She pi sburgli 45azefte DIONDAI, NATIONAL v ON NOIiINATIONB. - sox risarnan: :ABRAHAM LINCOLN, of i trltiON - POITETT" TIO T. • C0N1211111.1-220 nurriucT .TAIIIICS S. ' l lo3y.aElp, Patabim; . - " . caroBlB4-21ci 1 . 130X8.9 ' 21131,18.9 J. 5.101141.1, Lorcr aseistimir: r • JOAN P;Air.kfsß, Cfty. I. 11 , PnLY.11.1.2 City. -* ALY4PO SI.4CS. , egbony. IlaNg LtON, N.0..d I. ft BA &I URI. .f ADWI4IK, Oa nos. OSOROS Y. McICEE, south COrmtestocca: • AROIITUILD Sudialpi racrabsoraxy: • SACOD I/. WALTER. aDWARD Cp.W/1011, city. . • "POol l i'Disterriial '••• B.U.IMLYLS,, 8 e•cktet,-- row woo rassnamoio ANDREW JOHNSON. of . AT N eipelag. Our . ',note Duty t • It is not pleksankto.befrequenfly remind ing our readoera of their dal !lithe!? country In' this most - Meuse:item oriole. We would ,tanch•rstior sward'to those readers the mead -of Owen done" than 'related them 1'31%1 they have preferred self to country, eesetypatrii. •ottant. Rai facts are stubborn things, and the; !MUM journalist'derinot alight them. Therefore we take tip strain the Alen which fence the caption of this article, and ask for It a moment's consideration. Practically trailing, the Rebels. have now but taro great armies in the field—that which lies behind the lutrenchntenla of Petersburg, . _and thatwhlehein t iontifinsiontiet Atlanta. TO fill these two strafe., the who'.iefonthern country_has been drained of its oh -bodied I men, and evea s ita men nod boys. If those armies were - destroyed, the Rebels admit_ .that Ih. it cause would be irretrievably twit: All that is heeded to destroy them, And at the same dine place in our possession the strong strategic' positions of Richmond and Atlanta, is a prompt reintrcement of GRANT'S and fixtoristaa's Armies. What mon is there, pos. ceasing ordinary, common isense, who will refuse to believe - that, with one hundred thou sand fresh troops at his 3i.posol, 411.1.9 T woad whip Mu and take Richmond within a month? or, that flaciotes, with half that number, In an [tinnily short spoon of Limo, would anni hilate HOOD nrd open the hank door to Clierleafon nod Sayanr.ah ? The great want of the hour - is men. With ample reinforcements, placed immediately at tke disposal of GRANT and SLIZZILLS, ele War could not last nix months longer. The Govern raent called for them 07 montfc ago' and more. Dot the peoplo do not'reepond as heartily as they shontd, and for want of theep reinter's. ,ments, the golden opportunity to end this ter riblo civil war, and end itspeedily, by saving the Union, is rapidly . slippieg away. Is tail right? Is -it patriotic 7 Is it harneue. and Christinnaliko 2- We c.reennvinead that there are enough and snore than`enough young mon in he eonntry'Who Would respond to the Pereident's last call; ifelto rich or the well to. do, litho do not wish to go, would only Offer (him sufficient induttarteata fair petunia ' ry.resatuneration sorriest and Bhall We intinCeients be longer withheld? safest - yen, 0 riih'rean I if yon have not yet given libtrely of your sub stance" to aid in filling the' quota or your • ward; bore:Jet or township - , that you do no ace'. I 4 ,iayoazbleoling country that makes !tenni?, - There are hot two ways enter this war— Wo must oonquet-Orperish. pleb is no Enid , die road. If we do net suhdne the Rebellion, wo may hereafter remrais Pennsylvanians, or - New Enklantlers or IllinciSarr, bat' will no longer be citizens , of the United States. Muir 'will be no• ratan after -the Southern Cinfedertoi id resit - gni:at There might be a -- irdittery,despetisti. There would cerraiqty be financial Animater. Those who would avert three calsialtiorand the interest of every . Atm should had hitn,to wish that they clay be airerttd-,arecalled upon now to strike with &Obeli' might, ,F. Copperavad Chant_pelgo irectraerd. ~-Vi. ..7110 ., foll o wing TII/e:itions - concoction has !...,-,,,; been pi loted ea a piece of. pastel:loon:4as largo 4.:Ai einatt:irdinary visiting eard v and is bo'ng air ;•-:i;:.:L.rattlalia among thoac_anotural „born '!!, tads ....].•.:1;; Vribti, San ho safe to' helicon that .biack is. `,:•:!: 1 ..:, *Lite and the mann in mode of given cheese. [ .1:• r:eloßberitciraclthsfrtsdinvalnapetheeeh 11: 8 . s s re e.n d iee st- ,.o lo i s h rt , h a ..i,' alt. Mareb Vic, 1810, by De4IEL. WE BS rEP.: '.• •.9 If the internal fancies ant. nbattlolists ?,.....' vet pet power In titer bands, they aft ornr• do lhn'llluetitntion, set the Eapreme Carit at +.- tfiAlaol °bongo and make br. eo snit thew.- : -elver, lay ' violent, bands on these vat, dlfi/r ,-: Ith them In their opinions or dire qtestlon dr - Infallibility, and fir:l.Ni bantrapt the ••••• antry cad deluge It with BL - 00IV' There are jest „two things that are toig r` n. this Oeerd," eccidieit; firstitsirac: ist .. • lIISL did nut make a speech at "Fanenili flail . '...:;.•• Ity " h B4 .7 B tb iti l " B,l :. o' ) and , s eeno nd htt dictnun he a 40inpressiee resolutions of Ramey Ccan,,...but e did not atter in titit: epeeoh one word whih, the most eiolent-twietsne, can be made to ein anything likettio sentiments stavo at. I b_ r : I t i u d t toh they-imm. le r h i e e a : I iis resort, a n the m tro e ibl: ' iro•read that siercbTand leo therefore speak . i . _ . • Thelnakes, It trill t i de be seen are not sat fled with delibMiti lying stxrcti the heroism negro soldiers; tii.*th rieubiiiiti. iroani shalt the right of ; Irlitte . ieldieri. tatixorclita e. most seared' Tidillege of-American free .,i airing - their pail'iliricsi (hero la . of it,) ..i.,-;' - ,iteti edit bassr4riftt - of -el cnt;r'o= Ito ist,%i .7esil.• It thc ... h-'oo; of , h' i ) •. -. ''r c Cala', Coitatdtution.-to .11 , d speatylts sr tr thcr. :;:lie: sitenid : botho ;emit* they wouLl admin. r to these Tile:traitors r :Affairs at Harrialarg. hat is very j oat indignation exptossed at ehatHeefal column- pursued _by the Lees bare at lts present amnion. That E essi o a called for a specific purpose—to fake iitlon for the defense of f , the Slate. The Rill. tilt passed last' winter, if it had been , "kforced 'would have ling since put the Slate a war footing and prevented all raids ant Oprehonsione ofraids 'upon Penneylynais Weald have rendered the burl:l.4lg .of Ttiantherabnrg traz.aseib7e. But it was not „'forced l .becabso *ligid friperfections is Cocistruction o atdch — vvern - not &covered - 1111 after it had been Signed by the Governor the, Lig - AI - stare had adjourned:. .To .•of the imperfections of that bill or tram?. vo 'one, and' to inlie'ench other nation as . - '7F,ziatters'of vital pnblio importance" eltatild were the sole reASODEF for which - the , -, l 3)eraor:eenvenid the Logia!'ata e'ip special ; " - the Leg..l—nre done? iL . retied *hal .I!" on rnee4Y•la a b eton it wee ;from t e late deuger _ oi :an. a tie s; ed leY the Ette wee I inettelontint ehot Bele -tin in bo rder s 'ln s tead of oar ee"—e re the Butte ce eta p re • h- et Ise - at cork ,° 'pea' diy isuch an ell -the,pews! mberitittrir 'view " before , re bid described* * _zoinirdayqafi?: co the IteekrT,: titran'eqe, fasifinofE campmate, co t sod „ Da comps:we, mialng calepanito, act s to minima thi grades et slave., to regulate the 'fees of orrtain othetils, eta It woe not fOr this that the Legislator. was called together at this ethical peeled, and' It la an outrage upon the coalesce and 'the just ° expectatline of the peoplettest trctlh a tonne acted be tsdoptrd They are einfalth ful servants woo thee f tliWlth Idahoan and the welfare et oar &atm • Atrausr is, Another chance for Mir. Preston. The Liverpool Courier notices the arrival In London of Mr. Preston, onoe United St Rea rateister et Mu:tried, o Cmore recently tit nottneed in the Gichni od ,joinnairr as Hr. Jefferson oneroy L ' sent r greet the Gm peter and sarti im of the geed WV/ of the cotton Plant re. Air. Neaten evaded the b'ocka le, and pass• ed twin Bermuda le Havana, where be for the tmperor. it seems he ee,ittd nary ti be seethed. Ohs darer says h 3 reecbd Havana on the way to his post in Merle when the refusal of the 'Emperor 81absulime to ttit.r two any relaucias with tho Cmfetie. rate States deternetnedUthe Eoeernment at it.obtoord oot to tiepin*, thole r. preseetattve la the tillers' wbieh awaited him at &Liable, but to eespvch hint to E.rope." Air. Pres ton made be beet ,b3w, )ent the Ette,..eroe oat biro. We &dela. him not to be discourages ; another opuor natty will pteleetty opeu to him The E Jounitta relate that. the old sr ton of the Eteg of Daltemay ie abo'jt to visit. &gland. lii is only a Grand Duke, it app are, but theo he la, or the blue blood, a onetime .. elleptiog of royalty," an 1 after M. Preston 'elite . ..member, the Emperor woo stalled him st lloseh wag ant, an Arch- We. adviee Me, Preston to pay his reopen e at once to the Gre . rti Duke or Dehonity. 1t i* the latt datum that remotes to Mr Davis' watderieg cogent o le form some hint of con Deaden •Ith a r y.l house. lla ono allure the future rater or Dahomey that hie m aster, Davie, imp the ''Ouitrairs" wittots mos/teas] and regolstitynea4hey are he a rt at A - omeY ; and he could eyed give him some valuabir huhais about the moat ingeeious way to tortire PH/criers tf war. At Ab mey they atmply cut aif the hi ads of ouch unfortunates, an mirk Gum on lo ee about the city. Non ,h e to a real waste of erjoyment—just smut as an 'ignorant bat barren wonld 0, • apt to oemnit It bears the lone relation to the mile I . :licked sod intell gent cruelty practletd noon prtarca. ern by Mr. Dori, and hie friends, Mate, naval: debauch talon raw bran); has to thu potato nod more esilumite pleaeures of the 3 °rag immthern gentaman who "make a n . gat of it" with mint julrpi and brandy votatat a Mr Pre, ton ought to prepare, for ettern'esioo to the Grand Duke of Dahomey, a roan nr of the mi a-y private of the Grath, with pull outssr descriptions of the L bay, ant toe camp at Belle Isle. We havese , u sone photograph of Union do.diers returned from these places, whore ex'reme eminiatiort nod herein,' an Nuance would to proof pool:ire to the Atrd• can prince of tho *up.rioraty of the Crate • elate' Coe tome." Mr. Pres:oo might ad 1 as account of the monster* of Port - Pillow, an I of the eachirg of Lawrencr, the ace from ahe pen or Format; the other oompesed by Gea• mai Queotrell; and if he has eel h aim, by *hence, any speMmens of the drinking oupe om 4: ft em the skull. o 1 Ystakte sotil era, sad huger tinge, breastpins and other ernaccouts rattle teem their boors he then •,. anal the, as Cot.4derato ingeaulty ettli„ to the Sang of D.bomey. We do not doubt they woold tie welcome and suggestive to that cam-Bent sovereign. ,This ie a great epportunity for Me. Preston and Mr. Davis. If they workithrtwity they can obtain a treaty.with Dahomey, is which free Dade ehalatbe guatantied, in the full and only sense in - which the cotton-planters tut derstard that phrase, namely,' free trade to slaves. The Ring is a famous slave-troder; the slave bunt is a "Custom!' in which hie• royal heart delights; and he will be antpris• cd and pleased to leararrom Mr. Preston that slave hunting "practiced by the Confederate cotton•planterr. It coin is to no that Mr. Preston and Mr. Slidell *sold do well to Betide.° ',theme, &pink of trained biloihoundli, With an experienced "southern gee-ileums . ' to tend the' king and. , his nalcser the um of these rdolmate. 'Such a sirpelsing evidence of the advanced , of the Omitted rr• ales could not fall to have an itoposiug cffeul upon, the toVerelga and the people of the great AfriCan 'empire. They would gee that ttoso cotton plasseis areas far aiwaszol .as them• and worthy lcievery eeen!ot to be the allies of Dahoutry.--/V: V. .E.eninp Post. 1...- Gen Igt3mout'a in..sp,:etee. e su norieaten . General Seymour', rezent'y exchange! at Charleston with other Federal aft lora arrived In Trey on Wednesday evenini, end left toe next morning for Williamstown, 3.lassanho_ setts, where he awaits orders from Washinf,, ton. tie is Trite feeble from the offacts of confinement and beenfficient food 1:10 to the period when he WAS transferred to Charlostort he suffered groat hardships, and W 49 afford° I hardly sufficient food I, tritinta'n life. ar, Charleston, although our officers were neat - nally plwed under fire,- they were d.o'n'iy treated. During the six weats ho was thorn only one shell near them, and did no damoge. The city !1. - badly out up by the firing from oar batteries, and. me many as fi fry 'hello a day are burled Into this accession hot.lcd. /landings on all Alden; aro torn to . Ilene", and the damage to very groat.,. Frain., the "wreck of matter" produced by oar firing,': !':would fermi that there will , not be Innen of' Charleston left if thwebilling itccoalinueil as At primal. .. . . . ' General Feyeteur wse Sbationed at. Charles- . ton Some two eir Claee years barons the war ettnnimned. Ile, therefore, and many inilo cutlet or enaintonecs there, and to then he was indebted for generous °octet:sleet during lie late insoluntary stay among theta. Ho convened with them freely above the war. Flo told them the North would never,yield; that the determination o&the people was to out the rebellion and save the Union, no ' matter what sacrifices rho great work should invelre. The Ureit Iruuclad Thetator - - • Our navel reporter yesterdsrvisited the lronelad Dictaterelying at the feat- of Thir. 'trona' . street, NorUilliver. -Under-the gold, iinceof Mr. Cosgrove, engineer of the venal, all points of-public interest were painted out Everything about the vessel is to far complxv ed that,. LA one week's notioceke email aim hat: trial trip. The deeklpiatelers now being Inid. The exterior is recmp're ei , wad he quit sor esn form an idea of what eho Will lark like when ready a cruise„The turret, pilot boner; red receolic•••,tabk 5 , 0 slat below deck, the machinery is compa•ot, and cmlest Entutday;four pounds of steam wore applied, and jet) ;successfully that it greatly eroeteel the anticipations of; her builders. Thanever the authorities at Washington whiz Ito tett the engiven of the erne!, ;they. 610. di e•t, es th• rn , col are-Ore:47 wail rea'a4,ll.. • 4 5"),1.a.1aa 't, f r .rt , bos.: the li• e• the tvlit c.f itio, vessel 11'4.... th 3 meta: line Val be fifteen feet, which tbeAup•Of the turret; for it le well known that the:hatches are battened down and made water tight, and are not to he removed doilog. a sea Tot axe. Ample arrangements ore niado 'for anpplyiag more than The neccreary qusatity of air and light. There are three modes of steering the Tercel in cases of emergency—the pi tot. the turret, and outside gear. For the 'tamper,- - lion of-the -sailors, they. will be ctwetraciel a Iranian - el beak 41 feet Wide 01 eara-ehts, en tailing from inidahlps to the stem, ahmt 65 feet. It can be removed at p:eseure. • A sanCOrnaGUS of MUM; OMIT the E gulch style and cluelform in stagy, is to, be placed over the grave of the lite• Bar. T Starr King by the Unitarian parish 'U . fiin Francisco. . The transfer of the rentaiar and the creation of the monument w li teke pieco during the flay of Bey. Dr. Bellows in Cut. ancl anservices on Pao ocuszlon will bw' conducted by him. Tun President has confemid it brevet Major peneratehip on Gen: Kelky-in reward for his • pliant and elsoloDi defensior:Cumbiriand end New Cr eek, - and his conannedoteatts t, eiery.dey watebfulneSs sod seal,as sn, °Moos. Over the interests borinarrA t4l,lo, 4 di arga . To venorabie nrinsionary ot.the Asseriosa Dow!, Rit4enis Eine, D. D., of Athens,' Grecee, snivel it Now York on Welaisisy , In the.steamer Witshingtml It. ie thiripain lasts slime Dr. King left the United States. : - - TED Richmond sinnels anemone I st,Gen... loticla E. Johnston basbeen.asiigned to the to ecthatd of the forots..inWfrfiliffn'Tillinio; !- - 1arr7.4.17. - Ourt,4istegtowot, flost;:Goinf;. 1 ...ortaliaed-fh the Isle #pollo , beritir'. Petirs.... / :JAM. I"2ir• - • 1'• ," ' -'' .:',' :1 - '' ... ,, .tr - T.70. 10:. ..., - ;•!.. 17- -:".•'..7:7:45P2il:::::7 - ii- , " - 'fi.i-1:-Izli:;4i,7--,-11'.;':,,...•,,,--,.::::4,--,;,t;-.2,:o...• , . and otber , pcoss, t.; Athol I rll, .. 1 . 41 W ala. 4. HAY & CJ. , /..5 W.littrout. • . _ EDOBWORTg BEMINA.RY FOR Pe/Tonal. Sh• IVlerettork sill open ea the THIRD MONO tV 119 BEPTLIIDEtt. the beat adtattagen tee antra, 1. !tad as reasonable take. For terms. b,+reel fe• ow Oh , lIIY. WILLTAI.I3, sothlmatew litettaltlevellle. Pa. OR B L . S.--4 Lot or Ground, at , !Ld i1; . 0t7 2 5 14"* " . "t"t% 1111 , 061=4 LoOmst strati M A1 NT4d.. ". 414 Sid rth LittOlS nor vtve, Ilornst Ilan .4 Womb .14.31 R i ll:TE—de several vaeatioiea have pa_ aoreerree fa the Matti Zilch ot m eat Atta. Sea 7. syyllcattaos to MI phi Vaciaetee irtll, the nmmtttee a talks trite Tersebar, the 003 Moil. none, bat rota velabfirmen 4,d APPthationa nay - -be We with- 'A tilfiXASDii, Payer. Or 3.14 X. MSC; qtrii!plo.;l3,4,azit WAIT 13ift1..F1136' ow, W. U. POP!, Of Me fitti , tyylrants ',Jetta, is recralitag, ik:oompinf Of, s itaX zum • for • thg ,coasty reqfw•nt. d• kiraxwmg tno :Ittle•figo.ra coin and 1.m.1 •4313 dint ltritslcing Mot NITRICt. A2lailt.alreitYl4r. 1,13,101ftt Tonktem, PUBLIC ..worree f. - - --. ...-___.- -......... 888 E WILB BE A MBE rING OF mot' 24 th• PUN PP Ilft.L *8 fICIt V 11011414 thii ,f. 0r,..,• D.. I ILW . "IITR. Jr.. on 11011 r el rvaxi 40. .b• 14th wt., at% cidock. . =Mk* 8. D. SIOTMINAR. Prenlary. U.FIRE•T Nil 4N CH"liGki. AL e Ltag.isir EXCIMIIIOII ElALL,wrwar o Tdrral and lacock sta. Mat, Joann! XING, Nov -mat miuoltip, Th e .Pnvellie,thig WITFUDAY"EVENIIO: The public•are armful/ nettrd sal :lc r . FOt) A; , "0, A LL.ffil Ef E Y T• o Obek rotiftni erot .lll meet T•••I (4atur• OW [YEN 0, .t 7,4 o cl.ok, at ths hoot.' of fl r. A te. Oh' A8.8,t hntaa tr. t. A 'MI M.. thee Is posemod. •ha Chtntut•th ad h"gtat to match et spoor, rchectloth as pro.. / .11 llisrapet. • Onto.. Std LltiMkt Penne, fi Frmtb et•e•t. Plttelm.h. Au:. u, ISIS. L 11,,Q(111.1E.5.0N ORDLNA Y Ctllthlett With the EISDPLUSS ER, • lb. FT • EXESlt i rrioNsi, Liao ILTITR4 ! 0 DDSS' • 1 4 / I DIP I apt:. onld kn addrawd to or DEN lb.. LISTED, the Pror et !S.p.A.! of the Pr' per I boric:. who. if not •••1 oreisor the.. wid '•orti lob rine ion from lb. Pr.orint IllaashiS Genera. of tbe than, Ammon may thu. be 4.1...1 •d ore Promptly than by addrestleg the Provo 4 trot at W, eh estop who., INTe bora tent hualuage poorer:Li pr.tort SOM., to tee tr ut, , tnde t.f In. flintier tow aditreeeed to the D • on on per.. and otter Ono* lan. of 'COMO:. Cr. Leila oe• re. !V Bel ITUTII. cationt Iseaccebtod moo, roen bin er Cir ILIS who Devoe hi. grrol moat D/ film for Of Per- Pon ot ptieentirg effolatitube tiojo •o• frh r tfo,tl, Ir• ho isotherms Broker. or ethwe fn:meet Biel: braise • for Mm. By cram ut tho 11. A P. 1i... f Wee use Peon.. J. lUDS P era% salt dater' Cap*. and Pro. Varithal, VS Diet. P. [1 . .130 I FOR THE ELLEEGENCL SLe Vadinegted lye Mend &albeit/ ander fllll, NM CALL OY GOVyKYOR CURTIS, To rake • bat fey et Ilea military, - FOR STATE SERVICE OIILY. Tho time wf I not incood THREE MONTHS, Ports `are a.d •arei save &rola the hackle of Gen. 11.01;1461. a• d ;am b. Waal a: taat;as th...mea Cu be t eta. to 7hlrd story of Wilkins Hall • 11. MORTON. Late lat L'exte. Sedates Vatter", Astlllory. levt DON' I . WA IT To BE DRAFTED TUE 7001.711 WARD, ALLEGOTST 014 f, LOCAL , BOUNTY IN CASU for recruits to 1511 the to 44.1 the W.l An who de. Ore to vrel 1 at d the Itlghnit toil, toether with the Coyertiwiewt (booty. era loe•ted ee4 et the Dip re of the hecrtating Comenitte..ll4. 54 YIADE/L144 MC76l', op;osito the .P.areet 01.theiVe var. becruita tan tote Lae salsa'oa at any .guicatlea. - they thel whir 1 3 ,mtrodd as seculta taintera3 In. By order of lhs aosomtttge. antler nR 111 HERA 01 , TIM UNION QCOY NX • e , 'T , TE CODtdlr tRE seietit H6He Debt, BROW a% -tee. az Ta•SDYT. D - o,a vs 1 tip, all 10 c'ela.t.o. m At , the is ceboo sr* morel,/ •‘, prouot •Arburnessa .Itayoct..,•l,l to byt.rght [Voris Lim Commit • .IDS A 4 . ALSO ALEX AtiolD- RI ANDS. 0017...1 T. D OFtio DAT/Pa , R1K8 , 1., D , ..11•0 E. 13114P/fga, sal! JOUR NUJ, 10F.7HE W !lAA Patuburgh,.lllpoy • CAEII 130171 STY TO ALL TOLUSTTIE9 =Mira Into !be trnited State+ Ratak* &ad trollied apofi tbo sinGta of the Ward. eta.rlng t. Tall:tat:me .111calst 190.93 rin% 811‘61 - 1. opposina tLw slcurt, arbors Lha Berth. In g Rowan. still to Lund as anassonabla tuanr. Voloatttr ar.,l scaps tae ptadrna. &AR, TR , IIAB & PgRDIR, • JOBS AL. & Matti. tyBOlf R.-amnia; Camittas. FIRST COMPANY E U ' l7 A rt—Larre indocnownts °Tared to Owl Tons' 21. n --Pariah, Pell resicers‘amited I company Tel. 103 dare end the prate; ponloo of annoh bob iairsahr o 4 fend to enlyt for one year. ha now orrery to e:1 moo de draw of rafferlori for OM rerttri by ompsor s hoenty of Tante HUNDRED DOLCAIPS—TWO annnso AND TISIX-17 DOLLAUS MIND Burr Gain., coil Ri HAND . . . . Yr. fkorite N. / conarwtonoorly Chief Engiolor of go Tiro flyartommt, 41st Liv.terifitt a MI teitstve.y. e. it M fooyi 4olryss HILL, Exua rboia .7oecolaryliforsomtoo may trootrdool, 0 it. HAW., 1y53 tr Capt. oDozd'gOo. A. 000 Soon' lion. ATTENTION VOLU WA J . / 111c1TLVItt Tf.NPREPTII. li pr pared to poy I. VERY RIGORS!' LOCAL HOUR+ V frt. Totowa r. to .no or oLo, t oto and %hoe po,n it marl po:4lproopr: ly la cash • • to. o w th• ro, cal: Is coo, 0..4 ta. Apply tbo Corosolt , oo at AlfthilD 11.1,170 s, Pittonargh. at tbo PICUTOzT OVilk E , All,tm.l clOy M0p.P.0.7 pool, Jvcob Jranm, J. G Otrlettor, 0. Dorman, J. too, stAi I 8e tol• Inu Uo 1111.111,6 a P THIRD WARD, ALLIIGIId•i,Y. , - Tho entolhd men and whom of this trod amp otaiftallp norm". d to pay their aotecriptiola to the Blcsk lamming... or Travaror, Mt. IJ-. /ficlialtik lot randtako .treat, • and 'him en o the Itzocutilre 0621:144. to mornit,ontittort to 41, the gout o' th sa.d. the eitinratt of t o mbscnp wn VIII b. Ire d d In B.ltool Ewalt,. won as pol, , Mod a' 0 ItO . 40 REWARD— rOCEET BDOK, tontentng 6,r $l , O, brine:rill, on T 13..rbw&L Pecan alio enate fee tr.% d nnn be rtenkltn We tor., sni pave.* bn J. B. t W m Csarpbell. The sn r re mlr.he attne mend by laeolrs Lbe Sena es [LAMY & ILIDTLn'S Grocery, D anand, • l'erhear, I) CI la t A pIYS, BLANK. ryrNkiC rb mut *toy L.dgfre Tnyllenkg, TM:I7TeI. R•11[41 4,4 Into • • 111.1121. tartly eni "op sirs. Alt bled. ttt.4..m,„ 'rem the e t to tee eb-ap .ntoran'u-na Fess cook. and Check. Boob. on all lbe prlnelyal bank*. Fn.. &e by en la K&T C ItO. , 0% Weva street CONZ , ON "loN t 4. ON AENT.t JO boa. Primo Cbs - roi hot. J re* sweat Po'atons, . 23 bones peanlin.. • 95 r ogur Cared Liam; r 73 Ants Creep Appian: 1nt.1,18 Citron binloar; • I:o3lVattr 51.1 N, • POT rEII. k anx pp k Trn. tno Liboetr .11148. • ItiLUATIOS Tub bOile—du.t; re •lJetstrell *Cul astatuannt of Oath. Pala, troati,bir. c..ll,te,..BrosluNteemor st.l tollot Soaps. Also Lewes !id CloaveriScrvi, fat Pa 19.67 - •• JOtilr 11. EINSTIAWi .61330 Cr7l2ol . l.olhertY .kr R.s•ol Or*, OuXE,'s GELATINN, for making trAus pruent J. 1111546 cm:atm:lly On- band 1•040. (15•Ithees Ored aa.l A beg{ Islnxim, IrAh ESNs, to, ads at tLe Jacolly Gr.:tory atAnt of anll • " • • JOIIN A. ttENSITAW. • 4.49111, lalkaty atld HMO ate.ta. j 3761NE3 HAIR DER,q3ING FLOSILI 14 INE for asaltf)log. proAtaa andStroaathea- I Ing 17.4. La , rd •• Clcanz Yotub, ii.1.g113 •• Kap cloths clam; Seesllag's Acabrot , .; rlaratatla As ;row Boot; a 1,20 a .imparter arts ficsil for Unto a; has {pat b,au totind of GU.). • F 2 4 ,61. qo i. •atier•4 Drn • tot.. n . r•l't 'AA, to ti 31 ar, •iu fttko Boa o„ Al!rghrOY ARVIN'S titW6.4ltp.t... Lla•ia al.'No. ea WIJUZLI frCASXZ. Datong root ono oembloo an to rorrafth Cm:atm eaportor to say node vett of be llottotoloh C. fl. ICUIDYIN, Na C 4 Toartai atrett. Previsraaa, h. ENNTSON'B NEW 13004. ENOCH A RDRN, TOITSO LAMM, AT BEW/ ALF.Y, TA. LIZMI from IOJ ,1s o) 00: 0 OAK PLOOILISCL -• . .. 'Maguire c! solipm Ett,(Ol7fiVFAS &Dnuarm 'lrer Pena • ILIZ 7 470, Ogg . nen loomed =a to he eatentshal al alp thing. Team of argetiona. and • torrapoa& ante axle tdina thronebott all aattonalltle• eta. Ma- Iloilo glote, taro tranad theories tato...zta and att.!- pit a bads from which wa need not err. We are not arpritrtt suet tate as tha folloarlag—altbongh the rerun trat sria them see. Wa knorr the persona/4nd cirattornarcas, =a lad a [(tarty to fedora their cuts n.rnta Nre.llrratrair. asa, Nov. 21, IVA " Ilreer Ler: I have been afflicted mmy years witb tete ;nitrating cramps Pr my limb., odd fest md bac . and • get.ersJ illsordcied el:4pm Pngeet.,r and dlclrsor falb d to nilieve ma While rbiltlat muse Monde la P,. York who were using Plantatlim Meta. Ito; t recalled open me to try them. I commeneed with a ideal! .r-glaeaful altar dinner Peeling better by degrees, in a few days I was astoulabeil to gad the cold. wise and cramp had entirels left me, t cock! sleep the night through, which I haws not Sima for years. fool likes:Mbar being. /ly appetite strength item aim greatly tmorowel be the en Otte Planteties Respectfully. JUDITH •azzaeatai. Ma, Sept. 111, 8 . • • • I hart bar.lll [tta arm) buspltal 6a /oar. Iron months ,ablus and ¢early died al £JL,,., 111. Int, rase meta Joule of Mout'. Hitter.. • • • Three bottles nasuad fey 10800111.1 MVO Me. • • • 41A. Matrril." ?So followles ee Sum the eranstor of the Caton Come &Soot for the tik2Weee of Voloneesra: hwolos, nth Boast, y Dow York, Arena 9, 191/9. Dr. Dram, Tony vraydedial Plasuatine Mum balm Nan elven to emu oar Urn. catimui milhoina from versat:nand auk bum lath mat happy eat Chm 6111 Partionlat, palm tom hood, tom o anctitia sod daily waning cotaareartion. on alum al mooted at ill had boon oloanstal. Ma ontlady Mond. We tammeavad with bat • waspooorol of Bit con • day. Der appoelta sad amenew mildly IDaot• rd. and .0. 1. sus HormvothillY. Ma 0.11. DEVOL." • • • • ton mob to yom, tort rattly Wino tho Mattal. Bitten ham woo my mkt E.. W. 11. %Lammas, imam, tr. T. • • • • Thou wilt mad metro bottba manor tby Nant•tlon BatC abo one tunnel aid and tatitoadand other Improveulonla In 4-ood - vorn. htit order in ;col hko. 3; one tract ot the Youghiogheny floor sad Cotatellovllle flallrued. enqule. rI WI L nOl on ADD, rrm dr, Irmo ;tI th n ;to nt otrnot • on -a I •k r 1 . ..()P EliTlI.--114e 0,44-.4 11r1.4 ID•. tng 60. II Peon wiLir Lt. 6.•. ed • Ifolll Of 90 rontilts 1.441. 144...44 14.44 %UN .boo. 1.. a excevl,..t torakUull mameactunns pruiv.v.. Enquire of WWII T. A. lIIMZELLANLO6B Tlttb .tart. FOR 1: 3 / 1 LE—Th0 entiro stock and fixtures of • well TVA lIMInGI AND nortori 13701173, Ls offend for sale on good tmos. Location Is syinndld. All quo.ttons answerni unthinetmily nod. nno particulars glynn by oddysoslng Loon Box TY, A.10.1,0ny flits Pont (Tice. tyl7.i r Ipoll SALE.—A farm. containing 116 etn.i,d ID Snowden township, Allegheny cooDly. the ram Wtilrey's MIII, and team/L:IM from Pitoburgh. The Wm Is roll watato .and In • gerod slate of teltlyamoo. Yor farther particulars Ingolr• 0o Ihs tuelthes,ol. of the aitbscrlber ..g. L a. eIIITEON. POE REICT-A F INE STORE P 410 7 .11, •Itb Nrolllog and stole, int lot ab.m. th. Dlr rtOtd, on tedc.r.l atroot. A Ike on/ lAV. Nat , tomer* occnplod by M. Glom, Ant/ to JOHN DBAII, 1,27 M AlletoeuvOlty. NOR t. AI V.-12iGINE AND BUILEB. A. - e tin bone power Entrthe. with Bolter, for sale. [ID tf Rea la pAnaktp &y waling et war prieilng. aryPid rale, Co.pAhTNERSIiIP NOTIOR—We have astmtsud with ot to the 0 taidin. mesoveorea. TIM PredhliPki, I:Dt!Etti tcLARDY eod /WM jt. Ileß fitYr, to 'tots en,t mom eon odor angnal at, lbw • tylo of the Iltal tamain at pored 4tgri. andtladaltar WIC LeaI:ILLY 01 VP. • Cotoasia era Cosislay, Capital vet 1%600 an than, 80,000 of ISO soli. • nrviDaND NOTICE—The Directors .of 15 Oho COndlardr Sava ibis da7 dadsrod • cisaft4 or lour per rent,, on thlk cspltal st - ok, auto , %air oa a of bud a antb,'Dsdals4 on and attar IdOhDAY, the 15th lerstsat By older of the onoi -- • • • oaths, ' WEittILVILY. Ikcistast. . . WitawrUarlantrit Of AUsatizrz .r. Pittlblinth AU= IarLWS. COAL — DAALERB—LSeaIekI propotak. " Nil to Iw:dim! tt 'MN tha facluaimlbe. sbag the Cowl Halve obd wltt. PI LLovr ILU3LIN tiIIbrISCII3C9 IN ro. T—Vor Cong,tu,-.ootds, Ilannercen, Bronkhist, in Pro. and !oreThroat. Pee, TS amts. Ho. 11—Scr Tootl-ache./sco.•cho. Nemec Palms, 9rart.18h...z3 Tla Dolores:, Prl.. 33 costa. Se, 9—For Heed-ache. Pict Ilesdache p Vertigo, &rah cf Med to the lice& Price SS crate. Am 10—Tor Dygepda, Week, add or Deranged Gooatil;atiort, Linz Coarlalrit. /5 cents. 1:1. 12—hr Leacorrtm es White., &tiring Timm taa Prt.tan anzaes. 23 cents. No. 13—For Oroap, Rearm Craegg , Cough, Difficult and Oppriaccd Breaau4S- 34 No. 14-Irca tialt Lama; ("relay Eruption; Erydp. dcald Med. Beam' ltra . . t'S ccnt. Zto. 115—Yor Ithmsseatiero, Pato, Lsoromess, or thzro• he in the Chest, Bach, Lobs or Limbo. SI cr. c.." 1 lus.rva:kunat Dumb Agns, Old lavas/Ng.° Agues. GO cczcs. No. 17—tor Paw, INlnd or Bloodlag, Tatoroal or .. Wool, latent or Walborn, 60 caa o No. 18—For Opthashalo, Weak or rodomod Syr and Syeilds4 TsWar ar Rota BI tl. 60 mob, No. 10--For Cat Arch, amte cm chronic, dry or do tog, Cold to, the Eicsoi, Inf!means GO mats. D. 20—For Wbcoring Mnik - h.thorterdni,u2d Psalm Ing cr Ilkos=reac t , caitt.. Eta Wr.l4 Ho. 21-Bor &Ohms. Oppomed, Defficalt, Labored Brrothing, Cough .d Szpoctorallon. Prize, 611 , oto. 2"--For Tar Dtschargen, Rolm tL. Head, las paired Hearted. Earache. 03 oenia. Vo. a—Vcr Ent fcla, Czlsrzed Gr.d..uts, ant Toculla Barellicip and Old Mem. GO cacti. so. 2S--For Ckverva Dab Phynka or He. - sosa Weakncas. W cents. N0..11-17ala Amu-An:W.4nm, TumidHwttogs, with &ant, CO ceur.a. N o . te_r o i ros3lrtzteno, Prt ortrttica, Vertigo. Name, Vozoltimg. CO crts Fro !T—ror Urinary Moues. Gtrnnt, JUrial Oautralp Dffcaltor Paittal Othasflca. .0 coati' t3—ror &get.] Leloamy, Icrreirustai7 cbarre sl end conacquent Prostretiwa end Doblllip. Price i1 , i , 711331111r I trZ t. gti—Ter Bon Month or Memel. Cfaakerod Month of Adults or Children. 51 • No. 30—Tor Erritua7 Incanthvote, Wetting the eled, tuo DD Ilegr.ent, painful or scal•L2g Urination. Prk• VI Case of tk rte., 110 . Qua of gOldolscormlete, to moraoco, fad book—. 7 Coe tII2O vials, and book, Cave of IS aranbered bosee, and 4 Oue of 6 berm, numbered; gad Single numbered bons, with ebogle lottomd bone, erttb dlreetkma--..--. - Large um of It oz. vial,, for planters and phy•.- 41clans 13 1:1) EMELCI3 Look our ao Inn, mato ay • ate of that kind lon cloaca, and laclosa tk.o oraccurt in a ecterent note cc .ti p. by moil to my tddrtmo. am! no melbrbto to dolj r‘b..yee