The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 20, 1864, Image 3

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    'he V itibUrgli.t)artt i.
;'l l olBDBlli, 31O3NING::.:•;HHIT. 20, 1864
Bitetlag at Conte
';he illends of Li:coin - and
i=cd is Ooscztt non, Let eye'
ty :La appoir.tment
Allhaer ECq.
Prosidente--Joisph • ibersz Anthony
*ligh.r, David Sims sad B. A Sampson.
s neersp rite - .4 . .11. Cooney, Wm Andosso • "
T. Lars_
:Co! hi. P. Chaparz,:of lowa, was thou 12 -
cdtoo d to the audience, and was reeelvel with
, stated that he had heard of Ails.
:levy county, and of the sir thociand maJ rig
i 6 cently giver, for the Union met. a. situl.d
the fact that Ponnrylealis bed spoken, that
gave to wriertain eound, and :that the old
t,eyetene was in ler proper position. Bather&
- ; : onezked that be would condne himself mainly
the 'military re otrd of Con. M'Clellso, leaving
'.e other speaker* to discates other aubJectt. Ho
p atid not impeach the loyalty of Gen WOW'.
but he woo tree to eay that there were many'
'Ater-metal:lees in his bleary which tended to
et strong suspicion upon him. Par in
aace, be bad s raver expressed open
unmistakable sympathy for our
; %bile he had shown to various ways, his
- t.ltopasby for th e manse of ;he reirels—!n gaud.
teem property, u °appeasing disapprolutlon
- tea hoeing of the ovauniesion in the sue of
15:s John Porter, and WI regret at not being
to rote for Judge Woodward, and to forth.
;;.he ipeakirthon reviewed the °endue of Goa.
. before Witehlngten, and during Ills
•.;_ :pinatas oseepeign. The operation' at York
wn, at end In front of Rich
lend trCie 'latched in si very forcible manner,
toeing in nstiong light the weakens, the tin
rrcility, tbe retdricsiares, the intiompeteney, the
, :inebordleation, and the utter Alleregard of the
t._iielneet Manias of common senve r ishlch cher-
Coterized the CUM of Little Mao." The
l'olonel matt air hap-hosud overdone, but
.01.1 led ell tie arguments upon the document xry
:'ride two. Ho nee once It ,riand end admirer of
...1013.ellen, and It was not until after he hat
ilvrefts , ly teed And analysed his report and the
tif the cmarnittee on the oondatt or the
.....•ar„ that he wea coast:wed of McClellan's failure.
a military commander, MeCtellan woe an si - and jcomplets failure, and destitute of the
elezneitswhich constilute $ successful gone
, :rreL The COlekel 1:1176oludedlls - speech by die
meting the natation, "bs the war a failure?"
:}bowleg what had been gained by our amt on
:,'end and mites, sad also what bad been gained
- ".1 a moral and political sense. The opeeheekre
c,red amid beams applause. The Union Central
y`ylee Club was tems -Intel:Armed, and sang a most
: , ,pirited and beautiful campaign tong, sottish was
eck lee d with loud r.pplause.
Osiers] Jcha N. Purviocce, of Bathe, was
peat introduced, and delivered a brief but very
klibetionspeceb. He urged upon every eitilan
•;:be gseat importance of owing his vote on me
h of November nest, thereby ,amolilog the
i•Jnion ansjerily, and giving lamessed assurances
• filet we wan heartily sympathising with and
2.ordiery sustaining- our brave sosdiare in the
; •I.ld. lie declined to speak at length, and con.
; - `..liaded with an earnest appeal to every voter to
: - .vork with teenaged dial end energy, to tee e , 54.-
Allegheny aunty might:4ol, up o largely
tAttteasel majority. • The General was frequent.
2 1 — internspred with applause during the coarse
• t,if bit . remake.
Coloted John M. Thompson, alto of Butter
i'•;musty, was then introduced, bar as the night
'i.e.^ already far spent, he declined to make a
tipeeeb, bat hoped'he would have the pleasure of
;lei* gea 011 a Cameo occasion, At the ooneta.
• I:siets at his remaihrthe meeting adjourned.
Court of fienrter.Siesalons.
Federal:is Aftentorm, qa. 19.--Sefero .Irodgt
Owe and Brown.
. Janice Coburn was placed on trial on a charge
" "='
,if math:iota mischief. The prisoner was charged
heirs ,
entering the isteh-hente, at the bieYer!a'
h,, a few weeks *go, and destroying a nnm
of valuable papers' belonging to one, of thy
711ancattra. %h&j dry rtradered a verdict of -- guilty,
:,.*. , 1' 3 • - ten lie prisoner ass remanded for santenee.
Michael Flannigan was arraigned for the
~...,lareeny of a nombor of empty lags from Meagre.
S. Laggate S Co. After several witnesses had
•:,bren exemincdolteplea of not goilty was with
'''Orawn, and the, prisoner plead guilty to the
f,f;oltarga. The oettrt thenseiteneed tam to undergo
imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary
'term of three years. Flannigan has already
six years in that institution.
Henry nest woe tried On a Claris of stealing
box of tobacco from the establishment of W.
j.. 41. Smith to Co . on Wood street. The larceny
bas commuted In September /set. The prisoner,
when arrested, cottoned that he had stolen the
. 1,: , tobn000, and sold it to a eto:ehecper in East
~ .'oUterty. - Lie was found guilty, and sentenced to
,:nritergo an imprisonment in the Penitentiary
•iolor the tam at three years.
William Price was next brought up on a charge
. q.',of stealing a number of army blankets from the
41tonse al • revere-keeper on First street, nomad
strain. The prosecutor testified that he bad
.been Imprieonedio jail from the 15th of March
the 15th of September last, for a misdemeae.
4 4,,r end after his tame disco: eyed that his house
timed beenentered in his absentia and a number
' .c articles stolen; among which were sixteen
. :'army blankets which be had purchased from
tsoldiers. Hear ingthat the prisoner had told
.' , l•›tvetal blankets to the proprietor of the Old St.
Chicle,, on Ferry etreet, he visited the home
Rand idettilled :the Wankel' as a portion of thee,
f:stoion fro: S•rozZi,x.z...--
;:I:4red, and the facts of the robbery - not being
~ ,, , ,iorovent to the' istiefeotion of the jag, a verdict
kr.f not guilty way rendered.
tti ljnitttl States District Vsurt.
Winsianar..:Arrassoon, Oct. 19—Before
,;Judge McCandless. •
Coors* D, Thorou, on-trial for parsing coon
.4..lerfoit Treasury notes, win found guilty, and
I: )..?tmanded foe sentence. - •
Misr the rendition of tjto vardlot, Jodge
if!.WiloCtindless ordered the Marshal to take late
,iontady Jolla M. Thomas, son of the defendant,
woo in4h• eiourt room, and bold him on a
?Vargo of perjary. It appears Chet young
irroomer, in order to cicadae his father
Ing " T:rd e inTi t s p l' o a rresfic a n n e o n eVit:f
oa:it, asking for . * continuance -of the ease front
- May term, on account of-the absence of Im.
7. „i ittorteet witnesses; signed by Thomas. In Matt%
~f $5,000 bstll, be' trao committed to JAI for
;;I;;zia 0.• 0. Gaff was placed on trial for passing corm
,' felt Tnntsury notes, of the denomination of
, 4 4511,1n.Crawford county, en the 16th of July
The 91/10 .1. 141 fiat concluded at adjourn•
. 6"na•nt.
The Grand returned tine hills in the
•:nostsurof John-Crittenden, charged with passing
. counter felt money,. and Ahel Craft, indicted
t '.4for pu!nneting-V-S , clothing from a soldier.
• .; •
70 - Myelitis Dr Lawrenceville.
A largo and .enthisiattle Union meeting was
.`ttibeid in ihe berdogh Lawrenovville on Tom
..l4siy evening. The - merlins was 0/ganisrd by
.:.:I; 4 12 1 , appointment oi Ahro' . .tollowleg cams.
Pusident=lor. jamee'llebinson.
Presidenip.4llcii. Diehard Lee, (Stacy,
RDrown, Andrews eibl Iliteriind Messrs. Sessiel
• Met. Dcorgo -D Claws' Robert Crelsteam,
~Itohttt Kisados and . William
iSsweratitr—W. 0..-Bots;.ltobt. P. Black, Jots;
LTEari, Louis List and CyLA L Pearson.
The rtaddent-jauothteild is the me lag
: ; ;Bee. Dr. Jati2es Priestley, we, delivered an able
crud powerful address. • Daring the Doctor's re
.. a nainLer of rowdies, who were at • iding
cropperbeLd gsthiring In the bossagb, visited
Vlhitestling and acted. in a Most outiageone
Imenaw, eat g the epeeker the vilest names,
throwliallesiuiles at bun. • The County Li'
;ernUireConruillteir kayo offered a reward forth.
;;aniat of them 3M/omits, and we hops they
be deemed andicoolve Valponishment they
:;"gerich!) Alerts.
Meer at Cosurrion.—Among the celebrities
;Vat the peat Couttianta limiest Congress lately
held at Car!stubs; :Oraso oli ,.
~•end the renowned Ana* Liar. The latter per-
V.forteed serial"! Festashis upon a Steinway
!'Scan New York Grand :planei and In the. report.
;;of the festival, expresses bitumen about them In
i..the following manner:
"I bed oheasion during tke tone artist feeti..
;,iyal to become .aconsinted with the exaellent
pianos nion Upright, pianos of the Arm of
sseinerey dr Sons', HewYoik, which for instal
re quality of tone, and agreeably touch, as well
;!all general excellent workmenzhlp,are deeming
lof the bigbest commendation. Carlsruhe. An.
':: , igust, 116 S. F. Mtn.
Mars ?derma is dateaurr.—d. Grand
'.trnion Maas Meeting will be held is the
lipteny Diamond this evening. Hon. George V.
aateronce, of Weiblegten musty. Dr. Prettier
I..ed other distinguished sneakers will be present
lend de aver addrerses. -The. Unice men seftbis
3 . 2,ity will-meet at Concert Hall thin ironing 'it 7
and march to the meeting, preluded by
is braes bane. - - ,
11)41010 Poirtroaxo.—The Croionet'a Joy tu
;;pannened fo low:Aro into -en facti-oonneoted
the feat}, of 'once Iltirsoitt avoning,
tot In oonrogneaco of the unavoidable fibtonoo
eof esters' important witneseel,lho intylolonnt •
id to =trot at Alderman Donaldeon'a ot3oe, on
Yens street s on Saintly. afternoon at 3 eolook.
Oho 1310CE5 —7 (Thersday) evening at B
`-) 7o 'clucic, will! be eiAd at MoClelland's !Luellen
:' , llocsas, 55 Yillis One', a large list of Valuable
I.3Stocke, inolitdiog aten7,new, dutiable. and - dlr-
Tideng psyb:g Crnepanles.:
%rosin ACCUM I, a 7 morning it in
, idOctitJleairs, 6: Fifth itroot.i 800
Voteoshrstte, 00h15d4.
r l
I ray letter hie moms g with e
,aggestion to the loyal editors of ate Rate,
which. I think should receive attentAtet. It is
well known that at the late election tk9 soldiers_
in the army of the Potomac were not t applied
with a suflielent number of tickets. am in
formed that a COleetel ,f one of mar moo; dla •
tleguithed veteran regiments said that a nem •
her of Boldly. were oompelled to write their
tickets, while others, unable or unwilling to
Perform this labor, abstained from v.ttng en
ihredy. If there ahottld bee scarcity of bellots
in Novotaber, it would be a difficult matter to
here any written for the ratioulon. Now my
repetition to that every loyal journal In Penn
eylvinla shall print tickets on the page, leaving
the other side blank. so that sash earlier rectelvi
leg • copy can supply himself with a ticket anti
otreulate the remainder among tits friends. It
this anungement should be deemed impracties-
Ida, let each newspaper pubil.her enclose a sheet
of ticket' In such copies of his paper as he may
send to the army. This, if done at all should
be done at least two weeks before the ales:loft
day. I respectfully submit this proposition to
the loyal gentlemen of the press, in this, our
good old Key atone State.
The copperheads tereabents teem disposed
to try the effort of hard, utter, ; sloes, down•
right lying on the prospect of tweir Gun Boat
chieftain. The Chairman of their State Central
Committee, whose headquarters are In this city.
be,, thee the left eleettoo, published a series of
di/notched intended for ionic, and home con
sumption, announcing that the Keystone State
”bad,igene democratio,"—that I believe is the
phrase—by tom five to ten thousand majority
on tie home vote ; that tbo vote of our vital:it
volunteers In the field was about squalls dirt
dad ; that copperheadlem was in the ascenden
cy in oar State Sonata, and that the friends of
the Union were In the minority in the compres
sional delegation. This carefully gotten up
copperhead "victory," the spacial erection of
the copperhead central committee, will be cel
ebrated In due loam on Saturday evening, by
chat Le termed in the Mlle, "a torch light pro
cession," when I suppose as is noel on such
occasions, the "night will be made hideous" by
men whose first choice for the Presidency is
Jeff Davis. The 'Nest of this demonstration is
to &Omelets, the drooping spirits of the "hur
rah boys," nod at the same time eneourage "our
deme,ratle friends" over in the Jemles. All
this kind of work requires cheek—but thou the
party hoe enough of that article on hand to
entry two or three election campaigns.
The close home vote in the Stare has hid the
Sect to stir up the "dry bones" of the Union
party in this Section. 1 11,1,45 is aid have a
similar aloe: in ail the aorthern and many of
the Wei/teen o:aths. Cr,,, lord , Erie, flogs,
Bradford, Weltren and Sctqlehtmos, to say
nothing of triton.; other, to ,t I osenet recall to
ailed at into not moto , ,oti; ht to a: d several thous •
at de to the or :coin ol "gets," white we orrot
1•• rhron ele cox: November. The los al moo of
classier, Dela wase, Lancaster Dauphin and Lab
soon, are now hoing to watt with a raw of giv
ing their oonctler a thorough canvassing be
tween this and: the day of toe Presidential
election- The laggard ligion voters will all be
bropplot on', as they erotiTd have been In Oato
be• be Woe the over ate Silence of our friends
Johnson ossem•
and oTgan
the following
SOW'S thoughtless people, chagrined at the
Wore hcme vote, aro dliptsel to censure and
Bed (emit with our hardworking State Contra!
Committee and its energetic chair/nal, Smolt
Ca mato!. • This 03 all wrong. The committee
folly, coma up its dote, but the people did
net. 'lto truth Mont peeple felt so confident of
the result that thly neglected to attend to their
local oagecnisallo s which are operands! to po
ll ice! tnocasc. TAerta beteg no State ticket in
the field Ono StatetCommitleo rear, from the very
encesiity of the er compelled In a great meas
ure to •cly on 't ' loCal ormatttscs and loofa
candidates. Tho - alt therefore mast i• traced
to the ru nty crg isotion•, although lam very
rerieio they vo n d like to shift the blame on
other pet plea' she Idorr. Ike November elem.
ti.n will eome roe immediately under the en.
:pet vition of the C mittee, sad I have no doubt
thtt the reiutt fully vindicate that body
fit m ray charges t at may have been th.ought
lee II y 'preferred ag net it. W.
le IMMO II SBA intrao.-.-The loyal o , t Ins
of Bhetpaurg held lats e and spirited moat
log in that berong t an evening, Addresses
wow, delianrod by v. John $ bletiew, Thos.
M. Martha and 1 Patterson whiolt were
received latch &fe at apolanso, 1t.4. Jacob Po.
glo addressed tha treating in the German lan.
gua•e. The Allegheny Glee Otob, under the
taadorship of Pr...f..71. H. Slack, was also prot
ect, and sand a'xr of Union longs, in
their usual excall•nt style.
Toe sat.aul Fa : Lime., property, belong': g
t 3 the estate of an • late Renee Jones takes els:ae
to- dat (Tbossdav 1 Call 11111 leave the Depot
by the Penn's,. B.' at gins- ezbefort 11 o'nkek.
Bea advertisement in another 040=1.
NVA:rto • Mr, so.—Pater P. Mcßean and
Abrolen. Barber. be a- onarrested by the Iday
er's police, en a. c;large of pulatng cannterfett
money, waived a suing, and entered ball for
their appearance at Con,
Townes W. PA Ir, practical Slate Reefer, and
dealer in Amer Slate, of various colors.
OM= at Alexattler Laughlth's, near the Water
Works, Pittsburg., Pe. Residence, No 78
otteet Order, pr raptly attended to. All work
warranted water root. Retaking dons a: the
Ounces notice. 'o charge f r repairs, provided
the roof le not ab • ed after it is put on.
Tier Soong J t received at the Merchant
Tailoring eetabi'• mept_ of graham MoCand•
leas,/ 3 Smithfled street. We wouid mot re
rretfully invite • • attention of our friends and
Lb. public in gen
winter goods. T
messimeres and v•etlnge, all of the flout quality,
and selected with thegreuest of etre. Gratis
men desiring fu • tenable and well mad* alothing
would do well to • re to a call before purchasing:
elsewhere: Eve garment la warranty' to gH►
tall lath [esteem • both pize and ruilits.
base & McOuretess,
'te Na. 73 Smithfield street.
Merchant Tail
Brunel ET on •
Sr. L directed
Fail and Win '
friend Mr. John
Allegheny. His!
td Fancy French
Vas'imered and
rimers Vesting',
to or& r is the la
ter. A thole* '
slew A !MA std
Iftoe. of Heady
fen .bly ;trade.
11 , 1111/IMLNIF
billious CUE./10
ha bean with t•,ios, with the view of breatng
tie dill butts° • tug is done to remove the di.
s. ass O. the Ilre and other organs on wbfoh the
ahllt and fever • • r , d. Relapses are thenonser.
q..aace. The p• min is only mired for • time;
it, to relived of . son:Lott= of &same, not of
sh- dire. • .140• 05300D*8 INDIA °ROLA
GOOUB does q•t dimply break the chill, bat
throsgb Its restoring mil-sane* neon the 'lvor,
remove the *de en whinh it depends, end
tt net) a ffects*permanent Mira.
all druggists and modioite
DIL LIGHTAII.L. the calatwated sped-Ira, of SA
fit. illarles Moe, New York, has arrived In the
city, and taken rooms at the St. Charlie Hotel.
Illation vo
Tb.• Doctor's re Illation is so well and farably
known In the attnent of Catarrh, Deafness,
- "and Diseases ' o t he Throat . Ear, and Air Pas
:ages, fist atom andatfon from us would to quite
superfluous. Si face it to say that Ds 11 amply
prepared for the consultation and treatment of
the above veci6titiel, and we are pleased to call
attantion to hlsAevartisament and testimonials
In another cancan of our paper to day.
Annan to the teeth iv a vary ummon ewer's
sloe, bat we thick armed to embeliieh and pre
serve- them to ripe old sole deoldedly more
benefit:dal ocd appropriatlng:—thle eau only be
done by the fragrant “Bosetiont." For *lun
ge& beantibleg and preserving the teeth,
sweetening and purifying the breath, it hu ao
Sold byldrupilib omits-11J.
Exatuisi4 natzer.--Whoeror LI troubled
filth hoarseneet, cough, o soreness of the
hroat, can apEily an oncellent and oafs romedy
y ruing Brown's Bronchial Troches. We ham
tried the article, end can safely recommend them'
o all oases of (threat irritatlonL To elegem and
rub& graham they aro of great Taine.—Altois
M.) Courier,
Oenrarra It'd carriage oalbirtill be taken at Van
°mutton office, No. 410 Pesci stroot, day or
eight. Alloriers left at the abovo cilia° will be
promptly attended At All calla mast be paid la
-11: domed atowner 111011 CITT, Capt. --,
lobo Soso ; James licOrtery, clerk, will lama roe tea
anon and el Interassthate porta on SOUSSE. tlr, thm
20th loath*, at 4 o'clock p. tn.
roe !night °cps...ago apply on board or to
collS Jas. COLLINS 2 CO., Agents.
P 013.1131017711 Boon
lexam.r Jonas Ponali. Capt. J. B. 1... will leave
the aboTaaad latarmadlsta ports aTtrj 12011 DAY, at
aelock p. ta.
Fo r Itaght "rattraLan b rVZ.:l....
mall Wharf boattatinar elosmograbota Baidia
P . LACESMITEIB.—A choice lot of
WeSHINOTON 13013.88-adeJE
Jact mated and for gale a tow rata., by
OfISA a. LEV:111.
Sao US SaiOnd ed laVisa erdeta.
15Bnifir1110E —Just received, a supply
au ," p,. at m for Nal. by th• barrel or
at retyli, by /OIIS 8104.11A11r,
ore °mu I(in11) WO Rawl AMU.
tr:.n:-i GgV.t..
TO' GLOBE 11Tuiu&I. Lyn ult.
a, dos ouarlati. or Nil. Toes.
PUNT IritlLM424 PlllllltiriNT.
bnaon Non-Torfelling %moo* LIN sad End":
once Pol< Aso, Poll I,soo
of Policy ono car iqnal oreurity:
P. WOODS, General A gent.
Mgr Orlon, ro 4El' Et eTBZET. en .7.1 y
idaty at the lutarastloatl ■zhlhltloa,
o.v. entaaao,oate Idanager far Lippincott a O.)
. 10. anzamto (late at Chug. Hubbard & 00.)
2•11061. A. Wag.
Raan}aacorsn u! PATE= &BOUND 011101I.A/1B
warranted 0A7197 STILL tlAW6..of every descriptive.
KM. Matsu, Oran that, Geo& and gather varieties
All kinds of IL NITZEI & SPV.IfiGS, media from Ghee
Mrs 84.1 11a0.4 BLAPLB AND HOWIE%
Mil VMS, Warebousa and Wort., oar. WATER' &
811011? GTS., PittsLargb. Part:calm. attention alma
Batooothiag, Gwarchig sad throd&htaaloi Clissratar
Basta; also repairs of all kinds. Panchlag sad Drilling
done at rastranable rates. •
OBELT ES MSD I E13.-11111911EWELV8
70L0 ANODYNE.—Thts Irony oelebrated prepara
tion, which toss so truly earned thaname sad fonts of
a • True Anodyne by results which had barred every
other attempt at cue or relief to Neuralgia, Mown.
Hem, Gout, Nervous Headache, Tooth and Earache,
Clams Morbruh Pal. In the 13toin soh or Dowels, Ilya.
.torts, Distress after Eating, Loin of Bleep, General
Herron. Debility, Poroxyems to Asthma sod Whooping
Cough, now doctored to be latiirlyl nervoul, and for tit
palm. in Monthly Illonstrtutilou also declared to be oho
of the 1:7,,1 Important too.,ts lit rooll'ine. A 1.4
writes horn tiro Tort "Wore it !too dollar, a drop, I
would not Do without to In toy tamtly, and no one
slit old he , ottbouf it.
JOHN L. get; N zWILLL. Proprietor,
Preer.^l (nwtelet, Bruton,
jr as.. 1 , 7 Jos. Fleming, G. E. Sayer, B.
Irshomturl Or., J. 01. rattan. Arnis for Plitabeagh;
Gro A. E.MI7, W. J. 1.1,.m and Or. Jorsot Ilroea,
I tTl . tirh!je i l.. l"" COO.
. •gib, BARNEILL di CO., Rot Lts
- ties nu AND Sli NAT IRON WORE
EES, Perm St., Aoa. to, Et,' la. and to. Baring
cured • l ergo pad end rands/Led It rith the most Ira
pried roleadoety, VD are prepared to rhanuthairs
crap de:mart/en of BOILZES. In the best mimeo. doo
warranted equal to any made In • the ocuntry. OHEtd•
NET{{, BRICE EN, 178. E %W)5, STBAII PlPtd,
PANS, and shas manwerturere o BAGNRILL'S
PATENT BOILEES. &Taring do= to the ehoriest
no 001831
to =mow eta* of fall ant
omelet of all the v4zy fatatt
—The attention or oar reed
the brilliant &normal at of
Goode Intl received by oar
War, No. 138 Federal 'trent,
took competent s great reels ty
finglishOdootch and American
wine, and fine Silk and Gae-
I II ebetlett will be toile op
t styles and to the beet matt
alesOlon of Famishing Goods
for este, lovable: wish a fall
. ad* Mottling, well sad tub-
Pay a is a common form of
Ms mutt mode of treating it
Lep; '..4 4 .re41 , 64 , 45..1
(Formerly MALLET • 00, Bortlque.)
Lb. •nl7 Vine/mr awarded vltb • PHs. 111 renal. cif
Fcr sal. Cy ail Wl:Lai/cal, and await Ocuc!ars.
' KILL & BMLLIIAO. *OllBll, Pr:Tenn:run
Also, Importers and..teolers to SCII2ALS, TVS 'PLATE
SHEET IRON, WIRE, Gm. Oatortsuatty as band, THS•
Wsrehosse, No. 140 PISST & LOON]) STREErhi,
P =;ti r s ' ts
of Dapper =1 4. ony dmtredd patt4r.
UTNE, comrEssioffs .ND2 X.
11. , M.A. and is wAnals4 and caution to you.' Ow
wt. =Err from rierrrA. Debi*, PrrAmtAn DRS)
of Macho 1, etc., undying, of tbo uma time. Aa spud
grreJf carte By o. who has oared Ishosell *War 111,4
prat Lc, rut ud tddary Ltrouth,tudidal ham
bs And kr..<11.7.
By oaakmaug a pmt•pnld addreemd envelops, atatla
eartm may Ta. he artbor,
Bedford, Slam mes), B. r.
Ilia 1311117.—A resaread iputlesn•D baits,
taWo mr.oredltla m e Cm dna, 01. a radarrang
rmeal mince and Irrniusx crpausln clod, of
trwskaat - rid:Ka saccers.rsrasitta, It Ms ceerest duty
...zooza.teate to hie ILL:loco! fellow =oatmear tits
avav o: coma BOW., oa tie receipt of an sdEreetad
eneelopb, lAto slll lord, Tres, .1.171 Of lOe Prel , llol , .
lOWA Dl.•vct to D. J01:1/1 121. DAGNALL, 186 hl•
boa street. H. T.
WV. C. 1106148011....—....... C. 60.1010•.---,•1.••...
.2.081NE4011, /IRA ft CO., (notes.
e.ror, to Itosizrtmi, MfAms a SlnassA) WASEILDa.
TON WORKS, FocrAmnrs A klaansurre, Pittetnimb.
Manulaatorers of BOAT AND STATIONERY
of •Mlelperlptions ; OIL TANKS a STILLS DOI=
ituarrza h CO.,
Cyrano,. to Re!Sor, Dartm►a A Co., lasnalkotarrts
OAF? br lost., BYRUM, mow AND DLlStgli
Worts, 171:51' WARD, A.ll.ltoray Ott,.
P. 0. Adam... PITTSBOIIOII. Po. '►T7clt.
HOLEEI3 a SOBS. , Dia.aza
51.771:17 .671 P E1Pt01.2., Cc. 67 MAIM= 67 . 8.7672 T
Pittalnargb, rIL
oir Oolluttar, =Os on I I ti. 7=1:17197 , 1 710le
tbrrav 1701 the Oulted Blau
r the trestrunt of D 151.8.818 OP Tax IN AND
L isers' ORGANS, lAA ezoxr.d Ammo, Nem York.
Bonn of ommaltatlon from tO 8 ceolo'elt p. m.
en.2o.lBeed •
ME D. bet. Wood wed Merkel. Hara OU kalld v.
rear of neer Panama, Mar VW polo, imitable far in
Particular attotaktu pad to ouslathag assn WU.
Jobbing done at short nottca,
Tztus—o., refight* hiatio . eet.-.1. Saporta of the
newt' essoctatene. Scot by tuft to staled Uttar
.woloPt. tree of oboog.. Adthest D. J. EIICILIMI
HOUGHTON, tiotnted datoatitt' ce. Ho. 3 Booth Sloth
shoat nr.tladelphla, P.'
1190 AND 002019191000 91:610090117
',basal* dealer to oursale, DMZ% 811091.,
►lta, and prodags pima*. 8.. 9 11 WOOD er
Pilteberth. IP. ale
Dia. 14 BAT ErritlUir. near Pmn.
Dralrlogs of nfiCI.InERT,; BUILDIIIOI, KONTF•
mnire, mama, no., moire*: with rocarsor, on
illort notice. •
STSI9IISO DB/LWIN9 seism, with opoclololamin
for Menai xsylea of dromlng..
v =shalt Attrti of Land, srlth ths Imorormatants
tbstsan, hours u ths SELTES CODA. This property
L 6 st Heysclll.6 Etstion. tutu milts talon Pittolnith,
on Ms PltPbolgh. Volt Wszus 6ad Co ono Et 11., and
Ercom oct the Ohio Elver. Is Admissibly sluts] Sr.
Wats, I ore Ha, rdlng Roo Is, Or prints rsaldues. lo •
'mem 0119. P. I C , TICOSIAZI. IS 7 roortklatroot,
burgh. or the untsuiber st Iturrllls. •
ocS lm MAZY 11. suarottp
Ha 'at WWII' iSTZMIT. uott.7l2lb.
ROUSES—Woe. Jotter • ters.„'ln order close on the
estals, offer for tale thirteen aces oh the Ifrantatown
row% lelth three denillitir bongos the eon greet. d„ Wear
the Tureens station of toe Peeneylvania Railroad This
•111 be sold entire or ear...divided to trait purebtaem
Hoot et to e lane Is planted with choice fruit trans.. The
depaite of sand 'coed by our Plttsburstr Glees Ilenres
underlies tilt. tract. If aftmls Ml.. for the floret Goan
try seat. In the country,
Is, tyro lota en by 160 yet an Mutat street; Drowns.
rills. Tap tie connty, oe whiett la erected . two racily
brio* dweiling, and theother • mambo.,
The title to the •hole le indl 4 puteepa One-third the
punter* mossy tney remain Yx - ar ma the prernieee,
tont the death cf Mr& J• oss;. 71 Got mold before, the
East I,lherty property be offered at public. eat* on
,SiOth of October: at I p. m .on the
Phquire of DAVID hlrthri 0 ant, Truer:trees of
hoe, Court flower or of Catherine Joon, East Ltherty,
and T. J. hipttem, !Cunt WpatthoirOn, 4.63lfira
+r- Id NT...Lc m Pitublugh
111.aarsausa, Oot I. I 331:
Ecoc i a majority on the soldier's vote, re•
trim: d Sal count, I, Is rCI. F.cie reAitutaif
from this district ate to be heard from. The
128th Infantry and 22d Cavalry, are among
them, ►C that have been reached. The Cammis
'loner' have not yet retained their votes. Union
Senators and three members of the Legislature
are !*.t in Union, Lyconting and Snyder—an
unespseted lona Still the [senate and Boyle
are Union by a handsome majarity.
The State Copperhead Central Committee is
in cession here to day end to-night. Moab, bit
terness ie expressed alent the soldier's vote, as
returned. One member was Lathe...had to de•
elate that August Belmont would raise all the
funds needed to carry this State for McClellan.
Not marl hopefulness was expressed or shown;
despondency was evident. B.
k Reconnoissance to Cionville
Gen. Price at Marshal, Lafayette Co
Si. Lou,, Oat. 19.—The Dewo, , ,s's J.:Cs:son
este special says : Lieu. Push returned tole morn
l‘g from a reootstielverince to B sonville. He
aruled the garrison nt G.”gow, onsisting of
between five end six thousand mall. and two or
three hundred °Ws 'is, who assisted in the de
fense of the p!aso, were also paroled, and at.
rived at Boonville on h4,,adey night moist an
escort of flay road troops to pro.s.a. those from
Tie rebel brut, titt ettorksd Glasgow, under
G.n. CI. was fully tour tnoas•ud strong,
while Mrloy, with som• 070 thousand men
haled the town from the opuosi , e lids of the
.o.r. The rebels last betenet, two end three
handl"( In killed and wounded. Our lose is
th.rty or forty. Col flardirg surrendered on
coadaloca that htr man sh,uld fora
i-bed au through the rebelXsea, the 05,b,53
p. rr,i , ted to wear tilt arms, and retail their
tones sad other pr,,,eaty and Jaelam•e wore wi h the rebel
.:033 with 001310.1 J., they brier recognised so
Cr clederate othcsrs, a, is also Elsa tiedarson.
Prier, encamped at Marshall, L s•eyette s1:1•3 •
ty, on Sunday night, and oreapied the ei,untry
ber wee, that plea end Lesington. lie is said
to be greatly 0130011Malla at tha salad f.,rooi op
r•tredto Mal, szl to kr oaallilently of wintering
to the State.
Anderson Jackman. and otbare bay. •nlisted
largo numbers of roan:ILA la moth bilerouri.
Chariton and Howard owiatles e•eh biro far
nisbed I,booßeane, 2,0,d0 ; fiandolph. 1.0 00 ;
Callaway end ' lionroe eight hundred. La
to recruits, the rebel are -one-anti) , gall
wring some from the captured garri.ont, ani army is nest:ming alarming propertions.
The Tall( y Being Made Unica:llf e.
NIB YORK, 001. IL—Tbe Wash
ington epoolal says G moral Sheri lam'. opera
tit es have not ceased in ate 11 a woe
orgoled to - carritng out General Ur•nY;
cokor to render tho country untenable for a rebel
The mail boat front City Point b-ingt no Sni
p,' ant neve.
Secretary Stnetan bi a left the front for Nor
Admiral Pont..i' visit to fl morel Greet it {l/1
t: tie le regarded as sir el:leant.
Nair S one, Ora I o. to rpeolal
fly.: "It is currently rep.. cad that are tiara:
Sheridan •AI rhortli supersede Gen. beads to
tun earninand of the Army of lbs Patotneta The
tea.. for tba cbaoge IA said to bo sod" disagree
zr..ror barren Oeai. Onot add Ai ,143 a. to th.
t• Mt.11..1 ty 01 osrts.ia LIVIVO6IOI3te south of Psurs•
burg Toe report thst the rebels broke through
our lists in front of Potersourg, on Saaday
i%ht, is an.rue. They did not even mete an
/II teak upon out piskots.
LU Altrd
The P aid Designed to Control the
Coming Election.
Carlo, Oct. 10.—Great 4.coitemeat prevails In
WE motion of the country in consequence al •
raid into Wooten, Kentucky by Forme* fore*.
()sorrel Meredith, commander of the &Arial.,
heeed a proclamation calling upon the chinas
to rorpend businass end rally to arum and drive
buck the rebel horde. Permit is reported to be
it\coriath cith • arum; cavalry totes, cud az.
priories his intenti n to enter Western Korai:miry
In spEri of etroog opposition and not silos pao
pie trivote as they please the coming •leotion.
C.Vobel force left at Eastport, Itilssirsippi,
r Jmated to be about 3CO.
IBITIOG OY 01110119 01111101 U BAD.
The Soldiers and the Coming Election.
N■w Yoax, Oet. 19.—A largo muting of oltl
0' r of National Banks wee held at the Astor
L. oee •o day with oilseed doors. It was ru
mored, however, that the object was a new inon
mrnt against the btate banks.
Gen. Sherman, In his oliSolal report of his
ro mpalgst states that Gen. Howard was appolot
-00 lo the 'saucy caused by the death of Gen.
McPherson by order of the President. General
B otter took offence at title, and was relieved at
ht. own requital. It is new asserted that Sher
le at or pasty r , I veited the Prestd.nt to •ppoLot
The Pm. Weabingtoa 'pedal asp the keels •
twat Bearrevy Wer sere 1111 eet rot deelded ,
whether the New York eau P.aeylv.els tovelid
soldiene will be teat home to vote la November.
No froritedgee will be 'holm to ear date.
Tits Canadian Confederation
Queen!, Cot. 10.—Alter a long disoasslop, the
Canadian Confederation has been decided on.
Its MIR principles are arranged; only ►boat
settlement rensalna. The great didientty wee
the proportionate representation of the colonies
In the Upper lions.. It is now deoldad that
Arcadia, that la, Nova Bootie, New Brunswick
and Prince Edward's Limed, am to have 24
numbers, of whoni 11 we for Nova Benda, 10
for New Brunswick, and 3 for Prlnea Edward's
bleu& Newfoundland la to have 4, cod Upper
and Lower Canada, 24 each; total, TO. TAW
are to be 'solvated from the expiring member' of
the Upper Boar•, by the crown, which It to 111
np the vaeancies,eocuring by death. Repro.
eantatives In-the Lower Roue of the Federal
istglelature are to be in &Mordant!e to the popn•
Wiwi periodically rearanged.
The Constitution will be en* that the chief
power will reside id the Central Legislature.
The province' will have few seper,ut. rights. It
le doolded that the whole /chains /hall be cab•
mittedslo the existing parliaments In all the
colmolai without a direct reisrenoe to the people,
whiott is a very 111:11:111:1111fy 618/113111, 1111 COD* of
the parliaments were elected with reference to
this question. The local lexislatnras will not
necessarily beelike la their oonatittitlon; There
Is no &octane as yet whether the local govern
ment shall bs n intimated or elected. This point
will likely be left to the Imperial govern's'''.
It is believed that o;tawa will be the seat of the
federal legislature. The only ditilmelty remain•
big is is to the constitution and power of the
federal judiciary. The question of to the mili
tia or army to be maintained by the =depths
will likely be settled by a convention with Eng
land. lion. John Aludonald his been the lead•
leg man lathe conference. Ells views have has.
!adopted In almost all suet. Mr. Galt and Mr.
Cartier are also mull looked up to.
Reported Capture of Ore Roanoke.
'VATIP/a, OCitlol—The egemeo Elvedy, re
ports tbstlt was nrockand that the Roanoke was
captured by the robe; Lieut. Braise, who look
bat to Renauda and lead id the passengers,. bat
be wee not allowed abet or prouistpas. lie then
prow:tided to lan and burned the Roanoke off
Remota, returning with the wow In boats. Re
We ot nape arrootod by the British authorities.
LATErn.' ttMOPE.
The b are and Coburn Controv,rij
arbil Officers went to Pirt %wee.
0t; 1-11 C NSNV
Now Tree, Got .l9.—Be lf's Lye, Loudon ash,
aryl N. kbor Moe nor Coburn sun claim the
stakes. It recommenda Coburn to I=oo !Base's
challenge to fight. in England. Either tons for a
re eree,cr allow the Belt'. Lye editor to name font
gentlemen of too press to salad a referee for
The C..floor; II Arin..rti” r* • London latter
gays : Neva cf the defeat of Early, in hi, retreat
op the bhenandoah Valley, was reoeived here
yesterday, and caused a further fail nib per
cent to the Confederate Imo, In addition to a
like tall stmt. had occurred during the few pre
oesdtnF days. Ire area d..” tbu lu«a boo Nolen
dB per coat.
Pare a•.d other rolled aCt earth who St
aved by toe Cabal:torte , t Chu:an:the, will not
he to ought to the oily for •-eerel days. Is Is
or. , talc , d h y go to Fort Wafter.
, A L',ald Parte latter ease : Acnerionn bonds
were c,,lderably ingilred for, and within the
last ton a.ys hare been regularly expo/Jed lathe
vindca. of exchange deelere.
. The Cork gaLeteiotr says The army clothing
factory, at Limerick reeently mole sixty thou
sand set..s of clothing for the Confedersey and
shipped them on blockade routers.
The Cbarietterille Chroei.ris says that the Con
f,:erate cot rency is Worthless, and recommends
that it be he ned, and holders compensated with
cotton or bonds. The people each then adopt a
Systre, of traffic tvithent money.
The Richmond E.T.1111. , of the ld•it says:
The Federal bonne batteries on Chapin's Farm
have nearly completed their batteries, which aro
Laid 'o have a comooandins poo!tloc.
T`e semi parer also says; The people talk
tlaet staising, toe they bad better starve than
to be cusses by Ysokees. The paper size be
rates the War Ders:l meet for keeping back that
g..eid newts which fe is holi.ved has been received
m Food's army, and ittelstopon knowing it.
They at tort that they need all the encoarege
acne they ear. get.
The Bensidon, Brpen4ran save:
7 , .e beef c•t.ll eL 0.11 re eb sly eroi,ed the Mese
panee. h oogh there en • note for Ihod'e
at my.
netieof the President—llls Response.
n:oheow, Oat. 19.—Thos Preoidont RIO
terepared to night, and cultic s opeeolt, oonerat
nlotmg his auduneo on the adop:ion of the new
O t.•itutton of btary.and. The following to the
r• c:iderts tt-eecb •
I am tot tad that thi. is a comrilment paid
me by the loyal Mo,ylanders, r.siient le thle
district. I infer that the 0ti0pt . ....n of the new
C,..titution fur the State, formyhes occstion, !
hod in your view, the exterpasion of slaver
rennitreee the shirt merit of the nsw Oanttitot
ace. Meat heartily do I congratulate yen, and
Maryland, and the nation, and the World
upon ibis event. I regret that It did not °coot
two y fan Canner, which I am 11070 would here
eared to the Cation 024 to money :has would have
met aJ pries. lee, Incident to the toned.: oat
hne e toe at last, end I olnoorely . hops its
ate trey uoty realize all their tmtiolpations
g, , ,1 from It, and that 11l opponents may, by
its • ffrotz., be agreeably and profitably dime
, eted. A word upon another •übje%. Same
.:l. ng said by the Sooretary of Stele, to hi, re
rent speech at Aobarn, has bean construed by
vine tote. the threat that If I shell be beaten at
th. ricyttnn, I will, between *hen and the' end
c nstitutivnal term, do what I may b•
.1. r • e de, !elm the Government. Other. regard
th. tact that the Chicago C.inveatiort adjoamed
to• at dle but to meet again, ((called to do o
by a parameter individual as se. Intimation of
pcipure that if the, nominee obeli be elected he
will at once seise co-trot of the Government. I
hope the rood neople will not permit them lateen
to eon. , t 116111/1•U on either point. I am strag
gling to maisratn the Government, not to over •
throw It. I therefore may that if I shall live I
shall into vie Prretdent until the 4th o' text
March. as d that whoever shell be ometitutton.
all ; fleeted there, re In N mbar, shell be duly
t. :rolled as President. the 4.0 of March nest.
sod the' la tEis interval I oh ill do toy atmoet (or
e one •no is to ho.d the helm tor the next
To • go, Ind she' eta, t with the beet ponlble
ore, sae 0 o the 'hip. Thus is duo to the
p ople, is,•th toed., pi In siple and sole:
r.II.IPIMI o •, they tea .titatiuza:l7;express,
ultems. law 141 WI, II they ahaul.ld•kbor•te
• If ref nia e to have Inansedinie pence, even et atoll
thee cannily and liberties I have no power
ri c h: to roe tat Ch., It Is :hate own iitt.Mase
.t!,ey most du as they please with th•l-own.
'. I Irl eye, beerovtr, they are still reached to
.et, e their octuntry and their I.barty
. din ti„ ., In °thee or out of it, I net IV ...lend
stead by them. I may add that in ibis pus-
Rat, to save the c.untry end Its liberate, no
ci ices of people raelii .arly 11111•1316014
the toldien in the Bold, nod teamed en.e.t. Do
they, not have the hard, It al I. t Who should
• it , el when they do tot' Gad bites the eel
. a , et, ltd framer, aed el! their breve oum tiara
e7. :
vg Yak Gold and *tuck !Haulm.
New Your, Oat. 19 —Tits stook market OJII•
Claus heavy and setts.; onuiders keep •way
trctu the market and broken hers affairs very
patioll their own way. First board opened with
a 'lrish' Improvement on eluting tignm of par
terd‘y, but si the call progressed spirits droop--
s utd bestirs. cloud with lower orioes. Coal
rtorgr Ercti A : brink shares fen ; mining shares
quirt; railroad bends firm; raitroad stork, Ir •
segnlsr with t a upward tengrgay.
Tba g ood rdrt-ttet opened with Increstud firm
ness, seed advanced abut: two per cant. This
edver re was afterward) lost. Thirst tru lora
LC' It it, and anion:atop than yesterday.
Iw an market still easy at T par out.
Exports sliced ter the week over four and •
An usual on 'roamer days, foreign enabling"
At ta Prairies 6 schange there was • she
.3;141 in fit nr, grain and provisions. Towards
ciao market was generally doll, and Improve
At Eto a o r s tl f! today, Blocks were vary del.
The prootedinp of a nurnereatly attended
neating of \•Uonel Beak oat-ors, at the toter
Hordes to- day, Iroise private, but it is stated they
will be cdloially published.
Gold closed at the evening board at 2093
to ',:t9y;
Tn. 'Rebel Rild In Vermont
Br. At stirs, Vr., Oat invasion of
tn.e town took place to day. 801:119
to oty 8.. ranted desperadoes, 'apposed to be
In tte rebel employ, from Caned:wand:lan as
e , .0 it on several of the bank.' shout four o'oloak
th .el tOt coon. The National bank was robbed
of .boot fifty thousand dollars, mostly in blue :
the Bt. All sos bank was robbod of about lee
st• y tboceend dollars, and the Franklin bent
of a considerable amount. Twenty heresy were
ceo :eked by the desperadoes and aszelei off.
8 versi citizens who reehted were deliberately
'tot, two were won:sat:l, and it Is fisted, fatel•
ly B. Morrison, oentraotor, C. U. guatington,
jeweller, and several others are reported slightly
wounded. The readers threatened to barn the
town, and left In the direction of Canada. A
lea number of armed Glaze:net:in gene in pure
/111 L
WadiMagni IF •su
Now Tort, Oct. 19 —The proprietors of the
Overland line have avoided to change the route
from the river road over to Cut Or, and 'tot the
Batt Lobe end California will d rut to Denver.
Berototore Denver has been ouppiled with the
mails by a branch road. By the new arrange.
meet the delivery will be areal!, ruillut*d.
Pubacriptleas to the 0-30 loan for the put two
to reported to the Treastu7 Department,
amount to 81,028,000. The entire subscription
1. 854,000.000.
By order of the War Department,• private of
of the lath Connecticut, surrendered to the
to the 'health legislation.
Secretary Persendon has returned from Ma
visit to the Jerom river.
Hon. Montgomery Blair--The Cincin
nati Peace Convention—McClellan Re-
C 1110.1711471, Oet. 19.—lion. Montgomery Pinto
arrived ittely at Leal gt , on to day.
The pesos eenvention to-day discussed the
report of the Committee on Raselotions, which
was adopted. The rerolotions are for peace on
the heels of the sovereignty of the States, con
demns the notion of the Oblong° Conventlion,
repudiate' MeCiellan, and cc is fora oonveotlion
to gem* our national =wattles. Long and eittt
glottp are spoken of as candidates for the Pres
idency and Vice Pre*!dome,.
Daring Rcbel Ram into Vermont—Rob
bery or limas and Shooting of Chi
BCILINGTON, ( ft.,)oet. 19.—A party of twenty
five sumad mon rode toto St. Albans this attar
noon and robbed the three bents 'hare of slso f .
000. It Is 'opposed thee were Southernen from
the border of Canada. Five altiserut 11117111 11101,
On., It 1/1 thought, Satan,. " naving aaeomplished
their object, .the band Left immediately for
LATIII.—The mon (lilorrhoo) who wu 'hot
las arm god.
In Memory of Gon. lllnny
Pontoneate, Oet. IP.,=-Eleseral Map% gots:
outedlng the Dopartmeot of the fintqleheeme,
hes orderei flip ahhelt taut, on the 21,1, aad
sling pass fired, In 'honor of the memory of
ms). Gobi ))tun.
fel Pr..t,l. tr . rft nl nt Fr•el,tl
Tr•-ps.--A P:or t 0 C [Olaf U. 8. V.:
New YOIM, Octet..? ID —The Braelrlya City
C.ltled by Smith & *heated near
r a ms Ferry, were deartroyed this morning by
dna Lou $160,000.,
The French transport otsanter Allier, front
Vero Orr?, arrived here chi. morning with 1,000
F‘enclo troops for Brest. Franco.
peeceoger by the Colombia, gays al argot
plot icr the capture of the It ,anoke ...toted
and Wit pubtiely ralberl'of In Havana. Afoerr
steering be Ithatoko the Columbia sod the new
steamer Moro Castle were to be captured-
Fs Oa K.iitucky
Lot rarrt.t.r, o.t. 1 O —o.:plaiz Freeman, reP
reFentlng himself as commander of dente'. MU'
guard, appeared at Ge_rgetown to day.
ti Ogntt , berg, Iry , Is la grant excitement from
r porta of the approach of the robe's.
Gold Mink et.
Nay You, Gob 19.—The Gold market is weak
and h the effect of the late extreme tbsetnetion
by vhloh the bears and bulls have rammealoelx
become heavy losers. The pries opened at MI:,
sold as low as 1101" 71i, and rose exeta to 2095\
Eent to Lot t Worreh
BIISTON, Oct. 19 —Four 0'361 geutlerneu.
Jrnor of Va., Beale of Ark.. Trimble of lid.,
otd Froser, Flared through taro to day for Fort
Worrtt • •
Sonia Novi ALE, Copy., 0et.19 —At the Char
ter elemleo to-day, the Democrats sleeted their
entire ticket.
PLE adelphla Id ark at
Poo DS I rook, Oct. I/ —Cotton v. 17 doll sod Domt•
Dal at 51,2 a
al..- dolt, Ilan .t 11,010,15, Latta Tunny at
1124.41 , .
V. L0ut.2.6
dull, lay,rt decoandng a raduct.los ; Red
12.111, v. 61.4 12 55(.44.60
or doll sod tool.' $1,13
Kb et, dol. at 8.74341
l'aoutatoo otuattl.d Co ode Lind tu Nond
d. Brea IVga lc
Bah!more Marke
811 vino .0., Gel lowvy end tl, , olrg
01. to oxr 75: 74 cward imr. 6110.40. e 50.37 N
t.tto doe::Molt,
Poor dull, ost d to th• decline In Goad.
VI hist, doll a od non.ds• I 55 11,75.
Chicago Market.
, cl.. 19 _rku• vairt and Cr,l ord
, . .
IrrTgnlar fr. to 31,:4(41.24
clostog st sN.ut 151, , 1F20.511 Y.
C....r0 st 51,22:31,1, No 2
fgh jar.. cialot at 2!
1 2 2t10.11.• too, tell.
11...-cozp.-3 2 .uur. b 1 ,2.• Who., 3'XOO Caro
lb (to buth; 95,. VI Velh .
••. ,
nhlput, •
1.• 1,14 , Duet:: inarat 17 5.}: b.h
Clr, 17 1+ 6.1 Lnab , vats,
New 'York Market.
T ns, Cat. toe, Ae.l $1. , 31 20 1,
St Ad It.g.
rant---9ta'o sul Wesb rn nOcno 1 , ,,,the hogt•r, b rl
el a. 414‘41 ..Ith the Improsel,unt neet•vi 11041; KIS
r.•rs tntn,l9 7 , 03 . 0,2Z1 a 11. 0.,
suWsod 0,6111 br.arle
y ertd A II TI
. .
\a b...., rust lamer sad r.s.d I arti all r lo.'r,
Mk-, riding 71,07rg1,"5, Blaine ropo tag 51,77, Wia•
ter ILA Woes*. 112 10
are Armor; Weadorn 1141
Barley mar. .001001 Idea for n atr, and 11110 , 41 for
Quad. sold Watts •
0 rat proof Array and nosed beery at yosterdsy'r
prim; $1,[051 ,Of for Boxed Western, closing al $ 0,511.
Oats 010014 ermer, at 870 for Wratern.
C. flee and Bomar,
',c a r oaaot and norbanged ; BPORic for Porto II to,
slot 1601171.5 c far Ontoa.
Illotasots more !moire; Weer Orleans, 5l070; Port?
Boca, 30. sod llnacorsdo 50.33.
Pate , loom do I sod potato...l.
r. rt... to-toed Ilroacr .7th ma - e &dog, sod closed
bear, at 870.40 for !Coos. $4 l .75 413154 for N•er do,'
car b loud on a r. olar way, 010 slog st 51549 for Prima,
1.614 .42 75 fur Prime 1t...
Poor, rather more actira at 7.12 far country Ile
1,0 t For Itorpa kid Mem, sod 17,5041,50 for lixtra
ore. Polo,* Mesa 13ert L. to more demsnd al 34.
or'n Mom, ISrm at 17•18;a, coos Oor it:outliners, and
•ot Hams
1...r.1 tour" activn .11 Ormst at Va . 1.2:4c, the latter
z , t, me prirsi ISM .truer ramie's!, for
lLr t er. at
❑c tart at Wcstaro, .d . 37a15, for
Leary and • sltada rooter at 12.1.21,t(,,c.
Itt 14 - sort Money end Mock Market
Nrw Ynaa, Mt. t9—Bloody tow •od steady at 12a
to r coot; Stardnitmodaratalr ardl rt.
d az.ll uouttlad: prolog tot ZOO, ad •ao
clog 1.. 311%, daallotalog to fro . , cad cicala{ .111181 at
roratmt era ,
torks —l' a'a, 168. w0w.... 101% . do 5 %••
L". l . dd..* 7 0 ‘r Cart/Stat.. 943 i. .4..4 5114.
aNaipol ratite...tot s, 31 , Qt:tat:llra+, Tart ; Poacidc
23Z., dNi. Nast]. •tt, 121.
12., 1 11 11tr.o. Vatat. al, 125, Noah W•ro.ard,
Ot t 514 , Ir.. • auan•rn Ott rforth 59 at.. p-rfarreti.
71 , a . tort To and, too In-atria du Mateo, 43; Fort
Wa t t, 5... 1.1..••••ud A Viola taiga, if.
Tu.... It Alt's or no change to notice in lb , stage of
wet, • toc• unr last report, •bas the weather coughs
•a rk udy •nc raw, wall every apreareence ot rale
I r..s• a slight .ash
In tattiness at dr.
to; te e y•o•rdey, a•ing to the feet that than Wert
re w•us urrivel. ant departures, tnt there le still plenty
o' room r totrovernest.
a, af er • brirf strum, arrived on To slay
eight Lem at Lout., .I'A a 14, tap, and the J 0...
Pt we I trona o.llo,elis rot in yesterday. Thew ore
ri Loses doe, etym. of whirl: will probably Lair,
to do) .
To. hoe Teat hft to Lanleville la•t e•saing, with a
r tUrr ei • WI, as did alto the en! Local for Bosh
.. I. Th• NO a growl !might Het end *boat .11
the gsse.avers abet:o.lkt arsoatools e.
The Piro B,rtbo and Cm erves
,d to toe.. Clnlanwl f.r Plttaburrb et T.^• ,4 7 ,
• Cbtuntela errined at It Loots oa '.nods)) last, and
••• aortn•wl to les n tor thta alt! cn Wele•-edev.
ttnelLekt.;eras .1,61.4 to pew's a. lo: th's port
an itlenday evenl-g,
The Vint, ny ay.r bottle her. bent earbP , lhri to tht
up soda se thststrw.m I,4nm:tons , too low for them to
ravlgata with env ~,fart or profit and tot tko nratt•
rut, th• pot I C te tll hay. to depend on keel and gat
Th le of 0.. t So.. I. Doe at the ettotrf
to <clew lact r • cat. I , g r Y.n point. P0t.... ht. sad
ft. le net • Dew Do.. has goal • `COS111:110-
tlsa• f 4 paeteseeze ..tad plea ty of roma fa. fret‘ht.
F LAGth, Yid:L.6Bl FLAW I
07 111111.119.
With or 11/Chant lb, tme• of candidate., an AIM
All alms, ortib or orltLoct staff.
POLITICAL L ABTAIISP, too almost Mode, with
,torttborio PapOr• of Cillallab, for illoasinioldA, and
iy different kiaeo of 116OALI, plrOA so., by
I (44% ilO w singly; LOPI POLLIVe, Arid oeorythiod
In Coo Mg tine, at
Pittoek's News Depot, •
ore , OrPOMTII '7H2 Pt= 01710:111.
Orrmg ct ran Prrmscian Bataan °Covers, t
No 113 Wear strut,
Pittsburgh, Ph., Octester Ilth, 1104 j
)LA .S ANL) YROPCLIALS aro invited
fin both Woolen and Imo Btidge linponttratto.o.
sod Female ibr the musttry of the plan .1 abuts
musts of the Buderey aridta to be erected our the
Monet photo Hives, Bum Pittsburgh Point to Igoe
Pittsburgh. Tc• brag* or right Mtn..
410 font each, bum centre to mere of plea, ar 1101 feet
clear cf mu ooy, and one span 117 Coo from centre to
centre of plans The Clear width of cutlass way mast
be 19 hot, with Use to oftar. The structure tans; be
proyulicnoi to enstaln, in a'altion to its weight, e
nnitottolf dinrfibutad loot of tyro R osa,. per !meal
foot The eine ea say parsius of tt • emu ntre under
this matimont load mast not .arced oneeleh of ha
bruiting wed t
Plays mod epeciftcationd of the utuutury and Ripon
eructate may be ran at the eau of the Cbmputy.
Bids will be owned Peromber LS Iddi. The rigor to
adopt oitturz wand or t on en s Ontructere, or to Mee
any or all of the Lida or plans is return&
&dorm envelope t` Proposals to, Pittsburgh Bridge,
(wood) or Om.) and "Pittsburgh Brides 110.0.7.' •
JOHil 1. 8121111.4 President
CoMMllsioE Merchant & Parchaetng agent,
Order. tiled for all taatabandta Pittsburgh mans-
Winn, .d Mood 011 e, at &ears and matualkotarars
taut, 80, WM LUMP/ 13211112, (opyanita Wood
.La t,) Plttabargh. Pa
Advances made and pnaorpt at :cation Oran to all
ocarltunonia and corrupondonca
fataterifetereaceo A Spear, Lloyd k Black
of Averaging fools C. to 10.bseks. KI MB litoan. Iltares oPLltta,at V. 4
aloe - . =
oolabodll so. 103 11111 X dam&
.UV drawing from Mit Warningtwo Pits. In
semparanotafte, EAT HEHTES, watt. ano red
'prattled. Th. store rarrard will brim to nay p.e
arn rotarntng ta. now. or glatrg I okra dada tar
wbanabosta, to the Massaro I. Smanamtrwrilla.
oolfelw I.EWL9 MATHEWS.
TT a 10-40 LOAN.
V .
eiguntattais to
GovsamaE!vir to-to OA*,
A...ties at the cmca of nar&e, ILIZT if
Vied send.
ablr44 /08ZEI1D SANE'S. /,pat,
Or VIM RIM OP DM Ltowcana.
84 M. .11.larkls Place, Xew Fork,
St. Charles Hotel,
Where he can be coasulttql well
Saturday Evening. October 29th,
Dtschargei' from the Ear,
la induced to make this visit on account of
numeroutiapplications from parties residing
in Pittsburgh and vicinity. who are unable
to come to New York for the indispensable
personal examination rendered necessary
from the impossibility of prescribing with
benefit to the pa:lent without it.
LIGHTLIILL will revisit Pittsburgh at
regular intervals, according to the require
ments of the patients under Ms charge.
'the business in New York does nol miler
any interruption from this visit, as ono of
the firm is there in constant attendance.
TES T 1 RIO Al A./..S
IFrona tho Homo Journal, Jaw fan.]
Is essry betehuna of isolhasbo, indeed in every 6.
parinspi of even. se shwa b abray• ma. an.
lenosisaged heed-see. om who sun. cent •n told
relief amens hes felines, na a one of leader. 1a tit.
seed: and trestles t o• draft ear and r►un le, as spacial
elm. a Dr. t li. Ll6l/I.THILL, of IhL Nip. ample.
lost the oositinn obese descsited. lie h. cherphel !oozy
of labs! to this
ward of his talostry. The editorial mines of the Tot.
hose% cf a recs.t date, tear vitae. to the Doctor ■ ine•
seas to Lan departinest of sesedlolas. We quote the,
'Cr.. or • Dear Mures—Louis Wowing...Uhl. a tad
tour nn
ol ago, Item in Bergen', mate to this
Ott) Vbs. he wan aboot two rut. old. Boon after or.
dere bere b. was takes etch and lost bleb...leg. By
degrees ea bean. that &stand than dumb. Myr war.
to taw "ears be area a tiara nimbi. to her tee loudest
rot. or to silk:claw a word. About one year aro h•
era by his pawn In the handset Dr. LIGHT
LL who ha to far anocesded in restortng to him his
lo of tearing and utterance that heron con•
rem. wile lbws who monk to him distinctly and die
notate)•. Dorm; the yast four or Deo sacmtba
isen sass the tablas el No, Stausaths t cad has mail
tumid.ratite fel, mu in rending arid ariatlo." teen anytilltd with the hire address, irs far
ther investjgated the matter, and eitaarrarad that prowl. -
ono to calling on Dr, Idghthlll, tea pirates can was
conaide Id hopeless, and ha was for two y e =s an to.
mots of Deaf an d Demi , Atyina. Tits Bev. John
Bolt, D. D , Preftssor le Baton Colin., datonmtaly,
DI •sobilshed latter, tenders his gratin:We to DT. Light.
bib fee 'mating encoeutol , y kb care of &dome. Bee.
trod. B. Jewell, Ptotessor of the State Borzoi Bithrol
at Albany. also tes:ll. a to h. slog/ men cored of catarrh.
Dr. Lighthfll mama. other testimonials and tributes
to his talent from some of tne moan/deal and mut
pronall.sot and ...Rectal citizens, which 1917 De Wen
cm spoil...Ma It would to Melees ta spent In any
bat terms of probe of his moment. to the tor. of ems
many proofs std beta teattlybasi to his 5110.2111.
From Rey. Fred. S. Jewell, Profeasor of
the State Normal Sellool, Aibanyallfew
Dr„ Llett
D.. BIZ: Under data of March 14„ I oat you • pib
al statement of my cam, Its farmer treettama, my
Wray to obtain meal ha that ;Croatia; my neat to
yona. tantmeot sod Ito boarding rethlta
I Lame Men bony the Wham of the you, Int, nab
J eat to violent pariodloal attacks of Catarrh. monad
strong forcthis symptoms, violent indaatmatlact of as
nary namalarthe of the caritim of the hem, thcoMita•
aged 1, , the that Mager, by • watet7 disco/mph= the
Losastantheotly becoming acrid Gad yeihnotod unitise
the eke, of U. &Mak, ptholeut sod bloody, Thoth
mob minced •no at distreadoy rpm es of hmdsoho.
coca:rine periodically each day for • ~clod vamlad
from one to throe wrath, mmastne• so !Want as to no•
picita.• ono f r braloea and confine in to my bed.
anima the attendant ithattanthoo would extend to
the teeth, prodnetug toothache; or to ths throat. otho•
eloniny boa... Tom aod rumba lots of rota ; and teim
within am lest fee years It has as .ftsottd Vie left eye
as to oonfith me, for theta to•dthkenth room.
"i had a Lea ta.ilsines road syptioattca. of earlop
ktrds, thuds and ..flour catarrhal trepanations of 11.1=11
half • dosth Muds; application to Mutate:l ef
eon. end hot romantallon
semit triads; sod tlo
commotion with thole the thorns or Gott artiot
;2104 to Induce counter ectioo. Bat 2.7211 of time
ousel any peroseaszt lopootattwat. .04fa the
few Staium witiob taw relief wak, afforded It
wit oxbow. of so moth strearta astitt Lan ma
Fitly azaaustud. Coder (best chrumilatiots was
though wtto refatumos, foga Oa slimmed Moon
ty of the discus, to make • trial Of goof trostisoat.
I Mond it goon beyond onto my hopes, reaclog ths
Mamas as It bad ether Inro reached Ddbn, bad Jima.
than Its symptoms to an watt old= I had auppomd
isr4 meta. •1 the time I pm. you my former oath•
bea white I did not Seel assured of • coreptete car, I
ad obtained • material nibu whirl amply repaid me
for my alai of your tn./mesa, and orth satisfied am
that that treatment wan so whoa. its tt Ina idopts
and plain - pith:at A mathantlal .maps from me 01l
mat ). as oath* tb• suiptsooleatod plated of
Arty halt a nar,•th that to spinet sons ether:
mace of Mom whorl. 00.104 ham formarry readend
Ruth • an attack imottabhota• tome, 'proof of on Int.
postath ammo. It le nth , I/1 mouths ear I
that yen that, staisment, sod while It la -sophism.
sat to glow thus coustalitly, sad. In Mb gods%
before the Wits, 11 sums to ass • latter of el e
forties to transit!, and to thotirmlo May b
oat Ina, to add thst lam not only so tufty waist
as to the utility sad efilletei of goor method of totaling
caianh u 1 Ina olx months bat I . 1 13 too or as
beef that it than is snob • than; ea s oars for errosas
cc:arra, to my tams a antetthttal ooze SO been dratted.
Timm ropectfung.
11.31111. H. T., Sept. I, tfat. `
Ervin Bon. D. H. Colo, nenettor from he
Twenty-Ninth tilltriet.
•LBANT, Jan. 251. b, 1164.
P... Dv. Tammuz :—lth with greet eatisrei4.•
lion that communicate oo you the MT,av ot the
ch.% yen mo, oo m 4101mM:a to ywe, for defect
Uwe teerleg I ir.lowed your dbectlone, cod am hip
py to atm the*/ .® now o ter resiste d after the first
few up;-licaltous es to mei quite omathimt that I eta
wan ard obeli oat used to Mowed farther.
P. emtuad, my dear sir, if. uemwelty should releilm,
I ehould oat betitam to pt.., oryeelf limier your magte
heads. tome with r.. ,vet,
klbka, Orlous calmly; N. I.
Remarkable Care .of Dwhes&
Prom the Rev. Joseph M. Clixte, fleeter
at Bt. James Caariiu
- • . excursa,
.1 tkaas tam Ent la one ear duos Sr Cour..
was* latat7 ran ago, D the ak , U of Dr. WitatMal.
nob earing vas capital, hat: eel, ea tbst WM I hair
alike irll6 balt aly oars, wdl and the I asa mama:
vete* with wadi NM OR led co:Wad I ban WM..
olTanag j99ze4monass*
D 0073 AJITI
62 Fifth Street,
WHIZZ OAN DE MEND 4931 BEST 8200.1, Off
Se . NF.XI . Dooll TO Eri.itir.B9 °MOO.
G 02.2 113...iF1J an ; !.ING.- 7; 7 7 h . ° ma!, if this
MeOlintoen New Shoe Store,
es 17-DIMAL 81, Allesha.T CNN
Wb•re u eotmdr• airoortmedt of ladles% Clabl%
Muse Pop' and Oslldr.a.•
Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters,
caz. Ca {rand at greatly Ile:local Privet at to alba
verde for lees moose than lure other boars to two alMeNe
Don't forget Lb. plus,
Ho DC FEDERAL e:.. &liquor.
Every pair Immo:ed. anti
B"Th' 8110 KS, GAITERS,
B 6 1131,-LA D'S, 9S Market Street,
89 Market Street,
soons AND snows
o - way boa. la the eV 7.
Be leas Just Lea emaimldeat WALL eta=
Try him.
Tn A WQM:i
run raft:into
Ha 93 WOOD 131DUZ.
Dn.' and rot!!
011111rezia 'Oat sad Kid ewe%
now Fowls aro mad* to war opoolal wait. aid MI
oted nuoqualled nut= work.
lAVI lON.—On Monday, November 214
IS B 3 T pangs wd Imo .11 U. L.I3DUT. anon'
dayobarg, tha rum to isaantsetare
Lindsay's linnyoyod Blood-Siaiobir g
and ha,* bean tnantatetarteg ft alum thatllNote IMO
right I intend to maintain, and Ca, unite tolls
Pc that upon ovary bottle the name cf .1- ZOLTOIN
abould appear. all others are aporiaaa. And to dial.
era I glee nabs thatevery Infraction of my tratomot
sill to prcaermatat to Mao aorta of the law I prarbiak
to m 3 clad.; °the Lame la worth the ,
U. ro uroo, -L.
No, 69 Fifth Crook ilttahltrNh.
A Fresh Supply Just Iteee
1-Caro T.tet. Cenceadon and Infamationd.
Beat. Pate and Eaatterstesa and the Area dare olt tie
aorta and Inflal=asoi7 diseases. Mee, 8S pats..
No. S—Ocats Tar= ram, Vona Ootk; 'ad To
Anottoo, W.ctint too Bad. Price, W. math
rti!• Tratierr - -
Off.num ..b16;;Of /anti. ram
33 amts.
Ho. 11-onrot Dtrorbaitotf Cattliatair Adoltsi _ ,
latuttaa. sod Sommer Ozaptalata. 1?, as
Has, I sod I toss the mostoatoot Ctuatato Manton.
5.-Zarco ftdakrj at 131aoll1 MCC. Mao, 6411;.
gags. BIM= o,* PAN gait
T,Coto• Cable, Itoatimoos, Broaddlari
Islam= asd 11)ra Slum!. Mat 55 iamb.
Shtt and So. 1 notat Fill to cum the ward
ar.d osta..
Eo. I—carai Tooth ions. !smut's, Mewl* I
Sia Dotonaz. PriCCIIII 23 ata.
Dn. 9—Cosa HaniMaaikit Bealltielo,Tittirk
of tiloon to tin goad. Pike Eb mita.
La alteration with go. in, It arm tam In Ma .
mot fondant* ow"
Ho. 10.1larce limn s% Wake ada
Btercach. °mittsllma. Lim (km:plaint. or
Coelliice. Price 3.5 onto.
. ,
,Iseersteurror anomie of Welk Dijartbfn kiti Mack
lion l—Oarst eapprused Ileum, or flaantf; W !Adel .
fch 02 WWI& Green ffittners. 6f alatL.
NO. NI-003s lauccerbas at Whttai,B
No.l3—Ours Grom Roam Oraerpi 00agb. Mad"
sad Onward Briatilisg. 6d OCitLf ' -
80. 14--CaroaSalt bata.CraMlltrarkall,l/
Scald lisod ? ElSsfecir It lsar, el.mplog as Mr Ts*
116 cen
Zia LS—Carte nheateatam. Pala, Laatatem at Baal
math the (Meet. Beck. 11.14 sat fambe.ot Satetlk,
115 teat.
ao x— Ow lalarhal sot Tislarstat, auas q.
Thesdhsih Emosat as MW.aida. mita
This reassisity hes cured thanshisda iwa
ths t PAO ,
as wow
No. l&-Clorto Opththolnala.WoOk tollaxoott .
or Cyattda Tolllos or Weak 6fert. 00 ooats.
It ma ahraTo be relloO aion tor a
Ea I.9—Cores Catarrh, oasis or dam* dr, St 110 .
hi, Odd Is W
. Lamm. CO Mtg. ,
ita. lo— Oarsoli r basted e .CMO oll6l 4t,li t ._ and Ps*.
b ra t •! . .adWi sniff i saircet
I:l.—.lftsu aware* lltalgersoll Oleatt i HICISIIM .
sod 014131.13., anaits. . .
Has wad Oa word cum. \ •.' •
[ass-Cate' Gicasitletoll7,lltritadXenfiat, -
Weaken'. 01) oasts_..
No. 13—Osna Prom NW AceirattsWei, Tsedg
Ilvailtap, Ina Elcsaty loseedan. - OD "ft..' '
fioa 15 , 4sce Mrefaate, !rOottlika. Trffro::,
gams. Tonittat. 00 Drab. - ' . ; •
Ito.ll-parattfrfasnipfssirsr. firslikisa Volt
DjEleali or Atectl Crtostka. 40 oats. •
It cam old tufts eV/MIMI Disler
FM. 26.1" at Ssodbial titSisfoo4., bilo6llB.
sta4 Ilutfroffta oisf
Saone of Soil HAM M Prfoolllls. M'
.Tbs Witt sfikient ramods lmb ? rag CI IN flak
epon roans Sons. ~
Da tro.Oorlo Sore Irani of iSelottb. Corismilf:
Math of &tells co Gblldfos. tad ofas isztomilt
Tiaolthaof Preassi Swabs. ft soars. - •
Ile. 51-Cono Tided ffsztfotr.,
Cr fps= Profit% Itoldor, sag /Wattage - of Notrabsio
-51 CD.
It acts ebarca. - _ -
H. lff-tlaroill a.fte staboast of LI% ursconroi
l e tyll u alos si jesot, Palktfailar , Eta If!illoorsff! ,
421-Cons rfares mat Obrovlshms_ WSW__
.sietostsi Cbcoss or St Vitae DwisoSl Oos:
tam Systatts, 11 4XL
Hw SI-Ctrso tptbsrlo silt uleasted 01646
of ban Throat. el mfr.
ettl cos- -
• mg. •
le viols cask • es•• •
via ems, pls..
15 ors Oll .
inns sziancs sr tun._ -
rixt, eat ha, mks ay a mos at am Watt rat.,
Claxich sad Warms tka 'mama ta a tartialtsataar
rizaLa, by mat to m 7 madras. ard. Claalictaa
as dal ratartal 1 . 17 mW Cr =smut, Pit SWOOP. "
7. ituvrair.
, -
sum fursii.v:**ga
raced tdoir
wigaboasuJwte sAkeltlttaw:::
171. A LLEGEERNT WHARF Norma—gut
pr.= vsho teasalsd firib byntry makeid . •
Zasi, barrx,toes, amiUngs Me.: sin, tram
ths As Inuit- mut .1.. wittai
Cl, 4 .1.• at Oa WM I. OW ff 04 opted
• stmt. . 101:111,A104 wbusamOir..4.,