EST BLISHED IN ------- %burgh (fwette. PUBLISHED BY TIE GEM PUBLISHES ASSOBLITIOA TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS 76- rattersigned, pcblbl.•fire or Pitteborgh don, Fa• P.... hove Mutestly *greed to charge the prize befora nitrified to then respective foramen, on wed after 8101CDAY, don rdni, 1851: Tit E GAZETTII • ttonth.g rdltlon, {'•r werk, Caftan! by carrl•r. 23 aeat by mall, prr yrar, to ad. fords month', In :a:rd....." for ltam,s, nth., " trlmlng ISM., 14 cardcr, pt week. " T.., to sAvenm... SS SS " lord: months, " r.f " " for three I 65 ROUE CHIIONICLIL Car 0;1.w/red by NT pan b bibance, seat by nix ir..zabs., " " 'fhb* m..stiok. 1 1 3 . ...... 3 tux COLVIUDZIAL. rte wort. delbeted by carrier !wpm ; In altmee, Ant by 00 Sta ocatha, 4 , eo Three means, *4 44 ------ aao GMT= emocuirros, OBABLIS NoRtOGIIT, Publlabr tvesdbyClaronicil; • PIIIIII3IINIWIIEWIIP attD PIIINTTSG ODDIPANT. keading Matter from yesteroars • livening Gazette. . , sobikr to Luck—A Romantic Story.- A PriTillte tails Heir to a Portman. That Deticit.r.v.r Prow tells the following story : "At the. Ant battle of Ball Bun there was a eoldbr by the name of Wilson - , who, like many others on that memorable omaslon, straggled away frees his 'ecronand. After walking or rattier - rcanin6 fcrierrinial home he became very much fatigued, aleafter tilting good precaatioa that then were no rebels either within sorted or sight, he toy down to aleep by the side of a fence and slept sweetly and atiandly daring the night Letain the morning when the son was near midnoon he woke to aria himself in a strange Ltd, Ltd : perhaps among the bitterest el/C9111311 of the country. Bat the demand of banger aeon silenced the voles of prudence and caution. Seeing a Mlr-31011 one hot In the dis tance, surrounded by parks and meadows, or chards and evergreens, artificial fountains and natural streams of ricer running water, in fact, everything to show that iti . vas one of the first clue old Virginia plantations, the hem: of co • ty elegance our soldier, tired with a. weary step and a fainting, famishing heart, knocked at the ' door of the mansion. He was cordially re mixed, for the old Virginia planter was faith among the &Biagi few. He remained lag , enough to recruit his wasted energies and get Information as to the most direct relate to Washington. lint the name of the young soldier was hot forgotten by the planter, nor his manly bearing and genial tem perament. The soldier so-enlisted in another regiment, and at the frecolfd battle of Ball Bun was severely, though not dangerously w ;ended. He wee taken to the hospital at Washington. His tld Virgbia Mend learned of his Illness. lie cent :o the hospital and obtained an order for. permirsion to tate him to his 'awn home. lie Was removed, when through the kW:Laces of the lenten.and the attentions of his daughter the ones man gradually recovered. A tender re ard epra ng up between tho young lady and the ming ao Idler, and to,ent very short the tura the ' tory in such cores made and provided usually eke., they were betrothed. Tea soldier returned to his northern hums on-furlough. While here he learned of the sudden and revere indisposition ' of her why was soon to become his b ide. He hastened to her side and buried her c,rpre. The ' old man before mazy Week, had elapsed told the young men that he intended to mate him his heir, that he had no children left, and no rata- User, except those who wore In rebeliion, an 3 that he fluid now shire with him his estates. He at once gore him a deed to a considerable preperty. .Ltt _Chicago. The young man a few. S'weirke elim'irizited-rizat - modern'soiree* and Babylon combined, and found that his little CM. ~.ago tartan . ° vrauld.reallae the handsome sum of $200,000, being off.errd $60,000 for a Angie block to which his had fallten Mb'. Bat this Is not all in the avenge sad-eventful story. The ota man hoe but recently died, laving all hie fortune to this fionng Union soldier, which le now known to he over $,800,000. "This ower true tale' we know win stand like I:lotion; but had not the tarts come to es well eubstantiated, we should not have given them publicity." ire Peoria thinventiou. The Pecria Peace Powow ,t 43 adjrnrned, hav ing recorded its treason In • strict of molt: , Com, itMeli ore too long and too worthies. for repetition'; bat the following condrnees their meaning : Resolved, 1. Tbat Abraham Liaoola le a teal to:. and Jeff. Dusts to not. 2. iSimeetion, seeordLig to the resolutions of 172 d and 170, is aonetitutional, and the war for the Union it tumo2lllitUttelltd, sad hue tailed, and -mint be etometr • S. 'Repeal enancipation !awe, iabseit to the robes, and Iwo Übe country, to s national Dem oczal to Ciinceutlfft. 4. Mr. 1.113:3112 136 nrurper. flo has deole/ the tonstitttionnl right of the reboil to eesedn, and therefore absolred them fronts!! allegiance. Jilt Adminfitration "hate, and L. stiti, waging a Woody sod retentime oar for tho azowei pnr- Fon of exterminating eight miltians of freemen frcm tie homes of their fathere, and blaming feta the Amtrreati onneteltation ooe•half of toe .fitates of the Union." 5: la cidc.r to rEdc9s these wrongs, robots sod trate!" moat. cote. 5. Bat,tifeitens mast bet zofadod from tight icglor the LT civa. 7. Beware Mr. Lincoln told `fall whom it my cottera" that a rebel proposition to return to tbo L•nion and abandon slavery would be es eoptobie to him, therefore the ebolitioa of slav ery is tae cola object of the war. ft No atertiel los against rebels in Kestaoky. 9 String ta.b. or discharge the Cotes etonty sabots, TO. Martial law is s "course of sprouts." IL It the P.crldeat pat. as thron' ►ncoarse of sprouts;' will tight.—CF!•myo TeiNene. 111 bat la bald of the rrobable Pall of Atlanta. t A Nazhville COnTfro;ndent of the Cincinnati , t ; GOixrfe say a Atlanta is closely invested, and he N gives hie opetclations upon the probable issue. The numbers, the thalweg, the situation, are r., all egatnet the rebelf. The ,cavalry nosy ;north 4 .- away—we cannot prevent It; bat the rest are ours. leu will eve it in, say • month. Ido not anticipate it sooner. A matterol bread and meat ;IL:1 will forte agpltuletlon on them. The net haul ed will giro es how mtcy men? Not ever 40,000. The c..iselation is easily made. At Nenesaw the rebel tolls gave them 47,000 men. They have f: fought three unsiseesssfol battle, 'thee then. In . i, one of these, July 22, they lost 3000 men killed. 1 Gan. BarrY,Ofeci.Shernown's staff, writes that 2200 bad teen buried, and there were 15 4 0 more i., oaths held I. bury. The repulse of the :SA Is ii reperond'to have been b oody. Yon eel althea Pcaiciaatioik on,this basis as readily as I can. 0 4 ostentation. haiheon made at department '<,:i beadutiarrers .on the basis of the losses in the ,t;ss battles•of 0022/and 28th; which estimates the '' ! ;R losses of thereby - Is, since Hood came Into tom ri wand at 20,000 mon. The veport-of the 105.903 4 in the Last engagement 64=0 to hand this utsrn- VI t ri p It la • onpatch from the front, and reads: :1:1 ..We have burled 642 rebels. Bls hundred jail] 'L. ,, oover otth less." gore we have a known loss to 1.) the rohls of 4,000 killed in two of three bat, yes lea.byr them in eight days. At this rate ?.. -1 there will to few of the enemy to surrender at 0 thriencrof the siege. q ,v. o ng other facto given in the above die ?7,,,1 patch is a statement that ntewart, 1......rthg, ae 4 v ca me other . ..generals were- severely wounded. ,-;:, Etli or wound Hardee, and the brains of the 't -t r ebel army will be knocked oat. ig -7q ;11 Tea Danish attention has boon given a new tarn by the -anion of the King of Danmark. Wishing - apparently to bring Eaglond and .tii Frazee to t epoint of intervention, he proposed '* It Ot CD/J to =PIZ hie territory to the German Confederation. bot also hie easy. This wee teaching England and Frill:Ma In it loader point. AT They neither trontilermany to be. aggrandized K cur !boatman Confedtriplon to become i roar oi w o g, andinasal.power., and pecan!, a Ideal of theirs. .Both gowenomeeta hare therein _ . re, sent ileum trie scheme, which is probably leanted. to efreot. Wish this mew gis#giainsteurt4 and the Jealousy between 11 ,, .. Prussia and Anstrla 'an to the dispositiba of the annexed Duettist!, It teems likely that the gees t- lion will be eettied more in ticeordanee vita the Isiah of Denmark than *rated probable when thwalannan armies triumphed erilf 1451'. sons Lief 8. Nun Pia ti dandsollWriil deicibis ascii horse r which ; 1 7,i 'is slow b a t t ltax i bet t l us . bigo t P r • , thhotso ifj yeas bay:while its i n° w ' lll s i l a i w al filLT, :1117TitItif Vitl i tri? .. I b.:l ha= that toot niiatiarjabor La ,aanottiassas at this Sanaa dal:44ln s which would be mop al to alaaiatoar THE DAILY PITTSBURGTI GAZETTE. Pt t rsburg Corry/pont:enc... DIPOIN Persmnrso. Va August 1, t —Long before this reaches yea, more of the E•rtit lo tattle f Saturday will be old, to accustomed hove the pc. .p e beacon to battles and blood:hod. lot I cannot refrain Intet eeritirg on what I saw in the battle. mouth ago, the Pith Penns3trania, under com mend of Lleot. Col. Pleas:rim, began to ran wine tinder a large rebel fort in front of General Fotter'a Division, tith Corps. The distance to the mine war abent three hundred ya-dc.. The work Wee completed on the night of the 27,h, seven tom of powder wore placed in the cham. bar, and everything made ready for a hat all bi lleted we, to prove a grata victory. ito the night of the the troops of the 't o Corpt 'were placed in paktum in roar of ,or advacev line. The train woo to le lighted at hall part three o'clock, a.m., Zblb , but failed to go no. tit twenty minutes past roar. At this moment all the batteries of oar fine opened. The let Division bad the teal, and dashing over vur lite, they mulled up to the crater formed by the repletion. and there halted. .At this time the rebels were is a perfect panic. There au birg to prevent (he captors of their works. Time rolled on., The golden Moments Par fall sod compiaterictary werepueing Ore brigade from Wileex want forward on the left, but stopped at the ureter. Another Front Potter went for ward en the right,lbut 'topped at the crater. "kb, don't therposh forward?" There they tie, .0 brave man as ever *Mika up in defense of their righta at freemen, yet halting with a via. tory half Willis& °Am—peremptory orders, were rent forward to advance. Ah, if those ordsre had been given on the spot, before that hear of panic had pa iced, how different the store of the hattle Tee Fourth Division ;Om For rerufal, colezadtroops, were, le the °Mao( battle, to forward as men as lodlis l et the Fast, had "gibed the meat beyond the crater, and MOT* 'or the town. The Third was to move Coen the rebel line on the left, While Potter was in like manner to go down the right. The Wan et battle was not carried out. .The enemy MOTO imprweirg the time, eclicentrating, and get. dog artillery in Tuition. 1. $9 ti ----- 4 aD; ......9 e6l The colored troop, were ordered L 3 advance, unmindful of the Lull; man of white troops then In advance. With bayonet, fixed, and cheering for the brave aid Pug, they went for ward to do battle. They went in so gallaatly that everybody cheered--everybody felt that victory was our,. Coming up to the crater, It was found tiniest impossible to form, so thick did the white troops it. under shelter of the rebel works. But over they went, Jointing as beet they maid, and meeting en entire division of rebel troors. ns they fought, until nearly ail the field cfrnere and frilly one holt the line t Meru were killed or wounded. Ail this time three batteries were playing on them with shell and canister. The lines on the right and left did not advance tc support them, and they were forced back. Then was our moment of despair. Pack they came. The other troops occupied all the shelter, and nothing sees left for them to do but to fallback to our old lice:. No troops in this war have Stash: more brace ', than they. Never hare I save more daring deeds than tome or there peer buffeted negroes performed en that field. One Color Sergeant, carrying his flag of the head, was shot down. A corporal tad:veil it up, Went brassily forward, w, rem-tell wounded, end cried out to his Captain "Don't let them see the dog down!" Others fought band to band with the toe. Mi.ny eronhi Dot learn the crater but staid and fought side and side with the few remeining white troops. Expending their own ammunition,they emptied tut Innen of the dead and woun ded. Ss they fought until all hope was gene, and those that left tan the gauntlet tor the lines. Col Dress, of the Mttio 1. S colored troops, was shot while leading men in the m.segai• lent manner. Lieut. Pennell, of Col. Thomas' krlgsde, picked up the brigade calory, altar the beater was wounded, rushed ahead of the bri gade, and planted the colon on the rebel seer ad toe. Ile was killed almost instantly. A young soldier of Me - 4111 e Pa. was cap:tired, kilted 6 - u captor. and afterward brought in SeT&O prison ers. Major Gregg, of the same regiment wa, taken prisoner, had a hand to hand fight, killed ills captor, and escaped. A co:or -bearer of • Michigan regiment we.. wounded, could not get back. throw the tl .1; back Over the Crater, &Pout - g, "They may take me, but not the d lg." The leas among the colored troops was Very beery, reveling an aggregate of nearly 1,510, at :east one hail of whom were killed. A fl og of trace was sent out this morning to get our wounded and bury the deal. Bat twenty eel• reed wounded men were toned, while over free hundred dead men were counted. That the reb six troseses the blanks inhumanly., there is nn do nbt end.lnstrad of "Rem:mix:Fort PlLiow," it will be "Remember Petersburg " I bed bettered that the etsrles of Fart Pillow demos iitaCad wero exaggerated, bat I do of thluk so user. lam for awe of extermina u. I thick the title has pure& for tender • e rte to rebel pritt nem 05,ers were treated slits with the men. The dead and wounded were dop for bresol•workr. Se., on , Ist Great will trteke al. things-right. I co the Atay ohtt She, 3. erne' Among the tractleal di3cultles which beset the ficrernment at the opening of the our, none wad attended with more cost and perplex:titre L 1... :ho proliticri and n‘sintertuace ut unite 1. r the cavalry, the ertillery, and :he , 4 , ll.rter rower's Department. Qui old military system being entirety unadapted to a condition of war, no arrangements had teen prorited for the sup ply Of ItZliabll, any more chat brother ascot St lei of a state of war. The Id ,vezeiner, t easily Ireton/ the few borns and moles it nestled, and tower contemplated an edigen:y which would Gin, hall a million animal§ a ;ear. S. , far a, ate cavalry service is Corierr.44, f , 11 •,11•Ie here been remedied by a very thor,4:l stem, utining economy, homblij. and lociqty at r. orb, probably, nslbey cao be obtained in any a, range meat to which the flu-cram co , I- can of artier, 17c ref, :Is C:cutcy et tV.,btt gtcnoand ice rt,;ancies in all to< .1,01 e' the c:rictry. Atevery post whore there Is fi quar t rooster, horses tin parch...if, after i ..i7r.e7r , oc by a rnit'rary rod 01011 i• ector, It :astral precantiona are adopted. Leto g teat to Washington, or too pirce orderei, the herm are again inspected, and those unfit for service "reset-tined fat each disposition ad In drew ed advisable. Horses from the field, need ing rest and treatment, ‘re scat so the dep,t4 Korean tad fitted for renewal of terrier. The. whole system Is very much like that of the„ P.eneti, and Its adoption chows hoar mach our Pi-arranged military organkstion needed the ixtmenctlon of some obvious COMMOt , SOCST fea tures. Probably the Oov.roment bee, sic.ce the eoLUMCLIOOI336Ot of the war, ansmoce;3.ll) , lost le animals alone en amount if money which would hole paid for the full equipment of our rubltzry traanization for lb. tart twenty years. The Sltuatent 1 / 1 1 Arianges The military situation in Arkansas ie no: so ut - evcrabltf sr has boon suppised- The rebel. here not at any time been within fifty miloe of Little flock, which is strongly fortified, and os pahle of resisting any attack, having lie; pleas, of ■rtt;lcry motmtcd en the deferneee. Noe B.t.ff !e similarly fortified, having forty pieces of carnet. Small hands of guerrillas, however. are stili operating nt various points. An order hat bean limed by the rabel-aathoritles stonfitcsting all the cotton in the State to the rebel Gcvarn• :sect, and threatenlog with death soy eltlrrn who shall sell any of the ttapie to the Federate. The reorganized Stato Comte will go into °pers. tion to September; and the United States eon t mill hold a serrlon that month.. The board of tax c.ocunirilmieri far the oJrernment .111 or gas , to ex.digo to leech a: the - sere, time. All the iflie.•s hove been appointed. General S colic Is now te . teiVir,a lug. reillfOrealtkoUtAi, Lott 1,71,1 at loads having arrived within a week., with over ten tAcecand horses and motes, nine hundred wagons, Bee: Y. Ilretre.—lr ie proper to state eh.. the recent mu esti( rof Batter from Bermuda landrede to nrtrese 61r woo was at the direr Gen, Bet of Grant ez weal:, represented by the jourtele beetle to Dealer, but rf the authorities at Wiubington. Oa the other hand, the remo val of "Beldy" Smith and Gen. Gilmore, and the return of Batter to canmapd, with a force incrcarod by 20 ono men, wee by the directlaut of ()rant. The entire loyal people) of the North have en exthusiestie appreciation of B'stleer e; admir.Ltr.ti re abili ties. Thle evide ace ef Grant's determined jadgmoat of hie military capacity cannot but have great weight with the pet plc. Wg•'r atraid we learn .rom oar repulse at Pe tertborg We thonl4l learn tha• the Government 300,000 men• What should we learn from the invasion of Ponnrylvanla", • Ws sbatild Lea= time tbek ri,orernment oents 500,000 man. What should we learn from General Sherman's pause Estero Atlanta We eheiald learn that L44lGorernment. need; 500,000 men. Al max's imasiztation seldom enters Into the ;plans el tbo affections, bat a woman's 15 thine and always bas! It has a thousand beautifying prreesses to acermplish, and so far, perhaps, its off re is ralotary. Eat it has also a thousand Facial possibilities to suggest, and so (Cr Its wolk is purply evil. It torments tbs heart In which it Is born; but this Is not the worst: without severe control it will torment the objects of that beavt's affections. Tan fats rabol Bswetaary at the Trounry. ifiatoMbgar, la aa,ceacled by George A. Trim - bolm, re Won ezof orleoton. sod aTa ingssiaterpf thik.ina sit Jobs Humor & Co., .bleb bu bag been gad . b otw eatosslvely ga ped b tuanbg th• blockade. Cavalry Bureau 2 EL Eq. .1-1 MX FROM PETERSBURG Thee Late Explosion of a Rebel Mine TOTAL FAILURE OF THE ENEMY'S MINING OPERATIONS. Gen, (aunt Gone to Wa hing-Lon. i',ol! f;EN, COU(11' !T.!' Pertly Irpgagement Predicted Near laketam Battlf.-E i :Id x 1 or., August B.—The /i-ra'l. 1K ,t, corps correspondent sap of the mine sprung by the rebels that nor forces were aware of this in lention. It .rcourred on the afternoon of the Leath, and-wee succeeded by rapid and succes sive volley. of musketry. The smoke front the explosion had hardly cleared away, when our men answered the rebel tire and drowned the rebel cry with their win' cheer of derirrien at the failure of their mining operstions. The enemy in all probability Intended to have blown op o sap we bed run toward: their line, and tharge through the opening. They had, however, sadly miscalculated their distance, and the explonion took place tire rode in advance of the head of the sap, Not a particle of debris was thrown into any portion of oar line., end the sharpshooters did not even think it neoee• sant to 'tendon the sap. The explosion could bear no comperieon in magnitude with that of Buraelde's mine. f t was immediately perceived that their mme was a failure, and they were satisfied with rising be. bind their warts and pouring in a mneketry fire. The robots developed no new batteries, and fired with fir more accuracy than they have hitherto hien accustomed to do. The !come were but hitting, hardly more than would be detained during ordinary pietist dad, proving that that r f the enemy must have been more /every, as they exposed themselves on the tiret volley, and were in fall range of our bat teries, which were greatly eu pert. is number to tb6ira. Saw 10FA August A.—The r, nit). Pelot eorreepoodent, August ith. sole that Gm. Grant and • pertion of hts staff loft far Washisgton the day preview. The th,,threcorre,po-dent, in the Department of the Suslngham:la, ear : high authorltles, qualnted with the military situation la this ictoity, believe that a heavy entsagantotit will at or near Sharisbarg, kkonsboro, tn. old Antietam Lett!, bald, or perliapt further op Siwards Gettysimrg. The movement of our ewe sed the enemy's forces indicate such a 1,51bil It lb [opposed that Longotzoat will command the rebel, FROM HARRISBURG the Behr!. Hare Itetrest , :d from our Solt ,1.•11111 PEA. Angtt.t .1 —The Philadelphia ll' ' of the !h, 4.2 the lennerteg H.., : l•, Aug. Boyd, of the :let Petteryl re lin cavalry oc pefse#stor o f litagerJtarro ywarday. The irk: : cone of the drama her kern traZineiCia. Later sews received ebb forenoca .tstea the: the rebels have retreated hodieliarii and hero eluded the prerarniient made for their ritptuta. !e thought that asdar the new ^ , comeati. the rebel tuna:, cur Sta. wilt IMot,olt tri m Eur epro F.a-u ea ?CIF; Aug. +—T te itaaturt II iter - ftruu Lterrpool . S, .1 Lcadendetry "'f la, 'erred ',ern fur ,ztteTet. it Is reported a Ed-, reurrtbs' arralstlee San agreed at ca e 6 Vieaca. The ECU., of Lords Ca. ...tided that Mrs. \elver!. failed to eetablte Li the validity of her marriage. Ce• ',. declined ; middling Orleans, . I ' ➢reads.uti, hare a dowcwar4 tood•ney. dull. but eider Coneole 130 7 .,euti, f.: I' . ncM• Ceetrsl , •u c• 4 2 I d lEbcoubter ulth the Rebel Ram EMIZ=2I 13:r i Auger. 3 —The •apply ;tenant •.Q :e p .rt. that the►ttaa, with .tewna, is rl. - -e in ta]•r nen ] leinn 4, reedy enter the rebel r.m Tenenee , at set of yty cat and a half InCei 3ieteat with three E ^ - :=1 , •7 771,• , !!! "t• F. r beavy arinanklcrin. Tn. 05,0ra and c efara ready aLd &rain. t., lore. an entrance In ;be bay. P , ettno,ler Letitral Blair to retire from the te.blott. N YoRE, WsniOng t• Apertf,l say, .1: thwt .Z..reral 00,1 to rete fr,. the fti•nd , ea; that p,iit!‘r,,..alrt hat..ens aro which xoet ' ra d ro bfr re .,3 e3l, :Jot ~, :C7l 11, a Fell: dart:- 4 I ~.<3t. rt.l•as ..Iw. tl.c .1••, !P.'''. I hi, r.: n oint,o4h:ll A• Butler runnty. ,0 1 , ittitatay, the, ere o• csiilng a Nal , ,at Canyenlip., e• .:d ar f;na...l a, ti•nterobor 221, • Pre,idrct and V,. P-..r MI. I r,, aeo 031.11. b ;.• n. tri, raid bolo g rated down. Central Amer Reined Wounded. Y . l lei n og —Tee T“.',• :Troia!, :ay.: Gcsaral Assaf oras ianger i n•ty stutde.l in do side, is a °barge nisi* by toe toloele after eapt,dlsg their rain*. Cup:ure or C. 810OCUlail WAananoron, Avg o —lnformation from Gan. nbrum.t.'s army loaves no doubt of Lb. aantuto of ch•neral Stonnants, with a porta ,n at tha fo:-o cuter hi. command. littrrnN, Hvcrot sttiK ?tie Potomac (ten. Itt received a dispatch from ./an. Corm this morning stating that the Rebel forces in h!nr; land bare re tossed lb. P4tonal, A ur tt nptul Gutaniat }y S(IC(iiIUU Lleu'entuat Commander Floutiorof the steam er bezamore, in a letter to the Nee) , Depart. men?, dated July 12. off Cedar Key", F,oride, nays be rent the !mend' f t.m that vessel, and two home from the Warne, CI; de, with twenty - feu - mon sod f,•ur ~ MOOD •bn as erp , dition Clip the StIWILZIC to raise r nets oottott be learned the rade were making tie of for thi - porposa of mast - meting bree•te , tkt no that river. The tlporiptos demolished the breastworks by brin ing gamy the cetton—ninety•four balsa. There were no casualties, cad to. behoein. of the ofh. errs ...nd wen was et erythlug that could hi do. et-ad. Pe.,,e11.1 W,.1) r , eu "—A week ago WI Saturday, the rebel 0-antral Hobson, of aim ,lry and riortote./ inieotrY, roode hie sr p ii.rance in 'be neighborhood of. Helena, Ail. tiensireol Unfold. In et =mend of the Federal tor.-se, dl3- patcbdd Col. Brr• cks, with the 50th UnitelStatee Colored Regimen,, numbering 1100 men and -Lore pieoex-of n I , ,red .rtltlery, nod 150 Illinois Cavalry. The ' , bet, were 1100 strong, end Col. Brooks' force ton, bat he "pitched in" and whipped the rebele theroughly. The :coconut !Ulf, "Our troops roe, -tined ooneters of the 4,10, for the rerneinder cf the day bu'iei item seleee trrrying-Oo rebel deal. There were no wotindo4 or Tee , nee; to he lota, rare the remembrances of Fort Pillow being the mil di vf the col:rod troop, may aernuat fur ads." A rise imports. acenston wax made Aecreist let st the 'Menai Revenue QS, Ir reply to several ingairlea, Acting Oommilmioter It Alias 4eddee that 'oven three-tenth birds nod cwti noiter of Indebtedness aro not indladed In the trim "United States bonds," as defined •In the i:ank etetioo of the revenue lee, but that the term "United S-ates bonds" is confined only to that class of securities known ay registered ant -repro bonds, of various dates and danomina -0.11, payable in tee years or more,,tbouth re deemable In scone, eater io less time, and that only rush minorities can be deducted from the mite! of a bank in determining the amount of its capital stack euljeot to texatlan. This Is an Trupoetant fp:testie.: to banks nabewibing to the new T•3O !elm. Wilk? TIM. sae Duzso.—The Atlanta (Ga.) Regioer dleeocrres se follows regarding the "peseta" men , r We can gate nothing by denouncing them. We may lose touch by pretesting a hostile trout to their pesos marements. Lire with Geer trader the ram Gorersneeru we use, will. But In thu raeanwhilc, if they use the bullus be: erases Ur Lincoln,; while we use the cartridge bet, tear ride trill be ff Laper to the other, and both'oo operate', In accomplishing the greatest work orlleh the country and this troutinsta hays wit posssd.". PITS URGII, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9 cI.TY Al•ill sIIBURLim Amt (HI spring at ...2.ltarp.tourg A fe.r days ago, Capt. James Saint, le.e of the steamer "Cottage,' made so important d'e costry upon his premises st SharpsSorg. T•lo lot upon which his residence stands skirt, the Allegheny river, and embraces about three ac.c.l. While loitering about the chore, he thought he no:ircd g of cif, and upon ::4.r es emliatien found int oil in eonsideraLla quant;.. dos Coo conetdatly rising near the edge of the eotty , -, sod n - ,atteg -.0. Ile root after let to work to trot the strength of the spring, and eith s ihc:e! or 1 - ermrad ditch's, ..r toolus, It•ne oil war collet , ,d. I, six Ja.l , he'i.ok •-• of en lett ..n •••turday last the river rose, e•lswing hie our, and can-teg hint to suspend c - ,,erations. Ttle discovery has created c-,nsil or:-,:o 00 t :It rio:Li,r, ar.l ins hos inn examined by 13/..y parson in the business. The cII "i very Fore, of a :tern reddish color, and burns with great 'orilliarcy in its orate nat.. It is claiLled that there luta been no oil d'acttretect e l vita to it in purity, stsoept some stumpier from Smith's ferry. Capt. Saint barns it in his own house. and Inds it equal to the re fined ankh. others are luting It in the neigh borhood. The discovery hes pat all the land owners is the vicinity on the scent for oil, sad see may expect to bear of other springs being discovered in that stvtioa of the county. We are rot atirised no to what Capt Saint intends to do, though the temptation to "bore" will, doubtless, be aluicst irresistible. When the river rteedes, efforts will be made to more fully derre•pe this spring. The recent calamity which has befallen the ritlieens of Chamberil nrg, has deprival a large Troportien of the population of all that they poi terted. Whilst sonny of the sufferers will have friends, and other 70000100: to fall back upon, 0007 many will hace neither. Their situation le :no that. alpeals powerfolly to thaiympathies of the Mora fortanaia comsonnillits of our State. A coteortent committee has been app,iots d to reeeirc and distribute aid from abroad. It Is computed of geo,Uemen whoa, characters are a at fricieut Ifwitsuty that their &leo will be f aith fully sod j ,diciour`y dlocharged. Any parsons detirtng to contribute to the elle o induct of the sufferer:, rosy hand their contri butions to Frank SelLare, Eq., Cashier of .7.1t1- sess's Bank." N 9,11,1 %O. Wm..., 110..7.'s I CO nLYaI Rea o. R. C K:, A• .11.11a1 11•1.1.•• Cu. i M. - Coa:. ro Case. 11 Psctosts. I'. 11. 1.. - ra4a A 3,..-11. It II N P. 1 Et S. D.v.o. C.% rl ••• •• Investigation h) the Uhroue.r CorcneiklcClung.•bo Pie .ste Searpsbarg ye, tot , ay totting to in yeetigste the facts teener, ad with the death of young Perceil, war unable to arrive at ray detnite r•nr:ntlon. Dr. A. 0 f toad,, the attending ohytici., dec:lntod melting an examar.....1.2 of the body, as hryaip els, had set and it woo considered deep - rot to pr.rels. gain Lod don Ombroiloa. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ♦nd SI. issrat enl Nat dock of Fancy Ch3odi, Nltioas, sad Small Wares, To be Found in the Oity ISPIX ALA SOO 11101, 1e.03 i s uNmait A. ""Es.' Gad a IS—incoa A B&TES ' fi:pll . ll CRY/ • SCll i ti3 21 I $.l-tn,csD ,NT Fifth „Street Fifth Streat, • L , IS, PER C.. NY LACE MANTILLAti Lace Points. Grenadine 9haw(4, Bilk Bacques Bummer DTVIA Ooda. I LOSING (0? AT TWA PRICES, J. iL BEBfEIE'EHLD 9. / I RHAT 11AIWAI•S Al k." 4 J. W. BARKER & CO:S1 I=l SUMMER DRESS GOODS . SHAWLS, CLOAKS, tk. 1 )Rh...-5d LAOS GOODS, PARASOLS, SCSI OItDRIALLAS, NAINt.OO6 a GANBILLO 1111:113LLHS VICTORIA ADD SWIBB LAWNS, SIIILLIA NTS, MOSLEM HITS EGIUTA Dom„&s,, I..z.AYE KB GAGS, 110311 ELY, IiaNLDLIICELItas. LIS= lICILUI IX Al5l, ELMS% GAUL! ASO SILK UHDIFIGAIIIIS UM NOTICED, as., 4., s 114011EID. DENNISON h ca 3, JTTORA'E F 8 1. I . A.CE.I.MILL L. JOHNSON, ATTOV:111111 - 5-/LT-LAr. Acd L. 2. LICENSED BOLDILIt9' CLWIL AGENTS Dountlm far Won.lrd Beldam collected le from tee to tweet, demo. Mr 0 dlce. No. ON DRUM ETBEET, Plttebergh. Cell er Itb dl.cber^e end two will:term, daLenly SOLDIERS' CLAIN'S, BOUNTIES, PRIMROSE MID ACILEABS Olt EAT, Promptly stgaaded to by LaTHIIIMI A IIDDILI., Va. Itt. ►avtA ateset, Pltuourgit, r. NOAH w. SHAFER, giTTOENL'T • AT-LAW Ka. 100 virtu Strsot., Pttisburgb, Ps. Clattna for PENSIOSS, HOTIATT, PHI3I MOH 61, /to" vl6orvaray profecated. M ILITARY CLAIMS, BOUNTIES , PR. JOBS , PACE PAY and IMILITAIIT CLArIISof every arocrlptlon, Itottrtiod by the oab• ocriber, at du roilowhog rates, rib: Pomba. gm 00, .11 [alai clallott4B 50. 0. 0. TAYLOR, Attorney at /431, 140. 73 Grant stmet, Plttebergh. Ps. B. O. Bo charges are trAds• It the clalas dos, not ne. anil all Information elven wrath. sel4ll EMMEN ATTOR NE V.AT-LA W. All Lees* !tyska... promptly attendad ()atm 14.106 701311TH STREET, test Grant, Pltte• barich. syClatabz MoMASTER & GAZZAISrB L.A.VV OIT FP/CEV.,. No. 98 GRANT STUART. • in••=l, •`•Elln 0. MOM Q•l3. 11 BOHOYER, Attorner el l,t- PJ. Mot, Streit ,1110 Itizi% , ntu IL. iCIT BOORS. din CVOS, 14* c. N EW LOOKS JU-T littl El ED AT HENRY MINER'S THE EARLY DAWN, Climlian I lir in Eneand in the Olden Titur I=l SCEOMBEF.G CIIITEB. FAIICY. IMEMEEIMEM EVP. •1 Alton, lid d I'mrs Ly T , ..taysou --••••• 11 t.S. VT. I PUIT Lie BUSINESS. Meh -1 tat ,,.wd Coailactlug 80611,- ,Ints sed otter kee.x/stloss. Ifali f fur th. rer/rla - nt of their Daut, nd r , 1411.11:11. Oclrlfvfet• trL Hotta li,-.osurals, Lit Wit. avd Petillons and the Biwa.. of Illaroging Ocese , nllone, Publlt Meetings. Oele- Urstiuna, Barberm. Plc 'sic., E., Tal IJONCIIANI c.r PlitaLEl HALL AST LUX. Cy Wllkon Gitbrrt. OCR &•r!. The Perrootal I A r ,sloaolo. nr • BsJtoo du AtterOw Potomac lay /1.. Y. Rill, et the Elicbth rehhsyletalla Itthotr-se. It SO. 1.0r1.5,01New 11.41, MAN , VIET ASD DKR 01110r3- MAUB. Prtee 11 50 ALSO ALL OF LOGIN '3 POPLLIII 110613 Idalostc not• Elon.,tott or.. . I In Vallh Ciartz.9's Girlhoo4 ............ 1 75. AL) of /be 1..004a mall"! moo of poalag• on re coij.t of foie. 71 I. 71 117117 SIIIIIICT, oer.: loot to P. e RALLY ROUND Tlig FUG BOYS LINCOLN AND JOHNSON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, UNION BONGS IMIEZIEMEI JOEIS P HUNT, I=l KING 9, QUEENS AND KNAVES "w K. MoCLLNTOOK. Jobber and Retail • Dealer In BOOTS, 81301L9 end lA, of V Kr L R 1W 0 au° veer, tteectintten. V. en Tanana street, Allorkeni LOnti Znits esstet rem Ottr X.lonal Ktabiema, .PI.II.NOS, MUSIC, c, Eaglee, Shields, Stars and Flags ANEELINK & BARK . reslvnat• ch. Mr. Is :eg• EOl. a AGENTIi or UNION PLAYING CARDS I=l I=l =93 JOHN W.PITTOCK'S \ENS DEPOT, FIFTH STI:LIT. 0FP...,0TX Tilt POST °mos E W BOOKS \EW Pa,OKSI 4_l ItLYE ABB FB(Ylitt9., 07 PrItiDAY acuoata t , A m. 7.m., By Jutr.:. C. tIABI:Al. EATIL,CSING 7LL - TH—Tntto&4l par:• oth.. persti,h; oltsatrasboyate Sc. 1 • lOLA rFN OFB 11 Hal[ 1 Y.d. LA t; AND St IFL.S.IYO. By I.4.Yat I.Q. tb• Ist .•rl Jn.t rocelred. L D. 7. '1,..n•-th THE 1,01 DKR CEN,E't—Ttlie 11 the T—ta Lf r••••• ••••...•% !,-••• • I !Vp..l, ot ••..1 •••,1 -• I•nre r n•a, c ! {-r .I ' V ot•L` tirTlo.llr B:ILEA COURT SALE OF MAL. C.. 131 I : " n'Ll PV.I'E , T 1 IP LAWRENCE 111.1 R IESDAT IT .IIN I NO, Auglut vit. ST 1. s 1 1 :1 pr a. , If n , lus G... L , Ur.•, 1),6•41,..f : e, th. nld Lc•ch •1.11 1... been ....divided 1:1. IU, folio , Ire E width, Lb,tooth." .155. • r , t.e Ortuu•Lurg 11. n and vn wide rim... Mt Intl nt. lb. pit,tuk so,fes, n 6 ',I 7,.; intl.. an. p •ae oide ibud 11;rr, WwL• 11,1,31. , 1 :t, lutr •nd tublasallu: Brick. I wultoi, wu llt I.•rb erAusion 1,4 ta Ine.t Prune 011 ate tukt, and ex toodtua a 1. 0 enema en Vale - ma lath y taa. POU'D Yi tent front nu tea pike. and azteenetina Lea 1. en Dena, at ..a. frau.S4 In 1 In t. rut:neon. 1 7 r.anan a; Lee, et , tent t. unt ou tle • plat, eat...La ,no, hat It !I Inel a Ireattna and :4 I:alein7 fent. 1. 1.0•‘• 21 I- .1 LlL•trty etrast, awl 4.1 ter I.ta L. kto a • .t. 411. from 71 t 0 11 , It la &Tit. I Lot Li Lent It: lotto. trout on Dank, 01tand• tag aadt to E•lrr :oar •11. y. in ti-o L 77 :0•1 1 inched on tat larla. and 66 teri 1: , lathed au ILA nthee, tala4 in the rear 11 rikob a fr.( trout on t.udtlit Ls k to Pork et hi 11 - .7 k . 1 1-ot. kt fret 3:lrtht strcut Ptutr., ttrret, oud CIK tou.ltug boa to l'art ottot ler ri.z. ran be obtAlued So. 51 The. *l.*. Txcllt o Parv-0w tb.',lc-hodt; balance to on. and trr. with busre..t, y& tuna by b....el nod ruertg-ve JslB;:ayytd i 1111cILW k 1156. knot c. 34 ?ROY sal CITY PROPERTY AT OILFH fait/ cAI. F. —On TUX.SDA Y [PLH• if. C.! ft NOMau,, at a "rid to soli, ot tga Osait. Intacial NO., It. ma, ft nith by order of Or. Ooort, hr f.. 11 aalug valnabia impforrd city larianglag to fatale Malcom. I.t. -ch. deo•d Ono large tat on man. of Liters) shoot nod etnr• tont allay, fronting lig bat on Liberty croft and no• fling taut to Obarr_h tile., .h•rcon is circled tatt four. story Brick Warehomit,ll.* :tag and ?If. koe luetie Int fn iiar of a• •mens. c'a'ravtwery, trfulti..t -a I uu ciftafebea let &Out, s - Itlf at. 4.1. If I if et vlieceo ertie'el ti.o run ample kfunna, 'Store Ham., a ate. Lk. ibtql dualfie Trrooa of bait—flue third rash, and the balance la on. and two 'tars, with interest, frocurtal by band and tuorkate. I.9lBflawal A kIeILV , Ailit, Arict.r. A ncrioN SALE OF CONDEMNED Ark HDltt E. 14. on Dr rtuTstt,t, (Avti , t Outran,. ) tHnds• o•Db red tpuvrterrnostr, 4'salitt•dtott. D 0.. J ley .17 14 N. Yi 111 Or sold at itt,t , llo soot too, to Ito tttat biddnr, at 0 I t.deolto D. • , PD I Div Ir. A tdrutt • 4, D Oottotry Runt,. I Evl , r lt, A nFtet 1061, 111 Cdrolt ti. , met; TL.••••• Om.r. On •0 Le, row:lemon] a. autit for Mae ro•olty t - sirt.nt . barmy. Ft, toad rod to: mitt S toady good ;:orgolus may to bad. tdoto void slue]. etms cant, to lotted Blot. tarreocy. I 111 ES A. 1.11 IN; ' Lint. Gat. sad Mast Q.act• surs.llt Caval.y Ilurratt. A uciloN SALE OF CONDEILNED 11011nE0. Wee Derearvorr, VeVeLell Bernal Olace of Char Quart- rraleter. Wennueutoe, tut 1861. Will lee mid al Pealle Auottoo, to the hlghmt bidder et the time end place, raved below It : tliao,pg. Pa , bursdad, A natal le,a :e1.4 4 Altoeve. , Thrtratey. A oenet nth, 1881: Li heroecTe .Tbunded a:pm:ober lea 1161: Lleretdtra, Pe. itutraiat,iieptetuber Sib, 18014 Two Ilundr-d Veal Cava r 4 Boras et mica plena. Thew Herres ha.* been condemned to anal for the Cavalry &nice of the array. For Bond nod Form Fur - poem men) rood bargains may he hat Renee soli ettuilli. Letua—Vath In Vatted Statue earrenov. MLLES A. LEIN, Lieutenant Colonel and Cbtsf tjnattererouter. Mate B Oavalry Haman. H OUSE AND LOT No. AO DIAMOND TVESDAT *avast 911, at 9 ciecek.alli Demob, at the Oata avntal tl•ka Baez.. 51 Fifth It eat, the dcatrable taro elm brink dangling hen., Va. 89 plaraeed atreet,thirt deer br log al Peter'. Gllnteh. and at pm.t occupied by O. RactoPo, In. She lot I. 20 Pat heat ea Miami arra, by it fret fa depth to Pe fp alley. M. Wan Oat% sad oostabis ;mica MOMS. analog kW nu of able—Onabblf cub ; balsams fik Melva moan" with laterart, ,sand by bona sat montage. A:IIOILWAIRA sure. DOCNIV allsrla itlthl64l =SE a!==l I 1;11WD., SPES AND GkITEL in every stile • M'CLILLAND's AUCTION F;eru A:- , SOFtTMET OF GAITERS BOOTS, eiliOES AND SI. I PDEaS, for LOW, Chola, .11:rsra, soy. and Oat!area, al McClintock's New Shoe Store. Q 6.6 6 77J)111AL HT, 4Hnsbacty OUT 3. 11.—New goods arriving owl day 1712 A NEVI !RIPPLY OF LADLIS ,a 1111.138711% TOUTIIII, I BOW AND ORELDRILINI Boots, Shoes and Sattere. No. 54 Market Street SLATIR a SOUTH. NEW GOOl& I NEW WODB I W. hue ledikkenaleed one fircing .teat el BOOTS MirD SHOES, . Which we ertil eel et ths LOWieT Weal PHICTIE. We hare the linen and beet eelected deck o rlon's Inas Calf Squat-e.t.a*/ Soots, To be found In the atty. LA DIM' LAST GAITZELS Is sbuselsoce, GM* us e csll. Jas. Robb, T" ' , I3'TAR WORK I 77,5 T RECtly ED DT 01W. ALBRKE. SON & CO n WOOD ITZEIT In)s' sad rcoeh•. Oz d rte. •, Kip Doeteti. Chilima's 0- , a,t 6ieh Mx< lOUs are saes to n•zr vats'. 4rdar, Lnd:war rmW oneoicalled C13.1(40 ”rt.. CLOtiINU OUT 7111,i Vis WEATESZE Sumner Boots and Shoes. GAITERS AND BALMORAIS 1!1=E13 BOItLANL 45 Market treel dark, (ram sth Bradbury & Schomuker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, American Organs and Melmtpons, R. tat. p'reenre in referring to a few of tionia wton hair peactooef, rixr.n.mto ie Plitobe.rieb and 1111 f •-d Bard, P.q., John Erg., P. IL Pellera,ispt. OrrArso, fir.o•ll, Erg.. I Welt., Biddle A Co., J. P mitb, #. Wen. BrinkalL Pr C IL. IL Ble.rlbruis.. C. U. Dore, Grant Se. Pactl.l I b., A. Boaraltor, Earl P. EL Beck, Fon., Dr. D. M. Hostetter, Bu. .1 E Ern, Pranlilln, Pa. ret,.:. Vlnconotlo Audewly, Toungotown, Pa. Clue !loran crarirad, nut Capt. J. B. (try, Blernlngbara. hei. II Beck Da, 8e.160.1. • Gral , are Pr. 0, oaklarad. N. G,../a,,Loot I iverpo.l, 0. Bot, roan Deo. Esq., Allegheny City. 'l. as. J Karr, .10. Very Bor. P Co. Eratnii, do. e. Fig . Ira f. II Ma( lintick, Easi Liberec. Joho lArCiody, AU Plan, 1, lirl , frono, err . eraro.oted for Err year. A 1.. cbelre ...odd. nand tan.. fur tale and rrat. yv-T 6 I , : R'S PIANOS. CLID TO THE PUBLIC. OW/ I;; ~t E. f) ezd Arlo •g'at Wr IL• u:e WEBER'S PIANOS f..r Pitt. l An 4 ridoitv The. Piaroa, 01•7.. b 4.1:1t ova tn-rn, Wogrn, egoTt4 on en reput•ffou It tLeea.,.aru thrlr a 1.,. en oellPet gowlttP• vfp ncnd thorn al out. to our I,ell - 1.1 arreston. A ch,l, of WC P. 5813 I t, 10. 1..1, . . .... t ) • b., IL. at otion of the pulite to CHARLES C. MELLOR, N. SLEDLE, No. 183 SMITHFIELD Se Pianos and Musical Instruments, Euro constantly an Had • Line asort=ent of SSW PllOlO6, VIOLTISH, GUITARS, Ai 000M11055 STUMM kg, which ha arta all to Loh prima harahva KNAB tirli RIVALLED 1.1.11.. N OIL •81, DETOND k DOUBT TUE BEST PIANOS EADEt E.