... i... ~ : _,, _ r P. . - . Cz2t=i a i. - ... . . 4 -.• • : ~.. . ..._ , # # . > ~ .. .....z.....„._.,_ F ~ Zitt Btitattrg t PRINTERS ..WANTED. Two good newspaper compositors can obtain permanent sitna ,at the highest • rages, by making applic tton at this office, or addressing Foreman etto,Fittsbarghl IMMENSE MEEfitiG IN ALLEGHENY .i . ; ~ r_l", Speech of General Mmes IL Lane ..-: —T. The meeting whiehatteed in the Dmmond ,;',a 8 mare, Allegheny, last. evening, was a "rout. i g" one. The announcement that &mato; Jas. 1 . 1 11 Lane, of Kenn!, was to deliver an address, ' , - ; -dew oat, as was sifielpated, thousands of the , Li loyal vctere in tho community, who were Mix. 17: lons to bear what be had to say. i? Alter several popular sin had been played by I f"; the band, J. F. Jenrdego, Esq., called the meet , l e, beg to order, and annotmced the following offt. i..j. Fretident.-Gon.SM. Itobiroion.,3 - Vice Prost l.'i dents J ohn Wright, Wm. B. Posey, A. N. ;..,. Burch fi eld, John Itamemy . The Reporter s pees d out acted ' s Secretaries. 4 1:1 The. Chairmen then intreduced Major A. M. .i.,.1 Brown, who had kindly eoleenteS to occupy the pi attention of the audience until the arrival of i'', Gen. Lane. ' Ile then delivered a very spirited .; and creative outdrew', and kept the audience on a good - tumor until the orator of the craning ~.! made his appearance upon the platform, when ' 4 , , , ho gave way to him. 1; 1 . Branca OP oil. LAS& i 1 The General, on being introduced to the tin -:1. ', l , distal, was received with voolferotto applause, 4 and when silent* had been reamed he spoke as -.!,.-, follows : ' .- • . 4 FsLiew Civinittrei The clouds of wee have 4, Shed, 'ono the..potifeal horizon has become Li bright since Irellandigham, Vomiter% Pon _ i...„' : , sileteri, k Co., held their converam in Chicago. Since then Formats ham seised the fortress on ---, Nellie Sae, Ol in which his ships now that. id Sherman het femi' the stronghold of Atlonte, .f . .i r . sad last, cad most glorious, Sheridan has taken -- , :i Gen. Early and his Italy in the Valley of the Shencndosh. (Tremendous entente.) And this not the only or the best news upon which we ehould conommlate ourselves. The drift 10be .4 log socossefatte preroanUidthroughont the cone. try, and we have thecheering aomeancethatour stymies are to be reinforced by 100.000 brave atd I ealmen. (Loud applanse.) The gallant t,l, Fremont insdeclined. (Cheers.) For tale not ~, o political heretics he deserves the thanks of his ~ countrymen. And now we have an open field __ 4, and a fair polities' fight. In contending with ',, the Copperheads we are now sore of the direct : . . , 1 rapport of our loysgsGerman friends. With the loyal Mentenited the contest cannot be doubtful. . ii `A Ii - - .... 1- ' i vo I cer " V7rls 6 lt s ?o a ask m irm wi tei l s iA q t re: re n 1 o f W% y s . • A there ever before, in the history of thie country .• • • ii a time when dud was thanked for a defeotof the , . y , 'federal lards, and whin there was mourning .• . j q over Abair success? (Cries ofNo, Never l) Few,. .. ' , Vallandlgiam down to the smallest ooppepela 4 in - the land, there was mourning over the victory it ju , t achieved by Chu, Sheridan, beeline° he had ' ... F , telsed.lrom their platform one of it. moat lin . 1 10Van , .plaiskii. (APpliumes) 1:s. :,.;•.. Jett Duels has today la a - than:00,000 non cart .:„ .. V. of the Mississippi, and, (as Gen. Grant has aptly • • . t said,) he has idrendy'robbei the Crad , e - end the .-: . grave, and cannot get another man to reinforce :::;;;.i Me armies: How.-many Men have we in the ~ • . ~eid,.. With :the .protest draft; not lime than ..1 • 1 20,000. (Cheers.) , I believe it, h conceded ~.:,,,. . that we hainnow more Ole-bodied - men in the 4 ~ North; ever the age of terente-one yawl then , when the war commenced. With Sherman in pc,..d.on of Atlanta , with Grant. holding the ' .iti - 1 rebellion hitt'. throat at Itichinond, and with !:...', , - , i r y Eler*.dan ,driving the remnant .of 'Early's ..t,;; chattered forces up the Shenandoah Vat -::,1-„,.. Ley, - Vallethligham A Co. one for pease! 1 -...- / Th ey propane tinder - stroll eircametaness as •::;::':.,:'" these' to offer , the robots an armistice. An ar. : Welke to these rebate in arms iimpty.Meana the •' '' '' . l.... recognition tithe Southern Confederacy. It i remmete ray, "We tan't whip you," when we ~I . ,:" - knot! Wean: The ides of proposieg terms of ,:,_1......, remelts traitors in Sims is, an feuds to year ..-;,...1-t . manhood and to mine. Bo far as the candidates . ; f:-1 ' e f t , the Baltimore Convention are ooneerned,the ..,..-•:; i. -en Mtotic' I. never to propose or reeelve terms ... ' -f-,4;- -- ",, -of peace - font traitors la arms. The tole eendi '• 7 'V. Con is that they Must lay down their arms and . ...:: ,,' q Submit. '. (applause.) Abraham Lin001n ,,,,,•...,,•t , ji,,,,,,r __ l am comerna to any terms which -', • 'r? do not include the g a r sog up of the lead. '''''- aof this yet alibis trial and punishment. , 1 ....-,., 1. ..Zt,, pm e l. B LAi altins 4 o go re ve p ra lat . forst v,th d . e u e:re od o tithereit. agonycan .., ;..,: . be accepted, wbieh deer not itielnde the emend .patinu,-,ef every -aims In the B aited, States. ,-;4„ -- '„,:q• (Cheers.) There can be no permanent peace, :,.....:', except upon the basis of oatmeal freedom. I ' : ' --:.. which, le felt throughout thelend, with all the '.- •"ti bloodtbednetamlonage which we have witnessed, ';'•".1 . '''' , l) and with ioi thew - idling? Of .widows and orpharts •:' '''.....:', .-withall these, •I prerer this government to. 1, day to any other period of We history. Now we ~ ,t,i ,Vel thist,we aid men; before we felt as though . !'”.%' - '`; 4 9 ire mere - alarai M .slaveltolders.. When la the ;•': ' ~...'4 Sonia of Itepmwentatives a few veers ego, I felt ' ~ ,t as utoaits , roc.ata - not-tos , cheer of tobacco .....,., : , ;11„ without their" ief Smite Senthern hotsper cry . ' . ..y ~, r," an 0ut,.....L.., if you. take a chow in that way '; ' '''.%i again,rdilliselre the union." (Laughter.) ' ;,. : • . ',...M In 1140,withent excuse, the Seashore leaders ,'-:' I'd.iti begin this - rebellion. Yes; without' camas-. - e ) ., ' ',TVA and,,ecifar as lam concerned; Ido net intend to ... : ' ' 7 4,1 give it np until we whip them. The only way ?:;,, i''..4,',8, by *Molt we -can obtain a permanent and hon. ..P.-13 oresidit peace itte'conquer it.' ....: 4 , .-"j -When I intim:it to Kansas in 1855, I got '..1::..e.:::d..% • tato* pHional:diffpralty with a Southern hoc , "••••:- ' , .;'t R , 'pun, who. assarted than one Southerner could •:.•'• tto whip si-dozen Northern-men. This wan.the :• .r.i,i feeling generally among them: We took Uses :..; ' !"..,i:`,ll with them there, and, so fame Keats' war eon :1.1 - cern.ed, We took theta?* °Hof them. (laugh. .'...'.! . .:d*"..... - 4 ...F.,- W. linTe - Only gotta'greVe to them that 4 ,,,, i we tatilight Cc hard suedes long, and &confound. .:4-s.;:e ed,sight _longer th an titoy can, and then we eau ,(•:.,.41. ' live in place with' heme. Ism in favor of grant. 1 -i,• ~.......„11 . beg . nanenesty to the mitoses of the Souls-to ', .-- ,sk: - those who have been either doped by thole lead.- ' .i.. - . ,:::' . ere or fated Into the rebel ranks-but so far as ~.‘• . - 4 ,- a Davii,.Ervialeinridga A Co. are appalled, th . cy : . *Z-',4;;; ? ostui die s .,(Londlippledse . ) ' Li, 'Apposes fellosatitieens, that Os grant thin i ~..':, 3 . anazo soar;tietax.dit:434l7irpinshithtrfoosllibitiowa6oo?.:onTzehoygofiso:::: ....-:;.,, van into foreign millions., a n d t heir indopend :,..:ll;• ' *nee is virtually- recogniesd. , T hey will go to i'... -4: , ..- wbik Mance to build up a navy, and replardeb own declaration, to fight us for throe years beg. sr.. Not 'WV We: have got. Rebellion by -the . throat-We have gotita twin sister Slavery by the ihroatandlpropose to hold on till the breath beldfelthilaersal earease. (Applause.) Is there any man here who loves the !nett:re tina pi Able= Slivery ? I do not believe there la mach amon in the loyal city of Allegheny. If thirils'eueh ii - ens; he .has adisease which Is to harder cars thaitthesmall pox. ' (frsughter.) I hate slavelyPiermuss.slanny Is nothing but tram= 'and truseottnething but slavery. Er-. coy dollar expended, rend every deny of bleed 04 ht this unholy rebellion to ohargebbeta the Mused institution of African slavery. The tot imprestlon. :sonde upon my mind - agatielthiCysteen,of slavery was while trading in a boateitOrte of oar Weitantriehre. A young Wide Ant'. 'good roshluoile,"desired to obtain work, and %saint -the material fora building upon a PlantitiOn he eonoluded to apply there , for a job. f 'went with him to the planter, re. . -commended the yeeng man and he told his story. ' The-planter threw himself bask upon his soot, said Raid: " I feel for yon, and weed like to priplOy eon, bus I famed a meek of c arpenters .parrapyr. Think of %heti Bought carpenters Leaterileyl Bought coal -diggers yesterday I OW PIM any. preacher ask the blessing of feed neon - sea a ram:My ? Slavery Is a ein against 4kel. , lad when we appear before Hie throne, we will be held reopetuthie for that hell-born gile intion. (Animas.) I we. In tits Louis lately, and while there a rah/Idelan from Springlield came to me and said, Gene's', you carried off fourt m of my slaves so metime ago," I rood ,a gas ,yon area r i g ht!. TheDoeter said, " Am ong them was ' *little boy named Pete, fourteen year. of age." I replied,.: very pistog. ' for I took them leapt regard to eta" The Doctor then, with tears in his eyes, informed me .that Pete ests kis only met end he begged me to Odd him I n regaining the boy. I then agreed to aid In s eging him' bash, cse condition that he would, enter Into a bond, to educate and take care of .-Thatentel biz= Dements hen who, tits arnelf, toted for Richard M. Johnson, when it wn ~oharged by the Whip that Johnson was living wth &negro wife. -leaf& "Don't mind Ahem* tying stories, but trots for Johnson, wench tor no wench.". (Langton.) It is now well au, thantleated that Gan. mutter at Now Orison' reissued from slavery a child of Mohsrct M. . Johnson, which had brmeold iota Boer} by him selfi.. /!i c gi d o i llibl o , 01 . snob. _fools as these we =Atte Jul ess a 2s " V as sn *t "11:114a-8 this I" shall be blotted Oist, is '...iin 7 6 ., hi t u titutiv t i:_ e ll it Za i PPlusa.) ',unify 'ration' rod one nundred thous., and oinelonsfluniel4 efilwdedsmateen hot. • 4rea IMIIIIons of 41ollatt, and where ink. alter l ibrilgoss to wry thst -nil fhb aseillinsho to: .414yasoghtiand that la nun not aolatowlisage s a4lieindependsiocif the 001144dWen 'l, .Idays:oaths Inger and shall haute Per! •Nenunt Rens: = On plans querlina: IsadoietpineOitopsibisee o duty to pularta la T aa.awa :Abitifitell_ _WA e4botlOtt; Itleshautidnosin t qsffayszawa.next. -(Londepplane.) 4,.tidliow;•;filtowloltiseasi In am feMT you, Albra.. Lilac yin chin , ,al ilattatoht so ~,:ho- at.ane,iltste.nli LittePtbenifcroa vipstlaz-otstErli /t, &actin i sm I * ..-k , - - t7 1e... , :=... 'Alla ..!..:“.5 01,104r1', 0 s .....• .i., 0,14462,tiV.12,4g . 1 4 ,. . 4 F: 1 „, 1 --- , 'limy at hems chef Secenddßisday rd - ectebar. Ratter h %eel:id 'times inj away from the polls in Remember. Gine us Penusylvan% in October, and Jeff. Dart% Vombees, Valleadig -hani end Pendleton are doomed. (Lend IT please.) Heretofore,. in Pteddential elections, we have allowed men to tamper with our votes, and , to wear out our button holes In the attempt to in linsnoe us. Let me tell you to mend by your ..tiptoe and if any blackheart-ad Copperhead trios to ta mperl with your vote, you well novae .have a Letter chance to tear eat his black heart. .( Lupien:el With the rebellion almoat conquered, with 'foreign nations purchasing one bomb with new 'vigor, with our armies victorious to the BOA, we have nothing to fear from the military Mtn alert. And now, fellow citizens, there are the two political armies organised and in line of battle--the loyal one having upon its banner the entoe of Lincoln and Johnson, wi“ Freedom and Permanent Peace. The ditto •'• ore, with M'Cle'len and Pendleton—Slav •i• " Interminable War. Choose ye botw •-, Bear in mind that there are no degrees • '' • . ' -, son. The symn _Gazer who feed, the ... whether,, the copperhead, who rejoicer over the defeat of the Federal army, Ore m goilty of trea son before Gnd and the country as the rebel 'sol dier In the ertuler of Jeff. Davis. Remember that the acknowledgment of the Southern Coo • federary make* NAM . y iVard. IS herder State, and the barbarities of KV1123 Ri' . 3, repeated within your borders. Hoping, fellow•citlsons, that our bleeding country will soon be blessed, and wishing each lone of you prosperity and happinest, I bid you all farewell. 1 Gen. Lane mu followed by Wm. hi. Moffstt, I Erq., &feel. which Major Brown wen milled upon hito finish his epooch, which he did. The apace which we turrenJor thir. morning to the ox:cl ient address of Gon. Lane; most be our creole for not gking a synopsis of the remarks of the other speakers. - tazdtt. One day bat week, a man named John Honker, who bad Just served a term of three year. Ito the Eleventh regiment, reeanasted In the Four teenth Cavalry, and retools's , ' 1000 bounty. The man after enlisting was not permitted to visit his family, so on Saturday last, in the presence of medial wilneeses, he gave 00 0 of the money rod a ' , flyer watch to an acquaintanot named James Buckley, a coal diggor, and formerly a resident of tide city, to take to hie wife, paying him besides 010.00 for hie er.uble. Buckley took the m:ney, and slue thin he has not been hoard of. A. noon se the wife heard of the enlistment of bar htuband she laid the MOO before the Mayer, but up to the preeent no tree...B of Beck ley% whereabouts have been discovered. It le stated tl.at he left on Monday for New York, for the purpose of taking the steamer for Liver pool, and with the hope of preventing hie design, the Mayor telegraphed to New York asking the authorities there to be on the look out for him. No reply ha. yet been received, and though he may be nee,bt, the chamee for Me detection are slick indeed. The wort' feattro of the trans action ts the fact that the poor wife has a large family, who are now in a state of complete dee- Motion, and this Bushey knew when be ab sconded with the money. "Fee ensarral. Conn.!, a history of the Great Me. Lite United Stahl of Atnerlee. IW-4. Dr . EU race Goode;. Vol. I. Ilmtford .O. D. Oese Oa. This is the fret volume of a groat work.. It contains 648 octavo parte, Mingo the war narra tive down to tie close of 1661, (elosing with Gen. lieCiellen's formal prohibition, to a regular Order of the Day, of the Untoliinson family sing ing In the camps to the Union soldiers,) and it comrades* with an excellent analytical index. Mr. Greeley aketehes American history from 1776 to 18.13, more especially with the national toleration of Slavery. He traces Seeession to that "peculiar inetitution," and his narrative, while fall and decided, to calm and forbearing. The illustrations of this book at. of a imparter order. There ore twenty wood engravings, rep• resenting memorable places. conflicts, mops, and plena of battle; and there are, Seely cot on steel, portraits of the Prellident and hie Cabinet, of eminent cmptsments of the Stare Power, of Con federate übieftalns, of Union Generale, and of Union fisval Officers—seventy portrait - in all. The book le dedicated to Mr. John Bright, and is printed with clear type oe•good paper. Al relay, we Understand, fate thousand cop'...m have been noloweilbed for, the mere weight of which exceeds one hundred tone. It ii mid only to enbecribers r by agents. The FAH/bets state that the great demand for this work Is such that they hare hitherto found It utterlyiropessible to furnish the hooks Proreiy, or without serious dirappolitment to . many of their agents and subleribors. The sub. scription Met already normbore about 50,t while telethon ontwfourth port of the Free States he, been Chh*:llAGG4. This sucwid, wa betters, is 'Without a parallel In the history of book making—tertalnly, if we consider the site of the work, and the fact that t he country had t ton eel:mused for 'levers' other popular histories of the Rebellion reylous to any public announce ment of this. Tan blaeureoovaa o•Banana..—The Com rolvetonerrof Internal 11111.1111111 hse decided that ill mannfeoturers of vinegar from an alcolxollo base obtained from distilling, though the product be to bele, proof, Is to all intents and purposes a distlibir,end4robject to ell the provisions of the Internal revenue set relative to that class of per• ;dos. The rise of vinegar tondo by this prooor , sand directly within the lath provisions of the 55th eection of that sot. and the Solicitor 51 the Treasury has decided that the produot of all'eaoh distillations. below proof should be assessed on tie vine gallon. • • .Accrnswr or vas /LISSOM 'S Varese P. m araD.—CD Wodnezday afternoon the locomotive s! s hed.to the Mall train au this road, dm la title e,tyat saven:(7) *lock, D. M., was tbrawe off the track about ai mitre west of Nit.anuing and rolled down' a steep embankment,injuxing it considerably. 'Fortunately the etutpllngs gave wry; end the balance of the train pus not tr. moved from the track. Anotber oughts was pro curedf- ,and the train arrived about sin lours after ttltim due.' No person was Injured. TiE 23n litstwor.—This district has con do-4d the draft; and arrangements are new be fog mede for the-reception of the parties me serfoted. Reserve Uornship L the first on the list, and will report on the 24th inst. Enlist. mean am still progressing, fifteen reernits hav ing teen received yesterday. Allegheny towns alp, Armstrong county, has enameled in filling quotsi and is now released from the draft. Hommsts Anamirm—Oe Tneado mamtng uther.Ehmnfeldt, a young man ditto= s tn. teen yawl of are, son of the Ear. A. D. Davos (eta, of tba Lutheran Church of Johnstown, Nipped under the fly. wheal In the rain mill, end was seemly blared. His left leen , much tart, end the right one limbed end mangled in horrible meaner. Dr. Loam= amputated his tight log. His rip:overlie considered doubtfaL BITOSIA3 Pnanowileow.—Very early on Wed• nesday morning but *singular Phanomenon was witneued at Johnstown. One of the papers publiebed at that place says: "A bow, to all ap pearance &rainbow, arched over the town in all to splendor. That wbteb makes it remarkable Is that the ma was mot then shialog, and the bow •eztended in • direction Item due cart to west. . Larnmems 'l‘ 16CL—Partits esommeneed yes terday to fiy the trek cf the passenger rallem3 on Penn street, so that now---woather iffranitttn —the puhtle mil coon impact the oars to be run ning down to the elation, comer of Penn and Bt. Clair streets. 'Mu we will not be too stingnine, "'Phis best laid Schemes of mice end men, gang &ft nice." Breach of Trust. Book Notices. Dania° Itounitti to liaattisatrao.-00 Tues day night the dry goods store of Dental Epihry, In tontabarg, *els emoted by thieves, sod good, to the menet a three thousand dollars vein'. LbWore' suiceeded in making of with their plunder withoni being dlsoovod. Tin OTIOD oT AL13.01110T.-11a• belly of the 0.8 -Presbyterian Ohnroh met in Meadville yes terday, in Ds.ey be chant. The Synod is composed of ,1 cr members, sters and lay. men, and will in session swag days. ADYSNOI 1111 hnown—lt G upend that there will tookbe an adrenal made on the prey eat into 4)1 kelps charges! by our Itatlroad vow pante', bat wei are not advised how snizeh the advance will bq Pm Towirsorrp- meths of the strolled zens of Pitt township will be held this even ing at the Oakland School louse: The Ansi re• port er the reizaltbag oomaittee will be reed, and other bedtime , of lsoportaime transsetel. A large sttessiinee is dasinsble. BTIIIOII.III of ail 41. sad boat ••lit7l • srs.k Cato% 'book, otttloaeri llews dopot Ttalftlittreati. • . . . rox - exa 'Clirrenter:-13ampidgek. etwelopee of aX kinds, at , ]'rank Vigil news depot, Chrontole tnildlap., Volans Ltall criraers bare been artiste& laid Bald lately for not hav I , , ir *sir azilattloa oa their rablolos. The polka avainitivito4 to darn the lair against all ottatateta . 11a thla reoparlo : I N: ll 96.— . Vir? amuse* wan 11414 to.day,t7 3 0 3rAwry, for'issitas *dr atO ilstaadizg . ? on fee a tara , n)g4l. . • •. • - 96 to demi stle; AllsgasiNr, If the ntespiti plug in titi tic anise io bur . gpini boom 00011 sidpitin.t , /6650.4) 11 4 4 0, - .A . at. Franir Aleas's book lints 'il)crroznt-M ll ..She Mosulnes okkiti• JniateM . ,o 2lll / ttilM• 4. 4 C.44%411'45 The Italian Opera. -last Bight die Italian Opera Troupe made their loss appearance to Mozart's celebrated op. as of "Don Gianni." The sadl . eitem, &Wank rot sei fall as on thiaire weendlncaletta, wit quite large. Mr. De Vino, the present Mana ger of tha , troupe, has succeeded in getting together aperfactly al:talent oorps of artistes, al of whom have established themselves as favorites with the opera-going albite of Plitt. burgh. It is the intention of Mr. De VOl to return to Pittsburgh shortly with an statrey new repertoire of opus!, torahsr with •ppro. priate cortnmes and - properties. With these new applisnoes Mr. De VII, promises superior terformanses to anything yet offend in this city. Death of a Printers , Union The New York Commercia/ Advertiser ;nye : The; Printer's Unfelt of this. city Is praertleally dr fatet. At n meeting held on Monday night, the majority of the members we released from their obligations to the Union, ad it was under /teed that they will hereafter be allowed to mete the beat bargain they can with their employers. A few of the members, who are not dependent on type setting for a livelihood, still adhere to the Union. :The iet etlifg members smile that the cootrol 'a the Union was in tee hands of the men of 100 or three Offit4ll, and that It was their mopidity and want o; foresight that led to this di‘maptiOn. MPBCIAid ISOCAS UOTICICZ. Thous PlAir, End Dr....z=rztr..l Eflcta Scot.!, sod dopaler In Ponnsylviais end Vol, ott 8.14ta of i.b.o beat yo►ltty ►t lo■ rats. t+l • t Mos. Longtaies, item tila Work, Pitt.t.bargb, crw EICOIDE lost received at the Me-Chent Thiloring establishment of Graham & McCand less, 73 Smithfield street. We 'could most re spectfully invite the attention of our friends and the public in general to our ' , V • stock of fall and winter goods. They cor i I f all the very latest styles of English, Fr.., wed Amerlcsu clothe, cassimeres end •estina , all of the finest quality, and to selected with the greatest of care. Jentlernea desiring fasotouable and well made rlothieg enin!..l do well t, give or a call before Fourche:lug elsewhere. :Every g.tmont is ',al , rusted to give fall Wiefacci. in Enn Fri, and SICOANDL.RI, Merchant :tailors, No. 73 Smithfield r trait. , Aar. htow the lurking nature of bilious sues. The warnings of a sallow complexion, high colored urine, deveision of spirits, and oovar:oual pain in the ride, should rot pus an heeded. These ailments are but notion to the sufferer, thot-thero is a morbid agency at work underminlng the secret spring; of I is, sooner or later to break on' upon discus. Osicood's India Cholagogus In the great preen: ion Nod rrit,•rer far l och qtr.,•.i lon. Sold by all druggists and rnodioine asolors. Oisoraa I.irica —The all,. lion of ear real• ors is dire.ted to the brilliant error:matt o f Spring and Summer floods net reegired by our friend Mr. John Weier. N 0.17.0 Federal street, Allegheny. Hi! stook nomnrises a great variety of Panay PI etch, English, Scotch end American eastirneres and Cloths, and Sae Silk and Cas ement Vet nre,—all of witloh will be made up to order in trio Intent styles and in the best insocer. A choice selettion of Furnishing Goods also on band and for tale, together with a full stook of the-dy Made Ciotti-40ml! and fashions ably made. t7rweave end carriage cella will be Je eyes ^ . ..a-11044 awe, No. 410 FODZI eta ~ day ot Ali orders loft et the taboo, place .111 0 promptly attended to. All male mite a In advent». brarnssom—A. word la :mason, an. Inenrl vur umbrellas by pureltesing Poote's Patent ITinbroll: Lock Stand. Sold at the Wheeler Won Agency, No. 2 riftla at met. "814:4 w. ferment's BiedermA—Mr. W. A: 6ilden teary, 4!..7:111 street, 2u received Peterson's Lediet . National Magazine, or Oawb•r. The ladies Lin lad La Lau number the latest fell style* Comboal'a elbow of ill kiado at 98 &alters' street.. Des', fall to call at OS Federal street, RUN OUT YOUR FLA?, IMIUMfII3IIO CORO AILS FILEPLZED TO }YOWLS CA PAPAICN FLAGS BEST E.VGLISEI sturri.rai, From 1 Inches to 00 Feet, SEWED MUSLIN FLAGS, From 7 Peet to SO Peet. PRINTED WITS NANEB From 8 Inches to 20 Feet. SILK FLAGS, ALL SIZES, CAMPAIGN MEDALS AND PINS WITH PORTRAITS OP OANDIDATIIS By !Ingle, Dozen, hundred and Thonioad OTHER CAMEAIGN ARTICLES EELS HADOLS, iI9VV.OPE9 RlO5O B OOKS, WATIM CROIX& BEID FOR CIICULLII AID Paleg UST, DVOT 7011 CLAMPAIGN GOODS. JOHN W. PITTOOH. sal7 MONTI TM MR °MOB n ARTES Id A EIMER GENERAL 0117101,, /OM DIVIZIOII, • WasarrEares, 0., Waster t, UM, Vac s !» rola at Mlle &option, to tbohighott c o d a , nt the itod ptscem named below, vim Yo.-it P.. Tmaroloy. Sept. .6, liCi Altoona, Pa, Viands,. Popt. 22, : Latium, Ps , Monday, &pt. WI, Mt; TWO =SDI=PLUM. HI 110113211 NT MAIM The. Wool hare bean onsulemaell as nail for Ma r.lf y aerrloe of the arms. tor road and Liming wpm§ men] good bonothd • ay be bad Bore. sold elogl. T.as• cash. In Vatted Stater earrenol. Hi =tar or the Q.nortlllrmlloWr ra- ud ii. tats mead :Colmukl In charge Tint Whelan Q. Id b. O • IL STOOKS FOR SLLS. 1 awe IS crcbsat's 011 Go., orldadal , stook, /00 do do d' in oarporotod; RC do Hemlock do; do; ted du Odom Rao Rd, r. BOli. ao; • • 100 do Iledenal do. 100 do Valmel , • d 2-c. do El Dmsdo o; 000 do Itoßillard Pateelouss 011 o,r, GO) do !Walden, 'farm 01100.. Lozo , poorodOd. 211010 DAL KENT, Pete o d Broker la 011 Stoats sr,/ Boa Estate, ores bb ol o attest. 110 - 0601 LuhrleatiodOfts away' on had. se2o W BODEVILLICEB, M. D., Offtro, 856 15roaderr7, Nerve' York. W. H. 40DEHILUIF.B, Z. D.. Office 1409Chird titzreet. Pine.. Pm Devote their melndee *Mention to the Bledhal end Mug Mal treatment of Obronte Dletelmo, 40.1. 1 4 thews of the Ureter Bowel.. eh II Ms, Mtn* Iflm Om, Ottetlfetten, Talllge of ehe Bowel, Olettetton Tonto pool, Dtiaxis of the the M m adan'. aa• ()11450 BToOlill Odd &ores Mora rem Otodeld on do Cohn& •16 do Patna MO , do Denim= do; lad do on Pod* dol Irld do return drn. rib do ' Enloinetookoz do; 012 B. IdoLAIII I a 11X)., Stoele Breton --__ OYSTIMII OOSTEBS I - lIRIOUSLIA AND =AIL! • OoOltongy moist z. granow4. Ho. nil. IL am eadthl: pec° l6 0 !"1, r . 446 • • • : • • (KPH_YEAS MRIN: vv • It 1 T opeAviosTioN, aw,w E. lIIDDLIETOVEGituenetstei Otear.: eafettia , ue Itextb after. ilttiballati APPLES An , PEARa - /k1 Italts ADP _ T fi• 11 : uw * ' q , ~ .3.,:, :.'.,.:,...: 1 ...z.4. -- .,5.43:t ',.' 1 . . sz ~ 1 J EST NEWS THE LA Bt - amm. Our Spec al Dispatches. - FROM WASHINGTON, SMIRIDAN'S' GREAT VICTORY, BALLY LY,TBRATING TOWARDS LYNCHBURG. Sheridan's Headquarters One Mile Beyond Strasburg. OUR MORES OVER 4.000. One-bird lot Earl's Forces Captured DEMORALIZATiON OF EARLY'S TROOPS COMPLETE. TEE REBELS AT FISHER MOUNTAIN The Enemy Pressed on Both Sides GOING ON AT FISHRR PIOUNTAI9 Our Cavalry to Operate on the Fart DU FEDERAL TRO(?S 1 , 1t1V1.N6 THE ENEMY STOBEWILL MOUS BRICAC The Whole Irtgade Captured or Killed OEN. EPELV.N.I.o Dm - 8 L EZT ELR. Erdal Disinfeb to the Pi.tnarge Ossetia. War -,sterox Cmr, Sept. 22, 1804. • Waentaoton, Sept. 22.—The G•tieu . . medal cotrmpondent in the valley, sends the followlng to this burea4 , Srpt.22, S p forma ve in fell retrect toward Lprubburg. Sheri. daa's headquaftem, lett conning, were one mile brycnd Staaabarg. Many rebel stragglers have been end are !Mill being captured, which will elven the total v49her of :our captures to over 400, a/chutes or wounded, which numbers about 9,200. It is a fair estimate that Early loot at leer cue third of hit entire force in the battle of More d.y. We captured &bent 160 commissional our errs, from Col , lnels down to 21 Lientananta. The d.moralisatio of Early'. forme Ti complete, tied he Is making Richmendward so fast as his legs can carry bite. It is poesiblothakSheridan, by his close Trimlt tatty succeed in bringing him to a stag 1 and firm him to deliver battle, b" Judging fiom present Indications gaol will not be the rate. The only plint this side of Stanton where the rebels can mai, a stand with no; hope of sete. Oaf , Is et Yilther's Mermten, two and a half miles beyond IStraeborgt The position there Ii moonily a very strong one, and admirably riot tad for defends. It oennot be 11 treked,oreert by a column mlehing through the Luray valley, a l. work of Sotiny, The disadvantage of smolt a movement would De in the weakening of our centre arid the liability of the flanking party to deatet and root, unless it wee very strong, and Sheridan cannot spare any considerable force for any tech expeditions If Early cOntinnes his retreat the damn/Was none hi. army will e.t.a' to Mumma, for he will be vigofeetly p don both theta and rear by our evrafry, r who are comparatively fresh and In excellent spirit.. The rebels lost nine general( eflittere in the matt fight, three of their hot prime killed, Rhodes, Lewes and itederin. All of them were zoned for their duthea. The spirit de corp. of their commands fully attesteid their ability as commandant. The zumiXtr of rebel killed shindy boded by Our tro o ps ll ever 600. They are not all buried yet. Our Icei in killed and wounded will not f all short of 4,000. The rebel grape and canister told terribly on On/ tanks en thempaamdcharges they Wade-1 Rl•d.e4l Ifn.,-nliet It Imp inattltlar ate being rapidly foorarded to the front. Thirty wagon loses were [tent to Winchester yesterday. More will go to day. The Sanitary Commission, as one', issin the ground, alleviating and min i wring to pie sctiterings of the wounded. They hive Fent 4 Mtge corps of nurses and attendants to take ea of the wounded. Cuban, - wen id il ad will be opt at Winchester for the muscat, the less 111 otudy wounded will be sent to Balti more as 11011 es pontible. A large tiumber of surgeon" went to the front this morning, and more will go during the day The rebels left their wounded without any surgeons. They are strewn all over Winehester ling in every oonoeirable plane. Their con dition Is pitiable in the extreme. Though they do not deserve it they will receive the game at tention nee our own men. They member about 3,200. The church*. and the residences ofles ceseionletp In Winchester have been converted Into hospitals, and our wounded are being rap idly mad•oomfortable. Gen. Upon, who was wounded In the fleshy tart of his leg, hes arrived here on his we; to Iffuldngien. LereeJ,-11 'e /mar, Va., Copt. 22,—The rebels hXve halted In their retreat at the im pregrahlit coition of Fisher's Mountain. Heavy osanonading and come Infantry fighting took plate there yesterday afternoon. oontinuing till bark. Our cavalry have goals Into the Luray valley to *Feral* in the rebels rear. Wooditock le the point aimed at, that is now the rebel depot of supplies. I leave for the trout immediately—a ride of fifty miles. Nothing later than this dispatch from our own corm-. .opondenl bee been received in Washington. In -a privet* message he complains of the scarcity of ambetiances at Winchcitar. I mosso rues raorosrnos. A rumor is In circulation here so Mroumetatt- Mal as Ito merit ropitition, at least, if net fell °rodent*, of which the following Is the sub stances It is sal I that Jeff,Daviehas forwarded to exeSaoretary Jacob Thompson, of Mistissippl, now roliding at NiagaralPalls, authority to sub mit a lropositlon to our Government, to disband =Alai and return to allegiance, and universal •1111111107 be granted, and slaves, still held 2J inch, tb remain in slavery; but slaves actually freed by the operatione,:of the war to remain Lite. The same letter by Devitt on thin 'abject, the rumor goes on to date, was given to a lead leg lirmoerat In New York, to be presented to Mr. Liincoln. Nothing has yet been heard of It here, nd nobody knows whether or net if there le the' slightest foundation for the rumor. Tel lITOW/11FALL IitFOLDI. . . . Thd famous Stonewall Brigade, resulted In the Bllenandoati Valley, originally Ilye thoutan4 Mot and retnfcrrout at time r by three eon ,I troops from the Vanity, has WS 11- Mud to about one thousand man. It was to tally annlidlatit4 In Bhaidan i e fight, nay cols beteg captero4 and the whole brigade either kllle4 or entered. nofretunas is TIl trantirreoan. Is a report Wright In by a Surgeon jod arch v 4 from Winobenrar, that oar forms ban ars the isbaktramilohat'o =l.' The mod lao coaannation. Ten Mama men could hold at Vats splint trobtO their somber, isd oto ell known that Nagy: toe halted Wire; OM rill la compouo4. to 'Amino% lion. 'tSIII tilt w 1111 1 .• ooze dm Wore oar faros, Rill ago to gettato tktvropii icoftiaifiif thc :foot ' I rortgtfths mei/moat , o$ our _ p frOs , la axis mar sOodttaotiatton... *. tainting atone 'debits mny bn l iossao4 Iota! in r evening sticini tho fotaoa-totairra butop to Um. stag*. tinliatabA/4stin. PrOsjis• The pronging remark bower ft, Ilistl.loro la a ' t amount of peson:Arooolul of Wt.::: eu. /111X05 7.111 Lines. The letter from Om. Fremont, telegraphed by the Asstialated Wen, was a reply to one from Major Gin. L./St:sane, and other lending rail.' Ws of Bosttin, who, themselves intending to stipportila Baltimore tiokit, alkaltrentont to speak at Pancail Hall on the political aspect, ps affected by, the action of the Chicago Convention. The following Ls his letter to the Committee of theCievelarid Convention, formally withdrawing from the candidacy : Basses, Hopi. 17, 6 p. m.—Gmaresura :—T an. close you my letter of repirto an invitation from some of my .lepublican friends, to meet them at Fsnenil Hall, in declining their Invitation. I hive informed there of my intention to stand aside from the Presidential canvass, Bud assign- • cd my reasons for doing so. To avoid repeti tion, I enclose you this letter, in commanioating to you more ofsciaily desire to withdraw my name from the list of the Presidential candidates. In this derision, I have the approval of ettoh of our friends a: I have been able to consult, urged by the nem approach of the eleitiai, I have !: hong prudent to incur the longer delay of committing °there, bat I have reason to believe that they will unite with me fully on the propri ety of the step/ I here taken. But to with drawing from the portion of candidate,' do tot in may way withdraw from my chore in the labor arbialo we jointly undertook to semrs the tri- uruph of the ides repreacntei by the rad ical Democracy. Whatever the next Ad micatration may he we owe It to ow soiree to form e phalanx compact end cape hie by its thorough unity oftexereleing n Foa ms,e strong enough to amire the arc-atrial sue czts of the principle.' for which we hare been contending. The re-establishment of the pd G 101 J, the abolishment o. slavery, and praloal respect for liberty in the present composition of parties. It is Intimpensi hie that saltiest men should devote themselves to watching the progress and insuring therans se i these inner, regardless of men or parties. kir. Lincoln rays be ‘l,sa not lend bat he follows the will of the reoplei. - It remains then for the people, in the; OP Out of his re-oteetion, vigi !witty Lt, req•:ire this following at Y.. hands, and further 51 require that in the execution „,f his duties be keeps earcipnicomy within the C-nstitaiton et... 1: the Isere. To make bins rec.cgMas that he boils Ma picas and hie power not as belongitig to himself to be need at his pleasure, bat as a really faithful se-vant of the people. This is the important duty wbish we have now to perform, although as representatives of the Cleveland movement, we surrender cur futatlans. The duty of watch ing party policies in the Interest of Liberty and the Cwistitutlha remains. Whatetep areneoca sriy In the: perfs.rmaLea of that duty must be ,te 'object for future emaraltatlon. I am, gen tlemen, rupeotiully end truly yours, J. C. FiRMINT. To Moan, Worthington, G. Luthen and others • committee, ka. Assurances have been given by the very high. est military authorities that daring the Lieut. . continuahcwin command the Baltimore A Ohio - Bond will not :be:permitted to be eat cgain. It is anderstoa,to be deSalosiv roeclval ClNti In 'buten the Shenandoah Valley by means of face $f near Strasburg, with strong gar risons. Thin will effectually stop the incursions epee, Northern vaiL TAIII STANTON'S BRILL LATER FROM GEN. SHERIDAN Bebe/ Cavalry Driven Back STILL PURSUING THE REBELS The Enemy make a Stand at Strasburg THE FIRST CRIPIT CARRIED BY 01111 TROOPS r- MusEH'S GUILLILLL GILS PAIBS. Wu Del/Lite WAllitellTOT, Sept. 22..- 9 Se p. m.—!o Major GrArro/ d wo to 9 o'clock last night have been :wastrel . Inca Gen. Sheridan. A porttin of rebel osvalry having turned al to Front Royal won punned, attacked and driven by our al. 'scot cavalry: width ware stal punning • a.my. The robs• infantry toad• a stand at Flint Hill, a strongly entrenched position be yond *Strasburg. which was attacked by oar forces lest evening, Ind the crest carried and told by oar troops. There ie rearon to balleverthat later dispatch es were asptared last night by Morsby. near Wischestar. Oen. Stevenson reports that (Sherldsei rap ply trains arrived safe y et Winchester last night. 1 Signed) R. DS. firacroa. II TUE All OF TUE POTOIAC, Reception of Sheridan's Victory MOUND EMI 1181181 OF Iflg TROD A Salute of 100 Ohotted auto to be THE.REBEIS FEEDINGATTLE. OFF THE CAPTURED C Ifunevaman dors Pousiao, Sept. 22.—The :ewe of the viatory in the valley of the Shenandbah, wu read to the troops along the tines this evening, and was received with un bounded enthusiasm, and repeated cheering. • salute of one hundred gang will be fired to morrow at davliglit in honor of the event. Deurters say that the rebels ware receiving ration. of fresh beef from the drone captured from u last week, by Ilemptou:s cavalry, by which accomplished feat they took 250 prisoners, end 2 600 had of cattle, besides trains, horses, gone, .Ic. Som. of the rebel pickets offered to trade fresh bee , for coffee and other articles. On Septsmber 2111, 0 o'olock, s. in., the gone along oar entire l'ne opened firs, and kept up • the roer for half an boor, since that time occasional 'hots have only been heard at various (Signed) p o ints. lii'Glaerma. Cochran , . Withdrawal from the Cleve, I=t3lll=3 New Toot, Sept. 22. General John Outliner% oubliette. an addreee to the Wax democrat. of the Uulted States, withdrawing hie name from the eleveland ticket. In the nurse of his addren ho ease: While therefore General McClain re solves upon an impossible Union au it was through war, the Chicago Convention resolves anon an impossible Colon as it 'tumid be, through Nato. The Baltimore platform, he says, however objectionable, does not fail to re for to the establishment of Constitutional liberty, and the restoration of the Union, to the arbitra tion of arms, to which, and In which alone, the tuitional safety is to be.found. Be wouldprefer to have the people brought to a vote on the Cleveland platform, but before the principles embraced in that platform to ewe country, and he cannot stand in a position, sant, by divid ing, hoards the moan of those who agree Gist union cannot be restored without the unintur tupted continuation of no war. prom Washington. NET YOU, Sept. 22 —Tbs Ciwouroiar.Wuh ington special says that the First Dlttalot of Colombia Cavalry, who lost thetreadlo the other day, were vital 11141060 W at being taken MHO Washington, being unpaid, attd had de• dared they would not fight, It le believed here that - Early • will make stand at lilisaiburg. The disadvantages are peal AI b• ebb to cattail* %dr . poilebn. • 'Treasury Notes ...Vikudulaany,Obtaltsd Nil, You, %pt. 22.—Tvetaty-first. 3o trees, erg notes; au ism; $10:119 to 93, of 1;094;d01. WS *sob, 0144394 30 - 41 7 trot* beak lusra.4azattateeenaSial L ana - balers etoorsalaCUis Wong doplitaleut. A za.outintlul4tesp#ll:44s.ll, l44 sdnit moirinctitinu , , AL-. • - ._ .. 11 11 LIU sif the Late 'RAW& , -• 5- 1 1 - s li p,. c. ..•=l:4eki It . Up , Wanpasi 22. n i t ti , a m; stout laqter. , Own ill . - Derousi- brOights" / 4 .. 114 .sun ' '14 :66 . ., :2111 1ia1tia 4iti0 11i.F. 121;. #5 6 -1 ".42 ,.. 3t AIT 9 '411111"1311114' A!;' 1,1 .T ;141 1.2 A +T,.. Ibe col' • r arket, NA. Yos.,B* to .118 K; st 4 3 .== 21L..t1..RICIOT'ES. Wow York illarkert TIM Tau, f.Dt. 22:—Chtton 4mut. cad sowttleat WA loos, hoar-4318 .1 1 1 and Wtataro. opened h *Ty, and clued do at Walk low.. itt Wal.ec for Bloorane BLoto 12:16.9.85 tor Extra no. ; 4.9)19 for auto. o, and $505.9 70 for Supertne Western. Wbbit7 bw.7 :fl NI t. , 0 litoe, and 10.11 f or Whet Valat Lod closed b.', nod totootted. and 2a Bo lower ; 52 2t turd o 1 Mich ; 12.38 toe obote• lunbor Funtooky, and $2.5002 To to White Wichtgaa. Cunt $1 GOKal,6l for lolled Western. lotto aotl.o cominat Ono a 'bade II•toor at 57X,E7 Wtttgon. Con., aa.d nuakinstly Ingot sou dolt, and postale. ko.,Y 45.40 lot 0 ode 744.75 for Bo lin*, to 000 d, bed a 5 tor 1101_61 Oro. Wool qntot. Bop. dot.. Po , k , me Nit. wad lovvar ; 141.4',5 0 f.r mega ; it MO for oar" , Oat; 5.14•40 for prima, ar.l ;SO for Primo. Beef nornioal. Cat [oasis firm arid I. m .I•ratt doming at 17618% fur I houldeto, aud for Lama. Lard dull .d lower at :3c21, tho hictrx Frilly an re teem* price. Battar heavy and to ilm”rai dgalkod at 1,0101 for Obla, and gragt, , 4 fir 0,.:e Oita. 40:1 an at I'2:L for C:mmon y:ime. New York 3tnne.t and Stork Plarket. IgiOner eagy and atearly at 7 prr cent. B tertiug, 1.41,4 109% for gold og,d to•ry and lay.:r arentag at 721., dr•eltaing to 2'2l!a, advancing co i, tirollolog 1.4 , , 6.4 alo-Jug at Yr6;‘,:.. tit.