The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 28, 1864, Image 3

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    ittliiittsbmh :R. e.
.1564 L
.I b „, rer pogratos the Late Robb srlee
lti AiLeabeity 111 , povered—iteeeverr of
',tamp Property Arrest of the Suppssed
Pa some month' put, the &lulu of Alle
gheny hove been' : ally was oyed by some nn
knows parties eats • g their residuum during
the eight and robbing them of clothing end
provislocuL Within the put few weeks these
robberies base been unlined principally to resi
duum. an_liorth Canal :street, in the Youth
ward, and the Mayor being determined to dis
cover the part a'orm, doubled the night watch
In that section at the 017-
Oa Tuesday morning, about two o'clock, as
Wait 'Waimea Potter was parsing along Avery
Ili,kanetleedtwo colored melt carrylug bundles
along the street. and upon approaching them,
no, taquired what to wanted. Re stated that
their sedan wenisaspiciolls, and eudeaVored to
arrest thus, whew they resisted sad succooded
is =kisg their escape, leasing their basidSai
kda j a. The taahr restored the bundles to the
door of 'shop ow by, and started to procure
assistant* Amt upon his rebus the bundles
had disappeared, A that time aftsrwardr,
another. colored X= MU noticed coming; down
Oreetnut street, essr3ing a market basket, and
Sion noticing the night Natoli, dropped the
- basket and started to ran op the street. Too
112 osoo'...Mdefod him to stop. bat as he did not
ably the sonmene,bessof them thew his revolt , , r
ma bat after the fugitive, but could not sauteed
• in apprehending him. The basket yrs Oiled
' Orkh prostticma, and was afterwards reap:raised
by Yr. ihrotanger, of Daquesne borough, as his
From the descriotlon of one of the °Oland men,
mtspinicn tell upon • man named John Garnett,
who robin hi ai court off Liberty street, near
Virgin alloy, in the Hoards ward, and about dew.
light the_pollee made a descent upon his dwel
ling. They found Garrett in bed, whit, upon
learning- their businete, denied emphatically
that'he was in anyway connected with the Yet.
bean. Upon searoldng his room, however,
they found a amber of ertieles_whleh they sap.
posedlad been irtolea,when they arrested him
'and look blm to the Mayer's atop.
Alert Lours afterwards the polls* reobited
Owlet* bonse,and discovered a large quantity
Of draft one of the rooms, which but un
gclibtetily been stolen. They alio Anted the
residence*, of two. other m'ond men named
Hemael Arstuitreng and liieldiogi Bents whom
flay mooted, and succeeded to distovering •
limit amount of saleable .elothing and other
articles. The following Is a list of -the goods
decreed r
One oplandid , gold watch and chain, 2 Oyer
Vadat, 11 bra costs, 4 mask oreroosts (2 light
Oolosed, one :& drool, the other' a light soak
make), 4 linen emits, 18 white shbts (men and
• boys'), 2 flineid shirts, 'Cross biricd,lo pairs
blackpuute, 10 pairs assorted do, 1 tribiteeki. , s,
g.Ostbo &sum, 1 silicates', imarlimew,
- Ola lbs' ekembe f 4 pairs drawost,'ll pillow cuss,
- -111 saxes taatt;, 'foray bleoltatt; I 'bawl,
I. , idedis White k-unsMdo skirt, 6 diem
2- linen --table , eloths, - 1.3-ehibirsn's
and Mx .Ikbte. a large sayeariont of
— tniderolothlity, 1 brown duster, I maul clip, 1 .
double barrelled Shot gun, 14 ponads coffee, 2
brie. kettle', b :Kande black tee, ;retorted
• 7 - fiatr.; rani, pima dried bed, 1. bag marked
& Co. Liberty street, 1 pair of beets,'
togmber with a lot of butter, lard, carpenters'
: . M4.ctopariti Male, jewilrY, *Ciao, and fork* 6
market baskets, I boa of perfumery . .. 1 saw,
betties`, of *snit, diver; .0;2 nay molar, 1
~"- : •glags mai nd l,harta&rails&led to,testuu. wt.!' a largo lot
of l
wife* and tee arro•idaultiadaa the pro.
'bpi of 'its2. M. l hoobiss, of. Bidgi street,
• , Ambits baotaht belonging ha.Bem.Dr.-Preaty,
Noah Canal attall, hbi uscaa belag upon
-thaw Tie ether attain ban not yet barn
• ldatiddd. - iPaithtwho bina been rebind Cala
the poet few months may mister their -Operty
by 'eallhrg" at !Weer date, and ezantptpg thl
eye. r which he received yesterday.
5 ' TksT 00t-Watch of Alltgliely are dairying
of great ctedlt for the energy they exhibited la'
-o=' artming oat thirahtedu and rirering r tke
_ _ . Won Morn!.
ain't, Anastasia end AMU , ifs kfeenolle.
tient at the Mayor' office, and will hart ahem. ,
lag to-dry" •
The Colbertioro Run Oil Company..
TLL comp 7, which we place &Man the hest
yotoraMiMad,ban capital of "$150,0 00-1'5,00 0
aulmteld $2 each. They lIIIS2III e working cap
fri ofs2 ,000 sa audit larger rum than to umMily
- Alildr.s 4 / for "rnloPinft fh• PruPitti of oil corn.
pules; The prospeotm of this company ii be
-,'jots td, and Irons 'lt **learn thit the baste Ix a
Mums hundred urge an theAllegbasy
UM- Immediate vicinity of ♦lst note
Creek. Tne rear put of this farm is divided by
dialbertson Bun, from tilted the trimpany takes
ilnnatall. The river front give. ample room for
forty: wells, with a ooliespmlirm number on the
run- The company oleo ae■ r. lease of tnenty
tilt auras of M. Di +area farm, irlth seventees
'`. to 212,2f1M the eistdethon wail, non pm...
duattot Xmas, barrels one fourth
.-ros aft olsourof mid :royalty ter tilts the
Cdi is Dow on thta property a
got t onMpe,..wftiftemkage for bun bindred bar
- role. !tom the piodust of thii woll" . alone, Cho
umpany call pay 21 pen mat. per annum on the
eamtal,..aud every new strike mill add to the val
ue of the stork. Thor. who itra .intending to
Invest M 01l stooks etionldinvsitigain th• oppor
tunity bars Flatmate& They sift have to make
11 1 , ihelreldadn promptly, hammer, aer , tne mam
ba of sharer unsold is gala Matted. Books ars
- <new bpitit the 'offing of ieate fd. Pennock., 29
• it elogittar oese of istieldo 50C111714 reatimisi
'—evezdtig hi die 'EtiventhWaid, the partletasm•
of wittch,me term we amid learn them, are as
fokoyre s „Ulm, Peltm, of Celaotoe, tbo ;Sesame
elii;elM Ctteblnet ost Washing-
. ton street, corm Prospect. Be •Is the. of
children, two of whom - are adults. Tel
maral dale pass be-hai With on a intros, and
rv,i4istatt, lay ,iusomarksli, to kis that he Ina
. . -- golpstwast something to put .Itios to sleep, ao
that be would not bother her for same time.
•Bashortly retained, Pock entering chomps* pro.
eared mumbler, and then went into lib shop,
Ifhlobig oa the same lot. The . ohlldren caw that
„AirDak something from the tumbler, alter wbioh
'Le same outt,, and walking lip to Mr wile, drat
ti irihkettree - Dge, and -Ursa -therlnbildre a. a,
- then stalked ssnikinto the .310, and lath down,
Java In the 001thill of a low moments bow-to
vomiso BIM* waS sent for,batlspon hli
arrival, he mild he war too late, and' in a few
momenta the unfortunate men breathed kis last.
Upon ezamtnlnt the tumbler, the Doctor en.
?ptugahia sinizion Shia the rainnia drank was
areeulo end earn "orrod. ealina, WSW misty four
years of age. do came eau be enigma far the
act. Alderman Donaldson will hold an in
"Yr' '
Deno —Lear week we wentdoned the full that
Senator Ida°, ins kand by the upsetting of s
wap owl bits** latneatzer And Winthertere
Ohio, end that Mason who was riding on the, p
ofthe ouch with hies had both lap broken.
Oboe then the lon, together with aiady who wan
'litre; WOW inside' at th ttaissif tin
Th inoidant,
Alid_wle amain iidarldi e
lufficatta: e:tap
wor lll 7, inttita :1111elett Vignola to be re.
"neontibie for the don Of these pristine, haring
sreriesSeitthrtnOretiAndlrzede toPhool7.
Szosarnmanv was Z6D - Dtnites:—.lrilitOnta7
-about thhty taw ;email airir• Medved at Capt..
,larkef/A2m. Efforts 'ma baths M. br s
~.113a1M a aariaiiie be relieved of the draft,
lanai lums-Alled their view able" the
drag Getenitd. steplorat). own mill be
ipranniti.ittkrlcsoolnrs landi hrt10055p...,41114%..1141
sp...,4 111 4% . .11 41
vn-4 , 1311i1 L. 43 .„
Idlpott•Lt to Iron ganalactaror■
It A. It .11'ns, De{v4 .- 0(4114gr Ifam of tsr
'sof }twisty, bts witten tin I Oirtifir to reply
to itqaisits in taspeot to Intuits of datiso on
As to your manufsotaring being done In two
districts, the iserepeeiady requires that returns.
shall be made to the easemor of the district in
Which the mantifactuing is dons. Ho thii ciao,
hesinvariably held, and therefore It will be sie.
curacy for you to make your returns to the Ar
s toot of the particular diet Mt under whom you
hoid your boson for manufacturing. Ehould
you mate castings In one district In the rough,
and more completely enish them in anodise, by
ptiishing, trimming, As, they mat be messed
worn* cast, and the increased Value added, If
d, et In the other. Iron castings for bridges and
other parturient struenties ae .shwgisd will •
opecilcduty, but this does net apply to wrought
iron lased foktimilar purpose . - . Mat not being
specially provided for, must be enbject to some
us; end there is no other bead'under which It
can be assessed but the
. general claims, which
chimps - zossoninoturs• with a duty of per
cent. ad meorem. Yon will tee by reading the
tharitol, ire stages, is cabinet to pay
L In the primary form of pig, s2per ton; or
bitem, fro., $3 per ton. 3. hare, dm-, $l.
Thee for it Is to be considered only as
material to be applied to speoldo nse by the
processes of lUSLIIIMICtUIFO. The uses of iron,
and the processes of making at. sabeervieet to
the wants of man, are almost lanais*, from an
inciter down to a pin or a took moll. Wben the
law does net tax those monufaetures specifically
or by name, it intends to imindetbem in a ales&
of thegeneral or 'weeping clams, all of which
are subjected, with - fabrics from almost every
bind of materiel, to a dray of five per cent cul
voisrem. Ton use bar iron, ire., having paid the.
duties of the tiered stage on your material, and
you shape or form it for the partici:tsar nee re
quired. Yon apply .the material b). manure°
Moils it, and the law declares the tax it meet
pay as your podnot. It is not proper to soy
bemuse:your labor and skill hive not given as
much votes to the material es another moonier.-
turer might. give to It, that you should be re
duced to the ratio. One may take ten pounds of
bon, and by the WO to which be applies It, will
make it worth 5100, while from your manufae•
thrift will eons eel worth only $l. That man
will bare to pay a duty of $O, and yen but Ore
006.1; yet although be pays more duty on the
lame costs:trial, he may make no more profit, cop
ridoring the time and skill expanded than you.
As to the terms of the law the likeettive emoer
hex no discretion. The l anguage employed by
Congress must be his guide, and he most find the
meaning in the words need, and net in.witat he
might Mem too stringent or to lit.
Military ilimerila.
Yesterday afternoon, the ftoteral of Ca2talis
Prank M. Parke, of the Hearth Pennsylvania
Cevalzy, took place from the Malden°e of his
father, Bon. John B. Parke, in Manchester, and.
was very largely elands& The military wart
consisted of a company of Yetarm voittntsers,
and Iv - detachment of the Itirst Nur York &AU.
An eseellont brass baod.was in attend•
ones and discoursed solemn murk while the pro
cersion proceeded to the Cemetery,. The eritlg
over the grave was performed by.ths veterans.
The funeral of Lieu. Cornelia. fineelsel, of
'ha 74th Pautrylvards Regiment, who was kill
.ed-he Sunday by being thrown from his home,
also took place yestarday afternoon, from the
residues of Mt blether, In Diamond allay, The
Willem escort consisted. of his-labs comrades
nrin4 and a portion DUO). 814 Regiment, late,
ly di-pharged. The Gmaum Turner.' Society,
of Whinit the doused was • ,member, butted
out" liistrang fares, and waa worded the right
of the procualon.
the Way the Dalt Rolls.
On Barad; bat, there trio • grim Union
isontiration at Cincinnati. A precession win
formed, which =robing in eke* order. and sk •
Maly . pane, required one itostrind twenty lila.
nits - to plas given point. Ton Sham and torches
lishied ; up the 000136. wkils bonlizes illtuninatnd
may earner,and rockets must oft in s) di
;arnica; keptnp • condi:mai shower of Ire cloud.
rard. - Tinantati orilik 'await - Limnos for It*
, mpalgn . dem . onstratiens. Why dined Pitts-
Aug pa behind. the mark. Tharadm, let ovary.
one remember le the day :of the 'Grand Chien
_Cormnipm. Lei every good Linton man does'
Ids Morn, and leave his btudineiand devote lone
day to the good emus. Keep the ball rolling.
Let every one et a largo flag, or Mee a nOmber
of smalltime, audits:m*lm pntotemny via low
flie `.home , and let the day be one that fril
aver ha remembered bp the praseut goner etion,,.
Turn oat, tarn ont,all ye who hold your amid try
..euLtimMaint mall othatkmruddirratlens.
Second VI and Craton Rally
A Munro was timid in ths Second ward,
Pittsbargh, for the pupas of orianlibta the
ward to litho part in the Oonvention on Thurs
The. meeting vas organized by P.. It Bulger,
lii.q.,,taking the chid:And A. J. Parsona's acting
srSearetizry. -
It was nwolved that Wm Wood's Eq., sot as
Ch`el Al avail of the &woad ward delegation,,
itllhiclier to appoint his gilds. Jaus Masa
end u. were designated is snob.
Reattheal, That • Committee If Oonitirence b•
-appointed, to casuist of Thomas Davis, Wiltitun
Owens, D. W. 0. Carroll, 0. W.Bhannon, and R.
_itswierst, That vs orpalso d glee elib t 4 take
put in the prooeedlnp on Thitraday. • •
Bemired, That we meet on the Sisowid attain
Park as nine o'clock on Thursday morals* and
every loyal man be earnestly requested co at
tend and mats Qs dolagatioa u lugs as pos
The Draymen and tho:Convention.
At an adjonrnad meting of the dra3mardi
esgorien sad carton of Pittsburgh, he last
night at the Youth Wend. . School Howe, It was
Awoke* Th at litm 4 drayenettrwagoneri sad
sneers of the cities of Pittsburgh, Allegbany,
and the vicinity, be requested to meet oit the
tahrghetry.Wharf, below Pitt street. on Thurs
day morning, at, nine o'clock, in order to form
to procession, to attend the histional Conveation.
The commits& will provide loafs firroll
sty attend. Stab' man to requested to brieg
"Ids hens; cad to be punctual It. Is to be hoped
that the marthanu ,rd each fseilidu u
sill allow the drain:lan M make • Millers out.
Farr Basucrueistan hu in all probability 'WWI
her quota by volunteers, but the Provost Bu
nted will probably not got the ' , official" erod,ta
tor a week or mono. The Board are conaidering
fbekneoptlety of extending the time of her draft.
*6 men to report for a 'week from the time now
Bred (Saturday sad Monday next,) Ia us* the/
we *Misled by the commiteujand by ,4.r ovi•
denew,lhat the quota Is really flied. Do* 'settee
Babe given if this is don*.
' Uzi & do.'s-Oriess.—Thisustablishensat ws
removed from the Allegheny Diamond yesterday
ringlike& to the Beid Lion Lot In dill oily, and
gee* teen "perfortetsuOta, which *ere very well
attended. This Circus Is senoided to be the
test that has visited this ettrfor years. Tits
many ears Wien Lome of the most oca om
ed equestrians and aromas - is the 000ntry,
*ldle the stud of harem sad subsosted males are
Unrivalled. ' . .
' Goons Bussn.—Among the goods' of Thome,
G. Smith, Balsa by the gossramont Doom lit
Whitling, on ekinday tut; wars two bout
muted booing, Initblob ludo found about too
bondsod dollus worth: of platob. The goods
"re gang Potkinabare, 63'41144 been most
ly Nunhood In Pbilsifolcals. The nowastmont
offluti ttßi bold tto pistols,' sod lir. 130110 so •
soalni# tba Athezeati6
ARUM/ AID Bransaw.—ilatirew Green at
&nista: yestinkt If Peter Basilian,
siaS4l — . t ipd bsitsw, sad taken es.
tare Alfinsaarilsiler. Qa the sznatinsties. It
appeared Ibill Omit had Brit struck BaSillon
with a ataae;liaoeltintkba, lowa, attar ahloh
ha kicked him la shit lead,indieting a soma!
'amid. The Aldartaaa bolititi!Or•en orer to thw
ism of POO toYhhtappHnlicq lit Court.
A I saCe for Mr, Hopkins.
Prrrsinins, Beptimber IT, 1844
3. MOS 11. Iluert&S, :
Dear SO.:— kly attention' her been failed to •
published ehellerige emanating from you and
addressed to Got. Moorhead, to &house the pc.
Meal Issues involved in Oka present campaign.
You correctly state therein the general rule that
"Whenever a man is presented for the ea ragas
of the psople, they have a right to know kis
views upon ail publie politics' questions." The
feat, however, that Gen. Moorhead's record as •
roirobrr of Congress from this Dlstitc=l:
pat four years furnished entimme as to his
opinion quits as saGsfaatory as anything be
could say on the stump, indorsed General M., to
decline your proposition- With whom the dis•
mission is held however, oat make bat little
difference to the honest inquirer for truth, pro
vided your oirioneat is sue& aa one at you acs
fairly and honorably meet. Indeed, lamln •
formed you ben in public and private szcra..ed
70111 eatirewUlingneu to meet any gentles:ma
of opposing poi:Meal sonticoroits for thin pur
-1 OIL
IQ order, therefore, that the people may have
a fug opportunity to Judge of the oorrenness of
lOW Dolltloal tenets, es compared with those held
by year competitor, I meept year offer for a fall
abd frank public. discussion. I agree with you
perfectly so to the fairem• of this method of
.brtheng together the ma. v.. of both parties to
listen" 1.0 debates of this charm:Um cad I am
equally eangulne of their effectiveness in the
cause of truth, patriotism end humanity.
Hoping that nothing has recently °marred to
induce any amide to your opinions m to the
best method of eondacting the reindlag *aerate,
I am, Blr, eery respeotfally,
You: obedient servant,
THOMAII Ilowamn.
Rumination in California aatl Green.
Sept. 28;b, 1861.
G.:eut :—Tbe news of Sheridan'. glorious
victories' vented such a happy feeling in the
hearts of the good people of these two boroughs
—California and Greenfisid„ that they could not
refrain from expr•ssing their joy in is grand ll
luminstlos. Almost every house in s the two vil
lages 1111111 brilliantly illuminated, u well as the
public kuildings, ettarehea, seminary, Union
Lease rooms, and other pleas. The streets
were crowded with wind people, and the hepolut
excitement prevailed.
An orgams..tion was affsobsd on the corner of
Union and Pint electing Carotaln
Truant!, President,. end Prof Hail and J. Van
milder, Via Presidents, who, acted also as Mar
shells, conducting the prooesution through the
principal streets, to the merry mule of the band.
Capt. Truman, who has returned from three years
of service, entertained the crowd with a spirited
speech, that added mach to the interest of the
the stows of the taking of Fisher's Hill was
read, which oallad oat three roaring chiral.' for
ken. Sheridan.
Truly, is aro ❑lve bars, vide awoke, appro•
°tattoo of the cools dead. of our iobie bop In the
Geld, sad ready to do oar duty at Mao. H.
Periso.—Now that the grading of Penn street
at the old oanal is completed, and the tilling no
with mad and gravel nearly completed, the work
et laying the pairing and railroad track is pro
gressing rapidly, and we shonld not be surprised
U the street oars were Terming through to Bt.
Clair street by next Bcmday. Great alterations
sow Nang made in the homes otleetad by the
change of grade, and berme long everything
will be in order, ail though no change had been
matte. boa-.
A ♦uT large And fashionable sultana was
preterit lett : Mt/eft •t'ilaeonte Ball to Avian to
oi...beautiful tangs, and enjoying • hung
/anti ►t the oemleeiitles of Sharpiey.
They will remain here but one night more after
to-nlght. and those wits have not seen them,
Amid go by all maim Their joke, inn en new
and wising, and they band to Wit It oat on
If it have all winter.
Mr. Mani Hanna L ntettly drawing tar gm
and fashionable andlonost co witness his imper•
ICIIIIMOD of "Babel: Blarlr It the .Tisket of
Liao. mss I" a play that has been drawing tm•
foetus bower In the liss for some Mao put.
We sit Kr. Maiiida may for a fee , moments,
and isdnins..froca that Utile, he Is a mopeds'?
actor. To alita the sans plats will be pat
upon ttsn &Savior the last Wan
ems. E. F. Caavr—Gmisral himenzaly,
great &goad' amparannt, lea Cinoin
nati on Monday morning, to stamp the Stat. of
Pennsylvania ha Linooin and Johnson. at mill
probably visit Pluaburgh.
etoutrrim -asorglandJames!hammiest, and
IV= timontris, who wen oharited with .hooting
and killing LIMO Barris, a: few
days sines, had an examination an Monday
whisk resulted in their asiviiital.
Comm - I'piece Pup, B vitas sad Modals, will
do will to dill at once at Pittoek's, copper, the
Post Waco, and get chair supply of Badges with
names of clubs sad pont - au of oandi rates.
Prrrcce has an initnenee 'tick of 'Flip,
Medias 411.4 Campaign I),enesenta, which he far
eo dos trade and pablie geserally, at the
the lowest taws.
d on or airs la your or.
'der to Pittoot, orpcalts the Plitt rates.
Ar.anrts at Pittook'i.
801.001. Boots atlPltroalr's.
. ,
en your badges and Plagr',,at Pit.
tool's, sprout, she root Whoa.
Aar. the kdapslnes at Pittoart.
err your Flogs at Piitoek'a.
Poorer Moors "and PJaketillooks at Pit-
Poiroa, Inks and.Statirisry at Pittook's.
afternoon M o'clock, at McClelland's Auction
Liaise, 65 Fifth street.
Tw►rrr Btr■ B.wixo hi.oentra. to be mid
thin afternoon 'without resereo. at M,Olell►ad'n
Amatinn Llama, bS Fitch street-
BLOT —St ble lire maiden..., listema Ebert be
km. dm B. Worts. All cue,. ea !Boater, September
2.0, N. RIN BY B. HAAB Y, .pd 61 Imam, 1 mouth
am! 111daym
TD. Amoral will taks piste on W3l33toar arras
aoo•, 413 cloot.
1864: FALL.
Cutaway. and
—on Garibaldi Suits,
English Jackets,
Walking and
Back Coma
3" . 0P.,!..Y . 0 IT 1 .1:i..U. 1 ..
co — vg -- ..- . 1...--
Moak F all Moak Wow in Store,
--' oesrusieopui. Tag --.,_
e lt,
--- - • ..... II "'M
, 1 - . • 04. Ir. clog. _
.. --~_ `~
Our Special Dispatches,.
Our Cavillty, Close no the Bear of
the Enemy,
tor lore at Fithere fiill &gyrated
Guerrillas Troublesothe.
Twelve of thorn Billed and Bevan Hnng
da. be.
Special D:opttoh to the rltUbOrola garotte.
WtillllllllllN, Sept 27
The following hu jut been received at this
Duman, under date of Winchester, Va., BIS.
96, p. m. The sews from the front continuer
chewing at headquarters. On Banda, morning
they hal ranched Now Market, anti by to-mor
row night they ire expeotod to he at Staunton,
not aver 57 tones from Lynaltbru - g, and nearly
twice se far from Harper's hairy. The cavalry
are far in advance, hanrioeupon the rear and
flanks of the retreating ,anamys.
Uu baterday aftsmoon Turbot's oommand
streak the mall body of the rebel cavalry In
the Lora; V&lay, while on their way to operate
our rear. A sharp skirmish ensiled, In whisk
the relish were worsted and competed to retreat
down the Luray Valley, with the loss of a num
ber killed and wounded and 70 prisoners. Gin.
Torbet joined Sheridan on Sunday, at New Mar
ket, and Immediately proaseded with his com
mand in the direction of Senisonbarg.
There is no doubt bat that the aotivlty of oar
cavalry has prevented Laxly from. taring' the
root* to Culpepper. end that his present line of
mirth b pimply one of neouslty. Lobel, !say
that attar the Wineheeter fight,ths rebels loaded
all their wagons with wounded, and that 1,700
were carried along with them In their retreat.
A.large number of wounded oftisers wets among
the number.
LSD TIC 001TOI 10.209L4T013.
Cotton speoulatort are twarOeing here in an
ticipation of the new regulation! on the subject
of the cotton trade. Tim invest the Tre►rary
Department and beast the Whit* Lease et, rig •
oronsly that Kt. Lineal* Sou been harrying op
the orders abort the new regalaticrae in order, as
he toys, to get rid of the Latoirtate post. The
wain teatime of the regulations were motored
Mat Eatarday, bat ado publication to still &s
-tayed henna of the clone of the Treasury De
partment to have them pot in tail ohjostionahls
form. It is strongly opposed to them In shape
rn whir& they are likely to worm out to salt.we
of the purehating &genii .ho hare bon
Our losses lh me :attack on Tither's 1111 t on
Lit Thursday halo bean overretimatel. They
will not amount to sere than from 250 to 3011,
principally in Crooks' oirnmand, which dld the
111.111 of the fighting. The /011141/ to the 19%
army aorps lu W.. battlo of dos 19Ja, were Rawly
MOO. The completeness of the surprise of to.
rebels at Tighten 11W, may he imagined from
the feet that the 'Lateen plasm of artitlery c►p
tnnd there wen all loaded with grape and con •
nistor. Crooke' sharp .as to limpet:met ►ud
rapid that they did not have time to fire them.
A carious statement consuming Kr. Weirs
dismissal gains some currency hove to the ettoot
that although Ii was compelled by Die runnel
prestnre, the final It was a more
imitation of Its stwommity. Frem Tharlow Weed,
It ts not impoielble that something of this kind
Amy tunm had an afloat in destining the removal
• ULU, bat It was at way rate Inevitable.
Mr. Blodgett of the Treatiray - Tieloartment las
been preparing soma bidet' showing that eel,
the mistake. and orele‘lone have made the es
hlblt of our trade viith Europe foot up with a
balance &SIILLIJII us. H. shows that the Weans
vas really between fifty audio hundred millions
In oar fever De the last year. Blair continues
to give an eye to the working of the Department
wadi his recomeor shell girlie. He Is 11113 pot
ting on a good face over the matter by Diking the
stump In Maryland for Lincoln. Both of the
milldam( Secretaries of the Treasury are absent,
lying tick in Baltimore. Herrington Is off on a
cruise for his health along the coast
DOI P 11113011.1.1 A? ZIOHM011D.:
The OZOOT/ fart released from Libby prim,
earns of whom arrived in town today, rep art
that the rtisone In and about Richmond contain
eboat See thousand of oar 6011. Most of those
on Belle* 'eland are suffering mach from Taut
of deckling, two-thirds of them are without mate
end many of them have no other eaverlng than
their drawer, aad shirts. Brea In Libby many
of the prisonen ate compelled to keep walking
at night In order to keep war*. The prison
guards are made ap of men over 70 and boys of
14, all the able bodied men are at the front and
eannot be spared to guard prisons. The belief
stems to be es general there as here that the
war draws near to its end.
111110116. 0161117 01111/111
Manors of other !Dablnet changes eontinut, bat
there Ls no known foundation for them, sere Cue
goners! nnoertainty with which the;Oonserrati re
men here regard their scats, since Kr. Lineola's
uneoreinonions notion to one of:theist, that his
lino had oome. It Is said that the assistant
secretary of the navy, Woo, sits uneasily In his
chair. Ile is a brother-in-lawte Bids, and is not
woll Wooed of Stanton or Linooln
1111,0VIDUI =Noah ' " 7 ;9
The 'following :is a portion •f the dispatch
which tall . ed to get tbsonghlasterdayt
.Baltimore sends eves a foolish report that Long
street bee come up the Valley and gut in the
sear of.fikerlden, and smashed tides. gwears ll 7.
It, eittravagent abeardltyls the best 'Measures
.01 the xwberpaala to Mash tt origtrutbs:
f,Glierriltaa are beeeming troublesome between
this pant and Harper's Perry, and last evening
about dusk, two ambulances, one oontsining
Burgeon General Phillips of Pennsylvania, were
attacked by guerrillas only two tolls, from Har
bors Ferry; Surgeon Keever, of the Sth Penn.
ryleania Cavalry, was shot through the abdo
men, and two men wounded. The guerrilla. on
Saturday, also attacked a train between Win
sheet.r and titraeburg,killing and wounding sev
eral of the 'noon. Twelve of the scoundrels
were afterwards raptured and of them
Major idealferd, assistant agent of exchange,
is to start soon for Savannah, Ga., with 1,000
tick and wounded rebel prisoners to be ez
ch•nged for • tile number of our sick and
wounded In their bands, according to the terms
of Ballet'. recent agreement. Seyeral steamer
an now preparing for Ohio minim
Fifteen ;deem of artillery, captured st the
battle of Winchester, sad four caissons, have
already arrived at Harpers Perry. Bonn mon
remain at Winchester. The rebels have lasi
Mimi fourths of their artillery. Their nacree
which was at Staunton, WU very sinsticrom.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad le In run
ning order from M►rtinebarg to Wheeling, and,
with the exception of a mall gap between Har
pers rimy and ildattlnebnig, which will be re
pel/lid to-day, to Baltimore.
The Fourth ward of Cincinnati hu bed the
gunboat enlistments credited, and she is now out
of the draft. Hon. Milton Taylor, who brought
on the document. in the cue, received this as
nuance from the Provost Ilarshal General.
Business lateriat;
~re all %mottled by the tar.
rifle tumble be gold; apparently the day of on
tortlonate immolation hoe eadad. Their tine
ham come. A call farther dealing Is anticipa
ted to morrow.
PIM MILLI CA.1..11).
a The story of the fall of Mobile Le Laughed at
here is a foolish calm& The Department to
without fairies+ ainfirmlog It or even inils=ag
Its probability.
A rumor says that GM. Grant his male an se
task at Petersburg, but it is hi not oredtted.
The latest private news here, is down to neon
rutenlay, whoa all was quiet except ss
some sldrmlsbing.
The treasury department ooattnees the tune
cf compound interest, bearing note, bat It ogle
In others, so that the tape of fumed, In not
greatly inmate&
♦ aIIIOO2ATIO atoll
do ertneing rue In a Democratic dub here
the other night Wu a to whether the Nwiaeal
intd/ipmee or Tote flonneoe'eCosetitetiosed 'tiad
be considered e Demoaratle organ.
The COM special agent for she other division
of the tier trade has boos ealeetsd, and his
isppointnient will Do annonnoed in • day or two.
Val tlOllllOl Ol➢K
The Common Order ■till hasgs here, and the
reams of sea:mass traders are {a a state of anziocui
The dssfa ressuusi here today, sod ea*
buntrad sad fifty-fasz mos wars drawn.
'MOLLIn.,III . 01 ?Jr/.
Sasnaral Had Dswi has been appointed to
lbe eonsmand of post at Martinsburg.
00V. Dinnison is now espootedra town in a
few days,to 14•91316 ht. pl.@ in Ma Catania.
Grill? or ton. ourr.
Etecrotary &wad b iquast at Gratit's
qaaßera. 3 =
air. snores.
Glen. Hooker it in Own: Os doer at appear to
be talking Jacob tar M'Cllsllen.
Battle in Proven Between Forrest
• and Rousseau.
X igY =air 27. ISM
Prom Athena Format mowed up the railroad,
destroying bridge' and toultig no the freak. The
Pik Hy.," Void," ontllttrirhe, b.s,mhtra•tl• hero
beta destroyed, and the fort at the latter plum,
Mointiong the garrison of SOO men, is 'sported
°stewed yesterday. Th• RtalLiaa4 bridge, soma
uca south of Poiluki, was burned The eztif
damage dm* to the road Is not knows, but ITTi
irCught that all all important poiniShetweve
dates - . and Pulaski art destroyed.
At noon to-day lighting was isuffoiss
teems Porrestisnl floassesul:forot tater Pulaski.
It Is anticipated Forrest will endeavor to get
pomoubin of the Nuhritio and Chattanooga
railroad. Onr forces there are prepared to re
rely, hint. It is reported that William is try
ing to efftata Janotien with Portal, bat it it not
thought he will be able to do so. The 174th and
117th Ohio new regim nits . have arrived here.
Good news is expected soon from It Lanese. 4
real in Dry Goode.
;.; Tong, Sept 27.—At the tenotions of dry
Rood. to day, there was • marked fall In pricol.
Everything 33 sod 34 ante In., then the regular
prime three weeks ago. Gold opened medlar
lois morning and the price hal been austained
by the heavy parches. to o•var thorts. There
le s great scarcity of gold. opal et blob • pa
tentage is readily paid. Gold opened at 193
an CIVIC to 194.1 i, and declined to 193.
Expooltlon of Swledlera.
iat MS mt.', Sept. 37.—Tbe Jammu! contains
an asiodnon of the . malfesaanco in °Mao by
a... Paine at Padoicalt, nod imPUddtd , Hm
hoolen Anderson, member of Oongresa '
Hall, Provost Marshal, John B. Bolllztgat and
Moja? Beery Butbney, as Mr ueistanta to va•
riot. owidstog tcanseations. Gen. Maddock, the
memos., of Oen. Paine, has arreeted 11301. of
he and will doubtless scous the re
Peace Preposition of ■ov. Brown
New You. Sept. 27,—A Weahingten special
nip!: Elererni prominent Georgia refugees who
arrived here are coalidea that some kind
rangentest will soon be anted between an.
Drown and General Shinano through *hi&
Georgia will arecie from the Cforifetienter.
Breaths. Gold. Iltkrket.
Stv T0tt,,,,5ept.17.-9old to-night Ls (opted
at 201:
car Tatra, 5.1 t. ST —The Cl 7 of Baltimore
IVriTt..l at 3.30 s'oloolo. The statement that
&mass vai to h►» a now Teasel is emirs
Th. thdly New saye, Federal ineesms rem*
the propoeed peace proceeding of the Chicago
Cloavention to camparative inalgnideenee.
Rebel loon deolined three per cent. The new
rebel loan lately anaonnoed to a horde one.
Liiiee and Montt, who olle to the Amerlean
trade, have I arpended.
The English paper. generally, are disouulng
the 7 ,,,epecte of 1111 CO, the most of teem seem
trig to take the view that p. ace by armistice Is
higily probable.
Rebut loan reeovered a halt per cent. on the 14th,
oaths to doubts thrown on toe fall of Atlanta.
Laws/ via Queenstown, Liverpool, Sept 10.—
Cotton kale ol to-day au 4,000; the ntarCet
irregular and unchanged.
Bleadetuff, quiet and steady.
Provision. dull.
Bacon firm.
London, Sept. 15.—Consols closed at 87%;(4
88, for money.
American etoekl—lllinois antral, 43@41 dlv
count; Erie 43.
The rate of discount of the' Bank of Esgland
is unohesged.
It is stauid that Denmark, eneouraged by the
western powers, »lodes the session of North
BohJeswig, anions it is senotioned by the votes of
the people.
The resignati4n of the . Spanish Minis ry bee
been aceepted.
The ;Peace Bregothettone In Georgia
New Yoe', depL 27.-oone:wiling the report
ed peso* negotiations to Georgia, the Z ••• i es ,
Porf says: Gen. Sherman, we are authorised to
*by, wal not negotiate gimp( upon terrdt pre
cedent of an unconditional eneeileston of the
Tend, to the Govern=ent of the Union—the
foulest acknowledgment of to. rigida, and th•
open adroirsion that the-war against the Uoloo
wee abut Alex ht•phens declared it would be In
1880—a blonder and • crime.
- . .
The Pad toys that G the Georgia aatheritios
•111 ogre, to these prelimiterfoo, Goa. Sherman
•11. most them Guakly and 'Awfully.
F ow T caa, F.! L 27 —Cott rn Cud awl priLL II totig
at not 1. y nett.
Flow 01., ter Co. 81.1, and Weeare II a t, ophad 25.
beast to o, the await taloa 0l yaternay, tat elated
duct, with loran pteralld n . 7 tha P . ' '4000'..
•t 34,30•2 TI MT extra elate. 8.3,34•11 41 tor atperftna
Revert., ha star& IL a 0, tad 310. 4 3.18, 3 0
ter owl.. b. at.als.
Weleasy Lao, at 5175.1,78 for Wutant, eaten f
(had. inks.
111..1 mart aotlre„ and 3to latter; Wlnta red
Watan, 41,11582,0 D, /i• kago 'print. $1.131.0,12.
- •
h.• Loom, *moo o an .466
earn °pc/I.d dull Mid camel rather mare stmil 1. 1
II dD .or mined Weide., Lauding OW iced a Reidy
Woe et SI Mi.
Let , iv f 4 rotnest at PINSaSec for Wetter.
Him very quiet, mid priors noo.icim.
leffve gni. t. tl,tiant auto of ho- touted off Yull
prieu sh-er u de Hoe of lie from the bloom" points.
To. same compote LODE hags L 53
Sugar rather more Maid]: 6 . 44 ". of 43 3404
110 lat Lea:
inolefeee dell.
Pet vJecm dull, .t 1648:: for far ernde, 660 Mr refined
lef bond, and Tic TOr nD ed
Woof null and imam ed.
Putt • I.llldermar Doll In Id& derma- d, at 1133; woe,
33.bea7.11.66: too do, c ..k, 11,75 00, do rept tar wry
C dd.. Oro al the loud der.' 35 Otr. to, to for prime,
and $0 for prism teen elan, 3500 Db.. Dow moo for
Ocrotor, at firr's 0911100. Cl 11041,69. 1010 lablA do
Now 001 to Oct ..dor 110, 11,2.0, ..d 7(.03 do. odd optgon to boo. 151 h, mt 49,60
Sof ad Domitol; qu o alms op 110.03 La 0
/11mm.4 117,11.9 to Les. rm.; 515.11.00 s.•lll9toted
9119.20 Lr Parrs nee. Prin. Idea Not u
1.11 old Dont( ADII
lard opeoed bo7 and flood eraser, etta • fidr
111,04 al 184.259.
L.., and Inner at 30.36; for Wallarn.
KnW York 1101. 5 1 5.1.11 Stock liariet.
Barr 97-91. Dry toodosoly motto/ ondateady al 7 per
out. far D• 11 tom., dolling 10191.1.113;4 for sold,
Gold mitts' rode isobar, op niag a ,93, Advagelog
to 19S, &dining a. 19%, Orrandlng to 191, dam tnldog to
ISO woo eltolDg 1t 195%.
[Dodo a.. totted , B 44 120 ; 1 1. T. CI., 11516 ;
E•le 91%; freadhor, 119 ; 117 el. Ws 1811
1014 tdo Omar rot 1011,,ti0 IY. ISM Mop ors, la . I'.
1711 0. fordo, 11.0%.,739 A. 108 ; ODA ' Oertittcster,
113.. 1 . 0 D 10 4 • A...was ord oho Arld bitulstll,ll (Jar.
L.A. prod. rod, 102 amdaton, 11 1 ; 1111,10.
11001 0 .e 0 0. L , lAutoo rcrr,. Pl.rsoaret., lot
her,. Woont, 1.94; do l•r•forrAd. 7014 . ; TO Ado, I';
Noc9 913 e.: 0 nolo dm urriato, DO , Fort W syn.,
3U 34: Quators.A. 1954
New York Cattle Market
Dow Toss, flapt. 17.-11333 current pekes far th• ...k
at WI the um kat. ore as follows Beef utile, Antrum...
17,30•19 ; Chdtsary to goo:1:14 0 60017 Vanua xi,
14014; lirsrisr,7.6o6sl o 3
Loma as 4 171131m5--12.15t qupllt7, 6 66,75; Ordlesrp,
348.4.40 ; Comm 3 s, 1,5044,60 Isfatioc, 6,03 a
nsw %sista 6ra: quallts, per p el, 11(10133; Orllnari
BAWD; Common, 80836; Infrator, 7 •180.
sheep and I.4mlss—Latrs, per head. 47a0 , Prime,
$6 30, umbras,. 115656 Clommos, $634033;
6161 ,60.
a 1,r3-3Dora fed, .rp [mood. 10016 c ; still 90
' Yhr assrk3 t br teat mails was Mmldedly pessioatrick
es • his week.
11133 stems decline In gold and sacral/mass hsa shims •
dad os she bunt mutat, which is dbossily mpplad ; sad
,a 11 e eel AA, L.. toes large 'or tw sr throe swag, she
1 utch•e• •ers suot iramed sp ordeals
Wuol nod cattle conl,l usly be pis ad iai • to•derals
verrying from Ito p r mat. per poood Th.
n as. of prim. was m .toes trotao•roslpsnp cold NM.
1101„ mid very fay storm 11141.
33. s• ware • good msup common ;cattle os sal* this
Vaal. were to fislr rsiorst 14 an• qsota Was, 1 - 1 1oodb
bet Ms cold at .bane .2c m blow 3.3
16 ism mos doll ; Waite, SAO.
Clams daml-ing , Y sad Wmiasa, $1,60
0331. onertil 4, and rsoglig from 64 to 11/3c.
0rw1.1.1..d prow.' us ISA ••tand still.
P. moist= scsrdss . ; Crtdw 60c ; 1k flood in bond, 63
ek/flo ; Do OM 16 (41i 6 '.
Whisk - 7, sal 13 UM ibla 0131c103 Wit; vo bbl. Tonto
el la. tab st $l6l.
Chlesg, Market
Camara", !apt 12.--lak;ar eraa,
atat tat.
, 1 Li< at it 491.1 GI.
core arm, wat 2a Meter FAL., a• tI 24.1 2.7.
Oa. brat, sad %a Maher. Baba al 11/5082
Wbialts gated,. $1 WS.
seMpcs-6«n bat Balt% {ISOO bat wheat. 2 5. 00 b.
tarn; 1,10 , 0 as catta.
abtatoanta-7,000 Ea Ilan; 125,000
La cant b. oats.
Jr. I.h.a—Da I.
5,000 /OM Kurt.= —The river w .1111 rxitiling
potordier, within:ant lb se lot repo...a an Choi
Boos. Tbs weather IMP warm end weedy, with leg
=Gems of rain Biotin:el at W. what prawn:Ls no new
Mews worthy of sotto. Freights omelet= Text scarce,
and basieeeneriesce groat difficulty In g. Glop a trip..
Ilse arrival. baud, the &meow hem Wheeling and
lb- (1 11.0 Pinar tom Cincinnati. The lad named
host.. &Wined sem• iti hours at Maw Lingo. At the
time she left, the Kw Dotter waist the toot of Clan
Boone, dtawhis thrt• tot tof water, sad won oast/clod
ID ilutUn. be in to nleht.
The departures were the imam Graham for Kans•
oil. the Jonas Pao II for Gallipoli.
rh. Botert Nwre, loom ..;thems. l .l. U.10,d
-%.phti7rl7"D.2.l.luna Ins an the etoeke at Primo
boat, intended tor the St look nod B.
0.0!550. We out say no ustrenhous herut Preont then
tl ai see le 'tied het long, and will curt About 1103 tans
of Delight
The W. V. Cattle sod the Are:mule Wafted at
Ole this piece on suede, Tao D. N. Seeder,
ita Ito. Wapner. its end the Bertha left Behind it ter
pore. The Roanoke 011ie, W. F. Cit. Cs sod anima
we.• *dwells/A to leave ZThiciontitl tbr WI port on
The Kee B. Porter, thipt J. B. Ported, will ;roi
liest,. tee. tar Oluolunati tilt day at. ill K. She
excellent asonmisadati rt. Ur punned,
Cent B. t. Porter, will leave this
ei, ids. for Eit. Louie and all inteete
N 0 I.Lt; it TO OJNTIt WHOM..Prop°.
one are halted and mill teteoelead by the Onn--
mt , h., on etreeta of the cityof Adeghely, until f (-
DAY, CEP? 36th, lad, for the o 'err:taloa of a Saar;
or t a Wear CI-mama. frau near the monlu of 4141
raLroad and 'entree aeon. to totanant.4o amar al
ready built on aid West Common, a distance* of am
dammed fat. The sown to hi *aortas...l el
hat, boat thtlokeoddhihm to'sdans and raoldeeit .
e .
hatbesetce ttnritemattos Rmentator. Prop nuts to.
be hdt with A. liolem of John Wilmot.
cramag&lff or cowards off STMTS.
Ws Woo trdst SOW, iat raso,44.
a- • MO to rto d.or. sod tor do t •
ma wit W 133, WILIM/119011 I IjO
70 1 =Me Bo* see Shoes, be rare you wen to
Osumi Moo ISteee, II MA lUIU
mint. few Pal:7's no.
one. too lor's Show
orb b. Mani never.
i .i neared.
All (Coda ssattausal. Same, about Butt Prim.
door so Itspna a Ot2“.
n gnat vorlity and CTISTOM lIIdDEt
wrsaur, rotrrwa,
Boob; Shoes and fiannal.
No. 64 Market Street.)
Balmorals and Gums.
I. Q. somtirD
vzti 13011WP110 WILDER.% VD! Complete
O. Para, Rem. Lead Pea De
in came of raw doan each; the h.. Wean* 71 .6DWE
ani Web Ithed.” ttniS tee crontente M 0 tnt.i. .0 1.-
0.17 'lst trana9ol,6/10.: WWI WOO IN beta* tee wart
Tbe holders are of them et bendeaaseen 1 derstde
anatrectloo ; are brevity elver plated, with an estee
mon at three length. All are engraved, Chuged or en.
el. throe% cad kw West? are tot earpsemed by say
Wm". Or, prime for the amides, and V. 11.1914 to
d ease only, e.• Ea salla.
tree one—Whet tepee. ve l% 14.0 b. txt length; shad
ter the pm .% three Inches La Erica p. demo
$lO 65; roadie as IS each- •
Let 7 no— Wiles ep.a d lecher in length cioad for
the pother, 3 36 Lachesis bangth. Pegs per d
1 Yam—Whet open, 6 1 ,6 inches LI 1.0601; nod
tot to. o.
length. Into par eaten, 4111.111 L
retelle at $6 and opssrde.
on. iota—Wean open. 73.4 lathes intirth nooni
socket, 4 inches degreePr..* P. dEeen.
11215; teclelo.llfi sod npearde .
Pm m--When roan, a Inches to length alma
Er the packet. a%bobs Is beenlb. Primp.. dors,
6.12.60 ; minas as TIO and .owes...
latex PED7CB tochea. he. with the Etelderf—
dew. rant., cedars tar •a Da. quantity than as. noun.
Nem arid Rader et above paces, ii an, Tono tan.
ma ant vb. reVitae the Lela! !tat*
. Ibp . popeers,
with fee eollarden en deltreil. to Dee
ley. Hats. nand mad era In an ~ n os, ea lizienn ma
:at 0.1 .at non nnto.
T. a EL es
100 Neoara.alarer
%rasa, . Tart,
BlatiL X d filkaThiSLlS
ad 11LAWIITII Pattostod Portal. Storm
111...18DT It Blum Root. Works, Rommioll/n,WIN
ELiNDVB ifirmazk limealno Work., EllotitM4 0.
The Irma snroemt.l tv lb. scald.' irlott iri rotiadt
ovono et dibttlon, ot Stem tad Rational Pa.
tFct ly gquirl for tperoldatt. Oat lloggy hat
mr. Wm Maoism W enc., Pll, - COO
In terms tromtk. lloy,lllll. tadedtag dart
d.,. of vitas. hum, 0 Ltnillb
oat 6141,010 toms <deal thmo momtbit. .11111.. 46 1116
190 OW hot ca/r. WO J arts 100011 lot alt.: -
Frbasd hat:nu-oo= sad @stipend gnmaig wn ite
11111 and Imps.
Sand tOo lanottatodadoemlos. tMhlloMdllitistom ad
repotts et optcatota /Odors
at Zamottlila t cr Rural% Ohle.
Orlon. rialto and zonapeagesua asildirL
Wascraurea, D. 0.. Septautbat ISIA.
WES be .old at Palrlto Austloa, to lb. Sys bidder.
at Om Ulna and plum named belou„ slat
York. P.., Thane:ay, Sept. 1964:
Ahura. P.., Thursday, Sept. b 2, 1554:
Lebanon, to ; Tkanday, Pept.l9,, 11111,1 .
kr-ru, bass been a:madams:ad as mai lor Oa
iambi sarrlas of tba array.
road and tarerJag purposes many Fool hammiest
may b• haoL
ram sold edaify.
Te.osah,ta Salted Stara estrrancy.
Bh order of the Quartennadar General.
rallshl it:dowel la charge rims DlihdolaQ.
Oss . b• bad al
UV .
P. GENGE steas.l.,
001913171111:140 AND AIILLYTIOII. COUXIIM.
Ma. era! Deddente, tf 1362 cr =lll. we Prot
RuN our nth
rive SiZell of illOalriola Flags.
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