- THE MAIALIgIED IN 1786 ..:,9 1 1# Our4it --(0a0#1i PUBLISHED itHUMIG ''ANCILIIOI runts or THE GAZETTE. . vreck..—. Is. • 0 - 1 8 1 a c 9 1 . 1—••••••••—, 1 . .:oraraosititaelt year........ 4 80. 20. " " .12'12:1071, 21142526F1A PalTAre. 2 te• elite of 5 OD, , elebe ctIO or mon" .- 173. -sad, ara ,extra to . tharputy, marting . clob. tar a dab Cl Mea t ca wui crarttiitrania Ga*rn. "trialfr ,, lDar xlab twenty, as wmslia th. WassizaGarmr=4lll7. Bt ?Wes, cer , gar . , tricay is aza - repert alertly, stoireal 4rhos the thole aphee. •• • The Reading Matter on this Figs is'from Saturday's :£vehlng cinmpnign in Virgil:fin leigthlt bee baen . , 'Ascertained, that Ayer'll Du reaol - ed tivcr, Vtiginia vigor.' .06 tartiens'of s tbe Vir and It this Is not li a r —Ansa atannton, he.s-stithin re eat atit pine. Von - with prcsnice, can ; ;otontanications bat , :i been 4aiabilshe . e hntwean Areal . and IL:titer. NAPF;iitie - 17 . iittong::and 1301- clout_bady .pf cavalry Mitt himi' and' tls ..`winid be; valuable • fo,Ten,dlootar.,; Via:tear ;nothing of IMbo- Ain't caTairi which was left in the velloj when EireolibiaW toOk Ws division to loin Lie: It lifirtrust grotablo that AToral •?•111 dastroy tie' railroad all iho way from Jack son's river ta::Strastin... , --dt Unita Italtod to„nwait the rebuilding of a bridge semis tha'North river which therebels ." destroyed, bat it was aeon dono, and he then crossed and bear:ones' form. Illspanes e. Eitaimton to i doubtlois to await a „imitation with Avotrill'ind Crooks: - The positiodot affairs lathe valley is boil - in tact threatening toLoti, find it will be ne cessary for him to gather up forms from some quarter to oppose turs." -- Uls readlositesomm would to send - Brooklaridge hack to the 'Talley - irith"otie - or two divisions;" Lot these :.. be might now gad It didiouttte spiny fro:alto '-`"Tanta •anxiy,'ead'ho•lifis" 'no' fordo available, ottuawlaa than , : to recall Morgan from Ran - !.tackj, sa'd land - tine Midlleneral Efaut,Tones to Join Indridez,oad the wreck of lb. firces -.••llitely'ardatHisidied by Gitlin!: W. .I..,:Dming.tkairollan's campaign against Blob crben Benteltad pushed south throng' 14,..Tratacr boo now done Lee litaohed -Season, with a full corps, o galnet •-'-'-tantandiras sucemsfitibtroleminithe - Should. lb :_resort to a :Stumm: oxridl on •-••• • " co formidable. an ant4go ; sibitatitiontptsasing.blain'teant, the result Might le disastrous and muse the capture of Siolimbuabis antprdozdfau :L . :Built !root to be disguised that ins situalionts one demand 7;•;4dieg...,promjet ;mind' ontirgelid •actiod. from. ,It and. Osaka join. Bunter; lus will bi - stilirigenough to fight a full rebel amps, and.will not hositattto aocopt tattle if. - it is offered. lye hive still a form In reserve Ratiroid under VI! eottraVid - t! !Pita. • • lota Japanese. • It ti ralataiin &Jeanie from:•Taxis;4litit o • snake aaaderswhichtholapsiato antboxes dare :have sans in Pa?fi, 410 one . .thlt 71103 t < , :";astoolabed••••thesn':'•ie -La', Pommes,.le. - trial. '• , :••Tlibir interpreter Sisad'ALtheaCdallY•ituf, ro ?lads Otikaprooesalings, vshietv , .etempled; the estraten Oyer. -:They sohosed,thatLs islands =net be a prince, or at lassticisi very illostriona persoaage; and: when: thoi.sisere - Striae "ws:s en abiistialitidietlirSott- I-c , nosiera of ab soeint , shraitin' g, they cord& not .•••:-hrioi•the*seires to -in:Oen:Aid !aos , ti ;sold necessasy to load . tiz or' eight months In a istalitainary.iastenotion,..to oitsisosq btind. • ,•:, ,, Sisitnesersiand'to - spend iipersidlot trweek 1 . Ifinting cape:its, dontors ,oto., absitAbo I • AU* In to: coatry, :.-thPy!aid,jilatice is mach snore expeditions. - .:•Iman'ia - aoinied of a cliznei ; bin bowels !arc Alopo , t.trpiriatt — theralran road (tit; - .Jor Setts 3nuch.tlivimittr; , . and itinnoomt _lts•sanneelritivinin - terlitml - but Chore Is no '1; greattarat done.: 'PhiaTatopeatizespett for pine his; bowaier, stunk A * priz cfp 1 nib s aid or,SS a. tblii :srortity to tnatra a note! of 1 end he ban addressed a sop:lst to the . Tyoit (71.1 en l* stlhintt• ; ~ • .Tar following extract from a letter s tirrlttea hy sleiding sad infer:Mal house itt Ceiba ":. idOn'tetfatt cottinireinleornisporidants bre, •! . •i,I dazitiis the sfatewent .. whieli hae_bein the. :i;.!tifore made, that the Britten government : his ' rii edeptsd aillOnta: lir cheek 'tie eaten elthe . '_o f. P404 17 / 021 44 T , ' . '.' ' . - -, ill •E''''''- -':'''' t.'' tAiititaigiMili 0 ,0,864.. Wit ' understand that the DrittshGovern ', fl tittnit,tistresint oat lllstractkme iothei A4ll- : rill ow this Ititibti to tend ' in starch of the i ' fL, Confederate steiro*Floridefand cipteroher 4 ' Wheterer she easy be fiend. Whet deride . tfeitahnhaexonnosittildi orlfe,iteensed of has , frig committed on the British Ilag,, tud12914 et ' trElhed pabliely. .The order has Veen don ve "trishetlifferent comnianders =Or . 444 .f . :i. , and rill likely remain :nest until the aqui'. '-': ti.Piltap:F..uortibe ) Tilt be milted into some 4-••Zeglish port, and the ease properly tried to a ..,I'.iaotirt.of Admiralty. —RebeiAaJffnUstlng 40:(Inr Arecy. , '2-- The Point -LOohout , emitspotidatatf San Baltic:ism AmariCan se3c Pecrutittig ki-Po Paint froze thelehoi camp has talon a soar &Orley sine Jthe-. stei Campaign Opened land eineiatai - earisrsif eO large numt ,ol of'Ws' oxen.:- The recruiting is ander the cisme of Liam. E. Williams of the Vint United States - ,'Maleateert. hsfienoosediel sincpen : hug of the campaign In recruiting over e the o four' bundreurrellable-snen—men whom, faros and oiretuustances newt Ocir Own 00111,191:6012t, but she now, no soon at epees. -twat, offered, at onevatillitad 46 fight ihet : battles..,;.a number whomconversed *l4th ellarlimestitsi'vteeiht the fervlce`f the rebel • Governmout they -nourfahtta tuuaket;but elgalnst theitiiirn ,The number of rebore' that -with to take tha.oriffr - -ittes - the lata ; betties is 404 ,aackilitaaffa and -en atlacc - bozdly ge vithfnlll.''gates hut bit is beset ahia huairY araneitnirtitogafter.tbe tate• leatlon of the. Government,, no Rebels LealitaCOr -itc? From I northern Copperlieelle. _ '!be rebel taws teriirittiiii*ag - Maki site.thedif.,Hatthein tog of 104/°-oomo to ,TelP3 o m ak , Md ' d?" the !tall oldie ittueh L iv etteiretiellkem% "There y ao doaikeslithe .ellealvitleter• /gnaw, Out there :are, In -" the iir th evitortt , gates, laripenlllthetaf mr o "Poig n te ! t it e a bolitir ci i : latZh e %ti o lu e olo bli li fac Alutt P over 200,000 'vet4is thntaßfate were opposed, to thrives, end lf the Imo! of Inearreetien wale* spend over Illinois, we -feel certain that,thonsandsle,l.Vhibtrill rill Nothing melee. ethieg coal give as greeter tielpfactlen then the sight. ofthe Ctrpper *toted In tutting the tleents of Linoopt:r likeibM4 1, 1 102811 peps bilitakd intetv fa the etamplpn _ 11 /4 and"stroao, biLMdCf IladlezMitanangt egnit'WfUlim.Ciehithwitt, nenin id on Ihers• lifingag, at, the ilippothentron;treir Tisk, lad inhaled in &vet , ofirairennt!git._ pip - Im= *valiant, ;imp thhaghenti !fltd ategta tkespecctatori tao ;newt that In , the ireintlirilidrdellar ever vitae:bed pubspo. The 'mire ate* doe stood--Sti.; 47,,tikfry,,h,..1•1500;*I4ChreitrIA25.,. Mti.:l:olwTnottnotti itotortonit'ltioo•Cp - . tnitmoted t 3 rro ,-4:41•411,45-40,01,-,t,0--Montreal --tampoterlir•ot to 'take t CoaintiPonarati now of .. the non. Joshua! B. lii otateethittAit dierottuyof the Treas ---- -try, onWilsiti to Now Tooc;faYorAl7 'on ' taitatiolt.cittnin Eils- Ygkel l o l lo Inagointimis and eetained to '14%01114i* pa*pofe of : Emuog ri'm" WI/ nsttabir • indorsas rreatant'a .:44100 - Aisjoire,ooo6 win WO rk . - :=L . ':i , ?',Si - A!'il,'4: , :: -;;-,;'!.i.,',4.:',-i-''' . , . ~... .. . - ..,..-..,..4,........... A. . . .. , ..-. ,_,, _ TPIS4.ItAMS.. : 1 SENTINKT REBEL' RAID. SAFETY OF THE ORDNANCE TRAIN. Rranklort Reported Occupied by the Rebels. COXFICTZIPO IhOOOVOrTB. Elioavy,Gannozmdingttetard. Loutsvirms, June 10.—The spatial train with Ai° immired armed isoldiers;which left limo I eight o'clock listOirdng; report that they ;cat ilthin thirteen. Juliet of Frankfort, lad 'ascertained that the ordnance train' bound here - had tamed hack end gone totter:l:Frank ' fort; imoscortof forty solders on board fight tug a following - -force of rebels, at ' , tortoni' points. The rebels had obstrboted the road fu saveraiPlama between here and Bagdad, by felling 'trees" etch, across' the meek, and destroyed the bridges in the rear of lb drd- Canoe train as it returned from Etillito wards Frankfort. It b supposed - thee train arrived safely at Frankfort, 110, telegraphio comumnication is not yet:open te Abet city. 11. p. advice, froze Bagdad - port Frankfort as ocouldett by the rebels this afternoon, but It is discredited hero; as 1141-. quarters have received no Intelligence on the subject. , L0T115Y11.13, June IL—Advice' have been received at headquarters that Governer Brim tette has armed the citizens of Frankfort; end that the Fort is well garriloned aid can doubtless hold out against any-attack 441 General Berbr l dge;aho at last accounts tree stLeiliigton, eluell arrive there. • - • fascism prpercaz,-) ' • Lomsums, Juno 11.—Gen. Carrington, commanding the distriot of Indiana, cow here, received a telegram , dated at Bagdad at _ 10:30 tbitaiorning, erylng that heavy lin.' nonading had been hoard la the direetloit of Frankfort at To'clook this morning. , Abont 9 thie morning rib..'3 o-0 0.1 1 1% 3 awl' in 44 d . inCtlCl,Ahlat was reported - to be from a berming bridge:abonkthrie milee Ma aide of Frankfort. roaairins,loure 11, , —Generat o:dir tick. 4 from. Oen.. SbvYman, prohibits 4115 .I.4in ferment of bodies of deceased offieers:of to Ilskiliael; mouth of al& fotitsidei,snitp_edtts tlie alit of Oitolser siezt: • - The Tiror is falling, with three foot on pie ROM CAIRO AND BELOW Battle - at--Golunal:) REPORTED BURNING OF THE TOWN. THREE NLOIERS TO BF I SHOT Calk°, Snap* 10-sfldatett.—Tlato steamer Eraporor, fratoigesr °elms, has arrlTcd. STlscri,the rt o per F q passed Colatitbraan,tie nix an camel:swat hal tskets,placa batsman . portion of Gancral A. i. fizitts'a forcas sad the ribils itiovt, t o to gain satisfaotory information ocaccralig: it. Oar forces are roported to have lost Wit) , or forty killed and seventy womoded. The battery at that point has boon romoind. When the Emperor passed, the =l6l/0 brigade boats were lying at Ooltimbin and the town wasburning, as were buildings on several Eadth's tine; was lying above Colombia . i. Tho steamer Hallman, from Memphis cnithe evening of the 7th; tau arrived. Jahnllaton, ! Jacob Snovor and Thoino . Johnston, privater, belOnglng to the 2d Si T . ; cavalry, waro to ha shot at Fort Pickering on tba icttb, for tbocrieie of rope.' -Thorn-is little doing. in blemplaiw There le only a emiall quantity of Oltton at bend, all of which is taken ht rating rates—otridtly adillng ? 4 2@i23; good, 91©93; fair, 22t-i FROM HILTON READ. The Reconnoissance Toward 8e• cessionville. Arian onautikoN; 11.inLey's Asluipoo Alva 333cpediticui. STEAMER BOSTON ABANDON :D , sarTat;leas's Milan Reed correspondent recites the essions :trio Mons In thst section: On the 22d.nit.'Col. Von Gibs, with'. &tad:moats froia regiments, among tiara 85th s3y.te, FpFtly3ls4.tcowittcts gaoossioneillo. ;As 'A:at:a-y*6:4 the rehisiSware charged upon ; 01fiedrisi*Jri4I44.j.4.0**IIIkO• Tao 55th nearly annihilated one rebel teginanot.. reooanolsatnas Afredt4 6 our troops Were withdrarri. The firing on ObasiWri aeirart BorgtoY ;,..poisirspzrA..4 liallearcr 5,000. pen tats:t toforea hino,lnt tris told' tbep conid no 1.. There is a prOspeckthat Apigolpitc: soon bo raised:— - • ••• • - .aapodltion moredi ap "4-Peppe: *et. cadet Eliena7.l It: 'mat 141;fortalso ftvPl - The att*citJ3ciiioitipi ,fisiono.4Atti 14 . ,1 to bo ebeadonid' *ice Chillloeittidaidtat-1 Ilrpitant Dash on the Rebels id' .0091:101N •Fla THEtAPTORE OF THE WiTERVITCH. EIGHT BETWEEN ITHE friEI(CH. • MigtatutzPelbaied.iirtt4 Great Lqss, ------- 1 - rine June tr...=Xiteffaahrs eortes- Jr CiOtaal pool:at sap : On the ,st:;n iAnte Oene. Gordon made a brilltardsitt'.O'si'thisiebili Ln front of Jaoksonellle s ' 711 . 1 ' The rebel oinftp Finnegan and hillton arm Ilenied, while ani.: Othrksipkti*aikek.theno front. The enemy fed tonfasion. j. It appears' Oates. githboatyrater Witch Ire* eurprlsed when captured; The rebels boarded her In emailboats, and before those op WO bedtime „to,int , nis:a Sight they *era "tahan' prisoners. The Water Witch trill' be a great • aegnlsttlort to the rebebl..;.-1-. - • The Tranni.Witifilimatli4t dist. Doile do; witlitwo thionsand•neen attacked the on-: trenched map of th e Pre;!thsfellr 0 40 0 4 strong, between Ban Wald Poke' and Saltlthst sad was &lasted with the less of Altura hnn , FROM OOTI,ER'S DEPARTMEN' M!M DEMONSTRATION ONYETERSBURGi - - , Several Mika at Petergairg and Riali7 PIMA 4111111raddlteltiVied• FOIITIZSi ISOMMOJOAI IO 11rf:Iellt 4 r"7 , fOrai ;ma.: Gen. autioto taitiw idimoisitta. caaelasbart. ntalinCooll4.P l ._ngtr in g the enemy's .: nt_lbe Potonsie, June Bth, says 9c.Oort:yiyip,.itywortotidi across the railroad, on eastern bank, of the Chlokahominy. ifienodin tba d_ ll O4P , vik Y. l- tordoi mominglip OrtnireismiCattru's Mote ions of:grill:h. coins, , and Efammiii bridge was tailor afters", short aneounter. Tho 18th corps was advanced to the Mier. driving; in tho - on omy's WW2 and Occupling the bridge. Two North- Osroline - ,i4gimenti. were On tie O .PPo *N sitn ur tfhe river, and a robe' brigade Oar position Is impregnable against any tut. Tbe NaU6ntl -Demoeentie Convention , Amour,Junels rumored, In po litical obelus here that the liistibrial Demo. cratio Convention ' called to.mset at Chicago on July 414, *lll be postponed. It b ander ste od that the National Ihnnocratiotommtttee have the subjeetender ensideratlon, and will arrive st tome definite conclusloa before the 20th Wt. . The Waning Rebellion. A cotompotary..vary handsomely pule the -following -facts together. -They are worth looking atlai the fahatlisried as wall as the distil:recited: • • . . —"Three yearning° therebels held Ssm poses don of ail-lest= Virginia, and doggedly' disputed the sispremney: In West Virginia. They held undisputed away over ermine! of North and Southiesiotine, of Georgia and Alabama, of Florida, except a fort at the mouth et • Penske...de harbor,; they held ell of . Mississippi; Lonislems,' Texas, Arkansas .and Tennessee, andhad completecontrol over the hliseiselpni river, from the mouth of the Ohio to the gall. They stnbturnly disputed the possession of Kentucky and Mlimontri ; I they threatened !Sauteed, and beselged the capital of the cation. "The rebellion hoe lost snarly all its terri— tory and quite half Its resources. It has lost oontinstally. Its :accesses on the battle-lleld have never yet staid its retreating god 'Ter minus, while itadolcate have been followed immediately by - the ahandenment of whole States or largo districts. In '6l it lost Mary land end 'West Virginia. In 14 It lost Ken tacky,. Misaeurii.elwfla of North and Swath Camihm, East Virginia. Kultsile, New Or leans and Ike:Thu. In 'O3 It lost Middle end West Tennessee, Arkansas North kile. sissippi, and Vicksburg, with the Great Falb erorWaters lidolG Lehi it WI /oat ita loot hold upon Elam Tainittee, and: North • an r. gin, and North Alabama; andraecurral Grant hasdriven Lee to the gates of Richmond, after ;worsting him in a aeries of great battles. to la word, the rebellion, is dying of a galloping 'coneunptien . , Yetiheriait still 'those who- think the re ; billion count be put down and who say that " 11 Grant 1.1 beaten In *battle that Is the end of the war." As If ,Mr armies hod not, already been beaten inmate than embattle-I The queitLin 1i oof skid lisininciliand then a battle, but whose 44111 i Is It that 'tardily loses . ? On which side Is It that Ks victoria yield no substantial fruits, while Its defeats are enduring dleastent , , . The-Voice of Kentucky elareholdape. The. Kentucky delegation, cohabiter of twenty two leitAing ottlcent from that State, wets tho ornate of nice hundred steer. Tt l vy were all for smontdpstlon, immediate or, I speedy, and all indepeA the, redimil Motu , ' Con for the Utter anti rpstion-of 'sinewy from the sort of the 'flatten Streit. What. a 043.1' mantiry it this upon- the mteeneete ship which - ...rertnient. , eopPinheade, , nhol Giver aimed, cc wilt inn. a Blare, Wavily to their block subarea slearitry, whom they, like the vouch/ be the .orlitmatseriglioe,trevely fittedlii woe by the tecrifite cf their natnril I eianhea ; ,;Ilhat,,timitittotire depravity; al 'blob. m depiteatiooka direst thoni,noakim I it Mill their. Might , to-Ira:taco to evile-and *lces whictittory. cannot enjoy; letd; after the leide;og.' l ate , ,POrace:o l oel teld; .. ...limit: kith -Commies . Urines-beep triads ie.ficinial ottddgeiconsmender of the district of Ken• tnakir.i:lol4 two ',who:Mid:Viva:Mod Chop. /Circe for.stilitaient; and *tin 6 ;pan extra netioni. sejectod, , 116912. • Mabjtatlld to harstrbeatpentinivdnishosent. for- the it. tete ph'r te. r ; )3 abridge ben' issued priories diroollist -:Ppiettsh iderabile And Depety -Pi: 010 A giittile.thrOneont:the -sts.i to almost } alt portent =no o ending and .prefor ebarg ap!nst theta -for•.4lSoottrastnif _ . 7..T.lnideigpsttiikkottbeclizananna b4ratq4pro Mout u the !Mallet of iithylll4/ Li obitog -4d :to the oDlitriesct loneuar," l ,laollader, freadditfis JO' Cite Platriat as otiginialy 14- g1itt,E441,310 troiips nadlelongss on dm rit7- rOuo from 0414cablilo-Duatttrp.froti Dat tar to ,I3terrosorr, from Daok sitar ti lookout erUlibn guillubtflit , And obrituatoov, till ?ad.?: joauth Biidgepost, Of th e Nash4ll4 sad liorthwastutt . railroad toittip,Tennpiso river.) , cro It I tail tlabt ot, thollghtdtatline- Iters now In coo:nett constatotlos et Bat ti t wilt not itoonwhiot the& IttOtitt Ana *VW in on baud; alto ttatsnotheimas lattagrotad star she was bunged to parnAhor slaking, and that -anothera was, not more than thtoo Inane oatol , wator...C4namodoto Gregetyj it undarttood, wiltfizamllr . lnto the -antler #so It enittitneesk.be done to remedy thosendaslonlotlom . , • . gitaxplizi .onrins Posh.-0a @Di Bali of ; March last angoras, 'American banister to .4)111no, natl. Iced gorrnment of that:. oeuntrr of , the epee toe of the' Alstiond In the Chinese 'berm' en& remrestod that he bo ex cluded from Obis ports: Pointe Krieg to. pilled, deeming that he had gloat odors: tor' i esolasiort. - - 'Pr lr isportetithet the laoers lettere tho Pritish.Adosigelty to - report on, the'pro. grin of Monti:Jut fron,iiimil:hovelloribilof in their revommimdations itv.Odoption by dirt government of the Eriossors Wrote) the eon , moor remain tho working of the lb e s. nd 'ipies,-end the new ventllleting s 40.4:11° monitors. - "A Zabel :le' the "Provideacc.lea reel ad. eltei. theAsdiort4..toetre their driest" tti olio I escape the grimed , 0110 Utah - , ireCUalisloo, by the 1,000,000 Oradell flimsies of'; the bled BMWS, aze .donat each eanaellyiloithe tact G oo of the atticle,': - - .- -.!' -,--.•• --:%: ..; i• • iit -' . - ~ =Tai daorrsw - itozr - Cararthe - ltditi ..';drr-:01.1,111.1.2 tif,DAttirtni, lid4'cate.' to Oasa iniyi heat eompie Se kern every his deathlataiy , from encipelsi, oozed by part of thecrodetyrn tsfeteaCe the Mato er hit hailed stioccOted to irseeistate himself by the, whet ;voles. which, from the . rsisgei pf i l k:lathes a thiesd. with Owyhee, sad draw- fit ead 'other ansekwill-111.1 far below to s 4f,atoceesialdS-seco-catt inn - , ---- ' 7, sTari.di-iPTC:Thineitiiiieirttoii mad . 4 ',. ' the eats ma aura trips era yet, atotehdai 1 ' 'km{ Angtesp, Valli tallsAlta latter ii‘hieh The Agrassetett hruatualslly heavy, esd""ek: rreteest adopts the watahletiow of theMlsni. Mini. farmer , aceplaftg to make Amy: - 4pplie; teed,cetownidesi o the tut will arid testszent sweshaWsbariadadharitedit"leo de 1 et twilit* J. 0. Prof:oat , ' ".- -- r? ire Tory.ste -,- :j..! --- :_i, :,.., ;:1.."-- ':' ;-: !. -- - ! , '-' - i tip - 7. - 4,_ ! 'zra.:4:-. •, _ -'l-..".:4"3"Z , 7:,...:701 ,-., •: •_ - , , ... , . . . . . .. -: 1 - i • - piTT„.„ 11- , PITTSBURGH, MONDAY ,MO NING. JUNE 13, 1864 CITY AND SUBURBAN n Froui the Fourth. Caralry.-A Brave From a letter written by Capt. Frank H. Parke, of Co. 11, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, wales.= that on the Ild test. Corporal Wm. Hanna, eon of Alexander Hanna, plasterer, , of the First Ward, Allegheny, was cent out with a party ganger' plait, to ascertain end report where the enemy was going oast their pickets. On readiiing the Chick/lomat:3 , , they came in full view of a party of rebels an the opposite side of the river. A Volley wee immediately fired, and Corporal Hanna .fell. The river here la only about twenty yards wide, and our party had to fall beak SC rapid: 4 as possible, leaving their.comnsde behind. As soon as the facie were reported. Captain Parke sent •equed to get the .body, but the rabble were found at that point fortified, sad it was impossible to 'get any further informa tion in regard to him. A few rebels wets obit:avec' standing around what was supposed to be the body of Henna, end the. &opposition ie well grounded that he was only wounded, as the enemy removed him. If. he had- been killed, be would have been left ou the field.— No effort,-however, will be .sparad_to areal- lain his fate.. • : • - liapt. Parke speaks Of ,this - Y tiling , man - In the Teri highest Mine:" He was one of the 'haat metanthe'corcipany, iilWli) e Inflating en lielag In chi first sank; was always' anxious teflll the Post of danger; and was erne of the "bravest of the breve . -, He was-highly es teemed. by his ootoradee, and enjoyed the nr.. mrsd and coaddenee.of his superior egleere. Wounded-of-Cpld Harbor fibs following noldiera from. this vleinlty were Wotmded 1n tbo teeent battle at Cold Some ofthose, itatopinuty, L an already Leon ptibliabe4 bus the moat of-thorn artknow glean for lb* ' . , .. • • . • _ J N Buck, T 110, big .. - A DcautblUtu;ll l ,llE,lblitti 1 P Leotard, 161, *uvula W WacUtauhaucb, , P, IE9, r co=r E fa . e ' .l7 In at . W ii D 1012 !, 11, 129 .1 scapula /as Hun" *., 132, ...cat Bata Bluer, It, 111, thigh 1,16111uu, A./39.1 6 A JO Ourblue, E, LW thigh gurney. LOO2, stale 1 robs 11 11.* or, .B, 130,hund II- blow; L, 110, brad OW Wilma, 0,109. WA CEt BJAcOotakuu*D. / 02 , i • H Bugler, 0,139 . cheek back • ~ 19UkkIvIe, 11.133,1111gb John Dklasy„ll, LW, um, J.Auen: A, IV. thorax W Haat, 0, 139.1ait All Backman, I, 131,h1v J Hutilllnusq 8.130, kb John 109cydes, 6.133,10. E llsrver;lC;•lo3., lanes watant,ll;lo4,oooat Witt Franck, 11, 121, band WlDtkads.ll,l3o. bud Jahn Picked, B, 161 lrb Jan Gunder, 10,139, olds Est B Thom O. 101 IF B Alangoll, H., '129, J A Watford, B 102,b - , ,aboulAcr • DI Occrr, D, Ica, kg 8 8 Warden; H, 130, but ay. Thou llcHanallu. T Y Bpcnce, D, 139, ankle 162, Kulp 131 Ituve.t, B. 139; aide alleut lag 211001710, B, 1,34,6*V0603; 61 - 101, arm. Sgt. klaj 1 El Emu, LW, abdomen . Oatentitles 'in the Tho followinessud 100fhPearkultanla tif Cola Harbor : ttodirro, 0, right arm Sergi J B BcCleAds, B. thigh J P Nicklaus, 11,, left thigh SW Johnaton, 0, left hip Lutlek, 0, eight rshacti Alletsrell,B, rightarm 11 . 0ottan, - E. right hand & Bather, U. right leg A P,Olitsr, 11, right in 0 Shawn. 0, ankh 1. hand Clatibead, 111, lea 1 Point, N, Bit dicialder Llerst 'VW annals.% 0, J Breast, E, leg, M D B, left tide W E Bawl, E, eight Mao JR. Ehrt.n, 0, le4 N A BeArreli, D, right Another Brave noldter Killed. A letter Vas received yesterday morning annetineing the tenth of Lieut.:Andrew J. Berates, of Ca. r, r ura regitaUnt. The , Lieutenant was killed cn the„.3l in t., in the lame heti= in wbloh his brother, Col. Moil., waine, received his fatal wound. The de.. mind served two sullen:rents to the rapist amy, and was . thrsugh an the betties irg ara, the essu,nalin; breaking out of the rebellion he tit en r thniertics, and- elter,the three months rm. pulps be became icnneeted with ' K, 103 4 regiment, end was chosen orderly sergeant. On the 2.lth or Bay, 1613, ho wan itppuinted &wand Licattxusnt, and In the Ineratdlog ffovirroberjernS piomotod tothe riot Lleithak stay, which petition ha tilled at the [imp of hie death. Do was a good celdier,: and woe moth respected by Ma compiay. Du buds CV probably be brought hams for interment TDe San4Ary 9mTbmlon- TI. Gan.. The fullomitig estraots from fetters mitten by a soldier' bolonsiog to the Ibtith Pentisyl Tanta liniment, ishbonglt pretty "tough ". in style, are dolly true, esd serve to Chu trate'the eldrattu of the relief tarnished bj the Sanitaryi Commission to ono bare sol dLrl t , iMsn, AM; wonld I giro for rabaage ot ands:Pieties! We have never atoned clothes 11000 *ll litSV Ltie Rapidan ; have been in catrormitmente and, ride •pits oar stare, 'and MI totrLbly 'Mtritildlr, with .wood-bis46-Embula. 414" . • ' The tam moddierw4tes : ,J. .got., a glair at than gsmaenui from are Butkus Ova= eion. God Weis Get Coada . lislosi.- TfeedbuLly zee:. - I can sleeralthord se stoking., The eit3iths'et South Pluabarahlave rea son to creaviadtato themseleati oya?'s - those* , eysictiV 'darts t 4 theteßotaity_Cdpeatseletters. Ua learotag that ahr , dhettet wag still Mae tbsy. went to wog* ig tlik Unit coots by treltudeere;andeneeeodedidgedeably. They had very tittle Meaty Insetting and the, botuethoe paid were, not at all *sorb! , Sams ints.ortaa -ataked for sten dg , ore'thatt 6500. They pot In ten men, and thou tt :re 'tle; for an.. 14% Mangy, was way,tt a tittle street had !Tot readai A Ger Pes4r.L4ut evening tlx rang men; with a oonnipondlef oilman of /out% women n were etrested,l27 the alight watch for dlserdeas eonduotupos the Waste and taken 'to the Mayor's Odes end' leaked up. Thts morning they appeared ne the pipes loos end presented • veryidlleptdated appemantat The watchmen testided that theAcadant of the party *as extremely dbiOrderly, and that leaguagt wee teed by them odd& was both Indecent and profane.- - 'The Mayer leaded slight fi nes upon them *blot they paid and' deputed. . the _BaiaMullirritens. A isgAll br tt. risme of Booster, panisiss irom the' nonce, walked all the way from Stauribilitri l inteel. inn not longer. bluntly titter their anneal ' there the old lady died, and the children are left stole. An otAisi brother' left Dicta anis months Worn the frithilinterbilk', They lip limited to fed litut Irheeling, but In that have been dissyytdtitioL:i,John titllWan Rees ter to theiefore nodded;Viet hi, sister le In Wheeling 'and suedtme to beer of' his where. Cournmssar Geassnatan.—.&Afty note, purporting to have been issued from the ' Oohed. State* Treastay.tme Just made its op, pavane* Wilco east. will doubtlese soon be offered here.-:IL Is almost a perfoot imitation of the genuine note I but a close examination will detect a 'light difference ".in' the enter. Is& espolaily the - portrait is the co erre ey the note': w .They baok of:the 'thistle. slight/7 . coer, in workmanship than that of th e Ns. nine throat care ehould be' elerelsed tothd ihigi no to s of this., de n &lc Atka," Ifians l pirst..CorrationsonThe Franklin ari* liana, this Xt. 4'ohn Rae eliint Yana 'ga funt", gave tothe Fittsbnigh - tho proceeds of his share of the oil produced on his laruCto_olo...4.ye.atneentiosilo,V 2 . o4o4 he proprietors of vhe .niory.f m la .I*g gronertnesphithave done tho sem* thing,the ield to.their case _ retching" the magailicepth made, gtf,ooo; Verypleasant tit it; indeed, to record such ;,eithildfloria - orpattletio Übe; '': , ..;:],- 7. .'"i - ' . ' , Y . i- 7 1;i , ,a'V - 7g.x ., '. 1 =• ; a.. -4-. !x 24x,...,,:, Soldier Wounded. Roundhead Reg! nt. • its ate reported In the .giteent, in the b►tt!, W 6 Underwood A, right shoulder : • J Elton's:4o.loS hand W Watson, 0, left should.? W =tort, 4, risht hand 4.1911; rLnang,l3; thlgh lentl OrfotsE,;?fght log & retser.U., , latt atlas J Chu. F. StwlP , Serst 11 Coburn, E, left shoulder 0 A llfceursell. 0, sock a Damlltdru A, calf of nil Melds, G. let. Int J ♦ .111ardtcr; r, tea ebonlier L 31e :art.ey, G, tea arc r Luber.C,rlght slap Corp 31 F Dzok. F, rtgbi clink Out of ihe Dratt. t . ••,,,,.. - ~-.7 ,7, : :-., ,,,, Tf. , ":". 5 ..7,..7--.':5•-,,-,-;-.:-,-;•.,--‘,".-7:-1,.',-,?---p ~---- .... .d(JfIUSEMEJrZfi TTSBUJELGE( TELEATRF,. 4 Eterawkenx oviaamolt izitd night Cr tha ceNlmited Ad..: and Nato- Nr. EDWIN BLANCIWID, and Me blzhty Ina* top, (MELD ard.DEDLN. rots (Staudt) svEmma, - wtil to prooontod,_ th o t ran amt., entitled, THE DOG Olr THE MOUNT/MI; or, THE OnTTLN Di geld, the fe10n.........4....,...ichi1n Blanchard. The eat embrnoing alre entire tomicsny. T, *occlude with . UNTIL! BALI. , .-• 11l relit anal, "earlier and his Dog Cato,. "Joy at 4 Bonder," and .. Delab Beller Bay.' ANTRIRS. - E TCLEBEIVEI GRAND CONCERT, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SANITARY COMMISSION, wcri, T4J ?Leos Tne4day Evening, June,l 4 llll, ALD CONdIERT HALL. of - ticket., rod wired mate to oomasotoo as Saturday If rum It, at the Made Store of H. Sieber Oro , of the Golder thay,'ltro.ll2 Wood L. tato doe. above ?Mb. otySlAd 11210EiM , ;7:q ilia tate:pinentwe fe - itibrtclettifWvetbilothat ws mar amrtyy tba tarp,' 8314 comacedcna beam BM 12 BISSELL'S BLOCK, ST. Cr',LIB !TEEM, WBereira hare Jartrocel* from florruenfactarer ! Of VAL A. OR BDBUBIf and BOLIOId k osl,ll a 00., titian( BUREBIRIIIPIAII O 3. Also, =pieta Moira of BfiLtltili celebrated Ummordowl; Ur. kid =a Maim' goodie generally, The Illiberfority of VIDOR/if/BURY PIANO la al ready ertatillebem In titO bre MU Of • 'Pianos no sew inetrturielt hu proof =platy Inpoyelarib or Methyl ea ninny bremlruns . *Ulan the alma of t o; b me n Arsi t at %rig i g;a T N :tr.' r marinfacturell by WEL BRADBURY, ell filmmaker A Ws Plabbo barrlag boon so brigand grably known in thin end other ammtries, need !briber conuriont..,4lf gearantrolfor bre yoera weEnnik Ek nap.; Bola Uratif u FitilbEttit. ani Ito. 12 UT. CLAM Et, Meal's Bk, k. [Good Stooad Mad Ppiace fog Bent. 'mu* sod done oromptir. HAZ ELTON PIANO For Sale cheap. Tao tabsritar hu aa baud a iasatlltid sad rich Waal , lIIAZELTON PIANO, Wttch being ellettl, 11040 in the firnitur., la tOLI - • 650 Les,. thou livuultu. V`rtoo. CIiAS. C. unison. 81 WOOD 6TIICZT 5 3 111 KNILRE'S UNRIti A I.LED A cbuirs.urply at PA rozd 7 attar. ?limo 'foal.. from the calabtoted factory of Ecatodt Co.. bra Rot beet roctilved—arm. to ridgy comsat:mat. lb.* fairtaurototta ant Polly , carrantra for vista yew.. PO sr. by %be beot Jodfrt Forounred =rivalled. call I. romrcfolly tio'fdtea befar• parclualog a v m bcro. cultaWkria BLOM., rtgrot,i at Ka. 13 fitob acreas. THE BEST PIAICOS I • HOFFMANN, HOENE & CO. . 5..55 nrrit EITEXIM' ....._ kro :CM sslantnr , , trr.'"l'LT:B CELL MUTED V rAtltit, rasa -b 7 1. tbe.botl - ovatAteot we ag twakdrd UN' otti.tttu to ittimillety ratan say nrapttons. NV!' JJELICISI4.III' TAILORS.! GENTVW.II3IWI llsa FIRST CLASS OARMEIITS. I nuts t. awn iisstovaucs am STVL.IrS, iroal go veil to "II vino IL G. lILLE a CO, HERMINT TIILOPA xitnizs at min 41 D Iff. ctlAtg, Sabre pax/tufa; al•nerars. BLiSELL'd BLuCfL W. H. McGEE. 10 ST. cir.,/trn STREE'A I , tta atteatam of totem; to U. dock pf gett4o. 'lt boo tax% clacked rat earootad anafalat all the aunt actl.a ot poll to orl 4 to Gm dm/batman Oasts irtatilair • raft of Otb ado ts tttasr call awl 'examlav e moods t and ?cloak, Alio, • tail as .comithrt• • Furnishfist Goods. . Q. Iloatil,24.rscbSatiallta . : 2, 1 tayST . , 114.1D8LCialt itraat a Pltt4) PIIY'~IICLAJMSSt:.. sc: D//' IL SPEERI' • •• •196:Pusitirtrieet, Pltistrairob: 011icatinn to• Ca. msid 214 Dmetlog,"Vs.3DllllDlMAL•6lllll"Allq, • kckcX *14" 11•9 11. 1y. 11111.444"2464 kintltearird .~.~~ II Surgeon. and Xcoonchenr. sa itt Inirranzio Ei G. boo: as virmunot.ts. -‘I,LIII:dY-- - DR; 11105.)4A1WN tiM emitid Ovia dap Aotocaa 'trot to Uo. 1n WM.= ETRlCCT.leatvaki ety DOCTOR ff. IRIS% .. P it r9YCi Ali : 00.61440.i' 160.1,•ifazai ATTORXErs. TAKES .LAFFIISTY; 4. -. • otrronsrA.A.T. - ....LAyt,. , .:An Lewd Dminep g arOZDttj stfpdta. , , 1604fOrITII 61E8kirf,,anr -ono. MoM3TER GAZZMIt'S LAW' -033471.117 E. NO. NEC PRA= STRNIET.`,:' S. WHOM, 3CTIOYERi-a li t V. iNglto Ufa 9@c% unitt to: try: o% to.tas routhstri*Pirt i ' .6017. C. • ,Dirsozirox Cknxilias. ft, 00 , "„." Dirrelan or. this ikug.ufer a thl soi—Lpsr claksd • Dlrldsol , of TES , Du 0 . "I '121.1°4" °Tainramis,.. ~,,, ILD9idor. ° ma ° awi al t t:lteard• . - f sivaTELT, 1 , . , ba,br , -.• E.. WE DIVIDEND.—Mo Presideiir. Mai Di wet-is or thsllkailnabAul b r i tbh art Orollintd SVSZI,T - P.Y I "I X pip era Of.tiT, ox: the ii6l, aws. 0fterta616X,1666.;46 a p16(.Dm0.0t.A 0 5. 11 ` I. XXXIbx scc.. a.. a tour6P 6 . 666616 •i D. itosixsostorl 634 16 xx., 7ori • „ .1 , A , 110010, .111.1317 F AS, tre. VIEWS OF pth WELLS. flue Phgtograptalo Vie., of TffE OIL WELLS ON OIL OREEK Via* or the recent POND FRESHET DISASTER. Thedboal dtiltractice coo to both Boat end 011 that JUST Re.oprv.im 61/- can i as Vinci 0 JOHN P. HUNTS taul Betel Ikak, Emporium, a Irma sTirat tusoma BALL. ALBUMS Card Photos:ma:Le. Albnicusi. Card Photiisercit.he Pocket Books. •Pooket.itatpiunz. P;uiluit - tioolisr. Pooket FLAGS I FLAGS ! Late Books Late Mawminna. 'flaps of reirginas Georgia STATIONIST I STATIONS= I at Pltrir 0 C 73 AND Sa /711411 sTarcr L ATE PUBLICAI7OIO3, AT HENRY 31INTEEPS. THE MELT NOVEL. EILR-VNTICI> EtEA,Xt!ritt. Dy the author of "The Lamplighter ^ rhos, cloth, IP CO Esau Mora; with basement and atty. Ey Ike Mittel, tilthOr Ey Yarm at Edge ! wood," ”Dream Lino," em. She Bpingfleld Beyadslieya tar: 'lke Bet Storks as all rharnalits—ansppy elerA Seen log of trait, a Ectlo—Wisgeol may Maned nyo *trans of fe nd el. 'the Emmen& ad Attie are oestly.showo altembes. The .Wet Day it aa Irish Tun' le a re mora In ranleyere. Ike 'An-cunt of a Ckmenlite bun of adot humor, Or., and the *bole llama book Yommenda half." TWO NEW BOORS. BY POPIII4T. AUTECOU9. Errniattra BLOCTEB. Ity Golt notoLitori. nab= of "Ooootry Llying," etc: lomo. braeloi boards, red biro, Si dd.• • Gostorts—Th n! o Onto end Ihr bar o Muss of 741ap; Ord tinsel Sark:go; • Vire from lb* .Pau Proyer Proof of your Goss; Oontroouttia ; Aluroororoto; Wail; Too-boo cf Maio; Trait,*; Fore...ow; Moor; Words slthoot Ettrorlufer. 11531 1 t E NITODO. Dy U. art D. Thome_ cti tam of "Walden." et.. I ♦oL 16out, cloth, n 23. Oactecto—Kuado 7 tistorttecook t The Allagash 11l Tin Wanda. M15..130LE115? VET/ NOVEL. DARIO:TSB AND DATUM:Cr. A ritordt4 hew BOA by Saw 01117 /Maws. wt.*. etodiszet .. - sxmrts are settOtsflor Awl not throustrwAt thr k d with enck Eltwatly stinted Ord band to dab. voltam with her ttbbr mats, •mks, Plitt St Alma. Leas Wafts. ' Tampere and Becashba. DUO= Gm. Engliolo Orphoms. Homo oral om OM HUH& Dam Dram. • Cousin Esa.do.' Ooptio of Q. ►bolo boot§ mailed floe of pat►gs OA focolpf of pok* lISHEY 11121Z17, ' so7SI T 1 ..11 Id Fab at.. oast hen to P.O. NEW BOOES I NEW BOOKS I ACAS AHD PEONS= OF St DAN PGROCAN —a marmot, a 'sac Rahn sad W. Tic' By lobs 0. Pusan 1 sal: Pries 61 00. A -HUME ON - IXTBAOTING ES— faaadad an the Avitamy et the porta. Inland to tbs °partake ;I ths Undo sad wow aanstractlen at tostrasasats, At. 1 sal. Mom. WAVER 0011 00311. 1 vol.-11 Nae. • DANES° AHD 613FIZBING. By LteutTattra pr. A torrsayply of th• later work last nadir& lad =AMU Fourth sh oot. . !-04.11PET8,On. cLorlis.ere. -WE NOW OFFEL Foil SALE WHAT yylr. =ppm to te tho lirgest onortmemt of Carpets and Floor 011 Cloth . . Lmridt 4lol th ird% b microns, TSB=! FLT,none= .334 vzinnus CAMAS'S moul en OIL . CLOIIIIL; W. itaio scum . andro4 sow hol to Oi toiaa ithorVero.. lodotilog semi bamettat_goodo L.X.PBEDUT NOB 01711 MUM SPADE, TM motor port at or flock Imo par. drama or =Mete kr WM the roma Emmy 0- I ro .ct lttriolOlV DO Oda ater ,a 7 smolirsTg torbobrcsnoeat toutot raw Tiiiii4ll4:l4hlides and Ond Alum Cowin , • IhnniOlflat ancilig.Carpais . l Cows and WaLna pattlnab Windfall ; fneffnalaseuffv op brad di pilaw waoLsupaiildDllTAlL. Ai l FarhitialoolllilB46 00. 1 i t sci:tt - sawriltnrim antrer; •*- 'Altar -Nathaniel ra P. 04•. and IeVI,NI3 PIIRCH;Vitt) apADDEP TO 01:111 o`3lN,tail, gToolc Apiti l s:.'oli:iioo;l4o, . . Wally bed Tfy !I,OCLINTOCaq•qta nakkd eteeat. we en able j 6y tft..iinsolldstt*,'Weir itho LARCKST STOCK TO BE FOLIND"..MTBItsIiTST, - 4? - I.zw - iovrieg9'-pfurcip Oliver MoOlintook ds ti.ets'irrrs trnsurr MIMI 11 - 1 -STIVBE'%! NEW STYLES or -- WINDOW ;941ADD.r , . 'arkirrnmi ratsDAS'. NEM A3PRIN ti'i - irckcit I `. . • _ ~nrcALi,kasis; s - 11 Afirgts-al =Fr. d j4 zuan. VOLUME FOR SALE. . . PASITIBe. A room =Lininglss ACRES, and _West* In Allen township, Washington cattily; Oppoelto Mt mien' u uhr, below Debeeousen, adjoining Lade of doles:son Epees, and Stionta tied& and slitim-si 13 " tk►peope °Liman,* Erma, demsoed. will bo feroSmt Chile ale, on the ota Tralnit JIM 17t 1864, at 19 m. The farm to well warm t, the mild good getoll7, _and the location desirable. being on the tank ot tho llossorgehela river. Thine M also a good gnarry on the pientlece. newt& riser. • ' • dim. WALDe offered at the same time met plaits, a lam belonging to Jamb Epees, contalnlnglid ACMES, adjoining tldosion 13;e•sre. Thomas Redd, and the tame above mentioned. There to abitedlate decal under the land, and the Mem is well sailed mad tiosberoiL • , Possmiton of both feria gime Terms ode known et ells, lui x i ta. orlioMl EFIABST, Agents, , 11,Ilevanon, PA; LiCIR • SASE—CIISAP:—•I3OIIIr3.—A. I. favorable stvpornaity to von afforded-Mt par. sone iltstrone of proparng cheap eon oonventrat homes. The property has hevo &Oldie a - Lots, and iria Deified tnge costifro tank porehasers /A • picas and Lerall VIII. k _ma hardly LE to wet t , • Illos et then oho want& monist able Maas The grocmd L pleasantly . -end content 41:107 11 , 11 , 46 d Si the ant stall= on- ihe nate Banned, &dial/deg - Boundary Week- (=cid Has) to 101 l view of errors! splendid mansions fe -1 oddly eroded. In rayed, ImprOvina add dm hoed, Malan the sanatsges of Both. city art connt7. Voracilitneo• laterommee.jth thelovo Italdipf the dti if if nor the Rd bY Sapothet property fa the tidally. lit the nate &Annan Mb prpArty .offen strong tadactatento so wont 0070 at the Caw . pepot - cr toe ream: - If 11., or. holtor tinattfeetorlar to or adjointegthsvOtioerord. Tor..farther Wormed= apply. ca ASIGUsTII• HOEVELEB, at the Emmen Trost corner{PoopAnd Sixth street*, or it Ida neldefte - tear: teritencsralepor to DO. WELT, En WeteterSt.,t flntLantrd. - •• A 1:132041 VXECUTORS' SALE . OF EMI TB: TANg. iII4)1111131190 . IR.I )At node elateid,ligrontore et the hat win sad Testament oti John tiagsay, died, will sail adtpstratsaaLsalltbut attain irdi% 4 1 "46 tato the! Min:stood of A• .51d! John Slidusay, etude - in talon iihrldp, an the: iffellinghtv tato pike, about 2)/ hilts teem Jewel Tam oontaining Eldostus:triorest less, en lett= lo erected • large FrOme, Dinah:4 now, Assnanal ou (bowel); two dna orchirde sholce huh; oV entry kind. teetegr e t Oland, a peel', asst taut the I .gholosurfstio, none hating been eircarattd at 007 time, ararhopposortunity for sate and good in= !exeunt: .11zu—Oos•third hand, and Liana itt.cnei and two year; with lutartot, to be eactired by bond and mortgage, added to tint dimes intoroit of the: widow the her • •.- l,l JBO. reLLESTON, Wood St.; BOSSE? BAIISZT, - • - cor.littet and Short evicts, Midair& ,jehtf • Yoecntore.,, FOR SALE—A valuable Steam Flour leg 1110, situate fear Miley froni•Alleghtenr. City, to good locatt M and ,whleh hat 'Present dot tog • good bounce 11: city nicrohant trade. llwf machdracy fa alt nearly new and In cr.:Cent ceder:. three ru of burrs, and everything botanists. • - , Thaw acres of coined. OIL which le a. two-story frame dwelling of four rooms, good cellar, gable, gee 100 grape elan, 20Cr grafted trait Uwe, and mull, fruit. and shrubbery fri - sbandines. . ; This property would suit essy ono dolor twines, In the Ws, eang - vvsy'or Eau by a good' road. maptvg • neat country home: end if debited th e I mile amid be rented. An exxCaut mill business ' canto dyne. • We hose oleo for polo two socoad:hand French! De m. Tor farther psrticulars and prim enquire of Jet B. IdeLLltt 6 CD., lin Fourth street. VOR SALE—That bermitiful eite for Er Country Peat, Situate.= the rerrynTle Plsal Bond, ,opprelto the stridence of W. Do and adjoining tlie Goseriatl property, conl. Coining' rivE AIM ONSAIILL (634) AGSM, nate I. one of tiotrace t deentLie -Ibons In thei vicinity of either city, helm; eluirt walking distance oldie Snepenvion Bridge'. There itr• • tuber of nue forret , Mos on the property, and • number of °halco trait end orna-, mental treer set ant, - - The whole property veln_be, soiiil2 one Was, o 4 divided tato lota. Terms M. Title Indisputahla Ter further part:adore Wel:Lire of GEO. P. DIEM, 133 Went street, PittehriMh. Qoa BALE—VALUABLE REAL TATS—T Lote comet cf Centro ammo an Vint. strtot, 40 set 7 Inca. front by 1,0 (cat deep. 1 One Lot on Penneytennia . alenno, 2 foot front bpi 100 - fzet dap, tanning back 10 x 0 feat One plena of grranal natural'. Cbstictta and Torten atroeta, In tho rcer of P & D. L. P:13.. W. pepot/ containing tatniy lots, 406) 107 fat: "ALI% a number of Ter, dmilmble lots In East Pl. tai barna. Stant-la lots la In lacdy, haTtiag etraLi of 140 foot on CoIA; street and 250 caWaatangton cad Villa= ,atrecia, on which Is erfded anal{ brink Uwe, ' ioriartitrzaaa apply to ,1 &IL 1,4113 Fort Nit Mau w oat., Wad:duct.. SALE-,AFoalii, of 118 ll*C3, is X 81.. Clair tovr:424.,,,Xtbotmoreland - counts. Psi Alto. a Frani PfulL,ffri ti LEV abeth towz,blr.l AlluzbouVeostat2. , Also, • largelaro.elar7 Mick Hoagand Let * tke Bovouott of cleat rat.. 1 . 104 - ebo, . Irk tfor,mocl Lot 2.-'IIIDMIL Dottagls. alto, Em Lod atoialagibo borough of bluff... , Port, la Jame .2 Pettra floe. 2422 aad Ga. Also, • Tory valuable /radio! Coal Land, la Fog Flo 2, on the PlononsbeLartpar. tar partb=lara locales a112a.1213 Fourth flaeot! azyttiv 0. 11. TOWEIL Hai tabus Anat. WOK hk 1 •P—Ono dew Steam En&e.; L. Utast candor, 20 tact' bury foot 3 boaLbaLsoco valve IPTaTmt, • ••• 1 °non loch cylinder, TO tact ottotO, am0.23..1150d..! istit will be as Bond an .o. .Ono 6 T bob olindor, 25 hitt ot=2o, cow. • , " ' INonCyltaller BoTiczo, ZS to. di5a.,..24 foot Wog- Thaw • VoorWreaght Oil 2.1311. - Alio, Urea Bets of 13.24 Sods . for On WOUL.. Ctrokploi . cub. ItAntro of M. 3301,74 or:n . Allaaboo2 raver 13tuilLsonot6a Potat4. FOR sra,r,=-KrEA3I - 13LIV Maa. A.IND 11117111e57.-2hei ono-1W of whole dial 011B6Batry sad:lBomm Bsw Is 111, vat lon sad ouo.ball mass of Mood; an slmadsico coal oaths lot—terbasopen Sad befog sorted, strut, cc the Allestony Blue mad ; ; A. V. U. IL, Is offara for Mao.. The Barams7 In mil sad st modern bad Ea . flms Nts to splaudid ardor, fuid soll OA baling s crook sosaMog lama it to the Tint, Good Icolltf Imildlos boom lar partloolsso cal ro Madaratlfaad• 14YDAlf CHOUPIMIISCS. ' eget, ' Ea EXOdittllNSt.titiabStrgb, P au AT PUBLIO be! mold by pabllo Onterij on tho iron::Po, on. TIMM DAS Po 231 - of JOAN i 1 'ALM cox.; taint:4l3S Bm., *Rustle In Porto "Thantlogdor ; normally,. Wertirmand county. =Bt. from Lort marl Motion, Ponta. P. U.L.I azol tbo ulna dlr. toots tram tkmarthrillo P. ! 11. 316 - 11n1 abonstEr to cool and •Ilatestono. lo mat watorooL- - lb* Int.' proico,seati ortel.og Bantling Boon and Xor, Bun. 3alo to take placo st lo•olockp m. , , • le .3w SMt UEL DAVIDSON.- PO.,:g. 'MLLE.-4 2 " -prchaso,st Ism of sass eftposa saes, =dor 1. good Cads ' or coltlistko, well sawed sk ltb sobs. sod ;yid. good dose; daub About Woo aad t bad dais %to alstabosg, Yiestasorelsad coosty, on se. - retw: &Vs pas. azi. raft from en* Year. Itsilrood.. izprolomems ids a, tiro-story ltalck ?maw to. - dpirldig Maze, to.. sad good SAW?. 4pgr.mulf.lli l3 4tuß*F4lis*sim.c'dn& ,ol 1 CIALZ=., NTALtfialg PROPERTT! ricx, Winded: tho - at.0=4*4.2 Illieriabar too etst Loosjhming o boat onset ring Oren tbeij - and aztealag bock to BraddlioN stmt. adjoining the ilinnouerme hazing. scree sal IT - potato. "MU is an adm Us bation ter solnasottring pmores;haring river in groat and pane scrod Andraflreadln the, rear, and Saw 30.11 and bindings thereon credal: i rormrozeoto..anktLilLMUT ANZiubLe-ty on the pre or to - Wp Cr:l,lloAm DAUM, elf Diamond litreetantrehdrnii. - ratil4.-tf ••ftOI.BIILE. , ':.t ,- ;#I4XDICIAT; EICSVA2I4N9, aitiiolotr lale: 'EOM Walls clatmailatgsi l ons of Ina, -vitt. trait trots eal-attar Lay protemiltUt. • It. Sr a tooltrlag rot 4:OPP !Void= with small WA And .023* WV*. - • /Eaten' ottawintFribto Xruim , ,Tiklley;Taanvaco" 6,9 4 E4: . . P. , VIII`OHXV,Idi V. 1 SAIX-150 'ACRES OF lANDI tuiderufgtird teizs 11t sals iINO Omit VA 4cm. 10Ctut tb,teb .arit 'deftest AAA s ~eodYtatea4 traltitstten ilbs, Palau* is rurususity won thubersd;lrith ebiti os.gghleily.:. llit s 'nera 4 thsObti lasing scur.diVont from. Birmtng, hsseirlittl Outirtures bt 'Or Pittsburgh. gall Wow. Chicago MB., 'Dais wows: Itortaims Inquire at .11.,181L5.1109. Ha El'ut* street, et st. 651 1 7at0r strAllegbsay City. lay2ktitigs , 5• ..- 46.1111 , 5 D. at!AP US;; OW-RATV M•ki•A; • • Cl3ll . - MODERN e Imni kuroutoroiioic amok lattad - 0.1 1 /05g ISTlMPri'dttvioxt Ilfthwd 1:11sh Itayste.craotStr. balm leates, Tra4 stmt : cyllaimull tares Att. Th. lot Us twit MD teet ma Roo Mut,. rEW Wals NOM Itit US 5 PO, atley.' - Tbo 565•5 tS Allittlats bat: .ad bes trite az:4 , cm throne't Not tarthe parttallari swam : I . ; G.. CITS.utt.UX, ' ' Dlsism..l.- Plttibtirrt,' . - `` - , TO pArrrLtrprii.iimiliiiiicri. '•,-x US's fors . 1 0 it 04434 f intsost tyorattint, %h. Iron Jectattioy. to the City et Pttibbliryti."YCYol,, al4asiketaammintadtbirreers as d rut) jad.;id ' itiouaii f r t r , itin „ Mortet tau Gra t 1 '' F f . j : . ..'i l tg a ttat;3o,l ' ' t ' n ' t. L .;;cra '-'l. k .' " - ;ily .. :•:: :. ' ' l, - r- y Atottee if " , - - , IItATRZWArtGAJWINVI , i ...157z0:tp 'NO. II Baud:loaq PplV:ltliv4 Pa , , t Ipcoainsn ,p Cladanatialavlmtur.4.,tiovoltvil 0n...0nn3. vend tall ' .2.,Nat.' lis . tti - J,T , 44AIw i _ No. tains stsaot-p.;.y.. ~..ax ,; ~ ~ ;__ A . ~f , W'skt Oki ‘teli-offiltt , .= ta '~^~aofnaroranm. as ' 4 av eotcaa6 , A in snt . cg d 6si 4°,* —rho& roLvn f ,c4..7lßttmfnfpps~-122.61,44.20N vswarll6 1.4001 r IMEI MEM LXXVII-:v4il 1182- FOR SALL4 FILIZZ4- WWI be wad, all that Vara OF LAND co, ift t cic .a at ng. ed in Pem towitzhip, near Unity Cee One /1...dr0l sad dared, belaape - Raticr-bot T' .1 wal MU. ImproTt III•Car a Lpg. good Etarinb yenag 0.41. Tams • r u A r iT rzyt Tor faramr p • -1- • •• • . tow tht,pier-•Liar. E.Z.10117, • (BIDE B. aspire C. 61.4•1TF.T.0.•, ~ • , Cuare.,4.1.31 of tl.s7 Bright, .K;k2SdiltlrT fiVR_CiALig.7-Imtri'tnithorited to ielf I: batten, tad sad ibroo acrec,Pf..ll.l-1../tati oacirter,mdt . bads otiltillettleGlomrWilitoixt eaten at...,. L...inscr — adj - xar - Von K.O. ibeTba.o*ZettOtX o(apple 0 0147 0 b , 4 1 7 4he lot, I.:bosziog_coadltiOn. loturuttl.b* immblii for im.rpOsesior Inca; b., &dn. ,lators cbuttri .raddeaca *mat wadi .I;d2K .acs add, lad a ptibllolviad W , ag the Lee, a;:dl acs salt by that:urn DaY.QF JULY ielit De ~CArad at publo ado on tbat d!ky, at ; o'cloctitd; 7.ar tatibtr particulars Call on ate abluer*o. at - 4i.eassdrinar • 11101 t BA.LE—At aladdin•Oil'Wor&e ,36 Crude Petrolcnm.Tgiks, to prime - order. oubs_tantially Onil; of Flora tir'Obtr, at hog In no o, and will contd. r:cluo - e.trtr eicir..'..nztplicoLtoaraoy_brina.e.ll.t6rliedcv~ :, &mamas Go. or ths I.M. La Eit:rborea, ' - •- 4 saIIitILETOS, Julitintili . .4 WILED:A; 1"UB R—ttiltugleßealfEstatei' :11 feat Croat cit narluti sin It tlby }lt ititi,dop De Tbird - ,treet. min,qouset tMato¢ WtteestrietbJ lfA 4,4lt9n_ratl fsuittgi. CD, fad tit wen, '416 aita OosottinVatODlnOlis34 - Elosue.oz Wm& at:eat:4l4A. 1 31,5- 4 ,0 4, 4413 pice.l2.lXo...Cirouwircas or sl2ost,r lent. renit.4.by • t 4 iClTC.citttiT.ts 17(1?n, I JO? , .:-...,44U*P•teOFF4ft IDS=—RS tr-L 1 20 - Lois ia ' iS3lc6 [ iCttf,. - 41`; GiVtii:Soacrinniag land; cix,Pam9.464 - ) at about 180 Dad Malice baul 14X1 tieing lota numboral tram 6 t0.313* John Onlanni gliza(7, tots, betas tr..6-prvierty **ern Scrivol'ltnit.; _ the totivlll tio LA...truster Or Iret tains. oPPII to • :••••- toy9:a J. Vi .P. Want, rood. U..1..4-41. GOOD C.III.IiCUPU . ITERIEd 11014EY Pcrialmaitcro, dattg a Ca& amines., awl - Mitts maw or over toot tom dred daily.popero, ta °fiend zor wee. To a• Vim= orlttio - toyitarof abaci IRO, trerll2 prOtott ttoOl: bot irmaktaxoW • . . For parttcolora layalzo of . •.• • • • .101335..1%atute+,, ,, i ,, iTaorato Ha, Fitts ertrret.. pARII. FOR FAT , ll:—Thatr4ataibl6, 1: MIX advent° ea the Pitttbangh and Shama Gradelload; Li &blazon tOunat:ts Mo. - a la the shearteatutlea .fromellotchVeoa: I.eniag about 123 acne, real to gold at pxiveneeale. -for ton:randy - to • - • — Ft. - MOSIILL' J.C.YOUSd . AttzhioiCat-In - mac: 1:46 South—WA' uoR AtIP.,-I'hat'llto , story BaICE DWELLING, dzlrlid In good etylo, =Otte ;odor., idbood.eal on the. mama of. Dada. treat asd porponter'i.o4,' Eath Wsed,OnDiDt• ;:: cvs - raerty — fisoll. Sktiial =meccas sot Ci PROPZUTVL-Itit "LOOM Vitrja:- 1110, with '5:00024 atischt4, 04 04144 , 0 - stsoa, Sur: mody occupw4 .Chriaix4 . I.ozagn, -lab &AM, Birmingham. 6tobling azd 0411alaltp 14,11, ~ ear c 1 thq Pinagn3l4calk: ,- • „. • • .7/.3:411..1.. I MA, —lrol.loorxtlao:oot.llLtsbash.. • • DOR SALE ' Dit Of-52 I. dgnss, good had, to- • WM., tinny fO. Ulf, lard of Paraturiont, and wit....k# • aprt tau,ce of ho Petuarylvazda Lain tR: laqui:co of • ott.)l Prid. door from Triftli; on' @mat erre; ' • rOlt BALE—Coniktry - Etetits at G tut- I: dale Stalin, taue•lntiim beloarPlitsbargb;•44 the Pittsburgh, Fort War= to chimp 4.1...Y4tMfi• tug from three tc, ten Acme. •:•-• ' . ,• ( For particulars enquire ,at t Iteal tatittgllgu • uttabuf • • Pla.lol)farnorad. Alteutuarf:•` i. R PALE—EN4INR un, - 130.103. 1---&tosaborm wnt VOW,: sac sale. May be sun la optistlwi by calling. at oar 'ninth* aloe ' - au VIA WEL G. JOILT:STON 2t O. OR BALE, ,ILLTCHED„-HORSES-!: Or-o pity brown matobtd curios, bras, ah b.. 4 " 10 1Ch. bmk.a • t. - riOglo 'DU has ^M.. for oda . E,0FL1L.1,13 13. LIU/ 4LR., " 912 sod M4l-gbertp - otrOd.• ": aUCTIOar 1141,6'S A UUNON 'B,64X ; Of:cONDEAINED • nonsta.', Was DthermawrY, CA.T/137' Doweari, • • • Mee of LtielQtacrtermlieur,t Washington, D. 0., - 411125041.501. Will be sold as Fables auctJenoia the blithest der •th the theft mad places samidlielaw, Newport; P(M1111, Thiiisday, hey atb;,-. 'Hetthencrg,•oanna;ldonday. May Otl4, - - Anomie; Peone,•Thuretay, Hay 12th; , Nan; 15bureday, I 1 y. 1105: ;• -1 Beeatog.'Penza, Thanthay; ittarStlto; Labium, P$l2OS, ThMtlityi Jeze;4.ll; • •••• barthisotheriaeo, Penes, Slatesday - , ludo otl4 fithisiteri, Penna. Ihnsy, Jane 16 - Uit % -- Williazonant. - Patun,-110naday, Jame 255di „ th e , theole05(100). tame st• GettPtoolalwoo two thumbed sad ilfth (150) at thels et th e wirer /there. •'• , 'llatershonee- hove biee eandemaid , earth fez the cavalry sestlce al the Vetted Maths - • - rad tad g roirees allay 00s5 pay &ola cosy far Dolma. . limns win tootle:4li. _ • z- fates begin 010 A., sad =Mato dapy-tm xi* — Stant 17.681 f, sirdrad• tessiogil . nao? gals•• -7 • d...Ex.121; ' l6 ' l ; 0 4..W - C• 4 1:4- Can4l7 Bateau.o pElizu-STEEET 'PROPERTY'..-Air AuorioNan Tavasmit =rani a,saio Lathy at 8 o *lca, at Haaonio : : .Hatt Aaet Lan /18?-aa r • .Thataalnabla procerry *Haste N0.'14 Yew:ea:2..o-J. preparay baa banal I.olet 8' ttebi s ~ foot to snow. tfloyzo,,,,blch-ls caking a a:tape: - story Brick withlack tai'dinga,'calatal.a. • lag Macon a: otaa—ra ears battpg aasigle plocte; large garret aad pulactly • abate property attonala'regaei - itha atdllittitof 88 / 8 0.kal the .Imar .B. , aB.4ataarlag:pri'l4 , ail, =Co tadlepatabla • ~ jalo_ - ; T:B4 ItcOLFLIAICINAWc'z v.r.etvr4 Lew .OFFIGE - 1, guiti.4o- 101 c 3 4 S. 1 HALLTATTERak:‘;',. xe4innerts!rtrg4rit74ZY l , , PA. , win M _ . , = ,EMPIS...OQUITIEL ', B.I.O Ana stnitais Wass, mrseatTZSGAllifteftle , &•'- 't - c ,,- 4C-'o;ic".;utikeikqi.f..i?"44:#.: 7, • ilii rotrY l l 3 4 nowt' •:-C-rittr.t.TEC ' . , oliS'Attb,." lll , „ d it rnY= mma`s • ; SOMA' 7YI - g_EN ' I PERSON& RUM 46t*.M MAIM alcOrtiot4tqlecte4 by tto Schi abiter, at tho raol6ll:.re . •amollt.4 . Cok ! 4 -t c : t item& add MT • • OAR aTwm=.3.ziws irh. Rod ]:=l4suvat',.i,.. -". 2 1 - testis torriaremrs; zotirrr, zr, kuolowsill Miegrrl. inssozur.roal>s4rea::'TA niSSOLUTION op-takfixsaresm P. —SWIM L BOLLTain and lIMIg. haling purrUiegt.thl . ilittrtla of 34112 C, InAbVdincor - 139 -I ,nms. Gatmuox tr.ti Ldau....novihrAce Yad r7t&au kithig t,74 ercodtaar olVen.br tb• ranidoe.Pl4l4 , l%..ftd - Entrhitts *UM. arc t , Emled al ••ilrret6V pvir owl trwtotzminri - 1-nnsbanla..JEttisll:l66L., - =FILSSOLLITION{iF • Le -7'4 ,, ..taztavnbie,iketicces , r - Zcxhitsteriva.a - • 11, - .1,6,1,,De..r_f,5x , A,1.*vr WAS.. 4 143E17f VtaS IIy4XX,IOO-mttidt,l 4 1 , 0:6LtSiaibtelflated,=VAPAEWIrstg 4 r;D4,(rjg the tirX. rAhei3mi=dieetb ha taitie , ra."E4“ - F:,11. th mice lb/rote* at te.reic,:int.:;, , z • - 15 rittIME(Ri. P.. 4. • ' - - E , , - r. •