fit' --,.- WI. I. (r .34 111100IAL AND COMIERIS • i TOGAS - - BM Bolton - 7 -' '‘• ' 111.00 5 3 31 6U 3 a Alklitsicremmas - oa st litt ON. DIoOLSAN Al Co.. :Mods - .ETab.fiesereg Air o / 5011751 ; '1C;;;•1-1, Alk mama -mom i 01110 tassss fa Pa Pccawasme_, 00 ls. swag. inn'? giosi mg*, astirosassaiseeekcke. Omit= 0 . alkddilt,P4 l -oi.,A sbasa: 4laa *" !. t::,,c..'" ,,- , cdr4am, . 07 11tot an Aka% $- 1...1 41•5001 (05-•51-105 7 4 1 640 ..........-10134, IDiy, I • . 'MO ...........105& 1M i = I <., A: '.Lr'Vutes . - low . WA - , • - 55‘ t - 11,60510.05'5-...-.. 75 . - Z o = l 7 IN-a. --. 2734 , ---- ; -- ‘ /323023323.:r.b....- --:- Te , - - - 1 '" 4110.;01' a Tait ra-. - . 1 1 . ; - 15 It Vs- 52 • $4 • • - - - 41 = 1 :51.115`..............a- -, - '•••••:';' illt„,.,T=tity;LlS74l-.T. esx 1.1 , 71 , , . • _ . 11)=...--...—:—_-• E l - 1733 . 4 Jo ry 61.k1" - - arill7usill?... „, , , itt„ illginterf",l2 ...-... ) alma ex. elisvasteri .:.....--. - 52 Nor ,s,OO All 11Iasse•5g50.,-- - te " 13. 03 111111364425........--... 60 03 " AOD ~,,,......“13.61!"...T!----...- U-- - t i 3,2 & .0.. 4113=6:-4".....: 13 --' a' Id? 3,00 -,.. Ave SlloGi. • i 1 Bt; ehdi Bart .. :t...•- k.... 41 3 61 3 3 9 edit. "-I* somestrist:... - -,...;,.«....- 30.. ti i. A-t. 4 io Madmisies Arad -..- 733‘ ,-,... a7,..fct 3 .1..,5-r4. 11 lloomphati-....- --.•,,,,-••• " - • E&2 . 1 L .A4444 ,1 4 16 _ I "4g r azTar " --- Ti -7/L I SE- 7 -•-••" -- -". lot - 114 --..s 4 r i gyeor l f l at - .--11 1 4( - :• 4 T - Li _ --- -- • I ctitgzzt..'-i.4.J- ViNg. l T- , Sti ill Ind.. -.- ..... .t = :- f ..1.4.-,:".11/11 ........,. 4 • 42% -- --7 1.- 46 ompow•••••••a. •••••••• .. fin.- - - - I, 401....,,re —=,..,_. —H A: le!!! _ . 4;,' ---- - Vi -- "- : :i . -1-. ::::--- . -'l* ° %91 .. 7 . 11i:Vi " ; 68 : ' ---7 VAS 40 --- 3 •• f "- - 34irsua Yvan........!..-F, - • 37: Pay 611 4.. t. Ito nos savar.:-.4. - - 110 , 5 W-1; molkomi ...„„*. -••-• ........ but 9 maul) WO Mitta _ " 4: 41°3 -," / 3 “.- S --li t - *.' Mit. '... ' .. i .- - - . - -"r_ ,p) TatzbealsbentaL....a, 3 3 -i . -- 011.14 • ptUrik.bnutUrro.l..; .•••• ' ' id) - &VA lt MI Le tillnita...••••••••••••• am. SOA - 031 Sopt Vekt 311 bey,;,... .... -- 15 25 4- 11116211311/143-17454- •sr , , 32 _ _TS 3444 I..loseohiiit 7SI - es 4 Wot OhioVallo .........,.... , 55 - • 1 15105101*........ 1 1 - 1% ' - • 1 Ittelb---...-.- )1. • 1 --11:10•10707 - ...:-.... - : -... Li .... 4'4 - !., ' . _-- - . : ri4 d tg.. l7 =- = ..2-4 _ I rases? -, -Ni-- --.. --- --- ' -r-. •filor,- —* - - - I Otilloodlinn - -il.Oct 211 it . )1364243tea- i i - . , -T - - CO 6334 -,3136 - raziZZ " ,0 .4344 1 3 4 . - 04- 0 . 3 . 2 Pi tme05att,.................. -- _ 'zieozadel. - OA 2 TA 0 i r4: 4, 1306133.:::::4.--.. -4- D1T 13 6.0 1 .115. r Aka ca 0 .%..,....r.-4- 3 k 01131113 1 - - --. 'ex T _flapt 2 , 44 t 4 ~..-...-.501111215336.---" - 434. _ 116 - Erma Cbpjei. SS . 0 . 0 July nnl Si SS flop* Ytlled 10 ° 18th TO Bard Daub mot to , das . on 4 :Ippolntod • Vosioalliso to Mott tslittto to the =ldea * 4 . 16•0 4141 cal 111 0tIStA , r. 14, sAstosibolt of Um 111011 . reitti oat oG rospoet. to bissussors° adj armed - Midas' tellessettax any badness . . asystiosettitsgo Ililisar; of Ibintaday_ alp sot e rionsersi from thialsolion, - and son efOltakt Loul , •0.1 ,2 711tl 11t9PUCE to IZOltebsTr • IL= la land AY; altb GUY- two day• bare been bilossi r lhe toils optortliabailkatrirsbean MI. Shay All antloliada ruthilfom teases tor the non sable— thsanatouni of fork - that Ida h 'panted winds Cathie will to raj largo,Wl as it- tale a shoes -doable the tiorsy to trait thegain* &Mount this ft aid will beireadtlY innate.' •Stoott-thilhana linsaulasagaregate of ninny win Willi, 'OWL • OftletllAbe minty lanbunaapa, t•• •-•= She Nose Yak OevOsaceial Adartaker, of Thersinta lays: Got has :Cal fa n.slntaliz tbs tdgh plea of liarilaYi.. - Itost Asilglitital col:Mem* in the Tenni slanala `Of the lehti Sastiii - zesalbed th e seek hod siott ' wag= as begissilog. .toi ash abort. The ptlot to eareagly attopirsed off alnientpore chnnand; rh•cti to, • 4/Ifthllalte.latilt E' ft fLok. , valor, gated fo 010 ce the naorainipepas, that ' gas Satialasaffsessarerof gm Patti anasa tq Itallfor•rif•tel ratizehislatontlo . Nee, Pittllitrisitiart,phitiiiira• bra oh liseelaillgiolsacto. .• we kilt the tett atithatlty for *Whir that the pay.i nest of the Januaryl taros, anueinting an the hewed; loss fa &boa sts,eco,oce, silt be antielpated at linearly; lasciallle *afore al the bashirsa ilteation of thi. says the Philatialpnia lefocr. I. god th al - Iriir&there tare bean weapons (raj few .rperstleasl Set slam Cr two vast between Individual, on mile., MIMI the Wirt buslins of the conatry has been rJr;, Iboe only snot opoJenr buying on [rode' bean GOternoloost, it hot bei.a desalt, inimical Prlftes - PPPS 4:mob; the rains. Isere and driteedationt, st the mires*: latterly there bast= more dirposl. .iloaios l tbs pet el morobtoes and olben fedi/nate at HOW *oft tbs.:see cash polio,. ml. cluitlas is stst itswias 00 or ail the. strellosaissOsi of sup !pub le altalosa-naloy Iffitiliten' • "cantina is sinslostasily _110113111.01111121-ft-tile-lawskans: -the Hannay at MI Wrrattislable perm currency to mance trectuati are a of I vices, resctere .britsiss extrentali alike; ant sepals• aM sontelast to hem lows on time e!niauls....ffle .maces As MOMS oes bito.neh biota Pd. puts the bolder In a wed glest •Www,lnelwation et seem iisaidadrw mabbatlo b ILI recelwable on which to nante.ilas 10 , 12,t,!+ 4 +4 , ealat p•a4i. e was roe ata e ore ideirbasoishlasy - aziej; l f i rr ia= irjr. ;or. ,744.4... , limps co slams : avant so c a iiscssnqt of _cantoriettlaildilial a Pa ilfithant aiteinlbat llamas Or•ba 54144.4 .Ths-Pum'attltatto - • Illisietbrio—•P=liiiPardeclouza: althea tal 6 : 4 " "1111. fiti. :Deaths , perssast :AMY •ae cedg.r.Fluita_ .+0 Asnocuae. Ain 410 Iplaamsaaidritsctred4, ell as UMW "„ itotimaOlutkiwAn tfraCiiiiosinsikes I. poles • 50 ,a,.... 0100t. llppbtla -Glll7-1 11ot +44.wittisob. WSW Or t stateet ultra a ' gd 11915111/1117asitik. epos thropick, forma alaysilay *Ms botracrituts bs • f • • ". • _Sew Yea Praitses -Kir? -6 4.l;rnakthou*" TP111149"4 .--' Ilia Wino to LitAinsitib tosec t titbit Au do . ist alipPlaitl3l: 2 l" , stcuili enis i sadtbsisataitions 4154iiiirthillAitat 40.11 , te ran* t4,_ all available bat. - tar, natiAlAktiittsad_Ass,ilsbi .So baits Atth, and . tudifiaiinigioali the ri*itarkaltaropaaa 'big watt, 444 a tit Atir4 o : Mr 0.14:IA PM , taattAAA' Mai atol Law _.'talart'Atit4 savast lagsUMW Va. WWI 1 ) adarietTDOrlAtt ALA m 04 - 114 a - ttivi Itattil. cal tka istdotiVAl Allti - MAO trakk.4*4- at At& ilaater,Aat - ; Old Alateta Unto aaattaata Oat the oatmeal War. Ida mudnadeda:At ► itt•easalbanartit uill wiltiO; - sax WIWI Want, sad Dolma at chairs Pam- - - 40110111 alitarr,,J*lol,ltaih ad a-tato lila, o. - ' llll4B Araieft .....Yli"•4l:=lsirtUt. - !' ;T U 9T'l3 tV ' ' ' 4UNZ.illkier -4" ,, t . . -,-.•'''! ''',' ~" "f, .' - '• - ..1 .. • ' 4,,, • 4,'-'lWfl.--Ihtfrfi.•.knitiE7.‘---.•,.-•' =','" I , Art 11 Eio4 i Alid “ liPOlV Millar itspoifiilifitexi; intimpa •303# oasts, with same abater bta4l - baw suaktet~aAttsaottalead aI t AW LSAM rilia 4044abtatthartato* 4/ , -; .....rtliAlicUltrattliaeisalst tat .1 . &! id ; - •._ Wrirsiratt=t4o4=:,AL as tat at, i - -. A A, 14 841 [ 24 W .. ~.,..;;EL. ., ..., , _ ,Altha isswattlt Ida:: . - r. - e -:-• -, , . 1 - :. '.IITITI - 4.4140131Atti . . . • ktass Vastb. •%••143 is:Anti.: '•4l , 1 10 0 2A2. 61 =c 0ar,-10. MO •.. Nrogitue• OA% sua lw rg ll 4, , Arrass*•••••••• We to essas in • gm! mous. § - re a r t:N....;•••••....i..i.,..5t.5• 4,1 A iVeltt."''------01.--.......... Vat: .'. MAW, - Slyer LW - MI O6l OO :....:. . • 90,014rp0rta1.......... ......13.0 416 W . --,-- _......5_-' ,,, :• '':r USD ASP taitOWW - • - -' _, •per-..13•;,,,:...—....::...-......;,.......- la • -ugg 1atigm1iCur.44........... ......- 17 •is ,<, .~Y ; ~ i .~.. y.. _ !ti, • ebulyll,4/4444. -- .. _atm • ' 41.6:142:K 7 zre : lam lasok *WILD;IDOWI I .4 I grPriCk. 40 sum; litt" 11110, but Abla abroad , . !NY sivisia Oak GOLI birl . l : l . Ss 4 :AL 41W‘i rotets g trZ ia Coft== $1.101 . ;"pt bard "'IAA% II aro slVrZ a d r i ty;to t i rieMit - Tire Sal: i bwe v e, it% t ern da Witt ..0111- - es eobassocamacei Soar tb" /101.""a ir gto.itisatt dasuid. • -.....•.Zz5eg.•1 meti 8 "4 1 , ,t1 --e • _ - 116 ",,A l laVirfi ,41F141A1..:, I , j63o . l4This r ,iill4ll,2l:—.othittr 4 , 444 444 4, : ' do oeqd. 140 battit.7n:Mtc - ux" . " 40 -emu Milt tour AIP 11:1sowndrbrrihntll 1 bermiXikelt sifts% 110 eft bbl, arbsoo , 0 0 .4. 153 Lb 1 4 , ' « ft . rom4 on I tta•W-b.. o "'w• .4, • 81440 anon Is, blga applat, 3 . 13011 verL, 40 44N 'belLailerm, Knox. 8Sdo; unity Aguas. amino I. silk* earn. *Via.. 8 6, IPO 14 M ankr4 l3,6 bin Oterd, 00 wino; ita b o b'n lOgne 1 Urteicrttor,lArlay ; homy. 1. onnl/4-la • , 4 4444. pot,wir to bblit ettl4F,llFos ... lk 62 4 4.410101111h111016I : t!OtUrt, ' r , ••• • .... • . ,- ~,'''' '7,..'..1irr -54 „..._.... _. ..... . -......tasbetri k vA l . 1 4 1; Ilion lo no now 0 0 60 ‘ 16 "M b .t etrepdon that than seems to ba more to imosX Unto , and more dtrycallitui to oy mato. The los I. gold tba eorternddowo the Eon atoms put tad hatred ander the lospremito that almiln a My AttallitiqqdralatintriiiiliAfts ems, iiiontot :11 IWO primer to remark, prim gimmaily aro Itres ani w4l, nig/Su& for 11,610 artlelas of Prod.. 0 .. 141101 , I • proud damand, and, in in= 1."1".., . e t g. fa. boss obtained. A i(iiialik.4.Wboutfilnitif inirlitit-mitlt .41aarligos .; .fituitisace at MI tor end and 0,10 for Whim; Bab of f '', t , cam trine Rod, tomcod bood., siii4. s .. Ott. dr 'An gor4 demand and higher. Bab of tat bIIIh•LS, ixl eat s, Irmo repot, et eta tear to arrive., altis am of M. . 0d30'.0 tut, dalimna tree on Marl with we of . a at id. Barioy„ti lindl iffils molar eel a so I,CO for 01401, and 1,0 for fall. Cam is abed, at oration& qumairan 1 - I wija...There arm lam inquiry to-day, as occiyarod 4.0 ysitsnlay, but Om market b Arm and primp am well onmalson nano of anus * {mesh, from store 4:- alt41,11:17 ofpflaigtielottlar'iron Witt , u ••MI 111. , •• . ' ` - 1 08001f11111.-Tbare is no dump to note In thittrea ,, , ear, =tot.. The demand Is only modant• Vale • prima am moll matntainells HUMBS.-The Mostista an on 055 berm" anti Oa Mr ie riOnotobala.ommonot Mes present &mond Sol loquotod thin aturnlmMil at' Mains for Mtr to Ws& 1000-Tha remlyta continua light, and. with • good driMtat market mien Ins at fili p,. dawn. • Stionoomod I. fair and the market irtOady with molar sales at 00043 for W It and Lbannerg, as illtunicehin. _ ..., li . - e, , -F;,___.q.W-11,11,1 : riefni;,,livad , mrk. itom . ...y.. to Oda, an um mai at ti per buena. imam nweela are costal aomloal at 1 5 par bbt• • IiPPLB3-Good qualities au, ailing 1111 from El to 3,11$ ter banal, Tanm lofesior and common manse Itan IVO to Ids ' astL-64. of 00 bum% On track. al woo w tingli AliGoat62Lailamom _Euro at tbu anal ad., imatee CHEITNUTS-An millet fror!toot boas at Ill'A perrais, and form atoreattks,o. Bale of ISO bola ( iit , idtaffEillEllid - quot.d M $l5 per M. .PiaibMl /I , 2 .fig ro/014 0 111004 •E , casitnned antis, dusandl Quads, bulb tor home as and shipment, and with sory knins4 usseipts, and • tight stuck az land, tbs sissf• kat fund &mann prim, WI still Ihrthar sokisack4. Ws 01860 bard. at 815 , 6 ; sad 909 barrel• l Wins (it to II iirsvity ) at 14—dslisansi. Thin itses' trasssutions in Banned, In bond, and Vas CAI is obi •nsAinis, cal saw idlan& ~On tteVa, lickrickina, lady alba aOn Napkin ht VIA WI dull at leaf% In Am!, sad 38sills, teen and. is held firmly at ST per burst, with sew bw . mall saki. The latest deices fro= Oil Oto' rat an 0.04 SI. On male at .114•10.A0 ins Prod.: lo f the nenrnielh =waft oti hhe rKgbart Funs," and which Is nrlley Dells readily et 57 per bbl. The tecedyts of Ornds by the Allegheny ever ono. Untie very light, mashing only about 40.7 this daring the twenty-four Lin= shding tens arming. We Yiiit Peti;ileum.Martet. Specisl Dispatch to the Pittsburg! Ossetia. Ilaw lowa, November 11—There h wa Improved de- • mud for Crude and Rice ate dm buts dude lower, dialog st 450 On the spot. Iledusd in bond t dull wal lower, with Witt at Tealle Oaths spot. Tree Oil to dull, but paces are uuchatard—SaWil. for present dr thaw. - Tor Fatpths, the msr►et Ls unchsagal le every restoct. Tltere. York Koney Diarkot. etoolirDioritob to taw Putt to °nom. Isoir Toss. Nowomber 11—Gold has stlll torthar &cline, doming thio ante noon at 920. otalot tar, azd, gotarally, lowor; Pitteburth k fort Warm, 186 , 4; Clovolood L rittoburgh, MS. Clournmtnto with out mate , IA &sop; D 8 Bises, 1881, 107%.488;Oao Year 0 . ,8180 in. 8%. 88 N ; eatou ,Thirtles, ; Thy Tortostliw,lolK. PllLltuletplaa Stock Market. • - Dtrptiot, 119 Intpo P11.90,999:31 'l9•99itto. 11-1%• market Gar OH stack. csaticoes to rale oath* cud Am, wad la soma Imt.actto 114.101. hw. beeneetabllebrel. The c:lcreiew sake eve, so Gallatin,: Dream, 2%,; Carlin, 10%; Nos onare, 8%. IT E.teay, 034; Chew eed. &X: Noble & mater, 9; WEI.% ffi; palm% 9% j (; Bali Creek, 43i Cora Maar. &X: BITIA• 4 ; 01.4m10 134; ltibbard Pittsburgh brag Market. Cornea or 7thisy,thn-11. twit. ' Debar the mei part at the wait awl. Ina very foist bat to te{d►7 and u,say !Lao Maid sondes In stoultuji IN. and As ,hli kohl., proud= to be ocr - isiubY bin.' Ilion on, uninibli =ISA asd all , .. . 'lron' Grua tiossui. Poi, railand Bun- An an - bient- , Lira , 011 is inn , at oar notstbinr Vaunt AL 014 Oar vandal:ol ,- lot Oosamitatad Lya an in antirsonton prima, via : SUP Data tor 60 Onna -Said MVO for maths. lota. - hasten sinully sail at tesies:irlibis Vila moo aocouttiss to siuthy 431 v g 1,45 pa! lb. . 2 . 7 .; P i ll gni --1414=4"'"..•.+----.."... --o pal; - etlar•ropoTrmirot P.11:010 1.75-41. . ,raues 60 to 65 r ta • 634 to 7 Oopolbo Leo to 1,70 4 to 6 Roo 1601. 16 to 16 44 Gems. Ito 9 44 81ue1,12 to 1,15 BrtocAtoor 8041 7to 9 " 1110w0r41301phar—....... II to 12 1.55 IGO -oantbulltat 8,70 to ttottocoao MIMI , fart - 06 0 2.1 L. 60 • " 75 to SO 10 12 , 50 9 489 . Oresstaartar......, ..——.— 75 to 03 per lb.DatesiPcnitsr.—,--..,.. 4,09 693,20 0 `15211.10r 17 tO 19 - KtbarEulphotto--. 0,111 0= Asstrio, • Myrrh . 1,26 Tragdoemell 111aks—,--isnto f,30 . was 65 to TS 4 . , 1510 10 15 to Itt VS mvhis ' to. 17,50 per 0,. Latta. 5,46 to 3,15 per gel Dweet dtos, rXI 160 10 95 - 1,55 Ltd 1,75 to '1,90 MD to VTD • " Whale 1.85 to /0' ' " 114 ec. • se per 5 Chin:slid* -- MOD* " • 75 to .93 .• QDDllar 3.10 to DAD - prt at 11 . 00110 Powdreeeer* LOW LTD - tir 4,30 to. 4.40 lug or".lllrutarlell,l FiOW-019•341e.............*. •• to • lrtqelate 6.66 to OW perm. Spirits 21949c9di0e.---...-- 3.939 to SAO per pl 9% to j r Pe' Feed 6,03 to kW bo. Deo* ...... EOM to 6,T5 bet 4924,190 to ZS per D. • 43 ts fT - Ddo Bi ODW - • rt . Id% to ' to •1 Soar 65 to • SP TE mod 2,07 to z,w WA I. wd5t...411,30 t0 . 1,i0 ,1:91tact5ag97991,—...:.4.----. 40 to 11 ICI to sl 19 to 90 " rimy -- 9 to 17 19 10 90 l'ed Lod -- 10 to 19 11 to 10 • -"lniirati by Railrosa zereemee. re rem o aesciaiee iB. 80, U— an on% Lim. Col Chew cars boy. J 11•Phancoa; • 19 bblo sonno, John Micas Ido do, J art% ; i r on Potato% V6otatiffn,l l bbhs IMP*, Inhmnr '7ibeassoiri , V. 04 Co; 111bbtsohlta, l 6 Mcbsso: 1 ma her.l.lltieoerf3 ecknods; Dna Waste; $7 betl • wirt • dhlr W ti l t t e d sa p % pa r kw e ; l f%kGngi WPX w r ad nt t c b h o c srl b, ladalletspri lelU•nototocc/ 0 Monad rliA fild&cy&OhnlnAllr-hats paper,_lrboc • Bor. : pAgeor,lleo &SAW CU El'ltateton;l soz bd. ter, LS yalit & to. '13110104.. • Nay. .1 1 ^ ; btdioomos 1(0n11%;115 6 An Cant. Sinekeeas E, , J eK lLllys motay,Btmlel it cio; 71 cam • mut* D',ll.lrihnutor& Ano;11do doelt:llane • cal echo do, J114931911c& Nib liddo 111 . Soden 10 do4o.lairirdy tulistd; sto do Ws Ooopor • coo oadsdletde4Looserilo do d SS Ming* ; tecglid do dei sr 11•31ollinuill 0 le do t WOW% & IndlOon; ;tido Icy Swett 1, COI & do; g Wan% & en; lodo ./inat , &Co 1 - 9 ittc toosboro, • ;Fan cordwbc% Monson •JS ,Sno9t IS bards ,1911 Boar It Brat collo tisthori 11.11cactott; 1 ban dom.& II Ciudad it car oolincer, T ;111. ; War, roUs tuba, wilD. IMO obi I bh&c,R;oli Macs* & co; Id bOasohcollo o 4 ll9 lst,' alo `&ll4ll . din Ottani; JEatoce 11.40 %is cider./ Ma* Ilitti• soptio, , eon Dirt i a:Clii 410.1 do rah 1. Whiedg 4Mt %kr, L 1 bhl w.l do :M11019•011bLelloPowd td:11 ster,flo - ow. pow priftes,AWlZP7 Wallin do 10,1 Moss, buion abhlnaidar beltar,l Unr; 11:111 peados% f. Inas an; 11 - Ohlvls ; Mks -hireoncO,J 011.161109 inalc‘ ll Irenno.loo 'dodo; a waddles SIM. Ma. ririgarnifilrr" - t q l4W ; .! I P# & 3W*PI I_lmparta..24 • a _intErint litzail.-1614i discs64l6B2kBV* . : 08. 4181088410 a 6.484V1 64 . p Tholo_p•oat 44. 4140,._ • romil • 1640 g SE 44 do; Jon Verbat• 13 4101411 i1ut1.44 - 84 111 do is, Cart 0o: CV Oo do, • IlIallacc• 14 68 ; To 1410; 6de 4-. Val; Age ,840,66 E 8486081,Wit Woedvella bol4 da .':401/884 km% Colt.B 'V Co; P pto Wats 46,844 - 6 lioiels* t .aoi I tle_ 41.88,4", 111833.811, VW' 6.l:Li I Se* V 44, Or 0 Weporgeldlt., torisomsed; TM* I biellftWall ADD 000 aibm. Ell or micro, /staid golds Co; 4d* do SN. 4,44'40.1* Co; 1184888 (*.Ulan a NiionviLn. dos .IbZl3l44=l,tilreogßv• frativarza t• S ibiAry 1100 Tallba11:12000114 Et !Lt . 11 4 1 11176:1 1 14MA 11510 este =l. Et d WAS); :10 Ws .MO4. Winos. edolaroy; 10 ph issoblasa. / 10461144 . CominAlina Wit Bra irs-613418 oil. Kau • Par• Iwo rum Warm. 0010 a OM 00; 01 tom mde. 110 Zemin 117 bogs tam; 440 4. do DDibms; • Ws oftl.i bu J. bt: Disc; lbICAmo.ll7 tms 6*adia. 4 , trOBI. D ',108,4,13101.4 kex is o•. 4(lB,lpencei a ACK*II B ) • Ws- *Mkt>: We ',lrdtge it Dee, 103 bbt, sob. 16,0 to; I D bruir, I Adler,* co; '1440,1 0410,0 4 ,aU 0r4001*.0.11V0148, • , 1t50840 04. rts' 0 Mat 58 . 84y054 Loci 0.1"; lzS . etP eN C l ' 01 ealP i . op atolisra- n a Swam 1 MI 8118* - V Pk 1 0 .108; 08,644 CO Vonev: 23 0.84/ *BO, W 0..0k" a tout tossassal, Atha** op. VA'S V ELS AFAR MAMAS 1829.- v 4 . • , , .2 FRANKUIT: ; MAL e)1 COIPANAt "f O 34 I L.ApELPEtX Auer 011. 1 ,•a4wm. 03, 1 41.10-a - glisura • ( pg . 1103.0X1 F=U; ilisettJal Mau.. 'lwo= WM% • t` ' I loss NM tinte Urn,' " - 6 .4 0,1 ,00 D ' Popotuakmartalies, Ifibtattorai Crestia• Baacterr 7 lo tOlh. Tobb. Weiams. lidirsre-IN Sul= , Wig bir : 1 11VA L MIN W-14141" • NEMAILDO: Waal; Irlo• JAS. 4. r. Iho."Eam -- :AM ,0:02n WaadUmo=lo•l66 IMU RAOSI , IN KK CJ AI O /1 "24 ....'INS of Ed* Mena ruittpasratt GM= Hartford Piro /1112111.1160 Cloatpao*. airftwareacil. lisarsei mCM' Om mut siad nitibbranolisaim 64t:417 . :; s•iiipoThbath ir - INECUIt&NOK GOMM 1"1121131111 11. 1 11 - silica, M 164 TOIL GOBDO3, OSlScoalo. 011 - 1/Fluipszyg 1110elingit-tral% op atetevnthiftriti• . 4rni wart 1131 Usti V' API lobirpriair A 8.. 6014itteanisillseressil blown eirabid, b poiNOWN ilkins64, asidalln• glisisroUr With Oft re eirki ad bid omega e• thoo isle Astro is warn& FLICIIIIIIII ' 13.211T>cr,J 1 4 J ams etudi7. AloinderOpes4 Whatlei SAWA. Doted IL Lem" Ales. tibaloki• Gauge Thrig ... Jots B. irCkuts. 0. W. Itictstaak scr22 . IL MUMS. liwer% pEOPLEEI 1316131LiNOE COMPAISTV Moe, N.E. aornor Wood Fifth Ca. FEBZ AND Kau= rlistraaros. Wm. Mt , Jam Watt, Wm. B. Hayi, Jam I. Put% MuirB.l3lmßU. Wm. van =M., wit. Lee lernna. fiITIZENS; 1113IIHA:NCE COMPANY V. Op P/TIWIWIBIIH. . Gen cam. Maks" ad Wilier Itrolksiond Mon, i . WI& InIIILLIIT. rionlioL wawa. Eno Inas Einialiontow. Loam siplno lon and danniin to Ito nutgellen al din barthern ,asuli Women Who; Lam ant llama, and the nanonicis of the &on Loins inpdnd lon and damp IT Cr.. i Wm. ..11e.. , Jan- Paz T 67' S. IL Mr, Jan Wpm. W. G. Zoloinan, , Jlosas M. °Dant B. Y. Sasaii t.=_!...,..4 ° Tifton Jobs B. /mom, 1 = Prion, W. L. Bodon Gonne iIfrOVIII. , .11,11 A LLEGfiltra ENTBUBANOB 0 , 11 ca. PANTor PITIZZOIDDL-06" lie 27 111 fib 'tree, Bank DWI. trxr-me nem , alitinds of nmar mat= MAL DWG JONZS, Peskin; SOHN D. 11'001D, nor Dm/thxd.. D•rt.-z00r.,44.00p. lota CI. 41 El= Rams OW. b.. Jo C1,4.1r4, Jabs B. L. Tithistnati: TAME eIAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. 2..." Ito 13,1141718ELD =BIM (appals. du Our tam Holm.) ttaotamit7 Os. aMI 01710885: Ariaidami.-010. B. JORICS. Wm. H. Itlll4 1 JaMum 'Madan, Rhos D . l ar lood D er, Akt. rodlry. nuncio Salim; L. Elodrommo, Yobs W. Jesoatv, JoomM King. Thos. B. Mar, 8. H. llortmoo, Zorn Lloyd, swcynns e S.. Pair. Jr., 1. M.D.wrosion, B. D. Cochran, D. L. Long, B. M. Deuta, •W. A. Dasa, er Jr timothy", 0. Follsmbor, W. IL Pbolps, .t. B. son,. 0. Egg. D. Z. MoZtoloy, log. Dilworth, E. S. rowlor, • O.H, o'ro. Smith. 1. M. Nam, Jacob Stackrath, .i .W. Woodwell; D. 7. Jong, An ZIA*. a. O. Srlowirta.l 0. IL Wolffj. &erekeni red Normor—D. F.. IVICIBILIT. 'venni& Omn dieldy, from 9 S. En. - to I is. m. Also. &Wan , trees 0 ma o'clock Demeito received of arm dime 006 upwards. Dividends dentared m December and June of mob 75 to 50 75 to 51 rest. D Meade entered to r•assin an• plzool to am organ .1 we es ystorlyob, •3•1 boar Lucent, that %oral 0011t111,14/i Sbirtt7; Bpi." La. tendsbod .at cam • -varrnts ItAtitattas oflbs• modally to Mom par gibvie•areop ore sesall, the opportunity to =a mat.ts, by mall dopoolt., molly urro, • so= vhbY• .03 In • ~Ow trim stetted, daft stoney ace oat" tegeg may bat barbs Intated, tholeei recominteg omheethre. no s: ?mamas MUM, Na 54 foopsig Onus to tea& Open dolly from 9 to 9 crolock. to Wednesday sod ,staraay srenlaga 6097 flat Ist to !formable las, from 7 to 9 o'eto&....;td from larostat or Ist - to Iloy lit from o'clock. Depress morbid of all =ls sat kw that Ono Oda r J awl • &viand of the mitt &claret Woo= ana sad lacambor. Utmost boo toss d ...4.Nanoolly, 'to Jaw sad Dorerator, straotb. Bask at the no of et: tor costa you. 2 .1 ? „ 11 Not tram rata to pored to Itto andLIS 01l Iv is ortoottal. sad boo an mot Wait ,-rat Int dais of air* Nod DioNabor. .doio atm oftbatt traolatoi tfte 41•00Otore . v/ wawa btu pap book. At tab nal nos" dot a test bran pals OootoLc~slati.heord=o 1; : , 9= rkally-Lsno=Bot ma von. Puipaav—Gioall ALDREN. Ames Jan 11. Ebonteripa meoce Hardman. ?eta b. Nada*. Wallas J. Andean. . . ilahria AGMs, lobs llliAtatilch Me lTa ow mass A.. l = ' ; Rita leng io i a. Iteal him 7. C 1014.44% WON= & rater E. lissiksh WOW Bs asOturr ir • R Elauoiriza,' l wqoi, - 61„111141. NOM AVM! Mb UK ALT.WOOL OO'IIOIID TO as as muukfroila GUM TO arr. tux SIITEXE, o.rlsouiS umorOlDisilenalotOme qatoktlei, goo of ONo ts• OisTraol lestlelbr mono tbia tea yoso , 141101 Mk 41001ObIT Wow Wats hp =to Walcott'', in ten to otoolitogoo tx , Mato. Adz, W to Ikko. mottos of Mt, Oat tOrleisilay Two Seesql sad Mt& !Woo Ottroossisetta bt NMI Is OM Olot moors% tad Oro ssioisteort "wars Ibuts,ltßiAtz, Aso Ibr exttscones; basa 1121111@ted Trated"2ol,llibstl CIA 07011 in an 810711/MbTc ilffigaatrap_riettloosat; Ass. =sal mow, st r W =oo MM. •Li IP IS fora d a.i 1.: iusizinms. scam. ' seats isizzowats. mamma am Yea.' ATTENT/ON I AGITATORS AND SETTUNG TANKS Lt.* . .res :me by a Bev mom ow 11 et, ats cheaper aad owe tereetVie Asa the old lathed, ter PEESSIZI AND EHEBATING oota. 15. 26 Fifth Street. I serlita J. D. ,1311YMOtat 11741 74,, E 00 - pigs Soft Galan& store pr_isSi a. tousruum. 1111ELIVU - 013 prTuaß, =M!KOT. W. P. JONES, Aom, tanumna 1 1 UM. D. Tema, Ow. Jobs L. 1120•43. Nano& }AMA's,. Geargo P` 4°. " . . Mark/ 41 HMSO= taltly DEINNOIM 4 . Jetta D. *Wad. Cwt. &taxa Jacob. B. 0. 151welhig, flll Wet. Ilkaft. ILI. ate.lklit. BAJral. . .. ists;ai D. D. Med', R I Z ; l M ck. ismistadal, Joba D. Itarsam mug, Eaten. marl tttA rn olos - °b. wafts . P. Ilasattl, Aft Oil. • Bobort Bab. W a til=6 , Mizals6=l. =se Vadatli, low Atilttisp Wm. P. Wffsm : L-4101T1411. 11W.Loutol B WOOL. la 11110•DWAT ■uw Tars. OIL MEN. maim, atruums & CO.r 120 roves Irma: Ranh ae'Lupton wed. He als witirituie Edell Saul% orltalitaxe suieL Anal" a ppm , . cue& Iternbi oflitishre eared Herat* or Rupture curet Hernia orlitliture eared. Hinds oatuPtars ouretL Rupture or Hernia !urea. Rapture gertlia aired. `Rupture ez Iforsi soured. Rupture or Hernia cued Uptuo or Ilerolr4. Upton' s = Ha bil enrol /WM= az Hauls maid. Baptize' a Banda aro& Marsh's Radical Ours Truss. Bitter's Patent Truss. litotes dappoita 'bus. 1.11-4 l . pits Drops,fas the support and ewe Mattis Inn- Caps, for weak knee obits. Ankle Ihippreters, for weak boo dots. Bupensary Bandages. Bennfeeting end every other kW o 14211101. Hari ROUT Syringes. Dr. Barmines Zoos or Bu.ll, Brace, for the owe of Pro*um llsori, Piles, Abdominal and spinal Wooknorsoo, Dr. & B. Viten Silver Plate Sup porter. Da. Emma win g in his yersonal at• tendon to the application of Trusses in adults and &adroit. and he is satiated that, with an experienOe of twenty years, he will be enabled to ere satisf►otion. fear Office at his Drag Store, No 140 Wan) Swum, sign of the Golden Mortar. Perums writing for Mamas should sand the number of inches around the body immediately over the rupture. era P'' Twenty Years Standias Cgs's' 9: Dakm irtll be ttmad . mafiosi. trout ova el Ma mud moplotabla alltim • WEllia toviabtp bk nowt to Dr. limriurft L l &w7'e Waited itareket Es Dodoes esrtgasxs ore wired nod, ad to on nQ be olad,nd la two' to Mg pmeratiss t Dr. Bre. 1L Low. t I bias= arilstsd wttb Ins &owl Moe Mies Nab and sole Pad Me wart pawing tomb or ma Y troana ow toe area. wmrk so at cram ao ar =lt as for =ea. low new I— m bad list I emaa nos do aaathin an aummt of tbrm May moo act on 1. 11 lam as • klakoe sod. I kid plod • cod dad of rodlotas Os Moo. I mood to toss .ad taut whatever I mind bur al of mod at ta drat. and promptdata that tan ta 6t7 lay, bat I *en not cot mood ; icautbrao nue would 40 so sou card Is • Ma wtdla, bat derwards bay weak! Mara wen u but as from I MP Wald bt two nodes, who ye Itad ma at my twass eat worms scao mallobro, bat ft would act do, 1 mold col I.i will. Onr • rear ado I so .o odnottotroat of goof Idadaas anima Elowchar, woo to youselL elm goo .aid to ma roatoto row bomb won Dolmas me, mat not re mtirM Owma emn kno to ta felend le M. msdlclas balms I got en, .ofortd on. bottle ust took It hams with ma, and and It watornalt to per dtrectioad I than caned p you soda, idea 700 slid Iw• d sapsof moth Moan Man oas batik, nought I. oar bents ta fram, cork I bad awl cis books. tate Mb quack, bad bum aid. I we Emmy Inn Of 001 run, stark bad tatted ma tor twain yam. Ia othar rostearts bwith b hagatmett, sada m am will Es amid be so. t-ded for ma of se 3'1044 OM sum put- lUm boos vellum to. ill months, sad than b se &ppm , eau rat= of the abort. loan do say Mari 0 txsarng work low without tbs Pits =Mu dows Lortlag co. 1 cut pita bay, now woad, lin, of do op Mad of work wtdok, bens cord to bast ma. Ina I loud out you Mood larfarfstau c lout I. tarn mon I got a:Mee will. 1 afeklar n 7 Cats to co my w kIICTS {he e11i3117 1431 Ida anal otiose Imo ampbe acrarlas as 1 Irak and do el taco tto •Idna of yea suibtaa. Iron may palish tbm en Ma. Ihra to Matto tovnahly, mid b posed to dins= tar. d W truth of Orb corenkoda U tlef sub tom am se. ELLIOTT DAM. - Dommotor Ma »Cll. far tool out ker the woo of Dz. OW= FL W. Mt Go Or ewer of ttoo bouts otdprbo o•a Ms coal too for Ids limp so Or Volta Otstoo Amp au Um gy of tb•trells, to Forrest Oatno import oyo• by maxim' seticio whit* to to Oa emit. Boht b the Propriotor, Ro. 140 Wood Street, and by EMI Josteros corner Fourth and limithileild steeeta CAT ARAB I DR. IL 000DAINII CAT.U%RIN REMEDY Ilyinstreles to Os guy soli oftWt tscrOds craft tad siderzlindo t. soul as Onion, Sesirls. Di% DOM= le to test sod only miss lobo 'mustard* orlisl Osilryli rally gisi ifirommatma-• oat whit wade acre tt. • tt‘ COODUI b cons SOW= to Oaths vita ode 613 wow* eakortes Ito Nara Naval DM taw dos town to go world Oa as that Ws" obteli motif yams, Mod to. Oa. aaa nosottit of wer.ool ; arau sag salbott to Ms 000*ft ea to Mutt^ or writ be wows. ..111 Co milt imam tortaluty Otot mpg= Men tIAL itutamili et* tato" telop ma, lc000tottt•to vat. fate twos pormosoolti wart • by Dr. 0001%111195 WAS= MUM mod to. - It tit 121•00ot actrirtgist. terms ot yttbi, Cita .6 vas rued ed ti/Opt eines ORM Dr Pafftallit. Domed Asa mond 11 D. mum, IL D. AM belt. • .itglitOlq# 004 Mb 1.11211 b Da OEO. a A t *OM* theaseihee Weed nosh the ONO* el 4 we weal: At Pm noliao ash ail auntie oseeiril wesere- 00 twattli 004 tai attar s l 001. 4000 .10010 1 0. . Paticiaarl. Ps • *war is tat pm Man tie the tewitty; os ettla goopttatoi, wbo man too ow:G m bh. ma woo, a tan traatho I. 1710$01, 100; ~j , Iticea p iat tot% at tow bottho tor ss, 011;10 11 . 100 ki 00sta 000 ail 0 dha 061 • ^ Gal Man tuststabla inatieta 007 00 .• I f it. W. WOMEN 410 0 , sole reerie!za. I , Mate moat.rimPga. we ht. r!ttepgetes by witicsasass ter' ' comet at Oltostua OA Statist 401 40 atm was. ars We. 140 WOOD 'MM. POUbalrei. NOBTOM 3 (gbrnlinT, fug oat Eliot QED 6aio/076‘ rtlm.ow Ono Ttner. itIK Elbwitritotaxi Iteliteg ea Waft lime lad Matti= el OP Otto. co prottratoi to Its boded thil mY soso—toies to co 11191 ISIEF 11110.1 ad ocovi tt tilos go totoolb to the Mai el eis malice Mom lie PM ma! 12* Moon nTafi.. te6 teal tortlott 4411 I. itolkortel Woe& tiff pont i at UII 1 . 1 u• ¢4llth Mona boo bag aaNl iCtIJ. itimm mete Woos • cf 021911 it op,. 1111,01 M. . Sad ;. • D 8.10151144 . : OEDIC.OI. GLAD ItINWHI los ram viroirelixesi TA mai scar( cos Gcsanno AT 11,i1 CHEROKEE. REMEDY UKKILOKER IIJZOTIOII GloiapomiAed teracs Soota. Barb mita Low 0101 LB OSZI U DI. the wrest Indian Dfordln, ILne P.m" of WI Zama ?new. snot as Isms to of the tiller, Idellaweedien at ttte Shaw. ler danueutlea at thelMems, Mae In the Bladder. Stria ton, Glemeode Wade Govoiltdebe gad to derelsll7 ream. wended to than wee et .ITdde Alledifor Whites to temsles,) when di th old learseoxe esedbetnee teal WIN& _II Y Pronwrod a Wahl, Mamatrsted form. the irre,betng bataoas to two inuwoondidh thres thous ON IYY dittincensnd sheraills b hi aotkm—perrilying and *wad= the blood, 0 . 18,1 ag IS to dm in an Ida original parity and risme= misorting draw tag gib agigemidninas maw which Ws tedwaddlwam awrotrin Irdwilon in Intended ;SR on alb ea asiataal in the Ohnrokan Bawdy, and should to mad Ii onigaaw t ten with I*l notional In all wawa ofOoaaorpe,Goal. floor. Albin or Ming. Its othetars healing, gOothiag mil danawatati Miaowing all noWdlag, Wit. alawdan NM pain, isistaidoi the bunt* sad dawn nneadam blown% that la napatiationd with and: aB tko Maya quackindinothim . . Diatom of the OHNBOEXII BIMIDT and OHOB OEiI—the two atedkanse of the ma* ttme—en hamper Mechema aro removed, and the weakeneLoppute -o speollll rearmed to full vigor fad lwr real parttealuvesloor peimalst from oaf Dna store to the 1:06111.11. or Ingle at a, end we VOl mad free, to may eddrem, • toll trwette. Pram, =mom B.IIIIIIDY, g 3 per bottle, three bottle. fix IL Prim, CEENBOKIM irrnocrnori. $1 p.r bottl• eo thtoo bottles for I& 15ont by =prem. Ito say oddroshlis the recolyl of orb. Aid by oil Droyots ovoryorhsva• DA W. L 119911W1N 00. Wm Proprietors. No. 59 Marty otroot, Wow York. Tor eolo to Pittotgusb by 14. 25 . 09 .&8LUM1 1 00., corner of Dfamood and Wartzt stmt. intal.73•9.l.mroola EMMY% RESEIR aILEXTVICIATUICI ALLZI eneparea wool hue T•g•tabb , InawtS. *stain tabula*. a Os um Th e Bed vasoffas Male La the molt of a combo to Ms actable alogdook, hazy ma am ern Mama teethed .tan, trytopoena old md trera•ad maga Seta modairo Me ben fated by ao ma mama candor basa at the day, and by thorn promote,: to be oso of the maimed medical dboaralso of tang Om bands vat ems Omani D.bWtl. • ha dam atom Hysteria to Imateo. One bottle ana %finable. et the tiall A. by dos mbar the wpm at famrobbes. too. one to tars balls tutors the maaltam and I all vizor of youth, • Om dam macro the Waal", !Ma bolas cata the treat cane of Itoyobllal • • Mt bull sirs tta law sptrttett. Ow tattle natant mate WRY. &>va•••• WIMP UP as to CM MoodL TOL modem ratas to aroma yam and :.alto 'Alto the pan. flantlflataa, vas-dm. sod 488 Gist tog devotee d annul gatararta its UAW% emsrused yoati, onwtalltwa las Id balsam, Ca ylett= of mama doyearlaa, es todat dval plata; Irma prang debtaa, of rtes ma. am of • angle ages. atO sn cad bamedtato cad yea. =ma eala ay tbe on thb lenoir cd Mamas of Ida Pas In pee boat*, or as battles krf Q. la • trordad by stprom, oa ..onto of 1110507, to tor.= Hold by aLI drchlastig. , PrtAM DB. W. Z. 1113111/0 II IX), UN Proweinces, QO. 53 Mall Ones. Him ices. Cr nolo Is PlOabarig% tly H. 11.617L8.11311J5 A GO. ~rear at to Dliaseed imd Lariat Wawa , . *Ol tautammey/ 0113X8011Eli CHEROKEE PILLS. SUOMI-MATED ILZLIJ lIIDDIA Far the Seeoprol of Otani.flow sad 'Oa lanEmma of Enoholly Iff ea rooarrface of thf Mouthll Portal. rboy care 4,7 obviate thus bumsrosu Wm... QM lirly4 two Irrogabirily, by naming Ms trrogalsi , tty Itself. !bey oma Boypram4 .tiosadre and P.llllad lima eraattoft. lbat omen= Mamba (Ctibrada.) Thai oars barma tad Etplaal dam. Mkt 1 1 , Back and to pub of Ike Body. Mariam ratlgoo so alight acrorttoo. Pableaticat of the Boort Lamm of Bobby 97attals,11kk Ilsodooka, Maths% tin. bl .111.1 1 1 g tho irregaulty, tltay racoon the sum aad with It ad the elbow that mini from it. Oompoood of timplo ottatabt• .manta, Oa =tato totting dolotartoos to au ooratibitloo. boacoratAslt oats. Ueda tosottaa kolas to tatatttate 1121Vaith weiromin, widely tram royalty mod, thty arm bi tt to. Tbay may b• candy and et any no, awlSt an AM.. M. dry dnr and. dartncioljympod dt• cadatUng 31MS111 d lbstr main "oda lidbMay amt prnamaar. all laden edam taandan an Balla TS ba rocoPUI. dads 4banody amminna. Van Creed= accompany oath tam Mao rt yr balm. attar bo:ua Vs IM. tent by man. mod Paw, al BMW git prim mama bym rnestabl• nteseds. DE, W. 11. bagawils • CO. ads VdrodnuM No. al naboaty Meer ,en Vat yttamuch by N. mausertalt i CA• manor o tadtbaomml saa *Mad ann. cammildnowyewlP OWIP INDIAN NEEDIOIN'E.: oompoinme from boob. Its Lemma Ls entailing c I - eie liparmatarrb.s. Origarl.4 nan4iasl Itadialan; and an Mamas aft 4d by aelawddnala mat at Lao of likaany. Thayer. ',rand% Patna Ule Dada Dtadas. ea. Preonatara OW Asa Weak Nana Mons at Weak- Tivintitag, Walt/Marta. Ilrewtton, an the Viol POD Oraotamaa 111411/. ONIMIXIKane sad In tat dtread acapplatati ca by deaarnitilma th. immtlets• In id: Ws rapid& citric% AMIN SD Web all ma rads* Us Dm mid fa 091341111001 tut issuyirs. sod ice lboamds NA In a chile, n4aor.. 1I poppasi Min my &OH is tea saQ7dmti le 'in over as rmrt dabbss in Dzoodirsh ay T0,r16 Soul Aim ff ,. r . rnnrr r. T' lT 7 Tr! iticiinsus taw WORKS, AIM Da. WILIGWVa Or, 123877107 07 LLTI. CZDTAID MID USD aft Gam: AILdertIINICTVREIRS. NC: DMIINDfaI a 00.. 1==1:1 MON, NAILS AND ESPIKDA PrefectOa fobjaot to agape of Ito modal. WAD.' UMW OLEITLi, Wilma* 03.:1.4.. DIIQUFFINE MASS WORM, CADMAN & CRAWTOP• Ittomitoctortio 01l mory enl.y d to l llt o4 mass won" sea Thomann, 5T1L21 os GAB netomotatlTS. AND OOPlPltatumMio. • MUM g 9, .r sit doooliptlooymatts to or der: taraltsoei.woax.inaus ms - D Guam. cao.dourarkeselne actuated to. PortiotairOttootke to Iv 11211711110=1• roaIMAXEDOAE ous• Limb 8010 Apollo Ds Liu Waseca Dlotaiot Patutot. mita Sto of IIikagaI,LAMDMIL 00. 1 3 PAMT 11111103 POW, taw boot wast toraototl. Rolm ildroOtt bract Itablo lo ptOnzt at ardor. and Ell Woof mono orstar - tbsto any pump of twits Ito obot. IL GITY • t 172 IRON WORKS% ilectsurrasa, Wilueinnot. a 00., TOMITZI, AND NAINLISIBML Ommer of Pits wad CPThisfy, ul Ptice maul liValatat sCr•Ot4l/4 pgiog Olty 4te Walk) ISiunisetaren of c = and ether BOLLItie lIILL sad Yil ' NI M t n al kinds, awl paws' lobters. Prom 1 attention strut to npablag SOLLIIIII MILL ' WWI XL T. ROBHERTB, BARNES OCR, re. MI Taira St.qttiabscrgh, TIM LSD BOW DION woaximas, 'lad Iffaxolhataran of J A_I.A.MirErEP TIN w Arum We are noir inanabotaxleg and h... on hand Bath hag Apparatus of all blade, Toilet Ware in Botta, Water Codbne, Groom' Tea and Balm fletnirn, Cent and Baia Bore. Tambier Drainer., Dantean., Do., An. A Lem lot of Bird Offi.or mie Oti of ail thee and WAerns, Tin Boollog, Conde and all kinds of Job bing Work done to order. PATENTED OCTOBER s, 1861. DITHILIDGIVIS PATTI; OVAL I...Ai:ay CELLIXLNIZICIII. XX Vlrillri GLANS. Moe Ohloamy" an totenited far the Oat Ism, t -114 all porta of the glen equally, tree not expor te e m matins. I. D. DITHSIDGII, Poet NH film Warts, Weablairtaa Pthalynnth. P..utt• • BLACK DIAMOND STSKL WORKS P17.111110!:1311. Pt PARR BILOTIEn A CO.. lianztactaxenne of Darr QII/J.STT 3171331 D °Aar errsim. &mom Mt sod Octagon, of all glom Warrottlad Knot to any imparted at oza..-Idactossd to this con:atty. OW Mee and warshcase,No. HI .ad 161 71102 sad 1110 mid in mom WISTS2B. A LLEN bfOORMICIEL & 00.. ITALurr POCZIMR. Pittsbooglio t FrWorsbooso, 231 Wad TT IFIRUELT, Nonatectorm at 000 E. &SLOB AHD lIILIMAG OTOVVI, PABLOS AND =VIM MUTE% HOL LOW "Wm, MA, /tog sad Glow Moab. WIVE Codings, (kozint, Go* Wats ood Wilma Doc; DcirbtoWro lkoon. egor &maw, • ipo.•• I= P Cistb e p= to gr am. Pozontad Portablo Will. •11.11 Bt.= EC. r. Pam,. orelteent T a hf STERN, BLAU rOVIOILS LI • Goa ZSI emu trzlos. Pariloolor attatalcsi jai o ato littletoup owl rop_airin of OIL BIM= 1.11 00 Idada ß of BILLS" &ND MON CIED motto "...LABS OARINGS, of klub, . to at tea seal ord.= left at flee M iaLC WAVED an= and Liberty. irtfl be prcespily attended to. -me seernbere of tele dna befog meek. Ls, of Mar roars' experience to lOW Nemo will Ire esule to{rheeettetecUcei a ereq mew/. ire ere also went, ar.Ouild, Garrison a oo.lBTLfill PUMP. for magas" Into, Ora& flaa mod 017 a. et, p 11.107 MACHINE WORKS AND R. FOUNDRY. H. VITIOUT ILAN di CO., ENGINE MILDEW AND rAcranumns. Licodi brace. booms Ilistasl and dosslsalgr, ALLIGICIINY On% PA. ELesufaiiirice of WIGHTICAJFB PATENT MUMBLE OSCILLATING MAN macassts, dbaSad. ta 13:palling of all kinds attended to. CiflAti YOWNES, (late of too firm of J Towns s lllxtle7.) 'OILY B. asar.ox (late Mlscluill, Minos RUN FOUNDERS NOD STOVE ININUFACTURERS A.LISGITENT STUMM P•xd, Pittasert&, Ps. fer2:l7 JOEO7 H. EMBROIN • 00 WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., No. 215 T Mercy nevem, opppoito fthrth. P row-obi:um. of WULF'S, laftHYS sad =O 2 l . - and onl7 desaiption of WaTHEIL BILLED= IV DIM. Orton rolteltod from Om Mode, oaf goods promptly topped so Der tnotrectlou 66:t0 5;1 SEVERANCE, Na 53 Wirral ST. Pthaborlab, otatturactorn of Bonza EMIT! WItOriGIIT SPIKES, mamma and railroad. of arta7 da. pripticos. tortreclor find or Aged 87=5 and t‘rao - or rode to order at abort ootioa= aviortavort orostaoth od hood. marlarata & W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of 1./. WHIM &TONI! 0a1214. and a 1 COLOR ID WARR. Moo and W.:damns al nrra 47M132, rittabargia =Way &LITER PEARL 3OAF. ORIIMPTON & 00.. BSTLrAntirty 6uMt. dole Proprtertaa wad PLaurclftoParm tor Weston' P -- aryPnazda, Ohio, ladtwas.blob mand Mum& Ilaa, manalloturen ars make add, at Palm, German, Olive sad Rodn Soap, VOILECIF AND PAM= soars. Of we SILT= MAIM 801 r, lOLA Us esaleas chatty moosmasof se batiste. roma ass basso Gam betas tts ehadd Wear. to WWI MN =Me Potash, Bait. Limo/ Rods. co Wei oafs WAN. , " iff anazoefsehas which ess desk =WWI Its *mat boleoldivs Mone aten ta and Wadies mots meshed with ro_ of Oor tares_ elkeho. washed vie Ike 11/L VTR MILL 643411. a* oat tr LM rubbtag, likk LOOM iMill=ei l l a a Ws. swim run son 19•Ast - B•uovn o,..,Db• isiss ftbam Way Mime tar, Scoots, aad the wrrit auto tr to= 11 t 4 , 1 NI with • sold fto. Ihesituids mad Op. lied% J LeseelblAtattogi tad Ts ' bist saram m ics= co demise seartio sad eau ta• ftka OP scud , - Ikr the Rd/toad w.tli* 15bamploftu 12r fUL RI MALL • brim. .11 who ban hid Us input* geaUtbo, LL matottdhareiry ee Ur no. TbloCkese — WlTZ • Uhl Cuanza "be ore ftburrad !a um• TB swim or will Wand tae pinto of 4b• lam U gilts fo= 'MS **lieu fat U.B god smosedbm oi Mureanuste tem *Mid We le Cho IMUILPTOII SOO. • mil, lift 11= appodAs Psoi=lottesed ef an MIMI Mara gem logis ou tadoisseli-WW MILL 511111.1.0 • usturail &Aka" chivied mealy BLANDYI3 POI:MAT • STEAM. SAW MILLS W*SOb Tateehoi Antal. arm T'ous W. S ominfi Ie.W L statmrs Nan & Ma..Watet. Rawls. 00 The son SlasslSl In wosl. pfd® I=es..4lllllll.allte!..tebloAtiaosi Mo e Pa , toff. trettne7tWnontoPt6. t Sai Is wren esstbsseltess . 131 S. butonall 1,18 ekori Saw of.tsse. Ames zactotn. /NSW al WPM Mt Oast ts rs.• NM MOOD fed selsloo SI Jos 18,00111.0 ask. Mats% tsrlassalss est MAW: meal slbui MD sal Ina ItMersisd sts.slarcb ll dimarbtkesaat mato epaertms. *Was &'D • a userrabi; sr balitai, *mos. Oft sal eantiggesaSSumalalisL CML UM ECU= MIMI kli BAY Ml= sou hat. 11=0f.1114014111111.Y. KOMI. B[MM his.sumaisill with assassey. short notice. . avian a Mumma scraeot l / 2 .tm negial deem IN "Witt 511119 S &Wm& . • sway QPIONDSAI.-. 4 teet reoelveC A oar tat irrpaj it ipteed it h.. egos Uwe far frmil, ise, UMW W pcsaGiisU) 'UK4 emx•l7 ifon • 101111 L. 611115111. V. Yip "nit el LW/ POW ma, OCERIES, PRODI/Vg. ick F. QINXBY & eemmigsloa Merchant% 11. t Strinn CaloLclO. riour, Grain, Provisions, Nu, T. =DIM. B. 1. HOBBY WALL/LOB (10BISILW1011. &MUMS, a.. leo cm= elan at, ornaezio. Edna Pailastiar sttostba paid to Eattittedliff ibt HIMIWThrZES. rionsioss. rLoOs maim • sam; 1))2IMIMON And neenni In Flour, Grain awl. Prodwie. Iffi MOCIND 81., betimes Irosd• 111:atbfleat. rnixotaule.. • SOW vorelra..:,,Joas naw:.—Storant AL.ninrnhn l AIKEN .A SHEPARD Dom glanin• Iff A srobanta and Dallersis Tandit i : innitto riturr3, swim, B.u r rns, cum wig,: porkroza, i.ta i'mdnoe vomit/. No. W Oast, appeal. Pam.. Dalai; Pittib'sfa. ' • Selenripe i,. . • ~ ' 7. B. Dtl•Orth k Oa, Ikamit 6 antin,,Outp Ittsail Lon 4,170. John Gass, retsburgb WOO I Bro.,gobovaltn Brunt InG•• Plaillah4_ k Bionnro, 8,.., cis; 81.1/Lir • Gm; NW 'lrOnir.; ilt•nibrd I Lanll, CHnotnnanl. FELANS VAN GOE.DER. Produce sad Commis:On idersanO. Ho. 10 5/InTIOUND SVSKltoorase ilret.. • Dedertu FLOUR. •.•ßOO&E lalMa a a n 0131:1316, POlLS,LquamieD 431 /13.17w0. CHARMS O. CLUMP, Produce and Commission Elciolinnt. IFIGIGHAZDZI IMMO, Asd cu ter In ell kW. o 001771111 T PISODITaiI, Bio. 11 , 9 taszelt eraurr. ottleCee CM. a /, for the late firm of D. 4D. il`Donald Pistabasigh.. Ca, Wellsville, Ohio.) ArDONALD & ABBllMll Wholesale 131 Grocers, Produce and Oneagdiedon klordninial /abaci. ID 00)17131, N. 0. 80011 and M0LA13812., }Mill= 81701,88 AID 811 - 11.13P8, PLODS, DAMN, IV DAC Yl, SIAS, BIM OE =all. SKIDS, ani 411 .04 Kt Liberty Brest. Pittsburgh. uoloi if SHILIVEII & laZgell, OECOCISB AHD 001110E9103 Nee. 17 and 49 EIIIITHYILLD sr., on. Beonal. lea 7 PITTSBINKUL Cal/RLES LEECH, Flom' aim °YAM . L AIII•211 Oostanunow 111annAwe for the ale of faBllN, BEYD9. CIIESSE, FROMM &0., sad was for the celebrmod Uniontown Crtirrr, Dim lit &ond and 146 rtrrt ttrent4. betwn4o W&46 and B.44t,finia, PitUb.rett• 0.411.03 Tj RAD k HETZGAR, Grocers and COM 1-Lutiseion Herd= ts sad dealers to sil klub of Oomart7 Produce sad Pittsburgh bistualsctares, SiD easel y Street, opposite heed of Woad street, Ma buret. splay WEBB & WILKINSON, Commission V Merebncle., Wholesale dealers In WPM= ES BRIM CHEW,. , MUSD MUTTS, BUTTSB, =CM ws prod.. goterally. Alms, MO, OILS, act. No. 417 Weer* stmt. Mahn*. ararOwth advancement. mad.. Oneatipanata sallclaed. Jell-emd wt. P. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Libe rty Wi- W*44 Elttsburgh, Pa, Wholtasl6 Grocers, Ckua. minlav M.lchs./., sod dealers is 00UNTHT PItC , DUOS, PRQFP3IOICS, BACON, LASH, BUFFS% =QS, CHIESI, FISH, PRODITOL, FLOOR, GRAIN, SEEDS, 0/3.8101 AIM DEL= num. da, SALT and LIME. bid JOHN B. CANFIELD, COYOUSELOS ADD TOZWASMICO Ittescuarr mtrolnale . Beeler hi WILSTEBIN REsrays CHEESE, 8131212., LADD, PORN. BACON. FLOM TIM POT AND PEAR L: ASH IS SA.LERAM, UNFIXED AHD LARD 011.4 DRIED IBMS And Froth Ecasrail7, lios.lo sad 10 Front rtreet, Pittsburgh. at 9 on. LITT., IS—. WIMP MUM& jrns & TRLM.l3lAholesale Gre .1-1 can and Clossadmiau its. deg.= la Pa°. DUCT PLOWS. BACON. 71880A.8.501 AND LARD on., mon; BMA LASS WINS, sad Ptitsberais ausaniaoturse Qaamalb o 1]! and 114 .wad street .Pfttst~L. n. airman RETILER k BROTHERS, ( D.a ffuccewars Bcynnor Andersanj Whelncas ars In TOh. SIGN FEDTTD, 21 - OTEI AND mots, OONIZOTION ENT, SUGASS. FULD WORNA d 00... limo 126 owl 1.43 Wood a-m. 4, .brays Pitta, Pittabnrich. AM I tErATTERBON D. •1.11 fr. M ON, 001dM1BDIDD 1113611.1313.131,8, ILDUB AND GALIN and general PZDDdC dealers, 36. 6 WOOD ifffilfiftf, Littgbargh. to =May 2:11AV: " .11143: 0 I ' —:151 • • 001.11/M. TonnirCvg sadOcailaladOn Manama rd dealer la CELESE, HUME, LASSVISH. nag Rada.mon". ly, V/ Rood areat,abore Wats+, 0.0 I. mos. =ln J 0111 C FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gro. Clerstuistdest Mer--bants. Son. 11.11 Gucci imul Liberty West. Pittsburgh. jell SgAg ES L CA_LDWKLL,(snooesaar to ohm. a 03,) PORK PACS= apd doter mßOVllli ORS, corner of Rarkat sad Frusta renal; Pitobarg¢ lag crul*-4----.—.—orze auraw • I,P & SHEPHARD Combawcur ( l l . nn and dasien to 17.0154( HIEULEiL AND PBODIDOE,INo.3I7 Liberty caved, Pt Ctbolos b •ds of roar foe Bake. end lanelly use con steartly on • • 11. Par:kolas attention plid to dIELtog cedars tier .. , .rchandisa cane:ally. **ft DMZ. • IL TOUR II VOMIT & CO., unacaesscrre to L. G. Ong; 7110D11611 AN D 0075X11331011 011•11113, 7147 , LIbery ger.4. Pittemita. DO: DAIMLL - 4 GO., Whole /A sale .rocurs, 001.0t0i1711 sad Irosuartiug X. thaskta, ••• dealers in Prodwe mg Pittsburgh muu• DWALLAOVE t _COMMIBSIOTI and Wholesale Down 17501711 sod 853 Liberty street, 0pp0 .13 site Feassylsitela IL IL: Peorsopr repot, Pittsbargit, P. arornit• Wet* Lome, owner Weans end Penn stmts.. D01t.41 ri-n1116.?...........7011113,1171.01.......—L.0 WALLA). A ERT, SHIPTON & 00,. Whole- Psalm Doglegs, No. Ettzth easel. Pitiaburgb. 15A1431 DICKEY & CO., Wild:tido Meritunts„. sad Beaten En 1; 1 1=, Ha BO Water Meet azi4 06. frost Break ;'41414 7 . nn:fr em alerliOCt&i.ra It =Was/4 Pitlabarsti. CIHOICH 8.10 COFFKIC—Jact received V ads tee echoic* Bhp Ootts; evo - Prts. Tba• 1 .• ondud Oatrint. Nor NW m 3 thittlimlir po on dote of JORK L. 11.111111&W, 11 wow LIDNIFI UNA 010•016 - rAmEs DALZELL & ifazratso tr =de of LOW 01:14 sod Ow Woks VW gymOa parobsso sod sW of COI 01111 MED PETSOLIITY, Nos OS sod 111 W wen. Pttiabsnek maio am soodsosysla. TS. LIOOILLS, ° lll7 00., CITY FLOUR . 150 K Form label lass isinl and; Tittaborgh. is. - derOvecity, OXI tomb pc dar. V WV QUEOMLIKEEt LLNG Comm= NJ Known, sad 'Wawa. Lam la 013001 i. YLOI7II, 412.11.13, PROMO& *a, 1101121 %awry egvot .71.ttebariti. . soUlay " ' mum WATI . & WHOA Whalen % cho Xi= 941 6 iEt= Putomek. BaNDEBLY Js. & BRO Whole:W*2nd Gioomuirimrs Asistwouom imar taw" drow. riwourdh Va. icif wad drat • - .rdo; `" • • BMULLZTE W • - MOGEN Sms Ul ma SI vow druilk PUN ALL PAPERS—AUTUMN OF 1864 era. salartasat 40 itow= Pali 111 t• Molt illzbetaldtadlai. Nestle" an - lif. r. sassallag wesais. : : " IMIDQIIASZEBE, - ue WOOD sus. • rAnnin ssovrar 44 Via 01201% 2 10 oa/Olrllloll., MTh= rintit tlflOt SILO. sat wooers, DEUX MOM, and SW aleanali !.imam . Eft. staa lo Oa toast am !mitt la qt. Nati& ant DOCTOR JANES KINW - ".sE. f tgai Pcivost liatilaC Wart 1864-5. - .T. R TIZ; - OMR& t. L B.—warm tRIANGIEELST..—Ind DAILY TILLIEI. - ot.iad,aftgr moan +T. Oti=h l : 4 1,1 4 trues "iv Imit. agotogitadayis , Lure L. umt &mu,. it *- 5 ) 1 ._11., =zit" as petutpal dadoo—a._aao slabs aim at Itsattextro ttf Tad , : toldavease Woot.fiss aeuv v ad al tkiadelpala 1:r, Rados sal to tathral. m ramrdlato ammal= accormoDeros. Cry, mom to.attoy, ar. tet b. nu. VoopTamt at dl Ludic ir:4l4a, ratacash sad Lissristnayaallag o as • combs with babas ea 1 'Wu& alas!. del fait. aeFFtoatu Ittraaoatvt aid Cr l . 3 IL go sot UollValdosttrz.c. ll PITTS.IIO.IOgt- /Iran ULtrl3. po l y atues ' Evad.o, as IL.R a.. elands; at wadi all tho V ato beget.= rtita.4% ea 6 rwia !egg*. fad dot. Dotaataademsit dam= oa the taoss - -asof eat Grao eon 11., It , Flatibirsborg, trAock -11. nme nal Clearaid sad said Rath Talky Itralabst. JOILIobTOWD /I.OOOIIIQIIUT*O I ,, WM- Novi. Caudal, at 1!.1 0 as— 11, 9.- 1 .. at MatatallakEt tweed awl ..loa, - .da Mk lad pooddlitat at Statesdito Itaarsoodoa.. idtb tram& an 4A.. lauvocb and Witt Temorroadi It. oa IL, - /11:tuanne87d -TIMMS& 41.111,1 it. tilt, in . 0 4 o f Z d appe,„ CpaaradOk i datiowia. Al atle=ll3lll4oodo MILISti„ Xmas. IS. HardoblimLoacitota amiAosiVivisra. turtignall ¬ cacusoc4aos ario as VOW anw.nin. Niad.ta,gtaa sod tire It& Pittaildyfoldaribt Tar Tact Doe= and Ittotsoodiase. ,Stoopfai vat__livaltjtOos ado Maio ram littolartltaLtim , I ""nuci4h4b , aaGA 4S It" TV th. &Wows . 7fLa 'ram aM 2 Pi thinkr4 %I Illoo t oP plli oavy as Comostaugh. uontAria,,aranota, tat* Oa. . Lavtatoisi latelta. datilack ZaMniaelltoore mom, laddeoom, ilootattoraelffl. Wit Tatada• Otto. lioartor oat Dowaiarova., liallittatlf. matedoid aro seta for An . Tart, Illattladd lasolklairaa: at vatoadeAL tor Now Taft, $14... Mad * WI Cato% d Moon. Board Tr.ll UAW; toraitudim stlltou Trot" farlflaTit Itel,Oune ' - Data lorWaUttititkolms V i ncoloi m lor g eotrio=itA Ittatia OtaL I 1 at Oa la I& ad= III " MtWI TO I P. 12. Itia=2WrnmlawaßtWittOMUMM talttomacasms. l Alksh , .716/1"1611.1t0.." 1132.. a. N. ts. Tot fast lobastoes issessagditts, bettt say Vall's &Wm AU.:xm:n! 'SW sm. soma ltratt's Statism Astamsalstiss..... ROM I. a, Med WstlYglaticti Ns, Masai wall Malan Aamossestket....... kat sk Lanes win aztt* vita /UM ,I1 , !Olds lasittra rarra—ammo of bas, tbs Ocpozpisi ,agli ibcristres seepartills primal Wipes aft um rams IWW , takIIZIND 3 5,-.l.2o.idne inl atosneigdolstsreare. NA barna. ta ass tan Ur Dgelleille k r aina g =to. !aft* 980 1 011 P bsegem Tar MUM IL to emus% MOZSM=llll=lllo l l l2 t llllB aErtglaillabroVi= as Warts sales= :ants sib pWITBI3I3B.GB, FT. 243._*14 NUM t CDTCLAGO ---- if_ --`- ILABLWAI ABD DIBITZ- - LAND • PIDNBUBGB 4•17110•11. ' warns AsfuumENDM ' ' . Oa sad sitss oazoß tr. song, Wit, into Ca tuft r karts, rs : Mato& ICalcato r3l • I IWO p. talk u. 6U p.m.' E So as 8.111661. KA. fe• Searson Lett* Vlrlatargb . P. IP. W./ nn/.as 320 p.M. 114 p. au. ta• D. a, md &SID. az. U. • P. B. H. 11 - 113 a. a 1.40114, LOW* al. • WattiniODATIGH Taa-1001 , 0 /MOW. far Er.w DdeltoLTor Wm Coal Wor aubordi VO a m. k6O pos. 100 p. a. 1240 au 1/1)•_ is. L e Lai p. IL Antra a 131astanp— I M. ail. Eathiv.. ISO e. a" MO a. a« t4O la in. and 4,43 p. in. C. P. Li. Uts ii. a. a/Wad PdaltaU= Was arras" Station, a. Q. • - -SLOW. Mal, Tata • tillaidians all ast V. EL ISTESS. Oteatal slams Spa. A 1.1.343111 NT ,101. MIAMI ItAILSOJI —atAl99l OP m4dist NONDLT. t[alr Mai AM* al "=gal =Simla lasagnas __, ram—rAsm - milibent d !IN CtLIM Ming OSACISYSIhj IS URC. OlL'el. LIM Wl_Mltio V T bs sai=tl=:.: intents: Pittasinik al_Sals•EUZlPlo mon Amit, tratTbg at Mationzin AT MAS. °DAIMON Tahm—seinesebas wain estr.zr,effiviii p. dm" b... ti ?WAAL irnia es m My II 84 keh 'Mit iiii7,ll Inialatilli• AHIPPLNWh' 0 NEILL's FORBIGN 1117013)161101g . rittsbaren, " . ..rum - -_ • • .. Clic* image Qom lk aOK Agiatiyq po /31 gm Eat due 127 fa Ind umbras at lir upn t swl 1 1 .-....--Vilx) n Dna - iKtm /Akl sonar criilardse.-JACCIapa Dassaces.--.--VD3 t.i. tog tur.auks • a. A.....5.....--Leop _tans y VARAM........-111011 . new Amain Liy a Lira/ tatiling toashlng Si larecodan7 ix thi,3eigi m balk go a =AM*, anall. sad Mu far primes. fan 142=111P. daottean to lbw Tat, IA& Abe, or TAITIOUTrII MO or eekbrallid CR& - Wing Padati. legate" Llveerli As - 21m Ica tiiip s vox, sae meW.I.-Vs . al ..atis Pilibilh MAW Ladke• kw 71 sv Tort imt ba sei 4.••••Tapieolilliihiel Vol Um apes= Us, •.Wr. • . . - Chsetr !Imps eAttinel---14000 °Warm tter--710:0301.1 1 tbsurch at the Eni......003 Chinian • ••• - • • :; _ . T i m ta otoasoa, Waw a Tatt. Pali Citoatli-, ea Ira W. Popetagoetbookedtbstagh to any put et tha 440 Canada Vbca mated— Twat tom OSP tit& Tort kx IttooVatl malmek ca. tar outward gami c ,* axed looneratgt, Qomtaw Ica* to Ina icEGEIT DBMS co put& cf imp' lit lila : • tha 1011Iri MIL _ _ ankr D. °man& areetes amide' e mamba. deem*l_. /0, ar W.l:l4l4Jtreed. --MIDOWts STEAM WEEKLY TO POOL, toselln st QUlZTraralns, Mstr. listhot . ..) Bye Im•otrs Sootsstit of Ss. Taft sad Pttesdeplos OtessiedP 0 211 3: 43 0!( 10. issa Uoto,s vszeptas 1.1,0 U. IL M . U; INUMII6IO .. si =lsm CM Or EUILITIIOZE—.... /WAD.- orrr or LOrror —tatardar. lar• Dos S. - 5,,,s pea =man lasseday, st soak Ifn Nozet Skis. • - ... _ lbeer26 to ital. or Itst 11,0013MM1 '5lll. - •4 o to lood C0n........ 85 CO "- to Loam' a - ; odenten •to Porte:-...—.: 05 "to Potit wea r ,- " trelitodon---• VD 00 " tolissatrtery..., It 1 olio brorded to lllnno. Emmy Ma. um: - am. ii ettallor nags. - • Trocfrom asi, Cm titommo, jar-illile fo= 1 , *dr tebroda am Mr tkkote OZtatt lsomst Nem Mr. li Peg tt . —/0 foram leniettet ' -/ o at the l33s • 481°2' 15 3 I.Mae. FL- ... No. SS 0 tMaireetatian=i - • td CUNARD 11203.--SimaiL I.O33IIVOL'LIiM citINISIIMOVa. 125 b pa, alb equirstani L masa. Ito KIM 211,11ititawznoir. es& MT web. 41071/ to ZOOMS annaiz - er eseltiadd 41 . 1041Nerset Oi ael seSsisits • .ss •Ita WOOP 0.11.1111 l mama on - 42 Eons iamb irsounza on =Wm: IA!. w. w orralik4 ft edWltilastriai ymf4liaaasi cant Imes valet CH,AB. W. &WILLI . 00. - tr , Y ' wham isioiieisatsessi _ s • age risrAe m . T lrttl2t ig oot lOC On" att Valchne Gomm - law um; onseaune ta Mdes itil atajlod Iran, its . laljobigog iv be kb el 1.1134 ISMIANSAIN t Iig Mead exwit, alliriptamplyjkltssaidl .ORENZ .WALORTMAN, .1141115- .14 4tams • ot . GLI6II, GL .1455,1713,TU1S d 111 . 11411, - vastasel• - Wiltazge st.s Isszyw Fora% _ . ostorsai isAr . was ts yiststima G =t Oa Lanka on ostieloo ta oat oaf ota4•_;, it (OW* mot to an la Co sest . ssis. , TWILLING lELOUSIV FAMES AND 112211131 WnXl stingy as bad, la VOL selst7 of koala asil roe abe a* 6.c+I3Tu3IST BON, n.• tang. TFr 0 EPORTEMBN—can and examine WI ecopide heat at EMI 6= sat Spa* ba tali sat o, • isms saint. Ina voot ROBING TOOLS FOB - OIL. WELLS LP seas eastcret tia the vast sodas st" " Ja, 175 s T.OWB. ilc woo. lima .1113}31CAITNG 04-150 ant 44 A- 4r 161114""4"7 crania. 7.bizao.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers