roIiDAT IBM . CITY Mb SIIBITIIBLN: urn d - 4 1 = imam vbitatolait blit rittriaitio to rAtio6 of nut pinup !Lesiouq44.,till! hplousso# - . l i)e now , InGiiihinds of timi Governor, til 4 itiiiitiona-ti*.iii for the orgaus titlY.lliceigni-Sled.*MatiorCof the Militia of me (Commonwealths of Panneylesebrse' -.1 proved Mil hunk nd one thousand eight ha red ataklAty•foar:- i' - ' • - ' 1 - : Ssonow I. Be it evadsd hied* &WO ela How Id 4.PUsce Diane 'rib Co nlTCltWada of Psanol. - r-,ravea, m fletorettaasevaly Nest, red it if bash( CO' 1 :seta by de ertribbrity elf (Le semis, 'That the Gait I:er, nor nut Stars Teel:samba and they arshereby `iintherised andatopewerrid to benow on the faith r-nt Gm Cenutuntreolth; it snob t ime, In net' saw:mots, ankwith inch notion as they sty deem I snort eapedleni tor thit intend of the State, any timmamot terneding-three millions eidetic's, and Oesnemntilliatia of. loin es eoupon,boods of thi • , liCommenwesith for the NAM., bearing six per :Intern Interest per annuaypayable senti-annuai ili7 in thes city et-Philadelphia, which ontificates "Zof lam: Or boas shall not be , subjed: toilian or Klocal taxation for any purpose whatever, and, tishall be reimbenible at any time after the ex s!-pirition of tene yam from their date; end the '' ; eo barosred,ersoseneh theiliof as amytHeneossl hoary, shill he, and the tame Is hereby appropri - Intel to defeat the aspens - 4s incurred under the „tiprovieletili ofthireelt.Protided, Thelma- mild - 4i:skull-lota- err-toed-shill brissued for a less f".sum than etas hundred dollars: Provided further, t i z i ts &) per v tl: i c e s:!! and tl it h: re ' o s eg iu tlo b t: d for inaeri l i :l ll' en the face of sea ostilioales of loan , or bokis, thet c the debt therein ;soured was tiontraded to 111'801 limier: and defenders State in war, and I-ito be trensferable on the books if the Column la - wealth, inThet Faiatent'inriffeelmnies' Bank, Pin lb city of llilledelahla t Provided fur th er 11 That tl i n Oolreriferami. StateTrteturer ire hers ' b 7 further ; auldashmerlainr ritsr - lbe • purpose - zit MU act, • It temperertippany-reade In the 'State Trealtir7 tined iumfdtately_legnited; or,-If tacestery, to It me ke . .a' titoperaili teeny - to be, repaid, from the liprenedaAf AltetptimuneDA i.en loroby author ' li= Sec .:2. 'Thu .t he Vomit or'oertilleates of, loan hlsnhtleindeg e. premien* el din soy shall be signettbr the Governer andeonntersigned by eat Btabs Treasurer - •arid Auditor fieureff and a eor ;-I not and somnite registry of the same , shall bi , N kept In &book to be , provided far that frarpme, in the opus ()fits altditer Gemini, Om ihill • mac anettiblleport• thine! to the Ligislohnel r , q aid the Courser ti hereby autholdeed to diem /virerratitr apotithe ' StateTrasearer for Smolt cams R B l MY be necessary 2(o ray the proper weenie ig:Latent to ihi negotiation of mob loan; easel. P titration role le:l:air klartlllastes of loan an. ! 0 thodrarlicendlifthleinVitaTad inf. rant. chill bejild out rot any Minty; in the Sao Mutt the Gerona: be met heirhereby il Authorised; by end withthe unmet *raiser/4 % , .i.,3 ate, to appoint a aomootout 'person et reliltary • I edueitinn A etplailhair and - skiff, to .hivier'oba, -- II mane of all the remtu. forms of rot e ''" to be raised =der, the, provislais of au not, _1 with the rank ofmejor general, who, while„ la actual senior., 'Malin' , entitled to thrpsy cot 1 1 emoluments of tortsJoi general In the, United • States; aorta ,hall ,elso hart suthotlth.tlir, . • /unser nierlefelde to Appoint two persoaa of Jae ; military adman,. an d altlit,lerber ' • -1 - Ittgadiersenenan wko, with " . inactuatsenlbs,'" ' stailleneratlthil tr. th e pay and. entolumentief ' • creme atowsamerenklM the army of the gal- ' 1 . 1 tad States: Preiniled, iowerer, That such general officers shall eatbitspßointeffor assize:ad la" daty r , by tin Ciliter-in-Chief,_. except when the t,/ fonerlitfistpreyt4ed for .hail kale ttlee Called • 4 - i into ireful service ha, 'Minket strength to ter quite much officers._ : , - , ... .• '. t Set. 4., Tffilieltioller the military faros pia e .. 1 lo aided foilmibither stall be called into terrier . by the Goterdor of - ilus - Comuurnwealth s It then. t be the daty.of the r Adjntast General to notify, in i -, ./. wiltieg,the Qoartermseten Gerund and Commis , • airy. General, of ,the ; point - or points where the ''' men are to residnvotat, with the number, aS near '' f• at maybe; and'aald oGeer shall forthwirtsdltd-' f the far ptcpm.u7sf sseid7isff to- he Zo 0 Man la• Wsalkbpinebb supplier, • ordnance, and crilnanee -1 atorifries me; la neeeitary for Demisting the : I troops aireitald, Al are provided by the of • • the regulationsibsited States, said propoub tube f„. . -di:cote/kip the said , Codunbleary -General and . .;" Quartermaster General repootively, - ithd- briar ; opened ' after live days' malice, sea the contraebi to bedew:led to the lowest bidder, by the propu - s ., 'floor bullies - said proposals, and adequate se ,:l el:Hey to be taken-6r the faithful perforation of , . . the contract beton theneme Is awarded, and said 'T'? officers ehallpubliell, . and keep on file In their • :4 ireveral departments for public insoection, *list -:" of &C lime proposals eland, needier thole re ; ;,„ Jr:tads/ well as noes awarded ; and before the 1 - :, aonydacer el 'say surplice, ordnance; ordnance '.... stores or any other znititeu7 stores of Any kind ). Z , , ra b i a ce t t ;"; fire uT9 l 264"u 4" trAlai akiMein: pro, d.• t c the duty of the Quatterrantem General or Constables , " General, , as the ease maybe; in toottaillon 'with the Au- ' .: -, -dttorlioncrit riot State Treerarer;-to - uppaint, ' a" frail time in Allel l 4 „requited, one immure db. •. interested andtemistentinspeotors familiar with • the value and Tatht, of..the tuppliesiordeanl4 ') ‘. • L ,l erdnanoe stares, or ether military stoma en °en- Is? trotted far, whote:detylt ahall bw en exinkne : , j ''. and accept or reject the ram*, and if accepted to ~ give a autilleatathetuf to thettontraotor Or Tea ,Slr, earl no bill rendered for any net supplies, o:dellece,erdostoe stores, or other military stores `.3..5ha1l be paid until so culded and approved; the 7: ; !err quer -so qpoir.ted alnil actf•ticadvo Aro :• I &Lars per day, for every day necessarily sm. !, .i played fa ' the diecharge of their deities, and shall severally beware , °rearmed to discharge, their 1., .dat:es withliffelitf: 'Pr Miffed, That the Quitter -1; (- muter General and Commissary General shall ••• J :•.,,, ' r. epectiesly-bahe-antherity, il erseittibler to - ~ .' f.' obtain the rep; I :es,ordnat es and ordnanoesteres ,--;,,, or :Aker military storey or any part thereof men •••i" ', timed In this sectlen,:fromthe Limited States 4., - Government, paying chain, if requlnd, the cost mlces thetatt :,-.Provided lowlier That the Com. isery General 'boll hare power tofie obese :'- direct, when aotuilly nottersuy, and when there, Is not time to advertiee for eon:rams, all cow , ' minary stores actually needed for - the troops: • • /loaded, also ' hat no more thesena! ': ~ cash prireshall be id form:Tartlet@ purchased. .;!' ' 81.0, 6 ...Mist teh revue of the Common. '''' • • main' ii hereby 'mho d and empowered to • •,,, :„ organise a militan nape s tailed the Penn-- ~ t ay nienta-State Guarl , tu be computed of Aileen ‘.'et regiments, in due proportion of cavalry, infantry .: 4 and artillery, or nab portion thereof se may be :'''', deemed :economy. The cold regiments ekell e -- .! ! s severally be composed of companies of like . me mber , and to be armed and equipped, 'Gonad, :- el lin agoverned , d cid ill in nal die p e ?ea or s a* '' , ''' service, U Minitel' , troops the ionic° of the I s ' United States, and shut be enlisted in the met .• .• on of the State for 'period notartoreding Was ' , •• year*, =ten Sooner discharged, sod shall be •I-, liable to be called into the service of this Stele -.: at such limes a 3 the Governor of the C . 9610/01I• ~ . i wealth:4oy Amu their artileu necasnry for ;.,•, , the yuppie of supprevieg ler:urea lane, or re ' F ~, rubs thireblone 1 and the• Governer shell op :•'; , 1 oint all - thi Berginuaital °finis, and the eomps . '•• i dies Shall have Unih a t to elect the company alters; and Uhl Maj or General and firtgadler ~ o :- :•- r Goralo, tad ell reg ental and °entree, oill• •-, -. au shall ba Masons of this Commonwealth: ;' 1 Jr rovida, Thateneh portions of Unsaid corps as -;,, • shall to &legato "mtgaburrice, shill be rep , ; plied and provided_with ordneeoe etoree et pa. '• ' ; Tided let in this act, - bur when not called into ••," actual lento% with an asa tler, daos and ord -a', • since`StOres shell be withheld until reqatred. ~ , Sim De The Comaor of the Commonwealth .:',„ Si herebl:anthotteed to Jerold* Tqe . , iikoseuy! ~,•' • hospital aningsatenie, p i a sof inetmetiou, '... "ermsandamomerments, mend +amp eget ,- rep, traneportatiost, an d, all things- neomeary, ‘• 1 thetergilegkedignipring, sad Ditties Into ... - - 'entre, sibilance," whom by aentet, quarter. ;-, rel ate to , "kondesary" and" °rine:no) inns of 1.-• , the esid Pemeryivemia State Gaudy and to mate sod evispiall needful•miss eapregalettonr, "' ,- to take sea nn bones for cavalry and artillery • ',- f j gerelloriks- - ,fall; fell CompensetierVehell ha -,... mule Within sitillestthiifttrittetakles of the .., eiamei and the plan by .Whou the pima 'UM be-, I taken than ethibit _to the owner: of the: same • ~ bis authority for such seizure, and 'hell et the . 4 :swag the, s time give to th e owner nom..fireto ' ' • • 4 member et bones taken, and the time when and ~ . by when, end the **rein for which- the, same - , ii a n required.and nehanppilarta ID VI Jag -- te meat may he reeteeary, and torelle nob ralt • • 1, 2 nods and other means of traneportatkrn as the - xt il cal i per cies of the C9lO easy demend.: : , re, r. The Gevernor of the Commeawealth 1 le also hereby autherindsuflempowered Orme i i. to be made an immedlote enroUmentsed elaseill , ca tion of the Wilds of the Commonentle; and 'I- ft elea ll . ls his duty to calf and bk, keep tw i n 11. o leos its he may deem neasseary,i trea t t h e .1 body of th e s aid mi li tia : Dr from moth portions l „eta, Commonworelthas he earydromineeemare ,tha amid Penney I : anis State Goma, by hole:inn. 1,1 gag or draft; Fronded; That any reasons who • maybe domed by the board of oust adore able c•-• to do millterjr•dity, neybe e tSeireel as Wan ` ,teen lalberfetetteta.proyldad to be Alai by Olt a#,..Uhoutyothunicato ago. ,, • Os& %41ttiut at reale - Aloe until the time j - wed by . law ,br =kips the - enrollment of the 1$ militia of the Commottutalth, the, Glavorsoi faj au thorised stlempowerod to orgialerrAtuAtfl-, -' thatizsd, Ws act, du tha lA* of_tho' • t , j l i a i r r o i l as i Itt L oOdo% o.o,l.l:4lmtride• 9 k thi ii :ate by dm•ourillta& aeon , 41-I,luo Ahem& c 7 430•0 1 44. 11 4'Yet ifeklePteetbehlealte Gregor. ,:. • le bent dfneteil MU au em u, - - i i went it. of lA* CommaaTealikap.bei - - i; duldtkal vro7„iiiia !Pt* kiPMtto tibtlhtithSs :IC a ouldomatio, ,-,-, :"..-_, , :IA 4 .. , 1 .., , .1 ita abstitho atictsamP..To dl' , - Disagreement ivhlie'Crathbllng. Ira fisturday- r Alght, : abeat,ohtesn o'elock, :ioux ectlorei - pitti Dinned Esteban stain, Itobett: - .: Mathews; oiAtlarn Anderson and -Mesas Parlor, while gamiding in the bonit o! :Harty pinhole, in the Allegheny Diamond, ',ltualrelcd - abont thi game, and became involved :in a general fight The night state hearing of ;the diEeulty, entered the hecee,-errested the zlenry, and conveyed them to the Mayor's of. toe. instal day monde/they had a hearing fore Mayor Alexander, vim &lid them fire dol „las each and - coats for‘ disorderly mordnot, and in default of hall, oommhted them id Jell for Ave ;days. Illeholkthe proprietor of the house, was 'nett lined damn dollars and niets;Whlelthe paid. :Vases Parker one of thetparty; blamed of be. 'lag a deserteLfrem thastrmy,and mill be taken in charge by , Provoat Marshal Either.” - - Daingi at Abe Illayei4 Mee Tosterdal , Afternoon MayaiLirWrei levee wu ;atteadid by thitty.thr a ptomain,i charged with' . • various offuter,.. Neely Bornn patriok Lyon. 'Ardand_ntrick.flar.kai wars arrUted for enter; frig a I owe in Mil tenberire aillY; and twisting a'dlittlibastae. in the morning while removing therrizonern, Boras immeedet in making ids turps by Alining thio — agla a window into Jaok ienN livery stable. The poricarenne magi dis appointed We, ercape,as they hai but: fa eikaverirg to &NIA tinkle! 1102ditl014 012 a num bcr of charge...which balm bum preferred against War. Earns Is a rerident of the Ttird ward ' and a in. mbar of the .sand lute'. fraternity. Lion• and and Harker were fined ten dollars each and coots, which they paid: • A Sad Case. Yesterdaylatunoon our attention was directed to the pitiable condition of a firoilj reading to ./11'clurg's court; in the rear Of Masonic Bevaral houses In, the court ; bare been tote flown . recently, and the inmates have removed to other habitations, With the exception of a woman and 41fro mall children, who, haat unable to somas aotimmOdations - elsewhere; have 'pieced's num:" her of bords„,egalnatthe fence,and under this :miserable shelter have been living for some - weeks; — WO would direet the &Ration — of oaf ohaiitible - eltifeas to this use, in the hopelhat The, sufferings •of 'adi poor fatal* will be &Ile= vista& If it is not a cue for ,Indlalual charity, the 'Directors of the Poor should Inquire Into it,' and' the family, if found worthy, removed to the Poor BOOM. Briton's Accident. On Sunday about' clam' o'cloek, a newsboy, named Barry, sged s&itt eleven piece, was run over by the lizinton church train at the Llborty . etreet Psi/anger Stallon, arid io 'severely in jured that it Is feared he will not recover. The train was backing Into the station when young `Tarry was knocked down, and the wheels of a tar passed over his turtle's, completely severing it from the body. He was conveyed to the reel deuce of Mr. Riley, hi*, step-father, on Webster street, and Drs. McCook and Ilamllton caned In; whO dressed the mound., The . pbyrialans are of the opinien thit the icjvies . recolved by the lit tle _fellow will malt-fatales Danigerrige „Counter:Alto. • -. -Tile following cotuiterftita bale Jut been put SSS ligil tinderhilli, well eels*. iated to &team,- The headof.llentllton and thy die work are rather (marts, and have the some wkat bisreed ajppeeraitee-ofteri h a to &limbo when Ito% defeat of .papsr or ink, the ire r;rension I, Imperfect or gresay. Other parts of the hitt, aturespecially, the book, are splendidly axsented. Ths signatures of 'the Treasurer and Regletegare4erfeet. . _ " Alto, $lOO. The work on this hilt Is not so rood, whin closely. examined, hi 'that on the soo,.,partienlarly in OK words "United States," arokthe *gee. ligoaragion.Wartvin.--Yrns. IL Garb;let, of the iilth In Dayton, 0., desired . information as to .the ruldekocot hlgpaents, 'Jacek' and 'Mary 'Gerbrioki whim he his not rata or heard from for 00000 teen „your- -atri listke beard from them them/tore at Pittsburg. '732ey havertaredin *brae - wand York Mules, P.., Acv I.6,l:Dation roe/pieties - them will be thankiuny received. , _ Atanan JL. S. Itty. holds met trith's severe icoldent In Stenbanvilie, ofi Rm., Met, by the . titling of s heavy piece of ember from the' op ocs ear at the Steubenville and! Indiana -Bait:owl Depot. The timber rtrutklaint'on the side of the heed, producing a •coaaalstan of the brain. But - slight `ham of hiarcoolary.ars entertained. :Toecirns llororri.—The Dlrootors of the Lamina:elite lobrioLi her. elected Mot followlog teachers for the *analog year Priordpol, Mr. R. Davie . ; 0121IIMIST Dopartment, Mitres L. A. BliedandifurfreilistfositfoLsaghlbt and Atutte B. Bryon r Prltistr Depertment; — Mlsres Sete Derfd, L. Arbbornj /400,0410,„13..M0u;d sad Mn. Being. PioxezintA:Sersteht M.Jor J. E. Breeding Dealtll,"of the Pannailiaitiatartillibla been promoted to Adjutant °filet regiment, with the rank of First Lieutenant: — Mintant Dateep ins seventy wounded at the betake!' St. Metes Cburoh, on the 24th of July tut, "Itt the suns times Col. Coved* wee tiro Inoore--Tba 1.310, lo regiment ar rived In this 014 as; Biitn.rday "Timing on thei r lrl7 home:: Tbilf mired yosta. A s y, iad ieft t fot Olendend daring the eimenoon. di nodal trairi. " The - Bibtletenee meremigue • priided for their tr to the - Oar; ; , Ratraewi ecorriorOit - nutria, angr' 'aboutrrrimkeitockficfrolght WAD= as Clara-:, bind and Plttebnish fldlroad,. woe thrown or! • ilmitreek, botreenAdilitit , enkThdatm by fee trealdoi. iwo cern oompletely : Asionabid. -- The irotasit delartAtb• paws= gar rcal trout Wbre)lag,wklArritp du at 41117, 4 , 16 SL. CatUtiooii on Banda. 1 . ,' Sum re Lyariimr..,,— Da theithlibe dorm hunday 'Mete, the Lori of Mt. , .110. , , . • • se a of AllXsy toweal4p, Annittuns feta- A rt it, xis dim& taltigiithleb;lrith-s Imp -illesteiTt i t . OCW* how 0,04 owls& ,iiiet - itenglie; infra oofiiamd.;_ Los) but 14.4fti• 4 0 P L iminine. , ~ t .-- ~- • -,.....! i - - ..,_,-, V4Z;14:17. i. 7,117. 11 ...: -, . 1 1.:1 .A,Z,,a, ' 4; i . tFt4 •,! ' , a, i...-ei'l• .....:,3. , criE±TATEsrlin% FROM, W4SHINGTON. ,Our Special Dispatcheg. FROM TEE TOTOtiO ARMY, MOVEHNT ON IVEIDOk RAILROAD, The Battle of Deep Run. ADVANCE OP UNREAL WARREN, Colonel 'livens , Cavalry right. to, - to Special DUl:utasc to the Ptttibor2h amen , Wosurhoroh Corr, Maps& 21, 1851. 13 0000vorrou SayerPoromoc, hoznet 12th, 1814 The Fifth corps moved to the left on There day, morning for the purpose of cutting the Walden railroad. They reached the railroad at a Point * about six miles from Petersburg, about noon, and the first division immediately nom meheed destroying the track, and the rest of the eorpamerehed on and got is position across the road to their line, penetrating the country for some three or four miles beyond. They were at tacked by a large force of rebels In the front and rear,„but held their position most stubbornly, and even advanced up the road toward the city. The third Division seems to have borne the bur den of the fight, which 'sated nearly all the af ternoon. 114 night our troops entrenched them selves in (good position. - To-day they are re ceiving heavy reinforcements, and are also preparing to establish a permanent battle line annealing their right With the left of their old position. I enclose a list of outtalties Colonel Peter Lyle, toonsuumding the let bri gadeof the Sd division is said to be wounded, st, Lieutenant Colonel Piersen, of the lidassichutette, is lesions*, wonnded la On ah. 'denten. The news Gym the extreme right 11:entetpor tent. We era haeindextremety wet wiesthert het net yet eitengh relit to lerlontly affect the road,. 1115144111L1FT 01 , OZX. I. C. DIVII direetion of the President, Brevet Major General J. 0. Dub to anigned to the 14th Army Corps !according to his brevet rent, to plane of Die)or Gen. Palmer, relieved at hie own must. /ha Putt Mittel:d Baia at Warsaw, Illinois, and at fluting Ilinnesolo, have jut been ea- Cabliched, each with a capital of $lOO,OOO. 01.011 01 W 1311111.1 SOLDLIIB Iho following are the - deaths of Westosa eel dim reported - to , dap 'from the hospital here: Joseph Bell, Co. 9, 145th Ohie;Joseph Sparks, 169th Ohio; Daniel P. Maser, I, 16Ith Ohio. Vim! OIL Damned sliAintutTlid. Nr. C. A. Page.sonds the . following to Cho Now York Trifrsno tinder dot! of Gen. Batlor's Hoodquirters, Aug. 19th, 10 p. The rebel attack upon and repulse by Birney, 'at Deep Run, just at night yesterday, proves to be Ma affair of ;larger proportions than was sup. Pored at the time. The firing was' very close end heavy foe neatly . an hour, but it so often happen. that there's a great deal of noise and butlittlib-ann at night, when the opposing lines are near together, that even the commending Gerona' did Oath:magic's the action was hall so Important as it now appears; but when daylight came, and the returns of our own loss footed up, and the rebel dead In front of our works count ed, the truth dashed out, and it was seen that there had hen no more desperate atenalt, no more determined and hereto resistance during the war. Th. blow foil upon Loring 's division, 10th carps, and Gen. Woo.Plrney's :colored brigade. The following Is BLej. lien. Diener' dispatch to Gen. Billionth regard to It liuu Qcsuiss Tim Ague Cove, August 19c11, 1861. Najaf fjourailßsaer, Cammaxiing Ddel. The anemyntasoled my lines in heavy Rim last night and were repubed with gnat lobs:, In front of one of the glued reglmente, eighty two dead Waist of the enemy are already poun ced. The colored troops behml handsomely, and are In line spirits. The assault was in eel. umns, a division strong, and would bare oersted any werks.not so well defended. The enemy's loss was at lout 1000. Respectfully, (Slgnsd)D.B. Buhr, Maj. Gam: , To-dajreaah Oda has greatly attragthmad ita worka, neither saatalag illapeasd to attack. has rainsd ahnoat coastal:My for fantail daya. (Nited) INC ADVANCII Or OTC WAUI!. Gen, Warren marched with the sth corps at daylight,on Friday morning towards Weldon Railroad, below Petersburg. At eight is m. he wss•driving in the rebel pickets; at noon he had possession of the road, and set: to work en trenching his command for soveral good days work of destination. The intention Is to destroy that road thoroughly ihis time. The operations of Hanocek and Birney have accomplished throe things. First. A sticcessfol action, giving to guns, battle flags, prisoners, and indlotinglinnoh greater ion than has been euffszed. Secohd. They have govented the enemy from ending more troops to the Shenandoah ♦alley, and have bnaght hook at doable quick the •trOopi already started. Third, This was the main object. They have drawn 'imps from Petersbureront, and enabled Warren lege; a fair station his mission. These operations had no relation whatever to the Dutch Gap project, and papers who vaunted to the coaolusloa• that Hancock meant Drury's !ruff, are .inforiaed that that position is on the left bank of the river, and tomothlng farther from Ricilmond then Hancock is to-night.. I mmox's LINO MR. When the marmj found late to-day that oar troops were demonstrating below Petersburg, ha attaoked Hemet to ascertain whether he kkt withdraws. , was soon saddled on that POLO, and desisted. 1,1 'fl fll prOpecileg catlsfactaii, sad will be com pleted aithia a feal days. hlsj.r Stu/lord social) the rives to.lay with allsg of truss, sad will pyabsbly rotarn with number of siok and wounded prisoners. IMEEMIE Exactly one.half of 'all the rebel forces in Vir, ginla are miss in the Shenandoah valley with Early. The other half hold the tine from Rich mond to Petersburg. Prom Dlrorry's headquarters (the right of the lino of operations) to Warren's, the extreme left, is 1 distance of ova miles by the shortest roads. This whole distance Is en, irf11101044.61:14 two ;urge rivers aro straddisid. Grant,..havinsymneh the largest army, can afford to stretch his line of operations, and thus alien mate Ifrice.• f 03 0 3. . omuarc nos?. Darien, commanding brigade in Shed don', oavaby,.who was — Wounded in th• cavalry engsvmsat , atMont I{oyal, on ttet7th, arrived hire to day.. brought with him two stand o rebel colon. Vol Devine'. pritiounsecli one off the Aiudest fought battles of the warp and th• Ant tine dosing tin wisp)! tisiebellion that :Mgt, Slifested:fn!listry..." ' .-• ' Aizraz..• OP troisnitt: ' 1.771.14 *Or" -.lralni,lid';4l7oTait }welt PitonAliy Point, stactiiie distslintaamong . thirmat hpopitais. ,_ 11 "1 1 ATT A 4I , 131 Tapia,* rim oi:lldoastj'a mum upon *043 116 7 rt a °A 9 1 i ,IM 1 0 1 ," riga' ea2* o . 31 cm rebehrwas lotVloyou, Instead af sniaty. lire as raporindby Itosolly, wad to?. lambed Old tweno 'cattle. It appears that th. quieten:ma. tit ta. cbillie 'ilium:lllNi: Pus Arida enemy , tis orderer and Ihotabels took;trom enact the war in....61/8141A/UlliCleft ?Omuta 8 wink noii l nsi l is, ll 4'mßnq to pal 4 .V4* Aumetegraa.: ritiwitioi . ino: - Attie - 10E1i ' 4 iiittedi L' " -: • titparoit . .. !kit rep* :ikAlfttlot• 'dertitriiDOilltedpy Iw beta . tutp_olatia to the comstrod of the Midge Dlttrtot ot it , intstaii,, in place of Major General tahrldge, remorsd, b Incorrect. oral GIN. B•11110S11 The ail:tenor of the Court Martial in the ease of Emmen General W. A. Hammond has been }meanie - ate' The following In the President's! Order confirming the pentanes : , The proceedings, finding and sentence of the Court la the foregoing ease are approved, and It La ordered that •Soxgeon General Wm. A. Ham mond, 11. B. A., be diemlased from the service, and be forever disqualified from holding sly offitd of honor, profit or trust under the Govern ment of the United States. (Signed) A. Lnrcor,s. New Tort Stock and Money Market. Special Ditpatelt to Oa Pine:Rolf Gault.. New Yoe", Angus 20,1864. The stook muket continuos dull, and rates hare tan fartherdeetined. Pittsburgh .1 Port Warne, 114}5; Oleretand k Pittsbargh, 11154; 11. s. Sizes 1881'; 1083(; One Year Clertilleates, 95 Trews?) Naas, 11.1411114 1 Plve-T wen ties,loBU. Gold Is • shade lower, closing this afternoon at 256%. Engagement at the Weldon Raßroad. Fos? Mono', Aug. 20.—8 y way of Baltimore we have Portress Monroe dates to the SOch inst. From Pity Point we have intelligence that the Fifth Corps had a severe fight with the enemy on the 19th, on the Weldon B►tlroad, but sus raided in routing the enemy, and finally ad. rill:teed and occupied a position on the line of the Petersburg and Weldon road. At last ao eouou we atilt held the position. On this north of the James River our linos, up to the later. intelligence, continued unchanged, notwithstanding the repeated 'flirts of the enemy to dislodge us. The canal Is progreming favorably. Lama.-4 80, r. steamier John Brooks has arrived (at 1311liniare,) froin City Point, and cionffrata the seeress of cur movement on the Weldon ~inroad. The Fifth Corps still held their *stank. Our petition' on the dbilit tide of lite James Riesz is hot materially changed, but the Third Corps is making an important movement. PRADQULUTIIIII OP fill AILIAT Or TEO Poromeo,, Aug. 18, 1864. TDII morning, at four o'clock, the .sth corps started on an expedition to cut the •Weidon rail road at Ruble Station, taking four days' rations. This carps was withdrawn from the left front come days rgo, and bad been in reserve since. They reached the 'railroad about T o'clock, and tbe let division, being to advance, had skir mish with the forii of the enemy stationed there to protect the road. They fell back rapidly, however, and the leas on either aide wao light. After placing the troops to line to meet any attack watch might - be made, the work of tear ing no the trackerili adtroneneed Lad piaraeuted with vigor for several hours but about noon they were interrupted in thei r by the ap pearance of the enemy, who were advancing along the rationed - from , Petenburrin line at battle. They proved to be MIN corps, which bad been leg in reserve for the last km days, and advanced at doable quick as coos a, they became await of oar tatentisa. The 24 division, On. Ayers commanding, held the &dynes on the railroad, the 3J and 4th division supporting on the right, while the try division on the left and prevent any surprise Into that direetion. • Tre attack on the 2d division recent: detsr• mined, bat ons . men. met It to handsome style, with bears loss. After repeated attempte to foto oar line, the retple ansily, atter two boars hard lighting, gave up timid,* and'lell beet tome distance, keeping op a ate allthe 'aftenfoca from their batteriee and skirmishers. The leb Has York hoary artillery particu larly distlugnlibed Itself In thin engagement. Colonel Vmdrial% it. commander, WU femoral, wounded4crose t • back. The movement was e complete tomtits to the enemy, the rebel pickets stationed in the vicinity being so astonished that; they bad bazely tiro° to escape. Some fa or rriAonliti ware taken, several of whom ware wounded. The track is tarn ttp for over a mlia, sad our troops still hold the position at dark. To night and to-morrow they will onstpletely destroy the Lies and .ralla of the raiirdad, union the rebels Omit wit the neighborhood In too strong form The lou on oar olds la shout 300.. •Beereterp EitentaWs Wax Dart, Wasaisaros, Aag. 20. Meier:Genera Dir • The operations of Gen. Grant's forass are de tailed in the folio wingueloial dispatches noels , ad to day 17 Will Department : °icy •mt, Aug. 18-8 F. 01.—Osneral War ren moved with his corps this morning to and aeries the Weldon road. about one mite South of the Weldon road. lie met nothing bet the enemy. pickets, and ed•aneed Cram this towards Poter.bog, meeting the enemy. • tae had con siderable fighting during the day, sneering some Ices and - baleting lots en the enemy. I hare no report slowing the - errant of one lose, bet Judge them to blight from the die; patches. Bowe of the seemed wounded GD inns ear hands, suds-taw ether prisoners. Oily Point, Aug 18.—Oar treed* are firmly Seed across the Weldon read. There nu been little or no fighting to day. either south of Pee tersbarg so north of the James floor. War. sea reports that the enemy's dead in °outriders. hie bombers were Vinod fa his front unheeded. City Fbial,l9d, 9 r. he snamy come oat this evenincto Warren's right, driving in the plot.- ets betosen lobn and the .ft of our old mi. on the Jerusalem plant tort, and forolog them nick, which resulted in oretog back two divisions of warre. , . corps. A hemy fight took place, re. salting in re estalliehing oar liana and the asp tulag of • good many primnsts. The prisoners were f -om Lesth's, Idahono's and Iloke's divi sions. We alsolost considerably to prisoners. The last foregoing dispatch was remind title afternoon, and is the latest noeired by &ha De partment. I t is estimated that the loss of the enemy dot ing the week cannot fall mock short of 4,01 D, if it dots not emoted that number. Tb• Department has satleffictory intelligenea from den. Sherman to 8 38 o'clock last arguing. Reynrts at IS o'clock tbis morning from Skerl• dark'e front ratirment all Teat at that time, IRO tbat Gilmore with forty or fifty man entered Mar tinsburg last craning. (94gned) S. M. Burrow, Elee'y of War. The None of Liberty ►o Danger- seizure 'of Arms lIIDTMIAPOLII, Aug. 21 —Some dare ago Goy. Mono. mitred • letter from the But stating that a large quantity of arms wore being shinned to disloyal parties to radians. Co the 17th Inst. four boxes were reaelved, eddreused to J. J. Parson., from,U. a. Dodd. A Co, printers of title atty. Lest night twanty.two boxes came to the tame address, and were received and drays& to Dodd's oßoe. 'A guard was immediately pieced mond the bnitdingstnd took poessssion. Upon examination, the boies were found to contain resolvers of the but quality and fixed ammuel- J.J.PaTiIOII/. Charles B. Hatable& (Dodd's partner) and Wm Harrison, Grand Secretary of the Sons of Liberty, were arrested and platted ander guard at the Soldiers' flame! The two fernier were released on taking the oath of elle &lmes. This evening a book containing • list the names of the Bons of Liberty war found le Dodes safe, including thp Secretary and Au &tar of State, Attorney General and Mr. Bing• hato.sditor of the Swaim; and:the nameeof four htindsed rebel prisoner, and third degree mem bers. IL IL Dodd L the Grand 006103113i1l of the Bons of Liberty In Indiana. From Grant and Sheridan. 'Now Toes, Aug. 20,—The Posfa Washington special, dated 20. b, says There Is no need of lessartanoe froM Grant. T. new armament on the nonharn Ode or the. .I,Eu IA river is progress • log favorzbly, stud gr...i.stocresalts may cond. deafly be antialpated. Reports from the abenandialt valley intimate that flisaridan to watoningthe movements of the — nbal column, and was prepared to mast them at gni Point. . It 11 raining heavily. Advice. from Roanoke litend oq the 16th, via Fortress Monroe, ante that • captain, formerly of the United States navy, is now in command of the rebel ram Albemarle. ()apt. Maffei, the former oammander, II now In command of the rebel Isomer Coquet, and bee jet MA the blookade at Wilmington, loaded with cotton. . , . •Fifteen thousand pounds of anger were recently at Beata Mills, A. C.-by rebel agora% and con• veyed to'Weldon, N. O. via Edonton. senator Wilson aha the admtatetraloa Opposed to as Artati,tlee. Demos, Aug. 20.—Bonator Wilson publishes • nomdenying all the " reports to the effect that he is mixed up witliany proposition for an ar mistice with the Mids. He says that no public, ; man connected_ williSheAdmintstration Is in ie. Tor monk* personally know that President Llnootn and all the members of . his CriblnithsvinFisioubted Whin-the suesoss of cm' minim and the complete Miumph out. muse, and with this belief they millpuisne the Moot vigorous measures ?symiseisammy pitmen , to carry on the war. - ,lodreuta Katie' of Otaitiied 'Eatralopes. `toe 'at ' ;Mt& :Itiapect ea4opes aredyeAltsdethe P. O. De- It i rieseht, =au merit [wing largely . efflux* heteteferriasde;:ttveDetett ,4 ' cottar ittsputa dipolar ta the tratbui:ohloot; •aatioihOlaCei:otisherienhieradtanteil late it which "they sre...l 4 :loChotohihed -lathe palate. The berme in the pries of the latter site is Abed 17 pot amt. • - Eton thee UppriP Owings I* Air . . 2 1 .--As IV is - loatesiiia t i n , b u . bun ; agt.ispvient .iiii for Vipir Posomii). id ilisnbili:4o IsoUiTei to bit fa ili Is iirprad listritills, r4l x-1,1., -, , , • , .1.1. V.:::). , Feld , z'• p of I, Li, ~ P , Fteufg,Aeetnirlifil of Os rernvian. • la —The Scum Pun elan; p ete,Tslietponl the.llth,, sin prides -Wry en the parted this . point; salving Ale a ft ernoon. Her dater are Ere days later. The news is unimportant. '- Min Lluarpoiol ootton naitket wu Irregular, -end the wizen had &Mined. Bresdituffa were quioto buSateady‘. Provisions were daft Cal -11011 at 89i anti for money. Three man bad been tried n Liverpool-for en listing men for the Confederate steamer /tope -1.01,0c-k• Thal were found guilty and tined one hundred Mad Illy pounde • sterling, and were varied not to repeat the offense, and then liberated on: , heir own reeognscence. The little brig Vision, bound from New York to London, wu !pollen in Jai, It, lathe latitute of 45-10 and longitude of 33 degrees welt, and wee supplied with provisions and water, whoa she continued on her voyage. The Dane German %anion continued to audio :ousidereble discussion. Mr B•temsn, the father of the Amerioan ao. tress Bliss Bateman, h•e been brought before • saaaistrate in London, charged with slander on & lady growing out of • thew:steal 'minds!. The case was sent for trial. The animosity between Penman and the anal* German states shows to:en of increase. It was rumored In Part" that the Yrenoh Gore eminent had entered' a protest against the ex tension of the Pruisian territory, except ander consent of the powers who origenielly traced the beundariesi Paris Boozes firm cantos 661 450. London Bank rate reciains M a per mint. hiarket exhibits rather moralise.. Cancels yes. feeds) firmer. Satherwalt's circular says that large amounts of P. S. Bonds have been import• ad frem America, and last week's prices dee p d fully 8 per cent., bat the news of a higher price In - New York continued the centliental and rallied. They closed strong at 41?,i(g;42. We note more desparatian to take these bonds in England daring the peat weak. The ICInoL Central loin good demand, but at lower prim. Liverpool, Aug. - 11.—BreadatitTe were dell, but steady. Corn was firmer, and advaneed 6.91; sales 20 and 6a29 and 9 for mixed.. Beef quiet; pork quiet, but steady ; lard quiet, with down word tendency. Sugar inactive; acffee quiet and steady. Petroleum firmer at 2 and 113 and 9 for Ripened. L9ertem, dup. Il.—Wheat dull, and deollned I a2e par quarter, closing steady. Sugar dull; carte taster; ten not so firm dy tolograph to Londonderry. .Voerpogi, Augsvii 12 —Cotton The sales for the week was 30,000 bake. The market was Li re stdar and tinted dull at a deollne of a quarter and half penny. To•diy the market (dosed Brine but at unchanged quotations. The fol lowing are the authorized quotation': Middling Orleans, SO3 ; do. Mobile, 300(1 do. Upland., 00. The stock in port is 246,900 bales, of which 140,000 hales is American. DreadstUlla quiet but steady. Cora still advancing; Mixed 20r. Previsions dull and downward. Inspection of the Washington Porttff!a. done--the New Loan. Saw Year, Aarait 20.—The Conseereial dd. reritor bar the following /pedal from Washiag ton : Workington' Angurt 20.—A thorough Inspection of the fortification, of W..hlogton was made yetteudny, and proVed autlrely astiefaetory. It the enemy should come down from the vellay sgaluet wk , he would dad the city hi a more ef • 'deal state bf defence than ever before. Reports Shit certain Republican leaders have made an impressioft upon the President in favor of an armistice until after the election, are un founded. When the Presittemt will not even change his cabinet with a view to improve his chancre for hie reelection, It ts Idle to suppose he would adopt a bold pow* measure. The Pod nye : StereMsyftessenden intends to :mums to Waal:Lir:l3ms this evening. Tho terms cf the new loan are net yet decided upon. It Is reported that the bondi will be Piro ler/alias, which are extremely scarce. No Ends are at prereetmore actively in request, both In foreign markets and by our own altisens. The demand for the Even-Thirties is not expected to be di • minished by the lune of those gild bearing bends, as thedattar will be abwrbed by a diffsr • eel clam of investere from those who aubsorlbeti for the former. Moreover, the debt certificates, obese low price bas checked the demand for SovensThirtlaa, will now probably rise in valise sm It fa proposed to acapt.lo per cent of the pay ments for tb• now bond. in thoseseeorltiu. Ar - rangements fir the payment of this and Inters ens settl‘be such as to distorb as little 14 pos elbla thimocaments of the money mantels. Gold drooping, in consignee*e of the payee nits of interests freim the sub-treasury. Opening poles, 2673 i; o:osett, 156%. From Kansas—The Indian Outrages Dumas Crrr, Aug. 20.—Isfornation from tho. W. Lane, Superintendent of lb* ”Branch Mist,' to &mato/ Jamas U. Laze, soprano, the dermal forties; hem The telegram purporting to be from the Indian Borten at Washington, in as outrage on the memory of Om uaarated men and inuffensige women and children who hags been killed and ertipad by those Lrasobsr • cue deeds. livery bead of Indians of soy size on the plains bays salted for the parpose of so• laminating and driving white men from those mountains and plains. The only wrongs that I know of ant that these neutral enemies to pro= gram and improvement bags Alen fad, strength• sued and famished arms ander a mistaken poll• vy, the better to accomplish this bellieh common. If Colorado has any friends la the Eludes, lab them prove It now. Theme who sympathise with the wronged . Indian bad better - eat their halt rhort'lnfore parting Missouri river, as the, 11•3 no tupleeters of personage or Ear.. (Algtedl O. W. Lan. Ali the store, mat% elese.ll the mitt are drilling and 1/oTklb" on the fortifications. • Letter from Gen. neymonren the Aspect of Altair' In the Bonne. New Your, August 20.—Th• Sims 3us lons letter from Brigadier Sonora Seymour, lets prisoner at the South, upon' the present as of Hare, hued upon his former knowledge In that section, and his recent observations. He states the rebel cense fast falling from eittenution, sad all the need la men to give crushing prepondsr an to to ouramalu. Tens of thomandziof lives are lost because our sztlay of strength is so dispro portionately lees than that against which w• bat tle. Srorywhere we meet on nearly equal terms, where we znignt so well have four to one. The coot to us in blood and treasure, and of a pro longed was can hardly be foreseen. The econo my is lat:tea of such an effort as the glorious North should pot forth. The South will tight as keg as the struggle Is equal. It ern cobalt to curb preponderance as we should show In the • From Chattanooga Crams:an Aug. 111,—The cb....r6dr. Nub• villa dispatch Manta that the first train from the front sines Wheeler's raid reached Chattanooga on the Mt inst. .fitz heavy trains left there at imes far the front, the but of whisk O le reported vas coptursd near Kingston by • small forme detached from Walter's commend. Since the occupation of Cleveland Wheeler's movements have been mysterious ' sad probably made to void Kilpatrick, who, with a strong force, II to pursuit. Wheeler's force oonslsti of three dial • gone and one brigade, with ten pieces of artil• levy—in all about 6,000 mom Arrlvatot Rebel Prkonen New Toms, Aug. !o —The Eteralfi. Harper'e Ferry correspondent of the lath, jays that about three _hundred prisoners arrived from the front on that day. Boma of them belonged to Long• etrest'e Corp.. A hundred head of hones and cattle captured la the valley, also mashed that pant. Our army Is so disposed es to oover.the ford, of the upper Potomac and approaches to Her. per's Pony, Snicker's, Ashby's, sod Kea Gaps, and prevent any dank movement of the enemy. La'er from Europe. !law Yost, August 11.—The eteenuthls from Liverpool on the vie Qexn+hwe cn the to S , arrived lb's enuring. Tbene we Li generally intercepted. • Lord Palpierston bee made a epeeob, :Tress lug hopes, of au early. pesos In America. He thought, however, the Interposition of HogLegid si primal woad be worse then melees. Death of Gan. Woodward. Ctentsau.e, Mg. 20 — pen. Woodward died at Hopi' yesterdity. .111. clommand Is generated. dohneton !is repotted at Media:L ane. Johnitonis evidently making for Cam liaised. Four feet of water in the river, on the shoals, and raising slowly. From Gen. Averttl. tomown, Angell 20.—lien. Avertll retired froze idartinsbarg on Thursday evening with his m►ln form To•da the rebel pickets advanced to Falling Waters, but were by sidetaalinent of the Virginia Union avah7• Repels Routed. • Minus, Amps 20.--Aartoas from Ennis. rills dam Soap sop r ans. Ilasay.and litughss. hays Jut orrhaid with Mak commands. :Tim, attacked Johnson's command. oboM Morgan. tied oomphotaly routing atom ospkOng.en a . teen prlsonors, ',yid retook. al l. P* prepuioille • 5 . c.) i-clirrlizi.4:l34tra, 7, T. . Bsamio tar `E..t541... be/OW Mil olahmadeposs Mamas 1 ,1140 4 1 14 ala l 4saltkAhailatonii to 7:: bile bat imeinmei t iotionotl4:4o, Mee sot that 0 /1 ; t f"-* twick. l2- PciOdm.cluV e h et- , ..m.stglar# ll4 )4 CO. Zoo Oman a ,of hforauslistes distrion;atiratn.itaas s,aaraii elesactieledir - etio•hiaionlilp of Nilo Taylor. • Doiths of Poldters, , Naive Rpm% Aniutrit...rThr folloyiat Antra lava 000ttli tb,•ltaiipterei last npotti War. Wilflawirpial 7 1,sinsa , Uhikoris4;1334 311.141011W4sast MoDousWMU Oldie - Wei. giad o UM 910. *entente at Suritiou'llizieriVilainmpad ApyrovV4, , Virmentircrtost, Auglol - 20?-214. Gifik: Hint- Onddi eon General tr. if. A., yam tried by co at*WasbregtOn'en the Itele of-Jen ass, lest, on very long*, charges of &tread les the Oevenamemt of miry tarp amonnt3 of money in the way of oontreets to avers persons for flannels, medical supplies andhospital storm. The doeliton of the court wai that Sargon Ormond Hammond be =missed the lent» end ditqaalined from holding any odic* of honor or most tinder the Government. mu sentence the Prmideat hen epproved. Fire In New Haven, Coen, Ni. Harr", Coin., Aug. 20.—The large four story carriage mtaufeetorlof Danko= k Booth eras destroyed by Ire this morning. The 1011 11 $40,000; the Melamine* is $l $,OOO. 00. kT. Small, machinist', alto stuttnined a heavy 1011. Venn and Vegetables 'Needed At a very large number of soldiers will be parsing tbrcagb oar city during this and next week, the Subsistence Committee ask of oar gar deners and °Miens contributions of trait and vegetables. They will require to toed these men thousands of bushels of vegetables. So there need be no fear of the - supply being too great. Contributions can be left at the Hall pr at No. 79 Smitbfield street. The followlpg articles will be needed: Apples, peaches, cabbages, potatoes, beets, onions, beans, butter and egg". The Committee also need large supplies of tomatoes and encumber plotter, not only for immediate no., but for patting LID for winter, at the Soldiers' Home. The Committee hope that a simple Dodos of their wants will be suOloient to recess for them a 101 l supply. T —Tho theatre was opened on Saar• day night for the seneen to one of the largest audiences that ever congregated In that estab llshment. The new company were well reoelved, and their performanees apparently gave male faction. The Improvements made daring the vacation have rendered the theatre neat and elegant. 1 , DISOND 11.. T 0011FDZ:C7.—A young man named John Tito pion was arrested on Saturday even ing by tit Allegheny police, for acting disorder ly in a car on the Pittsburgh and Blanehester Passenger Railway. Ile wu locked up daring the night, and fated eve dollars and outs by the Mayor to `..he morning. Bethel WASHID AV,A.4.—The lure double span bridge on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad,kmar Balineville, wu washed sway by the heavynine• of Tuesday tut. The damage will be repaired ea speedily al portable. • To STD? Woar..—lt A stated.tbat a number of the glass manufactories contemplate "topping operation', In consequence of an insuglalent nip • ply of eoal, owned by the "digger? strike." ericciAA socAA NOTIONS. Tiros ' Paw, Pialn,and Ornamented Slate Hoofer, d dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver. inert els of the best quality at low rates. 031ce et Alex. Laughlin, nun the Watt)! Works, ttsburgh, Pa. .• TonBo isn't Taus Parmin.--Por over forty years, D odor Holloway hes been supplying ell the Armies of 'Europe with his FILLS AHD OINTMEBT, they having proved the only medicines able to core the worettcalet of Drain. tol7r Balmy, Ocoee, Wounde and Braises. Ever, knapaack should contain them. Holloway's Pills and Ointment an now re tailed, owing to the high prices of dregs, en., at 55 cents, TI ornte and 51,40 per pot or boy for sale la Pittehargh by B. L. Pahnestook k VG. . . . /or sale It Yaltoei drag storm, Fifth street, Picubstrgix. for rale also by Geo. A. [Celli, Redetnletzeet, Allegheny city. FAJEN Wl AUCTION.—WW be *old on the pre mises, near Wall's Sheldon, Penna. Railroad, on Wednesday, 114th 'natant, at 2 o'elook P. Df., a Farm, containing 243 Lerel 77 porcine. This tuna Is in a good stele of °salivation, plenty of timber and well watered. If desirable, it will be sold in two parts, having two dwellings ' two good barns and all the necessary ontbalidings. See advertisement for pardonlers. Perrone wishing to attend the eels will leave en 11:44 A. it. than. STILLNOI Worn' ea Baokoway.—Sosodeat, which is fast becoming • hoosehold word,L, do• rived from the Greek, •nd eomposed of two fiBoso," to preserve, mod nOdeatel," the Teeth—Sogodont, • preserver of the Teeth. Tor beanUfying the teeth, lrorigaratiog game, and 'greatening the breath, It is without ► pm to the world. Bold by Thuggish'. de the warm breathed seplorre of spieg the the pectoral vallissof &Inborn Prance, theybsor westward the delicious pertness of the 'Trial:fps Flor‘t•a"—the rarest Omer of earth. Penfessor Lorin has Inoorporated this delightful flower with his ne• toilet preparation, ...Hair Dressing Pioriline.' He alualenges the world to produce Its eqela ter ntility, elegance and edlcienry. Itarregi, Nardi =a Prolapses Titer! cared With ease and safety. Alt Eirrtng 'Praises op press the wearer, violate nature's eerrii•aint laws, shoe r eonomon wens., Insult the digul4r of the Imam form, irritate and.make sere, get out of place, cease atrophy et the abdominal muscle by their death grip, retarding In placer of as sisting nature to perfect a core, end will soon be considered's' are Wiickeea nails of barbarity, tut may be boulatered up for a time by interest, ignorance andprikledlos. Rainbow's Relief le the rev, with the Intelligent, and la the rovers. of elI the above annoyances. Bin the naparal !sled testintonfalr. Office, No. 69 Perry street; holm, from 11 to I P. 11 days, Mondays, Tues day', Fridays and Satrordays. Rattonm.—Samnet graham it oo.,lferahant Tailors, bare annoyed to 12 Smithhold street. We are just receiving our mond supply of spring and mama, good', and would most re spectfully Invite our friends and the public In general to examine our new stock, believing it to be ono of the Snout steaks of merchant tailor goods to the city. Every garment war ranted to give full satisfaetion, in both prim and qatitty. Oita ta a mai before purchasing elsewhere and Judge for yoruaolvet.. Azalea Iddlainteas. Merchant Tailors, No. 71 Smithhold etre& armlet Norick.—The anal:lion of oar readers Is direeted to the brilliant errortmentof Bribe sad Rummer floods last received by our Mead Mr. John Wider, No. 126 Federal street, Alle gheny. HL stook oomprlsos a groat "'LAO, of Fancy Preach, lingllsh, likotch and Amirican Cassimams end Cloths, and bas Silk and Ca*. Amens Vastings,—•l' sf which will be male up to oilier In the latest Myles and In the best manner. A cholas 'studios of Punishing Goods also on hand and for sale, together with • tall stook of Beady lisle Clothing. well end fash ionably made. Tom Third great tale of Lets comes off at Braddooh's Field on Monday nest. Prom the number of lots sold at the two lag sales, the lo cation Is that the most If not all the remaloing and very beautiful lots la Maple's Addition win be sold. Thos. having means to forest should attend the sale. Trains over both roads fro., as before. See adeartisemeaL To DIT 4 the peat tale of Lots, at Brad doolOo Biold, at 1 o'clock, prealsoll. Ere* ox elusion trains leave thoOonnellsTills and,,Peatt sylsaaLe Depots for the sale. • New Neetoret. Batts.—Books of enbroriptlon for the formation of a new Notional Bank In Mb city, are now open at the offlos of G. B. Long k Co., tf Wood itreet. Bee advertleamone oleo where. Sunman luanttrai at Aumerou.—To-mor me (Tuesday) month% M tea o'aliesk, at Ma CieSaud's, IS Birth street. See advartlasmiust. OVEINOW.II6 Tn TUZ rA.D..—roll moralog t c a , 0.11 S.. con 0.112:2 411 A, street, ry zacalua of um! Win) JAIL . On Yon.—Lt. B. A. Witlto to mantling two oomparries of •heavy artillery' for one year. Lt. White hu been In the mein slue the begin - ging of the rebellion. and is pretty well posted in military matters. Perrone wishing to go into this bunch of the service will do well to .gin Lt. Whits • call. • Con Kane Mmerno.—There will be • coal mlnen' meeting held at Solis Church, near Brad dock? Pled, on Monday, Angot 21c1, at two o'olook o r. m All miners are reepeottnlly quested to attend. Mono sad Thoolls mans salmi mei, Wit. All No. roan strmlio- dig w ill All ordors to IMA.Alroiro plow rill I* promptly attondioi boo "go ag6tt lio Osla in &Oslo& - • Indarsionte:tutld bleoffertniglev Weer; bat aa equitable , be be charge* la erery. ease, tor eke best materiel 'MI be seed, sad MI the time old /WI etereerele intro 3Prommo guile! elan 'bur , . plAteek . Tim Sarrarrind Angled liatii.b#,hia H Kfrttms, - pr!lnlavAls. ~;. vastsitloii swathJi24' ANN Zsgitir ttiod z . 4011 0 ) too 1,p11444. /14.63 "Man 'Mirk'. - IRA .54:1; iss.ST4ihk, PPM Vas*. - ms Muds at sls lipml:l7 we (VA* t 0.144414, s : • IMPOETANT TO - -, 604 mhztoftharrs. ' • 'L motto( ottho coo isciaisos it Ikea*. WV's:* Sanu, rarer Ong, Op. llLlDii k kaosat Wyse„ll ealmt NO. -FlisOlsol, latoadostos ropossoid , am budosai of to,2{4ii,,,Tus abikroviiittai f . aimithlteriatm • • sun ii.11102111% , 1164 maw: 1 EMS= Mer:A.MAtiEtTS. PlL.Uidele4; *ark"' 'D" ruilaultarsun. August. ille-Ylour dradi Fam OSIS: Superior Whilst Hod $255 and Old rif,Mittp.,7s. While VISCOS. i•Cdra firm; 7a lbw 11,70ast Mimed $1.8491,0.-i Dam Wear; New itiO4l4o. Old ItilakSo. Meat Pork—Sew arm at tan, Wlasky firm at 11.€iCi01,8 tiii - Pft" - frum anted; Crude Eadned fa M.nd 82413.5 e; Ina WSW, /Saptits ides New York Market. Nay Tnkr..AtigastVii--Cbrion mere active. audkire !After, SW 6/.81(411 61 . ch‘61611.61.t57 sate or Mid dllak tplanda. Flour—ittate and Western to dm Num: ofglo 15 rut Tatra State, SW 694110,e1 for Ektra B. 11. 0 ,and 510,1.2 fdr Tirade bran clueing firm; Included Is the nab, a5O 6 033 blent Extrafitate for Do crater, at 611. Whisky firm at 51,82, clueing with tea thtt quotation, and 804e,/,61.. Who. .Shales Somerset roly alight 5upp1y 12,15,32,33 for Cbio.itot a1a1g0.1.9.5 f n Milwaukee tunb,514,P.,43 for Winter Bed Veeaern. Corn a shade firmer at 11,51% 91,65 for Mined Western, and 51,56 for Mgt 0.0 toyer at t"Gcdtqc for Redtern. Ruol Ern; with • fair taker, fottm Am I Hots atked for Lilo. Suva quiet but firm; oio X 25 for Porto Biro, 211`1531a far Ledt, duty 1.C.1. la!i@d4e cash for di. in Boa . Yatro • :tam cl..e tom, so !hike's !o-Crude, 1954187 c tor Be- Cncd In Wad. and OoBtss for Rofteed Free. Pat; firmer and In good deo - a.; 537 , 417 60 for Mess.ll9.s7}igid ft.r Not do., clr log at SilD,L2Nig4o,2s, $15.50 for Prime acs 51.*(4. V,to for Prime Bees; 2.600 bald New fern for aab t, buyers' option, at 61.0,25010 75, and 6,000d0 for he ter, same °Atm. as 1W.,341450. Bed dull. Lard dam at Vs. Banter steady. Stock and Money Market. /Iry lola, August DX—Mosey arm and snivel at 7 per mot. oterllog doll at 100% fe• gold. Gold aosrsto ly r tim,opeoing at 2.53, sdestichog to ZTti, doello log to tsfy y sdesstiog closing quiet tg. bd7. Tbe total sports of Free to less tibt.sso. Gwen's:met e tools ete.dy; C.o. 0.111 Coupoos led% e7t, . Ctopott, 1103 4 ; T.S.b, o..tAerr srol Apra, Chicago Market. XIIMAGn, Angttst 90 —Flour firm and adranced 25c. Wfirat adramiag ; f1,211,g2 frr No. 1, 61.09 for No. Corn firm f.,r No. 1, and 5 f,23 fur No. A . Oam firm. Wbl kj dal:it 51,71. NUS Pc.rk tmehangal. nti get. quiet. Ps elpts—;4febbls floor, 129,00 p bash Oorn. ntoptuctlts—.2l,% , l bbl Yiaar, 42,01 J btan Wheat, 47,0, boob Ccro, 17,000 bosh Oats. • 0.14 ego Oortol, A no 2o.—Floor fn Dotter Annetta at 510339 10,felf for O. I eprleg, $10,71 for Red Wititar, 511,239 11,3, far 1.3 . 41te, 612412,n5 far NARA! Rites, Wheat q is t. pert les teuetat.y Winn' apart. Coro et Tlllnols it 4;:%, No. I I wilana 11,11Wy1,4r, No 'nand other thentipthln In the market. caul Y.lgh • qul.ll. RIVER iNtELLWENCE The ricer et alto priat Wm:metal /name daring Eat urday night end Sunday' [corning, bat commenced mwellitg again tetterds7 afternoon, and hist everdng It was .1111 rieteg :lowly with ohm:dill feel In the ob., CoL The weather runtime" cloudy, enitry and egret tied, with frsqt,nt ehriners of ruin. The recent sale, eppearto hare been general ; and ea rood of the =ell ;throw base risen more ar less, we look for ► good stage of vats, frau this point cut. The arr Pals throe oar last report honlode the Allarva, from Beam, Bertha, from Wheeling, and the Palma, from liarictta. The Itet.namtd but brought up two eats, containing In all about four thousand rater mY one, The Bertha and'illbarra hare both been told up for cheat two months, the latter undergoing repairs. The little ataxer Patrolia N 0.2 left for 011 cur on Sao a day, w!th a fair number of passenzers and ooze:d -e able heti ht. Tia liaire, a very pretty now boat—intended mainly sr • !night boat, a:loco:rah she an amomzeredaw ben pessengsra—cuee up In ale Iloree on antardni. and laid coincance loafing for Cincinnati and Loci edite this nr swing. She will be to commend of Capt. Alcoa lie • Cornell, formerly clerk of the Paragon. We comment the wl don of the owner. In securing the serrlas of Capt. klco., as he is • gentleman In ere. respect, and to yeti qualified f-r the teapot twat position to which he has for the gm time been galled. The Sate Potnoro, Capt. Johu W. Anaemia, clerk J. A. Dela, Is ...reed to learefor Ciarlenstinnd Lon. Lull e forthwith. fhe Nate Is itbrefs new boat, bas ex telleet accommodatlous for passel:qua And plenty of room for freight 1 ho !diners% will, to all probability, be rowdy to lease for Wb eliog to-dry at noon. Capt. John Gigdo a still retains command, and Nr. A.l. Minting has the rgs of 01 e rllia. e Pligrtn, Copt. Brictell, and the Gordon, CapL Petchelar, troth new atearonrs, are reedy to eminent, bah On. The 11l whir gr. riser, woe learn; has risen mese three or t feet, sad Ohio keing the case, it II altogether Trob bit that t r Emma Graham old the Jails will re sume their lax. in the Pittaaargh and Zurestille trade for Oh with, The Boanehe and Hargi t Hays were mlverthted to leave Cloth natkfor Plttsborgh on filatnettay. Tharedsy evening, slant 880 o'clock, the O. B. mat. steamer MaJ Anderson, °apt. Gorman, boood up, end leghland Ch it, Ca S. Illktt, booed dawn, came to collision at the foot of Long Lick Band, two or three miles above Versy. The Anderson's bow entered the stark:it'd bow of Me I/ 4m...a Chist, shoot oP7mite the cepetaln, “tilog Into her taboo. Both bast had blown the proper wthrtles. and both were backlog when be .ochisiut occom--d—thl I opened,. prevaltiog that the Chief took a door on lc, pilot. The Chief we. Modeetliot ty, mteirelieved of her pacmgers, when she swung arocod and mak,in fifteen feet wow, The Chief had throe hooded tees of freight and ores four hondrei deck and cabin pasmogers, mcladlng comber of soldier; teamster. and letterer; all of whom w,r• tared. One of the negro deck hinds. woo was ail.-ep 'when the accident moons 1 , bad fine of kis lege brakes. The °acute took the Highleed Ohtani pameo gem to Louisville Capt. Pme. Ludwlet went'down to the wrack yesterday with the /Marmon/. to remcve bet cargo. and miry and sore the Octet Tee opinion ' eel ed yesterday that the could not bet-abed. ThelOttlef wae a now steamer, tart c mpletal. a few weeks dom. tamed at f 00, end °weed try Darla Gil tem A Co., and Capt. Pore. Lodwick There is no Lororamos no her.— Cie Cosesee•vial, &rodeo. 10'• OliZ OF IC lIHN.B.W&LL'S GREAT 1133111D/ESEIONS ZWEL DISIVESSAL °AMU ItElfßitY.—The bade oT thii wonderful preparatJaa, now of nab. enalbeinmed celebrity, to a freedom from every component caltortatad to debilitate, and by sorb to allow the greaten fred. dom of am, day or night, al the =litres theory by which Throat nod Long Oomplaintacan be eta malty cured. To pneaat asking ananthm to bag glories of great muse, when kcal cams. make alma.* all mirk cam plalats different la ould aek centl4nos, which_ will he awned. In OW; Coasts, Ilaammtem, don Throat, Bronchial and Asthmatic Om plaints, Whoep• toss (Week, and to all T h reat cad Law . Cosiplanta abash, when caslectsak and to Ommamptlna. distlato. play tram rays:ll:Wm of tha aghast mapectabillty, and from inmdidn can be seen at nay OM°, by all interacts< Far de by all Whalasale and /WWI Deans JOHN L. 121111 NEWELL. Plogniaidn, Pro:tkeD Clbualar, Dadra, lima. for We by dm. /l dal Ora 8. ur... 3. A. Iratwratork A 0.2., 1. EL Ricca, Amps for Pltrabarein (11110. A. lirDr, W. J. Y.aka sad Dr. Janos Drws, Apar. ler Allegheny City. fcl6.3m— ORPRA34B' COURT BALK—By vilAtte of an oiler of the Cornhona' 0 cri f Areal:tau f orate. I - WMrapture at Potato Sala. on BATOtt,"Alf, the 00th de; of Sedatabor, A. 1254. at l b . Oomi Roma 11 tl. city of itt,aborgh, at 10 o'clock a, ea. of tats ea, all that oe tato lot or pPoe of Mated altnate o tau Dftel,b of leviers,. all.atteuy county, he tog lot 190. in Samuel Pedal...holm pm of lota n. log a =MI. 'him of part of 10e fa-m "&l.poo" Na. 1.2 a. In "Bra• alai Dhetotol." haanded and oeswited as follow., to wit: Begimlog at the coonsfof lot No. 25 In said plan on stow, and rondo' [beam aLag 414 RBI moot N.B6° 80 wen eight perches to ate. corner of lot No. Ed In mid plea, Ciao. ahem the line of add lot N 0.23 B. f+t• b , West, Moat) pr rhea ("W. P'l to Locate Week theme akag said Levan immet tioatirte Of teat efghl perch" (L. P.) to the Um of lot No.llsabriatid. nod them., along the Ilne of said lot No 55 North 5e 5 , Neat twenty percted. to the place of legation oontabo- Ina 00 le am., on Which II urmtal • good sabotauthel wall B. hied from dieellom hour sod mkt.outholidinp, all la got and cam plate reptir, with an excelloat welled radian water, lhe goonad to in an euellent Mahe Of alien'culdn and well supplied with • aumber of fruit tqm, ocotillos of molts, paschal mad cherries; Wm • emierty 01CrodL 0555—Tw0 bemired drams to es* am Us day of niecend the balance la mesh upon Oh. °man:amt. of W. nal dollen; of , ord,porohusr . to hirel•h United Stairs BevanBinsup for deed of caner enoe at hie oam. NARY a. acausuroox i '2 .1117: I. eta hr Adm . . of John lilarketookolee d. • • WILE., tilkal h 00., • WOOL Commission Merchants. 341 LIBERTY STREET, 4unrner of,Wayste. Woorbentit Ind sold on Itplursim s CONTR&1:110118.--Ssalod Proposals for the aatfoo. maeuar7. bridging, ralabildaw am* Now and lying Qs treat. as the Unmeant Ha& Beall (from Wahantazioato Taangsta an, &haat Itliel/al witr to »valved at lb. alio* at Nat New WV* 121 SWOT Valley Ballroad Ootaaany, La Nair Oast/N . sin Bt Walw k It.. .agait INN 166 t. The Una will wad ui of three dhidaat of &X Nati eaWt. Bids for Inasong mast be seivato. - Bidal as*, rewind for Skithe , furnishing tha , errin-ttoi sal laying the trick. for PISLIV sad mediations May bio ma at Mt ?goo, at mot Artw Asztot ttb. Tho CiPapllli [sum Ws 41 . 1 t to tliost 12 , , t'F 411 bldg. 3 It. wawroan Pro% W. 0. DAZILIT. OWL Mtg. . Row Gottki Jay V; teat .. _ , WOW S . TRAY HOG&Catne to the .premises -. el the reborn's?, to latardiy sooralos, tegelt li,- I.ed, to the borourh of lornracerills. Whither* co., Ph. TWO WIGS BLACK - Mai -wneT. 1101111, THUM L 1111.61 WIEITZ HMI, and OTT ti ZULU WEIVII do. The moor le herrebj-nottriad to care her. prow Droplet Pty chines and tab thaa liThrt ter their will be meld imrdbg to for.' erlTiht - - :AO. iltriiTICEL v-twat/ .4tniffin rltrialtaL-Stolen th-e: itiiottl - Waditaittem logiailleafromiltbctmcgti. iiISHIGIFIZBIUDEIII. apec=b=agle bisb at 4 Wrarf i rrtilliaArnik• eta= p,./.6=1:01=11nd,"4 on*. is. limo was tsiant; s the gehawddb gal kid* az Om atabtrmtd wpm b• old for Um ernaire tb• Mew, 4411 t-U" = • • itilindbasz*to • nonomouga ultuus — - atiotwaniE. • irlisiv:l 1D m, APES AND:. •ENVB140,111; WAS* 7 ' 1. 173N o lliejlilitteltaf i.N7Ta,, WIZ MINS; !, .. 7. , -4t l !Fit NI! Tor CNIN +Mid*, SINNIF INA _ .- t • . , . ' . :". , t', - " ~ . . JP_Wrnr4VI);ftIWICS. „ A_ A•a• ; ; - - Od i n t6NdlitSlliranlegiF' 4 Concert Hall Shoe Storeo JUST BECELVED. , ' 4 1 '.; BOOTS AND SHOEW Jot Adapted for the Fall Beato4 .l CHILDREN'S SHOES, • 07 MIT Y Lauri AID 11174.11; FOB 15 CBS. AT NO, 62 FIFTH • Ig FASHIONABLE DESIRABLE GC:6OOSNI" TOB GENT'S & YOUTH'S OLOTBING:ii: MADE 'Leo ORDER. IN MB BEST STYLE AND Eile - 4 , 14 79 FEDERAL, ma= Alloghimg. BAILEY, FARRELL & 00., R. B. NORRIS, 111[1AHANT TAILOS, PRACTICAL I'LIIMBERS, i 4 GAB Al/13' STEAD: M713119, 4 t,iCfr , L.— • tLo bay. alma," oa hand a bins aao wedl am:died etriektlil Pampa. Efidratits, Wash basins, Bark Tab., tars, Erni, Leal PIRO, Sheet lead, kr; rbicb. rp to tha mug admirable manner. We abating tatorre CLtaru, Tank., dm, witheal tka Vta Of 0 4 BAILEY, ws.rtrigs.r. - or d. , 1 4 • is 7017Erta 8581@. • --••••• Aga— • •-• • '1 , 4 0•111 LED WOOD ,U:liii/2111,..41,• Uaa i aid )14 i y w. wooDWEI.W. end el Third and, di.dmitte end 111 Vomit etreer. Thwart Queammilarms asessenti OrIlta;•! . • Pitabargh, July sotl. mac-- • . i A RTILLERY HORSES YU Isr OP= ELLIDLIT. . . 0170 will be glean by the andersigned. st ,• bargb, Ps. , for good AST/LW= Kowa% , la certificates of indobtedarm far not. Um tlesa taltE brass.' Them bona anal be weir forme, oath*, from .0 debate. from 6 y MM. aid this rDiDllt to MOE , " • ~d, from 1534 to 15 boado high, sad to Weight , 4 ,4 ' Men lOW pounds. •R White home and Wares will be excluded. They will be easnitmd bye competent Wo h and Will boner premated mast coaionn to the • 0. 178 , 1% - . MIA( - Lt. tltd. and D. Q. W. Illenarld.' IL AND'' KIN VAAL .- 0 &41 511 0 :1 ass Olt LUDT-801TM MOWS 00., denims In 00, 00 Territory sal - 111Linerslimater:, me mewed to eto cr lawny tmeattly df Drodititsieo tot bi the celebrate/tit reale= of Burning tie Her.swbs, Hoglss Ohio, florae - Dechelall 0=1%5 end all oilier . • 11. 1 We bare Mao aline ar.oent of miasma arrittry fad Ile Well brown oo rers of lisobbreon county, Oehlei,l sad other shoes. Their Won Tlrßlafa leads Me *ball r'• sil terming with I'bl:radial:sot mdesble allsails. thick; • tai well rem the Warr Drib bras.. ihmellindlaiit , ' be wld ar Weld in grant:Um to gait spylimatn, sad nameable Wan Terpartleniene Manes or a 0 on I, M. MOTU. . torory et low, Illarbtte, 0., or 0. IL PAtOTOS, arc Beam& Meet sad Dome W.y MilablltWhe olollamt maxi on al snow nos. WIIDIABALE 011 BflW.. BBICKIEWATIER. 1769. - cortial egos:, 072011 ND In VIDA ISRIBILID : . e' ! caI:TIARA, VILLAS, RAILROAD DIRORO, .1 eft =mat neap ®.ms, be di0,11.111,10r noon. BLIISb. ILLITETOR3,I2U2GIet CAB7,aa.; p, banal= run? no lira awycar. - Aaelzeis, ROBERT Gomel Agcc.t. TI Riga= Lau. Xlnr mlactod MaCORD & 00., Hats, - oars and Strati-. t Savo tom to acre Ito brim! Lotman or woods fox • spsnvc 15A,M13:5. Tow olorsel to tito welt. itwechwato exl colt awl KIM cue 'tat. which will br mom at oar, Ire ata& .o*O 111 Waal 1111..' rr J. ORE, & CO., -a- • Nebo fa • 4 , • X$ PINE TAB , - .f. 'revamp& armada far IXLICS. 143 h 1 . 1/1% bWalittaK3=4,.. ?or " 1.1711.44 Mi11a t;;. ofiao. So t iss mat irrwarr, Putentrgh. soma - _ t 14.; • p. 4 iTTEMON a BROS, Youghloghmreoal pal - 1140011, 1 4 craws .kei at tee osie, co nsaasGßerssifin4iL eartnnokrawodulipxrramiomemragiat ^ illrWistireOgital F oamy . salkftwitt 1664,; TrE4F 4I A ism: usortnuad,o — POClELT aoiniziatia- 4 ; - ROMA MAIM:4 for ll36A—tikpepts. ciakbbltgA in WWl= terkey, Its Tatkey IlLotecoA— Ida stugli .> Woe and with =hie edgee—tritli Mkt pitegt,elatgA; sod dulls betettingt; AU 6.. W aim frets •Mt WOW ,c must to the 'ay butt. Iron •We Itt.nesetlAb 1 1 01% -T-t by. ' VAL GI: JO/31aq A;ool.lB4sUcescip r oeta, LYON AENNINIAL, irte0B2131i1.!.;;I : DIAL= hi the teed sabot Use& °ram ItAVABA. MAW, _and- all Mode +AN, `tr EliCallig AND maws-NG rottACOU, FANCY 20335CUA111t _PIMA .TOBZA: AA: tteeq b gbat VIPICA TAO tteberAlt,,Pa. - PI ; • Tab a*Uel , tat Aim& , t _ , efffARLFA CIALDWE** I - - , • - '- • • V.; rO5l E! rAIII Itit,' ; pester In recca...masaircasavinswitpl4:- --,Rao4cD P1E 7 .11 6 F11.:: , ASOILIMINABSETAEDIMITIMVITINRC—i • - Priallera& ' opaltsrrtai. , suA,M{Br' l. • ailoiraarinr. ,Itf ar A tf, 3 ~auab"ceafin"of 12. . k 1 izi.%110.• ' ' 4 4 4..eie.103.625113,__Ata. Iltiatratizesni aVot .11.t.rt WWI • 21411; ma. Tor TA ADP • =IIV: my/. ej1 11 9 3221 BL,'/lalzr-rt s 5,1.1 . 154 . 73 E s - "A Sall I s tuk. lijslitiothartr et RPOISIT3 Terragable tow: antic s o bb m ,„*„,t4Amithrwries.,.......„ . • • 'eta= 01V- 1 50 beirababer :icyl4 ; - • liiiatlo4 l loll24ll-,;', bajaele *ills bp` 1.17 • - UM! zi t fo - • • - • • , !ta - • - • ' ••.