The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 01, 1864, Image 4
• .• • re • ••'-.... A -o,ll ;rniv ,,, lnv - T - F , -- - vrtr i tik,... - - ..f • . • • =lt ~... . ... tglit Vitt*, 'nigh *edit i ti• , itonnisoN. *exp./kw* co., ' 1: St oc k l antS Eloramessish./htekikers, BUYiinoaai o Nipsiopix,oty SZawar.. - Aaraorem; q.arfuti3bairri lIIMiI.4IOII*.NE;IMMt .110114042t9 ; aUtP ithigEERIP BOAR% -' '• . ; a tikeiNtrailliaga' 15ktOttNitili r - . `; ;" OM. Ailed., saes. 11 -x sore.: sot .. r wa,400":""... "SW 1 'lDell ' 'AI -..-- - , —. • pk t i fin k i=orpojthaz Aro --z-x..=-T ilit. 7034 -, loyi Ma -gma --- --- NI "IN e_7_,ry r , Wiss - ......,lii Mietkelllf LASS... 11 ~, lo_ ~ -- Oolasabla 93- 11- , ~ ../V._, A is-sf, lt• -. ~ ,L *a.... --?,...... 7 2 Wiilliriaztarn=-,cris (*VAT. .--• t% tso "..;‘,. i 30- ~ :Odd Valley- .. .. . ...,1 to 2 ~ • lloaw....i....oAiLltplO t irif,' , l rfd" . .r , ' , oliterdsmaad for laws or specouttie primmer iseieoldebay, meertskerUevesepititogssut is • , ::'s? tile pet meat op spleopttettpimm ifXrd.l4',Pl s4 / ° , sopeoptootees. 'tits oh hot - holies ing 'marked in. oloahe La tegitimate bombe. paretibigabblehAl 1. !breed to PIT kibitit.AVPctatri.. '' V 600 Or tho 11 3 00 , 111 "" SS" '' . _ L.. We's*" not aVidisiordrra stestkot los:44qt luo#t _ illbares abating somewhat.. Tarr k Story, Blood 113. Cherry, Ritchie Ana others angst - Clad tugire . do:r dined from to terfper teat from the high-water, abaft of two dsrfee" Val 4,01. We thllik,talfor out farther. ' Gold by! gradually dedAq4l4,,Y,PPeallet; at . itgt, dec li ning to. starrairtutir .6 ilt , ifs , hie , Aria, Dough quotations remain at same tlure, fawn! be seektry intri_3 1 434 113 4 47 40 .° A *PIN and °WM Run CM Co., have declared a ellt blend et Deo pet cent., payable on sitd. aftgr • the 10Ih of solS Moth* XfiTii han ?, i% a '074, Private dlepatehes front ' Pb Felt meta 'today report that Maple Shade tilis again ildvano eil azatellally, being quoted seis=air istriitie'rof The attensdrise at Thtustores Esehmr.,se toot tang Wasntrailt lol l° , aniWrIVIWk% Win. 91,1 Raba were heavy,. Asa general taM, tn. , . exalt. , flight decline in prices, the only excepting heinite' Ohio Valley add tialseqi'o,....Th e . f..Fel 4 •l ll P u rt post and sold assregeteor Oret'twe re Moll , ...a . ! ~aillf.f 1. . '41 I -,Off 3 FIT Lad re*ge Irsiiiii 23 I lle't 230 do. ' S3l do Chewy Run h Pltthole...z. I exi Si 4o Mizell,........” - l i 33. ", 38 .do do 513 ; 47 g° -1 -4 Ei'''''" .. -A. . . 14 5 5; i , 40 do mg klflood 131 .do Wisp- 2 15 • SO ido do • • V,,v...',i. tlO ..-, . 11111 do Oil Creek k Cherry Run.... 3wr , soo , do Pitts is OreaViCestern.,,,,,.... t i en, , 8311•!do Pitts te. Phila. ' Ind • Si ll i t ' ?1.1 -- Dltsfellitrrlgina l l ,24o! Sedo do .....„....,... .... -. . 130 'ISO do do ......ii.=.1ii44:41:12111 • • 301, Xl , do do ......., . ~.,:.i. 133 • 00, do do ant:1444.1....c.:1....itit5%1 , 303 do do . ... ..ii1.3..r.t..m.1.. ligi 1010 do do •r• - • .c.V.... tie SO do Tarr, Story Ifuserer Bus- 115 I.' SS do , do do i. t5O - 'TOD do sr.- MS-vino '` .- •ir do 1 to i ' Sod do Shirks 151 and....:.:. . e........... 1.00 , 10 do' - ~ HorVittkok 9O _ WWI do , „ate . „....... t ., t gl t ,. 1 t o • r , „ ilorel. do sr • '0 , 1:: . ttp11491(1::::;:: tot - .I ' The rep° ailts ll 7 o,4 ' 3 44.o 6 ,Zr e4Ti t ik. *DOW, concur in seating that 13"cretirf reitie:O.' den wintve(4ol.o ilt* l P A Pi libe tP 6 P ftl44 the etepPaPtif 'the anotehmTmare,os currency ana . the buying dealineyittl mays up (be theoleaeleoct at tau, to Idlier-42 extenulea.•• Among the ohmoier to tmeleptip,Noe, reported that a round Sate lOU be lerkd upon all sales. If thin is proemial pittaiolldedellte Tresearry: willobtath a. Yams= oellMrlaVearthinlll3l/2M3113110 wpm imports; will faliftWitilleditak f littsibt'S PraP 3 rltua te.:.helLt co=3.3rlon,aud - be exer of 0011entIng. Taungerfkl4l 3 o 4-1 - . 1 , 7 1 74 ., „ ,i4/03; of el:Meeting Internal revolme.'” kV inSieht. e `.:hem Is dilatory lathe extreme, and the people, by olZettadebirk, dispirted:.:(; •,!.. , ,', , ..,, •• .it ~, - Tao weekly statement of the 'Philadelphia budza, tea& up :oth Mat presents the following *lt"heel " °otitlt'llv Katy-tap 0 9! C 6 9" !'° Nor. St ICor. 28 a %spite! stoek ' $141111,145 1315111 W, Inc. 40,200 L 0g y43,1112,510 A - 110,412 Isle. tr 9,115 Specie .--7.,071,037 2,639.=18D0c 131,810 IbUillagrOTtgrliegilegrt=trfAZ Deposits .-. .. e.... 1,11t3 5i11n5,932 Dee Daaat trusentation .:..::.i Asea,feft 2,315,233 pee 10,305 VSLegal Tendert",44.,...i.-,0-...50,... , . • ~, and Demand Nam. M,015,056 , 13,901, 379 Inc ~ 322 The Cntilmikasr au ids=ys e The de da y n , d a fa% ban hos e ei-s-a".lhtir'ficgriltat. tend to In recognizing thelrusr, enstomers, wifhout raving ow to outaidert. - Therets as yet no tis e stringency, but I . t will come with one Or tWo repetitions 9110.W,5, weet fin mamma! number linhom. llb t a stief 'Of overage excellentmunUt v. The au ply of hogs and the unpropitious weal* gh prices shade tower and indizeW Pri -.Out olde of the packing Interest, with a alle "seer itm, thentitnia , Marelirli cattl_. tfrittfiblloWn "bout a ll . tspitoir tolizirisr,sAlic--vo' 1 1. , - c 'Them rilelderBazeirillanakenr:wireAflr itiilit ' f.."Vd ta " ' 4,40., 1 4 6 i s o. leincinuaiffing Mattst-31211 iteport. (11216 1 / 4 tbPrtioe' ,44 .) -..., ...*,-'-' The hog maritet ha.. hiele 2 toad deal ifeinewed; the hut four days of the freely owympart_lxto the state of the weather, widest - Ma bereftliailottem *memo*. iwieed, alaughteringtwito be suspen ded since listesatay.. laideAnnia.thomber twee, howteer,rhert eras' net turtetemnriver mu- - keinad ribm4. funelet le week ego wall oat Writ' tee imatiuneo ewer - bold the Wentherwel tafor:. Mate. , The rewinds ba , Nrl Julie Milt (here' being wi amtomma of otor fat ill'esdrabieta, Pdokers' we:editor. bt,„thqsaff k risP 6' oee had ad 222,Awawa w a . a eee in the we Dartesordi as renisca , .Wh• - ed att , dro ) err ttritydrnviat pliekiirg' ad . this rather 'Mut , a w *e title rate or Pate,., sok it le, sted that Of Iliti Por..kirt 7 .o# ?"F : 1 9 age, tombesireme; ecl!•-•tro"`• ,, ii r o, -4 bcd3T , ‘ omens .. ..qe=y tsik t moss the 7117 .11 : 4 1 r i ville t ro t Ve l sr tor pRii ~54 .Me &bowel views cd pse ot o paver * IttrEgToti o " eV trilielgrntetblif.t sdr " i - "I ; beard ..-, --irs C . ---iw The reertfda have been bite LI it to heti, Didedthat 1... . As theretarmlonargis too o Me Ker. rtaitfereyraregt=itte tweiVr= Aar, ree4lifd=Seetueg Igiwuserottjuithlad ,te WAS r, t B,ltO Jo ~ •i 1 taw I -4 f, , ..,, ... .• ','. . Avi . ~ -,•• ,' ,, • 4 , ..•., ~- ,' , 4 i . : ~,: .. ~ „ ' . !it 1 1 ",. .) -i.. , • • • s• p v • it A t ;f: s ys „ • ; , • • • . L.. • Beilium= Market... Nov. Volfee—SaleuirialW6ThMelf ,7l 430 per lb. Market closed timer on *crow= icd too advance to gold. - - • platte....Weeva t; Are:7 o ll7l .1041 on 'chaste: mai eirbtiyers - exatV which were quoted steady nt Olt tor Howard Ars ittuV ateStrit4ChtlT:intletggifg.uAtE „4"UMtV?;F,gGees.3Y43,,gz stow mar Prices favored • wrt _ofllkelliash , sfOlte,ordldorr tee. • and tdOtr best -reo , it tapir , Mme r e dose ' the bertme:quotiittba swims whits could ' uotLicat w al llf white sod=lttsAc4tskwrr; ierllodgrWas ei4 toaldi ufat .- se) bush's's* do at 111,14a1,85, iOOO bu 11 944""1" =. 11 W . per busti.. UAW bush. 10 0 Ipppm.“ 5t4514,S farther. Omura . , lot of He bush brought •Allelintah.'ifirsx'l 4 r.O t.b r u O t , eoeporkLe. bt ures, Ikat i fr Aft' S a s raib - . 7ca l tVlSr b barn tex tu ap i for sugar cured. ea ' meats 'lllloTr arid 10).0 - for stileaLeo new red4reet hams from - 1313 Mork 1 - 9 54agoe. Itie for Vres . tyrs bbipe sales essay, refined ist laws. EMI .. nirotii*-Y nArtAtoAro. • • prffsigineart,w,,Tris,*. CRICIAOO R R—Hoe. L , . Xi--t bbl aptdellallteibtitter,H . WHl; a pp les,. TO Jenbariseet bale. low, 21 F. Rloptert 3 bble edll butter, A H Ewing; 5 empty blits,..lllA Itehittelont - A cot% bra candles, .21cCullottgh• Smith & co; 2 ' lags apple batter, Aline elskr,^,.7, 4atists - 1 , 1) 1 . 4 s scrap iron, Alchnleit & co; eWe app les.l. 02011; le lable elder , lient i a * ran 25 tattle ~r . , Sfien . b. co; t 660 Bre bar .1 B Lyon; 514 ueh agate..Culp V jt iel b l P 1'3443ra VOW : 1 l erA b l e uttet b P ' FT' - a. 0 at llt 2 do do, T R Tali & ein iss Ws 'wheal; Yesson 4ro; 13gi attests, II 'allsee;2oo etsbarley,i" - —,l-IthodeasAuse snap Ira*, T HaloneS;2 s2 eke oats, ' ~. ~,,,,?, . 0 . 0 ..„,5-Vshwldak_Lamert, P tShlpto L6O h.O bit, L4f.COIVIOn., • i• l' :. •• '• ; • . ',. f , ' r cALLAir 411 , toir:- . 11/1.•.w-2$ 1-MO apples,, it .... . 1 . 14 C:tr it ile .1..44 li,la k i i gi;ls , V l FioV i a gn i tia7 , . - . ' .. n esr t g , ' Flutytis yr trask - r. - -3 4 Sohnildtg e Pa i o l do -: it 0 i.. ; 15. 0 t'it s ei It GenclStlit oki Ilene: , 'W P' Teen; 1'2 2 6 ; 1,1 ILmie A WeMiiic; I then! ... 32 Gra24,92 * spite& A Lippert; 2 bre-papa,' Ho.' -- .. &le ti 00)15:16:41xiots, ' , encrypt' ! ! .,145,, , , , .. , 1 . Lt ~..., . ~.,.. .. . ... A - 14 , . : 4 I otrAncListo i Prrnorpog ilmr.qcyq),,,:li?v a 3 —. lalthla cseifiLkititaiza.irt'd IA dirt ta r' ti Ore hi, col Opiaa cheratAp =licitly= balek. lay, a root O&M , "A - . 4 ar.. VW. It - po Alt eV ktoiodo 0, V (ilk, SIPPIO , , 11 i n / 4°. '" - tr."1 "7 4 3e, - ,s , 14-sks,potatooLl son 1e...., 0 'ir c uumat i k! tbts Ader, O.F.' In , triii ftpi e*.e' s abelaae,ll3 Ars i gglA uz 19 1 MN1t4, , eCp4mq b. Clark. 2 , , ~ '.. NeW OrkoaPa . 1104 " 4 “M oisabti There here furiximuelatlt ira:4lo ... wit . COtar p at W n ,,,,,, in mute , ' par Ma WO, I /Nai ot_thotroa-1.4t. virctur..--;.Wee.risoeipti: :;Aro psi or.Aroo ioros limbo nowt,:vvr4 loertori-„I A l "I 1 * t ' t irt i h :,r.o.tiZ Ars i r ri 4 3 .._. - .wriqet-idlOW-Ytga° . • I , MRNM iDAILY nO.vir.vv :00 plikslitliteri a ~. i, 1 DIARKVES.;ft , : - .' ~ - ' '• ~ ,r ~., , ....-..--• , • , I Vahulee.Magl-NY'll ee e•_'• ( "' Theigeneral rawrkets were again,, se usual, way' qtdet sod negliocuat War, thellentendroithe lead... 41tittibtimaf VMS}... !lOW limited, whilepriors„ b.,* undergone no esseMlelehange.!g Thera:sirs of 0 rain eonUeue Ter7Dibt, andfai . DateindAltint" these to CoodderigithsDAnirriao: ii,iAisnatt . .pai.: perfected la renlizingeithemepriceni i Floods !WM. l th b l,, un s . changt i 1a tr.49.q 14 4. 1 ": 04- flfVl 3 !.. -- GRAlN.•3lll ,'. ttriai i ii,ilditigliiiii l W:ObEH tll 4 ll. ObWiet7 Cleft , Ak . Olt 111 1 Z A V et s % irk Vir ea d rot Libe l. los. " i ...410.1ar,131410r the leiter. pats fine laid, tre -41 dried* 1. ear et MB* l i cfrom store at ti. 113 i and small !resit fine, Vona litmAnd Welded war ,f or No transottlons itru'atid DO es. I --',., Osmond fa tau. not She isoortek o :Aitly .. regular sake_ from stare -11 t. .01' for =l•Whes.. lifttei"eireAlgilitr:=. fatten of ' the IliPla DP/4, , WDealbethedp! , SL" I't srasdr with slab; WOW drantenk and we no te er sole. of 801 l admit% for what, 'VI °bolo. Du tittilelriqufry Tor lambed, agarot hare heard at no trensectlous for Irmo week farAosterithimtibir sales at 'Cm: - MA ,Ma aatailia"taoriftanyißuralta , a • Bidr , demand, the Whet is arta aim:Drier% attriallymik Ini e l %griis i rdell t rsOVVll l ihr ili m li tri r fAlit.: • ; ivlrßellgtee St. tor Homburg. , tkpitionialt4tltP ...,a,,, • • . • 4ed etee • -- i rara ' ale:Bf . `` .., a te[ a 0 A P- ' PCYrA.TO u -huh, OW Wei Of. iMPeard B 1 ". from dam at BM; orliffbbbrae• i esotiti it'Oilooli at ii4taffeiti: d gild% tee rarritatalc,deramadpud • may be tad quoted at to a,ili per hbt. ' 331301LW EAT -but,om*Mtledt Wei° ~IfTeil .. Di lots aloo jitnio est, topilizin:ll.., 44iiiiimour. x lpinufusgium , „,,,,,,. ~..lirstmcatn;Al..l4oTilk; -..• The' ifg "' l erkie:k.4 l ??*..o 44 e6...„'Si.d'tam th e spot, as welt as fee frittiM dinusem was . .ded”; neglected tolder;Abe transaction. in the kr =fhb- BB VerK I while uge.tdeio beef,of a s gle sate. T h ere Is more Mir:mitten intatelded r holders of Crude to seit, and 'oile r pf, therfiett weak in th e 111'44FL:re at'il•ii.444' Co' alga tone in order to effect sales. We note 11. R. het. at 3 4 4 444itglivIr i * a* matt* at Me, inehided. In Refined, Ong.. loud or free, we we unable to heir of a single operation 4. , ti , , 4 ,....21.. th'.. Amelia-0f Whi.B, we continue to re the nominal quotations at Me for . Abe Armee, d MOM fortiba4 istv o rcawk. !m t ." tea nongina yat me in bond, and Ade free, and Re' siduum at -- pert abl. , IOM . or o * bit!eA . lflh e ur , IYe, r ol, !e' otelestre , ealitpriDD ., .; so fallow*: meta , aC. Bro g Doi fotlernathaullellagher,‘asufefOr. IL blatiel riad. -. • L. • 1 -..- " _ • t ' . • ~, rit •••Bleff ilf ORB PETROLEUM MARKET: Specialti etch to the Pittabigab Glakite.. -; P w P i rt.F._ ,c!'" , 4 l e iBE qt ,, AT* de rug with a , mlr &nom; nut pdees are , unchanged on the spOtZregl,. and 0 naked. There ts a oderatU.dedi Refined in hind, but prices re a' de •ih liartite r Da the !Oat, II 'for neat ` . Au , ~. - , ...1.4 11 a leas easMr t. nagBACMSI sonli•triud,•l4o , ert • atinNika. Depth* is rm with a fair dentanpit.Z.Z. , .. . iii;/;,, ilti . r. Iffitle ttlinkir: I , lllP r inAiiEXT si ' , ll. 1 MARKET: . - 4iiii.....; .1. -- ' . ~ - "' ' .... . - ppliAtVipktO!totheDittsburgy rite, 4'l , ./I".4°'P', 14elril, ' . DoiA4again ueeSei, itosuor. otto&xo at. - 21.- ros *BOA NtOts Abe iii : es' ee , ~... Ilteke 'Jo eii.kifeli•Wh iteT * l3j' ., - . ..ei• saa F Warne; f ‘,,,; 9ktrunki bi,Eitts — - 47.... ernments inte,Aritiiirte nrstistala Inc.', stAp t, . . xiggiAti-tifiii.V;s= 7 s* 0 , 0 15 ,4 - ; savelithootl4llwitiangi, ots, PHI DILILI":44 lOSOLDFA 4*:' IVect,l D ett tiftberilitibtCriel Ala ..s.v. 1 .;%:;....7.2:Sstabelantre, , lTot: 'Cr: ' "...- the umrifet rck.CRO italpaiiiali'dallind , , Cuodkr Puipiteei. — llol!#arir, Wireelisetl • _ .... rrirdoe;liquotetioditrteiaeolkwt g 'Oudl e:4: Dewier,.l4Curtin, 143 .. n 'e tii;; Eldorado44i::__ l %Igg4 . , , • • ! l'; me e.MVlifft Prxr.^lsit BlS:Nuirtr. It 1,1864. .!.!-VESti4ti , - 1 0 4 "* 44 iitainatted for *iitisbnech Gazette. , • -.--.:-.. ;- -T i. Y. t44-Aoio enAft - , ri .. 4 -The reoelpts of Oattle a het_ 4h,- u x t reakiliow ~ . ~. ~i„.-:04 , ,,,4„.i-..m i t-,,mi ...„ k .,te..i...L.640 ii , ..surer ~...,,,....., Ot t„i.iii„k,hkift,iiii,,,,N: ? 417 s liouctiiimairlaasigadiria,ty., -tat au, 3. foam 11%to le, antLealino ft. - • of eatri, :ittakelaanii,scitd trfitaticaii ' ' qnotatio i.'lliff idetaitidklor ' 610=0411Am* not - very sell e;githia' s tie‘• - 441•10tileteniold,IV ,i9la: . purraf it about last wveit's rates. The , ere 'noel. houghtleeffeilindtanhilap• . As cam with laid iti & Deapparent the i ed misapparentt laattivigyvyliich p r k;hhereter, fi hire aoaerao •• tuff little timer, exeepnfor or, "Ve'ffes, ligegiVidatOildWilgadg InDei slit very du sifflowers . ., ... • "1, ri 3ii . r,...;';,, Amo I.l4inflpar'.l4lohneir,. '&•:ffleiffe -. - he, t 'follows: tillielikarlii444laordr. a .10011.Z at 0e; Pii to ll of lair VeitiVriettenY.gitgagfiliiiiki iiitia as of eatiiocaz *Arc sad healers - 40%1. and in ado nil 054.1 0 . _. ••'' '.."'''.. :,-2.. • ,' DOGSrliti isfitor illop luiled;Reniq. *Par er4tAirjNiotalPh4orr/witkri• . .. T o end Sat y. tilt' Ai ""tikitiddriisfaan*fkr,, .: weather CO 4 Pandilliff 4 laWDOS .,2l lf r 'c "'n ad t nfi centillttOr 'net fliitto "so ,AI . . t tin g,' ” , t i tt v a , .. i. Li Itir , e' atithoit reolt; ;,.„ 4 /4 %= 4.-ginop.a.t „ igt, -- noks. ariot.... . Argosy, ..,..r &II i2,,,,,0 ~.. y are - otonekt-sdilre t 'lli4lll. , giggg_ : _ _ e. hlt&wiMMatil ng ••arefnir -2 '.. -..- thesu yat ffsieffillffliff444 irostarkrAt • 31 4 '.the ad.' easel'. Hartough es Co., packers of .lit V bought seteral loti aill'ily,firiff three le •ar y mark were the IDA sales to rioters for this nin et, at t hese yards Dila season. The fol lowing a full and accurate report of all the lead ,ipg aal during etc .rat weid l l; . • Itd. -- kr .1.:10. Duyein - ' Sellers ./.2a, ,am ikii 50 - Harbaugh h. Co Donne. - - ..fir.468 ,' It NI - • •••glarbaugh O. Co Betts 441 VA, . _,-, Stutter . tickhnes , , ,99 "" MI LifilattkttiisCsCct ;;Iboltaes-1, ' ' as" t • 11L 25 t Oflchrist Ss Co Mbar* Ovaliii CO ',raga ,',.: g:r7 1 4 192,2411, 11 10 , Gilchrist 2,, Co Davis • 3110 ! 100 r 11 00, e I •4lll,lshriet a, (10 . ~ traria ._ ~....., "all?.1 1! fr 7 allgititt '''' T i t u r t tai: 4V =I 215: 11 4o loger • Holmes 0204200 i 10 OD ' '.4l ... yotioa;r ~., ... a ., wk.. , ~. 0d....01; it do rluatoook ' - - Adotrur'• .1121":aita la 50 Mae /1. 00 t Singer 112X' ll 60 1 Riagrr ' C arri e 911 4145,,.:4 1 10=18 . 0...i;' •.• Wbttt "Ig • SR :41,ri—iAliohi.-saiv-,1-nor: .. L ..: 12 so I . story Bogert " K. 00 l,2tainnomer Singer. 129 tea Iltdlo:l4l.terrri•jt: lit I'l •41431,X1 1., n 0 , 11,0 91. it 81' I Crouse a. Co Wale %lot, nallo, 1 - [Orme 22',2hr, 7:!' >Nava %, ~, -::3 'fly: ttiii- to i.t; Steger void am bilsiLl4- ' r'r ri "h. Voinvbraptigi 54ff'It 4111,40, , fiett;de 114,„ re ,• SIREV-Tbe rectiptirgUlDOWllsgolf siiinetelfego. :but se the denientwas not cery brisk, the market r!‘eulthdr=ll; 4 E rfiti l t%_ I .:WIMP - 6V t to - Mitzi& at einirtiqlsoes & ellrer so ate,. averagitig la 1ani4.1411t4; et 111" There nere other as les effected, bot.'we were unable „itt , laa, an the partintffall4l , :•ill • Ci i n . ..,.-1 ....,. ••,.• .., . ._ • ' - A r*F al. o9* ....- ~. " l '• 'Bl = ' '-'- .7 . 7/Dr.L T .. 4. Chief tom , made Die ',"?kid3hAiintialp.ittm oa i v we llateeff . last b :4"••• i i• i i - 1 4 . - t ia ii ~.Yealglooadadoebilliiklk•oalYa...Randdaa24,-,_, ' alto r• Llianibernar. vo am' buals been at VI"- 4:j Aiwa= a d ..(!=det t rattighTiehaTion d t , m - 4174.6.2 Tcican.Clio 50,1Xi0l 40.000 p •Vgas '. ' Lay at by2;da 1 powstat porn meal a 4144 e; do 1000 do do at IV,calo 101:0 go do at I 4elebeffs =pa Ilefining_Compe,ny 28,prittpdinanishod nu , g., st, apAry 22 raaar .%,OW gallons vinegar at Etats:Ps! CI V t B l / 441k = 1 - = " i t 1 1 5/ Z:' 'Sadlli 1 gi Fa#sa Por l rt4 1 :•• ''. 't,:_••••.'3lWilanSr. B/r, „TELEGIILVEr. • ''' '' ' 1 , :-• - , 1 - - '....Z.L.."1 N' i'f •".• " . •":, ' • • • 1 , ' -••"' Mg , . ..1 " - , , a, - 1 .-.. 61t.1,1 V: 11449 ! , t 9 !P° rtit4ruli k 11 4 19 '” e 'f, , •-• -t,'- . ' • c -..,0P1ca(104 1509.9909eit... Flour 2 :4aoeleia 944 bbla and in tees ilinlialiM , que a t;',with sarOielca tit pikes; Oka at 1h 0 , 90 for - Angle and... 1140060 . 44 for E ChoioeiSpvting .ffdthat; • -142,e....:fff•b•tiiii 4 w-l!aa la aro* and unfasonti We 4'.••• • • Mika", the market tiiideleiaaaaarv ,totiaPel.; isles ali4010901;ie Pie1g014.11r4,41)111 for - ,00etteithil„gb60011,45 for No. Sl,Hpring; .ea 01.00. , i • for Repaid S c pLagitdOehig Rini at'11,10,91,10 1 .,/gbi . ' N o . t.; ggeir r 0 " in pagaky, with it decline of ((I t. , 64 3 Old 1 - 10111 . X and towTr; nil 9 t Of 00 0 ,'Itmr • I% corn raPitgo.;. • aii.4p.aoiooodi 0g0i . 4, t.Aap for . Ign:`l, and ate for Bajactrad. Ilya =era atkiTeak. r, - . - 'll rneti-c.1,06., 4;040 Stir / 6 4a 040;At 9 j,N 9., Z 2 .„ . proai fair dainnink and • Owner, afilill. Nu. SIM -1 '' sip In diner' War Wane petfeetlrflai,and Floe; , hire li downer ,rd Danienen ". , t , ,•••• g V, Mei , Pork offered at hall) buyers Offered 11.11,and •'.no "ales efhttea. Prime Mess in itualtod dedinedli 141,4'31.15:421. Sweet 4104 -led llamaa dull . and Vie. Ide/en sales 400; titters st:liffAe; Or'eeri Salted Neale ongletianknintdrad.7:9ll9l elaV,llstra lifgssi Beef a _ and neglected. Lard Wit42le. 'lifigbahielk,. - with a 'Udine of WOG g market: 111 "'Openedstill , declined t 0111,44, and dosed at 41;4 , !ries- vitt, MIMI • *calm- ata}..liftata, ,, ,?fara . Seancti Builuir lidrieVaa %M./a boifootnt , to tuitibial siroplyvatack en Ilona osbotuaearioar. lina;at 00 a. Drained 0505 isatiteCtlall anti • 41t*i• 0.0.41P1'i11aifff4.4.4141021242Ye 96 ' 919 ! .. i opt*, Llireitatt market active/Lod Ilanter,l24#an ',2424llo2onOilfergalbeßll°4l.o4ool*; IWO" e liht4 441010*0WatiN 12 0 MIL 0111 71 16triA eacty 41421 9A, !MAK hi `teal M1_1tiF 14 _..,:.•A•44! Inns' Onrelaudatalktidasnoduomoototlibet.. ;Cit. I corta., , _ _woiltr,lisa; 'tali- 'i-rpliAlit MIME West yogic:MaAmt. . .. - New YOU,. Nov. 30 --flotton War; , VW:C . :dint ,t1,134 . 14 r 1de...1int m . d. .......,, it irld%olo, l3l for tin State4lll;l4lll,3o for ..0; -- A 1111141412„ft for Trade Brandi. Market with noluyere at outside quotations. c i=14 "1 4 ,1 • the salts sae 2003 bbis Emm State, for last Meta 1 ilaye, of lanuary, at $10,60, and t 0 bbld o ths spot, at 111001 0 . 1 IVbisky dairy and rinsettiled, at 41,1TErftie, - wak" , dosing wlßildsres: it 111.&I and teller:it MM. Wheat iiirm , lemkr; NO I ckleAcgo, Std.& teeq o ; [so. 1 d., ftefto 2 ,:ft• Racine Spring, as,334lWinter •Red Winters, t2,3lllrdlitotee Amber 4i:itchier: ns ell/. " '''' '' A • ,Ziarley octave and itsiase,_ae k. ~P P ' 'Pe Sate , sucdoperkicg for Canada Western. , ~; i• '' i Corn heap - , and 305 c. lower, at otaibi,93 for hit Vle 11 :: 1 : 110 04 Flring atinsieleprice, and ,fil, I,6tfor imsonsid. • • A ATA ••' -• : t Oats moiety act Alma, at.11404131,ft for Western; arCrliknscet'sdii,titfp* ; frdepepso: c it , f! •- cif -i i: Molasses dull. lieftroreum 'fta with A doonsward tkocktocy. i :There a: a es report - to• 101 quote:Bum are , 53'll:7"dtward ,... 4 : 1 : 11e r.... 533.... 1):1:7:rta l a t ill r h u : lein s. :1:111'111-Wil i t lifti"wit diNrelb a irrlisewve.' i tnd. ahaL :fhsewor93lltine d l : l74 l 4 l lll'42E4ttes:: i. eaftell . mmei' (. 17 "111676: 71 11271"b$7 71 '.94 : " : "1: : "44 :: 11' 11 . 1 41 :gi tlhs : 115 i 1 ; 161..*I' l e : Meni P7 - i Teill:"E L'ne : ° , , "' ''' 'b :: ; , , , ' '37 , . *"'"12111"31 ::•:": 42a . r 1 1 4 1. for sumillot ,sslneng Oft . ~_.,, „-, . . ~..4. Butter but lees env , 31018S1 for Western, ,molitliglitie 'Western. -., f•it ~ ~.. g nal - ihigew ir Tfogtioik lilt tf!nel - Alissig!tr ..'' ifs -r -- I New TO ' ,NOY. itt4dOney Quit-safdPieW kik ,maiiiitit,licw;,,talr 1a '- Golf u tied totter d' ' ';,,,,:, :ftllk.aft& ssdralleag,tOsa l ;And Paing ail Ter ; ob 4 , .•ti tics :Al e" P -, . a t ea t Stocks quiet and dem ;U. S ' . ri,'ltt i .11 " 71 COUPOnii:/g041 4411 r a .T.,reniZuVliti; v.,c; Ti - ees a, Sacks t dy; Missoitti Sixes, 0,4; Ohtto ti litilisti issippi Certilieft‘o44l...ra4, zit Turk Ole 1 1 ..i. . , ; in Michigan , uthern - Wort ern tile jt el thin nets tlen illatl Nefthareftere. Pref . i !Lit Pittsburgh, Oft Northwestern,lDN,l To ion ; Mock lola , 104; Prairie do Aildet, .01 kot. Ai Wayne, I°4 StilitilddiAftWESetAi iii.i.eri kilt - ' 1 Sr. Lout Nov. 30.--Cotton firm ; 1.1,11 for Mid dling, nod ft for flomido-• iloosipts *8 task& •.• „F a .i.,.., and.Uraln dulibbd unchanged. Willaky i levier. - • • • Ell . INTEIALIGENCE. Plilari a,,Mrbeeling." „. ,ftinerfa, Wheeling. • Anne; Cincinnati: - . ~ :, , Maw. Q 4, p,nr. ~ Tho tlyerloyss rOliing alp* at thief:Obit test . ei cable iset Net atfart' ° a e , th ' efght, in k hi lit eloOmor 'p the niarkik • Thti weather- oentlisuol mna Ind, „pleasant, atoTallthat"cOuld prisaiblYWdelpr:l for t the traneacibin of ad.door busidess. ' There wall no new feature iboof . tbe,itinding yes. terday worthy of special polite. lidalnbas Iva's' eppare_ptlyi Ices active than ~ u snal, Atesimmelpts being very light, and the shipments were only nspdalSte. 1 :'-'-• r '1 , •••:1'. rcir TR" JO: :.-,' ! There wig not a iingie attired from below add?, froni Lem packets, The,Starliglit trimiLiculs isliii and Cie Iron City fpno Cincinnati nre-among the Brat boats due. • nse.MaPor ,f0r,...., lent erinline itilth an estellen sir ei l l the,Vrilda ler Oil City with' A fair trip c about four otlock, • The Atiheelltirfat ismirre, or, tsterday, isaYs t • Thirarkeraburg Packet Company has tied shill , streal. •of ' luck_lately " Misfortunes, it -ts Said, merer , come singly. it never rains, but It pours.' First. the -Express broke a shaft. Time the ;Ugh. kunier broke a shaft.- Then the Revenue sunk a "Ammo, whith east het-10,M: Then the - Eagle broke a shad, and now tafothettle. hen , been redetved that thelterenue has collided• witlithe•Allegheny 11elle, some Where beam Pastes:bur* : Bat the WM. o Q , il tompany : t Istill alive and doing weesl seemo hate tbr effec lL t to revTh e mi. ive and atrengUen t tie rtret*pe of .the entethaug, gentle. inert w Isb MUT:Peke an eam.P.aif• . i .. Thwart:Mani: tkOt.liPtaahr, -101 / 1 Peskleel 'clear[ qlndenett and 'Lcadmiln• tfts eyealeg. The relltbla and staunch Lent Leoti,Capt. Sher. IMtwill be ken by card, is announced for Evanm lia mid Nashville forthwith: .;-. I ii - The St. latuis•Disywich, of. TUesday, - Styll 1 al within the „mist six month* have ..- - niariialrfafgyctri=e,tteleolti aelf_the els to take advanta . ge et tt- The serge '4 , tre mot able to carry ever about two hundred', the enfant water, and the smaller ones are ' eft Jarr ay: in Government aerrke. It I. estimated /that There in at the lowest ealtistatton not least han . i twothinu NP Orl lanskionis of freight, awfttlhg shlpMeto ,Tle J. W.a‘haiit ithdrawn from the St. LAMM sandillindlatf iliadtqand ist l etsottnts,OspL: WOodlat tin• of. tetat St. Louts fur Pitts ,-'rheftaTrie and Asian zigobL now =the len . by gta4ries", IXtf,egg7- - 'We ' ' ti c06U,114 ig .10d,..d.F,. hp, d r e i um. lo=llto : The liVesteykw.titalite Pillielly", 'r ta 06:1111ott to -Asftsao,. &key loaded, Witt( 1 brobels 'artililiteatiarlbi,',l:hile rein*, I t Or,ll. 4 ,l lg ehal - , " nbilut three o'clock. .one, 11, the *welts from which :zoomed Oa Potteln to take water In scuttle I deekon the starboard . 'Add 111 Itmis than three M in u te* Ate Ailed .10 wa- , "ter, when the- - PotwWturnej ...oleo/ ovlr, the 'Wasting Ma lhis' null and hooting oar. neat tuatk.Lhatte'lLatallttea immediately o the tesdue,asslsaval the Adheer nand elms - , Sid tituig to the fragreents of the cabin ate; the torn of themareened hull. No ibis were teat, fh the Melt Mei mumplete wacky TheTotwft was - caned M%- capudu Amon slqd, told iitti7pides lt. Pigo,top tiork. The carom And bib 'wife, the : :lerkap V da+sife;,,pilot GmTgeti:polliird;Abanner in oil rs, Dlr./Roy lc t liriagdweed., of_ 'Erik:ray; , were in the otter; clinging to the ee.iin a ck, when rescued by a yawl and lite-boat erinil the Lasateltamlitee. ZPWO.illiPMPittidolog,lftilk hosbekt at . l Arlat-i Beds c ell , anise:l hare, on, Monday fttutatilutriese• - . 100;1Calatwhaithepr erettal et. thin tleeetiptlott :3 1 ;. $ 17P d tr il i rit t re Mr. 1igir 4 61,..0f the Cl to i arin i ag : Poet ,oaspany„ at eighteen centa -: Vhe liOntaty lett full ftePttialuseNf Bekaa— onneot It ..,,,...,,d a ot the le= Thslati t t 14 =i gtrahurib, laTtg, ' with 1-4t.e i* A•apt. C A. Drove I. 0 temmead , .. 1 Copt- A nd y Rob , r., le In the oft.. I know 1m343F a dirtthitte ate at the wheel. -,..„ leftjmername in .tromfriltsbutilr witlf a foil a .breendltehorged .one hundred tone hews and leas for Nashville this ever:lug. Th e Alex. Speer laa new and very neat almoner. Theflier packet Altoona, Capt. O.:W. Ileher,la now to lag; 'Mid: will - depart: [or 'Wheedinit, and Plitsbn li•ftds &Millar. , The. Gnidoec , tiaptiln Ilatehelor, am! Glide, No. 3, UnpL Anderson, Sr. abet rafounced toe 'Wheeringand Pittebneth, forth. with.- i i , , - , . ~, Ouu, Op tkeb,„ 110atke•d. ~M ~ ~.~f ;;;::^, 4 STEAMBOATIL itit atc.trictlX- Pl, Pith- PAC , ..Vte ltsbursh tine Omen% dr : ewe G 0!1 ! 111EN . Icemen Trtcloct ~ d Merets lJA Y, at 3 delOck p an: m. ~ .. .scrAPP nonneltalus ni:P33l4. month tb - tbe 33134311d.ittnin .cr er Bo Itfil,nd, nrnun'r 11e.,, Opitt,_ ,'andwill-tivol4"pdauses tbat,Otyr . rta .4....1.u5.a............—. LOUISVILLE.— 1; k i t ' merABCIOVVF=PiN- Cot; ' will.learetin "ikbotq D 21i a e uti Jet . • ' AT, u, tt tan, itt I b'eltrele ppnt.• ,- - • `, . IgiOr'ph utge imp, oft WWI. , ; . - 1141IP i . .. - ~. -,.. 01i1 -AIiBYILIX - P TbiASH,. l :7Lardp: tu , oce - •-vi ..-41 pee Blamer 4.lVgi PLEOT Capt. eplied, wttl' leicO, turilt. ;saw, %vs . ; Init., et 4 Weida( IS: m. _:, .; :,.. . „For ftel!h.4:?;a4Mallif_an board of to - Vig".ho!i .::' J 1 D:0014114/540Dj 04”,' , ' - ~... -°I ER:fg .DIRE C TOR 13 , • , ,_:c ble.. vim - - TABit - ..L..EMIIIT AND , OfflatllT RUN orit.oo. Wick , , Mb de r dor-Ural& Illridead_at TWO PEU OENT. , ' cittlhe r ROSA scock...vorrotan t4ast.tachpidesoa . or After the Loth lust- - oit the otllmotOl.,/ , A o Mags. Trensuker,ir I,!V/at iFir ,.. i ... _,..- , a -..._..ff,..774.,...,-, ,vritltun v ::;„, " ! .x , ; 'll R.lGOotfAi.s:Ps • . -•- ''''' 'Mfr. ARH. _ 'lli - r ji • 1p413;14ie , 'ra•e, And oatiembutml It{ root - sad triad., forever.' • the ant •ad only parson who ,eralhhtthe Old what Catarrh :lastly wsli wheat, COnit4-nee and;what 1 61 0 c":6)t; , Re- pc:loltAtajais 'aped a 14411ae la Dattlin, SAM CRAIG'S •-• OUTLET SAW B.L.M . ‘ f ,AND BARGE YARD; JI atiq EitiA •,;, i Craig litreet t Allegheny. , , 11i9N CITYMOLLMOB, - ftrueTrlllll),ol4ll4% IMLI0111tree", ,• 1117 ; 03 F*Ulf !I'be largest, chttspestawl rpt stteerlic . ca -13IISINESSIOSS - OOLLEGE L ffi TEE VATTED,EM4323 , „ , • , ;1 :4tdest s outer 10 41°V 4 WA,WO U Vt , . t: ".l =t 4"ll4ni t ful Mil oft - ~y fl={ 7 M l:44 " , 4 1 .4 indletriantW JIJMN undvrag. 0 1111#111 182 9 . PERPETUAL. nano FIRE INSIMANCENBIPANY 5.,•; aIii.LAD,ELPHIA. Amen; en Signor,' ii* . / Mr.4310 5111.0 t 1 : ' b1iai51.,....:t ' • no,c‘n Amnon i,OOO rind 711iatiin* 1,066,23 a nienn4lOntinx Imams forISIC • ' - . ;if.: . ..:: --". jag. 1 EalieliFilid ee tEeei tg ooo yetralllA I F d Temporary Pollerea ork B. lltalral '.- bilitileintilaaakr, laaai J.-.. jr Tepataa'Wo*.r, , , .W. Dale, SiMeorlG 1, .11, ,,- . , ercifa I i'; "...Mob R. ttl* • flier, ' ' , rGeorgo W. hardk_ • Prim W. Lewn, M. D i - :.", , I• 4-c_Lia LEH ji-_,BANCKER, PreEdero. zAtkkgp. L. , 2 , 1 .,,,... 4 :Pig .T e realdet . -..- ' f ' nt__ .9 o VirlN, m igent , earner wponfml.pgni,nrectf , , D NADINE ECo. of North America g a t, ' /5 Fire Insurance Company. P • • ton ehn secured in the above named Lade ompantes. - ;-: •. tray IlidateVe BuIWIMP, 97 fatt _ . • ,___ NVEZT IIN INSURANCE COMPA.NY Le yl. tnar :BURGH, ry ,; t B. MILLER, Jr., Prniar.t. ~ l , ..111:1 DON, Secretary. ~=Tatt2 Water street, Spnng Es Co.'. Ware. sr ir Pittsburgh. Win bin against all kinds of Fire and Marine - 04intsetd Illime Institution managed by Dieettors mho I ore veil knO'n. In 014 : 00}17Auntlibm , rera_.rf. rktrr • mined by, laymen , Oki@ dmrtif y, fa ntelsOitte- 41e v charm - key eh they hare asturud, reoffering lhe - bett yerntsettamto hose raw desire to be insured D..Ndller .7 s., James 2.1 u le y . .. NaDtatil HOiMe , l, ; ~Geof e ntrate, .-- • , • eh Ikli. Herron, ' - 'l2l. - .lttetelson, F :ItitOP . 1; comm:i Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Long , `Ream Thenias, e John IL Metlune. GORDON. Sxretary S' INSURANCE COMPANY Mier, N.! 11211). DI JirM, - Phiillps. J ames D. Verner Jahn Wan, Cart. John L. Rhoshl, Wm. 13. Tiny, Samuel P. Shrlsee; John E. Parke. George P. Jones, Charles $. Bissell, C. Hanson Love, IV= Van Kirk, Charles Arbuekl • • W:kI..PHILLIPS, President. ;.i • 1 , . 1 i .: .JOHN WATTs.Ktes Pruideat.. lii:X. F. p ARD:I7.II; Secretary. ' jultay g' ITIZHN'S INSURANCE COMPANY 03 . 'IIITTSBURGIL—DIIIee, cOrnerjßarket atid"Witer streets, second fl oor. • ---- ' IV3I. BA:GALLEY, Presided, • . SA2II, REA, Secetar. .: I': if. - 1 : Latin" teamboata and Cargoes. surea aslant loss and damage In the nariltl - •of 1 Southern and Western Rivera. Ledges and'Bagrap. and the 1121v1xation of the SM.. liMiteS saalnat toakand..4l l 4 l ll*bF MT,. • , 1 , ...roux/mar 4 P. . WM.BspleA • ' ..,' , DAL tier: . s I: :5 't Jas. Par Jr, John Shipton - ' W. G, 3 dhaston, JAM!! 31. CoOper, B. F. Joars. S. Harbaugh, . Reeoe Ovens, J. Campbell, Jr., ',.Ron. T. N. Rowe, John S. Dilworth, - Barclay Preston, . Wm. A. Rodger. flecflawitnnaham, denorly.l ALUEGIIEN I INSU RANGE' 1 0014 IP A• NT QF !Conk. il Fifth street,Etaik Block. Insures !against, all kinds of Fire and Marino :$4. 1 "' , .• t - 1 ISAAC/ JONES, Prtafrkaat; ! -30111 Y• D. ADIJORD, Ilea President.. ,. D. 111. BOOR, Serrdarg. ... .;• : ~ t '1 ' altdd-dons: ' lag. Jaines, lan 11.14c0Ord,, Copt . Adam Jacobs, i • ' gar %lids, 'B. B. Sterling, . - ' ••tra...31. C. Orgy, ~ . (Wt. Waa. Dean - . Sohn Irlrfat, Jr..B.l.lilcOnew; - . 1 • ..B.T...Fianestork, , Hobert 41. Darts. ~.• • • - k TAI ME SAVINGS INSTLTUT.IPN, NO. .4-r, •:-Oci 311TELF1ELD STREET, (appo s ite the iiCwitinn elute.) Charterer' by the Legislature. • I OFFICFII,II. Pitwhfost—(l93). S. 403fL1. Vtch TRE51.1.1017 1 ‘.. , : Wni. U. niii.h, . Joshu a Rime', •. • Thos. D. blowier, Ales-Bradley, . , ?Veneta Sellers, 4. Belnetnan. '. Jotut F. leruilege, -ItiorPh King. .. Thos. S. Blair,- . S. H.. liartninw- . ~ • .. 4, t •ertuirierriet, Jewell' rk...Jr., • , .-11, S.. Fowler.. ; 11. X. Leng, I. N. Tiernan; Dri.s.barotheo.. B. F. JODI,. A...A-Sell, C. ti . wo 2ba.iDillworth, It. D. tiochran, Virtre.litit,th, . - W. A:Beed; •-• " . i.. 11 W. W sodweil. W. H. Phelps, R.: el). • ' .• • 'll.l3:l3eAltilert .----• 3. Mel). ilroitiltin, ' MIL Paubson, -"' s. At.,.ll...Sopyth; • Tiooti Stueltrath, - 611ollebatier, : ...Alfred Shirk, - - . . Secret and treeibereri-D. k inigirritY. .. ... . , •-•--• , Owen fly, Snt, 0 a.:113.-11115. In, blao,Sattlb• day et, , firm II to I ivetwv... .-- ---, . . WOO* receit ed Of one dime and tworante ' Dirldendi &tiered lt"Seeeitiber and June of each ldvidozoliallowed to rentals are placed to the credit loCthe dencedtoilia piinelpel, eituf boor Inlet oat thusibomponading it. , • - . • .. i • ItooloroutittibtgOyarter, Ity-Laws, be., foram!- ' Ifir This Intaltuttort offers; espeelnUy to there Ventiose earplugs aresmall, the - opportUntty to ulate by small deposits, dolly: saved, a Sant W h w ill be a resource when needed, their money not only being safe, but 'beating" Uttered, ,lzoittw.l bflemaltitng unprialuetire. sedblmi E — — Tg ---•VMOB B VIE - NO- , .5t TIOLLMI - ' -., ~-F4L-arit STRZET. _ ___ 1 . . j 1. .... CHARTERED IF . SW, . .. oPe nt li t frnm s 9 to 12np and May . let to No o'clock, also co 'Wed= .1 1 . :. ' • , 3 m - i 1, e: Ito)r1 s b , 4 1 1: o u ra from lt ' o ci v lLP B ' el oe: el k . ~ k ! i I o . . 1 n rt;_of e i t i m ... 6 e e ..' Deposits received of all 0t00.4 . , ,,,f 1 741,ff; ))odor, and A dividend of the p _ . ~ acw.e. n pew, In June And Deeempte. :.• „ ste u glsK , -dn illse l"" Holtio: l"44uut ipsnll Ner . r • e ll 'OrlPlll i 2 V.d 4 7." ..r t! . !,.. K . P.- tr 4.' fr' 4 -ii•snithiied tg)the malt'. -,i:ltztoun•-• " 1 71,mirk olttleDl L tho'"" , - nr tbr ... n ip / 144. r . ol'ione,iinif'Deoelnber, V ... 6 ,... 'mkt' s‘ rent isithouttetniblinlS Die 1 ,.‘ 1- di•Po'sitp . itKenlit or even'to'resent VI 1 , 71 no/. 1 " AC tills site Soney vela, double to It ? ltit tr., !_, ' 1 > , i3;ki,, tom main , .titt rherter, By-Lswo, Roles fituk_Hetulatioils, furnished - gratis, 00 sppliestian ... ,,t .1,. rg.:.....,..r„ . _ci r. r E n IItI i. R . A .,... T . +BREE. '.;15.e,11:hmmn".11,-1::NII:rdloe:::oten, ern , .. , j l irrillt m :: l 4 .o ,: ". l , d' i , 'ier A. 14'444'6 lvinym ,L,thilevig". 1 .10 . G, ppoinpn. -lir 19'. T011c.0k,14. ~....„, , i ,... t i, • , •••• • • - i , i •-' ' • . .....- •T 1- pe t, , ..- instill, .klisme, •'' - - ra, l 7 2 , : ; r A ftur, 's .. ••-. , ~,a. p andiet Y 1.,, ';.• , •:;'40,,i, r pc puqsIINII.. ;M i r „ ~ , ~ ~., ,_ ‘ „,, 0 „Am, • , '.l -.-.• , .:•-• • • t , ARAM! •,.C,.,,ILItiEr , :: - r• ~ ii 77. - B • a. , " ' Charlie ..,VII. 0 , 11 ? w i i i_ pp meet 1;.? nenjtl,6 eatc4i' A u e ,r i r ° " kt • ...• ' ~ i "4 J.Cl4l Tl mPl ev e' '' '.^ ' VOIR la Nankteti,!sr. ...2 , 1, - „„'",. --- ' ,, , itilitC a 'WhitHet '''. '- - ' -url ' ' " - "Wat P V&Psk r iiil;• ' lirlist llll .3 l 4:.• - • • • ' , Vilritti6 Terb P •" '•rim est "l i i,Plyeal ' •C1E1,19: '21• • • . liti"il' 144"T61"' OINTIdENT,- Prfri $a Itheu.skalt4. 5cr048146 iti , , , , =pi 150 , 1174) PEAT ) , IRTNGWQBOIII4, 21d id! iron:ma Ana notertnralsOitus' 6.a marry:errs Or 'fix sKirr. , Th4qtr!ttheliteteatietti the hhatief the die; 'eltele—g9 to the. U'll tety , eatuttend • cures It from " the tfeehbe.etethto this IlictlioA the ehrhtee-.threeel the paten of the elec.:um Upward, nee 'every pilitt -eta of It Is dlsehetgedthrough the) otri—the seeds of the Oman an eXPOIIO,3 from the,. Itethi tense ; • qttentlY th 44 ,'e CM! - *old nx . KIRVIF.I4 Agent, tIO WOO)) STREET, NrrsihniGn. - k i tUrT '4‘Cf l;lls I § l 4frif 'EVE- 11 gFEN*VN ,- I.?jitrts, wo NM ACV; 240,104 Arid Or the ratleica roost, prolitablo for tine location, We flare extra , lino trees, as Early Ilarveat,Mahlett piurli•Hollitealtfpplu, Ilatdirlo,Yallowater, Oates, IMp, ri rt m a Inn 7,4 3 ° al.-1= 141" U Let al ° greCt SUllth's paw -ica, n wltti • n Tel lar gr l stook oi PEAR citEinev, r.P.Apur LU L U, •EVER ()PEVA% StLAME ifr..l, 8111iIM BMW, IttallitlOUSE PLANTS, ago., A.ll our t o LP large, no ofPar - great - Inducements to frer=liola b A l Mr* Oakland o>` -9ce„, attended to. - .1011 W lIEUSIDOOIL, .7r. Pittatfurgfr iAlitlakhnd NOtierfen • "lric Austior Ar SWIMMER/I& SON,Niniuracturers , aod Wholesale sat. IleaatlDoaletailn 311IINL. TIMIAANDIMAIIM - N0r 434,1 W ElTallr a 'abovethsOaaal,luoraos Asada a haaortma .orPANOY AND PLAIN' PUILNIT Wawa ItAhotouty, ot their. entaisafraulatsi eird MOO 4114w:wilt alVkalaleAto say mow Lt t h e oily, sod mil sea at temeOloblt WOOL alto MEDICaIq., W. 3. n. : 3lEii - eiii , f& Co.'s 013LIIIM von THE OHEROIatItEDO;INF!S• . TAtOSIP9UNIM 6.45 X ROOTS) BARKS AND r.say.F 7 s., , tinunogrff it Eatco v, al iff M num thereat. Indisn.Dlnretle, MI 81 -.. lit MK . • ewes all dimoases of the AIM gI M. MM . • urinary orgons,sushasln• MM DI DI MM continence off _the Urine, 31111`1KBE.73110 1 ffe:. - ; InflammatlOngdtbeHled• MK MSI DIM der, ad Inflammnititalt of 'the '-'IIIM MI 'MM M • • 'Kidne ys, dietEt S ricitnre, Or a, tdrie'ler 'tbe AI Ma M l MM -• MM MK MM ' ; • il,Gliaeti Gerona.. ,424 - Dint MM Din Is especially cenimende ;', f . i . , 1 ill ." , • '.: ed In those e cif Fluor - ` '• ,- • •• . -- , 'Albin, (or 'Klass in, re , • males) where! all the old' • - '• 1 • . ' mummy% melleines have pled. • ,rri r , ,li PI t twe4iff db.?' . "/ A I lt• concen tent form; fie s (HOW__ • •• dose gal) being from one ICAIGOCO - . tstarote r earonfuls three C " 3,EV I U t i .l j ti ti ,rt e le. r P i e lure as and ftffe s• CO .;• Hie initirsetlom Peffi r t CO ' bag and" ,feleanting " the CO I, .• • " .Mood. esdeing it-tenon • r l . 7 . ; . ' l3O 1 00 'ff in allot itsoriginsl purity , I'M& OG and vthtigor' thus remoVing t; ICCOI - ,,z.,1-00 1 1 - liTgl i t u A ll it e en.g.ix.Oncriaxeldiui coups wraith lulri Is intended a n ;111 . iot tll4 ;-: 1: i ed f il' :l4-7 1- 7; ~0 .' .: ~ assistant to/the °nano. ICEZ BI.XRD and should . NEREEEEEEE • / beesed taco notion with EEEEEEEEEE . that medic ), in all canes EE of Oonorrla a,• Gleet, ER :i i • Fluor Alb or Whites. EEEEE Its effects re healing(' /7 EII*EE, , '• soothing, demulcent; `-', ER .• a .."- • -_ r emo v int all scalding, RE . „ hest, ohordie b and 'P.N . ' Wl:Refill Yittf timid ' :ratan prnlag 010 that tinat is experienced with • . : neatly all t he cheap quack 1 injections ! By the ore of the i 'her . ;..- • .: okee Remedy. and Ckero- I , kee Inierilon —the tWo 1111 i 1111. ,• , rnedlelnes ,at • the name lilt 1 1111 time— all Improper dis• 1111. 1111 charges are removed, and 1111 i ll itll the weakened org a ns ore 11111111 111111111. restored teffull vigor and umn HUHU strength. 1111.• 11H Far full particular , get lilt 1 1111 our pamp h let from any 1 lilt drug store in theeountry, 1111 I HH • orWriti; tut and we will mail free to may address n Tuiltreatise. • q?,?as,°°° l „ Cumuli:.: (*cwt.—An -• . Unfailing c . • re for Sperm atOrthiqminni Weak, netts, N tuned Emil- ' • &lons, and, all disease% 01111.111M)1111 mooed by sell-pollutiont . • DitltDDIMlll) - such as Lo ll of Memory, 1/1) Olt tniversal T.ll silt ude, ' •11I) OD - Pains in the Hock, Dim- 111) OD Old of Viston,l'remature 1M DU Old Age, Weak Nerves, OD lilt Difficulty" tif Breathing, - , OD- L., ~, „ Trembllng,!Wakefdlness, --'• trIiDIM.MDOO 0 • Eruptions on the Fact, 111/IWDDIfit Pale Countenance,lnsad. • , it y, Consuiipt lon, and all the din.fill complaints . , canoed by departing from the path of nature.. This medieue [set simple' vegetible'extract, nod ono has hich tiledm rely, ns it een in our prao. '. - li .I'. ; lice for many years, and with thousands treated, it El. EEFIEF.V.I.:I.: has not failed in • Single Et E.ErikiEEIIE instance . Its cur sit 1v a EL • • • powers have been, 'mufti. Eh , tient to gain victory over ELEE.F. . the 'most- stubborn, ease. ELEE 4 To those who have triflral TM• wit h their constitution El . until . they think alias. . Et E1•4:1117.1KilE seives.barondtheresch of 'EU. lEEEEE mediate ald,ave,would say dripaic not! the Cherokee ti •-•-. A. --1 , i Owe will rest gor ore You to .—, heisith atid Vi, and f . • ter ail guack.docturs hav o e failed. rihrflUPl ata IHBUEAHCS Ito. W WIWI'' , 11!...r.: VW. , All:. ELI sin• or }IS FIMCC or IA yr.: P;epared 1111 born PunliVagetnbln,y... 1111 tracts con silting nothing till injurians o the most dm- 1111 state. T Rejuvenating 1111 • , Elixir tot Se itpUlt tICWO,}„.- _ .. _ „„, I , ern discovieriesleilbetreg- ----r -4 -- ` - '• %111 stable ki am; bil/IX• 11 . 1 ;-$ -' 1.." 1111 entirely w and abstract 1111 method cgrejjrrespee- tire of titbit- old-..and worst out itytta!tut:j -: ..- This medicine !ins been -7 - ' • I . neat toy t raetill f .:serottt ; dsy,and hy them ptonoun i- • I • ... - . cod-to,be one gittezr o ti RHIHIII HRH • estmedieni r digko 11111 i LAX= ill the an. One bottle will • - HRH , RUB care genera debility. A . .1111,1 t r "HRH few doses cures Ilystetica ARE ' HRH •in females. One bottle HRH HERR cures Palpitstiod DI 'the HRH REX Heart. • A few dosei res 1111R. MRS. , -Atewallith o agates rger! Milli HMI talon. Perim One to three I . - bottles restores tpe rasp ! • ' liness anti fall Igor of I ' youth. A few Ihttsestrettlitrestate 1 appetite.. Three betties . CHCCOO• um the worst ease of PLICOUL . O Impotency.. A few doses et. th r t cum the low 'spirited. Vet Vt_ , One hintle restores men- Cl: Lel po t trer. A few doses , 1 . 11 - hrholp bid( therOse to th.c.' 1. , (1 rhos), This randleine rent • 00 ~. 170 tore. tell leanly TigUS and' 1N,,,,',,,T,, , robustletsith the poor de bilitated, ts orndoWti: anti ~, !..e. 1 /I.,RT-.4 ( ? .. despairing do °tee ofiteri. - pleasure. The Eut,xert cures sly , ..ral i r• - :- Mit, CHmend Debility. ' ' Irklpitation of the Ramaart, . . . and Impotency, ' .. ' totes Mental power and 1111011 the appetite; and causes SHARK). t . the rose to mount to the Mt tat cheek of pier, sod the 00 00 debilitsted manor woman 00 00 to. feel vigorous sue -00 , l 4) .t tong, the young lend am sls . no ,bilious Mood to cop. ' no 'on , ;through:. Pvery I vein,. .. in,. the . 00 00 nen en te - become strong, 00.01)(10nod the tires of new life 001)0 'and .vigor to resnimste the entire body, building up the constitution, res. • $ . turitenjoy andlife to many 4 et sad and itsrkrtied llre ' i side. CITPIt9RI:H l' ! Se o anetonvito lit Y .\ Lit limitits - ron, ~II xAI. 0 If , litl Pnvterevtat, OnnvniN k 1111 PA /M. For the removal llO of Obstructions, •tted the Ill[ inicarenre of Regularity :11l 1111 in the 'Recurrence of the • 3 eu lU re nt or ob hilr vi ' Ve t nds. hosTeln'o- Th e y : ! 4 1 11 1 1 1 1111 eronsitil•eases thnt 1 tn tpring from irregularity, 1111 ry remett Ina the Irregur They re, suppressed srity. Itself. - Exceasi; u e, And Painful t . ' : !I. Menstruation. They cure $ • . Oreen Sickness (Ohloros 7 _,_. - .. 'ob.): They chess Nervous,: ::-Ii ii ' 4 and it plu al agitations, at 3 . ,,A... - !,..• NIL , t omik:bt Ale bsalr4•=d XX lower parts . the body, - M ILK ...• gleariaess,• ligue on ;It.Elt_ _:„ slight exertion, Pnipits. XX . -- v. ..r., Ititerreff the - neartilsoWc XX Eli newt of Spirits, Ilysterra; XX '• t 11 . 11 :lick liendashe, , . oiddl. Xx Kll. tress, Au., to Ina word,, 4r, 3 1110 by remoVing the Irregu larity, they remove the I ,t, ; WillllPlLtia 'WsUiiitt ail the edicts 11,01 springfrom it. Nolath,* 4ents,„ 614 anOADWArt .1 , 1X14' ,rOI2K. , . I l 'oUtilogya of simple Veit cleble extends, they icon-, loin nothing &leeriest. to t on constitution, how caerstelicate, . their . fon, ; • NNN . RN tiors..being to sulatttute NriNN NN • etrenath, fee arealterso, - NN NN NN witicti;.when• pro porky. , NN, zit . .., NN ',used, they never fantod°. NN . , b.f . 's . , .N . rr , They may be motel? used Rh l. h !sr( at *swage, and at any pc- NN MN : NN ,rind, tracsrvizto DIII/1.0 NN NIN NW the instaryturseatOevita, NN 7 , MNNS . during Whtch the iminll- KN . .... !CNN . log nature of their action .• • .Irouldlnfellibly resirset, '• ratans or vitt finenn. . P ' egmi"}' • - ''' -IS OW --oh . f • we Munk, mt. ens. ' EREEEF.E.RIRE! toe' Remedy— st; bottle 'EMI/a:MEM: or 3 bottles:for le. : aher- EE • -.-- - -, ohm Itotion—la bats . .ME tie, or rnohnttles tar 05. EMCEE • - (then ee °Ore-Wee bat- EEKEE . , : tie, or three bottles for $6. • EE • ' ~ . „ , Dr WrightesElixte="l 3 a ~ RE ' ' . - bo ttle. or thivebotlies for ; EFEEEELERE . SS. - tlheikkee rifts, for bIEEEMEELEM.. -• fesnaleerela host., Orals lathe Cherokee Meet ; - - • - •• i•, clues theunfortunatrowill ; .• -- • find a flay of dellverestee • • ..- I - •,. .. frouffering anit peln: • . . . A. day. splendid saLtori- ! '. „?eurfkelbsetta4P-gtheiiit r o e: . ERRECESIENE . wstfon or repore, either ' IttiIIEEEREEE . rthrough the r eels a r y • EN . - ••„, :.. Stleeks or lneleclency . my: .; ~. , , , ‘; of nauseotospreparatione," • EEEEE • • The, Cherokee Medicines mpamix. • actioniptiah :their ransom ' ' RE. , ' ...-thetr emancipation. Air NE • • . 1 emancipation oo great K 0 ow.EREEttEki ... . admirable, and so prolitie mUctiEEE,Eta, . • of unit-total Seed. Throe medicines willsrov e, in -- . • • any and everyse faith 'ruined new er failing friends In time of need. • Medic ) an the Chero keene:l by - express • (except the Cherokee l'Illa• these are sent bi,' ' malt , of postsse) oti EREFEEFIIitiII receipt of yuice, to atty. .-sFREEEEIIIiE . part of the civilized WOTMI El , r . . securely booked, la such n. 'Elroans EFEFIE • through Whoso hnnds they El BEE insy . was would know the contest s. EI .• . . EIFI . .. TheCtiereken Medicines . EIIEEREEEEE are sold by all eberbrimbil ' , I:MEESE/All:E.: I d w ntgaists in the clvilitea orbi— Some unprlnal- I . uod . eal e rs, howe vcr, try .•,. , 7 • • ' ' ) smell Worthless eons., • ' -poundsinplairoof these— thoW which they Oka ail . -__l SSS- . . r- ' do, obeavpriaet &id make . ••• ISSS-95,.. - -, - rart ni tg "el s, • ille m a i r'. ',-- 52 5 • '. .. ' rL • •bkeil lifgare a s.n As -yo r ts *, : - RS! . . • Se . . I rLtt h y:;f . r .c lal o t t h ni i ai i ,Z • .. , • oti tis • •,. . • . • . do nt i t 11 , t i vred Ey su t, cla SS s .. SS ~. • - , ' ls . 7stkfr• rluwe. rallilettle:, $ . 1313 S.Sh3 .'• o tol t eke no others. t . • ' • • ; •••.98ss . .. ,:.:•,. • ~.• „ on.R. , W. ssenwm. a. oci. • • 1.- • •,,, ...• 1. mo. B9Libettvetract, aw - Yorly • • • r T; Safe Jib ,ESSisbusgh by le. AloOlualtßAN 4, • we mactgOuußquitattaigicoraseeta., .?:, , . . . • - .. ME DECAL. STRICTLY IrCIRF , ARTIOLES l!Mi Pittsburgh Drug Housp; DENTAL DEPOT ' MOM SAM, Outoessoi to TORILENOE ar. MeGAIIII,3 xy c•r ZI A xtY , AND' DEALER IN Focttßttend Diluleslic-Dlunn,llfeAlcln e n cluiChe q! c -*tilt, Dyes end Sha", Alcohol, Per tamely, penny Adkins and Toilet Aonpa, 1111 en and LlClnors. Te• bkeso t. Ciskei, "WA - snd :rnlc tal, NA n_4n, Su &r gpott. , • elli•anA Y). O • One" ao. TRussus ratisodes . . • m Mute all theists styles of improved s. Trusse and keep. conntantly%On hand' Blarsh'e, 'Pitch's, Ritter's, Obese% HON, and All other manufacturers. In cases requiring ing pee tilLsintile True s , or -Filen parties desire it, we will manufacture to order i - ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, ~SHOULDER BRACES, .; BLA It) STOUKING. 1ht!:.. , ;!. ; ,;?.. DR. 111 R ettevln pereonelly to the lippli eatton of ”es, Sc., sok to 'the ' treatment. o , Deviate. 4 Physician's Prescriptions CAREFULLY Our Prescription Department Is Mania in charge f as experienced Pharmaceutist, mad all article. ME in compounding prescription", are selected' regard to plug*, (regimes. anti strength. Proscriptions ()staidly compounded at all hours .f Die night. Dietetic and Culinary 4rtieles pore °were of Tartar. Eestleb Vetting Soda. Gratewod Powdered Clove.. Pars Pepper,- 66 6,6ylaptee, 6 ‘ 6 ' (Unger, 6, 66 Clorkaraoa. Oswego Corn Starch. • l'ow's Gelatine, • Prteoki Glycerine, g • Seeker's Farina. • rare Wines, for cooktac pttrposei, Burnett:Wet:Wag Is:tracts, Oarsway • Anise Seer!, • 'Coriander Seed, • • Mope knd Nutt:Lg* Y . :internists, • . Pearl Ash, Ike., go. ;z orstuora) Awrici4:s Coneeintrated 1.7 e, Pure Polled, Sal Soda. • t z 't,t Silver Sand, Trlyuli, in • sywourL:•'l.' 'Hemp Seed, CatiNls Seed, ..Rapeseed, Fish Boat, Ac.. ps'ts~lni='s~ .8-~oascy For all reliable Proprietary ItoHeiner, viz Dr. D. JAYNES' Dapectorant. Alterative. ~ Carminative. "! , " Hair Tonto and Hair Dye.. Sanitise, Dr. J. C. A u ER'S Cherri.Peoteral. • . " • Cathartic Pills. 4 : uSarsaparilla. Ague Cure. • HbII4I4BOLD'S celebrated Re 41114111, 4 }Weal, for diseases of Bladder Bire.Wash. Ithe blood. at [ '3ll.l{i*riLi.YrOT ' Impu tit les. of, Dr. ROBACK'S Sc andinavian Blood Puri fi er. Pills. • it Bitters. • SCHMCK'S.Pulitioide Wafers. 4 Sea W Tonic, Mandrake eed Pills. , KE?INEDY'S Medical Discovery. • ' Aait,Rhenentlintnient. WRIOIIT'S eidebreteifindirds‘Peretable Pills:" lIRAKDRETIPS Pilir. Dr. U. A.'svitsores Pills. 110STY.TrEirS celebrated Stomach Billets. DRAKE'S PlallDtilOicalttera. CUTTMCS'NeerIne English Bitters; nri antidote for intemperance. And all the reliable Patent Illedleines of thiadny. Paints, Leads. Eines, Colors, Oils Tarnishes, Brushes, Putty. TubeiPainta, Pohl tsar, Sc. _ -. We have facilitiettor furnishing Diets' , ariilesit manufacturers prices. motor Ami.MmicikEs tYor4ock or Drbp and, Ne!liolusi ped pro, selta.'d sool-oanually, with great oote, ork ciperiche phorionooutast andybyoklan, ad woAu.uontee aft drop nod meollelsios,Ve-011.4nree foul lourdolterstol, caig.micAms. Alt attrlterianzi. Cdteoloalit:Atie buy -horn' the reibritt.ett bowie at POWER , 5 6.. WhIDEDIAN. Agetttqtrtry .pent tally plAynlelart satley ytoti 'to that/. purity. Dlrli;% AND DICE STUFFS, 'Oar own" Impoiaation, rranaragden flash and re; Kahle.' Arendt*, Alusy_lnur Vitro!, Bradt Wood, Own Wood, Vomnans, oladbear,Extraet Logwood. TO Caeldneal,W.. 'attach .Lne DreJloirwood, Mad - den lalo Wood,. 11:nd Taatat," 1. 4!nlirdualac„ Tunic:lo lane `fool;an, ''; • • • „ Foreign wines, readies, Inns, Liguori, FOr medlelsist use Only, ell °turd, Depuy & Coes •001Pna. Fine old liooneUe - • , PUre Juke of Glare Port,Wius. • Pure old Sburty Wine. , • • , PUre Old Mudelre. Win!. • PUrelialisadilis... - JAZ.IIICS 4111(1At010 1 {ti mS. IMPORTED CIGARS. , Ouratook embraces some oC dlestkratul so Nara:us Oirrars;vlt : o Osballas,_ _ Pram:dos, adtatadma,4,._ - : 7 Loudree, Yip•ro•, • Begallas,. Bella Oreplos. DOMESTIC ClGtiltS, Mmodneturod from (mortal tolmteO, viz A Tro Sobrinmr, • kgrktub, •El tutee, tud n woriets of Ocala& Out stork of Clout was purphssed In IEXM, tuul we sic . • • • • oflbring them to consumoni . at - ¢ )light wt. mince over our prices before the tax low, when our , chased to quantities ; of iseekunitroil and ,upurards. TO THE DENTAL PROFESSION We ',lifer a large aba carefully aeloctel clock o A. H. White% Patent Teeth. i• Ornum, Armstrong b..lueLtht Teeth W. A. Dun' h. 00.'8 Teeth. Fen', bleCurdy & Well's Teeth. Ohnsaa k; Auld! Teeth. : .. . • Umt n 1 Chairs, Dented . Let her, Forceps, nuggets, Wheels, Iturs,llrllls, Esensators, Frsokllns, Vol. napite linse. Gold rind tither Piste, Gold and Tin and Dental Materials of every deseription. . . . c.imoguer to be WU} on sppllostion. DI.I„VG HOUSE,_. 4 • .4. pf ,F 44.414 14Kktt Streets A • - prrittaveafkr.‘ ;`,4,e,7 ti tf,k exidely“6ll. olms,_sc• tOIiDED 11,1161110iJSTIVF • Warettonslpg Company,. Foot at sivrto WatirisON Ste, Brooktftt IOIBSOILICLZ or 4SI7I:FED PrsTROLEUM, IEI Tanks ondliardal&A CirtiLlar.l °Moe, 'No. a BEATEfi . STREET,.Necr 0c..7-17 JOUS L. i•ThI.LACE WILLIAM crrrms WALL ICE & Cygr.lB9,, ; COMUSSION NEXILiN TS r • AN? osairin CRUDE AND Bisn XD lIIRCdSirg BEN Z1N:F.151:17 , 0 1,1:11BRIOATING OThS 50,13 i , SIT/71 WIiAR FES, PHIL DELPEIJA, alir Starve aapaelty (wafer corer,) for 13,000 barrels. Also excellent faellltten for madman to Maeda* and Farelgh parts, at oYr ' , wharf op, the SchnSktil niTer, near theplattorm of the P. 8,8. ADZES WIL II S, . nom Aii?,i.i.itt.zivrs 1 CV:IDE:4U REMO' 011 S, • Duisiestie RIV. Plitsblria AND so-Special attentiongireo to tRo SALE SKLPMLIST OF PETROLEUM and Its products. CPrttigranirgentifie."7g.trullY VIVIAtt0.011; AND ptolhiro l llTA. - aa n urr COMPANY.. lappc,Vlol7n.w.Box 14:.. VILS.RDBOII, HARLEY At Co., • • a Oorornisalou and Forwarding Mersßants CRIME 'AND REPINED PETROLEUM . . pKW/131 !ITNEET. PITTSBURGH Aar tkneeit . consignments for Patent:top:rep? Eastern Dlnrkets. 'rimst - aart Itranumscus. 3 S: Dilworth k Co., Springer linibaugh, - • Thompson Bell, Esq.; Preet."Ctosaineteint Bank.- 1 knitto.eln • •WiTvt. azituos' IIEHIUTN . & CO.;' OlNeev . 4B7 PENN %TEENY, (One door below Iland,) Conilliission Merchants And dealer! in Pittsburgh Alarmfactures and CRUDE AND EIP'INED OILS, W s MT * ,fta:l l olMT'lzrarL"'`ilifiV. jliol, CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY it , OHORPENNING , ---; ignaufacturers itnh Itemhei-s Carbon Oil, Benzine arui Lubricating Oils, ETEMEZI Crude Petroleum • - /a- HANDPPOSIT SII.A.EPSI3I7IICIF. Nu. fa STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. splice BREWER, BURKI CO., COMMISSION istEumwas, Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal cash advances made on consignments Of. Refined or Crude Petrokuns !fr • : • , C 1 r:- car. DIX/ 11.:4 • SCOt • k" St ERT ASHWORTH, ISt. 4p LAIR , ST..,Wlttabussli FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCIIANT, AND =Am IN otu3. ILLUMINATING, LUORICA.TING, CRUDE . rNTUOLEUM OILS, he., on P. hand and for .snle nt ' the lon - rat' renrket Uorks manta and orders sollcltn.l. aplAns WAIFIG as SING, !corin , s9sy l orz.*v.7ii_mcrs. • ' is ) PETROLEUX 'AND ITS PROIMICTS, , d dealers is IleflalisOlaterlals., oei-ir No. 37111Ataarr ST.. Plit•burgb. SA - 31 'ES - 11 - t* IN, 'IIVVIAVII.7II.IrIL OF Oil Vitriol and Aqua Amami& Er °Mem left et John Porterhehl h Clo.'n office,' comer or .MA.IIKET nod FlithalgES:, trill rechlyn mornpt Itientlon. no2I LI.T . CEN T OIL' WORKS. ' Ittie ;te .ic.t."TrACTrxtniet purl White':ltilitied Urban 13114.714:, R liattolytax,lflow.olOsit. 14cori., WOOL;. : I WOOL is FF:D iS ROAD' Viebtoor Ma4s. Amor= 26,tasi. ALT..I,wr)OL-CONSIiINED Ttr US IS VANS frULf.Ii efiliMIND 'TO :,SUIT , THE: MARKET, . Our ElC4un Intnnco wit h manufacturers:La extensive, one, of es hevinglesen in:the Wool trade for more: thentenyears: belleveabstrby.csuadosting., buslne* In the two largest marketelrithe country:, We offer to cormignors unusual facilities for bring ing their Wool to the notice of the best trade in the New Ebgt*od end Middle States.; :7 Our commholon.ler:seliteg: ll -. o ni. O.Nr± , Frw . royan/ and ova rsurcrxr, on 1L04 ,11 f TiOß,looool3l - and liteicsasen. fur =gen safftffio.": yond this time actual expense - la chsig Irked:ll - TALI Laclede* ataI.M.SANTEE ogali.sarm:, whether for cash or on time, and we- ere alWayn , willing to anticipate setilemedC,of *amount* ares* , demi, et current rate* for money,' We al= to . sqg • ; OR. , OW New BROWNE/IS, New 'Kock.; nul6:4m n o lliDGzwAitrt PAINT AND COLON IVENS EM=72222 . • _ i; bile Lead 7,innl.alat and Caters, orrery dr.criptiod, drr andsrtlmdbi ca. Intili4gli ATE{ • OLOES, .'lll/I:OOENVATER, • • ;ForMali!, Cottages. ?Lc; sienerrl Agent, 71*TAi11E1V IjaCr ' N. Fiti, 2 , ll ?RP.? BlLl,gt} . - itingwell's •Gins Giving Governor, ,rositivelssayesfroqs :15 tc? 40 xer cost., Theionly perfet'equi te4aVottorertitir'iditie. No tuicksilver or Other Atli used In this mach* . mulane br.tbe =Aid; aid. o;calie will it baletr,ludaa I t acidrapltaim, nll - • • „ , .11411.11,1!Y, PARNELL &...CO, I‘7IIISKERS MUSTACHE..t,,,,:,- if ion &sin , either Wltlekor. or Dlnstettate; cump lot or • , 1 Oorner Spithfieldnnd Fourth spt!t3.. Arie , itoir Dyes, PornaturesOine !Ws-01114 U.; ih (unette earbdy. FliTlfr; tlifov—EPrlyddn 6L- Little Giant Sewing' llteletiliao 3 . • driend c.allosurrsee.die. ittty r 3v,o4f, it Lo. no rical:••• for eimplioity, durability end esetuttou it is unequalled roy . arrother edutokp machine heretofore ollbred to the publlgand need. Only! to be 'leen to - tie eppreelateiL'lt•will l bem; , quile, luck or bind. .Colt eanollne for, your, )very chlneza a rrintet Nz i. 3 - .. • • • YfraIISTIIERD St,opponite SLOha= n otoL °et ird . 15? V C P 3l f P:RAKES egLIApRATED fialitation Bittersi t Fora; by • amp. corner Smithfield end Fourth stmts. $ 1 • 1 ; rniTt; 'year emed....* *• •• • • .'"• • • • nort ..* Sim PItEBKES, ENGRAVING GENERALLY . ,t" .::: r ~ ~w . s -. y~'r .F S : ~.7 ~ r ~ x~r,.~~t{A.~ ~" ~ r FkS' ,t :_. ~ ~srw.~-f.~C ~-r~~ ; ....:k, av:K"....~.?%~ v i ffi t h j~ nß~"~~..m}• ~..,,. n.kritatains. 1864 a. E • SYLVANIA. CENTRAL R. IL—WINTERABRANGEMBNY. —TEN DAILY TRAINS. • On mud triter MONDAY, October slit, tedt, trate will leave the Depot as follows. FAST MAIL, daily except likaulanat Ida a. ob, Mopping only at principal stations, and snaldedr ' direct connections at Nartiaburg for New Yak, Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia for New 'York, Boston and intermediate points. HARRISBDRO ACOChthitille-TION, daily ex- eept Sunday, at 6.0) a- stopping at a l l regular stations betgeen Pittsbutn., rgh and llarriabung, end making close connection with trains on Indiana - Branch, West Penersylvanis It: R., "Eben s burg and • Cresson 11. R., and Hollidegsburg Branch.] I'ITTSBURGH b. ERN. E .RESS, daily en heat Sunday. at 12.30 p. tn., stopping 'at nearly ail the et ations beta eon . Pittsburgh and IPhiladelphis, and crushing connection with [reins on the nen* • burg_ and Orowin R. R., lloUldaysturg ,I3ranch' It. EL, yr=e and Clearfield and Bahl ,Rug! . ;Vale/ • Branches. • .JOIINSTOWN. ACCOMMODATION{ datiyoler. ,eirpt Sunday, titan° p..m.„.stopping M regular sta. ' dont between Pittsburgd-Johisbara, and on nestling at Illairsallo inter section with trans on I.ndana Brawl% and Weltena:lyardst It. B. PHILADELPIILLEIP at..4.di aoPping, at Latrobe, Cone ts.Stallltsen, • • , Altoona, littntir MMs, New. • -... pppoorrrt nTlf iiiirret=riorlunt I made lor BaltinloseN.Wad r tinti n- Negt k , " • at Philndelphia, for eV, or on an r. , mediate points. 'SleepingOas ran thrall* Mt - train from Pittsborgh•to Baltiestat, PhUllinia. • 4 and 'New York by the Allentown - _ FAST LINE ; axisept'SW at , t 3D m., stopping o yat tionamaugh G aline 3, Altoo., ~„*„ na, HunUmplon, Lewistown • Maysville, Harrisburg. Middletown ...A--Y • -4. town, Mt. doy,Lanilla Lricasti4and Dennis.' ingtown. At Usartsburg connectionsare male foe 4:4 New York, Baltimore and Waati= ru it 2, 2= • deleda, for New York, Boston • i First At ctimutodation Tram 'f maws suttee leaps daily feteept Stusday) attoo . 'Second Accommodation Train fur w,ari, mum. - leaves daily (warept Sundal).d. us• Thin! Accommodation...Uan for Wall'ematioo /est - et VietiSt SUDdal) at • . Fourthlctrinniedation Train for maliht Statist , leaves y' except Sunday) at 11.0 p. m. •.• ; The ChurensTrain lead Wall's citation 60511tc Sunda at Ad a m. s rettirillfig /WO Pittsbuggsh , 4 RetnniiniTrains afire Pittsbargh armlet& - Pituatuzgh Erie Express ' 19.10 p. tit. i• ' Bnllimow Forpm t! a ~ I'oop. Philadelphia 1.10 P. is ' Fast Mail lAD a. ot. Post Line ISO a: [a .Tolinstown 'Accommodation lOUS a. ob . First Wall's Station .Arecimmodstlon... AM am. Second Wail's Statlon.Accommodation o.ooa Thint Wallis Station Auxtommodatton.. 2.20 p. m. Fourth Wail's Station Accommoda Baltimore express will arrive wit h ] Elrat LSO p. tn. on Mondays. A u ln case f low s the Cons ell hold themselves responsible 1, . only and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. 21.'N—An Omnibus Line han.beces employed to ..... " convey passengers and beggare•to and from the - Depot, at a charge not to• exceed de cents, for Matt passenger out baggage. For tinketamly to ' At the Pennaylvanla Central Railroadt 61 .= Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. ' • • o 4,1 xlll 15MM=3M1 131TTSBURGH, FT. -_,W wevit h. CIIIIIAOu RAILWAY, AND ta.liympit,t(p I , Frys 26 , .-, BURGH. RAILROAD. - -.. -.. WINTER' ARRANGEMENT:,:, .. ~.. On non.a ft er October 20 h, 1564, taloa Will rUI4 , as tollow.l viz. • LenveZ For I For I For. , ..,..—Fittobuoghl l Ohlongo. Cleveland. I Wheelllng. - Favera........... 2.10 a. al. 2.10 a. m. 2.10 ill M. EXpre55.....12.(0 p. at. 2.45 p. m., 2.45 p.. IL." . Exprt-as ..... ..... 3440 p. m. • • Mali. t 620 a. m. i .. .. 1.10•6. ,a. 7 ~. For New Castle and Erie 5.50 a. m... , _ L.• , . , alcroallinzl. t Arrive at • Allesheny.-IP. It. 'W. tr. - 0. Itallwair 3.30 a. m.,8.30 a...m,2.40 a. m. and 4.46 . p. m.. C. aP. R . It.. 10.00 ti. m. • t t - GEORGE` PARKIN,Ticket Agent,' ',:A. t ...., L'nlonTnasengreStottltin. Pittoboosh, Fa. .. . . A. Q. OASSELBERTIY, Ticket , Agouti , .‘" ,- -c.' , . ,, ' - ' ,l ,octltur F. 11.1vti - Ett.9,Giners l o 'Aitoolt. ILEGIIRNY laggiNll6 LEY RAILROAD.— . CHANGE OP TIIEK—On *MI; atter MONDAY', •mg that,:the lollowing.arrangement of tae Wilbtake ; ... MAIL TRAIIL.--Leaves Pittsburgh at 7.00 a. ra. arriving at Kittanning. eit. 10e0 a. ra. Leave, Kit. •tazining . at 4.0 A., M., arrives at Pittsburgh at 7. . . .EXPRESit TRAlN—Leaves gittiuining at 031 0. m., &Riving at Pittsburgh at 9.23 a. tit. Leaven. ~ Plttaburgh rau.arr.itlaii at Eittaw?lng &Fa 4131,otiuMomitiorirTRAIN= tethvet sada. Works at 020 a. nn:,"arrilingstPittsburghst 7 A ss.i sa. Leaven !Pittabutigh 3.00 rm. n. wiring .11‘ - 1,: t.r Sods Werka, at 11.00 p, myto . . matin't, Ttor(ht Prrrsinntau, ,-•- . , r ca. yi FOREIGN EMIGRATION:Q_Kg-Av.N . . STITSIWBGE:P=Nit• I.:1 'Ft.. , i .2..*T" , ' . Sea. , •,- -... - - SoB o .__._. -..' : ..-., , giEK 4 ::: ,M,.' Iphos Pasage from . ` Md. Conntsy. ' , ~. .-., ~. ~, The Liverpool,,lfew Yorkarid,Philadeiptak WI, --,,•'_., , 1. man') Steamship Company haring -appointed ~‘ . • ..,... undersigned their-14mA izereitras illy Thitt 1,,,, e ..,','/ deceascd, he 1* -AOll , PrcPareOck brin ! . .'''!, l " .. i -°• - . ~, theme PasakageMLbte the Steamers of i 1- .t lINUSU A TAX: IV RATES: The Steamers ~ or ;,i ~ this favorite linis leave LiverpoolevesT.WEDl(ES• ;Imo:, foe tieseXork; toiletwic it suersistisimsad . :; . ;:•N , -pro amore rastettiathlett sodaMast. ll !edigiro. -..' -: S. ' . t ...The underaigned ti'alio .Aient • for the.arerpool ~..::',, ~,i; , and Londondenainvsr,...zazrefAi,,,,. . ~,, 1 Iril,lnziPasseugeri:nd nap.' Tiler Aeon- ..';,,, en of this line nee built in the o n. . 3 . 00 " " ' ',".- ' and furnish choice accommodation. foe ..,• ,„. , ,! Ile is also agent forTAPSOOTT'S 1,. Eor 0616-,... •;,rr * toper tw i ce.. Saling Pecketrylearing Lice:poet. ;.;,... ~.. I rrUlteiCritiok week.and the 'W".L '"r - '1 i , s c london - Fickets; - msetig' Lokdosi eviler tesseillaiosr ) I The ships of Tipscott's =so have longtomnbacie, rr:r e I ted for their qui* , Mamoltell nal the eimedletwoof. , l4.4 . B. are, the provisions famished .thispassenriptsinnd,St , bt.ta t kind treatMent While on tX0424. , P. 91 1109 940 ,„ ft , •,,..,,i 1 :their friends irrouthiaut by sailing' veadels,lthio _ . ~ • -;-", - , by all means patronize this - line • ..". .. •.- ... ...: wf, Al , russet o!greatlY reducekratelk lf 1'0 . .1,4*. SlGli.V.DrArr. , s . allyarttot Europe Coriski;,,,4k. l at the lowcstrates. Anopp,l i • to - ,•61 o , t pre y 6o S g l a h o el o swee t - . . ...,.. -STEAM W tERjAr ' TO . -TAVERVIA 4, - ,..,..,,,: root; tot:tautly ne'tifflCENSTOVllif, ~. ': • ...• (pork Harbor) „ The well-knoWn . Eteameas.A.this . ~,..t , -- ,t. Liverpool, New York and ShiladelphieSteamehip...„, ,-; oompany-flarnart Line:rearrying the O. 8.1161.14.,. • , ato! aro intended tessil as follows .,,,%,.1 2 , ETNA,„....,......:.5atutday, Pp. s .t .., - 4 . 12nriLeu.n121H..;:.-:.-....:: . ":";.13nturdayilltpe..10.... ie.:, -.. GLASGOW ' ' --SettildeY, Pee II- -,..k . ,i. And every_ succeeding Saturday, at noon, trein - ruk ': .: - • , to North Hirer. • :1...; ~ , z.... - url , . . ,rtakts Air 1./Lomeli: , • —7.4 ~..q- c .. 'Sayable hi gold,"or its cliuli-aienrin itMr, , ,. 1 . , ~,_ ,, , f , 1 First S tee rs. -.a. ; ~.,.z1.61 Paris:- -., tis col, • o to Pruis.“,.... 46,..•,...,t.,W., ... to Hamburg.. 90,001 ,1 1 , to ItatubUel, r OO '.) ~..-r,-,.. ,_ Psieengers .also ; fOrWartied3o Hares :meme,!,., ; ',..: :, Rotterdam, Antwerp; an., at equally loir'intet "^' ;':' ' ""1 Fares fironi7Avetpool or Queenstowialst Ogebtnit, -, . 3•:" f or 0102-qtßeetage, M.: Those Who wish to. maid r 1..... ',.. for their friends can. beis, tickets: here at .„,. rate' Yor further infoimat on app yas e ampaa g ..: ' impee. -, ; - • „ItilEN G. DALT.,,Agent, _-- .. to t,.... wit ,. t 6 !treed - .111.:Y.1 ilz - ii imi • - reeele - atifitiolt* teen No. es Smithfield •ed.t,.l 6 t bent f.,,v1F.4 t==l New Teri. C. tt N A it carzzetErrtnr* ,Apia - 3;.. ten in gok or.its egnivitlept la cuiteuay - " tncustosiny.... • -;sattiettn , ylwkele: Appt' to • • ': • , TxtomAs.itterrittralViCikeit; WiSlititteldnltteti betttoett aad -a: kiini - Pittitnnsit. : • • '•;, iiirQsTitte* , ELLI€LUOUStOtF liMagk aTRICKLANTAII-.. MELLIFLUOUS - 0017011. BALSAM lir Watithteeltiad-etwerVoutbs;loelds - 7Pcn. nrF ia ' ..A2thm6 aptlgst, 1 . 4 4" a 1 1t tiec C LV4 4° ..I4I . ,AJI3 Mtn:oat arid • ,ouirt 1 Mitit' - r FFohiibt;Oneto. • . •• : MAXILIELTP3I34I6O-,,,:,,i f.t: , rivoteseeng,,, UL STIUOILIARD'S - .. 61 M - BtIe I MBA , . EastAnoetly,oettain remedy, p forDinrelmin on 4 Dymitart,.m., a -orablaauats: at..aatitysatic.z , Ayareauta, sumalattryar oara.hlatives an 4 i+ . Wirt-anted , to'ethet, , Ai' ewe 'alter at . - Othee For glae,by. Tr u elti•'. RS.I , f• • • =.• rill BTBISIETIAND , S TILE wratmav Mil .4 eiantd' , Minuends . of Alio' ?rant esses,of, Mint egg Bleeding FiLCIN ^lt gives Bewail. Initehllng - feeta's rantedvermaneril'onre., Try - , tt Italr s a r :: ror esle - by tleisernl.Detoi . • Fourth Uteri; I.llachntatt, . us 'unlit S TRE ET. At S. JtiIiNSTON'S szaPPIXG. Dyape ia, Zietveusneaeti : Debihtf~ 3 ;,x SitiVALlailiS 'We can' recommend those suffering with bast 6 3 , Appetite, Indigestion or byspe_ pats, MT:Welber and Neel OUS . Debility, to use , bitlelaand s Tone. „ Il is n vegetable prepatetton, ftto from skoholle 119acrrett strengthens the whole nervous spited% . tensions good appetite, sod ts warranted twee". PeP ilf, A l " , 4 r i l t e rrlers_ta l) th g s Prelkend noLtOILLArI . El, a Flat reedit streeli elfin tt, 0. For sate try DB. GEO. B. Wood corne r snd Virgio. alloTt.And k co. of Wood and. mound street.sPl burghs. WWI by PANIC It 3%HILL, No '[% keeps! , street Allegheny - . TOtr CA ALWAYS rEoeltars if!!! dont'sgent 41, tan rt Unproved Be yr. 1, , BoagintraGetmen Bitten. &e n diametrg , •z. iseutratidelphltme P*1. 11.16 1:"1.411alfi -13mii of 1 41414/4ccilStiteii=bori , • VOrefiktg A. P ~1 fr. moo . —W0bAce.., 4490, - 0 ";"•"Y e q • ' 44 F ,4 ,;:-;"•• , .• • • 4,/,:‘ '~ `e -',t~` .._,: - - r r 6 1 , AT 1 ', , i