The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 08, 1864, Image 3
4he jitt.tibur,oll Mazette. - - OntDATVORNINCT-nlatrOVSTct:lM OM AND SUBURBAN. otintiVieVoidttfittee. tomes of the gentlemen atetttitime Cos=Mee =on of tho late Union conetsts of twenty - nove charge of title, con ooign Un S: i r :;72he following are the s Vdpointed:en the Coortt, Dr. McCaw:l,llsre, Chat Km:mention. 711.0.!4PFklaj F , to members, end will' i2itt of the oaing corn( `140; ORAM 43 'W \VIZ, .3. 0 LAIOP.P.., Ca A. ITILAND3 11.E.OBLN.SON., .10NATEIAN.SF.ELY, IVRANK ANDCxI, ..OUN P. PEAni, 'CA T. M. B kYNE, _ R. P. NEVIN, VINCENT, MILLER, JOLIN M. poarga., it. K. mooaazAp.lj 3AAO N. 01.T.SIN, I . ;.AN'L 0'24; FILL, tAS. REA E. PouN HE :'I'II. w. gA3#llEI,on, t,RTHI/It OBSo.N, D'AT,AL, k.r. J.E. 1311Aff PEP., tt Wards „Should, Ozgnettl7;U., - *correspondent wtites : : It ircajikco.noh 7 rag to atfutt to OVUM .which would 5314.0 WA 1'45545.; tetion.ittlie easy In twit of a sudden ittack upon - ctir chi. Val cfl citizens 'ea as ceng,isiort to Mel: ward and dlstrlet case seety'4 • T ci, say 5iX 4p6lni seine itiltablepetsbie to enrollthete and' weelsza amsonnitions to be kept de:W*4mM remenale -plaosLa the ward. Men wrut ittimdestddnzoli, and ergenise,and be ready OcrAtestailmill,One bowl notice; aid yet they rteed 4tattifleii cc Wittiness dueler I** day, until the remits aro upon no. If we do D15C11155, 51,4 acd,spwsdily, we wili n ba.pitty of Peltling fortifications mud dlgglng ride plu fillekibefitii - ettutl In taking stony whioh,loe pentratliecallty. and.wital 'lmportance to our tstase,ls not less to tot than Atlanta is to the chile, cad yet we all see the wtident of'Shes trytttfo-aspM:re--th at pleat, ti We must nokthlnk, Mut thst rebs fur t nme to our city. Thify . were only foiled In an gattempt to cionVilileernt4ryllie przsidentlel presence of Genatelly t Fat New ()reek, a - dey es • may not indulge To. &skin in shelf mu' negligent°. Lee did come last stunknor Meatus- be wu defeated • 1 41 01 07313113 W and betuese we informed bloc iilazonatt, our „disloyal (tithing here, that we Let , give Early a lac notice and f L bellity. DS corny ets , thei - the is necessary, t'Adittblemeslo m insurau-against his vandal- Pot le the best I con now think 'of. Dent de -1:4.7, but meifiriemittilj'uta emelt your •names r--edeet your Pedant, getteadyeasuitbau puma L , :rwordatiirkuslawauntilealled-ozi.- -We /XII not 'iliowazds, nor fools, sod we should notify " E tr -07" of the fart. Horan Tblefint.UllllllCcesorni,Fttrault. On Friday morning at an early hos?, two men Caligula the. atabto.of-a )11.r. Tanner, at Irwin's Westinidilind cOnoti, inr took there lrom two valuable horses, which they hitched to Zalreirkiiiiruf debrief!. al3orbf boom afterwards mbir. twins? discovered libt loss, and started in ; c!ptinotlt of the Waves, whom he tracked to this city lliirisffidiliillayou'reillitfiand apprised _ I`./.the Police of his loss. Officer' were at once lie. patched in search of the chloral, theable! gulag • ~a tbediseetieriotlitcliary, Washington .county, ;;, and Masora. otay and Kemp towards Bearer. When the latter party arrived below Sewickley, 2 they were Informed that the (agitates were bat btee_mila in: adva;c”... of Ahem-, and that they F.l bill,. appeared to_he kalter. The officers gushed • ;it oli lac in dine their tenni - kayo tut. 41 Gelcert•Kerip - Mar-want to the =Mead mason at • "1/** ,s l....lkok:Abhui ',the Western. train and wont to llocheatei. Ile procured iiisllfilllC) acid .• .45; 'Whit& the finighhorheed. but was no !ills - to. gain, say Jollier Intelligence of the is•witerrobents of an: tem.opcpellei et, te'lliMosi the Sinich sot cetera toth6olty. I r is suppcsed that the Warts, after parsing Ram. ..1 atm Malt in sior,thorly Ainection...The parsalt will ha resumed taday.. Tito Brilliant 011 Company. 171 direct the dpeefal'ntteOttoit'ofthose lay tag Mpiteilii 'Menet to thiindiettimment of the Brilliant 011 Company/ Co be:foutat ist.. another swinged:to , Thistwonpany trooniresed.of WM. .fg tar oitioessiestand mootmliableinulitesa men, - anti the will. no doubt , be rapidly /, us. Olt y 44104404 have a, fall paidoomeiste knowledge ! 9f. _the inn:pita In. "wiiialt - ...they, ire anliiitial.Konveits tits con:piny haVepubllshed a:biret description of Them, together wlth'imelf Inforeditlim ere will prove tratlslemortic 'Midi:thin:Mt M. theredoyscf specatation; , We need scarcely do mores thereihrwithan direct the . arrentledi One ratdearonb this racts...whioh are piestintait by. -the company. It will beiottstarellitltatchkb is welistinary enter, ridreibotalaltritentjalreality;rend. it t, seldom that such favorable opporrutdiy fary,sfing in "Aituat ,11-- 0 r , ,, ,mt to Salitoriptiati broke will„tie #pined to;day.. at "the. atm 'of UMW: ItanniMmi'd:Ve.; hankies. ' Iriddeifz Diatip;trimi4 • by -the giant airest since, obby nroted • Pidiell, who meidod_in sharpebarg, qusrelled'velth a muntor of oiler liiii;When he was beakribevitely, One of the assailants 'striking hint,outhe head with a har - 01-iron,wlitbon he week home tie not tosotion.lis.AttottenCe to hie parents, and no nalcorwaa ham of.:Mezinjeriee until a day or a chart parents cf the ' cecurientl, and 'Ma at ending anialsl6._allex .01. Pining hti head, appeared to to convinced that hie death, re — eilted ont the Wailes he had rem lead:l-Coe:au facCians loft for Sharpsbarg left evening to lcrrestigatetthe affair. Young,Parcollie,o.brottor of Kate Pro -1,1 cell, who commltedailoide at' the Scott House some months since. , i i z zi ."..1r xl ireeladik. ; -; The Commit/loner of Internal R•vanue bas announced the (o:fewlag &dale= under the tax law : "Tailors, boot. and shoediskers, And others ` he mail:lactut* partly to order and custom pork, and pertlyjorleueral sale. mutt pay 6,e per cent., the same smother manufacturers under ninety-three. Commie if,ti homers, gaffing goad. on consignment,,arenot td be regarded. as karat agitate of the manufaoturer or producer of said goods. - Therefort,arbee the mannfeeturer makes snob • ocestroment, the law 'requires him to snake a return of the same, and pay duty on the market value of such goods at the plane of man ufaotaaor pitduetion. - - , Lasessteing tax upaa mess of , lime, no de.: auctionjatohe,roadie for barrels in which the Mr..'lt libeled for thi tscrianst bs cm. puted for status - mint of vans." DUNE 61, Samuel Mo. Donald, aLri pribtoe, Mai maidenly:et - bit reatianci., TtOblmon street, / Allegbanrolty:iliEetday efieirnoon. Ito bed bean searing for tom* time with iho'dyaantary, but no tuba reinltiliare' tpprabanded - until • taw boatr'bototobb &alb: ber. , Manonald for merly pablisbed , a potaT 4o Uniontown, bnt sboo twelve 7116111011161.10#0T1NU0 aliStity,&lll4 par Chased ark tatazat 4zi the -Ile after ;smuts publiebegAizeOgli•PaPs.: ogled. the in>. . Crab end Akio .paperAn . Allagbani.., the time of ELVdeal ho 84.4 L aiiiaii,d_ier the job lie was on;Fifth "Iqrao!,near Market. Was about - Ott _,Toofr of ago, and leiTe3 wile and faoiUj• Setatlean..:-Site eilp - feena the ?arias* tetra - 4y.alicaice.res.Ars leg • " week, - ore ! ehilaTon f A J plator of tae; U.X., of arch et Wes; , .;K! . roe* PVIIS ill, .of Cd• doh- to.,bOr PtP .I ua it bal Ask • Leta. By time 11 . ,f0r111,..... circle apiaries, a wrong . niedloine eraa lailealetitered.lo :- tbe child ren, ancl'oiro - dokes gir; t xt jArfore the error wal dfreoirered; add doses. eat/ followed. . r-FealttlEtlt'allfrltTESr.,-Odrolltr.r IlleMang hold en inquest.yetteidst - °futile, body of a Mao ra=d Wiliism ROAIIO who vas foam:L(ls4d yea -tsulay-aarzttag_st afilscard._ The deatasod had been drinking Tory frenly fa; 3 . ome-linne, and in Lis pccke.o wore fotnia a l i ege of groan apples, tcmateer, dactichare, .ota. The jdry, were of cpinton Ankh's death was engarlo &tool; by.612 - 410eanivo ezel of vagotabloe and groani tratfaya rondejod,avez;w_ xordia • • V • • t DP= cr WO -142.50117 erSIZt96.--Xr. floury' pbtlllpe, of I `' e 15:trbt,I. St 11..PILIIIIpt, of ads' uzify/4 11 4. 1 Lt.fiff , fo4donttt in 41.c:cra waship, Jottftlnl 344,,,15tat In the fri!v - soar of 1:01:,0 7 • Dr.'W„;.:AOffnictrait . ,!ft", 'lam bat pralVool by idorenfolc , znilzo4 tpi s'-uriod of thirty yews, . LionstacCort.itr.—.l Corot,' Conwoutiga w" r te.1.1.4.n..New.(444.421. 'west. for Om purpose of dedoimininitim 011013 of 'mooring the _guts of „rain/gem to,ngigy tkia cail. 500,014 men, laid( rizonga posinge 0! 11 . resolutton ~ - foetint tts tommtnionent .of - chs county t 0 an. litarinfAolant =to liars3oo bounty to ind seantszratinber of yobtatoora reqsarei from , ACClPEOS l l l 4 l fancs.c9 , 7fgr4o ll A Motr: LAA Wilmingt43l4olnahiP•uet,witl t .few 41ffi. , Lie 11W Mo w ing with a ma. i• juin e 4I N D FLwr"9 lf I s tiafaltut 0A 4 , 11 ' frga:ble seas3.,:tp 6"li t berat, tha ktOet; 'tad la azi tiEnieleTiara daireir, '6 at.l litre oat ofr with Om naiatike:, FOl7llll WARD LIADISd Orr,—.We undoratind ininli:Pittsbv.rgbitiat argaljA l ' tend in Isitclalloomploratnt, of .sqlclls7‘..up dot the pending calt4ot Ackap.). mu, and now pro. 0011111arta6i5iSlasit citisaris for home 41 - aferk.a. r4t9o92.4ll3„litotiiiiniti:ciTht exlmplo; c ob r, Rte siteung. The Corgreasi nil Conferees, for .the 24th trietphiltet - thwitanonperndwilen ally, on ;nip nntil .I;nlgc 9th. when it. .*curled lo on August U. The Cordeleea th . •11.11Z1111Mt from Greene county, staFtt.litunb Rosh, Thos. and' , Capt. i Harper. , _From Washing ton county, Wlllieln hlcKennan. Alex. W. Atchison.. alldAohn A. /Lunar.. :Eteme Beaver ocntity, William B..Glark,,L S. Ratan, and Dr. Oncoming,. -ir rom Lawrence sonars, t: Sankey. D. Claig,end4. Haus. - Bat eight or nine bal. iota Iran WWII. The time woe spent in dig._ cussing the question arising on the nomination. NV sabingtmi and Orr sae counties were in•troct. cd for Geo. V. Lawrence. Lotman° and Beaver mantles were instructed for Tot. Vanninghem. Confers= met again on August Si, and doted the work on the Sub, by the nomination of Geo. V. Lawrence for Congress. Dr. Badger& rap-. plied tEet:plaeor of Jamb Bask, from Oreen'conn-i 03; Yamrs P. Hippie . a•O4 David dikap, sipplied of Wm. Aleneenan, and Alex. Atchi tonvef- Muhl:igen:4.lF...b_ L. fimb::e rnppliod the - placisof'Dr. Cittntnings, from Beaver cootty. The ncrainriticirt wilt produce unanimity in the Pastrtniatielett/ OW district. and It is hoped will revaltneibe eltetien Of a sound Union man to encased Jasseldleitr t whose loyalty tome had the anduitft.O ddribt. • ' The Conferees - thought peoper that to much of the proceedings of said Conferees shonid be put. list s - 800 y. Citscs4444, Tp August 4., ISGI IctitoreOcitalf;'' . l.lteveno;danbt that the loyal people of -this conriti woilik, like ta besitha re. taltefthettlestibn of Tuesdayi in thhi township, There was only a-Sisajeitiy of nineteen in 'Lever of the soldiers iteeittg, the right _to vote. The. Coppevbeads palled:aver handsed votes that.rg►iuet the areea~hietit co think they bare gained the orris banner "ai polling Abe . target?. Copperhead - vote - spinet our breve 'Gl air:re; who ere this day defending-the 1 /707 sad piotm,ti'.lf.thiab' cowardly sympathisers.' r would evaded , that the editor of the Pieteintrg Ant take the necessary steps to prodirs • suita ble banner for the brave patrons of hie tapper.. beid'issper in this towaship, as • reward for esti notle.serriesS on Tuesday. I think he is in duty - bound to do something in rennin; as ev. ery Celine:brad that voted ageings oar brave Folders having theright to rot r is &reader of the: .PittemtretTpa. I would troggeet for his eon eldirailoa LrliOtiPtlON V'ei Divis Wand Nalatediglutut " oce . side, .and"on the 'O. her " Fiedler Tairruthip good for entstundred rgsinst'Odi falters having the eight to sous" As the YcesidinVal iliodonik . oonting on, I tblt.b..bantier, AP" bbnltli would be very a l irpropriate.for there to the <to a.. j inreanapilign, . U. L. A*tlettllitiluarival Tte folliwiet - fs In extract from the Balti more .destrieon aid Cosenero:4l Adoertiser.a.tid 301364.: . ' .thteenter. —Oar enterprising fellow citizens. Messrs. Win: linabe ktio.ociano tnarrafasturers, were Stein `the - recipients eery flattering and. weii. &nerved tastlm Drilla of the a elebratid artists. hit. L. di. aottiChalk, which or resdati will find below. Mr. Gottechelk, alter a very arant:iftit to his-namerons friends and ad• miters frfttis,eity.left ickiefeW der sr. Meuse. Wm. Kocrbeif• Co s _ Gceir,Mee-,4llotsig lately hid ea opportensiti to t,y and test four new scale Grind aft well sr Equate Pianos, fearinet refrain; becidos reiter ating all that I had occasion to snrat a-fernier period ; G cm ccngratulatlng you on the import mkt impitorc - bare, in the manufacture of P111421).1. Your ins eau own biniall the qualities 'which ita to make spisni• a perfrot es peasiblei and fully deserves thegroat T.optlarlty they bare gained all over the country. Tours, truly. • I, M. aorrecsati.." A choice stroply.of the above mate Pianos just received by Charlotte Blame, 45 Fifth it. Atetnzas OO Prallirtou k.Eatasl.ll4olo. JCia,Tbutadey moo ft' 'Sat as the tram en the Brie k - Pet:burgh•Bißroad was going north. at.ere the-Harbor Bridge, a !elite was discovered aczese.the loia; and the train vie stopped to ramoreit, tauten Isiehinan, somewhat intox icated, left hie mat and Mopped off the. care. On his return .he got on the ptatferm about the timed* ears began to more,and In attempting to era* from oweplatfonoto the otter ho miss ed tick bp and went down between thevears and liadtothliallmbe crashed - halo* the hussar:id eriaotheraists. lajured. Ice wet tikon up - to nharonrstare be received medical attention , but it Ii Oct likely that he will =maim. The pentrn who-placed the fence across the troth is Bib:e to 'be p meouted, 4000.3 may.not bee* bean with a malicious intention. The road had been &hemmed to keep cattle from the crops, and thus a m it crippled for lira, or may die trim hie wciands. Graduated At 'Dan Mercenthe College, Pittabargh Jae -Di:Neale, East Waterford, Pa.; Beorge W. Oloccrd, N. II.; Mary Prack Morticed, Moans - OMod, 0 ; Thomas B. Hat, Clearfield, Pa ; B, Et. Miller, SL Cl•Sraville, 0 ; It 7. Tbencsan, Newark, 0.; H. McCall, Jr., Meant Carroll, WO A. O. Stpla, Manor. Pe. All of earl:a Faaosd in -boacrable , emaroblazios, wars tertrded tt U aTeitcool sTiplota of tbeeollege, and will, in' Cub; nman?' ;lanais; the wall c • n.rop mion of Ake graduates of Ibis !nail- Ur ion, 1:1- their eapender atta#monts it TES Erxteovx Linea Pura:err to Lawrenee yu , le, incbricirig as old BOmestead, will be cold in the premises te-mortow morrow at 10 o'clock. This Is all Orphan's Court sale and presents an unusual opportanity for purch asing bargeins in very valuable and improving lots, fronting on the pike and fide streets: The tepid, improvement of thld neighborhood, and its great desirableness are sufficiently 'known. The positive saloon Tuesday morning, by order of the Onset, will be a favorable chance to all for mating a good investment, secure and rentable. EOM) Ort.—James arn of Mr. Jain Wax& trio wail killed iit:Ntret, Mat:toning spot ty, Ohio, by Frank 0. Robbins, has Mtpsed of hie Interest in the Fmk= tract Wcrka, at Ville!, 6280,000. We students:id that Mr. (Ward 7.'ot.t• mold[ g th't hi rfnifirti SPECIA.II SOCA'. SIOTICaIi. Slow Paeau,Plain end Ornamental Slate Ituafar, sad dada in reausylvaula sad 'Ter me= date et the ben quality at tow rates. Of.lee at Alex. Laughlin% Rau tba Water SVGA', Pittabitrika, Pa. VVIXASTERS.II.AA Turn—For the derangement of lho system, change , brDlet, llroanda, Sores, Liaises and En:olone, to wbicb every volunteer it Debit., there. are no remedies so safe, omtve• Dien sod sure AS HOLLOWAY'S PI LLS AND QINT2d ENT, thoronghly tested In the Crimean and - Dollen Cat O P.4 O L Pine end 'Oititment are now :s -talled, owing to• the highwriees of Amp, ice., at 10 coats, 71cente mad $l,lO per pot - or box. 'Fie lan In Ilttiburgh by L:.rebrtertook • = For aste.,at Button's arztvet'ore, „Fifth stung, Pfttsbeegb rale Metal 000. A.ltelly Federal greet, 4114igtuei . . . Gram t 00., Merehant Vailoreitittii;titociyed to TIT Hosithtela stmt.: We.siej reki4Ting . pappli or wing .fend: asiiino". goods, and wxnld's.eft no eve fund • incite es: friend.e.and tye petite in pexeeel 'in examine oat now etoe4, bellevins it , 0 t e owe of - etc Onext Books of atarebent. isikt getals is tile' city. 'Every fnr - ..n3nt war— <a give fr. 1.1 gatiatwo,..i.,n, in bot.h Arias! ana n,t1.1! y. Give es a =ll before paratwing elety;Yelo and judge for yotßolvell. (}RAE/.e lalcCerntssa. blenetent Tabors, No. TS Smithf.eld street. OnCIAL N97ll=.—The attention of oar rooders dirsictid to thettriniant ottorttonntof Spriug end Thranmer Goode jot rooeivad by oar friend int-John Wear, Elo. , Ltd •Sederal stroot, Alio • *l.6tyi - get stook comprises a groat snriety et "Fanny French,' Unglfsip, Elooteb and davrienv. Ca:air-firer. end Cloths, and Asso BM and C shirrs , Vestings,..74.ll astdolCssill bo wed, up to order is thalatost styles and in Cie beat intoner. A eboSoernsleotion of Furnishing Oonda and for sale, tog viler with '01.411 . str:dt . Rezdy Idadorlotlifna, won sad bah-. lovably =lda • • "Aus. that's bright toast MIN" was onto true of all eerthly benoty, ando - partleolerfy am it true of the homer hair. Dist now, by the lase of °Labia's. Dais D using Fierlllbe," the ravages of time ore stayed, sad deouy stinds abashodet the new ,oe of nonsding beauty. It bosatillas,' yerfonnes end tuibellithes the hale, and pre. across I,:s &my cattalo:at "taxasiznoe from youth to old ago. Mlioes, try-11: Matrons, bey it Bounty's old b cotrone, Bronabitit, rioanseneas, Colts, laflo eago, Michas, eststrb, may Irriintion an 4 SerAar of the ThrOca, instantly relieved by Brown's prooohisl Trochee.. To Public , Bpi, &kers and Bingen. tiny Aro eh - schist in clearing and giving strength to ths.voloo. Bold by druggists generally. dneennints holdout by ofretin3 lo w priozs; kit an equitable lee will be ebangeti la eve:7 vise, ler lbw beet meterbde will be wed, and ell 'the time end obtil - emnway W Wears per.wwt rinaw ehstl be applied. , . . . Om= and csrslzire ealle will be Caboa at the Omnibus office, 14e. 410 Penn street. day-el itight. An orders left at the above 'Arse will be prob.Ftly ettanded tz. MI °ally mart be 1 , 41:. it 2,:a..t... a • - Mrtrr .ea It .r . 117. •or LIMN lirriCLU. jor ll•rty Porarj/9111. 4 , a prig. ,:shatni*Jts rt . A." y. prorral a fow th.rya sizes, writ , three other aktari, while bring coatrays& In can to Saotaimry,•N.O. idapr Whita was recalwarckartfil It new coahatd to Colotahta.2. C. Alathir received by,blefrithat., Jadgrintita, : antes that all dm Erixotiiie irrf tolfsring greatly for proper loOKIRIA . ):110010,, , ? R • rha,-.1 a. Rl.l r7L11t,14 :tiro a p sr, .1111 - tirthyr o rtitst cbtale3- too undkr iho Me at the Crania bittarlta atrhLor ! rta reload. EASY COWL E• 11 1. L-A party of oil roll speumbstots, fro= 'OiliCiesir, spent Fast Di) fn C eytiand in. a partjcylr•ly "fast" manner. hey bred a carriage dad Tour white berms, hich the; prey. ems d through the city and suburbs, attract i t ; considerable attsrition. Their bossy bill was $5.1. The =ambers of the patty hal made large fortunes by "flowlag walls" r were dlspsred to let greenbacks flow as fret - I) re Tiu FISTT-111InD ltinotwErr,—Thei veterans el ikon ri girt - nut, whoa* tern of serxica by ex— pired, se: incil in thin city on Soturday. They Aim bor only ninoty mon, a largo proportion of the reisiment having ro-onlistod. XABRIED WESTWV, tb• 2701 n't . by eh" Brt. A. D. Um*, LLD., Mr JOll4 s , w. • I'M Crab, sett G),l Lb M. N.LbON. both of Men: bents. Mt CEA( NES—On gab , I h •••13 leo. 7th trust, at half ofat Eve Ct. rk, p MS NA AT, let dangltter • 13. J. r td M. E. ttotrecken, agedultsso Montle Insteral lets •rtge sons from the redden Nb of her pa. Irentl,l4o. T 9 Washington street. lb* friends OT tik• homily are rest...Wl:o/E molted la att Ad. Lie IGU—On Pateatay m rod g at half-and el von oat e of Jr epn P. 1141.06,aged Sl Years:and a mensal& ¶ ha (corral w.ll take place own 11110111,150 al 10 o'clock, from ber late Walden. a, No " 6i Fenn street. t..end• LI tla family a-• remanent!, invited to at.and wear—on /sautes+, A violet nth; at lop m, Dr. Val.& ii*U.D.ln the 15th3eareIbia ago. " Le I Av.d will tale place f :am kb late aysidence, 65 lilts ,. so, ace alleatacry, at IQ O'Lleck rem eczema. rri•TAAI I.- Bandar maven k at lane o'clock, 1i [NHY PIILLIoIPS, Ile 66th year t==i==l hialiAirSEE— Ow thin . daw wirraws, /mime itb, EICHER W. BUIL, ISE, sped 311joars wad a aielwiti. ' Tbw io•ww.l will 'aim owilrOWlli liti erildsr4w, Er. GV2 Paae strut, to la Annan-0i at tItO °Vito!. 1117114}18 REMAINING lINOLA USED • tbo Poet .021ceiit'Allegboor, , State Ponnop ' tbo filidgT 1 0' 11, 1noit. 1664 . • To obtith =Tot thotio•tottom the *polkaed nrusttall tot ehirti.' reheri,Vte . lbeidstit of .tblo Hot, owl POP two cell: for advartinl.. .. . 11 not ailed for vrithia ate Month, they will bs sent to the deed Ultra office , ' • '• • /tee deltaeryo( lettere toy carriers, et the ?MUM* of owners, maybe satinet 14 at/Bening the 2 , llowtsig =awe 1 Direct lettere pinkly to thestreet and number am well es the pelt utile. and State 2 Mod letters With the writer's post office abet State, street end humber, sign. them plaiaty vith fall rase*, rod request Obis{ answers is directed accordingly: 3. lettere to virulent er tranateut visitors in •towu or city, whose special address may be tmlanosua, eboutd he mares d, ie. the lowed lettAtaad coutterorith the wind '. traleeieut." 1. I' ace the p.tatte stamp ow the uppar-tKqt-hoed router s stadiletwe space between the stamp and alrectiOn for post marlins wlthout intorte.-tpg with the verism[. N. B. A rrqueet ha the retest of a letter to the tn., tar, tf mesiaimed withltt AO del • or has, written or printed..Ws the writer's toms, post. utiles, and SLAV actor. the left hand end Alt the envelope. ors the f. 4 side will in complied with et tie ems] preltald rats of tvwtage, payable whea Ow /oil. , le darremi to ilul artiter.--tac. la, law 91 1.2012. Arnold Anus IS . Ii Adam COM Hays Ana F. Art helm Pawl& Bastard alto A ire leabals Must Ana AtErs Pints Isßetel= Sear , 11/atria Ch. ,Hamil•on Kate 1 Sketch Ewkio4 T .iitstehisue r a :Heating, Henry I flood tlbrletopaer Ili Ales Judean & Inv. J D Users laicise . °tering-Lucy Huoblems testa, F 1 Howard wolUs II Illasbaugh Wm in,q.... is. 0 agar Huhu Philip a J Jet:amen John Li J. ass Cary Bell Amato 0 ; Barry tinsoloeCi Bs. Deli* tt . 11. limey Lelia Brach Iwoßar I I lOU' ci k BaL ß .lV i seil&b. Belim ZZ Broymlle James Pump ..lomas B,LirleJen7 81ak.13 IS almla 11. own Manaileld Prawn 13 e nos Brown Sari Bettie.m &OM • Ilia. k Vim Birk. ka• m Biel, Wm Baker 1.1 Kn. John D X irltirosicktletfal H.1:7 wL Lyanet Wm. I ate t won]. LaladtrDnate/ L i Latairri. Ln rll2tz J . olm , 121 arr LAW.* ilwroaet Cm; Amu . •LeaW Ca parfarat, C51i.y7.11.0 C larJtawil 0 1L ry J.rnes C-matt.Jeny , C.c1,11 gLana S Cr.% /Yoko Di k. 7 Litz L.•.L ipLoy • item At Atn MAW,. II A pnPa 11an... Ark,. .1 ilyrts F./fp..bon ltWarve li. cc V i iliderrler De • h M l sap Sakeiltibbre laeat C , ta.611.1. aa n lS• 77 nt le leo , d Marla. • , tantercharlet - • Cpl In= eviford Buhl liar tielisa NI ler TWA , ,Monsocoarl ais Vita 111111.-r Mary W Ikt, Kin Malt oh. JAS.". MC0“11:0 Ck Jae 11 filretnAs 8.1.1141 . tele•fum edits IllaZdamorm B , Mcaratiora.ll.lez Gm, An. 1.11 G..gL.r-tlrorM'. Gnu an lb iIL G .6. IS O . G.- rg /Ann Gaol. r .1 O. cry JALt r Jam,. Orovsh Gall.stirr W-1 Neil ,lava. rn, Butara Fay Ku) Ana NW) , NO* Soo Wm Nee , .1111.1vlos SABI' EL 81 DI, PIiOPUFAL3 F o LO lorarcia aatrurvir,Joly 25. ISGt. Notice to berrtby firm that cancel:dins be re I•ad.l - r the trate e•er a the Latted ntst.a, the eater s 1 ....WA *remora" era deelgoak4 sed the e Ziatieret Dee Irsdeelgo..4 wed qtralltird se Dcrulir r,r. ot4 frost :.l Aerie, r.,r Trasszry Hot I es•We tt go* 3.14 from Aux no 1.'16, 1.461 I...ming in. tonit cr the rate of o•ven •od three.traths por coat P.O •Lwow, • ft 4 teml.annu•l coapans ottaelool, pays elle It Ltfnl morel. These !Wes will be - COOTWT title et , the optima of the balder gat maturity, loth alz lef cant. gold beerier bond', redeemable after Ogee and pal ebbe Carcaty)oars fr,a, dEFT er. 15,16,1 71.4. Sea. Ut Le brutal In denorelnett-ne of fifty, coo i.ood.od, too btutdcod, ,ne thonesnd end doe cd dollen, end am cc lacad In Idea, pny chi, to . may to Eirretel by th...abrAber. 611 auther:pt4. as mint bo Lot fifty solve Impt'urte certlEcAtt. . ill to'med. got ell deimtlts. The party depoWtlag roast oro:unse opo. tb.;arigu.r certilScals 't . datan,lnaLlons o, no'ca neqatrad, and mbather tbeyeJ• to e. bro,tite Lla.A rt marble to or der. When so, thioortet4l !not be left pith tho °Meer rocolviog the "deposit, to'be torerardeS to tot. Itrpert• The tires wIU.Pr yy.stnitfed Itt the °enure free le treoepoi'ula etairics es I;DiAI lifter the rirt.l; t of the °Mona 'Cfaititliites of Deposit •r Vivi rat he 731- Subm 111 D. *lilted to [Lovell ad] de u-rvle r 1/.1•1 4444, arr,l it. Poi ai traria upitt riirett. 'cr .13. c cYW C 1.04 EIZZID 11.14 •I nncruncl fr r f 3 v.-0 ra,ur 4apoettlrg t el •Cvo 1L dvileno ad d tips arca La Welr uotta at fly can tine yi be al lowed S COMM/Mk. vurter of one pa Cent intact will Le paid b? Ibis ropyrtracat upon the ccio of fA. the alh.aat, thO 091.7 with • horn lh. Llti.creit zu.d an von keg must be m, :rt. tile deposits 011. u" n cite It% ,1,1.<11.1.< will el < tLit tLc proper .1.3 liGrarrnsuln er,tosan np, thp•ulglniaccrt,fl,,xt. All I.T.cess rt.." rpicuos4,l, to give to applicants e Leal and ailard Cl . tr7 fatility fOr y orithv iteaecry Eubscriptlor , 'SO be 'Pct.!, d by tLe First tialloual DaLt of l'lllfiLore,l, I`. TLird National Bank of Pittabafgh, Pn toiath Natimul r...k of Pittabargb. P.. AND ALL BESPEuTABirE BANK!! AND BANKIIII3 Ogoogbout the country IFIO donbtlen A T FOLD HARI L1T3112 TO 01768011113 ELS Aid:Shreivr EJ OVEN ATOR—Walpositively re- R, • glob GOAT Bette I TO TS 08501.11A.1.. OOLOB. lend ettSVErdr lIAIR FROM Ir&LLtliG 0172. Ottbe mazy el:mined or tusk reebwetw thte U tbslnily yt.i al.w,ena O.dt will intone eatiefattica Who. the Onetime see followed; • l'or sale by 4diUo.s ..0010170114 OR. (MO. R. RCYSTIR, 8. I.IcOLAIIIIAIi t 00. YIM9 I IIO. lye Mtn. d. XRIALIT & 00. LYON ARNSTIIAL, IMPORTE it AND DILA LAD fp the mad sala° , bm. 4 . 0 MrE. ,„ NE *LI A VA,NA G10A.116, Awl a kiwis es( FO AIND (MEW TOAAOOO, BNurri rl/217Y 11:113Uld P/PEA, TUBAS, Aw., tr. Sung DIM lELA 62. CULAIII•LIS goread - 11.—Tb• MITV M. THE LATEST NEWS BY TllltitiPll. Otirr,;;b*k(':..fispaths: FROM WASHINGTON. t. Gazottt't Woataccolt, Aar' , t 7, 18e4 ISPIABION IHWARTZD. For some time put it has been Well known that the rebels were moving in Warren's front ninh 0-a bore of repeating tpnn ne Grant's tec.ics of the 2P:b. Shafts were sunk by cur fames u-Lich the enemy had not diECJ7- elcd. The discovery, however, wan not made 'snout is .he :abets. They rev peraelttnii to centimes their Oparatioor, se they supposed to a successful issue, tneant;rae bring closely vestal. ed. On Friday the sth, it become avid cot that the enemy was ready to spring the mine, and preparations were made-to thwart them. That night our siege gang and butteries were quietly removed and wooden erel'ery substiturnd, and eVOtlitlang EVO 1 04 0 fop. the expected opera tions. Batteries were posted at the right of our work., and the troops properly disposal to meet the expected-seta*. The mina ezploding on Saturday brew - op the abandoned fort and" undoable qtfartere. The rebels immediately charged and slew of them, Como 114 'Or slaty In number, who intended la wiping the water, were raptured. The inter- . vetting around, enfiladed, as It 11,14 lire; beetone too uncomfortable forllnrrebela who gulokly re lire diboarJujg a li!git L l;m4ocrpf dsgd4nd wound. td upon (bee Oui'esimaittil were exeeed: bey few, among whonterai ColF Steadman, of the I 1 Ith Genaecttonf, Tourk : ip 4.. FAT or cocas]) 601. 111/. The WizTepirimabt k tested ea eller the au* of colored soldiers, whlob &meta dud a" Wellefe a feta freed ca oftrafotefipflll6,lBBl, fibril] be ma/lc:oil for pay acoo - rdingly;_and be i rald the diffatelee bf-twean the amount haste fore reoeived and the fall pay allowed while soil diers Mahal; the saine.pwriodi the ,quescion of freedom to ho o:scirfninid by the °Atli of tie sot dler,,takect In amsteetiee with siFIL °that rellebie Informitlon n be . ebtaleett 'Odes Is issued under provislonewt-an sot of Congress, 'at proved Jaly 4, 1864. CoL H. H. Kant, postmaster of aka Sonata, has boon !omoTott 11418 Servant aahrmt, and a Herman aosistant postmaiter 'oppantod to fal the v !lean ry TACK PH yi lITH OF IEII POTOMAC The order. toutglang General Sni‘n . t to the commend of the troop' north of the Pot=so hat been revoked. HE fill' 1011 39,1100 SIIIINIANS Q'Seo 0 Loaf. trainer Mary ring Appealof „Gen. Cadwallader cotthorloa Patttrson Sarah Partridge John Potts John Parka lir . if nutrsbvao, Aogutt 6.—The fol!omfag eto qa..E and atizting appeal tkaiOrut bsra inued by Gen. Cadrelleder : l'a - ynor ' llll argt * 4l P.s.rtield Carla litsro`r- 13FlienTartan MIT , ,Aoguat 6, 1866.. • tv . t,it city of I'l.'l:Ll4d is and rictt:ti • Teerebel army it -again Ut•orl the birds...* of our State. The Governor culled for $0,00i) vc mat., militia to be muttered Into the titTi;as o: State, to ~et vet - daring the emsrgeney for Its eletacti, I appeal to your patrilliam and Stile pedalo respond promptly to his 00, and I eanseany ergo that you will Immediately as ten e in year torpsctire Inuits and organise companiea to proceed forth with to this city. Yea pill be Torotatied with trinspottiitfin bjr rai n • 1, and on 'our arrival you will be formed into rtEmaral, subeisted, and aeon into the lee lee Of 06.1$EViffor:St0/.4o,llllllldurtzf24pe tiod of the existiag eatargan , :y. itgdild) Riley An. 0 Riddell Ilan ito.e j eotoerre,n II A Ide en, K. 'Reed ta , i Is M=M C 1123231 ladtb Alberti , w , a Anu :tooth IluaisJ ell. 0 I thaws 213111115 tStcelt G. P 1-'el Paget Cleertte Igenes ' Stockwell S iotali. Jobe Stephens t notes i v Lucy SwaleLteee Ap.cle, Merl r, Serklette Wet him/lacy J ISlddeil ZUG." Uglily.. Wardle iSweuc7 drew. wala dery • From New Orleans. rest rces.,.Arivet 7.—The 'stitsMer htatah ere trr m New has amused. The bfeHlmso bad .rtved at New Orleans on the 31 0,; ales the fleeting Star: The Blatsarras In, u•ht up many exchanged pHs onen. Nt w. Ors. irs, July 41 —There Is tom/ little bm,ne , r dolt p at pretent. The neen_rof 19 bee m...'. regress and the .4141,1416 .1 g old In New Y. tk unsettled the market,: Quotations are nominal, whhout =starlet change: Gan,(hanhy 'a orGer . flor the enrollmertt of the entitle' his rreated intense eicit•Mihr In "re— cask! chre/,q, but tbena4 an. nee" :ry them. Fitt., The Gring above Vicki!nrg upon the Clara 13e11.• by whleKstrese oemeireto killed and nine • °untied, eve: ' , tains b. been quiet on the Ili iii i i 'ITO as far as htsrd from. So:l94Sn schooners and luggers are reported to Le cruicirg it, Lake Punchaatialiapeltptattiagand I , s , tonc 5 1 rum , ,c4. The Captain of tie taLtaiat Se:Way' amts. slat bbe was abated to the Southwen Peas by a suerloirret looktvg 'Sheeler, hark 'rigged and pail tea black. : The tebOhl Situ. Ont she war the F.:N.OIHG Spark, wikich hod been fitted cut no • pirate, and that ate had shoos ran Into hi,- . bi . o bay * I ce Thw t! artark cm fens al Mobile is daily t2t.aCtcd, and pro has already comm.= :d. Time are zo move I In this 'department In a tint* ianoitaily advaneet to bear mention. reo Ir iss, lno or /wok MEM BE= sbby ott•.a... elbk wollwrs tf,,daorret Wise Wilda Jolla ft Welter Jamt• 411.500 Jae firtatooJal•l• W.4181:0 .1 • WsLu• Wary G .reoc Ilst: d • Ward W J 211:111== Ihe Late Indian R ■IO E. L. re , A osr st 7—A Fort Leavennotth oiere.b to the E , onecrat rues : The merest. from Fort Riley brings &dikes of the teM Indian laid. General Blunt bas e•.ived at Fort alley end warned command of the new district, palms°. '• g the troubled region. Toe strentents of a... Indians seem to here been precenrerted. end It is believed that coral incited them t•o action. At all evonts o haul:nen hale been among them. The lodierrlmtos.e is.nio g of rations by the rommandant at Port Lamed has made the la ctate very Insolent. 2Le Covomment ord-mme train from Fort Union. was corm/led. eg. Goma creek and rased. F. or erre par lee et the'lit Colorado cavalry nr• rived stroll Lamed on the 27th ult. C...oteis P.M. and Mott, of the bleb and 15th Her re? militia, at the request of Gen. Cards, .1.00 mounted men of their regiments or by Ell., and eared the frontier eagle tr, al an Want. •The'lndistis are dolr ,ratt.rnd, Tart of Om going mouth and the re. o,oin Jer tow , . ds Platte river. Can. Cants he , al cut PO milltie sculLoayalry irs pursuit, and to t...h.rg every exertion to meet the future move n:smolt, of the savages. Atm tiattnq C.ptare Dirtr,edited—Paris gut , / uptiatians. !:.v 7 , 7 i, Au mitt 6—The Past' Wsehhil 100 elNeo.l Nya the, robol report of the etptor • of 1-rctemaa k die ocedited lm maltary, oiroles o cts.j from libeinkoo to• day. Hop( rts to oarsman:la to Farragut's or•oltione at :41-t!!e are believed to as rao.root, al sash a Ma" trIPC , AA "t OM> eotivtch vas retched yt the :5 it y Daoart n tt, y PI A s ti 1 . .11 16 hof Jul 7, to rhiottLo se: ?se e•- , A W V , ' 13 v-!!!-.1 to the Ai C• (Jo L !. re.:otved a. Infola a!! lb , alt-o*, !a t7oi,ilo. A lootrai Fatregut int __led th! ri,ey I , ,7teitnt, De the 26th alt., tint he would tuako the stir, nit an soon ac the land foto wire lead/. vJuld ho on the 29:h GI :in):11 alt. TNO of hia iron ofade could pt's Dog Liver bar to the el t:. SAN F,NC11 , ,, beeon I hundrel barrels of u.urrirAr. fr. ur the 5,n1 • tar? C4111111i.71i,1, cold for clo,ett bundrod dol. Inrr• =II tr , elDg ?tutka are railing arsin. toad as.jurity is irrx add btlitkeel 6 el Lim tbodoar.d. It ic,nariar UREA was selsodin-ilsy laild:il with arm? (Li flat L•herals in Mexico. '!ho ship Nary E. Sutton, from New York. the Bash PrinClind liolaspan,from LToneNOTIF and A stem at Hong Kung early in Jinn destroy ed half a dollars moral of property. A waif, or at at Whaler. one died Chinamen. . - S. me progrcee ie making iky the Imgriotlele tlte hobo:, Rrtiri !Wine t ILO onten —fkb -Hilo! , on Tipper Yotoutor,--Actilt) 10 null] Mulles. New York, A ug Reread'. iV nshington ' , resist ens the rebels esp!eded • 01100 hue cf our works Friday a`torooon. No partio• „ i nlet., are known, exerpt that but little damage twits d-no. It is generally-believed that Sheridan signed to duty no the Upper Potomac. The ileluid . • 5,11 Carps correspondent , * of -the 4th soya b. ill a mice are active in their works, each' essentially erre,: gthenth g The Peteruburg Repulse New 'Keel, July 7.—doeurding to Peters— burg paper& the rebels breught tae o action only 3.0 : prig des 3n Topolring our lb:ass before' Petersburg. Oleo Kende repulsed a charge bj our troop the other followed op the repuls ed with a charge and drove what of our meet. could Let sl!sky ~bcok, over the breastwork?, wide prisoners 'of all left tehted,' ateust one ct.t tcidch,th.tticsi/cdasl svotacd/d. Oa° C50MM.1.1.1312# 191 . ,Qtraaal Command's g From San ktrazitipco MOVEMENTS OF T:,; INVADERS. Saserstonoii Eiwicuated by the Rebels. TtIP PLIfF, .-PC4B},Rf•MTAV.RIISED Challeb.ton tLion Gfficers Michlnged. li"P''" 7 LO , Aug o —There are varinot ear- Milt 9 cfloat :cgardire the rebel lareei,o, Sat ro.te con he trsoed to anytr.;:trrarthy We still 121,4; communisation vitth sod dispatches from there Lac:taste no Cl.Zato - and refer to no fozecs of rebels in epoch Core p• r*unity et rumors plea* them to that Is still certain, beerevar, that the reh e h.•:1 Hagerstown. 1 esterdkv thop Advanced a small trot to Nr.ddlelurg, a peer north of the Slate line, and between ithieb and Hagers• town their foraging puttee are reported to have corducted themselves with great lymtality. Loin rumors this morning it le evident this force has been withdrawn from hilidleburg, cvl octets more pasted at Hagerstown, where the rebels evidently pause for rottiforosmou is. The fact that they were signalling by rockets last night at liegorstawn, is an india.tlon that there le claws a force In obese proximity to that place, or thorn .ixt poistersion of the town Adele° ap proaching parties of their whereabouts. No doubt that the rebels are-on our border. nsmusixtrzt, Anit: 6.=-6 p. attach received litre at moons_ by the cashier ,of the lierrisborg bank, from the cinhier of the honk of Chambeiroburgi Statel that' the viebnis , ovairo• 604 Asgf - qt_ovf chic moro M g. This was sub sequently conflreia dlipateties to headquar ters, which mid thatthesebela are. Slow roaring along the Potomac river to the direction of SOrpordstoint. The, lot dlepstob from the operator 'lt tireenaleille stated that be was obtnttO :proceed 4 to the 'Milo lino, mad:from theses Elsgerstown, to open tolegraph com munication. Waincturow, Angiant , irentlettian who arrived here to night, arid, hasbeen egero— wia for the poet week - , t Die the roller fore+ of cavalry which:alive & body et watryandwpor tion of Hunter's Infantry out of that town on Frfday lost, were for the greater part dremed in fed craltiniforms. • . Information has Mailed here - that the Felon ofdeers Placed by the rebels imam thy at Charles• ton bdietall been thehenged. They were saint. ed by our float, and Admiral D /Ligon entertained them on hoard his ship.. They hays been sent north. • A. number of families to Montgomery eoan ty,Sftt.,came to Wachington, panic stricken, and reported that the rebels were epp!oaching in that direction. The 'farmers were evidently ft ighiened by seeing a cavalry force of our own, and mit takie g donator rebels. There were eer• dinly no itldielltlollll of the approach of the enemy. New Tons, Angtisi —Tte Itslitmore imn of the 6th says of the invasion: The boat that we eon hope 'is thatthe rebels will attempt to make • serious invasion of Maryland or POSO sylvania.. We hares competent .farce in proper _position 'to foiesitrom them on this side of the Potomac a fair open told fight. All that we needle competent ficrendship to make our form available, end that, item may believe the reports reaching vs, IS a Want that has at Las: btaneap piled. Ilivirmoss, August 11.—We kale nothing here Lot.TerCOSl in rOgrrn to the movement of the rsttii m the Vo'lej o: on the Upper P.,!eea.i.e. Thera rnthing defirit. The oplatua ie etal that tho I. ,Fject tf thn 1,1351 a it 1.. gather the crops ha the vatlny, and thetas la. VI./011 Wit: Iloc be ierionsly Attempted. Wes Anirttlt 0 --A • spoolal to the !nee -states that :*be. rebel, in nargland lave ',aired the hhene flag, ant Lora Inc. that hey bare come to bun and destany. lira Tort, /Log 8 —Effe,tual ctettn.e hare bean taken by the tiesernment W there the rob ute from the Camberhead gantry. The Beath: at Before PeUrabarg Ua c angea. WASAI/01011, August . 7.—A letter from the Army of tba Potonme, dated Friday evening, says: -The -• is no ohango in the position of the two armies ninon the tots battle. There has been the usual pichat fist' g• null firing wu tuna this aiternorm In thedlroction of the 10. h gimps. A report Was arellliddni that the enemy hod sttsmpted to blow up a fort to the Tlealty, btu were unsnocesa(ri. A rsiol boiLiry on tho north olds of tbie James 63 or boo bccnn, so!" apstsvies for a di), or Ow • 140 , t , bigagimint tvOk Placa this rooming between it and our gunboats, and it woo 6oliffy frresd to leave. Tao weather o tint. vary warm, and oon idttab'e nekton prevails among the toldien, who , till . fn m durrhoe. St. &horse'. C.o,r. Lions was wantonly set 11-e to sod nete•royed by rime slithers. LLTISI —A leo er•front the Army of the Pate s-, doted nal.nrdny morning, says; The rebate ea p.oied • trans yesterday evening, before dark, to trent of the J.h aorne, . bet as they bad not dog Iv wt , bin forty yards of aux works no sl.e,h was done. T_hey glob afteeopted to mete a .ebarre. rbeetits odly. bet they M 123: hare b. ea obagrosoe aLliddiedt4oratalooo to fox rude Ler Cot, aldelable firing was kept op for en bon r bt onoarllot a eras burl, aadeue# .Si!qUiLt Fight •t O.ceoi . lr:V-tppotatmeat. Came, Aug. b....-"lbe Caen!s of she steam , : Tire Branch abate that while that eteerner era. egttund oa.lalaad No. 33,wn the ;final , at; ag ghee along the allure reperthi that s dab, toot ploc 3 at o,orole, Art., between 803 rebels, an ler dad a federal form - oamm ander an line an, ravolting It the defeat of the rebel, with the hea of many kiciod, troottot and prisoners tad :snowed r wain/age. Brown was among the. hi'." ruilnr r Suporintor_dent of telog - raph in lb all6{ artincta, h.w been aphOttlhal ti a el all • a in the D:ph:truontoltho littlf, and w hatetator hate taxpervieltal of both doWt• suwats, with hi, btadgulrtroro az New Orleans: From 'Havana Nur Tc sr, August 4.—Thesttamshlp aaVaXia brit g• the !OIL WILLA: August I.lBut r.occa of Impr tet.c• has cr.tusinrect hero .faro my last c4mmu nicer ten. • • .• Th• Government ter graet•d its permission to continue the pelliention of the Palen paper hero, the 4opio. Sink Doss 601..11 to be decreasing., no though the oriole was pr. PI. K.e. Repo/ltd. cjulnß To,Apie Whet driggst 7 --!t is reported here t: • t r.:c r rtLcie wore erCi tbe Keane , !my and Honcock, sad were gAng o or da•ctalso of WhOoltog. • • - - • - 11.4 coma atubarLty says Early has boon or is to iag roioforocii by fAorgstrcat's oorpo,and that Whoslirg is tho l o'at aimed at. We hays no foible et rarertsintag tho rettability of this re• pmt, hot thialvit ratlier unreliable. Ito ref, Pf d frrm Port • 'Lafayette—Case o MEE Ni.. AP01116.--Albert 81. Dolmas gaffe billiatit lbir mon:slag, and has balm roleued (rem port Lenyetts City Judge Rune!f bts decided that the'esse of Gen. Dix and . bis officer, is rtippsitssixisills Wittriti tad sl,ittirtiod Otxuscros. AlUal bsiose t ury. I 111/. 1' pug!. 4.0.11 st %Janina 'l6Ol. C.I ,tract, Au -ne. A —TV V I-'z 11 3,3 0,4‘7, :La I ii! for C,lrotn Tb, c ;tooc: Ejgla_:on. 141; S P 39 ID tic etcoLd Jiscnct It. It. lisps. all Doom:la ud. Nrr Y, on, Aug. 11.—T. P.,4!'. Wn4tic'ea 6ptoisl .a),, order, ta1 , 14 bean 146.111 e.rar estweiye onsollltionto, bud parson* example! nre entlnd opno to C . .1=.5 forward and .hatr•nemer token off theltrt Defenses of Louisville Artgott 7.—Tno Common Conn. I.y tcya•a hathoritio4, 4, 0 r, t•• Lamas,to throw tt,) ~ rot tint dolisbEe tf tbc ety agranit et.t.tiosousite. or VcCoa's Command rot' Augug enaial dl!rat-bot: an the Wei) , of General McCook .0.111 tenst 1000 of hi. men. The eleven...Tß:they Loan. WAfpll.ll{o,l, Aol7lllt 7.—Tbe amount of gab rorlop , .. to !be 7 70 Wail up to August 037 h, wa NI 024 050. LA ND, WOODS & Di ICRO II A2iDISE riztoxims, I °MBA RD. STREET, BALTIMORE, UR. Onion for yorchaee of OOPFER, SUGAR, Aa. ftU f nt:y race:fol. ntttutlen gly.a to sbipplog. befOrrlog, by ; -rothodurl, to: Evart. tkomat • Co.. Now York. •• livro , I.:7111ff f, Co.. do; ••B1: • V 1.. r..rd ; Daagherty, Wcods Oa., Batt ate. 1..1 Sfimetal ENtiSELLER PUL 'llfAjfiN I.t; dTI J 71313`, TROY, N. TOSTTAPINfir AN. btraL Sinn lON o f thi. well tat ml , BOllOOl. 0 OINNIMINN AND NATURILL•6OIANOL, will non, vet ara BILSTAM 66N 10.12, lASI. Th. Ptinnikal build ind le endopkted and ratli b,r otwanatlask Van Nea Animal Neff tnt, itivtnit tklartnallad, glad be ob. talked bi addrtnt'ra Aloof Nald York. &RgrTs. New York Market. rinsnint G.—a.m. 2a larttat.Lsl,l3 fa. Midatfut L'plasda. ltbffro•-8T•of al I Wrre•on dleifliate l wit boat tweeas adfoulof 09.844§10 tor calm eta • r 4 ,4. 73 fr Extra it. 0. • $lO 11 , 012 lirvoa., lb. kf t • ustorain Will h,• rnt attl 7, . 91f•r 11..linifl,j.kror Write a. Wheat . trf r I int bra4lnr.2 4 P. i•blil.fin n'Ynr 1 3f 2 . 2 4.V.4 1 t•r 61,19.501tde I.4an : /2...A.42,U bar %Plater iro.toria. fn r t .—p..54314i 4cre Wsostign. ti.:7n fan, Mbia an. t ml •P'”, - fricfnatnn na• 03. fig •n• fro A, Vern at k 1,02- Vif .: vitt na . rtifea •rd trrrlualy notlonn,tst. 0 'gat daTtat IPVP.rr Stu , . red fa oond. non lnd doty out. 21. tat-e: ortl•t •t Luy. . Muuctradif frijyc. ifatrolium Oln tlf 5"4.01- 'or refired le trona and P7olar 11.- MadFr e. Pt" k dub and Gas, • VG for dint, $3.9,15 o f t Neer d.. P,4 fur • r:rue,•nd 1.20.41 fur, Prtate Una La .1 ".•••,1 b iffosr and lolfrothi accatuttaW2.l34`4 - 1.2 , i; al .• 7 • btf• f r A ,tuft buy,: • porn, at 22. • =,..t0. P I . e . VP. t out . vs: t !rial anti' Coin f•rf03f. 5 .4 1 ?.,:i' 1 1,4 1, . I d ll it 4_.•n f.rretafe, LTt dad etterftf. stack and Money Market.: Kra Tore. Ann'oft hoary os•y. Starling .1 111 st .• •ff•ga ad ar •poutng as r•• •••• a rdi - 1 1o'ne to if. adrantiag 1,1 • • If +in? c., nkr),t'... 1 tal • . toal tiafclo "non. n•cak• • .1•5,1.• laser. Oft 1: 1 01 ',tannic) Market, DI . V, Ate A wa., ~ ,—TI. L or nod'inedered WSe&t: Jot; Do. 2 h. •,,.•• R. sr , rot • , e4 d urn 0411 at El . dio% for No. 2. Oat. doll; r Ds Do 6 all rad. Whor 1, . and wt 11.72 'Cron! Irt , -br , are doll to Kow Cork. Whet, C. ro, tro3l ear ; tot • Lta Let- 'oho t - Stour, 2,406 Otto; Wheal. ani Coto, h. u 07 . . I noh. Ciao' Extorts-41.r, 2 4ao bbir, Wheat ert,22'a bosh; Ca oh UMW butt; 0 , 40 8 . 40 . Chicago Market. Ortimmi, hop. sefira Triflust arso RI 41,06 Int No. 1, 41.00-1,41 Wr Isto 4. emu Arm M. 41,21 br tro 4 0.. firm 44 ICC. 131,11131 , 14 M Mem 46 T. F.: o. 6imre dull. I.Ztar., 511.040 el• wlalt l knek, 1, core, 42.0USIbusttpla. eLlianents-811.0 ttrti •O4OOs batbals wheat, 1441 A, Loetwin cute, 41 %CO Deabe4 ustas. iNm'eSctLeA °Ti A rigtut 6.—Floor du'l and •unclutred; 111, 11 m, ,25 fur ap ing,and 5i1,50 Cat Iled.Wls. ter. Levi }cam ant qulpt; Va. 1 - Winter gad Urns. .1. new at 62. tn. Wet yid tad wi1V1401,47. Other p ralla ecar e mixtd totalaaL ' Trelzhilt dull.' _ . WAY 'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Are not doplyllat poem or paper wt to the tarts of coll., but piolfoldoi and 57.4pa70 j 4 A. 0.te.0. b.s7ts • weir; cam free firm sate or breaA..toblails ob. Wool by 0111 r yetetrud room, *blob aim swum an hale , •Istrhige Passesed by so odtertatir;:—tb: qyAti A. cr.., In th.t....,10w10ny10, the Icelde of weicl± to to stSetly resell eedrreto 170.11774L 7 011•11V* 7 1=1 tlthr ester—for ere., teat. They are made Is sure-doss style, In from Ilts' 17, sod to thorkYko .trosa IS to 17. Loam. wull7Olootott to nest bl.• baser, of 100 mcli; di" to =idler atm of It eneh,—tb• letter • very handy pectsgs Inc tranolo , y, .my Lod navy often. zar EVERT COLLAR to rto ped Grape Patent Molded Sold by all ratall dealers lailea'a rumba G/ada The trade abppiled by PAN LICSES, nozamss a iax, 627 Cheetnet stmt., Philadelphia.; &ad. J. B LOWY.= J 1 00, 7 Warren street, Peer Turk. johlzasel . . GENERAL'S OFFICE, WMIIIIIIIKITOs, 0., Jana 24, DILL RANTED—L - RD BZif SS AND' f.C.4161 . A.N.T mat-. GEGNS 108 1A01081.) T11.G099 —"eadldat, most Le •rainates of rome re,Gilar 51edteal D.llete, and Hoot Ly • Board of Afrdlcal 093 corr. to I, rourd try the Bergeron GeneraL The ElGullrill Mn,r• 1,•• 000,0 tA. uudtaste ofq be appo'nte9 Barron r Sorge" monircling tofl. A `S.M..- ti o.4oropanled of one or more .enzinionLate from rtisr,lalo 10.0.. M (0 moral chsr,..-r, aa, isoffla t. achlnsred So Ine 6orvon General O. B. A.. Viresh• loft..u. D C. or to lb. Ascrt•nt 9nrgom Con. rd, U. 9 A., Locitertila Ey. 130.1rds are now to teed. ar &. 9err tort, fßuningnonf tinOirM.O. 9f. ' , mil. and New Orleans Biro. TIMPITAL !WYSS *9 FOB Gni, OIiND h901911NT9. Gandblate• magi proem • fair Naalleb education, .od be rambler irlth tit. ...Anomie log and dbyrneing of meliclnee. Appllostiona must to Dubs ee In the cam of Surgn•Mo and Leffatent Bar. gross. Ocar9evation from 993 td $33 per mouth, irlDi :fobbing, mtMol,Stri and quarter. 403. N. 891014, Acting lergeon General. - THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY wid 41MM/a /ZIST/TiTZ st WEST °HESTER. PA.. M V. g TIII9, a H.. Prinepel. Avarwrsa WOMIALL, A. X., Ph. D., liso-A. see Tar, epee. She wholsetic year el tsrs pal oa wantan IDE DAY, thotieb of Pep.e.mbss set t. fhe co of lestructlot te thortagh sari extent., &- sifted to Pi toy cud yeast% men tar Oelligeor beetles.." 1 stAttlyer, Gannet, Trench,' dpattish std ?tattle tetet by eta& reel.. [sett... .The Ls pest... is tied. the the dm-gaol Iltatil argr Br/ ihr.d the ?dilater; IttabluttoOdottr• Poe .oslogn•r ao., leppny to either of the Ptlostrett at Went Oh, seer Pe. The Prittlwa will be se ZIONONDAIIEttIe HOME 1a Plfteletash from August bib to tolvorefh. Inetabse. ithe•e be will be hippy to Surface Isellerafe. .tat shoat htsw-Isteet, frees 10 a. it. to Op. o. deny. Wl' to ' DUST) tiv.aTaimAnas Ocaaut.'s Onus, iltrabargh. hay nnn. tntAt r i A RITLLERY HORSES PURCHAS UT . OPEN 1:111.8EZT. el TO wall ev at' ttv the badarelrort, et PIM. tdogo, Po , rot good AliftlitillftT f 10112114, payable It cal/Yates of hadebtednees for not lets Its of tat at nes Thee troller mast•6e enkll formed, aetles, wet flpe ova, t from b yt..t. coa .115PriD6 co t , ]eat 014, hoes '6% to le boat. blab, and to eelabt 1.4 Wm Al. 10 , 0 ponatot • • • Vitale horsn and awes WU be excluded, 21.,4 .113 Le examined by • cm - mm*l , l3e rip. rid • bf1..l pt entail mutt ccain.rin the • ata apeo.flu U. 0E039, Lt. Oul. and D. Q. it. Osnersl IsE crROPATHY 11RINSIS LOtiERRA3 AND CALDWELI. Bare opened aa MTh* on the corner of 'fifth Wylie rentals. roteem 1.4 b PIPTII 61E6Sr, for the prantlas of Inedfrin. They aro ecrular venlusten,and have their Nylonw on on 1.41, tau at their Ala Thep are ptoreuce. w treat all dlsna.s in • ectentllc nun. Chtrgeht resnonstle and our.* oertain. They ...fee U. pnbLto t< ths tollowtag goo: :•ravirg dteroeed of my °Moe and tositotnes to Memo Lonergay Cialdwvll *tee hivVe to berm ars grade:ate. CO the heath= art, I do most cheerfully vecomovetd teem to the and toth pahtk In gimnotal, a. every way worthy of their me drroe and yetron Pttrabarylt Jona 14th. 1884 8. WOODA.ILD,IZ- gf - VC JF.WHL%Y sroRE. T. H. KLAGER. Wetld mem t neg. ct ij Inform the vabllo that be tau atoned his n•w shro,where h• an hand the finest, taer t athreuat *itch of Watches, Clacks' sag Jewelri In eh - two defer. Welsh and J, wel-y work do'o by first class-weekmack, and werrauted to give satisfaction.. Poo t heart Lb° pip. • b?... , :rm TrXICIML 071in e r, mugt..7 City. SPOETSMEN'B.I3F DQUARTEBS, Ite WOOD BELT. .7 A MISM9 SOWN lovtto• the atteatioe of Sportsmen sad others to Me gderidld tt .ek or GUM, - ATMS% rcrioLvatra, t1f" . 01.4, MUM: BA013;TOSIt TIEMIEB, MOT SBLIB' and 1.0)01ITA Mal IMAMS, sad our mr,,rittna or ore.* kind. M. Wok I. ths tarp.. ...Se trotiebt to tbli market. boll ).. vas & CU, • XX PINE TAR. rta up ha nest oto 0,. twuruf ,roc .4v by. tteduz. , e rot carl.•anensrste' _ t., FIRM' elttir..ll% rlttsburit• M&VV ril 1 Y-.LOZ. ALLECIIINIT Grrl'i. Ectr,.. tonal Irst , *ad t1.19t0 , 1 rnrod atrea of D'SCIELNO, BOAT AND %TOE 11...! 4 .2.18 WINDUP , TfutAltiZ STISVP L 1511,11.1 6EfEt -831,1A }own:, Krotrrnto, taTrik, PMAL4G3, /kr -130 Hit r.,11 °ens i',4WJen 9nrs , vcS pt c. 114- rit4 ime. et !We we: r r'Snotu wanting WHO 111113P3 ro• LAB t:tl e Ft! f o r 4 ra6;ll3 " : ti: 63E611 U S. iNTV,F-PST COUPONS. )O-4U., dna lel !AMOURS. a-to., dr. Igt NOVEUII67.I. Tlonght Man rates ay saminds a JOXCIi, Banton, VA.l{ll I Ob. HALE—Cobtaininglia,fteres, itrinte In 800 ti to nablp ibils.biuy, - f.76., on the old %a Magian 1.44, 6 cube, frym PirabArgb. .`fbis faros is A. high canto of calibration...ll watentil and abanono a ith lb:LA[6lle and .1. tit with • vein of ao.l coal. a aro afAcy daell , ng hatch, t by 40 fact, eight: combs and Mich..% rib besting !mit iniaa. •lmd mbar bail il , ttia 'fermi or payireat caodotatca 8. °Min tin h 1f153, at& it !Isabel strait. Van tiALE--Thirty Acrei 'of ohoi,le lend,. MI level. with •prthre.el gOOd .M.VI I I/ 1 . 4 ! i 3 OWL wtretisineni. with detail:mired geoleo flat{ on tin. H•sitos tniri, titter and belcrer. Aingetny city. •wt f pp - AP(' i iittne't; rnt Want.; ...It evot •n at Jodi... Bea Ft nertCtiennS Jl fiIItCLIIIELIi, 0.1,1,7 of Voeith nod tiltrket Pmetmrgh, or the ianZatetentdeti the ITKrett.. polled A. B. JACK. LP7T WAIT TO BE DRAFTER-4 (:pp', W. U. ROAN, of the Y tb Peon•yiyaela I. reeraldog • .MlL+l3lperiT of on. year =ea the Ist Alb plan, co.ty re,ictv:ol n• psthNit N. 4 b.Kbeet g 0..., Rod to i Ruatl.e. .B•crn , Llng Mtn, N, 66 REDLY* I. IST ;Mat A.le g b my city; •I•J. w. !LION, fi Plete•aret. - froILRT SOAPS- 00 h ae, Co=o i Pi. and taarsJabt melfrd and far 3M .I. 4 gas go, j::43 . /2.3 T1'00: RHIPPLJrG. DItiFSLL'S OBEIGN nnompoN Pleb:plush. Penna. theap Passage teem Ilia.ailld CoaatlyA ix ) the Elrod clUs Olyde arils Mesmer, or the lOU. hcol and Liar.dcraderrp Royal Mail Llue,ea Wove: 1 ii immficii....a...l.2,Etra to How Se:4la 2,Mal bee= Sara ...;...::::,.--...= 0 teal. Parattat,............,`2,630 ems. DaceelCasa.,—......ll,2Co teas Clemelen... .. COOL.. O. Ctseceicele—la.l,6Co teas aelg4c..---3.600 Ma. Thelle iNalt.ere -lea. Glceepoct ewe? 'cr., totteltag atiortittglerry tar the Len sad Mash toe. ~,,.. death. p.a., ehd haTeccalmrlawleteectamesee taicas for pawners rare ircul , Ll..tPaal er Loa. der.d.ry 20 Nett lett visa Attu, is, I'AIItICOWT LPSE •of celebrated 011pper Ulnas , Packets, Irs,h3B I.lltrpal Car Kew Vert mice 0 week, ant the l'S'' One of tortitol Pellt-ta. leerleg I_,:edee fin. T Teak eii.ry lea 'daye' l lepecott's Lire' , peel une comprises the fullawiag atakt: Ton. Wm. Topicoot ---!,ro7.2ecers34 tr" , G..tft00e.—.....~....g,FA'. Sletly ...... Blensreb Of the V laory Al Mon Gemmel IlieGliPmn 4,23. Se rim ra....".....2,510 Tensmard com. in - rimmincy, to hem York, $351 throve Plttit . nrel7 ill 191 ressengers booted through to .T.T toot of tb , ',Jolted Ellottoot Oculdra•.o. regollerl. Two of cu.." snip. lease Heir Tort fur Lleorprol emorpomel romancer. on tim outward voyage ars Gana to oneernlas. Ras from Vow Tat to.ttrantool $ BIGHT DRAIT9 on sil port. of Far* for sole at knrent tato.' D. Olt - LILL. A4loi gne4gchrontele Banding, 11111th irtraki @Se timftbitold west, Pattabargb. OTEaI WEEKLY TO LIVER- Al rota., tondang stAintezwrolnii Dater.) 'lke yell tribarei Reamers ar Telsonexu, Noe Veit at; 17113adirprus Breemaektp ocannalrr ga min ricoo are latatelaM 04 as *trim tremolo, Jab Si. CM or wasurmaratr......... augu ELST Orild/MILE /. Mnt riteediP4 B all"Cd• 1, 2 ,0 k:ft , I. Nista* la doltlox Ittkettolntent. la =row i , 1tmt046.................13 , 4 80r " te0ree5.,..:............9 , II toiamdcat—.... to ttt Lt. to,Loodlas ....1, 41 .1 " to gat0—...... ......St, OD ..- to Part,.......... to 4 Umbt 3 rl,-- bit.te .." to tleat"lrd—, tIY 0 Paerogap OR tuors*Sl to are, .IP•sq!z4 Soto , dam, d.... .erp de,:oil-aluilTl Tc 1 ,11,0.2. jr.4.a from ielverpcol in 4:4lseuottpvq: 1.4 0114.? B ph, nu Etavyyy, la Mosisito 1,4 tol,von C. daft Itioador cam -tar skin& used tit ttieWesitm.) . /or =Um IsClarsoattoo..•2l3 .' Mg r y , DtGous. OLIN IF. trer. . r jr.. ..7 wt ' v 14.1 1 5 .g.u. . 8 0 n ' A ! a crk s.. l.; ls ;:' I ' Is& C 4 Bmt tad arrot...lht bare, CiUN kmouvorr un irainirini. se cru, sr tb sorrily's irrrfrtrurf 7 II0113:173 Is meta fi WA, arm tact All7Ol. - • • • •11717X/1111LIVEILL= , • " 4411JKO4P'1. • 1864 V —PEN AA A MS_ - -- - L It. IL—stmoura tuosortrumonass DAILY TB4,1:11t. Oonetant addition an !slag tetado;lia tha agalpinn of 1,14* swellan Mania mach tad express roan, an stet, tmenibla care grill 1* aaorataid lot the comibrt tammacts ang riplei,Anortonaot Wright, dtalt win tean_tim.Donoitit PlUshtntsabilowstl, The TEHOIlali AQCOMMOKIAIKIJk 2,61.145 _.t the Pawns* Stanton 41117, (except gorrla7,l at 5.. , ewpoing at all lltation between 1 1 1 , ,Mbargh aa• 1 1.11fladelphta and malting 41.424 Mir 451e1e .fort and Philadelphia. Tle SILEAUGII MALL 2 1 3..51.0 hirer 411 P.R...1p1 , StesSoe every =ran (except Sunda73*. 2 : sl) 0 . 1 7 .t Vire* iatilma, ant Inatlag &rem mmoect.cosat Ilerrtebr_rg f . Ultimo. pa Waaltinz ton. end tm Sew Vert rla 7 11 4 1 • 15 4b1m Tee l :73.ol4:Caill YELPl.l2ss,7l4l.lll(lsmisa garqslM23 p. m.. myopias only at prinotpalstagoaa. maim titan teen, •tten et aarrltburg for ValtM:ora Wm!: ingim nod Pan.d.r4vb n. PAST LINK Won thaStatlan dalj(ornept dna- MI) at 5:55 p. ra., stoppir; only at pr1.:121! MatLms, - azecetze at llanlaburg ft. Dafelmon Wathlng ead Ere Tat ata AlM:mown nun vl:Yoot chop of mn also, at. 11111mialnhka for Sm. Tort. AGOOKKODATION =AIMS. . . TlaJo4sPorrA AeoOmmndi a VOA. brama4lolo Pm .TAN.aIA7/ Att4Oßmn OtoPPMA At AU Matti= Aml rarrolopoutzer rro Omommorgh. YAM Locammodatirm TWA Am Wan SAVA* Mara day Comorpf 8 ..AndAy) At UVa. m. Nara A••••-.U= Trala for Mira Btatim I.IIMI daily (runt tirme.Ana r t a.. TAMA ArraMmofttim Ttrittsfoo Wan Ptiati trim LW, (ormAa 80.4. ai 1h.23 gy,th I tor Warr Brattli. team!T, day troreept Pendayj CoCO p. m. Tbs ('harshTram roam VAIN StarMA nay at vas py I nroormaik laS O PlsrfOrrtra I 2M D. ..Mmr..; TWA, Arrive rtet&i,",.. Takroli Ualttroara ISMP)p. PbtromAplita =lonr-- p. Put Wu- 4, ID !Til.totth 111011613 M Jobsetsmons . 11. lh.tWolTo Staidan .46ocincomMastol6,--. 6.05 a. m. Second Well's &atlas tacomadalloa..--- Third WON Station Accammodotion-- 1451 p. 16. !earth Won Staam Acoccono6M.M.m.... 665 p. m Baltimore IMF= ortlVo 1f0.211101 . 3.461/ to. icon at MO v. so. cat Motaa.m. TiMos Mansion:toad Lodi= monectat gal! tokamt.tou 616, ar , ,,ces roco=matuoviohistmn• ; drammetistica cq Lop arTmM last owl Watt Bat litany Ismnso GnO Abnsta.ra lelvd=tlastot Wor". Trott" foT 111mtelion mama 1110 Ammo TeolGo .red Vet Tmte. SToM, Im3 ..Tmozik Adadal tadation ad gamma troth . a • To An Tert".......". RI SO Tv 'Politp ;26—..410 To 11d10de1pb16..... " 10.66 To tommotor GO To T eS To '3 61 , o b t .a o d of 2 022.16:020y1M.16) Otribidl Us:had, tO rolladdipb,a.ldalttooll and ' hew Scar ' tldtea . 12 1221 Itl to 01 : s entt Ifte se l '.. .ll=l 7 : th thp =to=f 4 l,lo Ito Camay bu Door= tom of 1.0, the 00122.13 11 . 110 •Ireanohll roopossiMo pormasi bommvo only, ha aioat not ...maw CM Onsdla Tdabmrbeem sarployadt mom ;-morama• and tugap to and from Dapot, al • Acme mit to uma Tot or-G, vsemorm_aad3 bazu.t. Tor ticksn apply to 3. STIMA.B.T, Mott. it GM Fasomemesto OrnmolllMlTood Vmumpo 131.1102. as Illuty ad Grans armada • audll #36416•121. 1 T r r 17 I T:_gttlejl AVM &VESICA.GO WST sud OLZFELAND PITT:SUM:Ia MAL, ROAD. sum= A.C.111119/711211% Oz ar.d after lI&Y 15m. IST, In d= ma as talc" Travel; Pima:m.o CIZZa Cle f re?l r atit Witfleg. I:CO la at.l b 55 Lto a. D. ra p P. Lb) 5 oc GAO a, a drrlaa as Pittsburgh—P., P. W.& 0. earl ore, : 2:20 a. m...M.SM p. 0.. 7:00 p. m.. audl:so p. m. 0. &P.IL R. 210 a.m.. IMSO o. im.8.08 p. m. 6.000.11110D..5,2101i TILIINS—Lmro ..kilegtmay. Ter 1111amm Tor Now B. For Wow 0.1 Par :Men* 2:10 p, m. intl. ixi. 4...aa p. m. MIX m./ . 7.17 a. in. SW ;L. az. SAO p. al. . IletarMap. are . at iio.gtan7-:-P. T. W. a O. %Showy, o,to a. m.. UM.. m., EMS p. m. mut MED p. m.. M. & P. B.R. gm. m, GFECEGII PARKIN. Tiztot ¬. • tlcion Poasenser Station, Ptixabure., Ps.4 AL. Q. 048112.L1..e01111, Una L, 2.lPglant7 0117. a. B. rA•esoii," G. Pees Atoot, r. ay C. . . A LLE.61111141 Gl VALLZY 114111.110.11). filtlL—th ar.d atter BIONDAY,May Nth, 1804. tis• - •tot•trut & ortrittis trunscataat: 171M r 14Ltattr-Leavis Pittabamb al l'&00 a. m,sn xlvtos at ILlttanalx4 at ,ID:00 a, P. loam , Mt.*. tar' rt. p. to-oirrtrts at Pittelaorgb Lt . ( p.m& XXIST&SO TitAlti—Learal Llttanutni at &Ts • st. &writing at Elttaburigh at OM a. et, imam flts.oenti •1, &CP pp ist.ounittnit at Ittitaantag p.• AI.XIOMDIODAT/011 TRA.III-1.4•01134ka Waal at •:In: sa, whim. at Pltiatranta at no a. m loins Pl&t&tt&•;• $.10.p. m. aarttlatt'at Sada Inas at tO oyl4 L WElGHT,Saptatattaasat. CILdl /JO .41 Ei.r..N.TS WOUNDED SOLDIER . W. J. & HALL PATIERSOR. LEIZITTS, So. 144 Fourth Mesh Pittsburaty &re rivpars3 . to infect tba ZIOO Bounty the Wounded. Soldiers, THEZDUTELIN WOUNDED tiOLDIErzi •[OO BOUNTY TO ALL WOUNDLD BOLDIZ)33, b UT• babg paid wofl with ..Dlwhstga.. • Do (Autry III•db rite. ,111EMSIO b T. WALTCH DAY, • Vioraw4l bp the I:l.ll.oowanwhiwt, ••Ho Ida rina street. Pitubansh. 4 door De o the Gotbodr4L connl4Na j NO. BURGESS & CO., gt 0 :4,,,,0, to 1. h W. ILASICL,) 1301111133.1•2102.0.1112 rerwardiag insrohantiv on, arrT, EN - vizir parellungt. chs .ENlstio - Witsbousi" at 011, act, and herring *mph , tacan land ISsilltiss. vs miaow, 1-rvaree to stem an fk•nrattinli ASD Digg, onny &twirl:MOM wombe ottesettensto, sti who tot) Carr ts with tl4,l;"tvhaga oH 1•11414 11. Ono: Islas to ]e.-..nllFlrtin a 5124 eons &oat • pot us /3/10031. , TAP" gamut. (T0111;11? BASBi '• BLYIt. •'• •• . . . . core:rrn nAlsr:r7-a TL 117.3: 621. — sre. • ; atressava. r. • 4,17,17 BOOTS JAM SHOTS. " -- N OW 113 THE ACCEPTO ,'..• I', ~._._:: ,4 , -.1 - , 54 - ' °BEAT .BAItEIBUTf-SW .'_ "": s 't:P`t3Ll £L3 .DT =ars AS THZ.I3=SZLOSCC`,..7- ~:;.: .0111-Ifia Concert, Balt-811,gatpre. bODS='= A - Baal, wm car IMLOW; prat. t;a:. In to.. ycsreets.a that thlit'4 _o'O H i :il~4 ~G Dan't forget this place, NIXT De 04.10 THILIXI.4 Pl:63b 0/1 ICL aal:7 SEWLVG, ALICILT;Wip., THE AMEE.IO.4I::.INSIITLqt • NIL - 71 (.7.11.y1E4..,- „ :, lISPOIISS that 41%;Witiliiiirt1i .11.3 wiLsoa mum. Ina:nib" end nab LISLnt, " elsatkity, renassonco, T./ germ] dealzableneas of tau stlifittog REM dam, sad UN. de t 540.12. tet; II Awyplisalkt..” - e • . iilb THE -npcxLBTrra-Er.3 • I. • - • Ter7 nimiTs:cmsiii4itt l 4;r ),. t nres ar sa.e h.ccmauto44.4);;,;,V; ;, '' OAT. ; 04. WgriadP4.-i 4...0 0 . the - Osar CI4I ; ' 1.0.4-.• Ar.a11211.090• smut% a dO.;',4ititi. l i ssorrAwi _ 01X16 ,- ;t4" ,, , RIDBB CLABK 4 , • .t. , =.4 0016111.3=03 1010,1;.- , cv44 - : c TetraL3tua and ita Etadasts. CADDLIIII, ap. {INROAD •, WATEII MOT Ver Aleuts I,r the POBTLVXD 2..k.WSZID 1712 A08E0.1231X VMS " 1".12i 1. /kr. . ctifiki Aoieer - ' 44- tb vas,o Cat VO/3".Xi3P- GM. ! uei Pure Mite Rana .Carias ex" , g,L 1.3212 a~inK4..-esa:...c BEJTIO.FAJEd!r.4" , FINAL I=4YAL.., JOHN. RUC Dere removed trier PLOW WLSitita tditer,,,,,, area. IAL ai 223, azisr-iliCialt:l4otrialiai Vt.EMOVAIIt;•CiIiT /3.:814 - i1iA .4 301 . 1;713 4 4 IV el escomlattnt 11140theatt;• 33313117.33741311M15P 343 to 347 LDYZETY 477,415742.:-, 4311:43 sumo. rse.p.v,soar. ORUMPTON 167 Ll:tasty Bob Propriataa sad tiarrottetramsfoisW.itm PM.< tylazott. Oblo, trollsoaildlools liadittidadttoy.rt • rataufacturcri of • rgarlor BIWA d • ' - • Palm; Deana; OlivalinCOmdklioaso , VOILZI2 AZIP VAIRL*gpli f iC n- f sg Of cc/ envra,proz son, *War vs waste& early recamonead es brttrr e!,Lisr . l3 . ,dtettont sayaltlato tem tla vablia, :haat bt !mitt datalas adttar Pottoty Solt, Ltrosorlfaita,oesay otharteedidatisitte •• ottordoorarr which au: :brink .ortAtdro the tharottli.: ~••• beat Vtdratels ond Woolcaraatie• - thead - trith• the rapidity of Cotton or LL. n Clotho( trashed 'With-0W 97•8 EIZIEL cosy do - dot torn* datilegid WIC rabbtry which al Ours: Mel tta'auce tad hilll4"'- I£II,WI'PELYII. _llO/iP .. • Iteounsa Orto",, tirilobactiffisix* . l'slatre.,TO ii Backe, LA U. vastrolgo,Wabxelo lainedixPlyi, by swiitosi Modttx*xcoxlxt O. tlisq.DlVOlcduifi. iftn&sa, Comb to fr.roltori.R=Mao szalOolhe it, ja•p•ra • billiancy% to Ziol!, JoioolmOrefffop44 rolomollod Poiatinso end Wont Lm , 1m0041,._ and for claming oaths sad COMO:WM Vas so - for Om Ilaitx, sad partlcolatit fox ..10AtoPoolati . . szrams zzazu.s6.lElo a pettoot tha r a l ,:la • w . al who Lars tried Ito . loxporior g /iio, Oct= i ts the grossest abooTtO7 Ditto vo.. COuosal • 1.1•11•:0 a who . 1•••ro•ud In'tidng 80 1 A. 1 4 sorry nw will rofoznd }he =Lao of U. um to to onccomplisli sabot go claim tot tr.iy !i4 to OUT diF... ...g . " . ... Merchnato Oval obrietd *IV to . rirolrlf:A . .. . CfS1)11110b1 & CO. • nil, 4'7 Woe' Mod, ...,, Poxlxoy/youlo'Bolrodfaloollgox Depot: .- ' .....: .., , zo- Ewoom of all battalions; DAPS tend• Walt bearlug ow trade-mat —13114,211. PURL 81:111 •• ,•• - •...d by.zi•tfoam tiopintbt. .......' . . xr.htly _, • ECELSIOR DRAWEIIII 4 + beat armutement In the er °Ott; siiltheiriler 1.1 . 961 erella ka• twee. *l term peepetee. PATIZTED 146. •1. P=pg for rim! f. ' 1417gicTolllidblelth Nimpe Wr Bre r. ovra kiarent.... . NMI* ot dcarripticea, .prApx.7 .0 . . ; DAnar.y, ve.gtalqt. atzt I 2 *min purr AND kar.u Tr.t.Ese EvEncaticEsCaie. In brad apse **WI lug rariettor mat prolltabla tar tkifstocs. ' law bat* No. arm tram, as Nakly Harnat, - 11144an had Maria: 13altirtnAratlogater• airtimEilltorTsaP. Una Co.„ !Mode Wood Oman. Sod! Dasati,'ltaiaboV - Satokalleale, Tottaanti Smart Bad Or's (nor,' to.trrith itmMi za dock. orEZAB, oututfor, MOM /Mire SIDLOII THEZEV.: HIE,. ZHElntr SNOT, augiNHOVISI A. stool b bozo; We ear great learaaatamsts 1,0 lehthtle* or wholesale panto:cr. Orden 4eft at Qs OoNata totem, f Word, or rittabargh 0/21taa - tra - be attended to. eFF 4447 JOHN HNHOOCHI, rert , tarer Mamma,and 1411.10.11..4,110 LA P BURNER, eISD nteriAntli a. WLE.E . *litYlkinollii: ' , 4 COLLINS tt WitIGHT. tits-nrsetams ct Meg of ctIMP L.A.LIP MUSSES, A.% llogefeefaPirl WrigilV• Pat:at - PIN -.Tua 'WV, &stoat -215N11103. Tut', HOUNW TOP. Prwlnd greet. Pittetren.A. S . E. r(JULTISEY, Crude and Refined tetrideni, Ace:. 02 1211.1:1) eut.iikice. Pa arl3.!. nL >z • - :180" A Imp, snort - neat al PoCl:re Kin) 412.11.11.5, kw r.par; : tacke.ll,to IA Oultatloa IsuVey, Turku, Illorocc9—wittv.zOt nn nad *Oh m. 11,. edgs—r4l4ACWOlWAl•Olills and ellut4 fultentnip. All elws..awl trool•thl,A01$•• incr.artlzo.3. Tau volit.. • Pm oxImAg4bWASS I6 ., Wk. 0..101.115AT0R ka/..Asseloaos Aptß i Arh;rB, .8131%13,10.11, cluommc tharkalto. C 1 IrOtrfite / 51 . a-. 6 3' admit rim' act-initaviss• a trAtek orsam jnpericw to wry cab , WO of be wafgateink - -4-.1- a. a. asiivre. ee i! 4u-40 WALD. U . IZZi=l samtmemicitti :•*,-J 4 inovratairmaT itooytsafxamo-=! .: . - : c x ". 4 . 3 :" 11041 t / 21 F 1 *' ' ' 13 c a .d `Stec* .l4