The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 07, 1864, Image 3

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    Net., •
'littsbuivit &talk.
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The Benefit. of Temperanee.
: - 44 two recently heard of two emu of
wounds received in battle, both of which very
strongly illustrate the benefits of temperance.
One of these was • Captain ip, en Allegheny
county regiment,. and arealdent of Allegheny,
'• who received a very dangerous wound in the
arm. He was at first told that amputation
would be necessary, in order to save his life ;
but his symptoms gradually beooming more
Womble, he was informed by two or three
rayons who examined the fractured limb,
that his temperate habits alone saved the in.
Jared me bar. Had he bun addicted to the
mil of e ll
nlenta, be could not, by any pout
bility, eseamd sithent the toes of his arm—
and byt t operation his life would bare been
Eiden d. It is several weeks since this
young an was wounded, and although he
i f
still ear es his arm in s e- sling, ho has hope'
that be will yet be able to use it.
.f' The other is:a much otronger one, and is
•,* that of a young °Meer, a resident of this city,
zwlitearas dangerously wounded in the lower
past of the abdomen and thigh. Singular as
li. may appear, the ball in its coarse came
within one-sixteenth of an inch of severing
JIM', distinct parts, any one of which, if
:: - severed, would have bean sufficient to came
death. When he was borne from the Hold his
', surgeons haltered that he could not survive.
~.. . 1- 11 e, was Immediately placed under the Ind n
am, of chloroform, and his wounds carefully
dressed. lite symptoms were at drat of the
most alarming (Musette, bat as he had
::,lived • scrupniormly temperate life, his
system was in the most healthy and favorable
Condition. To the surprise even of his medl
' eel attendants, his wounds began to heal, and
!twee not long until he was able to be removed
' - to the risidenee of ills father in the city. Now
' his wound, have ceased to suppurate, and he
-, `1 -is age to walk about, with Almost entire free
- - dom from p ale, and with scarcely a percepti
ble halt. go has been told, by several mai
nut physicians, that the condition of his rys
tent, consequent upon his correct habits of
living, did more towards liming his life than
urgleal skill. Nature had full scope for the I
exertion of , her recuperative energies, and,
assisted by skillful surgery, raised him as It
were from the very brink of the grave.
Many soldiers die from wounds , not because
their Wailes are of • necessarily fatal char
acter, but because, byprevlone intomperispoe,
both in eating and drinking, they have pot--
. loud the system, and rendered it unable to
mist the attacks of disease.
We have cited the above cues in the hope
thatyanag ma; whether in or cat of the army,
may be encouraged to follow the example.
ousfally molding enti r e ly of
fromds, bat
4 witotlalli Abstaining me me et
opirituens liquors. It is also worthy of re
mark thatneither of the officers above alluded
to used lobs.= in any form.
Tba.Velebratlati at Gettysburg.
• Owing to the prevalence of rumors that the
. Übeishid cussed the Potomac, the colebra
tio-aof the anni6rtir: of tho battle of Get
not •is lergelysittended as was
expeotedJ Some four or ire thousand pceple
nevertheless, took part in the ceremonies.
Di is nsequence of the shore news, Gov.
Curtin was not in attendance, having gone
.back to Harrisbur g from the York Sulphur
Sprinp. • '
o'clock a procession, composed in
at .a •- • large ponion of the discharged
Petirylunietteserves, the Faculty and Stn
dente of thePoneurylvania Collage, the order
of Odd ;Fella*, - discharged soldiere of the
. 1135th Permute:tie Volunteers, and a large
conesarse of Sdtteens, formed in the princliod
strut, of, Gettysburg, and escorted by the
Cbantbenburg Brass Band, probonded to Calp'e
On arrival there the exeres were open
• with prayer cis
hythe Bev. B. I. Baugher, foedl
lowed by:instromentel and vocal mole. The
Deciatation 'lndependence was read by
De. Charles it... Horner, of Gettysburg. Alter
Whisk came an oration by Reif:John 8.. War
ner. ;The oration--was exclosivelysiescriptive
if this great battle of one year ago, and being
deikrared on the spot where the mighty con
flict was fought, war is many parts highly
Cativo and eloquent,
lifterit was concluded, the exercises wets
- iamropeistely ended by singing the patriotic
anthenr—fi The Star Spangled Banner," the
strainariaing our the fields where that ban
ner wu so trinatphantly carried through fire
.ad aloud.
• Thateacisos ooteituied, the whole company
.partook "of a bountiful repast, prepared by
elesCominittee of Arrangements. •
- Posrth Word,:Allegheny.
:!Fit AC htniating of the' citizens of the Fourth
held on Taesday arenitsg,
7ul bfh, at the Sandusky street school house,
••'•Wist.; Moffat was called to the Chair, and
.7,17. Patterson appointed Secretary.
• The following resolutions were unanimously
adopted: -
• anticipation *tee expected necessities
of theflostatament for more men to crush the
rebellion, we, the enrolled men and citizen*
of:the Fourtikarard,AlletrhenY Citys.resolve
.that - we will proceed 'at onto to raise money .
=by eoutdbution- and relieve the ward of a
*draft, by tierstiode adted last winter, in
• which we were so succe op ssful, retaining -the
. organisation of commiasloners, omcers
ofd; block Committees and Treasurer.
That all contributions to the boon-.
ti fond be given with tiusdistinettmderatand-
Ing: that, the subscribers' are not >to be reim
The Mach committees are requested to Mo
oted at ono° to makeMlleations and report as
.a meeting to be tea at the ho of E. F. A.
Feathaber, on Chestnut street, on Saturday
sunning, at ball past saran eeloak. All in_
tended In the wsrk are requested to attend.
The _Wheeling Fele. -
• .
On the Yourthefduly, the Sabbath Schools, .
• of Tintatag had a celebration, and after
• - narobing through the principal streets, ple
aded by bands of music, assembled at, the
Fair biiiidingt. There wero three thousand
t'aididart present. The Ccmart hall war
• M cro e w tds add mtoiov th e i rsfl num b e r d A f t ewre e t h l e p arn i.
• . ' r eacireisu of prayer and singing the Bev. Mr.
Mega., delivered an.earnest, • eloquent and
ismdsh s address, when the scholars-am
nd to the various halls. The halltwere
eireirdedAuring the whole of the day, and
Attamedets wen farin excess of any daypre
.7lMo. The IntelUrear nys that the exhi
bitiortif,tableata to theievening via success
is utast and the attendance was eery
largiv,KAHilts sentiment and excitement of
Abe Youth was concentratedat the &Isbell/.
• - Inp andflin vicinity.
0011113LTY...-Tlro -7311114—therk
named Swart*, and Spearman, were arrested
yasterday lamb, at the instal:me of Paul
Heineman; of Smithfield atreot, for dizerderly
caudal, and takercbekrre Mayor Lowry. It
appals that on Sunday of last week, the de
, faadaati eatered'a oar an the Eilrmlogham
Punager Railway, and annoyed the puma
- gas by their abusive language. The prose
• outer,btd of - fifteen years, Serionatrate
• ••:•• lea t h em, whoa thy' manned him, knock
log hlm off the aadeeverily Injurin him. - The Mayor imposed • - Ina of $2O eac hopen
• the path" fortuArrowdyism.
Tan donna, on run Etlsr Lumarr Pas
e: Wen sorry to, leery
yesterday thaVtlte ° J uries , sustained by Mr.
•-•,-...samsll . Meilea • at 'Oakland, on -Tuesday tut,
were even =remains than first represented.
:B4ddes the fractare'ef his'lsg; hie arm was
Junket' b two Oates, and • InJutlas were re.
salved Internally which may result earl
Kr. lialree being adrenals! in, years, it, id
hared that his constitution cannot withstand
;ha Wades which he lug
-Betreizett ,nt 'ththezinnze,..-23an, early
boar en 'Tuesday morning , est; Mr. Daniel
Itestear, of aneteibunb, was instated by
two name, nbile pudng along. Main street;
In. that borimagb'i . and severely _biated. It
Qae qelte dark at the time . and Mr. Renner
, KM nt*le 41 Most/lie Me.sztetbkr.te.
otening s moottog or
the, toagrostdlott c. aria. Gorman Rofomod
;Wolk comer of Grant and Webster stinets,
-wag hold. and a unanimous call extended to
.ried; 3. 'IL Wagoner to become their putor
view Rev. E. E Ifigby ro"11oksd. The
trillpritilly be i/coepted.
-4 minorsa.Courn Duman"
following an the. Denomstio
Moininstlons for Armstrong °mays Cot .
8.-,Gordon; Assembly--Alussadar
ytdepef Comassioner—Anh a , nob s;
/*blot raoy—John W. Edam pAnditor
•_.""l:lliddst Bsourni.,..4anizat7 te. a-TP*obl
: lama We regiment did not mita yesterday;
• '3 Alike was prevalent but alining, that the
hadlioniistatized a c 'H
- ancant at MI noted raid Into himpland. bat
neva - ark =able to 'retch forth. troth of the
I=cir. • ,
AggTented Assault
On the evening of the Powth a &Mean,
Occurred at Conway's tavern, in the Fourth
Ward, near the:Point, between a number of
men, during which one of the party, named
Michael Murray, was knocked down and so
eoverely abused that he has been unable since
to leave his bed. Yesterday an Information
was made against a number of the assailants,
one of whom, named Barney Winne, was ar
rested by officers Lowe and Culp, and held
for a bearing. Warrants have been issued
for the arrest of others who are accused of
participating in the assanlt. The injuries
received by Murray are said to be very seri
ous, and may result fatally.
A mat by the - name of Chu. H. Winters,
enticed in the Atheneum, at Wheeling, at a
spy, made his escape on the Fourth of July.
Re was permitted, contrary to the discipline
of the prison, to go into the yard in the rasa
of the building, and watching his opportunity
walked off. He was encountered in the streets
afterwards by some of the Proven Guards,
but the soldiers supposing that he had been
released mode no attempt to arrest him. The
et:leers In thane of the prison at the time
hare been placed under mast for disobedi
ence of orders and neglect of duty.
Soma Car. , --A epeeist cottrention of the
Sigma Chi Fraternity wu in secret session all
oa t
ay In Templar's
moat influe hin ntial o Hall. T socUty
is OLIO of the lamest and f
mu College secret societies, its chapters scat
tered all OM the Union and embracing
-among Its graduates many of the most tal
ented And celebrated men of the nation in
ellery walk of life. None but the Initiated
were admitted, bat we understand the attend
ance was respectable, and the bus - lute trans
acted of a most Interesting and important I
TILKOILPIT - Bcruom..—Ponone wishing to
loam Telegraphing will find this Institution
one of the most successful In the cohntry.
The Principal Ls an operator of several years
experience, and one whenever falls In giving
satisfaction. Persons learning at this school
will be famished with situations as soon as
they graduate. For further particulars apply
at the Telegraph School, 67 Fourth street, up
stairs, or at the Inland Telegraph °Glee.
dellnOtld Josterlay that the buildings lately
occupied by the Sanitary Pair. in Allegheny,
etill remain tans cid, the Evocative Clommittee
deeming the bids received much below their
7111110. The lumber used In the ireetion of
the building. Is well seasoned, and could be
advantageously used by our master builders.
We hope, for the credit of otw;eity, that it will
And a purchaser among as.
Tll3ll27.—This evening has been set apert
for a special complimentary benefit to Mr.
Robert Ellis, formerly one of the doorkeepers
of the establishment. The friends of the
beneficiary are working energetically to have
a full house, and they will doubtless iso sue.
DI:MILL urn - Gliteet's popular Troupe o
New Orleans Minetrebt, eausintlng of twenty
four talented artiste, will make their first ap
pearanco in this 'city in the Theatre,
Monday eaten& July 11th, for six evenings.
TICOXLS PAJItIY s Plain and Ornamental Slate
Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver
mont dater of the best guilty et low rata
Otice at Alex. Laughlin% near the Water
Worts, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Corps, 13unlarui and Diseased • Halls
Da, RANDALL- —This eminent Chiropodist,
who effected many anus of corns and bunions,
Is again among us and is located at 20 Fifth
street, over Andrim's tea store. His opera
tions are ofdeacious,painlese and speedy, and
knowing, as all should that coMfort in walk
ing is essential to health, those afflicted with
these troublesome pests would do well to eve
the Doctor a call. Mr. Eli Young, and Hr.
Tames Millinger, well known In this commu
nity for years, were afflicted with both corns
and bunions for a long time. Mr. Ell Young
says: Dr. Randall most suceesafrdly cured
some most painful corns and bunions for me.
The 1.1 effectual. and! consider I made an
excellent investment.
Dr. James Billlinger writes:—Dr. Randall,
a year ago, removed a most painful corn fro/
wader one of my toe nails: The oneratims was
perfectly ruccesiziL To-day he has removed
others, and I have no doubt with equal muc
ous, for which I had undergone several un
successful operations at the hands of other
professed Chiropodist,.
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. a., and from 2
to 6.
A ~u taarLa" dispatch from Washington
states that Ma. Lincoln is among the gayest
4. the gay this Beaton, and that she is so
much improved In personal appearance as to
occasion general remark. It Lfarther elated
that this nappy result is attributable to the
use of "Lubin's Ploriline for the Hair," the
discivorer of whieh preparation recently pro.
tented the lady with an elegant rosewood, containing a dozen of his cele
brated article. This Is certainly the toilet
requisite;por combining as It does
all the virtues of a hat; grower dressing, and
possessing the new quality of retaining the
hair in any desired position. Lot ovary lacy
follow Mn. Lincoln s example, and semi. a
new Item of beauty and attraction.
To Amts I To Alum t—The citizen moldier
will Ind a more deadly. foe In thr tnclash
muddy water and damp night air than lathe
most detetudned enemy. HOLLOWAY'S
PILLS summit, the blood and strangthen the
stomach and bowels that the soldier can en
dure there hardships and still be strong and
Holloway', Pills and Ointment are now re
tailed,. owing to the high prime of drags, kc.,
at 30 cents, 76 coats and Sl,lO pa r pot or box.
Por sale in rstsbargh by B. L. fakir.
stook & Co.
Per sale at Fulton's drug store, nth street,
For sale also bf 'Geo. A. Belly, Federal
street, Allegheny city.
lissroven.--Bamuel Graham & Co., Ma.
dent Ta il ors, have =aped t o - 73 Smith,laid
*reek We are just receivhig our second
supply of spring and mummer gsode, and
would most nupectfally invite our friends and
the' pubis in geniansl to examine our now
stock, believing It to be One of, the finest
etocks_ormerohant Win goods in the city.
Evary garment 'instated to give fall satis
faction, in both mice and quality. Give as
Call before parihasing elsewhere and judge
for yommelves. iiinsaan lchfoilsanzami,
Morchant s No. NI emithdold street.
I .Ersaray Nancra.--The .attention of our
cited= is directed to the brilliant assortment
of Gprine and Gammas Goods Just receired
by our. friend Mr. John Weise No. 128 Fed
eral tired, Allesiteny_. His stock comprises
a great variety of Fancy Preach, Itng,ilsh,
ficotelt and American Camintares and Oloths,
and doe Bilk and Oaniniere Vestings r —ell of
which will be made up - to order in the latest
Myles and in the best manner. A choice 80.
Mellon of Buraishbg Goods also on hand and
for sale, tother with a full stock of Beady
Made Olothutm - well and fashionably nude.
Moms and earrings calls will be taken it
the Omnibus odioe, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. ' All orders left at the &bore pie*
oldln adma be promptly en
attded to. All cells zoos
be pn •
Dunn k Gam'sfingrrz' nuatig.,—The num•
bdr of perform= in thls troops Is now twat,-
four. They perform In the Theatre for nix
Plights, commun.:ins Wally, Juno 11th.
Brarmatar•—The bat envolqpec, of all
kinds, colon, and Rhos can be bad at Frank
Ono's book and news depot, Chronicle Band
lag, Mist:yet.
SrATionsire-ahs - beet note paper of all
drab plate and gilt edged, eart be bad at
Ihsek Cares book and ISM depot.
Durum AID Gramen 'Mnornums, wN ap
park' the Theatre for six armful, com
numcinefonday, July Ilth..
Sax of Baratta:o, Carpets, /co, this morn•
log: at 10 o'olook, at NoMidland's Auction
House, 55 Fifth Moot.
Cita at Prank Cate's book add dews depot
for anything Ton matte the book, stationery
or newspaper line.
C., Ora, Dent it, 248 Pend atm:, will at.
tend to aldlnudnses,of vrotegton.
Jcistra LL Ciasztx, Attorney at Law, fit
gnat stmt. slam
Sin/mm.—Tits 1 --•
lettpa"rcTbad &t FrawkCaelmokanrnewsdelo
Da Brno and go to 98 Badaral street for your
Booth Shoos and (attars,
Girnas sad noes, of all klub, selling
Oesp at 96 1 edetat street.
Gin: Ersela for all Irinds •or shoes at 90
.Federal street.
Wurnm,Two- -goad l'ardboys. apply
maidlatirly Mit&
Escape of a Priaoner
on consequence of the severe losses here
tofore inastained by the merchants of the town,
and in anticipation of the possibility of an.
other raid, they have but email stooks of goods
on hand, and were the rebels to visit Hagers
town with, the expectation of getting any
amotuit of Supplies, they wenid be greatly
disappointed. The caahlers of the Hagerstown
and Washington county banks have removed
the effects of their banks to Harrisburg, for
safety. The millers of Washington county,
of whom there are large numbers, are alto
era ding their flour out of Harrisburg.
Here In Washington everything le as quiet
as a May morning. This town to need to
scares, and half of Lea's army could hardly
gat up en excitement.
Fred rick Jancti.m, Jane 6 —All was quiet
at Harper's Berry tut night. An occasional
shot was fired from Maryland Heights. The
rebels still hold Bolivar Heights. Bigal has
evacuated Harper's Perry, but the rebel. dare
not enter the town for, fear of oar guns on
Maryland Heights, which command the place.
A dispatch ties just come in from Freder
ick stating that the line, between that place
and Hagerstown are out, and that a body of
rebel cavalry are reported to be within four
miles of Frederick. They are reported to be
skirmishing with a body of our cavalry,
which were sent out to intercept their pro-
Major General Wallace has establiehed his
headquarters at this place, and IN sanding aid
to Sigel whenever needed.
The whole rebel force ls not believed to be
over six thousand. Only their cavalry ham
yet craned the Potomac.
Babel sitarpshooters hold Loudon Ileights,
opposite listPer's Ferry, from "blob they
command the railroad about a mile on this
aide of the Ferry. As yet they have done us
ne'dardiie, koiverei, beyond hOinding a Ere
rasa and killing one woman.
At this time a skirmish appears to be going
on a little beyond Frederick. Thus far the
rebels have developed no plan other than
that ofthieving. There need be no apprehen-
sion as to the result, as atop, have already
been taken which will speedily terminate the
Brig.' Gen. Bowe, Inspector of Vatted
States Artillery, who was rent out from
Washington by Gen. Ilalleak, sucoeeds‘lss;
night; In reinforcing Gen. Sigel on Maryland
Heights without. molestation. The both
Ohio, 'one hundred days' regiment, was sent
up to Earper's Terry this morning.
TES ?I,ICONIR C016711•0713$11.
Letters gore received here today from
Wm. E. Duds, late correspondent In the
ieuthwest for the Cincinnati Gaseue. Be
in Castle Thunder, Richmond, and is doing
well. He speaks of Browne and Richardson,
bat knows nothing of them ezoept that they
are in Salisbury, and have not much prospect
of getting out soon.
As stated some days since In these dis.
patches, the extra war tax on Incomes Is
vied 'on the !acmes for 1851=82. Tide
g eaves out largo numbers of Government
auks and gives considerably lasi revenue
In the !aggregate than' if It had been levied,
as Is believed le have been Intended, on the
Inoomas for this war.
MUM'S roarrrox.
Over s hundred of Grant's guns terra Peters
burg, and he could destroy the city any day
he pleased. It. would be a very Roden per
formates, however, and would In no way ad.
Tama as towards Rlehmond, or towards the
rebel array. The heat continuer Intent°, and
the gaiters are suffering severely.
Secretary Fessenden's first day's work In
the Treasury is humorously described as be
ing the signing of • great batch of =mil
to letters he had never read, from people he
had never heard of. Nothing else was done ,
end nothing except a study into the working
of the bapanschins is expected for some little
Tam rummers mayor! ritootatutiox.
The, Preiddeat'a proolamallon about Mal
taokr fa gaaerally interpreted to =oar, that
whonar ataada la , the7a7 of the analog oc,
negro dates Ifift hare :a bad time of It.
The Cell-far State
nay VoIK, Ady 6.—The call for abate
mlll a : bso caussd some exelternent among
Cho militia of title city.
Major General Sanford haosone to Albany
'at lhetitiaesvof ihi • Gorensor. -
Major Uszallton 1D mementestly in a:pota
tion of an order reqalrhig tho immediate do-
Pallitts_pf soma :thirty reglmaats for Mary
sand. "The 69thohli morning, left the city
fa obedbpnee to 65 order laud Donn days
FROM Ira El 111.11^6 TOJr.
Lines Between Frederick and
Hagerstown Cut.
Skirmishing with our Army
Speedy End of the Bald Probable
The President's Kentucky
The Extra War Tax
Ppecial Dispatches to the Pittsburgh Gazette
Wisursaxou, July 6, 1864
TEM 1111121. RAID - -P 001.1511 MTOIT.
A foolish story is in circulation about the
robots being In the vicinity of Chain Bridge,
bat they are so evidently the fabrications of
some scared veneationist that nobody pays
the slightest attention to them. The general
optnion is that the raid will be practically
over by to-morrow, and that it will than be
seen to have failed In everything bat its
horse stealing ends.
The War Department takes things very
composedly, and has from the.first expressed
no apprehension whatever.
Ourspecial correspondent in the field prom
ised to forward later in the night full detail,
of the fight stAsupar's Ferry.
The inhabitants of Maryland and Pennsyl
rani& are, as usual, In a dreadful slate of ex
citement. There may be a more scary set of
cowards some where else in the country than
along Oh border, but if so they have not been
heard from yet. The DOM of the appearance
of the rebels ceased no little excitement at
Frederick. All government property, and
sick and wounded from the hospitals, were at
once removed. The excitement at Hagen
town on Banday night and Monday morning
was intense. Merchants were busily engaged
in sending their goods Into the interior of
Pennsylvania, over the Hagerstown k Chain
borsht:Erg Railroad, which was still in running
,Tllll =LIU RAE 'ELI
Twelve Regiments One Hundred
Days itilitla Called For.
HAnusnroc, Jdy 5, 1864
Fn die name and k 7 the attlis,rity of else Comm ,
ivraGA of Penaryivaaia, Andrrte O. ('or
Governor v.f . said 001311.111cealth :
nerea4, The President of the United
States has Gila day made a call upon the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for twelve
thousand militia as volunteer infantry, to
tern at Washington and its vicinity for one
hundred days, unless sooner discharged, I,
Asrnalw G. Corm, Governor of the said
Commonwealth, do make this my proclama
tion In reeponse thereto, end do hereby call
on the freemen of the Pennsylvania militia
to come promptly forward, as they hen here
tofore done, and fill the requisition for this
Lmportaii service. It is apparent that the
enemies of 'lir Government, In desperation,
are threatening us with an armed force in the
hope that the army of Gen. Grant may be
withdrawn from before Richmond, and I call
upon the citizens of this Commonwealth ca
pable of bearing arms to come forward with
nut delay, and thus aid our heroic brethren in
the gr ea: army of the Republic.
Given under my hand and the great seal cf
the 8 tate, at Harris burg, this sth day of J My,
in the year of our Lord one thoueand eight
hundred and sixty-four, and of the Common
wealth the eighty-ninth.
[Br TOE GOTIFL/0111 ELI Buren,
Seo'y of the Commoutrentt h
Large Rebel Force 4drattcitig
on the ✓Yorth
The Veteran Soldiers Especially
Called For.
11/Um arta, July 6, 1361.
The following Proclamation has jolt boon
issasci by tha Governor
In gas name and by the authority ,A, Coe,
rtamootatil of Penney/vani.t, d adretto G.
Governor of maid Chalmontrea/th •
It is now ascertained that a large rebel force
has been detached from Richmond and is
advancing on the North. So large a portion
of our army pat remote points that it beeomes
necessary to raise immediately a sufficient
body to repel them. They are already
within the borders of the Commonwealth.
You have always heretofore been ready to
Ammer the call of your country. You will
not he less ready to come forward when your
homes and firmidee are to be defended
against a profligate horde of plunderers..
I am authorised by the President of the
Cuitad States to .11 for twelve thousand vol
unteers, in addition to that required by my
proclamation of yesterday, to serve for one
hundred days in Pennsylvania, Maryland and
Washington, and the vicinity. I appeal to the
freemen of Pennsylvania to route themselves
for the necessary effort, and come promptly
to sweep the invaders from her soil. I refer
to the General Order from the Head Quarter.
of the Pennsylvania Militia, No, 50, dated
July sth, 1564, published with this proelem,
Gen, for the details of the arrangthathts.
I do most earnestly require the good End
loyal men of the Commonwealth, and asps
daily the veteran soldiers In all her borders,
to show themselves to be worthy of her in
this emergency. Her Sena have established
for themselves, on many a bloody field, a
reputation for the martial virtues which they
will not now forfeit, when both their well
Darted fame and the safety of their homes and
families areal stake.
Given Lender my hand and the great scat of
the State, at Harrisburg, the sixth day of
July, In the year of our Lord one thousand 1
eight hundred and sizty•foar, sod of the
Commonwealth the eighty ninth.
[By the Governor
ELI Burgs,
dagrotary of the Commonwealth
Another Alabama Nearly Beady
The Fight Batmen the litar
sage and the Alabama.
97 u,
T E TraAxtux.'rts, d:c.
N w Toni, July 6.—The off, rare and ;sa
me of the Alabama, captured by the gear_
sage, have been liberated on parole at Cher
A let or In the Paris Porno state, that
Capt. Semmes has announced that on the 15th
ofAufnut he will again embark on a new Al
abama, which will on that date be completed
The mimeo of the old Alabama, will continue
to receive pay and form part of the crow of
the new miser. Rumor points to ibo steam
, Rappahannock, the British war vessel
wh'oh stole sing fn m the Sheerness to et!
A °tramline, headed by Admiral Anson.
has been Lamed in London to raise by
guinea subscription a hind for the purchase
of a ,handsome sword to replace that which
Capt..Bemmes sunk with his ship. It is re•
ported that a considerable sem has also boon
raised In Liverpool for the same object.
The London Daily Neu. published an ac
count of the Kaaren. and Alabama affair,
correcting false etataments in regard to the
course puresod by' the former. It charged
that the Dearborn:id acted as a sort of tender
to the Alabama; that Captain Winslow,
would have secured the whole of tha officers
and crew of Oro Alabama had he not placed
too much confidence. la the honor of the owner
of the yacht; that he considered Capt. Semmes
and others who escaped as bound in honor to
give themselves up, and that he did not pur
se and fin upon the Deerhound, boaattse be
didn't believe any one carrying the flag of the
Royal yacht would act so dishonorably.
Th St D
olde ly Nan aim ablishes a letter from
Mr. oi p
ard, Master of the Kearsrge, com
plaining that the Deerhound was the consort
of the Alabama.
Linspoof, June 2 0 .—Cotton irregular with
a decline o I%d , bat American general ly fa.
ruined steady. Market closed quiet and un
changed, at the following quotation,: Orleans
middling 293 id; Mobile middling 204'; up
land middling, Mixt ; stook in port, 31,160
balsa of which 16,50 6 bales were American.
Breaditurs Grocer - and all qualities have
slightly advanced. Flour firm and upward,
with an advance of Gd per bbl. Extra state
20s@20s 6d. Wheat firm, and edvaneail 2d;
red western 84_08s8d; rod &anthem &Ws sd;
white western, 8s 6da9s; white southern, 8s
Bd, Corn active, at an advance of 6d; mixed
Provisions firm, with an upward tendency.
Bed firmer. Perk upward, and par tally ad
vanced le. Lard firmer. finger quiet and
treacly. Coffee Inactive.
Petroleum, relined, 25s ld @Ds ad.
Loudon.—Nroadues firmer with a slight
advance. Buser ,dull and d eclined ed@ls.
Coffee ensiel..' Provisions firm. Lard active.
Liocrpool,./ne• 26.—The cotton sales to-day
amounted to 8000 bales. Them arket closed
quiet and unchanged. Breadstuff's quiet but
firm. Provisions firm and active. Produce
London; Jams 25—p. m.—Consols closed at
90®90% top matey. The latest saki Were
Mutts Central Railroad 38@35 diaowant ;
Erie 60®52. .
GoM.-Muttered War Between Eng
land and Germany.
Raw Year, July 6.—d Wall great rumor
that England had Goland war against far.
many, anya the Erpr.o., rant gold up sparer
two. It riatguld 261.1§ 0 but °loved at. 2583.1.
Force Mille Enemy About 5.000
Gallant Fight at Ltetown
PR , )TEcTI6S OF slu PA.'S IVAIAN TO 010
The Scare Along the Border
Our Troops Concentrating a ,
BALTIII3CI, July 6.—The
has the lollowiog view of the situation
An intelligent gofitleman arrived this eve
ning from the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, and
Mates that it to now definitely ascertaided
that the whole force of the enemy does not ar
med five thousand, of whom less than ono
fourth are cavalry, and the balance Infantry.
They aro concentrating in and around Har•
per'e Ferry, and aro sanding out parties to
forage on the people and are robbing them of
their watches and money.
There was some tkirmishieg going on be
tween our troops and the robots across the
river, and occasionally shot and shell were
being thrown at them f,rom the Maryland
no light of eon. Mulligan with the act
'Anne of the rebate at Loetowo, is spoken o
L 3 a most gallant ono. fie eucccealully ro
puleoci them eevoral limo'.
Gen. Sigel moved towards Shepardstown
with hie immense wogon train in front; the
protection of which was deemed of reov im•
portende than risking a general engagement.
Not a wagon fell Into the enemy's hands.
BALV,IOELZ, July 7 9 P. U.—The follow
ing Is thy latest intelligence received from
the Lipper Potomac to this hour:
Sesmaitement war dat Frederick,
this a. m m., by the fact that canoe a slight skirmish
had occurred between ear pickets and a email
squad of rebel moats, about half way be
tween Frederick and the Point of Rock., re
sulting in the rebels retiring to the Paha.
moat ca the regular train from this city ar
rived in Frederick a body of ourcamiry came
dulling into the town, covered with duet,
which induced many to suppose they were
rebels. great rears ensued, and the train
put back to Monona°, Junction, and the mis—
take wee not asouttelned until the cars
reached that place, want they returned, but
were again frightened back by mother scare
0.8 foolish and groundles, as the first.
Last night dirs. Dime, an estimable lady,
a resident at Pointof Rocks, was killed whilst
sitting at her own door near the Postoilce by
a Mot fired by the rebels from the opposite
side of the Potomac.
To day a oitiren o' Sharpsburg wan shot
for retest:l to deliver up his watoh to a rebel
who demanded it. The scoundrel placed his
pistol at the mows head, and blow hie brains
out, for not complying with hie demand.
There are some exciting reports to-night as
to lha presence of a very large force of rebel,
near Harper'. Ferry, but they are not deem
ed tellable.
Prcm the movements perceivable among
the enemy -et Harper's Perry to-day, It was
.upposed that Hunter was actually
them in the rear. Notbiag dearth...weld be
ascertained, but there I. every reason to be
Gars that Hooter will be heard from to some
purpose before long. •
PHILADELPIZIA, Jetty G.—The Bul Lein hat
received the following epeolal dispatch:
Harrisburg, Jelly 0 —Gen. Couch has Jot
received a dispatch w biota lead. us to behove
that oar cavalry were forced oat of Ilagers
'•own to day. The diessatch 1. dated 1 o'clock
this afternoon. The rebels have only cavalry.
Our troops are concentrating at Chambers
burg and beyond.
The Governor will issue a call for more
troops in uldition to the 12,000 called for yes
terday, eo that the old troops In the depart
ment may be erns to the front. The old
Peonsylemia It metres aro dsoki ng to the
Ileanosscao, July 6,10:30 r. r.—Dispatches
from Onambersburg scats that • rebel force,
supposed to be Bradley Johnston's brigade,
entered ILagerstown this afternoon. The
federal force at thot place, under Limit.
McLean, after • spinted resistance, were 00112-
polled to fall book on • Green Castle, with
which place we still held telegraphic comma
nication at 6 p. m.
--- -
The DeAtruetlon of the Pirate
W 1.181.1107011, July d.—The Navy Depart
ment recelvod the following dispatob
U. ff.. Bruins Elathasos,
June 19, 1804, r.
Sir—l have the honor to inform the De
partment that on the day subsequent to the
arrival of the Eearsage off this port, on the
14th last-, I rocolved a note from Capt.
Semmes, begging that the Seepage would
not depart, W. he Intended to light her cad
would not delay her but a day or two.
According to this notice the Alabama loft
the port of ,Cherbourg this morning at about
9.30. At 10:20 a. m. we discovered her steer
ing towards as. Fearing the question of
Jurisdiction, we steamed to sea until a dis
tance of six or 110115/2 miles was obtained from
the Cherbourg breakwater, when we rounded
to and commenced steering for the Alabama-
Al WO approached her, within twelve hundred
yards ' she opened fire, we receiving two or
three broadsides before a shot was returned.
The action continued, the respective steamers
making a cards round and round at a die.
canoe of about nine hotbed yards from each
At the expiration of an hour the Alabama
struck her flag and went down in about twenty
minutes afterwards, carrying many personi
with her. It affords me groat gratiecation
to announce that kit did their duty, exhibit
ins a coolness which gave prorate* at the cut
est of oertalnwimory.
I have the honor to ha. most respectfully
your obedient senreat.
(Signed,) Joan A. Wmahow, Captain.
To Lion. G. Wahhcs, Ste:Diary of tho Nav .
Genera; Fr anklln—Estenalvi Fird.
Now Your, July 6.—Oeneral Franklin
puss* quietly through this city last evades,
on hie way to the army of the Potomac. Al
though his leave of &Mance extends to the
30th of July, and hie wound still troubles
hint, at the request of Gan. Grant he returns
to duty. Gen. Franklin's friends in this city
we making up a purse for the purpose of pre
senting him a sword.
The extensive carriage repository and man.
ufaeturing shops of Wm. Osborne, at Rah
way, N. J., were destroyed by Ore on Mon.
day night.
Call for Alaesachusetts 11110.1 a. .
Borrow, July 6.—A is published for
5,000 ldusaohusetts volunteers for garrison
duty near iirashington. The non.oommis.
slotted oflioen and privates are to receive $2O
per month, from the State, while in service.
Death of George P. Morris.
t Your, July o.—Goorgo P. Monde, of
fto Ho a‘. died st bla residence, In
thlr olty, at 1 o'clook all afternoon, aged 04.
- - -
OSELET—On Wediumlay misruling, eth lust. at
throe o'clock,lll4/11% wife of William Oakley, aged
tarry years.
The friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend the ftmeral on Tar tllllll Lyn...soon at
thine o'clock, Ikons the maidencr of her basband, on
Bank Lane, Tuolumne Bormigh,
WOODd—At Sewickley, Tuesday, 6th Mir., Etr.
tiOilthT WOODS, 0311ot Dr. Wm. Woods, to the
hid year of hie age,
The funeral will take place from the residence of
hL Dither, on Temainsr, 7th lust., at ten o'clock
in., 17 proceed to Sewickley Oennetery. Monde of
the family are respectfully Invited to attend.
KEE TY—a t othick, p. m ilth Yost. Hall-
Kerney, Teo. MMY; pulpit daughter of John
Fanansl pork. la main( potra.
JOHNe of the firm of
Townes * Ilkdoy,) II. =NEON Ho f
Nitellell, Ham & C 0.,) DION FOTINDIHNI sod
nova Naziatactorad,
• • Maar,
Ninth Nara, PM:Onagb, Pa.
mytly JOHN D. HEREON d
prraiELLED mont.4, on Ain
jai aad tylblad geode la black, brOvn, man and
dra,bat 28 sad 93 df. Clair misc.
New York Money and stock Bhurket.
Ppeclal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
No Yo., June 6—n, .tock market fa arm and
prima a shade tenter, though out quetab!y higher
Pittsburgh a Fort Wayne, 715; Glerai,,,,A
burgh, 11V.,,. K. 8. Sires, 15 31, 105 . 105 .14; One Year
Certineates, 963,c,; Seven Thirties, Iosalny; Plea
Twenties, ICO. The money market Is unchanged.
-Gold opened at 2M, and cloud this afternoon at 110.
New York Market.
INrw roma, July C.—Pork higher and in We de
mand; 541,00 for Wen / 44,75 913,12% for New do.,
cionieg at 8,46,14 4 / 5 ,11,4, 1143047 for Old and New
Make and ISltgat for Prim. Sheen, also 2 ow bbl.
New Meas, July, slayers' option, at 815443,60; 2.00)
Dbl., for A ngast, same option, 550. Beef quiet and
firm; 14811S0 fa Sr.., 0010 c for Prince, 9A323e for
Repacked hleas and 28030 r fur Extra Meta Beef
llama dull aud nominal. Cut Neat, firmer and In
fair demand ; 15,5 '8 c for blurold 4., and 17XalfiX, for
Balm. Bacon Idlom mamba J. Lard more ammo and
firmer at 183d(3193(o; alma 1,400 bole for July, buy.
11 r 2 . ,.2.4 s Ilg,forgfUrsVlErt bet."4C1tT,111,15°,14::7,,r8P.V1Y.
ter Bed Western. (Aro .stirs and 11812 c. totter;
81.33841.06 for New hilted Weetern. pate rather
more steady at 58 , 323 e for Western. Coffee mom;
there was some considerable operation. In 1110. the
particulars of which
not transpired. A ngar
demur and Cleeldedly more mitre, at 2521 x tor
Cuba, duty paid, and 12.44813 e do in hoo d. ret..-
len. motet; Crude 60c, Relined In Bond IiATI,Sce, do.
Free 576990. Wool bra but quiet Cotton Sc bet.
tar; 51,34z0,c0 tor hliddling Colneds, cloning firm
m the lance rate. Flour—State and Western attire
and 158gNic
fortgher 111070@,11,E5 for Extra OfsJe.
311011,65 Extra Li. t o . Id., and 811.74411,77 for
7ry4o Brenda, the market closing firmer In coos,
queer* of tee adranm ln Gold ; included In the maim
are 14,1E10 bb Extra Bute, tor July and Auscust, at
au,soall 75; coolca It. H. 0. fur August, 813
Wisiaky active and firmer ;_ (1,70 t3 1 . 75 for 04 . Pu and
al.naijs for Wooer., Cats reciter more Meetly.
Stock and Money Market,
Now Tens, Joly 6.—hloney quite stringent et 7
ail per cent. Sterling decloodiy firmer at 10f.,,
gold. Gold more moire end firmer, opening at 2to,
advancing to 26034 and cb sloe at 2:ki1%0200. ..
Govenommt Stocks dull I 5-20 s Coulon., 104;d'05
TAN, October and 'April, 105y000j100.
Stocks steady •
C. a B. 1......*„....1123.011chiga. Centra1...137%
P. rt. W. & 0 ....._....1.13,' M %
ichtgan apothem.. 03
0. &N. W 62 !Toledo & Wahmh..... rs
C. & P .o. ......... ....111 ti ' New York </mfr..]
IC. Central 5erip....130t6 Cumberland
Erie._ -..............11.5 I year ocruficaten.
Budeon 1.33 0. 2M. Certifieltel
Heading._ ........ .....IM-18
Buffalo Market.
Duran', .1017 r , .—Flour firm and actlro; tales cf
Canada to bakers at S for Extra State, Extra
Red Winter 811,50011.75, White Wheat Double X
1112,50913. Wheat active and 10e lewier ; lades 1111-
. .Ltkv. tie. I Opring 52.2392,25, clueing firm at an
advance. Cora 2c hotter; salve at g 1,38 fur No I.
Vaa quiet hot firmly held at 859220, chlelly at Tbc
for Ne. 1; other grade. an comlncl. W hist
° Canal Freight. to New Yolk—Wheat I'de, C. - it
shippers ffeting lc lava
L eh; G. 1.1,887 b' ; Wheat, 51,276
h ; Cora, 60,557 bash ; Oatx, 47,052 hash.
Owed K1V271.6 —Flour, I' bnie; WWI., 121., , 50
bath; Co, 73,t?f, bash; Oats, 13,,,D
'Mining Stock.
Barron, Joy 6.—The following nr• the
mining atooka, bid in Boston to-day -
... . ......
tinizot.s......----.4*41 French Cre ole I
Oswego Market.
6.—nocir la good drtaand Lod oloaod
better. Wheat notolnall, Go baiter and quiit ; No.
I Chicago Pprlog I. held a: $2,23, N 0.2 do, 52,20.
Caro—New Minot. 51,45.
(Waal lrelghie nominal; carrier. ark 111,- o
Wheat to New Tort"-
BalUsore Market-
Bactinoar.,ly s.—Flour dell; Howard &Mc
SupprOne 57,25 a 9.50. WI at Arm, and Kew I
amino forward elowly ; taloa I,oal borbol• Nary
Lad Malta at 82.75. Corn qntrt ; %ham 31,60, Yri
10w31,61. Whisky firm at 151,81g1,4.
linnedtof Hal }:CT ELLIS, who
for • number or S ear. bar I.sen connect.] with
the I Ittaintph Theater Limn eerier, uld now cal
.to • bog and
protracted Pinesh true •s hle
oneenrour triond. w 0 Ulm. him • i.h ne more e all.
Olr T. C. nE.C2C,lnarci the Walnut litreet Theatre,
to volunteered, an] wi I awes ae 0 Stairk.
Mist Ltraio La Grange w W &moor.
nig evening Inn be preens to,l
POTor Or CrD.lO 2 CA Vs
I anti •Cezepbt. , cut
To anaclode ultb
T. Company aro dlion from their flarra no
Phllstlsiphtia nod swaps - ice, twenty artistes, sac
them ensaiged for their snpetlority r .111
Patticalars of note CH be fimod In laomfn
bills and prover:oms.
Admission, 25 est. Ilrecrred seats, 50 cents
Doan open at 1% o'clock eomnienoo at 8
kmcrved roata can re obtained at to.
J L. idaltSol2o33, flanace
J. T. DONNYLLe, Asont.
601417 YOB
John Harsh & Co.'s Soda Ash,
consto.itly receiving the ume. tehloht he en .011
en the most Womble terve. Thin Ash in portion.
larty adapted to the manolactun of W/...
0. W. CHUBC./1311.11,
LAMM Brims; botasen Yodel-II and SaadmitT
_Atzratrasr MT, PA.
Palbt., Aa
...Nadas Of all tfadr Attonled to. •
atom acid for tee
-25 met bbin. Bopeiggs; huh Butter ;
500 do York State Potatoes.
60 do choice Dried Apples.
100 bosh. prime Dried Pelham
150014. Comity Clair Bides
6000 Ribbed do;
1500 0 0 Hams;
500 0 . 0 Bbouldora,
25 bids. Corn Mad;
00 do Hominy;
000 bush. Etarrosdat Bea.;
Li bble f oar Cider;
100 hop bused Potatow,
FA, 50 half cheats Omen, Dlact. Pali Japan Tea
60 ban Claclaroan Garman loop;
do do M
1 20 6 doom Wax bboardrl oold Median
23 do Docket.; •
1.5 do Om Br oottoo
25 belt bblo. No. 61aeterel;
15 do Late Eleanor,
10 bbla. No. 1 Lard On:
25 bbl 6. Syrup. sod N. 0. Hollows,
15 ban Oswego Cora Iliarch,
10 awl No. I Neches;
10 boxes Prepared Coda.;
l a. by 8 . LINDSAY, Jr. a CO.,
161 Lltkrty street
F ISH -50 half bbla. No. 3 largo.
50 do " medium;
25 barren V
Mutat' ; , n od
25 do
•• 3 inr/1* .4 mod.
100 ball bbls. Lak• Ilert ing
Beentral and fm. ty J. B nANTITLII.
SUNDEdES-. --- . W AEL Ego •
8 do Dane
10 keyr.e, au l
g l ,7'
20 bbl. Bans ;
2tal do Potatoes;
ID faro end for Web y (Mali 4 BALSIJIT,
..._ .ll.___) lab...tieT y
DES.—Another lame supply of the toot
Wringer In tee conntry. Ault re-mired et the India
Dubber Depot, ticos tr. end
,39 enor .Stmt. by
_ J.& H. PIIILLtri,
Bole Agents kn. this county.
BBARLEYIitALT.--"Prizu Pa] and
(blatantty b B u A d R and bruin by er,
19.1 Liberty •tn... Plttahmpl.
200 BI3LS. "Gag !dills" FLOUR, ar
-1,000 t.Z.94l7ooirrpe" Ittal'ar:Yli.
Ra. a Woad atreaC
pisarNG TecrELE, embracing Aods
11: /4.h. Elms. 80.14.3.:, for eel. by
JA1141114 RAIWN.I3,I Wend strtet
UGLEAD-500 pigs eoft unions Load
ta ioat fa:mired and for gala by
turra TABLN Go V KRNS--A n
v otbor tDPPb lsst roortyrd, at wboletelo and
moot. J &11. P.ILLIPs.
Joatrecalryd sad for rale by
B ASKET WILLUWII 86 bctla now
Hw y
to anise and for sale try
j• 1 0 ' zasien mar= a 00.
T TEEMED OIL-10 blob. T. Parrott
Boas, to eon and [or ealotT
hal MAUD DIOS:MTh 00.
WV TOOLS for "Os try
184 J6lttl:B NOW!. us Wood ober!.
- - -
AW°l42°L7P.l° bbla. just recaiceu and
lin Al alidar H. OOLUVIS.
srE R• AD rERT/RE.VE./r7.8.
--r, P_)
rffASPV.O..S , PTIRCt 2...
No. Fourth Street
PrwrFrvaan, Pa . Jutp S, !SU. J
.E 4 eordsom rertn orders 1 pabILM the foraying list
personsxemptellram dean by the Board of En
rollment t odd. &strut to Mrs dubs, with toe reason
of their exempt!.
Cherie, Bnceop, tailor : 158 Third.
Isaac 7 Keeler, scale—maker s Few.
; Fonttb.
John Llringaton, roofer; y Groat.
E ILtell , tailor; ^J Fotertb.
Derr, clerk Nauman Eotel.thanes Grimm, gentltnnin ; 44 DlamoneL
Cdarle• T Ihmsen, merchant ,• 14Q Third.
Jame, Niter, Phllll p Court.
Ned:lona Nebel, shoemaker; 200 Becond.
Wy roma, drayman ; 459
John Pnrkor, toddlor ;
E J Braun, clerk; 161 Smethlleld
Joo thnmaine coal relater Z 2 Liberty.
John Icamina, dray.. ; 83 13.11thlh1.
James McCune, laborer; Virgin alley.
C..rnelluslllry, laborer; 77 Webster
Cornet.. Stain, !abate.; near Strawbens al
on, For,/
Coo !Aerie, barber; 48 81 in roBr, c
Wm A Hada k , physician; 87 Wylie
Jae, coachmaker; Morrow'. mart
Po , er Martin, einem/m:43 VI, gm Alley
Michael Poet, mhoem km; Grant steer.
Ceder Tire..
James Maguire, clerk. 38 Grant
Derma Lena:um/
Joo Delaniuth, storekeeper; 59 Boas
Ma Brea bac
A ndrew Casey, expels. messenger: 311 Liberty
Paul Held, doctor; 162 emithitteld
Joe W Yandevori, dentist; 51 0070.1,
Charles KoCined beady, restauraot; 51 Wylie
Hugh Fulton, shoemaer; 15 1111 L
John Anbeck, tenor, 11l Ll terry wage.
Adolph Bechtold, reetaur.• 147 wood stre.'t
Robert Brady, moulder 76 Fifth. treet.
'clip Bean, barkeep r,..344 Liberty street.
Jobe El Belford, laborer; .35 Seventh etreei.
Mary Bo die au, laborer; Clay alley,
Jacob le Eberle, shoemaker; 144 CLerry alley.
Job ti Grinder, Janitor; filch anent.
Joseph' 16. mt loge, contractor; 3 Plato et .tree
Joo hod mil, ; 84 Seventh street
Jarob Defer, taborer; Cherry
Geo Deaver, tail r. MI Lae. ty atm.
Patrick Kild uff ,
laborer; 27 /Intl, sleet
atrick Kilduff, I darer. 21 /Ile h etreet.
Thoe B utgan , laboree; 67 or Al WI ilestrmi
Joe Idelleam, labarer;o2 Vagin alley.
Wm II email, clerk; jell.
Thom WHilarna, sextoo; Wrrga alley.
Cm Weloonberger, .11 , emaker; (berry alley.
Phestia..l aiebt.t.s.
Auguste. II Lane, ha/al...per, 60 cis th street..
J Siebeneck, lawyer, 99 Wylie meet,
D 0,12 D rieming, 85 6,885 585-885 -
Limey Allende., cooper. 7 Prospect street
boa Arnim our, moo d moker, CC Chatham
Woa G Algeo, modeitaker, terenth A Snalthliold
Thus Barret, abeemaker, 25 1.14,7 K street
m E Deithwenne, clerk, 3 Pa even,.
James B Boer, esoinet maker, 71 Ws lie street
blichael Brae, Maim cutler, 19 Virgin alley
Will/arm Baehr°, tavern. 17 Di.mond
A egret Brooks:airs, saddler, 30 Wylie
Audrey Crawford, Mom mason, 136 rmlthtleld
A' fr. d barber, 36 Chatham st eat
silmsel Daop , enginver,lsl Unatbem {lntl
Jeremiah Drise.,ll, taborer, 19 Webster street
JILIIM. Donahue, 'inner, 5o Wel aterstresi
Jam. 11016, merchant, 22 Clay aley
Morris 1.1., laborer, 78 Eleventh crest
Reds eb leer, blacksmith, Grant
Ob. Greme6 !.horse, 74 Weenier street
David E 11.11, tavern keeper, 176 Smithfield
rch K Healers en, clerk, 2166 idiots street
Jamta flaggeny, tobacconist, EC Dosestreet
Joe,b 1, Herr, cooper; 161 Smithfield
George Kemp, brickbayer.,6l Weudelngten
K nue Kean, teacher, f 1.5 Smithfield
damned Kennedy, clerk, 103 Wy Bs
Joseph LILO,. ehoetnater, IS ITealer
John 61.1 e, laborer, 46 Virg.
Frank L.:, beer ball, Wood
A A Log. conductor, 314 Liberty
Wlirard Leonard, laborer, 38 Seventh
Matthew Lawton, marble cutter, 57 Trani
/Uichael Melody, laborer, 103 Elma
Thomas Maloney, roller, 22 Tunnel
Jame. 11Qmadless, hooter, Cherry alley
Loges Met; carpenter, Cherry alley
David BEcKeer, <Layman, 41 Clay alley
Ef tory 111061 e, 000 per, 66 Wylie
Dennis McMullan, driver, 35 Washington
Johns Moore, music teacher, Fifth
Patrick Nolan, VIM blower, nigh
Henry 0 Ormsbee, clerk, 0.8 Seventh
Jcerph Pollock, painter, 21 Ellgli
Adam Pelf
lobo H lluswanker. grocer, IES Wylie
Job, II Saunders, grocer, /65 tamiLbEeld
chtlat Smith, clerk, 25 Wylie
Joh Smith, laricklayer, BilitenbergrealLy
Cooraa achwar, barkociar, 218 Liberty
Si A &MA; ZA.P.h...1. 85 (111,
Geo Epeckni w at c h
lager beer, L Ebon tr y
W T Wiley, watch maker, s t reet
John ward, gaol blower, in Ilige
John Walker, 'moulder, 66 lt eater
John D le/, restaurant, 1011111 etre.:
Julius V. !!unite, steeekceper, 26 Wylie
neer foern-Jfee
John Wagner, blacks. h, 417 Penn
Joseph Preacel, striker, 42 Mulberry. alley
' John 11 idenfelter, laborer, 63 rine
Peed Damsel, Laborer, 2,4 Plate
Wll nun r Thompson, carpenter
Non Baden.,
Limey C leett, brake.... 724 Penn
Simon Dreming, brakeman, 033 Liberty
John TOIL brakeman. 4=14
e, Good
e e, laborer 4lramey
Peter Hyee; htemaker, ,
103 Mn berry all,
Bichard Pommy, catcher, 679 Peen
James Given, delver, 161 Mulberry alley
Charles II Taylor, nallor, 36 rectory
John I Smith, blacksmith, Oatim.'Hara
Thomas Gallagher, glambhawer, 112 i Ike
Jameageott. uallor, 135 Mulberry alley
William Thorpe, aalesman. 115 Pike
Prank fluff, shoemaker, 140 Mulberry alley
Jaen. Widillen clerk, 07 Mulberry alley
/1 Blanchester, dentist, 638 Penn
Thomas rhl, laborer, Al Walnut
Wail.. El kl . Clcary, clerk, MO Liberty
Mantel Green,laboar, 256 Spring alley
John W Connell, pattern maker, B Pring . 1
Pat. let 1 81111acas., tivern, 486 PICIU.
Peter Haberman, !sparer, 180 Pike
rkadroutti, brakeman, 623 Penn
Henry Forbes, laborer, 781 Poem.
ellTil WaRD•
Grer For*. far Peon of A,
W Connelly. peddler. 64 Congrem
John Gallagher, laborer, 63Caldwell
J II Jargon, latamer, 27/ed../
Joseph Mena, therm., Wylie
Henry J IlLgby,printer, 31 Falba
James P Ladle, painter, 25 Townsend
Porki masenation
IlichardCDPAPA, Telegrepber, 43 Logan
Andrew Getty, clerk, IZI gun
George Borns,
re:egraph operalor, Wlde alley
John Shiner, 1/sborer, Vine
51 El Sturgeon, storekeeper, Center anon.
George Tanner, gentleman, Cliff street
11011TH WARD.
John D”. 11„ laborer, Boyd'',
Axithony Byrne, laborer. Second
Barnard Bk - Mnittandeborer, EM) Forbes
John Lepper, laborer, 36 WAWA
Daniel O'lleal, boiler, Second
Andrew B hiller,laborer, Peach alley
Cheat ScholkopheCarpesiter, An,,
Lewis Wagner, laborer. Peach alley
Wen Trainor, laborer, 11 , 11 •
Dennis Duffey, laborer, Forbes
D A WBllame , boiler, 255 second
John Bellow, eabluet maker, Waft.
Joprti.lltulla laborerloevelleei, ma.
tom 7 n, ;sharer Poiher "'"'
Thomas Pellitpe; auctioneer, Fauna avenue
Hugh I Coy, laborer, 11111
John McNeely, soda !,
apple ellsy
J Smith, dark, Mager atreat
Richard Cerr, Lebo sr, 60 Gibbon
Otto Graf, laborer, Lampkorneyet's Court
William sham, labour
Jamb Baler, taller. B.W Penns Ammo,
Henry Sehroner, cake oven, 250 Brood
nb. Hugo, Baggage muter. Magma
George Younger, faller. rear 38 Pride
John Campbell, drannan„ 37 Gibbon
William Ludwig, butcher, Vickr
Robert Drown catch,,., 2 15Second
Rm Lempkemeyar, cargwater, Penne Avenue
Adam Hardy, bkmkeealli l / 4 Weber ,
John Tallely, bolLr , MO 8. cowl
David Theme. beater Boyd street
James 81.11, laborer, Wataon
Edward %well, roller, amend
(knavery, laborer 60 Gibbon
Add Mischa carpenter, e 2 Marton
Ream Sing, brickayer, Vic
Barney Camp, clerk. Msec k yTapitai
Daniel Barr, clerkbell, 71 Erasion
John Bentang. cooper, Iloovoler'e more
P Dremen, laborer, 6 Gibbon
P Ebert, alemmani el.nalt
Richard fritehmt, roller,Becond
John Ds Fere
Normine, Jr, Pcnaatmet
Non Rendeare. •
James Laughlin tailor, Begrime way
Jamm LOU. off dealar.'lgorrianticet -
John Relglar, Beeman, McKay House
Frank lifewment, engineer:746 Penn erect.
John Siren, Braman; wllkina Meek
WilliaMPtluebaugh, laborer: Penn street..
Digo halty.
Andrew Dobelattdro.
II G Gilbert, lakanal Penn street.
John C Kemp, conduotor; 633 Penn street.
John G Miller, no Dogmas way
• A 6cott, name; West Patinia.,Traspital:
Welmcb, labccer; Allegheny irtnert:', i.
Crer Orly-Jiro Tan of elm
Aleunder MeTtemy, labmem Llberty,
Timothy gullivan , Lborer,'Allogherky. street;
Pad fousessifetion. -
Harry Albright, boiler maker, Smith
Thome, Drown, turner, Allegheny etteet.
P R Dart, lumber merchant. 910 Penn
Patrick Hickey, crepe; Liberty
J L Bartley. eerpserer, Lawn,
Cleo W Hoer; nailer, Peon Junkie; brakeman. Joinos •
2111 ton li.usp, engineer, 6.1110 an
John CMS% Laborer, Carnal I
Wem Kelly, laborer, alterattalre row
John Major
Thomas Mulligan
Calvin Reynold., ehghaner, 01 3 Pena
'Wm /Mager
John. Miami
.-.. arm...Ts
ALFRED D 417113,
: •••
ramly foreman ot Anderson FIMIpt,) mood,
lam= Ids Mends alid the publio genera,
den huMr
Otp.2 • ir ‘ 414 4 1 7 at the
Foun earner of Third
•ry, cer ur y boo, oppodte'rtatoo's Dram
fos poost4 pan Corti:4lw LIODT.
:PULLED:I,a°. Swig attootion giro to Moak=
QPIcED altby's Spiced
1.7 and &alb °Tasty, pot pp fem. sad taro fatm4
cirralk asaiidadraati MI dczan r
. t tb" deadly pnxery titera at
BOOT 4XII sHozi.•
Ate. 00~~ Foy ~T
ate warranted to era satittnction, Ind are putting
want about
ONE I-I A T f.l-1
Th. celebr,.: ,4 Flalf Price Rua Store.
C SEAT f 1 iNli-RUPT BALI ea emar.acca
L • nNpAY, JUT) ligb-
A 14 - 13 W SUPPLY OF
LADux*, ozsTutenws.
=saw, TotrTtr4.
Boots, Shoes and Batters, ,
No. 54 Market icitruut...
We leave Ices received car Sprto4 erect m
Wlalab we latll sell et the LOWrST CL.IIIZI
We dere the 'Rivet and beat ealectel mut nr
Aaa•a Inns Call Squiere.tood Booth
To be hand to the e!ty. LADIES' LAST GAITERS .
In arm:dance, Give xte eaTL '
Hoots and Shoes
At GREAT BARGAT.EI3. Call sm', at It will pay
yosy at Butt4dttt Ire, Sit !lariat stmt.,
1721 2d door treat Plfm.
... _ _
Boots, Shoe& Gaiters and Balmorale
to the city,
h 2. 29 Di • }MET ST., 2.141 , Gr hem sth.
JOHN CAMPBELL, Mannfactarer of
BOOTS AND Ef emery description, et
No.SI Smith Sold stmt.toborgh 0021./1
zciAtt. art. - rictus '
This Loan Is euthortoel by &of of Chogrra
March fith, lyfi, which provides for lta BEISKIMP
SION IB 00/11, at any reeled diet feu than on or .
.. ..'ilaelarffi Some from he date, at the pkentre of
the Cleratemeat.
Until Its %donaptlon, tars PVT/ GENT. itrom-
SST Is to be pad ocrai-onatutily, IN COIN.
TAXATION adds boc ono to throepar coot. per
antsun to Ite valeta
The eaten( Internet on this loan, although bet Sue
Per era in cola, hi as much greater In currency al
the dldesenee between the market value of currency
and gold.
A• a rule, the Era per cant. specie socuzitles all of
1 IKLITSIie gelralllTlLLlti are alas, • par cr shore, and
canroncy now hauled in the National Loan. wall he
worth It• fare to gold, bedlam paying a regular and
liberal percentage to the holder.
No sectulties offer so great inducements, It le be
lieved, ea the ♦artoa• descriptiora of 17. B. Bond•.
In an other form efludebteduess, the faith or ability
of mint* parties or stock campanie• or almost*
communitlmenly fa pledged for papneat, addle for
the dobta of the Unitod States the whole property of
the country la holden to •stare the payment of both
principal and interest in min.
nufirmded Debt of the tatted State. an which
7,2722 e5t 72 payable in gold, on the 9d day of March,
Ittfd, was 11768,963,0 XL The Intend on Mb debt
for the =ming remit year will be $43,937,190,' while
the customs menus in gold for the current Anal
year, ending June 99th,11364, ha, teen ea tar at the
rate of oral. 5189,0f0,000 per •army an amount
largely do I XeCl3 of tbs wants of the Treasury for
the payment of gold Internet.
Those Ronda may be =herbed for In .um. tro9
$5O up to' miy magnitude, on the mom term, and
are than made equally arailablo to the meanest
lender and the targest caphallat. They can be ma.
varied into money at any moment, and the bold,"
bars tho benefit of the !Menai.
. - •
The authorized =ascot of this loan Le Two tisok
drool =bon Donors. the &mama of mhuvtpttoas
mortal to the Treesou7 at Washington, Is ores
$ 70 ,000,000,
Butacuipthma sill be matted In currincy by the
First Motional Munk. at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Tided National Bank, Plthirmy,b, Pa.
And by all National Banks which are airpcsn
talcs at public matsy ; and all respectable Baas
and Hanker, throughout the comgry, (acting as
MOM of the National Deposita:7 Hanbo) will lar
glib hut:um futOrmatka on applicieop, and aihri
mary nullity to outacribars.
Er,l'itllrATß DISUSE&
Dr. Ludlum's Species'
only raltabla taaseds- for d'..u.sua al tha c;zaz
. - -
of ituntlon. If L ths dboarary of an radwel
Phyott trboatw Itfo wee dantxt to the Ittaa tsmant at
thls class ol dlacases. sad 'rills scapreccdrstad
mw, kr Male than twenty para. Lt to feribettan le
Hsi% rortdring no Wootton', n •
d dltortne enttfoly
Mao tbasolstakma prunes and Gl* =ma-001mM
IXR 11 :061141 alk - C4 to tha phllfc U L statroly
Instable and perfectly We. 31 acts Ilks a chums.
lOW tmparta strangtb sal 'lcor lo Me Cieutall
Mynas —rae greet czoomo p thli remeGy la .1.
17 awbek4a:l- men. Obserms, thant,n. that tie
aktulitira at Um proglotar 5 =mud nib ; bozsaini
**sr Is rultdas. PrapuNl only tri
0414 Praigistor.,oolPbtaLii o
BaLS by ail Dtr4gtEr, orb ii yar kl.
error sais u 1121DISU1. es fiZO. u. Mitlat,
110 Wad area.
JaMlTzlwa -
011gAT rattz raza—uvlairwztas'
Tout ANOD II 7YZ.—That 'natty colabeated preisneL
tin, "tact haa so trnly earned the tame and keno
of a a True Anodyne by molts whkli , had bOind .
army otter attempt et awe or nate in &wait* .
EIMWELOtha. Coot, Homo ileadachi; Tdbth 4nct
Uncle, Cholera ?Sorban, Pains in tha Monts+ or
Bowels, Ziptatia, Ml6= after Eating, Lo, Cl
Genera' I Nervous Debility, Paactyntos in
datiana and Whooping Cough. now &dared to lizply norms, and far the pains In tiontfay nem.
struaticrn,saso &Owed to be ono of *ls asst ta•
pciriant points In nudge:no. Atha, initiate= itow
Toot "were tea dollars " drop, 7:?it214 be
It In Ft, Csro4. inno cal 'e r A 1" with,
*Maga by all WlKA'ais and Egan &ass. •
JOEY 4 Hinntzwm;Pieitst,or..
gni sale by Zoo. inembr, G.O. H. , Ittpet A , l il t A.
blialtott & Intton. /goal ltr Pllta
northi;W.A.melt W , LaimsandlAr. J„iyat
INA? tity. •
Jas. Robb,
L) srarrr.