,•. I f ; • . . • • , . • , t , .t7--,tvtiis...Z.F.4 4 „'"lt•••• tiF 74••••::::. ,- ,,,, ~. '• •, - . ' . . - • . , _ - . :,--- - --.: " - r1; - - '••-•• ,--;-: ' , - '2. = ••'('—.:. --...-, '' ' ''''T . '''', -• ,---n - ,' - '- - = ''''-'-- ''''''''`' ''''''''''''..'"'''' - '• — •"..'"' - '•' ,.. ' - '*-• - . - = - • -- - , - , •••-• , --= , --- , •. ,, ..--- , •+.• , --.••••:- , -;-,,,,--,-,,•...-•-•,-r.,-,:-•-,,,--•...,-,...,--- , . • ; . . . , . .., . . , - . . - • . . [ , i'• - • , - - • I ,i • . —„,.............- . . • , 1 pirrisaysiou aisszarre. 1 •-• .... oft 4inzett AwaßtnernatiM Ilar I ,ENIOL mum or 'camas ain) BO ND 41.1.11 1 1 P PaIm"STRIR," sr ikdargefiti giCtiat a uoi stook moo itCO bauxite Brolur s. • SWATH. SIMI= VP* Ocaper.flematatiroid OtlroNts. , Gamm a elitUls id/a bL on loam. •O Died W1L....110, • •, , . liadr_cb.„ • • * it ft—. '• Tau . 1113i 1 -Jair t ot atssaissm trX 1014 5 " Zvi $B.OO oitoroots • Noo:- : 4so • 'NOr: H SAO t 9534. - /4 93 ;:‘ mg - • -,.. 28X. 4 0: 1 0 "--- II Oklr litnet 41.0 44y0110104. 00 2 Il E i trest 15 J •c:4) union& '' Alladmarinaki-- u xs-1 • Joe fte - t 41014%05130461 1000.41,bia • ' " " 105 ;Arai/ 414 a • . 40 4111 Pgi1116;0111•.. - . 33 -1 • = Ilimobsaylll4 It SO Allectey Wachner. is . • II Ilinabituita -- . . . I 00 Ins City ......._......... 58 .. 7 5 • " SI lenctets Iffentaiscem Elyjir - " 5 0 . aseneen Trent^........ --- et , July aOl ann. 20101100.154010551....—. -- -- Nor 5 11 0 • 51 - So Third ~ ...-;..' nor sges ut haunt " ' r... __Am .:..;.110 But lilt ant - Yllltlgelnegh . y...ll4 -..-.- --, ife.illaclustar &rine- -- 55 I!MMMEIIM= IDJUIubout.A - Pltto.z.. - 234 10 oel 2 Uot '00.1 0 ....." • di .. \II 11 et '''— . lt,=l.—! * - 7 = - • ti 4 - - : - • ;--- IStory...—. —a.. —. —_ --- 1 _7lmg A Bloodrons. us 3% • • - at 2114 . Glom Boa antra— 11( It 6 —,- 11 ...........:.... 731'. --. Ile I=Dolsmatar.:. I . —. := • 00t.211 of 1t0rtbt1tta.:........... -- - - 4 , lk lif Olt 111 of 111r8optillot 7 But 211141 LZ . :MME : ' !Diet Bat= *Tier. --- SS Jaiiii* W its . 64 . SS . 47 ' sm . i Ir a Noetbrovece . 10 ; -V ? AMU!. SOT 11. net. • odiopesed`► tii, . iai Taubman: goat that non - Milas.th• dayorSthiritthretalasit Snotaalltociatsot. 1 'Storertatosta.seblataba„tbe Orat" sad taw itedd 'tidy liCqUalnOilli• TeaStlon veld 641041, lobM% CemailbbolYClertiloatas ssygayr.--Do car otlteratlitoeke to - retort. Daltevad lasessassnlesdlbc Ib _staalo. ' ulte a brtek doused AR ores-oesdlsod setlnly GMT Stab Oitittal, width irie..llth un, Allealbled Oborrylltoroogibes at 201411,61..50m0 artily . .` siioc et asstedttesebidiuttylloe tiara Ow ibare. b. Pellabberre vs =CM to NM barley been cololead by as • billartrual• clerks! error lo tho tolsort dash' al Thor ' Slosa Zi.cbaaao_cai Ilderado he is , .7 geoad .1 3 4, mad: Allekbaby lihra 13-i,ely s ; do of -- 1.1 trot - - • - - Dock tireek_Complay lbak ,eanitt attar ton. a bet 11%.440eldicti tars srbafioold Is pald nee add.. they bon ttrack,s vdme 6 6 4 hiets '.. • --W bowies se& Tens or act, we could bad'no are • eVbemssellbscset repel *NM* price ea bitstock. to etecallete tbeeklesobliet Ibbeertkatal tell cajelat where - Sato cat nosey II It on 011 (kett, cr Ohurk lair... er 3 ral( vrriiih; *bier jet Arrid Perhaps se hal lbotapi*s, "Thiry 143'407 p4l sir grecabacko back beta our putts, ' - - "- • •-• •jocks at Tharshres ban eoa M la 46, 4 ,4 1 110 1 PS hil7al 4 a. as rem S.l4rai ' cocorde • d, are the table man Tilts brio. tee de. • issaditreilit sourbiect:tetlcliel yto Tar, et., - _ ate cum eau, =4 Mail Sus C4nUll, she seat ilsoceskisbastive toot* KM obsrec- .2ture :reit sbo, set*. • . canes? . rf otbtestectit. oared, bat Me dMe6oce - leaweei Unita= et layers and palm, ha - • esaikari to retard celeste...ow , The tollirbeg oiler - _ SOD eller 74 . . ; 100 .PIttebtoble natimia 1,22 ISIO 4 ' 'Dar; story Lawny min— l ao 1.31 Ate tee ' • . " • 1,t4 SCO . Gorey Rua &Blood lame--. . IMP 600 . • Mt! 1,46- Tab Dineraar Claws remelt - Chz 4:ki=.lllle , yopular 11 . 4 7 AO 'Sin /NW. .....reseroacmoorperatioes as their extaaffro Oittebt. Clad Ilteipttleics Ihrolaml °reek, reaerred ' - au spit Fapb coplbel tar Ito ft; I der4Ceperial;sed • ' itslf oaceesid dale et settailet`ot n**o loll ftecii !*-stm.tbokl4c. ! "Irak:Ada asausi.,sictu gees of L Userlagtora preddist, Ira W 7iutta as secretary red treasurer; directors RPM Orsbeis,Wralar Dellrett - II: q; Ifeass, * DDlll42lse, sad.JabitDask: 2 bDtareptayboldleasetAr nra:thirteez. boadrat anklesiairlilt* etch b t a q u ' ll 01_ * t CO"k taut trelltaut,ball le peEletod lobe deb eel eta etemies quality, Ilia Ishmael Janda abreole ' bllMlodk,bost...slory also an the oil latareetta • se watt tau ass tmt masaplitaitettilkin 1 tkeek t*Wf..Atoz.. l 4l; 1 0 .44 i belted that lite ode.' a.arlllAVM l7lLLalo.QatL Yreixo lees of Sri 44 1 italiibillifOribe Melba lab* -we rocoskt thee adiaatageo . time mice( preertke Abe Pei ktodoetion sod the trarePectotioa of oil to au ket. -tool DSO pl! 114110(litiler•Apirit, tit ibrirded tem tbir:iniati gas - renew% st the _ sterecelitietti/Sibbler'V& gividlottloAreleVircYcielot ale 8ert. 2 44 1 1a bre! bar Si. 5e15a11 644 . 11 0 vs lerilblasto telfbyeberys esobastie. that Noir Tett ihrilltbnidasagia apiiiudo are ap to tlea sessabitilialitlet*fefibi iedifided laths czl- . ...i;... - .,..shirpri_ttoofairepkappe:Y • W. maistlia ri.;.4oll•Ora, bead or DarkialOrsek % Ned essidob le its 'WylliiestqabO ratoese am %na,, well: de, ia,toes tale week to sbeezur, sd OU iceterxeprr-oerlr , su t . „ 4 Tit!? Port rail* a• Rittrot, _ 'ON. trisfiWpoiniif*se_PlKl .1 r ' - M.kbDa 11 a ili t a P nk rndlubi Maw. Metal as Zola at•TatiM .. ll% art oar:. A hip porton et lii=blytreas Core that IHS=Lisea , . outdo opoosiso sad 11 Pao thaw paingirms, ..k 101111 to 'abed quite= is : b is pi ftoa fa Oa Vann. Ito aotltlai to sallossat, tom dor asissoalatoatooottot tat attapotott.am ma/WS garbs. Clu/Saakm ot=ghtle bat Patera eon. 111143aBliti ran as " It litacratkt a mare tassi amil 4.1"aaIll . .41 moo ' IS %Wiping, Pat lOU ham boa boated aSibt Autalar.—Ponably- aeaxtup laic Nap Won bail • UP Rata PAW'S te Adis., sips *AO panty and Opp The wp qeera la Nita* ... Il ls l 'I , ea imp •Ardlagai abop 1100 pr A l iatTe` isa * " 2 " 7 21 kill Parthilltlt Usto et , O. pang la Pig' We Ps ring beton. SW . way Ataintlytase• bi pt eatatar Pi liPilem intal buld• „,. Sam aq - dbenrar• n bap la . Ilblla fallarantsparamal best, aberrpil that Po oitartaca cantnate, ir ass Pep , etribl bigais , . palatala .ther- , atlitopp„ p a nimbi ailatlen that . : SP. abaiewate are sabotanitally %bow at ppkass,. . sat= a tut 4 be gatisil b pr i rea tutli: " • ions lb. t latc*, - 4 - 11 t Mom sottos Oommt Goma gt Bob. oloomoo ood. ,Bt i th=g..-CAtot itoor, Meet. - : Soßolo AO t Mo. Quaberliaz; Tata sod Vistalike..h•clninia I. Wive to ass moo oto---ta the Wads _ fawn, to/ WAWA hapait tido t o logollor DM that so ins Oro Ottsoe gamer . z .k Otbo ., Woution DUO by oiostp sa-titot4 All pOoto hotillag tap lAA ~t oroottA.- . . •to sollgtoot - oso6 =mob* otod_ gown no shay my boo malat.eals otadatwiffr_ ski t* mis.thir ire At. DI Wm. out a, Ato olloAA mimeo= vitio Am» to pookoa Akar Own tocotattottt=ponotlitoll • So do Theo atlr -Lomita, ,mottiltolkots‘ So* 'Ai AciAttal norionLionAlLApoia , tldomtitatA, yid& Ai 'I - alilab or *01.4147. " iiiisana bum , . trir ss—ael 01140 wawa Sat Mach tax ref s issiiiWiale4 4 into whast - Xissalt & leo L I . lftslui al* soi l sPkt ivirit : . a ' k Jealirtassi, ........is s lis Amearog4o ll 1 11 11 4:41.;. , Al VI . 1441147 - da ' -444 = 9 110 &sal Itpltak “' • 3.3 A . _ . • • _ '• • •5 ` .1•••4 7 • • • kit* 4,.1. . . the /arm Ausisi.talittlibitamajlioik; eysigari row rmatimil eei — Kittgaiii • lb. .rtbm' bit=KS' ik• 4 04..' • proms,* molly eat at Ili poems dies la taitresit . 111 Saban. Ilifouileuild. otookuft 8;1.'41 pa , tai, alp. moons a anoskitilatoff hdlasso• to war met Olsl drabs. Taittiothsi panhasas tithe hamoltata : Watitswf emmaasatolad !atwitter astltSd,iNliatiogio!''.. Wain simaitiat. tio lawfwmp edirilaatatil dies. admit *intim billa mxthy dal otha. GRAIN -The tiodwasmt =Mtn cdthstnalltiittad • eamTasat bad nada mart. sestertaliy the nwelpts of Wheat sad Steer. wad la do sblow• g ‘Z , a-Edam** clots the Alma at 17.C0 to liA O for sad aad I,Ttal,Eo tor tha fattsr-epriog and fall. Ostia-at and ia my light main ;mist as 01db by tho tar kod„ and tte9.s for salsa tote Om ..a: Elo clamp to mots la Ooro and no Eye offera.... TIOUS-Tbs demsad for .thle maw Ally bas falba ; elf sotoswlrd. hit as the sock total iow lad jaosipta Malted, dm; matterrates steady and plisse are salt twastathed-jll prr Maw Inaba Wheat Ulm Pssaloy ;sad 111415a11,1a far Wlatir Meat do. - LOTUS-a quart bat steady with a wale of 3 Mit kir goal,* Sail at Mkt Plias Soil In mall pookapes molds' at Oak.' ;ZOOS -la ateddertasod sad wry Waist Ste pa &Lame badmouth's' EL_ • POTATOES-Steady wltlva fah. swan( feiime oPeath Slane at 90•930 par bushel. Wirier andarm 01n mitt* sell slowly at any Mao. • APPLES-The martells Ira soave, owing to thereat that ME Sietsm:dsomuut his Slha or stmetthaV.ll4: ambits •tiont Mai Patty w e ll applied. - We note Immo alas Ova Mt* at paces raaaisr from $.1.75 to Oa per Lbl, at to floalsY• IlaT-Sides 0:4 wadi at ;Ls per tm. =SIAS tw.Prfae- wad-arop am la fair domsad, with . VAat 53,00 p. , basket. Sow crop trade/ aoWaal at • vIIESTNOTS-,SI/11 cot ,ted at Id Pwr Moat. ORICM II / 1 - - WitS' Salami apodytt sad s nasals jtablog dsamad, the autos may I. quoted tamely at - Van Pr Western Barna sad Hamburg, sad Si for laime Gahm . . ~,~i.~:~p44, MAI ORLISERBEITZ—add at ;taw bbl. 0.1115115-11iml7 with a ale dastand and Ilea au. ly, $1.25 par Umbel BALT—Uvilet Lai Ann' wlab maiter sake at IMO • • te Mail dIPP:4.IIII4IIS,U4kab faiamall *that atop.' . • • Pltisottrigti Petroleum Market. igcu 21—Thwe woo apPiwaitilly,s llttla ORINr fading In the Oriole vadat today, and. notwithstanding the Irsagagiions were unonally and the receipts an. song, kargi,priols, • ainzpind With Mataniky, show in 'dunce of from on* sad one halt to two omits per futon. We not, Wes of 50, IGO, arol SO bids at 340 bpi. !atoned, and 52 sad 15 bbta at 45o,khis Incinded;lt Is but proper to remark in this connsetion, however; that 41 if the oil above noted was of good portly for rem" Ind It io tot to heitansul that gravittes. wont, k ing theee - exiiring• Prior,. In Ititud, elem bond or, free, two was not a singes notation that we coal bear of, sod the market Is quiet, though holders are gue la Melt Tim rad lOUs to nuke concesdona, la order to Idea sal... W. note gm, law mall seta' of fees oil at 50 to VA tot *ea Is not moms► glotog torotablish: gnotstions. itaptha Lin light supply, and lay be quo, 'ea gm at 190200 jn bond and KUM frier /tuidanw malts quiet and ringhanged air fgt. bbl. ',debts of Crude by ths ALeglieny:iirer slug gas last report, arks, follow": ... 1 *lO4 A Bro-.--1.-O A a Laraty...-- . --....300 .fitalicath tt Bauk-;......741 Doman. Lutil•pa co -.300 CI 0 Damn ----ITO Tallacalr, ►-SW a oc.-...4.18 #4 Blawbhutioy --nal , ' TotaL-........- New 'toil Vitroilunr *arta. flpecw — Dbistch so te.rlttiburat Gazotts. ;Nor You, Nortombior 221—Ths market for Orate Is vyry ism, owing to WWI that the stock Is *strand, - LIstol; solo is ilia spot at OA% Solloset Is bond Is dtalsciltsardles;sad . prloes are a shuts Icssr-Lehothsi 14 670. /kr rhos CM, the *lrina Is dull and lusty, bat , lohldros,lk order to West she, stela tnostlllag to saki oimeneous I so the ,spot ' ac - cootstkoi la et. :ssidluile idol.'sir.. ',Laud et 14, Wee* Aeview'oraii seiiiirorti . ' Aexualtar,,ket; * f"" tmas ' i ! a , r ,t o,o l ,lo wisk' Stirlen Rai 19;1894. •Sbo Poisclesto gotkot &au *Upset week hat bees Lerrioltr, owing to„ the' rioloot lltittnittl tat in' gold. ttortat Ids trot pit the week Ohm MTN:ad 140.2 coats todos:o comparatively , fair droisad for t;part, a min Wok au! NOS 'rim:44W etrito riot op Wet;or MT* Balloodla boodoold as utta 04 Vto kr pins Ilsitt straw to vbtto, gad 7147150 LA. the .01,phler tmoo. vitu 9 9.er o destlis sotil ham 2p) to 910, the =Ad trouts . 111:111a14 . 11114 died* trim 9to To ;re igloo. Bat enati 199 rajolitrit 995 - orobt7,acliomin loth. :miter* 190 o9ok betaCl 99 % oroollttight... 2brio soutoty silo& lota lan tokla -ta,mutot; TN+ ixp*** tO;glai 969p9***,..614 the rocilpta itioit OrOS9O ha sato osizr;rarrot omit-1~4 itiinirta:. maim of talk ernoprtiotttrrot 94090 tottolialortt on it pita 96 to no. Omit* got, gin% tirviefaxiber:. Tri. triad eiedst gab. tal st"ft.. •"•'• • ; Of Saudis toad thi tibitiot ybiairod 10.160bta - atlroii tirbiillitit kiwi to 'vldbi.ormbick alga! 1600 - burgs.ior - ileorabsi at ralll5L and 0 11 -b,nt Anal 01 Cr" tbaaa6a us oie bbli M 4am H ti. 1300 on thi ri4t; 6 . 130515 fai next . toontlb'cloatig but Am it Evam - mosing - vad'and thicnarr aiv . mtrane bane. rafted, twos. shifty. si . MOIX, clMag ": New Yor4 Mock* and Nopiry dodo riti6l4 thinusberib•thipits.;• ; UT/Tau. liaretatar 21—Iltatkalfulattread Stacks kaa aillaticau ma dump whatiatitt P.Atilibtrth rat Wit:yro, ,/02,Mtlavillsad At ...PAlttlargb. gramma, steady . Lait!irttliatit'Alactird 'camp; II 13 e 12.4" u63i: 'her. clirpseator. ' ea Whim& iuirttey 44%: ills Weida. Quit yostod tuA lOUs aims Ilataudayo akatag 'We alktiao‘ at 411%, - 1 ',l"Xlidelpitta stOck Market.-: F_Pciainnwich httb• Plltabuiffit awls". ' • ' ' , pi:oil:at; vomit'? n=4l4 mast kr: Oil rtistrifsary awn, 'sat pram IWO, with wybarty mak 61 5 .11101*Wr , at in etintliwfirj( evar lastgaat'• cladai 444 WNW • sod. at dr Itillowlng tater. l oD ionsk. sac,: Do amok. dg; canioriantsicM. St a (chola% 111 liktoridit,l%;lllwl;4l.o I}(i WOW 934111L.Twak "130 Carib 11S5'emai , $X; . Xi , arka , .lial Report; • !. lirmabiainuaz rairthil - Oa ehamselho 'bad =irks. oposed aulst.thepankr, •la tbeo'gold wartit ton simg tbov.akeertirinterast, ast r *laza the tumaimation of tbs Ward,' prate wayilla. Vales ambled eif 31,000 beak at $11.251.71 fer.No tae al .1. *Wes optli? 'ma xtirosis, sad 1,01 lor No It n tbe • Ito floor/nada Way alight - led aid lawn.: Saha an' ./gb saga were soalltaat to 103 bbla at 111,110•0,76 for doable Sins 14014. and 0 21)(, for chaise' eitg wiatar,. Waft. atm spri2 d .was eldwed , 11. bat omid % Thera wea sokoddetablo aollthg is. Oats, Plea ataboli kat 110,000 blab anti . Oont."lnw des/doll higher; Id o laid at 11,48, bat this prbie mu wordy •1: LI no gala took pieta. Barmy 'and rye Call rbd maetUid. • Die geed boss wort mart 'loathe for by Owns-km.smM ' . Mots aloe of soma/ build .rat- price, nosing frost 312,80 to 1535 ger awl, elaktly M 12,60,13,00 slitlllag oa :00,21ee trissactions lath. stork coughed of setae of atest 460 l~ sit of bad =llk at $3.330,13 per owt aad 1 200 AC. / 0 ./ 50 . 1 /oP.oltt Mu. Its instill parlays fel elle eel,. in lb. dWrileallbassotordng lowa tam ~ shoes a Ilitiradar, &lemma. bat o'cind lower and Leal; l*prstiolors we bob, Was of 300 bide was pork at $3B OU, aid Wens &bled isseasd 1730. • , • lour snd •Grillt -Motif ,„ Ito ukcadituud nowt*/ `tour ma 'recta .ton b abloom ItbbitatiA 'itilate It 1666 r-~. "1111h.t5. • 1.11 1 10 ,:f t .f9 1 14. 11 0.-0{,b , P4 11 : • 4211,74 . 7 ". Oft OP. 'CO tn 100.066 1117.240 445.936 '4osairta Itio bit -ft CI 42,159 Afar. 660,314 HAUS 1,3n,a0a 1 •- Wias +xi counpn zrov at.* I =X: ri LdashoolGtour, Violet ovallodrhy 3101192 r. iterfoOsta,tedutiffrad &Carib= brad l / 3 14 • 1 4 40 Os Grego Wight timpohratoblost • emli VAN aallueri , 0 Weihaffit.pprollelao, CE , labie, - 1111dta goo, X,,k„ hatrihk Deo; Ib - do do, Mower** Droi Uda 44,14 4141a121t o DM boi 04614 15 do soap, Dffporth gavel° do do, DJ, FahaeoetodeDiedes laideff, - Iltddak • oo; 6 btu ocropoo, Graff, Damn a ao ; 9do Mad, goo Mold • .0; VA Mt dour. lihotatar Loot:120 '0 4 191 ledr. /oboe Gaogorleb ;2 ears d 0,.. Rhode.; Ido - erne /moo co; 9 able aoplokiliff, Sellers too; 12 rld Graff; 21 doom brooms. Laeolhor3 • dMidoo; 4 9hl, ants, II MlHrri 123 bale soon; * no; 2 cars foetal, 3' Moorhead; 3 bbl. older, I hblo ander, D Malsdar;49 baled broom order, n'air27 001/ 33 hal? Outvote Do 80 Olds mod, Pantile • 64;23 111, hobroo4 9 kap do, • 'ffartlerid a Donor 310 &Uri troMar. B B 13ear11;. If ..a4 card; Ilartmart alio; 'lll3 bbla appleo„ Patear, Doak Shepard; 91riga Men, IS but 43,7 Oh% it, kte. to; Wtollooyb, . eaohh co: AT .4:44 3 11 1 - mailmen do_do, ,Ponacr.k, , D t oo; ear- berlaff. 131.mhcar B 34 14/1 12 Ude liploo,Ohlue Ilothart;l3o halo dour, pritoroakor t toraglloo do dca Itartmaa B Brat ICO die do, C4444x4 Thomas ;,110 dada own, ithspooa , • • • - pliports :try . • • Lon- sr 'Fhb& taboo ..X11.54 11" •do do 0 * • , -- Prirt do, eturtLiod Dardoil Bdo do.' 31 , Rhadczam pip do, J 8 DP.wortb a to; a &ado .2 Mao do, .1 A kiazorio, 15 aka Dubin% Dirk - pa a bre; 4 Las stone, Sal amosprr; kW oil, 0 • Dava atoll W Haouptru; 21111 T 0 J. n• klos;1611 pip t 0.4, Tll Mils oa; E 6 bu alaoot Lad. 5 balm ootton, a 0 onlosq 48 bb. liquor. I Siam 8 bud. kraut i t Pastoriots, lbws Pittman 15 or. 13 - O Wart; to bbl . dour, Patrorana a dam. ; 6to ?WO, D risporth, 12 do do ABM has aoNOI bbialsrif op, Litu• .4Trlzsby; bull! lot surri maga. • 141.846 AI. cianux...atbits.lopur, bout sdo Elsx.ad,.B Bollater am 6 p&p 6404 drki, Wag applor. thraar: sdo do liatioal,A altarklialtaxama & to; is Itlida to:43.0;11 aksposi 6 eft& appppt.i , B B .I"6* & te4- o t retrall, Wnlisom 4 bah Lau,ls l N Sturm 3 246 f.**A 0 1 8 1 811 1 18111:440 tags Ihera, is 7 61114 .7* , D3rt=" , & Alot s bbl 4646, Wet abanis,4 Kamm; 14)16b& s -Pa 4i r pos 61164. W /kW* 1131311133,13 iii 1 33 11 333 3 ,31111-183 46116 0 : ivuer 634 $ 15 6 1 aXioarlato kiltwo.dt - 41 • &alms& 1/16arer t datmtliKll6llll6l. rogiatastrosmass lhafthei 40 , 4 CN5: 2 6 1 4 1 mi11.111444; 1611416, 2 • I, .118114511- .2113,w, -- -11 g lON MMIT ~ FR 110101111113 iff LUI REBIM)Y 'amm braimos. 12111110K13=1MIT. the met haw Siena, enie all dirty of AM esinarioneme i slosh le lam m a im el she lirtlaisC4 thillleddise i le• Ammeithee Of liteXlihms, atone in tie Maddeniltelie 111.. a n n 4 123 • 4 41 . 111 !sPeoblI7 reedaP aded w' alio 61. nice Ann!: Coe MUNI la ciiiiehej wrote * eld-shissems : wowed hi MlNlAP,esabsti4 tom On law 0 4 ° I tm , al ! l e 'We 06 Wetaliiins I/16M i It to Car/4M awl altoiothro to Its sotaa—goatttoi pd oduastog tho aloOdOloaolog ti to flow ti oli Ho ai !Mead gar* 'oat otior,tkia ameba taisa , frit p:Wake' tram 'Mk& dm Isatied eliern •L Citionake• Wades Jo tatoadat tat an alfir ei . , 1000 ,9 1 " 1 , 409 _ _ , 34,4,47 . 4 x1P00tat10dfi cosbit lei VIS/1 nal atodlidao twigless. of illistloot; inner Jack °MUM. Ito ollactoritioollagoootalo g ;ad dattaidoot ; Onootind , tit :wens; ma, Aiwa., eat dada; botoodwai berldeilusaahmet Condon itik pato, east is oadaisitott with ,tarty 411 no clasp lly the ass of the 01IX1101/11 lIIIIIDT inns tarzknqroiitilw::-ti*ia!'.p= it ia. Ban 4111 f eD t o pi dlethel:get are reint4tei, end the "km" °I" sad . • PiTtleilem toCiar winiald filial say DM store Is the country. or write to 111. and. wa !ill MI lie% to ally mittreet, a tall trestles, PALO, ORM6OI.Ii, atiZDY. 11 per bottle, three Unties for $l. Pita,. =BOUM iBJ2O/70N, A pet kW* or ihroo Wits" Or 114, Boot 1:7 apnea, Ito say addreacroa the reeelpt of price. &LI by WI Druggpto orarywberir : - . . ' I . . DIL. W. W. Intiwrs a co, • - . • i • _ . ole- b o xypietors, No. - BO Iniitiatret,. Wow Tart. For Foie Li Pftlabbqk by H. Ikab&ELTLIJE a 00 aiprzue of..Dbueabi sad llarbit ibnel.' . ,wAt rldhirdaisowlr, =EMI k { LEEIR BLIXEM I REJIrirEN : II.7S3IO Popov! no. Pin Iregslab Ribes% b4iuloca toAke /11110 ltdhertuibid illstrk Ow damn aria lanais, la iYi dai - alisitaddlisi. Whig as pram! atateset lastabd Olaf* tisaddatin al Adam! vera-milidrami. ) • this roallofr iii' boat' aria by tram( Wart - . _ 'orrollorof doy, Mill It? tbasiplCSOlpoi to,lo OP of tho grostedrodri armor of tau no. • , Ono botno yin oars Grad NNW. few dor oar !parr)* floora. bore oar Niagara, of the Air 60 &MI Neollll Irma we St Oa" SiSkisisismas vaisanret or ; an viaarof irk, • froroof trona - taro lbottliortio Moroi or of homers. Sir daus.afrre dm s o . boar isobar rirorProo... I sir Oar belay no tor to Oil arr. - *a arnoloo rear Of rat, liar sal soar Yank no notenrts6. 110131401/1 manna *lr._ Sri snotostdmisoalsloress.. . luvatteicurnattcyompt; tummadcia iha o eltere;ths 'lift of iambi daparday ft/ fad watubss tram twill doldill7. btu' 01 , t • eau el a gnat* Mab latW aad isloudbl• Mut Pc , AgmaS 1 0 ,( b 7 'if' of tb6 Mae sd Xlifda of reboil pot boa* se Om bOtua etx sr, sat. 'Tim IT mr"N m!. 1 . 1 54 0 0f 'sig. to sums • *44078a imam.morons. . . • • , was.ausawatiba. . Poilideard, Ma. 110 Wont, Amt. rem NM Ste b Illtibarits by S. IliKILLIU1,471101), .glisse af rirl/Wdead ~t gpH • : UXDICD .COKE it. P=l3. • , eirclosatamp maim ..~nf um ss~. Zoe tao ama■t'd Obstii.likieis led ft» Inianneos of thi noiresmo at 'Ow -• . 13,0 001 Angt• thce• =slim mw" 1w - - kw; kunkilitr. e rgrmaTtos tlielnorgu. call.egffevapkßaosivo jkadPlttlNaa Itralidon, .. ''_Tyr,ang!taia , *mi. , gurcdv I , ---. . aseilremecsiti*bil Affeetba; bliee - te . ake" meted the IMO, adoebies YAWN 111 t eißtkl, Pitigiatilli . 0 CM ibilti 4 irlitl. Of - Ilysiediaka Ileediaba, Mamma.- as: 'Li . . . - , . . , . . wel t 07 Meeoetel.l4,llbeiteleclth thee esseer• lbe queeV,, ay& *lib Wen , bee AWN - lbsi szeler ' fres IR' : 0 14 6 . 417 . • 06 4 1 0., YilPiiike 11 mot le !beieantaa ' ceteltbgei joiatbee bdog, es adstiatteansgageg ..d4m. ~ m edd j mina reigiebeseel.-Veeefierst id ~- logr be iehlrbibl AS elrtetbe ba4 bkelli AiJ aime baths geeing sir beimeo44lreteeeloitAirbiel i ffi# 'skeet et aisle 'effete** *lO4 ‘saut ,f,1404 ; eil!. shies, irtli be ' - • - ' ' isesi44iiii . ---. . " -' ' ' getbeferagessedleeneaylaniersel,- ,-; ~ • . Meadow aaeteepies estb tem • • •- ' - 4. rtpetbar,Oiliklal.** -: . ::, . ,b , eat% 6 . 1 1 9 0 0449111:4 Piirl. by sill !wobble lOrgeelli ~, - '- - 7 r 1 rii.inA l iiiai..., ..'"i .. •: • ~, .--:. - iiiiiiigi% :, le. el iiihissmatimity. EN% i a.% hi rii*BlkWiLACE•ol449lV4pCh o " et tteDbacelemillarkiddratie . , - •,- er ...014pt0pm;;.:•_,..-:.:::-.,L.,--:::. , „...•.....•. • - IiNDIAN-AsErnorNzr . . 3 0.40,....m.An0ceti, , rims "•rdwrear-. •, „ - • , .....:•::!; %•.'. '',-„'_,. 4 1 ! was -. aVda ddt damaatearbilh - Mtn - Wadrduaa, Ida:taut Itcasloav aad all ; Mania a 5d Wiadliallagoa, mat ,as .1.51:5 of. Irada7sl7dhls• . ; daiWtada, Palm la 'WI Sack.' Maalia. VlaYaa r QUAD: Weak Kama Tadita, s is, ? gb; a& ama& - wakataradri a T. /drualialia daihir Nati [lsla Oalateaitaaa,toitiq, Oatiaattba; aid, 431 sa. eaaii2.o. 63 g teuNdWifiru.thiefiala 04 pa* az* dil'esiistiMt kiiitt*uNd In I ;aritlk4o / ar 7,,...,..iii.i....„...,.. Id's 41# dddidadd ? I, Pidas4:s aro r L is sing bur la WA . Octal Writ Us . WO litilibta a , 0 00 iller/064 Ida 1.0b : 02001* 0 ' el l 0, et.= / 11 3 t e'DoS•41 ". be ile abi ltar ' el•••••* ". eir afg amt et - ' 4 .... „.....,...„..,.........„ ..: .... ~,,,,, _...5. linalai tram tsar Uwe Ibm• !albs counly. or write Coproprietor; WM win fiat!, fiesta Any cos &eft CM sire • ban astir Ibieee a lir iistuctie 0 4.bmist br elykapp,., ~pratus:trimpigtkoe.e•-iewns-E si lINa o •, .. - ....ixf, *lr ! iumkni.ox: : .. . - -weniisi.. - ~ th . bi Plealemeg WlL'llli tail birt iinet inifF 4 44 iilirs.t Se '. - • .'• • • r' F: " JIMIONML. zoiL witasina 01. ZINZIIas or LEM. aooraes. • , _ *ln* sr 311 /Pftri, gareC ' /Aids or/ 6 4 4 M Horde or laptaro mad. Hash Or ZaStirt. AEalaa OrßuPtilre Benda Ifflanptue mod. • Hernia or Riiiistio sand. • Dora% or Rupture rand; • Rapture or Hernia ours& Rupture or Herat* aid. Rapture - or Herati L inteed: , • • Rupture or Honda lured ./4440, or f 1274 Hapturo Cr Kerala ours& • - Capture or Hernia oared. Rapture or Horde oared; Hardee StailiesiCta, Trans, litter's Patent Truss. • /that's tapporter . Truss. ' 1141Altdjustiai Tram ills Dram" foi the support and owe Of Mos. ziartie Rues Caps, for Weak :knee 0 1 . 1164 • i oht ilik i 1: 4 Supporters, for , weak knee Suspensory „Caudate/. 4 , Self-Inlecting and wren other kind' of 1 1 inges. Hard Rubber Spodapts. Dr. Banning's Laos or Bre4 Enloe, kr the ears of. Prolapse' Mari, nes, bdondeal and Spinal Woaknewee. Dr.. L 11. lfitelt's Silver - Plate Sup . porter. Dr. Kraza will give his <rcrsonal at : Mention to the application of Trona" to "delta and &Siren, and he Whiffed that, With an erperienos of twenty years, he trill be enabled to give satisfaction. ISPOSIoe at his Dreg Store, No. 140 ioroccatazier, signor the Golden EfOrtis. Pen= =Wag for Thuds: idaotdd scad j : ham th i e tualbsedisteay stnober o oL• i i nf i r mona s around the bay Twenty. Years Wending, IS lit BM Pt *dm de &dad • orllkto tem ese td His* ntiostdabli dither .1 1 / 1 1%tastodadiple *old is . Prolimisrlidodseromiwilleiorster. lieiteet glotigasPir *Obi 0,0 • 1 4 aal ia• s+"*""atai;iblitois De: 4116. S. taw, I beams allistid wall eh. steel Moo 7lsa Isest_sia 'MI* IPIR Rill win g i Sul gore; is al fa arm* as eta madk, Mush wit IBS I* isdliiit4 wt *so OM! yam _wit sirs I wad apt desattakg is aseatal at am alspresan set atm= pineal *Wan t 't MI ' triad s knit dal of =Mr hit arm , I nisi to likry sza taka Whalavir / aeLla lima at Meat la dam alit old porpflets Gad bb be at asssl!TSZ soiltiol oslth si cas I seatattios Ow wadi dal ma atm pig kr a "MI% but utsmosonsyTos* swim Sims so owed sled WWI to two' rikisoiss,.*Los Issas ' iosoioadsog Isemos ,ak,illftsso.bos 11 , act set &mgt. Ow a yaw op I pi &AO arttismili d doer Italy *Mood Itotabar, undo, dr tatamilt. 1111osadsaaullt is rim Masa sad Intik void Warn natal Oat ny Iwo mum • woOld bays to Unwind by as NW:kW boll Oa .* Awed or lack sad Issittt law . aka, sad and tt acsellag Sprott dtriat Ibis ielllsi tape rakesitaortma Tom ulna& - , Oadsclinal bealetttaa oat bettia . Mooed t, tie bottai at O . tisis. ma I had ssositri MUM& Alli• luidasattly bat dam use. l onsioistntS wag albs PUN, *ha IA koala swim tv•io regh,, II °au tooadmad Naga b tuianaid, saki ma as Maw s•!: be sa• Is+d tam of pp am bibs OM dalegjoit. I bav• as Meow ibt ilia walls;, ill than Ism maim. o••.. Mama et Oa Aram Imam de wind • Calms volt ar• IMMO th•PLIN iambs doesad Ililk t to 1/tad bah slop imaktte. et 10 . l itvart *WO beam wad to bin ad. IM:11 .X. Iklud *at lair Mad Witandat i Imad Id. Wass ; . .WO I sot sanity Ina 1 coaddatft wady to as COMPS MIMI tl) tb• 004417 itifthil botaltet Nam ids, Oa be rode: et all witaisit do"moitaunt It. Ss* if icor ssodhstoi.' los so putSii 1343 tf - me likil. I mu Ast. Wales lormiktp, mat aridlealiaad to tatiOaakyttla at Ida'lmatteddtald ofillssts ltiso obi to oil saw, ~- . . =OM DAM etriszak Seeks en'comu Br. amoscnia4urr• ox 4 um one esibibedi: oadnedidimg ths saki tasks eh Wasp at no trait Nabs stamp calks 95 4 4 6- 1.460 , permit Mtn[ Llpaue We wads ebb% Is ta tea mutat, Bad ct.s7 Ps , ProPiaildr, N0..140 Wood Sheet imad bj Sutos• AMMO! ooze, Poole and %BUM ark & • . . -DR. I.OOODALII C f AiVala itt ***PD:Sr • - libesitisaiothavaessi4OUdaientbki 1188110 i ant Wicii 1411 bt* tio ant sataltepion . 16.o'nuttotati. ire* lomoiontiwitin sieniose o /.. ibefiriica (*h./ "•-• -• • ' . . ad 090=11W v omit — Ones*" tt6oiliThwit 3 Pi Slkb `dloilik - dopltdad *tot .'ddliOstiTaiot 'lttatkunatodbo_vorld Want thaS,Clatiet: -.lei. tor poi; *Sot MOM ood romotod of toodloa soll lotion to. au. weary duns romps; dor Audi Wound, vita %air Am cottons oortshmt Ude, airlderfoOnie.olgliV Tlessouls vld . tded w to Ws. bus NOR pottoodootty dos a britir wi llOODAldriCATAßlll REMIDToont„ molt 'poke it . to/ Shoodot otinwrodut twinge( wo*. Call IS Vat !mid numLie. - sawslidptifpstutbySOODAZik K. Ihr 41 .° 34V : Ar A C l ?0, 11 :4 141 % • 880:8 3Drtealt. • • "Ya uo itiSob itszift; maws& IopiIuNI3I9I:INTARMT, 6tollOwlaniummictio!nnw spilieffe" . Sit; 1a ,nt mit 'Mobs Illnalkei . , . 010. 6 0, 1 01V151010 4 1 0 Ihe Itie imp air geom poiimai - ora sh iampi gip aiir ia asittailiftgoi Nose ranoiTrio,eia.nmq'weua.ata 1.4 Oomsolll6 pawl asisimilase 41111104 1 #4, 1 0111110#0 lOW tib i a "124".1maxigisomm. . . - • .fintWintagl4,l::.?.; l iiravaidtAr FRANKLIN! 001 PAR PHILADELPHIA: arms es hau l i.iinatomie -Aiwa t= "34 Paril Irasottle4 Olaf= lacciaelralW4 AMOCO ='llassl'ald dna - VP),000 ' lutpMoM cut Tympani, Polkas= Meal Wrist Chula W. iuickiii, Dam _ •Totdas Wayne, alltarl O. pus, laansl2:vd, Ow). WNW Jacob W. =MD, Geo. W. 711,chards. • P W. Linda, X. D. CHARM ..LISOIIIB PresSekrat EDWARD. O. DAMN, Tito Pr t. . M. wommewicis; Occ. J. G. 001717145mi1. *arm Woolasid ml2O stmts.: psuwon, IN FUR AND LAND Laurance to. of North America. ritITADBLikiA .ar+..........._. .............p,eooooo, Eartiont Firs buranaa . Comm* bcwoursd In e ns Os» semi aniingLabb oompuilog. . W, P. lOUS, dam, Ii '. Bandteri, Si Wattrz street. ,WRSTERN "INSURANCE COMPA! * art or prrrannazr, • • 31. irtr&72l. Jr, provikal. , f. 111. GORDON. Ikorogovp. 010ee. No. VS %Austral'. spans 10aY wambouse, hp stun, outh. ma. m aosirl an bina al Ari soi item. 'ma % a RovvarilVetion Ivemovvi Iv Dindenehmiss rail knew aVe ovreveity, onoSukore Frargasal Vol J o reDo',/ tr euvlitaiv Vomasivvvor OW kw Vourvelorlfiri. Oa eiViVlVlPalial Mos. tido iisart i It mmir, ar ~ Andrew, Adam' I ham* Xrd ram . diamilsr bps; : Mesabi Holmes, Dahl 31. Lang, ' Alas. Zihniplt. . Ben L Tbotam, 1 Gear, Dsesle, 1144. P.. Bunn% i Clampboil 11..riertca, Joh, B. It 'Oesui, ' 0. W. Blaatices. GOI{DOI. ems,; pEOPLES INSURABOR COMPANY 9goe t B. corner *ood & *mE AND NA411113 maularox IMukTo m. natuwat,_ ko c i . ' - yin... Wm. B. Hip', t BtWolk. Elamml P. flbsfrm; John 1 - Part., - P Junio r Charlie &MINA Wm. Vati Ktrk. • =mops; Prisktea WATT, Ms Preadmi. JOHN 41,11. P.Oaratzum - fIITIMSN'S - INISURAIICIE COMPANY %JOT mamma. 016 a .oaTar Moat ad flaamataaboasoSL to4.4axes *plat lan and damage a thew ftd.la Sabena ad Water* Elam Takeo oat Mira, ad as osirtgaies %las Bas. Moan diptal, dsiaap tr, 11.16 ks. P!frirei Ir Jos P ony Jr., . o.ffoluutoy IL 1: kr" ; • AtespirOwlY Mae. T. X. Bora, Magda Prates, Olento Ntoeuri, Eir John &tiptoe. • , Imes N. Ockw, B. Harticat • " Ofilihrff. Jobs 8., Dilworth; Wsi. A. loam.. A LLEGHENY -11031TBANOW 41111 PAST 01 PEMICIZG!ir.—ake, !or ma s Vit ak ma l imi la tariiisiisetrim Yd meta Nth:: ..130014.8anerrp.- - Wilms{ • • —' • Ida D. ' O._ .0. asepari Clapt Miss .1 be; Earroir. • B. B.Dareitse. "D . 77, UwDeas, ralaftera. ' .Atobt.:s. ad. EZtZ32I •II I. gii.VMMEVINEITITIMCK N • • Aiolnerranium STnnT, foppoillti the Oat ficam) - " ' lofted by tharlegidmes; • • . t , , ~ - , .ihidt...4.-... ono. 3. so rUIW , ira.. , t h, .. inp,..u,smiur. - Ithadaa -• cc D. Dewier; ', Ala, Brallay, . , aelkaa . - a. artaarmaa, ' ram P. - Amato," . . &mask Kbg. ! 3 • ratansai r _ Jaff* Park, Jr.,l. lUD: treamaar D. Clookraa. D. , L. Lang, N. it:AurrlA, W. A. Need,.. , Dr Jam Ostosher O. Miura, i W.11.192044_ 4.1 11 ... 1 ?ell. • ' C 4. lir .., D.- Delaaailalrf r ....-I. ~ 1. .: . W. IN Q. lt. ...tOO% i W.H. Pb.. , —— -- • . Oa Sue ,- •-. i , D.- .111.4, MAI, JtDillow* a. gooier; ix a p,,,,g,... bdo c • i. - : N , jurnaii. • - ilia* litariosth, J. : A Woothrell, 11. 7,7ofes. ' • Alfred Mack. - . RAI. lidusi4ittr, '. O. MINX- t . ~, •"• - ; - Smutty odd Torono—lP. L. It'*Itild111: • • 1 11. OP*" ttO r ilii Pont I' a. se:to it* 4210todotnrday Intatng,gontro to II o'clock. . ; - =l i ter= ono' i = .. and uptiar clod dd, ms 0 ; 04 - Dtriddirliaitodroi to i.isia are pl..' to emend!, oy a ildepoottor so prlartpoli`nad boor Intarort, tam . pounding it. containing Sloartor; BrFruat‘ao.; fitnilahad - ni. Institution eon, orpoctalty to. •Utcoi pi ma whom earnings- dm dein% the opportunity to tooll pt. n. s "itasto. : , 7 - anon t=itn. wilt mod: Otrudt k attidtt ,.}. • bs. •to bearing is= l ,. Inotesirrro TOLIALBi RAIWT,GB BANN rani= ...._ 9 to I o'ciotk. 'boos WOSoaotay sod Baboolot aillhala tram My Ist to Womb., tot. taw t to 9 o'catatrom itoorabos Ist to btu lot Irmo %with, soolbrod of ail otot9 Oat low tkon r eno D* ter orb odbiamot of tbo, , ista ataana swum.= la taw sod Decomobor. Übmw9. boo bllOl 4.4.41191101,:ta JUIN NA thoomboos *Week !Ink orri., ft the . =bra tlx pot oat/ row. •-„. • tal i It ot4 intro oak br Ploced et. to am , a t,, ta tatt .I. lLoit ilr .mi dim iai Fial ot ogs a umb lulo Pel' an "d ithi a ' Zna n ilbe 41,,a,,tw toc a t Volz= l"nsi ovak tecroornt Ws pan book. Alta* toto tuoaottrlll trot rt 4:4lbista boo thou iero 'to= .. . . . I, =ont=t i or Ohm ti zy-L&itake and 'rapt% oti an •aS 11. rimaa:;c3ioi7~ AtB L • Noastri, ".7 H. abosabooooo , . • tot h. Vadelni, • wit= J. Andaroon. Pg. l "4. / 14 Dio l 6DI Diast4 Av 061.4. ""trignklar Isosi D D. 'lnds. We. Dwelt,- • ,Lraid IL Peueratf_ • how Shies; lobs IL Nclar, - Ickig i os. • Jobs laraltgr P. sca".l4 • ' saw* nab,. •." =Ultra 4, i k k l uVeM,.: • ..W.LlPmaasktek„, Iwo Whlttisk :Wm: 2. Wpm, CI - • ' OD . • VA, 4 la Ilitrwai4 ANIS MS Ateilirrs. OARKNEB CO hunkllha; for - • liatbessi maw 111Wd omj Mara sip; • atit• 0:TU0,111,4010nd FratMlsimiasue. El l ' 0 L SAWMILL ' .; . . Evarat is rail _ • 4_oit y 111.81=11. limo*Baq wan. 4:pk• -.. Toile% Empty - Barols t im am llPobllet.etloy,atstun 11rksial, tlWh 'llll/11disce, I): 04 011.111161 DAT; llontober . 0,1111, s 1 11 ealoG4 1 4 ..1 1 11 11 , /17414 Ociretwiit h rp a „ ". 4,400 11;4113114144, funs - • . 0. fee Mono I.ltr q rare or MO "Lb, i lot of tflatbot 01; Ham, Zapf" , iamb, 41i. , Tar.= einarniseLembi.. • 6 /4 Fobs tosern4l.lllla 41 1 1 / 1 cur • - ,DeiZit DIIQURata WAGON . AND FARE zit PiCilitalik vveßits.- euetttiN AMICII. Soar" B. eLladoi Vighadr An Mal , of Wagods. Cons, vow 79 1, 0 1 4' Dnry OaiJ Clam ITheoltarmaa, Etas salragout: , 211 1 13 .. ittdaltraw sad To4dsr Claiserssal lirsekstosil :or -digareit io Patatt 'Eons Sabo Pao, litre Bab Ow •Xsrk saltallds On al lb* abaci .paa.stisnel. sifttb.gralalka 4 9 at alit as boa ate Saat sabsttlikedallidsdladk' . • O. ociramos. o • azzabtl3s[cfl uitaxis. as: } ~ ~ . `iT e 22 11 il! f t " ivms. away NEMER & iltoll, 3itll4l' AND smarm. Prolog Otto silted to ettootu of lis toattet. 105 ClittiLl, Lowman" Clo, Po. DIIQUIWISt BILISB WORKS, =Mil CRAWFORD, - Konoliotinuo of mg vanity si iss4sa Womr. ros rz, • BOBS , A. I MSAE 02 0111 asses CIAZIMOB, of all 7131 62 ; .0.4. .0 19111A1113° . iiairMAlßlNG l urta ar 'r W°111411:1 0,14 1417 yd t o , 102 oosLAND Cr worm. TP MMUS! Minh Mob agents for thfifeiben Did?lot of Poem* nu Ma-lbe tin Ws of MA ME. LAMMDZLL 00.11 PATE= SIPHON PIMP, ea bait' ow bomb& Ham no Woo It b not Waite got out of ardor, and will iifow am motor dun any pump of Woe ha yaw -w. a. wiameoni......t. matezia5............. a: an. au IRON VITY WOIMi: Itiosuirrolint ExIIIPMILL A a CO., . rommiate A D nr.&onzeness. ,Oxiiir of Pike sag, Wails. irS Tilts ant INlialit altar OltylTatar iforkr,) atiumgYammrs of' atatfamu‘ and other ESEIMM, =m dirt, mamma aml *1113141:414111f. mini paces. ' Pam attentiongin. to nribteetROLLIMMIELV ROBERTS, EAREBis a GO., r— 1H .. Thud 14, TIl Am) mtp. non, warms, and Yeautaotaran al • a.ap.A.2.42fiED" TEN WAXLICI • Ws 'an am zsiatiraketirfor and have on haul Bath. toil Apparatus of all kiada„Unat Wanaht Batts, Water Tumb Grote kT ne Tea sad Span Manton, Claah and Spica Spinout., A tar total Bird Oageskiall OW. Oil Ostia of 01. d i en d tatere d gli :ram Cansituottn, a n d anklada of Job- FATiNTEi OOTOBEICB, 1861. DEDDADOVIS PATEXT ova", r. XP c `IA PAINT Thom Ohhalms us Intuited Ibr the fat titan, hest !aoll parts arthe gloss equally, not it to IL D. last Pitt film Works, Wasittustoa street opl?' Pittsburgh ,Paso , BLS . pIAMOND EiIIZOTORKEI, prznittrsen. Pt. . PARK. aaorssa a cog • laskatiotann al, • . • DIIIT QUALINT 1/111:1111D oa. SIXII:k. . *nu % Slat and Oaiggoa. of an atm Warriateo ivßil to any !Nona or sanufrotured fo this country. wr eak. sad ce. 142 and WI ll= sad HD awl 12151007 p rittabuvi. . Amor M 0011111filE & Oat Palteri tiC l ZL mje ainr, FuL T Fßl . niam nom PABLOB AND NITOHNN ONATIA,,uOL, IDW WARN, litml Gimp Rated% DANT adIRIA /HU Garb'. Gm, Nabs. AM Aztkom , 501 .4= 1 . n.m .._Dosix*A . I . iis,7kass.13x 413 4. . 7 W470bbm4 11 -- 080.124= Cr. der. - ?abaft! yrDi Alma et 8013110 IL - Sc M. -1113 TEEM, ..Biass Pomona, - 'um !Omar. rms.: Partial/as insults joild.ta boltdattp uus repairing of OIL 111111103.8, 1;! , .:, 10 ktode et - nume AND IKON 000E11 rude to wear: • alio SUBS WARLIIGN of an kikA, mad* ft • . _ , sei orders lift si-Nr. Si aid SC WATEIt 8111112 .1.4 r . h 'Mt* promptly sandpits. 4. - sinaben of Ittls arm Was pratiWal maim. . of wurry.ime 'erporiontta 114 r bectsaindtt Ls. .... • ant 11 •1 1 1 , mathdiettir 1: .4 = 4. =, IN:imam ocasto acirvi •I.l7ll:P.6fpaiNgswilralsr.CkmdasteClisegeki= tots's - m4casarra wome AND 1191:14DRY. I n.wiawrnaa a Gov !" laQlal NVELDIOO asp mAninnum • Lira Awn. lotion MEN icC Ilindasky, ' ' !Azziontar OVA PA. . - tumiNtioilnonnuanuavretnarorrnizz noutuzusungusxmlau!ss, mimic ?wok 11.1.66gitrafillie-sifiset4 •1;;1+34' FOWNES, (late of the Arm of a abantumar a.. roma pi* - • 11 4 11 : MINER; 100 ITGV IIIItifiCTURERS. - aLtaalarr - rfairst; +Mb— JOIIII imuebit.hoct . thlurc.tu ßlDDLE' .1 Ca; " pi N itt o, 215 . arm 14ell e iriad apt imey drealptioa a! LIME= 811A1D.116 Orders Stadia& tram sai Admit No htstmetbm • QI _SEVERANOII, , NIL 53 WATzt • B!. A , JaPitudiarowalaanlycaurar d 'BEIM PM= WROUGHT PpILICEIN mamma mad raltrusdot uTury Particular fined or &awl PM= said rartelaituall, tot radar at #treitutles.= i rt r ,"`" 4 " 4 " ll7 !" 22 4 1 * , UK" & W. BENNETT, Mantakat:Oren of D WHIZ' @TONS MINA &ACME OMR. - 'and 'Warshaw; at Ito: n mix eirzoi. pmzia. auras 1 : , ' - ' • ..•••• . ..... , , .. . . ~ .. 1864. -- 864. 1 , uc0......... RAT. =AUDI 814., - .. EI2C.STERMINATORS. 11ib* T i leg r aisimu tros iV "Polsoos." la 21. r• 117. 7 7.. ; ,....,_.„, . ecatfl m iflll o „shneu rtbetzbalto t odl • , .._ - ' by4llDftOild rfinTithieell. Aixa I et el watttlipatZ. • Dopy. No. MB 11.1 g. 11111P11 2 4 irr.5.11.11 •If AIkIVE I. 4, 1 m ran 4 Whateebt slid aged Pf h. Pa., az z I...Leo:grams. mi. l i e 1 Ma 8.,-Imi.-41.1140ieny v 7.. • __, .. .- 4 . J 11141.NISFACITURICRSee4 party . liks• Immo smooo to miXO ram only be bort at ed. *Mee to tneast to mot vainly profitable moot facttrloir bookies, (Iron Pftbrned)4l datum etiut. clattog. with blefeelf motel:obi* marttiottror, elnady istablithed, or dont to boentothebeil. V i lT le tvortliirr has lazge boalotilimperiestos to thte •ot wait sod imam ot malt roam witxte • tcL , WWI fart. of th e trawls! wad toeiceespert or tb• oonoarra big germ mod apply' ebb 'stoat' tarnish s roamoubtt =l= of the copflel niootrect I: the sotto* elers tti =i3 . l/1 Lot • eoltaliztoote r lel known tot t Aencrtaor, crop adourot VW inanddaa metro.- Lamm DOI MS, P . O„ vitt. tat • m. r N DT'S PORTAIMI ppTEAL /SI Et t faV ; isa . I%Ortiet -Pottabu Strapgaillua; Wooa, faalano4, Ohio. flachiWorio, Newark . 746 • • 41 44 vadd. lint pinatas 4,04t0 *ad irstanal latra P•r• '''.•••• • oparat a. Oot anrigannlis• bet. Ora. ttaitas„ Witmcons 'MI 40 hot la who manta& analog Nay, 11414claMat • &cal dolt blr aliter. Jamas 0. 11•171ars, 1441.0ara, Naas. cat NOI4O oloak thrs• =KU. In Jana, 164, /4k0410 bit aslololli Pr oiled" iv= 44 oak. iatod taittnetioui aa4 airrand gmuxt M Ltd Itgrtaa. bue far ID eatral4l ilrealat, Ida 114.1 sal spats at 0t05n.44. Mama & P. BUNDY, _ , • It 74.44114, or If rwara, Okla. Ortora riella aid ccrrisposiaace io/1.004. sulL.l4 4 P, GENGICEMI, +.l. LIM /ID IlidtirtAL BOHM 10.11 lIAT 11111137., soar Ana. Brawls •11111711111117, BUILDING% NMI. .13111. RIDONA /to, ranted wlth acocruri, os start 1 111411211118 DILIVII ic l ne9l% 'eta "lowdown by Mimi 1 1 1,111 daT 12 N. - 310001i0 & 00, • Inoisishi Dula' la USII, CAPS il4 kraw Goods; JINN , Men am Winn uid met sea gals to* • SINSIII eE eta ilajapS, I saiMer illi : l 4=sa l V i Z u r . b , • • I=o Illsaithotarers of • P, : BEGS - it 00_, likk:flBs Liberty' Wl L treit, Dlldabligb,ll4 Inalesal• Groan, Out: inbdank Merchnats, And denim In COUNTER PRP. DIR:11, • PROT/ROD% BACON, LARD, Barna, !GOO, 0111113 D, PRODISCID, PLGUB, C/RAM, /MEM GERRY A. paneD "RD= he.. :SALT and LINZ. • 1710, ARN,:" .4.7IIiFIELD Coxinum. 401418,ta PO_ ' RH BACON, - TL01:11‘11113H - , ?MAIM Mau ABMS, 11.142111 A, LILNUTXID AND WAD OELB, MUD TWAT •adProdooi Trout' itiese,fittemk. z PottsliZaiotill =UN . Wholesale . .Gro: 1.1 arts sisa Oisassfoto•Bl ts, dealers In PEP DUM....ISLOINgatAmh, /188089:801r AND LAND 0 , 8 001TOli. TAlOlB,_ -and: PJ frusta sun 1000S18.0 sad 114 tissosd streit ;Pttieborgbl• Alliffle r grc. D. IMMIX% in_moseors ta • Aiederkii,) Wholefisai ars 11 O • ZION 01219 minhaaro 81 7016 1 0: 1 1i7ZOTION. iHL Woad ß ag tl*lialaittb.t. w. D. rArnms. 4 ^.11C 1011011 pATTERSONI &AMMON 001111138 TOR noxrs AND Qum 'and general PRODUCCI ,deallais, - Ho. • WOOD 1 / 1 11abasth, 7s. C1:1:AZA: : " ttr ...Mit' • • .• anWs . rarwardla aadOonnaleloulfaallai alul a ,ualyr la amez,=Tra, laminar, am t=rir rall7.lN°. 211 Wwa Id !" I ' alg " Widot T 1 rwm " ' ' ' srustarritunt OHN nOYD CO, Wholesale fit). oil Jr s sad COmsolatois lilorchaats,.Nss.l72.Wcail sad 121 ratiurty strssr, Pittsburgh.' .. ' _ rff.A..BILFZ LAALPWELL;(ettotbasoi to. .1...u010w. ik-ax,) PO= PAOM suid &aloe la l l3ol B / 9 193, res of Said sad heath stews, • ----...--:....--„orts wisnum o u tiP . ":11 . 7 SilllrgAßD - 7.Coxxamos ". i , tfIieSAMS Oa &dal In TLO 1110DUOI, go. EaLlterfir itreet. h.- - ' • Cibotoe bruidief lloar for Bak= sad Zwally on Ma stoutly unhand. • Partlisaw attention. psl4 to MIL to** Ibr Iforebaiittur Itaneratly. • - aellagy- • - co . ces — aore to L L, "" d: JI-S. Ora, MODUOM AIM 0011:618910 MUM ta Liberty strostafttiburgh. it:!T • nasszu.— ROBERT DALZZLL „A CO., -Whole- Nah..Grooors. catemln P ftl t tlnd on s nntad lanrantldeXe, noe, aid deans Id Produce ma Pinetragh ma. .a./. WALIA _COMmtsalon* Eferol im a. and Wholeale Doan- in maw and MOMS 14berty stmt. opPailto - PeactsylrazdaL B. Pomona Depot, Tittaburey Pa. , &caw Wan*. bones, corneriVsyno and Pena Streets: n 01747 imam sinigoz.• T MEET, SBIPTON ,CO, sau Grooonread ?Mime Diikus, 80. 6 Blztk .tmetalttsbureu t- JOS & car - wholesabs khrery. tbissailieskta - Xerrhaatii, ispt &gm ia r 4rD...OE, No.llo rifeter Mimi sad es Spat street„ alumsw , z, J 1 KIRIC.P.ATRIC4.4 --BAOTIgLEB4 'into arson to ll6nra ..I.l.l2ttrodeby .IFEOL74. 3MYX Gamma. Nos. Ul ant IDS - Liberti Wee« PlStObartll. t' • w13:17 01 . 2 1 12 ii;loC ebolo~ lFFE)Tuilt ieeeired . 1va4m.D.10.111,1vi5tam °6 ...5 1N ":2 ° A 1 7 .2. 1" 417 " 24416 '. 'cwwitenot , 1.;.? - acant 41.211N5HAW. • Irta ' Liberty sad Rand Meets: .ItA Aren:4ol '.. •Vs tscem -orti'ana"-oominsiiton chants • r the ass and tat* ett3lltlDl AND RIMS °LEON, Noe. QY .and, .WOO. strcaaPit• la unthatuivannasanidittitinnalitattenfia - • ~ IS4 I 8.. AN) JONI LIMA! LIG GRIT .C 0.,: DITX .1120117R xf liflLtkoo .nwr Liberty Adios din MOK rittabs . n . b, bwmt. pr au. •Ve • FALUN' WHOMAKEE, & UN . ,sl3 001naligal ;llraosains 'and . vttoluels airier. to 414001101- M.; PLOI7II, GRAM, P3LODUOi t tr, No. ItSl 141 berg stiut .Pttestnargh. 501544- mnaot. on ATT, ON, - :Vntolesale Oro- Item. sad Metal:m. ad ' st 0 maa B Onamlar 12; cad o aita Pra.. . Ilealln L bw(' Plttabargb. Jai! , Q LINDSAY J. & BRO., Wholomat° sad 1.3.11etal GIOCIZ14"013/1 AND P/CHMOE/1)/a.L. 'CR, dal Lawn stkvis. Pittabarea. MO= FINGERTON a STEWART, 4:.8 411100=8 AND 001LMTNISION NISOIHAMTM. No. IC7 Woad Wert. Pittibassi. =AY Wir T. TORN L HOJEW W,WhplesaoWlo. u ClUtEl IX/1111M011 cony* 7fl-421,Seed sad wassessmaitistlagta • WILLUM 'lBAGAlantiAiritetztUtra moan; ites; JO litrarPitts• WAIL PACPEIRS•4I:III3IiN: OP 184% A temple.. tannternit• et - basatlfe PATES lig 40111011 it all style* sad arl =WM liar eal• try MIT W. P. WOWIFULE.. e 7 Ire 44 al. lartnelrEskr, HEILDQUAWEERS, .rAzzias lathe, theA= attiatlos d sal otbarsAA . .task" of ,M 701.13, OBM R ) " IM BLUM aid POLICIIZS„ ram MUM, sad mew mem:liar pi lenry We. ILIM Oak is lie eft Itharpt to this immix". T J Vaa a Cp., Dugan Is XX PINE TAXI: Yr • Pit v. Waist ssi F.Vcri tat Marl 1117CILITIL ?sr. Ego Oedema 1:19 $llll andfmlliNgil• *RoDucl4.ll a F. QUMEtY # Cp., 00a10400 ltd n0..n0 loan nom or. • - •• CHICIAGIOt oho ip ablation lko pareirlaz Mow, 41Wntfoo, Provisions, ine; nor Ait ~secant B. L 'quiEßT sibzu7 . r. =wl. Tir4L.l.llo/1. 001111181110 its . So. 19 7 111013TE1 WATIB CMCMilep *NO, isn't:43h r atimuati t ..a to lim n monk, ishlT Inoin esvnn, rioneaoiris, PL An 2193.p13 & comma Nozonurns. 'AID4I-4eWre m.Ploar, grain lad Prodasy ripx,ND woOtt a eautaade„ - pay • P*Eunnicin• - lianas ronninn.....lalli Annin......ellanin a.arinnara . EN ; & IEIECEPARD; Cola .1 . l on a and Dollars liaTerriga Wad Do. most*, FRUITS, 2114111i,BUTTIB. CIUMNIV bsro Nii.S, TOTAIOIII3, and Pn)duca igannaljy, No. NA street, °prone Puosnoor Depot. r itia ' Ali., . • ..citooro: 1 7. &Dilworth it ' ilto ,3& ,, as a Chew, Culp A Shims, Attiolk.lao i 00..1.T01ts .erador, Pitlaborsti; Mama "Om'. zaDowell.Tati Brunt A Oo" Flalloda.; Troailitt A wroonotw, St. tools ; Sinidafr At Graaf, Now York.' gosona * LaveS, Oineisuroli.. ' - . mytlj . FLLE VAN GORDEN., I —• . L • Produce and Commission Karahaat, Ti 0.16 siernarnaa siatr, 'muse rind. "DaieThinotra.arrnin,snoolia,sunA Ltt i 1351311.16 PORE, PlingD 10:1 iliD 02/ ?BUM, 'COLLTILE3 O. ip.LELEY, • I , Produce and:Commission leroliant suntansmnss moans, And Lase fa aq Wads 07 00172fra! PBODIICIA P 0.179 LIBZIPI7 8171.1137. nbtlir POTestruor, Ps. orscouMAL • nio. otstnnuss, Wild Isis firm of D. tD. kr171 4 .Pltisburgh. Do Ohlo.) ; Itif 'DONALD & ABM Wholesale Ar.g. Groom, Protuos aid (Wilhite= liftrobauts. Jobbat is COTTER, N. 0. &MAD and MOLASSES. BKY/NIII SWABS ABD STROPS, ?LODE: BACON. TCBAOIO, TVA BICOf. 01110i81, BEM, do.. Na.o Usad Thi Liberty bred. Pittsburgh.. - noltly SHRIVBR do T•A 7 T 4 A R. Wbolmals asocrzstex>f ocumnearoz ilmomurn, Vas. 27 sad 29 13MITHIMD BT., or. Mama, May P/T/9373178911. CHARLES RIXECUI, From: AND GRAIN IMI AID Cominssion ifonottort tor Alto oda of GRAM SEEM - mums, PRODUCE. t 0.,• nmt' tor thy odobrated Uniontown CIENZET, Doe. Un Boom& and 145 rind "Into, bottom Wood and HEAD &IdEETZGAit, Graters aid Cow mteloh Ifeitheote, skeel dales fa all tines al *emery Produce end Pitiebb Mesuboterer, No. Likettiestnot, opposite Ond of Woodeteseti Pitt*. boxiA.aptaf WEBB . Commission lieribanta. Wbolteale 'dealer. th.VIZEITZEN U. ems onEsst, - -innno mons, strrres,saos, 8118.1118, and' prothos easitratti; Iyp.LZATENB, 1:121:Dr4 OILS, so.osa.mnibersor divot: Pttlabargh. woad% lictranceinato Mad*. ilkagvuna4s Slici!ed. 8.1 LRO4DR - .1 , e ST LIFAXIA 1864-5 • "" 1111111141 .3.. 1.2.-IPUTTZ 2 1 BILABILIIISAMBE DAILY TIMM. • . _. • • iftitat atter *MAT, BotollatPtillatilmoll 00 DOPTI all tarn t rain K A% dear. =teal Banda, alltgra.:' '..:- =ley gatadpit timr. awl ad lanteberg t ar Now rertalartosee wax - boa% OM et Philadelpida tot lfick, HMOS aft - ' laterseediate prima • • . BABIBUDIKI ACTOIII4ODATI 01,407, ma.;_ . Heady, al OM a. m. fat at all regular atetkier. batmen Dittebtoth saellett_olcaa toltneettonwith halm ea /maws nd se ub, Waa Ades: altaids lit. B.; altscabara god Chews 2..2" tat lirrssaniaa , • mini. IXPUBSI, day, *DNS Boadayist Itatrp. to" atoppin as lastly all Web. ttosilimteaa Mahwah aad niladoltda." la mast . _ Int Malawi with trust onto. Zbenetrarkaad law Wall. B; Bollidayrbara Brawl H. 8., r/rOal sat Charteht and Add Battle Italay litaradtes • JOIMITOWIS AOOOIIII.ODaION. dal MGM ltdadtb. et &CO • Bk. st‘Callt at Molar (Whose b. Wpm r and Jonestown, sad as • Bleimill• laWractioa, with Irma as Dm, . . alma and Writ Deonerheada Be . 111.1LADDLPEUS straits,. il .at 425 11.2.4 ' aiopplaglly at Latrobe, item , Gahm. ea.. - Lawistowa. 41.2teriart.11•".. e= s„ liarrit nal ft Leaman sad Da • at . . Herrhlwas direct cosesetiloso ara wads kg Waal:gam sad law Tats at Philadelphia lar Dew Tork,Borion sad laturosediate palate. al Um nut lama on ate Data tem Pittsbatalt to ..; .. oto"S PhirddaDtlia l" 418 W Post,. b) $ 46 "WWI nor ram doy,' i Lia o traiti.: at iiii• 6 : 4ll' F ' ' filbitp,47 . _ Oanalllallik tisnlnn, Alna H= , ri, l ' H7ZrAt il l l P . 34.1 V... M V.',.. 11110. Leacostee and Delnalto ' ''' , .,lE . " Ilar - ZMIN" earanatlona an nada I.r Raw York Ittlann dad Waildnatall t at Yans4.lphia, be II . . sad tataanadiate n. Bw : ra F I ! , iki ./. Men daft (IxdsPd a* 13.20 ri. in, dr ' 11 _ 11 "IMIN..- Tratiad - ' '' Illirnalrll4o Lac - AM"' dAdll(Mona u = a dld a..n. 11141.11". • loath inii lbeWalitillalift ' lnn -- '.. ;dalAd (110,14 Sink!) sift:tip. is. -_,:,_.-• . 1 .: . - ;77 • : :ii ;z ce artt rata nana = noun inirs Mon, , ' lisfarrigeg Toiler =As Ix rltteleagth as *Mow • irttabargh ado v. at,, !Dal:MaorilWO Fay yhtlng4.l4, ' LID st, .IPast 141)11.11Li lotoutoirs deconcmcdat.." LID Ulna, i. - net Wall's &Maks Bernd Warr 15tatkellomausodation„.... **ol :Third Wars Stalks Apoon. •MO p„ al e 'llblatti Warm Station L 1131,02., „ Batmen Mans win intro WU 0s bap ' 'paw at :=3O p. on Mondays. • - sarroa—re mei a law, lb. oxamis 'WI bit* - - lhamositat Mondial la Pasout WIMP 403 7,1 8.- , -.tua Omnibus Llnns Ism orouplorklts toseicas end haw. wade - frau Um Dock übszle Vat Pm }S essita,, irah* pasgsw /id beam. Pm paste zipply , uVia:POO boar, IEI I TTSBURGH, .L 01111016:43 IIAILWAT AID F4EI? .111 Prrreetracar zansom: • wirenat ABIIAIIQIu1d?. • on suad after CIOTOBIM 3011411ei4 tutor • Lang ' PUtsburth I .Chbuto. ktern4iadiThiollsig ja,,,,.._ • Mo all OlOana.l IMO IL lIII.' , ' t1rf11f........;...... E-00 p.m. 145p.m. tapas: .... •- - . Earns ..---...... MO p.m. - . Kea . • —. alito Lai ' ' kW IL ON - • . Pa . Nov Cada id* 45:50 a as.• • -'• - ) antra aalltabaza4—P.7. w.a Q. slat2ns,l3l: 4. -.: m.,1110 p. a., 7.45 p.m, 7.50 a. naiad =Pp, za,.. .-.- 2; • , O. aP. B. a., Mb a. .lk_f_a_p. at.,.8.040. a, ~^•, r, , , • 100021:110DAPIOIS 'mama—Lam ainaaaaa '-, ! I Tot Now allahtoa. Paella* Oatlaipar a weave .".' • Pales - .up pop;- , . ~•!- .....! kohl id Alhaamp— .P. . aO. lanirap, TAO a .1 it., k3oa. m... L4O P. 11. AM LIS p. la - • • .- . o.a P. p.. 300.00 a. al. _:._ . • - -' .. , ! • 1 tri g .._. aIOBIZII Paaal*, Vesta . t; .. t Vliolll P . 1111,132_11,;4% Pim . { ~....„ . --- A. 41 aa..', Titto 4 - ,-.. r... - P. B. IMPEL Gamma 21eket Irma , r• " 1 A LLBORENI 401. VALLIT RAILROAD ,4/ILLIKIII or .193111—0 z strir .Itoarbazi N 0 /SQL • _II% QS IV s test= "MI tab, moo • .• L., . 7- TELUlL—Locro:7lttobtoulli AIM Il#soalAg AI MO& la. Looms RD1.0mp!.., 1 nrda&sty T v2:l2LPlttrosli al Ti s ta,„., 400, k , riao., -- rLoim.-....r0 0 0 putimr,..„ Itlttonebot it ;.?; Ng, 461111* 42 . ;1;1 alizriazirii pr o c r .4l : ll: . utn _ Git Ari. oti.,,juilat-_,„:&44,5,,,,,,z: Pltbburgb, Pena. ea:. Ann , from. tk it'Olc -JOEL pr 14.J.4 cis CE=lloll•mari fe SIP. KlWiillr; .. aad4 , 44mad ra toacr!babas imat- g .". .1 -- ..XKI tons ffirlit(olW.- ri 4,7...mA...4...= bnl 6 iliNgrilllo4,, 1;1 An5ebna........1.100 Wu. I ab e r w ill=l•= il 4 l iga o t fersatzeos '-' ' e rga. _ : •104•to and tb•• mall; JO bin r.,r. T r fr 4 u =" l lF. 41a =PWISCart JIM of t await Worked fbe alieli:"J'i. tw ig Rukeo4l4ll,l4€ Nins'Ynk Sell• ,' ":; Aw• *my au •••• Tork•Ni"*.un = of ..sonolpookiii.keigam ~- n Air New 014:9•09•0 xi z •AL Attsonlitn. * ~, vr _:,,ZV., ....... , ~ C.......,... r .4 — e•.! V ,g4+-1.150 ='"e"" • ' --4 i: ..a,-. r............2X0 ......., ,im. ,Mu 0ttra..4....":"Rs .:Lii - Y •:, —.........ev0 - No, * turemsovio are -taex' Pit ammo"- - - 4. 19 1 1 11LNaiwiwar lntl Of fiiiiiijil e .,: .7 .. Intent Olunda• Whim of 1•••• Mgt -• ,4 Intelgat la* In , Ltnna• .*.700* q honmal , ''' ealtbs obt•lrd map an Ibmsd Is ,imunbiliw,ner, :2 noin B.i York to LITIIPOOLVEL . .--.." 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers