pittsburgh Tanette. - BATUIIDA I SEPI'. 3; 1884 RATIONAL UNION NOMA son /111 . 111D117: iLI3IItAIIAN Lurcipr,m, of mina.. aos Sul iiitinonee ANDREW JOII,N, of Tennessee. 93r CpI7NTY TICKET Cellassas—aSs swami : SA M I2I.I. 110oltHEAD. Nittamsa. Coltalutss--.23s minus? : THOMAS NaLLIAlig, ineghpay. 1111 W : THOMAS J. 13.10 HAM, Later St. Club - satimus :' itl / n ' AMIN P. CLAPS, Clty. --' ILI/L OoLVILLV, City. ' emir: SUCK, ILL eh,. ___BARTNI: 0nD5ab......2.. IatDEGX Y. NOM, II rti Papaw. colonies • Mkt/Mk= PILLOW init. ..' - , pstyncopol AY: Jaooll R. WALTEIt, 1 7. - clown : •.-.. .IWILLIAM CLAWSON. GHT. sow: /nab:Mot : 1, .1. H. DAVIS. i1,..6.ukir.,1. I Fall of Auants I 2degs'ob from Lon'sville, last night, - Whop ns the Joyous intelligence of the fall stalest& It slates that Brigadier General Zeprei, L eFtennandlng the Western District of Eentcelty, had recelte'd a telegram from the frolt•annonncing that SLIZILICSIeI advance luta etttered Atlanta at 9 o'clock yesterday tramming. No farther pant:mien. Kelpiellan and Slavery, • Ittiderfr, • few days ago, given General Mc. ternnart's record on arbitrary arrests and the • diet, we turn now to hie record on the slavery qatallen. Yt is mainlyoontairted In that tele . bfifidTharilson!fiLenti , ng letter, written on tibeThlay ot4nly, 142, immediately after thie Coixtileilati 'of tie dirtitr.rona . 4:l'm:To of befite , movement. The 'tone of the whole let ter IS - itnpnrtinent in the extreme r —as in it Geier* klaCtrumr assumes to leoture the President upon his duty in regard to the civil as :Rent as military sepe:te of the orisis—.a alike which General MoCtsitter had himself kargely assisted to produce. But curses (for the letter contained curse; albeit they were etugar-noited), like ohiekeca, come home to avost,And the word, which General MoCtst- Lai wrote In 1862, in a fit of anger arising from disappointed ambit'on, will serve to Weaken him now to the house of his friends. We quote only so mach of the letter as contains the General's opinion of the mode necessary to be observed in dealing with the troublesome clavery question. Beatotrarrau ARMY Of 5111 POl.OlllO, j } Criirrytkaa BUM, moil's Barnum, TA., • • * • * • y 7, 1 : 62. • .agg Slaves contraband under act of Congress wet • istp military protective should receive it. The tlZhl of the Government to, appropriate permanently to Its own service, claims to slave labor daunt klke emerged, and the right of the owner to eon penintlen therefor .aboald be reeognleed. 11... pz ,,, istat4etsigitbe etotoraviapee proem/. o / minivary and railitrity To ALL Tee ElL•vas • P• 11. 1011141182•11. TZtra WOEZIRO NAllawfsitior in_aarefidtato ! n Mita ' tart. perhaps to %went eac h even in Maland, the r expediency el each aesibl Me y an?* only •ry vow don of time." e ... ' Teri &upset/ally, Your Obedient Servant, •. Gleaaos B. MoCrau.is Major General °Grammatik'. Mark the fact that General McCi-ma.AB here distinctly asserts, months tefore even the pteliminsry RISMI.W. e i 4 on of emancipation was leaned, that the '4(961 of the Government to appropriate Apermonen , iy to Its own service debits iiksbive labor should be asserted." He slap reoottememis the emancipation of "ail the eaves within.- a partial:oer State," ' , upon geCtrnie-ef reeirmir rucersity." .— Plow, we ask • the,..fitir-ininded Democrat if Armenia Its driiim- dine Mere with regard to the negro than General Blortrtt ale recommended fully two 'year. ago? lle has OM I I able battled Ames (boa they might tight for -the Union. That was merely inserting "the right of the 00VCVFMont to appropriate permanently its own sereleWelaime to slaw labor" lie hiladeolared the sieve, of certain rebellions States to tw,frre. IV hat is that but extetd.ng pelemiple of eppropriating elave labor to "4/4 the 11167p3 within a panic liar State; thus working marumisskon in each State?" And hea-1 een done by Allaallnt Ltsool.e, _ _ se voorozondtd by o:neral .MeCtumen, "oprn ET canda of mints" no:estity." :rftiernenthe after the Herr:eon's Landing Wrier wni written, the Prtaident iaened the prelialiDesy proalsquitiol c f emancipation, and at once iho wide Democrats party naffed danger ahead. "State Bights - were about to be invaded; ' nigger,. were to swarm throughout the .u;ire N:rth; and the tar woo to Le perverted iota no nAlrolition *made." That Tarty to day no wields argil , tato more igorouely againet the dministra- Hifi% ihaa-that which is afforded it the arm ineitiiiiiogt anti the freeing of the elaves of .Entorlet.:Anid'yet erAFint Of President Lta -ootif trlitaon not on'y to the slaves of Rebel htit alio of 14‘ye I Rates, ie er.dorsed by thirternia of General M'CLen.A.o's letter, who AttnoNthe 'candidate for the Presidency of that same Democratic piny. The author of the principal ar6it:ary axreJt of the ear, the Snit official to recommer d a drat', atid the lidece,ate . o ,negro ernanciingirm--scoh is td!'e CandidateOf the Democracy who are opposed goal' these sofa of otyranoy and usarintion!" Verily, if OM' iheze was ft Tarty in t 615 totattry that bee comp'e'el; stultified heel., 35th* Copperhead-aos party of 1804. The Pat attempts (9 nem General Mc. eCurt t . for ordering the arrest of the 31.exy lied:Legislature, by chsrgieg the Atilt:deletes -11011 wit!! !•inetroeted" him to leaue Tbfe le the merest quibbling, vaad irttr.wct hoe, os the test of the adescittelf _shows. "dAer hill consul,. taloa' wttilAht — Pretidaag,- Sicretaries •of the order begins. — 91 , 15.. eins'aulied w i n thoSe officials? General bio- Vl=l4ll. And wbere is the evidence that he felt *for to consult - 1 General 1110CLEL- iatehtietelt effectually Maumee of the Posts 4inthhie.. _On the 29th of the same month in . .ftithiehlie ordered-the arreet of the hiarytenl itilteriathe order nu dated the 12th) he sent hie thhirtrag ; ile;ifef.-ffar.-Baoks: / have ;on any more of our friend, l send flea Frederick to dampen, 7 Please answer at nee. I trill to know on amount of ordering Off beet. Ma j. Gen. MoCeataas. lirtrenyeetlelitar from the Post Ina day or two to the effect that "Lnioota" "beetroot; or' tit" American itAreisolito write ail die ogykilf ICA, Koons; of Bon:terser, was on seuday nominated for Congrens in the die ' lisiatuoinpoeeci of 'Somerset, Bedford, Fuiton, sidnio!und yrenlr.4 counties. The district is st rieant repiesehted by the Copperhead Corkikirti, leho bae been renominated by_hie li*ly, : anif Who was elected ordr HO. lidoPmea fox In 1862 by a paltry majority of three ime t eired. Bootrrz to pinwale* popular, and CIO of the best otimaillgo t lO BLit& Ho Suet! to,win Up • hiadeiimei majority. Ein Flume Barns -said an army of :tap "led by Alton is more fond 'able than an army vt-11.ona led by a stag. On. the Pentsunila, In IE4 11111.*beirted annypf IWO men was alinalit deaf:vied boom. esti leader was a 01 0, 61 1 N inlBP4, .leader Is /"//t" Wand for th e f:regding — ilan arm 0.14 PP . iceOpplto fillart; each an army with such .11IbIft Ai sot braddsble at W. • A - Pittsburgh 'Popp*. hel j artat Cbisibps . - . On oar fast pigs this morning wa give abstract of kris:bah delivered during the tit ling of the Chicago Convention by &certain Captain Sonars of this oi:y. Below waters • fuller report of that speech, which we take from the Chicago Tribunfs report of the doings of the Convention: "Captain Bottnts, of Pittsburg, was next introduced, and, .if anytbiog, exceeded his predecessor in villainy. Ile denounced the present Government in unmeasured termer; in blasphemous terms damning Mr. Lincoln as • thief and a leader of thieves. Lincoln, ',ou tbound the elegant crater, wne now played out, the Opposition to him was going to be bold and poWerful, there mat be no underhand work, and if Demccrate ea:ebony of Lincoln's b—y satrap epics among them they must cut their d--d-throsts, that's ali. [Applause It is the duty of every American to vote for a peace candidate. For seventy years the Democratic party safely raided the Ship of State through all dangers; but now, In less then three years ' the Shoddy despotism has deluged the country with blood , destroied all national institutions, broken up the home caret, and chanced the moat glorious country under the sun into a garden of discord, where brother lilts up his hand to slay brother. [Applause.l Shall this stale of atlairillast? [No. No Phil more wives be made wilows, and more nhileirt n fatherless, and greater hate be stir. rod up between children of the some glorious constitution? if not, we mast put our foot upon the tyrant's neck, and, destroy it. The D-mocratio government must be raised to ower, and Lhooln, with his Cabinet of rogues, thieves and spies, be driven to des rue' in. What shall we do with btu? [A voice—" Send him here, and make a 'coffin for him, d—ic h m.' Yee, continued the speaker. d—n hno and his miserable fo'lowers. Ido not propose, continued Capt. Roosts, to give to you to night the platform of the Democratic potty, for as yet it is unborn; but I slimed 1 he to Ste the noble George B. McClellan as Pteeident (chters) and that great Democrat, /1016 , i0 Seymour, eirould occupy the position of Secretary of State. in the Cabinet I would s •e the name of Voorhees and the brilliant galaxy ef gentlemen statesmen who cluster round the Democratic banner, Botch a gov ernne t would bring peace to the country, 'and would tend sr,a , ly to render nugative the evils of the present parrupt adminietra lion. What has Liteolor done for the poor max? TApp'ettse Abolitionists toy he has flooded the country with money and caused the reale of wages to be rained. P rbape so; but all the money is in the pockets of hie partners, the shoddy contractors, and the .raise in Pages k twenty times worse then nothing. Under the Democratic rule of pun -Iy, a man could purchase with his day's earn ings eight pounds of good coffee. Under the present dynasty he wet' ke banter for a pound •nd a quarter. Then good sugar was five or oil -neat!, a pound, now it,is forty or Sly If each is .the remedy, give us the disease. [Cheers.] True, Linoola sells coffee by the bushel, a dollar or So a peck, but what but the dtp - aysd taste of an, abolitionist can 'stomach it They say it's good; but all I bare 'to - say then is, that the worst I can wish of Lincoln Is that be may be poisoned with 'his own coffee. After going on in this strain for a short time the speaker conaludedu k and . the meeting dispersed, with some really ex- cellent music by a Boston band." The Campaign In Inatana--The Dlipate tsvean Ow. *M,Vtoa and Mr. Qooald.-Bpeolms no of Gov, Morton,' Corempoadevice of du New York Fume : 11DIAJELPOLIB, Ind., Aog 27, 1864. A. the debate now going on between Gov. Monroe, of Indiana, and hie opponent In the ,o teems for Governor, has assumed a national interest and importance, I send you a "speak men brine or. two of the Governor's style. 'Speaking of the constitutional right of the President, in time of war, to lune any proo 'emotion or appeal with Intent to injure the enemy, he said : ' , The reduction of the walls of Jericho by the blowing of runt' horns, was certainly a novel nod nnpreoedented method of assault, yet I have never learned that any casuist has denounced it a. illegitimate or tingodly on that account. And if It wore proper that Jericho should be reduced and conquered la that way, sparing the *ffasion of blocn,shonid it be objaeted duo the President o' the Uilted States has attempted, by proclaim "), freedom to the save, of rebate, to Weaken the pester of thin rebellion, and arts aid la en s artrg peace, and stopping :ha edasion of the beat blood in our lend f It is, ho saver, highly p.ohnhle that it there had bten Copperhead. is t re days of Isebna ' they would have taken Untie w:tb them on the re.? kern truniev, and inth i t -0 1 that it ras a riotation of trio Tea j. , at01•001341,14 01•11/ of peace men t "Thee* men d Roth a for mild phrues, profess their devotion to the Union, nod t tele condemnation.•l the re' els and the rebel- II oe, and rush on lei , h an indeviont haste to atig to 'lg.., without qualtlizalen, their opponent, as A antic:Wats. le their minds the whole &aye! toe Government is summed up it the rotaotinn of Slavery at all has red., and ender all :dream vazoes. Unlike other institutions sod other p tpany , ti . e ~ ke ono/L.l4g J., et,/ • ran the cLucce di war. /forever otbor interVF e teat, t tf.r , CAM/Int/an La proah•al.ed, horses nod cattle, land, and good. be eonfi.oatel tope; tie panalt'ts cf trtailtn, Slater; matt be lei n,ed agolnit all violet ,e, ft, m all loss by the aontia- • , gtooitt of war. To preter:e Eilavarj bs t mi es , lo observe the Con.tt.tPion In all parts. 'lj-17n, It in any re.pe ato infract the C La ,'odor in eve.; member.'• 9-Ce MN, an It, c.atler c 1 arrests: "Thee. arrnra bare bee, ee n prate 'ore orbited arrault open the villtnett, while the mcl :pli di creel:tut ant .tittg nil II•at nonsrallele humors of .eletllttn ore utterly !scored do.ears for men 110goiah og in: o t dnogee. a. I ..o , to horror at a:T..0,1C, pracs:ad./ by the • r •idld in this :Lc t.la .1 the bar, .rum of Ameticsn earaged and of Chinese wa , fare ati•en and brizbwe • Met, hang like gs upon Left nod their bones lab r,ed info jenelry :.roc worn a. horrible Vat tire . . . Gov. na.res ie a man at superior ability, of wonderful energy, adroit, vigi.ant, 0001, and an admirable debater. He is earnest, reeolute, honest, pa'riotio. The masses have o (Hence in him, and there - it no reason to d übt hit Farness over his opponent. His I,,art and stul are in the cause. I regard h es as among the Ern who have loomsd up i :hue times. A rornic nes at this hour should be a lir_ g tp:etie known and read of all men. A ip, mot will not keep his light hid ender • t ehel , when the people nerd light so badly. I is not in a loyal politician to keep alien!. II o cannot refrain from prying out against lieston. It in doing Vlore - Eft to his nature to still while the ',outdo Of hie State and of the nation bleed al every pore. Professed nioniste who have not lifted their little fin s. r to help the Union atinsr, but who embraoe all opportunities tosburn the Government, en e7yrage Copperhead sehliment and foment d coord among tholk - Sple,'Sfernhe worst fo•n - have to encounTer. i Snrcx OcalliaLZ, 6 —TOO CeTO.Oll (0 ) ' J. <40.5 , 7, of this weit, states that on SOWS da) morning last, Mr. John Elhalmo, who wes engaged in dirging a well near liessiilon, went into the well sod was immediately smothered by the foul air with which it was impregnated. His eon, who was sedating him, was immediately let down, and, shook• in .to relate , shored the same fate. The bodies cf the father and eon were drawn from the bottom of the well as goons, presible, but not until It was too late to render the slightest aid. Both were dead, Nearnzas people know little of the terror of Confederate conscription. A Southern Unionist may, he has seen • small farmer drive into one of the country town, of North Carolina with his wife and two children in his one-horse wagon, and be pulled out of it alith acutely • word by the conscripting of ficer, and hurried off to the conscripting camp with hardly a chance to nay good bye to hic family, who may !mason him again. ,OST-4.50 'REWARD—Lost at the Pa. Dapol. abort °Wooly o 1117 B- S 111ght. • roaaerAtoos &outdoing S IM Ma oft on the Dana si ratee ' rga, sad lilt balstats In grme . t, n th Ot. t ra f ga i r eao ." . I • n" t . b.:l Mb valuable Oasts p0p.,.. The pnbllo ata Meat.) cr.o.loned not to :noels.. for saLl check. so psymat has been Mina ?be above reward be pad of th• main of to. Pocket-WA and *Mesta at aeaette 0 2 e. MIMS 61.10/X I -.-Near the eerner of Hand and rem dzsd, ALE rT aldromed to lbs. InIZDZIIIOI. KUM La Boy Gizmo county, a, moteloiou l• . ohaft psona to bar aria!, fa Mini Ons.. Tim finder .10 aoltiot I favor by leavitit Pepaq Qulrtsrmulto Getarara Otos, OteARD stmt. sallUf T ,OST—BANK BOOR—toot by the Bub. ,E.Jialber asiViDBRIDAI. slit that. Mr BLINK BOOLlrtior he Lot Um Bauldryg Haan of N. Claims & sory,ihriot strut A Übnal mare mill In pea for itr roemen OillstAldanuaaam, 011:51 411X914111UUM LOST. wwwiwnKwril6iir;in.. 4 ,? =~•_ _. tpc7mw $0 Twigs. 'TEE ObYDE OIL compeirr— Becks of ontoortotion to tecootoi of Om GILT DX OIL 00XIPIN7 oro woo opoz the a of Ms NJ7 C.v. corner •Iva, • 14 Wo starter. watt i r . c . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, AL 1211m Cr. r, EXCELSIOR HALL, corner of Federal and Leirectok it.. Pester, JOSEPH KING. bermes at 1034 a. in. and 'nip. co. Prayer Sfeedlng WED NEEDAT Viliiii.lso; The public an cordially wale FOURTH WARD, ALLEGHENY.— Tha Block 00 WIMIttaal meal TEIIB (lotar ilvce LNG at 73.4 co'cloct,at the Ponta of 11. V. A. ltababer. "retry committee ma. to a:pawed lc bet o e. 131 and mike a feal tad .19 Mete repot of all who hare ersillibuted, and those who have not too trihatea to the Ilwant, road_ NO It 10. 11. L. A —Tbe County Council will meet on TOE3DAY, Rept., mbar ath, at tea lock. m , in the room over the D t&SIOND CLAM /LIZ occupied br the II remeo's Association. A fall attendeece of delegates from .1 ,the local emend). if de. Cod u bat"... of the greeted favor:an:A strait% no. lion (m3:3t) D y ord.r of the Prsaldant. CrOe rtes rant Lrcrec, Ots Ct., No. It Wool, Ct , 0 Prr•estritant, Sept. 2, M .THE DI - RECTORS OF T HE E LH CIESCO OIL CO.,ve declared • dividend of THREE DOLLSES PEN SidillE ettt of the profits of the lest .Co montbe buenrae sellw O Q . 188 •ELL,Serdela . . . [o.l'o V 0 LI2 E Ekteer will be scOoptiet to.d solaced on the Incas of the present rail op,to Vt. lost practical moment teirsoe the drafted men Sr. am ptal, and liOnt to roodeffroos. Tosratilos sad sub dietrlatt which bare not filled LL it bo rat, are mired to d.., al to AA. All'lmo 01.1050 p esslbly be give 1, rid Le alloued. bn • Lb. Dtall ir.ll . comnisirne as lout alter SSD 511 of reptetat.er so pr. - tioeLle. ord. Le givec sad Gov =meat boopty pld to V-Imotrournat.l Luther notice. By crrer Capt. D )1);Ir., Atb r. P. Infaxm,,, A. A P. 1 (314noed, J. Vi Captalu and Pro KIRKER, mm Blatvaal. 24,1 Dm., Pa. 'lO 1 ELINOIIENT TAXPAYERS rtt 6. Cltt vF AL LIGET 6NI —Not'. Is I.nr. by 'lron to •I 1 muso I oho bass not meld their t 1•1011, nes or ass woes • in •Id cl , y o • Al,• 0.1 y, tha• tits:, • nr q6l 64 o coy th. o t or be. u. 116aT Y• r ()TOB r.K k: C't,. llf the • st• , I or bet,rs lee ttrat day of Oct /h., ft-st tb.n Ft E s wi Ibv •ddal to sod .6de psis. le I •17.1 sta., lft on • sloe hs n paid on or et. re al. MST OIV of NON'S: 11 LICK neat folose •anrie te. diroft.6.l to prop rlt i1•tft111161 iota, “runandl6ir en , n of the. to I r, for tutu t•ses, 6 ilh en CO. ts 094 tharirnson.. the non, of •.s goo and 0:40'61, of the ertlngmots •rh, •64 n sets tto stir advo - stso anoe,, lo -also of dlattoto for not. D. IttAOrlittlON, ••63 • lit, Tr.,511.6r. TV 'ltll. 11NnULtatiiI PITT TO VESEI I P.—Thar• Oro mem three hn • •I.d d of you that bare not con•ributel to the II mom Fund. If you col Imo, chat. y on the Tremor., W. It stLY, 'al Liberty strcet, or the co looting Gun, make*, sod etbecrlte your fair propJrtloo. your C om . ndlt.e wl I goer*. tee t cl or you Iron the lerLag draft If the an.. not Iv me d. up the .r.iamw ol .Treed y nellsled will ho withheld for the twnellt of th eub..critme 10 thi tool. boor Ourontl too hereby .lodge ti etueelves to clot, every antec I her to the fund 70th, or tolo,.; dre . t. The.e who do ne• nob o , lbe Ito emdicely al.l hare to take core or therumlree. EWettr, E T 0 tIiSIDT, IlikET W. OLI YEE, J.. Rao . ultln Oomakittee.. LOAN OF 18M. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN 1 - ciatvat DITLIIITIEFMT, A u,utt 30th, 1364. Elealtd cQ 1.111 be renthed at this Department, uu. ,err the act of March 3, Una, Mall noon of TiII.DAY, the ith of (sites:lbw, 1804, for bond, of the United 0001.0 to the amount .of taunt thirty-on. and • half Mot Lon down , halos the t to,iant cf ¢naooepted offer. o. ',posed of under the toilet of Proposal. Gr Loan, dated oth JUIN bat. She bonds .ill bear an annual In 4, serf off per CIIOIIII, pay shit ancii-annually In win od the that day. of July and January of tach year, and re drew/We eiler - the'lotb of Jane, 1131 Poch oder medic for fifty or on. htindred dollar., or scat multiple cf mit tandred and mutt teals the tam, Including premium, offered for tech hundred d „ lhr hoed; or for fifty, erl,ea the sew It for no more than DM. Seto per cent of the plied, .1, end ad t, g br.mhan, of the -hole amount offend most be do. 1./J.O, as &namely for payment of tobsaiptloo .1 ter seised, .oth th• Treasurer of the I/cited Stat. at U a 01trygtou:ar 00th th; Assistant Treasurer at How Took Butt., PlellibtlelPhe• or ht. Goal., or with the &wignoted Depotitsry •t Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Ult.- rlontdi, LosJyrille, Chicago, Detroit, or Budd,, or slob any National Banking Amnia/don •uthorlzed to r c Ise &mita whist, Call] content to transact Lb, but. toe et.rge. Duplicat• orrallust, •tf detoti: tr, Ite •We• to dep. tit y the album Co 1140 , 01 toll t rlrhg,tbtmj Oat ottiootais of which must be 'or. ...Sri wit 0 the ore,. to the Department. All dry. •lts • otid be suede fa time f. r art. of off,. with C At" to teach Watt, togton not later tb. 1101 manage, B.phi" ler tot. 190. cif r -oot • eompset,d by Its rop• r c.rt ittcotel of dopooll witi be oclteld.r.d. tle C..rißo.e lend Bo,lateral doe.6e I.n. a .'Lt be of ..lo: oto . les• ecru al ILO, Stir, 560.0„ add i/ OW, Bog_ • • a red Sive, c i 46.1.41),ied 110,4100 will e'eD be ieweel tr eetilria • •.1 alas r coolvcd trill It• opened on Trniary th r.h ul paranteoN She 'try...will be made by th 3 Berres-y •• et hl,,Loatoffeeara • and palm acroptanot -r de rl eartrn Will , Le Immodfately 'IV. to the re mettte • neters at d, in cue of armAmm . Wend t et the 0,, I p nau and &Ma 1:04.11i.• .111 be tBIll intscribett at the mat of tLe dermrtmcw•, on Ana P Meet of fattattnenta. The ortalna/ depot& of two er rot eitt to Inclared in the tut Iturtalmrnt p.ll re• Mr. tut ; form and be ten rrutlate'y re tl•nel 11 me oboes often mal not be anceptri. T, emenat of accept d °Arra elm, be d, p.t T reaanr•r cr utter ulcer or me Ottlr• *tt b 'tttti set end, all actin,.l.lc. ut areaptrene a r, • 1 I , era Cue thted rt . b.f.,. the lith „oe t . nor balsa tbe 1.13 , and the brbyee• Incltuil nF t pr, relent rod orraleat two per cent Wwwit ct, • .0 1., 21.6 o' Ee;••eseter. later, O. bet 2. or II b -.a OIL drier I .I,p, 1_ P., te• pro' trtog may Le er ted late 'rat coo 'ate of te.n.t. July I,lu • r, "In / er th•• r We* uld Ireltr..Gerft! • r c, •IA tt. r.1,1•11.r. r to derllLe al ofkr• cot 401,814.1,4 Ala I• co. Iv, , 0 Obe gevertaa..n I W P. BESSEND 427, rot,' of w. Trebdury. P , d,da •••• rta'y Idr rmoael•d. d, -: - ; :.LANVRFNCES ILLS. Th. dazeot .111 oast LI ell Evening until Further Nottee, AT ROBINSON'S HALL, T. take lb• catezetirj asaantr.llo. tilling the inat• loan era. I t vi lat., are Index t ap%oldtog r • merit, reinforcing oar noble scrub., and it.g tie rebertion ottcnd aad Vre their active ..-perobboa. CHANCEY aqszwins, B.ratary. 75-. TO VOL t . NTEERS— • The under cgsei 11 dlrsetssi to poi!.', th. following Otr. itio, I 6, lister Ilarrioutirg, Sin lest J. b E WIN POS rEll, Provost blorstisl i 22,l District. .'uotern w.II be ace•pted and eountod on the qao• •ur prevent ran apt t the last pr. loot m b -n t• e erupt. d a•e a cepte 1• A not to wade-rum.. vs' Ip• and eub.disalam which hem not el Ist, are ctd to do so etwnet. All Oar, atm an. peal sly h. vrl IL be ,Alt..wad, but the dratt w 11 matmeam no afipm the sth or Septembe - n pracleable. Oredlta v .11 be illreo nod 0o rardmant Bounty p. 141 WOO Mother o Irra. by order • opt. BIOHARD L. DODGE, A. A. P. M. 110,,,. MOM ril — rnll3 FIRST COMPANY FON Ong YEAR—Larytactunomeat. otllsrel to CIII• Too.' qp —Captain Ball hart., reCrattoll looropany 63r UV sof 6r ,. .`er portion of oPtilsh hay, alr..dr of• ev.litt tv• ono y .r S. 0... nffer, t• CI c•• eh • • • • lttlflLlt /11 I ttltitt., - Id•t•ht• APO TB tt-11" [POLLAN!" AN V FIFTY •111'7 °ANN IN HAND. r Owns W. Leonard, tormerly OW.I limpneer o. Ow Lire Department, b, Ist Liontaaaal of ale company, an I or be limed daly at WILICIDd LULL, from lib= • ilo canary irdorarstton may b. obtained. O. E. BALT., NM. Zedzorg'o3. A. 012,1 Lore Mau. 10.EXCELAIOR INSTITUTE, The Sal aid Stlatar Wm:La talxikhooi Irtit cam maim* MONDAY. sopt4tmborr sth. filebrianblps may be enured by calling at tb• Booms of the Insll fate, corner of Pam and Elt. 041: arta* or:y stdreadog alnlyr Tier. IX. IL QUAY. Y INDUCT'S CLASIIOAL AHD 11 A.THLMATICIAL 80E00 LA, open on MONDAY, the 6th.llLT OP 11/PTIIIIIIIIB !Flits givEhrtabrr Pkt ot pupils tWulhlimited. Attar this date, the Prio x . 114 1 be 'wand st , hl=col mom. r. CIL till 4 o'clock. .1414 V. SAMUEL ItitoLer ' staithed PrinefielL OIL BARREL TRR B B HOOPS—For gala by J ABEi DOWN. 130 Wood stmt. Q IND LE AND DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNEI.-2110 I...tett:dr ha the city, fordh by KS JAMES DOWII,IIB Wood Knot. REVoLVREV3 A4ND PISTOLS of all AA kinds comtsally 0111 band and for We by se3 JAMES SOWN, 130 Wad Kant. COOPER'S a CARPENTER'S TOOLS for ado by JillSi BOWS, sod Mt Wood Wool. GAME BAGS, FHor BELTS, Pouoass, and Nyder for W. by re 3 JAMILB BOWS, 136 Woad tempt. WASHITA 1 0IL STONES AND SLIPS for Ws by JAWS'S WWII. KS ISO Wood mired. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGERS. —A Ism lot of dm oboes useful atlas. J ost re. selsrd sod tor oses et the Leila Robber DWI, fiCS. U satin Olelr street, try J. LII. PITILLTP3, fkl.t Ilea Ive Alleskay Openly prittro . drolimes. • 10' GLOBE MUTUAL LIFE pimp TWICE oinureirr, or New' You, PUNT MESASett, Parsroar. Imre Sor.:llaritties Odauson 146 mot Endo.,. lams PdfeM. , alro, Pollhes. ell other pont., pl.a. No alms kind of Polk/ tea OZII2, Sul security. F. WOODS, almond Amt. IfirOnos, 116 101711TH mart exer7:l, G. le. aroealo, ( late Manager for Lippincott .1 Co.) . n. araaaio,Gste of Gage, Hubbard* Co.) AA MGM • LONG. PITTSSITROH SAW WORKS Ilannharttirers of PATENT GUOEND OIECp LA Bit •artanted ()AEI STEEL SAWS, of evert description. MID, tlnlat, 0,0.. t, Owe and another warhodas. All kinds of KNIVES 3 SPRINGS, made trout Sheol Oast Stool; Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING, KNIVES, dia. Wanton. wd Works, COr. WATER A SHORT Wit., Pittsburgh. Particular attention gireo itetaaithint, Gm:ambit and Straightening Oirenlar Saws; also repairs of all kind. Punching and Edith:of dose at reuonabl• rate.. aptbily r 'W IL BAIINHILL & CO.. BOMB" RAKERS AHD SHEET IRON WOIDI. EDS, Penn at.„ sca. 28, 22, 2 4 und /22. Davies se mired a I. yard and tunalshed It ante the main Mr proved machinery, ere are prepared In manufactm• every deenriptien of BOILERS, Ito the bat menet, dan warranted equal to any merle In the country. CIII2I. NESS, BRICHEN, DIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPER L OSI (ill TS. BOILERS, CON DEN nESS, SA LT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET. TLIING PASS BOILER IKON BRIDGES, SUGAR PASS, and sole raimutactstren 01 BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing don* on the shorten ointe. 4.13:4 0_,:: : ,'7, - .II.OBINSON. REA & 00., (wee& to Itonamos, run" 1 Al ru.szs,) WANKING- Tati vroass, Dammam A M•ctu.nrs, Plunbared. Simaufs...now of BOAT AND STATIONERY TRAM INGINES, BLAST [RUINER, MILL MA. GISINIBT, GEARING, SUMMING, CASTINGS, of oil Swerlptions; OIL TANKS A STILLS BOILER ABB ONSET IRON WORK. Agents for GLYIAILD'S PALTLIIT 119JLOT011 TOg NEM/if. 8011.1046. LAK SUPERIOR COPPER " MILL !I SMELTING WGIUSE, Proositosox. PARK, MeCURDY b CO. Maanfootorors of SHEATHING, UHAZIZES AND HOLT OOME, PERSAZD COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, IPLLTEII BOLDER. Also, Importers auddesloro to METALS, TIM PLATE, Smarr !non, win:, Aa oaaat.aur a. haa.a, BEEF MACHINES AND TOOLS. Wolohan:a, No. 140 SUSS 120 321CIOND STIIZETY, l'lttabargh, Po. bp. al orders ol Oorpor cot to any dotlrodd p. 11.. tor26:lyelowT ONE OF HIINNEWELL'S GREAT REMEDIES—oiI UNNEWEL L'S CNITRIISAL DOUGH RENEDT.—The limb of Mb truly eouderhal pi:pv..ll°ll, tee of etch cell-earned 1. • freedom from ..err oomposent calculated to debilitate, and by rich to allow IL, pentad tree. Mimi of me, day or night, Am the oulytrue theory by IRMA Throat mod Lend Gomplalutacau be effeoualiy oared. To prevent miring attention to long Modes of great corm, when loaf caner make almoat all .cob com plaints different to effect. I would mk madden., which . 111 to e.cmd. to Ooldo, Osaghs. Eiseman., Bon Throat. Enanclala/ and Asthmatic Ora planets. Whoop. log O .lSh. mad to all Throat and Lung Domplanta which, atm incidental. end In IPonsomptirra. Testimo• Mrs from relater. of the highest impectarbfllty, and troto Javelin, en be /Mt al my °Moe by illtater,:,q Wor de by 41 Inoletste and Beni Dealers. JO/13 4 BUNNWWSLL. Proyriotat. Preetkal Obomist, Ban.. kaes. For ob. by Yon. Fleming, Goo. H. Loper, ➢. A. F..boorboat A 00., 1. h. Yahoo, Ayoub for Pittabokrik; Goo. A. wan,. W. J. ?Foam aril Dr. Jaotss Nowa. Amts. torlegleay City. trlelbo—fo.ror-as a --- ~,,TEE CONP3BBIOI/13 LET X. PICILIENON OP AN INVALID, pabllshad kw IN bonolN And as . whralag and Lathan to young ma who Lir from Narrow Debfifty, Pre.stms Dow or hlahhood, •th., mpolyths, L th. maw thee, IL maw. et , / moo Lig me who hos owed bizonegt ottow being pad oo viral exp.= and Injury throogh menial bum , boo mid enaticory by laminar., a portimbi soldrabed =bolo" exylls bop,. may be bad of lb. antb.ox. 111=0 TO NEBVOIIB BIIFFERSILB OF BOTH revervad geottemost hoots/ tom honored te heath Lo • too dopey .leer ostherrAtet eh ...USIA tontine end 11 - nefukst esfewshe moth of treatment. without ancoon, 000.11 ter. tl tete mond duo to coohaualcate to to. efftletal Wow creator. ttts modem of otero. Rona. en the necohpl of lak addreceod .c e . 4 .C". be will nand, fret, • copy o I the preecelptfoo oted. Dfrect to De. JOCK m DAGNALL, the raf t,. meet. B. T. total:44mo, V. D. 1122.1.1ta_. LA BKLLE SUM WORKS REITER 41. CO.. rte..._.,.. m n.u.. 1 , , ,, ,,5rt • o. , elemnnrantnren CANT DTRYL, EIPRINO, PLOW AND /MST= TILICL ; DPRINOA, AXLIS, CROWBAR,. An Work. r1.11.4T WARD, AllegLa.l27 Oar P. 0. Addr..., PITTNIICROH, P. COCHRAN & BRO., Nita .f.tarers or 11:1019 FLAILING, !burl VeLTIL,II3 TA. rLT DOORS. WlNnow surrilms, 1. ()CARL., .2,, Nut yl 91.00 ND 86 TIIIHD S.'nELT. Markt , . Nave u 4 band • ea. it.• Patter., lattry, and p Milab/0 fut .11 .t.ou.i.c paht to wc6rtot Or*, Is DISEASES OF TEE KERVOUS - tllf2l LNAL, J.l6i NA 6f ADD tIICIOIL tilt - - 1 -1 13--12.• %tad trilli+ie tree tr tut—w s,,a'2 Of the aid daa.....i.tig L A. Fatal [l3 w.,• Io aneJed otter r,. or orsric. D J. SE ILA.III 119: UT[.l7, D.. wa:C. A.ll,Ci.tit.. NO. 160.6 Muth ere.", Phllad.lo,lb. P.. 0n211.11 "c - B. HOINSS et BOWEL, DeLLane rs rt. EICION DODLEBTIO BILLS 01 ILI 0134111 GE, CIRTIIIOATZS 01 DEPOBIT, DANE liOT7B AND apzutz, No. 61 MAIM= IST/SZET Fttiabsugh, Ps. or OoLlottion• made on ail ilta prleCtplil ottte. tarearbcut Ur tinltird State KERRY a COLLINS, PORWA&D - IRO AND (.102111/8510N MERCHANT .00 wiloiasalt daWr la ORME, DOTTER. mama, nF.v, .ad prallmso gultsrall7. No. VI WOOD ST. AEIiT VIRGINIA OIL COMPANY 7Ms COlLlf•ny ham been organised sag cordoratlon cr d r the gravel rosanfacenneg and analog Isle of Y. r for 8 'stela l aril • parr Inn oe Ito stock It non offs,rsd .lake oompsny hew I,CCO scree of la Id In he. ster tle It whet Y brilamel robe one of the finest oil d in. bids of the country. No sampan,, posh pa. r Nom so fire s rim.a for prollt•Irlo Inveratment. It to desired t les•e all Ns stock taken in ttel• city, end • fond Ay. will ha stria for suberipelons hero bal.,. It is offered •I••• seers Then hooks art et the Noe of the tenderrlgnad 27 1r01712T11 STREIT, when, .olosulpflora aro talc.. &demons can oleo be ender to J W.V. White, Aeolus. doe Bob., Jmapte e•orno, Wm. IC Temkin. sod Thy banner.. (orrihle) J. B. tiOBLII, Two LOD!! IN L&WIIENCEVALLE 131=111 !A N 'UFA UHi! G. equally (I, Wro`de for mildewe sites, aro odland on posy tool in" or sale en copiy tonne. then lots an 100 by 100 and 00 by 11* feet, having each Mr. fronts 6n. duns of N. B. q ATOR, 5/L's Ofhos, 189 Pena street. Ptttebor g b. rrUlt FACTORY AT PO kILIO BALIi IN 1 Itir 11111011 TOL—Will be offered at ...MOD CO TUEVDAY.Peptembar MID the one undivided one Mint of large stria storl i rlidiug, with elnie dant swat poorer. Short h price of coal mak.. yaw Doses de•tra , f r manufooturir g p for any fa r inform.• too colt 00L6. No. G Wtod Aron,or ths anderaigned as New Ihigt ton. I oallotdi on SLIUlditB 86 PENN INSTITUTE, ON nerioacx at orpodta O. M. Church, .W op. for the au. salsa you, on MONDAY, the 6th lact. The nobsof Davila 'nation 112 60 per quarter of alma tracks. 11yet7 facility .111 be aillordmi to mich pupil. no may vital to study I tench, Barman Drawing or othar aura btaachas. J. IL 8/11213. Principal. watt BLAST FURNACE MACHINERY FOR eh comolit• hot but of 18 dralgta pipe; w th Ma& catmoolloos from the tacmal had to twat , . all 10 goal crib.. Alto, opo st.m macho, It lath cyHodot by 6 loot st , oko, with hot and cal orator pomp. tad cone:rem connoctlou. /lOWA/110f 0t2.1• JAIARS MARSHALL A 06. STRAY HORtilf,--Came to the premises of the thbacriber living to Tth Totsththip, dike Savoy musts. Pa., • gray bor.. atedloas dry alma, is lean aide The ovalst is hereby notified to am. fon Tfile pro , * Pl.P•rq• lA/ahsrw.eal/ Ike bum sway, orb. .r be disp.sed at so x's ta ma3twr7 RAUB W. GOT. OAKLAND 81CLEOT bOHOUL--The fall vows or WEB B[AH , HIIAM•6Bat.ot Subset al AOAKLAND, wilt anamtwoo SIOSDAT, numb.,. II boow bend novae lledlt the of eobolote, ib I. hoped that all the old popfle who date &Madly' win Do protaut at thoopaang of the oahatt. Watt FRAL E A A: OM Emmogolie a Rand Cirmlor 800, It biota. Good al Z of LA111)-30 tierces Prime New Leaf Lard 61131 fu non sad for eda m W warm etre* ..';" BUBBARDS dt LONG, CIATIIANILL Rid in 111, Elp_ Bedford, /Clogs ommity, N. T Blank, Memorandum and Pau Books, NICIAZ INEZ AND TYLVEIPAPIIII.I3 01 THII DLT Book and News Depot, 71) 117111 IT.. comoinclLl BUILDING. MIMOTHY SEED. 100 bypi Prime timothy 136.1, In don sad lot Ws by W • J. IL ATHIDIC t IMO BELTI c.—Gum and Lather Belting; en Hwe, Partin, aenketa. &Dray. on hand and kr axle Bathe India Bobber Depot of J. • H. PHILLIPJ, rtl 98 and, 2l 84. Olair street. pane RUBBER and Onara Cturrario 1. ~art lowland b. We chap, at the India Rib ber VoixA at J. & 11. PHILLIPS, . la. 20 ant tt 014,1 r street. O H. PROCTOR, Ho, t 4 Pon flew. - QTRAY MARS.—Went eatray on W resday plea, fr the !tubas islOwsland, A D 12517 NABS, Isere s: r•. heavy .el! bull:, .n hands blgh, end about setts obi. Any perron hunwlng of her wtersabont. will clumsy leas. .o d or bring her to the Pittsburgh gonad-y Warehouse, No, 1 9 iltnlthgeld street, where all reussuabls t. . .... .. ...... . .. a. L I)zat.th G re lv it r cat Vista LI,. Fitt low], hip _ ...... Peso -- 21. P. blot .—.. 2.6 Will In kBPaton ..--... 751 M^ liJ .0 122 32 , 59 766 139 ...... 671 104 137 61 ...... 444 81 69 37 1150 40 77 60 119 11 769 63 94 76 111 33 27 . ... ... Wit ....... .. 1..,50r to Clair . :•I. 38. El , othlrayo. to North Is, etto... . Robhuo•---- 10 Preiv.t 119 25 41 WO 110 13 DI 16 14 149 2.766 J. II 111/011 • OISIa. CZ= FOB II IINT FO II R ROO MS, 1=1:1 Low, or Rioting Oilier.; Boos Dimling or Mocha.,id porpoom. Oen to forntotw4 with Mom power U wanted. Wilt Le rentsd oingly or °Mer vkw It dottrel Apply at CIAILTIX orrtax. BETTBR THAN WINS—By using the swonlao SULPHITE OP Litem, CIDER am b kept porhatly met A. any lonitb of Mao, TN drier Eton tab lo =prior b 'malty to stay broads of wtos, ortiStb an now so upends% lbw Dols, with tao dlrections tor noo, by ensoar JOICHIZON, Drcubt, armor ttmttiaskl sad Fourth raw,. TROUBLE AND MONE TSAVED BT LAAVISO TOITZ OZDIIIII 701 BALED OE LOOSE HAY lISIIIICH • 00.. No. 257 num •t*+st. PPUSHBF'ICES FOR PICICLING—Pek per Atbytes. Girder, Ohm .raan, 11... Nutmeg', a.t.ns, an, recd and whale. Alm, Para Cider Viaror tar _la kr the banal dr at Wall .$ tin. Fondly Oman atonal JOHN IL IMISBELLW =liar Libertfand Mod a:mit% 14,18HOPILICK13 BAKING POWDER J-I A fish ■apply or this toirtrulled &Atop Powder Pat op in liu cum end pniwr . packnion, assorted stun, recehad &ad fur sale iWitois And rot dint pm tuna, mein store of JOHN A. Rzszasw. mow LitweiT eat thud etneti. - - - WOMAN& FEISND SOAP-20 boxel geantar Osman btaletn, Soap, bat Esoetrsl sad fat ode by Um bar or bgio b 7 JOllB AL =MUM Wax Wartriat UMEIIIIIIOII UR r woops. DRY . GOODS, or ALL KINDS, GO TO J. W. BARKER ea 00 8., fa MAIM= I MILT, Coax try moral:mats yboula aro oar stark before bay at• so, FALL CLOAXS FALL DRESS GOODS, A. HAI LWAINK, Au t' F OR FALL TRADR. 1200 lbs. Blue Grey K. Yarn 1 600 " Fine Eastarn Yarn; La DRAB, ALUBLINE, H 1711130112, SOLIILIT, SOL 17111/80, sad otter &taxable cols. y together a•ltt ow Well Selected and Assorted Stock DRERS TRI 1/ILNG9, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, and FM AT T. WARR4, AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. SUldittlat GOODE 77 and 79 Marlbet It, let. Sari*. La emantar Gloms and Oottoa soktaga Old gondr al tam triaa Haw York mem Lbws Haadkombefs, la plate bordsta and Imes eltobed, bought loan.* and aot AdVallo•4. la Rees Handkaroldull bare war job loft to odor at &cid.d bard.; aue. Mtn onus Oadorabtrts, Llama Dwelt; Jan Dravar• and BM &arta, tiospandara, lta elan and Oallars. Beat maks of Pap. ooUar; la nary • arit=. .4 ObildrenN Oays. Oadermuti, Clarrhi, Dupl. Bldrts, Ralmonal 131Urta y i Load lola Ribbons, Road Olmpie and Raul. Battens, 81ta jt L. 0.. and Velvet Ribboaa. Sam umbrella; Madad on clump. Ilmakfaat Clove; to or. patterns .ad WHOLESALE ROOMS UP ETAIT 4 March. to sad Daaltrs aro tostio 1 arooah our Notioa sad Yartoty Ocala stock. J . M. BURCHFIELD, Northctut tor, Fourth end Markot Streeti, Ben Nett... 1 lippty all NEW FAL coorts. ALIA) A Large Stock of Goads on Hand. Rhlab are eelltaig Leea than Wholesale Prices East! As elm deck ts full, than vraseltat C. 48.1 JO A. ..A to mil. Oa' A let of BtALBANTA telling 0h0... .cm Tu'al tonalltn,". 7.... ..... ... Yli 175 4 , , 71 GET THE Best GRAY'S PATENT MOULDED (DOLLARS Ala BY FAA TEE BEST COLLARS EVER ELADR The adv. brms a sedan curve. which do not heat Into cornme as noticed to all other collet. 8, the maoldbeg of thew collen the taper edge h thrown nly from the neck them avoiding amaze path of 160 neck and the edge of the collar, tumid= sawing from defacer:um* by perepinttlon, while the toner b greatly area gib/IM, and will trod soon toga dcorsy tals collar the manufacturer ham obtained of *Ultra, ewe to the wearer, sad durability, of Sham culAre paetad , mall Oozes of two Ten COUTBILIIIMi metro Oar the twain. and gel toot for month', kronur. Bold WOrdroalo and ItoWl, BATON, RAORIINI 4* 00, mad froa 11 and 111 TIFITI I=l3 IyiESS TRIMMINGS; 111 24 - Ml l 9 1 / 7 23 .-. 217 lY 02 10 ze 6 av 7 gam opore, MUMMA gun UILMI BVIAXs CIaILEULIO JICIALUCI T/OZOBIA Lajn_l . ll i. WEIMER ISlMalirmioOLLAas. LINTIN MIII ISAR, sumutu GAVE. AND BILK *VG INOTION2I. ta. MBA DUMB 6 cti, ri? salezwir cramp 0 1 00MIGNMENTes V s pitstk , 10 barrels kars= SD do inns Boor, - 55 do Lars tsagy Plwew 83 asks Plain 50 bans W. B. atTlattassg ClaWast 65 lamb /Sigh Wtswi 10 clo Drr ppr„ Ds stars and 500456 Ba.lo atitadattl street I. Tad GOBDIPB. . H P. GENGMBRE, MI AID RECHAIILIt EIMER . 001DMITAM AND ANALIII7OO. MECUM Odra' g; ia4.*Nidsa% 14 BO mute,isa wa FALL SHAWLS. A. BATES, NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, SILKS, SILKS. MisRINoSS. WOOLEN YA.itIVAI WHOLLBALN AND IINT.IL. EACRUM & GLYDE, No. 3 mums= EITELEt. !MLLES° CIHKAY AT FOUPH HORNP Og, low T ATM 11.1 ==rl twrizzia4saisrai anwwre .v.icEd,ArEs. OF INTBEERr TO LADIJOL GET THE BED T, In thres e•r of practical We., eobroq; will &ay b••• • Sewing 111•3•1. b u Lodispnnabff e llcutitztio• ornr7 ..0 mral•bd %rely ; tb•t the 4rk mut. apna good etaohlaa la gotta d nreble estqlloret beaatfal lima the best band mewing, nobody 4 . 9 doubt; tylt It will go through as mash 'rock In Ally to