The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 01, 1864, Image 4

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    • .• •
re • ••'-.... A -o,ll ;rniv ,,, lnv - T - F , -- - vrtr i tik,... -
- ..f • . • •
~... . ...
tglit Vitt*, 'nigh *edit
, itonnisoN. *exp./kw* co.,
1: St oc k l antS Eloramessish./htekikers,
BUYiinoaai o Nipsiopix,oty
SZawar.. -
Aaraorem; q.arfuti3bairri
.110114042t9 ; aUtP ithigEERIP BOAR%
-' '• . ; a tikeiNtrailliaga' 15ktOttNitili
r - . `; ;" OM. Ailed., saes.
11 -x sore.: sot .. r
wa,400":""... "SW 1
'lDell ' 'AI -..-- - , —. •
pk t i fin k i=orpojthaz Aro --z-x..=-T
ilit. 7034 -, loyi
Ma -gma --- --- NI
"IN e_7_,ry r , Wiss - ......,lii
Mietkelllf LASS... 11 ~, lo_ ~ --
Oolasabla 93- 11- , ~ ../V._, A is-sf, lt•
~ ,L
*a.... --?,...... 7
Wiilliriaztarn=-,cris (*VAT. .--•
t% tso "..;‘,. i 30- ~
:Odd Valley- .. .. . ...,1 to 2
~ •
lloaw....i....oAiLltplO t irif,' , l rfd" . .r , ' ,
oliterdsmaad for laws or specouttie primmer
iseieoldebay, meertskerUevesepititogssut is • , ::'s?
tile pet meat op spleopttettpimm ifXrd.l4',Pl s4 / ° ,
sopeoptootees. 'tits oh hot - holies ing 'marked in.
oloahe La tegitimate bombe. paretibigabblehAl
1. !breed to PIT kibitit.AVPctatri.. '' V 600 Or tho
11 3 00 , 111 "" SS" '' .
_ L..
We's*" not aVidisiordrra stestkot los:44qt luo#t
illbares abating somewhat.. Tarr k Story, Blood
113. Cherry, Ritchie Ana others angst - Clad tugire . do:r
dined from to terfper teat from the high-water,
abaft of two dsrfee" Val 4,01. We thllik,talfor
out farther. '
Gold by! gradually dedAq4l4,,Y,PPeallet; at .
itgt, dec li ning to. starrairtutir .6 ilt , ifs , hie ,
Aria, Dough quotations remain at same tlure,
fawn! be seektry intri_3 1 434 113 4 47 40 .° A *PIN
and °WM Run CM Co., have declared a ellt blend
et Deo pet cent., payable on sitd. aftgr • the 10Ih of
solS Moth* XfiTii han ?, i% a '074,
Private dlepatehes front ' Pb Felt meta
'today report that Maple Shade tilis again ildvano
eil azatellally, being quoted seis=air istriitie'rof
The attensdrise at Thtustores Esehmr.,se toot
tang Wasntrailt lol l° , aniWrIVIWk% Win. 91,1
Raba were heavy,. Asa general taM, tn. , . exalt. ,
flight decline in prices, the only excepting heinite'
Ohio Valley add tialseqi'o,....Th e . f..Fel 4 •l ll P u rt
post and sold assregeteor Oret'twe re Moll
, ...a . ! ~aillf.f 1. . '41 I -,Off 3 FIT Lad
re*ge Irsiiiii 23 I
230 do. '
S3l do Chewy Run h Pltthole...z. I exi
Si 4o Mizell,........” - l i 33. ",
38 .do do 513 ;
47 g° -1 -4 Ei'''''" .. -A. . . 14 5 5; i ,
40 do mg klflood
131 .do Wisp- 2 15
• SO ido do • • V,,v...',i. tlO ..-, .
11111 do Oil Creek k Cherry Run.... 3wr ,
soo , do Pitts is OreaViCestern.,,,,,.... t i en, ,
8311•!do Pitts te. Phila. ' Ind •
Si ll i t ' ?1.1 -- Dltsfellitrrlgina l l ,24o!
Sedo do .....„....,... .... -. . 130
'ISO do do ......ii.=.1ii44:41:12111 • •
Xl , do do ......., . ~.,:.i. 133 •
00, do do ant:1444.1....c.:1....itit5%1 ,
303 do do . ... ..ii1.3..r.t..m.1.. ligi
1010 do do •r• - • .c.V.... tie
SO do Tarr, Story Ifuserer Bus- 115 I.'
SS do , do do i. t5O -
'TOD do sr.- MS-vino '` .- •ir do 1 to i '
Sod do Shirks 151 and....:.:. . e........... 1.00 ,
10 do' - ~ HorVittkok 9O _
WWI do ,
„ate .
„....... t ., t gl t ,. 1 t o • r
, „ ilorel. do sr • '0 , 1::
. ttp11491(1::::;:: tot - .I '
The rep° ailts ll 7 o,4 ' 3 44.o 6 ,Zr e4Ti t ik.
*DOW, concur in seating that 13"cretirf reitie:O.'
den wintve(4ol.o ilt* l P A Pi libe tP 6 P ftl44
the etepPaPtif 'the anotehmTmare,os currency ana .
the buying dealineyittl mays up (be theoleaeleoct
at tau, to Idlier-42 extenulea.•• Among the
ohmoier to tmeleptip,Noe, reported that a round
Sate lOU be lerkd upon all sales. If thin is
proemial pittaiolldedellte Tresearry: willobtath a.
Yams= oellMrlaVearthinlll3l/2M3113110
wpm imports; will faliftWitilleditak f littsibt'S
PraP 3 rltua te.:.helLt co=3.3rlon,aud - be exer of
0011entIng. Taungerfkl4l 3 o 4-1 - . 1 , 7 1 74 ., „ ,i4/03;
of el:Meeting Internal revolme.'” kV inSieht. e
`.:hem Is dilatory lathe extreme, and the people,
by olZettadebirk, dispirted:.:(; •,!.. , ,', , ..,, •• .it ~,
- Tao weekly statement of the 'Philadelphia budza,
tea& up :oth Mat presents the following
*lt"heel " °otitlt'llv Katy-tap 0 9! C 6 9" !'°
Nor. St ICor. 28
a %spite! stoek ' $141111,145 1315111 W, Inc. 40,200
L 0g y43,1112,510 A - 110,412 Isle. tr 9,115
Specie .--7.,071,037 2,639.=18D0c 131,810
Deposits .-. .. e.... 1,11t3 5i11n5,932 Dee Daaat
trusentation .:..::.i Asea,feft 2,315,233 pee 10,305
VSLegal Tendert",44.,...i.-,0-...50,... , . • ~,
and Demand Nam. M,015,056 , 13,901, 379 Inc ~ 322
The Cntilmikasr au ids=ys e The de
da y n , d a fa% ban hos e ei-s-a".lhtir'ficgriltat.
tend to In recognizing thelrusr, enstomers,
wifhout raving ow to outaidert. - Therets as yet
no tis e stringency, but I . t will come with one
Or tWo repetitions 9110.W,5, weet
fin mamma! number linhom. llb t a stief 'Of
overage excellentmunUt v. The au ply of hogs and
the unpropitious weal* gh prices
shade tower and indizeW Pri -.Out
olde of the packing Interest, with a alle "seer
itm, thentitnia , Marelirli cattl_. tfrittfiblloWn
"bout a ll
. tspitoir tolizirisr,sAlic--vo' 1 1. , - c
rilelderBazeirillanakenr:wireAflr itiilit
' f.."Vd ta " ' 4,40., 1 4 6 i s o.
leincinuaiffing Mattst-31211 iteport.
(11216 1 / 4 tbPrtioe' ,44 .) -..., ...*,-'-'
The hog maritet ha.. hiele 2 toad deal ifeinewed;
the hut four days of the freely owympart_lxto the
state of the weather, widest - Ma bereftliailottem
*memo*. iwieed, alaughteringtwito be suspen
ded since listesatay.. laideAnnia.thomber
twee, howteer,rhert eras' net turtetemnriver mu- -
keinad ribm4. funelet le week ego wall oat Writ'
tee imatiuneo ewer - bold the Wentherwel tafor:.
Mate. ,
The rewinds ba , Nrl Julie Milt (here' being wi
amtomma of otor fat ill'esdrabieta, Pdokers'
we:editor. bt,„thqsaff k risP 6'
oee had ad 222,Awawa w a . a eee
in the we Dartesordi as renisca , .Wh• -
ed att , dro ) err ttritydrnviat pliekiirg' ad .
this rather 'Mut , a w *e title rate or Pate,., sok it le,
sted that Of Iliti Por..kirt 7 .o# ?"F : 1 9
age, tombesireme; ecl!•-•tro"`• ,, ii r o, -4
, ‘ omens
.. ..qe=y tsik t
moss the 7117 .11 : 4 1 r i ville t ro t Ve l sr tor pRii
.Me &bowel views cd pse ot o paver
* IttrEgToti o " eV trilielgrntetblif.t sdr " i - "I ;
beard ..-, --irs C . ---iw
The reertfda have been bite LI it to heti,
1... . As theretarmlonargis too o Me Ker.
rtaitfereyraregt=itte tweiVr=
Aar, ree4lifd=Seetueg Igiwuserottjuithlad ,te
WAS r, t B,ltO Jo ~ •i 1
taw I
-4 f,
, ..,,
... .•
. Avi
. ~
-,•• ,' ,, • 4
~- ,' , 4
. : ~,: ..
~ „
' . !it 1
1 ",.
-i.. ,
• •
• s•
p v
• it A
t ;f:
s ys „
• ; ,
• • •
. L..
Beilium= Market... Nov.
Volfee—SaleuirialW6ThMelf ,7l 430 per lb. Market closed timer on *crow=
icd too advance to gold. - - •
platte....Weeva t; Are:7 o ll7l .1041
on 'chaste: mai eirbtiyers - exatV
which were quoted steady nt Olt tor Howard Ars
ittuV ateStrit4ChtlT:intletggifg.uAtE
stow mar Prices favored
• wrt
_ofllkelliash , sfOlte,ordldorr
tee. • and tdOtr best -reo , it tapir ,
r e dose ' the bertme:quotiittba
swims whits could '
uotLicat w al
llf white sod=lttsAc4tskwrr; ierllodgrWas
ei4 toaldi
ufat .-
se) bush's's* do at 111,14a1,85, iOOO bu
11 944""1" =. 11 W
. per busti.. UAW bush. 10 0
Ipppm.“ 5t4514,S farther. Omura . , lot of He
bush brought •Allelintah.'ifirsx'l 4 r.O t.b r u O t ,
bt ures, Ikat i fr Aft' S a s raib - . 7ca l tVlSr b
barn tex tu ap i for sugar cured. ea ' meats
'lllloTr arid 10).0 - for stileaLeo new
red4reet hams from - 1313 Mork 1 - 9 54agoe.
Itie for Vres . tyrs bbipe sales essay, refined
ist laws.
.. nirotii*-Y nArtAtoAro.
• • prffsigineart,w,,Tris,*. CRICIAOO R R—Hoe. L ,
. Xi--t bbl aptdellallteibtitter,H . WHl; a pp les,.
TO Jenbariseet bale. low, 21 F. Rloptert 3 bble edll
butter, A H Ewing; 5 empty blits,..lllA Itehittelont -
A cot% bra candles,
.21cCullottgh• Smith & co; 2
' lags apple batter, Aline elskr,^,.7, 4atists - 1 , 1) 1 . 4 s
scrap iron, Alchnleit & co; eWe app les.l. 02011;
le lable elder , lient i a * ran 25 tattle ~r . , Sfien
. b. co; t 660 Bre bar .1 B Lyon; 514 ueh agate..Culp
V jt iel b l P 1'3443ra VOW : 1 l erA b l e uttet b P ' FT' -
a. 0 at llt 2 do do, T R Tali & ein iss Ws 'wheal;
Yesson 4ro; 13gi attests, II 'allsee;2oo etsbarley,i"
- —,l-IthodeasAuse snap Ira*, T HaloneS;2 s2 eke oats, '
~,,,,?, . 0 . 0 ..„,5-Vshwldak_Lamert, P
L6O h.O bit, L4f.COIVIOn., • i• l' :. •• '• ; • . ',. f ,
' r cALLAir 411 , toir:- . 11/1.•.w-2$ 1-MO apples,,
.... . 1 . 14 C:tr it ile .1..44 li,la k i i gi;ls , V l FioV i a gn i tia7 ,
. - . ' .. n esr t g , ' Flutytis yr trask - r. - -3 4 Sohnildtg e Pa i o l do
-: it 0 i.. ; 15. 0 t'it s ei It GenclStlit oki Ilene: ,
'W P' Teen; 1'2 2 6 ; 1,1 ILmie A WeMiiic; I then!
... 32 Gra24,92 * spite& A Lippert; 2 bre-papa,' Ho.'
-- .. &le ti 00)15:16:41xiots, ' , encrypt' ! ! .,145,, , , , .. ,
1 .
~..., .
.. . ...
A -
14 ,
. : 4
otrAncListo i Prrnorpog ilmr.qcyq),,,:li?v a 3 —.
lalthla cseifiLkititaiza.irt'd IA dirt ta r' ti
Ore hi, col Opiaa cheratAp =licitly= balek. lay,
a root O&M , "A - . 4 ar..
VW. It - po Alt eV ktoiodo 0, V (ilk,
SIPPIO , , 11 i n / 4°. '" - tr."1 "7 4
3e, - ,s , 14-sks,potatooLl son 1e....,
0 'ir c uumat i k! tbts Ader, O.F.' In , triii
ftpi e*.e' s abelaae,ll3 Ars i gglA uz 19 1 MN1t4, , eCp4mq
b. Clark. 2 , , ~
'.. NeW OrkoaPa . 1104 " 4 “M oisabti
There here furiximuelatlt ira:4lo
... wit . COtar p at W n ,,,,,, in mute , ' par Ma WO, I
/Nai ot_thotroa-1.4t. virctur..--;.Wee.risoeipti:
:;Aro psi or.Aroo ioros limbo nowt,:vvr4 loertori-„I
A l "I
1 * t ' t irt i h :,r.o.tiZ Ars i r ri 4 3
.._. - .wriqet-idlOW-Ytga°
. •
iDAILY nO.vir.vv :00 plikslitliteri
a ~. i, 1 DIARKVES.;ft , : - .' ~ - ' '•
~ ,r ~., , ....-..--• ,
• , I Vahulee.Magl-NY'll ee e•_'• ( "'
Theigeneral rawrkets were again,, se usual, way'
qtdet sod negliocuat War, thellentendroithe lead...
41tittibtimaf VMS}... !lOW limited, whilepriors„
b.,* undergone no esseMlelehange.!g Thera:sirs
of 0 rain eonUeue Ter7Dibt, andfai . DateindAltint"
these to CoodderigithsDAnirriao: ii,iAisnatt . .pai.:
perfected la renlizingeithemepriceni i Floods !WM.
l th b l,, un s . changt i 1a tr.49.q 14 4. 1 ": 04- flfVl 3 !..
-- GRAlN.•3lll ,'. ttriai i ii,ilditigliiiii l W:ObEH
tll 4 ll. ObWiet7 Cleft ,
Ak . Olt 111 1 Z A V et s % irk Vir ea
d rot Libe l. los. "
i ...410.1ar,131410r the leiter. pats fine laid, tre
-41 dried* 1. ear et MB* l i cfrom store
113 i and small !resit fine, Vona litmAnd Welded
war ,f or
No transottlons itru'atid DO es.
I --',., Osmond fa tau. not She isoortek
o :Aitly .. regular sake_ from stare -11 t. .01' for
=l•Whes.. lifttei"eireAlgilitr:=. fatten
' the IliPla DP/4, , WDealbethedp! ,
SL" I't srasdr with slab; WOW drantenk
and we no te er sole. of 801 l admit% for what,
'VI °bolo. Du tittilelriqufry Tor lambed, agarot
hare heard at no trensectlous for Irmo week
farAosterithimtibir sales at 'Cm:
MA ,Ma aatailia"taoriftanyißuralta , a • Bidr ,
demand, the Whet is arta aim:Drier% attriallymik
Ini e l %griis i rdell t rsOVVll l ihr ili m li tri r fAlit.:
• ;
ivlrßellgtee St. tor Homburg. , tkpitionialt4tltP
...,a,,, • • . •
4ed etee • -- i rara ' ale:Bf . ``
.., a te[ a 0 A P- '
PCYrA.TO u -huh, OW Wei Of.
iMPeard B 1 ". from dam at BM; orliffbbbrae•
i esotiti it'Oilooli at ii4taffeiti:
d gild% tee rarritatalc,deramadpud •
may be tad quoted at to a,ili per hbt.
' 331301LW EAT -but,om*Mtledt
Wei° ~IfTeil .. Di lots aloo jitnio est,
44iiiiimour. x lpinufusgium ,
„,,,,,,. ~..lirstmcatn;Al..l4oTilk; -..•
The' ifg
"' l erkie:k.4 l ??*..o 44
e6...„'Si.d'tam th e
spot, as welt as fee frittiM dinusem was . .ded”;
neglected tolder;Abe transaction. in the kr =fhb-
BB VerK I while uge.tdeio
beef,of a s gle sate. T h ere Is more Mir:mitten
intatelded r holders of Crude to seit, and 'oile r pf,
therfiett weak in th e 111'44FL:re at'il•ii.444' Co'
alga tone in order to effect sales. We note
11. R. het. at 3 4 4 444itglivIr i * a* matt*
at Me, inehided. In Refined, Ong.. loud or
free, we we unable to heir of a single operation
4. , ti , , 4 ,....21.. th'.. Amelia-0f Whi.B, we
continue to re the nominal quotations at Me for .
Abe Armee, d MOM fortiba4 istv o rcawk. !m t ."
tea nongina yat me in bond, and Ade free, and Re'
siduum at
-- pert abl.
, IOM . or o *
bit!eA . lflh e ur , IYe, r ol, !e'
otelestre , ealitpriDD ., .; so fallow*: meta ,
aC. Bro g Doi fotlernathaullellagher,‘asufefOr.
IL blatiel riad. -. • L. • 1 -..- "
_ •
t ' . • ~, rit
Specialti etch to the Pittabigab Glakite.. -;
P w P i rt.F._ ,c!'" , 4 l e iBE qt ,,
AT* de rug with a , mlr &nom; nut pdees are ,
unchanged on the spOtZregl,. and 0 naked.
There ts a oderatU.dedi Refined in hind,
but prices re a' de •ih liartite r Da
the !Oat, II 'for neat ` . Au ,
~. - , ...1.4 11 a leas
easMr t.
nagBACMSI sonli•triud,•l4o , ert • atinNika.
Depth* is rm with a fair dentanpit.Z.Z. , .. . iii;/;,,
ilti . r. Iffitle ttlinkir: I , lllP r inAiiEXT
si ' , ll. 1 MARKET: . - 4iiii.....; .1. -- '
. ~ - "'
.... .
ppliAtVipktO!totheDittsburgy rite,
4'l , ./I".4°'P', 14elril, '
. DoiA4again ueeSei, itosuor. otto&xo
at. - 21.- ros *BOA NtOts Abe iii : es' ee ,
Ilteke 'Jo eii.kifeli•Wh iteT * l3j' ., - . ..ei•
saa F
Warne; f
‘,,,; 9ktrunki bi,Eitts — - 47....
ernments inte,Aritiiirte nrstistala Inc.',
stAp t, . . xiggiAti-tifiii.V;s= 7 s* 0 , 0 15 ,4 - ;
savelithootl4llwitiangi, ots,
IVect,l D ett tiftberilitibtCriel Ala ..s.v. 1
.;%:;....7.2:Sstabelantre, , lTot: 'Cr: ' "...-
the umrifet rck.CRO italpaiiiali'dallind , ,
Cuodkr Puipiteei. — llol!#arir, Wireelisetl • _ ....
'Oudl e:4: Dewier,.l4Curtin, 143
n 'e
Eldorado44i::__ l %Igg4 . , , • • !
l'; me e.MVlifft Prxr.^lsit BlS:Nuirtr.
It 1,1864.
.!.!-VESti4ti , - 1 0 4 "* 44
iitainatted for *iitisbnech Gazette. , • -.--.:-..
i. Y. t44-Aoio enAft - , ri ..
-The reoelpts of Oattle a het_
4h,- u x t reakiliow ~ . ~.
~i„.-:04 , ,,,4„.i-..m i t-,,mi ...„ k .,te..i...L.640
ii ,
..surer ~...,,,....., Ot t„i.iii„k,hkift,iiii,,,,N:
? 417 s liouctiiimairlaasigadiria,ty.,
-tat au, 3. foam 11%to le, antLealino ft. - •
of eatri, :ittakelaanii,scitd trfitaticaii ' '
qnotatio i.'lliff idetaitidklor ' 610=0411Am* not -
very sell e;githia' s tie‘• - 441•10tileteniold,IV ,i9la:
. purraf it about last wveit's rates. The , ere
'noel. houghtleeffeilindtanhilap•
. As cam with laid iti
& Deapparent the i ed
misapparentt laattivigyvyliich p
r k;hhereter, fi hire
aoaerao •• tuff little timer, exeepnfor or,
"Ve'ffes, ligegiVidatOildWilgadg InDei slit
very du sifflowers . ., ... • "1, ri 3ii . r,...;';,,
Amo I.l4inflpar'.l4lohneir,. '&•:ffleiffe -. - he,
'follows: tillielikarlii444laordr. a .10011.Z
at 0e; Pii to ll of lair VeitiVriettenY.gitgagfiliiiiki
iiitia as of eatiiocaz *Arc sad healers - 40%1.
and in ado nil 054.1 0 . _. ••'' '.."'''.. :,-2.. •
DOGSrliti isfitor illop luiled;Reniq.
*Par er4tAirjNiotalPh4orr/witkri• . ..
T o
end Sat y. tilt' Ai ""tikitiddriisfaan*fkr,, .:
weather CO 4 Pandilliff 4 laWDOS .,2l lf r 'c
"'n ad t nfi centillttOr 'net fliitto "so ,AI .
. t tin g,' ” , t i tt v a , .. i. Li Itir , e' atithoit reolt;
;,.„ 4 /4 %= 4.-ginop.a.t „ igt, -- noks.
ariot.... . Argosy,
..,..r &II
i2,,,,,0 ~.. y are - otonekt-sdilre t
'lli4lll. , giggg_ : _ _
••arefnir -2 '..
-..- thesu yat ffsieffillffliff444 irostarkrAt •
31 4
'.the ad.' easel'. Hartough es Co., packers of
.lit V bought seteral loti aill'ily,firiff three
•ar y mark were the IDA sales to rioters for
this nin et, at t hese yards Dila season. The fol
lowing a full and accurate report of all the lead
,ipg aal during etc .rat weid l l; . •
Itd. -- kr .1.:10. Duyein - ' Sellers
./.2a, ,am ikii 50 - Harbaugh h. Co Donne. -
- ..fir.468 ,' It NI - • •••glarbaugh O. Co Betts
441 VA, . _,-, Stutter . tickhnes , ,
,99 "" MI LifilattkttiisCsCct ;;Iboltaes-1,
' ' as" t • 11L 25 t Oflchrist Ss Co Mbar*
Ovaliii CO ',raga ,',.: g:r7
4 192,2411, 11 10 , Gilchrist 2,, Co Davis
• 3110 ! 100 r 11 00, e I •4lll,lshriet a, (10 .
~ traria
"all?.1 1! fr 7 allgititt '''' T i t u r t tai: 4V
=I 215: 11 4o loger • Holmes
0204200 i 10 OD ' '.4l ... yotioa;r ~., ... a ., wk.. , ~.
0d....01; it do rluatoook ' - - Adotrur'•
.1121":aita la 50 Mae /1. 00 t Singer
112X' ll 60 1 Riagrr ' C arri e
911 4145,,.:4 1 10=18 . 0...i;' •.• Wbttt
"Ig • SR :41,ri—iAliohi.-saiv-,1-nor:
.. L ..: 12 so I . story Bogert "
K. 00 l,2tainnomer Singer.
129 tea Iltdlo:l4l.terrri•jt: lit I'l •41431,X1 1.,
n 0 , 11,0
91. it 81' I Crouse a. Co Wale
%lot, nallo, 1 - [Orme 22',2hr, 7:!' >Nava %, ~,
-::3 'fly: ttiii- to i.t; Steger void am bilsiLl4-
' r'r ri "h. Voinvbraptigi 54ff'It 4111,40, , fiett;de 114,„
,• SIREV-Tbe rectiptirgUlDOWllsgolf siiinetelfego.
:but se the denientwas not cery brisk, the market
r!‘eulthdr=ll; 4 E rfiti l t%_ I .:WIMP - 6V
t to - Mitzi& at einirtiqlsoes & ellrer so
ate,. averagitig la 1ani4.1411t4; et 111"
There nere other as les effected, bot.'we were unable
„itt , laa, an the partintffall4l , :•ill • Ci i n . ..,.-1 ....,. ••,.• ..,
. ._
• ' - A r*F al. o9* ....- ~. " l '•
'Bl = ' '-'-
.7 . 7/Dr.L T .. 4. Chief tom , made Die
',"?kid3hAiintialp.ittm oa i v we llateeff . last b :4"••• i i• i i - 1 4 . - t ia ii
' alto r• Llianibernar. vo am' buals been at VI"-
4:j Aiwa= a d ..(!=det
t rattighTiehaTion d t
, m - 4174.6.2 Tcican.Clio 50,1Xi0l 40.000 p •Vgas '.
' Lay at by2;da 1 powstat porn meal a 4144 e;
do 1000 do do at IV,calo 101:0 go do at I 4elebeffs
=pa Ilefining_Compe,ny 28,prittpdinanishod nu
, g., st, apAry 22 raaar .%,OW gallons vinegar at
Etats:Ps! CI V t B l / 441k = 1 - = " i t 1 1 5/ Z:'
'Sadlli 1 gi Fa#sa Por l rt4 1 :•• ''.
't,:_••••.'3lWilanSr. B/r, „TELEGIILVEr. • ''' '' '
1 , :-• - , 1 - - '....Z.L.."1 N' i'f •".• " . •":, ' • • • 1 ,
' -••"' Mg , . ..1 " - , , a, - 1 .-..
61t.1,1 V: 11449 ! , t 9 !P° rtit4ruli k 11 4 19 '” e 'f, , •-•
-t,'- . ' • c -..,0P1ca(104 1509.9909eit...
Flour 2 :4aoeleia 944 bbla and in tees ilinlialiM
, que a t;',with sarOielca tit pikes; Oka at 1h 0 , 90 for -
Angle and... 1140060 . 44 for E ChoioeiSpvting
.ffdthat; •
-142,e....:fff•b•tiiii 4 w-l!aa la aro* and unfasonti
We 4'.••• • • Mika", the market tiiideleiaaaaarv
,totiaPel.; isles ali4010901;ie Pie1g014.11r4,41)111 for -
,00etteithil„gb60011,45 for No. Sl,Hpring; .ea 01.00.
, i • for Repaid S c pLagitdOehig Rini at'11,10,91,10 1 .,/gbi .
' N o . t.; ggeir r 0 " in pagaky, with it decline of ((I
t. , 64 3 Old 1 - 10111 . X and towTr;
nil 9 t Of 00 0 ,'Itmr •
I% corn raPitgo.;. • aii.4p.aoiooodi 0g0i . 4, t.Aap for .
Ign:`l, and ate for Bajactrad. Ilya =era atkiTeak.
r, - . - 'll rneti-c.1,06., 4;040 Stir / 6 4a 040;At 9 j,N 9., Z 2 .„ .
proai fair dainnink and
• Owner, afilill. Nu. SIM
-1 '' sip In diner' War Wane petfeetlrflai,and Floe;
, hire li downer ,rd Danienen ". , t , ,•••• g
V, Mei , Pork offered at hall) buyers Offered 11.11,and
•'.no "ales efhttea. Prime Mess in itualtod dedinedli
141,4'31.15:421. Sweet 4104 -led llamaa dull . and Vie.
Ide/en sales 400; titters st:liffAe; Or'eeri Salted
Neale ongletianknintdrad.7:9ll9l elaV,llstra
lifgssi Beef a _ and neglected. Lard Wit42le.
'lifigbahielk,. - with a 'Udine of WOG g market:
"'Openedstill , declined t 0111,44, and dosed at 41;4 ,
!ries- vitt, MIMI • *calm- ata}..liftata, ,, ,?fara
. Seancti Builuir lidrieVaa %M./a boifootnt
, to tuitibial siroplyvatack en Ilona osbotuaearioar.
lina;at 00 a. Drained 0505 isatiteCtlall anti •
41t*i• 0.0.41P1'i11aifff4.4.4141021242Ye 96 ' 919 !
.. i
opt*, Llireitatt market active/Lod Ilanter,l24#an
',2424llo2onOilfergalbeßll°4l.o4ool*; IWO"
e liht4 441010*0WatiN 12 0 MIL 0111 71 16triA
eacty 41421
9A, !MAK
`teal M1_1tiF 14 _..,:.•A•44!
Inns' Onrelaudatalktidasnoduomoototlibet..
;Cit. I corta., , _
'tali- 'i-rpliAlit
West yogic:MaAmt.
. .. -
New YOU,. Nov. 30 --flotton War;
, VW:C . :dint ,t1,134 . 14 r 1de...1int m . d. .......,, it
irld%olo, l3l for tin State4lll;l4lll,3o for ..0; -- A
1111141412„ft for Trade Brandi. Market
with noluyere at outside quotations. c i=14 "1 4 ,1
the salts sae 2003 bbis Emm State, for last Meta 1
ilaye, of lanuary, at $10,60, and t 0 bbld o ths
spot, at 111001 0 . 1
IVbisky dairy and rinsettiled, at 41,1TErftie, - wak" ,
dosing wlßildsres: it 111.&I and teller:it MM.
Wheat iiirm , lemkr; NO I ckleAcgo,
Std.& teeq o ; [so. 1 d., ftefto 2 ,:ft• Racine Spring,
as,334lWinter •Red Winters, t2,3lllrdlitotee Amber
4i:itchier: ns ell/. " '''' '' A •
,Ziarley octave and itsiase,_ae k. ~P P ' 'Pe Sate ,
sucdoperkicg for Canada Western. , ~; i• '' i
Corn heap - , and 305 c. lower, at otaibi,93 for
hit Vle 11 :: 1 : 110 04 Flring atinsieleprice, and
,fil, I,6tfor imsonsid. • • A ATA ••' -• : t
Oats moiety act Alma, at.11404131,ft for Western;
arCrliknscet'sdii,titfp* ; frdepepso:
c it , f! •- cif -i i:
Molasses dull.
lieftroreum 'fta with A doonsward tkocktocy.
i :There a: a es report - to• 101 quote:Bum are ,
53'll:7"dtward ,... 4 : 1 : 11e r.... 533.... 1):1:7:rta l a t ill r h u : lein s. :1:111'111-Wil i t lifti"wit diNrelb a irrlisewve.' i tnd. ahaL :fhsewor93lltine d l : l74 l 4 l lll'42E4ttes:: i. eaftell . mmei' (. 17 "111676: 71 11271"b$7 71 '.94 : " : "1: : "44 :: 11' 11 . 1 41 :gi tlhs
: 115 i 1 ; 161..*I' l e : Meni P7 - i Teill:"E L'ne : ° , , "' ''' 'b :: ; , , , ' '37 , . *"'"12111"31 ::•:": 42a . r 1 1 4 1.
for sumillot ,sslneng Oft .
~_.,, „-, . . ~..4.
Butter but lees env , 31018S1 for Western,
,molitliglitie 'Western. -., f•it ~ ~.. g
- ihigew ir Tfogtioik lilt tf!nel - Alissig!tr ..'' ifs -r
I New TO ' ,NOY. itt4dOney Quit-safdPieW kik
,maiiiitit,licw;,,talr 1a '-
Golf u tied totter d' ' ';,,,,:,
:ftllk.aft& ssdralleag,tOsa l ;And Paing ail
Ter ; ob 4 , .•ti tics :Al e" P -,
. a t ea t Stocks quiet and dem ;U. S ' . ri,'ltt i .11 " 71
COUPOnii:/g041 4411 r a .T.,reniZuVliti; v.,c;
Ti - ees a,
Sacks t dy; Missoitti Sixes, 0,4; Ohtto ti litilisti
issippi Certilieft‘o44l...ra4, zit
Turk Ole 1 1 ..i. . , ; in
Michigan , uthern - Wort ern tile jt el thin
nets tlen illatl Nefthareftere. Pref . i !Lit
Pittsburgh, Oft Northwestern,lDN,l To ion ;
Mock lola , 104; Prairie do Aildet, .01 kot.
StilitilddiAftWESetAi iii.i.eri kilt - '
Sr. Lout Nov. 30.--Cotton firm ; 1.1,11 for Mid
dling, nod ft for flomido-• iloosipts *8 task& •.•
„F a
.i.,.., and.Uraln dulibbd unchanged.
Willaky i levier. - • • •
Plilari a,,Mrbeeling." „. ,ftinerfa, Wheeling. •
Anne; Cincinnati:
- . ~ :, , Maw. Q 4, p,nr.
Tho tlyerloyss rOliing alp* at thief:Obit test .
ei cable iset Net atfart' ° a e ,
th ' efght, in k hi lit eloOmor
'p the niarkik • Thti weather- oentlisuol mna Ind,
„pleasant, atoTallthat"cOuld prisaiblYWdelpr:l for t
the traneacibin of ad.door busidess. '
There wall no new feature iboof . tbe,itinding yes.
terday worthy of special polite. lidalnbas Iva's'
eppare_ptlyi Ices active than ~ u snal, Atesimmelpts
being very light, and the shipments were only
nspdalSte. 1 :'-'-• r '1 , •••:1'. rcir TR" JO: :.-,' !
There wig not a iingie attired from below add?,
froni Lem packets, The,Starliglit trimiLiculs
isliii and Cie Iron City fpno Cincinnati nre-among
the Brat boats due. •
nse.MaPor ,f0r,...., lent erinline itilth
an estellen sir ei l l the,Vrilda ler Oil City with'
A fair trip c about four otlock, •
The Atiheelltirfat ismirre, or, tsterday, isaYs t •
Thirarkeraburg Packet Company has tied shill
, streal. •of ' luck_lately " Misfortunes, it -ts Said,
merer , come singly. it never rains, but It pours.'
First. the -Express broke a shaft. Time the ;Ugh.
kunier broke a shaft.- Then the Revenue sunk a
"Ammo, whith east het-10,M: Then the - Eagle broke
a shad, and now tafothettle. hen , been redetved
that thelterenue has collided• witlithe•Allegheny
11elle, some Where beam Pastes:bur* : Bat the
WM. o Q , il
tompany :
Istill alive and doing weesl
seemo hate tbr effec lL t
to revTh e mi.
ive and
atrengUen t tie rtret*pe of .the entethaug, gentle.
inert w Isb MUT:Peke an eam.P.aif• . i ..
Thwart:Mani: tkOt.liPtaahr, -101 / 1 Peskleel
'clear[ qlndenett and 'Lcadmiln• tfts eyealeg.
The relltbla and staunch Lent Leoti,Capt. Sher.
IMtwill be ken by card, is announced for Evanm
lia mid Nashville forthwith: .;-. I ii -
The St. latuis•Disywich, of. TUesday, - Styll
al within the „mist six month* have
..- - niariialrfafgyctri=e,tteleolti aelf_the
els to take advanta . ge et tt- The serge
'4 , tre mot able to carry ever about two hundred',
the enfant water, and the smaller ones are
' eft Jarr ay: in Government aerrke. It I. estimated
/that There in at the lowest ealtistatton not least han .
i twothinu
NP Orl lanskionis of freight, awfttlhg shlpMeto
,Tle J. W.a‘haiit ithdrawn from the St. LAMM
sandillindlatf iliadtqand ist l etsottnts,OspL:
WOodlat tin• of. tetat St. Louts
fur Pitts
,-'rheftaTrie and Asian zigobL now =the
len . by gta4ries", IXtf,egg7-
- 'We ' ' ti c06U,114 ig .10d,..d.F,. hp,
d r e i um.
lo=llto : The liVesteykw.titalite Pillielly",
'r ta 06:1111ott to -Asftsao,. &key loaded,
Witt( 1 brobels 'artililiteatiarlbi,',l:hile rein*,
I t Or,ll. 4 ,l lg ehal - , " nbilut three o'clock.
11, the *welts from which :zoomed Oa Potteln to
take water In scuttle I deekon the starboard
. 'Add 111 Itmis than three M in u te* Ate Ailed .10 wa- ,
"ter, when the- - PotwWturnej ...oleo/ ovlr, the
'Wasting Ma lhis' null and hooting oar.
neat tuatk.Lhatte'lLatallttea immediately
o the tesdue,asslsaval the Adheer nand elms - ,
Sid tituig to the fragreents of the cabin ate; the
torn of themareened hull. No ibis were teat,
fh the Melt Mei mumplete wacky TheTotwft was
- caned M%- capudu Amon slqd, told iitti7pides lt.
Pigo,top tiork. The carom And bib 'wife, the :
:lerkap V da+sife;,,pilot GmTgeti:polliird;Abanner
in oil rs, Dlr./Roy lc t liriagdweed., of_
'Erik:ray; , were in the otter; clinging to the
ee.iin a ck, when rescued by a yawl and lite-boat
erinil the Lasateltamlitee.
ZPWO.illiPMPittidolog,lftilk hosbekt at . l Arlat-i
Beds c ell , anise:l hare, on, Monday fttutatilutriese• - .
100;1Calatwhaithepr erettal et. thin tleeetiptlott
:3 1 ;. $ 17P d tr il i rit t re Mr. 1igir 4 61,..0f the Cl to i arin i ag
: Poet ,oaspany„ at eighteen centa
-: Vhe liOntaty lett full ftePttialuseNf Bekaa—
onneot It ..,,,...,,d a ot the le= Thslati t t
14 =i gtrahurib, laTtg, ' with 1-4t.e
A•apt. C A. Drove I. 0 temmead , .. 1 Copt- A nd y
Rob , r., le In the oft.. I know
1m343F a dirtthitte ate at the wheel.
-,..„ leftjmername in .tromfriltsbutilr witlf a
foil a .breendltehorged .one hundred tone hews
and leas for Nashville this ever:lug. Th e Alex.
Speer laa new and very neat almoner.
Theflier packet Altoona, Capt. O.:W. Ileher,la
now to lag; 'Mid: will - depart: [or 'Wheedinit, and
Plitsbn li•ftds &Millar. , The. Gnidoec , tiaptiln
Ilatehelor, am! Glide, No. 3, UnpL Anderson, Sr.
abet rafounced toe 'Wheeringand Pittebneth, forth.
with.- i i , , - , . ~,
Op tkeb,„
~M ~ ~.~f
itit atc.trictlX- Pl, Pith-
ltsbursh tine Omen% dr
: ewe G 0!1 ! 111EN .
Icemen Trtcloct
~ d Merets lJA
Y, at 3 delOck
p an:
m. ~ .. .scrAPP nonneltalus ni:P33l4.
month tb - tbe 33134311d.ittnin
.cr er Bo
Itfil,nd, nrnun'r 11e.,,
Opitt,_ ,'andwill-tivol4"pdauses
LOUISVILLE.— 1; k i t '
will.learetin "ikbotq
D 21i a e uti Jet
. • ' AT, u, tt tan, itt I b'eltrele ppnt.• ,- - •
`, . IgiOr'ph utge imp, oft WWI. , ; . - 1141IP i
.. - ~.
-,.. 01i1 -AIiBYILIX - P TbiASH,. l :7Lardp:
tu , oce - •-vi ..-41 pee Blamer 4.lVgi
PLEOT Capt. eplied, wttl' leicO, turilt.
;saw, %vs . ; Init., et 4 Weida( IS: m. _:,
.; :,..
. „For ftel!h.4:?;a4Mallif_an board of to -
Vig".ho!i .::' J 1 D:0014114/540Dj 04”,' , ' -
-°I ER:fg .DIRE C TOR 13 , • , ,_:c ble.. vim - - TABit -
..L..EMIIIT AND , OfflatllT RUN orit.oo. Wick , ,
Mb de r dor-Ural& Illridead_at TWO PEU OENT. ,
' cittlhe r ROSA scock...vorrotan t4ast.tachpidesoa .
or After the Loth lust- - oit the otllmotOl.,/ , A o Mags.
Trensuker,ir I,!V/at iFir ,.. i ...
_,..- ,
a -..._..ff,..774.,...,-,
,vritltun v ::;„,
" ! .x , ; 'll
• .
-•- '''''
'Mfr. ARH.
'lli - r
• 1p413;14ie ,
'ra•e, And oatiembutml It{ root - sad triad., forever.' •
the ant •ad only parson who
,eralhhtthe Old what Catarrh :lastly wsli wheat,
COnit4-nee and;what 1 61 0 c":6)t; ,
Re- pc:loltAtajais 'aped a 14411ae la Dattlin,
. ‘
JI atiq EitiA
•,;, i Craig litreet t Allegheny. , ,
ftrueTrlllll),ol4ll4% IMLI0111tree",
,• 1117 ; 03 F*Ulf
!I'be largest, chttspestawl rpt stteerlic . ca
L ffi TEE VATTED,EM4323 , „ , • , ;1
:4tdest s outer 10 41°V 4 WA,WO U Vt , .
t: ".l =t 4"ll4ni t ful Mil oft - ~y fl={ 7 M l:44 " ,
1 .4
JIJMN undvrag.
0 1111#111 182 9 . PERPETUAL.
5.,•; aIii.LAD,ELPHIA.
Amen; en Signor,' ii* . / Mr.4310 5111.0 t 1 : '
b1iai51.,....:t ' • no,c‘n
Amnon i,OOO
rind 711iatiin* 1,066,23 a
Imams forISIC • ' - . ;if.: . ..:: --". jag.
EalieliFilid ee tEeei
tg ooo
yetralllA I F
d Temporary Pollerea ork B. lltalral
'.- bilitileintilaaakr, laaai J.-..
jr Tepataa'Wo*.r, , , .W. Dale,
SiMeorlG 1, .11, ,,- . , ercifa I i';
"...Mob R. ttl* • flier, ' '
, rGeorgo W. hardk_ • Prim W. Lewn, M. D
i - :.", , I• 4-c_Lia LEH ji-_,BANCKER, PreEdero.
zAtkkgp. L. , 2 , 1 .,,,... 4 :Pig .T e realdet .
-..- ' f ' nt__ .9 o VirlN, m igent ,
earner wponfml.pgni,nrectf , ,
ECo. of North America
g a t,
/5 Fire Insurance Company.
P • • ton ehn secured in the above named
Lade ompantes.
- ;-: •.
tray IlidateVe BuIWIMP, 97 fatt
_ . • ,___
Le yl. tnar :BURGH,
ry ,; t B. MILLER, Jr., Prniar.t.
~ l , ..111:1 DON, Secretary.
~=Tatt2 Water street, Spnng Es Co.'. Ware.
sr ir Pittsburgh.
Win bin against all kinds of Fire and Marine
- 04intsetd Illime Institution managed by Dieettors mho
ore veil knO'n. In 014 : 00}17Auntlibm , rera_.rf. rktrr
• mined by, laymen , Oki@ dmrtif y, fa ntelsOitte- 41e
v charm - key eh they hare asturud, reoffering lhe - bett
yerntsettamto hose raw desire to be insured
D..Ndller .7 s.,
James 2.1 u le y .
.. NaDtatil HOiMe , l,
; ~Geof e ntrate, .--
• , • eh Ikli. Herron,
' - 'l2l. - .lttetelson,
:ItitOP . 1;
Andrew Ackley,
Alexander Speer,
David M. Long ,
`Ream Thenias,
John IL Metlune.
GORDON. Sxretary
Mier, N.!
JirM, - Phiillps. J ames D. Verner
Jahn Wan, Cart. John L. Rhoshl,
Wm. 13. Tiny, Samuel P. Shrlsee;
John E. Parke. George P. Jones,
Charles $. Bissell, C. Hanson Love,
IV= Van Kirk, Charles Arbuekl •
• W:kI..PHILLIPS, President.
;.i • 1 , . 1
i .: .JOHN WATTs.Ktes Pruideat..
lii:X. F. p ARD:I7.II; Secretary. ' jultay
03 . 'IIITTSBURGIL—DIIIee, cOrnerjßarket
atid"Witer streets, second fl oor.
• ---- ' IV3I. BA:GALLEY, Presided,
• . SA2II, REA, Secetar. .: I': if. -
: Latin" teamboata and Cargoes.
surea aslant loss and damage In the nariltl
- •of 1 Southern and Western Rivera. Ledges
and'Bagrap. and the 1121v1xation of the SM..
liMiteS saalnat toakand..4l l 4 l ll*bF MT,. • ,
1 , ...roux/mar 4 P. .
WM.BspleA • ' ..,' , DAL tier: . s I: :5 't
Jas. Par Jr, John Shipton
- ' W. G, 3 dhaston, JAM!! 31. CoOper,
B. F. Joars. S. Harbaugh,
. Reeoe Ovens, J. Campbell, Jr.,
',.Ron. T. N. Rowe, John S. Dilworth,
- Barclay Preston, . Wm. A. Rodger.
flecflawitnnaham, denorly.l
A• NT QF !Conk.
il Fifth
street,Etaik Block.
Insures !against, all kinds of Fire and Marino
:$4. 1 "' , .• t - 1
ISAAC/ JONES, Prtafrkaat;
! -30111 Y• D. ADIJORD, Ilea President.. ,.
D. 111. BOOR, Serrdarg. ... .;• : ~ t
'1 ' altdd-dons:
' lag. Jaines, lan 11.14c0Ord,, Copt . Adam Jacobs,
i • '
gar %lids, 'B. B. Sterling, . -
' ••tra...31. C. Orgy, ~ . (Wt. Waa. Dean
- .
Sohn Irlrfat, Jr..B.l.lilcOnew; - .
1 • ..B.T...Fianestork, , Hobert 41. Darts. ~.•
• • -
.4-r, •:-Oci 311TELF1ELD STREET, (appo s ite the
iiCwitinn elute.) Charterer' by the Legislature.
Pitwhfost—(l93). S. 403fL1.
Vtch TRE51.1.1017 1 ‘.. , :
Wni. U. niii.h, . Joshu a Rime', •. •
Thos. D. blowier, Ales-Bradley, . ,
?Veneta Sellers, 4. Belnetnan. '.
Jotut F. leruilege, -ItiorPh King. ..
Thos. S. Blair,- . S. H.. liartninw- .
~ • .. 4, t •ertuirierriet,
Jewell' rk...Jr., • , .-11, S.. Fowler.. ;
11. X. Leng, I. N. Tiernan;
Dri.s.barotheo.. B. F. JODI,.
A...A-Sell, C. ti . wo
2ba.iDillworth, It. D. tiochran,
Virtre.litit,th, . - W. A:Beed; •-• " .
i.. 11 W. W sodweil. W. H. Phelps,
el). • '
.• • 'll.l3:l3eAltilert .----•
3. Mel). ilroitiltin, ' MIL Paubson, -"' s.
At.,.ll...Sopyth; • Tiooti Stueltrath, -
611ollebatier, : ...Alfred Shirk, - - . .
Secret and treeibereri-D. k inigirritY. ..
... . ,
•-•--• ,
Owen fly, Snt, 0 a.:113.-11115. In, blao,Sattlb•
day et, , firm II to I ivetwv... .-- ---, . .
WOO* receit ed Of one dime and tworante
' Dirldendi &tiered lt"Seeeitiber and June of each
ldvidozoliallowed to rentals are placed to the
credit loCthe dencedtoilia piinelpel, eituf boor Inlet
oat thusibomponading it. , • - . • ..
i • ItooloroutittibtgOyarter, Ity-Laws, be., foram!-
' Ifir This Intaltuttort offers; espeelnUy to there
Ventiose earplugs aresmall, the - opportUntty
to ulate by small deposits, dolly: saved, a
Sant W h w ill be a resource when needed, their
money not only being safe, but 'beating" Uttered,
,lzoittw.l bflemaltitng unprialuetire. sedblmi
E — — Tg ---•VMOB B VIE - NO- , .5t
-., ~-F4L-arit STRZET. _
___ 1 . .
j 1. .... CHARTERED IF . SW, .
oPe nt li t frnm s
9 to
and May . let to No
o'clock, also co 'Wed=
.1 1 . :. ' • , 3 m - i 1, e:
Ito)r1 s b , 4 1 1: o u ra
from lt ' o ci v lLP B ' el oe: el k .
k ! i I o .
. 1 n rt;_of e i t i m ... 6 e e
..' Deposits received of all 0t00.4 . , ,,,f 1 741,ff;
))odor, and A dividend of the p _ .
n pew, In June And Deeempte. :.• „ ste u glsK ,
-dn illse l"" Holtio: l"44uut ipsnll Ner . r • e ll 'OrlPlll i 2 V.d 4 7." ..r t! . !,.. K .
P.- tr 4.' fr' 4 -ii•snithiied tg)the malt'.
-,i:ltztoun•-• " 1 71,mirk olttleDl L tho'""
, - nr tbr ... n ip / 144. r . ol'ione,iinif'Deoelnber,
V ... 6 ,... 'mkt' s‘ rent isithouttetniblinlS Die
1 ,.‘ 1- di•Po'sitp . itKenlit or even'to'resent VI 1 , 71 no/.
1 " AC tills site Soney vela, double to It ? ltit tr., !_,
' 1 > , i3;ki,, tom main , .titt rherter, By-Lswo, Roles
fituk_Hetulatioils, furnished - gratis, 00 sppliestian
... ,,t .1,. rg.:.....,..r„ . _ci r.
r E n IItI i. R . A .,... T . +BREE.
'.;15.e,11:hmmn".11,-1::NII:rdloe:::oten, ern ,
.. , j l irrillt m :: l 4 .o ,: ". l , d' i ,
lvinym ,L,thilevig". 1 .10 . G, ppoinpn.
-lir 19'. T011c.0k,14. ~....„, , i ,... t i, • , •••• • • -
i , i •-' ' • . .....- •T 1- pe t, , ..-
instill, .klisme, •'' - - ra, l 7 2 , : ; r A ftur, 's .. ••-. ,
~,a. p andiet Y 1.,, ';.• , •:;'40,,i, r pc puqsIINII..
;M i r „ ~ ,
~ ~., ,_ ‘ „,, 0 „Am, • , '.l -.-.• ,
.:•-• • •
t ,
ARAM! •,.C,.,,ILItiEr , :: - r• ~ ii 77. - B • a. , "
' Charlie ..,VII. 0 , 11 ? w i i i_ pp meet 1;.?
nenjtl,6 eatc4i' A u e ,r i r ° " kt • ...• ' ~
i "4 J.Cl4l Tl mPl ev e' '' '.^ ' VOIR la Nankteti,!sr. ...2 , 1, - „„'",. --- ' ,, , itilitC a 'WhitHet '''. '- - '
-url ' ' " - "Wat P V&Psk r iiil;• '
lirlist llll .3 l 4:.• - • • • ' , Vilritti6 Terb P •"
'•rim est "l i i,Plyeal ' •C1E1,19: '21• • • . liti"il'
144"T61"' OINTIdENT,-
Prfri $a Itheu.skalt4. 5cr048146
, , ,
=pi 150 , 1174) PEAT ) , IRTNGWQBOIII4, 21d
id! iron:ma Ana notertnralsOitus'
6.a marry:errs Or 'fix sKirr.
Th4qtr!ttheliteteatietti the hhatief the die;
'eltele—g9 to the. U'll
tety , eatuttend • cures It from
" the tfeehbe.etethto this IlictlioA the ehrhtee-.threeel
the paten of the elec.:um Upward, nee 'every pilitt
-eta of It Is dlsehetgedthrough the) otri—the seeds
of the Oman an eXPOIIO,3 from the,. Itethi tense
; • qttentlY th 44 ,'e CM! -
*old nx . KIRVIF.I4 Agent,
tIO WOO)) STREET, NrrsihniGn.
- k i tUrT '4‘Cf l;lls I § l 4frif
'EVE- 11 gFEN*VN ,-
I.?jitrts, wo NM ACV; 240,104 Arid Or the
ratleica roost, prolitablo for tine location,
We flare extra , lino trees, as Early Ilarveat,Mahlett
piurli•Hollitealtfpplu, Ilatdirlo,Yallowater, Oates,
IMp, ri rt m a
Inn 7,4 3 ° al.-1= 141" U
Let al ° greCt
SUllth's paw -ica, n wltti • n Tel lar gr l stook oi
PEAR citEinev, r.P.Apur LU L U, •EVER
()PEVA% StLAME ifr..l, 8111iIM
BMW, IttallitlOUSE PLANTS, ago., A.ll
our t o
ofPar - great - Inducements to
frer=liola b A l Mr* Oakland o>`
-9ce„, attended to. -
.1011 W lIEUSIDOOIL, .7r.
Pittatfurgfr iAlitlakhnd NOtierfen
"lric Austior
Ar SWIMMER/I& SON,Niniuracturers
, aod Wholesale sat. IleaatlDoaletailn 311IINL.
TIMIAANDIMAIIM - N0r 434,1 W ElTallr a
'abovethsOaaal,luoraos Asada a haaortma
Wawa ItAhotouty, ot their. entaisafraulatsi eird
MOO 4114w:wilt alVkalaleAto say mow
Lt t h e oily, sod mil sea at temeOloblt
WOOL alto
W. 3. n. : 3lEii - eiii , f& Co.'s
013LIIIM von THE
ROOTS) BARKS AND r.say.F 7 s., ,
tinunogrff it Eatco v, al iff M num
thereat. Indisn.Dlnretle, MI 81 -.. lit MK . •
ewes all dimoases of the AIM gI M. MM . •
urinary orgons,sushasln• MM DI DI MM
continence off
_the Urine, 31111`1KBE.73110 1 ffe:. - ;
InflammatlOngdtbeHled• MK MSI DIM
der, ad Inflammnititalt of 'the '-'IIIM MI 'MM
M • •
'Kidne ys, dietEt S ricitnre, Or a, tdrie'ler 'tbe AI
Ma M l MM -• MM MK
MM ' ; •
il,Gliaeti Gerona.. ,424 - Dint MM Din
Is especially cenimende ;', f . i . , 1 ill ." , • '.:
ed In those e cif Fluor
- ` '• ,- • •• . -- ,
'Albin, (or 'Klass in, re , •
males) where! all the old' • - '• 1 • . '
mummy% melleines have
pled. • ,rri r , ,li PI t twe4iff db.?' .
"/ A I lt• concen tent form; fie s
(HOW__ • •• dose gal) being from one
ICAIGOCO - . tstarote r earonfuls three
C "
3,EV I
U t i .l j ti ti ,rt e le. r P i e lure as and ftffe s•
CO .;• Hie initirsetlom Peffi r t
CO ' bag and" ,feleanting " the
CO I, .• • "
.Mood. esdeing it-tenon •
r l . 7 . ; . ' l3O 1 00 'ff in allot itsoriginsl purity ,
I'M& OG and vthtigor' thus remoVing
t; ICCOI - ,,z.,1-00 1 1 - liTgl i t u A ll it e
en.g.ix.Oncriaxeldiui coups wraith lulri
Is intended a n ;111 . iot tll4 ;-: 1: i ed f il' :l4-7 1- 7; ~0 .' .: ~
assistant to/the °nano.
beesed taco notion with EEEEEEEEEE .
that medic ), in all canes EE
of Oonorrla a,• Gleet, ER :i i •
Fluor Alb or Whites. EEEEE
Its effects re healing(' /7 EII*EE, , '•
soothing, demulcent; `-', ER .• a .."- • -_
r emo v int all scalding, RE . „
hest, ohordie b and 'P.N . ' Wl:Refill
Yittf timid ' :ratan prnlag
tinat is experienced with • . :
neatly all t he cheap quack
1 injections ! By the ore of the i 'her
. ;..- • .: okee Remedy. and Ckero-
I , kee Inierilon —the tWo
1111 i 1111. ,• , rnedlelnes ,at • the name
lilt 1 1111 time— all Improper dis•
1111. 1111 charges are removed, and
1111 i ll itll the weakened org a ns ore
11111111 111111111. restored teffull vigor and
umn HUHU strength.
1111.• 11H Far full particular , get
lilt 1
1111 our pamp h let from any
1 lilt drug store in theeountry,
1111 I HH • orWriti; tut and we will
mail free to may address n
Tuiltreatise. •
q?,?as,°°° l „
Cumuli:.: (*cwt.—An -• .
Unfailing c . • re for Sperm
atOrthiqminni Weak,
netts, N tuned Emil- ' •
&lons, and, all disease% 01111.111M)1111
mooed by sell-pollutiont . • DitltDDIMlll) -
such as Lo ll of Memory, 1/1) Olt
tniversal T.ll silt ude, ' •11I) OD -
Pains in the Hock, Dim- 111) OD
Old of Viston,l'remature 1M DU
Old Age, Weak Nerves, OD lilt
Difficulty" tif Breathing, - , OD- L., ~, „
Trembllng,!Wakefdlness, --'• trIiDIM.MDOO 0 •
Eruptions on the Fact, 111/IWDDIfit
Pale Countenance,lnsad. • ,
it y, Consuiipt lon, and all
the din.fill complaints . ,
canoed by departing from
the path of nature.. This medieue [set simple'
vegetible'extract, nod ono
has hich tiledm rely, ns it
een in our prao.
'. - li .I'. ; lice for many years, and
with thousands treated, it
El. EEFIEF.V.I.:I.: has not failed in • Single
Et E.ErikiEEIIE instance . Its cur sit 1v a
EL • • • powers have been, 'mufti.
Eh , tient to gain victory over
ELEE.F. . the 'most- stubborn, ease.
ELEE 4 To those who have triflral
TM• wit h their constitution
El . until . they think alias.
Et E1•4:1117.1KilE seives.barondtheresch of
'EU. lEEEEE mediate ald,ave,would say
dripaic not! the Cherokee ti
•-•-. A. --1 , i Owe will rest gor ore You to
.—, heisith atid Vi, and f
. • ter ail guack.docturs hav o e
rihrflUPl ata
Ito. W WIWI'' , 11!...r.:
VW. , All:. ELI sin• or }IS
FIMCC or IA yr.: P;epared 1111
born PunliVagetnbln,y... 1111
tracts con silting nothing till
injurians o the most dm- 1111
state. T Rejuvenating 1111 • ,
Elixir tot Se itpUlt tICWO,}„.- _
.. _ „„,
I ,
ern discovieriesleilbetreg- ----r -4 -- ` - '• %111
stable ki am; bil/IX• 11 . 1 ;-$
-' 1.." 1111
entirely w and abstract 1111
method cgrejjrrespee-
tire of titbit- old-..and
worst out itytta!tut:j -: ..- This medicine !ins been
- ' • I . neat toy
t raetill f .:serottt
; dsy,and hy them ptonoun
i- • I • ... - . cod-to,be one gittezr o ti
RHIHIII HRH • estmedieni r digko
11111 i LAX= ill the an. One bottle will
• - HRH , RUB care genera debility. A
. .1111,1 t r "HRH few doses cures Ilystetica
ARE ' HRH •in females. One bottle
HRH HERR cures Palpitstiod DI 'the
HRH REX Heart. • A few dosei res
1111R. MRS. , -Atewallith o agates rger!
Milli HMI talon. Perim One to three
I . - bottles restores tpe rasp
! • ' liness anti fall Igor of
I ' youth.
A few Ihttsestrettlitrestate 1
appetite.. Three betties . CHCCOO•
um the worst ease of PLICOUL . O
Impotency.. A few doses et. th r t
cum the low 'spirited. Vet Vt_ ,
One hintle restores men- Cl:
Lel po t trer. A few doses , 1 . 11
hrholp bid( therOse to th.c.' 1. , (1
rhos), This randleine rent • 00 ~.
tore. tell leanly TigUS and' 1N,,,,',,,T,, ,
robustletsith the poor de
bilitated, ts orndoWti: anti ~, !..e. 1 /I.,RT-.4 ( ? ..
despairing do °tee ofiteri. -
pleasure. The Eut,xert cures sly ,
..ral i
r• - :- Mit, CHmend Debility.
' ' Irklpitation of the Ramaart,
. . . and Impotency,
' ..
' totes Mental power and
1111011 the appetite; and causes
SHARK). t . the rose to mount to the
Mt tat cheek of pier, sod the
00 00 debilitsted manor woman
00 00 to. feel vigorous sue
-00 , l 4) .t tong, the young lend am
sls . no ,bilious Mood to cop.
' no 'on , ;through:. Pvery I vein,. ..
in,. the
. 00 00 nen en te - become strong,
00.01)(10nod the tires of new life
001)0 'and .vigor to resnimste
the entire body, building
up the constitution, res.
• $ . turitenjoy andlife to many
4 et sad and itsrkrtied llre
' i side.
CITPIt9RI:H l' ! Se
o anetonvito lit Y .\ Lit
limitits - ron, ~II xAI. 0 If , litl
Pnvterevtat, OnnvniN k 1111
PA /M. For the removal llO
of Obstructions, •tted the Ill[
inicarenre of Regularity :11l
in the 'Recurrence of the •
3 eu lU re nt or ob hilr vi ' Ve t nds.
hosTeln'o- Th e y
: ! 4 1 11 1 1 1
eronsitil•eases thnt 1
tpring from irregularity, 1111
ry remett Ina the Irregur They
re, suppressed
srity. Itself. -
Exceasi; u e, And Painful
t . ' : !I. Menstruation. They cure
$ • . Oreen Sickness (Ohloros
7 _,_. - .. 'ob.): They chess Nervous,:
ii ' 4 and it plu al agitations,
at 3 . ,,A... - !,..• NIL , t omik:bt Ale bsalr4•=d
XX lower parts . the body,
- M ILK ...• gleariaess,• ligue on
_:„ slight exertion, Pnipits.
XX . -- v. ..r., Ititerreff the - neartilsoWc
XX Eli newt of Spirits, Ilysterra;
XX '• t 11 . 11 :lick liendashe, , . oiddl.
Xx Kll. tress, Au., to Ina word,,
4r, 3 1110 by remoVing the Irregu
larity, they remove the
I ,t, ; WillllPlLtia 'WsUiiitt ail the
edicts 11,01 springfrom it.
Nolath,* 4ents,„
614 anOADWArt .1 , 1X14' ,rOI2K.
. I
l 'oUtilogya of simple Veit
cleble extends, they icon-,
loin nothing &leeriest.
t on
constitution, how
caerstelicate, . their . fon, ; • NNN . RN
tiors..being to sulatttute NriNN NN
• etrenath, fee arealterso, - NN NN NN
witicti;.when• pro porky. , NN, zit . .., NN
',used, they never fantod°. NN . , b.f . 's . , .N . rr ,
They may be motel? used Rh l. h !sr(
at *swage, and at any pc- NN MN : NN
,rind, tracsrvizto DIII/1.0 NN NIN NW
the instaryturseatOevita, NN 7 , MNNS
. during Whtch the iminll- KN . .... !CNN
. log nature of their action .• •
.Irouldlnfellibly resirset, '•
ratans or vitt finenn.
. P ' egmi"}' • - ''' -IS OW --oh
. f • we Munk, mt. ens.
' EREEEF.E.RIRE! toe' Remedy— st; bottle
'EMI/a:MEM: or 3 bottles:for le.
: aher-
EE • -.-- - -, ohm Itotion—la bats
. .ME tie, or rnohnttles tar 05.
EMCEE • - (then ee °Ore-Wee bat-
EEKEE . , : tie, or three bottles for $6.
• EE • ' ~ . „ , Dr WrightesElixte="l 3 a
~ RE ' ' . - bo ttle. or thivebotlies for
; EFEEEELERE . SS. - tlheikkee rifts, for
bIEEEMEELEM.. -• fesnaleerela host., Orals
lathe Cherokee Meet ; - - • - •• i•,
clues theunfortunatrowill ; .• -- •
find a flay of dellverestee • • ..- I - •,. ..
frouffering anit peln: • . . .
A. day. splendid saLtori- ! '.
„?eurfkelbsetta4P-gtheiiit r o e: . ERRECESIENE
. wstfon or repore, either ' IttiIIEEEREEE .
rthrough the r eels a r y • EN . - ••„, :..
Stleeks or lneleclency . my: .; ~. , , , ‘;
of nauseotospreparatione," • EEEEE • •
The, Cherokee Medicines mpamix.
• actioniptiah :their ransom ' ' RE. ,
...-thetr emancipation. Air NE • • .
1 emancipation oo great K 0 ow.EREEttEki ...
. admirable, and so prolitie mUctiEEE,Eta, .
of unit-total Seed. Throe
medicines willsrov e, in -- . • •
any and everyse faith
'ruined new er failing
friends In time of need. • Medic ) an the Chero
keene:l by - express
• (except the Cherokee
l'Illa• these are sent bi,'
' malt , of postsse) oti
EREFEEFIIitiII receipt of yuice, to atty.
.-sFREEEEIIIiE . part of the civilized WOTMI
El , r . . securely booked, la such n.
EFEFIE • through Whoso hnnds they
El BEE insy . was would know
the contest s. EI .• . .
EIFI . .. TheCtiereken Medicines
. EIIEEREEEEE are sold by all eberbrimbil '
, I:MEESE/All:E.: I d w ntgaists in the clvilitea
orbi— Some unprlnal-
I . uod . eal e rs, howe vcr, try
.•,. , 7 • • ' ' ) smell Worthless eons.,
• ' -poundsinplairoof these—
thoW which they Oka ail . -__l SSS- . . r-
' do, obeavpriaet &id make . ••• ISSS-95,.. - -, -
rart ni tg "el s, • ille m a i r'. ',-- 52 5 • '. .. ' rL •
•bkeil lifgare a s.n As -yo r ts *, : - RS! . . • Se . .
I rLtt h y:;f . r .c lal o t t h ni i ai i ,Z •
.. , • oti tis • •,. . • . • .
do nt i t 11 , t i vred Ey su t, cla SS
s .. SS
~. • - ,
' ls . 7stkfr• rluwe. rallilettle:, $ . 1313 S.Sh3
.'• o tol t eke no others. t . • ' • • ; •••.98ss . ..
,:.:•,. • ~.• „ on.R. , W. ssenwm. a. oci. •
• 1.- • •,,, ...• 1. mo. B9Libettvetract, aw - Yorly • • •
r T; Safe Jib ,ESSisbusgh by le. AloOlualtßAN 4,
• we mactgOuußquitattaigicoraseeta., .?:,
, .
. .
• - ..
Pittsburgh Drug Housp;
Outoessoi to TORILENOE ar. MeGAIIII,3
xy c•r ZI A xtY ,
Focttßttend Diluleslic-Dlunn,llfeAlcln e n cluiChe q! c
-*tilt, Dyes end Sha", Alcohol, Per
tamely, penny Adkins and Toilet
Aonpa, 1111 en and LlClnors. Te•
bkeso t. Ciskei, "WA
- snd :rnlc tal, NA n_4n, Su &r gpott. ,
• elli•anA Y).
• One" ao.
TRussus ratisodes
. .
m Mute all theists styles of improved
Trusse and keep. conntantly%On hand' Blarsh'e,
'Pitch's, Ritter's, Obese% HON, and All other
In cases requiring ing pee
tilLsintile True s , or
-Filen parties desire it, we will manufacture to
order i
1ht!:.. , ;!. ; ,;?..
DR. 111 R ettevln pereonelly to the lippli
eatton of ”es, Sc., sok to 'the ' treatment. o ,
Deviate. 4
Physician's Prescriptions
Our Prescription Department Is Mania in charge
f as experienced Pharmaceutist, mad all article.
ME in compounding prescription", are selected'
regard to plug*, (regimes. anti strength.
Proscriptions ()staidly compounded at all hours
.f Die night.
Dietetic and Culinary 4rtieles
pore °were of Tartar.
Eestleb Vetting Soda.
Gratewod Powdered Clove.. Pars
Pepper,- 66
6,6ylaptee, 6 ‘
6 ' (Unger, 6,
66 Clorkaraoa.
Oswego Corn Starch. •
l'ow's Gelatine,
• Prteoki Glycerine, g •
Seeker's Farina. •
rare Wines, for cooktac pttrposei,
Burnett:Wet:Wag Is:tracts,
• Anise Seer!, •
'Coriander Seed, • •
Mope knd Nutt:Lg*
Y . :internists,
• . Pearl Ash,
Ike., go.
;z orstuora) Awrici4:s
Coneeintrated 1.7 e, Pure Polled,
Sal Soda. • t z 't,t
Silver Sand,
Trlyuli, in
'Hemp Seed, CatiNls Seed,
..Rapeseed, Fish Boat,
For all reliable Proprietary ItoHeiner, viz
Dr. D. JAYNES' Dapectorant.
Alterative. ~
"! , " Hair Tonto and Hair Dye..
Dr. J. C. A u ER'S Cherri.Peoteral. • .
" • Cathartic Pills. 4 :
Ague Cure. •
HbII4I4BOLD'S celebrated Re 41114111,
4 }Weal, for diseases of Bladder
Bire.Wash. Ithe blood.
at [ '3ll.l{i*riLi.YrOT ' Impu tit les. of,
Dr. ROBACK'S Sc andinavian Blood Puri fi er.
• it Bitters. •
SCHMCK'S.Pulitioide Wafers.
4 Sea W Tonic,
Mandrake eed
Pills. ,
KE?INEDY'S Medical Discovery. • '
WRIOIIT'S eidebreteifindirds‘Peretable Pills:"
Dr. U. A.'svitsores Pills.
110STY.TrEirS celebrated Stomach Billets.
DRAKE'S PlallDtilOicalttera.
CUTTMCS'NeerIne English Bitters; nri antidote
for intemperance.
And all the reliable Patent Illedleines of thiadny.
Paints, Leads. Eines, Colors, Oils Tarnishes,
Brushes, Putty. TubeiPainta, Pohl tsar, Sc. _ -.
We have facilitiettor furnishing Diets' , ariilesit
manufacturers prices.
motor Ami.MmicikEs
tYor4ock or Drbp and, Ne!liolusi ped
pro, selta.'d
sool-oanually, with great oote, ork ciperiche
phorionooutast andybyoklan, ad woAu.uontee
drop nod meollelsios,Ve-011.4nree foul lourdolterstol,
Alt attrlterianzi. Cdteoloalit:Atie buy -horn' the
reibritt.ett bowie at POWER , 5 6.. WhIDEDIAN.
Agetttqtrtry .pent tally plAynlelart satley
ytoti 'to that/. purity.
'Oar own" Impoiaation, rranaragden flash and re;
Kahle.' Arendt*, Alusy_lnur Vitro!, Bradt Wood,
Own Wood, Vomnans, oladbear,Extraet
Logwood. TO Caeldneal,W.. 'attach .Lne DreJloirwood, Mad
- den lalo Wood,. 11:nd Taatat,"
1. 4!nlirdualac„ Tunic:lo
lane `fool;an,
''; • •
• „
Foreign wines, readies, Inns, Liguori,
FOr medlelsist use Only, ell
°turd, Depuy & Coes •001Pna.
old liooneUe - • ,
PUre Juke of Glare Port,Wius. •
Pure old Sburty Wine. , • • ,
PUre Old Mudelre. Win!.
PUrelialisadilis... -
JAZ.IIICS 4111(1At010 1 {ti mS.
, Ouratook embraces some oC dlestkratul so
Nara:us Oirrars;vlt : o
Osballas,_ _ Pram:dos,
adtatadma,4,._ - : 7
Loudree, Yip•ro•, •
Begallas,. Bella Oreplos.
Mmodneturod from (mortal tolmteO, viz
A Tro Sobrinmr, •
kgrktub, •El tutee,
tud n woriets of Ocala&
Out stork of Clout was purphssed In IEXM, tuul
we sic
. • • • •
oflbring them to consumoni . at - ¢ )light wt.
mince over our prices before the tax low, when our ,
chased to quantities ; of iseekunitroil and ,upurards.
We ',lifer a large aba carefully aeloctel clock o
A. H. White% Patent Teeth.
i• Ornum, Armstrong b..lueLtht Teeth
W. A. Dun' h. 00.'8 Teeth.
Fen', bleCurdy & Well's Teeth.
Ohnsaa k; Auld! Teeth. : ..
Umt n 1 Chairs, Dented . Let her, Forceps, nuggets,
Wheels, Iturs,llrllls, Esensators, Frsokllns, Vol.
napite linse. Gold rind tither Piste, Gold and Tin
and Dental Materials of every deseription. .
. .
c.imoguer to be WU} on sppllostion.
DI.I„VG HOUSE,_. 4 • .4.
pf ,F 44.414 14Kktt Streets
A • - prrittaveafkr.‘ ;`,4,e,7 ti tf,k
tOIiDED 11,1161110iJSTIVF •
Warettonslpg Company,.
Foot at sivrto WatirisON Ste, Brooktftt
IEI Tanks ondliardal&A CirtiLlar.l
°Moe, 'No. a BEATEfi
. STREET,.Necr
WALL ICE & Cygr.lB9,, ;
AN? osairin
BEN Z1N:F.151:17
, 0 1,1:11BRIOATING OThS
alir Starve aapaelty (wafer corer,) for 13,000
barrels. Also excellent faellltten for madman to
Maeda* and Farelgh parts, at oYr ' , wharf op, the
SchnSktil niTer, near theplattorm of the P. 8,8.
. nom Aii?,i.i.itt.zivrs
1 CV:IDE:4U REMO' 011 S, •
Duisiestie RIV. Plitsblria
so-Special attentiongireo to tRo SALE
CPrttigranirgentifie."7g.trullY VIVIAtt0.011; AND
ptolhiro l llTA. - aa n urr COMPANY..
lappc,Vlol7n.w.Box 14:..
• • a Oorornisalou and Forwarding Mersßants
. .
pKW/131 !ITNEET.
Aar tkneeit . consignments for
Patent:top:rep? Eastern Dlnrkets.
'rimst - aart Itranumscus.
3 S: Dilworth k Co.,
Springer linibaugh, - •
Thompson Bell, Esq.; Preet."Ctosaineteint Bank.- 1
knitto.eln •
•WiTvt. azituos'
OlNeev . 4B7 PENN %TEENY,
(One door below Iland,)
Conilliission Merchants
And dealer! in Pittsburgh Alarmfactures and
s MT * ,fta:l l olMT'lzrarL"'`ilifiV.
ignaufacturers itnh Itemhei-s
Carbon Oil, Benzine arui Lubricating Oils,
Crude Petroleum
• -
Nu. fa STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works
Liberal cash advances made on consignments Of.
Refined or Crude Petrokuns
!fr • : • , C 1 r:-
car. DIX/ 11.:4 • SCOt • k" St
ISt. 4p LAIR , ST..,Wlttabussli
AND =Am IN otu3.
rNTUOLEUM OILS, he., on P.
hand and
for .snle nt ' the lon - rat' renrket Uorks
manta and orders sollcltn.l. aplAns
!corin , s9sy l orz.*v.7ii_mcrs.
• ' is )
, d dealers is IleflalisOlaterlals.,
oei-ir No. 37111Ataarr ST.. Plit•burgb.
SA - 31 'ES - 11 - t* IN,
Oil Vitriol and Aqua Amami&
Er °Mem left et John Porterhehl h Clo.'n office,'
comer or .MA.IIKET nod FlithalgES:, trill rechlyn
mornpt Itientlon. no2I
Ittie ;te
purl White':ltilitied Urban 13114.714:,
R liattolytax,lflow.olOsit. 14cori.,
is FF:D iS ROAD'
Viebtoor Ma4s.
Amor= 26,tasi.
frULf.Ii efiliMIND 'TO :,SUIT , THE: MARKET, .
Our ElC4un Intnnco wit h manufacturers:La extensive,
one, of es hevinglesen in:the Wool trade for more:
thentenyears: belleveabstrby.csuadosting.,
buslne* In the two largest marketelrithe country:,
We offer to cormignors unusual facilities for bring
ing their Wool to the notice of the best trade in the
New Ebgt*od end Middle States.; :7
Our commholon.ler:seliteg: ll -. o ni. O.Nr± , Frw .
royan/ and ova rsurcrxr, on 1L04 ,11 f TiOß,looool3l
- and liteicsasen. fur =gen safftffio.":
yond this time actual expense - la chsig Irked:ll
- TALI Laclede* ataI.M.SANTEE ogali.sarm:,
whether for cash or on time, and we- ere alWayn ,
willing to anticipate setilemedC,of *amount* ares* ,
demi, et current rate* for money,' We al= to . sqg
• ; OR. , OW New BROWNE/IS, New 'Kock.;
n o lliDGzwAitrt
. • _
i; bile Lead 7,innl.alat and Caters,
orrery dr.criptiod, drr andsrtlmdbi ca.
Intili4gli ATE{ •
• • ;ForMali!, Cottages. ?Lc;
sienerrl Agent,
71*TAi11E1V IjaCr ' N.
Fiti, 2 , ll ?RP.? BlLl,gt} . -
itingwell's •Gins Giving Governor,
,rositivelssayesfroqs :15 tc? 40 xer cost.,
Theionly perfet'equi te4aVottorertitir'iditie.
No tuicksilver or Other Atli used In this mach*
. mulane br.tbe =Aid; aid.
o;calie will it baletr,ludaa I t acidrapltaim,
- • •
„ ,
.11411.11,1!Y, PARNELL &...CO,
if ion &sin , either Wltlekor. or Dlnstettate;
cump lot or • ,
1 Oorner Spithfieldnnd Fourth spt!t3..
Arie , itoir Dyes, PornaturesOine !Ws-01114 U.;
ih (unette earbdy.
FliTlfr; tlifov—EPrlyddn
6L- Little Giant Sewing' llteletiliao 3 . •
driend c.allosurrsee.die.
r 3v,o4f, it Lo. no rical:••• for eimplioity, durability
end esetuttou it is unequalled roy . arrother edutokp
machine heretofore ollbred to the publlgand need.
Only! to be 'leen to - tie eppreelateiL'lt•will l bem;
, quile, luck or bind. .Colt eanollne for, your,
)very chlneza a rrintet Nz i. 3 - .. • • •
YfraIISTIIERD St,opponite SLOha= n otoL
°et ird .
15? V C P 3l f P:RAKES egLIApRATED
fialitation Bittersi t
Fora; by • amp.
corner Smithfield end Fourth stmts.
$ 1 • 1 ;
'year emed....* *• •• • • .'"• • • • nort ..*
. ,t"
.::: r ~ ~w . s -. y~'r .F S : ~.7 ~ r ~ x~r,.~~t{A.~ ~" ~ r FkS' ,t :_.
~ ~srw.~-f.~C ~-r~~ ; ....:k, av:K"....~.?%~ v i ffi t h j~ nß~"~~..m}•
1864 a. E
On mud triter MONDAY, October slit, tedt, trate
will leave the Depot as follows.
FAST MAIL, daily except likaulanat Ida a. ob,
Mopping only at principal stations, and snaldedr '
direct connections at Nartiaburg for New Yak,
Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia
for New 'York, Boston and intermediate points.
HARRISBDRO ACOChthitille-TION, daily ex-
eept Sunday, at 6.0) a- stopping at a l l regular
stations betgeen Pittsbutn.,
rgh and llarriabung, end
making close connection with trains on Indiana -
Branch, West Penersylvanis It: R., "Eben s burg and •
Cresson 11. R., and Hollidegsburg Branch.]
I'ITTSBURGH b. ERN. E .RESS, daily en
heat Sunday. at 12.30 p. tn., stopping 'at nearly ail
the et ations beta eon . Pittsburgh and IPhiladelphis,
and crushing connection with [reins on the nen* •
burg_ and Orowin R. R., lloUldaysturg ,I3ranch' It.
EL, yr=e and Clearfield and Bahl ,Rug! . ;Vale/ •
Branches. •
,eirpt Sunday, titan° p..m.„.stopping M regular sta.
' dont between Pittsburgd-Johisbara, and
nestling at Illairsallo inter section with trans on
I.ndana Brawl% and Weltena:lyardst It. B.
aoPping, at Latrobe, Cone ts.Stallltsen, • • ,
Altoona, littntir MMs, New. • -...
iiiirret=riorlunt I
made lor BaltinloseN.Wad r tinti n- Negt k , " •
at Philndelphia, for eV, or on an r. ,
mediate points. 'SleepingOas ran thrall* Mt -
train from Pittsborgh•to Baltiestat, PhUllinia. • 4
and 'New York by the Allentown - _
FAST LINE ; axisept'SW at , t 3D
m., stopping o yat tionamaugh G aline 3, Altoo., ~„*„
na, HunUmplon, Lewistown •
Maysville, Harrisburg. Middletown ...A--Y • -4.
town, Mt. doy,Lanilla Lricasti4and Dennis.'
ingtown. At Usartsburg connectionsare male foe 4:4
New York, Baltimore and Waati= ru it
2, 2= •
deleda, for New York, Boston • i
First At ctimutodation Tram 'f maws suttee
leaps daily feteept Stusday) attoo .
'Second Accommodation Train fur w,ari, mum. -
leaves daily (warept Sundal).d. us•
Thin! Accommodation...Uan for Wall'ematioo
/est - et VietiSt SUDdal) at • .
Fourthlctrinniedation Train for maliht Statist
, leaves y' except Sunday) at 11.0 p. m. •.• ;
The ChurensTrain lead Wall's citation 60511tc
Sunda at Ad a m. s rettirillfig /WO Pittsbuggsh , 4
RetnniiniTrains afire Pittsbargh armlet& -
Pituatuzgh Erie Express ' 19.10 p. tit. i• '
Bnllimow Forpm t! a ~ I'oop.
Philadelphia 1.10 P. is
Fast Mail lAD a. ot.
Post Line ISO a: [a
.Tolinstown 'Accommodation lOUS a. ob
. First Wall's Station .Arecimmodstlon... AM am.
Second Wail's Statlon.Accommodation o.ooa
Thint Wallis Station Auxtommodatton.. 2.20 p. m.
Fourth Wail's Station Accommoda
Baltimore express will arrive wit h ]
Elrat LSO p. tn. on Mondays.
A u ln case f low s the Cons ell
hold themselves responsible 1, .
only and for an amount not exceeding $lOO.
21.'N—An Omnibus Line han.beces employed to ..... "
convey passengers and beggare•to and from the -
Depot, at a charge not to• exceed de cents, for Matt
passenger out baggage. For tinketamly to '
At the Pennaylvanla Central Railroadt
61 .=
Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. ' • •
o 4,1
wevit h. CIIIIIAOu
RAILWAY, AND ta.liympit,t(p I , Frys
26 ,
BURGH. RAILROAD. - -.. -..
On non.a ft er October 20 h, 1564, taloa Will rUI4 ,
as tollow.l viz. •
LenveZ For I For I For. ,
..,..—Fittobuoghl l Ohlongo. Cleveland. I Wheelllng. -
Favera........... 2.10 a. al. 2.10 a. m. 2.10 ill M.
EXpre55.....12.(0 p. at. 2.45 p. m., 2.45 p.. IL."
Exprt-as ..... ..... 3440 p. m. • •
Mali. t 620 a. m. i .. .. 1.10•6. ,a. 7 ~.
For New Castle and Erie 5.50 a. m... , _
L.• , . ,
alcroallinzl. t
Arrive at • Allesheny.-IP. It. 'W. tr. - 0. Itallwair
3.30 a. m.,8.30 a...m,2.40 a. m. and 4.46 . p. m..
C. aP. R . It.. 10.00 ti. m. • t t -
GEORGE` PARKIN,Ticket Agent,' ',:A. t ....,
L'nlonTnasengreStottltin. Pittoboosh, Fa. .. . .
A. Q. OASSELBERTIY, Ticket , Agouti , .‘" ,- -c.' , . ,, ' - ' ,l
,octltur F. 11.1vti - Ett.9,Giners l o 'Aitoolt.
•mg that,:the lollowing.arrangement of tae
Wilbtake ; ...
MAIL TRAIIL.--Leaves Pittsburgh at 7.00 a. ra.
arriving at Kittanning. eit. 10e0 a. ra. Leave, Kit.
•tazining . at 4.0 A., M., arrives at Pittsburgh at 7.
. .
.EXPRESit TRAlN—Leaves gittiuining at 031
0. m., &Riving at Pittsburgh at 9.23 a. tit. Leaven.
Plttaburgh rau.arr.itlaii at Eittaw?lng &Fa
4131,otiuMomitiorirTRAIN= tethvet sada.
Works at 020 a. nn:,"arrilingstPittsburghst 7 A ss.i
sa. Leaven !Pittabutigh 3.00 rm.
n. wiring .11‘ - 1,: t.r
Sods Werka, at 11.00 p,
myto . . matin't,
,-•- . ,
r ca. yi
. STITSIWBGE:P=Nit• I.:1 'Ft.. , i .2..*T" , '
Sea. , •,- -... - - SoB o .__._. -..' : ..-., , giEK 4 ::: ,M,.'
Pasage from . ` Md. Conntsy. ' , ~. .-., ~. ~,
The Liverpool,,lfew Yorkarid,Philadeiptak WI, --,,•'_., , 1.
man') Steamship Company haring -appointed ~‘ . • ..,...
undersigned their-14mA izereitras illy Thitt 1,,,, e ..,','/
deceascd, he 1* -AOll , PrcPareOck brin ! . .'''!, l " .. i -°• - . ~,
theme PasakageMLbte the Steamers of i 1- .t
lINUSU A TAX: IV RATES: The Steamers ~ or ;,i
this favorite linis leave LiverpoolevesT.WEDl(ES•
;Imo:, foe tieseXork; toiletwic it suersistisimsad . :; . ;:•N ,
-pro amore rastettiathlett sodaMast. ll !edigiro. -..' -: S. ' . t
...The underaigned ti'alio .Aient • for the.arerpool ~..::',, ~,i; ,
and Londondenainvsr,...zazrefAi,,,,. . ~,, 1
Iril,lnziPasseugeri:nd nap.' Tiler Aeon- ..';,,,
en of this line nee built in the o n. . 3 . 00 " " ' ',".- '
and furnish choice accommodation. foe ..,• ,„. , ,!
Ile is also agent forTAPSOOTT'S 1,. Eor 0616-,... •;,rr *
tw i ce.. Saling Pecketrylearing Lice:poet. ;.;,... ~..
I rrUlteiCritiok week.and the 'W".L '"r - '1
i , s c london - Fickets; - msetig' Lokdosi eviler tesseillaiosr )
I The ships of Tipscott's =so have longtomnbacie, rr:r e
I ted for their qui* , Mamoltell nal the eimedletwoof. , l4.4 . B. are,
the provisions famished .thispassenriptsinnd,St , bt.ta t
kind treatMent While on tX0424. , P. 91 1109 940 ,„ ft , •,,..,,i 1
:their friends irrouthiaut by sailing' veadels,lthio _ . ~ • -;-", - ,
by all means patronize this - line • ..". .. •.- ... ...: wf, Al ,
russet o!greatlY reducekratelk lf 1'0 . .1,4*.
SlGli.V.DrArr. , s . allyarttot Europe Coriski;,,,4k. l
at the lowcstrates.
Anopp,l i •
- ,•61 o
, t pre y 6o S g l a
h o el o swee t -
. .
-STEAM W tERjAr ' TO . -TAVERVIA 4, - ,..,..,,,:
root; tot:tautly ne'tifflCENSTOVllif,
~. ': • ...•
(pork Harbor) „ The well-knoWn . Eteameas.A.this . ~,..t , -- ,t.
Liverpool, New York and ShiladelphieSteamehip...„, ,-;
oompany-flarnart Line:rearrying the O. 8.1161.14.,. • , ato!
aro intended tessil as
follows .,,,%,.1 2 ,
ETNA,„....,......:.5atutday, Pp. s
.t ..,
- 4
. 12nriLeu.n121H..;:.-:.-....:: . ":";.13nturdayilltpe..10.... ie.:, -..
GLASGOW ' ' --SettildeY, Pee II- -,..k . ,i.
And every_ succeeding Saturday, at noon, trein - ruk ': .: - • ,
to North Hirer. • :1...; ~ , z.... - url
, . . ,rtakts Air 1./Lomeli: , • —7.4 ~..q- c ..
'Sayable hi gold,"or its cliuli-aienrin itMr, , ,. 1 . ,
~,_ ,, , f , 1
First S tee rs.
-.a. ; ~.,.z1.61 Paris:- -., tis col, • o to Pruis.“,.... 46,..•,...,t.,W.,
... to Hamburg.. 90,001 ,1 1 , to ItatubUel, r OO '.) ~..-r,-,..
,_ Psieengers .also ; fOrWartied3o Hares :meme,!,., ; ',..: :,
Rotterdam, Antwerp; an., at equally loir'intet "^' ;':' ' ""1
Fares fironi7Avetpool or Queenstowialst Ogebtnit, -, . 3•:"
f or 0102-qtßeetage, M.: Those Who wish to. maid r 1..... ',..
for their friends can. beis, tickets: here at .„,.
Yor further infoimat on app yas e ampaa g ..:
' impee. -, ; - • „ItilEN G. DALT.,,Agent,
_-- .. to t,....
wit ,.
t 6 !treed - .111.:Y.1 ilz - ii imi
• - reeele - atifitiolt* teen
No. es Smithfield •ed.t,.l 6 t bent f.,,v1F.4
New Teri.
C. tt N A it
carzzetErrtnr* ,Apia - 3;..
ten in gok or.its egnivitlept la cuiteuay - "
tncustosiny.... •
-;sattiettn , ylwkele: Appt' to • •
': • , TxtomAs.itterrittralViCikeit;
WiSlititteldnltteti betttoett aad -a: kiini
- Pittitnnsit. :
• • '•;, iiirQsTitte* ,
BALSAM lir Watithteeltiad-etwerVoutbs;loelds - 7Pcn.
nrF ia ' ..A2thm6 aptlgst, 1 . 4 4" a 1 1t tiec C LV4 4° ..I4I . ,AJI3
Mtn:oat arid
• ,ouirt 1 Mitit'
- r
FFohiibt;Oneto. •
. ••
: MAXILIELTP3I34I6O-,,,:,,i
, rivoteseeng,,,
. EastAnoetly,oettain remedy, p
forDinrelmin on 4
Dymitart,.m., a -orablaauats: at..aatitysatic.z ,
Ayareauta, sumalattryar oara.hlatives an 4 i+
. Wirt-anted , to'ethet, , Ai' ewe 'alter at . - Othee
For glae,by. Tr u elti•'.
RS.I , f• • • =.•
BTBISIETIAND , S TILE wratmav Mil .4
eiantd' , Minuends . of Alio' ?rant esses,of, Mint egg
Bleeding FiLCIN ^lt gives Bewail. Initehllng
- feeta's
rantedvermaneril'onre., Try - , tt Italr s a r ::
ror esle - by tleisernl.Detoi . •
Fourth Uteri; I.llachntatt, .
us 'unlit S TRE ET.
Dyape ia, Zietveusneaeti : Debihtf~ 3 ;,x
'We can' recommend those suffering with bast 6 3 ,
Appetite, Indigestion or byspe_ pats, MT:Welber
and Neel OUS . Debility, to use , bitlelaand s Tone. „
Il is n vegetable prepatetton, ftto from skoholle
119acrrett strengthens the whole nervous spited% .
tensions good appetite, sod ts warranted twee".
PeP ilf, A l " , 4 r i l t e rrlers_ta l) th
g s Prelkend
noLtOILLArI . El, a Flat reedit streeli
elfin tt, 0.
For sate try DB. GEO. B.
Wood corne r snd Virgio. alloTt.And
k co. of Wood and. mound street.sPl
burghs. WWI by PANIC It 3%HILL, No '[% keeps! ,
street Allegheny - .
TOtr CA ALWAYS rEoeltars if!!!
dont'sgent 41, tan rt Unproved Be yr. 1, ,
BoagintraGetmen Bitten.
&e n diametrg , •z.
P*1. 11.16 1:"1.411alfi
-13mii of 1 41414/4ccilStiteii=bori ,
• VOrefiktg A. P
~1 fr.
moo .
—W0bAce.., 4490, - 0 ";"•"Y e q • ' 44 F ,4 ,;:-;"•• , .•
• • 4,/,:‘
'~ `e
- - r
r 6 1
, AT 1
', , i