aim ONDAS. SEEM le. 18114. ILIZONAL UNION NOMMEN% ::" • in nal . Pnumint i°lll r B ON , or T ulliwit bourn' ncxxr. 00tana5...220 loam°, : LULU L mooassAA, Plusb DIVA 101: t BONUS wiraLte Au m h.y. SIX : LIMAS 3. 151011 , Lover Bt. Calf sit: 7011:11 P. GLA I 33. try. IA A. 01 . 1 1M11.614,01t1. ALZD ISLAM. dllehsay. Had Sl a ElebßON, Ine g Cuadlea. SAllll7$l. OHADWIOE, Atones Y. 11:211SE, Borth faretto. 411=11:0 ' ALDC°PtLOW, PROTEMAOTAIT I JACOB EL WALTER. thy. 001 SONS. : CL&WdON. City molt DliscTon 1)&179, The Ocuther "Dar opponeote understand the imPorisztoe -terce l s October &calic", and aro bending all s,tlatlr =mete to carry it. The New York Ewald onyx Pennsylvania from her antral position and ler important cleoteriil vote, has always wield through her local Oot, bee elecion, a paten Uhl Inflames over the P Alden:lel reedit For item:see, In bar Clamber election of 1848, the Whig pans wad sumessfut only by the Fahey majority o,,(( tome three hundred eons; bat u was so to 0011“0c110 coneleteive, that . In the next taming November cotton, that Gen. Taylor carried the Stem by fitteen thousand, and the Mambo: vote In other States wee in like man ner mar• or use ff.' e d Ito October, 1852, the Dstaroram carried P. noslvania by a m, 'shy Of about twepty tbousood--a result which urea followed in litvettbor by the annihilation of ibe old Whig party. Its history ea a motioned organimtion teased whit that &MGM t. it V Lathe Got ober election in this Eitalkin 18411, which second Bucuasrai's election, and the election of Gov. Coma in 18Q moored thoeubsequint election of Mr. LIECOL.II. The iferaftfituther Bays: It mat he reaomberal that in the October ideation of that Butte of 1862, whieh the Demo crats carried by three thousand BMO nIIIIO/wd Eblj atty. there was a defialouoy in the popular mate of the, State of nearly hundred thonsend. Mbieltbeisig brought oat fa 1883, gave Governor Deettn;ADlpublican, a majority of fifteen thous slutrF fa'tte IntiOrity thioll the friends of Gen. have to 001000DM In Penzuroire• the In October to secure a fair prospect of atm ems in "NOWIMAOI. There is eummtiate, a /air , 'Aoki is ties Nude /cv ell the .pars cash of Mr. itemsas end eft the active .campelgnere of the Dation Democracy. The eparo-oseh of lir. Dutton; the foreign Jaw whaasenmes tocontrol our national pol itica, will imSonbtedly bo lavishly spent in Pennsylvania. The interest of the entire campaign anima here. Ali not friends onillolently waked up to his scoot of the cue. Pennsylvania has -betel keyereed in November the verdict eh. gave la October. If we want to carry the Moto foi -- ;,ooeur, we must carry It at the Conventional election. We must devote oar chief efforts to that end. 040 vote at the first, its worth two at the socond eloot lon. The later Is, in tact, a,„tocre matter—of fain, the first election so tiro:Mu:lly deciding the sea d, tl at the beaten party' In October meal,. gets through the motion in November. ctorisetinty ticket, of course, is sure of be trig elided. No One gnestioos that. We are figytirg, now, to statue its encoeta, but ette fee how big majority we can give 'ro- iir tor ll.:7plfi.oggregolo vote of the State will be Oaten fortune how the State has gone, and thole*? we make`our majority in Allegheny County, tbes.atu cc re will make the affect fel en Oe general result. Ire gleit,-npsn tile friends of the Union, Use fo be editing themeeves up for the ()r -icher; erection It la oo y three weeks off. Are we e tesitly for it.? Ask ;ourselves that quietist* end inquire what has !Jen doge,int your dietriei. See to it than the nvecrements an Isr!!*lleZattendef 0; thelyour elestion die 4riet igtror rlyollTO.F.Etti,the: the propel-coos enitteefrve appoinied, end every needed nap z!jeft trt.s. tic' to 'Ting out a . falkmite. Look, also, to the eoldierei vow., and, soolbsy Oat is japer], attended to. There is no time fie oa, d thojrnker work, well dace, ttiii sevens. much - heavy work hereafter. utry 1 11ectilir of (fin; Shrninsn coaspeLing ai the inh&bilan hi of, At'amts to fird f-Jga with . in'tee"gibel hough it seems harsh is one ei,de Incet'efric.uni steps yet t s ken to de l erit. moat ntistatn prissy :41eave an air .2117 Eit2:lollldrd with' spies and ererat ens - erties. !Every one of the inhawant.B ordered fwithirianiithellinee by qen Siermin would We Arael/7 „ppm Ma permit!ed to ro bs",o Vatbraerdeveg 43ppn , turd He has, by reettlitg 'item ears. rift bi.nerlT of an eirboy .., Stee 1111114za as AwdEF.sZe, and the security of hie srnyi, ti ant wan; Intineassd. libefer4 of.the Pofentrar,',.retaU eseapyieg the edintry between Alezat drin end the Hap- Itiiirered sea c the irl.eif'tar,te as re - duce, torcutain in the:r ell Eraeff. There eat war teat every cheat them, while haring • Vadat soldier as • safeguard at hie beam aid *HO drawing ration fro= trti Gmot.l,- firhL datiy support, was doing aril he qq tould(n detect n_ ?hey took the oath of J. irstart. Ar.d were !loiter oldzeas by dat,: 7 4 fed at. thpy were all goerrither,o- porde,' emit employed thenotelres in Oise. ' fitl i qrsilillire„,pitkets, and keeping lee r f ed fetraekre retirements.retirements.Why elicald a ;We ri -v ciane, Pi) critr;aa and• . pro - , de toot for -itiotahiV4ite.4ieftiriac betord'wtqurgptaris litre 4ttztun Thitl:ribtiito dolor If de !tie : l3oB6on dint tmerfinorPoottbShont• we throw upon the Jrne sny's bands, cripples him on well salelpe ne El ber t eI bel gei.lrneeent or curs mutt toed th, ee ferlde,..end rife Died of them we cam -1.. cal the even -y_ to Aid the greator the burden _ 11141-irQ be c r, ' am sooner the conflict will 37 come to al, ord. Ia this if' se had been adv. ted finery?. dwel ad sent ere-y rebel !props Weer within the rebe l lines an soon as Trebel exerfkiid any portion of their territory, the •!.- wryild be nearer its oleo.. Wtrbaier been playing war with tbeeo pee , itelaTherti ; it is time, now, that they ehruld t feel that we aro in eareeat. The way they cry nal:l4er It is an evidence. that it hurl:teem 2faati -#4IA Portland _ . . 41 1 40, 2 ,Prsrs,'of Wednesday, Speaking of the :: . ,airsa l liat:#l , htaliday's alcohol' says: 10* * 30, 40 hat etraggle and he remit ; • • me to talk of El'Ole.lan's St :”—it to to be remembered • shit it'fb DULOCratiO tatetitige were called rtjf ashon'e Berths" .1116 risme—supposed to Ponta magical attractions —wae attached to all the call., ash the people were appealed lolnble nom,r , but: so showering response • -• - astnii,hadr..'" mi k trath" Is, contact winks:l3p. Perbridlun Jo tutottgb . to dem roy Abe &Unto. - homier the most gifted, to:render odious the beattslorrar . nad vote it potable form:lunge' flosollitainn bolted blutualf to that asiute, the ioyali.besrled Amerlottn ,people would Ignore 11161, and demand to mote at whattimo befit,. • woollen bed 'no p opularity bud the Monday -prong the -Isot beyond -„ I 1 3 1.11ryfiliVAPTA - 0X 181 •Avastra—Calonel asliiijea ref/J:Dent of heavy artillet7; aunt beeinglizigenjwadred nen, and raised - in ritisturgb, Penuslivania, passed up the JIIT. snob yesterday on their way to Fort Reno. - 711 s is the !best Teen:l.2l.B,er real:dietlst plo &intone Otate,-- Trah. area. urgh (Saute. res ritatusi 1,13 ..c0zw, ptimam, The New York correspondent of the Phila edalphis Lidfer, wrl ing on Thursday even Ing, says : ^There has been s sadden change In the pro gram/310.a th e ed called peace (or Chicago plat form) Democracy, within the past twenty loos boors. The project of nominating candidate, for President and Vice Pruitt/int la plaea of McClellan and Pendleton, has been abandoned,, wad the operations of the disaffected, It la pretty certain, will go no farther now than the Ben Clog. 9f a delegation to Oen•ial IdoClellan, to aak bito either to modify his letter of acceptant, or to plat alsnform."mora.clearty his approval of the Chicago It is something elrgular to see these violent race men, after a few data of denunciation of hiCksto.AN, more bitter .han that of the fioro et Republicans. Bee Won's paper, the New Yolk Daily Nos, eltalooltmen that there will be no &pante peat, ticket ztominand, a. d it ID expesied to come cut in f 'or el I.l"Co.mtur after one week of the moat intense hesullty to him. TfLat is the bargain by which the - Pesee men hive been induced fa come into the support no hl CLELLANT He bait written a letter it teems, to hie friend Hc nail Erocnvu, or New York, In whishbeexa proses the nit:poet surprise that there should he any direstisfaction with his letter of hemp.. lance. Thai letter has not been published. Has he cleared tip the amboguities of that doo nioret in a way to no afy them, or boa he promised a full share of the spoils of calla to the reset torn then? The latter is the cheap. est and eeriest way to loqy Demooratio r otes, and it may hare heen,adored. At all erews the Peo ce men who bolted from the Chicago lamination, are preps , ihe to swallow it. Vt. 'titan at oaelvean We Std the following statement a•out Mc- Clellan's retreat teem Malvern Hill in atelier, J J Marks able history of The Peninsula Campaign in Virginia," It is a piece of hie, tory which will ht difficult for General M'Clel lan to eigain. The statement is the more important just now from the fact that Rev. Mr. Merk'e wrote his history immeliately after M'Clelleun abandoned the Peninsula. It was not written- for political affect, nor by a politician, but by an army chaplain who was* taithful witness of the scenes which he describe& We oopy it now for the benefit of the people who are invited ,to vote for the literal-scented General whO ran away from a v:o•ory which the glorious old Army of the Potomac had won. Mr. M'arka says "Theibaule was over, but the ctsunonnfing etill continued, and attel's and balls of every kind tore through tte woods in a creaseless whirlwind of fury. In the meantime thous ands of the Confederates drd in the wildest dleorder from the some, and hid themselves in swampland nollows; soldrers without guns, horsemen without cape and swords, cams to the boagatals in the battle field of Glendale, and reported that their regimentsand brigades were ewt pt away, and they alone wen "en caieQa tell the tale." .' t*or e of the strangest things in this week esl disaster that Gee. If CleKau ordered a retrfat to Harrison's Landing, nix miles ( ln down e iIEB river, utter we had gatard to d cidr a vullnen tide order wee re ceived v the irapa/Seatkni eager Wray, a Ai tvertation end Ames-Meat overwhermed our patriotia end ardent pore Some refused to ~bay tho command. Gen Jfartineole ahld tea a 0 , Aurae.. -Tim:bravo and cnivatrotm K•arny - s=td it( vse-rreeence of many of Caere: , el . Philip , itearry, , an oil :oldie', enter ray soiewn prolest spa autilus ardre• for ,Irmat 17 1. 4 ,0 ~ifoad l a . retreollig to follow up Ms et ensi, sad *4_ .., ,10,.. End to fat! view of all MO 128 • dlyntruch a deci.rstion, I say to o all2sBeh en order c ,, n only be prompted t. 3 els:traits tr treacon." • . •. `At d wi h all„hopeleesness sod despair o eetd tire dash of tiumph. la eileno, nod stoma our victorious army conunenceiretirirg Inionieneiny ualerly brutes, tostifrad ono pAzic-erztrkeu. • • . 'And.,4Jacta..tleze_viss.not a fee witilio pi'es f vs, veldt imr - irounded - behind to perish, end sty oee witneis eg the mild Poreinel 4 of oar rettesr, would bore eoppoacd •hot •ero in the Fri Mee: peril from a Vig t rut and tnt ruphaatn,my.- McC'ellan soya that ke Foal] nse every Ceara known to diplomacy to itratlaste the ar peacefolk, at once, but on no avionnt ecinc.4edge mcre than one govern• cirri In que_illition- Vie rellels..cimiutly do-lare Oast they are delek4lqcd en IndeTendenee, Rod will listen teretaorpeene-cinetaa they are based on McClellan ettyetßat in ogee of the failure of 'itch negollatiena, would oontlnoe the war. ' The Adreinielratitn, itevieg ascertained the cendition of thirtysimog igoto to precisely NW WCDittn/D litaltd Sad tt after westing morthe 7 , .. ... " 8 ig ,41110.0 1 IMO OD with the War. 5 CI lam tra .heatlata I Mel oat • sold nu. a.te Ire till , . aFrlttan clear and algaed la Acme auto lards cassetrakrl 71. (kuresaloa will Natalia on the ST COMMON 1 e lama/it tnrY, AT One O'Olock in the Afternoon. A l a,an.: Froteas'on will be located le ritteborgb, at I n'cl; ck , ander t o direction r I 11141.1011 Onw I , IIA LIA M). 8 biltilLETt w or ders and art rends in on I let ennowtited in doe wren. 7b* foil is ing b'e and =Unit epwalten iliddemi the Oxide from intact o.e Mu& erected on the Wed Gainteun, Al!ybeny Oltb vls ; Dan D 3. Dlrffl33olf, of Itycr York, ( HAIL rV 3 MIL of illassach• sssss • I. , ( 4 overvtor OLIII.Of WIiloO•118, !lob. PAPIVICLN 4U LL , OINAT. s Of 0140. Holm. IC, • OIATTIIIGWo , of Maryland, cal. 0 1 , 1 ,,,, n•, or ohm., Danli. n./.11/I riC••N ..f Pormaylvarils, VW* ,Naii,ur, ho.. P 161019 Upg ex x • ItoN. •• Hon. JOIIA VOIFIIT\y/I .TII, of K a n X• R•CiLD, .1 • ALS,. Y. of tahlo Flap W W AII,9I•TTIo.RIi..of • AD JO iiirALLO or Ohio. MAU/rid C0......y1v•010. 'fly oid r the OCISIMMAII of Arrangement. .15 A. H . DBO In. Chain:est A CNION,IIEETING, WILL n HELD 7HIB IsNERINV:ept.I9III; 4.2 WILKINS HALL. Pea. JOHN P. PEPNRT. 0.13. L BNIT4, Yoq , addle.. the lief lelr• 31:01.ds I the Oahe au/ the Cbestitatton, • ..en sett • la NATI /3-3 to lege assorted visa Niulo for sib by JO& 11213 Pol ?Mt it erao., 1.44 In sad 193 Marty et" *it TIMOTHY Agee sad tiotea,PeritaSmsdkr*Dla., br by le3 - i. EUMPAZIDIA **BA P'VBLIO jr - OTICI4-7 - 41) .11mtioNa up w g infra ilialanteliin aOn 'bars is ie.t f Wormy bad amen wire pat team tad ' , rails. Jar a sale fanatowst it canon b twain re tin .gnat milky of elir pan am, 4.14 Von • mai capital, hr. et:. sial Ilk. to ta: that maistkil la to p oissondes Win am may ikaaa•J nay ad strum cal waald astarally tidal Mal at. .mall ospl. bald not rod man la nob laroaaspasa• To .urn vie eel yoar opreial amt imam. Our tamed, Wil liam Garrard. az. rimed a lIETBN 4011L114811 FOB raw/flr-et/3M PRA= cm the reetreteel Meru farm twelve al as abate 0,1 Olt), ter. Who above 1.1.. , Creaik.all • emit eh. n rfitam, abcrre the Menalum Wm, when a flue vett, of tit W. .trek last weak, which proud... to be a No I viol. The t 1004 ruazt farm logoe the lease, en •bich re are ten or twelve goof paying we:fa, Jut above the celebrated Andrew ere/1 which be. Woe prodecica rfgelar dime n barrel, pa- tweaty roarbetet, 0. or fbe it nett well• mo neord. At tee back or thin, la int tOolgontery sell , peed, owned by V11:13 8./b S. 0 , P. Op meet, arbi b pefforiva• to be a No. I well bir G inf./fn. &Ethel ibis and lite ;errantly level on the b.nk oft h op There cam be .ixteen wails 10• c fed Ge the lea., and preto•t , d twenty rode. ea Chef go eel coo be get down within that tte ante. The c. VI ea I S ock to couplet of FOUR THOUSAND SHARES, .. r.. dawn per .hars, paid sip, leaving • upltal of .1, bi tin. with Ham fur iworkl.gorponant,waish will . nab s th• co airauy to size three walla Air. G. la .1. It wl.O mow for a ork I•• rip. pans than..., a...roan; pant. 7be g. capbal allowed I. Iw•rity per swat 1. 8 i• eon par. ,y, a. dlt la ...any her f Tnne s wtsuit g to take ahare. In thls i al catte cstowany, Meade ea aar us cs, as the took. will C 1,., on Frit.). Meaner thi oh sk 1a......e.ti0n• 1.1 an , owma. at ou t , Ms, G.. ra d cons 1 , 111 found at Els human 30 C., 7 awed, hew tw• en 12 and 1 &el dr and after Ni t n'elock, or.. ern • ore of Marren. di 0 € _ .• _ _ -___ yd., 78 Markel stree t. r,_ii7IONVIIII.ANrCOM MI TTS ll E_ / , 1 I stir WAND, I I TTBI3BBUII. 0 it C Ihn Pte J b.. Gt .., y It . ore J.. K.. ti. dy l'fbunrsi.... 0 u WI sus p • 8 !frt. In. • 1 / 1 .-b•ot. r,,,,, ,n., 0 I p ly a.. i et,.. ........1 IJ 11. r0t11.11.201311 Copt Joon el . rt9erts IPo • r Cpdsgratif 0 ...intr. n raegbey Jr. . 9 W dot.* J•tt ... b.... iJ 1 1 l ben Wm Psi urbuan I Adams Getty W el Horan 18. to 8 lilld coot A 1.• r. w 2 111. r Jutp w ha...y • 0p... 1i.....r J. srph Hoes J.•• P flalgh /oho Petil rib ills'. I felt. • to It Boggs 'Vey Wm r .. Wm Btalooeber f he. Iles Bann J It Lin ley 11 rt. p•O 1. Jar... 00..1 J.C....E. r.” Ont'ell J tm . Grscry Or • ..... el aisle Vt. d rebt'd . A Jobe siwn J h. Ne Hay 0. ea,. heiert.l , eplaha I cols Liver I . bonnie D. 4101118 Viro m 1 J. le rot rlsou Sr f 2 4.•441 111.h02 Ji,. J,ltats Be. Iw Pet.. Otik may eb ir Up o a.raff T.ti w i I.perar 1 Jut.. (.su s 1 .. n lr. &chi, II •.Irl II terald J F J apes,, J. hn Mt suss ...Oise Beet lOr ark. WI Uwe. rape Ward W /3.3 , J I . In Bock Tba Members rf , be ./..., req .....d to • 'ends 1.-1 19 b. at 7!., o'clock P .I. 1. OIL —l:o.ka ar or la. I tecnytions to th• .cock of the 1.f1T...w .It. Oar.lea YErlt M Co .be-fro. of \CAE ING a 81E0, to t arltet . ro.l 141 , lw `.` NOIICE —l*LiE CIT. ;NS OF ~/ tee 111/B/3 W •Br•, ALL!OFIE qltr• tett to [trot et the PI:Y/P,VI tlo9 roL 711iS (N•n-e1) AVM I 11.11 ,pt Ito h ner o• t,••,•,...6 toevery Coc•C, ct; r expre:e4 to bo oubt baars the am Veg. B A LI - 1190N, Prowldent. 0 T C KU crwts caL anbaariba.• t, tba • tact of tf 'a Con pay are n•la 10.4 1 swat sift f , fats of UPS. ELT •A. AT, Jr„ Haled steal, as If 'lfllsY .• pt. lOtb , at T • iont • Sall attasdance I. stertrable, as t oats= at Impart.. tn. • laced eve he oust leg. 30/1 1 P QUIT, llecratary and Treassaws. TrIFF.? DPECIAL MSF.TUNG OF Ttlit 31E13' 13 .11. Te . OIL ''ObIPI3 Y • 3C 8( a. vli, b. beta at .be nMon ta' • b Comp•by 3111.33 3trt.e•. t TB lb t.1173da. ) DbY at 3 •'I ck, 11.1 mm 4.1 Ia portabes I. 3. be .rau•sot d. p • 1* .1t J• 8 W. All at 77 Bectete37. Oreten Perna rann o.a 00.PANIN ter IT, 1864 i O b ! pi T ,,,,, R ,Z d h TEE 4 0 — nv 'f14 O. her , by not Ard, 10.1 .o election Cor three Tru•teee r itald coon any, rye In. lb. term of then• end f •ve trent., ~ . .ere. f r the to to of on. in be h Id at the eftlre rf tl.e enn pm:ly on H. tdny, the Iht.d dny of cct.ber, I F6l, bet...a the Ilk ons f Y and n'tdz ch. P. JAMEY OH awry, • IT T.oaettese. [11C• UnIOS PACIFIC 1.1 Rn • l3 ‘nlition ST.} Yrn T Noi,tan•nr Bet. 1 FIE ANNUAL oni litlEl'lNG OF TEN kroanolnora of • ht. ecm,any will be hid on o PI fInT NIINPAT or ooronta, .1 n. .!Ls of ef,Ch t en, No 13 N - Inlatn Dimes, don Too k , et It o .tot A . for It o Inonmorkn of ouch Do looms as me Worn /to zoo. Uri JUNE A DIX, ?runnel:Lt. H.♦ r 0.., Pao otory. n Mid ent.raaia On. Onrease, Prretroaats, pt•tota r Is, allt. - TAR STATED MONTHLY AIKET -'lNe.f the Hated of I . ntaveral or till Gontploay aln le bo'd at la.. Moo Plttaboi,b, •a I. flasnad dotaday, 14Ib day of sterannsd. at / onbaolt t u• tratsfar o.otr of lb.O n3yaoy ba d lad nn. /Ere aoday, lb* larb to Honda! *ha 1, ..b of lire ratan. • By cedar of it• It? Oa Tta/7. ANNUAL hIY:°7INO OF ttoo Stocitlouldstoo uf Ph NKIOI VISUAL !ALT NON OTACTUILING CO. .11 t o y . ld ober fed, N. 112 South Froot .trot, t ' . .holoirlsts. so sil.N V A 11, rbo 11of 0 1.b.1. li 'Omit e. a, f tio Wootton It Out CS ft 1 11.E0r1511S, ono ur th , os p•••, *WI goo cutler to torso thee toe pcsotnotud w •OR tt/ LE all o , Trout, r. Q7l 1 AIVathIi:C'EVIT.I.K UNIUS EX trt; !YE 0 Pal WI Kilt 11 ova. Howard, II IP 8.,..r05th. ,h. W, ell, W 0 Drew, J 4 Ilvrrt TI. mu. ra , :trleva, “/. A N Ir.'H. list'. Wadoertgot, • 11 Ela•tretcl., 11a.hop, et .tom .1./2-e• blnsoa, ill t - Olialet•, Jr o,aves bort., • 4,..0r1 (lorin, 14erg• W Ilarr, ta I.tak 11l•ttkeraran, ea 4 tl oe, O. age &tale, • har e. A Lem.a:d.r, blaskaal r Berl, 'tot, Anders., A J bI.K e, lumoel Me 4•hon r. ltre 0/ Eon I , tro meet 'bhp I.tatttrday) ravening, t 17lb •t a'Llock at 11.3blcuell'a Hal/ AS y ig. Y ZIPX*I•O LL'lllno tilt! VAIIIPAIOS (SUFI I• LXCICIPTSP). llt - cry ater of the Comml , le• la eg..4 to ba pr.*. Al/ f tt oda or the eapase •r• Walled to make the 11,0 the Llrti - 010 I.letadvtarters. "C0,..l the land her.Nath • ha en-. 1 I' t ekes, , . A mil not are d Bat b•Lla bile arm.. dear sod •lgn•d 'la. as valued heros'arooseeratklbl out • Syorder of the 11:1.. PliTtilit/EGEI AND WE:a VIEt 01N1 1 OIL nom PA A IL—Boot. fn. n0b.... t 'op to the 1 spftsf Brack of th. flt.t.berigh .4 West VI gl.d. =pan', a. now open et the ofß f If Olt !deli BLIT, oorobr of EL./ imet 1144 Dq. au so. Way flo. Ilt. a. of thla °atop., ere bawd In West If b. glo., eta! torceist of Worm. hundred •ClltB. of .b WI •ma obt two boodted aaol Mt, scree ere well *dep.! fol r b. Ibo. bns pooompomof. lllls lend 1..14 to be etstanctt the t. If .1..p.0r to .q to Vlbflole Alid b erl.hlo a •l.ot d ....I of the noted Bor. thok Wont. of which ,bo, there are foor or ft. lo re......ftl f t.rattoo Tb. CmFetor •OPf.tte'. to.. •11.. thous. I .131. 1.. ft of the Capital Stook for th. purpose of dersloplog ..kJ lend to Well Is axle b. , ' log end ...ref others .4/ I • pot doer, ..soon.. po.elble. Puss nosy—JACOB PA/ NT& It. b....rear—D. B. WARD, leseatrers--8121U1L M. 6110/. DUMOTOIIM . ,stootOld. John linrg oni, J me. WIA/Ua. Augh Ti•ocus• Little, Jr., limes P.tten, Jr , ..10 rr -- -- ; ,-coNNKLLevaLv, AND SOUTH- Inv ?TANA. tt. W.--The andaralignort m lolto tete nanud to en act, HIM Sot to In -owve the Cunruolloorile and Smothers Peonsylrapla %Clue, notropenr,o' &web, Woe notice that they Will, lo pip taunt , . f Stole ant, op boot. tor purpose wills co Irlng es bort Iptiona tbe. Capon! durth of the bold P. 41 way I. t :open, ou theda, of WTOOIIIII%, at ho or of to a. ro., on that dey, at the WAd I INOTON DKR L., to oh. lowa of M &ore. DeU'or d conaty,Thion t3et.{,..l•, et d that they wil h.q. salon boodwoin U so. I rs to law. JOLIN Uhtto NA. WILLIAM S DIVBN, W LUAU! A N MAIN. 0 4 1 , 0117 A W. o 001, DA NIEL WAMIIVIAIIO/1, 0. W. 11.11INSS D. D. Butog o. W. Aottl•Antlf, D. O. OEIIB, A. 8. hleoLDllll, WI Lot la kIcCIALLAND, J. S. JUST, Conatolealonars. 01110 VALLEY Ul (X) —Subecri• ber• to the eta k I th• abovn Onenpem b. are ralt7 netlnel that an In;heertptlen. tenet t/A paid In mull to the Ir• atnrcr L RtY 11 nn No 7.1 Moo] ... eet, on or Ixfore the 181111 ml. Ant Blamer Iptl.• remelt,' Ina appall after that date trill be I , rf•lted I. the OM. pony. ; JOUN Preeldent, se& hh NOTIC 6. -Tll6 tit KM ING HAM • O/18 COP PSIIT give hotles t , thrfr cuter.. rolind shor too et of MCP , no BLit May offl to ohl dto ellarl aI9 40 per One lhoumod fan Io b_ out h t4lho Oa viumhott tax. D. 130131118019, Pecretary. "MI reznov, d to fro. lit P.un opro•Sta , 1. 0/ V Ole damn on Mond*) d • undo. 7010ats kacm.• at an thot'act boar ..... TO . mi w w inl...t.l.n.i.',,B. si, i tL WORKERS Mlle and Illutufeettona O. having moored Potent Who d OtisNT; irMari Batton are nee meld to cretin contracts for crushing and pond...lnn quarts uld ot the Lb Pr ad t ores,one of w banner anon% by the ton or by will sherd) b prepared. upon the oompletlon d mar phrtrlatng and cadtlng fontanel, now In pro. ono Of notion to coot - not for routing; tanteldernattug rod re the preclons motah, gal ' t -copper, Milo now the cola omen of . Wbeiplo7 th atom% etntrotente for the trratment of Et larNe and for the powderat band embalm:or ae bone, owl. Ere day, leeter, d onl deep emery. d raft' h id , P•tt matTl Crap, yettnt i t ii , j:o . they offer for Ws flights ea for nee Dift nozzle. Trimum. en* mord ,7 lb Iterottentir Hon. MO:RD SALMON.—One ease &al P • ad 8.• Rs!mon, pm rewind mid fa r oil. by • • • dal the fiu*Liy Groan atop of JOHN t 8113198EW, U ECM WWI; sad Moe starlifEf.T. JrOTICZL rIVACEME M TILM - ite Finn Ile Taalkat NNW, e•barell /441.8 ft written. ei TID.a4IIII repasiba SS, Mi. Apply to Board Dtrectus rsR Blll3lllElit Proddent. Sat r aolibsy. • ••12.3t WANTED.-,100 Agents. who with -the masll.-st saloon of Capls.l. ens CAAa o.ary by sallisg w as LEsl•••••iza. L 55 157.001411 8213.1.15 T,, Pittemegb, Pa. DlB' 01 UTION —By mutual enniunt. IICSIB /Mt WON .d leee,7 110BIEL8bN have dam ',ad partaarablp acting scants gar Km nrrY. e tk. lIBIKL Dutch emu, at rba"Y BbaY. I haaa 111. tb , r4 loom I, do ari , b tba BI 11.N:1E643am frets M. day and data, /385.11, 1164. ara airtilad by M. Rata rooa. relalt B09B• ANT /TRAWL THE EL ECTION LA W 8 g,:uP, ,`,Tr..7.. h 7 Ara ICIPIZZona l 8 :.): n itPii 0.7 Tee Ito misfire to Soldier.' wally, It Included Ala, T 5 cent. KAY & 00, 15 Wood stmt. vole/ AN ALLEN I SUBSTITUTE B LNAVVILSU Sthat,ol.—ine coderetrood re-cu an 111, drawing ochool oath. hp d or Uctol.r. Ttke CI 5•06 Will he Or gsdas d u 4.turday, roc tur 311', ~,d ay ono dcsitlog to j rl e ASA Cr Its tlict a.e bauleal dtu• cla or I. ch 2: oral tirel•liaK cl a 3, w p e......ecca lb- 6, Cr tht{ d. l . lI P 06NU67u6 . . - . Clvil and aim end Bee Wen. 014 H.! .4 .17 41 A D5111.118'1 RATORS' NOTTCR.—Ta ke octko, tbst I tthrs of Adzeltrittratlen has. rbsu vsottsl to th• onclor.finsc no thh orts&of Mn Ms I. ra.h , choh, We of Pi.t•, o.sresseh All rarts4s. btr.l to raid •trests w I p1a.... , •11 and tn.. pI. In 0 , , and taro haves/ ants. ngsisst *aid ovt .:0 ar• tr. p..r atpmp.rl, ti acr.l tc. 4 me. .1 g ft, Msrkst *Lost, Pitt.. br• h )3. Et HIND. Addnbtr.ttr. 17 . ttes3nr1r BSTITtII A , CRY - TABLE SU BSITITUTSS • Le had ky nailing rpon the tuaderelgoed at th ere of.). K. Illtl/.IIILGE, St Vs. IC7 Tocrth 7 C( PAL MEN-NOR HALF POOR GOOD FHB NCH CRIGSK BOATIS e Otimmlttre are •arch .ly ch r 14.•.,.r .1 bo 1 n,.er e • . r. W UV RA, studll se, check m, and !ma,. W b. d lc. at • ba•vala. •d p Ina-a J r I 16LD, Flask nrab, cue J hn L fl.n •o, ritta• t. b. vr J. 1. chprr, Eltricasey•.llo. arta St - 1.. A' —TI (Iso in( obted to th , teat 5i ta of 11. A. CAM PillsLL aCO B•easra &I City et• lose 1,410.1 10 I , vsy 11.* 1... d •h• It mitt. rat • ;metre all rn•ns!• en• a ft• to. t 1 le latlag the last notten to deb on, mete Em rat, l) Siva, It !Itanttalsts a•ftnr.e. WM. M. ANDER O.Y. Fe 473 Bebacan street, a Ileahear Otty, Pa. THE L&EGEST, 110.91 TABBIONABIN BCST SZIAITED Boots, Nhoev, Gaiters toe Gums In the City Ire to M foend at JCI9 BOBL USDA .17 NO. VX Efukt tateml, !d deer hem eth et. scHuoL BOORS ron !eta, •LL TD Z ZILMSP/LPEBB eon be had at ITILLSK CIAEIE'3 Y and Nava rapot, Chronicle Betiding, TlCth .t. ..17 SI 7 LPHIAITE OF LIMB IN USED TO ILM•t Fez mentation in Older sus! thus to pressure thl •parklleg properties. It Is p t p selh gratat• lug 'encash artr ass bart. Sub all direct loss - ar Its ass, 1. r sale at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE, 0n,. .' eny o ~E is .4 , edes.l street., in the Market El Al. HOLMEN, BUOTH & aAS D.lOB, Cit M PAIC N MEDALS, .to. 49 Chambers Street, 4. W. BEVILLE di GUI., idrtadsrs sad Polishers, ( Irn rat, Tottus Bro.'s °nudism a+palrtug nom) oIle) rountoo boas Olt= ottani to Dls wood alley, se Wos! Ptstsborgb. Pstclwile 01••••rir, Sumo. Inzav and thanes Quosocere. ()wpm.' and 'Moors' Ti,oo, bolt sots. nasal, Tula** &mom nadlyry' Katy.... Koalas aortas. Oradea. SW Irons. AU abblog to b. OM at TOTO SZVIL %CS. Po 61 .that, A-U.Stmi. 9.ttoptl7 attended to. erh..rdezo JAPAN TEA-JAPAN TEA —25 ha I CP cheer J.pati Tea, ropmior la Its hart !bung Elmo P. ern HIT.?Lod for We b tnyly ball' et or bt retal 04, 1.1:14 try IL B. LIAIYSY Je. t it) yr 7 T Liberty rtry.,r, ITATUEB.-25LLL Nethatnook Pots. toe.. to alytto and for .al. by WEBB, witerNsoN * 00.. IDS GhOCEIIII CO /they Oubv Fowl tid " Pores Woo; 19 " II•or OrLu.r 13,11•11 I'. t *vs Lb Ottlive; ICO btda Moles F. Odium dlolunev; 160 " Ovidea Byrvp—arrivtrod sod (- *r. bd .I(18. ILI Rd Pvl l lll AK di BIM., awl 101 and 103 strovt. TEAS AND TOBACCO SD OM( MAAM aboic•0•103; Tem 30 A Imp 311 , 41; 20 64 Outomrder. •0 Young Ilymna. TO boxer agsorted matmlActurad T 01,40400; IAI /mp d l'Alm—lor imle JOEL A !MCP . ..TU[OB A BRO., 121 andlo3 liberty strA4t. (,213 I P I) A ItPENTH HS AND (JAME KIN 1. WANTED—To ovrk to U. liforrtd Nevy Sord, 11./ tritl be too et pod Orrin dr./ , Olt. In Oovotro.oont mote,ere . boo rtove.ot Morrbst Grottoes ardor to to/o tom thto. altar o7ply to COMMANDING ornoNs, N•va. heed. srous. bitt.burgb DA Tbe %Wowing la ob. Proebel Marehal therral's urd: IL•abblect WAD DEASIIIENT, Plito•ClT 11 Gtie••e•Ormo, WombMgt a, July, 2.5, 0111 CU LA6 No. wheal. sod opers• ru, entror d In the oratorios, and limey •i tbo Unlud Motu who eholl be drefiod, . o x•mlnetton, held to service, will lot be re mitre toreport or daty euah do t, lona as Ito; tomato In the Ottawa' eeml •, provided the offtoot to arum, obeli oort.fy that the r lour at atennuloo or oy.r.t,em Lt trimmer, for the noon or military woke. JArEi FLIT, .11.4 P « .o I Itlayabol Gesorel If 1 OUNBOAT tile K :WIC )11 iSbISBIPPI SQUADILON. 1,000.17 tn Irmaied Immediately ro ,. •ntrlcs le the Wks'tenni Squadron, Good nun .I'l to. w Lod deveirobeo c 'Tomo en, to eats, the Navy, with tarp • poy utd tbroe oftekeed meals per dot. All Itatolts 0.11 . be over la l ariat poi 15 jou". The Goverottevet bounty well be peop,rt'oootol, divided to Liao.• eatatiag tot Iwo or time yam,. Parana enlisting as enbetitutLe, utter b don of allot the dna t, are not entitled to any Windy Enna the Vett. States tioveroment. /011.11111111/113 PLUTIOUAILS APPLY V) COMMANDING OF FIORE, U. B. NAVAL lIELD/Z.VOUS, WALL PAPERS—AUTUMN OF 1864. Uh c^lwybrto avortmost a , bosom.' p pan NG11606 at all st,lo, and all Wont. Yor solo by tol7 W. P PIABSWALL, O 7 Wool .t, HOLD PENS! GOLD PENSI W•11•MISID 111 CARATS 11 1 / 1 L O.P. Newton at Co'.. Lica. 1, 4 4,1, 0, II and 7, 11011, or Wthotit baler 4 0.7. Ilinrfas • Ocl. 0,116 Barna 1417.1. Bobber Pimao Ope ant 110 1 1 , 74t01d ciounlvd. p.n.s • Bide. Nan and fle. Papa OUP. For .1a ta117 , 7 LAI 00.66 Woad wed. Bl:l7TRR—Just Received by &pm's, a Wt of huh psciot 11-tt.r. Toe e 4 by RAM wn.zisootia co., 153 Liberty stmt. n 8. 10-48 LOAN ti . GOVICURRIZSIT 10-40 OM/. aeceo4l adtba of 'BUM. IMES •MI Weed stria. 1051104 114801. Una. LABIII-0 heroes rnmo Pow Leaf Lard woe, ono kw -" , , OP PISPLITLVAPIA. : WANTS TO CO ill • ol,zrrTe opyigF: AND CHEAPEST ■TATLONEBT OF ♦LL KISD3 ALL TIII MAGAZ tiE3 010. A. KELLY A CO 11A NETACTUIMIIia 01 NEW 106 Thud Star/. nartet nutldlng. tiatototpik= to :Ws yr AID ran Trativaive. RHAITESTATS - FOB SALE OR EXORANGE I .1* d ro Offer for Wear elebaeg• for dlr. Med pa 'll4 OIL 11TC68.8., Rush •• CULV/11211.• LIALZIIJ.• • valnable sad ae HIGHLY IMPROVED COUNTRY SEAT FIVE AORES Imtrlog Mere, et trotted • Comm dloat two l'ory dw-llaw • g•rti boorle , ash , * nod Q att•butloloae. Illreo•dt to good ardor sod alltd with el ad. and °rotates at Way. Also, . Twos°. CORaritEt PR OPZ R tb. rim win* 73by 10) fs t hoeing than= mak/ t•o tat en 1 Wry brick tore. and one bunk P. S. BRYAN. Bran sad ism anon host. 33 nertb al A LARCH STOCK NEW GOODS Ji.:3/ OP! AT A. BATES'. NO. 21 FriTII STREET, EN PE EOM. In all elders. E PS,flrag.a and barred, Last d .tr pel ana pIFFIn PILE GO.sifi •W 1 . 11AW119 NEW tLueSl.l3. 1 EEISCE HLk LEOS. -A-. -IE3 -&T E 9. Felg II 747111 Mart H OUSE IURNISHINOGOODS. DAMAa&i KIEB 1, - EACH ►OHNIICSE•, ILS IL •lILLICS QUI LTP D 121117 QUILTS, DOE iILLa DY WHITE, ORE & CO. No. 28 TIT/22 8212L17 A- 7TENTION, BrlCU 6 4B.—Boacind tat. morning, Ly Um 3 o'clock expreon, al YOUNG'S HEADQUARTERS BEST wan= antara, ROSIE! T, 818 nos 4, ZiEcal TIDO, LIVEN ud Perla coLrata t PLII,S, LAUD fiOODB WHITE GOODIN annul rame. aa- BUBB/AD, DMISON & CO.'S, • of nty IT< b-wes to prl.e ~1T el WARE= errant wtt h erns let Sno fiv. HIED HIEDS . S sewn hoses fr• D :aware lats.. Pl t.ll I ens, Fge trartvr Pets, fit ul of the ir.a.a BOAS mad Telll.oll 71191 i, ilsect ttoss amp:tics VERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON forefeetate doatestfa, serevi ap la rem, etyle .t sheet etl e, the entheary artaagetarata beta( of {be Need •Nro•ed rattle,. P 8 —Vu 4.4 collars atnekul mith•vory r WIN 4. d f fir.r.n, 4,9 tee chola.. braoaa,carelrery tegelbert with chorea Iroportad Clore, to , UAIZOPATRIU /ilShikULEti, 11.011. TILES PECIPLIN A Fresh Simply ilia Received I--Oors Tone. Osegoths awl lahnssatfas lima Pax sad untbses.; and timpani Omen of mdl pan. and bkllaxiamatory dim:4am Prim, IS coati So. I—Cam Ilium roisr, Worm Cb/la sod Tondo." evprclia, Westing Ur aid. Prtroa, Moans. No. 11—C'urge °elle, To•tbloa, 0171.= and Weaedut e.. Ilea Greatb ` a n d ~ F of Late.. ralne fa nen= 6—Cuseg Mantes. of °lathes or Malta ; Chain • tostam, cod 86.6.64 Oosciplatrait. Prk. ES goofs Nos. and 6 CIL • too woos cam of Chronic Dialrhoox. O. 8-002. Dyrotary or Bloody rum. Oolto erty• OLNP. Balm. OW* Els/attn. Palm as aro So. 41-o.r. Maier, Molar. alc.rbtm. Base aaf osilths, hathmatle Bnathug. Id mats. Pa I—ctn. Otte., Golds. Ham. Etrta.tiltb, aoti it n.collikAnn4 tlono Tbrost. P.m= cemob.Tot. &JAI N. 1 twntr WI to stag [de wont 0.2 d tut/ Ckllthe• No. e—Onm Tooth Ache. Ihesaatte, Henze* hint and Tl•lams. Priam E 5 ca. Ha. 11.--Cm• Hased.alm,OlotObdoh Horns% Wood k. L. Priam EL trots. La utetatlon with Po. LO, It L..... fal!. to ears Qs tout iLveiersta Cum Itm 10--rorrs Dyspepsia, W..k 11014 or Dennis. P 13 , ..ttpstion, Li•er Oomplslut. or 6111sPa o , l2P:tlon. Pries w cont. ram mu Ku all cases al Wtmk Dlretlon Pad BIUow Complaints. • 30.11—Corer Elorprrrosa fleures, or Ifoanty. or Pslr. fol. r • Delaytkg. Elloknem. 00111:1. a --card Lena:rt . :b. or Whilas,llmU4 r • 6ns P}ollile Clews. 58 cents. IS—Uans, Hoarse (irony, Malty Del=ll epprerd Breathlag. 86 onnia. No. 14-Caren net Ithacan, Crust, tnaPthntd• • 'as. &all Hand, Bubo.' Itch, dimples On du non. 86 antra. No. 16--Oarro Ithoornattsm, Ada. Larrterom. or I en Ito (Meld. Beak, Bldg or Lthrbr, or bciattoa. W. coots. IC--Ocre• Tom and Am Intermatant Tionnr. Dumb ago., Old Tnyaadrata Agues. !JO amts. It acts lilt. • charm, brib OW a preventlrs end cram Cots ru., %.. a 1,....., 17 Plloo t. latornal or Rotorua! Blind or or 0 Ormolu 00 mat. Lts rotoody u. tua corod thouaaudo of lb. Rant pun} Ma m Ho. 111—Corm 00111•Imts, Weak or lollamad Ire Iyelldro Calliort or It'sak (10 molt. Is rri.y ahrry, rel Isa opal. for • cam. 190. 19—(Jura ClatArrh, sotto or ehronfo, dry or do ir4. Cold to plo Dead. Winona& ISO amt. No. 20—OureaOacqgh. aluartanthig and pal , !Es it. or lapannsodlo Oonah. GO mow. It L. infalUbla.and always raLloyr and cum. Sa 21-4):06. Astbms, Oppromd, Difficult, Labe , 61..-611 Cob aod Exprotonsion. Prioe. 60 C. Licuadrtd. ban be.n rand by IL No. 29-oart• gm McManus, Noise Is Ltuadad,lr. pennd dewing. raraohe. 610 coat. I t whray• out. Deroftla, Trdarged Gland; and Tv:=dd. Id Moor.. dO ovate. 1,13-oores 8 .. 1 / o *" 0 ars atue4 Lb • 151EIM== es—o.r. I ropey. Mold A.cestecialztLos. Tnadd INeanaga, vrit.l. &Anti bennaJoss. 69 aeatil. No. e6--Oa es goo-Bleknom, Prost-sigon. VI MEN 111.011, Vomiting. CO main. Da. IT—C4ava Urinary Blatamg, Orgrati. BMW Osionti Dldlcoll at Painful titlaatam. to mato. It came all old atom of Md., Dlmasa. No. 1:3-7ce Seminal Smhodons, Involuntary Db. charges and consecnant Prortradao end luddlliy. Bad Dessau of 5,11 Habits, Price it M. Ihe rcoal offecirnt remedy known, find ma] be 1151-004 Ears Mooth e. 13/coonob, Clectord tionth of Adelto or ehrldrori. ald oyo Ihns. wit Irsootstirg Of !nano ran.k. H sesta. Elora at moo. • Flo, 31—Oman Palatal lionrtrnatlon, Prmono, aroma, or tp.rnai horn/4 lading, and Irritation of /amnion al I act. 1w• charm Ha 20 —Cumeofilettng at (Ramp of caws. In'od'au• time, floahas of neat, ralE.a.ina,and on= Diamaaof he than. CO. 750. 7A—Cars Bp.® am! Derma.lova, rpflapry or Pailica..lrka ors; Ow .. as Taos' Dance ; /art tom Taritottloga, Elptoria. Il U. o. D{--Cony Dlpinorla and Crlcorated or Usgroant Dcoa Throat. CI noun. DI Us; V) 'dab SOrtal camp la n U via oat, .0172 EJOUEDIMS HT NAIL. Look cow th. no, mato 71. • Can of Idiot Ma; ,,, .boon, and tattoo the mood to • =matt veto at sumps. WI be soy sktnim. end the isaiLito•7lll be •7 1 7 Mined 67 =an ab 077•16. hie aliksisb LILYMIVA in!libum4o3o,ol,6ftm w 11 . 140 . 1 4 1 0.fti*mills. • N BW GOWIS WHOLESALE AND BETAM. Beam. sad Felt H.ta , latut styla• alp dark olottd Waterfall and Tv balk Straw Hata: Haunt Undo; Louie Conan, e. as Tam. and ANYTHING YOU MAY WANT IN Drew. Trinuedtmln Bails Of rya, Golpon Lana, Drew Chi Minim ne how igvis Iron, 8... agata and Jar; Valve Fa sad 8. srl, a ; Wool Hortery. to "La and 1114,81 Gime of sregy I=l If.. Van and Uniargaralenty UP ciEIiTLIOBA'S FORSISHIRG GOODS, Akray. • complete hock on hands. ouch at Trim:Ding gear , . Unarm.lnto on• Drawn o, Enos, r and 4cau, Eon Pock.. Banc krren of-. bock Tux, rim Ebirti, eta OW MOM OZLOORITO OBOOltIO.11: of NOTIONS, SMALL WARES,. NICK WACMS. HAMM GLYDE, 1864. NEW FALL GOOD& EATON, ItrACIRVYI & CD., as. 17 and 19, Fifth Street, itHE NOW RECEITIIN d FULL LIB FALL COODS. Nevem stila of Ladle.' Dna ?rhumba's; Hanna Wo k.d Ugf and Imantinica; Deal lace and Lace Tr maned Beads.' • chat Lace an. Malt.-. Cellars ant btla ; Den twat/laird Hatadlanrchiedly att., 44; Ilthbona Bair Bata Sklrtit COllO , ll ; Dorton ibbbed and Balmoral Bata, Huts goal; Shawl., 1 4 ablaa; So. fa 44; Gard' lute Shirt Collar% that,thumwad do; glow Shetland and Marino Marta and D:aawa; flns Oaahmere and Brae, Hotta Taint, and a fall aesortmont of lan:, Gboda and Natl.% We wonnl bet to remlrd merchanin aer. Whom that we marled neer a Urge aank of to,. anon deatrabla 'fall , . 1100.. torch:wed Wore the but gnat winnow In r te. and which qare calling lower dm the mann• TlT ra addl , los of oar pram. yardman to Oat 091:1a t• eh, rffer meat ataractic:a, to WIlOteDJAI•11 ADD =MIL BUT tat, la the am of • large and eltoloe HI et a:platy aa average of haw Mani/4411E4Z ZOBBIDO DI 173L111 BRIE ,TNO TAB LI Li 37 ■ INCA towstaaro BLA RIM 18, HOSYYOO2II3 QUIZAZ NEW GOODS-.NEW GUODS. ZIP HTB. LIST: CLOAII EIBB/LNO, BILE AIM Tor Ladcs. WOuLIII lINDIBGABICIINTS GENTS, 11188119 AND TOLITITh J . M. BURCHFIILD, 'ortbeast Cotner of 4th and Market Sheets, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Bought baton th. bier vie* of GA., which he hael. ilea tea than ranern wholnals pro., - Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, Poplins, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Hamburg Flouncing, Casslmeres, Satinets, Blankets and Flannels. as ass THA PLACM. 721 MARKET STREET. sea JLOAXS 8 la _A_ WI, 8 , LATEST STYES GREAT VARIETY; J. W. BLUM & en. StrindlKEi WODB 117 and 79 .Cfarket Strict. hirmius In Name+ Mots md OMNI mictritsp. 014 goods et Ism tom Hew York mg, Islam H.dkuehsais,la plata boulere Imee ottubed. bought lem=ul adrareteu. Ns% H Mete vs hare m &slob boa 04.0 at doelded tonsstuu Num Oudurahlrta, Idma Dmiirs, Nat Drawer) and Bls ablate, Suspeadens, "dra ft Shirt and OelteM Net make of Paper Oallare, hi mart and .tale. orut Childrmes Game Vadermutr, loft Honed., bolded Shirts. Hainteral Skis* need N Elbtans, 11.4 Gimp and Haggle Name, Ota Lbw. sad Volvat Ribbons, 5c., manna'. dad. 4 Ch 4.4.• Isnakhas Claim, la um Wier= mut NV RO/W 1 ,13 ROOMS UP STAII El Narobsat. Dmisai or 113•1341 brrdtuitt oar ZiOtioa .ad •.rlrq Goo4lUock. ..TOll7Oll ROM CO EEO!, SEAL A ON Commission Merchants; 341 LIBERTY STREET. Corner of W/971116 ar Watt bought sad mold on trukocags. rtONHIGNMENTS— Na woo bad, via an• • 6.6 bb la Jersey Sorest Diatom ' ' 6 Surds= EO ktakulE pkp Lake Bantam t,T,t'''''';'*`! SO DblsErfan.”..ll.VAl., fasten sad torn. by rld/SANK VAR 001111111, touter it lizaltallold and SUP EPPS lean CRAIG, OUTLET IS AW MILL EJRGZ raltD N 'A lk s?. ? • 9 3 g9. 1 nuas, • ."4'4"44•..., 4 :4 v -- t-- , r - # ~r ::~ wrens irantn;oll. aniaT SUCICESS—FAzd wnk ME New) ger.s.s. TEO mtruzr Gustaxasteat ium acti. !h . ie Saab% Much. mud Naomi. each. &wad wok of the 14E* 72517 Ilr.strV434m. THIS. vmd•)) .113 N0...m.41mb nun .rceasory. =624 al 4 bopaultolBpellcAulta•scu rite bra/kD (ICE t - Fifty Performers: 111 • rtarams. • LADIEB' l •Fall and Winter, 1111 HUTS SOW °FEN 703 No. TS ZIGHSELT STBErt. It LS/unit *.„:, CIP•OWS The Modti Exhibition of 411 4 rite for 1864. Tice SCPBELD roBrY-302.9i and OOL. Mao CII•1.101%. comintaing indosa daotang sad • bit l'anal egalpag. ed,c Nara. bleforsn. *taw, • attiLatlM 'ft. gal anZille•AaAnt Wads . ansantte, nary , sysesstd and data Wal +4.1.r Horst DROP, pnvd• the gr.. dCo f.y. fn. owntLee a .a.taltfon ; • qt. nand.yndea Lao W , recil at Pardmor bAaIiAN LEW GTO easaarldla swab*. Lavabo Anoka] tabor. van Earvonfi.• A cesilengeotrooo4 pvl Mat Nathnal Tank cf Clac3nnasa,ll tam. oid•lytymnalyatad. OAR ve Late lb. H(a t BUPsiO3 "Er f T , 11. fulmar , minx 01 ii. nors,t.a. on gr T111) NULmt, - And, Deanna' nary. other- aAnklighnit. lama „ haat .ALAS! OP el - Aail W• 11 .21,149 Ania Hirt IrUiSDAY: Septeichlt Di . Itaf . Lteaden, Bele COEIiON AID OK - 0 STEREZ PITSEB MIGH on sad=l4l2l)3aral THCBADAV. PILIDA WO CIOAT, taataiabe; 2 , 1203114 atm Ald October istklda4. Logiciety.— BED LION I T T IN 'form/wets day and awing. L`eiraopon lapin& --- I o'clock. a, ma. v Ada: W 00... clams. nuder'd yearanf m Amo s . . tr.. 4 rUicaulis co.. I O .3I AkON/CI BALL 8..7! and 73 PlPfli ST. BA 0(117E3 AND CAYES, HAS ON Nuns a 59 1 1 / 1 2,611 - 1. 1 SIMI; SLLLLtia 01111. AP AT Zia 1 ABDTIIZABLAS WOOL I I IIZqUEIIII. P. CONOttaT HALL .p TWO HiCada OILY OF ITALIAN OPERA; Dy th. test riled AKIO, fmaqirov Talc Ihstaa, earams Upela r .... wira 9941, CFlOllt9 Azle OSCLIts , Mit sista. SUNIMIU CVLSI 9, 9 Wader LOA, boluass Iteatint's humwarkees, NORMA* • With U. eat.rint q't`: WAX- VIEW NIA Wfl LIN] ar.,.Cq -....N051CA. to attar* character bat lAhrial aoa groat • ono . 3 ororn lo , oco. Na. I=l, Phdallalptita.) la El l .. la NNa NATAL! IL.TA,Vii bar arizatra•Atala. ADALOtIA. MO. h'l'EPa lit to hi. Er at par,*.t......„....PexAm111i SRI. BASIL. rlu. Jilt/1.15= =Tail& limn= NLIJIAL.AO. 0. Wechteulay &cowl Orazd Op* melt/ IL TROT. ACILII.IOi ea. lireerred Iq R . W . 60 ,„, 0 . be c blataid at 0. O. kfclor'alltALAt3re..Bl Waxl Torn con as TX. Op r•c comagelp at SX o'clock. Natoli cu,'a •.- 1., FOR FOUR NIGHTS ViNLT. ' - ..• -. --: k.. 1 . . . , Catt=HOMO 2110SDAT, 82PTAIH8 11ik...-r.--• , - 8in41178.7% OF THU PA'CO/11T1C1... SAM . SHASPLEY'r. MIATREL,,'..".'. .... . suss am OD 3 t r ItLEjIItriO42IITROITEIS raz salmis arAiiarrainzaEL- ._ • . - ';; -.. . .... Thic WISAT 8011 014 D% __ . WU epkrar ag eboie, lotictheten in r __ire Pow 1 4 ":.. -.;.' grzroso, mt yet rolled no toeftletnnT , -',.... - • AS dctetion.nicenta Doan open et 7_ lock. to eninor •• ' MU* ea. P.M BnIB.PLIR 0410 W." 'RAISE VILLT, U.K. r, no iss ar,LNrs. WANTED—A Situation. b Married .3 Bock.keepsr or Mak. rgo. strald . of, vett. , srtrwildng 1 0. tasks tdoself MAW., Bad ety retaretsei cites. Add. Pg 8 3 3 Urt. . 111 Wrath P. Isnit WJA. TY NTRJ.I—By 11, MALI /113134; 011114C04471:! , maw. _ A aziuvrioNA Irs sun lbarturs, *lan kb Uzi CM to talbrilk. Ned ; Out-eow borimasyreitrn6L 0/0011,21$11;.) leaving dty. 'ftesnenci (tram • • •••• Atittarai e. 1711 WAISIBD. rzw woo, mita/ma xis to sal is mato fa Billet the I ttimry 0 tles mast' ors?. To ova . mat mawdentesszeoFKll bip shy:, try applytag at coot, th • Grum' AMA , ' • ' —' i zaps Jan papa.i',' • ._ :•,: The tt6tr et Foto glom for ant tozellOft• rartli cati• cm tortit F•spentor that all octiocill looltu n z* Tobils tit wit-•tttools, ors to fa b.d a t Moss. calf 11.'1.'4 -" AL*6k 7i.ll.llTri , " - • 73:Oahu's a. , taol.2dadr. 93 do Udine do • - 620 and T• 23 U. 8"Eondo-241434'92:* 992' - 4 12011 2,11aigbotp Vary Itallros4 64aoserllL .: • Clotowhill , e 2010 rood 123odif - - 4 W DalioUy LUo DeaTmonesad Wow 214241.21829. Sioo4l9‘g 004 oe3 werpram—,A situation ins TV tolt coax trs VLG.TioGII 87011.111, s:pion who hal Lad twialy 7cor..[Pdaircovia Stwcmzoondowou or the Int ardor can kl otwa.addrm A. A. 8., awn% 07710 • Etti,tZtiegb, will recelnyatlentico. WANTED-4150 par Month. • a want • MUM, Oannasra over town PA., mat) • wo Lave waft dinning 31f4 par math, 1.1% Fanny to-any don/IaIS Lams, • JOSZI BUlTHlgtzazt. Vib i IIiIIEDIATELY-1-:-Al good, randy nlloblo eon toecat at Ohot • 4.l.oattbe AD41.113 rintr...43 °MCI:, or Oroao moot. 61.1t0EGIB BINQ 48" sof. WANTRIN.A_ 1)0 3 1 MAGHDrICBEACt• TT elms ATumazatt. Also, a 6 4 , 0• 41146 cannsTe. awn" mite Pad koutr47 *OM: Illtrlttes a RUG= 11Cmg‘ bust Ort. OfibTa7alq fad Writ. I, AI I 'ThD-IDiaopaaWante dm 31 aucAuxbAtast misaFT-Ffeallag o seedt s . Z ICENBEDro NED. allre7lo.4* Tiorrsttloui FURNITURE' IN Tgg = BIIVAISTR Wlllll.—na YUCrDAY .71 r 11313 - &ps. laa, at 10 .east!. lra toaaid at akar*, U.& rn/BULAstara% lowa door ham C. 0.10 !man. Bar tath Votd, at =We /1011 - tha faraban / q t t *As. forrbt P.; Cba , s and kfnag. Weivi Earovocd Coto Brat a aint, Pallas aza Vraillaa BPods, Window abadra 11( Ai 0,1 ?Able. To.p 7. Hill oft awl. Obits rod 4 Zriatn/vs. o, k .S alarm sad natnils, Efrating B,o •Villotmat Tan flaw, la ILat attleta areal ta good oesfr, Wag ; tall- ItoILWAXIN, porn FIIRNII ÜBE, 0 A.I;RETS, QM_ R.NS. WAS& o!! A1702708.—00k 1110, & pt. Ono, al ID OWOCit, at iicatbeltdlai.lll•lata Hanes, 63 Finn rowel, nlll to and .loodotono% so eloo o nn •••• 6t ads. •100 about 140 tlllikaterpgt; Alt • tarp 'witty at •lalts Gins. 520 11160160t6616 50., tamp. renders. Cooking and near II woos. Be, &0.n.0.. *O., trietbertrttli • peersMita arpeers rondo& goconld 62. CID 61.10 enaltary... r, ct 581.8 c f lobieb id& Go on extlBlhon osorY; on ths in can Ins of Inan ego, tall; T. t o 11/44:11,1yrdon), nth STOCRI 4 , &c.--On TO : r, - ii Ay ^ k., irvE.Nrno &at 2011,, at 1 o'clrok v l lllkaold al tha Cenuarrcla Elks Sanaa 14 fri th amid: a aura aactla Pabltaing Avaxtylvx; . led do Lavaca 0 1 1 C*. Da P 110 do ladl Oil da Iry do Unica sad PilabardS 00 124i-' CO do , Pack Creek dr; .. la do PlOrpa 0•4; ", F 700 a do 1 Mod r. on ,1,... I 1111 do LI Dorado Co; 1: di 0 do Hors Lack ~ a 004 -,. : 0( 0W do ton al da do ,I 4 -: 0 tolloOileed 1" ..,,-,. , XV do Chary Hal Coatral 000 o; r., IV 1( 0 do iron ea 01/ 1 314 d do Ohio Viva, 011 On, .5,,, 4 &Oda kleraltaato do; ::.1. .0.7 A. IVIL11 1 111112 ; dnotZlove. VALDAME BTOCB AT AUOTIRII.—.: -o. Trinray mama% &yawn, s* • z ...b..t. min tumid so CncanatataL elan BenniknAn Id TIM mai: - 70 alma Pittacargb, Allethani sad livAarlidc Zaarrogn Esikord La 11 otaas Guava Trait and Samba' Pars_.,'--* oda a. 21cILW41111.kla ONPAZITIL OIL' COMPANY: - - . 10 0, 0 0 0• SHARES. . t 0... E DOr.IIIR PER 3114111 e. q Ta• riaperty bold by ibis Company tiftial4 . 9,..a the • all.,atay Blum war 031 Chan, Pal 'Sabra:a 1.740ami. • 19 ram la as simper astaAgacese au slog lasall.lloin ars oar vane on Ws p.Oparty, one pradaatc6 Thor brats asitaulpflan SOW CIPMQI4 the bqrbr., eams , • [4 - 1 . KUM, siminra co., otaboars,r. Otig JOB AITA //POD'S, Davaaa. W 97 aa• • • ‘. .J. 4119011, (.0 Hausa . • - • - - IitIBILANNOCK POTATOES -3, nla to wain to .bus. Tar ale W/X I 4IWILXI.IION i4:0; t 153 Libeetrilem• . - Ter P. 081igE35.138E, - • - t - i . n. CM SID 11F.CRATICAL BEIM s', • ? - ; . _ . constreme ). liniAltuariacat, am* .. . , - , osoa, sna affaunc..".4 may innsur.ncli' - .IaLLIr • - LEN 40 dazes Fretok.l. °mint refired *xi fteollaw - - 31-111111 !BUCK' - - • d Itogl/417.sednairiodni141; Preenvo,rs.-r. ME= i ~ -='.4 .:.,.,.......;,..i: -'~'