetdlenee .
the rtorlabamiDirniahed the Passeagerei tad Shelf
kind treatment while on board. Pectleirithutrieb
their friends brought out by Judith; mesh; ODOM_
by all zee= patcordze tide Roe, • - • ,
Faunae to Califonn M
%at grently.rodneed ar. 1
SIGHT DRAFTS on ell parts tat Entope
Apply to
SYEA: -WEEK 7 Y ,. -To' LIYER i i t:: : :. : ;
. .I'ool.?Arnschrog .t. Quizrrwrow - ,1, - ;
(Cork Harbors , The well-known •Srea N'
of tita .
Liverpool, Non.. l'grk =4 Philndelptita u Star:
Company. (Inman Lint) carrying the 11; kklgnika'..•
arc_intcrale4 ro'rfati trrfoncnra. ' •
_. ,' .-•-• - ' - • - •
EthAi.. ' .1 .• .. "..-.:4.: . -•:...- Samna -
, 111)1 . ?gitiliGi!..4 ' • • . . - 7 . - sm.& Dow-•2,-.'
ciiinsaow,. • N.,,..-7,7.pec: ki i
And ereeteuecading Setazday r at itooricgttne ,
..,, 4
Ic.‘ t I.
"h.".•re or re,e;ter.,•'' 1
Payable in gold,-or its equirehent in ant omp •
Flost Cnnin....,....5E0 oo Sten:mei .1 1 2 B: a ,
" to London.. ..95 Oa: , " - to .Lundon:.,,u . „.,e i
. to Paris.-- PO Oth ~., to Fett.5...... Ye
to liontriing.., ho ooi . togatoum--n .• ' •
- Pansengeni Mao fore:lune! tO !gluon, ~ n .1.
Notterinm, Antwerp, he., nt equhiltrow ngten - e , j
. .Va its Lrom.Liverpol or Queetisrewn—let Ottiget," • 1
for, 45106, fiteeroge;o3.l, Those wtokerielt to imepr :
for their frien6l. coo bur tickets- bete lb VIM
For Anther intorsonlkin needle Ccitopel c ,
- . • • '
~.,....- r D.- % 4 , - ; -4
00 No, ne Szoithilell"
WE I "
CVF," A RD L131.E.,--4241=4KK11
LIVERPOOL 4 :1 1 :)t.:;./7•>X0*Mliit-L.1
to gold, iotseqraveitit. In cuneniy-.
FROM NEW YORK, on turreticy.
;Sall* e 7 trT week. AFTIY :
TII.OI4AS TlATTltiAti,'Agrat,'
.47 Smithfield attest, behrept 34 sad 404
giuts-uaoy n • ' • - .Plitalbtogb•
' ffEttlaINSUE 'gaga'
IVLS hnt. 4 : Iwamoto:I to two ,l;lougha, ....
lloanesiit§i• AsAhria & VV(hoopliar .CoLikt47..BF 1
.Throat,Cloasomplloo; and 'all 'AllbcAlOat !ot
Tor gala DeuV mural Sia
All the alei. and the . plass recoinisko-1
tellk: oath° only coFtalliremedyforDlarraidl-4
pyatntery t .; l ll 'la aablnatlon.og ttinkmtar: 7 4
Aboorbnn YEltisoulnutsand'eariednattrea-aai .
warmtled o ellastA onns . anor all.otharsoaan ,
For sale:L - OehOral; bcpck . ,,it
• Fourll,otrrot, Flncinntli; r
;'otith at.
, e,serd tbousaads ofrthe wonst eases jg Mad aadrP - i
gives tointedlato re4et, eat
tests wornianeet curb;
Try At directly.: - ICtl
rusted to sure. ' •
• For ago by all itrutessts. ; General Depot flint
-. Fourth street, Claelonstl, 0.. ,
Dyrtepsia' —Nervoulmess
DL S r aivD S o lq. :'•_
ICe can' : retort:seal Ums& surrerini•wittrlerrir
'Al srorbie t ro l us. nd Vbi l itt n y', 4 4 ' .1{:i l le ' WSW. Tocab.. •
•lt s' yr-getable. preparation; teed frost aloof:lotto ...-
ligttert; It strek„-theutibe whole' berrocui system- • ••
• -It estates it good appetite,' Ond IS rvartna,tesl itsive . „•.
Dyspeptis and 'Nervous Debility. • • ;•,, •
- For tale
_by Druetists generally. .Frepareil
sraiOILW T I?,,e, 0131 .4 !
'ticakati; • 4
'• For saie by DR; Gra. IL RES sNe„.cortuir
Wood street and Firgierrilley, hod4t. E. SIIILDIDIS,
its CO., eon= O f -Wood sod - Seamed- stritisA
taught and by - .PAltlit h 55141.,• Nib 7 1 :•
oe ll7 : l sdrslM ;
a ,Flisbartis pat Treble, tlorattl. , l•_._
• • -
.lloodate'►(lermna time
=l,l l l32;kt u Z l :tilc7.!
- •
At ttat!4:forta:ticfs‘A ,13tipro.
Omura' d 011!
• . ArykriceSHOOli•V,"
• - .
GEORtit ieitELLY it. 0114
• st
. 11.--.Wo - bsveQii Amyl - untie tret:T
sit. •
i•e•ltti . ..Zialgrstlon
Smlthfichl strevt. ,