a .. , C= &Pi— • k" 4 Vittstturgit ERTIIIIDU )SORNMO :z .. : JOLY 16, net Reeraitin .itya# Berri. greesesi par.ment Thortday end pre .• rnes are remain I, ea= recel ve d Et.. to pr,bably, In dB ghany City the enii!tments were telly eq to any former day. Captain F. pony was tiled and mustered into tla • semi. by Capt. Moorhead. Capts. Crow nod Tyl. s companies are about fall, and will probably be mustered in to-day. Capt. Wood ketim'ismtoetlng with geed !Greet.: and may stoomcd In tillieg his company to day. do election for °Moen for the company re cruited by CeL Clark was held yesterday, and mkt:ate:lM the notection of the following mere: Captain, John B. Clark; let Lieutenant, T. B. Boll; 21 Lieutenant, W. P. MoN•ry. The company will lease for Camp Reynolds to-day. We understand that an off :rt wilt be made to consolidate the numerous rquade which hate been raised throughout the county and form them Into compathies. The Committee on Itscruiting here had the matter under ad- TLlem - nt, and will probably datermine the matter dcenitely to day. Alleged Attexiipt to Abduct. Last evening a resident of Allegheny city appeared before Mayor Alexander, and en tered a complaint against Robert Shorts, an eidesly gentleman if sixty years, charging hilt with attempting to abduct hit daughter, a Yeltog.suiso of thirteen years. From tho facts la the ems which coo hero been enabled to lelan, It rippers that the parties are neigh— borkrimiding In a home near the,tTliamond. Stiorti o .aPhough of discreet yea became desperately enamored of the girl, and eon eluded to win her. The acquaintance com menced by the elderly lover presenting small some of money to the youthful beauty, which, apparently, were very swoeptable, and as the intimacy ripened, un elogant gold ring was of fered and was not refused. The suspicions of the parents of the young lady were at length aroused, and the movamente of the ctxtple watched. On Thuisday evening Mr. Short invited the fair 'one to take a walk with him, and snorted in the direction of the East Common. The'girl's mother, noticing their departure, armed herself 'with a cow hide, and started after them. She mot them on the Common, and after giving the elderly lover a lecture, proCroteded to administer to him a severe easti gatioo. Shorts not relishing the flogging, turned upon. the indignant mother and was endeavoring to take the cow-hide from her, when the lady's husband appeared, and com menced =atlas offensive demonstrations. Short' then drew a pistol, at the eight of which the attacking party withdrew, taking their daughter with them, and leaving the old man master of the fle:d. Thus matter. stood until yesterday evening, when a suit was en tered against Shorts, and a warrant issued for his-arrest We atml endeavor to keep cur readers • apprisod of any farther action Which marbe taken in the matter. me Hitch for tile Championship. The preparations for the matoti for the crafting championship, which comes off on Tuesday afternoon, are progressin g favorably. Ward and /iambi are prainieing daily on tips coarse niineted, and a close contest may be anticipated. llamill and his trainers are board-ug at the Glen Rotel, and Ward at a farm house ca the opposite tido of the river. Dzihmenare La ancelliar.t condition, and are taki6 g goOd ono of themselves. The betting fraternity ere et a lots to determine which pert,- witi be successful, although odds aro end ifforzli against Ward. A large new Ler zF Sir. Ter/tura are expected to 1122j0e In this city .1; LODZ to day, when Lietalll'a friends may hroe an opportunity to make their io vostino.iir. Considerable intereet is being monitor,ei in the torsi:miming 004 VC/ :., and mazy Don who have not heretofore been with the fraternity ere becoming excited, and will eta?, their fends on the Phtelce-gii farsrite. 1 , 1 The;' ours d noon" also prumicee to bo erunay contorted, and may prove cqtany na LtivT...ns . no the smiling match. For some 11.80/15 put a :ergo ciamber of our young mtn have hem' eptnaing their evoninge in the hee4fal recreation of rowing, and are prob ably, morn csmvarsont with that branch of aquatic tiohrt than scuiling. % hope cur Pictscuraii.. 41,Z will eadouv,r to m:Jae the vi:4ll. of ti.o Now Yorkera a ploasust oast. -tinware to the contrary hire • bru t la oiroo.:=aant.•l.r samn dups;...but t 4;,) . mash faith in thti basiitalits of ad: swing no= giva.fite t tilpca.tang cradotca.• Sahli eta' Lost Allutmeht Cheeks. It frequently happens that these checks, In being transmitted by the seldier to his family or friends, by mail or oiler rris •ro /oat. Fow toodentand what couso to punt:loin such can to recover the cm Gnat of the loot check. For the Laren:engem of inch as may not be laformod, we give tho followleg directions, rsoolved from reliable authority Obtain from the soldier the date, the number and the mown of the last chock, to whose order it was - mode vayabte, name El the Paymaster who sieeed 0, and the name of the Assistant Treasurer on whom it was drawn, stud the place where it was par-tile. Make a state ment of these facts to the Assistant Treasurer whom the check was drawn. L it has not nate paid bj him, he will gin a cerdninto to --that ug,Zet, whin certifince tranemit to the Paymaster whosigned the original chock, she, on Its receipt, will give a deplicate check, on which the money may be draien. Every eel diet recite/4 a clink should take and keep a memorandum of the date, number and amount, name of , Paymaster isnio signed It, name of the person tq whose order it _is payable and the name of the Udine t Treasurer on wh. it /1 drip's; and the place where payable, BO that lit ease of loss, ho moll have In tile pos session tho fasts necessary to obtain another. 1 :.....:.. :;, r,~~{ .~3';~ ~' ~ y ~: 3',~ A STAIMIIIET facTIVAL was recently hold by the ladies of Retrains, Pa., for the benefit of the United States Christian Com mission," the result of which was all that could have aeon desired, ae will be seen by the following: • U. 8. Caarenas Coariestort, Philadelphia, Jane 3, 1884. Received ane Mora rlane, eight * hundred and' twenty J dollars, for the United States Christian Comae[salon, being proceeds of a fesUral hold byehe Utley of Ifewfille, Pa. . Jos. Parralson, Treastmer. Ceuta,- 'HaLL,—To•night; Cameron d: Dixoy's fdliistreis will give their last perform ance to this city. This troupe is composed of tolerated peadowners, their singing and lone. lug bolneaarleatted by any company which bar hentoforoyisited us. They have eschewed the stereotyped joke' which have been in use sincellte oommencement of negro minstrelsy, sad each Right present something new, rich and racy.`-An - afternoon matinee will be given to-day at two o'clock for the special so- . oommodetion,gfiohoole std famillea. . ,: :2 Tent Wain', Parsas.—.John P. hunt, Ma undo HaU„ , Pifth street, until us the latest Rey York weakly pipers: Harper's Weakly, Prank Leslie's Illustrated (each containing a portrait of Capt. Window), the Tribune, These, Woild, and Sinith the Herald and S the treet Independent. 's Alio Week tholy, Lady's Priesi for Augnet—an improvedoont, ere thine, upon former numbori. Sold alto hi J. T. Sample, Federal etreet, Alleenny. - • A Nsm Ramses, —ThaTooray:coria toad contemplates the coluctructiou of o rail road down tbo AntAbAny tivor, fret') irtFt.3, on the POliadelplaial Erieß It , to Proublio, tho county Feat of Veaitogc, county. ihir road will Do shut Sit) toii,s in cod will place Philadelphia in duce: c,,a”.lc uoica • tton cri - b the cil Thu new rwlace the clWtocca to the , Philadelphia rait kat to %boat fear handled A IV AL& , Cetraeantrfilo angrier la tab:teed os geed eathorll that Tams* Deskorat Oareowaga totrathlp, aged oos laradrri enuiloter !jest's, a few days .atace Walked a distance of lout miles lu about throe holm. Tito oIA genstlaml3 rotary od from his Valk without the latttsiga of latigeo, and gi]ahoL 6 1 4 ° to Parfiras the same tie; again. Wa drool tho attantlnn'ot thorn leaking a matt" hots toilar'sdreitima nn t at Ur. J. r W. Wykes,miziati, may. tra rand isaztothar eoluan to•daY's.Pipar. pro s is sltuted tkrW•tarrn from Alts4hoei pity, near the Prazitillif IlizAltgadiatra in in • blibst9t.o C1,0413.V.14214 - Ell '~ Y ~ .~ .. DITT AND,SUBIIRBAN.' The One Hundred Dap. , Elgin In the city Jester dcy for the 100 • WWI brie k, and enllstmente pro-. satisfactorily. The three De-. companies, which arrived on aded the stroote daring the day, d a eery coldierly appear/sums. y armed and rat:tipped, and will tap Ileynolde until a regiment d. Capt. DaDentine's' company bounty yorcorday, and wore Three other cotapaniee will Wised to morrow and mustered • SrIOI A L safe of Qasensware at auction ebb morning at 10 o'clock, at kiallelland's nue• tton house. lloosekeepers should not fail to Mtn d. 01.21:1 Photographs of all as Generals, a Pittook's, opposite the Post office. SILL, Dentist, 248 Penn street, will at, tiosi to all business of Ws profession. Jowl M. thaw', !Agora", all Law, 98 *ant strut. alum BOY Mitra's superior Croakers, No. 64 Fourth etre. t. St. WOOD9.—At Denton Berrarke, Bt. Gauls, Ho, July 7th, of ithoitra itdanturs, after lour dare ill n4s, tl aO3I BIZAMOSO 8L44.,1{ infant tansh ter of D. Win. tt. and May B. Woods. Fon? —On Um analog of the 12th of July, at /1611..p0rt, J. P. 8037 .ou of CoL Jas. boots, of Ellosbetb, to V. 21th year of his ago. A.REAbORER'b ittPURT of 3113 Re alp.. and Yipo.idltures of South ritteburgh School Inetrlet, tor the year ending June let, DU: 114.01111 , 39. Ilateuce to Treasury June I.t, 1264..........$ 207 23 Bea'd flout Pupae or Night School, f.o ges. 21 63 0cl:droll/re, ter texts on newest. 82000 Appr0pnati0u...........-. - 174 ER Taste 3 . 7 10 41 • SXPENDITITRES. Pak 744bottane 331a131... 12,263 03 Ztiid , " 4l am, &zoo, 637 13 2,433 13 13 /Jannir Tret.te ... Eas 03 A. WILSON, J. O. a v.aus, J. W. PAWL, Il &cm Te A young tonn e= ribmed tanz3. t.inliy Sled ITHE LATEST NEWS from tetanus at a home at 'which be vrci Etc,p- BY TELBOBLPII. ping in Pitt townehip, on Itureday. The •encase• was in tho city on the Fonrtb, and In handling a pistol it exploded, the wad ding striking him under the chin and prodao• leg irjaries from which lockjaw sot in. Med. 1,1 attendance r as proenred and crerything done to save bls life, but wjtliout avail. He continua to grow worse until death cocaine• ted his sufferings. The demised war a young man, and bat a short time in the country. SILLINO LIQLOE ON fiONDAY.--rdielinel Ciropbell, who keep. a tietorn in the Alle gheny Diamond, near Ohio street, was arrest ed yeatoniay and taken before Mayor Alex,- ander ono charge duelling liquor on Sun day. Campbell stoutly denies tho Impata• tian, and a hearing of the Gale has been fined for to-day. Truttraa.—Dupres it. Green are filling the Theatre nightly with large and fashionable audiences, and are coining golden opinions by their superb performances. The braes band connected with this company is one of the finest we have ever heard, each performer being master of his particular instrument. Pions! Swowriata.--6 shooting math ha - torten Mr. J. V. Kerr and Mr. Pennington will fah° pia. .this afternoon at Oakland Park, comtnen clog at two o'clock. This match le exciting come interert, at d will probably be wall attended. Two horse thieves made their escape from the Lebanon jail, on Monde,: night, by rot ting a holo through the ceiling of their cell with a razor. ertZtIAL LUtAb 00 ill Zsicauak Pasta, Nam and Gram:l:m=ls' Reefer, and dealer in Pennsylvania Ind Ver mont aisto of the bent qualltrat low rates Otlee at Alex. Laughlin's; near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Ps. SHALL Pox has already saCrifiaed tome of our best and bravest troops. Soldiers listen to the vnice of reason, ripply yourpfaves with HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Tee Pills purify the blood and strengthen the stomach, while the Ointment removes all pain and prevents pit mark. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re toiled, owing to the high price of drug?, &c., at 10 cents, 75 cents and 81,10 per pot or box. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Palma stook. A . Co. For rale at Palton's dreg atore,Filth 'tree Plttrburgh. For gale also by Goo. A. Kelly, Fodor. street, Allegheny. A Data ETPUL ASTICLC—" L II air Dressing Plorilioe." TOLs is the nonporclf of toilet requisite. Estrtioted from the rare fragrant "Principe Pioretta" of the South of Brenta, in perfume it stools all other pro ductions of the Floral Kingdom, and having none of the oily unpleasantness so common with Dair Tonic, It Is destined to create a re• volution in tonsorial solemn. Samples fur nished on application to Messrs. Drake & Chili* 101 Liberty street, whc are Professor Lubin's agents for n Ploriline" In America. Rattovin.—Bamnal Graham & Co., Mer chant Tatlora, have ramoved to 73 go:dratted treat. We are joist receiving our secend supply of awing tad summer good's, and would most respeotfuny invite our friend', sad the public in general to examine oar now stock, believing it to be one of the finctt atooks of merchant tailor goods in the elty. Every garment warranted to give full satis faction' in both prize and quality. Give as a before porohaaing elsewhere and judge , 4r younelves. Hanson & MCCANDLE:My Itlarthent Tailors, 370. 7a Smithdold street. ClN)ona are advancing every day, but Mc, Cleft sod, 55 Fifth street, Is soiling fait colored prints at 30 cents; fine umbrellas, detainee, chocks, towline, balmoral skirts; also, hand some dress goods worth 60 cents, selling at 3734 cents cheaper than prints. McClelland also keeps • large variety of Philadelphia made boots and shoes, comprising over one hundred kinds children,' shoes. Call and be convinced that 5S Bath street le the cheap est hOOOO In the at:may. Look for name and number on window. drroim, Ronan.—Tho attectolan of oar alon, a.. treated to the brilliant auartmen, si hprme, end Rummer Goods just received by oar friend Lir. Joh.a Water, No. 138 rad e:ad street, Allegheny. Hie stook cornprieea • greet variety of Fancy, &reach, English, itaotab. and American CasaimereS and Cloths, and See Eilk cad Cassimero Vesting,,—.ell of witch will be made up to order in the latest SVICEI and In the best manner. A oboloo se. la,aon of Punishing Goods also en headland fo, thin, together with a fall stock of P.es.dy 11:e.sC:vi...hirtz. well and foshioneb4 made. As UM:ammo lisrrLi.—lmble,the renown ed Perfumer, Li is the field with hi. great requirite, " str_Dressing Fierihno." prepared to give tattle to the host of worth - has Hair Tonics the world is flood; ed.. Of kir .a. - rms tim nuze truth oe dttaL. nulls itt lirneritat, Nfehera. Drake le Childs. UT. taken sip his cudgels ' and "pro pose to eght it oat on this line, if it takes ell ena.paer.' L. Nunn -I. Dentist., No. IE2 • l'earth et,,ot, botwoor. Smithlaid or.ni Grazt. No Loduceme.ta bold out ky offering low priest; Lwt no equitable fez will bo charged every c.a., for the best materials will be 113Eld, $lllll all oho tine and skill neomary to in- Oa, porwansetrecass shall be applied ml7:Sto Comas, Tioarteness, and the. traria Throat affections to which Pahlle Sneakers Military Officers and Singers, are liable, re Booed by "Brown's Bronchia/ Troches. , Baying a direct iIIfiLLOLICO to the affected parte, they allay Pulmonary Irritation. • Sold by druggists everywhere. J. W. PITTOCZ, opposite the Post Ofire, on Fifth street, has received all the leading peri odicals fur this week, and cur readers will find them burdening his vomiters this morn ing. Damns and oarrtage calls will be taken at the Omnibus once, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All orders left at tha above place gill be promptly attended to. All calls must be paid in &dramas • No :Any should be without a Photograph Album ; no person who has photographs should be without an album; everybody should have an album. The place to buy to at Plttoek's, opposite the Poet office. HANYZIVEI MAGAZIIII 1.11 ont for August else Ballot's and Leslie's 10 cent Monthly at Pittook's, opposite the Poet office. Aronar.-11arper'a Magazine for Atigrot, and all the papers, magazines, pocket books and photograph albums can be bad atorrank Cases Door and News Depot, 70 Fifth street. A Nrsr 'dock of gaffers for Ladle! Mines Ind Children, of all land, ' Jost sa lving at fdoClintook's, 4 9l3 Federal street. TITi cheapest and best boots, shoes and &ten In the two cities, nen be found at Mo- Cllntock's, 96 Federal ;treat, Allegheny. Ilsonstss In all kinds of boots, 'boos, and and gaiters, at 96 Federal stroet. Our Special Dispatches FROM WASHINGTON THE LATE CUVAMON Contradictory Opinidna Prevailing CONIIENTS OF WASHING PON NEWSPAPERS. ALARMS ON THE VIRGINIA SIDE, THE REBELS FEELING GRANT'S LINE. Sheridan on Another Raid St.iou,.l Li/epee: to the Pittsburgh Gazette The moot contradictory opinions continuo o prevail, as to the nature and toopa of the lava7l,n, tb, popalst boliof btin; ihat a (area waa largely overrated, and that the Capital was besieged by a h India!, while tbo eat run getting away, nod it h difli eta t to find any exam for lour suffering the.. to oseapo--whilo the deelaratloni of those nu raining the military authorities are to the cf. Get that there was an immense rebel force, and that the escape of the Capital borders on tho miraculous, end that everything has been done that could be done to cut off the rebel retreat. The Chronic le of this morning contains an able artiole furnished by the New York Tri biwie's chief Washington correspondent, Sam. Wolin n, elaborately entering Into the mi nute. details as to the evidence laid before the Government concerning the rebel strength, an concludes with this declaration: have now no doubt whatever that fifty thousand veteran troops came here to avail themselves of the blunder of uncovering the capital of the nation. God's hand anew interposed and corrected the folly and inadequacy of politi cians ignorantly shouldering the war, and hamstringing the mismanaged volcanteor levies of themost powerful people on the globe." On the other hand, the Vet:coal Imelliorn for eontains an elaborate three-column odito• rial reviewing the whole ground, and teat firming its previous declarations that the Capital was besieged by less than &thousand men. The following extracts will give an idea of its epirit The approach °Clanger is known to the country only by a stampede of our forces from Williamsport or Harper's Ferry, and by a penis of the authorities in Washington, who, knowing nothing with regard to the movements or magnitude of the invading forces, fall an easy prey to every Idle and vagrant rumor which vexes the atmosphere in a time of alarm and uncertainty. The unknown is always pertinacious, an d so daring the last few days we have seen the Administration starting at spectre:, and a'- toting cries of alarm, with Its hands pal sied by imaginary terrors, simply because It had neglected to take most ordinary precut. floss for properly watching, and protecting the Shenandoah Valley. Ineompeteet Meer. have been stationed at points actuallynnupied and points which ilionid have been oonpled for the purposes of observation, hare been lef t without any guard whatever. Military In competency on the Upper Potomac has been reinforced by military incompetence elsewhere, What wonder that under flush an administra tion of our military affair, a paltry squadron of two or three hundred bold reiders can with entire impunity cut railroads between Harris burg and Baltimore and Baltimore and Philadelphia, or that ,mere tutted of ten men can approach within four mites of a city of 200,00 Inhabitants and barn et their leisure the mansion of the Governor of Maryland ; or that Lire hundred mon should, by /Imply sitting down before one of the forts of Washington and estahltshine a weak skint:fhb doe, sucued in placing the capital of the nation under siege, cutting its telegraphic eO l 3ll9lllllOltSOllB With Baltimore, barning the house of a cabinet minister within alz miles of the city and:, reducing the Governmeet to 'ohm penult; of relytergen river and tea nay liedun for ire nom miaowedon with the North; Mid all this, be it remembered, happens in the fourth year of the war, with men by this hundreds at thousands ander arms. And now, we ask, as the whole nation will ask, who Ie responsible for snob hamiliations I' Is it tn. Provident 7—the Secretory of War ?—the chief of ruff? Or eon it be that one military affairs are NUB lA(' at each loose ends as w• know them to have been before—that some times one and sometimes the other of then funotionarice assume. to exercise the direct, of the war, and select, the point of mili tary occupation, and aerigns the oaten to their •sveral commands. In the no - cerainty rtstiog on this anhJect we thine there is nu doubt about ono thing and that le, that if the President cannot die o wee and correct the ronrce of these b under., the people, In the approaching elections, will not be Slow to discover one scathed by which they eon put an end to this reign of military tecompetence in Washington. But we do know that somebody Is responsible for th• late gross malfeasance, which must ever stand in our military annals u a national disgrace en lot g as posterity shall revert to the time when tire hundred, moo laid Washington under siege for two days, with ten or twenty thoueand men behind its defenses. Saab is the penalty which a nation pays for bring ruled in any department by its igo.nai.c, rather than its intelligence. Nor does the evil end with the disappear awe of the late fright. Who,afterench an ex hibition of military incompetency in carotin, ails can repose any confidence in a milltery administration ao long as it will remaln.sob jest to its present directors. What security eon any man feel when the watchmen fror • • •• tho walls of our national capital lift up their voices only to expose their own ignorance of the allure and extent of the peril from which they call the people to save them. What Governor of what State will ha prompt hem. after to respond to the tap of the drum and Washington, if its :a l arms ore beat en with the most voh• macula-viten there is the least known about the necessity for disturbing the country. As In many other cue the truth pro bably Is between the two extremes rep- resented by these papers. As yet 1 Dad it latterly Imposetble to account ILI. more than 20,000 to the rebel havulon, and for more than 5,000 anywhere near Washington. The CAlooido'oestimate of the force le 55,000. SIXICRLDINO REIM 13. It is supposed that the bridges will be re built anti that the road will be in running or der, between Baltimore and Philadelphia, by Monday nest. That rill be the het of the Blaryland invasion. OLZILYS TO DELL. The Secretary of war has ordered all the Merits in hie department to drill every after— noon for an hour. Therein no queetion about the future healthy condition of that depart ment. ALAIMO ON TEL VIIOINI3 Thera have boats &Lams on the Virginia side of the Potomao for a day or two lest the late Invaders should come upon that side and try their Mal there, but no sort of danger really existed. tutus TILLING 0111.11V6 laxas The robels were skirmishing emuidsrably lin Grant's front yesterday. Apparently in doubts of Graitee Intentions and the nem• bent sent by him to corer Washington, they are feeling his lines frequently. . A body of rebel cavalry were wen on the river bank a short distance below Wilees's landing, and the rebels have been shooting at a steamer from field batteries stationed near Wilson's landing. $1 . 3 ,08 1 8 1 lIIIRSIDIa 03 ANOTH3II RAID. Nothing bee es yet been heard from Sherl. data, who bee gone on •nothor raid with • largo force of cavalry. Be will, doubtlees, be heard from favorably within o,dsy or two. ==! Ilabat ttestatert continuo to Goma within =MO to oosaidertbla an.mbert. ~ ~f, ~_~. occurred here for reveral Ivan . o The E. F a p,x etas valued at $50,000, and insured f.. 122,500 in the St. Louis t (Dem. The Chero• kce wee valued at $40,000, sad Apposed to be'insored for $45;000 in Cincinnati (Zees. She arrived from the Ohio river on Thursday, with in assorted cargo, the greater:portion of which was lost. The Welcome was vain., at 075 000, end fissured for $35,000. She had eigh.y LOCI/ of Government stores on board for Fart Randall, twenty tone of Indian au nt:aloe for the Upper hilescori, and two bun• drod ead fifty tone of prirate freight, all of which will, probably, be a total less. The .Glasgow Was valued at $BO,OOO, and insured in St. Louis and Cincinnati einem) for $44,000 Show as undergoing repairs and had no freight on board. The &teal:tine was valued at $65,- 000 and insured for about $40,000, Three hundred bales hemp, sevsral hundred Fads of corn, and a lot of miscellaneous freight which bad been discharged from her on Wed nesday, and was still lying on the leioe, was burned. The Northerner belonged to the N.rthern line of packets, and was valued at $40,000; not insured. WA/IEIE6IIOIf, 7513. 15, 1854 Too origin of the fire is not actually known, bu: believed to to the work of an ineondiary, as the military anthoridea retired several dispatches the past week, stating that a num ber of boat burners" were in the city: Tao men were arrested on saspicirn, and will hare s hearing before the Provost Marshal. The total loss cannot fall far abort of bra a million of dlitirs. The charred remain, of a men, auppoted to he tae porter, woe found In the hold. Dispatches from Macon to headquarter hero ea)s Huntsville, Randolph count/;vas rob' ed this morning by guerrillas, untlf4rom eoventy ilea to coo hundred thausantf aut. Jars etuien, and one oltissn killed Gen. Curtis telegraphs from Leaven - worth that our foree3, under Col. Ford, overtook a gang of guerrillas last night, at Camden, Ray oounty, end routed them, kiiUrg Anson and eapturir.i, a large number of arms. From New Orleans. Vicksburg and Memptils. THE EXPEDITION FROM VICKSBURO Henry Sfarnsishing nt Jackson THE EEBEI REI'iL•3ED AND DEltitti BACK Cetao, July I.s.—The etaamor Magents, from Noy-Orleans on the 10th, Vicksburg on the 12th, and Memphis on the 11th, arelred this atoning. The Magenta mode the tz!}, from New Orleans to Memphis In two e.„"), and seventeen Ums. Quito a number of dis charged and furloughed soldiers came Wen her. There is but little ZIORJ of importance from New Orleans. The stammer Er/ening titer left (Cr Sew York on the morning of the 2a wi rb the toeilr, 1191 b%let of aut:oe, sad $116,000 in go d. The n - nyttne which was 1131peaded fans time, ha, resumed its ple.linations. The publlakers announce their intention to support the gov ernment of the United States, steadily adr, eating all meaning for the re estabilsbutent of its authority over all parte of the country. The cotton market I. nearly at a etand notwithstanding the liberal receipts. Ordt• cery,lo,lo , good ordinary, $1,31. /Soma In ualry (or eager and molseses, bat little Is of fering, and at very high prices. Western pr duce firm and steady. P,ocir, $9,60 ,for Superfine; for Choke Superfine. The Vlake burg Berefl, of the lltb,laym,in regard to the late expedition to Jackson : Oar Ores moved from Black River on the mar, log of the 3.1, in eommaad of General DOVCIDS. Oct. h:octimiotined the expedition 1 at Ch•mpl...n 11111 s. This whole force cum. breed leas than 3000. The enemy were not enceuntered in any considerable fors until ' the sth fart., when they were found strongly posted on the E s.t Bonk Creek, thrall mites this side of Jackeuri. tt llanking fora under Cal. Costes, II Oi Irlln,O, compelled them to aisandon their position. Our force, occupied Jackson that night. The following day, as par tro•ps were lene lag Lre, a nosen climbed to the top ml eat Smote Ihnee and signalled the irobel whith'were drawn op to line of battle north of the town, for which the man Was rum madly ehot The enemy attacked every ad.. canoe In strong force, hut they wore driven back. • • • The next airritiog our rear guard war ag assaulted near Cliatou, but the rebels w again repulsed and thejgraund strewn with their dead nod wounde F Oar entire loss la lus than one hundred hJled and May wound ed. We captured thirty or fcrty prisoners. No tattoo was brought in. Tho railroad from Vicksburg •o Jackson is being impaired rapidly and communication will coon be had with the .ntarior of the State. Brigadier Ucocral N. A. Payne has been assigned to the command f Lbw district. 11. e headquarters will 'probably be at Paducah. Alkatr.lat Oeneral Thomas is here. IMPORTANT FROM MERMAN. Our Advance In Front of the For Ilficalions at Atlanta. ATL4NTA REPORTHO CIPTIRED WITH Pamannrriza, July 15 —The Nashville ['own of the 13:h has jut been received here. T: states that the Union army had driven the Rebels and arrived at the fortification, In front of Atlanta. WVIRIZOTOII, July 15.—The Atlanta (Oa App./ ofJuly 4th t just received hero 'aye: W are not without the hop, that reinforcement will yet come to the aid of our army in sa tioientotrtngth to enable as to drive back th Invader of oar roll. "Toe trans•Missiselppi army i now lying Idle, with no enemy to annoy It, and there is to reason why it might not be transferred to the other side o f the sic es, where Its service. are so much needed. While the enemy are 0006150- ln Ling all their furcer, it behoove. us to do the acme thing, otherwise there 11 no alterna tive 101 l bat to continue to surrender the coun try to the domination of the invading foe. Nsw Yost, July 15 —There i. a rumor in town 'that Atlanta is taken with 8,000 prison er., by Sherman. New York Money and Stock Market Special Dispatch to tbo Pittsburgh Goretta. New Yoga, July 15.-13tocke are more no- Cy, but a shade lower; Pittsburgh and Pert ,Wayne, 112%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 107%; U. S. Sixes, 107%01003 ; One Tear Certificates, ; Seven Thirty Treasury Notes, 104.%(5i05 ; Five Twenties, 103S@ 102%. The money market is stringent but the rates of dimmest are unchanged. field has still further declined, eluting this after noon at 247.. Raid Anticipated from New Brunswick. Gunboat' Sent to the Threatened Point. New Tout, July 15 —The Cbiumvvciul Ad scrtwv, has the following:—Governor Corp, of Maine, says he telegraphed to President Lincoln to send two gunboats immediately to Gamine and Eastport, u there Is a raid an ticipated from New Dminewiek, on the frontier. The President, to Is understood, promptly complied with the Governor's request, and dispatched to Now York to have the vessels despatched immediately. Itt bet Papers and Grant's Movements. Now Ypdv, July 15.—The Richmond Erii alainAr. of Saturday, says ; A portion of Grant's troops bars gone tip York rim and wore landing at White lima. The Eccominer thinks it the only portions left at Williamsburg, Yorktown and Glotioss. lc:Point. It also thinks that Grant most soon make • movement of some kind, owing to - cortaln circumstances to which it need not refer. Gen. GllOlO-45 Disabled• WAENZIOTOX July 15 —Gsn. Gamer e was tamporarlly di :alled for dray on Wedlossday, ,by falling from bls bone. Ile Is cow to ibfl aad be able for active lento* to a few days. :.•, , .z.i:i: , i,i, , t..;' , ;::: 4 :.: TUE STEAMBOAT FIRE IN LOUTS, MOST BIgAcTROUS FO SETEIp SUPPOSED INCENDIARIES ARRESTED. anc:nllag Orzrtt..:::. and Routed Si. LT E!, July 15.—Tho etcaLboat fi =IbEE MM:=2l soon PRISOwEIIi '...ti.:.;..::::`4.4:::-; - :;':,'=4:, , :;..,.''...: ., :',..'..':i . '- -, ;: 2 i•:',: ,: i:f; ., :, ,, ; ~ ., f i1., . ..:.;,,, , , i - ,. .-]::.L'iir,:, Z 7, , tl, ' '.. i',:2",ii!'.,!'lit4',ti,7:',"Y.:.•;•Y,-1.,'!A,::;.7:1 FLEE AMONG 'nit; NEW YORK SHIPPING. TrlTlole F. xploioll of Saltpetre 102051;) 1 TILE DIST4Nr BROKEN. Wooraff=d Robicson'3 Warehouse Be Aroyed TOTAL LOSS ABOUT 8700,000 Jul . 15 —Thi: a of wool jar: artl;cd from Chili, in the Hom burg b:ig lor•or nod iio:on, loft on the tipper end of tho pier to be taken into the warohouto occupied by Jnak•oc At Woodruff, at , ho foot of Jorr.leionn strew, Br,:oh!ye, caught fire from emIZIO aoeaplsintd rata, r.L.i the home, spreading with 0,00,1 repility along tbe pier, be.:: reached in, waroh.u.le. Thu building, l.i feet ,cg, nod GO feet drop, wee filled with g,.ods of orory kir.d. le a ehort time the building was in fltelos. The pier in front was th.ekty studarnd with corncels die- I charging their gonds the rigoin g soon caught Ore, ons.l..plzg :to lonia:, le a rest ebeot of flame. Meanwhile the ealtpetro, of . which the, erne upwards of .52100 worth in the building kept on exploding, bootleg brloks, ptoces iron, wood,,t, , to all directions, giving the neighborhood of the fire the appearance of a battle Gold. So strong Fall the force of there explosions, that a number of &omen wh , wore etand,ng on the pier were hurled into the waver. lTindowo on A:/entie, Court, Montagne and other •beet ono mile off, Were broken to Ira, cents. The windows le the ferry house, on the front of Well street, New York, were shircred into alt el!, and all along South street. These explosions kept on for over two hours, when there king nothing more to explode the Lumen could entwoacti tho rains and rue water upon them. The bark Curter and Helen caught tire in the rigging, and f , -;cue time burned bright ly, but ECLII the fire :cached the hull; the however, wee finally sc - u - ed, towed out and a•^tlted; the react hall jail a. - ricod from Gla -40,119^, 6hai, and brtuEht a cargo valued at 05,000. Tao warob - nfr r aat diviand in•n free rtr,re and I\ 2 lorarth.usq In the Got Jed worth us . • alhcra per; were stored largo cinL.,. • It• of to.t.lawoe, eager, Wes. noJ ni.rato , ,tie, and general tuer ohatolb•-; tart of lb, ••.•g t.• ant LI o noire WWI owned by Nles,a. Ii n 1••. Bent n-d no.l RR trained at V 5,01.10 tb3 free rote wa• Hired a hrgn plan tit, of guano, fittoon bandrod bda of which was owned by the Perot - ion goretl.mopt, and was valoel at $24 (nab of ankh la a total loci. No Insurance. In the Gibero vroro stored hides, wool, a quantity of nitrate of rola, and other seer ehandite The nitrate of ends in both stores ta mato:wed to base b,•cn won h $21.40. The building, cweoi by Wco•irnf.B Rob ran were deatr.lyed—ratned at slso,buO. A large quantity of bbie., wool, add stereo lying cuLeido of the building were badly damaged, Men the adj..ining lumber yard of kr. 'Win:lgoe. ILa total e5. , ,..te,1 at $700.000 THE LATE KBEL RAID The Putp sf of Ihr P.todera Artomplishce. GEN. IMBODEN P 110 6 ,313 WOUNDED W nm° cT, ico 1/.1 . ..1 , 7 as ;ties bora at t. • lit in tin other 1340 tout larCre aro DWI puriult of the re E.,' Upper Pot m A special to •no N o I , rie Poet say,; seems to be gear t hat the great er Fart of the r sussed to VoTi h i e yesterday by • ind Xi ward'• frrrios . Oar formes o.xni.o ' • Lot le lull night- T ',tr., tbat a Majar Capt.6peocu•, :orge..t lett • e operating r,..• I , • thi g o embraced the epportnai S. • the, adarthialeig to ur who fa r. relative of n letter, in tchi,ll ho states that the erokeel tXo p, tornae with 80 • • ^ r the part., of oh raining bone.. a' ..t.i other euppliee, and that, baringa, row. !led their purpose, they were on , • hark eq Virginia. (July a small r ' • Le,' f...rces appeased in front of Wa. .; . ~ilO ;heir comrnd erre collect • ' tree:p rtaii, see'oes the Pon., A Chambers- u 4 Loden is belts Id in the fight -. bean seen or h...• ,totes that Lit .ve beta Wcraal as be hza an 'Secretary F. .3i• $.O .a o itd the Bankers New Tusk, C '_• moors moors• •: Mr. F. hes expressed air.,•. tt nerd J a expedient augg.. •• t ht. bents, 1 r aY.id leg the iIICOZIVaLIt , `• , : p ,l mg robscrlOtlen to the loan In I, The regeestie, -is that Instead r. tary drewtog di redly updo oh L, - s , •`nol I Issue arelts open the Bob V,;)11t the Aselstent Secretaries shin': • -: payable at the laseits, er at wane r'gneted bunk, act log In behalf of ti, .ted Bit kr. The baoke hope than would be requir ed to be cashed, ,tr... f. hey ',old be, ob. jeot to pay moa t ur.rl presen tation, and that • eli.os they would be aitoply deposited r, soot dater: , ing their fen, Coosplrat y to 0. tr. o ...amert. for Prl valet. Takeo by the French. S•a Pa•screc 1I —A c,respcnd e ut writes from Goya:car, Mexico, June 2.5:6, that coca! Intorm.sti, tilts been received there of a conspiracy to 5C1213 GOO or to.re of the steamers on the coast fer privateers, and that a party had been rent from &MAI far that purpose. The pertons todicatad are said to lee titiyamar, whezo steps have boon taloa to check them Mesatlan had nut been taken by the French on July lob, although a Preveh frigate was off the harbor, and had seised a schooner. The defenses of the city had been completed, bat there were no guns to mount them. Later tram Luznpa. hr. Jeans, N. F, Jaly Is—The steamer Caledonia, from til. , gow July 6th, passed Cape Race at fire n'cluck Inlay morning, en route to New York. The news le crimp. rts, though three days Inter. Rumors were afloat that the Co' federate steamer Florid• was °outdo of Chorhotog swatting • eettll.ot with the Kearsarge. The Federal steamer Niag•rs was ordered from Antwerp to Oberboutg. The Qermahs were cm:tilts: batteries oppo site the Island of FeDell. Tea Swedish sleadrori is ordered to sea. I .lhlrmishlng In tiranl'il.Eront--Steam. urn Flied Upon. WAIIIIITOTON, July .13.—An arrival from City Poinr,:to-day, reports thero has been oonsiderable skirmishing during several days put, along our linos. The rebel. on yeller. day fired upon Lho sloe:more 'Weems and United Staten, from a field battery near Wil son'. Landing. The former had a portion of her stern knooked off, and three shots passed through the latter. _ ONE OF lINITSW ELL'S 011 EAT UESIEOIE3.-11 UN NEWEL ISZILEOTIO PILLS.—TEIS TUL'E FORM Or A OATIIAIITIC.—IIy the applicatlon of tree Medics I Lou, both character sod economy are combined la this moat valuable Pill. To prevent Patting Into the stomach Inch quantities of Indliccatible and lalle• lions druge natially committed In PH!. that require hem four to ale to get • donna cathartic. sod to prevent the Griping P 12.8 rtoorrortoonely JvclBl4l to be evident* of character, was the study In thin do. velopment. The dose seldom ex.eding one, and neva coon than tioo PILL , avtace the question of economy, and cotitid.. I. imbed to teat their tato character to Dytmepsta, Otealvenaas, lattonenvaa, Liver Complaint., Piles, ail derangement. of the Stomach and Dowel., and as • true /amity Pill. Par Worms they are a et re cure. Tar cdr by all Wholesale and Retell Doslra‘ JOUS L. QUI:NEWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist, Dorton. Blau. Far stip by Jos. Pleoeins, Ow. Q. goner, D. A. 'Me:stalk d 110., J. II ToIWa . Agents tor Pans burgh; um. A. Kelly, W. J. Mesa. .pd Dr. honer p ros e. Agent, for Allegheny City. 14 52 4.•14, J IIMT RECEIVE)) Whhart'n Phu Tr, Dyspeidia i7lll. Rope. Ootdpottod !gray at Llvaror.rt .1 Tar Konoodro ➢leJleal ()liftTory. Dine Olive OIL for tub!. aso. Oakor's Pun Ood Ur, Oil. Mn. AII. . Hale tine atyorrtno and Howl Oozy. htortned Anabevala, Mr the Hate.' NaO ead Tooth Brushs anew. lasolubto Om t AS thr aortal DM, Own, =mar lideni aaa Ohio Angbakb 41.41, LIU? alZi. New York Markel Nrar Yore, July 1 —l - rtten seaready eo firm At 111,t441,03. Fl. 13r tate an t ac ea t e nc *owe, £9 50(10 Lr Ex:rr btu • f r Extra EL ti V , Le W nitak r ;El E 541.1.9 f Weatera, do log at tn. In. side p Ice, with ruin:Tel tal-e at .till lUe Who t dull urx•Aitl , it and 15E4 . 1..iire lue eulcago r priug,1. 1 2.:124,2 lb r_r No 1 12,12 for WI ter on IPentern. and £2 ' ember Kleblgar. , 'urn doll sal 24. — ie lean,, far N. w bilurd Usta -9,91,7 c far Wee, ra. C 01311; fee Elo Fug*, dell; Cub. 01 21@ .1 4o 3loletaael dull and piece clianginl. Petraieurn dull and haey; 754.1,.w for bed, ad la 11 u 1 and freo. \Viol did , rod duo - a - int,. tit,. nal, P rk tat 1 regu'ar !rid 57, , iower Ideas—tan other Ittada pottrely • ovinal and upon./ at OW and clad at $ V.k.a:1et,135 wr Near Prime, ao , l fa.i . for Pr zu , Nets. Pe. I dull and unnalual y boa , r elxl•ei I r Cnnotry Molts, 11,410..- I r tiountry Priro., clyrittie for ack• d Mc, • 78.:.0.: for tx ra vv. fleet qui.: unchanged ro.f llama drill d Lacol al •3I or - 1,18E41 , re for fla Lard /nil stol nay, r Kt 1,1 41, lower; /4104 fur Vl.ia, alarinic fur ci.atc. oh dull at 10(4.30 S:ock anti Monty Matt lir L. Ngs Teta:, July 15 —ltioury wrEet a^d stray; kE t 748 YE crag El.:Lanka bn.ry and d loaer, at EE.3ri, gnal, Cant Erre, nEar onaertnel nr, , l 'newer, opandurE at 224 E. advancing to 2.57% de. lE dog to 344 and CIEE log atna •, at 25 , Evert:Eu.llE tene tlql. d 8, Gs 18151Conplua , 3a /'!,;(3104; 7-3 D E.. Treasury N., tkaniner aLd prll 10.%. Locks nary: !Inter:EH ks 0 3 11. Etertlacate, . rt"e: 51'IntElte. In Cer fret. 1:334 Quickalle 73 S. 3 r . . .ks Yurk trial—Ltd 111 . . Centrgl CH. Pittat, rg'. .... I.US Banal() Market. orr,•Ll,J,,i, 13 —Pinar dull and drooping 'a' r tat dull; No, 2 Chicago rp In, 52. u.ber y atlas o..cted. Corn doll a: d I.Er r; SE. 21 .1 91 45. OE3I dull tug b.'..1 at finc. En laky 71,45. Canal 5'1.1,1E31E1u I 1.. Nen 5' r . Win kt la: C ern Inr, 0 - . • 10, Lake lorpnrta—i's -or. I , ,t, 42 ..a.5 born C.no. lanai Lapnrks— , .....o, 115,...23 bush, Data, 1071.0 bush. ATllilug Stvclu• todrds", -Tilly Id —ll, frilio., - Irw eirt th , mining ntdcl...., bid in 11'..Itnii Fianklin ctick Huronl~L.potF.n. Ide anvil St. Louts Market. Sr. lot'ls, July Ih.—To ere° Ivy r ta! Sm. Cot tut kr, at 51 4t 1 r 3, lc. y lld . recu'ra 101 F our ff.. wit, but ut 1. • 11., drt z..g 3, duet tr, mu‘l ul lao • t buy. rs 01 001 eteully and nuchsage.l. C.Jrn 4400 loa tr, at S ,3 'Cul 3.1. o.ls oocbaLau-d. tt Lok u • t tied 01 5 t,.*1,70. OulAetto alarkm_ Jai, 1 - or I .aer. NV; •, I wow, cenrettled and q,t.t atrr, n sr , e. aea 'oree . 11. Ira !rlla 041' q o .t Ca .al fraiairt•—llore 57c, Wirtaa Ira, earn 11X• Orta 7e, to w York. FA hit tt. 129 FOUR I II STREET EIMMI ero 1.a.0l a lar,o t0.c.1 Hydrants, Pumps, Sink., Bath Tubs Et up up, t, ,rt. p :I• We nrn prs r luld tn !In• AGITATORS. OIL TAltlli 3, 4,c. hs.d. wals.ut ttm wko auldct, 464 d 41; c L. f\T OrICE 10 151:1‘.1,11: pr DEICE cnultf:i: El E hIRT Ensc, fracklia Veat,g -a .rA•••. f•• - t,..ft1, a b., Al•e •• k a - , t .1, r 1 ti.• Irtwoey. I>7 1 - D.. 4 I:1,1. .kn. • ,:t =.2.11/, r.94!;FTlertti 121M=1 REJsto:V r s r . OULOB., and ViT HAIL Fflon 1.3.11..1NG OUT,. I Fo many boffin,. .t hair rna"rrnt. ducaren4 Itt.f rr cmticlo tbr carect...us 76,t Dit. GEO D. EISE N 11..44.A11ttA h JOS. Ir LE 11 INJ, - 81•01iTS1I EN'S EAM.e.iiAIiTE J A_lktif226 HOW N invites too alto:alma of Sportamoo and otbor, to bit iplondid of GUNS, RIFLES, Eltn, PISTOLS, OAHE BAGS, pfoIVDER FLSoKS,nliiiT BELTS and POUCHES, DRAM FLAsKS, anl 41, bmunition of story inuti. EH stock tiro iammtt evor omtht to Mb Ctill.l7E6 17.11.--LTOT-ELI7- ::s,,,etur to Juan ilolktAtm a to. rOag Ph U& i 11, DP4I, In DAOOI4, LAUD, SUGAt C:UHXD aA) - snolisp Mita. so., artiStil 111 Alla CI &LI :Tr/Ern, *.17 It I` , -r-nrun. PA L I LEU RjtjjTl Tit ILi (lAN - Irs Lj wONDaas AS A TUELLA PECTIO 4 GEN t fro an It A:LA - fin 0 Is t , A17.111: AINn LIBRE Or Dlniiint. Int.. J. A. 13 RUNE. Medical Alectricnto. 2.51 BANN tlfnlLtT, ante* •B dlwooter are ttecoulany tented with Gelvannto, Magneto.,end tenor tondidomions of JJeoertel 7. eitmethote no or. tree and important deo eirctdae. get 000 er the 08100. No ehorgo for to• outran.. Almor warranted Moor de.ird. 1.21.1[1.4.4 T S. INTtit:FST COUP N, 10-40 a, dun lit 11EPTVISBEIL 5.20 i, duo It NONIALBeII. Doa,ht mkt*. by 13.111/PLP: a JUIILI, Damon, Wrt,ThlH PEN.IOI{ CHACKMLY ILO. No. 01 rt.URTIZ CTIOrt 19. n.—lly pstant racl gnu tumbles cue to Ictrutat Oterteref o r. to mkjf mule woot ul h. tlucu. Wu. 5. 5. UMITIN, Pio. CA ronarth virft.t, J 01111•. GALLOWA A C.A.i 4 E V, ""' 110087, SHIN AND ON.VAD.P.NTAI. 1:23E13311 evt 8 razor, Emag /1111 k, Pr P 0-4 f) LOAN ~ I < walptlvp. 1110 ViCUANIECAT 10-11 u Lo.‘n 1/..1v0d at :Z• NM.. a Lt.INNA, Ha !IT Lt, Ww4l irtrewt I"wJIlfA In £1 c. Arv.t A.11.F.9 AI. BALI'li, 671 0k/IT/10T Pnpan► Buvar Dadormao Auu a r ra, for LI Utah of Building., .od ityariouaala Unit won.> au reasoumbla tam. Odic. au Audenon error, baaufau Lasmck .4 Ilioblaana •lIIYhr,. NOTlCit.—The, Viewers appintcd by ortnonts On sum dam.sirs for.too ride/am; o , OnsTRI AVird9l3l; on Nato ot r tr r ioo to. or 9.1t0n itooo, ohl mot for thertirpotolof thott pul.tcWt,w Wantli,DAl, .at 9 o`olook on,. iOn rtuogrortod, When poni. la War, • 1026 7:4613834'. •-••-•• sreourrArs, .49 1 4199- .L • ' , Docordloo Iko:Wm 1 (111. kiAttiittl. TO.litS uotbes 'O.O Las b 7 ROM MAIM 134.9004 - SPECIAL JrOTICZII. We hz••no: v. y , T .e of arr , • ern ~ • •ext.:Jading thrt - str. t t altos . tea balttlattlo Ode., hays terra...! U.- orita trtn krb and mta . l.ll.th t L. 341. 11-1,1 r". We are not adryclatai atteh atay as t.et. lueine--althootth the pence, eto att.. a. W, tto. portara and et: • that; ata.tatarnt. Nnw - navrottu, 1t..., !S.W. V, !PG?. . have twat, •Micttecl many. years alit, ;.rt..t - atirtg cramp. m my limbos, t . ol. act and Ar.ad., n.. 11 a grneral ti , su , drnNi sy.trm ehytichana 1,1 In , tinir.r. tall-t 1 to n hove mu. Vaal* visiting aorat. frior.dt 1¢ Nvs - York. %rt., ',Ye mina Pisatta tiuu Itittots Lboi ptcvalitt! tor try tL.t.t. wntraerrmtd with n small slnt-gitu..atul r r at.unat braverr ty in n mad-kys f i art s ..um. mett.d to etd the c,ldu..r. and tramp hod me, L..: I ,or.iLi evcrl. the night thr.,Ligh, •I.lcl I tart L. 00, vi e fur yes-a. ! re,ltik. tvtag. -pp., LEI. nave al.creatly ruptured by tla ono oft m , 111.11./1011 pi/tent 11071/o,,Lny, JUDITH Litt.9ti£L.'" %Vv.. &pt. It., • • • 1 Lava ale tly hrvpit.,l teal-tot, months-I,,ch,as• :.d.M.., , ft . .r Pt. ..stior, Lt elt tura. • • • 11 ree bottla• 11.14,4 my eptech and comer:: :la. • • • • r t. A. IrtAl7Tt " he I,llarrlE, 13 trral 11.1.agor :kr (Tarr num. on tut tbo l'arkirera of Vol.rteeror 314.1trara. 4:th aMiert,} „HariS New York; ttarrat 4, 1912. I.mkr.. tour ronaor.al Plaatatina elthor• ea, born glsca t 0.... or oar tittle candr..llnr .o weak laakr toot hail/ e 5.... (Thu Fan parckwa, oath Fail.° IL 100., hra aprrrlcr, .1 laity rraatlay com saroption. ov who= oil tamll.l &kW ha 4 bo. - ersr s ar.rrtrel. Lau trr..,a or tarry r.-40,red. 46'n cumm.acrA with but n Goy. !ter app.. tire atA Rtz,gtb rhp.al.) 014 rho I. vary wed. kr.narrrtittlly, Ba . 1... DrYLIE." • • • L we much titat novel] toy Me. Tria‘Gt7Z.(4ll,;.ll.lclal. h. 1. •• • Thozloiii...c,- u< 4ttirn MR , 7,10 p 47 1x..,~iv,. hatwen tt...0 t.tulr Thy Fg." ^ • • C. 41 1.44.1 4.• OW! ..;,CT Dr.> Dy and k.:14 W aLaholun pre.,..a, • • T. • me. Ler..l. tl. t..A111U1121, L.kisc:Ex, ,'• • • I s^e.Clt:arz e.: at, -41 th.. mg.st ao to.isidDi; gaoct. G. K. IL Ac LIISW9, • • • l'o Pl.olollon bc.vo =Pi 1..v0r Comploint, • - bacc 1 Ir.. WS cip p. tr ood ob.zolon toy bc•S‘..... 11, 11. L.11 . :11.o Lll4, tiorelood, Oblo. • • • • rhn alte-re hero CIIIO4 e .o: tar k6.,nue)e eee Urinary el .!.41 1.1.11.n.-4,4 tut- I,t . jeLL:. LI SCI ;lIIu aana. 0.9. LIU , NO. it 4ts., aro., 10. flamixtiona 1111,:tts mak, Ile area} ottani._ the .14r.gttid in 1111.21, Mid WV ...bans./ aataro'l atoat •aaoam, [Ly of tha .letrtu.) Wyi. Dark. l 4 latargroca, S..,.,tatrea., was, do - ho; 11,441 itaroft.a lb periocay ato Wit. Croix Isaa, S. T.-113C0-::1Z •creove eodeotory hat il.. seor.bleel vl:4 oosl 1.4:0110. pr,apll...ioCi 0: 00 b 4111., 614 of rye reoto, dutroio Ater ~0 U441.411.1 Hier, coostlyo. tl o u, duneeta, if /LI ,e1:1 out try en.. keel aro rs.cout,o)G.l by the Olghoer swore. .41 , 4e:tiles, 4.3 erooo.rtboel prutoco wore. tuo bee.o - 4023 vork-.7.1:1y pOte:olo!lforceto.s.,l, perronou?...!bi: to noel 121.:11r er m s wk., 11 tore tspikne7 "mix 44. e‘etter.otil., O 'ear: A bottler fe . 111.9 Foltlf er.44 4.‘e 4193 WA,. pr.trrili .0 etat . 2..11 . 34 eval. I.ar cos l'e,--,ter.f .5111ose.A.O1r;:. Ale eed, algunr—rd 1 11 ;1., , - -tioeloo e l seel p Se:Z.:ll • . •••• • c.r.irszt 1 - !In•rr., ir , DRAKE'S ri , 211TATION BIT TElrq, at. 6, .rrlea.. kr talc kl Stria ttiWerrN, rrn, C.l dat:lT urea,. I a'" 4-ara,g, t • l..;ntitt,t, t f • • LIMO. e-Z-12IrrigUnG ‘2. worsa ,7) .5: /T, go 1 / 4 ,1 a. • , at t' Ct .711. R.% rarzaat..4 t'a E2Rtt."l, bAVi.r..at at , t, da4l;•ttra ; AUL era 4 Cott, Garr mad all .Ib , * .told. it. All alrda of lIINIVEa S srnurcs, • , :;..4 neat Cart 5t.,4 , 5a..1 ILTAP• ..ttl AND 11 ;. 0 AINQ,.R4i.l'i LS, ,tr. War broad and WL•ria, car. WA"; Pit & Arr. ~?:talbatl;la Pardcatar attratt.,a frrra to tc". 2ta tar: G;tat.i.; earl . .ttralaatralar Clrcalat dated ; Mao trps•ra of .1) Lt..t.. env ;Stag a d done of ntavnatan apas,l3 , LA KR SUPEZIO.FI COPFEIi 7.lud, .9 alt. WOES: 4 , l', - tte-a,m PARK, Mc:CUR 1.) ..S.; 44.4-42,, - ! . . 7 7ll6B:firmoia, t t.. ! ; I t ItESSET :307.(0114, t!OTTO2.I.I.,I•ALTES SuLDKEL ,n-pultoo tg, T r LATE, etHEET rrx:i at. ACIILNE6 AND T,,Ly . 11'93,11..n.,:, No. 14..! TtliST A 1'23 jlt.bargla, Pa. Pqn 4, u: /Cr. L.c.l 0. 9.7.1 tlceat TEAS CONFIZSIOSS hail) Ea , Eanz.Ncf. Vk INVAI.!It, oeAellt wad as a 'et:a:kg and c10t;..:, c7or 4. snff.o. fr“.l :,e1 l'a.,A...twe 3' 0: (al belus pa: w ,rtal and bvnbmg I.T j ukac..e.ng puety..l.ll •“, ^lzz =by b. hat of tlac aut.h, 2.4.11CA1L, Irdwar Bcdrunt. roomy, N. Y _ . _ TO NERVOUS E OFFERERS OF DOTE rerresl.l.: gant4•maa , Ing Ivan rtatontd w bralth Ina fcw da, a, idler mi. dzep..la, .J the. cetial mati. and Irr a -n!♦r exper... ..ea I.tratateat. wlth..at colut , lers It rod duty w wramtuue.. to bin arllct Ist to - Cl - 0011.1110 ZO4 C.Ol/4•14 cnn. Pi120(1., cc the rsceip a en $4..1. - euett .lil , Lti,J.C., • M P/ • 1 .. P 0 1 .10 . 4 ,100 wi. Di.“%tt to V- V , EI !"! olOi.t LL, 18c rcileva atnrG IV T. mh11.17,16cT •WIL BARNHILL & BomEn SULKERS AND BREST IRON WOBB LE. Nan St., Nos. 20, 22, 24 AAA 25. Rasing so. cured • 100 r,,, yard ardrarnishod it ARE ina taint in, krovoil nascluncry, we w propilrod to mot over) dostrlptitou of BOILERS, in t h e boot rcantissr, and warranted Nuni to any culla In Um ronutf7. ElliallEN, FIRE BEDS, mum pipts, LOCOkIQIIVE BOILERS, COIDENr3EI9, SALT PANS, TARES, OIL STILLS, AGITATOES, bEETLLNO PANS. BUTLER IRON 111/IDOES. SUGAR PANS, Joni solo urination:zoos of BAIIN• HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Ileporing done or the, aburtast norm. flolktl R ObOBERSON, REA & CO., (:ac tia...11 to fLoontoos, Ells= a 11.144L05t0,) WA5E.112,.. TON WORKS, Forsoeta a 2Lontgyts, Pittsburgh. alanufactumno a , BOAT AND tiTATIONEE) STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES. WILL .11ACILINEIIT, GEARING. BEIAITING. CAST INGS, al 621 drectisttoto ; OIL TANKS S 2TILLt BOILER AND 611E= 111024 WOGS. ascots tur GIEVARD'S PATENT INITOTTGT. FOE TEED I.NO vial V. 0. F. •L A BELLE STEEL WORKS. REITER di CO., Succerbt • to Gel.r, Dart.,. *Oa., CruntintsciAma a LAST STEEL, AMINO, PLOW AND VLIPU'L sTNDL HYRUM/3, ASLPJ , ( C.DIVBANS, At. Works. MIST WAND, Alleghocy City. P. O. Adilmes. PIITHDPEOR, Pt pellkly a --7 , ?40.11351 OODEULAB ik BRO., Alrene atectoron of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUT TENS, WINDOW GUARDS, Lo., Nora g/ EIH/0/6 tad as THIRD STREET, bet. Wood and none. Ran, c 9 hand • Tarter; of nos riatcron, Story ..,j aln, tunable for 811 pm - poser. Portman, •Itnotion paid to orlC‘c•:7 , !. Rpm Lot. Jobbinit donn et •Itort notice. 4,9 A. HOLIAEB & BOSS., DE:a...maa • is TOIIEION S:41) DOMESTIC BILLS OP EltaliANGE. CEII.TIFICATES Or DEPOZZ DANN NOTES .41W EIPECTE. No. a: all 6T..^,'. STREET, rlttabarglL. iT Oolloollu. 13.26 on n 1 the pr thretigtont Ltio United nu e... • - .:-DISEASES OF TES IigRVOITS, SYM NAL, VEINAL:, AND SU,Siiiit. and 01 (In fLocrard tsoo.L6tion. Oct by mai! in teak.] tlve of char}. A.114.....Na b. 4,tigiL., UOVpUTON. Etovrara&w.-!sitQD,Not,3Bath libitb Wen. Plaladetplips, . zb9E:4 H1418,Y H. COLLINEt-Fogwi r oro'Aiszcolutamozrismit3akrt— *wind. to CHILar, BUTTX.I2, Shy Ma, ata prakitu gazustly,„ WOOD fit -*4 41110" ' - 114. . „ _ BOOTS 4.lrD MOSS. . _ THE REGULATOR AFB )3EGULA; Boots and Shoes/ atlll nt SPRIN'G AND SUMMER GOOD .1T OLD PRICES! CONCERT HALL SHOE STO3:, Jrl4 62 Fifth St- IMAIENSE STOCK OF GAITERS, Boots, Balmorals, Slippers, &e., sxw C*DA ..iT X'CLELLA:ND'S AUCTION. 65 Fifth Street CZ. 2. B —Gaols at PRIVATE &UM. Lezt Wr cme cmd number eb.re the Coon ~9 A NEW SUPPLY 0I• LADILV, 02,..^IT.L.EXLS'b, allE?r.i., YOU:MI BOYS AST Call C.DT.H9's Boots, Shoe and Gaiters, No *4 Market Street SLAYER COUTE /.IFW GOODS! NNW 0040.3 1 ' , es boss tun startved cos 'Spina stook s t BOOTS AND BRASS, Whisk c: .;ill eell at the LOWEST CASE rants We hare tklll largest es.d best eelected float( lexem Jane Gall tigtutze.teed , 1 1 .).. , :vcr4 in 1t,3 dtt. L.LEI/X L&t Giafailta 'l,l.7apsh,t. GiVJ is • asp, • 53 ITABRET STEECT. "STAR WORK t /UST lIE7I:IVM7 blr GEG, ALI - 5 1 1z%, BON Cr , CC No. V. WOOD LTEEZT- Do, cue. Ymth's 17141t.raw.ctals. •• • " OCo•d • • •` Nip &otos. Ch Gnat Fla • Them goas nr. r&. to wr mriscial order, aml. ...amatm r_r_micaltat ...mom Lark. $025 CILEAY' .INti OUT eALE - OF Bc ohs, Eho * es, Gaiters ad Baimemis; .t kr.3 et. * tfi: critL.l.l:3 • .1 . /9 5, narketitisty. • 24 &Jar Trom ?MI6 lAM' .ECEIVISO DAILY ATRIIEIi gto.k. Leda"; Name and Chlldreea. roots, Gtidters wd Da:morals, artacb 1 arill eater • sllists:•d• ranee on art,-at Boat.msru.s. 93 Itirket tenet. ...TORN CAMPBELL, Manufaqtetr er of et CuO2B AND d 1101; f aver, deocrlption. at N 0.34 Sexltt.tiAld street. PlLLsbderb ' 'peatly -, 0h..41, MIEICM 13, S. M., authorraz of "Sioux Lon." trattoria with ••P:quo.^ I vu. "II yno want • bo_k that b you need • book that I. t amen •-fl satisfying —• true book, trot Illtrrt with duprev and deoetiwn, take " LINHPYS "MIA L"h nue, to own It alike sriat eyw sad heart .• nutp off the WI ot the etory..4 con's= • gen nit • admirallou loathe stradhut ecul of the writer, loyally alibiing to air, ugnhtu ...OA hands and mire ice comers In •eat 7, Irl•rborthectd hearts. • "There is Ises exciting incident in "Linnet's Trial" than "'Twice Lost", bat for truthful stadite of char.:ft, from the charming mt. rows to the tubbed perfect Wr:fe Leiters, 1.1.10-ileg the ver7 a,311.03 .d teid.h Brandon, with Vera, whole net quite :atiltlese es • hero, we ma; ray thts bock is the boot attempt of the sothersea which Is gaits room oteadubn rucogh far those arlif here Ism so fort*. nate es to haven. "Tu.. Lot.• " Tho London Bowie. omm of It . .No owe win be Otaapposntel with tilts chanalas tab of home We sad emote affectloos. It "Tifton wl b rare beauty of .tile--sharp and Tlonant. .Ibo .tar? Is dlvidtd lota num owto: " &fats Weddle[:" •• Heron M. Trlal," "How It was Ismas,'• 160 chmmtaa ue slalom sad wall dla•n. Draeden, with hie agreeable wltnoneoier m. pleasset .od afectlonete weys, good roue and gay Les pe, I. ntted, with the en! of ' Bony to et /. tato I,PO light comedy of the they. Then for. dm eousesional ehneent, or deeprr lc-tweet of the book, ins IL to °opt. 'bre forester, end ht. se ees DIM or sot,s—hl. Linect. she so rzyarisirgand sy cupenetie, he SO reserved cod coif oratelinalt she hinders, Osseo resolute; he so gay nod 10.14 In wood and watery, but cherish. Sty} to, secret a world of tender azul rontentio reran ence for the wowairhe lured .. shortly after their insariggn: the war braskeont In lad's, and V. nee reel:trot lo tittered thirst Lin ne's trial non cocoa now Lai trot and are tried and -n• t fontal wat.grg Tore seas out. and reterns to her with hie [mace rain! by a tone. tory, which be wyl os.t char ere, and ociadesic ad by it • whole world ant pc bl ht, Mb nod ratturd wife. lirr ewes: then= e iraudrona boy .1 o whole hook . Lionel is ke an elates only 'Leo to terfectisu whrn lightbd op limn Mit EALrosz HENRY MINER. Ti AND 73 171.31 STELIET, S•i7 dom4 eo ?art Ofloa. 4 ft' OP JULY 1.861. 6it ALL 17/11arD 7LAG43. ISSOLL9II £L7 fl 50 FLAG& FINE SILS SLAGS. ariFICD lIVSLIN FLAGS. FLAGS 08 S'FICSLP rt.,AGS ITITIIOUT STLADI. FIAG9 wnoiraemz. PILG Pittsburgh Fiag Manufactory, PITTOCK'S NEWS DEPOT, STITH vrazzr, OPPOU= TUZ POST orrice. j.s • N b BOOKS, N BOOKS lan AFiD P8041t6,71 Or BaltdAT IiCIIOO/43 bitgrayby of Bobt. talkee sad Wm. Pos. By Sohn 0. Pon., 1 vol. Prloo 11_00. A IttANTAL LXVIAOTYWO MEM.— rocinard ox& the Al.stem) of the Nat. fafolndlb the upeeAtioeu the klads zelprozee cirattrastlch Ot in A. - I:m.011:e, &e. 1 Into. "qE/LvES 001/ Homy, 11,1. DARING AND YELFF,BII,4Ik- By Ltiat. Perked: L a. ,. A is.rg.,rpl y of t:',w intter vary att r " s ""tik 1•21 S. TIRAD;7 , ror , fi atroct. Ley , 800K1 4 .-The - TVY4` Cetinair: ~..c.X. Wu; tbada-alt..lleat n 1 ete grsafor#4. G . Tn. Dr. Jot Ma, prics LD 0,43,,.:,,nw, ti1gy...t!7_.?_,,,F1..: -' 1 :7„ liz,,,•;z:m ; ,del ° t,1,,0. ige 7 ;:•l7C.i • I - thf l P , ..f:'lltlZg`ol,: k im lr,•„lrit. , nt amaa Wit. 2, 4 Ara.= Chopin i ,. .Tro ado % Ivo DA T 1144 7.., -. - •V; v _,,, - ,•: -,,''' t ...-' -.''' ,--' -'' J''''''''''J'' ' . ;fir_,_.. it';.-i?r"."..:''-..:-'-‘ ........i:::::;.....:..,............,-,......;...-7-_-th-4-;-,;*„..-..',.i..-LT ' • , PRICE .Tu. r~.aEbT