The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 04, 1864, Image 1
c==, • *-4 ST/BLISHED IN 178 g - he Vittilmrgh Oi-ettr . • t riIIsI.LIFLED Irr 011.M1 FUBWEING ASSOeIATIO' 10 OUR suitscassons 11u; erdcrstera..l, pab tablas of riss , eLtrg. LE, v•• rm. tau sasac,DT at erd to Chihli , the puns btion poked ft.e. tbair K,, tiffb 100. , ..u. 00,- r *o2ll , Alr:7ulf 5.0.1 SI; caZicrit. Übszteiy,X4Stoes,por k, d,tlVrrd curie., is " sr-41; yer ins!. ,t.OO co - for erscostrts, In s.dvbx,c,-... 6 00 • . " (Oen. inantb.: 250 smiernitlf44.l4 artier, per " " 4 13an, par Tbv. Irsaltsara- 4150 • atellx"montka, • 4.6 ,rofflsyys..; it 6 sas 4 :14111.0kir ker irtak.-aanced I SO rut; 13 Neb.?. lry SP 'V; • lastittiab '." . 1 4 60 "17 - • .1 1,10 k. ,ttnrarity Uri= Pst.rse, La ortbstse, cat by /Hz issaths, " 'T. 00 ilium 0 t 50 QLIE'I ASTIMISITION. EA rtilaatot "Dahlitstitonicia; PITTSBURGH 35EWSP sPER AHD PL6F!I cox resit. lesterdity's Eventtig Gazette. Tani wrtn DisTycrs.— r, 1 3 1 1, i 3 /11844 for croft iiiiterenttfatfirTila lnatiireaaop ari dLstrieta will,bo Toady fot. publication to-dep The? have Iran voqprepally nruparod, and it in beltoited will oloviato ma* of die objeetiods, and buten the opportnnities for speolation .4d Litandoehich ttax!eargod sitaizst iloso eatablisb- Copper Cade 0 rtr,:g ett bg a Democrat. 4 Del fitia[laddress delivered b 7 lion. John Carana,a lifelong Democrat of Pennsylvania, oo• virellto hollowing graphic sketch, which all will . _ secognire: Them are anToiiiineely those among who cannot directs eho laeotion a ringle moot withont altiiirlag that they are at heart ices Of Me Gevernment. and enemies.of their Tai:* l .7:lliir:panple loon learn to find oat and know these men. Haman skill and ingenuity and all of.* traltor'i canning cannot long one: clad in concealing thoir,real sentiments. ...They hang back or skulk' away from our Mobile gat wings on oar national holidays• they_dis• Parc& union cfacortrly.tiLsatd.Dri and . _ chi c s the rebels. All Union victories are insignifferst, of little account ; reboi vie:orbs are of Maslen+ lablo value and importance. Good no we is never eredttod ; bad Dews le often osiginated, loOviltied:und oiresilitest Ibrig before •Serifisd. Taxes era obnoxious and oppressive; drafts are nroosmitotional and odious ; war Is bloody and demblx.l4reanitl 440 ImMonMoglit. atones to Mop it. Fir nearly [oar years everythbog ben been wrong; nothing excellent, nothing even praise worthy has ever tosu done by their own Gov-, •trannflianliinistalles, wroegs, - Wileked ante o , f: and earnest appeals are mode to the, people seethe in tbeir might and prevent the taut lisheatnt of • military daspotifro. f. nri,g this - time they' hare :darer `bteti'lteownete ottersosord of denunciation t the rebellion, or see an lospraper sot santi of the TOO, lines.. Thmit are the 142.ii ,tikalIezdai marke'al, the traitor., lie may re. =castrate; Le may tertte'down beneath the pie. tare in large letters the ward , Ratrint :• he may, ;in Tao" MAO and earnest words, inalstinethat balm .scioted-Doncecrat, and that every man of hie party who sustains the waria:art ritim let;yaikiter .0 lie 11 neither a patriot nor s good Penmoro. Yon may torn him upeide barn and. Weida en 4 and efeanse Inn - rash him 'with all tlMSPurtilfAturn. ot. AncerLni, .and ' , serf can Faltee nothing out of him but a poor, miserable traltor—jost such a. °media 'General- Jackson would hare strung op for treason In his day and looked for the authority afterward." :AAr4IY4llPulp , ...... . She Indiana Ramer edits, the following ter • tilde incident apropos of thedrafit A deed to make humanity shudder was easel en) moonily in the neighborhoolof Terse Route. a. JoliWyEastwiek, the wits of it reipociable lamer, aka the mother of seven children, alt boy". In thgearly partaf the was; two of these enlistm. and served with Buell in Kentucky. One el !bete Um. eldest- Ezra, dies of exposure eittep.. end bin Melia,. Thomas, soon after suffered an 'sanitation of -the right leg, trout -injuries reo"lved in 4. cavalry thin:Lista These eutielliee operated upon Min. Eistwielea mind to such a degree that eta ,lost all 'fortitude and pretence of mind, mad tat during the whole Az; weeping - and full of forebodings. Among other memoattions nos el curious one that her third eon, Stark, would also die In battle As the rear sainthood and conscription Wizen, Mrs. Eastwick's feus,,retr Intense. • Fir.idiy,'the lint draft came; the State had called Ito quota in almost every district; and Stark pr.misedhis motherless ender no cir cumstances, would be go to 'the Sold. 11,1 a second draft being projected, the mother's ex • Ciietntell augmented., She endeavored to per. suede her eon to leave the country and make IL TOysge 4,0 JIIrI4 endeartaxed to pacify her, and left hoznalir a time. On his return, find ing her_inthe saute melancholy frame of mind, h•ifirenitied, in jest, If She made farther ref erence to the matter, to enlist - volentary. Mrs. Euteickolloubthees laborintunder some Ulla . citation, seems novrtolisys resolved on the sad act modHstlng 401' eon so: that hashould net be' led- fee military service. She held a burring coal close to his , right eye, white he slept upon a Mingo, and the optle nerve was destroyed 'without more-than a memestary pain to young Mr.' thistwick. Ile la now entirety blind Ills nie,dlms , to say that this sateen - Tata laanal.frOM tier- kale nee not 17:41llibetea to Mrs. E's mono( ssitid. She Is milli &manic. 114 14 iatgrtarh arkikher rats momenta are mark ed kx relacclwly. regret. To Inn CU/IC*l—TM' Georgia correspondent of the 8t Louis Dresooret has a paragraph in one of hie recent letting which Lt worthy the tenon .. • tion*of attic, end fault-tinders generally. We sutler , • "It is importable to tell by appearaneet That &pi:titular movement of the army MIMIC To we It may appoar wrong,ll3 did the charge en the enemy's rifle-04.1u trent of Kenney alountaln On Blondinthe 28th of Tune. Bat now we lea aut.,* it was ell done for—to hold the enemy in front while both whip of our army awang &rowed - the* mountain, which would haws moo. photely surrounded thernand compelled them to light on open ground .or ontrender. Oar right and left wmgr were only two and a half miln apart when Johnettw , and his army medd their Wimps tlizoildh Ws!' MUSS OF FATHOM. WaLoo.—The venerable Father Waldo, of Itvvniationary laze, is deal. The 97Thcata.Coarirr gals: oTrelblr Item la read this =Prairie, its prob. alriliw thatther ivaterablilhltuir Waldo shall bare parsediresatireartblystlerrun to thOOTOID4 lied lead °Lille • eminently -gtod- and ,rtutm.. Lie le now Inbietranbandred and 111.1",)ai year,, and ksittwernagpldltTlaking toesaverel days - got Iranian affection of the thront. - At our la test aextratv fastavening; the venerable and re-- /peeled steward of God's eholde was lying in en insensible duper, from Which there Was no bopo of arousing Vim - tretl' irbl le we Indite these Sew lines his spirit may. 'halm parsed' to Its-Crea tor. Bather Veldt, Is one of the .Lwelve Barri- Tors of the Revolistlanary War; and in his lms% - sage Irani life to atetnity, he stands prepared to be garalied, like unto a cheat of wheat folly. ripe. COPY Of Offinint J 4 lnteatent of Logien, an POPAtetllty. Order of tzezteral sner =au, uealitAtitumea, July 20, 180 1. Tctal torieWnittnii, Jnl, 20111— 1 .75 0 lisbel detail:cid:lW and 'Atha. 10Iy 1.113 Babel dead counts/an d Untied, luty 2. 1 4.1 Menet dead in frOneCllsllitorlio wain nus lands 703 Bcbd cotnrec_aptured,„ Jul; Babel anon capiirred Hattlribantanscaptand 7:M • Yeast tcas, all told. /di 2;600 Yedaral Ica. of cannon, to 'row Vedocal 'Total Vedsral loss of soli Itrj", 10 Total Rebel 3.730 • . "fctalitobefloschapsisotork-....4—:::: —. 3,20 Total Rebel koala c010n_....... Itiusbor of Rebel wctandsclncrittOwn; . • Eoink oS the pleteetsufprogreu seem to think that woegestatlot 121117 talprOTO the rue. We vault tis*.us 'without ` debate, , that it anti I. • proressoure - wblie tain,j)iitTit ust spoil the sefitta , 4 6o , TOG • We kitowof nonibetter qualified •to speak op that point thanlutuult. lost of the slave Stage hisselsied Jt. -.What is your opialsa about it Nr4'ol ,l4 eil - Tro!'oriPl• . - Al agent of a ea roe1:1„ oompany ha do Stati of BfloUgato has-been •!n ape city .to sapois Nis eartiellll 0,141/1A Am:aced contrationas to d.x oon *ma s., *tin that Stmts. Itipradwatood . that thebitomgmmingnotonly : Aeolltthd ter tirdsr, that clam of remonkt*ther, but Gaeta 'Marge mates that , :moMoetro masded-for.—tha antlitamy: &oleo Of theqpiPlafitlfol *tag: ti . . - . 6 ' - • ; 11..rtter Irtm lizatea Bltullon. Pont Sui,rca, Md., July 31, 1851 tw: I 1, me become so mach in the Ishii of writing a few lines to you from this c tetroti, tree a week or so, that I ;feel es tho rib yort tm o ditty were neglected if I faiL fioide from . ilc ire which I have to relieve the minds of 31Xi011i mamas, wires and sweet let rts of an ditty in regard to their sons, has lisree sod "wi1ier...1.," I doubt whether my itn aginatina lo tufficiently etrong, this intensely as; to westber, to inttgett either you or your reader/. But In the three or four hundred fami lies directly reprme Lied in this =mood, I Muhl not you will God nu imerested reader of every article beaded es above. Weareatill together, at this Fort, and are not likely to remove now, while our term of service eq . :dhoti although soldiers rarely have any In• or:batten la Oda an cc, of either the clay or the di rection.. The .routine of garrison duty was relieved, last week, by an order from Division Hied Quarles, antherirlng artillery target practice on the 20 b; tan shots to each sow mei. Of 0011T1.0 our boys - were glad: of an exparttutilly of, uniting precept with practice. We fired several rounds froM our onellundred pound Parrott inns ; -8100, from 13 sod 24 pi:hinders, Smooth Loos, mod 44 mob rifled Itodrean s ,and a G pounder James, bean. TM practice, as a trimils, was excellent, and too gas sers. were highly oomplimented by oar battalion and compariyadlielirs, at well ea by some ofileere who wee present to wi:ners the faring. Rarely are bisey gone Vetter -tarred, or projectiles thrown in defer proximity to the object aimed at, than were those from our batteries. health of the member of the command, ge nuttily, Is good, although we still have several mess of remittent and typhoid fever. Young Outten,. of battery • st. is convalescing ; so Is Chat. Stuart, Sava* end Ring, of battery 0, Willard Idoereint battery B e te very law; fears ale estirtaintd that he may not recover. Sohn Is Robinson, who Rem near Turtle Creek; braise eery level typhoid fever. I find- it•diffienit to seem:int for this fever; the country, 10 sandy, high and rolling ; the trees and underbrush are all cut down for a distance -of ever *mile outside the chain of farts ;' the Water useelle spring, pure and root; the days me Intensely warm, and often the nights, too, although we have irsqueutly fine cool weather for The foot/ of the men is wholesome, welt cooked, and regularly served, in saribleat quantity r and yet, although the welt are very well, the Insidicius fever steals In, altd. boa strong or the emir are aline subject to these at tacks. Raving ample and airy hospital room, under the charge of Surgeon Nollrock, the dis ease generally yields alter a few days active ' treatment: We are again-hearing the most alarmiog de tails froin the Cumberland valley. While there may be a force of rebel nevelt.) , in or near Chew berrburg, and detachments of the same between that point and WilitainspoM, I cannot chink It at all probable that any eonsiderah'e fords of the enemy 'scald attempt even a raid it that vicinity. ,With their usually g ood facilities for obtaining`, Information in re'r.tlon to oar axing movements, they mast be aware that the lith mills; Cinder Gen. Wright, and the 19:h enrosi Brevet Elej; Gen.-Enory, were in Froderlok city two slays ago. I should not mention these feats, Vero there danger of advising the enemy. tint, should It sifter ail prove Gut that there is any force worth lighting or capturing, in toe Camber lend valley to-day, long beore this reaches you our *or,e should be between it and Gm 'Potomac, in inch force an to Ponder escape seemingly im 'poretble. hip impretsion Is that the formes which are 'laid to be threetening Pemneylvania animist of a ectglomeration-of Irregular mounted rascals, who imp burn, plunder and steal, but who witl not Sight. -Oor forces were at situated, and in :each- strength, that no such plundering teaPtidi- Liens rhould is poigiblo. "We heir of a few hundred of Mosby's cattle Mn=====L=M the too may meet shat they do not expsot, it -part of the troops now in Washington should baron 'to march tip the river 0.0 Lresbirg. Weese ail rejoiced to hear of the motive efforts bsing made at home to till op the lata cell of the Prosidont - for.. 500,000 volunteers. The men of this battalion will not be behind in mani festing their patriotism. The late oall will be resi.oaded to ty nearly ono half the battalion, for one year. Tense years ago, when the 11 th Ohio in fantry left 'Columbus, • y =kg la ly presented to c. topany A of the regiment a beautiful, bright• eyed epaulet. The dog wag called Carly, and Rai moth petted by the men, and followed the company tato the thickest of every battle in v Molt it woo engaged. Ile was wounded In two or three of the battle, of Virginia, and again at tb eitainaruta, nod family wee &Mot to the' etionl• ?er at Lookout Mountain. Ile returered, host eler, atd,'llthougl loot ccccc al times, always toned up &akin, nod was thistly mustered out t the scions, the other day, with his company. t is said that he will be forwarded to the aer ie: nor, wbb wilt hare provided for him en hen tot able dog house in the Capitol. The Now Poinmss Lose.—A correspondent ; writes co suggesting the propriety of country .rostmeafert obtaL.Mg s obsoriptions to the new aoren-thirty loan, called for by Secretary Fes ecuoion: Thole are they...ode of small towns bad :Chigoe where there are oe benears, and where the poetmastere a.e in oGntinaal later c• arra with a large alms of molt crapitallata, the hoard W 015.7, not having the knowledge or DTCLIOZICO to make a pro finable and patriotic in.mtment of It. It would ha a Ste way to rooks it n popi,.'s loan. Thole axe mall ether obt lona teatime, which make this' cyan,' • very I.t,nscersary and t &hair. ono to peewee,— Y. ). rllit6ll lif(POICI:1011117 b 13 1 .303 were re presente d by descendants In direct lime, and bearing their I,nse cc the Euersarge, In the recent eugag t aw& with tbe Alebama.. Judge Matthew Thorn ton sad Joelah ile.rMattTeisov s of the Dsolara • fiDl:ll . f ledependeece from New Hampshire, rep retented by great grandsons, Lietceaant Ctm wander Thornton and Acting Mlitet'll Mote Frre. Bartlett, nrd the gallant Commodore P. oblo by kiiiehipman Prattle. Thus V., see there great and true men "atilt lire," and are still at stork endeavoring to presirve that err osent 'diode foundation stone they helped to lay. Two Edinburgh .S'ofirwoon, of Joty 10 sass: "It is quite trete ' we have rearon to believe, shit Mr. Cherie, Secretary of the Treasury at Warbiegton, had lately art offer fro If olland of a)Lan of $20,000 000, but on condi ion of the custom duties of 'Federal ports being pledged for the payment of interest. This condition the Wasbitgton Goveloronnt regarded in the light of an insult, and the negotiation was broken elf" RiTl&lDTtica.-111r. Downing, the colored ea.- Wier and oyster dealer of New York, has retired with so wimple independence. The Jeered of Ctv.vo-rec lays, atit In the terrible fire of when all the water pipes were frosert, he roma ca• tared acme hogsheads of t vinegu Jaanosy a. ort, and with some help eltekod, byits means, the y regrets of the dame In that direcdon• Teo burning of Chambersbarg, Pennsyluunia, making some three thousand people homelese, ts sine of the events foi which the Ching* Con ifention was probably y ostpened. A few sdlitt events will probably rupply s porty with atit• eient principle. to last them through the Presi dential campaign. Tee milkmen in tenors! cities and torus put op the IRAoe of milk, not long age on count drench—net of the dr:m—net by meson of its effect on the pumps, oh not—but Moonrise It killed the gram Mo which the cows feed. There was no charge of mice In New York, because t to co is slats do net eat grace. 1. - gb price of paper hat o,osed the Ein ger Doily limo to disarm:Ware at OL 0 all ite yeatly inbtedibees, and derAnd ¢lona upon the tie tf tingle papers for romot er The ..raterabarg Expre. or Joly 231 say, "An ezetilint szticto 'of fro.h boof w.s sold to the Richmond markets on Tin-sday se low as three dollars per pound." TIMM le great excitement in Chatham, Cana• da West,on the oil ititottion. A forts vain hiss been, been atslck-nt the depth of 422 feet. A new flowing weR has been opened at Enniskillen at the de;th-of only 40 feet. Ina 'Washington imagines that if the rebels had 'come within the fortiloatlons of the city they _could riot hare stood agairut the charges of the hotel keepers. • Navy, silver, in greater quantles titan the ietsrallublie le aware of, hoe for many years been found in the copper mines of Lake Supe rior. A aocniza of the 20th Army Comp, welting from Obettehoooke lays the clamor ol the army nos la ^Sobaseo and Personal McnUnn 01111FILAL Buell and Judge Kelly, of Phtladel rbla,tre in New York. .Tnit Installment of the new Roman Catholic Archbishop (Spalding)of Btatkaore t,ok plaaa at the Cathedral in that cliy oa Sunday, with itn- Itsilif 0220010 :. -••• Doi. John .11.11enderson,of fdissoort, reach.. adhlalhome in Pike county on Wednesday last. nis friends will regrotto learn that till health has been ecnisidenbly impairs! by his eenetasit, letorii In Washington city daring the sluing of Cozgrees. A few weeks of repels, it Ls hoped, may fully tutor, hill. Juno" Duval ? whose 11111:1111,0otetil Borbridga hu firbldden to appear' eritlm poll books, .Kenttleky, le not onlylinoim to:be a aympatiti -ses; bat to ,have haj.lntiroate rotations with; inwarion:MAXentries :,kroso tAutooantersited the faros of Ahir ,Piallgintitikirif Hawes hi , ot.'oolitmurate Ga.- - staor Of tlifinNtt. FOR L 0 REAT LisßiNt)N "'ABM' J 1 . 11) b 11KBILIIT, etrven.l 4ySatl4te Dam the Waat;..ct..n real.. scljalcadg le, ° .e.ed. Czars atm% kef acr.. MI and, he The !opt,.m n°l, of Ltrlt L,AL tr rfodtra OW) alto. Or. ptlter Yracan Dwelling", (On Butte.: bona", Lege Dank Barn, 40 by eh, with earn "rite .to/Dugan ; .3f Ile wet ot it nl!, chnt•lnlngath Garin" term Tla (sem la wall welazed, with nee nevar.taj ing w tb lb. Ma, ve I. the . 4 1.iteet Labarge° `.tar=ry," ann. t.lrg 1.10.1 Ar ADlria Tr - ad.-1, 2,3 and 6 yam" ulal. lr,ith 1 , 01 "tee-3 yossold. ' HAY f.hcrry Tmeri-9. awl 3 plait all. ro. Yea.. 4startaca eterriscd. l ' o . lCd =2: ft .so. ted THE FIGHT AT CI:III3ERLAND. ..tO4I Onst.e 4.. . • Mil TEE ARE OF THE PATH V. Ittported Change In Commanders. ROCKER PROBABLY TO SUCCEED MEADE Cause of the Disaster at Peterstiu-g rtutnyly Routed THE RETIREMENT OF GEN. HOOKER The Late Battle Before Atlanta. Now yota, July 3.—The Ihral.V. • Wail:ov ork el - octal cam It is currently replorted that arrangement! sic in progress toragain changing the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Meade was not mentioned. in convection with sty other command. Onset the prinatpal !acmes of hesitation on the part of the troops which led to the /loiter at Petenburs, was the belief thet had they taken _nonunion of the bill which they were en pentad to take, and which theyould have taken, which commanded the rebel works ant the tu:what bien previously min.d by the rebels. Por this reuon the troops could not be iodated td Ambit' their work, and demoralization was created which lost the fruits of victory when It was within their grasp, New Yore, August • s-I.—Both the Tr:to,,, and tint.' . Washington specisls intimate that Hooker will succeed Meade. e o=2l PITTSB TELL'GRAMS. The S.los' Washington special safe: Etijoh Sala, late &oratory of Slate, of lowa, tom boon oppitinted 31 Auditor of the Trossup. The Trib mat's spaniel from Frederick, debt P.Oft last evening, bas the toiletries confirmation of the reported defeat of the rebels at Cumber land General was attacked at Camber- Jaz , ' 3naierday at 4 p. m., by a-large force under Bradley Johnson and McCausland. After a severs fightof several hours' duration he OA/1- pH:tit,' rotted the enemy, capturing several eaiseoee,z great many wagons and •Tast amount of plunder which they had stolen in Fran:yin, The enemy le In full retreat tesrards nld Tewn, and Kelly is pursuing him. Crarnewairt, Aug. 3.—Gen. Hooker left I ere this morning for Washington. The says that his retirbosmit from the army resulted from feeling en his part the- injustice done him by the appointment of Gen. Howard to .sunned Gen. hirPherron. The Atlanta Appeal Of tho filth adaiito the lore of ra thou...led in the battle of the 20th, ands aye ;it the rate or fighting ;ince flood took octuniend, the rebel army will be annihilated in three weeks. FROM THE ARMY OF THE, POTOMAC Fiag <I Truce to Bury the Dead I:.a .L OF rat POTOILAC, August 18114. nag of truce was permitted by the rebels Inca I. till 5 o'alr ok to-day to bury the dead and bring cif the wounded. Vory few were. (sand alive. Of those who were alive eeverul died last night, cad but few are orpeeted to recover. The grcond for two hundred yards was thickly strewn-with dead. The greater portion were cokred; ISO of the lakter end 55 whites were counted. Indian Depredation,. Br. Local, Aag. 3 —no 'deices from the plaint are to the effect thatltte Apselon, KiOWS, C 1111413. oho and Angina. Indiana, numbering one thou rand, are committing tenons doprelatlone on the Santa Fe road. AR the hones, males and beef cattle belonging to Fort Lents& also comber of pirate cattle, one hundred an I thirty borne of the Colorado fluttery, were captured within a quarter of a mile from that fort on the Ina OIL In addition to Chia, emigrant trains were r^bbed, destroled and some 500 . actimate run aff. About 20 persona wore kilted and ozalped. The lonians were threatening Ft. 1,1mo:1i° at Net aroounte, whore bet 75 men were etationed. Ortr $2,000 worth crprovieiote hai been given three Indians • few day; before the comnifilion of thee. deeds. Deetractlve Vile—lncendlarlstn. ETABSTILLII, Au6ae• Issudier's block, in +hick is located the PosteMee, Adams' Eifirowit; ,the office, Cootedge'e Lacy dry goods store, Adams' photograph gallery, and s numbor of Mona was tired iA•the garret t•y an intending I,:t night. The fames burn oat this morning ,boat six o'clock, and before subdued distc,yed ft sat from water on the lower tnore. CITY AND SUBURBAN Returns et the Election on,Amenilments to the Constllntluu ' " i a a 4 '• ==ll=EM psi 1-fp CC/ I First ve•ro Fr cvud word 111/• z •' T/bdluarzl, 1.1 i•. • i. 1 ,, -.... •. al prcl• I “ld 24:I; :'•I VI., 21. rifil rani, 14 IY , I p I 124 ,•,..... :lath satd 1. 41 nth WAT , I 127! • 127. 141,14 wa:d -.... ... .' 1, , 1:: 1 142 3 Liii 11, ...Ard . ' 241 1 :., 1 : , I A1..1..1 , NT. I 1 . 1 ,' r 1 7 ward .4.11 1 4. 1 732 4 31. P,wo , .1 ........ ..-...; :..'.., 10,1 74.1.1 , :17rd ward. 141pict ..1 2,1 :, , 'u l 1,, 407, 2 •'.. .24 pr.- 1 111 1 ...4,1 List 0., 1241 4s r( ur t b ward lat Iwat. ';rd ,l : :33, 2 I'6l 3 . - 24 prc•l iii, 44 -7 ' 1 , 31 43 1 1 4.4 , ... P. ii• Birmingham. 1 11211 3., Lawiet Ct' , 11.1 . ,103 ward 117 CT', .• • 2.4 . • . 142, MIII glimi:yairof 1t : 4 ,: i. : 4......: I 3 1 , , i , : %I 1 P. rittalwls 4g. ...... ....... 1,,., I '7 ' hlcrioncshnla r .„ 1 43: 31i TrAtsunts, tp., .2d prct....—l r.i 1 IG; • A , 21 1.11 u. . 114 13 ..Yl, 4 Plt fl•ngdeo OcCkmilre • 1/..el I 4. tit, tLls dupkt Llat of Sick and Woun armbred Into t. S. A. General Nolpital.No..', Teen., from July 20 to present, digs. July 20, 1861. A .t. Kane, E, 75 h Pa., contusion of right groin ; Wm. Dom hi 0, li, Illth Pa.i ennehit trtnt.d In both thighs; Peter Fox, A, 29,h P.., ten:avant fiver: Benison Sham :,xe, It, 7th Fe. C►.elry, recelvtd a Lunthot'w ',and in t4e left thigh, in the oearge made by the rebel, at At t•rra, in the 20th ult. Corp Ch.rle... E., 107th Pa., also re ceived a fracture in :he lon Lorna ..emputato.l) it the tame charge. Jam Dltch, Co. A, 77th Pa., in Ilovital No• h diarrhea The folloering N it Nash Villa: Jno. Karnes, I, 7th Ponn'a oar., shell wound In the I,ft side. . Geo. W. Sadder, B, 141 th Pa , gun shot wound In right side; herons. Wm. F. Barney, 0, 77th Penn, gunshot wound to left I,Eg; IleVeTe. Corp. John. Donald, If, 77th Pa., gunshot wound, left, thigh, severe. Thee. DiTold, F, 77ti Pa, rheumatism. Matthew: Sturgeon, B, 2tl Pa. Battery, gun shot tecnnd, hoed, alight. Nutene Sawdey, B, 2i Pa. Battery, diarrhea. Jaren)lab Latham 2, • 40% Pa., received : is gunrhot fracture In thn tight plenm, and la In llcepltnl No. 6, Nitaßlinn. A WILD OAT Hli.nro.•—Barolay Hoyt, living to Taylor township, Cambria eotsty, eaUght 6 eat• amount in a top a few days ago. The anlm►l had blooms famous for Its raragtO, and destrao— tireners, and Mr. Hoyt Oct a trap near the plate, and anon caught the “varmlat." The animal was of a monstrous size, measuring five fast. in length, and heavy In proportion. • SID Acatom.—Ernest Rough, a lad 'mod about ten years, had his leg brokan la' two photo. on 'rands), Lou, at Vanik's Bali, whilst praetlerg la the Turneei Bohool. lio is a son of Mr .St Dough, of flast.Binninghaln. Tblinrotolt.T ,114.—rWa meat to tenni that Dan. 111111160"4111014., luta Prothonotary, to tylag italotuo IU .at h.a riddance, and but UM* hope! px• tette/41i of lilt mover,. ]PITTSBURGH' .. '''.6-AZETTE,. URGH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1564 ron EILPIR Jrt to,uue flttelllot PNoth. W ISA • Large apwc.rt:poot of .mail trclt. Thl. T•ral Itiuqury It 0ff, , ,1 it •law price pcd tartan wary, to • Girl. thsatu mita Oi capita - IVA and utt , t o, 7 Mt.+ hilted. Apply eel!. 00kat 17 15 6. 31cLAIS & 00_ lot Coprtla .trent. F OR E,.ILLE... 0AX,61:13 PINY SIM DIVE. A tract cf lALL ACMES of Pine and Oen Ticalmr.ien • *rni..nt to the [II 1,00130, Ir ottarmi tot sea ver v yjeiro Jr it located cna mi l. Mom tlmo Altigheny ri nl , Oorydort, In Picilven nacnty. Goal and hos Ng /4 Nncd, end {ll4. WM. I fil mtuml ext....rely thollo. Ken Corny ElnualormaConl CO., a e mikr tFel , Lb• Irma. : crime int icatkent of Petroleum aroma ht • Whip, hot no aaminattnna have beer resin. Perth, particulars on atml,cm,on to • DrAs+ axl Lasarac. /4".4! Oa FOUIITiI at.. Bartil Ban:44 FSALE— SALE—SUBURBAN SITES 1: I' LLIAGIE LOTS, Mom Foot liftuaoa.—The bat designed, Tarot:dors of the stab of total Borot, 6do'd afar Lode a atuabar of Loy, foam bus half to aver *deb, !Third near Tort Herron, eadmithla Mb* adman arelk of the termtbas of the Pittsburgh II fit. ma male Peserrovi .11ellare,. The above Lots Ore baeatlbtllT located for p'l'ate reddeuear. leo, a uomber of usual Lob In tae mita. of 'diners. AS., fro/sting on the Porous, llMllrey.-tturty to ebtt7 tool foot end from too hatotral feet drop. Tor booms:moo Oagain of Mbar of the tuutbr- Wu, ed. or W. L. atalloff. Clerk's Moe, Ooirt Boer. WW. A. BLUEON JOtiti D. asnaoli, It G. Oitittlotf. F UR hALL. A EZIIMIDAN HESIDESOZ The lets recnisnoe of the Ilse. De. Jennings, In /lip elute ttwnehLT, lent blond 11 scab's:ter. and connected with the Unintended e.t.a of the Pen Auger Bat sey, Le offand foe cede eie ere tw,, mete a Around tt , cked with thlcholo tot butt.,.. good ejorgn talLit ofetetn, end ILO mpyry Qjf kp. in; wefh 1t two hydrants 'the boa. contttte twelve rowan. The otehle hal r,u.. tat pLdtser tothealLtd with It Tan entahber. hoes pleuent, end the hone the howe never• pe,,ed at beauty. ila e t r ,, to4 _B . . EL. 13 d T AS, wren, Apest, Ed 'oath mew.. nett:. Dolthetc. ..FOE SALE-A GOOD INVi,STMENT: 7h. atteutim cf [boa .00kIug . ...try bats. (Ai tstl , d ten COUSIIII.I SkiAT AND Flirt'? FARIII, Vow ofiered f..r aelo, sitnated tent mile, Rom Atiostas4 /It a.^..11 4s6x, .4. frost ttes Perrpv2te p tens med. TLe properts i. thorougbil improved. Goof Wick amuse, Carrietre llouee, Stahl*, loollarim. and oil.. "4( beiallt ma. Twat, acres af hoe Isr.4„ eight of whtah Is ' etchani, of the but aeleollan of fruit, of .m 7 Tartar/ • It b our Orb. best sited fps Gra)n In the c.sueLy; luM astready art out, mina of akdat are now bearlag. Par further particulus Imply to J. W. WYKSA, ),1/.21. Photogapher, 15 Flrth etng. OR RAIZ— A rano of 118 /turas, in .v St. Oh& towmfdp. Wmtmorehnse. const2, Pa. Aloe, • Farm of len wren In Illuboth township, Ale , le•borty county. Alen, s large two-irtary Brick /AMMO and Irst in tbo Borough of Wait IlMobeth. ♦ leo, • PAllld OF 140 LOFTS. to VeriMilos tp., Al lenttorty tonima, about ono and • hall miles Immo( Um be rough of ?Ice emport • fo r • awry volosb/s YARN In 51. Otter township, Wmunareiss d ormaty, melanin( ittO texastownship, also, 12 lIITILDINQ L,.T4 to 11.. borough of Wiest Ihrebsta. W by 1W feet. Tor particulars Moire at No. UM ractrtn otcoot G. B. TOWER. Aril MEW.. Agent. FOR BALE. Freedom Foundry Property. The undersigned pens. for Ws the above Foandwry whk b he hag ntted oplo the best style, trni Freer virulent elo sr ter Foundry, Rarerl rectory or Wagon Shop-- trireme two %Attie" Fe. Doe foundry bandit.; Is Wass, stir • ~rso lola 10 it, sod • ltd .f good Meek.; Lae en, ne I. Et LSD, with god elide van, en glLe, 7 Inch cylinder, d Lot stroke , eighteen toot hone.. Utak nue. Itkewis //neared to It • good ...lit grin tht•e . . also, orm read HOUSE END LO?, tHamml so Ilain etra.‘, maid pltm Imt fuller pu11...W. login.+ on tar prenalam, of 10.7:1.• J SNEAD. Pa. • Ti OE. SALE. A Farm of 50 Acres t,-C r oitTed at prteste oho otstit Ma drat ma, Went sold, will to veld st poSlts Ws. ' prtperry t o eitostsd Ailsersros , iis° dy, is salt entered, arsi s good vas 01ig.1.1., the sole. the ballStrarsare go.d Trains Bars .end (nine s Dwelling Ileum. For thrther partlsstarejlagstre on the prsrelest, or), 131 EV SSA 010:9Drug Warn, car iner of Congress ant- W3lla Warts, Patbtangli, to el the Prothonotery's Jr. Deli.,., D. IL Lii(jLTZ, A.daluletrater of Dewar Weir. A FARM OF hacrar A L )Nt LAND, In Durrell teltuthltb Dollone 4,441- Prune., one =Hz f Tuu Dlrolt Lick Ittadon, lut11.• n cb Itatlrear, g 171 itCIM, 159 PT 40I1E g— letudrvl acres being cleared, under good rultl Usoco , fb^ Witty° bring In good llnebtr, prioefgelly .but cite. The Improvenetuta ere large Leg sad rr... b• ure. and large Log Vern. CUh ettent for nettle Thla lent well 51 etorre, nude,. ne clover. Tbers aLso 4 de• Mtn. on it Env slggare, which owt be need. aural /I 0, ',century dvelro It And, to JULIE; Dot 6.11 ITIT9 bon rn praut"; o OH. Po Dud r etreet,Pitt, tbo• jj 'ler CP. 1 4 .] Una now Steam . Itrizinn, A ; cy.:uGar, .7) lccE .. rake, an y Iran lied rarcur Cu. 1.1 Icrh cyßrAZar, RO butt otrule, Ault will Le me gout! as new. Co. I :tile cliltAir,“.. inch stmt., mi ff. " " Ad " 'Co. bellors, to le. Mau., BO WA .011 .711,a BA * *e., IT raolhl !rya Oil 6021 a. Thnu. u.-ts • f tag 4 uuls. tot 00 Well*. Ctruf ter coat, Inquireof 11. M. BOLD, apt* Allegheny Elver =eat the IIoAAA F O R AND OIL ILITINZEIY.—Yas ...ball 0 , ►hh" of ea. Oft Urban ani Samar. Sow VIII, wail:Ash and save lull of ground ; an aloandance of anal on the Ink— ine q n and being worked, Oblate on the Altsfelek Diver and L.V. LLD., U oStred tor sale The Itranots Is nevi cad of tnodern bald. The BM" Mlll Uln pled. dlkt 0r&.,, and la nod eltnatethintslns II reset mantas tr - rc ft to the filiV 0,r0.l locality for lantldinA boats. Tor vertical:art call oe the undenslgeted LYDAT I CIFIO/12 - LITUISO, asol-Li I so. fa Hand Knot. P Mature., P. 1 , 1.1 1111 11 'II 1 1, (AN E OP TELE:IIOST BEAUTIFUL AND V drain:Us locations for counfrretst; wood Kul Lthr.t. 1. no. offered for tale s frontirg on Highland Allan nts of foO test, and contalning moor more 6r D re ..itna , o nrar it o rmOdeno. of Alosnador lot .od entre, audio soaoeptlbloottna not Ill:apron,- nem. Tbeir Is on tt.• Once a two allay brlrst lane, 811101 h. use, Dans, Ar.., all lo soul ardor; shin • floe or. Oat d.l yams Irma mostly boss log. 11.11 prop Ts •y, It ob.oi, Atli 41•1404 Into to, or !car rattl oil to suit pan rr For terl.., apply ist tho Ural L..a'a and hot. =canna" of G. 0. 11.4.TEY, /IT Bunn stroot, Lsvremocillir• S 2 11 9, 5 11 A lOC r ... I 1 Ir , 14 82 2! u&j Is ""I • I , II • 11 , Al 2 4k, ml 10. 14 61i 17/ 74 1 ' 4 OAHALE—A VALUABLE FARM. eit- F •tt dla Weatuscr• lead county, Pa, miles from - Elm orEh sod 8 Wks tom Al' eKbouy Telo7 D. 8., at Leo tee Terfl. wanton= 203 aces—about 120 acres clew. d: urea woe& w. ik good Duellists Daum acid' runt Bank Darn. ?Me It as excellitat atop' at ere a buns, befog well watered by neves &lUDs epilog!, VS<t W PM{ well to 41.13, Into two f ,rt¢s. T. r !unbar particulars enquire of B.& 1 /B.llr No. BS hang Wool, All-sh .133 i t EALZ—AIt, Aladdin Oil Worts, 16 Crade P•trolpuma Tanks, In {Mme order, anbainottially tonilt of potnia timber, na I. r p IF ova, and will contain soma ZO barna]• each. A{.l linavna may to =oda at that 1:141not7 titniat ooo ll do. or tin 0404. m Pittatircn. JOEINSSOLi & WiLSISS. inylthtf 1 OI: SALE—The ontir ntoek ntd fixtereA w it eciahliatior 11111AltilAti AND NOTION ATONIC, is offered for rate on gertid terms Leo.tloo f. All garaticree larritarred Astlstsctortly, irepatticiabira glyrn rithirearing LOOS DOX A. lei b. 03 City Poet Office. tyThit F y" RENT—A FINE STORE R05:11. Itth Dv ening and SWAN on lot abzee the Dltt. ward, to Federal street, Allegtkeey atty. POZPIIROM tight 'troy. locaterly oampttel try td. . Apply to JOlllti DAME. tr.:7:tt Alleghene MT. FFO R BALE OR EXCHANGE : -FOR CITY PIIOPEILTY.—IIut LABOE DWELL. ..r=rti di Mt; DI inntgbarn. Raping and oat In Itui of di< Nato( Scow TPED. L. numizri. nittf.L•tt ID Antrth stmt. Tlttalrpnb. FOR SALE—A FA2III OP HOlizs, in lothomy townehiv, Mayer eseraty, and five mike kr. the Chia river, on which le erected it ootarulable tunic Ism, to. About 60 germ °band, and poi ernii trees ca the plata Pc, particulate enquire of O. ACa I NOVI, • bI3 Fro. Diauumd, Alleghtny City. 'UM{ BALK OIL RENT—A Farm of 52 L Ares, good WA, to .Wtrilol township,: &Moaning lord of Peat Porohmoot, wad Matto lOrt 080 " Ponmtnints a tr m& Tenini reionnable. raving a wax. wATIA it as Ittpit door from IftltlO., an Oast caws. ran SALEPENN ..STRRET PROF.. .tltTT.—Tti4 tiro. storjriliftk trettlat, =tett! fps anon rooms, Raft 41104 with lot.'hafint strolls of Whet it troluotortfonfoOnok I.lllltot to I, wiles sibm Ths *boos St on otteelltat Wootton foe tostatfactzuttof tourpoott. la afro of AM S T, .61,154 JILBUJi4B, LMINGrai NE.W ROOK. Margaret and Her Bridesmaids, • - rLo Queen of the CorrtiLty I=l "W. 70S) , Par.r;•v• the 1/Virg ea) ;f0,11.1/.44 tenets of of 'W se . mk. for we roc mend all .Lo a r 1. DefgrTa at • 14.1tiating ru rest! It for lista:went, hog all gad It wwil worth then while. the story le nry g it It the history of roar school Eshowe. Zasswrot, the herd., la of coarse • Wrra , uu In the taghsot nolo of petted:ion. Ent Lettg— Ito little, wgial, wild. brans isecinattng Lott 7-4. the gem of the took, and he far ow oar erperience In 'Coca. raiding gam h 42 entirely original ohnractor--• oroa. tlas—sad a Tay chanah.g ans." TEe Lend., pp. " Thero is • great Oak In • rune, and the Otte af thliehansios novel sossants a pane beauty_ for !toro th. 11121 d harretticgtatallltta, nargsret—Lit a1tr5, 1 141.1141 —S.dshy, prt loser of to Mil Immortalised BO masy port 1 Ttusaitsarnt of this story to beauty. *antlearss,goodaels.allecticas sad tom gloalossly kyr ttled. No story that coma to our memory oontµss more 1nt.004 thus fit Gar none! ~adore, DartitosioniZ Vitae of th* if odor VIE, to Wham It to. dear !zeolite. 13=1 ?be Londoil S-, lay "TM* tea iiiittafroguirhod b fiaphosirs of fed Ins Wad erlibosium of pralt, .nd la unrobitatably the produo. Ma or to oidinary talent, pa It boars o chores in its pod./ that :tracts Latdrtibly We we barns µone to attain:ion, to dytipstry, std In pity for the lieroliae. itispipava • yams; tripods are milliatrably skatolaird. !bias elbe Una rooted by worb of bnlrns. will a ci .. intrista illarrs , st pod bet Da:fermata..." ths Lot;de. ifereicp Pout *ars "A Ism mower, of peculartty cm be predicted tor tide noe.l. lb. citeortere ern drawn with mitt &bob tutekAge of 'lca= mitt" and the idyls' le gums and pointed." MLA ILOASIZT AND HER BiIIDTAILIDir mitt pier* in Immense Iwo. to with our /Mirk.* Lidit so It in now sad ban bein for yesti with do Emi l.!. ihwators, lir Loring's Ttaston Publics:l=u for w. .1 tituot.• 55. 1 T 5 T earlls , l. 1 75. 155. /./55 RALLY ROUND 1H F. FLAG BOYS. LINCOLN AND JOHNSON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, Rh all st. Lair sad po i .slar UNION somas. ra - cx ti JOHN P. HUNT, 8.2 1111.811111.11rlyilLa 50N l 0 port paid on reoripi of pries. TI INW, QUEENS AND KNAVES HATICIS.ILITT ZYZELTWHIMZI TO 8110 Eagles, Shields, Stars and Flags, f.ILEUIC&S OATLD uoltraisra UNION PLAYING CABDS, COLOSSI. ISSTIAD OP KING. , OOLDESS Of LISS/LTT INfTEID O QUISIN. Air Vol. Cants sat put op to • segt bog JOHN W. PITTOOK'S stria 6TBssT, orrwirs TU vire OPTION. N iciy BooKs! NEW BOOKS! Mali AND ISOGRESS OF SUPPLY 54311001.8.—A gopL7 of Beta too Soli ..d Woo. Pox. By Joao Q. poor. 1 vol.. r;.• si Cr, 6 MAtit:AL ON IS.XII.:ACTINU TLlTH—Fortadrd •or lb. &carom, of the partroorolrrd luth• opera:lnn; 11.164. dr .ad proper cousin:wit= Instrurvirato, &o. I I; Y.!, r fiti Dl' I , i 1 art K. I rut. 12mo. 1.7A111.12G AND 31.3 - VERTNO. by Lieut. Petteumer ••• - ge supply of tho Jailor ,7.1. rt juut J. L BEAT, .nrth ri iir; (01.1)Elt —Thit is the L.sau 4,f Drmtibur.,.. Ewe, Sabbath School Novi, E. 7771. yeut cut. I oiotereo it IA 60 . ;•••.d .1 LP kr I, • 1 , 3 the Ball, Ousin or 13Lrwer. trine. ro; • 7 c-r•r, .mrt7l .Ingle copy, or $lO ror dr r to "PI 1...dia2. 30 ‘rote. or SO Or hratdroL yt I 1,.., by mull, on 1.0.181 of pii.o. .3)2.1 DA S 1:7 , , CLAUL E 071,93 Wood stz.t. of TOL Font %v.,. SOD V.131:1OO BAILLIOAT Plturgb, Pa ., July MD. lehi. DIVIDEND. -9 he Board QC Directors of lJ title Oonegany have thie day tholared w Dividend of rt.; rEll C&YT. on the MA, I of the original (lapitei Stec, o 1 the Company. payebie (free of Goseremect Ty) L¢ and after the 0111 of anion. prosiml, et the Uth e of the Company in 111. mts, .ol el the Transfer ggeoty, Wiest..., tanner bo. Wall street, New T. rk. to I m !Stock ho.d-nt, al mattered at the respective Minas. She Tranehs D. as of the Germany will Dime un the loth of July, th em 1, at 2 o'clock go. m, and te. main closed until the nth M.y of wizen thereafter. By order of ha Board. jj I 5: tan2o W. U. BARNES. Soc.w7. D v IDEIN D NOTI C el. Or. inn or Pirter toad I Doran filorfro Od., POtaburgb, .11217 23d, 1:61. Th. 11 , ,r tore rf the Dittaturgh end Dodos, .111olog Coal arty L•vvi dreivrad a Dividend of ZIORT DOL • L 1 PER bHahli on fb. Omuta! Stott, or the atm* ma) .loud at the close of 01111.“ or Saturday, the 1341 itutant, payable to StuckLtidor• or their legal copra. renfathe• to and after lIIITIISDAY, the tots of Ango.l peolhoo. It rotas o Storklitadera will melee Choir Lg. 46.4,4 of oh. orb. of oh. Company, No. tie 6llly atroel, Litai t 7110.1. 11. 11011 - t, Immures. /PAO D 1 VIDKA"..W. wt. es A tueoemre h Permian 'At Co 142 South Ihted et., Joie 12- 1884. The Diseeton of the Allegheny a PIttelgh011Oom• r.u, Wm this day declared a Dividend e TWO Pia CANT. on the Capital Stook, lor the month Ilia/M, tn. et tAlt. paya bl e onand after the I.lBlb j) WU. B. LABE, SeereterY. °CI Will tiOLDIEI4.V. . & HALL PATTERSON. mitt! CIEWI2r, ao. x CI rellrill .traot, Pitt.tretrik. 8100 Bounty du Woundoi Soldiers, WOUNDED SOLDLEM. otoo BOUNTY TO ALL WOUNDED ISOLDILMS, to arm twin paid; owl with ^Dlaabarge." No cluaria cuu net.L.,•=ooey L oolected. T. WILTSiI DAY, Idosused hf tho U.& Oovernmeat, No Itia rtithotreot, Pitlahwegg, 4 door below tho Oodbwdrwl. mrtlrea REM 0 raLs. FINAL REMOVAL. JOHN HALL 00. Hew removed thetr PLOW WASX1101:1311 Is So.. ISIII i 123. Corm Fitt sad Liberty lyt dm-= . OITTIFIIIWKIIL PA. 1011 EXIOVAL.--Cmor & Strimmo, Getter JAI 11 Outom4tOtot Horettooto, ham otozovot 21:3 to EC Llllllll7 1371.15Z7 Witt( lIDi • ADAMS, Dentist, Donnelly* Stillfitog. comer el Diszeni awl Grant Irtrossik nititiont. lidarimar—Dr. L. IL Polka, Dr. Hat* DOW klbSen foMI Ilittetti ET BY THE A irruon CF OCA 13114.4.1124. k 19 m. To. a Ma. SO LONGER! =BL CSED LORD IitiOtIGII D.rga•e, Lb. @nal, La :C• Er= DIVIPEXDS CM.4IJE2 A GIEJrTS Are rrepano 1 Co Dolled I. 1111ILDIATEIT pwr-rnivrßir. CAIRIPEM, OIL CLOTHS. K c. CANCARTONMATT fiITARLAND, COLLINS & CO nu. 11 //191) 73 ring FrEl/31- 13^.1.•1 terlYirt , 4 /1 wall lavoteeef E7BAR &All" /..4, of able celebrator! B. I. In• portstlt n. The pulley of three g.-.b is an- aporreee.-- atle 1. any ether learnt. g the !:=l-ert quantity venders dree very dedrable. met.. a A eO., Doer ate° Inst received a lea cr• coed kitty best and Landauer. et, in of Fancy Plaid Alatting3. All of which have put teen lande4, .11 are, :hombre. We YCEt ' HEaT JR.! TTINIIS IN THE LLifIKET. Our R•o.aal sipck of goods Is seta r--,arpuud in aw• tent or •arleq, and its st all tars after our patron the lowest prim the =nit INV SUM NIES GOODS, CHEAP CARPETING, M gTT IN G-S, W. hata now op.. splendid asoortrant of 43311LC1 .ad IrAlitOT XATTIMIa, Al prin. beer than the Kaatnrto market rata, The Ilitootiell of the panic. to ailed to lb. OM fiend.,.. tkki SURPASS, iN Wic•Ja.R. aril) any atiodor QHiAP OA.HPEIIENG la the saartut. OLIVER DrCLI,NTOCK. k CO., nirrit eras= FOURTH STREET XrEW STYLES or rt QiWINDOW SHAD.ES! ! ;;;.; DACASIVID TAM DAY. R I . NEVI SPRING, ?MOCK • _A_ R., PETS, WILL MASON g OIL (JLOTH, pa' 0; 1 AT ALLU CARPET STORE, No. 6T FOURTH Trit=t. - P 14. 4 -08, MUSIC, dire, WAMILIN - K & B&BS bU 1. F. AGENTS Or THE Bradbury & Schomacker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, A.ND SMITH di: CO.•tl1 American Organs and Melodeons, R... IT BUM LVS BLaCX, IT. CLUB. Wet take p'sasroa tor.ferrlog to s fe • of tacos who ease porchased these testruda.o.ts 11. Plttsbor.l. bad letalel 1 ➢ltlasad Bard, . John Qat., Trq., r. P.Dors, Oars Cothran, Joan ItesselL, Eve.. Wells, Diddle & Oa., J. r I wire wtst Brlckal, Dr. Illsaltbana„ C. H. Dona Drat Et. Bartist I h. , A. Har.ll.o, Eq., D. M. Dook, Leo,, Pe. U. M. Hostetter, t .1. J. IL Hear, groat:llr, Pa. Directress Pt Nhareat's AessLasy, Toraigilawa, Pa Ell., Farah I.lcrarlaad, Cast 1.11 Copt..l. B. Conway, Eltratlasheat. Per. H. Beplras,Esalek!sy Its.. E. Po!alartoty.lficandarllle, Pa. Gratam L. tr. Oaklaed. Y. Georattast 1 D•rp-01, 0. PstrMart Orr, Esq., All.gboay City. Pm. J. Hate, Vrry Dry. r. Hello. La. /Oho Kramer, do. El. It,. Es q.. 'dd. Dr. J. 11 MeCtloatk, Past Vbarty. Jobe arreardy, do. All Pisa., P. alo.l.orts, .to warraot..l for Bev years. A fess cholas aeondLand Pleanoo for 1.1.16nd root. /Yr WEBER'S PIANOS. 7 , :` Tat 1"7 OPI The bUit.criLer hr Ile a•cau asatormelug-Ilat b. Ea. Ir, o spioiottd tEn exalubiTO &W .- Mt for Lb* sal., WEBER'S PIANOS for PlltaLntOt and stchtitt• Thtse tbeeet ear ro..tts el, lett, Las loot ettloyed to ra •1.1)10 r tutsttoo In the stetera ; their tunny ea ctl t quatitLetk tail te e •Silret ad Ib.m st nam to our toookst ...It tart. L of NV all'S YIANIA 1.. e Jae./ bevy ttc..ltte L. tits tubtariaer 5t.1.,11 4 , 10,1-tteu el tat put lit IN talitu.l. CIiARLES C. MELLOR, PiANus HAamomum! OPITIg ..-ry lame nI co bat, Mtn/ eel Instrumno.a, for sale by /210.1 - TMLNSI, HOSSE & CO., No. 59 iletb larva, Elobbea Ytabi. KNAB MtIVAI.LEDF LA.N Oft. 2 ADE, BEYOND & DODET, THE BEST PIANOS MADE! Ecld by CHARLOTTE MORE, 11 111 iyl2 Solo Ageat for Pittsburds ono Wfmt. .zl TTOR.IrE TT Q L. 5011111/011. MACKRELL & JOHNBON, /UPTURNS, Y B-AT-LA IN, Awl U. 8. 1.1.0111551[D BOLDIII6B' CLASH linlrtB Equatfea fat Wganded Soldlell collected to from tea to iereory fap. Mr Oaf , e. 10. t 8 OH! 9T ISTHEZT, Pltteburaik. Cell wlthylt•charte aall tire I. imam.. claZs.ll M. G. GALBRAITH, Attorney Ind Conaseilor-nt•Law, falilfOLT, AtSewn Oovarr =fizzm TAMES I AFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mt Legal Bartnest promptly attended ta: HojellTolllll% 1311tErionar aftnt. Nu. bargb. sp23.lhatatt McMASTEII & OW-931 S 1...A.W. 0 F'F IC Ir. No. DS GRANT STREET op2o,ty O. Gt. a. C. SCIIOYER, Atbarnaye-at kl. Law. • Ottlai, Ho. lEiYottrth dross, Pleubargl, not FAISiiMABL& seo DESIRABLE GOODS' YOB GENT'S & YOUTH'S GLOTHING. an..,toir. To ORDER, Of TUE BEST STYLE AND MANNER, R. B. NORRIS, rusaCHAST T 2611,011. .79 FEDERAL STRUT, Allegheny. oidnainra 11111IITTB11—",00U Ma fresh Bill ßattar AA Mi1...1. 0 00 dahostrodilfts I. i • , g 0 hall bkda. Whit* Ea; ISO do Leto Herrhods MOM 40 tons sotmd Onam Mow, How noiptitog MI IN dole try . 0 4 It 4 SUMO. la LlD44llvtrosi. . Dar 00003. SUMMER GOODS 17 and VI Market Street Parse, in domain Glom sad Cotton EtlXklags. Oin garde at !ire tten New leek oast Limo aardSerria cid', In Ostia hords wad hem rtlichrd, tr tight long ago .11 eat odesserl. In rdat.'m L nen firmdkenctiers we hese .0.116.10, to etinv at dnvided bargstrw. /leer Thin online Undershirts, Lines Drawers, Jean Mesita end MIS Shine, finsra adorn, Eitunlit Ehirte and Cellars. Beet wake of Paper WWI, 10 airy mina .4 ttyln. Ladles' and Childrenin Gauze roizrvots A Belting, Covets, Pn;ies Skirts Polcantwl Stirti, Hardt Xets, Itibbcsii, rind tilted* .nd Reggio Lief..., admiralty Limns and Tavel IliSkwe— firm soabroll., elcat.g out cheArA. Bro.akfrat Cap., Is ee• patter. sz4.c.A.r. WHOLESALE H ONES UP EITATILS. Arar Illerchan si.l N.Mex., us tr.. 1.1 to leek liruni,b oar Notioa 1.1 Varlet, ficcd, fteck. TOBEPII HOMO & CD., A. xATEF, Fifth Street BARG aI.,NIA GOODS AT OLD PRICES. MACRUNI &. CLYDE'S No. 7t3 Market Street, Wholesale and Retail Haring boned =roods tot. tk• Moat boo,/ id- Irr o&r •t prls enuAd•raLly loos tk•n•a•u D• enrriust 'Ma LUZ, • mot Val 110ortod •cock Ot treasonable ffoziery If 01(Prez) Of the but foreign mil domeatloammifactsire, .1 groat revirty o Drees Trimmings, 8111 and BUgtf Aim . % Silk Tamale, Ormments, IfetratTxm, up Loo fluffing ; Jet, eilk and Bogie Dots Batton& A very geod amertment of B aia pure Lac Embroid aka, gAgings, Paranoia, and Om atn Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, And the Wiest sad best at Fancy Good; To be Fenn(' in the Ofty AIr:CALIS 800 W -ft pez GOLD I GOLD i Great Excitement! ADLIACI3 Oil GOODS OTOS IS 1111 EATON; MACRUM & CO.; • gj't.,:111.2:3111,:0 '''"l4d*o g olit at a'" to oftor their goods at prto Much Below :the Market Rates, . Of Sew Tort sod Phitsd.tphlz. lIIITICILLITTS AND DIALERS will at mot He oh. wirooutgo of buyfortu Oda market, to lout 10 the prw:oat otodo roods Oa. EATON, DIAORIIN & CO.. Noe. 17 LSD Ii FIRTH frEttEET. 100 7 t eE MANTILLAS Lace Points, I=ll Grenadine Shawls, Id rLODEO 59 1 Silk Sacqueg. Bummer Dram; Goods, CLOSING our AT LOW PRICES, J. IL BUROHFIELD'II 30111111M6T 0311. int LAD %tux= as GREAT BARGAINS AT J. W. BARKER & CO. ll ISD SWUM STUMM cn SUMMER DRESS GOODS , SEM.% CL9AKS, AC. /780 _WENS TM:RISINGS; LAMS GOODS, PASANIA SUE UNI3IIIILLAS. BAMBOOS. d Winn V10T031,111 A2ID SWISS LAWNS, BUILLIABIS, 11113 Boss. WILET2 mare, OOLLABB, idlAt. BACA, HOSTEST, IiASSDZIICIIIPIII. A for•usartlaelat of LIB= ECOMIZI. It il% Matti% GAUZE AND MIS ORDZIMISMI,ID ha Loam azd Galata. NOTIONS. as. M. I UNILICKLD, DEMUR & NA • FOBNITOBIi aND . 'OLISLI LED WOOD CHAISE esrais m &e 11129019 ricraim. wziountaas os arTem ' J*IT WOODIria, al 11179 Ithd stmt. 'PTA goo.: L 4 U 1 rourta ..tact et 11.imai pernasoN & A3IMON, 041131111STON lOLROTillerg. MODE AIM OBLIN,_ _sad puma ruODl7Ol &Wen. NO, WM Orslos, 7.M11, 16 . it flal4 VOLUME LXXVII-77NP. 199. Pia. TT LED T 9 INEASKir err A. BATES OVEL STOCK or DRESS GOO!: AHD FIL 111XVIKS, T. be sold at Fifth Street. Ili MITES' Notions, and Braitll Wares, • . 4pr .~aEnri'~i. H OMEOPATELIC RENEDIE3, FOR TEM A Fresh Supply Just Deelyte. , - r -r, amt. Pain, Lc. 41 /GA., L 5 MILL '-';;?. • Rom F.or , R Mtej - poi i 4 Vorsaio• bolls, Teething, Itlteng oz.! Wateittlgnill‘ Blow Gto•th and k ofj.ifaxte. ?deep ematte No. 4—For Dis.,-rhos. of CRatiGA or Mona; Chains tarantula, au.l erap.or C0u04.13. Priori 33 mats. No. Dyalrittrr or ,llldaiy rbss. Ckato. 41Mr. plugs, Dillow C01343' , ran atitioii. Fria :3 CAL Sa s— Chats. - a, Cheleri;igeTbas,.llauss sat Voathioz, Astkastio ZraastNG - , Ocala. - • Ira T—Tcrlbuii, Cetdr, o.,Wifosr.aziakadst. Ea 6ttel3= sad &Fa Throat- Priqi:* sants. ; . Ha S—For Tooth-Wu. Petiekila.ONitraerifilk Neasmaibound T 1 Dcolimiviu. POMP Nola. • sick 140dselkk XS* of Mood to tb Brat. Nits SS iiiats. • 10-lor ,Weift, Aeid In Dams! &mach, 07 33 t 1 3 0103 4 X 4,33 43 4 3, 3 4 3L0t. • SS costa. 11.—Tor Elapprimed 110.iiii..eitleasi31, Waal sr Deiseas Onea Mclermi; 33 Ka: 12—roc of whoa, !Sodas DM. los ream* &taws. Si cents. -—Tur CrQap. Haulm 0n:414 Coy*, Dfmaell sod Oppromml Brost:Say 3.5 may: . . Ho. 14—for eat llL.2l,l:reigar tryptignAleidpe• L., &sit ES*l64 Maims' /tCh:..:: 1:08021. E 3 • - . No. 15.—Nor .er4lonp. ;bon to the 4.lLort, Dock, rawer , phr.,l3l.2 tts. Eta Fern and Zotor=lit.so44llll4 Thumb d.cno. Old twrotorato Ago 4. f 9 00n.46 2:..17—1r0r Fps lIIInd of M01e.41./ Wail a at to rxid, Ekceit or Obaticate. CO Oont Hw 16-4 or nothtbalrola,W4Oc or raltaYlNiiiisat tyeE.ll; Yalta; or Weak Sigl4.,._ Oemni. No. 10—Tor Catarrh. scot/flit tonle. ,rs log. Ookt fn Ow and, Uolllo=l4l CO coal. , - . No. •-lfoiirhoop!os Cdagit;rhorlosing *nd isiUa tog it, or Eposszodio tous h. 617 -canto. • Po. 21—Fur Asthma, OpprtOint' DigIMO. Went Hemthing, Gough and Expectortgae. PtiW, W Ctid =;—la Ear Dbehargtkiiiatuolu the goad. .la • rerna ikastng, rand.. 50 mita. • ••• M-Torlieroft4, Ente6ll 4:11.6 sad 1 . 0¢26, Syr*!DAR slid Old Meta 644)44: ' 4 • • No. 44—hr getter* Debiltr; Mites' or Derittcha Weaknals. fia cents. ' No. 26—Yintd .Lonotoulatkitukautilit Bustling% UNA Scanty 00cretloas. 40 cents. 26.—Tat tonk-Elskassi;:!::Puntration, Esaxa, VomitLng. .60 calit* No_ roe Drlasiy,:olM4l , Altiott.pT. Poled 'LrriaalloSG., _DD cents. ZE , --Tor Secithai iixduer !L pil alarms sad coagoVent Fp. 211—.Tfr 65r0 frontStosnak, 004.te ( l bloatb of AdoLb or r.ll. 0), - • ' r—leor Urinary Incontritince, Welling Cy am. the Crequeut, palate or oalllng OrLast4R. ,Ptbar tri co. Ow of 43 VAL, Clow of 20,1.113 xmpitto, ~ o iitormo, sod' b00k...., Cx. of 2Uvlado, and boot; VAN«. T Co. of 15 numl4red Lose, oofl Arcl Ca. of 6 Lean, tonberoll, fill:qt. numbered boxes, Tani dit.4kottl... Siozio lotto:el boa., Tougo cow of Soo toOoll4tar3 ood phy..;.• , 15 ep ova nvixot . ctAr Lam. • 4' Look over Mt list, auks '4ll out et shit nal ra . i i dooms tad inclose the amotii4 In ttatopo, by tali to my satiiif and. tbs saltztait be duly tobaresd by mall arifneitellk the alai:pt. JAL FVLTOII 4 IFlttla suet,( IXgpst% BalLitag.) &ma . dor:baot U s UP Oine. Wholents spat for .I*(msreb UCTIOX. ;SALES. BOOTS AND SHOFB-AT AUCTION,. Ow WE 01189 DAT EVStiNa. &WPM s 1 wade 11.11 uctlan H, aa, 55 - Tllll2 .tecat, w 161011 .7 witbous mane au awcatmentwf halt% aou'. kat., du. scd adtafailawf .34t021 Waft. be -! 11" re malcdef cf stock at fetal! shae attn.. T. A. 1131:11.1fLL16314 .tu: Va. *. 1-IVitHY STALE AT AUCTION—OK /A mei n INO. kiisdra Ett, at l 0 o'clock. se the 35a.'oral LlveryStableollrst tl -Id trill b. told ulittat restrter 15 twits dcrattls mai stogie reorkeetel 12 betas tae!lidlny mg* braes, 1 tares; 1 beroccliiT 2 orsrei.yer; 1 vrtitZ vrae,on: 3 sleighs, saddle.. bail's., catilus boa, villa many attar at Ude. belot g irgAd livery b calmer. aus T. L. tatOligt.l.AtlEt, 55 Tin It.- SDiIENTEt WARD LOTS --OnTRIDAY MORNING, August 15tii;1411 L'clak,mlll 61.04 on the prat isre, the toll >whey drsirals!ri property la' pan of lots In th..liettoth Ward, luminously usted near the the highly *proved properly et tlwe J. $. elocretcad. Sao lots cu she corner of CiittroAnino artilloberts : shoat ...11 situated for bnettnei slaoir,ltzetniitach trchn Trott on'rinitto. em1i 11413 6 • tart: lOD lett to an sr et . , ..••. • . . . , Two lota on Orerki I atrartnpposite the toathac• or. • N. Eloarenead, E.Q. It:44*ton Oantte ktenns.abar itnetlinvreat, haai • g alien fea t tract, sod exteca log ck hat a totheo to Alit - alto:. For.fortbet pa. • • tk-olsis <ill Cm E. P No.6lorontetroot., T. of ul•—the-ttrd:ailHi; balowo in on* two p 31.1 avninifal b3.d a rdgeortgsvo. att.3 AtoCr. US. COLLECTOR'aNOTICS.t—tfaring . marred the annual Ws of lardenam..Parreur. Inetztee, Osorbeggem SPe r aut., calm the Internal Somme Live r tor Ira >A Divislon eh.= Ps. LIM., comprising the lierrashe af turtclaztaas Pest , Illneleghsm. South PlAjsburgb, Wert Pittsburgh sal isaiyerisiambilbsatia•lblfl• ' aim at Baldwin, Baxley:4 Idlest St anis, If prig' trairoscott, Valw, Chattle*fiabtasaa.nutti Parsing, ' 7 :- South Payette, Raley, llcea, °Mend altd PertDa.l 4 trttl attaad for 11. rinetriat mild Three; Sa4 B the alike of A.D. &swamp Esq4llLrsolog b ansidsOfAerrai , ;. _ d.r. Etatardanaxchg , c,rtt... lbs Ina of f • ill the WA Ausad, tsciattta, • Petit= the hams err , sad fr. ra AL,at the folarclint pieces - gait stb, at treat= of Seta. - Ifeaciltss,'SUrtmeteta • • tioseay. Augait ttb,. at the-0113..1.1. TiCtit:.::!i) Scbtlitaa townahlp . t Vatalap.darsit 5:11. it the hone- , or itil . h Mental, la Ma* Walaaliai; , A3l‘3e l 101 h. Bratlntown ; ramie: Surat Ittb u at diq. boar of Peter Zr.rer, Snomdmi torna*pi NolbefeAl-,;. ryry t Ifith. at Antoine, of G. W-Jlerd, Wstblaglmt read' Vppar Cra tatrathlp: Wedaf ay sad lacer.sfsp, Aaiun !Tat and tats, se th4,llLes of Doti Tempersamillia. l will slat SlThistat the 01234 &ha Pallactar of laana Rasta,* No. Pt' Taira( Stresg, Pittsburgh. on Smanisys, =on the 20th of Sweet, • - front 9 s e m. to 3 p. m , atuk,athitit tins the petaattla preerribed by no till* infinity =Wad. meat be made r El. • 7 ; - 1 .1 /NW A. 51110E1IPZ,- Deputy Oar actor, 2.3 S. I,ls.49orleertaT r phis wtsr CHESTSIL ACADENIX 5411 ISILITAST EiSTlTl:arat • • WEST CHESTER, PA.; rint, Pr!sepo: , I s.9'v9TEt. Nolims.a, A. N., Ph. 9y awoi[ PrixdpoL The scholastic yew of Um teacake, EU osansitan:on the 2.1113 T 'll/1,1/Alr. the Btttot deptesehts next. Tho - morn or • Isstructioo to thestitzt arid ettnetii, I°. fit s Zi c :gfar Tercet, eg ;ip7ri had tan= touch; Its ttativonitittit kW:4IM. This earns . tan Dspertment is ander tEo the thoTge hIAJOIL • SCS'ltiDieliFF cad the Soparintemeoat. For eatalrsata ae.,..rp , r_4.0 , 47.11ar of dm PtLadpiii - Wnt. Cmour, Pa. • The Prloclp el will to ht:Uhe .11031019111113L111, 110 VEX he I` ittsbanti from .toggint Wit* A 2. fl 81E s . loch:Weft when Le will tah:iispy to torallit toforma.- abouthis school, [wasp a. 331-Ao FB.LIT AND - iSHAMI, =IRE; i. EVERGItiaIANS,Ate. Of AFFIX, va hors mos 9,a0.000. Ind afialko tog variaties sozatprattablasios tblll toesstion..,Wo mom Ow Vats, as Emir flof-stat, tlatdoultfosb, HA. Lod lifidsulfaistoln,FolloiiOlonflatesi,EfogolTamps - law clo., Bhade Nand Chola, Omar Belati e liaatttoc-; ,s -floaaktabonso, Tata aa'a Sweet; aagth's Otier, - 4.14 Lltk ; c m fa i r s o u Al LEVf it ti ff yff g r y4 • WM. °muslin= - irtsirref; tack larfo, wfferof COW& todosaosissta is gaga= of arboloon , oscolkasom - Cava WI tba Grows haw% Caltua 4 r.flobOOfts !Oa - 02,6 1 r ' , On "a - rtamPt l 7 stuatod to. .- blzharer.,.. • rittsforafiatallliklaad trawlas. UNITED STALT4.I.3, 7 34 - 0 11 9. VasatbscraenL late Pritailitt to negro mtbsert". gars far tbla arar Asa likanas el Iyh Sua), $1.3 : stocauiSs,63o. latarest oefaisparneg ea rarest of ths - 11 . -V. motel. EtsrY Versa Tao k* 1 30 P 11 61%, 1, - -r s tatinod oCnissetat liar tutelar a .taurrat prjanla seal *nasally. Prtacltlal ptt e thlulaani.c caarartllna lanneV4 des sarearnitrasinp. at* teams a: Tel this paritacist Pea, 'Mu kith*. pattivglv•PD l l • HINNA, HARI* CO, Agents: sl3ol4td nitaNtar- . 109 1)16-;11061114411 Gsmisok w *Well ::,:latsg./. 5 0/9 1 411.111.A. _