intrAh Sazette. DAY~`Ju NE ao. 1884. 'n MON NOMiNATIONS, nwe'll:ill:nye : ' 1 , iUfLe-Di LiNC6LN __ , 1 , , - ,ct 'l'm* - - stenos: r ..... : , • A7lollEir_!.7o L SON, •-...-.• ,- rttatltleialop n elpig. .. ,' A. ,• Os meeting lwa..iiild in theleity Situ • ay night ti rdtify the nomination of :--Lreco4_and'lonisos. At an early hour ,the: halt was -• d .. treat entlinsi -., can .throtigh out: ,'The =mina '.. tion of !.Aisa and%ifusur r '.' as the Baltimore . notaineettere ficoiliarly 'calliii,,it an ex ,.r oeedteglj;popnlar two in this Otutty ; end' ~ .. -alibiagh :tali earlylin the - campaign, - the Z ,:feelinCroasifeitid at thlit:ineeting shows ' that it wouldhe an easy teak, even now,:te evoke thei tool that ishaterited •the cam t -.ptign of 2860 ; The m ajority ttir ta= co in -: Ole county in; that ass was aVound ten :_tionsand.; audit May as weilbe uudestoodi .-. - 7. at the Outeet, "that the "friends of the _ Ad : mittiMratlon intend this yea; to do better -them teat. We bort away , ho banner then, -•.- - . '. and 1.6 Late , . d •so k ep it. We have no obl i,atiou te - aoyiotnei county eying to excel us, bat we di net itiand to let them do ',. .It.::.tnostienting of Saturday night is' an times that Oi. friondn 'of the Union and thii:GovviMierit.inithia - ponnty will milli bin: th..froit: :rank "they.. so gallantly -'' Vatia 14,4`76:111-,10....: din. ete.Qledi . , The 'speech of • G Pout conteittinoth) esoept_thepersonel "of the - vomiter, th. l enee to the tizliilh Oaur, a ignidante' a. IdeCraLiewwt. West g worthy ot note ' if we vanity and partizsaeldp al;eettee of any refer aohleeeinents of Gen. .' West Point, Sad the Inieoled into the con- aplm' tor timo , . . '.'' "eluding sentertces. - '. will be as much' of lAD the, ieeder :will , •etiffloo to illizst=to -- - haesitet named: ,'• ' :' r i iteudii 4lo . ii, netes an orator, hot •-„;.-- es,..tie wh7ove 03 . cilia mar ealittat deed -.. , a. their anarade, o. many a "kird fought . fideg atainot thieterri and foreign' foe', moved '.." kl. ill 'helots that avid felt whist be poured' : : ..fOrch his- lemeatati i for the mighty' father r .. ..; and eon erhofell on:donuts:Mhos. God )0101111 ;hat" David'{ lope ftir Jonathan Urns Wel.more thaw r mine taxi the44sp„ tried friends of many '. lyng and wientfaljears'oshote' names are to be „:-..-- prootdid npoti; the rstinatnie that is -to rise ;,;:upon this estat, Would that his more than ---. mortal elostence Oottld 'grace my 'Spit or do I res :.,- jotter to'thoM;, Ve tiara ..met today to do ,'' beau? tit' Oti.v **A di: brothers nutted-to nit . - by the closest and cties..who beee free .,.. .lygiven their Brae for their: country' in this - war.scijust utid'ri ' Witt:o'; ea long or its per : :pcsette to tri o ?. rile ids; and. to saes our Ws :--trOd- from the h oe it* evils of dlnneteber , , t i , a t.,..„ ew. :a - . remistsof one unction for- - ::.."_itiikid die OCIXIIP4, . gem seized as a pretext' •-,.. by ,Wittatly ettre • men le the other, for. --- _ abseatiniag th e' 0, IW:sidles' end prates ,., than afforded by. Caruttitation, and soak --Inw redress , for -, tibia - future writs ,in war, - arid the destrtte o f _ too Union. , Stripped ....; . ,of ill sopiditry, . side ,Isetiu, the direct ..- '..- owe of the war, - it'presented itself to the .iniutiest and Pit:tett oltieens of.tho Ifforth, was " it:44 - dd' : CortaikStates °nether; portions. •, :-'• of the inhabitaattr'ef c ertain Staten, fear: .. - ed;iir protease& to - fear; that Wary wonid re ."'.11:111 to their rigtite and iroperty if a Certain •.:-.;.party was elevated to power. Although-the .- - I Constitution . Fold-deli then with peaceable and ente , protetatickw, they prepared to seek YL.'.:'semrity lathe damnation of the Goireniment :whisk could protect, Itebellkit: spinet; a .',-, ...::„ glevernment like tiers: Cannot be jiuttited on coition! ittainds, mid tho-attly altercating fat Dor cholas axo in inpptetalon or the daunt*. lion of onr nationality. snap a time as Whamd onsolitairtnaggla trollsiaal partisan. shonld ba inerged - in a - tree andibrilts which Walls only of the good of nintirboLo contanslu •• • - . . -. .igni:-ittliorti l ou nrtander the; most . modeet . man,andeepecl-- allyitri:tneincoeltded .general, would hore decently kept.l self la the background delivettizz, an 111210 par upoa 1326Yer ,amen: thou himself. But Gen. litoCueitaa 2 ;..f:h00 nererol[ottedaa opfortoilly to tituoi othla own ptaiseo pleshito tutembiacett. , he notor isgai , ut.s, to trialm for: him . si•lt the - hoaMs *hicb jaetly belong oth - ere. El.O'4eat Virghif;t diopirohesi It is -known; arittributt.d lonely. to :make imoisitOisrlie-olititfialdiOugh the fact tOOtt:ijoon - aftei*:ir4iiipgiitOilished that ...I :: ' 4' ' tio ' othsiuisttd_ospeolally to GeoL.Booscitang, -~::; (~~, ~. lien) she l ancoesses of tha West Virainis campaign mainly, due; So, In the Penlone oampaled, hut to.i: . _the skill oink' tiorps, commanders, who fought more then bite bloody battle trident &dal rend Wlihenty,roper support., the megnifi:ent tirntygiiicfietoCr aalandedatYorktown hare beMi titterly annildleted. And yet this Falste, wham his soldiers did not skin eriath) engageroent on'the Pezdn sala,'eminit,'lieiltspi, aka safe dieting° be Bind onroenoon it 'Malvern, prates eflds . leadesehlpi Of the' noble deed- on bawl; Si iirar I;siiiist, the .clostatie;fose bonee of . the'diediletime of' Yds hi- tispseity 'oottidhite spoken, they would hars3lenied:in 'l3idtgaszt tows his right to esti '.comrade," and they — trould-lase.repelled the Israel modery of staking the Wittiboat genttisi their eulogist, • by driving hiss tram the viand with the othisittsiuthis piece unsold. ~~:~ Y :~+ ;F -'. :;~: ;.91~''r Gen llicer.snas says, with charaderls• the d'..LAJzSei 4 iteiltnelit; drat ,Fo: 1 !."4 101 t lad sightions es long as its r,belltsll." He nye again: e.rstresp.- istisotoutiatinion (the North) furnished the fecaone' for the .;war. The first iintiest him ` that the purpose of the war has been depgtetitkon; else, why tho qualification? Thlii Gagel ll 7 itielneatien taken in 0311. 41100D3tiallcilierstinesteo . throughout' this anyhdlustou to slarery,"the in. . :1 Citing - cause of the ladiestes the eb .'..;:iienitief iordial - sitrietthy In Gee. Wa,n n,t4s 140:. !zuie. )Izid made: more clearly' 'tipper; when the._ - other .remark concerning_lie hire gncicd Forthiirn oonelderid. Gen. faCtitar442l evidently belii/es.tbe North at'minth to blame As the South for- this war,,andint' C dais sot beltimituis the war Omaha - ea any -, ,, otheipurpole than to rePore the ' , Union wi it waif, inoludieg slavory, „the cause of ill ear troithisii and the "min prep of theses hellion. to day,,;. This motel aid.rolliiny oil gehy tbbe inablllq to perceive the eh:l4pin Wf:;:iatitns . to _ends-lain entire ecceid ariti:the. telehings of the Ver. I ,,,* F olum soteel or. poutioiaes, and also Sa peffrot hitrotony with Gen. liforksttia's ecuittunidetrin•oldef of our srrsia:. iftinevei could see es la ahead - hero seek jti anti he felled t o ocmptohead it; beranea of e -3. 4got}tel -,reilions.jrtiotnnerrt *Ea and his, wont of -loithiritrottlMlL pluck. - Theilteder will observe Goa" McViir '' LaW f tr'hYpc ' eyltitiel - /lea in favor of the !merging of t~poltelasl PirtisiFablP!!,,,itia ' einem Ind bravaitnitotisse' Tine tr . ! ' thirOniettisity ttitteatii*Y, hail-sau te 'deel foialk: 4 4:i ,l 4:7b 4l 4E ,l itop,toqp4o,;b4T l i*+ieffrodli i‘lethivirything WhiciAlte "leiftty of Gentler - At oat*" led by :4 ..zttrarcirew, the 7iroenv, luso; assets end '.. : ~'. . : , , ' i: ..::.-,,,,:-.., . ....,.......7.;•:..,%:.,:::,t,f " . `r ; : t 171 the rest has not done. From the beginning t"illareitionidAtsPoternment and the Wirt rilt.iviim to 'Wild In rsitaDß EwtS.7 ar ind pebsistaitly enta - nraging. the reirelitio believe' that the North would - yof submit to a dissolution of the Union. drid general lifcCnixiss has shared in this - holy “pardzetuthip," midis sharing in it His. Woodward letter is notfor gotteni his elimploneldp of the disgraced Flew JelniPoirra is not forgotten ; his re filial, in every publitespeteti he bas dOly eied within the past two yetirs, to say ono word encouraging' men to ,yolanteer, or to 11111:3fAir!, the finance, of tho/everneneat, is not forgotten. And this LOA eitetnp epee* Which rob:Mei - to awardene word of praise to: those in authority for their, efforts in stibdultig the , Rebellion, shows how litter a l the '" political part' isanship" which still rankles lOU breast of the man whom this Administration has made all that he Is. General ldcetaxassfa omission of Gen eral: splondid services to his coons try lathe meanest featriroof his speak. He cotddiomplimentGen.Rcorr,butGen.illnarr 'was not to be mentioned. IJ it, woo proper for den. hicezattan to eulogize the deeds of elie Regulars in the present woc, and to compliment in the most fulsome' termites ileing general of distinetion, why - was it improper for him to refuse all mention of Gin. Oran•the greeters and wow ruccewfut. eoldier of thin war, and a graduate of Weet Point ? Simply Is:cause Gen. hictlumnsx's jealous natters Would not permit him to 'sneak bagel:korona terms' of one whose mil Ritzy career, hoe eolipsedhls own es the midsummer Inn elipses thi farthing rush. light • ' We lay down this stump speech with a heartier contempt for the man who could mike it than we experienced when we be 'held his criminal Inaction on the banks Of die Potomso In the fail of 1861, or, after wards, when we beheld the wreck of hie gal lant army, returning from the 'swamps of • the Chickehominy to the fortifications at Heehington. re Stump Speech "A couple of ei,nots • • so•called l'airess" susto peruse, and will I—uto of the features We Speaking of the new loan, the New York' Evening Post says: h r. Chase has 'adopted a method of duari'maradidnistration which, if ho will adhere to it persistently, will do more than all the legislative expedients that the most fertile ingenuity can devise, to Send gold down by the run, aa sailors say. he has evolved-to pat astop to the issue of Tress. try notes, calling theta in Is fast as he can, and to rely for hie ways . and means upon loans to ballade directly from the people. Darin; the pretreated and exhausting war between England and France this wits the method reliednpon by that eminent atatelf man Williem Tit; and it did not bresk does beneath the tremendous pressure to, which ,it was antlsoted. Taxation first, and harrowing next, are the right and lett arras •of mochas in the conduct of great wars. The issue of paper money , beyond a ultrtain limit easily ascertained in practice, se we forewarned the nation with all ear:L atinos at the outbreak of the rebellion, and aa the: invariable experience of man kind atussait,is like administering hyoid tialink drinks to ths public, which excite a flush at . first and a temporary feeling of strength; brit in the end lessen the vitality at the eyetim. .19 these remarks we may add the fel• lowing from the Herald: - "But there is another reason for the ex cellent sale of these bonds besides our good war .prospects and the evident failure of the enemy. This Is to be found in .the adoption of healthy iinancial measures— in making provieion to pay, half the ex penses of. the government by taxation, se the new Teat and Tax bills will, and put ting-lipids id the - patent of the other half up - for sale to the bigheet bidder. 'Under the influence pf each meantime government bonds 41115 themselves the best investment dud capital can find: Ordinary. invest- Mont pays its six pee cent. in currenoy ; Ind that currency may fluctuate until, by comparison.with all articles of real vale°, the - six per cent becomes et very small amount. But the government pay, its siX per tent in gold; and, however a 4:enemy may vary, the relation between - neeleisary articles and gold is always fixed.and defl bite. This ie.the arso:ig point with stooks like there; and with the government flam bee well and soundly-managed tide vary point would enable the government to com mend the whole capital of the country that 1 leeks investment In the interesting debate that, occurred In the Senate a few daya since upon the bill &belief/lag commutation many impor. tent facts were communicated to tbe'cotur. Idr.Vitsou stated , the deficiencies of the different states, us fol.coes: _ 41 Thers a re-but . eixty-two thousand men lobe dnfted to 'fat up the old calla, and they are id a few etatee. About fourthoto+ easel of them are in littessobusetts,..hnd , more thatibalf the number: is diled up since 'tee recent , draft , commenced there, so that , probably:we have not Innen - hundred to filltip to day; Conneeticuthualmonlour tinmsaid over ail the Inns einleher.', Nee' York is abouttfteen thousand behlno, and Pennsylvania , about - the saute. New Jersey is eight or . ten thousand bithind. Ohlois several-thousand behind, and so is Kentuoky, thoughl do not know the exact number there He silo argued strongly in favor of per mitting the states •thus. deficient`te go on konder.the, present nee and SS their *der the previourcalifor creeps: Negro Enlistment'. • I aesitiforiald from quarters that the government is really in earnest is the work of ealistiag nevo troops - for the war in-lf.satneky: General Thothie hill the matter in head. The roads are /marl:dog. with'shlit bodied black .mea, • hattenbsg to the lfariollll ran - deism's to bemustered into 'Gm service. Oa Saturday lest I am told `that six hundred came late one readesenaeln Kentucky; that they are CODAUg in fender at all the rendezvous than they can be examined and mustered in; that the government will have tea colored regiateate in the seetize. before the let of . July from Seituoliy; that two of them will be from the southwietenttparrof the state, shd that the *tont raid of-JOhn Morgan has Melted Sway priljadleorr and qalakened the dram of the..whites ton op the quota of the mato with negro trpope., &vital after all Kentucky will'be saved at lire by the elive.'wholots been her - glory and; her sohOSS—tiber glory in. her labor,_ and her sham" is hie cruel oppreeeloa.— N . Y. Zoe. Plat. u ' c ono a istoraada Gnaniar with a very Valuable' Carp. tratitsi.Otatis Steamer bissbarn, Hurls, from North 'Atlantis blockading arad egoadron, . ,tvosatrfour boars from Fortress Monroe, bat arrived at Nov York. She bas en board , seventy-three irleouns from .tbe blaokade round TWO. Ur, Georgians; McColl and Siren, reconily captured. On ilia. ,1241 instant, 'Anti 0 1, 4 torn rail ristiorei . th e blookaderunner For ever,: sans raies iamb of: Boanbare. She ass ..laden',vrith. arum,. load, bacon and oboes on- cortfoilorate! satiortnt. Her en, gins :bolltars•Vvvro blown completoly cant her a few memento atilt phe Snick. Sbewas a fine iron aid wheel steamer of five hundred rad-forty-auvetona regliteri and - nom, Oda being bar mond .easel and cargo were valued at one tau- &Wallin:ram teamg s= Of Friday Dy.. Fa= hundred thoraand aoldiani irdtare will be arse - North :from- thalitsaidaroa Partaface toads, and to•roarivir.--They, bra Oriaalpally frock the Aripy she Paula sr. Their total -wodebt Lctiprods at ritrims. Bata dim BIOII.X. " commanding 11to Thom at: of Costrst:ldiounnif Otto Gen. Roeatiol said edirttSAf the 40 1111 0 16 a organ:lllA Bad weans thaaplnlonllist caly a root ttgoroag poligs , A restanr . o:- dot Al prolNl tbri 1071 111 aWittat* 1 The New Loan. the Draft Commutation. . v: :,:,• '.,-:•:- -iV.,'''l,:.'','",,-f,;'`:-<:,.-:: ~.i.,i-1,'4E.4iii,:,:'.::.•i%-:-.:1,.:,.;`.,'ii,,..,': ,i'il , ',T.:iSq= - d. - izt , . - :x . ; .,--r,.,, Rebel °platens yrom. the Sichrtentit Tteartantuj We hope thelinitedurate• Goveruhhent is not still in want of 'evidence' to Satisfy it That the whole of thirgrestwar hint tunny concentrated in . Virginia and fresind into a enmineee campaign. We hope it now realizes the gigantic chsraolor af the ope- rations in course of eXentition. Ifit does not we beg leave to direct attention to 'two paragraphs we have extracted and printed above.. They.cantaitt the truth. TAs tear is in- Virginia; thee eel brat is on is Chick. (destiny. ''All other events are now in eivillicant. trifles; all other military move month:are- blinds and. delusions. Here is the lima trial of Strength. According to the action or 'lunation of the' Government Len will triumph or fall. The prize for which the.enemy contends is enormous, and his pinlitely viettO 'trill' he incalcn ibis. But they are no greater , than our own will be if this business tertainatee well for no. - loom the Eichmond Whig. I All admit that Grant has made the Yan kees fight as they never fought 'before. Time and again they have charged very formidable works,: and on two occasions they have carried a portion of those works by storm. To be stirs the ealieuts thus carried were the weak , points of our de- fence, but, compared with other works be fore which the Yankees under ' Burnside, Hooker, and other commanders failed they were powerful indeed. The stone wall et lderyt , s Hill, of , which eo :much was said at the time. of: Buitutidee'defent, was not much higher than a man's knee; and the works erected by the Confederates the night befura,that bloody repulse were sim• pie rifle-pits. throwaup with bayonets and , tin pans. Pot only him Grant infused mi dway into his men, and made them tight recklessly, foolishly, bat he has condo. ted the campaign on principles derived from personal experience in previous campaigns. PETZoLLIME is rapidly superseding all other kinds of oil in we on the English railways. When properly classified, its Illuminating power is found • to be greater than that of any other kind of oil: A lamp *with s.-flat wick six-eighths of an inch ' broad, supplied with petroleum, gives light equal to 7. 15 100 candles, while if fed with the beet' olive the effect in that of 2 20.100 candles.. ...Agttln, petroleum does not 'congeal nor aortae wick of a lamp, cheaper. • THE Greenehurg Herald saps that Col. Dick Coulter, - who eriived at home some two weeks ago, is still ordering from the genre wound he received , itt ope or the fights near tipousylvania. It wee from a blinie ball which struck below the nipple, and glancing, upon the. rib lodged in the fleshy part some distance,back. The ear geou extracted it, bat ho had to bo operated on two weeks afterwards for an alicess between the two orifices. aosviucas weinnlastiners do• not 50cm to thrive roach ye; if we .may judge by a reedit artiole in* the Charleston Cburier. It inquires anxiously for - manufactorin of glean and pouts:K.3;ot good matches, of agricultural implements, and of nil, all of which have been talked abon; bat have not yet been established. • • EXCLUSIVE of the one htmdred 'Flay men who are not counted In the quota of Me State, Illinois claims to have tarnished 31,- 958 man in excess over all cells. The re: tome of re•enlisted veterans not jet re ceived wilirprobably.swril this number to 85,000. Grar: Tnoxas is now et Lexington, Ken tacky, :on business connected ri4da th e re crafting of negrci troops. Gen. usbridp Is gushing matters 'vigorously. Beeeselonieta are being arrested, and Ufa the determina tion to olefin , the 13t0e of 'all inch. , TuE Aron ebip-building tradd., is said to In minimally brisk on -bath shim of the Meuse; just now. The builderS, in fact, havaa difficulty in obtaining pound, and some finis are about to migrate to Clanton, about foar mills above Liverpool. TIM draw of tho railroad bridge at Rook Island caught tire Irom a steamer, on Mon day afternoon- It is not knows bow =nob the Atritige was Wilted. The ion will amount to about $40,000, and i 4 will take Moos( days to repair the dam* H. W. Owtsican, for some time Baper.' intendant of Military - Tianeptirtation of the Pennsylvania. Rstirowk, has, been pro• mated' ti the position of General Ticket Agent of .the Company, with _his office in Philadelphia. PußL* XoTICE 4. tiOTICES.—Tho 'Annual 'Meeting of the Clarparsiors of the .5.11414ny Cowen. lortl b told st tae Ofllta, on the LP:many Uraimdo: on tIIILSD4T. 21u ot - Jaaa, but., at 4,o'clock p. m. By ozl.r of me eraldant. RIDAd 251 JJLEL Haerets37. n -- 7:BOLTHEITS OW/LWOW OF' trO r PICTI3BIMMA-84.752TA1r1t PAIS =rto. inst.& vitt. PRIZE BILL, Lira DRAT h , tint Oo made en lIIONDAY2Ota fast, at 4 O'cl en p.m. at the deice of A. D.' Smiths Etna 4AWntet stmt. 'Bubteritats to tan'tnntrnill plea. ttzson, JA. :It , E.L 21e4IXTCW, Irniannsr. . 1 . 1. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP—NO. TICK. -4 netted nookbet of the Catiloonee of /Laic Tthphies. Matoortath, Heft Lonna, Nsouscrthtt. &a oshlbitel the ~ .013 turkstth heap" of the flimi Us, ere the ethe .t %baileys Depot of JOIN Wteth. risrvos, Price 23