The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 22, 1864, Image 3

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Sifftsbmir 6azttte.
BPNE3D.AY M iK$4 O, JUICE 22,1864.
. ." The Court and Tavern Tefeensre.
• ~.•-• ~ ... • 21. G rand /my, in their recent present
. . .
nowit, refl ected upon the Court in regard to
• grant Le a.
!Leonine for taverr.s in the county.
'sifter the presentment bad' been read, Judge
Mellon stated thet the inquest bed talscon•
&treed the action of the Court, and fa order to
. ,
prevent stagier misapprehensions, the follow
-;.. .. . lag order bee been issued :
.„, .. . igloo of the Grand Jury, and to rave parties
.....; . - - the expense of fruitless applitations for tor
ero license., and gore timely opportunity to
other who have license, to change th eir busl
DUI 10013 us their present license expires,
~. .
we said give notice that no more tavern
Thisnires w9l - be granted on the usual dertiti
; .,-....,-...t . earsiend &elder ts artless it is known to the
.e...,.. -, .= ,-.: Court, Cr made clearly to appear that the pro.
::•''f ''...7 .
" , ; - "peeed 'tavern is ecractily stewnery for the ao.
;•••••,',,": - -', loattnodattort . of Amapa? and trawsjerr; and
..:: onsettaverns •la any one ward,. wad.
~,..,...',..• - ablp, - or borough, wi I be deemed sufficient to
•,-; • -",.• ' aneemmodate the public, except In the neigh
-'• ,-.,, ' , borhood of Sinatra' and dopers, and like pub
_.-...' . ' Bellies& . '
Ai regard tb breaches of the liquor laws,
.- we, would also give notice that in &Weasel.
the maximum line will be Imposed, term en
der treat mitigating elicumrtanbei, and
' - Sunk mitigating clicainstances must be put to
..,.. .
.....t. , . ~. writing and sworn to end -filed. This is re.
• quinod to prevent Imposition by oral state.
'7 • meats of parties, and the evidente being on
Aga may prevent fluters Grand Juries from
hang tato 'similar misapprehension at the
present, la regard to the punhtunent inflicted
on old offenders. Constables will he bald to
. . • attlet accountability in the discharge of their
dotty se mods :Warn of liquor sellors, and
indictments will be preferred agatttat mob as
Gil delinquent 1214t . rsoelt. ' By the Court.
The Sword - to Birder Kelp
Oar readers heire 'already been advised of
the maim of the City Councils in ywasenting
erhandsome MOM to Uttjarl43ol4l M. Koaps
as an evidence of the petala appreciation of
the servieei which he has rendered to the
eountry. The follow Log is the earrtspond
nos on the subjs.:it:
Maros'a emu, Pittsburgh, Jam 17, 1831
To Heim' Tede—Dr.ta Bra: The preemie
of *glad Maims ins bre afore presented me thin
one of the µloom cot dotiee of mia•
=ifs :dm
that of pessating to you to b.hatt of
the ei,lsttie offitribtagh,ttttagh their - Howell.,
the Mastitotameice award tu which ymt doubt
- leaside shit bent the regitimit. In t h e per OTMlare
of tat valeta duty; blew me, sir, to odtgrattitata
µon on this compliment so sgerolal•y Motored dent
you by your Hiloaditisena, sod to ad my male
tios thes it could not bat. Won more WOVII to.
idadrel. The loyalty, part:Maas and tottered*
ma -I band by you aiding this struggle for the pa
latel y of onr glorious Union ropy entitle youtto it.
To yen strode valtulatteti, in no Ittoonside able
dopes for the blab µredly obtained by adaPitte
. boleti fiddlers,. the rem.mbtanoe of whose rate
milt be es miming,* the lam mountalat that tor
'zoned oar napoleon and m terprtoiog dry.
. . .1 126 sir, ebb sentiments of maiden your oust
awe arrant,' • Josue L. 1117, Jo., Mayor.
• - Toot Emcee, DX.; loos 20th, Mt.
• Wore Ps. s Lomb Jr Hay* I ftifsbinpli
Ds re , 61.—A low me. ek. to ' thant you, and, through
yon, the o tin int of Pittebtrgle, for the boner they
ham tudetrnd open too . by presontinge seen:did wt.
/ °milder 'bisect nOt no Munn not boon-to my.
• ite% te.b reptiodat to the Welty:and bstriattim
of ate Imo, golf
eglatiestd ern oho harebsea
• memda ed with me daring the µresent mar.
. • tette tie ma
b yte f t• - b bta
etrons ere of kind
ness show toe y the eittrocoof Vt4burib. to my
Mites to
to sea for the tioyerninotd, I twg
to matternw toys , f Trim meet obis.
Josses M. Haar, lel Cam. PI ta. AM Bat.
Lest e males- ahsat seven o'clock, a brutal
and unprovoked assault, was made upon awn
named Thomas McDowell, at a heti) math*
Milner of Eleventh and Grant streets, by these
well known rowels' namedDeorge Bei, Join
Robinson, and John Ramp.
.It appears that
the young men named entered tie hotel, and
beeliene Involved In a diftbeity with the me
Mister, Wm 0 Filen. M.r. McDowell, who
boards at the horse, wit eating his =Pier et
the time, and bearing the dientrbsece, went
to the landlordle'seeistenee. Irpon entering
the room he ties esseiled ey Itadasen, who
MIA him-several severe tamps in the rte.,
M,D visli defended himself and eat I tint
fag 2,.einson. 'ben ire wits," interfered,
inked and abased him tea meaner.
Is hi Mimi than otth ninDstrall was Wog
ire the fLer as insensible oor.dition, anti
kicked bias four times; on the heed. id:lc:clog
'wounds, that ma:, prove faTaL abe lejared
lean 'ls aev critter by trade, end formerly
resided In Uniontown.
Mr. Tana appeared before the Mayer last
night, and entered a complaint agates' Ball,
Robinson and Kemp for eggravated . assault
and battery. Warents ware issued for choir
wren, but up. is a late hour last night they
bad restbeen apprehended.
Tine parties who committed this; malt
bate become notorious for their rowdyish de- -
moustrittone, and. we hope they ITU! be ar
rested and decay. the punishment their sow.
./irdlY bonded merits.
. .
Pltisbwigh Thearre..seustlt of lir.
litany Oreiingtunr ,
• 2
_This evening has boon sot aput for lie
.trormit of•ilIr. Liam Oreziugton, the diligent
im3 resergatiobusloess man and Treisurer of
lb. 7turatto. - As might bo expeorid upon
rut an °amino, an unusually good bill will
be - pivielitcl. The; pertcirmainco will cora
inns with the thitillag drams of a The Dog
7 • ot Um Old Stoic , .Oross; or the 'Vision of,
. Durk ." In lebtab Dtarichard 'mod Ids
performiax digiodll appear. After a mug
y.Mlti Fannie • Burt, the standard mato
^ 'drum ot",lberue crib* Orphan of tinurra"
iol/114 Prodansi, fitr..Wm. O. Gallagher "a n
Old Pittsburg tavorits' appearing la , the Au.
actor of the ell lan advocate, "Carotin."
WilkopitoWle • crowded house, as the bus:-
Ids* lewd& damming deb toetlmanDL
.'rEtwttt or quarter Essilonte
• The irsi - dimmed of
. .
yesterday, holoretudges Bianco and &owe
• •Ljtils vu brought Into Ciotti on
01thente of soiling liquor without license.
. • repook fit the wife of a soldier to the
- ansm• - szltos been mimed In the business
• but a shost-'tlette, , ,.rEpon , her •ptotoisiss to
abandon the trade; the minimum Ise of tee
deists and ooirts_wit baptised.
• . Elisabeth • lonhat phasd 6 , 41111 to a demo
Teslatesst ores rema nded forsaute 11C1).
: Astor Balkh wee riled ou oharge of lap
,and thejtayeatorted everdlotof
a itron Noosalsondetion to the mercy
_ • - • , .
. . ,
Bin= If._ Bartrustif orderly_ serge/at of
I. reglzeolth of•P4ansylvanis.
tem, ra.sed - • succeisfel exaceloattca last
,west at Ws , bleglak before the Board of Ex
sualaets of eficstalor colored regimeets, and
iras recommeaded far the potitlen of captain.
. IL,. Badillat. it+ Yang deatletaso of Jaws •
tone; talented, salemelished and
Se idol • mar, it War "..Devevaraf e who tiv•
Lb 011111W:a Faros, to • using the
black au to vat , doers therebelllex, instead
of aside tint to lamp him in Cris:Visit 'abjection
to rebel tasketetitere e as the Dottooraoltf, the
oopps head stripe opal, advocate',
. .
. .
junto LITIZILIT asse.
denim; which - hes now become owl of Oa
. perms:tout Institutions of t he Wasteri
- votatcy; boa Ito regular election for Motto
bre emrolog, with the folloFiog result
'.iimnidinit—loseph M. Gomm.'
Vat Risid.sh4f4arge
ifeeireoiri-"Jobu WlgUturati... • '
to will be reutombaroa staid& is Om IMO.
dodos %tut recently girie sable:felon for
`lke Usage Of the Eonitary rattluodioblolt
moll erailltable to tharovolroe 'sled the.
.840 Of 81.0 Cr. "by ittoltfo4inoe intotion
' COsainerolst: 1: 11 11•TIOEI: N• s ! " Vl*
st44,Tstitiodsy evening, Juno 314 ,
Sfes 11!nk
7do - ... . ...........
-:. Bask *T iscritX
'.:atiribati!",sadAftatiliotaiere 11 . .. k 6915-
10.:' dsk 40 '
Cloripiny 52 OD
111407apturts trl4t. - Vsapa - Jr...... 2815
-Minton, Ira;tey'R-sitioAa, 1,1 00-
•.:Vatb dmikown Oli Ornstpan, ... 1" I{73i
No. 48 la CO
. .
• ...IMMO" A.00:1,1011%-0 I Thursday' :last
; -We um uoibleten bttweon trslignt and
trsbri near ICiretills.;'Ou the Qum.
Iraq rallrot.4...eouttdersbis • dim
abir toomotiten, ir.jurturiertral
pottats, Mr, asurq,evitteer on the ptuteu.:
tub, bad ids 9011. r bogs broken, lfr.
• 01114ftremau, mei condierably Iriontd in
bask and ere or Ntr , %Kra. D.
Gerstrres,benu,ge master, boot °moot bb top
tefittli bruit-4 • -
'0 t#4lilWitag hi 1 •!4t1 , •
'Am ,
1. „
A TAW! Arrested.
. .
HI &h day last, a ponng lady 1261313 a
grow, residing b 2 Allegheny city, appeared
• fore Mayor Lowry, and suited that she had
been robbed of a gold sad chain and tour
valuable Hager tinge, the value of which
amounted to about seventy dollars. Mawr
Herron MU detailed to hunt up the thief and,
if possible, arrest him. He visited several
of the jewelers of the city, and pre them a
description of the missing property, request
ing them that in ease any of the articles were
offered to then, to purchase to try and detain
the person sod send word to the Mayor's of
doe. Yesterday afternoon a young men
called at the jewelry establishment of J. M.
Robartr,. Fifth street, and *gored several rings
far sale which answered the dcierlption of
those etelen. Mr. Roberts managed to detain
the young man until he sent word to the
Mayor, when an riflery arrived and took him
into custody. Upon being taken to the
Mayor's atm and searched, a qaantltY of
jewelry wu found eveseled upon nil person.
some cf which ho had hid in his boots. lie
destined Firing big name to officer Cates, who
*treated him, stating that he would be more
communicative after he had received legal
counsel. He is undoubtedly a Droteasitard
thief, and is sharp one,--withaL
Fourth of JulyNaoosille.
The Plttabetgh Ladles who have the Cam.
barland Hospital in charge at Nashville, in
tend to give the soldiers In this Hospital and
Camp (come live thotuand in number) as ex-
Ira dinner on the Fourth of July. Taey ask
their friends in Pittsburgh to assist them la
preparing the dinner. ,
_The tangerine .arti--
ales will bo acceptable, and can be lent to
the Christian Commission's Itemni, No. 76
Boalthlleld street, any day this weem Peachce
and tomatoes in can,, pickles, cheese, butter,
eggs, and ginger cakes by the barrel.
Ae many articles will have to be purchased
at Nashville, contributions of cash will be no
m • table.
'coons sending oonttibutions am request
ed to send them before Saturday, ',hien day
they will be shipped. •
The Ladies of the Bubibitemee Committee
intend to give a Fourth of July Dames to
the soldiers In the Hospital at Camp Hey
noldsand the G!rerd Home In ear cloy, no-
tion of which will be gi ran next week.
Germ it Onictum.—An observant farmer
etues that gapes in oldoitens are caused by
smal worm getting Into the windpipe. Ike
gives the following remedy : Procure three
or four halt from the mane or tall of a horse,
double all to the centre, and twist the six or
eightelds together until the/ become, lite a
wire, stiff and easily handled. Catch the
chicken and Wert the doubled end 'ot the
hale Wire into the windpipe and twist It
around two or three times and draw it out,
and the worms will be found twisted ammo
the wire. Repeat this operation Throe or
four times, It the oue ;Gems to demand It.
8111711111 A. DetICILA3 wee in Harris.
bug on Monday, intending to spend a few
weeks inxisiting the rural pardons of Penn
sylvania, as a gout of the family of General
Cameron. In the evening, however, she re.
calved a telegraphic dirpatch true. Weal: , A'
ton city sanotincing the melancholy tart that
her only brother, an officer in one of the 11..`z
Wet of Columbia regiments, had bean ram ,
tally - wounded. The distinguished lady took
the care at onoe, hastening to return home—
perhaps, elan I to wasp over a dead brother.
Commarttna Ammar= —A man named
Henry Black, alias J. T. Bowers. altos Henry
Blas.k, was arrested in Tivarvitts Fsaaklin
el-lifey, last seek; far passing 8100 onsatar.
fait U. 8. legal tender notes. Ha had been
sarosufnFia pasaing l notes of that
denomination in the neighbokhood of Titus
ville. Hs has been brcught to this city and
placed la the asuaty la await his trial at
the gent term of the United States Dist-tin
Tiu Woman) tlextrear Feta —The
Wheeling lotolligracor of yebtarday asp that
Mr.)] Hot-, the entuteot of the Piusectige
fair buildings, has been engaged to ermine
and design for the fair and festival, "dila
will be ootozraeoced In that city this woes.
The verb upon the building I. progressing
rapidly, and so far the prospects are eitootit
ATTAIMIC & Gases W [SSW Laminas—
Oa Mends, Iw, &Ir. Hamad suited With
his palace car at Dayton, 0 Igo, on the newly
lald traot .t th. etlaatio aa4 Great Western
4allscad. It It scud that OP Thursday nest
train cacao will roe without, charge cc this
road itOnaJanley City to , 8t Louts.
Airacan aincotios.—Joacpb Woolen:ton,
alia..ltorthnor was arreorad to ii:rrlsbarg
oa Saturday night, on s charge of abdaciing
. 7onng girl from Lsocastar. Jossoti was
sans to prison to await the arrival of an c floor
Irma Lananstor, at which Piano ho will he
hold for trial.
H. W. 15wrozze, for tome time Soperioteod
ent of hiiltia.7 Transportation of the Paoli
gleams reitraol, bee ham promoted to the
position of Gclaerittleket Agent of the com •
pony, with his ano• fa Pattatuiptas.
Motulone dintain.v.—Kr. Williamson, of
the /doLars House, Wheeling, was. assaulted
In thee oily, on Sunday nipht ' while walking
along Mobs street, by an inslnaWn metes,
and severely inland.
Corona= Hauss...-Tbare will be s tab
of condemned ilovirtonent norm. at WC•
nanuport, on Thursday next, coanioneing at
ID o'clock.
Pittarto3, of Plata
• ton:snip, committed Jan Knox to fall 34.-
tardy for thirty dap, oa s chase of vs
Nanldr-4. man alio to not ralk) cot to
draft, -to itti tho,plaes of a, drafted man.
Spacial fathoms:lto offorod. Apply Immo
dLately at the ' (harm OITICL
I? Is stated thatthe lisy crop of 'York wan
y will be vary heavy this season. .
%ions P 132; Pltdia and OreamentslBll%
Itoc7er, aid dealer la Perrareazds sad Vet ,
meat state of the best quality at tot; rata
91dos it Alm Lsaghtiah, ttear the Wets:
Worth Pittetioo. Pa.
Casson von livzstanutr.—Any person who
has a small amount of capita which they
wish to Loran to a safe and established bow
new, (bon trade)) can have en oiiportunkj of
doing so whlohla seldom - 61;51nd, by itttifees
tag Bitax,Ekaterfa Oleo. • • it
Bros 7013 Solmtw—Thronghont the In
diem and Crimean campaigns, the only 'medi
cines which prared themselves able to mire
the wont cases of Dysentery, Bonny and Be
OINTMENT. Therefore lit wrery":Voltuitcar
see that he is supplied with the=
Holloway% PiW and Ointment are Wow re
tailed, owing to the high prices of &nye, At.,
at 30 oents,ls 01111t1 and 51,10 per Pot or bog.
for sale in Pittsburgh. by D. L. .17ahnet.
stock Atte. .
for uiti at irnitca's drug store, PM ttrest,
For sale .also by Geo.-A. Kelly, naiad
street, Allegheny city. •
ardoP 42°Q..*"'
chant Tailors, hors rentored to 73 lintithlbild
street. Wean j ut rooebring our second
supply o f Wing and swum goods; and
ironid mostraspeattally baits our fr iends and
the radio to gsnittal to mud= oar nso
stoat, beLlirrin It one of the Anse
stocks of me t "Woe goods is the any.
Sew caimans estrintad to gin WI sad a!
actin, in both psito and qtality. Gin as
call before pors4sing 'breaker* and Indy
ountatrat; Gunn it McManus',
tllerchaat Tailors, fro. 9.flmttba.w stow,
Enna Starwrs. , --Ths atuatlos ay
mainly fi dtretdai to the brilliatt assortrout
of Buing and flsonmer Goods jut rantisal
by ciarMadEtt.'Jahit Walsr, TN. lie led
nal sireeti Allegkeu. Els stook camp:dies
* groat 'valley of rum frets* English,
Sooteh and Amadeu Oushnents and Cloths,
and du 611 k and Cessiatere Vesting—oil of
which lOU be made up to oda to the bout
sqleisadln the best. manor. A chola str
button of-Faraillting Goods allot* hand and
for sale, together with • foil stock of Geed"
Idatie Mainz inn and fuldoarbtr dais.
Ds- Monier; 16E. rare
emot, batmen gratthilleld end 411 ant. •
' /re Ladzioncesto belt. oinby- ofbrdie. low
Prieesk but *a winisible to vitt - be- obagad
Art aTen , ow, for the bed -mate/bar will Do
used, sad In ohs thaw sad, 4111 /mislays 0 , 'l
- ebeib be %Iliad •
, •
Btots's Daatimas. Troms, Wz I:kaelf,
Cede,' Palmoasty. ad *Elastic Madan,
hare pored tbeir diathribta st
goon, aril bin readvs4 testimotas - Voq4
stolifintAtempsho Mt. Asid that
0314 by , druggists ituer•lfj. -
- C. Szia.,2 Dabhitt Se Ilia' Mode MU ; M.
, 114 4413 111 kb grobersok ,
4..,7. , :"':::i...' - : , (-: , ;; -, '':„: - ' , Ii:„$; ,,, -:-.;: , , :.:,!..:-.,-,..- ~::.,,-.-:-:;.,
1.-hare the butt authority . for iaying that
the statement, In sumo of tordaY'S hi'ortbent
papers, that Mosby is north of the Potomac
with a large force or any fore. of guerrillas,
nttetly without foundation. 1.7,4 guerrillas
here crossed oho line of the lisltimoni and
Ohio Railroad 'at any point this season, nor
ban any been In sight . of It, for tavern!
Victories Claimed by the Rebels,
=portant Circular from Provost Max.
'hal General Fry.
Public Debt of the United States.
feteat Dlaysteh to the Inttaborgh Gantt*.
W•3115CITo1 CITY, June '2l, 1884,
Several boots loaded with wounded arrived
hero to day from Oily Point.
TosV/1011 07 Oar AIXT
D learn from passengers that the position
In front of Petersburg Ls about the same as
telegraphed you lest night. A rambling Era
was kept up on Saturday night, and on Sun •
day night, It was reported, the rebels made
an attack on oar lines.
On Sunday tight Gen. Grant had tent In a
fsg of trues to ask the surrender of the city,
but it was rejected.
Sunday was mostly ooeupted, by both tides,
In burying the dead.
The rebel position around Petersburg Is
said to be very strong, and espeolaily on the
east tide.
Large wharves are being rapidly built at
City Point.
A steamer was fired Into, on Friday eve
ning, opposite Wiloox'i Leading, by a rebel
battery on the north side of James ricer.
Ose shot patted through her but did no seri
ous damage.
Sin pieces of artillery captured by our
farces before Petersburg, were brought down
last Sunday to City Point. They were liter
ally covered with blood, showing with what
desperation they had been defended.
Provost Marshal General Fry issued the
Weems circular to-day: .
"To prevent misappreheotion, it is an
nounced that theJAnt resolation of Concretes,
approved done 3, 1854, does not act to pre
vent the 4sattstment et aubstiones in the Navy
and Marine Corps for men drafted under the
trolliamsz Act; neither doer it forbid the
crediting of coca eolisted in the Navy or Ma
rine Corps. As provided under teatimes tweet,
want and nine, of the act approved February
24, 1884, amendatory of the Enrollment Act,
st,,n *nitwits in the Nary cr dialog Corps as
eabstitutea for drafted men, most enlist as
each for three yeah. Eumnpuon will not be
greeted to principals cult obey bring to the
etoard of Enrollment eatticates from author
mid naval or marine recruiting alum, of the
tart that substitutes have been actually ao
upend and received into the Navy er Maine
Corps ler three ruin:
"Circular No. 19, dated May 16, 1864, was
Weed to accommodate parsons actually an
mat mom thine reside:was, and eho, bang
tatuntalvet liable to Military duty. might
desire to furnish sated:wet without being
put to the Moonvealence of returning to their
stuns or homes in order to do to. it ls Cot
to be construed or used as authorising re.
crating for the army, navy, or auto* &erre,
te moy one state, for the credit of another I
through hunkers or otherwise ' cur for Ikea
o:her paps* than the one as h erein placed."
met LID autumn (it anal iri,Zl4l.
The Secretary of War comae/ales:es, in
answer to the Nouse rasolatlon 'eking for la •
formation relative to the sictobtr, crew and
armament cf war verals ratable to be em
ployed to carrying the malls, that they are
twenty-seven in number, earrying la the ag
gregate 14,400 tone. the spselot the fret ts
fourteen railer par hour ; of sin othtra,
miles per hour, sad of the xe:ra'n's g thiruer;
the Stet seven requires three hundred end
sixty-three afloat and men in war and two
hundred and 'twenty-ex lti peace. The next
eight, thine hundred and twenty two In war
and one hundred and sinty-throa in pence;
and the reatailing twills., two hundred and
thirty in warind one bpudit&and thirtpenine
in peace. Of the three cWtu,tk.Srci days
monthly pay -rolls in time of war of $2190,
main time of pewee, 65729, consuming sixty
tiro tens of oval daily far mail purposes, and
carrylognirodeen gun la war and dye in pour
Toe attend monthly parrolis are $5,414 to
war and $2,186 In pesos; Using fifty tons of
coal and carrying nlnOtp!seren guns la war
and three In peace. Third clam monthly
pay roils are 85,059 /a war and $4,079 in
peace; ruing Ilftylons of east and carrying
nine gnu la war and dye in pease.
Secretary Chul, 15 talralee to a nicht.
conitatantted to the Senate • rule
mat of the public debt of the Ilaited States
up to the 14th lastest, Thick fume up as fol.
!awe: Debt bearing interest in coin, 3337,-
641,091.80.' Debt banana interest to inertia
m0ney,5379,700,802 63. Lblit on witch in
aerest has ceased, $370,170'09. Debt herring
no inareit, $601,263,10441. Total debt,
$1,719,395,161t88. Amount of annual Inter
est In cola, $50,823,672 42. Amount of lota.
tat in lawful money, $25,875,057.70. Total
interest, $71,899,730.15. Amount of United
States notes - outstanding, $432,041,230.
Amount of fractional ceirency, $24034048
Total, $4.53,073,275. demount of dye-twenty
binds, $51.0,758.900, Amiount of tan-forty
'bonds, $70,239,250.
In the Senate, to-day, Mr. Wilson reported
from the Senate- Military Committee • bill
Supplementary to' al ;enrolling sots in •
stead of one re'conaitted insterdsy. It
secures the oontinuenee of the - . rtquirement
of making • drift for 'fifty per neat. mere
than the requisite number, and permits the
series of notion on drafted men within ten
days of draft a sad illows transportation from
their residence to the rendesseus It deems
.0101.,. dying In hospitals altar discharge to
bars died in the serviee I entitle men who
are discharged within two years from the date
of enlistment, by 'seisms of permanent lr e.
Aar or disability in lino of duty; to • bounty
proportional to time of service I it pays hos
pital matrons twelve dollars per month sad
one radon ;,and makes provision for the free
dam of the wires and Obildren of negro fol.
alters. -
YE' poo ,sztairtpx %Agri.
'Ili! Boni* hid a nett!, time to-day on the
bill to amend the Bariikdiat, dot It reared
to raped the $3OO tanmpllon claim by • "two.
thlrdsloto.. dlr.; 1/*TI2II/02al • corm! to lay
the bill on the table, but this was Noted.
It will probably cam op to morrow.
UTAillfaro/W. iIILiGtIIB.
The Intaastidtal telegraph VII abloti
pasta the Sensor to-lisY,' grants . e right
of way th rough territories u to Brittelt
Amides with emotes to mining Ist:iota;
Wiest of grantings quortor.seetion or each
flitetro seise of ilea. ' 9olj th e we of to mod
4:44 le !oneself for riins, Oct °sorsa
forty until; atm, i. '. • ,
Tit Secretary roittlie !Nary Is na hotbed,
bolt ant lestutsted, to eiosfsf to the s eys or
1 0Iii*fbAThilfill,l , fsb04Pt$ 60 • 000 Yoar l y
- isstdolteneig the sfirtireetent to nu twritio
114`intlitery prow to protect the lima is,
Biliiiktigi ilitt'bit - lhit Settrotuy of Wu is
pettnlttoot sod toe - dirioet at , hit ilfeerestisia The
nu La4o - 14bJeit to plot itsitil this Gera
--,:t;:dzazzL4l,42* , ,t..A , dg_& , L6q
, , r
siamsnt and riliSs; sad taothet lolegc4bio
lines, at reviler charges. The rata of charges
shall not exoeoUthe canal rated la Swops
and Amerles fcr the some Mail* of such as
shall Do trod b 7 oontentions Dotiseen the
aited Statcs. Banta andalreat Britain.
crrearrainn. rroatze aurr soma
The Conference Committee on the Tax bill
mode considerable progress to-day and will
finish the consideration of the bill to. morrow
sod report It to both Houses. Secretary Chime
W 63 with tie Committee a long time for the
poison of aiding the Committee:
mats or 7110 188ra ISMAILI. uorims
Tho 13.3.11 Indians regiment, ;commanded
by CA. 0. D. Debby, reached here this morn
ing from the front, their time of service
having expired. It came out with over 1100
nuop t and returns with but 215.
sinus casts Introrrs: soars ea !as Jena.
Tao latest Richmond papers groat
rebel victories In the late battles South of the
James ricer. They affect great contempt for
Grant's present movement, and itay If it eon
thane, his army atll be burled Iti Peterabarg.
NI. FultD.Cel
Senator Lane, of Kansas, snbMikted to the
&mate, for printing, a letter ftom William
Fishhaek t him (Lane) defending bit self
from charge." preferred against 10 loyalty.
PlOl9lO 1.1114110.11)
The Pacific Rdlroad 1111 wes ap In the
ROl3lO to•dey. It Is understood that It will
pals to morrow by shoot speo thirds rote.
Colonel S G. °ashen, of the. 14th Ohio,
woanded in the hip before P4aratati, sr
:trod here to day on • boat.
craiaisairoll B?UU OLIO
The Senate pasted resolution tonight for
the running of thitfuhingtco Wert
can on Sunday.
President Lincoln Is on blimay to City
Point tte r pr..7 Grant a visit and it!ske a reoon-
axial:cat =swan ta waanrataaa.
Goaeral Gillmors arrivad hara to do. Lis
will await farther ordora.
&CAUL& Cain TZAR" suhich.
The wiliszt teas the month of lo vas creek
wits bond by guerr.thie yesterdey.
Rebel Account rof Sturgis' Defeat.
.S111:10 2L—.The summer
Colusatiout has jest arrived here with 00 or
500 wounded, including several ethers. They
are principally from the 6th and flub army
corps. They were woun4ed et the flub and
18th lust, while charglog the rebel works
around Petersburg. They minding the tows
that Burt:ride gained a derided on
etuday, and that iNsteraborg would goon be
In our beads
The folio:de g Items ant from Southern pa
&hem Go , Jane 16 —A telegram from
Gonerm Y wrest to Captain Adair, deed Trip
llo. June 16, says There are no Georgia*
bort. The victory was complete. The kill;
ed. wounded end capuirsi of the enemy ex•
coeds that of my troops engaged. I heels
seat forward 1300 prisoners and those were
mon yet behind.
T3re• /di/afros Atoriese. June 00.—There
was hut little ekirmbaing by the Mail yea
terday. The Bhsvpshootess ware going all
day. Mej. Alswopy, of the 29th ktississippl,
.64 killed. At I o'clock, jentlntlirs
Elooken'enorpe 01.1411 a otarge no Mehl:meg
divider., three line, dory, and was repalsed
vi h groat slaughter. A few prisoners: were
taker. who eon:lrma the above. -- Dtebort.e'm
diridoe trod three hundred end Aft, times
with shot, shell and eahlatar. The easy
wag net ablate bring bit artillery to beer.
The Atchmond Emrairereaye r A gentleman
who left Lynchburg on Thursday says that s
Yankee forte, 15 000 strong.uadirt Oleos. Ran
ter, Crook and Averld, were at Fortest depot,
on the Virginia and Tenet:we railroad, Como
eight or ten miles from Lynchburg. They
hare done a good deal of damage to the rail
road, as was to be expected, but we did hot
tea= the pa:dealers of their vandalism.
A train of ears arrived from Davin' last
menieg. The Yankee feet Ems Dot bean so.
THE ENROLLMENT BILL. of the House to Repeal the
Exemption Clause.
Wasuisoros, Juno 21.--Tho Sousa of aa.
presentative' to-day steel, by ,a rota of ICO
against :0, to espial t h e tbras htuadrid dollar
clams In the Enrollment bill. , 13nolt a result,
by to largo a majority, took otorybody by
The dentilv Star tap : The President and
Mt youngest son left the city itoteiday attar•
noon on the ordnance stnacter DalUmare, toj
pay i +WU, Grant, it Unrested ' and to ten
how lasing lice progrewang on the Zama :Iva.
Gen..Waabbartte and thePlemphls Clty
Camp, Juno M.— Gemmel 'Washburn.,
commander of the department of West Tana
nivel*, hos &eland, in answer to a sown.
alcacion [of inquiry from Mayor Parks, that
*ring tq tbe disloyal character of the city
government of Memphis, as well as Ita attar
fnedleioney In the management Of city edam,
he te announce, that %Um SIMS
of there. Ideation of ths pretent Is
the intention of the military authorities to
tate charge of the ortudolpal department of
The General a:premed the hope that the
citizen of Memphis, by electing a Whet
friendly to : Jiro Government of the United
State., may rollers him from the. duty of
interfering, bat expressos tha determination
that, obits - die commands, thank shall be no
hostillornaloipal guranucentnithln hit furls..
The Rehab on Runterbe SOVEMOZI2II.
Now Seth, June $l, the Richmond EA.
Oro of Itme..l3th gives an suount of ope
rations by Generale Crook had Avert% to
Southwestern Virginia. Alms represented
to be 10,000 strong formed. • Jonothm several
mild nortbenst of Lexington, and,“ Wes sup
.pieed,'destroyod the LezinetcorMilitary In
stitute. Their advance was resisted by Gen.
bioOthsier, bit be wu enable to check them.
Later intelligence' stated that they were
within eta miles of Lynchburg. 2
A portion of Avatin's force then went into
Sieben °linty, where. they toads a descant
upon the Lynchburg sod Chulottervilte
road 'et Sycamore bridge, whorl they burned
the inidp and oesenitted other esousse.'
Yernerdsy wrmitly; the 12th, oNalal Informs.
nen wes received that they humid Arrington
depot ands used on to Amherst Court Row,
only theirs miles from Litthbbttflie
• Appointments. ,
WestinDiOrs Jane2l.... , Tba priming iv•
nominated. for Jadp Advocate fleneral, who
rank of Brigadier Gemprol,Joseph Sole, of
Kentnolty, the pment, incumbent; and for
Aeriatant Advent, General, kith -rank of
Colonel, Major Wm. flaw Dann, pf beau,
formerly member of Cougnoti, bat no. Jades
Advoosm of the department of Mo.
Mr. Ideertoll has been appointed to the
Waco on. the Committee on Territorial, for
merit filled by Ms pridemerar, Ur, Lovejoy.
Mae Woody's' has boon nominated to be
Chief Judos for -fdabi. in place of flamed
lidprion,Wbo hoc bees appointed Gomm
of the now Territory of .fdontana...
, .
Tbp Arkansas Birettas' Cases.
Weinsterow;. Jane 36-4 epeeist to the
ro.q.: The Committee n Eta:twos has
tad not to deolde the Weeded eau froth
132811 , Red 1 4 1)Pest to. Pries atassys.
does for the cotableradea et the Homo pro.
"Mot fer the appolatieat of s commindoß
to.lisli elk pigoot Metes whichrdadet hele
Menet to *dr, 14' the 170432,
ibd firOtt , to Cotigrelist Ise hot dodo&
Thereasdathess preedagtreidAslerai
ny Lordatiaiaad.PgAtmswv
a62:'2:';- 7 .Z. ' 4i1L 14- ' ,
, ,„,c_
Discussion on the Bill Bepealtog the poo
ammula in Llano,
Wasazscroa, Jana zossa.
( Aferslay'• Proem:kr Cbnarsaa )
Sanun—Mr. Tenn Eyok offered an amend
ment providing that where a non-commis
olonen efloer or private shill be discharged
by mason of Injuries revolved in the line of
duty, he shall receive the same bounty and
pay u a soldier sounded on the battle fluid.
Mr. Hendrick/ moved further to amend by
Wonting " soldier, disabled by disease or
other came." The amendment to the amend
ment wee adopted and the amendment pre
Mr. Grimes than moved that the bill bo re-
committed to the Idilintry Committee, which
was canted.
The Senate than uent into liteentiro See
ate, &fair which it adjourned.
( Tuesday's Proceadiaga )
SaßA.Tl.—Tne Lill to facilitate and enooar•
age telegroptile commnnleation between the
eastern and western continents wan taken up,
on motion of Mr. dhandler.
Mr. Grimes oppo.od too bill in a monopoly,
on the part of tho Western talon Telegraph
Mr. Morrill dofended the bill, and said the
flue could not be built unless by an organised
effort on the part of come company, and who
would not rejoice In seeing America join
Runde and England In throwing a band or
eirclei around the eafth.
Mr. Dale reported, with An amendment,
tho Home Joint rat:action authorizing tho
Secretary of tpe Nary to amend the contract
with John Ericsson for the construction of
the two fl 'sting battering, Dictator and Par.
Mr.Pomeroy rept red, With en amendment,
the bill to Bemire to parsons in the military
and naval servirro of,the United Staten home •
etude on forfeited estates in the insoftwo-
Canary districts.
Mr. Lane, of Keane, submitted a letter
from Mr. Fisblack to Mr. Lane, protesting
against the charges of disloyalty against
him, and making averments of his entire
loyalty to the Constitution and Govirnment
of the United States. Ordered to be printed.
Mr.• Chandler moved to take op the bill to
encourage and facilitate telegraphic commu
nication between the E utern end Western
continent,. The motion wu agreed to.
Mr. Grimes opposed the clause granting •
subsidy to the oompariy of half • million of
dollars. He wished it to be understood that
be was not opposed to the grand object to be
accomplished, bat he believed It could be done
by individual enterprise, without any sub
sidy on the part of the.Untted States govern
ment. This was not a monopoly on the part
of Mr. Collins, particularly, but on the part
.of the Western Colon Telegraph Company.
Ile did not believe it was necessary for this
Government to do more than the British and
Munn Government/ had done, vie: to grant
the right of way, and afford fs•iiiities for lay
ing the wire, besides giving grants of lands.
Mr. Morri ll sold, thu was a national mea
sure of groat inqortano. If the Western
Union Telegeop'_ citrates to smdertake and
our, it through, woos interest would be en:
dangered-by the 0,.-rument aiding them to
the llmttol corn t required. Ile did not be
lles* there was a too who would have dented
to the American I cople this great boon
of • telegraphic girdle Armand this world.
TM, would be one of the great things in our
hiateryy nano would Mend Weikel therefore
he tutored the proposition. Mr. Cottle" had
promptly reeeieed the to operation of the
English and Burlap governments in this
great enterprise and came here far our aid,
and we greedy duetted the question of redo
sing it because we could here each • thing
done,by else, litho bad taken ad
vantage of his diacorories. lie thought
tire Government coati well othnt to pay
$50,000 per annum ae a subsidy for prompt
c o mmunication with the old world. He op
posed the amendment of Mr. Ten Eyck.
striking out the previe la the third section
of the wade fifteen years, end leptertlng ton
years and also striktrg out 8100,000 and in
serting $2O 000.
Mr. Wilson meld he theuld vote Tor ibis bin
on general principles, Untiring that it would
accompllab • greed object.. As the repro
**nudes of a greet utunfactusing interest
he oeuld do no lest.
The amendment cf Mr. Ten Eyck was then
,ej opted, and the prorilo sheds as follows;
litoetded, That i. doting any of the fifteen
' , ewe aforesaid, the bo.iness dote for the
Untied States neder the told °mute:Let, shall,
at the ordinary rate of ohms. for private
massages exceed the sum of $lOO 0 00 on •O•
ocethi thereof only authenticated, shall be
.pea anted to the Itheoctur of the Treasury,
*be shall certify the came to Caurtie for
. 11orne-:Mr. sthenck, of Ohio, Iran the
Committee on Military Admits, mode en ad
terse report which was laid on the table, on
the poluon of certain citissea who have been
coedited In rebel prisons, silting that they
be &United the lame pay and rations as eel-
More of the Vetted Stites army. Mr.
debauch also reported a joint resolution foe
the relief of Mary Kellogg, wife of Spencer
Kellogg. who was elethled as e spy by the
rebel wathozides. U. name shall be placed
on the list of effireri of the navy as 4th Mu
ter, from Jane, 1003, then he was executed,
and that his site too live the pension due to
his -Ink. The rescfudon was pound.
jiltr-tielinaelt med. an adverse report on
the hoc titian directing any toqatry: into
the expediency of reporting a bill tor thepay
of the *fleas and Soldiers who bate net been
mustered Into the eervlce. '
The Sonata bill to inquire into the morale
sad business qualifications of commissaries,
guartermastere, paymatten, and insistent
paymasters, was passed with the amendments.
A Meru reported giving paymasters and
military storekeepers of ordnance the mitt
rank, pay and eintithmente as captain of
'ordnance, but have no ma:inland.
A bill we. reported increasing the allideacy
of the masks' corps of the army.
The joint resolution reported to credit
Major Minton with $200,000, these:m=l loot
by the burning of • the eteenter Mali, nearly
allot which had been recovered, was post
poned till Dencober nest.
The Conference ComMittee reported the
Legislative, 2recutive, and Judicial Appro
priation bill. The report was adopted.
• ThetCommittee on Military Affairs report',
adversely upon the memorial of the eitt•
sans of !Uinta for a Position of bortintiss
against the rebels.. Also, a bill to: amend
the ant of 1819, to pay for bones destroyed
in military Beulah by providing pay for her..
sea lost by surrenders made by monnianding
°Moor& Paesidt
Also, tbrit retainer" Burgeons of eavah7
regiments bare the 50020 suit and amok.
meats as is mitered by licutenaots of earairy,
and be appointed and commissioned them:as
u other 0E0414. Parsed.
, Also, the bill for the rein of the ith and
ith regiments of Indian*, appointed bp the
Elocustary of War, unit mustered out without
psi'. Passed.
Also, against the resolution to inquire
What further logniation Is wanted to pr event
substitute broker , tima purchasing substi
tutes. -
Alto, for the relief of Mrs; Gin. Linder.
Also, against the proposition top tching
the two bridge' at Rook
Sibenet, from the ILinmittee o fdlii•
tory Albin; reported a Mit with Nieman to
the draft, which be substantially explained.
The Presidonlates the . normalcy of haring
Ms, and dad" thst • the existingionroliment
does not produce them bonus: of various cir
cuionances, stioti as commutation for substi
tutes and other %bier, whin' interriumi
the - Pretidont, it is /mown, tied mint a mei:
sap to the flouseiceoloilng a communication
from the &Omar, of War and Provost Rat
trial noneral Pry, recommending that the
ommutadon clause be repealed.
Mr. Rehm* gave an illustration thawing
how diecnis it nu to procure mon, and also
showing Matto the roorsh Dinnot of Mary
laud oat, one hundred end twenty nice wino
secured by paying botany. Nifty:UM - were
obliged ternary. because they mud • ot par
ches* exemption, whilo 430 ere re
teased by paying the commutation. In view
of ail these faun the tint and eccond odious
of thii MU proposed to 'repeal the eon. , motion
clam of the Earolimont Alit by adding
that substitutes may be fimnishtd by the
drafted man in'the'petiott of hi fa 134-11013
or brother.
The thlrd notion of the bill pains - d Past
otherwise mica appear tp bo • ettlagent fea
turslktho bill. I. has provided that the
draft Owed cot be 'bony for three years,
but the Prfahlent poteht order • draft for •
lan period, but not under one year. - Ia
der to further sustain and ran" out thp tutee-
- thou of the bill mom not to canton are t ioas
koldohlff top citizen, it ye foster' pro.
Tided that whet:Lover the Problem- 0411 e for
a dtifl. he *Wm the tams Una notify Ihe
people of the country that Tofu:diem b•
apoupted flea of drifted men, and %hope
'plantar' moat be 'coveted for olio, two and
three peak' townahfp.dishdot.o3llo4',
sod itroohlof V dtripitted to make oohs quota
Ivolnuteeti.7 Aram' tun, who 1 a . poor 0!
haa at Interost 4rlng to. craft !Wad
bytroluntwi. retridus • tow, ol COO for
CIO Vara4uto for pro'yeanf f 224 4 300 for
„The tea ih• llll •Prefroliff
ltonlad Ulf Wadi laths old; Jaw. ,
Mr. Bazaar at X'owlag,•lnd it
/as 'the ..latiu*L - of th• seggialiak: (iW.
likiltiaoli)*Aos•re v •lslit Walton. -
Xt.liehisick alit tits vas • ilia imarti*
battle the Sisc'essify of itt Immediate passage.
Mr. Aundall o'Sjetetsd tothe Reread feudist;
o• tEi DUI.
The qaestton, therefore, reotaxed under the
rules, stall the bill be r.j -stied. The vote
pat yeas ?S, nays IS. intro being a tie
vote, the Speaker voted In the negative, and
thus weed the bill from rejection.
Mr Blain, bf Me., moved to strike out the
tl at and seeind sections of the bill. Be geld
the the Secretary of War sod Provost Marshal
General had given the worst aspecte in the
ease which he, B±llo, briefly illastrated. He
shcald stand up for the enrollment lac es
enacted the peat winter. It would Sit up the
• my more rapidly than the =ensures now
Sir. Chandler, of New York, opposed the
bill, and in reply to Mr. Schenck said that It
was s spurioue plea, that this bill was the
Door man's friend. This measure tended to
centralize In the executive the whole army,
regulars and volunteers, to cut off all mango-
Goa between the people and the government.
Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania ' said that
tblz bill was not called for by the pa bile wants.
I The people throughout the entire country do
not desire it. If the Reuse pass this bill it
wilt not meet the comment motion of the
sr.. Schenck said 11 the bill was parsed
it should be passed entire, without being
amended by striking out the first and second
sections. Ile never believed that tho old law
was efildent. This wu his conviction
and it wu admitted by the war-making
powers, who were anxious to obtain gee,
that some more stringent] measure wee
necessary. As he had previously said,
this bill would stimulate and encourage
volunteering, and make every district, ward
and township a kind of mutual aid society,
when every Mani whatvver his condition
or means would be required to assist to pro
cure men, because be is personally inter
ested in making up the quota.,
The house then voted on the metier' to
strike out the drat - section of the till repeal
ing the commutation clause, which was de•
aided in the adiruistme ' by yeas 100, nays 50.
The second section of the bill was then oleo
stricken out.
Mr. Myers, of Pe., naked whether It would
be In order to drat . asubstltute for ,the first
motion of the bill.
The Speaker said there was no first sec
tion, It hewing been stricken out.
Mr. Bontwell, of Musacbusettc, offered an
amen denent,whieb wu agreed to. The amend-
Mani is as follows: That any velunteer or
substitute, under the provisions of this sec
tion, who shall be honorably discharged
Paavious to the expiration of his team of en
listment. shall be entitled to fall bounty.
Mr. Garfield moved to strike out the 34 and
4th sections of the bill. He said that the
bill wee presented as an entire meunre, but
as by the amendments the heart of the bill
is ant out and the head is off, he had . no far-
ther Intereat la it. By theme emendeients we
get mosey but not men. To refuse to strike
out the commutation clause MU, In offset, to
glee op the. war.
Mr. Farnsworth, of I:tiools, moved to lay
the bill on the table. Toe motion wee die
agreed to—yeas, 25; nays, 75.
The further direuesion of the question was
here terminated by the arrive/ of .be hour for
• vele,.
liebAintory M.-assures A.Oopted.
Near Yost, lone 21 —Secretary Stanton in
a dirpateh t.t alsbc ea,. that no tole o'oloet
Sunday nlAbt to later operatioas on James
river had bean reverted.
°urbane on Setardsy a.a laid to be very
hoary, though no 033131 return hos yet been
Stanton further 1.1110122,0111 that Sherman
era, premature in preetateetair the Sight ea the
hbata from their poaLlau. The enemy held.
Kansa, Maintain as thirty. T of his position,
with hie flanks behind Moor:telly and Moen
General Vestal. repolrs ba has been Inform
ed by the rebel General Jones, at Obuieston,
that Sea of our general alesre in the hands
of theenemy are kept coder ocr !L.& he re.
tallatire he asks permission to plass a like
number of rebel efSrara of tb• came rank
unser the rebel Sr.. Stanton has given per
mission accordingly.
Completion of td.. Ohio 4: Great %test
era Illa'mad
Dsnua, Jane 21 —The last spike on the
Ohio and Orent Western Bailroad was for
molly gene through, with in this city this
Ingrain& In presents* of the won:anent off
claim Ef rho road, and those of thee. 11. & D.
8. ft. *large number of citizens witnessed
the evens. Among other tilstingaishedgnesto
were tient. Gov. Anderson and Gen. hicilook.
the Hoe now completed for the connecting
link between No. York and-St. Louis without
break of snags, a aletotes of twoirelundored
Repeal of the Gold Bill Urged
'Saw Yoasaane3l..-6n Impromptu meet•
Log of bankers and braking will be held on
Wpdoe:day to ergs the repast of the Gold
liabess on foreign exchange Ls suspended
306 is now asked for bald.
Recent Railroad Accident.
:law teat, Joie 21.. The railroad so
eldent yesierdayeeeorred on the 'New Ibsen
Hanlond railroad, and not on the New York
k New Hares railroad, as elated in loon
Pita at Laerone.
Birs.wartsz, Z. 2L—& Ira ocics=s4 at
Lactase, Witco:lla, but sight. Th. L'itpab
iikma and Saltdiaarias plating house was de
s:raja& Lass 310,000.
Conks, Baulons •n 4 Ulsesuied Nets
Da. Itairram—This cminent : Chisniodist,
who effamed may cares of come and bunions,
Is spin among us, and Is toasted at 20 Plith
west, over Andrew's tas store. ills opera..
Dena are "Maoism', painless and speedy, and
itnowlag, u all ahsrald that comfort. in walk.
log Is essential is health, those aliiimad with
these tronblasomi pests would do well to giro.
the DOCUI • • exit. 21r.81l Young, and Mr.
James Millingor, well known In this eommu
ntrp-for pears, were *Mimed with Imo corni
and-trantona for a long time. Xr..Eti Young
lap= Dr. Randall most ruescessfally cured
soma most palatal cora, and-bunions for me.
The ma is effectual, =di Oneida' made en
excellent larettmento
Mr. Jamas blillinimr anitem*Dr. Bandall,
• 'snap, remand • moee painful oorn.froin
undsr one of my toe nails. The operation war
perfectly scoomfuL TO-day he has riming
tabors, and I have no doubt ertth Nisi sue
esar for 'whin I had undergone several arks
imehashaleperationi at the bands of other
profound Chiropodists.
Moe boon from 10 to 12 a. m., and from I
to • p. m.
Onstarn and canine oalis will be taken at
the Omnibus °Nee, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All orders left at the above plow
will be promptly attended to. All mills melt
be paid adirmum. •
Jos= U. Genes. Attorney At Law .
Grant stmt.
LONO.-8/041.n1n, on alcalsy, 2046
40 p. 1/11ANIS, /turd a nerd /L nitn
I.llnnOwn. Y. lAng. tb.14111 2, sr Olin sp.
tamesltlil sa: piece au Ws:arm=
. .
rocs id.% pum' zaotthaw, $O.
tos Nan lianas, to üblas that , bads of th. %Fab
ark totecTually lor DA. Zoliskma pgrricsa, wl3l
*.masoat at
G KAnc, ISEEDS, • .
. 1117TTg8. POULTRY. LOG!
/Ind all kinds of 001111 TUT PBORIIO2. - iota on
easaalabb; by
' w. . C. COPA
a%waNes=eia .. ` •
Er„„tr , -. 4 it-turd-a.
'TA: • 1,)) A ILI KA,
. • burr amartesest d POCKET Arm tothrtmo
HOUSt D=121 . , t i L11147 1 1.: r 4 l4 l3a lr elo . tb,-Le
irttb.tilt edge, and with' O r aiirol. nib.
m as e tbsays and sla t at Listantsgs. • .A.U r tr, (
rukacculge moo b, , . •
WM. 0.10H2113T0N clo, etutioninis,
oclll.6l•••irran • . 67 Weed gnat:
ire, now 'pay . .
Attag Mika prkes lbws bate tfr
. bLD NIOIPATInti3; ~1 ,
-ISCWIL9,. Without coven, .
.11,104 tbena at oats and restis be - cub. ex 4*
Tick-lard Papu 1q4,101, -744fra . 1 Aunt, AIL.
On Qty.
lams v orb curb:4ll.m tutwas.
ai zoom NIMITit
nreasne !asenir U*l 11%16/ MAAS
- • - ' CZ
TiVis 1L94 . 4 .- - -- Ajar6 -
;Jag s& isowm, immixd Bow.
"IYC.4&."R;X MTS.
Weir York Harken, •
lira Vic. Jae 21.- r -57m0 dal and Iowa;
51,411321.0-a !UAW , ' U.l aide. Via: stint a
b ter, and to rlr drutand, pot I..goat. t
se /531,45 for otos mate, rose c-r kat". ft.
G.... 4 48.850S.aara••b aad. , tee . riot
Lama go et Wok oat/113ra at tbetrisid.
104..4 be the ales rue 6,COW Ws Extra Atale„l-3
I Jtily,Whieky.intire actuedly
higher • 41,1553t.03f0retate,51,30141.G 5 f0r
Wawa ' 24pc bettar and aro acovst ; 11,t3011. 9 1 oar
Chicago epring, 51,330(10 for fill wank. CIO
51,17582 for Winter 8e.15/ stem; £242',03 for as bier
Modica. 5.2,1 for Whin 314.111ga; loclraind la
toe ea w ara ICRIQA buss Co.l ablorankee towel:no
Ct 111,2031,173, and wag:. 300030 familial' /nforlor
hicago and 011 wake. at 51,7931,32. 4.55•15 Qalot
ad ; 81, 4 1.31.,43 for now Dolan Wes'e.n, DI 6U
tar ald ad New wised do. 0.4 10 moderate fa
nned at 1711322/XO7 for State, 910 lor Wear°.
oak. linear firm; 19X, for Vow Orlaana, 170 f r
Naha CM and pole a nominally no.
canard. , Wool arm sod talc:) , active. P. rt exci
ted and , * toed at *1,75 toaher. Lao clotted .11h ow
Onnerse; fur &hes, 11..T.1 37%3:075 for Now do.
eL Ong at the loaf. price; t00.W372 for ()hi 002
•New Prdne, 4380 .so for Prime Atm ; site 760
hWs hew A 1... to vain at sa. Bed war In
and dalivilly btabsr; 163147 for tarn, 33100 for
Pol 203,2n0 air Elopaled Urea, 23318 c or Est,
Ea..; Prato Mese dectsecily laher, ot 54416 c. with
sal a of WU tltrx• on prl.ate tar ce. Best Hares
quiet and•unccen,pd. Luc Meats firmer as 13013%
tar Shoulders, /654310 for Elam tv.oe Slave dm/
sod notolowl. La,J groan bat a:Bala at 10(2.18;
6101 bbis, Jun, sel en' op ton, 1750. Batter
gory firm bat gat; 21331 for 0610,2930 for Slat,
0.41. se* firm at 100134
Stott and Honey WI, diet/
Now Tort, /one 71 -Stoney easy at 637 per
cent. and strong einnilna no out 1,1 no ear isy at
rzogr....s, 1100000e.57. Gold valuo i and decidedly
41. her, cloning at 119-(310A offered. sod 2 8321uaaked.
Government St..' wrong; O. 9 0. 1831 Cawpone,
11330959 ; Cvlipolan ; 1075-2; 2.44 Trcattry
auks, October sod April. W.%
Anna better sod wmaaat strive:
O. a IL t--. 114 11C-wow( 143
.P. 0ectra1....151
P. St. N —ll6 &. &T. JI.--. 63
Michigan Pacific 6108--_-262
111. Central !a1p...331X 0 & BL Curti/b00tee...9 Yi
O. & P...
--.11450 .onpuris .....
C& N. W.... --.. 6454 do regltersd-1053 a
Llevelandlli Toledo-116 do '3l Coupons 113
Cold is the Cre. t -.205
Eris pfd
Cincinnati Market.
Conzonvall, Jane 10310 c b10b.,; Soo
perla,lll37 10 Wheat .880 blaber ad In Aural
demand; ated 51 66131.,L9. Oat. cull at No. Corn
In hater' damask], doslilted. bu3lng so $1,1331.,112
nye. advaal 4. 51,60. Whiny 1231517 higher,
clueing excited with no seller. at 01,65; the advance
two bean ace we o'clock, sod con equat opt,. the
telegramal to Chatter of Cuomer.a. Mow Pork
advanced 'to 546,60, and boldeni were akl• A £37 43
'tug Bat the awe. Bo k 11cata a .voloC dto 1.31.9
for dbouldiow nod Shies. I.azd advanced to la ad
now held to ITo.
Gold o.o* to 813, end cosettlrd, dealers v 1033205
at the cl The walla it pc aralfy rat ed ociace
one o'clock, and It L difficult to al quatatuale •
Blew York Cattle Market.
Now 1742 X, June 21.-The current prices for Cla
week an, beep end fib.. fame , 0 . , b-• .d 011,§
59, rd.'. iicia;
60(18,66;1.)rdiu.ry, $1,5037; C anon,
fb 15 6 ,1Ui nior, 84 4 1 46 - rn-00,
17)94 Oo 11101.14 11. 1%35%. The root, t 4r Bwf
laotle condones dela sod at a fouttor declloo of
abet %eye , town 1.
Toe tonal receipts or all etorke at lb, ysr. a for
week ond hat week were: Besse., 4 1 , 9; new.
'3; YeaP•Calre , 1 ; aeon. sod Lao La, 12 6 12;
owls., 1,035. Total last vrank-liwervi, 4,4.1;
; V;;;a1 1,000 ; buy aad L.u.b.o,
10,213; Swine, 13,641.
. .
Oswego Market.
Clarroo, June V.—flour b/gber .ud to rood de
mand 1 hbat firm, Lab .appl, of ad &Lc l tl.oo, 144; No 2 thleaL4 tying' 5171%; i.-
olg - t Cb t2go Srlug roll bt 11:72 Coto ..0 ,At‘a.
Gratoallearbe444 q.t./ebbs toadalL ,
thaw Tv-4kt. n.. m; 17....ur 42,.._%. , haat 12c.
!KIM delph la Distract.
Prows Lon.., Juno 21.—Floor Mal : aOl • $ - .000
atlr, Etta. Fanalky at 16 2:abbo. lb h, o i—Wiit.
bdwanced ; Bed 22, lb ha.- 12.106 2 ,,_ O. Ctrs tea' ,
doll St ~ t 0 0 0.012 I 404 y. Ft...ieLll3 arm;
Land- file laboud GOsC6b.d. nbb TWO Pr' ,
vls.ns the sad gresuy esbit.d. -Wblay fittaer
at 11,6 `.
Baltimore Market.
I g.2 l3 trin 14 "" • a r ii. a t 2r a l. — d i n u
I ° .'7 a . al " Tj' a
- 61W ng bu7t. "' ..[
. - but culted , uus bt
Etitcv Ydrk Waal starbet.
Navy Vas a. Jams 21 —Tbe Wool mask., la very
each 4 end prim sae rearlleq orr ugly cp asst.
Weisrf .hero be.. two male et t c. sod se
to. t.I 4 4.34811. o_o do lar n a. ticip..tvd
Basta; top era k.
♦nen Ll.
IGattne, Cinclansti
Clams aMisza, ClactmatL
. .
Ths t, Liter I• still medley . this'll.) at this point,
alai t feat to the' chthrtel ty Um toctal mark
last. ese,Ony and shoot two foot , sports too , U, au
Flom* pt." Th o weather continues clear and
oppro.sla y hot.
The .. n y arrival ll= be since cur Is= is the
ricttipt t ..ta Uneel.,ti ts. The Patrolla from Wheel
ing .s, aa.t,asisst night end wilt . .. btkas b. tou,..d to
pet Mho Morning. Its Cottag less c asp-liea to
..k i
dew • p atom tt her cargo below -GE... Ucuso”
sad a socsnad trip 'or it:
the ears Loc.nde the If.s•as Grabs-. for
Zattessil • Uriids forCin. foist: and the lists ..N.oblo
sow for t Isiels.. Sits Ilobtamm Lit tuns with •
bargain •
In. Iwaro Qom CC:Warta:l and the Jam. k
filloacts m St Lents an> the tent 0. ate duo heir.
ins at t and Nut d. aught Petrolls, U.ptilordon.
Is the legal. past , t for Whialina to•day..leavair
procup‘p at so 4/. SU has, exceltent scoommeds
lions for yo-auingers and can tat, a limr.l atto.nat
a trcight.
Too LI. yam Cayt Lot,, will burs for C Maio
:tall to-dsy at hoot,
Oqrt Cs, W J.hos'Ol, Is'. cat tho Moans, std
who has Maw on 4 teensy tirs,ar ,fa (Wools 11,2 d lowa
los tn. gm: tar iambs, /stared home co St oday Uspt. .1 is au excella. t health sad spirit.
out an Os weather la cpPre•ltelY h• - •‘• he h.. coo
otakd not to obtaprin boa assn tai a Awn time.
Uspt U W.Diebuson, la. of 1.134 White tom,L hatlan etnstillttad • hew side's/heel boat, at P.m
bantam: Ebe.sill ba WS fat loon, bow= da feet,.
h'iddit% Pit, and Will hare thew boll-ss • Hu nil.
WWI , wlll ball -Sunbeam Ms/aster, id/hoer. tot
stroke Os wilt be completed to ,boa ' . throe monthi.
and will Probably bo named White hos tio II
Tits wingll from the Wheatley too oars, of
Mars Wm a illoofshslichea (nibs riser yesterdsy
moron/451f= thi beery rain of tinvisy snaroooo,
hot it 'octomesiced What again; and fast aerate,
them we ds water to the ch.ateL 'Tor
Smarm Yadardsy .In/oral:is • took ,tho pans of the
dames keg ay', la tea Patkertm - g rads, and the
Patron* iwhl takithaplsno Orthe Mosses, to the
Plttabergh trade.. ' The Unnells pissed tram pines.
.day tar htlantle,,atd thstaw summer 2.1.2yy1s Hap
111) . ,P,tu" . . 1143t1
paid: Width .Vhelerge." -
ebstrge made until the matey Es =Mooted.
• - WAta ... git PA.Y.
wa.nmeatli; . J.,
maw Elmo. omm. estuuErsb. e.
N• - .
. 1/o&:.—Tiia Taxplyers - of dm City.
ar• • • bcrilv era neat.U6 tlai lb* Tit.r2 , .;
Urania ja`rptrol to nada, all tazaiEu6 .3 tili 6=o,
aaa•ang a dimwit of 6 par am -on 6.1 tasul Oast
• sr• p. mos' Caloa• the Ist day at andatt laast.
The etsta itterrantfl• Mara, • are like.ras due, 666
mad 1 , 6_4 Cann tar Ist of aals . lay.t, 66.166 - 46
66p sal tott4to tba 66666. • •-•- . • •
1 . 4km-swim . .cum, •A•i.iam.,
• rittAtrratt.'lennech; list.- 'wet,
tyrr 3r4hi rNra Ata;
rjr4Pli,, irrateirlele.,l.4:o
rej 4)
0g4:1,4%eve. '
(4 1 611 1 84.1:E-37 Aoroictf Ls*, litite
k . on • Via of toms ant*, iX Griot fit= C•
)ltcnonitp.ntgltß to atoott.• taws:Allot% two,
son: boa. - boost- trwew bate.' nuo.tvr et emit
Q wig, awn an•
Los.. lo sualwt mitt wet, Tis Sip!.
Alp . ,Tlnt son to twit (ton lo t on .W tau':
it.r.te1. Ant, to
2, 1. orris «, srt 0 614 , 13 YVkirt.t.
A I.IA KNit. W otjur,
CA: WIL 01.1
tatenla los Val DST, ni b .;, 1881..ev: .
wig /LATE. tarp 'cad aanall; LB, ••• :CAS r.
119.L04 tottsharta4M•la• 'coo • • Of Valhi . 8 13 . t,
loco th e towing arta' ctrl 4a. au. ran lo
ALLr W tat traloon b c•rrLd ea., AL gra,a,
aLI al 'Aaa}of •••ratcripa aril. law will call 'maga!
.1.1-....1.P.7,1acw and tote clacscaa•y.
j. 4 3 ,1 • JAItB • 11.1,111*, mh.e s4hr..
piotliap‘ AND an 431 4 . ,/ 4444 4 . 11 i isrstratiutzi -
100„403 CONZION 9Y1047.1
DAM llFetaLlett.
l'scird's Urn.
ladat:if '
• W. 11. 4100 Ne
• as r• tory toed* Mom •
. $ll two* • ,
'cat feesfrea.aC Gx de" K N 4 My
' rtierra:AIIISES 4191.12WZ1/D:
lIIITTE A-4,000 lb/
to ma I:4ll: Wbttx
• V 'L.4o L Ili•
• • 111FiSiSX., Ilabazes Arlan a rytp ::
No* ttestring sael•Va sale•br • • ..
•-I. - r n,.E:-alttD4o..ld3UUeitiitlirt.• .,:,
i -•-•50 halt b xt..1.19. 3 tarot.
• • • ht• - . 7..•43 `.. , ,L... -1.1.• ~, m ea
~- : ,
95 18/41:18.1, ,-, 'L ,_____- ,-.
.13".4? - : - " ,. "J .-I L.?.7*"'W•P' - " ,-
Ind Ms:AA* Itvrfaxl • ,
=On . ...a. egge 1 _ , , ; -.1 B . ' • . 11
1..takk.f..44.4tt +o:l4Lrivo. -
to, TiOirt.43..Banor* Cc,* .
pcla. 047 Patfi
• - -`• ao Luna daake Lot Weft - •
"• ocilQ./ 14,2 4Ei a zjiB4
-.: 4 1 • '.'
• :erf *How?
$1 , 25 WILL MY - 20.1 L4G6NT
No. 62 Fill Street,
xc caluu ra:hth
65 Fifth Streot.
INISSZEr, 1017T111,
. Boots. Shoes and tialtets,
No. 54 Market bs.reet.
61,ATER 00D-TE
Ws haw fhw =dyed Wtv 8 0 -14 6 .Wa" at
Which ma will yell at tbs LOWSHT CASH ?91029 .
We ball t h e larkwt ttad beat eeleeteil a:.% ,
Els.Wir rite Calf•d • Not4s,
To to fotad In the eV. LADIES• LL ditiT.Nllll
anadazak GOto oa .
¢11.19 89 attain . = 3 .98 Mr.
totortineet a : • -
131:8711. 11;418 &N •
lost New Ito 1,. -11,1 Ytillecosiiitiln
Lode. and !lb.. Com. het, Morro., float sant
Lovas tal.i.otle, floote orid lialtors alrctilo.
Tone goods aio wan .tad W To lila
wade in the moot ty.
Mao doomed onioactend of all lila& sod vanities
Of Mids.... litawlo nod L.aoy litcea. ' '
op% ltfo.7L war. of Wood and ninth .tr.
itotuid Toe Boots, ShceB and Gaiten,
BORLAND'S 91 ?Sakti 11 M1tt
Fenrwl d,r fm9.9
Boots, Shoos and OaPei.
Of lout atibm, tad at Nrgeat prlpta the
airy. Cal earl, ercu. tarp/La,
sona.emn , s, SI ttiskti kl%Kt.
. .
CIE-OCEti.lEs • j• • . -
... .
‘..4 Y 5 hblir N Va..t 2 , 1 41 .zati
wc, bal.. NY. tram awri...l brbbds; . -.,..-
23 + do E. O. bd./an - • •
.., ."
kiA) do Croid, Poved. Urea. l OcGrat s 44 l :- - ."
ISO tsza .1.4 to plus... Rio C. _ ,•-,'.
• 2-0 ht ch 423 Y. id -, a. t., I= 4 4b N. Oi l
..a 7. - '
60 do .13.1.32 To.;. -:, ,-. •
20U titla:Nbagoso Elm; • , ,',
, TO)
:CO b pk t 6 g5 612 •L.tolio cl. 1014.031, mart o ed ilgri at iyntlitlei- - ,
g atm Wbita 0 fand
1,. W 014.1r0d ho Md. /Ka kob';or.artpitict4
ltel bats Nos load t :38m..k05e1;,,1 .
In store la i tar sole by . .. .
.pd No. TT sad 19 om thtl,ld 'treat
.tan o'd for
25's inoh The.tar; - • •
. 10 bbi. liglso •
500 do Sato Potltopsv, • •
60 _to os.o!co•Ltried dtgloo, . •
100 hub. DiLfd iouo..No ' •
114.0 0.1547 flow 11505 '
1000 !. Etched, Co;' • : .•
1500 " Hum - •
SOO " khoiddern •
. 13 bble. 0:53 Meal;.
' 79 do Bombay; - •
.14.0 brh. 11arroofat Bea= ; ; •
13 MAL tour Cider;
- 100bcgi Mood ratatov; • •-.-• •
10010 • L. Ir. voial4i. CO.
BAGS PRIME, RIO coFFlra_ r :-
AAP 30 talf Ghetto G00rm.131.,k sad Jspo s
50 bass (NociLooN Nersidoo .• ... • .
40 do ' do: Ilookll4cougov.
•do Bar-kets; .• • ;
SShslf &Ws. No i kinken.l; ••- •
_do tau t-etrigy •
10 Ws. No.l bard 00; --
, bbl.. syr:to and N.o.lllasand;:
15 box. vsweva.Oont tdarclg,- , • -
10 moo No. l Matzloor. ; i•• •.• . .•
:forted by' a.
,; 61, .
Lib, IV ttro.f. •
lo•aos, tot lot ILITTN*Sitt - •
basloa, dna Lt 11011s2111ES.Lf
Bought at bait Mai by
SEMPLZ a :aszs . ,,M4blo,
PLOWS, PLOWsznilEa.. juir aaers, ii i et
theditsrent kindsol likdrEtt. and3IAF64B
aax mar e. artkir.Avf Sarrairsoial tiatr.W4Las.
L11 01,11 E4 Canoes
14:A136 I • Eat's EiAgs .
estal Seamlas tin; tt.i i Bos--
•• • 1,1A4 I taltaticu, •• C. du i
10.0 , .* Vat& , .
o, t o ui Co G intami Cron PArki
MOO Mooad &onkel D.,01" - .' • -
are was:Waft ClOartat DOI trA . 140 ' .4•44
6wilta .4 - Quails. T.ll* raid, apill64.
U 2tl-ql,,
woe.. • 'mune. swisrrA.. - kowt
i yieLNTirliS, AteNALlGlifilk
Stone and Brick Pavan.
*run mr croatnoak 'porter - anati ,
Ita.rptqussa. itti:iptli frAtCllll4
BOX .611.*b.0f .att J
- 11r.$4,MIVIJM, 46 laming .uve,.; .01,110.414.3(),
bb -- • - •• • -
• •- 1"...1i6
-10 DL4 6 to
itoie isut ir sato bi •CH %If (7 DAUM-TVs ••
• I7 s
Fats B.PiiNISII .0; ro
dam:. a.'p loCaaw Faille Olin-A:Of '0.1..
eva•my_pat ay lin quartJakani loc tbh
i:10 • olrn,rltbors,,,ati,Vrac..ii
talk& to a ens lot of
wag, ; CHAS. 1.11011„
114 "ooto,tono
200 "." ":*
_!:Now. .Eaex.E.-
. :tobbis;tts,lat T 4 Tatrutati.DiFlisq*Ar -..
' - ‘ - -iri .. Indukw. • , r. .*:' -,..:•-• -
. r r.. -'•.. ta sselut_ do. belie*
.Rad tar milers , _.- ._ L. IL,-vc11,..t 4 i f gh•