VOLUME. LXXYII---NO• !i.57 hiptistegh isuette. PTIBLIBBBD . BY PUBLISIIII6 ARMENIA The Reading Matter on this Page Is from Baturlay's Evenlna 6 suite. A Base IWUufoos Ezposed. lite% lafelf illekinearly nary Thasoaystio gaper In the ocantsp has gins proalsent ylOll - to the ilsowfrutperegraptun II ' ll, ' mild ail; 315,000 a- year; bat by the depreciation or the Conildareto stoney, te geilatent to but FAO; and Oa SILL kek -2 Ab r aham LLooola's "Wry toYetatl7 $15.050 •YearLbethlighsfettendee,monej h wing de- PretdailA til/e4llhatt lualtiluctllsdA;llWlSP. til refuses to taw% end demands and receives his pay t o gold or geldoorttflooles,whibe ids soldiers of Us armies have to take their pakhVgreen back& Lil.'t Ode patriotic sad lois:mita Old Abe? mad oughtn't he to be tw emoted to loath. et Welyeas' hard skew, for Mussel!. end of largely depredated money for tho people." WSA knowlag that the Neatens would not Stoop to notilweueh a piltably false sesertlon. Bury hoped to run the calumny until election day. But the other diy It arms to the undo" of the How. L. B. Chlttendee; Koester of the • Tr.ealtals op to the 15th of August tut—the 'kiln who buldtreot charge of all such Wades. "And MS Is the manner ley whist ho bajoneti the wicked story: Zr the EditOTIK-04.1Tierre. 4 . OueemeMrs ItY Unsettle - has bean eallato *-1 an editorial gable is the B arlingtori Sratieof of the 50th ult., containing • statement that Pee - !dent Listable "demands and melees his pay (salary) in gold or coin ourtilloster, while the 101-1 1 dims of his armies have to take their pay in green backs," An. The editor of the &newel has ban scads the richim of • very idle imposition, and it appears slagular to me that he should have has Ards: faith an assudon, whoa with a sery MUD trouble, he could have ascertained whether It Ras true or false. It is false do every pare:calor. The eatery of • President LLoolo, bke these of another Who're on the ct.o liet, - ts paid by warrants, regularly entered in the Register's Ogee when all these :„. estoonnts are 'kept. Neither himself nor any other odour ; ot,tlVS Deritroutentleteept:those arturally employed on jerage rereed, for which spacial provision is made by law) has been paid to cola slam the.„lmumage of the sot authorising the issue of figialtlidernotes. Trui‘Pisseddent'e Celery his beet' regularly paid by draft on the Treasury in legal tender notes, with the regular deduction eV this, r tak.con inquire.,.-..13 , 5ch Ins certainly tis - cain up' to the fifteenth of Angus' len, the date of My resignation as ßrg btu of the Treasury. It, may not be irr•l• event to stale in - this itonrisotiou; ha. well known to many oaken of the treasury, that nen the pomoge of the eat imposing a tan upon R Salaries, • inastion we. made whether It applied .to tka Prudent and cabinet, and that Hr. Lln coin peremptorily refused to have any exception made in bill 0110.-o determination in ahtob the !Y. -oebinegagyeadwilth tam, arid the &amnion from :7 1 all these salute" tuts *Tel' ABC* been male Very Ugly yours, .11 r : D. E. enumerate. f BUSING TOI, VT., Tuesday morning, Oat. 4. A nu away Slave "Operating” In Gold. A remarkable este in the Polito Court in Cin cinnati is repotted in the Sauna. All acted Louis Stratton recently ran away from his mas ter, John G. Buret; of lanistrille, taking With him throw thoutand dollars of Durrett's mow', 1 in gOT4faritzill ATio'bilitfillaliwrivittre , he deposited the epode at the bluing house of i. • Gilmore, Dunlap 'a Co. A few days ago Barrett dltooverel the whereabouts of bison-slave Louth, and bed him snouted.. The charge of Ikon tru heard before Janke Wimp at the Pollee Court, and by advice of his eounsol, Lents pleadtd guilty to taking the .mcney, but e; up Atte de ' fence that ballad bud giallty , :idute Went,. A elan, who in Sentstsky stasis his teastaes prop. crty is not deemed guilty of lawny. He had committed no tattle° a_ ant the laws of Otto, end woo ellargad with nitro—The meal of the Fugitive Blare law prevented his resent to his mast= trader Its provident, and a requisition from Oomoor Bramiotte quid not rpactinig, I Llit:Hallitraii.titanitleit ronditiailiti datlfj i elan, diseduing the negro, whose motley, now i• his own, is still soft le the bank. His oailltai to tart is • lifil - orreitidito — ,••,thopiVie - Ut. Flip .of gold t is therefor* about PAO: “- " fji Diarder of a .fleildler in: lidoltutelkieWaull? by IN a weerst Lemke dt CoOpitliaddaldore .t•iil .K. G. Ch. g...g.onprsayst,Oetc o..isk cold Mood. Id tuttedyr: ..-_.,', wait.. 4 fnetratidabottt setren nrifilfroltrthis piano :7 - 4, yes terday, by some of the 0 oporthsad Leaps, .4.,1 which boa formed tbraughout she wiartunonnty, ig the mambas of whlgh are sworn to shoot any ; 1 1 imbil,al...iir giberpereon,whp - oozeshomey f aittp,l • • out malitiaiduk , gli&ouittoandsi"of.tdi aapirlar 1 ' f dries's. 'lt has beast organised chiefly I. g sours I . drafted non who hard teitua/ or &wined ip . '4 Pan iss .._ta`staittits" ta dia kOper intilisitlit. - The sl t` nitudor took place in Pilo. I township, Kazuo* . - ,-1 county, and, the virtin was Loandierp. Deus, o -: todtsat a istialti, aid a _Ono ilitiPtsal I tZs. re inrendeat oi lfr m o a ad u. tr E o l o . p, tog aT t i tair s ':•,',. 3 prtangd4 P tad-squilir - wwengsginkin serving ' iLi nothiuglepalaTerattad =man at .that- -losrarldp. ..; Whilst siding slug a isonotry road heavily akin- ' •;. ;; od with bpshos t and within a short distance al .....‘: ti as ha.a)1113 4 11..htd. ladab '.; titan; thitqsad.SAC .:,: Arad upon by some of thus leagusi traitors oen • ',,* fi osaled In the Mass. Thoraalley amok bat one ;:s4' —that eau, hair,ral . asbo was . instantly kills& i B. was sluff thrill& the Aistsehadtha ins.; ;':1 Gnu bugattvW"-asdiSaticthra n d f .4 4s agad. -.ur ". •,, buoksbourtoligalliler - rad - ohs paued throng*, 1:. his wrist. -411*-eounlader--itatoodiatoly -placed f, themselves on th is offiinttriV, and who, a•l t i b elity ; l e - : 1 . s irs nibh re,..coPmh.v.w.„4.-r to the - bushok..girg , pprp.aaitght., aaisattnamsalEa• •• ..r.l ler sal."lssaist r aisd: braised' -to -Alb town list .....,•;:,,, night. qty was sent ttlMsdelphia to-day. • 'O , l An Unexpected Nquinciiiiv- , c.; A few dojo ace on old 'wow:on r fflod4nAto; anal town of Lirrikno, on &heat. The old fliolt.s. ton attgo dad ityl: .ohnplo nolghbon as hoyw,within_ coy-o i l ho : cot 7 11121011 K &cot potitive bu '''; ; r so oho had always hod will tht. , nikkof . woo, oho igloo win hottodlin ; hot lA ' ilfs Y= -tonlshotont of boo noighboriorbot.shwaltliow. behind her got cash, bank - 11670.1ind'IWAIS amounting in coins to about two millloolsoltd4 ars. Thus wore pot, full- of gold `sod . oilier of withdrawn sod fotcothat-cwon4figh.rp hod bow boded foijiatiVUtofewst ol 4. 1 of Austrian sod Can 4tafrq Artllleffil•A l 4; coupons of whit% had taktokfo'ott - orfor liquor tes of • century; *itliajo*tionowtattoro.4. l o:: West hors been thi dointstietio-iialay, was a gutter of a milDoa titrtO 31 kottittletr: t,"; with the owattoolotaditoif 'avian. 13 ,dlßiertiatnitlnit N AL rtaalarapeat.Aralzattire 'coon men-hers convicted of if Listing men for the rebel piratical yeutds. The Copra diaohervidlh9u on their ewn tc/41 1 11. G with • wardieLer Da tale might at Wigan. A , young aura eased Bo warmed; of ,ficety * ra tty fancily la Onteilo meaty, Rely ror4.Jp(t,o 1. 1 u ereeksefir.els-Ar Ocint`db,"taCcinf- , tattlitumetutune-Li.dr*Ork4a4 etrf eared a ttanaden as a cab into - da he was about to urn a uthorities with his:subs IREdi r ltdlM , 4:3 wrested b the authorities of Cansda.trappdtd. orarritted ebrialattng the =figment Liw, and sentetomd td-tirarattendsrpfor eishtecayestm:, nista the Mclean Ball dlsettahmtes between ' ehe two fides La this wart and this is the wiY:hcil strelzu si•4lllA-whollt one of; t his subjects is ex: 7btedforKaneslbla *Ware, era swallows a assist plan they are masa by scorn far piney. SA . 4 Efeeondltif preientatlirs Recruit ter Mr. Grow. Xon. 8 1 1 noltar or th . gm= of Barmsentativer, although not sub ; 5:7 ; g e ,L to the draft, Pose Urns sgsTandshed a white nittwick" let Goraway, U. cup, ...kogsuisathappotked that Ira `was resent at the meatedeg in of a colored oomesoy. S'.ellut ac !fa te contribute ones more towards i'lpurting down thaFebellitinAteleilteditnebt the aotorad ItAkege was one.emong ,tlsmni In g. fie b lo ll ag har l dlY l:4 = " l o ti.istita before it: ;via swim= in the atEnTitirei ;teasiyvtr,-asluid — the gentleman Peirisjivania. “Wtillans Cullum Bey/W1 the answer. Willie" Chan Bryant wee ;then milled torgerdanit reetirdd shoo dyedtheiltte- dcgiarbotatty tietaffetibitr's own bend. •,., DAni Meoeoaorlet-f3to sst.z - e WI o .e luvre , bo t a i I°4°'o* late $b la tb af Pn fr i kidree_Y w m4ttlahaveitti— neonbiee b ott to tho ploopho. bwrar,desperM,Pl ll3 l 42 % will D. P .'a, - .'biUbro"-aa thereon- An to. ere rAtAieg Ht. talk stoat • At #44.l4Ptig-- 4 t — f" . thti jika d el : N I" coostiqr:o.j.toln 011011661511nr0 of most to:dap Jour! $4,141•13 , 1 Z rge° ' iktriliPslll. ll l e7r, ralteii;cntagd, but de tbOdlar,"oit!_•_,.,__, !ca w. .123 t tint. Mott 041"%1i,u-7 rci .'inr, • .ire •s • • • ' , LIN el i • , -- . Mn • 'esprit Sonite.—Cointrt of Opinion. h e Jaw of taelletted stems nal the Low of . P ~ iylvanis le regard to man:deal Vend:. told In violation of the. statute au th or slog item, do no agree. On Wedneedey, (ear a the Pailadtl. 1 me4ph Ledger,' we referred to the , soision el the ; Pe neyivanisimprenne Vourt.Whlch woo, that in s where ths bonds of counties have been 6.1 d in lolationAllte atantur =Modeles *I tat', no • to be recovered 'rem the county than the amount whiels themmulty actually received. The Bureaus 00113 t of the Nutted/tam, at its . 1 laat seasion o inis decided, and this 'in the strong est manna, the. neat opposite of this &Wain. deciding in We ur threeeasm4Vose a n i it again.t a County of .Pentsylvaois,, mercer Colsata or Muhl (1 Winkoe. SM. that if *Mal" Is. ;isia their bonds, payable to bearer, nod tlictlibendllio for value into ths hand* of hold-, eta in good faith, lb. mantles mast end shall peptic face of CM bonds, and net only what no. tually passed into the county treasury. Bonds payable to hearer, though they ore instruments under mat, wets declared in one ones by Grier, J o "peaking for Oa whole Ow; to be ..nageti. able by the commercial wages of the whole civilised World 1" and in another, Oeffloks to 0 41 of outages, by B.svis, J.,(1 Wa1000,:r6.1 "to tuissan the qualities of oesonteredal paper." Nothing, Indeed, could bs lasts timbals "win - ttie Stand taken by the flaprwe Court of the 'lnaba elates In the whole matter, which, ap rdirently, it mossidered-one , th at ;bathed the liquor of the ootintry es ma th se the rights of etettlton. "Admitting Matsu illegal Issue might pt:obably be ',matted by initinstlon, they de- chwedLesf hay that after the bond. were issued add t id, for value, to t2IIOOIOI. hoiden, the thrat, aid presume almost martian( et .0 the reso.thrity of preceding sots, sad decide almost ;sayflitur es to legal power in the trey or county ;Issuing . or scales the bonds, (*fey"r vs. chi: et ifrecosote, 1 Val lee% 124 ) The view taken by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in preview. rises was declared hot to be law. As the deal steak now stand, therefore, any Pesamiesmiaa suing a Penosylvanie minty, and who must so. cording!, sue to • Slate Overt, Minuet recover more than the Amnon: which the county actually received; but a citizen of one otheriNtate or any foreigner, to both of whom the ameba/ the United Stat. are vpsworill recover the whole amount. Of mane, as the bonds are payable to Warm. no Pennsylvanten, If he can hilp it, will sue on them. fly selling them—lf told in goad faith— to .a citizen of New York or Now Jersey, we cep pose, since Ohs builds are demisted to have "all the qu.slittee of oommercial paper," that mat otinid he brought by thane. , purchaser in the Fed eml Courts, and the wbolsomount be recovered. "so, I Donot'P—"Yes, I Do: •" The editor of the Wayneebareh Merrier', (Copperhead organ for Greene,) hoe e very fanny Litt* emote in his hat number,erritton to then° I don't" .yer, I do,"etylt. The fart soutanes reed. than: -'We were not • little eurprided to learn a few days ago, tbst s company of eollitna wason its way to Greene :sooty. Why they -were mat bets we know not, nor st what instance; the public know, noressolifor_their mesenoo." The very nextyeungraphshcranthat the editor knew all about the matter. Haar him: ••Perhaps oar valiant Provost- Marshal knowa something about it. Hie sonelithsgersh person ally, to dischargo the duties ,devolung upon bloc te reforenoe to this draft, and his uniform prac tice of devolving open °there, the duties which belong to blinso/f, would sums to acimnut for tho pneonno of the telliessy bros." That'. housefly! The Copperheads of Greene county have been threatening for a long tune to roust the draft; and in Mug to no would only be following the teachings of this •dltot, who, ono moment professes ignorance* of the fact, and the nant_mosnoth mashes that-he kngws • a4 ;1111010.1i.! ' Vat last paragraph of the Uhl* 'whole is as amusing as tpa other two: . •-• I^ite takipirasure in bearing Our teitictiony to the uniform good behavior and mutes, of the military thane Ives. The true soldier te always a ismtlentut, and such we And those quartered an4olig v to Coal Cutting litattitnes. What has bosoms of the teal mating machines whicifture being constructed In this city and Ftimbenvills, lest summer 1 We thought they wMtid hue beets dubbed and tested ere this. For the Infonnalian and encouragement of our moohanice we 'copy . the fidinwlng &enrietion of o cent gutting nmehille introdeeed into voice of in. English manes, which appears to work watt t +ibis Is e .45 f the machlue is about einai to that • ofl:nlistsedintok;•battetUtitthrediUKNir,' an ensue a half tads, state° feet high ; 63d It flanged wheats, to rub en the ordinary pit prating, and wnighs *bout halt • ton. , Mogen le even en by.aellinaratindar high prat atiTarod ne, the pink being um:meted with the n By varyling the rude of connecting, h'oerettisif be gismo etaher right handed or loft traded,. .Thare Is an• arrangement for rag tra drathrad (ores of the blow, please 'ty sdnibm to that weid it the :steam' hammer; and as the attendant has his hand constanlip open ibis vegetates while the roubles is at moat, the prsciou obtained being fully *quid to anything tall& the range of hand labor. In exPerixnents made with this machine, the speed Muni the blownaumnred tr per mina,. 'i'Dnrt Ilaretat Sessions. 'buil IC 14 am artsignad cat 11xidayafinr• noon on sehancs of fctoalOttd 44thig, ton Outh of iiiN'Altill6srd- ' .rosidat:ln Witt P4ttiomOyand di% floptutftboiletb, tin pa_ * b....ibinTDlTO4 in ca cond./al, MI gaitSo of which vas clot dlittindttrdlicdysi Wit oh. Alitarbanna, gamma oilatrpartion joined Pm.fittiti diirttld Itobcy!wansnonrib Wow, and Pao forced to tali* nano to • mash. Imams bongo for promotion. -Atm staying !hors -notion ague ho, Imam hoot..but, atiortly:idloi. outdo ratartnod'and bad* otn,tiolti at.Bridn- Mud, who was/landing ant-br ths Mkt In a takgrapt poet tobind which t h e tattor bad tilgoll= - 5 1 Arr i - 147 IhUT - oPPINV MR , dared faunae ' with, a, iutozalain. datioirfa lb. Lid* of ifko'cotii: Tha jury Wain Iwo loam:Wade over until Wasitadaf tsi nazt, and the larors &solar/sad 4 , L. 4 • • • .. of b. r atoi. , r.b. ire...away dry last nigletifroon its wast i on route to Bahl mereorbere they will be , itzehanged. They looked orpir,hifttoreiWeitioniely lintighty sad impart aline in .They duffed no diepo 11tion6ouneerse with our afflicts,. and one of • theia remarked tbat "ha did uobltik.no say but geroboasio•-w4 d=4l Yankee Was s gentle so," 01course thia riars-bren puppg did not esprit to lot unr.rgintntbg" heroin thisloysi oosmunity, bit Ins rabid lan got s aod or s sink !tom mu eventing aopporitesd, or • grip tram.einro , L4ll.,PUltfirtlt7—towe token. ,bowersialiebe r ei-vapitir:withtrusrou, yura " tc tatkt and we wonetteeop I votreeloa no en • titbN p.6 7 l PlSttirgr Meeting thou' V / Wit W •Xttr,AtiHnittwe' and pro ,,,nsunetti itr Pt, nan,{mmedtati . swtitios'o f hosguttoot t.zo svp • 1 t Tre . ißelk•avia 'Through.. greats;any •aanadedi anavalerant lad far d /Oren' eft rl3'ir 3gh +tl city dai .I.r.d all taadlat attention, of watt ear tilalstared ra by Magog late end iratlasala Babil/taae• Coot. .fait ' ,at lhs , Bohilarejleaut... About forty non elms IA 9u4bo, ThUidalahhkorotalohhoore: sx. • trait patardan , on rdafrusyliora•ouhrtlooghs,' t p thh a se d Pa l traZtV;VEt i n t6 B4 l :l= tat owtaa arritai &atm draltr r ,at: mamba, of ahal3aure uduptarktotto.aayi alirry Rua oubsrtatalag Alm *Ages that Go' addles its for 'Mule Ida skould aas-aud.talk—wlth-uorza ot those /goads.' Daring Highway Ithibbery. ' 00 Friday night; then, Montan. et oi and 4. P. Peereon,k 00., eras knooduhk den end robbed - of a viLifields womb and °hen, to the bordimlL. of . Lairamairrala4 -Hs was attack ed by • throe - we, .and , was la:Looked do .Ind .Ind Setrerely di n 1, 5 ,4 ,end ceNylo3ii.,kyar,V4,liniieillietbatirclinsiaL 'A roltoT that I..kba been rattey•G ofob. information e ma& btfors:thr.tOyarlibli mondia•vb, Hr. Mould% wad' the i of the. ,inen concerned IQ the robbery gamed Ishii 'Brady , Tea attested to letarrm ireilte s - a ft er ivaaaart &miss br:ditavr 'Memos: 41Isbad ittlitivstali lar poem- ' Tiaras end tried to get 'ricLot it, by throwing it Aare . Fri was hated lip fel olkartlig, ...aer. - itriitia ins t3rars' --- ..—Ttiefoit s , 444,afr01a Maio? A. M. Vroirajthasm trorlnd' t Maim= of the 0973;17,41Fem 9W mu expisum item IF-- ,41F em ka Ma., amwm:—Pumis mmompuutou mums cthe Vld GenpaislazuilDishi leti Qammedare ttst a make: the / Li t L 'V t j hli straight Union Mum; tick . with SI - Cr_LiA, Ag i t_Satia.lll4lili'af i . ZaCtstitt6 taaillit.llo, n lr ~., Am MiplaCil' OPOlrsui , : , r el rr+ . •V" ,`,:. , t}pOrt if -, AI:4.iVaIW3IS4IIIPINP" 1-1'5a7r24 . 3 .t. .f.t tZ9 la • — . al. , is,sl;_ ill ,ho tvrfT: al ~,,, PIT TSIWRG'cI, MO.NDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1364 OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Buti , .=r . s Line Aglnlltwi REFUSE OF THE ENEMY WITH GREAT SLAUGHTER, SCE, Birno's Brilliant Action. KAll7,li 011ArNED REBEL GEI9NBAL GREGO KILLED Nethin er from ..hertaca Sheridan or Rotecrans. W.a I.srAircitsr, Wasp nwtex. Uoc. h "WWI sr, Depirtinent her received the following reports , of the easiny's ante yea:Ando., an Gonna' sflutier'e Hee and chili toilettes:sat repulse, end General Dinny's btilliant action in ‘'rivin( the outset to that In nip tine of entrenchment atoned RlehOl0114.: Hgarquarreas Issraaversur Or Maoists AHD) , Noma Calt”LLFt, Oct. 7-3:30 p. r. 3 /,‘ettssa..t Graeru.' Oast r-L-Al G o'oleet a. m., the enemy hating moved FlAds' eel Naas' 'emigre from the left of Uhapier Farm road to este right .t the Datbrowas read. they attacked with writ Emats'eavally io their iatrenehtneat. and drove them bock wttla a ens all J ere of man, but with theltoss of his artillery. The enemy sun torsi emmidarable lass to this attack. Tie opera, then swept down the entetrach masts towards Berney, who, hes Int thrown beet her right, smelted their assault, and repulsed It with vary haliTy lees on the part of the enemy. The enemy, in the meantime, advance I towers:se New ?docket, but were met by a torte st the sig ell tower. At 3 p m. I LOA - the otective, tool log Blrtey, with Out divisions, up the Darby• town road The enemy totrehtedts he adrenal, and Dlthey has !coated and occupies the en ' tranobments which the enemy too: from get: , and were fortilyuest for tbemselves. Gat lon has been small, not one eighth that of the enemy. We haPe &ban: 140 prisoners ;,:s;gned) G. F. Byrum, Mol Gee. Efltanttet3Tllla Teern A.c/fT Coat:, 10.13 A N. —We have reauleect the attest of the ate,..j on our tight flunk stme grew slaughter. The more maimed to he Feald'e and Pickett dicsesots. I mot yen a batch of prix more. lan eatand lag my right flank The enocay nom to hr en • trenehing on the Darby road. - (Bitted) D .1; Biasr r, )56.pt rimers! Ele•DQuarrallt Dar•srMeet or Vier:ft, Nutere Cancans, Ooto I,er 7—Will F. 31 I.s. Om Grua: limey has regsined old peastion, sad bold. the enemy its the inner lithe of entrenchments errand Richmond, whish extends from the Durbytown sod eannoat: with Wishes' ea the loft near fort Garrison. Stare has been no inoooll.ollo at Peitirtbatk to-dal. W. tars moth the best of tble dry% work, 1 000 at least of the enemy's killed end wow:d ad, 100 prisoners sad a bloody repulse. u. OmOg e ,Mammanding rield's dirivon, t. reported by a lady wbc saw the body, es kilted. (Bigned,) B. E. 81711.111 No dispatches have been rcaeleed from the rotomends of .Generals Ethermui, flosermus, or Sheridan, later than wets reported In my tele gram of yellnarflOP• (Bleed) E. K. BraeroN,SpeTstary of War. Einehourrime lent Porow a0,0ct.7.--sill quiet at Peters but gmeattm r One and fevereide for nail- Dory opereueue, sad ea important event may be expected at any time. lite Situation on Both Sides of the James Unchanged. REPORTS BY REBEL DESERTERS Itff. Davis' Family Gone Southward GREAT GOD SIEfitiA.TION IN RICIIMOND Tl 4 NTEL C011.1".9 1111E111(0 PAID 0V? taw Tim; Oat. GrovlX4 sth army cerreepondattyillatid the Ith, says: Ail is atiet in the rialnity of Poplar Spring Ohureh. Neel. peper maps locate this plum o► the soul side of the railroad, or may nom there, and from the feet of oar bolding it, we aseame that we hold the South Side Railroad, or are so near doing It that rebel communication by this road is later• ,opted. Poplar Spring Cborob Is about few miles Shit ride of the South Slde road, and although the roadie more strongly threat:me:lMM heretofore facia oar mount' position, the enemy still hold the road and are is. Lt lierai.i's 10th Corm correspondent, writing on 'else sth, say,: The situaloa oz , tht north side rentable o4eb.nged. About the meal somber of deserter, Col3lllillte net line. daily, giving about the astral report of affairs in the befesgurred eepitol of rebel: tom. To-day we melted tidlag.i that to the ex eltemeat et lut Thariday, the family of Jed. Payla packed their mall tr.p3 and surtid tat heats southward. The Richmond papers give even • gimlet,' plMora al the constetstatioa that promailed them ;one approach, than any that have bean pre. Veiny !waived. The universal conscription was leer arable and inteartlal ; even the +Mk and wounded Isom ;shalt military heaping", end tho 4 who coed hot walk, were compelled to go. h large detachment *al paymaster' hardest ardved, and are now Payieg otrths corps. Many halm net*** paid far,seirsa math.. ;- bi cormaporpient Di the .Bal:ya "As pm, the quiet along the front has , beam disturbed by either platy, Nothing the Monotony." , . Ifassrmarea,./drt. I.—alta-lataillpaaa Lori th dm, of tII. Totems° ta.day ti that amoral d - dattociTodzoli;or tittehcohd oo law sorra aldi are trlttan mad,aisd MAI of the nllcesde sod Id a-14mq vailtiorr, impala idoreittitlng mistral: Bay rebid: attsWits; n 4'046r, psli tbiOebels hot xailroad, to aaty FliOM SPIRO'S DIPARTHENt Retreat of tto &btL fiom Berme Woe's OUR VICTORY OR THURSOAY COMPLETE the Mostooaout •of Hood's Ariay VIZ REPOBIEL P 31,01 NEGOTIATIONS • ,;• pve al from 17 riion .Prikoner COAL rr ASO , Os, Qat 7 —Thorehele hare dila,- peetee inilll before Alva 121 021 shop there e .-4.-te e we.. rlrlri••.. The r. 11.1 g1,f ,,,, 1 .t. .c.,5...1 ,•+l' 1.. i., .1.. .51.. wyr 0.1145 0 IT..t tICG AC 500 nett! wenn ltd. as,ner•l C., osa , was ,tightly emended ID ale OLICHA4 laith VOL JOO.l , ,tlol!tte, of the eth hfinuesota, is ttio left thigh. An puts. division attacked Alumni. Meat., &melon, of the 20 th Wi waists', lost, a leg. uns , V , Cteh. 7, -LI the light. near Aida. as, • the diktat ..ocz form completely yam- Ts *the ribs% who revsated, tearing In our ?Eel eisimmen four end 6.re Infadred kilted end' WO dt d- sr Bradley telekrephed from Bridgeport that the alpha: den. Thomas hod salved frets Dee: eat , Ala, with MRS that thrust's trains had lesan captured by our forces ' who ere between tam and the @bosh, and that he was Until ' biol. towerdst the rtror. nthrtaithirg occurred all day yectaday at Shoal creek, bistro - elks 'Federal fora° of Gen. Morrill and seta noteiforemlLlallt Buford. Bee; advocators deptsusd by . Suter& Stark weather's onsacandineerZellikl,repatt - Forreat in mute for Tiorenei hoof Ilatireneeedm. di hna dlspettlb topottO 'fhb Federal leen near Moines ? A battle WU Zao4 2 9ntarif, alPeatad• Nay Teat. eel, s.—The eingusts, - 61... - au- AVOnneU tnatafna :farther tatormattea•hero feteeett to the cheap of the , position tlf Meet army. - The movement evannancatt on tho 14th olLeato itood'e 'feral Sr.. lafi to` be now--ce. , . trezhhed 04 the , Macon and Want Point road, • . 1 ,, alto t randy or tersety-dre mike- from their te tea near Jonsettero. ' , , ,p ' 0 enter Brown of Goorgfa, hie Ppm st, Alto e men i 4 ketfllnfg the rep:lromile attemating , between blamed and Eleneralelmrstin. Ile laid thettemeral Sherman pent a proposal . Iti an a. Armtek kolvitTe *mien ger to .Lit Meese s ti le Gofer Ifs 'lntstilitoe to the withdrawslef ChM' s front Qin Cantadataan er bat that offer was fidget... • ed . d Ike rep* returned Qat th. gat* - at • to kr death= Auer fiestas, and .den Pi i i dd ! n at I n taoa oltOtratr Athattel A mu. in oftbsti4Vrisotari ::.i.i. had at eammalt is rovraisauf n 6 keys ki , ' l'ifikraileelltkidt.;it 'Mart tine's or Nadi: tiOtion ad),PladalWalgiallatheßesidisrat. 4 ° 4 rittiatlttO for Wiz plasm , li -1 OCR PRISONERS Al ORARL6STON. rt,g. Tal•Arg :h• Itr4el path Fol,Nrc- E1.1.01V VIA' exr•:t &LEN I' New Von'.. Cot. 8. ...ht the iallThtohango of peroperi at Ch....1.—w0n,i , pxstragew o• monoy,so 0x...r0s of Duero,: tremor, and 2 000 edits of .cotitLeg wars drdrared the rebels, t be dli eldbuted among the Colon pritoncrr who hero recently Lion re -cored from Andcreotoilio, to the riolhity 01 Cihrlull .o—some 10 000 fa ell. Sr-r.• otcthling for the renal officers, petsootera OR giorrh -lewd, contributed by the Chtrlastonlena, wan btongitt back 117 Col. Woodford. Ili, raid that semonight hundred of the 1.14101 pmeonors, owing to rnlcrcpreeontatione mode to them ty she tubule hiso, cattc 0000 tog eittl_t• eon month" oeptivAy, toter the rola of ilial. Fialtite to the DiffriS 02yer1111,10110 ant b Chin'. ottd. About ball of the uncalr U.* been pttt to int: In the 'hops .4 Charleston and theother half ,ro laboring oc dulliron's Istaod It was reported at lillteo 11. ad t.a.tif Laos man toveUd reit./ pri.onars wore to arMee there t.htrt/y. to ha exchanged 'or e Ilk. number of ee , cam. DatellArl from Charlyetun repro aaaaa he south• ern people much demurer!d by the Union alo ft Flee Mott as mush Interest la coattlfeeted there In ot.r proaldentlet elnotion as at the Swett. . filo. :Cit.! if cozy prVYl4lfil • .13 tae Mt; of learicsten. STANTON'S BULLETIN, The Operations Before Richmond clad Pe ersbergBatisfactory. SUFRIDLN STILL IT HARRISOKBIIIiG, General Bwiao's R,triat to Rolla. vv ro•, 'ii. 7, 18111. nine Is tee ocineluslon of fieoretexy Eisenton'e titsl•eteh to Gen. DI:, the Gres pert of will:: we gave yeetardey In our third edition. Thr,ogl eime I:debate the nonelaelan *frit tree not rt:sisei until to day —Hoe. Otzerre Eetietartorp reports of the operations batons Foehm..,3 .ad Fetet.barie have been reosived, 1..0t the detallt are not at present proporfor pub. I:ration. • - • A cii.pueb fic.ua Gen. Stevenson report. tint ,r.ra engineer of lien Sheridan'. •t.a' had jost co- Ce.s Eht ...San sae mill at flarrisenburg. Ben. Boreer.3 repoet. that Oen. Being made nit retreat to Rolla, Laing only . :ow e.ragglets and those kiled and sounded by the say ; • very I.ow it somber. From the camber at rounded rebels, the enemy's lots won't fall far !tinst of cne thounrad rherld hen do e•subat. E. hi. STANTON, &CROW, 01 War. 9941 E I 6 Willa II 081110 V IgGli 11 4 Rebri 1"let ern, Claimed Ni II (1 D E N REPORTED DEAD Nan Yobs, Got. S.—illthiersl Echols conenutnd g the rebel. in tionttmesternVitgheittollims • viototy on the 24 alt., trot Bad:nide*, at bet:ovine. 8• •op. that BatOridge left - tits et tote. etriteded behind, among thorn • Bilge• die. Genera/ end many oaten. Tbe Union tot. nombend 6.000, am tag whom nitre serseral negro:emit:menu, which rare badly cutup. &Atoll says his forte on the 30 Irera la hot pil.rolltt. Ths Itichmond Whig asp General Imboden, who has been ill, Is reFooted dead. Eh died on the 30th. Stearn 'fig and rive Men Lost. CLavuren, 00l B.—The steam tag Winslow .roar to p 'cal on the ralh,el pier hat nigh , . Fite of the crew were loot. N EN 'b AND ■ Dit;BLLA BY Omaha the sortult of Early an the Sharma* drib Vsltey, the style In whisk oar army ad ',sand is the. mid by the c•rrespand•ut of the w wjaa wialagrblihest,•an ttl'he araiy.stihis point wee marched la isight parallel eminsoti, the artillery occopying the one, • strong skirmish lion daplayed swan the -allay, and marching ale hundred yards in ad vance of the army. It was one et the grandam military ■p.eteeleeevar witnessad In oho history the war. The lams waro kept so wall In hvtiO that Clay maid have been disposed in or• der of battla at soy point in thirty =Junta." lan Towta Emictioso —Oat retiree from the town alsottoos indicate most indisputably that Comieetimst le gum to roll op a large majority ice Lise•la Ltd Jobaten Notrembar• In a larginombin of towns the Colon vote shows sery handsome gains. Whelp there It a tom, It i• mostly cattsairfreallkal Onuses. Derby end 0 isat•abory are against us now, bet will oa all right la Ifortimbar. We his* returns from vtghty•focg town.; fifty Union and thirty-two C. parr. Union gain's eight towns, Copper three. —Bartiord COPUbi, Qe §, PoLItICLL hittesilthArtoll.—T he °hakes and Wieldlds Doinoorata of Kentucky have pulsated tboir axtraordinw union by comprowleing on .reelerttl doltet,•batlf aeosaalon and ball oon 'ornate*. The records of either party,of a year past, would oontaiel the on. of bank. fanatical A boittlotit ix and Quo other rank and unaltigs tea honors The fratareirstion is now ettiody done by the ooneervatives, who, if oohed ono year ititO whether May Would afallata with Mak • hie and Powell, would have excialined, "It thy servant a dog, that he should do this thing?"— cat. Ckwitoovefai Wirica w.o Nl—Vlore are thole who would lik, to know on what ground Gonmal ktoOlallan Wed to favor of Judge Woodward for Govertor of Pennsylvania- Wu It !wens. Woodward bad datdstnod hintsoll to baopposod to the wa rs oa input jetaskacolli fathom righti; of beams* ho deeded on thataaoh that soldiers In the field bate se right to vote? It mutt hove bola one 1 .or otS those well -kaowa seatimenU at Wood. "wa darblala drew thy almiration sod Intranet lb oardldetwoollbaeralhtoOlellati—OincUasti Caluffe. - • lea Dimounitio pa •s have reallitirPorofla Me names of 'fermi Inflow:RIO 'Poiloolot of ibis Bute, u hiving announced than. Intestion •of ?Gehl for 11Mellan and Pendleton. Among the so were Judge 8 I. Andrews, of Oleveland, and Jobe W. Andrews, of Oolntabus, both of wbom, howtteet, deel4ta theetitelheet etreheette, and amount,' themselves. for Ito llolon dotts,Linsona and Jelmstos. Dsabtless most of tbe others will be found-La November working with the Onion pstla.—.4ros. Owo.. Ins Boston Pon lays that olifty thousand Ped• era) soldiers, aU Mogan= tangaish In Southern prisons." Are we to andatatond that thevnly soidientabo rorreinier or are oaptnred orals,: Little flat, whilwalliko Lincoln - Polon tspa die on the dada' Ilghtlbronght and win? Tte PA In its seal to task, a position point, t only .inlatos moth, but emits • liar upon the t• mine of men as brave and noble so over fatted ec etemy.—.V. P. rauna on rdlitr"ll that to the r • wina pea ^ ihere y.,a no .00.1-60 reepotm ',Weyer. The trotters were rahowed to thee? • %which Um , Worn nets for, and *With ins at mamant hststhiever them, Mien *ewe. PSuaaa Ert.Txrrtai.—The Demean.* map 176,000 baskossaf peseheaarese shipped lb:math, Deter; (NI.) dewy dtittitthe plat awes. The freight to Philadelphia at 10 mite a basket, 'Ailtaluated to $17,600. A little over one.fearth , 01411 the pesetas carried on the Delaware rail load were chipped et Dover, Tao Coppeihiad ;apers tan enddrooly dropped ene'laprsition Malcom btrottap.” It to tad he out' of regard for the foolingt of Gonerol ifeCiolloo, who still poi:airless to draw his pay ea s Major Goteral, thonh oat of nondeo for measly two juts put: Qui. Woof, to aderentag , a body of means arbutus's pagatisrar-to the front, remake& tio 4 hi will 64.444.44444. uk. pat dowel rebals 11 ‘ arglss *IMO Mt to. truest, the utter:Las cir the 1211litoritihe hada:gambled atChleago." Ti'., reeint *bangs In toe Cabisof purs+ tkst, WIMP Sherman hat bun -taktog Atlanta and , gui l t bete/eag -Ttlebotend, Frlloo/14 bas bun 7 rig away at Mon , gornery. The latter hal I Jessleaf kat. Pebt Mali!-- A l4,esittrnenli Bunter sou Rea. LnrootSl't'.., a,.lataoohsls about to pus i reimitantat • flue Itlorthe Third-Ward. Thfelrlit MA* tbn tr 1 . 15 10 10 ffoT4 l 4' Whit* ADM- Hartbzit talaelaila‘ tiolab his taken , Itteffila warshoulef. TSetitolOk42, bur atehsbouit tiliftti!.. o 3 ‘llll 1 bo • bff YAP: hafpAra In th'• llaa•-•PIU , B,oto , Tswlndlansieut West, tyre& 4%4, thilefe?' iflt tote.' .44m4tkim laaaaH;rT'tXlatltrt.tiCapmt4 - City WlTtta sail gotoutamato - Karts, Old Damon wait -mutt, at Balllvant Tidfitralitst *stk.. Patti* total as ttstepatoat Mimi Chas tlaarwont atom of the rebel ataxy sountetad atth•thonr- was abattgat dammastrattoltlai Lakeßrisi'ant tait Waylas alai laints!tot gown latlaistaalo aid other pent vrocley. _,JRGH GAZETTE. Mullin iv Moms Tosireutr.—& eery good bevecing was Lad u Droves Coal Woke, la llWilts teeenebip, met evening. Jao. F Drava, Esq., presided, and addressee Were delivered by Ds Ito(leek, B H. Trish, Brq , and the Chairman, Mr. Drava. The addresses were well received, end the audience tastitiod taeir apprised sties by to qaeat asootan,e. The Town of nllOl a to Re ship ere wide awake, and eall do their whole duty at the polls. SPECIAL LOC 4.L NO tICEd THOMAS PAILILT, Pbelo ILIVI Ornamental Sista Rooter, and dealer 111 Panto, I rants and Vermont yia,e of the beet quality at tow rate•, °ales .t Ales. Laughlin's, near the Water Rorke, Pitta• burgh, Pa. :Am Goons Just reoeired ►t the !deros.atit Tailoring establishment of 'Grab.= & Neoaed ldatTESmithfied street. We would most re spectfully invite the attention of oar friendi and the public In general to our new stook of fail and •Inter goods. They °owlet of all the very latest sty lin of Erglieb, French and Americen oloths, ealgigiellia and vesting', all of the fittest qnality, and sidacied with theveatestof core. Gentle• men deeiring fashionable and well made clothing .0014 do well to give el a eall before purchasing elsewhere. Every garment is warranted to give tall tatisfactkin in boot pig and yosiiiity. NoCiaintAse, liferebent Tailors, No. T 8 Smithfield 'treat. Bruicisi Norma —The attention of our read• art b directed to the brilliant assortment of 13prieg and Sommer Goods Jost r.eld..d by our frhrod Mr John Water, No. 126 Federal street, AUrgbeny. took comprises a great variety of Panay French, Bogiirh,Nooteh and Azuniaan thealmeras and Motu, end Ina Bilk and Oaa emote Vostings,--all of which will be mode up to ord , r it the latest style' ond.lo the boat man ner. h amino selection of Famishing Good. also . a hand and far sale, together with stall ow of Road, Made Clothing, Intl and fash ion lip =do. Tee preventive powers of Gig od's India Cho 'geing are among its most valuable gn•llttsi. Settlers in new countries, persons Greet/dug through infootod dt4rtote, labortrm exproed to the miasma of stagnant water, or ezhelations from new land, should not fall to use the (Mole goats as • porreetioe. It protects rho system from fever end ague, fortifies against rnalarlsot wards off bilious attacks, and keeps up healthy ttotlon of the liver. ===l C 11111203 and carriage calls will be taken at the Omnibus alio*, No. CO Peva street, Jay or otabt. All oruere loft wt the above antra will be promptly stranded to. All cells must be paid In adtsnos. I FTTERS REMAINIFtt ONCLAJMED • la the PO4l Mice at Allegheny, State of Panimyli Tenth, the Bth day of Bow mbar, IbG4 To obtain any of them loiters, the applicant musical' for ad./word lifters, glee the date of this list, nod pay oee oft Co for advertleing. I ant oallid for within one month, they grill be am to the deed letter office, lea delivery of letters by carriers, at the rollano of rimers, may bemoaned by otheryttie the following rill ea I Direct letter. On:say to ow et mot and number S. • lb. poet ofithetand litahe I Head let ere with the writer'. posl tram and State, fora and VOTIAIIIV. Cant them plainly with full name, and request that answers be directed notordlngly. 3. Lawns to 14111:1411,1 or tratimint Melbas in town e citi •three model Mama may be anknovra seould b. 1. • Ind, to the lower Len-hand thrum, with the word "transient.. a Puna the postage sumo, on the apps-rubtetiand corner, and to-ant epee betertho ate Camp utd theation pan marithiur Without loteristio, with the writhe,. P. B. A reap:wet Sr the return of a /altar to lb. writer, If anetalowd erlthiti 30 day. or leas, written or printed with the erriteee name, poet oar.:., and Stet. erns* the left toad endof the envelope. on the face Oda, be complied with at the ward pre-peed rem el po.tog. po3 able when the letter is deiinor -1 to the • —nee law of 16 , 2. •n , bct y 1 L.:ote nrullehish leo 3 real 111.3 C !flans) joe Alb 'rt.{ Henry :Gilt Thees Artitio /mai Gat • r othda 1. skew s Grier Lib lh •der Cary if/faith hi Irk Anton WitL iitad A Yam ethyl. t ridget lOneran G Garr? hes th , iroly 11 llyn a (Trail. If) rti nails ' thatb•rine lifordow 24 bl Gnat M. 40. a,„hs. M. , 7 a 0 With 0 Gar,y Wm .1 Greig Ilimg &nut. , klorbr bottle EL lu Li e E 12.4 0... e Fraat E 08.110% MAIL Z Noplo4 , •••.rO. em. 0.11 01:10 B sts, t <•d+ supp i n, tJ bun. t'7 r. mu. V Ars.r. Bare na Gm Bo J Bulk J Brlzioni s Jege Ducar. June switorJ.hei F ravel L tlAthwas Wattle ftwl. • Inwe Ntat Bru. , Owe. .• ..do.c J. I 3isdo- Jno Tlnthskan /la Hack hbo Haman Jo. -Varsett Wm J ril i g r abt O • Calk Bay D at:lbw. Jai, eetlo6r .1 Do C-dicg /au • coo); .•nn 11 CoCan A J ETIOO3 =bl=l [~'!`..3 quefit• 11,0 Llllmmam Waists awes tiodena Wm floadri. we, T HAMA. UMW lioumtholdm II 0 J.cicorm A C c. .m Mr. 3 o r arab W ookilaarkalk 0 ark laakel Oarllk.J raairorall Sanas 4.41 Jar Faafpbell •ar, oTorrfari Jr Joon,. Man ono. Situ P 2 aAry 02thr 121.ig Jos tti fl In nap LI iry K log n r IKnollo Wm Ja• 0 sag J 04 pprinnlitb 711 Of 441 Insrin alio Mary inn Onnn linen Ostwortb, Nance I sw 6 44.1101.11 0,14we1. B ask Dada Orapman Nmptral W tU 0 Bra ' , crawl" at.. 0 Lnihll Lossi., 0'; 441 A co Loral: Barbara Llvinsstan aorta lAti U /1. Link Tr. D Lor.t.r amsnths l , Jas iawraaa • Lartoca T LnoaO Lisa • Larry Wary law, Uwe ..g• Mr Me WalEa. Max Woooarali a 8 •e•saloo V <3441 -• Bell 112 Itearlala [lorry iloOrrd lane J 1120DaleJao NoLazyalan Kallkapash Jno Mama :180 IlloOonsaa J Widthtrg3 MoOlnry Jr tloMana J ► 18aMellas Nary nawook Kral WalL.arir Wary 111cOorla MIAs McKim Mary WoLatars Mary If °Lain Wr 182061 Lia natizaasay !Ward 0 W ILDISCIra MKSI 'Gabon Malcom Tett a Dt.ltetn at. Dart U T I asse..l. ItsulapJas Pouibrety **7 Dr•Vras w r S•tes Ada muel arcane DUG. Hastvtood Tlte. MT& Matilde I second' WAWA =alga WWI Int. 11a. Ent Wet 11 1 - r 1 Aber-Annie /rater Mae M.. • lea. gate Yu...ter Issue regimen :Meer - Tug.. W A Gibbet. Anna I an eUsad A B ' Orey &made area Gelltrely 'Rae Greftwood D Greg Mica Cape Emote Oda 81pa alas. Writ • Ctoodtrth Jan W .Wantere Uwe linabl Jun WY rum and Abe ow Wethera Iferrhtea W Itorrtron.Wat , I Mathews Winnte. Kattrirstr Wary Meer Des •• r the Ilrat 627 • • at TN • re. see BAWL RID 81E wr.re maitonsireis R(11.801% 19 r SEWiesta MACHINES, TUE CRUISS7 .autcnin IR 'MB WORLD 1320.10311 IT LI TES TOM kV:2 ' dt ' f tn b rittattlir " li b :g. "ad. 0". THEIR SALES ARE OBEATEB MAT LtII OitiCTU Combined. CS Malta THE "LOCH EITITOEL' Ososurme only or.. .ha!! the hamat of tbreall that la used b. du OHMS MUIR AIMS= To *2. snotta.l 4 %l t irt.ll 8 :2: 1 1N1111 li 241.4; are Iv armawd Par three t 0... INSTRUCTION plum flummox, Ho. V PITTS IPTHRST. I . 'TTILInONNIIIII i CO.. Agents.. eelf4Ram for lola Magma. ma Kr aallmazaws DR UG0,187& a a:i s . 'a t. or , • Eno ve DEMO /OD' aconticatA prearmanY, . YAW! GOOD% 801/31140 num, 011 A IrA.lllla kr.50101111A.0., ot strlatts iliElowcasHU which be cern lowest _ger= an 1014.1.1 sad roma' tr team V i ' , l, w444cs EFAr i gIAC 4 P . -1 A:vamatErrooK a:mm.4l m l, tas Wommatermist imorri WAD 4111 D .FR 4 -Ar e ttlatrival 006 CLAILIPMTS. OIL CLOZEIS, ors. AJU la OFFER AT WHOLESALE, AT Ty Haw TOSE PRIMA three MOS =BROW =SD, =HOBS= .ad FRUITED CLOTH PIANO TABLE AND STAND COVERS MC GROSS BEST QOAUTI CARPET VOUS. LEDO COLD BOHM= &ND PLIDTRD WII~POW SHADES. Bad. Ones, Hassan sad nary Odors. m maw rArsre WI X.DOW MEADE FIXTURES BRASS AND BROM MADE TRIMMINGS 100 Plsool All Wool logralo Onzpota, sae • aomplat• assortment al rads to tbs 0/121PICI LIZil AT BETA.LL, 41 refry Low Prices. IIoPARLABII, 00L.LEB8 4 00., era. 11 msd 11 rare 111111111 Gran /ran Trani. Itatktlng. wit don to ferotll ses9 FOURTH. STREE CARPETS AT LESS THAN COST, Pmlona to reoelring oar FALL STOCK .in all gror . • rn hue, (nanstiamod helm Om Into &dynamo) at conoiderably Lem than MANUFACTURBEtr MEL AT APCALLUES'S. OARPET STOR I==lEl 2/E131:13 lEMMWI BOLL ♦OL7iT6 OF TUX Brodkin , & Sohomaoker & Oo.'a CELEBRATED PIANOS, AND 8D117'13 & 00.151 American Organs and lieloaeons, Bali BISSZLIFS BLOCK, et. GLAZE dz. W. tato pastor. I. minis to •os of Soso at. kos parents:l Use loorrolosta Id Pltrotwd. dot victy globs. Dant Dop., oeh o torn.. LS, P. B. Wks, Jima Rrsoll. Laq., Capt. Centro.. Wolin akts4. A Co., J. P. Smith, Ws BrIA•tl. or. 0. B. K. Mactturn, 0. B Dos. Brant Si. . //swells, Ls.. D. K. Boo kaVol., nA. Dr. D. K. litortartax. bi. J. IL. Lorr Pritokala, P. 4 ,, Dtravasso tit PS S. taktomp, IsoPtsto , Po die San Koff , Las t.lborty Opt J. B. Clop s Bundstos. as. K. Kopko., orickts. lis. IL Dolaban lihosadnrals, T. • Grohs. Este. 0 . a. Gornetrart 0. Bauman dlne. LS titlititS7 01.11. Par? Bs. P. Base da. do. K. Pine Zdq., I do, O. J. B IltoMlat" rut Ltbarip. Jots ticCiordy doe LB rt... e.a.,4004. .1. , .... WS i.e.. Saw e fay elude osoand4tood Moos to ../a and Ma. 11 07 P ( AN 0, ?S4A.RLY NEW,,FM Mom". 1.t. - 11111 Mf ler Ks moor Sitr•tk E Doom Sarnia LB.I Liarvw• 11,nr, Mpl'eo ()Ma man sf 4.11 ti 111.ra T 111.6r7 'isAt Wm Luc 1341.11. Oalta lEEE= A 7 0 RA VIC 11.086W00D 0111087117110 PIANO, nand yaw ra, !alal o ry. auveld:na csaa. R... 1 tare turd Mara th. . moot., .d Is . good u nay aaraYlled or mean. IA the loa tha prate. talon In be wad ataccost FLU q. MELLOR, • I•pro Lae, IS Oturito Chatham :artl a Leila °U7vaMr= Pool.' Qua= Pose... Goo 0 Potte. OA Jos Po 7.11 J Poo 26 MELOD 1, ON S. f{ Cabinet ergs:. Pwou bowls Prophate, POI. Hari I Pa II M taEl II Ram Max !T 1 MB T LLII 7 LLTDIT num. Samos Bliss .led[t.. c Ist ISibissost Jos Sin Justus Jr. {edict 1101 , 7MLY, 11 . 3. Mi CU „ 11 rivira sTiuraci, dlrnrttne:dikr Sox at bouls •w , g.' 01 I. W DECK.EIVB PIANO& Smith Barski L Stasi! NIS. O. Jso %mut Joss Spriga Sarah lassos Jsa Slit of Jan r Stsf.t.l.oo Baal J. LI Jams ITNABS'S PIANOS— J 3. skims saws rt. Nos.—e stakekt tmortmtkt of Um. sortvallyel 't e ptua.. tai t • B kb sold at Waal= of eva any tee trroatz en dolisra k. taco t.tory prlota. kattrlt tog to atll. 6/ Piano. Toottatooktk d szcolLtsco Ina St olbont, btrookateh and O. S.W. Alto fres wino of du moot seaftaltt harm. toad amateur. la max.,. Otto los mot by sell grottt NG" .•na. BLOT , BL 43 rota an.s. Sayan Jae 111••• .maJ D nal. lAJ N. URDU, No. 183 eXITIIMISI eit • Dosc.l.. Theo dlrta•hart,-.4.1.1 eotrbeak 1111/. thilie Nilo& Pianos and fluxion] Inctrunkeats, 15h.ffbr Huy timla 44;...r elan Xary S warms Mario Swarms W X. Spratey Samoa No Ellrycom Liebt Iron? tr D a undaptvm Zaps easstaatti an Laid aaw p7ANOO, noldita. 01:11W15, sOOOaDXOIIDi NM= ..bigds b. .11. n m. Ism galas. DIMB SAVINGS INEITITIMON, Na 11.0 Barran= MUT, (oppeate (kik tom limn.) Chartered b 1 !ha WAstunh, OTTIOVEIIf Etroloted—DlXl. D. JUNI& won 1415=1,11.3 .loohna Rhoda. Mac Bradloy, • A- Itelnomac, Jollal. KUL B. He on, T. Baltoo. rannang. .I.lr Park. Jr.. J. Dice. unman. a. D. Gochrza. D. L. Long, U. M. awl% Dr Jo. Dolothots, D, Vollanicoo, W. H. Pholpc A. B. De% O. Log, D. & McKinley, Jos. Dilworth. &8. Fodor 0: Di !mum, Emit& J. M .tura., Jacob Stocknoth, J. W. Woodwell, D. T. Jose., Atfrod Mack. Et..", Schmertz, O.H. Wel& Bearden, and Dorsooron—D. - E. WITNIET. +bob Swab W VOA nal B I W.bb boa I WeOcollorbio Wbletou , Wldiset Bev Der Wallow Mon T WtoklineMbord Wblt. t .1 Wawa Whore Weser J.oob Mate Joo Wright =h. e.. Marto I Woods Wary Tibbaba . Peter Watoons L J %Want V Bob& Wort MEM Thos. 8. Dial; Beery Lk7d, °Lea daily, from 9 a ea to 9 p. m. kW, Saturday orcalog, from 6 to 8 e'elemk. Devoe:its awaked of vas dime sad upward. Dividend. declared la December lead Juan of each Dirk:rods allowed to remain .re placell to the credit of the depositor me pliaclpal, sad War lateral% thus compolawdlos It Looks cositalran Charter, 13y- Lama Pe., forubleed et the 'tare, e I , lla trltltotira offer?, capw.-lally to tw.w rt-r• vt are email , Clan cppcztustty to WA. manta, by await &Veal., molly eased, • yam which 'l4l be mamma , mbna menial, Mgr money not eate being eatm mat kering baton" Instead if eaceeintrtg aprainctive. mamas botabtr. as Pat dowel BP. ea. Ibtasatia, DOLLLFI SAVINGS BANK, NO, t rams mime. „ CHASM= 0 1113 A. Potato din, tom s so I o.okolt, also oa Wodossday sad Potato) stesdads, tom Sloy IA to Ilmombes 14, from I to o'elsol, sod faux Soosodoss Lt to thy In trots • to a eakcl. Depcalb nroofial of aB rams calm ensa Ono DOl - and • derides/1 of tho mats 'World Ma • In Jane and Dosintor. Ulmer bat bola aoalarod sad la Jam and Doosantor, ottenthe Bona of the flit of okr. tor mat mt. Mama, II mot &Own out, u tamed to as =stilt oi der.r el Pefeelist, an bean tts cans to ared ntom fat dop Weis and Docombor, actotooan, Dag tots •mr troubling tbodomitor to coo at am to prom! Ws poin book. AS thal out. mow will &AL in tam thou Mart= By BOIL o.d El icon, fttntaiter grotto, On app11 , ... th. ofloo. Paw Dui 11- - 6 I OOP &LURK& nal 111.11:13DIRTI ; James McAuley, • Mtn H. Shan:lb.:woo Juice Revlntact, Petra A. Madeira, Walb.m A. u Putloot, L u; Garb Adam, :Om 0 Mad:ln. Gwre adc minto,lo . Alma C Obarhe a. 0:0ra, ioltta Bard. l e i ntxic, 7oicn Map* 91110sai ilarea, agi Fazase, FhlS ~.. , „....,...,-..-----.., .. i .. : „. AJIL. mum. Dv= N EW SOUK. DOWN IN TENN E SSEE. 74111 sem volume, by ths author clf ^ Limns the ?fn,. It ...hits off liks mid cu d ha. dly be muds se tam sates 0.4... poofD r Itczamm ml lof 0 mamas/. mom Ithyrtsat as ovary ow ts•.r nerd Is potato affairs, military or poll al, basidsa b.. Ir k .. than:m.l6ly awry:sin mid abro leis la Iscidm% . 4 .17 VS the What's uthar 12rdd, td. - • - ti clew nova, vigorous and teen—.us to mato • hit 12zoo,otstb t timed mar. $1 76. i A raw and peamldag *sew, la dawdoped In Ws darsetuta work of daticoa. Ilan. dada, dated pape. 6/ 60. THE MIT OF 00EVEESATION, c h i°roe Lbook, Mal eira7 Ott4 caskt to an. Mao, A of rft awl pfrWrooldezry .f ttso =An cams of avw two ham. Omdoo 10 R l o s, p r e o go d '' odor ofidoo of M. prfv,rlooro CpVßomar 00l A his oatc•rs. TFro vac to coo • An retire ly Num work, l• 7 flo azaborlof "Groom ltl-m tido D 07•." •`Na7 Kanto," "LOCALS /!umetsc, " limo. 64 JOHN GIIIIDERSTRING'S SIN, LA Lamas sad ports-Asia Love 810.7, I. tb. h.. 117.. style. M., cloth, anted pap V. 11 60. Darkness ,and paylight -1117. Holmes' neer acme!. Hoe, oth. $1 60. TALES mon THE PE.JI.AI/, The plots or .16 the opera., In th msp• of rtorla. Mao, cloth, 11 60. YOB BALM BY GOOD LLND USEFUL B KS. XSJILY DAWN, In the bettor td the Ethockbers Con. Till -0110BBILO MITA TAM Li. SITES BTOBJXB, WITH BAOH HT MID Wit 1:olt • JOAN 111011.0 16,1 3 POlOlll, E , ..0 , 43 &UDEN. be T00D5."4.. £161140. by I , B. ?moat. ht • LT'o'o POI XS, Doltrt tdltll I? tthon. 61008 ,IT 0011111061 rEa t rila 0 TUB PalL3Bl - 011011011. stilt6l2l 01 THE ABUT or i TIM CUBLBES- Ids caw. DOOTHIRO Or lllrroUr LITI By Slim HABHIAUE 01111.110.11E3 —Mumma. sod n. tett, t• a 10 mt. to 60 amt. DIBLL—IO geostrartety of Bindinge sad Otto. c BOOKS—A eery tarty pplc Wm. r• . PHI[ lost? ALDl3llA—Ntsolectla sad rem% tr.. GO mat. to 1.0 CLSBIBIst. SSIO sonoor.. Boon. Tan tom= BOOK. bait ?thatched J. L. HOLD, eel POMO aL, oast does toArtut au* Bask. SCE I ROOKS r WAXILY emirs. wurvara PAPI:I63, PLEB, 1131G11, 1/1311:100P/.3. nem. ()OPT /100lia. MILLE OTILTObIa, BLINK BD 0 Ea. TogNhar.ttt all lt.nda at eel:up! Iltayttlalte• tar ala at icy rim, by DATA °Lai= a 00, ce.3 $3 Wool abbot, 1829; TIMPLIINIL FRANKLIN FM MEW fOUPINT C EUL2I. C. MZ7.,1.0R INHDRANUB, IN FLEX &ND LAND Insurance 00. or North iimerto.l as rettsib Ooinpantas Isms D. D. needs, WaLler, t a nei ear l ' Jan D. Mailidass, J lanKUNDTobs, a. ailiadesi. Ur a tell. Waller Manhall, Jokyk Orr, ttobirt Bob% Mary D. Wilma 7 1 ..= ,11,hzaase to". iDniader Val; Wl:l3lastVealirk, bap hittier. wa. P. W.J.Q. Tear.. • • A- °omen. ESTAALISIIED IN 1781. BOOKS. 4LBV , igc VICTOIRE. QUEST. 1 1 The witabaina and iituader 01;MPIISCILa4. HENRY FAINER, 71 AND 73 FIFTH BT. LAv - a v at.a.Arcat. P LADELPHIA. &wt. oii Jastry I,IM, ga,tvr,uso 14 11.111 mo,GO) • goopo Llamislad Lama. tar MI Lcad Paid dads IMO Pirprtaa) T. ri• • Marisa B. ratter, 'Naito Wegaar, Sainag Grant, Jacob B. !haft, Gip. W. JiliabarA juas idward 0. Dols, Inn. W. Lonna, IL D. 8/2011:11, Preedent. DAL.II. Vim Prunclant. • Pno. Test. iiisiLita a 00171211, . Weal sad Third stnivb. Ifsrtford Fire Insurance Company. a.... ...............P.t33.000. alai be rausd la Qui atom named W. P. JOHM, Aziort; Bag , Ws Wax/ anat. renss INSURANCE COMPANY! Offica, N. B. sum World & Fifth ILA FIRE AND =ADO .138111tA301 aturrean i Irm. Phtlltp, Jobs w.,., 44,..L......nr,,,,„ Wrs. B. 13ary BauniP-inisim, I. Parkok . thorjil t :. O. MENA O. Lan, Wit Yi o Eh% Marla XI. WK. JOHN • ITIZEN'S INEWIANCE 'COMPANY NJ or PITTIMICOHe May some ifettbst wed* etdsebe,deteesd tobz. • . . ' • MIL ZILCIALIT, Pfertdna. BAIIIIMe BILL. Tames to is Immures Sob= los sad damp be the of tha Bostbars sod Wasters Blears, Leskes sad 8117. a, and the seeidedion of the Dem Warr against less sad dump ate, Jaw ealptea, Jam 11. 4;bOPU. Wm. Denier, Jet. Park. Jr., W. B, S. Amu, a".°4E"rt...., Ilarclay Prakcs, Giorgi Hingbasa .I=/_. k Jaa Driv r 4e3Ctlra AINSURANCE Cle , R PANT Or PIrIZHVBGEI.-011ce, N 0.51 FM lama, Bank Emma araliat aikido& of-Timaall Marta. BM& 7461.0 10553, Prarilass, JOHN IL BrOUSID, Prpfdeat H. EL 5008, DISILCITI9I ham to, ILAlard. 011 A. Alan Jacobs, B. B. Stetting, Capt. Wee. LEIN B. L. *Amor, Bobt. IL DaTLa. !Isle haft, Cep.. a c. *Ay. Jade Inrin,Jr„ B. L. TatamtreV, INEUR&NCE COMM 1VP 32 :47,1712.1 1 11EGH • 8.4.11,11.118, Jr., Prottlag GORDON, Hof`. . „. Oras, II Walla gnat, Sparks a oo.'y Waco-Man, ap goat. Plf=huatt‘ E_ ham magi lamb itf AM ®a Maim Bkb, them Gabdiessameired try Dtrir lbws mai holm Oa Cia anmaaitp, mad sal oil, Itikraktd, ap pro op grama ma =Magi OtairoPor Mid a ttiirtor att pagattos to Ikon M.O Mary to IN Ward , , . OCUCIMIS Am t/C *Mu. Jr.Jr W Aintand AtX h a Opeeh 3.2." 11"."" ' atm li. Hattwalell liebasse Ther.m, Akz, Ma*. • 8.4. p. ~,,..oeatlPlDul • : John B. Waal*. - Licksim.m.. • NE. aolimis.ssams.y; =MEE - XX ,P,INE .TAB: arrsa. set es i1 ,4 ,„_,%"°' RWemo= a scourp. .1* WOW 01 --, m iscrai Wm, Olks• 1111 /4q3T . MVICIIIT, PIMA= • • - .3 •Apta , m‘ , ~ . • b 1 UNE PIPE -400014 d swatted far saki W . , 0r27) MST U. COWS= 100 Acres of high. dry Bottom. In Barna twowlkh, Reannwelhoaltir.Clatn,l4l., ta Iwo • h. ¢ ritts rw wrs• !taupe, tb• allegamaky Yealry F.. i tylcal laavorn Una. •we! 14 rt.pbe Troth& natal cf Jc4-4 drItIIgAghAUBE and h. allusbon• it.. loorwura 52.• •• • • r , &e x& 11... on. gruel. 11w, mows; ?rum- Barn - a10; /Iknalthittahl• fast , Rya, n nn d • w rty.or.h.g •• Tuiddids • i rskato, tat., F.. abuts too Som.. , ?rash Toes of ohoost Food tante, mond' •Intaart •Ind folds, t, ere Bra grad •prissa Emir tit riLiray. and those. •rtt otkrz• ft ha n.tulkth; toms, II•as {hoorah the tract la nob • *wee to alma grdier tr. idsTerst n• ram mount u. cruland of lb. railway wo b. bOrght• b trzcirdec 'ak t.* bottom or. tits twat has at lout ten knolls. ha , taroldfol sits `or praustti rra , enna, .tut tb.. has I. it • good Wo-• t,•sy U.* 4y1k5e,4"411114 ablanned with a rte. to tutor., Coital" 11 hag to lb. Ittglarg part th. , ann air altar th,..t cab be dkatettntsd in wary radon In /mg lame Oita any D. baits. On sotto of Moo dam4LetMlLMalgrtrittla of thab.r tons.. a. Shots= bans riser (root at Aar ly WU • wale. • 041 prothnoing wilt wens 51it.1.3.. • Tha entet lap essed•nts a cane moth of tbs. Lino. The osol rote obeying at Sta.t potot mast andarS. Ms' prtaxdrol pane of She fatty. Owl la mined on Ow I.ll•Lninsins ma. of .1 if lb. to.. wt. allow both ulna swath, 12•• to.. has • Dana twassth it its pantla• Ls worst, of anatotanion by prualnal oh moo, inttl find erg In ow pa , p sty. In &Wolof a too p• 10.1. tonsbeacm, • Gnostic. for a villairs, us to••••••••• tt-inplogln esplisl, chums won. baur•b. Ara to the nutria. Thaehr• aunt eon arr.. wit& the &. V. 31, IL tor • ••• dap to n.t basins.. to, tom.. de., whtnw BOY IST, Monmouth, tu. am:au LIABIde F(TR — FALK - -ZOCia : consisting Of P shoot 1O pm*, squat...lL utrriat dbas mart], oboes tYa mll tem alert Ed* la 4 ilew en the In tar* &moth of the Nemyttwelit Be& had, of which 60 is woo ere ander cet.tivetist. tse4 Wm welt Matered, the la,.d &Log Lesultrtalt. oetl; ov whech Is etwatee • dwelling - la:4m, itidge. a.• ..0 p' thing of rhea , • • Ale - • term or 160 emcee, &Mat two aLet how nigh Lack We lon end are at:. fresh 111harst111, RM. burgh end Etswungdon tozattaith passang!thsetsh of which stout ght) W. aro clear" 1, Ulm fa steedow, eelesbletiebst on the ottealedes; •is tom toga.. d barn ertch d thereon; • roll of woe* mhos et the tam; also twe newer Whew roe the bah. yorsg artitud,ee Tor topp.:, to W.V me, a . - riB1,1:1 3 / 1 ,. telftlw ha, MI Diming sthet, Phtahnsigh • 1410 R BENT. FOUR ROOM N. sr priatiai; (More: Book BinAlr.ig a Elocikrtarki porpcora. Osa bo taraarhod .art swam pow, U vatted_ will he moral sforly or *Mar A.poty .t CI:LZITTTII 0/171011 poll dad. K—SUBICIKBAN dITEki %• AU TILLAGE GYP!, mmu Four lissatta.-1118 =L I:tom:ors of Cm ...tato of Jct. Harm, 4110011 ank, • utorilar of Lot,. from Imo ball Awl.* bora, tub, tiMosMod tsar Tort EfArrou, tiodmititto thew otlemsto salt of ttos terminus of L'. l'ittabaro oorryill• Pamentrot a asv. .Tho Wart Loft to beautifully located' for prints refamiroa Al,. • comber of small Lc. to cm rfllece of ILlmaro. rakfrou-slom tbe Pato.tter 11•13tray-46 irty sixty fast tont rad from ®. to tiro ttured-fott doe?. hr intormstiou footmen of dtlxt ctl th mks. rd. or W. &. HMELP-Os, 01.4eJ's Mt% OgricS W. L. 11111.2.011.•• /OEM IL $11 , 26110.14. IL a. 1133a,' N. J. SIMON • " itccoakia. VALUABLE MAL LANDS FOR SAM ir —The Rung Tana Meta, bate erlthdrinealhasi the Nwerket beech orered for sato, BaLd had he m = et Apho , three scree. more cr feu, teaboat tam Ivan' ;farm tcatlerhid with.coal oY GUAM% quattty. The haprareteecte thereon betztig iteptatterate echatetas at dwelling ttose,hata, tem thee( ran heatina ercberds of rericas direar INOMI to mod ember, asid all ander the teen rate of otattrattor. The weelthegtoc treartlce runt theacat, CA6 Ter toms apply to J.OIIH rIILLABTOD, 17a. to wood etrhet," leoEttret hatt.taii. Lre. - a:ura az'ar FOE BAIA A COUNTRY RESIDEoIieI the rfflOgirtd Assodold, tour latlea frog the SW. Lot No, IY4ocretesiso .beteneest cis sad woo aortal elan It to eroted's good ma stare brick Soso, otpido;,satl sewr bothstop closers and Voirct orator, toss ecru of cog vi IL bout oozed mud to gegli trottliag ardor, will tzy told la 015 tots gyrieoa run grorets if tot oosibotbro9llP=AMB-1004.11111 that okoOld,so PUBWO War, as I eaumitp. memo TILL toollsYntablo oad are oil antipasti:waxes. To,to oale yid briaabotoolOttir appatutloa to GIORGI raesnm,..t....44esaggides. --- BALE—One new Stearn "wt *e ..e.• 17 nun Whets.' -, CO teal; e--a" f tot Wags , nitre Concur Oge u Ina eythaddr, SO [tat &gots, crocc,t4tV - 1; redgerOt taro good as new. tog, T hub dcite"der. grab rtgote os• Ode " CS " • e - Seto Cytpdsr. Bolden, CS tn. elem., CO ten bag. Too m* Irom Ott Gems. Gems ." Ago, Clued bet..3(73dt* Toots. toe Oil Weree. Undo Ihr eadh. Itiostre ef B. Ift. LOLA, 441 Allegbdray Etta 73ank. war tge Mat. 01430 F TEM MOST BFAUTIFIMrAIe 4Estabte baboons or cowry rats snots! Ltbsrto to coy Mined for osto:trottelaS os 11101619 Anon about 903 lot, end onto.rang sarie mess VI leo ; nano near toe condone ofdonistic Inas", 191. sted alms cosontittiloontio Basil curd Theta to care tbe glini • tn. ta l = U breati, Ono, as„ •11 to good order, dna tics s: and of smog erns bout-.b.gottretz.B dissect, .111 to Milted tato twoote font action town itoirdusiont. Tin :arms apply al tbs Rain LWOW rid LoValranc. olrn 0. S. 11/213, SYS Enter street Issee. FOE SALE. THE= AMON OP LAND, On lair& tbeno, M • Pm urc.4tort era. Ulan par TOTAL pallAOof lua P=2 . olo• rd 11X1 Immakr nil 4,44: all Cho n,4 ImadDrp, WI • semi well or per water it Ma de or. bimsud GU 17.41,14gt0n ta.aalk. Mx arm Loa to mil. Prom Mic,4141.4, 04.1152 / atm fi pi t aat raid * To rartirrolsn eitild ro at tile fi a''' 2, C 4 '"Nr' J. Dulaairr. Jr. OHWSTOPEIND Hort or tf a. 4 0 00L3•444r1 .145: 0 .01a. 11 DR BALE— BMA eI4W I.IID OIL ELIINZET.-4ts oati-het De V el as Oil Satin and Mom dad MM. lobbies dad CO! holt Ittrds of Volta statodaartt et extl ser= =boom too betoked, dbutte co the Watt add L. V.S. b ca-vtd La ads. reTar• b eel sad of ocodorn UT ELM b tersyksto did cedar 4 sod ts sell *tad se/seat modal tomb! It to the dirt. Gk.! ty tddldidttbfuttb, 1114 P parderisrs stal en TD naderalltotodL ItYDAT ORO *kb Itlo. BO EtasontoteLPlttrnlnsbordLalnk; JDOR RAW; A LAUOZ OM ZAI10e; , tet bag, ib ISt vide, T Eget &wilt IRO tiad ftN bbh..Butt OIL an b ma an as 11.terrames . 011 lot bahol. Eharpsb a im, psbargrg alro ot Mittm onci r d".. 11, 150. libatia•rolt no no deck. Om wadi into • •••• Gad Dalslirtaila 011 =kW , . SALE—Two Lots of Ground Big** kl t rtbe Moth Ward. Masbate', as Bad. strop% otes Dada awl Wont % %visit% India Moe of It test sa Cotter meet la m sad sztsalist. boot. ono stErttsa sae Islas width, 110 *IL to Bassos ittlar:•E " Thsto Lots aw Sul dasktbks sad 10:1 be sold dump. lot WI" IPS7 Irlittit gem- . Ett E.., Us. n Distosodstooot. EutpowitV FOR SALM • OGO AOB7B 07 GOOD BM LADD, all tying la oche trick 111 Hoencth comlikt•les• Zig H. lleasiari, wadi coma Hose stn.. mid Daveser Wer. FOR BALL—At ALuldis Oil Wilt, 1.11 CEOUDII OIL TANYA Is prima a4c. Also at ti.llegtway Talley DO* 4110 Omer Mao 114scch cut In! , imam elr , ApPy - AI4POIS .02. a s z tf - - • 43 Ilastat ain't &10.1r8ALIS-150Aczta 14 t)o4 , 3 ihme trail cod di pool st, also ins mold . coal lad named *ad ether rermrdM to good tog ardor to pod Po. I; or tam so U. Loaddopono drer *al Cloaddlrril4t2derzod. 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