'• • • - ' Ite tigidurgir Maieftt, unrimv,supT.saltum wok Rommuunig. ',oz. miming 2SNCOEIff, of nftwllbb .ros wee issarom: , JOHNSON, of Muutimpoi N COUNTY TICK ntrtsior Ir JANES ~ MOOBUZ&D, P tibresti, 0011CirOh-2U Dial= 3 EOM ICTLLTANS; Allegleay. . - ILSATI TUDIHAII J. Diatrayt, Timer SA OW& 708$-Aaluoinza I P. CLASH, City. - - IL - A. OOLVILIMI,City. ALPHED BLACK, Allestany. LIANAD. nsuaos, ticesadlaa MURIEL CHADWICK Cbtlim.• SHOHQS nyetti. - . 3.IWHIBALD TILLOW, Lidi•trib PIiOTHONOTAST 7.4078 U, WALTER, O. 00110 fill 3 CY.IWZON,Ofty. " -"POOR Dilllooolll 8. /1* DolV l3 . Bev Ale/. --- , The Gunboat General. . Ifebave already published ew much from Dr. 1 1 .1.narest , Peninsula Campaign in Virgi ale" as stunted eoneign Gan. B. litCmatzx not only to itei* oblivion with the American ;neap'', but subject him also to eternal eau =Wu. As Dr. liaaFo is a regular minister in good standing in the Old School Presby terian Church, and is well known in this commounity as a gentlemen of unblemished Character, we think it right that onr read isre,and.the ostuatry,should have the (abate& • of Us ieelimosy, an he was an eye witness of Inept of - the'insenes and incidenta which he relates. In the work alluded to above, speak .... .. Of 11:Caetztu's retreat, he Bays, page 255: 0 /14 rest body of men, well trained, tally equipped, and equalling to courage any army Which-the world has aver eye; eager for ilia fight, asking but for generals 'to lead them, an to victory, was, after having almost knocked M ttni,dcar of the rebel stronghold, retreating la baste=-at the .command pf one man—who, bowever distinguished for ability in one do. pertinent of -military science, in every hour of dupe reset a child ; and in every great emergency ... : ivasamesiect ,eith =same incapacity. After 'the enemy wan repulsed at the battle of °Sao. agelettailon i t', General Barn Dent to General M'Cursen for, as he expressed himself, °cadent to:push the enemy into the Chicahom -9ay4.; General Neu man's reply was, that othe' - rearieetard would follow the retreat of the Mein body of the, army." Oa the romp. lion of this command the greatest consterns /len and displeasnie reigned among both efiloers and men. Many openly rebelled— they wished to sacrifice themselves in any -. leay rather than . y a disgraceful retreat." 04 , Page 267, Dr._ niansis elves additional ' - proof,letleast of a aircamatantial kind, of Moßieteizeseibitnsce on the gtatibeet -maths Atitailioa ettfuttneille orAlariritThUt. we %%OA- - 1. i .: " -'- • - - tixtraliejlnat,be - taappropriate-to• say hue ildit fro Broil parteif the Naafi for the emoceesE fa retreat of our army is due to -Gea: dune. out„ .9.• a * The &Smitten of this troops stibe battle of Malvern Rill was known to nave b;ea made by kith. and in the dunes qt _ ..Gen llcetatasi, (Foes ! Boxers, during the moa.qt.tActi Memorable day, entudandel Inc ar -21:17z7 • ' Speaking, of the diesracefal retreat after the battle of -Wean Hill, he asys, on pegs 291: "In oience end gloom our vieterhma army eamesentad refiring from an enemy utterly, bre/tiro; scattered and pante stricken. "And :when there-was ;not a foe within rellei.is :nu,. weWft our wounded' behind en - Beridii' .4l34 • l 44-' crto• 1 0 , ..s ;tug K1e711. 1 engerneigof turret:tat tratattwpfignppolitf admix friAtaabi.grin* keit Brositat gig, liset'etkizituriphent, eritmY.Z.,-,.... :-,_. Bone two yearn ago_ _ , Ut aartiemTeibia with liOan:or the Bohner), whoougitifidder Ma- CitiiLle i they said , "well fhe did.notsuo _ oukan amillitery commander, he was good to hirmen."- Would s general who °was good to b'e mn" leave his °wounded behind to pariah when there was dot a foe within,. . mites 17 So far from being good to his men, he ii - n beertleee Wretch - vello would ' searifies . , the lastmea to gratify a vain ambition, and ,11 tip aid and comfort to hi 'gnome= chums mourn rebellion. Bat th e same eoldiers who declared two years ago that he wan good to biz men, hare long 6190 luen convinced of %be bellowness of 'lda hearth and on the day of -OM elecilair Will 'conslo him to eternal political infamy . by their tree. We testify Nits! we have heardrand seen. if Oh?, an page,2oetliewoniby chaplain de. ..- 'alerts Natively thetiPC9rear was on the cgolliboat on the day of thepettle or Malvern - id t ',Lie pAdneis Ali tesdififiy of bi.. 1.011.9 - Sterne„ who wan on thelealite boat; the eame `day, in roof ofwhat he deblares. lle,sam ..' .liftai4affOrenittlized - pitL beard -until slate ltintr IM- - the afternoon .. . tr. JAL Roane, gade surgeon of Itonureokebragadt, who, —had batiaill.with fever for eavOral days, was 'lambi on tliiii steamer, - and ofteiiirde m ishit to me the events antllsoenut of that day ei they came ender hie eie.'l IWCariamea - departnie Atom; faie but at a pai L late hour. in the ' afternoon la explained by. Dr. ifinals. du ' thitionwOod gtagi ' o 4l2Elbe . 1 --'. 'General Related:um hied sent to him a Wesel*: !bat 'the troops noticed Ile ob. Il it"' ' 1 :. 2 treio, ra' t s :if l e t r i thl oo fill n d ori s e l a il gw i e n n. - -; .-- site for the-consequences if he longer. held latilelf Co fez aloof from4,llM scene of stolen - ;.----- ~ *As Aitiflir— n , ' ...:::...-,-• ';,- 4 - 7 a .: .• . ... ~ . . Ili lOvillaby sgaittet.ibf . It' over. irluOe ik:' I , :iniin-irliiiiiign dun betray li.hrOortatOtiti tear:dee the Mire men, who, ', ,teitt*e aerially Utilised him, will nit oar isiniy,•lfiaittit act-Woriby, by any 'tionelders. • liliVirl.jßol4l4.i , ,dmeripaU peoPle, of the high! pceitliii "VC' Viesident of thy : United tuter. t , ? Pbyeically, menia,ll7, - morally, militarily, - land In every other' way, George B. McClellan le:sorry "little" man. Copperheads will oak - . - WithOM air of friampb, why trouble your rebrittthei Nampa shout *7 Oar anima dr, ,for the seine that . , *Wasp is more iroullemmo to s lion than an elephant. Tan ease *plait Gan. — ldetellan him ell dent been more teieely trammed up than by Indent CiA.pakey, of timhfassachugette 9th, ;lab dealaies hie belief that •Iteelellas aimed $1 nothing less than a aUltery dictatorship. The evidence of It is in his oattempt to MOT , . ::•, - ;;;N: ifi r sobinglon in 3862; la hesitation after . 11'elt Oa e; hit attempt to incense hie snap - .- istit t latt.lde Gererercent; la flagrant Wait 40 - the President of the United Shag hie eon. tempt of able:flora 'W*11111)&13; his effort 111 urskeldime ir tStiatat 4 from ante, elMntrY and:Gaianditent, the idol of his men; and, ja,, Te ig 4.rii lofted to *ergo himself in a nairagAgll t s , P4 l2 i ° Ulf ' r"." - 2rUe t erng7 - erayd - 014. -r, , :general lez , iflcril 54ta? out ilaiort,:itheaffectreware &input" ". „yeeiarfWV. WhO felt thektie great Wasp 4itiiiii 4 4aXisiiiiiii l u - wiAliorti*ed .l Oa 1 1 , 01,:1 1 104 two - Fie! I. Almon , sgs:eit is lizsemitas Ude pea Aotiditaittee , noo porfy *Melt liifelietdrtperlit bolt , eml s 41eloogoCeked .iv,doli 'il ' , X001: 1 1 -Isis Nam , — `sue ' Y *gam intik lemikeloth And Wu*, hopes scattered -by the blow which- was stack for ate Vizi= on blonde?—X. P. pa. ';Pro' retain' . - ,vs Prattcit.ie 4 -- t. Tn iniChtoilo - pUtTorift; op tedV by tEó ocavenden which nominated- ileneral Tut Cw t we dad the following t nit the sympathy of the Demo. =tie party Is heartily and earnestly extend ed to the t soldiery of our army, who are and bale been in the field under the flag of our country, mad, In thesereat of our attaining power, they will receive all thi care, prow lion, regard, and kludneet that breve eoldiers of the Republic have so nobly earned. -Rant of ilia members of this Convention were aloe members of Congress and not one of them ever voted a dollar to, feed, pay or clothe the eoldiern Pcsomeroa, who PM nominated for Vice President, has uniformly voted agitinst war supplies. Powerat, Poor. KM, V4ol.ennionest, Wzmettntrx and many others, littve made it their batiii r 'ihat they never voted a cent to carry on the war. And yet they all voted for this resolution I Let tilf.look farther. When VALl43mm:tem WM exiled, an Ohio Demcontio delegation waited on Mr. Mamma to induce hint to re lease their chief. This Committee embraced fledge of Ohio delegation In the present Congress, including PSNDLETON. The Presi dent pru!ptmed to them that he would release Vesxanistuttem, if they would pledge them selves to rote in to feed, clothe, and pay the roldiers and seamen; and they aU ete.. ein“; toiiign this anIaCCII cheoeing rather, In their great sorrow, to leave Vellandigham to his fate; We glee the propeeitiooe made by the Prelidenh 1 That there ie now a rebellion in the United 'Suttee, the object and tendency of uhich itt to destroy the National Union, and that, in; your opinion, an army and nary are constitutional means for capper -slug that rebeltion.' 2 That no one of you will do anything which, fox hie own judgment, will teed to hinder the increase, or favor the deorease, or lessen the efficiency of the army and the nary while engaged in the effort to suppress that rebellion; and 8. Thar snob of you will, in hle sphere, do all he can to have the officers, soldiere, and seamen el the army and navy, while engage in the effete to suppress the rebellion, paid, fed, clad, and otherwise well provided and supported, These Ohio members of Congress declined to pledge themselves to these proposi tions; and yet they would have us belleve they are go!xig lo do great things for the'sold er when they elect little blsol Who is fool enough to believe them? Tie Freed Slaved Wa have prepared, and present below, csrefulestimste of the number of slaves ad free by the Administration or by the events of the trar 4 It does not agree with other es. timaten, i Mr. Qilmore (Edward Kirko) gives tibial naking . tite whole number 1,555,223, and Jeffecrson Davis states the number at 801:10,69.\*e have confined our oslonlatione to kno4rn facia, and although Davis may be ecintot, is htstatatement, our estimstes may be if* ly ak iitt as the lowest number set free. ribabvippi 540 alabams, Artigotas, 74 074 vi fate: ' South Wyatt.,6 . 7.11G,s North Ofrah3l/4 55.170 Lottiptaas, Tenttrateo, , s . 1114.17 37,188 1ah 4 p ,4 4. 955 T. y:._..... 70,421 _ Sec 75,163 froorpla, -Dtattlet ..E Cklrur.bla. 3 , E 4 Isditua TottritAry, 7,359 Malt shd**aaki; 44 - All these Gen.McClellan propoies to so-ou tlive please -the rebels and re establini thrmlitthair olikposition in the Union. This th'hieridia, - Crflie basis of a pests and the re.eatabliehment of the republic, - By what proceini it laliihpoliel to catch and enslave these people we °moot imagine. If the whole power of thy Union, in the polinicat dove of thargphhlre tiot apprettend.a few rat, awFjui,lhow can it he expected that we can clash all these fugitives without employing a easodiAg army for the purpose ao lar4e as that we already have7 7 —Fitita. N. Ante. Coming Over. ber4roliajigof are full of 'words of cheer froixt pule-0f the State. Urn who have taken I[lo ribtkie eleollons for yea , ii, aro oom inibuS - fey /411e0/11 lad Johnsen. Newspa• . . elltirhirelofare neutral qr indepozdent, are tik!eyrrg the tanner. - Thelorlow/Dg it taken frakate.Liii;ittifeiPornistirrtti . : . :i fs' only open drtraordinare , occasions that w "(ace 9 ticket at the bead 'of our edito• doittmo4 "Wee egard the impending Prost • deaiiitielmilia4 as &dish akeettesk rt-tone which dentandt the sitteinivitoal support of every Lode • pcmden loyal Jonas!, as well mot every pied- SoOilintin. The Exr.se, although eritiroly lode. pendent of all patty organism:ions, is an orgad . of the principles ef the great Natioial Linton party. ethos. relmionds to rescue the nation from the peril into which it was pinhead by the trrd. tors vlot had Neared oentrol of the Government under the ist Dem.eruie admiststradon. The men white' navies appear at the head of this cot. own.l l •l ll aTaacoaPtad and fully endorsed as the roprosentatbrot of these principles. We there fore nail the National and County tickets to oar mseihead, whets they willremein call the can didates era trintophantly elected bye ' loyal and de patrio people." /Putother Bolter. Hos. : FRANCIS D. c 1712230, of New York, has elwayeibeen • 'prominent Demooratio lawyer in Nutt illy. The lollotriall card Owlet where A. stanch: , - !New You, Tuesday, Sept. 30, lOC 7111 i Miro, of al. New Poch Ban, lily attention Was been called to the fan that lay twine appears in the World nevnrpoper in the lirl s at Yin Pluddente (Stand No. 1) of the rettlecietkon nutethrit held In thls oily on the nth. Alston of it wee unknown to and wholly =authorised by me. • I had no :part in the elootion of Kr. Lin coln, Nang Wolin favor of Mr. Douglas, but I Intend to mots tor him In November next, in op • paltiort to the platform and condi/ems of the Chicago Convention; believing that by a rigor ons frateration of the war the rebellion will be overthrown seeder than by an immedlat*•eesaa- Sion of; hostilities, or by a mart to the tits of d iplonwy. Your obedient servant, P. B. Corriza 'Cox,' A. T. Intaracans, for three years in command of the First New York Cavalry, an old Democrat, whose devotion to Dl'Ciellan hos Been conerplcuous, said to me the other day: "I used to tell an anecdote whoa I was on thi stump for Buchanan, which exactly tlluctistee my, present feelings. -An old :farmer died, leaving two eons, and among ofheioraluables, a large flock of sheep. In Ito Sock was a, very valuable rami called 13illy-a pet of the younger brother. Aware. of tide,. the elder brother—an avarielons. low-4-in dividing the dock, placed all the good sheep in one pen and all the mealy onett-in the other, being careful to give Billy a conspicu ous Position among the latter, supposing the younger brother's fondness (or Induce him to select the pen where he: was. But Instead of Ws, and as if aware of ,the ob ject of the arrengen.ent, he quietly went up to Billy, took him around the neck, and said to Dim: yen and I have had a great many Jolly times together, and it almost breaks my heart to leave you, but 'Must bit you good bye, old fellow, you keep such mle ertble company.' " , That," mild the Colonel, Ns my case exult i%. I think as Well.. of BloClellan's general+ p and all that, `as ever, bail cannot go With him, politically; gm keeps such mleerAble admpapy.! - - When I make up my mind to be Cppperbesd, I will go one step fartherSmilins s'nebel."— Wash. Cbr. i Inn Ohattanoege Goo d& _sap: We learn that Henry 8.31114 ER, famerly editor of the ' . l isttanceogra .ti4irtiser, luta member' of the ehel health:ere from tia• oittoty, sacs ute , etly One at 'Mr.:adhere ot . the - Onnho - Oat. watt, dld sot — "skedaddle from - Minnie, • informed ek #4ll9facer who was in the elf"' ' yesterdsn thither wan , thorinighly tiibjugs. ,ted." Henry wain orlgloal.rebel. P Tni :mutable motif hidoeisioniro, e'er atiod - a, wor tkit of lo tail - tab list up, 'toll night boosnao he could not 'clooldi wirtoh, to take off fliik'ido list or, Ids boots,--lks• Ibis fiestOt equal to litnettaiisiideadon poet *Bei Sir LT941101 won u viatoncisoßld , trot &aids 'Whether to - plum them or rds lanky; no ha Mali or & 11111kbelli 434dldneitha3 ez,..01# Mot iimpaS. • 7„,ye vr02401111. Yrlol.;—A2f 71111 PRIMPned idEl) UM of the Z. SOIL 6.L co. a &trea s. atilt b liad e often cd L H. &pee & Oe , sa TONIDAY,„ tee Wh day et naptamber, Mt teams the &eau etle vat 11 o'cnek. t. Eh Dy =tar of the Trtildian. DALMILL OIL COMPANY bete doling' ok diddled*, OM PIS 0137., Royal . an sag dem *hi MU in. 10 . LITTLE OIL ORRICK—Books are el the r AT:t. " (rarz l K ' lllitlißl b oo ""k ., at the aloe of WABLIIO.II usa, as Elyket street. eel,-l. Ir,..fi SPECIAL MICETI tili. OF THE YUEHORIOMP OIL COMPAOY or PIIMBIIIIGH. will be bald .t the otam of the Dam y, 1711 Th atm:, on THIS (1 b outlay ) &FT EttNcON, at 3 o'clock. Boalatem of Sty salaam Is to b. tremseted. rota JLIN 18 W. ABBOTT, Secretary. PITT TOWNSEI TP. —BLOCK 00 L. L NOTING 0311911 T /EU having books are re imeeted to finish their work and rebore their books and more, to the tandenigned Nil Liberty street. by 1 11111.18DdY NOON ihd floe., to enable,. to mates Acid rep.* at a chabig Nowlin tot. held et 0411.• L6sl) noHeol, HOD //1, 11CIDAY NVINILiG, 934 tr. mew All 7 1:0; de l k that hare n t Yet contrthe , di• eod who do not wish to hard thrir waraes &pie. 04 the 1141aCK LibT whoa published, will pay Loa collectors of tbeir Mettler, or the undersigned, their twr pro portion. W. N. GOHMLY. Trownror. U . PIIT3BURUH AND WEST fil INT k OTL OD7I PA NY.—Book. for I übecri p [low to they Capital fib:a of th. Plitsbcogh and Welt Virginia 011 OompwaY, an 00. open la the oillos of 1111:1011 fitcIIALVY, oorotr of Hood Erect and 00- 11,11t.4. Ws;. The lards of ibis !lamps- y are Itmeted to West Vie •od 01Stalat '4 about weveo hundred screw of which war tut two hundred and flly aura am well adeptod or bolo. p00p... he i 410.006 of this lend Is wild to he amongst the bees if not wyperior to way to Virginia. and la ert -bin a .hors diateuce of the rioted Ifivraw Bea Wells, of which awn! are four or five tr. to :Ismail:Li :pennon. The Qoutpeny cp7reprin:eil sweaty •fiva thousaat dol. of the Capitol noel ter tits p •rpom of developing wild land ore Will la ri,w sod visual other. will lw put Zowel im soot se powible. Petrammor—J.booo VA' PaUll ILTAIII —D. B. WAlt D. E==l:MMi - M Hugh Mc5.6117 Tburom tattle, Jr, J. 11111, J... Old, Jobo BIT sr. J duotu Junin Patton, Jr, mlO IS 0•CON It; LAV ILLS ANu tjOuTu sr PENNA. It W.—Th. end.nrtgeol (km. talmfonan named la an .at, enOthel “Ao Act to To oto-perato the Oonnollomlia and &Whorl Peabyllsolst Pahreay Company. , ' barooy glee bat.. Out they ant. fn rostaano. .. id act, op.. boob for toe purpose or rtirhQ sobbiption• to roe ("W.( 81,,s o r the ..i4 Dompaoy 02 the 14. e day of 001'011111118 4 4,10 el.e hoer of 9 n. on chat Val, at the WAI , INOTON EItITEL, ta the town of Tlodforo, BetPord oonntr, Pena- Ibbis, and that May will keep Bata book. opla so ourtl,ng to hon. JOHN 01131iNA. WILLIAM 3 131.7113, • WILLIAM K. DOMICIL, DIDIMIC W. DABS, DANIEL WASHABADOH, 0. W. DAILNE3, D. D. 111034/{LICE, 0. W. A.313001in, D. O. DAUB, A H. DIeOLITISM, WILLIAM MoOLELLADD, J. B. lOST, Ormatotooorm. ANNULISIESTLNG OF C' the Stockhe Men of the PISISSTLVASTA semi meNmrecrrususo oo • will he held at thole. office, N 0.112 Synth Trout Ptlladelpbta, oa MitNDAY, the ad of October. at 11l °Wadi*. st, fur a...1actic...1 SAYE!! DliC to terve for the *moat year, Sod tiMkt other badness as .7 then be patented itelh2w 011&11. LICHNIO, Tremont.. sows P,TIPBC.GI7 GAS Etre, 17, 1881. a•ILIICTICEN OF ThIISTEF:3 - fie Stockholdm of the PlWltarnlt Gas Gosanatty ere hereby notlo.l, that no otecttos for thtoo Toast., of Bald mac SOY, W arra for tte term of three yoan, sod of one Trustee, to yr+. Gr the hem of one yenr, 'dills of Alert!. of the company on Mornay, the third day of Ortaber,llo4, botaron the hoer. of Z sod 6 o'clock, P. M. JAELSA M. 01181917. 0017 SY.. • Treantrot. Ora= Um= Pump IL IL On, no. 12 Yr or, Bar Toan, ihmiammir 20, 1001 IL.'IIIB ANNUAL ME ETING OF TIT Stockholder. of (hi. Company will ba d on . the FIRST ItIONDO.It or ooroozo, t ft.' m.. 2 the Company, Bo 19 'William Pima, Row York, at ji 'clock • 0., for the tranvialnii of er= PS4= l ,4 omme hafite tho JiOMI:IS, DLX, Prialdeat sat id 11. V. Poua Sew team-y fl PROF. EDWIN SHERRATT HAS removed to 80. 191 Peon oppoette the Et. Ger Vote'. droning closer Monday .d Tbmity. tame lemma at Nay dtetlact haat. 1864. FALL 1814. Metropolitan, loonard, 'Cutaway. and fiaribaloi Salts, FOB BOYS' ;AND CHILDREN. • English Jackets, Walking and Nick Coats E'OR, •"1" 0 TT TJECI3I Fall Etock Now in Store, MIME Ma ALL TEI NEW STYLES OF THE BEBSON. GRAY A LOGAN, R3l Cr ISA CULT abed. nIBNOLUTION OF CO-PA RTNERSHIP. LL 73e lot, Arm of O. LEINBES • ISOUEIwao Co: sand Os the Ist of August lad. I'LLANOB =OWL Eznalthfz, Z. L. VIM MB, jtrocator, of &W. of CI. Ihnown, Queued. 0. T. Timm. Wm. bnsai. b. O'o. huzzah OINPARTYKRSaI P.—The tradersignect .tu =Wane the Olas Itinallo . aarleg sat r the Mina 112lital of 0. AM/ MN BL/NB. 0 T. sfl 1482 X plasma N. 0.0. DAV. CRAWFORD, LATI OP SHOXISHEIGIIII $ 00. Deal. In, o, Clowm halan, -Fig Metal, Blooms; &0., P.17T113 UAW, PA CHllee I.lllllWater street, wader EIOROJM gabs's, Holum liediuslar O. * J. H..ettogiborgerr. akainbuir. dt Ok" od otl.tl.ca Nutubct,nas. • Oar 0.. b advances zundt. CoagginWati sollcitad. naLlivecd MCP 21INEti8 L MINERAL' ORKEREI: -a. LED WHOL=6.I.III DZUGEWILL—?h. Dorton Inning sad Ytanttfootortipg fto. bowie* 'rooted glossa rMr sod ORSbIn. 14 Sono Bodo*, aro now ready to emote contracts tor math* sad untaing Stmts. and ohottand tbor of vita!~ nature, Um ton o z try t Ahoy mill shortly to *spas!, of:loathe ocoopietloa of t o• Jr derolphortzlng mad molting 'ammo, now to pro .* of atiotko, to muffs/afarIDWUZIfi amottpotattag sod refining the precious totals, golf, Om, copper, tin, an. Being yaw the We morn of Abe Way 4 Stares . * saran) patents for thearantaaat of ninon& sad Irr the iiiadaring of hard ratataan- • al. balk oral, In cZoj, rita, l". d rol n a g i m r .Je • M. Wat E to and ratchinorLfi • 14,11d5r8SOIITS, ?rammer if liarrasata . Fara, 1212E=1 MORTLY, OBLEEK BUILDING SITES. .L host ICO setae of chele• teed is the plateau& na te, ofTll4l. On et, dialed Into lots ofaoos•enlons dts he bade.. toes desire. Of securing s home away from the dad sod mots of the city, le now o ff ered (=Weal s pet. meth lowa than alutlar maw:ray In Ina RAO. borbood has WWI Non sold for. Stet daily tralaina lb. l'annolvarda Zadrowl al. ford guy waist/ the plea. , Aloo, two dwaillnp, Bea. P 5 and I?, Boca stmt, n feared for sob low. . S. a. 1311 TAN, Maar sad liana= Sam% as iOtililtEl or. garb% mato*. MEM 11011.11,11 A OIL 00.11REL2Y OF Capital, 8500.000. DIVIDED INTO 100,000 SNARES UT $5 PEN SHINE. DDASCHIPTION PitIOD_NI,SO ?DA SHANL This Coattails owa Las of lb. zoo rolaabla oil toe. H ter/ to Won TWEE*, oblate cm HMI RION and PLICI'DZGLVI 1.01, ankle an alto of Ito Okla Al Bonn. Nat pap himhanaa.enkaina y pidaabg 13 100 per day with labors. paws lariaa a lullw oat xuslalVat eatenlo •of *IL no yl loads- ass-oarrozoolol thallrbr, loa, alba", Tack, awl .thee lorgo rodar t .ivolla, aid thoollOb• tabbd, b at a back Uttar ty Asa Mb bast at 'XIS:Week, Pa. The gnat k V.,y "Mak ha boa *altar braid basassa bomb alias li. atkll Sap. toagtor,lo L the lassoodisto solobbotionolL rooks of saboairioa cps Of tat alba of NOM:N. SON NaaLIIAN a 00.. lquakabk. • Olin Skiyeast ibrakiThOlablatita; ' • '7oltat 1100 NS Si Triumvir. isuLPIIITH OH 'LIMB- /11 118BD' TO) atns - Fermentatioi?.Older.'• • . 1 ma me lagoons US Ktatkari prwilia. VAS fp% bottles, rich saitalani sisnit far no viiimtallCiftb?alt 11 9 1 10! „ ftz",ps , th• , 011AL - 011 . 1TOTORV I senor st okt; aza tiara on" esthatietesaw k : =MT a oa. NiillEl -.-...-.--- - 11PZ471.4S .1"07'07Ml. GLOBE lIIITAL LIFE IBM 00113•112 or lin puigy irijaltuaurnn. Sos•tarlldtfog • °colours L 1 and Mary. Alm, Poll loon all irtlor popular Am. clam kbad at Polley eta orror 'anal marl tr. F. WOODS, Geary am/ Me, 115 POILITH EITILZAT. au17:17 nirman,(lnts Mauer for Lippincott .4 Co.) eivaansn,(lnte of Goo. Habbard d Ow) '" " ITTTBBURGH BAW WORTIB Hi:BOARDS & LONG. ilanofsettwary of PATENS GIIOITBD cram:runs wen:anted CABS STEM SAWN, of every deeoription. MtMolar, Ore Oott, 011.4 alletker 'arid:tea. I kinds of SNIP= • SPRINGS, road. from Simi Out Steel; Mare &Scud =APES AND MOWING, SNIVZS, ad Warehowe Works, ,r. WATER Tt SNORT UTN., Pittsburgh. Perth:War attention given &Ocotillos, Omonting ”d Straightening Oireniu Sam Alto repair, of MI kind.. Punching and Drilling done et reeeonable retet. 4p2.5dy ONE OP HE NNEWELLS' GREAT EZDIEDIES.-11UNISWEL OIdIVEBSAL ODUGIH EIEfSEDT.—The beans of thia trMy wonderful preparation, now of each woll-earnod celebrity, la a freedom' from every *component Wei:dated o debilitate, sod by each to allow the greatest free. dolt of me, day or night, se the onlytme theory by chlab Throat and Loam Oomplaintacan be effect:Wu otuad. prerent raking attention to long storing silvan maw, when local calm, make almert all ruck com plaints different la effect,. I would Mt confidence, which wili be aimed, In Cold.. Cionabs, Bearseaere, Sore Thyost. Bronchial and Asthmatic Gam plaints, Whoop. ing Cough, and to all Throat and Lona 00mi:dente which, when neatened. end In CoasumpLion. Testinto• nis/e from Papacies,. of the blithest reepectability, and Itcm lnoallde , nn bo wen at my office by all inbeirested,) Ifor sale by all Whoiceale and Befall Dealer.. JOIIB L. BUNN PWSLL. Proprietor, Preattrel Chemist, Beaton. ilea !or rota by Jon. Plossing, Goo. IL Eryror, B. I ?abr.:mock I W., J. 11. !ohms, Ageorta for !Mobcap Goo,A. Holly, W. Y. Moo. wad Dr. Jame. DPOI9U • t. for Allegheny City. I. 6:111n-1egny-ex LANE SUPERIOR COPPER - - 7 . MILL k SMELTING WOINIS. Perms - gas. PARK., DIeCURDY & CO, ElAnntvturnr, of SEIZATITINO, 'MASTICS.. A/M BOLT OOPPVIT PRESSED COPPER LIATONI9, SAIIsED STILL SOTTSIIS. bPALTZII soLDrei. t A. , Importer' or ddeniorn In MEALS, TM PLATE, sll IRON, WIVE, ar... Oonstantly on hand, TIN- N ' MACHINES AND TOOLS. amlnonno. N 0.140 MOST a EP SECOND STREETS, PI b2b O ;Z,; of ~,,,.. 000 to ass k.1.G4 P.M... :lydavT rt : Atirld. RA.B.RXELL & CO., Bonn "1r SIAILZIIIi LEIN BRETT IRON WO K E. ENS, Pawl Bt, Non. 10, $2, 24 w4d U. Raving no oniod a largo yard and fornlabod It with the most tar proired so/total:wry, we are prepared to mantgaciara . 11Ive.ty deavtptfen of BOILERS, to the beet marter,l4.ia roatiranted equal to way made In the antatry. 011112I NETS, 81140111.14, num BEDS, irrsat rim LO4,I.IIIOTIVN BOILERS. (X/NDENSINS, BALT PA'iS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AOITA.TODS, SET TLING PANS, TOMES IRON MIDGES, SUGAR POTS, .d solo anautusetarane or BANNHILLI PATENT BOLLER& noshing done on es - Charted • • aelau ROEVISCE, REA & CO., (MOOG& oe4rr to tostinos, Thin a ItuasE,A) WASH:COO TOZ/ WOEIKB, roomer MArraucirts. Pittabursh. klpautbetruerr or BOAT AND STATIONERY Ti BEIGINTS, BLAST ENGEM, HILL 11A altI1 EBY, OBAIIII4O, BHAITII7IO, OASTINGB, Atdaurriplives; OIL TATIBB STILLB sonaza AF SHEET IBOF WORK. /tab tor BEIPAIIDT PATENT TELTBOTOB BOILTBS. TTHB CONYEBSIONS AND B. PEItINNON Or AH INVALID, pubtletual the headit and ra a warolua and cantles b yams man who I moor from Nervous Debttlty, Prmsatsrs Dna, ef Manhood, ott., supplying, at the ME. ChM, 131i.411111 abet' ease. By me who has =awl himself after being pal o great aapeass sad Injury throaigh:otedluat hays bag lued graclrcry. By oordodna • part-paid alarmed madam cute ant* may Do had of the author. aterff.AsllL MAMIE Tag_ Bedford. KW" wanly, H. T. G!'311=01 TO NERVOUS ERIPFEB.KRB 07 BOTH 1111711.—A ennead rantlaman haMo benalroolorod to heal th In a Lee days, arta nrearlohing fl( 4 , mon enztina fad inntroln errauthle: ende a! tteMment. without mean, consh!len is hi. nand don tocroonleato to Ms affiland follme noatnno floo ahn of Mol e Sem% on the recolpt of ho whfireantt omahope c he mid. fro., •Dm of the prasartptioa Dtrettio Dr. JO= U , D&GNALL, Off 711. tea rtrool, EL T. tratLlDid•WD EL IS =MT5....a...V. D. 1110=1...... NOLIII2. L. BELLE BnIEL WORKS REITER & CO., eaccelomrs to Better, Hartman A Co., szontsaterrers e CAST tITZBL , SPRING, PLOW AND TILISSIBI ; 13781NG8, AXLES, CROWBAIte, /is W km. YOST WAIL!), Allegheny Olty. P. Adeltem, PHISBI7I3OII, P. fatA•IP ir - 4---JOHN 'COCHRAN & BRO., Man asacaw. of DOH BAILING. MOH TAO - MI AND; VAULT i)00 . 1111, WINDOW BHIITTino, WIN. DO Gummi, Dm 01 81VOND mod $0 THIRD tat. Wood and Hors oa land a vs. Ant? I sow Pitt ono‘ back and rola, oultablo WO ill 2 ationflon gild 4 cooloollig Grins lota. Jo • • •id dons at otiort moo ti: ‘ ) -- .DISEASEEI OP TES NERVOUS 19XIIIIIAL, 1781NAIIT AHD TEDB--nini sari reliable trsanant—in Daports of to &wart Association. limn ky tall la salad latter gondol" Dos of snug.. Address D.. . MILLE! 11011GHT011. Howard Association. Ho. Beata) Ninth west, PkUsdalphia, P 3. .3!IIj N. HOLMES & SONS., DiAlasa /011SION AHD DOMILMO BUM 01 IX OMAAFOIII, OXIITLVICATEIS 07 imam DAHL 1101 . 11!1 AND BMBOIH,•Ba. IST MIAS= MINT Tuallorgh, Pa. 1110 ODUsalcas wads as IN ves vitastpu otuis {groat oat the MAUI Mato HIINBY SCHWEINTS PIIIVAIIB yor 11. troatatoot of DIBLAUB Ol TEI BEM AID 8111118A.RY ORGANS, IZI &end Amiss, Now York. Eloorri of oimsoltaLlan Cram 8 lo S Vokck F. IN an 1988.3 EMBRY H. COLLINS. FQXWARD um AND 001EXIBBION 111111CONAHT mat in • • &War In MAC% BUTTZII, MUM Yin and protons emiarany. No. IT WOOD DT Tug • • . U 8 GUNBOAT 6REVICI3I. MISSISSIPPI SQUADRON. 1,044) Alen Wan led Immediately. Forid:Trice in Cm la isdleippi Betiadron, Good men will no lad a dedrebte eppartionio toenter the tiavy, . 11 h lir Pr and threw imtetantW ovolund mode p day. I earnite omen be over to pausal sr, wed emt cteeediree yews. Its Government bounty will be proportionately divided to times entering tor two or tbrt• Sera. Penton, enllatlng a eabetltrilas. either before • altar dsn't, are not entitled I. any bows" Ulna t • el Gaited States Government. 11118111711 PABST:MA= APPLY TO CORIMANDIRO OFFICER, O. B. HAW. 8115DIZVOM Third Story, Market But Mist I •OR & CURTISS, IC.oxanitaston Merabxuats. Aid *elm to * REFINED PETROLEUM, • NEL= AND LITOBIOATING 0114 • 8.01717/ ARABV/39, PHISADELPHI4 Abe relit ; MK" tem* capacity tinulsr emr,) for 15.030 burs% • • 1.451 tatilitlto tor shipping to A MAC= In ports, at emz what ea the Palm Ilatt 21, ; Mitt= of ea P. B. a. scaly MIMES AND -.anitirp . p_comnitut MOM '..,I3ENCIMUI3!‘ , I***l.-)UW;billirbf MOW= 101,0 iriSlST.s . tlir Pea barrelitioride suns =limn IPOI.I2IIC.IZ,a''OTICSsi O.ITioILANCE COMMITTER, FIRST Wail% hiLlidlSlNT.—The °minty reef ttmi Conmedttee appointed the Cluzzeittee far the 111111 Ward Alle=e rhitT. Joist:pp, AMU! Elddie. Wn. Mliee, Chula. F. Ingkasti, :oho Vpie, Jr., O. Bedhad, Caalsa Thome Cactiamajcss, Daniel Johnson and Leas Rood. 'no Ckmanitttee met at Ward Beedguarters, Waste ingten Nall, Sabina street, lasteamisg, and added the tollsortag pentlanami, .la: Josiah Mod, Tbema. 13 Fealty A , eaaad•r Hanna W C Stockton Pummel Thompson Wm J &.ne C. W Rath y 13 Nesse W W Prophet.. George It )1111.r Jacnca Otark elesand.raknn Samuel R Davis Jere Jabs stork Jros ft.s Wm bamllton Char:es/Setting Char es Arhus/ale Carspbell Blown Drum The above Committee are tap= Hell, Orb era 230 Inst.. at T% o'clock 's/of' for attention Robert Mlloite Wm %Den John Atwell Georg Wslimn Wm ti Robinson ;Min anchor. .laoso D Heflin Obsess At mil • 13 Wegetstr Wm Raegr Jo. William. William ft Rapp Geo Yieaborn John Ate:ander James L Graham Wm Brown Rdeard Greig tactual tl tiartraill James E DO Andratr Inale roquotteal to men et Wath 4, on rhioet aVE4,144 Important bmionss vrill b .2141 b.l I hoist lb. la blt. Aw, wi..n oar !damp n I. otith 'What crouch bear. Transco, anat.. Iran, oat a II.? Wai all arms awn lb. An la at b •ad lb. rags of hi. black ['alma dr 'pptag A.dan. lb. al.oaa BMW. an. oar nal won, atria ar Lava Ctra Lou. bar am. th..un ' 'VHF. UNION CAI:6IE. TRIntPHINT LY /1,0711113 Termont and Maine Have Spoken! 811ERIDAN 11/8 IVIIIPPID BRICKINBIDGB. no LOYAL NMI of Pi , tiaviati ad vicinity vial addr.ad trots its aioony bn tr: of of HARE'S HOTEL; LISZATY EITHAZT, Oft Saturday, Sept. 211 h, IRG 1. AT 7 O'CLOCK- Ocroo sal hair DLITINOI:I7.SIIED BPEIYES9 br LINCOLN, JOHNSON AND WAS! an/II traltnra lay Gran Uwir attn. ad obey lb. YIN KT11771. lON alit LARS s'a A UNION MEETING WILL UAW PLAGII AT BR A DDOCK'S FIELD, Ga Saturday, Illti tact, at 1 O'Mara, P. E T - . ww.tirw EAU ►. addressed ►) /1 an. I. K. ronenrcu, YA ROUI3 ♦. W.;101, ve R►, w2l caber., AAII POLE RASING, L•YAL 11,1 fill of DINH tell II pOBRPOR wtH n..er • the RID HaNE bOTHIZ, • rATU.DA.T 111 V• *ISO. at 656 o'dwk, to bear . ood speaking after rabilaa of a Llecola •od lob neon Pale, The seetlnj will be vd.• wed THOIS.S. 11 HA Hallett, J J SWIFIZNIHK, flo G.rm•• ) SHERIDAN AND VICTORY. A GRAND IMIONI MASS MEETING WHI take plsoela the MARKET SQ7AIIE Ia BIRMINGHAM ; ON FRIDAY EVENING, NA last At 7 O'Olock, Don. 3 E. MOORHEAD. I Rt. MLR M. MARSHALL, Req., sa2 others, lad: Adel -col the rustlog. PROP. 2. W. POPS Will aoll ran me oo.ooe with hie popular mop. 5e21 UNION RALLY.—There will bee meet. lets o: the LOYAL PEOPLE OF 8 3mA:a s 337:LRG-, On EsAurday Evening, 112 T 7 Cr a1... 4 3C13.... Mew. THOMAS. WILLIAMS. Eon; iIIOwAS J. BISELAN, When, will adrso the seestivg. Los sof tame who Shia favor of a vligcrose thm of lb. war 11,1 rot. .3/ A UNION SLEETING WILL DE HELD ON Saturday Evening, September 241 b, LT KEESPOR T. —1 J. E.II.OOMS &D. J IL ft ON. siLLnsas G. OHILDA llp , .DI Wren the fttleg. Jrz w .40 VERTISIMIZA TaL ALLEGIIENY WHARF NOTlOS—;.till poo ozas vba an intararind are bersby nothloat that all data, barge., lop, =oaks., at,. eta Irk( *a hr Alloghos y YDvf, tout Do takoa away wittatt thirty days, at at, wVI Ds had .t clammed within 'tat tbata Jelin /MMUS, Wharimastre. motant DEAL ESTATE FOR S&L...it—Four brick /Ad hmeam lota , or 14,0111 holm nod lot In I. 4m IrltB Im and ate paranoias hr 1588, 8 4..11t0gs corzur Gll*on and UBcatout Btraeta will to said at tarp! 8. TwolatmOr.ros ter sale, rateBol.B 18to In varies* hxatio. , erBPB and largo warib.r of d oral. f.rmr, lot, So., for plc Away ths E.! E. UM Moo, Pfrinot Amt. .. Q OITTIUMBINI BOXIL • RODUCE NOW IMOiPTING. lW bushebTrlme O d O. 50 A. tiballs4 llorai ICO Meru Prime Cream Manx itt Wilde ebotee applaq 10:11ba Inikb Ball Satiety 1W &sea Snob Nois; a lanais a.at %der. ebbton Oorn Meal, for We by or= H. SIDDIJY. Ho. U 11.3 Maly atm.. 'WOMAN'S FRIEND 80AP.-20 boxes make Oenn.Ww teal NMI:v. Bev, ja.i rr atd for vale by I. pontel or boy, at du ranaily Dreary Etna a! /0118 A. hi aW, se23 owner Liberty and EumetriaL QPICtiID SALMON —Pak up in four iitt cur, benaattcally tetLd, rtolann avd for ta4 b 7 JOHN IL RELAGILIW, gal coma Llbealy and Head Mods: iIICORNETTB FLAVORING EXTRAOTB Boas, Loamy reach. Almon!, Ornate, lentarlnn, Magni% Mama., on b.od and tur W. by the &corer Ones boil* af the ).ally Groom glare et JOTIN A. •23 =nu Liberty and Head st:wts. DOORS FOR FIIBSCRIPTION TO THE 1 & Mot of the MIES dA OIL column tf Wen Vhilabove now opn at the °Ma of 801111180 0, hIcOLZAR & Ho. 78 Feerth stivet, liatuiburgh. leatbe -85.00.!`Ew.xee„,„..-d F P" t k lt e :t book eer momm of ,111/Tlf DOLLAZPI. Tao Sada. by Isavtai It at 04 ootaar of NUM and Clastbask ttroats, at 301213 A. Blatt 08001.1tY 81088, I=l °TIDIER, ORAMERB and OBACILIM NUS§ Om be Mut at ktaIIATIES BOSTON 01/ACKEB EWLIAT, Ho. It Youth Mist. EDIICATIONAL.-A valuate of several loan onotienoo to tokoWne. Omani an mpg.. meat to tat o amp of as il.o4l:oZlrf 011PitIVATI SCHOOI4 or would &opt I inuation as Intstaat In • Aril siati wbu.L Deld Wpm= /Asa. ACtdr•••. A. X, INOltlq• P.O 022.3 t Mast tAborty. Pa. • itroa 132.1,8.-4 H&I•WISOME SPIB, ITID TOITIIO KARI ; b ha ozoollaat oraftlon g and tan to blahlyrooologgoofrod to mug nope a g. g a g. Islagtory tomoar for ran bor. • .Ilfor.ahLaliD. Ti L MUM!! A OD., sailucas A 'IS Mg olgoot. ria9: o Wei - • OUTLET SAW ICELL , sae a • Jive. 11 TO, - 1 77 le tattehmtiq?•,..„6ooM,l:ll4 M 4 -* 7 t. T a ht4a66l ll DIOVI,V{O6-1“111." ... , 111a11111ZIP /111urill °Mir XBir Aprzn NE PLUS ULTRA lIXTENSION 811- Ai ■ODBTBD lIOLDNBJ, with COMM i• eatd Pas, Benne 1.4 P. Ile la cases of ens dos. each; J. bars 5radi51, 26,611 . 41 sat cloth Ilsed. so that the contents o. eutala se la irrf ho ton:amt.:Woo. Trio e um* as bettors toe w.r I re. holden are cf ttj m st b.deonce an I do:rat/le oneetraCtierll sue boa., Weer plated. with erten. •en of three lengths All are coar chsced or th. ens tarn., and for b.nty .e act selvage. by .y sabers. Oar prices for the I,lden. and pans, fold la ans only, us ma collo.: else oa•—Wits. open. 63( Inches In length; ter pock., three loth. la lanph. Price p:r dn. pa 46; retells at 112 each. Ems Teo—when op.n 0 lathes In toogtbf oh..a for tb• pock., 3% hub.s la length. Price per d lie lil7 retalis 13 00.0. Erna lanea—When open, 6% lathes In length; clewed ter toe pocket, 3t( la length. Prthe per nut.. jai2.; ntalte at t and upwards. , ;4s fora —Wt...opts. TN Ines.. fn length ; end for the pranat. 4 Inch., In Itattth. Pune par /man, QYt ; rota.l4 at IP and upwartla Elan /Ira—When npen, Inches In lanittt; okned tor tik. pennon 4 Inchon In Isnithn. Price per dram. $3,.6n ; rNN.IIa .t 'td mad upwards. LIMN raIVIJLI I.aladt .c. with th• Efaid•,_ WE DO NOT SILL ?CHM y•nlya a y d• w• racily. 61 dean No • Iwo quantity than One 16- Pent and Holten at shay. pi , caa. In •ny qua. MI, Mrll •to whin within as Loyal nintaa by •rpr...s, with bill for collection co dallyary. aoldl•te In DI,. loyal bate. mast mind Mile In advmon, on express ..if sat allenl Iron 16601. T. a Z. G•13013•N, Illawaraoteroro, 0.2.1:61 116 Br.ad.ay N.. Tort, PAPER WEIGHTEI, PA.PIII WZIGHTV, P &PIE lOLDZZI, PAPZII OIITTIBO. Don't Ist your Man .d bank notes blots Into tbg Drs. Doo'l to tee trove* or your noeta•sta s but go and set the atam• artt.tes at lIIIIELII, SCIIOYEE & CO., No. 89 FIFTH 1319.111 EL BLACK $ I LKK L LLBOZ AV.OIII2IFI.ST OP BOTH PLAIN AND FIGURED I=l WHITE, OR & Co. .13CUEN FOE THIS TIMEN. The National PaCreel men engion. CO Tee Me Icreque•.ll... ramose - mop In A 100 tan 11. derails., • 11w. by • 76 71. tst, Comoleto I (,) 70. Watater and Bayne'. brated 60 (ktalL'aßarons of 1 TO Cenn I' henry and 1:h Presidoot Linoo.or adminlatrailm . 150 Lae and Campaign. of Gen. 100 /I Lb• ad Osnopa .11 or Gnu. Ma .141 an.. 160 ••23 SAT d 00, 05 Wood otte•L FLL 6001.8—We have just received .d am now opal n HANDSWE . O.: AIiSORTMENT OF FALL GOODS: Tr.., Bearer. .d Vernan. Battpalnea, Papaws (hroolan; Eugllah Water Proof Cloaks, (a I Ora): Knitted Her. In analgreat yule, run mine; InabroldsriLa. blot. ead.. FAATCY GOODS: Venn... VJsda Lace Callan and &O.: Bland Woe., Bat tbn'a and .haver; Fran -b W«LT (pada •nd Embesideted) Palatine; Manley and Drab Cora.; I-Wawa! and Doplos Elliptic Bodo Burls ; Luba' and thllcreda's PluaEn ana Pinata. UndsrEsr. attn.. Children ' s Suits, la CPctb Fee o and Peotrh Plat.; Ifs... Bllpe, From., Cay.a; Inl lad end Yterbio Moak.% En, at TIM MISSES BILIOTTE ' B, so= 2n t 3 Et. CLUB EITHEET. ilouncAL CA BIWA LGIN; DOCUMENTS, CAMPAIGN :PINS. [CAMPAIGN MEDALS. 41.11. W P 41444 WADGE 4. CAMPAIGN SONG BOOKS. CAMPAIONIENVEL OPELAND PAPER. AT SOHN P. HUNT'S. 69 rum 91:99A Illafficado HAY 119r1Anssi leducermenta b th. trail.. all REAL ESTATE FOB BALE 013, lEK.OILOGE. sin autbarla , d to offer for sale fff er/o lute Ire s, OIL 57 . 0 . 0 1 113, tech ul 001.111020114 ar HIGHLY IMPROVED COUNTRY HAT Off FIVE ACRES. karlag lemon reveled . maw and amnsnaLtams two Nor, Brick dvellmg, • gardasn'i kanatie, .able nad tear satlouldiaga. linnalads lo goal min and Mil silk aada and cananam al Iwu. ease, a vanatdo column pßoPsztry, 1. tbs TIM rod, Td by 100 Ira having Owen Meta t• • Mule man brick boom sad me basta S. S. BRYAN. sels Braes cud nurtavaca Loot. MI Youth at. To PROM& PRESSES FOR BALL ORR ADAM' PATER? MIA patty& Mon Out.. OHL TAYLOR ONI TAYLOR TLND L S O b l a L d UMDN 50 Inner. hcus Übed M IR All in rood eark.ing cyder. RIB Ds sold at a bomb. latquiroor •ddrir splta cLARXTTJA YOlaburyb., DOCTOR JAMES KING, No. 97 BOITRTII STREW!, Orpotite the !nicest Matchers Office. watts koIiBTH 131 REST UPHOlanktri • lta 10 MD= !ram siaa Ths indmalbars alailictemasull bap amiflutl2l a• Mad craty ankle to Oafs Ma. vb OCIRSIOSS GAZlOrrel, (MATS GOODS. 0011/O•TOMASTI. NSISATTEAESIM WI Maxim; lair dr bridal 1 , 0? MING ID UM& at sumer ads. BUM tad PTIMOsza. • Pzampt altaLtioa he Is elm a• ate*" Wag as• ft 4na aulists. Qa de TO • IDINI(Gr. 'fitARTRICITY TBRIIITHOT./11 .aza WOMMIS as • TaisArzurio •OMIT-113 samirma To CAMEO AND CUSJ CI) DIESEL Dm, J. A. ansiaslll, notrkdo. • CIINte,ISI eIItAFT titan ail dlitamn an is tonfolly trotted Win and Misr inadtaaailona ildacteetty. Itax=r, tens ma tenpartan• boa atrordar ; attb• alba Si dump Ibt antsattatiew. ONO wairaaard yaw &dna. hadditiaed Winn OTI au was Ittnassi Oa; t rarztaw. - Waana WiL IaOTIMB TO MIIPTEREF - BY , IIIE. .11 TRWW.i-Oa alto i3‘ • eaion Ivithe via bineetrad ti r. " r ob* dthicla - tWvaillaice tb , Dalbse7Detinn. math. aza.. autatuiwaxis4 sIIVI DIUMPATIMOILIBTOOKROBI • •••.%. _waxes' d bn bY 74,0011 MOM ;. 1! . 0.1111 Saari% TARDo44teroes rriais fiew.LoistLeaNt ta ilild H ilt o gilai t ici 444 N/LV/ ouOs ro. Fall and' Winter, WHO LESALE - AND RETAIL VN HATS NOW SPIN TON LADLES' WEAR; Vrasan lad pelt nets, latest etyls• als• Cask eland Waterton and Ta-b” Straw Hats, Boanst Walsoaa laweas OoClam /Yawl Ties, sail ANYTHING YOU MY WANT IN Dnri Trimmings. angle Gimps, Goipurs Lowls, Dr= Onassents and atm .trio bell Dram Oros:mats la lean Mom ARM, and ; Teirot 11;b4oss. to Mock ..d ferskrirt ' • Wool Hooters, for big and little: Moro of Dyers lobtd. Lbw Toots owl Ilariorgarm.ts, *M. OF dENTLENSIVI FIRINIIIIIIIO GOOD!, Al a templets stock on bands, such a. VasaMax Vndenairta and Drawars, /3b•Or and Canaan', liTofflocks, Baadkarcb an*, lam* Ilea, run glitz% stn. Also car usual 4121.11.12AT0 asscartattat of OT lONS, SMALL WARES, G=l /N - 10 . 3K. NACMS. ItIACEUEL & GLYDE. A LARGE STOCK OP NEW GOODS pm. OPEN Ai A. BATES', NO. 21 FIFTII STBIZW4 TYPEIIOIIE. In all en!,rl. kLP lel, tlsi. , figured and barn& Pft,TLI V e, barr , d, stelood saGI Vain. kilgW RILE C0A.13, tos 1/11AWL8. HIM CLOARLffI:I - .A. BATES . role n 1117TH sutras,. eJ T M. BURCHFIRLD, Northeast iornee of ilk and luta Streets, RAH ON RANDS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS,SI Hared beam the bfpb psi. of ChM silstalt he bal m% pew Rum Eastern vlsolerelo prism Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, Poplins, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Hamburg Flouncing, Cassimeres, Satinets, Blankets and Flannels. azisslora SHE MACE, 7a MARKET STREET. ODA S CURER mum VT and TO Market /MUM Barges, to fbsalose Glemio col Ootton elrooldoegi. Old goat .t tre tosa New rock oast. 1.1.11 lareelkerclide, ptslie larders Add ken lecriglet timid 'go amid art adrarede. ir Mere. Weer OrddrercUeO To tun Ko 'ebb LW to sea at decided bar/Alm Nees nt. Gs Undsreddeir, Warr Ens won, lan m Deme rad I= Basperedees, Moth Mari and Wien. Dor mina Piper Chailars. to ammo a a sad Mersa% Oeecia Thedscrois Bell Coxed% Du Mete, Palaseral, 13kirta, limed 11' Ribber., Bernd plex Map .ad EWA Banco., Ms - Loon sad Vel.t Rildreen.- - MEMZMEI WHOLESALE' SAONE VP STAITS Stir eardeser . ami Desire lii titled broil* , par Deka red 9eter Gede stor.k. JOREPH HOERR a oo ; Nos. T /11D3110.9.11Z112 1864. NEW NALL 1300138. EATON, MACIAUBI •ft CO., Nes. 17 and 19, with Street. in ROW lECEVIIA A IKL LLB FA LL COOD 13 Wswist Stab or LOW Thom Trlanatom Molls Wmked . ri c i= nat irdoettopt thal Lse. aid LSC• Telliald • Sabot Lam sad Maas, HoLlars sad Ileva; leobleridalvt Efroultarchkrt, Bab o% to.; ishoss. Hale ftets,liklets, Dash loaf &otos CHOW sad laftoral . Has, Halt Hoods, /awls, Addis. ftooefs, Hoot? Its. Ilktet Oottus, 21;lhorpoodies, ha; lb. Chottaart sad Yalu Mats sad Drum; Ms Cadmus cat Essay Halt ttm Tarsi sada fall essealmsst of tam Goods sad NWoos, W. would bra to tradsteasrereasta sae *third, that va tarried over s Lim stool of Qv sat rhatestds sticts gm% vorakassdlems ths bat crest winos= Ira tos sad 'Web ors ato salthti lovit this Gummy& !1...d0j0s of five most paretaors to oar flasme .p.A4 effer_mas, staved= to MUOLIZALII AND 111 is Oh. warf of a lanrs sad chola eset. at ad sumo of tbaa IAST4N JOBBING P/31=& EATON. CO.. sal Hs& 71 soul 73 RUM NZ CGOLEEI . SHAWLS, LATEST STYES. GREAT VARIETY. Z. W. BAB= 4 08tH;. : IIA.113:11 MIX" NEW GOODS-403W GOODS. 0330itl • gam= LID _ ra Chlltrey /1111119. MIA AND WWII! Poe Ledlii. corn, =ono sam Traria 31 / 2 0211mum.. 1111111132, BIBUX no, LI lad Pllll3 CIOLLAZI. VELA IJq 1a041115. want' HOO • line= ZAW, ft. DEIIIIIOI • , . ,a =imp raw= A LLEGRISNY • 001:114tY, ea.--7n the 'ACC Ginn of Qualm Baotou a said aosaity. • Wok or 4lneno Walnut of Ott Xblrd Rat. - ity, vs, 'Drama' I.