- . ANC& .., Strati. -„, A . ~._ Sicileat"ies the PipbahrAi Gesiat4 - . 7 XMAS. idiot% lit& ~ 43116.13-thste opPeais t bin detrind lbrallila ' 'of Gralttracept,N thellt, bleb Madill Stith Ai6.6 do' ~.:„. :-Idend etforrogr quota aliiii - tbous way dull, ,-- 4 :ifkistith a aupyllt - ti la eitiasa the druma, . _ she =ad be elb raged ate dealer. • Clonli 110,15 la and zieglec smithe tendency is down. 4 ' l. '''''''': l 'rie mid* iiii rl&ittsalt h e duCULM in Malted. ..:''' GU wit' le Ann witfi &ea to a fair 06tiOtt at nirPtigoDP , t 4 _ .tild 20 krruzie MI! - od e ., 0,11.14 dpltsfutuarnsag4;pitteng front .c" :I . ~.".. 43 toilet; lielemm, ina-latheakir-it,fatrum tram; ' ' ' 2 1411 .7 30Cirr l ls dna but the deourod Is t and the ' ' ...---- -.. patiraly of a Wharacistr: ' t • -_,„ ,:`, : itm - 7 ,-- o lid° *imbrue-to geots.thous. _, , • r- , - ''z- - :' FLO tra.....lsran Sad kg thergqa ba a umuaa :,-,-'- ' ' -., • : - s od &t or t:l. :a 't4 r, :==‘; , ij . 4.ll f.,,,,,,Prv1s to $6,13 ihr Spting and VI later 'What , . -:,: : _ • ''' .': : 4- _- '' , lAalie &pita b only ;de r but . v . i , .411=* ..r ;r and a ..r g.a,.t..= totliver •.. 13 all7atit-goott ar7 s y Te' e 7 d u n LIZ:= - 1:: „-,. ,-,' --,:...=..aseliai arty , ' ilia. rrheolifeevala apt Ers-a lG gel V2 Aisiei iastkiraxiautal MI per amen. The Oly to ilght,rotoi them le some in ,trVA tit f i l lt&ti ...,, with. ~,- t,1, - ,,..1-sobt. i Neal to ' - ties apply, ialCtiirOote selwi nt froin.lt tot% Mr eOmmon toprlam selected Vrettarn Beserrn _ InaGGAll= l,l . t i r to and Aprla w s i st:Lb o e t =1:11,1 It tor .7,.......,1iir 6 f0r pfta ballot. POT6T I O . ~hees imd tba market is doll, w e contlate to quote st r' s I'o6 to SIIIXW . , Weeklyßeview of the - Neer York Pe. eleum Market. ; • ~ ..• iltitatakr, ~ - Nee Xear,Tana 11, 126 t. Itc l r ... li `%••'. ;., Malta Us isiibitibrehleictliity is bethbrob _ '-• .' .. '-' ' ' isid.Rebbcd POtnamato diktitlg the 'reeky:ld& has , ' ._ • - intertiord ale roy lest-hat the zaerkat hes teem , - Net/ ut ' . the im4,.htsh priceof - Gold 1 -I, ' ' as eemzeatil th Paper buss bast insterlelly ea • I" -.`.''..t , * - hawed thelis of hOldero-dsod Iso t,riltetlPtiaolm t .cl , "*: , Viten inth 1 7i 5 6116160 icePeetnirthey hiee t , ' - -b,,,,,, enab led a the cart Ow days. td, establish 'S . disked Mt , fibs demand Mr *sport to tetti - . 7 7, , ,t.te Let cat aD• setbe in nu , .tyse...bes ...suma- .prom - tav e Z.•••• upon thel'em,lmodwabott te...dri - ifew of which 001 ' - treuqctlonii ban been !plushly beretreipeclaill, for fedora dell:very. Prime were sotnewbre Icnrer demA tog the pat pert of Um-week, tot.lto .delles hos 7 1- 'edam been. , tenorsted, and a further advance estat,... , - DAM. The chief inbred het centred in Crwie-In - ' Ida& than ham been large sales for July and . "gust " 450:- ; r o 4 ll ' ' ' w=:e u n ' t 211=B i ll e i l ; -,,spark.l, donna nor a owls- =. ~ • '' ` - eozadt. to the opinion or some of the mart *ld* '... , • *Tao l gie-he grill fell ullsorably. She snivels ars- 04 4 shderp`atted to Meanie more so.-in slew of `-- Welt omens maven control the market _ „.. t. ----- - ' - w Timis of Oredetor the wrokoomprtie tbOollgS OMP • ll ' ,- 1. - - , Ohio - ;;at- 41.14'.. to-43e on , the epott-bot, Metalled gbout , itt,= obis for future delivery at, 42t0 431 , 6 far , all this month and myedolbrultrioltuoth-Ois alr..- --' s 'r - . - Ik _t: lcsilgl er rbril ,m at 2.....k-c3Of ay ' 03,110010b1e at etas% for prime fight straw to white, Cita for pritmeethits-at width about 1561:10 bt" for furore w.° ... d'l l wi sma st4Ge g_exi tiio r tf. ..une "1: I ,^ ' - ,- ...- t r ie far st% *blurt M A O% bble told bail denTiorstu• In , I •=. Ph Iphla at 0234 ba on the spot-lecludim I ~_,1,000 blots to-day a tbe 64'% tdde ti oro 0 It• 1 mr , s4 , , The ! a market skald , o l vVo: b ir a i t sit 2 6 , l o:-. 71 ; V ta' inimer - GOV straw to witie. but 75' for prime ‘lhtte'''r lank 14 ' e°° ldelo 1' 1 c 1 4. 13 .117 fa :l 3 ,r Le x Will '.-- • -.. .17 5 .11 u„.za„Ln g fi....474.15.. 7 ~.. •__ _ . • • -,-_—_--, We teOteliSlen 0350 bblmeeddatek'atwe.t,72 , - - and MO do Bawd Ilepthe at .t.isbX i o op the epot sulfur all Humours. ,"' ?lttliaurstatitalenuxi4a4Let. ------- : -.4- 4cas 4-Tbent Its conthiiini fair lical dolma . ' for. Crude, end notelthstiadbil the A.:blitz are tie: ..,..: Ibribur;_the_market ripe. Arta awl prices hays again - fOrenced. Ws trete isktrof VT blob at My. lob 6 ' - todurridi TA dl' do It El; 300, I,ble intludel at 1336; 103 do dc. at V; Mel 100 dttdo at mi freu;oit hoard :_.,, , aei, -iiirtth but 6 single exception, 40 coati 111 lite /demi tigose this has ever; beau ;l a 41.. =tit pr..(kole Patrei .em = Entenxbefizilara abaceceetwgr elthetrora from Menu:kit as they - .3147 marsuattstwthesh=lithugEssierobnt 4=l: ,lror Helloed, then; is_considdle u her a uT u i s ho w lia - '- - ...... , thr ..= 1 .,,7 1 3 .... 313 .. 13 ge l :alamossiells l gl headers hat 11, I ';:,S . '"" - ,671,, tiidcpsystioas.'llandedmay be fad/ i quoted et•Wl L 6fo;O_ou the spot, and GO for lowly di- U strO, 14 th a lpor' -' 7? ?lt u etno r lest li4 tl e ult=l l % .l = ,:- or zetd 2 ;o43. - tart there lase quotable elto6 o la r,. - ' ,'-',,Cttestittlehat -,'t ~1., •,:;- ._trtte ricalpte biilti "titt 4 g l 7' idt , r t ias 7 : lit• va tolloirs: , .4 . . i--, ' * i 4 3,.. u .t. i ~.:Imo •-::' - j r;l u zu ''‘ essolip he; 301 1 Auleck,,Sall 6to 104 ei r mr. , . it s Gt sWbki rDsayet It i 1 Teitt.rpis • -- - - so a ea.eatact , ;_- 100 J ltta ninety 40 a D C.:clu.D • ; sa ren.:P ll 4ce j ros irid4r + Bro", ' t /33 T'ets,Anutber of ma.:::-....,.-- - ••••'—lim ... ~.'pr..:~'~, ~' r~ V _- f. ;4 ~ : '. . t. ' o: ,` Now.Y9oE_PetrolecOn Market. -. ---7 ?- - rpriist Diamkk to a,. c.c.: -, . ~. lir& Toil, Jon, 23-vere 11 a tut" iDecal•• l,o 4mar d for Crude and Fiats ban again droned:. Wan at •• ca Ots .pot; and esti; for Jody dellmsy. iladatila end is Arm glib aal:dm:mad at arc% - , •as the spot sad 63 fa 2ttly. Tree 01.1, also; fa Ina -- with 'she to I 6 fir :11661 U Ilkti, on the spot. Miths ts 4ohst tad nachsa4ol at "31243. : .1 M a U-State bsi beea mi h.ii,...4 .oldmdega la dameattc teem, at IT fall pique, to mart the =trot addeatiet of ossaahictorere, leldle the beld ame fa Morfsa boo balm comparatively smsll. Pad - - Law the Mud ectloa of Coagren of the tariff, Nye - -El are 'man-lead with reseed to 1 0 cm. i• 11 • • . milled Met 6.11 fat= importations matt ceaw 101 l entwol rams of dt:lU . dyrbet_her„andetwead ATI . .• 0031-rtireetfLtOtarka of is* prang tempo:Li Cl.. Itbd with add sdrsaclag and redcmd mods, - the * t " earn et holders am oonsittenblyabtrre Qom bf bait ars. 12w rats tread. 2222 - 02 fei demmato Came at i=asotecttarekart.cobcott a=6,o44othip= - 7d,ofa flto 41,17110nda,13 tar 0m to costar adar, .. '. : • -.' 620 trim cam 12.509. 114 do good madakneed co ,.:'-.1 • `- orsehed fhwits, UAW; 104 do tow PrMeace. VT; ter ~...:,, 1 - - Ihs Bab.k 42;102 tubs limbed dfrisao,'l4o do .. .,... 4 ,4 . . t . • ...„..._ an do X•rags;b6 do-1./trite D 02121, sad 16 `11 . %• • • •! ' ' . l 1 d• 11 •Mta bid - F lO On•ual.--02 Soma we do d. : 201!,.. ! ,% , ...::- . • • • .4::::• • •:. - Y. ' • 0. ',• • •:. Y ' ' I I . 'r.'' tatiYlCaHarkt:t. ;' ~ • k' . I _.....,...:J=.1.9-Th. rscalph of new =CLD lane bon leaf Ws, sad the ton ekrrt fr a Itudo ruler ' Wlths hitt cocoon's tied amlalts *fag destaral. Imlos of*mad Soak at 58,24.4.1 3 1 Wey nod/48, 7667 i • ! , 1 mooll IOWA; loom. tad peoltsf, U,66.0,64. Oaks • ,b sum Dia a'. esrosoado Moat 0.9p11.1 . . I- - -Id the Batre of 1101w3 .17.t0, 110 2 tarp •: ' ; ' ' ___• 4 - Lod mecca at Sit me 4 tame VO,teis .• . • f -:. WA aodloc. r.1r;4,000t r 71 , 0 DLL Steeflree am t - , • ''''''''- 34e-r,'".611461::ilt:1;'""g*1 Lnir'll'4°' ' ' idg 41 imports by Ballsoact. ' ' , . . re Wares AHD Corrasao a ft,Jons.l.l - ~ - for r" da,l,lllor Okmt I co; Ica Mime f4dae 1 t:_..E< - t • p a =l i t l e 3 bb i .b Oract iaU ilo k ! a _T 4 Atoway ' iCCI ' b e rs 4 / -" - , _ n 'itr. "1 , 4faasTlArdtset 'Stow - Wheat, .18 ' ..- - • 24020114 ow. 141)bblat" Soar llatormaes a 7.041111 . • so mix poi. Volp a 0 •id the Inks tar . b v6 Zt ° be l4‘l4i Mcal t a rte ort i reL * rZ odrgy a ,22.112 sot =... LI -tionelg 6 col 13 pr• lobarto, String k toress.3l. islis 0.14141 do ttrlm, Peter ! --•'. - 1 : !Un a ; v i t a , i ri llt 2 r; 11 1 5 bris i tst 11,o w i . :Lt i V c 3 0 7; 1 t- • t ..---36.34, do, Ifryosticharde a co; dB ao oo,llakortli, i - al bol di coi6Jkl.,dsi.lsll4Ljos it a i t to , ; . o:l lt do do,ltGt. • • , aft, 412t0 otass,P c .rs , • ,, 5;'2 14 .15. tamps, W7a & ~' • - -- smU .6i rags. warm, & 43160 L-14 big choir s at,o . il. iter it Loy: o e.. Cl. wor&Trisetdd; 116 Jo do, .s„ , ' ''' •• " „•„12-11ao *Mat* dodo, , *llea lk or: 63 do do. . -,..'.^.--,:, , - Mettle , • Vteet .mt.m 1 - • ... ra ent.e o, a Ids a 4 2 con lookol t, im?t .& or 6 pi d rop . W r m g ifro.re _ I lt: cm.• do •••••46 . • - . t '' • A 151.03/ Entrolt, Jove 13-2 Anberlr, Jriba -- Kortar. Lava as/e-W Ilselmataticat Sour Otdo„ 16T getatudy 6 Bra: 1.13 Its cuts..llltortafil phi ihh, A i - - - &try, otao; 1 tad erldelty,W 0 Ilan to; 3 hi:mho:Ll.; ; - -:- ir b*jfieTwltt:Vreuatlybrltmnilt'Vttis4seV, . ••• :' X7ll/4 4 • 13 .• ' • •-- 1 - I'l ..- -• ' " ------oaperitaisi.-;;.-4:F` 't • '.: T • t'• . - :-..i -iiiillUart,tx--ni tisiiii22d2l:4 •. • t. - '; , ..' . Cara a c. 4 6 k.t., /mb ,_ 10 •••• , ...,( 4 • 4410 ~/1 1216•g w• - • ' 4 ', - . - ".,..,, m `' ° " t ' , „ ~1 b lll .1 4 1 7 ,11.7„17.;. - 23 — iii - aza :nr74l --. lfrit • in - 114 10;8 flptociimkt : 1 -...-• -.- • was iteo.ormss do,li do oats. A a 11112041 Jae -,... ..hot (hlfzeillmit.ta.. Jl2 BeteMllo l WOrj . , ••••11.1idso A Atwood: 1 thl 41E0,1 121114 14 W1 • 2 ,..t. "'•",,,,..,.' "'sash tags. de *Was 31 do oats, /do Bad* IMeg•tt .- • 1 . . •.• "t - - .Itlittel; Iha &heels is* P ISeamm 111'ela float, 40 abi . . 1 ', . tmommomape, llamas, len • era 60.61. Cu ..of. 4 _ '4- do dry awMis, Iha bow wea.llM4 dtWettgal dEt ' • ' • ail Vas Ardeem On OM l• blew Ins. IletholtaMt; 1 -••-• ' • tot of Intattrl.-11•041:11-04214f/;111"e4Tie nodal ' la • ' BITELISG.- aIACIaT4.-.7 fsatt . . t 'V "3 001 .turta •e= • , Howat d t 001 tel i 141 lona pi% sushi, ' ii i rsr .un' ' & ''' 'l P4i fi dniN al i i k - 4 1. 1 1Z &N ri2 s • 1 . WK/2414mA A c. 1.1.??; :5 04 bba.,'D • m_ .. 14.1.5 4 , -,—L--,- - ',. • - • i -...,;.,.; , ':',')",l3 . 2. ';', Il • • - Mita n Wool 'Market. •• . - Js 31 .2.1.1 of . doctootlo far the weak icet -Jots Op mom 11)(400 Ite, at • decided improtemcht la natl. asy rade Ibr Mac% sad TtaXii La merited wan Iminded Are 111:eacto.ett vgasaat. Y - Neal et 15c la -it !ch irs an ive elo;111•11SG-tddo r d "do, ?edeye;oan. If or r:. ort Tra 1V.1141 t 154.900, Wootera met &miens super polled et 7 adltc; led erten do at tedsc. 1c foldipt the atm here tem rotoldarible at blrher rates la view of the WA erepthErt v pear& Cl I.dte hake ail dactiptlms. momoi./ ece do papa at 4941554 sad _ , Mill ~ ,,,,,,??.,17.-::- . ~ . . lii do 410, 0 E'&& tri do - do, modal a nroian yakloo Op slibminolo0o0; GOO oil ado, Vane y,a t *pm 20 agypos, -11,6—Ialoiosteck a co; ID do DO, Wu • 09 a. na040.001 , 7* CIFIr. YBt.. tralitelV-411 It lath" — ; SdoiN.ll ' il g tr a ,i ms ntLIV:y • E,..44 k . sint,. . l morrow aco;l4 rollo_lootboc: Sao - g to _ 5 41,tr a goi a:or=- 4 r' o& t ' e°f ik . . iMul,' . li pis =TA:, 0 Usrbugra .co:10 bbts r. low Morn; la Do do; Verna* 0.07; ID do 8a A Quinn; bdo do. Choalloo1; BO too locy . 0 0 1 P 9911 .- .. P99 114 9 9 9 dffr , Aller, toa. NABlitlLLi—rin 0 Livr.9B baits ititii,kllaiiio k co; al todoodo,ltiotai Yenacelc; V) bap ylboti - 0-I,Dlstioill TYcomay t Dm 9 mu 011•01*0 1, to;JooOrslea AIX 3 gr.0arr.,21.1n,C2,-cliestaillmf z*. Vog 101118 TklaSsik -4.7.-aussotrax =at-1u outi new imairtuta swarm mux. JACK) • lohnson,watieg* as above on tutsnaTitinlith, fut. sed 0 1 / 4 loct - to Ret¢bt or Immo On Usk. ligraattait WEESlalilif • t YANKTESSIIMDS Ann *mom NTSINYA John 07, • • lam Pittatershr tor Wheeling every AY; WEDNESDAY and gIiEDAY; reskrog doe con nectione nith the, Wheelies ant Yokeribtiter. 412. , hare Wheolr7. - Y DAY,. =MADAN hal .ISATUDDAYing_Ort Xemonigner end teelght.recelpted tbmigh to Partainintr& , ~- ' yrs , tesighsorprinetehjeslon brad or ."JASm et a , On Whirr/Pr& At the lbot otf ood tr' atieot. VONWHIMI x TL..AxD zexr3V I I =atedutar irt , Tes llLSlSaroco ft_ p, ..dad Zatottilla=sult& tmalwile2Dvii..Y4latim'al o z. 4111. lIMIZIer atatubt,tcata Pitttbaristt 81A.T13111:14 .t 4 ta,ltad Zancrtltleratery WMAY. at 8 selotk .Itl fre VlllMATeggra 4.-, •,==.6). 11307XLIA utirrED- STATES - 1101116.: - if. i. ceis — tcstei ope 6 for the tithecot Therelei, Jens Zd, 1.86 fa Idid tp =e Supervision of Clot.:Jantee W. • Paean" with 31r.12.werd Elettniti u itedstent ,. • . - I'ractical and etredateed Tenors haulm* inn plool toe aseh department and every anntroa be trade 10 coadact the wee to the entire sadden , Alter 'July Ist, fbai' Vela; Will twee itneVirest lorry,. dilly f the Tett Line Wettable Mr hoer.; without mopping at the way stations.' • , - - pampa car writ be ran Wom the hotel teas .ddeteest7 mealy. tolindee. ..t 1 n. Had a Bud. under tbe direction of si Edam fisadar, bas:teen engaged ho the sewn. ?erscassedibinit to endue read will antler .*-33 . 80WN lee( Olt LPPER, Pro_yeietoin. dtlantleetriZinwiers7.. • 1i 8 The Band Bar which last year termed oppo , alto the shot* Lea enttrets disappeared. batten she boob one of the beet weirdest= the CMS. .W. lO - • `UNITED STATES - licYrEp; COB ISLAND, Wu! In* • -ww!lra; , Beg toni to thi sttaatban of ear irtands sat ths public to the store ottgolltioutt ortablikllmltnfi which . ,lll b.orn Or tt • rreeptko of .1/Otor. - Om tboltra r JDZilt. aside O tipsollbt2 °Otos lOU sad Pular*. iya.- 1111:midantiols1 lumber tff . haze =4 mat , Irrotila- - Lod UM Boomy all boar:sully tandaltsta now itut,Vropristara of tblir oitabllibmott • Zig4mcce ostpertts to MA volt, of thalsgrloth tttoreb,,T baying to 'ban liberally In thovttblia pa. cos for oximst awls to , thi illbSVriber& by Utter to OLQOLs*I rocoho■latustpt reply. jet 4 . WMT 'NNW - Hißr PREPARA.TIO'Q COCOAffiltT CREAR, rqu o=o. Djp=lo AND 814.13711ripp6 , co'btansulnil. tbs biarsad ate It'a pun* mat `toe; wt!lch $t retsh Ockio eke rgutrlL " .a for. , • • - ear iaudglita +ma mmotin g m ' th ibk -bUBIra 136COMIT CREAM tt uossus the lisltnfedf 3 adP. Irox4heitbolniU4l4 amV It exaheoin.aniutedSclap. It /aothn thlarritat,dWP. .• It L sbairobat IR is as eigiNd Patam►• It b at: ekpat Parltuaa It L alt tleggett Perlbas. - vrodum tbe 'MOWI O44O . profteas tht ntrtrt. It voltam the Mast Ltsidt - • It ;tuft's the Waist Lutes. It ghee the Herr ea erLy hp:edam*. • • It ern the nal rea any dapcsrears. It erre the gar so bUy "permutes. It . erre the 11/4r *a 014 Appersaae. • - . • Tar Oiling Wilshire It 61 it* Kull. tar Wing Whlrkace It has no *qua. lour OMili in n g g W t i ke e r rs s it h norcreL . • • /cram eta abal tt Tar dots arta mina U. far drug eta ostas IL radar" aßtar 1:11113IF IL It jprvtatt any It restate arq It provosts Gray Hain. It pntrlnts , . •• ; It proviatil Mgr bow Taming arty. It pr 0 ,4134 Half tram Taintag any. • • • LI prrrern to 11 sit ft= Tstrellot It yr mats Mar from Tcrallag any. No get preparat pawns 1120 pwanct ;Met. Ipe vbk.ll gemntWlyratta ta• Imam hal" M . vocoJNOT. oftE,!.w • rmads tba °born. alba It grceroces t.b•Oreirth or lb, Hat. It Frozate7 it Gambia al tb• Hair. • It pracooba lbs Grath at the Bair. ' It la Da abaist Hair Dmitag fa do Wcrl.l., /It* U.. c 10717.4 HarThrew to Wad.. t. Ina camped 71.7. tr rstlag bi Do World' bi the cheapest Aatr Dremlng in the Wart& •. - / 77 7 71 , 7 b7 t Dr 3.1 3 7 . 7.. ols by bl .n sem by ell Druaistß, 'tar— /1.r1211111:111,D1140, 1 TITil errata% 1 . A B HEADQUARTERS, Ulf =OD 0111.127. • ./• 4154 FEC11 5 EIPYYN faits taalatsake t/prass sal alas co b 1 sae& .ot rt., - gxlvtv mous, OANI EIJACIIPNAVDII3 naels.eu or BUTS ad fOtIiDIIAN irtaßlES, ad am. Issaltlas asaldelLAllM adld! . lB: l b!aTal sne basal to tads -* • frAvigiCko l ;. • - Prmandamaw.isitti ti ant coo pada Wet Snail 61101Z1Z FOr oda ge Illiamodassa • 9L0% No. 138 nor erni#;Puiibursi. . AB LEy Lux, r riims... Fon - and B 131.4°44 an " ~4 "absx°-ii, --- cillelltliSMlAlLiooi ' it"'"" * "' aras l a DII , _ - sm ,m osi,, mialsom illsoto4 ..„.lamil it,',74,1 1 =11 4 , lilliatt,r;ititini, t. i- ,_...-1,;4'.•••••. l f - Inrsingfr‘ 1air;, ,, A , , , z , ,g.:.....• lik..tte.ikri',., .i•-,,,*.t.-4rr {l•%,;';`, _:- -:- ' l' - ;- -2 -' - ' 4 ": i - taxi. • .;.••••:', - ' s ' - - ' ‘-'''',"-‘-'••'&'; al: -- r ''' •••;.• : -':-`,4.1%. l-r,!,:-.;.„.r,,,;;,,,',—..r.. , ..,,,-4.11 ! ! ,-,z.i, : ,..,: ,: ii.441:-.7ZR77.-T.::;•.-L.:77;,,71,T,..777.1g..‘71-,, _ .. . .... _ ..,....._ . ~., ~..„. , . , , . OFFler.sr. -LAWS OF fiTA.T4S. /"asicaof fhs P ar4Seision of the trioWir-, htk Covrtu. . Ch 07— 71.1 ' ASACT foe Mos claseileatlin of the oldie tipsynmastersialhe si n end graduat ingtheir pay.. istogolig 'the Bitiate and Rousoqf Hdpirsessaisalf,thellia ted Staffs of Amer ka 10 A:oyr= asetiaded, That the annul pay-o 4; olorks tkpaysimstere'in tt l9 . / 1 8 1 1 7. elmllise as follows, tutibly Xlerka lopaymastecre at the Bolton, Heil Ihrlyr , Washington, and•PhiladelPhies tits - HOMOirelvehnadtml dollars.; fit oflto # etatioae r one thousand dollars. - • Clerks to -nsMttirs in, Charge of pro `visions end aloWas Wt sy Beaton, blow took, •ot, Phllidelpb* twelve . lugulred dot- At other inspections, one thousand dol. --In ether rembriog slave and in vessels Of Chet tante, ands! thaNent Academy, one thongs's& dollars. Clerks to Ant paymistms and to Pay vasters of vessels of thtfeteesul rate, night hundred Wars. • Clerks , to psymaisten'offressels o the tlilid ate, having'tomplmilents I of more than one hundred and seventy five per. sons, and terpsynumters of supply steamers and etorst- - vesseheinven hundred ProM , 34 Alia no paymaster Or otalitant paymaster-aalllte allowed vessel hiving the isimplemeut of one hon= sired and iprenty;five_ person or-lead ox. eepliligiultrpply steamers sod store yeti um Ana/Pravda; further, That nothing in this sot , - stall , be =attired to :Alter : the par:riot allowed by lair to thelpay militefe clerk at lifaswlsland. 4 • • Approved, - May 20,1884• 1 l'oirio:- - flo. 78.7 Ae "tar iiiiitinveppropriatlens for payment-of the awards made by the commissioners appointed under and by virtue,of an sot of qqkasgress entitled ",in-&4 for the relief of' parrot's for &ngel enstsined by reason of the de , predations and bleats 6: Aortas' bands of Clans Indies:ay". approved Yebrary 101883." f j.j St it weld by the dents siutffouss of Rep iirentasivel of at United Sate: of American; to Wrcev airemUcci,'That the sum or nine hundred said twentpeight -thousand four hundredd r and eleven dollen or so mach thereof as limy neewssa4, be and, the IMMO if _hereby appropriated, oat of tiny money In ibe ,Treseury not otherwise ap• propriamii - fert. the paynient' of the see. 4211•.atoounts awarded biAluecommission DPP:anted under end. by Virtue of 1 an act_ of Congers eittitled "Au aot tares re lief of permins..for , damages eustaed , reason. =of- depndetions and .loirmies by, certain bands of Sioux Indians," approved •Pebruery ,sixteen, eighteen- hundred tad sixty-three, to--the several pereons firms, estatete, - and corpontiont, nspeetively, tee 11/10131 such amounts were awarded by said commissioners, except the follovleg, per sorOcrsintes, andlltum to'vetuon award"' wereMude -as aforesaid, to {Antoine !Marts,. 1. C. l'oberer,- 011bault and Coin paey,-W. I, Sumner. G. L. blendeleobn; D. C. Marvin, Joseph Popp, D. Heinbaoh, W. W. Pendergeet,lculti Teed/aid, J and C. hi. Dailey,. 8.. lf. Randall, Louis 'Robert, W. Forbes, estate of 6: B. Gerrie, de oeased, A. Vides' and Brothin T. Pierce, ' estate of Fronds Labathe. deceased, S. A. Hooper, estate of James C. Diekerison, ceased, Henry Apple, Theadorel Cron; Charles Jacobs, Immel, H. , 0. Cobper, IL A. Cminingbare, Joseph Deimotenu, stud 'Henry' Rebut, which bat claim Is num bared ps on the books of said citands stoner* , EEC. 2. 4,04 fie it further nada, That for the payment orsemuch or said awards made by said sommLulonere to the per lions, arms, and estateswpea oaßy named in the ant section - or th3s ant, *US Sco - - retaryrof the Interlir shalt typos esatelmi Coe and to be dielo them respectively, under said act approved Febtuer: sixteen, Anne Posoluteighteen hundred-and Sixty three, ;the farther sum of tire humired and forty-ores• tinnsand /nine hundred and vixty-tbree dollars, or so MINI therEof as may be-necessary, be and the iamb is here by appropriated out of any moniy in the Tresettrritet otherwise Appropriated. Mid the Beads* of, Lluiluteriorts hereby" an theriked-vid'alrected to piy,•to the sold several. claimants, Or to their Attorneys heretofore or : hereafter duly - anthosized, other ' 4 11010- ellaM4llth 'pacifically named is •the intention of this sat, the eeveral - amounts is .:awarded by Mild core misaioners, and also fo _pay the merit gams he scity_lind due, not excMding the lunoulltir rcrPteavely awarded- I:by mild /boutmisninima to the said persens, firms, and estates to eptaifioaliy named,' Approve, 1any"25,,:186/1. Y:,11131N'.~ mL.ata. sz BUM b 981). . , &id Lao of ROL Il t lttmostio Itoldsias aul Log of Bair. It PlNlTlltiltaldrois tad Lcoi Ear" 'lt ProOuto Waal, and licai trt ;or licauurt Ors= moms Nara Cocaina Onsis 1.180.0 Dag alt Coaaolnt 0140012 D•adafL Oxuamt Cm= moms Dandrff. And It ratalisi all Its Bess:Wylag resets Ana Is rstatu all Its Baur Mats assollt ratalas all Its lama lag 'Strode Asll nubs all lta Dean al 'Meta rot vrmdiks OLINS M w dachs • Vat Drawing and Oiling the Ittatache. Dffiging and Oiling the lingtaats. Tar Thawing awl Oiling aw Ilust maim IVIONI DRUG STORZ, "ir 6 ltrerTP• 79 4 I As ',ACT to StalloliZa the establishment at omen tall steamship service :bet weep the Vatted States and Brasil. .Se rt enacted by the SOU* itad 43111 of Re- Priseidatives ot ibe United Maw of Ainatea is Comas mumbled, That the'Postmsster General be, and bels hereby anthorited to smite With the7gotilterl poet ofßce depart ( remit of the empire , of Stull or such officer of the government of Brazil se shell be authorised to act for that government, in establishing direct mall communication lemon the two contrite by means of a monthly line of drat clan AMerioan ses going ateamehips, to be of fretless than two thoneand tone burden each, and of suffi dent number to perform twelve round j trips or. voyages per annum :between • pert of the United Stater, teeth 'of the Po tomeo river, and Rio de Janette, in Bratil, tonohing at Saint Thomas, in the West Indies at Bats, 'Pernambuco, end such other Bratlllan and intermediate' port or ports res shalt be considered nemesery end expedient: . Ptlebted, - The:. the expense of the service shall be divided between the two governments, and that the . United States portion thereof shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars far the performance of twelve retina' trips per annum, to be paid out of any money appropriated for the aerates of the Poet Oißee Department- ' Sect 2. dad be it further muted, That the Postmaster General be, and he ie here by authorized to invite propos-stiffer said mail steamship sent.. by publto adver tisement for the -period of eixty days in one or. more newspapers published in the Mika of Washington, Baltimore, num. I phis, Nei York,- end Boston, reepeottvelle and to @entreat with the lowest responsible bidder for the same for a term of ten years,' to comment:strove the day the,tirelsteam: ship of the proposed Has shall depart from the United States with the malls for Bei-. ell: Pi prided, That prop:weds. for moat* trips—that le to say, for twelve reatit voyages per annum, out and back—are rem °tired and accepted by him within, the limit se aforesaid, from a piny or. parties of nedonbted - teepasidlith: pmessieg ample ability to furnish the steamships required for the ierviee, /ad Offering 11;e , ' anti =Matelot Untie for the faithful r-, forma= of inch contracts - dad troincild,' father, that snob proposals ishill be sok *opted by the governtatel - Ot - praeli, and !het distinct end inmate . contracts with tab governinent oontaintag ;similar 'pro vision', shall be eucuted by =oh untepted bidder or, bidders; *sob government to be eisponelhio only for its proportion - or the subsidy to be paid for the service: • 13= It did be /ugh sr nutted, That any °patriot which - the. PoeunsaterAend oral may execute under the authority of MU set shall go into effect on or before the Ent des y of September, one thousand eight hundred and alityteve • and shill, In ad dition In the usual etlinlatioci of. wean mall oubuislito contracts, provide that the; steamships Oared for the smite shall be eonstrnotad of the best materials and snag! the , most approved model, !will modern improvements adapted for ha; going steamships of the first clue; shall, before their. approial aosisoo34,lloli by-(be tot tot botpectioir and surgo. by an ape by naval e,onstrator, .to be detailed for that , purport, by lbs Sanitary of the , Nary, whets report shall be made -0 • Its Post- master 0 enerai ; that the two gersranents shill be entitled to have I:reimported, tree, iligkitense r -azt sails tand.wary stainer, a ilingrat to take charge or and a er ials • dwatiiii Matter, to lib= imitable sawn , iietleilleiefur that purposes/mil be siert- Id; that Inods d *COO say calla • • • - _ ~,,„:- -- .T:, 0 T.T:7.'°.',,7tr.1.., ? , ,7 .' tc perfona lk Ey of the regular mentlay voyages , sti tasted for-Levee eon fte t, • prarstat tlen - shalthe'vaide &dm the compensation orv•Acoottnt of such eglitted voyage or voyages; that suitable fines and penaltietiMity be imposed for delays and irregularities in .the regular perfornumee of thetleriloe'seeording to contract; end that the Postmaster General shall have the • porter to. determine the contract at gay thne,ln "vase et:its being tuiderleh or ds. signed to any other party. 6r.0. 4, And be it further enack4 That &email steamships employed in 'the eer• vice vtathorized by this set shall be exempt from all .part charges; end custore•iitme dues at the port of departure and arrival in,lte-ilnited • States t Provided, Mast • similar immunity_ from poet charges and ortstom-nonse dues is granted by the !ov erall:lent Of Brasil. - • Approsed, May 28,1864. [Puma— No. 80.) 'An /or for . the' relief of the eitizens at • Denver,in the Territory of Colorado. .. Brit mated by the Bemis and Mem of firpresentatiVel of the Claud States,ol Amer ica in Ceniress artscaded, That the, pro vision" of -an sot of Cot:great entitled "An act for the relief of the citizens of towns upon the lands of the United Metes, seder certain circumstances," epproved May twenty.thlrd, eighteen' hundred and • forty.four, be eo extended se to authorise the probate judge of Arapahoe county, in the Territory of Coloreds; to enter, at th 6 minimum price; in trust for the Several we end' benefit "of the rightful oat:ups:lts at said land and the honk fide owners of the improvements thereon, according to their, respeotive interests, the following ; legal .sublivielons of land, or each portions thereat as are settled and actually occupied for town purposes by the town of Denver aforesaid, to wit : Section number thirty r three; and' the west half or eettion number thirty iota., in township number- ; „three south,. of range number sixty.eight, rest, of the .. sixth principal meridian: Prooide' d, however, That there shall be :inured from suqh cute and entry each blocks or lots In the town of DMlver as may be necessity for Government purposes, to be designated by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Sec, 2. Acid be it farther mooted, That In all respects, except es herein modified, the execration of the foregoing previelons shall. be Controlled by rho , provisions of said. sot, of twenty-third bleY, eighteen hundred and forty•four, and the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of the General Lstd OfEtee. Approved, May 28, 1844. • SILVER. PURL BOA.P. 01. - CIMPTON & (30 867 Llbarty Stroeti, , . Bals-Propftte,rs and iSsaututarers For Fedora Pcilrauts, Ohio, ladldnd,llllaote inlllsl.lloud. 1 . Ai;3: maxintsettrers of a rapfrtor arty li of Palm. Gorman. Olive and R.Osin Soap, aws vat= VOILE'S . AND FANCY Stmor • • Of az brar,Lß BOAP, shish rife coazs denthilly a d s bettar for general sae thas sny other ben= the petite, shouldba Pante to mind by tener possalt,fialt,Lline or Babson any ether solitenee Is Its mentdhcture which ;at shriek or %lure the finest %Issues and Woolens an be tessOunt with Abe noldity of Ootton Lbws. Mathis-traded with the stprAs SOAP do not empire bakes or half the rat:lll4. shteb of COMM PUS the WO and Wen - - BEVER PEARL. SOAP Semmes O r 331 rt, Tobeeco Mateo, Pastas' gad the Inn* Bolds Water -Steles 102. .4,041614 i. &P 7171,4 It et LPo • geoid tioage; thus prroteothat Vliffious,,Plarpets and Turaitors foam gado an. slop:' It impish, a. beililears to Mk, ogrelellsonraredtsraelled Palittoge sad Patent Im am . immodlikteil; sad for cleating toarhie sitd Soar We It has on equal, roe the Beth, sad Werth , lits ll 7 tslihoitiPtuatag, the lin VZI3 rautrBo4? pertixt lasers In • waro.sll sil the n ro trkd tts superior quolitke. sekoowiedge* pest ddrokeirr GHIA no. This Chrapriay =hi kW from .llwho sus Interested In using droop. end :In' , stM. Sass will rofmsd the prime of the some should it mi to edieuripligh 'bet we dale: (al!, II weed ktotodieg to oar tkdd - at ma mas nal porripx ti arty Domed tosee, &Unwed to the eon Cr bask, arta At- Itsbany, Birodashato end ctlyl raddetexo free of thugs: Dirociloas *treks oa 'La peagar. 'Woad discount teem tads.. ltervkittits from obtioul vat do wet to , give osumproxi 00. trotLibuq• lurk oPP:- tact reaterylissi•Vasetotterksp o ' - /;rBtrersrebaltstloos; ilotiodourano =ler barks our trigle-rtgrk—SlLM Pamir.. MILL second by Notional *MUM. -7— Orr= Cht.saaros or incubi Itareattel 20to artuvriox Macrae, Pa. , Prrneaus, Jobe 0. lef t. HAVING ASSUMED THE OFFICE of Whet= of Itterrod Dierorts, I ea now prepared is rosin all tan dot coda (bell. 8. nobs lags of ths Mated States. This Collation Dlftrlct will be rnbdtritlei Into. throe atsDitorlcut es follows: Ent Dbtrlct eel rtabrere the city of PI debacb. Pitt Tonally, Leernocestllo ad a buoy of the ateardectorte south of tbe ifouroggebele es him otbore cr irerebouts ths elfy, ad ell tars ell/ be pia et *ls office, Po. 07 Fourth amt. • Proarta Dlettrlcs.mtll oraudat of the Torroddre of Jelirson, Ellesteth. Yerunift, Putt., Phum, Dam, Mato, Nobles cod Odds* sad the borocette of Dllabeth,Weet Xllabgthotod blame. port, and will oaks Dement of tars to Dr Sim S. Itairlacra, Dort, agitator, at nab thus sad pleas ate he beydedgests third Dist:la Wit embnce the trernebtpe of Cm: Sttle7o.l%. near, North layette, tenth Duette, oncordab Dpper Bt. Clar,lcrirea PLOW; Cluattasilkvik, Union and Dalbeto, bath theltorrogbe of Ilinolochato, Blnelagtoua, flctoth bad Watt Plltaletrett and ktrogoncebes, toting each partial are sniped to 119b•Criet. Ito. .1, sod "tamales orpmect to may a d A. &mat, et nth time and - pare es he edgirs'o. Unpaid tare ortda the stitolobtraloo of the tbllector.sond be p dd on or bebell lith hut., otbrrere they cUI te placed ttl the tomb of (be proper dicer tor collat. The sootdbfy ILL Dr April. are tab th the end pey=nt sort he made on or before the 10th wilco .W be ectrat of the thaw exel Places W M 7 tls t 3 far limbs and Incomes. WILLIAM LiTTLll.Oolltotor, .Plterni4 Basuto, Dlstrkt; PA alts 01 Atriamittile, Ultestnes's Cirrus. lone 7, 11441' VOTICRS IS 11111013rGIV.Sli t the Mesas ars hate this day pined in this oft= the depilate.* of City, Poor, Dula ea, a n School Paildins sod Baum Tates, and of Water Ent, for thepear ISPb. sad the the.salA tam firm non 04 reconed In rannance to the hits of *notably of Yebnuuy loco. and Apra Intl, eablnt to the folkeuriag regulations end ellowaucce: Meow mot tf pill on or Mon the flint day of., Icor per cout.lf pad as or befall, the first day of Nolwo pet real. If pai.l on or before lb. drat day of I rina efter the lint ol Pepin:Nu and oe or Ware the plat day of o:toter, no deduction shall be nada. • If pel4 after the fi b o gi ef Orion?, sod hat .bifere tho era{ des ofet. dye pa cent Ihe added to sod payable on the awe. • Afar the Ant dsy of Revinabar, "arrant' trill he nand to enforce the colleotion of all taxes Um re• taaltiloj a ed togetiur inn the pet rootage and arso Nothe-11 the tenants of the City of Allegheny will now, as heretofore, delay until the Lan few Airl of the nsontb , an plaaai come taralatno3 vain an eat" *apply of the trine of patina. lege, D. .0P111)1AIr. IMOS., SEAL & 00., . • AA! • ! • WOOL Commission. , blerohz6ltei. • • 341 LIBERTY; liTitEgT, Corner of Walne;, nrfaßlatd ll,2l . gar Wee.,ooFlatt FRUkr AND !SHADY. THEM, • Ev.Ena,kcEtors.: ay. . • of Anis... ilivamcco, Imi tag WWl** coal welkin for °Air Wa bars asps dna mom, ss Earl) Usrmacitakilms Blurb, llama Ploptri, Oates, Was of Tompkins 00, Shod. lifsad Green, Mum If asap emolco•lemee, - TOLIN M SOSO; raftn *Ma, ire:,,erftb *errTZUGßitook=oCUf PT.I% CUTEST, TRACT. PLIISIM TlytMetlngk, ausmunar, Gum/mom /to., ge. • Ari 091 , 410* to n offer areas Iffelmemmts to plants, or Ws. Orden lefll or We 0 • Calfd, rusibursu P.Ol l oulte. b• .n=64 to. a 011 S Jr. Jolatr.T Plittshrek WI Oakland litemertlk moqww&a.ll Hats, Caps and• Straw floods, Have now In lawn 114 lerAest and mattr.relarl. Hock of rxds , SPELWPWISA4I.44 I 4, trot aentvd In the wini, Intelelnd to sin sad naaqato. 04, Mika 'EP ',PON'S "I" flttibero: ..•• • • John stas h a.Co.ts Soda Ash,. . ~ • • en Px•zotame• -N IC.—"Yithereluis` ot Loon + u tt li c. t.sl yoraVto tt b;i rtni a Vis l ttt ...ttro vill /4"lnitlitat°ll3"***kgigui* thtly sawed to tito touxt.loctlin ot Gyp. - tti Com of sir bit Imo a &Mild, - ! ra talaskt tailor eaCtioetlaid aro tornbl tut. - - - t lirm4" PE ' aj"R" .1111.*MsalWiliallI a"Maar. riiiiatrra Itnirre;7ll tad . dais.. %..zimticemilbeAtof wlll o g oc e ltld tam •::**% • .;. ANUFAC bop, ; mus 3 W 0.11103 - UADM & CRAWFORD, ' ' ''.l:Lusertiorrrorozof orery rutty of fln mass WORE iron Purems, Erma( OR CLiS ITTSILBS, 111.03312i1t375, AND IOOPPEPSINInIa. • DRABS ammo . of all .-..erionr. ninla to sTralumet.womm, A.ND GA attendato. Yartienlar attention gab! to littftg ny EX•rnfr , 11.11.5 NOB 00AL AND Opapou ou,a. the waters Harlot of Penn- I t ZM A II7I2: of LAUSDELL e. 00:8 PATENT e BTPIIi PUNE thO boot gem In. dated. Havinigno mho It to not liable to get out dada. and Ina tbro mom inner .than any pump minim its elm. , • - age w. . luc miat . sum TAIN CITY WORKS. Et ms.wross, mfreirzuzz.L a co., IVMM= AND NACTEITIVIMS. Oortuir of Pike and oralizat tad Pit* sad Walnut El treats, .(tlew City Wster Works.) • Itlstesenneolo et stationary end other 12101120.8, BOLLING IitIELL.OMMLINGS in assomarmax, of all kiwis, and general Jobbers. MILL 21430: Prosort attention given to repairing HOLUM 17 ROBERTS, BARNES tc CO., 10.89 Third Bt., Pithy, _ ; • S ATE AHD MISS MON WOIDiESEI: And Estafactozon of JAPANNED TIN WANE • We ors now marostecturlos and tom on Axed ItitblEßApgarstas of nil kinds, Toilet Ware In Botts, Water Maas, Grocers' Tea .Otiptee Wasters, Cesb and epic* Boxes, Tombler Deaner', Spittoons, Ste., to. A large lot orßtrd Outestor sale tom. Oil Oxus of all sins sued patterns , _Tilt Booting, Oondoetors, and all Wadi of Jobbing IVO* dons to codex. p.&TENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITIIIIIDOVS PAbMT OV.AT•,T.AMP OHIDINI3YYS. LI FEINT GLASS. itirM Chimneys me Intended tar tho AM !DON heating all poets of the glass evsily, does not ospas ft to cracking D. D. DDILLUIDGE, DIU Gisis Works, Vegan/ton suede ,spry , . Pittaburgti. Penn. LACK DIAMOND STEEL WOW, • P1TM1721017, Pi PARR, BROTHER & CO., tionolActanra of Bin QUALITY 111191/119 OAST STEIL, Square, lint and tkinan, or all sins Warranted equal to nay imported or .rnantnactured to this oou. uria-OZZO tad warelwase, Pilll rosy' sad 1 22 tiECOED STBSZTf3,urgh. fellayd A LIEN Di'CORATIGIC a CO.. ViLLET rainantY, Pitt.lan=b, Pa. bartVarelocscs, 521 =Kiln STEM llsontoetorers of COOK. PkIILOTt AND BEAT. 1110 STOUTS, PARLOILAND GIIATES, HOLLOWWARE, etc.,tlteel and Glass lloolds, Boll ing Mill CsOtinm Goistiog, Ono, Wiltit sad .t.r. Olen Pipe, Balms, Dig Irons, Wagon Boxes, ate or Rattles, Paley% Thingers,Car Wlsoels, Ckrapttags and Coatings genrally. Also, lobbies and Machine °Wings roads to older. Patented Portable Mill, lath Swim or Horse Feuer. • (- A. W1DNF2551114, ; natroraorwaroxi oP wouo wcoa Sara IMMO an Iwo cud costko to °car MOH AND DBASE SCIIOMIi WIAL 040T11; str.vzs, of Slab; RIDDLES, far - Flunart cur • P.V.ST WO ea l u E v r ra WWNDg WD 1.. o B UToDm Moa k r ra.. 0 '47,41 Ci WLSZ !or ash, STREET FOUNDRY. ALFRED DAVIS, Men= (axis= at Andaman a Maim) respect. NO Inform Ma [tirade and the publb that ha bea mowed a Iteentittien the yw l = r t'sad Clidacery. tans,. opsdt* Irolunt's Bram CpZQ s MIST n Cr n C L i ag P l ituteata, be Spacial attention Area to FlusaleA BELITANNLS, BRASS AND BFIIIET METAL •WOLLES. COLLIES & WRIGHT, MarroolSobusrs MOUTOrtTEL=ILAELP 81=4 NW Sad LAMP SHAMES . A lso, LAMTMIMI TRIMMINGS. VMS All CSYMB, A= • MAoutsoturers tt Collins MA 6 :3'olo4a TIN JOG SOP. No. LM Sisomd stied, Pittsbargb. sgM PENN MACUIkE WORT li AND • TOITISIMY. . 11 W10741A111C0., CO INGINE NNW= AND ALLMON:TB, LaMar' Briscr, Delray Peden! sad Sandusky. ALLROINNY czrc PA. .11Annhatnnes of WIGHTILLAWS PATENT POET. ABLE OSCILLATING ATIAII =GIOIA Mad. ins, PnUess. Urpairfts of all Mods Attended b. - 00 - 11 Us lf• • kril7oE, Alkyl:my City, Zr-sualartares for do My fr.Gralla Ila ku of Iconatoy, Uolao, Wray and IPrallia Bird patterns; do. wrour. AND BAGGAGS TIMM, wamniaiums, aurruia Bow o d Worl• an vatic of al dacrlptiong, Aue, err= 711Zru, for My gad Orals Bad nit 4Ji. FUNVNES I ante of the firm of TOWIIIS JO LOS - 111:11.11014 pat BaroneOm) ILION TOIIII DEN sad ISSOirlt Illaarattardn, . . Axa,mos7.IIHTLIEET, Hiatt Wiut, Pittetmegb, Pt .1011 H D. IrtlittON t CO. Q SEVERANCE, No. 53 Wenn' Rt. Pttutmegb. mannfectitrar of BOILER 31111113‘ NOMA ITT an sum, common and milroad, of aver, deacriptica. Particular dad or Mined tir Mid and arsrrre, bos of mai made to order at short notice. d good assortment mutual, on band. mrdimen IVrELLS, RIDDLE & (X) No.. 215 IT Liberty ates_•_appodta • Stzth, rittsbnro, mannlaetwer• of lawn', UMW and WITCO- La and arm description of VIATECIaI MUD D) WOO& _ Orders aollettadfrota the Owe, sad goodiganent• etdpW w. BENNE blanufactureTs of . wars frroll sM COL. CUED WARE. OlEce and Warebozia et 80. 14 TUTUB7I3XIT. Plttsburth. pr ITaBIN:Ci, ' • - Gas and Eittattn Pitting. 'MO FL-LUSA.; • -A aoe Yiottmonl or • 1•4• 4:!°1 1" 4 : 0 WASC 7/O I II CL I3 u A ,. W 113,; : TYPIL Ooiisstly os to order. TATE & SEVILLE, TBDXII4I. BYIITiT, A11eg1427 i AAA= ins= Taw, ritiatnue4 Kaaturdis . • BRIDGEWATER. TIM - COTTAGE ORAOG; is Pulp: taaaaso 611 =omit Drab 1311 , 1ci, to COMOI.B. TILL &B. ILAILBOAD: DIP* Mu ,•. . . • Ati° ' D " tr I d:REPILIT . . OAIIB, do :S. vundilsiiwiti.ini sw•dtdiriFT. Adans;;..*R 34T liging.° l 4oo gibkom • NO. no inns winciEhiga4smnak • sialatgini of Double Strength Mean • Pnperi or .11 evs, Eau. wurpris.in hone or mom to War. , . totoosa plat TAM to+ itinr., vs tam . or man rIVE EICIB3CRIBES, :1 • - you _ EMI • , • ' '• .- . S. B. LIES WARM & XING, 012ffItLISB1.014 lIKEICSAYTIS, OSE=III Petroleum and its Products, Ann denim In Ballnt..g• ilatesiab. ceiLly Ho. 83 /A A IT.Trit BT.. p LIFIII ROB & PEARSALL, Clearatsslea iQ•rahaat► & Brokers, Paroteum and Us Products, ror export , and hord. ceormpiton. 4.svls Om far dame, reasonable nix Moral sdranoes mph. B REWER, BURKE & Ca, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &rota of tl. GLODD, PACID/0 AHD ISDEBTX on, won= laborei cash aavancas Ins& on constiamaria Refined or Crude Petroleum COB. DinOTISHE Wet • LILNOOOII els., RICHARDSON, HARLEY & 00., 00ELNI - 1013 & TOBWAHDUICI lIISECIIANTB. Grade and Refined Petroleum So. 19 IBMS MOM, PITTS-BUMS. LT Liberal Cosh &roman on.conrigursonto mf Pittsburgh or Fast= Mask...U. Marra J. 9. Dilworth & Ow, W iug" ompe Dr b llM, E' Pr i nt. Oornorwreta Vaal, sat,lo:6o pON uITY 011, WORKS LYDAY & PIIORPKNNING, IShanbctrizon and Reausril al CARBON OIL, sae urn ABD LOSUIOATINCI OflA insa &tidal+ In CiajDrif. PETTLOIMUM. ,FortA, oppoaits lahr.robarg, Won, Vo. 61 MANP STEM. ZOICII Z. MOM WALLACE 45; CURTISS, Corniatacion MerelituLte. CRUDE & REPTIMI PETROLEUM ELinrsz AND LIJIMICIATIVI OEM R. al 60 Mf WEARY= P7II7,ADELPHIL la Storage enmity (under carnr,) 16,020 !MU Ala" excellent &ditties for al:tipping to American Shur, and Foreign porta, at our erhmi on the Schuylkill Shur, near the platform of the P. U. lafr.ly TACK & BRO., =TM 12 Crude and Refined Petro[deam, BENZENE, ha, tes w.sparus sa. puri.simnue. Dogma caudated to cm oars wM receive remP IWT =s.BlZTooth Haig a M.. B. Wa t Drake d Co. ; aad , Itlcellelland d Dot% Pittabtuth ; Ttww. Breath, La.t Ptat. - llook 8, d.; U. arte d Co.. Philadolrbid • anbely Mca)MICIE fi CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. TOUTITH STESI 211 and 218 South Water Street, Oanslipazocats UT= TO Liday h Chommalos, Iron Cit, Oil Works. Jacob Palatea or J. Painter & 00. • Jra:a Ctuallot, Span, Ilkaltaat • 00. VENANGO OIL AND TRANSPORT- Are mind to molt% atm and inn Crude and Relined Petroleum_ = cot resnonte r M sad to m at e li t t!dat Offtes, Ho,, 12 Pfne street, Ties York. wu. nowitr a s on oit6 640. - W =ST Agn, Off MON JALIEBS WILKIE% As% Pitt§ rofritiratitt :l V • bokoa Ode of floor. 7 J3EIPPEBEI OF PETROLEMI 119 MAID= LAMB, VIM TOME Alavia. °NM= for IYIVIL&011 AM ODIPPING at their Tad ihad wharf, Pa riots mylfatf, CIABQT,PEMBERTON & WEBBr4i. General Blerchandizeßrokare,. 1431 PIIABL STMIZIM.Nev Tack; Also, 15 8011TH, soar Se., 110135cipbf*, Pa. OMB & BERTHED PETROL : 4 CAUSTIUSODA, BOWL /403, • DUUG OILS, Ix., de. Orders to btu se a promptly attended fa salay D. L. MI MI, dtc, imam IS] wessur BT., Pim4ntsaLt. mu a Runup PETROL/MI . On - liomadoslan exclaitroly. ' LU tuns, II land . STORAGE YOU um= In exa .laurv, 'rat Pattienlar inention gild to OIL 10R:SISPOItt Yon BALL—OALIBTIO SODA, KM& Milt, anlal ALLEN 4! . 4 NEEDLES, ranAniu t v:nu. ocasaus" lantana/le, Tirticlitar tteattgapotstowa.tgomenle $ . , Crude , and Relined Petroleum. Lidind rims= tudo. Imlay - ENOS:WOODWARD, . (tale of Wm. It. aVoodward a O. ausuem 00172111331011 an:Baum opew setae* goento , tifitia. ft Crude 'aid. Rana' •Petroletug. So xu. Torts rum erunsic ixtua: OM. Y. MLLE OIL BEFD,IERY - ; -VP ) CIEO, I IC.' 110 S Lb air- Iloyvhetmcn of 811118ING OIL AND LIIBBICA. Two ontlunan Gwrotni °l.lol44with:lll'r W 1 , 4 Iwo, WAITE M. Wassict 13.14. GUIS& - • " • War All,ordore loft No: SS lIITTEL Bank Mock. woad floor, MLR fok, prpolp.3l7.itteedbd ROBERT 4131TWORTTcy - - • ' : sr., virxssuars— Forwarding - a ClOtitalturion ffieratiiint , AND Aar= SR orys.. , eiirumanumacwammemto;inumi PETILDIXIDI 91T6,3ka. constantly on bawl atul to sae at the linnet maricr, prie!e. Clonsignmots, sad aeon so** PTR9LITE OffivoaKa Ptixs sin= CIA 31801( OU,ilNtilLl3 AND PLTBOLZUM. L118810A7150 OIL s Goadtp tiro thoosaatt barrels w vat. - BMA* GRAN; Pbrws• OM" DIOSONCIAIMA,BOI7 B Z.., Pittibatek, _ ... • jail:Si:WlN' ••• --:- 1 .'. . , ....:". gawp, 4 0A7,, , a, .....,v., •• • - . , - ~ . - -.: .....,-- ~..:7::::::ii"AW-f Cir015:4% - •-• Oct it vitriol - sat . Aqt* - AMII/Plit ~ . ' sift's* " 6 " d r e ‘ itik'l3-121 Wi aj ni* - :::;*•":„*. - ota- diiAreli - wraz*T.: - . -, , Bl rturigr inB7 : : ' r7als? ?! . 4...„ , ,- 4 - :ii*Tif.. - -_ -,. .; i.'A.,.-.-?.'i',. -, T. , 1 , 1 .. •• - ., , .f. , •2. - ....''' -4 '7 ,tor m 7..!*i - -.- - '-''''-''''"' - ;.1.' - -:ei11.v.,i.0.t--/-2;c-,::•‘-r:5,-" r t CIL AMy =111391C 11= ri= Pe=lona awl its Products. 01IL, 511010 AD Err="2—..,...—.--54-a Tams. Oa WILT= 4 132 !WET 82Z1—....Erramaaa. 1:07 . Agentstor eto PORTLAND SZEOCZNH 01Y., WOMBS, _IOW YORE. YARAIMITNI CANDUI COMPANY, La .• `Y. A: ONAPNAI9, &MT, 118 Water & Ile trost st 4, L UCENT OIL WORKS MOAN, IitMAP ao., tzar:esti; Is 11 :Amirors e Pere White Hefted Orisboß One OS a, Ma. =7/Xali ME= ISAAC HOUGH & CO., ' coIprIFRION Usiduarrat Crude and Refined Petroleum, 416 80=11 DSLAWLIIE LIMI3II, S . K POULTNEY, Prrrernsau, Pd And Legere b a:Eucuoo. ATION 00117 ANT, OTh °ITT, ridillary ODIULIBBIOR YAMWithin" OILS. Nu MMrM!I CaL3DLIS r,. ,, xiorrea Tor the =la of Crude and Relined Petroleum, No. PS TITIS.p 131P.ELT, Pittsburgh. Pa. =M= HORSES! HORSES! HOMES! vr... - DainnEscw, CATOLas Boni Office of chief Quartermaster Wannarevos, done 0, 18114. Sealed Proymiffis will be metered at this office snail o'clock m. TllllRADaT,JemeetiOtte, WA, for T WO THOUSASID.(2,(OO)OATALItT BOWIES, to he de. livered at the Government Stable at Maxtor° Depot. Washington Olty, within forty (40) days from dote ofeai d contract. Horses to be wend in all particulars, well broken, fall to limb, from fifteen (1o) to elateen (18) lands bly,h, from Ave (5) to nine (9) years old, to geed condition, and well adapted in every way to Osman prop:sea • , • These specifications will be strictly ,adhered to and rilatednfinve wilt t . b..ec t =ular... - • wilaby • guarantee for its felthhel wafers:aim= - Should any United Stites officer guaranteo the proyoeud of • bidder who should prove to bo Bra epormible, his name will be reported to the Secretary of War, with is recommendation that meta officer be dismimeci the meths. All bidders arid guarantors will bo held to the shictest accomdsbility, and emery fallare to comply with terms of contract, or to make the contract when awarded, will be followed by precaution to the full extent of the kw: ••• 1 form of bid and guaranty can be had on applies ' Son to this ofece... - Sacceesitil bidders will be required to enter into ' smitten contracts, with' good and sufficient security, immediately on the arentance of their bids. • The cath crake.. must a eachbld. The undersigned reserve. th ust to reject bids deemed romeamerabla • Bids for era hundred (105) harms and rimer& will be emteertelned. Bids for As entire masher of Harms required are invited. Payment will be promptly made on oomplallen of NoNo mares will ix, received. • OSr Cavalry Prop:onlemmet be endorsed 'Troyes:lE Borne," and addrnmed to Captain JAB. A. Chief Quarteramater, Cavnlsy Bureau, Washington, 13.. . . Any farther Information will be promptly Elms on eppilmtlosq-personally cr by letter; to— ... • J A..IM A... 13014, Identensist Oolonellimil Chief gnarternientar, Clivalt7 Doreen. Dutchate 1.5 open inizlcet win bo confirmed it Ginsberg. Depot until the contract is Payment totele In OertlfListes of /Motto:Mem tor , linen 17) lungs or mere. iendd ARMY CLOTHI Aos NG AM) .EQUIP . PAGE GYM& Pi:muumuus, Jame 6, li6l. Pealed Proposals vDI bo recetred at Oda adios un til MONDAY, next, the 16thinit., at i o'clock M., L-r supplying the schcryllelli Arnaud 'with .the fol. ley lon art Wes, required In large quantities, eh: Yelling Axes, anus standard. • . Telling Am Handles, army standard. Be • - do. Bemis, de • de. Pick -use i une l ,_ dr, kanMa, do do. Oareplos can be seen at fhb aloe. Binders` must stater In their proptaala the price, which mut be Wei Intuiting, u valise In figural, the quantity bid for, and due Each bid man be Auarenieed by tea responsible persons, whose eigna. tuns ne tist. be appended to the prsposal. Bids (cam dedadttos contnstori eraAotba.receireL Mask Man for prop:sale San be bed on epplication at tole dike. sad each bid must be andoreeduritia the name elite particular Artie!. Cr articles bid tor. . G. R. OIIGEIPLA•N, • 'that j est C. IL Gen. 11. Cl. A. SHIPPIM'G. CECKAPPAC!BFBO*TILEat t MOLD COVISTUYO , LOWER, TRW TIM lOWPAST flu ardarnignad bin= macre to Wig 011 t psi• semgars t7,7llrst crogoa.ovai. non Steam ara, &rad to liar Yr:44m klidabstrab from Ltyerpool, ~ Queenstown, Londonderry,- ' • Clangour, Galway, . . Lower Than AmOtisr Itiremt Here. :MU and gat do and be A:owl:coed, Ocr diarurs g nn "los i!cr., dukPar*Matni are it?zaus Tao un - dmigoadldeo Agent fOf • TA.PBCOTT'S - Lies • of Ittrorito Marra pack", Milling twilit. a Iree!L, and for the X, =a of - . ZONDO* PA9Mrif, Panties t oat by tbla Una it low ratan MOPS DRAY= on any putt of Europe fat We. !kiddy to D. O'NEILL, - (Anal* (Moe, No. !Ira street. =Strom 6to 10 p. nu at 69 BmitWd Meet it burgh. . QTELIit. WEEKLY - TO LIP- ,-, 4.-7 ERPOOL, toncbia; at Qt(ZZEIBTOWN, 43. A. • , . (Oork Barber.) Rho will imams Stesottors or ins Ltrorpool. Now York and Pllllwhaptua Steamship Om:solo:1y axe intended towall ea follows: ZDINBIIEGE---.....--.7...'•.311:137.3, JonslP. _ CITY OrWASHlNOTOlf.....Eaturdsy, Juno IA . COTT 01 ansaaitsrsu—satard.r, July 2. And slaty svecoollag Oattes3,, al neon. from Ploy 44, North Iflror. - . • , , - IAMPOT PALLEILEZ: Payable to golf, or Its equivalent la CAMELOT : I 11 to LOOLOCTI.... SO ro . 0 tf, , fandost.-- 34 I ° X/ . ". OD PULL. ..035 CO to Pai5....:... 40 00 w _toGatel3l;-. Was - w to Ilamburs... 37 CO patwoors alto fonnudwito Baud; Bremea,,Bot, I tett** &atom, ix., at *gully low rates. ' -•- - - Arso from Idrerpool or tlortastown: Ist Caltlo, Ilk $95, 3103. 'Straw, $3.3. 'those who wish to owl CA their Mends can tray tickets hen ot these _ War thi a. ther tofortagfok siply. at Gm Gmacwf • Offleti. '- JOIIN G. HAL • - . - ' ' 'Agent, 'l5 Broadway,72. . __ lfaeshco Sothfratlow 317w0r1, !a . ' - Zia Ca Swlthe strati Pittsburgh: COIARD IIKM-it "7 2 : 34 tr°M •-•/ LrIaISPOOB MO 'SWUM= •. • , c'YA'sl 3l ‘; l. 'l.;: t4 !VOA -7Z117031,113512 varnes Ista,tvr* aaaktv_ • •tioltil.varrik;at, mathAtars -PAYSIC.LSX'S. otne k bcim to a. m. sad 2 tol Direlllng,l46. YEDXELLII STREET E11e6,1661_, Qtr, when cant b 6 stteade4l twit IS% =6 6 o•curjouny. . arra tcotsvd - D R. F. Ras. Surgeon std — liticoicheux, - 110.,ut to tscor'tgum sixth. D S: THOS. MAXON ass ramie - 4 from Sa:UOieies itrcoi to lio.lBl astrr, Amon, city MOTOR F. 1311§Ei - - Jo - - PinrapAit AND, BIiiIGEOX iti.;s;PElSZißTlliall7b;W*4 .8171tOliX1Bra. JAMES I,AFF EItTY, ‘• EIr4Y 4 . ( W. All lei* !cairns v!ingiptiy . , . .0111 es, /To. 160 „ItOIISTII ; 157,871g , 'telt Grta2t. • - pluz. T.wenty- . Inia-rattauding. C II E D Bob" vIII bo Woad s catifleato to= ono of al -moat tasptetable trtlataiot b Dr. Kever , s Wasirii Blood Ssarateri .112 Doctor's vartr.catie . ar! red. psi cm. need be dscdroita regard to his pnparstiata , Dr. Oro. H. Maui . : beciza affacted with Om abemt twenty yeant ago, and nary mar tbry was growing wares, go as to Moulds me ray much, eo Mush to at times as to_ unfit toe for work.. Sots Kann I was leo bad that I could not • do sartldna on account of !him; they came not on ma as tarp to a. hlckory nut. I had tried aarea dud of nediebe them.' I used to boy and MU Whaterer I could honied at: read of to circulars and. janaphleti that fill In my way, but I cooldiot getosurd; annetlmes thay would do me mine giaiddar a Milo while, bat l&rwerds theYeroud4 =rum agile es bad as. war. I also applied to two Doctors, who visited me at my Doom and gore me some medicine, DS It would not do, I could not got well. _Over.a Teta ago I got so advertisement of yeti Lindsay's /Dad Searcher, male by yourself. When you sold tome yea told me one bottle would not care vie, raid that soy whole met= would hem io renamed by the mediate before I pt . well. I booed lene,berale and took It home with me, and Mod it aecordlag bayou Area WM then ' adial to tae eggin,whon ration I amid - rot expea Mogi *bonen Dom one bottle. I • bought le, on. bottle at athoe,lMDl / led Cad Di bottle.. Alter Oat quantity had.tensi need, I was entirely wall of the Mee, whia bad tortured MI tor twenty yearn In other respects arf health Is fat. proved, and I ant es well as wild be Mode r/ for cat of m 7 age, WOE arty wee* past. 'ltem ban woll now for ski:eoliths, sad erne Is no appearance of a return of the Mama: • Iran do any kind of firming work now without the Pliee;nombia down and hurting mo. ,I can 'Oltoti hey, chop wood, lift, or do any kind of leo* thlelt beforecend. to hurl ms.. When I toad at your Iliad Searcher I kept on taking it until I got entirely well. .:ambler tt . my duty to maks my cm known folk country for the Deno= of others who may be sofering es I wee, , and do not know the nine of roar medicine. yea 'may publish this - id you Ma I Ilia In Wilkins township, and will be pleased Witiali any mow of the troth of thls rertffiesto the 4 Ida ta nd ELLIOT"' Wand.. oar Lcok .tor came of DR. 0808.01 KEYSER mane cor of the bottle mod pasted our the ant; ter Ma stamp on the [rutted Matte sh pu :L i pa ,Tp.tiheb7htpaor.petAbottatcc=3.bielnif, iter. market /RP Soleby the Proprietor,' Na 140 Wood Street, and by Immo& Jonaasos, carrier Roartit and Smithfield streete. mh7 • 11EltNIA.osBATFTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cared., Hernia or Rupture cured. • Hernia otßupture cured. Hernia or Rupture' oured."T Hernia - or Rupture cured.... ' Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia` cured. Rupture or Hertda cured. Rupture or Herrilioured. Rupture orHernia Rupture oillernia Cured: • Rupture or Hernia:Cured. . Rupture 'or Hernia cired. , Rupture or Hernia cured. zrames Radical Cure Trtici:' Ritter'. Patent Truss. Pitch's Supporter Truk SelAddjustine . , Pile Drops, for the support cad cure of Piles _ _ Ebutio Stockings, for weak aad var. ICOI3O If , _ Biagio Knee Cape, for wink knee :Suprorters, for weigt knee flusperusory Bandages. , Salf-Lijeoting and every other kind of SYringeL _ Hard-Rubber Syringes.. Dr. Bartning's Lace or Body Brio% for the cure of Prolapsnsi Uteri; Pees A.bdolniruil and Spinal Wealamesses. • , Dr. B. S. Pitch's Silver: Plat. Supporter. _ • Da. Mama will . give his personal al. tont:ion to the -application of Trusses in adults and children, and tie is, satisfied that, with anorperienee of twenty years, he will-be - enabled togive satisfactron. Diftoflee at - 14 Drug, 'Store; 140 Woon lEivazer;aign of the Golden Mortar. Personivriting.for - Trusses ehould send the number ,of motels aronedithibody immediately over the relate. sea? k ' • . • DR, RVIODAIR'S CATARRH. • REMEDY. MMM - _ ponotenta to tho ntry ` ttot.thLto rrtblydit. - was, sad owtormlostes U. root sad tomb, 'worm; GOO.DALII to threattad a l plTWOiltho - told Um world linos - Warn - - tomtgatese , —lnd wbst "'mold azro Ds. GOODALI Lao spat& slldantot.tn-13 with tali rdoeurfoor" plortog its /oast..ft and amnia- known to , the amid Os - fact ant; pa. - tint; which twa r tor Town drdad SU. alla star* or motion awn sod tottoortn thlicototry and In Enrom con now Do gorad; atm th i s ma mama artalaty Wit *Main, 'ULM*, Me& monwands wtortoom OW Oar/ tnowarmirta rata, ban trw ain rsowe il L cov4 .rq Dr. 4moDatars arampa, and noir Trona it' in Qs " • n od egt{sUpDt terms Of Pain,: CiIELOS•Oar F*".. 4 . I 4:TICTR*T* OII * IPEllittr a . Pu2;IIIL -Droned:rad / M M .* elllttoldway;lltorTritlt, PV/ 6 /"/" 33 . P 4 D. GEO. E. ZINSER, .-.-: woob t7szat rstsmmz► IaPIIT,O.Iq,OI23IWEENT, • , , , , _ iss RAF 31RIZInn.Ag eosorusic, , rev:menu, Fmi VW; tial3 theAßtsiarsas, ati an Itching all Earning 13anni'llAutItesto*ti thy Skii; Ittint4thellt pocanatai,te n.totakof Its ''.#4Jog="4 l, R =AI 1.02, th. gals bins* Jais,..otts the rmscil dilA. o l l o ll 4 ARA grel pzbas.ol tOsateibUtod 42C94112, Ocasir-fitt I seeds of Atoll/mug exteisateikelbeilaki ea. _ pricesdtr. iheecitAbo_Pollisisec. c 4.4 944132Rmmtp~, ate' 110,08111*AORAI ' } .