The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 14, 1864, Image 3

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Viffsburih data
:21:1231)41". I.4OIISLIM::::4UNS 14, 1864.
-!T To Sanitary • Fair,
1310 ittindsare at the Fair yeeterd e y
abontU hinzo as mmal, but owing to ,the
dimilnlli the price of admission the receipts
ezhibitidatcousiderable failing oit
Th e pan of good' are now Tao spitited,
and we ere requested to announce particular
. Ar that !the-pine' will be• marked down to'
such a true that it will be to the Interest
of muntuisrs to patronise the Air. • Many
articles are offend
what are asked . ;by dealers and the
-4 .-"ricaterial and'srotitmenaldp aro of beet de
,seriptlen. Articles not sold before the clove
oftht`falr, withdrawn from
:Salo for , rhis present,' epd Mined at
Some Adore time. It is not the intention of
- • the , toramittee that any "pert of ahe goods.
off ateestrifice; although the
it-srhole will be disposed of 'at reasonable rates.
Now la the time to - purobaso. •
,The contest forAhe Fireinan'sgona was
• ..contested with great spirit,yesterday. At ten
• „ eeloak last night„tho vote was os follows
non . 1.634; Allegheny, /,6.40 5
The other ttompnies are making very
alight` Increases upon their former votes.
' After te-nly,ht, secret ballots wilt be polled,
and =netting contest may be anticipated.
Cross ilia,
Teiterdiy morning a woman made her ap
before.Mayor Lowry, and entered 6
complaint -siting a tamale neighbor, charg.
; iag . het.wiih stooling two eilk dross patterns
.from her house. A warrant was lusted, tad
the amused brought before the Mayor. Dar
' ,. fpg.'the examination, the prosecutor stated
that the had puchased the goods from a dry .
goods tterebnat en Market street, ald in or.
- -der to assitt .the ends justioe, the trstralmit
mentioned Was subposeed to identify the
goods.. Dom laspeettng the silks, be recog
nixed them as a portion of good, which bad
bxn dittita from his stare' . tome months MUM!,
:Mad Immediately el:dosed salt agiintt. the at:,
lard owner for larceny. . This action changed
the - WanipleZion of the cue materially, al
. '• though tee woman stoutly denied the larceny,
ead . scstdd that she had purehased the silks
• - front Min Dim. The dry good' merchant In
• tatted - at strongly that she' had not honestly
--become the possessor of-the - goods, and In
.. tilted upon her being held to bail to asittrer
st-oharge of larceny. The matter was filially
compromised by the good' being returned to
`the original owner, the salts withdrawn and
the alliged thief paying: the costs in ' both
`cues.' As the mattersras settlod we withhold
thollll.Vl,l of the parties interested. .
-The Chthese Booth.
z - ,Among the most attractive featores of the
Bazaar is the Chinese, .14apth, around
very. Oveniag, there are crowds of/ad . les and
• • '
gentlemen, gratifying. their =lenity. Boor
" ladies, two gentlemen sad two children ap
. pear every evening in full Chinese silk robes,
gorgeously embroidered and decorated. But
nothing we can soy`can convey an adequate
,•-• "Idea: of this unique and beautiful exhibition
nstdatruotnre. We therefore content emiselves
With giving the following copy of the &scrip
- tire card which is bung up at the Booth - In
charge of Mn.s Li). Sarum, Mrs. J. F. Mao
kenale and Miss Bradford:
let. The silk flag hung between the alhir
and temple, is the Imperial standard, male
• and elonstsd by some of the ladies of :the
Booth. Painted by Mr. Johns, of Pittabtogh.
This Altar. This wu put up under the
supervision of Miss Bradford, daughter of the
late American Contra at Amboy, wad is a-oor
*eat model of the al:arin general are is-Chi
The small asp on the al ev repressnts
the bowl blind:nee. All the idols around
the ministate Segel°, excepteiro, with many
ether'mutioritiee, including two-thirds of the
robes s7rolll , every evening by the 1.41 es in
Chinese 'cwitome, were presented by Mils
- prallfor3. The two Luger idols on the altar,
with ether cuilosities in the Booth,
ats part of the spoils of the British opium
. war, liken frotts Chinese temples, sod other
.._publleintlidings, and presented by English
' wavalotseire to the lata Lieut. James
..,„Mace_Parker„.the. hem:Of the burnt Clubs,
.- -, Tempaer, - *.a., and by him presented ton lay
.. Ihttatough.
Thlardeles fa'the glean ease were de-
T...:Apoettett foreil d hltion by,,varlons individuals,
and are net for sale.
Atk The small framed pictures hang
'atoned thelt.soth; are painted on paper media
.of rice. The two Opus seated on the thron
' 'ad abate, ire likenesses of the Emperor and
,T,',,: - „liimprites of China. Not for sale.
- . Stit. 'A great portion of the numerous aril-
Ales displayed on the counters of the Booth,
Tire is New York, by the Sanitary
'Execative Committee, and are all for sale at
Vll4 moderete advance on the New York
'.wholuale . prices., Thesoprices were marked
from the invoice by the statism= of the .
Committee who are merchants.
The Tea,' done ugly. parcels, is for
• aals lathe market price. The - fresh drawn
-- Yea, after the tree China fashion will he fur.
- jobbed to -those who „wish td-laks a cap at
genuine Chinese too, in i China :temple, at
- ,ten ante a ettp...
Tito 7Preesed. - and prerer,rod flowers
Were litherst iethe,totah of Napoleon, on
'Ahelidand of St• Helena; by 'Miss Bradford,
• ar• all fortalefor the benefit of the San.
lair: 1. -
" 7- Orin Cake for' Pria;diat 24e,01a.
ti not •niinlefigiitat iithe a,-
:noir adigio_ the hinilsoins, and. eLiborateli
'oraiiiintoi. coke soma d.y.
!pita, in that..0.4241Te part of the Elaziltiu7
%et, a piece othitidlroik ribiob ta
lk, great credit oat alt eattetiimed. the ache
veleta West" pomade. • The base la oetagee,
L izeiprouptligelie feta' the eerrtee—aa-
"." 17. artillery; cavalry strict infantry. Tho site
'.fis.titedi: of auger; solid,- and the 'bounnet of
lowers le of Moran= "iwest" niatettal,
*Jraly 'constructed by hand. .Thi:wbolo in to
~...I.lyratnid feint,-forty-eight inches high. We
eve infoiuted that this beautiful 'cake boa been
'gotten up at considerable expense by lir.
z:and , :dinatedlte lb' Fair. It is proposed to
; sale to- President •LW 0.14, et
he obi* of the Italr,,for purpose quite
;.'"isciatirritter'nf cur pot:Hotta iitizone have al
; rad"; tibOttribod;aud before the. Fair closes
- Isar will no doubt be mitsed.
.. •
Court of Q,itirter 9 essloto
anfato :naps Mellon end Brown.
Zan 111.4;Tlinman zeta.* ,wAir found
gully of a charge of essanlt and battery, and
, --f-plsteneed to Tiey s lido of tin deltas itd
Edward Lewis; 'Who was conneotad with
Tissimlgan to the barony of $lOO from
. soldieic was arraigned for. Tbo OTi•
• donee indica wee oonolasive as to Ms gtillt,
tndtha rendered's, vordlet Of. $Ollll7
ter * fest minutes' deliberation. 'Plannigau
triod to-day.
:vas artalgu i - ehiirge of
faintest:lca and bastardy. Thic. cue eon•
sassed ths-prinalpal poritan of tie ifternooi
sad wits not eoneinded when we lei tho court
room at An' o'aloctr..
-- .TerightlW. Accident. ,
••: --3 ! ;;•7literlisi evening)? soldier named [Vaster
, OalVerly,,bilmiglng tothe 102 d Pennsylvania
Assurient,irm arrested ona eltarno,ofdesorr ,
floe - sad: lamed in the .gnard, zoom In the
netlistory of the,Girard !louse. %Be had not
.:Umnill bore bits few =Mites until he:either
•••, fell or Jampod - Ont. Ere' fell Loki-the yard,
- ;• - 'ulld'Itheri miser( tip was found to be' ery le.
escrelYtolMed:.. He had /unstained a compound
raotare alshe sight log the knee, and
Quid aw was eonslderatdy-besereted and , also '
'. oll 2iht l 7 fractured, ' Levis rodnced the
tometruord; limb,and Mo patient WAS removed
the hesidtal. < • • ;
. _ • .
- • _
Young, wh6
OW* *Appoint to eater to the tastes of hle
11114111.091/11 eAststioro,.hoo jusa imported two astotoutith taitles frees - the West Indlesi
tdelaege,fnor brought hare. Ooe of them
!tight One hundred and 'toTCAtpto9oll
Ritilinui•Jhe, ether, juit one pound lest.
• wo_to:ett exhillitten yesterday, in front
11.”Parebsap; gudtheelti street, earners
Of Vlrginin'Aller, where they no:meted much*
, Attearbi'
tte. l .one of them WU last night
cad 11 biteried nti to-day; eetrunenelng at
10 oNdethittls Aterming oneeentluning 'tall
;;;;Allsthig ht.r:latifiles eon IP lAPPUod with*
orwith 804_ by the quart or gallon;
17,1114'4U Mr. young's
stn iasso Vas. lassie's ,GoilOsay.-..The
doneart • by stare. Kieber,leblolt
Mesa: to far iamb time, comes
lasmisee total smopt !idea
•••:al4. , ituceig:ftil , entertalnmenti Tie coated
~le etrew (of thi•bettel; at the Etaaltsry Balry
1. - Sit ill eettlexte give all ma oppose:sotto to
ti.ther.Litontry iatertalsupnt uncut:mad
1: AR9rLpinj ay #4.eace Ball hat 1444
Law/tarn Kalifs Arttlim Flattal/46
Port Maus, D. 0., Irma 9tb,18e4.
Bctiiion thaatio: The inn shim down In
all tha Intensity of an unclonatid ski, tali
afar tae mormari
.eeemoon; the rat— , _stands at 21., Ind
the gentian of the fort, with the exception of
the ggard"sad fatigue detail', are out at ' tho
Inevitable drill. We think ourselves tolera
bly well posted already, after our two weeks'
experience, and would prefer the shade; but
our °deems seem Inclined to.pntas through."
illejor Enap's Battalion being still In pro.
ems of 'formation, he has not yet been for
mally assigned a definite command, other
than that of his three Batteries now here.
. Batteries A and B, form the garrison of Port
bleigs, "Capt. Joe. Brown commanding the
%Post. The garrison of this fort conalete of
Battery C, Knap's Battallon,and the llth Co.
hiassaohusett, Heavy Artillery, Capt. Riddle
oommandlig the Post.. It is understood that
Co. D, Capt. Stewart, !datelines the 11th Co.
Massachusetts when it shall arrive, and that
Major Snap's headquarters will be at this
fort. •
Two companies of one" hutdrid dap' mon
ire being- reonaltedin Philadelphia for this
Battalion, and are nearly Wl4 When they
arrive, Major heap will, no doubt, exchange
hi, present peasant, for "twe silver leafs,"-
and - bei. , anigned the duty of garrisoning two
additional fort, in this division.
Meat. Cal.. J. H. Obertonfrez, of the Ai
Regiment Pennsylvania artillery, Is In com
mand of this brigade. He Is- a venerable
officer, of much experlenee, and is wall liked
by the officers and coon of his command.
Colonel Haskine mainlands the divlsloo; tip Is
well known as an accomplished and anent
officer ? Wild lost an arm during the Mexican
war. General Augur Is In command of the
corps, (Yld) comprising the entire chain of
defence, around the thy.
The men of our battalion are all hearty and
able for their rations. Notwithstanding the
warm day, and cool nights of this climate,
and the unaticustomed stomachs of the raw
recruits, it le quite marvelonsto observe how
full our companies are at dinner call, and how
rapidly the fresh soft bread, bean soup, pots.
'toes and pork disappear. Tlie barracks are
well ventilated . and wate rtight; the bunks
un will .seinstrnoted—three deeps Oar boys
have become amustonted to sleeping upon the
bare boards; although not so soft, perhaps,
as a bivouac on the earth; with the blue be.
Spangled' canopy for a covering, yet the ex•
poser* is len, and the garrison barracks every
way preferable.
Gnu. Grant is being constantly reinforced
by fresh troopk. The nape of Gen. Augur
hos been largely drawn upon, until there it
bat force enough left to barely garrison the
forts around the city; and there troops ore,
geniratly, as raw as ourselves, with the ex
ception of a few companies of artillery:. We
knoW not how soon we may be ordered to the
front, and -therefore are being thoroughly
drilled, both in infantry and artillery-16. - vh2g
bcen equipped with muskets and accoutre
ments. ,
"That Picture."
• Ecjitars Gacett•• Will you oblige me by
publishing what "unvarnished tale hangs
by "that ;Actor)," over which the editor of
the Peet affects to be eo mach exorcised f In
the first phut', I had an order to /ketch that
procession, accompanied by a request to be
presenter. some point of its passage; but the
day proving anprrpitions, I foaled to "see lt,"
and was lett with no guide lave my own lea
nginatlon, (a Jade which, confess; to fre
quently beyond my •eontrol), yet,: having
aeon mazy "Demoaretio procesaons," Titer
:or thought of the difficulties which; sioording
the /tor, lay in the way, but was led along
dimply by the Ides that modern Democracy,
to be truthfully represented, melt exhibit a
three-fold corepotmd, ale: "washed, unwash
ed, and natetvitted." To roach these points
of excellence, with the pencil, I know of no
way but to adopt the "representative
pie," (one which the Rot, as yet; has cot de.
niod us). In casting abOut among the die-
tinguithing foam= of that 'conglomeration,
I was overall:a to arose the threehhold, nor
Invade the 'domestic unetualy of any private
damn, but seLeated material from amongst
those' whose peculiar abilities 'to "control"
the eeveial "wings" of their inatitution had,
long shies, marled as. public property. If I
made a mistake in the selection, It most be
• militated to my ignorance of the variety of
links that compose the chain which thi editor
or the Post daily rattles, and which, perhapi,
draws hie jug-gement car.'
He tells tts "respectable
. gentlemen are
made to firm as drunken testate." Now, It
Might be tiauestion of grave doubt here, if
the. "Wish be not father to the thought"
Again, loaprotests legalist " thisestabllsh:'
meat" being made the subject of the enters
, and jibes of thous gads who visit the Pair, do.;
yet streets a le be Wed to - the fact that he
u, and has bun, forever three yews, issuing
daily papers from -"this arabliskzerat," each
untainineateihunn or two of garbled calumny
and Mak to the President, the army, and to .
the great loyal sentiment that prevails In the
north, and especially In this community, and
yetpratea over • Meter. about " intoler
ance." All, this, think, le but another
"bid" for that unsuspecting sympathy which
has on former occasions contributed &opiate
and keep In • power Am which Milton might
have dignified with a name, but of which
Webster would have dupoled with the simple
remark, "there it stands."
;In conclusion, I will say that I have such
elthiata of the private personal 'virtue of
those ladles sad gentlemen whom the Pbot
seems ea eager to champion, u secures them
egelnet the- inflaences of either &taros or
" Pboto.'r And farther; if thepiontre be taken
down by its owner, or - requested to be' re
moved' by any lady diremiy connected with
it who may feel iggrievedithey hare my con
unt; bet If It Is ramrod at tae dictation of
the ednovolthePittsbargh Beta each art will
only funchh toy spleen a new 4 . subject."
BMW - stud —Williszo Stewart p _ the ton
repo:War deserter, who was shot oar but Bet
erdey br (Ater Sorbet, wu atilt living
tete haw yesterday afternoon. The encod
ing 'physician, Dr. Lewis, of Eau. Libery,
hta hopes cf his ultimate ad:weary.
Toone Pinny, Plain and Ornamental Slate
Eco cad dealer /n Penneybroth and Ver
mont *tato of the_ beet quality at low raze
°Moe at Ate=. utaioun'lll:nelt the Water
Work., rattainirsh,
a Shci Auction: Ecru., No: 65
. Graham Co.; facer
Ghent Tailors, hevo removed to 73 Smithfield
street , We Are just :waiving oar wand
supply of spring end satozaes, goods, and
would alost respeatfally Invite oar frian¢s end
the public in genie.-al to examine enr new
stock, - bolleving It to be one of the faint
otocko 'of ratiobaat tailor goods in the city.
Susan-garment warrantod• to give fun antis,
lestion, In - both priee end cuelity. Olm: ns
eoll before pasn.haslng .elsewhero and Judge
for yoursolres. Gamut a 51cOssimazi,
iforoltant Tailors, No. 73 Smithfield street,
Botta Alp Baosa.—Ali the otyfel, qualities
and prices, at M lellaad'a Auction Bents.
Is Iv possible : that any sold! a can be so
foolish se to lime the eiry without a supply
Whoerei does so'srill deeply regret it: These
meilleines are the'only.certidn .are for:Dowel
Oimplaints, Fenn, Bores:ma Bantry.
Solloiray Pits and Ointment are now re
tailed, owinipto the high prices of dint; &a. g .
at SO eentn,ls ants and $l,lO per pot or box.
Bar sale in Pittobtugh by D. L. Palme
tto* A Do.
For sale at Pattea'a dmg store!, B3lth start,
PlWbasah .
- .Tar sale also by Gra. A. sally, Peden'
A.Uoy,beay dry. . - •
Ourras.—Ladies, Gent's and children's
eaters and 'bond aU lands at WOrellands.
Raz Bronollthr, ditthms, lialarrh and - Con.
anicipttca Chigha, Brosn'a Bronchial Troches
arc used with advantage, airing olfatithocia
Imarciallato relict .
Sold' by drogerta generally.
_I 'snout Nomoz—The attsmtion of oat
senders Is &rooted to the bril int assortment
of Spring and EitUattar Goods {Ft , soloed
by oarfriend Mr. John Weler, o, 126 red
cal atreet,, Allegloany. ,stookroomprises
a great YllnOtr GE Faaoy Woolf, English,
Saotieb and &ICl*** Cassimeres end .
8U Cloths,
and fine and Cleaners, Vortings f —all of
which will be lalidell# "to toorder to the Utast
4 tries and in tint beet =tamer; "'A choice up
lectlon of Earnishiniolloode also on bandana'
fe sale, toe...hor with:l:full stook of Ready
tends Cloth.soillszoi fashionably =do,
canna:ll shies _of ovary deao:lption at
fd'Olollazl's dilation Some.
.‘; - -Sorrni oi Ifoarn.—Thif soluariba.
to Iftfonii tho ,roatiro of the Gassud. *it, Ito
tar nazi o: fall simply of thojetitlyialiss-.
tad hair restorer ~ /biugalabr, whose oboe hi,
restoring gray to Ito *riling* coital: Pm
venting. hair' front &Mot ont, raturrlog
Sto.; tolrly staltho ft to be tumid
among :the -greatest •iromooks-.44,hio*}
times. -Simon , Jottairoia, solo agook - elimor
ortflaltlittoht osidhogrtbothroto. scoltr
Both Armies Enjoying Repose •
Scene Batween , Jobnnyat and 'Yanks!
The Souse Opposed Sz the Re
goal of theCouamou;al 7 tort Clause.
The. Seizure of Mowry's Silver Eine
Bpacial Dlepah:h to the Ptttsbazigh thuatte.
Arne 11, 11364, r. Y.
The pastfew days hare been quite epergne
fel to the Army of the Potomac. Oar lines
are scarcely nearer the enemy than was the
position In the case of the battle on Friday,
more than a week ago. The troops on both
sides, each behind their entrenchments, have
kept up a desultory/ bat metes, Cm—jest suf
ficient to make it apparent thatthe respective
works were not vacant. Bath tumbril, in fact,
have been enjoying the repose which was,
needed after the bard lighting and rapitt
marching of the three weeks' oampaigning
from the banks of the Rapidan."
To-day the Warm Is even score marked
than before. The naiad of a musket has
scarcely been heard along the entire front.
A few Mum of artillery, and the explosion
of a shell or two, high over the. trees about
the centre of the line, have been the only
reminders, this afternoon, of the enemy's I
From present Indications It LI not likely
that there will be lighting for towered days to
come. Bet the storm is. brewing and may
bunt in quitters least expected by the ene
my. It is not proper, at this time, to say
precisely how Gen. Grant will attempt to die
conifort the enemy.
Yestorday an order was leaned by Groneril
'Meade. forbidding unautherieed communica
tion with, the enemy. The men on both sides
hare been holding intercourse with each other
for the interchange of newspapers, and the
butef of odlse and tobacco. In this way a
groat deal of mit:Alai was likely to result, as
information of vital importanee is always
apt to leak one.
The opposing hue of title-pita, it must be
borne in mind, are not a hundred yards apart;
in some ports of the Hoe much closer.
For any portion of the body to be exposed
the penalty is certain wounding if not death.
But the men are utterly weary of loading and
thing. They have kept op this henry stir
mlabing for days and no risible advantage
hes been gained by either tide. The thing
gradually slaokens—ollicera become careless
about urging the men to their work, a tacit
and magneto spell influences with equal pow.
'ex our own teen mod their ndge' enemies. It
is very curlew.. The combatanta are entirely
hidden from each otheeseight. The last shot
is lirelfand the lull in the battle storm it per.
fret. Adventarone sprits on both sides cau
tiously raise their heads above the earth
works—. tow are you Johnny r a now
aro you Xaak 1" are the gemstone ninety
tandled. "'Don't yarn shoot I"—eays , one
.No," soya the ether. "Well; 7 we won't chime
in all, and immediately the parapets are
'swanned with the Mee, who shaTe been 0011-
exalod rind protected behind them. Oat jumps
the fellows 'frees the rifle Ott,' and putting
down their guns, stretch their cramped forme
upon the grass. Sharpshooters covertly elide
down from their perches on the trees and 101 l
abautinutter abandonment. Trade is quick.
ly opened, and all sorts of Commodities are
exchanged. The men have keen pleasure in
their stegulu aralstiee, benterlag each other
sharply, and never oventepping the half way
line wblehiopenthe their invite:tire fortifies •
eons. Suddenly the my is /abed: Run
back /ohms er-run bask Tanks, Jeat as It
hapuene to be, we're going to sheet, and the
hostilities begin again. It le always under
stood, however, that the Int' eh .ts shalt to
elmadhigh, and the veriest dawdler gets beck
to shelter cattily.
• While this fraternal scene Is being enacted
on one limited put of the line, the battle
rages hotly at other Portent 0f tbe extended
trout, which measures by miles. We. there
ever snob strange warfare imawn before/ It
Is easy enough te‘, see, however, that these
anon:aloes episodes may be &loused, The
rebels availed themselves of inlet a trine the
Other day to strengthen a battery which had
been reduced to silence and had kept still for .
nearly a week. the work, consequently, has
had tp be done over again.
There seen a great many prisoners LtalT
Their appearance utterly refutes the Tory
rmrrent stories that the rebel army is in a
destitute and stoning condition. It Ia abet
ply Idle to talk about starving the rebel army
into lab mission. Tare bet eoldrers, as &gen
eral thiag, are stout and *Wong and the very
plotruei - of health.T It Is Insulting to our own bravo men dust the Mato:Denis so Intrustri
ously simulated respecting the teeblerieuiensl.
leek' f power of "endurance of the =Southern
eoldiers should be leitherid. The Tortoni of
the rebel troop& may not be' In a, i great &Sri
at, ae those furtitebed to our men, hat they
,ban .proved to be tour as ant:hire. This
fort 044n0t. be gab:limpid:
The Senate billitot7 CommitteWare In favor
of abashing the commutation &louse of the
eirollmentjaw, except kir. Wilson, who will
Oppose it. tut he will seat to amend it,
and bin annotineed hie intention! to propose •
hundred dollar bounty fir one year drafted
men, and In the some proportion for less time
whiUs honorably • diVeharged. He &lid pro
pores in include a Evasion for c7alisting mon
fee= insunroctionarpfitates,l4l.l l lfor securing
freedom to the wirer and ehltdran of colored
soldiers thus enlisted.
The House to-day voted : against the repeal
of the commutation a large major
. inn coal ea omits* aal=tg AND 111413„
The Hone* Committee on Elections report
ed, to-day;ii the casei - of Generals Sohn&
and Blairiespressing the opinion that the two
prams, of GeWeral and Songreusiinin, are to
oogtpontqo With each other, aad:that • man
elected to &epees, who fella pesig•
military office when the 'time arrive& for the
ads:pot .ids
hisitsiroirre; and &duel, that
antarlig aims tha_4aUas .of ogniois riestes
thsaßKtqtaVin e'prac tical
Oiloittilenrisehidii, that funeral Behind IS
entilltd to his anal , and thattjeaeni gist: is '
not, for the Oficial that the forrusi
his mliitiry teifailia:ooagaszicemeal
of q ,, s-guip of . vOitz: ,whimsi tau latter
redgasd a month after
' • 1-: .ItioN=s thatVoirrrjwiiiiiiitiaii4bii
peciwitrielted wader illan.patiatent Wide.
. ; _
of the Ed cf Jdo, triad upon
chow of alibi the rehellien his board eon-
Toed by Gan. Carleton and fond to bo en .
enemy of the Vatted Suites end Confined at
Dort Toting, 04/. flu property 'WO planadin
the bawls of a rr.ntrer, under orders far oort-
Imating the property of personrelding tho
rebels, Issued by Gen. :Wright, eontstaliding
the Department.
IRO MIMI Wan AO2- , tllll tzcaaa►W apu.
I The Home to-darrotadtoreptal the ingltire
glare wt. In the Senate the question of ad
sltitttng as Senators lame up, and:was
'Verna td tho Judiciary Committee. Sum.
ner and Itiohardson mado strong speaebee
against their admission. Iteserdy Johnson
',poke in favor of it. The genera feeling is
strongly opposed to their adealselon. Mr.
Fishhook's record b eery mach eit:lnet Mm.
outo EIDTDEID DAT tstoors—vaosui ?ATTICS/IT.
The statement in - New l'orkpoyperhead pa
pens to-day that some of the Ohio hundred
day troops threw down their arms and no
fased to go any further aftor their arrival
here, is a base falsehood.
The fleorstary of War to-day oonantuntest
od In answer to the revelation of the Semite,
he statement of Adjatant General Townsend,
relative to the eelanre of Sylvester hfowr)•s
silver mine In Arlsona.
The band of the 160th Ohlo to-night sore.
nao.s4 the distinguished roar of Ohio In Wash-
Legion. Secretary Chuei in his response,
',poke very feelingly of the noble part Ohio
was Wang In the present struggle, and the
saorldeovhe seas laying Upon the - altax of her
ocuutryi-, Judge Carter and Gem. Schenck
and Garfield made appropriate s pee °hes. The
afftir' did honor to the Buckeye State.
. •
WaIEyNCITON, Jane 18,1864.
Hausa—Mr. Dawes, from the Committee
on Illections, to whom the message of the
House • In relation to military appointments
wu referred, made a report thereon, con
cluding with the following resolution:
Rooked, That Robert C. Schenck, having
resigned his commission u Major General of
Volunteers,on the hit of November, 1863,
to take offst on the sth day of December,
1813, was not, bv)esson of having held inch
ofam, disqualified from occupying • seat In
the Thlrty-Eighth Congress as • Reprezenta -
tire from Ohio, the session havingoommenood
on the fth of Dectmber, bat that P. P. Blair,
who, continuing to hold dike as a Mei or
General of Volenteers, end discharging the
denies the.-oof from November 29th„ 1862, till
January, 1864, thus dizquallfying him from
holding a seat In the Thirty • Sloth Convent,
which met December Ith, ISM, tenet entitled
to a seat in this Rouse.
' The report, for the present, was laid on the
table and ordered to be printed.
Oa motion of Mr. Schenck, a Committee of
Conference was asked of the Senate on the
dieagreelog amendments to the bill to increase
the pay of soldiers.
hiraitevenes made a report front the Commit
tee of Confereece, on the disagreeing amend
ments to the Military appropriation bill, that
they wore principally In regard to making the
pey of negro soldiers the some ea that of the
white soldier., from Jon. lit, so as to include
the:book pay of the 2; Massulututtenogre regi
ments, and these first raised In South Caroll •
as sad Louisiana. The report of the Confer
ones Committee coucindes as follows All
Persons of color who wore free on the 19:h
of April, 1861. and who have been enlisted
and muttered into the military service
of the United; States, shall, from the
Meth of - their enlistment, be. entitled
to receive, the pay, bounty and clo th ing ai
-1 towel to snob persons by the lows cziettng at
the time of their enlistment; and the Attor
ney General to author:a:li to determine any
question of lertari slog under this provision.
And if the Attorney Gencralehall deoldethat
any such enlisted persona ere entitled
to Mover nay pay, bcnaty or clothing hi ad.
ditien to what they . have hireadyreestired,
theSecritery of War dull make all necessary
regniatleas to enable the pay deeartments to
make payment In attooldanoo with such deter
' minatlon.
The report woe concurred in --leas, ST,
nays, 68 The Senate has already adopted it.
Mr. Schenck lottoduced a bill repealing the
three hundred dollar chose In the enrollment
act, and providing that hereafter no payment
of money then be areeptcd or received from
any enrolled or drafted man, to be rellevedbf
, liability to perform military duty. ,
Mr. Sthenck moved the provioni question
on the passage of the MIL The previous
question tem not seconded, and, a debate
arising, the bill wont over.
Mi. Garfield !Undoes& ajoint resolution
declaring as Dilute : That no State declared
to be In rebellion, by the President, is entitled
to .appoint electors of President and Vice
Prosidente and no electoral . vote front say
oath State stall ho tooeived or counted until
both HOMO/ Of Congress, by - 00IICIUTOlit 10•
tioD ' shall have rougatited le State govern.
mantle nub State. •
.• ' ' -
Oa - motion of Mr . 216111_Q; L
Of Michigan, the
resolation was laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Itearoutof Michigan, •
resolution vu adopted instruoting the Cent.
adept* on the Conduct or she War to inquire
whether there. is.knyi goodamd , substandal
reason.fOr the seidaston At niembere of; Con•
greet from the hoepitats, 'lon they desire to
leak after the condition of ' the wounded from
- mak respective Suttee t sad in eatie snob visits
oan made wAhontdetriment to the sick and
won ded, the 'Committee unommend that
EOM regulation be made by which members
eon visit the hospitals at seasonable hours,
without let or bLodranee. •
The Roue then took-up the resolution of
Mr." Layer, offered 'on hiondly_of. lett week;
proposing a onepenelon of hostilities, and re -
Retiring the President to adopt measures for
auembling a et:mention of delegates from all
Ike Sates to adjust the diMoolties between
the;Yorth and South on the basis of the Con
etithtion. The Houle refereed to eispend the
rules for the luttodaitlon-of the resolution. .
• The Renee then precceded;:to the oonsiders.
tion of the Masa bill to repeal the p'agitive
Brie 'mortgage bonds bad, ;fallen Ste per Slave 1aw: ,, 14 .,. 0 ;• • • ; -
=ONO 121120 o .•
cant: - ~
_. . . •
The IThois army across the
PruLanscrata, June I.l.—The Balkan pub•
Whips the following: The Washington Bomb
/in= say, that an littelligont cavalry other
arrived this morning. Ile left a point ten
41 ,:q m from tho front on Sundayar.orning, and
reports that thing was diatinotly hoard during
Saturday night in the diorotiOn of Bottom
Bridge, which Grower the Ohickehominy about
twerp mile, east from Illohmond, and toren
miles northeast of the month of Four-
Mile on James river.
Vifhon he left the repott had Jut reached
the piaci that Ilimock t after a desperate
fight, succeeded in dislodging the enemy and
carrying the bridge at that point at the point
of the bayonet, and the whole army had sue.
merely crossed at that point.•
12.—noth armies map, their old position
about the right ad centre. There has been
considerable skirmishing and cannonading,
bat no damage bu been effected by either
petty. The men are well protected ballad
nigh and strong breastworks. Their eoldlers
and ones 000TO110.
The rebels hare a largo VIII mounted on a
Railroad traokr It throws a ell !nab shell,
and is the tabjett of mach mirth among oar
men. Meade rode through this portion of
his Ham yesterday afternoon. The Railroad
has been torn up by oar troops. The. rails
from Dispatch Station to Whim Ilottsi have
been curled away.
nternational Telegraph Question
Oars Laos, Jane it —The steamer
from Liverpdol on the 9d,:and from London ea
the H iaet. , paseed herw yesterday.with news
fire days later The tows is unimportant.
In the HOMO of Cornmeal on. the fu, the
Government was defeated b 7 ten majority..
Cotton steady and unchanged. Breadstuff.
i dim, with an upward tendency. Provbions
steady. :Console 90,(1905(. American stocks
Illinois Central therm, 2Ve27 d is count .
- H %r. Rowslt , one of th e .dlrectots of the.
Intonational Telegraph Company, has been
givingeatdbidone at Liverpool of the design
of that Company to construed a TelegraPh to
America, starting from Brest near the j Aseres
and the French Islands, e$ isr..rouiutund,
A coneselon had been obtained from
the Branch Government la fever of the enter.
prise. A capital of haft a million startles Is
- The Conference met an tho 9d Instant, bat
nothing definite was errived; at. A propoial
waa made and accepted for the prolongation
of -the armistice' Sitteon dap longer. The
Conference will mat again on Jane loth.
ECIUI gain grand that lotedlitlee wilt re•
cominepoe between the DUN and Genimal.
It le represented that public feeling ener
getically demands the resumption of heath!.
tics dating the present uaSon, it being el.
peolaily lavorablo to the Dom while delay
will especially neutralise the Danes' naval
/Saw Your, Jrae I!<.-T6 Snouts, from Soutbampton, let, embed midnight.
HAa glen ontain but little neir - s. •
- •
In tho Boucot Oath ozone 31rIsindans;poit.
ponod hie motion relative to the Confe derate
d4tesamlfths 17th.
• • llount'Da Paris, Iris married to Isabella of
Spain, at Kingston, on the 30th alt.
The Memorial Diploosaripie 'says the probs•
ble result of negotintione will . be that HO-
Lein asuitlontheniSotiloswig wfu he detached
from Denmark arid . milted to Germany, and
Northern Sehliewig nutted tierpotnally with
The Electoral.Tieleta...3laryland Free
State Convention—Reported Foreign
Loan Preniature:l•Pnion Prisoners
Going Sooth e ore.' . ... -
Neff' You, Juno 13, /866.1-,The Peer Bal
timore oormspondeat lays the Main hive
been beaten in getting up the B4etoral CA.
et. The IlleationalConveratiott 'had one cur
jority anti. Blair contested delegation", and
thus tom ri ng an anti-Blair Moto Bleeterat
tiekst. In the meantime the ' . Tremont man
are - moving and"will put their BloatoralMalet
, in the gold at the proper time, •
The Brae State Conatitntiosal Convention
has got thraugh the whole forty-two artistes
of the Bill ef Bighte,haviug, the paramount
allegiance and abolition of slavery.. The ar
tialserto tie! - on then will 000upy two weeks
of debate. .
Tho Relays : Tha report that Mr. Chore
has negotiated a foreign loan, the Interest of
which is to be paid - In timeterdam,b prams.
tune. , ' - !
Tholtaleigh Confreterato 1016000 Federal
Rritenera captared in the meat .battlev in
Virginia have pane_ through nanvn.
1 ce
their way to robot don:sone In the South.,
It appears that Manila! Murray let the Pe
trie imprilonteent maw go by,default, and
be telliwow eeTtortni the comedown to We city
before a Uniteet.fitatee /age. : :_. •
The Now York Cbstrionakro Faihingten
special says: ! The Circuit Conn has given a
ftaldeedalea to" the effect thit hankers ars
not obliged to pay out specie when gamic tuts
bean deposited. mil fa. ds PWiti"
, , .„... .
Gen. Wsidrworth—Oblo Modred Day
Troops tor the Front.
Wastastrindr, Jane 13.—1 t appeeri
was General Wadsworat's intention at the
' dose of the war to psy over a cam of money
evil] in amount to that he remand from the
°stemma, to tome permanent Institatlin
founded for the We mliet of disabled soldiers.
"This;' be said, "is the bast latridlon, way
in which' can Way-pay for fighting for my
country in her hoar of danpr." ;
The UM Ohio 100 dig moopi, Wide In
its ranks lawless, Mamma ; szof taken of
the best mad in the Btate, on Saturday rottid
emanlmotuily to go to the front and fight; they
then maraud to the Mate Honse end bad an
Lairds, with site .Plosldaut, Istio addressed
them, thanking them for their prompt rsrol Et
tion and asylum "sawyer yolk go :.know
100 will do your hat." .;
Glr.batond Railroads Gseleath
Was:mono/ Joss 111.---d. yidsl to tbos
IfaW TO7 k -GelLunlia SIM t There an MG,
rattans that all the railroads by whist* bilsle.
mood it tappltad will soon be readssad Mr.
rlforgan , Force Divided and
Ralf of the Rebel Force Kllleft
and Captured.
Lzarsoroa, Xy., Juno 13.-47 apt. Dickson
lelegrapha te Gon. g wing that G01:16 linrbridips
gave the rebels a total defeat at Clynthians
yezterday morning. The rebel loss was SOO
killed mid 400 prisoner, besides the wounded.
Their forte exceeded min. M.:Trues oom -
eland le divided and utterly demoralized, and
they ore trying to get off in small squads.
Cole. Hanson and Garrard are pursuing Mar
gen himself with a few hundred me; north
east-from Cynthfane.
Gummi Bariorl4ge, with • pill of his force s
hatretttrued hero.
A telegram from Gov. Brantlett. to General
Carrington, dated Frankfort, Jane 13, p. m.
sayer Thorn le no rebelforceMovlng reward;
Louisville. •
A gentlem from Georgetown repoite that
a tow heart ter Hobson's, emirendor at Cyn
thlana, Bar dge attacked thb enemy, killing
and captain baittkeformi. Th ereaminder
tied Inigreat onfosices, .orosehas tho railroad
yesterday at eynesvillo. WO had repalsed
Om enemy before our reinforoemants arrived,
hat felt coo Immure until their arrival.
Lttld0101) . Jane 13..--Orplain iDiaboa to
General arrange.° r General' Batbridgi a l i s
now here end report, the rebel fora ou of
•ammunltion,'scattered and utterly demo -
bad In Me fight at ()pithiest&
A dispatott from Falmouth, Bentaoky, this
afternoon, says chat after theVyntlilana 4e
foot, General Hobson and part of bra Atilt
wore sent, under guard, to Falmouth, bat the
*hole wero recaptured by a mooting party
and are now et Falmouth.
, .
flahaim—Mr. Harlan preacited the joint
resolution relating to the granting'or certain
privileges to the oity, tif rhill23olol, Lows,
which was pained. _
Mr. Lane, of Kansas, ailed - up his respia 7
tlowin rearm= to the recognition of thefree
Butte of Arkansas, and moved to refer it"to
the Cauttnittoe op Credentials: - -
Mr. Sumner addressed the Senate at length
in eppoiltion to the admission of Arkansas
at present into the Haien and its reported
Itlonatore and reprdientatires to seats in Con.
Mr. Johnson replied at some length, argu
ing that if the Mates in rebellion were oat of,
shall:den he, Sumner, was Inconsistent in'
supporting Andrew Johnson, of Tam, at a
candidate for tits 'Tice Presidency.
The resolution Of Mr.- Lan*, of Kanasi, ,
and the modentials of. Messrs. Flatboat and
Maxtor, were, after .debate, which. - ponettated
needy. the whole sestlon,refonod so the Ja
dietary Committeo. .
The Remits , On motion of .11r. TroMbull,
receded from its isaanduienrato tha%pular
and Diplomat* appropriation bill ..:' .^
The The bill - authorising tho Bourstiry.Of the
Treasury to attend the marine hospitaVit
eitiosjoi was called up by Hr. Trumbu l l, and
Mr. Wilson preseti6a oorteti amendments
to the enrollment ,which, withantrsati
ingorere ordered to be printed;
At fire o'olook the Senate adjaurned.'.
Clan.ling - the Tax: IMIL : •
Warn:semi urges
ai inlatitalgittA the tea MD, latch mill-led
Dimply's° the - manna. He IS known to favor
• tax of tere dollersii gallon on whiskey, and
42 par Dent, on Ineema,
Da. Mr-
Ds. Morrie, Dentfat, Noy lei jetirth
Arcot. between Seilthdebt and Grant.
Ign inducements bald ent by offering low
prices; bnt to antatabb) fee mitt be-'charged
in arary we, for the heat sardattata viii
mat, and ail the Massed skin "mune; i;er
periamearasitt 'ball be applied
ntlf:ent • ." •
. .
Oxman and carriage calla - wlll bo taken at
Omalblu odke, No. 410-Penn street, day
or night ardent loft /tato ebony, place.
will be promptly ***ivied .10. AU WU meet
paid bl ad **oe.. -
Yltaisetenre (ad ecir
nag tbde Ws*, et. Sown ..gmblouw"
21(60 Pedstei lame, Alie2tun7. - , sautt_
C. aus,,, 'Doubt.; tee Pella 4treetortiketi:
seed eat besiege _Ka :iirofeadep.c...:
Zama 111. flAzzar, Amway at La4l4lw 9
o;iat stzto. ia
3X - R,3KETS.'
Now IritrY atarka.
Sitzr„, :tuts 111.-4:bt ow a abide &Mar
$1,2610,17 tor !WON' Oplatie. 71oecr,dmi. Sad
Wawa •lttloat epaleh , void, F wlidt• OU* Mee
dlap edoote to srgotiel fob. 11 8111. Saw,
118,1W,46 for Satre 0.. H. 0.„ and $116066.40 for.
Trade Brawla thOlake draterllll.ll.l4ll.Bo atanda
11,04501,15ta Weetera,., Wbees q..lte firm add.ln
'good wtp9rldemead; 81:7791,60 I.l6Cldoette fittlng.
81.76011,81 far tdOwamteo laub, 5113301,10 los
Etwd. Mos qdlet and ttrtiwt 114108476 O. era
dell and decldwly lower; .1111..mtl,Weet.ta
Old 1113,4 Weetmi elcslng tarry at tbeit 61,469
1,60. Oats lino but quiet... Wool dna dis co• 14•
as demand. Port etched aid Om:ideal - 1110er:
697 ltr Mete, 611.60 Mr Old do., 11 311 . - 7%6348.60 far
N. do . 14.64960.60 fee Old m d New flume. 8 83 . 8 6
633,60 for Prime - Ow; elm - 600 bbl, Nom lone,
tuayate• option, - M.,60; B,IXO Obis Prltee Slew, est, •
o=o . 11 o e/i , e l 7. =mass 60; 8,000 lads et 634
e 111,60; UAW bb.a do, ,Po,y, bums' 0pt10t41114.00,
sod it 060 bbis do , es.• terms sad ce1,very.11.16,60.
Beet - matet at 80,60913 for Olt) Mee.-Cu; Alma as
Stank and Mousy Market.
NM! Tali, JUDO /3.—Money
_idly* at Or we
cent. &saws galling ;3111*321.3i, -etitrintay
Gold more amp* and 11,m...r, °Atlas a 103%, slut
closlrig 'wady et nny,stwx. -
Stotts better: .
. . .
Picklo 411.1,............120 tinde0tt,................-14.1%
I'3 ear eeitifkaus-.'013.1 8ea01336.-...-...„.161
0 4 . lll.(briLloate6. e 3 O. 6 . N. Y 7„. —12743;
006 3 e Co_ 6SI • (.rllase 10446)
Come:rand --..--..
710. & N. tir.pti--... 91k
trie—.. --111,y 111. Ousel eorlp -.1
ties York ikatrel.-LU J. &B. y..........1.;....715 •
Ptthadatpula elariet.
Ihin.a.Drsztaa, Jane 13.—Hoer !.nn; Euptialc•
$7.2.508,60. .WhiGt Cm; Whit. gt,9302,w, tied
O doh; Taira, $1,6601 07. Pm
thou. advanclog; Its.. Port ingl33Ao Prima la
Parrolsum-4.lrads Via. VI Lasky il,B 1,54. •
"timbre Alaricet.
liumfnuo,.Tnne Superfin• t7,t5
siwg. Wbrsetirne: Ilentuatp Whiteter.(eaS
Ourn poll; Whim 1464 %lay +full ezuf naming
at S1,11)f, larsestee Wet.
New York Bank Switemmt.
Ninr Toni, Iwo 13 —Loans, d mak 51444,7171
spears. thcnmas, 51.t.410.1.J.); uhecls•tea, damase,
$4141613 11,1,72,1.1%
xza - va3az.
Lams (Isabela, Zip:warl3.llasit Lott, Louisville
0/Iv; Buhttlle. f ELnarf y Wheeling.
rlntneler. Len Willa, 'Cherokee, St Louts
Citizen. St Lgnp. ildlowea, Wheeling.
The firer continua to recede rapidly at this pole 4,
having fallen tamest two f,etilisleta the teretapfour
holm ending Wesel:Mb:4,st which - time the snub
IsdiCeted atant dire &es five Inches: The weather
aontiones clear, mild and pleasant, and all that
could poestbly be deelred for the transaction °font.
doer badoest.
Toe arrivals Cheek °what report, include the Emma
Graham from Zancrille, Leal Leoll morn Lot:theft*
end Olive from !tube!lle. The Nate Badmen from
Lonbirths and the .lisurve from Cincinnati, are
amoogthe first b01d114120
The new Cromer financier cleared for Laninille
yesterday *Kb a fair trip. in draw. the Citizen for
dtLemls. The Cherokee eat retaking preparation.
to leave for Pt - Louts last meting and ar.mM doubt
he. get 612dt:wing the night.
Cum% Jong AO, I.B44—Eitton C.4o—Stommer
Leonidas, Copt 21 A flux, passed tole to-day with
two hundred and eighty tons of freight for St Louis.
Crowell well. {Feather cold and cloud;
lona .Bmeszor.
anted and shipper. ahltid tear in mind that
the itatvartd tottiOnificeot Cramer 'dam Selcobsi Copt
800 Jobrmotn, karat 2.v. Sc Loofa mahout
The Jamie b one of the Surat meant.e on the
met= maws and eh, has aptendid accommoda.
areas fur pamengent.
The prompt and ponetnai Ems,. Graham, Capt 0
Strol, is the regular paket fur Esnentils today,
!win at 4p. m Caere flogs and Howlandare
assocfaiad top th,r In the aim.
WATTEIIn Friday, tko 1041 Inane, from
wounds :oohed at 'oho battle of 044 Uaroot, Va.
DAVID U. WAITED-, spa 21 item
Du fa:mai 141 take place on 114=4.4 ammo,
lith loot, at 1.0 o'clock, from the rooldonoa of kin
porento, Van Oonononollenhavy. The friond• of
the 6321.4 ors !nylon to attoocl.
NMI EL—At the nettionos of Mr. W. A Aealr,
to evoickl.y, on sumo of WIIOO2, ltuoo lath, at 4
o',44eki Mr. W. 1. i13W15,1a tho 13d par of
lb* funeral will Lem the Federal Street /Rattail,
Allegheny, at 10 o t elodr TVLIDAT 80112=6, the lath
LW, to traord to Allettern, o,eneteiT.
..r 1r 4.liiriarristlilr-frvir.
WANTED....BOABDBy two pale
rmn mad their InTOS, In. print* (wady. c
basidlug bomb with but wb• orders, grittila st.
atlautne twat of the GUM) ctßes.
Adduce Ottnlum Otllm
DIG m rm. Ft) ft NALE—a - E SUL
lowing lota of • Plklitetal, donated for the benefit
of gm t "altar; rair, orator ado aklideobeinlait.flatle
floe tene Mimed Forum lira. !tenet:it by
Jackson lion Co.. New To•k. ' •
rive too. Sbarprollte Inezers,.l2o.l Irete,donated
by Yoram three, ehareavalo,Plio. •
/Ira toot Sbanatigo Farm.* 12111 he.. donated by
O. la. Bled a , 0 eveland Inon Mining ca.
nee tons Steubenville furnace No llreee, donated
by Spaulding, Woodward d. q.,Eltenbantrllie, 0
Om ton Senna. t Patrice IMn. donated by O.
• O. lamidonhail, blartkiweillo, 0.
Fin tona lo.koSuliedur remises NM Iron, dons.
tedby tho Cereepw.=firatt.
Pin tons alfu 1 Iron, denoted by
Laughlin L Co, l'ittablmlb•
Piro lona litod Bank Sump No. lire., donated
by MeCttliotoilit a 1147nads, aid Book
Flee tons Stawaratin rarnswe JIM Iron. lonakd
by Alm Lame/inn, Plttablugli
One ton Wlliervy'roroasell B. Charcoal fanisay
&aged by damoot Suds
Pin was eaoland Toroaeo,l3.ltimore comity, Nd.
No. 1, 2 and 3, donatad by Oso. Email a Co.
Ylee tom Jateptilne Wilma°, No. 2, antlirselle,
no ad y Oetataut Uhl Ira. Oni Oo
Ono ton Myra Par. am 0.0. Cbareool.
7 be above's
at s i lt , te ode, and If not sold
before ibe kkelog ot tb• vedl be disposed ot at.
auction to tki biktotat balder.
1.14 Charaso Casnolwrost ISKl•nice SQL
0 1 7;74/04e
rtu. legat o quapert cud can riZtittal
Business diitun's College
In 1.12.3 ['WWI /kW.,
Ittatisato attar and my's. *I any ti
Cat=MlA ocutat.b - lan LLll7rscalloa, Nat
staltraft,oz anltmes ;a P rLnc p
X= 31M S t 19 army
Pittabariity Pa.
1N1.304R47014 NAMILP. +ROI
r.t. hiD=fl 611=v,
• ..asinta 3+•: , •12•0 -
ilontuneoP3 and, crave -tone%
Sd9k.Rl CKIKS:2I9Is.
ISAAC) Male,
... . •
11.11 - 34.
otrs a
Earja ocostantly on nessi a - tam 'ad:
Broadoncle of DLOKmO. BOAT ABD tb MO I I
Iti:Mt % iirtintONV• nem • BERT LIETZ.LB."
401=4 opooruso, La+m4 PAL.,
ilfo3, SA, • t I •••
Et sill orders tor BAWIED IMM:•1110.•
peen m m mist ltdr Min
Et. L. Portnes tontiar,LClEo SISECIEBaniEIo
LAB are parttrolas, tart=l to exandoe 61160e1e
ISPOBIas on Orals *tote, loser Itebhmson
CHAR NrßEnLl4l`.&
• Osiniters and Pailmiumi,
(Timed, Emma Ero.'d• ChtnEtoL.sat• / 4 5 014 .11
tiroDe) 111 in Ilk" nuultok term NEM street. to; p4. newt Way, 'Neu Wood meet, ttitsbargb. t •
Eisectuni` Cllsrenr, Bansidor Et.sw en4tadit
Entre% Carpenters Oorpers',. sod Tian Tbq
Moor% Eaters; Talons Bedlend :Entree,
newts nteetdeia Golden Bad Irma. 10.
_AB Orindlag and foglablug proloptis sittendsd to.
CUP( L vALDlyzu s
(3¢:cosar t? Jame Whim tt CA4
thole la peoos. - LAisp,.etroen OtritlallE2ol,
mamma Bur, .
onsia tuna= um inn mums,
.113, • Pc"nmxri..
itilAir,3 itl. .131Ltert!, ..;,, - • ! ~ .
. ,
... • * L ll 9 l : ll T$4l2.*-- ,
. - . I
Prrpervi Intruorr Durum, {ID &tar
for all thuto et aciah-P. Ed
exectke om nommille terms. . .. -
MU* to Atadenosi area,
_betynea iliarfat 1114
_DUN AttNt3lll:4l., Luru4crtat
AND DT&Llia u *La zip it ieLxl brAnda
OTNIIiHE 11AVANA 010/028, sad en kna. of
!tsar RIZU9OIIAUX PIPTB, V1DC.3.4,,ke...
FKlStiSlip 412 , 11, ,te 1 .411.41V:t :23 , 411/4 . 1
, _
• levee Plnzsztio A d:
• VAUD' ESIP:011014 •
isle i mid
~.iW~.1.wr.j..~... u..
O , 4tEU!_ t),nta_...
OtM•g . PtLI,
um asp alum
la fhb Eamon/ afObitnactioni and the •
a EMILIA 17 In she iteoarnoit's of Cu
Iffonth% Patds.
'fin ears oral:Male Mao =lam &eon that
vatic tram trivgartty, b 7 miming the trielar-
They au* 9T4strwied, Ecomatts sad 1165431 Alan.
etraproXa Ma:ltu6,3 (OblmN64
'nay cam Borrow aoa tool A"tIono, Palos to
14 Beek and km: Faros of ma Body, Utoll.lll=
Fottytut onottght isettkohbalpttattott of the Efesrt
!Aram of Molt., Byitorta.SLok IlfsdachO, Old4l
btf, •lo **lnd, by occult:3y the trivitarltY,
boy remote flu caw, •ad It sA sbo otbott
thas irt v tro= -
• ilkmpimed of 42 4 4 revisaian Um cow
tart aatbire delotr.looe to etti ixiistituttox; how.
SIM &Mete, their thaelloa bri.v • tO-sobstital
etrogth fhr viakren whlsh, whoa preterii iiee4
theimmi WI to do.
nay =ay to teddy Peed er- leser sp. ASO as =I
Period, exiipt - didect av fra ad"! e 3 Ell. daring
attach the vsataig nature of Sher vallea would to.
fiandi, F,Pulg• .
' All lettata eadvieg or advice .111
P 4,7",
2vadtrecticae avi.:¢qsayeach,txcky
Prlce. 81 per be; cirr=i 6cereerbslB. •
Sant by =A free of postage, ritcapt aptieb !
Bold by all rorp=tablo Dsagstils.
DII. W. It, 41:40W1N 4 00.,
ra gab 173 rlttaargi b 7
t7a 110 !tad. aria, and 7
terms Um .171artioal and
. ii3/1176ImIronowl
Cntoppandedtons Boca, Bark c 44 Lana;
0131110D33 =EMT, Os iron' &dad Dhi•
- ref; moo el Denson of tho iternri orprareloh
as Inotonlosats of tho Urfa, lollormontlect of the.
Madder, lollasmonlion - of the Eldnoys, lecao la en
13 adder. etrictins. Grove, Cent, dionarrtn% old Is
orpoelsey necannoodoun tidiness:sof Fluor Alba.
(or When bi feinaleira whore aL tho old USLY/Vtia .
mediator holy Wed. •
ta ;mania way sormattated tom, the
dem Mtn ti ma me .
to hro tesslmrairile throe them
per day.
tt b dbl.-oak and albrattto b lb sotbalitt.
Was and claming las blood. iOur log tt to dow
all its otigtoolparity sad Tigar, thus ilboil4 fro;
Alb Vat= an pondeloos anon trtiob Woo IstdbOOd
Cbmkro txdarttoo to latoadod u ee glib 6111.4..
OSIS to be Martha Baobab iod obcodd be deed to
4:ordoricilea with tblt orirdlobe b AG are/ of 1201
orzttas. Gloat, Floor dibas or Whites. Ito ekes
ore beating, 'coated and daboleent roaming all
sodding. but, clundot sod pal*, tortead at. 'the
borates end glom Itoesdarobb Pato nitro soy&
will, nearly aD tbo ably Twit Weida=
. the ms. QC tt e . cams= itratEny end
atissonts mutcrnott—tho two =edits as
tits oozes flea—all Impropeidi.cbsrpmaro rebated
chi ths InakePoi. orient an speedily restated to
toil ?tics hod straget.
7cr fall partlsalsmi, pt ecr . pamphl.l team am
OM: Stun 33 the, country, or vets cs,, sad re will
aull free, to =7 1.13113 a, All 3rFiLltss...
oa3llolln 1 1 / 3 DT, $3
Prim 0111410ILICE ISMTION, rof botaN
az ,thrse berilealbr
leaf ty arras, - to !u27 oa tha apt of
Bold by an amulets averptors. •
DE" W.:3. SiZlit.Wll7
So. 63 Liberty ark I, Sew Tcrk..
Nor lab Pittibtagb by DIL 010. S. IL EIBICS.
14.1 Wood stmt. sad N. 111471.64/31.63 it CO.,
=seer of Ur btaarnol sad Sotto amt.
ItErtnninamo , =2aR;
.04 riaratzs OP. tam,'
.Prpand from Yo,. Ire;etaL atzrors,
pmt Cs4t.9oos to en MOSS .
- •
TN, Bopoiroostlog Itllea to Um rter&l. of &odors
diseoverloo to too volohobls ItlhitOta, tottng fkg cc.
Orgy maw Kod olottuot mutat of cue, Irresysetly.
of all too old antl troyn-oht orrtoots.
21110 re.te.loboo hog tom taiga by ths good otalnea
totaohl E at the dry, Ida by t&gis yrthotoood to
be ox of the 'Yeasts:l osileal &tactful. of tts gyo,
egg bogs yin ears Chu:oust Dobalty.
& gm doom cam Hyourkslo annldlei
.0u loottlo cons My! Wks of the amt. I . , ..
* rse dos ratans the ontgos of 4rogtothlig....
, . Smat 000 to to bottle* rooms Lb. mama
sad tan !tzar if young!,
1 gto doom neon.. 11., s;pottot. p.4 . -
'Am bolus CIA Oa worst mei of !m . '
I goi demi carts ths by rpLyttod. .' 1t• :
Ono bottle =mato' rooms. ' '
..,. ;•••••
• h. doom laity to ton to the cb.eb. • ' .
Thlo oodOloo mum. to =gob nigh getl ..,
&sigh ths pens, dotlllousd. worarknos 4s
opotrths doyotoo of coral plsorons, - .
l b.'
• The Itsthoso,oogrootoll yonik,tho Ors .tholool cii
10bn:room, Its olstlot of words doyireatco, tho to
darldtial soffertos groom moss! ltd, or: goo
maim= of a ctn.& arm, VW 0 aid lituohllots
gya porsersootat toile by OM ito;of th.tatiolr or L
,lie: a Lao
Prke Et p.r tottls, or edge WWI* fta. $4 AU
: ibmikrd.Vl by arpraa, cus
.aicasu of mow. 014
liddrea. •.,, .i
' . Wel by sit draufsbi rrirymturs. ,
DB. W. a. MI • ock, E. : ".
• - '. ea. Proyrl6.42* ,
• De. ISD Mom lams, Ds VIOL
Ywr all* to Dllbibargb by Dr.() ta. Et. Elmo
80..1401Am, array and N. lizil.iDß,lB Lai
rtentr . ot flu Dlawad ..I S ' s.,*.et itmemt, .".
abltlinkumspoir . .. ..
eaEROKEE CU= . ' .
ont,przad trots Pony, Butz 6114'
-fiunti she epirconnocbm bectinal
Rules alos ccbsrmal w ard 01 CLARA
craved by bell pCUaflm, s ot no Low of lhonocp,
Ocionvai tomc- pi Diok. Dlinno•
Tiros. hcniono• OUI eh, WWI hero; Dittlelart
' of enatblog. Tineabling, lifdcefoloto, Znionocci
on the hos, _ Pala Ontoiansooi. hoonlit.
=I ad the dinette complaints cowed b,f
he dr pain of aws. • •
Tbh soh boo to • nk, vogotati ortrocl. inct
ova no •Ideb all wa sy, id If boo boon nod how
itrLe ado, pomace rich demon Ca Union
o *i nce Molts • sloth bacona lyocan.:
who, ban. born steddca tto gala inter; otos the
eta -
Sb Wive triton will Chit
midi day Wok Orson loilo behool ino=t
m. 11 ' 114 / 4 . sold adds , ad/
too ha* eases pm. beset And vigor.
-a ter • qud .loCOnt hare bald
tanperecohni id • cnonlit ham Say men
hum IC My coccotry. or writ,. sea prolohich etn•
oir .
Mamma troo nu itkoning
- Prices botthat inch ht . A.
thoulan try throats a 'part, OVCOII
Fein thoocubbo &MM. 0 . 1 .1 o .
Dis.oky. wallet! •20-.
: Proploby_h
••.1 • • ?Ewa larriver.n.l.o2._ !_r„ . 2
rut au to Ittvoctsbmill 49 DR. a1ttk 110214.1242, a
20. tie Wccd •
einiec Dionscal foe Mein ; -
taLlT3atdasaorD.• .
- '
lEtOpersi:ir.i97), langs.
'W WUlall."- . 4
, , i. ,- : - :. •.:z-1-!-::.
ataarite toithr.rJed nit=
Ems Ira /Van* poacleda m. sousgbell7
ME 0 Me,'M 33 - 1.1 MI
Ora on our tomer.% thit lout •I! to
also • nuottar ot. ouctruto....l_ a that oat aul 11644
R. A_ I 3:J , 1:•- • 0: 4, D.
... .
=motto= int% the Ent iii4_ . watt...olKit%
Ball 5 , 06 alorro with arab a, tarp op% tklaidkt aa•
=mm% at Boots aud atxa, tbs.. Itj ttajpoo4ll. - i.
• - ": -- ;' . 2.:',! ., ;: - .-: 7 2 , ',......i' 1: . :.•L::
A.. 0. 0 . : I.p:lv , - ..w :!..x.:'
, .
oat our carkmail4einppotht.absebtaTolult
thlog •ur eel bet rammed soak.
ouu eold wa sas robblab okuubare bole rob
CS'il the
OlAte. th swat: •_,STary Tark-41.41 - L
dreps -
5.000 1.214 ' 6°/- c-
rdattep, atuns , mcd atit774
- CONG3/03, OP.EiLiSD YOtigliCtirCL
i wig tarp atvortaint cir
calLisitErw)s sixoEs:
_ • •
Or gray - desertofori, P.V.Mtighho ititka, all. Ina,
IicOLELLAND% 55,11
H. D.-I,nrk foram:nand adeberon Irtoinny ex'
•e haw N o nucilon *AA as y atAtk . boom.' .
Boots, Shoes, Geiters Balcuals
At - .Tip s Er4NIV,?, ::.-;:;.7._
rra. Ca itattstrianzrr.
LAnter, arrranctors. :
=art Tonal%
tow Asp ontaluare
Boots, Shoe; and,Gaiters)
No. 04 Market Street.
SLATES scoria
NEV GOODSI NEW 431301).1 t:
wstuiy. Jot ro;ktria our Bating it f!.
BOOTi3 AND DEL'Oiliy t. _
Ortarl w lll sell at tall Lowan CASH 114*
We ham the Larrget sad beet atleeteloralear,,,
times Bias Valf Swatuts* . 4 pia%
tio scm6d to the city... 4,4?:,G0it1i • :
abeateago. Gfivaa a eadl."-
- • . .
mbisi E
• - •
nIIISTOII -MADE . 8110E-3=41;v3 gis9l3
p,.s malted alaritit asaartmaat
bait Now To, k .an Pbiladalphla th , jabala Wait.
falba wad blissec Itattoxm, Goat LA
Lasting calmcsalt, 800 sad Gallen at .t 3 tat.
Thaw (coda two t. Iran ablatto gx.411 I'. •
.l , lso* plural roartscerat btall
h.v.anwaisupbma Nam., . .
• licEO: ALB= SON'cop.i•
Efa. St. an. M Waal mad Itairtb att..
logl CAMPBELL, ISlannfactaie of
ey BOOTS MID 813(11143, of avlry. daralpkienk, Y.
SLIM, eimitlttlaidttnet, PlibbuFgli
. .
pATTL:RBON alto; •
. •
fOo,ll,logheny Coal ah d NarCoaL
Oitatilatt as tb;ollc.oa ad 87611%
ant Bradley'. Wo loft facyorr. city,
pmmpu 'U'Udaidorz.loonialr
• • •
• '
• COMMISBI6II - Itieftbalit,
.ItinsFoar attea!losi mut to 1:111E4 erdari
titatimara, raonnszta, noes R Gaels.'
.24eNAUG.Fika , :&L CO t
• StonsituilMok wren.
AD vain lbe PATIVO, QUAD:
IRO se imilthlng 6 oar lb., pftsepOr anadod 145.
Addle BOA lie, £O•61141 fut, UlcA, or 1
Non Joann. GS 4114b04110011
MOTI 0 g.—Thei Taxi :ye*
Pluatrtihh ore so:alma flat 111162111 •
ta now poop hod to nowt ro ,at taus tat 01 hisq4llo, •
*loam' s d loocuot of & cont;otel tasartbst .
ore WO ono' before tau tot der cthezeat latzt.
Theartate Normality, Loot • thaw oo dog Gad. ..
malt be pet! beton lb , to: or .1 neat, so the 101 l , t
UMW: Imams the Jame. •
• wic a tcaß &Ifni frilkiang. ;
tlttatemb„ ;eat stsv.. , t6l. • • •
_ _
500 littear PEI lid thli t tiS; '
111"0 bblo Vastly
• . IIoW -
10n W.A.:nal med Back rbicol; ; ,• .
.do N ay •
• '
10 da D 71117001
In Eon sad for sou •-
• i4.1=2503 /11V4021.
fro .
it, • Werd aTnat.
' ' - •••••
,11.) tddds itatias
do do Loraord;
ed DMA. lost State Poidoor.
Oblo prima pots llopiddr.buT,
1;t0 Clordi Imd
rscottnoll ond b ado as. So Irtborty
‘,7 • rOttill. AIN Eft tr !111 PLED.
V.81.1--SU ha.ll bbfa. Isia. 3, Large.
" • a. "
3 emeLacq
60 do •
bil2llll/ a tt
• ss 60 ;63 mad"
dateednd 66,1i6,161667 E • . 3, a 0.51711.
I rratC-2,011t1 1 Ir-6C Hull Bat*
'..--1.017) torah lqp ; -' • _
20 . 1411 Wt. *Nu
ink - Elite, in•
. cuuai..lldbxen prisms gnaw* {Awl%
Now nto.trlag and Sir =Jo t 7 • - .
its .
• •
Oitauieretflltiki thi V 4; 4 4 7 ;,,fi0s re. , •-::,
adria;smvplr 'of sioukdile os Otto-
gagllgp pat sp to gun jars dmillin sal, ama-•
ram4l7<hvan> •4i
sal) - • l i mn cnaeawa ..
Trcvtindp, &wry * 00:a pa.
9560 Bs. CM *go Osasimedp. Man;
• - re.. O. r Vat!. & 0.%4:5a1../97144
. Frinle br- • SOS - km! tie: taro,
ono-I.n 00w emu& tumor: &e,
jut mold aso for AO, b ri "
.1210 Sean; 110041, 3104.116
81:11.3DME5.=.4 bto& isEgis;
• '.l do Drua argil; r I
• ' • 10 tun :mita Scap r i ,
irtortsad Itirimal• ;NUS T
O. 1:14:68LICT:1
Ja " • Liam>
.8.01:08.101;0.; •
: ^. q Cams Oblo Lear
n... 1.4 sad tied. bi : tr.. nit znietco.;_
ftrr, - Lfh.fty
vu nom erdi4rwistpLi •
COD bock. imeOpe.. imialwai•t•nwv , , , . •
- ZAt4fialsar A aultirs..
. •
:. cabs
tecog rs ot Wo?L
:,ice.n mo4iiTte.
.14 1 JidiCikklaill:r0.40w 'Ai Stine, ...AO
- .1./ IkiILPIIIMOIRIII INls,:iritatiL Ittl - -
ell etsikislab to sad •
• - I••
• ,•
~ id! - .. Up., 40 a Cb - 4 207 Übay iy.
•• ' ': ": • ..i: '' ‘ z,..: ' - f = . 4 ....*".......=:.„ - *,-,..,.: ~
- . • c • ?'' =,
_ -