MMII It (Ciaitttc. ittsibur FM , ) um 113 MOCIATIOIL TO OUR sunsciusEas. •z;!....dermg.:4, F .tat.h., or Plttsburgb dolly pa er j'...0 Lan IStrito.ll.l agreed to charge tios prices boin .15sli for theft respectles journals, on and Oar A. o!,botlt, July =SD, 1851: ~ TIM GAZETTIL c , ±irtins: C.lition,jxr vests, dollesrod by puler. 55 " mg by moll, per year, in ad. , 'q" tor six scouths, in sdramen......., 800 " " tor tbreo no. ntbs, " 960 . - -,on I &Um, by ssurter, par week. ......... —... 15 c by man, por Ivor, In a4r sues— 35 54 , . " " fors:: months, " 325 .. 3 " 0 ••• Joe three ••" 1 C,5 „ SEE 691t02210L11, ~ Ii year, in .draw, sent by unki1......... 'o ', :s moottnr, 0 , THE colstricaciet , A r, dielvered by 2.5 yew. ofkresce,bent by masll4.---... .—YIO 00 ,;; months! 4, 4 , .4 6 2 00 0 'tree ukcarko, " " " ali.t.rrra ABEOOLLTIOS, OHAILLEI3 Pub Ha m. Sunk% Glatinlnlet TITTSBIIIII3 I I SEWSP AIMS LSD pail:num cionom3l. E a from Yesterday's Eyerttne Gazette. HOW to End the War. Athe great duty and advantage of making the t. ming draftthoronghly froitfal of results la ally :Ontrated in the following remarks of Mr..S win • the oorteopondent of the Times novr . st head" 'tartars of tho Army of the Potomac. They In• -, psis the personal judgment of the Commander - - 1 it; Chief of the army, and, in this respect aspect " • 9y, deserve attention am persuaded that If oar armies did no more hold their own in thoirpresent positions with is grip they have on thevebel armies, the rebel -4. t , Sn must wear Stroll away and die out irom • ..-tieer lack of breath. llnt-the duty Is laid ltOoh us, not loss in consideration for the South welt than for the honor and integrity of the na •zon, and the material interests of the world at -I , lrge to use fiwilter moans for Its suppression. :f ;di want peace, North. and South; hut the .703, ortest tut to peace is through vigorous blows . that alone which prevents peace—the armed •tirrees still under control of the chiefs of the tebelliou. Even in point of time no am -, .;"aessdore could arrange terms of peace so 41 - uickly as the roilseion of a fresh hundred -;L:housand muskets. It is no mere poor jadg • - ',htuat of mine, but the authoritative utterance of • 1 , -The bead of ell our armies, that hL in the bands , sat the people to end therebellion at s blow. ii•icut. Gen. Grant hag der/ern-1 that he had nom ..•'• •tut a hundred thousand /rah men he ....old in fifty days do up all the fighting that heed be done during '• • • !,'4ht. tear.' This is no shallow hearsay; it ;s the declaration of the high name g yea; t'si.d the rentimitt is ',Earned by every military :f • tient:l-I have lately met. Golf that force added '.'4o Gen. Grant's own immediate army would en • him to ttrotch htf line a•voss to the D an ilia road, and positively compel the abandoe ' ' • eat of Virginia; the other half would put • F eon's army into the bands of Gen. Sherman. 4 Is there liviog patriotism enough - loft in the Vottantry to evoke the means for so glorious a con ,:+o44mucatlon If there wore not, it might well Ire the question whether such a people ,fe• • e.l-43iseid to be saved "This trill be tar last draft. There will be no fo'fpaore calls, for there will need be no more. The ';',""...-b;..Teinforce-mer.ts it aill give cur armies wilt end ; , " , ',•";,.4.dhe war. This reflection sheull evoke the 7d:Wheartiest efforts to make it pry:doe - tiro of 'he i;; /r, which will be realised when oar pee coming to View it not as an arbitrary Imp, 0",%/3:4raition of force, but a solemn sail el duty, and its •;:hr.., , ,a , Aelectices not ste a misfortune to those on whom they may fall, but ea a sacred laying on of handr, - respond promptly and personally to its demands.' "•"•,;0 11 -:1 4 The Draft. Goy. Morgan and. Gov. Morrill of Maine, who been traversing New England to observe 4 ----oothe program of recruiting under the new call, re port thetShree and they hope four of the East. Stoles will hove filltheir quotas before 'rr;' , 21....1 - , the apprCaehing sth, When the deficiencies are to be madonj by. the draft. New Eagload will have at lees; four -fifths of her entire quota ready 4g:id:l by that day: "v • , wove'. Ms end M. roper t the people earnest and invincible in their resolve to standby their.Gov ","".;:,:-li":4ernenestit-in this hoar rof Ste &a:Wu as they may and must be for Peace, they will sse ",": ,"4r-i-Id cart no Peace that dismembers or degrad e s the l••••"., Nepubile--no Pease that can be debited as a •Ci • triumph for conspiracy and rebellion. Oa the oon- XresT, labotime te !flight ix oaten this line," In the oeo.fident smorsuce that Prtce.will come ; sooner and e ay longer if they uphold sad strengthen their Gsvernment Duo Itthey lanimously dosertand tralbare to destroy it. We naives the Governors have since gone southward or westward on lholt : • Iliformation that teaches us lrom Varteunqnsr• tart justifies orfi. eonviction that, in additiort to credits for men prei lonely furaiched, at least Urn thirrs; and probably -three /nitrate. of the Ralf Million cal od f ai r Will have already passed muster, or be ready far muster, on the morning -4,4 1 of Sept. sth, and that one half of the country Will thus bo outt:f the draft by reason of having filled their vs °tel.: by tovnships, wards, cities, ocr.ntlee and-Sthrtba—N.lY,Trittaite. -• ~ .A" : ‘f = t4 ••Blr. IL huge feat Baltimore Siforulnations. ...:t'h7,' The efforteof oathSo persona to, cresto ill will 2.L . .i. ,;.: between the friends of Mr. ‘Lir.vola end Mr. 1 t .:. t ' Chase or to produce the impression that Mr. '‘..*l-.7 1 '...... , 4'4 Chase Is ter int t•• some movaments for n new ~ ' . • I ' /. 1 . Union P. the Convention;ror to bolster up 4 , -r.% 1 ..?..' , the crazy sto 1 that Mr. Chase Is privy to any ..-1:, ' " ; ;,1 negetaetwne for the overthrow er withdrawal ''.Z:.,..1 of Mr. Lincoln, are cerc'esively met and no ,..iltli;t• ..,? veered by n private letter from him to friends who . '. '- had his advice . ~., 0 ..1i This important letter benn date of 4eguet 12, :,....,' , lna's 4,; and thaportiort of. public Interest Is as follotra : 1-.';'.:'.!::;'.3.1 rtl do not see any reason for believing that the ,::;:::-',c,4,,, greet cause to widen o rw are all bound. can Le ',*-:,' f"; :'1,./ 'promoted any better r . as veil by withdrawing tt .r' • 9 su pport from the noosiontion made at Baltimore, '.:,':;': A inane cause of at”attsfeetton, however strong, ..`1,C.,.•..,1:7 w ill warrant Itlir lirlrirlca of:iitst canoe. - What Ft: -. i.: i:), future alroulteibaides May'require or warrant,' •ftt-.':.:: .„.1 CAW not now be foreseen, end need not now be • ••• 1 a 5 considered. I-, particularly:desire, my friends, "' to de d nothing '-- or 1111 nothing , that eon create :t . ... - }.l •:,‘ v, p; the Impression th e: tOare is an" peen ','`.-- stla alifror.. :,.:,...:'.:;:....0 ono between Mr. Ltocoln anti tossetf, tot there . is cone. dll the (BIT rennet that moist arean 'L , üblle paeans, isodnave no private bearin" 't.t ' f 4. F • Z.. 45: , . en .....:- ..... ~ • Iments of the Soldiers. -.'-'. 1 The Lancaster ;ere. makes en extract from ...:;.::... Vi blotter of Lt. E. M. 13.3 ring, a worthy officer of - .*:•;,. 'll •the 79th y. V. V., to a friend in thet oity. It . ~:.;'.',', ... , (4. expresses the general rentiments of the eoldisilf , 1. isTho result ~i. t 1,.. I ~to o , o7,tiort h a eo, as of : ; , 1 ;net re•ief,,tti t, :, 11, e .,1 [ , ;,., ~,,.,, ~,, Il eta i.l. And 3 eel se• ....-4 ....a, ~,p,crlettia v ." 1... a . 1 , ,a es p e r.., ge.e.o.'t ,`o ,ittelle reee 1)...., I. aret;, Co; the retiqdtrtbotili.y.wes. tot De mooratt. Titej . • - ~... are imilorS, too eowardty to opb , id their efla.e .i and its principles by : goods% out ,holdiy into the i 4„ . 1 flidd and l o g ethoulderio tlielisnueliete-sionginde of * . .t . l . their more Ratty thren—tho rebel eolthere, I!' PAST kittfrilb./i l- ; tfig. f . 0(. 3 0 4 63 Illii t i's . i llyrl i , ,5' . . W. as soldiers despise end alKisoneie. - end we regard thole who partiaipato in tho, age , the 1‘.... lesbian 'of tho Connerheads,'Osiriiioullitlng in i to - K.! blood of the oountry'e stay and support, het p.,• ',.... triotlo army . n d, .„. Though -;; e may. eu.. .. fully .ndnr. soiii• - a ~„a .. n3B...flies of Pr...1/mit ;LI 1i ,,,,,,,,be, yet we toot - eat know that in tuo-ren .l . re i e dmhtistration of hie affairs no mat mold 1: base done hotter, and rte mock toot eo et... 11 re. i, ...„„i e e t the balm of tear Ettip of &tato flail we .1 t7,7..„-,,,,sely.waw,hered tho storm of roheill on." .0.-Sartford Bey After the Tallahaetee. lorre that Capt.lei Frederick T. Kies, of eta ell, sailed from Newk yeeterdry, In -cam:mead of the Untied States ehip II mom Beak, to crelse. far ,the ,famorts Tallahlilol4o. spte• Ethes.Tolago psoolior in one resoe pect 4Ct —lite vessel goon out at a decay. She h a etTong atznationt,'Tnit it le en eoneealed MAW tha of ; 8034 if the robot (agape tier wilt etas* hot to show !rick en unexpostsd roar of reeth as may leave arm tho earMallter. Ile:itif..been attach. :a ad d tri dbMirall'ese='{reciedron fys Chita :Oars, daring erhfeb.ko pastier:tic:4:h trytag connters,Ceptom giuglihs bpdsbundlnt Pp 4sa 4.ortosaty of gritting ereastatod with ribol gates ma dly:smell, and of the - ssina tampto who for lailidelf Olfaiied tiltimStietf:ii - far hit thavery and 00 a tordoke—ftartford Frau; dir7. • - v . irr - zit' to Trains ti at' Treadle. . 11 . dudia1 _...... -- - ,,. 8 that Ad.raliat Farringut i5...L.;. . ..L.;. 1 Fu ar _,_,..,.."..,,,.., a wilesstsgtoa, t11 40 : 4 !"..' '''.. 12* -41 ....'" *-- ' port to ctgariiilnki4a; ..-,.., io pigainat tat 160bilegatdeee: l '-,‘ ,1 44 Itt iff iZipset. ' , "d'lii* . ~ ,lokkixteiane Nebr., .7 - ...... n ua the C ) . 1 1/. 1 . 1 - 1 , ", w4i).e. M ai r o z7, 011,at W,aPle°44vict'4,4lTe :Is. 4.1.-. iii o V,7,,,,bi ci :Gt.obyL can a_-, 1 fii v 4., ko: . 1 ao a,A4ck. - ot Llttfria, 1 41 . 1 .;, , „ 00 . I • •'' - ''''c'f . ' by cs , N* 4 ifiashiC- 11,44 '11a' ' w ios cf, ,Altataa._ „„„ d ,.. t h. ; cp2tic! v e ....."---- d arAsimP-- - vi ...61•Eltevar.c4111 &D I plie,l*Si ' !.,,, 6 1 :1 g r i j t ounlie r sini (' 7- them at present. 2he Spade and the ilueict. SECRETARI STANTOX'S BULLETIN, The army correspondent of the Cinch:mai ('...- 1 ---- oostemf, in one of his late letters from Atlases, 1 - The Coal Diggers, Strike. say. that among the many modiScations and new I ' Heretofore in once of striker among any features of warfare that have bean introduced ' t Metal Report of the Surrender ' ;articular class of mechanics or Moonag men, dining the present struggle, the one mat notioe- 1 of Fort Plorgan. they have mashy been !supported by the emer able and the most revolutionising in its tendert. 1 -- al Trades Unions or Assemblies organisod by cy a the practice, Incoming to nu, oval On both QUM AND SIXTEEN HUNDRED SIXTT PIECES OF ART eider, of an and fortifying. Ile adds . men representing all oth or branches of hoduetry. "To one who has made military engineering a • PRISONEfIo TAKEN, I 'nue, for instance, when the coal diggers made amdy, it is perfectly astonng to notice how --- ' their first strike for an aticance of wages, they skillful all the line cfficers, end even the pris, .„,. received the hearty support and ensoctragement have become M laying out and constructin do- 1 rtothing from Ger Lo. Grant, Bhermsn lof fensive works. Formerl, to works were at- ; or Sheridan ', of all classes their workman. Meet __ in a wore held, resolutions of sympathy were mowed until regular englnearofficers could oar- - __ my and stake cut the graunds ; and then pion- 1 a .ti ted, and everything SIR done which might eer parties end regular Wipe parties would do 1 W ' mul°7°s ' ' Se p t " 1 . H' l3-1 • - ' 41c r• G"'• I- 4 - t tend to strengthen the souse of the "oppressed" , :carat their nopprosisoro " Why Is it that these the work. 'lbis required dam and sometimes The War Deyartment has lust recelred General weeks. to construct !anything like efficient defen. Canby's official reports of the surreuder of Fort ' came men, who axe engaged in another strike fxr con. Now every officer and man is an engineer, Morgan. and every regiment and company has its pleaneer , increased swages, are not receiving the support of party. If a command belts in line for thirty Veto • Grleoor, Aug. 21, teal -Fort Morgan , . I their fellow workmen' So far ea we are aware, minutes, good defensive works am oonstruned. surrendered unconditionally, yenterday at .. o'. igl word of n magmata has been ut. If a company is rent out on picket, the inertia- n td a l s ia r the a ir bloslf. e 4 ' look on vain for the pab clock p. In. We have about IMO v • I ''''' ' ' ' ' 6. I t h * Cation of resolutionof ble pick and spade go wi h them ad certainly ass support and sympathy. es the musket, and within a tow min- P of°teaar arle anda largo 'I till , metal ' 1 mat.' I \\•hy Is this ( Is It not because nil classes In thee from the time the post is assigned the picket rial. the communite are convinced that the diggers is well entrenched. It one army moves to at- In the twelve boors Preceding the surrender hest and exult. . haat in their demands a N7he ut. tack the other, the army that is on the darn- n they first etruck to better their condiuon about three thonsand thelis wens thrown into Cove will =retreat good protecting works, whileas workmen they were earning from eight to ton the attacking army la deploying and netting the fort. The camp a b and _smacks were entirely (Milan per week. Then they were receiving lees ready to assault. The result Is that the ascot- deanoyed, and the worke generally Douala injured. than two i cent i s per bushel fotudiggelinge.elNoew they Mg party on either tide always encounters effi many guns were spiked, carriages burned, and elate breastworks that - mom than double the .Ir7na l ' e f i n ' o D r g to :l e x/ n ett Tom day I o . ne would much ammonition destroyed by the rebels. The in • i ,__. who f , fighting strangth of the party being attacked- pewee that this ought to sat sty men o o 'Open field fighting' has almost pused into his- oeenolttee In oar army 'Mono killed and seven requ i res arenas, which, however laborious, q no education, and but little skill or expo testy. It e illy occurs now when theparty attach-. wounded. ,ilgned) E. 11 S. Clatinr, liSaj Gen.._ . , ed is either suraised or flanked. Nothing hoe been received from Grant, Sher- Menet. m ICI prosecution. Out, DO l T hey are "Bivalence has stm..dantly shown than no an or Sheridan . , siva , not satisfied-and now they demand seven rents General can •flord very often to storm well- m • par babel for digging. They wish to place manned breastworks, for although ho may carry N. M. STASTON., Se c '; of War. their coropenestion to an equality with that of Ms point, 3et he does it at an enormous sacre -------- the mewl at of Cong:me-eight dollars a day. of hfe, and s mertfiro generally greatly chspro- ,_ Aa a De,. slimy consequence the prim of coal has portioned to the isle be millets. The Omuta NEWS 'FROM WHITE RIVER. ac mod beyond all prece ' dent. Nineteen aid who is most expert In flank movements is the twenty cents per bushel are demended by re __ one who ertll get co of the rout territory. tail., ' It with require, at the least calecalatlon, "These lute anent an aspect of our etrogcle THE S 4 TH ILLINOIS CAPTURED BY THE REBELS. two hundred and Lim timbals of coal to supply not altogether agrehabie to contain piste While the moat economical families during the wen __ flanking an army will [compel it to chnage peal- ter months, and as the present rams [hie w 111 egst. non, yet It generally leaves ic e st- An army Dui all*4 Bluff and Charles 014 o.m the rotund rum of Vie. Is it any woodsr, nosy he flanked a thousand tims and be &nanny then, that the cool dlggers are not air receiving still. Had Johnston met no in open field, and 1 brililelled. he ,that and enceuregemoot of the sr,rkieg fought us near Dalton cr 'Stases, we could prob Meese. I lo consequence of the atria.. the —.- ably hare destroyed his army are this. But he working man will be compelled to pay r ift for reaches Atlanta with his srmy whole. Ho pelt e RAID INli) Kt:Nil:oJ Pitull.lllLß. me wailer 'apply of mat. whereas i , should not Carefully behin dsubstantialwOrke,wielcompol. '-' exceed h'l.s Thus the "oppressed are them led Sherman to drive him back by a stioneul on of mires bacomieg the "oppressors " The men the most skillful flank movements ever made nho formerly eympr.thieed with the diggers, are Hood too! ca amend of the rebel army at At. sr w et umelied to pay heavy tribes, to their !s -lants, and not till after his sore experience of runty. Ws Is the recompens-this the grad July in, 22 and 2 t, when ho lout from fifteen to ode i f the miners- in return for the generous twenty themend men, would he ocknewledge ,colt it of the laboring mane' lisw, under the new feature of battle taotics-the potency of there circumstances, is It not mew festly the duty spade and pick. Every regiment now or with se well at tte Interest of the workingmen, of its entreneloing tools, and they ore oared for with cost; close, 10 speak out lo dentlnelation Of the the same tenacity as the tarma, end all become eta urea r mooed by the ditch rs ' The first strikes expert in their thee The On e aspect of for ads wooed wag esi e a sy hey.. been J citified, and a g e new new feature of warfare le the great advent the clesseney cups lina,og with hem dtd no wrong age it gives to the party which is i s on the to gieting soh tic expression to their sympathy. defeneme, and will enable the rebels to told out I p r y then tnipt.rted whet they believed to be much longer than they otherwise chuld. 13c r ,/ , —iat thew pow oe pahltclo denounce what to there tactics Lee's emd, Flood's armies era still vont', Their N,i,o will hate a potent 10111.1enCe intact, and much hard fighting and heavy war- w te ii.e Milner., 6.1 a their appeals will not pass fare will atilt Le necessary to effect their de u.heedtd. [inaction." Aw.ed r ,ar m rtf ',ore to the pit owners It ie ....ICU, upon too en , aerie, ol lualeer, that Ito prttelet .bike wee crustal by LVO WI olillere TOMO, no the prise of coat. AI hough hot fire nets par beoboi was being paid fn- dlc , ,K ilir, toe c iletiliao:i eell 21 . dild . ? 10 relloi upon :initial Obstructions at nubile A Now Orleans correspondent of the - Sew York World says: We bare information both through southern Bonne., and from the floc:, so to a reconnoissanee on the :,.11, of the ohatrue- I 4;41 9to the entrance into Mobile. It 3431.4 made by the fdetr.comet, Itasca, 1'...t Loyal, and Sel ma oho lately captured vessel, and the 11,0 i t wee fr i lly and Winnebego. Ths • lc. ins teeth folly examined, and found a I to be in inraotintble to a soldier like (nab); and a sailor like Farraget. They are at folk w; • At Choctaw Pont Is an earthwork mcoot:ng all gars; jest east of it, built in aloe bay, is A small rand battery of two guns; n 0..; . a ha.. tery of six gone, formed by first hauling no Immense log pee and filling it in wit , : f kr: d Armes 44013141 n channel is an arrangement bail, either for a fl.atting battery cr to he soot in cite of our in gr , ss. At either end of titi4 are ter, ran., fashioned like the Tenniessee,th :ugh tel .. Inrie, mr,trperently,,..o f0r,111314.c . e. i:433. 333 41.13 . 1 ,4'1 is an old ship's bulk, to be oieu ac aft Out ten', and stiaberther east is a strong asset:l6.2 lett, on which I counted some ten guns. ILI oil the intervening span. , between the ba.eries end ,stele and either shore are driven agile', whose tops are eased off jest below otter, end have a heavy bolt of iron striven in them. There her. bolts are sharpened at the tiprper end so es to tear off the botts of te bat ventur.g near them. In the Spa n ish ri h ver o ohnencl is santen en old brig and two eemels, esed in lightertog the ram Tenn , tree over Dog river bar. There are also refit irked two rem looking cletrivaneer e , on which I raw the workmen eng+gli on th western end of the marsh. The WC at Were crowded with steamlmats, hut few of them with cream NIP, -- tiiiisig Men Ilkel7 to the scarcity al bands. I saw among them foot Beglish-bunt craft, probably blockade rennera The streets o' the city appear to be de:erted, and generally ,speaking, there is visible none of the evideno. 4 f thrift and prosperity, Mobile's most notaabie ;store In other and better days: 1 he 'Mosquito Invasion. Ills topic of universal comment 15 olh leg like it has been known In the experience , of the "otiest in, abitant." (Ake Ear.y'o georrl.• lee in Pennsylvania, these stinging posse pees trate ever) where, laying tribute on all with. (heir rterch. and refusing °Van then to abanfln the field. During the last two nights all sorts of expedients have been resorted to in order to rid bon,ea and sleeping apartments of the Inva ders; people who have never smoked before hise given themselves with heroic resignation to the fumigation of their rooms; encipher has been freely used in washing every exposed cart of the person, while humreds of kind.hearted, reoefol heasokeepers h l ave suddenly become pc:coral belligerents, waging a war of extermina tion on thi whole moequito family. Last eve nfeg several store. were °lased before seved ''n o'clock, owing to this extracrdinasi "rai This meting the country people came to market with their heeds booed up, mod flirting twine of lenlioS n to drive o ff the nnooydrig insects, oldie 'ter horses were covered with aspercgus breeches es a protection from the cams 1 to sslutatice as tri.ed meets friend. i. no 1 neerple•,ant day, this or, .•l.lut to see 3 , u , i l de.:o , ;" hu.; '!Did yna ever Feu An ything tignal to these noc,fooltos T blast 'em I" city' r gin rod left, riving no erg, veheinen.e to • ysy lie elo of the greeting—Se:cork iS. .1. Adtrrtiotr, Any. 27d. Etc ca tows ID Br 'gin= fittl in the Indtpertims 4 Belga the comp ere reihrte of the aloe:was for a new Chamber of lii , patieJ in Beigicria,w,bich w re 6 held an the th al Magnet. The *haggle was—le it alwe7e nte b,ee pleee the eetahitroment at Itaigian inda - dr r is lb:A—between the Liberals and ,tio C. era n:item ktive, or, ea it is more er!), ca.ied, " party." Bolero the dictate:tan . the th.l.ribere.l party reekoded ty z,no voter, and the iCathelle 11/7 itmen. The- lett .tleedotest party, by 6.0:0t.<0, hid boea sa.e to it tidar the ratidtry of the eittilp illa•M '20411, itt d thee h4G bri•a!ht i.a a dt,or oa. Thir edtcdon eras et mutt *l5OO taagel itistereet, el eeti re • a deraded bidteliy fribera, she nay Chamf no, t: e Cathati , party has rely 1 dibuties, sr d ti., Ltherals w II refsr, Da Use Dt the first 113t.ItttC4 proposed by the yi rioes party will be o metered Ito eau..,, o f dot ll,* of she large cilia', wiiteb tot naafi; erisliestm ir te.teg rhs , Lieei t el titeket- Thee the co,j at , . be eha.liazabiy un,l. rs,o.nEl to ;eeerni lo••tingt ni to get' I. Opt liable t. l,tirafs,"lts-ebenti bielda, this Nice ~,6..0 n csins,:tte regimen: . n( see men, exi mei item cocs tct county. Tley think, by n little °Del.,. tees On be n0c0mp10 , 1,6 3 , tad that they eon put la 4, field oat tb , 11,v1,1 moo lahn f mud up trj the tte.6',l,regiments. Vat) ~t. `.:ravrr, t rt t -t . ch M tt 10eir 76,16 lust ctrnreop them, and that the regiment , shall bare toe Ft-le gs:4 of sinsit?"SP fiOiti ftileart, La, W.1.9. 4 %1111 - TestiDg there +she COCIII/Slrad COL.. T;., s g, 3 tegimeni rr:thed neder•etzteectit Ct. -oonaitiont. Not a minis to be tilloietni la it iebire the law rotegetisse linblo te the dud, It VII to entirely :elaarp smart »C ttherpceitinn'of the W oe Itapertstent ere 9n tc be o give iba cete,rt d sulaier , s. fair Awe, is night be writtlt tip the eineriment whotlcr they re capable trt. a:A:Wand St esti. 4e. nd ov Fetter opp:rtuei:y then 'oe giver the o tee t the, ft -Orff siol it the presont tn. aute.— 'pr, Tkoctoo montions Pao tfooLlt of $ bi:j at that pit,: rent , i3 by fr.,inout tirtilt:n4 in impure:writer. Ile'sibsor boa' the poison tlari,.igO thd okin oatseh, intuit& he d.ol , twp sleonnin. Snub writ where boys in ponds tn,, !,pood Lid4n t uppli'of ICOATens end not on lo d 4, 4 0 310 r, the outer becomes sus •t and pofeoureas. (IVMen.hte himoodlir ceumarr.—Tbe • .rrillaa Of MISPOOrI M. 0..% l r ost geeing tee!. doenz. E T ,r,qne !belt Ilea. ILKeeraO, cor toe' now tintaisaitel7, 'trial by a military colimieeiortratiilf_prx•lhrrbewa of bit haVinA , od ad s gr.errillo,be 13 rooterwid to he ' h o t or bring, gapers:ll4l:e fetter.; 31s. 1.313 of $ more Will /lof ber t.. the penalty a Cdo 1473 or. E•Al00 um • .trt. . . - --- .A Fsv d.. 7s crow 6 oorrespondent of the Ar. F 0113104 a akliaan In Onondaga donut,' had . 'nlpeloned 040 . ,I,lncoln because of the heavy 'lnitiate allOte emelt:it:poets. fThir 1e.t0.0 1 - bk. 1. grsat 1:3497 miserly wretohosi who thinh-wnre of their par., than they d.) of their ; arlin', wm:(l4 ecento their rose to also a air. V AntafPoinNtlgtil- her '' C• 1110, Bops. I.—Au ttecciant from White river says the country along alien with guerrillas, who fire into all passing boats. On the 2:14 port of Joe Shelby's rebel gang at tacked cur force! guarding the railroad butwaon Derail'! Bluff and Little Kock, and captured all the :.;th Illinois, occupying three stations. Cul. Mitchell is reported killed. Shelby's force nos threatening Derail', BIOS and :St. Charles. The rebt.l 1:1611.01:11 Buford fe preparing an other rald into Western Kentucky. 1116 1111'111C° guard had entered McCracken county. I Gin. 11,3t,.,11.M. has Issued orders to repair the Charleston and Fulton rallroad, in Missouri. • . THE lALAIIASSEE AT 1\ IitINGTOX, F: .uogemenhivaticel►ot Betwem the Gunboat and the I ollatt asse e. SUFI CP THE PIRATE STEAMER k. • two stoty brick hen.. spring lo tow, barn, ell In pot! order, also • fine or. chard of young trees. mostly u,aring. This prop .rty, tf date:, divide.' Into two, or lour arcrian• to suit For terms, apply at ths Reel tistate an! to to slue cane of U. en Hdlg.:J. f Batter strost. I..werenosr VOR SAI E—The ceruntrs seat of the Dez (.1,1• Ularustap, one tat , I u.= the .111.,,1.rcy tlom.hfy, rcaa, lug •Ist•ett art , . In • h F 7 a:a.ts of mitt:ragtag •e.. 05..-casal with fruit tree,•hrobtary , Sod t ar :I unia•Lsiu lettb u al. To paritna sur.ltleg tm r;ll property. curattlatu, ad, a., sauna., healtb laud good rt.a,a.l the alawe c.f. Tv,. Cr er...rxuA coca LIM IP, me.ute • rulaal for rurther p•rticule, toqntur 01,the uta.v of Ma. aAV ratI,COL.S. , ol r•rar Ault lu.d E. A. La)UCIL.AS. Vi 0 A SALE AAA' AlSris2nr-hmif or wt.!: of an Oil Ifennor7 and .t . ...noza Bar l);11, ii.b.t.on onA or. boll nor.. of ground; an [fano:tau-ant cil i a OD the we= ...Oben:La vork.4. 1111,..... ettonnoary mfcc Einnr and AV. It C., n. .r Tn. B...finery ot-o .00 ..! bafW. Tx. Son it In sister • Aid order. ssi ...nil af:tore.l. o. tr.• Goo - .! I n.Pty for Cnilainn ror parsioulnro call On Sno oncoronzoca. •LTDAY d cEitourvssino, se. f l oad rt:.t.ergu, Fn. WWI SALE---12 rto acres of land. adjoining roarLeld. plai to of LS arr. belay Jac['. Ban, (routing on liallroal, and otoo error. o.rto Gits.dole .tattou rituatod for • plea. 10 .at country toms, with a river and ra-lrual tror.s. tam Ica. Yoe euqul+• of 0. Bru,oooo, No. 10 Lrismmd, eltr FOR BALE—Ai Aladdin On W orb, Crsde Peerolenra Vaasa. la prime ere", eutemtatisttly °cat at prime timber, ce long ha else. mad will contain some Stu Wrote each. et lIISJ he cede as the liellsgery Assest.en 0, et the Mee In Plsudearitt. BBINNION, JOHNSTON 8 WILKINS. layalttl Ox BA LE-150 Antro , of Coal. aino 120 1' am. Cl fiord coal In po. I No. t also ocua dim mai an? railroad and other irapyrronentr :a good wort, War order In ,00l No. 3; one sd o a the Yonntdoghony 011 r e, and Oonnellarllle liallro Enqnln. et IdARD, ane tlnd door Ire= VI In 'la arard etrort— VOR SALF,--A gond Carm conteoin 1: 112 .1.11-75 dearad 1.41,e," eu tlrti t. n: lei 1•42,, fr.:andbaxclt„ Stti..r.le3 twat tsilroo.t, mar to Darltu,toti, Dawn mucky,. Apply to 1•45.6 B. 11' IA Il+ - 103 irourti. strowt. )1( SALE,—VENIS STR.—_ET Itb.Tl.—ruc Uttclt D-4 , 1 onofain• Ina No. P,ab vr•tri lot, b..61111{, fro' , of "at (ma 6 loch., rttortma h4eb 11 0 fe., I.r. wto's &Irv. sto,w, larettAnir locstion clutE,O,cturing purwer... Yoyya , . of win,: T. A. MeCt.;:t.t.,ND Vt•th •UL7\TRY PLACE FOR SALF.--Con- N. tahatiip rii, ila a_nis, on% and Soul, , wi t h Alltmoy i'l3T, 33.. a. 666 Purl. Pimik c ii.tall mimic -ow. cm 11.• . S. sin VAcii, 11,666.r.6116.666,6 tram. •cis 69 ticiartli ....- liurtr's R. iiiiing. _ ----_ ----- U 0 rA LE.--FA lap.. -4 go ~..A. Farm o f _V V. acm ft i We. Alt), d—elliai 10.c1 ,, Asrn, on. • •,,, b. ; .13 arra. la v/1'1:101.11. rem *IAN , la coca tmt.-r, well watered, ..ltrais an thn IhallAst.,•ra ro*.t. II m ha tr.. E. at iAllert3. -.a (MO A farm la nraTer mmity far sala. Also TVS. Les I matowal. aaAl IS CID RESET a SUNS. M M FOR BALE, tram MOW 74.9 03 OAK T 1.0011,1 11 4. KdariorAti DoUGLAS, Pons Btrmt. Lugaire at mat, s vu VOR SALE . —& farm containing 116 A.' scone, situated in Eitiovrdno toolunitt, “3 mile from Gipsy's 111.111, *ad ten nsilca from Pintabconn. Ma tams is wait eatorol and la • Toad sista Of cultivation. for twiner oartionla.. -, Inquire 0 the pa-mimosa:Of thannbor 1. a. srmreo N. son. M ona, •• • Fokt• hEyr—A FINE STORE iik3oM, th Dwelling I.lld Bto t r l a,on lot ntroro th• ,wid, net Peden! •wwn I.ller`wil V. i l / 4 ....&A 3n ,py•••1. °C°44ded 70111 • Afle:herr tn. L'OR SALii—COCNTRC RESIDENCt eve ELT. WASIIINOTOL—A. D.tallna Mau r +las, glib • good stable, oaring aril ai.:114- •i 4 • w ith G s,:rindi chat= at I gra pea, ot3 rnht•ry, La, ppitwaloti on tat at Oatabar neat. •ari S. CLlTrlitlialtr NONi,tt Sl•rtat et. 1-4101, BOILER .• 1 .t 134 we power ZOO:. crtta lotior, Vt• .; by or 12.+ , t, riperAlm ty cal= WittUS a• -• Wit JOEIEV , TOV A Oil ' • FY-21 12 1116 40 (1'.0 1, -. , -v. f.lO, a ream,, vev-tt cos halsking bar ..4 , 4111ca„ , rat rill by e , . Si dart.otst. ~iiTogml•E!TEt. _ la A. 16831101 k teClUidad., JO SUN, avrtibarr.lf.f:kr-t.s.=', 6.tgl C.B LAUTititiED-801.1)11.115' CLA-111 6G2514:. . • Boon tiiqs for WouraiSaii , ..nit toiler-4M in tn= ten o der. tor ea.. kin, SI 6BL FT ST £ itttbn -0.11 with ditch.rici on4l two vitae... dei.Gils Nroaa W. BRAVER, . 117.T0111M1Nt24.A.W. 1:44. 104 Villa Stn.; ritqbaran, ros Chia,. fur PLISTIOSS, LOCIEST. eRMS v*.gcrounly KAT LLFFUN Y, ATTORINIEY.A.TarLAW,. Le al Imams prompt , ' stvisatl to: Ito rotreali Grsah Ms. Ni021,9151E , 1 1 & GAZZALWE FITLIBI3 WU. P. ' Ha OS SRAM'S sTRIIST. visas • 4. C0W , . Q S. C. ECHOYER, At del n 10. tarp. Mao, o, 121,11%grth itstr. , F l3 .f a rr. b. *4l PILF2S-Z1 60 T 6 PAPfill; £2 IH CLOTH. .• The author of Eitertio••has diaptsred her noimaq* abet t, In :tit nukeA. t Org. 01 0.3,.• rare ortMe4 twos that thtir spueurar at bud be ih- thorn y tky. a .ark like tilts cannot ran team its mark tip tociely and no enntially mend it to snob of our read re es lore • malty getianyi boa_ Sh e de deals her Moue right and ieft-4I•1 ipt slog the deceit and Salle. of fashionable oesVilii imd itioniceitieg lemons that emu Mau wham o. e.vrirla. must thank toe fr. This • r.n. bale nuer.acd then book. and one which ohs ileum ItellplieLel true upon the popular tablet. Ths publisher* Willie hand their part liberally and we hiere hem one at thekz. handsomest and best lanes at tbe suud at gii! *moral day. ks eels* by nut} tree of oa=potfott''perit.'' Loo PM4 f4 HENRY 1111 E% 1.4 n 73 117tH ETLISET,-nekt door to V. a. snlY KINGS, QUERNS AIND ;5- NATIO F Ld L B S L T E Ed V dLB.Y W O HZ ENO U GH! so .1c Our ■Wua.l Eagles. Shields, Stars and Flaga KL1E1110.1.5 Wl= v3IIPLIIIIS UNION PLAYING G&W* M GODDESf Of LIIREETT IaSTEAD Of CIIFEIO COWSINL INSTEAD (11' SING. MAJOR Ltib TEA D of JAGS- BT rel.. Cyr:" are pet as, ta I 1 vat N W. PI T T 0 01C411 rinT 1 WIESER, OPPOSITE 'EELS. POSE 074 L ty. QC11(10L R. OR6 USED IN . THIC VB. SMALT VOLLViT.: . i , sorid's PP. Hers emd Headenr, Ft &aril's to h br..etAr; Ilitchsll'• And Urlialley'r GeGgraybies; Tinier' • Or eircitosar . i iw Omer's rbri .1007, lis)s A7gebrAs;.74 , A Vi rvatur s History; Grr Al,ai's 8 thorns. 1,1 1 Jol,rtoti's rhtio , ptly And Clarculastri; ri Nett. es Dcors.tic Trourtny ; . UvEc's Monti: Philo.° ph yt ?Ic. Istarrk's Ls Hi roots; ~ - i. , -, /wow la's TrAoch Bonk.; ....a.....j % Wroutrary'r Germ , . Bouts, eta: Pctorl, rtatt-rery, i .1, - .r. 1' , .... c. - r) Books. ••-•.-- Eold,r, $1.1., Irk. era Tor sale rii ` At ;10 illeS. O. liz.LLoa. St wo.i ii*,y; .ams. TENN YtiON' &NEW BOOK. ENOCIEI ARDIGN, I Vol. I 6mo. Price, 91,211. 54 W 154 .1 / K. , —.. ' l _ ITenets...4's Enoch erltiu 444 icher 2•444. 2. Tt..« 61..Lomatiilb, or Shihoy ..1411 Ailyiluts,ky WM Gilbert. S. i if Sacrilloo by astbor 4 •• Margaret ashlasovr, 4 Arse vi. 17114 , 1.1 E Pre•e4it. -r 6. OW le the ‘4 „ rid, by T. 2 , . A «tiler. :44 I Fr.. 14 Calm Co_ to :Alit TrulriltZ. lire. 414.461 e. 7 lb« 8 , 4. of r,r. 1110 U Pray , tr the Par/taken CI arch, t rve , y nVir.4l il.. Poi' mitt ba 140 i.i h!_s it 4 CC,.. 65 4Co.i_ SCiiiil.q,ii..tidoia.aaETEXT BOSS tv F Al , the variant TEST BOOE3 wad la 'ANTI F 14, Is VDU o,4Legun SCILWOL BOOKS A.FP SCiitOL rrAnoassi. v red., coostautly o° to.; lood "r A CA.Att74 a co— „i YB AY d• W. Fkok.geters and idcatlosens, 1.111. N 0.66 Wrcrt , rem; nen , door t6llloCor#, Pirtsburgh.6Cllool. and /..14_1 60 0. 6 on band. .Trr !men tdrr exto4 R. uiszt Lw!:1/4N oirriatc. ; , 190 LONGER Ot.i6l:lSte the eta In the DS.POT, 13,.1ved by DLVIS, OLtalta wnon'tiii.e. MAN k OJ.„ 65 , FIRST CUSS CARMERN, ptWs fu tho bIOET l'A.6l3lol.l.Llait ar..4 iy z,gT i 1 • &et do - ern do call apen, H. t. 1111 E fI6ICRLXI TAWS, • OoUIL or rratt LEI QLAlU ernib. Imirejoare eemitz-4!3-1 • BL JCS: "W. H. ritoG-E0 -•,, 10 VT: CLAIR ,1t344.E1ET17, Wtell can thrl * atrAtici of tcreertb 5 1s amot d eMs Ti T.s.s torn ractk./ leth Vibit WO. tat. 4 1 ;4.r. Da Jug an el bell:ca. gisztslt ruce t c.d., will awe e::11 4 , 1 etarace aft* 6„ Liw, Also, C 3 It fen sla 'T.441,36 ttaa# FtirtilShi7tt GOO • Vir ' 80. in 8 t—Catt-tatre4L rtV'k.; BOYb'biITS Idte DILA Vesl3 and gantsl; Duck Vests thliPantg t 1:5111TIal TtST Burro* arl244,tosaafr.. ttirAltEriri:WlE,. Dian pacol ASD IdiI&ICAL niVIC*I;II.: Er}WM s okra rotaLLIVNE:: twig Wend door &WV* wend, riew erm liancd-te tekvtito esiNtlve to.Tel'e-77-5-1:1V truC, xilL‘ L . ,11 "10.1; RITPILTI,XENTI3,- 011318, 11). :P i er ir o . 67 Fottotrzoot. Ptttsb , l7.3l ilra*t trix;,-4), DEANS, .1%.•J Nc• M - ate „ _ r „,ok o i joes vtasawd anon!. ,r1•WI • I :I'•4 - • •