' 44- • 7: 7il . . , SITEEMAZ - - MORIUER NOVt • 1114. ZIT AND 8111i'U.411421. ro:Ilse Gunboat kfitriettuf • Tim ifigut• dame= ginbott Maristta, whltdt bin boon In create of Ontstristloi , at tha boat t!Mosta; To Ins on,. Martupee kOa 13ohis En*, en the Moiongshitiatiras, for the trastelghtsin Moniltediating beennomplatid, tie time for liklimach was fixed at Mire* Voloeit on Mondik mraksion.. Ae theMinoidng of.a gun. host , ' lclte , I novelty to onioitisans, *lap crowd ooniMegated on the ground etthe ay.; pointad half; and great must, w as =sulfated. the leandstons mass more from its mom, .angs. About three Vaasa Osumi's' elearad, al t .tbe props banked away, but she did not mien. tow .' boat • Tar — era far, and a . attached to • her, but no change in her position was Peoeptibla. nand tug arm then brought Into reraltition, and aorlarsmer* Mesita at Marta the way , bat still the assiii bad not mond mere thin a half doia /eat:: Lugo slabs= were then pro. Mired migined se battatfng {ams,lint the =easel =shaped to }WC and at In o'clock births, M. gomploo:Mtmob lekmers itupended and the erfrlfd - eraPn't. l4 ; a:issttoisa with* Miamians fei tanning- two hours in the snow Anise* to shwa alannelt which did not some istr;trettyrill- 'ha Made to launch bar this setikabgi auk hir builders Appear /Mislaid that . Ile wilt be in Sturildosinigahala at noon to-day; Mirlatts is tine hundred, and eighty fat; loigigityleot beam, clot feet hold; and will ' draw.gre fat st water. She will carry one tar es IMMO two guns: ;,.Tits Iron plating on llia.tres al is' tea bete' and • half IM thiekuese, and the =inst. will be clad.to the depth of sin hashes.: Is a screw papilla, and Is intend. =Meow Mestere sisters. ; The Sandusky, • gunboat similar to the Marietta, la being built by Oa smatdati and. will be , completed la slew manta. 11settagettlw Fireman's Assoeistlan. Fa !Lando male& sasajoar ed Misting at An SkinMaes Assoolitton wanhanditt4ele toot ft pki9kt7 .. ll•ll. • - *sm. Couples, Creagan;Darring. ton, BIN Imoiesd 'Jos. Little, Estireic Nayarit, Montgomery, elm, Swint, Phatesnd 'President NW Litt,. • . a demote from the Vie laut Itire CoMpany, oSegtd Ats resignation as e member of the Arcoedeliou, which 'milted and • 22ts re:dilation of Eclat Joseph Browne, ae. -Chief Earshel of the Hire Dapartmonr, was pre • .mrebni bythe Pritidout,when on motion, it yea Anoidatian then proatnided to the also- Eon of :.Chlef..Eatlnear, made variant by the ro situation of Hider Browne. ' Er; EorttgOmery nouiliated • Mr. Thomas Besse; Of the Eagle, and there bolas no Impost tion,.he reetirod a unanintoni rota. The credentials pr . :Charlie , ft. • Porter aid, DOW Ttorapsoi k ablated by the Vigilant to Alt the taoticies oeassioned by the restitution of Diestroaririn sea Weider, were resented, and the delegates tookthalr seats,' ' . ' " (tootle W. Leonard, Chtrmaa of the Corelett-i too on laspectlan made a verbal rapport; when, int motion, the Causalities were instruerteCto draw up a full report and submit is to the A.no damn previous to Januery Ist, Le order thuds City Colman' mild er darstaad the condition of Dopittrotouts before malting thrdiap• prOpriailbnis lei the you IES. - - 41r. Raab, Ent -eactood Aistatint rEnrine ! er,' being in Iltsimay, a motion was made to, declare tbo eflotrumet, 'blab was adopted:, An oleo • Eon was thekautored into to Ail the vacancy. which resalted ilk•Ha: staantrucliay oboist- of- Joseph A:. - thatlet;l4.,,st the tgattorga t ; . i. Os motistredjetumodr- 1)11Isialt, ILL ihi Nadi wird. . . TTuts.dm, Ars men,- rraidenis of .the , . Word; sulplay el on . tins Pennsylvania taUraid, genoludedto 1'44,1 their photographs taken; sad itarted &ma tan for that pafpoie. :After prof .teeding ashen diatonic' they cosiebbled to fitike . t a drirati n .Aiid Onfirid taferti-14 that parioia.. . They tested thentuiree s a table, and falba _ . for driPti; 'when the prapriatorinformsA ahem 'Maffei/I "like - Wto inhibit:it would he neces sary to walk up to the bar. This lad to an ale tereatien, doting which the landlord Wei strualt. A soldier, who wee le the bar - room , interbred in behalf •of the. Wen-keeper; when • • ersterel melees ensued. During the light Aim Wray, of the Maysei 'sued along the /Wets and bearilig she - disterbauce. entered • the • knee and it noted the Attire party, aad started with them.** the N.yoes *Mos. &enrol of the bob ligeoetti - 'objected:6w gain, but Mr. Wm in • • 1404 'lnd'', drove" thew before bin. roes errata at the Mies, Clntered • 4frose. suits for - sisattt :at battery bit after ward *Wt.* fitelktbd upon - paying, the oasts.. me* permitted to depart.- Ciao at As party had retained a severe wound on the head Wing the difiemily i terisg Una strut with smalls% or heflonsow - It• Is needlere to uay.tbet the &do; graphs. hen bet 710 . Sal taken.' , TWIT Coal Qmittlon-rneW to to ltettled. • . • Amin, Ptteleagly, sets to tlie)Mry iteirt:, ef the bittnnlasn• region: :. Coal abounds . may- hill . abenkae, :sad 'yet it Is • most • . slumetal blot, that thirt n ole'esanot be hai . h ibe pmenst time et err, .. Oar sumnlbeba. . „ opemitions are crippled, and with the winter months taokes, almost the entire . 'mamma; wlthont gull: it tie ranionat irate ot.rainge centimes two weeks longeraltere will be pet. tin taderims. is it** • two cities. and all this whilst lie tette thcourad Miner! 1111 . meting thtlr time. to idiotism. Whilst we bin- little: sympathy for the van who are not satisfied with three times tie 'arm they were formerly Mot. teat withLerii ban less toe the dealers ..who would /Mbar fink the whole aoressanity le Ana 4 tering thii tat doe their exorbitaet as; Satisfied the trouble is put . here—the miners me wining to work It live cents it the -dealers wiltrodeoe. Asir ptiose in proportion;. bat theymio -They.in damming d tolmep up the prieste the manic, and it ponible rialtos: the prim to Me - • - •• • Beata order .to find - where ths fault lies, lit the Exchange, which waits to:day i lix thi pries at ten to twelve , cents, and I tool assured ea MinerfAryfprompity go to work at ire omits. It that ww. Rota* so,tot some solarised reliable men, fa, sea ward, form a coal essoolation and sell to thepeblisat one seat per Misbelief profit, seed the afters will work la then attire ants, 17 this mates, coat easi be banished to the em ir unity at:ten sondem buhsl. and, the miners will be tronstsatlr - W. dioletbleeldattroad Aceldent—A -' tangier gilled. . . . . , On Friday alght Isit‘ an aosidant &mined at the Italboa4l . 4epot, flarrisburg,ramitingla the • drills , of V. J. Jonas, o!' Iforrizburg, bnt ferserly tesident of eh city.' TIOr sotovinio. attics Irian from Baltimore-is rminto - Hardt bort ahead of,tbsksaea,, w hi t % , " se w to . the rear ear. 'ffsi Mao/ sight, when the troln, reached thi depot, the body - of Mt. Jon. 111/1 *cod btiteaiii i'sowootahsr.`,! rand ap into as abiostikepehiu taw, torriblytuusited.and almost bqiinCtlotgaition. It li supposed that be urso4poa-the trackalums the Vain nom in, and tffaTilte tabu WO' patted ewer Ala; -- ath.box of .the beonistive mast layskilied him; as It yes hapoesible for It to pus over the body withoutattsitlng lL ~..Tko body could not bare. • mowed until the eoirsoidther7ves Salsa off the Istossotlvo.. Mr. aims vas at ono time the ' tact lb. Sunda* Mireery, a parr publithed tn• shin oily about Wan years ago and tints thof time hat Ws conasate4 lath tbs pried of Mr - statism and Hollidaysburg.. . CostreislottilDtitilei—baleiii W78148t1,17. I;9w/7,0. en •gliamy hems - -2728 soldiers' 193 28 Abastroarlosse 2124 sadists' •• fit Al Bauer kat:a . " ' : ' -11111 - eotdied " 299' • - 3g William! majority... Fatal -Aceldant. Yesterday notably a ounoa man await /soot Peter,. a dater. employed Ity Kr. Thomas W. Hag the ro that Perils iral•Autsgod- sh • aof , dwelling alt rdr. • Siam' near Wilkinsbttrg, mhos he ;lipped sad fell from' the reef to the grenandos^dlstattes of fifty (soh, sad•hls head' striking - a *tape, hLabrthar wet* duhsd oat. Peters wu about twist:l4loh jests AI; 104 antra In thleemattry dye or six yeers ago. He emes an mama:lied man, and raided with Ale glstar IL phdtPehlttg; : . . . . , _.. .. 1 : As Snout, Ptotoo4—Yr• *ors MOM' ril tem ,day, at GilleipWs, 021 Wood /dna. 116 WM - styli - op painted photograph, which is highly aroollge. pg. to Oa fortiat..:lt it a fall length photograph i4 , l l 'z i pratesflosal sontlinnan of shit sits. and 1. tlfally palatad In water foolora. no artist /o mi. Jamey Deli, of St. Catharinor, C. W., „.f d the styli, of the pletflaolo known aft Um .tao .' t, photof mph In °star colors." The batman stn zooodiagly ; natural and IUo Ilk.. lhnAloring . D i 0za,,1100. and the picture Is ono °falloff soy eprtlat lulaktr risk proud,. Any ol_onr Att.sons Valor may. ish to 'obtato t he e - moles of Igr. 10-* ,fst% 0.41 adat•n hits thtittith Si... alltroploi. tibia* Ik. Oahu* osa"biloosa,fot ; * L. dip. • • - 14 Gun lather, witiliqoarbootirifot: er r ar4 y math', It MoOltllsad't Alptias .;46 i f t h etrpK - ' - -'-- -.- Vol -/Y Munro e,o,n Isms tosi . rraii. , l Pst.ruenbri:. Wag Nisonhttgr -MO 861.1 . „ . Ifs. Snrrox:—Robtruing from home, where I hare • been on a short leave of Odense, I End Myself this stablest of a sourriloue atticile is the .Daely Riede! Yowl' city,' doled Usury /ants cad pilrOctilng to have benuntitten from this hospital. Ia this articin Idm okargea with committing :rep - culls" Soldiers at this plan ai "Outrageous lad whalers's. frond," In this: 'I hat ein cr-abOat the day of the Preeidantial 'Soros, I •sdrculated among them Miffiffellab badges, Chappetksad speolthe VIA ,Litiecn tick. et., thereby ontsizg them to eut their ballots for LinooLs, - when they would o th erwise hats voted :tor Noffiedlin. Part of this statement is ;rue—part - false. True -It' is, that t'goirti out Lincoln tickete—faise it it, that I ever had in my poseersion say Bletillellanhadgu, or circulated or Ilistributed any • Copperhead speech.,, But usnmingths whole of this state meat to be tette, whet then? What obloquy nets on shy one who should ohmse to purees 'such • course? ' Whet ere touches 'for, if not to be eltollattit -Why are badges mods, if not •to be worn—or tickets panto!, lf not t, be voted? II a man "could -not distributer Moe lel. `lan documents without the charge being made that he woe trying to deb end somebody , doe. it not fellow. - s natural oontsguenco, thaX the whole Copperhead Forty Sal sultry f The affirm., etion that they wore soceinpanted by Ltnoolo tickets, and that they were that dscrolccd, is no point of Ammon; end sash ea admission, It ; true, would roiled tittle credit on their shrewd ; nets, intelligsaiso sad adoration, by leaving us to leer that they either did not know who their elootote were; or that they were nnabloto read `the tiokets they voted ; hat perhaps they beton 'to...Governer Wise's " kfty thousand," whenever . welt to retool, and so need to be pitied and ex. mud. We cons next to consider the origin of 'this 'llkley and. when we do -this we ate own. iptstely lost; whoopee it emanated is wrapped to Abe profoundest mystarY.- True, it Is signed • ith ammo, sod, la dead from this hospital.' jut when we Come to examiner the records of ;tile limits), and ins n's a Wsole lied themugh levonigation of the tame, in *hie% hare been '.elndly assisted by the onioers here, we And that , no man of 'that name has ever been adiaittol . ,into or had any-tonne :Bon with this institution, and ws ire thus forced th pronounce it a willful and malicious miepretentation—a false parsons. .lion of /CMS one who 110Ver bad any talltelloo, or at lout, -any mintitotion with this article; nod now, as the writer of dt invites speelat et. • viatica to his vile prodeetion:l also ask that it be read by all;Beal, and, as yon do so reflect :that the same motive width actuated th ei heart of Its anther, aim ludo:oaths tralto'rs -of New Yotle •to visit the grave-yarde :of 'Virginia: la order to obtain the name, of dead soldiers to forge to proxies, thin tear the doper:ad hoofs ''from their g a:Amok* them apposes dieloyai st the polls. Read, with the tall conecientions. Ft. 4 II that yen are perusing a-black arid:donor. , isles/mod site forgoy, command by a trot - toe' train, and baited by a traitor's hand. Read, and when you have finlshod, pease and wonder it there is any degree of moans,, too low for a Aran to descend to whim-he'has ono* ' become &traitor to hie country. As to the thresta • e^ shined in It, they we nothing more than mere ,gatecnade, so many idte,wlndy word?, and • the whole affair is moat probably_ gotten , op by um° gamyold enemies Payette bounty, who have taken i bis , method of 'venting - their long , ' nett rip epiton. For the tenth of wheinfor it may hook been; I will jtist say that my • foot shall neverforboarto tread the milled any spot where . Copperheadistri ghettoes:. chow its craven face, thereto face it; fight It and do Me utmost to de. Stroy 'it.. Hiving folightthsrobsts In the South and seen Aim. fill by seems, Laken notes' this tate day; be intimidated 'by their howling* to the Notth. Tours, - • . W. co. K, lleth.P. V. . _ wool Nur .Boalo.—' L141_2410, shoot half-put demi o'cleek, the , olt xellorry of Molars., lieldahlp. Bryan & Cm, allotted On Mir Botcher.* len Plank Bead; in Airerve town.. ohlioll3ok Ate. azia wee completely destroyed., °clog to the lateness of the hoot, we wars ans. lila :to imettalo the origin .ef„tle !Me et the imetiohat daimon done: - • • ' TnionsaTho Octoroon" draw olotnt hours tort /lining; aotwitbstwdigg sbo toehronnoy of tits "'satin. - •Th• &roe is salmi up to ozoolloat /Ott sod downs to, moot wito, snoensi:- ;Itwin be :velem*. • " Vaiiriata Patmaavy-roi Sits.'—Attiatlon ogled to tbaarrotal 'attaining:mita caw ads bead,' attar, dukabla- property to be sold ibis oartalag at balp past wren Voltaic. by A. Kat lialao, at bit notion rooms, Itittl stmt Litt= Lad Rants' bunk cad fizat orsrslusis std sandals, boets.'nnd balnaciralt at- Tioo/10.; Jan Ira %indict' House, 5:5: Ptak strati - • At ARRIED:: . nit—suss...4R chmite.. - 4;.‘ of 'Sherrie, exerafatt; the 17‘h tonna; ty the ihre, Jams Checker, /L472IOIIUUS it• Ins,L, riuse4 4 44-: • P. - . to mt. sspell. a. IMAM deutat!, bi- 1 960 Siete.iiiieeeeetot, the tenser plapo. ffeEttlifT.Y.—to Viola oyi IWO 'loth instaal 'Boo, UMW ELFoIftBIIZT, La tin 37th yo or of hi it) . NASSlBON;,Noilisber 87th at Iflirso!ifoof No. lip Pita stmkosn Raid; zwati mkgassos; to th. Easeral will tike pl.". from bk. ht. _ ro num"; criamilikii, it 4X 'dock p. fetends' oritMJk•DiW icspeettay,laritati tos•tent , • ' fNCIPANIP—On Not. SOM. ad nixie u etiiele;lA oasamstai.castom. wif.at Joe" 1. MP, Srati-co* Tama sal pa eritt tote - plus st toroVelqek. Las;Wrists eeeldetecr ea 'DeWitt dint lltanities ter. Ve. Meals of the 1'9=14 srexespeethate 'Netted hirit. .hid. i r .D ma EGULA IO B T o R G H ALIJ I7r PO e L .— IBAI au l ,iPOSTS .POVeI.A.i• tlx•Oe'Joan P tona lass part. mai ItOYDAT. 4 4 Tor trefilit ar pump 4p4ihrosi board ar:to . -, , - W h i n ammu oittuna a to., am* gill,' bosztemr KosonDbelailsiti. R. C11%C11314 &IT & Lours. 0-7 sissake IBON CT. JOlllll Wanon T • Ls .nor! n • or F - JA anis os kard r or =l7, i oza,nu 09;, Aniatn .0011.001CINNATi -V VILLE —no ' Cos- ;tumor ALICX. aUrtal. 11. O. 11.1.4smowt, w TUIPDAI. sae Limb tutu t, will Ida leavrat sameituold *bore. . - - • Aar Itatigla or palings apply on. board, are • JORSi FLACK. - . D. COLLISWOOZi, 1 VOR CINCINNATI AND Lou;: lESSILLYL—Tto opirton4 nor sitorossr MAN OWN. apt. Trait Mar alai vill lows as soon' crO IFXDNICEIDILY, Mk last, al 4 &dock is. m,- , lot troll* err leianss apply cm Isclisrn t or to • • • JOnN FLAG t;9l D ricaa.rabwoonj D. .M . dlLUMilt ! Abil),GAZ.7;:kido. ; • "FMr.'" CLAIMS AND PATENT% A.IOC MIPFSCS.A.V.PAW • 196 611141iVeaTIEET.Pittabwrilh ItTENW tyclovsattiati acititoi Qwb ollioeasot Irma noshid bane, collocut .;.01-(it GBA3r..II*CAT: i oeitly, -,;. Cni•Mitithiatthodral. Qtrarmutunimesiiiax.l Orrzcz,l7. 3.4.1 - ; ANBULA _ WOICa • . Pittiburia l / 4 Hai. 73, 7364- - ' 1111&2 81111 . Ocala Propos eti SDI la milted - at this edtte tall 1.91' eckuk•3 l .. tts Zirs.b.a2.OItSCIVZSISES, 1864. for alltreri steam bathed Asattlator, (Wittsllas pates) at rithbtraa, •• • ' " Itras acututbrures ara to be Sado at simmed tbs. ter istabat at pm stualllcahota tibial cat tuf sea at reds.'.lhb Tra bide matt stsfa la shat hiss the Whist SBl &a.- „ aProssab must Or waked rrproantla llattsplai; Su" Sal atdreurd to Lt. co 6 O. clots, thputy Qum:- brmUtee Gemr*, U • % A Pittsbargb, Ps: `tb, far dent/sod Metes to blush rtrht tare Jett sty or all Was tbstbo may arm too MAX. s std. bp marmotot stressful Whams to oat: astotat,arestlitiM4, dam* by Csogoall sae atilassat rocarltks, • • Paplest Sabo ands apcaths Completion al Ds sm. tract, or so socurtlarreatrar ma Rs toasstliast Obstl be ratiP.td Llett. CS/. •D. Q Snuck &d.l. nun= Ago minim* Giuil LY. Rc6i6.":,t4 -4. B.° SEYMOUR.- --- VMES M. . 1.• I r kflqr WS" „ • s "'" • ftSVIRICrt &MR= axr; ancommasf, fcr itt.34,314213005 or* """**011401141*1014""V"." 6rE441180.4T8 THE = TE S` --,,firEigis TELiggßapit 121131=1 ?Moue' s .Regorod frog Augastr, Ma IMldgritle. QUARRILIBRWRIN BRl'd AND - GOT. BROWN trAEORGIL. Capture of Inintiugtou /Reared by The Rebels. THE WAR ,D.HEARTHENT. . . Government Loans !ad: Beeurltles. Nair Year, Nov. • 21.—The riser . lisp: Oar priiato information fteat Washinnton leads to .the belief that there will be no change Or the 'Secretary of the Treasury before the - fourth of .lifarch twat, if then. Also, we 144. 1 4E1 to be; Here that the itutherriune'ol - gold beerier ck of the Dotted Biotite w,Btie Ilistited.lf not. !wholly wirmed for the present. No other six per cont. loans btleg +Saadi and,the 10 40 year' per cent. ban withdrawn fr. za popular sub . ',captions In order to Supply negotiations for 'flour and ep tag service, and to vest the pop • far appeal in the 1.30 cont. three soars tremor, bonds. A .00 astral Jest from Georgia ley, that Mann, Mir edgeville and Augusts (manila fete ?Goners. Neatly all the prisoners: hare been- taken,. to Ohatiestos,,Sevannalt and other palate supposed, to he safe. All have been removed from Ander.. gonville, exeept a few hundred slot. All material and machines, hen ben taken from Atlanta. Fort Augusts, Mien and Mil ledgeville art of geoondlniportanee, except that Macon is the meat railroad entre. - The 'people are disgusted at the Davie Gov. There le a very'peat quarrel between 3.11'. Davis end Goy. Breen, oommenoed about blooluidanunaing. North Carolina bac :been nirsoltbid to engage In blockade running, on:her own amount, and has imported all-that her teddies need, and has a surplus on, hind. Georgia "eked the same rioting', and, wee refused. The - Gotrernment ;blab Sherman wait not inda.clispley' of Union noting, though =oh India's:lmes is manifested at the defeat of the rebels. The , obsectiption low is vigorously enforced, and smelt poste are scattered throughout tie South for enforcing the' conscription lure, Thome 'pests employ a large :umber of men, le the aggregate, thus koepleg * considerable foree from the front. Great liars's:a entertained throughout tie Beath, of the ,capture of Wilmington which is Said to be the chief dependence of th e Confed erates, at preens, for outside supplies. Sherman will And no fares of Importance to oppole him in his march across Georgia, in any direction. She people In Georgia are mach op, posed to guerrilla warfare, am ate not likely to harass onilltes, in cue. the eastern portion' of the State In occupied. . The stories are confirmed of thendaringand death among Our prisoners at Andersonville. , 1 In Ut rebel Senate, on the affrh, Mr. Sparrow, of Lonisiana,introdnead the fattening reiolu- Mori which was agreed to ; 'that the, judiolarr committee be Instructed, to inquire what lses. fatten was 'monitory to provide for protection of pommy, all:pennons Made to military duty who have left, or may rClLTOtheConfedentey with. Out the ,station of Confederate maths':tile. Mr. Orr of South Carotins , Introdemsd ante. lntion whin was - agreed to, that the oommittse on military edam -be Lin:meted to Inquire ishethertho late order from the Adjetiet eten. oral's department, revoklog the detail of oilmen • between the ages - of steins's' mid forty.five, re. qiikes any modification by legislation to pre:: serve the producing end industrial interests of Mr. Orr said the result of Ms - nisi was a fan if possibly of Mimi !earths of the 'crop la hin station of the tonday, lathe.nripeirportlati SonthCerollzuOniall,lamesmiXere been detail's!: The Feta* of those district* will be able to anb. •t let for.. uteri but if Gm ereention of this order. it carried fete effect, the ciefitz be rednad • • Slit from thi tbitatittse - on the Judiciamrs•: - pintail bath with a- resontling the Ism au. ' thinking the - pityment of dolma • deo to alias ea ambit, In the ds of thirCionfe &irate BMW.' It the rebel Sento 'the nsobition, W. 'Cobb for attetbg 'labs santiamatt, Was silopGd - • ••-• • ' Tie Speaker sebmlttod a message froze ihe President, transmitting the intimates ,of the dm:rotary of War for . the&tther botherproms:Won ef G. war.. Also, a mosugicoutathlag the riper. Glom' lboasegud rotating to the opera one on Morris Inland. Both referred. Bristol(Teen.) P.* Wes sage Ta Greif - the exedmago of prijollin Xid norrelowsi bitsams held as prisoner. by the respeettia par tial to But Tans..., we are glad ti anaemia that thsCaatriarate authorides at itialimand hen ,responded favorably, sad Chin. Vaughn it astborind to compost stegotiatioas t/uts Sad. S 11. • Itiohniond Dbpateb of thelEthlan.sayin haman ' ' will,: we. think, 'SW oPpoidtbrn doesn't talierate on before ha Gaeta the twili t:4,loas at Macon. These *obi, should hievar - rat tOk there, he will and of the mom fortalitiato4 a*aatar, and witb ,the troops Abet..before that time bi g•Garet in them, they mist gimi Lim a vast des! mere. trouble. thon-he.oowata ewe& 7. if the Watoglans will tittle for" their t as the Peterelnalualitta did, last JO*, 'l4l Olin, or Richmond militia at Staaatoa bridge Tim; Beeves will be sand. . Xt. Mate, tat the same data, suys... of dhoti man:whist' Way h. will,. he htis viand r. ad „before his., sad it will be oat faultli it prom" apt a ming one.. Wile lisaungard taw • sad 'puma Sherman. or - will be resolute his owe campaign ? It is to be timid thit tileTte pte of the Stitta thrones which flherman pro pita to.march Will fling theassivee upon htm with 'a Coaragethat sha:l do them honor.. There is • espital oiderance between his situation and that of, Hood. He is In ttis enemies' omuitry. Hood: L amoug Meade No 1,e:11100 of prOpstiJt-•0 activity of opposition must .be coated now or o moldered excessive. Teat doles' britigss Week up roads; remove or destroy supplies ; ateg Imagers; -fight every:mu. If Sharman should be: obliged to aceolopllsh scab a joarseyos hit propose,; foraging as he goes, it wILL ,bita woof that he was not bloomingly relbGd.' • On :be whole, the situation of tester Emit aid Eolith, is extremely Laterestint,.aad impartial events hot= to their aftemplistunent. EARLY RECALLED FROM THE EMENABOAII COAT EXCITEMENT IN REFERENCE TO EIIERMAN,' 30:000 lien to be Placed uldei to Get Between Shaman and Atliits: • , . . REINFOIICEICEIITS ARE'CONSTANTLY -- REACHING BHtRIDAR: • • 11110CEMill , CAP*NIED. . • ' • '2. ' . , R. . . . . dints Niiiryland by Koatiro imixTftlos. • lasimicroi, Nov. St.—Ada:Aral 'anoint 00115 CD Waste. to .I.lto , Navy Department, lota l. rilimtoo of Um capture of ;ProsoLott IIaLOOIIII4 bithe ifott.d fliatosatssau,sidopi,u, Nototor: walls oitttoliNalt to t! 2l 1 11 ; 440 OP Wial juke d.ottio. Itformation btu- unload from the Mitt. Gulf blockading Flatiron of the asphalt, on the, 'bth inst.. of the steam schooner, - Johanna,- by• the United Motes steamer, Tort Molgbas whilit was bedinad with medfolaei . lions AO. At three Volta portents" mooMog, a Was of about forty il+bels was diecoversd orostieg from - 'the Maryland side of the Potomacinto *lnto/Mt/ad& Perry, hubs with thong some fifteen or twenty hied of hones," and some cat tle. They are supposed. to hat's crossed during the ;tight., The provost marshal of Moittgteo. try tounly, as sou as At was informed of , the" „n u , =do inquiry, and it led to believe that 'tlerirls a coneertsd butt and *tittle - staling movement into biarylarali going on by Moseby . andnther guerrilla bands. -Tla troupe MSS lata by Henry Glenore, who left • *note nailed to tee . wail a dejected annonnoing that the plea :ad Wig oily foreranner of what weer Gavials? Gonaral •John EL Hobart of he United States Veteran earns. is mustared out of orate*, and s 4y alma's* crier snip, trainers rt.: ported as &Idea de Campo teldia•stersguired to oln'thelrresinesnts without delay... Worn lettarisionleided Washington'from in officer, piondnutt upon Gsneted, Qubp'it wound A ninth less dangerens then woo 'reported.* Tit le Infonnaltm-hai Mit efgofiU,ln the, Wait Go: partelient.tientlrelp dint/wall the tam* OT 4‘itt; f.hnt9's death, as reportnd An Galtidispateho. Ida* attaubledly areas front Boor: eireilatsd to the {Vat.' _Atelier froze', Harpies Here tart ihnkreltw !ointments are coaatcatly reaching itheridwiti oolting of sow tannins and onnnignentli nol• _diet from ditietent nalliwn7 . llnlpitaln in Nnttlw A peashingan dis Pita of Pliterdip eels: Infotneddan a rooal red - km. thaws pretty oinsitily thatbnly has been nettled, with Ms nniiih toren, Monk the Va 4 Y, I. int lee, to 0 6. vaen*b• and about' 'lOOO mores hale' lain do. 014.141 LW/Ma waynnd sat dillithithd that , aziolot:l4;oolhasa:ar iWnia -hriknebed vadat: H.to to4Mnall y glttanan and Atlanta. k sotatts, _.. 6 R rt w ait One tea' elm ae eby , Rebels miler Howeffbobb. EtE=l . . . lINiON KITS - CAYIUD.E.D AND aDTAXEN . . Pstu.'D. Nov. 31.—Tki of !kis okry. spielairoport tikett!from alaSmondpspert of Frldq. . , _ The • Augusta Ciriziek litja iiouts, wko left Jonesboro en Wednesday morning, report that fien.:llc well Cobb,wtik 6,000 to 8,000 militia and three Migades of morally, attested the enemy and wee steadily driving them in. ' . The Segrirer bee also the following: • lab reported front Bathes headquarters, that en the 18tb, the rebels Expel:teed a peaty of the pfeket line between the James aid Appornatter. Met, numbering slaty man. • • • - . -Newt from City Point ',porta the re-taking by ' Boiler of the ticket line. BUBNSIDB NJ WASHINGTON. Apprehensions In Regard la Gen, WASIIIIII7OI, Nov. 21.—A special to the N. P. nate toys Barnsld• his :atoned to that any, from the, army. s It 111 exported by military men here, that Marmon', movement will bring on operations 'along the vhole line, both In Virgints and the - Saturday's Richmond papers contain no newt from Georgia ; they are, undoubtedly, under itriot centorehlp•to prevent armlet. EARLY SIILL 1N 1111 VALLEY, REPORTED STILE Willi MOSEBY. : Now You, Not. 21.4—The .Wer/.l's special cei. reepondent with Gezeral Chnidan's L4mmasl, contradicts the ripest thall'arly has abandoned; the Valley. He Is still. it NewHulot and Mt. It Is reported that Capt. Bruhn. with Ad/ Int. bad a light with Meseby, on the 19 th e Lod tam whipped. No pattleclare.. EXCHANGE OF PRISONE4. Reported Capture of a Train by the Raw • bees— Bouthern Appralinnaloni of a 7 , - Grand Campaign. flaw You, Bor. 11.—A dlipatch, dated 1n.., 'stash, 15th Inst., says that to far, 3,100 rebel p *Uri lave been received . The delivery of X ankles ectsuacatrad on Tansy. . ; The Charleston Maury, of the 14th, sap that eines the last report, 250 stalls have boon thrown at Bunter, and 100 at the eity. The Richmond Divatcb, of Friday, laps Tito tithing" of prisoners, Intopratod at BAUM, nib, will be translated to City Point.' The Bristol (Rut Tinton's)MOM Ar stye: TIM rebels d: tuned and destroyed girds of eatiloadad with Gommbiary stores, at Muftis. ' town, on the 14th; also a wagon train - . Gould ing of Mao wagons, killing Ultima met and cte pawing a numbar of Tatham • ' The Rtehmoad &aired sun Virginia tin tiovemenn are on loonind In Georgia sad Tea ming, vast campelps, singularly ouplioated i ape in progrese of development Both the Saw` Ina and the Diapa_tril Insist that Sheridan hill ot rut of hi* amyl le. Grant, and Says that Badly bss advaatted.to.tiar Harpers Perry. They expeotattolof a grand moveraentagaiss t Flie-M2124 by Giant: - la the Rebel Senate, i resolution was elfired riconstlogleff. Bads to Islam the Satats - If . tbe.Cnitied States had upraised a if go,,lnto convantiou. with thee Confidarate . Stalin, to negotiate a peace, or socials tin' I.tit method et alketin L! . k -oundlon of bortlll Sherman SOM4 of Mien*. !New Yciiii - ISTaM ipsolal dbmateh to tto World, from Warthistoo, says itteltutoid 'quo of the 19tIt' oontoin positlmo Informant t Shormat is far loath of Atlmits, ant still moots! onward....l;itolmopla along lib rotto., cad most of the Bottlmpro gals; an la a high oats of ozeltozotitt; -Item Moms to to .110 troops to • Staid hla prevails. . Hood to still tom Ittoromoo, sod km mats to offoutvo racy*. to_ at. A dispatch from Ghia. EaMliu, at Units boadquartm,glvoibi oabstarmo tho'folloolag 'Richmond pipers confirm Um royale Gut cosi; prominent viaticums strived kete to.'cialer with the Preeidsne °ribs bantilutsfet tcl'Sha bol lines of blent.ebei. Jacobs of mentsokyiest Paul Shipman, lessodltar of sbocLontsrillo Jaw.' m 4. An order usuntensteidinif sltasit. Shlpmin . beyond'Ale after Uses, did at tooth Riateeky t il l after bid -been and BALL. -Mils Eternal Matsissi Samna issued ot. dila for a revision .01 dm - estulimset lists by notthig iii.llll2l of thesis Pines's:who basun - Untie Walla's?, duty sines obi:last enrolinsett' aid tilting it thetuusta of thesembese to Military duty by lesion of orarag., mist ant alTbr ihiredi% Ti. Mama frost. sub- sueilser L Itiurtfei to be The 16th army Corps lass beSm dbutontinued,... aid the troope'dospeabg it put Into 61luir tour Nap. You, Not. 21—It is ropotisd Wssidogicsi gat Lard.Lseas has ataaoatnaon it'd. Vans - - ' fribame, - ••editaiially; seteindes -Nth _Vaught of nudleg Coionitistootn to Inflmed: taint: W. B. Cashing left Washington fa Saks e•aieaed of this innbost fdoatltaGq nig Oahu. dee sits rason. The now torpid/ Tamil, Stromboli, MOO her Mat trip, with te view of totting ter engines and msehtnay, in °Display with t 6. Plaket boat Ni. 6; wit* was also makissius dntlsal brink, Tits szpuiments were made ; datudibigiontedeav and ratazoentreingerusels, oat with soveral- strew, tails. Ike tenet waked with sathlsation to all. Tb. spited of the dtaaboli, uodet 'my steam, , a-1 white'stibmerged, at tor action, was "boat it knot& and could have bean tun - totan. pletst boat number 6. made sine knots 'easily. . Tits Eltromboll, will 101 l in a firr Donn fot very important emit*. The °Moan of ilia TOP tot bate zsesivid an , appolatnient with the an: , dustanding- If It should become it military us: amity to destroy the and prevent 'throw' falling into the hinds of t/te sneaky and that they would perish with/U.' Eherman and the .4Vorgls Lees's- • Waif car Maw: 21,- . -Th• Harald'. With.: ingtou speolaitayn Ia aonnootiolt with Star awn's movement Beath, it la that :,' nal kglilatiant of Georgia ants at If is about ibis Cum • that lagitlatati it it ;us. dantood thatibarUntal seatiataut li,atrang, as d toms of bar people bide militaiy positions a , sett that if papally bucked up by a taw lin;foics, it will be propagation& aid that thi `:ltta 'nuttiest etas *plain that tworici :"der4ka protaolion of out atma. tkq wIU girma: tta.ordnauoi stosisioac andplaaelhaliabw , with the Union lap, Is 'art improltabli.- fats has. bap la OpUttatutlattiow,..with partial powerllam. naafi undartitudlugbettnwaNtit; sad mak patilt4 lti:baisu oat. *kilts swan ' fay It fluW 411uplika= J - 13,1 , Ititekt from Nes , . Orlousr.andllEatg; molits—tnaw Opening , - • • '• ,Oteelorr • N*lt. Atoblei, imp ,Ziew Qtfaidur lib the nsitbut.t.' abbe& ,This,lispare ihiskilthber .troted - -hrsibt- urlod,. lie b daii; be% ind' nbt be confined to his qeartsn rby It; obeept for :only a 'bort time. Cotton quiet, but more buoyant, owing to the reotriettous bales rev._ moved. Airiesamcannietter. mentions • ism heiress* of trifle to that-pertirom Mir if attend other points, villa • used to be confined to Igor Or— leans. The Amount of goods frnreitonsed in I t ufiniorea is hotnones. There is no military nowt in the papers. paiduelying Diaper to Soldier& .. - ''.lla* run, Nov. 21.—The tlommltterr on pro. ',MUIR a Thanksglelig Dinner to soldiers' and relhfre have mkt vkh o _Veit moos& Thirty thoseanda periods of.poitlery here 'Weal , lama" sent'reAdatliatißctitage,lll,obei Mlthela 3beriCart iroy.aatt.;lsl,4o, - peen& pealbi, heel& latieise gearttltba.ef the - dWeralek Act the *mks of the Potonuie aid , James. More Yet le to be MI. --12 1 ,1033 7 in!n„.9.!s!brootr ; • "Offiofal Vote /Mew Toile. - Metar Nei St..L.2Si',ll, Uri rafting; tatu the Udell mojority le %alluvia' Ittitito Mail, at 8,666 cod the , oilarentor% j 1197. ,11 !".ntu , " cffi char rx*l Oars trout Net : Yale aid Brie aunties. _Taw toaa Tea of lb. Eltrre4bnv... v 60,000, If6o, • • " ' °ld 'gelid ilditiP;ll.4l)4iitiseaZigitnet . - Rirate.',,a..Tre!!ed. _J o rra, C. W., Nov. ism answinlag %Os disalptlonivt CtspV Bell, es 'ludo?' at 4b• plzatet, ,arrested it Gaeph, 'Ostuiday, i# brcpglit to th7i oit7 toi u.tuk., • ! - _of tim death pt hue MU , 4 44 P . .. s.4d ~a.;:cf 3c~h%:~r'~s?adyr %~'W~i?~S`! thirman !UM= tiliati)ek . ... Nayr 'Tout, Nor. '2l.—Tho stook markot tei day was eitremeiy d 0 , 1. - iillselinfrof memo ad s hesitancy pomades ill brawniest', bar CHID) laxoept GOVIZIIIIO.IS storksi,whintgra-lergufy la demand for inVailmilitVaUL" Vary ll:in_ __. r c.7.3's fold at 34 Adriams,... 19-4ra roserons-hali. and certificates of iii2ebiedatii sfifilingiftb;* - There Is some spionstive - moiciaeat in aid_ T.SP'f. The plea opeuidatilltiientriedat 11434.-15 other seearithm the irassiallous Tire very lishi, with soles irivgaluity in priest.',..nald - setiveal opening at 210, advancing to 221,4 thou falling, to 21f, and *gala sdvadcung to 2.12 X, Al the olose of the swat bosnl limns Ward -dun Ind generally • lower adapt Gcvarnmeat .stoo k,, which were' aide; Lattst - 5 25'a: advandid •to 104, aid 15's of 1881, to 110 X. 7.30 Tnsaufy notes sold!at 1.11/ as Mains open Ward.. -7, ... ex, Theme oil Markel, is 'treater with mots dispo ni onto r.• alma- There is abundsnee among, 'midair foment. Ettoektolders are not largo bummers; and very little' Ls wanted far dia. ow re ti, ' Tha offeringafeomircial paper Ise:. , tremeiy 'hailed; lender' are ditioiel to !avast their rurplas, folds In CartiSeates 'of Indebted.' Lel& Thil rats for Call Lonna °outlaw's at 7 per crate, ankh a tendtwtowards • tatter quota. eons. Toralyn ill ASrius quiet and rates for wid• mayday ate a t ur no / atom d...Biaker'sB terling,alx ty days,lo ~ g sloirgss a tikgillofon three days. • hil Wane BillAttott dat 108a108g; with 'very modaaho ' ppfy.- - ThiNiak staimnent Ls very favorable, d the great its In mosey. Information from Grant's Army. wunukioi, - oss. , 41.-; leformation from the `army of titiPotomao, dated yetteldib !' Then war &good deal of Axing heard ln frank of Patenting on tber Appomattox river, bat without Important - Duettist report Mit "the rebel' troept on the James an ill withdrawn, with . , the exotpUon of the skirmish line, and enough men to mist& the forts. Up to yettorday.motatom there Watteau almost a continuous dritig'for thirty Nix Donee. Emote nutted our array that the enemy had itractiatoC7htenbarg t tut . 11 was not generally believed ' The. Mittebeneett came to Wahl:tineon tide nfternson in plates of the ruttier AOSIEIr 00 Whioh ran into a ieLc ester on her downward trip. After getting away (rem the sohOoner, the Coital accidental', ran aground near-Maryland Point, whin It wee discovered that throe hides' had- bean knocked into her bottorn;jast Alive Abe Water line, in collision with the schooner. The grimmer Goble creme to — the relief of the Ckisso, and took eft the inane and' passengirs, and conveyed them to Portnis Menus.; Letter of Thanks to Lient ..Cnehleg• Wealneren, Nov. 21.—Seiretery W.llu . hie addressed a letter of . thanks -to Went. Quailing for thedestruotion of the rebarram'Alberazails. To kla and bie bravo ooraradeu,' the Swots': stye, beloags the explosive credit On thirduing achievement. The jadgment, as: anal as the diring and disolayadorould de-honor to any officer aad rebounds ne the credit of co. 20 years of lage. The Department has presented file noose to the President for a vote of thanks, and that hammy be 'promoted One grade. Dedication of 'a UashediaL The sPlendid Catholic Cathedral bf St. Peter and St: Paul; on North Eighteenth street, Phttr , delphis, wu dedleated yesterday: The edifice' ass crowded to its utmost capacity ; hundreds Mere ectupoPed to go away. A Inge numbenof the most eminent dignitaries, of the chur3ittook put to the sacred ceremonies. ~ A bout tiro hundred priests 'were present. A salmon 'end mucked by4rObialipp Spaulding; Present to General ihericinn: Btientotos, — Nof. 21:-4lome fri;scids'o'r Ga . a: - Sheridan in the city , of Sew Torkaent him' anonymously a most busutifal and costly set Of tense equipments, tiimminip and gold, *zooid- July appropriate. Acoompanyhag the equip. giants was an elegant end costly sable, which is pronounced the linen in the whole army. Durk of Ex Gov. Fairbanks. . `.ltosncii; Vor: 21.}11:1•Orsraor Ferbatika,ot Vpmmt, dltd at Mt !oddity. In Bt.Johatburg, • , inn lilohmrnol deo genarally 'oohed 'Volt . al Soft. Davis' organ, has the following: "2ho war nen fi eddliag_tb day, and tells of modal averywhae. Tbacampsign of 1864, instead of pantie away in Plan, LI to expire in storm. o 10th day of November is hors and abler hiss given .ample wands( that bets not far be. hind big *lady bat in Virginia new moramants age on fiat, aid is Georgia and Tennessee vast abspalps, Martial, oomplioated, era in pro. iAtontlihuman's movement, the Bunks! 111711 . 1 tat paint :nuked, for eaphre by Oka. -man, is it soon, *stoat from Atlanta 103 miles. 31seen indeed, we are informed that hi'ls neat 'tai move au Savannah, 100 miles from Macon,. and upon Charleston, miles farther, and per labs disgusts, 16a miles mom Macon' by ratl,ll to tam polat the grand tour. ilarietts, solved Oen mareh,'Sherinat 'hot coos. mittad bunt if to it' by tearinggy the ritilmat bribed limas far busk an la - Atitaboad,=aid by dmire3laD eke tulip aver Ur Gluittabetiohea a Davin asaneaver.to be sue. - tibiae his pm. - pie whom' barb haul nothing from Lai wo ana.t.Gaypnrar iii egaia.!! - • - "/" o the niPOM*. OW, lastaad. et lnatehbig upon 04711111111andChatieston. Gars "lift 'arboreta Moingemory and Mobiloa. , flo wire% trayle will, he hail long riads:beforeldm, .and it will bo abr fault' if It prova, bo t e rough one. Will . ileattregaiii bib and pursue man, or will lia•pmeeettte his ORE campaign? One is movbgaorth and the other toast: • His purposes are sbamurarily Honk tor are we la ' , pommies' Of, Intonation for an optaloa as the . "it I. to be hoped that the peopleollitailtetos thicagh which Snerman propos& to -Meta will ' !lig Astable's Upon. ' wlth.a. pontligt,that ,sbiulbo their 'honor. ills libation, . 11 f 014 • ant, front that at H00d... Ile li In ie. eaamfi coast "", WWl* Nod 'IS among No , salt.' tido" of property, no.sottrlty of oppositioir smut ,be oeunted now or ivmsbiered exasitvc Taw drwn briddis, block road+, 'ramie' or dietril supplies, cut off (*ragout, den at evarylass.' t. If Raman. should' br able to sous:spits% ensile &Joan.* sa that ht. pupates, foraging be goat, it will be proof that be wu not bloom.' ingiy resbtouL On tbs. *hob the Install= at affairs Bat, and South la az Memel, istarrsting and important. Brenta Auten to shalt .bsoorn. pliihmeat :. • Tie Itlabiand Dloyabb'si:llitireda , pi', ng the (tuner 1, Sharman le'moving As above state - 4We fo sky gst itar haat Is corroborated by 'ether 'miasmas Sher man will, We 'think, Most whir_ opposition he • does not tabulate apt.; .bsfore ha main the • fortification' 'of lifavon.: .These works. that'll 'km OM 'retch - ,sham,' hi will dad :of tha Moat formidabloo'elarsetari sad with thi inapt that' ham that Ilmawili bseollsoloid in them; meat stele bat avast deaf more trouble thin he art.' -.batty bunts upon.- A tillfan'finnalkaivills of - .goi;a'ain'-' Nino anadrsdnobal phonon arrhadtlds alma. lag trim Atlantan, -- Tainting:lbn pima) OVIAIIO, too+, the Union lonoo, they ruling is to pillage and plandica end Tram osptarod.-• - . - - Habal sympathizon aro gloomy andilloonnads' latd• in coniequanco of the antlopitad milts of Shotman'i movememte: deousloas to oar army are arrivimy daily from I navEs INTELLIGENCi. X 1 o Elver tenth:saes lo mob .really at this palm alai about *item felt la tbs. sheamlby Mettler nuts :Let inning Tbs westimpatuday arse nauttbet and 6a1 .3 1 '0 4 . 0102 44,“0, - *Heti .no* kis laltsr Pert otter. day: i . ..rdslawa was quite brisk at tailors* pits */ old. edde.itg lb. lae table stet* of weather: Thus wait ;pp heats It( !resat oldsrlagi,oad, the ticelpts were liner Mai dramas dot put th r c tis a taVsezm.Vl hem tom e Vlal Pirll4lllV4b* At . ' 4111311atote, ire aitteag ., ,tatt dal bestadas boat .:-0 hi Wants eleirild kir Wirelhdp ysiardiwy'a Mgt ;bolded bee 'mat thus: ind lbe guidon 101 GU tab In Um iftrhooli: &Mit Val Making preparations to leave loot analog, but, sa - than:tilt Irlis task Ws Wannest gull at. Wald Isp one wattlUdi btoralisg, thnltatt an, szoolleut,trOulat tsl aadsi Mr =lobes of pusrogarr 'a new etealuer;Uts lliThautpi II ea to be.tweed the dart hats of tow state OW has *tell tamed, out taws liste stutow.- )10 troll'w or cram bubo..- 'tared. in bee- conetruallaw, 001 ln• point of Idyls stud.llabili die will compare gra/04 ' with lurk:hat In tb• Pittsburgh and Oinclanatlorritia! • butlla le trek.' Tr.& bull to wtdeb Li orla% very..l) .lot timber and well pas together': :. : too, I. lig Get In lasilb,g/Jeat lisemwriet% fan tip* °Htt " the his thrie bollers,2 frit bony, sad It w la diameter. two bithrpr.seare usenet -.Victim. 16. lista in 0.1/4Ter mid 6 str k,. The cabli, which Is neet. , reretortabie and zones:dent wig Oat I Ca s Clad/. lebed Unit furniatipl la tbe Meat modern styi% stadia a word, she le a oppl tot whit. the Latta ayplian• `co. d improveinebts eel kb in -any way tend to mike a elsioner carn ortabie. sg okrab'a and sat The, Chain. - 44 ;ref 1111/11 but elsb teen Inches of water Kuhl and will osir,, according . her erwasureswat.L. ebtut Iles bus. died loot 'Of Copt Frank gs !raga; It Is uteeemileril le .101 stealer, as be la too well and favorable k sown la thilicirromunlly reottlesany comiurn 1 Won through pass, and the note remarali will apply to his Ant , dish.; Dr john II latin, as will be eons by tut, thls Or..team.r. tt snuniscsd-to lama for Clint Unita sad' lliddeirllla co Warinuoloy moles. . • The faloi simitilloo Ittaftwlth ham towtol. colt • tett heart or trip Sunder suit yesterdiy: 4 , 4 75.0 v) .4 Tbla TUX*. - Tu.oCid „ UAW . 00), " 1)ar,11 0.1)” 1410. 0, 010 gio.abost-llic es I...nrote•is whose sumo ;044 It% •SI it 4 thry. tor& Girton son_ Usable to itit,s berwilltungs a =ober, till:talk:up. insipakazdireltbliarai ettnthipt - JAn anactuscat, to lo• wit - ,toF , cipigentimli-I.olol,lits tal.'etestel - , sit.J pMlanieel and ablpparlatriald bon stet pestlyslesiirAkerrista; Ttja,, , r uceinuatl. Lanhaat, *a".. , p...* ln ViipMiaillifs its r- D"'" 3° "%drag - % ~--_~ iLA mr Tank. Wei. 11. 1 -oottit sart• rboadyikial nomrery sr.aeret • !Aube'. doing:_sl,3Coll,llror tars. l9var—titis Omar, 40t mairdly inkteMbi prime mittimi-delsidal ebmp ;WV. SO for NUM Utak, o'o9'olll.lo' kr' Vitra 11. . 011,L50) 1180 kr Tred• Bode , toe market eketig gitsl. Wthly *rum; Waren', 01.19.01,723 j. -Wiest daft kid deaot7nd eyd.r large moelptiaz 901.0mg0 Bye tem Weiteri.ll l .6 3, Parley gale. "•• . are men*: •11.09Ke tittir; Weakr., sl,is aeon, 900 01 0'. • ` • ‘"- - - oao,-05Xe1912 fat liVatern—chledy at the latter pried lefrdl elk. doll. orar km. not miry grist; leXtnisTor Ytieetado. kkkuots doll, and 'Minh 110tatint " • 1 crtleven—Crode MU at 454030 r. ilelbmd,in Pond dolt at 6742,23 e; Beam d,Trea [lumina and cnchenuel. Perk urea aud law, r, at 238.00 for' Nem, Cop, teOso eo, auk aed murder way, eltahug at 1016,64%, ern. 137,15V(2611/0 for' Pilot., and 5.18®75 50 for Pekoe Near i'eady, .174120 (Ur Cbake Nrer, 1162:Ti0 forge peeleedltolnandl9dpleforEatra Mud • • Beef Hama quiet and ye 5 tkm, at 19837.11.41, the , tar prka u outvotes. - - - Cat Noataulet and stagily, at 17.19 a for Bboaldare, az g i ,groi l i c uy k , r lt 1%,1124i0.-tka fatter lola for ,mil! Batter doletinel flu, a 4 97,916: for Oth, ind423® - Etc for Biats. NeW "reek Meek and. Money Market. En= at 7 percent. glen!: g quirt, at 109349106 6 4 . Geld warrant skolded ehimur outing at 216 X, ad. unelif to .Wl,g, deelloprg to 117%, Intl duke' sr ;MOM Ikeda biker ; Beek Island, 109 lElridgao Sonlkarw, Oloyelaird sod Rigitargh. 103%, Barth Wiwi= tretetted, KU: Toledo, 107; Chicago, Thullogtme and . Quincy, 1115 i York Ways., 102; Idflwantee and Prafria ero Ckten.o4ll;.Tem. but', 69; Zdailli3i; Nur York Clentral, 13.3g1;- }lndium Mum, 118; Hamm, 75. aaller 00 days; Etakny. 13651; Mlablgan Clentral, 127; 7 Yrre Nude preferred 71; 0. sad AL - tertibeeees. 21656; 8. 1. Of 11 Coepona, ; 640 Oonpoza, 10%; 1040 001:40C1F. 9041 Tummy. 7 Xi, 116; One Tem tlaill• Mew York Weekly Bank - 'Statement. , , . ram Tsai. Nov, 91 —Tmazie, Inmate. 111,11N,11N. dearer, , sl,f C.% lee. Cdrtulathm, dummy 9 5 10t00. D 9 36 1 14 81 : 7 " 1 ' Chicago Marto!. ' Carcerm, Noe. 91.-Moordoll, at 1110,00, le but doll and &On' nedl2ok; 11,711 far No. 1, sad Corn Arm; It 11140 fr tam steady, at E.,'. e,. Yroulathas etertilyi rive rork. P.lnlo . weaN nogre.m,eioyooltlo,tic Men. 11 kligel,llM for MoNnot to Chem, • teceipte-11ieor, ,, lanO bbla Wheat. 15,0011. ba th ; Cr,.o 10,0(0 do ; 16000 Hog% 8111prunta-flour' 4,000 064 M ; ut, 65,000 nub; flan. 125,070 do. ; thda, 74000. 7_ Market. Ihlantol2, gar 21. , -;flau very doll. Wmatutive ; Nuke Namland, 01,85442,90. Corn ; Igem Witte and Yellow, $145. Whisky doll lerd tomlaal, at 1 1 ; 111 91 Plc:skim* inactive. ' :Philadelphia Until; , PurdettruM . ,16oe. 2111redirtoftr generally dal ricer—Rana upeilireAtcom t.sLE: Ira mat., Ina,- vinest/tellnlai, sod atNie =important; Wi1tr,,d9,76; 72 go. , Omo weloy;•.Yellew.ll,Bo • Terri om (all Crode,'4l@tle ; deed la Rond, 66 Q6B;-do 1r8e,133065r. , Wklekylnesdr, af.111,77 for Ohio: Louis Market. • Pr. Imp. Nomill.robadoo Weak. ' 6601,nniellar. near net; 118,99 for Elul* Nam 11.0est—Lower &radon deellud, rosier from 5172 1,27 for Prime to wly Motu " - Corn, 111,3461,45 far Cid, and 51,10211,40 for New, aetru. at Inane. !Whisky cleellued,qoUttrg at 21-6:1g11,01. Hop not call, so miff, Oates' , lugs receipts of ten end 5P8C1.43. JrorICRE to.cmosz, karxuAL LIFE wan- Lam! p)xpeill, sell:fur Tom. PfaII2 , III,II3MAN, Saaern. ;Imam Boa-Tatfoltfog gem= -Lilo and Zudrift -Istarradna. .10" Poncho oft al otherpopolu . go 'Weer Mod Of pair 'cini offer foal sicariftr. t ' woom Gefroritl Aligeoi. • *lO9lTIco. 116 Iff/MITS SWUM earhly 03.-pURE Vi:ling..l7ll9llGAN. Z. -1k Y BOLLKAIC OREILINT, 7 Moony XALLIIIT *co., matio!lx.) n• o.yThern : mead pat " . Prts• KEW, of dui eihibleour, at Us latensal faldhltion, W. NL HOLLWAINI, trp,l l llTBßUßAß'llAilr WORKS • , • aurssmuos wax% amaietal.. of MUT anomm' ontottisiat wuratit OUT KM wort of mri mtu, Crass Otitt, Gang IMO allotter !setae"' All Irltds snrrzs ammo% wale from Sew Clos Steil g =nr AND NOME% Puns. &iv .w+nues. fad Wad; on. WAS= • IMOM"STIL. Plthbaefl. !anise/sr sneak* gem kiSooooll4g. 01Mildlie eat Iltnisidielag Meals/ Owl; els+ ropers *WI kbadt. Pasteldag sod DrUttag 111R08130011', RBA At CO., MOOS 'user to leskepow. 41' ignii -1 14 wAtualuN, tow wow, rawest olcsommi, Plttatnagf: ltanaEwtmin of I¢n , 'AHD BTATIOISIZT sslsa 13013113, IL= Ill ' olutzst, wawa% Ps-wwww. GAMMA 'of Aran onerszurt a lama isOiLis a.. 40 e mos Woww. All • psta GtI7II3DIF PATlllfErjllloolllo3 411.1DEL40 5011.1113. MI, AKE SUPERIOR - COPPER PILL a SXIVfI G WORK% itrzutnim . VAS* mecunDr.acco., .. • ' •111iniarlasal:eluratraiemotwaxEr DOLT OODPZI.: PRISM OOPENA 34117011.13, =MUD ITU& BOTTOM, - DPALTDEI souns. taspooan(andhalm la BOLNLID, PTATII - SHDIT 115:OVI0111, an, 0444* al Dna; Mar DIAOHLINDIAND TOOLIL , • • • , - -• Wlinhatlolh Ha. 441313121 T $110117.003D 1317IZZEN rittoTtsb.PLi Open! Main el Clipper out ito.,illeardatra mysisayamer 'DIV . MIL -WWl= Bolus "W . 4i.1141BNIX;i411111 , 1111XX2 IBOX WOIX ma, Rua.ll4ll4i-,ilre no DI 1 11 0 N. BiTial =id I ling . /Isditintbbol It with the nod tea !Toted . sushloary, o sz parparol to minductate my description of rorums, to as age annuir,dia Is was Kul tow to the setex. MX; • 1717 " h M BILIOXIN. TUX BID 16• MAX XII" LOOOXIOTIVX BOMB" OONDENBZU, "Li PANS, SLNICII, OIL OTILLI3, LOIMSOBB. TLINO tAX% BOIL" IRON BIUDO" BMW sad solo ursamocannes of lIAILIVIELVI . PONNT =MUM Belga:l34 dam as MI ilearint tool". WAN . 11 1 /11E11 can XX. =maul OF dit 12lirkL/D, pdb12.2.2 for Ole issudllsad q brbrblag ant oentlon SW Mai lan limo' alba from Iterrou Debalty, Prstestar•J:boy •f Idaa.bood. orlo n rapplitag, •2 lb. cm. Llioa, a Nam mu. • By oat vdo bsionnod bblaelf attci baba put t gnat Warp ladollabk*Kkattz. llf •wcac.•.• • partimad dogs' icy" may b. bad of lba scalar. • 7 EATELINUIL anti*. i4.c , • CjlllfN•2 Hoed. Rlddaamt7 LT., • TO 21 - 28 1 7001 t 81:1 1 / 1 1BEHEI 0 BOTH 1/11.1111.—A mama pat/mon O&M rui.M2 to 'Mall to astir dam attar crairrortn anal rorthii aid trovus.r ripmadvi we'd MC:react. clitoral Morn, coacktero N kts c.a Ott coricuralanta to Ws ofillotod Cellm 0111410411 arum orates, teem, cn the neet2i ...mama bit+ . derys, ba uiU Held, fro. a copy c 1 Us. ip cm:4lft iuO: Dina: to Dr. 30E21 ■. MOULT ICS Fa. deist, IL T. lie se e •cruocie. itil• RULE 8M IL, Wcauce REITBR • CO., Bowman to Betts,"utmost t Cit., smavhbotoiort • CAST 112111 IL. .BYRUM, PLGW kw SiiT~i sPBIHCs, AZLtO.OBOWDABs, Be.. Worts, STRAIT WARD, Allaltions Qty. • :P. O. AdOrig. PITISBUBOU.- Po. - - 1.3117 DrBEABPE OF_.TBS.. NERVOUS 111A1ntAL, parrisur An warms, on. TEKS—OIoOr ae7J rolloblo trostolsoO r lo Daiwa" Of tbo amok Alsoodolloo. Sons b 7 mall •UrNo *4 WON. sonlopo t reo• of ebszge. Addros D. /.13,t.ILUD 1120111211TONdlowsrd assoctotloo, Ito, rbilodotpbbo, Ly- 4 JOHN COCHRAN t way.. num - • mai., moo RanntoilloW ',ADM ♦WD VAtrLT DOORS, WINDOW so ITItIOD, DOW %wisps, a.,., Nos. i3BsOoHDwdeelBtirN Map', bet. Wood oael Last. gat* i iifdtifJ sl!ti lit ow k limp selopediodeatilial pawls; .• • • , c,•• • 7., I.6rticabir iletn'Lob. Jobbing eon. stabeitsida. ,11;JUST TOTLIONED; bq Dr. For._ ' 72,1511, * popal lambi* oa Z./Skala :VW ) 711:1 111 ADDLE; sIR, ao'f#lo7oll,ll3 OF Till 41111 . ra TA, Hot oia ea" aiatolle DIDILLIT-4ts cam dad cs2l6EttiOVaia'A!ist,l7, loan got 40 onto Ao4roia DeliltraTAClArrtrylilifil . poia4orly pt. Tod , . ' PVII410." flax-20 b 3 / 4 6 "Far sale A.. - sal IMMO. 7 1 / 4 W - A . .c4L,:;...! , ,,:,.-,' , LIGHTEM,Ii os'r fq*::T.....4 RR`R. bR. THN JitITHOII 01? “MUM ON; UTLWIN,” : 1 1 !OMIISB 1011 cum n cosimiND'u Tam ST. CIIABLES HOTEL =mi . '' 1 , 80 :. ir. 126 [CATARRH, DEAPNEigiII 41.19DrALL 711 VARIOUS, .DISEASES t Or nil t T?7gRsTT3 RO A:~" AND I a 1 IR.,P'4ll3Balie.ER. t .1 SY131" . 10 : 118 1:1? CLTAItH: drat sensatioh to mostly. ... ing of dryness. and hiest'ln UO" Mai • frequent tae ball,, to aneesing.". Ri .re is sse ._fitethitlf. tq breathe freely, nth nage ha:. comaMONO 1314 sometimes oa hank, maudicas on =La ..tsar. eaten. acrid di - charge makes its ap.' e..tsar. ezborLeting ha nostril., and edged bf the lips, ankh - beano reel ' and sonaehat stirollen. After •h w dos the did:hogs bonne thick, yellowish, ettremely • home, and cowl:tam to to a marked imbue of the dhow, at d a moo.. of muntidsager, and nearness aanogra Moen tee, Alter more or leatime, it brawn pare. Lam y offetedir, and Moen en est - result fetid ales. tts o,adlTa. liroroW se tO !recititre. , shoo can Ittid to ths me, the tte4•••s nidliatma of She had- •. Wale, or if It drops into thethecat, which Li more pertkolath the cafe, instill the bhp L$11:1 • horinntal pennon, .constant innettontion, sal sometime both. Bleep h e frequently chturbed by • shintion • choking, miner by 'the presono of the Cleanup to the throat._ Oaring** this hot la Um head. the wstory portlon of the • eserstioiteften•TepOSW;Sott-esseoilitg • chadttloa of solitihr Is. dePeoltsO upon the saialnah of tha mesa and upper - peat ef the throat`fa the shape of crate or hoesind lamps Theiscemoulation of these incrusta. - . tune minas. • ham of eitmontfort; and -narrows tee . nasal paangts ul, as to manna inspiration. „The., fore, frequent efforts htve to be mods to semen thins, . Other by . larclaly blearing the awe or by pershreent htilhhot •— • itieAdee s• iltelateethle. to the missiles:e a sit •Co I cse ennead him. Alter to removal that rode of the inentnathe *lnch adhered to the manias : Whams* will eamettents G foaled bloadnai fact which espialas the fotoe requireiforits dlihnument. Daring shim ahem incrostatloas annmatats mot width fa lb. mulct is thersibie meat unoisafortable in the morn, lap lionsetimes the elkertil tether the throat an fans ' malt shim hasakastoe allersonerthlig ono i opal:. logo: home - • patina nine that thay an not maw. fel oath they too swallowed coma whisky or. brash. The dbakarge, alsktils at ilea without onell;insamer be the purgers. of thecomplaint andissivenalialy Mid - air. ths breach phaetons in this'. and bantam own. shinny so Tahiti:cep ornensin as to noder the patient object. of .dlegasit to blesses!! et !Tell es to chum lhoesatlon of tbeiMOCll2ollmembrias of the noes takes plus frequently, ettoettroot e•sa attacking the bona, what loan nannies of that sub ince will cecasionally. beamed naval with she herbaria' Ras accamulatius otithedschosa, together meth me ithlteneal coaditien of:the mmo= numbness, I ma laninebbilhathough ' the VARY penned! -our and cheetahs ten , arciothatteg rentratkos principally through r the mounks, toothed enside deleterious so um spicend health, heal bat har• panlealuly to. the . as %ti t to sheen behenan • - •1116 IteplesSiurt Oct.. taking alicep: knouts in sautr.g, oritinatie go= NM. rause TNroleetoaol.l oauslain-t goolity, auct hass. • cbscardaat, honk coasts.; the tolled imeltbecoeste much impend or anti ely last. end he Esau effect, thatuti lot knock bi'prodand °nth, mom of to Occsalonanit tiltilsidd the stalka moil:Woos bubbling uvula sill bi heard La the and hewing will ha fouled to Leith* . sad raspedp p,batrittan sahlonly, with a ninspiag nand. nit . ansisnon bustusily repeated oath. st, ni timskor Ins" doe... return. and ninth h s umanly bland e ddasaa la the teed of ferny conolvatie dasenpolem en thin their Epperson; end add • tithe dithers of Os* .ftieti L an4 Weft/ he 101 l soig sderstlythat aeon deices old name mayerlelt before the parson 117;e117Fasers of nu fact. Tim ,yo. axe apt telecoms 'oak, treitabistead disponi' to - mates on envoi= to Vast Rod cold; Or after theaUghiso r nmellea A pain, mar co tees nate, cr • disteeenni feillad of liresentee erporienoed over the, sad suntans. ma the back of Waimea; sad also Conthe Are, closely roma.. bites Dinnigha far es Joh it Is aaltniktsion. The dist-, tap La the head moan. tin insmory mid psodnem li. _ ritehllity end tntieenaes 'of anal lion. Mlllstomecti, generally, .01!.., more at lets, ts weak 501 hatable, • is oinekho, sad is Math always! h l • iboUttartlag: ; /a snare math' oxtail became bet hie had ins rated, nod than - is an avant= r lashing , ,m either physical or meant exertioa. - hotanisoneah' y oaten h prone final either by debilitatlag the einem sag limb.; eat es Paint. Or by Infoling doerainid - • and pummeling throat adkoloms, bronchitis. Land Snel l/ loneshosho. It may Weakly amerted, that. handle toy prodbp - idttos. astern Is the meet frogs:sad and Impornms anon Oahe fatal otooplohlt • • wank has been ecaddeted as incinutite disease, and en this Ottawa-111 of that IMPpeOlin has been neglected by moth mambo and Use halm A. Its um ea , ' eines neater ; , fa half the coos jot linfeseis hins. ' tate for years Ism, made its proper treat, aunt osalisf study, sad have by their sheen; fully minbt the cansbilisiO thls oomphlat. Thai .thist bum men aimetke will be , , rekllly asenprininded . : hY the sinned testlmbnisis from - highly z,torpectabls putts vim Imes beanycider par , rsenacnruza • • . • - p • , .TTLICI111z; PA.-Mar./. US( • Yam VD ant.* nut I 14••• re. 13 • dot tbs ran of Dr. Llittldal. Mr Ollng t Or Oaten* Due. ea rZEL• • per ." • tat are f; so ton,k gaga, tat 21.1 napalm auto littiir:ot gm la CT. lag publicity to lama 12012 at! • rota utelialialag Dr. L.4101111.1t• ari oar saktad with Waal. , /400 U fOI.IITID. • locryit Itra. I OW, II Wearatriet. -r... . • This En Is artery wt l baillibisir muses WM us. M rs ysr, wkitip i er as lk. es US maths Om; sad si mos shad, ura( ma Us cam. su -ssi-Stv Alm ami aims* ft . y tostay....l AsulO Samt , ba* Sagica X.fia rideviy tot of Dims PUSH. - • - • . . • • • rattan, Ll.Min 3, . -- Thwt IW; mud jos • vtatmott M t w la i which Itra mien., urn thief props. • 1 hare, taboe►m .ISvivst pans at itto OW., has. porn 11.1 efoLtalre PRINIIIOt Jonntp. .a d nave sous vs ihrstamoltatml—la .4 di/ par., It but. Mato Lottiviataro Ej vestment 'litaj bo.dt soma( thaw irlo viol with m 7 Oman, • . ravitesartl pert[ aim barn. attlicta. with mar l. I ban trivel sooty pnomiptJoal ihr It wit/toot proirlas any tvallit tbria: I bate tate. post atedlolos abaci tot mouths, e d It la curd - ea.. - I woold avid to thaw alitkted with OA. 4tratto to -*Dv I/ sot.' 1 am caulleoat 1 / 1 11 - 1 will rd.tl j lotlnriora natl.'s, that • cure will ha It/Octal, to ististarate y Yalta" • Fa Too =NM I 1 irittarits4,.'s. its tarillllll4trosYrd wi th tAtarlit •f a. wXI4 . am' ...... jesis tarets.4scrs: II ridestly my wars; orrellk Nall boarerannu,ortroying O. re [me 7111171raill L. 44.14 ttlawn lajr Mehl •to mak at 4•01 , ••••t4 ..., ti p' /2 7"*" 11 .0 lad ma,: rr= la diz... - 1. - . et ita mit tisilk:lief . ii atte of 012ta1it111344. 4140 4 4411. 4 11 111 . 0)4fi11itir az4 4,4614.140 n, Ina wa.boraFA-114itisittary sew: tut, :,,,,,...... I b.,.. 4 of Ur. idiag seetershl immia or rtin t ii:: :.a., vial le a Mar. MI pat toyilett twin. Ma im,. brgazt trusallaigy 44 tre l "... 444 thlg _ lizepr I has taro an I. tar prams Limn My c.• , tatrh OrKIP-0114112 ml mow I n 0, ir t, k.. 4 54 4.,, pasyl..o4,.Tc6pe tit bee liglarlii, eat / 14111 wool are*. "ram* it .01•10,141.2.1., um iii i ,Ate • -e8 139 1 .M4catu asziasu 6 * 4 P, 1 , pg .. ..4' -. .• . . I!. .BII fdII In ..,.., • , 4.11:x:s 4 lA. 0 • . . • , _ ..e=!' - • ti s C argareir '': „ W,ollolll,7oti:;:ittitOri!::i.',: . to.mt ce I:40 es !La I,l l 4alliti,,iii4 eadiebta • , CONCERT ISILBIIOI-, liffittfr • - , s yticia you can sae Zen, Wawa Wail aliabili,ol4ljr ;dck =with anpactocuitokairagita9iaallylAttisi F. .oillinat this ' PALACE - SHOE EMpOllllOl.-;•• ' • ..--• 'sad sallstylimizelf *at tikk-IA so i/gab5t... , Ar ,,,,, :t" 4.; 7-ARAB AND Dimwits me t;" or - BOOTS. i '._ DHO - BALMOB&LS VY • unit - crt, Ms most apparel STYLED', AND iNfatro ===M ==IM atr cza.wro airs, pe Sederal Bt, Allegheny . outsanilini*nii „ l i mnw AAA r zooid LID gado, MiCLELLANIPS KIM , AUCTION 'llooSirt ös Frown :grazier. e lll 29sos sEizarkot ALL THE BZEIn- +.' • - 11007541thligrif • , Ea hag Jut teed • liulealmild r 41 24 B TOat 1 t r a"a4R,WORK . - sc...wpacaurc....! -3 .2, 1. al ! .11. 9100,/arailronall : bin (0028 mallitto rip . l,lp!tif t attsd iinelpasUpiouitas eat. _ • Z . 4. pLUMBIZcB •-; es, ad at e , * Hill rom ln:tai gawk ts, a7Rlila ry tfilt 111Ttnnuk 4 1 •" . (60,421M0r. - , • - LCOMP; Uzi - ma/is oi 1.64 .04 anaUrfal ardsr. - al. ~ rsnsru • e~r,'+~as 46g fir zawirry Poissigga - - U.SIMERIILISTKEI GE4OIABLIIOIr-' , ' kiii,D m ixiv.wiriximactir q l e- , 1 Tr I Wield of puidla sactios. SO lb. hist . eB4 Idilkikir 41 ' • sties time mad suer named odor. vlss___ .. 1 . .. , .../ - tj, , ^ , - ,•0 :103E, ,PENHerLYSIeIt .1315411 0: . 47,..-..,- ~ Liaaattp,_ , - , rairirrramna: - nnihar s '.'- , ' .:rausztatuAati, handfed sushi bow se each p 1.... '. ___' ...• '' ' . Z u. *wen bays ten eosins id as- salter" HS - ."! 1 a.ntc. of the arsmy ;or rind sod fsrmieg senates; eienistiei Swot*,.ll,, . 2. , fchHaw.Nlecake.. -, ' _. - • '-' '' .- ' ' ''''''''''' 7* lesico comassce as 10 o'clock a. . I .....:, msf :INA Is Milled Beat" tanen _ ,t 7.." JMETA A:l=4' Dflidok Q. IL (Z. IGTEZEKMI3. •' . , •• Cocia llerekant t Parekislag &gut; i ruiu a esicatcattst..namo • AND ALL FARII PACONTSI • .tn.i? 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