The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 19, 1864, Image 3

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    P+' RATIN:Mir 'llosl9lllo. NOV•. 19, 4/994
be late Idomielde At illaW r iCrtisir.
ithaeliag haellismar of yosterdargiras
lbw loyewitre additional parilomian of ths se.
, :cent hicaiinde in Captain Holmes' 'battery at
• Ca Sunday last, after roll coal, a dispute um*
betstern alma aamad Grano, Who I t . &reddens
- erObio td is Member pf the battery, aud Talin
"Hulett of thla city, 411110ge*ILO should matt Me
dialaii of dm -sates to which tlupy bebagid.
811911115ard wadi wad and May amino blows.
s ammo got down sad wee tedindhlt Isla
' In a very idioms mamas whoa 'llan, as:member
of Qs sant, mete, interfered and maparatod the
• • eonsbatiests. After deism so Flan walked away
....and. was followed by . Greene with - apoarsatly
• hostile fatentionsk As he approzahad tibia
Inioalted Idaz down, and as Greene fell ha palled
pa lyieg opon grotad
.., Tilts dos/natio. Wk
Grano drew a. halls and made el ants lilt
treat. Bedlam Ilea ha could mated.
an entlanrc,-* ming to ;he homy eilathlseg Oast
7 Iheraramst,'Sibune run his half* .ialc slaw.
• .046 toes, aerostat; hit, astralissad proc`~asiai a
imime.cumed.. //nal Cada, galas irleuieg."
' DisChatile4 &Ed Hie4loTretsteo.
Palma Costae, who was ernrstedsta Thursday
'''l4 placid onigdmazy of: AUtoghway, ea a
• charle,af Vitiating s hot., froze ML
ris-91A9L.44 2 tossaeldp, lad a hewing. wore
Mayer Alaxiader 'snarls'', Which insulted In
-'lds discharge 'from custody, lir. ilat sit
..,-„refuslag to .sureecuto. He was, howonr, lei
, _seedLitaly iaarreeted oaa.charge of dentition
ban the U. B. per hoe.- Coates joined Colonel
Chairs :leg tineit of -- nlmo Monthsmagi, hub
at the regiment. vu erganirsd,
r gonad from it, nod oftorwarda Joined mother
seesaw. fia Amass that heltillbesn frequently ,
. snared, bat has (away* ancomdad la proving
• that be •woe not e derattr. Re wu didirmad
to the Provost htarebal. sad placed In the guard
room at Cho Girard House. He will probably
Mad by the Military Commlisloa, at ,pienna
• in scallion ta this- city. -
Prefeesor altd. Padime
•. On bion4ay and,Tiond4 intirailfll 1111 Z, Sti
- tortibmonto combining .Muticip ,
illigio" 'will b. &limn et Masonic, [felt by.Pto.
.fosssr Kaduna Millar.. hisisme *Mai,
Oats MlesCoelizan,) is a nails° this oily, and
Win msFehiz Aittappparaaos on Monday-night,
fsititensi absent,' of. four yowl in iiareps.. be
esteplimehtary nothis of ;bit lady is
frtm •Liva;pool Daily Pow:. uhladreseltillar
is en Anatticsia tidy, sad this may benonaidersi
her tot splinaraneo in B3gland.. She Is Dom's
ad el' a fall tieli organ, eapaelaili mono* in ths
- lows; not% 'sad the tir.cs of her singing is at=
did to elsetsius if her aillaslation.: She
bo a rinse% , wslaablo acquisition , to tha
,Xagtlsb concert room, wpm:daily in baliid ton.
ste, ;or which het
,Ityls and ersrestion ars ad;
y, -antra* tu t ted:!, .
. _
Librald , Lectures. - - '
The Lifter. eosinlithe of the Toni Mee!
Milan Asiatfation lanolne* that they hay
sueeeeded effeatineengagemento with Mtn
_:Anna B. Dickenson" and John B. Gough to de=
Wet_ leothreo In th is pay during the ; oonling
moon.. They aro aloe, In dorrespondenos with
sonather et other siolehrigerd persons aid it la
irgivitedlhat at loath ten le:taros wit/hi ilron.
The Take of season Ito - heti bar been died ai
three dotard; ftgle tlotote, arty coin. , The
Libra, It4es•Whate become - very popular, ao
the Otothaltlse enpg• the belt leotarero In the
aonatty.' Gebiroa' tiobith osu be obtalnin from,
- the nothilmln of lie Colnildttse and at the Lt.
linty Stinks. . '
~, • -
Pocket Plekteg on WlIUi street.
. Yesterday afterion,..: bah while paselog
-Vass Fifth 'street, bad bet:pocket picked of a
portant:lOW sostalathz aboat am dollars. fasi
. Wintry afterward; plated her money. and ;ea:
kneed a boy who woe standing aim ter, Ofaole •!
raittlig tko robbery. , bid dnitied the *aria;
sad mined lotus tip the Moot, dotal" follow.
lay. After *abort but exoltlas char,'
14 to macula( and taken to the Mayer'4,
ppoa.bolog eeareleal,ibosoowerroimld:
'tot - 1» found; stunt .Its'wea , dliebarged. The ;
....watei be weer tkif lio - ykad Melonr of the mane,
created quite exatement oa the atria:
'MaMimi' Aiadent:
Frank Coll; oat onaluar on tai Penns: B. B,
wan ,tortuuly 11,1onaronalto-Ilb intd4tb, jump- ,
'Ant _twin Ma ening, In Ow 'neletaorhood of
...ow IMMO& vulollowtor!
e unto, wod,.on * obort earuili the.
wolaiabo tlonnuatiet tb. forward tuts /nu Mu*
_th* doll to step. Bo saw thilibi ink waa
bit • ;twit dlituus Ant Seathythat ha'
'mad nu Into It, bo raiotold Ida oven and.
ant, but wafortunatolyt*llo blink on lb.
~Taikywb.Si Its Tut rms bruit, s ou,:ind ono
lowing Wt. Ile was taken fa his how
IsOwns, when ha noolriff medial attutbs
Llai 1111 . 6 w 41 .9 11 4 wen. L'.•
"'art ton a _ t two
" tiottori - "Dim*
timid Elam nod rospoottroty ten and
to atm limo; vistaed the Allowtway BlitYptoo-of
; Qdhakawd nottottd ponataloa to otayovotitskt.
nthq slated Mortis, bows from ludloott la o
Tiwidtlit'ttato,,aad .11mo to monk of tomploy
•; taw tests - putalttod toning:l. software
_43.,. - perwridod with sappy by Captain- Id.riottor.- In
,471ittbovotratte they, to `roam_ employ.
'tarot, tot bead ansloatutal, returne d to 'their
• - • old moire nay yet pmts. Thoptop.
most tbomsolvos to be orphan, rod aro lively
load latolllgtot. 4 *;:Wo *toed louromossi. - tholr
':414111i to attolltielli olitarltatto • ails Das
. .
Brauseaa • Fos Itseata Vevey—De Thar
awl is the-Ceatt of .Creniatent 'Pleas lri Olerehad,
Judo,. Cettaberry natefteed Goalie ?OW to
throe means' icaptbotoseat. tp the *tasty JILL
- faeltleaal wafts at the Proldantlal *locate),
*alter ,as minor set acted .for
I:bap! of kb hselor voted illegally was
be sea tadleted, tried, corriated and
*attested IA gad trait., the Joilte that sea.
lasted Idat bedsit aS.o • SUPPUtar of /refella*.
ban tsanoirs —Tha x: O. of o.
Tia.;bas oteetadtaka following onloora (Or`
;,nnaltlnn roar: •".1t: W.. 9: BI.:Jolsa
arintal.6: No: 50; ii W. D. CI. IL—Muan lits
B.W.W.—Stokara Watson. No:
&mod - Poster. IT°. -Igo; sr.
Otitanor No. Zit: W. 0.13 =minima clarets,
N 4.14 T,Ai. It; Metro, No.lis 'G.
it-to p , .L.-ot, B.—J. /Us:ander %Simpson,
Iftr:Toir Wili/J.ll9.—Xe. Jots P. Duni
• reoelved•lteimsee.ltinntratieti
• Wei* . for ntiViligaili 28. - Wreak -Lemife'delle
fajtlebeiliffen , Ypeper, isme data, the !adepts-
ClattelrobltlY Iferel4„ Weekly Tribune,. Pollee
fierce e end Hew Tait Weekly for the content
lteekkhes Phresellegiosl Journal for December,
ther,Pbrenelottleal lmanse for isac - aid Mod-
TlimoreeVe'4tltror of Patblonrloi Decem:
Teie ficyonorar—This eskbrstid &ism; fl;
leeway . * of Life in the flonike wIU be filliwnd
.tettite Theatre ea lifenday sled, 'lint! w,ll be
• merformell 'Tory orining Duel meek.
• .Weer soceory, mew costume., Ate, Sr., eclat.
Fonenntlebind adtber,4o44o . II nor, pane will be
epeteli pledig it upon the nese: ,I l wail ut
'lloatifitl*lmme goal - -
-. . ,
," Tintolshilleattee loamel of theltomat
al Cores Woe lattmeter la it. list !Dumber, t'let
the Milani et the ereautlos of tome, will pro.
-behlp, eve ameba for o plobleolto to proem:mos
betieralhe Poatla gwarament sad, Vlator
twestltattoael Meg of Italy cod It
extbrts rill olden/ to be prepare!, If nelertery„
to alprOTetheif Totes by thou arta&
.Taxtoiscarit 8011411121.—A large smatter at
soldisia,jileo lave lama at boos ea tarldlight,
pare ilium& the ant delly.ea thdr why butt to
their replicas. The •weitafled
teesteetarloaebs from Eutera hospitals ;to visit
*dr boleti' brae purpose of voila& UT* bean
orditWl biek,
glrft's ALL Tem to itny cosessi."...—Bi
•wimir mslorsteed tlitt at Plitook't Yozi osn - fild
she Anent as gest %sweetmeat of Albino is
llse oily. Jolin's peens are stlll is low Ai neer,
And tboisCwarting s saltalls Mons mos do no
it on Pittosk.,
Dues* or Purentresu Boum= -.oi Timm.
doyMegi 0; Harvey of the 1 Oth' Pt. rritment;
Cammlere and Alfred flag, of the 11th
Comb', sod..Pillip Woldfr art, of the 110th
regtpeptodied la the fdilituytfospi tee to Wash
OiitoT . troo —no 'synod of onte,a, us late
anatlng, ananlmonsly adoptad as 'overture to
*a Ural Guaira *trembly, aidttog arida to.
- mcrfid•af th e Board of Bdoottlos to' tido 4411
gad lb* Board of Dootostio Mildest ti Moots •
tuktr • ar todlanioolb.'
SYt Oonotavol.Ooorievittioltho Ailosttosy
Douai ores Esatiollatt Lytham Oho.* wei
iskowslon la Us. Sermon Latham oltureit• of
jobastown e c liirrodaaaday, sad Tkaraday 'of
Wove*: •
Ds. Unison lurtfog Efoooind from !aroma
savor, opal of oldness, rill bo Ole p.r.onatly
0.1004 to lo_profotalostal Maio on Koaday
. -
/on Dxfonsue—litadamoDomoroot'aillaar of
"Oblast for Dowixotroz, - , hio barn rewind by J.
yr.'Pittiokr TIM stint, .opposlto tie Notolloo.
• .
N tfi, : i. 6 8..... 4 1 1. Dr, 0" 13 . 4. I tc , ltil i s 1 , , , , ,, 1
4 ft,N l I ;dubs ea astir* day, id vairaliasto,#
, p . ocktho . tha l tiaXmislll4Weft.
~ • .. licieo.-..5.... ,- 44•71„, , .w _. iit,
441 • ,; , , ~.,, Z , ..' , • e i -
1 , ', " •,..;-,,,,,:
: : . ...7 ....';: 1 5. .i 7 1 -. `‘ .' i ' '.: • 'I
f GATICW,y tit-itargisinottita
asu toder-to duo Otder et OA Felton 1
i blialg;U: 344 Tdarel/4 . l7,ttilltif b¢11414.
ea Pifid street'. 'Tiring*, event:it the door or
% ha gl. L TO w.tiflibtaitaLa aad *amid
loose tra attenasao• to - mate a preepltete ra
treat to es street. - Portnnotcl7 . lo oae was Is.
jurelL — " ,, • r
TwA.lo2DlVlOilint.- I .This regiment, willet
infleirad eavoral, &lidos the late tuition, to new
aommanded by Captetn Same. PAtc]all, of Q.
D. orb° Is aallog 113 Meat. Catonet. Cdpta. D.
Kirk; of CO. L, will b. oummlsibm•l Wel*.
Loots Brown, formerly Iluaptts; Ellanoz4-ht i
been appointed Adjutant. ' •
Casa Pnotoozerms-60090srdnof Prominent
porioos, cordeJ of Erigralriogs,* . s.i, at tbi old
prime, at Pitmen's.
Paccar Stotts, Ziakot. Albums, Polio', Sta
tham, Tat s, 431;n, Stab, &a, ka, at Pittook't.
°core . far De taniiiai t at . Plttoekra.
HAIM ard ail the - WasliZttrat Pitta en.
. .
Taman, and , Etat Mutant' sad' Westein
Dallier at.Pittaelei.
ALL the late:Daoka it l
liana* far Dteastbez at Pittaara. • • '
Aleawa-aza Bzoil—qta sadleausatoritaiat at
all laical al ' Auction Hoau, 55
`Fih - atioot. Afro Donnell' Des GoOds, St
ptitata aala, at low Moto. -
;Gain Itt every agat I tw
ilit, Beau, t 5. Villa attest. 'Private sale tab
de,. • '
EXAZI3II Ulf Lititins* Stook otafradt. ask
and !rub,-at ZdaelaUandi Rms. ' 55
atratt.. , lltots, Shoes, and • Dry Goods, at
pelrata tat., at-to* ;alas. - ' •
. .
•triciOraiaa:-.Pittook,.'opporita tho Post
Office, 1 al oponsa Ms stork of Marisa. Thom
in wani of ate' Wilt of Outs* era tali a
;Dosootost'i Minot of feshlons for Doeesnber
been received and is for sate by W. .t.
dentistry, 46 P,lrtt 'treat, near Wood.
We ere Indebted to Mr. S. L. Nortoo, our
, swiss at Brownsville, for a copy of tno
Amerieni, for Nov. 19.
bx - 83C/ aromas.--
TIIONAS W. Pair% praotionl.filats Blair , and
dealer in Mot-deal Slaty, of WIC= N.:04.
Oifko at Ala:asides Issughlises, uSor tho_Wcar
Yorks, Pittsburgh, Po: Risidenoo, No.. 78 Pika
silos*. Ordersproooptly attsadod to. All work
warrsztod water-prooL Repairing done at ths
shortast notice. No ohrirgo fsr ropaitv,prorided
the roof is pot skims! after It is put on. .
81ILLISO 1r Coat.;—We sow tlfsr our entire
stook of telmmings • stolous, small wares, .t
at actual cost is we Intend Roltlins busluosa
Now 111 the time for haigaltta.
Morass .t llvraitor,
Corns: South Common and Pederast.,
VERT DITH-1:031Z3.-0a Tondly,.l6th toot',
at ths ruldfaco o th. holm, 1,3 tbo Dim D H.
; link?. Mr • IV . W. Cr. 21111/ZrITR, to tiyi LIZZ IC,
1104 bt, r of I r.d. J. r0.ur,41 of lizoookeoter.
DA XTZU—DHOW7II.;-on.Twoday monitor, Nor.
161lt 1004,1 a Pkllodolo1311,14)tu renEenee of the brfilei
fitter, Lj tho Dn . No. &Alio. Itr: BOBER? J. nsx.
TERM Zee city of PlttiWargt!, BM . ' BALLIII
=MM. dapahter Frederick Shower, Mg.', of the
111.111M.U.0LN.-0a Tlatsby riming, limns.
bin. Mb, mt. b Yr. '2 eolitu rim; D.D., Clto .
Stwriar, Xta YAIIIII
et Fittlinrg. No parda
- 879E.4X1i04V1
Tamer /arm _Poirot!. Capt. J. & 1.,.. mill Issro we
tbs sbars arid intortordlstell;orts our; 110a1DAT fl isr
For trelib• . t ouporsagoopply on bosrd oito • •
_,JAIIILS 40/biLLltia 1 CO., &mid.
SOS: Inas; Ixodbolorf.lasssongsbets
Ott - )117.910171LL1D,
It+l~RoOer .611Zii
' 'sitAtaa, "Pl ighooi":3ll2•• th• w
vtarmatas poet. ea THU /41". Irt.;
p.m. • • !- ;•
• - •
Yet tnythroripeausgs spay onboard. • ..sol6
FOR CAM% te - .ll.llDidait . •
A'24l 0411i.A155—Tno ItarsirW
414 user TA.I44.OTAPA9, Ospr - , Brown. vitt Ware oit
'Tilt) DAT liar.l7llk, at 4 eoSodr.l4.
....Ira freight or promo aogy ae•lrsard or b • .
2 J , 71T.1.0X:: • 4464,
J. D - .001.1.4i4:1** 4 • -
I TiVI.VICINC/Miln 1t , 1,01.711. , - •i .
•.± vuaas,-Te. mr , straw* •111014
: CITY, cope. lobo Nook ‘4ll4saro so atom au Al is. •
- roelt# orlamp attply bciarii et
tm.y . . - Jaitto COLLINS AVOD...kresto.
lueit eiNtanall , a .I.ol7ll3;grit.
-. .4 - L - viL43 - ;-13to_tereo ALT:IL:
BTTZII, Orgtat..`a Da 41,4,.th0l
;Itt'ilastaLt,vlll.4,ll onanowien4 abo - 0- ' •
T‘r tridOit ors.odnorr gro booril,fr
J - .
coil • • -" - J.l). 00LI 00b
- i7mollliszadiA Zama rompadi,.! •
• - flttaborsai Oolotor 17; ISTA.
J of lAiiAlreslo.4l EIBIBa COMPANY limo
Ada day larlad• eaves's/swat-4 -One DoUar par nays '
• ca the CaditalAtook,sa Am oar any to eidosdad at`
.44 olcoo of Whom as fla7lllo/IT, Iho Hai day if •
Bodoubar Deaf AMU, loth* Thands: WAD/1116. .
tbo led day of Ifirroalsw. AAR Mliewa
atus Awe Ask" - Asooken alsokboldas wilt sato . pay.
mat. SS ANAIAT JOBEION: qBllOl3ll. KaS,
)Kattialit . ,dlamatary And Timearer.
demos Noma Oarr Moro Coureerv,
ritterbertgle, October .12, MM. 4.
tig. Aosta otirr.zurtito.oottoolor or
ktiONIOANIaIee Ude day.inled sa amaimewat of Ore
Del ar VIC Aar* me Mu Capital eta*, at the eamemay
te weeded at tb. rib's ol baninew on NATIIISOAT,
' leMZeter of Neonate! woe, MOM to no ?From
on W=NreIIX, tbs Yr 4 November, w
owlet added a War teat data. Naseenn Mombold writ
melee paptwat to Zmam,l. W. CLARK $OO..
gentcornmosrar or ovroursoci,t
Wo.tarvrros, D. 0.. Dot. 12314 1500.
B Wes, Tallow, - Empty Barrels, Be.
VD! bo tea st-Pablle't.ottogi it Slittistrott Mott,
ettilestott. D 0. 1 , lot ',DMA.", btorttoo.r 2.4.11411.
a tt soap= 14 IL all tollottlog Gatertottont propor.
- 6MO 21.4111111 n. intro Or le o 4 '
- - - Tom t pip Pau. (toot* Or tots.) _i ;
. • pout° et %glow. • _ •
At.% loiot itostfoot 0.1. Mass, Usentit, to.
Tar auk lo.4lorentitott fasts. - •
1.11 tanitattis to Ds somorad "halo fat Iloilo:liar ago.
. t • . AN:4ft 'and O. Itt.,‘
~A$ tot alba tha
at mat hat r•.tot tb•
fasaufati halt at the llth of Havicabot.
15 .4, II trim &fernier:l that all.tioas earl ham
'heti& brt: h all i fad' alla, the tam sad cavil.
Ow • of
of iasaai tot for, fractal./ with Ity
ISO 410 of Somata: ASIA. Taarstra• fhb 11,1104
'Nat h not tottatrot by lam, but Is given ai Da. aol of
toluttsy,) &en Nall pontos It•tdlog Ham oa odd
foto that taWa Iha torna sad at•ellflots °fine ham
us half coutplal alit, Ma tail, Mn hi latailitdaaa
the .puishswll3 at cant b• ntacalaaah tae smo as If.
s.a.e.+ (not hal hams mods Chi th• au: day of Dams.
bei.l6N,tb•sothents of tall farm 'HU to at th•ollho
of IlltoteD, Maya oa, at .laulni proart
sale non axtf,to aflySlor Nun al WWI him.; Pat. ,
dal whittle ; to L atish' karts Jai, fa tlio sum
them. a t u t , elf.* auto it IL II fthali oaks, Imola&
Is& ta• allitt.l4lll be to hot. . • .
, • . 111'00114Nha FAWN OIL. 00 •
BUM Pr:noisy* • •
XVOLUI111•11110TILLTY op. ob.
scWodui. iircy.llll.;llo4.. • -41.45.4 C
you CAN'ILVTLYS rßocuas
.... tYleierre l.
omit Ameetess o Zrel• (ills
.ie W
„ . NW* net Ine'res . •
, liatesist Mood Seorebes. , .
7 : :llootase9 Gauss Snack
11=ilasiburs EtxlWise.
&Opiate of Mate- •
' .
. • -
At tbe C entral Dr* 8 a •
-'; Ooner Olilo sal re&rtiti Atlestany,
- OM= At MIT
N. 11.:—Wilkav* en kas# mane veil Am Bogus.
3 — "W;GLA6I3 & 00, • • •
• •
Llaiivatinrand linbridating
onus, &WIND, 1.1187110A.T1NG., AND PAINT.
Also, itiarthabrart sad dation b artra viiltry or
Lattra, LI92E aNa. OBANDZLILUA, WICAd, Ao.
o 231 L1112.11'31t 11TEL33.214
Carobs math or Waal sued, • •
Prrranneny, PA.
ger*. tat *lonia titanUon tour LUDES COL.
022 D CRUMB OIL, blurb for Darting, attotba.
at., reach a:mbar Cub Bsatal OIL norrlmdtall
Crackers and. Ginger I(naps,
, saw. 10.03 avcrimr nuarr.
QTBAY COW.--A now haling Bad and
IViltei u nta th rt= b r tonal U.
V.= Leath Ts. rh • :
11" m.
=l . Z e tt i Nwit
wealth fo mud to stays, _
Erszta G:0. CCEOWAIIM.
L 25 74. DIES% GENT 0,141.1320 AND.OHIL
Boors, , agorii; AND CiAITEIN:
Dievirsitsle. mai lug Corm; it' - -
Conor.** ateste.. ,
iarreneimitomnikatez on
Gen. Fremont's Commliston to be
- &storeWto litm
The Enemy in. Force Be:ween Fisher's
mu end Strasburg.
at, as.. ea
. .. ,
- . tftwrataitier.lB,-4he flauld'a Wastking.
Waist toerays . : Rumors an to tironbalon of i
, ..
naaa atearnaat. , There la a determined strata
nbant to Da aide by the Administration to bring
'about tonto undemanding with the Confalart
.Tiep InszlonVg speech at' theCoopoi
, talsoit Donoarsito Ira mesting,fore.tuatto wad
'whet tho Admlntsprarion will soon trt, to exe:
She speech of GOO. a a6ler,at the 5 it kelettni
Motel. and the outgoings of-the Adaratration
ghee that time, are all talhe same purpose.
Thera is a rumor Whioltehtains COMO carrrest,
cg that commissioners will be appointed own.
posed partly of Itepttblletns ant partly of Dam.
ems% ea mast tlwJar oommissioneis appointed
by J.Q. DiTi-sin which' snob mon as Alexander skald be Moot prominent.
It larnotored'in Intelltgent circles that Gone.
rot Postamit'actittrobilon'u Major General will
be sestina to him, and ha will be ordered to a
command in the nay of the James in plum of
°mend Butler, when the latter shall be made
Bearetsty of War. .
It M poulbla that Tremont may be amt to
The Herald's special with Sheridan says the:
estop is still In contiderab% form.' between
Filber't liN wad Strait:berg, his oavalry boy.
elms along mu front to dant no. Oar new po
sition bas -bun pgre..tly . strengthened by the
election of seta works and rids On, Should
Natty &amok ew tffentive movement. to force,
he will find hinceelf In a trap.
In the osealry brtuh of Saturday, the rebel
Genital Loans 101 l Lateral staff alms killed
sad wounded.. The body of his Adjutant Gan.
ere), Lientstent Colonel Harvey, tell tato out
bonds. rritonere toy Oat General Wiokkam
vas oommanding a - bligade in L onaz's division,
tad tent merely wounded.
General Moen has lamed as *Limit to hit
b leads, in which he laps: You hare captured
doting this short campaign, 24 gene, 0 battle
tinge In action aid over 1,000 prisoners.
Ihe Recent Bank Forgeries.
her. Bent s 131111 In Washington.
i.e.. 10, ie.
Saw You, NOT. 18.-11 is said that th•
blockading nests, on car.sonthont coast will ill=
b. largely inerrised and rendered so strong that
it will be-almost inigoralla for vassals to run
The developments, in the forgery ewe, mien•
tiozed yeiterdsy,ehow that the plans WOZO very
to l and eomplebaler defrauding the 'banks
threngbont the whole- ecouttry • it.,la supposed
Legs Awn* et money net yet reported harm been
• ehtetned by thee* forgerin.--
lietztnitaryintolitgenee caimpportano from
juy pester has been reudyed toiday.
A roma Waahlagten - apietal ages Gen.-Grant
hae terittan'Ala edictal report of the oant.
pato frea the Rapidan 'to_ the Santw and hat
detartelaad net bode do unlit the eepttirent Pe,
tersbarg and Richmond.
Albin Cetera Banks remains . still In Walk.
It may be loaibbred eeflate Met bfir. Feiten
d~a will ,ectrelaryqb/p.te retans: to the
Theilribenei speelal says: Ada:drat ' Fartazat
bviabeaeta&Ssezetary, et th.Nowy.
lenstalllpo.arhowoaadad a:tew 'days
siiirtalion picket eat* lb - freak et lotantrarg,
waved today on Ma way b •
The Mal of auklibtos Mitarriebbef..the Bal.
tl - s.nrebredridi bad**, ap, tabwiti
ernes were exambAal and lbseleaciatiausd till
IIW'YORB - 111.01.._giTilig,
Enßeined In the Gold Nand.
Tear. Nov 18-The stook market open.
id wealiat the Board ; - "lecke lost mire their
parch l Ittetoll or yesterday afternoon... Sellers
me do minato,and a eonsiderahleamonat OfibSrt
ea's, were made. large amointOt
which the Tata ~bolt IrtotintionOtloneln
02.4 Mod jdastßstppinertilletteasisie.
In yam .prioe lose teed 133 i. • Borstal:I:MOM
the,. /..• dr. MisealLumoue - cook'
audit and Too e:eltement . ia the gold
n.ez at Ii lateve, and a large ammot of bed.
has been tranosoted; then was, n farther
d of 10 - pet cent 0A MI elating plies of •Veehig; to aeralbe otos, the wps a rapid
rho, owing I.the re
hear, ailments for to • morrow.
Tv day ootonmaced the prepayment of the Jan•
very intareit on coupons; the aggregate pay -
meats - . doe; :tannery let, are $9,358.811 in gold.
Of this tam, a considerable proportion is for reg.
leered bandy, the Interest on whiolt will not be
pr. paid.
She loan Markel easy, without &cavity. Eu.
et.nge active. The shipments of exchange and
gr,d, by to•morrow'e :teausit, will be large; s
mailen and a half of gold will be sent.
.411. Gallagher's exchange, to-night, smote
were dull; Gold 21614; ?few ROA Contra!, 119;
gne,93%;• lindses, 119; Reading. 1341;; Tgtn
els Central, 12414; Pittsburg, 1112;. &vs Island,
.IC2;' - Northwestern, 4134; • Yore- Wayne, 101;
Ohs° k Illississippt Certsticases, 15%j Cumber-
land, 45 %; Quicksilver, 84%; idenposa, 32%
God, after the Mal, 21514; market , weak:
Gen, Dailey PreParing for Active
The Rumored Changes - in the Cabinet.
Nair Yost, Nov. 18.—ThePensaeola Dispatch
flys: Genital Batley h.parpering for - setts*
operatlone.:Netlesigts makieg extended
meitahlreconnoissanos to fail mad damage.the
The New Orlians Dispel.% mays Colonel Davis,
tlit command of the forest en,Y.lte
;evacuated the tentlon saintly Veld, there be g
Ito further need of oompatlon, and the weather
being unoomfortable:
initanilve eetton tradmis-bibig serried on
• from pleats an the Texas Gout: -
The ileiald's Weshlngton special Hill The
'lmpends/ changes In the oehlnat ars the pries
Cl pal topics of oottverswion UNA' .Tiolitlelant.
The chances likely to compose a new *ablest are
eitrnitrely dim:tied!
Beller Is riparded,nnquestlenably ttt
for the war ohlis, end Hobert O. Walker for the
,trestury. It le reported that hfr. Biter is to
retain Iminedlattlp, but Ms 111100U110Z-11 not pet
mentioned: Other °hangar will nedonbtodly take
ease after the setting ot Conyese, It not before.
ihree Large Breweries Seized.
Bono; Ifoi.lllo.7lhsi Adoerikeroontaiev , tite.
following siwalal from Wealdeigtoo s Nov ATI
"Tim agleam labia Ninth Oongtrop;'
Vona Divvied of the city of Haw. ; York; Moro
just disfavored & triad of Um lola slapindont
bird. lovolvlDE titres of lho-lmga breweries of
lbw oonntry. The proprietors biro' boa arras! ad
and this brew's*, with adltbeirspinirtananose,
Mails in fislara and tights, as wall ea stook
is kind, ban boon seised, siggoogata
maul of tb• propitty Ii set loss than us million
ofdellws,all of ',blob will be condi 0114 If 1
oars Is wads out against tnnodendero, and tail
it. roam& .f ills property will go, to tiro pot ,
tom dburoinning lb. friaiLtTko wiles bare
ban dlmilling form long Um& without limas*,
wiebnil -*Wag. refulgent whim% a
tau -
• ic-jilv.r,"":47il
Supplies Forwarded to Titemit.
New Yore, Nov. 18.—Phs Port. Royal Nem
Soiah toys: The recent flog of
trues steamer
oreceeded op the Savannah river-to a given
point and delivered to the rebels 350 boom for
Valon prisoners, sent by . Adams' Repress. It
oddities, the Sanitary Oommbielon sent clothing
sad blanket. to the vain* of $2,1190, which will
I. rarely delivered to our men-and reasipted
for In detail; when the receipts will be passed
ovei to Meet Colonel Bennett. Abort 150
.pokages wars then transferred to our ecomeat,
far the rebel prisoners at Peseta. Two 'me
rlons accompanied the flag and met rebel Imre
genii, who amend Shear met's° danger teed
be =debated from 'Wow fever..
The , rebel. In 'London recently licked tiro
.British Postmaster General to forward letters
Laddrissed to . persons In the rebel Halt
Utz and Nero an, and deliver there to' the rebel
.rsgents....Tbs - British andel' -refused to do'aS
The Richmond Examiner of the Idttroontahm
the following dieditchir: • •
• demote fin , Nos.' 14 light °seamed et
nutlet'. and Steady between the State troops and
On T.' ankle's, In which the later were drives
tuck. •
This latest news from (Hanka Is that - tho oity
was in taastod on Sat tutdsy, 12th.
Moat:sari. Al. •N. id.—Tho Morettgotnory
Hsi: has news apt° tile 10th fait. Hood was at
Tosco:olds with two dist - Hons. Two of btu dl.
vioioas bad crossed %b. imanesso• river, and ehli
kenression was that lb. rut wonid aeon toll
The stichniend dratiater has an on ote on the
capture of the Flotida,_Rhtch sap: Bri ell will
et rater; r• 11 1 ,4 strati wile= the s e.= interest thd
the great =Ratline notions. Mer remonstrance'
eta be wholly In vain, as there heo lately hien
et o'nees between the B oprrer and E iglith Ger.{
eratillit. Diploma) relations were ramie/
ti that and other - rostra. -The protest from
E any, will probably be cold and
lr easwered by Mr. t• ea-d. Prance an/ Bra
sil are on very frlandly to but Rhin are tot,
*mama which may mato Frac*, oleo to =every
=talons in etirrlog matters too roughly. We
ltd not eapeot sioy aerie= trouble fo - gre• oat
It The good slap Florida le lost, o.4,ostatails
stoners wilt have leaned that they had better
a- old ell pore exrept those of E - viand and
Proton end their telonies.
Tno 'mewl= In an anion on Sherman's
molesting ray.: no will find trouble If he at-
t. mpts a sat temsnt into Georgia, tut wo think
b- to not going to that direction.
In the rebel Senate, on isioldty;Grr, of S. (7"
crazed a reso'unon which win agreed to that
ttt Pi teld:nt be directed to emmtniesse to the .
&mate the ofacial report of G.nerel Joe. E.
J. boson touching oprsilone at Dalton, to
the date el his rem 'eel from command. Darn,
a al of South Carotins, iniroincod a bIP,
erg for the repeal of an sot, wh oh authorlars
the payment of debts due to alien enealiee,
bonds of Confederate Sates to be repassed,
.rnotil said• that persons Indebted to ateni
eremite, whom estates had been confiscated,
took idTll.lllags of the let to pay the Confeder
e rereiver In four per cent bond.. Ile else:
letroduced a bill to authorize tin Bindery of,
Trewary to endings Confederate bonds
for seren-thlny tressury notes. -
In the Dona. the Speaker made the following .
anigaments to standing committees of the
Sol s Kenner, of La., to Committee of Ways.
d Meats; Clark, of Mo. to - Committee on
11.litasy Affairs end Committee on Blanton' s.
B it, of Mo., to Committee on Judiciary ;Sinai,
o Ado., to Committee on' Foreign Alain; Con
roy. of Mo., to °volatile on Quartermasters'
as d Commbsarlen; Cluskery, of Tenn, to Com-,
to tree on Saud Alain; Hatcher of M0.,-m- C
matins on Ordnanee sad Ordinalsoe Stone ;
it Inn, of Mo. to Commi.tee on /ndlariAlfelrs
as d to ComMitteottot rOst Orolot and Putt Made;
0 nand. of *l,A° Ctlittalltsill on Maya .and ,
hi • axe.
' Garland, of Attester, offered a bill warning
for payment for all property !Metall, laprined
in the Trans-Mississippi Deport/nest. '
A regohation wu offered to laquirointo the ex.
pp teney of raising the salaries of comminioted
*Moen, another to abolish the distribution-of
port ofilms, another to theatre fats whatrelief
should be given to hooded acicaltuista sew in
the akilitay service, another t• inquire into
o talon tithe militaiy prisons in alohmond,
another to recommend stricter observanon of
ito•Sabbatl In the army and aary, and an
o.%er to ask that onions be fornished will artne,
el Ding, At, math, goternmeat expense, •
In Cott 0.1.111 wilt this reveletloo, a letter
Inn.resd, which oroolltded -as follow/ t rrAtr
o rdiog I. present tans, a Beguiler General's
muithly pay vlllanly tarry Warfront Richmond
Annusts... &Colonel untd noon* farther than
Cberinto; Lte tt. Colonel, to It sleigh; &Mayor
w old not get farther than Due silly, and a Co
to. s or Licnteneat, after prying for • bed In
Itiolmarad,- would - bare &beget enough left 'to
b,y w ticket to the gist water station." Tao
lean. vita Om neolatioss, were referred to the
emagnittee. Tittakeveregina eon:
Forte.t.. for vest Interim Ls the West.
Mr. Fable,of Teen. offered isresalation that
Nacre' I.oriles be sipgled at the engem* of
thi'lloterrannif. Re also offered a reselailea
elms: spin th e Contialttee f Ways and - thew
to furnish their report an the Leanclal bill so
sally es potable.. -
At one o'o;ook the Soon went into secret
se.elon oa the bill tdinipeill the habits corp.',
SDI lidijonTned attar a bog dtnaelon . •
The Danville (Va )...fie/rerelnTe: apps •
in it; pas aff nded the Tonkee in the ralumuy
p• inns n Tenthly, of expressing their peer
',eon betwerm northern wrodidates. For Prep
id at, the rote of elieeri was:. Vignola, 278; for
• Initellon,9l. Among the neurtomminloned and
privates the *quit, for M'Onilso was 178. -
Sceretary Chase and the Chief
Justieeship. _ •
Bi oculations as to General Sherman's
Nov melts
Naw Yost, N0v.113 —The Oninerciare Wash.
Woos special say, : The friends of Mr. Ohms
art worktig *insect!, to induoe the President to
make him Chief huttee. Thq abfl ergo the vs
tendon oI Mr. Stanton in the War Depaitment.
Richmond paper, of Wednesday an with
spectimietts as to Sherman's movements. es.
imsaing tho conyietioh that he -Ls threatening
M. We. .
P ter load will preeeenmetary
P.•sadet's report.
2es Poo's Washington special Him The
kis tmond Whig of Wednesday Mates that Sher
man has sent a large part of bit . army towards
Be ma, Alabama, Indicating a movement an Mo
bilo. The Wlig also demands of the robot ma
th,' ties to call oat 'pedal faros of 15.000 mini
to sznikliater3herman and Sharldan.• , Itthleks
tele can be dmo,,andantalls-therraboliilongrem
foe insetopeteney,
Gin. Burnside Cennuoismdliew his
Old Owpft,
Willfllolol, Nov. 18.-=d front aliaiirmy
of es Morisse laysr Inactivity still prevallrola
ibis army, with the axosytion of the ordinary
amount of azahatiglis between the plaksta and
The enemy n day or fil.iiye.eommineid!the
enonsiton of a newton*, 11 short diatom".
smith of Chita. Ite *teeth nery olo* Owing
to the sonority relit' tenet car gannets throw
their 1110011' 1114111)1 .1111, their midst 1111111117frf
ally show thornier.' aroma..
CanisMu continue l• aeoar clallir'aloag the
Oaks" line, and attay shot' fnquoally. roach
three for la the roar of the brainwork", coma-
Moms liflrottag fatal woilo . .
_ . •
Gemmel Burnside reached Oily Vasa on Wed.
riesday aftemoon, ea a 'hit to Ma tdd corns.
Ho oltied,ou Oen. - Ormat,and *Berms/de prom
ceedod to the front by opealal
reported quiet yesterday. morning.
Windsor, the Defaulting Teller.
New Timm, Nov. 18 Is reported that Ohl.
Windsor, the absoondinie teller of the 16111101.
eilS,Bonk, took his deserters on the Tentonls,
which sailed Oot, 26, for II embers. . •
The Commercial ditocreineo Weakiesion epeeist
ogee: No oeMsl Intelligence is rowelled from
Sbermin ► and none IS expected for .1101411 time. •
Itlebsequil peeve are suzioesly 'somitted foe
Leto mition of his movement& They JIM
how Ise iiimsmost has &dressed. It is, this the
u n i on Arm, is et or_veke pee, !(coon, which 1 / 1
aviandly Miami/II ¢rat objective politt.
104 Ohs Aikklik ite Wiwi* ,mild
be greettrinatph.--,: , ,,.. , , -• •
Geld 40111h110 ti• tostktt -
x=soak';«='u'!. ~ v.-e ~_.. ,_ ...~,_ ..
- -
'lBo3rg t t:01, TIIE JITriF
1 - 4*.TDO4chliik:lll4lrciiiii for
" •
Lozigstreet and Early - 10'ring Sont4
New YOE. NOT. 18.—The ..TraimeviArgai 01
Hai Junes 'mist gays: 'lnformation from Itiott
mond renders pnitty medals that L3O is detash•
log partof hie Sinop! for sertioaeliverhare. - • ;
Babstpapers" betray evident trepidation at
a rePuted moremeat of Sherseett'e armhied ex l
prise anxiety ooneernteg due:stet sod' tiatten,'
where, u well es at Columbus, they hare their
moot extensive powder mills, shops and area;
nate and 'evils* safety , ef whisit,thoyaridontly
tirth4Salalhomatniiitapltralisisionts. :•
Nay Yoga, ,
is,ratmoredisere to , ;
day that Loagi trait did irly, with 35,000 mini
moved tenth from Eicher'. Hill, on Xstesday
night, eildently to Intercept Sherman. f.
New Yeas, NOT. 113,--Gold is still with and
declining, end ,nearly all of the operators , are
liters„: - Their-oljest is to pat dews the plies to
200 preparatory to e; grand &drum, Toe price
opened at, 218 and deolioed to 210, and! name:
qeently *rat op to 211 N,
The Raleigh Coeferterete ennOUllolll the even+
anon of Waehingteo, N, C,, and its, coonpation!
by the Federal troops. •
The sate arrival. o I the Tallahassee at Wit:
mlagten I. antsonweed. -
The . .Eslairer says. 'The &neer at Marristowni
N.A. Teen eeee e, was not is great a, reported.
Vseghe's fore* was rotted and panic etriokoni
imp's' as the Yankees were within 300 yetis of
the wagon train Iti.joilitsi came op ant rallied
Ile retch, wbo.temed and repulsed the Taal
tees and tared the train. •
From eslifornia—large Fire In Waryx-'
BAR Pus ctrco. 21 ow. 18 —A fire In flap ballasts
part of Mart 'villa today, dtlitroyed praparty ,
vaned at $lO,OOO.
Tko rain y SOBS= did not coating long anougli
to no of omen benefit.
Tto lteanurOlpments to Clam for the put
few daps, ►mounted to oar - hall a million itt
All dopartmanta of trod* aro doll.
Repotted Deatkof General Canby
Nair Yo'n.November steamer Morn.'
e. Star - from 'Now Orleans 12th, arrived 'to
right and soiled In eon:Tann whit. the steamer'
North America for Nets YOrk. The Morning
Rom passed her In the Ntssiselppl ricer.
noes except the linfirmstion of she etatiment L,
of Genera] Cenby being outlasted to but a few!
era eke comfit eine nt.'
New York litertNet.
Fre Teas, For. 18.0oltan cantina.. nty dell sod'
tanisrially denim!, at C.,2301,30. terladling,
Ylott—ett,t. sari Waned, berry sad .20,4300
- 19 abol9 43 kr 'Extra btate and.310,33(j0.0,30 kr 7,m10!
Bronzy the market cicalaidol. •
W 3 ILI betty tad le.m. at 51.72%,V,73 l'n•Western, •
urinal, g malt let. at 411,74, tr. asargat doom at In•
1 , (141 Vann:ll4M
Wioat dull, and noaVually 20-talcw.t; Alba Rich
fg,x, 42,22E42,40, the lanai pike ea Woolf.'
I 3. qv o.
&tie) anti sad 30150 t iowor.
C.O °Per.d bent and Omni. • lU.a .[.Wier, at • .
13)sey10 for Mixed Westmn fa store.
0.. a la all; itad bait; at 00 1 07x 6 tar Wawa alga,
seo 0709261 , Akre.
• ...rt quiet.
am. dal eadlowet Oink, talliaXci,
Ilotaum dull ltd Abadan .
_ ratt,Ltaii dull; tOnatt kr Dammam, at. 470.
Polk be. and -177.7241.23.20
130y7141110,27 tbr Weir atonal atsd my.lar Way, cloning
991/067at CsItI4 10a:7M niet.; see 10 ; 00 for
Pt lase - Mtaa: goo, 1 , sa btla9aw.llkay for Nomad.,
tbo tab 443,t0. Pala 1.710
111t. dry or •J 7orl lbssiabet, at 840,60, and
u y. taendirs, 232,110.
Linguist, bat UM, akattOpaidoulpikolY ••
Meet olio. la coed moist isd Amor. -
Cat Man. nockangtd:
It ma Wet t'Cusabonsad Coy monad tit we:ibis
and Tanury, at lligems„.. "
L ad Leary sod' low.. an , Lattnirkdsa
errems. ..
Battu histy,at . 6420 for Oblo, 4081balto
- Quota 6113 4 2 446.....•
...1412 UPI Stock and Money Market.
lice ToAa.Met. 1 / 1 .. , .210aey Nosily, int *met, •
, • Lull, g Any atter/02X for gold.
- Gold Irdanuay usamalatind krtrer; .oposlag at 2114,
decatong to 2io,and della. at ittr,
fro oilmen[ at. ca. lanidtlta. •
Stiots—Rock iata,rdo big Diulltigton sad galaey,
11 2 1 t , IRVa,f4.l lan* llontsl tot*:
•Ctoddsod and 1 . 1 Uinta., 192; rim antral.
P. ride *sit. 3 0 1 • Ed.. 53,54 ; kind.._. er, • ;
Emetoo, 13tX; rtlesigie .Ekattsetn, 1:931: JlLlshima
CetaraL MX"; .13X ; Ann/Iran did,
11,14;(Maas d *lan Cord Rastas, WI; 30.,
Ll 3; 13•Ul COUNP!.4,yg 4., of 11l 0 aposs,
Chien, - Market.
00=60 ; H05..11,-11116at Cie. •
Lou, dtt)tatadoollsed 21.33g1 1 ,71 14 No. 2
Cortadmssed 442Yri: see. at µ;40054 / 3 tor OIL.. ,
s'oluty, at 43,503130,_
Prietkleaa dull; Moos Pork, :136,00; 1.154 Xesd,
flog. sans staXillOgo ter Ckatatro to litlddllas
Ind oistice Cr Arid i.leg to Cline...
Iteonput.-noar tyke ablie Wawa. N.OOO Sete;
cote avec do; 0.04, tairrl do; 11.0:0 /rim.
• tit I*. als--rktari. eta) • bus ; Wheat. NAOS ;
du. ?au, 25,033,
. -
Ttar:notirm still tir,flllNritteadlllat.
fireldig, with stoat laity,. flit In ths iiiiaittori lr,tb.
plo nuns. lbtt wittbrr •ortiatlrtuir lid:B4th'; irltb
Sims was u 11, mama-of brilltios tramp-4.45t
tb• wb.rr y:aterday, sltbeisb then It Yilttlroox for
lip boom, • lb. ars erOlisly toontsay,brubl boa
for .11 lb. •refitt tta I orralnir, 041 Om onregam .0
are Ito, all Cipelittlo9 Ifßat eltbrOty la Ellin'
the arrivu'e inclodr the Illitarra from Mao leg.
J.U. Inas Ztestrtle, and the Marls from Cleclunct
—.ft oath good toga. ; Oatttioatut Tosktotre room
t laulitunl,ar• bola ie., mot .tU pretably be Meal at
tb- trel i tble mensing.
losses t-r Whollioa as time, and the
Eat.. r Potttr, fur eitutneatt,•mitts • fib.r trfp,sed
our matte" premeettana.ta litre. last cgoolsg.-
Outdo... “n,laose. TOM amt. Lai - tea Alleghteg
Weil, and the nitrite nj,.lier paitats appose to be
driving • Ilcsuisbieg trade.. The Petrol& get le from
Olt Utt/ Seems,, mei les Wilda loft for The some
g el
lattersolng the PoMo'bt trhtto omelets Aar
tts reserst aqueduct, on ha.trip down, oven le Con
tact with ft, sal ea tbe oviduct wee found stronger
afar ear pilot bean, the result wee Out the tap of the
latter eras teem o'auWetely off rortattataly Sather
Meld ct nos seeirhe I wee Injured.
CO plate. embryo. Roeder: on old' and mrry . aerator
stmotoaltaatt. di.d •tt St. 144111111 on Tuadey segtit
The Orem., !dirt let. it,Linda. - for P.tanburgh
We M 11111) lI.L -
kw drysmo the Weimar WM:Mk from Padova'
for Lantana., vacated into at UraserfUe. Shebat
la c!,,ithisa for Mulattos', of obialniag • ,apply of
rat nod while lying shamt males.* cabmen, twenty
art or thirty anaralramsde their apprema •on the
.th wt off, not at moo hard 013 - the boot with mmlism.
boo o thy thole wets Seed at the boat, three of whisk
pi se o Ottawa ma riot born, bet foramen's no onto
ens t... 3 he *Nora of Mc boat brag satiated that
It tote U. latrallen of rat !Owls to captors the haat.
at etc. Ilbollld Ply and enweed QT.' 10 011IIIIIit.00, nirb!ni
tbc3 tabbed crafty.
3 a warm ond payola. steamy llsteha t let estammtl
of apt. trate Ifartbeek, is AIM% lip' rapidly and wilt
so , nay lame for Nt. kook. Ws amnia/, Th• tit.
I et o at, Calf. Lama% will oommineo balms far Ito
rap. peak mat WOW • -
TM saw 11114. pat, thayrow Aleph Ear t Caphia
Iltotmond, trfOlaslonati, Ltookstria• n od
liwimMe, for th with. . • • • •
11, iron Miura Taratalims,Copt.licawn, will poi
aptly isms tor New Orisons this sealing, or sad, kf.
tsfnAlt twOMMIN CIA Imam. Miklos rots out no
sink of this took ,
the Jaffa. Copt. Optests, to tb, regabw . pa dot for
Zia. mile to day. bootleg promptly at 4 p m.
The mantea sad tellable. loon Ci•y, Cope. Now, to
Mat. op otraday, ant will b• may totem* tor Cando.
WI sod Lonirrilloon Woderaday nom
The deammo Navigators. Woe. Dettler.3: A fillamm,
sad Columbia, to re sorirmi as/ to loan Clualanatl for'
Pit 'Marsh o. Pold.y. -
Tb.lmaltrlab Prow efif•dassloy am: • r
SivenatilYsit.r4l7.ll4attrall {Mood fleet bad eh
spaded the fAIM far a snort &wham market, which bas
greatly taffeta the skek ow hand for We nuttkot. The
rapnweils lecinted mom Of the 'oral thM bad boon laid
op at 'Maim:Mae site. last Sebtuary and NAM.
Taw, into tom tiabt bot Meister oatb,bW onr tee .
rake,' whist, mabledibe flatboat flint So'dacant the
rapt& wfibtet Mote.. tonna hulledbabel,a cost a t , boa ben' gnat-St at St Maul per
Iftaterday mmolog mu of a pair of Steal-boat', bilk:rat
Jog ro Sferalaleg • a 09., of f:tesbargb,, whits being
dreppel deem from the upper lAndlncto gel into the
emu, wee lost by the p stung of • tome or eincboltt
Tar brats swung .in samara Me rosll..baat with gnat
force, sow king awry choins.and spark os well as howl
lines, sad Antall, samkpett obentopports Bain Meek
ora the wreck of the Dims. Medd* had Mason:abed
to, on the hod rapidly 511.0 with water, audio Malang
west lo pram a o p• • wreak. TM crew all mo spot
Aunon — 's °mai,
, Prrmatmair.Volamter 11 Lb, 1881, •
Notice is bon:trews thitt the luitstiat imam of
thla distsfct 110 Lour iipplialmalog Op the ,
Epecial Irksome Duty •
Of Ilk ter oretwit tree pint profits or itletAbs fit the
Dna 1116‘ irbbb le In eednioe to Ike leo** tax bah;
Wok unread for Una you, end in OftMatialt tlu
sums, 'Doollu or lemons for We - Irreales
Erdal /. 000 i• de744: dreodke ertil rem ede for
dorldredr or Jokier Jar sep Aleieletbet, Qn
penile*, or Campo% we, Jril sap ibrelettbm be made
for ow *day er oko nreboL)
the opitial loran 'Tor will be write Immediate..
AttlPolost litemUi odd not orose Aubtatir
slant for Wither totornistior et theirtaryoothe Dawn
. totems 'IAA boats of lye did eireeltiaki tu.
!ja1l:114 ~11iourettlif OlotAit hums: -
vkistiorvers BASING.POWDEEI...
Jut Iseetord. Lbw% noir. of Ude maxtveledi
bib*" poirieripatipla pews its wasotutted`
hr wilir Laikun or al NW,' et the Nag:.
arowurmal os , 5110. a. 1112158411 r. •
soli ;.4414441444114 11114 86114 118111111 -
'i`_~~~~..mi tt s..'x^~,r~«Est.3~3'r&i~s,nk.J.C.sii.ike ' :si;. •: ~,mec `~.
kPaOi A! l is&I:
:Nan compisT, GT NEW !Mt.^ .
rtiiii 4astriceB.
.LienmcmiLkirmttos Commas .'LIT. net *saw.
Jimarateue.:Ause. Pouch* an es *Air popair 030
Ye Ohm Mod Polloy ern oiSs rut madly.
• - • Z. WOOlll, gamut Agent. ,
tlf scram BTRZILT, ea4:11 1
vonifiv,iartlrfa co., Donlaaux.)
anTi Thisor swirled with a Ftcs mow. of
.it l t7 liiisnisaintals
suns/Lana zaitit.
. .
Ilisathetasen of PAVE= 019DND aracnnakit4
warriated GMT num !Awe. of rf.r7Peb.4
atLy• Maw, Cram Onte,'Glang • sad aliatbir gangues
All thado of EMMA maim, !rota
Cid Steil ; igrailiMoad SJAPIR. AND AWNING;
Washers lid Works, ooe. WARNS A
AKINS ISTS ; Partioo:Dr onoi
Itetoootlai; Goigolna isOA. Ntiolibtoolos ()Dlga
/Wog abo; main Of all kVA& Pinehiag sad Dena'
door at roodusblo rstoo.
WIOBINSOItiB.BI: . 'it 00y (imooog
tooson to EGSISSONi Wan a Ittnimms,) WASHING.
TON WO/=B, roosolpio a itemoilots, PitiaboxgtY
.NANAGictArert GO . 11' .0 t. - . AND.•. BTATiONNRY
/THAN =at mm, L 4 L t'GINIBI um WA'
at 611:51sealplIcros; OIL TANYII A STILLS HoILISI
,END gni= Mon woks. •
Aguas for ourrAmat PATENT WAIT= YOZ4
KILL • 51tELTINCI Wodl6l, rriumraas:
-E.d.ctur l f• of earargusai 111.1WMMIEr ABU
Also, imporiatli sulittedirs 1115:ALD, TIB PLATS
t3H217.- IRAN. *talk &v. , Cknigtaally oa band,
- teLtolll.lsll2l Alin TOOLL
*mations*. No.llo MIST 41173:05Z00ND
eimlTLOitdars R.
of Oorper cut to au] ' d Da
ELS, Pt= Si, NoL S 4 and $O. Patina st,.
eared a lamp yard and tarnLhod it with thereat tto
Prated tnathltary, n are prspared to tcannfactars
army ileacnyttrn of BOILERS, to the beat mom. dan
warranted equal to any mad* to the =tutu. OEM-
Brea, BM - cum. FIRE BEM
PAM, aid sole mannsiciarigs BAHNHILLII
PATENT DOLLED& Slacatrins dances thOthartiat
PP111113102 OP 41.1% 12IVALICD. "Wished her
the Meat and ae a vregutug mad mega to, mug sma
WllO gutter from Perms DeWitt. Prematngs Dew
of Ittanteed, ete., nugget:id, at taimmi dew Om memo
el KVatins. Dr one Who bee trend Mundt altoe bete
pa Wiping expels, and balmy thmuglOnedleal tem
btiona sitti4ogr•
Areelosing pcingaiil aftreird anntope. etogb
tapir aq bd'eftd6 satbm.
NATELMII7.I 15.Erricrit,
ltedka4. Kb&l wanly,
SO= 111112,-41i vernal patinsaik lavls
,bsei mural so bsciu l t4 aOrr, dam aftot;Giairsotts
.maal foollse_
sad inefgalar comagtee •0451 of
treatment. Items euxemonallaass is bbi meal doll,
emeamiliate fa . , kb feted IblEbfw erearthee
rim of ens. ,IleacO. as the okeloe af. Oa debfroffif
eanklp, be Bond, five, s Dopy al alto oreserfotioe
Elea. 'Ditica to Di zcnas tAcatim, IBE Yal•
ton Bttoa4 Z. E'
eblblyitelet • "
" /dial
10 . LA 13TBSL
tasertete to letter, niftiest Cb, Seetteftente e
OAST. Alm enrith MAW Asp
woos, CTRS? WAtiti' Allteptese t4t7,„;.
r. v. kilavin, zczTaktosau.. rs. lows
nacutaz. 01WIANT AND 0/111.17&L an.
ISKII--arir sad melts* treatment-131 Illeportz of the
Asadstlab. ;Dent by sun Is /Wad keel
lass 44% tie* of abseils. Address IX MUIR
1100 1 MITOM, Ilarbre, Ayindatios. ilpoabb sun
WOK. Phi/sada* %Amity
04ciirs "emus *
allentross of MOD WA.IIINO. MOO Tavtai
MID vans vposip,. *rap= woman, W.
DOW OOLUDII.ia., &zoom; and se =aro
EMIT, boi. Wood sad , lbakot. Him 011 bases Os.
dety of low hatailstfitsaar tae WS, miltabletor
Partloalkesttostlou itl lONISPthIe arks Lek.
Sobbing dow
. d obbrraotlei.
ROVIES.J4 80118. i Dwain la
70)11101A AND Dostarno DILLS Oral
accusas, OINTIPXCIATZN:OI6 Dimart" Luis
sans AND awns; No. 6? MAWSiT= ANDAN?
Pittsburgh, rs. -
or Owwafonr nird! as, an ati;petietpsi etas
Ihrrg oo<w trolled tltaii .
-71131,•or poi rtar 3riatAis on OISLASAIS or
Int= tri, 'arid 'rid an . xtsyooe Drprturtriss
ear. and rare; Litho; ono Lat. to mall tar 60 crab
Address Dr HANDY IIONTAINS, 110. ltd &Wray,
Derr Ton: . • " " • "' ra40.30d
amt. H. bouars. Fouraz
um I.H ooanctenon assatuarr ant
imatir . 112171121, 8211214
%u.l *rodeo* viently. L $ll , AMC:
!oth aay of Erovember, A-D.lo6ll'lh :the city of
Phltad.dpliva, far .a Freddy.. and Directors of the
Ganortbithi sea Youthera — Petasylrahts EMI Way
Covputy, th. LIU mica Pants Yu* Aumu
. .
A. IhOW, . Giotto . Ca*
jo b. Cocoa. , ELL Davidsho. -
job. M. EY: 16 4.. D. I. any% •
&Ab3l el Grua:
' DOOM:4 Funtary.
ptioDuoE CONSI.GNMZNTO, now in
IWO Oa. itoolnobsst !LOC; WI Ws pars d.r Closetry
WO boz.o W. U. Gems; 600 dos. C: "
100 btoLskoiloors Sopa* 600 Ilsob. ;Mod P.s•slool •
500 On. Nubby Pastor SW -Apples;
610.7.4r0g Sorest 6do- Ohosteato;
100 boh ? /Imo*/ 11•04 ; 50 so. Watosto;
No, .• nam.; I 5 the Glosolow •
1100 bibbl 1141 Zoos NIS 1011 Inn& Wows -
MO kis Vll4 BatIor;1 00 one Tardy";
6 bli.fre WoU Wotan ' 4 SOW. Wolloiri: -
IS lua. sell% Orsoloonlow 100 bash. WWI* Swum
IGS • II- _ MEL Wowwoio
200 Obi. WastownOsad Cbanty Htohorla
I'm goo . n. V: vomr a co.
KARIM MIMI; near 71,11.'
tin mai of WeOM . Gatti, %lather *both, prim.
Ooel On% Vilteeterrowe b. fftere and Eames Truant,
Skate, Strew an il Fodder ton malt etere nor
Manna Patent- Eerie. lakes; alio, - OW 'Rate tad
lark Took suitable for ail the different patent tame
ram In the Oohed Melee: all man di WO tdaiertele
and weriestad.
Orders kolleited from wholesale dealer..
toB.ll2and O. OOLSIII.N.
& WALYLIt. 71St Maras' Nast. Plilladepalr.
NO OBIS TO LIJVZ: Oracle ParearlaVerisicompos
red by Richard llattera. ;Peery $l4O.
TUN 110011110 111HD s Trona:4llm Copped
by Ulabard natant. .Islcos 61,00. - •
s TON CIIILDNEMS ' WIIPLTII t"Tsra t.roperstre
Ow* Pr Os abuse. br L Kick. Nrch 50d.
111111010. 14119171111, by Prat U,od. Prior Odc.
votnittio Iliad Soot for Saudis* and Pupils, with
clear rad amyl* riplacrUers. • most marlins' soak.
The skids places are saw sod bra:Alfa , sad erased
bar Pcpalsar. Ths mutarl Se as exesr.liat sabstlsato
tar tbe Nodal Oakobbio, tank sio:1 t!lpatsay. ,
Fbsy NW. be mat by mail , Ivo
. L. 491 Vl AL tali a rkef
Olicsinat Worts 1'b1.1•16106,
e i TIII7OO WORKER. •!.Tttmeis Owens;
state* and flues 16*u; Papa ' l l l 4llAr and - Contras ikadOrnamenti of.lllelato lariat z
od os short =Mao; Mlordent Litt a 23 (knell atm!,
bt at Palma', Wait Psiber •tli" 1 1 / Yr 1104 1 , 114014.0 1 4. ICU
Islo des _ Woods" Seeksts. , • _
Wde Ireso7lllarce. Is Sus sedr sue by
IPArrd WAN • A lINOSJD2 so(
W NO.'. MACKEURIs.....Twitj,
tits sates brio tat ILsokera. Anti, stroke szu•
at -"Jaist noterce. make sal. at tbo reallvilteatty
sawn cif Lltorty iM that Stmts.
PIOND:11111011 XIIATe-.7astrealivad;
Ara** apillot. ilgesol Altos Mak ingt.
toe haft, for 111124sta onstokstiza
MIN A.llllliBLi4
aft iirs,
*iv a r t Wag mit gut ismi
. , \
or raft rum or Dm Ltozzazoi
84 at 'Varlet Plaie, Arra rork;
St. Charles Hotel,
Where he mut be commuted nelit
Saturday kventug, November 12th
Discharges. from the Ear,
D ALL iUI VA1210013
Is iiduced to make this visit on amount of
'muumuus applicationstkom parties residing
in Fittaburei and vicinity, who; are unable
to come to New York for the indispensable
personal examination rendered necessary
from the.impossibility of promiibing with
benefit lo the salient without it!' -
Die Idottruits. telll rariait•Pittsbit' rgh ai
regular intarvahi, according to Atte require
mente of the patients 11:1113ar Itie • ohm&
The breams& in -yew ; York doim not =Ear
may, interruption-front this slat, its one of
the firm ir there in Constant attendanee;
• • Pretitosolt, PA,
-Thin wilt ofirtUlt drat I km?* tots awfor I. tato of
ttuß "..
If at that • fotanaottefo• II to bit ellettfod, oo:
so moth bats: fa, on' et 10 TOrtlllll fit
offing yobltchy to !him tow esti IiCOM cluntahm Dr.
LtiatOM to' say onotliootod, oltb' Oma
' " Wroth BrCL 11 C 0.,. Ti %tor 'but.
.tTrovi ' ths . Naim . harnal. hull 16,1
Is limy aims of yeaula hula la ray
torso sode
=wt at wawa cs , ola; time tt always -
awa bad—tams ma who tads 'oat re hold:
Mid among his tilam w • sort of loam Is the
Wady and treat/at of Wawa sod cat b, u spear
dam o, Dr:; 3.1010 1 / 7 11ILL, of this cety, mama
fort the radaraba elowthaL ,fie has devoted years
of labor to this opeality, owl fs bow St M lb. re..
ward at Olt lodastry. Watts& cease the n Tn.
bum Ws moat date; bsaratta to thallostre • ew •
cow tsapnoea of adishwe IW•Avoto the
"'Does or LaiViirtifigi • pd
latro okra., barn to Gernaar, alma to tab
ant wheal:Aiwa abort two pin old. bant allot ex-
Mum' hen awe Gast Wok sot lout Whetting.. BY
dmrem ha beam. Put drat mod thin dumb. for near
Ittro ran he mota mato, unable to haw tbe babel
odor, Drab
r tbalate • word. ' 'Atm& use mar am, he
woo &m7lde manta In shalom& of Dr. LIDDY.
DILL, who bra ro braameadid In ramortaa to Woo hb
kat piers ot bomb s sad utterance tat Imam con
mrra'isita than ohm mak tibia distinctly eat do.
• Ilborstelt. Dann& the pad be or la. months be h►
toin tone th• tottion of Mr. Dtantelikaad bates&
comborabb r
program la reran; mad arlduastlo."
®rtes tame rappliel with be lad'. Wawa, ma br
ibe tatealgatad the matter. mot thwart:ten that prat.
onto eaten& on. Dr. LIAM% toe yowsit's ono TOO
oalkddfrod Impetus; and - ht we law two pan fa.
amoral Deaf and Damb Atowlato: The isr. Jobs
Mott; D. D • Prafamor In Valera oqlbgei Dchaneols.U.
pabtlehat tab% teams Mt grannies to Dr. TolitU.
brithr draft( macombelly kb owe of datum imr.
trot. & Jew•Ditrotater of the State Deno &toot
at &asap, also tthlnta to to Mop bearmand idol .
Dr. Llaptilll mama" *Dm testimonials
10 hit blast tom sow et • tha woottlikot sad mob
pnontrant lad ran
oltbea; whit& num be man
oa implication. It
Mean to a any
at WZIB otprtbe of Ida Moamar, Is tlkeV i of Uwe
=ay proob sadirons to
Frost Het Fred. 15.3r,ewelt, Professor of
Pio State'Hbouil -Mod. Afbaiy,
eau liadaiome of maxim, nation OM".
111 atatewl of cam, its fanner tenstosat e Ma'
allure to °Maim relief la„Mat i dlistalemny snort to ,
yont treatment and ttelmedlofal malts, •
• Dave beim frtmeitha Winter Of the year Idf f ,
set to violent periodical atteeke of Oman*. muted b '
einem kook& sper.ono, violent inffeamatime of the
ilated membraaa or the isentke of the beech
:lead intim hat sitssekby a watery, dhohargetrom ike
saaayethatialmtlp becceningscrillantlyellow,and toward.
tbs tikes et the attack, pwniml and Tlowest• •
racks pia:needsningpert:
meet speci espOlod or handechof •
°conOka:l each • day km a verslng •
frontons se shoes woke,
Yas to vat as to tio
'impeoltal• me tr. bnahamiand cockle ?one Way bed..
- agnates the attendant indammation would extend to
the teeth, twodenites toothache: art° the throat, mot,
datiql harem= and partial lion of Tae end twiers
;within the hot few years It haste effecitd thajeft eye
as to confine me, an wean to a darkened room.
rs .
1 I bed hied medidnee and applloationg of .
stub and other catarrhal preparative of • •
; half a doom Wade applleatko to *showier ottaphat,
:shier and hot tonsentatione of dbitinnt blast end la
coanetaon With these the canal emetics or lathartica
amployedW Indus roomer action.. Bat aims of these
, had propane! any PUllOlllllllld Imyromment„ and lame
Mw aerator I. which temporal rend we afforded it
was the gnome •of to snob entente
,as to lone me
• areolky emanated. Tinder them oftmametanou 1 was
though Atli retaa:arkeiN trots the kuppoeed more
bWty et the Maw, to mass trial of:your treatment
I- tonna it WA beyond one my hew, reochom lo th
Abeam es It bad serer tem. 'seabed Debra and alley
atlag Its tyeeptaaa to an extant which I had la v.: a
'taper stela At Minnie I gam son my former
can while I dhl aot fed amend cf a =sea • ,••
beg clitained a materiel relief which amply ape
ter y Wig of thlw treatment, and-which eatiotedno
that that treatment ins ma affeLitre as it we simple
and bilotoplikel. • entetantial .ripe leas sir elk
attache of °Minh, for -the nopmenlosted polod
mealy halt a year. sad that In stint of mesa mntts:
reams of I,Porte which•voald bare formerly randmot
mob ma attack Ineritelde,_wes. totem, pinoint ma Im.
torten near. It . le Slew Mx months Wan I
mat yon Amt. einicement, and „whits 111. l anyhea. -
•ant to appear Una efflatudly,.and ,in thie gawp ;
tonne the peddle, it crane to me • matter °Laze
, Julia toynateelf Ond tathaerWhie maybe
se I sews, to add that 1 am notindir an far l eNi
• as to the atilikrand &homy of yoke method of Wittig
catarrh na , wan do months agn bat I ant now of Mit
belief atilt then le eactilillang as • Sere Orr dm&
. wawa In my taloa tabertatithei once has beim effected.
m it.,•
• ,nozatox*
Init. ladts:
. _ • ,
. -
. _ .
. Da. Tatermy
Ake that combardates to withal Wham at mati,
elm tau tank tnnettiok Writ, tor data..
the blattes `twaong Tem int=i sad am OP*
es togas shin aitsowso I kr attar Went
jaw saptitiii to Ad 'gat* soottaat Qat ; , aai
LiNil eta *Sandia trowel Isobar..
Ill•toteldikt &at atiat almiti
raboidiset mow to pm* martilf WOW rost7atftit:
> r. , as~- I
*Dora 44100:11:. Q
Fixers :: grxs=~ , . '
Iso , Ltnit for as tabilbllWL '
I hoot so bcolosstisoitai tt
l ot rota mists Fifth strut
la ' •
thetbsoy.tbross of; tumble** '— •••••
That to always es t% swamp attato lONS
Bosetblos to call sttaalloa.
Mrs wr• 1 Tim sthreeil •
oyvappla IliCtliat la k1,04.4.-7•'•••• •• 7
asthma crowds ittojestko sad irt
MID& stOjcfn In Itta kalunkthio . -
and all tatubst 'lest
Wbsi to tens an mia Illth 1414;
Mao therm* et WIT beat slma des
(beeper 113sti ikter
Conant ••••
Erruza - :2111t murk-
adapted to ihe Wings Dl .411
98 Bederal Et, Allegheny City, .•
P. ooda arrtring oozy day: ,
Ladles' and Menii,
"reit 6hoe..
At BORLAND'S', 98 *irk 4 i Beir°,
leaouddoorll JIM&
89 Market Btreet.
rice erAritlrt,rirept
. .
Bed= AID MA.
Hs Ms jut mot, hvplWlvAzkiloat
T n.TeerAß: wmgc _
. irithe szairiii
ero. 611 BUL . P.).NAM .
" aw» woOrnspz:
eot.•.on Tca . " 0 Irm s tnisi ‘ IN
ObildraniGoat and Ekt !Mow,
seam ■oo& •r. stadoto aer apaotafaiatip MI/4
. • 1 1 1.11401CLANDM..• •••=. 4,4. •
1 1 4 1 1J 1 . 1701 T5 CPtinr
- • .• •
DR 417Biali&AND'i11312.41LIICal,, 111ktit*if
UMW iiVarisatikt fa ailsCbctit o
C Cregs,
imasskioa. all arbetlemett Mast 'not -
• An ti• Konen..o Sid to
s, ripagmia
onnummtnirs Anmosozazt Aura=
wa, cattails m
astringent' oody far ilifinfire DYNE 4
• combleatkon et Abinebesta.
and Oinslastitsc era Y 11 aids " ,, ' L •
neavyDrqrQlag . alThimistiliel*get
5011Claalait e r PILE RE Int I 4-;
IMIVIEGURRAI =Mr •iir mot i:] -
1111upwanda of tbk sawn et Iltdot
Pas. It .sellefoal sic* a wow
momat s. Try
ate ./I SOW ,
. FIX VA gland Dergli al!.
DlsPePshr, 'NerminesS, Bebill*.
„• , tinialMoLlUM 203110. t;:;
Ws eau nanimornd
.Ititik Wield= eel
ow DAM', to ow IL
LM abll• "li Lei
uttl la inummaild
..e. WAIN.
Bat by,Dragglite
Tor t s b u b luesM—
Real and Famed
ABE 8. BIM; Ear
ISAAO ague :
nue _ aws.inurt-wasiairr
- ' MUM' 108
• .
010 r ADAM' /NEWT *a" 1114111-111iile
osa tau= crruittin,_lnd
; OMB TALIZOS.DQUMVI •'""aamm.."1,141.5
' ainhat
i Wow. - •
siu ei atimlirolor -1 4X1r.'eron wasteitEl.
Opt podlostly orloO l/of oloy lark oil Um. lbosons -
'dun promoodis ocumotor II Omar
*to% mobs* mom orpoortoo. tar aid% vliOc ma i
ttniniois fieff% 01, ,
:11*01 R1VE1M 1 .4 2 11114
maw fliftso4.2.lrowelk
aro bus Pried'. *kw roin
Ul6O 0 be g
t Tallow Oaks;
16b biOblantr.
Li stare awl *cola id Doe" ealthilatimblre.,
fat,nowes AND
ENGRAVING 61:1110111,04aL
• Ora 528 Fifth Stieet,',
J. H. 831110138.
7 ibilaqts
clJSTTifiacof Damn= to
roa a of Irulldfor.
"Mn" 14".A.P1,44*-T,141:4,g,
L rns= Gran
Prim MILT tromprind br eletslstr. =mg.
10 and mei itoriesbut Atullbt mot marl' It
lo du& thaplltlin mg • • '
..11L witqualat by ebb mot** •
tbeimbllei and email oulr btu.* 4 ;7:
affeatima.- u est 0113, Mites W.- •
bibictie Ibermotbrii6 Nmr ll6 4 11111
And, ft/75 4 , !Is •
Toublegbeny 0410414 ka
Woks osoi; oktnAlig
astiErad/ors PastimAnipaq imisoL vuhilw.llll.4
• atimiell
„-• , v.,t;
liirWestlra erdenivaityttir am "-•
_B'ailat , -•
I, 4of 40114•11 rdeatr n = . l
ilrtgdeitn 11.Hilliesektt-tk
• -1
mmd the KOWDIMLIII4..