The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 10, 1864, Image 1

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    `,.'Y ,
Vittsintro lllls3 zette;• .
91 GIRTH{ pow :it G AEOI9IIOI.
1101431118 MDT MC by man, gar 0 0 .
• ,' Watt-- 1
s, =PO 3.
Liggo MON, by mall, pr year.-- 4 50.
sobatb.—. 33.
itzgla cCptas. 9.
WIZILT Lomax, Ober 41. e•, parinar— SI CO.
" dubs of 6to Ey - ". _. I CO.
. " clubs of 10 ormori" 1 lb.
.;‘, -, ..dattd eta taint to tic' party. 6=1,3114. club. Nor a
of;Eft.. ,Tn . stU brut:the Entrant Ormarr
• -Noraclub or Orchtt, by will mod tba
... =ltontoarClirrrri dilly. Stier c!criol, 6 orted.
•111110 - Mlrtibottiptlitur Orley odscsoc, rad pep=
dvaly tim time expires.
The Eeading Matter on this Page
is• from Yesterday's Evening
Hercoyat of FrMars Bat Ale
I am about to narrate an Incident which
will make a draft on the faith of the readers
even greater than did the' assertion that por
tions of our line had held their position with
in fifty yards of the robe! works—and that is,
that one portion of our line retained all day a
position withfn ilftcan yterdi, of the rebel
woilis. 'This heroic band, was the brigade of
001. McKean, a brigade of Gibbon's. division
of Ealeock's. oorps, and a numbering 'about
aighi .hundredsten;
The eundttot Of these ght Inandred is as
7, ilplendld a Stroke of heroism Um= lit an the
:stex7ef "theilltay ,we call Greece and the
, grarideiteire call Home." Through the lire
: day those - men hold their line, within
' , Afters 7ardli of' the enemy, and Sal his force
notd laltditithem. Repeatedly, during
- daz i litniebals. formed double columns of
attini . „lndensti over the work andeisail them,
liken coilld be heard encouraging
bYtelllng them "Latin are only
-nnub or dm hundred of than—come on." But
the moment the rebels ,bowed • themielvet
.abare.their parapet a ,ls line pf fire fleshed out
fro:eV:bind the earthen =hand where those
eight hundred hems stood in a new Thermo
pylm, and many a rebel threw up his arms
.... and fell prone under their swift-avenging
The sequel of this bit of Watery 10 as cirri-,
out as the deed itself—forwhile. the rebels
dared. not _venture out to assail McKean's
men, neitlusr could he nor his corontin tl. re:
aide front' the portions position. , Ile could
netget back to tutos—we could not 'gib forward
to hbn.';.ln this dilemma the Ingenious de
vice was hit upon of conning • "sap," or.zig•
sag trench, up from our line to his. In this
way a working party were able to dig their
way np` te - where they lay, begrimed with
powder and wornlOwn with fatigue, and a
few hours ago they„were brolight safely away.
..7. ,4 2tirthite were left of then:4lllMb f eight Um;
dredi" Bat McKean, their gallant lender, lie
came not Blase okras in the
morning he had lain behind the buleturk Lie
ralor defended--neorpse. While standing up
prentring M resist a rebel' assault, lie' fell,
pierced by the ballet of a elmrphooter, and,
after living for an hoar or two fn an spate
• intdeathln-Ilfei begging his staff officers to
put an end to ble,misery, his heroic soul for
sook the turmoil of this weary, warring world.
There were -other Scenes along those lines
drawn so close no to the enbmy not so grata,
' , and Others of 4 grim kind of jolity. For cr..'
man mould sing out from behind fur
breastworks the signal of attack, !'Forward,
guide :centre," whereupon the rebels plainly
hearing all that was said, would start up from
behind their parapet, and our men, joe: peer
ing above their pita, and "drawing a bead"
;'.'On the; iprifing rebels, worild bring many a
'- - one deem with a Iddddy gift, dispatched with
unerring elm. Or, again, one of the rebels
calling' a parley, would cry out. "Yanks,
ain't it about your time to cook coffee 1"
"Yes," replies Yank. "Then rejoins, Mr.
Itebe"lf you Iron't shoot while "make my
jobiny-cake. I won't shoot while you mate
your coffee." Whereupon the culinary truce
was observed with scrupulous fidelity. To is
_itt.maelt : ways that grim-visaged war, of, a
time, smooths his wrinkled face.—Gwria.
pmdedec news. •
Return ofthe Pennsylvania Hemel es.
The Pennsylvania Reserver, nye the N. Y.
Telltale, ware, an exceptional corps. They
were rased and officered by the State. To
their organisation the country owes the emi
nent command alsigned to General Meade,
and the snbsequent preeminent advancement
s initiloillear which resulted In the victory at
Pezmiy . branialteservei wero . originallY,
three years ago, fifteen thousand string.
Tlikfrotarnett on Monday di 6th instant to
the Capital, Ifanisburg, fifteen _hundred
otrang..-Ono in ion. Almost a Marathon—
,the gigsrence being American thousands seven
fold greater than Greek bundarods—cotuding
thirteed iitensand live hundred modebt demo
, made to two hundred: ancient.. To slicer by
thalamus of those that died at Marathon vas
- for centuries the most sacred oath known . at
Athens. how hallowed shall.that adjuration
be which takes the bones of th(Pennsylvania
-•.- - .4llammear : forlte sitnetlties.— . '
If tho:'faiitlitir Of, • sweezing , by the' mighty
dead, he.OTlPirilisit it receiving the vallnnt
living 'motion inni et:stay Is not ono.
Great Naval at New Volt.
'TfieMay . r.Terl4*eirde Of 39e ineaday caps:
-^ltlttihaTthliput trAlc the no.,ber et vessel"
tilted out at thloport for-the 'ltaly, acianx. of
which were dispatched on atitivri service, is
onfie4dented. On Batardiy algid
•ths Wawa transport Union, foe New , Orleans
and Ks -Wen,
_and two arrallor rioamere,
;The - following tormidable 'fleet has boon
eocimltsioned and is now waiting orders to
the Nafy 4 / a rdt- •
CW' '-- • qtaamer
31s.nbittio...—aron-r I. A Contrict.
= . 14. k .....-.....Stesmar • J....:Parchseed.
-...l3tesmor -Pazdamod.
llizobeau.......—§crow steamer -,Parchual
stramorr awe& ;
ettamer„..,...pueb sad,
•7 T/14 weirsoligil•sidp limb! aid Nailed for
-Newport on Sunday r levant its the gonad.
- Tire new tagb4ta, boned fora seerat dull
:Lotion, also lett ari Sendai. it whole Rua&
-roofs tiling . 1.2. •
-- • Ulddiiry Collee.;
need as a iralis kr caftan, 1
now raised in this country. Tho flew York
Shipping List sitys : •
6apio of the Amoi
'ban Chicory.' is much olearer than the
fereignibeingentlrely tree from mould, and
was mated b Cook comity; by Mums
Moto as Co. The soil of that, section is said
,be adadratlyedanted to its anCiratton, and
C ileum Plato 4: . have conohmlvely demon
sleeted, during the last four 'oars, that It can
be produced on Oar. Western prairie lands In
=Malted quantities." . .
Pin thousands: ands of theielsorerobt sold
New York forll cents, cash.
Wino it stated haforeign newsmen that
1tev,..11. Grattan Goinneas, one of the
most termini - arid fedthhal Piannters of the
day, who hu drooled himself te Noma
MG= Work:Wlralititiricently, attempted
to -plumb in the 'open - s at Irimuirdt.
Ittihad no sooner commenced life sermon
Liao r La' eraf pelted, ...hooted, • and
taool4o- - 110111:11, - and was only Wired
Prom the vengeance of Abe point**
Jones.''' the • depot gall-
This mien act was thermos° common
dabli fit Captain Jones from the fact that Kr.
.....enturieu MIAS& 13 a past of his poblio testi.
, . =ay to condemn all military power and or
, taqsall . - oar. as' pumattically oppo3ol to
141 5 4 P9 10.•
Ur.—The "New Yerk special:dors"
Iniegot iblacteje this ataek; and we hope
will get a worm ono nut. Rositapt it Le all
apainLate in inroad and meat, so as to
__4l , asene-half,ot people trove ootoPthi!
=Zia OUOMILOCCII, dait'iree it.'
head of cattle were Lad: over
at nun today, and a, hundred more Ist
'wind ahlaai ldanispetulittote who control
oity.throegh the Aibitoxso.Fltot tro
7, 2 ' : ' ,1,18113 tver7 01 . 0 tilriOtligti To-day there
4 ,lMat t hably aotiese Liao
,tah thou/end
tan by boldin z tle Ora *Om
ideadarz_lieg. - Their greed pared their
' i : -i ' -
How the Rebels Obtain Informal= of
our Movements
The N. Y. Herald le of the opinion that
the neimpaper vacuole are mod by the rob
eht m n vehicle for receiving and conveying
information :
The pub to have doubUess read in some of
the daily papers, organs of the secessionists
in this city In particular, advertisements,
ander the head of "Personal," purporting to
desizo Information or to convey the same, in
=Mere relating apparently exohnively to
domestic concerns. It hue recently bean
suggested that these advertisements are
simply a means of communicating contra
band information to the enemy, and at such
the papers publishing them are liable to a
°barge of giving aid and comfort to the foe.
It has been an old dodge, held in much favor
by cotton, stook, gold, produce and all other
Linda of speculating jobbers, to commtmi
aate> by telegraph with parties in different
cities the state of , markets, or any important
event by wine such f. ,,, 111.r expressions as
"Blur is better," "William is worse,"
"Hobert remains unchanged," "Susan had
better not come," dm., Aco , all of which
tmderstood by the persons receiving
the !telegrams to mean to convey commercial
and speculating advice/4 and not domestic in
telligence of any kind. The "Penner ad
vertisement§ in these papers of rebel sympa
tides are, in most cases, used for similar
purposes. For instance, when an advertiser
pretends to say to come mythical John
grown in Richmond that "Peter Jones is well
and at home" it may convey the meaning
that reinforcements have been sent to Butler,
or that Beldy Smith foreak, or that the Union
forces are separated, that Heckman Is open to
a midnight assault, that certain points on
Grant's grand line can be carried by sudden
dashes, or, in short, any information that a
cipher telegram mightmotruninicate, and the
party sending it to be entirely ignorazit of its
true meaning. The authorities should leek
into this matter It is one of Much impor
tance, as it is known almost tea positive oar ,
Minty that the rebels receive Information
of the movements of the Union fortes by some
means or other; and no channel. IS more She
llto be the real one than the e rebel press' in
e North, through the agency of their "Per.
anal'' advertisements.
Cotton Statistics.
What we remark - ed some days educe con
cerning the increased anti &crossing oup
ply of cotton coming forvrard from other
quarters to compensate the deficiency
of this country, and, consequently, to re
duce the pries of cotton goods, is praying
true. We are in possession of the gads
tics of English oottoutrtoeipts for 1865 and
1864. The increased yoapply of the last
twelve month' tunonnte to 811,165 bales;
or more than fifty per cent. increment up
on the receipts of the previous year. This
supply has been as follows;
ISG3. 1864.
Saes. Bolos.
17,229 79,335
61,735 00,571
Egypt -........„--........-100,192 135,118
eanyrni• and Greece.._...._.. 14,614 33,07 C
wen 1nd1ec....-.-............. 6,L10 15,924
East lndlea-...--..-.....-.244.993 3V.,837
Mins and Japan—......._ 43,339 130;525
Of this tout, i2,oo4' Amerloanand Weei
India bales may be substraated, mince it in
probably old growth, and not entreat pro.
dilation. The remainder is 810,165 bales
an the actual increase yield of the latter
year over the former ., Lst the eompoand
ratio production be osatinued for but a very
brief period, and the' existing famine in
this textile will be at an end. As the mat
ter now stands the Etat Indiel, China and
Japan; - Egypt and Brazil, contribute more
than we do to the world'i wants. Their
combined growth, hoverer, is only a frac
tion of what ours was before the war, and
of what it will be again. immediately after.
Influx of :Immigrants to the Lake Su
peeler Mines.
Tbe Lake Squirter mines have been seri
manly drained of operatives and Miners by
enlistments and the excitement of gold =Lin
ing in Colorado and on the Enron 'mountains
It was - apprehended a few weeks ago that this
loss of Men would seriously interfere with
the of the mines In 1864, end there
has been an indisposition to invest in copper
stocks in consequemre. Many of : the new
companies have found it very difinnit to pro
cure laborers for opening their prorerty, and
their stock has consequently burr. enbleeted
to a suspense damaging to its market value.
The °Cicero of the more enterprisingeorpora-
Slone, 'however, bare not been indifferent to
the danger, but have taken timely meas
ures for presenting their case to the practi
cal Miners of Cornwall and other sections o
Great Britain. The inducement of higher
waged has told upon the men, and they are
now. arriving In the country in numes suffi
ciently lugs to very materially relieve the
scarcity of miners at the Lake. &Saloum°
time,there is also a large Influx of `common
laborers, who are promptly seised on their
arrival here by agents of the minera, and en
gaged to do the suns- work at the mines.
. The prospect is that this foreign supply of
labomrsond MIMs will far more thin com
pensate for the loss of the bid hands, and that,
consequently, the Lake Superior mines will
Make a yield this year tar surpassing that of
any former period.
The Cleveland Mender;
If avything werenceded to demonstrate
tbc'setnlne character of the Cleveland
Conference meeting, it would-be that their
nistabiation conflicts with the clause of the
vonstitutlon which was intended to secure
&President and Vice : President from dif
ferent States. Fremont and Cochrane are,
and for at least eight years have both been
residents of New York city. Cochrane hoe
never resided any where else, and Stemma
own a residence in New York, sad has
steadily lived there for' the period above
stated, except when &waitron home on
his offietal or vitiate business. The twelfth
amendment to the constitution of the
United States provides, relative to the elec
tion of& President and Vice Preshient:
'The elcotern shall Weetill'thiiii reepect
lee &ales, and rote by 411ot for President
end Vice President, one, of whom ed least
shell not be an inhabitant of the 511M9
Orate with themselves."
Were it possible to indulge in &sum.
sition so insane an that these candidates
should succeed in carrying their own
State on the popular vote, the electors
chosen to vote for them could not, hy the
Constitution of the United States, *to for
Fremont and Cochrane. They might, vote
for one or the other, but could not vote for
both. The blunder is toe absurd for com
ment.—Cilicago 7111W30. • ;
In his last "Letter from IdlewiLl,", which
he addresses to yard/ger - partner of the
Roma Willis mikes the following
compilmentarymentlon of the veteran poet
Who frosting on throats) is on a visit to New
Alf shook hinds with an old friend in Broad•
ways few deli igo, - and as I idioltod once
more the' bathful and ,frank Mould 'of his
manly features,. and heard once more the
muste'of his well-totted voice, I could not bat
thin what personal authority, what natural
empire, es it ware,'ltad -bean, by the ,enifre
tooltrion of inch Ott tuna the publio—nopd
lessly foregone! - With such advantages' of
physiognomy and manners, so winning a look
and rola., how Lit that Pita-Greene Hillock
has sever lettimself be known to audiences':
With his Tall-worf fame as the poet 'whom
everybody is ready. to admire, ho maims to
his remote home. in Connecticut, coming to
New York mils as the most retiring of visi
tors to the most secluded of hotels--tlmi
ding hisAltnel while hundreds open htuidreds
of hundreds of those who would appreciate
and-feuvently admire hba, do not wren know
hint by sight! lialleck's genial sountenance,
euld sal more, his lull and genial °Adams of
Tam, suited him eepeclaily Iscturer.
Whit spy that so admirably formed,a ;aia
tare ehenid diti (al he . is likely to!) without
the evrand•ear homage for which nature
Tll2 yeah tllsboneamits, of 'the *United
States Sanitary Commission for Ahem days
ham Blay - hthilnolusivo, for the sue= Of the
national forces - in' Virginia; SIM $108,908A8..
The maim oilsboviiments of: the Cortmleston
I from, Nay Id to May Mat, OTOT aft the man-
On Wore 205,741,41. •
Tan transportation train of the Army of the
Ntemao would make a line of wagons sixty
two and a half miles In length; sooording to
len. Mead°. •
o Us State dabiof -Rhode Island le
loss than how onfilions, and Windowed
powly: two Willow Meting the jatt ria.r.
t r assaat , " Ps o oit Mesta& hart - ,braktt,tug•
radattl fps:granting raccentsn alAtinPuOns
under ths groat draft, . -
,mil`'. ~'^ sj._
Lee Reported Withdrawn to the
South Bank of the Chteka
homany !
Our Army Gradually but Surely Ap
proaching Richmond. •
thungaiorsas Maly or rue Pennuo,
June 8, 1864. .„1
The Mors special /aril The direction snd
disposition of our lines since Friday's fight has
been materially changed: At many places
and especially In front of the 6th and 18th
eorp, or line is well fortified, but at other
points we are subjected to a galling enfilad4
fire against which it is almost impossible to
Nay YORK, June O.—A no.' special dis
patoh,'from Washington, dated the Bth, says:
An officer just from the front reports *it
Lee him withdrawn to the eodth bank of the
ChieltahOmany, and our army , '" facing him
on the north bank.
The runes says the falling hack of Leo
hardly credible.
. The Trilnme's correspondent from near , the
Chlekshomany, on the sth, says: At 9 p. m.
the rebole nude futile attempts to break our
. The battle of the 3d showed that it wasters.
less to attempt to carry by assault the ene
my', works this side of the river, hence every
moment has been occupied la regular step
operations. Oar lines are very close to• the
rebels, who, apprehending danger of some
secret movement, made an assault, but in
half an hour the affair was over and the rebels
were repulsed with severe loss. Parallels
and minas are progressing rapidly. We are
gradually but surely approaching the city of
The Rebels Attempt to Check MS
Operation. at the Cavalry Expedition
Sent out by Sigel.
Niw Foci, Jana 9,1964
Ths Herald's correspondent nye of Hun
ter's advance; Immediately upon assuming
-command llen. Hunter furred orders for in
stant prepuations to more. Minh "knapsack
Was to hays one hundred rounds of ammunt.
Lion, four pounds of bard broad, to last tan
deyr, ten otions of coffee, sugar and salt,and
one par °Yahoos and socks, and nothing else.
Cattlo, sheep and hogs, and, if neossamy,
hones and mules, Taro io be shtughtared for
food. Under these orders his little army sat
out upon its.expedition to perform Its part In .
the great grand combination. It yam not
( only to march, butfight,. if tight could be
When Bunter started the rebels attempted
to cheek his advance by making a stand at
a creek near Harrieenkurg. The rebels, how
ever, were driven back, and our troops moved
to Harrisonburg.
It appears that Sigel, on the 7th of May,
rent out a patty of four hundred New York
and Pennsylvania cavalry to overtake •
raiding party under MoNeiL The en
my were met at Zdoorfield end • ifglst ta
med, when our troops drove the rebels.
They were reinforced, however, and came
back at lout 1,300 airbag. liarges were
made by both partial, and in the hut one the
rebels fell back, bat it was deemed useless to
contend against such unequal number', and
oar troops retreated hjaally, reaching Romney
and Springthdd, after being obliged to destroy
their whole train.
Details of the Late Battles Near
Ncw YOILX, June 9. A comespondrint asp
of Sherman's battle neU Dallas, on flu 25th:
The rebels were enimalted behind trout
works, which war's) occupied by Bte4neet's
Division and Hood's Corps, (*earl's DlVlStinv
which wu in advance, pused ails them,
Jae up to t h e rebel vete, and wars me aby a
withering lire of grape, cannistat ead Minket
ry. Then Butterfield's DiSidoz swung around
on their left, and had Men Into line of battle.
A general charge was made on the retie) line.
which was received witha shower of ballet's ,
The 20th corps were badly pressed, and stag
gered back beneath a destmeire fire. The
4th corps now came up, but dulness bad
stopped the combat.
Tito victory at Vow Hops on the 27th, wee
won by the hardest tishting endeavor* lona
that kw already been detailed.
A Body of the Enemy Within 30
Mites of Cincinnati I
01101=411, Tune, 9.—The - rebeis awe near
Palmanth, on the Rentnelry Central - Reamed,
and at Williamstown, on the Pike, thirty
miles from Cincinnati: A large rebel form
Is reported twelve miles east of Lexington;
cud - another aPpeciaatifig . . Richmond.
The rebid" are 'kW' reported :to , be betweet
Crab Orchard and Blamford. Thiy burned a
large warehouse and.watei station at Oynthl
an4 yesterday. Thera:Air have po SSSSS ion
of Paris, Georgetown, Oynthlana and WU-
Rutstein. • • -
Dlwatc6 tp the PUUNU-gb
Wismioros, June O.—Baltimore has emp
tied itself into Washington to-night. The
hotelsare Jammed, and everybody ti going to
lay siege to Mr. Lincoln in the morning.
The Miseanri radicals mean to presentao
him motion very plain ; suggestions hued
upon their endonement ;by the Convention
and the - rejection of thq men he has teen
Tiers is very mutual; dissatisfaction ex
pressed here with the notaination of a candi
date for Vice PAsident who has no State to
hill Troia. Alembers of lice Committee on
Baconstruclioti in Congress denounce it with
'pedal Severity. It certainly raises certain
grove ooMilltational questions, and ezoitie
no' little ; applOhension of future' didleoltiei
' , Steamer 'Stance!:
Houi - Douti :Jo. •• 9.-11 us Otis=
Hoskshtto WAL deitraad lb; fin niSK
*albs Hudson :Int, of& miles below bore.
It' laUtatoteust tomb! forty pailiongus per=
bhod, ntostle,b, unutd to *tit.
1V - C
aY :.-1~:~:~:,~::- -
DCZlnzamiT'S 1.1/00111D1E89C01715171D.3.
HAlmon, jamb 9, 1864
A motion was then made that the Conven
tion proceed at once to nominate for President
and Tice President.
Gen. 01111:101012, of Pena., offerod as • sub
stitute a resolution that Abraham Lincoln
Ltd Hannibal Hamlin be &rebind rho unani
mous choice of the Union party for President
and Vico President,
There mui great cheering and load calls for
a division of the resolution. .
Mr. Croswell, of Md.', called lor a dirtion
of the question, to aa to vote find on that
portion of the resolatlon declaring Lincoln
the- unattimotu choice of the 'Convention as
• candidate for President pf the United .
Mr. Stevens moved to layttie ruointion on
the table. [Greet confusion', cheering, end
cries for the queetion.l •
Mr. Cameron withdrew hls resolution and
offered another, that Lincoln be declared the
WIIIIIiIIIOIIII eholee of the Union platy as note-
Mee for President of the United litotes.
Al the vote vas about
. being taken, Mr.
itaymond'urged that the vote should be taken
by States; that, as it had been said, there
was a disposition to rub the nomination of
thicaln through the Coilvention and elide any
contrary expression of sentiment. Such a
vete would carry with it more of power aid
Influence than the passage of any such reso
The proposition wu received amidst mich
Tito States were called - and de result was
as follows:
For Lincoln—Maine, 14; Now Hampshire,
10; Vermont, 10; Biassaohusette, 24; Rhode
Island, 6; Connecticut, 12 ; New York, 66.
New Jorsey44; Pennsylvania, 62; Delaware,
6; Maryland, 14; Louisiana, 14 ;`Arkansas
.10; Tennessee, 35; Ohio, 42; Indiana, 98;
Illinois, 32; Michigan, 16; Wisconsin, 18
lowa, 16; Minnesota, 8; California, 10; Or
egon, 6 ; West Virginia, 10 ; Kansu, 6; Ne
braska, (7; Colorado, 6; Nseadr, 3. Total,
For Gen. Grant—Missouri, 22.
Oa 0/ofital of Mr. Hume, of Missouri, the
Tote wu doolued unaniesons.
The'extthusiosm wu immure.
The 13ourention their proceeded to vota for
caodldste for Vice Preslomxt.
Daniel Moore, of Indiana, presented the
'name of Andy Jobnson,ef Tennessee.
Mr. Stone, of lowa, seeonded the motion
of Mr. Cameron when ha offered the name of
Mr: Hamlin.
Mr. Tremato, of Nem York, to behalf of •
portion of the delegation, promoted the name
of Dan'l B. Dloktoson.
The President announced the following
names as being before the Convention Andy
Johnson, of Tennessee ; Hannibal
of Maine; L. H. Bosseau, of Kentucky; D.
8. Dickinson ' of N. T. 'r-beCouventioa thou
proceeded to ballot. As the vote proceeded,
it we, soon apparent that Johnson, of Ten.
1111010, was to be the nominee, and before the
vote Was announced the various States whose
votes had been divided, commenced *hanging
their vote and went unanimously for Johnson,
amid grestenthuslasm in the_ Convention.
The Chair announced that the neat busi
ness in order was the election of a Vational
Committee. The States were called to name
the same, which WU done. After various
resolutions of thanks, the Convention adjourn
ed rice die.
WABBIXOTOIII Cry'', June 8,1864. .
Smwrz.—liir. Anthony, from the•Narat
Committee, reported favorably • bill to au
thorise the Secretary of the Tresiumto sell
the Hospital ground at Chicago, end purchase
a new site tot the same.
A bill to amend an act to oondri certain
land claims in New Mexico vu passed.
Mr. Davis rising too question of privilege *
read recent letters from Mef -Gen Butler, and
asked for the adoption ot.bit (Davis') resoln
Lion of in retry, ss a matter of jartioe to Om
Butler and to the country. The resolution
of Mr. Daub was laid over.
The Senate then on motion Of tr. Sumner,'
considered the House bill amended .by the.
select committee of the Senate on elate:), to
establish a bureau for freedmen. After a
debate, It was postponed till tomorrow.
The bill to provide for the execution of
treaties with foreign nations, respecting °an
imist jurisdiction over the mein of foreign
vessels in our ports passed.
Mr. Powell moved to take up the bill pro
hibiting military interference" in elections.
Rejected. Adjourned.
Ratification Meeting at Baltimore.
Bitantoos, Juno 9,1864.
A greet mom meeting to ratify the nomi
nations is now being bold In Monument
Square • the Mayor of the City presiding.
Rosalut:lorts were adopted cordially endorsing
and ratifyirig the noutination of President,
and compendliig the same to loyal rotas
throughout the country.
ire ewe to to the largest amcatasent of
Carpets and Floor oil Cloths,
Itnt embileilml to this tn 131111831 LY, THIES
PLY, ItitilLSlM and VIIIIPPLUI MU= and
Pa= OIL •OLOTIIth We ban many &livable
styled not to to loud otaimfmn. Matadi soma
heautitni goo& 111.31:ilfge7YPILID ILIPBXEMLY
102'0= =TAIL. TRIMS
The rant pan otstock having been par.
chamdor contracted for betas the ncemt heavy ad.
mum rim milt be sold at a vary small advance
on sena mt, oar pins baler In mace - y instance
as neer prawn% market nee
W indow Shades and Plittsyss
Tabto sad PliustSCovess
liesesp, Ltst mad Rag Carpets
oceolisutd China nottlissgs. ell widths;
A tan sesertment always en hand at the town
,NETarland, aollina d 4 Ooi r
Tics. 71 ads 78 TIP= STREIT,
= : =E !=!
TO 0118 OVEI %BS
Lately bib! by W. 141001114T008, id LlWltulab
oars, n sr• spa, by the oomlld&Unu. to 'oeirtitO
Oliver MoOlintook & 00.,
ra.o !MTH 'TIM
• EXAM= 724 . DAT.
AT. , AVOArtrklllll3.
O,A...UPE - T -I. IPrO4X . P;S
- •-gen rotatin Enure. • ••
. , ..
~, ~;
~ i-~s'a,p, s.rasrAx - w::a,uan~k .~:L-~i..wz..-:. rw::a;.,..•.u . ~,:~~~.riuwad~~
The Fab - and the Storm
On Wednesday evening, • short time pre.'
diens to the hour at which the exhibition of
the great Sanitary Fair closes, rain rem.
menced to fall quite heavily. Ail the various
departments wore crowded, end, as might be
expected, hundreds were unprepared for the
shower. The cur on the Manchester Bell.
way were started for the city every two or
three minutes, perfectly lammed with men,
women and obildren, while hundreds were
obliged to wait in the rain, with and some
without umbrellas. Many waited in the
Fait buildings, expecting that the rain
would ;ease or slack o ff , bat instead of
'cestelag it poured down in torrents—making
one of the beavieet sins we have bad
in this vicinity for a long Units. Hot e
few ladies and gentlemen received a severe
drenching in reaching their homes.
There ware grand promenade and dance in
Floral Hall during the evening, end it G re
ported upon good.. authority, that no leer
than eight ladies were obliged to spend the
entire night there, in consequence of the
storm. Whether they occupied the Garden of
Eden, the Swiss Cottage, or the Bower of
Rest, we are not advised, but we presume
that none of these places, however delightful
In other respects, work form comfortable
sleeping quarters.
Wounded : Pennsylvanlans in the Battles
of Saturday and Sunday.
Tho following is a partial Nat of wounded
Pennsylvania= in the battles of Saturday
and Sunday last. It will be soon that the
129th and 102 d have again suffered severely t
IJeut A SWarrer,E Itr2th I Amen, A, Il9th, OM=
bnttockr Archibald G Buchanab, 1,
Andrew Yoeghtly, K, fast 139th, hip
cheat Albert Raton, F, 111th,
J N Sock, F. 129th, leg thumb '
P Leonard, K, Irld, John B Snydet,=tk, Jaw
seeped. bone
TdEchwarte,Elol4, fore- D D Waters, 11, 10 2 4,
1111 . 1)21 threat
Corp D J Blotch, I, 139th, W 11 if Heenan, El, Had,
ecepula hand
Pam Blstor s ll4oth.F.thigh W Bleharde, 11,128, head
John 0 Outline, lb, 179th, Jan Gondar, D, IMotb, leg
thigh H B Mragoll, H, 139th,
Ss rgt Ha& Kerr, COW, .boulder
hand. Sylrester S Warden, H,
0 W Wilaind, thigh 139th, foot
Henry Deng ,0, 129th, T Y Spenee,B, 139th ankle
cheek Ell Drawn, 8,139 th aide,
Peter Klernifle, 11, 139th, 1214-Thomas AlcHanehlin
thigh Dad, scalp
Lient-ColWin/llcllwaine,nld Slcan, I, 129, head
102, thorax, dead Serge It McCracken, D,
Capt .1 0 Parr, 138, arm rack
amputated ; . W Barak, 0,179, leg
2d Limit Jts Mclntyre, II N Cotothorp, it, 102,
B, 10J, arm forehead
Wee W altentanch, F, 129. J Hutchinson, B, 139, to.
kg Camael Harper, K, 102,
Sam Durant., C, 139, knee
leg Woe Blanch, B, 129. hand
W 11 Divine, , lo 189, arm John Pickle, .H, 139, leg
Junes McKee, C, IW, Sergi It I Thome, C, 192,
throat 1.
Lyander Hitaer, 4139, Jam A Stamford, B, 102
leg herd '
Try honor, C, 102, thigh H Connor, D, 102. leg
Jame. Mereek7, L , Itc2lJohn Dickey, 1,149 th arm
Death of Sergeant Major Childs.
We regret to learn, from Dr. William P..
Childs, that, when he arrived in CharDetour',
on his watto Mechanicsbarg, West Virginia,
where his brother, George A. Childs, Sergeant
Major of tin 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, was
left wounded after the batUo between General
AnsiD's command and that of Gems. Morgan
and Jones, sear Wytheville, he heard from
Capt. Casten, of General Averill's staff, that
his brother was shot in the side, the ball pars
ing into and remaining in his lump. The
battle as which he stas wounded took place on
the 10th of May, lasting from 3 o'clock, p.. in.
until after dark, our forces to lling baok -cr.
the night. The lot it day, having brought
the Bergeatit Mehl. same thirty miles on
horeeback, support. d bye soldier an each side,
they were compelled to have Mai at a farm
house near Meehanicebnrg, he having become
so weak and .exbansted as not to be able to
travel farther; Two days after a negro came
into camp and reported him dead, the Burgeon
Wiling Ai Aret.t.ronotrziced his wound mbrtaL
Die friends wilt leant with Sorrow that this
gallant young soldier is now no more. Thu,
one by one, we &recalled upon to !icor the
death of those who nobly die for their oast.
try, end till the soldier's grave.
Donattone for the Fair
The following donations were reeol d in
Connallndite and Newhaven for the Sanitary
Satr, have boon forwarded to Mr. R,J. Davie:
Ceßectes hJ Juan Dais -
J T llogg— 100 001.1 00
n b ll a egelrg n e - Za; 1 23 ' 00 1 7,n 1 47a1 . 1.; **
Beidoser...-... 6 CO Peter Lindery.... 00
X B Stauffer.-. 6 00 Sam Buckle, ...... CO
J P 5 00 David
II 5 CO Adam Armetrong , 00
Dr Cammlng-.. 0. 00 Eanoe....--- 00
Peter Demut4..- 2 00 J Tramp._..,_,.... 00
Wm Lecke- CO Mama@ Porten_ 00
Cep!Orarßb., 0 00 J 0 00
r 1 00OmJr.- CO
Mr Ahderson--.. 1 00 I d
John Nennomer.. 1 00 Ansa //nettly. —. 00
.1 X 8r0wn...-... 1 0 0 Wldorr _lttley. 50
J M fee-. 1 W J Cameron ..... 50
Bogrr h hl'Or.
1 CO Ina Tillable-- 03
A B Morton-- 100
Dr Nickel .—. 100
Oslicaod to Doub.r To
h. Bobertson,...ll AOO
Lugo Sonar.-- 100
15t0ter.....--.. 1 25
That 1 00
Stephan Laighty. 200
Witham etuffer. 60
Arrival of Wounded at Washington.
Several steamers hare recently arrived at
Washington, with wounded soldiers. The
body of Capt. J. hictAdlough, of the 40th
Perms,'rani% orrived at Washington on
Tuesday. Among other wounded officers
brought up aro the following:
;Copt .1 0 Parr, 199 PA Copt J GrlLlth, 183 Pa
11.64 Wm J W lace .W Ps Lt W H W11111.66,1E Pa
Capt JAB Al Craig, 93 Pa Oapt lL W Patrick, 89 Pa
Lt frank Taylor, 93 Pa Lt David Gordon, 95 Ps
Lt Hick II Grlelth, 23 Pa Lt J P Ircdol4 LSB Pa
Col luso 0 Bassett. 82 Pa Col las W &La, 87 Pa
Lt &to T Flawktni, 82 Pa Lt H I Norman, 181 Pa
Lt Alban Iven, 69 Pa Gape Cline, 155th Pa
MAI Ths.,Blth Ps Capt A 11 litzon 84th
Lint Mortimer, 148 Pa Copt I Lath
, 1 11th Pi Pa
Lt T 0 Kamm, 169 Ps Lt L &cads, 116 Pa
0 S. Hughes, 14.3 Pa Copt 11 8 Dlntn,s3 Pa.
Lt W H Lancaster, 133 Pa Capt PE Ctalrfor4,ll6 Pa
•Lt..l Otattlck, 121 Pa las Ora, 100 Pa. •
Tun Ouse Caesar. Pau, for the benefit of
the Sanitary Commission, opened at' Phila
delphia on Tuesday. The Inaugural caSemo
monies were witnessed by an inuitense; eon
came of people. An accident at the out
created considerable confusion, and seriously
marred the proceedings. The potties:id! the
stand on which were stationed the musician
and the ladies and gentlemen who were to do
the singing gave way. • Owing to the injury
• several• parties, and the breakage o ow,
ititruments, the musical, part of the !pro
gramme bail to be dispensed with. The re.
minder of • the proocedinge passed eff with
great eclat.
Ossmuurli'alx.—toEverybody and his wife,"
should be ready to visit Oakland Park but
Week on the occasion -of the opening of the
Grand Horse Exhibition for the t e nantof the
Sanitary Subsistence Committees. The
affair le In; the hands of an alciont commit.
tee, and the exhibition promises to be the
'largest azOi most interesting of ate class ever
hold here ;so that we leek for en unusual),
large atte ndance: Tickets for 'the season or
**Pais can be hid at Johnston's Ding store,
corner of Pourth and Smithfield streets, and
Atirrel Dreg slorer'uorner of Penn and St.
Glair etmets, where circulars with fail pa:-
Gaolers mid, re's° . be had.
Two Or: Gal. Buoits' Burr
regret to learn that two of fiesta!' of Major
General Brooks, commandings division in thi
18th Army Corps, were killed in the ; battle of
Cold Barbfir, last week. The tames' of the
Ogled, refired to are Lieut. Abel K. Parsons
and Llout.l7Nheeler, both of the Alt Vermont.
The former wirshot throughthoload main
atten 111111EIT Allrxious
stantly killed.. Lieut. Wheeler was wounded ca D " l t .,.. ll 's'a s 2l: lraki li e g 34 . 2.44
stadia Ina hospital. Both were with - Barn ogeruck oalls. • - ur t i l Lum.runi
Brooks while in command of the la'e Depart
ment of the Monongahela, and.made•muy D. F. - BEBB f
friends and acquaintances Outing theiritay4n
this city.
Burgeon attd Actottaheur,
finsmizia visiting the hilr shoil4 not rail VAL 111 BIUMMILLD 9s. s adoes i ' sk " / Biltl4
Martousah fircen's Photograph - Gallery,'Nes.
43 and 45 Federal street, without stopping In
and sitting for •-
negative. They make u -
good.. ploture uuny in the +city,- and asDM. THOS MABON
cheap 'as any if, not cheaper. We would a&
all td give them • cull: Don't forget
am place, No- 4 3 pad 45 r.adaisl sires t. There
11 but One eight Of stairs to among. - _
40/1": EYSitssorrr..-43 . elegant . stook of D OCTO R /RIB _
- hoolat A thatt Amid-otters, supeatot auttt; MinkLilf AID 6111141M.0116 I -
W•Mn.. and selling much lees 41111-4MililsB
Seutee t atoh at McClelland', auction house, 55 Fla ge.sse ,blow gad, prgiuno,
Wheeler Wilson'. Sewing Machine.
No invention of the present ago has been
received with greater favor than the Sewing
Machine, and none has come nearer satisfy—
ing the wants of the community, or lightening
the labor of the-sewing-girl, tailor 44 others
engaged in that particular branch of Nisiness.
They have also become an institution In al
most every family, and no household is con
sidered complete without one. Among the
numerous sewing machines, however, offered
for rale, and which is deemed to be everything
that could be desired, is the Wheeler & Wit.
eon Machine, which does every variety of
sewing without previous beating, making
what is called the :..look 'atoll," the only
stitch suitable for the variety of work dens in
• family. Them machines have taken the
Fire at the World'. Fair, in Lyndon and
Paris, besides numerous others, awarded by
minor Fairs. Over one brindled and fifty
thousand of these machines are in use in
different parts of the world, and upwards of
tan thousand have been made and sold within
the last three months. Its merits are so well
known, however, that we deem it =OM.
ear) , to go into a detail of the manner and
variety of the work it performs. Every ma
chine is warranted, and full instructions given
in operating them free of charge. The /stab.
lishmont of Wm. Sumner d: Co. ' agent/ for
eight western Stator, Is, No. 28Filth street,
Pittsburgh. In the edam of their store is a
beautiful wax figure seated at a sewing ma
chine, which continues running at ball speed
from morning till night, and attracts the at
tention anti admiration of all passers by.
Every information in regard to these machines
may bo obtained of the agent at the above
named place, who will be found a most polite
and accommodating gentleman. For further
particulars our readers are referred to the ad
vertisement in another column.
Court at - quarter Seaslons
Tho following cases were disposed of this
morning befMe Judges Mellon and Brown:
John Truer, Jr., and Jaoob Oasbangh were
found guilty of selling liquor without license,
and sentenced to pay a fine of ten dalMand
Wm. Johnston was found guilty of a elmi•
tar offence and fined twenty dollars and costs.
Margaret: McAdam" was acquitted on a
charge of keeping a disorderly house, and the
prosecutor mulct with the costs.
John Murray, Bridget O'Donnell and Julia
Quigley were arranged on a charge of assent!
and battery, preferred by Janes and Kate
Bresnan. John Murray was found guilty and
sentenced to pay a fine of fifteen dollars and
costs. The other delbndants were acquitted.
Edward O'Donnell was found guilty of com
mitting an assault andshrittery upon the par
son of Leeds Paths Mel, and contoured to pay
a fine of twenty donate and costs.
41. AID Mis. /CLUES'S Coscaar.—The
We of tickets for the grand concert to be
.by Mr. and. Mrs. H. Richer, for the
benefit of the Sanitary Pair, will commence
on Saturday morning, at ten o'clock, at the
metrical store of H. Kleber k Bra. , No. 124
Wood street. The Concert .111 take place at
Concert Hall, on Tuesday evening the 14th
inst. Tickets $l. Seats can be secured with
out extra charge.
I. 0. 0. F..—The member of Duquesne
Lodge, No. 32, I. O. 0. P., will meet at their
Hall, sth Ward, to-morror, Friday afternoon,
at • quarter to two o'clock, preparatory to
attending the funeral of our late brothel., Col.
Wm. Iteßwalse. It is expected that all the
members will turn out. Sister Lodges are
respectfully invited to meet with to at the
abore Hall. By eider of
B. A. Commtg,
riczrocrwr Alarsvan.—This morales •
pickpocket wee arrested at the Fair, while in
the act of relieving a lady of a handsome gold
watch. Ms movements were observed by
some members of the Hope Fire Company,
who arrested him and handed him over to the
pollee. lie nil have o hearing this evening.
Pnwoes wanting subetitates, or tunnere
having mon on hand, would do well to call on
diesers..l. ll Jones k to. , 89, Grant stroet,
eppoalte the Coort Howie. Men alto lantod
for the navy, both white and oolored.
Fon: TEL and White
EWA", Jammer under clothing, collars, hand
kerchiefs, neck-ties, suspenders, boots, shoes,
gaiters, slippers, kr., at McClelland's auction
house, 55 Fifth street.
Fon ran LAMB. —,- Every description of
gaiters, balmoral boots, buskins and slippers,
dress goods, boob skirts, and domestic goods
generally, at fflcCielland'a &notion, house, 55
Fifth street
Fox zsa CHILDII.I.,- -An unusually largo
and stipatior assortment of oldldraree 'hoes,
fancy and plain, at McClelland's auction hoose,
66 Fifth street.
Foe Tar - Hoire.--Clothe and cassimoros for
opmmor, wear, boots and ohoes,at MeCielland's
auction honio, 55 Fifth street.
7 0 1_41,N1D5..1/10731G. PT.
hip by Thos. Bogen :
Ann Rogan....-._ BO
we take ;leisure ha hafernaing, the public that we
now occupy the tarp and caniecodlacu home
NO. 12 BissExars tizocti,
Where... bayejost met...A from the maufsettrer
•um lot of BUPERIMPLABOS. Also. • complite
amortunt of 8311TEVIL celebrated II•nnonlonn,
lodeons and Musical mods Actually.
Tbs market, of the BRADBURY PIANO L. al
ready snabll.bon. In the history of Piano. no sow
tostrostent b i n
gained so rapidly , In pop:Bulb,
or nadir ed so many pm:m.lmm within the opus of
two yetira on the new orals. foil Ron frame,
overotrtmg.bau and PreinCti vend action Plano
Forte, soatonbctared by WM BRADBURY. and
Bhomaker A:Clo'o . Planos haring been ea long mad
fuorsbly known In thla and othor comatrlea, nand
to further =moat. All gum:UM for flu pont
wain= a nu, ;
901 s daintal n Eltiabrash and Werra Pa.,
/Said OT. cum et., mean , . Ewa.
Good likormd Baud Plume for Bent 'brans .d
ropitruiir dono promptly, oP3O
For Sale Cheap.
The eabsorT•er has on band e beautiful and rich
Which being .tightly Injured In the furniture, •m
be sold at ,
850 Less than Regujor Price.
A dudes supply a 6% ea 7 octave idar4 Marie,
from the oclebnUed rectory at Szabo la Co., ham hut
been recelred—seme in richly carted wes. Mee*
instruments are stud for eight yurons.'end
are by the boot j pronounced unrivalled. "1:
alt Is resjspernlfy, so behove pmthasing
wham -'13)10.7.4 . MY DLOPIAItoIe Agent.
1.1 - • CS rm. gm.s.
PirrairciaGrs. c.
166 Pe' *treat, Pittsbilu`
OCEIm hour. 8 tog gym. tad 2 to Sp. m.
flu =mod ha:R.l6Bll4pm west eo
arkt ........
Its Lecoos erpikr, allogbeei
. .. . .
, . .
• •", - , •." - - . , -
. • -
. . - • • • -
-' • '
.. . . ... • . ..•
. 3• ' . . ... r. -:- ..-..
. i
. '
I -.. ..'.. ~ .. -.
• ) 1
_...-. .1.......... , . --....-...
9 j .. - 41 i . : • ''• '' ''' ''.. _
• ..•.......... :: ~..
... .....
. . .
• _.. ..... ......
..r.. .. F ......
1 11 , , 0 ~ •:
• . .•
Lam mad Maasipst.
Benefit of Mr. F. ODIDDIN DALY, ;the Mau'
tettresntatlee of the Old Dray fortte past We sea;
tow, who Oasts that the plays seleetedltr.this ha•
awl= will meet the salient of the numerous admil;
refs. of the drams Ds ths_ city of PI ttaterrgb.
Will be ptateated, ihtleners bowAlfed play eatillhd
Col. Mum_
Burl ;
- 2c. follow.d by
Dana ..—T. Cblivodale.
...... /mut.
To coccir.4e vlfh
Stilt. TAU PLACZ Ott•
Meads3r Evening, Stine
Bale of ticket. and secured oasts to campmate olit'
Saturday, Jane 11, at the Hula Store of H., Meta ,
& Bra, algtt of the Bolden Harp, Zfet:1111 Woad /38, I
four doors above Fifth. ,mr3l:ld
sc i l E.R
By the Pupils of the Ascend Nerd AA!' L i
1.4./k re Alt. xr.T , i- ir. EN /...-4
PROP. SHERHAT, Director '
Came ono. come All, 1 : I
Both greet sad mull. 1 :
sair Tickets, 23 MM. Door open +lir =Vial
Concert commences at 8 o'clock. : .1.13.1
BOOKS, .41.13U.N1it.
By the author of .The Lampllghtee
Price, cloth:slog
Soren Storks, with bamoseat and attic. By
kluTol, author or Hy ?arm at Lida.
wocsll,7_ 1.11 b," etc. Oloth— 16
TAQtiogdald Bepab sp: Meat
Eitaelmittl all channlng—• Olnulling t of tem h
nod tletion;-follaga of Macy trained upon *trellis of
fut. The Baaament not Attic lam neathe.dewww
aketchne. The 'Wet Da) at an Irish Inn' !la a ro
mance M nolatattna. not 'Acconat of a Oolualate
L fall of quiet humor, dc., and the whole Pleasant
hook commenda UWE"
BLOM& By Gan Hamilton, author
of .Cormtry Lhing,'. etc 1 vol., 16m9. cloth.
beveled boards, red edges, El 60.
Cbstea6—The Outs and the Ins; The Fitness of
Things; Ordlromees ; Church Sittings; View from
the Pews: Proyer ?decamp: The Prod Of. sour
Love; Contrormsles ; Amusements; God's Wel
The Law of Ohrht ; Pm - Mg ; For/Jim:mei; Ivor;
Words without Knowledge.
TILE MAME WOODS. By Entry D. Therm au
thor ot "Walden," etc. 1 roL 161 no. cloth, SISK
MattJes4ate--)Staadn ; Chews:mock ; The Allsaah and
wzr3. zzoLunr ABW 8a.v.=.1
Book by Mrs. Hary J. Holmes, whs..° expellant
novels or. setight after and read throughout as
tand•with such &Hata. Elospuotly printed and
bound la cloth. manna with hot Ulm Isorilas
worts. PriCID $1 50 rook.
Lena RlTen.
Tampon auld &nab!no
Engllsh Orphans.
Homes:end ost Illastdo.
Dora Donna.
Consln Don&
flOploo of the above book. moiled tree of licotage
on ntoelpt of Torte,
my3l 71 sad 75 flab EL, nest door to P. 0
etatattat, Wet &qt.., at lowest plies',
ALBUM PIGTMILS, IU duds, from LS ma 4 •
doson upward., . .
PILISG'S ElL111:17/1117 . L ALIIIIM CIABDB, Ilth
ograptssi in colors, at publlsbert prices,
what II&PB, radon kind.;
All the NEW BOOED,
All the late PANG= AND 11AGAZIE313,
STATIONERY, all kinds,
Wholines end 114tall ' itopk, Statin .;:y. Usgisin•
and Newpopor'Nfortliux,
No. 69 VII= FR., 21.6.501 - 10, HALL.
TR noon • on
A Ulnathay of Popular Antic's! IA carnation
with th e Osandsr, 1nc:1164 Azeedoto, Blogropby,
History, eoziorltio of Monitor, and OdolltAis of
Mao= Shanctor, 'rah samorm farttraions.
=nod by IL Chluol?orr. Nice";
• For Nab by • ELI tr 00itratir.
. 1E30.10 I
BM AIM PHOGIII;83 07.1truNDAT 130110018
—A binPbi of Bat. Balked and Wm. You: B 7
John 0. Poser. 1 traL Pries 11 00. t
A NANUAL ON , 7/2=11071E6* Sll[lll3-lactundeld on the Anatcarty of atm parts Ineetred in
the °yeast:lon; the kinds and proper ccatatcastAte of
tnetmments, kn. 1 eat 12ato. ,• -
=MN 0171tIllardl; IsaL .
DARING AHD 517171:83NG. -11. j Went: Pettan
er. Llama rappky aline lattaverark jute metre&
- ESAU, tta Inert& street.
r • MM7Mr' ... p
1441 . 911211 . z0 . eltaldfloss,
will !rte' FO/SIONS; BOUM P . M
Lea an ppiaryglitan_CWou Prceal;Pi -
@ So cbarp Was sacciatili. -
%vs lal•
1%/111.CREELL & J0133130N,
. . .
And U. B. tecgcra morns' otanke,otasris,
- trate orEmtrwritor.
examon AND amino 0/
,fttsquiisbaded 6 bi -
• 611711=1 ELDDiLL, .s• nerstatnat;:ittubria, PR
4.70 P •
du_ prtresoNs, BACK FAY: sad IdEIIITAST
MINH el eery daialptlos, telleeted by the 4 o .Th r at the IbUortag ratai, tla Przahat 11.0 Oa;
• ••as TATIO - 11,1iteraer
H. • 13 Ong= tteset, Pittstrargb,
H. No charge , WV =Wall the elan. am not
exameaL amr:t an bitmasucei rhea area& I . afar-
-• • A213412E11t42•LAW.-
ire. 108 mutielltz t i,t e PUtgersakTl , '
atitorTlOUGlolB, itbirrs. fill 101.
60..vicoroud1 prolgoldu.
• oitly
uQuEs - V., 'BRAS) Iv°9
Maadidarta d evcrynom,d fluisal4
• • GASTVITL - 08, M • AIM
sn• • let) •
its .11 nude to
intact - ITTVAMBO.4 T 7 - run' -Amax - AND cas..
YIT 12r.r3 hG, promptly atteallca to.
Particular attcult... paid, to Mg op =SIRE
BUS YOB 00.1.Xt ASP 1."..1.1180N
Sole Alttate
of Dietrich of Peon.
ertrants 15r. the sale of MESH, LAUSDELL't
00.'8 PA112:1":8YE801. PUMP, the tat ~et b.
tooted.,-Hariej no- salves It L not liable to get oat
ed.:Met ant ttuvw more weer than any pump
qi traits aim. • ' &PS
v. saws twit
ptoN ‘ITY MORK& • -
.nacsinrosii,-avasplutaa.. & 00.1
7017151DE85 . AND .ItrACITMSII3II3.
Oornst of ,Pll4l and OWN.ritt
PM. and Walnut 514401ti0,
(Tim City Want Workt)
_ ,•
• .
Iffanatactonns of ditloonry sad otha ENGINE,
of allidnds; and goixand Jobbat.
Pntott A attentlantfron to* repaniurllOLl,p,lG
RoBERT4 13 ABasEs a co,.
.16.119 wsura sty ItittatrarEb.
TM -AND' EMI" neon' warms,
And tron'TL.s4lororo of
Wei are now za.wrfactariog and ban on band •
Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilat Ware to &Us, •••
Water Swim, groom' Tea and Spica Oluidaters,flasti •
and Spica Bow, Tumbles Drainers, Spittoons; Ito.,
hr.. — k• largo lot ofllint CAW for sale loir. 011:Sars
of all ainof and patterns, Vs Hoofing, Condi:doss,
and all kinds of JobbintWork done to ordar. •
100 •
pATENTED OCTOBER a 1861:-. •
/+•i&-IXLE . c*airalvicvl3.
Theis Chtneheya are hitended for the flat isms,
hasthat all parts of the glass ognall .alooiaot aspen
tt to ciackbtg. D. D. DI ra
fort Pitt GUN Warier, Waehangton atrest,
apIT Platebargh, Ponta,
PT/7138 US GB, PA.
~# •"~7
Bran' QII.I..LITY 8X9119219 MST E1T99111%
• - .
Equare, Mot and Octagon, of all Ana: Warrontad
equal to any imported or tonn • —slooncrol.ln Ibb coon
rllilll. OM* and irsrebonis, .1460nd1.517/8,13T
and 120 and 129 SECOND wriails, dlntoboret.-
tall •
suurosemraw In= wogi v •
Ram Mums
_cm harm col asks to wed IRCZILAD
DRABS WRYER Wl= 01,0711 k_arcv,24•ca sax
Mods; =DM, fort :sus drr cu u: " - WATS:
WORK 108 wrarowa.a..l OkORS,, 0
ILIIKIatiVZ WIRY WORK, rot ,11tni, fe.
Mr intone sl,ll3:lseieelhel
sa w1101713.TH nun
A LLEN 4.. 00... VAqsr
AaL: Poxixoar, ?Mal
!Watehooso, Bsi l, P.
Idsonfactuers of COO , PARLOR AM)
PIOLLOW WARS, etc, Steel sodfllanadoolds, l.
'fog SIM Outings, NM Gearing, Gat, Water and At-
Sten Plio,Parlroos. Dog .Irons; Wageni=
tic Kettles, MMus, Magas, Cu Muds,
and Cullap generally. lobbing and Madam
,Castiogs ma& to order. Patton:4 Tortalds:ll.l4
Utth Steam or Hone ?User. sates:a •
'mum' tdsarmrs'araesronnatusaLuip:ptim.
INS ant LAEP MUSSES Rmoraliy. e TIN
*a. NanaThataters iC Colllza 3 WrightY rating
IN -MG lON. Na =Nomad rata, Plaabargh,
. _
meiron'Avrinfz,,Ane r x v .ctry,
• -
)rianntactraiea Ibr val*.asy (Arian Units's,
t 62 'Economy, Bulb*. and Prai ri e
14 . 1 . 3 =1 1 71 13 8D . AND BeAfril THDIM,
BOXES. and Nyaiv.
vorle et all deririptiona. • •
Alen, ISTIOLL .Ti:Ferg, for Nay and Craig/34e"
ap2Orienecateede •
rof FOWNES (late of the lint at
et Kitchell,
nHabic C 0..) MON POUNDEBWand
BrOVE Bfal ' 7 ' aer s,
Luminary . srarav,
°as a. unnoiT it Go.
WELLS.,, RIDDLE it CO., - p: 215
Libsres Iftrill9Pdte &ri, Titttlnegh.
nfsetarors of wsuro. LASHES and SWITCH.
113 4 sad onardsqfplten dt LEATHER =aim
Q ; 43EVRELANCE, Na 53 WATm iNt.
kiltPlttabargA losxmdketzzer arson= UPTIMV
WIIOI7OIIT arnms, mamma and raitrat4;firmy
-11 =rgar 4. .i, ;bed iSPIMEB and
urge et: mall, tru=doi . s2 abort LIM
&W. BFLIC ' Mannfaatarera of
WHETiII sp . , • . COL.
saiwiinhow 4149. Ts sum ffrazrr,
mttibuiztt. • .. 111 tray •
"OLD cottxTEL-1 ,
9 01# ':T1111 LOW]
Inda.kies t. aowalpars E i.toadniont I WO. •
awn by "First Cilium maims Nall 'Mama.
air r Yar k" rig ? bu g h fr qm iverpo
a Queenstown, -
Undon4errY. •
, Glabgbw, —
• - Garfkby;
Lower Than Any Other Agent Here.
tee=i a ti i itrwat Zgk e* ,:tl
b A n e oi l7 =gerei
• Tuscarra LINE_
Lbw pules, tutu:. vio•Y. •
;Ind fat tpi - ,
Mirth. IhIAL Ott by Mb lbss ioirst4;ll.
,lIICILITDBILTDO on sa Pori olio:nix tar beg.
A PP / Y Vcr- : 7 4; OW/44z
Clam p. osso. EC4 Mb stye.
wean e t o / 0 P. CU lt Mb
rayet, PItL
=POOL, tooshloig el 41111:11LEIG
Hamm) Do will-ktmen strit tea
Saw York inol Plalade4dds litostaiks
agtacoggver talk44rl , Esto/da, J ' 4 .
CITY 0r.1111M13/011.2...........4.550adri, Au* 11.
ETNA —......-.-13attraty, A:OX
Aotd rrsry socoisdall sow. trots /to.
Mt North Eirm
i, And& &JUL sr is etrolsolist es essmaio._i
Rim Ct0m.........420 Cr0tt05t.......,...-too IV
do to Lasko. —B5 03 tol Co Lostleo SI CO
id* ica5ti5........15 OC •to • to 'rb .. 19 EA
haparni .g " th i n gn 2 S. SO CO 4. to //tsobt 4 1 to
also inroad to tans, Brew., litot•
*pus:4 Asitle, as 41111Z m ittn. • ..
Y. tom ; lst Cobb.
IA 1103. Ilketsp, ll= note *Do will Co
Zfor test hinds; coa t.s7 tickstt4amtst aro
For !tether laptstittiotw c yt It Mt Clatopasei
~ ~ 19 Broadwav- langlatil
largos Zaktatton datoor.. , ,
42 , 811 a ftatiukt sato, 5ta1.......
' UNK...436e11Z 4012 „re .,
f - 0.7.-
to goid, Kenos:a rtmmq,
I B O Y , 3 IW Trnill.*C. 3 l 4 . F .!Trfr
~644M0.14101 4 ;5•8 4 tekft*, . , . , „
- .
• : . TitAINEr - I
reiLsa, thr as 21rIrrt • came;
At= Us etclo of the Tilt an in:primer tad. s
8,119.711 DAT
. 27 11191503,4nnii Sib sal Iltb.
Ottii - • !. pTinTi t