andk MM3DAT SDRIZOICALIGIaIf,3O,IiM COUIRCIAL-: BF. IMAINIAL Baler of Stock. and Bonds, iiiiit — aid aidlyf..:Aiii.itikti,4.e,h 6.. I+7, • . ite ROBINSON NeCLE.tal ,a. CO., istir.,'l4.73.d , rchange 31:11comeri, 4: ' ''''...4 - it. ' 900111TITEITHEET, Who bay and sell. a commlaa. only, 11.1, Inn. Saws„Oonsa Gas, nalhahl sad 011 sta... Governassat • issib l tU4s of all kinds on band. • Par rol•• Off] itelt.l Balm 761,4 50 Exchargr......,--- •-- 71 May, 60 08 " ' 50 Plitabargb " 4 60 Ali attNe . ‘ 1 9 6 00 Iran 6 IpU 50 M GO 4 rida 11 0 rtitlnattonaL-.-110 Thlrd 109 100 Timid Netb.l,-.lto 100 Fli t Nat.— 110 50 Ilimahrstar sarLog. 40 , 4 1111.10AD1. Atlrghaay 14 BO t nal ..... - - 7i 100 Iron 114 100 110 60 CkmllsllmUle.--.4.-- 50 . 416Itaterta 60 1 *; - -40 6 ill 51.mcbrate0,05 10 66 14 Rizzataglum ..... 40 OAS. 60 VI t . ISt% 31! 1311711ECE. 611 ci 12 63% 39 76aaostahela.--.34 60 Atutto ;AL; 90 Pitisb 26 Allegb 27 116 ny ao 25 25555ngsbas ...... - — EeJi 102 t. C11125tract.—...45 --- GO Hasid 25 ' OIL 0001"..?.11P3 EM=E!! IIY North Amotint..— _._........._.11%1f IslceU IS 10 AM g6en7a.nd —1; 105 aq 3., 15 . 15 RiMMEI 4 TIM g o.l3lccd hut b BOOS ^ • Itirteny °panty L do &rip rd..— Pitteba , ..... Allegteny City 103 do is B.lkg'dy V.ll R 105 do •,Ed m rt IW Conaoltville Ca— 63% M:ll==El Sba strok , tasukst rooostrel w.testhat from the do pluton of Saturday, tbortgh vs learn of but few saes. In bank shares we notice no etunge. Iferchnuts efferod at CZ without buyers. lie sale, of n B eta or txt4r. The Philadelphia markot rooavertd 31 per starts on Thad/ NWmPatarde9 The markete th-re •yrdiratteaut with the Orontes in an iocremoi Napo altlemhold for mill higher priced. iVe quote 11% b.d, 135aaird, no more. . Ws make no riadrie In quotations for low priced, nen. dividend paying aborts. Sales of bleming or.d Rood farm of EN. and ronsi lerable enquiry lot Nor st,k at Weak No ohoope to government... Gol bri,,:og 210. The material docile, gold °scent ^,n,11,51,1t. CUM:WiIt to the Nen York market pmt rdny, and 01,1 the leading articles of produto dtellood rn o Con r [mat tidal . to Ploy tents per barrot. Weekly Review of the New York Pe— trulam Market. 4geporlud Ennui,' fur the rittsbaret Gazoct..) NEW Yotc, Aug. 27, 1804. Dorieg tte early port of the week the market toe-both Orode arid renred, bond and free, ruled Lett though thene ana co marked change In prices. The market opletequently =led dull and beery nowerer, and picas declined laic a pollen. The demand for export has been far. hot the difticalty In getting clearances of bonded 11112 proven:bet thlpmenta and tretnaustione in free htirohline restriczd by the extreme views of holders Thir market le eery 1:0 0 01 end undouldelly eel , / ho meth the esd Id the month. when an izzazaamo Hooter OVitiatra he are h 100 ••autt,C.' Eu:o therr coo fails= le pteilr. d tint the redden whence of Orittle fiete It to thettabled the pelnripil spdonlahr to oozed e bake =dont at az 515,211.1440 prietz; a n Clew of welch 1113 not Isepotailde that he may he enabled (by repu able:a' itUnthell his oblisailrne,clatitraCti 5m0,4,4 by min) to eirstker the *ter,. The day of t" Is autheni_li y awaited by the entire trade. Theatre and resales of C. xds for the week cemprie about .ZtriD bbis, cbieky daring Monday end Twzd at bean 43 Sr 55 on the Opal. and ell the month —ens 1i5a513416.2 heat tritxtb, moos dell at Mr on the spot. Std . .", 5.55:4, Lei beptireetr. Of Bribed is bend the as.. feet no sheaf 10, OS) for lane fat denser/. or beicre the let proximo, at Nara tor Frisco Dab: CM" to oblte, florloj doh ac..l 15[5555.11.55 1 .. teethe .area ceartelie 11.063 bide et 13.dd en the eetit fitkiaiside fee olo.ember, to loiter loChl Obi* torreiresneer wiailb the ranks. The =stet clzied doltaxidiconeinal at efattie. 'eat ale! feature .• tat. great firm ea. la Nopitta add& fa ha d ral;! , Is.: bight, oud-r the btAtar that It Via itttta TF.c. take, of at-tnt Litt bat. hair, D'art .a4e tit ea tt,fts..f, ta`m , t't : tni y • d at fie cheat BosUat Wool Market awl consnmptive, no well as slight mem leftte demand for smol, and the ma-hot o , Ctionce to iatt.lay , ty fall prices &srore holders are free milers at hscurrrs_t go. Wiens, co .nties open rte practicability of tiphttiad thsdr Limbo before polo.. hem trot hands RAstl materially advance.; trolls ostacre ate with. bolding s ps.t. es In rnarta.t tho Pap.ree-. flan rf "re, y icing 0.17 ler,e ,re Istrimlen tin assn.! swarms, Urn.- mad t . orsl• • dolevolae. hat ire ci nsy roily • Its to the imsnonato In o e, tb•y- to- -s r,ist es, . p.n. un•s Is ado ,cory of e in wool mem to truptle itee exliesissele of coressrto too end th before the noon 01 , 011 the cot pt. es ill r,,. .t,o,t, .ud tedhtrt re • f the fosihsgn stsplo via De oils to contro, -the market - Lt phi. ear the woo' real mostly upon Waste or toolsum llyory. which h. son yds:lvens ths _ told tnkta t„ tole will 1"-ore kng clitege to floY gip!. (Or inetefictara of Spriog au I he to the tatter grads rte dal coo slam.: so not par . '!1,6Vr041:i4, be isysida (antra wool, which cralny, to th. cast o' I.hgVetittliii. bah Iftely been ior_olle to c mat*. ito he 'd.lneriti article, there are fed- stmt. of the hetet nod ' thee dealreb e dettet“Vzre lilree4l.y In the 000017. 'bleb bete cosreiit in the haute ot 0100.10 h wens, and arlllasot bs pot smon themash t until yricys - oyse sip to • rameneratCh- staidard - our turei,e wa.4 Llll , .te;lTLlte r.fixll,ll =lake •,2ti asks. d by the 0"004.7 it ingescp, lest the Intl sales send con. itambilen we, ex;enied 0., be very Moor. The anieloofllotnealle wool for the we k fwt nn some Sio,ooo Ms, at a range of W 1 st'sral ids V, Use., and Ila .11131 vs for isop.r and ratsy. polled. The 1.0.0 of th trenshclione se, at 31 eeee.ral tery Ineg, Ite of Ohm and laic/vitae for d6lsiolug Is. !MC lore s al tlikouthids lo Llestadt. •stal 10 odls sty c orsoms 1.0,te.0 de at 1 43%. nressga. Ohs SWIM have tens lay 11,0 d, loels.aak ran. i lots of Cape Atlfbatusd Ma tit tat rte It Co* m rned an losisinvernsrut In the de .111.11 d. Imdllttcr at the doss. Thursday sod Friday ani infrared anilvlty, tutting. in some ex aliment la rho marital i 7 .1. - ‘l:h • a:Med advance in ' die" in 'al 'abbot Ir. 013 ihrs &US :aft on thipto oh 1-af. ay tbar.stsokat 1:411:11104 liet;os steady and Om tto dug W. buoyant St the oonnitr, but - Whiand reltcll toward tho attar Yesterday the anarings outir litdosi, au; the ae ens.l wad ,nth r . latguld',lond yol co ;ngt to: Te o d pi• r.r b I bat rob ..,10.71.`dy - Jdar , r; o Act,: c .1 if Welted sr; • td...r .lasiy _lama sd • s. re lietaariot.roort,-. -,rr. • d 5 0 :: .p• -lib to fa:t; a =III II,: I 7 AI., o: I , •• • - 1 io t• et III.Pr! sod h cis Gra t I,Sui oravoica tad taut., I,rb , bh. %V. per Cp to 'flea, bOors yotarday 0100 *Ol.OOl the twat tomcats-0i I -.*- Itbds.alidttitho route Late thin Cu SESol,doweta rr-Joot• -04, Oy whlett g/catlriamber /.../ lobo., we..., - ..,,,,,,cy o tarday. To day the mash,: rll. - ahrtiOldg.leaf Va. inactive crollowet. Or Y. fa ohia - :' - utal ;la cmi tibdisarers fleeted. naive .olude at -tt :crops Isyr, to Se; tog y 111.0 t0,15%0; coromoo i'graipa.fng leer Id to 'Sy Saadi...gado tin 0^ no; good cod to 343;S por Ito, sad tussasertsnaz teat at about litiftliOlaiprlfld•—Priev . , Eh(cage Merket—Ma[l [(effort. *- 1.90,4:,-211. decline In Gold Coved a dull feeling In Goo.totrikets to-day. sad Flom rlpl.ld !Mo. io Min/ logaocee. The &mind for Whoa{ vial light md tho soulto &Mood 2Slle per Umbel im spring, td IX° ca . Wintergrairt. The operstlma to lie. I :Spring ow. j 2,05. Po. 2 Sprtzt4 sold at • moss of from 41.9gsk ct , #lf Pg s likt $1,46'34 , 31,93. 'Motor WSfot RIM to fax,Tottrst for olltraxszt,ao..l•4:d CL E2,t53.41.8 :or No. 5a,j!,10,9 4 . 4 .1.1 fui ked. wo. eery fills denials 71 , wr owing to tb• ll ' ' At Innlred d6mand. Wtalte Wints 1.1.; .. ... - -4 11 . 31 %E r al 1734• pool to - n[4'oe SpricelSztria 41 frcen $lO 50®1a,75, and goring tinperena at rrnm 01,15q5.5.n, inquito br Corn was Ilybyand the marker. to- -pact leper kddalt , C, with &wing &allot 1 , 0 2 to Eon sat 03,19. e 4 'and nominal. ...I , llW4StanAll ler Oat. was naod.r,ta.:o active, and the : 'partrwir Iran caster. About lon eno barbel. ban' 11 fit tagrlYe. for 110.15 4500340.1tre 4 7 6 :t r" r .4. :asud tel lrin g 2 revM I,wlll lat . shle. No: 1 irolA at $1,2241,57. No, t to et .re ouect2,ll - ,--prlncipally at-tae itnldo prim, and • - , 7).idetted It1;10.; , - "7 tut is - - to - iictl‘n - resturat wod stead) llsmatirede. at $3,70 l o on r Hlgltwitut veers dit , l amd - noglentsat, =1 to sff.Ai salsa boldare b.nre bad t*subealt to a docllne. Or sts annWir r4Aive oxildtulTd Dwatoi;Sht at 41.,75 izram The blito'Faire , esTe:—.l24 , eix!crcp Is attreofitir ifsgro.ttnin. cur. 131.0 .4V Lilian 112 Ohl° /It fhb tine DWI forptii Iltde maths err& The be row Ors nulls And all milli of the State will greatly sti=ulAto the lament or .z, and. rho .eranpeticra imonsi mar,,u'arittrors -40 P IriPtherriV 6 at; red anid'rtraw to • pry r - .. - errthrd; tir)trTnt ft...ecroy. o . l rt ol 4 lo Is *Tory light aptoilad smd role ror *par 49 come. We prreort pier Car itNd rorstrferiblr almfe "30 pee Magi. Tie via of Art red. oil le abne $1,73 ,jpeir V V inlla -1 'VA Ansporta Roomy tor se. Pittibergb Cleseited llinisab Await 92:11151 "The mural rarity nentlenw quid and WI, the de mand thr the touting articles being resteleted alma entirely to the wants ot the home trade, Besraineg wises tube the order of the day, and we do outlook tor npyinstartal lawrownitent to buslinti Wit after the draft t• mods. 0118.115-5915. rat la corning In Moro heoiy, and act , ' sal. of o•ma 100ar...:0 bust from oferion at 15.1 tor Red lied 2,10 for Whits. 19sta gulet and uso s. 9 89 ** now cop at 90 f om &VA sod outta tram aria of CIO boob prima old (root flora at 1 01 Ciro. Sole or 1 car libelled, on track, at 1,59; and 2 do do at 51,55 Bc ttlos is Elf or Bar'4o. BA CoN— La Dm tbougit tbo &mawd sr not rimy brlrk. 51 , c:olden aro now bold at 151‘.19; Gibbed Bld., 19,5 is 29; Plain Bazar 2051,81; Plato Galante:l 4:14 sad Bazar Ctlrcti'2lmn. PLOCE-The dmline In gold and the onfawarable ad. slots from Pew York, hen eased op the market mum wht t, and awe. le re Ilrtie defog that It le difficult to gioo q &Lona. TIO , Mock to tht. lenrket, haunter, Is very light sod tho ror.tpm 0005100. FLIVIT-Thr Is on Atlllog off In tho demand for Pinches, and t mewl! hitaulLag the rentlpta contlone tll era, the market may be quoted Arco at SO to SI por boshh lame but hiring sold at the above range. Op• LW .don and ..137 be gaoled acquittal at. S 2 to 2,50 per EGGS-The demand CraIItILIUGI fair, ant frtah peeked to' , rrae fly et 15e1a per den -mostly at le LAED-la Arm and la light supply-prime city ten dered telling St from 24 to "Lt SWEET POTATOES-BmM' Islet of N-w Army Sweet Potato., at 59 per barrel, But few are La mai hi:A#.l Y" LIAY- low active foal nominally nachattged -prime timothy Wilms USN peg ton. Oil r,E—Email tale. Of W. E. at 21ark, acrordlnz to emay. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Ann 79-7 he demand for Crude is loss mils. and the market Is doll and weak with • drooping tendenly, os log mainly to the material decline to grid end con tinned unfereralu'e aitions tram Now I"..rk. lin7intione may to fa'rly given at 07.38, bble returned; and Mill, bbls Included, will, a este of lit table at 37. ?here sp. ',ars to be no Inquiry for &lined, either bond or frets, aud while cbore M not mo •sh doing to establish quota ti- no, there le no diognieln,' the (set ih it the market IsNors hniers. liaptha It held et 1131041, but therejs tto dt mood. Residuum is quiet but steady vlth an occa olonal West 8 i,euae,oo per bbl. June 11.3.00 Illay 3 • 4,00 4 0 . 1 1 al • 4.00 A private dispatch from 011 01'y to day reports Crude firm there 10.112 per barrel, which la aer ral Tbe rreelpta try tba Allegheny river daring the forty elf,ht tre. ending this erenatng are ea Jae DI avrtbanry —'SS Coebralt....—.4 arrrortb....— Bern:nut ...... 61 &tick er R Ilaater ...... b3lll.ostrell It 0, St Etchnroroo, liart y s c0....22V, To a, New York Petroleum Market 4scial Dbipstoh to the Pittsburgh Ost.tte. Srw Tout. Ann= M.—Grade condones doll and prices have *pan dooltord—cLolng et 52.33, on the elm:, and 633 44 for September. &final In boot I. doll mad non:Oral at 6406,i. Froo Oil is nom Melly at 90. Dare bi on oborg, W auto In raplha. Clevehind l'lnrt ct Flave—Bsthaz weaker. Tke may sate r.yortad to. day Ira, 312 bbla law grede at 89.28. .at—tlorkas dell and Hearn Leavy. Ceder 3 owl No 1 red at 2,14: 1 ese rejected red at 2,1 C. C. re—Moderately firm. sales 2,140 Cu No co in.! at ',ad; No 1 hold at 1,3aal ar. O.ta—Fit to Lot gm 1; we, et .a.O ones at 730. cGrte quoted nominal at 1,6aa.2,00 for d prinlo. • by.—Noitleg dcfrg. Imports by Railroad. Prrmgracri F 2 W.'s% Ls], Cmosooß 8,4 n&m: 20- 1 oar atavra, a lable Lre c:Jy, 11 II CoMan; 4de do. 1) h0..0n A ro; 50tbla 1112banota. Dan .Valnice: 1 001. • Age, L, du apt loa, Juba Y o)d co, SZS apploy, to Las cloote, Vangcrder; LIU rolla leotbor, J Satn•ontrack tr; :56 bl• :ant, beak Ball; E!` OJc. awl, 5 Barbanel co; 10 bblo oil, 12 E 8•Ilnre S . ; 931an.001a, Uo , doll• ton A to; 112.1 014.5 &oar Bbomaktr & Lang; 10 , 0 boatiale coon, 131:AncockylIcOna ry 5 co; 1 oar meat, J., W.. . d 1...13, 1.5 Ina awl, S Hubei:kb & co; 10 1107 tot., IV Li K ilktra!riak & co; 1 tar enotal, &Almon a Ilan loo; 59 J Y 11 Laughlin; la Los lard 1: c at • 1.41.12. c foal & no; 5 l kg. rag•, t: miftey &•31are , kg• ..0000 etc, H Gocnig & co; 5 1.5.1 , 1 , 1 , 000., 8.7 mrra hr., 110•11,, FIT - PIIVIKU--E,I. A.{n+[29- Ir^ Iddre, t a KrtterAmu; 2 , 3 rka N . iron. Ir.ttnl lay; a Aar+ raga, Boma-4 & .dtrtil; P do 00dIrey& Clark. 7, bblnapplre, F Yan a. Urr . deC bra,,day; ta P. and., rhaaker 1., n 2, . ;15 ,11. 5,2 d ; .1,, Pit 45 p. R 7 d appl ~ Vvt:.! ,, d ,•; 701 tis floor, If 0 .2 ud..non. 9 • wt.. Bront.haa; 13 75,. p-or' narl. y 2 1; oat ra/. ;•rgl my, & trrian.p tar; y, J R., ,;I IS Ude 3 era La. Irre,Tar G Ar,rat root, 17, -1a onte,s logs butter, L 11 V•rght d rr; 13 nOl, , mi. t P ego t, A 5 do dr A ltubdeoralt & llorary, %Inds& co; 151 bar middlivgs, 1.25 do bra., Irl-td. Id la lard, CCak, Pat[lt & co, 75 LA , Lt apPirs, 13 12 r tll et.I.I.III:LNT 5T17102. a , - 5 Ll.l, 011, A C Tag gart. k rn. a n.Csr, 'Am rnnpl: A RIR,. It. J d.. do, J Lae.), rn, ,113 , kina d lades 0[ I ecn. 1( a• as into by end 10.1 , r mg. Hoer. whowt. K n n cl 3 d La,: o bb.s rpr , en tanus d Finn? Ii 00110,0: kris.r.4. 2 ca. .VC., 2 dodo, 01 .gg A A le, cc!, • 1 e c , 39 lA.!, 3 rni,s, 30 Ang , l . , 19 do spr on 0 I`y -r: Ipl tr.o.,r .7 t.xe en, re. A!, c bb:, , nr, Ida •Inegnr. Am. Lipprt. Imports by River. LC" F6Vat.r. ra k'slak 01.1.15 , —l±/D bbla d"ar, 19t pke k0..1, 6F cud, to:" tle.rk & r 0; 1.1..k,r4 101- 1•614 Eximrsk e, l,b s 1 kr, ,o 3 I.llotay c , 'J k•g9 hatter, 91 VA* &W.., k 61.4. h: 4 do de. 04,1 k • Isent,od , :15 rnile lentbrr, 11.4.t:.7 & f161..a k k: do to, /1416 Bklrdj 10 d. r brO Al k 77 Lb'. 011, J.,4 1.141:1br. drugs; I.leode oo,a, do, J Herder. 1:5 d , ./ 1.1,0 1,11:64,a, J• 1 1141 k E. 11.10., Ibb , Mr.," , skf ye bolter, F lan, rd.r; lot .no-iro44, STE.4.TEBO4TS. CINCINNATI AN. LOU- R.N . ! LLE.—The Eae stoarnor A l'Aptaln Jr. MA - n , c vlll Dare sal abuvo oe T 1.3.2 4- r A ,oth fwd.,. 4 o'elo..k p. oz. For fright or pos.age Apply on board or to J. D. I,..II,LINGWoOD, I 4.0ti7 JOIFIN di. kCif.. Arnt.s. Itz CAIRO AND T. _Tb4 tr. n' otter tarot:, WAVANITA, Cspl 8 Shamso, will -.6.. for awl Itaterao.d., port. Wilt DAY, r a• 1. J. D. CI ILLI , O'NOOD, Act( .10111. ti FLACE &rots. MA.X.ELS TIOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, N..). trans EnVEL, CILICTEI:ED Own daily fru= 9 iv e debt, alto Ott W..1t.P. , ..? afE , ottr.inv vv.:Avg", ne.y Ist 9 Nowt.b." or , ett.d tray 19,761tber Ist t.. LLS Lai it , . W 6 Dopoette reortredcf. or thole tor t.. thou or, 1 , 7' :et sod • dlrtitrod of-tho prod.. declared twice J , [l . Jun* wad DotePhtter. lowers , 1.11 (meta declared semi-eaucterty, In Jra, and Ihettemb,r, eincethe Deo.. was orgroththd. rho ret of eh per ttoola yes, Totem., tt rt_tt draera oat, 23 Nezt.i to tti,