1211111:11 714*bagit .05aztite. WEDNEADST MORNING, TONE 22, 184 COMERGLU • PITTSBVIIGH DLAEKETEL LBSpertad Ppedetip Got She Pithdes - ereseitte I • , • Treater, • . Jltna 21, 11301. - - . ... WIII6T-•There IS hut Unlit liTtLeatsdNenti Fr/ Innis dentin 'good leadAilinuid, the market , li arm and P ea well Enetnined. .Ealef of old. .liti 41 Bed from first =bat Sip. Vbitrk istelbl4 l L4 . *d from eragoienesl,lo. • • 130/15-Ts to better demand, and wilt , liild 're-' telpts and a n limited apply, the market It Anna and plia.•••- s.. G ads high. & blot 603 the Shelled, an tack. at • X; and 800 , be do prime Yellow. fain I es, at 51, _ -. .OATS-There -le et - berker local demand nod while • _ the market is Armee. there le no change, enlist, to prime. Ades of 103 bra from store as 65, and 103 do do se 83 n',1113-She demand eel:abysm tight and entire. • . ly Irma. notwithetanding which toe market le very nem adpttem are well rumbaed ' Veil Paulen • Arendt ol Extra Fanny, such as "eta of the Wen" `P= and tfilalf," are held firmly at sa,co in Mom Enrion - ' - Wheat brands nay be qe,oted at hal 58,00 to 25,,Z. '• .”. iIigUCZEMS-nuar ie nee m , ideating; buns May be qv ten firm at la to IS. and New Mimes at ' . an 03 to 21. aitioe le and ; dim I Th n iota quiet of la bags at 45, Ed Ashes demand looking ticr, sati of New ethane at 131,100,15, )11ce .may Ire Teas] at I.2.itty„ . •. sOC ,s—h non culi n good ...40bbing dtmatid at fire= rata. __We . madam to quote at 19a15% for —Bladders; lati4X, for nieben &der, 17n1,7% for Plain limn sad 20.21 for Cannswed eager , , med. litab-le held Muni fpmauce noted in our • ' lot t port Ptah tam city „reudtred at . -15 Val Cr-Mostly at to. : ..- '.*. 11 - 644 POllB.-Tnere is cormiderabis inquilry on •.',-.,- eastern arrant, but se yet, no mit • have born !dee :, tad Widen are firm at a , 5, ad meal am am la Al g at these Eignrak . an t Iht-rin-ra m out littlsoffering, yet the de, • Mend Is very light, sad the market to doll; Prime roll cannot be qurted at over 1940. Packed butter • wourd allimen,by for shipment, but them 1s mail in mutt.• ; =O-.lk - a apply Mary licit, neid the matket, - Is ammeltontai.- i.e demo,and VIM. en a shade . higher; ere now quote no 51025 per dozen., 11 alt.-W-0 1M good apily as the soda to-day. the erno'n norther of loads weighed, aggregating M. - I,,ef Prime shoaled a mideange, bans rePated at from 516 so 135 p r ton-mestly at $2 0. 35. EIAGT--ntle of 250 bele No. 1 ,Latta, from store, _ at iir en per bbl-dn.ivertd._ 1 ....:'--- PA ari3l3-The demand ie re.derato, and aria') : --. prime notables, flt isoodsundition, may be voted at • .:, 111,7.3. 1 .0 ,rer bbd. .., . WHISILT-11 firm and ho'ders aresaking a mate, • ...'..„-- datadrairoe, but there Se scarcely enough doing to eitablish rata, IYe giro the taking pacts at from .:. ~.... ."' $1,65 tosl 03 Er Weatem. -..-- , 10/115115E-Isateady with sales In lots of NO boxes it 14)415 - ; 1,161Z-5010 of 60 bits at $1,611 per bbl. . _ -,-.' '.. , .' .• IPfttabillrgh Petroleum-Altura et Joss2l -The unfavorable character of the foreign • - AM, by the lett steamer, does not appear to bars . , bad a. eUnlitett effect on the market here, a there .. . ~• ..... Is, la yet, no perceptible falling off in the demend 'lad he tlet down" in prices. The recriph of, Cir.do - -' - 442 0440 Ugh; and, with a moderate bouts and ::_ 7 :itifikiiii dimmed, the =tittle, steady but Withont - ~ Moat& change. The reporteaValescompriee elute .- . - alle Ottl‘o4l.or.to, We renamed:mot 45, hble .incle ':. ' - danlanditro also note • ash Of 60 Idle from the - • oDattkard Valley ' Well," In Oren. county at 11. bbl. included. There le but comp tratively little ' doing In reline& yet the meeker Is very firm and -- - . pribm are viesale ; 500 hbie ....dtandard" in lleattelned:l Witimer bond, dellarahr - bitereen a the 15 - 1, andel/Cheer August, buyer's option, at GT. elld 10 . J , . . bbl, ninetke,•• free, e 7l- on al Imo, edam city brands may beairly aloha at 61.65, - in bond, •ind 7445,-.freo; There is not etiougu doing either in , • liaptha or netislnum to attain."' quotations- • • : J.;.,Theittelpts by the Allegheoy I Mar &rills lbe --, - twentylortr hare ending ads avealug, are as fol , -•"' ' ----- _ - "Tt ECYdgg e ccrtoa MEI EL'Ealay. 22 1 .I.23ltt'D Cochran 067 .- 'Q t 97 a Benner • WlCilark B Co. - 150 . . Totainumber • Chicago Market-MU Report. - Tells 22Ttie Wheat rootlet trite on the rampage, .. • °Pflug to the aptraid =arm:ma lit gold, and salts tees mod/tat an advance from 6510 e per boon Barna dej'a figure'. The trammel= show ,o wide range • In Priam and in ansottled market. Bo lrprlog sold at Om 81,554,63, and .15fo 2 opting at from 11,47 • •'"'• clone, buyer' Gm r 0451,151 for the tor . • friar. and $1,51a1,53 for tho latter:. • Thera watts good demand for done, and Battmday's • ; ?rites Irmo Entely oat& Some holden of etnalykr. rands were anal-% an advance of ..doSle per bbL Tue market for ooro wee quiet without touter -1111 change, tiu 1 rold $1,1634.1,17--pnarirally . st 11416ji; No 2Oa sod rejected at .• St,mlyiat 0:134. Ouzel corn vas quiet cad sales were 11411. Two [mat leads of tourapectrd, about equal to Neetecl, rota at 5411 and BLIT oflo= • ••• The demand for 0.143 was ligh, and eft= were - • without amp - fetal .chatogo. No to store sold at ere • aad eto 2 at CUM. •••.,,L• • ;,'There way lot little deco In rye, mad the market unchanged.. Barley was dont sod un ehanßok • • •••••' •••"•• •• Ilighwints ware insAlre *ea:dative demand, and • • f •-•.", • • -• tibytt 3,0J0 olds changed hoods at 51.45x1,48:-no ed• Tahoe of lotto on Bstordara prloct New Orleans Dlarket t - Jast-14..rotton-T6O market south:aced buoyant to-40, Jlth a M lair 't 17, tow *sal - pelting aM pickings et • att, 1 bele at SO, 3t bales rotted, start tadheary,' a el; braes gal supple., ID at and • .• •6, miasma) t a 9i%; 77 etnet good ordinary 96%; sad as l-mmindirht at II)t: - The list offered as asso duo WWI .I.ndrara.. tmdfnary quoted ato tall; _ good-ennui, as .91.92. I w molddeg at 111DialAut sad tolodung 6tI3IO6iLOS - and Itelasses—With very littla afferin ilalos limns madded s • 70 MIMI fair to Bwd • fair sago . at Ville ger Its and 47 boll prime moist „ma as 66CV gslm¢ We that tnumghtd tads, was -;-1111Dbmgoodet bbL • Lard—t6o tosheds,' western kettle matted mid Wittri...Thrre we= Wee trze fait widest • . and3oo boxes short...vadat at ' O 4 Par • : Watity--I.lot cr 4D burelstaW mid at 151.4 4 "1PT Oets-Alattilm told in-101l at Illuay„ per imih. Ilcan—Tte 'salsa =brace PD6ac-te et 14. 85 . 1 . 23 per 1001gw. Clan—game mare rain of GOO elm white sad mind, • StrsasarD lots, st- $1.10•46234 per push. • • Za,-.alent*-0 1 d potatoes ara waling on the landin as gd.6p, mew a; V, - and nsir . oßgon..t p .r -." • Viteagtki.lie 'Stunt awl rt,0113101,1, 4t7120-•Cialtr.:rhAnCapti 1 Csat -7 , 111111. 66• A !ma; Th om 1. no ~,,e p . - --T : - . 1 , 11 t / n ,w / r / . in lb. istortet.. Tn. Alf iced fro:tabs - ' - Co- '''. . - _ otorgdo lot osoffrok tbodoolloooa tbo re?r P :s " ' --" M ak " / 1 %1 11 'OIL Ng goowv - P - Irwin ' . ~. ._ x,d4 80nta r 00...—.......- 16,50 Q 7,80. , '' • Sokol= to. 00:=;"....."."",„,,,..,_. ---a "././" .-., hikm.A.ll--.lto iteeflpti hit ;Wei' in* 15 . ,:i6 ha:. a condone. ALUM sad the twist mks Ana foot stoodrai the tutorial; range of vices dna' *km ... ..: :...., tlodltut fa good-...... *--7"----: ', ...,... ' 3 , Soforto• totoofokoo- "---...- --"..-'- ,-- rz 41.14";Tt0f fosctot fa ri stout r:a att,s 6* 5.1 : ' - $3,10-1,111-11‘ iffoffot; and 81,13166,45 foro ' PP - olosoon to . . tordicaO tosatlo. of *tem& •.• Rrodttoot—ftotot bat Arm: - . r MN" /'llkll-11.a.,t0; 1(t) I '14"" 1r111; WO Ulf - - /1/ NR1.92 111.t-tfloftradotfdr:,d"Z fr urd .t • .Weet.ffi caw Achim from oareuty to eighty iota., . •-• Ausenitaa to quality. fa awakens of ild4 Fitt an datordo pi:Trooped al far a clip ea. Waster ,saw, as thabigtar. Una, ;Soma geat moos are here from. She leafalrapeg up .wool • and the liirticlo swan to zr.uctf to demand. ' - Rh. &oaten, bowlyar, fa the hope af adisece art rubor fattlood to bold an to -.a t e their dlpse—.l9-Serloar'rieolgfeso e. • ' _ Wool:—Tao flavelsod haft G 0 . ," Ma tie new Slip Is •I:adtri offered in omalllota. La that Warhol. suet asobtocea the esuserumflo, sad fladi lardy boy l ma al :do—fracuiing from 73' talle.; ; row ;rums ,bauaro or maseafooturers boos oliPlefred. ro sOd arawt aot soadaut to odor their wools .Throadourtho of the ally at %b. Bute to - bold at: -Choice Wpm . sttobi6l7 sot be offend faricsaflou ono dollar. ..1.-:—.Lararfoales of the old slip bays bems modo at Tie. Tao woo/ matitat-li qalter'ictiro. yrtas ci feed' .---ellprade bum 75 to 77e,--/Seadrato (Po.-)cri.rir,l4-- Cleveland Sax: • yOkr: 2Ct-Tlour-47a, gnfcl. an d : bettaribess strdaY. Bales Ws rod Inas oa t at ran tad oh track 111:65' t car do do it 111,66;4 car good 'Nikko ; do_ ena..- .IJ4A...qutet sad *shads Aram. gaol 18!) , Illith oskorb3ard at BIAS and Star Gl . l"tralfit Ste. • Oar -steady .C 1 qatet Sae k ate Gains* at . TWA, and 1 car dodo at las. 1, • _ 1714hrtaa-tto saes rop >rte.!! at malts Lod cst soauae.si,o, imports b 5 Railroad. - - ' p, w an ,. - 10. Ind.', John IttoothZD r AGe a 11,1ub.2/-- - --,--..- • t.;13,f1i on bbla,,r, it,,,;, 0 , u 4, 4 "i l Sr Etcr p , ' .•- : ' 1.11,;:tco: 6dt/olVtaink c'43l4""lical°7ll : tairl: . 4 % b phi. t IT.irgbl,4*Pllihi.J T , . ~ • 'dron to PlLPUP;tlw;du'rld; km eta i i.ft gi 1 l'ai g ~.._ , s oar nw_ ti P2.,..blitter„ Ado Upon, I VellogTur '!, . Lifni; 5 'cictlr;i7=l,Pit4lll2?....W.lll netkhnn; -. ,-..:` 17!nlittai,r. Pllc.Atoi !Au, ig,,,,,;;;W:, a m. c '4l 01 '-. , •L' - ' , ' an,ll to& Z 4 P t ba=l',l7,C'XX2llt .4,,,....° 41.4• BT= .. .....!.' -Analizajor 0t0,."..., talk IS Ulna hi.. ioGkpii WAR 0 PlAdeiloo km:POW" Jai* , 21.- 01_:ecnc. Pon; John lelqlen 2:5 b lUr c.. t"gb , k L ~ .,C °. n • a 008'41 bltiamntn , .; V•iii!'4l. ..meat, —lrlin , timrdeuusl am Or leaf G G II e'; ..bbt. Plukr. - tom, Park Pro A co- 67. ':".°7 ado.otn nu.: 4040 . TA' 0,,. , 5 P i e leß 4 , JII IN,jl t 4, 1 TAusonwr•trait= Jim ur "I ISO is'..m.l. u ~ • • -- 1 , , A11.2.45.,:p• 8.6 rt.:4712.4m 14 ;eh. --: - Idt;artrnfr '1‘7113,=1-4,... ...m.......„.311,7tnruxp...., hid 8 , 1...1 ~„..... . .-..,.1,, , , , .. , ,s DISSOI f UTIO.4 - 4...tfu 181k4:10N PARTNNICI3RIP ' —Me spribersblp bendable talqtarapagraes :Ida lEctslitto of NridUltli r r: • tram ats dzik. MOOD tilAstai ODIUM.; Thy Wilms cottinta tam... - •,;1"c".7.. • - ) • lONKZIDSA, - _ , •.-r i . . - ) , ! tfMCW 4 L. LAWRION 11,11TZD STASEik, FeltallB-411 StUioll of the Thirty • With Congress. [Punta* 210. 8,5 ] A.S ACT to - ' y national currency, secured by a 'pledge of .United Stars* .boude, and to provide for the alroula tion•and.rOmoptlon thereof. (coltinsios.) Bro. 23: Aziei it further exacted, That no OfloidatiCf.elisil make any lean or db. scant on the security of the shares of ;le own capitol stook , : nor be the purShashr orkiolder any Stash shares, unless each comity or, pnrolniae shall be neeessary to prevent Ito upon debt: previnusly con.. otiolated . gaol, Wilk; and mask so pur chased or acquired eta% within six months from the time .ci its Tarohase, be sold or I disposed of at üblic or may stile, in defaulter which sceiver may be appoint ed to close - up, the business of the 10900111 Con, - accontmg to lko: provisions of this sat_ Bre 88 And be it further ell2aBl, That no &seas - ion shall at any time be Indebted, or is anyway liable, to an amount exceed ing the of ins &spited Block at each time soinallyLpaid in and; r4crisining etn dimlniehed by 'wises or otherwise, ex cept on the following account,, that is to Bay: Fink Oa account of its notes of Dixon- ascond. Oa account of moneys deposited With, or collected by, such tesociation. Third. Oa account' of bills of ex.:hinge or drafts drawn against money actually on deposit to the creditor such association, ordne thereto. Fourth. Oa account of liabilities to lie atothhaldere for dtvidende and reserved profits. - • Sec. 87. And be it Aran enacted, That no associtstlon than, either dithatly or indi ready, pledge hypothecate any of its notes of circulation, for the purpose of procuring money to be paid in on its capital stock, or to be need in its banking operations, or otherwise ;• nor shall any association we its cirontating notes, or any, port thereof, in manner or farm, to create or . here tee its Capitol atonic. . Sm. 88 And be ft further enacted. That no 118/3001Stil)/4 or any member Wired; shrill, doting the time it eball continue its banking operations, withdraw, or permit to be withdrawn, either in forms of dirt deeds or otherwise, any portion of its cspiteri. And if losses shall at any time have been instained by any each associa tion equsl to or exceeding its undivided profits then on band, no dtvidad shall be made; end no dividend thelLever be made by any assiciation, while it shall continue its banli rg operations, to an amount treater theta its nett profits than on hand, deducting - therefrom its losses and had debts., And all debts due to any assails lion, on which interest is past due and unpaid for a period of six months, unless the same emit be well scoured, and shall be in process of collection, shall be con sidered bad debts within the meaning of this act: Provided, That nathlog in this section ebaU prevent the reduction of the I capital steak of the association under the thirteenth section of this not. Sec. SO. And be it farther enacted, That no association shall at any time pay oat on loans or discounts, or in pnrchasint drafta or billeted exchanges or in payment enemata or In any other mode pay or put in circulation the notes of any bank or honking assolistion which shall not, at any anon time, be Deer icsble at par, on deposit and ito payment of debts by the association so paying cut or circulating [ such =tee; nor shall it knowingly pay out or put in circulation toy notes issued 'by any bank or banking association which at the time et such paying oat or putting in . circulation is not redeeming its circulating notes in lawfal amply of the United States. firm 40. And as it further enacted, That the president sad cashier ofneery each as ' sedation shall masa to be kept stall times o full and correct list of the names and residence of all the eharebolders in the amitmlation, anti the number of simnel held by each, in the office where its business ie end iist:ahall be enbject to the inspection of all the shareholders and creditors of - - the association, and the officers authorized te less tases.tonder State authority, dutio g . business,houra of esoliday in which business may be legally [ transacted ; and a copy of such list, on the dent Monday of July in each year vet ified by the oath of such preisidthe or caehier, snail be transmitted to the - Comptroller of the Currency. Sac. 41. And twit feather enacted, Tbst the plates and epeeist dies to be procured by the Comptroller of the Currency for the printing of such Cirenlating notas shall rimain. under , his. . control sod direction, and the expenses necessarily incurred in executing the provisions,- of this , act re spotting the ,proodring -Such notes, and all other enema ottile bureau, shall be paid out of the .prothedii . eif the taxes or ducted now or. hereafter to ber.acatd on rho circulation, and collected from oda tions organized ;ender this eat.. And in lieu ofp ii relating tales, every rassocia tion shill pay to the Treasurer. of the tint ted States, In the umiak of 'January and' July, a duty:tif Mae half of ono per cents m. each bale'yritifroin and after item first day of January, eighteen 'hundred and sixty four,-;upia- the average amount of, its aptcs in efroulationt - sad a duty of one-quarter of one per cannot elab"half.YeAftirn the avenge Spaongt of ititArposittioits duty alone girder of One fee cettfunt — es(ch half year, as aforesaid, on the average amount of its ospitelstoak beyond the aniettutin 4 vested in United States bonds • and 1n base of [ default of the by ally association, the :dutie s :: a'cireseld May be collected in. the meaner provided for , the collection of united Settee duties or otitis : corporations, . . or the Treasurer • may tierve - the amount - oresidAtitleS Out; of .the interei; as It may ber.ome rice, on this bonds dopositerd with him by snob default ing association. And It shall be the duty of each 'association, within ten days from the linst cloys of January and July of each rear; to make a retunb„ under the oath of toe preelderst icsithieri rto the Treasurer el - the Minted Stites, in, snob form; at he may. - prestribis; of tim . average- amount of its notes in elreolallois; and of ,tbe average antiiinnt of its deposits; And of the ivtarage. amount of its. capital. stock, beyond the amount in United Stager bonds, foi the ell - =oaths ter. preceding :said nest day* el:Jantsry_andluly_icafore, said, and in default of snob return, and for; each .default thereat:leach defaulting assoolatial 'Shall forfeit wird. guy re Ala United , . Steles the sutler .tsta hundred to be collecter_either. Gut of the - etas Anay-beorinterlimi . erton' luso. elation "en‘-the ,bonds- depiiited ;loath „elm Treasurer; Ili at 1119 , .11w man, tier in which penalties, ore' to be .collected of otleirscerporatioes under the laws of the' United &steel and in `naseel,imah 'defeats the amount', of :the dales - 16 lie paid , by euchtwatoetsiinn.slialtbsasseelernpon the amount of notes delivered fo euelfaseocia tion ,by the; Comptroller Of thaCureency, end 'upon' the highest -amount of its de , posits and capital stodr,,l46.belseitarteined in- such Other ,Mannir2as the ,Treasurer. Lou diem had: Tresidet4 That nothing in, this liet.tboillekstnittrued.lo.-.yrtivait all tee sharesany of the said asiciclations, held by enY person or body corporate, from being' .per in the valuation of the personal yroperty of each preen or corporation in the assessment of taxes int posed by se-under State authority at ibos place moor, Such bank is located stud not elsewhere, but , not et a-greater - rite; thai is assessed uporvothei Moneyed eagital . in the banderol individual '.eitirens reardi State , : ErOdaqt:Jitr(her , That the taxi so imposed under the lawsrof.any.l3 tote upon the abases of any:of the ntsociations Anti !herbed by.: this sokfirsu not exceed the rite imposed nycia lbeehares In of law banks organised: teller atittiorit,v. or the State 'where. nigh: siestMlitiotrAs bested: &eras' d, alio, That. nothing In tide ant shall exereptthei rear estate stesochetletie from either county, or nuudelpal tarts to the -sarelYstrefiK-Wordgg to lts nice, as other real wait* As taxed.. . 800. -And ter f sada esuute.4 That our tMeeelaticra matlyt. into liquidation Odliefoloial by the voleedAllt shaming& are townle ~..,.._ttwerthirdi. Its stock. is Anti orkeureer 011111altiii lR shalt boix4-efiesotini to tititik*ottat' 0r thU eCtto be tops o*...assi itstASSOditios, treldilauk:tresniahlerito.,thirCoreptrollet-. - • the Canna', end - pnblleaffori Annie . be made feta prritid of Nita - Minas lit a newspaper iniblistiedan ttie oily of lOW York, and also in a newepsper published. in a city ar town• in whigis lbs Sultoolo. - ilea is ideated, and If ria-newspaper there published, then in the newepuper published nearest thereto, :that said ema ciation is clotting up its affairs, and not ifying the bidden of ite notes and other creditors to !preient the- notes and other claims against the association for pay ment. And at any time after the expira tion of one ! year from the time or the pub lication of ouch notice as aforesaid, the said association may pay over tattle Treas urer of the. -United Stites the amount of its outstanding notes'in the lawful money of the United States, and take up the bonds which said association has on deposit with the Treasurer for the warily of its circulating notes ; which bonds shall be assigned to the bank in the manner spec ified in the nineteenth motion of this act, l and!from that time the outstanding notes of said association shall be redeemed at the Treasury wt the united State; and the said association and the shareholders there of shell be discharged front all liabilities I therefor. 5ee.,43. And be it further enacted, That 1 the Treasure; on retiring from an asso ciation lawful money for tbe payment and 'redemption of its outstanding notes, as provided for in the _preceding section of -this act, ehall execute 'duplicate receipts therefor, one to the association and the other to the Comptroller of the Carrenoy, stating the amount received by, him, and the purpose for which it hoe been receieed, which amount shall ba paid into the Treasury of the United Suttee, and placed tp the credit of each association upon re demption account. And it shall bo the duty of the Treasurer, whenever he shall redeem any of the notes of said association, to cause the same to bs mediated, and charged to the redemption account of said association ; and all notes so redeemed by the Treasury shall, every three months, be certified to and burned in the manner pre scribed in the twenty-fourth section of this act. Ilea 44. And he it further enacted, That any bane tocorponsied by special law, or any banking institution organized under a general law of any State may, by author ity of this act,' become a national assois tion under its provisions; by the same pro. scribed in its organisation certificate; and in such case the articles of association and the :organization certificate required by this aol may be executed by a majority of the directors of the bank or banking in stitution, and Bald certificate shall de clare that the ome' of two-thirds of the capital stook have authorized the ditto:A.sre to make such certificate and to change and convert the said bank or banking institu. : lion into a national association under this sot. And a majority of the directors, utter , executing said articles of association nod organization certificate, shall have power to execute all other papers, and to do. whatever nosy be reqnired'to make Ile ganizatiow perfect and complete as a ma- tional association Tne shares of any can bank-may continue to be for the same amount each ws they were before said con- I version, and the ditectors aforesaid may be ' the directors of the association until others are with or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this; sot; and any State bank which is a stockholder in any other bank, by authority of State laws, may continue to hold ha stook, although either bank, or both, may be organised under and have accepted the provisions of this - act. When the Comptroller shall give to snob association a certificate, under his hand and official seal, that the provielons Of-this act have been complied with, and that it is authorised to cammence the btu:d oes! of banking under it, the emaciation shall have the same powers and privileges, and shall to labject, to the name dudes. reeponelbilitits, and roles, in all respects as are prescribed in this act for-other as. hoeistiorus organised uctdorit, and that' be held and rewarded as an association utd.r this sat: .Proinded, bums., That no mob , association Isbell base a lees capital than the amount - prescribed for banking as. sot:Lotions under this aot. Bea 45. And be it further enacted, That all associations under this act, when de signated for that purpoee by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be depositaries of 'public money, except rewire from cut-' tow, under each regulation's an may be prespritted by the Secretary r and they may &loots employed as financial agents of the Government; and they shall perform all such ressoaableAuties, as depositaries of public moneys and finsacial agents of the Government, as may be required by them. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall require of the asacclatioas time desiccated satisfactoty ecourity, by the depitalt cf Unites Slate' bonds wed otherwise, for the safe keeping had prompt payment of the public money deposited with them, and: for the faithful performance of their duties as financial agents of the Government: Provided, : That every nes:dation which shall be eel:toted and designated es receiver sr &pod a 7 of the public sentry obis!' take tad receive at par all of the Rational otter ay bilie ' by whatever association issued, which hate been paid to tea Gov ernmeat tar internal Cocteau?, or for loans : or stocks. Bcr. 45. dad , be if . fuzlber eructed,. That If any such association shall at any time ECHO redeem, in the lawful money of the ' United States any of ;Its circulating noire,' when payment thereof shall be lawfully demaindttl, during the usual hours of bra- Incas, at the office , ce such. association, or at ite place; of ;rdemption afonsaidAbel holder may cease the same to be protested,i la onerptekage, by a COlOl, public, paces tha president or cashier of the immolation] :whoseinotes Ore presented for, payment,the yriwideit or cashier of, the asscielatlon at the p l ace at tlie . platieat .which they ars . redeireiblo ,offer to, waive demand and` notice Cf:l4o, pridest; and, shall, in *pursuance of inch eller, make, sign, and deliver ,to the party making Web demand an admission in writing, Ealing the time of the demand, the amount demanded, and the fad of the non-payment thereof; and such - gofer: public, on making seen pro. teat; or upon rectiring inch stdmiesion, shall' forthwith forward atoll admission or notioeof 'protest to We Comptroller of the Currency, retaining,a copy thereof. And: atter moon default,. on emuelnittion of the facts by the Comptroller, and notice by -him-to the association, it shall not be law ful far the association searing the earns to pay' out' any ot notes, discount any notes or bills, ,or otherwlie prosecute the tubules of banking, exteet to motive and eafely.ktep-mehey .balonglog to it, and to deliver elude deposit;! Provided, That if satisfactory proof bs toroducerite each nom , pother-that the - 'payment of any snob notes -is Jestrained by order of .any court of competeor jurisdiction, such notary' pablio;olisllT - not.protert the 'slime; and when the leilder such stoles.,ehall came !MMUS& one note or 'Package to be pro. tested- , Mt the same day he 01611 not re. ceive psi for more'than ono troteek Spc. 47. - elnd - ivr it 'further ,roureMd, That on seoeiving notice, that ;i cy., each mewls. , hasfailed redeem , any of its circa istlig notes, as eatable& in the -next Pre ceding section; the Comptrolleref the Car riricy, with the concurrence of the Sec rotary of the Treasury,: may appoint ' special agent (of whose appointment , mediate notice shall be given to such as sociation)-who shill immediately proceed to ascertain whether seta' arleomatton hos refused to pay Its cirealating notes in the worllsl - tregrey - 61116 1 Tilitid - liiitie, +rhea demanded as aforesaid, and, report to the' .Comptroller taut faot on ascertained;:. and 'lf, front veldt report e&made, the Ilimptrailor Shalllitatistied that such *ode* ho. refaced to pay its dreaded-' Jag Wee as aforeselkao is in derail% he; shall, within thirty days after he shall hare received notice of such balm* de.' oterelhe - relied ;State ends and .0. Wes pledged bi shah aisociation forfeited to the United . States, and the Inuits Shall thereupon be forfeited accordingly. And. therenpom She -.Comptroller shell home= dlstely, givezoticeirr eugh remit so the fleentary nf . die •I'resselY gel rules orotherwiski direct to the hold"; of:litredranbillisfetotger Of 3E6 asco t Cbstioritio present 'dare for psyreentit Treasury kat - the Vatted , Buttes, and; Ore' mime shall bs k_sid as yresereterl,in Monet, 4 - the viitaceitatei; - Wartime blemitroller: may,; be, hie dieerit, entrioittletteloiriat of boitatpledged by Irina 141441410e1 equal II emeitoetinerkei MN; weg es di ft ittiudnealfful faltery' et test 1--- ; I't etisary , from. time 61mE, AOmita such. regulationirtipeoting the dikpOsition to he made of such circulating tiotts after pre sentation thereof for payment as aforesaid, and respecting the perpetuation of the, evidence. of the payment thereof es may' seem to him proper; but all curb notes, on being — PTA shall be cancelled. And for any deficiency in the proceeds of the bonds pledged by snob association, when disposed, of as hereinafter specified, to reimburse to the United States the amount so expended in paying the ,giroulating notes of each assoolatioo, the United Slates shall have a first and para mount lien neon all the assets of such association; and snob deficiency shall be Made good out of such ashettrin preference to any and all other claims Whatsoever ex-I cept the necessary coete and 'apnoea of administering the same. See. 48 And is it further enacted, That whenever the Comptroller shall become satisfied, as In the last preceding emotion specified, that any association has refined to pay Ito circulating notes as thereto mentioned, be may, instead of Cancelling the United States bonds pledged' by snob association, as provided in the next preced tug election, caner 03 mach of them as may be necessary to redeem the outstanding circulating notes of such association to be sold at public unction in the oily of Nov York after giving thirty days notice of such eels to such association. Bro. 49. And is it lamer enacted, Thar the Comptroller of the Currency may, if he shall be of opinion that the interests of the United States will be beet promoted thereby, tell at private saleany of the bonds pledged by earth aseems , lon, and receive therefor either money or the circulating notes of each fatliog association: Provided, That no such bonds shall be sold by pet vete sale for leas than par, nor lees than the market value thereof at . the time of sale: And provided, Ittalur , That no Bales of any such bonds, either priblia or private, shall be complete until the transfer thereof shall have been made with the formalities prescribed In this act. ' Sec. 50. And be it ./striper enacted, That on becoming satisfied, as specified in this act, that any usectatiOn hae.refused to pay its circulating notes therein mention ed, and is in default, the Comptroller of the Currency may forthwith APpoint wee delver, and require of him such bond and security as ho shall diem proper, who, un der the direction of the Comptroller, shall take poeseesion of the hooky, records, mad assets of every description of such associa tion, collect all debts, dues, and claims be longing to Inch association, ant, ripen the order of a court of record of competent jurisdiction ' may sell or compound all bad or doubtfuldebta, and, on a like order, sell all the real and personal property of each association, on such terms as the court shall direct; and may, If heceesetry to pay the debts of pooh escalation, enforce the individual liability of the mockholders provided for by the twelfth seesion of this sot; and inch receiver shall pay over all money so made to the Tremors? Of the United States eutj , ct to the order of the Comptroller of toe Currency, end also make report to the Comptroller of the Car- I retie, of all his sore and proceedings. The Comptroller shall Itereupon prose norioc' to be given, by advertisement it such newspapers as be may direct, for three consecutive months, calling on all pereons who may have claims &gateau such asst elation to present the same, and to make legal proof thereof. And from time to time the Comptroller, afro, full provision shall have been first made fog_ refunding to the United States any such deficiency in redeeming the notes of eutb aseoniation es is mentioned in this act, shall make • ratable dividend of the mosey so paid over to him by such receiver on such claims as may have been proved to,his satisfac tion or adjudicated in a coin of-compe tent jurisdiction; and from time to time, as the proceeds of the sedans of such es floatation shall be paid over to him, he shall make farther dividends, us aforesaid, on all claims previously proved or adja. dictated in a court of competent - I=44ie. lion; and from time to time, as the pro ceeds of the assets of such asoirciatthe-ettall bo paid over to him, he shall make further dividends, as aforeetid, on all claims pre viously proved or adjudicated; and the remainder of scab proceeds, if any, shall bo paid over to the ehareholders of limb association or their legal representatives, in proportion to the steak by them re spectively held: Provided, boteeree, That if snob association agalasyshich proceed ings have been so instituted, on account of any alleged refusal to redeem its circu lating notes as aforesaid, shall deny bee tles tailed to do eo, snob association may, at any time within ten days after such association shall have been notified of the appointment of an agent, as provided in this act, apply to the nearest circuit, or district, or territorial court of the United States, to ordain further proceedings in ' the premises; and Duch mart, after citing the Comptroller of thCarrency. to show cause why farther proceedings should not bn enjoined, and after the decisien of the court or finding of a jury that each asso. , dation hoe not refused to redeem its cir culating notes, when legally presented, in the lawful. money of the Efetted States, shall mate an order ' , villains the Comp troller and any nearer acting ;under hie . direction, from all further proceedings on account of such alleged refusal. ~,- Bea. 61. And be it /wilier. enticird, That' all fees for protesting the noted , issued by any inch banking association' shall be' paid by tho person procuring the -Fatefu l to be made, sad soon banking association shall be liable therefor; bat no part of dial bends pledged by such bootleg eatods tion, as aforeesio, sh4ll be applied to the payment of such feel. And sitespenees, of soy preliminary or other imittainstions I into the condition of any essoolatian shall , be each assoolattoui. and. all expenses of; any receivership shall be !paid lent Of. the assets of each association . - loafers distribu tion of the proceeds thereof. Sao. 62 And. be it further eidiiik - Thatl all transfer of the notes, Wads, bills 91 1 exchange and other evidences,Of debt ow ing to any association, or of deposits to its credit; allassignments of mortgages, enro llee en tool estate, or of judgments or decries in Its favor ;Rill deposits of money, ballion, or other valuable thing's for its nee, or for the use of any of. ite ballets or auditors; end alt -peva bats of money to either, made after the enixeciesion of as act of insolvency, or in contereple• tIOn thereof, with a view to Prevent the application of its assets in the manner prescribed by this not, or with a view to the preference of one oredltarjto another, except:in payment of ittl elirrgoulstl ' g notes, shalt be utterly null and void. Br.c. 68. And be it /ugkber:enartrd, That' If ..the directors of any .fistfoolation shall knowingly violate, or knowingly permit any of the officers, agents) orb servants of the association to violate `enyof the pro. china of this sot, all thorightqfirlirilege, and franchises of the association derived front. this not Shell be thereby fcirtelted: - Balch violation,: ;hall, however, be deter mined arid adjudged by a- proper Circuit, district, or territorial churl °Lute United States, in a snit brought for that purpose by, the. Comptroller of the Cairene, In hie own name, before the sesoillation shall :heideolered diseolved. And lihasi - 61 inch, wallah; every director whO participated in or assented to the Satin bald liable la personal and indieldnel ca.' foully for"all damages . whieli , sl4'promeis. lion, its shareholder, or any Ober, 'Shell have stietained: in conetionce of satth.fielstlon. BK. 64. And be it /oortlur !enacted, That the Comptroller of the Currency; - Withile approbation of theollecretery ,ef the Tress- 1 um is (Often as shall be, deemed necessary, or proper, shall , appoint a out persons to make akhstraination of the stroke of every banking assoefitio4'which potion shall not bo diretitor. or Other, officer IlZ..anY aelecbtliaa whose emits he appointed toiezandne, sad: 'Who .shall Ana - power toinake theringh ex. amintation into all the affair-a:of thenano elation, and in doing% -to-training- any of the , offthers and ,-agents thereof . .en roalitillied Shall tnaalfstult ant dethiled cleportoP:thei - eondidatf of the'seraditlon to jheConipiteller; And the ttripeolition shillidat be tOjeot,ta enicitherilettcricl porere - their AuPh „ilk are inthorisel .by I this - enetv:sc.igtorestettbs the sitrt rot conrus et law and chancery:, , A cod stsee,- mti npreittodlcriesbeeteill abal[ secairs , f t Itittetvice adritOt llia doUirs4ortaloAfit 4 4.r. hi m in ;tn . till'iquivl4 tuitouuttreirtiry;llp#l4lkortigleoii , • • • shall necessorlly travel in the performance of his dnty, which shall be paid by the se 'sedation by him examined. S6O 65. And he It farther enacted, That every president, director, tastier, teller clerk, or agent of any seta:introit, who -ehallrembeszle, abstract, or viiilfully mis apply any of the moneys, fund., or credits of the association, or shall, without authority from the dire:tore, isene or pfit in circulation any of the notes of the association, or shall, without such au thority, lune or pat forth any certificate of deposit, draw any order or bill of ex change, make any acceptance, assign any note, bond, draft, bill of exchange, mort gage, judgment, or decree, or shall make any false entry in any book, report, or statement of the association, with intent,- in either ease, to iejltre or defraud the as. sedation or any other company, body pub lic or corporate, or any individual person, or to deceive any officer of the neeociatilin, or any &gent appointoi to examine the affairs of any enoti, association. shall be deemid guilty of a misdemeanor, and up on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment not Ices than five nor mere than ten years. BEO. 55. And be it further enacted, That all snits and proceedings &doing out of the provisions of this not, in which the United duties or its offs:urn or agents shall be parties, shall be conducted - by the diutrict attorneys of the feeveral districts, under the direction and supervision of the Sol id-or of the Treasury. Bic. 67. Ani be it further enacted, That snits, actions, and proceedings, against any association under this not, may be had in any circuit, district, or territorial court cf the United States held within toe district to which noel association may be estab lished; or In any State, county, or mun icipal court in the county or city in which said asstdation le located, having jurisdic tion in similar cases: Provided, however, That all proceedings to enjoin the Comp troller under this sot shall be had in a cir cuit, district, or territorial court of the United Btater,lreld in the district in which the association Is located. Sao. 58. And be if further enacted ; That every person who shall mutilate, out, de. free, disfigure, or perforate with holes, or shall unite or cement together, or do any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, cr other evidence of debt, issued by any such association, or shall cause or procure the same to be done, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other eel dense of debt unfit to In re-issued by said o.3l33cilidott, shall upon conviction forfeit fifty dollars to the stunt:urea who shall be injured thereby, to be recovered by ea ion in any court having jariedietion. Sto. 69. And be it further enacted, Teat if any person shall Wooly mane, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be made, forged, or icountegfeited, or willingly aid or assist in falsely makirig, forging, or counterfeiting, any note in imitation of, or purporting to be in imitation of, the circulating flutist issued under the pro visiens a this aot o .or shall pace, utter, or publish, or attempt to pass, utter, or pub blith, any Wee, forged, or counterfeit:4 note, purporting to he issued by any atm. elation doing a banking business ucder the• provisiens of this am, knowing the same to be falsely made, forged, or court tort,Lel, or shall falsely alter, or cause cr procure to be falsely altered, or willingly aid or assist in tersely altering, any such circulating ,notes, issued as aforesaid, or shall pees, utter, or publish, or attempt to pus, utter, or publish, as true, any falsely altered or spurious OiTaulating note issued, or purporting to have been issued, an afore said, knowing the same to be falsely &Res ed or spcbdous, every such person shall to deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, and being thereof convicted by due course of law shall be sentenced to be imprisoned and kept at bard Lobar for a period of not less than five years nor more than fifteen years, and fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollen. Sec. GO. And be it further enacted, That if any perfon rh .mate or engrave, or cause or procure to bo made or engraved, or shalt have tn. hie custody or poueseion any -plate, die, orblack after the similitude Of any plate, die, or Monk from which any eizoulauug notes issued se aforesaid shall have been prepared or printed, with intent to use each plate, die, or block, or cause or suffer the same- to be uoed, in forging or oeueterfeiting any of the notes loped as aforesaid, or shall have in his- custody or poesession any blank tidier note' engrav ed and printed after the similitude of any notes issued as aforesaid, 'with intent to use such blanks, or cause or suffer the same to be used, in forging or sonnterfett ins and Of the notee issued as aforesaid, or shall have in his custody or poeuesien any paper adapted to the making of such notes, and similar to the paper upon which any suoh,notes shall have been issued, with intent to use ouch paper, or canes or suffer tat) tame to be used, in forging or Conn terfeiting any of the notes Issued enema said, every each person, being thereof coo tided by duo course of law, shall be sen tenced to be Imprisoned and kept to hard labor for a term cot leas than five or more than fifteen years, and fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. See:ol. And be it further enacted, That, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller of , the Currency to report annually to Con gress at the commencement of its session: First. A summary of the state and con dition of every association from whom re-' ports have been received the preceding year, as the several dater' to which snob reports refer, with an abstract-of the whole amount -of batiking capital returned by them, of the whole amount of their debts and liabilities, aka amount of circulating notes outstanding, and the total amount of means ladiel"reeN specifying the amount, of lawful money held by them at the times of their 'Several return!, and snob. other information is relation to saidassoolations as, in his Judgment, maybe neeluL Second, statement of the associations whose butane au been closed during the year, with the amount oftheir circulation redeemtti ind the amount outstanding. Third. Any amendment to the laws re lative to banking by which the system may be Improved, and , the Security of the hold ers`olits notes, and other crediters may be - Increased. ' Toutht:. The unites - and compensation of to .dierks employed by him, and the 'whale' amount of the expenses et the bank. log depattment during the year. And ' ouch report shall bit made by or before the first day of December In each': year, and the usual number of , copieefor - the use of i the Bonnie and House, and one theueand , espies fertile we of the Degas linen!, shall 134-.1: anted-by-the publin printer and In :readiness for dhltribinion attlee first meet- 1 ing of Courses.- . eta. 62: dud is it frither cnotli I, That the act:entitled ls An sot to provide a na-d tonal ourreney,., secured byr - a pledge (4.1 United Stout; aloha , end to provide, for I the circulation end redemption thereof," lipprcried Pebrderyi twenty,fifth, eighteen . ' houdred and itiXt.ptitree, le hereby ' ed; ' -- Preieldei4,7hat Such rePeal shell .not stool Any appointraintevittde, done, or , ,Pr4ordlege. had, or tha ..orgcluit site, or prtheedings el any :association or ganised or in Abe process of orgisilwailon ender Alio bet aforesaid: And Prosdnk . airs, - That all tmch associations soCrgenised or in prooels of organliation - shall enjoy all the xighte arid ,privileges granted, and be ehloot'th tilt the dwitY,' liabilitier, end reetrictions. Imposed .b.S.this act, and with Alto appreitil., of the Comptroller of the Carrenoyi:lnlien of the name specified in their' .reepeetiee ,organisation , coritt. cites, mist tete , tiny other tame preferred by:there and dtes etrtifiia 0 0 *Pirol.. ler,without prejadtoe to' any -right acquit.. ' 1 'ad under this act; oti .undee the hereby repoßlcd -no "incililetdingo, Atilt be mode ;after Ali - menthe t'ioh. the -pseeage this sat Prjtilidftd, alsoi; That the chortle tiottJesued or to be issued by Such athoola. tion shall be considered u: a part or the circulation provided for In this not Sec, 68. And 6r_(; ;tinier - meth; That ., petal:tee holding Steck.' as'.exeoutorer ad- exlitetteta*;ghepliihh;taiOrtteteeir shill' not be "Pirsettally-aithltot to any liabilities as steekbolders4. but thee/dela snd funds in,their heridsthedibit liablainlikereanner and to the same extent as , the teetatiti telfteter iota ) pram Siterestotin oold trusui toodcwould bolt they :! 11 .1„rr,O risPeo , tliely ,hold,thisteelties *heirotertultntsti:, arcf34. - Aod 114 'forther gp f siocc Vontelthretty*l4,Alrot filtkeltd, lir j Or VPM.AdIt . ' Appiershinnalk,larrio,t..7 DR r GOODS ! CLOSES A haze ra,hti st G.ll ;aces HUMS YR MIES% GOODS, From LS< t GRZNADINIn, OEMIM 060 A DTES, EIMETZEI THIN DIIESS GOODS Of all kinds, at lOW vela., S AY &LEX. BATES', Nu. 21 Irift.h to treat H KIRIN DESIRABLE NEW GOODS! MACRUM & CLYDE'S, 78 MARKET STREET, toothed evor7 dal by tialtmsd and Faptis. Ladle. ahoald cot dclay to .apply then:mita' Irltb . cm sad prett7 Parasol or Sun Umbrella, A lAriP , •zavir /Id opeclzt. Paris Fancy 101U1S. Inn. Moll axed Ivory llncJo.Coralbs. Illegal:Li Jet end Steel Plus. Pine Stool Beit.Budass. Hair Nati, of all dadrabla itylaa In Ladles. /train Mtn, s nst mpply 0 Pi'atortgl, Ocquatte, Itay-Day and Deo rattarng Straw Elommots, of the most amrsredco ands frs. Also Wee Latta ll lon !Usk. use Collin.. Guipure Lacs, eta. We stoat controne to eta the =OA advantegooto tenms to buyers at W 110LESALE AID RETAII. Mr Wl:m.llogs Booms Up stain awl to tea mast. rol!t1 BLEGAINS IN Sacques i Circulare i BaEquines I 5 haw ls I lico.. &o. Wt:lasu mado gnat redooann La lles prices of thew, errata!) , In rich goods, and ars deism:oh:it'd toe them out et one.. J. W. MILKER & 00, No. ODIUM/SET ETENET N EW SUBIAMR GOODS. JOSEPit ILORNE a 00. 06ar tor gala • ra7 corn•lat• stock ot Ladies' and Misses' Hats and Bonnets, FLOM.% 11.173110N8. - IME3==:l:l MILLINERY •GOODS. LIT11:11 ILLNDIVIL LED WHIPS GOODS to miry variety, Ind at low picas. Black and White Balmoral Skirts, DITPLIX eons= and MUD HMIS, COTTON TOO INGS. wad beat make of XadNel Cotton BOCREI, at anal tom than NNW PBIOIB. 808 TRIONNELLAN. to Oottoo, Ocoteb and 50k, •Ith • full bne of SUBINLIMEL ILTNLIMICWICAIL. • Poo Na, ART sad 1711114 m: sad a great midi of FANCY ARTICLES and NOTIONS. ' Doan la And • 1101 dock at Less than Eastern Price JOSEPH HORNE & CO., nem IT manses snare. THE' SAL:MARY FAIR. Btraapre rialtbs the city vUI iILA as EATON, MACRUM &. CO'S, *l9 TUTU ISTBILT, ,larige and ohoiosseteortment of Silk Parasols, San Umbra Las, • Party Maw - , Fine Lace Veils, Rich Scarfs, - • FtOpylknabs, Hats, Rich Ribbons, Dress and Hantilia Trimmings, Hick Embroideries & Lane Until* Gent's Shirts, Collars find Ties, Hosiery, Gloves and mitts, And atoryiblits ells In the Sdactoing and liotlono goo, o; linnet CI& Flom NorabantanA Des/on aro mDxlotly lathed to call iadolozolzie lbastoctin Wholetalo Deysrtnumt. BOYS' cASSIKERES, AT J. , M., -BORCHIFIELEO!EL, PLAID Oai MAIN 0A5311111203. pt.atv ausinaßrme. mor winniars. caoNsaasa.otoms. nansi V;MUISIND znli se. laimegmoila zunerruics vsgmtas. •turszt DLOtall IXECEN BUY Min DUCK trao, ter gamma Olits. e largo *mart:ilea ot-ITECW GOOVM m, car. Fourth an 4 Sarltst 143 DREss ninumeis; itauvr ,,,extusoas,.zuusoia. - 71:Auseciirinuo s ►sr iverall napoluk AND swum miak_ 4 WI3IIIIB I 2ELVITIM7= I'' atrapt i t - 171: 414121"---77%, • tionitaliVidfaisoth moires. or wit ,v-44.. OLDNANCE OFFICE, MAD D i 'P OT,PCOTOIC. dens •Ish, Pe. I -- SEALYL. , thin ant, • .0.1. or •In• e, 1851, ter 24-POUNnild. and Pd-14.01.:ti u•sktE,66. to etomend in ins tollortng qoant.diee, at the mt. der.usmon Arsenal. ea: el-POOllOl/11.UXIIL. At the Watervliet reent.... New York, C 000. .5 At the :few York Areennt, Got - erten' , Inland, Dew Yerk..10. 0 .00. At the Allegheny Areenef, Pittsturgh, 8,000. At the Washington Xreeeal. D. 0 ,15,100. .V...P011141/Ag • SMELL. At the Waterellet•Ateensl, hew York, 5,003. At the New York Arsenal, GOT. 110 ( .• L ac t. Sew York, 10000.• At the Allegheny Altana!, Pitteturgh, 5,000. At the Weehlngtou a menal. P. C , 0,101. Thom prntectlte are to Co nude of the kind of metal, and inspected ante the toles laid down In the dnance Mnuel, the tenth* etrength of lie non to ho not hSS th en 11,000 i-n. l per aquas inch. They me to to made la seednanne With the ins:ructlons ale.. in the Ordnume Manna) Drawings can be men at any of the Putted State Arsenal. 'the pridectilea tuA to be intpected at the foundry where cad, and aro to to delivered the Arnaud.. frve of charge for towelling. Dillviries most be wade at the rate of not lest time ow.tenth of A.ne while aruonut ot tracted Pot per week, toe first delivery to be made an the Mtn day of lniy, rollure to mete dr:leerier at a .evotteed thno will enbJect the to. re:tor to a ferret:tire of the nneatrcr he may tail ti.• deliver at that Ilia. firptrato p:viavvels 'stet he Cote fur each calibre. idderi will stale expliclt4 the Arsenal or A.rt .. wila where the? Wyo.. tu.druiver, end the nocator of pregectllee they hreposo to de,lver at each place. If for mote teat ate, Igo bids will boconvidered from partici, other aisle regular fonaders, hroprlc:ors work. who am known to tide Popartoilut ta ha capableof executing the wort proposed far. iihvalld any ;arty obtaining a coutravt offer aLvlle other than t ang east In his own foundry, they be :ejected, and the contrast rendered null tea told. El ABA.NTE The bidder will ho required to aosxurpany rent prop osition with • gturranty, slgrad by two spoille parrots, that in am blo bid is accepted ho a-111 et ' onto execute the contract for the some, with good and eufffelent suretier, In • mm equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the article pro. pteed e In conformity with the terms of this ad vertisement; and In rase the said bidder should fall to sane into the contract, they to make good the differ ence between the offer of said bidder end the next responelble hidder,or there:son to vb.= thecontract me; he .warded. The remonsibility of th e gusrantors meat be shown by the °facial certificate of the inierk of the nearest District Court, or alibi V. S. District Attorney. Banda ton rem eTm.I to one-tenth of env Enema of the conlost, egned by thecontructer nod both of Us 'guarantors, will be required of the anoceestel bidder' or bidder. open eigning the oontreCt. ODAIIASTICT. We, the toniertighed, residents of , to Concern:sty of Stateof hereby, Jointly and arearelly,. wren:ant wit the Cinited States, and gaerantoe, In cue the fore Din bided bencorpted,that he or they with within Wu days after the acceptance of veld bids one =anent contract for the same with good and M eisel steetles,th e cam oelond 10 the amount the contract, to Danish the articie. prowled in Icon fortuity to the tereasottne sdeortivernent dateciPaue 11, 11184 under which the bid was made; end, In case the said -- shall fell to enter tato•• °entrant se afar:odd, Ins gusuar.tee Co nuke good the difference between the seer by the sand end the n e xt lowest expotadide bidder or the person tool:dna the contract may be awarder?. Wltomme J Orme under our bat& andiathi this —.—day To this planatee meet ho appended las] I all Inaste above mont . oned. lad. Tem obtaining a centrxt mill be obliged to r" , tote tom!, wllh approved eared., for its !enth ral *nem:alma. Up n the award being mode, momsefill bidders will be inct.lied, end tarnished with forma of confront sad bond. The Department memo the right to reject any or all bids. If not doomed setistsctory. Yrepoale min be adirreted to .I.trign.dier General CiSoliDE D. ItabISAV, Chief of Ordnance, Moen, D. 0.," and enderrod Propatalt for erh 21. pounder and a 2 ponader Stet's." “OWCI6 D. ItialSta, prig. Om., (Thief of Ordnance. pROPOSALS FOR COAL, SLACK. AEI) LISLE. freed Prosionds, for the dellrozy to *be Works of the 'lent:mkt, Gee fkmpany, drJ,OOO basidts cf IldumloonaGoel, 75 OW bombe , * of Reedy • d bushels - of Lime, will be rcoetred a. th GM. tce Company until At,. 9.ea INOT4ST e . Tee Coal Mack and Lime to Do of each Quality asd .lelleered at mob t,mes a•dlo. such quantities aa stall be ap proved and direct- d. Payment to te oeda monthly, retaining twno per tent. as eternity for its qnforn.ance of tne. cm.tract. Proposal. to ho eddreseed to TIIOOIAB Kral , Praeident of the Company, end en dorsed °Ptak:sale for Ctal or - 811•34, cr ar Lime," es the else may be. • 7.5111t9 Tlio/110N, Engine Odlta of fie Pittsbrtrith Gee 010,1 kite 17th, t 854. Crrion or TEL Conraottca 07 am.r.comvt Ca, Pliniborh, RUIN 17rit. To CARPMMRS ezro PLUMBERS. &sled Processls will to received at this erica un til 25ni lICBT , incleniva, for Oa following eelwira to Privy at Goan Howe, viz, Two wooden trongtu of 2 Inch plank, 30 feet tong. 2 Wet deep and CJI in • rho elec. and lined with 4 po.da of sheet twin to the foot ; two itch waabeat laves; four S met. ey rop coda, Tor loannina= into Loughs; three. Inca Iron supply pipe ;, fan. nritaila„Witb the nous. soy rummer w..rt to make the job complete. Partivilara itirbtel en application. By dinic rn tion of County ounntireinicow. Jeliket EIENII7 lAN/3E6Z Controller. ELAZOILALTf Or HEW ORLZBIS9,Ip Oat: Hats., Hay 1861. J g PROPOSALS will - be received at the calm of the Orty Comptroller. for ODE THOU. BAND TO AB.moro or les, as may be regain d, o 71101 . Qulaarr privasueun COAL, for the me of the City of—Bew Otiomm. Batd FrOpoilmlit emsibemidrraird toI3TODDAHT HOWILL, Erg., Comtroller, [elating the prim lo. barrel. Mabel or ton, &laurel upon the wharf, and be hanital in on or tefore the irCHIST DAY OF JULY, next. TIM Coal to be dellsered prior to nowt. lath, HAL By War. ATAPHIZif HOYT, Clotgaln U.S. A., Ailing Almor. D. L. 01111£59, &wintery. RA-newel= AGEJIVS. LAW OFFICE A CLAM AGENCTY W. IA RAU. PITTERSOU 3au:TOL Meet, 1.1 Soar, I iTrzurcacs, - PEASIOIIS. BOTATIES, BACA PA Aladl ail allic 11111tary eV= pacaptbr Ect cbarp loam amnrtels MACKBJELL TONNI3ON, . , AtTOBAJC an6l:7. a, r , ;...0•2 BOLD fIS CLAIN LFESTS, , Ca. V onauT mum, ARV" ZU BOUNTIEA 11 1112 1120110 , n, BACK - PA Y sad ma nn' mans of. sag drealOce, oolloacd by the tob.. atriba, at the Wm/4 vz, vizi Amnions IRO CO ; all otharalallastr SO. O. O. TAYLON, itio=6ll at law, 80.13 Graat street, Pittabaratt, Pa. N. NW dames an scab IL thei ;claim dam not ammo% saAlatitaltatoatkaattat . - aatly I INTOIIIIMAT•IGAIT, trirt.k 2; trait, Niue:cm:lh ta, mami6r - nnrois3, sorsa, YAM MOE IT, &I:4 itgintaiA7 tawcrb:rl.. • : SatalEß_F. BOUTILR, estexcriaipak emns ,,, t3 iisiLacy r»tenexd to by' anntuan 'sropm. 1 Eta 1.65 rotob rtnrijii*Crib, ---o-,ba~~ts. uN7Ep STAT,Efi 11011 EL. - - .tnaNTIO alit. tr. J. . Mal ai:sled nottliiillbe open for the recent:Ma ad on ibuieday, June inid, ladt, end will be ne&r tba Stiperrmion- ot „Col. Xmas.; W. Porets, *Mb litr,',Etheetd Ilartwell einAislitant. _. , Preen* and exprricamel pelotas bite been em ployed for Asa delenntent end every exertion will ak-Inid. 0 Wadi:a Abe LIAM to 4.0 alt th e egintec... ilea of fto public. • -..,• .. - --..- • ,_ • - I.fletynty let; Anti trains :mid foe Tine btreet Parry; deity I intr Teat Line tbrongb.in two hotuni.. eMbact *vying at the' .n stetier.s. ' • - • A pemAnner ear Aral-Aetna Mete the hotel to the Inlet ono twenty inlennen. ,,, l Madera Vend. ender .tbidl, ' You of Xt. 6W= •Ilender, Us bee en guyed tor•lbe'iM,Bo it. . •• ors '- P ielsbien to mane rooms sill eddrate .. pitovni A AV tißLPPPl4lMoteletont.':. __ . _- • Aileatio Cry, Few.leovy. - 7. Th e Zewl Du which lass, you Amid oil.. alto theynbote hu tethers - tnieppoered. Lent-^^a tho tameb ens at the bert. and &ad on tbe combo Ms= UN ,ED STATES HOTEL, tar; ximiip, rim-.TETtz.n. i rose -- Pforsurolf, 1. Adagef -Mil= f , """" B• p• c lh b . i i id a o a tha t arom w . snt ' n au , sat o ex f . o. th t e t a bdAsuea cr la, . b . e rnl7,t . 6 r!IL01 O_'WWlar, 04 3.6'4 or rozr , . ima m* wart' snow son lad Parloti, It um. Wa. etanpror tterxber. a; tvg- ase ....if von*. tad 0(4,11am; sll hawaKß.ll,,tforsalo;wltarrm torrauto attrocahoa,. 46a- proprietcce of 1 , 4' iiraltiaziaT ;Ili- spas' ad age OT Maim to mod. tap +rubor tbelinmera, thenbija a-T VivrOTY"rn rs .7,FY f 4 ' 3 ' e P ub "' V a '. ...-.71 1 40 11 arr/ors/pad. toga initirtaffi,* Li ONOTTlYfoTtlipTimoolses woosipt ...Tv, KiTr:...:" .. .. "., -.:.....:;,:nal a atiCTU: , .- . 13ABLEV K t ivro rzkil " „, •• T. . Cll 4241" 4 % 6 1 E:3ivitatr !Meta rittganh• w ; ~;t= .1117 s ciez.iJirro va, KLvijai- pj7 ART. SOA.'. ta = ebPfel.V& CO.. - COY S Pen aIFOAI I- l i limeastanni ta• aab ud atslYalth AUto, Yaletzeir =rs of • =polar ate:* OIL Palm, German, Oliva and Ruin Soap, LICa WA= TOLLZT AND LACY Or our 1311X1131 PEA.B7, 9DAP, width ors ma. dcatiolly lecoorontd as Data for sensed UPS thur • 1. any ot:or be the frohlk, abcroldnd Lama In cola has mita. Potash, Wt., Lime or Hadar= =7 o th.; rabothuoo In Us maanfactosor ',al& cut Mink= Wan, the toot &holes. Moot. and Woolson .abed sido the rarddtry of Cotton or L. Clotho molted mlith tn. 5fL17771 PRAM Bad. do tot rocolo ooPlinsr, os half the robbing, .blab d wand ono the Ivor and Usk. • SILVZR rmixi. SOAP . . . , Remove., Grua; , Dirt, 'robot*" Etat., Printed . ink, Brooke end the worst Belga Watcr Statue Du. modishly, 'V , applying it vilth• moist Eitmegs, Chi protecting Indus, Darixita and Innthorre ! as' was ono slop. It lararts a tradaucy to Plats, fevrolry,Cdamnnro,Entactoll. Painting' mut Pattie! ' .' Loather immedLetely; K and for claming' tooth and 11. or tile lt hu no ul , , TO: the , and yank. , dally far far bhste -podca the HZ. vra Bath PaAsz.sada 1 L a porfect luau". In a Irma, ell . who hare t ~ ,; i De aportor qualittos. acknowledge. it the -;. .: diso,ml7 of the WI. This Ckszipany ink a ' ad who aro intereatell in Wu; Poop, and tn cue will retand the prim of thou= dwell tt ~ : , to arcomplith whnt ao Maim for lt,lf csed sauteing. ~.1 to cur directions. .. Sold at PIVX CEPTiI Plfa PoITSD, In dfty. .' .n,i tura, de:lured to tr, rem er Boats, az In .! icshany, Birmingham and oily - mistdamea 'Cm of '•:. ettargo. Direct eon for cso act all packages. Mara dheount to the trade. road iforchanta tras ab nil! do Toll to Om - 'CIWIIPTON it CO. a call, tel Liberty street, oppo- cite Pennsylvania Ballread Pamenger topct. ant-ware of all Imitations t rionowil , na entre ; luring Bo oar trademark - 4 31L'ilta PX HMI& 7 . : , —aa encored by Llano* Copyright. retals _ . 1864: - ‘COSTMVS" 116 T, ROACU, EXTERMINATORS. el d 7e ars setablfsbad to 131. 3. - Clty." Only tatelllbloresseellse known. "nee Irtra-Perzons.'_ . 'Tot deavratis to ths Thimaa °Bats corm oat of theta babe to me. Sold ,y ell. Droadsts eurlYaere._ Bremull of ill wortelesa lakttetlaoa. ochriter's Dayot.,_Ths. 482 Broadway. B. T. Are,ol4 ybsr7ea92o636, 60300. sad 11. B. SZLIstII.9 6 00. ' Who ~1 mad 3ka Plttsbuiei, 346/1W63 13 * Wholesale soil 3.43 aPate OAP FRUIT AND SHADE TRIMS, EMEItGREENS, &c. Of APPLE, we haw. soma 200,0:10, wad of sEI tha t tenting *aunties wont profitable SW this location, Ws hasorizirn lane was, as Surly- Harsest. Raba' Slush, Holland Pippin, Baldwin. Tallowntars O&M." Shut of Tumpktna Co., Itbodselidstid Gram, E. Beant7, Harsh*. Srankwhottse, Tolmotn'e Omsk: Smith's Cider AA with w vary Ism stock of crarxur. Piscii. rranfoglEtaltralf_l4.• TAUS,. 1105 - rlir EIIIIMOBIABT, idllitlDlMO PLAFTI3, /04 An. As our stook ts largs,we effet grun. t ind,erawda to' planters or wholssalialin. sers. Orders left a the Or WW Pittsburgh Post Office, will be r =ls ' tot JOlllf faItaUXXIIII,Jr., . ..-: 6111:da•P Pittsburgh and Oakland Ilraserfells FIIRI\ITIfftg• • • • , , . t/ARD AHD WOOD .011A111 srasara G 27 £T azoccso rartlilh WHOLES/SR OR EMAIL. JAS. W. WOODWgrai. , l er tad 99 Mani street, mad Le idinz al 0:4 and 111 Foarth Wen. BRIDGEWATER: 171411 .- COITACE DRABS, ouousrp 172 Pl= WM= OM. Eft 1111ton:tat Dmb Muds, tor =TAM, =AM, BALGEOAD 34.11=;-16. Also, DAL fa R u OMS, HAUB, sacei,rialcurs arats,as. ammo= rasi , Ili TEI Addis, somata azyaroLns, fietual Agent, Tillidam Lana, Hey Yak. =Mead j & It'S.MEN,'BßAss'Fovamous, u• Gast AND Brun ltrrnant. Particular anon** M x ias Arttooli v tlfil o ne made to cedar.. Also BIWA CLAIL7I4GI3, Win binds, mode at the stortost notice. ._ _ All orderi let at Mall sad 34.WATINItu MDT, • near Marty. c. 113 pro=ptly attanded tn. =s members tit Alas titm belag . strocaleat fICADI prial . -.IIIDirkIDDS ID thalr tontram .111 lo s= to Oro satloGiotton In wary report. We ate elm for tor Grad. Garrison I On'le GMAT& 1.17111., tor pumping Wator, Crude and Sea rill CITY PLANING BUM Visite 4, 41/GraiOers. • Recently barna eat, take pleasnre to tam:mia tbetr Mandl .and the public mangy, tbs i tiV . basnlement roam stel power tithe UM( 11:114_naer tbelr tate locattleniand tor p 2 ed. tonectar all ceders enteatted , te thite, protnytiten and pack. • . Ha large stack Sri L=ber on bankbot by the recant Ire, they us now paipMd: to fun d& dry 11.11111.xaing and plata NW • •ta nuy quanttly. K reasonable rasa. • • THE'BUISCRIET4S,,. ACMIET John Mar s h cos , Sodit Ash . lettautsztly tveattler the etatieoihteh at the moat Ihtorable terms. .1321.1 M liparties. tally adapted to the zetzteetten ot'Glan. .0.3% 0 1 11 PM E5 4 71,'-'4 born( Irßor-eqiit*tao4. CH - A F; E1EV1G14574336., - Orinailll Polla (rormaiir Ton 4 )ro.'s Odadbirr_ical So%) in ea alleyniswilag Dino I= Newttonna INi:toy, Gommw Etriert,Pittalula6 Thatchwor gnome. 43Criar-annl galwitg Ilarpantws',Onip.ne Tinrani PC1.10:13, BaSeirS. 'UMW Blom" Blowing Bliglitsw Ogden. Bid Inns', tax seytlainlnio S PORTSKW B EUDCWARI WOOD fritacke. 4 4 21131:21 1214tes u 6 Sttraexaref sltd 711L:rk,411CaVWDXE MZ PiMan ULM LLS - .POLTICES; IMAM .111XECk pimp LL anaritimi. :EL dock LELLlLrest ens troLcht ta Oita .L.szter—, , ; Aar" el:TAßtElaii; (Etuomsca tojasces Hclmir 3C) ROnx 14.0 sikk, arzar b zAdat, talur,svaLt =WY _Yams. - , - • coitnitlitLElcATistileali arat i s'-d ••_,,•,-1.-,rter I. . , Elklp,Y . taiiiofon iiereb_antk.;.. irg arimsk".psoitionotaVii T , J.,.041taC0;;;-; ••• • • . . ••" • , - - X.X. PINE. ' , TAIL? Prepirod nprtagly for .13XLT. ons gator. troA turcend BMIECSTS. 7ms&pot saa in Lamb and beans. _ Oak*, N 0.133 rix4:: SUM, pAIVERSON I 13130 F., lotighloglaeny Coatalidlitatold, Orders WI at Oa Odao.rs DLIIISAIGIrrrnierr tmal stutlaya Wo.tau - ratt77 . ,ilt u, pil e lurj4l46l:27;2a,deitt JAMES M. - BALM • 1: • as01117113T; t r r "' • PATatog Ezra= Valls= ;XS_ )312111EMAZIEE. !by. all Eau of zussizak, i l,enwinipour eisetizioa netszaitMaTaX '.,06161. litalLlOW maps soil Miss= wecietil,qololl4clNr. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers