ABLISHED IN '1786 Vittsburgli (6 . 4 R ettt,' •i rvirfastra , ET RIB GAHM PUBLISHING 11830CIATIOIL TOMER SUBSCRIBERS. Meander,lined, pobliniere of Elliot argh daily pa. por►. bin. tonically eitrind to amigo dm visa *Petlead foe Moir rupedive Porn.% on an d aim MOISD&T, Jnly2stb, ISGI s TOE GAZETTE. Morning Ender., per week, delivered by carrier. best by mail, re year, in ad ♦arm._.. 10 44 44 fix sixteenths, In '.5•00 .4 4, fee three =rate, 2 Co Fusing ralUsrOP7 Cirrier, per . 44 rag), ktr Vv. 13 io 44 ....Jag/ menthe, II Co tcrt three 44 - 1 - 65 ' 4 II3.V . CEMOIOLII. • Per vest, Pee "tfirrili r4r0.:14-*thy 82 CO .." " : 4 ) r . 3 34 01112,1SISCIL4 . . • Per rik,e,X , ffeffesied Per . iii#OY Pin 16 OP 'hies montba, 250 MOO tATIOV, ottizus arotc.moxr, tabpilrir Vpilleigebroalcb; PIZEMITIMDDIMkrer iv ea. LUD raisma cotteisr. Ileafitt; 'Matt& from Saturday's - ETE'IIIDS, Gazette. Vetiellihipnentises and •Itestilts. tiiiets4lG•bellita Satoh hoe raitie Nil the arii;tharthefilltite at Petersburg was duo pri. iithltiridaM,.linds.f l utpliv•Einnitatlon In the ",c6titiskent tetimont!'of •Warisspondentst _ _ Itehtstalt•to criticise, we have withheld censors Unit deisY: Sittinger We have to say, thaiticiM.- - :-. • - It Gera Grant'splan *as Wolf matu'red. fee& ble, mud onght llr.briSilaclitieded . /Ted It stio cooded,,Petersbargerool have:fallen. 2. Detaits.ef its , execution were left to flea. ter of 'Om and! ofibe.satom f•Viiak responsthle tor the cholas of triOnS ibropitag It. oseitittingiblumn. Mi ta aliases tirrimititnantireAltdoottellatiecrally" within there'll= of atorps commander. 3. 4 .Gini.lßurnelde's corps hiving been desig nated to elm the. Sentetory, 11111; thit General becomes rfillouslWClor "theliandling his trWya uPoullbe . ./mlCtialess_iOneired - of 'lmmo Goan himitthortfore,or. upon lien. Made, ieenil_to rte thetlelaritich Inter mina between th e atvlicgingerthe mine dad the fotefard fan-etaeat of the 4Soltieen of assratiti.- Widdliere the not and probably ,fatal eriorta the aetimi Told, It is pea that the raptcatou• I should hue Jason Instantly toil° sad' by the assault; yet there was udelai of from half da hour to Mahon •living.timn for the enemy tv rourvai:!TritiLlite-Stlintiii_ and moacentrata hit toresertra the peint indlested tor assault. srageheooMitict alba '111.1114n lsteitteorti was just one nenetfor fa-ta attach sdth'ithpetnetityirf Tuella e which Sen. Ltd- Ile edit-nu yr tifn theMatat farmed by the esplotton;'nodtiqii oat TO:Suable tl Me itt. digging apstwo tans.-a halted - on .iallitlY la •Thdisre , gnus Were all-tionthrt te Ohleef:theh - e r e'etteeds' - hlf iota= To luxe • iorkdhis ixichforfrarl---theirietheohensie aucestsisind_wav dimwit ;may. to fmy goner ship goes; stops With - "the larstLedvanor. of the trier% . Who% Leine iclusdly Moved, the holt hopecit 'Victory had tut his Emu Wentlimeard . with a eortairodegies of:mutation. Thelsetheen tried • hirdtd'estrty'thiro ;Title bliii butthonni which dolsitad permitted tho direst upon , theita - "Wiet isirilho,"Mcd 'they °Mir"haet The assault was anther heroic, in itietastinese, netlitigratifol.by , preciplutte retreat.. Cousid esing So what netdiesi cell the men soiree*- , posed; sit ehatilie - Service cdirliloh'theY•wmo nut At the MOSS diffeWß 111 - Inity l 44 behavh4 well. The second omit by the clivltion of dobired Mier, wia - isi mane a, t h e thwa...ap. .p*lgtiin`eithet, More *or- leas.' Bat they were . r pgukodo:Nciropossible'thio a. When the - ant - croleauthad-bens-reptilititl 7 theriiirea no toiler • ~ : abritarigl,:4liia - ptin steparhumatuvalet • .; bo =whim . Giti of Ohio tepolisi now as , - tsYutlOtuy.rettttail: ,_ :: a lf.l l secGlee ;tad .imievadadits - he ;bud rightlev4i4e4lsi'llsVilas4 we gild' burvistaken,Pistarelistg , .GoMetery•ldill Is the kliftrthewlieldevirtentot Babel deforms: Bah r shill alt IS, the falinto:Of , One;iftcrh-by foitent - Cf r tithetegridiV;of:thi.iiihnutionsegairret itiehttiond ::The [aster arc not : liettare, fa feat; kits , than: intony,preViona-ingagemerit of -=importance= , :The' ispitwe dtscanted 'as If it •frobo'deoirlyir,whilititis rotitiMin tehlatte: There litelke Zoo's sendbighis 'mita - sloe; !..r e _ en _ - . torarEgrly sicfre - t entotiella:edisdifinorations tiattettrsburgererasit ea end... We shoula like to tielleicithitinflias demesnes. , When Hance& Oromadilit .Tatats 1.4t0z0: this o4teriarc,iig elei r ind,liiiteitiO.compelied : detaoldneiab portion •of 'Lee's -tome to meet him, Lae Will nearertd.deelloolion.th en ever hens; -anal welallaidSrirlt - , No mutat -beiievoAhe will risk * tolPiratiCS Igrd'hdibs:frea - hist Petersburg: garrison., teught, oi Jai : ll4.l.6rib, witta_that indomilabbrmoomit , art , Lea: adrereary olingol IllAttalpitia , Bat if bo has, le Hill he gone' to Early, - hr the 'Ehointudosh _or eneste•--Sus---Bilanannock, tslthista Which Grant Iwo maintained inrush, 'beginning of this campaign Is mite the lots hie at We •aunmear- Nothing can eel lie hold upon Itieldnonil, which the tosaloo loath of the Jamas secures him, nor will that polition ever trislisquiehed. If NIG goes to Gertz,. Gem fialitt].4toey shall);roa en,lsACttr•Olp V.likelitie to destroy the estul.ost..,n, bat he w;3l hOhbotenteatecith ;hero scale Tersest alone. It is likely ho does coot:iv:plat, setthog this Elenandount• tuicincis the enemy's fcreo sleet it'may- ot s ould it prove - 11mA 4/mt; .1.3 • etjet.J.,...by the show of success 'is,- .Itetomborg , Into -.iiending heavy detachments oway trcd , tbet• - •• point, is may prove the dense, Of bia c. tout: the prelude to thii'fiti 611,241.M0nd: - ' Mail cacao • ere tan ash nothlg-bittio. i wMilitary .pcint- of view than s not ainioldetil salon opthearray ~ htittseithhAir e ilhleguidkis not tliliterily. con- Scourlty Niohiiiend. •Leo's army is an army of dafenzc—notorkturly ittfefLet 116•:huttibtiri - to Allah eit God Grant, and able to - I resist It Selelyfireizeing oti Me defensive; When • Witte .a to serene rho cow:Won& of its sue. I coastal operation its tsriority,,pf numbers will insure its defeete " - - . .;tromielleli it follows that. the *vent of last Via bf'no meant' changed the slum ' two or.;ib. :mistime between Scn...Grani and .• Als•itideitonist.. The agree: Itiohosoud Conlin, • ties, azd the effort wbfeli vii most accelerate its fair htlatichaiivorcentiod-MtioSbenertioahlits tee is suittorcd to rte tlanref 'the , 'regiments - -before ketorebarg late WS tem paid for ..11x,r..6370 Sara saneiee a_ a CrIA, far aver fear eonso eqate* th a greatest X2al9ll.`g_omi - day.tbfaotAloa 7111 17°.Fg,thr011`..,t4,_11'...,'111e lanes . * brban-ontiLso...To2.l and n vatikpflintsa for ; Pitc - rnist , rs aifc. with,E:ara , q‘lo.erter e, bat Abr.ritinoitijargeat.l*ltseiee thst there dttated saVatal %%renders stre , ald instantly { taratratsney;aid Sonlet try ;1 N:audit bendlass:rstlceerify,to ettnntsplish that and; Ile will Ito pentrilrother re quteitions wait Utak for •tlin : saldlers-ean , lea honors& Mir Lftlterieitl brf to - -- pty•- the iottfers 'and let "De terztreeeers'esett: • 9>• peacamta it - d4p s to. • - ...,, • nwposisiiiitn arc Ein work.st Rimers. A' -dispatch to tte•Sew lfeilt 'Ecrablolated the - A' and • signin — Vnt: es: r.slt. Jewett, rays : rqbepe Is now golnn ntrid.fre , clatasuen 4141 . -irunisit ist t tintl if ton -Room, between the foll Owing pestles: !Clay, liolacrabe; g sn d ors ikn a other confederate, ant Drell Richmond, IL,. fl Wood, Thetis, of .the Raoc,tcr VV.*, ex-0e mos Annt,tri , i7:artrnsr,Welle:, tf Calif rale, ono:Werner ls.ithie; tf Ricliiian ;Rue, Auburn, .Btatiset; of the Nineteenth Ohio distriat, dela. taut* theThiasso Conre.atten ; three delegates , 41W (ZOOl ;ISMS, IWO , from ! Misiianzi and 9ro from Kentucky.' The tuition witsfintenieie; anal -tnei r-extritsedintu7 senate will fallow. , . , Casaaaflrmirpa HOESCI. I ;al tiara's Vult,ltatbro It' ra bo a port of saint far b5330...44' ' salmi :..44" 11 1 7 Par Catithaa aatataparstriatv., several consldora • lihnlttkarrothorres,pareliWiatlair t ontrtfra4-1 ada,-to Coafedatattratiocat; bats Paiseddown as the 134 at matt teatastt dults Dalt ft* 411 70, lailnehtsh •At klmtlorty is; _ 'tuldarstool,lll•7 ba - shiptnalfot itartoakt %bate,. passed aTettaad tate the 0011.1 1 1 ;l e1 , k ti4 r ?ti : S it I *1146 /74' 2 7P 1 d . 'q 3 T01 • t 1 11 4-W, orli:lLitiarestocarltytriTrUda - . - -Thart 'o";fitetgertattlasl3ofttatatitt,'a*d *HI 13a !_itinig l ikat ' amixwW,..lll6.*: - Trtiecarrsrsi bag; of tiro' blnand tinida :weight, wget will I"?' .ictrateib look p'ste dlstannU.kof carte, •mdse. Ett , i ,44 ier. grepitstions far thole. -coating Sri laptop:et at an immense Intildlag,' , arlikilk cantata Wry stems 'euglnert. . The Ism to bexesd licighs two handrail pounds, sad thstfiamil. trlri be of cvrtrlotzahz ?rt.'s% tlik ' toTAlitY . : .. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, =SI This iron -clad, which was built by Archbald I Co., at Cherner, has practically proved a hil l:ire. Su leading journals—suen as the Non York and others—say, and so appearan ces indleate. It it now a month sine, the on ,. piellon of this storalail: named craft was on cmcnecd by she Philadelphia press, and her artirat at this city on her trial Ole noticed.. At that time the monitor was the theme of general ecmptent bird the daily papers of this city were filled with actotuate of her knish, bu' id and c an • Striation. Great promises owe made of oar, trwrywatOrpsotations entertained. Tim eons try receive the same promises now, bat. h 1.3 men slo fultillment. When the Tunxis came op to Philadelphia she leaked badly i two L1,:1e3 and a half an hour trete computed as the amount of eigninest Sitirped. The cific . crs rappmed her deed the Naval InosetOr6,inito'oxamin ed thole:M . , bat rtliortiid,Xii:Alsworthy. She wimerdo , ed to Washingrtini. and Carted on the voyage - She did not get thorn. Ott Caps lien tepee the leaks opened. Water peered in, and the brew was swamped fe the amps and buck • eta. Her coarse- waileversedi and the rascal headed for Philadelphia, the leaks gaining In ifiti inti4unaps and backot, It tai the' expectation or the crew thackti s Tennis %meld follow the example of the 6:st antl 4hd a'res Ong' playa mtlhe .bottom 1: the waver : bat the passage to Philadelphia anl, , Offebted in safety... Hem ehticatele, and ereilwromalns. Ste is alleged to be on utter n kiilure, and unlit for set service. There Is wrong *en —elear,plais t positive wrong... This monitor pas lesilt louden cenliicr and Inspection. She Cost iitte.flovetnmentlthroe. hetmirod-thausand . .. beOrtra.andrbeettrarria ebst• she stows:Lentos is Ile off that-levy Twzdand'gritifyi the cinievity Of pesters by. The,deck plaice etc reptrted at half thicknees, and thy Govertimeit ettooid in tectlgatts the matter. Them has been too much 005 Aeoltipe to.t wotkossiship of late, and the soOner It le permanently ended, the better will it be for the Administration and the country. Ateldbal; wtto,ealibroftbd,tif . r . Old bait; the Tudife;wl.3 fortnerly an log ra t e r in . the Bore= tf Oonatruction at Washington, a position that e resigned shortly after the commencement of ha ettbelllon. Lenthelli the Obief Engineer, wasien temose of-intimate friendship with Arch bald, and under the grant of a contract settles Foulle of fn *ure fitLort, the . latter catered to partninalilitiftits'a shlpsbullal4 il-no at bertee r _„There„ are now nearly or Tette aim t r ..thei,..,t.,,, „„1„,77, 0,..0 'Moll have Actor the Ociernment. One of these vollebi le an iron double...oder, and some days ago an attempt was made to: Launch her? bat the alit: failed. I The tuthotiVaeare too lenient. Thu gun - boat Massasoit, beat at East Ba-ton, tats in S t et' year, has bean condemned, by. a coon:Lim ion of ;Laval surveyors, and returned to the contractor. Ilhe hod LOTOIINCIVI22IICradeI. --She SI a large eida,wheel - doable.ender, andher machinery and boilers were exceedingly defective. After elm - ' Ostler -the loOor,gt -Weal-Not , oxfo.:1" to bi, ski Los sac -eri,Men'etatt theurche 04121.1 not tioard.the.c.ctionof„„thei wavei. The country hie Lol:tatted te toe, mai of flail iimmpo ton t1,,,100r. t fortltbes the Copperhcad vase with Its most wtrfo,l argtocenta, and it eboeld be corrected. efo , vostrer' - ore - 14oer awl - by an examining board before they are manned .and acted oat. tErthisititanyloetustiarthed. It the errors be *note of ignorance, let the imposture be ex , borrelt-,;ll , they be the reenit of .covers - troseon pf disloyal contractors on their own head. visit the penaltycf that "trearron.: These are grave topics.:' Invest:toiled should decldetheir truth. i /r the ehargee 'stated' are antra*, the credit of ibe contractors demands a public roooreition of the unentlefulueel. Eammon the tlgtoarLa and int amid the Tanzia together, and lot or endar• awed t h e subject. Thereto wrong aomeartiera-. let theigaitty 11:db:sr.—Pia: New. •' - -'' - Amur, while - . on not yuertoit tsototy in which Were tnennialtured gent to be used agelrut him, to be. burned. be • •tose the the world andel:lgor-the- talents reel • dettecof tha.plati J . end he and „his n4Jamead er.Yed'lierd - tO 'fere trout dettroctirtr's 'Loin lendepseu,l by a Are eta radiroaA depot acct. glut tebiti .retttliate" by bnroird.thesubentkug , te the .groan?. And lyet Copperhead' prat. of Federal brutality : A Sr. Ltria, &wawa of .Frid,ty sep: 13:n. E ,B Brovie, o'onm:tender or the dentrer district of Mistunrcjern, town. 11. sera thiro ie no doubt or..Qaonirell's death. Lie his the erridetteta of many 'Pauli in different parte of the outerry to that sh"..ot, and somioyphir eddreued to Quanti . ol, tiled Bem the• bodii robot • who ,was tunporsd to be Quenirell, but subsequent ihyostisittext Wilted iho Gmersl chit tad/at:ell bid :c d• • , • . . . . . ,Fitces esee,higher by ••huadeitlvelraset. to ledis then they ever- were. befork The :liver IPP about:Ally eatts,nill bat bay as M utallaiiregll.S. - Ars.gemxvitito Enataad Ar ticle:(id:lattice -Arose there cost Are elutes or pseeb 113.ttey,,de home; and yet ledis &billing Europe i?t, owla and keeps it el. A ylctiora ot . Y. 014 ipPaids to lie , as bad as Piallara et repair . - Akrosiorso to the Landau SpeeWtor, which do. votes- Ftrellberate artiste Ur the 'abject, thi ovstlable lighting strength of Sagttadt, eatstl. Itottlatilly there are 84,000 tvaalsr trsops, 10260(8 militia sea /80,000 volaateers, bat really • hot esti iludi 50,000 are available tor forelP $4 1 74 5, And oLtheso pat 20,00. rtved beAtopcof th• Ilaa; • lh %nein'n "who has Coma within 'et- Mao ' states that the rebels have ordered all sneer to 'Truths themselves Into mlEtisforlnture ser vice.. Thou who refese are lotortaoned is Castle Tin - Oder: MI ire endaavertnito maps from the Sonth, bra the ditirraltise. use to greet that few iueeeed. , A 46171k6 Mai who was`drafted ' at Providenoe lasnratotmtra use sued:LS*4as the only support of nierldc_ered wafter. Ile' boa lilted on lb. pa , r l O.ll l framing' ever sines, and hie moaner applied to the Provost Marshal last we ok to toot tt-bilWattl not bo seta at Onee to the front to rid hos...Of:the '66iieribttiva 'predict tint In November o. thteve - yzez rgmetcoria ditplay rf Wang stars, tizadar , to tbst.ed Fe/ember, 1832, reiii take 1a e. HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM MOBILE Farts Morgan and. Gaines Passed by our Gunboats. BONAIRDMENT RP IRE UPPER DEEM Pratt i r AT RAM HOlitiON Broinsprille, Tex:se, Evacuated NAV Yoblr., August 13,—A epeolel to the rh,• o/d, dated Orloter, .ftly 3o h, oey, .ti,otobwot wie. toov Jr,: 1101.-• .la art: , of La = l• r re eto•nt of*.• ihr /LW, ot ',ran t I,y, the. kArtekit tai patood for!. ti , rwan et Raiiiiii•letbieli bad boon rapt otod to command the 6ttretb4 to cbile boy, afid bomb3rding tic spier dotor.o• - e. It dot i 0f,0,t0 ion b., comet tir , fort. mutt :weedily msfrmrier. Tan /idniirai bit new as iron clads Of Mobile, and two mare left Ode city •te-dap.. 'rho bomb f moot boo been eonliatird for these dale, wad R freepeeted that the otty will entrenats before tbo clots of nest week. Gett.;•Granwor will command the land tomer, itbieb. wilt eeetipy Mobile and garrietn the forte, if perfect sneeteccrowns the raoreinents of Ad. mirmi Ferraget, as •ortrybutl,dieto ezioutt. -• On thi. 12.11 of Gan. dtbhtb, - o.anend ibg at'Sl'eneacole, kit tbajleet with a /Mali foci, fiditt:DeMt daycamell2o , a R. body of the ce , tel, t n - eletary. abut .f.;rfr ..handred *trans, Ftrotoy entretebed et Nett Nobion. After • 'ego ip fght . rthele rrfr.ieted, lotaloil all aria • tanultleu, trait nag, t Clout pain ra t 's/tore!, Itoefef de (3/-rt. Asbeth then stturtea tO YornooJl3. • Ott tutees boon oramilttfof Dfoli , roving, Texts, and nll'ottles Lace boowsent to Testis and New openiel ro the Werjl,deted W 011120021 ghi , ;prifffilifrota the oppq,Potoolas are Tea contiadtioNry. ta4 catosatog has beatteffuod ly.tho-reldwlC;. was pp:l4.llly large esealty tope tiv!er Itsb.den. The - movements of the tr.stisSlG*l22 Va L dtz: - BaYty ate a W4etorf. At katju;Stente he nal in sinkp between -Macho - tier astt blartinabirg. There Is evident!, here IlistOf Sates ',haws ;wesslired upon a general ifisatioa • 'Ai ITOZ(rinniitieiineipon den t; 6Tivattsrh, oriel Ihe second: d lelaion of oar cavalry ander Gregg Mt/toted - the rebel cavalry ylgwonely on atta- - ,lernsalem •roed,t below Petarebarg, and drove them, Inflicting ',were Wei. Ottrloos was about lb.. > Thle,iftwitoon Llent...Toz..2l , U.tB.(eracknid) ..regizabatideliberately murdered lir negro aold4t, sad , . 6,—Tho Richmond Examiner of the Ad, hoe- 'despatch from the rebel Cleeitel Iteteeti; seillesc that Clew BtonentarkettErandered loltltawith.6oo men. A Unlcessaltitna fortne.wai ,inland at V 47-., &Anil% on the. 29th; and burned the wago.r.o - tare vo the - " :TELEGRAMB. OF 7111 i CITY. by our forces. FROM IVIARYLAND. Healy Firing Heard near Cvm- berl,:nd : EV;ITING , RiPORTS fRuM REBEL DESERTERS: Rebels in. Largo Force to March on Pittsburgh and Witcoling: GE , N.A.v.nlq TO MOVE TOWARV BEUFOFD On. /03 Johnson 'Reported is Co. eland of the Invading Army. Pe Lairs It., August ii.etal erne, Prey says: We bare received the following deopatch from o high official retiree, and are swotted that the details ern perfectly reliable: . • iforriaberg, August s.—Advices from Allegbe• ay county, tad., to the 2a last., state that hoary thing boa been heard - to the neighborhood of Gambit rlana all day. • The rebel deserters say that the nisei cavalry, finder J:thr.son, 'llacCeurlaUd nuil , ,Tackretar is• 4dvareirg„ en Cumberland and this State, and they will be joined by Early and Imboden, while the force la tei center at Cumberland, and march do Pittsburgh end Wheeling. Taeir whole strength is 25,000 or 30,000 men. 11 enceessful they will march on Cincinnati and arose into Yontucky. The rebels have burned bridges on the Cora fyertbnd tlllllpihe end felled trot &C . 70113 the road. Item the Bth Virginia Regiment that *earn ed Chambereborga General Merin will be compelled to move intim& Bedfcria to operate ageing the' rebels, endhe eat do all he tae to arrest their Pro g reso. • New Tons, August s.—The Richmond papers *ties that EC9O tretolfiat Informild the 'New • Turk Ileradd of the fact that Joe Johnston has teen assigned to the command of the robe' drmY in Northern Virginia, now invading tie Darin ley this Lent wai nakno,wn in Rich rcnd beyond the War Derailment, and yet the Thele'rlia is laid befere the 'world through the Qtu. Special — bispatclies FROM WA SIUNGT ON. 81 , .."-!ra D‘pitteh to the Pitteiurph Gee Ate. Wtsaniurei, Augnet; , ,, 15;11. Last week tut two hundred oed :Ist, thote• end dellariof the five par cent. ten-forty loan wee taken, and in the last month the aggregate Wes only one million, three hundred and twenty fourtlecneond, two hundred dollars, being some tidy g lose than the dolly average of the new Moen tad three- Lando loan. Them is' good authority for saying, that oar entire'lcos in thalotttloe of /oly 221 and 231, berme Atlanta, will not exceed nine thousand, 'And perhaps will : not emcood eight thouand. : The ?tercet Marshal General's department Is }agaia seriously embarrassed in its preparations toi tb.i'virabsg draft bytbe porsistootefform of pttte and municipal ititheritieslit alt parts of yle north to lime their , togas Lai:MIA under all ktatiiii aka, White their shorts do not flow, la most instance;, from oppoeitlin. to the draft, slaay have a most damaging tendency. The re isolitire authorities and the catepfe 0.1 large **att.! Mote lian'olloct to Inner oursirmins Sci-it as Me ny, end not as few web Si pOlOlOlll. ' ,The rebels am :mewing Litt& efforts to block • a. de Jemes, river below City Mat. TIM" mail ,beet that arrived herettals morning was opened ' ands f•ont a battery near Harrison's landing on . • ;1,1 wiy . down. It tuned ebsut and returned to City Point to procure a convoy of gershcetz,wish Leitch it again started. " The mall boat, putting ion. ...full head of steam, russeedcd In passing odic used. Tie report prevailing In ;0220 IleCtiOl3l of-the Korth and West that Bea', Isseendon will soon !put upon the market a six per cons golf loan; Isentirel3 unfounded. The FCICOCCI 01 thb new i i ',van and threo-tenths loan is beyond his sixpee , trion, nod he hes no intention of availing labis• tall's( 'tho provisions of the law relating to any !;:titer lose, now orin the immediate future. ' Lewyers:of ability having expressed the opin• on that the Oct levying a epeeist war tea of titre . per eat- on the incomes of 1663 cannot be le ' tally end eqeitably enforced, it is believed that it will be carried before the Attorney General Lime 'an attempt is =de to collect the tax. The entesMiption to the now loin now rosettes on overage of nearly o million and a hell per day, theugh the °Metal reports are not, as yet, ;:seised tlom but 'Litter of the Western cities. The de=trus'satite against Oen. 'Conch is un- Coratead here to Le a dank movement on the lore of Cameron against Goa. Curtin. While I bore Is some dlseatisfaatlon in calsiol quarters with the Governor, it le not believed that the Government will overslaugh him for General Came - reit benefit. Cot. lifelifhere'd defence of Coach is regard, 1 as . seceding!, spirited, even mi not wholly judicious. . .. . The imps:slay of rasing important bane „to cite immediate , ,Beet it.. chosen in the rtsulM vowing cut of it?, cheap to the rate of Income les. Diebuning oatc►:s la distant itkelloat, and tome teen in this city, were not aware that the rea !ay sent into 'Got with the beginning or sly, and that payrolls for that month are cam :which only thelfidtate of three per cont. iidediloted and 'withheld. Many seconnu taut be,. 'impended. and .donbtlesa many &shafting ofqcor.e.waleaffer considerable lout by town of tho impossibility of nonvoting the additional two text. to numerous oases. Lientecant Jain Malley, of the 10:1 Ohio, pm been dishonorably 'dismissed from the err ire. Dun. Dinfel Ee meo, of rttalia, dm/lin:1 :be cu. Lip to Cart% cos. lV , lttOtp Ctrl-r, a fda,y loud tot.% ainteaced W b. Lull( ) tO,t °to 0.0t,1 I, 1.00, Rept..c,tel tv Lna P...tattl.to: 0.1. fut aef ;Tyr. napiising Gan. tailre 00M1.72.1 , 1) oast, 11,7 a, ail yet, DJ Cmgda• licit in 4.c1. A (5.. - onrnmtn!To...t. Man wittt males, oleo And trOo t and s number of aninitals . . Quiet reign. @trireme In the Armyrif the Po tourao. Samoa* , a toot has been Ilred on tither side rime the battle on Saturday. All oar cur.ded boo, been Ipooght to City Point, and *Si he unloved a. hat ar posribh to Washing ton. Theta GTO over GOO thousand wounded— mdtred soldlery among the number. Drafts emountiog to yearly Dye mi lieu dol• liir.paised through the Tres-it:my Alm to-day. The ra.'ney will be rent to L-ulevilt, and St Louis immediately for the pay tarot of the West erndrcors: • The DeWieratie , -ettlattitter , are homing, Pc campaign documents,. large nrurthur. et tee elitZeo.b.efi of Senators tisalsbary and Pur.ell ani Representative Voorhies. The following dabs ct soldiers are reported Ma d t a i y o 0, T E h , o Imbalsl B DrUinmO ;e tEdu ar d 7MhU Old Ko , i J a h th Ohio, . . . Recruitlug in Mistottri,' • lorto; — iiteskiit 5.-Isuirliletelegsaphed to Geo. Itlsecritue front'EL'hiejthat isterultine wee live in hit district,. The. baitedbaited out to hu nt ' guertillarisoted nobly'' , that reports; of lusubardinetion wad lawlessness' art false. The Genres," says filo deetionstration of loyalty sod power has been of , lsoaloatablevalue to the Dlstrier, ooterloCing lho robots thin thit reornit; tbg Northers:CPl's:Owl axe tainoiusr to gonna bo; Joya mon. - . From Fort SmIOU 'itrkariPorz • A dlrpatcb, data& Pert Smith. Atk.,,Ang. , let, The 'rebate, ender Zoom; Chinos and Siarldttatt,Alte hip:Oral , strengiivith it plied. of artillery; Mail moving up - yostecdejyrith intention of attaching Fort Smith.) Oen: Taylor mar pled art and mat its onecny a abort distance frond the iOnlltestiovi and cempietaly, rooted think Oer cavalry w ore stUC purntlag them. °orlon la very small. That of the nbals.4l PITTSBURGH, MOND AX Now Ti.EA, August 6.—The ew Orleans correepondent rale: The horrible coali tion of oar returned prisoners from Temaa, bias induced General Canby to IrtiTO soma points of difftrence, end orbr tho exchnngo of ni! resla held, acme 3,500. The sa me correspot dent con tredirts the rumart of heavy fighting at Morgantia. Litman holds the place so strongly that the rebel., doss not attack lie alto doubts the reported esptu of the forte in Mobile bay. The Lierold'. die w lfrleana letter/aye that all ablo bodied registered enemies will be tropt as prisoners pending preslat military mocommats, they having avowed their intention of jliaint, the tete' army. All Legroes found In the streets are otr,riptsd. Goa. l'ilman defeated the rebels near tho Atobafeyla on tile 1 f.ib. ft is reported that Dirk Taylor lies crosied tte river in the neighbolhocd of Plaquemine. Latest from Atlanta • . Nan' Yeas, August 6 —The Ihral4l'• special 609 Nashville, dated the sth, says the latest news from McCook'. axpadition 1 highly en aburaging, and unmans the extent or the. dints tea McCook with 1200 nen had reached liistietta. Throe hundred had reached there before. The mining now does not Guard eight hundred. Sherman alludes to this raid u sue annul. Ail quiet. CITY AHD SIFFIIItBAS The•tenatnithttortvot Barricades. Lien. Conti hal put Issued the following la tclinctlone is coaneation with the &only pub shrd in oar paper of yesterday. These diem. Cif will be l ound my useful el:total the enemy *tempt to make his way west through the sbonr.tain passer, and, if turfed out, would 4reatiy embarrass and delay, if not entirely prevent his advance: lIIIIIIM7fION3 FOS DADELICADING AND 001111tIOTING MSCIT.LIS mesas. . inThe Barricade theuld extend for done dis • mite the right mod left of the "od, and be intruded by felling trees perpardieular to the mune of the toad, twenchee set off. and the llge piled stifilciently high to *halter a man and ilow him to ere his riffs. It to well to hare the per log etatielently elevated above the next o to allow firing between the two, thus pre cting the Mad. Trees in : front to bo . felled un the mountain, brand:lea al/oohed, SO a. to alto the abbatits impartible, and prevent en eCoemy from approaching unobserved. The flanks of the barricade, if po liable, to rest upon +battle, strong gorges, or impassible thickets. i A passage we to be left in the roadway, only aloe enough to allow one vehicle to pars easily, While loge sad rooks most ho piled randy to 11l up the opening at the first real danger. F cfliairor the ni..lTeeeh of dm nod/ is dimoccrod, the reads st all available potable front of the barricades should be obstructed by felling trees, Maring up planks on bridge, So. A law tred indidemay felled over any road, omen delay' the movement; of troops for mazy hours. D. N. Cotta, liaj Gan. Cemno'g. The .20-inee Gen. We !earn that the greet twenty lath gun, t Lich wee riLitTid from this city about ten days igo, has res.:led - the town at l'hillipaburg, New iersey, loci across the Yannrytranta line. talus progressed at the average rate of about thirty tails, pet day. The fret dry to ran, however, brfught It to Altoona, tut when the journal bears of the' t-neks were elatolutd they were frond to herb l-e en eery !carob WrI . D.-.4 d riot al west used op. They were rentted, and the Uncles Ve ft er z et i lr d h e . in m a te : o: t il l es h at th ;tl=l7n Y rg w . a w s he ye ra it will base to remain uoill some of %ha bridge, between that point and Jersey City Cr. strength. reed. The gun is nf side down, os tea Moots, ad two men steep di:tatty underneath it every tgbt, so that there is DO danger of it being /piked. We hope the bridges will all bound* ttreng enmesh to bear the monitor - to lb dealt -1.. melee, bereartre, should it fall through tato some enema or gorge, it may be Rowan out. Itte Official Totals. We are ladobtod to Col. Alex. Inland. for the poithising ofOrtal footings of the tats election In Oafs comfy upon Ito propos' oxen Intents to 8 Constitution of the Stith* Flout ireendsaent—For . Mai :Sty S.,ctd Ametdmcitt..--Por 11.1.).7 ity, •• • • • • glair* Accecoimest—Por . Agalast The Nertyie Pie ?lie • The pic nl: Ova by tits Neptune Hire Engine teorrpeny, at Oleharood GIOTO, on Friday, wee L,nr• of the mod piece nt, agreeable end ea etre I ;Jul TO union. ever al joyad by our firIOSOD and itbeir friends. The t nav,er In attendance we. quite largs—perhaps t wo hundred and aft, The day leas pleasant, tbt musk. feat excellent, and the entire arrangement gave the fullest satitsfactioa. Not ea PCl9 l C4l{lllt 417.1111 troespired Coring l b. day, and tloo best of feel ir g prevailed throughont. N• congratulate the gent:ematily manegere ov Du their 1/11C301., a 1 I Lev, that many such re .upots may In enjoyed. A PoTarrson Samoan thin —We regret to b. ectopellcd to announce the d ath of Oliver P. Aden., who woekltled bat ring for hie eenetry, Aaients., on July 20th. Th dereeced wo a of M r ford Adore, of Third ward, Pitt, hargli. Ile colleted In 1861,1 n Clomp any 11, IS .b Penneylvant• P.eglocent, and re.enliated ea • veteran velar too. Ile forrnerlf worked in the GazAte olnee. end I.ar, highly reepentel by all wbo knew Mtn. Tea Warr &corm—A company of this name tar been mired in Connelie•ille for the eerier prosy. The cornpray bye been n tined ln honor t.f car follow townsman, John Watt, Eq., and it awaiting orders from idea. Rowley to obtain army and clothing. Mr. Wait presented the ermr►ny with shandeome flog. . LIP? col Tall r nORT —Major thoorel Cauca left this oft, on Friday night for the boner, h • stew to oteortetilng the giialtion and reeling Enda arrangement§ as will defeat the tdrenco of the rebels tato Mr department. VEATICII tJ UtiPITAL.—The following soldloro died la tho United State: Goneral Iloepital in tEla cit - j: July 25:11-i-David Kier, lit Pa. 31.155 i; Anenet lot—D.ividlUid, 231 Pa.; Acquit 4th —Jonathan E. Prpoi:Cia. I, 34th Maine. • W■ learn that Kr. Chatles O. tf ryrtn hu ra rigned the Prieleiciay of the Pittebargh `td Oakland Paztrenger Hallway Company. 4 TTOJUXE rs. U. C. A. =Mae TOA CliftELL et .1 , )ITNEION, . • 4 %moan g T sa- t. T.L. A WI At. 4 C. B. L:Oc/I , F1) SOLI - 13111T AGEITB P. Tuft«, •or Vronvici Eictiltre collectoi li (root 4, to t,. ,, y dvlrs. Mir Om,. no. tot GttA ETBEET, PittArtrirtt. boll dlechar_o sod two illumine: 411.25:17 W IIL G. GILLiiii&ITII, ittornry and Connie Hot-at-law, 1 1 Ii trll3lOM ALID Alllll &R, of rAT E 0.115 Irrrsql.s PRlbtrok. P nr,4N,A..!AIe7 NOAH w. SH.LF.E:a. Co, LOB FLft.B. Strew., Plctelmgb, FRFIRIONS. 710UNTI. ratio eoz KY, lc. , vitbryt:¢ll yraoscald. • 10,1 v e9 tr qc.t 7-7 tarltol,"'t . if i rcu" '4.12.1:!..43' Ea. 0 - 0. TATLON., Attoraty tar,' • No. n 4a..% laret.t, Mamma, 71. B. 750 autraaiiitn male I! the clatar doct aot and cod, mad a3l taformatl-.a rata, jr , LAFFERTY, AItTOB3EV4T.IGA.W. A./4.14mal DisboopmETty s t t ,A,a4 - ORlC;:i.j.osjpiloratu Pitt*. At &K. 4 46m!!3Fs UAW 01PIP/CTID. lfo. 88 inummTpre. MO'R\I\G• AUGUST F IBZX r 011 T. Arxrrsoso Oattrrr. PINSIITLVAIILL Promptly Fttandel to by asuzzung 3tIDDSLL. titsVP.h.". alfz, NEW EOUKS JUST RECE!VED AT HENRY MINER'S THE EARLY DAWN Chriatian lite ih Eng'ttnd in the Olden Time, I=l SOHOLIBERG CIIITIM FAX' LY CITRONICLEIof ECLIUMBELI. CTll'&3 F&MILT Llform. sNocn exams% e Now Poem b. 7 Tenapsou 11111 , 1 Ni; 1:11 POET TO ITIILTe BUSINE4B. Co- we:ad the Mode of Forming and CondOctiog Sorie i ties, Clubs mid other On: mixed dremelations. Pall • had* of colder dir the leormament of their Debates IA radium. Complete Lirections Hod to Compere • needs lima, Be ports and Pe.ltion• and. the nano. of Planning tionVontiona, Poblie Meetings. Cele . brattam, Diamera, Barham. and Plo-Nice. snr irrononum &Q.-. tr. F Hiatt Y 0 AST I.k M. Ily ru BwrA. lee Personal I:nen Imre of Soldier In the Ailey 01 the Potomac. 117 A. V. UIU, of the Elgnal Pennsylvania Itezerva. iamllwh, ISAUG XZET D DE.$ , --,,,,. . 51 50 LSO ALL OF LORINGII FORM WORES 00 . / 75 Linn Pe Trial PI, 1 faith Gartnry'.. a. Jean Bann— . . Axy of the &Lon , t...00ke malled fro., of poetege 00 le l, t of plc*. HENRY MINER, 71 .1 TIYTII 8711S111. nrxt bor to P. 0 RALLY ROLTAD 'llll3 FLAG BOYS LINCOLN AND JOIINSON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, Mt ell !Le sew and ult Oar UNION SONGS. JOAN P HUNT. TLITII 0L.150N110 tt&LL inrimoud yogi paid an receipt at ;aim KING 6, QUEENS AND KNAVES NO LONGra tienosex.rar avearwassaiioiszo MIME= lII= LONA asortaal One Rational Em6ta>dl• Eoglee, Shields, Stars sad flap, Zulipals tDa Bilk 1.!:k thit AMIRIO.II3 (MED ccrstrazre UNION PLAYING OA.RDE 001011 IL rILIMILID CT KING. Gol iMSS 07 LITIZAIX . LUrri+D (1? qv= IisJOB 11MTILLD Or JACK. 44 ,- Clc.l. CuCa an ra U; is I oat tot JOHN W. PYTTOOK'S EN' DEPOT PUTT STE= OPPOSITE TEE Dort 0,1101. 1.71. N BOOKSI NSW BOOKSI Bin ABD T 80011853 OT MIDAS SCHOOLS—A 'Llogroplo, of Bobs Saito. and Wm for.. By Jam 0. • Pita. 1 mi. Prim $1 00- ' A !CASUAL ..E.X.TBACTING TAILTH—Tonadr.l t oo Ms AristmoS ei !le ioirti tirmlveo leth. uporstk , o; tbrkiol..d proprr aoomectloe o:lnennuotrtv,tc. 1 vol. Harm. LZAV RN OUR HOWL 1 vol. litetto. .1).51.111t0 AND BUTYLILINO. Lint Tattaimet .rge eapply of the latter wort Itat reentriet. •A J. L URA D, Tit roartia .1 tit.' UuLDBH. CENziErt.—Tuft to tne cam. of ezallbury'. new Sabbath School hi.io foal.of To and lute.. It Is befleved ' to be fu 1. +goal to lb. BM, 0.10 or d.wer. tu paper envy.. tS oaO. .I.l+ copy, ee VD pee ha. Owl t. off! thrhad, 3n ant; or SIS por lonunrol ti 00 fr., 01 mall, on rec-In 1 of p.l r. 1703 DAWI6 01.4 KKR k OS Wood ate... aim ra *AIM dB o*ZIJ OdEAPEE THAN THE CHEAPEST IbIMPFEE STOCI: BOOTS, SBOES AND GAITERS. In every at j la at WeLELI:AND's ARTION HOU 55 VIETH STREET LARDS ASSORTM EtNT OF GAITERS. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUPPERS, r LEW, Goal, 0L000..130ri sot Oath+, ex ReCllnteck's New Shoe Store, Vo. 1141 IiDLUAL SL, lagbay cm N. fl.— exds wailing mfry do big A r, Evi sUPPLY OF GIVITLE BUI4 . taiD taSILDELT/V3 Soots, Shoes and Salters, No. 54 Market street. 81,,ATZIL 6 80IITZ. NIKW OUIJDII I NEW taou,o. w. bays loot recnivoi nor Spring ttool of BOOTS AND sKozs, Sf}Job so toll) mil et tb• LOW MT QA.II l'AlOtr. hove tLo largest wad pass solootod stock of Men's Stn• Calf Eignue-food Sleets To tcrsend to tl city. 1.4.1)12V LAST 6A17.069 is .li:taunt. Gilt to • call. Jas. Robb, 1dA1113.17 BISECT Tak.: •"STAR WORK! JI7BT REJEIVED xrr GEO. 1 1 / 4 LBEEE, BON & CO.. 10. TIWOOD 6211Eirr. BOY.. sad Yowled Hatt 11 . 9 an o, gra . r. a .. 0 d .4 0 nip Iluateas. Oblidreces Qcsa Mgt Bootee • Th goods ars meat° our speolslorder, and was tasl"d Isiviancd.cturtom wort.. CIMINO OUT TLIVS WA= ITSILTrin, Summer Boots and Shoes, GAITERS AND BALMORSUI ONIMIa• . • BORLAND'S, 93 Mil - A Itzl* Co* d o g Its= 66. DU II WllOll3l SUMMER GPOlls 77 and 79 .Market 81rea Bargains In Summer Gino and Cotton 2toe:ltc, Old Entail at less than New York met, Lime Harakerall eds, In glen bovines And he= ettlthed,benght long iao mad Oct advanced. L Handltereblefe withal, motto job lute tc over Al detided barge!, a Nea's Thin Elan. Dodorshirte, Linen Drawers, Jean Drawer. and Bilk Sulpendere, !that. labia* and tailors. Beat =eke of Pap.. ()chars, to every alte and styli.. Ladies' And Children% Rau, toderreels. Bolting, Corsets, Duplex Wide, Dethrone' Slefrte, Bali Nets, Ribbons, Bend Gimps end gaggle Beddow, Gloptint Loan and Velvet nibbous. We take picaruct to rehiring to a to. of those Ib' Fa. purchased Uttar. 11.11%111111.t.• in Pittabtuth and •Icir ticTited rani, Srq Mtn oclnn, Trq., T'. It Capt. C4Vh ,t .t. Bost-:I, Esc., Nt",nr, Lltlito ACo . J. P. F t rtekell, Dr. 0 B. M. Blackburn,' C. H. Dovr. Grant et. Baptlit CD., A. Fles - rallar. D. Dl. Dock 14q., i Dr. D.ll. bt1..1. K. Fla(,branklir. Ta De”,,,e n .a. be Vincent'. Aeadenry, Vonentto•e, Pa. 11tra berate McFarland, Boat Liberty. Capt. 3. IL Convey. Birmingham. Nee. H. Dcprne, Ibrerkkiey. Dee. K. Delehonty, Nonntlerrllle, V. Gramm EC , tt, Oakland. N. Geon.tEast/lverpnol. 0. Batentatt Goe, Fag., Allegheny OUT. ie in. J. Kane, do. Very BAT. P. 01ullen, do. Allen Ammo b. do. 11. The, LP.. do. De. J.ll INcollateek, Baer Liberty. John albOardy, dtt. All Man , Iticloducina, eta , evierrantbd for Are year. A len thd.m second.head flange br ialsnad rem. GOODS AT OLD PRICES. I J)27 Sun umbrellas, clueing out cheat• nrcullsal Caper, in new ratter - tot and colors WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAI Ifrirban'd dad Nslard are Icvltd.d to look brough our Non.] and Vartney Gloodd stock. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., - Noo. 7T A.S DTS HALM LT ST PBqm s s , AT MACRUM & CLYDE'S. ' No. 78 Market Street, Wholesale and Retail. llaring honght our goods ben:* the recent hum an. yancen we otter at prices coruiderably Iwo than can be booth: anywhere In the Int a tarp and .4 wworted ii.ck of icasostabie Hosiery lc Gloves, Of the boat foreign and dorneetionranntectros. A grad Trairty of Drees Ittrora loge, link aria Boer Orro,. Bilk Tweele, °rumen% Velvet Illtobtata, Magic and Loa Jet, en sod Bogle Dram Batton.. A lie trod areertment of rich Ordproa Bmbrale kau , Idainga, Porsaola, Balo mud 4= Oinireatlea. Gentlemen Furnishing Goods, A Lb. larpat sad bmt float of Fancy 0 oods, Notions, and Small Wares, To be Found in the Oity or:C ALS 80010114 Y.= , " 74 ' r " . "''''' A BATE S, ISLP Eft CENT. ''''''' A. sense, SUILILIII,IIOOIIS lIXDVOZD Ili PEA Clitt2 BUM MLR GOODS Fifth Street. ILSDUCISt 2.5 PER CENT LACE BLiTs'TILLAB Lan Points, Grenadine Shawls, Silk Bacques, LSD Enamor Dreu Goods, CLOSING OUT AT LOW PRICES, AT BURCILFIELDI. SuSTREAIST COIL. ITII AND MAnNOT SIR On GREAT BARGAINS AT J. W. BARKER & CO.'SI 80. la BIASEFI SUMMER DRESS GOODS , SIIIW-113, OLOAKB, &c. GOLD I GOLD " Great Exeitenient! , AMINO ON GOODS OVBE IS PEE CENT, EATON, MACRUM & CO.. • thttl u r i = barol: W th W m e regal to oli parad ar their a‘oda at Imes. Much Blow the Market Rates, Of bet Fiat sad Palladulpbta. ' RIIBMIALVIS AHD DIALS= vrill at onto sen the advaataaa tf buffos to this usarltoi, so lons to rte lasscot stocks mauls full. EATON, PLAOEUN & Nos. IT MID IP rins 13211HLT. JIB • DREES TRIMMINGE; LAVA 130 IRES, 1101/ INSEIBIELLA, EIAIMOOEd IAIIBI3IO 1111 , 9L135 VICTORIA SLID BWIYA LAWN.% 134ILLIA 611380Ng, wnITD 81111118, 00LLAtie, BAee, 0.011:11 . 1, RAMBDEBCSIESI4. AL fell assortment of LISLE 1317,91U9 JEWS, 1111M13/0, GAULT. AND AIL& USONUSIREIen3 ata Isallnead (Kula. FMCS!, ite.. Om" I DEREEM ri W cum,- viensr WRITE, ORE dc CO., 25 FIFTIUBTIISIST, . - Offee far reds BUIIIOIII DEBSB,OOODB, AT ARDR9ED,PRICESi , pAnat.- AND -ENIMLoys vjr,altz J. 8317n...hiet vmid, stalls idea - • • , :pt tr ue AND OAP PAP= jib"' EN itri TIOLOPLeI. In %test rattles, ixinrste eartans. tar ale Yciiianow co, aver . . 1211=121 .11 1. 1.01.fr08, .72 CS it., 4-c WAMELINK s VAI:e., £OI.E. AGENTS OF Tar.; Bradbury & Scharnacker & Co.'s CBLEBRATED PIANOS, AND SMITH CO.'S! American Organs and Alelodeons, r, 12 11122 E LL'S EL I . TE , 9T. ELLIS E'r. WEBER'S PIANOS. °AHD TO TUE FtIBLIO. The releacriber has the pleagers of eel:goal:mate :hut beau bate sppoliated t e CIV3EIOne nest for the .an of .WEBER'S PIANOS for Pittalenrgh and rkinlty• These Plano., thooel parstively .trcreft hero, has lam enjoyed 00 ea tablee repots:Jen in the eastern cities; their mane en• olleet qualitte. will rer.mred Mete at once to oar toireical wreatenta. A choice anostmelt of Willett% 1 . 12010E1 las Just loan rcearn o tia the oubscriber to attach the ottantkn of the puttle h Invited. CHARLES C. MELLOR, col 81 Waal stmt. N. IDLE, No. 183 Surrairrao ev Pianos and Mnrical Instraments, Koala constantly on hand s tin* assortment of NIT/ PL.5.309, VIOLEIS, OtrITA2I3, k 0001140159 ErrBANGS. kr.. which be INV ell toor Low pl.. larlawd K NA B ES lINKI V A T.T.Eryt:ail PIANOS, ABB, BEYOND A DOtItT THE BEST PIANOS BADE Enid by smarm' ELME% 1311111, et.. 012 Sole Agent boo Pittatmzet /31,1 West Ps. pie Nos 1 A very Lane assortment of them, snil *kb. Xtsl eH lAstruaanta, for d. Of eorrentzg, Ilmtz km. Irtftb dmect, Ebbw's oNi et..,.. OIL CLOTHS. tic. CANTON RATTING. STARLANO, COLLINS & CO., n Art n Frrrn ins= Fifth Btrimt lisveJtat rewired s cull throb of P73IC'II Cd ISTO3 148.4 1r 12A rma, of tb. celebrated R. F. W. tra p.ntatt‘it. 'De qtadlty oi thew stwie le uo. 117 . prestb• able by say cater mettlzg tempo:tad...ma the limited temtalty nuder them wry desirable. SOD., b maw jwt remind twe sg wetlimay him &lame sty Les of -Fancy Plaid Mattinge, All of ,bleb bar, fast . tent land6d, tad are, tberefm, Ito rid:sacs: , mArg:rtroslN Tax arsazzr. Oar palatal dock at gm& Is edit oasarpused fa sa• taw at vadiaty, aad Ire at all t/ ma. Wl= vs. pats Oa lomat prim the marts. will agard. CEUN A kIATI INS% Haling parcbared before the rise be good., • lA-Ts stool WIIITS, CIIMMED AND YANGT CHINA MATTINGS, Lllarldtlai cud qualittbs, ve are ettatdr4 to ors, then talus than Da.atena nano She nth - nth:on of the onbllo It called to the nl , ore good. they eze the chespat pettog In the:lntaket. We hate ❑an e large stock of Smbrollered, Fathomed ClotL PM.° emelt, which me oCet at lot tats. OLIVER IReCLIZZIOL'S .4 CO 0 URTH STREET 0 4e Al EW STYLE:3 G 9 WINDOW SHADES nacisrvar TOM DAT. NEW SPRING STOCK , 07 CARPM TS, WELL 87.9,307119 OIL CLOTH. AT NT AL 1 4 IIIIPS: ARPET STO.R. Ho. 71 1'0019713 MUM.. JgERCRAXT -TAILORS. Gi' M',]5LEN WIHIIDiG FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. tr tb& IOST idt3IISOI ABI ma I,,AIMWTS77YLMO. H. G. HALE ti GC., lIERCIWiI TAEOU, 00EME3 Os r=z.Ato Er. 2. !MU re%.re rx!...l,3sgelimrhem. BIAJOK. W. H. McG-EE. 10 ST. 'CLAIR STREET, World can Shp ettevtlos of bap. to bls stock of orris If fa. L«n aeleetod .114 Meat oars, 104 eq.. fobs. ell too newest fells of atones to Oa fooad to tint ~t.hae4 • sea of okottots trade to 4at=l, fllll okce call sad- to, arilina oar gypde .41 zritto. Also, a fall and 03611111041etotk of . Furnishing Goods. OYb' LINEN bUIT4.I • , PAW D4d:Yest4 . Pa rhnts7- ' truli Dues Vests and Pants I erins •ni:osinD ft •EICHOTER, Attorneyki* taw, Oft", 110. I.U.roergb =W. Pltts VOLUNII. 11AlialONIUDIS I kIi4ODZONBI Next Lome to P, 0, socoul door, 11= would do cell to oell upon kiirammt LAory Mtra. 011/I.Y ibri7l; - 16.irere. aim an : = "l* LXXVII---NO. 401: 'o ft SALE—FOR FOB 8A I, EL-. GREAT ' . 11.2.13AN0Pt ream AND bIIBISBY, inn:stet:A% Wks tans • - ART , on tbo road, .14lotatagt (Ala Caulatcallt2 acs, all ander roam Tem lui. ntt natio( a nags uria:DsAling. knit • •r. fat: i i , Okra. tram Fruit D 1.111, lookrr BOUM,. • large Bask Vim H al ryi t o t: who st.slllraai ikruT.ard artist best iskstka 0. Ircli, r totem•lCM brArblig treat.' Altallas is yet o vrat,ed, .0.1 neTeT-CIS Log stnikkg._ Om mta .tb t &tato la rho .12reat Labanata-11tErIllry," 0511. 1., At 0 pplo Troot-1,1, 3 and 4 Tsai* OIL T• 0,5-1 yaw 1... t t.b. Tront—ll and 1 roars olA; 11,t‘t, roar Tr.., dart mad ala.M 4 4 • 2 000 Quin. Troto lo to./ :Sado Tom, asto La& . 20,0.1) Forergrecno, " 20.M1) Crape Irlzoo. vl re° S, t dllog roach, for b 0 55 1, 510. :. With's largo tamortment mall trait. lath Farman( carry 4 cCio l at • iCr• prIM 1.1,4•1111136 11•17.10 tom&mutton or ospits444, inn sour", men It lorlt;(1. bpl) at tbo °Moo of ;515 A 00., BO towel disk. F OAS AND ?L TIEIDEIte A try.:l r Ism ACHES at Pine end O kTtmber.oea• to ino 6:1 reiMons, tvathava fat; ,11110 vlt7 Far. b one mile from the Al d"r , 114 Co,} ildo, Idc/ivon nor Ott. Gal aait-/nat f,,, d, and the mr m.r Is nidned eganeredi Conni y Lilmmlncus Coal Om, • feleAlild• Cron the trans. I di... Inc loaldre• orP•taciletlndlit.ll•lll.lo he bet no I xamln•tdcda bane bndllfilaill• tenter p•rilculars en •pplicatin• BRYAN, SIV4Zr SIDI LlVlllAlitenr• Se /Marl. BM. Babe. Baum& Tiklii bla...N. wsinthiatht ntsive*- ITha tate resilience of tbe Boa. Di.flatobta; ! Clara totriobto, Jost beyond Blsichil l4l.deogaeetatiy alu btancurator motion of tho' Jaaa.;. won t. °Lorre for cola Tr ere are two acree of avowal atoosea9ntoaaacaaaa.ra cat fruit ; a goal grow:, a targe brick-Adam and at • erxfoLlb.g of weer att two blatant& • The Loose coats!ue twelve r0000t.,-. - ne 'table boa meal for a gardener ostmeetA with Iflo,Tho volghbot.' l boo.) to plosaant, a&I the ylaw kora Lta boom =at!. puma ,or beauty. Novi to fl.•8418Y/111. • • Brace sad Iv otataa gaturg. Ycor.th grad. CMOS .11 PlaUnit• 170.8. 144 M.... A rum of.:118 ear:* x Bt. Cala thrnaltlp, Wart=orelaa:bainty. FL' Alao, aroma ofl4l9acreala Itababetkamragtotg. kgbanj county. tamp, a large twoatorg Brick nelatiiiiala9 111 nod Borough of West Klisaboth. a num or Its ACIDCB; laFerineitp,'Arl 1 logbasu mama; about =mod balf#Dea sad al Wu alto, a of vary atatableTAllM o, r toersabhfan Wcatawrobood comfy. c.f.:gab:3f Moo, 19 BUILDING L.'ll tn urn& of Wag Ellaabeth, Go by Da trot. • L. • particalan Lcqntre aL ICo. IGO roam ittert 1313 G. B. D37J1911. Ikol SaCato Urfa FOB bAI& • - .7 Freedom Pottp.43 , PX.1,00u19, ,suderaliated arm for sato the *MI .I.leh - holm btted's p the tw t styltathd ttneuinitat , . Possztry, Itnreel /sem ar Wag= hen. g two Dalldlrpl. TM foundry tralding Is 40111..." s iIL s good ono':a u It, sad a lot .4;kcal eselm ;Awl; tut:ding U as...SA, wizb siroWslide sass ea, eta 7 fool cftloder,S hot Stroke; Olattios fwtUAW, dosole Lm. lhets U stlachcd to it SlOo ‘ tarts lots. pod nocsx.azia MM. .P. 1 ". 1. 4 4414 est 4 pl. co for rert.bez partisu4riti4dis ► ptilmMeAtiV , , J..11-assap,exiitodes.oza. 41. wait ...s o th, r stripm.BAN:4l).7llB ..nancar. cf lcaa. MA :to= H t ooaL sa. derslgt al, Tai °Watt 40.6101 U anolat Hark*: itifet-Z 0 4. Set sal& & maabw of Iab.AIVEW PAW halt && tv•—• &am eitell, Wu:WI ozarlrint drie cattail:Os VW& of Spa igtminsli Vitto et Al gt.“} sex mita Parectger VATlasy. Ttar.sbory ace r.mkottfrily ltokt&I piiva* A/90, • 111.011wIt of WCOALI Lot. ID tbOillwge.at Titre; froatin g on tto Pa.aatztr vans• to doe fret trust cue tram ens La two tkpalwitLtet df.re, rsr We: wet. erzastro of cltlii . ,of the . esise.; , e.Auebt. ov Vt. L. UKBUON 1:11ANA.:001W wk.& 4LtRVION '7ouff-Drussecntl,:',4 a t - , 14 1111.11:13021. s Ecuaorit Ti OR BALM =A 'FARM OF J.: I,NST j4flD t. SIVr.II toWitellpi 4dlink 00111 t• ty. Pace, ono WOW from Clack Mick Cation, IndliMal Brarch Latiroad, containing 11 - 9 151: ii—rme handled actor being ciceredailacto gond cafe Intim ; Ms trilatm Ming tc good Mda..bnfi Inififd4 4o 2 . _ crinimoalc., Tim Moprosotosemt try L-Irfg and Some, and largo Lcgliarm vita Mt kir and land ts ...taw, cobra in fall* I Dem Itt/ii, on a►lima smosci. ,whi ch mM, a o ir c m ra ld t . he vr c i ps . ar dra ci cit a - r P rOtl i nllo. ry i l XTittvlittar:- 9 ia .; iVrcrait FOB SALM A - Farm:4 - A gp .-A e r t yff, ef b entlo Vfl d iraa s irlag Sa3 ."P°r , M eard ..- . Or-o Inc cylinder , fa inch ick^ckgroln. coed " SA Two Cylinder BoUerr. rid In. 41%.04;12 tier ion., Three Tao Wronging Inn OU Aker, nay oftiortng Toots, Oil WOW, _ Chesil for curb. Irocroire of `.11.11. SOLI, • finreirnY Beek. rear au WM. , - La 0 F., SALE— ffrEati-'i_t&W .1' AND OIL LlLYlNlEST.—Thithitahell or Wlid• of se Oil Hatnera en 3 6tatra 8-pe , /111torlOstaa tedeetiefl b& wee pf Lr• 000 di ;an abscdt.ttetiot calter‘ iz ie tuteecrce hems scaket. sitashOse the betty It Diver ire' A, T. B. ~ Is easred toi - Age• The ert.t le Dm end .of mode= troll& Tb,tiop ELM kb did lead to well dotted, ha eltir a melt reetteele from tt to the rim. Geol toctlttf,,ter Wang totette s , rar Pitmlan oeD LTD ,:76 .1 .FtmaziN i : l.pOttt Ele.E3 Egad etreetr; ltiabs.rtb, OE' F a' 1..L1 &MOS!' AgAtITIFIiIL, AND Y Y d •e• Vete for onontOtehtlonatod Mit 1. L ... to I offend for eels, feaallotc BliglidulV ',note a le tf 02 mot. hod ountaltdroS=Si2lo.o2,2 . o hsa acti.e o.ar a. rocideoea ert-kl,a:dsr Itrodloryio ono mhers, omaio cupoptiblo OtObo tam thoproomo.c. . • Mew. Ttass la 03 the Oa. • tMJ..litorY Mick Rotfea.. jjt s. fingb-cw, bare,. ka, an hi goal altar, Moo atm*. ' • herd tree., snuetli bes.l ?Jab pcopathilli • &stood. 1, to divided Into two, orlon seettms sat/ • • polohme . Tor mms, t,rd peal hoof otSce DC2I3, '.• 4 - • Iitlotr000!ii"Loon'onOoralik: rOB SALF.4--A .E toted to*ostmonlisol - totroOti; PO :bias teal./ I'ltft`ar .nd in.les mom AlleshOty Lon D'e =Wan 200' adill-42:not NNW' • 4 ' .tared ; ems mildew._ 11., soft, Dompoor Room. wd • Deoll.k Earn. TE L I. lolk#Cellent SW. ae • , infer*, belt* well wattild 'by Woe 12222112PdaiFi' . Would ot;ocMt to O.lvida Into tea . 'lrcMiurtiotportiovitio irqulrrot , i" " 011 . 70.1 : 1 , 14tr0eqi1A 11, 1 1 . 00 7 in/ . • • a. - :notras.r . amtsixtinitz wow f 4 ,4 %eh loctk4 pF thS OefilicAtt Lern, .an torroltr erretr. itilawreery taw .6cur.,44pAgustocNiftu4sesuarta Thy stoOta ;mat} lila 14 tot -thews set& sit 1 ' pr.lrd of 11114111 r. &sae, tb. , ilice Waro.ll Pao; b fl I)9sas4.visloittsla,'Def.iinw, • FOR • BALM—As Wadi*. Oil Works: . _ Patre Taut% ID rem. cadet, aabstaatlaily Mar* ptijaa ibabay. P•ng la au, sad will amnia ar.nhetdo barna. tw.la, AWL:att. my be solo at thil* J . lnaafg - Cu. or Us OSEI. fa Pttlal XTOß. banh. . _t 1 BM JOHEIBUF tayl.l3:l . . 08. Sld.F; . EXCAASIGS AM, CT IS kll.o7llarrY:—Thst.:Qtatizi DW 1350, utti pa=tta astatileo.. c 0.1. - uur used, is raerly cccorld. UJ Cl.kigrUan Inat.T, btu, of Zak' rncsim,bssa. , sua.lir.f, &Sul ..pat . .1141/ase Ls Lbs nor : of tbs Dirclit. t s 33=4. - rato.L. isztszsti rouriacttrear. Pitta.Smou'. , • ' - , TO LET—For 12. years; A. LOT or.pUND rworroa t):1 ciatobstra.2ol,4 ry Cab t,+.. It.? F. W. a 0,11:U, fAilps.loo hoer , grults.ble for • H 6 sitar, WNW& Bala+ math ci W14..1,13:1,1C1 &top „ a (41131.5 t No To pt msis - STEIXT, ca` the pt • •- of 171 .4 JAB tan. 0 E.: t.-:A LE—The entire book acid fixtures. r ct dlwiltaiivaustitno AHD tio l l o llr, 1 , 11.111 E ogend f= gale au go-AV:Aaron , LocstioDlE epl.acid. All queqtats.ar.sway3l.-tstllfActorily, =1 - p.ttlttlAr. ovnic by 10,41niKair - LOWE $01:14: /6,1E-FIP-ur Clty.PcAt. Orloff. . . 11174 w. f . i tta. .farw.The onta k p i np . .lik I. stale. timaled In -SnmnimC:itAnistlip, c y .13,• mil Isom kem•fa LW; an•l-ton =Car Itmvil, Flus.lrmAt.“ T;ln farm “grit,nklatel 4.1:3 rnltr,:tiort. Tor ttulbriA•Tkrifalai ,• r'ilverrox•cr! tho rabialfir ••. • '• , ' xcic. Vac, O. 6no4olft: , - sits. A P.ault 50. 110 A.Ci302411r,, ,- ,- rO , usen tostzldp, Daiwa' iodrior.s , cant rum The uhk , titer. CA *bleb bk.144.41100.11.1.1 1 / 1 -,..: e.t.a' 57 a=o6,ahridt t 3 g 4 4 11 a rem ezt Or place. ,' • • • F 44 tartnsisas esquthwar • • „ c4 ...-4_, V.lO Iniair*l...&lllo l o4 l• VUlt Yk.NT--A. FINS WOKS BOOM,: x with Plogkillog.Rd OtablAy 613 uaz d,anottedifitw:lNol,24.4 tiftWaan.y. jicroarly au:F . 9OA sr-uami• Are, to ' 0113 DSO, IFlntf Atitit.WWl,l, Lktit - E&L.17, 6 -4 Lot oVerontriou el) soros •ag - atroPor l n °o Bories:i.,lBfisointkoa. •Aio; , ana aornicoeFlit amia 1 .. 44 'ar.tc'XlFittirr-trird.- Await lag .pane:A - 4010:0. 1 11100,10 „ L a.. r • Ipitatid mre, VTBEZT 74,1 gEO-* F °b ' • 5terr;;;._,,,5e.14.11434 , 4 , 47 na t AK t. fir. l i g n lltrat Of 9CI tits 47., ,„•7-- kfCt. l '': vbem an.. lute.- wat ~:2i: - ' I ~ ~~ f ;t[:i Fi