iur Ottzt tiatiniat .rA11(1037 ,1 5, 1864 MONDAY 4cowl. . .lal Statelier...An Allegheny .Night 10 lineman Mhot by a petecteve • - 1i... On flalewd y'nigite, lab.esti Alen •a, roof/wed at tee Prov •t. Marshals tillea, in-this city, ste t ticg that a .-tutu tram gast://I.4iLeq, owned ,t 1 Thomas Whaley, had arrivedin Alieghene City i 1 hitting the prelims ,everting, end WAS stopping A at hi. mother's booze, ou Halbach. street, In the. .' First Ward. ' Hillier' Barber and Th,rnbarg, two 14 r of Capt. Foster's detectives , wore Petalled to sr ' • rest Whaley, and about twelve o'clock stetted 4 upon the expedition. White taking energy of ..8 the premise', their motions at rioted the atom ' tion of night'ltatehman Samuel Hedger, who ae • coated tn.= sae saked then 1111131011111610111111 W. , The t e t c ? . stared that they were detectives, and were not toe Feasible to the tight police La heir • c c iuecct,et .1115 - I suxte tam /Mut:lllms their badge i of ollice, whith Lilian on the left lappet of the .:c• vest.. Alms tome farther conseraation Hr. • A Hedger left, and preceedded to the !layer's of - ' See, ehete he Mated' the facts to the osaptath of ',' id the night watch. Lieut. Charles aCheseey was sent by the Cintein to ineestigate the cite, and s. was accompanied ty 1. Um .nr or dee members of , . 1 .1 watch. Upon heating Whaley's 'hone,. they •, iil heard a great atria:tenon imide and the doors 7, 11 being Nett:dorms Selfridge olathed through • :.4 wince, into the home. ..110 11/113inazedtataiy ..,:, , g 4 netted by Detective Thoraborgi who Mistook him ...+4 for Whaley, +Una treally - entuad. - The night watch then broke into the doer, mid endeavotel '2-5 •-• 71 to take the aflame lute custody.. They •stottay retitled, and . Slier 6.arber drew a pistol, welch' ~ ....fl was discharged (accidentally, as alleged .by Sal , ~ il bey) and th 6 bail eatentd the,thlgh of bleat. ~. 1,1 Sietnietney, iniltating .‘ Stier* and palatal A wean& Theloatice than lets the and eon •,• P, ?eyed the wiroadsd man to the Makes edits, 1 'Obere the bail was arshrected by Dr. James B. ..t..1:1' aen on. In the meantime the detectives searched --: 11, the house, and hainglitisbleth discover Wb iley, .... i.l started for this any.- Whenkhey' reached Veda. eel street, thelsollar to appeared OtTelltad theta and curtseyed them to the Heyer'a dim, where ...: i' they were locked up. OaSandaystiornieg, Key ' fl or Alexander committed the detectives ee jail _-,.. in default of '52,0,110 ball fcr a far th er g, hearin 3 :,.. ,1 ., which will take placiabi mining at ton o'clock. After eitibi7a,dx-bwieptientlyisilirtisomanta, shert.ita.e.,,,Ctgapt. .;,,...f tat the requited bail, and they woe discharged. ~•: The t &natives of , th e did:rent parties are very .„ ' i coed eat g, but definite Information may be oh-' II tittle d et, the SPeyer's °Mee thus morning; ,;'.. ill eras. barber antrreembarg called upon us' % 1 last eveniag, and giro us *the following vendee '.• •-. ' of the a f f air :' On Sunday Morning, between one i . .and two o'clock, ielaw etandieg on the corner of .;.,,, ..,.:, Robinson and Corry - ekes% officer Hedger ap • . t t i . ; - pr ceche d them sad vdeted them to leave. they .. -,. .,;.1 replied that they YeAr.tratild Abtedi Masers, '.; • , Mr. Hedger *tend that kla Distractions were to or 'L ,. - - •ti rest every person ',mud withal stellate at that hoar : '.•• . 'P. or the night. The *Been replied that they we e 't! ~ • 'earth was rani by, end toldthim to leave end •: - ".. , 1 not mote any note, as the family might be ,!....• . excused and the deserter Mose*. . Hedger re : I plied that the theirs would have to leave, as his ;., .. ' • outheiPy wee higher than theire. - Ode of them told Hedger Chat he was nothlog. bat a night watchman, while, they were U. S. Governess It ',,,- -: •. editors, and be hid. no right. io interfere with -; "-; them in the dlachuge &their dtity, that if he did, they would . street him and take him tithe , -..;.., guard hea th . He thou mated - that:his authority , .. ). was higher than - detectives, and that they meet . ~..; •,-., leave. After acme far th er oonvereadon Mr.' •' 0 ..11 Hedger left the report at the fdayOr'eortee. The odiciers than went to.Whaity's Winne, and while ..-..f..,.4,. searching ft the .night watch arrived and en ., +.e deavored to apprehend them., While endeavor .•:;,,!4. tog to pat the ''nippers " on Mr. 8 1, The.ro he 1- . 1g . ,"`" drew - a pistol from his' pocket , and white nick. ...-, big it, it aceidentally exploded la. hit hand, the ,'.-`: 1 ..... o meats of which entered the thigh of ids. M - i s'-t - F, Chesthey. The 'detecting also etatelhat while searelling Whaley's sites, dtseofered - - or mutts?? t e overcoat , tro b i s c a t ici 'j tt t - claimed.: boarded bone i of ell t e: e h n o l u g at ' ... ' The eErers make farther statements which we . :I . 0,.., , decline pnblistairaf, as-the lade may, be addaced at the beating tO;days ~ . • . .. . . . . The Sharpabni* incicteet....Connitusion of ' the IniesUgatton. On Saturday •afternool4.the. Coroner's Jury In the cue of Toblai - 'Partutll,,:te assembled at Sharpebrug, to continue the Investigation, and decide lux the deceased cane to hie death., Dr. itta i ' k .tuliqett Oa bl .hil beesineued upon. on Thema,. 'the 4th Inst by Mr, Purcell to . .. Tian, his son. dietlonnti, the' boy in--bed, who• complained of &severe pain in: the left. %resat en i shoulder. Examined him and found that tee theulder wavieetulderably swollen. Asked the bey if be bad-'been in a fight, but received no ans.. r; could Oct distorer any brakes. Did not anon what was the matter; with him, and .could not account for she roma:kale's swelling in the shoulder andrbresst r' thought it might have been Thu routine: -,lnfeurekthai he had gone to toe river to bathe witen,eeethcited. - Rheims titm might be critied by an &log. -. • jr.b Tobias Pareelle hitter. of the deceased, testified that blioon elute home on Tauda7l4. ternoen, crying,and' said that bid arne. pained him. Asked Lim What was the matter, when his is n wad be did not knew. Did nut think the matter was r erlits, and paid very little attest. 4.1 nto it. Toblystild not wok ea Wednesday. My ems was about - fifteen' years of age, and woe a **tor g and healthy toy. .. Witham fdoyft - tortified [het he watt tamed as a “eoller" in- let mi., Bailey, Desell .t Do'o. Rolling Idill, in Sharneburg, and - employed employed Tobias Partell as +q:leper up" at the nut rolls. The mill was stopped; on ~ Monday. Purcell wo:kel all der 'Thorley Midi verb of Wede lns day. The deceased.appeared to work at well as rastual ien Turaday. - -Ou Wednesday, after the rtr.t. root d, deceased* opme to niece:3ol.ga ho I was sick end wanted to gb home. W imam asked 1 km to walk a little while longer, but he mad, he bad a revere. gain to his arm and breast, and k l eruld - not do so. L):d not see deceased again' , after be loft rho Mill. dm certain tbathe worked lon Wednecd.y. , , . . ' There being no other srltnes ego to arisen., the. jury deliberated Op sir - a Verdict, aad arrived at the conclusion that death wee caused by °rya , - paha: The OM tacit. d.co ariderable interest in the borough, and ...the verdict of . the jury was' received . with evident estlefection ,by; the clti. stns. The boy q,annolt; who.. struck deceased \va the breast dating' the fight on the Seeley grirtimus to his death. re only ton limn old, and legpre to be - qmot and teoffenelve. . Dar. I the excitenunia-eccasioned by the death of Purcell, he left Liebe:Mt, bat has . staen returned. .... - ; . 0 • • ( f , • .‘-t, A ' Accidenls at. Etna .., .. . ... . Os Sunday week, Maurice. Ankermau, aged twelve year', son of Jacob Aokeemaor oi Bins,: with 62 ardien:. w as , which;it.' fese2e; . met would reran fatalij,' Daring . the taktiporary adv . : . sato of bit parents from the berme, Ilisinice ' prucrired a loaded:livelier, sad; *MI6 pliAng , iirttli a younger. tr'otlier, the revolver was senl : : aerially dlrehargert'audtha ball otruerMittries' lin the forehead, entering hls hrad about as Isola and a half, and penetrated 'the' brain. Dr. A. D.!liccivade, of Buoseand Dr. George bleDoolt, l of this elth wall ant for 1 0.4 Wneeeedod - in' re moving the bait - Tie up - oration was preformed ,o successfu ll y that ; tie boy La was to walk man& , . .., . S ome days since,„loveitt Wanner IMO driving g orre and wagon along the side of • hal, Oars' tpli . when the Lexie tudde 'Mei and fell .ii © ,,,,i - p ipice, taking tiferViiren and driver 1 1 w r ith him , The horse fell upon Wanner, - and it vitas some time before he could be restated.. ter's skull was Mustered and he also re ia2vetd a seroro cut et . the sight . temple. Dr. .. - ,:tay,f,Qeslio, who is ..atterding the -112 red Assn, - ....-, ~.,.. :.,- . Friates that To :1 in - a fait 'an; f to: T0r.17. •.,, ...,-.. "i" . . ... . - , ,y New Military organizations. :i,l The Provost Marshal of the 734.1 dlstrle: F„osive4l on Eldor a / 7 a circular, item 'which we 'hrate the following enlist': : • sry, The feEtrleicas preventlegtoustering of including Pill Frat Manhole of enrollment -......tedirtricts, from muttering in recruits for new or. remoVed ; - and itrati recruits will mustered in by mut,ring officers; es nrovl— ':.tied for recruits •fer cld organissanna and will, : 4 14 feta to tho sztnelmidesroci, pginaed for D the ocmttnnnner • "IL The regiments, crla ' depondeat organ! , stionr muscle designated on this muster-in rolls, {the . four copies. of initer .re — disposed'of as I. iftai r, But the recruits will be organised into F . .... 0 2npar,1es by the cow:nal:l4ton oth:ar of the gen r.;7rel rendezvous:est which the regiment may be t - Amembled Advance eounty r r. to paid by the Chasm- . i. exit when the co perky rolls shall tare' been 0 0.. • 35,1 f This opine the doo r :, car young men to A r m 11/4sew organisatrao themse lves , e and at the time entitle ,metres to the local bonne raid by thealrinr4l l 4 , reh i b :7 go Late I,,esits. Thus theipeop o ft wo three ad thing oub-dietnot may unite Rata form a emu ny under cheers f their own choice. .. , 13 . 1 • iy . ", , g..Corstact A srara..--Abont edema sdelook on T,F:jstardsy sdght a diffloalty comma on the eon. , 3est of Grant and . Bitch .•: streets•balvreen Avian" +d . ,:linosed John Roney and IRght : Witelasseds "Me, '';.fqrady, daring which ffesina34roi*loste. airy, ';...:"' g knife' add' cut ' the cosec severely on the leek: ,ROI3D/7 tr arrseted a shoif thus - afar:' ~ suds at his hostel fa.ll court off Gnat !bk as -", =ad taken 6 the 4•OrViolffsege wii.ktut, ? • tied Scijail.yorte ey by thel(eyer:l4 /alai: l it " 4 ' .. $1 ,000 bait t015.1r'...._:1..._....._...rtbt......_Va1.i''P1it court.. - . 1'.•_; . ...' : , ...,.,„' , ..•aL-- . 'N's.vrtAliiiiTekiantlaiii the y .nr Siays; ".,1•, - ..tiel, bang recridted. by, Capt. Marton: hat: :.T.iits.dlled co, and will tre,datoqsaro.todsy... ESEME io• ntlit , it wi t hers . 4 .lrrvieFd• — OaU. se oet, . tares, o, t 6.. hones of De. Vetb ine:Taith ..net, Law Grant, was entared'by tour boy', who torrtapueej rsautektag M. The Doetcr e 7.11 his fitntly .battg atzt.t '.h•tra the e'hy, the unusual noise in the house wttraeted tte attention of the neighbors, and, upon ms:tr.tng an intuit gttio6. ti.root era. the b...te. Tee Hee were tent fyr, who tturnnzdan the hence aed watched att the _doors end trindous, white Ctiat of Pullet Loot - tearehed for the bugler.. Tfhl!tt la•an upper acre, one of the boys at tempted to scrape through eaUar window . , when an elates welysieett by &lady letto resides on tbe epposlte tide of iheitrest. Mr. Ling demanded !cut the cellar end (weld two of the boys bid in an ash pile. They Stout Alately eursosieral Pennell es, et a ware tette to the idayer's of to . They it.led , that their names are . Peter Stewart and Peter'Anjo, and ate About Aaron. tern, years old. The aMayoreommtited them to jail to efettit of bail. Yetterd. , y afternoon of. Ern Culp succeeded la airestien another of the fat', coned Jorea, who resides in tho Fifth %sad. Jones had in his possorsion a numbir of keys, a gild pee, end a number of plume of all. set. Be was esnurnitted to Jell to answer. sfl ST isIOHINISIS.=rIIO teilablaCa of J. E. Helmer, oaths Fourth-street road, near F.. tit tratlhtnjhrh b, 4Stararlf.'dariar tio storm on atiletai sittztooa. The fluid amtated at tiro ruor ar.d pasting ilo7c, through. the have to the altar, nal:4J Its exit throrwh therrtirtdallon watt, with Proud report. The boildiss war coratdotably damaged, boo no pee. .oun 'curhjotrd.,__ _ - SPECIAII , SOCA& NOVICUB4 Mope! Pust,Plant .and Ortiniinitht elate Bode^ end degas Plulka7tin*an4 cunt slats et the beet qaality ,lotel ;attn. °Zoe at Ales. Langli.in'ta tto, Wafer Watts. Pittabargh, A. tall Of it Otiritt, at basqmetar ban s ' NiT ss splendid earls en tits eons!! ell . bacsbe pentane one' acatteni, soma ti entritios, ' . dre I.se •Stl.s Li = ttle:btooir.4aden forests of . . gni her ferret is oat, - gar 'tie wLLFa ed &bone, (And surely ',the moral to_platnly-to ha ma k ) He, otie,mo iire - sell doe, (k hint, Iv lies, for eon.) To the use :ot the cop toilet gem. Floriline Emma's •Iti camp or the Beltl,.iimOoted to chsnges In _the weather, shrold basil trot of n,0161) .. 11 Brnchial Troehoe footle' poatat„ to read n n upon the first appellants, of a-Cold, ttorts,b,tr Sore Throat, wtreh they are saes .1 . • Vrttrataran ter the arm/ shnsild ant leave the city until, rtroptlei with HOLLOWAY'S PIGLS AFT D OtNrd ENT. Per Borne, S ter/,, Wound', bmall-Pox, Fevers and Bawd-Oompialitte, theta medtair ite are the hest It the world Every , Pisa eh readier cues them. If the reader of this "notice" cannot!get a boo of Pills or Ointment froi. !to drug store in his plane, let him wriyo to me, 80 Maiden Timm, enclosing the amount, and will mail a box free of expense. Mane deal. ere will not keep my medicines on hood became they cannot mote as mach profit a 01 other reruns' make. Holloway's Pins sad Ointment are now re tailed, owing to-the hitch prices of drugs, ko., at 15 cants, cents and $1,45 par pot or box. Fcr sales in Pittsburgh by B. L. Patmentook. fie. For sale at Psakon'a drag rtore,yifth street, Pittsbnralt. , For see also by goo, A.Hel/y.Federaletreette Allegheny-city. • • Beneninal.--Birnal Web= a Co., fderobant 7ailcre, bars removed to 73 Binitideld strut. -=. , 7a aro jut receiving our mond supply of ?tying and wri=er good e, and would roost to. rneotadly -invite onr,fritinde and tbo pobllo in ;puss.] to creme our uovr irteelc, believing it to be ono of the Eneet stod'a of mei:tient tailor pods in, the elry. Every garment ye:- ran:ad to give full tatisfaetion, in-both,prioo this nos will before parohaeing '`elvvete-es and judge for yourselves. - Getees A Illue.auusee r . Merchant ,Taliora, .IXo. 73 gyhes. • • Fratait:Nortea.—The attantion of our readers ie dirootod to the brilliant. sasortm,antof Spine and Thsconier Goodsjust received by cox &rad ,Tobaßoilir, No. 125 Bedaral Wont, Alla 'ol,sz7. His stock oceoprisava groat twisty of Tansy Wench; English, &latch and Autirtesn tisawdranas and Clothe, and line 6a r iana Cats ainore Vestiasts,--ski • :t whichwill ho sudden?' so,..ordA'.l the latest 'Viol and in the best ward:ter. A choice imitation ofl . oraistang Goods: a‘so on hand and foe - ntle, heather with a fall • stork of .Reed? Made Clothiruz. well andSash iambi* ri ..Frottneor Wean"—No rlstte: how richly lads cloy ad .so the rat of-tar parson; sha will b..onable beappear troll-dreassal online her hale i• a!egehtlp sintititd. Fr;.titioo,' for Cho bats glosetthe perfooting, stroke to shin itean of knotty. infixes the heir in any dallied pa ti'PA!,• makea`f it lastrootap roise and beautitaL It hi Chodhe linnet asides is rho world for rho renovdezints. !Contains neither oil or alcehoL Fore to 'give satisfaction. • • • • Ova rsideri will not forget the excursion .to - sod gteei 8 iteFvf lots at nrsddscre Kell, which versos ok on' Monday. fut. • „km= the seeereinterest and nnirersatievot with Which Itisepciat is . regerded - ,•the pals ininen are that moot If not all the lots bill ba gold on Moody,. 'lsere it np eater pleoe to invest money then Bsaddoek'd,Fieid. Soo advertisement and be prompt to the hour, one 'o!elsok, precisely for traine tothe cote. Oeirrestrand carrlags calls win be takes' at the Qwertaas otTlea, No. 410 Poen atroet, day os o'll4. All 0..-era left at the chore plus arfll e. rraziptly late:And to. All ,ealla meat be paid in gdyavx. No In dueouieuts 'aid out b 7 alforing lee price? n but an equitable feu will be ohar,ged In every qu...0, tor the beet materials win be seed, and all tug> time sad lekill secenurstto ir.sard peentexao "...Ito Axil be applied. ' • willtdm. At.T.Efit oa Pure:in.-3: intzsmodto ignotioti cf the Ilionphisl Title., which are (limited with n dry, tenacious 011egm--”Brokn'a Brano 1141 Trtchce wilt in sr & »•cuu To immodikto • • . Cones hosiery, kid gleans; hewn skirts. prints dress goods. rte.. cheap at. ZdsClelland's 'no tint tont*, 5S !Alb street. GILA? hargatnnln annuner .gotidcat land's auction houzo 55 Fifth attest,. - shoes and gaiters being sold et Ti duzed plats, at fricalejlanFi, 55 Fifth tercet. ltimes, Bfheel nod eblidren's piton, soiling ehanpi !elActlellatd'ei 5511fth 'street. CIIARL£B tftcatacor to James Ifolaw Cb.) gotta vikoass, inrila to /MOON, LABD,BIJOAIt Ovrairo luxe, 1111013.15 ncsr, as . 001xszattstmar .ZED entfrierssEra t Prrormaax, PA. _ esiftll TRllol,l3TEBlNti:—Eanug inardtinntnt •Zu ett.ka snodatn C1A88,7 am kW fodder drys - bar.by St atm:Wl law Wpm IIIATRIB MS; „Mat, End and WA, ZIATTIII.II9ES; a gnat -- varkty ;of SHADid, WILE AIM 11;0011. =me; 041171M.E1101M091M TAIRLN 00 , 711891 'Adllanto. Grin, OM* .and 111anttla Bardarod MAU, ot 11a toot nnallna, and abates, unroxpaliad. anaolno W. 11 , ;re; TRIMILAT., nnodo.”, - It. :onestpd 1/7 11. 6,14;14.; ;:1 ; Litl . l. tarsi 61‘ Lur-rr rhiar t'ic .bo• tire 11.•17L FOrett: drag sore and the ett't toi Beak; trot k Ocatetotog *tattoos. or tr:lot dollars is smog Lil l chock thO Oilltscit Dank fa.BlGo t , dross, nutgwr r. Jr.. wad o•gthlo to thoorter of WM 8 tEIIY. All persons Ire out:crud skit:et:to ottlatttg mid eltoki as Ist; csit,t WU; b"l.t . °; P .41 . I,beral rest:scat:Dl blt pd holt !nth tho matt:lto, 1t bole tat thttottLPot;*kl3,3l • TI7(IOOI7ORRER—JA3iIII.37;OWSIN3 • NJ NILTICO 2,$D . 33E3110 WOICKEN, PAM raturral 4.73)) I'LASTNINCIL oilfTerll sin OS NAXENIN in kinds ftuzaraof abort noffof.' -Nil • order.' toff •st No. 23 00.120153312uum, ce d - ,no from WAN, or If Polnalo Wstl Caoff• et3of, No. Gl Iroo4 otraA_wfif 6e prof:oo2 3234 rulet tx , • 'Rog ExcHAN. (4 . PROPEI3TY I~t AG LZ6/11EST tin —A ralusble,eildeaca, nz fronton Wothir gton eine, of 2.5r40r, and ext,ada b u t id fat, slid g.lle Ch, of 3 foot. on Which sae ArKttni • rest e dory b. tor. d , rallas .1111-4 1 z eP.lt'ruble good ety!o; Emand Inter, the IA tPally fn • 0.4 etreel, for which •••.wlll.4 , ltatta.o t4r • "pny A , of ground, froo! eyed, muesli:ling tram 10 to 16 orro, any gol , ore sor 10 miles Of cho city. Apply to (00110) .L. 511.41111:1/1.);,101 V•IITO •troot. mamma A Isin: 442144thacal of7TNET AND la nounlYl4llllGc for 1.824—1 n pairrr, In cloth, la rasa, In Isratothnt-turiton' Tarkoy nloroom-2.21tn Ent edgy" mot wltli mortis nao—with tuck, Wont clamps ohattfaniVe• Otis, nam - from Cm OM , monost to tno 2617 Wt. ` vole at r0a4104.146. rain by . .Wnt. O. ipILIMON & Btstionali. nottrirki-)2rtm, _ =a4 arm GOOD CREWS. FOR-TILE • 'PUBLIC. Atq. 13.—A steam tag Lit 21 — T - to BOOTS SHOES, HIRERS AND jest passed here with three of the craw or the - • „ 1 ,,„ schooner Cattle Batelle, 'of Boston, hornedAit 0.“ 0 74." '° —°"'''""'"'"""`"". ca n bp,rhe Tslialisailsi And Sr. of .the - crew of. 93-14 + r r. z .'P r-414 - g ' the UIIEB4 Stlad buntid. The* were ta • Colustruraerthsott ail do mOl to ref oat amostlas ken from tbo sehaoher Carroll in tha lower boy. _ /as "Loa , !4fereravh l,s 4" , ains at; 7hey report bottkx. opptured co: the lilt lost. in :., •, ,lAtilusteiteilfraivitungituds 72. The Carroll is :BORLAND'S fOrMilldißT Erilusr, -' now owning up the lower bay. , ' -• 11E I,A-1 ES - VP . t - 0 1 / S GI lELEthl.Ara.,.: Our Dispatched tlpegat L1L.1.....L1 to the c ifitab 4, glk Wasatinorr, Aug 10,188 i IRS SIIVATION orr uori:Le. News Is cotton/1y expected at the Nary Da rs rimoit respectiog the operations before Mobile. . The capture cf Totter Powell and Gaines gives Fermat. tems4end-of Grant's Paso, off wrilge direge chancel for supplies for our tome , from New 0 lents via Memphis Gonad. Isis believed !tat . cur land forcer, immediately after tha re d Oki on of k.-rte Gaines and Powell, under Poirer of the fleet, landed op Motile Paint, at Gave Tree or at Eli h's rfammock, the first three and a half and tbo letter about eight moos distant to the r‘ar of Fort Morgan—area the narrow penis lola over which enpplies can now alone reach the fort from Mobile. Each being tbo case the fort is completely elated, .and will be repotted corner or later The department does tot credit the that the garrison is supplied for six for abundant oppornsaidea far Know- 17 Ileac. sistma 11..cntt s, lug hove shown that . sh'utipprles wire not given for tWOMOLL Th rpoody upturn of Fort agues I ittrlbuted tho adrentageons poiltion of iinetoots. Ferregut had run put the forte, wlttett klfCtdy 1t noder e enaladlat are, our shoal were getting on are the, . large collection of wooden buildings peitially snrronnding n fort in !blob applies were stored, I:ankle6 the piss too het for the rebate to endure, and ooropellidt tbein i ,for want of a place to trotrentapon, to ennendar. ' ' 41 .4.1371012 PiATOSS 'Manta tuSLI 10 DUMP?. It ban been decided that Autletant Provott Agars - bile are not exempt from draft by virtue of tbeir,iffloe,' they not bong ooneidered in the t tellitory eeraraa of the United States.`'" run 03401000 BIFJUIPCTIOOOIIIIO. A letilr frim the army. of t4in Painzi, duel 13to, care that the operathrosirt fieat of Paten• berg are beteg puha •lgoroady. 04r lines ere being rendered Impregnable ►gatnst any attteek tbst the ettenipt. e 1313. Lc dlle, elbo corameeded the Firstdivi- Mon of •the 9.b corps, In • recent Metal np tie eLtlll) . d lotrenetcr.ents et Petarsbarg, I.l' said to have skeddadied. Gan. Wright, of Geo. Burnside . ° staff, has been placeilin command of the First division. Theta is very little pictet arias except In host of the 9.h and IB.b carpi, where a heavy tirtillir7 duel took place yesterday morning. The ;clots are etteesthenitig their earth works. GUI GILINT . IS ORDZIL men:rulit. General Grant has medillei his odder relative to remelting argots within the lines of the ar my of the Potomac, so as to allow rocrnitiog of• ectre to designate some place nose the bnie. of caulk", from which they sill opnata. Bach "recite will not bs permitted to roam throtteh the army lit obtaining redrafts. When reonsit • ingollfters'remy wish to take men from the army, they "all meant them at the Preemie Margret General's aloe, together with a statement which shall show where the parsons were reeraltad and by wheat last employed. nov eaware's mint. .1 Dispatches reosireel tolisy Seem Gin. Shee t:eau reports everything q ziet bat:vote Atlanta. Burt the instal plots& Otter if stet satire!, am • Pended hes coasidersbfrolattees& Both ar mies are striing that! . 'utmost to keep cool. The weathersiesieteasely hot. .hinjor Hey, Azzlitaot Sseretary to the Preel t, left the tity yeatrialS evening, owe, visit to the west.. COING LION% Tbe lngi Milo (National. Elnard) one hundred days' men, And , ind horn yortnrday from F. 41 fiGaZo4..arhiall therliatel teen doing guard duty„ . Thr'y ore on their way, toms, 'their term of service Faring eipired. There has boas conalderaWe tietnere In they's- Imedt, and a innisaar are vet on thi 'sink tie t 'Three o! theta died on the trip up she elver. • Pdvato lettore frrx. Now_OrLAna. in montloa— ng Ws that ranioe proreffol thorn that i ge rol;e1 foroa under Diot Taylor wit oltan• deg on That oUraoterleil the story or ab • sord. 112E12=03 An order hertf.ofora - Laned disnottolog Second Lieut. lloorned . lleebbor, of tho SO.h Ind. Vote., kno been rore2od, and hd tom boil honorably dlooltarged, to dace Fahr..tr. pa Epa Sal Di/ Welt tollt t , Pit , sbargla rhastte. • _• • NAssrficLa, Await 13, 1854 7he latest dates from A Agnts are to the 10th fait. Since Schofield's mnemsats to got oa the railroad nothing intpartant has bean dotal,: That movement has boon partly ROMS fo I, and the right of the line Damned a paoirlon 13kmtat throe miles northeast of that point aad cto frOm thit railroad liar. This., extorld north around the city t 3 tha CaVa3lo24l &sit:owl with a d3fonsivo oreohet on - the right, etreagly posted ,on lirtr;ry creek. Slormaa - h . to been trtaktni evalnal approaches, and le non very veer tblS firbioh works ato fatly es Stroages those of the enemy on the &h. Toe rebels ft* bccaating anxious at the approach of our army, and tial.en dentonstration on the 16th corps, bat wore: bossily vials:l3d end driven bark. Oat Ices ',9713 ..4lood,bu ev!ca inly received large releforeo reente and has Svioced a determination to make a desperate resistance. The troops are se inesd to one-thiri rations of meat and bread, o tiler •Ls they have plenty. Hood le strongly pouted, bat it Ls - beloved Abet his works could be carried. Oa the Pth the pity was abided trot/kit pints of the line with groat vigor. Deserters and prisoners ea, Mobib has been taken. Ta may be only an opinion filmed on the reset of the passage by Or 4011111.1i1a - - • ,'" Goa. Potmer his been relieved of the commind cf.' he 1411 corpoi llervfosod , toreportto den. SC& flea on the ciperstiont of ito frit,sind is re, iiesedla conetgnenie.l .tainstort suocoeds hint. Skacim 'succeeds 'llooker. - A noses meetinzs of .the colored citizens of lisekville took place on Monday. • N/W YOlll, Atiguit 1.4..-r Tho tbsonercial Ad. _ raiser's W a shingto n Special ssys: The Govern• mentbsi dlspetches from Diapidn's Ltandp7- ing is gothic on at !dahlia favor ably, and there Is every prospect of o speedy and trittlant Illet)0111. ; E . lo,llBhofl,lllUl v i department the r.r.ws b ctecusaging. 6hsridso is tieing ex- ALI • led, ELLS; h .a.d• s4.ln.dal Tbit B.mbta4d 'Tx a“.er tho'o.b ts • ellipse's *Coed is Gt. gwa U. ll*, gene o•-tr pitonare =ldaho realms wounded, are at Pen rat 'Morgan holds oat yet. Fort Gaines 13 occupied- by the Sederola Faztagat lost ono monitor and ono pathos: in tho motion. Toe rebel:-iron-clad Morgan, watch ilos at Mebilo wharf, is bat slightly lejarod. ;The C•wwerriari motto pondont soya Weal in formtd that grant is removing hie gale tram to front 'of Patartburirtroparatorr to tatting Ito rage a !bat city, Willie the Pons's oorraspoodont rays the Richmond papers mike this astertion. • (ion. Patrick's order fotbiddlag State agents tram reaultirg within the linen of the Army .of the Potomac:3ms boon restricted. • NA, tr. 'Von Mittera—Pfiteheis wile..l4P, Niif s Yeas, Ang. 3.—The Commercial says - the., werhitz men of Lula alti are 01041.6 120 r Son to, tho President w pasioonethe drat% from the bib of September, to order to alio the city farther' epfertuotty to 1111 her gluts. The Seter.eraird rays it is rop,ued there Is a ptptibility of a monproadta Wog effloted ba.; tram the printers' and their employers. - ;The Aare Washington rpcial sityn it Ivra• ported tbst re,bel elSoers exeltampd at Charles - were never planed under rebel Ora by Gm: Pastor, sod that *large number of newly &ideal Federal fbeird have been rat ander Pasties lire in Shades ten. The rebel tineeret Jeff. Thump soli says the robelobleira did not leave the Fad - atal gesnbost they were exo3ent4ed„ _ ' 081E6 ,41U Blifie.W Eteamer Fired into lly cavalry retro, Apeurt 14 - -Tits steamer E errata from Br. Orli.4rie , Gob, err ised ter. to-olefit. 80a ,we. fired Into on the a.f.ercooe of the 10 h,alives ice itt to . 4: Loa, (hag; Of a, Lusaka-1' battery of 0 and 12 pounders, iupported by a itvreg fore of cavalry polled ou the 'Arkansas shore. blity shots and shells rims: the astwo Cr, ineey tf which penetrated her toll - sad Lunt In her hold. Blerkeiry was also used, rid dim, r opt et works.' 6b. had stoat Ere hen dred parsons aboaticl, inclueirg two Teottrard die barged to/diers, many of thrill alik, oat E t 7 and 'ivy Mice arid etildren. Pas peptone acre killed and eleven wenntled. Oactile commatding the rteara-r, is oolong the h.lied, hie head being pt..; off orbit toll log the rliot tette to conacd.r. TLe e.ns rod of the tarboatoliergine emu broken, wed the di otor•eogine etaaltied, abict rendered the hoot nomanentAle, had the drifted towards the h t , ry. At title mitital moment, gaubsat N,.3 appeared, 'opened on the battery, and towed the drifting vessel to o place of alf.ty, *there -demotes ewe repaired, mod the gneboat eon ve3 ed boy twenty-fire miles op the river. The killed and wounded wore moldy dis• charged soldiars, of varions regiment, Lima_ Elddene, of the Lt Indiana heavy artillery, we among the killed. Ss women or ealtdrao were 11 juled. Great credit is awarded to the ~f3/311r1 el the sleepier—also to Gen. lileNetil, of 81. Lent -.-forTolima and bravery. lie hiajo Park, of Memphis , was lodged in Irving pris en the Ilth, for thillaereot lan guage in ret.rd tci btf ltkry iiath E ADVANCE OF UN. SHERIDAN. ARLY COMPLETELY SURPRISEO. IS POSITION FG(NK.BD BY SHERLDAN NOV Toni, August 14 —The LrovlO. Q expels's Fetr3 tallattaondant days: Sheridan has advan ced by 101 l of Oharleatown and Barrisaills to Wit:heater, Ys. Our cavalry hod some nktr• sulablng vial the :suelat at 'restoull Pant. be tween Berryieille and Winchavar. They cams upon a part* of some VII rebels ongeged in there:deg Von. and anaprised nal ceptarial the satire agtad: Etily au completely eurprisai at the approach iaf our atmy, and made but alight resistattcs. its found bee position Staked by Sheridan'', mat ccaerce. and fall bleak dudes the night, hiring attempted an ortillary dual tale townie* Oar latest: int .rmatlon le to the effect that ap a ,td a n puled :through Winchester laeterda7 morning. No det•Us. Oar to.a, recelrol era .60 !Mean or treat) killed and woutidod. Theee are in.the hoopPel or Benyarills. Lem• at N.Y.. New Tear", August it —Tie 11 olds corn, tordent, etat bleettnehoeg, et the I Lh ear: A rebel deverter replete that Goa. free and the et hel Gametal, cf War recently stetted Aleuts, aid that Litaaregned sae tattle commali. A small :Moe of rebels ettei , !•l Martintburg to-day and drove out our 'vote and refogwvols• r Ties tarok all the I go thor,t. , fled. The rebel regiments are becoming no east! 'bet terse neeeb.fre Mara beta con.oll feted. ' The Herald, Gembertana, Md., correep-endeni ray+ the reboil hare sit left that section ercept McNeil's ;guerillas end rocbars. It has bran encetainao t of4,Caoslanl latendel is horn Cumberland, destroy the railroad ICJ each.* ',Teeth to theiGhto elver and thee tore tato the Kaset.wli, vallej; hut Me defeat by If ail pre sented •11 tbit. The Ilmald'r ft.rfiabarg oorreependeut of the 11th as) s. One of oar colleens eroosutered lady at Isbede moving from ttertlelbarg, sod a ftrbtenru.4, *ewe the rebels were whipped end Arisen. Rev.= lay that We 113,11 a fo ilitrl • dent to bold Utbeta. •The pilot bad Errs Sye, emitted horn, reports Mat on the 11th test-, elf blonewsk, they east the pilot boat Jas. rdek leave a ship on dm. Afterward a suspiclons IitIAWAST took the pilot to tow ; the Ayetstoad cif, hot afterward treat to the aurclag Otp, aid found it was sari!. Rem Linden for NTer York. Two fareigo barite were clme .by the lima, to whirl it Wee .up. pled the paseesrers were mcnafarred. Teo Tattalostere was afterward teen Deer tae large *hip %rade Sider. Thar gunboat was afterward seen moiling e. the fire. Leland NC The Berrefell , Panama correspondent.ghee the latest detelegenea from eh, •soretle - coset Yam, delis lb Gambit Item C eropeaa news. 14 441 ceasiaes•l lu LAMS . .. 4 a 10tu4.2. =coat ton atOat. Spoiu orsts to h. 1.1 oo to oLst the but resod. 6b approves of Itiorkgon't ettadiot sni ciliary the wits,: e &trotting. ttth this lam tboy outrider I,r:a oartain cad tau uorkiag pro • vorotisco rierittlingly. . Tr4l. Herold' r. city r,riirrp,ri i3{ the. 1211, furs LJ theo:pfosion trlIT bt It;, ttiark t 1 irtj Ere, aud . probsttly no:lnuto V3. , 2 t se,ty one. Robot refugees OJOtifiti• to in our larip iotob:ts cud report Salp bolog /orpoly it:Litton% d. Ste ai(sr edriaao Barna New Year.,•floguat 14.—Toe bark Letlst, with the captain, crew and prowlers et the ship -Adriatic, and: the crew of the pilot boat ilifdlts Bell, arrived hero to Maj. Toe passengers 1.4 .1i their luggage, Ind the lore number of per t one plabed aboard the berb malt her loyal wtth the water. fad a storm attests they wauld {lt obably eli hero been lost. The Alriali2 had Ir 3 passorgoreand a full cargo of merchasitau, mostly oa British &ocean,. blotter from:the army of the Paternal, dates tht lath inst., says thatgt deserter from the 6:n Arnhem., who formerly lived in If atesahusetts, came into OW Hoes y estetda.y. lla alp !Sat titton'a divirian of Longetreet's carpi passed ititough Iltahlutiod on its way to tad railee ac companied by alarge ammaairion train. 11% ro .ports thetnetuy mining la our front. New Orleanspeptre at the ith have the net— tirnlare :of Parragot's Mnverr.o.:ti. Tt, H ert• ford, with the iau.irel tat booed, eteoolA u 7 t • Fart llorgsn, dttivtrieg torn eaccesolie broad-- tides as effectually allot:iced all the robot ganr at d water batteries. The lit ,olter, at the tarn t.MO, engaged gm race Tenney., the latter iati• lug in several attempts to roe &tele oar vowels. oar Monitor closed with her and aka was rammed by abet CdOrkangabelik, Lacks:aim and Hartford. The ,Ilartfatd started cad rue her down, whentho. Iletatiomet, also on the same errand; collide:Fetch the Hertford., The Tau , newts ran Out the white gig. no lost but 'three men, cud Farrago:, prou ably, is tieing bet es one of lute fleet. ' Oho. we, not greatly dam aged. - - The Teortaseh woo sunk by a torpsdl, and It Is thought she , •ad no oue ibed be bodied b reprd to hi, proparatbas t lA. am. H. 6nmt I ruftura..cuoue wun pm, about twszti yew. ago, mad seem rest oe7 Ten grovica acne, to as to Mrable 0. fary much, so mach mts Is to @aft tf.a far work. Bose tirotto I woo so bad that I paid sot do anything an aoczroutof them the) came *IA on ins as Urge as • hickory nut. I hsd hit , : a great sisal of medicine for the... I will to buil .d tale whatever I maid hear of or nod of in drat am and pentobleta that tall in my emy,bat I 00011 not gm cared: unnetimes they would do me tome good to a little while; Doi afterward.* tam wool! return agate VI Lad es amt. I alaollyudied to two Doetore, who Mr ;ten me at ror tons and gave to. sem malkdrm, bet It woad not do, meld not gel wstl. OTC/ •TMOP I got az alverlbiemeet of your Liodeafs Mood Search•r ; made by yoormlL Vilden yon sold it to me you told on owe bottle would not tare toe, and that my inn% system. would have to berm:awed by the medicine beforo I got cll. I bought oao battle and took it home with too, ad null orOordtag to your directions. I than caled tome you avail, when you and I could:Lot extuct muck lomot It from ate bottle. I bought It, ona bott:a at a limo, mall t had need are bottle.. Liter Mb quantity had been ca 4, I was entirely Weil of the Prne, which had tottered m. 11” twenty yews. In elms reepenteray braltb b lnyrered, and I will as conl4 be ..- .netted lame of my am Wan flat, years past. I bars been well saw for es. menthe, and there hi to appal. aace of a vat= of tat at,..... I coo els ~7 Cad ...atlas wort now without the Pt!. oemlne dawn rid bodatok toe. lon tient, hay, chop WOWS, lISS or do my tied of work which Amore newt to hurt me. When I ford:elan your Olood•tteurtharl %opt on Gating It thtil lac{ 00410017 weft. I amides it my anti to make my nue known to the 000ne:7 for the boned. of others •tv map be .stenos as I watt, and do not. boos the value Of pow medlar.. Son may publish this If Jon Ilke. I nth In wutrlu townthip. and will be pleased to eattetpank 000 of the truth of thle militate If they with to call on te. /LUAU= DAPLI. , roe rrZ... Look out fOr the :lama of Dr. GE089112. Err- SIB on Lim, Weer of tra bottle tad ovgtod ovor Ulf aorta au beWs Maxey VD the toped Ittatet ttittp m th of 1.1. w bort!, to prrrroa Doing Irooord upon by brutivas arfacto "'Lich Va. mutat. Bar Sold by tha l'ropriator No. 140 R rod and. J Street. by Stetom ornessms, no. I , 3nrth and Smithfield street*. [AD? 1 : 11011i1A OE RUPTURE. Kornis or nupture cured. Eernis or Earturo cured. Honda or Rupture Gored. Bemis or Rapture crazed. Hernia or Rupture cured. Herrin or Rupture oared. Hernia orßupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Rends cured. Ituptuie or Hernia cured. Rupture or Sarnia ousel. Rupture or Hernia aural. Rupture or Hernia oared. tiNCL&IMED , State of Panay!. Rupture or Hernia enrol 'Rupture or Hernia oared. Euptnre or Hernia cued. Zarin Radical Cure True. Ritter's Patent True. Fitetes Bupporter Trues. Self-Adjusting True. Pile Drape; for the support and cure of Piles. e Make eiettle ntt, .11 Q & duer4 *Ewa h Noe y Nor ran C P.erc3llAry tve ?ft% y Po.t, WOl Q1' 2 Iglu 2 ft tiva tdo. Clim Uttar • oars MI Wok U tilttbr Moo', dtprs etartes. 11.ry acrobat g t'ira Liset•.o Stacking*, for weak and Tar loose vows. Kinetic Knee Caps, for weak knob joints. Ankle :Supporters, for Toak knee ointe. toop An u b eet t : I .1.: Bet • tcto 1 Loll eyde• n ••14.14 ..,..,t • flu z 8-otbe ti le J 1 I '• l.c: J • B:etes Jam, II 4herinill /.: lin II St:A./el 18 ,0 77: 4 1e71 & . ~,, Ivo. gic.e Lea. lrB.BOwlck alery B:o..erlik, . Shin n eig Alvy 1 •atre- wN 4,. tot e., e:t 8 t,i G:8...1 iherit-ti r :eel •e Suspensory Bandages. Beit•lnjecting and our, other kind o Symigee. Hard Robber Syringes. Dr. Banning's Laos or Body Brace, for the our° of Prolapel's Ute ri, Pilot, Abdominal end Spinal Weaknesses Dr. 5, B. Fitch's Silver Plate Sup porter. Da. Karatz will giro his personal at. tintion to the appliostion of Trusses in adults and children. tad he is' satisfied that, with an oxporionoo of twenty years, he will be enabled to giro 'satisfaction. 11,110..141 & ThOnip.O. r 1 t 4411. Nan 4 J rugare will tanla Worral: 61 , 1 m WArl D W leo. O W U Wiit Bar, Waltz El %Oath WI lilbs• - nz Jr' INT 4adorly ti %%ye 111 /rgar Virwrra 61 rr E WII:talla Will. 61... d, g Wm • Wi.gin. Ph:Up Wsuon law a W sal • %Vat,. ' , Used Walla Usekkal Office at big Ding Store, No. 140 !Yew. &meter, sign of the Golden &feriae. Persons writing for Trusses should. send the number of inches around the body immediately ever the rapture. cubl C&TARRCI I Yntn3 ➢iuy A CATARRH REMEDY. DDI.II. P. B 1 sp. ..,y en. p It. 41•••••., sad ea:emirates it, root nod ornocm. torero.. Or. GOOD/U.," I. the drat and only person who toot told the world what Catarrh really Ins—wham commeocad—n. sod what tenuld care it. • Dr. 000DALIII has *ant OllfeTine hi battling with third] diwase, erpioring tb secret =bath and ma , king known to the world the feet that catarrh. Etch has, for pare, defied the skill tea research of medical moo sad anthers to this cormtry and in ramps, eat now be cored, with the come tc.&itorso :nertninty that mom-halal/rm. night. Thaniends who hare tried • army itnorncnre in min, haws lam Poritmcni. o 7 Nred by Dr. GOODatIVE. OATAILIGI ItEMEDY, and now prshe it to Me meet a:Damp:it terms or praise. oall ,at our nearert agemey, or mod • stamp for a pamphlet. Dallied sad prepared by 8. GOODLLE, "COX, ErN iIuRRA_NIs AND PLIMFB-=. 3rcrt.. qks _e CW: 4,21 .; . 4) keg. treeirnnut ToWITO,I in* tor iz.l4 1 FIE TILLS it BEM., _ au],. . Hot. pG*nd i4A Wc.4ditArst. ACARD,—.6: gontlemsa_whoatillnp is WI ratiftl7Ca,Wea. cupid dare* Sirte ar bmn p dal 'Runoff,. .113ty laailhOo poingat iylkla lm ----- iClistrisbews. P: HE . PE3.OEigS, Ifecetvgpg ally tk ?mt. I trk.UNAniLbaxmat Jury and D3lvitre ttp4 2 • later q • INF l o l6l 7;4 l .iiii:v adU i iiir' ejg6 ' • 7 ", CIWU)PE WiaNBS. For sto. itcoovil of Obstocatacs and the burro:on !boy ous tr . obviate Mt= aciavrone armee airtog Rona !ragalartty, by removing tits Imagers U 7 Davit. They cu: erpprimed, Exceezdvg la ?Wald Ma irtmaor. Shay conearsan elcknest3 (Ohband.) Shay care SC.:none and Signal 6ffedicoes, Peat the Bart and lowan pasixof the Body. Erase.:Oala nitric on tyska menthol, Patidtatinse of the &cart leiWnenel of Sylete, llfatstla, Stet Einasillo. Gild.* in. in nvord, by resubling the trrrinferttl, they moon the cease, sad with It oil the erect. that wins from it Cosancaal Let siniplaotabla artraea;lhai ocrata4 nothtng delotertoze to say constlintion. 1 1 0 11 .T.t. 441- that o:action being to sototttoto atnength fQ araMensw, which. When prapirly mad, they cores tell to do. re 8.. GOODALVIS SOISTIOS s CO., flott. Agoati, 612 Brosdwiy. Sow tort. DEL OW. H. KEYSER, Aom _ 180. WI WOOD trrnr.cr, ritsbug.ii CEnoinlal pugs. ISINIAIt-COATZD IsxaL7 avatuAtoz. amnia a= NM- Ecgatority hs Ow Booarrenes of Oa- Ilautbly Perkda. • nay my L•Testely wed et enl ne. end at any redo& verso clertey Cho And daze dccreu cdticb the natailleg esters et =etc sauna 20115 targlib:y; panto; tnersondt , AD lettere elekinst turcrtmetton nr !Latta Sill be 17 1 = - Pal. Itteilyien decrootly slawsraL • MI directly - 4 ,a=ampetly each boxe Prim it party:, or de. pet. rtc Bent by nuttl, roccet pcntigi.. an mart ot pita - . Bad by al reegecteblo Draggled. ' ' DD.if.B eissinerta 00.. Bole :1111 ..0 7, 1ta.,53 Liberty West, Say York. forale le Pitteberich by D. ifloUletit • aim cave, of thetrteecend sad Zdattst rtel7l.l.deven . er GLAD NisVib tot Tam csistaralumil TM LOAD SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT US' CHEROKEE REMEDY O=OIESE EILIZOTION Ociapsudind tram Tocbt. Darks an 4 Loam. CIBIBLOBLE BLIBLD.T, the glAdd Indlin Diuretic, :area ell Carves of the urinary es /nom. them:Loofa the Urhca, Ltalerivailich of the Bladder. deauxistios or the Kidneys, Mae to the Bladder, Unice tats. GMT!I, Disc!, Onacirrliree e.ud la =Pedal mon mended In Demo creme of -Maar Amu (or Whites in /t le Firmed in • highly eiettorahuitad Ibra the reiredee,) rhea all th old =camee credlolues here du d. ilue Pv t4sl. - g tirsza cu t, two tcsapt,tt'ulls Cues throm dmy. It la dlsusstto ma& alterative to tut ILettos—pnrifylaz oad-cluvs•lag tho blocd. closing It to tow to all Its .10.1 Pmt•y sod vtgot,ams removiag from the system an peralchw masc. whirls Es,* tadaced disown. CbrroS.faction r Inward ea aa ally ar assist= • du Ct.roir• Itemaly,ead shoeli ta wed la =yeas H. Nita that =diet,. In .1 . 4 flour 1:1; .11#, No.I66ViCeD Et, • FlifitEll.lllllsll34s; UUU 11:111P: • cad AIM crassrisi is OSI sextets fitted ihs-nsti ate swirl ' es. Tray M slit. Thad 1 1.14 or obrisr. ,F lies. - torsi luso *lto *Da 414 V./7. 4;V/ oge.o.ll . sll.Att.lef...tkk • . , ~,,.., r ,,, ,- - “ - -=,---- .'13:43,T.' „ F•14M . ,413 ., -• :.- .- f'nksawitiblit•-71: ..7iritta Ir, A5p+11,144,111111. .. f te - al. aof ri 1'"Q0.4...1PC Lac • , ,ak .0 ~:i lgg.ii' 4 4' , ' "' ‘' - k i r i - V ithtighr -13044011alie:ei 'the tetteshm bli :rcaS)ln Plum t • • •. . • • •- • .