The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 13, 1864, Image 3

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    ght fittsburgit tip.
~ 1
6 Ilm • • 1 times •
D 5.... maw. 3..3.
1 Kr% sos 1.95132531 , 1N 1 134 •a•
•41.. x--.- 11 161 4 0 $ $ $ $
Two disas--- 193 TO
Ettoses.--- ICO 115
tni1:108............ 190 116
times---. 929 160
Oanneek---, 960 140 ' 170 95 85 43
Imo =eta. --. 495 9 502 90 1 70 145 • -81
TbreirWetkl........... 400 SSr 4 CO 900 200 1 10
Osa m05att....... 7 69 403 500 2 70 too 1 33
Taro montba...— 11 25 800 7 4A 400 375 203
Thseemostbs...-- 157570001% 4 70 .4 55 993
ME months .......a.... 20 76 113 00 13 56 800 •13 66 .4 30
362sessonths.-- ST 00 16 VI la 00 10 201 9 00 5 15
12.31i55r........-- 33 COM 00121 37. 13 00110 70 801
imam:main' ADVl:RfranneleTs.
For an Chalteabb (I= each week, =l
ewd to the itamollate minces of the x4eartlacr. All
larger sthentbentente In exact prepare:lon
SUmw S Ums l Man
I Daily. Is weekla =ski mak.
Oisasocati.-----1 866 66 00 470 600
Una manly .... —.. 17 SO 11 45 BCO , 900
-24 001 • 19 00 16 76 10 50
•10 OD 28 00 24 60 14 00
ellirnit nod= doable the moss pass.
,100iXtraMttet. each Inactilort mean
itt in =l 10011_
iaTertitanesta, per t ri p il 00 75
t giscitoof tcallataistralote itotlces.—. a .6
'. ' Proximate quotas in the Rad Ditlislok
P Attu hiring giren ten dale to the correction I
E l of the rolls 'of the eoveral ottb.dietots of the
:Ed diateLei, the Bond made out the following
proxlcoate quotas. Bat u the people of num
• '. 4 of the nab-distrioia bare not yet availed them
-4 Delves of the opportunity of correcting their en
fl eolbauda, the Board hare resolved to glue
1 another week to the work of oorreet:on, prior to
gl the lined declaretion of the respective quotas.
til The TOM will, therefore, he kept open for oor
1. ts matt' until &Audi, evening the 20th instant.
11 Any corrections auni• after that date will not
[!.l affect the quotas. ,
~.: •11 110r-DIOUICTS. I 1143-0111r1lOili.
''!' ' $ Quota 1 Owes.
Sl:i eLLEGIIIIIT CO. :Centro tp 18
, ,1, let ward, Alley ..--11710akland tp ...... ....- 22
....e- 7 .41 2d do do -....1281D0negal 10
~ . 0,3 lid do do --lel Hillerttown hero.... 5
-....-.. m. 4th do do 321 Fairfield tp ....... ...... 24-
' Manobeeter 81 Cantata tp
, Macias. tp ... 44 Clay tp 20
~ Rosa tp
_l7'Bredy tp ..... ....-.-. 14
~ 7 Ohio 27 Worth tp....—.. 2
' . Smilokuy Op. 12 Slipperyrock tp 2T
:. : Elicerickley..boro....... 17 Chevy 0p..... ....... . 19
Preakiin4p' .. ' . ' .- x `l3 Washiugtordep 23
•13 hianholl tp It Parker2l
..+ Meoandlest tp.. ..... . 18, JillegliertY to. 15
it Pine tp ......... ......... 151Vottango tp..... It
... 1 ! Richland op 11151ailan tp.. IT
'•_. Bum tot tp 19 Mercer tp A Harris.
~.. Blister tp 49 eille.,-.....-........ 16
Reserve tp. 80 Latteraoso 00.
•,.'.:. Duquerne boro 52 Perry tp & gallant.
-4:,1 Bbarpeberg bore.... 331 tows
- 25
A.:. Indiana tp 54 : Dradj's Bend tp-... 60
'r.'.l West Derr tp.......... 1918ngar Creek tp ...... 14
-...- Batt Deer tp 24 Weekington tp 18
s ' , „•, - . - Tarentunt.boro l9l•Pranklin township&
~lain tp.... . . ... --.. lb Worthington 55
. - Barrhonap ...... -.... 31. Borth Buffalo tp 18
Emu 00. IBooth Buffalo tp..... 2$
Buffalo tp' 25 Freeport bus 20
C1int0n......... ..... ....- 21 Ivoeehburg bore.-- 9
Middleton tp 27 Apollo bore.. ....... .. 10
Adores tp 20 Allegheny tp. 48
Cranberry op.' ., ' 2 Kifkominitas tp...... 42
Jaelsontp.eadidar. Bung tp. ....... ....„ 21
many bore :9 Platiab Creek tp...... 41
%olleneple bore 7 Eiderton bore ........ 5
Forward to 22 Kittanning tp 21
Jefferson tp' - 0 It Manor , tp tr
fiesoubarg bore $ Kittanning hero 44
Winfield tp 18 Valley tp.... ...... ..-. 33
Clearfield op'"' - `l 5 Pine tp.................. 37
Enultalt tp............. trildadtson tp 20
Butler tp---..„.... 21 Mahoning tp......—. 27
Butler bore.-- ...... 20 P.ed Bank.. ..... -..... 29
Comoguesesslng op. 21 Wayne tp.............. 55
Penn 0p. ........ ' 18 Cowanaldinnonk op.. 37
Muddy Creak. .... .-- 201
Daneseter 0p.......... 211
Franklin tp.
Aired at taunt:withers Allogheisy
Two men, nantedllnot and Daniel Smith, ware
arrested On Thorsdey afternoon by officers Lyneh
and Lehr:an it the Railroad Station, owMaderal
street, on a charge of endeavoring to pass a
counterfeit fifty cent postal rearrenor note on
Mr. George Hoven, at the Allegheny Mszket.
They were taken to the Mayor's °Hies end
searched, when over five hundred dollars in
counterfeit mousy wee found open them. The
note, were pititipaly greenback', of the deuem•
Matione of fifty, twenty and ten dollars: They
bad also in their , possession els two dollar notes
en the ' reenter -and Drovers'lDank of Backs
county, and one firs dollar bill on thedtate Book
of Indiana, all counterfeits. They had airs one
hundred fifty coal` postal 0111.11110) notes
which were • pronounced to be
counterfeit. They had t hearing before Mayor
Alexander yesterday, which resulted la their
committal to answer a charge of passing Crotl.
ttZfet. Bate Itttee.
The pi:amen were taken before Commissioner
agora yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, to
answer a *barge of passing °ono .erteit U. S.
money. R. B. Carnation, am, U. s.. District
Attorney, appmred for the proaeeetien, sad
Mesons. A. M. Drown and John Coyle, 13.qe.,
for the delete's.. At the instance of the counsel
for the defense, the ease wit oantlaued oatil
Monday morning next. at ten o'clock, sad the
-prisoners committed to jell.
Toe defendants stato that they reside la Blair
county, In this State. They are middle aged
men, and their appearance would lade ate that
they are farmer!. They hors about three cue-
dud dollars in current [code in their peuenion.
•Arrival of Troops.
'iAT .
Peaterday afternoon about fiur o'cloole, two
isigincente arrived In this city. 011V:oilr way west.
The 19Ith Pi-nnslivenle, a one hundred days'
regiment, which woe °minted by the'Coat -
ehange of Philadelphia.' and *Meth has been In
service for ihottt - Sve weeks, peeved theough an
*dr way to Bock Island, ill. The Ifeett Kase*.
ohntetto regiment, tot the same dosti imam), alm
pasted through the city _yesterday. Tne'Soh
eletence Committee. untended -their proverbial
heepttailly to bot et te regiments.
About nine o' h Clock; h last evening, the 1911
Pennsylvania Regiment, title days' mon,) under
‘eeromond of CoL Thomas, Collo/Mr of toe Port
of Philadelphia, .poseod through this City. en
'her way to Johnson's.,Llned. The.twgintent
nos-hers twelve. hundred men and 1.4 (imposed
of fieldenta ,Philedelphia. We
learn from an (Moor of .the regiment, that two
btndsed 'Means of the (instate Baal. are In
itiliTa3 &l
Railroad Earnings.
We ere Indebted to W,ll. - Buttes, Bit,
Comptitlisr jirt - i'riet; . ew
for the folling ipprosi
. . ,
mete ear:digs ,ef the Pittstitritt. Fort Weise
sad Citleijci Cresplash-.for.the month
of Jidirt ult,,,ordeposeti with the ,usse period
tent plat.
Yr ra IArA I' IBS. I Turrars..lDerew
pn ig is $ MI) u4l CI j j
Tat e
j ll 47 , 142.2 . 1 . , - ;:. -Z.
Natter 7(4 14.C.J7
Din ;01 7,n4.1.• ....
, .
'To 41
froiu ,
I,Ju 7 1 t3IGP 441 61,
Juts 71, WIA pe, 4441.
The Coming Dian
In order to relieve cur - eannty of the analog
'graft, it will Ft tscerii.7 that recruiting be
sited frTern..'d nith rseryy. The people newt
tely upon the: or. rearrests:mat etalustvely to
Ra ve themes:yes fns= tho drift on the nth of
fisoterob.r. We 6sl soared that comparatively
few roinutto can be gathered (rein- the Statute
szbelllorsirs Aar: lens thst intervenes be.-
terern.lblo end tho. draft. Patricia ottisnis
s ►otittrotelret to the work of mita g
a. T enho Atheism'', Mese of 15110401, who nee
afford it, ealtfain i ish., t•fro three Formica:min
rrernt Earle by would do
n e' nob a att. Br.
err elihyn oars a eaterthinz.and It will Deed
aotttd"aed ty,t tetto action to' fill oat ilttotee
sad Forint the necessity of a draft.
nt.mrsair.--The bows of Alex—
TattetFont , 03 1dua l il an 4
tostoly,Pbts,:sy . ratcrod by some tl7;
lipota,9lo ll Eindsr. 610
were ttittiti•tanettlti•ty .
dollars is I:llene7, a gold :watch, and some slivar.
laocorY Ito - IEOI3Sr irseteptry!bstisth - two'
isallsetleds = and psrl - .oonossledla s - dt
,tattsibiatible: ; = . Mr. Pallor's:l if wok,
In & ikosisss laxity, sad ,ha will, hal: his lens
Mlohreliff, 42' tit orio'ietfoote; the O aAI aary of
Ilteend!ti oorwidetably injarel. The fluotet
imialiiilleited:bubase of the taattsierhewne et.
Polon ownwricl;•de.log , wbloh two- work:ten
Othple3ed -Iwehorefnery,ware the.
Ore; but 'am tale may 0 e [l.6
liaditubtadaYilmsmult of eo
4:4l)nra i bXtVeir,-41 1 tbi millsll2.s avi
ARyirepepers 47,sse7alioilA
as l'soa,ase , A err:aerosol —Dr,gyta,,, wi
le,. late a
issimNor of Co. 11, nth Pensurylvanls
essintent, has been appointed assistant Borgeou
el the 101 n Agttnanit. Dr. Wile! wo4 at PD.
ems Hospital Steward sof the 102 d nsglommt, but
was compelled to resign on amount of 111 health.
He afterwards joined. the fllat regiment, and
screed as • private with great credit to himself
Dr. Wiley was, previous to. the breaking oat of
the rebellion. a 1:2 dic i etwient In the o;Ttee of
Dr. John Dickson, and is admirably salted tot
the petition which he has been called upon to
err Una Tnaoar.—On Monday 'griming, the
let Inst., Mary wife of Andrew Pallid,
of Smith township, ashington county, cot her
throat from ear to a 'Jai an old riser. Death
seeded in a few moments. The dimeue3 was
&beat tbirty.five years old, and leaves one
Staid two or three years of age. It is state 4
that the death of one of her children, some time
since, produced in her a spirit of melancholy,
sad the sad vacancy thus caused in her heart
may have moved her I. commit this lamentable
ARRIVAL or Pam:earn 4? Worm . mo.--Some
three hundred and sixty prisoners. nuanced at
Newfield by Gen. Avert% arrived at Wbs.diug
on Wednesday, and were soon afterward 3011
to Camp Chase. Among the crowd were sorer d
Wheeling boys, who report that they belvag to
the battalion of Major S eatery also of W Geol.
leg, who succeeded is making his escape, as did
Lieut. Liddy, formerly of the Shriver Grays.
The whole gang of prisoners look exceedingly
heed In the way of attire.
MAN KiLLIM —A man named Keyeer, a shoe
maker, .ho was residing btu Rider's switch,
on the Lrthera Central railroad, was killed a
d3y or two pp, by a passenger train. Keyser
wu standing on the track, and persisted to ro•
maining therten, until the setr.entcher in front
of the locomotive caught and threw him several
fact in the air, with the above stated remit.
Haw , ro Gm Ewa tyOSQVITOZEI LT Nwuy
Bitsmdtoessay* romebody, lon beef blood
bettor then they de any lint dam in the sales of
humm kmd. Just put a wimple of plooal on
plate/ near 3 onr bad at night, and you will aloap
mdlatnabad by 'these Peat& To the merning
yea will lad them full and itspitt with boat
blood, and the meat naked dry.
LTHVAL....COI. W. H. Lebrun, of the
103 d Pannoyerazio Regiment, who his been
Wiener for Ica, =tabs put it Charleston, 8.
O , boa been exchanged. Ile was entered at
Plymouth, N. C. Co'. Lebrun le a readmit of
Allagtmoy City, and hie numerous friends wW
be gratified to learn of bin release.
To Tio Ersoit.cri Bids or ITS 810011 D Wale,
PITTEBUION —You are eameotly requeotad to
mired a meeting at the Docioesea Enable
on eattaaay eeentag, Aogatt 13th,i•t 8
o'eloct—tnstaeoe of vital haportaaes to Glob
Gent ree Hurroxy.—The first volatile of Hor
ses history of the great rebellion le
now reedy for deliver, to subraribert at Frank
Case's book dors, 70 Fifth street.
srsciAn .60CA6 NOTIVELL
litozu Ram s Plain sad Oraamsatal Mate
Sodom, mid deals, la Plainlylomat* sad Vor
moat slate of the' bat quality at. low Wei:
0500 at Mee la , ellts. twat eas Ruts,
Pi orksa Pittsburgh. P 6.
Vontrivrxxxo for the army obould net leave the
city until Fopp with HOLLOWAY'S PILLS
AIID OINTMENT: For Sores, ft sorry, Wounds,
Smell-Pox, Powers ,nd B swei-Oomp , slets' chose
medicine , are the best in the world Bray
French .ol tier weather's.. If theywader cf this
"‘notica" cannot gel a box cf Pills or o.4tment
- fromlbe drug 'tore in his place, let him slick to
me, 8 1 0 Maiden Lane, enclosing the amount, and
I will mains box free of expense. Many deal.
ere will not keep my medicines cn hard beosule
they cannot make as much profit as on other
persona' make.
Holloway's Pills and Ointment era now re
tailal,baring to the hills prices of drags, !to , et
1:1; cants, fb cents and $1.40 par pot or box.
For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Fohnostock
For sale at Fulton'o drag okra :Fifth :treat,
For isle also by Gee. A. Kelly, Falafel street,
Allegheny du.
Ilanoverta—Garcoml Graham d Co" hierehant
Tailors, have removed to IS Meet.
We are just resolving oar second client, of
erring and summer goods, and would most re
sFectfully invite oar friends and tho pilaf to
general to examine our now stoat, honeying
it to be one of the finest stoob of merchant
tailor goods in a. city. Svery garment Ira:-
mould to give fall satisfootion, in Loth prloo
and uelity. Give ne a call lusters rerchnting and judge tor yonnelvee. Gateau
& ?dcflooron_un. gerohant Tailors. No. 73
Smithfield moat.
Aggie/Mth».:•• ;756
Fractal. liorma.--The attention of our realm
Is &rooted to the briElant aseortniaitof Spring
tad Summer Goods-lest motive/ by oar friend
bit. John Weer, No. Ihd Bedeval otreet Albe
fhen:e. MI stock oansprieen a great variety of
Panay French, English, Seet.oh and American
0.1!.320Te1l mid Cloths, and fine Bilk end Cu
limey! Vertingh—er Af seldoh will be made ap
to ordir in the latnvt styles and in the beet
=armor. A &vire eeleetion of Feral hing Good"
ea, o: hind and for e‘lo t together elth a fill
;took of Ready hiade Clothidta. well and bah
tot:ably nada.
"Noeutwo To Wess."—No mature:bow richly
t•d7 a,•} •en the en.t of h.r rreoo, eh. will
be unable to oppear a -all-dratted nclow bar tali.
i* elegantly 'attired. wlmbin's for
the bait glees tea parenting intake to - this item
of benety. It Axes Wahl& in any &ulna/ po%
think; makes Is Insln , ne, glossy and baentlfal.
It is also the nowt' seetola In the world for the
eacoplezlon..-•Coniatni wilitar oil as alcohol.
8410 to give satisfaction.-
Otr4 readereidll not forgot the exmanion to
sod giant eels of lots at Breldook's Field, whl:h
comes off on Mooday,--161t inst. . From the
Esoared interest and liniversal favor with which
thie pointle regarded, the probsbilitles are that
meet If not eI the lots will b. Gold on Monday.
.There fe no Oder place to freest money than
Braddook'a, Field. See advertisement and be
prompt to the hour, one o'olsok, preoisely for
trans to the toles
prawn and osniage caltetelll be taken at the
Otunibne etne, 4'a. 410 Penn street of
niebt. All oibtre let the above place will
ttonaptly attended to. All tarts taut tte
paid In advance.• •
roindneements bald act by orating low prices;
bat at equittAble 'ten will 'be ibstgti In every
tare, :or the be2t, vaniti6ati alf be :eel, and ell
the tittle end ten ieventaip igirera .44i
rtati!ti 'bail be - applied.
- ril , ttrati on Partin° —A, eel:melte afro:Aiwa
Broachtel Tabor, which ere covered with
a, - 4r7. tate...ices yhlagto-r" Bre wen Bret:Ala
Tr-tins" itfLE - tri - 'cite tun ea° iteentalate re
lief. ' . .
Carrca !melon', kid Loop riots,
drag r.ada, ahaap at ittaCLalland'a mo
tion hatusek GS Fifth
OSSA? bargs.tee summer Saadi Si 3toCtat•
lat,d'e emotive house, bb Flip street.'
Evimes boOte: PlK:oB.lsnd Adt•n•bcto3 acid at
" due"l prleea • at NoClxliau3'e• 55 Fad% .troat
'Hisao and children's. gsitars, !mains
chap sr hi Ottliand's, G 5 Ft( kt street.
21 lr Pn't —rn Pr! 'ay , 4exat 1211,.• w
p m. ...Ft, rte 4of t.t Amitcw
01 , 1 FL) 1 tt.oith )I•SS h. r age
.• I m the tesi 'ry f Ler ,or in!, ,
Iv,. nc6
.1 ./••:. Ft .t 1 ar.,t on
EtnoAt. at 4 tic'? %, 1M...4 I, 01. 11.1.1%,...
81V81,644 Jn , 54'6.9 9 2, —..—
.5 - 31 fo r pYi. f average tacrnuo
YON EnNWltiftllST—t 10 •12 "Ito - pass
o'gto, 0:1 ?ISt T.. otts of 014zery .c 1 tizzy A. V. 711
n,,orst •god 7U )eua.
ixal at tai . o'cl-xt on faraday morning, Anson
T 017.10 LADIES, AT E 35 WIONLLY, Pb
71i! Pik 1 Stas+ni 'Pi ova on ttio rifieD tIONFIMT
IN EZPINNONN Ih, adrsatast •ry ran',
sod at lass,mit4,4 =tel. LAr 'num F;ez.a
imhz AZY, t. WI 4L. .A3l
"th.,•w:l-• Pa
INTL+ 6.
GaLwwdY & CASEY,
t a WAPST ‘ 4 , 17131111".. to-r Vlfth
I. POT PEPS PT latf tt , Llotl , W • t IrS • dtir
fro 'Exact` igTRILT. It [twee o lotl6f.
ot vaOlit of DISCO It logo ..tol morn pr us"
tight tor mu •ke Or elttlol , loll A 11115111.4. ug orbult
,u.togo (to. *aid ttr.qui,e, i) htsmt
Omni tell,bto lot
of Corot two %ad 4•• , ...
to*eAtervm to Wilton& Ootoo and 4,,.„%t0 Moo It. are
pvarla*.m tO . ,V •v. ' 2.0. HAI B W.
(Coo asps tga II si sad to . o Jut do's!): too • ok.
st4llw •
71.417111N13 HAIR DIVErI;SING F(.o3tf,
,Ilsgtor Pe•nOtyleir, pre... Isla and 4.rea • C.,a
leg 14n TiVtd • tub, ti.Y. • • . I .lli.
• 6N11.5'S Ambr3lo3; Yo dui. • t
rcJßnoq •
11....,•••0prtt0r v 1 I. of boat tar ktralye Use
.Ino c• fJ. A. IC Ea. 4T • no d.
OwtrAl Una • time Ohio wad Stairs! Woe. In
lloik:e &I•eittmoi we)
101tUTIdSER-2,1150 tbs. frost; lima Batt(
LA ZPCP.....-.l,pm et -444 4444 . 41.410.
ao a a:: obl4. W 1,144 1/14b;
(mama.. 40 W.". r 11110.... abeam
Fri rtJdring sadly/
- n p Loony mow .
Our Specit - 1 Dispatches
Battle at Winchester Probable
bye , dl.l Dteplatch to the Pl'tabard% G 0231
Washowies, August 12. /S5-I
ILL? WLOIS Dfofleran.
Tbe commander of the U. S. steamer Foto.
masks reports to the Navy Department, under
dote of July :10th, the destruciioa cf two rebel
raft yolks on a crook leading oat of B,ck river,
Georgie, six mile, from the month. oao of the
Corks contained twelve pans, and another eta.
IL D. Swan, Acting Vol. Lieut. Commanding,
left the ship at two o'clock In the morning
and ended at daylight. Ile destroyed the pans
effectually. Lieut. Swan had the first and third
cutters with Lim, and on their return they went
fired an by the enemy, at a distance of ten yards.
Three men wee, wounded. The enemy laid
'cry lot. The fighting was hop! up for three
quarters of an hoar, when the expedition re
turned Safely.
The Navy Department haseinformatlen of the
success of an expedition sent from the United
Static bhp . Saratoga to Degby Sound, Georgia,
capturing the lnh■bttantt of Mclntosh en.,
Ge. A whole cerantiy mooting of rebels was
captured. They destroyed two bridges and a
Ir.rge encampment.
assets ax woonsrixa ratialate
Information from Willismepert, to 'seven
o'clock yesterday morning, 1011 all was' quiet.
The rebels retired from the Virginia busk, going
towsods Winchester. A battle le expected there.
Capt. Joseph W. Burnett, 2i Wiseciatain u'-
shy, has been dismissed.
Reply of Becretau Stlnton to IiOT
eported Drfeiret of the Rebels
drear Winchester
The Wes Hs ar New Orleans.
Wsneutarow, August IT—The Sec4etary of
War his replied to the letter of Gov. Seymour,
of the 3d beet., submitting the report of the
Provost Hershel General, *Mott he trusts will
ea.lsfy him. The otjectious mate egalutt the
quota assigned to the State of NOV York are not
well founded. The Secretur7 dew not Faelauthot ,
hod to ep r olut a commluioner,
First, because there is no Limit fraud b 7 the
Govtnamentorith the carolling °Mears, nor amy
• • .
mistake, frond or negleet their put, atl.get
by him, requiring inreitigstion by a coeals-
6econd. 'X ha firm, If there be any, ern
he corrected by the board of enrottmont ee.
tebliehed by level for the eetreolon of the enroll
ment ♦cn!d sot hate, for hes the P•estlent or
Cemetery of War power to ctisege the brats of
tbn draft prescribed by ant of 0 ongcere.
TL Ird The t mletloa w eabl operate to poe
t, De the draft, sod perbepa fatally daisy
stoeng , b , ting the valise 0./0 to thell,{3, teat
eloin,; the enemy and endangering the Netball
G. 'won sot.
Er..ry tacility,,he rear, will be afforded by the
1S ar NW, Mt 11a. to 0 111 oat buy error Of GO Lo 1%/I•
th may ari ear in the morollmant, end neeff .rt
o ill be per.' to do jostles to the cities of le or
S.:k and Brook yn, and apply the law erltti
e qooaty end !Altoona to every dlettle: road to
nary State.
Cymmiseloner of Customs Sargent will leave
tt*eatittren text week fir the frond..., to earryl
Into effiet the Itis and re:petiole to prevent
tut:lope& There, be says in hie circular, have
e•T loads ryeeee.r7 tettn event to colt ch the
Br , < cue laws bare been eveded,and Its swy
lax meter In which they have by some of
the. deers of Courts hare been exposed. The
summation of uarehers baggage will, under
soy &lam is :Mee!, be a vo-y onoleasant and
studyitg do y. nererthelees It mote be perform •
ad. /he American people are no: 116,11alernsd
to belng stepped and baying thee -treats
and 57.111 n racks ettened and examined,
and they at brat exhiblt some idep•tionce
staler 00 operation, but it Is eryeeted
Oct 'to f ISter who racy have that
day y to perform will 1,0 or hi neat to
cob bit the least hrsitedon, bet at all times
wintain Callen fell control sod plarid Pelf , •
eemeapor. exernh.log trookr, nets, ,
,:hey 11.1 be oerefol not to .rottob their non:sets
lcst it emcees., to aim whotetnethey
confute any Rood. liable to duty. Tie seam
all mutt, however, be ruTtoieetly theme glf
t. ifs.irtoin abed.r they contain each geode,
Itch:l,l4.g laces and jesailfs, or not. D •ggege
Teutons em the betted Stalos through.'Oeat le
IWO hit 1.; wife,' States . should be rd. la 40611
1111:0' *Lei* It can 5. sealed op and go
through without being dieturbcd Whom
this Is done the baggage Deed not be to
wered when delivered The regelatlons among
other :clings require that in eldong a d Malang
of trucks, bolos, barrels, bales or ,other en
velop*, or peckers of any kind, to, of/
errs, to order riled against false bottom,
rho moveable blades and other fraudulent
motrisstees, will ate care that the .name are
to secure b cords or wirea end hdditlonal seals
that Ibis) d
Cannot. be op•ned Oaf any part of Melt
...little taken from ih. re, wi.hntit breaking, re •
musing or cutting ellen
. trds, wire, or Seal.
Tbe Scale ate to be used for sailing Is.
b 041?, cur, std . other Teasels engaged
to a 1440 betneen the balled State. and other
ellantilsila Trunks, traseliog bags, bolo, and
ea er,thing containing ertietes.of wearing ap•
Tarsi or other effee.e, or purporting to do el,
ascot be .openerdand ~D e lic ontenta thorongly
•leo4d by the proper art MS of the elletolllS, Tea
limn limeys the sate :ram the oar onntabolog
inch hoer:ago; and no trunk, traveling beg, va
lise of other envelope is to In, delivered or eaten
away, until thus detonated ; end all bs,:gage
Among ehlah Me) 1,. (OW2;1 seam:ad any attic el
Italic to da , y,a;.... • on - lee hove nut Dann
Told, mu t be eel! d tad rammed.
Nogs .spored at g
ableo 119 decoincirs,o. o GIL". teen nor :ad
0 stets that Bcauregarti has as to At•
lit t a it titia:ci hot° S. at tie-or/iv.
etalentiy roper kd_ bete' .bet Sh•ridan
has deieuted Early neer Wincheete., cast te, •
largo number ut prisoners, and that Bitty to m
In 1 retreat.
Puesengers by the Erenirg Star front Now
0 lamina report that the ratite ore Joliet:tog fore*
rutride of Aljers, within sit or eeren ulllO3 of
Et ar. °drone, the plee., apparently
with the beteotlost of tasking tea hoe• .1 offensive
quotations. They are atop...oda 4 byo.2. Toy
. Too Stolle distrli: to also o tciyied by the
runny in force form, in colt r to prevent another
adfaheo of cur tru•tps cltroger that region to
Trish. Fecessiontits to P 1 o Ocioams lay shot
this to of to importer Co if hi ohtle le lust to the
It le scatted fbe rebels aro erzoilog batteries at
13, 0 ,caretila -to pro., the °cowhand 001/00
wide on the Itto OnLade.
New Tura Stori and stoney, Market.
diedid Dispstsh th . . Pit tekorl;t& o.s to.
igaw Yoga, An . gatt 12, 1651..
The Steer. mark.l. nal !ass sedge se• des and
rates deeihatd. Pitttbargh 41: For W jie,
116}¢; Oinreland & P.tubargh, 11.1: °arm
mess Ssenritl.e base unAerrne bat little °bang ,
U. 8. Blses, 1891, len', , i@per; Oe• Year Carton
oval 95; hissci,Thlrcias. lORDI tO, Vila; 003.
tlea 1011(101%, Goid is a shade higher, closing
Ails if =noun al 25t,%.
Prnprilor Oaring Darleto •
Buono, A2lg. 12 The propellor
owned by the Wetter!: Trhosporation Comp ay,
brood for B chi do, took bre on' Wedoetrisy *bar
eighteen wile. from Daitown, sod ea the north
photo of Lae Erle. Two o I
,the ore • were 'hit
in the mitt for the naafi boats. The propellor
Mon ward the burning enricher to laeieboat,
right DUOS from Rowboat, where eta
was inhaled sad ntnlt. dee hymnal to the wow .
if net Ber corrgowl't be tared to it dem rg rd era
dittos, which war' Inrorod On th• 0010 OVA
any ince Cow pray,
,N Y., Cor 222,00 Tito neon
took the survlelng.' pancengani rer .Pore B.saley.
sipesettousi or 11 Plinio.
Saw Yoga, Augustin —A pilot eke broarht
op sn Italica bark this afternoon reports as fel.
Iowa: 01 Thursday, at nine o'clock a. m., about
1121 1 Miles southeast of Sandy Hook. salt
eteamer 'acting the American flag; she Genie
dose under the bark's stern, but dcd not hail.
Be'll then slatted the pry , boat James Bank,
1114, holnriop the TO-Arita'. flee, ,n1.1.0{ 0,1
, Lic.
then ateedri Weald, Montauk rotat.
Thepilot wit g at the sae, time, cow a
schooner Or ec miles to the windward, with ail
cat Itcia tho pinata avidentig
homier ,settled her. The pirate craft is small,
neat: al E.iglieh built, straight stem fore ant aft,
and le painted white and red on the bottom; she
carries a pivot gun fare end at, aid a broodslie
goo, and to very slow. The pilot boat is appa
rently able to cattail bee.
FIVE lateen August 12—The Whit+, one of
the selling boats attaettid to the gunboct
was cruising Weida this morning. It disoover
ed a yawl bo'at making for toe shore. Upon
coming Myeloid.: of this boat, litILE(111 persons
were found on board who belonged to the pilot
boat Jsanes Funk, oi New York. The brig E+•
tella, tie brig Basalt Boyce, the brig Richard,
the limit Day State, a , d the schooner Atlantis.
sII these ve.sele had be in (a claret' and harried
y the Confciierate steamer • Tallahasie, com
mended by John Taylor Wood, of the coast
yesterday forenoon.
Frcm Texas and 31exteo—Beaaregard
RI Lantz.
New Yoke, Ang. 12 —By the way of New
Orleans we have news from Texas, by which it
appeal . , that on the lith of Jona a party of loy
al Texotto with tome Atkannus refugees attacked
the rebel garrison at Eagle ?U., and forced them
to teareudar. They also took porseselcn of the
Clonal Boar..
Tae New Orleans True Dell. 'aye that nine
hundred of Cortina,' men hams occupied Vie
toria, diiving out a small Breach force which
had been lett there by Ccl. Depth.
Cortinas is preparing to attack Tampico.
The Delta also says it learnt that Bsanregard
has gone to Atlanta with 20,400 man, and will
rata. Den.
flood In command at that place.
Rebel News
Sty irc ILK, August i2.—The Miumn, Go , fel
esroph of a late dater, notices the departure of
I,Bho militia from that place for Atlanta, and
toys that • like number will leave daily for •
week. The State troops ore uodor Gen. G. W.
Smith, and will form an army shemseires.
iSavaatah and Colombia, EL C , papers rejoice
that the ;the.' army hos at last made a stand,
azd say that the panto ceased among the people
sailer Johnson was falling: back has crossed.
The Richmond Enquirer say.: We command
Petersburg with :re° 4.145, whirl:lan sweep that
ery. Beres its capt u re by Gant would not
eniour.t to any t h in g ."
Coupunman Hall Arreired
Sr Lois, Auguet 12.—A letter to tte
et - al fcm keeled, Mo., sap: Oongrereman
A 1101 wee arrested there on Niredneeday for
ming tLe ,Oldiersage at the railroad de
pot:L.' "I hold that'Proildent Llnc,no le ea mirth
cteay t, tine country at Jeff D tel.." Hall
arrived Lore under guard this evening.
The Failure at Petersburg
tint Tole., Aug- 11.—The Pott's Washington
ffeelfil• glees • statement made by the
11"eriertzir Bcpui:cne, that Geo. Baraidie before
the Military Commission 'Deleted that the enters
'glens him were carried eat ULU:dully, and that
utitbei him or 10 d ten of MS oommand were
treporadblo lot the initure.
The Amnesty. Proclamation.
Nalgr out. Aut. l 2 —Toe 11•rnid . VI coto
crrrorpor dint of ther 9th, ays e A tad Lloo
teradt cute 17i , b4e *ar Ito.., end mars
If the afonerty pr. a arcs 1.11 we. gen roily land.r
st...d In the roa. I . the donations would be
lour wed oat hundred fold.
Destluetlve Fire In Sew York
Now Yora, Aug. 12 —A largo and destronlre
C. ocouirad about 9.34 awls forenoon to the
bi.und,d by Mal.O.lSl Elquare, Mott, ?.ell
pro c o ; etre - eta At leant nal( a bloat •u
de.tloyed, and a Lags number of (unlit,/ ren
di:od bosnelers.
l based by a Pirate
Asa' Your., August 12 —A ralueugar aus
Esenits Star from Ns, Orleans reports that
they "lora chased on the 11th Inst. by a tarots
for four hours. Also that she Arad throb shots
at the Evening Star.
Captured by a Pirate
ttreasarres, Sreera I.esro, A tg 12 1.15 r
—A rebel pirate fa reported eIA7 mar sootb
eser I,m dy Hook. Bbe depilated the Oleg
scar J♦teea Peek yesterday.
N. a•, AuAmt. 12 —The o.....treinf
r.v loss OD tpl.lal 6horm•u'n aao<tl •
A I.nII is toscon,l4l.l,fl • protlsoa, wad Ito cai.
tore onhe si , l Le:peo:ef Iwo*.
LY-CllO plLts.—V.lE Turr roual or e 04
C.—Cy the tap, llcatinu et M. tdc-dical Laos,
teo I, chiraf.ter and ecooomy are combined La this mast
telt:mite Pill. To present pottlna to to this stomach
slab oimmeillieeof tretiaostible sod lopitione drop an
ant codhourit 10 Pd'. shot mirth+ from Aar to eta
to jot a, devout cathartic. and to revent the Arleta[
law s errimertsly Judged to to aidnarn of chat.*
let, Ina the study to Mb desokitiment. Tao dues
a ;doe, e t re...hos n.. and nw.r mon them re. PIM,
trl h+ tho egnistroc of economy, and confidence It
asked as to their trot character to Dystietala Cattier
Urea, Ell.lonanneS, Liver GomplattCs. Pilot, all de
end. minta of Its Stomach and Beliefs, and as a true
Tacitly Jill. For Warta. tbity ore a ante core.
Tot side U ail leldiesele and &Mall Pesaro.
ICOLD P. DUN'S itWVLL. Proprietor,
Practical Chemht, Baton. Leas.
Tor Bala by Jos. Tierotra, Oro. U. Essfeer, B. 4.
T..i.nrestas S. Co., J.ll.7mltott &dente for Pittebarthhi
Deo. A. Polly. W. J. Sflrar...l Dr. Jsmos Drown,
rots 410 Allrgb.oly City.
A”. as almyty eat pteette of papaw eat to On torte or
to!lat, bat are No Nni and Shaped to fit the ahoh, baoln
a peony' tat , ‘ /ore rem any , * re Polk., abteh la ob.
tabard by our pnta, , e4 pron., rtitcn elso secure , . an
otherodrowaroy pottraott by w'l."
In the tenon an ttr turt d rd,rnetyln, thy Inelde of retch
pp rtentiy smooth anhoa ho te l wintery, nrt)p ••pe
ant .+—ter eat, nostneas and daraltility —on •tinhood.
1 boy nre !undo In tura-down ash, In gem from 1.1 to
17, aid In Garrote Irma 13 to 17 lurbra, andparted
peat to
LI. boom, of 103 tacb • 660 On •611 , 1.1.0111 of HI
en‘ll,—the Intter •• ry he ady phentago for trartlers,
army and navy offloer,
,u-ti Era C0LL.3.11 L attunpad
Grays Patent Molded Collars: ,
ball :by all Mall &aim 11; blunt rani.atang Walla
Tbo toide entplled
vel P 3571.,110rX11£ 11 d 00.,
Cliebtolat etrost, 11111.tidalphla1
and L. 5 1.()W1/114 a OD.,
I Warm strata, Nay Tort.
7 -
of T:I3NA REV E END The Eta
. 011 [neon to sod rosorifoeturere of nt. . tn
crab d 1.. &retool P. oars 49, of Rut. law that west
tot- rd-ct Jot let, Itint
6rc - Ososni.. Aud be It fuether sosefed, that If soy
Fors -n outer than toe manor o-uror eh al WI. or ro-
Men • r rim.... 1, • .1-, or part With, the pecesedno of
s• y u •totertur - d t bane,. esulTor coeds, upon stitch
,o. font'bm no bac tb on pet with mll a
o• i•doo them f, morn tor. n eli .II 11.110 to it mo
o t moo. t nu , l t •1.•1.5n 1., o.cti aol 4.4 44 , Ipire
MAI ND, I CC. 411 . 1 4 . 4 1411•11 tuT, ta• .4 • • 142. f4r Into
r orh iutstrco, ta•itt or ci, atAtic not been
ttir c.d. by oki‘min-d al [G . tlr. dI , • thl. act,
or it. which to. ne, the U It !”ki tol •
mood hr t, cosi p.J ht, with Incortleogo t Attn./ *hell
bi 1 , • pmcali l•f ar d .II op• f c •A 1 emre
effect°•. And nik) poreD .no she! pilerhale tit re Oleo
fur mos Roy nett tobscro. soot or ctn. A fro o i•dl
wisouterturor. •hi has riots to ni•unfannt ,
nild , 1.18.111 f. ...ea aid ..o • oft.- ce rn • p n.i'Y
.One hnedrod Golly. and la othlit•ro th •r. I • • f Ife tole
Of ad the erric TO. at lent m•ol, S. put tt onid Of
lo eello- ,
ti •
• Lft 11l A. WRAY Rh,
A. r as. fotet Dist.
Pilot ciegh Aug 61h, 1661,124
Ml.. J. ORR JE , CO.,
Pivrciredioxiintiodyloo XWM PIA tip Erna osi
ig.liou Ir. boort% EUCESTti. to• thodow
sod re torrid* oimi
U 1 1 b. 11.1-40 WAN
atbasioros , 0
COVZltfidirlllr to-te LD*, oft at W "Ow t 7 UAan A, HART a O .
W'.4 • tr.rt,
5 ' LILA PK 114405 '4 55.t1111 .oesol.l-.or f•-• 11/
P 5 . 5 59 . ' • A.od •tt; coo•cd Its (very s..cput.
vv.,14/or A .1.1 oil. b.•;•.o.
A AT no or osAd!ss sod P.o•ss
tut.t7.•. *III out .0 , 4.• •t ...Pablo fa .an be emu.. •t
ITV VG •• m oat 151. m. until d, croddroullP , X
Ps tzto•gls A 011531
'pItOY..I4II:4.ING-111FrNIIY MUTT. aged
Lib , yr.. WI h`. hem., ?CO hl •t rte . , Allnred.Y.
ontt .d o , July 1.l , le.. •at beet haw la , roe.
lln II.•• •• ted, end al •11 er •, n blect
ed•lnet array p 4. • ea h t tad, and He •el Aar
In l .
tin • fan ar a on:• nwt at Ibl•oescantrit l .
V. V4O • 0,..• t, a . .. we.
I•eita at met, Idd be thou , fly etod•el salt lit
9 . — T a A t ps=-100 b trre / x r N 3 Ba . . 1 °,.1
PI.ASTER-1W) burre% Or nate by
1 tallAiirr kt. 0,11.1/14.
M__A_Rd K Fi TS.
Hew tart lftertet.
New Yea 4 /Latest 11.-ooWea dell sea droopies
st,r.4ll,TsPoe biddlityr Upland. Tioric—Ettsto oaf
W. alga,. 3,3 t:ttor gad tatrodoiot; , M,gt), , ) for Ez.tro
eta.. Wtdaky rolu ren Met of 111,7441:7434 for
aid SI,7G for Wodern. Wheat I@, to latter on
Pim , I rat: 112.0i4d St I.r Ghtugo aprinB 5 2 , 1
'ran: t• ro• 1,,a-r wet
We. ero. the art' ,) 1, Ma, to„, at ft,
•• - 7': al. .tr ze'ar a': on, Gal; '
.• I t 'tr.,- W. -1 r e I t •.,
2Oc ~,,, 'rd. .n , elto rk mre a:the
and Pm , iy ; a ..135 0
(yr., aunt at air 1-tier °'
stit toti, for Prime Mr*, Deaf qui 4. Load quiet s
at, tout ttaitte. Lutt......c...ct sad Lam e r; V.' fur
OW, tad(bade rue eta..
t tack and. Money Market.
Fr,' Toro, &ir,inst—Llontl GS7 pr cent. Tr•
chsr re bias . ; .1 I 'nor et or for.enr 7. and
let . A gold, , ul ninietiled and lower, opening or
sod closing ai • •
iicer.rnuoiAt Etocls steady; U. S. f im Vgl Coupons,
le in bop t . ..tinin.n, 10. N. :01 of 71. Coot , a, .
Trominry '73 1. 6.
It M. Ourt;Co.tra.... Mlebnon S‘nethern .n 1
•••.......-... A N:til zh ..t (=
llud•or. ....... C.n.titral &rip ......ts•N
Philadelphia Market. la, laur.uet 12 —rotrolcam firma,;
1 1 101na, R. 11.1-d P 1 S c Fr e Vluur tra
aml l v 611 1.1 121. r. 21.1',111,1... Wheat 21 - la
52,24 t 245 I' tv,l. ead Dalaaara tl24(a)
11:3 1.11. .14.1; m .Itl W. .tetra 81,11131, 2 1 . 5 O. a
mach ; Nor Make,. da lal 31,7a:41,78.
Baltimore 'tartlet.
B.:, moor, A wart 17 --Tl,ur quiet: Extra 12
17. Whoa• aextve for lc all, awl ad... aa.: Oar.
firm ; 51,75. 0463—Sew air: it rutty dull at
St. Louts Market.
Sr. Lour, Floca 11.—Tohoono active end Sm. and
p ." i 1 •rr ; 55.010,t6 for PordOr Ertn.
N. to as r 00: , dordi.rO 3c 13,0 Jo,"
L 13101343,
Gas and Steam Fitting,
In .1) Ia Inumbss, =IBMs attandel is. SY ...Patha
red, practical workman. A Ana asantlitaat of
o.nstar , tl7 sad nolo to tutor.
TATE arirma
Ha 59 17-DIB6L STEEST, Aurgbarar
Aad UT LIBLBTT STREET. Pittiburgt.
Corn•r Penn and St. Clair Stroata.
The lagurt, claApart tuan
u&lnesE Man ' s College
in lhellnital &Ma.
Btadenta miter awl review at any than.
GILOCLAES, ccetalmtng fa lafmn►tloa. Int Ira
to goy adran, on opplltogloa to ets MaeliAlaL
OUT.'i 4AW 1 1Z .
Goo,. coastaotly oa toad a Ural act thwooghly es
ad alrst of DErBlllO. 110.!..T LH 0 Borns
'LLN, JOlBlll. Brown:to. GATOR. PALLSCII3, efo..
Cr *fa FD codsoi EA92IDTITOr7 v 11) peasyt
am sod at tar won.
V. IL rem. trvanttur WET; TUlllid me 7 . 3 • LAB
MPtitotlmlary Waited to warane b outet..
MP 00 co ca Craft stmt. war Bab4wea.
CO •TR AMO:3 —Se Lied Prapostl3
11 for tee grained°a to we-er. beldchat (coulee:et
nrcee clot end Levan the trent on the Lawrence Ba
llo drone ohwing we to ocuthstewn, °bent rII et
be reerlesi el Set°Sae at tae Le. Owlet all
leaner Ve l , e7 Salta@ Conneny, ha Sea OV.tb. l U
lo e'c k ht. °We. , 114. IVA-
Theft. will cenelal ot.three christens of 6% cedes
Urea for tossocry want be errsta.
Ptde .IU eta*. received lb: tto. grading. hritgi nr.
franiantag tha wsu-tles and Lapag xha ti - 1.2 tor
tope. tire Ihre.
PotreandepMlztlars tali be aeon at th. aMee
.doer apace. ith Tao tit spay rotary. the rigid
layect egg or all vac
cr t DLULT.T. OWL an ,
t.tu...kay bO,
Fold =ad twrpertily InfOrws pnblio tkst M h..
01..6 w etwa,wtort• b^ tory, on bend Ibe Ones%
.00 • Is , trd Witu.b.s, Ma* end JewUry is
el. or•nd J wet - , 11,1% Coo. by !int doss vorkutsa,
an, ostrontloa to give totidoOtion.
th. PliblE.llAL 871 l Alb,fiony city.
URIC, or I..ilyrooLeys or r...
Pittsburgh, getsutt 51 , 1,11464.
To COAL DRALERS —Sened propnialia
A gel be reteire4 t this &des ttatil the lOitt
to , Items for fillyplylOg the Wein Hotta sag Yotl
tr ua 1' RN. to Lgoll Do•holY col g usisebutiable
fco intic • est. eel dirt to he &Were i deli, tu such
gest,' ..o may be required at tee •it same. Pit it
• d Care .tutsßy &erudite of 0 03 it, Cooknag•
r0..0. EtttiU le LAMBERT. Onktroller.
*ND BUTTAISNI& WSIIS )11050110T0119.
14.r.f.,-r.”, of all kind@ of LAMP VI:TraNCILS,
LAMP 1:111A1RIM to alactafattoran. of o.4toaa
Piktout TIN JIT , i TO , '. Patent Ilti &LUS-
T AND SOP, Fatima BOUM PIIT/13 19e. Ito.. No.
S.rortaA stmt. Plttabarch. 1712
NEW CONSIGNN.M ENV, now ia store,
tai b..b le Unit
r.t.oba.b. I. G rn;
It bairrlr TCJI
7, kbbear pa Lad Mahal . ;
110 es. Clar
18 ba.n Orb Practoc
la ha rate Trail, if Inn
12a b,rb, Ttr,otby nal;
to b. , rolr nalfol
Tjati, banal [Lap TO:81, far rale by
120 L. Lt. vow/. a co.
to BACC , II. LAD UrG AEL =RED 11A11.8,
litiS.Y.D DIM
COUNXE M 6 liArir • Trn ►f69T ealtrielN,
1. A
oorm B lot oaf Ml
I M n : looth, TinTfl
lc, Itnilor. Turkey, In Turkel Elorocoo— with atPip.
Pip. a 1 with warble elreo—orltb took, potent c'sopz
mode st ot Winning.. All y sines, am Ponta tho com
mone to tn. very boot ...1. no 1161,111, ,oia pow
.ny WM. G. JOBIRATON Al BUR T &atoms's,
o_lnn-1 . .... , • P. D
L Tx, [MEM r ITT vo'n able noiledne. her tag •
foot on Ws , h•tgtou street of SS Sena, ant est. Et• Inlet
7.5 feet, • Ith ••bna wle• of 3 hen on which are emoted •
4{6 . V ivory • Lia dwelling again di conaterteble roan.
Indpbed In good .ty , e; would w tor, and the ornaf
ft.. 0 , o e pod ttont. fu, we wilt ex .hs• to r".
p r r of cooed .Im ccrd, fr..m 10 to IS
neon, en y waters nln 3or 10 Jades* , the clty. Apply
to (sun) B. LAI 3 a 00..1131 front tt.edl.
1-tite the rtolJet Nt.rbhn:49ffi3 1 3.
- -•
1 4 , Lhel itiCtl"l 'r KA —ITs
Jltrzatlll as BELATLNO TO (MUSE ASO 0131111
Mt .t A. IR E1i1.16.. Itlactrialan.
Do, a , . P EiNli n h.[E.T, wham all ,r"-
."7,11 alragoatiarn and nth."'
rune:Wit-Iwo. al F.ll.rtriai j. tbaacth.l.4 flaw..rm and
maul r•rcolrar , get 000 attha Oat, No
nt.oro (Cr ov••011..1.1 ,, E,
5,m1,6 1.7,^1,1! vt.s. 4.ratral.
Crude and Refined' Petroleum
Su et BEET. Plttatmmtk. ea.
CON•ilaN 61 h?...11 4 ..
7 , ptg. 1.00. 11.0r1o01
25 e.O do 1.1.1100011
• 101 n mls F.
10 do Wh is "-MY: •
ti ao o.t.r. Emily 1.1,4.1
" 40 cut. ra , l3 nima, •
tO h,..1 vo , t 004 ~! 10111011. Ch-Ad;
46 burtli Tlif„b %too, •
lh • o Ir 7 Ap;lod; 10 61 ve sal fa• into 1
le a TO FrOillfis . o 011104, V. Van tivIIDIM
in4.anok N•SY.\. Ar*.t
NIARViNb 5ne4f.2.10A VAACKEA'6.,
ff • n --NY Intent real lama suable. ma ee tarnlat
Naas" Impede., t./ say nada wan of WI Mona taint
pd Mir yews, by 61..4 Ton-mins. 1 .4, CI ro.
P. at a (1..1....6 W.l gnat.
ietuf Frani "It Spenatny
•sti,c j
4) .oar-n^ ad s r raey r ss.
am i. M. i.•4371111.,D, LYr to.rat, nrarWoot.
PlTTElBtillall. P►
(5 - ammor w how. TloLmss d Cio )
u,l Liew
Also, .• 4d. TIOsPF , AL STAWILII , S l')It OIL.
Own ItEDIMt IL Clanclldass, nast.t powew s Aar
Enslielf Pacmatioa, .4 he feast Iv with the o sotr.d.
lug ond dt-proslor of me Applmstlo most
be ob
fo l^ fswe or H. , g• -00. .1 Alwlstant tlnf•
goo= Coosprossi twat $ll4 to $3.1 pw spends, will
olotAtog, rst-otts, tool sad cost - sets.
4864 Ity?...2:wd3rn JOS. S. lI&UNES.
Algot :lws,,es.o lLessf
1314::Nt Z I IN d!kc.
i 1.4. if do, Of ►OUBT9 STEMLI.
e. !I. 111.11.V115. Ho. 04 ROPTIM .k..t.
Hance la hcreby att.. that athecrlptions .111 be tv,
..i..m bribe. Tiewrnv..l . of the Cuibed St.stmg.
al A...taut Trilh. CU" d &dens:ad Deposit...l.N
et.. Monts, fLr Tresaary
; f: .1 dubo,l 16, 1861, bouing
1.11.1 !lac ci •even sc U lltrc..tetal,a per cent.
• We etsul •mual cvsposs attactiad, pays.
ea :rattarrtiLla at tbn optima or Do
nturttr, vr cent. gold beating
boods, aft rr [lvo mukd V 4 Ala Ver.uti 1..r0
A t ,t. t I I
o •IL douomlastioas of =7,
tnnul-..1, flu, Inc Ittoneutd scl ire thoct
azd •111 t•tt•ri In tlank, payabls to
y dirt ,tai by the ectAcribu,
en suLteriptirne tfra.rt k ar flfty I
plo frii
uM rtd.cll ,, nc. , a:Lr dePotit•
The I=4 Japctitto3 most endorse open the: art beet
be 11,, , rioationi nt no'zs s.l
htth.r thq to bo ix c..l in bleak. F•Tohle to or
V. beo eu r udtr ,41 it 11102 i 1..' Lit witL thu o2lcer
tta :1,7° , 4, to br- forvrteded to thiß Depart
Th. nr Inn rill km , tratnuitt. , l In Oa °curl, free f
11.1.11 . .tat: 011 rho/S4 ea soon otter'lso roc' Ipt of tiro
original Cortlficeacs of Doposit y can Go pro
.11l 1 alloved to it[V.lit is ea do-'
pcalts made r riot to that dato, and bo paid a
the Dopartmont upon r pi of tho orig;Loal 00.
a cats.
As the net. draw inutruet from August If., ipen
nom tashiug d•ps.:. subsequent to that date must pay
the tutelett icurned from detect note:to deposit.
r.tia depoelting treats-tie thousand deism add
upwards for these motes et .7 one time van be al
lowed cosandadon of one-gnerter of cue pm went
tgich trill to pelt! by this ['apartment upon the is
Ipt of e bill fur the meant, certified to by the oill.spr
th whore the deposit wee =ado. do drdnotiete for
it tautens rcust be cos& frets tho depesita
°Amen receiving depeelts tallow that the proper en.
•reem.sits ere made apes the ortitisisloertlAtatee.
All °liken salLorited to rxive deposits we requeeted
to e" to appllcsulta all &win • A Infortmatioa, aad afford
q batty far ntaking.bscriPtioas.
Secretary of:the Treasury
entactlytiont Xll he retelYei by the
Tirol National 11.v.r.k of Pittebur,E, P.
Third National Dank of rittatotrzt, Pa.
Voarth Nsticril Beet a Pittsburgh, P.
broughont tbeconntry plll doabiltln
-1610uTs stluES.
FINIS 15H0/13.
and PINY filA.llllBB,
07 Till
Orest t,ll &Soot W oxen,
8. COLI.ECTORIi ynce.—Heving
U. thartred Use Aonnol LW. el Llamas., T. 040.1
th00r..., Carriage% aEr r Plat., he. carts. the G. B.
Internet Barth. Lass, for I td Dlthst 411 the 2:41
P.. 1 .it., ooroprathz In, Dovntsrhs of Dinah:46am
Ault nos, &IM ptttebnra h , lit•onnethe s e
Mast • Intro .b an; Teroper.-.1.1 1 od the Tooth.
46140 of 8.01010, ditherdli te.rar at 1311a1r, Upper eh
.31 . 14 . but'. e, Lbottie s, Gootheat rsh Palettes
Acute. Peppy, Mary, Swat, Grac at and tiethla,
.44 ethttel for the roalsing of sold Taxes. Sr., at 'he
°fare of n. D. Et es; ns.o, 1611 , tthrthlach.m ;LW), (ono
. y and Natordess seceecoo, , from the 181 h of .1 .oe vo
nt the 34 of ar.crat, tr rtos.ra pethnten the hour. of t
and bI. to. A'. -at the o.l.4ertna placed; 1 , 14. y. Art.
ar 615, et th e .acre of J hr. fleroliton. 6koncetawa t
acqltaj. AoBn.t bib, of the "slow .11. 61, Twleal
1t; Woman tem wavy ; Ora las. Logalt 9th..4 the- bones
.1 3.11.1a0 tisret a 1 to t 11.4.0, tee 14thdar.
loth St Nolte taro; Tonrstay an s nat t , ti, at ths
Pa.. , tot 4sh to • 3140
1 14. t at ;bell eof G F D td. Wastt'oatco road,
Cpp.r P. Can . townsb . p Wtdo , al .s Thoreasy,
;7,0 and lath, at lb- ontre of Dsral Fhtchtsm,
Temp. rat,. •Ido 1 .1 , 1 ales asread at the odio of the
Golnfv ni Ithrroal FYt.noe. Nu. 67 roc.= st4est e
Puts; urgh esourdaye. small the tta . h of Ao.ust,
front y a, to. to 3 p m ethlct,l-.4 the peculate
pr.oth.tod If ;ow ant W ethtrtte enlaced.
kajetttht Mint De nth& to 11 S.
.1 ;HA A y.
tthalt CPT,
Depots Col actor, 34 Wrath.. '2ld District.
W ILATIMOTON, D 0., J3llO 21,4854.
V/ 1171t11-BCllOEieNd AND • SSIeII'ILN •tlll..
0E111.3 I' COLVIIED TVIOPS —"andlastA mew)
be eralasire lom • re,031., A•divel o.+lleo, sd mast
' " ' " " '• '
of Ward ard.11.41 Op;leer; 1.4, be
o.e by•
the Geveml. b y e toted in d.' o
e.:e• Um, the eatt.bdate le I I ppe Har.te.
. .
Awastatat BoNeon, sooordion to otnnt. A ..yfice.
B. , ntapanted by one or mote ,evittiontett/ from
reeiconeble perm., as to moral cherno , cr, ,toed
be aattnee.d tbe eurc.ou Gene s n o t 9
b.gtoo. It 0. or to 01. 8,81-t set
8 6., Looleeble Hy. tloortls ue non in teen nt el
Onet.‘b. Neer Volt Washington, Obacintustl,lo.. L 'nit
Harr eprnrd an eace ru the cornsi of fifth end
117,11 t •ove. rurranor 14,5 /19TH STESIT, kw the
traction nt Drallelne. They hNler gndnttw,and
be. their Meowu on rnbibtrloo t thdr anon. 'They
.r• pirtiarred to trout all &mu. La • eolanttEo
Claire resicratle and cares certain.
nil feta the pubdc Ca the tanneries nicoMment
Con: •
Earlns dityceed of my elm and mallet= to
Winne , Leeman a Caldnoll nince I hem evideeoe to
bellow ere aradeatie to the !mane rim I do wet
claortqlly meccomred them to al. etheted, and mat
pain , to gmlical, se every trey ...lay of their ma
Mono one Wren
1711• ien.l4lth IFM
fititi, (Us Erol dtravd 6301 g,
awn LL. I.Agato fto
Ever Mort Is km wed. 1/erotunts sneasarced t
411 trot existolts oar stock, slistoh mat be sold 01 0007
c PATERS PIIVISS, plattect Hot!
CYLINDLI; lAA A9N b taches
tr , ciwor
All to pad traktag order• Will be acid a helots.
S.,aelr. or .demos
CIAZZITS. Pittabtrib. Pa.
Th. .5-bec - lbor b. ebb ou h. 4 , 109 , 1. g 'b'
~44 ` hued el ep,.r Cbtrbd Hams pat .3 L. 0 u ban to a
oly .4.101. for ..k oy tloo ler e a 41.61' !Jona at lb
Glocice) eter• 44 1077.0 4,44 , 10
pel =rune LlTort , 0w 11.4 ot,or•to.
& V )r.E.—Jval a lam. atrveL
Aka. ILNYELoPIetI, to creme •griknetlea, =Ron Cad
omli tiao, Ivo ever, taste. Par ate 0)
W. G. .101INTIOti a 00. esp.
telll•S••• 1.••••• 67 Weal at.
1111.4 i, RIDDLE . Al Ca, yis
Tv tettil 0r... , VPMt. "IlEth.
.12.10ictrtgrt• WWI% a8.92t . MS , 44l rITI.A,
r ow ) den.iptiln dials:ran 811410M111P WORK.
nripmr gollcit. men OA trsde And 'and, conorti•
gI , RANTI4 AND PLAIN R 3-3 ca4=
prßrr Cananta; ZO /op mc.{4
411 f4r galt by 1. , EY 114 1 BR .1..
441! 80. IV • 476' w 444 .v 44-
ratunE oit.-6n barrels Amber colored
tkude 0.1 for tie* by
I AKE half barrel% for
1 wl .• 111C.11*41..4• L.NA
47,ZOAP STONR-50b ,rrels .or dale ny
`,...motet a ocasaut
Twenty Years Standing.
.11slor vrtn b. tmaul • dartlloat• tram ono at fa*
rcar“trlla c'tinnts of Wires. calreuht2La
Dr. lla7aar'r Blood ll•Arallari
I>xtrz's r.rrtlettua are vs 1L4112 run.
red I, dpcolnd In rmard to U prep...U..l
Dr. G.v. a. K I luceme anctod vett plla
wbsut twenty p.m and rttry ye. Wy ware
•rvntn3 core, to ILE to trouUe me very I.loh. DO much
//131.1 at to rtott Pl2O fur VOLS.. 50.10 I no
eo Cad that I could cot do snyt•lU on mocuut of them
the, ocum out co too m aria aa a Maui ca.L I bud
UM-I • great dal of umellarie for am= I used to bay
lad tale whams.? I could toms of or read of to circa-
are and samtblots that fall in my m► 7, but I could not
get cored ; lomotimas they would do au some good far
• little while, but afterraola they Mudd rrto.ra nab
as tad se ova. I also applied to two Doctor:, who vis
ited me at my home and gave me tousamcliMilic, but
would cot do. I could not get wall. Over a yens ago I
get wo whartisemeot of your Lindsay% Blood Smyober,
made by yonstelt. When yon sold It to me you told me
bOttiz CMS MO, Okra that my aßck system
old hove to be renewed by tho utoliclre before I get
IL I bought one bottle Lad took It horn° .uto,
.1 used It according to your directions. I th.dt settled
tome you &gain, trben yint atld I could not expect much
I.neCt Item Or,. bottle. I taught It, one bett:e fit •
icse, nail I bad a.ed fire bottles. After this Ite.
bad been wed. I was eattrely well oleo Plles, wblcb
had toetered me for tweets patz mother roy.tatul
health Is la proved, and I sus as vIII al could be ex-
petted fm on• of my ago, being .i•K pare rsoi. I barn
bean veil now toe Et: month, sag there no appes
.ex• of s ream of the di•cm I conga any Mad
tartaluz work Eam w =out tho rtha co.tog down wad
blortios ma Ima °lob hoz, stop V.A. 1111. or do
oory kind of pork orbith Wore oload to bort me. Wt.=
I teenel out yam Blood kenre.her I kept tat fug h
mtli I got entirely weft. I ommider It m 7 dety to make
my ago known to the country kw the beeefit of °there
who may to =Penny me I was, and do AM know the
mine of year medicine. Too may puhlta , Ws If yea
like. I lies to WITIll^• township, and =lll pleased
to matleheny one of the truth of Mb Certflieete fl ton)
Eel to call on me. ELLIOTT DLR.:.
DecemberWm 071.
ear Look out for the name of Dr. or.or.Ts H. WU.
no the carer of the bottle and muted ore the rort;
ehr trr hit ramp on thaltulted State. crap on the
top of the bottle, to proment being lm upon Im •
%malt= 'Mole ethic& M In the =AM.
etir Bold by the Proprietor, Nu 140
Wood street, and by StilEoll JOEISMON,
earner Fourth and Pezithflold 'treats.
Rends or Rupture mired.
Hernia or Rupture owed.
Hernia or Rupture am&
Hernia or Rapture oared
Hernia or Rupture cured
Bernie or Rupture cured.
Rends or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rapture cured.
Rupture or Rernir. owed.
Rupture or Hernia cure&
, Rupture or Hernia cared.
Rapture or Hernia aura.
Rupture or Berea oared.
Rupture or Hernia cure&
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cared.
Horsh's Itadieal Cure Truss.
Ritter'. Patent Truss.
Pitch's Supporter Truss.
deb-Adjusting Trim
Pile Drops, for the support and ours
of Piles.
Elastic Stockings, for weak sad au
lows veins.
Elastic I.llle Caps, for work knee
Lak ;Supporters, for weak kilos
Suspensory Bandages.
Bell-injecting sad every other kind of
Hard Subbor Syringe&
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace,
for the tore of Prolarar Uteri, Fuer,
Abtlauittal end Spinal WeAltne3a4rs
Dr. S. S. Pitch'' Silver Plate Sup
Da. Kimsau will give hie personal at•
tention to the application of Trusses In
tdulta and ahildred, and he - ill satisfied
that with an edperionoe of twanty - lasze,
he will be enabled to give satisfaction.
Da - afflCso //t hid . Drug Store, No. 140
Woof) &men, sign of the Golden Mortar.
?amens writing for Trusses atwuld soul
the number of inches ',viand the body
immediately over the rupture:
B. wockneso.r
tmstrobe to the very west of this terrible dbiewas,
.lad emterminetre it, rJrt sad branch. to Dr.
GOODALY. I. the find and only grand who era, tea rho
world what Warr. newly 111F1//1. 0 It ootagnooood—
ond tat amnia care It.
Cr. (NOD& LL On sleet a lifrt i mos In battling with
thin fell ciwwee. 4•Oplortni It. secret =shoats sad ma
king known to the world the 'act that Citlrrh
fbr y.arth Old the alp son now:dig et' natalloal
MOO end stutioll In this COFetl7 Clad LTA Carol*. Oen
now be cored, with the mime ZIOVOISO certainty that
morally wUo.. uight Monts Ids who hers tignit
ar-ry.knoan cun lu rale have been permanently cared
by Pt. GlitnlltALL'h cAlnatca b6ad 60Y. and Ore
Prated It In tht read ettneragant tamale, praise.
Call at oar nearest agency, or send • ste.a p Lot •
Olailsed and preposed by GOODALL, V. D. 21. ,
ZIG t b WOOPEITarrf, Plttstmll
N ohnod.b
roma.r.tly alma Trner. Ikea Bea. El4vmas, •rd
•li ticd the WO b.. 1.11 P..+ and itrqvilons oF. tzl;,
gm. ml , 0ft1.1.11 1 peetettstm a> brei . o. thy 44.
se Itv .e. 17 OMIT eff10;.../1 ac.• 14. horn tb.
Onstkb.r.vvik v 3 the xklv ep the mew , the po4E-'
.0 Of 4Va air. wad 13 , It 4.
11.4arvvci svr.v4l.b 4t... Derv.; U., of the 414.6. t.
mate trOg , 84 I 0019.9"111172 Cure qaw
pfreivEil. t tALICta,
ra , .0 srs
G LITR-40 bar r el,. foi . -
. . 4 .3 car 03L41114.
DR. 11:000DLLIST
noarupi a 00, eug. Lew..
612 132v6a way. ffew Tot.
DIL GED. EL E. 1373.10,,
Soc. Aosirr
Tun MILT 1313 LUIS. AND 60-110TUIJi.
sothotfloo, - al
PR. 111:/itT8Kg.
Duna. YolieraXerr on HasaysiON.
id/ ittl. MU
PROPOSILLII Lo %mint catgledif*br die
Sari, fathe Ten
of Bon J. UN, imp ei•
triad at Pm Doren of ((snipe:ma sod liateditlst.
molt the 13ret DAS 01 /MIDST. nait, at if : Web=
t.m„ sr, es the bids be opened, ottlmaii*dmel
any ateldeett detentes dings or other POW&
Ike sooterteLe and articles arn Orated Is talkilaates
anted 1 , 1. pettentorty &at fled In bre pints* Whet-
Wet aon eta wit be Vornisind nob 04 Otalts to
td .I , pllo.lton to th..,eamstakants or Itt(ansapn
e.. wea, or to the DAM lIVIA Mired{ thltit
;New of ell the 3 • de upon appltitatient to
olteoLn Into chow. bang for lb* coutshimace of
!fettle: e to etch. suet part:the I.O'T vitt be tplu t ,a
art racally re warred or blow The cernetteethila etel
eery attn , of tstb ettu n wilt to addltltzt tirtkiehrbeke
IV. tat ,llWell at tit. it owo yore" bare a cripA:ef th•
tt . et t • o oth• r yea def ot restenatiort Lady, rota
vial. it ma, to Lun n
,fed • bether tt sill b. Oottottla to
nab too y f classomo( ietalaralt.
°feta [mut Le mace Mr tbe w or Ole tlWekp
pub' bLest oz.. he pl eel rchottisyar Man' *caw%
rrott • thoreuttlt. ett, r will not to otolidett-d. Io
oc.v.t: or the the tutor elated to the rtle, as
p• b twit le We too oortl ,
the atirV of th
111 be am et dc n: too r‘ll 4, to t3O pr we
It to ,eone.trd of 11.14. n 0 ...Id Gramma Ind ems.
thnbon ae Sin rev, at. 4 to oat Lbat the siaants tot
It cured ook
"Le [Doti eels wbl to as and to tho lotrattieeto Ado
, I Woo .lln its ta teoerity foe tot Winona*.
;Le r , -ref to, rog: t rd.c* Vie OS •
I am, Hew, t. t• to .1, 41. toot. •
nll w trLet two. tw 00 the .tar) tkst
flour. 50040 a-0 order. antlipillnettilo
seeeate efed Leask... pronort, Warted with klikftefee Of
eh o tLt r, as th, rive nil the eagn and,
rut az
etre tor, .d tool rropects se , to As
irtoottßo, tweet wok. wo'itt, , t4t ;44 - Italia
• ItrA ra.r.lted.ohtl to Lt. ciatuv.staattlotkftfOltalgo
sande , t te• Nut
hider r• are :rutted to the constrandant •
Elea y4l-te nc 4%.2i1 a1a . ..... , 13111, or pulienter dee • •
wirstan of the ar tells; and el a-ber 1 ,1 :4•0g4• 11 . 1 .1G • - •
tqpiO, rrti • ttfiLCll CM he given lo articles otliiimirlima • -
Ivey that, to refrin--1 by Ismer 10th Aaft w 4t a l-Ohle , _ . •
ems: be FraY.ClpM:m by a entree goarmibtra• beta
of mblct Is borsam•tir ZIT , ..
end also by Arbet r ulloote • .
d +le collector al t trtal reveneelh , tho.dbe . .
Met In 'which be ratklea, tact ho bats Data ballad
In the arta , Ice gaud , b. - provoke to Mordakber b 7 •
abdenr. signed by bletrall teed smart to Olean NOW -,
lasi tetra le aath cud to adcalnlatat stet totht thigh* • ,
iao MAI:111.0M 4r, or urntar dealer 114 thearthhettlO • .
offers to supply. sad bee • Accuse wen./ igiiifOotltU
cr realer.
Thee only sheen offers may be acceoliodigat .
bra and the contract Forwarded/Witch mg there
P.O t,..4!e, a Lea Vey beettebrOrbro en. • •
cute sithte tea days era lU roorl2Vat• it •
agesey named by Ili int
The contracts toll bear data flora day ttehttldslithat
• • •
fa Air n ws.l eellvati.• tea be deresaaat..• • .;
tl (stirs 41 sa.cont will La requlemiltostrallte - • s .
street, rod re% acrl , •lllty certltodf.iblaXllll4l4
blete4 ant• ILI Judie, 'Mallet et. tot etruirtt:'*eterimr., ;
oonomor or nary or. rat As a4dltlansl oreorfly.lermty
per COL.a lb in be sot`-bold tram the saohot et the ..
b 914 nee tit •ke cce•r• ct e: all harp to e4rtgatedl sad
old bay per c 4 (ea of rash hill.a peci'd torltriolloors try •
oho 0.„ fteotorlsott of the stanocate ysabh jail re pad
t., ryrr
t•of at at the points of cellreti'aatteept
ebreb d by it contract.: to too {add et *ether e.rir •
e.tno, —• ohm ten dsys n't r marreute. ll o l,ll
pea , d try tS,c Secretory f the SS rosary. • , 1-t Jt
• 1010. 4 lo the o , ll.ract that 11 doetell be sae
by there'll , r , uf fret p la delltetingaltor asp of "
tee a, tro'n• wrath, - ed n.ary one bid far in • .ths Con
tra t, or the cnr,1414 at such data sus etaegeoi - ti
elded, then end In dial oree.he coMmoromarthlomme , , ,
ttro volt lot felt nod pry oho tatted Blivie a ilia or
nsney rot ?tere,llne• teen the umlaut 011•21tch eta; ••
which may Ix ITCOlrtiei hoot blame to timoomerdimc
to tl.o net of at event In that sue firerldtatllpPnerM
Nisch 3. 1:14.
Fe Mill he =tore 'bon are yard want blitatdonel
e cis .10;.e. and b. Pa. most be afettsaly eadereell. •
'la tea .. dr, ..Prep:eals far Materiels EMU,. Serb.
hr Ile N ary. )ord et (Demo the yard) Len:keret
"To tr MUT or the Puttee of roolgment'llord komirelle • • ,-, 5 ••• ,••
too, D. W . !, • •
roam 01 01111,11. ,
‘11•Ich, home tom, moss be dgrusdflibil of tbil — e., IS
er. mien,
I, —, or to the State of ----riSi•tetoy
to ;urn l• a and liter , n the rasp. ca. 401 lectle •
the 60 We. caw. d In tt, dna.* bore°,
,010,11"0.14,10. .$
city to the pr. velons of the echenchm latoMAO r ••
roof, rmoq .111, o4vrt , mmero. o' Ih e a c res. N
16..,une eat std (, re tics, rated JeljytThtti,'
8. ruld Icy •0- r to. ep •a, I redcoat Who laddered_
et —, and the roam.* rent to•the Itory serail et
—, or to --. tos eltroserm•ob rerbtaosre. •• r;
(Nlgnatnrap,2": 4 .•
.fie P.
tee. ,;4
The et.).oeute which the Wart •14;erelatOt be )1 1 11-., • a
et , to at. rib, flod each o. thew deed by Vet .
ate each article Is the eebedett the pace idea - to. ‘K.;
• •
atc he beroat be •le fled out, the tbaTtlts`f.'4l4l,6P .• "' 7
each daps. pad tne mount lbeletee trfljtzti)b 'beds. • •
If be settee oho bid d Ivo' ,n•elde tie444,,the Fief* ,
where the iv tr• to b e 41ellteeed, thq - letat
b tblr offer • p 4 non to whom brd Abbot we be
be dellfebeL .
To Of otqatilirr.. -- .?
The =der te Imes Btahe
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fot guy et the I.IIIMS then to meted 044.0)kftlftutk, boot. • u •;
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Soon that inettoaty.
(.ttcatirqr a ' IL, ;;• .;
To b• 4101 , 41 17 tte United Blatis 71112r10t .704••• - .- ,
D. 4414.1 brat-.lAstact 4ertorzwy, 0o14: -.40r, of liary , , It
Nptit• -• •
be ft Nowt:mare the dames rcquirettljk n th nurges.,,,
11,. tlall ).se..s.
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7. 0 ‘,C.I• gND tan r. .0 10 L. , •tlrri - „1 ,4 ; 1., lerstbee -
Moe. No 13 Le Prea; •la IS, 'mu -.4 , ;: a till, 81.4. Nae• •
ll; Pr M Ffse-iere. No ki Photo 13014,411.*1 :Do TY; '•
1,,, &Ads, N.19,1.etr , ...1; No 31. Ter.9o &ad thaw __ .
Po 1, 71.. Caces• • , 4 Telea. INo 634 911; No '
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Ire 1 ea y. No 23 Radars; N. 24.49t4 tau 44149;, .."Th
Ik, y,. , ',ler 0. De; No IT. Dry Coodl-NO'll; DUO. .
woad; No 31, Woo., Too sod he-fitooft3 , l. I , .
1./.044. LYS, li Al TIA(41::
No 1, Tlei Ca.., ea t vitae No 3 1 4,lstall,famoyrs ,
111.rts, •t , • No 4 TAD, 31. e, Ea ; 12.49, clew 0 OA; .. ; 4.
No 6, e laitel tee, A-11 aleck e sleet, 1:4.4 No I, Claelt• .
log 0100.110. No 8. etutcp •od 9NAtoottfi'Doetee: No DO. • , , .4
1,44.14.; No 11, le the. 11..; No 12_14astat No, N• , 4
ty 7,::. t rya mad Leauye re 18, leaspaiil Zeta.; Re . .;
to, 14a,les il. o ta, in..4.1n0e.,; No 43 : 414.0,iee; lfi; '
24 . b 1. Dtioaltry...N• 27, Dry 6.44..4.1i. A AIM. ..
oocd ; 2103%1 ti c ,,,,,,2. , 0,1
P1111,1112L4 RI a.. reSsarl4l6tA.
No 1, It. 0.00... .1 201- oi lk. 5 , t , p.r... 0,1, Wel. . ~ ..
Co, 1144 1 Leh Ile, No ll', Le•aber: No 14 1.4442:fir nogg
No 11., 5. op ~,,,. Tot Lori No Y 0,113010 0 ,0 Ito 11, 4 1..
IN fie.). No W 11- rte.": 114.24. £OIIO - 070.107:.21 . 0.
51, D•y Oteate No 2., IlDeso, Nog, Tor ,ea ma ,-„ ..
litet.Let :41- '...'• •
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ro 1 Ma C. sot Loa leli : No 4MS Ltd Z 1.112 NO
it 14,•-e, . II;Ne a Hate. m_4 0 . 1 klngbitb..o .; Xl , lO. .'
11111 h., NI, 19 1 Lillian , ita; IKI 13 AA , ;Nil ; N. to, ... . ,
1... p ... ',cud.: N.. 31, t‘,. 11 , .; x 02 ;,<,......yi ,
No ,3 oarde••••; N a 21, ra•fp ' 14 , 414011 N• 23, .N.g,pc , ,
Dir.: N. LI, Di, Gi.r.o.; Neal: Gs4otyr, tom, Nig, ,
cl.d. 1.,. ho 3 . Welaut, 31444.4,11•14 ii•tfi. 0 0 111.
. .. ..- - 1 ll:leadi# 44 ..
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t,.) 4 toDeb. WWI.. 103 isarmr, Ai/LA . IW... Mom TO•1-:
vol t al • Wye 11 , 100:1•011 - 4 , 44
tbeth Alan NAM* I:l4thl*A.
Clete, Pth•lte lithe.. • tthx•l:l4.4 . :oll.[D, 40.03
oL tert.t.e'st.t ;ea t ownsed rot'
molt, cossamirgekro Warms 1.••••, , , , „3us MOM t •rA
I at... with 0 os-ser-f•I log • :Olio. Oon••1•2i •
• th the Wm• I. the ".,rats 1a1500d53,12.4.11f-fla" of 4 W'' '
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to UR/ 1-1..6. ea. tad. I - • , ~ . ,
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unDsmT4wirif , : ,
3COM VELLlVlS,',Ojrzmantat.
cve.jrro lee ronnu
t l.4a..izs :di tt. trimmlan Viarr. 4 , it. Wes
m:;4 o mr.Mlsi Trytttr t ry tor no port
qvCliriLars. ima (.41141 Glow
en at., t•IM... "I •
1 /CS • LTA I SOPA. .
T, g on r toj hef NT,
[Two tram POW raTeklicroVada. •
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At g Pig a 2TACati , FIT9,
At 73 0114 a 01.c.CUP,'SHITI,
C 5 7stlers.lstrifrOLUXtbalET Oty.
cs reerno
liamtkirs-z rOti29LIG 411N11i5 BLTAIM
Komi! on ber-d • lap -sitinint of VISTII.I9 .
77L ~l+ - I ft, We *tit, AIH 7.15(71 atal
eILS. mrBA 41tT &ma nittotrus
cor.vicEN Moods OLD 841111•1
folifitod etd terem,, ^V: t.
tratrk, .I!rr--rnt atylia..,l4-imaxt
DOS. The wart N 7 IrtatiiitO snl
inceLest. iv. a. mat
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lla ss sronisru was:
sannlben .i. ctan ' tt4 U I =. 4 .i t tl
Isact cm.) szt+e, 4.1371.• ltaawiltr • 00891Cti4 1 71.-
71A/211:41S. CI - 117AD 300ne,, - 400511964 N Ifit&Tll.
ISB tiern...40.5F4 I:#:*l.del tb** 46.
Inu: P 2.712 .7 3 MING ED,l,iiittes at 896433:
BLfl on , .••
Pnr.rt avortAs. e,t, qatz - Ar3ses fir*Pitg
'lrexc &VC n 011
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wt,o-,.d. 4.4 ciomn tussivrla
AFy fliAlka , to twig n - v.citt, *boo at: • k• - •
losT. 1•
LSI. • ••• WW I 4,1 1 t
rapt Irr ANITTnt ir "PalAiin4 sad "W.V.
to , * *.t
441 0 s4A to ay y tafft.te city lilt IF•irit4