gitc 'z et gm*. 7 ,..4 7 / 3 / 3 4 111 D 4r; ' : 'lllg tditePußtiiiiimi issianom. lus.er4T,OpF,CenenEe e, Igoe. _,..:,„ . *E816:124111113141103 IMPOSED .044 I.I 6I OEMANCIPATIOL Itecabolltion of slavery in tile trotted 6tstes.3aay even norrAO regarded:saran . /lo human power can prolong*c.r t istenCeof the latltutionlie yond-tims tenninatlon of Alse.preseal, arm; and Ude alreadymantfest thatJu st as fast, as the indharity, of the GoTorment shall be restaffed, just ao> fast the MIT% of etandi4atiOsi!go. forWatti., - "We 'have . ,skti; etintithlitltribix to &Satire us that this is so:ii ittlittrlgitteatit of the wise and pendent,'; as teliettiit44*iiiifPivili4d:bliore:Okii: snd Leiter yr all •!WatitiosaninnnetyliiTadual anancipaticaisraw PArad: Than•( idge.**4- intt , this Is^no -lenge! an -opsn "41300r1:pika;:i omaadjettportilitth nilits-real or Iniliginixv 6'4* Ita re . o,. nrabUltlei, le gist with which we have • toq deal, whethen ! we. would hare ebosen it otnbt • But °cone thing Wifriaiaslire oursolyel • tit thrigtOttid that isytiuit He Wlin•direeti_ the afigni,of ,men never imposes dunce or. • . minpnaibilitlea — upon - thenr - ticycmd - what they are able to discharge; in i Per .ll 4l B : - IIPP ; to eolf*E-ktin4k:e*iiciot , through their own unfailhfuluess or wrong-doing. 'lf wet:nett theOgrid4cs . and relnpaihilittcs ititli an hint* determination to do the bost-Wo Scan, It is' leapossfble that we can fall' of .success;, and in hies. ing others we shall ourselves , be blisaied: • l'ere are 'fbor* ntiMons or poor lgiorant pcople—aspoor as absolute and total dead tutiort:can .utake:Ahentiand as ignorant as the lairVariari usages of Slavery, whioh made it a penal offence to teach, siasti't•Tia to read,, could` render them— at once uporzlheir own resources ` and peon . the; care and laodness of their uttiro,:Arored,-fcllow.. 'mortals, Four rail unnlber—enough to- ikolulign.iLAßlWgigNS,Algdoml., Them' theYWVS;e4E4:-liiiWsl4J‘AO. 11 ore s they-wish . to stay. Shall they be biesstrie_ or h curse?' it * bcittlfir of a unliancefr SIM theY:renotin for all time the pariahs of our. colitPreZt'ar, gegrad.A caSigt or .sholl:ga exmatibiltein'tfunnind of Christian broth erhood and lift them up, that thek, standing in Ottlr lot, illayirliar mime risr.,,and limpar tahars with ne iiiiire:bleashais of freedom aMI of a common salvation? That is the clu?stion:o,)(tx,sii Just one word upon the question of negro equality,'npon which some politicians de claim so lunarhint-thaVik-iluttAtels.r. miserably poor creature, and already be- Ilcattirtdt the ATV% alitesianfbild almt - the negro may become his equal, or perhaps his superior, in forkine or .social standing. The white man who cannot keep ahead of thablacit man in these respects deserves to be; conaledelEtifflteVeetsistiatum-of -sod ety; but we dearthathe ,has any light to chain down his fellow-cann,,raerely tlastAe, with all blilWitaiit*iiimiiehWap above him. There is good reason,' .horverer,, to hope thatatatt meet -drhal DosNotaatrtiy generously: We bare' already, on more than one occasion; Spoken about the Freed. :4ni.:1014141tyl branch of 'aid& is about to be started in these cities. We shall not Speak more per. titularly oftlimmel no ug l Ughit There are! erdr *try -mese dawn -trodden people may be raised to a ' proper appreciation okheirmglitis and pri v lieges as human beings . ; these are Atha mill 'tory sphit and the religious ID dees in the Canons:lan race ; the other BOMB to lo'stronger in' the moral consolation of e‘, * 'lls 1011 t oo dier, inultogt!esr one s larro longer a matter 'lie in their nature than the whites ; yet' they ba re abundantly, proved themselves to .4 as digibieof disciPline, and courage= ors, as white men. Mr. Mc DI, an ''agent of the Pentiwanks Freedmen's Relief A - a4clatimaila trribbzEtesitlehtOf:that t. -that \ association, speaking on this subject, says : "Then why does he not now rise, "it is askedo-iein. ttuntiveetiont" I myself put this (motion to an intelligent negfo, ;moan at Beaufort, PlitlCe. Rivers by name, now a Serpent in the tire; - regiment of South Caroline - Vilnatech : R.. "'Why," ' said 1` "don't the blacks on the main (land)now rise against their masters?" "Lord,, was thetepir,Qrawhar. Atotor.ltc:-.746'rutel'; Bey hatilirthancet -- Wad coned' ay. do? rto gun, no sword, no knowledge, no chance nuthlar., "Ant ,suppose . they had ,a chance, Weaddtlight then!? "Yu,''sdN." "How do you know - they would?" "Cause •I know dey would. Only let 'em know for - -sure-01 1 .101$4sicit ye,rEdade wrilre peas' vie mes'tr Tigul; let 'cm know' for sure tat tsey's righting for deraselres and I k tom dry :will light." -"Wc% Wince, wouldn't yon call this a vial chance?" -"Yea, Ido call die rigisod chance and I tell my people ranyWitkiteliiii ~irieerw DaltWital MUM I jille de soldier. I was getting big wages in Beaufort, but I'd rather take less arid )itilit , fbrdellnitetilltittesr far Itelieve .4e United States lifilghtineicirnid and' far 'Amy people." 7"Do - your people generally • eel as yeu do?" . "?co 'wart - but dey would If dey knowed do same as I do." litlna' pride '. and glee with which a party of blacks, dressed intheVoifft . tonnes, tumgosa4to another part/ w owere noefoldtaii,"lth's Linde .&meltil'.ue. s w,• Vte's I.l:ncle Sam's rtW• l o'irl ti it fiEN' Ha* iiiiss7wz l"The fact that these people are - -thought ttelliagA4terkil"W%..ldaf Bin) !adds much to their self-respect." War is a terrible school; but Where the • cause is just AtQn4 more urdekly, draws out the manly virtues of a people, and inakeir themiSitlEida"rdiWAY; l llian‘ the camp' and the battle field. { That KW" . loft -tu , dtwritte A101e,...w5tu141,-1/Ftc transform ,theso,peoplis, luem "kyr; lo' 4 .lithatians;:but there Is ,Otheati,,...iiilCh aiinple, sincere ,and thorn--the Isehool of , &ram fetters which !the Shire"- - edde.-.thretilitiound their minds and bodtek the c ruelty and scorn Of , im-• 'periotui Owners and - drivers, often 11 COOMPft l uied Vith tweet persecution, could not and. didnot criwti out OM religients principle,: It • fwea theirsupport trild4' their sore trials; it drew‘stiatZtlienl.songa - of praise - when. be.: weft of &I' other consolation. That, Soya, lotr. tUir',:t9Pgs -are in the, minorllXr:./2 oni-ilialioas to begin on the ma j o iAt 4utetelyaarldtiut and pulses Into.the' • Minor. Their songs axe nil religious, bar ' .uaroles and all. it sAtk without ekeeption. So of their sing ' :int, itairealldl - :raglans:l, None. of , their . Plre. seilkj o P - f4lui only If fy" tapressellor that ' . 414f upe, elite* glast,lt • -gtlrray thirthen. , : "Resign is inritotile;; " fiavtl ii little Vielrctit7l 4 3ty'wur domveetthose aadtba refriazE.u,of _ As an fixiii*iplelof,oo - oxiiime simplicity of thew alltya.l,ffakixliallalo:sra copy . a 040 piracv:Srout- , .onci ~ sirsikt P 7 Ms I .: 4444-tli ;4 - .14 . . r q. ,51*t;;;;A-Wik:-61 ; entitled "Poor liOsey—poer gal," .Ivbleli fa Bang by these people, to an eieeedingly simple awl plaintive, ix said to be very toneting: !!When I talk I talk with God! When I talk rtalk with God! When . ' talk. I talk with God! Heaven shall be toy home: , Many of these songs are the impromptu utteronoes of hearts breaking under the pres sure of some great sorrow. Mr. M' Kra says I diked one of these blacks--one of the most intelligent .I met÷where they got those songs. ”Dey make 'em, sah." 'glow do -• them mike tbemt". After a pause, evident . ly castingabout for an explanation, he said, "i'lL tell you---its dis way: my mem call me up and order me a short peek of corn and a hundred lash., My_friends see it, and •is sio3rry•for Me. Whendey come to de praise meetin, dat night dey sing about it.' Some's very good singers and knot's how; and de y „For - kit in; work if in, you Inow,. till (ley ;set it right; fiat's de way." Many yeton egowe .rememher seeing in a "f#hwspaper oieofthese simple and mournful - , .n.errka, in which. a•herearedluShand, , orth'earolhutslare, •relates the sad•tale , of thrWrongs.' One itinituf, - which tells the whole story, ran tima,;,,, • • . ....;.•11o'VeLDIaah, alle . levarattf! —' • , , We , had/Ittle children three : • • ,•• • Munk aold—and we must part,- - 4 Oh !It breaks poor Satabo'a heart 11l sonic. half; dozen similar stanzas the fkor fellow labored to draw down comfort front that 'worse 'where . the *heap - 'Aden MOTET seek it in illin. • iinote !Mr. MeKrit again :- "Francis," to en old ficray r kaired ens who mac!, -cianning . oier .Ms spelling liocik, "Why do yea take tlie,tembleto leant to read r "Because; manna, 4want to be mils:fed; I wantirc - read do :Word of GOA." T.-But can't sc;it' !Mew the" WiWd of God reading It :in it book !'" "Yes, -Mimes ; I do Mawr it; I know it lure!" sulking himself.oh the breast; but I want .to read, it for , myself." I had asked the sync question of an elderly . woman, on the Sunday previon . .4, at Sunday School. She Was 'one of those spirittiaLfaced ones whom you will sometimes find amongst the most illiterate. Her countenance ,told a stoic - of suflet ing and or triumph. "TA .3t.trt,'-' said I, "why, at year age, do von Vital c so much trouble to learn to read:"" "Eta - nose I want to matt de word of de "But can't you know the word of - the Lird without reading it?" "Yes, 111(13- hear it, but I want to read it." "limy run you hear it?" "I hear de voice Itere," laying her hand on her heart; "1 Mere heufn it, luassa:" "When, •TAMAII, (lid you ever lit-tir it?" Turning upon me -her full, deep eyes, she said; "One morning, ash; tone morning .I Went out to de woods before: daylight to pray. My heart was 'full of sorrow; and when I was praying, de, ItOrd•Sroice to mer: And what did he say Ta)Caut ' He said, "Taatau, all Tott's sins litioraiTen; you's my chile." "Nell," timid I, waiting for her to go on. "Den I , wa filled wi t klub and joy; my heart was full of lull for pyiiraltdy.*"Not for your old 'master too, - Taltait?," "Yes, sah, for my mastee - aitd eset,Thody." Now who will say that Shia old woman had not heard the voice of-God? • And whose religious faith will .I.tear . st stronger test than hers? Aa.' atiillustrt4lon.n . f. the. simplicity and dirtanesa of The religions faith of these ie the! . case an aged 51a4e r w,9234 *IM - wais alimmnacy atthe , Hid:tight that her Fiariotrrhaddied to redeem jug?, 't 'you believe it!" Said a grildeman, who ,wished to try her. "I do belietw shtqfpliect - "Why, hour can you 'belist:4. l that pat great and'glorious Beilig,woultillis. for suekn poor 'old crea ture *Ull4:lsl4V = Trir moment • she seemed to * 41 4 )i)eq•ipiir meet the didleulty, wheel her countenanee suddenly lighted up, anti she rixittimoiiltikecruse 4C, just. iike ' We care not to enlarge upon such a topic 41; tilts or.cornment uponsuch facts. 'They 41er'fte thentselfes. We only ask the rea inian the grcat and mot- Arlesa *Mogaiscufferedj through successive the .:j is the light of thi4ehvf<#4Lf" 614 4 1 :9fFend of these..title ones Wine in me, it wet AIM that a - millstone were lutiti. ettwens ero.t-n -cd in.theAttPtits 'the sea." And that to leo* a 4 ,ourAtresentduty' towards them, in thilight of ,These:Mher words: "Inneomek as le hare done it lento one of the thief of W aif my brethrn,w - harttione it '111.w.- trwen'f . Camp a tzucepea, . . . . Snymuth, it is, supposed, is use agruaiutts ci Sberinuifs,,camp , ?lgu, but It is. by no tii;etirip • ObJeCtii-e.' &the !public Mind, we think, islnaklug 4 ink te. • It-SntiPcnaB its judgment con erring I suetealc c} the et mpalgn till It ices Fll.ll4liiiiW4iiol'heisaPtuies The iab is.timt still., for iingbi :We be n store pt ' miles still., -'arsilicutb,.l.lis, campaign has „already ae :turetlits moft important-end. ~/t h irtirs iliiwited"the (.71,11.federocY ''Savannah in itself 1. not a position of i ital ' linpcnifture. • Completely shut out I. con the km us it bug has Leo by our De i oration of Fort l'utaski, anst4.. , y our bloc:k -m lug' heel, it tloo us no -damage. The I sly :idyl:lunge Its occupation would give cf, niece the.orcupation•of any other port t n that (oast, would be such as might come t urn the navigatien of the Savannah River io Augusta." _Bid that navigation is long— ! itreelnimired and Torty-severi miles—and c iffiCtilf, and itis doubtful whether it could l e kept , brxm so as' ti serve* any vii ) urpose. it really . is of no essential cense yience whether Blies:nen filially makes his cicboui-AC - et '.Sirfannah, or at Brunswick, or st.,`,tteaurort, - or at any other harbor. It is .c.notigh. L that he e'en , certainly, le his own giiiiit trine, mind up his campaign at to* point on the-Atlantic- which will at ' ford 'Amodio-Whine for subsequent opera licnti.ltThelis bolo atuiton =why 'o should cipochiliftedeirtfiiniselyes about hici can,' cli 4tti It re, 7 :Sivatindk ' 114' thietwOrkis slims ey cio . Intel's - Ile fiat fompletely revered ./ it tile _ i f. States from -the Atlantic States c f tiwr&Onfederacy 7 -astuipletely as. the. TransXsidasippkßpites &beep previous ,iv•Seviarkttr. our„toncpiest of that river. lite only two lines of railroad rain:lug east scud ante ste thtrroughly broken op that the iclxdiconld not Pat them tin running order ,sguin for months, and probably never at'all with thcirpmedtireant rqhurcae: The mis t'tbli•Ofki'Pri.4o•o:94PtibikaioV-N/Or- iamd, So 9n Mintelln 6 Piot.Eßl9Orittl, cmintfgr- 4 4 1 1latYPtitPelPii:;Inn ,, adlitary „ poiatOrirler4ithe two.g.reat portionsof alto Confederacy-tare , fatally .sruidered. , Tho Itichinonittdisilliondear•derw no supplies froth the litontgoniCry Afritiory . .reortian' the latter be reirifniteil withftittops - front , the• limner. r ..ftikinterior communication try tel egraph Is alto destroycni,that the. Goy ci nines:ll4d Illehmond,4n , nespript, to its lane, lions in the:Gul(ivgiupt; ap - jicitiinkt Para lyzed, lielt;' - ibrithe reserit..tit least, made cicaf,liondrandbliird. - - r .. - -.:•' -- -•••-, - ' 1 ' GO. Blierniii.not:'63 liii, (treated Gila.' 1 ' separation, but he is also cipaldepotsof iniEltra* stimillom Georgin,, which, of course, Were on the lines of rail road, and making the State-untenable by any Be destroys not only the means of tranaporting the Subsistenee,, but the sub sistence itself.. Title is making thorough work. - Instead Of feeling impatient to see • ltini close upon' Savannah, we.ought rather to take his delay as 'a gmwantee that lie is executing to the Lift point everything that liti set out to do. We know that he has an energy which will not suffer him babe idle a 'hy, and that the enemy, has do force in ' Gtorginio occupy that energy. iThereforc, we may Weil ut z wurne that the longer he re mains in the heart of the State the morel completely will the great objects of his' Campaign be secured. The rebel papers, it rue, talk loud about impeding ills march with; pitfalls and felled paces. But this amounts' to nothing. With' the splendid pioneer and engineer Lope attached to his 'llay, Shminan could essilysemoye all hire 'droners asrapidly as theycould die forme& Whatever delay Ir . made,- Will be made by .hiniself and of by his onto:tics; and to their cost, not his. . All loyal people then - shcould tunierstaud that theyieart Well afhord to be patient—that 'the fact that Sherman' s - not . yet in allied tiort to be defulitetiltstisi Pronittigtirs *ell, Ailisi not ill. lie Is doing' thrgrandesrand Pptobahly , 7 tho ' , limit' decisive:work-tor the whole , vrai- . Let ftliertY. bei no' Misgiving, :ascii though Ito does not repott:idinself for 'dila/Pis ,l l l o.obelif.liatre told us !Monet. I about lith - to' 'tnikko".lt dertaln.' that taloa already accomgllsitedhis prim odds: ..aTliii ou fottvt,:..ght ,to_salistY , litt-,abundstitly.,-Ail.,X, T..: ..,,i, • -•.' . ' , • ..' 4 ":" , ; ,, t 7l , A e.,' ..2,.. ~ , . I eibiltiDik 9 g,l&rch. Sherman aims at great ulterior results; vrbea he shall,nave rieldeved his end, be tvlß have per manently severed the Gulf States from:those of the Atlantic seaboard. We dual:hold the line of the savannah River, and Confine the mein ar my of the rebellion within the limits of Virginia and the Carolinas: What, then, has been the actual progress of Gen.Alzerman tints far in the ctecution of his purpose Thai are know from the testimony of the Rfehmondfournals.of yesterday, that he has successfully transferred his whole army Over tha Oconee, the only river he had to crest ere reach. lug, an outlet on the sea. We know; secondly. that be is moving far south of Augusta; on the line connecting that city with Savannah; and on which they both depend. We know, thirdly, that belted, at last advices, pushed forward so far that be was ebb to throirnut a cavalry (*l nhale to °amulet:dente with the fleet. We know, fourthly, both through the confessions of the Richmond and Georgia press, and through the declarations of Gen. Grant, that the rebels hare no hope of being able to thteart Sherman. This despair la strikingly manifested In the tone of angry comb:tent which the itielunond press heap on Jeff. Davis for his policy in sending limes army on a fruitless raid into Tennessee, instead of rentledng It when, It anthi check the advance , lßayer theAvisdrer of Wedneiday : "l i fittiontetniaining , any physical Injury from • Shemtuftvetieceiefal , tonreh to the coaxt. our anacodueot,eseare a gnat morn/ (feral by a tri-. touphent,raki tkoubh the hrarte thr C . crtfatortry. It Is neither proper nom kotitahle to enntdre . into the. wisdorn,of the side-track strateta lint at a Attire:day; tt lon. be welt, If for floating else, ar , .. least for etirleMty, to And out who It WAS that so entlreir FiCepeded In rendering uselese the Ar ,. enrol Tetuteseee." Such tire GM ',elder *ants in regard' to Sher i:n.l3.l' progido; we are alloTred to gather from tire reluctant' eonfeisions of the Richmond To crir mind they ure' cheering, And we think .theY will be so to' the pnbilemmerully. They have removed a load of anxiety engendered by tire doubt 'and ignorance In which we have been kept regarding the situation in Georgia; and by the contemplation of the inherent drtYleultieo of the' enterprise. Though they do not show no the end, they give assurance of its speedy reali zation. and inspire the 611111 C confidence express ed by Lietit•GmMral Grant lu his , dispstch to President tincoln.—_,Y. T. Time, Gard ,yorh'of a Colored Cavalry Writing from Vickstarg, Col. Osband now commanding a colored c•ai - airy reEr.i ment, says: "I bare Jibt returned from the longest 14niut made since I hay e been in the tide. I tell here twelve daYs shim with twelve hundred men and four piece, of ar tillery; landed addlruinsburg, Rom there marched to Port Gibson, and limn there to Rodney, front Rodney to Nat chez by way of Pliyei le. Left Natchez by boat, went to Tunica Rend, landed and nitirched.on Woodville, front Woodville to Fort Adams, front Fort Adams to Wood ville, from Natchez, and theme to Steara's House. "I captured one thousand beef cattle, four hundred. and fifty . horses and mules, seven army wagons and mules, burned sev en hundred thousand dollars worth of corn in stores at Woeshille, cot and destroyed the telegraph for tulles, captured a half doz en rebel mails witkimportant information, also two hundred and fi ft y :Amid of small arias; three pieces of artillery, one caisson, two hundred and .fifty rounds of flied am munition, eighty-two prisoners of war, one Captain and two Lieutenants, killed fifty. t'ght rebels, including one Major , and one Lieutentud,. and only lost two killed and tire slightly wounded, " How do you like it ? We have more of the same sort on-hand." Hancock's Now Corps—.subfmuites„ Only those- exempt from. draft are to be nt:flitted into 'Hancock's Corp. of - veteran.. Every recruit, Therefore, for that Corps, ould be an available substitute. And as Mere Is talk of amending the law So as to no away with all substitutions .hereafter, Mote liable to be drafted would do avail themselves of this opportunity for escape.. One or twobundred dollars, added to the qoavel:ximent and local bounty, would, just now, go farther than five times as much Should a draft be ordered. ,Prn.lent inen.."take time by the forelock." PRO-SLATtity clergyman wag recently tracelltigfinm , New York to Boston. Being tild tin». onC. of Lila fellow pa.q. , engers 1%118 'Wendell noted. abolitionist, he eeterminett [0 tinter Into conyersallon. tern mionient!a argument. he raid,"But it you nre,Kropposed to Rlncery, Mr. Phillip., why don't you -go down SOlllb mut preach to dm rebCht?" "For the saint-re:v.7m, sir," was tbe reply, "that you do not gn to hell in preach' religion to sinners." The inteenru. tot .loped: • rDSLIC.~ QTIEE9' - - • ROCS OIL rah PAN Y. ineetlim of It;c,Sto4-kholders thr ulitzetne Reek Oil Olthi.ll:l 4 V will he held •1 the ttrebtethesdOeetlir 11. Andenoth.So.l/19 Liberty • 'reet,ritlsburgholt SATUB DAY, December:Mt. 1641, at 10 runetul,l Aticallance Ls re- NV. W. Serretsty. p- BEEN to the Stork of tier MACESEICHO PETEOLEI - 51 ( - IMP.% NY. will meet at the oP etv of )leaall. tWN. rift It street. on TiII'ItSDAY, Inst., at 3 erelhek p. P . . for tile purpose Of OrgaRIIVIRIOO. 1 . 31,1101 i at. lefulecce is tolerated. ItATIII A. STEIV.VILT. President pro rep., le.oo Er.t.ta, Seeret.try pro trot. det - at Cmcrin..l3o It. ft_ Co.. Oiler of Secretary end Tre_uer, Cleveland Ifec.S 1901. TILE ANNIfAL lIILETINIA or TEL =SI I.7I:OC.I.E.OLDEftS sf the Clereland And / ttsbnrgh ad Company will be held At the on ee of theft .11 pant% In Cleveland, on the Its .IY JAN , 1110, ale) o'clock-n. m,, for e election of Irector..; ote open a prop ° ,tics to tense that portion of the railroad known the Tuscarsa AD BOOVit. for a term ef years: TIRO ‘OIC.Opon n proposition to porchlre the half In- I. neat in the • late Cleveland, /mway file &Olncin xti;Railroad. (formerly known As the Akron' 11 - Inch of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Rail and 'II* Transfer Books will be elated on And after the lb!!! Instant. ROCKWELL, „ A ..THE STOCKHOLDERS Or TUE W-M-7 CHEERY RUN a PITTNNURCUE 'LIIOLEUM COMPANY are hereby notified that the Cempany has been duly ofganized, and all ante • scribers in arrears.eill please call- at the ottlee of Le Secretary and pay up the full •amount of their tub:4,lolone .INO. F. GLOSNINOWY, d, (it Ne. lib 'Fourth stre,t,'Pltr , a - nrgh. CO3IFESSIONS AIVI•EXPE. RIENCY. OF AN INVALID, published tor tenellt r,Jd as a 'turning and caution to young men vb 7 gaffer from 'Nervous Debillly, Pre. mottle , Elgcay Ail,Nfaehtiod, ete, supplying, at the 1 , 111110 MU:, Ike' meant of cry meant cure, by one who has 1 .1 , red Limielf SRer being put ttsgrestexpenee and If r L y Uisaughpiedieal humbug end questery. • Ity• enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, stn A ltirl i d&rKAYFAXU, En. =Bedford: Kings county, N. sf. 14.rrantroon ft' veinber 30th IBM 1 1 1.1SARE Twiti e xoncs *ma's the Ord meeting of the cotporatlon to be fnilat.aTfle 'Union Lutrilettil Co." will be pelt on nvElffiT-SDAY, December tint, igen at the Mike of KW* it /tilt:lookt lio.lo Wood street, lathe oily of Plttabutgh, clock p. m., for the purppilit of otganteation, addpt election of 015. falai An, and for the mows authorined and mare peelfl. in Art Otthe Cimieral As. at mbly of the ' mmonwealth of Pennsylvants t _en. tilled ?An .do:[ WWI mOrPOnaions for me chanical, 41.apuisicttuing, Minims .and Quarrying porn/Wen" approved the With day of Aily, 1843. ~9) 11d WM.-MUSSURS: Wenn,, pro few. r . birconnies II aCX or rj2 . 0101:11.0116100. fit, t .- IVl A ST l tngehimv4 II is it tr. E be hill at the Ranking Ileum, on 'FRIDAY; the dagaf Decemberaext, ita to . (Allot* m., to nonalder and A oci de cymde whether t thin la nksbld a n ll g b , c .lu o n c d m f e a h n elaws a th n Unite h dS Mo ate = dwlheh r it &all e.t.eff Ile the power conferied by the. Act of the Le.' gialipre of thin State, entitled "Au act enabllne the Wolof thin Commonwealth to become nun. ' 'tint om for Backlog under Lawn of the United States: , approved .7A Aligned, 1964 ; and to take coy uorrtdheerroftalir that el isti,f 'Dley be ri torf , m 7. • noMdm O. MARTIN, Cashier. 1 it elAatr e YlttDW¢ v.t k nut - mils of this Bonk will be held et the Banking }Louse, THIJII2I).&Y, the kjd day of December nest, at ti'olOok a. m., to"decido whether thle become tin emaciation foe the 'Patrol.° of lianlitrik, under 'the Inn.' Of the United -Sttes, and whether It shalt exercise the powers conferred by IhoA at the 0 oneral Amen. of the tiortunainrcalth -of Peunaylventa„ anti, tied Act enabling the Banks of this Coleman weulth to became Antatinttorm fertile parpme of Dinkins-, under the lawn of the United Statest,” np- TiroOrd the iitd , day of August, 1961, and to take any further ratite that:pixy be expedient. ne22dd 7 J. IIIA43OkTIN, (Milder. ACJIEURY HITI & Pill not.):v.v.. sz , ti •., TROLEtial CO.—NOTICE OP ELEC.. .TlON.—Sahecrlbers to the stook of the Cherry Run & Pitt Moto- Petroleum (Inoue hereby notified to attend obirgllnß o 1 the Stockholders of Com ploy, Which will heleld on the Der.. lirth, .i 864, at S o'clock It: qt., for the purpose of ortranlea. Cori election of Presider. ,t Directors and other oft us, et the office of J. T. STOCKDAI No. 2 .1.41 eime RUM ItteXtr, sucSa . rreoldent • ger. - ..Orrpor or woe ...m.enottry VaLtihrriL44l:ol:o 1 0 , _.' •• ritteherith, November dr, .18di-' , { - c . c. ISTOCILUOL.DER I6 . -11REETLN434.,./t. . - , e limpid meeting of the SteeehoWereofthe :. •11 ity - V.aller Raillrond Uo., willbo held at the c, .. . of thir,Coteroinr, la Plttaburet, oh the 'oft l6th' "ember rietti.Al ltd'eloelr,ll,lll4 for th&tfoN p . ‘ of. eamddertor a coutradt flottoolog• . -pod • resoh Creek Railroad.tlompeoyS,for the base And PCILUILMOII of the Alleghbor Velley:•lbttlrewd, lil/il}o ratify Or r*ct the same. By'ordor 'Of the Band , a . FE, Ll.7f, 8 .. BRUNOT, . lla.Add -': ..' .. L'. `. , .''' - -, -, Pililatilia. 111 • ' .114. W.-41tgell. , 01rtyr Vreenierfl, .or THE ft. L. L. Mitl meet in the tgrite I sialfe•Arsootstiosi Noctir Oovertheliterket noose; go n , TlLESNAT,...Deeemtier.dtb et 10 Velook P. ow. A.SO u urzed, - 011 MpOrtfint bll/1100111. de•Wit v •,/114rd4orl - TILE rims 'DEKA 2, - .NEW etIirIIRTISEMEJrrS. OI nragos -L . .. In hhde , on hrtold (or sale LITTLE tfi. TRIMBLE. . 112 and 113 Second street. ' No, 21iiiffaige No 3, In bairels half - bane . Jennie°, 60 bhls. Bay of Island herring, on hand and for mar by LITTLE TRIMBLE, deg 112 and 113 Second street. 111VIDEND.—The President nail Dircct- A- , on Of the Birm'nghent Gas Orinesny have tir • on:- entered * Dividend of FOUR (4) mat 'for the lest en nonthe, payable on end the 15th of December, et the Illaklng House of Robinson, McClean k Co.. Fourth streeL desaw_ D. ROBINSON, Secretary. I.0 o,• f • . —A LADY'S GOLD CHAIN AND 1101.11 PIN, with two hair charms attached— one In the shape of a harpy the other a heart. In- scribed on the pin was "Lizzie 1). HenryP and on the charm 8 .1. H. G." The tinder will be thank fully and liberally sewn flied be leering them at PANS. is BUILDS, dealt 7.7 Feileratetreet, Allegheny. II)RODUCE CONRDNMENT'3 NOW IN -I- STORE -600 bush Chestnuts; 20 bush. Illekmy Nuts; nm Green Applei; isco bbfk Potatoes; 000 dos Cr. 44'd Peaches;. . 23 . 1itilteranherrles; 300 bias hairs Dry .200 bush Dried A_pples; hal W. It. Cheese; liferocks freak' Butter; 8 Nth 21611 Butter; 200 kegs Peeked Butter; coo " sold Salt; ' • 16 . 8 Apple Dotter; White Benoit 700 boil; so boskTintothy Seed; aWm Pine Tan bls Chounist!gst 'Oder^ 20 Bias Zuni ps; lbarnin}: 2 tons D. W. Flour; Ka Westmoreland eounty Illshwinest seven year old pure Rye Whisky; Fcbsale by (del) D. H. VODiT E CO DIAMES FOR 1865. • Vial!, D.r•easerep2a.ter. cv : rooxt:i , BOOLIS PURSF,, MEM MIMEO M VERS, SCUMWER .1,401 No. SO FIFTH STREET T I:NNY st (' 1.1: 11 1. Et.'"r (71CF.S:. Mr. J. E. MURDOCH, lin: CELEBRATED. Tragedian and Kenn nr4l American grader, give two of him rNRINAT.T.ED READ MOS, in,reay - etto MG:I,ML, 11111.11 AI & TUE4IIAI EVENINGS, Der, 3 and 6 Mr. rilL'liltOttli has !teen received ollth tint hounded enthusiasm this see or„ in the pilot:111AI .it les of the Wytt, snit It Is thst this Rm.:lt friend of the Union Soldiers wttl ttc received with eollni honor in Olir CAVI! city. Cards of aitmlasti#4s6 cent Pe's - erred seats, recta. Fe le of men eft seßts will begin o n Vriday morn ing, Ile, tnt, nt 10 o'clock, at the Music Store of - C. I'. Mellor, nod continue mall ail aro dispose/1a ,Reullaggs commenoo H at 8 o'cloek, rEn iwecwwklsorry. ALT.' l'Ar, J. 11. BUTTERFIELD, S. C. MoCANDIANS, 3. M. (I AZZ.A.B.g T. P. 1100STON, OrtlAt Lecture Committee. TEN SoN • CT. 01 LECTURES. MI J. E. MIPRDOOK, The Renowned Tragedian, Will eve one mor, POPULAR READINGS, lb.* la" Za.irottco 33Cab1.1., ITESDAY EVENING, Dec 611 The' progrhmtse embraces Humorous Sketches, Irsthetic szsl souktlrring poems, etc., Including the r.tlimed "SHERIDAN'S, RIDE," widely and enthnelastlettly teeeired by the Weetetn einlienees this soma, and a brUllAnt new tunpubllehoO lx n /min the neted . pee or Raker, entitled. "A. BALLAD. OF INV.% ORLEANS, ..n FAUN AGUrti FROIT WITIt TILE ELEET4 A N U FORTS OF THE MISSISSIPTI.” 'mtda pf Adrulealon A fra. choirro test. moy b Wured I. IstoHoes Mule Stow, Woomt otter% r Fort, COLD W EATILML We hare a full Mock of reef beast UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAMS; A • well as theliner and lighter grades, toelndia( t real Shaker Flannel, made la the beat meager. For Lenin.' and CIIILBIIEN we hive just opened a feel tine a! Merino Drawers and reels, Of the brat quality. in .very nil, GLOVES, Th. largeat aml finest stork we have ever had,Jutt. ol.ened, at low. prices. Also, Wool St.oklngs, Soclin, Bonds, Sontag., ShawLa, flub Ll., Basques. Scarfs, Balmoral Skirt., he. Of the very newelst Myles, fled choice phtteros, Food quftlity. 7083, 1 2.11 HUSE & CO., Ti AND 79 DIAILK.F.:T ST not lin oitEAT lIEMAPANAKA. since the introduction of medicine, the origin of di,en,e hoe perhaps been the BllttieeL of more se rious and scientific consideration by the most learned of the profmodon than any other connected with the lows of the Great Creator; not n fete have contended that all dbleases bore their origin to the rtunischt 'others, the solids of the body; athers again, and by far the greatest number, mullein' and re , con that the ',Loon ascii la the very fountain of llfe—that if ft becomes Impute, then Maenad in its WU forms—Serofula, Cancer, Ulcers; hr., appear; nod indeed, experience in treating this can of dis ease, by portfying (hit blood and tbereay effecting their eradication and cure, prove. this to be the Icorrect theory; acting upon which theoky; the med im non known as HEYAVANAN.A., 'corripon.d and brought Me Ipraatice, producing the moat grit. ffliugreeults. i I Ita one soon eltercises such a maatery over SCROFULA, ULCERATION 1, PIMPLES On TIM FACE, TETTER,_SALT lIIIKEII, ' LIVER C,OMPLAINT, LOSS or APPETITE, DYSPEPSIA, BILEIERATLSIS, GEN , ERAL DEBILITY, timee, au re to give, frem the it is drat taken, ancimr• 'euemt%t tis the Ira a bo rt MAktng birth Ileen %ad th ou ght tiodlit about to arisomplish. -wee thght bent o put It upin.bottiesat 60c.'atal MAO .. Oa satin f i . personiaredlsposalto frli isrU ' eir but 'Are o deterred the eapense,--ao the trial here este; made at le Moderate outlari'and :.satisfy , the pilletutser Abet .the artlele is what la claimed kw IL to be. pis: the greatest Aismian before the peqple. :lle 'rd lireith.kftßehmulelll,44 In it the Nellie/no FncJ • • the public may farm some Idea Of its Omni. liar 'mina-ire reedits, WO subjoin allot of the pried pot articles of *Mak it is compose:L*lth a abort description of the uses and adaptation of each, ta ken Irons the bykL'eal: authority known tot:medical science:. ' HOICI/Vitas SAusennitLA • Ie used with alsmeeligal elfeetin &Mel .11hetania. tie., Scrofulous Atholions, Cutaneous Diseases nod other depraved conditions of health. DANDELION Is tonic, ;nacelle, sod aperient. It has a epeelfie fiction upon the /Ives, caviling It %viten to secretion. It ly5S bllto 11/11C4 U.S In Germany In diseases of the digestive organs. lODIDE PODA VIM% There are few dimmer. In which It has not proved beneficial; It le used In Senifuloue Affection" with greet bchetit; It hne els° meet 11311 , 1 i with much sue. CPI+, In treatment for Inflalort of the Eye. It generally increnace the Appetite and flesh. • LA rktIVDER FLO wEns Arc ft:mantle, tonic, and .I,lglly Invigorating In caves of Nervous Debility. I=l .Ta capeelalli, valuable la cases of &colUle and ßleuraatleto. de Arc coiraotaimosly vied lo cameo of Ecifeetiloil.Ple Festioh;but are eapeclally applicable to cameo of CleoecalVetilllty with weak appetite: - MEZEREON• BARK. - nets frgroril4 ir fectlone, Chronic Itheumiglipi and opetlinto :soars of Ttio baliirme of tha formula la wlthh• a pre, tectlo4 Against frnu4. L • , . FOr stile by , BEIKON JOTOISTON,- •-. • con. siarritptizu AND rciarriOrfc, yourintelligent, Physialmahla opinion et tie A4io recipe. • "doilmoot JIM iv .SID rim T ISJE.VE.rTs ILAN- "PERPETUAL" OR PLATE Lamp Chimney (SE fulloti lug tnerit lot. eIIEAPNESS. The meth' parts will last. (will, in ir u•mgc.) almost indeltinitely, and they are supplied with toms nt a coat of 2 to 6 cents n year. 2d. 31II.DNESS OF 1.1(11eY. It 19 not a fenci, fol nor a cacch-penny pretension to nay; hot limp or gas-light t ransmituni through glom of a slightly blue or green tinge is, elate Nuttily !drops' as that through white decidedlymore mild, like day light, nod therefore more favornble to the eye, ~T 111,; Is 'a font paned by the experience of many. dt it accounted (or on 0101001 principles, and has, 'in some quarters, beerturged upon the Attention of the public by, some of the most -eminent scientific , men In theeoUntrY, so e fact of droldell importance. There it no humbug, therefore. to saying that for rending , sewing, and all similar purposes "trying to the sight," our plate chimney in ita . plelnest In contains prechiely the kind 'of glasa warded In order to produce the best possible Tha truth of thin onn, by s trial, be easily appreciated, - eapecially by those shove eyes are weak. ,id. CONN tINEEISCE. It is more conveniently,' put alt and off than the other ohlmtiey,• and more' readily Weaned; it is •conterdnt as to supplying with shade; chilly made to &newer the purieese of • 'Sateen, when destrediendimtly, unlike the all., glaSs.chtmney., it is used without n .conntent arid ,-twit.ful fear of bteeking We else IW-with earth tlhinaney,a yi u n ter , knowledgod to be one ilthe best ever mannfaCtur. ed, (expressly ridaptedLto the chimney, and will ilt any of the common or No. t lamp collars); a dos./ plassidates extra; a chimney cleaner, and a top. Weld or lantern attachment. . • Itetall prier of sq VA ft }I CH DIN EY, Including IhNaLOve, 7a CENTS, •We IMP un hood both .Squnre and Octagon strqip, drip moms,) eau, nod without (coop colw- - ptfao +it tont 'goo." will be ready in 3 11. w 4 , 3) 4/4 - Sold, sr hoicsn:e nod retail, by. N. 3 :t. (.1..1111t ?T., 3.1.d00r from 11.rlage. deGat VOUNO AIEN'S 3LEIK'ANTILE La x MAHN' 1..1.3;T1'1:F.5. MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON, • WILL. SPEAK AT C:11 , IV "E 'X' MC , On WEDNESDAY. DEC. 14th. FRIDAY. DEC. 16th, NI 'lLll' 7--• Met ning of t Election Tiokeis, (it rents, 54 , 111,1 i Sentit eentn ext ra. Done. open nt heeture eounnence.a at tinkles. or seo.oo Tl,ket .0111 secure /11i ext en ehnare. reAlrinitn). Dec. nth, nt 00.1 A. I,rnry wren t lie hunt+ of 2:tod after at hick tents, not secured Season Tickets, u 111 he sold to wirehnscrs or +lngle th•krls. TItoMAS JIAKI:WEI.I., W. ft. EDWATIDS, ritAS. A. 'WE" JAS. J. IIIISII/1.1., C. AI.IIICEE, A Li ERNON S. BELL, Ili Gat Lecture Commit ter. REVENUE 011. COMPANY. Capital $60,000. Working Capital : 15,000. SIIAREA, $l.OO The above (ill Company in to be oro.ronired under the I.a aof Pennsylvania. The property consists Of ten acres of land, held in Ire simple, in Beaver county within half a mile of t , mithla Ferry. on ell of which there ore unerring indtrations of GIL There orb four wells on the proyerty, as follow.: I—Anrodueing well, and now yielding enough oil toymy n dividend of three per rent. n month on the entire stock. Nb. a producing well, and very - prom. Icing. • No. 3—This well to downthree hUndtyd andilaty fret, and the indleat inns' of oil are all that can be desired. No. 4—A vary promising well, down one hnntirod and twenty feet, and certain to preen a Knoll On the property of the company to an extensive CORI bank, that fuel for boring may behall for the digging. There is ht short no company omit. liCdhere which has a more solid basis to begin on, or which - promises to prove a better investment. The books will he open to-mbrrow at IP &cloak, at the other of ce.airuELL b. IitIfeILINSON, No. 14 Smithfield strort. W. IltnalflT.NsoN, Secretary and Treasurer pro le in. AT REDUCED) PRICES! • BOOTS, SHOES AND GUMS, DRY GOODS, KAMM, MMUS, &L, AT PRIVATE SALE, AT NcCLELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE, =EMI VOIiitECTION OF' ENROLLMENT— DIATIIICT, PENTIVA. In mice to scour. the ossistance and co-opera lion ot We people in the endeavor to keep the En rollment Lists tordthheilly correct, the Enrolling Meant hai been directed to, hare collie% of said list kept open to examination of the public at ell Woes, and shall glee public notify, that any permits ' 4I7;4I:TroV the tit, if tee can show- to the as %velure the Hoard. and.lwve any name lion' of the lioard that the person named Is nut properly enrolled. on account of Ist. ALI E; 2d. PION-IW.ISIDENCE; • 1,1.. ()Vial ACIE; tth. PER aIANENT I'IIYSIOA I. TY, of such a degree to make the person not a proper sotqcrt for enrollment under the lasts and OW. OW. BAYING S-EfiVE.ll, in We military or ne val service, TWO VEAIIS during the present war, end been honorably discharged. Olvll oittern, clergymen, nod nil promises! otH re., are especially invited to appear at All limes before the Hoard. to :point out errors in the lists and to give such Information In their possession as may old In the ecirrection end revision thereof. They should understand that It Is plainly for the Interest of em h subdistrict to have stricken.from the lint all names improperly enrolled, because au tares. of snows Increases the quota called forfrout . ouch sub-district; and that It tit equally for the in terest of each person enrolled In the given sub.lll - to place upon the list all persons in the sub district liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn from, the less the chatters that any particular individual will be drawn. ' • Jeis the personal interest of every enrolled man tint the quota to which he is concerned 'ball not be 611 . 116 too large, end that Ida own chances for draft 611/111 not be unpuftly Increased; both these otdeets will be obtained, If all parties will aid In striking all the wrung a.mue and putting In the richt ones. specially I. this the Interest of those- deartad men Who, by putting in substitutes themselves lia ble to drift, have feinted exemption which by the to et the taw halite good only intl. the present enrollment bexhanated In their suballatrict. • en who are over , 4s years of age, and In /ease ,quenee excused by law from the performance of duty In the field. on - o. It to the cause and the coun try to take a Mabee and active part In the eorrec t loq of the eirrolitnent'llste, a military aserlee of Um: brat Importance. The law,requlrea that the auras shall be amaripand in proportion to the enroll ment, and the retrace. and justice of this mode of determining the elbotint of military senses due from each and evergsection Of therouptry, cannot be doubted, if the enrollmenttimed. as neiwlyper. imbue it Is practicable to.mhke It. . The amount .of Aienice due to the nation from every town orcounly plainly, and fairly • befOre the eitliene;ond it Is expected that a higher Motive tithli a telftsh Interest will prompt all to , de .their 'herein perfecting the ennilimeut, nod moor ing a just and efficient. execution of% the laws for raildl4 troops,. whenever At becomes necessary to apply them. Ily order Of Maj. Iturn.ann • it..7.:111. Gen: . ' J. W. KIRKEft, Capt. and Pro. Mar. . . . • , Dial, Pa. , RAVE' ITU - $. day formed a CO:•partneraldO for the transso. Most of a General Commhdlon and Merehardlizo Brokerage besineaa.. IiENRY 0. LIPPINCOTT* li. C. FRY wr. Pittsburgh, Nov. a 1864. LirPnworr. LIPPINCOTT, FRY dz CO,. Commission Merchants & Merchandise Brokers, Dealers In REFINPD. AND CRUDE 01MS And OIL STOCKS. 0,11 bought and sold for Eastern end 'Western hlnehets. Especial ettentlou given to consignments of Crude OIL . . iie : Otllce, No. 12:1 FIRST STRUM, (In Nitnick & Co.ln Wnrelloune,).Pßtsburgls, Pa. no29aw WRITE, ORB 6: CO., No. 25 Fifth Street, MN. for n into stock of neer style t::lco4c)i)s, Of good qltallty, at very low rates. deelt gOLDIR.§' . 1 OnriANS.--The ywaeir.• :. (4 1, 9 « . := attend - at .r sad Lafayette i t, it z ti k . mg , . e v il ciaugtatin cc iß m le i x l , 4o D=b w er il l boo: of 9 i=luill 1 p. m othe rs aeh day, for the plit , pose of meeting the • o or nearest relatives or Mends of destitute 9rtilmatt, between the ages of four and Ilftectroldeedased Peonnyfiranie :Soldier, now riot at within the-countyrtles. - gbony, and of a leg Informs - 11On In rel 11011 to ' the edifeatton and maintenance of sald'Ori TM by tbe:Stotei end 'the mode yrroettedinitSceenabla them to secure the benefit nif , be law on thst sub-' Itiet. ; THOS. vr BuußoEs, i ‘ t • Crest " .!- Superidtandes4•4ottliens , corphwaiN 0, -Pittaburgb, E. N. BLAKE t CO., The entire •toot of VA: itE ' ./D4 'ER 77 S .11M EvrT ATC". ,7 -1: WESMN-PEiNSYtVAiTIA Mutual Coal Co. This CompAnris. about Lobe forrimi uroier : thi Mining nrul ManufacturfhtLsw ff PenneylssalS, fur - the purpose of furnishing the citizens of PHU• burgh with COAL A. 1 .: COST. . . .. . . 1 . . . . Haring secured 80 Acres of C0.,l namliably 10 cpted, It le proposed to form the Company on the ft.l.kneing plow . . CAPITAL r 'STutli : s *124000 INEI2=I 25,000 Shares at $5 per Share, par value, 111,01141 . Shatra Bottled ,u IVorkilig Each entnerilser to 50 shares of at oen trill he en titled toDtaibuattele idcoal per annum, at AUT VAL' CQ,T, delivered to rittiburgli or along the Alio ,ghen) er. The ourplua Po to he sold and the morn to I,e elividett equzlll) nntong the Stookhold ..l which it la estital S mat t ed la pa) nliandtome div idee, nd the Capiool, The hank le open. It i. It:tented ou the Allegheoy It , Ver. shout IS tulles from l'ittshurah, 2to rod• friati the ricer. anti :atom the mine •listener trout flit Alleglien) %Ailey It. It. The east is of lb , saute strata n• the - V ouglitughen) or atonongshels, and of the ;time quality. The Comp:say is to be or r ittnixed nest coma ea, ottertitious at once. The estitnntell eo,t of the conl, on completion of the Comp:ln) 's noel front t he pit month to the rails t ond or tin er, deli reed nt the Company's ye rd or ;long the Allegheny eh cc. is 1... II 011 , r9ht evols 'a nnater, at present eo.t of dtrzflog, freights, he., tsc., 4, Nt 111011 nn I in now selling at 11 and Pi gent. n Innate& In the Pittsburgh market. ,itibeeTipt ion Hooke lei II be ovened on TH T: RS I. %Y. Decently. - eth, at the follon - ler places At the offt9e of GEORGE M. BLAC.K.STOUK, Altral..n) Pty. dutintti . ADMINISTRAToirs sAlili OF CALLABLE COAL LANDS. lh purounnee of nn Orlirr ffrantell by the Probate ! ( utat of Jettetnon Count), Ohio, will offer for POW , RlALliall, on Saturday, the 7th Day of January, 'MCA nt one o . einek, nt the front door of the Court in in STECB lIINTILLE, the following de scribed real estate, situate to County of Jelfer son, State of Ohio, to wit: All that part of frac t ionni 'cellos: No, at, townsh fp No. a and tame No. lying in Island Creek tots - whip, in slid County, arnteontainiag one hundred and forty-eight acres, more or less, subJect to the dower estate of ]lamb :McCausland; heretofore set off by metes and bounds, and which is as follows, to wit: Coo meneing at the nortbcwest oarner ot kiatriet PeuiPs lot, the W i n o m tliV, It l ei weelth xahl 11Ic~7auslin ' s line to to BphrMm Cable', Une, thence west P with 'said Cableo 'line, thence West with Mid 'Coble's* line until it Later , sects the road Knox ville, then.. sOutla. with mad road Until it inter. teas the toad loading up Will's Creek, theinte said read ton Matto opposite email Stramleon the south aide Of told rood, neat the old Oil well,thence tooth in • :delight/line to the place of beginning. - The land aboxe desotibewl is within three miles of Ste:Mem:MN, (muting oyeata - the Ohio River, crossed by the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, and is underlaid throughout with an excellent bed of stone coal, known es the oStenbenvllle Shaft Coal." Appraised subject to said dower at 37,031.- Tens. or. SALT—One-third trthaml, one-third In one , year, one-third in two yearn the day of sale, with Interest; the payinents to hesectir bk' a mortgage upan the poem's. slid. - JAALES scorr, Itelleinlitrator de bon!' nen with the will annexed. of. William C. IdeCauslamtdeeneued. • , 11TWF MAN. ifs WALDEN, Attorneys. dtenSdaltwl • L . itiribliEVE CONSIGNMENTS. . • Liao bbls Omen App lea; • 23 bear Viab eider; ItO dor Qaarted Peaches., 25 do'" 'do- -Toreato4; IS tibia Oraneest 20 bids Sweet Potatoes; uar load Penult Blow Potatoes; 25 bush .Chestnuts; • • lot beset Prime W. Phrase; • 23 .do • !Tambora nod Cream Cheese, just smelted and for sale at 350 Liberty street. ' .108 POTTER, A/REN tr. SHEPARD. SALE—LOT No. 85, fronting 20 It on Wylie ntrert extending book the' Teel to ..3) feet alley, on which Is erected a euratantlally built two-story BRIQK,DWELLDIG, containing n!oe rooms on the front er.d,nnd a tiro-story Brick 'with four roogis on Ow buck end of said let. Pow erasion given let of April: - FOr further information inquieg of ' r • dontt r . 11R. 8TE1tR137,417 Pena street. GNIINASIVAI AGALNREM9VED THE MISSES HASKELL, It/tying found the room which they hod taken on ht. (Anir street too Douai for their rephlly tureens ion einem..., end otherwise tneonvenient, hare se, toad for the winter the .CHAPEL AT THE FEMALE COLLEGE, Where all their rl.vises will 14. amply seeommods led. The next drill will be AVKIVNESDAY, at 3 p. m. Class 9.tTURIIkT MORNING, Is mull. Nitrite clasiwt formed If desired. Instructbin gli en in Schools and families upon stnllention. •• deikat Ce A ItTli ti3S.ASI'.EIt GEN'S OFFIcE, FIRST Dtvrsros, WAatircnrces, November 30, 1304. 5 Will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder. nt the times and places mimed below, vie: Williamsport, lht., TlNraday,Deoember & b,lint. .lohnntotvn, Ihs. , Thtirsday,.. !December IGth,lB6l. Trenton, T'. S.; Thursday, December 22. leen. -TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES, at each place. . There horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the ann. . Forload and farming purposes many gond bar: gains may be had. Rorer, sold commence nt 10 cielock a. m: • Term, cash, to United States currency. • JAMES Colonel In charge First Division deartet quartermaster Central's 01116. IpgICOLUTION OP • CO-PARTNER. • SILIP.—The' Partnerahip heretofore ,exlatthe 'between the undenigned, under the .firm name ol UItUrhIFTOPInr. CO., for the manufacture of Sliver Pc nrl and other Soaps, has this day been dissolve* by mutual emment. SAMUEL. hI. ICTEit .7011 R O. CituannoN, . . • JORN FOSTER. Ilttsburgh, Sept.Erth, toed.• WILKENVEDY & CRCAIISToX C 0.,) MiIiIITACTUIIEI9 0/ . g, Silver Pearl and Superior Eosin Soaps 3E7 L111.1:11Tr srattr, rlrrsauaca.. - • 11pST:01'Fit1.0110T1(43. 12 :4"he folio - I to paragraph of Inatruct lon. to Postmasters, chttivi November 23,1, 1864, publlshed for public Information: "ft no, lform real. of Pont Office flax" :and LoOliphithers; at offices *here Letter OarrlerS Oro employed (New York City excepted,) will be, on end after January Ist, 011, - double the amount theretofore chnrged, except at such ekes a. hove already 1inhtt4341.136 yDtke :Lack. Nix tretlimoter. mutt be restricted (tithe use of one family, firmor conipany, and must be mild for at least one quarter In advance. See. 3, Art /larch 1, 1868. ,, 15 accordanee_with the above, the rent of private glass Armes, in the Allegheny Post Mace, will be FIFTY OFJYTS and lock boxes ONE. DOLLAR, per quarter, strictly In advance, from and after January Ist, 1866. deNAL • SAMUEL RIDDLU, P. M. MOST—COUPONS OF TWO BONDS on the MONONGAHELA NAVIGATION CO. Tho Bonds purporting Nos. LIS &WI 19. Persons arci requested not to purchase thew, It presented to them for negotiation. 'WOTICE • TO' IYIJOM IT MAY 00M: ClatlC—Tho 23 Carhop 'frrt at my eon", If no taken away in two wecka from date, will be mold for charge& It. ItIDDI.F.,AS3 Liberty atreet. Plttaburgh, Nov. 40th, 1001. • partiea indebted to L. Hilt'lliFlELD nee hereby - not:Med to make inntediate payment, the undersigned haring re. eel , ed pogrei of , ettoenet to .cotleet all • secoutits,. and sue timee that do cost comply with Ildarlatice. D. BERND, roc. Fifth and Market streets, second done. Plttaburgh, Dec. d,1361. deStlw DIIIECTORS ;Or THE .TAkElli I"LSTOICY.AND'OIIISB.M MIN DELCO,- Wive. WS day declared antrldend of TWOMCEISIT. on Diet:spited file3c34 PsYtihle tti.stackAlsidenFen Or after tbe 10th irist...ttuteof4,_ 3 413:1341114. Terastrer, UR Marty Strect,. J. L. liIARSHAT,I.., Seerataty. , • )ttsbucgtf„Dee.."lst;l3lo4.. defeat.' r. 0 - RAPES! GJlAZtß . ed:Tlitit4 " Island Catawba Grapes, at 20 coats per pound choice Article, pnt.nyfoe Yandtritgo.loot. reeds, ed tad forage b 7 a .OIIISP.a.I.:REVARD, Llbertrairte. IV.EWi'GROCERIES:' ' • .100 bagrprimit RloCtotrieof— , • DOW ruching: itcfma thas - Sucapi, wittictiti ova PE.r4r./.01r.. ' ots - &Mandl 1115.yizowl DR coups. For. TEN PA:tif. GREAT CLEAgiANCE SALE, 5150,000 WORTH OF Fall and -Winter DRY GOODS! J' ; W. BA-RKER. & CO.'S, .ir0.59 Market Street BBEAT BEBTICTMNSIIFILL BE nu SILKS, SHAWLS, • CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, And every article adapted to the 'present season f:licramat:ry MkTorolu!taick.timi Will find thh a lOre opportualty FOR REPLENISHING THEIR STOCKS. OKE .LEA.GUE GOODS, H MERINO VtITS AMP DRAWERS FOR MEN wakiEN ViltbßEN ALL WOOLS! !On my DRAWERS, FOR GENTS. NEGLIGEE •OR MULES 11111111, WOOLEN HOSIERY. A LARGE ASSORT Pp OF ALL THE DESIRABLE STILES, In Phln and Feller • grad Xerbas Meeks. BUCKSKIN .GLOVES AND ,aAuNtrra. ILI.D.BON NEON TIES and SUSPENDERS LONGSDALE . GI? GLIM. lINBIELLIS. WOOLEN' IainTING tARNS, fanll oalersiuld quantities. BALMORAL SKIRTS,' iipenor styles -euul • durability. to tbose Imported. ORNAMENTS AND TRIMMINGS for oOaks ==l Rich Sash and Bonnet Ribbons. SILK AND LEATHER BELTS., LATEST STYLES; NEW STYLES SIDE AND 'RAMC COMBS, IVORY BREAST Prms AND EAR DROPS, POCKET BOOKS AND TRAVELING RAGS, PHILADELPHIA MADE PEARL BUT TONS; AMERICAN CORSETS, WHITE AND cOLORED. HAIR ROLLS AND ORENEILLE NETS, AMERICAN ZEPHYR 'HAND MADE ROODS, TA T A S. SHAWLS, SAIN,UES, SON TAGS nod GAITERS. The foregning attittles are of AMERICAN NAN. OFACTIJUE, and were •putehased directly from thehinkers or their Agents. and will comp_are ta vornbly in price, ytutlity and style with Foreign Goods. Also, Domestic BUTTONS, PLVs EitAIDS, BiIk:DINGS . and many other SMALL. WARES. Just received, n quantity of American MERINO and White COTTON HOSE. ~rectal attention will bereaftet i gt - ven to our assortment of HOME MADE ABT/OLES. EATON, MACILV3I a CO., Mair GOODS, f. M. BTJRCEIFIE.LD'S. FRENOU MERINOS, EXPItIE3B °LOTH. IRISH POPLINS, nLAcar AND FANCY SILKS OASSIVEIZES;for Was andlloyi. SEEM WHET TWILLED FLANNELS. EED BLUE WHITE SHAKER fy.:IIN TWEEDS. € lltr i toreit ort4ery desaAptliii tif,.?(ZY? d. - ta t thilast Cuktr hurtk altd , Nuke Kinds. 1 4' 28 ,F4snioNABL cLoex.s. CiTovdars, Basques. Children's Cloaks, Poplins, rlW'oesis Ckcaciolais. is BATES, 21 PIM Sired. Do° 0: & ' 4 7/'°/c Fr,/,11/iBL. .::I[ESIFO; tmerr.Am). WOOL Am) nut • 1V ite Shirts ? Trimmings, Hosiery, ati , AT 'ILEDUCEp T1116E 4 4'1.1' 11008111 AD; DENNISON_ , " • - In Pita= 137444" r• 11AROAINS! 11 Present Panic -- Prices! No. ';5 X . I.3.ItRET STREyr, Pittibtiro6:-‘ .OF • i • RIBBONS, RPMES. ~ , . Ottnithinglloods randllotioga;:.7,..„l ortial' mond arbi IFC4Slctl4kituthitle;Mallsec mut Tufbarl Hatt; Mae Grey t Yam Beesktort ' . eiltvrls; brubtu. fiewlams. 8 1 / 1, ill4kus,-Aluttyk.,&6ll4o,-:—Aigan, et,. limakerchtelkOlerutaksueg," Pr Setl l.. *Buckles; Uwwl- Ttliallap and Glosal , sestri, e; nletre filo dare, and talior..otherseSkile•lSl ? r that, ett sr* moderate rives; awl . weikillail. : '.. I'i•- c • -- Wholesale anti. Retail Pirebasers . . _ . d Which Mill be roundlargo sae attnettve oe _ , Homeopathic Remedies Stand coofeasedly it the head of remedial ille4l4s for the tow of the people. They are alike removed from the polronous, darvroua, and repulaive Oak . . of quackery, or Old School practle", the idoodlftfy, rdenee of water-cure, or the Intricate and uF olbscuritita of the ttrUni Homeopathic; hooka medicine]. Consisting of simple sporilles for tha VntiOur disease. to which they aro related-put op in the form of timply sugar . pellets—snd prepared of ingredient:a neither dangerous nor all.*tiating, they etc the ready aid of the parent or atirsei and • the comfort of the complaining end Invalid; , They proses. there vosltive ndvantsaprat , ':7Ther • are Itsrmless—no Injury Can urine from Ulna twe.. They are timph—you alernyt know that to take,' and how to take It. They are convenient--yourats Five the proper Sugar Pills at to momennt warning, without hetitetion or delay They are efficient., In thousands of case,. dines In arrested at one!, rod the system cured witlntut prostration or drier. pio,t—CuresFecer.Connestion And inflammation / '° Pain And Restlessness, and the first stases of the acute and inflammatory disease., Price SS ote - .2—Cuires Forms 'Fever, Worm Colic and Voh , acipus Appetite, Wetthrg the lie& Price 3 cent.. Ro.'a—Cures Colic; Tcrthing, Crying and Wake. fulness, Slow Growth and reeblenese of Infante,.... Price 05 cent.. No. 4--Cures Dterrhee; of Children Cholera Infant= And Summer CoMplsints. .Pflete . SS cents . NO5, nand 6 cure the worst, eashl OM:Ostia Di. No. 5-Curea Dysentery or Illtuidp• Gripping., tictlie,Pall Dysontorp. Price al • • tro. 7-.-031*1 Coonhe, flolde, k uarlenesa r ßriigev. - • chilisanfluenen and Sore i Throat. - .PriwelArtatutu.,' This and No. 1 never fall to cure the woisttholit'''''' and Coughs. ' • • No. B—L'ures Tooth-ache, Facosche; Nerrtio.,„ ness end Tic Doloreux. Price 05 cents. • • No. 11—Cures Ifeadwine, Skit liciulache;TOtifgOi Itushof Blood tithe Head.. Price 95 eents. ,, u. "4 , • ' In addition with :10. 10, it occur falls Co cure • 'ort itiveternte cases. • . : No. 10—Cures Lyspepahe Week, Acid ornefai ed Ste:hack, Consttpation, Liver Ckru . tplat . nt, or Bilious Condition. Price *rents. . . fsnainininfarall cues of Weak Digeatlfur VA • Bilious lyoniplainta. 140. 1111•••fitilnieSofpresiie4 • Menses, or flainey,'OV'' Painful, or Delaying, Chien qfraness. cents:. 'l2—Cuttei, Leueontteit or Whites, Dentinet ; Doirn too Profuse 'Menem 35 cent,. • • -. N0.. re—Cfires Crop, Renee Croup" Cineglii - o: Difiloult and Oppressed Breathing: Si tent& Fo It—Crtrea_Salt ltheion, Critt7 EctliTtiat .. Vsseipelas, Need Dead, Barbers* :Debi rettp!ele the,Flidex • 33teras. - , = Soienettl" Inl4 Ches!, 11,ek;SIde, Or :LW* Or - , erlittlcS. "'35 centi: " • • • - • No: 17-01trea Mel, Internal or External, )11114% ,• or Bleeding, Breent or Oastlgate. go oratte., • TIM, remedy has curet • triourando ot the !rapt. • IB—Cures OptEttollmta, West or :tall: E,es-er Eyelids, Fan= or Weak sjghtv *mak It nisy always be relied upon for alutOe' • • , No: IS—Curia Catairh, neut., or ehronle,Vo ; desiring, Cold to the Ibtad, Influenza. tilleolta. • 140.20-43ereiNChcooidng Cough, abeetentog ated it,. at Spann:4lc .Cough. cents: IE Is infalllhle,,atutaluisialellevits 'ankeurea: • • No.'s:l—Cares Anthems. opprolied,; DIM bornt.Brcathingi Cough and-Expectoration. en - cents. Hundreds harb been cured by' It. • . ^-Curea F!ernfulstEnlarged 'Olanakna4-It Ttnlalla Swellings and Old , leers.- ineentc, - }lns cured the worst cases. No. ^t—CurerGenerrittability, , von, Weaknera. - SO cent., • No. Si—euresDrop4 - , Fluid Acestinutalons, Tine,' sais Swellings, with ~Sennty, S eerellons. SO main Sen'Slckness,ProstratiOn Nonoeni'Vondtlog. SO cents. • : • , • • ili--,Ctires Urinary 111.e...e,, , , Sitarei,.netau Calculi, Difficult or Painful Urifistio a. - 90. oqttit, 11 curd old colic. of lildney DiieAßO. rto. ^_B—For Hernias' Emissiorni, Inv°lex: Discharges and consequent Prostration !Sint Results of Es it Habits. Price $1 00. nu. Most efficient ,retnedy known, and elln relied upon all a Sure cure. No::11-4.1ttres Sore. mouth or Stomach, eanketed Mouth at Adults at children sad . also Madan', and Vamttlag ot Pret,v.ant Females. Ett cents: Cute; at °ate, No. 31—Cirer Panful "Menstruation, PirriUrec::'-'. Cramp or Spaimr t Prorittlsi Itching, Kik' tion or Feronles.OD. 14 ricts./Ike charm. • I•lo.le—Cu r rea Sn nt ehante of Mtn, ulnralen, Plunhes of neat, Palpltetionou4 '11144 ,-* 111nease of the Heart. 41 00. Ms: ki—Cures Spasms and Covulsions Eistlepli:-. or Falling-Sickness • Moles or St. Irltke Dance * . • Je-rkings, Tsitehlogs, Ilysterin. 01 00.• • Teo. SA—Cures Diptherin sad Tioernted or•Brabgle • sinst Sore Throat. 62 cents. • , ill Mal family ease • • ' tle '2O vi : cduie,Atala 36 vial Phystelanle ease 15 00 PONDS izerßeolvd , Keitairgulvig. • VOr Tram, Scalds, Cota,Brulen, Soreness, Idmee. am, ‘ kl.kkovilhokw.,•Boky - OUtoork .742iktiort: Sores , lad Toothitehehrgl st. cents. The trade mappited at New,York prim: „. oyetrredisii;b7 lion; I.ook tit* be =keep ease of *hit Wait you choose; and loam, the amount to a current note or stamps, by* matt tray address, and the mei:deter will be , du!y rotnoldby ntatt napeassr.l (TA UT, 0 N.,-ozl N0VEM8RR , 21.54::,.. j oill B 2:4' I b r urg u nrsz d . : 7 -- 4:14111)88 11' .1 tUred • pl: ft. P° by. Which he map ~ mous clue, known u LINDSEY'S . Sim* that time t have,been manntarturier it, having Dr. LINDStIi himself pert of the time ploye4 to superintendluy Its preparation, and shall continue to manufacture It in accordance with the. • inkructiona and directions of Dr. Llnder7.- Thoeeff, then, desitingtho genuine article, should see ChM the name of T. DI. k•I.,TON appear& oneserp_botr,t tie ; and to dealers I Kite notice that . every Wheel. lion of this; my !ludo-mark, will 'bn pv3410014'4 the full extent of the law. . ',,";'• • • ' T. M. FULTON. - NO4. 6 7 and V) In ill, STREET . , fltbsl4 l lo l . air I am premi;ed town BLOORdiklitTaka' below market rates. Gall Where. • T i ougurys; CUT F~Lp~VElt9;'iicc `h Dill G 001914 At; GLIDE, Wholes Ale and Retail ThAlec, In MIMMGR, MMOMEMS. Y'r CiLOQO~~,' . I ' l Y r4P9 I ZiE 4311/I • I AINDIC.II • tildbtle# . &vend door below the P0et.011114,,;.,,7!„ igerit Improved 81ood78easeher _ wvitZsiMwmt Fthwres;!, ,, r: Froth WERl.DoutirSANYlsneitheenhoaark=rs" ' left with J. B. Itubleyirf row:aim, us 1 *' Bro.; Y4l Wood.street, Danneath SLOG., SI I *., altrel . e a r at the Greenhouse, promptly at . ~, j . t n . a i etFipilee day at th e aborts - k et, 0 earrrus to the GeeettlastUele ~, 21. Mt RA- 14 - 1 -FEF - AlaiT, ' . - • ~ 4, ' On. pumas ,Ast. rs, , , , Petroleum and its l'roducts 0 ordproms," oil; LArrn t s et retptnalcoB r•4; - . ,ST •liS"...t bas on twat All eqyr . nutaee,..4,-.. Um , Lutnie, Duck Creek mat anal. *nu etS I Mee, N05.21100.700/‘ sat is =WM 14 . , PaitiblOVlZ... .. '.. , . ... 4 1141.111‘14,41 ....a,