The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 10, 1864, Image 1
illiffl =ear. , fora:. re--- 5 DO •.for LSrc m rah*, gemming raltirty, by carrier, per pee9l. 15 • . yrsr, $5.60 for stx.mrutlit; 55 • for alio' IGS • Int 133soinota: ' . t=C LA farina, iallyo9oo by 20 Pet pa; "Ivanc!, test ItvoalL,---. 59 50 512.-maitts, " " ...---.—. 4 50: 02- " " ...... 925 C051511580i0b. /2 ,M.k, carskr • 13 per iLsar,la a4iaax, rat by ir.511—.---.,--151.0 00 151 i saaitt*L L''L" "L ' 500 Vets seettari. .L o ' • " —5 50 ciantrs NroUtATTON, ~..,498,55X1 03 1114.2(5 4 31t, Pubilabei g . 0105 I/broad. azdr iP&B Lan -PILINTINGO3OSIPS.I94. fl Reading Matter . rom .Ye sterdays • Dating Gazette, Br igtrt idaof the War. - We tall attention to the foUriirtag remarks of ti non. -.fanner firriiorr on - -the - " War and lb el Ki s Conn gcenees." They 'present, the subject in a new arid ildariellagligto, ',mama hiarttly wish • timy,rmald bland - by teary soldier and cltisso D.„ itt.tholateielttaritilletheir patriotism and admen 4or 1.4 #414 , .004, uwto . g .;the, 4o the um 71,i~tnaa lnvolrsd In gis • 3211. 5 tut. They were delivered &S A" aelabration of Usratirof Jatisarayettr-Spriaji and formid port cf Mr.l3firwairr's addrestroMtisit ormsiom, OP VIZ WAN. l i Lt. Then, thbl inf.Will' denier forever the TL Male of Macon, ' the came of thil horrid war 'l fare_ seewitk all Jr! calamities, "Welt to, Uttly a ,il free 4plee=nd Icor-government • in-feet, es "feet, "'•li well as in theory, the model government of the .'.. li weld. 044 14.. Iblll9lt*nlaull'or fOaftillen'icnarchy ,' , i) La - em bryo anittilsh freer institutions and a letter population in the South. • 1 Id. This!, war. will. giro us a. aniforst National • 6. Currency feandsd on the wealth itstd.fitth‘ of the -s- t-.. whole Union, teemed of_ an Insecure total State ettnettey. Weed in , cp.% ant it .grant violation 4 of the :Unite' Bletie; whi •h expressly destares '.u that "no Slate dual ~ .c o Liia of credit," svhieh . • Mr. Madison, the father of the Constitution, tays ~. was lnlette,l to present the &Sea fro= mating, • '' of antlieris'ing othen to create; "pope, esoov; :-' and tlthei else, inieiltig this control of the l ear ''..--, A raney.ntha -National. tiovernatent, hawkish ft '-t Conetiluthmoill ttioniP.. ,$ "441:: oar Nationut debt; lii 0: squad bi inta-huff of '1 the.Bilthilt debt, will, -like theme, conotitute a soenfolverful caw= to hold, the Union together 1 ' '.' should all elms fail. Oar National deb' coedit : ;V, ing=f goisrattleot tOlldl and bot3i In the lends : 9 ,, .o t step-aply, will, when the Gabon h mined, l' rat, 111 -4 61, t4 to the rescue, to gave their nosey •,!:- ',,_:' `lwhin EnTr go do w n with the gaventment, and •7,•:d even the melon who-istddi'not before give a cent ~, !-A to rare the Union, will then wade knee deep in blood, town* his gienbatki bed - noripons. ...,.-.,.. ,51.114,04;4ty15r "protective Tariff to_psy,the interest ,• '': of the _ wavdebt will be indispensable, checking . A ~ the litinetwieit of foreign goods and the export • 1 •- , -i• , Athos of specie, incnuadag our wealth, notional •,, and indiVidual, Ind _developing our rich end ex %:l Itauttlenvesehrtis,olizerA, menufalturing and . '. '• , f , agfiaoltnteL -- ' ' lith..The -high wart ~ of Lthor, oensiotted by .'''i,:li the War, will add gres , t, to our national wealth -::, adtt litieigtl;"by ittractleg to out 'shores the 1.....%. , 11 Leber, &pint and skill of tentage lands, to mete :;' , 1 oar reilrostle, lattroreour pnitiatt,aa u ser fan. '' ' '';''." sin ..,,,a work:hear, and oar brattilfS with brave 's .t• • • ': . :f, tab'.'' V '' --- ''',., •;1 - ,1 4 ,, 76. This war win &nano and magnate . oar -....-:,'' Irelffiglatigf.sionrs 4 l. a. •snest•ty _ognshoo_l7- f0,:...71 mania end pro . oeray snaring the people, tantag ut. ~:',,:., Asti' for , the - benant' 4t Atte perar--tno solUlooo :: .1 Plita-b1 she wealthy Wig distrilontel among the ,'._. soldiers ..andthslr faallea to the shape of pay, ~•'''':„A' bottrititijpenslone; l an d sumulttai and greats, : 4 . - ;`'.4 leveling apwards, en ettecktne the vast 11117,213211 . ...c, .1, lallost.ef wealth ana the consontient dependence :-, V, of the in - al %MM. the,fon, tending, it .not that,. f; crotrreted; to Kristian, and mohareley in the • - , 4 -. li and, thus, no,„proveeting egratinalians,hy de- I: ;-1, stnying its motile: !''' .. _ , Bth. _The invade yenistsunt of the authors of 5i.: c-: 2, this ribillion - bythis war, will prevent NI near, •,„ ..•',l,„'S race, by deterring_allotheta, hereafter, from folioling thelisinimoe and sharing ` their fate, hll and thus sAt an end ;to an is eseionm forever. I. , :;'•'-;: , 4 - 1 9th. %lila was bylgiaing ne a poseerrof hoer will - Prerrelte it, nitrite forviga cm. by causing '.!=.-• - , r our phrterto bafeared end sights to be ranee:od ;11::,:'..,,r ,il en Ikahistle seats. .!'Z' zircon-piny pcno by bang prg - sred foiiar. _ ~ li 1 .i a , • i 10n. This war ty if prepire c' far taking our .l_k; .., „ L . higto-end-proser - robin in the typrosehteg .!.. .s, . groat war of prieeiy.ies, the , cold -wide o'er*. ..,, - ,.'""..:;r : provable camilica" !between Repubtierreinn end ;' , .;.4i Devotion, th e iertrai of whioh hove beep lately • ....„7,' planted by Napoleon he ilf.xleo gad by Frederick ~.'''.4" of Ptissia in Danmark. And this great octal= 1",'0; '''s.- 1 1,il when sk come., havfog Its eagle in the love of •; : q:', '', il liberty shad illantdlfrorinir shires; by!the re. : '''/.4 cent facilities of Steamships and telegraphs '34' , Tl-14 ihrtufbrml. all Eoroye, wilt net' permit ne to re 5i.,'..:,,:;i.;;,,,,„„„ main indifferent Of mediae spectators, eenal der ;..; -2 , •,,.. ,t. , log the p.road posilion we will oocapy, gni the .ii 3: -.:+fi: s --P , deep and vital interest we will have to the great ,; , 1• 7 lames involved.- • I i: : ai•L'a:•• -- ••.,•:••:.1 ,•.,_ A Putlyrist Loan Auociatlon The Witshiogton CAreeide makes an excellent sulfSettlolniwhieb, if followed up by proper me lions will Ina of service to the whole toottry, suit is of decided interest to ovary true hearted citizen. It .e rsposes thin, establishment of a liatioal..Losit Association, in_ which the i t pay mentitterterli el a certain _ limited stun— . say are g pa don r i—vill tenure membership, so alto pace it nit la the molt of. all, hOwever moderate their lo 4c Mee. - Thera are hundreds and thousands of • o en throughout Vhownuntry, earelall, cloths-a 4 artisans and farmers, who 11 would be glad of char,eo of assisting the Wise st-Eat ,tbe notion onto ; their small means, who -could never mono e to save a auflapient amount frtm their ...,„y i r . ...0,, 'lamina , to invest in.Oovernmeht bo 6 i ou-ttrere are many wo. ;men similarly- cii &k rt ande& " - To snob persons the opportunity of trodiably And mealy invest ing their run's' mcreey, aud, at the same time, el omitting thi•GOtrernment in the most prude. ealesunr Seeeptabllt'of 4utothode, should ea Ci tron:el Welcome: t -The advantage of not in westmonto would e their matirs nroarity, - the faith of As Valte4 8 wee being pledged foe their rodomption. 'The idea is too good to be shim .doted., At helot ono hundred mottle:l4 persons *old ho founctin lisle oily who would be willing to tcheollbe dia "t".taa of Ar. dolhva p, quarter, Intitiit, nrOiori4. telog 411 , wei Li . oublie meeting obould be held, such wo ...,ditto,, - Euxbt'relittiii be eta anintl, and With ice man • of Lucent e I:emitted to the b %tide of - inolterorthy 1n..1 2 it oonfitnot fail of being of vast sesvies to the national cm& and fininoes...-PAiL. Prat. v.k l • ,;•,- 4 • , . „ A—Lemeon Xwo Centuries old. Theubleadoides" which sr, Bred by the New England eyal Palatial:fon Society, have a long saga, bat do great execution. In one reoenNl glabllehql, we 4d . the following extract from .43001Thonaita fir Bad Times," by the quaint offfinglleadlyine, Thnmas Faller, who, daring dte. diTtl war of UlB own day, wrote Nag table, for the talutbewAd • "RI Done, Uwleme.” er] saw 'orget,'losther out of haste or want of ikuit mword the wrong wsy ; It oat -4110 11 ii WM sheathed, theedge being trans • postal white the halt Aould bare been ; le that, perceirtnif bin e/or, he:erat fain to des, a es ‘, Staab§ ;Wig p ie it up malt% st,Wearied =alienated wtth olvil war, we that powiatizAottlied,the ..ntanen. Of pears, booanee etnrltitm, afield idle 1?-3,0o:tient, to, feed neon it, thon,itt_fell of Worths and palrttiat i lOSit Co dissdronS iiisof, hublhey care sot on what terns 4 S Warlty ended; in it be •ire del ; _bat tieh a f raft *wild be bat • tratse,sded - thi eoadltlonl theitof would no longer be In foree , thatt whilni {walla bloc Lot as prey that the award be Jheetbed-the-rlsht way r-othr.rwiseit mayjcuitly gi p OotHed lbstlhe sword put up wilt be drawn cut iyists• the eitioles of an 11l agreement, - ellgedso4 4O_Sitract, ismr s#l.pepei , ere 11 ennSlnuo. A I n r. Cssrantin,awown- Bum, stlsorssonstlp to . 4014411 .-„ o ujigy-wsrnsinitalshea from tsbil .. m ,„••• thip moys iof swanty-nincrobst gonorsis Ul* e -srottn l sit And now pintas daring the ...,sons'oompaigo. Wo now kiss ths-asess of W A woe XIII-02+214,00.P144 .f 81124 On Pe 231 ult. ntlt :911432a1k0r, int killed; sad Cilsfjpitttiond Norm w01t;14., Ogs~;.ln hie 'ieport the ult. he matian, the anis of Mont: Gen: gprairtilff dar:liaringoink tut,: -ter, weendett.: Tothese , the 'etiolated ttrisi (rebe) odd shensutes Atf essts:Bptsbli Brain saa Thn robots bon , thas Inst thick,- 4,11n0 toncrapelm3.--N. Y. Cromtercial , • • s. ±~ f}~Y ~~- ~ _ ,-i MEE _ 67. II Ftl 7 8(3. BIM the Oil City Itegi•ur contain, -tit I°l:awing ' review of the Oil market.. "The market haii rule eve', dtil for the past week, and the ten dency of primes has been downward. Wo bare head of sis'all salsa - vs few se $7 50' per thl. at the stile. We think chit is the lowest figura that • -oil mi:l retch. The reasons for the law prices that here prevailed of labs art legilimate ones. All the loading articles of COMMeTtli have de clined:and, owing to the unsettled state of fi 'an - mist EGA' tar', operators have only transacted to a monitor' event. - The prOpeet Is get:lag bettor, we (limb, tool panics who have failed to po etise their rutply within the r , at tn-t weeks will baits pay higher prices In the %toe. We giro ' stalku ruling ;notations at the Traps, Sd per bbl. on hand has acenemiatelconsiderably. • The-daily arodeution is fair. Tb , market aloes quiet, en ith a he n ce feeling. the recent rains have mooed a ate of shoot twilit, iiobos is the liver, bat it Is now falling fast. Freights to Pittsburgh, $1 70." Groat exeiternent exists to relation to the tar ' rite!, cn Cherry Rea. The whole eats for some distance abovolnurner,havo been-leased, and are tow being pros - Pee6)d With an axeellent show of encases, Amopg the first operators on Cherry Run, was IL-Criswell, El., Who bored one well to a depth of Over seven bandrei foe*, without obtaining any,_oll,, Ms still persevered, and in • eotoparl witnititi MA& bored' another one, and has leen amply rewardedby ,etriking a well, • ahloh la Bowing oboist two htendred burets par day. the deep son, homed by Me. Criswell, only • a ear roes distant from the, new one, also gives promise of priarlei a good Well. On the Smith . Farm, just stfjpinipg, there are !several scull! wells of la capacity of 25 to - 50 barrels pet 'day Dorian , are hang erected by the score all along I,Cherry Item- .T h e feel- that ovary trallytm stalk, has proved a Amens, will encourage operations, and ;he meat sanguine hopes prevail as to Cher ry litiii"proeing mean:glibly as proddetila an the „ r alley 'of ' 011 Creek itself. . 7he Bammead wel!..on the Widow el Vltiotock ' Poem, le now/ 'performing admirably, producing measly 240 bar ds:of oil- per day. - 1 01. daily pa nt... twivir and an, t aptaick W. H. Harris Captain IlorrUilstliTordyitisceofiteer on Gen. ...Burnside's 'WI, basing been ordered to report irsentil,,! the General ;Las tuned the foil Doing, tho , sentiments of : which are a:l4a by tvery one who Ida hod the :Outran of knowing the gallant ooptsLa Anne AamT 00IIPA, Psrlssnosa, Vs-, August 1 , 1681. BINOTIN ‘- a a, In relieving Captain IL Harris, Chief of ;Ordnance, from duty with this corps, in aompli areo-withtbo orders - alive Secretary of Aar, the .Contorisading Cleseralrsgrets the loss of on offi cer distlaguiabed for hie obis and thorough enn• ,eff:eiraiol. his Idepartmeat. In the aii4sign of this earls in Emil To Ineleee, and 'dories , f,be.pre.ellt operations in Virginia, while 'faithfully dbettugine, often altar Oiroomstte. tee of the utmost Mg:malty, the important duties of his postdon, his rumfulnase les never 'bare ko;tfacd to its limit*, but he JDLI storeys been forward, Whin. tha otouiost required,. to assume with ainerity-and courage the °Set of •an std. The Commanding ileaeral parte With him with the highest epyreoiation of hie servicesan i ra ipeca f.r himself, 'and his best wishes for hie I urea* welfare. . .By command of Mejor General Btrairmas, LOVA RICHMOND. A. A. O. the Cotaipge at the it. S. Hint —lVaa Becomes ut the cents t Te gold deposit' at the United States Mint for the month of July were $390,605,25, and the tilvsri And:tang silver= pnrelues, $49 965,69, making a total deposit of colts of $140,620,90. The- gold loftiest) for the aims dots was $255,- 175 08, nearly all id docibl%eagles; the silver, 263,44.3,55 4 ,1 a dolials.half.dollars and gas:tars; and this copper. $OB,OOO, heath sr:Lastly divided In one and tsro cent please The total value of coinage of aIT kinds 11 $457.619;53',' covering 20,685,440 pieces. There was coined daring the Month' of ..Tilly, 5,360,000 „oasts, and 2,070,000 tons cent' vices's. W bun it is remembered that tse cent coinage at the mint has averaged about 'self a yeillina . per:mcintlior the list two yeses, •)4 ktowing, as we do, that there are not qo ts • ' tit eboogh4n olrcularica for ebange of even the small tractional tiarrency, the question in sy sett to tat, "'What bscomei of ail the rent. ?" 1-1001. Ldger. Arrallgepienterpr !ixrestlug clte,Engllalt • Itspreter Toradr, of the London .police, sr in New York on the 5 tb, on the steamer City of blanelmatar. in oompasy with Mr. Mat thews and Mr. Orathp the Jeweller, who, St h strporedi' sill be Ibis toldentily krone Mallet, who.rmintnitted the recent murder ip an English oar. 'lt fa impacted the murderer will arive SU a tier days nn-the Victoria, when be Will be Immediately arrested. °Cher Timer, ca his arrival, paid a ilait to Ssperintendent Ilectedia - mrlita promised balm the aid or the Me • tropoilinii police ill reeoTerinu. Maher. T. bps-polka laSat Mill he Oillear Tor vas 'a disposal, and he will board th& Victoria as *ton al she &Moat to the bay. , likikbAT nava 511..• tl.—.dvcrat deserters hsve ri.cently come in Irons Savaansb, and their to • frrte agree pretty well as to the onaditieh of thir go there All ntenant In the Georgia Lila, whopet Savannah, reorts that wrery male Inh ro ab p itantry o ln f the State betw p een the sgw, of seventeen and iffy it, in the. Coaled nista vitalise. kid these between Mauna and seventeen azd - betireen Shy and fifty. five In the Stele WSW's- He soya fliers are from flfteea LWadredle twenty-fire hundred troops 'bard So vanosbi., Besides troops and women and chil dren Thste Weaves!, Eli one In the city. lls was tied Weeks with his command, under General Jobastea,, hoeing taken the oath far the defence of the State spinet invasion. Al aim, correspondent says that during the eglot , he breath caused by the mine explemlon to tiatiorday, a tebel ofamr, who had b 3117 ;Imbed forward to the crater, attacked !d.j... Gregg, of the 451.13 Penneyleanit, and after a start couteu wee run adough by the Major, tru, then found himself uneb!e to diseagtio hi, ord. General 'tartlet:, pro/foully &tabled by the !radiate of his artirmial leg, had been a wit— rees of the easounurr, aed, now anbodattog hu sword, said; "five, Malts, talo my sword, you low bow to car ft." lorrOwtatir lam —A gentleman who hat To, ro at. illy f oliage from the bitch of vetonsout mortice, while arendeling through the 'Pius of lialetque, in Chinpai k sere he was bathe habit el etiatging the wound with a lancet, introtloow it g acme buffer o f;_sppl)tog a ligature atooo the wound, and isting ten drops of am 1i ir:in water every Eileen minutes. The liOes : tataelf grid reftact were repotted!, sarod in Ole war, while four naive atunaanta, not ;sing then ytt caution', perished. • Trim •Ctroteville ells that ou Monday lust thireettoniebreakers,tre ktttod to Itenosater, O;, itlaohitg an =pane* Into tbo honge. ot a.goldiar'e with, by,a. whands*l soldier who go the I*We...hospitality had reeetted the *vetoing ,pteeinus. One of the was reoogdisad se Oita Wife hrother.ln.late. Ste bud Nit re - ciived POP !vim her hae4asd to the .rmy. and It In • et/1,.40. that was tho tamptstinn with* be , oaht - the 'tOin on theli evil and dins... Ira .5i /I •.,• le •••I t roe • d Ir• .he F. 1,0.1 rstrdar ft:e , Lt r• 1. LII,J• .1$ Le n eaina -get. Th • tch• II el- • el, g its: an • 414.1 on . .ato rof I lie‘r oet ces. era had blot planed Ito hot place in Charlet - Wm harbor, thhatuded that their ata.ahle itale glees of strategy wouldn't work, and toe re. ii was that they "oared," to shore stated. T o. beet related the szobanged otrmers, and Mud rat DablOit entertelood them aboard hisabto NAJOSI OSPISIU.L CANDI: ha. Issued orders 101 the etrollment of all able-bdoled males between the ages of sightut and torts Oro within the linei r eccrded be the ,Detartmentil of Arkansas and Abe Galt, and the districts east 01 the Mil- Ittellpi river, for Ureic. In the ITllatia. Neutral foreigeers, not being reject to etommiliory military service will be enrolled u a separate eius, to be em ployed, wbssefer atomic:di, as a brat olio or rooltabolary force. Anew the eapiration of the time allotted for the burr.lag of the fate at Petersburg without all 'eviction, belt an hour was croutumed la Boding o =en wilting to coluoteer to actor the tame, et the title of being buried alive, to fled cut the didleolty. A gallent fellow, whose aim. le not mottled, nosily offceed, followed up the fine-till by 1 end the damp spot, Tolights4 It, .assi hadjusl,lltoe to escape before the explo- Bien; . , . THD 'Union Convention of Western Virginia kir Wade the (alloying noakinatina —Gorora or; Mtbnr I. DOIMSD, of Wood donut, venom infitedi-Sooretsry of Staid, Granville D. Hall. of fluffed:l (scanty; Auditor of State. J. M. Me Vittorio!, of /Wolf oounty . ; Treatuter, c's'sga. bill. Ton, of Bro o ks county, renombisted, Arta 11CDOT114 1421112.1tri D. sail. of Madan Udr Caor.—Tao Cli.Ollll.llltOWD (N. L Josntat opts .-mlisp• In - some locelittee ate Jetketg bettor; tett the ntitebett of gtOßer i Vrto .co4tlatsol: atittelpite o, fair 71•11 an 4 pima mile% Is lamessitti. We estimate the growing 'cup at about eltebalf to zwarsgs yields" -A , Fused wr tar aalsatwted that W Ora was lad In Simper slays,lit away Ss& .parsoas who trigrak4bilaid 04,111311, Oa altsrallwaysAltara fr'at enWtilltropoofibk —, • • -•• ;; i ~ r DAILY PITTSBURGIT GAZETTE. =EOM FROM WASHLNG TON. TIR 'MAHON MEC ENTigstv WIND Crn, right's Command at 11.tonsbaro Salifoad aurati.r. fg - , - .i.' , .',J.i.i .. 1: ,- .6 - t :6; ' ,, .i t, i .-,5 v PITTSBURG / J,/,/;(7AAAL, THE INVASION OVER FORIHE PREFENT CEP. Wallace Resumes Command cif the Army Corp. LEE'S VERSOS .LNT TO 11000 Movements of Gcn. Grant and Staff. VCRTART ARN4 WEEMS TAKIAC PLACE 'Weestwowoe, Aug. B.—A special to the Wowfd se3s : The illialioll panto entirely sal:aided yesterday. It was eontidently hollowed that a battle would take place on the old Sharpeburg round, or in that neighborhood, but now It is °Used it the rebels had any serious Intentions flay have sitonthefn op, on finals low largo o s toree was ready to contost their passage late P. nu ty lain la. With tho tomcat changes In. command In Mary land, and the resent disposition of our force., it will - beitoftfisible for the rebe:a to get as far v. the Pennsylvania Sae without a desperate battle, In which the odds would be agalnot them. Heavy cavalry forcer, our great want tiaretafote, litre now oppeeattatad -in the lippot Potomac, and ind Instead of a rebel lattalon,l the country will be oaorelikely to hear of the morph of ,a 'beery Baderal column 'down the Shenandoah General Wribhee command at teat amoonts Mee atioozaboro, in tho North Mountain Val connts7. The hellion Is ova tor the prat- tot. , WAMISOTOY, 'Atte. 0.-General Odom N 0.237: War D•pariassnt, Wothirgren, lef3 28.8 y direc tion of the PresPleot, Mai- Ger , IVaUbbea eain' mending the Middle Department, will reruns m remand of the Bth Army Corps,sand over all other troops serving within the department from which he was temporarily relieved la General Order& No. 227. The troops of Major General Banter'. com mand, temporarily assigned to the forces tinder cejor Gone:nil Wright, in General - Orders No. ( . 28 are by direction of the Presidezt, h-reby relieved ' froMAnch usignmant. By order bf the Secretary of Wax. E. D. TOWPSSII:fjA. A. G. New YORK, Avg. 9.—The, Vireahingten I special says : The rebel mevements on Otto Up per Potomae were faints tbroever sendiug rein loreematta to Hood. It to supposed that not leas than 30;000 of Lee, veteran. lieu, been tent to Atlanta. Much apprehension is felt In the natter. A Workington epeeist says that General Grant led staff hava arrived from the Upper Pommao ti d started for City Point. The Tribui4'ir correa-iondent,, writing from Po kraals, calif: Our armies GU the Potomto end l.tnes river, Wore nonce in better condition, and important movements are taking plea:, from wench you may aeon expect news. From Charleston F. ~rues 11Thwanb, Aug B.—The steamer F titan Surly ed hero on Sunday with eloheuged o glters 110 m Chariest... They represented they were well boated: Oen. Enter says h. will Mks Charleston within two months. prisoners of war confined In the interior of Otorista, MI being removed to Charleston, as the rebels dqn't consider them Rafe to their late Irons. Six handrcd aft:yrs arrived on the 30th Internal R evenue Reeetptaaly.—Gen. ed to D Wlld . New Tose, August 9.-.-Tbe reeelpta from 'turtle] 'meanie now ILlttoClrit to one million per doy. Warrants for three million passed )esrarday to poy the arty. Brigadier general Wild, oberged by Bold,' Smith with dieobaiirnee to orders, has been vi tiated to duty. Tha proceedings of the °octet Mortal were sot aside by Gen. Butler. - Threatened Raid an BaMao by Rebels In , Burreie, E. Y., Angtut 9.—Unsiors are rife that the rebate and their sympathiene in Canada it-ei about to make a raid on Mi. city. Teo da talls are not yet obtalneil. , ; butts is undoretood that the Ii imminent Is Intormod of It. Many remora aro aflist, bat there is nothing reliable. From 'New (reek The following brief dispatch has jut been re ceived by J. Reboumakat. S aP, from Ms son, Lieut. J. B. Scloonmakar : Nrar Cuss. Jog., 841. I am oafs. Who cabal astand MeOsztdand has been boiribly punished. Larry. J. S. ScuposuAgsa. The Raiders South of VVlnchester—An Engagement Expected. BAUTtet , er. August 8 —Oar least reports from the ',Obey tepreeent the rebel., la force e , uth of Winohteter, and it 1. thought we will biro it ez pet:Lout with them. Attempted Wind Desertion. This forenoon, a woman of genteel appear etre. and apparently about twenty-live years of op. et lied at the store of R. Dalton k Cs., Wh eel, ,tr, b . , and spiked permission to leave a toaket there fora short time until she mall at (sod to lime business. Of course permiedon wee, and the nemen,after leaving, host • coed bet steps so se to, excite the ruspicion of tb , in the store The 'basket vat theoNszetri lied, and found to certain an infant. The wo man wee quickly parsu•d, andoverhented bet ire the had not out of mulls. She seemed °meld etehl,) taken sbtek, sod exonsed herself by see. leg that elm Intended tl return. br this Eby look the basket Ole her arid and started off, tut weed proliably sucleed In abandoning the child some where else. A &Scrims tacfniaw.—Or. f3aturdai loot, the old Baptist chnrch, at:Cleveland, naught Are and was Cestroied. While the Are was raging, pnir cf doves, that had evidently long had their bi sou it the cup As of theohoralt, were seen air rVria aulund use flames, and resting for it few on the roofs of the neighboring houses, apparently looking with mournful Jahr...tat the &strut:pion of their horns.. Afust whanlinit and ‘A'ollng around the Are a short timii,lhey to gether darted into the hottest of the floras* sad disepneare4:lol4llo.. The UtotfethintS 'of This Psi* of doses were watched with interest hi tinnitida of people. Etmnrxvr ALOIRO TUC iil•al.—Tho steamer Patrolls, No. 2, which arrived at Wiseslimy early geom.., morning, Irwin Parkersburg. broagbt .be a. ws. of a biy so.,ong the r.. 10 ., aincig O' , •- riva•, e•r N ai pat , at, liciaiirtils of ,traga.. v.v . ., no wag ,t,•-• tiara. t.rai,,lriu alto t b •as cal de kt. A 'apart as. atliTent, in Igi erally baliorsd, that there was a Lugs rob Oral al vaoolog awa r d ! the Ohio from somew s! here bad of St. Mary's. Duna!loan militia, whlatibed barn vaned oat by Gov. Borman, of 'Mitzi Virglata, bee bee dlobsaded—iho emergency being con eld•red gem. 811 IXG MAC: Uldrk.lB rfuiiMEßlCAlki INSTITUTE,. N.E.W YORK. EMPOIVIB "that th• WITEZZLZU 6 WILSON Bak,. the 'LOOK Briton roalls Meted, on scconnt bf the domticity, pchisnocoo, moat' . ILIA goverai dooinblasua of On otltobinfi stoo dolt, Ana. We yia range at iKpllutiork." THE "LOGE STITCH L nntreavaly soknorledild es the vis 7 Mot Su all Visas of gewfse. rognlree w oa.-hal( ttu al:Mot o chttsd se But that Is santests4 M the "Rada Etlkb" Machines, tbas asking • wring or SO Gu. to ilia Pia DST. It. WITTIELTII WILIKIN the only monlaao men Ms CILVMS urtnovziecyre. o.n sad ear too tam, as the 841000111. t/0.. irt 'lfni USES% SUMNTR . . lEMMEIMMMM I, WEDNESDAY N ENV LOvliS JL ST KECEI 2.9 AT „..t HENRY- fAMER'S. THE EARLY DAWN. F.BEICiIES ti• Ibristian t ite in Eng'and in Inc UldenTime IG CIJITCR FIUnY CIIEONICLE3 et SCUOtall:Li; CZ.TTZ.:I LNOCH ANDES, La. A Nor Poem by T.ltusoa 2.5. 115111 TINGES POET TO PUBLIC BVSINIC3B. Oon talatiag the Diode of Forming and Conducting Bale. Use, Untie and selisr Orginnard dgeociationa. Pall ttran of Older for the Moserument of their Unhand wad Dmixess. Cto say It re I irectlear How to C Angara "Ikesehrdintie, raports and Patinae* and the Manner CratOf Idanagrog Conventions, Paoli: Meetings, Onie. Dismera, Dartmencs and Ple-Sloo. Eta, .TH L IE r fIOFOIIANI IC, a or e :r . !' 3L TT II ILL AST OLTII. MITS. lbe Personal Etrelienee of • Pallier le the Asmy of the Potomac- Ey A. P. IHII, al the Elgbsb Penr.s.y.••as Be.strwas , SI 50. Lortuti's Nax Wok, IikUG&IIST h.IIID Htift DBLDE9 , - - IIA 8, ALL OF MI NS POPULAR WORKS Instrorro Y,l*b ne I Hz...ekeu Cr 1 T. PTEGartney's Girlhood.. ...... —...--.... 1 TI. 1 TO. 6ry of the above books plaited free of postage Ms re pelts of price. HENRY DILINER, Ti L i 3 TIM] !WILLIES. neat door co P.O RALLY B.OU:si D THE FLAG BOYS LINCOLN AND JOHNSON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, Itt4 all 11.6 r %cast UNION SONGS. PRIM IS 061STet. JOHN P HUNT, pm - re ISTESZT, ISLASONIO LULL. nor MOW post pall or/ oerlpS of W 1... SS" KINGS, QUEENS AND KNAVES 210 LONGEBI NATIONALITY LVIIIIYWIIEREt FOBllO NIIBLNILS LONe ILNOOGIEII Our Nation►l Emblems, Eagles, Shields, Stars and Flags, Pregnata the galug In the A7IET.IZAZI CARD COITP6N7I UNION PLAYING CARDS 4:OI.OIiIL.ItiVISAD Or HOG GOLDESS OF LID}LBTIr INSTEAD Of QUEEN B 1! JOB 105113TILD Itnr J&CK. Ar Cuba Cards are pat up In • neat bos. JOHN W.PITTOOK'S NEWS DEPOT, PI rTil STREET, OPPOSITE THE 1.032 OPPICTE WS NEW. BOOKS NEW BOOKS - USN AND rnoorass OF frJH DAY DOBOOLB--A geoph, of WA &Ate Woe. You By /atm O. Tweet. 1 ml. Price 11 00. A ILAN unhor CA T1tACI11:O TECTH—Yo .14 ox, tLe Aostoto) of tbe part. involved Mb. opostkns; tfilrind• aud ;stupid o.o.tructl. 0: Intircuwast 4 0 . etllmo. 11EAVIS OLD nou. I vol. Ittosoe DARING A-HD AUSTABING. By Lind. Pettamer A Large supply of flu 'Attar wort just necahrod. lag J. L HAAS. TS Fourth Woe NEN . ' BJJIi ESOCUL ARDEN, 1 Vol. 1 Osno. Pric•, •1,23 Ice: 6oceLY.KI b 7 DAVIS, CLigh." a al AY Ikroks,llers and Ststiun , ri, %r.. 1 gtrectonalt doe, thr corm.. Thlr4L 6C111.10L and LA W moan aunstantly Itat.d. .iTTORXErs MACKILELL dr. JOHNSON, ATTOKII MT e.-AT-LAW , Awl C. B. LICIIMAZD BOLDLICS' W.LIM ACHMIT Itclautleo for Wounded Sams. collected to fro ta to .=e-Py do's. /Mr 0,1 , 4,0 No, I'B G P, NT ETBEIST, Pltletoleo Call with dlecharcee and tro elt mese.. de .l 7 NOAH W. SHAFER, ATTORWIT-6.T4AW Us. 100 Fifth Biros*, Pittsburgh, Pa. MOMS tor rickskaga, BOUNTY, riils4ll NUB vtgorously watoottl.d. B OLDIKRS CLAMS, IRAINTIM, ricaraoun earl LIIRIMIS 01 TAY, boompity &Woad to by •BTNUR9 1 RIDDILL, 110. in ►tens stnnot.►. P. /11.1M.INT41•••, ILIT All Y CL&LNIS,_ BOUNTI ES, LU PZNSIOLIB, BACH PAY and 71 I IsT R CU. TMP of oren-y dssteripti.m.. cs.C.—ss..l by the elb• the follovettka ream. Peu•soto Stu Oa. .11 Otte , chat:m . lo 60. C. C. TAT LOB, 6140.13e7 St Lste. 73 Omni limos, Pittabarch. Ps B. B. Bo charged are Mad. 11 the claim does nu.; ono. wed. and .31 Inforsulidlon dly.d .rail. •01:13 JMMSLAFFEATY, ATTOIR P IEYT..L kW* All Loral - Doe taro promptly attended to. MBA No. WO f01:111.111 STBErr, ocar ra nt, burgh. sp?3:3lalss WittsTEß At GAZZAMS L.A.W OFFICE. N0..08 GRANT BTRIBET. .IT S. A: C. SCHOYEIL, hatorneyo-at S. 041 a, so. IE9 Pawl it street. P 11.1.0. nr.ll OILS. NC. RIDER & CLAWS, COICIELESIOII Aid how Undo= and ita Prodnata. yawns& 40. AG W a rs km WI POWELL SD IMMO on rola law reaterrna WOW! CON, rum LUCENT OIL WORKS. DirjalAS, DMA.? g 00. iintinteetann Or Wlps:Reftned Cube' C cam 5b LI2IIIIIMWT 11litiTt, MOR\ING• AUGusT isG 17 and 79 -Vat'lilt farce! Pn. - pc.lto In femme Glens and C o :au Utae.i....o Old geodo at hoe than New /col. I at t. that n E•l.dliersb es, Le plate leaden an: here oIM.Lod, tonebt long Is , . atd n,t ads trn In :lot's L e. o Ilio_dkerololeL we nave seats Job lets at Lnex.'s o Ludershlot., Lin on ll:tweas,./....e. Ph . .., Lea, no. Pep.,a evert is Lec.leo . ooLl Cllll.lcroio Gan, U.,derTe . s. FLI I. n. n.l I.• , :LV , .=1 oLtI , 0. ev Ft. Pao, at • Ns , . Lot:Afoul (Lopes, to Las pat .0/ n, en.; \\•ll ,- .1.E.5.11.1.: . 111)(GIS UP ST:\ I F.S. XS" or robe., wad Dtlattli aro irAttoll to loot Lr 004,1, t. or Dotko and Y arloty Good. sto.6. JOSEPH HORUE & CD., BARG&INS, GOODS AT OLD PRICES, ROACRUIR it, CLYDE'S No. 78 Make% Street, ill!IIM:ILII Wholesale and Retail. ffrav , ng bought rem rood/ Wore the meat heavy ail waxer, R offer at ;alas uoaddorahly boa than can Le fought aa?ahats to lbw Zart, • la p and well araortad suck of lleasonable Hosiery lc Gloves, Of the beet toren end deemed , rasa uranium A great variety al Drees TrtmsoMg. Bilk aod Bugle Gimp. Silk Tweak Orna.mette, ettnt Eabbhhh Xergia rvAA 1.61[11E1114; Jet, bet et.d Bugle Drag Button. A very grud mummers of rich Ontpare Laze. oroid ta Eden. Fume'. !tabu ` .Ad liau Umbrella. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, &al the laross and bad {WAIL a Fancy Ooods, To be Found in the Oity 11,1 - ;CALL SOO G OLD! GOLD i Great Excitement! III:AIME OE GOODS OVER di PER CENT, EATON, MACRUM & CO., Baring sated largely to tbrfr stock Wore Oa moons raormt advanco in tie pries at gold, are now praparod to otter ghats goods at pram Much . Below the Market Rates, Of Hass lark sad Randolph's, • 151111011k14'21 t 8 D DIALLEM grill at onos ssa ata advantage at baying la this market, so long no Use present steak remain fall. 1110.017, ILIORUBI & CIO.. Don V! LSD 19116TH SMELT. 4- • • • A BATES' A. BATES, 1 .25:PER ORN T.l 1 8IIIIELZI15001161 lILDC.CED 21 SI3II2IIIIMGOODS, Fifth Street. RLDUCID IFifth Stre3t. 2S PER CENT. • LACE ILA.NT 1 LLAI3 CLOSING OCT AT LOW PRICES, 151011TillliVr COS. all AHD KASILIPT IR& GREAT BARGAINS AT SUMMER DRESS GOODS IstB TILIMMINGB; 6 tltl6ooll. j OAS tiaJO it LIBLI/le VlernMA AND WWIBS LA , W tin BIIILLIa errb • Winn tllllern CHILLARB, Lt•TLIIJI SAW, H 0812117, 1SABILDK13.011 • lElr6. MI essortowat of WIEN ISIMLUI IltA e, 1111:11130, °AIMS AHD ELI UNDIROARILKIIII Cox Loam md awe. MOTION!, In., M.. 4 FllOl. REMOVAL. JOHN HALL & 00. muzmo:ll theta. PLOW WLIIICROIISIIII Igor 191"41, 111111, =lair Pitt =ld Libirty lit Eso-si WISTSDITROILIM. W. 1.. OBLVIIJIB, MM, 96 waters UM Frolli 103. REMOVAL—Cute h, Goner ! .1 namotterloa Itleethonth t'•."TEI 4 . 0 .149 to MT WSW JDSEPIt ADAMS, Dentiat, Camel! • tl Bolidtrut, corrots ot Dlsamod isstf Orsat streets, Pittsburgh. twiresta—Dr. A. N. l'Oneoks Dr. Thal oh, r! . .v . tnr Ihtt !!" TM"! Irret R. irtrrAir , " 4 !;.t..?!.. MNIM No.. 77 A 9 D 79 MILES= ST Notion', and Small Watt% ibu.u.NlE.l3 , 17.5 PER CENT Laos Points, Grenadine Shawls Bilk Bacquea, Bummer Dross Goods, J. H. BURCHFIELD'S, J. W. BARKER & CO.'SI 6111RIST. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, ac. tatJa tioom, reaLsoca, KBOIREAD, DEMUR t CV& REM 0 raLs. DEJVW'ISTR r. 1NM921 Mzl INK t BARK AGENTS OF VII) E:akibury & SchomaCker & Co.'s CILFBRATED PIANO 3, AND S:VLITH Sr CO: 741 American Organs and Melodeons, rt :. 13..”:L!ZS EL:CS, Sl'. CLill ST. wuro lu rc rritng to a fro of shoo .01 , 2 .44.1 E ts r•s I'lll .1. Wr. tt tol e 1 7 Is 13,1, 1 t U.; t, 1.13 , A. ei vat. r. U. I, • .1 T • ; 1: • ' kcsd Ear. Scour do na, r,. -..r11. ?it Ye,land. Cut ..It clay. at • . J. 11. les ay. Iltrnstvgbam. he.. It 0 t It,. E. Ile shAt. , l, IdoloodsvUl., kasha= tfstlfwd D. Cmll,lEs" 1 trsirpcol, 0 P.I. man 00., EIR kilesheny m. J. Este, do. Vet s get. P. Elea a, to. A bo lintenoa, An. rise, r tq.. do. I) J. 11 111rOlint.ek, Toot Job), .I,o=rd7r do. Asl Hats., Inciodoesce, srys.s-r,52,10,11.. A 110 choice secoad-tAtid Mono.for sale and mat. WEBER'S PlA +` lOd. r gi p . CIA 1.1) TO THE Pt BLIO. .L I The nableriber has the blesser* of announcing that he be. bo.o srpoluted the ea,lcsle• avast for the 1:1,l0 of _WEBER'S PIANOS for Pittsburgh end vicinity. These Plllll5, though cc. peentitely daimon cs here, ho. long eedored au en. vlstde rt potation in the elute= cities; their messy ea. cell. et qesasit les win rensamend them et ohm to Doe musket stewed'e. A choice asaortment of WAD CBI / I ASOB pe nsion Leen received by the subectltser to vs hints the a of the ratite le ineitsd. CSIARLES C. MELLOR, et Ii Wood strut. N .:LEDLE, No. 15.3 Buvreniin Pia toil lad Nl:Laical Instruments, Steve constantly en Imod • fine assortment of 1511 V PIANOS, VIOLINS, OUITSILS, SOOOllOllOll5 STIIINOB, widish Ls saU bplea. ta.,5121/0 K NAB E'd UNRIVALLED F'IAIC 08 ART, BEYOND A DOUBT, THE BEST PIANOS MADE: &Id Ly CIELARLOITT. BLUXII, 43 Fifth 1712 Bols Aipoatjor Fittsturcb and West. P. 0 )41t101:111/11.5 I piANos 1 A wary large , esoortmest of the. . And oil other Moil oaf lostrumot to, for onto by 01 1 1 Y3IAN !I, Ht)17113 * 00., I 13 N.. by Iltrb R1...r• o e stab& .'IIIED/C3 L - - I_I4 , MF(RATILIC REMEDIES, roil. TELL PIiGOPLIA. A Fresh Supply Just lleeelved. No 1--Tcr Fever, Congest-1.0 lusd Lnettoation; Heat i'Va. isa. Prior., 7.4 mote. No. E-1. Worm lover. Worm GAL: and iromciou.s appetite. Fri., 33 Cef No. 3—for Colie, Toothtag, Crying and Woke Woo., 131.)• Growth and Foalleitose of Want& Moe 35.canta. Nc. t—Tor Diarrhea, of CUlldren or Adults; Olioler. tfuntrur., .ud Bummer Complaint, Prism 35 mat, Vb. 5--For Dre.ntery or Bloody Firm. 60110, Grip plum Btlioaa Ctile, Tell Dysentery. Price 35 sta. So. 6—Tor Chniara, Citetern Mort , Surma and Vomiting, AnttansMc Itmetbing. '35 omtg. No. oougba. 05133, Hoarsonmt, Broulekkint, In 113..ute sad 3.1, Throat. Plice 35 amts. No. B—Yor Toorb-act. Frt.-act" tierroua Palo; liennle. mad Ile Dotoreux. ?du 33 mats. 15 o. O—Pot Hood-ackto, eta rod. b., v. 1.44 Mob of blood to the Heed. Prim SS corm. 10—For Peoo.rpola, Weak, Mid or Deranged kr,ales h, Coust.patroo, Lirer Corntarok 55 coati No. 11—Tot Snyyrtaard Mecum or Scanty, Paten: or Delay tug Grcan 13...kartn. 33 cants. N. 12— F, LrAx.r - rh , . or Wllltat. Bearing Down, toe Psvrttr 21,..2ft. 36 Met. N.ll—For Cmap, Bonn. Croupy Covel, IMlTlcallt and Opccasead Brest 1.4. 3.5 ma tn. No. 14—Fur Sal: Ithsam. Or - o.ty troPtioo.. Eger , las, ',aid 11.6,Du' 141, ZS cruts. No IC , — thermaseion, Path, Lan...h.., or Sore ht+olo the Chhot. Loth or Lambe. 35 ct. 16 -For r...0r aed Low, Tut6r - 61161636 Tenn Dumb .6.4,6, Vid 166.66: .66 Ague*. 63 cant. , n—tor Plies, Blind cc Elkasting, Lutzr.l or Et ioreocut &r kAatioate. w mut a. KO. 14--For Opt hrbolmoo., Wrest or Inflamed tlea .rd EyellGs, 6 alllud or Wr al Bdg:.l. 40 west.. Np. la—Par Catarrh, *tato or chronic, dry or Clow tnii, Cold lu tha Itrad, I Atarnrs. 40 costa. No. 3 , --Por Ml:looping Cou s n,obortettug .d lag 11. Of Hpf..lo3odie b Ou mom. Fr.. P. - r A•rhma Opprvsned. Diracrilt, lanwee. Breathlug. Oongt. , azr4 C-4.1...t - wrack.. Prim, CO eta. "A—Ver Tar Dimb., Bob. in the 11. ad. Im pairtd Heating, Earache uir.. itm amts. Sw o Vo. 43-- a Vor Scrof l la, Lotarged Gland.. and T.stls tting" nd Old cers. 60 cents. Ho. 23—)or Gemrol Ik6Nt7, Phydoal or Narrow NV Dakotas. 60 mom Ea. vs-rule Lamm°.tattoos, Tumid Swelllwgs, with fkAllt7 Earsetiona. IV mow. Ba 213—Tor Beadgicknem, Pmstrotion, Vertigo, Ilemea, Vomiting. 03 mem. No. 17—Ifor Urinary %mum Graral, Soloal Micah or Painful trinatloo. 60 costa. Caocnap Seminal Emissions, lovolnutary charges a Pa qc nd conmagnetit Prostration sad liability Price it 00. No. Tor For" floral or women. Oro:wed Idooth of Adolfo or Chrldsro. $1 So—Tor Urinary lecontinetie, Weitting the Im I , e,sirt. P. Oul at oraldit, t rinatino Prior 111 t vr• CAM r cppq.l.-4 , faun of P• •tait, bok, ..... Cur of faurolx•red L.,.;06, and f 001... . .... Ouro of ffosoff, ormoborod, e f fad Single Immtfered bolt*, nth diroolfous--........ Singlo letforoff boa" witt ..... Largo taw of 2 vials, for plantoro and pLy• OUB RICIIZIITIVI BY IdAIL. Look over the , llot, tomb+ U • cam of •hm. land you pane., and backes the .moan( in a currant nob or tamps, by mall to my *Admen, the medicine trill Le duly retalrned by meal uu expels, Ere* damn% Fifth Eltrtet, (Dtatokl Building.) escond door below the Pod 01%., Wboiesal• •;•nt for l'ittatmenb . vicinity AA UCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED ROUES. Wee Overrewr, OLVAIAT 8711.13,1 oE6os Mvtaf Poor:- rmaator, Wulf:savoy, Au oat I, WA. Will be .01,1 at Pubbe,Hou, to tbe blielust Wier at Meth:. and ntacov wanton bac., oft livn , lng. Ma Ibursdny, Alamo IA IL 'FOUI: Altoconv per. Sboratq. AMMou=ith. 18E , Ic ~bona. Ps .Tbur.dey Sim mtor lo 471141; Bartiatung. Po harsda•cptror atb; 1501; HuudrA V W) Cava tv ktorvalat son plooo. Mew 13o , ccv nave Nova cond.:nod so oaf: Meths Covalr7 S•rvievcr tb. elm,. Yer Hoed es.d Berm paryneee mssly good bargthal mH be baci llary,a eold efugly. Serene_Csab m Caboa etatet eurreuay. /A= A- TOIL Lteeetreent Odra mid ahHiquartoseuder, and Ouralry ureu. pRESSIID dN D (MANION MOH iva,rco PitZSPICD I sad • 400,0(0 - COWION BILICrai Chtlnadand beWkl 111VID EUTOBIBOA. .15 (POT& 4.T - LI 611(1,17.3 CHEAFEK JAN 'IHE CHEAPEST IMMENSE FTOCK I',OuTS, SHOES 63:1TERS 3I'CLELLAND's AUCTION lIDUtE, F I FTTT sT r FrT 7:;Sr. N! I I GAIT EIIS CEUES AND FL: If', Lake, Cer.b, Mina, Bars .3 C564.1r., a. McClintock's New Shoe Store, No. 08 INDNII.Lt. !T., Allegheny at) n. n.—Nam rm. arrhins 9v.7 4 .7 018 A IIW BUPPLY OF 1112113', 101311319. CCTV LAD CHILDII3IIII Boots, Shoes and Batters, 54 Market Street. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS) W. ban fort renind our Bprfok stook of BOOTS AND SHOD% Mach en 1011 sell at ths LOWIST CaSII earozp. W. Ws the larked food boot selected stook of names FIR. Calf flgnaii.taild Zoots, To 14. found In Oho sat the city. LADI23 . LAST omsxu.s Jas. Robb, EU; "STAR WORK! ORO. AIMEE, SON & CO.. Ho. T 1 WOOD VII=2. Bob.' awl Tonllo. sly &rot.ea. Children•. Geed Blgh Boat.. There goods are mile to oartrper..W ardor. lart.iar.Y ranted %magi:L..lW orstaaa wort. loaS 0 L°sl-144-'1 OUT TILI3 WARM WLATUL ItSCIADZU Nth I Summer Boots and Shoes, GAITERS AND BALMORALS. at Bar Prla at 1017 S. McCLINTOCK, Jobber and Retail Deafer m BOOTP, BOOKS and OtaTt3B, of 1.0 dmoiPtbs, S. fledged ttrest„ %O11.1 1• •••• 1y Co" wl sa .103 .5 G W ODN DED tiOLD) Rod W. J. & HALL PATTERSOL GU= AGM'S, N. 144 Part! rtresiN Plttisburgb, 11. n orczonod to ocdloot the 6100 Bounty due Wounded Soldiers, 1311111DIATILT. 147,ar 'WOUNDED ISOLDIIMS. $lOO BOUNTY TO ALL WOOTIDED BOLDIXBII, t now bang call with , Dise.barga" Ho cbazge mad.onlL r. • moue; h oollectia. T. Vra..TIER.DAY. Tansmd try the O. B. Ocrwramen, N. 167 Stith mach Pittatargh. 4 door pat th. Chthadrni. Ihratlyas kIItST NATIONAL BANS, OF FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. Dezigonted Depository of the tithed Stites Capital paid ap—....—.—.-8130.000. rice.] c--.I D. lILTESIAN. Csahier—W.D. 179111.11. a1......3: FAxsaal Data; , J. 1 , Elattrap.A. Juan tha A. k Eton, ), red. I': Irdllocer, I NV. D. 11,1 , , J , An Davara, C. If. Gl. mayor, A. D Bronchia. 'III. Bona tender. lisorritcor itt motto' C3leCtilail Ca ad ocors.ltio p , Int. Uoltreti. or Vat on ott Itt rmr , pl ottrution, w.d r..toros rood:, by deft ~. %,.. T.ra.. I la-. Anna t, Calcrgo or 01 tiblitea Jr4sllro pee° URA MAW re? IIA LOA ;cep. arairtartary I•n^ • Lam. uG th.r,asn.. scud r.ock 11/71 , E11?.4. xT sago au-4) 4 1 PLANE Wlsnuv rf BUZ .)011113, 8701711.13.?... L.S.TIII, PLLISGB, ac a. .w en t e=eas 2. SAWLD 9TEITT stn prcapt rem arA at W. 110.4 E. 141701 , 11 waren LONG =den PCI•LILE an Fortin:Wary troriamat to aratolla• muo rr. erste Kraal, war Eobtaara. A TCTION SALE OF CONDENINED 110111 IS AL Ds rasantert, DATALsa Donato, thane otCbtal Q , ...atatae , er. Waal& Oda D C., July YT, Is 4. VIII be aoldat pubtle auction, to this blereat DO or, at 0 I E 580114.1, D. it., on if DI DAY, Arm t. a, 1854,1(0 raestrt Donee: 11l SP? , T, A ugstat 9 toot, 100 0.1,1, y Uttrattr. lbw, berms have toot condemned as nod, for the entails ••Rl.Ol .he arotY• Tor gotd and fattni..g parpcoaa many good targalua toy be had. ore. sal. Mogi). lams caab, in United etateseureaucy. •Id F. 4 L. METH; Llea. 001. and Chief Qttnla matt.. tlmalty Doman. ELECTROPATHT. lAADAMIS LONERDIN 00 CALDWELL U'ii. crowd se offlos on tba corner of Fifth and merle, entrance 146 FIFTH rillitngT, for the e.e. lee of Medicine. They ars mules cradristor, and their Dirtiness on uhlbli lon at their Ole, They evated to Mut all diseases in • aclutiao Ctnrgra rearonabls and CIVV3 certain. lbs.] refer the public to tbs following rbooramen I tiro. to •` Ilartng disposed of my cf9o , bud tuedlcirta Laattabrdu d Calera-all 1.11.1x1 bars evidence to bell bell es *re grsdeat., It the ht•ftrtz srt I do most cds - erfully reslamsad those to the afflicted, bud 1210 public to gel:sash as eburg . Ira) Worthy 01 Molt gist, dors., .ad patrot Pittsburgh. Jute 14th IbY4 LIICT RI CITY TRI ITM.PELA.NT.—Irs WONDIES AS A TREHAPtOTIO AG EEFT—In AlleTEttllB REI.ATISO TO CAME All) was DINEASE. OK. J. A. It.F.XSM. Medical Thnottiotaa. Claw, 2.51 PENH St a ELT, whim ail &wawa we eaa. cemeraly treated with Oalwatica. Itlaatuetwa and other auditiotttcw Al Electricity. Eicraesting wet true ar.d Ur portant Ors circular ; get ow watt elm <lwo for co. ccat.tiou. coo. ..mewl wbni batted. 3. M. PTILION, i 6 4. DIARIES. IS A tart: aloortotont of POCISY? AND comma ilorrBv DlAllt/S, for 1984—10 paper, In clth, lo forn, In Ito/tattoo Turkey, to Starkey /donee.— t o %At Airs and vitt, Aarble ednee—orlll back* patent clarpa aud elnatic festal:4We. _All olses„ o*. CAA the 000, ECOPCIft to lb. awl tom For eau. at moor Abb. total by win. 0. JOHNSTON a ou.., dale tet.S.• its CT Wand atteat. TT EL 10-40 LOAN. saw :mutton cs mind it ea altos al HAM, 11LBT A OD Wood hUlet• obso,l, u. Is It No. 64 POI:1MM rcr.xsr. B. 8.-1117 patent met mem ambles mete taste! Oradan eaperlat to itur mach Islet 10 be Ittaaatatas. A CARD.- P t a h gel:Alamo whose time is sat scatty ocraOS auk% dorms t 8 as the.* }won a da7 to IqUes.,. £o frno "Wag to oossal COD , .R 1 address torn , OM. In aver? 3tyla a SLATER 6 SOUTH 89 11 AMEIT BYEISST JUST 11/13EIVSD EIT BO S, 99 Market street second door from sth a. WOOP &AD, r wavirautauczy 10.40 1.0.1Ji, I=l riTm7wromirisrErmrti 13=3::= " CLFMIDErcs, - Aral& SaLE-FOlt roil SALE—GREAT LED - A—NON 1 . FARM AND bC11311.1.7. diontaa 434 Oaks from tt. • or lGe ed W-Lin[b reed. )•. ConistptlUJ paw, undat-Waca lb. tc, RI. Cot • I.s. D_lel Daertili• •Iso, tlan• olber ) ra‘a) ,., 'u m ., • t a rp Bank tcr • 11•11. , ,,a; arentrd of tbs boalinlealms ITV?, eat Grin Dem 1"..• Dim mei Irenr•cl, e•• erever-fa.l lug ouriao.. - pp•aceted •lb 1 t.t. sew.* the •Nirtal Laws= • t. 7 =GI I rani 44 . - 7 ,) • a , r. y aLd 1 Tenn btar..l.4. 41,7 c.. se., .4. .• • 't r•i bc , Plrc. • I' I. 4, 1,7 ,Irctri •Ya t.I T 511717171.111 1 , sr , • ,iea 1.0 .r 1 4Dr4EV • ah.l. be Male niP.O of Lo.ioto aa.sary aen I. lai ! t .c. 4. 11 .1 y Ma emu of • )118 11 MeLAIII aoo . 102 tropfSi street. CIL 1 Vonin of 1 iSiieres, in 1: 6i. 00. r tovrattp. I:estrnaraboo4 °Oar. Pa. Ist, • ram of 140 ,ics. rinabeen fa_ltll4l7. Legr,cay courq. ' 4 ," • 6 Iso, • I..nintropatory Brick" Born saikildt to tit Botoogb of Wilt' talaael /Ivo. • TAWS Of I4S. 1t15131k.12 Fe** tp.. dl Lbw:l.lmb sad • bahafIOOMILIOt Lloo we. nib of Ilti.corpt.trt. tr, valuable Vont lo fAi4fairr,A l l6 Weet.crels• 4 conntr,lonitatolog eloo, 12 IsciLmilil /r.,T3 In eto boroUli Of Wap CO b 7 IYa frt. . Por putlcalars Loctulmst Ha 180 SOaftlribod $ll2 .-.--GL-H--.TQJfrXLZtaiotbto-AZoI!L vo &SL • • • :••• R • Freia R tim Foundry Promity Tbe troderthreed offer, for tale the abefeareasthre erhteh he bee arta 129 lito beat atyta,•94stmireigiak. ettoer kr loceSty, Banat rostory or Wag= Ettrop—__ be•tr,g Mr baadtt ga The kaal(' bealtlis hi 40.1.91, • Ich - a o.od torch to ts, sad. a lot of pattrlnks; f . t in, buiitlng 00. el , b a goal ell.O.nln . ‘.lse'D.‘llll:dra"is3artr*t.ttrit*lt'let'w b"beirtf, fill 4 • tLho, ooe von BOUM AHD LAM 1111101,M 09 1:13111 atm. t. ..ld co ror tenter portimint Inge fro mtt tho vorestele, lirtztor J. B 8311&D. httOttlecti. Plo - •"0.11. • SALT— EU BURBAN 1:041:13 aro X VIILADY LOTS, al.l TOICI litratilL — —"Ma isa tlerstimed. Irxrcators or the estate of sobaElarroni deed' ow too amber cl Late. tem catOtill to MO, Intr. neck, Wasted near fort R. son. as throe minute. vat of the terminus 00 MO rut ffi— l Panes/ger Itailattl. Tb. atsilt.n LAB ale bearnifelly located fer prtraurreMenfrao e lee, a somber of email Lora in ebb fllll4 , lfd tUnsrl. eine, fronting on the Pemg• r Itallerns—tairi7 to Anti feet front and from on to two bandred lbet deno. •- Fur tworiustaw .wain of either -.-nt:' ,, tbs WNW* signed, or W. A. taatitOli Tnitete, 'll.loart . wxt. A, - , n. nziriftta, B. a. llcaws, - , T. J. WillISON' , FFOR— A FARM LIM'S LAND. 4.Hemil tovremblp.:ltialarMeMin , ' tv, Nuns., rue mile from Mock Usk Sts ! tirra, tedL.D , 112 evert Hatlroed. contslalrg IIU ACHLd IdS pzutmat bollard er.ra Delos c1eer.1.11:44 1. 0. 4 =at_ • Ivanon • th e Mamma bdog In good timbal PritolVellY 'hue ciLle. Tbepoptovermente are lug, lief end trues ,- <'rao. lute Log e.ll. wtt4 abettetur nettle. lend 1. wall vratervd, sodest lo clover. 'Sheriffs gads tem DILL. cm • tee rrem, srblols aea bk.ttoeds until the perceeui door., IL Apply to MAIN DOI3OI3F.RTY on tliiproollesel or A. u AVG/11212AL G kl, 1321.2 tr • FOR BALE One • new Steamer itniroo, is tea undo, hob woks, catb L eif7 I= bat Wears "etre governor Cue 12 in cylinder, W etre* 108208414461 . cent 'ell', be la good ea new. 0. 7 trots cylludcr.!Wats , is!. One " -25 " Tree Cylteder Dollen, :8 tn. dadid.e ltt lieet tau& bred .• Tem Tr rcught bear 011-fitltts. - Also, Three babe 01 PorloigToole, Wale. Chcay for cash. lltuctru7s of Hi BOLA orta Allbsbou3 Shur Beat. alit IN. Foist. "fia 0 R BALE— E3TRAM AULL • A: AUL/ OIL P.111.3171117.,-T..l.lialf orM2lool of Oil 101.ry .d ft.. S. LIM. ratan gams 1111... - .• of Frocind :.o abce ol oral as the kftr-. 04.11.1111110.121.- 1.11...1. 1. V. ft IL, atered ear Wei,. Itertairf cee er, 4, of Mild. The flaw traPhee••+ did =der, .d .0 eltested, baring hula mat* , rtrre ni t he river (Reed toefillty .111111.a... 4 / 1 . 00 , 1=4 01 .a." ' - LYDAY H asuitn annao ep7:tl Ho . , E.L.4111111.1LM/biIIIOLTS. OE OF THE MOST BEAM — FfftNEP' amt.-Au locate:as for eotottsliiejoren. 4 Fast; a Libras Is now offered or MIA. frontlik.on ,flisltlanst Avenue about frra fest.,nd Onnialitinlnik.inOnr. ol afrnale near the rwliftenoe Of AJefrildor.BratilaW, 1.1 and other., df. eWetoptlbleateatinat frontal*. - arot. Thera ofk the p!sqf • rwo fAerl beak b. 01 %e sceog la me, Man, &e. all In good order: oleo • fine or. char.l of yarns troer.rsiratly baating. Mae prop/117:U • • .011 be divided into two. co IcalloctfOas Om& wet:mem Pot tetras, apply title %al: rata:4loi • Ism en. otllice Butler street, :Wrertiteellilo.. FOR SALE—A VALLIABLri•EARSIL '--, ..e.11.w.t.....r.tzra county, Pi Wanes frcus:.: • eitw urbh.l.s.ll co Ina grom condo n:dog V* 110 acres cleared: 40 t rano coo:Ion. A Ir.& Doodling Roan sod coo Bark. Born Ttdr tt ax, 4.lunt st4cl or . DoneaNa farm, wen watered nornX.falllsollinlirgrO Word /UK von or dirioo Um two Urea. For tratOrr portnrdars org an.. aof ." IL ii:AlattsoN; 1 1 '25:11r F 0.82 Fadoral stroo. FOR RALE. 113217.570tY nittcrC7corFi.:, ' • " ' - Oonialotne at: roams and hat, tonstAinn tO•0"•r•ic Leg .n • uct ne,anniaterat•. Arra, aintootara 11 0 CF . Pb aiPinrnst tb• above, frouttntda stenat.' Tao abera prop:ray artrlbe tort cheat) and on Moat • ternsFrperes of T. 13. ElLtlitillt, Adzeq, At the <flee a Ilaryby nosp4 • hatirlarr A • er ..Tint, nese ree37. FOR SAT R --A$ Aladdin Oil Works, 15 Crud. PatroLooksiOronilrai. In pen. ordr..t, mesa= nab taut orSellas Illotec. no - I•eem as. wd villcontain a:nto tozna• each. audttation may be trade at *the Botatiy latersong On.. az the 4117 m m PttubaLrdb• 118ZILICT013, JOEIRSTIA i W1LE2113. - MO/Iv ' • Ft , Ft SA L F-15 acres O. aA...jou:laq .120.4 Id. all pleat. d f tat. - - 2.5 jaca't San, frontlOan P=a I tilt. t Inr. 1 ,. a ram at GIG. ola's f tat+ 0 well situated Cos • plea- ) ano 000 nory GI el., Isla, a titer and- ralmsd Vont. • ; P• I a to w. ..... . /kw Irattro.lstrs sogr.lre of COMB. So. 10 I:ol.poutr.-Allsg=l4, FOR tiM.E, A LOT 07 FRAMING fitllßElli to•e+ frCra 6 to 10 inctee •tviiife. laeL!Losat ttus, ft...c.,f 1E1:11...8: IFWK V.% ' - ' r o, ,I . Dim. 18.3 FUStrttreet.' . :.I. SALE—Thirty A tilfi • isf cboictr t' .1! land, all ;exal t Irish eprlntmo l ligted witleh Mtn to en't pershaseie, T.:lth Are bundled...cunt. Trate seer; the B. step rase, tree and ocie4nortit canal Wm" • All. httny city, .nn .pcesice @ ticrater ten ,nlinntri e.• 11 .tart nst .I.k . s Bun. Set yetken.a.• BD* LEI LBLV, co. scr of FO4AII nC si..kstots., 7: tlt tehntgla, OC the onlettlitned on pra.lnie. aulcl•d. tl. _ • O LET—For 12 y esti; 1,0 A 1" 'rs IGIBUtIhD l'ittatTLVGtla UKOLABIII, Anse* ry GYry, bear the P 7. W A(4 & S. nor, Iro tlrat by 18 Asap, saleable An. altao.l33ttpla'• Stagta math ar Wstottaaaltar gboji Apply at tia TO P0PL.4.0 5TRZ11 1 7 . • A33.10"7.01! lta . .-• • the peso Ws, of IYIO-W sas.reareo. . • VO.ti SALE-150 Acres otCcal ; alto 120-- arts of twat coal Ia pot.l •drprt, .W one tuna-, a al .re laltrood rod rster tropOtt.irtdd IS good twi 4 raft, Ia pcl.l No. 3; one tract pi irk+ To yiblastmer tiler wad C'ccaraartlia Lloilrood..',Voqolrr of • WiTrltd.7/ WARD. are, ' ant door from rttli..ta Qr. at rtrdrt... .7 vukt tietiir—PENN P. 110 1 ,..• .1. E EtTS.-11.e =WA. toR rooms, 4c. 14 Penn attar, witis M s bads* trona at :51 Wei 6 inches, ranAlseibAck LlO UK to Li, nt.'s Art., 76 • nbasn t m.gYWl.ct loom:Inn . sisrniantaseng tarpon". Y.4044'01 groat T. A. tIeCLELLiI,t(I),E3 Fifth strait. , . VOR entirig.lock and fixtures 1- of • sell et TREff Nana AHD NorL(ix TO °Acted for islo on not.S.'leroto Location if ' 'TORE rylecoirt. Aroottlono onatioqn eatiasotoril,_ sad— "try pallet:l.ra omn by .cd.ess4g LUCK BOX i. , /1.11,t1.41 Cal I.ollloflien • OVA.' , • VoR SALE—A farm '.'•...:eontzi.initiq spoofed In flootrdosi,ttnruablp, elloglitory cry P• , I.ficto reprer'• MO, ard too lanes MOS Pufrtmf 13. Drvn uirell vritarsi 1.1 in.* 0.04 cultivotarr. for torttit . 4: puticalan InSlate on the prat...l4 c.r or ll...minaret: YID G. EitUPSON.- FR ENT—A FINICtIORE R 01334 sith rirelllng sod StabbOtt tbo Mo. r0d.,1 au.; A 114414111, Qtr. P Olll4Ol, 1101 amsy. !manly ocFlploat, t Elcauo. Apply to IJOEIN MM . ' • 1377.0 AllegbeaT Qty. - tiaLE—A Lot ,Grottiad, at the A! comer or Veallia mad stidisany strati.. tof toroogb of Iftraclaahsaa. Abair:A* on corns of via . • Braun sod Locust ittraato, Tdititai laud. Sans* Asa and atal• tnaicpatoble._ 'with Q'O•ot Wad Tour*. atraaba VOA r .61.13,—ENGINE: asp BOW 1.7 Awo bane power tagft with Sone; or We. tlq be wen In crpetsdon 1,111 . 4114. •aat prizltais . . aew . int,Ste snwsworni nr, cotART,R4 L. OALD • posit piip!tisz, Doan In BAOOII. LAlLDNAstragraluallk comma neducirr iinss mu% Pwrinralt. - pa, . . tv VitESH. BeLYON ,AND - 1.013517 1 Tea,.. r A. gi...berosat.47, Ani for .01.1 - • ••.:t nirs S. - - air= I.oRty Lad Rail stistsil