EICEINIMI pittsbuqk &et. TUESDAY' Era, 12, 1864. COIIIIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 4.rrimstrach nistacErs MOSIDAT,IIIV 11.1861 WREAT—Then Ls a motioned good domes& for Whc4; apt with light ofierliage, the market rube firm and prices am folly sastalted. We cote emal/ ales from, first hands at 52,00 for Red nod 5 0 . 05 e 2,10 for White. :• 0005—The receipts cantina. Ugh', and nab a far demand the market Is vary firm, with mall Wan of „pan* Telhaw at 51,60. The supply, In Ms market at therment time Ii exceedingly Milted. OATS—Ma wlth a good toad demand at theta° advance. Halo of WO ha from store at $lOO per basheL The retail prime range from 5 1 1 06 to YLOOR.:The Marta Is lant.ezeltid than last week. but holders are very arm In their views and fall rates are the order of the day. We note saes he nand Mu of 190 bale Extra Irevally stslo,fo; do Extra Mimilly at 511,25; COO do do to Isto,Lat from ill to 811,10. 0110 ALLMEi—Sugar iv ha I very firmly mad we note sal. Raw et from M to .260. Refused angers, also, are tory Arm at the late adrence.• COMM 11 to. rated and Cato par poold higher; we note. Waled from 44 to 450. Otohusoa may be quoted at. from 5420 to 51,25 for good to strictly.prime New Orleans. 0.10../Ii—•• quiet hat very firm, and fall prices are atilt reallnol. We continue to quota at 16 90 Shoulder.; IC ter albhed 613 e d; 19 for Plan Rams; tt for Plato Coaveased, nod y,,la for huger Cnred. ZOGS—Are comlngin more freely 'and the market, la consequence, I.e shade easier. dales la lots of 5.1 Weakest:4 per dov—anatly at :5. BR (TER—There lea (Cr demand for prime fresh Roll Batter, nod there I. bat Bale In the market. We Loto amacf 30 pacing. Packed et 260. BTAROII-110 advanced and nay now be quoted It 13y40 in ronodlote, sod On to the small city. Bale of 630 M “Madlson ' at ey4. PRARLS—Bore agar, advartocd; Fele on Saturday vat ad mss at 150 per paned. CHEESE—Ia In good demand, and prima qualities .11 res-411 17e18 0 . 11AX— I Arm and higher with Wee from steles at 520 to EZII per ton for COW and fild to /39 for old. 00100 YRIII r—Doti hot unchanged; .mall sales of Apples at 9.10 e per pound, and Yeah. at 18.20. LARD—Is Oros wash small !tales of mime city ren dered at 18—. woe holden taking 10. LAUD 01 I.—Ha, luta farther advanced, nonio 1 .11117 now be quoted at 111.e0a1,65. Pltt4burgh Petroleum Market. Jar 11—There was an Improved demand for Crude, to-day, and, with gold at 183, and 'cry light receipts, the marten wea decidedly firmer, and prices may be quoted from one to one and oneehalf cents per gallon higher. Quotation. may be fairly given at 45, this returned; and 50, bit!. In:landed, With wain reprrted of about oned.bo wand bble, Banned, also, was tree more Inquired fur, bet operations are still Yestricted In Cf..III2CLICO of the very limited supply us haul, and thee:cream views of holders. We num+ etate or su:. Db., in bund,dellverable between the first and fifteenth of August, at 85. Frew 04 le held at an advance, and prime city brand. may te quoted at 1130.5 There Is a very brit. demand fur dtemdtdat nod, watt a very light stock, the market it firm and botders aro asking a still further advance. leapt., is gale& bends's. Taro receipts stn. +Saturday wore unusually comprising only 2.0 6150, which worn cueelgoed to J. leiuday. NeNv York Petroleum Market Dispectch to tha Plitaburigh lint . Tour., July 11—There la • good export .d fair holm demand Cro Crude, and prima ham ad. r maced; sales oo the spat at 6l'i'otsS. Ittclloed to bond Is in fair demand and higher, with ealm on the spot of 9105. There Is on change to note In fres Oil; • de. at 41,00, on the spot. linptila Is doll and noml n sl nt former quotations Weekly Revteyr of tne - New York Pe- trclitira Market. (Reported Ekpressly for the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nay Yo.c, July 9, 1864. The market bar been excited and unsettled during thr entire week by fluctuations in Gold and the oper ations of acme one or two of the leading speculator. The epeculative traneectlons daring the week have been charactorized by a rookies:nen which, except by the Itli.rreraltal of sores stroke of good fortune, must result In ruin to the operators Free Oil ha been purchased mbnitatlogly at almost any price. It has come under our notice that epecniators bare bantered regulsr dealer. to one a price at whirl, they would will for eel Jaly and Aeguet—whero the bolder did not want. to sell otd.to slop the °unto: versv,named a pi ic;'which he conceived tote beyond the limit of any one,—bat be was inaniallsbily:taken Opi—and ..quotations" were thus established. Thus emanate. for all this month made at st.ny, per gal lon buyers' and sellers' option. Thera was quits a "run" en one of the biggest slieee'ereie ter • while. bat 'by electing large sales on the spot at high figures, the treas., was replenished, the debts paid and a new lease of life obtained—still the 'large' transactions are not done with yet, and the mad is not yet. NO one buy. at the SILITIZIO rateeezcept one or two desperate epeculators, who operate with • view to keep price. crp. fleece. collets, Is general ly feared to be imminent. The receipts continue heat'—varybeg from 3.600 to 6,609 bbl.—cad aver aging about 4.0,0 bbis a day. The cabs of Crude comprise about 21,000 bble—at Ea to 670 on the pipet—of which about 12 000 bble for future dnivery at Of to 65 for July and 5.5 to to for aughst--clostrig at 66a5T on thespok Of Sefton! in baud the Sale, foot op about 16,000 bias at 99.92% for prime light straw to white en the spot—el which about 9,090 Ws for future delivery at for July and from 9) to 6114 h.r August—the Inter rate( all Gr. aborethe roarken--el, dog union but firm sr et on the spot. Of free the sales comprise 12,000 Ibis at 96 to fil,bil as air .pot—but I. cladtur 0,003 bbL for fatara ,vory - at gt,lovl,l o 4i tor Jaly and 51,08d,12.y. lot Angvit—dAsing quiet at $1 on the Spot. tiaptl3 ttov sato are about 1,000 bbL a 40.613 for OE4O gravity aq3 95.19 tor 051G7 gravity. Review of the York Wool Market. (From the Cr.m. Lint. July O.) • The excitement in the domestic wool market seems to hare been„in • good degree, transferred to the agricultural. districts, were unusually high mime are raling-35•1000, and upwards, havleg been paid fee Cbeice grades of the new clip, with large boyars both Gar Immediate and femme delivery. There is old to bee large :lumber of speculate., ontalde of the smiler trade, oporedeg in wool in all parts of the ormitry,undor the belled that there is "money In It," mart= sump hoe the competition thcome in some eft. this, that some farmers and dealers*. demanding SLlajrAri Magnus, whine in others they are indiffer ent about naming a price for the moment. It appears to be the papalar belief among the trade, that the rapidity with which the new clip le mooing inte thrdrumptim, most eventually Selland, quotations shore their present lord, and that future sales are likely to. be more remunerative than thou now bi etegress... , Cat be this as It may, from the present aspect of affairs, holder. are Dot all:Ions to realize at Preterit nubs, at extreme prices. She 'Wee here comprhsni,tool2s deer. at flal,ol, with smell par cels chef. at 51,160, including 160,6001hs floe novelly. Ohio, delivered there, at - 1:1 1 ,V25fd 70.107 Ma 05405 f, and 15,010 DA thillforeds, from almonds, 60a 73. In fattish the morentent continues light, the re Te rn , h a n t= o e rt " f:t h e a cle ' e the toge t here th:: th m * e I b fgher e p Mons eve tea considerably idiom the views of buy. CM , We have only to cote tales of ZOO hales Cape, front semacr halide, it ifofO-good lots from lint hands tot. held at 70; a nd ms Ban. re, 65;100 bac. Carpet Itletillerrazirto, and C 6 bides Itlestirs, on pd. aellrMs. iheiad;witee of duties under the new tariff, we ab eam, excites contlderable remark abroad, ly in England, but the comments! press Mere argue thattbe attempt to exclude foreign wool - from ugh country will, la a,l probability, be followed by such an lacrosse of importation. of wools. a. to lolly orrunterbelance the decreased product 01 our woolen In reply to the assertion that the new tariff on anumfactoma h highly prohibitory, they argue that they can ausunfacturagoods at a moth km cost thaw we tau, and In tomer_ ha instances =demon us too. Our tariff, therefore, they tell us, to likely to fall la It. Intended operation. Wore coo Ina pod - than to grow the whole of the woorrequlred for home =exemption, end :he matinfacturers alde to compete with foreign goods', both In quality and prim, they might regard the new tariff with some apprehend* hot high duties on raw nistestal, they urge, most he •.-.l l llowedlairandriespondlog dm In the value crawly • Ealtanced quotations - for cloth In gbh ocrontry, and throat:wooly twarzontley t.r labor, place them In about the moo paltihi so obey were under tho old —ryatena. They th.rolore_contend that It le o grew e. :or on oar part to enema that a Met foam of deltas on wee' w.II hale a depressing effect upon the trade ha thatcoontry: troport;from Jemmy Ist to Jane 30th, 1861. Same New Urlcnitetinaltet..., . Jrns .20-13ngtir and flolasserporellceos parented by the want °fel:TO., ve tiara canal.* en report ezmptlait 2O Wide common vogarat nth, iLit lb, tut 100 bbla molmate ore Primte torus. Proilatone—Coder sus inflaroco of northern ►ad. ;a run Adria*. reorfrog feetorday - tbas market wad Tap. ranch ucited today. There-was 4414,411‘1. gate" for all doscriptfor4 of westarn nrodnoe and pm. visions Thou haring (awls ware trery anxious to /neat, while ens. boViog traditions did riot mat* „op-rato. tintraut rem blab prime. Flour—Thera were calm today of 400 thlearattars mad goad atm at 13 to 0,60 per bbl. Pork-14 lot of 40 bble wren weight meu sold at Viper bbl. Holding are aeklng OA to seib oandlee-120 Du fall weight startrold to one lot at Recti lb. - Lard—Thera worn ides today 0(400 threes prime wt. Lem kettle rendered, a part taken for export, at 1.16t0 15KocIllf—escetly the letter price. The stook le tear held at 10,10 per lb. Opifee—Tbaro sou a ram Mak Inwarl. bat no WO, transpired. Me is told at, 43 to too tin, Athltk7—A 101 015 D D5lO ractllled m 114041,50 per staltm tflabselmently It woo Lela at 05,50 5.0 1 , 00 , and raw at 41,03 to 51 75 gallon. Clevelaireilllarket hay 0-- - ::Flcsir—Dell and heavy. Hates 75 bb. catinVvy.v_ihilo XX at 5124 ha bbl. Clareland XXX 6511111, thy XX allita at 115. hos , --The only 'atm made fa-day wee a for rsa chalet, :on track. to In Mai Lanham. by • nava,, valid; would ri no cx/taoa of Ufa parka if glum" No speculative, finally, and flap market claim doll, heavy, tad nominady lover. COvii , -'Xnvaies. • and iamb:tally at . 00e 0121 tract. • PorltDoll'tut troloa 60,00 for Nol dtj mee me 4 irsa,oa ar.ll. 2 14t. Loch Tobacco Market. .Icfr g—Olloringo lora* and Flea dna for duo frog tut lower tor logs and shipping lea Soho coroorirod aa'MA. at Ito following Dricni: Dow. :aged lugs to good &Ana' logo a15g.50t0 515; cons - lost st gig toga; medlars doat 121 : 55 to El; good and"tale do at 52 5 .55 - to Efr moo= add-medium maardoetarlog toast to11115;goiE gaiggss,oolosso; line , d oat 0 1 :11:01110kaalancly gnat gap to 111001bn ZVI on 5541411ti05al argibrod, frirtaso:octod. `Safer alto of fcixt boxes at EVoS to ing /00.1.51..4 , 1 11 anrcd; . . . MUM .The • Weathsr and the Crops. Ths rather cordintles altrentely warm, and the crops, in risvoy vectftollaarsktffering from& protract ed drought. Ilarrattng fa now In progress, sad from the mat authentic automata at hand, the mope of winter wheat will be about 30 j cent below the average, on account of li:duties sustalad by fruit and drought. The crop of spring wheat, It Is be' listed, will also be rather below the storage. cri ac count of the lateness of the sprtmy end onocity of labor. 8o many men have hem diverted by.. war from amiculiuml pureults, that considerable diffi culty le experienced in Framing. admix.e etIPPI7 at farm hands In many sections, men at. the escort! toot rime Mid, ranging from it to Itlrer MI; With , 'basil. Thltdliilculty, horror, le to • Mat extent counterhaisaced byltie mutt ftleZeltie of Misnaming houbbrert. without Mdcb in would be physimilit impossible. take mm of the crops. It, le enameled, for instance. that 'a single Raping machine dQale the Saving of the ist:we of at least nee men. A good coachhts. with flea men, will cut, bled and stack from twelve to fourteen scree of grain pa day, cre two .inuadred and fifty acre, in • Myth season, ••teak which rend hatereguired, without a machine; the labor ant.. men foe its accomplishment. It Is re ported that forty Mamand of these reaper. bate bees coannfactlired ands:. withla one year, and the esti matelot. the owning year le cue hundred thoosand, and,that will the laborer font hundredth... men. The gmratity of wheat grown to all the States and Territories, in. 1849, woe only 103,485,941 bush, while. 1859, ten ram afterwards, ft re 171,181,351 bushel., Ming an lamas of 70%1 cent, or about doable the jocose.. of population In the tame period, and it to safe to asp that the Increase efta has been at a corresponding ratio. The backwardness of the spring Rine. cord planting, but the warm weather bee brought the crap Onward Rey tepidly, and it mow promises, in matt untie.. to but • fail average crop. Oats arei universally epoken of as prorating thalamit steld errs known. The rye, barley and grass crops an also reported to be unasnally large. Tee true wealth ore rattan It sold to be dm.ed from lie agricultettal products, and from prawn' erre... mime we think there Is abundant reason for rejoicing at the present protract ors bountiful tairreet.—ai r Bilippiap sad Conuatmlal List. importa by Railroad. Pmarcanii FT Want* AND OtitcAtio DB , July 11- 183 aks oats, I.'D e Allier:l VW egg., 111:11nskan, Bert= d co; 1 car lumber, L Langbant; Brun meta!, John Noostead; 28 sowing machine., Wrp itameiar, • 103 pee rpeltre, Davis & Phillips, 134 bidet, J Thauglalln; 60 Mk bleherlarr Lambert, /Upton co; lean lumber W Iticimidsou; 99 .k. rye, A Bailow, 20 this oloobol, Hoodereou a Bro; 10 do <b. J W Bender; 61 bdt. paper, W B th.Gll; 6 bids dry Nipples, I , Vangorder; 17 dos pails, eta., W H Kirk patrick & oo; . a) do do, Head a Diener, 12 do do, W Bl'Outcbroa; 12 do do, Beck & co; 16 do do, Dalian co; 10 do do,Jobsi Floyd a 00. t12212.L122. AMY rtel32lllloH It n, July 11-4 o bbl. petroleum, Ju Palmer; 55 do do, Petrous 011 0o; 2 Dbl. eggs, L H Tolght & co; 1 ck tobacco, J A Muerte; 4 Olds oil, J P Pcott; 1 taco tobacco, J Murpby; 2 bbl. rgg., 1 do dry spples, Fetzer & Armstrong; I Lbl egg., Head A bletzgar, 10 pkg. produce, W Htiong; 2 can Bawd , ,la, 1 lemlog • Steele; ilo blb, petroleum, Bork A co; 217 bu chew, Little &Trimble; 275 bloom., Jona, Boyd A oo; 125 bo studs, J id duocrden, 212 plates copper, Perko, IPCordy & 'co; 50 tads rend, nhepard • co; MB do do, J B Lyon. ALLIMIIOT Burton, July 11-622 eke oats, 120 bbl. dour, Simpson & Koos; 17 bbl. flour, P Peter— son; 20 1 aka vocal, 11 T Kennedy & Bro; 128 bides. 0 (Brainiest]. & Bon; 12 Vim produce W GILL; 11 flak-med. II Watt; 67 Sr. 0110, R. bbm clay, A Kunio; 30 LIU don., Z & U Biagio; 27 bo cho,se, Slobs, Soo & to. Cat RIPETIf. OIL CLODDS. 0(t • SUMMER GOODS, CHEAP CARPETING, We hare now open a rylendid mwortment of WHITT O lECIS nad IrkfiCY kIaTIREGI, at pokes lower than the Eastmn matter mita The attention of the ratio to catied to the above Hondo, as 'hey SIIIIIPASS, IN WEAR AND STY LE. any other CHEAP CARPI:VIED to the mortar. OkriVER NTCLINTOCK k CO., an elltt etrert, CANTON MATTING. M'Farland, Collins & Co., Next [Louse to P. 0., wwni Mau, Elan just reaped a =all levet. of FBESZICI TON bTR4W aurrisa, of the celebrated B. r. W. Impacted... Toe qositts of these coed s Is en• approachable by any other matfkg Import d, sod the limited qn.ttsy rend rs them very delf.able. Not.. 0 & t. 0.„ base also Jest rscalsrte a few ex ceedingly neat slut b!adsome sts Irs of P.ANCr PL ffD Yd rrixas, apt of which har• font been boded, and. are. there fete. the FREoHEST II&T7131;.9 IN TIIC &LAB HIM Liar general stork or good* b atil: stoney awed fa =tent or variety, and teeal ad tiara °Zee our 'Ni lse:xi the lovreat pipes the anat. nfl affard. —177 URTH STREET NEW STYLE WINDOW SZADE:S. ILEOLITICD Tian D.t7 NEW SPRING STOUR A. T S, WELL SIMONE]) OIL °LOTH. AT MT Ai f I, ELM'S. ARPE T Ho. ST 701:112T1.1, JFIERCHJJrTiniILORS. GEN' FIRST CLASS GARMENTS MOD itt the MOST 111.1131131411L1 and • s AINDST STY Ls VIA. small as s,ao tasall upon R. O. lIILE A CO., RERCILIRT TAILORF, 011/13318 Or MB LED tilL QZ.AIII 6111111171, Batons purebasiti elsewhere. R 2 6 BISSELL'S BLOOM ~: i e W. H. MoGEE. 10 ST. CLAD STREET, Would all the stlestlon of Onion to Ids stock of goods. It has beet selected with great cm, and =MIN all the newest styles of goods, to fouad la flrst elis•bousse. Gents reisblas s soft ol cloth. ands to order, 11111 please call and mmlus Our goods and plias. elm, •• tan and complete stock of • Furnfshing Goods. VT, 11. Iff Marthaat Tailor, Ho. 10 !HAL& An at. A CHOICE LOT OF SWIM, 1310 K COATS, For young Gent; of 17.11SSEL9, aI I egPAID Alf 6111 CAN 00ATIN69, And LltilESS, at • GRAY & LOGAH'B, . Ha 41 ST. OLAIIt ST Eursirem.rs. DR J. R..B.PRIF.R, 196 PUNA atria!, Pittsburgh °Cleo hcnirs Ito Ya. m, and 1 to a p. I)reUlni, Ha Lb) inuaL sTarrr Antral Wq berez t at E l4 . Irin be *Minded Meats . . r F. :I: 8 neo4 and Acconoheur. S Igor Way )31310, PITIZOWIGH, Pl. ePtJEtti - OFFICIAL; LA*9 OF TifilfilittO BTATEIi ed al eh' First licsktry . of nirty eigittA Comsress .[Puntac—No. 123 ] AN ACT mating appropriations for the leg islative, exeentiveiand judicial expensee of the Idovernmeitt: for. the ,year ending Jane ilirliath, eighteen hundred and eixty-five,and for.other. purposes. - Be if enacted by the Serie. and Netim of BrFruentatives of the United Stake of Ameri. ea in Congress assemsled, That the following antorhe, and the same are hereby, appro priated; out of any, money_ in the treasury not otherifise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the Naomi year ending the thirtieth of Some, eigliteorhnr, dred end alsay-five, namely: For compensation and mileage of Sena tors, twohundred andfoity4even thousand" four hundred and thirty dollars. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and other, receiving an anion. ' al salary in the service at the Senate, viz : Secretory. of the Senate, three thousand six Watched dollars; efficter charged with disbursements of the Senate, fear hundred and eighty dollars; chief clerk, two thous and five hundred dollars; principal Clerk and principal executive-clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, attwo thou sand one hundred and sixty dollars each; eight clerks in office of the Secretary of the Senate, at one thousand eight hundred and fifty &diem° each; keeper of the stationery, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars; tie messengers, at one thousand and eighty dollars each; one page, at five hundred dollars; Sergeant-at-arms and Doorkeeper, two thousand dollars; Assts. tent Doorkeeper, one -thousand seven hun dred dollars; Postmaster to the Senate, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dol. tart; ethsiatant Postmaster and mall car rier' one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; tiro mall boys, at nine hundred dollars each; enperthtendent of the teen meat Loom, one thousand five hundred dol lars; two assistants in document room, at One thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent of the folding rcom, one thousand five hundred dollars; two messen gers, acting as assistant doorkeepers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; seventeen messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; clerk or secrete ry to therresidont of the Senate, one thob• sand seven hundred and fifty-two; clerk to the Cominittee on Finance, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Claims, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; clerk of printing records, one thousand eight hun Bred and -fifty dollars; superintendent In charge of the furnacesAne thousand two hundred Sollars; assistant In charge of fur name, six hundred Minx laborer in charge of private passages, six hundred dollars; two laborers at six hundred dot tars each; Chaplin to the Senate, seven hun dred and fifty dollars; captain of the Capi tol polio>, eight hundred and seventy dot tart; Capitol police, eleven thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; one policeman four hundred and eighty dollars, snaking ninety-two thousand four hundred and eighty-four dollars. For contingent expenses of the Senate, viz: -- For otatiozery, twenty•lvo thousand dollars. For neWspapert, three thousand dzllars. For Congressional Globe, twenty-ttion sand dollars. For reporting proceedings in the Daily Globe finahe second atation of the Thirty- eighth Congress, twelve 'thousand dollars For tke usual additional compensation to the reporiers of the Senate for the Con• gressional Globe for reporting the proceed ings of the Senate for the seeond regular session of the Thirty-eighth Congremeight hundred dollars cook fOUTthotusand dollars. For clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, eighteen thousand dollars. For expenees of heating and ventilating apparatus, sixteen thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, thirty-Ore thou sand dollars. For compensation and mileage of mem bers of the House of Representatives and delegates from Territories, nine hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. For compensation of the officals, elerkr, messengers, and others receiving at annu al sa'ary to the service of the. House of Representatives, viz: Clerk of the House of Rcpresentlitives, three thousand six bun• dred dollars; chief clerk and one assistant clerk, at two thousand oae hundred and sixty dollars each; eleven clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars eaaP; prtn. 'aipal messenger in the office, at four dollars ant eighty cones per day, ono thousand eifien nandred and fifty-two dollarN three messengere, at our thousand two hundred • are each; messenger to the Speaker, at four dollars and eighty cents per day, one I thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dol. lore; Merle to the Committee an %Says and Means, one thousand eight hundred donate; clerk to the Committee of Claims, one thou read eight hundred dollars; clerk 'to Com mittee on Public Lands, one thousand eight hundred dolla rs; Bergeantat-arms, two thousand one hun dred and sixty dollars; clerk to the fiergesist-et—arms, one thou sand eight hundred dollars messenger to the fiergeatitat-arros, one thousand two hundred dollar.% Postmaster, two thousand onelundred and sixty dollar; Asshitant Postmaster, one thousani sevet hundred and forty dollars; four messengers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars cash; two mail boys, et nine hundred dol lars cub; captain of the Capitol police, eight hundred and seventy dollars Copt eel Pollee, eleven thonsard -eight hundred and eighty dollars; one policeman, four hundred and • eighty dollen; Doork eeper,i two. thounsud one bundred'and sixty dol len; superintendent of the - folding room, sae thousand eight hundred dollars; two messengers, at one thousand seven hnn• dreg and forty dollar,; five messengers, at one thousand five hundred dollars esob; stimeesengers, at one thousand two hun dred dollars each; twelve messengers, to be employed dining the session of Congress at the rate of one thouraod two hundred dollars per annum; chaplain to the House of Representatives, seven hundred and fifty dollars; mat log ninety-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-eight dollars. The contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, vii: • For cartage, two thousand dollars. For trrenly-four copies of the Congress 1061 Globs cod Appendix (mewl member end del:gate - hi the second regular session 'of the Thirty-eighth Congress, and one hum- Bred copies of 1110 same for the Hones LI. 'Wary, twenty thousand dollars. For the compensation of clerks to com mittees, end temporary clerks In the office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, fifteen thousand and Beventy•two dollars. For folding documents, including mate lisle, thirty theasand dollars. For fuel and 'lights, pay of engineers, firemen, and laborers, repairs, end materi als', twelve thousand dollars. For fiihniture, repairs, and packing box es for membera, twelve Swarmed dollars. For horses, carriages, and saddle horse; seven thousand are hundred dollars. For laborers:doyen thousand dollars. For ralsoellanenut items, forty thousand dollars.' For ntwapapers, twelve theusand five hiindred dollars. For pages and temporary mall boys, Ate thousand 'dollars. For reporting:lnd publishing proceedings in the Dolly '016125, at seven dollars and Arty aids per column, eight thousand dol— lars. For stationery, fifteen thousand dollars. For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the House for the Congres sional Globe for reporting the proceedings of the House for the Beeped regular seesion of the Thirty-eighth Congress, eight hun dred dollars each, four thousand dollars. P 013410 PAINT/AO. For compensation of the Superintendent of Pallet Printing, and the clerks and messengers in his office nine thousand seven hundred and four teen dollars and sixty rents. For contingent expenses of his Wier, viz: Por stationery, postage, advertising, furni ture, travelling expetees, borate and wag. ons, and ndsoellaneous items, two thousand dollars.: For tha pnblio printing, Including the past office blanks, two hundred sod thirty nine thousand ono hundred end eighty. NOVO dogema 4 Por Viper for Publio printing, four • hundred and sixtpltre tbousatdnrut httn- EiriTtitid itirenry-elght, dollsri. ' ' • For the publio binding, - - lifelnding tho Coogreagioual (Hobo, two htradred and fif ty two tilluuttaii.two handrnti tnd sceen dollars. Poi lithographing sad engraving for 0 10 . Senate and Hoare of Repreeenlatives, fifty thoneand &alai& For mapping in cases pending in the Supreme Court of the Uniud States, five atm:mind dollars. LIIIILA.H . 1' OF COSOREES. ror compessot:ou of librarian, three at. sietont librarians, messenger, and three laborers, ten thousand fire hund,ed dul• lira. For contingent expcnses otsdid library, two thousand dolani. For parchose of books for said library, five lboassed dollars. For parchile of law books for Paid libra ry, two thousand dollars. To enable the joint library committee to purehase a complete.file of selections, from Earopean periodiaalt, from eighteen hun dred and sixty-ono to eighteen hundred and sixty-four, relating to the rebellion in the United States, to be deposited in the libra ry, foar thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of said oem shall be expended un til the entirecolleotion, and an index there to, to completed and approved by said com mittee. ==! For salaries of fore judgee of the Court of Claims, the solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor, clerk end assistant clerk, bailiff, and messenger thereof, thirtysia thousand three huadred dollars. For stationery, books, fuel, lights, labor ere' hire, and other contingenkand miscel laneous expenses, three thousand dollars. For compensation of attorneys to attend to taking testimony, witnesses, and com missioners, one thousand dollars. For payments of judgments to be render- Ad by Court of Colima, previous to the thirtieth of lane, eighteen hundred and siztyflve, three hundred thoustpd dollars. For compensation of the President of tho United States, twenty. five thousand _dol lars. For compensation of the Vice resoldent of the United States, alight thousand dol lars. For oomponestion of Sooretsry to sign pstente far public. land , , one thousand five hundred dotterel. For compensation to the private seareta• ry, steward, and messenger of the Presi dent of the United Bates, four thousand six hundred dollars. For contingent menses of the Bu' tire Office, including atationery, therefor, two thousand dollars. ' For compensation of the Secretory of Stato and Assistant Secretary of State, chief clerk, superintendent of statistics, olefins, messenger, nevi: tont messenger, and laborers in his °fps, fifty-seven limn sand eight hundred dollars. TOIL TUE MCI - DENTAL AND CONTINGENT EX. PENCE! (F TOE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. For publishing the laws in pamphlet form and in newspapers of the States and Territories, and in the city of Washington, seventeen thousand •one hundred and twenty-five dollars. For proof reading, and packing the laws and documents for the vitriol . . legations and consulates, inc using boxes and trans portation of the same, three thousand dol lars. For stationery, furniture, fixtures, and repaint, nine thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, two thcueand five hundred dollars. For copper plata prictitg, looks, and maps, fire thousand dollars. For extra clerk biro and copying, ten thousand dollars. NCHTIII/IST EXECUTI VC BUILDING For compensation of (cut watchmen and two`laborers of the nort beast emotive building three thousand ei4 hundred dol lars. For contingent czpcnses of said band ing, viz: for tad, light, repairs, and mis cellaneous expenses, fife thousand•five hundred dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT For compensation of Se rotary of the Treasury, two Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury, chief clerk, clerks, superintend ing architect, at a salary of three thousand dollars, assistant archhect, at a salary of , two thousand dollars, mcssengers,assistant messengers, and laborers, one hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred dollars.. For eouipensatfon of the first Comptrol ler, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, and laborers in his dike, forty-three thou. Sand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation atilt. second Comp troller, chief clerk, and the clerks, messen ger, assistant messengers., and laborer in Ma office, one hundred and seven thousand one hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the first Auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, m oistens messenger, arid laborer in his office, forty-seven thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the second Auditor, chief clerk, s sad the clerks, messenger, as sistant messengere,and laborer in his office, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of th, third 'Auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, messengers, and assistant messengers, and laboroje In his office ' two hundred thousand one hun dred and forty dollars. For compensation of the fourth Auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, and &assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, one hundred and ten thousand five hundred add forty dollars. For comitensation of the fifth Auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his offi:e, forty erten thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Offi:o Department, and the clerke, messenger, Miltittllt mes senger, and laborers in his MSc°, one hun dred and eighty-two thousand seven bun. dred and forty dollars.. For compensation of the Treasurer of the United litotes, Ateistant Treasurer, (mph. ter assistant cashier, Wets •of divisions, chief clerk, and the efficers,clerke, messen gem', employees, assistant messengers, and laborers in his ace, one bemired and EleT- I enty thousand three hundredand forty dol- Lars. For eompeneation of the Register of the Treasury, Assistant Register, chief clerk, and the olerkW, meisongers assistant tote. senger, and laborers in his 'office, ninety thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Solleitor s of Ore Treasury, chief olerk x and the clerks and messenger in hie office, eighteen thensatia three bundred andforty donate. For compensation -ot the Commteeloner of Customs, chief stork, and. the clerke, messenger, and laborer in his office, twen ty-eight thousand nine hundred and ninety three dollars and eighty-nine cents. Fer - oempensation of the. chief clerk, clerks, messenger, apd laborer of the Veit house Beard, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Comptroller of the Currency, Deputy Comptroller, olerke, messenger, and laborer. forty•three then 'land two hundred and forty dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE . TREASURY DEPARTMENT. '. In the office of the 13ecretary of the Trete. For copying, labor, binding, scaling ships' registers, tranelating foreign lan guages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for preparing and collecting information to be laid before Congress, and for miscalls. CODUS IteMS, thirty thousand &alai/3. • For compensation of temporary clerks in the Treasury Department: Provi4e4, the Secretary of the peasciry be, and Its hereby, authorised,. In'bie, dieoretion,' to classify the clerks authorised according to the charader of their services, or assign -to such of them tube shall - ilea ta, Boy ools•' mutation not exceactlnt that. of ele_rks' of the Srst class, one hundred thousand dol lars. In tbo ottice of the 'riot pompteolior; For furniture, etationpry, Dahlia dui. manta, State and territorialatatutee 'and nilsoollaneetui items, one thousand E tc htutdred dollars. In the office of the Second Comptrolle' r: For stationery sad inisiellaneons items, Including aubseription to the city news paper, to be bound and. preserved Sor thin ilitf thilinin i thousand fire-hundred daliate. In the.offics Of the First Auditor: For Stationery, and misv_lloneoun items, one thousand three hundred dollats. In the office of the Second Anditor. For stationery otiloe furniture, and mie eel eneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to be filed and preserved for thl use of the office, and for additional of fice furniture and stationery, fifteen thous- sod dollars. In the office of the Third Auditor Ftrf stationery, office furniture, carpet ing, two newspapers, preserving files and paper?, bounty land service, and miscella neous Items, four thousand dollars. in the office of the, Fourth Auditor For contingent exp.:zees of the office, one tliOusond five hundred dollars. In the office of the Fdt h Auditor: For stationery, poetsge, and miscellane ous expous2s, in- which are included two daily newspapers, ouo theusaud fire hem deed dollars. •In the office of the Auditor of the Treas ury for Iho Poet 0111 cc Department For furniture, carp:Ling, etationery, la bor, light, lee, and miscellaneoue items, three thousand dollars. In the office of the Treasurer: For contingent expellent of the offios, and to meet the Increase of expenditures mainly consequent upon tho increase of business at.d the completion of net rooms, fire thousand dollars. In the office of the Register: For stationery, arranging and binding cancelled marine papers, cases for official papers and records, and miscellaneous items, including office furniture, six thou sand dollars. Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury For stationery, labor, and miscellaneous Items, and for statutes and report; two tbousand dollars. Office of the Commissioner of Customs: For stationery, miscellaneous items, and office furniture, one thousand dollars. Light house Board:. For stationery, miscellaneous expenses and postage, six hundred dollars. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, For stationery, furniture, and miseella. neous items, six thousand dollars. FOR THE GEORIIAL PrEPOSIE OF THE MOUTH EMT EXECUTIVE BUILDING, INCLUDING I=EOl2 For oompOnestion of twelve watchmen and eleven laborers of the 83uthent etecn• rive building, thirteen thousand eight hun dred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, ♦iz: for fool, tight, labor, and misoellane ous items, fiity.eix thousand eight hundred and tin dollars. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fur oomnensation or the Secretary of the Interior, Assistant Searetary,"ohlef clerk, and the clerks, messenger, -assistant Ines sengors, watchmen, and laborers in his tibiae, forty-five thousand nine hundred dollars. For oempersation of the Commissioner of the Generdl Land Of chief clerk, re corder, draughtsmen, assistant draughts man, clerks, mfteengers„assistant messen gers, packers, watchmen, and laborers in his office, one hundred and serenty-fire thousand four hundred and forty dollars. Far compensation of additional clerks in the General Land Offiee, under the act of third March, one thoneand eight hundred and fifty-fire, granting bounty land, and for laborers employed therein, fifty-elght thousand four hundred dollars: Provida, That the Secretary of the Interior, at his diloretion, shall be and he is hereby author ise(' to use any poetical of said appropria ilea for piece work, or by the day, week, month, or year, at ranch rate or rates as he may deem jut and fair , not exceeding a Rotary of twelve hundred dollars per an 1111M. For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, watchmen, andlabsrer in his office, thirty• ono thousand nine- hundred and forty 'dol• lass. For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, chief clerk, and the clerks, wcereengers, assistant messengers, watch, man, and laborers In his office, two hun dred and*Ofteen thousand three hundred and forty dollars. . . OILS, W S. a. Kr a.. KINO, 001i2M61014 1111:03.697 , And Ureters tst Petroleum and Us Products, Mai anglers b Ilattning llggtertsla oddly No. 3°. auzzacrr ST, kittsbarsh. calm WILLISii rms/ ROE dk PEARSALL rEtuarixt.rin I Gia=lcialea. Mora!unto a Broker., Itxactsl ely kv. Petrotcum and its Products, TOT snort ..1 boa. toccamptio- t wpp 6clll - for Mews. at russonsble rwti Liberal advances wale. sztly BREWER BURKE & GO, COMMISSION ELMRCHArra, tig-r.ta of a. atont, PACIFIC AND LIILUITIr OIL WOURS. lama cash sClvuxel truke.a . coratipazolas, Reared or Crude Petro/earn. COL DUraUSSII.II Via! ili ELAILOOCIK STB.. RICHARDSON, BARLEY Jr CO., 001rIlstlion a TonwanDuio ertECHLIVIt. Crude and Relined Petroleum, N 0.19 LEVIN LITEXIST, PITSEIDIIIIOII. -Liberal 0.11 adraztoers . couslgsammta for Pittilmrgh or Eastern Llarkota. rITLIBMIE .1".11.1Z. • Itteascri. J. & Dilworth 3 Oa. B i l lnrson g lie b ll7l.4!Vrewt.. , OnatviercLel Baal. lahlthEaw IRON CITY OIL WORKS LYDAY & CHOBIIitiNIN6 I Mannfoctoren and Haltom of GUMMI OIL, BM& LINE /UM LIIHILICATING OMB, mad &alas to DIE YETBOILILUM. Works, vomit* ebarpsburg. Ohm, Ho. 6G. HARD BTHEIT. ap71:flol Prrtutrum, PA. MEI =WM& WALLACE At CURTISS, Commission blorokunita. And deelars ta CRUDE & REM= PETROLEUM, MEUSE AND LDDIIIOATING 01L5, So. LH 80U213 WIIABVIA PHIGADI4.PIELL War Storage oetaciity (ceder saver,) 15,000 bbla Alm °poetical fenilitirgvilar ebipping to American and Foreign port, at ocer Wharf cm the Schuylkill Ulcer, near the platform of the P. H. H. felhly TACK de BED., =EEO Ell Grade and Relined Petroleum, BMIZINE, &0., UN WALNUT BT., pummmutril. Hue Wee entrusted to cut can remise atit prompt personal attention. Neter to Mersa Ilichardurn. Matey Co., Wow, Burke de 0 0 .. and McClelland & sea Pittabtugh ; Thos. Smith, Nag.. Prost. Bank N. A.; 11. L. new Go, Philadelphia. antely MaCORMICK & OALLENDEBI OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street, Ca/CIOCk NO"' Ocallgaraenta motions& Lyda, Jacob I rabalor. of J. Cboneon Pallng. Irona tal. O • Co. ily 011 Wcak• Jon. 13. Chalfant. of Spaag, Oballaaa • Oa. .1r4:17- DlDra &mum, MY111551011 EIIitOHAJITY. Petro Louis caul its Products, OM .IffddrVlNlCTUßiithi, as LAWRENCE IRON WORKS, Aim Castle, Pa. irZNIXYAS. I. D. W. STZVIMS, JO. DITHEIDGE & 00., Bianoiscturcro of IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES Present prlOca inatje:t to ohlonges of the raefkot. 02 NEW kS L.Orusca CO., Pk. DU/OEO \ E BRASS WORKS, CitDIKAH & VEAWFORD, Ittantatirtrs of orery variety d Walled BRASS won"( FOE PLIILIBEES, EauAri on GAS FITTERS, LIACILTNISTS, AND ' iOOPPERSKITIIS. BUSES CASTIIiG9, of ell da;cr Ipttima, roads to order. STEALLBOAT WOl2ll, STP.A2I AND OAS. PITTING, sad ILTPA.IBI24IG, promptly attonded to. Particular ►ttantloa paid to An ap LErisx- MU YOB GOAL AND CABBON OILS. Bole Agents fox the Western District of Prez sylranis for the sole of PURSE, ILAUSDELLI, 00.43 PATENT SYPIIaII PUMP, the Port era to. rental. naming no stares It is not liable to get oat of order, and Intl tlutra more latter them say pump raj eel:. lie .12.3. 'pll IRON CITY WORKS. RIACHI9TOSII. 111AZIP1111.LI, & Co. IOUNDEB/3 &ND MACHIN IHM. (truer of Page and O'Mara, an 4 pike sad Walnut Streets Maar City WaUsr Works,' Manufacturers a Allah:nary and other IINGINNS, BALLING kIiLL CASTINGS and 11ACILINEIIY, of 11 kinds, and general jobber. Prompt attention giver, to Ensiling DOLLING KILL UAWIMM. da:1,11, ROBERTS BARNES ' co, Ito. 89 Third Be, PL•hhareh,- T2H AHD SHZET [HUH WOILEY2B, Lud 21antifsetanal of J APAN - MaL) TIN VITA-11.31: We are now manolacturlog and have on band Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware In Betts, Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spice Canisters, Cub and Spice Dozes, Tumbler Drainers, Spittoons, , Se. A large lot of Bird Cageslor sale law. 11 Can. of aD situ and patterns, Tin Booting, Conductor., and all kinds of Jobbing Work done td ord..; • pATENTED OCTOBER 8; 180 DITTULEDOWS I'ATNEET OV AL L..Azak. ci-LININiDIrs Xl lIPEITIT GILASS These Mooney. are tntended for the flat tams, hooting all parte of the giant equally, dose not expose It to cracking. K. D. DITERIDDT • Port Pitt Glass Works, Wastagtonstrest, apl7 Pittsburgh, Ter.*. BLACK DIAMOND tsrm;L WORKS PrITBDUZGA PA, PLEB, B.IIOTIIIII 00., +.44lelffloto F 4o:4 itqw•KsJ.l:l•o4,l4-41 Square, Mt wad Octagon, of all alma. Warr &II equal to say Imported or manufactured in Mile coax. tr 7. • ear Ottak and wareltoroo. N0..142 and 151 Mtn and 120 and .1= MOND STBILTH; Pittsburgh. 11,11:1711 AMTN PeCORMOK & 00.. VALLZT POrmorr. Pittitmgh, Pa.• • /110rWarebrano v 301 LID=TY SIBS= idaantactarem of COOK. PAIILOH AND =AT STOVEIIuitOIt D.KITCII24IIII.ATIA HOLLOW W etc, Steel ardiManaloolda, Boll* I.g 13 1 11 0. 0 .1. e. Coring. Om, Water and An Ham Pipe. Sad trems, Dog Irons, Wagon Boma, So. gar Kettles. Puller" Haara,Car Wheels, Corrplhip and Also. Jobbing and Machina Castings made to ardor. Patented Portable Mlil s with Steam or Hone Power. exattmd BEI - TANN - lA, BRASS AZD SHEET METAL WORKS. COLLINS & WEIGHT, Ifsaulacluiers of OABTOR ISMITES,LAIIEPBVP.IS. TES sat LAMP BlLUSlTiitoterani 91150, TIN Wrr= TEXIIITTINCIB, CONME. to. Maaoricturesi of .oollisor Wrlghtl Fagot TIN JUG TOP; No. I= Second sheet, Plttotough. op= PENN MACHINE WORKS AND ItOIIHMIY. . f , .." aEDI . CHMOKEiIiEDI(MM CHEROKEE PILLS. sLBSII•CDA7tD Jar the thenenal of Obetrietlmi end the Imearahle cf 11rgaleritl in to Recurrence 01 the aloath.l7 Pecteds. They ewe or obviate three nIIIIIietCI dbeascs tho orteg from Irreru., tartt7, D 1 removing tbelnegtalS. it, limit cotta 4app.saatl, Kameda! awl Palatal 11la! straatica- They cure Orton blotto= (ClamlM) They emu .Nerrnas and. Splng Atlontlon; Pahl In the Barb end lower parts of the Body, ileeeinegg , %mg. en ellght exertlan.Palgltatkua of the Mart of ff;lrite, [frt.* 81oY lirsedenbe, Bldg em, Am In • word, by removing theiriegobirlt4 Amy remove the cacao, and with It oll . thaabidel that wing from IL C.rturri of duple vegetable extracts, they con, tale nothing del:clarion, to any acmstittilion, bat% errs delicate, their. thartion boio to snbstitntl strength for verameen, witlch, when prowl', rolodi they turrer fail to da. They may be n 11.17 and at szt7 op, end et 14 . Parind.=nal aerie; dm firli anIII went; dartillo whlcb the =Ming nature at Melt iCticei void Iblllbly present pregnancy. • All latter beating tato:mutton et addo 11l b promptly, ire ely & dlacrestly answered. rat dizroetto= a=mpany,bbch box. Price 61 par box, or Cx Damao for IL titnt by mail, frea of poshigiy on tiosApi of peics.i. Bold by all roapectable Drunista._ D$ W. B. =ars too, Sc!e proprietors. Do. 59 Litany ,tree:, Nay York.'' Tor ale in Pittiburgb by Dr. ozo.ii. ECM% N 0.145 Word 'trod, sad B. bIaCCULEILIa cornea of ths Diamond and ilartat stmts. mhlTnmlsvreaw7 GLAD NEWS FOB THI lIHRIETLINATI I THE LOMB SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT. LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY oanoicsz INJECTION. .• Oompaandad from Me% Hartz sad Leans. OIILBOBLL 111212D1r, the groat ladhat retie, puss all dlassaetal the salzazir orgata.ancl! lotontlneoce of the Urine, tufariatrodlat of lil !oddy, Indsocreattaa of the Elam% Blom to the. Bladder, Stricture, Grarcl;CFleet, fionoriboa, ood Is topxially recommended lit thoiticasco of Moor Blictri (or Whites to female%) wilco; flu old nasooleas atetildnee hare Lolled. It tx ;wrong! In • highly anleentested luso. th" done beteg trout ono to tvo teaspoonful!' three thnt• p er dsy. It Is dlcrectie and alterative in its lietkel—llittEl. tying and rlAx,ing the blood tuning It to now I n all Us original purity and vigor * than reaming tetin the totem ail pernicious canto which hate toftiall dLseas. ; • abort. 'Nati= is Wooded aa en ail] or eat to the Cherokee Remaly, sad should lassoed to amjscuagcao with that medicine la all as of crass, Gloat, Floor Alba Itaaltrat an begin& soothing sad decaulivatreti: 110 ocaldltg, Ewa.; chardas sod pain, Ratted 'of thi . burning sod almoct zonerulatalits pain that is sZpr rleamd with toady all the cheap gtoak trojectious,3, DI the ass of tho CREBORXII DrALEDI rn =WARD TELTDORIOD—the two ruldtricas al the =so time—all improper discharges ars csattnal, ami the Teamed organs ars noon, natural fall vigor and It:math. For full parttratiora, got oar pamphlet Dom 'SF Drug Stars in the-country, or write us, soul we min mail Doe, to any 'Mae; a fail trestbe.. • ~, , . , . • . ... : , ..: . . . . ~,,,Z4:.-.., e , , . 4=4„ , - “.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers