The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 09, 1864, Image 3

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    Psbargit gantle.
13A1711DAY 340 g 5r.5110 1 : 1 " 9, 1894
I 3 times e
MEV. week.
Kr 134 3 .1r 1 KrIN..I,
Mum times--
l'oar arca.—
one week--
Thu* weeks
T Ose month--
Throe months..
0 90
7 601
9 L 5
Is as
I.a (0
'2l 33
Tar em noire, cbmgmble on ,
toothed to the immediate bad..
•imixer admetleemonte to meet
13 Mame IS tiso,6l-ItAtup
Daily. week l y ofrekl 'rack.
$ 9 351 $6.00 54 70 53 00
aro mouths— 17 1.1 46 300 BCO
: 34 00 14, 0 , 15 15 10 60
Si nCvser— ... to to ts 00 04'90 14 03
ls notices, earl 50 cents
Oteemitroa* advertisescumta, per trip Ou
Mtlitzt.Fre or Adataistratize notkos— 2 7.5
Autendmeut or the Conethnlion
The National-Association for - the Amend
ettitat of the Constitution roltatembled In
:"Trinity M. E. Church, Philadelphia, on
Thozaday morning at p o'clock, Dr. Dees in
the clods. The meeting was opened with
prayer by the Roy. John Douglas, D.D. Dr.
Botha efliti n a note informing the Aweem
-Ron-that it would not be possible for him to
take put farther In the proceedings, where
upon ROT. gr. Stevenson was app,inted in his
Pisa& The Nominating Committee than
made a surphicos mai report as foliates : For
Vloe President, James Polleekr Correspond
- Lag Secretary. Rev. J. B. Dahl!, D D ; Treas
urer, Samuel Agnew, Esq ; Exeiutive Core—
toittee; Rer. J. Edwards D D.. J. B. Thm.
burr, D. D.; John Alexander, Thomas Wat
son and C. Halrkoll, Esqe.
tendered hle reeignation as Cor
`responding. Secretory, and John Alexander
sits appointed in his place. A Commlttea of
0 orterpondenee was then appointed.
,Booked. That the next meeting of the Aet
, sonlation be held in the city of Philadelphia
°lithe:last Tnerday of October next, at 734
Besolatioas of instructions to the Retentive
and CoMponLing Committees were then
passed: -
On motion of Rev. Dr. Mollvaine the
words "11111311tMO law of the land," in the me
nunial to. Congress, were stricken out, and the
where "of supreme authority" inseited. The
wOrds - "all the Lobe hitstete of the lend" were
substituted for the expression "all the peo
ple." in the same document.
DiiiNcltealeto hoped that the words "and
In order to constitute a Christian Government"
which bed been left out of some of the print
ed memorials to Congress, would be restored,
as he deemed them to he of omit importance .
Rev. A. M. Milligan thought they shored
be restored by all means, en Jefferson end
Jackson had declared that the United States
hal ne God.
Dr. Douglas denied that French infidelity
had any thing to - do with the framing of the
Constitution. The C:•nvention met to amend
the old articles of Confederation, and the Da
mian-of a Constitution did not enter into Da
original design., Brit even if Jefferson and
Jackson did deolare that the United States
had no God, Abraham Lincoln had declared
that they have,lor all who would avail them
eaves of his amnesty proclamation must
_swear "Ist the name of Almighty God," and
no person, either in or out oat of Congress,
has called in question the constitutionality of
such as oath.
Congregations were requested to take up
oolleetioos in order to defray the expenses' of
,ths -/Liaociatica.:
- Committees wore then appointed to nails
the Diego thronetota tho coantry in behalf o
the °Woos of the desociation.
Tho Pittsburgh Committee consists of Revs.
D:a. Thomas, Sproul', James PreeUey, Jchn
'..':Dintertra.Tir Elliott • DA C. Tap, 'George ti.
Chase, and B. T. t. -
A resolution wee offered and passed recom
mending browns' circulation o ;kirk enti
tled.% Book for the Nation and the Times."
The Am:elation then adjourned, the Bag.
Dr. Copper concluding by } rajor.
Important Wool Snit.
A snit of some interest to dealers in wool Is
- .lllolly - te come before the next term of the
rata States pistrict Court in Cleveland.
', The hots of the case, as alleged in the state
ment of the plaintiff, are that H. C. Doris,
the 'plaintiff in the suit, a wool 'dealer cf
Philadelphia contracted to purchase a con
siderable amount of wool from D. R. Bayard,
of Stark county, Ohio. After the contract bad
been nude, the price of wool advanced, and
eighteen thousend pounds of wool, included
In thessontraat, pore sold by Bayard to an-
tithe! potion, at i s rico obese that for which
kt wits- misquoted by Davis. Bat wool ad—
. canoed still further, and Bayard,lnatead of
- -delivering to' ither the first or second buyers,
gold the 'idol to'still another person at still
blew rates. On learning these fasts, Davis
summoned proceedings in the WWI States
Coast for the Northern District of Ohio and
:Deputy C. S. Marshal Simmons replasheed
the wool whilst In transit to the lest porches.
era. It was taken to Allionoe by the Deputy
Msashal, and shipped to OWverand About
; . an Incur afteriSinimons left with hit prise, en.
• other salt of roplsvin'eaute In from the second
purchaser, bat Uwe' too late. The suit Is of
considerable Interest, from the fact that there
has been considerable looseness of ideas
among oluere of wool and other property as
to what constitute, a bargain.
Otl Excitemcut in Fayette.
Thereon: dl3coviry of oil in Greene county,
and ,the groat exclteuint consequent, hero
led le an examination of oil indications in
Eayettis,county. Tho Uniontown Sicodord
XV*: "(idle • number of our citizens baring
whited Drmkard creek and observed the Ind!-
, nations, aside from the actual possession of
_ the oil, sash as the peculiar appearance of tho
soil, theeropping mit of rooks poculiar
to !low formations, the relative positions of
mai mine to the steam, do. ka., Wen in
- dumnis teem their elmilality to coastal points
Ls Rayotta r to,dease some of the most avail
.'able tomitory and commence a thorough in
. Instigation immodistoly. Brown's ran,:a
• abeam -miming through. Gematui townoltiPf
and • emptying into the Monongahela above
-- Davidson'. ferry, sad the farts of John Pane
on Redstone meek, a few miles below Union
town, eosin to be the particular points of at
traction. Vempanies are formed—one of them
dating a wall s and the other will be toady to
go fate operation ins few, dip. The indica
dons atthore points arWsuel almost in
snre suoits•—oll and gas , appearing in such
rpsentitles; as to justify ihe conclusion that
- ,„all-thskirsimaided to put Payette on • par
with hat lister county in the oil trade le but
to Sink the shaft."
Li;A . Case of lismaarabiaLsm.
. .
• 1411Tioirsdy night, about twelve o'clock,
the.famUy.of 'Apt. James IlloVicker, of the
- night Tolley, residing in Allegheny city, in
the Third ward, ware awakened by the cries
of a child, and upon Instituting a search, dia
cowered &little girleittlng von swindowjaill
. in the second - story of an adjoining house.! A
ladder. was Immediately premixed, and the
child taken down, when it was dlicovered that
the window was closed, and that the child bad
been gittizig on the outer sill, which was only
sit indult breadth: "The 'child, upon,belng
intenropted, was unable to account for tiro
•manzter In which she gained her4ierilous po
. sitkee, but ials supposed that she arose. In her
slap, and got out of the open window, which
alterwerds tell down - and awakened her. It
is is fortunate clreuiartanae that her cries at
tracted attention, as she could not have iro
malpedloaglathopositioa fa which Abe Was
• The . Allegheny eubettinte ss Case.-
Discharge of the tracers% looplicated.
Yesterday afternoon the Polite Committee
of thoAlleghoy Councils _held a meeting to
/Drib, Into thefecti connected. with the ease
of Edward Beek, the substitute; and decided
, to amnia High Constable Will:and .oiticer
flabby from the police. Upon biting informed
of the. concleilon of the Comntittce, Mayor
Alexander promptly dismissed' the parties.
-., _The mteenclas °tautened by this aetion will
berfilled in a leer days. We understand that
. mit:deal proocedingt will also be lostitnted
'mast Messrs., Will and Gabby by the city .
g von a Glen
' .
Yziafv);;;/e i t real
nee nada, next, tlto.pmcvedi of
wbutrialitiCdsinne4 to elm benefit of tbo
:.adokindinetnolidaoleliose of tat 1024 Perm
, _
Alleged Wit. Murder
startling otory 111 , 63 afloat on last Bata
day, that a man In Lowellville, Zdahoning
county, Ohio, bad beat out his wife's brains
with a stone, and was under arrest and to be
tried for murder. The trial was held on Meri
before Wm. Watson, Esq., of that vil
lage, and the following facts disclosed: 'Ed
ward Edwards, a Wohhtuan, a laboring man,
over sixty years of age, was married to Ms
wife, who wee an Irishwoman, of about the
came age, In April. lest. They had not lived
plessantly together. They attended a picnic
near there, about two weeks since. After the
;Annie they quarreled ; she threw throe stones
athim, the last ono hitting him in the bark.
He picked up the stone and throw it hack at
her. It struck her on the top of tho head,
she being in a stooping position, with her
head towards him. She did her usual work
afterwards, and one day walked a mile.
Nine days after the quarrel, a physician was
called In, who looked at-her head, but said he
1 45
4 55
6 9 ,
10 3)
1 70
^ 20
I 70
4 00
4 70
13 00
10 601
12 WI
1 10
2 CO
2 55
4 tO
eaw no fracture of the alualL She died on the
eleventh day after the injury, and was buried
the day following bar death. Po post mu
te= examination was hold. Oik last Priday,
the day after the funeral, the husbind wag
arrested for her murder. On the trial the
.•hargea of murder and manslaughtei were
abandoned, and the &caused was held to ball
for email and inttery, In the snot of two
hundred dollars, for his appearance at the
next Court of Common Pleas.
e tocb seek
rtlon •
The Wheeling banitary Fair
We understand that the ()Wrens of Wheel
ing are mach pleased with the 11.0003 3 of their
Pair. The total receipts up till Thursday
morning were over $26.000. The Intclligenrer,
in noticing a handsome contribution of steel,
which was received on Wednesday, express
prepaid, from the Black Diamond Steel Works
of Park, Bro. s 0 .Co.. of this city, mentions it
as the only c-,ntribution--to the Pair, from a
Pittsburgh munufaeturor. The F air will
close thin evening.
THIS Wren's Pnrgas.—We have received
from John P. Uunt, M611012i0 Hall. Fifth
street, the following newspapers for the pres
ent week : Frank Leslie's Illustrated, filed
with graphic, pictures of the war; Harper's
Weakly, with a fip.e likeness of General Grant
for a frontispiece, and a full page illustration
of the naval fight between the Alabama and
the Searsarge ; the Independent, with an
other Letter from Wendell the New
York Tribune, Herald, World, an d Times;
also the Sew York Weekly, and the Hound
Table, the best literary paper this country hes
yet produced. Sold also by J. T. Sample,
Federal street, Allegheny.
Coaogra's Isciumv.--The Conner bald an
inquest yesterday afternoon on the body of a
colored child, a few hours old, who died on
Wednesday night, under circumstances which
led to the suspicion that it had been foully
dealt with. The jary, however, after hearing
the evidence in the cue, were satisfied that
death had restated from natural causes, and
rendered a verdict accordingly.
J. W. Prrrecc, opposite the PostoMee,on
Fifth street, sends us the following late pa
pers Frank Leslie's Illuatrated ; Harper's
Weekly; Tho Round Table; Wilke's Spirit
of the Times; Police (inmate; Herald, Tri
bune, and Times; also, the New Nation, the
Fremont organ; Sunday Mercury; wad New
York Mercury. Pittock has alt the periodi
cals of the day.
County Treasurer's office at Warren, Ohio, wu
toreibiy entered by burglars on Tuesday night,
and the info blown open and robbed of from
eight to nine hundred dollars, as nearly as
can be estimated by the Treasurer. Suspicion
rests ppon certain individuals who have been
making their head. quarters in Warren lately.
Oss liturnams Dave' hlza.—,The organising
of ono hemdred days' men cornmenced yester
day, at PitAin's Hall, under tho supervision
of Col. Focal. Tho Colonel informs us that
one company was pretty well filled dating the
day, and the pros pects are encouraging.
Those desirous of v olunteering can have an
opportunity by ogling at the hall.
A Cantors iltrumr--That Mr. Lincoln had
imemunbei to the inlicenee of Fashion and
dresses his heir every morning with.' Lubin's
flair Dressing Flotihne." Wonders will never
cease—and U this be Indust tree—we shalt
hope soon te me the great rail-splitter tzens
formed Mtn aTery Adonis.
Ras. CRAW.= Coos, D. D.—The numerous
friends of this widely-known minister, for t
cierly a resident of this city, will be gratified
to learn that he has conseated to preach to
the Libert-street M. S. Church to-morrow
(Sunday) meriting at half•past ten o'clock.
Thassa.a.—As this Is the fait night of the
season, the Theatre will doubtless be crowded.
A good bill is offered, for the particulars of
which we refer to our advertising columns.
Dorn: & Green's celebrated 'loops occupy
the Thesis° during next weak.
Dramtestoan.—The two boys who were ar
rested yesterday for stealing shoes from the
wore of Jos. If. Borland, 98 Market street,
had a hearing last evening, which resulted in
their discharge, Mr. Borland declining to pros-
TIONII PLIIY, Platt and tt-namental Slate
Roofer, and dealer in Panna*pranla and Vet
stoat slate of the ben quality at low rates
Office at dlaz. LangMho% haat the Water
Welts, Plttaburgh, Pa
Corns, Bunions and Diseased Nails
Hermes--This - eminent Chiropodist,
whir effected many moms of corns and bunions,
is again among r.s and Is located at 2r) Pita
street, over Andr ew's tea stare. His opens
dons are efficacious, parolee and-spcsd,y, and
knowing, as all should that neon in, walk
ing Is essential to health, those Metedth, with
these troublesome pests would do Well to give
the Doctor a call. kin. Ell Took, and Mr.
hones hillanger, wall known in this comma=
nity for rime, were afflicted with both corn
and bunions for a long time. Mr. Ell Young
says: Dr. Randall most ancoessfally cured
some most painful corns and benions forme.
The once is effectual, andl consider /Minion
excellent lilltalitin* _
Mr. limn Milinger Irritts:—, Dr. Randall,
a year ago, removed a malafadatal cora franc
under one of ray toe path. Tlmopention ;was
perfectly succesfuL To-day he heasemovod
otharn, and I bnvo no doubt Irikb equal no
ears, for %Ida I bad tmdergoacisaveral no
saccesafol operation at the hat dl of other
profaned lhdropodlits. 4
Odne bon!' from 10 to 11 a. ray - and from 1
to 5 p. tn.
To Anis t, To dais delimit soldier
wilt finds mom deadly foe In the brackish
muddy water and damp night air than in the
most detetztulned enem. HOLLOWAY'S
PILLS so purify the bloo ded streagthen the
.stomach and bowels that the soldier can en
due theme hardships and still be strong and
Holloway's Pflfs and Ointment ore new re
tailed, owing to the hlgh prim of drugs, &0.,
at 30 cents, 76 Dente - and $l.lO per pot cr hos
For sale in Pittsburgh by 11. L. Palma
stock .6
For gale at Fulton's drug store, Fifth street,
For sale also by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal
street, Allegheny city.
llanoreci..-aaninel Graham & Co. Mer
chant Tailors, buy° removed to 78 Smithfield
street. We are just receiving our second
supply of spring and summer geode, and
would most respectfully Invite our friends end
the 'Debit° In general to examine oar now
stock. believing It to be one of the finest
Steal! of merchant tailor goods In the city.
Every garment warranted to give fall satis
faction, In both pries and quality. Give is •
call before p=chasing elsewhere and judge
for yourooliso.- GAMILY MoOmtorsas,
Mordant Wats, No. fa Smithfield drool.
Snout Nomm•—The &Mellon of oar
reader: is directed to the brilliant assortment
of Spring and Gamma Goods just rewind
by our blend Ms. John Wein, No. IS6 Pod
oral street, AIIo Nis gook oonipriset
• groat variety - of Fano, Preach, English,
Got& and Mamie= °assize:rat sad Clotho,
and fn. Bilk and Cramer* Vartlramr-..R of
which will be made ay to order la the blast
styles and in the best manner. .6 eholoo' so.
!ration of Furnishing Goods also on Landlord
for sale, togmher with a full cloth of Ready
Mode Clothing. well fashionably midi.
Ds lionprz, Dentist,,No. 162 goleai
street, between Smithfield and Gnat.
No indium:teats bald out by offering Isnr ,
rimy but an equitable fen will be eharged
in avilry ease, for the best materials will be
used, and all the time and dill seoevenp to in.
am permanent rank, *ball be applied
011111111711 and eanisee calls Will be taken at
the Omnibus adios) No. 410 Peas street, day
or Weir. 411 cdea loft at tbawbort- place
will be promptly attended to. newt
be - OM in lames. ; , _ .
• •
Ws would &dila att iiorkmo wantioi m03 , -
thing in 'the boos lboo: to mat on
Wm. arellntook, SS rods* stontivAllastm
sty.qty4, and an WU& . -
Cob d. B. Klddoo
WazsuroTorr, Jmo 20, 1864.
Memi, I was glad to obeerre the
tribute to the bravery of Col. J. B. Eiddoo
and thirygiment,224 U. S. C. 1., which you
copied from a recent number of the Trawls.
The &Tonal to of Allegheny county, and our
citizens may well feel proud of him. Me was
a member of the Pittsburgh City Guard,
which he joined as a private on the 18th day
of Apiil, 1881, and he hoe been In the service
of his country over since.
When the three months enlistment was op,
he entered as a private the Old—the regiment
of the lamented Hays. Ile carried his mus
ket through the Peninsula campaign, and was
preseit , in every battle from Yorktown to
Hartifoies Landing. Ho bad in the mean
time been promoted to a Sergeantcy In his
OoMpAiry, and Col. Hays, as a mark of regard
for him, recommended hint to the Governor as
e. enitable roan to be sent home on recruiting
tervice. I &ball never forget his appearance
as hi milled en me in Washington on his way
to Pittsbargh to enter open the se:rvice above
named. He wore the same trusty shirt in
which. he hod commenced the campaign of
battles atMechanicsville. The tan and wear
of stammer marches end fights had marked
him !or a veteran; beet of all, he carried the
vary musket ho had used on all the fields Mc-
Clellan had lost, bat not for lack of bravery
in his men.
Ile recruited at Pittsburgh some thirty man
for his company, and, on his way back, Gov.
Carib, had the good genie and good judgment
to take him from the ranks and make him at
one bound, Lieut. Colonel of the 137th Penna.
V 01.., a nine months regiment. This regi
moat was present, though not engaged, In the
battle of Antietam. Afterwards it had charge
of tho store, and landing at Agnia . creek.
After a few weeks service, the Colonel of the
regiment resigned, and Col. Klddoo led It in
the battle of Chaneellonville. When ' at the
end of his term of service, he went back to
Pittsburgh, Gen. Brooks oboes him to take
charge of the Camp of Recruits, while the
danger of an attack, on the advance of Leo's
army last Summer, seemed eo Imminent.
That arida past, he came here, and on exams.
nation—one of the moat to which a man
could be subjactod—he woe appointed Major
of the 6th U. S. Colored Troops, Ile so thor
oughly disciplined this regiment., and gave it
Mat a soldierly bearing and training, that he
reeelted the special commendation of Gen.
Butler,who recommended him for the Coloneley
of the first vacant regiment which offered, and
hence his command of the 221 U. 8. Colored
Woon General Butler made his advance to
Bermuda Ilundredr, he loft Colonel ;ff.iddoo
in command of Port Powhattan, on the .1 tmes,
with two regiment, of infantry, one battery
of light and one of heavy artillery, and a
company of cavalry. Two gunboats were
also left to co-operate with him in the defense
of the fort. The enemy attacked In force of
artillery and cavalry, as yon have reed, bat
MO repulsed with a loss of eleven killed and
sixty. wounded. Colonel E.'s lose wee two
prisoners and ono man wounded. That one
stood his ground on picket against the attack
of six cavairymert. One he shot, the rest be
guarded off with his bayonet,.arid with that
implement he disposed of two more. Thai
he defended himself until one of the three
survivors gave the brave fellow a stroke
oaten; the lan. lie fell, and the enemy left
him for dead ; but ho came to after a while,
and crawled bank into the fort, bringing A:.
nuaket with him. The contest wa.s seen from
the ramparts of the works. Tho soldier wee
1118d0 a sergeant on the spot lie has survived
the wound he received.
After the suocesaful defense of Powhstlan,
Colonel Kiddoo was ordered to the front with
his command, and the next we hear of him
is what you have published, In reference to
the taking of the fort and- .nnon, from the
Lie 1e se thoroughly ow:minced of the good
lighting qualities of his command ho can
he, and et, men are frond of his galLsntry,
and ho of their mange and daring. I shall
be mach surprised if Colonel Etddoo, his Life
being spared. does not soon Cad a star
on his shoulder•strap. The men from the
ranks and from the people have boon and are
to bo the heroes of this great and, holy war.
It id a hearty conviction of the jintice end
righteonsr.ess of the clause, and not lighting
by West Poirit mks and military etiquette,
that toils. E.
Attune —A great vaziety, a dee assort
ment, and M the lowest prices, at Plttoolt's,
opposite Posteffice.
CA41).1 of 04t. lifoai, Col Beech, General
Heys and others, at PittoeVa, opposite Port
SAZ 1100iS, at Pit:l.VA, opposite Put
LITZ 2,l3ga:Lnee. at Planck's, oppnalta
POll Wince.
Poctorr Asocus and Pocket Books—a great
assortment, at Piatock's, oppdatto Postodloo.
blare of illogical and Georgia, at Plttock's,
opposi to Postoffico.
likw Ton: Dallies, at Pittotin, opposite
STATIoVitaT, at Pittock's,opposite Pos to Eke
Boots, shoes and gaiters, et privets sale,
during rho day or muting, rd 'Weiland's
dnetien Houso, No. 55 Filth street.
24.Cuna..xn'a Shoo Auction Hoare, No. 55
Filth street. Porehaaars wW be essefel to
look for We number and name on the windows.
Dar Goons, shawls and hoop skirts, ►t
McClelland's Shoe Atlotloll House, No. CS
Fifth fine:.
hfitz'a calf boon., guitars, lace shoes, ties
and elipoert, at McCletland's Aoction Bowe,
No. L 5 Fifth intact.
IS/Koalas in 'mots, shoes, and gaiters, at 96
Federal street, Alls gime,.
Game of every style for ladics, at Mc
Clelland's Auction floes'.
S11:D to your friends all the Pittsburgh, as
well ua all the &sewn weaklier, which can he
had, with or without wrapprri for mailing, at
Frank Care's Nomatort, Chronicle Budd
ing, klf.h street.
—Eilavtentia roe one AIZT.-11 you avant
to Sit d paper and envelopes to your friends in
tboarzny, go to Frank Clue's Book and News
Depot, where yon can gat the best quality,
sad litava ft pat op securely fot_txtaUlug.
C.;"tua., Denttet, 243 Penn Street,
VOA to ail Isneinese of big neofessien.
Jerm•ali. OUWI, Attorno; Ea.', Oh
tizsgt. I:3,
WAlrrip—T wo goOd Foadboys. Apply
=alias!, at this affice.
.11.1.81883-8881108-0 A be 7th WA. At tLa, e , l
dewier the beldei parents, by Bse. A. Tatter,
8. A.B LENA 8, of Blatnetle, Pa., end Wee oaunii.
ari)Oß, et CeVet d, Weetraenlend eons*, rouge
Not.ird . A.
ItitilllT—Sfer Sewickley, on the Till lw
Capt. A. 1. WILLIMET, of Ist Itlebralke role.
Dllost telt e•
Lianisbary. /dr ells.
144E1.14b OP DENS .NO 3S-In ac
cordon's with authority of the President of
Vrackd Orates, mina PrmlaMtiesol Me Ck,v attics
of Parmaylyst.M, dated timrsba. a, Jaly Sib, 16.1. I
bomb, tall far ono thensand MOO) Millinted man tor ist.Tic... Tbay must be good edam sad Pd.
sad most farnisb their own banns and
csalPmannA for thew, or wllloh they 'win rocadre
Urty taut. pot day, mah, Ladino paid for
those sant
allylast lathamnterat the palm apitz.4 o f t h e
mustarirona. Tao United States anon:l=m will
to t a l . Wgiaiss Mut *maga All sham
tssponding tl call are recmetted to snambis at
Harrisburg without delay. tor company and nal
mantal orgsairation•AppPostlonfor tranapertatam
multi» =do to Oa pt. J. Q. JOHISSOW„ A. Q. 11
and Met Q. If. of the Departraent of the Remus
boons, sillarrlstaira, Ps.
By I:6'l==d oft:Mier [Marrs' COUCH.
)15.3t S. IiOVULTZE A. A. 0.
J-1. 15,000 lb., Trowbridge, Moat) dr Co.'s Pan
rd a. o. Unrom
11250 12m. Chimp Oeutatieda. O. Item;
0,oa) tr. 0. a. Davis A Ch.'s Cant. Dry Boa
xd Hare., choke bear Lard;
For solo by 801101dAKAII t 1.0013.
PH --'50 half bbls. Not 3 large.
so a. .. 3 median) g
60 do " 2
, 121 terrain I a.
26 do " 8 Itzgo tnd med.
; and
ISO bar btu. Lan Honing i
Bsoeined slulaw nan n 1 J. B. OMMELD.
JLP • prime article, boa from grit, loorron tad not
to laza machinery, tad equal to 2. Lard oil, ou
baud sad for sale by
. JAL Detazit, Et.son,
situ ea .a to w..
O(7lAtTli <MASH, for ttaira. A
Ism replay, of various Wert on etylte. jou
received hoot his - e: the Olt Meth Wireteeett,
• d 28 SLUM" street.
^ --
:B z., , , . D!1 .
.IULITLES, in sures
• _
la n • • "' 914 Litmrty Erna: rlttabo rah
nt.t3KET WILLOWS-80 bdl& new
crop to 'Mt* sattir soh by
pao tat lan DTOICEjr a CO.
LINSEED 01.110 bb!a. T. Parrot
-B—a a Doss. to store end for We try
00 • liSr i A: ilUloreLo voor
litj l:434t "'lMlNS itOPMIZaWad CMS.
FRO.'', W.l S AIN' 9 TOJr.
Contradictory Accounts Regarding the
Number of the Bolden
byad•l Dt•c•tch tp the P:tt•burgh Owcett•
WAttarstnoN, July Bth, 1884
No man knows whet to think about tho rah
el rail. In the foramon-se got authentic and
reliable acootants that It amounts to nothing
at all. There ere only one or two thousand
horse thieves who will soon be running for dear
life, when they hear of Hunter. In tlitr af
ternoon wo got equally authentic and reliable
accounts that there are 30,000 of them and
that they mean to swallow up tho whole
Oar epecial correspondent telegraphs hero
from Frederick City and Sandy Hook, that
they are trying to get atisounts through from
them. If they 'Emceed, your readers will
have something more reliable than anybody
in Washington has. The best belief, however,
continues to La that there Is nothing to be
alarmed about, and that the whole affair has
been Immensely exaggerated.
Frederick, 8, 2 p. in.—Testerday
afternoon, at throe o'clock, the rebel General
Bradley Johnston, having been reinforced by
about five hundred mounted Infantry, again
advanced and drove in our pickets inwards
Frederick. Gen. Wallace hearing chat our
forces, composed of Col. Olendenin's cavalry,
a portion of the Alexandria (M.) battery,
and eno regiment of Infantry, aommandeitby
Colonel Gilpin, were Laing driven In, lent
General Tyler to rally our men end check the
Oen. Tyler immmiistely gathered bit strkg
glers—amonntiug in all to &taut 360—sent
thorn forward, and ordered our mon to eOleet
a good pssltion and make a stand. This pas
done within a mile of •Findeilek: The r ebels
came up and made throe or four charges. on
our limn, and %Tile to often ropolsed. There
wore three.pieees of artillery on each. elds.
The rebels throw sceoraleheits into Frederick
during the engagement, and two very near
our hospital.
The Guam', Lading ft isepearilde to break
our lines, tell hock again to the Noel&
Roturtain, on the Middletown road, trlier• It
vas thought they would again teaks &stand.
Early thin zooming Gen.Watince order:sae : lu
forces to advance entitle:tidy along do liiii
dietown road. About nine o' look they dre4e
la the enemy's videttea near the mountain
and a beak eltirmish ensued. At the present
writing the cram, reported retreating to
ward Middletown,
Reinforcements binee bean anteing all
day. They era all harried up the road by
Gen. Wallace to juin oar airance. Before
night they will be driven beyond Middle.
Or loss In to dare and yesterisy's skirm
ishing will not amount to more than fifty
men in kil:ed, wounded and mining. The
enemy's loss Li believed to be about thissame.
This column of invading force Is estimated
at one th , usand men. Thor will try to get
south of the Potomen u Imo u Feasible.
The desire exirrened in many quarters that
51r. Seward will call on the British Govern •
meet to surrender Sesame., is not likely to be
gratified. It to rasped that Semmes, haring
etruck hl S sg, had thereby se:Pally surren
dered and beef= a prisoner of war, and that
the British yacht, in °baking Capt. Winslow',
request to Pike them on bbard, took them &J
our prisoners. Bet Mr. Seward's friends re•
ply that no man can be claimed es a prisoner
till the conquering party has actual possession
of him.
Dtlilsillo TIM 81113VICX
Dismissals from the service : Flrat Menton'
ant 11. Lismilu,l33.l 1111n01.,t0 date from July
Ist, 1884, vitt: loss of all pay and illowancre •
for druakennois and allaying himself to be
captured by the enemy; Assistant Burgeon
S. C. Smith, lit Alabama cavalry, to dlto from
Jane 11th,1864, with ion of all pay and al
lowances, for habitual drunkenness while on
duty, and leaving ht. commend and abandon
ing weak and woundod men of ble regiment
while on aotiro service and fo face of thy
Tho wags are telling that Sigel, yesterday,
turned his artillery on his ammunition train
and ant word to the retreating rebels that
Le would blow the whole thing up If they
didn't let him alone. Beyond this and the
sultry, unendurable heat, there Is absolutely
not one word to stir the limp, melted down
community at the capitol.
IROIf TIIE neon?
Matters remain substantially unchanged
about. Petarsinirg.
The army continues to prespire and keep
quiet down to this morning. Everything
was prom:teeing SI lama
It Is not true that Capt. Window parolled
the prisoners from the ere, of dm Alabama.
On receiving directions from Minister pay
ton, he simply transferred them to another
One of the man dlemisood from thoTrestnry
Department, by Secretary Chase, for gnilt In
Immoralities, of which Club woe oleo charg
ed, le said to bac* been token back to.da7.
ROMS or YOU'S XU Almni)
Bcmo arrests of Biosb3's men and tittle
coadjutors wore made io•dq.
New lions, July B.—The &prows giros cur •
rano} , to s rumor that Gen. Dix, t 4 *bedtime°
to orders from Kr. Lincoln, will not reappear
to the civil process Instituted Igslust Mei be.
fore Judge Russell for shutting up the *arid
and Journal of Cm:mauve, and for arresting
their editors. '
As at present advised, sap the &press, it
IN believed that Gov. Seymour will, if noses
easy after showing the nowerlenness of civil
courts, call upon the militia of the Stets
to aid In executing the prows of-the coast,
if the court should issue ioiarrant for ths ar
rest of the General and it should be misted.
New York Money and !Moen Market.
Bpscial Dispatch to lb. Pittsburgh Gazotta.
Ftsw You, July 8, 1861
Thom wu s fair tartness dons in stooks,
bat at a , decline of from 2 to 4 per mitt:
Pilattrgh and volt Wine, ils; Olsreissid
and Plttsbargb, 110. The Money market
unchanged at 7 per mink Gold 4 nnuttle4
anti.ker, inertias, (dosing st 269; U. 13:
131ze5,1123,1,123Xe104. °aorta: Certificates,
53; Seven-Thlny Voltam 1 O:2,104102*
Bice•Twentlu, 103,10104.
ebel Evacuati'n of Harper's
Ferry Confirmed
Vnit oesomn PASSED
IN M En Mt!
FiIIDMRICC, 31d., Jell g —The rebels have
retreated fatly four mile; from their position
yesterday, on the road to Boonaboro and
ilageretown. General. Walleog and Mr are
actively engaged. Everything looks well.
Frederick Is In no danger. One run wee
captured by ne yesterday.
The llth Maryland one hundred dap men
have arrived here today.
Betintone, Jai) , p. m.—A dispatch
from Elarper's Ferry, this morning, confirms
the evacuation of that plane by the robalr,
and says on: troop, again bold It, and the
old Gag floats onto more over the town.
FAIDE2ICK. Md., Jaly 0-2 p. m.—There
has been no fighting to day, op to this hoer,
except picket firing by our :akirmishers, who
are feeling the position of the rebels.
Daring lost night they fall back from the
line which they °coupled daring the fight, and
are now reported in position In Middletown
Valley, bolding the road to Middletown and
Elagendourn, which crosaec the Calootin
meant:ans. Two gone are mounted in the
The rebel for= le r :etlmated to be Lb,..ttl
000 strong.
Oen. \Valise., bas received relmforcements,
whence and to what amount we leave the en
emy to find oat for theagelreg; but we may
gay they consist of men who have been tried
for the work before duns, and do not shrink
from Its performance.
Frederick to day h not like Frederick of
yesterday. Since the arrival of (Ism Wallace
with his reinforcements, the appearance of
the city is entirely charged. Balinese has
been resumed, and people eosin confident that
the danger has peered.
Pau.anetruin, July —Gm., Conch has
issued an order direeting that all vehicles
and horses In charge of men fleeing from
supposed danger, &hell be stopped either be
fore they reach or at the bridge germ the
Surquetianna until (neater orders. Thin
implies that ihe ciaege) - , if not actually past -
ed, is of no Imminent or serious character.
Hundreds of farmers had left their crops Just
ready to be harvested.
A dinpatels. dated two miles north of Ha ,
genteel), at 10 a. m. to•dny, nays: One hun
dred and eighty picked guerrillas from Imbe
d:lu%, and floaeby's commands entered Ha
gerstown at 5 o'clock, whore they were rob
bing the stores and had fired the origins
house, Thlarstou'a warehouse and
,two hem
hundred tons of lioventment bay. They also
intended to burn Secler .k Co.'s warehouse,
and threatened to barn the town. The turn
table of the railroad had not born disturbed.
The rebels wore heavily laden with plunder.
The robed General McCausland, with his
brigade, who at Williamsport this morning,
but reports say that he left that place to day.
A high wind was blowing the fire np through
the town (llagerntown ) and great destruction
was foaled.
Late dLtpatches frvre kireencestle assure us
that the male body or rohets which entered
that place, hod retired, it is supposed, south
ward, across the Pota c
Mar IlleeUwori he Conference
The Yageg.m•at Cleter••a the Kees
•erg• .14 axe Alabama.
Port Ar Datv.b July S —The steamship
Noon Suellen, from Liverpool, on Monday the
27th, parsed this port to-day, for Ginn°,
with the pusenners and cargo transferred from
the Pornrin, which steamer had returned to
repair discuses.
The final meeting of tho Conference took
piece on the 25ch. It wee merely formal, and
the war had re commenced.
Ptnab had sent orders to Mental Von
Wengsi to recommence horatilitles on the
261 h. A speedy attack on the Island of
Moen Is expect/ed.
Capt. WI-slow, of the Kearsarge, has ad
droned a letter to the Doily .Vreo, in which
he suns that he did net !send any challenge,
but Ben:toss sent a request to Winslow not to
leave, no he would fight the Rearsarge, and
woniti only occupy a day or two in prepara
tion. Five days. however, elapsed before
they were completed. Tho Kearso.rge was only
slightly damage-Josiah was snip anion board
teat the action for hot wink nod just com
menced when it ended.
The Paris Temps glees a report that two
Confoderata cruisers aro off Cherbourg watch
tog for tho Kea:maga
The commercial news by the steamer mere
ly embraces the °parting proceedings of Mon
day', market. Cotton was firmer, and the
probable badness for the day would reach
8,000 bales. Breadstuff' quiet and steady.
Provieloos unohangod. Consols, at noon,
90Q,90i; for moner.
L 4.77.04 JOOO 3 0 —Co:ton la buoyant mad
;aloes advanced :lid, but cksiog steady.
Breeder:Ors doll. Wheat declined I@2d,
owing to the anU warlike statementa of the
Britialt Ministers. Red Western, 7s 9d@Bs
9d. Flour dull and tends downwards. Corn
smiler. Provisions quiet and steady. Lard
quiet. Petroleum iIIIICLIVO.
Preparations for Resuming
Offenstve Operations.
New Yeas., JO, B.—A W..,h1. Headquar
ters correspondent of the 0:h, says It le not
petmitted to 'peak freely of the proparatione
during the past week for renewing off enetiro
operetta:el in this locality. The next font
days may witness tome elint more sanguinary
and perhaps more fruitful than the Blow pro.
tees of a clogs. Our. dent, into whoto
hands has been given the charge of all siege
operations in the front, has beau for the past
few days constantly in the saddle superinten
ding the placlog of batteries and Meting the
value of positions. Same of oar batteries
have been construoted ander groat Bandeau.
tagea, the men being obliged to lie on their
bellies and dig holes safeciently deep to protect
them from thetas,' lire. The libelling of call•
road trains Is kept up constantly.
The Wor Id' e Washington correspondent days
the Indications are that active movements on
a large Dash will not be attempted for a'week,
or two at lout. The fall of Numbers. to a
question of time, and tome time must elapse
before it can be taken. Grant is conducting
• siege, such as onitainated gloriously at
Vicksburg. But that job was far more ee
rie= than this one. What he hu made up
his mind to do be will do, and will not be
hastened into precipitancy at chance of fail
ure. Siege guns enough to sweep Petersburg
front the face of the earth have already been
mounted. Grant may strike like ,lightiiinle
and with fatal effect, somewhere alto. ma
ways are devious and past finding out.
Exchange of Prisonexs:—Yrize Steam
ers told.
CAM, July B.—Tlarstemner Olive Branch,
No. 2, hie arrlied. The Ens says Arrange
ments hare been effected 'by Colonel Dwight,
flammiseloner of Ezehesge; for the release of
about one thousand Eeduiel plum= • for
some time put herniated in Texas, Mob:ding
sissy unu.bre of ellbeers, some of whoa have
bun in the bands.-ef the enemy about tire
,yeats,among them Colonel Burin and several
other atoms of the ad blueachesetto, cap
toredst tialrerahi, frt Jannery, 1883:
Thb Redcatßatas Pziza Conuaturoitlie riot
hotly. old the award Arbioners - Unts,.
Nati& sad Abed, for $10,500,
_sad »viral ,
Irtherjratt us to amnia otioSamastion to
adia =dm.
Cupt Win•lo, - Claims :• , . , m_nass
as his l'ris,)ner.
New Your, July 8 —Semmer, in his e6cial
roport of the engagement with the Kest-largo,
sap when about a mile distant he opened
with solid shot, and the Keareargo replied in
a few minutes, when the engagement became
active. The two 'hips steamed around a com
mon centre, preserving a distance from each
other of from one-fourth to one—half a mile.
When within good range he opened with shell.
In ten or Moon minutes the Alabama's spank
er gaff was shot away and bor ensign came
down, but this was immediately replaced by
another at the mizzen masthead. Firing now
became hot, and the enemy's shot and shell
soon began to tell upon our hull, knocking
down, killing, and disabling a number of men
le different Darts of the ship. Perceiving that
our shell, though hitting, did but little dam
age, resort was had to solid shot alternate with
shell. In about an boar and ten minutes our
ship was ascertained. to be in a sinking
condition, the enemy's shells having exploded
in our sides and between docks, opening large
aperture's, through which the water rushed
with groat rapidity for Immo minutes. I had
hopes of being able to roach the French coast,
for which purpose I gave the ship all steam,
and set such of the fore and aft sails as were
available. The ship filled so rapidly, how.
ever, that blare we had made much progress
the fires ware extinguished in the furnaces,
and we wore evidently on the point of sick•
log. I now hauled clown mywolore to prevent
farther destruction of life, and despatched a
bast to leform the enemy of our condition.
Ile says that the Kearsarge fired upon him
five times after his colors were etruch. `The
remainder of the report is devoted too
meat of how ho was picked op and made his
escape under a neutral flag. Al" that hie
oilicers, when they went to the Kearearge,
found that she had been furnished with a
chain armor, concealed with planks ; that
planking was torn off by his shells, thus cx •
paling it to view.
He also says " the enemy wet heavier than
myself, both In ship, battery and craw; but I
did not know until the notion was over, that
ehe wit iran-etad." Her elm consisted, it
provw, of a double row of chain along the
Me of the Kdarrarge—s temporary and not
very formidable protection to her machinery ;
and from all accounts the Rears; rge could have
withstood the wild firing of the Alabama a
whole day ; whereas the firing of the Rear.
surge, according t. Scrumps, was so hot and
accurate in ten or fifteen minutes after the
commencement of the action that his fisg was
shot away, his hull torn, and his man knocked
down, killed and disabled is all directions.
The Paris correspondent of the Cottit»crcial
Advertiser says: Capt. Winslow still claims
Semmes da his prisoner, and will write 'to
him to deliver himself up, making it a per
sonal question between cscor and officer.
Winslow will send the other offisers'homa
The men aro reio.sed on parole to floret fight
against the United States.
Semmes was ord red out by the French au-
thoridea by 0000. Oa CODE ultation with Con •
modaro Barca, hit taq-erior,erhether to go out
and etespo b 5 night, or meet tbo Kenrsarge in
daylight and fight, th,t officer lord biai to go
aud fight, if he thought ao out euro of win
ning. Ile eat Fero, nod 1101t1 out to fight.
Captain Winslow did fire after the white flog
ens hoisted, but it was owing to hisladt see-
log li. The greater •teaming power Of the
&canary', and capotisr artillor7, enabled
hor to do with hor advet,ary as she pleased.
Semmes was ....stashed to tad his ship 0100
op co erns, and sound not a little at the
worthlessness of Esglish gone and F.ogllsh.
V. ht. Stoddard, master of the Keana go,
makes a statement lo which be suyn, whoa ho
saw the Deerhound making off with a part cf
the Alabama's crew, be reported the tae; to
Captain Winslow. Tho swayer be rocaived
was, "It is impossible, the yaoht is simply
coming round; no commander could be guilty
of each dastardly conduct, when ho hod ro
quested and boon permitted, in the cianso of
humanity, to save tho /iris <f p :tare, to
run off eillb them"
Nair Yonn, July 8 —The 1,. fraart ctato
that the Kearsarge. on rwturning to the port
of Cherbourg, during the afrtranon of Sun
day landed sixty-du-re of the crew of the
Alabama. Of this number fifteen were.wouni
cd. The French authorities have change of
the prisoners. The wounded men were sent
to the naval hospital, triter, they received
every attention. •
Governor Seymour , s Proclamation for
Atnanw, July 13.—Tho Governor has issued
his proclamation requiring the commanders
of the National Guard to fill up their regi,
mama to their maximum number within tan
day., or they will be tiled order the enroll
moot. &soh county must tarnish its propor
tion of one hundred dos men called for by
the President.
No reply boa been received from Washing
ton to the sispatch asking if thirty day men
would be received, endue to the nature of the
service which will be requirrd of the Nen
York militia. The rebel raid may prove too
small to demand my men'troto the Stem for
Its ettphrenion.
Eftorte to Avert a Draft la St. Louts.
Sr. Louts, Suly.S.—A spirited meeting was
held last night in tho court house rotunda to
&else mesas to raise ropreseuM.tive recruits;
•1/0 to avert the draft by ralslnc volunteers
to fill the quota of SL Louis to sdranco of
another call for troops. A Contra] Recruiting
Committee was appointed to determine Epos
a plan of action, and & committee of each
ward and . township to the county to raise
money and otherwise assist the Central Com
mittee. Appropriate speeches 'refs made,
and a good of enthusiasm was manifost.
The Pew York MIMM.-Retreat of the
Belida In Diaryland- -Sold.
Now Took, July S —Gen. San cifird rectired
instructions this morning not to lane an order
for the departure of any of our city regiciants
for the scene of the rebel invasion anti! Inc
then order. are received from Albany.
Revs of the retreat of tho rebels in Help
land, has increased confidence in the morel
market, and certificates have advanced i.
N. Gold opened Area at 276, but gadnaity
declined to 262@270.
Internal Revenue Duty
Wennwatos, Joly 8 —lt Si decided by the
Internal Revenue Bureau that, with,Sho ex
ception for tramportation, domestic distilled
Spirits to bonded watchcase" can be removed
therefrom only on payment of the Internal
Avenue duty, at the rat* of $l5O a gallon.
Transportation bonds prescribed by the Sec
retary of the Treasury, under the ,act of
March 7, may be amid for the cf
spirits, coal oil and tobacco, under the 01st
emotion of the act of June last, the oath being
Nevada Constitutional Convention
BLE FB.l .1[07E03, July 6 —The Nevada Con
otitutiestal Convention hoe adopted the nem
of Nevada for the new State.
The bill of rights edor.edilecteres that the
paramount allegiance of the.chiscos is dee to
the Dotted States Government.
Tho Constitution which era raja:toil by the
people last year, has boon oloptoil as the
huis of a new one. Ii Is behoved that a
taajority of the people In the Territory aro In
favor of a State government.
From o ew Orlcau&
Nsw Ton[, Joky B—Tho 'steamship °ergo
Washington, from Now Orleans en tim.
&nista ads osoning.
The Now Orleans more aro serf barren.
Cotton irregular; good ordinary, $1„40
'agar advanced, and quoted at l": 0 ; flur
510,40801 for choke...
Cold $1505191. Freight, 50; flour 25.
Tito Command In Harylond—Sigel Dr
tiered. to Report to if outer. .
Weemosaros,. July B.—ltte d. rateed that
Geo. _Bowe, Chlof of Artlilery of the Depart•
meat of Wathingtoa, hu been ordered to tho'
commend of oar throes In front of the rebel
fordo hferylaed, vice tiagsVordered to rc
port to Gen. Mutter.
The Foreign loan
VtIECHINGTON, JtilY.B.-The Now Sorb
FM'. special Jaya flu considered probe.
Die that ute negotiations begun by blr. Chase
fort foreign loan will be eathfitotorily Em
ended by Mr. Fessenden. The future
policy of the new Secretary has not yet been
Destructive ilre near Darer, H. II
Doves, N. N.; July B.—A destructlre tire
is raging in the village of Samoa Palls, four
miles from hese, One of the largo factories
and several buildings in the vielnity. aro in
Went( on the Oettrego Canal !lefialri d
, ktnitrr,,July B.—The break of thosnivor
04 the Nemo canal, re orted on Thuraday
Ms been repaint .
- -
RIFLES, of oo; own. Emnofacture, war
natal le gitesatitiaci
P 4. /LUIS 0014 - 8.4 V; wmd timc.
Onn 3 • UV BUSH. PRlllllllslUdKlbiqUld
VALI!LUT CQ Axenhark
1 -M_A_IRAK=I".9
Nett 'Vert 'Market .
70. leafy Jniy E.— i.etto lc better at $1.43
for Idliblung 41pluds. Flour—M.ste and Western
bettor; inz,wit4./.76 tor Bum State, 11140
Go— 23 Kr Esti a ft. 11. 0., and 61ZZ/7410,13 for
Trade Drawls: the market closing quiet, Co booy
hest, and. lower; El 700475 for State, 51,7431,70
far Western, during henry wlih minors of ea ei at
coasidorable , tinter thine quiitatlicus lot cub to-dty.
wheat 1,g55 bona; 12,40(19,6) far Chicago spelt g
nod 3.llrirankrie Club, sod So 68.41,,Wririer Bed
Western. Ilse =Ova and firm tit 411,1 , 0. Coin attire
and higher; $1,0,31,45 for Kist Mixed Western.
the market ioloring slack. Oats a abrade Bauer and
uriesit 090 351 fa r Western. Coffee dull and
=changed. Sugar/MM. Malassesidnll,„ Petroletum
—trade eery grin at L.Gic, Refined lo Bond Dem hat
q riot at 65€453 . Wool generally quiet, owing to the
icscin I of Me money market. Pork upantd
higher, hut rioted dull and caries; se ler Mars $46
in ,75 for Near do., Mating SA L K.. Wilda Irk".
Beef quiet but firm ; 16418 for COnsitsy Iris., 9610
Le Country Pi ime, and W(42.5 for Ittpulciddness.
Cut rim+, firmer. Eason bids, dull and notarial.
Lard utile and higher, at 7iirs2lo. Bluteir m fair
rinuest and Omer; .:,ilea,: Or tibia, nod 37Et4le for
Stole. Chorus u.lve and firm, ai lstg,nr.
Stock and Monty Market.
lists Tom, July 8 —Matey active and dim at 7
eiS per cent Merlin; =3510, curreecy Gold
paned at sthity,' and c - oiled heavy at .9'...802,11,
Gneernment otecks—fektn coupon, 1ba749101 ;
Save..-n hiring, Octets r and April, 105.
Stock, doll and eerier:
P. Ft. W. ik
M. it P. Du 0....* DS IV..airing_
U. O. EL 1...—.......11.2 I dllchlgan rieutrak....llriy,
13 di N. W..... 6134 Michigan I Inherit— 94t,
O. it N. W. griiiNew.Yee. Oen:
Central ric ri p—.llll.N n k It.
Erie ........--114 Terns stee :Sixes 54
Cincinnati Market.
Crscrioisri, July S.—Flour opined antics with
sales of Superfine at 59,40, and Kstrit at 10,75, tut
clonal quiet at 6950(49,W for Costa, and E9,Wy.9 15
for impaction. W heat quiet and rather easier at the
clove; Rod I.bilj 2,03, nod M Pita $2,15, at which rat ,
I,nl/0 btalieli mime Kentucky were rill Corn Sill
for Err, hot ;signed demand for Shelled. Ong stead,
at digitZe. Bice dull et $1,4051,63. libtiliky doll
its 6110. Statues transpirid to 2,ollth:init. Men
Pork is firm at 113. 001 k Meats and 13.011 OMB. I
tkll and pile. irregular N kingdom/ fn Lard; it
is held at We. Sugar Brune nod in good demuid ;
7402.60 for Dew. Coffer Sle. Ray dull at $15,20 Lir
Gold 17261;n. 811vrr =8270. Enchants Linn
at par.
Banal() Market
131.mits, July B.—Flout firm and in demand,
pod lit trn Rod Wlntnr 511,d15 . 4,11,73 lksibtit X 812
, f ,,,.
5f11025, spring Eatra 1111l , t11,:b. ' Wit .1 arm.' i
No I Masud. Bnt ins 112,:it1. Ainbar 't lutfr 01.33
02,15, Ito 1 Cla :rug t upting .12.30. C.: We bat •
1,. nt SI, rur No. '2. Oats at 9le_
Wlituty doll and easier, at i l 7341,71.
Canal Frelpits to New York—it/oast c Qtr. I sc.
Labs Imports—Flonr, 6,C73 bids; Wlltstab; 77.096
Lbin; Corn. 111,520 linen
Canal Esparta— lour: :.CO blab; Wl*At, 1.L.V1 . 10
bnah Cr.rn, 3,r0) ball ; Oce, ft:l,C4f3
PLLtla4elplLle Market
Penatrunr.,July A —Tbo awknts era Etrurettl.4
aud exulted. F loor adv.:teed: sale, 2 CMG bbl Extra
Fatally at fLigll,so, Extra 10, dtate adraeo Va2 s d.
Whcat—W bite MiTADCW.I Cm; aeles et $2.6k, - ?.2.70,
bcd 52,45. Cora tutrauxiag. rat Om•
envancna; mud firm at 01- Pctruleuza nua.ttl.d ;
Re flued In (land K 5..., do. F' waao - 4 dull,
small ra . ..a at 5i.wa1.,36.
Oswego Market.
ti.—.l'.on.r firm; 312412 25 for No.l
Spring, 31:43.1p312 51: for Rof %1 inter. %limit firm;
N. 2 Spring is hold nt 32 :Pi. N0.1ei0.nt52,33; sales
bath Canada ulub at tropiumillins too
roetri.todi try ibis airinprocy iu tiss money nistrYot.
Cora rirr. ; No. 2 Mimi. 31,17. No. 1 supponsd o ho
at 31 4S.
Canal Frvightn q 144.
ktalUmore DIarCCA
DALizaoar., July lt —Wheat lino and Nov lwatwol
Soothe ats Silo Ewal Flouradrancoa and excited;
Iluwwa Strut 8.1..1 1 .A co 25 Ohio Extra fa.
Coro doll. 'Matti . Corn Lut quirt at dl 54;41,55.
Peet'orr Orrice, Ingr,:ro„)
No 1 , 3 Foorth ntreet. 'r
Pt term:min horn 8,180 )
PXENrPTED FROM I) rc.iF r.—ln
/LA cordon.. with orders, 1 pobllsh UM following
list of pens. exempts-I(mm draft by the Board of
Enrollment in this district to this dale, setts the
reason cf their exeropiiiel
John Merchn'er, Pitt
James Dancherty, 1 bird co--1
Patrick. Byorn, I hied lesni
Philip tiprestorpta, Bad sit.
0 • et. Ohnult y. PeeV.e.
Eliebstl Ain s. Versrtile.
Wr3e Kerr so r ltatt.e
dhoti Adam, Chardon
P ohm, P tt
as". 'l,Beener Pitt
rheales Woodhouse, Pitt
Frederick. Weir, Pitt
John Edersids, Pitt
JOIDLIS Vomit,, Pat
taletineGrolerliagew, Pitt
WI tinm Emu. cult
Marrs Wens, Plot
J-neph Canaan Pitt
It Whorl liolton L ht. Clete
J C Bidwell, rim
Adam Seamier. P,tt
Geor,py STIR a Pits
barely Myers, Pitt
Ll•nry Lanz, Third ward
ootliela D elvel Third ward
niched Fita‘lbbon. Third ward
Patrick ID &whey. Versatile.
dawn Mercer, East Birmingham,
Ilene, Lloyd, Pin
Diehard Tharopeost, Fifth weld
Jams- m, Peebles
Joseph Tiono
Jose ph Berger Pitt
xca Beridesee.
John - Edwin Palmer, Pitt
Thomas M Moore, Eighth wa - d
John K Thompson, !ninth w
Theaaa F &weer, Furst ward
Fvonisted Sara:tam
LSO wig .1 Korth.", Pitt ti, Joseph Ifelory
0 Bans= tare, Its Ward, Mace B Swarm
Timed. Grob, Third Ward, FIA‘Pt Medlar
Jr. ph Shoo, Pitt tp, Wm 0 Wilton
Wm U a Darer, Peebles tp, Sare'l thstrunn
Adam Comeni, Sloth Wald, 'Edward Bach
Wen D Kean., Viral Ward, Wanihald Gobi
C W Tharbeicr, Pmhte. tp, Cornelius Mahal
John Graham. Pitt.
John Keene), Pitt
Frond. Prteetr, Pitt
A dam Wensofer, Pat
David Sheproted, Third ward
Joint Carothers, E Di reattaard
Robert tray, Third w. ti
John 0 Barry, Third ward
Jam .1 Itleynelds, Titled a•rd
Darns Bottles"; Ver. 11.
SY BIM Wittman P.M.,
W II Lynch, Wnet SUlmbeth
damp! Ammon; Pitt -
John Kelly, Pitt
Robert Croy, Pitt
Geo It Hater, Pitt
tom,' ,;(„-Pelelm
Philip Praised, Birmingham
Wbligns Keenly, Pupil 4
John Brier, Peebles
Jamb 8 indite. Peebles
Lindsey Panittel..Eßlrm'mcletant
Bernard Lisranzhon, Eightheta.
ward, Dh aches
place et . Alieuev.
ro :a tan
Mts. Lewis, Pitt
Alex Verner, Pat
Jacob Gloster, Pitt
dlman Baymer. Pitt
Bernard Boyle, Pitt
John Toole, First weal
John Berge ,lbird ward
Jams J eeitteoick, Third ward
Jame. Il Kennedy, Third weed
rooms Jones Vervain
!Bram Fay, Ramsdell
Jim*, Wood; Elizabeth.
Beery J Caws, P.thies
lAtward Heyman Peebles
Wpaam Carer, Versailles
Dobert DAY, VeMnilles
Cothran Bea,
tC A Warmcastle, Peebles
Jobs it Bann, Pooh'.
DATA Pent; Third ward
Wm D Kearns. Third wart
Junes nun, ninth ward
JJenty Richey!. ward
Alex Jatlt, Eigb:armad
John lichenner•Eighth ward
Ebert'. Itepp, btu sh ward
Michael !Martha Aighth ward
DI O'Donnell, ward
Overlie Ebtrg, Etgath ward
Jobe Jones, Pit
Wiliam Sirup. Pitt
11,te, Pitt
Jobe William, Pitt
Bober! Reed, Fitt
David Para, Eat
Joist Bros., Pia
Sureel Trlpplett, Tilt
Peter ant:tatty, Pa.
Carrie Berreutice, Pit
John Ellartfdsh, McKeesport
dunned Trabey, Pitt
J Lime, Pitt
Jahn Connolly, PH
Punned E.9s,
lease Gelder, Flat ward
Wiliam Cowan, Peebles
Argun. @Gram Pe..bLo
Alex Corey, Versailles
T N Boyle, Rent .both
Philip Hirsch, Peebles
Jacob Lett°, tut Birmingham
Gotielb Barr, Emit Birmingham
George Mae, last Birmtniainm ,
Jame. B EMI Ninth turd
W 0 lictlartaey, Sloth ward
Henry L Large, hiltatri'
JAI:4MM. Pike. Temprratmenillo
GeaiM Icalle,TemprantlimilLi
Alen rkmpiiter, til tie
ELIA Henderson, Math ward
Joke It Threpe, Lawrenceville
Anthony Youtg , Lawrenceville
Dardel Dongdien, Third ward
I,seph EWA. Lawrenceville
tdichaaltilannon, Lawremerilie
Jas Leslie; Lawrenceville •
Casper Jenne, Ltorencerille3
Jobe WBttamr Eighth ward
Noah Wallis, Lans - ranceville
Potion Jltheyn.Lawrenurtin
Richard Anderson, Lawrenceville
, • 311 us W Horgan, Pitt
I Thu Welter, Plot
Jas Wiley, Pitt ,
Wetßarter, Peebles
"brad,. Elisabeth
' Wm HartOld;1111211a
Thom Law,
. Mist Gkithe,`Lawrencerille
Jan the. Lawrenceville
, John David ihni hi, Lawrenceville
Wm ntawart. Lawteticesille
Nicholas Palmer. Lawrtneavillo
Blita.ell Prow, Pitt
Daniel Amalie-oz.
Goa A Ilisnaltight. Peebles, _-• - ,
Ambrose Bon. Versailles ' • •
Wm Dorton; r i; •
GrtiShdretrPitt.,!!.et—tn -
Abram Clinton. TerniandaTLle
T B Bunmer.llrEmsport Y- '
Thomas Millar, IdelCospert
Balich,lll.C/Lemfett" - -'
Anthony em tb.11201 tarp
Frederick 111+141! ampu ' A -
• capc, axe Frostat
gro wsrrgatal to giro =tistaciiiia, cud aro patartl.7
ONE 11 A T
The adebra , -d Elko. Srt::
+EtT r; \NE ROM' Lt Lt to terunEncii ra
!d. T. JI y 1144 !
Get,ts. Matibl :tops cr,t
good atticlo gad nt nr7 I pri.tzt, am
tr L.--and st
McCllntock's NCI; Shoe Store,
E. De 17,DSRAL:
Boots, Shoes and &alters,
No. 54 Market Street.
EILAT.F.P. h scant..
R. bays ;rat n.celled c^s Bprlag .tack .4
Welch we will 63 11 et the LOWIEST CAHII Tillotii
We here - the largeet 1.4 teat evlecteel beset of
!lea's Vt.. Calf . Sqtattro-toad gloats,
To he le"d to the city. LADIES• 1.1.81* UAITCIO
to •handtn-o. Give as P all. •
Jas. Robb,
cabli sa
1' ,• STAR IVpRK. I
Nc. 71 WOOD 12/11:CT.
11...71pnd 31.1 f Itahrcrato.
Llp &eters.
Ghtlthsea Goat MO boot,
These goods are male to our opoolol Grier, and
ararmatod or-N.IW chstom work.
TOED; CANITBZLL, Manufacturer of
v pools LTDof every" daarlP4lca, M
N 0.34 Sog hDwid strew, Pittsburgh uctatly
Of APPLE, ire havense Wlo,ooo, and of stil aka
lesiing vedette, most a
rolltable for Ws location.
W. have sera fuse trees, as Early Harvest. ltadden
Mash, Holland Kull., IlaktnLe, Falsonsitce. Otto.
Eh* of Terepklns On., Hhode Inland Greon, Ere.
Ert=ty, Rturbo, Smote-Lanza, Tolman'e .Earect,
CktEr,"&n, e very large /Welt a Ma.
rust:9, none, smiranzavf, anzzialqws
PLANTS, de., dz. on stock lalargo, akar
mat Ind-cementa to planter or crl• ,, kditn . h.
vans. Orders left at the Greenbccao, Canned, or
Pittabargh Post Moe, Le promptly ationdtd to.
dabsend Oakland Nersodal.,
SsEtilltal Plttabl
113111,1511 on
9 1 71101X3d1J, Olt B.RTAII.
9? .0991%1.rd street, twills Z. idsrd76s.^9 b Co.
.nd 111 leaerth street ' lane
MOOARO(iIi Al4i_itUlt; WORKS,
EABELS atizaus,
lonameatt atid aravt, Ezekiet.
lenec (.113.A1ti,,
Otrri.a.Wr ft. 2.1
rd,LIIEX.3X 471:"I V
Lecga caitalanily nn 1t.1,3 • ler. tai tioir.;;Ca•
mime! stock of !OAT B01'1:061.
1 . 1•12M1 ,. 113/0Vir mats STUFF, L1ti27.522,
511r.4 JOIMS, SPOUT/NO, LaTET... VA 1.
.HR mill All Dam 7E= (ILWID
cravings and Mil&
.1.1.. M Parma irir.iinn LOU 2131.11.1:21 Of
peztlitairy !n144.
to - Cow c* Omit epee, roi..rtr. •
anioitt . •
Alehut'. Pixie Tim Tar Ocr.ilaL • 7
arlahartn Dycpcpcia NIL, • •
RRog a er's cad amp OiLiverieori 41 Tar.
nneGy Matta] Dirrovery. •
Nino Gibre OIL fir table cos. •
Babies Pure Ord Liver Oil. •
Eire. Allan's Haar liiistesr.
Tins Glycerine end Roney anp.. •
Pterlings &inbred* for the Bair.
Gait. Heil wad Tooth Trashes.
At the 04444 Drag /31.0 re, canny ;Wend saes Onto
l i4:A Allegheny. 1 ,
4. A..XTVGY 4 I.
mai: OF DISSiSIa -• • , •
ttElidSZ, indica met tr
Grace, 451 PZIIII 81 , 156 ET, Nam - n*ll dierakca ata
anceataftilly errata! With 011granlant, 114matiese,
and on= Inodllaattent of Maar:city. Scnnithlnn
new, .ran and tnarwrtent See aft entar ; set Ona at
the al.. Noehstge tj? cotatiltatlnn.
<Law warranted vetWn dwdrad. • I r2.l64teeed
• stone and Brick P;cverx,.. -
en orders Ito cumoserolo, revn - 0, - .Onan:
LNG or anything . N ovr Ilan. ;-rozytty attottiod to
Addrow.l3oX 114, Arloglloor Fat Ofroxt, , or
ticIiNUOOIS/1. tS Tlctalut; street, Atlrshoni-131ty
0020 . .t0 . •
, r iz e l sk ,
I. ------- ~_ .......
A Urge easertzernet el POCKET ANlitOlCOATace
IIOUSI4 DIAISIES, lot 1864-12
.2 31 PFT. 111 01 44. IA
roan be WWl= Trbery, Iri Teary Itie...
',Miele edger end eel le meetly olgeo—erltkbectr
peke* [beep sad elee a faelembe;s. All gum, set
from the commonest t o two very Lest. farffide al
eveseable vete. by _ . .:.
WM. O. i on isms A CO..l3tatonsoL
oeblebevrArreve , . 61 Wooslitte. es.
DI ARira.
Lt102%.-4= Inzanalock of •
Walr/LLOPEa, anlietles, actor! and
analltlos. tor Ara itantn. /or' ale ,
G. JOILIIMOLI a co, No. I ott
«4414w-wary t 7 Wanlet!..
lINDEIEB-4:bblac, Eiza
: - ,
Sa Dry Apples;
10:kadarcIablInuar;,,, ,
In on and for sada tfr CRIS BALsprri.
. 11% Laartrabnat.
;a.— 61201. e sapplP - thIC bars
wri wo r tt., Jais received st.thif tr.aa
Ittibb.r rnat. NO*.XO atdl3,Bt. Otour emetilrf
' - Pao It ;mite ibr this eletty.
- -
APArriostoz AMMON, •
.2Po gsuzwltNitilntz
"doleVo. 6. WOO; 6:1==..1 . 114114.4* Ps.
QQA ON So bbls for
-14= LIZSZT 8.001.161Za,