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A .---..v.., ...t.g i tz , . - 7 - ----;---;'7.:: -•-• .- -. -'-: - -t,', ,- I -'- • 7 .4 - . --I •A ;•-•,--- 1 •-,-,, -' • ,-• •• i... - • . i **"..7-r......r.-* i ' T -I---- 7 ' . --* ,•-' f •••111-'44*:--; V- - , ::- • ' •'" -.•* I ' -'-'7I ' ' ''.' •'• - ,' ,1 i 'r . ; 1- -I*-**-' ,.• - '''l, --f : **-- •_" * ; * - -7 • -; ,1 -- i l'• ' • 7 • - • - IL -- • 3 1 rI '- ‘- ' - ‘'- '' - • . . , 47' ' ' ',.--•..---;..- . *" li_ . • ''' ~,,, : 1, 1 - - : '-'-,- ;7, : ,; , -; -- ,--'•--- - '; 'r ~-,•--'` _l - -[,_. ~, ! - . ; : - -'!,..._._ , r .- ~ . , _ - - ' ' •-•- -' i -..„......._:' ' ' ----;- ---------""-;---,. .....:,.,...,„, f, . _.......,....________ • . ''' 1 ~ . . ot 4 Aare . , GAZETTE, L.rrioxi tom . Whet.- 7A . :FMB= t 1012. by oral, Dos yoar- 4.6. ;1 - fftrigl• copko----- ax *fuer ecybp, For Year.— Si di* 16. " I so. I , i ticbsorlljor mon" f 5. t awe a lbs iwty risidtog - . Tor a • Rab of Eft wa will send nee Sun= OtErrn elttb, : yr torraty. 107.if77 sal 7b47 4761ErrsO0 rrrirdally. fileglioOila., 5 corlo. INSPAIIsta, -iptiocorstrkay ,at..Pe7•71.! Otwayo nap. ibortroordpir,4; The Beau g flatter on this Nei is' fiat . 'ffrdsyrs. Evening . Edition Tie mew iota we bad perterdei - from aloha:end General llenter's ene: rennin eynta•Lirlt/e the rebel I,4zierid s iebee;irleit teemed that Banter had. Ve without. so osolky db. so illtssnottons ot • • Runt OtaselLs:,=Kinetate rad. Kezar at, the litoturiond papers say, bare bien.loit elacrithei heel:dill; 011ie May 'itaniralsol In Virigirda„ .Seven were Med, ten woriried, Oa LIFO 41 ;4=4 Finoe that eriblication, the" rebels twee last fire tabor .aenersts. • Jfines kULd , Law, Lime, Kirkland and Fire nieganwrianded r ihrriact. awned retionianded the Plaids troops, and hie Terence at Rich. inendirrorer theabolaiors roomtly nagsgad ' with lieTrionfin Florida are with Lea, Bann. Pamonsa av yam . _ jihrsh,—, Wailait - oa tetsgraztaya .; ":;;:!": Patties Jot urrivadfrOns White House state that thscs are over three thousand rebid prim oatmeal fa it over washundred,.o6eri, at that Cattalthst bahapurtatton northward. •V* vs owned hotness four and Ave thousand p4sonart withat the put five or slz -- • • _ .2tlehmorld Eagrintr - eyes sr Wit of .11,U0 rebel sanded who hers. timpani to horTitalt. from Lee': =my arid 3.040 trim Besaregares crommaad. Tan Probabt,reol , - an shoat halt the total,loaran. d 33 .th 43 11,00 tabor 07,13reat-ridd'Batla, and two or he thousand killed oldrl,4thle,e3o ye can approatauiti to thi rebel lasses thus tar dazing ale memorable campaign: . A E i raconts - Ouo'Llii;ZE liai of , Voi.• ham. M•fil.. 604 three aeort,Asl4 Man,ll"arl, want into the Odd with her holt, on - the 19ch alt., covartog 1100 hills atom"; dralro' iqihtet cows, tallkad them befortanittat, "ad retired to rut to rod legion. ' , • --' el cat byII flinte d mute severely than / that ere -Didis to tbiraar tithe Doebtas It did a $ eao•td 5,c00.4 , m.5t, tbeeozi mimosa.t at thaafrogali;and the toss.. are WS Astir reported at--12r,i, TV,l4oo,',lrieffullOg , _,,,- es en-arqt . - 01,-1, th;ildelis-ColtircrUD--a • ~ ..-... •. ... pi ari r g A r tr 000 the Was. " •rio ""J " c iansd,bidamaten Om,sontano• yniad•oy , ' 1:02/1-10anial apptCdriarterl,to implisobakCat 1 Ma D 1 7 Totowa", Florida, darthr war. -• '1 . , . . . . • . . . Tn 6 lam ego taloa soo KW aitali fn 24r°rib Oars. Mae, and the 03.0 „bag al2" Uttar' fa the rata I artai ;bat tao omiaa. ars 04bak /Lit a boys toayoaeg ,to labt. - - • Zrwzza t• t 4 Talus i. s , ool, inti , 'a t " , did in HagYancrtar't.liii 'bandit 0 the bey bsiain 6i Yollah Wks/ T 719 m icaW public , clinic+. 1 .,._ ..--..::,:-.-.!,•77 SEIM Vdtsiturffir Oazdte., t-'._y POBbl6elHlr 9F^ m fI36ISIIIAG ASSOCIIIII ReJigious Intelllgeaee 00 'Octal, rmarmiur onniza, musuur. • - 14tFuar.2L J. -Mir WPM: .'After the %renal' detetional" exereis en., tit* report of the •Ciirreitten• on - C,?rrinisinidence was adipted, -,belegetes. were appointed to' oketfonerat Arkerabliesl:the Sow: Saliool, ' Ottetbirrlifii„ end United' resbsteTtsu work 4..i.:E1y n6O Of He 1. 'Prot. Data eintielf,' , 'atia, ' Associate Iteformed Skeni.of flew 12prk,—• Zen D. Eiliatt,•D. D, is-delegate - to II: p,,-. GenL , A-aombry,,and -Di. 0.- O. Besttjj'elter itate,' : Freesias! coraratsicatiOn•froni _tr' , ..P. Gitill 'Aise :ably' wile reards;e4 and ;reed, g - A conaltose,was spoolistedVe :prepare AI, *Oft knife of pashas, Bar. fir. , ;Crabs, - chairman The remainderotthe ' eSildoniall well ne the .inoirethe iftinvoin,were Oicapied ft 'thi ea,stiog tbril4,e, of .'Pe.' . //ePhieters, of St. • anecakUrit 611 r, •-"- , -* Shortly after the seisiokiOpenini;Dr., BMA. 'UN d lie reported severaiftenur fraouthe docket of the :Committee on Overtures and ',-- Bilis, after which the min OflDr. bloPhettatif Wel taken ap, and debated, ottrapking the'ititsioit of the fortmoon,afroiacSn and evening,-,trith nut reiching.final loam:. . - . . .. , ...,,-,--, , ~ . ~ . • ' -.. ' ' n. ' nuke= PVG ' ' ' ' '. ' 4 Iscineastsly after theqesnal religions-, ser vices, Rev. Dr '.4..Orctitt presentca the chime of the- Anieririn Colonisation Society.: The race of Dr. IdePheeterireconpfed the =lensing and afternoon. In the evening the tun wet Author diectiescri, afar which the follewing, decision waninado • For sustaining Dr. Din Pkpec973'_corikpla ag 47.13:191grotaintat,i,117; inntrunagg ssw. ' Committee on the; /ffeltet reported Sevin Judicial cues. Cominittioon Bine and Cum, tares reticule& neVeral papent. - - Among the number . one recommending the appoint- meat of a Spatial Comm itteo on revising. the Form of, Goveritnetit and Bookof-Dlicipline on the otthject of the Constitution of Church Appeals, to report to the neat Assembly.' Overture No. SO reads "Is the Baptism of the Campvalitoe or "Disciples," yalid An sweriti.the.: negative. -- .Thuraday,'Septetabir 114 was' designated as a , day of lutmlliattois,' fasting andnrayer, or such earlier day at the President may dmignate. Resolutions of fraternal regard for the New School body Ogre adopted. Dr. Tayloi, one of the Secretaries of the American Bible Society addreued the A.asembly,: 2wo.corturdes were appointed; one Paled' *aphis aid the othoratindistig- Polls. Mime oharge of the Assembly's efforts for the instruction of Freedmen. Publication 'of the Church Commentary was indefinitely postponed.. After the swat; Tots of thanki, followed with- some .elosinria the ;AssoMblywne dissolved, end another meeting of .the General Assembly le.direated to meet Pittsburgh on the third Thursdayjn May. ISBS. XIV SCROOL CIIIMILAL 1101101 BIT • D4rron', Ohio, May 2E1,:1854. : ;Ai ilevitienal • ciertileee' t hn , Committee reported.that $5,541 had been IFoneivedL , This ll= Wad approed to POing ro#enntlngent ta.i4aiLon%Synodleitl Deeorde reported ' favora: b 1.1: The report of the Ocuanittee on Publf cation called out along and animated dimes- Cinnititree- on Puha. rations were directed to revise the Church Psahriist. The !abject of Homo klistaienawas ably aid thorigighly dismissed,: The churches were urged to contribute liberally this year : , -stotlese than glgo,two. acmmittas on Pub listatioh,irere direoted ta.isine'n monthly of not less than :4pp. aro. to be the organ of the Assembly for ttsaVi r otts Permanent Com totgeas." Special ' Committeeyen . tiiii,tercen.• tonary, of:the:decease. of Calvin presented a highy laudatory. report. Churob Extension Society reported. /a the evening the Ammo, boy celebrated the Lord's Supper. .270EC111 DAT. • t The consideration of the rent:Cif - the Com itittee on Church Erection, Wall resumed, and otter a long and earnest disoassion on the Mode of disbursing the fund, the proposition t increase the 'amount of loans to amble etterilloss on certain conditions, woe referred thsafiyao the next Assembly, Ccantaltracko the Yenviva reported that fifty two chetahs& ti elajp y od retires -Of reltgioniald the feel= ittg - In-others is 'deepening dilly. - Tweirj. terse Members' hero died dories 'the year. The Special Committee on Manses and Pee torsi. Libraries favored'the edition of manses and"the ereotion of llmaries whenever needed and practicable.- The report of • the Special Committee• on. Sibbath 'Schoole- broeght out prominently in the epeeches the necessity of eiolo g er and aeons ea !saes a-mo r e die item organic union of the Sabbath School with the Churcb. The !kit resolution Is • key note to the other four end reads, 't That id belongs to the'pester and elder" to ;ate thug* of the young." When the report on Correspondence was before the body, some firmed:the views that delegates shOuld pay Their own"expense,,butlt'wae decided to de fray all the necessary expenses of the deist gates. The azalea TemparsaanSeen mein eiNtaemmemtiod to the-Caerobes. :Delegate' ta 'thirteen- , Closreipstdieg • bodies .wera cep- ' j iTh taiiAl6- excki cr r of i tWCliibalgiAtiosloii-IrPill COM- Mirabid to thesupportnt"he silmrehes. , The remainder:of ttersession was 4*uredirthon. tailoring thoreport of UM iciinnaltninini.litlLi end certorec ' aohintanicatitiri fiedi repo :s ; I l l l n z d S g tX at . es DP t :. heS l a 7:bisi a rng n t e h d e . ofthaltsfo7mb7iiirlart:Chureh; Thenhe Jtfike tenatree) . s 'efinr;ninkitillettte* th azi,' 411 1 , 1r.-.lign :itigel4g9Y4'.4liiiiilvia to meat :4 6 4 1 '4, 1 14U: Pfoolajrailailci4 Mfyi 1114 Raid Into Ifentatkl, ....... . the Cincinnati-CAS:tie '-.• • 'Pie - 44150t tale Invasion =meta we are not itox prepaid to Say: . : , ,lt nay ba intended for eatietbingnierd tban'ili" la Ore libais-steal big thabplatonetprtnioltHint talon men' dr..344 Otsui.slat, it:doea.zaaaa a great. deal m ore; lhat thaw oilloisir not Only do not object, bat • favor It ;, tnat tbit Li GI.; bejtianlng. of. monment' to; put into opera. Goa the pan prt.posedbY.ldoet..oof..4o,tobe for Casting ocamintitastions of She rinan and - foreleg his ermyro matt' from Geor gie; that is is; In a • - lord; the ! instigate. ciao of. formlitiblerabellion:MlXehlostr, • fdarddable;lit - leui, matte ampeadurs with treason are aipable Making Thl. pant • fen day, will decide. It the appre hended eonsplrac7 shall. be developed; It toi apiapasbilsers in the ta ts RUG' join band. with the invaders sad especially If the cell atittaritles shall_kis Implicated in Mb. gala, thelithe troubles of HanttlobT, sill ottbmotos and fire and • elsord wdlaweepovar the Mate ' , danatatiag: "and - rolaina , . as_Allsiottri and - lane ; hem . devastated and `"rained:' "'Whom Ahas: natio destroy tbey first isitid."!! 'WS Dope • that :the Ken anklets arir'not - but It they, are dutraction.4llrfollow.- Nothing more cortaln than : - liitherto the war baa at:alight!: upon bar.: Carefully have tier in. Watt been protected. by the National Gor ton:teat, Par Wes largeportiomof her pea plebs:al lieen posily ungrateful. r It maybe* that the swot* whicli has so, long been used to protect indleidaal and State interests ; will be axed to protect tint= num tad crash trea son: Idle will be determined by.the salon of the people' theasselver.- Pi/weld coZ. :writs desirable; bat more dairableie the matotenance of the sachosity of the National Government. - The latter till be rand for' sd AI Pent ..eallaratt 24:tidies if Wlteellns.elto btu been_to Oloyd'a Mountain, ike SMan of WOE. felt between Crook sad Jenkins, reenred *pair or rebel slum. , Tn. . Ike of wood, ilkod 4 Plol/ ec - have been sawed cal by raubbraryt The op pe4 ratdob WO of Toy beefy, star aid bad!, canoed leather, ars ariled upon the wooden soleS with large teas and ieetts. The shoos ar4 exoredlagly Wray and burl. •• - itlingaiJ..Woutia to , reporOid , to bi oaf. toting 'frog:bible toad, pousad, ny: th o .ffictof of alicinoinme batloon•zocinaon 1,0'6 to 1,4.040 n Alotobor Lost - The bollon-oroot op very soddenly, nod tho refraction. ot.tni sir *Good Ide. ,Wolkor this gonoto'Enpt noannt.:=l• _ . 0 Tail 00TM:1414 is thotlealy fore' ,gto • loTOraemente to aele. °rat from Vtiinfteston. Two steamers fort- on Woineadly.niontlit. oltb al reilment• QUID°. dui Mena bl eluding L 11•1433 Ohlo. . . JtriXii Joan A. Szfasatittnerly Analtor:Of lb. &son of Ohi4 and Asidatifuln Poelsone General nudge Tiler, Aladint ilonsabet.Wls . • abort tlat*lnee.• MMM AT 11 610.10tiiitotiktkgsi d ea litomdfy Mt, setolealsoCipilramr.to ma. umfra47 at tbe b 4 1105i . ..#41 . 41 41 7see edoptpd. • - - Cor.peim dutingas OR 05iam0,..14,-50 not enooausuat now Op so* setiesogisfifigi Nut fie tlikmati . 114, : g xnu " of EMEMMIM - i a'..- . .:.:.:' ...TEL*6I-R4i451,: .':- ,!1‘ , t.:1 ~ I ~ • 'f' ' ' fiiit*.i . ll - ie' .. Fl,:iiht • • , OUR '!LINES STILL ;ADVANCING Enedy Within Taking Distance GRAN,I I EmtvzLy REmFojlp* ANOTHER RAID BY SHERIDAN , #4, , to. , . Haw ifinn, June Io.—The Herakri ) pondent, of the 7th, gam that two &vista:on of thebth Corps occupy a pcleion from the railroad , bridge . prop the Ohlekehontiny, to 13uouners' emeiing the iiveitio miles above.. The meters battery Is Noted on the' opposite aide, with :hen?), guar, 01;01,44 IlemelY upon oat eoluinne whtn they - inot4d. ) They wero ) promptly answered and quieted. ) Amiga: liner - ephiderit eseye : "-Ant linen are being somewhat advanced:And pit. facia.' dill= for. defame. The ineMy 'ere within' talking:distance, le - "Oar rinks beingliledtapidly t 7 rola- ) memente. - ) - ) t2 t hs'ber.dviarters:)et the 9th Uci . !tMdariliers thelled - -vidornitei7 for' 41)1 Voir. re*:.ttien,ifire killed an wounded. About 4 the 'rebels Made another! ) desperate`..&arse , the corps' *mks Ind were dituttonaly repulsed. Vinnwtionew, Juan 4th r )1864.-efifherldaii ha.- - girdni7de -- atiotheTruely Important dfeimeesafal; it Till be one of the moat bated. ) cialtyid)74lstdout e.tpeditions) of the war. F 4P*; I ?.ELE,RMA.IN- ; ,OF OTeiIiOVEMENTS: 9ur Alloy liarehing WA-dant& THE BATTLE, NEAR DAMS N ~: ,t.. 'de:, do Haw Yoxx, June. 10.—A 25175155 corral - , indent detafts , 61torman's ~movement/ to 4tme lit.. BUY 21it: and 22d was devoted to init at - Camilla! On the 22d he ordered a mbve next morning on the dirset road toAt iltnta.-. At 'the Etowah the iiiiny'i plaits, end sharpshOotari were met with. The ar. my crossed the rim! Ind pushed on toward/ antatsville, skitmliblog on the way, and reaohedillekoryiad Thantsville'oii the 2.5114 leaving ,Allatoona sod aerobe! forts and big - goat :aka to `the le ft , tins llankteg them. "- -- t Towards esplogiusavy firing: was beard la front of Hooker;a position. Troops were boy. Tied ip, tatciatitterdthe told aftsr dark; when 1114 a flying had treated, itidtfottud that Hooker soddenly fallen open the enemy In the swamp sad - driven ides bash. - , The next morning anothei skirmish took niaoe, and the rebels were again forced back lividly, followed routlloutly our-troops, when suddenly masked .hattstries 'opened with destructive effect on our men, Who were asst down by the Caere. loss Is between two and Owe* hundred: Oar army trot in pesiion . in front the en. @toy, strongly pasted, fora mites from Dallas. f.The 'next day the enemy amased,for anis. sixth on our wiiiks; for bell as Lent the fight:, tag Was 'terrible, and the slattaiter of the eat: my IMO great ; he was driven haat in 0012.; fission. At the same time a powerfal attack rfe coeds on McPherson, on our right; it was 1 10 11 teat, tha . tidei4 losing. bot*On tiro end awn*. ihidoind .mon... s On the :Alai: a: eeble &tie* w - ns p44103'* the Miele .6athey. wore again repulsed. On Thursday locum we,enter-, SECRETARY STANTOYS BiILETIN lintblng Important - from Gran V!CTORY COMPLET Voreaty Carman, - Many-prieoners arid Stores Captured. ! ' ' 7 :: ) • . • ran DIPATIM/,'Wlillfo/08,.,jcine 1111- 7 4. Hof. Ora. Di : 0 wing to a break in the tologrepbjtio diapaieftea ware remind. yetterday from the fumy . of the Potomao. Dbyatehet - twat. red this metaled, dated o'olook tut Met, lay Duwe wee no fighting Vedoetdai lizoeattag picket ping. An arrangementli irld to bite been idea ;by witch the killed and - wounded Were gathered ln. '.There were no moremehte yesterday.. ' Deserters, "he come into our lbsee,repat Rai:teed victory, near ,Stainton; more ootn ads than the RtoluMmid papers. reported. They any Knitter took twenty cannon, many pamert, and a tare quantity of' !toms. The asteited tore, 'was recently el put of: DreeklaridviVa mommand, Hantn's report) bpi not yet been remind. GEB. -ANTRILVS:I)PBRATIO3O. His Expedition Illgbly Successful Mow Yoax, Sono 10.—The newt baa an absoant of General opmilloni. In MX expedition ho appears to halm hum high. tr'inoretafol.- He 'kept Morgan, with . 5,000 intis at VOthriville until Crook had oom• plAitti :lilt 'work, and then moved down Crook on they", incountired III 411114), and thotigh otttnotabszsd trot° one, found it nar• ciatutery to make a stand and tight. Forhotim bird % LitUo command Withatood assault of stun holding their ground as atm n a until dark. Ararat Aim moved off, Morgan not - damning It advisable' to follow, and eventually fell In with Crook, after hav ing tonna skirmishes sad inoetlog a form, of 1500 ander Jenkins, whom he. tanked. At this tiatit his command Me Mattel? oat of THE KEiTHORY. REBEL RAID. 1 Raifroad Train . attacked war Bay anti PROBABLE•BAFETY OF THE TRAIN, tor . tepso,.lone IQ.—The , ordoutnee tinkle . fronO'renkfort, yesterday, Wl4 Attached tour 13agded, by :calm,' men. Kr. 8 harkhe, "imbed member of the-Ilentnolry Lejtislotore ,nu,kllect in the oedemata?. The farmed men:think that the train way hare returned' .afeti to a,is, kreit; sit a mistio , wmeelstmly Upnl the attach, and the ears ernmeeded toirezde Frankfort. .. • • 'oat of stied' soldlett sepias Yrnoisoded op, the rood tut night In loam the extent of the !!Leastra, boa not Warned,' and we hare had • .eomtlegesph connonnlettlon with Pranklart elan yesterday afternoon. - -• f'.lelttraf • lifotielnittletn sho —..“aore.NotitthllOCWlssi, I ','o4.ll6—operett of mity.jesints 41Lb:9140voleeteeTe. IWAsetuornr, Jaz* 10.411 ail Ntl Coavolatoa aoadaatlona *fib ouleb madam=.Balatoamod . *4B4 e; JotatoOn mode sooloquaat laaddadaquadliat &bet. Moab Efotfl.- emits MIN-" , . ; 7,rr"; Tb. 6 b.OLIO Totaationa dto lll4 21 111 .1palleilg day 44 rn[lio tottb, to bio antllMMrilitiOV . • • Pi...el 4,r CITY AND 871.71171113.61 V. A Brave Marrlasga The following appears in thelincyrus Aar. nate butt Tharsdiy: - • Dlananp.—At Dararralthel. In Cbacity of Wash. Ington, on Monday, May Dada. lrifi tc the Rev. Dr. Soatth, Capt. Day/4 Lest, Co. QOM Ohlo meta, and tinue Mac& McCracken, all of Baum. VrOcir refuters wig remember. , that Captain ewle was severely wounded at the battle in he Vrildernme; on. May 9th. At the time ol his being wounded Miss _hiaOriokea was teaching In the Prinutt7 Department of our Union Behools, but no loaner did dilies.r of hen being wounded than she with Wake ore of Mai. At the time of his marriagebeim strapped to a board unable toltun his body. .Those presentat the marriage were James C. I' Wetmore, the Ohio tate Agent, John HooloY, Esq., and several dining:flatted men. "Nona tut the. biome. duerve the - fair," Is an old adage, and In this ease there were certainly ,two brave souls united. Court or Quarter SesatowL Before' 'Judges Mellon aud Brow% natollowlti g -essos wore.dlspossui.# this Taocb Wartiotrosident °nisi/hi:mm*llle, !orasairalgued ort sobs/go fof fe ral:lOU dog, on oath of Win Datriti; , The jury utteruditkverdiut of amity end tho defond. gig mu I=W:wed to psy,u gut, of ituo dollar kild costs. Norgiirot A. Piti via oitlitgo . Oolitt3/i itnd battery, on oath or hin;:ditithrs. verdict of not galley woo rendortid; osch par= ky 'to pay tionr:oorxv coat: ";hbtons re' *stand Elfrj donut on wiintliir earl*. Jan Diketonoloted of totnenr onu ten. noon to. tirtr,yonrt impt*mnannt in' the ' , Watteau , Politentlarr. - • • - -" eapjraus. folle g Atter tifeirilor of yesterday tlho creek eplgation hos boeurspspended on 'amount ef the big • jam" of last Theettai. ,There Is gearotty. of o il fa - the market.' The river la and'reesding replay.- There are a great number of teams employed, conveying oil from the meek Sam to., the mbar, the streets being as oompletelrerowded as any itrantabLeastom.raiss. -Tbeamonetor-po. treks= on band b light, both berated athbo *ells. The roads are in good condition, and teaming In, repeat. Cawatrrtro rea THLL.-1111711111. Spry, the young man arrested yesterday morning at the Bair while In the act of plating a lady's liOtot, this before Mayor Alex ander, Oa ming, which resulted .his committal to jail to answer at Court. - Spray deny' the charge, and states that be "too mnoh of a gentleman td plak a lady'apooket," but the evidenee appearing conainsrre, the Mayor committed him. .. • Pi/111 IN New CUITLI.—A theorlet 4 1 1do2tr? od in the dgicg Unto - connected with; the Shemango Iron' Works, In Now Cattle, on Tuesday bat, and beam it was subdeed It domeged and destroyed much valttablo lum her. The building was capable of m3E41111:I frosn.l2,o 00 to 14,000 feet of half bah board', each Si are used far heading natl•keg%. The Loss Is tho more levers at the present tlme on abcount of th4seeralty of lumbar. . gatioP.A.ll2o47.llAnt. tq ionrans.--A Tory. large and =liable col lection of antograpbielettera by distinguished personas= of the : present daywdll.be sold by anotiOn bithe Ladles! Baliat to-orroW, Bat, ut`day afternoon, at one eulook: -nl consider aims of the great labor in preettring these contributions ; their own Intrin3io Table, and the object in view, we predict &large attend ance and spirited competition. • Eierese Parras-4. P. Hunt, Humle Hand' Piftlratreet;! and Y. T. Sample, -SS Federeleinet, Allegheny, have reeelved. the HeirTork"Weekly Tribune, 'Times, Herald, Warliii.ate.,4or IM. weak. Moo, Molise' York Independent, Harper's Weekly, 'Stases Smith's Weekly, the National. Pollee Gezetuyete. haze alma Piairertaas sr owns o► parable' Cooax.—The 44 mem farm et the Nitaositampbell estate, will be peremptorily sold -by LeggebeAusttotteer,on tbeprendeee ordWedoesday, Jane 22; at II) o'otoor.: Par. ties In want of a wintryy platha.sre reqtesta4 to examine: there premises before the day . of SAMITAAT Pati.—Our reaaers Should not forget-the Floral Hall Conoert, on Monday errs:dog next, under the direction of Prof. 8 4rYoeits In +Ludlum Hall. The -concerts gtien by Professor Sbyrock barisalwayl been pleasant, and we bespeak for Mm a good tome.- • Print Waal:logeon. WAoanrcto*, /ono 9:—Tb• following teas. 'lntl:.., were passed on Tbaroday night by Mil Grand Councilor the Union Lisps, brills slob, © of which was today patented I to Om Prealdeut by • comatitee appointad for' that purparra Bamford, Tllot the Notional Connell of the Union Loagu• pf America hereby heartily ay- ' prove and ontione the nomination sada by the Union National Contention at Beldmeree as ilk* Bth of /ono, of Abraham LinooLu for Pamident, and Andy Johnson for Vico Prod. dent, and as we are bound by our obligations to do all in oar power to alert goodandrells,: bte ]Talon men Co all °dims, and as the urini nsee of the sold Conveation ire the oni; Oa 'Water that can hope to be alerted, so loyal man as regud is as the important duty of numbers of the Uction Lugar to do all that lies In one powet to seen, their Cotton. Ite+oked, That. this Council alto earnestly approve of the platform and priodyles adopt. ed by.oald Convention. ' ' .iievolorci, That we trillion Individuals and inernbids of the Union League, do all Is our potteuto elect said candidates. • 84reientitive - Winhburmo, of • 'Emu% Undo an adverse report todayie. Ram . ixo 113121Orilllor the 'New 'York Chamber Wmmore• siting ettootuagomont to oxlips rsim • nsvitation. " . • • , p ee vet, ccamadte..' ei 'oak iated • memorial setting forth Si timith arguments and ID favor of ants'. dies for the amozopltobateat of the views of the itenherehete• The ftPettithten4lltehle for thli preSent:' _ . • • The Moods or 'AU btaltruitleldiftialoone• dent that they will toesonereiffaloasa Nen.; siderstioa of the vat, by viddiati'M was fto.d.sy rejected only, • Iratuiwrox, Julia 10::—Ttoropedd cones ' poodoot of 'tlat .11,600,isys Tar trio:don of the BoabfaAAU: lj tot rogsrditd as cuo. etilns: • 'lt larMstirediuttil Der:amber. CLAIM, AGE. 4•73. 01 4 710:8 4PIAIAI ApENOY 4:I4IOATTERSON •ssas. IlAr•at, ss tea, win PENIOI3. $OOllll3. ICA PAT '.Ltd :n otbrr Itlttlobar pally A•8o dim talus mori;rie . . lIIMAKREIT a* • JpalitlON,• earrosipt*i;jur-Liw.," and V . e. ucmad, aorinseciAniaast* ensioss. ft: 0•941 y 04DIREV Map s :1 1 CYPIPP1 . 91 IMMO= AND ABIULAVI Pram*" attostlad m tty dope a do. 111 lroorlla gook oar • WEGFI'ARY 1011a1618,. -BOUNTIntd, LYS , PIROIONB, DAM PAT GM MILITARY PLOW Of ovedy dowiptlas, cotioelid th* Kribse, ea &glowing rata, Os* . P,AdozA IRO WI • CL TAYLOR, • •••• • at ; N 0.13 OtaatortnioA •••.. • ye; '. Q. D . No • • am made if tN -• dap sot NOAH. : .1' 4 777] :,..." . Anoinorr.ozLow; so. zolagrui . musi DISSOLO7IOO7I:I4Gi DT®OLDTION.OPARTNERAM mom s the auluvit ger thir oingd: a.inoWis tr o /r .1.,,d4 gorn4M IMMO =ss two' the Ss= las bnalss• bi SO *Mils 'War SW style as isserbsibrs. C' ' 1 VlZrt , ": ~. t uaaago tuaTpoier! - - 1 ithaigoatit. shut -MMMMTNIMMM!! ' . . ... .. . . . , "` • - e-- ; 4: •••ti) '.--,•,'• • ;,-, , , ,'' ~ . _,-,: ' .:, , 41 . • .- - ~_ r ._,• '... ,' .. , -,.,. .....,.- .. 4 . .... ..,.. . .. . . .....: . i .. . ~C"~~~~t wpmmmciit , TEravap- Lamm littd Ilsominuna I'nwecrrav Oveanrcrts ; • .4 di telgtit of tae celebrated Actor and Panto. Plottiti Mr, EDW/li IllaliflUED, and b s U l / 1 . 4 dap, CA3E9 and Baum. • Willle ;Meet:clod, thelionishigtome eitined • OE7 TO TUE WA/L. I EedifteliladdlA..,—• —E,03121!".1' TAM followed by the ibrUllitt dratha entitled,. • Tan DOG or Tim UOUSTAIS; ctr TO ()Arra ina: Diottald, the arzt Edcln Illeriebard• • Toe out embremeg the 001150 comptay. To ;patinae with the •idartleal drama at •• • TUE LOST JilftiP. HALL. • Saturday _, Evening, June 11. GRAND ORATORIO OF THE MESSIAH ,41t A CEOEUS OP 150 VOICES, And .zonspinted by dm GE ItidANlii VROELESTRA, of PHILA. The Soler rill beiung b 1: Mtn 3 Dila hlet/5Erey.:.....------6:chtralto. Mr. Tiler or trad Dvni open at 7:o'clock Ote procirary, - 14°444444 at 4 1 :2=';: a y Pri"u.dge the Madc Stuns &ad rE P"iNtto I .9Pta;witit6ut bon jelo-.2t Os.lffi, AND MRS. D KLEDDR'S GRAND CONCERT, OR THE BENEFIT OF THE SANITARY COMMISSION, WILL zedul name ON Tuesday Svening, Jane 14th, AT °ONCE EiT HALL. EWo of Haiti andvoloared Oosto to oceozooneo on Sokbrday.'Jone 14 at •dm nada Store of U. Weber alga kt Goblocv Harp, No. 112 Wood St., fear doors above flab. .to.y3Ltd e.trarDwarzs. 10• • ASSEMBLY:—'-Jotar Grramous, of Upper S. tlidr tintrnAhl, .111 blv.tt Oblate l'or eictembly, stibirct to the tjeCildelll of the Inalat Goutay tioorention. 11317,1t0 WASSEM.BLY.—Goo. Y. McKim, of North Payette tp., be • candltiett, Ott hitietobly, from the Dletrict south of the two, Arab- PO to the dectaltin of tho Union COLUIIty &mum- I ton toyl3tdaerte I ASSEMBLY—Rano Siusaa, raala' of trPp , r St. oar, Qf the lat Pawl. .Zeser. Cavalry.) nlll be ••candidate tor ea reeno the District south - ache rims, stilled to th e AVM= of liepabllonn County Contention. snytte • Ir*.leoll COE.U.N.SIi.—ALnz. *am wID bell caudate far the odic* of 0019121/ subject to the decision of tho Republican Linlort °minty oounnitica. usbledento FUK CIAHUNEK.--ticammos'sdati, of Elmologhes, bo s candidate: for Oor: mbloot to. Um dootolon of the UnfotrOoonty Oatmottloo. 17. .FoR arßirtalunbain, will be • candidate for Oar outs stibleet to the decision of Maya= Semifinals's Cantr uoneentlon. - camilimte RUNKIO.—Joux fd.oth,uxo, of Mar Word, ktli Our, mill be a °Arita. Cate fcrOoroura of Alledheru Conutfroubject to ttu truitioaltrto of the rounalnig Ooosty Uoloa Ocrareoroz. du SOB MOTEDZIOTABY.:-4re6 wer Vizi= will be • ectadfdat• for the Oleo of Protheeeftri, enhject to the detSitto of the Union Republic. Want, 0)111ftli013.- Wale P-7,F011. PROTIIONOTAB.Y.,Jaaaa H. Weizto, or the Sloth Word, Pittibutzh, «111 boo .condhitte bar the (Otte of Prothonotere, entheot o tyo decision of the Mateo EtTablkaa poi . sotttlolt. 112.kt0 jr-F011; riatiIiONOTLRY.—D. c. Ittrixt will be candidate fur. the 4.12103 at trothouotat7, tahjectto the &clam of the' Val= It7eahltcatk iterrention. taZtte Ly-.TFOit PPJJTHONOTABY,Taoa. firm will be • candidate for the'cape at Itepuittletu Protionotary Coato r.. EtWthaect to the tlettlito tdu tfulan t t. FOR 1y o: B. Italuna tte ennad&te Ms calla of Pralsonotary' , anblect Falba doc.tsion of the lint= L b, IEI 4 DAVID cossniurs, or the Third Went, MiOltnakT. Inn b. • auxlldalo for Coma/ Goma.. 'ikon., Babied to tke datecton of flit Unto. Bepobli but Ganwootion. ' opilLto FC'tt)it. COUNTY' COMMIStiIUNER. ""'"-• Deem Gaut% at beam broraebtp, TM be • dialdl4ll.• tar the abort oak% ebb/aerie th.olecta , lan oleo Onion Ilepublataa Copal) 00,1Ttnft4 1:0•FOR COMITY 005115111ONTift I to aLcazdi j dref="znii er %stoner, f' 16111 gee tlictelostef the Calera rochllaeo oountAtel? ccultTY C0M141 , 0 .otwg:4ltlios to tho'dootollott of tlorVolo E• j ""'". JOEItCII4.4'V' ZilL0111: 'GENTLEMEN witimmk;, FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. aata• la1117:47 PLEUTONASILZ L.A.TkU3T 6T'SrT4RI3. would do groll to tall trpzo 11. G. ILALE /i CO., lIERCIIINT TAILOR!, COZZINE OP P 21921 LLD ST. marl/ urnxxis, babn percbsdniir BIMELL'B BLoOK. W. H. !itIeGEE. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET, • Wool call the oitsaltaa of. buyers to bls stock of goads. It On bean **lacteal •Ith peat cam aad taw otos all tho Doves* styli, of goon to Os land to ant clear bane. Onto orlthlas• salt afelockatio std.. to otder. oak ;hue call sad ossodtm oar 'roods And pan. Alto, • tall sod tampion stock of . . irStrlSitaldlig Goods. w. B. rtoGIV, , • . , Eto. 10 tat. Oixtr Anal. Plligleh• • ataawe.pummt - :,1 LIPCIC 'STITCH SEWING naiimansrEs, , MTISEC AND_IIIIB.% Od Oece sad Whas3le importers. No. Str Q. - • tido, Mock. Wll. BUNTER it 00., wrinarm amine 911 1 10 2 ? MERE Drrume-rDs., I.IIITIDEND NOTICE.. - . - - - • Cbst•riiOtr.Coarria!l tt •• • . • Plisaboslft. .1%.,J000 Bikini. Thawirfouwo of this Oompoo7 taw. Ws do do• fund Illvtdooo of Tial s DOL tn LIII3 (Ito). ;or of Ey_4 mater Bard. . •• • • • w ' • Z. wrerrirritur. roo'w: - .IIIVIDEND.—Tha Preeidew DA- L, mean o r tbstfinaltsbam a.. CkcciFic4 b•r• [ht. 6!t_ii•efand talt Thinly Dirldnld of NI VD PEA cot 114 44013.1: a tec2; w abi.. and Iffla.ll4 DM, as ibs !angel oE7w . cF llattst , Do? 1,21 Oa. No: DI Toretb D. 1101135024 ate, aei nde. Vina.MikilabO, COI lied. 03** Jwarizmi,-,rfe. LATE PUBLIGOICS,- AI.:HENRY" IfligEW,S.. RES - 11,1:1&2 NOVEL: JELA:c . rID . 4= r l z . VO By the anther *Vlts' LeseOghtizt..* • Prim,. cloth, 83.00. &von Stcrtia, basal eat 'ita . 4 attic. By ha tunny aattuai. of 0 .114 nit& at Vas. arco4l,•! Ma^ eta.. Q0tta,.....:...:4-111 .The-Sprlagetl4l , 2qtabtican aalt: .I;tta Sant. Btalielava thanitnit—anappy oiaadlait of troth: sad Bettoalbtlavvollanor traltted'appa &bathe aut. Ater Beaantent and /attar nit stattly.dtatra Itatahoe. TB* •Wat Lay at as .I.alatt Ina' ,ht.• to manta 111 Walston) .. . The `AotoaatO a' O nattlata' faller quiet bum, to.ri.antt th e ortiato plaseiat cattmcf4 2 ,ttly- • ! - • fffEr3:3;:=4'7 .11 Loteas nimausits swasa. By Gail IforontonArttlM of .Iooattry Ltottl,.'oto. rya.; lama. do bottle boards, red ege% 60:, Cbstoo--TO• Ours sod tho' far: 36a• Ifltimos Mingo; OriOnormos: Chartlolllftlap; • Plow' from the Thin? Proper tfootiogst• The Proof of Trar Lore; Contravention adixocroan b 'GOWN War ; no Los of etlrLit ; Premz ; Pori irettri ; Emir; Wortto Meta ICtorftedge, Tiff: MAINE WOODe. By fl,;!16 D.Porran. gok ttor=Wal„f etc. 1 rd. oUrtb, Chosmcook; The Allwash end VIM HOLltilif SEW SOYEL. Daturststi.atito D&YLICIIT... .opleadhi new Book kyllan J. nobkes, whasekzeelked bar* koakht attar and rest tkettughant tke laid with wok relight. nill prikted mad bound In cloth, uniform kith her ether payola: !mks. Price $l 60 each. Lam Blurs. 'Looked sad Donalas. =solos Gray. Meadow /ook. . rdagilth s end a. on Bozo sea the Don Demo. . Conan itazols. &plea of .tho above Looks meta ten 4 pads ea receipt of price 31371 71 sad 75 Plftti it., nest doer to P.O Card PhoU'aiiipxx..ia.: .Albtuns Pookst Books Pooket Aabiazein Pocket Albums FLAGS I FLAGS I .L.aU% Magazine: .lisps of Virginia alf Georgia aTitxosura t ETAI2OSEBY I at I IT,TO Ox's; VS MID 1:9 STADDT. NOW 0011IPLETE IN TWO VOLS. A MOST terrEtEsma WORE: TIME 130 013. A .p.yolar AntlibEy e detebeeticin — Id* the Ibiondu,iddidit beiteddtet. Bblt•Pbre Cetribisles Litigated . ; awl teddJxbe Huma ebanateb trith- ■autumn illustiatkras. Edited by b Mambas. Prim 57 Vt. . - /rdr tgt b 7 . "Lit a conieeisr . bet 66 %Yob& men, N E W BOORS I NEW BOOKS' Pint/ XI) 78001103 oir.suibir ecniooth —A - plography of Debt ftentes sad Wmaot.-: Dy Jobs Pour. L.oL Price $1 00. .- Ai wascrer, . O. Arnuannosra hanged on the &atm, of the ;farts .ftr. alma fa the operation t the Unbend props eeastrpotiett of tharaminta &o. I sot 12trao. aztoreteouß noun, nit _ DARING-11PD 13 IIIMIUNGI. 'By LIM. Pettae ger. have son 4 of the hitter work lan socedeed. ...„. . .7, L. pairk, n Fourth Meet CdpELP Era, OIL CLOriallOW - - 1473N0W - OFFER kn. SATZ WIIAT w 1 m9 ,4 to ! , !. 1 1. urnn aloft:m.lla Millets and Floot 011 Cloths, • Iry trait:dud thte etty, antissrua, PLY, 111031111 wt. YEOMAN OASPITS sod SOXIT OIL CLOTHO. We bare toady dadraide itylot not to to Wand elsedbere, toclodhre acme breadted_goWe KOZIOP/0711:7112D EXPILI233LY ItOR !• 7 11tZT.AIL THAD& • Tb 4 icklYPr past at N. stock batting bora per• chased or eontractgPl toe bread the mart lusty ad. macs In (deo, "MU told U it yelp map actuate detral cad, oar Inter W be re tar Warr prebatt mutat rataag=op traticts • • Winded, lhadal sad Fixtures Tdat• dad Plano Coo•ro s • Hump, Mgt wad Rag Cantata • ' Coca. and China Mattlass, a. 4 Waft; /114 smartmat sly en Inzni tbrlnnint I li'rstland Collins sic Oo I 'I Nos. T 1 AHD 73 Vl= 51=17.. tr.t eA*M 1Yi1.:01';.26 - Lx,r. tymy I 11 oounaw nil ENTIRE SWQii lIITETS, OIL CLOTS, 'a* , has b, W. ttcmnryocii. as Untetyi itrila.:‘ , an abbo. by ttur coximatdattoz. to Air Cho LARCEST STOCK To BE FOUND r Tai, ar THg .r.ow7urimr• afss Oliver MoOthitoa,di_Och, Irs. XI NOVI FOURTH A3Ta Er. WINDOW S.HADE.B " EZOZTVED THIII DAY.- NEW: . 00.1111.70,1570*.. 4Pirs, •1 . Fatt Immo= OAL..OLOTH; AAPE T 8 T'O R • •: gain ...711oKff 70IIVIVITtlitre. P 93 8; ATTORNEY.A'I'..LAII. -An up! nistiktimppßy Ott D tc, Olace, /*WO UTITETr, c..r 0 11114. 4‘ y . GRAIIT '1.71311UT. _ sPactl . S.- . *4E2a "=. . • J..YY.L~~ie~v.%~lL+"~fl~ ice_..' _,;~, ~'—^-- FOR BALE--relt" REiV.= ram containing If:VeourT:,and bitteatain Allen taanthcp;Wasbnigtan criatri'mosito "eaten Al hie; balm illelteorrun. tdjulalnx lamb ti rolonwaßrant and. Ihmeal Head tabevailale the brevity or/quake Epwa queband, will he"cf. fermi as panne =loom they peesalrew, on lIIIDLY, .Itreol7tia, Hlt, at 12 o'clock-at, gibs' faun la veU watered, tha toU.el good - quality. .2e the !drub:qv deairahle:beldg Oil the - io.k a the. blerenophels elvalt nano to ebb a q nod Was quarry on - the braid..., near. tn. river. : • Alio, Wilitie oferal at Lim mu* thai ewl.phawa Vann belvoglog tzi lan:lb Spam, containing hi adJoielug &Amara Spam Tbousi ad, sat the trio above trAihrited. there la abrind h aaree oi:ceatie,dez th a l t n4.ll/4 the f armw b' 4ll ‘ l . liweesileaul both -rafted eveainiseddiatily.' Tress made kneurn al:pier!" , "Abinta, lalterforno4P-ii," . SA 00/i , :Itg -CITE,W.Jr.()SriZA:,-;.4 .IL: ' flienrehte epp#lnalry to note affected to prr• ROW etifitalill of procuring cheap 3:-.1 eontentatt , Dada, The property hee.heen Lttar 'Ale aid Into IBothltag Lots:oW %to to sold to vtaet!the to tot, pcetheaoh; at - prbret Abut tenee:trni...h . carrtiottlY fell to matte itifirs'it atria wheltnarbtecorrtort eageberco.,Thantricoot le pl :multi- anteftrw.b . ehtly abutted sr the nrstatatlon has the rftngt reirliZatiroaka2Uotaing Botradery erect.* dt' MO tater - Irlier , of manta 'epodld tustudona re; etttly ~ereeted,-.ftt ',midi," 11:11MTililitx.sighbat , hand, meg bins the adrantageepor both city: hod . 1 cotuttry. - loinbeliltbeothatercoareesith Magner wand/ of theinlty. tt II not intrperrid by:any "other to the Vaulty. at the corms dbtsoce.. Rbla Jed otters' or Ininzerroant to: perms an. r ult., - Thzur Itspof of tee -Pewee: IL ht.,' or IS the ttenafactortee In or adjoining the On Irani Tor farther tritomoiskon. Apply, to AUGUaTIIt 11.0r1111:11t, at the Garman. Trust 'Oa„I =IQ of Wag( and BIM erred; or it his meld /oleo noir Larne le: :or to Pk WRAY, 131 Webster Cl., Stalb.tnnte , ...., ..: ;. '', - : ..; ' sayMtf. . A FARU 0F.61 ACRES, 9rtwilF.lt o issetatad b~ 3 k rcKDire Ming /lmp tel[ang Irith PrisiasVeisd Efonz d e' .. tareTisati lisrti, g o od ;ram ' s. as:\ Is is ;1 ! atered. cnd only Ere ea* from the atty. ' I For partlecilan all cacaddiaaa BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., ITSNI/Y =SEA roUara entszt ray 23 EIiCIITORS' .BALE, OF BEAL-ES. .J E LTE, ANOUNDIN4 IN OlLlL_—Tbee vnede Mated; ExecaLont of the Last Rill and Testament of John Itatasay, &led; vrin self at private tale all Nut ass Walling cf Land; late tba homestead of the said John itamsay, infante fri Union t arneldp, on the Washington ndrapdte; about 23 miles loom Janes' TeririVcontaining 86 sem more cr ur which Is cradled • large gram. Drantng Lime. ' , rant and anthonses; taro tine enchsrds ,at choice Smith. of sem Mad; This Iszd Inns almost allvmdcr a gocd mate of caltlvatlen, shinneneg in - coal' tmder the wlude area.. noun baying been excavated at an, ' time, adonis em appertanlty for sate and goad in, otosrraphs Tionte—Onn4blrd fa band, .and - beanie tn'ene• and Itronem, with Introit, to be tectttred.by bond end; mortgage, =Nett to the donut Interest: of the 'lean de:nattier WO: J5O. innuarrotr, Wood St; ROBLET ALMS'S, • I . • ear. Fent satlEhdot dinette, Pitlabarghl, jetott ' • .7Zoiratori. • . VOR Siaani u • tog Mill, eituato tow mile, from Ellhharly 015 Ina good location, andirhteli ix et present do. beg •• grad business in idly merchant trade) h. mublnery la all nearly new and 11, emeollentoeder, three rim of burs, and Wary thing complete... Thome lIMPS of-4mm dion'which Is a twoatory frenseggelLing of four - wow. good . cellar, stable. !br: KC grape •inee, 200 grafted irate tread, and small traits and ahrobbery,ne sbundwo. This peopartreronld colt nay ore doing cosine . In tit, elty, bring, emay of a.= by a. good bead; humor sod if dreamt,. the mill zooid' be rented. eln. eirallant mlll baSneee We Itatcaleo for,salalito aecond•hand dhraeb - Yoitrk.l,Lei pikrtfitlars and.prfte enquire el =, • bIoLAIN'a Oth, 10.2-Yogrihatterd:' . for a 1 F9Lttir;Akelatt-tEr4,Ot.Cianguerril site Phi! 1 Road, apopm—hde.thi rectdaw b. W. • 110:110040, =saw sajoim ! Alio 0 propptz, ena , SIVE ,MM 05.Z.EIAL .10i) .410.11ZES. TWO; Imis or the mos :-. desirable location! Sri the tkilloirrof sitter city, btingg wfaxitr short aiLr...no dbtatal.of the 13 0ipeatbsdrp ridge. . . . -, , 1 -•- There. an a =sober a Eno fonst noes -Ink tha propirty,' and II . rulabor of choke frail iud , arm atental trims an ant 4 11hoirb tato ber.olo I rird Terms easy. 1510 liatroatable. . ro: farther portletaars 3ooks of '• •• - - VOR -SALE—VALUABLE iRRA Tellf•-irvolone menu of 6eatte arensci and Vim and, tit feet 7 insets front by lto feet atop; titni Lot on Parnsylvanli ste4as, 25 feed hint by' 100 feet deep, runnier beck to a t 0 foot - ' One Dime of po=d - corner oft:n=looa andgratem ntreeti, .th• sear A to E.& W. DC CI, containing twenty 212;216y:20 fat. . : , 1 A 1.,,. number of eerviceirribtelatir In rest bush. -Reef *NI lota Eit in a body; hating &front 0140,_feet op Crair drag at& 250 •o• Wenbliegton antr-lillimete' drain, on atilt* Is erected email kick txdoie. __ • Z.D. - iiataliti*, • leSlnt tort Pik Man Works; Wsehineton at: "IQOR EiALE—AS, Farm af 118 ewes, in Bs. OWL banality, Wettaratd•ad *iamb. Pa: Also, • lam of Lta acneb 131catetb torayit ass a luta two4tory prick gauss sat! Fut la the Doecufflt of Won =sabelb... alto, • Latta Dana sat Latta Tlitabett. brftath: - Also, ani bus riJoaabla Lb* barcrogh nor.. put, La Jame t, Polars Olio, Nat ItiL, $7, tu, fa also, *Puy wettable' tiles et Oust WA, to ,1 oa the troltaagabsla rlotr. Ft! partla tapirs at So. lea Fourth arm*, 12:11211 0.11. TOWED. Dad Lama Area. - VOl3, Ei&LE—Otte new &earn Engine, I. 15 Welk q alder. 00 the!, stmt., o boo.' Wan Mat; Mama vales corm= Oas la bob wil.ftft.:o Inch strut; okoati•hardl, ems len too woW s now. • • Quo 7 tuba " TOIS Ina oorolio. iwv• Cto• • Two gjeaper.ftflm, I+s dlsss.; 30 tot Way .. Thee Wtiot a b r iosi Oil SIM. • 'Abb. now alog Tools. toi Off . • Coop ot .1. BOW • % • 1111osbots Diu*. mouth. Patta... 134111, -- SALE-41TEAM SAW. MO, ' AND - 11.1:12812Y.Tbs courbalf at Viola plan 011 &duce, m ead Edam Um 111111, vilb lac Mad ouirbalf sem gmumd; se assiduous al tag Oa the lot—eutuo opus and bolos woribmt, climate Oa the Anajtheey sisel A. V. IR is stand dm ado, Ttos Belesestyls tes. sad of modern bald. This dam MEd to obleudid order, aztil la oroll lam baring • croak nusuitg from U to the • - hep►tticolanao ma the uuderstrosi. • -IsIDAY t GTIODPISITLECt. tip?traw Uud stmt. Pittsburgb, - plot AT PORLIG SALE.—WiII be .old pabßc buta7 , tot tto pretalsek TLICIBPD&r, the It .1 cf ono, Lcot., • rem oto, Oman 263 Aancp. situated to Bona Mot! ogdon tootalt.T. Woupoteattd comer,mike Bata Lett totalt 13Uttka. Penna. P. 88 t and the same dl► woo and Cbanalls,lll6 11.; B. 20• Batt abtrancla la coal and Itatettone. Ten I,llStivot Its tat. prom:tato In Log Threlllng Moat tr. 4 Los Ban: Bile to tats place at o'clock p cp._.: ,• .lolPs • 81.17181 L DBYTOSOB.. polt will pardon,* o o: /Chico aims lllty-cow =se, =eke • teeet tate calilmakee, well intend with eitrins • etei side, relluSsey strisee goat Urn and • bail cal}caltox elail=icecteortlazd aunty ; on thee Pilaw ow mils iitoza Abe PPLIZIA. naltrad... Tait/ erpeemeteeets sr* . tine•elenze &RI Ecass, leam mot_ erring Efecm•,•aski sad tad orctact ledbibitMapdt Tense aaq . - • .74.4 r utssa • • - • IL 13. Enday Yl:flick Lywnicat=. y rs .1: :4 • m: • : ti• Di: • '7OB /ALA Casted on the illearitgalstta WM. Ibove th• WTI Lock. births • boat oa said duper bal. sad Matins tack to Itivdttatt stmt. stliatataa the Oataaarrti I* ItatL m a. Webs 4 acne attl TT want Tbla by kattla• for reatattkatarteg yurpaser baring tb 'fur in Taxa al•lyablle Most sad rldrad to 20 tor, ad lbw mut rad build tap damn erected. • /VT ati to =ST MTN TLISTIA ea the ar n to W. C. munzratron, Ilf Dlttoood =tot, Ittagramb. • mili•tt E. IMLE—:2I. - LARGE MODEMS tlßaßa:- ban! = s team li g to u tz t e i =s t ri LOU . hog tea fam, sta: pod hear , and troidur. rot. Me tot boo boot et) lesion Sam s.. ot, rto• Wog boat TO Or to • 0 trot Tho la mot,' osatl=ll, sad boa .won and iroo tbssogroont JO,b ttotborpootfadon endoirs4 +.: 013118.ACW, . ' tromond;PJ hobo • • "URA? 'OH ,I3ALE.-11210 , Talttawa raiNlCOltnsta ma du Pitibraih 'imut ettatc. emiliapg4 Botdaboa tornaltrp, Lb/ ligiirrigo...l Vaal as collo 400t.t0 city. eft. iiweliosilli3 tatatat saw. tter i tiM . 1114* itala ild .74!' or J. ..idtrorim do..tua itartb .••• kttutranzh:hig- lOE SILLEs•That• two4tory' .BRICS . immune. *abut ba oxid:ga* 6“ sill maple% orearostoass z ass aormer trout awl Ouvintift . 1 3111 Tif In gatit tasks eall "rano.: ?at i tombs.. . 7 _.• ~-. ~.. :-. . ,! ," •- ; 1 .sV- . 1 , iteadri 6 1' . _ , . .OM 41, agarav Iry - - tger.A..zTcastriV usil klub big% bstlibm team& .1.1 ma, Er 157 EADONAL L Ik#IIIIII lON fu.m MIMIDEV • JPOR SaliE-..EXM;REXT. . UDR am - togliorned to Bell tc6reln i.a adilltrowscr. of dad hi Nadi.; Oces. Illtnak• c = t ;•l 'lWi ts lu 4rtrrl I sr i ; itaa Miro A4O numb-.r of -14:d rtk xba Ad, bitddg daydreen 11.1. tot wood di . valttable for godkadtdiarPc ant tor atm= trio xotae,.e. , rx.t orb mai fiber If 4 41.4 Q . tt. via Dt2e d ~-;./oz farther parloa4.-ar:ildar sateettber. at- ', UM Pat 4111 c• _ r : r 8:1411,16 *Sal A unzwarain - Asiez: ---'• r • • .•;.lic•Lecra ry Pm+eUco. I des my tit:3U= PI :AL. A noatl house, vs ktAtlld,rock duld sari at -144' wit, irclit' true ana Mbar PT , L , •••II. i• • gDod ; op. ultra forA cOmpetabti plain is erhL f.•2lfy and .osi. mesas, . . anyttitr• OE ICAther, Ermv 'Pellay;Lawrirai • - wavy, Pa.. P..1)1720b ED, E. D. • ; : • =•,;' VOR:SALV-150' .Trus ,aiderisX arts far is a Tarim of 1 -41012 n m soles, ell.Lb Jiro clefrod,, sae lea sad states! enlfirstletr: Os balsas Is canes' r. ffril timburd...lth sehtte esk cldair„.. , ter!: ter": • Olt* Vitt; Stoat "SgeSalioset. fisia , Writ's se.L.:l3ourftor'S Li:stow, or 06 ratsbargh, D.! Von.= o 4 atoses It. EL Title ye:l.m • , 4 ,111:r Srequirs of It.' rcni dust, lust N 0.15 " erstkitti2ft - : LA=3 A. 1111. Dfl. • • emizairs.`tikHsu etc .z hire ar nle the ote-talljeleitst to s minatrc trring estettlEbated,'ltteor .t Watt:43;lu 'the (ton Itestane,ta the ,City - of •Pittieumh. , cliente-of atrial ettakiirill dad this • is:mad pre! rtatuo hmettetnt....Ctilt soca. : • TLIOKISTON $111:1,14, I ~ •, . '4:1111t,; rt,i.ll.llPltth. street, seer Gant. FUR. deLLE-,_4c Grudi Wetrainni Tank, t- 'En Prima otdar;inbitarittilly boat not kigln AIN And arill 'ambito arms x6.J bartali each.' - Application luny ba icacla it tin .lialciarri• • Arinatron or the ufflastrEttibirsit. -• • , - JO/itin'T(tli laLatzt3. ki&l.,Er' —2U Linn "in Aliegneny; t ? fsiatirt7 h7rntiVS;lntngti'Ve'atl •• tt =unben tan 6to ta O'Elons plan - a lob; being tn. property Winn> Itzt. - ford nowiltp; The loni twill be sold otparatOly es In it Daly. - . ' tarn./ tenak ktt i r, to - - tarn./ J." , toe Filth street.,, • Watt trA.LEC=wA: 4.10(1.0„CE1A.1% a, leUti • 711.115011031EY Yeriodkal &ire; gib.° t." 1, P=54 *ad "Flak aroma of ono , :oar Oral daily papers,la Offend - tot Bala" To (lama `tills copilot ot aboaktGdd. fOltill ;rani az =cap ;-;-, teat !moment. ' Ito pirticalarstodtdr, ot• • ' 1 - • ,•) ••• •• •IaYMII4, •-• tfaaoale nal cm, ' Ono No. Barge, cider, 166 feet Ing.l6foot fride. - 44iacItes deepoind decked. Gozalas 7 16ch. - Hu - been used Quu l r at.. l . '• t • •••.,-; mil tiraz - fatt - rauu,sartitru vis I •1: tun rsorrarr.-7biwz.atan r . 1350, with grounds attached, oa Oars= IT Obsidian' Mnz .. , - lato °rust turcautuol._ and anthnildlaga tha r.rj roar of Darellh4 Hope. .rals2L4 ' tie roarth dreet. Pittateattl,, ": - filUti `SALE* — Nam City,Property. I. alxty feet (ntt Cu {Fifar aticct bj fed oorp oat fornr. to /Int Itri.ti Oat, feet trent an with a taTtlll Stand aad ovation bonen., Persons 3- withiat te , tuocane coOd scana claw Cr , watro' htutio, are Wilted to cram ne thin prvt,t7.: Zor price and terms sooty to • ' B. CRITEIBIRT ,t liONLAlLEfarket et: . _ Gloat:ladsUlt eaca. —A Farm of 62 -21 dciw. mayme,u WUktns Uvrahip, adJoia.• tng ha of raw Paretumratt,srat 'dada s shaft db." - -Luse at the Parmseriala .14auto,d. ; ; • • "•:; meanablrg • dcse 4:41 Grantstreef. . 1 1 , 0 4 1 B •7 l L7:', , :i l itrj ,-. . 'Saito at, Gierui....-i 7 etoo'rrtto:aran. tort ol eo m 1 a Calcagolr,ll l4 wigr, • -;.• ...,,' tag ham throe to tea aarea, - • 'Not partlendara angultt at the Boa tiro: Orao' ,7 v, •:, . or - - o. arataoss, . _ • - :-.. -. • N.lO Diamond. Id laben.Y. - _; r LiVNANDOAT WIL : NEtlIfiNGilt ,--•.-;,.-, .-• Lignite of .. 11 dT/ILW . IieWaItVIIN; ,' -' ' all7Nhtt -, No. i Band street, Plutliabibc It-. •-• , --,.• [Lactlwilld, Clothe all and Wheeling . patenaoopy .. ono wbolt lend bill to Pohl.. ,Wray; at ~- Agent,-,. • ,-•!-* ' . ' o 0E SALE -NS. Lot of Uroturi,,at the . el;io'nlf:t . L E ti.7l n° "". :leaa 42-7 :ir,...t b ai t ?: •::( 1. , Van itraion and Sweatt hth ward. TOM= euy sag bilk indtabla. ''' ON , TIOID,"- 'pawl • ; .borww Rats and "Worth streata.• • j•;. ,-,-, 'Ng WILK-EtitliN.S. aim •Bilitatt. -.. ' -..:. • . • 1. , —d tea horse; minor Itn4dan . *lib' &Mt. ki ; - ' --• •• - sag; ','Nn• balesen in;ogetedloa'by eo liths steer ;erie' irehre: ''— - - 1,-.. .... . tel 571 s. - : -: ' ...., f.; : W. G. sIOaanNVON ie., - ' iardturEp;sc :irr.lTS:lit. - Av. , ' • -'. --- - - - - E~iOYAL, ~. ' Wa tato ylesorro to larottn24 the pablla . thai ws now octspy the tans andsozonatitalsa 80. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCS, . . ! ' , ArLOW:I6ISIMMT, . . , Wirers vs Us* restntalsoll foci the ins .orractstr of 231; B. 'DM DRURY aad 80ti0rIsc I:IIt Ce, amoI otoOMnMIOUPIAISOL...4I.4nom4W4' sinarrosant or 121TWS solobsanstru, Ito. • tadsons sod Elsolcargooda gesowsby. • . • topertssity or thoBBADBCBTI2I43SO la al- . sokly astablllato: " In Ma Ids ta7 or Plano, no now Inrastmear lass galzel so 05p144. to pp:amity • " mostnst 4 " rms.7 14nnstrns 'nada the lobos of . • .Cats.a TowN • " 1114 K. ll .Cats. till- boa Oman Impsr...rostpleas mad Irsonh_axasol action nun - • rams, soannactarol ty BIia.DOUST, sad nboasslaw t Orls Pisan Latino, bona, so fang and Inn:rags known 1a this and class coosarles. near . • • no Itztlast cotorturat. 6D isurautold fa Ass 7asen_ LIU / 3 • Bole A64,,is Pptilitit*Weitarn A. • • , . 110. 4e*:fgarg E•4l3_4;a7oszoit. citca BeeoaA rf;nithiOti!:e Berl. Ti mama dose presoldw. , .". . HAPcuroX It4No: • - :For aale •-. • • ; . • ; blie ea turd* bioatifol riab. IitiZELTON)WS*, Web l*Lag•iltgbtly , intcien lathe iranatcrs, is wina. 850 ioedus . than , Recraltcr . . , . . • a swop ' KICABID'S 17N4VALLED • — 4- . • • : .: • f • -. - rif ' • • - , , •E'Llealit,f3: z. :.T ' • -T • -- - ••• • 1 . • , ' - - • • • . • Rom Lbo colobsobutilemy of Haste ; Co, kw has $ A CA , AA. inct/ arNlikes i auvi-rfer..o iortoi , s• • - ••! _ . em 1.1..1-4reetecrido-cirrid curt: Ilan • . burtraounts asoftda c besbrouted tOr Watt yaw szi .: , ',. 1 .4 orb by Ito ten J prooOtroced onthrs3.ll. 'A '. ... '. 0111•1seporyogy so WI ibotsbiyorthadys .ego , ' Ewa $ CileXtbn•yr 'SLUR; elc)lo Agent, .fit ,- • t -- • Ns.o 'lnn =mt. MHZ 'BESTITANOSI"' HOFFMANN:HI/ESE a CO. • ,• ,H 0.63 il• (110 ' WM ti toe Dzessat PIANOS, nalnb try sto ben manses ses•es. Onthodnd U b IMPS Clef toallnlion.lntbent oar .IPIIIVICI4LVS: - - - DR` RPAP; . • bnrais.....%. • ;1> OSSot howl lis Vs: eit:aaa to Drellotllo. SO ripore.At Ott', obira e.alta uttl be aukrAM k. infule , $4,4 ea.,* do,„ : •, DN- 11 r•:r 4 P 4 - - . E a , nunaggaulAvr. at. • =Si emend boa SO MIME .swte.ta. STlLiCk+asir !MIME Ei4Ef?l :w~...._.~. a: •• 7 4, htimberia.,