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': t , . -^,, ' 4r,o': - ‘,....R - 9 , W17:' : 4 • : : :, ;_j , ,.. ,. ; t ,: ;: : : . , ~- ,, ,t, ,: ::::., : , '. .: ' ,`, ., : ,. ..., ' ,:', 7 1: ' ,' :-: J:,;;;;:=-Flie f '::: . , 1 .... :::; .,: ? , ;, , ::::: :. 1: 1. ,..::: , .. 1 ., ;:e'::-.J.:a.,7,.,'-':.,q1,2..1::.!-;_.l ..::!:',:.,:::,.:-..'.:.,,,...';'717'.1._'-::.,:;:.';,-.:.,,-,;:, '':::.c .. .:j.;:" ., '.,.,, _ .. ;r :': ,: , , , ,5 ' ... , : 17:1 ,- ; ,,,, :: ‘,.., c ; ._.. . , ....i r r.,: „. .7F ., ..F5 ., 4c:r? t r 4: -zr4"...i':.51,754'... _ .., .. . ~. •:, ; la, 111 i 1, .. - ''''ils ...... t -4 . 2 - ; ~ c, ~ III 1: SOAE:...' ' 1 IlitTh t CO; I; , , Am . !r 1 ~ _ • illni ••• ' tti all I t ASO .. '- - - •' — s A itii t irre. . .. bilinear; ice ' . . . Ong ? . attatstP ' et. 11.43461,ea. The racelptiecnittrpe 11gbt. •• . , • ...4301t5-Is gold atel . rather:' dull but prim laths& quotable Chang& dal* ofl3l lea, NZ at it 49„ and 1419 but sstlledst 111.43. M)irecelpts of OP - 0 all4-2,lday bs gulped flnner but dun isnotblog „ - - doing galas from tbansual petty transtetlons. 13 s tetz store of41:0 the et IL , 11l- Ist • - .., • ill 4 v t - Win= W i t= 7 4al t • ..- ~'' • -;;-for alssaddast 14 too Main Wes and 15 3 n l2 for - Kgsar 44417417% far Main llam4 18)019 for 1"14,1C : . 11udir Cased assfal2l tor Clannasad do. '. - • 1 GeOZEI.IIa-dngsr Is drat srl-b • fair damandlt t t 4 .. suisna , :obtt and 19 to Id for common to abode' ...,.. ~ . , g - vii il testa rgazi . =,.... at n asty told/ten Wady ligt011a:- • ' .5.5, ....- _.,.,__ __ _ I . JI data but drat with small salsa feel. -.. A 7t7,1474 rittialtZ'ster i ° lll 3s l °,q'Lc" l'3 l -' ~. -,- ter ha Ii soots deutand fpg r eaggps Doi. e Batirebil-l="413411111"ftoso Do l l: ~. . _. Muter and-may ba guava at' ~....41.0 • •' • ' st et . '.; ..,....: : !914,1"Mg 111"11"1" 46 iiii. 6 4 . 1 ;.iii. -$2.,,,,r4r,i,itt b i t 4 1 17 it •• ' h ,4- ......, gggs le bbiltilia; ~ ..4 • 100 Me coulmon at •, , .• Cattail: , I,..iit 8.0. ' :f mm 319,18 , t' teettution 1 prloul-Watarn "I* * COQPZltall&o...ialli en whartdr 4604ew dwrbbi . ''',t ..' ..:10.=132:1 - 1.121.1 1 '; ' ihdiatwileMiniei, vi s g ab b ad - 6 .: 4 1: 0 1 , 1,10 P0 nt,ti .-thilll,-=l. drat and -Wit, with , id-t:1; ela's 4 ~-, . ..,... 1 , 91141. ultirandsted at 160. , • ; .. .-e..1191714,444d4.1001414111-tgagelleb•day et the r a li =ouneetl int le . witere dbpoteetefeatereth ' '. - - • :, 601E4P-rat" Attr/rigbleati ~a ettll er-t ddia,..n s *tlu.!..b R1.3114111° ' xe-a,t4,, .-arss a ~ 1 ,.2 clya l 3 , .1 .;,..::_: Pittsburgh INtroilettm Market. Market. gi ,:- . 7 Jim 10--Thers was bat cosopstth e tl 4l Ale, eM.Pl4o"V`ieir-0411 lene. ;._ ... . Ira:unctions gen small, the markit Is firm L. '', l •.• . and riots, although a „Mlle Irrselal L aro Iss.- , 2 , , ',•,. ~• zfold • Wll4,_:oll:pVtgo • Jlmig • '.. - noto Manila touot7oo Mt at YIIG.O (Lib, aliall t "V ltt ' reirtTra i 4 W i i'f_M i t lit..,k trmr6 Ito _II Itstlnal Is very droseut'a, with Uttletn first band'i , 1 , pentlntrallltinavablo . ddrtecis trout Neva York, holders! r- if kb g , 02‘•.011•klaWrtiii ''lliiiStilattli. Pm] -, - - th l i s; P IV, V w r lrit tri.;,'"1115.-p!gelkte Aemene, ,as . P ' Ira= yfim 0t1404,w.'1402, on .... 1 7. but els er r_ ' ; • 0(1501. daptlan- 1 19111 - 40.40'bie tr i b;"*"rd*P'r- 1 •-. , ! . ', 1'ina5,,......0129 bt.9noted at • 214 5 . -5. 4 . 41: 1 1 / ',--- , • ' - bbbkla-Wdirrsatle. ir c i m . r U l lgt it. a 20 U - .• . _Us lesiva ot Oruds by, t h e river .1 el us V 32 li.. foodng up only SU bbl, as follows: 300 4lt Alb "oil, add 2 1 4 for lltsbaretillro . .l -..- ',. . • „ -- - ,,:tt,..4 5.i..1.."1, • r ....z. .1 .., • -,, ,j _,c)1 ,, ,„ ..: _ , .New 'fort Petrplema llarkete ' •.' - Eger Ye 4til' rt,-Jt il i k- a ,T il t g4h °U L U*. ''' then toed out itiii!t iiivoitticAiatioati ~.._ _ . ... .. 4 114011 the net, and 49 S 9 for Jelly dellvety.2,9 dna In bond Is dm, 11th an sell. demandd • - , 94 9 41 fill _ ~.'s. 94 4 ,1 1 4 11 4 1 1 4 1R..d 1 31 1 0 1 0 /04 41 : 14 1 • _. ll loeiddwa 3 , 2/7 . Te.w.n; ,4.4,i. but,. . demand sad an ideal° *Ado cents par gallon lam b oo wclb'llbed;islet at red on dm spot; Id% Lot all Sear 65 f a r invintidar • Now York Money' et Stock Market. -,- ..llzw r tear. - Jaras Li has fluctuated acme , - *tat durtawths. East tfauty•Enur haulm tat eta. ia3tatotrAf. t.B.64,4l,lestiusfeet• JOT; OwsPanivitiKi ,friV a. wan; 1 10- 7 = ) 14 01 7,, 9 45ta ,.. P. *MP* ha!, al -The mazket °paned 011 ilialbt4/11alanj! - Iltill; 'rut '•fsettudyi.l"! arOdrutreittareits:iiaileirniii!, 110),Teiggsodostorennot. Ater the same dit, hort7i . Tn , 994 thia Attishlorid eisig irerflirpefialgy Ectvrazotpt.., iscif it DI Anse Jo r o:irit . :ATZePaa up dr - Autos coaddenthly, -- • • • • lOgOtalremoodink.los l 44oltßoligb but YkYL • ttrli-eMII-I°4V.Lit 401-114417 o taidnl44 RiailicE.6ll?”Opotpgr, .tali nd bead - ool,,oxiCa L ni444o trok NfluittdPeldll , 4. US . . 14 4 mkt Ftiliri24ool l 2ja•i.- • =lo6oK4w4lowl'ilicitnagootwipwistu+mis quttokizolabow:4o.ll. • Goo oak Odorsllltlosootobitit betete9i ll 4. l, WV ..-tarJa.n6OgOitit. 4 olter. .-iorturhsoly oarroinriioilia.rouodolpolotiodorotioro ,-. woo lors.ted tOls ..f.o4Oftiattkviod ti •-* at och vt. k.46•l•4l o triitiinpply ut.totsbribintett,pititii elilia'ireek„ Z4' toiiirlazWnirtaerC. o 4,l , , 4 1 07 bRXIM 6 b f 6.1 , tAassradysk-vre WattilOppo-•mgo.liti --••• 0, - LABroAtoViirportAtoolo.. - 41M "-OOMO.Lia. • *a. tuy,1"..1 are • okoed-siettqi - Of,giviii macs AZIO - nalls .12 accursait. - posi Of 411 do nad+, Low ea et , trotdo daring ttot treat Or wirrall A Itithis irbootalod 61 head of good &pawn Ohlo Cos to, to Ws en & Bra. .t 63‘ and 4 ' rotallottfo bred ta &ton 6to Or., A 13 .-d wackenled V. wawa goal Cbtro4o BOW to &pro a Dr..; $4,06. Shut lot of cowl* .. g. - Sift osor f oak lat work. I _ i ;di 41 6 1Litztoloottl 22-twod to 111,yent&Bro. 1,.. B. A lionwir. retoad o Load lot of 113 had at ' 4 7116 4 61 44 104 ott the way Wm 3.11 to 94...t0f du *tow* 44 a os t, O a r ; getod - r, X i ltu . tr y Catilo, and tin bshnos w oo Homo rwolltdl7hoptio64,logloglroutj 3 V i rtittlory retailed 17 hold of .eaten worn iwwooadboderszt , 11 to _%. ~ ,•••• ~. • a a:Way" .04..retlitalt kottrotgoott wort= : - °°X 1/ Ude* otholowfd fa nuadsoretacA naii,lltrt•S nociiti-Ilms it am at.V I km is 4- S•edridrr - , hat44.6Smo pertleo. at fill porintd,,, ..., s , en Morns Timbale - 11h IsWlSodthera Oblo Ca Wat 7p, a o oixisa isnnd4 to tear blind i6atio "Myers Apra. at Sip her cwt. , - riejnonailothehiliontaf4lll ll ,_ _fah ChnilistU at froaftitollc‘ - . . : ------ ' tairifki. cor4ett4xtlaitli9,riftWlCAliht 0 6 'Alin gelie 111` IWO elf* mouton stock, to 1O tit Ptillothilphi at Wiper bead. Woo Brod wholonled Libood Of adrObbilhaat at . __ 1 11 7•143 - 71_1. :-...-:.'77ll3titgirii -.3f - .:..: t..- f• 1 .1 , ,- ' , I Tin market WWI" g _ronof d.`..,i0 Cody with a far &meal, Loth for 11314 - 4'41 trade satl abipmant, wattito Work* XII 4.1 t0:4470 obonSl44lltro6o Woo tott wo-4% to 11%,c,' (of iidalasteno prime sad VA's 631=, Tit. fullowlx=ors,w= tr i sTakinqg Ws= lang& ,.. .pkrzastn..:s4 l ,:;:, = l ad i rnid. r M a giltaininci;r:. Iratlad7oo-bnah-bnne4to-Ona.niun , s '_ Snow sans head clipped, to 514hatIcens it '' 1 E .er i4di " /04 /9 4 41 4 44. 7 4 07-11 6Ted - gi , ' '-• '' 174". • OGS --.- '--, d &'' - -'' SAM it hot 441 1 1 / 4 14, li gsltootar !-• ' 1 31 11 01 3111 1 eaui Whir d whlbi l lewnWthollW 1 ' sadif intotladttie lot ontMlatilrerallinflf,d .., 46 11 1 1044 - 114111110 7616 7 Wl&"i. -- 1 - 1.". --, ~..,--,-, . . I,lrend Bildrit:4l. iguiiii and Abrd .1 Fm Tarmangenst or inprt,rid r 2lnlij• ,nmva - 2405E t , any of brad inns, attract% good deid °tune:aka, ';', - . •stedwitlttba Daralgaprods Winne' ksiblASOit I - , we, We esporfOhilflift 131Vertiltinaegirpot the i": .• 3 r• flassalia end vl=rll3 Ofahe. iwunryr- •{j. ti 1111 3 431 / 313 * W .., IL ll b 4 6 7 &Wm orftess. roAt" jitor tin . that tlos i a pyWs t thlo n iZ ew 410 weS`Wilf OfnaftLanlistieintro 4, - ..bolaw Meaner, we pnladoo sl ui lletazir honSiffeloworfeGPlllL,- loweotelltaitterovriadiartiflthsdft - has letit trangleiina atm; with the ferwardlas - Indoor, WOO. Ws abasdaacant.taarn and law raira ottotstathstrotitbout 4E4124, enable dater§ 40 the orret,to h id fergeto: laZolt 3 Cl4ll3: i ltle ' a the, leo c'" l li t il'W°6' rrow on '3'ad Ateli_threi -", 711ar Slts maw Pahl& 41 literearolithe 'condo - =Mae at all t3e Ono: lain port' sotto a owhit, -- , padite.sitoilezOaf atonnitoto nt AGM pdatetirthdinel,Abarifon; the imolai= is ine. dotage thosibeintellee, ones of orro a FXllf Wad 110111Laolp,r, 14,,,m0rg . ~.. b u tov i lazrrof t. groajtfez iho nit rg4 s =: 4 ; ' _note ZotirltbsoutObs th* =cathode low alie of &right 6tal &or, CAPpment. of = Inn Wan* gated teetW Onitatt Ktogdom; Miro -• typ of spwatitiost. bat the lon pelltint tednafelog _• _ *ors pittlep. 0101tiattatima nu mood , * idecti, Tnitinddmissangrandonat , tit tit sta IV i ts: i 1 14 trra TX p u t.:l gin.= In oaeleildtLien 03 - ' , Afelallf#l3 ll llßob non. rk T „Loororiwtrelliore I=rdyfilN-wi l44l°' Atier - ebovettompe`ouraleC ftw nmanilin. • Tan ionlarresale n , 4 Wow snAndavnt ths - - - alh. i= r4 Vat' adrnrita t"lir , :tr . wor 'V &Air naldlWahlel 01111104* 'Maw . . antigtret". 11131.11 C GC44 , W( ol,lll "tatb•r• "Vlir 114,01,411111104411141134.11 4 ba11ikrti mon fawn 16 01 •Smc 14644414/ 6 4 4 41W 110 Mud. Ow anip. neon Thoo/Xo,l2affolll sten teri. 01 lho WW I Xtogrett ht4rltreoit UP 800 sweets** or 112**11448 ViC , stop *motile inresoeptfook Wray ' •• • - • 'min' Vi l l ' h i ei ' s t" . : rto- itmfl* r" Itionf i l7 lemPwl' oho nine dAdlios " : tter'. itopitlio fa follood:lha /Gal4 l OW 0010 A , ARSIMIki *a Ad Wasting'?" as3,o9o,oooomarwe . ''' - • l ird2=o 4 totdontsinVe= "" 2 " ,/mos. • ' ; , nwntnemnsatandningnistrn,dondy HOW. I d ; 2 .... rd. net ts Onl , ieZtroctoordivad 13to - - tiwifilled MIEN' 3P Oklbowtanoo. 1 -,- - Of torroodoo. "if fa hodonhiodroWs bade & utilesliP4 6 l4. l Mom; * roosißsirobis patio* t :: - , rilitigrin Joust direct to It VW lon* , e.ib. tialn3ESThaerilhageollithatenama ``.; - nofir . 1 4.1 dim . Anirssinditroaraiii , : •,.., nonninsaran, bon** andift4ssedsndiar. I - ell/Onit e hallarwilf , Welintulbi , ,' ._' ,',. ' . e. .. , 7 - ' 1 "7" -- ''''. ' - r•-• r!-.......1,11: i • t , .-•-- ,-.4...;4,;;;;:.:;5:;f1a14 L... ,==mtsr, --- :v.: . „.4.......-,..- - f,z.::::....;;...!.,1:.,:-..„...-,.,-,1"...,:•_,,- .2)t-VlUtta:UMUaacaLum 246, 714. Oatb•111ho1limy lasi It bad bt 1iM1D,3712,923. - It *in Ass brute arms ot Vt. stolitstokt nation►t in' ths bacra oftIPISNI at therstarilleaedlNlAC62 tcriOdthareteof fIACOONMX itincrimotcamatipadit dffterant pesiode , : dariaz the var. b 4 b , „ trnrositt=t i s ZO lrtr' Imams of Del griVl-&11.."1"SP dos &OM-93 14310,000 F . 4 1 ;. 10(4 4(4 1 -1 ,2 4 ,311, U nza • dial, V 6- 439.5,09) 11934.-43 4630,000 lEN.llo4.l4:u.t.:diE 3o ,paa 'TONI- .4. 4,30.0x9 10 - crtuas awn tha last Ittt day • continuo to Of of J 41 .1.th0 pabltifilatVirtbatt tte etpttattcot of nu commt fLteal sl44o,ool4titt't "if. I losagattbreepdnaiO Mc - Maven:a NiOn ot buittOry 2 to the adi lootrOractig hotbtt.f.: Mood to the oanotuttttUt Bonds of the tolled Slots tom - ---- amount of $36,10u,772,aad ttier. bas of um= to theta:oolllA of 521,11, insianry Ma beginning of Mo current Swat year, w 84- Nallinliladidda date our , onsaf information =tondo, in nal circulation'. wi5i1610,1144,11: taw 111160P"uuti. or 'Of ly 11.0C1,0in per day Ii•Ii 0 . 61 • Baal , MOW alercilinierPrilld . .160,300 the =roam "1616,11P6,5944oionanchtbstanundatandielcu • many of moomentzzolrreapeciltwpf.anantoninao r= 4MlF,ll:4l,4lalaut Polo") rentaind l a m ' „pin 4.001..`30,61pitir Seo,Ouv:ax • Dmimegligm WOO* Ibalk 4 rthe tar niashrPoSP,Varebata ,Tfiltqada. Ids!. th roldeirrown tbue,t. ianopod, nondumZer • ottlei Ilrementlitantrou; - ' (2 • I?. : Review itis.3tterisastr.:Xotit Grote - .16,.r.r.1.1 , 1:`-::t. Rikr2Let, z t /6 4.4 * .it 147i40/41 00freo—Tbatook otanilifinkurtfilvidaig 120, OCO bop, butnalinntartrunlat,• - altli Wen& taq thorn ZjajallitagnitollarniertanalFuotice 4 alas: "U,..atimatiallallat.abiliy 4 do. par Juniors (a retaqs),lBo/o•Yec wired: =1266 3. therlaire did Mil loam irroe 464Inda:Zicio,11. r ; • d4rlT:iZlTttv,dell" d .• up by Itnar n W' Batt Z 1 M4%', 03 19J42n.1 bogs Dore, and Zi, ZoironitOnZiao Lbondrmildat nloti; cab. nril„.Zßlen,•44loltrealtorliaillaititlltliei, Marks !bade! Wddnrs titinnqulta/ riteldatn. Ind nri4 aetdn sWlT•6l6Wlllstaltognsenrili 6 - higher,: 'thanklyorlybantalMaillstainowail tor export! Fa llYnOl Ban ttntliond,itialtatinetinielnr other , Thshiftian's it 44%lloragerrloVimvor and Igal Oro yellow, , BM hh..; .4110 6 ,YialYard14. 6 tAtalaL 2610 ilOtexp o rt , j 1 . ~11.401161411,1141.79.1i1101.71k/V RIM; 18% :TP9lcirf Aunant, 447611ityltdaltonlITA,; oozes 6rinailkolN 4ll6 4 16 1 ,2'11d 46i bbis analion: lelsru4lciwtonn, not •••.: 1,1 6 • Pettnetintaacm".--,- - tad about two canto per gallon &Wail cear ‘001 1 „,110 ohs are 134 bhda p500,h1944 , 4411) 1 44 616 T NIA 119 tea, and ak bbfa. oal/2,2tutudraNto l 3 4lo ;um.. ed 2-5 bbla, Cloyed Cuttaa 76X01014;diosing., Bow Orlcsaa, Ala Orc WS do. 1/12u21 -1 12c 11, / 41n0a.; and , 115 pass. zit KltUrAla9;4l.,¢l.lteXlO<si 01. ..t leave. dpictut-There 4 Apt sotg.latair, Or ti, Ts dean docrli;d l ohloPh y. taint; fat dm imply cd r the lygonsdiau, *auto of the Tuaba,orodilekes, at a thbil.ollootheohislartuthew an general styMAI i lanattly. Are nod* .tCh mom* huh end kali& no. 1 Itutnems at i1,A5a11140:9d am. An 'd. tn4441} 5 do 01224.10 10601 h u i s itrw. Pun 45 . P,.....41145t0mA1G,d0. to bond, .. PloAlWlnft,-ttacr andlitlican Oldlitr., 2 / 4 4 Ilk. p- B.sco lles-Thu ruts C.aula ,mpuket 806V 14 .,%; anti= Vika Warr* cob. 20, 10;u104*pritap tend ward, thsJdado &kid Weal tlahrl.r4dueed u to lOW tem we imam ft, Dbla Pori 42 _IMP% 1111. "% t 'iwill u l , Vinton. '11 11 , 121 23 11 ; 'And =Ado. tail la* 0a pirate moo ----- "...t:4-.tlitEdrallint thillEd ell& ~ d •-, Itreannwn Pr WOM a= CdinicO m lCdtp - W 11 atruoo4l, John'lltuorbuad: sp xi ip itir, yenghlin; 2 WI, alcohol, 511112Ctohl at . , Thosalkah -71 talea'hay: 'J - 0 IttePtaartool illorr, lihtlina ut h ker & Lang; 3422 4m - 1144. but; 1 car do, Suudaan Oil co; la egir .i t . . . , sof a.* 00; i ow spet.l,o o Bron , , I°3 aka cid; Tha 1Walloot; I. tear modal, ILO hooutll2 100100 'pit*, IF4eßea A Bra;161: aka 4tlntat, -- 3 Irtiggett a an Was, A Battens. Climuuto aiorttrul&utuaillinfidilt, - Van• 12- ratm ecru, Um Da% 1 cur, con?. 0- a 1b 0,10 .7; btdi my; 4 tat& baiter, )S rattly; 2 can Jnattbah, ' 1 Pk "? to ' 'l. cars Olt Puhd, Fluack A tug WO loble tow, Mactecorn & Ginbart, iaci do do, Hdernrld ; Id Inca metal, anattoAlyer A ces I,Cojako Ulm. 0414 le Tituipadel - ',"1511. - blaonta, 110 mey, *ells A. no, 11C4 bre claw, tl.-1415111KG 1143,,b0AcWrs; 0 a %Ann Phu cher" r. llcauretfiern 42 do do. 11 1 3 . 1 . 01 ; 12 110 do, Potter, Atkin it nhepard; . ,29 - elq do, J4ltle A laAmble; " 59 to do, Will /1 - 11011 Inion; 11 do do. H. .11.,y,t5lic14,01twe 1.045 b 142 -Um, Jan: 1 10* . r.,}2 1 W, -V-Thou, Bell:SetreAtaaaa, a a l v 4 4• no, ,Hobla& Antglid4cor .14,TeL ttraohy & *Texan ,1 do db a liceoptutta _gthatorth 4 2 -- 'do 11, J. O Smith; . 0 Ohre pnees.os abilyj 28 WI gall eru l'allht& 2 ° AP Pulp., ileuu2.2o 2 chk am 185 kronen,. eimpivn a tsar lbws cheep, 4 Onttor, Chain. dlo* eel s a d. 'a Curl .211 tal fa; 11.talta cAtaactllehl A ~ nach t,- - - , Artattelig.o.4ll2lll'.olo - 1 . ; 01 tOR OlNC_ktt, l 4 . l/ 14.111119 ' -4 21=121itlip dir.,.L14.145..-11; , Irsanar Mattchlll, Capt. Jam Itoutralltlprlr 1 4 obo*o ch 1,411:0224-16.1.20;1411 - - ,- -.-,- ,a or freight or pomp apioy on heardi•Or 1 9- '''''' - 0617 ..011v ?Luz, Agent. .fit .4.4 .4 IPAItILEIISIIIMG ?plait,. • steeteriterleaNiatVA. 'WS. a man ue _ ve Pitts for Wheel thi mix, Kuprect, 7 ....t ' . .4141449ff, arttari ns. : Y. Tlll7l/IdAY striTtr " Ni - EWA -b . Its -* • T. frelghttrozolpteettberreteeio Poluerterterg. _._,. wrielerlet or panne spiti_rir boterel Or tor . , . I • JitAdat..W.N. SA 00, 410.14.,..4 , . .. - M ., Xliiiirtott. la O. Tft Of Ilroall _ l'tak. e 1 1,,,0,tr B. WiLENAILInt,m A K I Flr.D.g TA AND TAIHIDATLI,TL—Ths Clue ''''' , Ovum JOEINADBANAAI, Moans den Te. a ,DatatastsDsmay =ODA . - 4 1., islA DctestAls/sAtal-SIIIDATAS 41 Atelo± - IA - WOW Ammer Juisa.wAs.:4,l.A. -, 06.4 •••. 5 , Tektittstrinuar., all v. ••_ ana r ,4Tanel7Nbrate 'Mod{ A., •• ',iv *AMU* A 44V ardf ayr , ... --EL. ft. PIK= I=clto t • I) ieL.-. n tjaCA.EGO'S hidtliffi o dkiNIELPV,. - - as Easzzrir nsFEs.:i' lt, - , „'. r, . A -.luta) and TubantLAl4l.Vo i m2= thtlasiiiii;l6 -. naikentklit jiiiimilitones: ~":!:' tei 'l'l'io ak a mss AI?) 'Muil• a• .0 ini&p-..„...5„ amr.nus." - -44 a -It IA 1 15 T "R- 19"11144-: L • ri : ' 4l1 1 1M4F ? omffct, t u t •:. " :Iriiiil3olZDlOnli+Carto, LaatAik rgoae 111 Parlorta-OE4wit, =MB Ir as Part! 111 Water Us rem • fmCASs Aigillotettcos • ". (*MILL.; 117 late Of Alexander , thetrarnid plownii Intorudag the tdaaviusa.tosiggla.senerryt that -thg. ham 'l9OcilAuf •. • In tbm OH 1 , 10. ,ING • ..12;t0a1411ruU t -: 131 • • : ssitti s actite racnlxta oirtdre4 - loot W i HO' riciall llts, ars nog •• • • •titiost • • •• - - ez• limeraerOaril44l 10 1 lir L. • 4110. L. HUM. rtaillo24o4. 7 7.07174 soc. 7 • it .pulV;ouairstely,-• • KD tgakcjiTAlDN • IYf HifirietitiA at Sinfiiiirl tailf3 .. a. 11Pd am' Vabl bagg lb* gaita ntla ud - 571 *Mao - 1 1 14 RW:' palpoe_ el.Cdtbct calm- u.a' samy.vanum.;taxmo Aso 3,« Brcial sltdisnmpiotlaliambeel 'II4D ttlol+7~LH Nis .`,4 .j rt• bic4ary darns= "" • n. • • • tfeßiita...4Wirr.g.A` - : - ntexkorTrexcuOttir 'd a i r"23o l ! " 1.1 . ^:€4;;,1r r ". • if, I, ll M iii lt a ktt -W e l4-e:#10- .ae , = AZ . it. nn=ab u t t g e t lat s®tezS i v . z.w.uaAn d,.. d"A - 11 " 4 =Zr=v a rit% -OWL* sotasarmincirea.sstrtalti:asta 4ll6l otbg liocess,bitetastastadrip 34,4 7/ ...of twat.ht • arrariars=ikrix=bt • talt4typtathunteastilimlielc.:+ ll4l sailor Aclpectabis dolsaitecNCllNLlOkurgaVlA 4 • ..IRCOBAISZE SII 'INN n,:.:, . ~,,,,,,, ,(1, , :•:t •'" ,clf. I.Lt , . -:"..,.1ti1l liattiOulk ~ !Bisa4ll:'. Twig. swift atatatikiiek , - ; Ife , atir 111 s ea it 25,4 r. '' At tu r e,.i-„.m. and ranch to a poirtriathiln aktif . rs•l4lll4 par!' tOrt.ol:*44 10tt1i...R4 It. appearance V5l Chlthr oti 77, '44.4.• 'lt mama ' . 1 1: 1 N. L. P 414 12111 1 'Anrintbsakip. , c orn 1413 .fr _ feral wetima , zat4 ,g, ttlitarril , OPP tottivalthe''Pa liatiblYp*,r l O 3 .l4V nt. 'lt tflitfillttfflo ski' 'tir*Z4l.9 . lo.rsi. MA.% ' Prevand bi War.A4Q.AlliF4,l 1, -: Address all °idea 'to " 1 D1MA3.541A143 3 / 1 00, Om Xork. 1.... ._....,,,. ti i ..., , 1..,:, - .., ~..-,":-.• It, .1. ~, -.. , A.:a C. S 11W43141-11tISTOALINIMMT. ' 4 ll4:ktfißglitii: ieniiiiiiiiihinintildieattie hnbo Dem coimtgpitim Une Itinteng-letsineett,cuider nretniiie of prpo*tittehip...lntlahotit ,tbateughly stoned 14 the Ootirte,. T. opierd,aitainst farther ha milt.Mon. I hale teiteititiel - edni Its' United Stat. dutte dield-Attene width , traee; Me :tom ignentandUie= low* - .friPAIMIL af 41 ginhOzikine t t o tglienl it szwe - A!.iii,' aqtrabsfaudazi end inesildes . tOttgii• i...ltainli2ll*? 4 l l beltibli.t,thb Mien* befit Wm, Sid WWI* i• .`eineltei IWti=i2 3*.- ri l inet "igi sin jul.":l;n o; I t weadocfalelinge-i ilia ant Itni knits th world. WOE Um &went improved knoodiento,lts non me and lemn , we. penfacti. heldie.; Oil= relleeedAtmiewelontadkleilidenebt , nude teed, and tintaid We awaked. Itik cats, o e, the o t a n idn eeeiieiinP, h tid. can, t nondthm tto= • to 'miflm OLJ b 1 1 - • •••- • 1 " IX ii:Darkstiis, gm. vain.-- 10. THE ABM 'ARTW,LES 4 10_`,_ 1 44.4e*".„ slims 4 oariT44l,.- • 1 -- , , ourttrvtathiPa 4 oA 1 1 4 E4 4 -161;sci tard.ax4-ii=j;w77‘ .. .. .. . PITTBBILFR4IE . 8-AW190113.8 7, ka.a.... KirtitimiDs• , &-10601 - , - 0-IWEIST 43BDUND" hl=l- - itt„-jetnintia:4l:7;l37ll;lTOUNta; O snii 1 •Kailitial ; 121:11, lialas.Pross Oats, Gang and al 6,4 " wiako• AU Maio et .10311Illt SEBINGS, slide tams tllrat Otali3loaall, Szta./I.ll=l la*AP. iti.41661/.IIVI/113,11R 7 .11E 3 ,50. Wm:naafis& iyato, sor.-Winllt ik -ssust_ealt ,*putib.!A.: tardatlar atuntion olio to Italians, iitatudlig mind etragblionas Citvair eart I sioo r.lols of all • oda. Youclatia WU:U(4 dissad reslirtable • . .:ea . . ~,- Sitil:, RalfliELL tc.43o4tioitss , ~ . . _ AUER= lail)-811131i . 18.020 Cf, OBE. s 1 liai.. Rana 214 Soo, .20,32,34.102 ,1 1 :&-• Hiving . gl . ' tired . latotosesiultanalatedlimetthiho iunt tell - I,4 9 MlLMldi.ri t ,2lll3lt, 1MP11144 Kr 15.13ithetn. dOPETirtio9.otl3tlti:.qtrtalliarget..i. .41)1r6d ..i4iA-:4;PI411.1611(Y:i7il piti:t9.: I F 0 6;:cauenra, : sinx; 43mns,-.4=L o. •:. . 14100)1021TE .nonapa, oolantgigiVm ttarr.teincsArtjr.ol44;:girureate ,, EiVittiici.-Mitri,,rcongN.xu,w an.mater, can- Palf.*.tlio. id:mak:add tri - DAVi n ' zwirmiarriligo:l4: iiipiiiigi 1661 i .C 93 I nip' anattatuere. -- - r .".lAKE s i SIMMB T • • :4: m.,wisffiVlTVl • frOlitgViraiwidoc A • . .--- MIK. IffeCtatEnt ,ii - V,40;-- i. ofectormaitsiiiintisk.saionn;aci Bourportass,•voristsialipsis scrproxiv 12.4.thr0 aIIIL sorrows. 151%.1121:11. Amp .. MN Irn-firia—tealiii-in-1111..?/4 _TM. maxima= tea, WWI, ka. Onittaattf am • • TIANIEatr ILLOEIH3B,y KEMOW.., .x: . 7.o.4rciii itziiiT a 7.20 mann) ers.. C3runi ,): Clogpseent to:am 444414. .. 1 .• w A PHYSIOLOGICAL "OF so• mAsszvalikimaitiribuly palm uor.#, IIDP Om ' Anatol , ' of tbi Unman Onteni In At date of Health lend 04, with s 2nostleo on Zuly Brtnni, Its doplorable • • • • tirsEt=thi-suiii and Body, with Int I' , • a Ilan of th ,1 1 4,1 50 - 7. 4 4.0 4 7 ZetenraLind •-• • • mod* Of co'l, se down 07, ther p e Ruled:-,L *rabbi' schtorr tn the ' ••• Moo contomplatlns. marring, who -antorialn ' of ad/ PITAIsee =atm. ems *se a voiai• to say addiero, on roadpt e v egente, In •• • De or pcond.ennenti7,47 adlt • Lb. No. St nablen - Teene, Alban ; . ,r,'lnbt..tadenT • . (I TS% mitt' a Haulms, ' )iireantaa woassorotia. hasiatressa,1 6 usazaza. • ah.A 4ra, .9! BOAT arla Auras= CROWD, BLAST NNOINJN, DILL . , .amousa, imarnail," caftki °tall dam:Options ; OIL OM a Omar. +. AND SIECCT TOON WOKE. - . •to for °MARDI pkraarr rartarair mama BOILIERS. •• • • sinaszir r. Di:roc:rum. jrA.ll3lil2L - ITIEET/i WpREII: . [LEITER Ii.CCLE ' . • • 41 to Iteicar,Eartmsa &Oa. manifictams al ON , ancrormaznovrAwbvnTo 4 4 I ,; PPM:EGA, dal= CROW B A #1,44 W Mtn VtAlireldietetiYati , Address, PITIBB ; AMU :}t lOKILCOCIEBAS- ot BR Maw_ - lactimai.7ol - &air iLaLTIWOON VA TB AIM vamp DOM, WTSDOST, AMITI WESDOW-OVAIWKITAMIA: OnWINITI =tan TIMID sinner, bet. WocdpilprlAA,.. an6diviristiot now PattoraMfahr ' ••• • tor pumas. u • - ottoutton d. =AoloollNo Ulf; Joh . far &too at !i•- i BANNVAILDIS TOO : c : , : - POR -*- 1 11 "7 Sr/Fit*Tigliii* . Oissimiazir4cammoulksqar is ~, i ; ne, toccared only by o.k. Om VABI4 CO, e 44. Pa., to WhOTII iin - atiraiffitaisa b. d• rr „, k - 'bf-Dritizisio inrodat: , - O. A, D#W6lllll 00. I lamps or WEE _ Teraina., thusiriar-erniBRFT&L :MT3llls—sewlial idigaViretstalitt4l Bomb DOM . I tA aspactation.: gat by Etat iiiimehd r fro o l 4 4 l lMAftssi. l o ,4ll2 ; la* -11 IRMO, IbmadAmetatlfalatt 8 Siath Vitititreet YbibideStat.*: , 0 `;_:..- Tleobttaj M ir f oractai alina wm 4i morow ifintai'algu. . a ' oIK ' axlknrittiTse , or. = o ut # 41111-vmanairs-cfr t r Ataqt: Ritt,l 2 o":: - . 10036-1440 vlls4 . 4;;;lllettpil cilia thrimiftellthstfisitedillnew iissiter isairsitt.N&;,StiC. f 1-7-1.- • .-•;: • P r ' l l dium 'rßP e°, 4 9 )1 tit.siiki, II the onry rollable mood, for al gaturraloa It la the dbouvery . •041natti KW. t5;.11., this claro of dis.amioic lad with cd.Pn.ode.C. l IZ itliait.*C44py I.4ealaisokod, Irak taszetAdmilpeacooo dtatnirmii iliatt snit einizfaiiinit'aftena b t6. - p1141,1: It ti ; FM ports. 4npr.gat 'lva. teem ..atiapit conm.-Th• gnat sozcami . oftliii 6 st: leatlaivinammt arra haslaltoitipaug tio.ltatio4 try usd rn Mom, thmlors. 1141 !,,,Gaprinolpigjuivag Q. 44.0 caLa to genthks. Propuid cub by 464Nr.• .!!!!!!",f9.-1.'"F.f••••"' g.F9l9o;ol.Drairisliti. Prim 11 . 1 tirimas'al QUO FL/Clfitilllo, Ininnntintla, u tw it iiu'ozara-thiziazwaLLl , te/ant8131.16 GOUGH DlElTZDY.—Sbolmabrotilll I ognOWlWitathilProPOrsittoo, now lariat Weil-earn , ofilllodoilritiito "tondo:Afro= sierycoolpntentooloo amhtld 441 AGAGIAbOioII lionir* to' ollo" thi pupa trtibilioi Wl* ki i till, it tbeoi~ Imes veio,i6im.ui *iirehhci/417,i0ne . To linWs . sOriWi#l..thw to . innAJOGoo Oman WAS altinWtoll onsb. =to p g 4 Algoma in "look I maabl rus cooldnoto, WWI. VG/ .t.,,ortawl. to Oak% Goontb Gar* PkrOlit, lirmithiol and Astbasotbi tioniolkintof Whooping Club, rialto all Throat old Um" tam plarAsorbklir when incited:A.4mAGonattoitiMi. lbotinoonials from rayWninno ot tbo biictwit rotpoos , ' ill*Altwatida, cis boo*" st• my ogee by oil intaronott et r, . • INF .40V Wlino/wolo and DwAll ;kolas ._ Ptontletot, ZnAllool Obtonist. Darbotiaton Sur ban by, Jo&Tbsootti l lioo. Upon, A 'otakettatk Co., Co.outi Sou. PM" tnrilin Geo. A. Kelly, W. bloom and Dr. loom BrilM2. Agoras for Alle-Jur City. 3.p: • hi PP,STANIar7 dr. CO.'S 4 14111941. 19118111.1i.v.1T Sob Prupriotor, etnalzasko, 0 ANDMX .PIBOLNaB.DY AB INVKLID, pubratiell kr.tabackillaaallaiswategidcantlat tepees stan. estueraffer tram , NereasurreeDity," Pritatci, Decay of Dianbood,clo.azYPDß , Eog thc aaF n e Dri r, %e rha.reiStrilenk: By anaer.holso =ma Mood! 46 *- I ....*KBOLDatcaaa =Palm mid DaDDY "-cab a r p.O•pabinlilmoa aueicor,ateree 4.674,844,Dah1at0L the anther, • - - • DATDBITIEL ILAVYTAIS, - Day. • Bate& lEtnix manty,:ls. m...plirgool7B SUPPEREBS OF Whir • ther.l2).-4 masa gmotlooszt kal tog boo 'netoo#l to WIWI In ••Dry dm!. Our.pk: 'laza ronhniagh"nowil. OlP®- 'domed° of truitiAl.ofilioatroixais,ccoaftlant It 111•••toldipaitocoaatntiesti toltairdletof gnaw,. ceedolti:auttfalinallt ittal•qn tint r!o - olpt of tit idittliii•famirelbpi, E•i5D tLs, potectiptloa Goad. DlFest, to Dt. J oan r. vioNtu,lia , • traftlatotOoot 11864. _ 1864 11COSTAili.g" FLAT, Iteken. - • entabllensi 4) N. T. CIO! , l i tr y Innilltbliknnnedlee Imovra.". •" frog; Pobons." t "Pee dlinganat the Unman PalatlY. - ) Amllnta nom col of deb . ' bolo to ele.r - • &AA byall Druggleta emtryirboon • •- - 1 Bitwaul ofeal montane ingtelkan . • • Knatirlaler 2 W 2 n Te M• !a l a cig ) iitireatby_ A. IMES Ind a. N. siewygi • hut Retail Agents, PlY4l;mlgb; Pa.; HUM R. outman, WholtealniatMertall Agent, Allegheny op. EECE,.SR&L & • WOOL I Clommission MerobAnts ciiper of, Waynn.• -31.1 LIIIERTY••STREET; Omens u. Y. Waal Catteaata oI orDrokarars:' lUDGEWATER. 1760. • --COTTAGE 0RA83,-.: Oft dDrotei4Dna Wag, 047114.6 ED, :1124 . 41 1 ;LiD - DEM% So. 410):Criarilontsans 3 ,._ . • Aturvh.los,s,y,Dxwar auto. itirH,Pava , 2s 611. X411117i. ; iionicivr:iiiraratnmar . ljeakAsTe, apau. Tia.l: . irvirrit itrE eipa CRACKERS. ""` *l4O-!4.40. is "atuivi 11:-Bli Im:tort - Tea *tin ao:ibloit de to tarnish pr imsuperior-tatty - wide mat ot 11kOhtdoo• - I l3, 5. strut, - if:l726:lmi Prnssourn, RAGS-1-BAOS - 1 - BAGS I. • .• 15,. 0Q 0X113eamlosotro bustle' Dodd ; iebitotioll - • do; • ta;000 ciapktwast _ • • .I,ooolostoba bakyy latp. Bop: . 1 2 1 =1 14 WBoordoliNgli ; 14 =tir ka. ncelitz ' and olkOn;i4m; Bop d ! ? ••• • Skond 101' OALDWELL, (ap0r07:404,02.• 041'40 00 . ' POn; P.A.° • 4511k1., Prressaattet, Pe- U 13;,10 7 40 • :• • eotiiruonaw' :r yii444krair 10.44 l OAL c°4 - j 0811174. 11/11111A, , [I...I4eISATJOHIra co, Stone. 64(1' Aricklisim !. • . ; .ir ainitmaik - xiaptl im ..6l422;- t ' l lt u jeane - 4777 . fig: 45 guppy{ • NE4f0141.1! EGHBNI PiIIARP4IOTICIE. 'im -11 l be 101410:m !SWAT; Alan, 1864 on. IIit:SUILM imp lad tecian; MG% As MST, ate, 0,44 - 0:1t istarheiviallt tittpahths Osta 04 Inte t Mir lia434lrtag tht cat talc nulling. in gram los -badgapi-j* aurrlad pc a All ,Plll l l l <ld dcill 0, tp. atlas, till cat uizotim. las thank Itinly. - j ~.---- -'-' , , - AMIN; iiresrratiotimr • BALLPH, „1,110141.1.10T4-. '*- 'llansofo Dwain's imi.firsZoloafirlsif f bob of Bothilago, and sfootatoodo twor olormoonoVAtorolo.- et Maar; roe. Ore • Ate an .9roct • gob, T TIN .IMPORTE4 0211321121 MI moot soled branda,44 • Amssaaatm PTAS vont Taw ivganarTlM 1 54 . alAwiti MOT:Sh Plll.l i ‘rM a , Pbuilikialai .091010 CHEAP PASSAGE PROM THE I S ; t LOW ER TICIM;trRE LOWEST Zba undorsiguoi V noir p., .dto bring out ptr irasurs by First Class Blatt Osumi so t t Vorluoi litsbUrsti from • Liverpool, Queenstown, Glasgow, Galwny, Lower limn, Any Other Agent. Here. • lhal cail i p . rnr,or tat te,,totaet , l. neamenle¢tsfoa►~aaFk, illatpugen are band u 4157, otntpl ed 4^Ctso Agent ect - ' i titseorrg Itsir of tavosita LiTorpool pockets, @siting twine a weak terAbs...x.3.4oa : _ . ZAIMOIV PACKETS, bro . ;ehtixt.t; tb!. -151GHTVicarrn - ocraeparrof Icarovelbruitv .442 1 7,: te t „ Othiiobt ML6s;'Eta. TirtArtrV . At. sod troma tal4'l.lEtiMSp Stalthwid 'drab!, iltt. 17W#41 !It/TU(lff ,a 0 Wit& IJA,o9o,lhiqualAi PO-OOFBNIttOWIr. „ti,vg, , x041114,114,u1; Odmpterrare thiendal to nil tallovir; ••'• vonninmatt . „.• • - e.taedal JintrlP. CITY OF WASHIZZOTOR../:.ftturday, linse Ql,lllAliglirriv-D Jaty F. licd every eucceeding eatarday,At from Pier' AertD.Nieerg • • .-. . .m ryuaa: • Itenerreilant tn,currenri jo °6-b Le b udein......B s :, oo°6 to P OD vcrso ".• ugAmatig,:. sroo Vane; Breseteiri Not, legmess.- hrts c. ; Att Quentalutz.jst, Aux., Ne, 1,24, :1 Moe wish. to • send thartrietidl botA iftEen rates. ,_..rarilsrOder'dnformstidn apply at the'lldrat i 7.`j .Agnat.-14 Bromwsyji, D. ONEILL, • "roreOpu"lndigreittnerAgedcy, litoergildesiturield street. Pltsateingh. .f,AIN.Aan i12z44; ,roftlo 4:n•,v.Mle .15H trAilint • tAlp, .4, •I:,` • N fitAlteitep‘i L• - 'o= l' t ardltril:F4Mi,,V4c2/41"t ti t, taut .at.thLiottollent ttutftfre Wei' mate, and um, 1.00 1 / 2 tra., ht.lll ba.usettLed for Op comfort, of.pauteupwa owl • rapid tuatutoutt- Weft. TralttplOt btausAltt Dcrot ,Plltatuasl aa Mon: Star .iftEOHICIII - i tothrauoDanciA tbp P...tuauretutka din,. 11t , 01V2 ik 690 I.....tOrittOg . it alt giattutta Dautmo Otte butltt Fad Folltgulpbr i cuti atakinirditact. mown 114 15 ,. .14 r a r r o r&ir am, mw, Stetba escrztz q yArturog sow.; ..1.1 dbuci ontutublura .t burs Itt, lialW oto p n 1.g.. 0 .4 0 94 ft!r.tibtt TO4 Ala PM*. drAatti: Via ?mum szmwmiamotrueas ta r e.= t tg=trlititionsig area sattniat., mr•aN tV ;W h at' . 1. 1 %1 (eglsP3 ,Bandayrallittrp:ta.,itoVputa Deli al orlsotpal stip cloak abotoultat... its Hurritibutes Nr lbatitbuchf aaf !Ira. :anus, est E, Pro Torb trta, Alloutotru Ma,' !ultbtouf clOuttut of 'Pbbt , ,tpht, . AOI2OEVIODAIIO. 17.1A.Lb tt1t41.039.r0 M0raxm0241.1.6.1:3.tt Lava. Sajly Wow 18zia.syytot gm, ptopplus taktlecti AO main* “hF is MrAiselartib. Pint. Alccessoatalkar Trap L - c KiuW Ipszei.ds.Up (izsopqissedpik . a &Po La: ,ewaiswl Am=mwalcm. TAW. roe Val.'. P sst, s Iwo. 4 . 1, 1 {t rayt l frApslAttLeo. ...e6 . 1 . i ~ Tbtrd 0.... , ,, • ..00 Trak ice 1:41 . 1 Dtztio. ft.. daily I.z 66n4y) at CVO p. m. 4041111441.Du .Tshtti 4..WgriEtallit i irlatVli (extopt Pcmday),l46:lo p. co. Sao Ohm•ch 'Tara warns Mary Eistlon ova-, 50, - bp et 1 , 5:6 - a. -mt:: rrttroi,lS; larilte Fittlib.cti et 1t•43 p, sp., . . . Zit= .. I.VlZirrif • 1.3 P I ttacr; k, Y tollor • 1 Ma tkocat • ~-.....r..........--.l= to op, . Phllsdelph TtuvesbldsdlTr6ll3.:-. - -,..' ................. W-23 6 1"1.1 4 " :7 a1 .11 44 , - PBW :dr.rioto :l4 A 4 g7r 'l' la k.'" r tkr' to:..-- 11 ,., :::: 6 1' t i:... p. CP 1 6 ourt6Walre BLOW! lixonsoccbtikr6.... 6.04 p, co. Baltimore Zunis wllt•irrtn with ritUnttefal. 51.1.1:0 p. c5,.....5w liewsless. - - - cls'Hiammindl.a.t.rsawrawampiPlistor ttilli Ihtsratioa,.‘,lth 'Xis..spogh Acwartatlatica Sphate,lssi P. ,,,, •• . •.‘ion sad Expo. Trot.. Uri. phaWittir ilaittistareltrrito tad Jahnstowd- Aoma. shalitso Want - • , .. , • • T od ritstil She Lismb.rgossswwPt at Grosow wit h. 122.• Pna 'VW= I* 41.11‘Ukis.Thssit, cod with Trisoss,ph ilacwailutdation ut,4 !cm° Tx-4;11,M'5% .. , .74. tat • • • • • To PTA TFT4.--TAI 80 To 800 0 , Nr0.--1.10-on To ngsoelptkes-..- 10 60 To a OS ilgAdMer....;- OS To Attoona—..,... Go -thathi Mal on et Pctutßytto. llallsoidc ceS tsi'lloomm;lo,a, taltbnort emiar.lFur.4 44 4 tlOkato tho ctrsatitl .execta, to,theddabulte {rattle& ,- ttroortll , ittstriatta ttatio" nas, txoOpt tett= at t illata trbanttltsCoxstqatt tow ow %mai - TEMCCL-11, OM. et lowa* 00ra T sin WI Itotaxivek notpoolltat itot pettonal cab Ise totin =mat slot ttose4,lng ROM 11.11.6 a Um 3 Ltio tux teen tiospbsyrod to gamy possattass cut gaga to a me nd traits the D. tielsorp not to exotot 25 teats, tot molt lolOPTolot tongolco. • Too tittmAnyty , a_ J. UTZWA.UT. II Leo 'ft:mina. °aural I:44Imtd . PSIMOTII - Bt/ M!. eas:Lfbetty asa o=l Biretta. miTS SILYKR ?WU. SOAP. (3113:1114.Pt0N & 207 litbnity Striet, Bobo. froprioters and .ffisrmradarexo roc Vieth= Tohnigivania, Ohio, Indians, Illinois ao6 illoooort. 41sa, suilidioteua. mpitior . arthlirol . German; Olive and Eosin Soap tOILET. afn TAISOY 11(41% oar guru PZAIIL SOAP; Titan no colon- Ofiallallynooofnonand •so betner for cor al ono th an any.ctlon , talbso,tho thoold h arm In Egad hinanoittoo Poiain, Ball, M.= 0; icy any other ,sotntiono In Oa manalachue *blob on deck or ilajoro an Anal Cobden Illannoti and W. OOl OO e be Imbed odd: *Oa rapidity 'orClo Clofben mune!' with. , ths.Bl/476 BBL' , satp !do nos teams bolting onion' the tabbing, Irhtol of lonurnnoon.Unrimin sad tool, • - 1 v . ' „SILVER PEARL SOAP _ at.oxi.Garagr,-mts, Tuti.i:ithan.,: Eau.. :hr.:Blll2OlEO4mA lb. Wad Water Blaine I. pu&seate, , applying ICarlite • moist Sponges, tinni tor:denting Indaws, 4 and Poulton Cann ands andi slap. ./i int lireadry,alaemai,Zn Painting* apd Patent laid= tedle ..adWeit: and _cleaning .marbly and %ear illi fatiaa:neequaL, • r • Tei the gab. and pails edaely for Eduenind, MO )7/LVETPBABL OAP to la plot lxpqrp.,. ...la witota; all leha Uri leaf ila silPerr t J e tit c6 l ,..i bu lano amiv wlV 7. sa il tr tx = to :me fratatialbs - prliai at Oa lama %hoed& it 'll:a v .irii =in ' cliiiia in ‘l4' ll2r lL :l g t7lnitikd 4, Amor% idt fig n tcninr sea. • Bea at inn& orms PEA- kOl//9), .ler,iditi Wend Candi d . elP ha tepd w /a ph¢ Ws, -s id.bieueLiee-in a.l. llinalug - aza M nadded pi 'abaudier Ditaeticadaseepaa on it aiell,l4 ane ''.l47pe . l . l dienedni to the atadei.i -, - -, F — --,- ' 1 ' . lotphaaec fa= abroad wilt =do di well le. Via tu Q Mt; OCt. a ind 1 , 7807 libai7 demi, opt*. We '.• - ./Yeali Denman ftemdlPTPdPei.., - , liderarelerillimitialonaileona petunia alike/ ' • . ... opp • . , seafea-liILVZI/PDATI /MM . 1 *-07 i • : i , • • • Oclorrtg , s.. -- -, -•--, -FR go . Cr. • • F.' 7" - ' • ISTERGICEENS . Wf itivo f0c0w031.130, Nod 61131 • Test • Torlotfoo most Fottabla-10.- 10. tocitticoa, :w. • totoratko Ml6* 141 1 1 Alanott,.Atalla • El • • Itga ripper , d Vahowo . l . 4l King Itios ~IthortaStill r 4 ' ,_'.llll.lllak -Rtoottatmetse, TotEXttato,sr. Blatt lattl i tortm heXo stock orrEA NAN •it0:;&0.:V 4 2 stock gnat Wm:metal to photon ory holotote Vult ors. ardor tett et the Glroostivooo Pitt4treicott&ClLbourat otteg ?lit, "Nadi:Oat out 21m110144" T. • '. Arehibrial&N,l2 - U. drrOAreell Wiefeak ..Pertlealteitteittei • d edge littlogap.and,ropeirhqt 12111111:17e Ig9. - All Itlnde OfpuAss num cal m dcw.Brde... Also 'BUMS .0 MCIS, of 'de et the shorted notice. • en Olen iettatldaalrl and stworta: Aar litbertyredlLbdiavemptlf streudaFta. - • • 1 , • •,• aP "*l itt' t ' lln =3 " tjd7t kaira. win to Are ettledection emir" zegpertain.. : oleo *oats for. 004 pardon A Ocr..: -NM. • VOW, for pansphat l iiei, Ctqle and He. n *Pr/1M illtEi7 , l.lsAGl,l*: aieri on kbis 4 if ! , W. C. cope; • ~~asco~ =t,._-:. ,:; <.;,. WaK .n •. cum WANPIR 44 . *PM if (1 013:= 'Asa rbAinizt Petroleum _and Its Product)), Lod aealat• la adaklagOrr. do. 11AIIIELT sr., Pltt.bargb. RYi 1,01 WILLIAM r 4334 . 4. R I DE & 1 1 1 1, 14 14 34 E: • PHILADELPHIA _,9T91.1!,*14?! BilrAl?nat, 4 . 40 Wars, lisj,J tial 7 ea Petroleum and Us Prodfutai M3MlEiMiiiii ==l=n 9 0 .1 COMILISSION ILERCHAIiTS, GLOBE' , LIDEIITY OIL WOEFUL istbsist eiub idled:ll,3s mide - cia coultimarob—cit Refinal or G&-.tde -Par° Scum. 00B.DJIQUZBYI 0-WA Y A IIAtiOOOK =ma RWHAADSONOWILEY 4r. Ca, lmanOurvexmAWAuppiblitikiiisT4 erode ani} Refined 'Petrotedilli VQ" PkTTIMIMIgh zdt,W - Jalband. Chub sampan -col onatettaist• fen Plttaarrh or Eailt.rn ZdAricotc. rai SM. FOWL thrs.esEnta Bast • • }3:O 0it..9i 1 / 4 ).KEs MAI ttCHORPIMNINO, PfAnctuftrtemil artnens.cianuas OLLiBICE MTV earvannverrtur cams;sarin: CRUDE -lEgTru,(:mamcr M. wdrik 0tt...4-ay. turmenuerr 217661 7 a155," ' - +oorlnnissiotrinerehan'lW $ cAt r AZ 4$XO/ 1 113)/TalaLEInt, :, i 'r icitzr. f " ' T e llin9Al Tf u t 1.34. 80 - • ._ . A bt s l 3 : l" t .l Vince.? or.) 116=bla uctuok. c. 12.&•701 , 1ga tetruoa ;6.121 1 1156 santitut Ch.olstfonn of the P: IL IL - Way ' pac & BRO., Rude Alld &BOA -Petroleum, . tatweaavr Ibitiron-autsated to.oor raw "all man Cut pvuzermsi 9tirke. l lo.. Davl: Plebsel; Tho. Smith, Vag., Prem. Bank N. A.; H. L.Vaster 1 On., PhilAtlclplas. aoStly Alf oCORMICK do ()AL LENDER, - . OIL BROKERS. 811 and 213 South Water street. IMEIDI bar - C:aoalgtowets gottetbeL 11,..r.21 TO Loday ft Obaxponntag, boo Oh 7 Woxim lharb Painter, of J. P.tutor d 00. Jo, R Chilfaut, of Spting, Mahal h ,173237 VENANCIO OIL AND TRANPORT •TION COMPANY, OIL VITICr $•323.1., Ara propane' to rooetro. stun and ioLl[l Crude and Rennsd Petroleum Ott the clod marmot:4e torsos, end to mats Ilbarel sdeuttes. L. IL ouvera, Preo -- • OITIct, No. IS Noe .trout, Vow York. WM. BOWL'S 600 . 7.0{1 WALTER =rm. Ai l % 01101ty. /Lan WILKINS; Aet. Pitt. rah. 41/7rOomignmento, rio Pemayirmla Cootool, trio be .loved Yt Olbe'Onmpany's tlro.moof auebowe, on Ilobokert aLlo otriyor. m 111.17 WALES, WETMORE & CO., I):.:Yr SHIPPERS OF nntoLEina, tU ILILIBICH LANS, HEW TORT.. Amato Wank, tor croulkos /SID 6HIPPIBO at thatr yard ea *tat, Dam Ewa. naiad CABOT, PEMBERTON A: " ':' 3 General Marohandize Brokers, 142 NUM STREET, New Tart, Also, 135 SOUTH Irwin ST., Fblb IpT a, Das CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM,. DAI/STIO SODA, SODA ASS, 13111BIST01" . DRUGS, OILS, t0.,d0. • Ordsrs CZ bay or son promptly alottoolld solAy • L. MILLER, sht., Amory,. ib welstrr ST. PHILADZIOBiI. CRIME & RIKPINED .PETROLEtiII On Onzonlulen ascOuststAr. :411 obargne el alma reasonable ratan BTOII4IOII 3'Oll-1L1P113116 la enal aaan. PO .01113 DE, order goott 'hada fro=kgYAMll, o B l l.l. ll 2,lF,Tr i • Inlay - ALUM A; NEEDLES, VHELtDELPIIIA. I VORIdaSSION 15F3021.419131. • •_ Itottoplaat•Antioi pad to coo olgamealo el etude and Bellied t'etrolenm Lltorol oS•stwoo mod& •iall7 . rO . B WOCIDWARD, tca.cr am. if.m.thmni a 0,, .01FErztazi oomig trazionext; cljpecial &Monti= greto to Utt far *ode and Refined Pe troleum 'All spirrn.inion =air who.tr4withistitr wohoicnr. offnaaiiiriff,Pnouy. • . W. WOLDSWIP CO.. ifinitletaren tf nonanto on, ',nib Luta:Loa. 'MO on, Hoop militantly ou hind the Toil tat qualltr of BITILNING OIL, claim oral without cohort also-a ; good LIIBILICIATOIL'puro WHITE BEN. EOLE and OAR GREASE. . • ' War All eta," 1.31% at Va. a $11713 wood floor, vIU be prompt?, Idt:elided oaSttr • • - • !. et•lll.A2lk 81•:, PiTolsBll[l. Cow:anion Merchant ASS DAUM 'ORA valf:SMArk t:xeonat ximorglropzii th. loweat market , Orkety-Oozolgomento sp7Arti mow aim* IRETROLITE t ;t4nte.oiiterof - ,:-- kafiretwittim imtnoWoit.ritiiichas iitu LITIIItICATANO.OIra illaPtatt7 two thousand Darras pa Tot. RUBE fk GRAFF; Prarst#ol2, ..„ • Oflke N TlONONthanlita& 1101:!BAVItt.a!w,wes JAIERS ERWIN, Oili of Vitriol ,-.A; r ifi'n:urt. at John pc //BS ;i;aa boa.. " c h ir - arx otsrAssze 'AiID T graMoriihr:s tilinefesopt ettentloo. DE===M .9 nln. • tvalriaurr .„l7 a , „ - 44. 1 PUllijt* fit PotroMEi ftd • . •' .0 .1•' tiltlitQAD c 5 WAIRB, MI 4421. T 4TO-I,PkrriP/ 42 ' • lar 4gansix.4l, P , Nrimotp sMaiba- 1 911 0 ti. *."^q vr•it-4 r nA...g -S W A . = Vtaii v ` .1-L. , ! .-teEt?-11-01t:tt71Y.47. 71= DUKOAII, Zl, , :at.rArii=” ls . l, / :1115.araal 41artiolii. stae: • obumosros- uracniiikrtr. ME= Vruite .and terlid • ail% 16 - 61 I ft 6 otT a Dt.4-kvirMr. l g.'P - Ol,ll:tgET' Grade. and- Refined''-Petroleum • .nag - -NZ/4 41- W ' . 11 ".' tfo oir =hip artarr pittitAt: •• 6- . , tv,virvv—v-vtorNeen-e--.... 1 . • ORDNANCE OFF.I.cE . • WAR DEPA.E.TU h E'n, Wosonorrox,9:ll) thstiellt.l6B.l.l BE4LID PROPuSta.ls,,Feili. be xeoived_ot.thte, •otrei, iantll" 110111:for;t1o, `I'M Goy of June, 18010 -for 2,1-POUSDEIie-ood saPO4tIDSD 1311L1.4, - to. be delivered fe the fotlowLos Apootikies.,st _the or, der-mooed - Afoitit., tit: -.44-P011211:13818IIELL. - . _ . At the Watervliet Arernel, Zion Xerk., 5,000. • .At the/Sew York Arsefter;GeferneiSi Island, Xeiv Terk..lo,e2/0... • • _ At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, 5,000. At this SI/whiny= ArsetiettSl3 5,1220; • , • . At ,COi Watersliet Arsenal, New Yolk, 64,000 .At the Sher I/wk. horsensl;Gervartrenf teland . ,lietr York, 30,000. At'ihe eav'eray ' Aieimat, Al the Wag insern•A-reenal, 1.) 20.2 6;000. - • - .Thase . projectiles we 2* Imo alba or 1 . 044 . 4 le/I;l=ted.asr ibsta F ig. deimin the Orthilhcelrenual;fht. tempo Worengthpf the tram -to be tri4 ltin %hid lioo liefiyare They aret her undele - leech:tan.. erith"the Instrlftlltus Tres lutheOrdneneelllinnal.- • - • -• • jleptringacan beseettat any_of. the -LAVA States Arsenal. The Yoroitlliviara i 6 1113et — adii tiseifac6ati whereuart, = ?gst Tare hilie 4ellyeletrit .. Aritenels o f J . llollrellas =tat .be- et-the sate- or-net-less 'than pus-truth, (1.1 . 0 , 2b),..0t the *Was A29OCIAZ cos itraCted ior en' Ire. the Got dell)tl7_Seheiroule un. the Stti illy of Thly;,lBCY. ttruntlre thineertoust e Arieddertithe sill se/4watt. cootractor As forfeitnre of the MlXnaber IhOMAILLidI•Aa - - - • - &pantie emit h e I. Ada for easetiealibna, will state explicitly:the At...baler Arm,. nag - where they'Verixel& wir e ancr the number pf yojecelles they Troyes to Wit t er et eifbnliie,' tra.tio via be cunatdeasd fruriparties other than r.F.F2l22l.lete_of Yuba, who an. Yeti telSfilSeparims po cap_a_b_le of szectittqg be prw.d tar:" Theeld'iny perly Oblaintug coorrsete shells-ether than thew tut Yn fits pwitfoundry, they-Yll rejecte3,tuo3 theeentrant rendered pull Wks.% r . • - • - 05111AliA.STI.A. The bidder will bernred to notocafoof hkeittsr end= trial 'hither= , ifinkf by ton, responsible Oenrat, that tll use ht tnenhilittor he WM st eam earecrte tin contract the- thohsone, with hood unit mg;ftsdant =lli, in a atini opal to one-teeth Of Cho vacant, of .11te controet k to_dellnit undo t.r=4; Ihnolfirrit r ity With the terms of this .4. mean watt Incas, Untold Haar Would fail tO near intotheoontrest, thew to onkel rod the nitre, knee between tin otter of initt-bidder wad the next }avowable bidder. or henna to.whasathaoontroct easy be awarded. Thentrintiehattr of MO Wessinfare Inuit hiunna by the official centante of the CleDt the merest tneutchOeurt, or of the Cs. District Attorney. Donde MIL Axon oval 0.1114,111tb of the amount ddt the eciiiirsOt,Obifool by the 090trictor and bah of iV fgessiribore, mitt be 114alsed of the enoreirfal bidder ar backlit dpoitsigning thwantiract. tradendowd, residential' die county of —, and Stated liernby, Jointly and sererally, comma with tbo Putted laz ! Lec . ., and Ottiv.the tall lOU • be accoptectithathe or they Within ten days altertho acceptance iif ate entothecontenoMr th e same with gostlutd dent inicaUce, mama Kcal toone-tenth of tho amount of gm centavo!, to thrash the add& pratfalls& let-oon finally to the ter= of theisdrertlr-ment dated June 11, I.llB4,sinder which the bid was nude; andOn case the mid --- shall fail to enter Leto a contrott eforeestd, gaarantoe to make good the dine.= between Wog= .by the said and•the limed feeponsible bidder, or the Persson to whoa the . aintract may be "Warded. Witter', I Qtrert ander ear hand. and war I thts —.dap lf.G.„ .111;o am gneratee ,.. .=O appended the official . !lath party obtatning a contract will ho obliged bzi enter into toad, with appmred . .hrotla,tonJh bath ! fgleYeenllan. .• Upin the award being ,Milde, anctenfol. hidden will be not.ded, and rarstlehed with forme of contract sod hood. " • Mho Deputzeout morns the right to reject any Qv all Ws, it not deemed satisfactory. Propmals will be oddresaed to e•Brigadier General °SORGE D. RAMSAY. Chief or Dreinahme Nash, Ingle% D. o.:' 1O ohdorio:d ^ Proposala for 21- pounder and 921eunder Shells" ' • AILOILGE D. likhlelhli • jolt:110g Brig. Gm. Miele! Ordnance.l7 . . • 11 - 61WESI 110E8E81. HORSES! ' . Wow Dmmeramer,oos.tist Duns" Office of Chief lanarternmetee 1 - Wazaricrroai Jima 11, 1864 . - • icalod Propseels will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m. TIRIESDAY, Jens 20th. 1064, for TWO 10015g1)21) (2,0OO) OAVALDT 17.0g8211., to bode. ii t. r tliooorarnm.t Stablesat Globus° Dew; W mi en 0111. Within forty. WO' dayi from - dais &Zama SO be woad ton( partladati, well' beekm,fuil in geth, trete to (IN tesiztoon (10): pa gili hip: from Ire (5) to übsr(9)..yeara obi, in Lig' scarditicat, arid well adapted U. evei7 Way to - 1= =Dons will baelskit — Ity , u'i . km-od - - . .. to and rt%it engssed Menai pealitadar. Id will bomb:ft:dno4 Wiwi stilMrpoide4ll - manatee for its faithful' pertharrencel s ag .4 Xriatallt•tes Wider ,guareitte the pro of-a. bidder who abould - proselo be Arse. eter , his name Itill be se ported tatter esenitedy of of lgar„irlthartoringsu idelod that each ofacesbe fesed deedeke. t a ' bidders and gnmenton 1011, be held to the ite seeocinteii47, .Ad area Were to Semply wl terms of ..00ntrect r or to make the ciedract wh ' availed, wig •be -follagad lir proscatitites ii -the extentoithe law. ~• - • - ....- • W 'of bldaiigUrent2 - tall b e •bwicwgiPuw•... 1 geuothhi.oifew . • -- - en t e r ' I)..mmi biddeig irtit `be fogitired-to MO written =tract., with good - and tneclanawleurit7; Inc 1 on the wareptanceist Mir Mita oath ? f allegiance meg accompany cachbld. 2 tmdersigned • merry the, .sight So , blest IA ugh thutretonsble. •,:. DI toganehtingrat 000) bargain& 1711111/511 • -Dle, ALIA:WM meatbee,of illoiwessegtdral sr* r p r a. at will be propptlyl Mao on compWira of peealturnst be to YiiopmalefeaSeratm Dorms " and addremed to Cephihsjja, A. serissii ; CbleOvarternmetor, Cavalry Bureau, Wuhingtati, i . D. 0 • anther infannation Willigtittemptly gjiaa on a l bastion; personally. orle.letteu r to JAMM XICIN, 'Avian! Colonel slid Oblettiner er I ' - . trasury Bureau. Wet Purslane in open market will be continued at CI - bor e Depot until the contract Is awarded. teg.p. us Euale to °Grat:aim of indebtedness trr a 7) home ar more. cr .. . Kidd • 9 6-PinwstrastePlltsbar' jilf. °e/1iiii , 12636 .1 .;ifi “p. ' 11:::; , ithir,SoM . VirDreirliTtell:frAlieglie4 'erordli *lll battlftna La a x t : AUX" 'tdally.- • =. 4 , . - :• , .1 , - In _,,,ziPtagd- F 4 , B.IISE, ' 1 ••• , • V 3 . l r,t 4 4 . ;4 l l o l# l3 heurs , '. aiirraiinn t rprrb - ampa P n IttAlsort... • • 61 LAWS ." 11110Erk-PiPpersurt"lo. DUi i) 11-S. .11081 T .T. , 3 +:-. , •••,, - - • . 4. .:-. ~, . , r. • ..,,,, r.:4-.,!...,,,L,, ..- P irSICIAN AND4tS/2016 03 r: - ..; aa. mini 13:niixiciiiii2.. ritabm. J AMB LAFFEB Tr , A TTORNEY.ATAFAA.W ,--- All inlftimkPlrOtlX)! 3 S./Pi.AL:: 5 , .1 ogno 4m,-ii;ro Ira - Tit erritur; bhzki unbmik, • .-.•• •••= - traztlagri caIiABISB, /4•GAZZAM'S I.4k* VlClatr,,,: 0.439 4110PlosTngET.: Q 01-INWHIUk. jav . OSe6.lo4l l orwirth ar.lT -41 _ .,..z4 ... ,...,-., :t , A . T . F - :.t. ,, ',': : ',7. - ?•';' , T::',.:.-'' ' ' 144"9- 41:3 .11P REMIND /: . Oh:T=4 LEMlfft 001117A3174 cr.pite, eacioxklo,vithighttw to Wows , . co eft.° tkomock - - ria;;111.0 -• can ISOM COMMIT logitsittz genjitil ander the ItatlaCtk.d. t i services tor t.lis trsaisienr ors. Gentril - Badness. Manx bor.gla, vAljtol4.f. Da Dipalt;stia Ckklloctfois made Ott gl pada viltui • 'Heti. icil2i4an" S. 11. _ w m. 000 per. WAAithat,.i f ers 1,411-t, mgrRD NATIONAL 130% _ 1. 6111 PirrTaltatili4'‘ . . - Y'DEPAII ZifIt 4Z Dyrna: Orme on Obarroartaza or am Chzaarinil ' • '• WashingtaaVity',74ol74 , l6l. 7 " trallAutax7.o.f/elehno. settata 'tho taererslgn beenanado.to mew 'TIMM' NATION Ali BANS 'lll/ - Prera 4 M" ofAne•gheetly,' anti *at* iff i M . =thy bean adz or ! i4 arsalartnal to the teqatmonnta of. tax Antaf.Onagnien. to Ant to prarrlde hlttloael ~91Iffoneeafaitna/ I,olgtrof ;Mahal Baton Rhentoh O l 4i jilt . the ohnnletton and. n,edetc, a ppm' MI .retanary =wig; azd 'hall , fottodVillt Ta t •F'oelniotorot asl.l Act frialaitietth'. ofonnlaler, Wore countnennetstbeliodonisof , Eattklagaz.u. l l, llcor;theenihre s ,Ell+ 4teCtaMp i rtM of the ' ftrreany,' - ao• hera*,_txrtl . =RD , 11717•11/7141, `O7 • MGM County of .11Inghen7 and. pavan , Petty Preas4- lab.; OA to =omit= Utabnalnom of Banklaltnla• der the ant spread&- • • .1 )t ttatlndoley etharrieif q 191 cfnee,ibta .27tTiday rebnrarr. UGC - , . so.] mow IsccramottEr;.— . , .:_Clamptcoller or fluellnifeda. - . TIMID NAnotia... Bass sera orgsalse4 =def. Sal4ol3al a o iie l" 'U bow preptred to du i Ventral Ranking BtalliOlit! DEYOSIIII racrrirsD, Extbanget on - thifiltf• cloak rifler of the 'Era and Wert bo.l radiollf and crlloctlons nude In orrery amsalbte part of the °Sniffy. C 333 for IMEPIgat (40a.g.tcomplellakorlbs re* atifng eon= of, Wog area glad 91 knell plibb DAME,' Hoom . latey itcs4ll.l brt CITIZST3B-BASEr - N7,-cari Wood St- a ftrirgiir alltt I W. E. E. 41 . - . A,.Eig.o.. ... ...ylA A. &Dell, 7 - Alai. Houtabk .y • ..„._ 0- Dilisriztarn, • - ' .- Matirraeilag. t. ADAM DOMMIAN, Pres Mont... "NO- B. XaTE.NcI.STO I q. Voirtabr.......-AskaMor DOI3I,IOII3AVINGS - 33 ureic,l4:l;./.. - coLurrimaDmi-les.% ppm daily from 940 Ao'clook,alsoattAvecommusy4 tioturdlsMulugsaroso Ist *WI Notombor , aicfroz2 - 'I 9 eolouittur 4 ;s%*.;Pevosase.uti.to.. ;awm.2r tore - dook: , • Depostut rumtrod - of - =AV Isar toite t o was Moll., god adlildead theitronte theme torks - ar 'TX: Wk. 49.1 1 111 d llocmotar—lutolost baslxosa , i& ;Rot 19AR. December. IWO utoY Rer.A•A‘..l I T Er- eirtlif Ite derrn..ciat, to I.. v tAl2Al2ll:lile of thadaplaitor ogtwriotiPoir4u4 lwem the nal In.v Wort. frulo tiPt fait &jig! Docesolwr, wounding talcs spar without ttoubl thodownd• tar tOYALIZ, elfin to pfaicaai bralas Wok. , At thlw tan may wittdoohls itatattLAAMThittiti. Boas, ccalefatag -ClharlAn -Wane; Staid" ituAlkzoistim, fonlishoLguttigrouliPlAkAtiou - ofilm r AB -;- Jamcs•llcuistley - -- • - John R. Bacanbargaz, /nava Madman. • Peter A- ktadalraz WlSllam - J. Sidman, A. U. Pollock, EL MUM WEL:" Iwo 11.,rsampak, Amesammo, _ • t.i Men 8.-Er.hddsa. _ jobtaL/Isaiddit, , : par - wgca-P.;thrzgkt. Jam Orr, • Sawa lLobb; - • c~h Alswelre Etpe64-. Alersadar Lase r l5 W tlttlet;. . ""z i ry:, 0.• Mit' Wets Anomie John o:BindJoy. George Ineck, Hill Batiorha, Alaro Maim& Oolton, J 7 Benj. 14 .l E'' Joloo - J. Gillespie, soot WGISam 8. Bann, Mae H. 11,naket. Jones D. Set] . Groom= ombllntaar isrsen.s.Ares. 1829; FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 01141.8TE:12 PHILADELPHIA: Arleta ma hump 1, 1at4,gt,id7,84796„ flapltal.-.......,—..—............--..--0 00 , 01 : 0 - ...- decreed Berplua--.... --.. • 611,00 a , lareated Premblati-.............• ... ' 11 ".91 ••• Caleplel Carats-- . :::-.4 8,418 ..c. !mama for IS6l_ ETOJXO-.. ~ . Lou Add dues Ip2-....-..............1....d5,000.000; - :, • Perpetual and Temparary • Polbta: !tau Moral termi. ••• • .. mmarroas t . 1 13barlas N. Baacker, —Loma Lee, - -; ..; . Tabu Wagner. : .. . ...TMaard.O. Der, ' .• ;, Samuel Gnat, • . , Gra. Tam - ... . • .. t ' Jacob C. &MS, - Alfred Mar. -r•, Geo. W. Illcburda. ' ' AILL Wirdic:li. D. 1 , . . cramtass N. BASCOM, Ema.=t; ',I ' - EDWARD O. DALN, Ina Preedast. L. .4.9. W. lIcALLIBTS11; Soc. Pro: Tam. • • L. • . . .- - J. IL 00711 T, Agent. • 11AM - • •- Lamer Ward mad.Tblid utnista...., NirSTERN INTITRANCir .00111%;* ; 1 - lil ' or nriaßirsaa. • - - • 1:- - Mr14 , 467r., Priabsoi.7.'“ GORDON, firrukap. • 0131 cay Igo. PS Witet greet, °pangs Clet Warty b iz oß up stail, Pittabm2h. Limo grist ail Ale ur MAW': :AirI,I9I.II4ISISISCS 040•140 a bp bill/0041W CarXlMaJpUld 3. 20 gni *ea. 'I: . Wadi. 1=190.1111...5.w.,igh, to Aoafgalho fie donor idOtklbev:/sior 11.0.104-at aferYll. l . l .4_ do!" k tancroats::: • Aackeii EaosJ.snoro.a; - Almada Spear., Daisd DLlasizo : tH3BDON, /Mei Mr-Milei, liimHHolmes. bat B. Henan, Oi . Bklatsan, -r3IIRAMA . FI,I3 . - .#ICD bmurancello;of North Amelia. ruiLa-naLITIA. CZIMI2E= tfird Fire Instatitice- CoApaty., ' • illgrProtectlan rim CO semarrA tri tb!lt abais natd64 old mtd.ridtpla companks.- , ,•• ••• -- • - :esta , !'" • f;V:dl7 • 33 . 20 I -40 CaTIZWEITIZETRAIMOO- gPiainrs4? or nlTSlVlMl:rtglegarif Miliistd^ • bki ictmaK foam. ,•• lintePte I^-? lattetts Bembostst% it l rflt=e d BSTamik azatltimaiipticaiof thaffer. - vn • istadral sptcurlAmaaadituroci47 44,,t 4as. Per Jr l • - "f'` JobaiSgptaie 11.3% Rkag ! , r omt-- -c .ITa - sa:S. a... _Carfft,, ... L —. - 212; , ai. .._„ 23,„,uivroortm. • '---, - %maya , EoPl2.&lNggitttilC- ,X,NIT4 2 (rat .. , z, , I Nice, IL Z coot NrgOPM 6ll .§±4t l t. 'irjul'AND DIAPPREVIxixat, 1. , . : : ' Drx ,;,.., 1 t.,....' , - - ..-.. ~. w., rump, . Jamort. Yerrie4: '''-': e. 4 $ • 4 fjobaz Yiroas, Coptaohn-lanlkelay ..•••••aa , Wm. Is. 114016 , Basatel P. Stuttiror, . „ A t , j a m Z. - Pwrice, - - ' GOO WI P.1T012114 . MU lea EL Mune ' O. Mu= L. • Wm. yoxi WA. : Marls@ atzbckba, `---, 1 , , .1.71. i. PrittaMPO, Prestaro. ', . a.' •! i , i JOON WAIT, Roo Pratioat WIL 11: 011101141, Fordry. jalials ,`" •AliiiEWIE-NrINSURA.NCE• OOM- -, • tumor 741538U11G1L, Offlah N0..11•,- ttrta, Dot tric , X - • " inn t rk!nof fin naLLeine ;,R ''• • JOILIPO.4IIO3IM, Fill 1.,D. is - tPtlemPli Ll' /131:ja /OW Jdh,D.• '"° turv ., °. go aay 5 . • : SAL Ony, • • Clig• Wm. Dias, ' /an limb, r.. B. .L.U.WrsT - • ..;•• , __ W„ A, p —"'''..l9l=WPWRlNlrrii. migni6.l a: A - LlittON-: i ii r ): .1 i -0D lOUSID ON NADMD AND CIDAJNAMI„, _ ‘Alus, IDA , A NOW' =W E MADADID 2 ilk , siklaa • 1' ' ' : . ' - , -
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