The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 23, 1864, Image 2
7 7- , btu ittsbogif6e. portamor ,!, 111 USSR. MANIC wean ; warnmarmy„7 - itov.-,23v:, 1804. „,....' irOtitititiOnir.l Illsolitiort of the B co lav ag e t rL . --' ' illuiri It'no `cod lissom why _, la 4 Med a to lobelia adarcky shoo 110:0 , '---- - : pin arn - e • ii ” Si session of Congress.' It .---.-:: ..2tot .. tho no ‘- ' ' pissed the Senate, last twhtter,,but wse-de. — reseed in, the Mime • but IP. ?410401:140 riCOl3. e ide r wee made, 'fbeeh we belieye w as eeue u rez u niaia .soW on, sad easy be called up, %ileitis; se tie eauttbsg seldom ' . Tits :query eta it rear, •now, In the lionee'reh 4 ish ,r/e:ted itt. We Wok it .94., 'The' Psesidentlel eleatlita bare; stel. sonlief. may political • motive for men .....'h'i4lthelr" opposition. The McClellan men it 'Oa nOOlllll Toted against it, Monks penile cap. ital lad 10 snake- the , ,ronord straight with their Southern brethren in cute , they sem ' heeded • bct the has settled :all-that, - fad lett them without a_rootire for tepeating Wsvoto not otletreetme justidable. • These men see , new—they mccl 'eeetitat Slavery is dead beyond the power of reenr . , MlPliben. Tai only qussihn. is as to the me. - '.7, 4 ,,;:5ti1d of Ile aiolition; and every man of jolt. :t.'lsenhsonst'peretire that the bast 'way, in all -r—westestir, is tiveripeii out by a sosiititutional maids:4lc and 'alit an end to ail oostro • The aileptlekot the amendment, besides, is staj a question of time: It this °migrant • - does not post le the - next one sill; end what • Is lnevltolleht as well ha at g ppeu cute. Tbe advantage of puling the amendment 64 winter Is to the opportunity Its se:ly adoption will afford to get the amendment be. fore the Stets legislatures for • approvaL _ these meet only once in'two year,; 'and is they ell meet this winter, Its spoedy pangs by Congress . win enable the State legislatures legal epee- it, at oats. t. To mole the amendment Valid, its mutt be approved by three fourths of the &stn. ~."Xligre are now 86 States In all; Gait we get Milian-at of 27 of them? We thlak wa oin. _ Oflb* 22 free Stoles (inewling Minima and.Woat Virshilo t ) , Ors boon 111 mijority in the'Lealeittuits of an exisept la the , Boasts .01Neer.ltatep north &mate of Warylaud. We do sot Wilt thew bodies would hold out ,:oksalsaa Ike puldla wlll, 'and therenire we pot dawn these 22i3tates se Oertsin. Louisiana and Missouri will maks 24 Tennis/leo and dr !;,,, 'Annelid hill both ztiOrganize as free States; thst In 20 • • and Kentuaty or Dela ! • ware may furnish the 2fth. Bat enpYosinelthor of Win does forblehie we :anal look to Colorado, Nebraika, basoiakit'solilngton sag the other nnwltories toltattJeh go now States sufficient to the par owa•• WM* a year or two all 'chino will in as Ire. 13111CIP. ' The analkdall° -:' • ' . °"ie I, if Coilgrees eioores, may .:-. . uois id, the giverat ,-- :t se iittsiittfol to ClhnTeeli;litiuttimi bet th is • =,,-.: iititelk bultftia f i - - • ,d ex ' l' int 1a. 1141 , 4 _ . coSiong +a ' p4m, ll*, in . a,.. oldnery, Ut RIII badly be relented to, u Oiler UUTOialibtO. At Ali 411111111, 1 / 1 1 hope Concrete take .a. , all natter up at the tippet Wang smite, tint taY to dlipisi of K. It Uwe Ceppitrheade ,10001210 detest it lit them take_thi respoeutl;- ye - stated 11101111 time. sites that t titer. iris so imalk Miss oglabilly know" is tie A , hom %.'entter . tilatinet fromthe totelvete,leeltolbes • that of the soldiers. Io many of the - teitar ~ Its, at tie -October E;ectiots, Cho Return Jedges'tita 'sot .add Op the' ' , home ;vete," but peetpeard the addlticitt until Om soldiers' toile Were coasted, And then &died beth tepthee, petting sothing.eal Ile It Indicate the totwt • „ ot.rjoither' ActiordialllA Mum ti• • wo ouch thing aq an t fra :kat Grantor the ohoae' • wele," 'it, errer ct n be known whet it/ the Seesaw:7 sr the Ceettemonweilth sends the following to she N. T - Tri • slis s Errasr et 14s X. - Y rra. . , Eta .Theradate vent made in at Tritons la leaf . ..that alt that tie Demoarete'44leir . .aajmily fal . 1 / 1 i /1.1,611 T ole; airacastda Penn/71,41ga, hoe bronebt Mtn ±fdlittdief letttia tioni"-aithant. the Eats . for otellfltd copies of Hum - To save a limy la-gi . corrtepondenee, vet you pb age state tbat th e tiring vote, as ear. to ibla affiee,:from m id of the 134t1/11611: includes the attire To:e, wi . bont anything to died/4134kb between'lle.votes polled al hom. and tteee IMAM amyl Ilse° made application to tho rrotho Dots ; rine for erparate remtrai4 brit L am toll thit tb.y Lays the returns- mitioridled to them hi the return Judgee, and ad that. nod! --kris adjourned ciao dia there te , no Way' Of get stns them tog eahcr again. Itli therefore impossible to ob'airribe offs eel `ltome vote trews number of the coon end so the vote wee ao c*.oseai to require - -the etEedal retorts to ttraide it, -- tbe fast as to who had the - mejerity can nevor be kno!rn nor ' • qffidally . innounced. The , Ilosne" and &Idiots' vote ,oettibined, ohs rtgornad for memberi. of Cowen; 11 - 113 Usien .„ Mtll4O4TlllO my •.•..tivly 3 ours.. • efemeury of, o'Commonwealth, Hararizone, Pg., Nov. 19 1E64. . . ; - .Prelidential- TOO • *it twee iffialskretinnifiom 45 of Lie - 67 . .1n- LI& Blai% wltlih - sliow (In the -)eme soti) fai Locos' 210,778 MO for 316 Lwnas 197,373. In the other 22 counties, , we baitreported result' tut toilettes lohlaosx, 5.7.141,010; igegx.nteir, 9,003... These last . -..ligtrres 'line tie segregates at reported msdnithis only, sad. at of. the total rotes. Patties the- two ti.• general result Ts u follows: Ltik0otz;401•141; 210,773', ,• soperted. 474-315313 Cletattillite 41114111, 197, 313 111,021td, koos=see,iirp tscoLVit aLbrity, ' Val is s ptctq fair Isdt - x pt, tlte majority ~.41 the home vote. This eoldttif vote wilt lie_ - ostrvitiel 011 gtilitycatitf trill, add about 11:40C.O10 tbe issjorits—pototbl" The mutt vote ofthe fitate probably reach The facial Nrotettd . itarilaudr a The .falewing is the official vela ef eaoh ectisty,l3..this State:. . r,.corlts - -iiscets...nothacstit. '.anti y 9,156 2. 1,11 674 d 1140112•44••1.2.—.. 986, 2.963 112151.9016 2,070 • 2 0 52 2051' [ 1 285 • 33 o 233 4 tarn._............_... . . 967 , • 22.scbest 6 2 . 221, 3,5 1 WW2 .542,1130 13165•124; d 5,711 777 'l2 • 1.5120 4:44 • 1,613 .1 . 111}C• 1,551) Q D neirr,—. 224 3,491 24:46•4/40 2 91 2.2 10 . , osy 1 2.12,2 . 972 072 t. R• 11 leston 4.472, o. Wilicestsr— 623 1-71 t 52,956 Its-Lron Damn society. haslately been formed in Berdosur, Frenoe, - to put 4oiret the superstitions of " evil leans. At ' .ererybedrinows, it he serountod bidjaek to &gin anything on a Friday; or ,to AL at a treble ; with thirteen, or to' beletee a chair- on one len,-er to spill salt betimes yourself and ' the - new 'peaty hive regular din acre 011, , TrIllsye,luree thirteen Furst*, turn w distrust& one ter, and spill salt anituid bed ore etenneseeing. Lithe who's sw i rl during libieb btu lush Ind,biten.,thos defied, satin. sp-24 - sagiol. •fikiTstiaim. • - . 774 •- Thitareme`Vote. . . 2ssost 212122 8,661,, The Romance of Denmark. wlitee In the tendon Athisunue thus de.. edripes the TOll2lllllO phase' of Destuark: . I, lt Is a region lybog class . upon the bo r d ers if a soft whose white breakers roll northward till they turn to nos near the pole; s eat, low. `lying shore, behind which are . iandeospee green and quiet. The yam moan, the clouds gather, Oden rides by on the wings of the !Ind, and a Oath of lightning doers Her , . .Mod lying front Valhal with a message le the nether spirits. The elements roar, end the old . deities live spin as led) thology'smornr tag. Then the tempest vanishes, and &softer spirit . steals : upon the some. The lee . tiee calm aid .41n4 :murmuring in 'a low voice; the there and landscape wear the sun. sidne that pours : loot them in golden 'bow, er. Ton bear a sweet voles tinging; It is yonder mermaiden, combing out her yellow hair miring freshly, and luring lorersiok 'Gulls to their destniction. The fliltermend. ing his line beside Ids hut heeds her not; ter be hut just iaught filth who Is am enoluanted prince, and who hen promise& unbounded riches for being reconsigned to the ate. Close by the note allttle maiden Wanders dreami ly ; let her beware, for hard by lurks a beau. tlftsl 'merman; ready to bare her with eon 'speed , : eto his home under the water. All is peaceful, eanny,latill; so sireet,.you weal, never dream the- spirits of the earth, water, avid air were so winked. Bat hark! s roar as et thunder betake from yonder groat cavern,. wherein lies a dragon huge and terrible, "these focdle human flesh, and wkette lair is strewn with human boner. Fortunately, theta is approaching a bold knight, clod in glittering armor, who will speedily pat an end to the pranks et the scaly monster. Leave the or, elate and welt inland;' every flower, every leaf, Is peopled with tiny people, snots as haunted the icomemrrial wood nest Athens, where love. sick Titania lisped languidly in the se's ears of Bully Bottom. /limb this eminerre, and you will ere loog dad yourself among new faces. Who orb &ben who come dancing down so wildly with rubes that flash Platte, .in the wind, and feet thst ecarcely brush the dew from the tips of the flowere ? They aro the elf-wets, or maids of the . menntaln—tarrible in the eyes of little children, and flusainating to the wanderer who belle too le ally upon his way. And what, you ark, is this wondrous region in which you lave - thus been wandering Is is the it.r.l of Daniels romance, and is - just what Oahlenrohlager, Anderaten and the' rest have made it." Bow a Slaver Escaped from the F. igat e Nisktits. • Its Philadelphl► 'Brlt_•tiw his the follow ing:. • _ . , . 2 . IA private letter, written on board the United States steam frigate Niagara, dated November. 13, oil Jersey, eroast of Francs, 'nye: ITO were lying "quietly at anchor, last Sateuday afternoon, at - Flushing, Holland," when we abservana splendid steamer pass us. and stop - for a pilot to take her down the channel. She was fly tug the Spanish flag and was Ter*" heavily laden. After she had bsen gong about an hour, our commodore Concluded to follow her, and orders were immediately given to get the ehlp.under weigh: This was doze in a. Wort, mice of ten minutes, but as the eteamei had shout fifteen miles the start pf us, we had as murh as we could do to batch her. We did so, however, that night, and kept &lot.' Ide until the first streak of light tinted the east, when a shot aerate her tows from tine of our 'Parrott peace makers' brought her to in a very abrupt manner., "A boat was seat aboard of her, and her captain returned in it, bringing his papers, showing that he was boond to Mailmen,. We izamtdiately seat a toat'a arrow to search her, ar,d dispatched the Eisoramente, wide!' had hove in sight, with copies of her papers to , Loudon; to receive her olden from the American minister sivio whether we should .sendher bemuse apriseer not 'Her cargo eon sist a of quinine, shoes; .blsakettr, k.s., worth - somer37oo,ooo, withoutinclodiag the value of the ship lerself.'On the following morning, the fdinister,lir.'Adasits, telegraphed to no to same her, which. we did, and. that night, after she was miles and mites/ beyond oar reiedywhat was our 4424 Ishii a =MU* ger.. arrived from Lenders, felling us to Cap. man her and send her lirme;ll3 she , was a no. talons sheet. *Zvi the' giosreast. 'Bat as this last dispatch never irrived, els of coarse got slay. Thiswag" a snug stun of prise money taken out of yuur friend's pooket by the bad mansgeztvzit of an Englieh telegraph etropsnyl" Ottx or Lunn a ilarr.--Lantb ones eon— waited a company with en anecdote of Cole ridge, wild, Without doubt, - he hatched in ; h's boax-losiag brain. M 1 was ' " lad, gbh g front my mouse at Enfield to th e Ent iodic Roues one morning, when I met este! ridsien his way to pay me a visit. Ete was brimful if semenew ides, and la spite of my alluring him that tine wu precious, ha drew the within the gate oran.unocoupled garden by the rosdeldefandi there sheltered from ohrereetten s.' t•edye of evergreen!, he ook me by the button of my coat, end closing hie eye', onomeneed an eloquent dittoottrse; waving Ids 'right hand gently as the menial' Wet de flowed loan unbroken Eresoo from kb itpc I listened, entranced; but the striking clock retitled me to s eerie of duty. - - I at* t was of no use to attempt to !meat away; so table godeentsge tf hie sbrotgrien to b e nbjeor, and, lei , h my yacht:Me quietly ley. erteg the button ,of my coat. I- decamped. Five hours eifterwetde, to reasilig the acme go; drn, on my way home, I heard Coleridge's tea.. and on looking in, there he was with his closed eyes. the button in cis Angela and •he -ii4bt laud g sot/ugly uravlny, just at when I Lit him. lie had newer missod me." True death of Hon, J111211e3 . II -Hammond, fcrieerly Governor of end then U. S. Senator from Scull( Carolina, reminds' us of the foot that this eminent Southern aristocrat and Nullifier never once, within our knowledge, raised his voices In favor of the Slaveholdera' Rebellion : lle was lifelong slaveholder, with the prejudices ond the symnathise of lit Wise; yet he never entiomaged the Re. billion, dm: Palen; bonnie "he never believed halt.' At the nod"cfhta Siege he rfiloquinhed hitteett. in the U. 13; Senate., but there he stopped. He bresaw the ruin whioh was in -voked;but iiir - filistin - Imrolince for resist ing end averting it: Ile therefore retired to We F1'1118.1102 and watched the fulfillment of hie own sad foreboding', until dela .kindly inferpoired to terminate his'eutferlngs.—N. SMALL OAS BILLS. . iEFFINGWELL'S Oat SAVING GOVERNOR • I Pooltlvaly ISTIS frost 15 tote par soot. .; .. • THE ONLY ; PERFECT AND RELIABLE GOVERNOR. IN USE.. No T214'111114 a 'thaw lloltl mot b th4l aurritha. • Nalt—lloolanatobfoo lo tottorl by tba motor, and la so caw viii It lot loft Raleas It auxsospllalow 11l ars tomato, Afillaa by . HAIL6Y. IrtRREIEL & CO., _ VOMITS elltint. ridAo CRAIG OUTLET SAW MILL tau INJIRGB Y4RD. • .11,101 CSAIGISTIMET ALL;GUIZZIT. pLIT/El3llcv, Gas mid Btosu rittlng, La an tip korona., Parstll27 lannand m. tiii tied das puma. moaksics. 02.1 impartment. 44" tirrusze,,. • • • "jai WAT2IIt OLOBIL111; anitintlY :e6...d4; . atile D .' B4ll22. 14 " . TLTZ - - 1146111pUMEILL OLIIIIT • antiblan 1M ?R lana" , arAIMT . rit"birKb. WOOL -40,000 11)3'0306o Washed, for vitt MDDLII. Ir 3 Mut/ BUHL I 1 ; A rPkgB,...loe# b t u s . aek adult yams memo' " Ice Benfl awe _..... _ us. Per sal. by ril • FWflair US LAW, ' PUBLIC Jro7/471,11. WOTICE zdjcunied meeting or elocktal.w. of tag IitIIIIT BOW •0D BLOOD FAIN till. w b . try im MOODILY. LIU Inst .st 10 o'cllck, a, at tbs Mai et A.ll. DAVIA, 191 Maly stmt. AOD atundesoo gavel. „.• • &Loner anntvott,' ri& ,, PA X;fON, P.WIRQLEUM 00,—A . *dal mfolkor Ilk Mott holder'n of the rArror CO.. wfltbe Mkt as the atop of a OBXNfOV, WOLEAT k 00., Ith strut, on ISt , DAY mane. the 15th tut , at 7 oNtfork. A fall at. tendiaco k laqa dad. : J. T. Xttni7 l B3l7, aoCind lone. try. CIOPIO• CV SRI Au LOISSoir Vaunt Hatt aoalaCo..} PRbtarab, s unmake 3f, Mk" • 11 - 7,ETOCKUOLD&R.I3 meta meeting of the Ito% holdatia ef O,O IIaRT ;fabliau Talley litarrrad ao ,••111to bete st the agree of tad Mammy, fa bittabaqr,b, oft the 16b day of Demme bee mat, at lt teektea. a. Or the par... of oon.lo- ,ering a centrset rltti the dfabbolaif and Tara% Creak Railroad 0061 P0117. for in. Iwo and manatee. at '6hr. All gbeary Volley Railroad, and to ralgy or Neat no sum Hs Order of the 71/.11 1L anytior, Yrosidest. .1“21 CRY 11147; 00 } !mammal. tin. 21.N161. A MRETENEI OF TUB 1 EMUS of tbto Bank nail he held at the lianktrgEleass,oa THIMSDAY, the en day of Lis • ander next, sill eelcon apt. to dedde vluthar tot. Bath shall bteMne an Aineflain tor the palpate of Bsolilog sinew the Laws of the Tinged agates, sad lehetbiirlt Omit soy Mel the powers osnteried by the .Act of the tenant Amiably of the Oosononeseith of tenteileaula, entitled nen let stabling the Bents of tile Chnunatmailth lo teen. AL.mmlad•ma for the of /Malang under the Lein of the Lln.noll Matte," approved the Slid d. of August, 1861, and to to take any hulks &Wan that may be , xy•dseet. J. KLOOll,llt, raffia/ Costner. • OlgeotetagsAra blAblinWITI/rbe Drag' ritutough,2l,lol. f [I..A. GENERAL MEETING OF THE errocanoramte :or. Tani BAWL lints theta it the Dent leg Eloos. t oa KUNDAY, the 11.1 tire of November wit, at 11 o clodt gAn.. to mintier sad ecoLfe wkether tlas Dank shall Wotan an • eall•ion ibr the bastneas 'errant lag, 'haw , As 6 .1 of the Elated Elates, lid • leaber it shah emelt* the p mem confined by the Am cf tre• Legibletare of tr Is Mato, pointed Oa nAet enabling the Beaks of this Doorman smith lo Droop W cietiona for hooting node! the Lan of the Dolma St•lea . homiest E3l A egret, IVY; end to t.te any ranter article that may be nersesety. By fader of tbs Board of Director. to=tlin J(5112 Iran; Jr., Osiblet. Tr J ICE. —All peraone interested in ito Grading, Paving and Curbing of WI t+RI BS 9sh Ward.- from nmathenn street to Ca•lor .streed,.• in tats nt that-the' ern ot num.. ht., been ....Ned. and an beam a• th ~111 en of ti, R cording 'claim.. ant 1 !JOS hAY. the Vat atter esti dear, ittry ail! to Winced In toe . Man of the •eo+serer corwihn•t C MotKIWIN. Becoming liegerator. ra ,burgh, Foy. It 1861 etelT • iiI.Lb.GERNY CITY (P 6) COM PONDS —E414 , 311 et the Oompro• rove leorohl — lamood by the aty elleehear. le re um ;UN" of fee Refire-A teepee, en entleed that pro p ..I• will be rrielved ty tho onderelosed for the tn. radix/. et la telt Breda of the Bluth" Food for the rear TEO, crt.ll.lhcembor let; 1.41 e , reee- JOHN ATWELL, titatrelieg Innen, Outtelltt.e. • • rurldel • • Plttettirgb. Pe. MRCGO COAL COSIPAN H Clapital Stock 8180.000. 12,000 MBES AT $l5 EACH, ingruann-40.118 CIE CPT, • 611011trumr—Claps. MllkB GO/DON luannits--J. MoOOI9E. DIRICCITOILS JOHN anzorr. J. n. IlleXllll, 7. rioarr rj r. ir irena.) 3. IL LYDL Oapl,3U. GOILDUS, Copt. 3. I'. KITH. Opt. J. P. SWIMH. Ihiportnteculant. This Compaq oyes the proPerty . Moon se ths e' Mato Mai Works," together te tr a Abe " Krauts fete " adiaining, as contsialse fa di shots 710 salsa Tn. prow* is abated an tin Ora hoot title hononaakela river, oboej ova and • WI sena halo" nritt i tta iT tellt;= Po s o tti: wkiel .n . ta, together rift a railway r onnt a. to the rim 6111 =abotasat la& astresway sarsagnoests ar She sans are 01 . 04 7 °Poo* masa and ventilated sal to poi working order, with entries thiaa. and Tao= tame, sad all 0.05.0 y William Ibr worths e4bts to nos treudted meek d the aid is weß amts to tie et the nip bra quilt/. The tkliego" l. belleved b mo s ingecoo of the star attnahis .ixtal properties is the behashey. • . The Ovespeny sow patron to tarns their feel. Or tor taking. by Um' otastrualort at a sattuttrial Whey, and have set apsaIMMO la lath tor Lb* ra ptor at ankh% contespatet taw vaneras sal ptC. vhithi l wais' gosAr , 10f QS 00W argiathattm With fanlike the Chtenpata poresek ths Otrastasloo7 . balm tine the "Mine 'tic oven to be one nest tubstealtal sad nano •sa thre stooks t• annars.. ahtf CCIUGH'NO MOREL . . . • '. TRY STRIGRLANDPIC \ . ZELLEFLIFOITS 001IGH BILLOAX DR irrugsLeinr r.s mi4.ziwolta conga' EMMA n If Ina mood to moo Goostp, OA^ /Wino :" ,Aotluos. Whooplag Covey 800 Tkroat, C. somption. oaf oil Nara lora • I lb, Throat nod Loop for osto by Druggist,. Grokfol.,Dspot, O lad row) etiof, paolinuß, 02 , , , , • • .D.I ARRR CEA. An the 'Radical run rsd tha.aran 1110011elead DR. • rRICKLLDDT Aarl4llllnt2& BIIISCaIII al tae *IF certain eratedy Oar Diarehoha and Dysaatary. It Ib at Alatalautosita.,Atombasta. &Awn' oat. aed , lad la .wr.t.4l to atlas& • care at too all alba' tonna hay. WWI STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. -Did. 11/1110111.1111:011 FILM SIKKIM bin card notieatteS of Ow wont cs••• of Blind sod Meets& Pars. 11 Arts' latmedista /relief, sod effects s perms sent cam Sky It directly. It le ....must so can. . for lit sti /Avoids. closeted 0 , 9 , 1, gcr , Youth attest. anclassil. O. DThspevsia, Nervousness, Deblllty. • Dlt. TOIIIO. W. asn non•usend than .ageing vitt, 1... of .114. • situ InaLgistkra or Dynotsis, Ignaanons not !fn. as Details,. to an I tricklant'• Taal*. 1. le • sun, perpftratlat, free from anionic Ilsant - It crangthen On vital e n." 0.14 Mtn. ; It • ;lan panne and b vanssteat to noon Ihrpnals Inut Nab .on. t•tillty. [or eal•_ty Dragrlst• generally. Yrey•rad DR 'IL - renstmuretuy. 6 run Voa to Oren. (Sonata/W. • for est. by DR. 020. 11. K TBIZ, arrow a Wood tint n. 6 Siren alloy, sod 8. K. BILLIES IS 0 Wo d and Snood noon, Yttlibargb ;Soul by 11111 /Mend Oran, Allbgbany. sabldnigasi • EILANI & CO, • v . IMar.aga Illuminating and Lubricating Oils, 0P.1717L aUU D, LiigataiLaTigO AUD PAM , ItiG Olga ' • !Also maaatacturers and doxists in anal vari•ty of Lagar!, L • NTlL'agg, ORAN OCLIL ttg. taa. be U3l LABE EtTlf lITAIDIAT a eppaalia month of Wood Orme, PIITIPBOVAIL PA. Mr Ws call aagogal palliation to •or &Flagg COL. °USD MOLY OIL. No ht. for Panic& painting, go., mach atesoer th.o gaze Oil. I:l2LiZak.Fr - - • a lies'irro—.— smut RENO & C 0 .A. IA 41.,114 .13 La Ibl Er. Vales sad Yard. Oaf. Lae.; near P... „w, a o. a it. ski4s, • .istxtoti. LLEOZIIII7 CUT. pitiviax DitiEMWEI APPIOE, NO. 253 PENN STILE ET, N . Sr Food. F r the con of an Moos,* or a pinatas. ma. In Gem two to •ur dogs. 4 oatlttay row bad Iwo Ina moot. Alto, atmtasl wtokoite and at tabor dia.eaea!f lbe pang maw, and their proration. .1 cant woniatod or maw rofundod. itgldniell totters, noir:Grad • . ' W. 453 Palo .treat. WITTER 'nu U WINE—By using th LP pails* 014E= or WI; CIDNII ut lho pirketly moot be .off Hitt! of Utak The edat thoa prooomd Is =martyr Is toothy to oo braitat et oiotortixii srs our to mown. iltor sato, tit* toll (human low or, BIMON JOBNCFOIII, Drunbt, , (lON SIGN MRICTS. VV tro bus Pisa:. Elow.i . ititoes„ VO I as Telloi Orlon% Mtn. Chestnut., 1(0 Lila an. Atipii, II bas Hamburg Cheiii, • ICO booty O. di., to bus nix Riad, 20 bt4 Jotory I,tatoei, In ill :a aid Ice ..11. it No. 10, EmltAll.lo unfit. f. VAN GOOD SU JADIEBm, BALPI!, ' AZUHITXCIT. Itormis littrratrn. Diumnras urwancrizearttin. sit kinds of Thylldh.p, mE operintaidithelt deellpe sn romarAmbi • terms. Orve - eu aliulsrosu et. botvsea Imam" Ma lildbf twon sen.l3. AfElottais cltr. VLOOR I FLOUR! ' " • 4.1 600 bbla.l3ortlett XX Oaten; • • 700 Vora'i - XXX " .• 600 " Dorton XX' . • .1100 " Odeon 1364 at 61X Mar et the Wut " Coo, rake " • 600 • • xx:19 . 22 breaP6 Xr.tra and Vamilly; F0r5.61. by , 604031.111[ER L&3O, oeIS ' 122 Melt, Ati..4. caIIBIIELISAN..RESIEIRWORTOR SOB No —it% tarts of Limo • t wo alta ibtat di' toot• howl Um en), Limo two story bout of two pont coe. ball. largo pattor.' tar bit mwatlet, , ,plttlo room dthlos roan. Ittio6wo. okitobent, teltatTtij i tme at tee roam. Sok 1.6064 two C 6 4 0 1 .6 64, 6 lof water, Mott sad ah sla teem VIVO , 846f Tr Igitobtwwr. norttrlbt.6 6 49loullt tbrirot tto Ms who/and war. tsowUtt gutty. &poly t• soli O. 0101111310gifOze, 67 Luta WM. SPIECMJ, ..rOrfeas. ----- GLOBE MUTUAL LIFE LEHM AN= 0015 PART. or Nor rotg. PLINY 111110fRAN. Tiornwore. Immo Non-Torletilog Oettopmi 1:61 oat lladow• facet Pablo. Abe. Poncho on o 7 other PePebr Aloe No odor Mod of Mk, con <dor rpoai lomity. 1. WOOD& ihiAral Avrat. sr cam. igc rows" a 'minx?. ,ouirtay O.PUBB WINE VINEGAR. B. & N. BOLLX&N, GZILIFANY. wormed, BALLET AI 00 7 Barlamum) • .Tbit only Theist &witted with I Peat Nodal. of exty eittibitolf, at thO Intornattotal Pstlbitlaw Imam. and for Ws by P. M. BOLEMAN, IPITIBI3I7BOH SAW WOkES nuiin&Ais & LONG. Ifsaafaartml of PAtINT 0110IIND 0 ..rental MST ISTZIL BAPS% of meg d • ••• • • MW, DI tesi.Gros. Oat. Gang sad allostisr"ssri -•a an kuitt. of ICBMS I SPRINGS. lands from gn Out fleet; tetra Bagnod itgilePlit AHD MOWING. KNIVES, At. ligsketpxcee end Works, OM WATIG SHORT Partlesalsr attention pin Retoootnlng, Gonaming sod Straightening Mentor date, oho mein of all ends. Penchi.' and MIMI* done at . rateniable ratan Ispighly . .. • cWROBIXSOR. REA At CO., (cocoas \ amass to Eranersor, Ems a stissassa FABIMIG. TON WORKS, SoosasrJ` a Macrazurrs,‘Pittsbargb. Ilanutsersaas or • /I,' AHD STATIONED" STEAD IINGINDS, LI /MOINES, XIII 11A. OHINIME, arauttm, sii. 41 Prum, canna% sr altdssaiptlosur OIL TAMES & STILLS BOILIII AND satin IRON WOOL Alma' for GITITAIWiI MX= 111.111101•03.11.03 NIEDIIIO 1301LXIM 10-TICC CORTSBISIONS AND U. PEIWILISC3 OS AN INVALID, pahliehei ow Donets end es a wemlng end caution to young Rex MIS sr—So Dons Smote Delaillts, Prookstans Dew el tranhooo, GM, SuP MOM, es the mane New. Ow sem **taw. Dy one who hen cored himself alter Wet pot to groat expanse and Injury thaoasS;stadlost has aux and comps v. By olacloolue • ponvold addreaafd sar;Topa, slues cope. may to had of flu ailltar. SATHANIZIL MAYNAIA, Bodkord. Edna county, Id. T. psy9l:lyalraT 10. ro 1311EF 1131F880 BOT/I 11711103.—A. relearn& gentlebioli h►WL been metered to break to • few dark after eidagidat mita, and irticasi aziney• mode of treatment. erUnnat moon. onnteero 0 Ws teMen dal, commontcat• to hie alflLetrell fallow orientran tY wean of core. lift., on the receipt of an addnatain ear•tope, he will and, free. • copy o f the oraratipttoe nerd. Direct to Dr. 10tD id. DM:Of ALL, 1911 lob Ozark D. T. I==Z3 LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER KILL t MILTING WOMB, Itersinaz PARK. KcaIEDT alg laanadectarera BILASEICEP LED BOLT OOPPEB, MAUD OOPPSE buTTOMB, )1A1:111D !TILL BOTTOM. BPALTBR 'BOLDNIL Mao, Darrtsts sadatalsts OLIZ&L.% TIH PLbll SMOLT IRON, WINS, L. Constantly on band, TES ,NZba' 11A01111Tia AND TOOLS. Wiiug Monuo, N0.1401i16T /41108140 ND BTHMO, 01:41Z; of Copia oirlio say sisylOl:b,tbrr jr7 -7, -,„„ WY, BABIEILL CO., 130u.x -4.- KAMM AND BNB= BON WORK. EBB, ition Bt., Brad IW, I; 24 oat .1114 Horlale• °and • larl• nerd and tarnished It gettle the wad Is prayed sieohlaerh en ere lowed to neunsfooton nary derirtptles of BOILI2II, •ho toot wooer. du 'woresetted equal to my made b the oacatry. 0311. 111110/1122. 11111 BID% errzAtt nem uxamoTivE sousEs, 00ND12618I8S, ILL? rem, TANS% OIL BIWA earriToss, 021. TUBB BABB. BOIL= IRON 181801121, 808/LB PA" seal noir modunniliarue OS ALBSWILII TitiT DOUAI& Bopslrks; dome of tb• aborted =that 6 • davits 110/31/MIL LA =LLB BTEEL WORES 111,EITIER & C 0.,, Dammam to Setter. AATtICIAIA 00., saantaalsron C. 611 1 . exam. OrZINO. rum Am) BLIE =KM l eratxae, AX.L.121, Osownans,ao. Aorta, TUt3T WARD. Allordsoy Qty. IN O. Lamm TITSBBIIBOII.-. FL talalo 1 -- §‘DIBEABES OF TEE NERVOUS U/tIHABY 4I.HD BlU [ Ulli 4Z> TlLlCS—aorw and reliablotresbaint—la HOdoxidol [Loma Aradtallow. Beal by mall soak! gnu oaialoya, tom of stagy, Mara D. I. 51.13.41, U01X12021. Howard danoolattort. Ho. S lona nit b Phlladolplda. Pa. - OHB: COCERAN 6. BRO..ltan afaetarara of IBMS RAILING. IROB TAOISM MID VAULT DOORS, WUNDCiW INDTTZILS, WIN DOW SWARM Lo., Non HSZOOND and 154 THIRD STIZZI, Len Wood and Hattai. How oa band a ..• cf rr.: Tto y .4; pl.ttl. Particular stteattca pa! 'to .■elates OM* Legs. lobbing iloso at short aorta. at/ lea JUST PUBLISHED, by Dr. Fon- TAI • popular mats. m VISIAIIII3 Or 181 l DI ADDED; also, one oa i7leoTohrt Or VIL, CHUM Li. end deo co Drp.Vol7s DDDIGVIT.;.II.• ramn and ram Ditier OM north mail far GO 11121tO .140erra Dr IMAM FOSTAIND. N 0.710 arost•ty, Ntir Tint. ••404.1 A. BOLZEB & BONS., Da•Lsa3 to 70111410.16 tolsD D 06178710 BILIAI.OI . Ha COMM; 1:67IITIVIOIMP OP DIPoEitT, WWI 6021:11 ,11.111/ SPZ01:11, Ho. 67 P. 67D1171 Putobo4 Pa. OW ColloctkBo rude on all tin pr111t766.1 HUN inerng osa the Molted Eltstol ICENRY' H. ooLLINO. Fortra•- '-IEfO MID 0015.20.8610 N WIEEKIELILIST ail oraolimle 4ealar la UMW% nihm, el KDA. 1115111, szd prodzes MIT, Ea. MI WOt QUANTERMAtiTifft GENEARLI9 OF OT/11101, - - Yam Domes, Wawa:moron Cdr, noveatterr S. Lod. • •11 bedld .6 yoldle anctloa. to the tugboat 01 r, Pettit dm ale dm. sawed Wry, els 0 . I 1 Oill, PRIM -TLYANE• TRU SSD all, Never, ter YI, fad. lAi Cd. 1111114, tiIihaTLIANIA. Novelabeo 11, lad. PLWEIOT LTA ecia, TIIITBADAT D.onaber Ide 1861 . Two hasand cavalry norm at caeh Oro. 1 heee hoed have Nam aoadem.d ~ milt for the 0 - rd) rode. ales scat. , . Ycr roil and fusdag purposes mud girt beftlata hey be had. horde role *lady. nal. to 0C1176106138 at 10 o•clerk a. at. 'lmmo I Cade La Cancel Butes owcretoy. JatOZ, • 10T,TW, Col ad la draw Pint Division, Q. 11,0 o.' 0:01 itto I . IIW id USW 13lXVICE—Dr. Ma ll no% New Mule Pool,* fotfeboobtrintrirnallyt Ondto. not Book; Prins 80 lowa Tn. 8 og Gorton,. !woad Groh; len 115 ota s.eb mm.• plots hi Melt ,To be 'Moored by Go Don Garbo. Tote Boa, as lota as wady. Mr. W. B. Bradbury's - Maw Moak foir Ellen flot cob sal Choir.; 1 he Ivy Soto, a as* orMeettoa of Cbateb Mono. P. los 11,60. No autooteltiloo two 4 toctostry of now botta'y. tomb:al atubtrs of lec& via. tol.ttatlon, ; whom pro vt us &cat fa blur deutotakta ban-btab limy =lob to rueeetr&l and pima& - than Um* of say other outhqrs. poctatn otplos by matt pout pot! for Atut pacts named. Pabllabad by beflibtaod • JLAEOZI Dit01131315, Nei :ca. - vans ROLL lIIFILTRIL-rl. - tor., just -1: recArtd Itxptest,• by • WISP & Llbuty fitt,ol. AT AN ELEOiION HELD ON THE JR. 70th Ca, of Faromber,'A. D. 1841, to the city of PlAladrlpb a, for •, Insidaut and blrectore of the coeuellarilt. and Borah.= P,nolu Innis Mall Way Corpacy, tb fdloiclogs pmecua were aorta : "'let MAIM% T. - Joan A WEI cHT. • ~UwrFe W, Cai.s D. U. Daylden. D. M. 'mall. I.D &MY. • .1 H. McClurg, libtoet Creep. IlesrAws A. Rut!. Jael.h Bur*, Jcbti IV Sot .e4r, Ma. t 11:r: le I. a swot, B. L. Bartell, MEM CCJENKII`.e. Callahan Merchant & Purchasing agent, FLOUR DADDY; CHLESE, DRIED AND GREEN' FRUITS OD ALL 7ARDI PRODUCTSJ Orden 11.1101‘54 all marchandloo,Pllaborgh mono.. &clam Bad Hazed Dila al Jailors oad maostootword taws, ,o. riP•vosarr (opwolw Wood atrea,) PlMauna. Pa • Admen wads and photo lallootloo Own to all Ildwalldwala andateamsoa. Pia•barph Barionoo:—Idall• & Bow. Urfa it Wo- A° ooll l 4 . Coq Mermaid la &Analog, Soho ßlack I. Homo* Oh, Jobn 'MD AI oa., B. k. It4howthAt a 91 millaztandf • WSAL PREIBEH AND . • ENGIIMINGGENERALLY.Rochra ,15,28 Fifth Strecit. sterJaz LB. BEY/LOU& Jrz irr .luormerzar-arz." rte. VRESE CRACKERS, WINGS' FARINA CIIATtZ2S, Almond and Oleger Net% Trintes, Wstov and rat ey trackers, j 0• t ricotta float tie ktra, and Lac Wont the FazeUy Grocery Moro ' Mo. A. ItICvSHAW. • 0023 • ettnor rf ktben7 and Rand eaten 11 - 0,13 - PAllg WE° OFFION.-14, Shin ser kro .11o7t Tama tined, bdatlog I. ~rued thee , tivAilttes tor .103 P313T180, Lte, tom. I. prtpand to do all wo.k ieltratod to nu m, la s statute/ ottaitare, It ohm. t aka. and 00 reasolatd. tem I. Giro turn a • .11 and extaldo sur.tutted. n0t.3:1•4 - NR CORQNRR OP A LLB 11 GHENT =NTT um be fccntst the • ifORT,PITT CANNON TOUSDRY, from terms In daemon:dog till I. laths i! .. er.tig. nald-cce.1.12711 1108138011 OTEZIT, user tae Bid • raul'Brktge,l4.lloegleny rtf. 01.1. . w301 steir . G'OR, TIMNINGIVING-DAY.-I\e Plus Ultra Eldred Mated Meat. !ajar, or by tba pa !ad: laltby's Of sten In rasa. sad b.' , ow; fillaksr Sweat vs.; Hoaday sat Grits:- yrsabsrries. Messed a• d Moir NUB ti Israistleally wand. Inch , 'Pomba, roatots, Etrarbenky, Vas Apy!es, Grew Oars. Pew, epangu, Lobittr, !Moon end Spired_ Clam. pr ita:a at OW/wily_ Grocery store of • • JOHN A. 111111biLLW. _ son • maws Madly and Ilbaidnatzakaa, • li/fICADOW OIL 00.—The enberinera: 6 J.T.L the .teet of the EIELDOW OIL Oft., .111 plisse - pay the emoostrof their saterript.os I, the Trearritor, at the clOce onion. ittOlEdB Of. HOWE, No 3. E fib ter , q l . l _. • IL HOLDSHIP, Trosire, KARVIN'ti 111. SUP/8108 Crackers and Ginger Snaps, • • - !He. t 7011E111 mollkaraz • MOTJOE TO CON'TRACTOR3.--"roi)o. LI eels are Invited and will I/another! dy tho tam. Metre °sett:mem of-illa they of Altosdim mail NIL' DAY. as lith day of Ncvenebar, loot, for ells grading, • f Marebal serret, from Bank Mast to Marlon Ave. ens. 70' eas.ts wII he made to Ids contrast" as oen sa C+. sateerrornts ems orlierotedOn tee ptoosity f Loldves. Pteposals to tot loft with A. 1101350 N. toner WRIGHT. Okalemean of COmnittaa on It eats. [47XICEITOBS .BALE OF Rgeb lATE.—,Its accordow• verthAlai provlolone la the 'ant ta rn tottamen. of Nstb.a Estop, &nomad, Lots of 11.1oa tenrssOlp. Wialangepa,untsity. Eh, as. err .Fred w it off, at pa 110 0.1.;'00 1 1 .1.1.1 tb.ZO:b dot of D attar next, at 1 &Mock ptha farm on b:clt raid dea wad eeeldod , eXaltalalxitaloaut To aetr., o xraten isernoted . Irmo Home; Tramp Sara sad Plot 1. and all eth. r necerer7 outtmaldln. . TEIVIIe. A rwm• Tenant Hoare Ingo Attabl• be!on.log to Oh. ran v. P.alt:of .11 Mod. la staulols.C•. Toe weals.. are .11 cod.rbid wits Llateetor.• sad Oosl. roceee.lca ,Iron th• Lot of A pxU next. cat at , Jo 8111 1 11 B. GAITOE, Executor. COLLINS PAbS FOR . . EISUE. Ma at ova valuable prag arty, OW tad la COLLINS TOWNSHIP, Etat a few mllea ttera.the el'h ne I* reached br the , reu aburg kik!. kenaa, liallread and . !Cast "Law hallaay. , pnr description of fro arty. And Tam, %nay to .. ncl7 T. A. IIcOLIILL LED. Atm% THE RENNIN INSURANCE co., OF Hey YOR.Y.—Cash xxiXtal $740,600. Ecrxda. gash Lt.lt6t, 11522,210 xO. Amp% PALO oiX). Xteptan Crxrall, 1 . 0.11.01 t Edgar Crosot, Vies PtoxideaL WASHII4GTott irravaasme CO.. or wkw Tons. Cult 02061;11400,600, trots. rat. Int. Clo !azurite,. Prteldent • fleet, Wntot. e tee Presktept, to 'Motet loud too tbo..ltrsollug. too,'. entitled; to panto pate, they mods oc.lpt dos do ate pet mo to 1881,188 sad 1003.. taHusixcs gtlat !BS L 7115 IST 17111 X, oil lanes end Bluer slaw taken In call,' the abate Amnia' and nß•b.• Companion. B. B BAY.tsi, nO4l t renal,. str• t. batten Building. TENN YEON CLUB. LY CTURES se. .LW at I edam sad 11.4411age.susttrtheaulpfoinet • "lIINIntSIN CLOW' .111 be peen by the Intel pottier L Ilerere •tleaiste et cortoustry. tarlag the peanut winter Nese. en. Ir. Bellend. J. G. Bark Dr. 13tapht. J Z dot*, T. hasheesh 11E4. J. 11: Mom It Waldo Ns, epee Peet Ace d.; Crettee 810W1.011,111m. Gene , . wed: teethes Item h George Vet/Imhoff. Alt Sur seen sad labon ban test cornssmnlA - with lied *ld te seseoseed th doe tinehollsad eepeee um Ant haters ot the WM% of the Seth thetset ; lobJeet : 'Chit W cluiteeestisn,.. HALL PATTSISON. ) J OA =all, I . J. I.I3OI7IIIIIItIELD, iteetor• 001411111,0% ' • O.IIc9LIID tate, -P.ZIOUSINUe CARD-4/IL AND 111/NRILAL LALNDe tom IMI OH latant.4llltt4l. PAIR of • engns Oil Sonttonrand Loon P"r" t° l o" ,l ,l•Ne i cauty el hod otter MO la odobtatetni radon vont eWag., Os goaasta; thins Item. Mon Hook. 1 , 0 Oven, not sli saber Wanes Loportsaos lea bats also a Ingo mond of valuable torOtory Is klu+.oatnik....l Wont-won anon, Oslo, OM other 'phew' Ten. West Vtrsluts loon On sts. W Sontag with stosodnn ninon. nennale, mein 0111 wail nem the after for bilinear. Sensloonottl .144 or Isnot to essatttias to ode soptiosan, not os moonset. Mean. Mar paytlaalais dinar sr estrum J. L EIIITEI, 7 id Law. alayleata. 0...0r O. B. att. say , TEE °EMT }MOUSE REMEDT- I=l eIELEBB47SD .TENIALS rum, Prepared frete • • pteectiption of Mr 3. Puke. • ChOlchio Jrattoordiewry to the Quota. 'SI& soli knows mg.:Heise to ixt - talpsftlos, but • Pb p vain ...Ark Itor walla Ilialcialtivould Otirtronttoss, nib any canoe villainver ; and although • powerful mop they moth rintbiris harlfal 1 ilso cosalltottss. To Mari-10d Lanuo IS Is peculiarly mane& •It sill. 1.., .hot thug. Isis, tot the thlypork4 with resew:l4h Th•r• PO! hams tors, tom arrow. to 54% when 1:4 • Oirtatens 45rt tts td sap of dm p aphid ani Inn eta. vvd. • . icr pertictgare pile Ps let, rte., et Me aajeus. SOW by Day! g eta Pniee, jt p StOe te(t•B Shags *rest. JOB MAL& 27 Cuonisodt s'tsst, Irsor To*. N. D.—sl sod I posing, sumo, snclosst to sn7 thodood molt; will (mart • UM* coutairitoo mot Dil pals, hj morn =AIL noRI7dVAII Ciasoi or OVIMATMICII Pftfoargb, 61.,5,1816, f ‘,Zis4ILLE D 00 . °SALA IN DUPGIO &TB 01.1 u tblt , . Datil IflBl, 7II7H8• DOI, th I.lday of D.omber'l6Bl, tbrtbo moydylog .80 d•lfad•lltt alll%. Pest, at .-81. mg., rn fa .mcb nasatlthm..booodonf,..... may .raoln. 805 T &NU 1.1.868 BREAD of goof and a.lfy,mb• pet to Inip.etloo, f.o if.) do mouth. .1.11.1 la. Use ate* Mmba, 0 octal may dUget. • • • Nocb bld mut Da non. sop. led by • Eaunty fo.tlaa elevation of a cownct to eau.* tf la b. t captsl. and ..34 nod roecl.of atcallty irdl bole. 111 for 'tu• too per'clmostol stAmoof. 51.nk tams f bids at I daarsalomi mirbo Dr mired o tPiltrAtft'st a 0 tear, ptssecally, or tap letts or klgraph.-- . • re potali at . Oran mart name all doe poi* to inch tlret . T. prepoesta et biddy's eat In ersteritttp,to the want requirreatedo, leU so* to a:add-red. Baldna man Ispresent !non the One noorntad. Ike rant t-trjoreldi the bide i• run , * d. olds'so endased, t/Prupael• tor lartsd.t . ttl ItoRllB. CLOW,°art.& OA. Ofncs tier Pt on neva and *lantern allay. • tat de' MIITEOPOLLTAN CIFT ROOK STORE, WILL MN ON Tuesday. Nov. Ist. 1864. b ve.e+ne•tt/ located at No ' 63. VESTS" STREET, . etstesusaae OPPO6len•an A NV SX nuns ov nom, TM. a lbelaraist and wit pleat" cooduetelt tablisbarat Waal of r.' Turk At tblsentell•hat.nt I• 1.7 book ioa env ¢t W. ft via In every put of I,tteretara ant you ha the advantage oft.. airing, sub each bout that lon bar. . i A HANDSOME PRESENT . . We I th Iran 711"17 MOM to CidlE HOSPILID DOI/. LAW, 'filch'. Ores calla irob%ook . • 811 book" ate saU at pabliskit prim: And toll eon Meet froat ilem Wort stecliov -odsrad Is tale chi, hieladhid tot"imam: Wale. - all deferlptlion of Photograph 'Llhaelf. nit gees; of Illelet and P, 'Yoe Boos,. all the late pobtlestkoia.' all, it. rsAn 1.. to Olt Mots, all patterns of „Poritella,lhoke for all claws, ape" all stades% ismylielo of bladlngi ant la eneliss Titbit). 11.aeiabot that fa Pantaftal boots "Pas • • • . Metropolitan Gitt Book Store; Teem *sort than you erkiid "Limy** her of le Ilebto•stAnd testy the adyientio or nee Oleg • var..uALIILIC. niticsurrr With hack btalethablon bay. One trial 4;11 bowfin M.* bears that tbo pyre to Lake their .pareasts fa at G 3 G 9 UPTEI EIRIIET. 0011 BTO= 07 phetcgmh Albums, lliblls k Pf3,yer Inks 28 ( 4 1 =di'eglgitt ° ,4 1 ,1kra f t,":',7 4 L "", ratekaaevar7lng 6.413 Mt, mtl to me ar;dred dal. ottrtorcolotlvo nttologats zoti,d tat to Geist Gnu tpta ►ppltaotlon., W. L. rotTEB. &CD. W. 1° P E 4 4 4 4 . 111 E4s " 1 .1 ' , - Onlea den prondarar. New Torn. :..... .., W. E. zonliareitEs, n. -D.,, ~ pilloe 1 -410 . rdnird Blame% Vine...On Dante Mir asainalna atlandlon to to I:43laat end Ihnlital Watauga at Ontonla 11N11114 **Whet time at inn Ungar Dane. in av End% Rs nare.-Onatlpating, Iranian ha. " Olaaragaa and Innlatank of the Bona!, A*a r . r l4, Cann* Innwon at tin Wotan,. to °1"4.4 i ithw. . (II L1TE....20 blgiv 6 4. sale by. .. ' ... ' vraws i . Essay B. q3;ll6till. • 4:;,.2;4i . A - . , ,7.1;:,....,:.;:c - ,•,•::,•,];;;:a,: - ..,2 , ; ,. ; itiREM :7r.14 iP= Vi rEkrzsm.ammvs. Devon 43oartilutttola Carnal 0n 10, 41 - Pltobarak. Pa . ltd. isec • .800 000Builikra OF COAL •—cle e a 'emit day i4 .7ll . matt 11:31. fot t gatalu: skeddaltm.b.r BIGH.4HEINDMADTHOUSANGBUSEI SL9 OP GOOD DIPROGADTADIX PLR 51101/811 00114 at Ittemakto, item ma.- • • 1 Proposals mat be• matte t, Proposal, fat Cad. frt mungda, lona awl odaTame6 to at. OoL A. MOSS, roptil Q. kt. General, rittaborgai Pa. • Otarmiaa Tke ihnitl of theldchley to fill the contact, shcrold be awarded to hlso; mat be gmrsoked by two remm elble petsoos, whose akpateres most be appended to guanktee. The remooalbillty of theta:eaten melt be shown'by the othoial certilleme of the Clerk of the menet Diewiet Coort. or of the United States Dirtrkt Attorney. , Bidders moot be preamt to person when the bid. tow opened, or their propoials will we be mouldered. Bond. equal to half amount of the snia to be receiv ed on the contract, signed by the contractor and both of hie goarantara will be required of the sootaisfol bidder upon signing the oontratt., ds the band most imoom• pony the aintraet, it wits be necessary; foi the bidders to have their headmen with them, or to have bonds sign: ted In anticipation, and toady to be produced vben - the Matt:rad Is signed. . Perm of Goarsotee. . . Rs, of the county of -, an• State of and of the comity of -, and Son a of do hinny gametes that to Olt to Wall cur.'. beet is ercordermi with the terms of his preposhion:: osse toot, obee'd;his prop anion be sant d, be will at ova enter into **contact tharew:th. omens& the con• teset be avoided him we ore proposed to beams Ida avorities rfu this gasrantee most be appended the diktat My, ilnoste abo • minttiorms . • . Prrposah from disloyal parties will not be cr e l=' and an oath of aliftlance will be reguirtd et bidders before Moles contract*. ?be midemignet tweed to himself the right to ni persey or sit bid. tbet be may dms to high. Psyment to be nude upon the . ample lon ed thews.' Vett. or to scan ther eaf ter ea t ondeisigrad snail be la fonds. _ _ - L iulthott WHILES IS FHELRMAN ? tt cassmtp.alerktiwik C*l !id!) be the geaitag tiOttlloll OS all IMPS 1111U3TP1 GAZZETEEB do Or albtra Stat.,, tor $1 eW llattroad and otter roator,trgott or •Itttaarocalpttoo ottted Motto ' , two* 010 Writs I Ott, to to visit. d 1y tat. DlOloattattod torsi tool bit Wait Aral. IPr!oe, out, t Omuta. la t twit It CO. tot rother.orlto tact, dl.2f. BlottottpXt }alltant.tptol pike. ffAPI3 OF - THO OIL ; REGIONS, 'NW, Maps of Wen Virginia .4 Ohio 011 Vosluto; nis Eon Hap. I 61.ned. Yet., Si 3 OO U P.elist El EL • Banta ,Ilapa of Tenaugo County ell Regions, t dad • z &badmen. S as.2B. Tem 1.5. 10t«1.{wn • 51,60 Pinata copies d the Ode al rod pda Otiteo:lpt of yds. ' JOHN P. HUNT, Publiaher , • so 717711 Stall? =IONIC HALL. tan I/D8.21.4Y LEUTUREd. THZ LZOIUE COHILITITEZ Or THIN YOUNG MBA'S LIBRARY 111001111011. ANNOVNCII TICkT •00 URSE 'TICK ETS - • For the tmulng teaseo, ikr• row nay far &Miry The Caw bites aspect it Ind hes Lectern. 111811 . .149NA I. 137EISR£ON 'JOHN 8, CI01:808, and otturs ata tapgel, and sfl apppor dosing t!ul nits cf traria Keith 13. to ba obtabird lboai meat bus of O. manilas sad at the Library Error No Oa. al• tlckaisailL b• 014 En lear ti as wilt clump. SSW 2 • ISIMILL, Jr. IV B. =lt/LIMY. . JAS. 7'. Dnsamb. 4v. B.nrß . aI.IIIIIZ. V. L GaLDWILL; (kramittaa REMEMBER THE . _ TBANKSGIVINR DINNER; FOB Tag.SOLDIFMB. INtutrlllations co. Intent to CITY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, • /TUGS NIGHT AK. TO PODS?. K. H.ous Omar t 043, rat i ssak Oblostree_A, Oixtbsily any, tb•es to city NZ. " um.f2wr.`,4 rOMMONWBATH OF - TENNAMOI BILVAXIA. saseanty . 21101ide hinistrad. Da all cca ..r of the last brill' lad bostsabsot of SHollAll IfeKralf, farmer Owns. nor of thorbastonanal h of Ponnayisanbi, &mama. aadallth IfAlsIA. 7 itzuticas. gralol/0112.01 Da earn TOD TO. Ira, of al's Tonal* 21- - .1.0.5r l'atubk, • tooibuy of Fiala. and all Maass lotanshad la the ad.' tat* la 1 SOMAS YoILITA2I. doorisod. To #11111111,110: tlllll.B b forrta. aa octal Aasstall4 If said Oonmosesaltb. enthlei aso. LA to oroato etck tar had, sad to proilda for the vales* and amain esstsaola wag of tar diet of the Coossrmirsloftb. poss. *bo Itch by of Itort4 A. D. 1100." • ' Tan so • borabs at.od soh. lasi ay...Dar boron too 7. DITITADDIOD, Doesas of wino do to sod for afstaald musty oa or". Neon Tomato.. the 1501 day of Lasuabot *at, A. D. list. Dna and thass to abov caw% It noy yen assn, ssby tba allataral laharusnoe to: apin lb. Wats at alorsioad dococeat Racal/ not be 4 414 UPI tablos coastal' of .loci (3,100) throe tbousarA am Missiles% sorts of hoot alitabol sad beat With. st wish* of Danflabsy bonorad op cha use of Iffarsr roosoy, of Maid Satalda sod sobers. Han *Ol. %kat? the' p:aa sy that may IMMO 'olssa iscderoband sod 8.4 of 02os as flths. lamb, fhb Stab may of Ifonanabor, A. D. Ital. na AL-lL3Dbf W RIWIARDS92, Wotan posuo BALE OF THE PITTSBURGH 113213118VILLX nadESGSIL HALLWAY,. Mr dent M. an .r not or th• protean sat Ts at lva pivots arramos," la:ocanp.lad to nuke tale of toe Flitoloyeb t Errand • Itiamay .4 'Peddle *0.11.. Tt• Solway erzeprlsra,fonr.adlo o - est tall (dries llna),••140Ing,41 lbw pat yard. and 43. alba T Tad' (Aro. Ift a), vastly( 20 Ira p.. porn, aatonntlad la ra UN ton. • There aro rearn - tara. att rrild ado We, S. yenta% Home yak all Um aecraszy dlaro arm. alsols.alth alum alb cooplaan ad al tats. att. I.l.aorlilr hoz. palm tar arlaElog OM: di. aid and 0. at. rano, and evrottlng nradoty tocart• an 0 Patortart Hallway summon ty. The emtlra - Itoad I. tLe Darner Of Is.leeFOnd Math. any t. Pitt. borgh, Ida terrain= la sr.harando. , I. DOW In bettor d Mak Quilt ha lam tor paoa boa nada, ea'atnt olrodratat oat pus itand.ons• d oldon3 o• th,r vaunt. Te • ra..tat a' 11311 void to obey Metal ono arras tb• red to abatis adlabst rata atm Pram Pr Ow. Pastan/car Dadra' In am ally. , I I•andralg_priatively tad. p ace In slartltyaf litta larca. kr , aertial oh. Itoomort .. Illal'arataa, bo ll.Ear , d.). Not. IV b, at p. m... • . Tim% aaahait csolt, :edam In 101.0, to M.O. inr~d bp loaded wort-sae with hums% at Ma eat al? jar east., papilla raatananatly. awl* tdd WA: N OTICE TO.LVSHES oN.BUCHAIdiN 431 . 1 1 r" nos, liar. 141 b. Ult. At . wolf.' of the grogram.. sod him ea of the A. chooan tam, h•do out the fib debt Soefeahre. 7834, it we dttinolvid Nit all lime e isa- mild fats .13usda beat mil anti Pad 1.141 i the tom and aeon. vv.. of said hen. an fall o mining with by the tti bey of November 11114. Thertiare SOILS. (width to tat intibed by low, tat I. %Ivan as= wit of mort to diem to an poi 0. Idles , Mem ea int!! fa at that Wen ohs taw sad owlitleoa of Wel hems :• • •ollysomehed with, the ease 'LI Lielielted end Whine will at craw be O n M s. theses* fp II • asStilite 1.411 mails On Ms. am of of NOM; b...lBo.4,thsionoptioter. of veld Ms eel be et theedwe Si 111 et ell, 'rola' , 11111 batmen!. tr.p.roS is sive tram mete to any seer team ieleofd iota. tir• the thloair to OWa haws sin EN. I. As wit.' time a blot Of Pistons ei B t oo.'s dna. haled. *big tlo hits 5) fch Nub to ht. 11170Hilloal resit 0tr..00 . OIL saws rrnwimun•cd zaoaamma BOTALrd 0n.6.• • Bosaevfne, Noe:11lb. 1144. '3 • , • •• sicdhld WAY/113$.—Letters of . Adininistrotion,• ~L.ii' arm 404naahi ammo, having tawni:manta! to Om madendtad. on the alatia of An2.IIOST-Yerletil, dcceemd.lite, of Pltiaboidb, Attrition moot/. Penn intranle, bill penman boring theme on tar; eaten are notified torment throb datrAntlmolleatid, lot satt l ll. 0 ant, and all perms latettid 'evil =Me oaramat to ice, . . ; ILIAMA...IinTICIII4" -- - ` MOTICg.—Bit rower of Attorney, duly J.ll, .tested, I ham appointed =peon. WII J tis. , 7141 TE to re . t e the mime of MITII9IOY noTIORIA • Ocratend. At, pireone harlot claim' will present eked 0 ..1, .actbtoticetcd fur natio:tient, and ail prannt knowing . , 41tlita 11)41 nd intim' LOAM *II pap IPA ddimunnie at In tits pina melon, and be: ;can; t ; Om bullaemCday at Oka 11 . 00;th Ns. ;Um 01 1 , litaitot Watt, Patebur,b, tntamu the hcatia 0 11.111; stall a. m. !. ; !' . ;Mall* KoTlGlffili. • fitfoftlstrstiir, festoiseoto astir*, of Anthony ,! If oTigbe, doctooa. yosaaborls,22ll. oats, • UWARD P. — JpllllB, ' • • ••0. ted WALISTIT fIITSZET, Elcrslnlsisr ra, in. •:rAr oia bitarsoi la VerougoPt out. . dla Ifsst ifirztals. VerrayttrplljLata's, re., f.r sale, lug larlfad to owl darn/pt, as gala terms As 4 1 0/14;. - twirl ,* !I A p.t.nts',ll4.biTeditittaitiA.ND . . DOOM. BEOEB. ANTI CIiITERS, , . y . - 014;Fer stale, and farm, it . tar 3, • .tottiet' Tiftit sod ttreota. ..! . $ll - Pr!oes to tort oyelybdy.' . • nol7 WO OARS OATa,• • - • - - too • iOt a es z :lr tro ltr iaiii. °l l"!,-. 'too DM Mal v. hoOtOtkon.histon ono tot mob, 1.4 u rArrigii.zei4 Wag . • :-:-1; DRY GOOD& .11_OHS LIAGILIC GOODS. MERINO VESTS; AND DRAWERS. Its Wish Wce;in sal Milano. ill, WOOL TEEM ADD DRAWEIS FOR allrl% NEELIGIBI OA TUTELIAiI IEIII WOOLEN HOSIERY. hrg•Goortmeat • OF ALL THE DESIRABLE` _ STILES is Plata ud SILLITACII, 101111, ASO 11INIUMP 11011282 BUCKSKIN aLOVES AID IMANTLETS. • IuBBOLIECA 11E1 LID *Suspilugs. LONNIE GIN:I; AM ITSIBRELLiS. • VOOLZN IntrZota Taluss. • la all ecion aa4 taaatalia, BLLIORiI 8111113 , * agar ox la Kilo and d"abLUsa I taws Impale& Ornaments aild Trimming% Tor Claala and Drama Rich Hash mug Bonnet Ribbon,. /11 AND LNLSHNI Swum LATIR NSW OT)LNIS BATA AND NUM COMM. MST mann PINS AND NAN DECIftl. TOJKIT BOOKS ANDINAVILING NANO lIIIIIIIDELPHIA 111.011 FR 4S,L BOTTONIV - ANINDOIIII 0 INSWIB, WBtIZ MID OULDNID. - RAM BOLL) AND CDNJUDLLII RIM ANJULICIANIINPNTSBANDIEADI 80008. TGAIA LION _SHAM). L SLOVEN, BOU T4BI and TUN, • Timing attain aio Of miaow 1181117. 11011=1, sad mono plinluard difsatly from no Yokota WIWI/ Aiwa., sad WU ampere favocalti prloninallly and e Gaols. lles idth Tonto Ala, DO walla 11131108 b, PISS, 138810.1. 81881108 and may other SNIT& Wdatil. Jan mewl', • ones. lily of Mariam 1188180, sae whit* 00 1 t1011 ROIL trypotal attOuttto bovottor b Khoo to oar... tonmost otHOIn ItADi itirIZOLIOI. icA*o.l% c atm & Co . no9:Lf Yon. VT ILIND L 9 7L11713 11111137. A NOTELET. OPENING tr - NEW GOOD' dr Baiker Co% 69 SUMER ITRUT. lireater barirsiss OM , mall 7 srmaAtz, Ames. 00T01111.1: leg, 1864* PRICZIO DOWII TEM U!IU ova Wholesale and 1141111 Devinmeii 611. - sarka4 iiied r Wind LIME 11111111411EITIll Pimp utis . 4 .• 241: ban esiends HI Is' ° art Otraill . 170 , Li Ole Smola Boreal! • from this l t Aosabli HOP.II t ao • Ir aid)," • 21 FIFTH STREET, LARGE . , STOOK , New Circulars, i ! EAMES. BAS QBBl, New Dress Goad, ropins, . • MERINOS. New Impress SHAWLS, PLAIDS. . • A. , BATEK I ; tote .2i zrziliiria sAxranwr. IWURTH A IsRIVAL W 090Da. ji; lr• J. M. BURCHFIELD'S; ' French Merinos, Empress Cloth, Irish French Poplins, Plaid Popilne; - - Cobargs, • Fancy Enka, • Cloaks andilhawls, !ivy isooduall of tray dosselptioa of dry goods last ortsd. sons saw ,011111fg AND ',Aux"? saw CA2iTON PLANS= 4 nianto, anwrwo is , woore AWL !ILK' UNDEROARIUINTS. White Shirts, Tzinnins, Hosiery, ite., AT Mnop t rigoza, AT - • 1001111111 D, DEAAiB4Ii k «xi stauizem wawa Dreour QUIXISZIgar , nes Onasaul 0en:3,17.8. A. AMBULSNOS / 881 h 14 4 14 .#0T. /13, 18414.; &del Propisalswlll hints se this offlo• nitn'u . dokcit L. the serabax OPtoirszter,s,lBs4, tor the delivery et ens - bards's! doondanoao, (Whoolles paths's) at rtelaborin, ' Xhosa Arobalisseae ate to to wade at owned the" Wand bunt as par apeoldattoortthlot.eta ha am at ate tam • ,4 The tdde moot statatairtuntmi thahld4ter vlll dis 411Ter the whole netabar. i 44 Prototals maid bo sesalta.d 44 Prolosals Amend so. ' sad seaweed to Lt: COL, tr. On 01.1. Dsr o ty Que. benouter Caters!. 11.11.40. 1 ' Pithhatlit,b, po. attbsthoard manes to himself =D a. • Jest eO7 er WI bids that be load dam toe btads. lime a opt Do mooed Cl anocalatat hidden la ems het :the LWOW of the tiontraet, atoned by too send tad resit sot totnaltte444 .. Pelmet to be mods upon thi aosaplatten of the old., track or ao nth thereafter es the moderato'sd shalt he siderf L14441t. "ad rt Q Ilt. &sera KIWIS, PUN 48 ABS /IL* WWl' =sow liabsa,'si rat /AI at tea tttait — "AR. ton , plata nt • , Baum sup*, num. Ws Ltit Plaice at tba i;iln;la - the olotatar atusurna swam 4; •a NM gnat. Selo Agra. 4.IIIIOIIEMIS.JrTs, ~: errasusas'x~as~cas. nay:vas. t ampitirAi. itairmaitt 00 tORO 0111 OCI9RO Dll! 0 raffintoo Zflare Jreso Recount. Act 14-711118110D1 PLUiret/OH.' 110.14-2011 lit OZTOttoON. , THllpilaf TN" SlaircTß , Act 3d=I.ANDI ON Tait ALIcdIcSIPPA, - TRW INDI W; EIDt&TR Or PARC% Act ItA-21111 ACUTIOS saLsorazianits • CALA ORTON 0 Ttc.llool4. . • , - ' Ad 6th-11TM VI:0110 OttAllTiltoV _ Bi.I3ODIR P 101.11011 211 wait. It - Tait OCTOROON OURS ROIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER.IIIst. maiinimiabs acrhiscOwlrsiarikat ?Rubio ,1711131140011 U *o'clock tbis pity Aptu l io k brace oat to wit • motor s• to pert &34 :4 41, null . W. lIIIIDEBSON. itSl6ll•'' 10.11fASONIO EULL." -- • f "streciisit o 1W itEQtran' ' . . . TWO NI6IITB 1#1611114' A I d imalvaly taw lid, oitt aaniFitaT WEDXRILDALIC AUD THURIBLIAIrs NOV. Zd sad 781 b. - All Sr. sassed srd ald 1 ; 11 , 1 4 Isiksti I Novillosgs ass INATads , IWO II lUND PUISNTA?IIII tOliRO, . k LllllllllfillMßlll OF costrx raat3ilitir 3 Ohm Limy AS MOE AND ItADAIIII - Itatertsfavital; :Saar, Xtrth : Fait of tab Treasata may itt au" I tiara 158 311131.111.50110Y11 1 / 1 t0... Ha 32 law • rare arra at ()ma auce at 8 o'aloalt." Admlatlek oats: Sta ta nal natiza atow' ale Btaresiiazd Bat Ca *a. • ' • w~.txrs.• VVrAIiTED--For. smite lathe • • raWs ;Woad Little Itorte.l 4,. iLdluitume ; WI I ■ 3 Laborers; wages, 45 per molts 3,000 lbareabrrs; - 150 Carp/strait $75 * , • 50 leturiariahts. SYS a 35 Human Walsr, 1175 " 10151selseatit5s. 173 • _ • * Pee tgaasportst los to creartissileN'sse to at Leal* It Itosoratly ellsobari Mrs birds*. Hesltby, , able bodied zeo b. ; JellS L. WOOD& it., Caplabs sad kasistset IlLsolonsastWi Ter tartars loreszostloa he of „• BAMPLL, 115 Arkeetwart Or over Ho. 40 Weiatt lora. annum, beim& • - sad streets. St tan% JIL2 tc.bbem J. W °LARK, Nag Owl Apst; • WANTIED.-41. man• who tiviroughly &nand. tt. egkene.itlntox of • . SOAPS • AND •CIANDLZII,. . agatlail7 alasBata*a4 Santa* Cialtak . asi bay or ra szeglatt ellastira as Ratan. to a Olt's with as interns lathe tr,aelatak,by obtainer T. Part 011 tar batiolt. • tablaatallanaltal !As Otkaa WAIiTBD, IMMEDIATELY, - '.. .!, , . , . , ti rTF: l,tis ai .: 6l : . 4 l3 : th °°A . orta 7asidu t istaist4 t Ag ... 1.48 411 ' I Quo Tessa, a heavy per onteao Ina he Item .opstihts at ono% to the goimal Aral. , iii= aortal. W ANTBD, ''''.":-• 7,...... : :,j . , 7:17. By ego Irbo Ea soled clie. three yean at Oa abet lb. alley r tam bad a pWance ba.,4:ca.tri?l,3l,qi THILIZE bsul mat with eiwbensamires_ 41/1411 • ®wilier/, cm Oldo ;411111, thethiler itl, • eaktt*Rork= • 121TANTRO. col44jllVollsl — ' Maki • lloar}ae[W from - • , T. w9ilit . ) 11, 1 /Vie 'ZIUQXIt. A DIIINIETRATORB BAIA OF IMO Al 4. Ar 41170110N.-lirillioraild didatelailata Maja9;= . ll . o4lfArlis in igattreo) , anctsos. NOM oanory 55 .a 01040116 :We mu, Ibightme•alr listhaalar lardweel Twotimekaistml. Zeibauff. Gibbose Sow, MOW* and -Lnutp Gatia. Notartenthe Leseitsl4l6 of IV terror ilialhabel Pates. Preatlat loghltak Opectattot; Moottieli Ontet:Lito avian:brio( Olaf, Obsabere anychp wills • large quiatiti tiot too .toa d. WUI mi pozi A.N.ougit.a.w.i. . , OF:,LAI'v , ' TIM TORNESIP.-.4II6ZDNIIIIOAT 110. Nov' W. as 734 o'clock. ot Clozwuntlot loom; 64 PIM Natio% win based, an tam kr4 4barilastoirashlp, lOW* ea Marini' Nat; bin porta tboobSatalw /ma, remiss at sod boanikd by bar of A. Nut; Low& luto4 so bah of Kra. twat; cusprbplag toms Scant 61 anti S awclria.' -- Trimaats4t outlblid nab. R bolotHOo la tiotqui ar.r.u6lyassosts; ' with Inures:, RaLmr."4l by 694464 1 son . • ; 11011.111.131.4zstraci • - . 1100K8 AT Abel iMr.--PRATFILITriI LEMMA; MI or TALBABTS EOMSit 1.114111""irrat:11661""Irb and at.; B D . • 1 •-• BuTO /PAPTB, - 121,13r0M , D.PMFB,- nay, *min est Minamscilal leas Anna, 64 strert.iiid Aso* -res. Nu slim es, Nu about. 40 pie cum -Bdow PBLTTrozowtrat, warm.. • • rot F WS, Fl.ll, FURS AT AuurioN l Cu VIRSINDALT. Acer 131 at S eperli. brats at the Wlrelty. Mutton !Immo; Neff Tait Oral; •WA .Mortmtzt of WI lads of. Land' Sall .oblldeues tars. In eats sad 10: tba plsee. Pc.""a7" ii(shvr'aserr HOBSIta,-0a Wednesday ;DU Aki e illat; st arrifth A ir' . sat 4. scaLwAxarr. N um liffrAyrit, _ - •'; • • •-•' • 03 IratliVra ritaiiient o lie anallidoi.VcCeic bat isrises.Plio. Ilsbed as inlandby ¬ irsaabty,s :• • Ibrut Idettorli cm Wel U. ll.d WO Dm* at WPM CO U. O. IL 1881 Bends. at 111011• Oak* Forattan ;IT It Intatvat ear -3,419 n Obeli as 011 ' • • • *AsturnaL not tit oepaaae.—.... • Thietelftestsactusmst. • goottap!it law!. Deism 10.ra..11 - ' CAnTlll4ll,aust. The ' undareignsd, egaitt Oasalfter. Imo iscall• hod Me books dabs bistitattos, blade 1112.11 on+ Uri. sad coutto4. the cub. sad hsfia fn.6 tAik )IN "tianr !° ! " oorai4811 . ' aa. alma. 1;alt1 1 111:-'; 114 ; ; ; 1164 . ' • - roma gnuu'ca. Dspdfi-d , 6IZ Pas, oinT. . ' - PAP) :omits, Predattst. ._ . _ . 4 - I Hen. Thos. 11. Hou,,, . Wm IL .J. . 11. ...: Wm. R. Own - • - U. G. Homy: W. IL C=Li. Jacob. eguntre. --*, you oar; ALWAYS P * 114:03/1111-j-_ , . • FLliarea peat Mariam Dlomespids PI . ; Wlehart'io Plot Mr MR 03.1.U14.^ LlndialVlmprovt4l3lockl aassolur. • lioassCs °ensign Bitten,.- • Ws trilmhnT B .vaea B¢lphl e rs or- Lla l .e. "' • . . At the Central Dann It 'Orraer Ohio awl Maori • litteetstmer. • 1 . crsonaLa.:Zzi.LT./.00. rd: Ft,..;Wattate on howl vtv Ilbas Sopa, . TARPBANS' COURT B&TAL=4BI' Tsetse ot," of sa4mfor of the Orp%mot Gown of Alliteloatt malty, mom to piWillito,st the ~-, cent noaes,m si• altot ziteiae On Mitettridloy, Nov. XS th, .tf 10 - o'olciito, Thom TWO. CERTAIN LOTO Olf 0110(1311 oftweib Pitt Ip" at the IL* of Om betenth Ward of OW tltteLmitt, mob tot %fog 11l fat. on Kemal 'ROM* IN Rot dap sad Um moo two lota of traria wale. ad-nand 14 to Rote& Bersup of sabilialehee lot Bo 0 lAA O. Emill Odra (MO 0 1,0 K 6 Wow Mario. lately 064, lobo Tana mob, utOmOehmir of woovefoola s i n , (imini% of mliti Clap* _ of Inn Komi_ itiONTISISEY , E , TIZEIT.:4Ie. sit - Slav 11U psi , thaw tot. tI4 cynics. - al •NOitrillir leraltittAt La dty a At. 14607:" tosortossOr Ma k. licaudlata toymost to . short leol cats sad =pars. • IL hi l yattor tor the tiq of 41thshooyi 133 to, th , .