l'=M Vittatugh Oantit. PURLIEU:in n Si OMB NUM ASSOCKTIOL TUESDAY, OCT. 25, 1804 OM UNION NOMINATIONS. MII MEI:Mr/1 All LINCOLN. of Illinois. KEW JOIINSON.,of Tennesset. Oslo* Iltate Eleetoral Ticket. .. : mamas. i'OBTOMI 11.1110111.1 L, THOS. aumßausia, ilamer Roam Y Idea; 0.10511190/100.1T89, 8 1 / 5 1/1/ BOHN, WILLI H. KIM, 5 11/1.111011 U. Jl/10/... , LIDAIII.IIS IL 50515, T. ZOBiIIT PAHKL. .itimzum TAT CX , X. • /OHM A HISSTSIIP, ' SIDWARD BIC/I nal HCO . R TZLL, _IL QUALM MISR - IS SO 11.11.0 W. lASI albl, GII HN W AB. 1183.. 55 4 DAVID IirONSIJOEIT, • It D4wls W. WOOD!, ISASOIII5:02/. U. JOHN P 10. DANZIG 5 DLO& EvastaiD tamest, - roam P. PIISIIICT, 0. swim fa MaJTMKIII, JOHN W. BLLNOELLUD. Ron. Amos Myers Member of Congress from the Clarion die grief, will bein loin% teo:aig,ht, and wilt epee& $t Casten Hail. Mr. liyen is • a terse, en ergetic, ileqeentapesker, and we recommend all mu read7re to go and hear him. Givehlm s fall and overflowing bonne. Do .sot tall to read the articao headed a Tender ilproies of.Traitors.' Plots of the Enemies of the country. I , .eat theoutgivings of many of the Cop perhrad editors and leaders, it is clear that they have no expectation of carrying the eitien on the 8:h of November. The late • Convention at Cincinnati, composed of a few of the leading men of the party, each as Lose, Megan.; and Coaster, Is significant. Like Ifaxtaimones, they pretended to be dinst lOWA With their nominee, but - took good care mitt- nominate any other. The object of this efaste t o throw dust into the eyes of those Dent* Oemtie sitostannot swallow the Chicago plats ft 1 oni t tent who might go for hicersman pure IltdeiMpit,',t , They are trying to get up the imirresaion that help sgainst their prinel iplefatiald downlutie platform, and there ihrithatthey , are against him. If they can • , ,t'shildlittieetie:eltits loyal Democrats into hie supper,' in welt;. but if not, sad he fa St hii - v&sitlY WM be;•then. they will dales alutty4bilt'leesit fforo him t ltt Advance of the election...in • ale Wei they itspe to cite lheliplitiforM, iithey cannot save their can dldate. It-'Will- he-claimed-after his defeat that his letter, and not ' their. platform; killed /ilia • ' 4" . .;1,ti4::fr... , .'" f -::- •' . „It ebefifici-tliepisee party will spring islicilhe field igisifiLliilll aided for mischief tierongh their sterol organisations, ready to te)Arstdvantage .of any great truster that, meifbefall the Units armies, to preoipitate the hitustiY, if peals, into revolution and are4y. Vepend.upois it, the declaration of Jan'. DORI to Messrs. JACTII3 and Gromax, ithae t they are fighting to tid themselves of the .• ruleof the majority, is as much a tenet is the copperhead as In the rebel creed. In fact, they ate one party, and have one object. ''. They are "in one basket," they (Ink or ethos, introbre ci Perlrg together. These northern traitors have two methods • before them by , which to stain their object, or ulte saying le "two strings to their bow." . -0144 t, the eletzhail.J.ofidec•i•XLit4, the otits4 ' liktWllliti_itteu Fti. - ,144,tehollloe in the pi wet eafricierit Xosgnitude to enable the . .retitle to .areittgovernment—thetho goveinent—the or. ganisation -of• s sim- telligt rent tarty -ouffi ohm tly strong to hold the balaace of power be,. twetn - the frlinds of the Unica and the old government. and they confederate rebels. Of court. they . weld • greatly prefer the f,:et striaa;,.bot _as that. Berms to be out of the. gushies t they areevidently meting preps* Smite resat to the second. , 140 PrAti..-anly way to, dealt Clone Life:nal vottortl.,to to rerelrot Daces! by a majerity to oefwedislietiSe that, devils ss pm,. are, they will neideiehAlifurb thipeese4t the North. Wt lire to extraordinary times, and extr.ort. .e. Aittetwetertlonsi are required to nee tho '. , ttountry from thecombined assaults of its, Open 'see;-itcret enemies. We,telto are at home most fight the enemies aztengst ns as OUT &ti dier§ tight the enemies in their front—with MI our might. • ~ •,, , It is a humiliating fast that we hake men in ear midst,. reloglibg if.tdi us , In- otroryi. day life, and:enjoying ell the blesslage_conferrel =apes*st and wpm. esti this Incomparisble • gosew6eit, erfivat.esuipordngitiarty whine oily of suosestlaugs' Ifferulhe =Opp -i 0 f therersfed trie of ths,government itt the told. ;'Why,' had illliaDdli boetCrittibli la turn lbethte ot the battletheother day; , had 'Lis away ,bten routed .and driven out of 'the Talleycit might tiro elected Dicezauxas t - josh aldefest Weald tome boon. a fearful die - Slur (Hafts arporybut 'theists be to God Imo eltelvlttrAttitiebtly . , Wiwi thwewwwed our CM.. fi g, fetki-**/***Plstar• , .•- cil4%,74o l *** llo flor t, * taTil whist. Ilbilet,yluitiiiit et. thearida at the country . nest wlthelluatter - 3 exidlohtuarlioptrat ma . tee sTLdien et Voters _after victory perehcir OM the national banners? Can apy,kya: • Ilau Milt ttftPoo l6ll l'l* l :t7 -I **w. bose, stwortalli.bitlivi :tun:lnit. a ths ateiti4 : .ei. L - low liii; tick )I:UreiWietiee to - esit ... , _i!.. , .• . eta - ,llfr,:tAt WV' tlie.loooo of which,; the 4l g .r,refeititkiee4i.: .:,.. .1. ' • wiiii iiiitepl trtittiiis doitilliinithni of, . temp 5r.1114 PAterfbe. depon orgy. ballot - - atiefer the 14cloxFae electoral Abet—. •-•zillAiderieossfe4(i*eopoolefy, Oa !elope . •lbe it is that, whatever may be tinitnAyee or ilattadiiiel of 'Otiiiter...l:lo,.,Poin, insai:iiiii. -!. pusselsoiCAeltdeiltintself 'with the notion: Olt bu r ,ti*ailluodeouoaratia.liokiti" and tag ontiatithei• - that the limit charity can ' . ea. Toildi 'iihtroote - lhit iiotectrithout . testterauli latent, 16—" they know not What . thq 40 ." ''''• • °.O ':- '' -'. ''- ' - ' • ' .Thro wing; Away Gnus. °hotbed , araV Wilts xelley.:!the set the Vida s t rei le' the lierth a good example. yastail thi enemy se Lard that they were obliged to theitViWay Yieir big pis. Now let the Union men glee tha'Copporboads slob a soot that thay , toltwlll Di glad (* . abandon aktfbig gore, " forexample; fierzia Fre . = wzi!nct Weep; Itiviitintanar„ Voonuces, pisprxrei aid tittle ides, together with a aditeellantaus let of little guns (coorreep:nd 7 a) 611011 to Patina Hyenas, WK. KOMITZ, DAMSON and others of I y> hie fitatk and the Mums= and such gentry `fit: of New Yoh. It . Is raid that the way the jiving reheiti &taw 'away eels guns of all kinds irt:Mit Talley, was wendertni; but it vie nothing . to th waythe big and little gun of rime party iiithe ;North wilt be ..sruearded anew the Bth of November. The dlffetatiott.in the two eases ls, that the Abandoned guns In the North 'wM not be WON' gathering VP. • &puma' - - !mono= is ont In a very -175 oongratalste-ons upon ibls evidetoo of its fasiPame _new splAyrittisbbo prioseiity. Treasirnsble Language. It Le afact patent to every oleariighted observer, that In properties to the hopeleae• nese of the rause of the rebels In some, and to the eerteinty of littiCasusse'e defeat at the election, the utterances of the Copperhead orators and masses ba.tome more and mote bitter, audacious and traitorous. Iwittgusgei which would be ropturonely applauded if spa ken before a Richmond or Charleston andi: once, la uttered here in Pennsylvania, In the meet public places. Yet these fellows, see ever howling about the freedom of speech and of the press. Never hes that freedom:been :greater than ills now, and never was it co atrociously abused. Under no other government under heaven would eresh utterances, such sedition as this, be tolerated; yet here It is tolerated, and we think wisely and safely; for it only excitee and intensifies the opposite sentiment of patriotism in the hearts of the people. A few weak . men may be led aetasy by the sophisms and lies of those men who Imre and serve the country's enemies, and hate and op pose its friends; bat the evit is more than oompensated by the development of a higher and grandergeneralpatriogsm, Antagonism is essential to development in both physics end morals, and not less so in polities. It sae Affersion who sold, ''Error of optn. ton may be tolerated, so long as reason Leigh, frel to combat it!' Whether treasonable ut.. tersecee may be safely tolerated, so long se loyalty is left free to combat it, is perhaps another question. But our confidence is so strong in the feaberent power of Tr,ath, and of the health of the great heart of the nation, that even in the face of a great civil war, we would not forcibly ehat the months oven of traitors. Sure it is that our traltore—we mean our rebel sympathisers—have bad as much tether as they could desire; now, we shall see by the result of the coming election, Whether the policy of letting them talk, and write, end print what they please le a este one. Our impreeation is that they have hanged thbreseives with the rope the govico met t bits eo freely given them. The lender Mercies of triton The enmity with which the Width treated prisoners of war during the revolutionary struggle is remembered : it made their name execrated amongst us for many years. Bat the slave-lorde in the present war excel in Inhumanity then first enemies of the Union. The Sanitary Commission has just printed an (Ababa report of the privations and sufferings of United elates officers and soldiers while ptitionere of war in the hands of the rebel authorities. This volume, of two hundred and' eighty-three pages, deserves, and will danhtleett receive, extensive circulation. It morb•than confirms all that newspaper reports :have hitherto made public,. ;The Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Sailiaz7:oornmiesion consisted of three ecnbinnip*aleinne--Vaientine Mott, Ed ward Deltifieldand Ell:calif) Wallace—with Gover• , Wilkins, Judge Hare of Philadel phitt;sattlltay. Treadwell Walden. They ex =dad, officintly, not only oar men returned from southern prisons, but also Confederate soldierr; prisoners of war in the North, their ! object being to ascertain the treatment as. corded to each. They found that while our .eitnpiutherities treated prisoners of war with the utmost humanity, and the enemy's 'kk atdtwounded with precisely the same tender neseratd attention as our own, the rebels, in the terrible prisons existing within half an hotn s e walk of Jarman DaTila own hones, shoot at, cruelly crowd together, insult, robgnd murder the unfortunate officers and soldiers who fall irrto their hands as prisoners ofis. • Commiesion visited the hospitals at An us le, to which three it:toward of our Men returned from the prisons at ftlohmond werifiret brought They saw with horror, he man skeletons, wink, perishing in mind and ~bcds; some swollen and misehappen with dropsy or scurvy, others, full grown men, rith limbs thinner than a child's; other poor ores Rugs, with the , eternath fallen in, deep as a haisho, and the bone pcotruiing through a blooet,,rtd hole on the hip. The complex Loa of these poorl.liews war gray; the skis blightel art !Tough to to, leach as shark's skin." A l had upen their Wes as Expression of settled melancholy and deso'stion, as Mango the tra ces of their bitter agony and suffering would wer leave them. Thum were the men from Libby sod Bello is's, They had entered thaso prisons hale, i.tesitby, moot men; they were returned to ui /edtmed to eheittets, prostrated is mind and b dy, many dying within a tow days or a few !mum after they reheat the Union lines; a largo ,proportion of the 3wrivers hopelesely shit ICrl d for life. The testimony of a considers. tile number of tinsel gsliont but unfortunate men in printed in the appendix of af , s reprt. -Tardy tales hare sand atones; it le the same eery all through, of inhumanity and cold kooded cruelty almost incred.bla, sad which could not be brimmed, did not alt the evidence concur In proving if. • It is proved that prisoners of war are el moat 401'0161y robbed by the rebels, either by their cepters, or later by the rebel author- PergolaPoly of their money and watches; bet of.,etbeir blabketa, overcoats, and in many, easeeof all their clothing, filthy rage being given them in the place of shirts, trowsers. Aces and slot kioge. In -the L bbf prison, reserved for Officers, neither beaohre, Mulles nor steels were allowed; twelve hundred of f mrs were confined in Mx rooms, each one hundred iced; hint by forty bread; this gave tenfiict by two to every perm; without 'ma htiro:allommee tar space required for i i tijx lig, 'washing and drying, all of which operatiana i had' to be performed in these roome d _ They had to Edeop at night upon. the - i - , ..wormed and dovetailed together like ' Sisir t in abasket," to use the exproselen °forte wit env and-by Skrifinomeut of cruelty the Ric Ayerwmashed late in the afternoon, and were thusdamp-when the prisoners were or eterd to lie down open them. Severity-five windows, all more-or less broken, let in the eau d draught in winter, two Barra in each e.. van bit .a little wood, could not keep Nue at amp mime either warm or dry. . e sentries were encouraged. to /hoot prim. on 6 Elkorippiesched ths windhwa, and they _nil' andieronnatal a number, Sever in any 'cu 10/ 6 CP.9/1 01 , of theijr.Wientlo6 to fro, tit often,ertiplog of, their peels In order to gi t fairer shot 'kat:tan Unconscious - 0f Mei ll* 'Ill#40t!':, - ,• . _ ~. . . _. . ~. 'da ily rations of the officers was a email , ".,r‘ e pleas of black, hard bread, mad* Cr geound:NW the 'cede, and weighing)" little OYU half a pound; with this, a pieta of lumf weighing Awe' annoes.. To make the breed eatable, they liml.to grate it and make atuh of it, Bometlinft they motive& alga a ' pin of wormy .blsole a peas , but at finch times te l got so meM- 7 -only the-'corn bread. An offrlrr, Captain Calhoun, 6•Kuituokian, tells hot the panp off hanger affected him; he. 'suffered "a burning' raneation in the hold, With a general failing of .strength." "I grew so rpelimb in mytutrid that I need to blame my. self for not- eating• more when al home:" - While these 'poor tone* Wfre *Atmperigling of etarvation, within sight of Jeff. Die's' home, it chanced that one day some of them pulled up a plank and gained sOI3OU to the cellar of the building, which they found fined with barrels of the finest wheat flow, potatoes ' -and turnips of 'which they its ravenously. Last January, the boxes which wpm sent them by friends' in the North began to be Withheld by the rebel authorities. Commis. dotter Bald continued to receive Qom at the rate of three hundred per week, bat, instead of being dietributed to their owners, they were piled up in warenooree in full sight of the starving men to whom they were address ed. "Three thousand boxes were there when Litotes at-Colonel Farnsworth came away." Five or six boxes were delivered every week —but in a manner to do as little good as pee. Bible—a prisoner was celled, ordered to hold out his blanket, and then the opened oans—nti matter what, they contained—ware promie enously emptied Into Ida blanket, mixing to beet* and vegetable', meat and milk, in ene eases. But the poor fellows canfined on Belle Isle were yet worse off From ten to twelve thou sand men lay bore, la a space of lees than six acres of low, marshy ground, without a tree, or a shed, or barrarks. They lay upon live ground winter and summer, so closely crowd ed that for each man there we' rosroaly more room than would sufficed to dig him a grave —"three feet by Sine per man." Lumber was plentiful in the vicinity, but not a cabin or 'Wyss built—nor is yet, although for about two yearn it has been an established station forprisoners of war. In.ths bitter cold sinter weather the men crawled it night , . Into the Mai, and by in pnee weather, to keep worm In the morning thaw lying oat side were often found stiff and oold—froten to death Their food was a "about" of Imam black hall—baked 00711-opb bread, oacsoions'ly a email piece, of tainted mest,sometamee magotty pest.soup—only two . or tbreeerpoontaLs to•ach man, The men were literally starved. Thej taught and ate the few rate which infested the encampment; they eagerly seised the serape of food sometimes thrown them by the guardee on one measion a rebel officer's dog strayed into the camp, end was instantly seized, torn to pieties, and devoured I They grew sore with lying on tbe eand. They were not allowed to visit the sinks by night, and the whole camp become ifilby, the wells from which they drew water *ma, tainted, and the• air was fitted with disgusting odors When th.y were no longer ableho crawl about, they were pot into a hospital tont, which had no door, sad where the sick were forced to Ilion strew epread on the ground, with logs for pillows.—N. T. Eve Post. JPIJBLIC XO7/01a. )FIFTH WILED —Thlee will be • martins of the Onion oltmera of the It pre. cfeet of the FM word, et the School Howe. on TOLSDAT ZUNIS% tsth Instant, el } o'clock. o,tcle Ouzel farm AND BAI .aloa Para, lt , eearge. Oct. 14M. Iled- I 10. AN ELECTION ELM NI "E °MEC TOl.ll or %HIP OMSK, to earns for OW year, will be htld al the PactOm Hoe". TOD &WAY, the dd day of Novembm tt. tostePeen the h e t of 10 o'clock .. m sad p o'clock p. oc2b.td OXOP.OPI fa. IHDLT, %ad,. OT CE.—Tho rtoe.kholdore of the Drinkard Creek Union Oil Company C=l MONDAY, Nov. HO, at 4 101313C11 p. m In TM Pl.!, 11 . 3 HALL, fourth atrest, r the Dollar n..t p B.t k. the. desirous of h•est o to this 0 aspen) would do well to toll eerty at Ft. •I the sub clot+. • Local Kral bo elesed. 10 - SEC' .ND WAED, ALI,F,GH N Y.- The Union vigil... tkannaktire .1 kis wank will met at nit 00110tiL Bto OBE, Tur D :T IVI6f Ink kith hut, ,at 2% o'clock , t to arriangoin.inta fat the Tarok Light Pre the 1. e.i atria Cola..'. ton... Cod Co remit at told m.ating. cc24:21 J',l3/11 BLOWN. Jr ,Cbarrarao. 11..ALLRGERNY CITY ( I'A ) COM- P 60111.13, D9llOB —hallwa of lb. Oompro °aloe Hondo f. road by the OUT of alb/bray, to ir der atiro of 0. liallrawd Immo are nallaw2 that pro. par 1. wl ....tired byf b. rneerrsprod for U.. to • Trot. ut a .01 linnet of tb• Sbart o g nand for lb. yak. u 11 .al larrbobrr 131,1P54 eieArtsi • SOrld ATWELL, Chaim. Innen . * 0 lanot.tftes Pittsburgh, Ps. Datio or Prrrourann. October 20in, Mt ELM:1110N FUR liiIRZESN Diszaroni of 'MID Bark will b. bold at lb. Cooking flange on IdOED&Y, Inn Boventoor oat, bet *.en that hoar• of 10 a ret. and 2 p. m. 7be ntinlar Anon/al Netting of tam illtaotboldort ID be !di on TUT:2I2AI, Noe. bit, at olevon o`ll-ot o. m. tetibltdottirr lOQB HAHPI2/2, Clothier. Mantuan Alm m nerreCTIIIMII9 ['Asa.) . Pittagnigh um. 21. t, 104. f .AN BLECI'ION FOR DIREO rOktei •••••• at Ohl. amt: will be held at the Banking Rotate eta 14091)t..Y. the flu day of Remember mit, between the bourn of 10 a. m. and 2 y m. The Atm.! Meeting of the Stockholder. will be b•ld on TUESDAY, the SW day of Horeotber, Of It o'clock • to. (ocattd) JOHN SOOTY . , Jr. tt••et.r, Tut boa errs Ban or Plenta, tan, Ontbbez 'WM, 1,64 rAT ELECTION FOR Dutiscroas of ILI. Book bold et lb. Bakklng Roam to CONDO 7, the 2Let dole of Iftenetabtx wen, between tea bonne oft and 3 geelo-k p to. Ibo ennui ideetlai of the Swell:tot/me will b held .11'11711bDielr, th e tro t gay of lloemaber float, ai l 1 '•/r el a Da J. MJII3OP/Ifi, Clahlar. octl:ta - • [cr:.PAXTON Pi:T LEI3II COM PA- R Y.- Tlss book. t‘s sieve flawed Osettraty un 00P oven kir gebsenntion •t the Bantle( Bones of E.O HINSON, :;ty , To 76 r.,one n. Pert.= Irlailna to lowest le one of the meet reveal int OD rrateyernito In ibe roar txy. weal d • welt to tall mud examtne mttet, da.,Aptlenk ac , and satisfy tett:reeves of the real Tel= 01 Um property. wallet irrumma Bin ar Prtnermin, Oct. 20 1541. 10.4k.N RI.ECTIoN FOR THIRTEEN DIENOTOLS of nit Bank, to tern for on par, tro bilk , at the Bat MINK Bone on BOYD , November 91st, 1864, between Si. boon tf eleven m. and two p m. Ills Annual kleattag.of Stack boldara silt take F Ince .12 TltS,Dtt 1, fr.ovem.r Ist, at •l•r•e a. m. H a. HUGHIAT. 6ohler ea XstlINT Beet, Lk-Leber 18th 1861. EIACTWIC FOR DiR ICTOt.S el &le Beek will be bola at the active Elmo re the Hlat eay of blovatetwor wet, betwoea ttu boors of m and 2 p m. It, A onval ■erttn¢ of We titeldtboVent - f the dank • 111 L. tit Id en ake In day et itowrobv, at if) e•cloct ccIS td J. W. 0008, Cada.. Ilsrsssio4 Du. or rtrzssuuss L Ocses.r 114 ELECrioN FOR DIRECTORS r.( !St. Psuk ala b 141 st Vut Ba.klos H-on, on MOT DAY, dads) of 81T61.1 . 1ff oast, tresses I...arib of 10 o'clock is is. sal Y o clock p. as of ..l .1/0. It • Almcal Weetlog of [to Pmcktold•ra of the Sank .di b. told ola Ulf 1r day of Nof.tab r. s 1 II u'aock pro. 0. SWIM, Clamart, Gzecsksrs kor , M•ttrractroareell., t .Ishargh, Oel 01. Itidit ONNERAL MRETING OF THE OCIIHOLDBILS 01 THIS BANK will he hohl to the tau , fug licte•, on tddIIDAT, the Blat d. of N wetutm Dolt at 11 o ebck m m . to cerdidar and tel e atelier this Ban! Mall hemdne an wo slatlen to she tuairem of Bark Mr, under Oho Uwe of the rtilbit thaws, end .bather it shall sumer the pdware co thrted by Ma Act of tre Laultutterm of ter dtate, t "Jilt 1 of tiLabilas the tole Oom don • o.lot, to he ours am elstions far Banking tinder the we of the United B. tee, - .4 , p...4131 6.n/wt. ' 3 " , sad W t •k• say twit et .et Pm that wry he neoestar7. By mem ol ths Beard of DitoeWwa cc22:la JOU* /r., Clmbler. 0 - . NOTICE TO THE TOCKIIOLDERS or THY CONBILIIIVILLII AND 640 L8- E.N FLNNBILVANIA DAILW6T COMPANY.— A^ /Mori. a 1•111 b held for. Presl,l at Aar Dlrrotor• cf tb• Cootorllrv6l, sr.d Woorbrn, P 36.)1r50 la 11 41 •ay Otorbany,'• at 8..756 Booth Tr.lr3 .trot, 10 th• City of Pellad•lphla,.36 TR 115 D ‘ll, tb• 101.6 day of rambor,•. D. 1661,_33 3 0: mi p. m. L 1103...AELL, W.I WEB, : /MIX 67 - 1371 DAN 301111 0363311 A, D. W lIPIIPLUOLDI3II, A. HMO 11. D. DADOLAT, C. W ABEICO I 33I, JOB BUBB, 64 6 .3c3113 Commlosibers. NT.. maga, F. It AM a d. It EL Co., rams or no esearrear, Pllttital,h, %Vat 6W Mt - ,r, NOTICE. TO BONLHOLDERS.— ho 1 wremno.nt medift Lag tha /int a.SecoA ries of this Coultas, hen ham created by the td.-t1 and hate!. mar the Dad or Tn.., and Mame or atot app meat to be attach. to each a nom ready. boadbotar. may tetra their a de tbb dila, or at the Dosaare Traturkr Wiralov, loafer it Go. He Weil anent, crlt, .4 her. the agraeamot attaltal then., ey say Lead to tab. of the above mond Owe • • • cription end tbe on gar or that, Data, oh. natant .111•1.• eat to the hondboblor to be by IDs to the toada .:.1m W. H. Danfitl. &grata*. itriurrs. ANTI.D—For service in the Quarter. manse' Department, at !Werth*, Chattarotoe Johnsonville, lanneoseee Yazoo, awn% 1 Do. Blair and Lana Dort, Artaneve ; and as 048 3,800 Laborers p Wass, W pm month and rations. 3,000 IReamusters a W.... iis per smooth and ralloall. 10 Trade Lassrero a Worm, tan re month and ratline 10 Wasted Obapripersi ese, 160 per and ra ea bansportOloil seam oldsbeatlas,runock Lamle lumorabirdbobarsed from sentos. • • I ablirbodled man asiririll b. receft.e. Joan L. WOUbS, Vestals and nalbasstt o ortsuatar, D. B.A. lartbowtotormatko le as ef J, T. RAW/A Si, Jefe&banyt ter Ho 4O Webb Om ammo Wean 'Firattb Flab ritasta 01 "- o.olu J. SS- Ottegli. ONO (knet LISTED -41N per Monts—We weal • ralliall• OMITMit in On. tore and coanti b.sat. dming mopes month. 'Ma in ..." gni gmthth:4 lareßßOTSX6lla o, COO Oludail dm% i t ANTED, • CAiIPENTERL ottpd to cloploo & sna& at OAININI7IIB, to fro at bomb( • Bildpin Ude ally, to +boa study In &moot and Wort .og WI b yob tor' two, ny opplOas to too toms= mooting its b' dp oo.r tto Non&oloiholo door. alOtlot - PIPER & &III&PLIITt. Al\ TED. TZN GOOD INANVANIIIEUN. To W 1 the Bletoz of Lhe Prat Wii . r .; prt lop ed,) retly i r /Te l t •: " ;: r ' lltoty, td /r, app , yse ' , POO ' S* the Der. epos. 4' .1. A STE.WeIIT, • New Wilmington, P. • WANTED—To rout, by November let, A iiousin. Iltb Irma six to. ton rooms. pleonotly Imatol, tabstrib or Allogbinner nest dim Strad Aft... P. O. Box 1190. littsblugh; or oa k _MU. Olt,. °cliff ANTED—A MILLER.-. 4 second Mil lar wanted at the Ptttebnrigh Olt) BULL none atb nni• oc. e: , • . i c eapsiont and thorough Boar J. it. LTosurr • 00., Libanty and Adams streets. wA.NTRD--10 Coo_pers Wanted to mike floor RaaTets Rum W.411114 , 44.= ,sad Rirsding A. T. RENIIRDT I SRA. triCTOR JAIAEB KING, N0.:47 rOMITIL STREIT, Opposite the ?root Max bete; °Mee" Ackse. SP 2 cr..: 7. ~, r ty ricer. IWEILOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSITR- A3CM 007 PANT, or Nair lota. FLINT FESZYLN. Irmo Hon•Torlltlav Common Ilito and Radom. meat Policies. Also, Policies on ►7 other popular pion s do onus kind of Policy coo offer equal oesortty. F. WOODS, lionoral Avant. sir Office, 111 TOTIIITH MILT. ►OZ7:ty g.PtiRE WU4R VLNILOAR. B. & N. BOLLffiAlir. GERMANY. (formal MALL= t 00., Boxlsani) The only Timm awarded with • PHs* Modal, of sixty oxlattoro, at Mt International Exhlbittoz„- : London, and foe We by V. M. BOLLM&N, Moog,. a, Lip moon a Oa.) . o. nuosako.(fato of 04e, Hebb a 0o.) IcrPrETBEITBOII SAW woars; HUBBARDB & LONG, ktannfantscrors of PATINT GROUND UMOULARA warrantad OAST FINAL BAWD. of min dam4pflm. Shit. Natal, Criss Gott, Gang and another aarlatlan AU kinds of KNITTA ANTILINGA, made troo Bhaa Oast Mad; Ilatralladnad IiNAPIR AND MOWING, EN11773, kn. Wanboana ar4 Wachs. am WATER A SNORT EITEL, Pitlaburgh. Particular attantion pm itatox4blng. Gonnalnd and BtrAghtonlng Cdrovian 2awyr; alaa main of sO kinds. Puzulttlnd and DrUllnd dons at mason:gat& rats. ONE OF HUN NE WALLS' GUILT BRUIN I lIII.—RONITZWILVB 701.41 ANODYNX.—Thie Juetly celebrated propatr tion, which has oo body awned the norm and Cum of • • True Analyse by remelts which hod baffled every other attempt at sure or relief In Neuralgia, }Sheer.- tietis, Gout, Norm= Headache, Tooth and lambs, Cholera Morton, Pains Ls the Stomach or Bowels, Ely.. testa, Dlstren after Eating, Lies of Bleep, General Nor'.= Debility, YsteLkyoni to Asthma and Whooping Cough, now declared to be largely wean., and hat the Whit to Monthly Illenetroation. also doctored to b. ono or the moot Important points In medloina. A Lady welt. from Now York" wore tt ten dollars a drop, I mould nai ho without It in my family, and no ono ohould hr without It. !or tale by al Wholnnate and Satan DenLer. PiLless3 Chemist, Barton. lu mle by Des. O. H. Heyear, B. A_ rstm.t.Na A Co., I. N. Tishos, Avonb for DiMoberg* Gem A. KW". W. J. H. .4 Dr. Ism er Brow, Agents for Allegheny Olty. 11.M4rah-Jo ee WM. BARNHILL & 00., Boum' lIAKESS LSD SHIFT LEON WOIIE ELS, Purr St., Non LD, r, IN and IL Haring no eyed . large yard and furnbbed it with the molt tar prov.d machinery, tea to prepared to nnuentactura every &sandpit. of BOILERS, In the beat amnat, doe warranted lagnal to any mad* In the °pantry. 01111 NITS, BRUNIE, 7111111 BEDS, STEAM PIPIA LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PARS, Boa= MOH BRIDGES, 817GAII PANS, and mle mantuacternen at BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILER& 13.p.dzing Soto qd the shortest natio. dallett BIIPBB.I. L IR OOPPKEt MILL '4l 51113:M110 WORKI. PT? I. PAWL. SICOMUCIIT 1/11111311114tnirarli of lIHIATHINO. lIRELILBS• AND BOLT OOPPLII, Pl/r4IiED btfriftklB. 11.+IBIZD STILL 1161TOESS, bPALLII:3 SOLDER. kW, Insporton &Weston; In 111C2LIA, ITN men" MILT IRON, VIES, 80. Cloastantly on Ss.. TIN NIELS' RACIIMILS AND TOOLS. Wombs... If o. 140 YIIIST A 1.110130:1011D STILISTS, Pltsabcab. Ps. of Omar cat to say dactrodd potatm. Inyintlydow? -THE OGlif FrEBt3IONB &HD Ea. PILBLEBOI 01 Lli DIVA LID, published kg the benefit and am • warning and tion I Young man wise ortaas from Norma DAMIAN Prams:ars Data) of nunhood, eta., .applying, at the Name time, Oss swam afoot/ ass. By one alio b. =rag blmaell agar bring put to groat ',sponse •ed Inies7 ititar.gn.anniteni bma beg and 4 - ; carS ery By acUmlua a p,•!..p01d addressed mialepa, Itzgho eisplzy Cay W Cr!tribe?, !Seta...li 1.8. L tIAY/6113, I , ,ltord. mwaty. 1 TO NK11 1 70133 BIIPPERPRS OP ,-,' PAYTE nrresval alvia Wrer. rettutigl w Lalth 1. • raw Say 4 tftu nr.i•DrXanS tomst matins and trrecmar eepecet» watts a cll.la.c: saut-nin. cowl:inns 11,b1...r0d data , =Min** to Lb nn , ,,d fallow it• - tattre• - •ac+ tt ctn. Ireaw, on to. ne.iyl of ca ellttesod taolop., not trill tbnl. frt.. a n=9l ^ f the Dr•=lPC•• Itlrnct tc ItAfiNALL, L. 14 tna rc-.-t. P Y. an611:1yn...7 If a. ;:11.16—. 11611.0. ": ,- "R0311713011. EEL @ CO., ("atom to Rowans, n ting It ill mass.) WANIIISO TON W011.E.13, l oa•asra d n.cmtm+. Ptuatargth. .ohcturers BOAT LIM ErrA.TlotriniT IrCrt INORTIB, LAAT 1:N01111121, KILL MA CII:ITEET, GILLUTITO. SHAFTING. oaTtsas. Thwirs I STILLS 80T1.11211 LAD sum IRON isent. Tar 111171R.D'S PATENT IRJEMOR YOB rEEDIVO BOILER& , r.az anrrsa..—..w. D. meal_-__Rana 11:0- - - LA BELLE STEEL WO RELIED * CO.. Scrims.. to /Wier, Barba. 00., manstosontors o OAST ITN= ammo, PLOW AND SLIMES STILL I OPSISOS, LILIB. CSOWBAES, &s. Wotko, POST WARD, Llleeway 054. P. 0. Addrom;PITTODUSGII. OLIA:11 fr" .-- B. HOMERS & BONS., Dwane `"., rola/rites ishiD DOIIIESTIO BILLS OP IX CIItaTITIOATIO OP DIEPOSIT, EASE ,1110tICH ACID lIPZOIII, 9e. 6T nAassr. WISE= Pittsburgh, P. Oolloothas au& sal all tbs prtualpil ena throng oat tb. Outtod Pests WK HICNRY 8011WERVIS PBl9 ATM INSTITOTZ. Far W. teratorml of MUM= OF WI MIN LED 1711T.HART OBOalla, Id/ Baronet Maar% llirm Tam*. Houh el aaasoltallaa from II to II dor& p. ma, saMarad JOECH COOHILaB BJIO., Ii ofoorcrors of IRON 11111L12iD,H1019 TIMIS eND VAULT DOOLS, WINDOW 811111111199. WIN. DOW =ARDS, ho., Bole 91 BLOOND sod BS TIITBD MELT, bre Wood and Mastoi Hon oa boa a oa rat, of csa Parma. dud and Path, !Stable for ail Prolong. Popticalaz attention pslo to cogitating Oran Late. Jobbing Eon..i abort copticr. st 4 r-_DIEUZASEII OF TSB 'NEILFOII 8 es. unman ein s isicroul em. TWAll—asSi Boa tittible tisstaiiit-to ;mate et its Hosts , / tissockstiiis . kit b 7 to maid Is ainrolopt, Ave of ales. Aildriss •D. 7. IFIULLIN 1101$011T01. Hated assnistios; Walesa* Itlatil disn, Phitsilellibla. Ps. vrrsv KEW H. COLLINS. Poiwara LNG AND 00XSUMWN lIMBOILMIT sal elm:4mb draw ta =MA DM'S, OEM mg, so orates ineralls, Is. $3 - WOOD II ricassisk. Po WWII O. HALE k 005 MEROBART TAILORS, Northwe4t qor - 4 - .Pcni 14411.0141 r Itnets, An sow iocoly'as Abair snood strivol FALL & WINTER GOODS /bleb, Su °holey of eeleotlya rod best of quality. to olbar with fair prima being bought wbea gold WM at It■ {mod Itgetra My are now prepatar to male by salt/an In their HO* es dint soda Anita goat clams win be =lag tkanke to their blonde and to, pub• Ito Ur past Worn and hoplng by el:.w attention to berthas to share • Mr - el patronage for lb* blare. • oeln BUT IT I KM IT! Tho Union Campaign Bong and Chorus, UNCLE SAWS MENAGERIE. Worem mod Mosso esultssmd b J W. Pres. mad Intel to liou a K. gloorkeed. It tm one QUM, most humorous song of Mu loud seer putalsb.il, sad if bested to Le semi by every Illraostits• flab throuiptsost the ectottr. iserrbody ought to bore Ii now. Timm ...--...--.. 20 01ST!. Copies =LA to spy mddreei on receipt of priou 0. - MEa. LL OR, 81 VVOiID STREET. oe4 rRICORANGR FOR A FAR',or 25 eam oeh DIM LAND, with wow Imoreirenatnt, seu the City, to 11Prture toornthse rrolnyed.. !noel Ounllllll 1410,1111.1 T In Mittel, 01 7. b•n° l l duos dwelling b mien end • et 'ro mete cared thereon .ba. nuts fof per lit aMU rut (=thee tnetletiare of COE 601, Plttobersh. te2o;ttlev POLiTreaL JrOTICICS HO 1 FOS BAK N Grand Mass Convention, OF T& UNION CITIZENS ALLEGHENY AND BUTLER. Th. CITY 11111/.017F1V11 OOKAITIIIZ OF ALL& GBH a T mp upon th. Lows! WEED 0011 W ITTNIS tbe. d.t7 of sMing th. FRIENDS OF THE UNION I=l Full Delegations from each Ward. Blain R . Viago4s. Omniba ars and Grrin. can b• en mod It; • re , dente price per capita. The Olty Lelfie- 'taloa, •111 mem , I. at CORNER FEDERAL AXD OHIO 13T9., Air Es O'CLOCK. ON WEDNE#DAY NEXT, •n 4 veil beet at RALF-WAY 11100 BC by Um Dot la Bargain, and escorted to Bohemian, LET ITS WVE ONE GRAND RALLY. GRAND UNION JUBILEE. THE LOYAL MEN OF ALLEGHENY CO WILL OIL IB BATE TEI I GLORIOUS VICTORIES. ACHIEVED 13T tae UNION PATTY AT THE POLLS, In Vermont, 15 .In• Indlono, Ohio, P•nn ■ylronla, Maryland •ni SPLISDID ECCESSES OP OLT ABM OD NM, GRIND TORCII-LICHT PROCESSION, And Pyrotechnio Display, OH THITRODAY EVENING, Nov. 3d AT PITTSBURGH Oar Mende to snoE iI•tT•IDE DiaTRJOT ft.* •aaa., az* bvited to mcd • Yel•Satloo to l,.rticl• la tlga tll. WS