'ct2. a l.. - ~ . o•i4 .. 1 _ .... . ..,.. . ittsinirgit 65azette. THJASDAY bIC)RvINC.:.:JULY 1.1, 160 COMIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL PlTre3Btf tIG 14tA [METH WcpstsBA.T,ly 13,1861. N7.11.t T—STaltaTnt, a 3tlcca c.ntinund firm mat /1., and Vie rnaniVa csatinua excandlney Small cern frmi,prkt laauda at f 2,00 for t and 820410 fm , N24ta. Lti iktardamtal nai, n'ltti !Mated re tepee and a tigbt ,r pp'!, the market Iv firm at ITV' Tina. rates. Bala of 2 can Ebeilpi, en track, at • $1,.50. 02,T3—Firm with a demand some,..hst In tacos, cf the suppltaale of 1 tit., on Lark, at $1.,C0; and mall siddi from store et 31,0551,Cg. SLOOLI—There la e conlirdool, fair local demand for thlt article, no: tho mark t i, old so much melted 111`e tote a solo of IED bids Tad runny •t t11,25a 11,a0; and eso dad ,et 111.11,60. The stock is 1100 t and Pm melp's aro 'halted. B&W-IV—There is a fair jobbing demand for Shoulders, and we not- seise stlo%alkg—erms hold en •-king 15. Bibbed Vida.. anotrold firmly at 14.. 10%. Ptaln Hants It Phan ea5y...1.22; and S4ar Cored at 25a2n. OREEsZ—EIis again sieenoed, and with a wery light supply, boles ,xprat to realize a still forth°, slvanre in a few days. We note tales of 4U bra W. B. or 18, and 23 box liamburf at 20. 0R0132411/11-Tburbta • f.dr nity 'find 0000ty de mand forhit4ooMriptlOnl or iirocerfis, nod, trbtlo th. scubl.etis Erin , p to-s bay„ undergone 00 gnome!. onaage. Brown .7.0011 ortl selling at from 21 to 2C— some holders asking 27 for strictly choice El o Car'. I. firm .0 - tosr quoted at 65a541. Aim has ad- Tamed to 161.451E24. Illsiassee steady with snail isles at 11.2 u t 25. ISTiIf.CIEI —I. firm Oct unchanged; sato of 100 On alism,” to the trad,, at 8, 1 4 HAY—Is tiro Out tha e Ise. wide range Is Tale,. no there is also in the nudity. SPenote aales of new at from to 530 Per tan. EG33—D all and lower, with a sappy somas hat In noon,, or the prrsont demand; sale* at float 5 3 to lit per dos. BUTTED—Thera is same inonlry and prime 801 l may ha ye ,tall at. duos 20 to ZS. Parked Batter would rut readily, but there to WU. or now In rasrket. Dal tD T—ls doll but nuchanget-9110 eta for and 18020 for peaches. DIVED BEEF—lslam with irtalar sale. at from .M to 210 per lb. L 014.1D—PrIme city renderod te held firmly at Inc per lb. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Jr,r: 11—The dendrad for Ornate is light node - atrlatod aim.t or. hely to the TflOt3 of our metier., and whilo Lim raco:p cantlem light, than. , i, ue quotablo rhooki to note In valuta. We no:o s la its of acme throe hundred barrels at 45, bbl. ta:trued; also, L 8 tits "Drinkard Valley," MI at 40— the highest figure ever roslix-d In this market Ro lla d td lona settra, but as titer° Is, comparatively speak 1.. g, no 'stock, the market Is arm mod beldtro relate to eel. rode. at extreme rater We note a aide of 104/0 has. In bond, to to _de livered between the first nod Eflonath of Angurt, tellers option, at 85. Free Olt, to st.whe of Palm, may be quoted at IS, no sloe scot, and 81,W (or August delivery, fraptoa Is quiet hut held firmly at 85. Residuum It firm et last quatatieres. Tba reselyva by Tite 67. buy rig.er during the tieuty-toter ffoinn eaYlag o:diva-rang. are as to!. bet: • • Pe lank, llaf & 73jalark .............130 Er. buttver.......---.l:lSpas Galtagber---... 150 J GliFl 11tazzl0seb—...— .... r~~:a.__..._.___.___.__...._........__._.5n Crops Prospects. Onamither page nib be fouled Lao fall reports from I the cations loyal States connersang the present ap pestatco rind proeptcts of the crops. From theseund the lust momtbly statement of the Department of •griculture. no Can denial:Gina with some degree of am.nracy what will be the result of thin you's harstat. Deflate jonmata to sympathy with the ratieht, habitual Croakers and unfriendly prints in Europe, have endeavored to make it slips: that the crepe to Northern nuke would this yen peers a failure. Some have g. mike Gar as to predict an aim et total dement:loss! coasts, from &oath sad other causes, ant that se ntr.321.1 be compel' d to import from other cotrotrica to crier to prevent etsreat.Gn 80, Math truth thero 1e to three etatsmonte map be in ferred Irma the data forni - Assel. It to irr., at an eartir period In the roman there was, Grehrh; to eimann-Arouth, a por preelvent for rue eerhae. tut ' the e - pious ale:mem is 1..11 have Mace faDen mange the aspect malerioly. Winter shear, t •hing the .nntry_ thringS. wal over go Itfly rev-tta ds of amp. •in ~.me ne tome It Is' cred by the C ., ld weather during Olin =Man of Feta us.p, while theahem:. total sheet:et of rain dum . g tie latt, port of s mil sad ile.y rezeadod he d cvlc , poeilt La tbo 9tat e sae-pt /1a .. ; lent a_..l lassoes. Wisconstor.,llliecis, Ouzo col indiums Larth , re w. re be° >ming vuov Ll.Gotr god, I:sheathe ride Gains • j.t in the nick of time," es they eaptte: it. 11-my chasers, 0406 , • lave ranee ,mess the .11to GI many of the est:seta given intr. Weretern innrreds, here gal further ma pensd the TM. le Discs:rt.:roe of sprits wheat. ernes has yield, d a ricy heavy toe how York, New demos dent FennoDude. la New England dieter than n no I Dm teen c.t, bus through the Wrote n and Deed. States objet thia asunne. The ta, likewise bun acry propitious for bore. axing it, and the Damen gecemlggiore secured this cop in One omdid a. In Denne,:vaula. Dela ware, 41a7lmoi, Korto.sgy and some parts of 1.10.- nob m.d /raise. tome usable lima b. en eapenenced - from the scarcity of field hands. Tto-re seat masa corn than usual planted la Now Torr. and probably PetiradlUstini, And lee, to the =New England and Western Stats - s. Though tee late near of too awing was untararable to this aerial. the warm days and nuantratas here broaght.it rapidly forward, an that it will be-nearly, if not quote, an ,mugs es p. boas patent a eery poor appmran. , to this Siete, bat, arr.,,rdlue to the latest .teport teem the Depart. tient of dgrtnitotr, It is, Genenay apestieg “slio lamest and meat prom! log crop of the kind ever anion in the country ". 'leer. however, from car own Otoeuratimos; that the ebove language las little too sanguine. The fruit atop merely promises Dram this showing. therefore it a; pears that the wow this year wilt be amply slit to [vet the wants of the army and thapeople,and MI to a certain creme any foreign domande that may be mule Upon us. Owing to tea teaseled amount of foreign Leber and capital turned into eirloultarsl channels, and the large harm:tots realised, ow exporti of grotto since the tat at Eeptember hare two much has Lbw, tbst oltbe worlActil Do yews. Only 107,163 Wedeln of corn, for Letanco, have been shipper], snakes 0,013.. 571 for last year. Bat if ore area, boilers oar Ears. peen sgriculturaljJarnal4. Math. dmitmeds - will be nada upon as this 1.4.1 . fOe br , adstUdfa. Mug , druntb and assent cloanga UM weather hare tw eaked the anode Intiogland, while prices Lave risen 111 Prance Dom tram of L L w heat crop. The Mark. Lam Por , e• soy,. “Ttions-tertabllsh. meet of thablockade of the battle ports hy'lha Data slit takes plate, will not be without it. Uffcct open the wheat trade. - AS the 1.21110 f the delfberstfona of the Conference bacons'-mute dot:blow Once ad; teamed elardie) and Enron-wit markets seem closing open a. by higbor seines, we may 1 , 001, be left to cur. own renown - a, and 'Whit Atlidf44 oaa egad fe'dd for as•!--21 Y - - Philadelphia Cattle Market. Jett 11—Tho - iundreds sad salts of loaf cattle M Phillips' Annus Dora Yard rotten about 1,550 head tddi voet. Them is mom Ellyn) in the market, brit-prices remain about the autos Its last quoted. qudity Pm:lmply/this sod oreetern Steen we selling as from IGei7c; 21 do at 14%‘1.9540; and oom muu tt odu.tho lb, sel.quaLity. lete market clos ed firm, Int oh, the above mange of prices. rat MU, .AZZIT. The oerlraH and .len of sheep at Phillips' kvenne Drove Ynrd are moderato this week. ouiy reectilog about lust The nuakut In.consequentele Ar m. std prlowi have advanced, with salevof Ist qua-, ltd clippe anti? at 7vnic, and alltlatalatG3late4n per In gross, 'Mmla are seilln3 at (ran i Sidatii per head as to qualltp • IMO 12AZILIT. Thu arrival+ ai:ilealos Lt h:sge at the traluctjuad Ammo Dross Yee& reach +haat 6,4C0 'head this ora.k. T ba,markot rather batter, and esles are tutted as eltsld the tll itd; crt. . 1.40 a :toad sold at Unity Wane taloa Dneso nod at from Stab Ca 10u Ill.:3a. 9CO bead sold - st - Phralpe Amaze Bro. Tani at from 114115 the 19D net, +=lid:az st. quality. New Yak C:rocery illarket, June 14 Mee— The martin le my Crm, with .4 =Aerate demand. hates sleso . oorloot2l6 trap Reagan at 11, o,:erto—Tbe is to Crater, wl:b Mon doing. Silks docc ocalttet 825 Cep et Wicker..., and 2,000 boo do tar Croon, co ingests Crum • St,* oroll thatOf colt.o, Jul, 12,15'4, bop 11A4513 Stick 0fJ0y0 9 u1017 12 , 1811 , gar 1 885 Stock of Schlock J.ll, 18, 1864, 4,116 stAc - or taaresibo July 12, IfSCl:l4..—:—, 19,221 Bock of LoctayrocaJoly 12..1.141. 8 . 44 Stock or 81 boadko co July 12,1814, bkl.-4. 5 . 3 7 0 Block of other decociptlcas J01y , 14186k... 11,800 Total — . 219444 gapo•-1, part, With a lart:qatry. ;alai dam our last OW Ittda Odra Musucvado'. 4%a, In b=d, =ES 230 bvi lialmpLa Mail* at 100 Banned era Or. =era Ziatic rzir eat polo*: .23.44,3%c for wit xbtia; and Mt Tor poadorad, anstbed 9:lol99thl—The utelt.tt Ii gstst 91:h 41:9 slag , era laa!, ittat, Oasaa. at Sip Cca'Aftnts, Cincinnati Lumber ritrket. Jcs., 11.--ft tar io, amount of buotrosei he beet trap atted at. tho "'in. tattle throughout Or, city du , tog Ito, pa,: e, and price., aletttrlgh ooe gun. tab:, tlittcr, .to 1 ot.toa UP.ad• " ‘ L.I..b " Leuze , tn. data: . o[4 - by sitar.' hta uttit'rdt tt"... tar k : and 'heat iter.l:e of t: pted la the ygtda Ite ~., I:salty tali,: too Metal, bat that , ' by rail• toad ham., cete.d tf.totekactirety. , f , .• ' We qtr., privea at the lotto safo'koust ==! MEM asalzar.•• ... In ft, Ithitett,N9 1, It por reet.-.!4.,.. CO Wheat Crop oh lite Lintrof.the Bliehts italisoad. • . _ en the Slneofthi;inclAg.n tints's! takva, w h at °Matte Coal; two-at:ads ttaitheat bas Wand-, and a goad Port sacttr,i. Or.ti mak more ,grigood erexLer wir.ba ruttlaii , nat to lodger Via Wire =op. "Zdat al Latil. Creak the tirbaat lids bassi ksa 'forward, `and ate, a potato of ft fa Tat turveatial. Tgo trap welt al Jadiaotk to tallarat'ta tra klitaitar. Stun for fcr strata] yaiii ;List Mom oflackvsc awir.g.,l.a the bard freteng In . Jnatrari, "ben the annrau3a , •4,b7 the abn , r, the mg is rt.bm•—ainasaicorna. • • Valuable , Caugeof Yrbeet.%•.: Thb row Tot* Gut rscterezei ikpoitir, Alio 4th, isp rui We 4E7.233 td whits IlietagtaNdiest; t*Arstre, at 11 . 2,75, ableS:amompts to 111 0 ,900. This ipthoi.c6ct natapald faro langla.baesload.of leant . 0'01;110 -ruin the Noy York market. Oar Pitt)lle Debt And Interest. ' The receipts for the floral year ending Jute 15, wew: from ccatoms 1111C52LT1a: Trout later. o (AX): tote of public lends, - t6B; miocellanfUna, Total, D217,E5E,151 ',innate; the recipts Into the Truantry from al: /enema for the year trulleg Jun, 20, 10,4, to bo equal to those of /me year, nmrly ITTOPM,OOO, there .11/ remain, after the payment of all the Interest, 1111,- 0 0 4,445, apylicabla to the current experuna of the 1611,[. titaypniox all the unshaded loam taken, the semenra bf the public debt at the end of the text de. oat 'ear, and the anneal Interest thereon will ttand then Geld-bearing'dcht already latned,iDls,- :MI hatorrot, 550,011,1 n E.eventye million Muller losn,partlytaktm,TlSPO,Ondlitmermt,l3l,6 oo ,- takl. Balaoce of ten-forty loan at 5 per cent, {IDA,. noy.00), gudyno,or.M. Fear Laniard dollar loan, 1. 591401.0,00 u , interest, 524,030,tki1. Total, ,I T . o . tg a interts . gt"23 . 42, o4., 700 vo. 5... - vi&a.0.30,E.T. Debt besting ne itarmt, 3570, 7 s Total amount, debt and Interest en ..tOth us June, 1855: Debt, 1r.2,221,021,5797. Interett, 6100,691,M. It will be seen by show figures that, Independent or the aetielptued Inures. In the reroute, and the stoma of the r9mlits over and above the Intereet on the public ditto.7lhe Treasury will be abundantly .hie meet all &maw. on Its cofrere, man If the axpentes Inn war ore greater next year than they Were.dnrlng the year Jest ended. !minding the Unix of receipts over the Interest, the Tmasurp Department well have In It. vial., when el/ the loins attack , el are negotiated, 87:34,0.0,00 0 more thin has bee spent to any ono year since the war minmenced.—[liew Took Tribal.. Fleet New Wheat. Tte Aret lot of new whoa oZered In this matket wia wild today by Stallard, Gilbert A Ca to the hlahret blader—private bide being. remised. It este prlss4 aka of very superior quality, and brought 53,30 per hu. A W Papa and Geo P Plant ACo were the purchasers. An how later another beautif. I lot of 234 eks of now wheat was offered.= 'Gbantra by J B Forgoer', A Co and Sok. by the tune panto. at the lumen:. prison( 52,EA per bo Lmds Demeral. laiportaby Railroad. CIATIELI3IO o. 0 Ptrrsnosstfl It B, July 13—It aka rags. Godrroy ,t Clark; It bbla potrolenna, D Indgerun; 103 do do, Brower, Bob. & co; 10 bbla limo, W II Hamilton; :Ado do, a [bubo.), Raddlck 22 so; 13 br chum, J Daub; 3 bbla tcbscco, El Dal r.rarl 3 kegs do, Geo hhifiler; 1 MA do, E &Davao; 2 bbla mustard. Jobn Daub; 60 bbla sand, 1317,e, Richards & co; 31 pkgs copper. T Howe; 105 bp rye, nos Hoorc; 123 do M. TO a Doti; SO ton. pts natal, Dimick d m; 20 bb's .and, J B. Lycra; /16 hid., Gm H Rotuma; 12 MM. lard oil, 8 Bradley; 6 tcs barna. J P co. Psrtssnalsw Fr Wersw aw!adscssio S S. Julf I 3— E 43 tildes, COmatzat Sk Delsor; WO as osts, Sea k Kell; 41 do do, Dun Wadace; Id do raga. Godfrey d ;lase; 260 pigs 14,4 B. Patt-rsou; 3 pkgs collett, trdso d Drs; v 0 hides. J Y Esuchltm bu bb', Sigh widow, 11 41'Cul'ough, Jr a co; 170 bides J If Rule- Val; ILL bbl, highs Ines, T-a Wrlglt; Uas wool, !Moho wk. Wetter, k cull= I;gs mill had, Ilss.k 250 lst& highwiucs, Lambert, Shlpton d co; I c4r tottsl Jobs, tOodstesd; 14 aka swp, G.;drrey St Gram; 7,1 sowl.g mabluo., Wm &Lamer et CO, ALLEdIiCIT STATION, July 13-100 d, MI Ilboydam; pkgs egg., W J KAorr. 12 pans tab. & A Uaepoa; 6 yknA Mater and elms. II Lan. led to oats, bleopmu & Knox; 9 pkg . . prodnA6, Im & Kahan; t bbl nags, m Lfaii.:Pli; 1; bale. tow. J Q Ohl'xi.; 91 bal. bop., Wm lle0:tnt• ck. 19 pk marketing, W Gibb; IW bble AA., A Marlin; do do, OwMa A Kennedy. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Paned at the First Session of the • Thirty eighth congress. [PunLic—No 123 ] A s Acr making appropriations for the leg islative, estimative, and judicial expenses of the Government for the'year ending June thirtieth, eighteen btu:hated and sixty-fiva, and for other purposes. 411•COSCLODED. MIST OF TOE UNITED STATES AT FIFELAISET, For ealories of the director, treasurer, assayer, molter, and refiner, chief coiner and engraver, assistant assayer, and seven clerks, twenty six thourand four hundred dollars. For rages of 'Pork men and 4,9lr:store, one hundrhil cni t -verity-Ern thousand dol - For eket:,eze cola; t. be proto:vc.ilo the cabinet of .bt r. io ttreo bun IrE . J do`.- Isro. BILd3G3 Y 1 ,4 -tT FD.2.1 . 0 SCO, CHLLI R:•:1 For ee.nriee of elpirietlen4 nt, !rens Jrer, Eisrver, moi•er, cn. n:flo , r, coiner, 41:14 fkl clerke, LEircv thoul :r.!. Ere hued tr..i For Lt .7 1.1.0. en Lei one 5::i3 . titre a:.3 and Viy dollars For Leoile=lal a:3 osellogeill repairs, arta wastago, fitteee dollars. I=3 Per salaries of snpsriniendent, assayer and molter and refiser, assistant sass7er efficers and clerks, twenty-tbece thceeand Seven hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, Pairy fire oh:s aw:id dollars. For incidenttl at-A contingent expenaes, irenty (hot:mind doljere. Fol-ettperintend:ai, azsayer, ro finer, coiner, and clerk!, twelve thcugrold fuar hundred Jailers. eFor wages of workmen, twenty-six thou sand one hundred and eighty- nine dollars. Far Incidental and contingent expense., Are thousand dollars. For additional aslary of treasurer, &sties Oa 699 bunt treasurer of the United ' Staten, Ave hundred dollere. For salary of clerk to ossizt=nt treasurer, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For safe and vault, including freight, five thousand dollars. ... For esisry of assistant treasurer from Naventbez twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to June thirtieth. eighteen hun dred ned sixty-four, eight hundred and tire , dollars anf fifty-bra cents. Yoe , ' enaary of clerk from Iteroh first to Tema thirtieth, eighteen hundred =tinkly. faux, ek hundred dollars. ' .goITERNIIENT3 IN THE TEIIBITORIES. Territory of New Nalco. • For salariee of governor, chief jcustice sad two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thonasnd dollars. For contingent exPonees of raid Territo ry, one thousand 'dollars. Per interpreter and trattelator:ln tte ex emotive office, five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the mombere of the leg:Blades assembly, offi cers, sleets, and contingent expenses of the aseembly, twenty-two thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. Territory of Utah. , Fos salcrles of goweruor, chief justice, two associate judges, aad secretary, twelve thousand dollars. Tor contingent expenses of said Tarrlto. et e t e h m on i r ut nd itt fi enu fire hundrede mileage tiollar e s t . the !Cambers a the legislative assembly, en core, clerks, and contingent expenses of the general assembly, ten thonannd dollars. - Territory of Washisgton. For salaries of governor, chief jostles, two assoeistojudges, and seeretary, twelve theafiand five hundred dollars. For citintinteat expanse', of ffahl Territo ry, one thdosand five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the membere of the legielative assembly, offi cers, clork,and contingent expenses of the liseembly, twenty thousand dollars TaTitzry of Nebraska. For salaries of goxerner, ollef jostled and two asseelste jedges, and Beeretary, ton tionsand &re nundred doltars. For Contingent expellees of said Territe• ry, 0113 thousand dollars. • Fs: comper.satioa and mileage of the members of the legielalive assembly, elßcare, el,:rke, and ceetiagent expenses of the assembly, fauna thousend•dolla:n. Territory of Colorado. For eAlz.rlcs of governor and saperinten dont of Indian niflitn, chief jactioe and two sosantate jc.dzon, and etoretary, nine thou. onnd even hund•od OT' contingent exp.:uses of Enid Virito • 17, one thoosand dolitze. H. 'rat :cora*lsetioa nod sationgo of the aerators a tkelegialativc fazomb7y, tffin•lts, elerkr, spa contingent t xpenoes of she an aembly, Ilficen-thouswid dol:hr: 4 • of Ihtaii. For mantles et geierisof.and stpunhtea dent er Indian affears,.altief Justice end two rt,l 3 o l Met judges, isetd seirnitary, nine thou "I"l4salert &India dollars. Fed coatiegenz,eXpeusee of slid Territo ry, one thee:and dollars. Foi , compensation and mileage -of 'the meta:Era of the legislative assembly, eons, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assreibly, twenty Meowed dellare. Territory of Dakota. "Fir salaries of govarnorand superinten-, dentof Ladian affairs, older joatioo and two team:4llo judges, asorotory, nine thousand' aorta hundred dollars. For contingent cayman oftho Torritoryi Ono thousand 'dollars. For oolopoziststion rad milasgo of tlos members of the legislative alterably, ME. core, clerks, and contingent expenses of the ao.emb'y, fourteen tbousond dollare. ritaty of Ari:ana. FJr 3419.ric2 M gees nor, chief juetioe, and two snotolato indict s, and scoretary, twelve thousand dollars. For nontibgent expanses of the Torsi tory, one thousand dollars. For interpretor and trantlator in t'ac ezeoutive office, sre hundred dollars. For eempensatien and mirage of the members of the litielative assembly . , art— core, clerks, and car.tingent rip:uses of the assembly, twenty thousand glolt4s. Territory of Idaho. Per salaries of govenor, ohief justioa and two atsociate judger, and secretary, twelto thousand Collars. Far contingent expenses of the Territory, cr.o.thousand dollars. For ccrapentration and mileage of dm members of the legislative aasombly, of clerks and contingent capenees of Lbo asearedy, tvronly thousand dollars. Territory of Idaho. For the fisoal year ending Jane thirtinit, eighteen hundred and sixty-four: For salary of governor, chief justice sod two aesociate judges, and acoretary, twelve thousand dollars. ..... - For contingent expenses of the Territory, ono. thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, offi cers, cloths, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand debars. JUDICIARY. OFFICE OF SUE !ATOMIZE OEVEZI.E. For salaries of the Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, and the clerks and messenger in his oikcei twenty thou sand three hundred dollars. Contingent expenses of the office of the Attorney General, namely: For fuel, labor, furniture, stationery, and miscellaneous items, three thousand dol lars. For purchase of law and necessary books for the tffico of the Attorney General, two hundred and tlity dollars. For legal seal:lance and other nooesenry expeuniturca in the disposal of private land claims in California, ten thotuand dollars. For speo,al and other ex raordinary ex penses cf California land claims, ten thou sand dollnts. JUSIICES OF TIM SUPISME COURT OF UM For colexic of Ilia chief joatlcp and !Nino easociate justices, eixty thousand flee. hun• deed dollbee. • .. - For travelling expenses of the judge es e,gtied to the tenth circuit for attending session of Supreme Court of the United States, ono thousand dollare. For salary of the district judges of the United States, one hundred and elght4ea thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. FO7 eateries of the chief justice of the supreme couit of the District of C,lumbia, the associate judges, and the judge of the orpharia court, fourteen thousand five hun dred dollars. For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Sopron! Court of the United States, one thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the district altor• neye, nineteen thousand Iwo hundred and fifty dollars. FOr compeneationot the marshals, ele•^n thousand aim bundled dollars. INDE.PENDZNT TELLIVIT For efil.rick of the 41.111BULIIt 1.1 . 2.1 , 1121 r.f the 13 aVel S.ates at Now York, Baton, Chiale-at:1", sad St. Louie, I baushad 1.-aaJr.d Vlnn For o ea.'3r) o: :1; • !re...r-e tl - o::CTol!sod.dul lors. • 4.7 cf •!, tLe .;• S filc hum S-. do Cerk• and tc =tut For a..sr ce h: the oprke sod roestenter to of co it 11, trrasur.[tl at Bastes, thousand hundrs-1 For ralzielet of °torts, trIC936-ager:, =CD, end porter in (film of neseisot treas urer et Sea York, teT , T:'; -three thousand eta hundred dollar,. For caloric-, of chief a!erk and teller, -to act at assistant treasurer in the al:tient° of the treasurer, aseistsnt teller, bookkeeper, hea:El , 66t bookkeeper, noreseag,er, and four watchmen, in the °face of the,subtrer.sury at St. lanie, nine thousand "even hundred sod sixty dollars. For eateries of additional clerks, under act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, for the better organization of the titaanry, at Guth rates as the Seca - vary may deem just end reasonable, ten thous end dollars. For compensation to designated depoti. tarice, under set if August stath, eighteen hundred and forty-sir, for the collection, safe-keeping, tre.cefor, and diebursementof the public revenue, eight thousand dollars. For compensation to sprzial agents un der set of sixth of August, eighteen hun dred and forty-six, eight thousand dollars. For siderite of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors, appointed under cot thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-trio, for the better protection of the thee of peeeongere by eteambeote, with traveling and other expenses Incurred by them, twenty five thousand dollars. For contingent expenses under the aot of Sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty f4r the collection, safe keeping, trans fer, and disbursement of the publlo revenue, in addition to premium which may be ro seised on transfer drafts: I}ociled, That no part of said sum shalt be expended for clerical 801Vieth, one hundred and ten thocusand dollars. For necessary expenses inaarrylng Into effect the several sots of Congress author• icing loans and thelssua of Treasury notes, one million dollars. • COUUDISIONERB 07 DIRECT TAI NS IN 10101 B.E.CTIONAHT DISTENTD For oomponsation of thirty-throe . noto. missionere, at three thousand dollar' each and eleven clerks at twelve hundred dol Lars each, one hundred and twelvo thou Band two hundred dollars. For contingent expenses, forty thousand dollars. rl3/31.1C DC CLDLIG3 LSD GROUNDS For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water clarets in the Capitol, four hun dred and thirty.eight dollars. For compensation of four laborers in C tpitol, two thonsoad four hundred dol lars. For compensation to the public gardener, one thousand fur hundred and forty dol lars. For compensation of a foreman and twen ty-one laborers employed in the public grounds, thirteon thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation of the keeper of the western gate, C /pito! square, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars. For compensation of two day watchman employed in the Cspitol square, one.thou sand two hundred dollars.. For compensation of two night watchmen employed at the President's flour, ono thousand twohundred dollars. For compensation of the doorkeeper at the' President's noose, sir. hundred &Were. For compensation of assistant doorkeeper at the President!! Lions°, eta hundred dra iner. For compensation of one night watchman at the pubEo atahles and earpanderi shops co nit of the Capitol, one thousand dollars. For compensation of watchman in reser vation number too, ta hundred dollars. For cotopeuvttion of two 'draw.ktnpers , at the two bridges across the eastern branch of the-Pot= to, and for foal, Oil, and lamps, ono tiara:and uno hundred and eighty del• tare. For aompecoctien or fatoseo keeper an der the old honor the House of Representa tives, eik hundred dollars. For • compensation of furnace-keeper at the Preeldent's House, six hundred ttpliere, wirrnorenrras tont= Per salaries and other neceseary expen ses of the metropolitan pollee for the Die trice of Columbia, one hundred and tee thousand donate ; and the compensation of said metropolitan force, aims and clerks , be, and the eime is hereby, Increased fifty 'per. centum, commencing, OA,. the , first of July,• calla's= -hundred and sixty-four, eaid inoreake to be borne bY the 'cities of ittishirigtonead Georgetown, and the conns ty of Washington, !lithe District of Colam- Ws, in the. protOrtlan moat to tho nomliet at poLtatries ollOted timolly to' the city of Weehlegtho, to the' city of Otorptowa, and the county of Washington beyond the limits of said cities. And the corporation anthorities of Enid citle,e of Wtoloington and G,crtireot n, azd the levy count o' soil conic d they are .e:.bosun. IIT red at- CSIIPOW , rot to troy a I. I L, axe-et:dine coo oteitt r rf ci,e per C.71201:1! for the perpeac sfortsaid. For deficiency of epta,pri.itlas far the Caphol piton, uuJer the Ise: of April to en• ty-seaaud, eighteen bited•e•l end fiityfoor, to be exo,ni,d Tinder th- 1:i - rotten of the Conamisoion.r ef Pehita Boil Lag., to paid nal) to li•ral nen, four thousand tiatte hundred and sea er.l;- • f Air 1:1;trs cad eighty•feur cents. Far salary cf viatica of jail In tLs Dis• -trict of Columbia. sixteen buodreu Set, 2. And be it further ennead. That the office of the Treasurer of the United States be reorganized, under the direction of oho Secretary of the Treasury, so as to authorise the employment of the otifieery and olesks, mad with the annual salaries hereinafter specified, viz: One Assistant Treasurer, with e. salary of twenty-eight hundred dollen. One cashier, with a ealary of twenty eight hundred dollars; one aisistant each ier, with a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars ; one chief of the divieiou of jetties, with a salary of twenty-two hundred dol lars; one chief of the division of redem;o lion, with a salary of twenty-two hundred dollars ; one chief of the division of loans, with a salary of twouty-hundred dollars; one chief of the division of accounts, with a salary of twenty-twohundred dollars; one chief of the division of national banks, with &salary of twenty-two hundred dollars ; two principal book-keepers, each with a salary of twenty-two hundred dollars; two tellers, enoh with a salary of twenty-two hundred dollars ; two aesletant tellers, each with a salary of two thousand dollars ; one chief clerk, with a eatery of two thousand dollars ; fifteen clerks of class four, fifteen of class three, eleven of class two, nine of close one, one meesenger icebergs of mails; with a salary of one thousand dollars; nine meant:llore, with a eatery of nine hundred dollars cash ; Cleo messengers, with a sal ary of seven inliatireri dollars each; sixty female clerks with a salary of six hundred dollars each ; five laborers , with a salary of six lioudred dollars each, sod seven ie• male laborers at a salary of two hundred and forty dollars each. And the etlictrA, clerks, and the employes hereby author load shall be in lira of ail the force 0.4 employed in the said calm. And the amount necessary to pay the seta:ate of sold officers, clerks, cud Employee, in addi tion to the amount heretofore provided fur the prevent fiscal year, is hereby appropri ated out of any money in the Treasury not other wise appropriated. Soc. 3 And be ii further enacted, Tba• twenty per imitative be added to the cum el) InOtioll of tit female, and the =O.3EEII - watchmen, and ,laborers eonplaied I in Oat several deparicaento an-1 ardor ice Commissioner of Pulite Buildings, and • he Camennissloners of Agriculture, ai,d at the Capitol, to commence on the first day of Jane, eighteen hundred end aim,/ four, and to terminate at the close of the Stool year ending the thirtieth of Jane, eighteen hun dred and eisty-eir, but to to caleulsted only upon the amount of compensation ac cruing after the fitret day of June, eighteen hundred and sixiy-foar• Provided, however, That so eatery be Incretund hereby no as to exceed the enm of ton hundred d ailate. And the earn rieoesvary to pay the additiin• of compecs•ttou herein epic:CPA for the preeeett and the nen! Stool year elev hereby appropriated. elm 4. And be it furfF.e, Fast •l, Te.l the ectekeetter. effe., ef env v t -ot f.,:t n.d d,•101 tee :e e tf•o- •Ses, -- a.t !_:,...trt 15e •tr :La 9,es:" y t!g! fl ' ..:11,1 LI: I t. , • I,e• t..e•e•y La ht. to ii, S•C , t. !“ : ••• ' number .1.4 .1 ,et ern tt,t • rv!Lio .D to the cae a, it. :17 be.c. by itc h •r• tee tt. ;Le C.,lbeti, stoner of Cott-•_r, t..; be ea,nacyed oed oeuttet-e ooly darteg the rebe.;loo nod for one year atter Ito clot; ; two &rite of olnn tour, twu of :lull sod. tWL: oe OiltB two, sad the atm of cie,go th3miat...l two hundred doliare, or eo eacteb thereof ss may be nereesary to pay their ,dales from the date of their •ppliotment to the thirtieth of Jute, eighteen hundred and sixty•five, le hereby appr.)priced tberlfay. Bur. 0. And to it further endoed, in rerouting the act of the th'ra of March eighteen handfed cad farty• nice, end Otto 114411:110216tOry i arrc of, proitii,og :er pa, - ment for eteamtaaste nal other yesee . e, Suit railroad engines or care lost or dteiroyed while in the inill , ery estrus of the United Stares, the Third Audit, of the Treasury Sr and ho is hereby su.notistil in person, Of in such manner a 9 ho may deem most ecnipettble with the Tut Ink :rein It, take t.sticiony and make 11,,,t1 investigations nu he may deem beiressary in adjudicating claims filed under said ric!, and Lr each necessary expenses incurred therein pay meat may be made oat of thi, appropriation contained in said act, upon proper ranch• cm certified and approved by the Third Anditcr. Sc; • 7. And Le it enackl, That from and after the Bret day of July, eight een hundred and eiziy-four, in lieu of the elorke heretofore authorized and provided, the Assistant Treasurer al New Orirens.be and ho in hereby authorized to appoint, with the approbation of the &crew; of the Treasury, one chief oletk, at a salary of twentyeft re hundred dollen par auburn, one clerk, at a salary of two thousand dot fare per annum; two clerks, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum each; one porter, at a salary of nine hundred dollars per annum; and two watchmen, at a salary of Biz hundred dollars per annum each and the compeneation for such clerks for the next fiscal year be and the ammo to hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. And in case of the eickness or uoavoidable absence of the Aselstant Treasurer, be may, in bin discretion, anti:mt.:a the chief clerk to actin his place and to discharge all the duties required by law of the Assistant Treasurer. Sac, 8. And be it further enacted, Thr.t to many of the clerks in the ahro of aho Paymaster General as bane bean or may be deemed unnecessary, alt exceeding thirty seven in number, who ettell be found com petent, to be eelected by the Secretary of the Treasury, are hereby transferred to the office of the Third Auditor of the Treesury, and shall be classified as follows: Twelve Works of class two; and twenty-fire of class one; and the eum of forty Biz ) thousand eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof no may be found necessary, bi and the same is hereby appropriated for said pur pose. Son. 9 And be it further /sancta, That the President of the United States be and is hereby authorized to appoint, in addition to the prcaout number, two apprabers for the port of New York, at an annual notary of twenty fire hundred dollars each, and the sum of fire thousand dollars in hereby appropriated therefor. For twelve addi tional cloths in the office of the 4 , Bistout Treasurer of New York, at an annual sal ary of fourteen hundred d o llars .eachrau thortred by the act of the sixth of March, eighteen huodred end sixt3-too, rixteen thousand clght hundred dollare. BEO 10 And be it rurmr . marred, That, in addition on i.e aunt of t only. O r thou• anti dollars, hireinbefin appropriated, for trolarirs end cr.:pi - Tv-a of Dino sopnrelUnyt and filly hell inspectors of steam 'resell& with trarsiLig and ether tspennea the emu. of afty-fire thous:rad dollars be,ond tho soma to horeby appropriated. Sao. 11. And be it fuetlirt mead, That there be and hereby is appointed la the office of the Secretary of the TreasnryOlwo clerks of ohm three, In lieu of flee clerks of aloes one, and the sum of two thousand d'llsre le hereby approprlata for meld pun pole. Approved, Jane 26, 1E6,4 • ~ ~' i "MLOTION OF PARTNEROMF: a portuarsaip &rotator* =tot ins attar**, the andarstrarl, unapt' Out 'WI O. /own ETON, & 00.; Is atria/O. ,t o tab. tsloo. frost 00 du; EIOHARD D rotittag .0 491.: • iDl ' Asp batman will be atriducal u Sorrair• IN Mar Sir or7:* so &ratan, WM. O. JOILSOTOEI, SLIM .• BIOIDLOO =Oaf. nrairarss. 1.0. 11Oh, IlaL Witt! 017LII, 46 11.1.1. Kr.l.S:rn I JAWREN' E Dt( , N WARrNG Petro:cuxt and its Proditzts, d tut :Aut.% ill Iletralryt 101 l 1, No. 33 YAUTIST for. Fltv!m:F6 czar P. 0.. ROI;PEARSALL, Petroleum and US Produa•, for ex" ,. . - 1 aud 11=4 dormarlpl3oo 4 , elg• 1 1 4 W. ties fur rtoraga, at tesauLalda rakgs. Literal advancca male, BREWER, BURKE 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I=l GLAIL*:-. t eA*I :AC ...103 LlBrWri GAL WOILE:S. P,Oleced or Crude Petrtiletsm. C.JP. DC:4I:24VEIMho 4 /12.190DCK EiTEL. RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., 001M1871U13a TOIMMIDI.ISB MZ1101205113, Crude and Refined Petroleum, Fl a. 19 12W111 BTUINI, r I TTBDUliall. Er Liberal Oath . sdranoes kn cantxamenti to rittabargh or Zantern Market. P1TT39131.031 0.17.11.•=1:11 I Max.. 1. B. Dtheorth & ' B 2Valro " fttell:A.! :s l4ext. Oconnurrolrl P-s• =Mike. Iltuts uITY OIL WORKS LIMIT t CTIORPMING, Xlsoctontorr re nod /tanners oi nails 9 0 ES -7:12t &! n IT sod d.alors to 1.7 r itul.El 7 M. `3' rut, mc d rn. tin Sherlebur, 0fd , ... ttc. 11.4rD NTRErt. &pi hdro Prrrtaroott, Pa roan n_ LI-1.1.CS CTILT4.I WAL LACE A (.1 7 F.TISS, Corr.tainetiln. 111.arch..wata. end dealers Is CRUDE& 4471 - NED PE'rEOLEUZI, OLSZIUM AVD LUBER:4IIISU !q1.9. Ve I M.. TU Wild& Val PH (Ld Pet-PEW. ct. , rer.) to Is,Ono bbb Moo foram. for etarplog to American wad Forntrn ports, as war wharf o, the Sebultkill threr near st,s otaslarol of the P. B. B. 1025:17 TACK sBRO., 8•011-21 Crude and Relined Petroletm. CENZI';E, ka, lb WALNUT, FT., F41:...V.M.1111.5., hc.,•Lums ostre,sed to oar Mr% rill ronelvo ass pro-apt porsoaal sti.oottou. No*: to No/.•rx. 3..tuv.d.0..., 11.141 4101, SM. , . sal .14 , 7A1L54S Purobamb : rtr.s. tholth, C•q , Proat. Dank N. A. ; IL L. roe,/ S C.., Pbtlado CAI LENDER, %IL RROKEIIS. 945 8 o•Lt FitTeet, Lraay C!....4.....antra. Jr.. they J. Nato., a Cu. Jr.. b. 0t..:.!Lar. , .. Chaloaa a Co. /TO ,/ WLLES, WETIOREs (Xi., t Tn.SN•9 2119.,`PL1850 g RUMS OF PETROLEUM. O.tiicts. trr Sta. ;.t tiottr yard It.