AB4ISI - lED IN 17,86. by null, per psi, to bi,14.1)... 68 60 NY oil *PAU; " 6 66 " for three " " 1 06 THE CIICONICIAL ler ;treeki.fefivared by Per yaw, to Advanoo, mat by m0i1.... filz ‘n , Q I U I, .. Time tdettiti, 7IIE COII3IISIICIAL. Per 'hit, dialysed by cams ~.----..._. OS If.F. I Seance, rnt by man— ix months, " " " Ilato conntho, 41 (11S-ErnfehVOCIATION. Pohnee, Evening Chronic',; PIITOH➢HCH w6P AHD ITINTI.E4O.6OOIP &NT. Reading Matter from Yesterday's Evening Gazette. Sail War 111 ladiaba Threatened—Cop perbead Pint. [Gornspandsaasai tat Oila.rnaatt Osman.] la - Dierarour...Augani 19. :.Fads just come to light pot a now face on the Add 6f the State Central Committee of the Democratic party. Its session of two days and tights ere.) i.bini4f - pirPleilly and peril. On the cno bond was the defection of the Yazoo wing of the patty.. from 4ta,-notn-tionunittal Dominoes, whieti hod assaltoed such alarming proportions Mut+ .611 a remit Orcan proposed revolution at coca. Minna were pritsent et the meeting of the Coirtiftrei . rani% Co - ogres:men as Voorhees, wbo, more than a year ago proposed to tattle the Issue between - his friends and the Government by the sword. Joseph K. Edgerton, of the Fort Wayne district, was_ also with the_coporedttee. Oa the Bth of June, 1863, he, denotenottd.the alarnsid and Ilsecall policy in Ohio and Indiana, and said t "The epd of those acts of despotism must - „ T ime, either by Mr. Lincoln's atiminigtration wholly abandoning them, or, kq awkruristance Oy Oepeopleceen -wait death !” Saab- were the Mee who met to squelch the echeme for revoluan planned by the Sons ot Liberty, who fired the 16tliof }hid month for, seiziqg GorD-nor, dtiorton and-other officiate, getting pose ersion of^the Or sends, liberating rebel prisoners, establish • tvistaed •government ond thug arrajlais the itharest In rebellion. illingham of the &mica, and Eistine, State Au stittdcr=dell47.ubtant;oll4tti.olcmr,teet wore not in its inner oltolo, end did not know of the plot. thlnDonaldiretnrcied from the North on S otar day.-1114iniet. 4ite Cocinatttioiand B. H. Dodd, abd C. Walker, State Arras at New York,_ were calisti_btfora_th.em. 'At first. they warn dofiant, but admitted theta revolution had been planned. Athon was to be Provisional Governor. The Or der was to strike eta:to same time at Columba, and Cincinnati. Ohio and Chicago, Illinois. That they hod ro.nintly mat Souders and Fiecembe et Clifton, Canada, and •,vreed on this plot. Me- Donald ached Dodd: "Dow many troops do you thiok there are about Itailnapolib!" Ho sae ewer • Pa: ,t`4l7.ii few-invalids •nd retero.ns.'! "There grasinottgh,. Bald _McDonald, to whip you and elm out your whole o:der in the State." McDonald and others of the Committee, pro tested against resolution_ nov as madness, and prevailed on Dodd t tend a secret circular, by virtue of ids authority as Grand Commander, radering the various Lodged to dosi.t iron revo cation nes. The circuLtOnts rent, and the 16:h passed off without the roiedittion planned by the Thist revelation throws new lighton the advice of the State Central Committee to the Copper heads - to form opencarmed organisstions, and proves that the whole intent I. to put, in the nemo' of law. arms in the hands of Deat,crats, anti then etUlke themitilloi of thti order la a ratiolittion which has been postponed fora more convenient opportunity. Meantime, these Cop perheads will strive toy a provocation for civil war. Right in tho boa of bleDonald's knowledge of the e,4•04e.0f Otis fieerst9rder,-•24 Its in• tendadVevidution, Vibleh-stbii•durtand Is post poned, be asserts In public that he knows noth tug about ,it..„,Tho disolasure also proves the .PlMtrieftr.'"".Z.OV.E r zidsrs It ea., shzut, trhu:s solo tileet in their stay at edften, was twat - range for a rebellion In this "Northwest Iziso learn on undsubtui authority that one Of the delegates. to: the etutturo ye:lnvention, from titer Eighth District, a Intalis tan, states that terms of peace from the rebel:Government will be submitted to that Clonventims. Bare Your OM Newspapers. Peper•stock dealers pay eight cents a round fa" old newspapers in good condition ; the um- Witt can bel:rade over into whit:sprinting pa p • er,aid the greeter the supply the lees will he ;the increase in the price of the new sheet. EVka's Sp;rtt, -- ut this week,eays on this, points ~ 1u Europe a hotel or housekeeper nerver,thinks r ef destroy fog a newspaper, or _of using it for purpoies. All over the contlaent and lit'En gland cheap little bundles of sticks (two or three for a penny), with the en do dippedla rosin, suoply all the purposes ie the way of kindEag, ieehith•oeuld . be potion:lced by ate tithed the value of white printing Tumour while Ahconser for paper .are met by.an interior brown. material, whiehln tNrL rtlestastnaptin.the printing stack. By this means the =slor part of the. original stock is preserved for reprodticlion,und the pries of the arbtle constantly kept dowel. By the same thrifty system p(.. saying old newspapers and handing - tlient. ones In.the Xi:Zen, who will bo glad to call at private hence, for them, nearly the whole market !took.rill kr, preserved, turned inielhitedicisird . ter:rods:Eel with the lose or:- Tainlic:f riot mere than-ten erg:foga per cent. Ender the pr !sent wasteful habits onkel public, needy the whale:entre:3 t-aditlon le now utterly destroyed, while the constantly exist) aguiflitC•the.X.ogre'rs - . 7.: : WAat (...raut 9 B-31ar,epaent .Dams. 04 the (AO of it, hiclate ;:noyetnent mime no-operation,Wlth aem-...Uutier's forces sion:en-i . gaged twenttia g 'the congunizatthe . ent'Datettfltp. , The- James river makes an ex-. ctraordinary 'bind -at :it.tsolot ;beginning acme] heltreofuren eff;end ?oreara-peninen- r itr ot e nrhich. theriley circuit is six. miles, while! :the neck of it is loeithau athird of a mile width., : :Tho i reziarchtlaknOlen.lls Partar's Teen& Ud-r der °lee of the !eland here beta Stationed the rebelgunboanf,:and yootti paltits of the, tiver'anoussi about ware took the obitrnitions. to the channel. To eat a canal through Datsh! ',-}3l. l ,.erifi leave the -abet 11 , et• high_and dry in the oh, rirer-bed--scppoliag they 0 1 10080 01 sie • forced to remain—and will open a clew cham& beyond - ob.trumfons.. , -It le, said that shore 0151 point theta hreflo obttaOliseirceot 'Fort Da-ling, to the pastego of our fleet up to Itlehmelid. Thalltiiite;teZnisiliainnne,lii, an enfilading; fire from their gunboats, and from the high; gratin:at. liewlett's bending, to stop the Igor! borers engaged to cutting the canal, hat at lest' — aecoutitlbe work` was . going els,. u nd water, it,isj win be let in this' week. The banintoq be.oht -t-hr.aati is -over fifty feet high. The , tamale to be about eighteen feet deep, whielt! v in. : neat tholes:gest Teasels we hare on the' James - Srforforraa =Neer Yittir•A later from New Yotti"116,11: The substitute• turbot. te:diti h - rather don; IffaiticomMl k hardly equal to the supply, and Ed#es lkectiSrquezott are 6 little ' , off " tfoir;fore good mpg, from WO to Sloe. A,parkerrat ,46:144;in to &salable supplies empeofedin the amine of the week, ehoatd fay.: gestalt tiles tarifhtelport Sermaprer. dos Lis:, wrpool and Hem - burg pitoliits. Agouti et Newi bank: Beaufort Royal, enttiotte to re+, Muststia!:mstberstatreeirribeirtirptrettsel lick stm, to-A/4410 i It Is trao, an , N faki who treat.tliem. must Rey mom! th,5h.4:1 5 4 or TaCte• Oaa Trt41.4114 ttillpiinfiVlt states the General • 66itimati Is ataklig *maw imp: tint .10100:Wait, "tourliel , . ttosod , alituir cq ocr snag, or to_ force him eel opeal Tor - battle: Veer•Vtartmin dou crim mibomatithat Hod hat bestrelaforee l ...-fromr-Vtigtufri - bat Li. N.J.-her bersrinatiesll ff } VW gardsontAe Zar cunt ‘-.4061, efsbufaiitpilrati ts f et 1-Al/4101-k,4l:.Lpv)varefieyittb - ti,474 l ' critratamstis44l. ,Itoposcil i ae3Wpasa manaraotatroor - Mahe for the America >aarkeß ~.~ x =t. la=l 141!w7 said Miceli.= To be SCR Noire or van Otuo Eighty-seven deseTterl from the rebel army nod ,fifty-one disloyal oltizeut from -Georgia, Tennes see and Alabama, were received Ia the city yes terday from the front. The deeerters will take the oath of amnesty, and the citizens will be paroled and sent north of the Ohio river to re main during the war. balsam's payola:lon is on a rapid increase, though the disloyal element from the South will not addmnoh to the patriotic beating of ths State. iTescaroely know whether to congrattilite or sympathize with our nottslar ftiends.—Lotii,os7ic Ammo:, Aug. 17. Ir to ennehtly reported the% are eagle: mate of Eutem !Toone have been teat by the Adman's • tratiot to (lbleap, with a view to impreso the forthcoming Natdonal Convention with the idea that "disloyalty.' wilt be lappressei after the aryls Inetitutad by A. Lincoln in Xenuacky.— Oterelmad Plain Dealt, It will not be very wide of the truth to say that the above is a lie. There h likely to be a lively shindy at the convention and, as the Chicago police force numeric ally weak and Iteffieient, It is poseibla the civil authorities, anxious for rime and good order in the oity, have determined to double the force for the co ol:Won.— GC.. Cori. A HALL in SL Louis having been rented to a troop, of mine:trete, a negto with a ticket Free tented himself at the door for admission, and we, refused by the porter. The agent of the minetrela insisted on the right of the colored man to get his money's worth, but the porter per sisted and a Asa ensued, in whieb the porter and the agent were alternate'y up And do wn, over end under The excuse cf tne porter was that h.everould be diredarged for admit:in: a ne gro. Thrt hall will perhaps be taken fore negro barracks. MODE ean BUZI/21011--in alluding to the dih finny lotween 4F-nersle Meade and Go nide, ft,. Providence !onset says the latter, being the subordinate, 'profaned, as he always does, to sacriSee himself rather than to emberass the ar. my In the field by any controversy: Ae ton• dered bi. reolgoation, which General Grant re fused, and also refused to relieve htrn. Gen. Grant then offered him twenty days' leave of ab• nun, by virtue of 'which he is at home. NOT reeling very yellthe othe r day, 41y3 sa exchange, we turned cur attention to poetry rend Potereburg. and here is the result r [aye U. B. Grant to It. 5., tee-- ...nu rider Petersburg to me • "Say. It E. Leo to t 8 O rot -Dom Peter:berg 7 Oh, no "T at itoh !" said Grant, • Oh, Tory Cell— Yoe taY / than'[, I ray I entt.t.'• de order has bees issued In Indiana to enso❑ refugees In that State, preparatory to the draft. Theseam thing ebculd be done in Ohio. Thous ands of these people ere to ow State. Ci1101111:111t1 hall of 'theta. They are aUle-bodied men, and there le no Amon oay they should not be placed on o footing ; with our cidn.r.s, in beariag this bprtben. The attention of the authorities I. di. riete to matter.—OM. fine. TEI Portland Pre.. states that the Hon. Wm. Pitt Pusenden will be a candliate for the Sen ate next wit4er. "His frleudt," says that pa per, "will Utast upon hie return to that body at the commencement of the next term, and we are glad to hnoW that it will not be distasteful to him to comply 1041 their wishes." M r. DE.; ILICINO3D, a manipulating politi.3l•ll of Now York, is added to the list of candidates for the Chiciago — nomination. We 1120 W of no way by which the Peace party could Moro liter ally alarm the object of thrift. movement thou by jutting Richmond in the platy of Washington. Oriental Story.. Tellers. Travellers in Persia, China and Japan tell pl of profeulonal etory-tellsre and tralition recit• cm, who, standing in the streets and market plum, tell nciuselone tales to all who roily choose to listen. The following is one of their Ch:nese parables: t'Fohl, in the course of hit wanderings, coming to kisceked at the door of a rich wo man and heiged . permlasion to outer. !What,' Mid he, 'der;yori think I receive into my blase svery roving Stagabond ? No, indeed, it would be embefittlng • respectable woman—go your way l' TheCtie wont to the oottago of a poor woman, Who At anba kindly begged him to enter. She act before him the only food shohad—a lit tle goat's milk—broke a piece of bread into it, and laid: !May Pohl blow-it, that we may both hare eneughr She then prepared: for him a mash of Wale; and when he fell asleep, perceiv— ing chat he had no shirt, she eat up all night 'cud made him one oat of some linen the had made by bet own hard labor; in the morning the brought It to him, booting be would not dee rire ber poor gift. After breakfast. ahe secom• pealed him a hum way, and at parting Pohl midi "Nay the first work you undertake lint until evening!" Whin she got bere• the began to measure Net linen to me how mach was left; and eh* went on theamoring, sod did not Mane to the end until eranlng, when ber hence and yard were full of linen; in abort, she did not know whet to do with her - wealth. Her rich neighbor, seeing this, was costly iezed, and real:red that inch good fortnnediould not escape her again. After some monthe,itbe traveler came once mere to the villas.; the pent to meat him, pressed him to go to her honie, treated him to the best food ■:le bad, and In the. moniing brought him a Mart of flue anon which she had made some time blare; but ail night the kept a candle burning in her room, that the stringer, if he awoke, might sap • pow she was making kis shirt.. "Atter breakfast the ecantainied him out of the tfilege , aid "them they parted he aid: 'May the brat weak yett ustaertake ktat till seeming! ' Btu went her wey home, thinking the whole time of ha linen, sad inticipating its wouderfiti be. mate; tut just then her cows Li.gan to ler. 'Before I - Inealite my linen,' aid she, 'I will quickly fettle the co m e some water.' Bat when ate punted the wits? into the trough bar pelt nes.er a mptted; she west on pouring, the stress increased, rm.! 104 n her hare end yard wee un der water; the neighbors compiained thit every thing Iris ruffled: the settle were drowned, sod .with difficulty rho used her life, for vat-erne:a eased 11011ing until the "Wei-, of the sum." Incredible Eaglish Ignorance At as English asellea a little girl nomad Ly don appeared to prosecute a maul, no le t Ismaili,. She was between seven nod eight years old, and intelliseut looking, bat when asked whether she understood the nature, of an oath, bog answer was very ciesatisfao; try. The judge then proewfded to gnostic:, her or to eha amount ef religions instraotion the had metes& with the folicirlog regal, cqoull_c oreditablo to bar parents and her pastorm "Ds your carrots go to mare -or 3." "Did you ever go to mass or prepare?" "Igo " "Do you buoy who male you or • created pool" "No." "Did you scot heat of God it" "No." "Ds you brow anything of heaven ?" "No; if I knew I woc'd tell it." "Do yen know anything of swearing an iestiT" ".14,5." "Do you know what will libcems of people - who Pike false tithe?" "Not" "If you sold ale what would become of you after yea died ?" "I would g, to hell." "Who told you that?" lei() one toll ter; the counsellor said it yesterday." "Did yosicour hour of God Almighty or our Savior?" • .11," The prisoner havlng boon giros, is charge to:the jury Wore" the deplorable Igno rance cf the Child was diseriered, it was impos eible to postponetlia trial; and as it wontd have -a meat'', to have admlnistegred an oath to her, the judge was obliged to direct a verdict of an quittal—Lisurpool FO.l. An!Appropriate Quotation - A frirmd lasodod. the lolloirioe postage of 'Scripture t6' the Bprtogflold Republic for pabll .rottiorn - • .:..Ohloreovex, the .Word of the Lord tome ooto me, leyivg: Ben of.msn, est thy fees towsrd the Booth, and deep thy word toward the Southend prophesy egaiwt the threat of the Smith tied, and coy to the forest of the South, 'Beer the Lord. Thee cattle the L,rd beheld I frill hentoe a fire in.,:bee, and tt devour every grece tote to thee, and every dry tree; the Ihru iny dime; halt tot be quenched, an.t all faler from the Bomb, to thr North Ebel be burned therein, end Leh ;shall roe neat I, the Lord, hare dens ft;. iltd it ehnil not be trenthed.'"— Aer id; amp. 20, refve 45 8 7 8. • . ItILSSO.I4 UT 0.4 - 8. . _ '''sOLUTION OP PARTNERSHlP— &lnwea.pvinereteiv torrtlfatenztottg btrtraen O. r:sr,unina .na &VOLTA^ It LOP PAU eater the WM/ and style cf. O. r.ALOPPELI A (JO.. hu ate dey barn dnentod 050 mete 1 > 5[1,11 of tem and rio.d• iitdArureraLoPrre iioiniand r. Ike mai vret ming the_irettnets et- the &Mitten& Any Ilabtli• n.t said late fitls vat bite:VlA by either of the onintstannt. - . Pao, SWO L &Wig 06A111. AID W GUTS 8008, 11.1/11IS LANZ WHITE 81009, sad ONg 01+L., 4 11. TX do The owner ta hereby notlurd to cams tor. ward, preawpropo I y, pay obarpea wad take them away, or don bo sold ac=clidtaig to bra , . • oal4tatd 1110. 7 111/lil Ina SUBSTITUTE WANTED. YOllOll2 OR TWO YEARS A arceral Watt, paltl Raquirs SIZT 180..1 ti /*Sera] street, AlleibiAl• SV,vterita beinging.-rto) 10 the MAP. V. wpbes • allaq/SU fig CA, ' " "d' ' "" bTOPVti 1.10/14111. 250.1 c :ti , (4.1 bind: aa, fip;iiiiley V 3.4 4 . 6741Wir'int at sarw' 4 - ,F,:14 131 74R5,X317 - and - Itel , Var, 01.3 re.um oft nalklva• PITTSTURGIT CITY AND SUBURBAN The Union County Committee The Union County Executive Committee met et the office of Marshall d . Brown, Col. T. M. Bayne chairman pro tem. Thcre . were tan members proem:L . , and a full In- t terchlnge of opinions were expos/ad by those preleat. A letter was received from Josleb King, declining to serve on the Committee, owing to his frequent absence from the city. A letter was also received from Dr. Shaeffer, declining to servo on the Committee, at the same time pledging himself heartily for the whole ticket. The following persons were added to the Com. mitten : John E. Brown, 2.1 ward, Allegheny, Wm. E. Harrison, McKeesport. D. F. A. Faitilhauber, dtb ward, Allegheny. lsaao Robinson, Robinson. Augustus Ammon, Birmingham. .I,,bn F. D.7a.ro, John McDonald, 2.1 ward, Allegheny. Wm. Little, atb ward, Ilattsburgh. .1 C. Butting, Emit Deer. Hugh Soot, Al ..on. A. M. Brown, 3d word, Pittsburgh. Wm. H. Ils:kor, South Pittsburgh. Wm. B. Nagley, let district Peebles. R. W. Mackey, ltd ward, Pittsburgh. J. MoD. ere...an, 21 ward, Pittsburgh. W. M. Bello:, 24 ward, Patsburgh. Cesl.tr G , o;. J 1 w.rd, Allegheny. John F. Jennings, I +t ward, Allegheny. R. sort McClarer, P:adley D: A. 11. Gross, PeeLles. J. ho Hilhllan, Upnor St. Clair. Capt. W. Miller, Manchester. Boars S. Fleming, McClure. Tho Committee adj. srood to meet at ills :e of Murtha:l A Brown, Filth street, Pat:burgh, on Frldsy, the f.T..h day of Auguet, 1I U . J:LIC/: T.m , at 11h:el 111.00 01. Lho members GI, to:. LCSI!y requested to atter. ❑augeron• Condition ul the state Sewer - I.lundetion to 112rdocrabble • rner heavy rains of Sunday night caused a sari. as destruction of property on l'onosy I fatale avenue, to the vicinity of tho old State sewer. Shoot a Week ego, the sewer 'staved in, In the rear of the property owned by Mt. Wm. Alexan der, ex Coroner. The sewer, at this point, is lime forty feet below the 'aria,' of the earth, heavy fillings having been made there, from time • to time, dming the past twenty year,. This break occurred immediately underneath • a mall stable, sad • bui.or and wagon, together 1 w1:15 the debrls of the stable, were mellowed cp. I• The bur., wars and dirt were never removed, and the sower was thus tffootually choked up. When the heavy rains of Sunday began to de "end, she sower failed to car., off the accamele tlone of water, Bud a general imaad won fol lowed. Between twenty and thirty boreal ware 1 . I arroaaded with valor, and the occnpants were either compelled to take the street or Croatia, themselves to the upper stonier There was a frightful completion among the inhabitants, and Mayor Lowry was dragged from his bed at '• eleven o'clock, as though he had power to stay the elements. The water gathered in the hello • to the depth of ten or tweve foot, and about one acre of ground .113 covered. Several of the booms were badly damaged. The levee gave way immediately under the bouding owned by Kr vended, and lb:id:dismay suddenly &sapper., od, while the inmates (a GarralZ family) were quietly taking their rest. Strange as may it ap pear, this chimney, built in the centre of a large two glary frame building, wont straight down, se though La had et:testa the to:tousles, pit. Therein nothing left to chow where it stood, co rer: a hole la the miler, out a few scattered btiekbate. A grate from , which ed +rued ono of the rooms, Ilea in the cellar, together with some other .!obris. The depth of earth below the chim• any vro graft that when It hoot.° washed •way, there was room enough loft to arriflio• op the cadre thtmney. Very fortunately, no per. son woe mitred by this a...sported and untimely se, dent. The Lowe nes not otsarrite damaged, hot ul roar. It is rendered utterly useless. Tern mill frame tenements, locate , ' on the west side of the old neat, were coo:dal/trebly dialoged, end moved from their foul lotion, by the water breaking throngh the embankment, and •ashing out the earth. Several other 1 - ...0s or, on both lid ee of she averts., were by water, .1 groat annoyance hel to•et oo.,utonet by the ore. ti wine of otos posts. The w.te t has rts or' y dire; roared from the swath tide but the I .•or stories of n nrisbor of be ,m the north side are still half full of wow. flora will be Avery heavy bill of damages to foot in cnue•geenee of this ootorrenca. The city bas a:I aloes contenled that she 11 in co erey li nite for any dareogee resulting from the old hiss. temr. It will be remenb•re.l teat /deters. Mono and Barton tented this question, to an act,o for damages against tb. silty, bat it was dee..trd that the corporation W. not liable attbar the decision thee made woutd Gayer the eett.mi likely to grow out of the circle= • ItADrel abtee detailed, we are not prepare 4 to !ay. The hlty alleges that the Penritylvanie Ilaiiroal Company,.ll the purchaser, of the old car al, are responelble for any damages resulting 11 is alleged that tf the sewer had been cleaned out and repaired after the horse and wagon fell into It, this destruction of property would not have occurred, but It seams that neither tgb e.ty cur the railroad oorn,neny would do any. thing In the proclaim, each potting the berth., ,jot the other. There will be wo-k for the :alert to do, and it will be some time before the inO4CErt ,offerers will gat any relief. Fall of Ruck—House Damn Zed Ibie forenoon, about el,rao o'clock, erreral tens of rock tIS ppe3 from a resat lot belonging to II a Wats", estate, on Second street, above railing mill, and crushol io a portion of the wad of a brick toilding to the eafjelring let, erned ty Merry Tatn•ll, and o•cupled by R.er• Jones. Inc al - three cart leads of rock went tt.., - ,gh the end a sec of Mr. Jeoei, who tad recent.y retorted from the army, made a miero• escape from being embed under the filing mare. nreo worn o'.:.er matabers of lA* family to the room, but they all moaned uninjured. The r•de was ecoeeleend by the honey nine, and there is deicer that other portions of the pre o•p'co may giro way. The rock bore etands al. tort perpendicular, and I/ from twenty O re to thirty feet bigli—hlr. Tatwall's property being baitt within tan feet of . the rook. Pte■ in tee? Btesersoutu.—Thle morning, 'bent three o'clock, fire wag ditozwored In the metafactnry of Moms. Peetories, B.3ttals J. Cc., East Birmingham. "The fire broke out In the blowing room, and the entire etroetnre (a ir. me ) wee dee treyei. This fi•m wee rev ged reek-Art.ly in the mornefutere of black bottPe, dem/jell, eto, and they bee street roe ti ce,nd dulls, worth of bottler, which were in the oven. et the time. Ill'orn other ovens, bo w - er, were not burned. Tne lose will not be very heavy, and le In:leered by Inperante. The film bee teen to operation 'lot a abort time, hay ir g recently purchased the works from Alex. Lebo/Jut. Ro in A LLIOR —Yesterday afternoon the bowie of Mn.o Litokenbottiam, on North Al • loy,Sonund Woid, Allegheny, wee entered by thieves' and ee•enty dollars ICI bank notes stolen from It bureau drawer. A young mon war ar rested this morning on onspision of being con• armed In this robbery, but there not being suet dent I u•derico against him to eon el it, ho war ditchn7, e 4. Inruracang. lite, —O3 Saturday evening, a ggbt occurred in the Allegheny 'Market (Lome bttween four abandoned female,, walatt rertalted In atir arreat. The Manor thl. morning finei thorn gate dollar. coon and coat:. Two of the party paid thetr goes, and the other. are Still held In default of payment They will probably be cc mumted to jail thl. afternoon. Tee Atlantic, Monthly In: Bap:ember, con taining the usual senslient bill of fere presented to the readers of that =within, his been r• calved by W. Gildentenziy, Y,. 9$ rtfth street_ The come dealer hes also received tin do'', Lady's Magazine for ideptomber—a good number. U. L NORTOR, of Browner 1110, Wes reeetved the Atlantic hloarbly for S,ptsolbtr. ' I co atstne, among other good thlotts, Edmond Birko's se &tint of the 'keit of Col. J•seee arid hitasoll to Itiotmontl. Tux time lioldlag the Allegheny comity Teachers' Inetinste hae been ebaogod from the 23i1 to the 80th lmea Tho kastiults will ooneene .t the above time in Beelhisfor, end continue In merlon three days. DUTI3II or Pasorrs,varn.oo.—The folfoMlrlet &ails of Penoaylvenle noidlam occurred op Me 19Ms Wm. Campbell, 2d Artillery; Lleoten.. , B Crowe, 16th Cavalry; Joseph , 8. Boon, 2-1 Milllee7. • Sella, for 'ltil,,hae beat lent to al by alldtaleuey. 15. 1 4 11 5 12 ° .1- lite table of contently, Is atmeuall, tieb, and alai:mm.6er VIII rte., • - . .(Naar roe Serreerete.-041 as the - dtpe(ef J.l W. Pasch, .11itsb atreet,oppe,iti cpz 0 0,W., aadsrt. , t4p of ~1 -Gcmgogjr /116-.4liiikt WM 11. Pollnet. LAMA+ , t••••:6,.. 111-41 CatELP/ETB, OIL CLOTHS. Ire. CAlt - TON biATUNG WFARLAND, COLLINS & CO., 13=1:13 I Elm jaet revved • small tracked FREW 04117703 STRAW JILdTT/Nti, of the celebrated B. t. W. tm- E.:motion. She guilty of theca good. I. nn- • able by MIJ other =SUITT I=4 ..41 a.= mot qsantlty or. therm my dor la MP- Q & CO., have al.o Jun received a few az readtmly sad sod handsome allele of FaiLcy Plaid Mattings. MI of which beall Jeri beep landed. mid an therefor., the P3E811F.7,7 ALITTINGS 1X TEM ILLIZJIZT. Car genteal otc:k of geode I. etill nromapareel In ex. tent of verlety. and Ira at all time. offer oar patrou the lowest price. the market will shard. Obi NA MATTINGS. parctused bt torn the deo lo good. • La...ge stook I=l CHINA MATTING-S. I=!r.M=EIEI It 01 wldthg ..! M==i= The era Una et Ilse public. Is en 11.41 te the nbeee goods Iley ara tb ciseak...b: carpeting to the mask.. Ftbck of EmbroMerod. Ernboorod ..71,14 (Taco Carom, ItLich we offof ae lov rat.. oLrvirit MoCLINTOCK .4 CO., I=l OURTH STREET KW STYLES Of 'WINDOW SHAD.O LrEDLIVSD IRIS DAY. NEW SPRING STOCK IDI Off T S,, WELL EILASOSTID OIL 01,0 TH, AT APCALLIIM'S. ;g CARPET STORE Efo. IT rocirrif sTEELLT .1 UCTIOJr 1441LER ANT FURNITURh', BRUSSELS &ND INGNAIII QL)trETS, OIL PAIN tIsCl., ESG ATINCIA; / ITIIOaBAPIIB, ♦e AT AUCTION. —)st TkIUIitADAT NIONISINO, Aswan 'ltch, .t to Cionlr, at Mawr& 11W1 A. tan Haan 615 ilfth tri I bnAtaid, naw and enperlar llonselaald F.altura, Carrels. fatattaga, r.nranfrga, le, haying b. In csa toattar =,.at) a, actaprtanna elcnat Trench Had. thade,Walon . lard 'tall. Mash:a Tap nen. Walnut West Not. ltsbanany Pallor Cb ' atta and Trp Waan .I...and, Y 1 Ws!. I. french Pa. asd Canoga bohnna .. Ealr noWnota, Buhl. Tap Tel , e, eta,' Vining Tabla, Wal,a• Lai nano hat (Joann Wad Boat.. Snclncad and Plals Waah Stand, Matngattp Ottonana, Walnut Cab, WUliw TIWIN kanlT lf•taltaa. Eltrhan Illnt.ltora, Tin Irons, ac. ra PIM A Ti) Ilk , TIROS Ingrs'a . - d Oaaap Carped., plata oral cbscled lcdla liattinigs, 011 Ckala.ttaJr Rada. de. AN°, f‘cr on na.(2l.har, Lit.b.cgraph and Iry Arley{ oar— , "tonl..EL LAND, /Law', FA Fitt AT ArCTION —The un it, *zed wl I oZer publie sale , on the pieta'.:., on , a FDA ESD •Y. Animal ri b, I R6t , at I o • olo , ke p L two tent Ong x . 3 s,•• su.l Ti I,r:b....fin vie vu t. • P•cn.Tlva,ta EL•kiroal, It mu.. fr,eor flaw re v••r ,v 1 • t.“.14-u TW 'on •d1. , ,a• 1,...,41 of lb. Int. Benjoralo 0... pveiu fleet", I.d of wall sn-I ut•ter, /Vont &96.•• ofloal in nerd erse.y. Laud dared and of ex 01.. till ic4ct - cd end t nvol LW. of waiter. Tte , a 1y also rn wane, two d wel'ingr and tyro pee. bars, den la to lad teeny War. 13 alien sad reteacrgh tour and e.. thaw Wally. •til be •Id rash, air ether or In two or Om, parka am may Tim. r to roeseation g nain•Lbarly. cad• %nor., on day • a' mle. Vat kraal. partlardara ran • Baron, ALIT.2IIIay at L•• N Ilirterb garret, or oa prongs.. atir-nod•edl• VIAL YATTEILSON. zk U lON SALE OF CONDEJSINED ri uOll . Wes NTALICTZYST, C EtrEllll,} Ms of Chief Qouuterolastar Wesszsorroa, Aeletet 11, 1814. win be sold at Pahl- Su , Von, to lb. highest :Addax al M. 6510 ple.e. named :ohm, 010 1300. 1 104. 1 1 e bees:fay, fov,onel lath 1664; A Ilona. Fa. Thorerlev..ll nee.: Shah lane: I.L Pa., Tbnroiay lawn tuber 1•1.. ;Kett laroetorg. Pa, 71.orellay ; fa9nenaber eth, 1 1 .84; Two Boodood (WA) Cavalry Home al own plan. Thor flare. ham neve coodaosned as anal far the Oa+ alt 7 e. nlwof the arm,. Egr 11.0.1 aod Tara: tory.ti many coal 0100 =el be bad. Bor.. *obi einsiv. t ervue--Cesl la Coated Btatee eanevehev. /A HIS A. BE Lll, Lkeetovant Colonel end Chief t e loort,coeistert. see:le B flovalry forma. X/ALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION.— FF —Oa TVICEIDAT 18TININO, //ague: 7.3.1. et 8 eolock., ea oncono duce of Ountonerclal dodos 11..xena, So. 11 Forth ortat : en:tarts oollhoge Book Ste k; 10 do 1 notto loot:rano* fle; ZS do Intoebareborlon. Co.; 16 do 11 1 orn ins hero 11.1.14. Co.; 2 1 0 do Iron CBI Oh Co; ever i 11.1LW&INI, kuct.'r. .711 II Cll.l ArT TAILORS arIT).'MMZN WIISHING FIRST CLASS CARMENTS. =ado in the 111082 f ii.9IIIOISABLI and would do tall to all epos H. G. HALE & CO, MERCHANT TAILOR% 006KZE 07 PIM /MD CLAIR 070737. Betimesatchssing sbelrtusra. BlaILLL•ti BLuCK. W. H. BIeGEE. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET, Would call the &Megaton of buyers to Me :Ma of amis. It hew beta selected with great oars, and con tains all tn. [lowest Myles of goods to ho found to first ulnas boners. Gents wishlog a snit of clothes made to odor. .111 thaw call and aitamine our goods and prime. Lis.. a full and conpOse mock of Furntshing Goods W. H. HoCIZI, Itte,robant Ti,Mgr E . *. 10 R. Clair atm& Pirt.t.% I)UYb LINEN 6MS White Duck Vests and Pantsi Brown Duck Vests and Pants! A BYRDLY JOST RECIETYLD DY GRAY & LOGAN, ==3= DRUGGISTS QIMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PUKE to Duras .AND MEDICALE, PERFUMERY, FANCY (loODA BURNING FLUID, OILS, FAMILY lEDICINFA, Au.. 01 strictly prismlitYt which be offp,..t iouutt prim. Omer Smithfield and' Vonrth .troot., Ounooo l ,b. Pnucriptknos cazofully compound .: .1.411 bums- 101A.FALINESTOCK".k. CO.. Wholesale lit ElmAv6rt=ill;ro.°7 torT l ro rr uf P AD Pittsburgh. rah? DR GEORGE IT. KEYSER. Druggist, No. 140 Wxxl otrivt, corner of Vireo alley, virubonrt. Y CLALIMB L BOUNTIES, 4.0• 51111110r8,' BACX 'PAT oat -11111,1ThatT I , c,! reel 6.ierrlptOti, by Weber, at tbelotlosettig Petitions DO 03, all ctber Oirtrsien -C. 0. ' TAYLOS, Aitankm Lar k Tn Grant street, Httatalibi ! N. IL No abut. are mad* if the shark dose rot ma. pmtllf telhreettier ff....a crests.- eretls 1101APER7 ANDAWIEW-Wee atttl min* leieltebetwielonstleitetetaglhinthaalont4KoKrp.l mei the Weber. %trio rarVlAllpi Q~AS OLD 1 , 31111 3 e11 7 • 111 T 1151., et tle. Boa iad vr.b " Pr sfria3""madu.""ViirrWii, GAZETTE. ELAIJrRIi DR 8.6.V1NG8 .8.1301, NO. C 4 Tomes briar. Okno dally from 9 to 9 o'clock. µsoon tiodaloolay sad Pato:teak evenings, from kloy Ist to November lot, Cross T to 9 o'clock, sad tray Ecoromber Ist to Kay In from • to 8 o'clock. Nevelt. received of all mom not is than One Dol lar, and • dividend of the profits decimal Mt. • year, to June Auld December. Interest has bean declared sand•aannally, to June and December, alnaelhe Dank war monto.d, at the rate of adz per cent.a year. Theme; It not drawn oat, la placed to the credit of the dayeidtor as principal, and been the same tnterest Rom the ant days of Jana and December, compeending twice • year without troubling Ale depoeltar to call, or el= to premed hie pan book. At Ohl. rate money will double to lam than twelve Broke contalning the =et, By-Lows, Bola and Regulation; humbled gratin, on appllcat.loa at the calm, Puezows—GLOEGE &LBEZZI. Jame B. D. ilosda, Wm. Doug ImmJi. l'lntrock, Jalnce Diddle Jam D. ittoriadm, lotto 0. Backe., Jame. kloAnle7, John H. filnoanherktn Jame. lionfinan, Polon A. Madeira, William J. A Enarson, A. M. Pollock, M. D., Ilenxy J. Lynch, John pinball, Calvin Adam., John C. Hindle', George Black, Hill Boriorin, Aloe. A. Carrier, Charles A. Colon, John Berl. Mara - Wok . John 3. Diliceple, & Boren, Peter H. Ihmkev, Richard Ham Jar. D. Kelly, Ditterranv £ Tazasom mhliolea Walter P. liiaranall, John Orr, Robert Robb HemB.l.N= . wlwam E.. So Alexander Doer, Alexander Pix,ll6, Wtlllmr, Yar:lrk, haze Whittier, wm. P. Weims, Crtillstlaa Team. • LS. A. OOLTON. FIRST NATIONAL I+ANK OF PITTSBURGH i Cuts Pittsburgh Trust Oomph, sothottty of the Secretary of the Trosoary thl Bona L. al:abut - 1m! to root•. acbacrl talon. to the Three Tears seven and Three-Tent with [atoned coupour attro bed payable Roma-au:l.l In ornetcy. Tore, not.. are parable at maturity la Logal Tedder, or courartibta. at tho option of the holders, bal... Gold. Latrine lutareet 6 per ram Banda. it. Notes .111 bo in danombnalocui of S5O, 5180, :SOO. 51,000 and f. 3,001. Patens depositing $3 000 and upward. totil he d. Icsed ono-sou:ter of on* par cantata on din pmotust of ten poll:Intl.:. • The otoal anhmleslou allowed to Dente and Duman ODdm JOll2l D. HOU LIA, Owittles. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PORT WAYNE, INDIANA. Designated Depository bt the United States, Ospital paid a 5--.—.-11 I 50.0 00. Free:kn.-4 D. 1117TIMA.D. Oshadcr—W. D. YISILLII. otaormas J. D. &atm& B Loans, W. B. Ttohor, 0. F. 6. Moyer, /L.. ID Drew:lllM Elmer! Baena, John Ortf, Tr d. frildtinn Joba Brainy Thla Batt Mader. Ita services In making collecttona on ad .cratlble oollcctic. 1•111 meet arid, protrpt atteutlot, and returns made by draft Near Lady armful:Lail. °tango or Pittsburgh. Iy2s:Lne Plus NATIOSIAI FL. or atbrattsta, Allegator:36lf 30, 1861. 1:71S BANK 18 AUTHORIZED I } 3Y :,0 Secretary of the Treasety to twelve thbe - alpt 61000 to the THREE YEARS 7-301 LOAN, beano' Internet, irith n mbannuai o.pons attache], payable In brerrol money Them note. an pep/a-It et maturity I. Legal Sender, or maybe LODI', ted at the eptlan of the bolder hate per cent. Q. q..D bevy-log bard/. The draoltanatbata of the olea are $3O stoo, 831 K., $ 1 0 68 ' . , 33, 8 03. 13661redea JOHN P. ICHADIVII, Osatder. P1.43^08. MUSIC. Jrc. WAIIELINK k BARR, SOLE AGENTS 07 THK Bradbury & Schonacker & Oo.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, .A. 2.4 D IS ivt. rrki & 00.'131 American Organs and Melodeons, D. 19 111531A.V6 BLOCT., BT. 0L.1112 Wu tale Oman. to notwerigt •k. of Mrs .be sturrAsso'd thaw fcallrmsnita to MUMHMV and utclultks Richard Bard, Isq., John Quinn, Zak., F. E. ',Buns Oapt Cochran, Janson 1.0.ae14 Bug , Walla, Biddle • Cks, J. Y. taalch, I W. Prickad, Br O It. IL Blackburn, C. Q. Doss Grant ht. baptirt its, I A. ik ...Bar, By., D. T. Ask. e.g., 1.4. U. H. Hastattar, L J K. Burr, Franklin, F. Dlrectre IS. k.druq, Foungrtomi, Pa. Kim Sarah McFarland, Ea. Liberty. Casd. J. B. Conway, Btruttagbam. bey. IL 111opkra tlevickley. 11.. v. E neahnoty. MOWN &rale, V. anthem Scott, Oakland. S. Goon,LEeet Liverpool, 6. Gatemen Goe lan., niLegbeny City. +cry Ger. IF. to. Alien Kramer, do. Ph e. Lao. do. D.. Ji P. hicOlinteck, Man Liberty. John McCurdy, do. nil Nava, Melodeon, ett varrenteci for Are yews. fen choice eecotd•ha Planter for tab and rata. tyll7 WEBER'S PIANOS. O ;r7LV.r. , CARD TOTEM PLIILM y The z,tecribor Lee the pleactre of aanotmetog that Lo hsa bete appointed the eadcialve ai L tut tc.c the sea WEBER'S PIANOS for Plttyl.urgh and rlc'alty. Thy. Nan., though umlalt:l.ly uukcern hero, has bug eyloyed am en. viable a...palatial:l It the ....mu th.tr ex.• cell.. quail.. wit) nev.omead term at once to our ueslra! amateur.. A choke a...atm. of W GII ELI'S VIA NUS h. Just Neu reeel.w by the ottbscrlz.wr too which the sttts.t.t.t: - . the Filtito to Invited. CHARLES . 0. MELLOR, el Wool .troeL N. SiEDLE, No. 183 Elinyarnum ST. Pianos and Planicsi Inotnunenta, litops unutantly on Land • Llnar ascortmont of 15rElv PIANOS, VIOLINS, °VITAS..., egootwrants Er 7 11 INGO. k... blob b. will 101 l for low prtoea. d • I,IIA NOS -J Lat. receive la fine atwittrn-st al DECHLIS r r. whip la r rd to that., wish •td p Set Ita.ktata d. p her. ta:4 th It .qa .1 la this nraattp. •It.. • Pats* stock of cheaper t'llsit•, U• 1120111.1111 sod Melodeon. all Itittroottata told at .t , e I weft prioro postlblo norncilitil,ALUELii d 1 01.1., surf lio. 63 711th dtrooL Klen_r•t old etand a TTOP-AfE v.& MACK liEl L S., JOHNSON, CrIODJIt Y9-AT,LII7. Aad U. d LICILHBED SOLDIERS' OLAIII AGSSTS. Amon.. for Womodod Boldloto oollottod la Coos tog o Cop,. Inr Ottni,PO ORA.RT :STREET. Plttsbargt. Doll Irta 41 , otarso wad two witootooo. de,'Ools NOAH W; ?HAFEB, kTIVEITSS-AT-LAST. NO. 106 ruth Stroot, PlltatmegE, Ps. Mt. for PH,TitHONB, BOTISTI, run! non HI, A 4, ilgormal3 prmeantsd. fal•:IT J AJSM3 LAFFERTY, ATTOR IV IS Y.ATi,ZAW. all Legal DUriliellffi promptly attaaded to Ofike, Ha lee FOURTH EITILSEP, near ersot, Pltt. ern.l4l22azolni M . aLISTER a GAZ7iart3 1.A.V47 OE' /3'10E6 No. 08 GRANT STILNET. WO:1y S. & O. EVHOYER, Attorn=t k.3 Law. 01r.014 Po. 1131 t ort weer , Pi h. oat ISAAC MUM, otrsrizsir rs.a.7lr MiLlral43.. . .liaill6Wlrr QM; Elm" coastuttly on band • lam see ftatoW , lves somxls arch of IDIMLAQ, , 130.1.7 LND,sorror .PLASE.O , I2Thir.i . MOAN 131117 ,Ir trafrokillaM4_MlTMG, ,W.llOl. SA, kt. - irbi arlarrfortiii9tp FArtOlrli V1*41 , -1 as mid 4.6.1z-ntes. • - E. IL'lsteniuesoue. PO3l O serilgtlarrtnyttrdpi t i tt a - ,Z ,`4 lunicarofgfutoiroimop'. - apio:A• "1 raDokit6o4l- VOLUME LXXVII"-NO. POR SoILLE--FoR 1 0.11,43.11. F.— eflu= of Ili acmes, in .1: 81. • i towpath+. W•.• 1•434 onat7 ths., Abo, • im of 141) sem As te•• Mute* lowaddt , p, /11. l' U l a 'bap two•tory Brick Hotly sad Loi to tsar Rorongh of Wet ElNalsah. pe tt ado Lunn in Darcy township, Wma. Ina:rand =wan P. , containing dent IPS area, treA • high elan otcoltivati.a. 4 = 3 ..tract I. of Land or about E 3 scree admitting am borangh of Elinabsch,Alleghen, ••••t7. P. Alec, • FARM Or Ili AORZEI, on toe Iloacmgatada Ni..,., In Elizabeth township, • abort dlstosko• Trots the LornngL 01114Loesport. Also, a 'wry "actable EARN In BL Mar township, Wattntarclaad cocatty, containing.UM acne. • Also, II HOLLOW° LOTS In the bonmgh of Wail Earabetit, au by 17A feel Nor particalars Ingot. at No. lei north arost told R. R. TOWER. Real EMI. LOW. SALE—SUBURBAN BITES Aim .V VILLAGE LOTS, iva Po. Hemaus.—The un dersigned, Etreoutora of the estate of John Herron, deed offer for tale • number of Isla, from one half io tete some each, eltustod near tort Herron, mad..Rhin tam minuloa walk of ths terminus of the ritusbeugh 111. nermille Pearmger Hallemy. The shore is am beautifully located sot private residences. Also, • n=bor of .null Late to the Tillage of litnare. erne, fronting on the Pataenger Boilway—thug to sixty feet front and tram one to two bundled feat deep, Jar InformAtmon enquiry of *Mar of the under. iped, or W. A. HEBRON, Clams Off Court HOMO. wbt. A.11T.28019. JORE D. ZIEBBOD, H. G. RIDELON. FOR Ulla Freedom Foundry Property. Thu azderslgm..] offers br tale the slogs l'onearg, which he Las Ltt.d up In the best stylo. and cool - 4,10mA oleo, for gonniry, Barr"! rectory or Wegon Shop— bey Ina two bull4tr.ge. The foundry bulldog le kdr.Bo, • vod empal• In 11, snel • lot ..f good desks ; the engine bedidlng 1. SCh•O, with . good slide vales cu rios, 7 loch colluder, 3 1,4 etrt.ke , eights.. foot bolter dootle Otte. Thera Is atteemed to It good et•ble sad tlame lots. Liao, one good HOUSE AND LOT. ai:otsted oo ➢Sala nowt, ooLid place For :vrhe_ parti.lart ugol, vv tAe prem'eso of J,27:4a J D SNEAD. Fr.lom. P. FOB S 4 LE. A cournly RESIDENCE In the Tirane of luebold, lour rollosi from the s'ty. Lot Ifo, i 3. contalalne bo.weem six and wins acre.; open it is gamed a good story brink brass, barn, stable, and other buildings. el anal veil of excel.: wat.r, tour acres of teal with back opened and to goo.l working order, will be sold fn one lot or divided to snit purchasers. If not sold Ceram nun; st El Gil 10th, with on ;bat, day be sold p 1 PUBLIO lILL,V, at 2 o ' clock p. a.. wit/unit memo. Title indisputable and clear of locombranas. 'Tense of silo Will be mad.known on •oplleatini to (MOROI YOIISTEC, Temnoratonsetre. sale FOR. SALE —One new Steam Engine, .16inch cylinder, Winch ortrakcona heavy tem bed Wane° vale. purcor One 1: bleb eylnader, na huh Pot" ancond-baul rent celll be as pod cm um. Orel tub erylindre, 110 bung cicala, emir. Om 1 " E 5 " Two OilfzuhrßoOcn, 38 In. duo, rA bat Thra " . " Tiro Wrought Iron Off IBMs. Abo. Timm bet. of Sodas Ttwls, Br OH Waft. Quay tor poh. Mogul?. of H. H. HOLD, atuM dtkrghortilttrer Haat, now tho Mat. ..NE OF i lin IIOST BEAUTIFUL AND O &drab's locations tor onentry seats around but Liberty le row odored fax rano, fronting on Makland Ayynne *boot pd feet, and reentabelng 2 acme mots or kin; dumb, near tbe residence of Mminder Bradley, gen and °Ultra and Is sueeeptibleof the fined Improy. moot. There le on tbe place • two story brick boon, goring her" barn, dc., all in good enter; also • fine on of young trees, mostly bearing. Thu property, U desired, will ho divided into two, or form leetions to salt purebasera Tor ten., apply at the Baal &tate I.li I oam LW. °Mc° of u. a. BA YES, Butler street, Lemma...all. "UPB SALE—The country seat of the lute &mad Douglas, decoated, %Reeled In °W arr township, one mile from the Allegheny Dernstery, contataing sixteen am's In a Watt gate of antivenin. be well steeled with trait tress, shrubbery. Cc., and partly underlaid with ctai. To parties booking kn. proved property, combining advantages of troy atom. wet:my, health and good uelphberboad. the above at. rods a rata opportunity of .tcring et once tbe aa- JoJ to of a rural boat. /or intiber particulate 'mantra at the oftliy, Ql3ril'AZi L IbutIGLAY. no. 61 Penn meek sell:tree s.'a. DorGLAL V 0 R SALE— STEAM SAW MILL ABD OIL 11.13TIIIEBY.—raa one-hall or whole of eo Oil Beam aced Soma flaw 818, otthiton and 1.1 114.11 Of ground ; abundaao. of coal on the lot— m haeopeo A te . V wor, salute ma the Allegheop Itrvar rod A. V. B. 8., la of,red tor gala. Tim Bellnery le rev rad of ‘toodord build. 'Ma Bser CBI Le to Woo dld order, sad is well alhothsd, harbor . ces.k rtmadag tom G to tha erar. Good kocallty tor building boats, roe parboclara roll ao the azdaralgool LYDLY A CHORYINIMIG, apihtl Be. 59 Hand Area. Pltraborgh, Pa. FOR RILLS. • A THEMITOET 8111C1 ROOM Oonteining to mans and hell, located en lb. omen L.m. end Decatur streets. Ales, • two-story MAMIE 13 017811, sdrobatrug dm above, fronting on le.gen attest. The mkt Re property will b. sold Amen end on Mend tetra. Acacias of T. D. 111311,PHY, ddner, At One dna of Hamby I Boggs, jyddain Peter street, near Tara. 7 ()11 EMI:MANOR PROPERTY IN AI: ISCHENT 1:317-1. valuable nitteleEnoo,hartig a (rtaitan Washington etrent or 15 feet, and extends batik 13 feet, with ita oast of UNA. on which ore meta raga 2 dot), lunch dwelling with Ex coatfambta roam. MAW In goad atzlis; gaeand water, and theltt Maly fanned hi • COW amok for which we wiilectchawin Ow Pe e of gTonnd, tmp oat& containing from la to 16 .r.sokarry*Lare %Liao sor 10 mi., of Oa city. Apply to (au9) B. 61' faa Hi 00-104 north stmt. FOR SALE-12 acres of land adjoining Mansfield. all planted in Is uIL 25 aura belay Jart,'s Ban , frontln,l on 'railroad, azd Oitio Avert. 10 sum at (Medals Etudes, well situated for a pleas- Dui mu try hussy with a river usd rulsoad front. Pike less. NEW BOOKS.— .• 1 Teron”on's Eaoat Arden and 01M Poems. IL The !Sonoma:if% or Marley ESE A{llloa,by Glltert. 3. 13 11-Bscrillse by author of ..)..unirei 11.6111 aid... 4. Aseriein, by Harriet E Pre3o33t. p a. Ont lb* World, by T.B. Arthur.: 6. Front Cepe Cod to blole and tits TiotTeoln• L . 114. Haat. 7 The Beck of Common Prayer of tiOPershyteliiii . Church, retrly rerbed. !for sale try (.16) KAY a 130,1411004 !treat. A•ereftice. from 6to 10 hack. eqttere. ralintre at the tete. 111/011 IinPNANS, I SCHOOL BOOKS tf No. 103 Fifth envoi. Tor particraan ea.:juin of Cl. 111111tragli, 80. 10 Manna& Allegheny My. FOR SALE, A LOT OP FRAESIMG TIMBER, FOR SALE—At Aladdin Oil Works, II Crvad• Patrol...ma Tuts, In prime order, aubltaatisJ2ll Dant a: prima timber, no trng le USN and ,l 1 contain rl=43 ba.-ral• each. Appllr-atloa may Do male at tba Bataan Arnaszroag Oa or the 0111. fa Plttabargh. Basszros, JOHLEISTOS a WI r•rt•if... =VIA, VON. BALE, A Dan nerrean Wagon at 1: IryLem OW cm, on the Pan.piranla o,ntral Ea. road, whim, 'an a-ttat - pn ea, to Rom to 11,510 a rear. AilIN for &an tract cf Land containing 12 &cm. um mlln north of Graonaborg. For wilt:Wan call or address DA.eilEt BEIM, an 1.1.1 0, Indn'a Station, P. FOll SALE-150 Acres of Coal; also 120 acne or front ooal In pool as V, also o. tract o cold and railroad and other lssproroomats it good work ing order in pool No. 21; one tract on the Yonghloghorky rlror sad Oonnellartlio Railroad. Znqatreat WILIAM:I WAR% one drat door loom oath on Grant stmt. - utog s• 1 .R—PENN STREET • PROP EICTT.—The three-etoty Brick Dwelling, contain. log fifteen toms, Do. 14 Penn Moat, with lot, towing • front aso feet 6 factual, conning back 110 het to Ir win's slim The thews le an eanellent location to inona , actunng plinlomieD.‘ inquire of linnt IIIoCILELLahTD, 63 Filth street FoR SALE, from 10,003 IWO felirt OAR FLOORING. Require 11 EIoGOBW AN t DOM:MILS, `llir iR SAL&—A farm containing 118 it: arms, altnated in Snowden township. Allegheny county, ono mile from Tspreyla MAI, and ten mils from Pittsburgh. The form 11 well-wotsrel and la a goal stets of naltlvatlon. Tor farther particulars inquire rn the rainless, or or the subarriber. aim. -An. A. O. SITIP3OA. I ' Mi. ii ENT—A FINE STORE. ROOM, etlth Dashing and Stable, ea tot &bola the Dia mond, . Federal street, Alheady 0111. Posaairdork rtght many. Zonate, oxcglod by M. °Roam. Apply to JOBS DEAR, ty2trti AlkirbuM itr.t pOrt PALE—ENGINE um BOILIta..- ten novae powrx Zarin. with &Ea, wt . Isla May is Soft M Cl.l , aas G 7 °glint la CV PgiEdst oat. WU. a. 1011118,014 a 00. C1.41r17 - G E 78. Sot DIIIRB'CLAIDI .AGENCY. W. J. & HALL. PATTERSON. /MUM BOB'CLAM 1111 PIASIOD, hp. 144 FINIRTII, STREET, erirrstaapi. . , . .Ithrreadeag• pecariat. Wray. Bask Pay WI Pita im.4 =dela tinboeicet ativi iasiLt vcßafigmacumam H9frirrr. 20 Atu, wortrour tottags.ti tam taro yam omit with .174dhuve..., diterP . lsobruitti.de sksiV be:idealist!. - - 411•:-. r,,, • ithAlA*44 . 4 l 13 4 GT p er i li u M eaobtltaa es3s. , j.~~~~ 4 0, - ! _ --- - , . - , - g -- i ' , 8 l BOOKS. „ALB ILIEM,4Se. TwiLca i TATTli .. G BOOKS- I* tear HENRY,MINEOS.' THE vii.iD/G. .. 1 10 / Er.; , • ai 3AXE. LADY tr0014.-'...- Daughterdo,low of Sir 'Walter edott,so Wither Of " a...rukut xt.thaaat. • rslcE-41..50 ne PAP=; Sd 18!64LQTB. Till PIIIDI 11l Ll M. L Norm. •Oani, LSAT Po:err. Wormier to mu Tow pubticaticitiotatilltili novel far same the ordinary braes Ts. Lensed, Interesting, it le Nally sad brilliiiitly aTittay the character* bolos well dhretindnatii4 and dolma at h a rigorene and skilfol tench. ntOs,locOit IS Illy called "The Pride of Life," as It le • anaolog Imp*: teen cf that werldlinen that, ir to promlnifi' an Aunt among the mars pomp:ma Of mazdt l l47stribere,, cad more esp. daily in tid‘ higher landlO,lltdit, enaloty. ho 41111.1 folly of pride of IllfOlh„ . tlfOnnettis regard for the world`, opinion, cf excirilletiost Of teal. that regard. etegildlog and averyTiliholt er certain tann etude as Wed., eritin•Z ; bred and so ca—er• rebuked with a pen of noweind Hilda oa mt a marvel to no that the earned =MO, nano° th• con•emptible noteenno, cut l iiodckearitCli a true-to gaud sad cicar-rghted writer The 'tory of the tale sourer. then:L=o-e of a Wall. tlord and andlent girl, lb* decease cif qpooret'esti,) end helmet' en arils of merit, with • ecloiaof flidobnuee, ble artetomery. The treetment of the led* And Of be fszotis fuzz lobes the aerie of the boot. bee in drawls= Lord Arllrgton, Lad, Baron Plr. lifuyelatodeleyer, el) noes herself, Lady Bosh has got On. illizwn hed. abilito as • writer, but her nohlene sak• °Mart. , •11.: of times are fine ch uactere, finely pay/A.l: 10/lislireirelr end their crew, also, are nicely a... 4 04 the DOW proof of their enectirenem II teat one hettily demists them from beelnning to wed, a. if Iberia:lre roallilei. The plot ❑ .butt!, nanazed, and, ati bg4,osupv4 the work 13 exceedingly interseticg. FLIRTATIONS IN rAsiIION.AI4ELO'S.,,' DT CAT/I.Falllinrs EiLliC,LtUto Author ol -Zontrice.""klodarn Aommplia.samais,"ora e i Finer-21A 111 MI4E; 22 It 6, OTIL The anther or Restrlc• has disprilig -her' uooi obits, in this now work. It is au or o.%eze ran awe Mom that only mots thair appeammcoaklatg is litems., sky. A walk Like thismitono de = beam, its mart upJu oodoty. sulwa OPlP.sllrreoOka. mend :r to sorb of our mod,* so 101 l 0ma1a t.... 1.1 3.4 ' hock- Ike kink. doxle her blows righti4rid prtiog the demit sod ortillea of huhronele etortoass. sad moulesting Irvine that wren tho whoa dee' wounds most thank her hr.. This WI ilsa book-.. now-sod then bock, sod one whish lihsTig i == tame vox' the...popular -The' Ott dror their port literally. sod wo harohT . ono ad the, bandsbraist and beat !sacral 01114 tined reit Orehf#, Present day. • • • - • :•.0 Copies of the attars booko prat try rash gee ofhelel*: on reoalpt of prioo. HE wiiir ri t T 3 FIFTH STETS?. istat iir sulk VEST PC9rET THE HEW RATIONAL LAW.: APPROVED PaRE SOt§: 014:it . _ • ..-T , CAattlaulng • full and cotap!f;te list of arttpEls tited,4 ‘1.1113101111i of tatUu mai 'e ' ,A , J `... ALPHABETICALLY ARRA:VIED,' • , laid of malt con rent. t eta. Prlaa.lo coute per dux., IS per hundred, FM7Ir r-pim m Wed pc,t paid cm reeellA pia& E..,1 .11 order. to In Alro prompt and leyol,,ilitlaa; JOIDI P. RUNT. Pabitatiet; IMMRSI KINOS, QUEENS AND fairAOS, NO L0N073111 NATIONALITY ZV LB w Ea ague =MEM 1:18t7:1 141342 LNOI H. OUT Eatlasnal lasanassity . Eagles, Shields, Stars an Fingsr A 01 -"- Desiccate tbe Bak. to 12}*,., IitIMICAN CABO, 00115.* UNION PLAYING (LUMP COLOITZL INSTEAD Or KING. i j ig GODDKIS OR LIDESTI VELSITAD, 01 . 1' Q 171113114,3 IS.A./011 IETIED 07 LICE. lar Union Duds an pat up fa ■ mat r. SOLD eR JOHN W. PIT - Tao Kl 3 NEWS DEPOT.' J MTH errarn, OPPOSISI TOM I , '* arrow D SOHOOL EITATIO.ur.s9 , j . O' ail Mr.& constantly on hand and foi , Qa at raisoli;-: able raten, man ren& CLAtta - E k 045,3 Wood VAY & CO., Booksellers anagtationera,, H 0.45 Wood atztet, next door to ilio_fornes Plttaborgh. SCHOOL and LAW BOOk3 torafaills r an Land SE Ir/AV THF. exaßiaex MST NEW morar t g . sardine .thst m. /11\ WThr..ols =be 'ha `1.4 . = spa ranks high t, a secomall Ca__ 4 c daitlcity, psrmantece, bera4 ose. mend denniblercelle of t a sttill, wain pas, sad vies ranizid,R. appUeallon." THE " Lgas sl#ow' Li entrant* anaeitedged an vary but tar all A/AU of snit* ,- I, regetus ar..talf azwVi i !besot es tilt that Is sossextutifl Keats Ettectit. ILsettltus, papelhe, • esetsg of W OXIA - 12 to Mt= DAT. The WHlCladia WliAolllll ceslj 1&C . F 1.141 ti**42lll LELFEOVEZEN23. om mai glitite• tae them, la the 649ir00m, 15e. LI JUTE mpg., " Wit. BUNNELL di; Ci4Agetta; rlESsrsorlr ,1 OILS, Terraa&tuigt, • Ica !MMus and Its Probaits. .o.garaza4emowi , r at was= =OUT arta for fe, I;car6i in) =M ar ark HOBfa, no law TONES, PLEMIIII ow 4Airie ' l " . ' - _taak' , . , 1111107 a: 2 host L ucao MGM 021 W Fneo Vbite 11..thttoi Vut 1,1,...! 1 Pm..2 3 mr. ,trpgailt = at . = • • ' - 10 .. , .•t