Vitisto, ABER 2, Int FRIDAY MORNING:: NG BATES. OUR AD S tilt • 12 Om" • week. week. 1 •qr! X wirtl eqr; el. MEM 5 75) 1 45 1 0 1 SO 7 2 20 560 456 400 k 7 60 1.1 45 13 75 20 751 LI or", In 00. Three the...-- . our 1 7i, 95 25 2 901 ri 1 45 4 601 2 20, 2 00 500 3/0 2 4 , 0 7 , 4OOl 3Ts, I 15 1 70 4 d' 13 61 8 OUI 6 18 00 10 30] '3 6 ID 33 13 00,10 7 • • .... Ova vo•P- SAO wear& Three auks-.-- ewe month A . Tiro olostha...--. Throe months._... Mx. months ilhae One Iroor---... CE1.0.41:11R! > , l For to alum.. c Cocci to tho Immo& lever advorliaostes one time mob a • of tb• Overt proportion ,h..gusble tsts bast • - ts to exact iflt . tv:tz eki you \ta col 4 'l 00 17 93 11 46 880 800 84 oo 08 Oo 15 75 10 50 40 00 48 Oft 24 50 14 00 sue. Otrtt Or e year —..----- qtr at attic. dmble the abate rate. Data nottosa each huarttort 60 cants. T 5 " Steamboat advartite7mata, trip......-401 OD Samatore ar Sdattatatratore hotfoot.-- 2 76 um AND BITEMERAII. .. ill - e. fl The New Pennsylvania Rear rve Corp,. .4S Commiesery Get eral Irwin and Qsarterrnmeter VMenem' Reynolds have reterned to llereishurg ,•l. Irons Washiegten City, whithe r they had gone to , l'. cattail the Secretary of War in reference to the :' , .i equipment, sob.istence, arming, and transport s. Pig the Per.nrylvania Resere•Corps, the-organ !tS, Station' of which has just been satherised by an irL!fl act of Aesembly. fS't It is understood that a fell arrangement has been made with the Way Department to farnieh those terries with the necessary empplies By S :,S thia arrangement toe &foreleg: not be compel - led to elVet the mrsket es a competition with th• Vier Deyertment, a fact alone welch wilt be .....S ts. great saving to the Slats Government, as tee 'l War Department will futoish all theta troops .. ~.-.1 sited at the lowest .e.tract prices paid for the supplies of the United SLOTS army. At the •,:3 same time it will not be neocteary fir the State : •;'..--, to diabetree any mosey to the Federal Govern : 1 Meta, as there to now more than a million of , :.,-- - t:; dollars due the latter to rho former. 11 The details of the organization of the entire V'. Reserve Corps are to be entreated to Colonel ' 0 Lemuel Todd, an cflicor of great experience, who . bat been appointed inspector general of the 1 '':r corps. The necessary force, to conatitutts ire ;: i! regiments, es coon es recruited, wilt be rendez .. ii?vetted at HIV riebeys, where they will e coli ~ Seed, armed, and equipped, and then or b derld to ' IS different localities along tine border. Their qusr• 4 tare to there localities aro to be of the very best 3. t; character; wooden huts of ample dimensions, t., and each accommedations as soldiers in camp ~: can expect. -Sr_S The remaining ten regiments will be filled op t; and c remised ac as to render them ready for nee at the shortest possible cosies. For the present it is enly deemed necessary to boo regi ..., s,''.; ments, which will he Mustered into the Ste a serv;ce for arta yeast, to remain daring that • • ---- ne" .. time on the border of rho Brits, or to do duty a' ~BELT /T Ten CYtts4ll.l. Darr —Lea tee n• 7y ouch points within it. . mit. Et the exigency of it or 5 , 00 , 0 , 0 ,, , 0 . 0 ,.., 0 , , mo. J 0..” 5 ,,,,, , of •'1.,1 I attire dinger may yea ley Decest.ll7. IA 1 Shedesti, 1., ~111.1,6 t conate. wts r'°l" t . ..ett :he Pet.c,strenie lisite.',l Doi. t:, of ' • i Impetteut to the Ettrolien Melt of the p0c . ,,,, , ,•,,. ~ ,, f , .,....,,. or „, i , , . ,„ .y. ~,, aster , ., N e t d. :' `: ' `°`::::" - be - B cc M. A. b .I:.nee, I.; tt.:,..,-, e' I : ‘'e etnonnittee 0.-^:n sr:tr.:at to tin c - ..011nd t ~, t to ‘t. .t. ••• .1 • • ' - - ÷ '- W .7. or, c ! th's urs.t, . - tv - c nct c ..t• ' a:e! t tt• ... ' - ' • is tc c—r t- t. to tho Ricrk (7, 1.r. , 0't...0tt, • : I C C, 111111=1111 RENO lIMM=IIIIIIIII "•‘tult, b. • b,blo crt ,,, • .r.nt . pr"teoin. : if t`e, •5 - zero:di - el; tr. b,‘ .n. delinquent will •' at in thtu., prneare .11,3 fine card ••men new Ine.,:e .rn tne the dd 1 L•L4,1 1 .1 in be Itit.l,,6ed • .:,$' '::i:ititu Put lu Subetre. • ' .!;:..... .d',fil W`: ..,•i Business men atl over the conetry ere taking I ....",' :tx. advantage of this methol to avoid the draft, i•t U., , , , ,fPri ~.,;;•„::,..iri while it tills no the rants tv.ttiont expenso to i •:!!': .l;;: the 60VCSIIIMEnt. It eeoc 3, too, like the most '.'44::::,10i independent an : satisfactory way of doing the ,-.. 1-sv business, relieving the principal at once of all '.' 4. ''' •' .. , ;1 further trouble end steering to hie: a certainty , ect-il..te-14 , ••#3,,f`,-;:..,.;f which will not interfere with his betimes... ~?,"r :F•:i.`12'..1 The impression prevails to some extent that ',.:1f..... , ••i , V only aliens can be put into the army. This is • 1.";..: ,:.:‘::;744. mistake. There are two other omen,.. First, J.,1,, - ~.;:i:::;:t1 men who have rendered two years' serape, and fe , ,. , second, minors under the age of twenty yeses. .•*, • .- - i' , . , i9 Thine claires will exempt the principal for one :::,,,..!,.... l,:'(•fli. year In any event, and as much longer 01 the .. .•: 1 " , •; . % ~.;.;;l. principal and substitute shall not be drafted. ...:1;: .4. - . i, , :. As the latter is not enrolled when enlisted, there I'l ' .:• : ,7i6. ill seareety a chance of bin being enrolled, arid ri`ji • :14,,,,e,..,,i, therefore the brincipslwill be exempt for the full .. '',,..':,,, tun of state yeses. Munro Battalion. ~Ja Tostcrda) morning Battery B, of Major Chu. Hnap'e Battalion of Heavy Artillery, arrived in •• • ± :W" : '1'.•, : • : , • ; ibis city, their term of service having aspired. „. ••••;:f... The Battery was met at the Railroad Depot by several reprosentotivos of the Subsistence Com - ••`'-• - mitts. and conducte d to the City Hall, where „an excellent meal . had been prepared, ~."•:•"4-"ft an d to which emple jostle° was done. Bsnory C is expected to arrive to-day. _ • IA We are informed by Capt. Joe Bfo mender of the Bewley, that the report' nom which „S' Ins puidialied in the Philsdolphis paper' of yes -•;r4 tardy, regarding tho ,doath of C.O. James rs. Co 8,1021 Penne/Irani^ regiment, of met him to Washiagton City on • ''••' hhhme' Le he Capt. Btihopla l lent of ; the previa= day. . a roe 1 • 1': 1 • 4 .' • •fi Birmingham, and hia friends will be pleased to ";;;1I•k: ' hoar of the contradiction of the rumor upon such , pod authority. The SecoiallWithd.allelthanY ..Wo loam that the citizens of tote ward will : bold a sort of jollification meeting this evening the school bonso,.npon the occasion of their bobs wont of the draft" The men who have -..' 1 • • • • :A:5:,fl worked so nobly and contributed lo liberally to• wads llltng the Trots, will douitiess form themselves into a "mutual admiration society." •., sadtuore a good time generally. This will be •i• -- she "grinding up" meeting, and a tall attand• an may be to proposed to read a . 1, 4 Bit of the MIAMI of the contribufors, al well as ‘1•'• to. son-oontributoro to the bounty fund, and to r -re * 1 • • •••'.' • •I N attend to other important matters 17•••''''• ?• • • •,,1 19ner Vuonsts On. CoxeSZT.—Tha Largo f0r ••40., ' , •r 'tl tunes which hove recently been realised from oil lands-anil oil business, hoe prompted the forms "..", • f flan of the Vest Virginia Oil Company. This :-: c om pany has secured over i,OOO sans of land , ♦• P In sue of tie !meet oil dlatriota in the country, the stock will andor.btedly prove highly ie .':intosrativeto Ito holders. Mr. J. B. Robley, the Treasurer of the Ca9pl,7, can b, found at . .711 fro. 27 800 .1 0..50 -.h, win give ell the In • : loninatitrk 4..Cliard bt 1,,0.a 0/.0100 .snit. DSAISIS IS TUN 11 os...rat..—The following is a I,llist of the deaths wroth have .1< VIM , / to the Li H.S. Cisseral Hospital, in . tho Barth ward, lilacs our last report: /knot 16—John )3akar, 00. B, sth illobigen. August 2V—H. 0. Oanutugham, 115th Oblo TOlaistrarei of Wert:mbar', Lawrence Co., Pa. •;'; Auguit 30—L. Boaboar, 17". 140th Nan l‘ September I—,Hanry Corporator, 2sth Wahl • WWONT• v SIGMA CSITHAL P.straoso.—Tloo Lt s worlos.„llWps/awroi bas ea article opos•tia varian ce e r ot e earl's construction of th eat vinota Cent•at liteOroad, eltartered by the bat warps of the ' , West Ytoglala Legialatare. It mega* the mad as important to the develop moil of the inethenstible ram:acts, and to the opseciacat future adrancoment sad prosperity of the State. 01310 Tlloolll.—Datillg the past two week. a hip number of roaiments of the N a tionalNtiona Guard of Ohio, who inrre been on duty ington City for one hand Ted t o have pa.ean ebronAlt this oily, on their way to their native !OWL .The tut regiment Is •rpeotod to ar.:ve Otte morning. The Sobthitenos Committee with have Washed sash regiment upon its arrival Only meal. ffsgwra BY Denveleo.lten Wednesday sitar %eon • boy named aeibright, about 'event - An pinta of sge,end• resident of Centre Wheeling,. wee drowned in the Ohio river. i i tie deceased get* several adhere, we.* la a skiff emoting :thstoolves by holding on to the 'which they were muds of a :stamper au tracking the best wi dths. nettostwpset, and young Eietbright ltal into the Water aid could 'not be mend. ... -,.= 2 IL,' ~ VOIMITIATION PAID.--Whe aggregate amount of -::•••• hommatation money paid by the three eountles ,•-... o f "York, Onrobertand and Perty.amount to Ore 4,;•- l odged and laity thousand dolLtrs. • • • .• . - ;..—.-----------. . leridantriga TO EICIMIDDLifIt.--Tha PrOVolli itaribal General lbze decided that (timid, itt.:;. .i...::.; Vanoot be allowed to commute ler those ~ - ' linder fader capicktiptjavalio'ao. • . • +4 , . • . I .. • I. e::, The Uncertainty af 011 Stocks., A good joke it told ed, which sines to Mel inda the Decimations in the price of BOW, of the 01l stocks, now on the millet. Mr. 7., a clever finste'er, who does huskies, be this city, but who resides some distance in the country, on the line of the Penwsyleatila Railroad, was nom ir gin en the train the other morning, when he fell in company with a pity who woe rurposed to be we" posted In oil matters. Th. COOTIWOI I .- Cob tanned upon oil stocks, when Mr. Y. seked his oompmaiva in reference to the prospect: of the P— Oil Company. The gentleman express ed his opinion quit, freely, stating that the the stook we- not deemed VV.] desirable, OS vroperty was not coneiJered good. It to hap pened Wet Mr.f , held three hundred shares that stook, and hones hie anxiety to got the opinion of one whom he believed to be tatty pelt- STRENGTH OF ed as to its value. Ile did not make this foot knots-a, however, bat quietly concluded to sell ..ot, sad the three hundred shams J disposed of at suction a few mornings since. After the I inT Many lee the Realm met again in the city, and the , oil subject was revived. Judge of Mr. Ts sot • prise on learning that his friend, (on whose , )udgmeet be had parted with his stool • had no , icily breams the purchase - You bonght that stock!" exclaimed Mr. F. "I did sir," was the reply. "Why you told me the other day that items note desirable investment, sodas I own ed there three hundred shares myself, I emcia• dad to part with them on your judgment." The purchaser LOW Seemed as 111.400 surprised WI the seller, sad he explained by dating that ho , kail unfavorable *deices at that time, bat he had rethrequeetly received much better news in re gard to the prog acts of the company, and eon eluded to invest in the stook. Thos explanation; however faithful, did not relieve either party from the embernmslng position lo witch drone, stances had placed them. TEEMEII Beath of a Brave Soldier Lieut. James W. Prophetic, of Co. C, flit Pennsylvania regiment, died on Wednesday, from the effects of s wound in the neat, shish be received during the battles of the Wilderness. Lieut. Propheter, who was a resident of Alie• gh ny City, enlisted in Capt. CI W. Dstrson's company in August, Mil, and 43 , bis general good conduct and soldierly qnalities was promo ted to a lieutenancy. While leading his com pany into action dosing one of the battles of the Wilderness be received two slight wounds, but he still meintainei his post until shot through the neck by a musket bell. Alter see:living this wound be was fwvored with a leave of ebsence to visit hi. t erne, where, through the kind st tentione of sympathising friends end rele.ives, be was soon enabled to rejoin his oomosani. In a short time, however, his wound became worse, and although every. eff - krt was made to render him relief, It proved fatal. the funeral will lobe place to d ay from the residence of his faih• Cr, in Allegheny. CoVerll,o —The recruiting husine4 is daly becoming more brisk. Yesterday-the number of men received in this city fully equalled env pro ceding day. The Girard was crowded during the entire day, and over three hundred recruitsrecruits were sent to Corny Reynolds u afternoon. In Allegheny, the 11 +era of Enroll ment was nun,ually busy examining recruits. Captain Kirker mastered in an i ciothed 113 re cruits, and 200 More were retdy for larkftering, but en accent of the lack of clothing, the Cap tain was compelled to darer mustering them nil ibis morning. At no ate fit, the com mencement tf recruiting has men been en plenty. The bounties still range at “500., ~iOO, ,ry low disttlet3 giving mete than the latter Gore. I=l CtA,K, -t I",taitt E t :Cr tent..,e .iSoLLintAC'o i'lLuS t , IS - MEN 7, tht,oolol tttetto is tht. C 71,10. .1:14 I , Ran Ca tupttiOns. P.:1; 0.-tta,nt a7t. co+ rt• 1,116,1, itt , , ZS ecrtu, 75 coo. it'd it 40 par pt• r O. %. For yule Pittabarg . e by B. L. .F.:lnae.unk. Vo For ttle et Faltun's drag store, Vtflb street, Fistaburgh. For sale el. by 0-eo. A. Kelly, IN.:Lehi greet, Allegheny city. - - 'seems, OTIOS.--Tno etteatlou of oar Nader, Ji-ested to the hrillisat Leon:moo:of Soling id Kammer Goods just received by mu mend dr. John Water, Zio. 124 Fedora! strait, Alio- Aheny. MT Moot comprises • greet raclery of Toney Trench, English, Sootoh ant Amot.con Cassimeres and Cloths, sad fins Bilk and Cu- Masora Vestirtys,—ar whloh trill be muds sip to order in rho Latest styles and to the best usitura. A choloe salaction of Varnishing Q. ids oa hand and for sale, togethar with toll t.oots of Heady Made Clothing. well and fash ionably made. J. 4 MIME aIMOVIII.-BSUCOOf °MIS= Co., biezehaat Tailor', have removed to 73 Badtmlold street. We are just receiving our second supply of spring and mummer goods, and would most re spectfully invite our friends and the public in general to examine our new Mock, loelleving It to be one of the Insist stocks of merchant tailor goods In the city. livery garment war ;anted to give toll satisfaction, in both price and quality. Give u a call before perch:Meg Ilsewiter• and judge for yourselves. Osamu k MoOurnisse. Marehant Wars, No. ft Yoltbbild espois. 'Timm have hut their titles for their ear leer' Sat owu young ladles who use "Cabin's ensure to themulves a crown of glory that no ' , tido" can equal. Ii gives sedating any and luxuriant glees to the hair, it s it In any desired tioiltion and imparts to it the rarest and most recherelee parttime ever produced. In magnilioently embelliehed cartons of twn bot tles each. For sale by desier3 LattO per fumery everywhere. lv yon value a good, healthy bawd bf hair, or Irish preyept your hair from turning grey, or, when grey, wUb it restored to its original csior, you must use an article coiled Itarirraseroa, as It seams to be one of the greatest moo sssss of the present time. Bare to render satisfaction for the above purposes when all other prepara tions Dave failed. Bold by Bimon Johnston, tor. Smithfield and Fourth streets, and by all solvent druggists. Fosotfurr.—This word has been staring every body in the fate for the put few week., is now getting Into nearly everybody's month, Is a preparation te eth, s-lags beautifyin and or.- ..Irving the sweetening the b rewth, and arresting the progrers decay. Sold by Druggists. Evannsw, Clasen And Commerstel Aosdomy, second flow Allegheny Baying' , Bank, Allogho • try. The Ball term of this frot.ltation oommen- COB on Monday the Atli of Bnptn:t,ber. N.ght school oornmenai go on thy lit of .A , Polo Ran. Wm r. . Da 'lt, .1 A.. sn,.a le'. eel curled" Mil: will tee taYeo at tb. ,ests Co. lexicons who are yet holding out against the _ EM.OTOT. From the Army of the Potomac. Altar or vita Ferrousti, Ang. 31..—The tale requiring correspondents with the army to pub lish their names as signatures to their die. patches, which hue been negiectod by a number those he whog Is a nerd gile insisted upon, and omit doing so in future not hope to remain here. It is aloe required that they *ball locate themeelves with some partioular o' rya, division or detachment, where they May be addressed oraent for at all times. Attention is called to the fart that several errors comm-d in the dispatch dated the 2ltt of August describing the battle of the 11th. Two statements are essentially the subjeet of com• I.lsint, namely: That the Becroud Division of te , Fifth Corps broke, and that Our line was tbet. forted beak. The Eltwlnd Division, it is eleimed, did not break, nor did any other before A divot aseault, and oar line was not driven beet. Everything was, quiet loot night, and every thing ie quiet to day along oar entire line, cod the positibn of affairs are not materially altered Itearedte and convalescent, continue to arrive daily in ineresied numbers arid a greatly Im proved feeling prevalle in the army, among barb officers end men [rigned,l C , tr,lulttee to PiA dleto n lly Mc and Pen fe. nn, Sep . . I —The I..llowing is the tiom'l mitt.< arp,inted to notify fist not iidste< of the Chle.,go Convention of their nomination: Got. B. Seymour, chairman; A. P. Edgerton, Ind.; J. Id. Douglai, John Merritt, Del.; Imo Lawrence, IL, I.; B;rtjaneln Stark, Oregon,• John E. Smith, Melee; John • Cain, Vt.; Hugh Me. 0 0 it:7. Mob; George 11. Cannon. add ; John (.4.1; J. G. Abbott, hietzs.•' N. T. Been. Derry, Mine.: Gov. Viriaklifr. and JIL.l.Otl Guthrie, Ky.; C. Nape. Iowa; J. D. 8111 re, P..; Theodore, Itunyen, N Y Alfred B. Nun, 'Tong ; John A. Orion, Jr, N. Y.; George 11.1ger: Georg. 4 ' W If trrio ton N N. 00, A.llllOO, TE54.614; 0—.. , .n0w ay: ki.borklng Areldent 1.11 the Erie 304 itteturgh ttalliu.l-1-,ar Men Killed• - - Eta, Pno Sept. 1 —A sl,oklog ocoldent Go v/trod uo the Pt wl . r g h en a Erie Il o o ruo d pc.- trade, molting. La et e 'Olt this city to brlag up an calla Uric, nod when altos° tbro, mikbolorolU4ioo 6:stfuo, tha oollor •111/1. la I. t he tha engine into pitCo/ end demo: the track for twenty rodt, The toglootr, talc man, brakema, and a etranger totra.d l'ertet, of Chatienooga, Oa , were killed. Into Optel !Market. Vs's Tofu, Bap. I._field shows a slim; ten- Übe; to recover its recent decline. The tal treated • strong short Wendt, sad the pur l rcedchases to [wry the short c 012011.611 hale fo tip the pas, Many of the gold room potatots 1,0 unaolo lu NIA] their engagement , and in avid of falling an repudiating. Very hers se,onts have been lost daring the lOst, two lays by %Isla rr..Ksuf. IL* range has been Isom 20 to 21E,, Michigan Democratic State COUVelltiOa. Bept.l.—Tha Demon:aid° Biota 0011 - 161:11.t00 to-imy nominated Wm. M. gcatem of Gentionsoa .01113ty, Govern or; Elwin Q. Lathrop. of Salaroamo, Lieut. Govet our; Ono. 0. Monroe, of Eilltdale ecnty, Stole TT. al 'CT. C-100 Manning, of the So route Oonot of latiget, Med inddenly at bin resitionon at Pon ilea, to lap ERCOURAGING NEWS FROM MOBILE Tie Bombardment of Fort Morgan. FARII (ArT7IIE CY THE Cll . : E\rECTED The Rebel ham Neetiville Blown Up TOHPEDOE:- FOND IN THECHANNEI NET YOBS, ,cptemter correrpondent *OllOl r . fur WE th'oone, f. O bombardment of F. re Morgan, whirb :entranced er - ly Monday morning, 32.1 nit., war perhaps the moat severe firing which has yet been directed against the rot el fortlfications, ex -ept F Samar. Toe rscge wee obtained revious to the opening of the cannonade on that day. Se on the morning of the 224 Com. Pe-raLat's fie et, including the fl a g .hip and other large reesels, the monitors, the rem Tennessee, and some blockading canaille took part in the bombardment landnjo with the land force.. They were don Mo bile point, In the rear of the fort, and the heavy mortar batteries were planted there. The ves sels were stationed on the ether side of Mobile point. The fort was, therefore, Invested on three sides. The firing from early dawn to six o'clock was regular end effective, bat shortly after that hoot it hector e rsnid and extremely heavy. Too eight "um Port Gaines d other points, from which the joint operat s io a ns of the fleet and land forces could be witnessed, coveted the entire field, and the appearance of bom bardment Is described as moat grend and stirring. The bursting of the heavy shells in the fort, or over it, was constant, and for four hours the rebel garrison received, in that way, overage one shell per minute of time. The mou• It re fired at close range, and their aim was tin ninally good . the extlision of their II and IS Web shells could be distinguished from the berating of the shells thrown by the other gone whlott were of smaller calibre. The ram Tennessee as. isted in this totion and did good service. L , lrfee vessels, of the fleet, poured in eentinuous broad sides, and the •atar of the fort was covered by the fire of the enemy. The regular discharge of cannon in various direar , one aroullti the fortifier , tine, thing of aliens and their loud and often RiMUILL.OPS esi.l-sions, cannot be adeqesta'y Sraoribed. This rapid work eon:tatted ti,t I o'- clock, then ceased. kept up. In ell this the robe's who Wer An office driven from thel• Lone did very dice w.,rk. who witnessed the whole of the heavy bombard• Por t w•e able to distinanith but four shots from Port Morgan after the prinelps' week of the day logic from car batteries. It does not appear of st the rates had any hope of being able to re,ist the attack of our forces. Tus eutreoder the 'eat, to you will l'eu, from °UM aohreoB, toot place on the 2111. An J ffin, rencently fram the field of opera eeerlbee the prbspeet of the early capture sf y., trite as Wren/toy emcee-axing. The con fidence rf the elfire., of the nitre! and land e..nit let,. 1 , IJ. .1 •ort , at the onialOn far , •h. are heir glerlltied to, that the cello he , that oily Is . 0: 04 r5Slblll at the ..! I .1, el rg, I l i " r -of that rr 010 Is co. he toe ..(h.erg,•od it held that v ho 1.11 M^Site moth 0aet..,./..3(11151i =NM 3:flfi'e 1, - • : tf.. No, - Y at, !.f--f-ftrf.'•., 1 —The tteettor M c•ottr., f• !,f•if •.1 tie -• • - V., 0. =IMMI IV' Act +4;il I,orn thc 1 sy_. , ,' PIN 1-30 .1.171 10-10 I. 0.1.1'8 I 7•t Thirty fry, , t.rahr s• r ed tt - C. or r I Cin/L1.3 7.'15 M 1' .erstn. t 7... lt,,imen'i, r.• , ••',l 111.1 C ,a“..,! ,,, ir. trii ,:itt., , i Iltphr.mert• nt r tiets - .lrr., I ' Lave Srt. ,:g•tu.s. tad toe orihrert 0 , luali•• ' ' oned. &t The So, ....17 Brpebrh - ors of toe ley sty.. IV • t•e tothorited end req . to ar.noaoch that, ', ncterithrtscritoy en; toot hat been orate. and I ; ha•A ha the /rabies':, Oast. neither Mr. Mitre LOT 0•100111 Jhrinet, on the cat 14 .yd, 00! Mr. Greeley on the other, have been nor lOU no• I ;5cut...413 1 d to expreve toy deretres, sl•its amoral'. ions of the President o: the belted Suter, either to Canada or Richmond, on the 'object of nert h tittione for pesos beyond what he has plainly and carefully written over hi. own elgnettire; t' at the ralmisn t ' lthb - 1. cd oat icit.s.ed 4,1 executed by Meseta. Oda:tore and JscLu. on their own private account; that they hod ne authority tha'.evar to meek, direotlr or iDdlreetir, tor the P esident of th• United States, °Metall, or un .ls•loy, or tar Abraham Lincoln uhoMosistly or pt Irately. If Mr. Betijamin's report of the sayings of Mr. (Wawa and Col. .1 amass, while they were in Richmond, I: cotter . , they as tamed • resspon sibPity not Om to them, and tondo otatammte wholly untrae. Indeed, while or me sehjact, it Is Farr to state that the President, slier rt.-- J eolicitations, assented to give Oil non lied /amuse a pale through OUT military line,. He did not request lien. liennt to open • o isms portion. with Gma Lee Ass g,ve them sale con duct to Richmond and mom. (1 metal Grant did that upon his own responsibility. President Lincoln's mines' was merely that Hen. ...old pi! them through his military lines, nGranoth ing more. Tha aubsoripticee to the 7 SO loan to-day amounted to $71,i.. 059, and to the 10 40 10an,5595,- 900. Seven mill d ollars were famished tosday by the Trestater,Swo millions of stolen are to pay Grant's army, three millions for Sherman's forms, 005 million lot the troops in Waihington, and the remainder for similar dieburecateat •Iss whom Two =Mots were recently sent to New ; Oricauss. Guerrilla Depredations. Loriarmus, Sept. I.—Fifteen guanines ender Bup idotirander are reported to have thrown the cr gine off the track of the Lebanon Bran c New h of the railroad this afternoon, ell miles from Haien. They burned the Espress baggage car, r..l..bed the passengers, and left in the direction of Beardstown. Jemmy's ging of 200 guerrillas Tett/mid this fc.enovb from a raid to the Ohio rivet, and et, camped fors miles from New Castle. The ins habitants of that town momentarily apprehend an attack. 1 . 4 tisrs from Nashville say that Wheeler, and 11 'tidy are engaged la tearing up the track a the Great Western railroad, between Nashville and the Tenn eeeee river. The kis-as:We Onion says that lisassean has made ench disposition of his Woe that these reb:l command. can't friars the d railroadW heeler , an t hat Rousseau hag gone out to are W ' 31 '• battle. FROM WA. , Hi NGTON. —The Fr rh;.,9 Nye s B=MIMUKI ' W .•• i • r Skh mi.& Near Nashville, N e atly:Luz, Sept. I —A rebel forte estimated it too tllol3l.o.lstrong, with t Volts KUM, •sre within rerentoen 'silos of Nashville, on the Murlreeeboro pike, at daylight thh morning. Major Gen. Bossea/s, with a body of infantry and °emery started yeeterday afternoon and met the enemy' , advance early this morning. Sharp skirmishing ensued, with varying eneoess. At h t weenie $Ollllllllll bad driven th e rebe for three miles toward Murfreesboro. Messenger' hem the &drama' report that Wheeler's whole form is between this city snk Murfreesboro. There Is a oonsldarable force of rebel. also at Libblttion. Prllntien and some wounded hare been sent 111 from housieen's front. Destructive Fire. Sr. Locts,Espt. l.—The hemp factor) of 0.4 Mekire•, Lesingine, Mo., was burned this mere log. i 70.000; intrued $25,000. Three hemp wt.elionees end three building adjelr , n,, were also destroyed, with moot o their content, 1.551, $3,000. 100 Political Gana. POT, Mo. Hopi. I.—Tha Mende of idoelel I•o have thrown ont • Cog •nd Ovel ono Win died flans in honor of hit nomination. Were Political Pup-Gans. D~ree, h. IL Sept. I.—Tho DSlLOOratil of this city, aced 100 gone fn honor of Ifl4lol - Hu friends ace quits jobliant. False Report le Jove, 11 If ecreewut. Sept. I a ° truth iu the story of th• capture in the Bay of Otaletter I y the Ttilahseeee of twenty-two fish. tog vatels. Gen. Grant at V.)rtre:.e Meneoe Fr. !dolma Sept. ). Lieut. Gen. Eiratt ar• rived of (Ad Point, s. a 30 p. m. , from City Paint, on the steamer Graitiound. • Steamer sunk. C 1 MO, Sept. L—The VAnmer Platt, Velley lank a• Davit Wand, near Cep.; Rralva, last right. One of the Veteran AttiterreB to tm A ftekt CIIV.TLAE ntOtil TH ?E'..'BrTA Fa Or Tgl OCHS ae .at..k. W Abele. tort, September 1 —Sergeant E. Con ley, 01 the 10:h 11.0:tent Veteran Rellol,ol, i• t • he shot to morrow at Alexandria, V• , for the viea:ion of the 2Zd article of war, end for aiding 5e1, 11 ,1 to desert. The Secrotal y of the Treasury has Joel issued • circular !Toms Mc the r otcnsission whioh wilt bete. l t•r be Olowed Co all et:630.61: 1 j... •o‘i do• posit: ob.aired on and after this date for three year, 7.:'.0 Twee, known as the 10 40 bonds a follows: In any aggregate of deposits exolu sive of err tied Interest for either of said /en tities of not less then $25,000 end not 'mount ing ro 250,000 I per cent: an eggregats of 25,000 and u},es.ds end less ttsa $1 000,000 '.. of 1 per cent; on $1,000,000 sod npowards, 1 ,, of 1 ptr cent Any person is Luthor;sad to sot as agent for obtal ling subscriptions, but no notes or I:nee A ! l t be issued except upon oertincates in the to: m h•rotofot a preset Lbed, of the Treas. cre.:, Anti 1:0st Tios - urere, designated Doposi. , t,:es, cr the proper offet no of a N•tion - .1 Deposit Sant that tho money bovine been depesite I to the o-e,'t o' the I ,llasurc- of United States deposits made by cab-sgeats must b 3 mute in the name of pri-olpol to until • the some der,ritod to be int` adoi In one at , coot The . gommissioners may he aliowed a: their discretion, by books of ether agent., to obtain subscriptions to sob. I criheTs n,t sxt coding one-half of their own commission. It is nuderst .od that the bonds for the tairtoe tf th• six per cent: loan of $lBBl, cow offered to ppobltAc,mpetitien, arts all printed end ready for delive-y. Pe•30111 intending to bay them will, therefore do well to addre a their proposals in the Treasury Department without the intervention of third parties. NC..A.R,I:C_H_ , T S. New York Market.. Nase mon...llse loare, $1 for altdd tug 1' plaede, •1. -Ito alth h Pitt, ..:log I: .1.. • 1:. are . 4ta . , sad W. 'tern 1..14' Vter ; t10,',06410,V 1 .r Lana btat sll.YOnal 1 .1. for Id II t, nod sl37'. TllOll 11-.00 4 , marts. 0. ;log hum •an no .all.. •st , osl3o .I.lot Alone: ' !minded lu the tares are 711. I,bl. I:str• Stall far let holt f be.,tonner. al $1..50,41.,7 5 , and b do. Oct. at 011 Wll,bydu 1. NV, l•ora at WI rat tone act.lo and .14. o: 1 ..ttc , , 11 2 2 0. 5' .adc. go bp - ing 10..2.42,00 Inr 11/11..0ke. QlOO id 35 2,10 lor Winter W.toin. Oorn V.,4 , bettor anl do n y pork. settra ; 51,61,41,0 2 r Mired. W..a•ero, r ...Ins tl.e. prl ,- o. Oats IC Letter, at r W flrts and qui, ' , near t14 , 1e .20 .;. 1 Is. P. sod Wt!..9 tor IttleCOT,lo. Pet.o It. Bot.l ateeety, Crnde dot, lot Iten nal Yr e ouni • toe at al's N 1 0.,1 armsr. Port o,ened decl I .llv Or:n S or •o In fir dernaod, at•l .10101 b-n., 13b, i 1 ft • M ex. 0{14,.1110 for New cl Alec bee, at 111-3.76 Prtto....d 1.1 Prime Me.; a 1. ., o'o 14 , 1. 1...•• blew at fr 7 Phis do for ptember Pah,. 111 !'.O and 55.1.bt0 for all at at: T,t0.1 •... la of O'd szd Septet - 1 , 1 1,, 1.14. , 1 1 , own , , ar. 1.1.11 h, 1,1,700. , name der last year, It f iolet and e tea , l3 ; for Earr• Ilea+ 1: tt al•Lt/c r NIA !or Err, (dome tot. l stock. tet 0 d and ree, rent, r.. po , '"e.e. • • t ear trot :. • vactage. same 610.. tr. Pr. 1 , 1.ef •11 es is mor• and r..ra IN. • 'or 'l, and IA 'IT flame. laird • •11.1.. h. mar an.! a I .1 at . 2 !,,a,v.;- ta•t r a• Aar II defunn.l, at 41.4 . tor n. at*. ate , dy a: 11.401 K Mort and Monet Market. NEMIM o l.c 1, Chicago Mari. et R,rl 404 .3•••2 -.4 r.. 1 • ••••, el '7,4, at IN br , • .4.1 1. 25 fur ?1,. I u• I ratr , ..l / • 1.. r ..1••, a• r • Ti 11., do I st Era at Pro I iu t ta WA floor bu. hoar, 2 1,1 WO bra.e b Fin. 17,b0.) burl. V Ours, It r,abtoDcrb 4.4. Phl'adelpAla Market. _ . ,‘,..gsni Pl,l a.r, I —3lonr qn , t Sup , rilentld , NO .1,311 3,31 (114 R. 0111 6 1, 1 I„ 51:v.7 r. Grt. $1.71 4 xrd 3, PA.r., Ctu'r (913 ,0 • R -441 d. rnS"ro Wbbk, , 13.4K.1.1f0rd Om/ 51,43. Italtimorn INarlact. ram I* In Ps,. B.I.IINOSJ. 13 , V I.—Whe,i ...0.. and adasonwd Sc. Y _Oro. !Yaw d ao, 1117... Owed 61,1 , 44 , Yell w Tory dug al 111,7¢. Fib aky dull al 111,Ift. St. Lout. Market. HT.LoOrli, ,rpt actll • and arm... Li-es) snip 1 , . w.r Drossed A , Floor firm but tan tge.l b•at .'lll • sh•de high.r• C sniXtly owl. hst.gid. Lard L. RkVE.H IN rk.LIAUENCE Clooiroto.l, ..FO ~ I WL Kato B. Port., Cl odo• Anna, Leal,filleo I Llssie Merit, Whs.flog. tonatber rootlet , rn tidy "earl cool with !TO y reeves , a reit . The ri3OV main resodin ste-dily o tide potato with those Nat as Inchon re,o.orted on `oboes Hone There was • to& arsourt bulbar. traneast - 4 at the wharf yostardley, thoagb there is OP! room for impr ore. wont. /might. en not Vary plenty, and bow• leaped troce sem ider.ble dlfldcuity to pirklog up strip. The anieals since our 1.4 Int ode the d oll• and Bete B. Porter from tiortnneti—both with goof Ulm. The Weigand r and (.I•ra DCIIICAII, from the awns point were togn.and .111 w W'oe's last evening, bat It era. thought [bat tboy null bo sale to get up to toe wharf . g do togibt. 'lb. A no• loft for Loulevillo lut crooning wi to abou • I he freight tee oorold aka sod a early fall of pawn.t 'I he public, repecielly thr•i to basin.% to oh oigurn will to idol to learn that 10 • Jul • • goo. lam PittSbUrgb Zerdoeills trade 14•11, .. will I see as usual on S•.ardny at p. liaot. au e • Couleur still ret•lne rommatol, Matto at. Jamie Id. Vey Pm 51 liarkot OntA. corm. areal. nWELLII36 HOUSE 'PO LET-ala 'ter, t !anthe,. home ef hall dee het wide, 102 roans, bate r tar , &whet gat !Llano, taw yard, eta. 'ea , Ind: arc the hone. le to geed order, •tnato at .h. 00.0.1 of Loran aa.l COll.ll reateedon Supt. Lt. Baal 11L6,d7 P.O e.ealL• te A Tall tel. El. 013T11131111? ar BONS, FROTfJGBAPEt B (AN BB HAD AV 1:104.111/ &BD 114 eturßrirasi ersium Ati narrii.9, DT • irportor quallt7 MP Trion Er, net %n Ivy' 0. 111. OCIAVO MC, 6. WWI GALLOW Al 14 CASEY, novas, man AND 0111IALMSTAL P A I STEELS, No. sa ISTBSILT, war Mb, 6100,tx0 cla PITTBSITBa R. FA. EDGEWORTH BEALINLRY NOB ToUSG LUAU, eIOWICILIST, PL. Inv r.n &Wan Irill open on Sloe 7.111119 MONDAY ISt 61011£3136 8 , The bent atm:Outs ars anvedni. and at dneennanln Mot. Tor 112 torsos, wa WILL d fat • t aln• nalsr. /L. attal nulardlntra devtainyngb. 7a. WELLS, RIDDLE it O. No. 215 if v Lusters 2rsT it it ta .sllts hlst, Pithagl_t_Ps., crshasztteers at W LAWNS h...' ISWITWIZ, i od gwery esartirtloa of 811341:11tAIDISDIN 0116 . Orden sathtlissi tfOld the WAN Yd- PresPUS .h Clad ss sr hatt-sathsts. us ____ PLASTEE—.I.OO bbla Calcined m foz inAo by SL ums E=M XEDICJI.L. Holiruorxrato UM Dias, Nell WWI 4sort.P. A free Supply Just Received. tio. I—for Fever, Congestion and Inflansittion ; Pato, tto. Pelee, SO Cert. 10. 2—For Worm FITVei, Worm (bile !hod Vcrocione Lpperlte. Price, 36 .31:113. Ito. B—for Oaks. Teethtr.g. Orrug and Wakeful..., Slow (1..... th and roatleuest.f Infants. r lice 15 ceutk Fa i—Por Diorama. of Children or Admits ; Cholera lutlintorc, sad Boonroor Ooniplolota. Prim Si e.ita. No. Dritotery or Bloody Tice. Collo, Grip. plug", Fell Dyeletert'. No. 6—T.r Cbsders. CLokra 211..rtms, Lisodda and V0m11.11,3, dstd.attc Brumdms. as ces :AL o. T—T;r CacgS :.. ~ Ide, lloarmnear HrvnlcLfs[, R p ire .n.l sr. Prl:e SS rnta. E—For TorAL racr-ortlii, Nerrozz /Soarslea saaC , tie D 0.14.162.. Price :6 amts. 9--ver 11,,nd-ctche, Birk Headache, Vertlgo, Sall of blood tu 11.4. Price 36 coat+. Ho. 10—For D7'peprV• Weok, Ar , .! or D. - 54147rd BO,roo‘h, liou•rlparton. LlTer G,mpWnk .1C arum. or 11.--Tor Supprivmed tinnsrs, or 5o y, Per-fta Dalaytag blek,ss. cents. No. 12--For Lorworrboa or Whitt*, Uvulas. Dol., too Prottroe Menem.. SS cont. Oppreowd 613.16—r, 6restbl 36 P. oam ce.ata. ()map) 0,112 h, and 36. R rio.l4—Tor Bait Ithchot, Graf ty Eraptont, Er yclp• ' ct, Bead, Barb.' Itch. 53 chttc. In 17 15—Tor gbe1121114112. Palo, Lornotteee, or Prtaw In the tibeat, Bock, WV-9r cte, No. 16—)'or Fever sad Agus, Intermir..ont Fier, Dumb Ague, Old Invoiersts &gas. 60 casts. No. 17—Far Plies, Blind or Dtertitag, Interact or ra Lerma, Bocont or Obettunt.o. 60 oent Po. 16—For Opththshuts 'W..k or 1nt64:1 trai gra tyolidr; 1110 Dog or 'A tilgYCO Genca. Yr0.19--For Coassrr4, omit. nu thmotc, try or day , ny, Cold lo [Le Heart, laloortra. , 00 mut,. s°. ,» KLoarlsgm,a,rhorteriug .d Is It, or lipssmodlo Cough. Ca .r.A. No. 11—ror Asthma. ovprosood, Difficult, LADD D'lrattar.g. Cough nod Expeosurstic.o. al ct.S. Im 3—Yor Thootterm, Pots* In nwi, paired Hoerlug, OD cools. tio. Sorotalo, tou•Nod Glands, and Tonga , thoolllr.ors and Old Ulcers. 60 cont. Ho. 44—Tor Gro•til NIAMy, FT.yeast co Reno t otoolo. oeolto. flo Ws-71a1 , 1 Am..nn", Tn dwelling', Wi th 6..11 S e cretlunw 00.1 Cr .a ODo. VA—For Cm Rlcknags, Proctratian, Vertip, le '4 Vomiting. 80 ceuut. No. 47—0 TorNatant r Crtc.• Ur Ithrouro, 6t, Grave o l, Banal Oancrar cote. 11c. yc or Seminal F.mtaal,n, Inadiantary Dia rtrKn •nd conscyartit Prnarotnod •,d PrlaT el (4. Ilt, ° iD 5 71 AFLta'4".C6Meld'rehrt_ '"ker"d fin. FA—For Urinary I etcoo tth W. tr. tn.; the dad frequent, vats ...aalug I.:Mastion. 1' rlce 51 Oa. no lints wexple.t., Inlnar..ol3. and T 11.1* Own ........ T •...d • 111. ( 7 t f r•tz.•r of it, Tf-f 5.• rltrve e■r+ r4-* • net Tl.rer.,—Tcr, .110 Inter., conpoto ...rented payabit eeml-sunnaL tt. cr Ten se r 7. neve not et Is 1.44 T, or the opri uold beerts. Inks par .sot. Wads t Not , . ,rlll be tu alagomin.ll.o. 5.50. 5. 5 % Si .110 7.1 58..0. n.dep.mot toll t 5 MP and aperere..• will be leered ane-q...tor nr one P.O ...a on the amount ol the rtnelpsl. Tbo n avel cotnnintrioc allowed to Dank. .u 4 Canteen JTV.I IULLY. LosTRAL WA'ALLIIiII FLUID. II mat more :bin be r the labor, and WMm the whim:Ml:l. re with . be... Mal wham po.lett. wad oust. tt• colored clothes more brill cut In Weis color. Tor Palate, 011 Otott.e owl hon.....timnion It 3 00%7105 11:T'T''', oti o ,• " lo " Tle r ctt .1' 1404 . o ' eroll. in Mr tit] an trout:emend I. tor Ws rtdo anon and `he 810 tabbing oa wmlth ear& le retinirml to he i,ar of ate MI.; ter wottme limo twine as long. d th. mold arm It. cat lo Pri •, .5 CIVITO PLai Qol.ll.l.—which will wimp Irtsu lb to SO &us. lestaarstodoved and told at Bo Si West ODE In all Ito pthropst [Sag add rweaty Grocery ri Stsiso attAltsood Je. npsca aOO.. Proptiators. FIRST NATIONAL. BA_NX, OF FORT WAYNE, Designated Depository of the United States Owpital paid Prmid't.—/. D. tiITITISLAH. ashler--W. B. 11581111. inwearon• : .I. D. Elattninn, h.. B Ivan; W. B. theme. G.P.O. Keyes. h. D UrandrlSL This Bank tendon Its anion to Mating wilootions an WI anseasible lyrists. Dollar:Dow will meet with proopt attntiou, mid returns ass& b y drat on Dew York, Cincinnati. Obinago or PlitiMbniTh. tin oncssoß, WILLIAMS' CLASS I CAL P&ND 00$111TALCIL1. BOBOOL. Olidr re-epou no RUN OAT, toe Mb .1 baguet. Terwe $ll per whole i per quarter of 11 nooks in Ed more. Boars oc Tuition from IS s. us. till Ip. to Trwilwrieten—lstract from • lethrr of Professor F. bid to Rr Wfßbvr .Wrie: out •bsiever yob would :An to bee. toe ay of ye sr &bait r es a reader and poor que v ll L acetlone et a reeetier flrodlog .of klcro..tlow will endorse It with on Do tot permit your modiery to prevent you trom wishing the renotemeudei min .rprat Put whet you ertruid like to We it, fir am certal alt will not to tee very faso able opinion 1 eatertain of you Willie to ss.m,lify arid to teach the art or ruiding one speaking vita NO I, illatlact t ess. rie seem. energy s4d itapraisme elbsot. Saimaa Ilsoss.l Jobs Orli, /r.d. litrdlingss, Jobs Brown, COLUMBUS COLEMAN, xesios AVENEtt. illlegtway Otty. 111.12T...tam frr oaf Aar • Grata Balms. at tb. I.:Fuuom., EFllOt., 8,31k.y uml emir% Bird lArp Pa, ANT, WElfaib- ISA I:W.. 6, .A 1 'T LNG Box E.... 0 i .11 1‘.. - ,ll‘. as ,TIC7L. TIFT .o. Hav sad Onto t LFLTEICITI TRIUMPHANT.—iII Al 11011 PLEB tto S TIMILAPEPTIO trYHTVIIIS ItELATIN6 TO BAtrEill /MD MU DI TAB Pit. J. A. ELlClLBS,llledaotaa. am Othoe,Sht BMW STAEZT.7rhere all dimmed en ourrtults trusted with Onlyanittn, Ptspettest had ether temitheettou at Itectriett - r. Bemetthaz our. tros Important. Bee dr.".i pt ons crtßeh theatre for 032461t10.026 OMNI erhershted when Mend. DMUS{ 131 . 0 lON, Pa a 3nrI.V.L N IN Pittogirgh, re_, ANN. 1.664. NOTICE TO BBIPPE 'RS, AND OONSIGNIMH OF rEsiairr, NV TI1:: PLAIN6YLVA.III.4% E. E. Ninifiglg BUT 01V1LA that oe and after MONDAY, Angeort VA. the folicnring order wiD go Into egret THE PIC tale.. De H. 00. wit ami n !!tamp to each receipt tah-Ns from conlignom for height &limed. 111 E ?LETT TO WllO3l AL RWOICIPT 121 WV= kr money pea, in 6, - am:tete over Fin 03, and kr freight delleered for shipment, mutt provide s TWO MINT STAMP for each such receipt, otherwise they arDl not be tamed. BEttLIFTY.D BILLS L !DING will not be diatribe• ted to formerly, bet motet hefor et receiving aloe on the aerator after geode are de , . mewl. arahlw .D. A. BIEW &HT, Freight agora. Oppodsa Um Caatom Haus, MEM WEtek MINSTER MAMMY and .a. tIIIITAZT INSTIVITI at WEST CIFIESTER. PA.. \ NIL P. HIM, A. IL, Primo:pa. A. EfUNTIIII, WOW ALL. A. Lerial• eN Tefncipal. The scent...4 l o year of tea months, will ootomenoe' on the 111HeT TIIE4D&T, the oVa of Bopember Tbe .rarse of Instractlon tb,ceogis exteratee, ds slorned to fit boy. sod young men for WIN.. bottom. Mob= Iser‘oNess-e, Berme, Trench, Epentah mod Hellen taught toy etative roilleht tesehers. The mill. tery Depertmeat setbre As the cheep of VOL: wasp tared the tilhitart haperUltehdett. for onteloistwe N., spots' to wither of the Prlndpehi et Waft Roemer, Ps. The Pl.4pal not be et the MODONCIAITZTA 110051 i ntuunt, tram !Ain't Mb Anton Sta. Insloolve, where he will be bepp fornlah informs. mottco slamt kat school, trout 1.0 e. NS P. tn. Elegf. Nklla ~~~~ GLAD -14-ii63-1. THE LORE SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED ET LASS CHEROKEE REMEDY 0111/ZOILSZ rtgliZDY, at. &Tett Eta= DtarrUc, res all diseases Co. nrinwry orb• snob se moon tin , to of the Crtne, latsamstlon of the risoldv, In. elamoletl. of the bldneie, Stone to the 1211e.dder, Strto tem Gravel, Gloat, Gororrhes, and le orpealally mete:o wed-A le those cams of Timor A.lbree (or 'Mallet to lend „ ) where ell th old nsameols mealelnea here ale!. It It preyed In a Itlgltly ooneentrawt form, du [LW Wing from ono to two tompoonfulls Wee times pc, ay. It Is dinseetio nod alterative to lu action—wartfying and cleansing the blood, causing it to acre, to an Its original parity and vigor,thm removing from the system all perniclovi carom which have todnoed Obara. lajectlas I. Intended sa ma ally or, assistant to the Chorokos itensedy,and should to coed In cooinr.o. Idols with that medicine In all cases of Gonorrhea, (limit, Ciao Albin or Whites. Its °Galt are healing, soothing and demulcent ; removing all scalding, hest, chortles sad pain, lostmd of the homing and almost anon• durable pain that la egyariemed with Owl) all tbs cheap mark MP:atlas.. By the me of the 011.513.08.E19 :11T.YEDY as OR6ISOK.1:11 INJEOTIOS—the two meadow at the sum time—ell Improper discharge. are removed, and the weakened organs PTO speedily restored m fall vigor and etrealtti , Too full part:culars, get ono pamphlet ITOVI so 7 Drea mere I n the country, or site an, and sa wDI malt tree, to any address, a full treatiaa Price, OliEgOligg DEUP.DY, $3 per bottle, w Ohm bottles for Ea. Price, 011.1CTIOSES IAYP,OIIC,II, $2 per bottle, , or lb -re bottles for Itb. Bent by expreset, to any address, on the recalpt prim. CAdo by all druggist. everywhere. DLL W. D. t3BBWIA A CO., s treet, p Ho. 51) Liberty s New Tor*. Pre sub In Pittsburgh by S. AckTioLLE.LN it Q 0 career of the Diamond and Starke& street. mleliastrdslrecrwr A Na I ARTICLE. AIMS , ft:4l6. FOR 1 dr. trisrorr4lt4r l i CMO3.OIZE IN TEUTION Ccrapxocled ftsrl Roots, Outs at.. , d L.esn.B. CHIIROILEK bLEDICINES. 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