The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 21, 1864, Image 1

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The Beading Matter on this Page
is from Yesterday's Evenmg
:Northern . Tgaitora 1n Richmond.
• AltiebnioniconespOndait of the New York
. •-
..Treltrae: makes, some •' etintling etatements
agent. to the Erdal of underground
Storrat r ;Undoes; • canted between prominent
: I .". Rebels id Ittameotid and t heir friend/fn New
York. Then; inel living, he says, in the Reb
•el Capital,kereral who left the north either
, re befo ar,,early during the'vrar, and It t o these
t'whoatore exclusively :throat themselves to
.'kee p ing. the Confederate methorities ported up
tut to 111:314 gclng on it,
, tl7' midst: Among
; ;; _lkese tasters ax. said-to be Col. it %A. -Dan
" engaged in the summer of 1861 -
+ in recruiting aUnion regiment In New e Yark
W. MoMalton, a :AL/ Femanyt •Wood
aunt, and recently an attaches of the Daily
- Newt andit
litr. eirmerly a clerk..
in A. T. Stawart's etas. Their cior.
respondent* in New Yolk atenumeronii and
i eon* oithete, it la aid; citbrece well 'known
/ Thil" l "!Palidrait 13 7 0 :
!Sit I Waregeating or intending to speak
I_ -.of the correepondence crated on between the
Rebels in Richmond and Copperheads in
New York. The moment the head traitor of
;• - . 2thellatter_city learn anytkineof Importance ',
I . ,.i• z oolicaulifgthestrength, audition, br more
meate of oar armies, they taminunleato it to
1.-.•. the rebel ofiloies. 'Thai Ptqate them hoed .
• ranee for °rely meanie likely' to be adopted
.by ths Goranment, and oirayerontof great
! interest likely to Occur. I knew, as
Moray one connected ; with 'the rebel War
DsPartment,We 17511r111 tits 6th of Tuts last,
that, therowould be a bloody' riot In New
York if the Govornimat hoisted on enforcing
-c; the daft.' We were led however, rather to
•belleve that Initead of 'being4 mere riot;
th*.iroiGale r treniendons and lirepressi
i'"_lde insemeetionithit the . rase men were or
.t tanked, andthat tha form ndarsenels would
' be triad, the Abalitioniste massacred orez
palled from the city, and the Metropolis itself
thMitened with destmotiaie. ' •
••• - ` •Thts information, he adds, Wasteininteideli•
• • . tecl in &letter. to 001. - Datham by one of the
parties engaged with Ithn in remelting hii
reghnent In - New Yak.
increase And Its
"z lit a debit° in` the Bennie few - dajisizice,
Mr. Wilson, Chairman of Res Military Com.
. i -mitten, made Some important statements,
"frolliwidelf it affpnizallat since the _ 17th of
October Instill hundred thousand. men,' not
lanlndlog Mick men, have enlisted or
Meals ourirmia; and that - one hundred
-- "iiiiirtiienti-flire flatirons or dollars have been
''upended inhountles/1110L1 that period; that
within the past year siveulhoadrid thoticasid
minhive been put in the field, and that since
Ihmenal Grant eammanced: Ma march toward
thi"rebei capital 'reinforceinents to the
01fOrty4eight thousand men, exclusive of .
Attica Mandrel days pionr-somo two &bons
isradnaori—havii"beeii forwnried to.him.
tfislatter.statementit.will be remarked that
Ganevrd avant „is stronge4 at this moment '
Jilin When be commenced Ms 'grind march
`toward Richmond; matter how pinch ,
tit merted lossarj may be exaggera
" tens rebel neWspapers sad rebel eye:Fatal
In Vie North and in Europe, it Is offwiaily
:Ititown - that the aeiifil losses of General Grant
his.fighti,ficin the Rapidan to the
- Chhabfhominy, hava not eiceeded twenty. six
: 4 thitiranditHed and wounded.
7 ~.., . ...-.Erznrtjalng on "thlVicane.
!The'illthoeend '.E.CroafOcr, of the lOth
°Fth sl2, illtsfT7. o3l *tfailonlirottild.
lticppand; 4 . This is the state of the
Coss. Thingearo so:unused the.attar rain
- or earoplote be: the lune of the
rases de rebels to use every- exertion to se
atirsciriotorj ai the talvitiontf the"SoittbOrn
news to 'rely more upon the losses
1 1 4 F 4 1 2171 1 fritilZ * a c it l izt P ttlI C43 11 11 40 -6°. 11121
inherent xts:ength of: tha , 3ebels. ,This•is
poet founda4 upon' a serious mistake
fat duct:, ',Oat ffivernmsnt seams awake .to
tits tnfl inipartanbe of the pretext . aside, and
sUl.suideubtedly. keep Groltis 'array ap-tolts
t • —Tax' fittozio oi,Emalsouo
-- Agar. Mu piottrei of aitrorthy goalless=
,flpon-lle!OZport!! hatter, .Thio 41a
lops gin= Cho point of iiilithitsation - i"
"Aciftomov—PATltght - moitreitoi bat band, if
%that relatloni, sir ?"
CUltoller-- o Wlfei uncle." f
Hottoliattozit• mote, air."
2:custbuter , ::OThis—iroll yes." • -
fain the 'wtil f" -
- I.Chistomor--"No such hiOli."
'Thittelo,(Do his sostifont,-- - briskty)—f
. •
Airy of boys at Datiolt;list Week', be:.
• to !Val:war,Tim; separated them,-
i.lveabitolhe - twotvat Trader -' of
oatrari to% light the battle of ate Wilder
as.-- The leaders of ammonia; boats tram
staled with pistols._ Itt. the tams said excite
Aslant OttlittooritUeadr." atazit's reekleumass
tad ,patriotisut overtiowod, bad be discharged
••=laspistat. The ball took effect la Mt. Lee's
leg, and theoonseveace will le its
Hon : Iforat-4•Mider =daunt aserdangarmis
. : pleythinp ; also, thts L irMbably what gave
gag to kholto . n , tb#, the other Mr. Lae was
• lfter emu= ran BoLimeri:-.4birriser
soldiare Cannentry,tear the :Arlington goose,
wst opitnedlo46r ()vita - ids') fn. tho recap.
of , bddles.. of-doomed , scaler,. Too
undi (two kindred acme) were zelsoted by
8 4 , 0 01 4 And nitro oni and
popirly• adorned under Goo direction of Gen.
tr.dfolgo, ton ter-Genend. Here•
wall doldieri:dying in ',Unita' here will
.:.....belatentadirt.tbilarcriatin:yt,--Woeb. Bum
- .
A"MT farms wh o vu drafted ,
In Boston
the othefdaysippossdke bi exempted
114 Wine of Ido.obseitbbOt seeepte&
ABS wee ktowil to - jaikloh
. ee well es Int, and
z-L - thitssakd of eirellteist supposed he 'would
fords& is:antuditatir onnzante - , and asked
bleisrldelftwonll their earinisehe
- -'ktftssed bo and totltheni EA* bring on their
• baud Otunsgedlttmled and
1 7 " i'l 'r- titruOiliViAsrait4ll , ,J74l l our Kari:-
: taxa 4ixobsagos speak-411th% - giowlisitl% ) r t
as indiatitipt Azialruadatitbarrest. - The
to lilt th4;vparetty and big
lalor..lliyutaktos hark - alroadi4o4*
mooed, aid the _tato herriet lel-apidlj sp.
- . 1 •:: , -LMeselLin w ip A 4ontiAnsnoo rof the 'retina
gra 13g weigher fat ' s , is r *eche longer
trIU edd greatly i. the.rodeethraneei-of the
,-, , llllUoll.7nllakimoye
letonce,4&toldler hos*
talittßestioa(la ) erftwito a Western paper:
- srOottsdio the list of deaths
•1611 I kne w it was' a Lees' soon
--c-: ' f:4 " his sis ha g a liorsocco when yon host 4f,___ l o
write nod motif it I( so 'boon.
- """ - "1,11„1, -- 7,„1 - t - :464 - 46:6ottalisoetttff r litOliitet
'!. "
, ^
toll i Ihroaszty.
-Otlre i lontivzolititatid
?,''...:7llolsltVllo!blvetllogltitto - - •
Presentment of the Grand Jury—The
Operallona of the Liquor Law—The
Work House Project—The Jell—The
The County Home, etc.
The Grand Jury in attendance at the pre
sent term of the Quarter Cantons, having
finished their labors, submitted the following
presentment to the Court, which, after some
explanation from Judge . Mellon in regard to
the punishment for violatimn of the liver
law, pad inreferenee to the grantingof licen
ses, was received and ordered to be tiled. The
document will repay penned:
The Grand Inquest in and for the bounty
of Allegheny, at the June term of the. Court
of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter &salmi of the
Pius, ,ket., having finished the labors anigned
them, make the following presentment to the
• We have acted on two hundred and sixty
nine bills brought before us, of which forty- '
one .ware ignored, and in two hundred !and
twenty. eight =metres bills were found. Of
the bills before us, one hindred and forty
three were cases of illegalltqtior selling, and
a large proportion s of the remaining eighty
ilia !are; !dinetly -or indirectly, traceable to
the sale of intoxicating ligetors °oratory to
lairs now in - farce in this Comuidnirealth.
Oar attention was called to this eubjeet by
the honorable Quirt at the ocimmencement at
the session, and wo have given It dire can,
sideration. We are not, however, prepared
to suggest any change in the law; euthenics
tility, we are of the opinion that a thorough
end effeatlve execution of the law as it Is, ao
carding to its true spirit and intent, is all
that's needed to remedy most of the evils so
patent to every observer., The law forbida;
under loner° penalties, th&sais of intoxicat
ing IleMis to any one of known intemperate
habits, or to any one while intoxicated., It
also forbids grantinglicense, in the ally, to
any one not having four Separate. bedrooms
1 and eight bids for the exclusive nee of tray
alert;! yet licenses are granted nine eases
out of ten ,. in the city at . least, to parson
whe practically make no preteacions to keep-
leg anything but places of resort,tor the
purpose ofdrinking; and to obtain a
meal, or a night's lodging, trauletre would cc
non think of stopping at a"retail ' green
! ry or dry-goods store u at these, likes
kept open under-
a' tavern Meanie; and
: when persons are convicted of vioting the
law, the ordinary stereotyped atincium
sentence of '‘a One of len dollars and
Usti"! proclaims in language too plain
to be misunderstood that the vOlation
of law is of little oonsaquenee Lf the costa are
paid. Lows, however wine, judicious and well
calculated to be beneficial, avail but little,
mans enacted in such a manner as will make
the offender fed that their infraction to no
trifling offense and that they will be vindicat
ed and enforced io earnest by those Intruded
with their execution. A pinon, convicted at
entry, term of the Gouty pays, at the ordinary
penalties, only about forty dollars a year
more tteurthe one who his the proper quell.
Scathing and bikes out - hislieense, and pro
bably saves three or fear times that sum In
Th•number of eases of &trifling charauter,
yet Involving too eerie= an infringement of
rights to be entirely orernolied, suggeats the
necessity of a simpler method of settlement
and redress than any now available. If the
lenient= would pose a laW giving authority
to two Mildews to hold a court once a month
with aj= of three or more qualified citizens,
midday rhairing the necessary epecitlattione
and safeguards, much of the time of the court
and expense to the Mtmty might be saved.
The attention of our legislature is respect•
fully.calleuito this Inkjet:.
We have visited the Jail, and feel gmthied
to be able to express our entire - satisfaction
wit* the manna in which the officers hit:barge
have performed their ditties. - Everytidngep.
pears to be done which ought to be done for
thehealth'and comfort of the prisonere. Lot
there is one thing which We consider a great
'evil and which calls for reform, although for
this he officers in charge cannot be held ea •
muntable until different actommodations are
afforded. We Oak to the promiscuous ming
ling of offenders descry grade—the cempar
atively innocent with the vilest and most
ebandaned—the young withrthirivardened in
oriel*, and we earnestly request the Commis
sioners to take the mattes into comiderstion
and provide the means bribe separation' f
these Malmo of Offenders. : A yonng girl is
in 'jail now, compelled tb endure:the:society
and conversation of the most abandoned
characters limply because her mother is in
jell for' aline, and she tail ao other plate to
which she can go. We earnestly request the
Court to see that icing pes o litaoll is made for
each unfortunate ones that 'they may be sup
ported, and st the lama time not be compelled
to experience such -degrading aespidations.
Some repairs are urgently needed to the jail,
and we met the Conartissioners will attend to
this matter stonier.
The subject of providing& work-house has
engaged oar attention, and we earnestly cep.
peal to those having the, matter in charge to
delay no longer. Commitments foagrartoy,
disorderly eon daet and their kind red '
would Melll2 cornothing if the ilia dont were
cipelled to troll out their term of service, in.
stead of lounging it out in idlonosset the ex
pense of the publio,whose interests end welfare
they have atm:my violated. An economical
bultdintr,witheultahleacoommodations y woldd,
disbands of Via.competent manager, soon
bet:eine self-supporting and thus materially
lesseithe expense of the county in the matter
etstupporting its *ions vagabonds.
The Grand traiy; yieldhig to the invitation
of the Directors,and to their own suggestions
duty, ' vislOtthe tleunty Door-home, or, qs
' it is now sty ledby recent 'land morcrltting
r o ghritmo ..tomairsThe Allegheny' County
Home." They wore aosomitanted by Messrs.
Cola. and Hamilton, of the county commis.
stoner,, by which board the facilities for the
visit water kindly 'tarnished us. We found
ourselves well repaid 'for, the visit,- and
congratulate the "oftixems and tax payers of
the county , upon the prosperity which we are
enabled. to report....:' We examined with care
and, witnessed the buildings, grounds and
housesilields,fenceti crops and condition of
the ; inmates, and found ever) , part of this
largo 'charity 'in admirable order. This le
owing in part to the excelle i l magegement of
the present most worthy perinteadent, J.
;cq I, if not greater
credit iideetelfs accomplished-predoesesor,
D:Pitteriondisq., tab filled the pee
-1 tiOnf with'great aerseptance-lor the six years
prior to.theibtst day of April l last. Iffe pros;
ant management is as fo owe: _ , ;
Director. .r. r lt...„H. ...Davis, Goodman Y.
Coulter al:436111a: Drave,'Esqes. Sktremd
6orPkiiperfaseacient—.l; M. IdoEtroy ; Air; •
oldo+-Dr William J "Yi ; Chaplin :-
1 Bennt Briddeek or, -Bias Mary
Beatty; Teathet,ldist lklazander Fanner
Mr. J. M. Porter. :ter the'ritspitctive depart!
MUM of each of these, gin** everything to
in Viiiellent'condition and management, toe
titling, Is theweist ieatishonery :manner, tit
thes.lasiltleationt end' - elisoharge, duty o f
earl and sail theeffieera; .
~ T he--pirysiolan, Dr. Gilmore, Wall known
'and - aeconsplished in his'proressbart,iisits. the
llome..thrice every week regululy, sad often =
if necessity requires. So!, also ,icileetap:,.
lain Braddock, erne paschal at least onoe-si
' month 'regularly to the.. Imitates.. The per. ,
cereal erudition of Citi-insestm, the 4111.1111 d
the tkeiteatifide to the efficient
discharge of their--dulled resoeetively by Bit:
perintendeat BrEhoy, the farmer, the matron,
andreacher, ..-The present number of inmates
isehont *he leadred and eighty.;: - Theespa-.
btrity of the iturtituticm is about two huadred
and when Ailed , to iii largest capacity.
TO' ill 'OSLO of which
bounty toey....well be' proud, and la e=ll
alike to the--head and heart of its generous
people. 'lsis a hems for the Indigent and
friendless lathe truest and ibat s and
illustrated the progressive Ind - eat& d
charity . ; of 'the age sad our people
whoa it, ; represents._ The tax for-4w pre
sent year for the - rapport of the home
is one millpihering bees reduced from
two, and a ha/f mills in former years, and
being ender the tate of texation from one to
one milland_i half,
M no:misery to support in
'elina Of like kbidlor the cities of Pittei
burgh is, but reasonable,
however to suppose that this diminished rate
of taxation cannot long .continue. The to
cursed reiffillion.wldch Lino* scalping *broad
Weigheut the length end braider' theoland,
will manifest itself here as everywhere' else,
and with Unused „ number Of-spelleentr In
thepersons eoldiert at..d thole
tenatllia noodrefT to the support of the home
artist snartner_be teenaged: This,
howoverdt , s - tax. whkh' on secant of the
liertidessilerittehleffis,"duty and patriotism
iutat timurP h I m= „ l i ty
„We cannot nines our. ;
aPoithitlivisoffiers 041te,,d1rectorsiandlith-
out bebg invidious in valet/on We may allude
moie'parfficralarly' tolt:JL Dwell, 'Bey, the
t'eesidentof the.Moard, who,, for lairleari
past, aritiont,:feie or
. reward,Eau been' un,
wearied AußcrinUning•in_:lda effort.*
good: of. ether institution. Ms 11;::-%
!Vern* fornharity throughout our coati,
and - we can but hope that 'our peeplelrill act
anew him to,witinirsm hie/cave and efficient
labors !Maths present yealcilvit hEttant - 0
011 "9 / pa which yi•rOlget toliktt r ltti
enlace Lori' Velum DeenCthtls parr
*Ills! Winding to thisileble - 40ty'llt our
i :.7,,,,1ium'5:,z,:..v:-,TiF.t=7,4,0:=,.,•:
~7- .: • ;..- i i '.::;.;:. ''.'''.''4 :,
'-i . .... .- iiH . f'.: : '' •-•::'•''':::'..'-'''' Y't':':' ...'.....:-.'' ..;. - ,..1 . ..:'; - .':'l' . ' '''
midst.feelingliell anuredthat Its detailed ope
rations shouldbeunderstood by oleo taxpay or
in the ootmty,!and that they May appreciate
the tact thattheir charities have not Peen mis
applied or tbrdwn away.
We tae Gild opportunity to express our en
tire satisfaction with the manner in which the
officers in attendance on 'Cite Grand Jury have
performed their dutiskand we @pedal, com
mend the en;r l r and courtesy of the Deputy
District Atto ey Lithe discharge aids duties
in connection ith the Grand Jury.
itoloft Dell, Fonmea, Taft Patterson,
Jas. A. Knot, Bee,. Bast& Bolos,
R. MeEldowniiy, - Andy , Ramilton,
W. W. Dloluton, Beni. Patterson,
W. 11. Dannieton, Mary Snowdon.
Conrad Eberhardt,
Eathig. Beef in Summer
Tux N. 1: !Sim, Mu warm the people
igalitot eating ;beef In Kammer:
Envied:Lent phytiolane declared that a meat
diet at this season is _poeitively injurious to
the health, producing &taus and death,
whereat a few ounces of meat made . Into soup,
with plenty ofrgetablesjle the most wholo
tome diet any peosost can. subsist upon. It
Is not expected that ignorant people will Inv
fit by the witm:ct tho.doctors, who have
epent their t ie s and money in investigating
the cause of Cease; but intelligent and oath
-111 people strictlifollOw theadvice of the
doctors, snare/rare Dem aging so mush meat
in their famloo3„, ...Photo to; whom money Is
no object, will Probably. buy their accustomed
quota of meat' at the - present eihorbitant
prices, and the pay a gum equal to that given
for ;the beef t the "family physician." who
Wont. ensoeg to. pat on a long foe—when
Ida adviee is asked—and proteet *goblet any
reduction in the quantity of tricot consumed
by his patients. For a little "fillhy. lease"
these fourth ro te doctors , men in o th er,
Profession', wil t snake` atiertiorm
to help along their own busing* considering
that they hav a legitimate tight to bsdnee
People to gate ok, fat the purpose of pocket:
ing a foe forcriring them.. Fortunately th e;
opinion of the ac
quacks related by the: qv
stations of sue men as' Des. Mott, Draper,
Parker, Del:Leila,' Marko° and others, who
prefer to give honest opinions, that will pro
vent sicknoie, rather than Impose upon the
public by false statements. One of our most
eminent .physilians 'aye, that, commencing
with:tile month f May, end ending with Sep.
teunber, he rot ots the members of his fatal
ly and all his Patients to two ounces each of
animal food pen day, requesting them to use
freely duringthe Bonnier months the vegeta
-1 Die producUonS nature lavishes upon - us so
abundantly.. Ile his _kept, daring twenty
years of more s ; seceded of the mortality In
the families ; of those who foltowed his advice,
and estimates the deaths, in the meat eating
families ' as about four ;times more numerous
than in the houietholds of those who Curb their
deaires for animal food during the Summer
months; subediting almost entirely upon a
farinaceous and vegetible diet. If {IL teo
timony has no-weight ;with those who think
"they know h otter. " it is to be hoped that
they, will disco r the reality by a little expe
rience, and, as hey look upon the pale face of
some dear one, lying "hold in death," become
convinced that there It more virtne in the
prevention of illness; than in the " pound of
cute" the doctara prescribe' for diseases that
originate in morbid appetite for strong
. Tharongh.m-.Archhisiiop
When you do a thing, do it thoroughly,
When you break up an establishment, dismiss
everybody. We /Wu glad to see that the fol
lowing advertiser Is root•and•branoh man,
and on* abandoning hons& keeping; not only
got.erid of his wife, but:suggests &satisfactory
arrangememt for the lady's figure life.
A GENTLE AN, who Is breaking up his
establishment, 'hair rely great pleasure in
WIVE ; the f opeter_to take *huge of the sta
ble and drive + and the latter as Dairy
woman, or tot ke charge of poultry, or both
duties oorobin d. Address,' ke.
. Except that If be were !calif a gentleman
be would bave t Ottentioned the lady before the
mental, we th k the advertiser a model of
thmsghtfulnes &oak ' '
• Latist train Europe.
Care RAOII, iune2o..—The steamship North
Ametican, fro Liverpool •on the 9th and
Londonderry o the 10th, passed here OIL Sat
It is reporte that the Germans amid to
fortniglit's eztonsion of the armistice..
Cotton quiet, Stith a partial advance of
for American. •
Biomiatura doEI shduechanged. Provisions
Told but stokay.
Consols elosadzt POK@OGYi.
The ship Rockingham, from Callao, was
hinted by the • irate Alabama.
From Washington,
.WORIIGTOI., Tune "19.—dfternoon.—The
general boUef among
. monabers is that °en
gross Will. adjenzia in about ten days. The
Mouse will /Mier Inasinisss every night, and
probably, the - Senate win also. The Tariff
and Internal ftennue bills are the most im
portant pending.
The Secretary of the Treasury has accented
ell the bids offered for the bonds of 1861 at
four per cent. :and upwards, and declined all
Arresur Jcimrsoir, at the age of twenty
psalm, did not even know the alphabet. He
has caned the steps which have conducted
him to his present elevation out of the rook
of adversity., Bel wu the most earnest ad
vomitus of the Homestead bill in the Southern
States, boeutzi, having risen from the ranks
of labor, he desires to sea 111 of his former
elssi protectett —Phith.. Pitts.
•- - _
Ar ao battle which took piaci at the West.
ern spur of the, Al - acons range mortis nth
ult., Gen, Howard bad his foot struck by a
ball which took off part of hie boot. lie
said, .211 not look down my foot is gone.
One hand andione foot will nevor do." One
of-his staff.fell down, and replied, ' , General,
Your foot is lode ;" at which he was much
gratified. I'
Tas Cazscap.x.s.—lt fa sald that this little
whosoltur aiskerap Into beaniltal ar
ticles for the Somfort and the
ladies; has nei:4 been found In nonstdsra
blo_aumbers is It It not Inaoh
tarp:than Soartnon rat, but kiss - L=olnd
togs like the !Kangaroo. The far of thoto
teen las.lolitnrnis to Sold td be irary fan.
A..4lxiarrii still now building at Pall River.
Mali.,whin ;completed will be the :' finest
min= In the city. The van 3 - Offing Is
three,bundredlandtwentpelght feet long by
'sweaty wide, l and nye storien..,hlgh.At. wW
eattairreight hundred; indinsty looms and
thlrtS;fite *lnland etas hundred and twett
, .
FosomrSor—soe Of ft&011014 091 - -
babeg nintilediff bt &Anon per.
lifttb Pei thekkisree and'neatly - psate
theni.on eel $I :and $2 motes. Some of the
latter have been altars/le $5O. The Vatted
States Tressmne does not redeem fractional
t'anlo°7l"!l4autilits4.4* • •
Tfie iturqber of deaths at
iti this! city as reported
' bly large. - Top Revue] days .
ad -sixty per day. There
'•Ltale imtunially large cambers
ended soldiers.—Nadoed
SAD Itforraz
tho tummy the!,
doll) , Is Ist=
pOttt-Itrital-iT •
of lick and w
Mr. Ososan lams, formerly an attamei
in Chester, "England, with a practice of be
twesn three pious:lad and, four thonssad
pounds a peardint which he bad lost through
intehipuonee, irecontig died in a workhouse
from deotitntion. ,
Teri Washle . . 4 CA,oltiele oiyithatSoustor
Girrett D yLi of Sentuokyi remarked. the
other day that hli party, the Copperheads,
would take app Fremont for Piettdent, if thy
thought President Llnoolueottldlut lettiut 14,
CAST. 8A.174, of bliqcir Goa. 11'1'48'81er
serial staff, 113713.04 at the teat of GoTezatatat
oil:idol teeing la - dirge twenty•lee.
en battle flag trophtet,i espterad from Best.
Lela army In the seelatlrattles In VAIWas.
1.71 whittle& Instead of lark.
, Ira ars dinapiipiritadiazul ca i
g , blind r bat it is tho
b_ it .the; old lady
,Inut okinag
no "plum" :!or4b,.!peolsocit
M in areal
lag for farbaiße
Dame loitan
bort evidnett
eyesight. and.
Os .the 1.0 •
bees oposiod
bow of more ; t •
. _
d Jaae.the.Orystal Pdaeshad
I -years. Daring that isarbld
'LW by the cttraardiamy skaaa; .
• fifteen adllloa wad a q,aatter
atr4obl'Amill Gen. tizoait of
ore' the Oki.* of eta
• tin Ike.W.Nsretees. "./ like
• '4*lrsani •
••y ..aper
talk blieskga
idc J :Babe;
..,iirvared irk the Ordi 'rarer it
,TllrWli Whoa
, - ,
Zug 'TOD
No GeneralEnza foment.
Our Whole Line afateriany
Details of the Struggle for the
Defenses of the City.
Our Troops Oonfident a Success.
FlLLOQUalralta, AUX PCIRB3I3IIIO, Jane 18.
—Contrary to ezpeatatioU no general engage
ment occurred - yesterday, although the fight
lug orS our left at Ufa', was vary heavy.
arlytn r4 the morning the 9th and 2d corps,
formiisithe loft of our.llr:4l,#:ens consider
ably advanced , where, for it,. short . time, the
fighting was exceedingly severe. Thorsaults
of the battle, thouglinot decisive, wire ttdt
fel. Four additiOnal guns were caphaid by
the2d eorps in a charrs;mihing a total of
twenty-two guns. Oar *hells line hu
tertally advanoed. -
New lireat, June 20.—/t Tr bane special has
the following:
Headquarter. Army Potomaii, near Petersburg,
Fiiday, May 11.--Se are again In :front of
(the entire rebel army, which have bean en
-gaged by our advance Of the 2d and 18th
Corps, and important captures of guns, pris
oners and positions have been l aceouipilibed.
The 2d, 9th and 18th Cora are in line of
battle r and on the arrival - of the balance of
the fieeps, dispositions wW he made for a
final assault upon the enemy !a Werke.
Since Tuesday night, whei the advance of
the 18th corps arrived Is the vicinity of the
town, oar lines have been puahed steadily far
ward to several strong positions, which had
been wrested by charges frail the enemy,and
we have taken eighteen guns and several
hundred prisoners,
Our *dreams is within • half • mile of Pa
tersluirg, which is aimed in full view of our
entire line.
Prisoners state that portiobs of Lea's army
commenced arriving at Paniebttrg Wed:wi
dej night, eat, a. taw boys otter the arrival
of }launch with the 2d eery, and that Win's
. brigtidt,cocomanded 4 Wile in person, held
the town tretil that time.
The City Point Railroad loin our posses
sion, and the Norfolk and retersburg line is
commanded by our troop!
The 18th corps, which lnded at lisrmuda
Hundred this day, new bad the advance,
crossing the Appoznattail on pontoons laid
four mints above its - month . .and penetratteg
to the southward up towithil about lour miles
of town, before oucounttny oppolitlon.
Hero ektraishing comas cssd, ind our id..
vanes steadily pushing , rd drove back
the pickets of the enelho took - position
in their outer defences. coo defences were
intmedlatelycliaroftke inkenegro.division
with most spledid gallesttcr. The. enemy
were 'Put to flight zed two guns and • consid
erable number of prisoners were captured. '
The works were held tuna the arrival of
Sam:took at 634 p. m. of Weduso.daya. On the
LIFT/Tai 011111XMOOk in Oa evening, I resort
noinenee.for the purpose of ascertaining our
erect position was made, and considerable
skirmishing ensued. Only two divisions,
flimsy', and Gibbon's reached theffield on
Wednesday night. Barlow, who pursued an.
other road, bringing up the rear, and coming
ap at six o'clock yesterday. .Thuradity morn
' tug the divisions of Birney and Gibbons de
-1 ployed in line of battle, when their petition
to the rebels was discovered and onr troops
biroucked on the field, Birney• Occupying the
left of Glenna and Gibbon the right. On Ilar
low's arrival in the morning he was put into
position on the loft of Birney.
Between fire and six o'clock yesterday
morning the enemy opened a heavy military
Ore on oar line, enfilading it with batteries
posted on our left, and rendering an advance
or occupation of a position to the rear frame
diately-neemary. Acoordiegly an advance
of the 2d and 18th corps was ordered by-Ilan
cook, who, in the absence of Meade, took
command of both oorps.
The .result was highly tmocessfal, term'
lines of rebel works being carried at the pOint
of the bayonet, and numbers of redsmbts of
great strength were ea.:aphid. Sixteen guns
were taken and tuned upon the enemy by
the 18th corps. Col. Egan's brigade, of Biz
ney's division, led the charge of the nth
corps, and gallantly drove the enemy from
his works, capturing, at the same time, two
formidable redoubts, and; with Dwight's- and
Gillis' batteries, completely silencing the
rebel artillery on our onr left. The works wore
held until I p. m., when dispositions for the
final charge upon the ~enemy's last line were
made. It was at tit time that Vol; Egan
was severely, if nofsoriiTsly; wounded in the
spine, and the attack *as temtemporarily poet
. At 6 o ' clock hut hewever;ultother
charge wounds by the SettandOorphiold an
advanced position wen situated antldnain-
Mined. - The thus thus assumed watt Once
rendered secure by the immedietheonstruc‘
don otearthworks: . •
At Ms time it is impossible to's - siert : a - in
thee:tent of our losses. but i,500 will pieta
hip - corer our :eta °unsaid...!
It Is to be regretted that oar adrenal was
riattinated forward an Wednesday afternoon,
at prisoners concur In the litetement - tbst
Wises brigade alone held the town until:late
In the evening, when LW trios enunineed
ratting. Portions - et hie lardy mamba d from
Malvern Elll4 . crossingJolzl64 river on alroi.
Won bridge One port •Dstiteg t while
were dispatched by thesPater.burg
Our Sian, as now tamed, bees the UR. from
the seat and south, partially endirolinglt,ead
'stands scion the city-Peint Itailroadeouth
wardtethWtioinity of the Petersburg and
Norte* Railroad. _ Burnslde, holds the left
of our linty ilium* the centre, and ~Entith
the right. The remaleder of our troop. hue
attired to-dey and will be assigned their new
No one doubts that. Lee will defend Peters
burg.'. Oar troops, utorerthelese, aratoonddent
of dnal rooms.
Our I.lfir3 Within 2,000 Yards of
Several, :Souses Fired
But Wile Ground Gained
.Exanquarnokinan.Pslssencreo, 4 n no xB.
spoolnl to the Now
thief di r
elidoii 2d .0940, 4 441 6 ) 34 1 46
within tort . , t4oisaild yards a tholet!7,' iad
tbroir • • iim; ithoila into Potimboti 4114
sacral honsoF.
. .
Waairsoiva, has 20..-A dittatah F hex
thshasof qoartort of lb. war of the Potomac,
Jalobjeth, says that then was my
Rotolo telthiltriff eh. inata
pie of the tini, and ths most dotal:dud efforts
woo aitaoto toe* the onomia linoj'hat little
grooad, howqm, azatfita 7 ,-thi
_The' Ittelibioid. SestfOrf of tha ibti ICU an
moan of fiaatraft nonagons. It appeals
that Wi atfah7 hart Wed 'Omagh Wiliam
oitutty , ttrot ibit'Uns of the Chariottosvillo
fafirtatigsolit thaaosatfleis • • • •• •
wen t ( Iwo a:00 Ciortifooda. - ; Tha
40e1111,4hallipt r Illystagat ostil to
_ ~Sf
Casualties b Geary , ' Madan.
The following Le a list of the casualties in
the 28th and 111th regiments, in the battles
in front of Dallas, Georgia. These regiments
are in Geary's Division, and are the only
troops in . that Division from Western
Penns,lvana-the 28th being made up In
Westmoreland, Allegheny, and adjoining
counties, and the 111th principally from Erie
corp: Ino Wilt, H
James Hebon, II
Rank Auden., Il
David Hartmarl, 11
Samuel Huh, II
H Hattlag% H
°buten Clark, H
Wm Dec 137,8
Robert Donoogh,
Jame. adman I
Jaren Dongla I
Henry Oalle
uaa r ,
David Smith, H.
°apt Calrle Bartley, K
O Ilmrk, A
eergt 11 !triter, C
Irltrpatrlck, C
It Carney, 0
W 11 Evane, E
Hiram Echrow, E
John En; E
Corp J Gogh:tore, E
Charles Beam, V
Theodore Murphy, V
Eergt A El Vogler,
J A Bell, 0
Corp J Bajemfp,
111TH ft
Cape Id 11 Todd, &
O t Waller Hri ope,
&ea orp 0 D 0
Corp 0 ll.Prebble, A
Pater Laponler,
Honklab 111.102, E.
Phillip Qiiiggle, 6
Gans BzuMr, B
Jonah Broughton, B
let Merit A W Tracy, F
Ist Bent 110 Finney,
let karat David Marts, F
Corp Matthias Arnold, D
Corp J lahlam, D
Corp Jeri R White, D
Corp Jo. Wolf, 11
J &op Geo Farnaann, I
Raymond, A
Wm LI Walling, A
Volacy 11 (Reason, A
Amin avast, B
Wm F Blanchard, B
Jobs, Holman; 0
Richard L Maynard, 0
El 11 Shout, Cl
Puttrrann Finning, 0
les Donaldson I)
Isaac Howard, D
Joball Ellen, I
Ell Actitisi. T
Ebenezer Hardy, F
Ohs/Curtis, V
Samuel Chapin, F
Sanford Drake, F
Ralph idorron, F
John Morthey,
Wm C Flarriirer,
fraAJanzer, I
Bey. Conner, I
John Hildebrand, I
RA Allen I
K 1392313
-- • -
Jacob 'ranter 0
Mau Strayer, E
Orlarttlo Crazier, G
Henry Itamion,
Henry non. E
/se Allen, E
Frederick Lawman, D
etlageador Morton, D
Zia Milo gtorakar,
George Slggings, D
Mired Dawkins, C
Sere &mon Jaws,
Hobart P Smith, D D
Latest from the OR Region.
The Register, of the 16th Met., says The
ob market has been brisk for the past and
present week. Prices have still further &d
-reamed. Prices at the wells rule from PO®
10,25 per barrel, with sales on the H. &teeth'.
-took farm at $10,50. Prises at this point
from•slo,so to $ll in built. and 113 per barrel,
package included. Freights to Pittsburgh
have gone op, owing to the low stage of
water. As high as p per barrel has been
paid to Pittsburgh. •
There is a good prospect of the Hammond
well, on the widow McClintock farm, Muting
up again, which will make an increase in the
daily production of at least 500 barrels. The
Phillips well on the Tan farm is now said to
be pumping 100 barrels., per day s with pros
pect§ of a nuterlial increase. On airy band
the prospect for maintaining the present
=bunt of daily flow le flattering. This daily
production we estimate at between 5,000 and
6,000 barrels.
Mr. 11. 0. BUM= has sold his new well in.
dading his feel:owes! in 0.1. Lloyd & Co's
tract, on the Blood farm, for $lOO,OOO. Thii
makes the rum total paid for the five acres
sold hy C. J. Lloyd and Co., $300,000. This
well when sold, was producing about 100 bar-
Ms per daj. We leans that It has Increased
within the_past few days to 170 barrels per
Tho -lining emigration to tbls favored lo
cality is largo. . Thereis something like bar
a dozen regular nape between Ott City and
Franklin; which Make two daily trips, and
gentralls-are loaded down with pusengers.
-Aineject -is now on foot to construes -w
bridge over the - Allegheny river at Oil City.
The coat le estimated at between $15,000 and
The Poet and the Fair.
Editors Gorettc. , 4-You quote 'in Saturday's
Games the statement of the /bet that "the
Democracy" have given at least one-third
the whole receipts of the Fair. This Is 01:1 ,
tainly the climax of impudent assumption—
theoap sheaf to everything that bat hitherto
emanated from that deservedly notorious
sheet. It might have been very graceful for
the Copperheads, Considering their antipathy
to the war and everything that relates to it, to
bury partisan rancor fora moment and let
their contributions dew freely In aid of our
wounded soldiers on the plea simply- of hn.
malty. This might have been done without
compromising their peculiar views and would
have been creditable to their hearts. But
their hostility was so inveterate as in moat
cases to drown whatever sympathy they would
otherwise have felt for the Individual distress
and safeties which , necessarily follows in the
wake of war. They did no; even land to the
rinse the empty commendation of pharusical
lips, but ruined it on ..very possible occasion,
stigmatizing it as a gagentle swindle of the
Abolitionist party, to put money into the
pockets of its leaden, and that very little of
the fend would go to the soldiers. Alen Lam
air, and the mendacious assumption of the
Poet cannot Impose on any but the moat stu
pidly disloyal. Many who were Democrats
gave liberally in add of the S'Mr, bus these are
such men as rejoice in the swami of our arms,
and therefore C 11,12 kllTOllol7llll.llaly with such
fellows as the editor of the Post. They would
consider themselves dishonored by his com
pany and sprint him from their presence.
*winded Pennsylvanians at Phila.
Four hundred and twenty-nine • 'wounds ,
soldiers from the Washingtoa hospitals
rived in Philadelphia on Saturday last. The
following were sprung the number:
PKesusisloi =PS, 1 Martha L Willa, IL G 3
1310racres.,.rom K. 116 Geo W George, BDO
B=ol Batley, B. 116 A 0 Wilson, A, 110
J A ilcOarnell, lf, 100 W 0 McCartney,' 0, lOD
6:WNW Wifienn,o,lll3 * Jahn Elbe , cm?) E, 116
Jam W Stephens, D, 100 A W Cattar„'E,l.4o
J D MrmeD. E. 11 W Eastlick, eon) 0, 100
A Miller, A.lOO John B 'Amboy, lu B.
UWI tlchtoder, B. 61 ~ 1W II E1i0 . % K. e 2 •
Mine Maher, E, 61 ' J Orfulley, Ili 64
Jag llcCannon.l3,l6o ' . W.Blannlurd„ I, 1011
111.11,Ifooker, B. 133 . II Stathloy, B, 11 '
W George, E., 133 ' • . Wll Adana, D,ll •
.1 W Miller, E, 61 7 D McLaughlin 11, 116
Adam Wire, a, IZ3 ' 711 Campbell, B;61
&wag Wright, o,loo . 1:IW Witassl, carp 0, 100
Mai Lowther, 11,111
.."...-•• riat•Petit 0,100
..fraakila Dauer, Y, 130 Wm Wright, 0,100 •
.1 N Sharer, 0, GS . . Pd P Other, aergt D,lOO
Jos A .lel:4A, 103 ... .. Proud. tioodeu. A,lOll
Cleat /altler, 6, 63 . 1 -
Jos (I Bllkhood, 0, 10 B
Il liary II Keller, 11,:up: ~, ! .
Mader ai:lteidln6—Ellectig of Cop.
. ' perheadlsm. i •
gene an exoltenient was created on.griday
last, in Reading, growing out of a - pill
&lima* between the workmon,in the' Phila.
delphisind'Reading Railroad'ohopt, result
ing in the _killing of Ono Of t,14., parties: ' A
few dosage one: pf. the' workmen raid he
wool d rather fight for the rebel oattletlutn for
the Onion.'s 2bla elpiesslon created a feel
ing of indignation among his ollmpantonsould
tlury:fietenuined ordei the
town,"or else tar and &ether ,'hirn -ride
Limas a MI. 'Oa Friday/11045141M again
went to Work.' Ole of his - pommel friendi,
though= opponent le 'polities, advised .hint
in kind words to leave the shop;e4The would
tinily be mobbed it he, remained. ..Another
workman ( of the'rebel limps.
this'll.) dolled mit . 0 8tioet whereupon
the latter diew *pistol andihot his friendly
advissr,the bell.taking Offsotiullmithdemon.
The murdererwas arrested and oommitted to
• •
Diihiniera• llconie.;- --- - - Thepollee last-44h
maks descent on sodleorderl7 hourer IR the
Sixth ward, kOpt by . a at
.eolothd women tamed
Lydlnitelph, And' Salaed 12h16' of the IV
metes; ynals and female. They had a hear
lug .heforir. - the Mayor 44 morning, who,
Wononishlog dthohorgedittit 'Partftl.P .
on the pnyment of slight.ftroli
Binh - strait,
nuraralred,Gotlay rook; for Jolt
sha °mato Chid, lamina liro4l of American
Talwa t;and uParrinaia.;' Naw Topograplasl
War••• nip Matta, with a
ChtmitterAlthaatpa i eltabelllparcearollett
from thoUtark ibratataiati3hiwir and Om
i 2 -
. _
Ms.W. I'irigici,Plfti litieet;Oppeii
the Post atice;las rimelve4 Um July number
of godq'claiy'# Magazine, oxtail:ll2oi steel
plate erigming,•anutlod Titiatip!
largo double-page
1114 a variety: ot-other
For sale also by W. 4i;- ( iligtallniton, 45
PtfiT street.
V g — aainr.;—Tha fit 'Pia
output& CU 0 0 TO
surgeon have g01:011 tO,the front from
•••• • stem•ro.
Wal • die;',T,: - It: IWO audTiddla ATOrair;
Dri„l,Jllo43; 11.13a4giladitobaki 4400;
as aidsfaats.
. ,
wit. Emus=
Ninth eight of the celebrated Actor and Panto.
mhalet, K,. EDWIN BLANCHARD, and his won
derfed per coning Dogs, OABLO and BRUIN, who
bare been rocelved ntghtly lq delighted audiences.
THIB (Tnestay) MMHG,
win be presented.
hfargerp....--Eate honor.To be folloirsdby
Foto, Blanchard.
Brain, Dog of the Plaot.dou. —.—Oarle.
To oonclade with
Willtam--- ....... Lovoday
WOinadmi, benefit of BARRY 098111fIGT011
for the knelt of the March Honk erlll to hell et
that 'oftltut'on. Locust Grove SeelLeery, Laurent.
villa, on th e shaman ns 2 evening of TUESDAY.
ftlet trat. Atfulolon,lo meta.
Saner Tickets tau be hut of Allen. 21•11 or,
tan or Lync S , and at tbs entrance, et 25 centt. .
.1.10:35 ' • •
vra base now open the largest sad best Weeded
stock ht this ells of
Imported by ontielveh nada Utz old tarltf, with
the gold Ohmic= at sixty eve. '
Wo. a tall anortinent of
In all widths, end at
The Lowest Prices for Cash.
23 21,7211. STREW.
=ppm to be the larger modem& of
Carpets and , Floor Olt Cloths,
Zenr exhibited to tide city, In 11311188111i8, TIMED
BEIE= OIL MCKIM. We have :um) desirable
dyke not to di found elsewhere, Including some
beautiful goods 11/01117ACerIIIILD ILIPBESSLY
She greater tett of oar Mock baring been pm ,
clamed or contracted for berme thi recent heavy ed.
rams la prim, Ida be old at • very matt advance
on actual cost. oar prime being ft many bestancee
Oa below pretest market rater.
Window Shades and Pistinnia
"Pablo and Plano Cover4l
Hemp, List and Rag Carrots
Cocoa and China flatting., all widths;
A MI eseortotent shrkte on head et the kweet
M'Farland, Collins ds Co.,
sae n AHD 73 nrrn graxcr,
Neat hawse to.P. 0.. oramod door.
0 1 1" e
Ha 87 15371RTH STEMS.
=As In Ms 1108 T INUMIONABLE arid
would do wall to cal/ upon
&gars parcluming *lambs%
W. H. MoGEE.
Would call tha attealka or bnyam to Ur hock of
taxi" It tiu bean Wetted, with greet aim and
=taloa all the e : Rifles of gmla to ba footed
to tint elms homes. Omits arlaidng • milt of clothes
roads to order. will Vaasa call sad examine one
vxda and pram. , ALo e s fall and complete dock
of ,
FurAishing Goods. .
W. H. MGM Dthitunt TsDor,
Ho. 10 Bt. Clair stmt.,
Garibatdi Suits.
White Linen Duck Pants and Vests,
and • do, wortmed
4SIBLY k Loose
Tyssournow OP-PAR .1 ' :1184P,
L., .:-Ifteruni—ms..-16itmett 1a416.-0
.11111021; hating parohaae4l- tbs Astarcat :OHS.
.OaIIABD. la ;ha aLUD UMW 1100 1 / 8 011
CD. all accosmts duo awl all elabla ;idle
flan will be settled lig 11P11 remaining partner; aad
the busfavararlll be coattaned a herstotbt*, Muter
, •
'OW. W.- =attar
• ',JOHN alucrarzaols,
• .7110:136
!. aITD. • ,•
Jana 11,1851.. . • -. 10/1).111,
isso'Arnow. oz. P I ARIMRSHIP:
—Ths sisztasnatfp lisretheon adding beavers
ths intdandlpodd, under the ajtvot NE, G. .10EGG
STON. 6 co; .Is zsze z ia. amarWi to Ist:few
&cm thbrds IG /MOOG roans' from.
Or na: -Tbo balms br ootalnbutoo ft , .. .
th• stxts ea beratotopt . _ , .:. .. .....,
- 0 301COBTON, _ ...
. ' , SAIPL.II. Jomstsruse
alatAlw =Km' ,
aunt d, rae..istb: law- , , ,.unit
;p 8w14.r8. atc.
Ir. L. a 13naCa, -
195 Pons strat i Plystquirow
-, "D verb & vo: wimiaris irraszTaxwiwq.
, w,m t# 4ll ?exdatilest 7 tUK
• a•cloticaAus. my2l, 4s-wd
ftrgeon and
writandio ik a:imritp , Amtt studs ;
look ro#lrio 11.mi:,1,:leqloi7. w ._, ;... j_
,- . ','.'.•'. - '''.'7-.;.',:.',:::''l'T : . ::7'-,''ln . '- - , -. ::.. - -.,.:-:-,..'', .f;f:',l
FOE BALE—Virginia Oil Land, aka
eted be Wood and Pleatent C 31111111.. upon
Honaneck ton and Bel Creak, be do a Fdvxkond
to the gnat .el a
Ike... au years on Stephen Eitreon's farm, on
1 less; of 45 yearn on &apt:lw Spring form, on
Barseasok. These lands us only a short distance
from the big wells. ... .
- I
801 l Crns ken
t. cat, years on John J. Compbelrs hum or
I have of 45 years on Amid John ton's Lana. CD
Ball Greek.
1 lease of 45 Jean on Grey Be..' (arm, Dull Creek
Imam of 45 years el Lan Johnetoree Wm, en
BnU Creek.
1 lens of 45 yearn on Geo. Les.l7l. Wm. to DoII
110m0 of 2.5 years ea geese Ptide's farm, an Calf
1 lease OM years m Jacob Garrierna'sfarn. West
Mud Fork.
II saes eye simple, Riabt Bud York, with two
=developed we ll s OWL Thete lauds are only
a dyad &share. from the Ohio river, (3 to &
and are surrounded by well &endplay& territory.
Share are about I,oXla.nea to ell of prd valley
territory. Add
jelLter emu, BEAL & r. , Pit • delrgh.
.114 TATA ABOUNDING of 0 shise—The nada.
I gene& Imecretors of the hat Will end Tertament of
1 John Ramsay, deed, sill sill at imbrate sale ell that
I nerteln Mot of land, late the hameetead of the acid
Jam Mama,. situate In Union toszdhll?, orethe
„ ylee
Welablazfon carnpike, abOnt t 34 from Janet'
Barr, onataMlsg 86 scram k aK an &ridable
erected a Lugs Frame Deelling ones, Barn and
ntithomen tiro fhte . artherfife i choke froth, of
marl, EMT. Tblelandlsitgalmultaltamlor &pod
mate d =Mutton, ahattedlnelh 04 under the
shale surface, norm la.a. been tricaratul at any
time, &Bardeen opportWty tar cafe and . Rood In.
Trintn—Ono-tblrd In hand, and balance-3n one
and two pent, with tuterest, tobi r etcured by bond
and =time, rtildect to the dow Internal of the
widow daring her life.
3120. NULLESTOII, 23 Wood St.;
, KOBE= Renters.
nor. lint and Short. streets, l'ltteburgh ;
Pat( Exembos.
VILLAGE WV!, nun Fo Elcnnox.—The
andendped, Executors of then e of J,ha Iler.
rot, deed, offer for sale s number Oftots,, from roe.
helt to tiro wow rich, eltneted mar Fort Barton,
sad within than onnotee watt of the Unarms or
b* -Pittsburgh a ldinenetlle Perarocer
The stare Lots are twerultelly located for pirate
redden:es. .
Also, it number of smell tote In the Wag, of BSI.
tumrrille, fronting on tbs Pauseor r Ballway—ttarty
to sixty feat front and from one to i too hundred feet
deep. -
rot . in , ortastenn enonire of rithr of the ander•
signed, or W. A. 111:11.11011. Clark's Once. Omit
Bonne. Wit. Ai Hg¢Box,
• rxecnton
TLM—Teeni Loin earlier of gentie Meow and
Vas street, 40 hot 7 Denbo front by ItO leet deep.
One Lot on Penneyleusin avennei 25 feet front by'
100 feet deep, running back to 16.511 fobt all -
One piece of gromd cornec of Chendotle bud Tortes
streets, in the rim of •P k It. W. Depot,
containing twenty lots, 20 by MCI feet.
At. • number of very desirable lot* to East Ptits•
bmetki.' gin of these lets lle to .body, having a front
of Ito feet on Craig .treat and 150 on Vlsenington
and TOELecore streets, on which Le erected a .mall
brick bows.
Yon particulate apply to
IL D. Lizrzumm,
p.iftte Tort PIK aim Works. Waehlniton st.
O • BALE—A Farm of 118 nom, in
1 BL , olalr township, Weetroorderui county, Pa.
Also, a Ps= of Meerut to I:Brake/El towashlp,
ategheny may.
Mr, • large Pro-etory Brick Mouse and Lotto
the Borouo of West lalsaboth. ;
alto, • BB& Horne and Lot to Edriboth IgM.
Alm, Mrs Lots adjoining the borough of
port, in
Jones 3 Putty. plan, Noe. 60, 67, 68, 69
end GO. •
Alm, a very voluble tract of Coal Land, Is Pool
80. St, on the Mononfrateda
For partionlon lupin at No.lBB north street.
uryl2By TOWER, Heal Mato Alma
a: MID on. oxrungnir.—n.. one-half of
abide at an Oil Bogney and eta= Prer lON
ten and cmeitall ac of ground; as abondence of
and an the lot—mbleopen and being worked, eltnna
on the Allegheny Uhl2r and A. V. /1,, IL,.is offered
for ado. num Eanm - p fa now and pt modern build
The Pan MIN to in splendid ardor, sad le weß nitre
abeoodd, baring a
for mak =n
ban fetnf it to the era.
.G Locallt7 balding boats.
For partici:l3as call on the onfloreppel.
mutt No. 83 tiandsaret. Pittebough, Pa.
LlOll. BALE—Ono now Steam Elagkto,
151.nch cylinder,' 80 Inch stralb, on .henvy tren
bed; Winne* wave governor
One 12 Ineb - cdllndar, SO inch rbc.te, anond-hand,
refit .mbe argood u new.
One bob cdlinded, 2O bob mob, new.
One 6 " fs "
Teo Oyltadlar Boilers, SS b. dim..
42 SO teed long.'
Three " SO
Two Woyught bon OD 131111..
Alio, Throe Bob of Doting Tools, .for Well&
Mop for ou.h. Zoquirs ofBOLA
0p29 Albany Meer Honk, tow the Point.
IMB &ULM. situated on the Ilancmgahela
Meer, Om the that Lock, hoeing float on add
oilwr of 927 lbort, and extending back - to Droddoet
Moot, selJobalng the Clorosellstille Ballroad. con.
tabling 4 acres and 77 . Fa porches Mai la an admira
ble looallot mainfacturing r.^ haring the
deer to Boat and troadlo street and .rqlod la the
rear. and bad NM and hullabaloo Maroon ecrectod.
For ta do., aypl7 to M.Y Ems TUSTIN,
on the or to W. O. AI7CIIIIITHAUGII, No.
112 Diamond stem; tattaborgh. : Intehlaf
FOB BALE.—S2,SOO will purchase, a
Term anew. llRyeass motes, ands a good state
do:thin:lon, well wntered tlth epetage and =she
rod knee, situate shoat three sad a hhilljeltrott
delphiM W oas mile trot the Pmts. "' Itstlesed.
The improvements are • two-stary Beck=
lin= Rani. Elyting.Hone, to., a•d good
of chars fruit Tenn easy.
Apply el the Rad Wats and insnianc.idae of
e: 13. SAVO,
Dauer stmt. TwereseeTllla.
sold p~ pabllo outcry, On the pxonalco, on
VIIIII/SDAN, the DM of Jane, last., a Farm con
tanttog LAS Aaos, infanta In North Hontingdan
togralup, Westmannond coontp, 2 calla trona Lad.
men etatkm,' PIRIZZa. P. LA 8., and the Ramo dir
tame nom Gionollinglo It. Stop had abounds
In cool azul Itmoitcate. lo wall tratanot. NU In.
Ma on Log Direllingliosuo =I Log Dun.
ate plots at 1 &dock p. m.
FOR SALE—At Aladdin; Oil- Works,
35 Crude Petrolatum Pariks.
In puma cedar, etbetanttatly built of prime Umber,
not tont in us, and will tonteln tome 2.50 buret.
each. Applleallon ate, to node at the Itelnertn.
Armstmeg On. ea the ulna to PUMMeccreh.
at 13151 •
Id twat tune [tory brlekloww, idttustriar. BOSS
12311ZICT, Wimp 10th and Mgb itteete, oontala
.• ten roontooittlt good cellar and lobbed ger.
,The lot hu • front feet or, Sow street, run
ning back 70 bet to • 6 foot alloy. The ballets nib.
51=414 tollk end bon water lad gas thronbrald
uwe !estop:a.
roe particolus earned 7 . -
486.11' 23 Dlezooodaltteboreh.:'.
.Fie- FOR ralusbla
ttni innate en the PLUaburtht and Shaven
Gds Bead, In Bohn= tensahlp, known as the
tM Farm," about Ins mike from the city, am:
tithing about 123 acne, via be anti et Fleets ante `
yen tides May
ex, 7.0. YOM2O.
Attmarsi-Low. No. /oath street,
ethldnitent Pittabnre • Te.
LTG PALE —A. beantiful site for a
Gountry Home, seljotatur Kinkead,' =Ulu.
hIS la sera, pseud vita theibma of smut tree.
&so, is urea on the Perrortheruitt c tour mike
from Use city.,
• t.=lr--T-----iiveeitszt
- • Ha 10 Dimond. Allegheny.
MO, with grotimis attechwi, cm Onwo strait, ta ,
Inallth Vfl. l7 " 7 2 g PW IA bb"II P .,
w mm=//2 ?? ct .o mum 0f 4 . 1 Z . .
• twii roam street. Pittsburgh.
FOR SALID.;—A. Jame in Allegheny
ary, Invited Olt • Carroll atraek near Federaldeep
stmt. Lot 29 test 4la chat front by 109 net to
jablion streak Two-story Brien Ihrelllatt vbb
maw; and toaetaant of tiro mom. Itydnuat rater.
'lard &ennead tack of boom. .to . -
ell B. 1101411 N 00" 1 .2' arab' onset'
VOR c tIALK--2J , Leta !In - Allegheny
Clty, toglabor banns a front on Pastors lane
*of about L9O loot, and moths bank t 440 teat,. xing
lota atonboroil from 4 to El to John Ollszo'n plan of
lota, bang tin prop!,r.t. nue; ford now lifei
Tno lota will Dlt and oftsapant an a body.
for "liCau'lNPl94.l3nll:lo6
myiktt J. siren.
:filuauy..t3cata at them
-J.: daletitagoa. Wu mita leVe Plltarargb, oa
pittg.N fort Watts
th for particpurs . ir2s") st - Minis' &tate oface
mysikuw , 10 Mama& Alleatunkl.
SUS HAWS UtG itMer--,A Farm of 62 -
tog landca Alter gwa rerthglsea ll Winth3 toca with ~ a
alsott mdich. dip
Wee of ths Panarralat4tir,ll:o6l, .
. TWA *writ.= RRh.aa Orsat Erik
'IOI 9 H dithir , "••A Lift of tiround, st , e
a: - maw Harttacry atreara. thr
Baclughwt , Billanhalw.. Abo.,,was as comer or
Itaal4rasia aadLocut Undo; A..gath ward. Tam
unsure tits IM.lmtatda. - ,ALIOO
ffa,s ,, -11.8!tawd ourth itrarda.
FQfri • • - -41ATC1LED
- - .. -, chuiparbravratossebia eardito
tompaits hitkproama.s.d.o. &JP
Xtell4 far.soo7 :triZoNALTataacimg,
badmar..-Tateaold ;sx
Itg'44lrieuhted ben=
• W
41, 1 1
,01j1r,i ??1"17
2.5a 4 at s o'clock, *RI be Kali, on the Emden* At
Raselaced Stitioll. OD the OcArtellevilie Railroad. ta
Peebles toinahtp, the telloeirg vedette WU_
Illibadded EtOst the prep,. I :Se et Joel Fealtatia
and *then : •
No.q containing 17 cnti,tee. •
No- " 4 • Y•
. " •• 1:1. ••
Hai ' " at
. N 0.7, . •• 76 "
N 0.9, 4 . 1G .4 no
01:4 lot Omibltimng L *an. niiJoinlag ha of
Hon. Geoige Duda and Milano
Meow wadi firm, part of Jahn G. Woods' tract,
*to nitantai within* Ow bunsitol pirdi of 7114.0* , .
wood Btetion, and Will 'Whipted both far dalleigni
comttry rodanias, and dir frall and vim mato* or,
gedoning p , rposto. Perms calrylaw the pronto*
edamthea y of sea, by atilt g on thomna Newt
an, kraut n the Lad, °yen .lahnos Dlgnato,Aiktho
Ghoul Ho*i. Ylana can be Bela pa the proznies*, ar
n ion Itoosa,Ai nth street, Cr da, of
IIaLL .0 McConnell. Dlatnond atragt
Yams of tole—Onsfoorth cash, baiance
two and three years, with inlafmd.
AL persons ti , almor of attending the dila 7tu ba
ratan free of dowse. Tin this parposo r.pecld :l
Gala •111 lean lb. I%W:duet and Oottoolsilllt •
Railroad Mesa, corner of Roo amxt and Illonont
hal* Wnarf.-o'clock. pnrclasiy, on day of • iladri:."-
Two trafina rertkrn to Plttaborsit on same arndoltisd
dialtplud lira end C o'clock.
• A. 21e.ILWAINTa. Ander. •
1 1811:198.-112 TUX DAY EVZHING, Jao►4U4 .
at 6 o'clock, will be •old, at the Coollaarclal.
n0C119.16 Ho. 64 Fird. otmt : -
. That darl lion,, and Lot ditaateon tae nOar
turnerof BUialds
gee and Gibbon atieots, In the. llgnet
ward, tits lod fronglut 20 foot on Rog* lama, *WA
enabling along Gibbon 'treat GA teat, wbiteda
erected a tbrewstoby Blink .Dartlang. whir Doa
n:tent kitchen, baying *outdo bakadmea baditaat,
go., and now routing at A 8 per month. .Paucasso,
given to i;arobaxt.
Trana—Ona.tbird OMb, residue In nun and . lard
yaata, with blares; door:rod by bond and - ¢tortgsgla
Jels A. IdoILIVA.IND. .
.4.13G1ii LO IN SITIE ,
BF.VE WAIID.--On TBolt9pat.4l
- 2:11, at .3 o'etr.w.k. will sold; sof,
tho premises, that veloahLt lot of -groundeltuata
- arthors street, at the OLoanes of 111 !yet from peas 3 -
tre memos. Wog 1.13 •eet Perches front on attlittra.:
etreet. by 141 foes I% Inches deep to •45 get
lisle property cdotetne a lute amount of good bid&
tag stone, eaellY got at.
Plan ofpreporty can be been at oelca GU. LIM- •
IlieltottrOlold attest.- i -
Title trllepnrab:o. Term tnadalboown at
jel7 I A, 2,lcllWalEllb, asurr; 1
T --(hoTLIVDAY EVIINlllO.4romo r,Lit. est
o'clock,on wound floor of Ccozonore 4loinosi.
H 0.5 4 fifth emir
11 clam Exchange llan.P,Otock: • .; :1-
_ .
20 do Merchants' & Etancutecturas' Bardr,,,:
10 do Eurrka Inenrance Cb. Stock: -•' -,
60 do lenrgh t SunclxasiLle ILL 0:114. - ',
60 do heap Vallt7 .13tUrtesd Mock; .;- •
M do P lrada Insurance On. ~.. '
jel7 ' • A. McILWAINS. Anet'e
E •
%Euulbllg'SALE OP 5T08K.8...
On TV iSDA.T • EVIN 1110 ,: June 2101,, 'id
&dock, trill be Sold, at the Oonsinardslaaths Load *
5411112 street, bz order of Andre. Moore, Irthitoe
orlliu7 eedy_ •: - 4
12 ahem Enththge Dank Stock. ;r
Al'., by order brlV ca. Porter, Ixerratorr •
V OP STOOKS,' on TO&SD&T 117131118 - .':
Juno 214, at 8 cicions, Om East ,1
0 St Pitch steret
. '6O shwas North Annsticin 08 On.
80 do Pittsburgh rg Greensbu Trinaptiii.Ok :
is2o A: MEM/ aILNE. ewer..
Dew -IN lartirry*CEßTlCCEr.ol
•TirsaDLT-ISVSNIXO,, :cm BLit, at a'alatki •
at the Coma= elal Bales Boom, 54.11111 etzer‘ In*
be sold, Pew IN a. $8 labaxch.
Ala A. lialLia AVM. Mitt i.!.•!
PIA.VOS. JtrUSlCitre«,
REMOVAI.;?7 Oat':
We. take planate in tdoaatr..6- tho public
cow ooczWths tarp and coractdiocs luau
Mune,* has* lull rocatrod tram the rasuntsullnitir
of tn. S. BBADBITIIYandBOI/ohthaallE a 00.
• now lot (1617PN:610R P 1.8.11073. Also, a efalidtlltii :
aller...ent of FliflftWEl criebratedtianzionirontA6W
lodsoniand Hung goods generally. ,
Tho aperients of the BEd-DM= rurro.ia
galcoa se rap f ln the itly_of Pianos no as,
tustmatecti bait in
...mired so rosity premiums within tg=l
two ypors as the new sells, - fnil ' iron fends,
otordruniplessa and Wrench: and action Pi#llll .
Worts, teunanfartorod • by 'W - 11)111iDBIIIIY, sad
Bhcautker A -Cb's Pin= twin' boon et lons Nod-
favorably known In this an 4 ate= =nitrites. =PS
no further assacienn AU guaranteed trill,
&go Ag tsi 3: Plttrlinh I:m4 Roam;
Ea. i9B:. aura et.,rosar.
Good Bowed Head Magog for BMA. ..1 - arglog Ltd
repolrmg doss prorcWrr
' I
A choke mealy of 614 and r octave rum M'Aeb
from the celebrated factory of raiebe s Cloo, Ou IVA
been recehred—aente la richly 'carted esees:-.Mitt
ttudeuzarate ore fatly war/beta thr eight prose, tad
ire by the beet Judges prof:obeyed aazieeltedi :
011 fespeafully eallatoxl-telart pexcheatog
weirs. °HAULM= BL UM, Babe ;fir:2V',
Zito CI Mb Met
N SIXDLE,Na 183EminmT
Pianos and Musical
Lid:Mil:W/1i lit
Zaps oanitantly iumil iipr4isodateal •
It= PUNA VIOLISS; atirtis, A 0308141 .-
. STEM, to, which he v9l tell far, kw
mias 431,51•41.-r
hat the *Vats DECEXB , anraftalt.
PIAIIOB. erbletk by the best amid sat era
twortedgol to be salmi= to ill ethersortthesit as
UNITED STATES. HOTEL. i . - -...' - .
- , ATLAITRIO dal', 12',J.•
. . .
This celebrated Hotel Mil he Mm*? li o
ti/ 1
or (=sta.= Tbuusuun , FßeXul. 1v34. , -,.
meter. the Supervision of Cot. Jute, 1 Poweres.
with Kr. Edward Itartwall saaathaw. - - ~-. • --1;
Prectlcal Sad, crp.inteed persons he Mad leser.l
ployet for each department and every az viii
be made to amacid,i4e imp:ptp Ike glOgc l •-: i
wi l tuat
ducat th e public.'
Aftarluly Ist,ltior them writ lame roe Naga --
.Tarry, daily; the Put Lim thomith In two honk;'::
without stopping at the MM. 'Man.& .t'• ~ _ ?
.S...pmetage car -MU Ninon tram tha hotel to they,
WA mory twenty mbnitea. , .
Haas , Band. "ceder th e direction of . B e.
..t o
Mode r, ham beim cupiredtrethe mama. .1 , . • -:, .1
Panora wiehtraf to emirs mums will :,
, . BZOWE *-WOELPPEEi Poo dot,: - '
- . . Attaletio My, b Swap.
N.B.—The fkod Bar which last - pear 0ip0.."
site. the shore ye =emir ditappeenst, sins ,bir
beach ma of the tent and West on the t; fa.ft
OAPS MM. Ns, Mat.
. JOlll5l WTEttr' i 1- . • - ' I'. - v..,.......—.: ,',
',AARON 11 1 7. 7 .rn 1......—... —....,....... .'
BI oalOs thy sttiscato:ot their frion24O s
ths pals t 4 abase triscniteest atabllathStot: - .•
orOfth irlIF bsApsn tr theresepthns of, *lsitorS:4o : .
th• UT!. or •nag.L, . ~_-• •• ~
_,•-•'..- ~ •
&dem a spseicsts Dining M a ohd PorfOog.ff oci. y
Lola. au tOzzoraol muter of bass Ltd ii i i:,...,,...:i ' -
tea Bed Booms. ill htattnimil It4mitht 4 !Sith Pew 1 ' '
.. k f ues.
•.. prscristcas at this estahlishscasai tssis I
iss him or =pease to meat 'Oa...Utast Itstserts;,. 1..
oast* hoping Ur stars libeisil7,l2 et , Oa tO!" -
" /Wlestlon for mists istadiiic.tic, ''' ' 'til
WWl° Gaps 104001. VII rsoel i zrm ttlik,
, 4 t
-- -
DIVIDEND:The- liirtiebre 'of
.a Plgtabarat
tali day declared Ditalgura ed, TWO Pita CZA Re
cm th eir Ogylsal Meek, ter taa - maanla et.dlar, free I .
of State ClarerarsadtTal.s."Yelarle at the cabs
or thtOndyed.T.ll2. anal inkfz4 .sthrti t a w s ,
plla,prt sea alter as lege Last, -
164. jel&.l .
- -Orams or um Orrlums ivarauges ONs 11
Pitutrarigh, Jot. lith, Mi. • f
_LA , and Mediae of this 001:111:4127 this . day
de-Wed s. DMdeSd of 81X romass-• zits
suer/Nam Of Slated Tsimr Mal& SP Le '
0153 w ' warts. lin, secidari:
nIVIVEND N OTICE - -- .- - . - -... ~:, r
y. - ... , „ ~, ~.. -•.. f. 001r1=1 Chi OONELTr. •, I
' . riadmlglz. ra.,•Junettek. lasi.f-1;
Thirdietors qt Abistos2;so , %km gli. OP*.
daredx,lttetalt,pt INAVvid ,l423
r 2 10 7 , ',
olus,Ost , grUgssrreidtlo ot tut oianth, lii tows
ttOCkhailiki4f tiAd Sitar Tatniara OW tllllO
41 , the barni Th __; ~- . • ~ -4
.. ja.t2w: „ - -. . aingsrianwr. stole .
t • 1 ..N-Titt
~,rorsa = ba rtiradastuairtha clammy
riat,405mac.4.0.14= cf.yrvz
Asta,_thii tub wm. •
*t.‘ ladapz4 a orc: 75Toantr rtne ---7"-"''F7
.:D.2 41 2 1 1X2023 - itl , M , eat
I -1;