init.,. is', 11 ;4 1, I - monay, 19, labs. --r f -.,.... .;CNOMML ....-:'4)...,,... 11!ill,Q1AL,. '111A1419 011t,r,1,11Toms .Ni 'Olanag SUIT TM! i21:111111171071111 IMAM at ROBINSON; NaOLESE * CO, 63t°4741. and 4.4lmb.ciugrtHurcaseres. NO. 76 TO6UTII lit& lay and esII an anti:ldol= onlf. Beat. Inane. away Capper, Gaa. Balkan, and 011 wtaad. Gorartunan t , 7• -, "i • - vi i , - , .044 mad '646 Div' 4 .40 Tachweis. —.......--- :VA May 6 60 oi ttoos .--.— TO o 6 6 , m in b uri t=„....4.:.......: 64,4 ? 4 60 Allogbacc...- - ..... CO 5 60 1.40!01L...........--- 55 6 501r04517...—....... 08 o 6 .61 II 4144.6.... .....4.....—..- • G - 41 ~ 4 .;60 1116.214ti0na1......-.110 $l,OO 1AC084646.190.....1 . - .. ...L... , 1110.11dol H0tice51........ 1.06 -- :.100 north Hati0na1......110 ;-- . 100 . 1105 1 / 4 Jik; 4 , 47.4-!—:•. / 1 0V . . 00 .80 , lEasrlustar-8441.4,4. —4.9 g 4,pcc mat ' '6515404a. 1 10 Meow Vaul -- 12 11 44 POW. 0111121414............-. 7i44 .400.146. W..— ........—... .. l I It , ;60 OcesellsrUla -- ; ill 4 ...Wl' do (tauccit).........11% IT -- 'i-60 StoolatAlle ... —... 10% -- 1610411 . 46 lithabortec.6s TO 6 5 ........r.,...." .....-•-••• 1424 --..--. firiliablVlLt*•••• ,- " - ..„, 00 ) 4 2 . 1 0 16 411651017--.. 7 Lou 16 8bMirtnt1581,........-4 .—. 81% 616 ... t. I.IIIII7IIAIWIL - -- -- A csuisus.---- —a Ame ya CO 42 Western—.....*— " 52% May 9,50 ZID AANIAL II6 - 99 04 " 8.00 4,(Z 1:1 3,tv ip f: , = MIL 18 6[0:8241Pb 66 - - 'IN 66 at. ID et. Coto 8a5t.....-!D -- 6 6 at. 60 Eland 11111.1‘,..............- . • -.• 60 6 It et. 893 lioetoootoetredt-- ,-- 16 61.261165825.—.., 85 oil ocalrositt. 16 Lamm .-----.-- 27 211 Horeb Amooleark--- 9 ' 23: 47'' 16 Da1261 -----1134 1.1 —. I v ot. 10 Al6gtontyazd Phu-- 12 60 062tabia--- 96 5 6 at. 6 Into Oity---- 2 II Hone Neck.--- 2 1.8736 Ili fitoluh-..,.......„—. 05 6 Tadust,...t..- -- 1,46 10 iteme _ —_ _ 6 Wllttely entoit--.-- 9% _ 6 Tootta---...- - 9 -- 6 Ina 26110* Farm 6 634 • Alloolottolboarooto— so de &rip 11 Pittsburgh bi-- id do —• ST Olty Gs-- 10e TO Else* V. It Et Ts— 105 — do ll _lid --- 100 fkautollmie 6.---53% 55 . Matt. B B. 75 Ay 00.14• 1 07 • The week cloo . 6l,upulA IL L dtelinft market for 5r...7- 'llllln but &Mine:Ads. The prevalent feelingthst the said of the :she'll= draws nose, cheeks, speottletim of dasurts—uot slosets gold sad stocks, but In d 7 gruds, grabs sad manufactures. Elam lieu* at the Commercial Chafers, borrower supplied at wee pay. rout, at the tame this tits god" market is er.pinZez won. wittkaalkswilobares don sad-haary.. It Ia trti.deut ' , the rattlerity” took for • brsakdowa. thstaie ; taut ptrohass,.nd, th= lor6 404 declierssa ry .enufamtedy priyi duos the paces. Tirgeittkkt of gohli row.? as weft begirt At cum to - .isslts down^ sad get Idiot thsirlooda while, • profit om btsituile. Bat little doh* to the stock maker, • Grit oil Mares told at regular b Audat yesterdays grultillons. A ter Perdeslitie 1n ;old iturilds of one Cr two per rout in stocks. • ""._ The 0 tinge - Pstrollum (tompsoy its declared its rairtoutiay dlvldiall'of trooper mot, payable it the Ottimel tge o444: - In PnvidaphiN o Ater 1. ni , co.p.y &rim its blame from same 425 sores of Mod 011 C trelciisidsMemy Fun. It has twouty-coops doting weNtr it retest, told from krrty to fifty stone In prim otioritie' With large atemtut_of *kWh 11/- teemed thaliestail territory; In the region uudeitirp dd. st t itelaclrorg mot - Money Dtapatchfo G. PtWAnrgh Gazetta. Raw Tws, Einpt. .tot* inarkat was dull today and priced bays again d 0117a1—rittaburgh lora Wayne, 107%; Clawiand and Pittsburgh, GO% Goranatitt . Gotta Una - undergone but Gala obange either way; D. 73, 01s01,108awd%; Ons Year Pertlll 7 Vataa, Garen Itirgea, 1120/.. 71Td Twandes, wag,. Gold la dO.ll and tawny, dos ug tbis aftErnoon a 1 eh:tetanal:l market. \ alit, kiaiset has been very ll:motive. and In Apo caw anzeonlons tire been on staple goodin. Prime 1210 cat. Om s 14 . te-dar at the. 2.21.'12 , 512 2 2 stosdnally at 21 v no for ram, 24 to ^ak for 6.1 reared. Solders grekrimsely pot Inn breed to cued this drill na tio. snorkel% ere Wt ' Inneutnel es Woks are itrry /led- , : • ' (Them [Oath vet In light gorily a 143 t foe Ma selected-Ben:A*4' • Batter &Otto to batter sar9 7 l, ardeons,qa;takr U rather assist as War, Tith i - to 3. attract at et ro tto for Gar a:attain &Mos.' • - yy s%ota Lad p It'tur7 t s;rental• an cut a she ring aid 'total odl.6lpoilog doitaid 461 dl aaloßott Hairra were ant naming. =On:. than Z 1,73 ter taus and oorchaner c- all taro triny nut , at that tip r a thtagh belpo,•4o,:lee, w ask that Unto fol' lit ac Qat Ina kir! sally* at fl,to for red„ . 2,1514,0 for a tom an tinny at.-1,1511j35 for shallot, 51,Ma'Ab - IcT ear. w ‘i.• nr,rn main e It. . o 1• testf r stnan76,ln be k, i d to more acmnwlr repent rays learAldhst.l, l l.2. , • Barley beim. the-std .tlttattalo 61,9111.95 f.r WI; lated ;Udall/0 be epilog, erythost much actteity In the Lade. Walitay had Pdt euppart a 151.7 4 . • A bleb of 1'9,0a IS. bet arhotd ie.. at lit{ wad of a harm &kat lay,S, ea erthd th,dt aU Lb., era. dune D • balk tit.ado ana bald atla4•l9c. bsyna d. 21% ClAkr chaos of AS t SI had ..x.24y.a. - said uatsl of 23Kala,. *as port %if , In.fito SS a nntalas , prt:e. .Ittitaiklee pte4 ostrhe..4toa, 1.'44114 br nee-marl, • itt,TIVW the Baltheart) Gr.; - eery Market. Od Veils; ) 1:) Kdd has Lothar depraved 'yyrloos.. ,-withrt hadochqi►/1” - .111 W.hsta calf to ea. sort s oda Migibsieltlayst i7O - , The nage of tea roar. )tat to•y b gaat.d. 455470 for Rh. bro Laporte this welt, gtack to first hands, 19,700 bags, sad In wood 11911 621 14 4 , 441 , 234 N7 - • kagsr-doriadoshotttlie,assettlel ststo of gold &ad lastaatga to 7 may diroodtioa I. t :stoma the gr , rt of rho toed, or for r .1111 too or July In the wek a .m . v of t tau:l4olr e oett•• • bolt was token fdrlleor, , rook at flac,- 4 trawl.; '-for • *dog. We testa only d to relprr a to the t l ad; &Voir 4°.Wtoleirehre:asi sae. o f t go w n • Moglish Isl nd, hdr to good r tong, .'Zo en gponth.; 17 , ..ner1y do Slar,o, net; do prime 2/%441 704:20rt0 Moo, 'air to good OSJSCIO. 24•17 oefat• do pit y, doer. vgaii So net: Stout. oorr quality, Z1%t, 4 mai; Havana, So 11, 134 - So low ebb litek ScematUhmsearWita etaltt4 detaaud, we qo to pr before,alap,T,oadiffayidfcrhehe7,po .4 red soft Or %da1...212W% soh cruthed a, oblo, 7.30 circle L. 07 2 19,11734210. 2 0 2 . , ; 7.5%q 0 yellow 24n, and circle 0 0 ,7 Ao per pound. 31olaeses—Ho imports - des pert am* Stoat mill, .rd though the demand 10 req usht. hot term ore .t lay 110frrious qu 00, Co: Cabs If promado 05.11; do, to.syed 65a554-Sasttaltlaatt, 90,41,1 o; Porto Inch &SIM, - - i Now.:ltork Wool Market. BATODAY, 041 IT.—She reenrket boa not motorlally thateWd dam oar Wt.. There hem b en rather more Ingyley I r tl ojek few de:•,.but reryll,tle Wool boa charged bane.. a - 0 ge. erol wet elli la looted foe till {Res the mie e I Ilsn, Kr Stu , d fat lb. Dot Una . Tto Ander &cede, m • transral rem. k, aro firm In their 1 Timm and brescouldo no cone.. in or im pmts. ~s, Ma thnele irriratit of incrni arm Mated sums dispandarg to real% aal Oh bum deeded • Mlle on totem ; IPrOal te itW.,icatalatred by cell hammed dealers ea . WOd Wrporl, men Cborigh gala boa decllred. Oonfl. -dense Seems to to Willett Motored • mong the timid, and if gold dor not go materiolly loner, the trade will MO Illiwltt Mt llimita4 activity, no Croke la =anat. . imam Warm* ereCterge. about 007 , 000 Dome= rigat hllt boa; ta. chiding 1,20,4 roomed tia olmt i car last, dill ..,01,cettli Moll lots ill ormiltionod et .2101392cent0, valet» 51,10. 10,200 Waldo choke tact Polled - 210 OW meal& lamb!,_ll4 l2 ll3g . WACO Zatio t a bs os iti ttgl,26lo.3ol 20.,W0 Pod. owns , aiollfeentt g.. 112; sent 20.000 points •doe Seem osia.l. head* , ow drilla .torms. The reartot _for Tearldgadollethor nosalled bmybo flacteallono In grade gnelso.sztelidaan of doe plan are /tweed to goat =a7=l . 3 Po Vmrco u ll pic A 7sie,e=rg " . - wooldo,' honorer, an an etitatear-hyoty rigellCaypty. gonad 13r hid priori: WerbeeMcf yob. of 100 .tmles $ Cri iiddlll7o mato, axed small tom ays.leb, at asj ein . Ahlleas, on farms trithindd...-Clehryong 210, SartOW of the Baltlmre Grocery Market. t0•-we hors to nottce • tall market the past t4.110011'.111," hp Ia to Ire etre &P en red, bet th e decline was neatly anr tem, Ike cko. Corn coatlinun Inactive., oat Oki* Ws 611enr4speelelly tor white; vednclere orimia nine range batman the two eolin yellow itak valrbd bet slightly .dittllnt. the week.. Oats bare irjjghtb , Ea toy: Wiens team tllloas 411$ tie info and, dour escbanke ye tollons:.-Wbeat— r'akadk006,- an bets been cooderete, maw.. tag about .t/VXO -bath; demand -early is the week tell ..."08 and the turbid lee mend team,ruled heavy and In e perboeh-tonet , busk -loner; bet- recon ea ed agate before the lo elm tog-lade 10,003 bask whitt,„„ra old Rom - 4 4, ^ttAltilbe bitten Ett • = l'4B". 45a.1,M. Entiitatel 4 4":546)3( red, at 111, pt. Jean' week • • 28000. Whoa epoced_cdlitetsl,l4 , atidneld'. 4 : Gave te tJ.T6 anZtienealayvintoilearltut market ls ' • Very dull: we hare tnt" tolnereittme iSlXO•tatst(ftfl tete, 01.11,t,BDalatleg otintnnedaytirtetiesittieWel f .11M. , 10111eltave beat tato& itamly; alma. 2EOOO lash ;. entlain&-delikeki testactlivrblut onlyeddst BW:remits -; por bok,WePti jgaBl2oopAildelll2 l . , Cori ' 310 li&Sad kit etrytt, =trim entirely. nestol. , ' asPalettitt4e. !PA 15.'ZP0G*13..VE0.01...1 BaMMONIE ; 'n -4- • :Isitotbe rsiewsk arrim I • Itaasisal. eapg MUM— Tha Utah tatdatibia Just ahsua 1u5.40141011011m.. Satiable Ons.lbstrttatset, although thistles boa • alight Imprustaloat ha sums eldsagtiumlutit„ mot; Tb*- .reallite ai pato an' outheltitarßtoiiiliougls .4.14 ha mar mom; but Ilse& eta Is tint Vaif II activity lit althorn It revisions .Itas• rated arm aud rim are walla& Itlghar, htgtha gataaad I, altapthar Leal Guautesoaattuno irry Salt awl o•tre• eat dm, alined Sas Sol lo tweeted* tort patted. Comb arm 1111 d .tth • tats &Dan& tutea haul ankles, chars ban boas ow Saw math, d ovoid Boatis. •• - - 611A.11.1.—Thare 14 1 a atasdy &timid for 'Alma and to cote rival= sa oi from wagon Ai $1 for Bai ,8.10114 firm and rails res My on ar ri•al at ta: Oat! &Mtn= Oral bet anrhangod; In it 8002 r =mad bra, and 84 to 91 for 4 - 4411 loft from =orb. Coro Is doll and o mtool at 11.4 0 from depatand4ll,6B44.6o, from =am Deatara are offedng • $1,40 for gra. 13a ON—J• quiet bat firm -erfth rrgular sal= at pre Sor. quo. elons+-10,544.1 0 ( r thooldara; 20)4,411 tor HAW ride and Plain Hams 213144 for wed do; and 2744 for our. 11.4 rLOQßutttlthais dull apd, erhfla aro =r a inally unchangad. Wdl-known brands of gO. Yamilr Ore •Altng from More at $11411,23 1,01. jr,,,a, lorprovlng,t at oh. =apply la light. Cl3kr4l—firn. Ha mad ahara higher-2442S for W. IL. and 253074 for Hamburg put, ICLIIs dull, and tosglort.), and, *a yet, =ere bar boos no change in prin., there ta no dleguls thg WC , nu& the =ode., is d..trnerard. dorn , •- • . t====te:D:l 2.1/05-13Mady wita asist to iota of tem& 12 bids o 1 23 pm dm, rEE on—mall plea of Timothy 8/ted at 15 par bath. altbougb a round 10t om re had at VI 75. Flax 5.9 d e 1.. readily at 53,03.3,55. Clover Seed uommal at 13b. • Plsoll}sl—Wan la good mpply and themarket fel doll, .4 • doellm; sale. of mom MN bra at from 450 to S 3 par booth, .o M quality APrLtz—tiood apples in arund DoMitiou, ars tempt, sod trowd mi 4 privy freely at from 12 to 0,00 Der bbl. BAGS—Are quoted dm at 7t4aSo. LAIID—Lo quiet bat firm trim muter Mee of prima city rendered at 21.55 M a, WLET POTATOES —l6t. :nue, Sweet Potatoes aro ~,Illog at fr. to 5* to 8.60 per Dbl. Da LT—ltega ar mho at 51 per Dbl, on the .pot, and 13,10.3,15, Mirrored. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. gum TT—There wet but • moderate demand for Crude,, and, while the market was recanted al being realer week, pries were steady and hely =dein ,45-32 tads returnee!, and 37, bbl. Included; sale of 121 bt le at 33, and 124,.bb1e at 37. Beflned continual quiet and dull, and" we ate still unbent eel*, It la Imp°, ettle 13 glen qnotatlona Napthe may be quoted at 37a 23, and very dull. We notes oak , of 200 bba Iteaminunt at $8 par bbL Gentleman ithulaft Oft °Ryon rdday morning, pert Ctrude quiet and dull at the w.W, .91 eawa 8,5049 par tb!, which le a material decline. Th, lm peed= woad topremli that It would go still lower bat or thb there Lupo certainty. The netelpte by the Allegheny river daring the tlnl:n7 fear home et ding that evening, are es (ego.. Tuber. arm Pennock & liich;rdeon A II tr 1;,... 4271 Total— hew York Petroleum Market. ipsolQ Dirpstch Vittabi Caserta Yaw You, eleptatabera—altart la • fair demand rat Grade, but prim ant a abate Loom, •:aaing at 46, on the abut, and 4754136 tut &li the mouth. Ballad to band dull and bac.. ban, daellued-74 au the .pot. Pro. 011, alo la dull and • abode lower-83 oa the spat. New YorkGreeery Market . d0i ,... 1.11171Z,V. &Pi 17th_--Eloger—ille abet t,. law coot/moo tory qui at, tat...batmen bolos aloe Ito Ito apply of the loskoodiste wan,' . f .bet and pried. Cave falba wadded owe wa rt . a•Obbt lb. o,b• log goad ol Helloed *Anil ad low ..r egel ~; we go la °tar than[ woes Hart bilaSX c; Mt Wake ray, 47% sod Yellow anal, Cab Sane en ob - ., , Indrod. a• • e.,.. .Did - Ir . tbese Denser Tne •.1 • of. an. 591 Ude Cabe at Wing/a, 41554, and 34 DS a Porto 3..6.1t3a3P5i and 514 Dos tartaba 19 453 i•sl• Dy &na tion Si DIAL dal:mtg.+ Via gild VIM al., cult. Ilia terday was 44,25 t labos, 31,947 ban and 113,119 ..becsafeng.r and 494 5144 Naiads. abort.—The ganibeir u quit* nanltimats, but that • O' needy fatting to-.the noaaget and pronto.. prat • are,gietty Last , Tied, dna whole redacti la Ina= Iliac point toeing only about 6 a nta per gallas. TS. tal.• ant MI htida II tea and Id Sabo Or , . 110.;0- adv at 8.5515204 vats/ 1.08 hitde 81 tat .04 YT Orl • Pain , Rim, 31,64 681 ob • avid T 3 St alanr loan*, 53.1'1 e.t.a. Am.., and 449 taids ant T bDL Tri load Pn, an tenon not m ale paban 117 aria. , 11,5 Dbl. New Orlainia an 3lal,tc =oh. • • • off o—W.• bas•• ersnag. Tr.....T , 5r 10 the tboArlsmath. Isms. I T•••••• or bustlers h 4 17. Th• arta ors B•A.00 begs was, paq. a not at. a• 15•47% to hood, f.r a•part, 874 Costa 0Ie• ca prg rate ten. i arlloo at Dsrminso. 41% =vb. Mrs— _he cas r.laßrso• Ugh Wd prices tarrrr layer!" alas I= ansicaned Patna, tog. t 8 B••• tau. 111.6(4 4144d8 Hanlon p•r. 116 a 5,75 TS Para, 510 Waft .- cash ; rs'so 60 DU. 0••0410. 0 . 16 bond, 0 6 tames Ire did not 1einna...—..448*7 T•r- I imports Dy HaiLroaa. • treroscsoa r Pt. Warn um common it, Boyt IT -1 carecray Lon, Wm 11111nitam; 13 bass tow, 0 f B. op. fer; 1 by apple bats,. V Yr...awn:6r; 3 on barley J.oacoollpod..; l(11 obi door, Oslo • Shepard, 100 do on Ilb • [cake} It Lang; 200 do do, IS Lindsay; SS vas rags, God!. el a Clw k; ll du do, WOW/ ozgh Patch • un Id Pbell 99 90 179. Ef... 99 1,19 ~ ...1 J. 4.6 0 ; 7_.1.17,4 0 . ha. k,, Wm b." a 4M-113,3r*C*,,,0•31.13k.; TO 0190.,Geldi. 11 . 77 . 9..1 • eiror 4 . . Prrrammen, Utt-11.7477, September 17 1 car Ina , 0 F, , !opt,: Ido do, J >ha Heath: I dodo. .1 P. P -; I do Ilmita a Beaky; 00 bola boar. 5B VW SO doof ~ *lnto ter n V stamp: 31 &Um.. a Tsyleft bbb norm Wits., Arno% a 901 15 4 .Ito wtoat B.T Lentody A E 1... 10 001. Welts Frank. • Vow aback. 0,1 car .be .1,, , Hoonedy • BroA6 tuns at.- al. Blza ck A .6, 6 bb .sand, J 8 Lyon; ltal tddroL Ado .../1•11427,0bas pastas. A d, app ea Potter, st cm • blwpar; 2 cans a.r .y Jo.ha 4 bud o. 124) APIs .t 9.. Cja Gosholos AS boo eneoss, 1 B Canflole.; 27 do do. P e g , alkwo A shrpard; It d. do, 6 Ilroal.tos• : 111 by tolory, /) Fasten 0 907 60 d un brooms. td. ' AttikOls Planck, Eisptember 17-4 !kJ Older, A 2.14935; 161 bade., 3 Cchadd A w_,; 1 car stores, Bragg 4 no; Odi do! fbiatrphttl It Ashworth; 2 0 on. ',eat, Am t.!" Boo; I car ana re., J J astya; 3 pigs putt. .04 ,egii, orT7elor; te pk c• in.o9s7e, a Ectotturt; 67 nipdeg. Arrid g .,,ll 0.7t00:0: .0 boll dm,. A a A Clan vs , 6 pEr• teat dil er; s - W Llano. 7 ou'oo, H Awns; Ido d b Alßer. fleAdlrd , do,S Dyer. /dr du,W J Grlce , .; Al too scdp/Blords bon A co, 7 beds eats, 3d> .pp et . J r dim}, this hamar and ego, Willey • oVerver; 133 macs wskiria, Van:tore i co; 10 bid a, A 0 Tasgar•; 91w; rola liquor, - J Frastcp; 33 bola, tow, to 11 Canis a 6,- ' , .. , , .. 1 , ) .,ir:Aliiperce by River. CIWCPIfIII /IS SILT.. CLAIID-15 hhds .0 .- azoo. W A D s c tnetszt, I do do I II a rphr 7 1 . en, y,,,,, 9 ~, 6d . d 25st tin be'', 4do do, Jahn W Trill ._det, D 013/hadsco . , NO. 441. Thar. Bboonstor S Long; .1/ d.. d.., l. 0' p.p Shrpord; rd 11. ir..ste, 8 D,..1t0y; 15 t.o. l• 4; Q LToodwe 1; 1.27 bhdl tobacco, IMO st. 4.4..1, 1 II 91314 tstr, 00 jags bother% Wadi etc, Olsrk a so. Crurhusinsix /1/,tl“-122 .1.4 d. 13.basus SS tags „ 1./ ... 4. roll. l ' 0..-...3 1 .11rit• Sttor, (Sark a .o; 8. bol. 1/.ar. •41.4ru 4 To. ms 4; 11 ut/11rdtaloo, trans Ta/- sr.rds 105 of 444, EVldastsrs. ' Wham. 4/.11 Larne 4lsorrs..-10 Si. ...5.44, J L 50L4.7, i 9 bbts apple.. Jr.htl Rorbert - . 1 , ...,19 Ira., C 19.9 a co; al inure am, Ja W faller, rid Dsl.4 ....r, John D, rb9it. . ung.9.l‘a re i lanrs..v9--.250441. parr, Gorr., I .14.0.; y 6111 a .Rio 111 . 0.111ontb Br4lB - . .6 oo; tl rolls 1.-stbrr 1 bbl. /..1108 171 [vs , . INA 71 4111 tobus..... Si 0414114i40rri, 4 -ks tostbers, 1 5p glass/qr. Clark I ot; 94 slli.lirtnot, 8r rigor 8 L as. , this rrdosne.; 1.1.08 0 Ursa; 550 oil 1/14. lAtand•rdoll . omM do, Fonlyths & 1140%1.168pm amilap.... D•raltitl a ea. • D.L.trees99 rem Jas.. Pooruh-210 ttgs bran, K Ass & b w.; 160 i.e. gaunt, pll4l roots, 14 1 1....5. Kerr I d • ISt 413.2 Runt, 1 los hanks. 08 .0 sholloa C 0... do.• ' : • totimisTi nz Gus. No 3-1110 by bras, Holz 1111...4 16 Wolpad.:ll.l6oblosch 4.; a bis tols., arm 0To.; 6t.6. 1n.% War. is ter, 14 cider Elact• '7.. a; 10 11.1. oil L,og d Dolt 222 aka •baat, 6 T litotody ',l43cr, 9 hh6 saps, 4 haw pc ablas, 9.b c Y.o L Da coo h bLla °LI, d t T•rtzle, 15 do G any a. , wk.. 10 do b.uo & Yacht'', 11 a, J a ov,;140 dp. B L fahottboct & 00; 101 bbl, cablocy Gincta. char 61 Boo; U plOO ext., •kriso.tor mg a Oro rio obis floor 63 Wu arblakt..2l hhd tobacco, sks 27L /Jan mat, cbalt. A 09. 1 4 , 0 ti eATROEc T. lkso One steamer 10 13 'a UT 4, Capt. 1;t -AeirtkolO J P kola fa. du store and D, rte TELVDAT, atria !not ' Ir,r freight •r I.tarrospily on bead or to 301111 FLACK,) •••.7. J. D. CoLLINQ 9700 D, Ageut' p EGUL A RGALLJ PULLS ANDZSit • Poin BSI OMB PADLE Cirin Jyruto Po vat!, Capt. J 8. L e. wtU Ice.. wr tb. above kid Intormediate Porte ovary I.loa DAY, .1.1 p. ' Foraft/Olt os , rvivar• sppl • ou tia board Cei ' - .14L11 a CO., ',Arm., 'Vow. ...An lea s 11..03260 .la firt - - • EGM A AI3 P TTSBEI KOH wirgcamo Paostar.—Tbo is Moamar 11.11 , 71:81111, I:Satetmaa rave; Etuaba , gtt aro 7 . llBXtDatT, TEluildDsk atd Bit ÜBDAY at 12 H., Icata Whatliag envy 21.121118.8 * . WIDIIIIBDaT sad 1111(1241.1t, at a.m. Nor trelght ;memo kaa 18 22.11:00LLIN8 a co., Assent& ten Wharf So.a. tatty 11atutababals etrido.• FOB ST. LOME—Tito fine allar L 4 .teams ARMEN la, °wt. Id cOalho, vai lest. aa maw's au TOL% thtl', h hut: ! ror freight w paw. apply ou board or la J. D. COLLLNO WOOD, JOUS• TLACIE, Aim,* `FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. 11 [tia EOa passopr Ramer Merin. • GLODs O• safe ft Conway, win leave for Inv SboW• TB an e * - DAT. t 2 y , Inst. r d or pomm apply on board or no .10MK PLACE, J. D. OOLL111111WOOD,}""13` TrOR CINCINNAIIAND ItiVLLLIII —Th. low 40•12,t 014011 IP. S. Ceps. 44'. b..A4414 . 9 4 a, will Was so 49.. a. 11911:814ST 9th Stull 4 4'4 oak. " t's46" P. 7011;1=1 "rd'Il t io. L 9 J. Ri OCILLINA9OOD. j#o4‘ VOR CINCINNATI AND LOU-iggfi l l lEVlLM:—The*scolhi steam. W•RA, iltptJamu H. K satts, trill lean assime uA • VION • /MAT, 17lb Ifor freight ar wage apply On burl, or to J. _SOLLINGWOOD.} . I4.I.. .44 .ToEla /LAOS. SEAL - IsEPRIM, A 9 IMBUING, GEMIALLY. !Room 5. 26 .Filth Street. 110110SPITAL FlattTlN3 LIMO bos b d Brir gi tu r f . sad /114 OtalriPseei fat renal a Vie Pint Baden of Gs flirty aff.4l (f4Yrf'"• ea ac to provide internal revenne to irupport the goetratnent; to pay lowest on the pub lic deb; and for other,pnrposta , . CONSLIOND. Elto. 43 And be it Pother enacted That separate stamina shall he kept at the treas ury of all moneys received from internel duties or taxes to cachet the respective States, Territories, and collection &emcee and that wente accounts steal be kept of the amount WI each 'pewee of duty 'or tax that shall so othe, eo as to exhibit, se far as may be, toe amount collected (rem each source of reveciae, with the Moneys paid as compensation and for allows-nee to the collectors and deputy oolleetore, assessors and assistent seees-ore, inspectors, and other officers employed in each of the respective Slates, Territories, and collection disirtote, an abstract to tabular form, of which seomente it anall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, annually, in the month of December, to lay before Con gress. Sec. 44.. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, emblem to ri gulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treseury, shall be, sod is imeety, euttierized, on appeal to him made, to remit, refund, cud pay back all dunes erroneously or elegally weeessed or collected, and all duties that shall appear to be unjustly seseesed or ezeeesive in amount; or In any manner wrongfully collect ed, and also repay to nolleetors or deputy eel- Ireton' the full amount of euoh eums of money er ball or may be recovered agetnet, them or any of them them in say eoort; fur coy inter nal duties or licenses collected by them with the cost and expenses of suit, and all dam ages' and oasts reooverd spinet assessors, assistant aceessors, collector', deputy °Meet ore, and inspectors, in any snit which shall be brought against them or any of them by route of anything that shall or may be done in the due performance of their offetial dodos, and also compromise such suits and all others relating to internal revenue: and all julg 'ments and moneys recovered or received for taxes, costs, forfeitures, and penalties stall be paid; and all some of money which the Commitaioner is authorized to pay by virtue of this section shall be paid by drafts drawn on collectors of intermit revenue. Sec 45. And be it lather enacted, That In ail cams of distraint and sale of goods or chatting for non-payment of tams, duties, or lit:elate; as provided ter, the bill of sale of such goods or ohattlee given by the diner tacking pooh sale, to the parehaser thereof, shall be prima fasts evidence of the right of the affeeer to make euoh sale, and conclusive evidence of the regularity of his proceedings in selling the same. San. 46. Asd be a further /meted, That if, for any cause, at any time after this eat goes into operation, the laws of the Onita4 State! (lancet be executed to a State or T 'en ter' of the United States, or city part thereof, or within the Davits of Columbia, it shall be th e duty of the President, end he le hereby authorized, to proceed to execute the provis ions of the, set within the limits of such State or Territory, or part thereof, or D.stroot of Columbia, eo soon as the authority or the United States therein shall be re established. and to collect the taxes duties, and iteeoset, in Erich States and Territories under the lateens prescribed in this act, so far as applitable; and where not applioeble; the at insolent and levy shall b 3 male, cad the time and meatier of collection regulated, by the instructions and directions of the Com miesloper of Internal Revenue, under tee direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. eke. 47. Ana oe it feather atoned, The: thi cfficets who may be appointed ander this act, except within those districts within any State or T. rritory wbich have been or may be other wise especially provided for by law, shall be, cod hereby are, authorised, in all owe where the payment of such tax shall not bled been minuted by the Slate., to perform ail the du tit e relating to or regarding the aesseetnent and collection of any direct tax Imposed, or ehich may be mowed by law. Sec. 4& And be if further muted, That all goods, wares, merobaodeso, entails or obieets on wheh duties ere imposed by the privis r ris of law, which shall be found to the Poe reesion cr custody or within the coetrot of coy person or perfume, far the purpose of Icing sold or remelted by oath person or per. tents in fraud of the luterasl revenue la ves, or •Ma design to avoid payment of said deems, o ay be seised by, any collector, or dopey eoliector, who Abell have reason to believe Coot the same are possessed, bad, or hell far , l e purpose or &meg. atoreseek and tit, riall be forfeited to the 11-tiled Stater, all also ell article; of raw materiels broad la so the poesesedon of any ,person or person io teediag to mstinfactans the some for the par pose of being sold by them in fraud of paid taws, or with design to evade the payment of ee:d dotter, sad sego all took implements 'ea/lemur:tie, and per.° oal property • nous , . seer, in the place or balidine, or within say yard or enclosure where such on • blab duties are It:trowl, es afereeei I •tod Intended to he used by them in the [remit:den , manufacture of suet raw materiels. snail De f. end, may also be morsel by any oollemor or d•puty collector, as aforesaid, and the seine shell be forfeited as aforeseid; nod the pro ceedings to enforce said for feiture . shall be in the nature Of a preceding in rem in the cir cuit or district court of the (lotted htstee for the district wbere moll seizure to made, er in any other tearl of competent jurialtetioe Aod any person who shall have in hut Gusto dyer pearessiern any such geode, wares, me,- cbandise, articles or objects subjs.:it to duty es afereeaid, for the purpose of acting the saint •eb the design of avoiding payment of the duties imposed tbereon, shalt lot liable to a e. natty of five hauteur.' dollars or not lest than double tbo amount of entice freeetateeely •ttempted to be evaded, to be recovered In any court of competent jurislietlen; and tee goods, wares, merchandise, ankles or objeota which shall be so seised by any collector or deputy collector, may, at the option of the I coleckor, during the pendeney of snob pro ceed Inge, be delivered to the marshal of said diAriAt, and remain in his care ant custody Sr d coder les control until foal juice oetv it, eteth proceedidge shall be rea Semi: Prated ..d. heberre, Tesfewhen the property 43 esiVA nay lr?e liable to perish or become greatly re aimed in value by keeping, or when it eon rot' kept without greet expense, i the e weer 1: me f; the collector , or the marshal of th , d• ,t t.,, may apply to the asseseor of the di. hem thexamthe said reopen', and if, in the; .r rnion of said assessor, it obeli be neeessaryl that the acid property should be cold to p r ..l tine ouch warts or expense, he eta I oPpr•lil i the sew, and the owner thereupon s sal , 64,...1 seed pr . eperty ?monied to him upon giving bend: th such foreo as may be oresentel by tee Octorolesloniz of !eternal Steven ter, and it an. amount equal to the appraisal value , le et e eiieb 'termini ILA the raid 1183COSOT 'het d, etc s od and sufficient, to abTds the floe 0 , d'e'r, - decree, or judgement of the come h .step cegnizenco of the e se, and to pea th . te , .rt of said apprised solos to the celled I, r a.-rebel, or o therwise, as he te ey be trt d 1. 1 cud ill ectcd by the court° which bond eirell be filed by said swimmer with tee Com,. miteioner of Infernal Revenue. But if sallf owner shall neglect or refuse to glee said be it the assessor shall lease to the colleatrir Or liiiksvliil aforesaid an ardor to soli the 'emir, and the said collector or marshal obeli there upon advertlee - and sell the said property st public auction In the some manner es goods may be sold on final execution in said dis trict; and the proceeds of the vale, after dit. ducting the reasonable costs of the -sets; aid sale, Shall be paid to the court aforesa i d, to abide ire Soil order, donee, or jutlgno t. Boa 49: And is if farther autetsd, That all the preeretone hereinafter made for the delft,— ery et returns, lists, atatements, and volute ilone, andloraddillons to the duty is osir:of Isles or frandtilent lists or returns, or in a se of undervaluation or understatement on II Li or retinue, or lm case of refusal or neglect to . dellyer lists ot returns, and for the Impo I -don:of Outs, penalties, and forfeitures, sit II .be held and taken to apply to all persons ecalatione, corporations, or companies lb le to pay drily or tax; and any additioas to ti tles, fines, penalties, or forteltuies hereinaftee impend foe ftitlare. to perform any duty ire. gutted fibe performed, shall be held and Ita lian to be - additional to those herelnbafors proeidedt . , ile T a bO. And Zo it further enacted. , at the proWtsiorie of the act entitled ..ifie sot farther to provide for the golleollen of du ► les iii on import" ," approved Mardi second, na thense z d eight bandied ind'iliirty.thred, ow In loose; shalt be tekateetted , deemed 'es , an. tending to - end . enibraelegradt asstearlitn/ under the laws 101' the trdleallott of Warns duller, stamp duties; licetubs, or taxes, w lel bale been or may be hereafter ebtieted; lid all pessOlts.duly authorised tistisses : Lye n i l, Or haleht ,sttott duties. or.. hazes model,. nal 134 P are hefbbriYeatared to . .beiii:w 0 beep iroiiPie otritterkllibti,:34o44o 8 TIE 4 411 a 0.4 TS - _O mom. LOWS OF TO 131512,ED STAMM [Pcinao—No. 148.] ._ tea . ; . ~-,~.~. .` ~~ - . idyl •,• - tatthereeid Jrai,e• : -Witted to ekli .rrvispiteita,itomnaltiliterielitaiffeW "and Olvilegts theliti2 illetTderliltd or cutter. re 4 • 51. And he U ftwthrV.E..urds4 That the peovirdees of the sixteenth Section of the eat approved August sixth, eighteen littudredater fair, entitied•olln WA tn. provide:ter the• belt o rganisation of the treasury, and for the election, safe keeping, transfer, and die dunielneui of the public revenue," are hereby ap l ed to, end obeli be construed to include, all fficers of the internal revenue charged wit the safeAseping, transfer, or disbars's_ meat of the pnblio sooner! orioles therefrom, and!io all other persons hawing wall allege, ottattly. or control of moneys or sooouute art ng from the administration of the internal recto ue, 7,3. 52„ [And be ft &Whet er...tts I.] That a ll as Doors and their areistanut, tali oolieeter s an their deprviee, and all inspecters, are hereby authorised to administer oaths and l e tat evidence touching any port of the ad no letes,ion of this law with which they arc vs ctively obaracd, and where stook oaths su evidence are by law authorized to be Is keg; and my peejory therein shall he pat. WO In the like manner, and in the same degree, as In the case of perjury committed in Iprooeedinge in the oonrte of the 'Jutted Butts'. [to oz CO3TINTFOD.I riAILEY, FARILELL & CO., PRACTICAL PLIIIIBRRI3, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, hand a large and wan alsortad Weak al Procs El piranha Wash Wahl. Bash Tabs Gas lty ?alas, B.« Lead Pap s Lead, &a, which aaj .. l . 4 , 0 lb mad ads:iamb. manes, We abbe law tab. Wt.., Tanks. witnant Ow ass SAM MY, I'ABILMLL • GO, t FOXIEST (ITEM. P. EIALLOWZILL, HALLOWILL BROS. 'mama, slums BaoeDwAy riolllloll, Aran. Mils. WA. 'ALL WOOL 00 , 81 MILD TO II • in tl AWE dOL ,r Gl'treltAD TO SLUT •Fild ee ERB? On , acquaint :4-m sil ii In he h mantseminn Is so teiss,m, out of tis halm t Woof Lade too mem taus ten rent We iliemi that, by madud log bedlam In ins ore tare. Sl.01•111 the .ii nary, we • 12.• tn. .13•11INOM missal ^llllled tit brining i bolt W.I to Os noticed lb. at bade to toe tie• lagland end Itials diets* tins oismisals-ion lore ili..g is 0.. Odin r.. Peva, ad On ea cm It 11... Will 16•2711, Ationan an limns. Oct my maze dorms i Dryad this nine total elrpemm , • ogurro I. adolk Uma. This 1.1100111 GO all.. , A . n all aim, eitodlitir to. esols or on time, ad vie .1 are Ala, mining •o on triples este!. a l el , *lots r. eas , .5, et • WMI2 nth.•for M 0.,. We so tit .dl tor ash rely. R. 1 . a ILLOSiLIA, loot.. I NAM= HALLO WILL tiIIOVI LBS. tio• Tack. -I_ 1 1 uU1T WAX, FKUIT WAX, roa aI:ALISO ram OLTVL tir_Ol7l.DER BISACTIZI, •••nrastad to or lay. FIAII 7LATOCIN6 IaTILLOTEL LISBIIO6II Ton THIB nab BULLOWLI • S PLLId ALND 0 e'vari be premired at GM). A. I LLLTIS CINTHA L MUM BTOILII, an 4 ra.r.a !Laos EL." QUARTERMASTER GENERAL OTTItZ, 111111 T DPP WIWI, Wasaaaros, tt (1., Will be lola as P.t..1.3 • salon. a It • h.161...1 bidder. iu IL. time sod plan. tumid . Pa. Taoray Papa. 5, 1 ...Wows iaaMa., dept V 1.111 I Ist. , I. Pa, Tonraday, B•pt. V, 1141; t'l , o 1113NDP.T.D OAYsi tIY BOWL! AT LOH PLAGE. ' Tbs. bar. ban beam erod•onerl as neat !or dr imr•Py lb. • my. • or rood and € many vat banana icayh bed Il am old Cr y. Trns• cadh.:ln emit.' Biala* order m the qUIL - TAM•011.47 Oft.aral. Jalltri 4. !MTN, or Ltd •Colastal to clang. Inn* [grid. IL J 1 D. Dsrory stomsaaanta esusa.o. tartc... Plusberglk, trey O talSt. 4 RTILLERY HORSES PI:11301:1Adb Lim one arias?. 0110 Plll el•ea ey the eaderetireed, at PlPth t Lath, br creel MIT ILLIIIII aOltelle. eatable ta rart.theatee et lade...Ur= tor ace Um than lea . net Ana. bowie coma t.• larre.44, aciara, aa arm ..44 a 41444, fres. 1 744. 611 thl•aorlag ta I Mean old. atom .6)4 ta la 44•44 Wit, and la wAgell .1 Imo ,tan lOW p. cad. Wane Imalay 444 eater will 44 My, 4111 barancavelasi 1.• • coo marl Jade. sad arA proesmq lamas con!crs• to lbw O 44444 irp•ollam. W. DM. sad D. 4 0. Dasoffl. fp.) have I talo to el ,Ott slosh ta• w4sbme 6-• Woof ot woo pod 'AS pouPtota. as Goa- Laatorlog loattotas, pm. praleroall) ls 4astreot of mating with Want • napsclapt• itsall•attear. 'oft sto••• 11.011•14, araohltataul &toot to to a...sat/Abel • Ilstar . Nrtuar boo tsot•••• exports:lo* to tbla otty, •o 4 stoat sal watt. of many tarn ro of Ma *moon, raelo ameo/ of toe Ilsaastsl smilastatost part o N. prawn mood apply alto ih rofulstt • ..•••ottabla proportion of U. old . al nap:Ost to tltta stave •pse. o shaft, sot • template a•••••• of tee ausaolketurtag trams.. las Formal If ass part? to Ix, wall lobos. at. Om ftdrortua, satilloatory a•faaasta• o. la• osottre.S. Palma BOX us, P. o , artalt no I 211111. tud asolitoysto aattof ELELCTILOPATHY. ROAM LDNVIDAI AND CALDWELL 11.. nomad .moo oceroS! et nna .w WO. •troots tome. 146 elTglIIIT, fog Om partuo of lislicts. T. 7 on. roont i trodostoooad 77,04, ..htnintre t Men. +b.J •.• prop..d so trot .1 Caesar. is • aiasattae taro. • !burs ontao•••lo outtl mom certain -I`o thoo. vb.. trona tOok,dy ,i.arm of 0,3.1 talent, bit, b-oolto/ t•thel..l Ilutt ts whoa lb., rogar• to brooms tomithy •54 elponstg„ .r• •IJ es, • ciao M mapp.4.ll ti caning Si ear talk, W• ••• .4•• prup•rod to emerootesedato paltss4 will De. Bordoso`o Ooagh wog 4ondslottl No. 144 1/1 /YU ST SMUT. i 'ltUIT AND 4HAD THICEA, 41 • v. 3 BY MORO til 1111, dit. i•"" Jf APPLAI, Wm/ .um. 530.000, and earl Om towl ine medetim mods profitably. for thlalograiton. N.nam ts. Maw. as Karl, flatmgir acd• , n.E Mimi.. Baldwin lallorgatali CiMigallißM Of 1 , MB• k 80. Mod. Island Otago, Berms Errant), Ilarnbn, Ilarrtabonsia legman'. egnwrg Smith'. Oise au will/ Aoli plod Irmwrazratta.i7"4l:3 ligacrn: 1, 012.“141300511 dm, in An ma a o rrrcle= ri b li n r great!),lndnetoinstg 4, plsniern brim, CaklairrY Pad Omo.. WILI be fornaptl, allgagnd ;oar( NITODOCII, Jr.' ..r.neuarr rittaberarb tad Oaktand 1:01114444 SW. L GALLOWAY & CASEY,IMVID I WWI SODS EOM SAM OBISMICINTAb P /LIMITERS I. lie ar..ilirt biltillt. sax nab. 14 ARV tti'S 4pt 40100(.4 412/2. * ,, ..14 lftll/11711. STSEM Z. 11.—Zy patent rent *von oattoloo slot o Ocar—tars onperkor any mods urni of Iss S. E. CIAMPI:II, No. OG roar* idzoot, J:~:~:~r.~ ~~1~1.~fi+:~t:s1 8POIIT: MI WOOD OTILEOT J.A.rerice Egowrat !mints tbo attantfoo of Oper t ro and °thaw to It mdit A datadidauzsi..inirfaria BCUM and POWITII2I, DUall MOSS, mut sm. no , o ttdoo of aka i kind. 1110 atm& b tha lwrst bongpt to Wm natal ooft NTURKE Y PRUNES, of superior 11 quality, last rassiverl; alsoprima tants Oar ta, tar salaubdopis assail! at the had! , Orlon IStarri at 1035 A. ar. ; :it • iiB received by Es t'SP. llo " 7 Wl6BM * t b l ,W IFUN at m,a r. NIVRIWAL CLOTHES WaINGEELS. II —A lon. lot of lb. obons mond .o ill Dal re wind aud Ibt ilie• at tba WA Babbitt Dog* doe. 24 sada BA MU auto; by j . I. & H. MULLINS, td , 8010 Agents AN Alloshouy ELEoTRICITY A rePtarsrun rint OAO ..'4 : 1 1 4 4 lATOTIRDIN ItiIiATING TO CAMS AND CININ OR DOMINI& • nil. 4. A. aztc. Eadlcal Ileetrtclan. ' c015661/51. pun BTDORToottaroC opbOlLl AZOsooloto modlßd&Kb OADIA&*TEM And UMW INI&DIAD7. SOMAIDAR am, In GOMA • sad • tomportart.ree..Atetatsrs ess stibs 1411aL . Re abstaftwaceraltiam , - rams wooded ortme Loom& hillAPhod"' T ,OVERINVErgraVE-44 fresh supply Li of forrerbse.B dais elyruy, troOnd ant en eel* by bliVloll6l or bbted(aCtlwirbailly tirolory (Wire bt TIRIVE GOMM. OlCEE3llV4tecelvvpi l g. by VA pop's! thatairstraerw, OIL; CO.-Boob of ,80- ft. thoIIIIIISJAKT CM win bi funkhig Homo of NUM. BART • ClO., wow 'Bard and froorforoni Oi • Monday. August Bth. 1884 . , • • roathilda mutat' o ileeartotlas of the pettmelf Uhl tba Ckistraity Oa at tha same Vi t ae co sad &tor the Ilth of • itSkti JAMBS WnLIELNI3, anoars AND Dasite ffi CRUDE AHD REFINED OM, ?SEXY BLOCK, DC(11:11 WLT, fir Special attention then to tbff SALE AHD IMO lafT of PettoWfm and Mg prod,. flu. Co.liffuswitaf rarpectfally aotb:Gled. Pittselingh Armor for IF ANIAIIIKI OIL AND SOA INSPOWIsTIOIi 00.111 PA IY, mbtly POST 0171011 BOX DLL RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., 0011011,361011 I FOBWAHDINCI Crude and Relined Petroleum, IF so. 19 DIWEIS Mart PITTSBEIBGIN, Fir Libor*/ Gob advances on consignsmat. lor Pitt,. Dumb or Ewe= liarkson. nrcursoli allelWol7ll Roam J. B. Dilworth A Qa.. e=rlbra. Pr . l4, Oconsoacid 855.14 mh10:613, • IRVA uITY OIL WORLti LIDO A 011011PENNIN6, liAndictozon and Itatmon a 0A111403 OIL, nrs Ma AHD LITEIIICULTING OILS, ;and dsam CH.V.IJID PILTROLETJZL. Wcel., cOposlt. aturtsbarg. Ofitah U. V ILLITD otmasr. .131333 WM BUSH& a 00., 0013ELEISION MYJICHANTB. GLOMS, 1 , /LOITIO AIM LIBIBTI OIL WOBICO. Laws] gash ammo. m'd• crzt coraticeunsab ay Refined or Crude Petro/cunt. ce= CAIL.I:II7QI3I= I WAY a EIAIIOOOB aTa.. SLTpOpVILLII OIL REFINERY GEO. R. HOLDSHIP • CO., Inmaasotor•rs el DONNING OM AND LOBBIO.Ib TINO 014. Kr* ooratabatly so bsad the rerrbom Its a BUNIMICI OIL, clear •ad witboat Dolor ; slim oad . • LIIILNICATOIS, pore WH.1171 DANSOLJI 061 61116.811. ear 61 orders left at No. 30 nrra BITIENT, &Art Oka. would floor, bI3I 0. promptly •umrstbd t ooS:11 itukilsin deal W ORM, Fonrsaing Q Commission Keroluult QR 1 Pr. °Lam er., 116/1111.IIBLIDATIBO,00101110ATING,0110D11FS TUOLYLIS 011.11, Ao., eceatmeotty ' Weed and 10T ago 4,1 the belted narked eyrkes. Oceeeietteeente wed orders eollctteeL W A. 411 %, iTLNO, Way KIM WM ;WIWI r enter ta Petroleum!' and Us Products, ass &Wan Its Bantu Illsartabh JAMES IRWIN, 011 of Vltdol sad Awls Amnon's. 2eLsejejltp Jam Porisedd e Oe.• eases eftleer neer elMeßnit. elll 11A1? U O COAL COX/UN Y dikpita.l Eitcok $BOO,OOO 12,000 BIILIIES LT 125 BLOB nano:—JOUll ar►n Niecur.zr--O•Pr. Jeff LS 00IIDOS tscaterns—.l IL Kool3/111L GRAFT, J. R. moans, rant)7l TVAb. AW0117.( . izat tu,erta Ili. Company own lb. property Ireton so Om •• amps Oml togmbatr with th• -• Kennon r.., • adjoining. aad mounting la all •bout Tit arm, Tne ;impart, se •11mstod vat tu mat bank of Ur motemlishele Oren, shoot one end hich tall =Pas MM. N0...401.1s Olt', la toe ••thdrd poo • l," on wen Outsold MI moo-t • d..utal boom., loom booms. shops, erlib • radoey mauls, to the river. witit t opt,. OULU:mot mid all DeOeillary saviugemente sor kedigt Tb• Tr •t• aimed) opmed, drsitudsad ventilated • 1.• to I go4 11.11l1IIS irtth Olt". 0710.0 70 o.m• 11. and sli mWO worklot Ms lite to one boodred st d the rut I. .'ll knows 01 th• very beet hotel ite. The Plimpe • Ls believed to te too the LIM 354 veloshle cod propertio. 1n Use Pmooogebio• Tato,. nm• Orotpsny pompano. to bliansem Mier twill. V.• RI attains tot ormulmatloo of so eddittotial r .11wq, sad have lot aped 6:15, 1 X0 itimeM tot the pur pose ‘,l malls; gems...pate impr •mou aod pro. edting• wurtillig capital O f al* son o ts rntulloo. Itit facilt•See which te Com pso• l llpare•sa, ths liamtine matotdentle bat... 11134." 111.11 pn,re •Mt of the matt cemtmnal and roman r• *tool. le toontry. LII • limited pt rpoo t the Oval LI non offered to the' per Amu. Look. will be opened at th• 1,.101 EILNYINO COUPLER, os 3eptamowr 1101. 1.7:11 ITTSBURGH COAL COMPANY Z,OOO SHARES AT 850 HAIM. IV m Doviloy, VIA. company hold. the he .Icople of ion acre. or twia quelft, I.sed. altqe.te ao the lkocomthel• corer 1 wa hat or wad land M 12 , 16 per no.. /comm.. t• kith. 7. 5. L. ro ambling $l7 MID. capital mak • ill b. and In btlldleg • snort "brat greeting 05•1 Otter emaary omots, 000.m0.* lb. .100 02 uda any. The distalva horn the r book to 11 0.1 already opetad t• bat fifty hat. el • low map ow M. river Veda are to *Mo. 1.1 toe Ou mew Mae Goal Viola Th. Mare boy CDs Trustees and Thelon bale Se 'mkt Ib4 • lth proper warp tue .took of the awn.. al Me b way owe made blebly rannnerstim Thlrly per Cent. .obseelption. will be called lo payable an ow berme the leth of September, 20741 talabbe of betel. wont. as may b ordwrd by the Trnetom and Dtrsdora •lal a. the mammy reclaim Beaks and anheariptloa are opaaoll lb. Wowing Wm Elloleys, 7 0 0. Woof oral, Wittshlrgh. 22 Nos IAI win 221 1,0.717 •17.041 J.l mh @both.. e 05's, Doduane aV. omr Amt. ribs • 1e.“143. Lu.nranprip.wpann ear,or of ci th •=0 CIARD—.OII. AND MINERAL. LANDr3 N.) /01/ SA LAI Oil LEIABB-111t1TEI, PAS HIS (X)., dealers to 00, Oil Territory ant MI:oral tomb o re revered to reel or ler* any qnestity of lane slum. tad la do ostobrotat - 41 realms of Bunting Spring% Lit it. 5 speeds, Hugh.. Myer, How. Neck, Ball reelt, toe •11 WI, Wendel, of Imptrtatuse We We also • terg• roman' of rah:table territory to the roll knotro oil mkt. of Waeleingto• rostOyf Onto, amp Garr plasm nub West Irtrittnia loads ars aim .111 eetirloy wit) en:adults of valaslis mbaralsorttiol will well repel We miner for We tabor. Shwa Ludt irei Weald or lemma to qnsatttleo to suit applkottne mad= re‘roluble term. Ito pattcolars address or can cm J. IL EIPTS. At. 'stow aa taw. Iforietta. 0.. or O. B. PAINTAII. out autrook stroolsati Doors. Wale Nttatoulh• wetOltooff. 1864. ._......... oversews* aim, lumen, a.., EXITERMINATORS. :34 s reata=tilni.1.72 71 ' ttlfrso from Polsons.. • tltot dagereas to tbs ammo ninny.. .140 cam out of Idudt bet.. to eV' Gold by Waxed* ~ram% Brims:at of alt wonAkdo Otstarl Dap* Ho. den Broodway, 5.7. IWO A. 'TkindltdlooKll; ISOld 00., and IL Id. BE di 00, tirbolotalt and . WAR Atil =lre ainnUali Cms ,ONBIGNIECNTS 1 CIONSIUNMENTS 50 Jam !Itt• et Potatcri, 0, kr IViair/lvotn. 140 travail Imitated late IL_ b. t 10 trim 110.1 reaches, Estqliblik for 00551 5 5. _ 15 mow gobs 1003, Battw inirecedist sat for ink -1.• 1614Libminierast .11115 owt4 l ol • PITINDVBOH, PA. Avant at Oa AID DILL= m CUD. 80. EI ••ULT ET-, PittabiziA6 1==1:1 DISLUCTORS a I}IVETOSJI LID TIOITWIS t O_.. W. falotekumm Wm. rbilLsra, =3=S BILVIOI PEARL SOAP Homma a 1.1" Phi, Tobacco Maks, !Malone Ink, florae, and the iron* Hedge Water Mains tasawitalaty, 141=m and 7.llll3pcage,g= Yroteotts Is nowt. =Lucy to Plat• A Jewelry. fliwowara, gsanadla Patutlago and Patent Leather iww.tiatalrl and for cluning ouutde sad tom tile tt has aOlgioaL— Mar the Bath, and particalssU koz lihampooning, ths atzmui ram, 86451 a •• a•M luta. _la • wont, all who hays trial tta superior goalitias, it the of the s. Mike= • trial gt " i ldrw=W saW4 Using Soap, and to wwf awe will record Ms grie• of the sante should tt OM to obtain lhh What in &ha err it, if and wiscrognig Merchants ,tees giread will do will •to lifts 0111INPTOB it 00. a all, tOT =am stint, I:pv*o* Pansatranin Hof road Pamougar Dept. illr lima of all haltatlcza; non. genlecre =be bearing oar tnala-wark—BILVIDM POWS. =Maw mo di oned h Hathand liknwrlght. tty - 1864. I BUNDY'S PORTABLE .s.ruiracrvassit. sc. LAWRENCE IRON WORKS, Jrav Castie, Pa. DITIIIIIDGE & CO., Nawstbctaraa of IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES. ?moat plot ratioot to dame of tN csstoL •90'30 HEW OSBPLT. Li 1114003 00, Pa.. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN A CRAWFORD, liszadsotanin of omray warlaty al !Withal BRAM WOTITMF3RE TOR , PLIII IIIEisra. LSD Weriali 011 618 Ineurtur OOPPlilaniatT eta SHAM OAISTINGB. of .11 dnourtpttom inado to an dor. EiTHARIBOAT WORK, STEAM AND QA.SITP. TIRO, and REPAIHIBIL pruroptly aasindied to. Particular attention paid to fitting ay 1/11111E1110 roa 00AL AND CAMEO'S OIL& Also, Solo Agri:astir the Western LA District DELL at Pont oo. erri- earth for the min of tel, I/S • `• PATENS BYPHOIS PI M A P,, H. brat mar lareanid. Having no valves It in not liatdo to got out of order. and ortli tsrow more Tatar than atky pr-tup of twin its .tam LAB - V.a. luatirrosit—s. ISS. 1it.03; CITY WORKS. itieorkuvro sn, iCIMPIECE.I4. a ca., IptrISDEELS ear effAoaramsal. Corner of Pike sad o , Hers, 024 Pike nag Wsbast Street% Maar My Water IraTba llattasetarat of .tat and other 615 f BOLLING MILL CASTINGS And IfILCHLIIIM all kinds, and mend JoKan. Prum t attantlotk Om to rnatenit BOLLING ISILL ISA Y. d•Nkli ROBERTf3, BARNES .3 90., so. e 9 Third It, Pittsburgh, SIN LED 811:11T2 MOH WOISEITA And Lisaubetassis J A-F.A.X.iP.r.EIE) TUI WARE Wa an nura ere. u facturin g and hate on hand Bath ing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Wan, to Setta, Water Ceaders, Groat, Tea u,d 8111.0anbrtera,0.11 and Sptc. Dot., Tumbler Drake., Spittoons, ix, do. 2. Ism lot of Bird as tor rile toe. 011 Oans Of arm sad parlor - 4a, Tio Boefusg, Oondnotoos, and all kloids of Job bins Wort dorm to order. PATENTED OCTOBEIL 3, 1331 nrrasmars raTizek OVA-La LAMP C7l3l.lllNar7eSe SI FAINT GLASS. Three Chimneys. are Wended for the flat tame, bast tog 01 parte of the files equally, dams not repo. tt to crocking. R. D. DITITILIDDA foci Pitt Him Wort., Wealth:4tonstreet, anll Plttaborah, Penn. BLACK DIAItiOND - F3TEXL WORKS, PI TII9B uses. PA PASS. BILOTEMB A CO., Ihnuiectaams al EZST GIVALITY BILIFEMILD 013 T El lrgn, !quern, Tlat mot Octave. of ell dam Warranted opal co any Imparted or manufactured 121 tbla exaLtry. lar Ceno and wantionan,Jska. 10 and 151 MOT awl 12 and 122 ELICCONDER Plindrtzen26 ALLEN M'CORMICS. 00.. Vaan Porrozi, Plrttberob, Pa. 1/orWerehotem, rAI Lanai' &MEM Illanalectarera of COM PLP.LOII AND 13:11ATING ETOVILS, PAIII.OII AND lITTOHY2I 011ATZEI,1/0 . 4. LOW WASS, eta, total sad Olan. Would* Bedbug UM Oestbase, 11111 thok Water rad Artimea Pipe,. B.d b." Dog WV , . 13 . 5. /Lanka. Pai Oar wheels, Z. B AlMeltoblag eritliteeCiallr= Fo o w n Om. Peteoted Portable MU, wig Stara ar Hone Powar. ealllbod Pillar MACHINE WORID3 AND FOUNDRY. H. EVIOEVFLIAN & 004 =GUM BUILDERS MID 10.01113030% L•caca Brew, &tareen federal end Obsotoaf. LLSGAILNY WET. PA. flem.hetaren ofWIGHTRANRPAFRIff PORTABL3 Or..CILLATING MAIL ESQL:o3,Shattme. Pa/eys. h. B. pabing of di Ida& lateattedm. THIRD STREET FOUNDRY. AZILT,UD DAVIS, ? ...steep f•felnan of azalsoaa a rtdatps,6=eued y asianas Wok trfead• and th• pultfo dna Lam opened • hamar, ia the coma, of Ttt drool ad Macaw, lao• oppodfa Ifaltos'a Bram Roan: I tb ar=l.9, °l '" OLASIS "'"U IIIOI:O4 3 7FLIJO I" Visa p gma to Pholtart• wok- awlll-fla flues. FOWVES, (tote of the firm of •..) Armin: • absin,) JOHN B. H 11331011 (YU el Idifor.bell, Hems & 0p..) MOH 70132fDZILS 6:d STOPS, Hanatactwnsk ALLIXIII.I2II 117aIXA Wad. 190.t.T4 ru• JOEO7 B. 010141101 1 00. WELLS, RIDDLE a CO ., No. 215 V T Liberty easel., oppaTta Pp m" . manalhatron of WH IP!, LAQHi9 and .=1 every dtectiptkka Mall= =AMID NVISr4- Or , te+ dallatted from Ow bads. and apAT Cn m arr slal;:ped as Par lastructbsca. Q. SEVERANCH, No. 53 warcc Se. PIA tat•argb. c.aardoctoror of BOLTAB BrITITEI W1301:13IIT 601HYS, cosmos and rained. al owl di. ocriptkm. Partirniar dad or atrapod MILLS mil Witt or ar.ll, made to ordasAra abort rortrar. l = arcattonat cormartly oft turztl. ostnrril • MMUS [[ice - , 1111220311 , OTL OSEPEI MEYER at SON, garadaottren tJ .ca Wbaoula and 6401 Desists ha 11:181111111.1 AHD MAMA 80. CM MEM Gram stove Us OF O lands I.m sent 0. TAINT AHD 71113 nratnrusw.m W..:3 nna tluttr ewe caamiScbars a nd lesreantsei optfl 1164 d alb to say manatmesand to tbs dtr. 4.4 WM well st reronabla piece. isLIU a 00., No. W i l t amer. BeasiaCtilisitt, ftfactmer , cusasbeccren w Lweasia SST MTGE= 600 .0.3 0.0.21,tic• at Ttill3 IS O6OO Pae. 4IO SAIDEDNIOILL, toram •01301 .0 rpm tba "asi. = -.,.•.0*,r D& W. BENNETT_ Miumfaatarars of s WRITS OSUMI OVINA and CRUM 00L011, pL WAAL 01Con and Wankel:Ma Id Oa TaTrat rlit•lmrgb. SILVER PEARL tiOLP. ORIIMPTON & 00.. U"1, I•llbert7 SWOON duY nypristars sad Ilsastssausrs au Winans rum sz Issats, Ohio, lailJaska. I.lllnob sad tdassarl. o.oossamtwlmdalmarbrutkbd Pole', German. Olive and Ruin Beep. 1713== 401L113/ AND PAMICT SOAPS .11 row artvica MULL SOAP. whleh In connam• tlJIy moommvnti ea bettor NT gooerel awe thatt say (Abel ,r• the palate., abontd be lion. to mth.ll ha* oehter Limo or Roan, or any other =bassos to Its as. Atkrl.k of the Cams r.• Err a s 71.,nucb 4.1.1 WaArns orosho.l tik tL ra, .41t1 of , Ltnou Olabea wattled with Ws elhe ac% Prsta SOAP di, not roqtdro boiling or holt ratans, whloh of ammo caul the wow wad loot. STEAM SAW MILLS sad ELANDTb Patented Pe:WO Stem X BL/JOT'S Stem Latium Wats, Nam,X* CV . litlgllD7ls Nowak linaina Walks. 'busily . O. The aunt .emoosseild tn the world. !list madam run nuisiblekro, ns Main snit .14silosig taw Amp Nay neutpoed operstke.. Oat lissiqualA: tone Mt. mein limas. Wilistorei XL , eat XXI foot • In mein esentbaonidlog 110,156 i. including egurl &op .hinter. Juno, 0 V.itru,lesteisbisr& pmts. ens 680000gnen elegy in than months. is Juan 18C4, 1g0.i60114 can: 49th of guirllPX. Oat anti. -- Muted. twined= sad owned gtacag 'prina tor sing Bend tut illontesteg eteculai, with deseflptSems - tad nvrtg of °prams. Annum • , H. & F. BLAND?„ • strandritOs, cir trim% Olds: Wien, Hilts and carnitiondence salkao DRACHMA PEACHES,, PEACHES J.BMaMotaidl7 boa Gusto :pro linnet'sa batle fit Damao . Piftimar 3 1 9.1 11 1 0 ei ums l lo 36 l 1NV1444404-7 _ rpm / IifecILECLLAIT, • titmraorb XisOlatlead Di") 11:13PILITS Flow, Grabs and lirootstotst. as e gi l = tl t'z i Padffol. end" d No. V WM& BTUS% littsbuzzl... Pa. ssed. B F. QUIMBY a 00., Commission Merchant& No. 100 SOUTH weals M. CZIIOIIOO. 9lna 17 ►WnHm to parchnstnie Flour, Grain, Provisions, 4e., ►as Leant accoa.t. .CIZO. T. BROWN. 13- T. QUWDT ottikly HENRY WALLACE Commission nerehant, Sa 1 80T17:11 WAVLE IT., affICILGO, Mina Particular ar,Amtion pntEl to Antes ordain for RIGHWIISZ3, 1110V1:19101913, 71.01111 • athl7:lsco L.% 1.............................*.......... MTELNE. 6r. A.NJER, C0EM15.1103 Ilimatuars, And dealers In Flour, °rain sad prodasy 12,4 EiIECOND tiL, betwooa Wood A Badtharld,, rorena—.—Jons atana—...erre•ira a. sera, an TRH., AtKEN Ir, SILEPARD, Qom 'TRH., Merchants and Dealers In sesignaad ward° FRINTS, FLOUR, Burrza, oar.r.a, EMS, POTATOTA, and Pranns, nenerally, No. WO Lltert7 dna; oppedte pot, Pinab'et. War J. S. Dilworth A Co , Means i Cain, Clap d Ehepard, Atwell, Lee d tio , John ar•ldett, Plttabrirgh; Clatter a Bro., Id °Viva] :V. Brent &Co., Phtlada.; mitt Blwroons, St. Leeds Sinclair Groat, Now Took; btanford Lave% Cludnitatl. FRA-NE. vex GORDEB., Produce and Commission Merchant, SiDWI. earwr Tint. Neerin Timm. 607TZP,811 00119 , taZD int k ra. TAlL OTIFICEit, PORK, DRIED AND Gum. Ll=caab coadipznanti. bll Cu A R.LER 40, BAIALEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. 111111/0111MIECII BROM, And &am In .11 Man a 00MITHY PTIODLCA, 80. 171 L 11112117 STEMS orommt rms. • mu easoccr.s t rof the tete flan of D. 4-,A. If'Dozzall . 21ttsbursh. it 00., WeßeTtllo, OM) M'DONALD &l ABITCKL.. Wholesnlo Grocers Prodoio and Oosayalselou Ketches% 4.dotati rt 01:477.6., E. 0. SUGAR and BIGIASEMI, 11E111150 6004.8.5 SOD BYRUM FLOUR, 8.A.0061, It Be 0 0, T=.A BIOS, 0115E85, MEDD, 6144 Now 41 .rd EH Liberty Prost, PlAttimmitt. =BOY SHILIVISR 44 LAZE/A Whoteria 811.003118 AIM COMIIISSIOZI Hoc SR aLd 49 534111111XLD ST.. co. &o d. WO, EITUEBUSGE. OBAELES B. LEECH, PADUA AND - OILADI 0.1113111101 /1.411/10 tar Oki sale of GUAM SEEDS, MEME. , ?DODD= At, 6.1112 Walt tot the telebrnEM Uniontown 015LELVD,; DTow. lib Bewail end 145 Tint amt., WV= wood latd linAtLneld, Pitteburgh.' 104 omega stenos KeTISAIL 1.1 EAD METDIAR, Grocers and Cont. 1-11tarjock flambeau, sad dealers in all klub of Oueony Produce sad Pittsburgh Iffenabctocres, fAS Liberty Wrest, opposite bead of Wood street, PM. bnrgh. Wiß & WILKINSON, Commission ttobanta, Wholesale dealers ID WILSTRRN SERVS cilsztat., DRIED FRUITS, Burma, MA GRAINS, sad produce sunerellp. Al., LRAMS% R IRIS, OILS. AuNo. VI Merv , West, Plissbarek. ISTlCkseh adeaate . mults mad.. amatips=a , an solicited. I.lsl4fted • - WAL Y. BECK & CO. No. 185 Liberty Pittiburgb, c Ps, Wbottaale Groxars, Oza srlmloa orchant., and &alas In °Guam DELIGD M PRO DVCZ, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD,' =M UT= b. R, LHM oce, amass , GRZZX , neg. Ali/CP se., PRODUCT.. 11 , 0 1 % O, MIMS. SALT Wd LLIIH. - • big TWIN s tiANFIELD, Commanwa AND TOKIIM.II9 HOWE.? &MI .bole_ &War to WVI3THE.2.I BP.SPOITE DINTIEB, LAED POUR, PACOSV TWIT& PIM, POT AND MULL ASH, TIM, AND LA.= OILS; Pal ND FRUIT, and Produce pal .. ="117,21121.14.putd Tront strest;PPlobtrrgh. ma. 0-....--..........-........ • • T ,ITTLE4, -TRIMBLE, Wll.olraltr'GrCP .1.4.. mas sad Onowlartax daslarie_ba rBo rIMIZO M O II A., 13 1192 1 1; RI II IINEXP A A B AI TAB/ 18 , rittibtao imaanfactozei geasandy. 5 and 114 -4 . nif stmt ,Pittateumb. . D. /MLR P WYKER k. BROTHERS (successors tt lAdloymer hesiesses,l Wholesale Doges he VON 11161 d MUM, !MS AHD 811170,002a1CMDS lrfAll, BUGLE% Inca WOHILS, do, lash. US sr& LES Wood stmt. shoes PM. Phhah.Th• hd2,11 V. O. PASTA:WM pATTERSON AMMON, 00111018ST011111801/0 79 . MOUS /MD GRAM _sad roarnd ?EOM &Wen, Da. * W00D.8293.1111T. g AW2 0 1114. urhl:l7 OREESE WAREIIOIISE.—HENRY H V COLLIN& torwarding sad Omaiitadost Iforehn• and dealer In WB}3; DU sn. LAHNTIS.H. am P•odoco6enenll7, No. ZS Wood otrootabno Wan. mrs .811. I OLIN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gro t, en and C 03.12.1221012 Arrchanta. 8ce.112 Wood and 223 Liberty street, Pltublugh. Jell{ ( - MARLYS L CALDWELL, (successor to 1.../ Jinxes Hoban Ca.) POI/8 PLITIGIM owl dealer P KOVISION 13. corner of Rados and Punta its. Mien:ugh. CULP& SHEPHARD, COXIMBSION Meaceurre and dealers In moustoNAlN AND 'MOM= hia WI Liberty greet, PitseterrllL., Chcdoe brands of Plow ft. Salm and Ilandly nee ail mealy =her& Particular Attention pad to 11.111 sit Ord.. for Merchandise amorally. cc6.-dl,l J. TOWNSEND, (=mosso? co Jackson G ,t4 l Tz:aeX„) POSE and dealer Li 7.1 foartb street, near Mom; Pittsburgh. n 097 • Imam. S. TOM. T H. VOIGT tr. 00., enocceseore to LG. Lie 0 r PBODUCI ASD 01¢MIIE131014 ram cmarra. 247 Liberty ifter4t. PttUfburgh. N - 01 Osnoms, Commission and icrmnrettog ems% and &alms to Prtsinco and Pitt bnigh man. stmctaros. Liberty dna, Cittemmil. I).WALLACE, _Commission Merchant, , and Wholc•bale Dreier hi FLOUR and °BAIN, Ns. I! Liberty area. apposite Pannzylvsnia IL It. rammed Depot, Pittsburgh. Pa. BN.(. Wsra. homy 001 Inf WWI* and Nan stmts. nal7dy nsagat Lawarae-.-:—Toaa wawa. .AMBRRT, SEOPTON & CO., Whole wle Grocan aad Prollx• Darin; Na. 0 &eh arm% Pitrabargh. ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale -L Graters, Clemadeelon Iderdosista sad dealers fa PRODOCIS, So. SO Water street and ea feast Mot, Pltesbmals. 11.1IMPAIRLIrT. 1 KIRSPATRIOK & BROTHER, ono aiirr re t. sow z. 4ii_ L girkpatricts, WBOLI. 1411 sod 113 ' street, Pittaborgla. opLtly 0,151010 E RIO COFFER—Jost received NJ blab lot °retake. Bto Coto; ego prime white Tar gasps and old UTZ Yoe sato as this family gro. awl stars of JOE el a. BUSH sW. calm Marty sad Mood attests TAXES DG and LZELL SON, Branntaa ti Wort of L.. 1110 014, Cowon n o t chanda tor the patabnas wad ago of 03003 4110) 1112111 MD PEMOLIGIIII, Noa. Ea and Watoor street, Pittsburgh. &draw= =ado on conalsoloata. I. mam.. 8. LIGGET7' lc CO., CITY FLOCS. v ittd, rsr urg a b ld . MIA oonlar Liberty idam sad stmts. ladrcapsoity, 400 barrels per da7. R' W. SANS QIIROMAKER & LAN ,43 Comma= ltserstarrs and wiaolesab deal= fa GROCIII. lEB, TLODD.OHAM, PBODUOS, Oa, ti 0.1541 Melly ctivet.Pittabargb. ale .r.bantx...l Prio• dread and aburg.. "l r seen Pttn _ lose SLINDSAY Ja. A 8.0.. Wholesale and .tito °nouns, ri.ouis AND mum= sap LB. • .taihn tIST Liberty amt. Inttobarigh. rtEO.-.ALBREE, SON & 00., Wholesale %X and amen Dalai In 110075, MOTS. ata 4 ixas Wc4.l sod maga scrods. -Pittablanik. 7 0 — DGERTON ART .7.sltoleoilde LA Guiana. AND cons To.cmq Strarzustma t _pettt solo • liformozatris. TOBN HOT/SE & Whohnialei OR O. C 1973 AND Wi1111631011 - XIIICIIARTS, =rear MBlllithWels 4 MO? nogg: flttOStrrb- •' ' , IV ILL! BA T. .000111.7 //WU maklOFlroaladroK Pitt!! .• Q . INGISANDDOTIBLIP/lißaltb snot VAlax gq..pik r . OP. atgffl e imi r oggrialightbriliklera A , sOßdpies Do • am •• 11 i t t ir Mr i i- IZed ....PENlifilar - - -' 1 iNwiT • MAU 111. 11.4- it Lazasazusrt,..-amorttat Ir.. l', . .! , ' Comtlat.t madltbos an .tattlOtab"bh - at tab . 7 ... 4 ..Z1 4PRIbe 41.141.5 ad exgamt ADC -- • 7 sm., mcmathas Val tat c :maid lot Vim of L. `j ' pampa rad on inlll lacmommett- at toltatt Ptlima - - win bete Ms Depot b Itlttitaro at ZU___.x..rot‘ - - ' ?tar Trtuotioat acocooliorassoz szio.. , :, P, ~! ,: a no romosoo Stake daph (aril pa e t Al Ii a It a. den stilton. Maras 114 ' ma suttee, Ord coma for Sou Talc ala• roa 1:133017 IL/LIL SUSS Woos 124%mtlettPa Butts awl lam= 4 o 2ol o toptaa.) .. .2FECl , a= :- r . v .....: 11:1, at - mu at liassiabarg t=to.;to al-tWall;tll46, - '' ..., mi ..7 7w v Talk Ina relotooto. • , in. SIMMS Emma Tai...ft.,4ltraliatc 7- i. p.n.,,ccapptairclag=r**km. 'Mir :-... , ' coil • 11, 1 3= 6 2111. bans tbadacitca p. das t4tatees. - - dal) at a.:55 p. al:. ton gs 0 1 7 Id 1...141p- staltaar. • ' 0 * Harriabcog to Baltbans a* diddar 'x' , rcr edl' lsread Iftw Tait via Araatdra' so • r attail:: '' . ' otwome cd cars i also. d Miladagas far - d . atx .• aaCOELEUDATION TICILMO ~ . „ .' . - ‘' Stu abaci:ma acacceradaaaa Scala lad r aidal*_ ;; , bd., , ;.. att 4 atotbY) . 2 laC° PAL. =TAM dd sa * 41 KM* 1- - -- tomes a kr ma Cotstosomit. nos **Wen at ccommodatlao Talc tar Vitra 14011 tali • S darty (0= ecods) _al Ms. sc. 4 Nomad 1c0a...4= Trill boo n : dap o i d eam4= l . 4 Ilcio a. • 'il ' ' - = va to r t . wouvskesoa bow Maly (mops Somali) sl WM p. am. - ...,6 . ._il "math /1.- Tri& Ikeirtart mamba's -. da, pampitkaddy) et a:03..p. EIL 44, .. Ta.• (Rasa ?raw lama Walls Stake 81-::!* as 11l a dal Isamu. Incap lq*catudit * usila.' ' . Na saartdap . Trails mac la laaddadh ail ' Alleacid - ' ' Val P. a. ' , =*.a. -- - . jan7imu - imiccomod.± l . , 10.10 A Bail= t000a1ata1ab0m..........40te01.4. mt. Bomaal ra etudes Atiocattoot-.....4 tat. s. Tutt,"Radra Station -Losnmasodottaa...-.4./t.. LOS p.. ma, Itostill Wars Stabs Laxuascatalacc-..4.P. US p. ca Balthmota Comm arel maim ellk rao.apta..,b,. ~ pas at ltW p.O. aoldsadapt: -.-. I: fl , , -',. -' ~ ..- * ;-. Inas Ix B.M•and ladlareccoolial*Badr - - '.ll Interanadca vita Ihraagb Leccolobaciavik accamaddasaa wad Zama''ata XasS ald.„ mita 8ei.,.. . , twerp tapas mad Johnstera Lossaasdialas WWI ...- Snag Par gbouladaLaccucaa of Onscas7llll Kamm 'drabs ad kW "rata Wect, and all TWOuitlilocarao. - =dad= sad Miami 16 1 Matt. , , . Id Ta QM T0tt......-.1 1 ) so r . .......,..r.... .0.0,,,. 0rtag,4441.---lONTo Limn tat 4:..... 110 So itisattabctt,-- 065 To =Kt it.... 14.... ..1 IS. , .4= n tlautd. otmokoll to all Shalom cal t .otosaytatadm , o• ,and as Pbraiddetklatini MO . o' 1 Ike Tack. , :,.I,_. puppaipcs card=6tlcluda et 0 01 m= all I. ~,. ,=1 ,.. a a a Mr% to voio.rogooS la . ', .. . to mamma= atm, =est from titilloaMm ' the Cocattam, ama 11 0 ort* , ,•,,... . ... : . 301101-11 am d lacd. Ma 0=404 all hall-- - ',-- -,/ timonelets.nercosibb LI parsoomi baggir'4l o 4.l l l l l" ON an =mot na maadka,trlCSL .*. 4 . a .. , IL 74-41 x Olsosibui Memo boa mmo, • ~ v 4 milt looi boom to ICS MIS Id ;oh mt at ,•,..„ ~ i Ghana mot to =mad to stab. Or mattt.?mallet 01l Wang. Tar admix crplp to J. i ni ii;,l, 5 ... :. . • , ... ..., 4.. , i it Cho Ili:tcl7lldicta Matra Itallsd*RaWda=ll - on Lltmatt la Gnat arida. - i ',,,, ' - ,- ,m , ~ ,NM .T.l.- , ... talttiocri r ".! Yhltadd;his • WAYBX &CHICAGO BAIL - • WAY aril CrUCTILATT =MB snap. • Bum= ssaslicaumrt Oa =I gnu lIAY May MA, Ogas StA.1!•=m111: Lewes via:smith I micagn. icas.:loilNntlatai.; 1103 Asztaa its iittalarea—P. s. w. a 4), newNristv:Ls. w.., Map. s.. Tr.oo v. in. and MO p. m. ,h gl. it r. mai - *JO a. m.. t. 30 9. aa.,8.05 la ss....r. 4 31 4 1, ;‘ ,. ... - - . AS.OOOIII3IODATIOR ? ta. l u La Animals. Tor How B. Tor Sew C. Ma 13Wi1e.,• ' WO so.lik Cab N. :h. ClO p. ss, a ~, ;,, . •• ; NOM, LLD L .ill. OM ,NI 1 , 410 1 , , , Ilk. • , 1 ~-, • - a . .1 frJ93 Nall Testa eolaticia at rs; Detichtmilr9b Saw mato 11214 NAL ti G . 4 , aftnesr.' , Anil , . at Atimatior—P. If. W. o.rist-Pt". 4l W.. 6.110 a. m ., =B p. m •=l 4-' 69 9. 2 : 6 y• • nWi r+IL S t •.._: LIM b. ra., ... _ WWI= PaILEXE. Ticlat craws Prena etnta. AL Q. p An gM a7 ° Og ' ' . Er. B. PaTl4Oll, _2 . .-, ..^ 7 I lima. Pan. Agaskt, P. Y. Wl 9 0. Wilk , • amaikil A LLEGHZN'yI vr . ,._, .1001 VOLT.= ILtaLIWAD r_... -- . 2 ' -MANGY 07 TIIIIIL-Or. ,,,,,..._ 4, t ~..,. mad stuff 11011 DAT. WO 1, 1. - Ar i f'. l f 3 ...,-„, i ,_,:i .-,) Goraosroont at wan min iata 4: .:.; • ;; • ... , Tiklir m rlllsbcolb . TON a. Mat. • 1 • , , givin as KlStoszan OS ,Ittee s. 86 , VlAllt , r: ;., ampt 4A:I sa..ordoss o f PiSoft l lo 0I P. ols. - . 1 117.1121-Leers 6istorod9r, id 8:1211364•, • -- :1 =Mai it Pilisbargh at *MIL Tis:Tolstom a 'llederils • - .:' I Et 401 p: vs., orelvlog_ at Eltomok OV:ISSo- to. i. , f.. .. 1 aoooirmaDAT/03.Team- 100 0 61 , W c iZ,Z - - a. IP .1 ; .1 ,-- r uzlifotta Wets OS" -.. , ==jf r. SS, .. • - -r: ,:• r . l' ' UMCCirI; !l I. F I/ ' t .' N ' 4 " r :::-.';'::,:.1' BHIP.4IX' 6 f` FOREIGN ZMIGRATIOOGE:Nett: --- TE Pittsburg% reliant t , Mal? Panne•from to (60 Cormfri.i- ,I ai tin lint dam°l4Pli Wit nothiet of Ow UM . W; A pal tat Lothateithntipel non teiticailtllommi: .... i Inlimitta ..---14ha Vaal Sortiloollpa.,.. SAW mew hut —*a...S= l .... tots.l Partel Ii eOCI lot ~ • i tiam0m0......49 00 tom elortriat,h e,thea „- _ D. Aptarliall tom. Wen. tee a Teat homoh a TNnDAS. maiblat at lentexteam for tat kaS Eitt Scottie pet . 4 imam tit tat wait. at bah temeto=mailii , , 1 dri kr paammit Tani frost oolt or, Mem , t - . A li. ; .- ,- t iv ? ! Is I x e i n e r „rasa i , : g bta . 4 (v .= .4 - , a mak, sal Ca “X" of Loaeos, Webs' - , Sielk,%l".thaiLi"l%'cl r"sr: I'3l t Loader Ice nes tat hay tea Lino - _ pool Lime =phew tat hiletr wt. susses' —...xito lussuat 1 218001Uoartielt t •-•' ailama—.-.11,C0d r e' 2 =ll haltm —2.003 n nitilt+4—. .. 14 . 13 , ,'"' gwy m b of th5e.5.....11,030 OusTall it. 4 'VS.. . l ll .„,.o . .. : A m.__ apt gatind 1eh01db05.......11ne .; ' 6 ,.............._ vat. at Mat ratt.........anAL. . a litsigneed....---.-1, 003 i - _ _ , visa atZcareerap. to Eira Tali a =mar . 1 httibtagh, en 60. , etemagas baba throsigh to tap cd tbe ttinal 1 Mats or Coamlit SIAM rottened. ta p of UM tape . tan Has lota too Tharfaca way SOO hematite - oa tat =sward p= , lieLtotedi to etimi Lc palimp, heill 4 mom Hirt Port to WO. _, _ BIGHT DRAMS oa Pitt at =pp* ne oh st • ..... tem lowed ram Mamba Ohmmbito nannati 135 Male - r bin a. 18 in.nW s . l4 Or / . Eittargssitu , . • S T P l eo ll l._toWLolln : WI° ?1 : i1 7 . 11 223 1 10 31t. ,Htzt . ! .- i Ilsesw.) ass ge. I c a and rftels/elplw: Iftwssflp' (booms fi '1 , •:•• ass Um.) ossryinr en 11: 11.111114 Os .111010 I. -•'. 0011 .. Sebows3 -••• 4.'3 • • • ••' "." ••••• Orr?' OF ittlzklilitint.ll;.- tillT , O, JeP b L e O iax 3015 , 405i0 I•o3‘g AO Imls7 030100 1 t 3 S 1951700!..w0 4 / 1 11. tots llos 1 Is. - 1 Hoehn/so. • Pint& Is 104 it 00 wintelanst B6airinuii -- - -,,,..1 1tt5t001 1 )....--30) 00801:0404.--.....”....49....110%,, ... 4 i • loPoes..—.- le CO • icine - Ur* , : " i . 13aabarg-...413 03 0 ton,,sasurg.._ fir fr; .1.-- Psemzgars also Itarardo *0 ELM* 62)u5ea,46010a II t• , .7 da., ilra Ws., as oquely low news • • . -.-• s- . 1...... - - ti vi sadwp Ctomminarh : 14• 01t1 1 4-- 1 j Pi, HlO5 Lwow, 00l or OA Moo wSH viable • , -1 4 Hoer tends out 6q Waste bos at .1. cOok -'• • .1 PO /Mho laismiles appliiti 0 12. grlratel - ' 1 J04)1 2144=414,.. O. i. . •' . .. - I n; trirEILTA. - . - 1.0041_ .. 11031.0010._0400b_r" • i Id 1f5.113 Bountawa lites 1. woio :-: (.-t •:;,,J CIMMID LIMB.--81cott4: Efogaidk 1 ~ g PS to f pga. R ft scantiat 10 rtfhatzt.' - ' '9 . TIMM EOM 10074.500111C-'441102.0011. - .I)Ms Cegal 10020. L7OOl to k. ... . •liiIIIIAS et ~ illgtur Area. = a iteitheeoCoolo lent" 3g0104 1 1111. • soNosow• .117,., --.IWOODWH. . - .0 F ußbr.rua4 ,10.- , .....-::::.......§ - r o•aa •11D wooi,.0)1/1:111C1- - • 1( fi r ` :.: 11:61=11 as six troaFeinsa*".. I, , : • ~.,...-:,,, -' 1 --- , ~- :,, • ...) • :-,, Liz vc. vin s!§ oorni.,:•!, 4 If saell9 Ttard st=et. , 10, A iblitlngill9iSZ 4 ' „ ' Main ?oath aura. I -: • - • 1(11LOMBINVI, . e - • -- . t. I. •.• , ...4- ..-. ~ 011 1111 i imialbtraw,4 - f Inane amen* noptidl7 akar: fa, ht sadlealar'• '4 marinade, A Ins Oaintnaspla , ... ,- - t• „ - 41 ...,F llz mama% ilat I 1 : ' Onnamaihr an hand and reasadar.,, 8=1414( 4 ' ' "1 Ho. W nmriat pitoa aciiaii ~•: ,! • -,-, ,- - am Ist matemr rarrii,ruM64l4 1030 - I twas, :1 ..-:,,,,, k , : lal iii-7; c^ .1 - , _,3 FIBEDONTEWEAA .t Er i ff r Ati4 I.4I " A ' sovespetomii d. A lid' -. „_ntat. tiard• - r.d tbs. beak - amens thap maw._ lhia• II am pottal4 ; 1 on fir. Vont' staiotrtettwomr sectieliabre - , bona haunt. 11 lop ergaitag tbnatiat • 3aalgade mr #S, .b. Ihd %Mahal:: Alma* laad dt" li4l l.) law% it ,flea . a•loaall , ii it c lanta sad lt i pc,* tut o e :4 4 )11.;! °4 l ) ,nda . 1 .._ carrion all* man.. 11'...— •- • '" , :i T4E" . dthiddtll 0 3 h 4 I 1 g 11 if t" ',........ ~4,-,..., • UM*. Ta. totes