shglimurikekA - motosusa, Now it, test CITY Aszr svztuRRAN7 . _ a • . .11111th al : Martin Bravray for the Murder , i , ~ ; - ~_ of James Pagan. '.. Done 'Oros ern Taammur-Before lodges i • itsreett, allon.fitoWe and Brown. ' i I . , ~. f- ramar •ITMUIVION carom,. • Tho ro.esss bled af two o'clock, and PSOistoWith Ili* of witnestes for Om en. - Do .„ . . . bai e, po ll o °Mon, testified that he da4 mm - ; had set roped to . Ind °ha Walls a 'inns I this ene/ , bait had en 'unnieeesthil in oh. - Bin. ffelly Cansoy testified that shearer saw Tesneirapin catll,tha nabs oftheletb of y.Tuly; mai him on the road ails amble down .: from thi pio ale; witowni want upp, to the pie Ma - - . - I tO esthaavar to get Martin Brawdj to go Yantis ; - • Whim wite w t a l; got op, Martin was at the bar t.',' . ....t:drtakitim Um Brao/deloldMai l° ona• ,boyar ' •.. -ba laid " t tilt I get mthamm,” and started 2 look Ws th a ban th e crowd y testi gonaromid him, " - • and RIM iliwitsracirltioscallur lath Nth :elle : .- - Pin; Margia started op tower* bb n. atheism:one . osio atm& hlse en Pm rightaida of the thew; ,i . „...ipl iz it* :,, ' , Nor /kid's- sake don's bill. my; / tale bin &wen homer we part. •:- *asides's she w hen a inannound Walls c ante . sad said- olio tin dnink to walk. ind ..`-''' offend to hlm bun; We gavishim thanes ;.. Atli/04U :itatted tiara-the: bill; when the Mond gala goin g, thy followed,,and matil: stais tote and outs f.There 'pas Maths 8air ..,,,..- -Wee a-qt si -, lsra- wish tlus whits coat on; mitob bim sad kill Most' themowd> thouoral /.... Menai throwing stones at bin; Walls Said "run , too year Weir Martha _ Martha Said, *do not atrium 'loe;",* BM ailed Pagan than mina to Mar : Saud stark her on the right aids of the fiat the sthrnad to ran frost him, Wan be ountki ;'hOld' of Adam and streak lin on llur mouth; ~- .. - ,witneu tallegfos ilienha, when holdtlisr spin, -- - , ad knoekad two tooth loon; She then a/Win Martino Ir n Papa sat ,d " Will you call for ,;, " th at 2... Oft •if we Wok. Us we will links eideken pie blio;'' BO then put hir arm Around tt . s -- written' an and tried so choke her , put hit band up her this, and when Martin came up ":. had bar against a stone pile; Martin said "Do not do ilistei wha he struck bet Apia; Gust -' Voke too:kb/Id of Witnall and. alkyl Hagan if ': '• ha could not let the g irl alone, and took her down the bill; witans face was bloo4, mad her ... - skirts tom,. Tara of; her teeth were knocked loose, and . to have thorn polled cot IdWif wads; wbas en overtook Martha atm took bold of her and left the itraugor. After - • Prootadiali I distance Met bin and Mrs. Zrawdy; 1111. udy taid • ahn would giro fifty • , dollars IlSCOne One would shownet the Men that tistick her sisoghter; Martin seed It was some of the d—d Dew Dropa; some mu/'then stepold out Irma the crowd and mild , 1.1221 the Dow Drop that struck 'your sister , aniyou 2 of a b— 11l alike yea too. ": This was ; the person they milled Jinx Fagan; Fagan nepped at thonowd .-,' osth throe . i hn - bands at Martin, ttaggaring .• him; I the caught hold of Martin and asked him to comi home; Fagan struck the defendant a seeoad time, and then hard the report of ' a pistol, twice; athar tits pistol had boa fired - heardsossenue art o Them's a man ;Mote' Man tin, his father and. Walls; then started - down , Josephine t i t; witness followed thom to Brow des Jul; Martin fell; he Weir taken toes the diningipain, warship facos.waebattied, and =did him bp stairs to bed, and put a 02art.. plaster tipon'this outs; idartin had not received the wands When he met him mother on the road; i after he apeape home a • large crowd gathered . around *lobate, and celled upon him to come '''/-. _oat; they thou malted the house, broke ovary - 1 , I - thing In it, ad carried off clothing; Martin went Si oat the ,bac wry to escape them, and want to Ii lhi w all aide two elfildra went with him, the • 1,, , ," aiso tam houseinezt saw . Martin on , the re took him a pair of boots, and told A I ;:biti notta a • book, as the fellows wore lark -44 - ing anund, ind , orandreateh him; he than left L 1", 'on rabgisO. This Fa about four o'clock Is the 71". ii ~;, moralig... - 1 - , 1. 2 . - . ,;.,,, thvaikozaland..Nirror lived at Bawdy's. ; •,.; whets- Mastlart midi I visited him fnquant -4 „ ly. Am notint imate with the Brawdy'i: live v -la Duquesne ough; want to Beawdy's on eke 1- , week gentian to the oentrinon went ap the 11 $ 1 hill to thilisiolale t ,level o'clock; the man : , .i. who brorthatMartha randy down the hill was 11 4141 ~i ', lad lagoa;'l do not n ow . who ho was. Dr. John Dickson rifled that after Brawdy'm 'arrest, and while eetiflnei ln ttle easily Jell, he war callad upon to attend him. Went to the Is o Jail irecompany with - Dr. MoCoos; lhawdy had v i . , ,moo wounds en th e load, one on th e aide of the ,114,,,1 1 nose and the Ma on Oa foreload; the hemor. . ....4 -, shags of the wound on the nose was very's/en; ' 1 ',it rind for about a week; the wounds appoand d.„..A to hams been infiloted with a hairs, bac might • 4 1 'bola siren with . 4, knaeJsr; such wounds might '; - 4.1 be made by falling; upon a sharp stone, but I ,A 1 bare anti mat wltei such • else '1,.; : I T4 ...- --.14, aunts McCook testified that ho was rent .:.., ". - for on the lath of anti hist to-attend upon Bawdy, who ens naiad injaift Ulm wooad on i.. , %helm:* bled very frealy for seven dais; no. 5; 1 ad in itopoing the hemorrlnge ; have never ~\.... ..:: 1 ' kockm an Injury of itaf kind to remit from an ... -,, endlaary Sall; hays bean a maediaiog physiola ',for fortyl sight ran. ,„/ -, bins Jana Monism; to/Wird that she knit .1 3 ftt, North: Bawdy, did notkoow Janes Pigan; was ' J,4 1' ,at the plonlo at M'Claree (trove; a young man • I V. 'it/pad up to Martin and said: "You got cos ..-, „1„, :,:imilipplail„ aad-I will there roving." Menlo Vt'.,l7igaldno was ontr la hers, ad then sated bin to ,i )go to the bar and•tako a drink; 'intension them 7 ....,1 •= g cant to tha.plationo; left tae elo Wei grounds 1. ,-. A , . : aloof. elett o'olook,aud coot to Brawdy'a house; , - N had boon drinking, but was not latozi. . 4 ',I -Sa ted / salt him. /4 ".- . ' • Ammsdnation—ltesthe In the Sixth ward. • ; ; - ; - - amerce with th• Brandy family. , , I , himmatltrawdy ,tostillad that she was ittlits 1 tho their of- tho defendant; hal will bo serea- Ig ea , 4 Oka you -old on the' 4th of flay next; wts at nom. on the evening of, the pia t"' ~. solo; :' about 'eight - o'clock': Wll3 told by .. ' anon -Morrison that s 1 plot hal - been made • ...- 4/'• to murder my eons' Minis 'Nanning told ;. •; i, no that I had - better ,go after blot. as the Dew were Solot lo and him; amid not go, sod asked Martha Jens and Maly Maning to go after him; Naga. Manning lama back in a ahem ties and sol knees th at the crowd was . ;....•,:p, Ening Ifintucis Sag and Mrs. It'ollneway; wlt -41 2 I act her booboo that started for tho hili; ahem iiii got to as end of Bose alley tow Mar- Idln'immtiog up the strut, and a sestook w; he '.. • ,1" , eallad for Ids fa th er; anted him what ho wan. ' ll l ;ma. said Um - mow& was killing Mar th a Jane 'l l . - and llittly on the hill; passed up-McClurg Martha, :-.....„ r. - sod int a,inowpcoming down; SAW Ninths Jae; :i :. :,' ler eynonts blob:Mod /12C/walla; saw Mrs. 1 ..; .' 1 -Connoway; bor. faro was bloody and her skirts :' 1 "" ton; asked Martha-hoe who. did 14" she mid s'Do not say anything ' none! Wftnell Add ale would glee fifty dollars if Ohs ka3W who /troth . , i her danginar; Martin, tad It Na 4030 of the Dow it Drat; &mu jumped out iiiii odd . .t . ant a Dew 3 ,.., ii prop; •I streak im „as Mater, ad cm Mk you;" ii , as he said tido he snook at Martin twin,' at in i struck the masa tittle some, pa.-son shot; Mar :, _ 7 tin staggind tack uha was strait the inpoood '' •• ; time and: irzelaimed, wfify God,. .1" am kilted: The man who stink - Martin said, "I oro ' shoV!' tot& gr. , Bawdy to tithe Martin Imme,lit he arcs esti - pie ;was then lid away; • : ~, le, fell • sailse yard, , In thd, and was o earned tl i t , into - the : house ' aid - pat .in his bad, he said I -be wiz - slaki - 011`,11n11004 _lii -- .."wound die; /1 after Ira bid done jirawhing his wound, - thi '. lanti oamernaning to Um home, ad broke in; 1 all the family lift emseptMr; bawdy, who re- Crotoilaimined-;:Did not hoar Martleatk his : ;-' • • father 1 / 2 thepistoftlaar Mutts Steak twice; as . - lis was snook thorn/ad/I=o,hp stop/nod. , .-; By Mr. Kirkpatrick—Have yon' aver at any flunelaftrinnianr,inie, oatilds of the oseval for thi/ 44thissa, who lad there, east (OW se. ttealld to by Wends:see estunal, and °Woollen as. e/4", ;- , - - - --; --- 1 Bare talked frequently abtut theihooling;lo - ' not remember who r toted with.----. .• ' - „; By Mr. Ittrnps lok—ifere you at told Ma r. I / tin thirist, within the last ten- days,leither in tho •," ..,,i passenger raltway eau, -Or AEI his hooso ID Die ' 9' saingkam who dirties ohootint? 0 b.l senst so. AAs ft wapatt th•hour of allonnateakthe Court - reserved Its decision on the "question until thlo s,:' Smining. Tie'court then adionisood.' 5 . • ~. , HAIM Werra Itireferzsa.-;.Thu' illistropellten '.fact* 'No. 63; Fifth street, opposite Caen* Hell ; which has bet Istslrepened la .:r °it', has streaks taker. Its phial among our sag clue beehives entered/wt. To felt nooks at thsrsteu other boob-stow/4*nd at the same gni, withers/3h purchase, giro, ea, arriele worth *op t . bOO - te $ l-00 ;eettelell OW= -sew than cr ewitry business amts..- aa ezeseleatton *L . .** inktettese stook of booke,-bibles .and 'Photograph lavas, now op , bend et the ,!. Metropolitan r i 'wo setiplr'repek a visit: - Mini hare. Creed .peen a w ay with tholz Jairesunents., ds proo wr sitiveto fottoWlig: , Air: J. - .lSteheer, wig, '. -..SLSO liotitireeetred asilversotso stamp .:., Tar_Plrker, Art Ilk faatili-bib's, an elogsta I . Mir ardssosiner f Mr. ?oh!' *lath; with:S:4 ' phototeoph album; received 44 4 .41(f{ . '&43cga2o . wring. p. ,beenttiol silese .. -jat pitcher ; worth el,: SOP; bit. Pear Batas; witit.his book; a Isiver -Jive bottled rotary castor; hil.s Hattiellalter, lirith - the - varshese-er prefer hatizretaised * jUillr:,esrd-hasitet;. ' ,Mrs...)lepfardw (A.Lagheny tlits;) althespi. of itygen's wink*, *Mina take. ..‘wehet;:worth $1,35 - 0 ; Mr. It.. O. Damian, with. '..1 - - boacerteeitea An Vegeta Ore; Mahn' 'dial; 9 *Web woo* ~Diany, other! wets cutaaate, re. .welltheg tgt*llf ttiller , sPseßetotkle liaid-Ustes ~,..t -seit'eseteritt ashitttr-e l 4 Whit eneottri *a 'A 1 liendtonie meant, worth kten pea ptto!aaint, pan et ouch i!f okaola::-', - .I: ; , i finvict - AN - titail; ips reastropt !isnot sappii , _-- - 1 Aot AlbumWerbich;elo wake his present soak 1 f r ly largesthiar et etiy - :citheetinte, sinew *air 1 - ler ' eraninetitle vim invent - oi. sad: there 2 . s pun them; will now bsap the- &assets** et. i vresetiog theen...:7Parsone.: will hear thtt he ,wind 'sa d ' tag rale! the 'P/ 20 q , tP i lt akWOOP".. • i its the Pi 3 O ol "I. rains, Y Y, 5 ,4 E02 41 =e-7 et Pittook's. _ Coipty Elect; The - following we the . s! re 'Boi of the Wootton for prestdext: ' prrriartiorr.. First Wald , . . . 4 81 Badoad Ward, . . . 890 Third Ward, lit p • 818 2d p, . . 174 Fourth Ward, . . . 484 Fifth Ward, 151 p. . . 193 B&3' 2d p, . . filith Ward, . 1 . 708 &math Ward, . . 268 Eighth Ward, . . . 883 Math Ward, . . . 427 ALM:GMT. First Ward, . Second Ward, • • . 626 Thin:l%rd, lit p , 589 2rl p, . 213 Fourth Ward, Ist p, . 680 " 2d p, . 245 sozovana. Litieraireville, let p, . 186 2d p, . 228 Birmlrtham,latp, . . 198 Bonet Pitta'buriA . . 208 West l'iltabwrigh, . ii, l 111 Rut Wispore, zminsham; . . 867 p es, -. ~ 24 151 . . . t, Elizabeth, . . . 49 Rillabeth, .• • . . .107 Monongahela, . . 68 =teauesne, . . . . 18:2 Manchester, '. . . . 861: Beni:110y, . . . . 114 . flitarptibiarg, . . . . 164 1 Tarentmn . .- . . 94 TOWIMIPS. (Chartists, . . South Fayeite, Findley, . Snowden, . • Cresoent, . . . Plum, . . . Moony. . • • Upper St. Clair, !arm St. Clair, Peebles, ;Ist, . . 1 2, ' Collins, . . 'remake, . . Biddwho, . Jefferson, . . Wilkins, . . Scott, .. . . Robinson, . . Union, . . , Mifflin, . . . Neville, . . . North Fayette, - Pitt, . Elizabeth, . Marshall, kloOlure, . Franklin, Hamptan, Shale; . Rose, . . East Deer, Harrison, . Reserve, . Time Sewickley, Richland, . Indiana, . West Deer, Fawn, . le.Cardicea, Ws, The following ars thee bomtisbs and townships • Lincoln , Cl' n I • 5,9001 233 . 3.490 1,403 . 3,564 2,2681 . 7,367 4,684 19,427 11 589 Pitfalargb, Allegbany, Scroughs, lowzighipts Aggregate, lot the ilea!, Pittsburgh amettee. U. 8. A. enisnius Tioantra., Pruitt's:non, Nor. 1/. 2884 f Masan. Unisons:--The Res of tif-day claims to base a conesponden; Henry MaCollongb, at itb hosnitai who writes in Ruud to 10026 SOS riSle villainj committed named Bslen, of the 118th Penn's,. sleguent, fttlMPa-etto coun ty, but an tomato of this hospita l. Bolen, le caused with hewing eiroulated tome Mothelian c ontruesta. with Lincoln Makes =dosed, =tor g Democrats, to that many were claceired and vol. ed the t abate I thatsoms of the hops tried to got hold of Bolen, but he has not shown himself and thinks he bad bettor lot. 18 ow, Mn Editor, the Put b grouly intpoul uron or obelus made the Mintier out of whole o o.h. No such man as hiceollough, 55th P. V.," is found on the Register of this hospital, or as being there for any purpose weatever. No Totes ware east for Mr. Lutooln tirough rook &caption. Bolen we, not hue on the cloy ef She election at cif , .or Id he now. There are not toe, nor bare there been any es. raged boys here who would have harmed hire, bonnie of rook fraud. The few McClellan men here may well foal Insulted at this Intimation that *erase Ignorant u not to know their *in ticket wit= they raw It. Before the sae- Non the Rost anacomesd a Democrat a mestler, to be held here, and oxp es I . the hops that ths Olheall In charge of the botettal would afford eat • harden ' etc. Dhow the Pod has manufactured both of Mins bricks without any Craw given :him. Al to the mooting I cannot tears that It war oral talked of byany one hers until after It was published in the Put I would not no— tice either of these produodoos were they not calm:dated to intimate that patty politica largely *cfluer.eed the hospital tunagestent, and thereby Injured itrrertuatton as a well conducted insti tution. Bioeaet V. Bus, flospital Chaplain. WA/117D a Rus.--itirs. Ann Padden, a widow, appeared befirsAiderrean Donaldson, en Thant d.l. and =de a eomplalat simian John El. Sanders, oharging him with attempting to kin 'tee, Mrs. Padden allogn that on the morning of die 10th inst. she went Into defendant's store, on Smithfield street, to make s ome purchases, and While then, he reached over thseconter and on dtavoned to kin her, Bite farther state, in the information that he would have sanewled in hie Ictirope a ' but lot the timely antra of another cons mar. At the hearing of the on Hr. fan sky, dented theoltarge, an/ binned ball for his appearance at Court. COL MOODY ON INN MOOCIN, wh.a.receutly - whlted this city to Canna pantie'. bad quite an enoonntro with a noted I:actuated e not longabia wit naming fleet Catletts burg, By., and met on the boat • ferotleal gen. .ticann, whabegaato sillily him. and eaded by drawing a ioniser, with a threat to choot. -In the tWinallag sl as - tye• be was Oohed Into • 'errata otitis lied, and the revolter aerated from his grind. . . The Ablate' retains the <mutant Oro perty,ut expreatem a &miss to give it up should a smartly apology be atadei . _ . Dteosiz M. Scott was ar spstad ' l 7•IttalAYS for thymic, Mass it tom colored icumas on Water street. Opp of. this states that= puked to clots prowl; inky to twoladist, who worewalking along tha Strpot atitis time' gator, gispandes timed him tea -douse and post. which h 6 paid aid was Pis. ehrraad.'' - Lsocard Snyder was arrested os Thluedey alga-foe orylug the hour, to Imitation of the night eibleh. - Tao Mayor &Umtata Amp or lire &dui ipo . n "Mei 5111121tAZZI thuutag.—chaa. BoKnight, Bag., htoptioytif MO artitiok has disposod_of as latatite ',that eatalddifitheat to air. Jotoptt G. Steheat ; 'w ho, toz mond loan put, luta had wheretoa tho btulapia waampaolant of the paw. Mutila nick la • worthy. ladastrfouo Toni, taf>i; ao 44AQwo tolatablat -that:Mutt moon In Ur wit elite laic& - 1- ; , • • . _-, A Lam Hots ' liblistosasi Beetriv —Tee ps' !salsa oll_ the .several -filethodln—Hplammal eberthes 1 PAta.tratiVAlNghimi tits and * r t . 04 HY :i , requited: mina et 3 the Smittmlehl air& text . .reasdayi Havomberle," at 2 6. mass _ parpaseef orgenirieg e haps' Home h.. 4 r li 0 a ; YI P••• • l44:3 .....ZinliklTiiirii•o•ki t "r"!.Yll'Pg•••11• 1!••••11_ tota , rete-(Bab. tia,ti).av - bir, at t o' th i`hiltalt ti Ita,Whi fiaot, Ith well. • 8•610{ Lt Tile Buts et theta* !mamba Death sad the Itetattse• !len. ----, *--- " -- {iiii/Jsriaortor—Tha Edw. bardefr . W. V. Oh 41 m* 0 , Corona eisettoru Ailed kaojeirt 'ward* , Wr: CiriksoisMinitonikoon Ike dli ob&rgeotAffAttetolltomnr podOok !AA fay Coin rilovotio to Pitt/oats, °spoilt. tb• Post 0100. geld eta hismew 'stook; Be his at dm boo r t. of tithing, semi / 6,000 on - hint. Nom iy. l tfyonifilt to gat any.- Borriralse riser ad Papal at/litanies. Pa =repo di silt PooketillinituatnitoOkl. Prreo9 Las •f.w Madge Pfris BuserNua4 Hum for - Dottambar. Osn al Pistaties.l r Tax oz--Pictabgri l e Irv*, gaP Iry • st Pitak Ome!gsswi'behiti'ißrz•ppirs . fa:214111:f se desired. • 44raei tut! 0= The Central Ite...rd of 2 Incetica matiiitt.s day *feting, Novensbar 1011, 1654. Presont—lithaue, Hetelti, Lionitn, ; Lows M'Attloy,l3arvtaat,Biegirly sad Nub, ' The miaow of thijast mooting were roadand approved. Tits monthly report of the Principal of the High School wu rotabsd &aim. ad v Titsed and Ms monthly report of .ths Moorstary was re & Mr. Brush, from the Como:IMO oa Tththars ,62 and Salaries prasontel • sommetlestion from • i46Committee of the Pittstergh-T•aobre Union institute, noose:lag an Inman of the salaries fib now paid to tag *theory of our city athoob, so. 106 coil:Tattled lath • statistical Uhl* of be solarise UT void bathers In ths clan of Bastin, 81. Louis phthutophis. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and Bald , 1 58 morwytAtogued andlUad. 112 The resolution Incroothig Woolen' sahebs 161 ton per cent, dozing the ensuing three months, 174 was,on motional Mr. Blngerly, postponod until 181 nob roasting. titbit; from tho Committee on Tart Books 157 and Oradea, reported that Meters. Ohm' and 293 Martina sgenb for Payson, Denton At Borth 103 nor's qrstam of ponmazahlp, bad toot with tha B ' l7 Comndttes and proposed taathingportmanship 251 th • city ideas on condition that their sylism 212 should be adopted I and that Null boom. abed then the proposition bo soosptsd. ; Oa motion this toponym. moles& . LOT Mr; Lida moved that Mum! Ranisen, and 160 Cowley bo admitted and rupostspd to explain 171 their respective *Maas of pthmanshlp4 Acted 100 to. 1 . 4.8 Mr. Harrison being Introduced, explabod th• 8 0 opts* of Payson, Manton and Botibnor, and 184 184 proposed, if their boob ohonid be adopted, to give a sufficing number of lotions in the Wool, 162 5t so that all the taaohors may be ;viands Ito teeth the them; .1 14 M Cowley an explained his system, and 72 proposed to tooth the tasohers of this (MP at 86 any place that' may dedgnato, parimanshlp' ar 114 written In his system, until they Undsrstani It ;27 thoroughly. 21 On motion of Mr. lif'Antsy, the father of os 189 ration of the matter w postponed anti a 85 awful mettles to be hold Wodnoaday,ths 1 th, Inst., at f p. no. Tits monthly report of the Principal of the 99 92 Colored Bobo!, was received, oontalning •it . moat that neural colored persons hove 49 141 saggsstsd that • Colored Night 80401 would be wall attended. 78 03 motion of Mr. filogsrly, she report iris 38 received, and the Onainlttee on Colored Sabots, 98 empowered to open • Night Moo!, If la their 75 opinion, • 11180011 i ty exist" for ODD. 07 On motion sdjournoct. 85 6:11 1 , P7'..11" 497 11 878 2 216 616 2381 2 460 a 807 41 810 - 179 i 204 ii 188 1 283 1f 150 224 r 178, 286 2f 1221 248 11 72! 186 1 254 ; 487 2f 1471 178 .11 117 254 1f 121 60 1 571 121 75 81 f 102 219 11 180 480 2i 13 136 , 188 171 29 116 89 110 78 111 411 1 165 121 106 1 ' 67 159 34 -21 78 164 1 57 248 ' 98 120 1 56 85 389 853 4 ' 58 248 50 „109 1 120 - 820 1 142 199 1 1 1 1 8 17 8 1/1 30 598 2 3°1 , 11 2 1 91 17 3151 ,1 1 1 111 2601 3051 3 2 f 511 1 83' 141 " 1 1468341 11 1175 5271 2' 781 841§ 611 521 66 85 ,118' 260 1 1 107 174 1 30 129 30 95 171 238, 2 481 937 24 9I 781 18811 83 150' 19 1 891 691 77i 64 141 - Musical Novelties. 7a By reference to advertisement in another col on limn, It ICU be seen Met eavetal Interesthig 150 musical noveltioi have been brought to thl: di/ 1 7 9 by H Bieber, who has Put returned from 'a 159 visit to the fiat. In ad: Bien to a choice stook 120 of the renowned Steinway Ph/101, personally [2O 74 ',looted for this markit, Messrs. Maher A Bee. .15 win exhibit Piano Fortes on the principle of the .19 violin, with double eounding board, and said to 114 pr ;sem a tone similar to that Instrument la Mil -4 ianoy and clearness. &lola, a Plane forte with 0 0 a separate, complete and fell toned M olod [6B eon 'attached thereto, which latter *hen closed 118 up, is altogether unseen, and leave the piano in 84 Me origins' shape. A new styltrof Piens of semi 98 circular shape, wish only three legs, will be on 71 exhibition. Its appearance to nary gragare, end 70 the inventors olahn for it morn polar of tone .47 and fez greater durabilty than is penalised by the 27 ordinary square Piano Forts. All these aurae. v. , e lions, added to the tenurially large and envois!' 89 selected fall stook of Pianos, willful* unlit, at tics large crowds of visitors to the ware rooms 08 of the Mena. Bieber A Bro. during the coming 54 tow weeke. 118 38 Effahop aimpeon In new York. 88 On Th unday last, at the revolt of the Young 28 66 hion's Christian dello:tenon, Bishop Blosncou 78 rtpeated, at the Academy of !lento in blew York, 76 his patriotic addrese on "Tits Pal:wool Oat Country." Nearly fin thousand persons crowd, : oni this vast audienearoom, which was lilted mare than an horn before the time of oommenobsg, sod many hundreds want away unable to get within the doors. *rho Bishop was scooted with , intitmlastio applause; and oho excitement of the audionea was kept up to the Mope of the ad.: dress, although It occupled two boors sad a half' In the delivery., alai totals In this eltie, 1,787 2,093 1,296 2,688 A (Marta op Bass.—Tbs wall anoint arm of Patterson A Hay, Allegheny', having secured oho, room lately octeupiod by Jonn Brown. Jr. turner of Arderal street and Diamond, have relltted it in the most tasty manner, and ate ROW prepared to supply their old friends and patrons, as wall as the trade generally, with everything daft , alto in the varlet baoss, shoes, coupon gabarsr, balmorals and over shoes. Tits policy of this; Ilroi has always bean to purchase nothing bat the very best of goods, and in their ova Mann. featuring, to ass nothlag but the best materials. Bann, any on. wishing a good lintels, cannot bit to entail it by calling at - No. Paduat s set lersr,S: ftraflYrTillCHMl Twain- retro rates rt.r. ItOr 11.314110 since the In madam:lon of OSGOOD'S INDUS OHOL• AGOGUE to the United States. Dating tala period it bar saved the lira aoi resiored the ti•zith of thousands, who had bosom* thei victims of inn Ate itsessa. Have yost s sallow eomplealcrn, loge of appetite, dopreetion of spirits? Are you a ntiarer from Jaandleet Ilia your Ur* blooms Inactive and your system deranged by tiestdenoe is a rinio'sly ottataio, or 4 - emoting through Welt te. losalitioc? pose no time to pmouring the CLolagogue. Its faithful ore win more,the bur den and remove you to health. Sold by all drag gi ea and medicine dada', Patens Drecirtain Elccierr.—ln the present m at of the late Grand Jury, which we pablished In :el/ in cur columns, the organisation tit a M a- a Discipline Society was suggested, all a Tam e, for axis tir.g CTDJ V ocnnection with the none t) jail. Acoordingly, this bady,tatfora their replaration, specintcd the following pergolae L ootantittos to a public rotating, when adrisable, to take amigo in reference to the orgaalsotion of each a Wan. Brow, Obairman. mho Woo feral:am 0. •be Grand Jog" l; Thos. H. Luce, Johnt Hunt, C lrtn ...idling, Win. Smith, John H. ➢roan. Szkam &Eon voa Gums —Mrs: J. I Bowes School wilt-open on Tneado, November 16th, rner of Weak and Saidusky streets, Allethe • connection with this *shoot, a separate department will be °pored for the armommudatien of small boys: Par pertitmlare addrene the pi Iscipal, No. 43 Sandusky street, Allegheny. RSCOTICRITO.—Prsnk R. Ott, who was watmded during the riot at the Iron Hotel, oniftentr day night last, Is newevering, and ithe phialoian pr nonage him out of danger. Pccrir loons, blank, memorandum an piss b Es, a fill assortment, faxsala alloy p r as at F,,nk Case/ Bask and Newi Dept, Ohtonlsh Prarroommpa albums aas diulu for 1813 b, for mato atm:lip as Frank aus's auk mad Nein De pot Chrontolo balding, Path street °Nuys Negligee Shame, P•pper •ud Linen O. Sitspeorleni, Hosiery, Mover, Ba. , ►t tt,. Hie Hands Shoe and Auction House, •tin Fifth street. Now Goons of even , derorlpttoi now roOe'vs3 Yt IlMellantri Bbnio Auction . Bones, 55 Filth NlTA?'Dales of Boots, Shoes sad Dry Cara thl. rmalre Cu at hloOlrglart4'• &Gado' Ebro°, 53 BUM SUM. ' . . . mansion: OBE-4111g—ga Rbarsday nannlnn, Oa - relonnal Prinbytelint'Oburots, Altigh•ar. pr the 130•: . T.Pur,nn11,1).D.. wr_ssuozzad. OBS and an a of Alteghaty notililire.-013 Thor*.lv. Awning. Snubber. the /AI, &tag= ClataL(ll. to the 47i -roar Of 111. •6•• • :-..kna Almada and • the Minim of the-loatfy at* re Opoert.ll7 Invited to attend at. foaorif oo Bn4dar woktia, 0'404. a. II„ loam his fete rtillence, No. SI Graaf strogt, • • • • " , WOOOB.-4hareados of MAP fir ilf)Wo'o)9' a afet ote WSl.Pettes. Vote', Taft Wail din ta a at. oft teedetrelebattle of Odor Clank arrival In thin oily y. Itu• deorated, who Wee igeit t w ttlY•ihtoo Vali nod ttno wootha nu • Kra of Kr; OborLni Wm!, ottllli city, .d bad tercel In the Egintant two yea.i awl two month+. w.d. op= 01 , 117 .0.01. a to .bleb the 8.. 5 1=•. 4 0,,,,,,etecei, or In the orforibeeee a jd ety on the m.. 11. Lt. la asap. be wee dike taltblll It. lb. dteckeoge of hl. dory and Was hfittey compllals.ted by the cAlksti of-the Begatent.for hie brolny. afif ca. joagoiff •tyAra onzradas as a•froo and fated tHesta ami , . . 11074;13110..44 Atroudrlo,Vo n on eitozdar ;Ors. IMO. UM, JORN it O UIJA 00., r., Coth Itrgional H.Or.f AOW*l7:' r Conotal ' lrill . toino pin* lo•nriTow - parn e t . ) nitiiiiroci7irof. lett, ofikedoek. inns iiton oi blio Mrs: dannh_Lown SLAM& tinra shfo, 'nettles& *MA knatlfuoreiloitittr tig;o44 to Mine._ (Wars via .AT. a. ; WO i'aroats 4th Orci; at 1 c'etrri. • croLOrt,Thr Irfetry SOONIOL AV pot jam hOtiliciS a/Lima:. in too !Rh or Was op. runomi. :an (Wards.) morn. at 11 der; from tn. miaow O. 8. /Moo, Tacottratroi Bldinil Went, Alleabons. &loan .ars LIMO CO orood. OMOIIIaniILUF tlsaao FIIIIIMIIII,I Illosborsb;o4totor t 7.11184. ''HE PRESIDIGHT. AND Dirtgino Lof It. *IM MO AS SAWN, 00.1EPolrf TO this eisla.lo4 oa laverwita 1 Oat. Pala ow till" tsotamstEd Suck, u lassos* oats tit owsdil os th o Woo* of basins:" on IS.TEItto Lb, ssa, d i . et !bombs Dostr:totrobto mtwsTeesisie as 'Arnim • rhor,ALII-Stl day of &moose", witi Miami ollor-skoldato. imam etoolrboSierli 1011 - man jr.- 91113 4''3 )A*ll4 PIEMIL gag, , ISO& EL. ESOWS. 1 418 * 1 - 21 • brartilAfti . t t oo , .Lll iinjTO tt=il).37. • =M!!1 Centrat mad of Educatio. Repelled Attack ea leorgaasea. B? 'Loynd Noy.ll.—ll, gentlemen to olty prosesaesi lbeg attack ea Morgasses. arid dte party. of 19,06 Winners. acreportsd by the N. Y. iTforioro, ovnaipotilett. as Ida*. He woo at Moog • fitw Asp of 40? the reported o Rua eb , all herrn:mowed. and heard nodded el lt, l ted the oteziner fecal Noir Odaano oo lets ft, taitliatr bdies ao Mk (Vat THE IATEST ;NEWI BY iI'ELEOII4PH. IS ELECTION IN NEW 1011K1 lINION MAJORITY 8,500 SEYMOUR DEFEATED Sharman on 'a Daring Expedition tee POSTAL MOREY ORDER SYSTEM Expenses of the Loatatatia State convention. Dka.. :Ata, Env You, Nov. 11.—Tde Climereist kivar timr nor The latest returns from the oonntlen In the Btete,neerly,ail which ere oracles!, show s majority of 88.000 for Lincoln. wad over 9,000 for Penton. The liiinuee thls p. =announces the majority for Lintel* at 84U and that for Penton at 9,000. The Closswareiel Washington Ape. slat ms: General Blierintu he started on ' a daring expedition and easy next be heard from near the Atlantan. ilea hat a targeted well pro• tided force with good supplies' of. provision, and ammunition, and the stag of paymasters are amply tupplled with funds. Themys the postal money order 'yeti= working very enooessfetlly, and gins promise of a lerg• - busittess. The Guiding Btu arrived this morning from New Orleans. The New Ottani papers of Om sth make com plaint over the expense. of the Lon clam Stets Convention. The total amount, adds from the pay of members, was 940,000, et Thtah 99,000 were for liquor and edgers. Thd Etervldl, army of the Amu epeeist says: The Imprudent was a oommon one throughout the army operating against Richmond, that Lee would order an meek on the day et the elec• don, Indulging in the belief that one lino would be weakened and could be penetrated And hell by the rebel force. 04 the contrary the day was eseeedinglY quiet, and scarcely a goo was Oriel anywhere throughout the lines, by either side. Oe the left the cavalry home were raddled and ready to move at any moment. No alarm °c oined. lifilitary matters are represented to be at a stand still, with no prospect of a change. An advertisement appear, in the Columbia, S. 0., papas giving the members of the legisis• Mrs the privilege of paying their bills to pro duce. The Charleuton papers &arts@ the mem bers from nharleaton to go to Colombia with a es Olden; reapply of tattles and chicken' to pay their board for the tendon. THE NATIONAL SAILOR'S FAIR No News from Gen: Sheridan PIRATE CHASED BY A GUNBOAT The Italian Government and the Empire of Mexico. CONVENING OF THE REBEL OONGREES opscisi Western henclate Prue Dispatch. New Tau, Nov. IL—The National Sailors opened at Boston on Wednesday evening, az.d premium great sucusa. A ectudderable amount he. already been realised. There Is no nears from Sheridan's army, be yond what has been alesady telegraphed. • The Ne.them Fortresa Monroe thuds!, giros additional parderGan of the pencil of a pirate steamer by the gunboat Bureaus. The pirate wee twice sighted, and was swiftly fol lowed by the Sessions, 'blob one time was within two miles of her, when darkness sot in, and all advantages gained, cue lost. • 'During the chase, the privateer threw over glue and other weighty muter, supposed to be ammunition and store.. She was Clewing apparently for Wilmington. Wtisn last area by the Sulam, on Sunday evening, she was amide the line of blockaders off North Carolina soul. Bit• is 'apposed to be althea the Tallahassee or Otnetie and is probably the same Jammer re ported isetthe Omega. The Ewald's Pursue letter sayer Political oorkalneretiona have iodated the Ithillaa Goy. amount to recognise the Empire of alexia*: There an but Illy few who 'route pot bur with pleasure that the French and Emperor ' li•sloniliten have been driven oat of Idazion, ant Its former Government restored. It is uoartalned that the Eleatrlo Spark sunk after the prisoners were cent away, ant not ran lose the oove as reported. the rebel Conyers has °cavorted, and the fol. lattice Senators have answered to their name.: B rowel! Orr, tooth Careful.: D erahate, N. C H. Hlp , Gs ; 11. Caperton. Va.; B. Borrow, L. Maxwell, Pls.; Johnson, Mo., and B. Matsu, Hy. The Bente. Washington special lays: Hon. Belot Walker has arrived. B. ha. as yet to othrial inttvrontosn of the duire of the Govern. ! meat to asthma charge of the Treasury portfolio. N doubt ['entertained that Mr. Walker's mare L preursory to his tetroduotion to the Treassuy Department He has a:premed the opinion shot our enamors can be AO managed 113 to bring otr, elm ahoy nearer to par than ifittas been dor ' Inc the war. Among 'other things, recaptured on t e Phi. de, was an o(tislal cop}, of ..rote of thanks by Canvas to Lieu. Col. Joseph Bailey, Aulog ;fir ginger :of the 19th army corps for hie shut servittes to rescuing the Sotille fromlted river, on Om. Banta' expsdltion, whict! was 'token by the Florida from the Eteottio Spark, captured on her peerage to New Orleans last 'summer. ' The Preslden Ventre raga was remitted android; the the proceedings of the remit mooting of re bel Governon in the Bops. Sizty.t wo members Were were:present; Among them wore Wilkes, "head, Clair, Conrow,Verst, and Hetehey of Mt.- ltrsrl; Keel= Triplett, Read, B wing, Christ. Man, Bu nting:H. W. Bruce, B. M. Brace, Kars lb dl, Sloops. Bills to relic additional fore*, for th. ;abet armies, one to asolls6 promotion by erre:Pity, and to mike merit the bads more. p: oh wan refund to the lifillitary Committee. dThe readlottlsh offered by Murray, of Tenn, e daringthat ton Confederate States will give pet Wier synthathy nor aid to the eltabliehmens of moonatehy la Mexico was referred to the Cow. ' i • tee on Foreign A ffaLrs. Mr. Swan, of Tenn., offered a resolution de• es nag beano ealgeney exists or to likely to oo • en' renal/ins the pLeolngof seeress bathe GM). B. also lalrodnoed a resolution to roo all all oort• Mi-atoterefrom foreign witless. Th. discos slam open the resolutleo was brief. Mr. Milos, of 8. 0., opposed the proposition to Woo slam. Foote, of Miss., favored% but said be desired waiting 'hi deobrion of the enemy on the 07- Hop of employing pogrom, This deaisthe weed appear in the result of the present Wootton. If Lincoln wits elected be would favor giving the the.ident fall power to employ sieve. Ha was ready for the black Gag, or anything, before el/mission: !The bill totals* more men for the rebel army plume all kuldett white melee, betwout the ages of sigh's.. and forth-Iva in the army, re • voiles all stamps:oos and deulle, ant &tabular,' the PUN/HIM to make details when neoessary. 'Nothing pistol importance oomorred before the adisurnmeet. PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S ANNUAL MESSAGE. It will Eecommend an Abollshmen of Slum hi Every State. • BUSOBBLCIIIMS OP OFFICORL wad Westin exerwe waif tagroatoa. Nay You, Noe. 11.—d Washlepton &- pleb be the Oisswarrkst es's: The lutdild oonsiasweal the preven tion of hie assuage. An Abstr•ol of tho r 0 P 0,14 of ~ ireriotir '-burseve toe s lz i n 4 firobbed Mut. Nothing bob It re Hog the vlswi will take, bat It le understood di* President will rassminendtbe ens:anent of • law &battik( og eineeopessoyishere la the Milted States haws. Mite!, and fomer. Ith rumored there will be a Oasts Le the °Wait before the next settles of Gongraiiii - • • :Kr. Voseararon la IMF Mooted Senator • new BoOretu, of Ow Treasury must be Weleeted. in postibly *flex dumps asp b. ends. Amend duke nisp belie removed of Mr. Blanton. • p.m.--ifiofd 20. 73: EMT ROlifkD Iti 111&? TENNESSLB. They are Drina Forh-four ghee GOTHAM 11011117 DENOTED IT DEURRUULB EIMIGUATED. East Tennessee Unanimous for Linos/a. GOOD HEWS 8009 EXPECTED Nunn:um, Nov.lo.—Gen. Gillen has utterly tented the enemy In Bast Tennesiee, driving lam In great eonfrudon forty-four miles. • Tile advance tialnety miles east. The rebels are at pristol, being strengthened by Virginia militia. The Matte emmenidng the destruction of Government property, at Johnsonville, Is great ly exaggerated. No :apprehensions are enter tained is regard to its safety * The destruction of Gorartment and private property on ths river Is complete, Involving lm muse lou. The elution 101 sat Tenn was umlaute for Lincoln. • The following is the' vote of the Ohio and Panraylrazda soldier, etAtiantas Pologyirania soldiers, Linerolet, 1213•' hroOcallan, 389. Ohio folding, Lincoln; Old; McClellan, 438. Ovr entire railroad and teleguiplile eommanl• callow are complete and same. Hood'. tract whereabouts is blown tattoo an. thoritica. The Pederal movements will be developed at the proper tlme, sad will eleetrify the imam. A FROM T:1: POTOMAC ARMY GENERAL ORDER LOWED eprsisl Wastars Associate Prom Dispatch Bee. (103. ALUM 07 Pwromeo, November 10, 1804. The following order du been tuned from time headquarters: Isa Thit the Sth New York Naar, Artillery, the 164th Sew York Vols. and the Seth Wisoon sin Vol., having been reported showing distin guished bravery during the engagement of Octo ber, 1864, on Hatcher's Han, takes 'pleasure in restoring to those gallant regiments the right to carry the adore of Irldah obey wars deprived, by his general order, No. 37, of September 12d, 1804. 2d. It hating bean reported to this Major Gekeral Oommandilng, that the Golan tif the fel lowteg taitalleaad regiments meetly lasi la battle, want lost ender drew:estates, that re- Basted no dishonor npon those regi cents , but they are hereby permitted to carry other colors, vris Dth New Ilampshlre Vole., 57th Hew York Vas., tsth Pennsylvania Vols. and 105th Pean• Ivanla Vols. By command of QUOTATIONS OF GOLD Resignation of Geo. McClellan LIBEL SECRETARY OF TREASURY REPORT Nr You, Nov. 11.—Gold has advanced from toe decline last night, •pening at 143, and after yards going down to 139!-1 The fluctuations me attributed to spa:salmis. operations. The Conatercial Advertiser's Washington Me dal insists that Gan. !MoClellaa has resigned his commiesion in the army, and that the resignation 11. received at the War Department yesterday. We latter if brief,. Th. report of the rebel Secretory of the TAMS my Is yelp delete!. He says he can only obtain sus In oarrraoy, equal to $6 in spools, for $l,lOO Otntsderata bond'. New York Gold Ind Stack market apcial Wortero Amodatod Prom Maps:4SL Raw Yolk, Nov. 10.—The 'took market Ls more buoyant than yesterday, attar sales b realise profits Bunn again a disposition to buy' Priam are alightly better. Oatsidors coining tato market opetate eaatipasl7 , declining long ventures. Broken an cautions in offer of mar. gib, which aback. tho speoubtioes of outsiders: (hon. coattails Arm ; eepenbily 5 10's for which parchassa are bong mods on foreign aeoprent; Railroad bonds and bank nook more wain and golre lino: Than wan large tranustions to Erie, /Tobigan hoottenru and Beck bland: Gold ad. .coed from the decline of bat night, operant, at tb, and aftsrwareis toe:whites 2301. !be bust oveuLitivs inerstarity wholly aceotents for changes in quotations, there befog no out • aide buss effecting he entrant' The money market la without rostsdral changer: There is • good demand for stock ; Osculation and tonelisrable sanity in goidateeker Goose ez traordioary,samples of geld tsars been shown, from Canada East, on. speolutek weighing nearly a pound. ; . The ISleetiou in labials. Crillll7lo, Nov ql-The reported irltfas In 81 coontsisa ewe Lincoln 48,841 sod McClellan 14,- 131.2.ie1th SO6lO demeeretle ociantles to hew from. Ilapubllmc members orCoogress bare been Wee. ttd the les, 21, 2:, 4th. 55, 6:h, TS and 8:11 Disiziota. Tho lib, loth and 1111 Matelots elect Mc:toasts. The 1.2.1 i and Mahan „yet to doubt. Ir. Moulton, ilopublican csadidans at largo Is alactsd. Thu 2.,.. Spricgtiold corresponds:it ynt s that tho Rapublicans hare a majority of ono lb the Senate and• tine lu the Otito Soldlet'd Vote. CtIteIISAII NOT. I:4—The Soldterat tote tins Wetted Deena, Union to °onstage In the thtr. teeeth Dist/lei of Ohio. Thlt silos ititUnton p 1,07 saventoen out of nineteen Oengretainen. Home Vote of Per?eylvAtila flannirecrea, Nor, 11-1 mistrial estimate was made hers on the beets of the Ostober election, which clams the Sttte on the home rots at be• tweet 4000 and 5000. Aroatog Southern Negro,' The Southern nowepapere do not keel up very free discussion of the q vestiort of min reeling the Mares into soldiers. It fra dell. ate and ticklish subject, and perhaps the Government at Richmond does not allow it to be ,riked about in a very open way, cultil Its decielon concerning it is made. BM that there b some agitation of the question is shown by the &Rowing, which we And in the ad vcstising oolumns of the Richmond Bence fn, of November sth: AFONYISOUB OftltD.—lt is bed poi lej in a elareholding country, el • mixed pop. 'lona whites and biaolas, to hare. law for lei' cling stints on a white person for any off , roe. 'l‘ . te neaten is that the lash is the mi et suit.cle punishment for the negro, and to cbjeot the white man to the lash is to re. dace him to • level with the negro. Yet, thi re Is one offence for which, it seems to die, n Lite man, as the. only outoolrable ezeep • tine to that most manifest general rule might, with toleration, be eabjeeted to stripes. That affsoce Is an expressed willingness by any man to put the shin bodied =gross in thee, States in the army as soldiers armed sad dallied. I would rote for a law to sob. pet ..itch • white man to stripes on his naked back "PU8L10.9." Here we have ore spec - Tenon of "the &air ll ty." who v•mtures notosymously to attar tise hie vie se on the proposed erasing of the torsos He considers those who adrooote it ea deserving of a more igoominlons punish. meat than. is infismod for any ather-orime, Thant are a good many poop!. -at the South who thlakllkohlm, and It will only he under a feeling of ,a,bsoluss necessity that theJtioltft mond antborities will over mood to arm their negroes. The unpopale i rityoL themes. sere, and the. fear that daring or-After the war the trained negro soldiers, who hero ban made free, will turn upon their muter*, mast. ;aka them hesitate about resortingsa suolt--a measure., Hat the &nth is gettingezhanstot of white fighting men and not that the es. election of President Lincoln shows the de", ttrminadon of an North to carry oath* war,' it will soon be compelled to arm Ito pegrees t q l r eat ill an ve :r h o e wan Q te ute ttio l'il w ° ho ll etlg ui ses Gu t a lt g tht up to the whipping post sod Witted, will probably bare to begin with Jefferson --Philo Rif Bufkfits X:"..EUTS. New York martet. Fut Tom, P. R.—Ootbit steady, at :1,4041,4L 71,10 hid. sad Western of roord ti•Aty sod cloud doll ail 1t g 44 lowa, ,• 1114)10 1M tor or& itoto, 0311,18 d5. for /tura It. Et. 0 ; 4,4 110.60e1l tor Trate Brai - • Wihkw Irmei Arm and c!crist doll; 111.7,1 for Stab, Irt.TIXtOI,74X tor Wads a. l• d en i Owed tol,ry aid Milotower ; 121,t;1X 01 to for °Aoki° hulls, 1 2 ,1/%011 . 83 kt !dam. tritoltai (Star Wtotor Itst Willer. ; NAYS 1.60 at 6 mixt Xtetigiu. Ate tate, Holey • shads Armor. Von *illy. .4 to Oroor, it svrsaixa rer 111.4 Western, •do•I awl la rites. Deb 1(48; botAr ; IK.ooto tx W•dons, stoat, OW 1050 'a stmt.. • ;Woo! vast. Bien 4•10. , steuly. mem OttOnde. lb•hvis •te•dy; Nowwa, 81,1361,1 O; Porto ale; tu, a 4 attruna—Cala, bevy at itpagra; Lama In Bend ateadz at 70aTtc ; tletheret to 800k.48 rhom bi', al 70e. opee.d dna sad d Map; 1 ,39 0" Oa, woo. $ 4 1.•60411t% . r.c. Be. do, cab and r.aarat ui.4. rkeinE a 111.25 kr cub. N 113111,10 tot Maul and INl,llb for Prima. Nona Ink domand. 13•18 Estes more actin and fink, thlefly at Oat Raab Om and mom act In, at 170191 ka. I des, tad littpla to, Huns. Lant We sotto, and rather hoary 1 111%„g14% finnan latrine. Hattarrookt and ; 14411110 to Waters, so Ho to etata. Ohre ocelot and stood;, at leetSsl. Now York Lock and Mons, Market. Vow roil Nov. 11,—Nonor leas wilts sad at T par neat • arW etotllng d at lakcitorx kr gold. a Mad mkt. opening at 9ist, &attend 111 141%, .1. ranalogrto and aka. at HIM. Oarernmekt meta arm; 1041 °noir.% ; Oa. Year Osotilloatat 05%; 6-9 D (hAtietoo; lal%; ele t Goa pent, 107%. Sleeks tomer; 0 i B. P., 11. W. d 0—..--.106 I o.a P 105 O. Jt N. W . O. a. N. W. pratarrad. 1111 tlikroo Orcoul---___ O. N. Cloakroom-. 401 d ado-- • ettlesage Iffarkst. 0111011K.S. 11.—Floar wkwai ; sl.Bo@t,elyi r.r sr.. 1. Corn ticel d atlvanosi ;,iga to ; • th• at 11,34 /or NJ 1, .od 111,139i121 for So. 3 at. Ore, as 14. for No 1. Widoks7 Docalnal. at 31.01441,64. itoootpto—rlottr. 3,030 bast Want, 91,059 bush 0.., 3/9,003 do; Cato, 63.030 do, litdpneents—nour, 10,020 Ill.; Wheat, ; Oorn, TV boon; Oati, 7,300 do . Treighia firm and quid. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. Ma tiny ros•coutbletubly during Thu day ulfthtural yort•rdsy and as. 4111 deny slowly last evening, with fall Vann feet m th• eastart by the Pb. markt, rho wallah.. =thaw cool but plamant, Iliad all that milt posably b. &anal to but4kar oykrstloas. There trr catuddatu.bls maniCtstad at tha landing yettarday, sad •rith usually larpnioslyfa, then am al. • d•ad•d hayrovemant to the ablyam fa. The arrlembe Include the Minerva from Wheeling' lulls, Item Etherrthe ; Golden Zr., and Jew l'oeraG, from Perhenunelh, and the Wm Buller, from Cdnotz natL ice Golden En and Powell sae leaded prlnel pally with plg ntered—the former having brae:glee up 236 toos. The !Mem cleared for WlN.ling, on Cane, and the Jame Pante, was settlog ready to lanes lest evening tor Yoneaanth. The Ina Rees and Eche both left for 011alty, wi th trlpa, nu, l lChempaork," Capt. Freak Marronele nsw packs% Is abent dolshad, and WA probably be herded op to the hooding to-day. There en several best. dos from below, and among others the Glide and Anna 6141 Ilexpectei to do,. Tb. Onenrd, In onernand of °apt Janes if will poelthaty leave for Olaelanstl and Leviertlle LW.; eve ntog /he has .:meant aeaoramodatlalse for plaun v., and L to chore of oersted and centlemanly cars. The ArmenCliat. A. 0. ItcoAllual. is M etz v rapidly P L oui s , ard wlll be 01. Aryl bass t, 1e.,. p too tbai point Sr wax. Butler, a will bee - en by card Is mommed to leave for Cincinnati to-day 'entre fell, nod geta and ahippers chord bear N & M hi mix =au. Jamie Cellos, Co. are her smuts Sr new bun boat Samarium, Origin 8e,.., le ant onnmd to leave Mr NewOrtrokand Iptermettl ate points UM realsg. The ten Messner Mont Bpestr, Osptals Chrkmond la demised to loom for Nrbville on Wednesday neat. The Jade, 0. &Ira Wm. Ortabron. is the regular pack et for Zmemill• to day, leaving at Ip. m. Tb. Lordmills For. !elms for Coloste4fei t who had arrived there from JohnennviLln, that derma- Ur of ths avantboats on lbe lamasery rimy oar Jobik iatiTin• WAN rapists, loge Cher With eerml-lhotramd tom of freight, Indad log the lower or warehouse, and all the height on the wharf to the vicinity of lb. ban leg best. The boat. death tyri ware tit. arewk J. H. Doan*, No. 2, lictuttalarm. Amor, Senna Doke, Oludg Prietaia, and J. B. Ford. all transports, logethar With tho gar.bosta do, Srk, Hem J 2, and No, 21. TM mkala had alter, stagnated We J. W, Chertatua, ant smoth r 'dams; tdo 0441., sad the latter or g do. strayed by them. Marra wane all burnt on Priday, es Ms rebels had completaly blockaded the river both above and today the boo,, and as ths gunboat. mid art ran the esnotiet of tba batted., It was folly for the trarrome to attempt. hear r2lO tans of the freight of the Atria and the J. B. Mane were surd, as well as the new warehouse above the ralloard. GUMMI flearislot, with %opts nineurerrents, bad rartosti /Mumma Mlle datarday, art the place ma safe. She mama hood tare batteries of go.pon. d Parrots planted on the other rota of the river, curates Johnsonelila. ant ar ra! heavy batter eh... sad below that point. lasi. Gen. Muni. • mcir• of a. Cheerman't decd hat& arrived al incionstl o Monday. They report Mar the rebel. barred th. Cllmmatan, afmt .b. trm c.ptand, bat ps r,dl.4 .stria Thad. Mtribtin, who bad kb .Tier sal data , bier with him. The !mi.. of The ante more preread on armor Um oboes when the mbria. bar in ' our strongly omgrarattni farces mould rac.,- tan. tb• gunboat, resumed iha mew and Maw ap tint Itest. TO. Hro Moak Dead romped darlag the mho mart, while lb. Wham of U. are. war. prisoners as hal ammunta. BTIE4X f l o.df TS EGDLA Et GALLI POLIB AND POUVIYOUTH PAOCP.—Tbo to o •••Sit 0...m0 Joao. Powell, Copt J. S. Lee, w re koir du totortoodloto port. *Tory 110/11.111, 41 o,olock p. m. Tor tr.let or painsx• apply as boor/ or to .1.11110 001.1.1116 • 00.. 4 .101t1. .11 Wham' Onatboio. Mooopmsbolo Bride*. rojt In Kr. LOUTH—The fine Amster tat etZnet A, Capt. Meattlualt, '' ' al knee at abate ota 11 LTC lIDAY, the eth tcet. Par 6.01 or pommy appry 00 bawd or to J. D. 0 - LLFHOWOOD • rol.: VOW, PLACE, u„,11,.. CINCI FAIL—Tho fine r steamer WI UN DC7 LIC4. Copt. Alfred 'forties, w I lwaiw tt. 0.. and lituslaw dis" • oda ra , s • lr. Iftb In._ al 10 °IA. ft E. EL freksbt ffipply as board to 0b,12 J 1.4. COLLIN* Avint. WAR N.:ISt:WILL H 0 R m a af l a = W ZDHLIIDA %r MA s bM * s will I «sv• as au sauses4 abaft. lx Gat~at or pay. 1 of II J. D. 00 I..Lus w 00D, ; 'LI )ti CAIRO, Hi AN AND NNW 031..A33 —Soo /vat iron casco, Ta11at31,13 . A.3, Copt Bro.. oa 3 tTORDAT, lot. Mb, at 4 o'clockp.. r ftelabt or mats apoty on tr , ard or to 133O7Erart altatkiti,} ut 3L.403C, Agt... J. D. Cil•Lirti3Woo3. FOR CINCINNATI AND L')U. 1, PILLL—On OATOBoAIt. •ov. 19, at Ip. on. T 111.12,• panzattoot ottooter ON If LW), J. 11 Ibotrl.ll,two an anoonvetd AO Ye lot &night wr pwoon apply on . lonrd or to J. O. 001 l JOON PLACK. OOLLINOWOOD, }Amts. HOME LIAGUE' Goons. RIND VESTS AND DRAWER /or Alm Women add Children ALL WOOL YEAR MID DMISILD FOR GEST& NEGLIGEE 011 TRAVELING EMITS WOOLEN ELOSIEI4 Y. A lure OF Ati. THE DESIRABLE STILES MI AKER, KOUT AND DI ICHI2IO SOCHI BUCKSKI/OLOVES AEiD GUANTLETI. NM BECK TIES tail SUSPENDERS, NSDALK GINGHAM umßantis, 1 WOOL= ENITIIIIO YARNS, s:1 co on sall irasstales. BALMORAL BURT& ups,. :or In ttlirsne danbilhy t. tho» laportad Ornaments wad, Trimmings Iroe Moak" .4 Drawn. Mai Bash and Manna Ribbons OMR A NDIIII RS SCOTS. Lein' STTLII.• N W Ltd OVII ASH OLD 3 0•111 OS. MOST BRSter PHIS &SD It AS D SDP& PO PH I L 110,1114 AND RSCISWHO &•.d PiII4tDS4PHIL SUDS PlOl4lll/ P) OHS. A 11116.0110 .HPISPA. WHITS A. n wuntto warnA am) °Haag, LL B HS eII44I.OiSZEPHIO HlnOrd• DS HDO 4. ways. alrovr.4. CSALtaI, IL/STASI and • GAITHEB. • e , • 11* trrglogiret•l'n sr& ' 1.1111101.41$ KAAIY. rummy, GA ma* pnrgilasa crews Isom' op ted/Hoot tiods 44 0 44.01 , sinus VI Ca' rii.ol•4lS4 and sitti a., &Hs •SildeTOSS, PI SS; !MAIDS, BM Dldas amt. w *Mr Sllttd. WARES. Jaw ma's& 11, &Ansa. tily,pf IleDdicsoVllllgt NO, sad "WO DOTTOS lIJSIL VV.* Atteatneiwitt hortalbe.bil 41H4 to 042 as, 'Mandl &MOMS lIADI Annan% . • to carorr.mAaatnis,s4 ob.. ' IT ' AfAli Ifirriterrusit, •, W. RoDEN) . i.e . llsir4 2d. mass, sas Oraaaway. - ,6o!1 -Torr. . _ _ W. R. BODIMHANEE. FL D.. Office 1.40 T, Vasa.. Ob. Duals Mitt ezatostre atteattni to lb. Illeitoal and /What teemateut a/ Ohnodc tntsesee. tepee/Alb than et me term aa..l.eztia ea P.lee, Monty IP* CkutlP.tteo. tv.e the 133.61, Morten. Mt Striders alto. novel, ha, Alpo the ' , WOW 4:4 " 210 1 1 04 Woash,litedneet. the .heeler, 4/e4•:; . • -' eottlette. Ei c k:.roircuas PUB saLe —Horan and Winii4/Lchottat with dna Issortionnisto 111 5•4.wwa Loris inidta. Tote dinnwily h OhnOliddlitioa. tir4vo mike Wow Pituborch. in lbw Plitibugli, rod Warm nd Os into I Rosh ass glui Ohio tin" L wilwtrablr adopts! Icw e Man tins 1:1* rasa( Hos*, or prints nodding*. L. nen 1:T5111. LII rwarai stag:. PULP Ninth man iratissrOnr:as nevoid. wad los II LOT R. 8174101111 TOTTER Tttitel Witte —By aging the 1 - 0 -psalm lIIMPEIMI Or mess Dumb. k spl pullbaty onus tor Any Nark of blab The airs pramval 14. imparter In que11...) to la say brands of its. 'Woe are bow so expwartb.. bob !alb. base Rll ermodana for bar, b Thlticht. ATZUN "titi....291) bide. prime White . •b: 1:1 ' J; Is Nair sad him ratns ander We of athadald I that yoi a ewe. fhl thatalent el may_thae. Its falser thethautat, tar !*flan to thetas elitatth_ tratelthoth .ththadte year .treatment sat Iteathadol realta,:.- • then teem boat, the Wham of the,ther MI6 ord. oct to .Moat pottthiall MlK:tea Chitaah, tufted by thong Lab!. qinCoass.dolant bahthulatitha of the. • Holtz ottobroos to the theft* or the lsaiathoethe. Wood le this Oat atom bte, 'eatery dlacouthteßsid the nthicottheneatly becoadadaand aodystloacuad toward theta:ea of tha smith,...rathatt not bloody : Shallot. tatha proem:edam as .. th , c woods o f headache! otoonith datelothadly ea* day foe a path 6 ]atlas: ' tnymoz• to Math we:Li asasetbra eartiticatas te. opthitate ma t r badmen the thane ea do my bet; !AU:moths atrothLat Intloootostios yoga Leztead to th• tooth.. Proditloot teathaetia: air thetbroth:athe; Oman bowmen the panto tha of inlay eat tidal *lath ;ha het fa ...taloa It the as de:Oath' let the eate l lo d oll i azagr i =tr e rahasal far.:: ' . that,. math aad thaw eathadrat pr pace d nate: bolf a death Watt; lidatitht.aa Lath:awed eathicia : glow sad lot , thashadoes dthanad and Its eillu=ll hat t littaatuater setket Bat y . r i gf laitki law to = 1 Lutist I ' atb fud dad It Wl* ethalloeof so atraoatikee ba th an Jam Egireaheothad., • Qatar ; tthethuthaces./ Itad , wegh totholincre:,fivas the =pooled heath ty of :fel . 41kalai t taqam.s • Lrlalotqoar tab/want.: rjoutd It soca athood them di/ lathe. Pftelurts 4.4 . Oman aclthad meth/tem too th ed beta:ltem& then.: lajmyteaati as aunt tabby badathathed : hapose ' ii thla. At the tame gate of tha t attd did tot Stet wend ot ateat seam oy.ttettood a statithal rthef atilth amply math hoar Ihr y trial ot 'tar thettocat. end labia ac Wad the tba: that uthatioaddre: ethattro ea la was adapt. thie batheyhaest. ! , 'Yt ethethadd meth ham ata old atteths of chanty ,tha the inthrtheicolod • paltd of thastir :bah • INN, ear th at Innate anent oa th s. n 1,0.1 at Risen .Irluelk 1,901' tegporbr. ma mm a , ma th no SUVA *writable. Iraik, lamp, regatta. as etetest some& It I. •tha:l6l.l mouths z thus. 4. that yolt - Ahot ths'etheatouth - matte 116..upliap.: at to tooth Oda coastaatlyi WA • la Ibis gybe._ • Wan thi PAM} Mad th. 'a coatterat ; .jostiot yothoist AO to hest vole , pants sitOortno: ea I.ltha, to- add that It sal ethathstalalthaatittean as to the till ayead eals•• dyot yosrm.ihodof ineduir ccamt, at wes stheantha aco, but lam nme , of thal: heath 'that It then 4 iaobs Wad la a 43C1th far thaNdl NSF**. oaphn •N . N4mit.lai asp b. teen stomp,; rat,_ Asia" • Dect;.l. uea. ; Da. Licensmt. ;—Zerh with mot tabu. IRIL Um That commutate , 0_704 the immces at the outll - chits pm tato ma, OL7 APPUU/S0 ti) TON lactate*. tlot Larl ,, a r. lowa Jou eitcottona t tied KM 8..- 1y to role that 1, , c0 wow tat re urtrot Ghat thollti sPPlMmloos la to het gall. cioandost -Nate am 'well a. d 'boil ma timed to would ' t.ual.d. MI Oar dr , IF !mai% .i osametty iambi mat% I amid Da shoot to peat emelt valor parLlL4to . ittatt KM Moped,. • AMIN istOti Main% • AffEDiC.SL. „ or EELS /13131 01 DEL rSQIIMEIThr. 84 £t .117 ark's Peace, &etre Pork 111 NOV IN PITTSBIIRGA ISO WILL =Um AT IBA St. Charles Hotel, Where he asp be consulted oath Marlin Deaths, November 12th. DEAFNERB, CATARRH, Dlsebargee from the Ear. NOISES IN THE HEAD; LiD ALL TEM lAliaooB MIT II) CEIOJIC DISEASES EAR AND THROAT. DR. LIGHTHILL Ie induced to mks this visit on demount of numerous applications from parties residing in Pittsburgh and vicinity. who are unable to come to New York for the indispensable personal examination rendered necessary from the impossibility of prescribing with benefit to the patient wit' houtLifi— DA LIGIMIELL will revisit Pittsburgh at regular int•rcata, according to the require. meats of the pstients under his charge. The bupieeie in New York does-not stiffer an• -interruption from this visit, as one of the firm is there in constant attendance. TESTIMONI &ES. Palermo; Pa., 107. Usi," ?Ms will certify num 1 tiara oesa sador this ones of Dr. Llitk.llll for th. ears of Cdortb, sad that, al. b n. has 'United ism for a little our ow nob, f .1 that a mosansat oro• Is to b elfsobrd, sad aa so much terse to all respects ax to %%mat au to Vrtair LPL to thew bets and rootassontlies Dr. Llshtbill to any oaf, meted flirt Ostarrtt. JAOO3 FORDITR. !myth Ora. I tby Ti Mkt stmt. [nom Ms Ham /emule.lass 4176.1 la every bottom of prolludon.. Weed to ovary do them b always ooze us roller Iry rsc m lited hoed --wstes ". who Womb out abold oue et • lout of baler. Is tbo study and me t tre or &atom and catarrh, es %whit Memo e Dr. L L LIGHTEILL, of Ude dry. oecombs Just the poaltletabAre dawdled. Da has daTotad yean of tabor to thb aperdallit. AM IS stow mobs Me it ward of bit todtutry. Iturobtorlal mimeo of the Trl. boots ot a ram data, boar elbow to the Doctor a two. am la tbb deputautat of toadithes. Wo quote paragraphs “Coots or • Duo Moyer.—toorte Loutuistue, a gal domes pun al ao, tam tivemustp, coo to tab orty who to mu Uot t.. um old. &na aflet an buo we tom stolc end lam Oslo boarlog. Bp Moo IM boo &es &Wand Om dumb. Yor ty to porn he ono • Oita unable to bear tam Iota! TWO% ow to sr Omaha • wad. Mot co you ago ho BILL.peo o hi puma to Ito bawds id DT. WOW who boo ort tar etosided to moots to Wm tel las peon of lortu toad crumsooo tbatite can con Tan* Uto tame Oa mot to Ito dtottoctlp atti.dr liberatelp. Doha um poll Lou flu oaths bo sun under th e t . Wow of kir. Bosochs, sad honk conotterabh moo la manta and oritbasstto.” Hann beersupplied with the Wl'. addicts. we ems. tomattatidahe tuna, add ettomscrod that pont, oss to cabins as Dr. Lightbill e youtAt Miss Si. couldated sod Oa Si. kw tiro um so the outo of • Deaf sod Dumb Asylum. Plas Su. Jobs NO, D. D , Protract la talon 0311egs, Sohassotofin Is • publEatood lotto Colors bls grationa• to Da Ups tali fa licating nomaititnif or. of &atm Bev. Ynd. Jtvsu. Proton? at Qs (MO Matta &DWI at •11,..T. &at tottilts to lc slag boot mod of Otatitt. D. Lie MIDI poor abut tottLaoulnk sad tolbutoo to bit taloot Dom some of toe manias sad most ptootlreut and respettnel talluns, wblok map bo ataa sitplialtto/1. It If Mid DI Moat to coats say bat Lerma otptthe of hie f, be therms of thin sou proem and (sots tootltilatg to hb mom Prom Per. Fred. S. Jewell, Professor of tn. state Normal pas*. Albaoi r Mew York. moors .IX7I 010118. TEIB PANTO OomMt • A? COwirt au EOM STOW &O OS FIFTH sra ran 5L4171;117112' NOW. IN FULL BLAST.' GOODS VILEIPRS THAN Dina "VEIN WART FIVE ems AND lIPW =sr nom To tun sinks tmi*oi,? LARGO AND DICKBABLNIITOOVI BOoTk OY BUOES. BALIOILILB .IT Of au:ea:it approvid STYLES .110:.XVilk - adopted to the Waste of 4lis., Is{ nrstval at cLarroma,. 90 Federal Bt, idlegheny Crtty. P. 11.—Pria - eat. sieving orel7 dab um A B:II,ENDID STOOK OF Booth, Shoes, Gaiters and Gates; nrffr azaIINED, dad vsu b mia r low r my °eon' sigaballtuallik the both atty. Call sad math, sad yaw vIII DipaspapA. la plot aad troathlr, of BORL.II.4"D'S, 98 Jfiarkel 11100EID DOOR YROR RUTH. noo JA10323 ROBE, 89 Market Street. entLIJII tai HZ/Si VIII ISZATEST fTrITSO. re lb. lion .+0114211.4 St IBT Wilts la tztt, BMX AND REIM Bo bag pit Try Eta a ruTsTranyldlira MX Tar WAR WOES ID= ZEOWMCD ST 610. ALBA= BIM 6 Co.: 118 WOOD MU= 5. ; "". 1 1 ." 11 :7 1 asess, Mahal, Goat and KW Bhor. . Stan go* era madato atte apietdettir o ' its anted nnacculked cast= vast. - • • • ccl6 • punnuava, - Gas and Maass Pitting, -) fa an lb tanthe., eantany ad, anaidd Talmo. •In amatakado - OM IfIXTVIMS, Ellit7l3 B.llMlL BIL WACH lS hcama, HlMltairla, .(kaaady awl ad aka wertiar. TATE EIVIIAL*; at. ss ISBXMLL =SSA Alleghogn' aLs art ISM= resaaa ratisuoi atatamats rtaao ORAIG OUTLET azolir mar`) 1 !ED G4n GE r./RDJ alaxa Jar.ll;.eansi!iii:* T. a ' 4»lB. Comminteii Ruchut h Parcluuhig Iva% FLOUR BACON, CHEESE, ORIED AID CABIFIMIS) MI ALL FA= Mann -- .., L' , , Ordas tilde la all axasbanalsa, Maas*ftenn. Daum aad Ulna OM, at daslen and assaskdann.- Fans, Ea PEdmpt. MO =Mr HMI" (apalls Mell* ansca Ps Shama Made sod pump tallosaa etnal lOW scsagessases• as=rlita... nut i l i m e, orriadjiin:o4. McDonald • 4141,04.4 Sam Ems • Oa., am Hall A Clo.. It. AL Eabranot •Oa -. O. 1 anartinir Y VD CAN ALWAYS PROOURS • ' , , amorforn o =qui n Pillik; Wilibari's Pins Trim Tyr - Lintinr• Lapivisd Hinod Peinbir . u l ". Hoatantra:thiesoan iiiisom Opines liduettnuz Zi Poet Wise. . . nairal Elnladts of Wm et tn. Ceratipl.;*iii*tciFe. , Cornea Ohio and Tedanl qtreett i Muit„, , ,•,.% noun 4; sacs toe, 1/. ft..-Wa Ball 114 A ea 1108 bail : Ito Dips- TIUQU: WAG: I /T - AND. PABatt 1/ • UR6LEIMCIZIrT WORE . • AT.AIIIO3 AMU'. mar L . & Lit Wad: ;name, oats. breWhillaiNMel (1,01 an , Wheilbeerows, Moo ariAlactics Er la./Wm wad lcddar Diatom's's maufaisars • diffinnat Tian! Bans Weal at Slat Lair aell, reek Tomb, 'getable &X all des Atabstat Dias* Dom. nkso lalte Vahool Kato mt!Olt 91 bast "sitsdalk awl waist's:L.l - ; Orlon satiated pixtilduil • - 71 riisEourtioN OFIARTNERSHIP..4" IA Do ronspoldn bane lot szlatles &dins 'foxsd. to Violltno of 30.2.14111) acrinsois tab day essalokt wont:A lf lbsimodhozooll ends in ks toast to Qs mos EMMA RID. Mai books la anitaoooaste of as ono or. Oat to tho knob of Ir. If:11171124 ibt tie oftSfor. • tont. orba gni, n satecoloot to oorliotglio AK= :ocoloosta tltay sad all tzttoludrit ors ' to WI osildattO go 'stind of tee Oltnrei qt.!, tbolionOlgalalUttlO Urn ) .* • • E 1.17111111 • Tirsitml, Wok. .Ist. 1.11 4.• - ,Awfabortdrootwor.-, 01:1011.-J-ell Parties intereetedla thot. AA onuttag paatar aIWASHIMITONOTE' Imizi lean= .Ltberst shwas, .aaf CALIMI:Lar, et a atIIIIGTON OTlta IT; noir Libiairkr-liatiC__ meaty Ina ,aotke that thirommaaatto4lo mimosa sad out tame at Ito teat at tte Itaaatinalr..` • ;Bagalatot,,Na. Sa.nials itrealr. tato TIUDA.T. Itzehstast Aneroid/ Alma 41/my "In bSimi tft. t#, , ftal at Lta.l?caatatotar calkalsaa. -71,60.1a55 e . Dr OIANI3TTEW - P44MA , Mita -If ,th.marax I w• Sothosi sad Aut.:om- .7 D. 010 .-Zkea 111 ; - Clietlrslais4 WI Thitat rpm t#llstlak Tiro.obk- " sele r.A.T free' Si Irtattql*.t.':: mono emin --- .ll , .autmassi ; ,aticter ! stp#l so szy ands Tilltiabe .r ' -1•101611Tiliaaallft9 1211 ,14 AMMO s' - ::,:i1. , . - f- - ;,_l'iiit,rf . -IhriMaw lie, '' AIL PBEE/ONS LIMN% BILLS-0$ ezdass.aitium ili• ke Itsiuuttre %memo' i mayow• surnstad ir "Isms tams for MONZA St no Una essavartics • rb; elt.; . No TTAIT 11 * M S 16 PL- • saw IL. N. . TWO Vetstii r OAtTd,.. - - - .: • 10 - Tabouts. • TT/ 11l •ItAbo as Swaim • • 1, TOO Alb Alb awl *PLAT, ILREE,/tMOrlialkllNTla/sIV - Vol/ • PATTI/IAM aA I Blumms, Arw..lo. INGLE AN)? DOUBLE EIARBELBBOX • itsfle-mas bpi tpt iii biAbiciitir-7 , :: - / jai ~WW4 WU" 0.1.4"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers