MIZE& _, . ii; - t.i50.,„1 -, k . Pllle.fiiifibUitit (61itilt,' elAtittXl.l - . 11 eakliMl , 'VS i tgOCILTIOL :, ',. TO OUR *ups einrus. • • , - , .'....6.4 7 ,64 pollst.ti tine:are , dant` P- - ..'-'; / ..1 " Iskgladly iii.:4 to ' the pricta baror. , ,`,ldea Itr,thett rerpecttes journals, on end eft. , 'f . iltY, July =el, 18414: -- • 11111 GAZILTTIL :=Ding Ultima, par letek, dellteredlry teener. 111 ''' n sent b 7 non. it. 7. 0 . I. "' teem --... ...-----7-610 00 te - " ix At mouth', it 11df.C....... 6 oal .i. • •,, for tbs. =Amax, •t":,;‘ l .g =Won, by carrier, par mal, par year. In advascs, 00 " for six mamba. s. • rot 1 tbs. " tea CMONICILII. r7seb, N,liserrea by year, la stlvoLesse, Not by $2 _A 00 Ilmsdkis " INS COIVISZBOTAI. illethered by illwit; adnitier; ratttlicudl-..---11 10 80 '0,;m00606.u6 00 (."•••• !maths, 60 custArre 2o6soouerioN. sozsa.Lits manic:cur, • PnbUsher_RvelUilakuoulele: EITTBBURGII N2WBP&PER LSD . PRINTING COIIPANL. pading Matter from 'Yesterday's Evening Gazette. As! Bali, esatae jhe news trim M,.iae h clearing. There b • even %Erin last 'years' vote, when the men *ty was oveerk,ooo. The Mende of 61r. Lin 'n hive Swept the State, carrying MI fore of- Congressmen, Which II II Call of one. , 'Ch, 7611 heard the new, from Melee? Coact rws and true 1" • t 4 . ll .llookerys Sate tepeeth at Water. ,- toWn, Mess. tit.,OW CimiUfa: 'ltkhare owns here to re ; ce at the tamest Of the Union amt, In which . . ~•., pa ready to join you heart and hand. My ' I.slinett la fighting, not speech making, but ti • me tell you that the army of Sherman is In ' Z'acible", and cannot be disheartened. We moat .... ali,. this rebellion as a wise parent would 'vie tat eitildhit mot whip. him into subjection. 1 , ..0 milder dlellipfine will answer the purpose. _ .-,„-sne are myiegpesoef bet there eon be no pesos 1 long RA A rebel ten be found with arms in Ma "ode. 'Woe be to thise who cry peace when • ;emelt!, no peace. The Upton tenet be presorted, ... idiates Ir Delray of preening except by the ?nor of sreis--hy - fighting the ebnspiracy to , mite death ? ' This rebellion. is jotttering now r tnile I epedS; it is going dowe, down, and will ,lion tumble into ruin. Pollileisno may talk to I r ie.n about the eause of the war, but I say, put pg)wn the lei:Ninon, and then ii you choose in • „I•ziire into the caries of it; tint put down the fuser pnt,:.—first,,lthikitlioni, and then talk about the 'Sad , talf . ',.ctiittvo,no ehon. i llin o tt el:: ttokee,maile yaw ion .. ''' !-, ;'wevel Jeabootrooted the ladiwoo--whip Amp* z e d troustabh than afterwards rho Union comsat .5, ondetd let F,..i.giticiamt mib es they eon; for if • hividots ccetrowera,whora two you to cod/ First • „'''is South. would ye, thee tho•Paeifie States, then New .<•.;,,glead, and f hear that ottonotoriontPaacic.k. ''!" . .doecated, dal the Pity of New York alwould 'wide , 7 ? fi-ork the Empire Stew. In stiolt•raae there would . ~, no end to rebellion. Gentlemen, every inter '. 5."-et you have depends upon the imccass of ear ' ' , i.,. a t e; everydonavvou patters It at stake lathe ''''Treearration of this Union. It will better ecoord .i: . „- , !4ith my feelings to toe the limits of ant &rims :euntry extended. rather than alrouomearibod, eltrd we may feel It a national necessity to eu -•,- amour borders at no distant day. This Union, f•,;;ltentlemen, casino. be eissetred, as long at the `''' 'i•F;ormy,have, guns , 0 fight with. l'sruish men and •.,; ' , habitats, and the Colon is Bemired. ' '.' - ' . i. l " — 1.•_:: ,- il merge Ceruity;llnton Nominations. ..i:., Ritilnitt, Sept.ll....—The Union party or Darks ', :;: j onnty met in 'Convention - on Saturday and '...i';?-,";„aadi the fallowing antainatiens a Pot Con 'ill.rease William ld. Blaster; Senate, Ofajar Wm. i.'....V rinir'; Amicably, touts Coster, De. E. D. f , ,i.. amost, and 'Getrge W. Yeager . Thi 1.3 1 an : '''' =taunt debt. The lion. William Bi. Mester ~ . protenied,.Belm eonnty in the State Senate . ~... tr nialliryoart,lll6 Was afterwards Secretary of '. • • tateltllingDov. Packer's adminiatratiom — He 4 , ~,,, .;„.,,,:„„„,..„,, eharleater and ability, and •. :-...lt L at be Ii the exact opposite of Altoona it ••• iillrill suflelently &line hit political petition. Be ..,$l. , re c eive the entlansiastio support of all the r ....t„ ends of the Union in Barks. Maio Miler le ~...":"? Ito a war Democrat, • He want out in the be. ';'."' t inning Of theater eat•A Captain in the Penn. ',!;;.l',ylvarda Betertenioaw mach herd , aerripe, and q` :J' c.. to the-re.ir.. of 11-jar, aul noted as such : .F.•;tutil his term of terries expired. D.:. Grins. ..fenter was also a Democrat when the name meant , "44. teething more then utter rtibmission to the "t!".; Ive power. All those gentlemen gave %hearty ',.i., ~ pport to the gaiiinal Administration in Ito .t... 4 i," , elloris to put down the rebellion, and the •4.• . i.'whole ticket donna& ivory allort teat the .',Vienes of the Calms in Barka one make In its ehalb •-q• -...i! . • , 1.1 Grand Union Meeting at Meadville. ... 1 ; : r., The State , lichen Execrative Com:oleos or .4, r,Tonraylvanta have tamed a call fora grand ral ,;e:. illiy ofrite"Unian-loving mums of Welterra Penn ;,`{ r. t cylva.nia at Meadville, on (Saturday, September .. . ix fil7th. Among the weaken announead"to be .:fr - iipresentare Senator 8. , P. Wade, the veteran ": - 1":- , 4'6 hamplon of liberty and nolo*, who, we era glad ...,,,, tee, has taken the field, and le throwing the . 1:, - ..„ hole weight 01 his logical power and earnest .1 - ... , ...,„ > . oquernee for the re cleaner, of Abraham Lin. ...l', : alb ; General 8. F. Cerny, of Oirreinuati, end .23, • edge William D. Kelly, of Philadelphia. Ste t 4, - lkator Wilson ant. Speaker Colfax heve also harm ;1.- netted, add are expected to be present. Rarely ,''' --‘ such a bsilliarat galaxy of patriotio and e101:`...,,,,l l:`...,,, , l ve nt speakers assembled ae those we hare jure. ...0 ~.;.:.,- we t ted, and the Mesmer of Western Permutes, ,;-:,, havellrlate areas in store „for them. Let t 4. - IthestabuniVietell.kngme tO ;hese the words of iris ,'.- dour and *quer.... fronathate ten. mom— alto.- T.: 'tad Z. 0 ",- , SePt 2l .. - . - -• :.-.- •7. - —--"..- - • - i • .11 • ] - )Zteiiiiiiid.* , rietilifer or Mobile. l,t,j It watt rnmored In Weehington on redly that -, .'.- - ..ti x tllolatt itUon "%la r.asta isa.,td to have boon. rhelvedfrthe rebel dere - dem, "trWo lucre :. 1:: , that p. g tom :kw .was pseud by she entire . 1 _ lei fleet of,adinLtat 7srradat, and that, attar abriaf ', , i- - -. , roheillag,,tlia oftv surrendered, tho troops ham "--1.1 . 'tilng withdrawn- into the interi sr. This state -e;t-mellt anty_behozrent„. It's wel. known that Ad ,-..?..1miral Fltrragaes opplitnooe (ea:removing the 7 -...t-;Flobstteotions to the channel of D.,‘ River bar =:"-tlierere amplo,and that the torpedoes- eould be re . -,-.---44move8 with the greatest facility. Then, the : ."-••• -tAahsaralarintd be pertecrly olsaro.l, cod eu dein 'AN r e rnapted.paezage given the fleet op to the elev. -.!..: r ;....1,5 That birbilaites - surrvaderod without a- dataaco ~ , ,i.,., t la Beereely-frOstde, though by no means ice per , :,- ... o n re t o , as residte ICI 1113 , 1E.1 Only for et 70 !081 • Z.:,... • '„,,f life ipd property, without any edeq tare ad : -l . ' '''livantageb.-3Ce rv.b. 5-.4.1. -- , - 24 AT a path° meeting recently hold at Binning. ham, the ?scion! condition of the IV a.idetifes In ,Italf was discussed. 'rho Itevorend Pastor Pi of Nice said there were fifty missions among peopie, all proTeslog. The King favors aomi, and they ore gaining' strength. Great efforts are, however mad* to win them from 'll their faith, and thist:swanof the methods, accord .- .1 . ; issE to the Pastor- "Irt.Pinerota. there now pilots sl'Hoopital de Gated ...to—the hospital of the Catoolitunen kept by monks and,priests,where va ney Waldensou, rating or old...may go. Ho will 1 ,„ find i ng e n i oorafortahlo room, a good table and eve rything he mold wish for,And nothing to do. oan settle down there, md live as Long es he . n i e essa, doing nothing and living cheaply, en ilia condition that hatistonfor a few =meats to : the teaching of apriest every daj; so that there V Is • standing temptation to the Waldenses to gin tip the religion of their Jailors !4 , 1 bqoaaa Bo wan Catholics.', c; Ten fill of 20 per, cent. in gold upon Saturday took araryttaly by surprise, end hone Well) mow , • 1 . ! ou rprissolthaa the gold speenlatofs themselves. tt le the formounar of &fall in tka FA.* of ;; volition' and the aosseararies of We ' ll. win be yawed with - delight bY Ik, arawarsolity at largo. it would by newel= to erpeostata as to th,emieg of this welcome decline in tkogoltmatket, The Tocarpeoli - g - titii - m - roillron4ttogenerally marina as haoinrinserl Ounited.lo,eir ;wig snacessases. sollrtlirrals "er.IIST hi:410162 that the end of war pink tutrivapp,,,..i ri t. Vireo menthe got' The Mod/ beroOno of oz •, T orte of-prOdise,antt skillOplefi,li the imports •• of ■ werehnllas3lo,lnata,oooitnill'llitt ex- WO of olloatlliWkillitbMPtelki thlt Seaports lorwhadoirawdeorenienrcloesttrithe demand for cuitizak 4 , rtrSifilleaar,infilii6ei the natural ter ' l °9 ° 7 C c .g" 2 berPlaill4 loWudi :a lower arsotatiOdt.'7l,l4oi- Prot, ositungtara kid,:dflyperrsoas were attn., woo pr Wand bra nortiOta stosmt)ont Son on the Pnnallonto rlyor, Caltlornla, to. 113'it r ib ARID lIRBCELLANY Elsiescucewrrt, which has al ways lawn In teepondivi, to; the calls ot, the 01•49(11- wont icy m•n to 'reinffrree stir irrnieJ, lave al, • njadyj tiled herAnota on the les; regal:Wof ' 1 ter boo,Goo,sfien. 'deft:Anhui on` .July lens 4,985 moo, to which ens to be added her qnota under the , LISS ct r l( Of 7 2167 0 , metriog arsiieJ of 26,1355 t3ho recruited to Joly, 1,515 men, end, by reerolanent sud-virettio august, raised, it 401. To tense are' addeennlistruceta in the Very, according to the returns of the 1 1 Coninti.tori, numbering 13,6 . 2.6, mehiog r. total of 27,541, being en ezneat over her quota of gag men. Ear altliklais . itimber on 'lihweredit stae of her keetainf, the cities not . itoi work. Recruiting 15 still going...on t,tot she nosy be randy, when the nest is amok, it soother shall be reeessarvi with foist to as n Ilorseard to the field. In'ttts, loin in so manj other"thle she may be bold up.en an example; to some of her tiler States.—.Y. T. ?W.. • Tun order- f the Bons of hes hese et • posed it Detroit. The miilte.ry suihorities *died the papers of the order oat of the tafi of B. Dow Elwood, a_ bookseller, and President of , the Carmen Connell, and very recently • mem bitr.of the Democratic State Content Committee. They show, like those seised elsewhere, that the cbject Intended to be attained by the organise tiPti is saltily hostile to Cog .national golrerft label whatever, and completely friendly so the robeld, and promotive of their coats. "We un derstand," says the Tribune,. "that proceedings in the Federal court against Mr. Stritobd are in ountemplation, based upon n recent statists mak ing it punisfutbletto conspire against the Doran meet. 'Anon' fear hundred recruits from Pistteharg, while parsing through Troy, stopped to extend to Gee. Wool a greeting. The hero of Platts• Lora, henna Vista and Norfolk was entirely nn• pm:pored for the visit, bat appeared on the stoop edd was greeted with nine hearty oheero by the soldiers. He made &brief epeeeh in re:pease, reo lug bow glad he CY to set snob • good olase of soldier', end to learn that their destination wee Synth. Thej were needed there, be re marked, "to pet down the rebels in arms as well ue to fruetrete the eeheme , of the traitors who b.d assembled at Chicago." lie hoped they w old do their duty, and help to restore this gl•TiOtte old Union. Beaton Tram /ler say; t ^lf the Illoinse. ter fishermen ire not disturbed by pirates or privation this year, they wfil ado) , a season of uttp• 'elided prosperity. AU of the Is are coming home with full fares, • and the mackerel side brine.. great prices and meet with a brisk demand. More that two hundred floe sith °eters are at the bay of St Lawrence, and will proba bly lend at GiOUCOI{.I before Thanksgiving with sixty . thousand barrels of mackerel, worth more thin one million of dollars. The total receipts for tale, of cedfish, mackerel, oil, and other pro .ducts of the &tortes of Gloucester this year, must nearly nest, three miLioat et dollars, Tae London poem are enthatiestie over a "meet intetesdeg marriage ommotty" which took place a fortnight ago in Pie...filly, the par. ties being bliss Belle Bnyd, the not-rious rebel spy, and a Lieut. Harding of the Union who figures only as an eneigo on the Navy Reg ister. It appears that when Hiss Boyd woe cisp tufod on the Greyhound, this gallant °Seer sem put on board as prise master. He fell in love with Ms wisonar was pm:sanded by•• her cedes sett his allegiance and go orer to She robs:alien, followed her to England and was married. The pair propose to run the blockade this tali, and enter the rebel somas. A coortie.r.—The set of Captain Cravea,'►ho went dawn in the monitor Tecumseh, off Mo• bile, was en butane* of sablinie centtosy, Li the pilot and himself, the last in' the vessel, mated to the ladder, the Captain stepped aside, saying, "You first, sir." The pilot was saved, and the hero perished in his mag.atthimity, an extenplesie noble an Sydney. Contrast with this the exclamation of that dastard Captain Semmes: "I'm captain Ssmmte ; sate me l" A trrsge dated at Toronto [aye that dem eans from the British army, under the Yankee bennty temptation, are en great that nearly one thOntend of the Queen's troops have left daring the past year. Reno, all are ordered to glebsc, • foe. the prescmt. Many points on the Canadian Hata are watehed for deserters. Throe were Lagged on the Niagara River lest week, and are 10 be abct'sg Harnifton, this week. Fire officers i are reported to have left !or the United States tag. toe Peruvian government ere taking active mesatiros for the expalsion of the Spaniarde' tram the Mancha laiands. Sine. the islands, were first Salsa!, a largeamount has hug expert- , led by Peru in making preparations. She has guino aireadzehlpped representing 27,600,00 W: a soonitor has been built andiannoiled shecess. fully at Callao and the Mania: Lea is being rapidly coaverled into an iron•sled. The Emilio!!! Ticrar.—Exeept for an occa sional reminder from General Fremont that help edit a dandldete, one. wcald.. hardly know that sodh a ticket hadeves been thought of.. There L Inch a nomination however, and there L a pater called the devoted to its sap. , ' poet, and that payer-says that there - are Fre meta men.- The pnbile will be inoiinedtri doubt statistnent, WrsCOPSES paper ',Brien the faith of a pd.; vaie latter, thettimeinre IMO hard keened/. No; htisinese dello; wages Doi eufficdent ih pay hoer d, and irleiost Isliperemible to get-work et ear wog. Yee coutiery•ie overrun man stenadttierre from the United States and the Ctinfederner, whlletbonsentivot the Canadians are leading for the States to proeure work. 4ve. Oluani telegraph* from Bali's Gar., Nut Tonneseee, ca the 6:4, that "all Morgan'. pa p.m jell onto nil brands, and chow his forces to brie exceeded 1,800. Hoe dead exceeds 75. HL command Cod In great - confsiaion atter hit death. I pursued them eight miles, trot the altiralry oas, the sport with more rigor than the rano , f. will forward all his papers," •• TE! N..hu• Crone !says: "Two or three Weeks ago, a man ie this Qtly' was so pier the! he ern enable 1. pay the rent ofa house, end It being ter? WS= weather, he and his family camped out In the open air. La,t week he on. listed in the heavy artillery and we, retiring to pnrchase a farm to invOit hie 1,1:00 I, , u4ty In." Foe, Mosinix orlginetty cost tho - UnitoefStatoe Government in ltt eonstistoilon and ereartment, abcrot $1,h00,000, and le ...able of mounting 132 guns, and of garrisoning 700 mon for sloge operations. The robots wader tut apa iilecii. moue defense of it. in J.A.aaa Donn, a prisn'lghtar, hat arrlrod Now Ycrk from England, and Ir ar11 , 04l co make a match for 81,000 sold*. Barns ono ong gents that Sir. Harris, cf arilitad, ersdld no I good man to pit &gall:lschia... Gut Left A gentdastonah of woman's manly, en will se human unintre, perveZes the following • A comfortable old Con We set seat or two in Tront of as on the railroad, daring one of the bottert days of taut eammer. Their joarney evidently gm one of the events of their lives, a . " 141 their curioalty excited the attention of the prokengere. Ai a woe nation the old gentle man steyped out to get a drink, or bey a den th eta; end he and the bell toy to time to rush to the.door of the ea-leg bungle, end sea the train innoire off without him. The old lady to her heat L hod been fidgeting, looking out of the wind In her anxiety for hie return, alai what she sea Mc plight, his frantic gestaree for the train to strp, as tt swept further array, she rrelairae I "There, my old men has g leftl he hes there, see hahne t We'll" ate continued, si t . tiz g beck In her seat egiln,"l".thkiad'on't,-it'l 61, ,, 1ky • been, Ma'am, you'll get brill all my life long s and now bri i e gone end , ,vt left, and I'm Bled liar esediti rest ,ctier. re the accident, nod evder,t .`., !el. I:. I.et the, was toe 01 zo.n, '4,1 not hr,:celf, fist rl4 war greetod'hy a round of keeling; App , au , e. Not a few cf the Ind Vs to o tar ~,re is lighted ant it :rue Ito 01 men oak not. the woman who tea mode Its blander, and 'gone atd.got lett' " Harrlblo ld araer in Bucka Comity OD Friday nfternoon one of the most horrible rouriltro ovor heard of war committed by a youth In Bristol, Debbi county. It appears that a boy named Charism Johnson, aged about eleven year', living In the above place, antics:4 a led'aboat acv- OD years, named Jos. Higher, into the garret of tie houteonoupto'd by the - former, and there doll her &tali shot him. After eoramitting the horrible mime, the youthful offender dragged Sis vic time down stairs and into the alley. Here he placed a heap of shavings, end ha order to hide the deturho laid the body upqn the sitar. Inge and then fat Are to them. The smoke aris ing from the shavings caused the citizens to ha • quire Into the matter, whon,to ausir astonish ment, they diseovered the deed bodj;of the lad, partly consumed. The 'wailful murderer was taken into custody, when he oonfoned him guilt, but gave no reason' for his atrocious conduct. The murder cari , ed no little excitement in and Oa, conduct of the lad was the general thextee of conversation. Damaoenn.—On Monday of lest week, tw 3 111121ared waste of tends ell were burnt up et 'the Bold and:Roberta welt, abort two take be low 7rankllia: - One of. the operators tryleg tell] eilinsidig lamp from the tank, wkon be elltuatougght than be wanted. The ez- Trment wee a wetly- one, Anew the lose le OM Iwo thousand dollars. - A sri.w.—A vow wan.wiwai on the Western train, hetarecoalarrisharg and Athena. on Mon day itfternoen, will the fallowing reimit: Lin 00bl ..... 131 3doeteilanr.. Wrernot., .. .. ..... 0 Vadeoldett . Mir BEFORE FETEMUME , CITY AND 5U8188421 1 . • Terrific nail Storm. 'HA' COCK'S B li.l LIAM MOY E9I ENT. cn Sato/day overdo& a large -perdu. of Bea ver enmity was stetted by one of the mos: ter rifle bail storms on record. Its greats. , fury seems to have been spent la the vs.iloys of Lit tle Denver sad 11. coon. The damage done to the corn woe very considerable. In same places whole Geld. were beaten down into the ground and utterly d.trayed, while In other localities the ears and biadee were 'tripped off, leaving the sloths stand Mg. The damage to the fruit trees was. aloe extensive. In some orchards the breathes were broken off, and the trees almost destroyed. The spot° vein sof hfeired moat, a. they were heavily laden whh fruit, gry at part of which war knocked efr The ball stones were not very largo, but they fell to tm meet. ofientitimi. A gentleman states that on Sunday morning, while or, his way to church, he pulped at a place on the road side where the bait-lied drifted, and ascertained the depth to be two and a hell feet ! The ground was thistly °totted In every direction, but to Come looali tier the quantity wee much larger than In others. The damage caused by the 'term, although die trlbu!ed over a large trout of country, would up thousands of dollars The Bebeis4ittrifrikliPanduPlielr Works Captured. 11:101i SIvSAL STATIC'S AT IA ICH GAT BOSLEARDED Sax Toss, Sept. 13 —The Worlds special sai3 a of Hancock's brilliant moveerent on Friday night lest, when the rebel picket with entrench ments were carried, that our Ilse In front was rather irregular, and et was determined to . 0 . 3, 13th011t it op by taking that held by the rebels. The coveted position lay at the foot of a bill, en the crest of which le a strong rebel fort, making the atteek one of great he:aril. Beatles it was of value to the eneso-y, ineorouch as it at m ded him a surrey of a goodly stretch of out works towards either it "att. Sc at la. ca., the 90,11 Pennsylvanis,.2oili ludiona and 21 D. S. sharpsho§ sera, all under Gen. Deirobland, start • ad noiselessly from their poal•ions, and with bayonets &led, moved quickly toward it. rebel Frame. The World'. special says the rebels were asleep and our troops were into their rifle pita ere they knew it. in the confusion tea Or throe shots.. ware fired and that was all There was some artillery fcing fr to the bill, Met it did no dam age. Our troops Instantly let to work turning the entrenchment§ to their own advantage. About three o'clock a (crest of rebels was heard approaching, whereupon a vigorous fire of Mu, hefty and artillery opened anthem and they_ re tired. They declared, hcwever, that they shield come again and retake the works, whiala by the time shit reaches ire, will be greatly mensal eurd. Nate Toss. Sept. Id.—The Herald'. spaslal says The signal elation et Ditch Gap wan bombarded by the rebellion Friday everting. The Union batteries tactic I with vigor. The of- Oct r at the station, Lieut. Amadeu. remained at bit post during the routert The damage to It actually amounted to nothing, while with the enemy It woo quite d &rent. Alter the tiring oast, d the rebel works bore unmistakable evi dence of hied usage. Men were busily engaged until dark repairing damages. TEIE PREsIDENCY Bum °rid Withdrawal of Cho. Fremont SR , V YORK, Sept. It—'the Tribune% Wait, legion ipectial say. : lotormatton tisemod trust worthy la reatived to the rife,. that Gen. Fre mont bee placed htA letter of withl , awal In the hands of hie !Hanle, who .111 mete It public et the proper time, end that before long. FROM THE MOUTH OF RED RIVER Fifteen Thimand Rebels Reported There Sr. Lorts, Sept. IS.—The ofileter's dlepateh boat alma arrived from Cairo yesterday, reports fiftctu thousand rebels eimestitrated et the maatla of lied river. 11l sine Election Returns r,h7L.LIII), Me., Sept. 13. 1:45 IL m.—Ninety fire towns give C0nev,26,77 ; Howard, 17,603; Union mtjority, 9,165. This vote includes a title over tour tenths of the State, and the same relative gain will amount to 2,000 in the whole State, making Coney's total majority from 12,500 to 20,000. They have all undoubtedly gone Republican, electing their State Senators end county cilium It the MAWS the Repubticent will stand about the same no lest year, when it cooed 124 Union in 26 opp , sition. The guber natorial vote in 1850. preceded President Lincoln's election, .toad, Repnblieio, 70,030; Democrat, 52,350; straight Whig and seattering,• 1,756; being • Republican majority of 15,925, some 0,000 short of the probable majority tide year. A violent storm hoe prevented MAD] tenet from getting their returns to the telegraph offs es, and has made the wires work badly. The poet throughout the State have beet kept open until sic o'clock to day, two boort later than lero;ofore. The arn.ondment te the Conttitatlon, I* /pitting ro:diere to vote, Will be carried almost unanimously. The Foreign Loon Propos - It - lob. F.w YORK.. Sept 13 —A spre;al to the Hercad, dated Waehington, September 12 says : No de cision has yet been at rived et to regard to the proveltion for a thousand carillon loan Made by the European capitalists, and it may be hold under advisement, while the sense of Congress Is aken upon it. Although without any appar ent ranee • number of Lids -were offered for the thirty-one mjillon loan and conmined a request th, nit oe-0r0,.1 th, Ah , •nlei nff.o.r.di to the 1-3.0 loan. Ttoe 9te.mt r Fawn Captured by Rebel P• }cruets Moaaoa, Supt. 13.—Thu ■teamer Fawn, running between Nottotk and North Oar• cline, was captured yesterday on the Dismal Swamp Canal by a party of rebel raiders. The est, sod prisoners Were held as prisoners mad tho stouter burned. [be Pe•ce Ctqestion Neu Yogi, dept /7 —The Washington Union of the 10 h learns that Doreen 0 sety hoe again en,e.ed inbo correopondenot with Saunders, ./11l ing him that Coeczniasiontrs will be quietly f.nt, doelrei Mem, tnay and Eiole,mb, to Itiebmorid, to negotiate for peace wltha.ut the eonilltlons of a preo•adent. Ike Eieetlou In Vermont. BVIMMOTCI I , Sept. )2 —We hurl, returns fres, 111 tzwr.s., silica 19ot up as (*floors : Smith, 26.319; R•dfold, 19,371, Smith's maty 15,648 Returns Iron towns show the aloe- Son of 219 Union and 20 Dessooratis Itonre zettatfs-es. Senate unanimously Onion. le Richmond • Ilrqulrer" on Peace. New You., Sopt. 13.—The Woks:wad Enquir er, of the Bth Inst., has s marked Nikons! In which It lodes (or peso*, a lasting sei permanent peace, In Calhonn'e duotrlne that the EZOOUtiff) Department of the Federal Government be repos ed in two agent In plat* of one. Rcbher Arrested and Money Recovered. Ch,CIF*An , Sept. 13.—The package contain- In, fifteen thousand dollars, stolen trout s stage co Sla between Pirtland and Gallipens, a feta days since, has boon tenet - prod and the robber orre•.ed. DRY GOODS, Ific. W ILS( )IC, CA} R & CO., (La. rert,m, P.s.• ol•ost. &al." In YnT:6IrOR ATM DOMNSTTV DEM No.. W vad strert, third tlotive above nfansuaa Pltt.P.urg splg.tt - - - - - EATON. 31Arilni 4 Cis, end u... .1 ')A H. 11124 11731lift1.11LIZ KS 1 ! '7o' . • ry t.: , tiou. No. 17 • a.l rA C; m end 1.77 ul L, F9l•r•7 AND vlr, P 1.4 DDT 7 , 1%7:71Y kc., V.. 74 }Lomat AL..., Dot vr c Dir.vr.nd Aurl Plii4ll/071rh. 1) H. PAI,Mft,R, No. 84 Wo'yf litroot, i. lle.l-r is BONNETS, LINTS, STBAW TAU& KINGS, .0 S TRAW GOODS gettersl4. JI M. BURCHFIELD, Wholesale and .twan n..d.r in STAPLE AND TANDY DRY GOON, Northeast corner Irocrib cod limrlcst erects, Pitutddida. - - JW. BARKF.II. et co., Denlen, in all • kinds of DIST 000riS, No. ES Marked street, blo w.. Third rod Tosirth Pittainnnh, DRUGGISTS carmoN JoEuisro._,Ti Dealer in PURE 17 DBMS , 0119161.111iL3, PrILTUXCIif, TANGY GOODS. MIMING num, OILS, VAILLIA ammonia, &a., WKatztly prime olcuaity, lirtddb st lowest prINA. Gamer fintithd 4uld rt= Plescriptloo. clash:lly compuasio• B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., Wholesale AA/jil; ErreZZ'4.7.7,=VidwYrni: LEAD Pit DV. GEORGE EL KEYSE No. ICO Wood woe, oorner, olNlrictil DrUg Z. PatoponNio. XIIS/C gfc. GtHARLOTTE Doalor MAO AND ittsloALTSlsTaiTs. 904 meat fa KIWIS co.'s SUNOS, luau= aunt. n(6. snd raurcZ6 00.11 brizoDzon. rum at. 01:01:4 door above WOO, PicsiSsersh, Flaws b. 1 4 W Ulm In Ludwig* La nb.. SIEBER &,RO. Dealers is MomV • AND MUSICAL INETILUNIENTS, and • roY was ta STEIN WAY'S UNLEDISATED PIANOS No. 60 Plith Pinntrargh. myY2 rug As. R MELLOR, Deal.* in PIA'SOS, '—, it IS LrODEMIII_OI... hl oud t , mat. betwer yourthAreoind p glitz--41,7411r-r171) 1J Caugtt at Laet Jahn Craw'ord, of Allegheny, who took the buggy ride a few days since with Chars. Snyder, and who has managed to amps arrest by dodg ing the officers, was "caught napping" at an ear ly hoar this morning. John had hired a horse and buggy from Mr. McMaster, under pretense of taking a relative to Braddock's field, but in— stead of doing so he visited a vile den somewhere on the Perrysville road. Ce and his companions gut drunk, and no lees than fire persons, two of whom were females, rode to town In the buggy. The horse was beaten badly, and the baggy bro ken. Mr. McMaster claims damages to the amount of fifty dollars, as the born wee so badly abused that It cannot be worked for soma t me. hey der has been held to ball ro answer a otavge of mulloiens mitobial, and Crawford will be held on a timil.r charge. The Italian Opera Troupe Mr Charier Lori, Agent for the Italian Opera Tit rye now performing at Columbus, Oats, bai arrived In this city, atm le making arrangements lot a series of grand operetta performances at Concert Nall, to commence en Tuesday everting of neat week. This company embraces musical talent of the highest order, end produces the best opens entire, with all the scenic effect. The principal performers are Madame Virginia Whiting, prim• Donna; Madame Natalie Torte, Contralto; Signor Stefeni. Tenor; Sig. Amodio, Baritone; Sig. Bastin, Basso. The chorus con state of forty persons, and the whets le ander the management of Sig. Nicola°, as Conluctot. A Costly Supper On M.nJay evening three men named Jahn Ottender, Juaeph W. Langwine and John Mil. ler .ntered the Continental Saloon, at the rail road depot, and ordered supper. Alter eating what they wanted tbey began to insult the wait er, yelled the cloth off the table, broke come dishes, and acted in a very Lisordoly ntalnerr. Whoa the rialtos remonstrated nide them he war aesailed--one of the mon h.-caking a di .11 reer hie arm. Mr. Clark, the proprietor of toe h. car, made cn information hero•. Slay-or ry, and the accused were arrested and fined ton aullare each, which they paid. 6.n rot • Sounna.—hir. D. D. Ferguson, b and job printer, Lialspe Building has gone fora soldier. fie enlisted as a prirsa in CIA. Galiope's Regiment, bat as Dove is not the kind littly to stay under, h• was ale cud r/r4er ly Sergeant of Cep, Morton's and .to rte pion-orlon of the COOteim to • Maj.iratip, he woe promoted to the pi,/ Rion of S, son .1 1. ten terient fie to at sctire, energetic., thersugh - Ong man, and wid no doubt mate a popular and .flietett officer We oat imfeiy say rter. he will never dtsg-rsce his shoulder straps. legal, his business iu competent hands, and his isiei,ds and patron will ri,t forget him in bin absence. Tat Elect Dowd Azad - Amer.—On Mon lay evening, as • party of men are dienussing the poll:I:ad luau of the day, near Lim Cantons:. Bowe, an Irishman •entured 'he remark that he email u goon vote for Jeff Davis as for Abe Lincoln. A soldier who etood dote by, and. beard the remark, hassled off and knocked the Richman down The verdict of the majority lea 4, "screed him right." This is a rough Argu ment, hot soldiers Due at Idea that it to the only kicd that can be felt through eoprr. A Ta. manor. Neosso.—A pugnaciona actor ed man named John Fort no arrested and ti mad, net It og Once, for disorderly condi:Kt at the boats of an acquaintance named Ilkley, in the Ninth Ward. hie soon forgot the lessen ibe Mayor tought him, and ..n Monday he visited itiley's none, again, and, am.,eg other annoyances, took the liberty of upsetting Mr, Riley. An tafor• mall , . era. ma 1, , 01,1. h l / 2 1 for nmwait and battery, and he was held in three hundred dollars to 1111 t A or ,Lyle of veil le ooming into favor with poet g Indica. It is made in the fart:dour/4e black •od white figured lee., with a fine einstlo ran through the upper part, which flu to the edge of the bonnet. A second elastic rune tiercugh the Icwar part of the veil, a hinri die teere from the bottom, which fastens It under the chin, giving the afoot of •street mask, trans • plannt Lot very conciettith. Tn. stun Qcmt.—rate beautiful speetaonlap piece was produced at this Theatre lest evening in uegnifioent style. The new scenery and •p -polutaients are superb, the finest undoubtedly that nave been presented to a Pittsburgh and'. ecoe. Ettle Henderson, .61 personated the oLoteeter of the Queen of the Water Syinpho, appeared to greet advantage, end ably sustained that part. The pie, will Les repeated tonight. . - FATAL Arrfozwr.—William Ullery, brakes mon on the T migrant train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was Instantly killed on Sntarday morning lash It appears that he was standing on top of the oars as the train approaohed Pe terstarg, and not observing the bridge which crows the track et that point, his head was struck by !be tirel:ers with rulhio:ce as tl TATITO his ri,tr.ost tr.staat death- WYErCITU.I.I ♦an TiilLiPT.—The sob rorcalttets appointed by the collecting onamit. tee cf LawreueseLlee, will mutt •t the drag stole of J. J. Covert, corner of Butler and Pike street, on' Wedensday evening, Sept. 14Ch, to report, and advise . as to inters action. !Ater orT Fen Tins Doo' —4 soldier from the Pc . r mat army arrived L. cee city to •dey, t,eving hers deviled to take charge of drafted mon." An Ibere ore no draltod men here just now, It It not likely that there icon rill be? CLAMP 419 .IZ-4^771. _ _ 11.1. F10. 4 ' ( 51.A.Ptt A. , 4ENCY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON. °O. 14.4 IffotT P := inrru 4 e. t i tr:l,o 1.. metebt len. OD Shills. te Alca, Tbyte sets ofEortn,g Toots, toe OD Werra. Meet oar dash. Itt quirt of P. D. SOU, od .94-f, L.Dsgeeny ay , . Deck., roar Coardbos. ,1:..4 VALUABLE COALL&NI FOR SAL& —Thn Ramsay' farm basing boon ultbstrasfa tont sc.. the osorkerts bow oftsied for sale, bed land consisting f.fslairty Ulnas I..ra woos or tom baba.? throe nails ono Jco.es' ,forry, artier:4d rat coal of tbe bolt panty. The lcoprorreceorto Sbersoo nolog In Vod =IT emsdArtatit al dosoLltny, hoc., lowa. goanarY, and 14 - s.so Sou frail beio lag . ch,ds of sari ns picas. foams Ls Tgoad ardor, no l all nods, She bolt snots of cultlvatlcss. he Wadillortoo nano plk rota nbrongb tar forma. If the +bone Is loot sold by the flown day of o^Jdobee &sac, aatcl property sro .1 de sob distdell and gold to lad so sults pan:amen Tor Using apply to JO LIN FULLIGEITOS, NU.I Wood Cornet, El 110DltIIT dd Ittta.T. Hzooatart, rlSctf V E Tn. E MOST DEACTTini AND !loth:idle too/woo. for cannery Reath around ass A ar Liberty le nolo offered for We, frondrog an litglelestdl ;A A vacua about 000 fe., sod CO2 talla trig =area MG. ac Ira; =Mee near the redden, or . dkentades Brunt% 2 , , a nd others, and It leaseeptible of the flood . rent Mum IS on the place a coo dory brink how% g , drug hove., hero, de., ell 10 gout order; oleo a too ea , Ore cherd of young true, rnoetly bearing. Thtt properly. If elo•Indlortll b. divided into two, ar foltreardone to roll =ers. Tor tom= apply at the Seal aerate eau oor dam of 9. 0. BATES, 1/2. F Bailer Ozeol. laoneltherlDa. ; . L'OB BALE--Th, country east of the ti I' Leta fleasnel Douglas, deoess eitaatol Ix OCIM tits township, one mile from the Allegheny Oconstergy l 6 contatning oisteen norm to . b.gh state of col . being wall atocked with Milt tress,slunbbary.= q portly endnle.ls. with a:AL To ponies seeking inol r , pureed property. orunbintot ea...thin* of my sus.ry, beolte nod good meigntorbood, the abo=2 P., Sas& A rose opportunity of cotuttoy 6S ono. to the .111.4. topmasts of. cowl km.. l'i tor nutter portionless Inquire at the *Moe of ric.z.,.... QUXWAS A DOUGLAS, lio. ST Fern Amt. ri wall.lind Et. D. DOUGLAS. 08. tULE— STEAM titi.W MILW. AHD on IiMBIEBT.—The oze.balf or Voitfiti rr , se 014 fitel•nerr eel ilt.trl P's fl) srit%te, b. 4 .cr. of gropc.4 ; ithundanee of coal tha toss` mine Dyer glteata oti the /.116111.614.', - Atm er.• A. N. B. Be, It offered Qv ed. The Boßrerirri toe. aril et moisro ball& The Bev DWI is In siAtote:s etti order mid t. vnf dtmared, herb; • crest canto* Ere. It to the river Stood locality lbo builit.ths to• 11.1 liter teurechtsri citlJ oc the airdeasizette. -; 5.1 • LYDAY • CHOUPUITh4II44I, ' .tf 80. 61 Baud street. Fittirb•o424 A. CIIISAT FARM FOR BALE. —Camp" taint. g Ivr mares, seveuty of whie , l I, el red and'. twang. &errs m..dow, with odneforwble here, bar* 'table, and • ydnug clutter-2; wall wst red; a 2 Tel oel coal 0 nderlays thp farm 61tastaa let 421 beet h..waselp, 13 milts Ism the city. Dust Oral pars Al Statue the place. °Cored . oho low tgata 1 i1a,21". T 1.01221 0121. 1119T1 10 0: 1-4 : 22 2 B. IlotAllif ea CO. S.ALt:.-]MA. rituP.mv, r--5, two .torn BISIOS DWZLLIISO. ...bn,tatolutt SI room oz O ,utters and PST•Zte SIMI* •1L • let baelni. • hoot of r.e by LIS et deep. Ifre ci alley Tbe stoee re •oel che•p Ott s-b. Iteretha on lb preateo• o- to Id &AO blif.LBT, iretkire t PEN,, Part 1 Co_ °Mee Iloriebe•trerg 1 ,- bp. SALE, 5,000 PEET OP PBAILINGI A•ot411-.7 from 6 • 10 lathes Kum:* Itrovalroat t 7 l ofoce of 1.751.011 • H , PRI4I, endtf 110. 1011 TIM dor& 0, F ub. tALE. 64'0 A^RES Of 030 D lIICTI LARD all lylmg to cr.e track in So:vat. cczaty. lota. Sit comer Hand • lre.t end DlNciams V I PHOICE ALLEGEOLNY CI Ar PRO ERTY FOB PAM- -Tie.: cm len belt. brkk De SLUNG HOMES. lire 111.•101: 11611 tiro part* leer cleruber mule, fko Libel •tile, dining corm, liter c6 crleciisr,roisd, em, g. owl 'c.i.f. dream. Lot 10 feet 400 t bp IVO &cp. Yor price and terse ap ticy , B. OCTEIRERT a 6010 61 %terse& ciPiß • ?'TEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE-Bilio-' sted mar baakN the In Lbw bonder Petrick/trifle, twelve males Crory. Pittaburglt. •t Mall to very surodowilwEly bath, 1 carablWor cod :14 , * tioub.rt 1114-two fret la lorgth, btu twat:ow. of groaft:d with It, grd is ht good rannle.; Ordor. For pOrtlewlligg addr.ws JOHIPII G. 800 5i Berro P. 0 , Pk ' SALE.—Ac Aladdin Oil Wal AA lls 01, UDE OIL TWNK3 c Irne 0r... Al. kt A'legtonsy TAII•y Depot.lll Inch ca. lro scAor p,,gq /Apply Al W. IN - . of AL S.DOIN OIL CO., :f..1 as at:Am 4 - 1 - 4 4).ii BALL. A TOt4DIIY, IN GOOD ElVNlLliaoeoae with et ek, tc., tor t .,.ther with • id. ntanl Ord basins.. Par terms, skit..., vitt, lig tom. 13. x 13.51, Ittesablergb Postaatc. • tetalts SALB.-A farm containine d a: sorra, erszokted In Snowden tow 4...1. ono salt trom tonnsn'o onn Len oulloo 111 A PRoshn.rgh in. form 4 *di sztetwi man In • vall !luso of oaltiwatlon. Tor tcrthar pm - tital= inong.• on tato prondsoo. or a the im-Dzol`ner. am. 1-fro- A- O. 82 , 1P3 • - Fox -!,- isALE—PRIsPi. STREET . P: 11,' .J fr ZETY.—Thf tisraatary Erick raral3l4, con . L K ere r e. rooms, Fa. 11 ['ma atrdai vita loc . ,-.,,,, a frost of 20 fast C Inch., racing back 110 tea t a 0 1 artaa alba, The slots la an esoallact tooadosi . I c l 15 atenstacturrai r ariaara. ratE t treal E i r d.o o il teaatt .A. Iid:ILI% ND, ILS *Mt' . . " 615 - FOR SALE, One Bicot4 Rani Olroulas Saw, 54 inched. 4 1110 1 ml tor. &tared tit2viod i , Tit , Pam- Meet COUNTRY PLACti - SOs"Bgt. taft.tan - Bilt di satas.,3ks , siter•belPaltAt lama th.rt7 MUT+ , *MIS 11 . 4 1/0411p tool a asiO tram&om , act - ' ' am Ana p 14..10 - o ' ra; Cm . Insurs a ‘... foillawk6 Laa ; I =i .1:11 'lco3lo :cotos a l,D.o3l • ••. ••• 4 1TVAT oil ID . VOR., WlstlaSarßlPLEttiltaill t Llst i t o, ltu m b.. aw mtga t, l 4. tit a tight9 ll / 1 1: r exoltaa Of t !'s to esaitob carrriiit ofl 1 • . 9ErtaihnesCabmabie =. l ,on t t kcir•No A t obee tatudia? t totVhr oca .a 4,1 4.tefl 444, 4l__".at.Vittoal Et. naumnr,